#told them i was 6 months clean and they just nodded like “oh cool”
yaoib0y · 1 year
i do not want to hear SHIT from u about self harm cuts or burns if ur gonna be like "who should i tell". bitch no one. get over it. dont tell anyone??? what the fuck is wrong with you. if ur concerned u speak to them YOURSELF ONE ON ONE AND THAT IS IF U ARE CLOSE WITH THEM. dont tell anyone else shit. and if you expect ME. someone who everyone knows used to cut. TO SUPPORT YOU IN REPORTING PEOPLE??? fuck i hate this place
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faytelumos · 11 months
Future, Rural, Hope
This is a little thing I did for a dice prompt in August. I forgot all about it until recently.
Kin picked his way down the rows of wilted crops, eyes down, hands on his hips. The sky was still an ashy gray, bits of black and white stuck to the soil top like snow but never melting. Despite the lack of direct sunlight, the crops had started growing, slow though they were. Recently, though, they'd slowed even further. Today, the whole field was wilted.
AA-6 whirred and clicked as it walked its bulky frame up the roadside, one arm stretched down, prodding its soil sampler into the dirt every two feet. The barn cat purred on its shoulder, eyes mostly closed despite the bumpy ride, tapping the tip of her tail into what could have been AA-6's face. But there were backup oculars on the sample arm, so Kin just chuckled as the robot let the cat continue to put her tail in its eyes.
"Anything interesting?" Kin called lightly. They weren't terribly far apart as to warrant shouting.
"Soil moisture is within tolerable ranges," AA-6 said in its whirring, reverberating voice. The cat wasn't scared of its terrifying vocalizations anymore, and just twitched her ears. "Soil temperature is within tolerable ranges." It pulled the sampler out of the dirt, took one bulky step, and stuck the sampler back into the ground. "Soil nutrition is within tolerable ranges." It made a bone-deep humming sound, and that finally made the cat flinch and stand upright on its back. "Root dispersion is within tolerable ranges."
Kin looked back up into the sky. The clouds never went away. This crop had been bio-engineered to withstand the low light, as had anything else anyone bothered sticking in the ground these days. But it seemed it wasn't enough. Kin sighed, rubbing his forehead, looking back down at the field. This little lab-made superfood was the only thing the community was growing right now. It was the only plant that had been rewritten fast enough to start providing food relief. If this crop failed, it was a month's worth of dreams and lives setting them back.
AA-6 stood up straight and turned to Kin. The cat had settled back into her perch on one of its spare vents. Kin had told it multiple times that was bad for the cooling system.
"We should call Deedee," Kin called over. AA-6 nodded its head in that jittered, deliberate, awkward way it had, all the time careful of its cat's tail.
The three of them loaded up into the yard truck, a clunker with no doors, barely a roof, and half a bed, and headed back to the house. Kin and the cat headed inside while AA-6 traded its lower chassis for the house treads on the porch.
It was just as dim inside as out, and as Kin headed for the phone, he reminded himself again to get those dishes in the sink cleaned up. He walked right by the call terminal, its smooth glass face all but collecting dust with so much radio interference in the area, and pulled the landline off of the wall. He dialed Deedee's number in the chunky, plastic buttons, double-checking the note on the fridge to make sure he'd gotten it right. He was slowly memorizing all of the local numbers, and he felt a smidge of pride about that. He held the slightly curved phone to his ear, dusting off some of the black and gray smudges on his clothes while he waited for it to start ringing.
AA-6 rolled into the door, and the cat meowed as it turned to her. It reached out its grasping arm and gently, if stiltedly, pet her head. She purred loudly, sitting tall, eyes closed. Kin smiled at AA-6, then turned away when the line clicked.
"Hey, Deedee, it's Kin."
"Oh, hey, Kin, how's it going?"
"Oh, it's goin' okay," Kin replied, looking back and out the window. "Except that my crop is wilted today."
"Oh, that doesn't sound good," Deedee hummed. Kin nodded.
"We already checked the soil and the root beds, and everything's normal. There's no discoloration, so I think it's the light." Deedee hummed.
"Okay, I'll grab my sequencer and sample makers. I'll be over in thirty."
"Thanks, Dee. I'll see you then."
Kin heard her hang up as he seated the phone in the cradle. He sighed quietly, turning around again and leaning back against the counter. Once more, the cat had found its perch on one of AA-6's vents.
"I have a name," AA-6 said, the crashing, deep sound of its voice seeming to shake the windows. Kin nodded, glancing over as the cat gripped and tried to knead the metal of its shoulder.
"You remember what I said about naming her?" Kin asked. AA-6 made a jittery nod.
"I accept the responsibility of her life and any offspring she may bear." Kin nodded and waved vaguely for AA-6 to continue. "Her name is CAC-1." Kin smirked.
"You want to name her Cack?" he asked. AA-6 watched him for a moment with its smooth, bucket-like face.
"I want to name her C-A-C," it replied. "Cute Animal Companion." Kin crossed his arms and put a fist to his mouth to hide his smile. He never laughed at AA-6, but right now, the bulky thing was just being so damned cute.
"I think we should limit it to two syllables," Kin said.
"Why?" AA-6 asked.
"Because if she's doing something you don't like, or if you need her to come to you in a hurry, you've gotta be able to say her name fast." He looked to the cat, who was still scratching at AA-6's worn-out paint lovingly. "C-A-C One is a bit of a mouthful."
"What do you suggest?" AA-6 boomed. Kin pursed his lips, looking at the scraggly cat perched on its shoulder.
"Well, when a human names a cat, we like to use their color for inspiration. Usually with a mixture of food words."
"That's stupid," AA-6 boomed. This time, Kin did laugh, but he kept it tight between his teeth. "I am not naming my companion after a meal."
"Ultimately, it's up to you," Kin said, smothering a grin and holding up his hands placatingly. He set his hands on the edge of the counter then. "I think shorter would be better."
"My name is also over two syllables," AA-6 argued.
"But your nickname's not," Kin replied. "That's why when there's trouble, I call you Ron."
"Then I'll give CAC-1 a short nickname."
"That's fine, except that she's already going to have to learn what her regular name is." AA-6 looked to the cat with their face. She rubbed her temple against the black eye spot on their face plate. "It's easier for a kitten, but she's an adult. It'll take some time to teach her one name, let alone two. She can't just add them to a field in her head."
AA-6 stared at the cat as she rubbed her cheeks against the glass protectors over its eyes. It seemed to be thinking, then it turned to look at Kin again.
"GG," it declared. Kin smiled.
"I like it. What's it mean?"
"Gentle Girl," AA-6 announced. For a moment, Kin's heart ached. He thought back to the cow he'd been caring for when AA-6 had landed on his doorstep. He'd always called the old heifer "big girl" or "tender girl" or "old girl" when he was caring for her. How much of that had AA-6 caught from the other side of the fence, where it couldn't spook the sickly thing?
"In that case, I love it," Kin croaked.
When Deedee pulled up in her big, muscular truck, her ag unit was already stepping out of the bed, carrying three large duffel bags in its fancy, attachment-changing arms. AA-12 landed on the ground, causing the truck to bounce slightly with the release of weight, and towered over all three of them with its much more human-looking frame. Deedee grabbed one of the bags from its hands and started walking out to the crops while AA-6 switched back to its field chassis, GG not moving from its shoulder.
"When did you notice the wilting start?" Deedee asked as they walked to the nearest row.
"Just this morning," Kin replied, AA-12 stomping and whirring along behind them. "They were all standing upright last night."
"There hasn't really been a difference in brightness today," Deedee mused. She crouched down once they'd gotten to the plants, then set the bag on the ground and started digging through it. She pulled out what could have been a small staple gun and gently held the base of one plant, then pulled the trigger. There was a soft click and hiss, and she lifted the device carefully. "Get a slide for me?"
Kin carefully withdrew a glass slide from a little carrying case in the bag, being sure to only touch the edges. AA-6 whirred and trudged up to them as Deedee took the slide and smudged the very end of the gun on its surface. Then she put the gun down, withdrew a small device with a relatively broad screen on it, and slipped the slide into a slot. The screen immediately lit up with a polite request to wait.
"How's everything else been?" Deedee asked. Kin nodded, looking out over the fields.
"Good so far. What chickens are left seem to be getting better. And of course AA-6 is still doing a good job." AA-12 rotated its torso to look at AA-6 without moving its feet. GG stared up at it, crouched low into AA-6's shoulder.
"Good job," AA-12 said in a crisp, feminine, Australian accent. AA-6 seemed to hesitate.
"Thank you," it boomed.
The little screen chimed, and everyone looked down to see the results. Deedee hummed and nodded impatiently as she scrolled through an entire catalog of genes and markers. "Blah, blah, blah, I know this... hm, hm, hmm...." Finally she stopped and opened a drop-down on a photosynthesizing gene. "Okay, okay, let's see here..." The device listed everything it knew in English, but there were some genes listed in their quaternary forms. "Okay," Deedee said, marking the file and then standing. "It looks like the gene didn't take well enough, apparently." She made a vague shrug as if she didn't get it, either. "The marker for it is still there, though. Maybe the plant shed the adjustment when it transition life stages." She made a few more taps on the screen, then handed the gun, a small container of slides, and the device to AA-12. "Grab samples across the field, nice and far apart."
"Yes, ma'am," AA-12 said, setting down the bags and taking the scientific materials. Then it took off like a giant Olympic sprinter. Kin shook his head as Deedee crouched down and got into a second bag.
"Every time AA-12 talks, it throws me," Kin said. Deedee scoffed, pulling out some kind of tool with an attached test tube.
"Six scares the bejeezus out of me," Deedee replied. "No offense, Six."
"None taken."
Kin chuckled, looking up and watching AA-12. It was truly incredible how fast it could move, already collecting the first sample well and truly out of earshot.
"So, can we do anything about this?" Kin asked.
"Since the marker's still in place, it'll be pretty easy to fix," Deedee said, nodding. She turned to collect a scraping from the plant she'd already grabbed a sample from. "I have to get back to start producing the new agent, since there's no way I'm getting a signal all the way over there." Kin sighed and nodded. "But I'll fly over with the duster as soon as the tanks are full. Just don't be outside when you hear the plane coming." Kin chuckled and nodded.
"No worries," he said. Even though a plant virus had no real way to affect a human, the thought of getting sprayed with an infectious agent was still gross.
Once AA-12 came back and confirmed it was the same problem across the fields, Deedee finished editing her scraping and tested the new change to make sure it was grafting into the genes properly.
"Perfect," she muttered. "Twelve, mind loading the truck?"
"Of course not, ma'am."
Kin lifted one of the bags and followed AA-12 to the truck, not because it needed help, but because this was his farm and he was otherwise useless for this problem. AA-12 didn't seem to mind, thanking him politely and taking the bag when it was ready.
"I'd offer some refreshments," he said, turning to Deedee as she stepped up to him, "but I don't know how long these can hold on." Deedee shrugged.
"Twelve can take the truck back and get the process going." Kin smiled.
"Then why don't we do that? AA-6 made bread last night, and it's too good to just waste on me." Deedee smiled at AA-6, who had been standing perfectly still so GG could sleep.
"That sounds like a treat," Deedee said.
"Should I come back once the synthesizers are cooking?" AA-12 asked. Kin nodded.
"The more, the merrier."
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primofate · 3 years
Genshin [Volleyball Team AU - Inspired by Haikyuu!] What it’s like to be their manager Headcanons
Note: I think a lot of people misunderstand the role of the manager XD It’s not that the whole team is dating you. It’s that the whole team treats you like their family/sister. So you’d better bet that all of them are gunna be hella protective of you XD
Scenario: What do you do for the team and what do they do for you? :D
Warnings: not proofread, fluffy, might have some swear words, platonic relationships
Characters: Zhongli, Diluc, Kaeya, Albedo, Tartaglia, Kazuha, Xiao, Tohma, reader as the team manager
Other works in the Volleyball Team AU Series: Click Here
Genshin Volleyball Team manager
It’s just fuckin’ chaos
On your first day you’re already bombarded with questions by Tartaglia and Kaeya
“So which class are you?” “What’s your height?” “Are you single?”
Captain Zhongli just cannot be bothered to reign them in anymore.
So Vice Captain Diluc does it and grabs their collars. “You idiots, you’re scaring her off!”
Possibly Kazuha and Tohma are the ones you really try to rely on, on your first few weeks.
So how do you gain the trust of your team? Let’s start with each player shall we?
#1 Zhongli (Captain/Wing Spiker/Ace)
Zhongli is just handsome and mature. He’s strict and needs to be the pillar of the team. 
You’re intimidated by him the first few weeks and he just seems...a little far. He’s always so focused that you can’t seem to catch a moment to just chat with him.
There’s a day where you notice that his form is a little off, you suspect that he hurt his wrist a little. 
You fidget uncomfortably in the gym as they practice, but finally turn to the coach “U-Umm... The captain is... I mean! I’m not sure, but... I think he needs to take a rest,”
The coach calls for someone to substitute Zhongli and suddenly asks you to check on him.
“Huh?! Me?!” the coach pushes you towards him, and Zhongli is just looking at you quizzically, you can practically see the question mark on his face.
“C-Captain, d-do you need some bandages on your wrist?”
Zhongli is taken aback, but silently puts his right wrist out for you to wrap.
Only when you’re done tending to it does he look you in the eye and ask.
“How did you know?”
“...Because I always watch, and all I can do is watch. If I can’t even spot that out then I’m not a very good manager am I?”
Zhongli has a newfound respect for you. He thought you were just a meek and shy thing sitting around and passing them balls but he feels his heart swell that someone like you is seriously watching over them.
#2 Diluc (Vice Captain/Wing Spiker/Defense Specialist)
Diluc is probably the second hardest to get along with or break the ice with.
But he gradually warms up to you when he notices that he’s always the first one you pass a towel and water bottle to.
You’re not doing that on purpose, it’s just him who always comes up first.
After a few days he deliberately goes to you faster cause he always wants to be the one to receive a water bottle and towel from you first. Secretly a puppy.
The moment he realized that you were reliable was when you stayed behind to help him practice when everyone else went home already. 
You didn’t let up in your constant praise of “nice receive”, “great spike!” and “that’s so cool!” 
He thinks he saw stars in your eyes at some point.
“Hey, Diluc, it’s getting late, let’s leave some energy for tomorrow, yeah?” he could tell from your mannerisms that you were tired too, but you tried not to let it show on your face and still cleaned up with him.
“I’ll see you tomorrow then!” you wave but you’re stopped by a quick. “No,” from him. You tilt your head in wonder and he just looks at you as if it’s the most normal thing in the world.
“It’s late, I’ll walk you home,”
#3 Kaeya (Middle Blocker)
You don’t have to impress this guy, anyone of the female gender impresses him.
lol jk
safe to say it’s not difficult to befriend Kaeya, just bring him a cheering squad and some food.
all jokes aside the way to this guy’s heart is through his stomach.
He’s not a particularly hungry person but there’s this one time he forgot to bring lunch. He was running late, or something of that sort, honestly not something new for him.
He ALSO didn’t bring money so he couldn’t eat food from the cafeteria.
Ask his friends for money you say? Tartaglia would go, “Haha no way!” Albedo would go, “Let this be a lesson for you,” his brother would go “Serves you right,”
By club time he’s famished and dramatic. “Guys, go on without me, this is as far as I go,” as he sprawls on the gym floor.
You ask if he’s okay and he doesn’t answer so Diluc is the one that answers for him. “He forgot his lunch, as always,”
You make a sound of understanding and the next thing you know you’re taking out a lunch box and Kaeya has lifted his head up, sensing food.
“I packed onigiri for everyone today, actually... In case someone was hungry. It’s not much but--”
Kaeya comes alive from the dead and clutches your hands to his chest. “Manager you really are an angel,”
Diluc jump kicks him away from you.
#4 Albedo (Setter)
You also don’t know how to approach this guy
He always looks mad or stoic or something. Like he’s always thinking about something.
He low key actually is always thinking about play strategies and how to set the ball better for his teammates.
You really do think he works so hard while the game is going on, so you decide to help him out a little bit.
You watch a few more of their games and somehow come up with a list of what kinds of sets are better for each different spiker in the team.
There’s surprise in his eyes when you pass the document to him and modestly exclaim “...but, it might not be accurate, since I’m not that experienced,”
He still nods and says “...It’s the thought that counts,” 
When he does read your report and try the techniques out he notices that it does hold some merit in it
Is amazed like how Zhongli is amazed. He thought you were just there to hand them bottles and cheer for them but he had never been so wrong as to what a manager’s role is.
Will trust you enough to ask you about his set performance.  
Will sometimes slam Kaeya with an insult. “Kaeya, your spike sense is horrid, Y/N can read the moves better than you,”
#5 Tartaglia (Middle Blocker/Wing Spiker)
It’s not that he has a hard time trusting people but let’s just say he has the tendency to make you feel like he likes you but then he actually does that to everyone.
For example: He’ll throw compliments like “Oh that’s amazing Y/N!” but then back in the classroom you’ll hear him say “Oh that’s amazing!” to, like, every other person. 
That kinda disappoints you cause then the comment doesn’t really hold that much meaning to it if he keeps on saying it to others too.
He encounters a crisis mid year because this guy is just... he struggles with his grades. 
Captain Zhongli has told him he can’t play volleyball if he fails even one subject.
This boy is panicking and has semi-accepted this is the end of his volleyball career.
So you offer to study with him and he’s legit stoked.
Intensive and strict study sessions commence. Note taking, pop quizzes, surprise questions and even sudden random calls from you wherein you ask him a question and he has to answer within 5 seconds.
You’ve pulled all the study techniques you know here, this man better pass everything.
Welp, he still fails History....but since he worked so hard Captain Zhongli excuses it.
He’s so happy that he can’t hold back the stupidly wide smile on his face. He turns to you and for the very very first time in months, he bows and THANKS you.
You realize that he’s never thanked you before. Not even when you pass him water bottles or towels. 
You consider it a win, getting rare and sincere appreciation from him.
#6 Kazuha (Decoy/Middle Blocker/Wing Spiker)
One of the easiest to get along with but at the same time, he’s so mature that you feel like you’re not even in the same age range as him.
Definitely someone you can count on though, so you ask him many questions on the first week.
Still, it’s one of those things where you can kind of talk to him but there’s still a wall between you two.
One day while walking around in school there were these boys who were commenting about his height, and questioning his abilities as a volleyball team member.
You didn’t really think much about it when you speak up, “But he’s a really good middle blocker and spiker,” 
Those boys look at you weirdly and you realize that you’ve unconsciously spoken up. So you hurriedly walk away.
Little did you know that Kazuha was in some secret corner and heard the whole thing.
Just like that, the next day, it seems as if the wall between you two was gone, and you’re able to talk freely.
That, and he seemed to like asking you to help him practice his spikes and throw balls for him now.
#7 Xiao (Libero)
is deceivingly easy to get along with. Just has a rough exterior but is actually a softie if you squint.
You know this because there are subtle things he does. 
He doesn’t speak to you much but then he would be the one picking up the balls with you, or sometimes there’s magically a new set of clean towels on the bench that you don’t remember taking out from the storage room.
This guy is passionate for the game, so he really beats himself up when he isn’t able to receive a ball during actual games.
You worry about his mentality sometimes. I mean, it’s a team game, it’s not like he alone can save the whole game
So you talk to him about it the other day
“You’re already a really good libero Xiao, I mean... I’m not saying you should stop practicing but you don’t have to feel so bad...” you pause because this doesn’t feel like the message you want to convey
“Sorry, what I mean is... You CAN feel bad, but share the burden with your team, you know?”
He knows what you’re saying and contemplates it for a while. He knows that his team has his back, but sometimes just needs reminder about it.
He looks at you and asks, “...Can I share the burden with you too?”
You blink “Huh?”
“You said I can share the burden with my team, but can I share it with you too?”
There is a blush on his cheeks at this point.
“Oh, yea! Of course! I don’t play but I’m still part of the team you know!”
Ever since then, during games, if he feels a little frustrated he’d glance at you on the bench and you’d give him a thumbs up for a job well done.
#8 Tohma (Pinch Server/Middle Blocker)
You’re like bffs the moment you see each other
lol jk
You’re still awkward with him the first few days cause that’s just how first meetings are.
But he is very easy to talk to and always makes you feel at ease
Will always be the one to ask how you are if you need any help or if class was okay in general
Seems like the type of person to care more about others than himself
So he’s surprised when you come into the gym and you beat him to asking his usual questions.
“Tohma, how are you today? Did you have a proper lunch?”
“Tohma, are you getting tired? Want some water?”
“Tohma, how was class today?”
All the other members of the team turn to look at the two of you, thinking ‘Why does Tohma get extra attention?’ 
Tohma certainly doesn’t get extra attention you just TALK to him more. The other members deadass are also getting cared for by you, just in different ways.
This boy has some insecurities though, when it comes to playing the game. He hasn’t been in it for long so he’s the least experienced and that gets to him sometimes.
“Oh, really? But you play really well! I couldn’t tell that you’re new” 
His serves are really amazing though.
“Also! You always score points for us with the serves. Sometimes, your serves are my favourite part of the game!”
Has practiced extra hard so as not to let you down.
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garbagevanfleet · 4 years
Brightest Blue (series)
Pairing: Josh & female!Reader Warnings:  None yet.  Summary: Things are changing. New state. New school. New roommate. You just pray things are going to click into place. Notes: Here we are everyone. This fic has been a long time in the making, but I’m pretty dang happy with it so far! I made Josh extra lovable and squishy for you all. I hope you enjoy! This fic is edited by the amazing and gorgeous, @lantern-inthenight. And big thanks as always to @myownparadise96. I literally could not have found the motivation to do this fic without you. 
taglist: @myownparadise96 @n1-party-anthem @valleyd0ll @bigblack-catattack @guitarfingers @thebohemianpenguin @oblvions @hansonobsessed​ @satingrass-maidensfair​
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The scenery in Michigan was vastly different than back home. You were used to and comfortable with the nearly unforgiving heat of the American South West, but the farther away you got from home, the more foreign everything seemed. The scrubland slowly started being replaced by emerald green grass and dense forests of towering pines. Once you hit Illinois, little farmsteads were scattered along every road you took, boasting fields thick with corn and beans. 
It was a bit over a full day’s worth of driving. You had originally thought you could just drive right through - after all, you were young and you had plenty of caffeine at the ready. In reality, you wound up digesting the trip over two days. 
You were a fortunate enough person that you had a reliable car, which made up for the fact that it wasn’t very pretty to look at. It didn’t exactly sip gas, but that had never even been a concern before this - it wasn’t very often that you left home, let alone make a trip across the country. But you were able to breathe a sigh of relief when you started seeing the exit signs for Ann Arbor. 
Your parents had been a bit judgemental about you picking a school so far away - they were even worse homebodies than you, and they knew that you being across the country meant they wouldn’t be seeing you until the school year was over - but there was no way you could turn down an opportunity like this one. You had worked your ass off to qualify for a scholarship, knowing full well that there was no way you could afford higher education otherwise. MU hadn’t been your very first choice but with one of the better programs in the country for your desired field, you just couldn’t turn it down. 
You had to pull over into a McDonald’s parking lot to pull up the address you were looking for and program it into your phone’s GPS before continuing further into the city. Your mother had been particularly wary about your living situation. See, she was a woman that adamantly liked to have a plan and then stick to it - she didn’t see any value in just letting things happen. “Go with the flow” wasn’t in her vocabulary, but you’d always romanticised the idea. Which was why, when you pulled up to the apartment that you were going to be living in for the next year, it was the first time you’d ever seen it. 
You had found the listing on the Facebook marketplace for the area, looked at a couple of pictures, and signed the lease agreement online - all without knowing what you were really in for. You’d been informed that you’d have a roommate when you’d contacted the landlord, but she hadn’t mentioned a thing about the person other than that. All she really said was “no pets, no smoking, and one month’s rent for the security deposit. You had told yourself that it didn’t really matter what the situation was as long as the other person wasn’t outwardly malicious and the place wasn’t infested with pests or anything, even though you knew it mattered a little. 
An audible sigh of relief left your lips when you pulled into the apartment parking lot and found that your new home looked well kept. The building had old, slide-up windows, but the brick siding was clean, and the shrubs that lined the property were trimmed and neat. You and your back seat stuffed to max capacity with house plants had made it - and with only a bit of sleep deprivation and caffeine jitters for damages. 
After you got out of the car, you grabbed your very favorite potted cactus and found your way into the building, meandering down the dim hall until you came upon the door marked 6. You hadn’t been given a key yet, so you knocked with your free hand and waited until you heard someone shuffling around inside.
You would be lying if you said you weren’t nervous - obviously, you were - but more than anything you were excited. Anxious, maybe? That seemed like the right word. 
The door opened to reveal a boy, around your age, hair a mess of curls on the top and shorn tighter to the sides of his head. You were immediately taken aback by the depth in his eyes, chocolatey and warm. 
“What’s up?” he asked casually, leaning against the door frame, a pair of old-school headphones dangling from his hand. 
You frowned at him slightly, suddenly terrified you’d gotten the wrong apartment number. You weren’t sure how you’d live with that embarrassment, especially if you had to live next door to him - you’d just be that stupid girl that didn’t even know where she lived.  “Oh, I think I’m your new roommate? This is number six, right?” You peered around the other side of the open door, just to confirm.
A beaming grin spread over his soft face, showing you his blindingly white teeth and the deepest pair of dimples you’d ever seen. “Oh, cool, yeah. Come on in.”
He stepped aside, giving a dramatically flourished bow as a gesture for you to enter. You obliged, and even though this was your new house too, you paused and waited as he shut the door behind you. 
“Sorry, I was expecting you yesterday, so.” He trailed off with a sheepish smile and then extended his free hand to you. “Anyway, I’m Josh.” 
You shifted your cactus to one arm so you could shake his hand. “Y/N. Yeah, sorry, it took me longer than I expected to get here. Which is why my stuff apparently showed up before I did.”
You eyed around the apartment, spotting boxes of your things in piles. The original plan your parents had come up with was to have you rent a U-Haul, but since you’d never driven anything bigger than your Camry, you had quickly shot that idea down. After some expert negotiating, they had agreed to hire a moving company. You hadn’t had the balls to ask what a service like that had set them back - decided instead that it was better if you didn’t know. 
“Oh yeah,” he replied, rubbing at the back of his neck. “It all showed up yesterday at like noon. One of the boxes was open a little, and I saw records so I looked through them to make sure you weren’t some kind of freak.”
It was more of a statement than a warning, and the smile he gave you showed not even a shred of an apology so you just smiled back. “Find anything you like?”
He turned on his heel and headed into the kitchen - connected to the living room by a huge square archway. “Your music taste is,” He paused, opening a cupboard and pulling down two mismatched glasses. “Eclectic.”
You laughed at him, bending to gently set your plant down on a side table. “That’s true.” 
“But I found plenty I could listen to, so I guess you’re okay. You want some juice?” he asked as he held up a paper carton of store brand orange juice
“That would be lovely,” you agreed, standing stick straight the way you did when in the presence of new company. “My dad used to take me to a lot of thrift stores and we’d go home with a minimum of two records per trip.”
“I love thrifting,” he said simply, giving you an alarmingly serious look. “There are three here, I think. Every once in a while you can find something really worth keeping. I have kind of a ‘catch and release’ policy where if I don’t instantly know what I’m going to do with an item, I leave it there, but I think - like - a third of my wardrobe is from thrift stores.”
You listened, feeling oddly entranced by the way he was handing you thoughts as they came to him. There was something truly honest about it - a quality people back home didn’t seem to have. It was charming. 
He brought your glass of juice to you and then motioned to the rest of the apartment. “You want the grand tour of Casa De Joshua-” He gave you a pointed look and a cheesy grin. “And Y/N?” 
You breathed a laugh at him, nodding as you sipped. “Please.”
“Okay, try not to get lost - this is obviously the living room. I do most of my living here as the name would suggest. I found this couch on the side of the road - actually almost all of my furniture is adopted.” As he explained, he was gesturing to items like Vanna White.
The couch looked. Well-loved. You could tell just at a glance that it was probably past it’s prime when Josh had stumbled upon it, but it did look comfortable, and it wasn’t like you had a couch to offer, so you were happy with it. 
“I have this TV but it’s really only for movies and stuff because I’m twenty-two and I’d rather die than pay for cable. But there are literally hundreds of DVDs in the TV stand that you are welcome to peruse at your leisure,” he informed, his hands gesturing almost arbitrarily as he talked. 
You followed as he moved on through the archway. “This is the kitchen. All of the food lives here. There’s lots of stuff, but I try to just make two bigger meals per day. I don’t have a real ice tray so I’ve been using a chocolate mold- Well anyway, our ice will be in the shape of wiener dogs.”
You were shocked at the laugh that escaped you, genuine and uncontrolled. He grinned over at you, clearly also surprised - but pleased with himself for getting the reaction he was aiming for. 
“I think I can live with that.” 
“Good,” he agreed simply, giving you a new kind of smile - something sweeter. After a beat, he motioned down the hall with his eyes, letting you lead. “The bathroom is this way. The water takes like three or four minutes to get hot. I realized that I have a lot of products for some reason, but I condensed them all into this one area in the corner just in case my new roommate was a girl, and you are so that’s great. I’ll probably get a shelf.”
There was a proud quality to his voice like he felt gentlemanly for letting you have all the space you needed. For some reason, that made you feel warm and fuzzy. 
“And what if your new roommate had been a boy?” you inquired with a smirk. 
He put a finger on his chin, taking on a contemplative look for you. “Hmm. Then I guess I slowly would have moved my stuff back to the cabinet - probably just one thing per day so he wouldn’t notice. Unless he had a lot of makeup or something, then I’d just let him have it.” 
He grinned as you teasingly shook your head. 
“This way is the sleeping quarters. My room is there on the right and yours to the left.”
You stepped into your new room and let a sigh of relief. Two huge windows took up a lot of the far wall, framed underneath by large sills. The space was bright and roomier than you’d pictured. Your bed was set up in the very middle of the room, but you already knew exactly where you wanted it to go. For some reason, you had been concerned that you wouldn’t like the space, but it was kind of perfect. 
“This is great,” you breathed, turning to him and giving him a sly grin. “Wanna give me a hand moving my furniture around?”
He pretended to consider for a moment until you spoke again. 
“My mom sent money for pizza while I get stuff unpacked,” you said coyly. “If you needed any convincing.”
He laughed, showing you his teeth. “You drive a hard bargain. Okay, I’ll help as long as I get to look through your stuff while we move it.”
You gave him a questioning look, earning a one-shouldered shrug in return. He looked benign enough standing there, propped against the door frame with a goofy upturn to his lips, so you relented.  
“Deal,” you agreed.
You were positive you would not have been able to move stuff without his help. For being a slender boy, he seemed to easily be able to get things where they needed to be. He dutifully helped you shove your furniture into place - your bed against the window wall, your desk and vanity on the wall with your closet door. Then, bless his little heart, he helped you move it all again when you decided you didn’t like the arrangement (but not without some light griping). 
One by one, you brought in your boxes from the living room and you allowed him to poke through them, perched on your bed. He flipped through your books, thumbing pages of ones that piqued his interest - you could only imagine that he was already planning on borrowing some of them. He reacted similarly to your framed photos, as he unwrapped them from their packing paper.
When you got your record player set up, he put on a vinyl and started to hang your art prints on the wall where you instructed him to. The look of concentration on his face was rather endearing as he held a few nails between his teeth and hammered them into the wall, one by one. There was a time or two you were convinced that he was going to mutilate his thumb, but he didn’t, and when the last picture was hung, you breathed a sigh of relief. 
You called in a pizza, adorned with his requested toppings as you hung your clothes into your closet, your phone tucked against your ear and shoulder for maximum efficiency. 
Plants collected on your bed until there was no more room for them - after that, he started setting them on the floor as he brought them in from your car. He didn’t seem to be judging the sheer amount of them, even though he had every right to. 
“It’s going to look like a jungle in here,” he stated finally as he took a bite out of a slice of pizza that he was holding like a taco, his eyes raking over all of the foliage scattered around your room. Rather than sounding like he was teasing, his tone seemed excited. 
You grinned at him, starting to arrange them on the window sill and your bookshelf that had only ever served you as a plant shelf since you’d bought it. “Plants are my passion. Botany major,” you explained as you fluffed up your Monstera’s huge leaves. 
“Ooh.” He raised his eyebrows at you, pulling one of his legs up underneath him on your bed - now fitted with sheets. “I think that’s going to be nice. Give it some life in here.”
You grabbed another slice from the pizza box on your nightstand and tried to think of the right tone of voice to use to ask the next question. “How long have you lived here by yourself?”
He hummed, eyes flicking around distantly as he thought. “Well, I’ve lived here just over a year, and my first roommate dropped out and moved back home about...six months ago?”
“Have you been lonely? You seem like a social guy.” You gave him an empathetic look but he just shrugged at you. You hadn’t known him long enough to know for sure, but you suspected he was more affected than he was letting on. 
“I mean, a little lonely. But I got used to it for the most part.” He paused for a good couple of seconds before a smile spread across his lips. “And Penny’s kept me company.”
“Oh, does your girlfriend stay here too?” you prompted, trying to remember if you’d seen any feminine looking items lying around that weren’t yours.
“What? No,” he said under a chuckle and stood, gesturing for you to follow him across the hall. 
The second you walked through the doorway, you were met with the smell of incense sticks and linen. His room was dimmer than yours and kind of cramped with all of his mismatching furniture, but he had a huge bed - you thought it could easily fit three people in it. There were some clothes strewn about around a laundry hamper by the door and you tried to not be jealous that his closet seemed to be about twice the size of yours. 
He crossed the room to crouch in front of a coffee table that he seemed to be using as a catch-all. The varnish was worn off the top of it in rings because sitting on the coffee table was a globe of water and a calico colored goldfish swimming around aimlessly inside of it. 
“Ah, so this is Penny,” you giggled as you bent over next to him. When the fish spotted him, it rose to the surface of the water, opening its mouth in demand for food.
He grinned down at it. “Light of my life. We’re not allowed to have pets but I figured that a fish didn’t count.”
You hummed, admittedly a bit charmed by the whole situation. “But don’t goldfish require a lot of space?”
The smile fell from his face, adopting a level of concern you hadn’t yet seen from him as he peered over at you. “Do they?”
Immediately, you felt guilty for putting that look on his features. Your brain kick-started - trying to think of a way to make it right again. “I think so? Maybe we can find her a small tank? Put a few little plants in there for her?”
Josh nodded at you, stroking his fingers over the glass with a frown. “I’m a bad dad.”
“No, no!” you assured, putting your hand on his head but then removing it instantly when you realized that you didn’t really know him, he’d just already made you feel like you did. Either way, you figured it would be inappropriate to touch him. “You’re great. She looks really happy.”
“She’s great at begging for food, so don’t get tricked,” Josh instructed after a moment, seemingly able to put his concerns aside to jest you.
You nodded in agreement. “I’ll be ever vigilant,” you promised, making him smile again. 
He stood back up, so you did as well. 
“Well, I’ll give you some time to get comfortable in your room,” Josh said, sitting back on his bed. “Let me know if you need anything, okay?” 
“I promise I will,” you assured, tapping your hand on the doorframe on your way out. 
By the time the sun was set, your room was shockingly well put together. The emotional rollercoaster that was the album Rumors helped you keep on task, losing yourself in the music so it didn’t feel like work at all. You hadn’t been expecting it to come along so quickly, but you guessed that was because you hadn’t anticipated such a friendly roommate. The nesting had always been your favorite part, so you took your time to enjoy placing out all your knick-knacks and photos. 
You took a break to shower when you decided you were done for the day, reveling in the feeling of the water after such a long time in your car - He was absolutely right about how long it took to warm up from ice cold. When you got out and changed into your pajamas, Josh was sitting in the living room with a laptop across his legs. 
“You wanna chill?” he asked when he heard you padding down the hall, shutting the lid of it and setting it on a side table. “Or if you’re too tired, that’s okay too.”
“No, no. I’d love to talk.” You sat next to him, leaving a comfortable amount of room between you as you pulled your knees up to your chin. “Tell me more about yourself,” you requested, tugging a blanket from a beat-up wicker basket on the floor and wrapping it around your body.
“Hmm, okay,” he started. You wondered how long it had been since he had to introduce himself to someone new. “I’m from a tiny little town here in Michigan. I’m the oldest of four - two brothers and a sister. My brother, Jake, also attends MU and lives just off campus.”
You frowned at him. “Wait, why wouldn’t he live with you?” you asked through a disbelieving laugh. 
“He lived with me long enough,” Josh explained in a humored tone. “There are only so many people where I’m from and well - we wanted to meet new people, you know?” 
“I guess I should be grateful for that.” 
“Yeah, probably,” he teased and then paused to think. “I’m in performing arts - I’m actually putting on a production around Christmas with some elementary school kids.”
You suppressed the aww that was threatening to pass your lips. “You like kids?”
He beamed you a smile, shaking his head. “Love them. I want to have like ten of them someday.”
The thought of him surrounded by kids made you soften. You were genuinely shocked about how easy he was to talk to - how easy he was to like. You had never thought in a million years you’d get along with your roommate so well, let alone the first day meeting them. 
“I hope you get to,” you said as genuinely as you could muster, prompting him to give you a grateful smile. 
A yawn escaped you before you could hide it, and you quickly breathed an apology, but he just waved you off. 
“You must be exhausted from that drive,” he said, his voice soft. “You should get some sleep.”
You nodded in agreement and gave him a thankful smile. “Is it okay if I sleep out here?”
The look on his face was quizzical, forcing a laugh from you. “Why would you do that?” 
“I have this tradition where whenever I’m in a new place, I always sleep in the living room on the first night. It’s good luck.”   
“Whatever you say.” His lips pulled back into an unconvinced smirk. “Well, yeah, you live here now too, so you can sleep wherever you’d like.”
He disappeared into his room for only a moment before popping his head back out, fingers wrapped around the door frame.
 “Do you mind if I join you?�� 
You tried not to look too taken aback by the question, but you could feel your cheeks flushing warm. You raked your eyes along the couch, entirely positive that there wasn’t enough space for the two of you to lay out on it together fully - at least, not without being pressed flush against one another. However, his face looked innocent and soft - not a single tint of mischief colored across his features.
“Yeah, that-. I guess that’s okay,” you agreed sheepishly with a shrug. “But I’m not sure we’ll both fit if I’m being honest.”
He frowned questioningly at you, his brows lacing together until he realized what you thought he meant. His face instantly turned a light shade of pink to match yours. “No, no,” he quickly assured in between a breathy laugh. “I’m not going to sleep with you - I’ll take the recliner.” 
“Oh, right.” You gave a nervous laugh of your own, cursing yourself out in your head for being so dull. 
You were still well embarrassed as you made a nest of blankets on the couch and he brought out a pillow for you when you realized yours were still tucked deep in your bag of bedding. When each of you was situated on your respective pieces of furniture, he flicked the light off with a comfortable sigh. 
It was silent for a moment before he spoke again, his voice taking on a tone that was far too smug for your liking. “You were awfully quick to agree to sleep next to me. You don’t have a crush on me, do you?” 
You knew he was teasing, but your heart rate still managed to pick up under the pressure. You had never been particularly good with awkward social situations; you rolled your eyes in the dark, thankful he couldn’t see how red you were. “No, Josh. I do not have a crush on you.”
“Okay,” he said through a melodic laugh, and you got the feeling that he’d gotten the reaction he was aiming for from you. “Should we be best friends though?”
You snorted a laugh of your own, wanting to be annoyed at how likable he was, but falling short. “You are the most peculiar person I’ve ever met, I think.” You curled up, clutching your blanket tight to your body. “But yes. We can be friends.”
“Okay, cool - I’ll order matching t-shirts for us.” You could hear the pleased grin he was wearing, making you feel warm and cozy. You pulled the worn blanket up to your chin.
“See to it that you do.” 
Author’s Note: okay, I hope you guys like it! please let me know if you want to be added to the tag list or removed from it. I’m using the same taglist from my Jake!fic, so no hard feelings if you don’t want to be tagged!
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lubdubsworld · 3 years
Falling for you ( Falling from grace) ( Complete )
Summary : Friends with benefits? Or maybe Enemies who just happen to fuck? Areum and Jungkook love driving each other crazy, but also can’t keep their hands off each other.
Chapter 1 
 Chapter 2 
 Chapter 3
 Chapter 4
 Chapter 5  
Chapter 6  
Chapter 7
Chapter 8 ( Final ) 
Something about sitting on the counter in Jungkook’s kitchen, wearing nothing but his shirt and chopping carrots , while the clock read 2.20 AM felt so right, that I couldn’t stop grinning. 
Jungkook was singing softly and apparently singing was yet another thing he was ridiculously good at.
“You’re singing at our wedding. You sound like an angel.” I declared, pointing one red veggie at him.
Jungkook laughed.
“Sure, what song?”
“Something sweet and nice and-”
“ Take off those heels- Lay on my bed- Whisper dirty secrets as I’m pulling on your hair.....” 
I glared at him. 
“absolutely not.”
“Aww Come on... “ Jungkook gave me the full brunt of his puppy eyes, “We should be true to ourselves and lets be real, yes I enjoy being corny and romantic with you but...it’s in the bed that we truly shine as a couple.” He grinned, bunny teeth poking out in an entirely too adorable way considering that he wanted to sing a fucking sex song at our ‘not-even-sure-if-its-happening wedding’ . 
“No one else needs to know that...” I shuddered. My sister would expire on the spot. 
“ They will when we sneak out at the reception to have sex in the closet.” 
“In my wedding dress? Yeah right.” I rolled my eyes.
Jungkook’s eyes glittered. 
“We’re going to be married in the Maldives. You’re going to be in a bikini.” He said casually. 
I blinked.
“A bikini?”
“Yes. A bikini. The kind I can undo with just a couple of tugs on a string. “ 
“You’ve...given this a lot of thought.” I smirked.
He nodded.
“I am...but only because it’s damn near impossible to think of anything else when you’re in front of me.”
“You’re ridiculous.”.
He shrugged,
“Even picked out a ring.”
“Liar.” I hissed and he laughed.
“You’re right. I haven’t picked a ring. We’ll pick one together ....when we want to get married.” 
“But...thats ...not anytime soon right?” I said nervously. Jungkook gave me a smile, moving back to stirring the saucepan with the meat and adding some sauce. 
“It doesn’t have to be ever. I’m happy this way. If one day you wake up and feel like you’re missing a ring on your finger, we’ll go do the whole wedding shebang. If not, that's fine too. We can spend the rest of our lives being the horny couple everyone avoids at family gatherings. ” he shrugged. 
I laughed but felt my heart expand a few sizes inside me. 
“Thank you.” I whispered and he leaned over the counter to gently grip my chin, planting a soft kiss on my lips. 
“No one else gets to say what we are. No one else gets to say what we can or can’t do. Okay?” He rubbed his nose against mine and I nodded.
I bit my lips, thinking about something that had always bothered me. 
“Your parents-” He cut me off before I could finish.
“I won’t lie. They’ll probably want me to...reconsider.” He sighed. “ But I don’t think they’ll give  you  a hard time about it.. They’re polite and good people. Just have a different idea of what I need in a wife.”
I played with the hem of his shirt. 
“Sana , she’s-” i couldn’t even say it, just looking up at him. He was already staring at me. 
He nodded, smiling a little.
“Someone my parents have been trying to set me up with, yeah.” He admitted. 
“You didn’t turn her down ...” I said softly, feeling hurt . 
He stared at me, turning the heat down on the pan before coming around to stand in front of me. 
“Hey, come on, don’t look like that, baby...”
“And she’s going to be there at your fight today and-”
“I just didn’t want to pick a fight with my parents before today’s match. Because believe it or not, I was going to ask you out today , after I won.”
I blinked at him, surprised.
“Really. I... you’ve been staying over and stuff, and you actually looked jealous of Sana so I thought...you know maybe you’ve changed your mind about us.... So I wanted to ask you out. And I wanted my parents to  be in a good mood when I told them I’m with you. So I indulged them a little , that’s all.” 
I nodded. Talking about his parents made me think of my own mother and God, I could feel a headache coming on. But I had to tell him the truth. 
“My mom...she’s...she’s a little...”
He squeezed my knees, leaning closer and bumping my head with his.
“I’m not the kind of guy women usually want to bring home to their parents, but i will wear a nice button down,  brush my teeth  and get a whole bunch of flowers for her when you ask me to.” He whispered. 
“She’ll only want you for your money.” I blurted out.
He straightened, looking confused.
Embarrassment flooded me but I had to be honest with him.
“My mother, she... she got used to a really luxurious lifestyle with my dad and when he died, she just...she couldn’t accept that she’s going to have to give up a lot of stuff... So she’ll try to get you to buy her things. I’ll try to keep her away as much as I can but-”
“I really wouldn’t mind buying her stuff-”
I shook my head fiercely.
“No..No..that’s... I can’t ask you to that.”
Areum look at me-” He demanded and I stared at him. 
“You do know that I’m like, filthy rich, right?” He said firmly.
I rolled my eyes.
“Yes but-”
“Buying your mom a few trinkets every month wouldn’t even put a dent in the amount of money I make in a fucking  hour.” He raised both his eyebrows.
I frowned.
“Okay, stop bragging.” 
He laughed. 
“ I’m serious. You don’t have to worry about it okay? Besides you can always repay me for it. “ 
I gaped at him.
“I cannot repay-”
“In kisses.” He finished. 
I stared at him, not fooled at all.
“And office sex. I really really want to spend a whole entire day at work with you wrapped around my cock...not even fucking,,,just you in my lap, me inside you.... Its like my biggest fantasy.” His eyes looked a little glazed. 
I felt heat rush all the way up to my ears, my face flaming. 
“You’re insatiable” I muttered, whacking his shoulder. 
His eyes shifted, gaze darkening and heavy with something that was more than just lust. More than just attraction,. It was heavy and over powering, strong and impossible to ignore. It was so heavy and dark and sensuous and yet somehow so achingly soft and affectionate. 
“It’s never enough, “ He leaned in close, curving fingers on my waist and kissing my neck. “ After two years, I tell myself I should have had enough of you but...” He brushed his lips against mine, “   It’s not. I want to touch you more. I always come away from our time together wishing I could touch you some more. Want to touch you more, take in that scent of yours, watch your eyes flash when I make you cum. ” 
He grabbed my knees, spreading my legs and I became acutely aware of being completely naked underneath his shirt. 
“We’re not having sex on the kitchen counter.” I protested, laughing  and he hummed, kissing my jaw gently.
“Come on, its a rite of passage. Its not true love if you don’t have sex on the kitchen counter while your dinner burns on the stove...” 
Oh, well. 
Maybe he was right. 
“Should i just forfeit the match tonight?” Jungkook whispered, voice muffled against my shoulder blades as he pressed soft little kisses to my skin , deliciously slow and gentle. 
I frowned, face down on the soft duvet on his bed, fingers curled into the fabric, trying to chase sleep. 
The slightly golden light spilling into the room told me it was morning, but still pretty early. We could definitely afford to sleep in a few more hours at least. It had been almost four in the morning when we had finally fallen asleep. Jungkook had wanted to leave the kitchen as it was but I couldn’t fathom leaving some poor maid the task of cleaning cum off the mahogany surface. 
“Why would you say that?” i said, surprised. 
Jungkook sighed.
“I don’t know. “ He pulled away from me and rolled to the side. I stared at him as he gazed back at me. 
“What’s wrong?” I whispered, genuinely concerned.
He gave me a soft smile.
“It’s just a thought. I have it every morning of a major match.” He ran a palm over his face, mussing up his hair bore reaching out to press a kiss on my forehead. 
“Is it nervousness?” I asked, feeling anxious. There was something oddly frightening about seeing this side of Jungkook. I’d only ever seen the cool, confident asshole. The one that had no qualms about taking what he wanted, when he wanted. 
And I felt .... like it was a privilege he was granting me, letting me see the vulnerable side to his well earned cockiness. 
He shook his head. 
“It’s not. I’m not worried about losing, wouldn’t even mind losing once in a while.”
“But you don’t... you’re literally incapable of losing, golden maknae...” I teased and he rolled his eyes. 
“It’s actually about you.” He reached out and cupped my cheek gently. 
I blinked, pressing my own fingers over his. .
“I’m not sure you’ll....like  that  side of me.” He said hesitantly. 
“A large part of why I never let you see me fight is because, I’m not a nice person in the ring. I don’t show a lot of mercy ... I sometimes use more force than necessary and well, there’s nothing beautiful about beating the shit out of someone is there?”
I swallowed.
“You think I’ll see you differently, if I watch you fight.”
He nodded. 
“Won’t you? It’s not a very dignified sport.” 
I hesitated, not sure what to say to that. 
“I’ve not... I don’t think I’ve ever thought it was weird, in a bad way, that you boxed. I just thought it was something you were good at. It’s not... I don’t think I feel that deeply about it.” 
He nodded.
“I believe you . But it still worries me. I’m just scared I guess...”
“Scared that seeing me in the ring will make you change your mind about us.” 
I jolted, stunned. 
Moving quickly to his side , I threw my arms around his neck, kissing him hard. 
I pulled back to glare at him.
“I’m not going to leave you over a sport you play.” I said drily .
He chuckled and kissed the tip of my nose.
“If you say so.”
“I’m serious. I’m not a delicate flower, Jungkook. I’m not going to enjoy watching you get hurt, yes, but that doesn’t mean I’m going to just...give up on everything that you are.... because of this.” 
“You’re right.... I’m sorry if i worried you.” He said softly , and it was so disarming, how much adoration was writ large on his features.
 I was used to the lust and the passion and the roughness but this Jungkook, the tender, gentle lover....he was sending me into a downward spiral. 
“This is weird.” I laughed a little.
He grinned.
“What?” He scooted closer, reaching out to gently hold my hand.
“You...being so...” I stopped when he stroked the delicate skin on the back of my hand with feather light touches. 
“So...what?” His eyebrows quirked up, teasing and I felt myself blushing so furiously . 
“Stop it...” I whispered, mortified with how hot my face was getting. That tender, adoring look on his face was making it impossible for me to breathe.
Jungkook gave me a wicked smile and carefully slotted his fingers between mine, holding my hand gently before raising it up to kiss my knuckles.
“What’s making you turn so red, angel?” He pressed soft affectionate kisses, on each knuckle and then the inside of my wrist and I smiled so wide my cheeks began to hurt a bit. 
“Jungkook...” I could barely get the words out and it was so incredibly embarrassing that something as innocently affectionate as him holding my hand was filling me with an incontrollable urge to just burst into tears. 
“ I love you...” He whispered , blowing gently on my fingers. 
“Oh, God...” I could feel my soul threatening to leave my body. 
“Love every little bit of you...” He rolled over me, straddling my waist , arms caging me in as he pressed one soft kiss to my temple. 
“I’m going to cry.” I said firmly.
“Love that you’re so brave, so unafraid. “ He kissed the edge of my brows., “ love that you stand up for yourself, love that you don’t take shit from anyone, even me and I love that you’re here. In my arms. Like this, although I don’t deserve you at all, my beautiful goddess....” he whispered. 
The nickname made me astral project for one hot minute. 
Determined to get some control back, I grabbed the drawstrings of his sweatpants, untying the loose knot before slipping my fingers into the waistband. 
“Hmm... you’re right. You don’t deserve. But because I’m a generous generous goddess, how about I let you worship me, the way  I  deserve ....” I whispered, tugging his pants down, pushing the fabric past  his muscled thighs. He laughed.
“And how would that be?”
“Let me use that hot, thick dick of yours... Wanna ride it till my thighs shake, make you cum so hard you’ll see heaven...” I whispered and he rolled his eyes. 
“This is supposed to be a soft moment .... and all you’re interested in is my cock , you dirty little-” He choked when I shimmied down, quickly. Scooting down the bed till i was face to face with his dick, his thighs straddling my chest and his cock right up against my mouth. 
I licked the tip, gently. 
“I love you too..” I whispered, wrapping my lips around the soft head , letting my lips suck on the sensitive skin, tongue licking the soft underside as he grabbed on to the headboard to steady himself. 
“Love how much you care for me,” I ran the tip of my tongue all over the head , getting it nice and sloppy, “  how upset you get when I’m hurting....” I opened my mouth wide, lifting up just a bit to suck more of him into my mouth. 
“Oh God-”
“Love how kind, and talented and nice you are. Love how good you are at making me feel good. No one makes me feel as good as you do, Jungkook...” 
He was staring down at me, eyes blown with a mixture of arousal and affection, fingers carding through my hair gently.
I gave his hip a small pat.  
“Fuck my mouth... i can’t suck you off like this.” I squeezed his ass , enjoying how hard it felt beneath my hand. I gripped his thighs, stroking them up and down, leanly muscled and corded with strength. 
And then, completely losing my senses, 
“Namjoon’s thighs are a little bigger than yours right? ”  I said thoughtfully, completely serious and not even realizing what i was saying and  who  I was saying it to until his grip on my hair tightened hard enough  . 
Jungkook’s eyes widened comically and he was off me in a second. 
The look of sheer and absolute horror on his face made me laugh so hard i nearly choked. 
Growling, he grabbed me by the shoulders, flipping me over so fast, i bounced off the mattress. I laughed into the fabric of the pillow . 
“Jungkook, i was just jok--” I got cut off by a smack to the back of my thigh, hard and stinging. 
“Hyung’s thighs? Really, Areum, you wanna got there?” He smacked me again, and I whined. 
“Is this any way to treat a goddess?” I choked out, struggling to crawl away but he held me down easily. 
“Shouldn’t ever go soft on you..., called you a goddess one time and suddenly you wanna be a little brat about it......” He grunted, fingers closing around my upper arms and pulling my hands back so hard that my shoulder actually popped. 
He pulled me up till I was on my knees, his chest pressed to my back as he gripped my wrists hard. 
“Ow!! I’m sorry!” I yelped, but he wasn’t listening,  and I grinned when i felt the familiar cold of metal on my wrists. 
“You’re so easily riled...” I added a slight lilt to my words, knowing how much it annoyed him. 
He didn’t disappoint, grabbing my chin hard and yanking my head back so I could stare at him. 
“Only when you forget your place, angel.” He whispered . 
“My place?” I blinked innocently. “ And where is that?”
He gave me a quick bruising kiss.
“In my heart most of the time. But right now, on your knees up against the head board so I can fuck your brains out.” 
“I love you.” Jungkook said cheerfully, leaning against the wall and grinning like the Chesire cat. I straightened from where I was kneeling, tying my sneakers. 
I stared at him, completely amused.
“Jungkook you don’t have to say that so often...” I shook my head.
He frowned. 
“I like being able to say those words to you. I spent entirely too many months thinking them and not being allowed to say them.”
I felt my heart melt a little. 
“I love you too. “ I whispered.
“I wouldn’t mind you being there, you know. I know I said all that stuff, but if you really want to see me fight from up front....” 
I shook my head. 
“Its alright. I won’t be anywhere near the front and I’ll make sure to look away when you’re punching your opponent. “ I teased. 
He sighed.
“Just remember that’s not who I am, okay? I... I love you.” He said again.
“Now the word’s just beginning to lose all meaning.” I laughed. 
He looked hurt at that.
I rushed to sooth him.
“I’m just joking, I’m joking... Of course it has meaning and i love that you’ve suddenly turned into a love bot, but let’s just... tone it down. Just a little bit.” I pinched my fingers together,.
He tugged his lower lips between his teeth.
“You’ll be okay to get to the venue by yourself right? I’m going to take a shower and a nap before I head there.”
“I’ll be fine.” I waved him off. “ We’ll meet up after you win and celebrate properly.” I winked, giving him one last kiss before waving bye. 
As the door closed behind him, I couldn’t help but grin ear to ear.
Ain’t love grand? 
I was wrong. 
I couldn’t do this.
“He is so hot. Oh my God, you’re so lucky, Sana...look at his fucking abs.” 
I willed myself not to take a swing at the girl next to me. I wanted to clench my fist, raise my arm and just let loose till she was knocked out on the floor. The women from the office had seen me hovering awkwardly at the back and swooped on me like a pair of vultures. 
I’d been swept to the very front with them, my protests falling on deaf ears and now, suddenly I had front row seats to watching the love of my life get hurt. 
There was nothing even remotely enjoyable about watching Jungkook get hit. And although it was clear that he was winning , clear that he was so much better than his opponent, there was no denying that the other guy was good too.
And the two times he had managed to catch Jungkook off guard, landing a couple of punches, my entire heart had cracked into two. 
“He’s going to be my husband...can you believe?” San whispered next to me and I startled.,
Oh God. 
The girls looked at me eagerly.
“Oh...that’s yeah. Sounds amazing.” I smiled. 
“He could probably like fuck you against the wall, “ Jieun whispered, giggling .
Sana blushed so red I wanted to scream.
“So hot... Do you think he’s... you know...big?” She nudged me lightly, laughing. 
Oh wow. I clenched my fists, feeling rage fill my veins so fast that I saw red. 
But I was saved by the sound of a commotion up front and my head whipped around, panic setting in. 
I stared at the ring. Jungkook stood back while his opponent was flat on the floor, unmoving. 
Great, these horny bitches had made me miss him taking the winning shot. 
i watched the referee kneel beside the prone man, counting slowly and I saw Jungkook turn to stare right at me.
“He’s looking at you, Sana... He’s looking at you, look!!” Jieun grinned. 
I bit my lips, smiling at him. 
“I think you should go to him.” The girls told Sana and I jumped.
What the fuck??
Unable to bear it, I pushed past them, ignoring their surprised squawks as I pushed past the crowd to the aisle. 
“And , ladies and gentleman, we have ourselves a winner. Give it up for our very own, Jeon Jung Kook!!” 
The crowd went wild, the referee raising his hand up in victory.
I ran all the way up to the ring, narrowly missing the guard near the front and crawling up into the ring. 
Jungkook stared at me, wide eyes as I jumped on him with a running leap. 
He caught me around the waist easily, laughing. He gripped my butt, hoisting me up and I wrapped my thighs tight around his waist. 
“Oh, wow”. He whispered, but I was too busy searching the crowd for the three girls who had triggered me into this madness. 
Sana and her two friends stood slack jawed, eyes wide as saucers as they stared at me. 
I snatched the mic out of Jungkook’s hand. Glared right at them. 
“To answer your question...yes.. he’s big. The biggest I’ve ever had and what’s more he knows how to use it too. Also, stay the fuck away from my boyfriend and stop talking about him like he’s a piece of meat, you whores. You do know I work in the HR department right? I will file sexual harassment suits on the three of you so fast you’ll-” 
Jungkook grabbed the mic out of my hands before I could finish, looking absolutely horrified. 
“You crazy little bint!” He laughed aloud and I pouted.
“They’re taking about your dick. I don’t like that.” I protested. 
“Baby, you know my dick is yours.” 
“Damn right it is.” I said firmly. 
He grinned a bit. 
“And so is my heart.” 
I let him kiss me, the background noise and the sound of of cheering fading away as I let my eyes flutter shut, reveling in just him. 
Of course, we had things to do. Meet our parents. Make our relationship public.... a whole lot of messy grown up stuff that would annoy the fuck out of both of us. 
But for now, kissing him in front of everyone, ignoring Namjoon’s screams of, ‘ Jungkook there are reporters here!!! ’ and my sister’s shouts of, ‘ stop you heathens’.....
Well, this felt just right. 
The End .
Authors Note : Well, this was a whole entire journey wasn’t it!!!!! I will deeply miss Jungkook and Areum, I loved them with my whole entire heart. I hope you guys loved them too... Let me know if you did... As always, feedback is much, much appreciated !!!! Thank you for sticking by.  Love and kisses. 
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talatomaz · 3 years
chased away by shadows | hailey upton x fem!reader
a/n: i didn’t include a love confession but i did reference it. after 8x11, we saw how hailey reacts to those words and honestly, i get it bc i’m kinda the same so i just changed it up a bit.
not a huge fan of this and there’s not as much hailey x r as i initially wanted but oh well, hope you still like it anon
(feedback/positive comments are appreciated)
requested by anon: “hi! can i please request a hailey upton x intelligence love interest reader please? it’s been a really rough case and reader is quite depressed and hailey comes over and reader ends up falling asleep safe and warm in hailey’s arms and in the morning there is a love confession maybe? hope that makes sense, thank you x ”
warnings: mentions of assault, death, murder. usual canon violence
word count: 1.6k
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i do not give you permission to repost or translate my fics on any platform - likes/reblogs are okay and are much appreciated
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“Upton and I will take the front. Burgess, Atwater, secure the back.”
You ordered, whispering into your comms.
It had been a rough couple of days.
The Intelligence Unit had caught a rape and murder case with seemingly no witnesses or leads to the sick bastard who’d done this.
Like the rest of your team, you were damn near losing the end of your rag at the lack of leads and it didn’t help that this brought up some unwanted memories from your past.
You shrugged them off, not wanting to get emotional at work but it was difficult. Especially when you had no idea who you were looking for.
But you’d managed to catch a break as one of your CIs had contacted you, telling you that they had heard about some gang member who’d been boasting about “having fun with a chick before popping her off”.
After some further investigation, you’d managed to identify the man. He had a rap sheet about as long as your arm, including prior battery and assault charges.
It was only when Halstead had found out that he was holed up in a supposedly vacant property that you’d all geared up, armed to the nines because you knew the kind of heat this gang carried.
“On my mark.” Halstead said into your comms.
He waited a few moments for you all to get into position. You were standing behind Hailey, your hand on her arm, alert and ready to conduct your search.
“Be careful.”
“You too.” You replied softy to your girlfriend.
You’d been dating for the past 6 months, having fallen into bed one night after a evening out at Molly’s. You’d both agreed to keep it a secret as it was a one-time thing but what you both didn’t realise at the time was just how much you liked one another.
It had soon become a habit. The two of you sleeping together after everyone gathered for a social call at Molly’s until one evening, Hailey told you that she liked you and wanted the two of you to be more than just sex.
You were surprised to say the least because there was never any indication that she liked you. In fact, you thought she was out of your league considering how beautiful and smart she was. But you decided to take the leap and you were so glad you did because you loved being with her.
Not that you’d told her those words yet, mind you.
It was a tough thing to say, for you anyway, especially after your past alongside the lack of any emotional attachments with your parents. And you knew Hailey had her fair share of trauma too, the majority of which you learned after you and Ruzek overheard her telling a suspect they had in interrogation.
And although your relationship wasn’t without its flaws, it had pretty much been smooth sailing since the moment you’d got together. No unnecessary drama or bullshit.
That was the last thing the both of you needed in this type of job.
“Now.” Halstead ordered so you gave a quick nod to the blonde before yelling “Chicago PD!” as Hailey kicked the door down.
There were a few offenders in the house who tried to run when you’d entered and as Hailey and the rest of the team went to secure them, you made your way up the stairs to see if there was anyone else hiding out.
Your arm was extended, gun clutched carefully in your hand, finger just next to the trigger, ready for any indication of movement. Reaching the landing at the top of the stairs, you entered one of the bedrooms. As you stepped through the door, someone jumped out and hit you in the head with a bottle. It shattered upon contact with your skull and the force threw you as you groaned in pain.
You began fighting the male, who weighed at least 100 pounds more than you, so it was no small feat. You wrestled with the gun he’d aimed at you before kicking him in between his legs and throat punching him.
As he coughed to catch his breath, you grabbed your gun that had fallen out of your hands and aimed it at the man crumbled on the floor. Ignoring the way blood seeped from your wound and down your face, you yelled, “Chicago PD. Stay down or I will drop you.”
Staring down at him, you realised that it was the man you’d been looking for and when he looked up at you with a sinister smirk on his face, you wanted nothing more than to shoot him where he lay.
But you had more self control than that so, instead, you kept your gun trained on him and called downstairs for back-up.
In less than a minute, Hailey and Jay were right beside you. Jay handcuffed the suspect and you re holstered your gun.
“Baby, are you okay?” Hailey asked frantically, her hand gently cupping your face as she examined the cut on your forehead.
“Yeah, I’m okay.” You said, releasing the breath you didn’t realise you’d been holding.
“Are you sure? You’re bleeding pretty badly.”
You winced when Hailey touched the wound.
“Shit, sorry.”
“It’s fine. Come on, let’s go.”
                ✧── ・ 。゚★: *.✦ .* :★. ───✧
After apprehending the suspect, Hailey had forced you to be checked out by one of the paramedics who’d arrived to take care of one of the offenders that Kevin had shot. They’d cleaned and stitched the wound and told you to take some paracetamol for the pain.
Now you were currently watching Voight and Halstead take lead on interrogating the man who’d attacked you at the house.
The man was so vile that you had to force yourself to not jump through the two-way glass and smack him silly. He’d copped to the murder but wouldn’t admit to the rape, sitting there with a smirk on his face.
“She wanted it rough. She was a slut. I just gave her what she wanted.”
The words continued to ring in your ear as they were words that you, yourself, had once been told. Forcing the bile back down your throat, you watched as Voight moved to stand behind the man, his hands on his shoulders.
“I’d watch your mouth if I were you.” Voight said, the threat lingering behind his words.
Your hands clenched into fists as he continued to speak.
“I ain’t gonna apologise for banging that whore. She got what she wanted.”
You could feel your anger boiling until it threatened to consume you so you left the viewing room and briskly walked to your desk.
You grabbed your coat that was hung on the back of your chair and ran out of the precinct; ignoring how your girlfriend’s eyes bore in your body as you hurried out of the building.
She decided to let you go, knowing that you needed space for a few hours.
                ✧── ・ 。゚★: *.✦ .* :★. ───✧
When you got back to your apartment, you fell down onto your couch, picked up one of the throw pillows and screamed into it, your frustrations coming to a blow.
You went from screaming to crying out of anger and old pain until you felt a hand on your shoulder that startled you. You hadn’t even realised Hailey had used her key to enter your apartment.
“Oh, baby.” Hailey murmured when she saw how red your eyes were.
She placed a soft kiss on your cheek and went to your freezer to grab an ice pack. She wrapped it in a table cloth and gently rested it over your eyes, the coolness soothing your swollen eyes immediately.
You tried to take the ice pack away from her but she simply tsked at you; too tired to fight, you instead relished in her taking care of you.
“Sorry.” You mumbled, finally gathering the courage to speak.
“It’s been a rough couple of days, honey. No one blames you for your reaction.”
“That’s not why I’m so...so angry and why I’m like this.” Your voice barely louder than a whisper but Hailey still heard you.
“What do you mean?” The blonde asked, furrowing her brows in concern. But her eyes told you that she already knew what you meant and that made your heart hurt.
“I just-I. It was a long time ago, back in high school. I’m over it but cases like these just bring it all back up, you know?” You sighed, deciding to remain ambiguous whilst knowing full well she knew exactly what you were referring to.
“Oh, baby,” Hailey repeated as she wrapped her free arm around you and pulled you close.
“The guy ended up confessing not long after you left. Voight stuck him in the cage and he ended up having a change of heart.” Hailey told you as she placed soft kisses on your forehead.
Your derived snort was muffled as your head was buried in Hailey’s chest but she heard you and chuckled in response.
“You’re safe now, y/n. You’re safe with me.” Hailey whispered, breaking the peaceful silence that had filled the room.
Her words brought a sense of calm to you as you sighed contently in her arms.
Gently removing the ice pack from your eyes, she put it on the table before lifting your chin up with her finger, bringing you in for a deep, reassuring kiss.
“I-I’m glad you’re in my life, Hailey” You said, catching yourself before you said those three words. You weren’t ready to say them aloud just yet and you had a feeling that your girlfriend felt the same way.
The blonde smiled knowingly, kissing your lips once more before hugging you close to her as you both got comfortable on the large couch you were still on.
“I’m glad to have you in my life too.”
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tsukkiseasalt · 3 years
Eyes That Won’t Wonder
“What, what!?” You shriek.
Another low laugh erupts from him as he leans against the door, his large frame blocking any potential view of the inside.
“I believe that is a compliment.” He mumbles his lips curling up into a sly smile. 
“Y-yeah, it was.” You stammer, words barely making themselves out of you as your stomach begins to do cartwheels.  
“As much as I'd love to stay right here and chat, you’d probably find it to be much more comfortable inside.” He says, smile fully present now, and you take a moment to admire the sight-storing it in your mind. He moves enough for you to slip right past him and pause the moment your feet touch the dark hardwood floors. 
The aroma is the first thing that invades your senses. It smells of pine and a rich tobacco, with slight hints of something sweet- maybe vanilla, you can’t really tell. The home is just as beautiful on the inside as it appeared from the outside. The dark hardwood floors complimented the ivory walls and dark rust colored trim. The living room was sparsely decorated though, it had only one couch, a chestnut loveseat and a matching recliner. He obviously doesn’t get many visitors. 
“Your home is beautiful.” You say breathlessly, eyes roaming the space in awe. 
“Thank you.” He exclaims, a large hand grazing the small of your back as he slips behind you and towards the kitchen. His touch makes your knees go weak and you steady yourself by placing a shaky hand on the door.
“Would you like something to drink?” You hear him call from the kitchen.
“Ah, water please.” You answer, taking a few deep breaths before you saunter over to the counter placing your folder in front of you. He slides the glass in front of you and you nod as a thank you before you begin to sip.
“I don’t think I ever caught your name.” He says leaning back onto the fridge, arms folded over his massive chest.
“Oh, uh, my name is y/n y/ln.” You mumble your index finger rubbing the rim of the glass. 
“Lovely, it fits you.” He says, eyes catching your own. You can't help the blush that arises on your cheeks. 
“T-thank you.” You manage to stammer out, silently cursing yourself for getting so flustered so quickly. He was a patient not some guy at a bar, you needed to get a grip and you needed to get it fast. “Uhm, you’re a bit younger than most of the other patients i have worked for. Is there actually anything wrong with you?” You quiz, but the words come out a bit harsher than you intended. “Oh goodness, I did not mean that in a bad way at all sir- Mr. Wakatoshi, oh my goodness. I am so sorry.” You exhale letting your head fall into your hands. Your words are all becoming a jumbled mess and you can't help the shame that creeps up your throat. Great, now he probably thinks I'm some kind of asshole.
“No, it's okay. I understand what you were trying to say. Two years ago I had to get a disc in my back replaced and it took a lot out of me. Though I can still get around pretty well, there are still certain tasks that I need help with. I am also set to have another surgery on my knee two months from now, so I thought it would be better to have someone get accustomed to me and my habits beforehands.” He says voice monotone. Is he angry?
“Mr. Wakatoshi, I am so sorry if I came off as rude earlier- I didn’t mean to offend.” You say feeling guilty. 
He shakes his head. “You’re fine sweetheart, I’m actually quite flattered that you think that.” Before you have a chance to relish his words he starts again, “I’m going to go put some clothes on, but here. I made a list- well a schedule really- of how my day usually functions. You can look over it and if there is anything that seems to be a bit much for you let me know and we will make alterations to it.” He says walking out of the kitchen and returning with a piece of paper. “Here, I will return shortly.” He says handing you the paper. Your eyes skim the page as you read the text.
7:30am- Arrive & make coffee ( I prefer mine black)
7:45am- Read the newspaper
8:00am- Feed Randy & Lyle 
8:15am- Pour second cup of coffee & wash dishes
8:30-9:30am- 2nd Workout (If you could have a bowl of fruits waiting that would be lovely)
10:00am- Post shower stretch (Help isn’t required but appreciated)
10:30-12:00pm- Take Lyle to the park (You are more than welcomed to join us) 
12:30pm- Lunch / with Aone* (*Mon. & Thurs. only)
1:00pm- Stop at farmers market
1:30pm- Arrive home & check on Randy
1:35-4:00pm- Varies (You may leave at this time or you may stay for dinner.)
4:00-6:00pm- Prepare dinner
6:05- 6:45pm- Eat then wash dishes
All that is required of you is bolded, the italicized text is completely voluntary, though I would enjoy your company.
“Goodness.” You mumble, placing the paper down. “This is even less than I did with Washijō.” You thought you had it easy then just checking his oxygen, helping him up, and taking him wherever, but you were basically an in-home barista.
“I hope it isn't too much.” The voice startles you as he appears beside you now fully clothed- well not really. He had on a pair of dark sweatpants and a gray sleeveless shirt putting biceps on display for all to see.
“Uh, no, not at all sir. I was expecting much more actually.” You admit eyes darting between the paper and his arms. 
“Oh, well I'm sorry to disappoint you.” He says voice low as he bends down to tie his shoes. “I’m sure that there will be more for you to do after my knee surgery.”
“Yes, and I'm not disappointed sir, I'm honestly kind of relieved. I haven't worked with anyone in quite a while, so this is a good refresher to allow me to get back into the routine of things.” You say words falling from your lips before you realize it.
“Is that so?” He asks standing back up to his full height, face full of curiosity.
“Yes, my previous patient passed away and I took some time off. He and I were close, friends even, and the death really hit me hard even though I knew it was coming. It still hurts ya know.” You exclaim as feelings of sadness wash over you at the thought of your friend. 
You didn't know what you were expecting when you told him that, maybe an ‘i'm sorry for your loss’ or nothing at all but it is safe to say a hug was not one of those things. His body was warm and his chest was solid- it felt good. You wrapped your own arms around his waist and closed your eyes. 
“I hope that one day you and I could be friends as well.” He says quietly pulling away. 
You don't fight the smile that graces your face, “Yeah, I feel like we will.”
The words seem to liven him because a large smile spreads across his face again. “Well I’m gonna go lift now, feel free to look around. There's food in the fridge and snacks in the pantry. Make yourself at home.” He says walking to the back of his home.
“Oh, Mr. Wakatoshi!”
“Yes love?” He asks, turning back around, a smile still lingering on his lips.
“Who are Lyle and Randy?” You ask looking back down at the paper, partly to hide the blush that you are now sporting. “Are they your children?” 
“Yes, they are my children. I’ll introduce you when I return.” He laughs before turning back around and disappearing into a hallway.
You sigh as soon as he is out of eyesight dropping your head onto the cool marble countertop, raising your head just enough to read the time on the clock that sits unwavering by stairs. 8:37. You had just under an hour to get somewhat acquainted with the home you would now be in for ten hours a day for six days a week. You decide to begin with the kitchen, opening and closing drawers & cabinets identifying the contents within them, occasionally rubbing a light hand over them. Next is the living room. The wide open space is mostly vacant and you take a seat on the loveseat sinking back into the cushions. “Nice.” You mumble.  
Pushing yourself up you wonder to every room opening the door just enough for you to peek in and see what it is. You hesitate though when you get to the room at the end of the hallway. It’s his. You could sense it, nonetheless you slowly push the knob down and peek inside. It’s clean just like the rest of his home. You don't linger and decide its best to close the door & move onto the next. 
By 9:15  you’d looked throughout his entire home, and it was more beautiful than you could have imagined. The ceilings in the bathrooms were high and had beautiful artworks painted atop of them, they looked as though they belonged in a museum rather than someone's guest bathroom. The spare bedrooms were just as lovely. Each had a shelf that was littered with books and knick-knacks that looked foreign. All of this just fueled your curiosity- what did he do & how long did he do it?
You shrugged as you went back into the kitchen jumping when you saw his large frame in the fridge. He was shirtless, again, but this time his hair was wet and clung to his head. The small gray stripes were clear as day against his dark olive locks.
“Oh, hi. I didn’t think you’d be done yet.” You say awkwardly scratching the back of your neck.
“Yes, I finished early and decided to shower & grab a snack.” He says waving the bowl of strawberries.
“I was about to prepare one for you.” You said.
“Oh, thank you. You don't really have to do anything today, just get accustomed to things.” He says popping the small red fruit into his mouth. 
“Would you like me to stretch you out?” You ask, remembering the list. 
His eyes shoot up to yours as soon as the question escapes your lips and you realize how wrong it sounded and before you had a chance to correct yourself he spoke. “You stretch me out, I mean i’ll try anything once but i’d prefer the opposite..”
His words startled you to say the least, and almost instinctively the words flowed from your lips, “I’d like to see you try.” 
His eyes widened at your remark and at that you began to spew apologies. “Shit, fuck, DAMMIT. God, I am so sorry. I didn’t mean to say that, the stretching part I mean. Well I meant that, but not what I said afterwards. Ok, let me start over. What I meant to say is do you need help stretching considering you just got done working out. There, that's what I meant.” 
Your eyes are frantic as they lock with his. God, it's the first day and I'm already gonna lose my damn job. Just great. His lips are pressed in a straight line for a moment before he finally lets the edge of them glide up into a small smirk. 
“I’ve already stretched, but I suppose I could go a little deeper, maybe a little harder this time.” He says emphasizing the two words as he pops another strawberry between his lips smirk still evident.
“The stretches of course.?” You ask for clarification.
He hums and pops another strawberry between his lips setting the bowl down onto the counter stalking towards you, his large figure quickly engulfing your much smaller one almost instantly. “That’s not quite what I had in mind.” 
You can feel his warm breath on your lips as he leans down, “But if that is what you insist.” 
A loud bark bellowed throughout the kitchen causing you to jump. He smiled and wrapped a protective arm around your waist. “No need to fret, he was probably just getting anxious to meet you.”
“Yes, my son, or at least one of them. Come on so I can introduce you.” He says guiding you down the hallway, to his room you assumed. You were correct, you realized as he pushed the door open revealing a large dog. 
“Don’t worry sweetheart he doesn’t bite. Daddy made him promise to be on his best behavior.” He whispers lowly into your ear. 
Fuck, this may be harder than I thought.
hiiiiii, this is the second chapter & you can just check the tag eyesthatwontwonder to read the first. anywaysssss i hope you enjoyed! likes and reblogs are always appreciated <33
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stillgirlfrommars · 3 years
you’ve got news
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So, I already talked about this with @missmorwen​ and I know I don’t have the time to draw and make an actual comic out of it, BUT I cannot stop thinking about this SamSteve-post-engdame-fix-it story (with a dash of BuckyNat, ‘cause that’s just who I am) which is kinda crack and very rom-com (a bit you’ve got mail) inspired and doesn't make much sense, because... PLOT HOLES but * sigh * I kinda wanna share at least the idea so - bear with me:
So, instead of Nat dying, Steve sacrifices his Captain America powers on Vormir and comes back as Skinny!Steve and starts running a political blog called you’ve-got-news in secret, uncovering all kinds of shady business/corruption and becoming the bane of existence of every politician and greedy CEO - but it takes a while for his friends to figure out it's him who’s running that increasingly popular blog (which the new Captain America is actually a big fan of ;)). And the way that happens is as follows:
So, Steve almost died at the end of Endgame. The idiot (affectionate) of course still wanted to fight Thanos, but even with Thor’s Hammer, he took some serious, serious injuries which led to a tough talk with Sam, Nat and Bucky
Like I imagine, that while Steve would not have any regrets whatsoever about giving up his powers, he would still need some time to come to terms with the fact that he won’t be able to participate in the action like he used to. Even though, he actually wants and knows... it’s time to ... start something new, it’s still a process. So, there he is, trying to figure out who he is without the mantle of Captain America, re-defining the way he can and will fight against bullies in the future (cause there is no way he’s gonna stop that).
And to the surprise of everyone, Steve actually doesn’t press for participating in Avenger-style-fights anymore (he still does some of the practical mission planning and shit like that) but most importantly, he starts taking up new hobbies, like cooking or old hobbies like drawing - and he seems happier than he has in a long time, and yeah maybe it’s a bit too good to be true, if Sam starts thinking about it. But, hey, Steve finally seems to be happy so -
Meanwhile, Sam still becomes the new Captain America, and Steve is there while he is adjusting, finding himself in that role. He is there when Sam needs to talk things through, and yeah, it would still be a process like in tfatws series, but ... a little bit less alone, I guess. 
So, the new Captain America fights alongside Nat and Bucky - and it’s good, they work surprisingly well together, but also: those two are stuck right in the middle of a weird assassin!flirting situation (I’m imagening a lot of veeery intense staring at the other while cleaning their weapons or beating someone up, innuendos en masse, dark humour etc.). And frankly, it’s getting on Sam's nerves because they seem to be so oblivious about the whole damn thing. Neither of them is actually admitting to anything, no, they are too busy teasing him about the ‘crush’ he has developed on that mysterious dude who is running the famous political-youve-got-news-blog that gained momentum a while ago and is currently keeping all the corrupt politicians and CEOs on their toes.
So, yeah, Sam might have been caught a couple of times reading or reciting from that blog because - it has actually turned into a pretty efficient way of mobilising people to demonstrate for change and it did give him some tip-offs in regards to who the bad guy really was and yeah. But it’s not a crush... Sam just really likes reading the blog posts, okay. That dude seems pretty cool and they share the same moral code, so... whatever.
What Nat and Bucky and Steve don't know (and he’ll never tell them), is that Sam is actually kiiiiinda already frequently talking with the guy who runs the blog. Anonymously on both ends, of course (because for good reasons both of them are pretty careful about giving away information concerning their identities). And in a way that whole anonymity-thing makes it a lot easier to talk about stuff he finds harder to admit to the people who he knows directly. So, you could say, blog-guy has kinda become Sam's internet friend, but not his crush, no.
Honestly, the crush he is more concerned about (that he also isn't planning on telling anyone about any time soon, cause Bucky would just tease him and Nat would start scheming) is, well, it’s Steve. Because, damn, he likes their get-togethers a lot, the meals Steve's cooking are honestly to die for. They watch baseball together, they do museum-trips... And the way they can talk about (almost) everything... He just feels understood and... yeah, loved (maybe not in the way that he wishes for, but still) and it’s nice to see Steve so happy and okay, maybe it’s getting a bit out of control because Sam took Steve with him to visit Sarah and his nephews and Sarah kinda saw right through his act of ‘hey, this is my best friend’ and ‘what do you mean, I don’t have feelings- okay. Yeah maybe I do’ and told him in no uncertain terms to fucking do something about it and get his shit together.
The thing is, he’s got it bad. But Sam is also torn, because this is the best fucking friendship he's ever had and he does not want to jeopardise that. So, in the end he ends up talking about this with his Internet friend... about how he kinda has this huge crush on his best friend, and his Internet friend is like, ‘TELL ME ABOUT IT, big fucking same here UGH. And I feel like I’m being SO obvious about it all. It’s honestly embarrassing. My other best friend keeps teasing me ‘bout it and tells me to just go for it, but that guy still hasn’t managed to ask out the girl he’s interested in, so, what does he know, right?’. And Sam laughs - at least he’s not alone.
So the days go by (Sam’s pining only increases, Steve took him to a wine tasting the other night and he almost... in his drunk state... almost... but he didn’t) until one day, while blog-guy and Sam are chatting, all of the sudden the blog-guy is like, ‘Shit, I think someone's breaking into my apartment’ and then like, ‘Okay, yes they are’ - and Sam's like, ‘call 911′, and blog-guy writes back ‘mmh think I can handle them’ (and Sam’s like ‘WTF... I know way too many people with zero regards for their own well-being, myself included’)
But then blog-guy is not answering anymore, so Sam frantically calls up Nat who rushes to his flat and Sam says: ‘You need to find out where that IP adress is located ASAP - the dude with that famous blog is in danger.’
And Nat does that multitasking thing where she’s working on the problem while ribbing Sam about the fact that, apparently, Captain America's Internet bestie is that famous blog dude, and- 'Are you sure it’s not a crush?'
But after another minute, Nat sighs and is like, ‘I can't find the location, this thing is encrypted af, it’s impossible.’ Suddenly, she notices something about the setup of the encryption and-, ‘Hang on a second, it was me who set this up for someone back in 2011.′ And as she slips on her jacket, she says to Sam, ‘Come on. I know where we have to go!’
So they make their way to what turns out is Steve's (!!!!) apartment and find him in the middle of a fight against over half a dozen heavily armed people, and yeah - he’s actually doing pretty okay for himself ‘cause he outsmarted a couple of them, but also- they kind of outnumber him, so Nat and Sam get to work.
And Sam doesn't even have time to fully register what that means re:blog-guy until they have successfully defeated the bad guys. After that's done, Steve is like, ‘Thanks guys, but how the hell did you know I was in trouble? Nat... you didn’t bug my apartment, did you??’
And Nat tstsk and then she just laughs because this is priceless and OF CoURSE it is Steve who is behind that blog... (she's a bit mad at herself for not figuring it out sooner, and a bit sad that Steve didn't feel like he could tell her, and that he assumes she has is flat bugged but, also,... kinda impressed.) But then she looks at him with a warm smile on her face, shaking her head, saying, ‘No, I didn’t, Steve.’ Her gaze wanders back and forth between Steve and Sam and she humms- 'That actually makes so much sense oh my god.' So, she leaves them ‘to talk’ ;) and for Sam to explain everything’ - and then it’s just the two of them.
And Sam does explain everything and is like, 'So you're that Blog dude, erm...' He's scratching the back of his neck, cheeks flushed, 'Turns out, we've been talking for months over that blog of yours. I'm (insert-Sam’s-username-here).'- and Steve's eyes go wide and you can literally see him processing that information right then and there and he's sputtering out a light laugh, and he's like 'Hang on a second... I... umm, okay, I gotta ask. So, that best friend you've got a crush on...' Well, it’s now or never -'Is you, yeah..', Sam admits and starts, 'and....' They both laugh again and Steve nods and just says- 'yeah, it’s you, too.'
And then they kiss and yaaay, happy ending!!!
And then the epilogue would be about them having a nice dinner with Bucky and Nat a couple of months later, and the whole time, Sam and Steve are being very much in loveTM. The three guys are standing in the kitchen, while Natasha is in the bathroom and Bucky's making a funny quib about how sickeningly cute Sam and Steve are together - and Sam, well, Sam just raises his eyebrows and is like, 'You know what, you're not allowed to say anything bout that, you and Romanoff have been acting waaaaay worse over the last year. At least we got our shit together in the end, what's your excuse, you are obviously absolutely in love with her!', and of course Nat chooses that exact moment to enter the room, hand on Bucky's waist, dropping a kiss on his cheek and is like, 'What do you mean, we've been dating for 6 months?' And Steve laughs and Sam groans bc .... he loves his friends, he does, but clearly, CLEARLY they ALL have to work on their communication skills!
The End.
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andypantsx3 · 4 years
if i could keep cool | 4
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pairing: Todoroki Shouto / Reader
length: 20,322 words / 6 chapters
summary: A villain attacks Shouto Todoroki’s apartment and kidnaps what he apparently believes to be Todoroki’s secret lover. The bad news—for both you and the villain in question—is that you’re just there to clean the place. That’s how it starts.
tags: romance, reader-insert, accidental sugar daddy shouto, misunderstandings
warnings: aged up characters, eventual smut
There was no other word for it. Todoroki was a menace.
Though his schedule seemed to return to something approximating normal, he was still in the apartment often enough that you began to anticipate him being there. Even when he wasn’t, however, he made life difficult enough for you by leaving behind gifts, with progressively more disappointed notes if you didn’t take them. You didn’t know how it was possible to convey that flat tone in the shape of his letters, but you could practically hear it as you read them over.
Worse, he seemed to know exactly which of your weak points to exploit to get you to want the gifts--leaving you several more books, a bag of the really nice coffee beans from the coffee shop you’d told him about, and a sinfully soft scarf as the weather turned colder. When you continued to ignore the insane amount of money he seemed to think passed for a tip, fresh vegetables started cropping up on the countertops with notes that said things like I’m not going to eat these, if you don’t take them they will be wasted to guilt you into compliance.
A month into it, an entire grocery order started showing up every Thursday shift. My refrigerator is full so don’t try to stuff any of this in there, his note commanded.
He was a master of manipulation, it seemed, and to what end you didn’t know. You made mental notes to not mention any further likes during your conversations, but when he was there, Todoroki’s conversation was so easy and so natural, he continued to pull all the details out of you with ease.
So things you really, really liked kept turning up. And as you talked to him, Todoroki was turning into a thing that you really, really liked as well.
It was overwhelming.
The final straw was a Friday afternoon when you hit up the fancy coffee shop just outside campus. You walked in with the extra money you’d saved up not buying your own groceries, and the vague idea that you would get a head start on an upcoming paper. And then, the barista very obviously glanced between you and a sheet of paper taped to a corner of the register, and refused to let you pay for your order.
“Your order is free!” she chirped cheerfully.
You stared. “What?”
“It’s already taken care of!” she said, and immediately, a cloud of suspicion settled over you.
“What’s the occasion?” you asked.
She smiled. “The occasion is someone already paid for you!”
You glanced around the coffee shop, but you could find nothing but a few unfamiliar students purusing books or churning out work on their respective laptops. You turned back to her.
“And if I were to walk into this coffee shop tomorrow, would the occasion also be that someone already paid for me?”
She nodded. “Yes! All your future orders are paid for, please come as often as you like!”
You gaped at her, and she cheerfully stuffed your coffee into your hands. Then you glared down at the white paper cup accusingly, and it stared back at you, looking like one half of a certain menace’s hair color.
Oh, he was in for it.
You stalked over to a table and whipped out your cell phone, shooting off a message so fast your fingers practically burned.
todoroki what the hell
To your surprise, you received a reply almost immediately.
It’s Shouto.
Like hell it was.
first names are for friends, not psychopaths. did you really pay for all of my future orders at the coffee shop?
Is this your first time there this month? he answered. Where do you usually go?
You stared at your phone. He’d done this a month ago? Also, no way you were telling him your budget spot where you picked up lukewarm bean water when you couldn’t afford four dollar americanos. The last thing you needed was for him to buy them out, too.
You got to your feet, marching back over to the barista.
She smiled. “Back for something else?”
“Yeah, how do I cancel the all my orders are paid for thing?” you asked. “Can you just delete whatever info he left you and charge me from now on?”
She looked you up and down. “Are you sure?”
You nodded. “Yeah, I’m sure.”
She stared, then leaned in to whisper. “You do know who paid for all your orders, right? Are you actually sure you want to cancel?”
A migraine started in your temples. Had Todoroki actually come in here himself to give his information? Was he trying to get you caught up in the secret lover bullshit that was still swirling in the media?
“I’m extra sure,” you smiled, then went back to your table, satisfied.
No sooner than you had dug out your laptop, though, when your phone buzzed. You looked down at the name on the screen and paled. Todoroki was way easier to deal with via text when you couldn’t hear that low, smooth tone directly in your ear. His face and his voice were absolutely fucking mind-melting, and it would be hard to maintain your stubborn stance even in the face of just one.
Still, though, this was the last straw.
“How many times do I have to tell you that friendship is free?” you hissed quietly as you picked up.
“They told me you tried to cancel,” he said flatly, and your head whipped up to glare at the barista accusingly. She smiled.
“Shouto,” he said.
“Fine, Shouto,” you said, “It’s been a month and maybe I let you get the wrong idea by accepting all of the vegetables and everything, but this ends here. I told you that it doesn’t cost anything to be friends with me, and you had better stop apologizing. It’s not that I don’t appreciate it, but--”
“Then do,” he said simply.
“Then just appreciate it,” he answered. His voice was somehow even lower on the phone and a shiver went down your spine, despite your frustration with him. “Just accept them. Why is it so bad if a friend gives you things?”
God, he was such a rich boy, wasn’t he?
“Shouto, I do appreciate it,” you said. “But I don’t need any of that. And I know that you know this isn’t necessary--I highly doubt that you are buying Midoriya all of his weekly coffees or draping Bakugou in soft scarves. All you need to be friends with me is to just hang out, the same way you do them.”
Shouto was quiet a moment. “Hang out,” he finally said, slowly, like he was tasting the words in his mouth. Then, “Are you free right now?”
“W-what?” you managed.
“You don’t have class right now, right? Your last lecture just let out.”
You were surprised that he remembered your class schedule. Just how much had you told him?
“Uh, yeah?” you asked.
“Good, stay where you are. We’re hanging out,” he pronounced the words like they were foreign on his tongue, then hung up.
You stared down at your phone in shock. He wanted to hang out with you? Like, outside of his apartment?
There was no arguing the two of you got along relatively well, now that the threat of your crazy fandom and the weight of his mistake no longer hung over your relationship. You talked easily enough the one or two times you saw him during any given week. But so far your interactions had been somewhat limited, confined to the familiar space of his apartment and limited to the time that you had to be there. You texted a little outside of that, but you’d never just casually hung out.
Then the weight of his words really hit you. He was coming here? To the coffee shop? In full view of your entire campus? Was he insane?
You ran through a mental checklist of things in your bag that could be used to disguise him but came up short. You didn’t know exactly what he planned to look like when he put in an appearance here, but you were not interested in fanning the flames of the secret lover garbage that was still all over twitter and splashed across the glossy pages of the magazines at the grocery store.
You shot to your feet and threw your bag over your shoulder, then ran out the door, dashing for the campus shop that sat just outside the student center. You blew through the door and dove straight for the apparel section, grabbing the least heinous hat that looked like it would cover most of Shouto’s distinctive hairstyle while also drawing the least amount of attention to its wearer. You also helped yourself to a plain pair of sunglasses that would probably be kind of inappropriate in the fall weather, but would go a long way in hiding his eyes and that scar.
Why did he insist on having so many distinguishing features? Would it kill him to have dark hair and dark eyes like most of the rest of the earth’s population?
You threw the items and a wad of bills down on the register counter, then paused. A few small, slightly-wilted looking bouquets of flowers sprouted from buckets just beside the register in the colors of your university. You didn’t know what the colors or type of the flowers were supposed to mean, and they probably didn’t give off exactly the message you wanted to send, but Shouto had gotten you flowers as the first gift he’d ever given you…
You grabbed the least wilted looking bunch and threw them on top of the other items.
The cashier rang you up with all the urgency of a sloth, and you tapped your foot nervously as you waited. How was Shouto getting here? How long would it take him? Would he be at the coffee shop already?
You stuffed the flowers into your bag, then launched yourself out of the campus shop like a rocket, catching that mop of red and white hair just outside the entrance to the coffee shop. You put on a burst of speed and managed to jam the baseball cap down over his head before he pulled open the door. He turned to you in surprise.
“Y/N,” he said.
“Yes, hi, hello,” you managed while also trying to ram the sunglasses onto his face.
He let out a small huff of amusement. “What are you doing?”
“What you should have done before coming here, you absolute wackjob,” you said, finally managing to slip the shades over his high-bridged nose without poking his eyes out.
Shouto let you manhandle him to your liking, until his face and hair were mostly hidden under your university merchandise.
“Okay, you should be good now,” you said, looking him over. He still stood out, honestly, too tall and outrageously handsome, even covered up as he was. The sweater and well-fitting jeans he’d chosen would still draw anyone’s gaze straight to his trim figure, but it would have to do.
“We can’t go inside, though, you’ll look too shady with the cap and glasses,” you said. “We need to go somewhere outdoors.”
He stared down at you, one eyebrow lifted over the top of his sunglasses. “It’s fall.”
You thought for a moment.
“How do you feel about izakaya?” you asked. “There’s a street-side one not far from here that’s mostly outdoors. They’re good, and I think they’re still open.”
He nodded. “Do you go there often?”
You eyed him. “Oh no. If I tell you places I go, you apparently buy them out. The whole point of you being here is to prove that buying me things is stupid when we can just hang out.”
The corner of his mouth twitched like he was being told a joke you couldn’t hear. “Lead the way, then,” he said evenly.
You pulled him down a few blocks, expertly navigating your way through the winding city streets. You would never admit as much to him, but this place was one of your faves for good beer and cheap yakitori, and you could probably easily find your way both blindfolded and drunk. Shouto followed you easily, a tall, silent warmth at your back.
There were few people at the izakaya when you arrived, considering it was still a little early for dinner, and no one gave the two of you a second glance when you pulled back the curtains and helped yourselves to pair of stools in the corner of the stall.
“Okay, you have to get a beer and yakitori first," you said. "You can do whatever you want after, but the first round has to be that. Just trust me.”
“No vegetables?” Shouto asked.
You laughed. “I know that’s my brand. And there are good veggie side dishes. But there is nothing like fresh, warm, cheap yakitori and a really good beer, especially on a cool fall day like this. I know what I’m talking about.”
A soft smile pulled at his mouth. “So you do come here often.”
You stared up at him accusingly. “If you dare throw a single dollar at them, you’re in huge trouble. I know where you live.”
He smiled down at you. It was easier to notice how boyish his grin was when the rest of his face was hidden by his sunglasses, and heat flared in your cheeks. He was just so damn good looking.
It suddenly dawned on you how forward you’d been with him, sending him sassy texts and putting your hands all over him when you were attempting to stuff him into your university swag. Your relationship had progressed somewhat since that first book he’d bribed you with, but honestly, this was completely new ground for you.
Your face burned hotter. You’d been so, so inexcusably forward. Had you lost your mind?
Shouto seemed to be thinking about the hat as well. “So, do I look like a student at your university?”
You looked him up and down. Aside from your school’s name emblazoned across his baseball cap, he looked nothing like a student, too put together in his dark sweater and jeans that probably cost more than your monthly rent. You wondered if he’d even been within ten feet of an instant ramen cup in his entire life.
“Uh, no,” you said. “You look like someone forced you to wear a hat they panic purchased and it just so happened to be the least horrible one available.”
A smile played about his mouth again. “What were the other options?”
You grinned. “It was this one or a proud dad of a college grad cap.”
He let out a small huff of amusement. You smiled, then leaned forward as the man at the counter came over to take your order, making sure to cut Shouto off before he could attempt any rich boy tricks. You put in an order for two beers and what was probably a concerning amount of yakitori, then turned back to Shouto and almost fell off your stool when he was much closer than you’d expected.
“Do you have a teleportation quirk I don’t know about?” you asked, internally panicking at his proximity. He was close enough now that you could feel the heat of him and catch the scent of his cologne, light and fresh and disturbingly good.
He smiled that boyish smile again and your heart suddenly forgot how to do its job, freezing in your chest. “It’s cold.”
You rolled your eyes. “You have a fire quirk.”
You felt the air grow a little warmer around the two of you. “I meant for you,” he said.
You were torn between relaxing into the sudden warmth and freezing up in embarrassment. It was beginning to dawn on you just how attentive and thoughtful he always was, and you wondered vaguely if the gift giving was actually just a really extreme manifestation of that personality trait. Maybe being an awkward rich boy with a weird way of making friends was just part of the issue.
Your heartbeat suddenly kicked into overdrive. He was already so overwhelming to look at, incredibly brave, such a good listener, and way too easy to talk to. You did not need to pile on other endearing qualities to the frankly alarming number of things feeding into what was quickly becoming the fattest crush of your lifetime. Did he have to be so good all the time?
A hand suddenly reached out, pulling you closer so that you were practically fused to his left side. You stiffened, resisting the urge to curl into the warmth pouring off of him in thick waves.
Not good, this was so not good.
“Uh, you don’t have to do that,” you said, tongue thick, like you were speaking through a mouthful of applesauce. “I’m wearing the scarf you got me.”
Shouto tilted his head, and though you couldn’t see his expression behind the sunglasses, something like satisfaction curled the corner of his mouth. “Good,” he said in his deep tone, “but this will help too.”
“Really, you’re my friend not my personal space heater,” you insisted, trying to squirm away from him. “You don’t need to do this.”
He flared hotter, and a strong arm went around the back of your chair, halting your escape. “I don’t mind,” he said.
God it was like he didn’t even know what effect he had on people. People, of course, being cleaning ladies with twitters full of zoomed in pictures of his abs. It was not good for your health to be this close to him, couldn’t he just let you sit ten thousand miles away from him where both of you would be a little safer?
The izakaya owner interrupted this train of thought, pushing two beers and a plateful of yakitori between the two of you.
You instantly seized on the distraction, bringing a beer to your mouth to give you a couple moments for your brain to turn on again. It was refreshingly cold, and the flavor was nostalgic, tasting like breaks after class with friends and late nights stumbling back after several rounds of karaoke and drinking. You wondered now if, in the future, you would taste it and think back to the one time you’d hung out with Shouto Todoroki.
“It’s good,” Shouto said, looking at you over the rim of his own beer.
You smiled. “I told you.”
Then you shoved a stick of yakitori at him. “Now eat this and tell me I was right about it too.”
His fingers slid along yours as he took the stick from you, calloused and warm. “...You were right about this too,” he said after managing a bite.
You felt yourself puff up. “Of course I was.”
He smiled and helped himself to the rest. With the food and drink absorbing some of your attention, you were able to calm down somewhat, and the conversation returned to normal, you doing your best to forget about the sinfully warm arm curled around your back.
Here, too, Shouto was absurdly easy to talk to, the new venue doing nothing to dull his charm or the easy way that he pulled information out of you with a few, short, well-placed questions. Over the course of a few hours, you worked your way through a few beers and several more side dishes, the conversation never letting up. Shouto was just as intelligent and thoughtful as ever, and he made you laugh with a couple of unexpectedly short tempered comments. Even the discovery that he was not as princely as he usually seemed just fanned the flames of your crush.
It was only when the people around you began to shuffle off of their stools and pack up that you realized how late it had grown, and that you’d spent the entire evening hanging out and talking.
Shouto helped you off your stool when you stumbled a little, the number of beers you’d consumed suddenly making themselves known. “You’re more of a lightweight than I would have guessed by the conversation,” he teased.
You looked up into his face, realizing that he’d shed the sunglasses at some point during your conversation and you hadn’t noticed. Had anyone else noticed? No one had come over asking for an autograph. Maybe he was so unexpected at a place like this that the hat had been enough of a disguise.
You blinked, realized you’d been staring. “Nonsense, I’m a pro. I’ve put in many more beers at this place.”
Then your eyes narrowed at the slow movement his hand was making along the counter, what looked suspiciously like a stack of bills underneath. That little shit.
“Are you trying to distract me?” you demanded, grabbing his hand and stuffing the money back into it. “This is on me. I haven’t paid for groceries in weeks, thanks to somebody.”
Shouto smirked, looking strangely pleased with himself. His hand curled around yours, and his other came up to take your free hand. It was only when he’d transferred both of your wrists into one large palm that you realized what he was doing, plopping down a handful of bills on the counter quickly with his free hand, then pulling your backpack over your shoulder and tugging you away from the izakaya before you could make a scene. You’d been thoroughly outmaneuvered.
“I’ll take you home,” he said, steering you back out into the street. “Give me your address.”
“Shouto,” you whined, “this whole evening was supposed to be about proving you don’t need to spend money to be my friend. We were supposed to hang out.”
“We did hang out,” he pointed out, looking down at you from under the rim of that ridiculous baseball cap. “Your point was very much made.”
It was a testament to how tipsy you were, probably, that this warmed you. You forgot your annoyance with him almost immediately. “Really?”
He huffed a laugh. “Really. Now give me your address so I can take you home.”
You did and he plugged it into his phone. Then he led you along with one hand curled around yours. You spent the whole walk musing on how warm his fingers were in yours, how much larger his hands seemed than yours. Why was even his stupid hand so nice?
It was only as Shouto walked you to the door of your apartment that you remembered the last thing you’d gotten for him in the campus store. You quickly unzipped your backpack, shoving the bouquet of flowers at him.
“For you,” you said, pressing them into his chest. “You got me those flowers. These ones aren’t as nice, but I thought that you should have some too.”
He stared down at you, something strange glinting in his eyes. “You got me flowers.”
“Do you not like them?” you asked nervously. Was it weird to give a guy flowers? It was probably weird…
“I like them,” he declared, and a genuine smile flickered across his mouth. His eyes looked a little brighter, and his gaze was growing more intent by the second. “Now, you should probably get inside before I forget my manners.”
Forget his manners? You stared up at him in confusion.
He looked down at you for a long moment, and then he was suddenly very close, his face dipping down to yours.
“Get inside,” he said quietly, voice deeper than you’d ever heard it. “Please.”
You nodded, swallowing. You had just enough presence of mind to turn and unlock your door. Shouto guided you gently inside with a hand on your back, and then stepped back outside, smiling.
“I’ll see you on Tuesday,” he said.
You waved. “See you on Tuesday.”
You watched him make his way back down the street, only closing your door when you saw him turn the corner and disappear out of sight. Then you sank down against the door frame, heart feeling like it was going to beat straight out of your chest.
Shouto was the most overwhelming man on this earth. You were in such big trouble.
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immabethehero · 3 years
Henrik but he’s Baymax
Hey so! A little while ago on a discord server, I suddenly came up with the idea of Henrik as Baymax, and this story spawned from it. Should I make more content for it, I’ll call it Henrik Healthcare Provider.
CW: Death mention, food mention, self-neglect and slight starvation, coma mention, hospital mention
@leobashi I know you were excited about this!
Chase lies in bed, his arms wrapped around a pillow as he stares blankly at the wall. The curtains are closed, only bits of sunshine peeking through. A plate of cold, untouched food sits on his desk. He can’t remember how long it’s been since he last slept or moved. He sighs and closes his eyes. Maybe this time he won’t get nightmares.
Someone knocks on the door. Chase keeps his eyes closed, pretending to be asleep. He hears someone open the door. A waft of eggs, bacon and hashbrowns fills the stuffy room.
“Morning, Chase,” a voice whispers. It’s Marvin bringing him food today. Chase wills him to put the food down and leave.
He hears steps and the plate being set down, but instead of closing the door, he hears footsteps coming toward him, and then a weight beside him on the bed. A hand gently strokes his hair.
“You should come down soon. The others miss seeing you,” Marvin says. “Sleep well, Chase. I hope you feel better soon.” The weight disappears and Chase hears the door close.
Chase groans and sits up, his body aching from lying still for too long. He supposes he should get outside his room soon. It’s what Jack would want him to do.
Chase’s stomach drops and his eyes water as soon as the thought enters his head. He misses Jack so much. His roommate, his rock, his best friend. It has been two weeks since the fire that had rendered Jack unconscious when he ran in to save their robotics professor. The building had exploded in flames, and while Jack was rescued by firefighters and immediately rushed to the hospital, their professor was not so lucky. Jack now resides in the hospital, bandages covering nasty burn wounds, and a breathing tube up his nose. Chase visits whenever he can, saying hello and catching him up on life, before leaving to lie in bed until the next time he could see him.
Chase slowly stands up and stumbles over to his wardrobe. He opens it and begins rummaging through for clean pants to wear. He grabs a pair of navy jeans and slams the drawer on his finger.
“OW!” Chase yelps, yanking his finger out and holding it close. He groans in pain, holding his finger. 
Suddenly, he hears a beeping sound from behind him and the sound of something stirring to life. He turns around and gasps as two ice blue eyes stare back at him.
“Who are you?!” Chase demands, his voice hoarse from disuse.
A figure steps out from the dark shadows of the room, the sunlight peeking out from behind the blinds shining on a human body. 
Chase makes out a man with soft brown hair, a light blue shirt and khakis underneath a white doctor’s coat. The man observes Chase with a friendly expression on his face. A very small pair of glasses sits on his nose. They look more like two connected dots. The man lifts his hand robotically and waves.
“Hello, I am Henrik, your personal healthcare companion,” he says. His voice is soft with a German accent.
“Henrik! I didn’t know you were still active,” Chase says, shocked. He had almost forgotten Jack bringing home his creepy, life-sized robot doctor. Jack had worked for a whole 6 months on the robot, fitting him up with over 1000 healthcare protocols and procedures. At the cry of “ow”, the robot awakens.
“I heard a sound of distress. What seems to be the trouble?” Henrik asks, tilting his head.
“I just pinched my finger, I’ll be alright,” Chase says, shrugging.
Henrik blinks and his glasses project a screen in the air. Ten faces appear, each with a number. “On a scale of one to ten, how would you rate your pain?”
“Zero? I’m fine, it’s already gone,” Chase says. “You can go back to sleep now.”
Henrik leans over to inspect the wound. “Does it hurt when I touch it?” he asks as he lifts his hand up.
“Please do not touch me,” Chase snaps, stepping back. Henrik ignores him, stepping closer to see his finger. Chase stumbles and falls backwards into the space between the wardrobe and the wall.
Henrik stares down at him, expression still neutral. “You have fallen.”
“You think?” Chase scoffs. He grabs a shelf to pull himself up, only for the shelf to break and trinkets to slide down on him. All the while, Henrik asks,
“On a scale of-”
“On a scale of-”
“On a scale of-”
“On a scale of on-”
A particularly heavy trophy lands on Chase’s tenders. He emits a high pitched cry.
“On a scale of one to ten, how would you rate your pain?”
“Zero,” Chase squeaks, holding his sore tenders.
Henrik pulls Chase out of the rubble and hugs him tightly. “It is alright to cry. Crying is a natural response to pain.”
Chase pulls himself out of Henrik’s grip. “I’m not crying!”
“I will scan you for injuries,” Henrik says.
“Don’t scan me,” Chase orders.
Henrik blinks. “Scan complete.”
“You have sustained no injuries, but you lack necessary nutrients in your body. Have you eaten today?”
“Yes,” Chase snaps. Right on cue, his stomach growls. He sighs.
Henrik does not react in the slightest. Marvin or Jameson would have shaken their heads, Jackie and Jack would have immediately run off to grab Chase a snack. Instead, Henrik looks around the room, before taking notice of the food on Chase’s desk. He walks over and bends down.
“Someone has left you some food. You should eat,” Henrik finally says.
“I’m not hungry.”
“You have not eaten in a while, you must do so before you faint from hunger and dizziness. I will warm up your food.” Henrik rubs his hands together and hovers them over the food. Chase stares incredulously. He didn’t know Henrik could do that.
“Uh, it’s alright, I’ve already had enough.”
“Your diet and nutrient history says otherwise.”
“Your food is warm now. Enjoy your meal.” Henrik stands up and backs up to let Chase sit down and eat. Chase refuses to move.
“You must eat, Chase. It is not healthy to neglect your stomach and diet. You will not feel well and any task you put your mind to will be finished inadequately.”
Chase sighs and sits down, taking the fork and stabbing his omelette with it, then shoving it in his mouth. He glares at Henrik. “Happy?”
“Are you happy?” Henrik shoots back, face neutral as always.
Marvin would have stormed out in frustration by now, Jackie would have left to let him cool down. Jameson would have sat down to read, staying only to make sure Chase finished his meal, a look of annoyance on his face. In the months that Chase has seen the robot awake, Henrik has never shown any emotion. He never told Jack, but it unnerves him to no end.
“No? Yes? I don’t know,” Chase says.
“How does the food taste?” Henrik asks.
“It’s alright,” Chase says, moving on to the bacon. “You want some?”
“I am a robot. I cannot eat,” Henrik reminds him. Henrik smiles for the first time. Chase relaxes a little. Maybe he does have emotions.
“Right, sorry. Didn’t mean to offend you,” Chase says.
“I am a robot. I cannot be offended,” Henrik says.
Chase can’t help but laugh. It startles him a little. He hasn’t laughed in a while. Henrik tilts his head in confusion. His expression only makes Chase laugh more.
The door suddenly swings open and Jackie, Marvin and Jameson all run in.
“We heard a bang, are you alright?” Jameson signs, worried. Chase nods, still laughing.
“Oh, you’re smiling again, Chase. I haven’t seen you smile in such a long time,” Marvin remarks.
Jackie observes Henrik, who gives him a quick look and says, “I sense your temperature is higher than normal. Are you feeling well?”
“Absolutely…” Jackie responds, only half-paying attention. “Chase, who is this?”
“Henrik, Jack’s robot that he’s been working on. He’s a robotic nurse.”
“I am equipped with over 1000 healthcare procedures and protocols. Jack made me in the hopes of helping people access quicker healthcare,” Henrik explains.
“He looks amazing!” Jameson exclaims. “It’s amazing what mankind can do with technology!”
Henrik watches as Jameson lifts his arm up to examine him. “Your neurotransmitter levels indicate that you are happy.”
“I am!” Jameson says. “Wait, how does he know sign language?”
“Jack programmed me to understand up to 100 languages, including BSL, your current language,” Henrik says.
“Amazing! Imagine how many people Henrik can help!” Jameson cries in delight, clapping his hands.
“How did he get in your room? I thought he was back at the workshop,” Marvin says.
“Jack brought him home because they needed space,” Chase says. “Our own garage was filled with my own project, so I let him take my room for the meantime.”
“Where is Jack?” Henrik suddenly asks. “He is usually with me when I am awake.”
The atmosphere in the room immediately sullens. Chase sighs and rubs a hand over his face.
“He’s... in the hospital,” he says.
“Is he alright? When will he return?” Henrik asks.
“When he wakes up. He’s in a coma.”
“Oh.” Henrik’s face remains neutral. Chase scowls at the robot’s lack of emotion.
“I am sorry to hear that. But with patience and enough healing, I am sure he will awaken,” Henrik says.
“That’s what the doctors keep telling us,” Marvin says, hugging himself.
Henrik walks over to the computer and puts his hand on it. His glasses project a screen and images fly by.
“What are you doing?” Jackie asks.
“I am downloading information on comas and its effects on both patients and family members of patients,” Henrik says. “Information dictates that visiting the patient regularly can help improve the probability of the patient waking up.”
“I know that,” Chase says. “I’ve been doing that all week.”
“Physical and verbal reassurance can help loved ones cope with the current state of the patient,” Henrik continues. He crosses over to Chase and hugs him, the movement stiff but welcoming. Chase awkwardly leans into the hug.
“Everything will be alright. There, there,” Henrik soothes, patting his head. Chase chuckles.
“Thanks, Henrik. It’s appreciated.”
Henrik nods and pulls away. “If there is anything else you need, I will be nearby. But for now, I cannot deactivate until you say you are satisfied with your care.”
“Already? You just woke up,” Jackie protests.
“I do not see a reason for me to be here at the very moment. I am simply taking up space.”
Jackie’s heart sinks a little for the robot. Even though Henrik meant it in very different circumstances, Jackie can’t help being reminded of the thousand times his human friends have said that. He gently grabs the robot’s arm.
“Why don’t you stay out a little longer? We’d love to give you a tour of the house,” he suggests.
Chase raises an eyebrow. “We?”
“Will that help improve your mental state?” Henrik asks.
“Maybe?” Jackie says. The other shrug.
Henrik blinks. “Alright then. Lead the way.”
Jackie walks out, Marvin and Jameson following behind him. Henrik begins to exit, but hesitates when he sees Chase remain where he is.
“Are you not coming?” Henrik asks.
“I think I’ll pass. I’ve seen the house before.”
“Some exercise and fresh air will improve your health, both physically and mentally.”
“You don’t give up easily, do you?”
“Come outside, Chase. Today’s weather is a high of 20 degrees with sunshine. You might enjoy it.”
Chase sighs and stands up, taking the plate with him. “Coming.”
Henrik smiles once more. “Good.”
@graysun, @florenceisfalling, @miishae, @lonelyseiren, @goldenoceanaart, @egopocalypse, @oasisofgalaxies, @fleecal, @kofi-kiing​, @myspatialspace, @jo-ann-ahh-2, @huffletrax, @gemstone6, @dumbasticart, @lunaarmada,@meteorshowersfillthesky, @uhhbeans​​,  @the-pastel-kitsune​, @bupine,  @climbing-starrs, @the-spawn-of-loki, @jadehowlettthewolf, @obsidiancreates, @rammypaige, @hollenka99, @cest-mellow, @randowaffle, @green-protects, @dezi-popp, @badlypostedeverything, @crystalninjaphoenix​, @milo-kno​​, @pixelpixie-pix​​, @why-killed-markiplier​
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eloquent--asshole · 3 years
My Date With the President’s Son
a/n: I’ve been getting a lot of anons recently letting me know they couldn’t find this piece. Well... I found out it was deleted. So, here is a repost of My Date With the President’s Son! I was so sad when I found out it was gone :( BUT IT’S BACK!!! :) And much love to all of you that let me know it was missing! Come talk to me about this, future ideas, or anything! --PJ
hey, hi, hello! this is my submission for the Pick Your Poison fic challenge! I went with a good ole fake dating piece. Also, sidenote: this is the first pic i’ve actually decided to post! Please feel free to message me with any comments, questions, or concern. Also, an absolutely MASSIVE shoutout to @for-fucks-sake-h, @oh-honey-styles, and @andwhenshesays for creating this and letting me be a part of it! I’m so happy I decided to do this even though I was an absolute mess about it! Buckle up kids, it’s about to get messy!
read the other challenge pieces here!!!!! and support them!
"Miss. Y/L/N, I don't think you understand the immense pressure we're under with this mission." My boss, Mr. Thompson, was staring at me from across the conference table. The room was bright. Almost too bright from the fluorescent lights beaming on us.
I looked at my hands resting on my thighs under the table before returning to his gaze. "Well, Mr. Thompson, I don’t think you understand that this goes against not only our ethical codes but my moral beliefs as well.”
Mr. Thompson spoke as he got up and came around the table, taking a seat on the glass two feet to my left. "Miss. Y/L/N, you are obligated to serve your country. However the circumstances may seem. If you do not take this mission, I will be suggesting your employment for termination."
I ran a hand down my cheek. "What –“ I ran the options through my head. Get fired or help the President’s son. Easy decision, really. “How could this even work? Does he know?"
"No, he doesn’t know. Don't worry about the details of that. We will take care of it. Nevertheless, on your part, it must seem as authentic as possible." I looked at him in disbelief.
How could this be happening? What did I do to deserve the position to role play as the President’s slutty son’s romantic interest? I let out a heavy sigh before nodding at Mr. Thompson. He let a small smile break through his tough demeanor.
“Very well, we’ve set up for you two to ‘meet’ tomorrow.” Mr. Thompson got up to open the door at the end of the room. “Oh,” he paused turning to look at me one last time, “And don’t worry, if anything goes off course, you’ll be wearing an earpiece and a mic. So we’ll know and figure it out as we go along. Remember Y/N. We’re all in this together.”
But were we?
I sat in position, waiting for the signal. I was outside a quaint coffee shop where my target was currently buying a coffee.
As I got my cue from the team, I got up and started walking in the direction of the van that was watching our every move. The door to the coffee shop flew open and I felt a heavy weight rush into me "Oh my gosh, I’m so sorry. I didn’t even see you there," came rushing out of the stranger’s mouth. I looked down at the spilled coffee on the ground between us.
"No, no. It's okay, I should have been paying more attention." I said, letting an embarrassed blush creep onto my cheeks. Why did he have to actually run into me?
"Can I buy you another coffee?” He offered.
"Oh, you don't have to do that"
"No, I insist. Really." He said, reopening the door to the café.
"Okay," I hesitated. “I’m Y/N, by the way.”
"Nice to meet you, Y/N, I’m Harry. What do you like to drink?”
I heard Thompson in my ear immediately, "Vanilla soy latte,” he basically shouted.
"Vanilla soy latte, please" I offered a smile to the barista, hiding my wince. “A grande.”
"You're joking." Harry smiled down at me. He was taller than I expected. Standing about 6”1.  His curls cut into the frame of his sunglasses. Cute. I thought to myself.
"Why?" I asked, letting a giggle escape my lips.
"That's what I drink" He chuckled. Okay. I see what you’re doing, Thompson.
We smiled at each other and finished ordering. The drinks were up almost instantly. We sat at a table I chose outside. Purposely, so the team could continue watching.
"So, tell me about yourself," He started, taking a sip of his latte.
"I-" I paused briefly, waiting for instruction from Thompson.
"You work as the marketing director for Accent" Accent is a huge professional services firm. There’s no way I’m getting away with this.
"I work as a marketing director.” I took a breath, “For Accent."
"That's cool, I have some friends who work over there." Is he onto me? "Do you know Rich?”
"Rich Charleston. Operations Manager. 5"5. Auburn hair. Brown eyes.” Thompson barked in my ear.
"Oh yeah. The operations manager? He's not that tall. Auburn hair?" I questioned, a coy smile playing at my lips.
"Yeah! That's him! Funny, I've been to a few work parties with them. I've never seen you around." He looked at his coffee and came back to me. I felt my cheeks tinge pink yet again. No way I’m making it through this.
"Y/N, you're doing great. Just go with it. You started at Accent three months ago. They haven't had a company party in five months.” Thompson stated. It’s weird. Almost as if playing detective. Wait. I am a detective. A very…high end detective.
"Oh, yeah. I only started a few months ago, so that would make sense." I giggled, taking a sip of my latte.
Harry’s phone started ringing in his pocket. He slipped it out to check the notification. "Shit, sorry. I actually have to get going. I'm late for a meeting. Could I get your number?" He asked, handing over his phone.
"Yeah, that'd be nice." I took his phone where the ‘add new contact’ was already on his screen. I entered my information and handed it back. "Great, I'll see you around then."
"Gladly." He was off, hopping into the back seat of an awaiting SUV across the street. As it pulled away, I noticed it was in a no-parking zone. Of course, it would be. He's the president's son.
It has been three weeks since my ‘run in’ with Harry. He texted me an hour later asking if he could see me again. We had seen each other twice over the course of three weeks. Each time in a public setting to ensure the FBI could have an eye on us at all times.
We talked mostly about my work. He had finally let it slide through text that he was the President’s son. It was easy to act surprised through text. It would be harder to act as if I didn’t know my coworkers if it ever got to the point that I would be seeing him in a more intimate setting.
I was starting to realize why so many women were swooning for him. Not only was he handsome –  he was charming, sweet, and extremely articulate.
I sat in Mr. Thompson’s office discussing plans for the upcoming benefit. The benefit that Harry had yet to ask me to.
"Mr. Thompson, he has no idea this plan is underway. Like what happens if he tries to make advances on me. I did not sign up to be this boy's actual girlfriend.” I borderline complained.
"Miss. Y/L/N. This is your duty for the time being. We're trying to keep him safe and clean up his image. This is the best way we can do that.”
"Mr. Thompson, with all due respect, what if he actually starts to have feelings for me. What if he asks me to be his girlfriend? What if – "
Mr. Thompson raised a hand to interrupt me. "Miss Y/L/N, if that happens, we will handle it. Mr. Styles will never know. Now for the upcoming benefit. You will attend with Mr. Styles. As always, you will wear an earpiece. Members of the secret service will be aware of your presence. If something comes up, I will be in your ear warning you to get Mr. Styles out of there. Understood?"
"Yes sir,” I agreed, sulking into the chair. “But sir, he hasn’t even asked me.” Thompson’s hands brushed through the air - almost as to dismiss my thoughts.
“Oh, don’t worry, kid.” He snickered. “Mr. Horan, the head of his security, has intel that he will be asking you.”
As predicted, Harry did ask me to join him at the benefit. Giving me a two-day notice. Scratch that. Harry said he wanted me to come to a “party” and ‘wear something suited for a ball’  I recounted the statement as he was dropping me off from our brunch “date” on Thursday.
I stared at myself in the champagne-colored gown in my full-length mirror. I let out a frustrated sigh. This was so wrong. I shouldn’t be doing this to him. He’s actually really sweet. How can I untangle myself from this mess? I could commit treason, leave the country, and lay under the radar. One part of my brain told me. Or be put to death. The other part reminded me. I gave myself one last look-over and decided it was time to head to the lobby.
My roommate, Ashley, whistled at me as I walked out of my bedroom into the kitchen. “Going somewhere nice?” she asked.
“Work event,” I brushed off. I hadn’t told her anything. Specifically, because of the confidentiality behind the mission.
“With Harry Styles?” I froze in my tracks, taking a deep breath.
“How did you know that?”
“Sweetheart. You are all over the magazine covers. Do you think no one has cameras in public? I was speechless. How could I be so naïve that journalists who have such a strong eye on Harry’s personal, party lifestyle wouldn’t spot us out?
“Honey,” I heard our third roommate, Summer, call from the couch. “Did you really think you could be so slick?”
“Why didn’t you tell us?” Ashlie chimed in.
Before I could answer, a call from Harry popped up on my phone. “I’m sorry, I have to go. He’s here.” I said turning on my heel to exit our apartment.
“Wait – “ Summer stopped me – “Can you please give us some juicy details on the man-who – I mean your new fling when you get home?”
I laughed at her response with a nod and started my trek to the lobby.
He was waiting outside the SUV, dressed in a black suit and a matching champagne tie. “Well don’t you look lovely.”
I blushed at his compliment. The security guard driving us gave me a curt nod as he opened the door for us. “Thank you. You look quite handsome yourself.”
When I dodged his kiss, he pulled me in for a hug before gesturing for me to get in first. “Thanks.” Despite the disappointment in his eyes, Harry’s smile was beaming. He looked absolutely adora – Y/N stop. This is strictly for work.
The door shut behind us and in half a second we were whizzing down the street to the banquet hall where the Benefit was being held.
“I’m really happy you agreed to be my date tonight,” Harry commented, not breaking his gaze from the window. “You can meet my parents.”
Parents? As in, the President and first lady of the United States? My body shivered at the thought. I have been in the same room as them before, yes. But meeting them as not an employee – but their son’s date, friend or whatever you want to call it – is terrifying.
“Wow, that would be – “ I tried to find the right words – “nice.”
“Really?” His eyes wandered to mine. “Most people would about shit themselves right about now.”
Well I’m damn near close, Styles.
When we pulled up to the entrance of the venue, our driver – Niall, I learned – hopped out and got the door for us. My eyes were blinded by the flashing lights. Harry grabbed my hand and helped me onto the ground. As we made our ascent, paparazzi were flooding him with questions. “Harry, Harry! Who’s this?” “New flame of the week kid?” “I heard you were bringing Kendall Jenner” could be heard from every angle.
Harry apologized as soon as the doors shut behind us. I shook my head to let him know it was okay.
“I am way too sober for this,” Harry mentioned before we walked into the noisy room. “And it hasn’t even started.” I let out a quiet giggle as he smiled at me.
The benefit passed with ease. As Harry walked us around making small talk and thanking people for coming, Thompson was in my ear telling me who people were and how they got invited. Harry and I kept making trips back to the bar. While I nursed two glasses of wine, Harry had drank 4 rum and cokes. It was becoming clear that Harry was feeling good. Almost too good for him to continue being at this event.
As a last stop around the room, we walked towards his parents.
“Harry, my boy. Thanks for being here tonight,” President Styles pulled Harry in for a hug.
“Like I had a choice?” He rolled his eyes. President Styles gave a laugh, one Harry didn’t reciprocate.
“Who’s this?” His mother asked as her gaze moved to me. Her eyes were kind. They matched Harry’s, I noticed.
“Mom, dad.” Harry said as he wrapped an arm around my waist, “This is my date, Y/N.”
“Hi,” I offered my hand to shake, “It’s so nice to meet you. Thank you for having me tonight.”
“The pleasures all ours, sweetie.” His mother affirmed. I felt a smile creep onto my lips. His parents were sweet - partly informal.
As we were making our way to a table, we were stopped by a friend of Harry’s – Louis. Apparently, they had been long time friends. As they grew up, Louis had started a media company, one which Harry happily invested in to help him out.
“Harry, this your date?” He asked curiously.
“Yes, this is my future girlfriend, Y/N.” His words slurred, I felt the wind knock out of me. Girlfriend? FUTURE girlfriend?
“How about a kiss for the camera?” Louis interrupted my thoughts. “For a piece I’m working on?”
“Why not?” This boy was definitely drunk. Without having time to react, Harry grabbed my waist and quickly, yet gently, pressed his lips to mine. It lasted only about half a second and I found myself wanting more.
Harry chatted with Louis for a few more minutes before bidding goodbye and continuing our walk to a table in the back. I brought my fingers to brush against my lips, still feeling his burning into my memory.
The next hour passed quickly. Harry had downed another two drinks because “I’ve already talked to everyone I need to and now I can relax.” I could see why the media calls him a party boy. He’s 0 – 100 real quick.
Our conversation flowed easily and I found myself enjoying his presence.
“I’m having a really good time,” Harry slurred into my ear. He snuck an arm around my shoulders at some point, and I didn’t really care.
“So am I.”
“Good, I was really nervous to ask you.” His admission took me by surprise. The entire three weeks I’ve known him, he never seemed shy. He was always respectful. I’ve learned so much about the party boy that always seemed to be judged. If it were me, no one would care if I went out with my friends every weekend and brought a different guy home. But because he’s, well, Harry Styles. It matters. The presidential family is supposed to be clean, polished, not having any dirty laundry. But the media loves to air his.
I learned Harry had a – what most would call – normal upbringing. Small home in the outskirts of NYC. He went to public school up until high school, when his father had decided to run for congress and got in. His favorite color is yellow – because it’s happy. He loves music from the 70’s and 80’s because it reminds him of his childhood. He knows about his party-boy persona and absolutely loathes it – but continues to live it because it’s the only way he can let go of the stress from being the President’s son.
“Why were you nervous?”
“Well, it’s always intimidating to meet a beautiful woman who knows what she wants in life and won’t settle for less. I was especially nervous because I thought not only my reputation, but my status would scare you off.” My chest felt tight. If only he knew that everything, well half of everything, I told him were lines being fed to me from the Director of the FBI. “And I’m sorry it took so long for me to tell you. I didn’t want to lie. But I felt like it would be easier for us to get to know each other before I told you.”
There’s that word. Lie. I hate that word but yet, it’s what I was doing almost every time we were together.
“I don’t want you to ever feel nervous or feel like you have something to hide from me.” I took the hand he had draped around me in my own. “I just want you to be yourself. I’ve enjoyed getting to know you. I don’t care about your status or the fact that your parents are the President and First Lady. That’s not something you should feel ashamed of.”
For the first time, Harry’s smile met his eyes. He’s smiled plenty when we’re together, but this was different. He tugged me closer and placed his lips on my cheek. They burned from his touch. My body temperature must have risen 10 degrees.
Did Thompson see that? Of course, he did. Wait, where is he? My smile dropped as I looked across the room, hoping for a sign of Thompson. He hadn’t been in my ear for a while. I wonder if everything’s okay.
“Everything’s fine,” I moved my eyes around the room once more, confused. “I can see that look on your face. I know that look. You were getting worried.”
Where the heck is Thompson and how can he see my face.
“Niall is about to grab you to take you both home. So, I’m off for the night. You’re on your own kid.” I heard the familiar static as they shut my earpiece off. So, they had heard that entire conversation, wonderful.
I smiled, reaching for my ear to take the piece out, but halting my movements when I remembered Harry was still sat next to me.
“Mr. Styles, the car is here.” Niall leaned down to whisper to Harry.
“Alright, love. Off we go.” Harry let his arm fall from my shoulder. I stood to grab my clutch off the table. I paused when I noticed Harry guzzling the rest of his drink before setting the glass on the table. “What?” he asked innocently. “I wasn’t going to just leave it there. Someone could try to sell that since my lips have touched it!” I smirked at him before linking my arm with his.
The drive home was filled with Harry trying to be touchy feely and a bit too flirtatious. Between him keeping trying to rest his hand on my knee, and the many compliments he spewed out in a drunken slur, I felt myself loosening up and enjoying his drunken, flirty presence. Niall made eye contact with me in the mirror one too many times for me to be comfortable with.
He knows.
When we pulled up to my building, I opened the door only to feel a tug on my wrist. I craned my neck to look at Harry, who didn’t let go of my arm.
“Will you kiss me?” His glazed eyes bore into mine as he leaned over to my half of the seat, “For real this time?” I contemplated for a second. Yes, I would like to kiss you again. Will I? I can’t.
I giggled at his lazy smile and glanced to the mirror at Niall who seemed to be minding his own business, “You’re drunk Harry.”
“Would you reconsider if I was sober?”
“Goodnight, Harry” I said, hopping out of the SUV.
“I’ll take that as a maybe!” He called as I shut the door.
What is this boy doing to me?
It’s been three days since the benefit. I hadn’t heard from Harry much, maybe a text or two over the last two days. I wish I could say I didn’t care. But I did. Yes, what I was doing was wrong. But after seeing him in a vulnerable state being drunk at the benefit, he grew on me. A lot more than I’d like to admit. Even though I hadn’t heard from him, I still had the inside scoop from Thompson. Apparently, Mr. Horan was keeping a tight leash on him. No parties or clubs recently.
One thing that should’ve been noticed a lot sooner on my part was that every time I was with Harry or Harry was out, he had Niall maybe 5 feet away. So why the hell would they need me?
Oh right – clean up the image.
“Y/N!” Ashlie screamed from the kitchen. I came to a screeching halt in front of her at the counter. “Have you seen these?” I furrowed my brows as she angled her laptop screen towards me. Right on the landing page of the most popular magazine’s website was Harry’s picture. Stumbling out of a club with none-other than Kendall Jenner, hand in hand.
My brows furrowed even closer when I grabbed the laptop from the counter. I quietly walked to the couch and sat down. ‘Eligible bachelor, Harry Styles couldn’t seem to get enough of the model as they were seen being cozy all night at popular night club, Avalon Nightclub downtown Washington, D.C.’
Would this jeopardize my mission? How would Thompson handle this? What now? Was he really done with me just like that?
With too many thoughts to process, I sat the computer next to me and stared at the blank TV. The weight of the couch shifted next to me. Ashlie slid her arms around my torso and rested her head on my shoulder.
“I’m sorry, Y/N.” She was trying to be empathetic; I know. But I also didn’t want her pity.
“It’s okay,” I tilted my head to rest on top of hers. “Who needs him anyways?”
Wait, I do.
I stared out the window behind Mr. Thompson. He tapped his fingers in pattern on his desk, other hand resting on his cheek.
“Miss. Y/L/N.” He started, stopping his fingers from tapping. I flicked my eyes to his. “I knew this would be hard, having the type of personality he does. He doesn’t – doesn’t have a long attention span when it comes to women.”
I looked back to the window, admiring the cars streaming by on the 695. I already knew that. We all knew it. You thought one of your agents could change him? People don’t change because you want them to. They change because they want to.
When I didn’t offer a response, Thompson continued. “Did something happen after the benefit? After we unplugged you?”
I thought back to that night. Our drive home was filled mainly with his giggles and slurred pick-up lines.
“I don’t think – “ I didn’t kiss him. He wanted to kiss me, and I didn’t. “He wanted to kiss me, Mr. Thompson.”
“You didn’t kiss him, right?”
“Yes.” He quirked an eyebrow. “No, I mean – yes, I didn’t kiss him.” I clarified. I wanted to though.
“Miss. Y/L/N, we’ve brought in Mr. Horan. Head of his security. ”Thompson waved to Mr. Horan through the window. The screech from the chair next to me as it slid across the tile floor. My eyes flashed to the man next to me. Niall. Now it makes sense.
“Miss. Y/L/N,” Niall cleared his throat, “Nice to see you again.”
“You as well, Mr. Horan.”
“As you know, Mr. Horan here is the head of Mr. Styles’ security and  has been keeping an eye on him since the beginning of President Styles’ term. He’s here to shed some insight and help us through this obstacle. He knows Harry the best, so we will have his assistance for matters like this.” Mr. Thompson gestured to Niall to start speaking about what he knows.
“Yeah, so” Niall shifted in his seat and crossed his ankle at the knee. “Harry’s a bit frustrated. He feels like, I don’t know. That you – “ I caught his eyes drift to mine – “aren’t ‘interested’ in him anymore”
I scoffed at the remark, earning a glare from Mr. Thompson. “Miss. Y/L/N, a problem?”
“Sorry it’s just – “ I took a deep breath to calm my nerves, resting my palms on my thighs – “He feels like I’m not interested? When three days after the benefit he’s out gallivanting around D.C? That’s ridiculous.”
“See,” Niall turned towards me, “That’s just it. That’s how Harry copes. He doesn’t have healthy coping mechanisms. He thinks the best way to get around his issues is to drink them away. It’s why he drank so much at the benefit. It’s why he drinks so much in general.”
It explains a lot. He had told me that he’s been under stress, and I can only imagine how much stress he feels from having to live up to a perfect image that he can’t attain with his reputation.
“So, what do I do?”
“I’ve tried to knock some sense into him. I may protect Harry for a living, but he is my friend, and I care about him and his feelings.”
The Saturday sun was warm on my skin. I stared at the clouds in the sky, listened to the kids playing about 50 feet away, and the ducks in the pond. I should be at the gym, I reminded myself. Or at least running.
It’d been a week since I last saw Harry, part of me missed him. Thompson said he was going to work with Niall and how to get the boy back on track. Why me out of all people? There were so many young women in the FBI at this point, so why me? ‘Because we see the most potential in you. Half these women won’t make it another 6 months.’ Thompson’s voice rang in my ears from our conversation yesterday afternoon.
The bright darkness dimmed behind my eyelids. I opened one to see a figure standing above me. I jolted out of my comfort.
“Hi,” I said sitting up and criss crossing my legs.
“Uh – “ raising a hand to the back of their neck – “Can we talk?”
“Yeah Summer, what’s up?” She sat opposite of me in the grass and looked around the park.
“It’s a nice day today, isn’t it?” Her eyes never settled on mine. She’s being cautious.
“Yeah, great day to be outside.” I looked over to the swimming ducks, still quacking at each other.
What I would give to be a duck right now. Not having any worries about whether or not my job was still intact. If my friends hated me for lying to them. If the boy I liked was done with me before even having a chance to know me, and really me.
“So,” Summer started after a few minutes of silence. I looked at her expectantly. “Someone dropped by today to see you.” My heart jumped; my palms started to sweat. Was Harry at my apartment?
“Uh – “ she faltered – “No, Louis?” I scrunched my brows, confused. I wracked my brain trying to figure out who Louis was. “He said he’s a friend. You apparently met him at the Benefit? I told him you were out and didn’t know when you’d be back. He said to call him and left his number.” I looked at my crossed ankles. Oh, Louis. Wait, Louis took that picture of me and Harry. What does he want? “Do you know him?”
I looked back at Summer. “Yeah, he’s… he’s one of Harry’s friends.”
“You should probably call him, he looked in a rush.” I lifted my head in a nod, letting my eyes fall to the grass between us. A comfortable silence took over. “Y/N, it’s okay if you don’t want to talk about whatever happened between you and… him. But I’m here for you if you do.”
“I know that, Summer. Thank you.”
I took a few steps into my room and tossed my purse onto my bed. I decided I should give Louis a call to see what’s going on.
“Hey, Louis. It’s Y/N. I heard you stopped by today.”
“Oh!” He sounds surprised. His tone quickly hushed. “Y/N, thanks for calling. Yeah, I wanted to talk to you.”
“Okay,” I sat in my desk chair with one leg tucked under me. “What’s going on?”
“Can you meet me?” There was a long pause.
“Wh – “
“In an hour, at the park by the white house.” Before I could respond, I heard the click of him hanging up.
I didn’t take much time to get ready to meet Louis. I threw a gray zip up sweatshirt over my tank top and slipped on my flare jeans with converse and was on my way. Louis texted me to say he wanted to ask me a few questions about the benefit – for a promotion he was working on for his company.
The sun had set on my way over, the purple, black sky taking over the D.C air. I glanced at the sky as I stood by the lamp post in the park. The stars look beautiful tonight. My eyes kept traveling around the park. Something I was trained to do. Have your eyes everywhere at all times.
I heard him before I saw him. The heavy footsteps, deep breathing. He sounds troubled. I whipped my head in the opposite direction.
“Y/N?” He asked, pulling the hood off his head. I could only nod. “What are you doing here?”
“I – “ I was off the script. No earpiece with Thompson telling me what to do, who to be, anything. “Just out for a stroll.” Harry stared at me as if he wasn’t really seeing me. He shook his head, his long locks falling in front of his face. He ran his hand through his hair, pulling the pieces that had fallen from his face.
“By… the white house?” He asked incredulously.
“Yeah, I love this park. Very peaceful with some great views.” I concluded. Louis sent me here, he knows what he’s doing. He and Harry are longtime friends. They must’ve talked.
“Right…” He stuffed his hands in his pockets, looking around.
“I wanted to talk.” “We should talk.” We spoke at the same time. Our eyes locked before breaking into giggles and looking at our feet.
“You go ahead,” Harry encouraged.
“Why didn’t you call me?” I asked.
“I –“ He rubbed the back of his neck. “How drunk was I that night?”
I blinked harshly, not expecting him to ask that. “What?”
“I don’t remember much after slamming my drink right before we left and…”  He took a step away from me. “I was a little embarrassed and I wasn’t sure if I said or did anything wrong and… I thought if I held off for a bit then it wouldn’t be a big deal…”
“So why still didn’t you call?” Harry shook his head, wrapping his arms around his waist.
“You didn’t get my voicemail?” He quirked his head.
“What voicemail?”
“Y/N, I called you like three times.”
“What?” Then it hit me. Thompson. Thompson tapped my phone when starting the mission to have all the details. But why?
“I just kinda thought you were done with us and I had done something after the benefit.”
“Harry, I had no idea. Honest… Is that why you went out with Kendall?”
He laughed at my question. “I haven’t gone out with Kendall. I haven’t seen her in months. Those pictures are from like… November.” I was bewildered.
I composed myself before speaking, “I’m sorry to have assumed the worst…”
“It’s okay,” he stepped closer. “Can I come to your place?”
“Right now?”
He glanced at his feet and back to me, “Yeah.” He murmured. Only meaning to be heard between us two.
“Are you okay?” I tucked some stray hair behind my ear, shifting my weight from my left foot to my right.
“I just – I just don’t want to go back yet. I had to sneak out and I just need some time away.” Running one hand through his hair, he grabbed my hand with the other.
The ride to my apartment was quiet. Harry didn’t say much about what was going on within the White House walls, although I’m sure I would find out come Monday, if not sooner. I was trying to read his moving eyes, but there wasn’t much to tell. His eyes told a completely different story than his lips.
His lips spoke of stress and hardship. His eyes shine like the moon over a Georgia river in the dead of night.
When I finally parked my car in the lot, Harry slid out of my car with grace, taking my hand as each of us rounded the back of my car.
“This is it,” I sighed when opening the door to my apartment.
“Wow,” He looked from the kitchen to the living room before turning to face me, “Cute.”
“Oh my gosh,” I whipped my head to see Ashlie coming into the entrance in a towel from the hallway – clearly not expecting company.
“Uh – Hi.” Harry awkwardly waved.
“Hi, wow. Wasn’t expecting you.” She gave a small smile and gestured to her attire.
“It’s not a problem. Nice to meet you,” Harry extended his hand for her, which she gladly took,  “I’m Harry.”
“Oh, I know who you are. I’m Ashlie.” Ashlie let out a flirty giggle. You know, the kind you hear at a bar when a girl is trying too hard to let a man know his jokes are ‘funny’.
“We’ll uh – be in my room.” I remarked, breaking up the awkwardness I could feel radiating through the room.
Harry trailed behind me, telling me he thought Ashlie seemed nice.
“How many roommates do you have?” He questioned, taking a seat on the foot of my bed.
“Two. My other roommate, Summer, is probably at her boyfriend’s.” I hung my hoodie over the back of my desk chair and took a seat on it backwards so I could face him. Harry nodded his head before letting his body fall back onto my bed. “So, what’s going on? At home?”
“It’s nothing,” He groaned, rubbing his eyes with his knuckles.
“It’s obviously something if you’re sneaking out and wandering parks at night without guards. How’d you even get away with that anyways?”
“The White House has many escape routes that can’t be seen by the control room. I’ve found them all.” He stated, putting his hands behind his head.
“Interesting.” The silence that filled the room was deafening. “Harry,” I paused waiting for him to look at me. His eyes gradually found mine. “What’s wrong?”
“I’m just tired of my family and the security telling me my behavior is ‘unacceptable’ because I’m the President’s son. I can’t go out with my friends. I can’t be seen with girls who are friends. I can’t have a drink in a bar.” He stood from my bed and started pacing around my room like his life depended on it. “When I’m in the White House, all I have is people barking orders in my ear, telling me what I can and can’t do. What I can and can’t wear. Who I can and can’t see? So, I guess,” Harry brought his hands to his head and started pulling his hair at the roots, “When I do get to go out with friends, I get carried away. Unfortunately, every time.”
I didn’t know what to say. What I want to say? I can relate. What can I say? Nothing.
When he moved to sit back on my bed, I joined him. He brought his chest between his knees and bowed his head, taking the stance of looking like he was about to vomit. I rested my hand on his back and tried my best to rub soothing circles between his shoulder blades, still looking for the right words. “Harry, I’m sorry. I had no idea that was something you had to deal with.”
“I know, because I don’t share that part of my life. Not with anyone. The only one who really knows is Niall. But that’s only because he’s with me when I’m out and that’s when it all comes out.” He lifted his head and turned to look at me. “He’s the only person I really trust. He’s my best friend and I trust him with my life. I know it’s his job to be there. But, he’s the only one I really have.”
“That’s not true. You have loads of friends. I’ve seen them in the pictures with you.”
“No, those people – while they’re nice to hang out with – they only care about my status. They care about Harry Styles, President’s son. Not Harry.”
“I – I don’t know what to say.” And I truly didn’t. Here he is, spilling his heart to me again, and I can’t even reciprocate without blowing my cover.
“You don’t have to say anything. I thought Niall was the only person that actually cared about me. As in Harry, the person. And then I met you.”
“What do you mean?”
Harry sat up and turned his body towards mine, grabbing both my hands in his.
“Y/N, I know you would never do anything to hurt me. You care about me. You ask me about me, not what my family is doing, or what bills are going through congress. Or even try to advance your career through me.”
My mouth got dry, but I felt like I was drowning. How can he not see through this act? When will I give it up? When will Thompson have it cut? His eyes bore into mine.
“I really like you, Y/N.”
“I – I like you too Harry.” I have to tell him; I have to tell him the girl he thinks he knows is not who she says she is. I have to tell him; this was all part of my job. But this isn’t. It’s not your job to be here with him right now.
“Do you want to watch a movie or something?” The proposition tore me from my thoughts. I got up and headed for the door, gesturing for him to follow me down the hall.
I plopped on the couch flipping the TV on. Harry sat next to me and flung his arm to the back of the couch behind me.
“Should we just search romantic comedies on Netflix and see what we find?” He looked over to me, nodding excitedly.
We flipped through Netflix for 10 minutes before finally deciding on 27 Dresses. The movie was the only thing that could be heard in the living room. At whatever point, Harry let his arm fall onto my shoulders and pulled me into him. I let my head rest on his shoulder as we continued watching.
“Hey Y/N?” I looked up at him, humming in response. “I’m sober now.” I scrunched my eyebrows and opened my mouth to speak, “Can I kiss you now?” My heart sped up, and my cheeks warmed with the blood rushing to them.
“I - I don’t know if that’s a good idea.” I let my head dip so I wasn’t looking at him.
“Why’s that?” He asked, confusion taking over his tone. “It’s okay if you don’t want to, but... I would really like to.”
“It’s not that I don’t want to, I do. It’s just  - “ I thought of all the things that could possibly go wrong - the FBI busting into my apartment to have me arrested, me starting what feels like a real relationship based on lies, breaking his heart after he let me in.
“Then let me,” Harry cupped my cheek and brought our gazes together. I stared at him for a moment before lightly nodding.
His lips ghosted over mine before gently pressing together. I swear I could hear his heartbeat. Or maybe it was mine. I rested my hand on his cheek and his hand moved to my waist, pulling me as close as possible. It wasn’t heavy, and it wasn’t quick. It was soft and sweet, like him.
He pulled away and leaned back into the couch. A smile graced his face. I nuzzled back into him and pulled my feet up on the couch.
I woke up to the room completely dark, the only light coming from the dim light above the oven. I was still laying on Harry. I sat up, removing his arms from my waist. I grabbed my phone from the table to check the time. 2:36am. Oh shit, I turned back to wake Harry.
“Harry, Harry wake up. You have to go.” I shook him out of his sleep.
“What why?” He stirred, rubbing his eyes, barely coming out of his sleep.
“It’s 2:36AM.”
“Mmmmm comfy.” He closed his eyes again and rested further into the couch.
“Harry, no. You’re gonna get into trouble.” I stood up and grabbed his hands trying to pull him off the couch.
“No, I won’t”
“Harry,” I insisted. When he wouldn’t budge, I gave up. Flopping back into the couch.
“Can I just stay – you won’t even know I was here.”
I woke up in my bed. I looked at my clock next to me. 9:22am. Was it a dream? I sat up, same tank top. Same jeans. I searched for my phone to find it under my pillow with a sticky note.
Left around 5. Carried you to bed and didn’t want to wake you. Call me. – Harry
Sticking my phone in my back pocket, I pulled myself out of bed and let my feet guide me to the bathroom. What did I do? Why did I have to do that?
After staring at myself for almost two minutes, I decided to call Harry.
“Hello?” his voice was chipper.
“How’d you get home?” I asked, putting the call on speaker so I could wash my face.
“I took an Uber. I woke up to one missed call and one text from Niall asking if I was in my room from around 2. I figured it’d be best if I was back in the house before sunrise and not let anyone get suspicious.” At least he was thoughtful of other peoples’ sleep schedules.
“Ah, alright.”
“So, you wanted me to call you?” I stated, remembering his note.
“Oh, yeah! I’m picking you up for breakfast.” He said, I could feel his smile through the phone. Man does this boy get right back on the love train; I swear.
“You? Or Niall?” I teased, breaking into a smile. I grabbed my washcloth and wet it to begin washing my face.
“Ha ha. Funny. No, me. Just you, me, and some delicious breakfast.” He clarified. Should I tell Thompson? Probably.
“I’ll pick you up in 30 minutes.” We said goodbye and felt my heart beating faster. I quickly texted Thompson to let him know what was happening. I started the shower and dropped my clothes. Washing everything quickly, I felt my nerves beginning to settle in. Should I even have said yes? What if Thompson doesn’t want me to? Too late.
When I got out, I checked my phone for a response.
Thompson – 9:37am: Earpiece.
He really was a man of few words. Powerful words, but few. I quickly blew dry my hair and changed into some leggings and a ¾ sleeve blouse. Finishing putting on some light makeup, I heard a knock on the front door.
“Harry!” Ashlie exclaimed, “Good to see you again.”
I walked out to see Harry looking awkwardly at her. She was asking how everything was going for him, to which he politely smiled and said “Fine, Thanks.” His eyes lit up when they connected with mine.
“Hey, you.” He smiled, pulling me in for a hug
“Hi,” I greeted, returning his smile and accepting his arms around me.
‘Let me just grab my purse,” I said, backing away down the hallway towards my room. I quickly grabbed the earpiece from my drawer and inserted it into my ear. I grabbed my purse from my desk and started heading back to our entryway. I paused in the doorway, glancing at my open drawer with my pistol sticking out. I slipped it into my purse before returning to Harry.  “Okay, let’s go.”
Ashlie moved to the kitchen to make herself some breakfast, taking peeks over her shoulder at Harry. She shot me a wink as Harry opened the front door to lead us out.
When we were settled in the car, Harry turned to me. “First things first, I wanted to say thank you to you. For last night. And I’m sorry if I was intruding.”
“You weren’t,” I reassured him, “You never are.” As I finished my sentence, I heard the static in my earpiece. Thompson’s on.
“Morning superstar. I don’t know what happened last night, but good job getting him back.” If only he knew.
Harry turned on the radio for our drive. As we drove further out of the city, he told me how he loved some of the neighborhoods we were driving by. Mostly because he had friends living there that he made when we were in high school because Mr. Styles would often bring him to D.C., and he would meet other congressmen’s children.
I laughed at his jokes, and when he sang. Frankly, he can’t sing. But he does a very nice job trying.
When we pulled up to the café, I noticed it was quite small. Niall hadn’t brought us here on our previous brunch meetings.
“Where are we?” I questioned.
“Oh, my dad used to take me here in high school. I don’t get to come too often anymore. Ya know, security and everything.”
Breakfast went exactly how I thought it would. Harry talked about his life, asked me about mine, and Thompson fed me lines that apparently “Niall had done ‘research’, and this is what Harry wants to hear.”
But this time, when I laughed with Harry, I felt more genuine. My feelings were too. I really liked him. He was kind, generous, thoughtful. Everything a good man acted like.
When he dropped me off, Harry walked me to my door. I didn’t hesitate to kiss his cheek. Harry grabbed my hands and squeezed them.
“I’ll see you later, yeah?” He glanced at his feet, letting a grin bless his features with his dimples showing perfectly. I nodded, squeezing his hands back. He pulled me into him for a hug. I wrapped my arms around his waist, not wanting to let go.
“Bye, Harry.” I opened the door when he let go of me.
“Bye, Y/N.”
The next week felt like it flew by. I would see Harry after work, either for dinner, a drink, a movie, a walk, really anything he could think of to see me.
Thompson would be in my ear, encouraging me. Sometimes he wasn’t, those were my favorite nights with Harry. I could be myself without having to worry about if Thompson thought ‘Well that wasn’t the right thing to say.”
My phone ringing brought me out of my sleep. I looked at the caller ID and immediately answered.
“Hello?” I greeted, rubbing the sleep from my left eye.
“Can you come over?” Harry asked, his voice cracking near the end. I pulled the phone away from my ear. 1:11am. After a pause he added, “Please?” The desperation in his voice was almost tangible. A shiver ran down my spine just hearing his broken voice.
“Yeah, of course.” I threw my covers off of me and grabbed my nearest pair of jeans. I pulled  them on and picked up one of Harry’s long sleeve t-shirts and ripped it over my head. “I’ll be there in 15.”
“Thank you,” he sobbed. “I can let you in by the east garden.” I hung up my phone and hesitated to grab my keys. I should take an Uber. Guards would see my car parked near the White House. I opened the Uber app and ordered a car.
“Morning ma’am.” Said Andrew, the driver.
“Morning,” I grumbled, climbing in the backseat.
“How was your night?” he asked, smiling at me through the rearview mirror.
“Could be better,” I sighed, rubbing my fingers into my temples.
“Oh, I totally get it,” he started. Andrew talked almost the entire way about his night. When he dropped me on the corner a block away from the White House, he concluded his rant with “And that’s when I kicked him out. Well, I hope your night gets better! Life’s too short to have bad sex.” I gave him the best smile I could muster and got out of his car.
I walked up the street and crossed through an alley to get to the East garden. I saw a sliver of light coming from a shrub. The sliver of light grew bigger, giving away that it was actually a door. A disheveled Harry appeared in the light. As I got closer, I noticed his eyes were red and puffy. He’s been crying. When I was close enough, he instantly crashed his body into mine, holding me so tight I might combust.
“Harry, what’s wrong?” I asked, cuddling him closer. He let out a choked weep. “Come on, let’s go.” I said, pulling away. He grabbed my hand and led us through the tunnels.
When we got to the halls, Harry looked around every corner, checking for guards before sneaking us to his room. The door clicked shut and the only thing I could hear were his soft sniffles. I took in the room before me. It was large and decorated for a king. There were items scattered, a chair tipped over, and a lamp lay broken on the floor next to his bed.
He took a seat on the edge of his bed, lowering his head with his hands covering his face. I walked over and took a seat next to him. I placed my hand on his shoulder and took another look around.
“Harry,” I whispered. “What happened?”
“He’s so disappointed in me.” He mumbled, barely audible. His body shook with sobs, soft enough to go unnoticed by anyone passing by.
“Who? Your dad?”
“He said his approval rate has barely gone up, and when he asked the cabinet about it, they – they told him it was my fault.” My heart broke at his words.
“Harry, I’m so – “
“He doesn’t get it. No one does,” he ripped himself from my grasp and stood in front of me, facing the door. “I have him, his cabinet, members of the staff, media, friends, everyone constantly yelling at me. Just because I want to go out and be normal. Live a normal life.” He was facing me now, arms flailing around to get his point across. “And as soon as I get something right, it’s not good enough!”
“What do you mean?” I inquired. I stood up and placed my hands on his shoulders, leading him back to sit down. “Talk to me.”
“You,” he stated as if it was obvious. When I didn’t respond, he continued. “Ever since I met you, I’ve been trying to better myself. Not go out as much, get away from the crowd that only talked to me because they want something. I haven’t had any interest in doing that because – well. I want to be the best man I can. For you.”
I stood straight at his confession. I was left speechless. I took a deep breath before kneeling on the ground in front of him. I opened my mouth and closed it again, not knowing what to say.
“Harry, I – I’m proud of you for doing all of that.”
“Well I’m glad someone is,” he exclaimed. He threw himself back onto his bed and covered his face with his hands.
I got up and sat next to him, criss crossing my legs. I grabbed his hands from his face and held them.
“I’m sure your dad is proud of you too. He just doesn’t know how to say it.” I tried to assure him.
“Yeah because ‘if you would’ve kept the clean image like I told you to’ screams ‘I’m proud of you.” He groaned. He grasped my hands and brought them to his chest.
“Well, let’s think about this. Your dad is the President. He has a lot of people to answer to, and I’m sure he’s under a lot of stress.” I explained to him, rubbing circles on the backs of his hands
“I know, I know. But like, there’s a way to talk to your kids.”
“Yeah, and I’m not saying how he handled it was correct. I’m just saying, from his perspective, he’s probably not mad. Just frustrated. And I’m sure he’s proud of you for trying to better yourself.” I paused, glancing at the door. “Maybe you should just talk to him about how this experience has been for you. I know you haven’t and that might help him to better understand where you’re coming from.” I concluded.
“You’re right. I should probably try to talk to him in private.”
“Wanna hear a joke?” He nodded, cracking a small smile. “What did the drummer name his daughters? Anna one, anna two!” His giggle filled the quiet room, a chuckle left my own lips. He pulled me down, so my head was resting on his chest.
“You’re amazing, you know that?” He tucked my hair behind my ear and caressed his hand down my cheek.
“I’ve been told,” I joked, returning the smile he gave me.
“No, I’m serious,” He looked at the ceiling before continuing, “You give really good advice that makes me think from another perspective, and you can make me laugh even when it feels like my world is crashing - not even two minutes ago.” He glanced back down at me. My eyes never leaving his face.
We stayed like this for a while. Talking about life, things we believed in, conspiracy theories, the best type of pasta (Tortellini was unanimously voted), everything.
Harry walked me back to the East Garden entrance around 3:00am.
“Are you sure you can’t stay the night? Niall can just drop you off in the morning.” He tried one last time.
“I’m sure, Harry.” I let out a quiet laugh. “But hey – maybe we should just keep this between us two? I don’t want to get any weird looks from m –“ I stopped myself before the words ‘my coworkers’ escaped my lips, “your guards.”
“Of course, don’t worry.” He kissed my forehead and watched as I waited for my Uber. Occasionally throwing out pick-up lines. My favorite being ‘Are you a time traveler? Because I can see you in my future’ I casually waved as the Uber pulled up.
“Y/N?” She asked. I nodded and opened the door. I took one last look towards the entrance, seeing just the crack of light, knowing Harry was watching through it.
The next few weeks continued like this. Harry sneaking out to my house, and me to his. Each time learning new secret passages that brings me to his wing, or his room. It got to be exciting, really. Seeing Harry without Thompson in my ear. I had somehow convinced him to keep Niall out of the loop of our late-night meetings. But, of course, going on public outings was a different story. Niall would be waiting in a blacked-out SUV, I had my earpiece in, and I had to give Harry lines fed from Thompson every other sentence.
Sitting in Thompson’s office was something I should be used to by now. However, ever since Harry and I began having our midnight rendezvous, I had been anxious every time Thompson was even so much as in the same building. Although Harry and I haven’t so much as kissed since that night in my apartment, every time I saw him, I could feel the sexual tension radiating off him like I was standing next to a bonfire. He was waiting for me to make the first move, which I wouldn’t. I couldn’t. It would put so much more confusion into this already sticky situation.
Harry has grown into my friend. Of course, there was romantic interest. But I couldn’t jeopardize my cover. To him, I was Y/N Y/L/N. Marketing director for Accent. Small town girl from Carolina. I went to college for Business. I have my mom and two younger brothers back home who encouraged me to follow my dreams and move to D.C. If he knew who I really was. We could never have a relationship. If he knew I was being paid to play his romantic interest, things would never be real for us.
“Miss. Y/L/N,” Thompson’s serious tone tore me from my thoughts, “We’re aware that things have gone swimmingly since Mr. Styles had picked you up for breakfast a couple weeks ago. But how are you?”
“Yes, sir,” I agreed. “I’m well. He seems to be just fine. Hasn’t been as much in the spotlight. And the press - ”
“Miss. Y/L/N,” His tone lightened a bit. Thompson clasped his hands on his desk and softened his eyes toward me. I locked eyes with him as he continued. “Y/N, how are you doing?” His question took me by surprise. Thompson is always business. Hard-core authoritarian and never cares about sick days, let alone mental health days. He didn’t care if you were vomiting on the curb, you better show up for duty.
“I – What?” I asked, bewildered. My jaw fell slack, and I prayed he couldn’t hear my thoughts.
“Y/N, I know this must be extremely hard on you. I know I asked a lot of you when I assigned you to this. I want to be sure you’re doing okay. You two spend a lot of time together and I know how charming he is. I’ve met him on several occasions.” He chuckled, pushing his chair back and coming to sit next to me.
I turned toward him and put on a poker face. “Mr. Thompson, I know the longevity of this mission, and I know what a great deal of stress this is putting on everyone involved as well.” I couldn’t help it, I let my face fall into one of agitation. “But when I’m with him, I can’t help but think of how real it is for him. How would he feel if he knew that my interest is just a hoax? That it’s part of my job description to play this part?”
Thompson moved out of his chair and moved to the windows that looked out into the office. He took his time shutting the blinds before he came to sit in front of me on his desk.
“Y/N,” He started, the unease in his voice was something new. “I know your concern for his emotions is genuine. It’s part of why I hired you. You fully invest in what you’re doing. And that’s a trait that’s hard to come by nowadays. But I also hired you because I know how tough you are. You don’t let people push you around. You’ve truly shown your character with this.”
He took a long glance out the window at the cars driving down the 695. Did he have children? I never asked. We weren’t supposed to ask our superiors about their personal lives. The office and field were strictly professional.
“The unfortunate part of our jobs, is the mere fact that everyone we interact with, is part of our job. Whether it’s a civilian on the street, or the Queen of England. We’re on guard the whole time. Take Niall for instance.” He finally brought his gaze back to mine. “Niall is the closest we have to getting inside Mr. Styles head. To understand his motives and how he may be putting a risk to himself. That’s where we come in.”
“I don’t under – “
“Like Niall, we have Joe. Joe is the head of security for President Styles. President Styles may not understand what we’re doing at the time. But always comes to thank us later.”
“Mr. Thompson,” I let the confusion slide onto my face. “With all due respect, I don’t understand how this relates.”
“What I’m saying Y/N, is that, even though it may not seem like it, we do have Mr. Styles’ best interest at heart. But to do that, we need to be on the inside as well.”
I left Thompson’s office feeling even more anxious than before I entered. The phone ringing in my pocket halted my movements. Harry was trying to FaceTime me. I took a sharp right and entered the nearest bathroom, locking the door behind me.
“Hey,” I greeted him through the screen. He was in a car, driving. His sunglasses were pulled onto his head, pushing his chocolate locks out of his face.
“Hi! Oh – I’m sorry. You’re at work, aren’t you?” He apologized.
“Oh – yeah,” I fibbed. I hated this. I wanted to scream how I didn’t work at Accent and haven’t the slightest clue what marketing strategies were. You’re in too deep at this point, slick.
“How about I come pick you up for lunch? I can say hi to Rich.” He excitedly proposed.
“I can’t today, I’m sorry. I – uh” Think Y/N, think. “I’m actually in a business meeting with a prospect. Maybe tomorrow?”
“Yeah, that sounds good. What’re you doing tonight?”  He didn’t even seem fazed. He had grown used to my typical 9-5 day. That was actually midnight to midnight and being on call over the weekends. I, technically, was always working.
“I think Ashlie was cooking some homemade eggplant Parmesan. What’s up?”
“I was going to ask if you wanted to come over tonight. Maybe watch a movie with some popcorn?” He gave a light smirk, before turning it into a full grin.
“I could be up for that. After dinner?”
“Do you want me to send a car to get you? Or would you like to sneak in as usual?” There was a hint of  annoyance laced in his voice. He seemed to be getting tired of sneaking around.
“I can get myself there,” I stifled a laugh, trying to lighten his mood. “East Garden?”
“Yeah, okay.” I felt bad, that I couldn’t just stroll up to the main doors of the white house. But what security didn’t know didn’t hurt us. Well, me.
I arrived at the East Garden at 8:58, Harry was waiting with the door slightly cracked, as he had continuously done throughout our little meetings.
“Hey, ninja,” He smirked.
“Ninja?” I giggled as he pulled me into a hug. He rested his head atop mine, arms around my waist.
“Yeah, I think it suits you.” He snickered.
“If only you knew,” I whispered. I pulled away, “Shall we?” He reached for my hand, interlocking our fingers. Something I had grown accustomed to.
We settled in his room, laying back on the pillows. He pulled me into his chest as The Notebook started.
“Hey Y/N?” He gingerly murmured into my hair. Feeling the day weigh on my eyelids, I offered a hum in response. “How much do you. Ya know, like me?”
My eyes flew open at the question. My heart shook my toes with how hard it was beating. “What do you mean?” Trying to keep my voice even, I tilted my head to look up at him.
“Like, we’ve been seeing each other for a bit now, so I was just wondering like.” He grabbed my left hand and gave it a squeeze, “What are we doing?”
“Harry I – “ I took a deep breath. You knew it was coming. Play stupid. “I don’t follow.”
“Do you want to be my girlfriend?”
I sat up and turned to him, criss crossing my legs. “Harry, as much as I care about you,” The words were harder to get out than anticipated. “I really enjoy what we have going on. And, I mean, with your status. I’m nervous about it … blowing up. Does that make sense?” I shook my head at his disapproving eyes. My voice started to waver as I continued, “I’m sorry, I just. I know how nasty the media can be and…”
Harry bolted up, grabbing my face ready to wipe any tears that could fall. “Hey, I don’t want you to apologize. I just, I don’t know. I feel like you don’t want to be seen with me or something. Even around my own house…” his voice trailed as he looked down at his own legs.
I took the opportunity to grab his hands, rubbing circles into their backs. “Harry, I promise that I really care about you. I just, I’m not ready for something like that.”
“Okay, I understand.” His gaze peered back up to me. “I’m sorry. I don’t want to pressure you. I would just really love to show off the woman that has stolen my heart.” I stole his heart and felt mine drop. “Will you let me know when you are?” I could only nod. “Come on, let’s lay back down. I love this movie.”
I don’t know when Harry fell asleep. His soft snores filled the room long before the movie ended. I couldn’t move, but I had to get out of here. I had to tell Thompson I couldn’t do it anymore. I checked my phone for the time. 4:27. I have to go home. I carefully unhooked Harry’s hand from mine. I gathered my things from his desk before spotting a notepad. I glanced over at the sleeping boy. You at least owe him the courtesy to write him a note that you were leaving. He’s done the same before.
I scribbled a simple “Couldn’t sleep, call me tomorrow. - Y/N” On the paper before putting it next to him on the bed.
I cracked the door open as quietly as possible and stuck my head through the crack, looking for any potential sign of life. I slid my body through the door and shut it as lightly as possible. I ran my hands down my face and started down the hall.
“Y/N?” I froze as I was about to round the corner. I slowly turned around to find a confused Niall standing at the other end of the hall. He took several glances between me and Harry’s door. “What are you doing here?” His tone was cold.
“Niall, I – I didn’t think you’d be roaming the halls this early in the morning.” I tried to laugh it off while taking several strides towards him.
He stared at me dumbfounded. “Does Thompson know you’re here?” He took my blank expression as an answer. “So how long has this been going on?”
“Niall, it’s not what it seems.” I defended.
“No, you’re just sneaking over to the WHITE HOUSE in the middle of the night for no reason. Not to hook up with Harry?”
“Niall, it’s really not like that!” I raised my voice slightly.
“Then tell me what it’s like Y/N. You know this could jeopardize the mission!” Niall raised his voice higher than mine. Not seeming to care if other guards heard him.
“I’m being his friend, Niall!” I cried. ‘That’s all.”
“Being his friend?” He asked bemused. “I don’t think FRIENDS do what you’re doing, Y/N.” His voice lower this time.
“Niall, I’m just trying to do the best I can! There’s no precedent for stuff like this! He calls, I answer. If he asks me to be there for him, I am. Like three weeks ago when he had an all-out meltdown!” My hands swung from my sides, to cover my face.
“That’s my job Y/N, not yours. I’m the one he calls to handle situations like that.” He stated the obvious, raising his eyebrows. He spoke almost as if he was telling a three-year-old that they couldn’t jump off the monkey bars because they could get hurt.
“Yeah, Niall. I know it’s your job. But have you been doing it? Are you really his friend and have you been handling it?” I countered his argument. If Niall was the one to handle situations like that, then why did Harry call me instead?
“Y/N, I leave him alone when he gets like that. When he’s ready to talk, he does. I think I know him a little better than you.” Niall crossed his arms over his chest, his eyebrows furrowed, and his voice was ear-piercingly serious.
“Do you, Niall? Do you really? You may know about everything he’s going through professionally, but –“ I took a deep breath, composing myself so my voice was even. “Do you even know the real him? The sensitive Harry that talks about how hard this life is?” I paused taking in Niall’s cold expression
“How about the Harry that’s favorite color is yellow, or that he loves rom coms because they always end happily? Or what about the Harry that’s just trying to cope because this isn’t the lifestyle he planned or hoped for? Do you even know him Niall?” My voice crippled as I finished my rant.
Niall doesn’t know him. Niall knows what he needs to know so he can report to Thompson at the end of the week. Trouble he got into, bars he went to, where the paparazzi who photographed his every move worked so they can get the pictures back from his blacked-out adventures.
“Miss. Y/L/N,” Niall’s voice was too evenly keeled. “At least I know my place, when it comes to my job. Unlike you, who has no issues crossing clear boundaries. I will be pleased to inform Mr. Thompson of your little rendezvous with Mr. Styles this evening.” He turned his back before flicking his face over his shoulder, “And I’m sure we can find out about all the others as well.”
“What?” Niall froze in his tracks; I was too afraid to turn around. “What’s going on?”
I turned to find a red-faced Harry standing in the doorway to his bedroom.
“Harry,” our voices came in unison.
“You – Niall. Mr. Thompson?” The confusion took its rightful place on his face. “This,” Harry glanced at his sock clad feet. “This was a set up?” I couldn’t find the words to defend myself. “How did you – when were you – “ The unfinished questions never left his lips.
“Harry, I can explain.” My voice was thick. It almost hurt to get the words out. If I didn’t vomit when explaining to him why I like the privacy, it was sure about to come up now.
“You both… you both…” another unfinished question. He shut his door behind him and started walking in the opposite direction of both Niall and me. I gave a desperate glance to Niall, who quickly motioned for me to follow him.
“Go, you should talk to him.” His voice was soft. We both knew this wasn’t how it was supposed to play out. “Better you than me right now.”
I jogged to catch up to Harry. “Harry wait,” I called reaching out for his hand. He quickly swiped it from my grip and quickened his pace. “Harry, please let me explain!” I cried.
“Explain what?” He growled, stopping in his tracks. I stopped just before I crashed into him and took a step back. “Explain how you can go about your day just - just lying to me? About everything? Making me feel these things for you?” His voice was exceptionally hard, barely able to detect the hurt laced through.
“Harry, I’m sorry,” I whispered. ”I – “
“Sorry for what.” He barked, whipping around to face me. “Sorry for making me trust you, or sorry for getting caught in your big scheme.” His words rifled through me like he took an AR-15 to my heart. You should’ve known this could be the outcome. “Whatever you’re sorry for, I don’t want to hear it. See yourself out, I’m done.”
His shoulder bumped me as he walked past. I turned to watch him go back down the hall and around the corner back to his room. I remained motionless when I heard his door slam shut. I felt the wetness of a single tear rolling down my cheek and quickly raised my hand to wipe it away.
How could you have been so stupid, Y/N?
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elspethc22 · 3 years
Let's Talk
Sciles Week Day 6: Talks we should have had
Pairing: Scott/Stiles
Word Count: 2621
The school year had finally ended, and Scott was more relieved to done with school than he ever had been before. He’d had nearly three months of freedom and the only thing on his to do list (other than work and whatever chores his mum asked him to do) was spending time with Stiles.
So that’s what he was doing – heading over to Stiles’ house to, most likely, wake his best friend up. For Stiles, summer meant sleeping in and doing absolutely nothing when he didn’t have to, which is exactly what he’d spent at least sixty percent of his summer doing. And since he knew Stiles wasn’t ‘helping out’ at the station today (also known as monitoring his dad’s eating habits up close, filing reports and trying to sneak looks at case files) chances were he would still be in bed even though it was nearly noon.
After knocking and getting no answer, Scott let himself in with the key Stiles had had made for him (he’d thought it only fair since he had one for the McCall house). Heading up the stairs, Scott made his way to Stiles’ bedroom, opening the door and walking right in.
‘Stiles. Stiles, dude. Wake up.’ Stiles stirred once, then stopped, still deep in sleep. Scott looked at him considering, then kicked off his shoes and pounced.
He landed right on Stiles, who shot up, eyes opening wide.
‘What – Scott? What the hell? Dude, what was that for? I was sleeping!’ Stiles asked, still looking around wildly, as if expecting an attack. When he found none, he flopped backwards, throwing an arm over his face. His face which was half-covered in lines from where it had been pressed into his pillow in his sleep.
‘Stiles, dude it’s already noon. We only have like two weeks left of summer, so come on, get up.’ Scott grabbed Stiles’ arm and dragged it off his face, giving him a little shove.
‘Do I have to?’ Stiles whined, and Scott laughed.
‘Yep. Unless you’d prefer… ’ Scott trailed off but lifted his hand to move his fingers against Stiles’ side, making him squirm.
‘No.’ Stiles protested, moving away.
‘Well those are you options – get up, and please shower, or I do it again.’ He wiggled his fingers threateningly, and Stiles lifted his head to glare at him.
‘I hate you.’ He said, sitting up again, keeping his eyes on Scott’s hand. He was the only person besides his dad who knew Stiles was ticklish, and unfortunately he wasn’t afraid to exploit that knowledge when he wanted to get his way.
‘You know you love me.’ Scott said, laughing and Scott thought he saw Stiles blush before he turned his head away, climbing over Scott and out of his bed.
‘Whatever. Give me ten minutes to shower.’ Scott watched Stiles head out of his room for the bathroom, and relaxed back on Stiles’ bed to wait. While he waited, he thought about Stiles reaction to his words. Why would Stiles blush from Scott telling saying Stiles loved him?
He tried to think of a reason, but while he thought, all that came to mind was a conversation with Stiles a few months ago. ‘This new-found heroism is making me very attracted to you.’ Then another conversation before that. ‘Am I not attractive to gay guys?’
He was deep in thought when Stiles came back in to his room, towel sitting low on his hips as he moved to his closet to find some clean clothes. The movement caught Scott’s attention and he propped himself up on his elbows, and found himself staring at Stiles’ back as Stiles’ words kept echoing in his mind.
‘Scott? Yo, Scotty!’ Stiles turned to look at him, letting the towel drop to the floor as he’d pulled a clean pair of boxers on underneath it, and was even now stepping into some clean sweats. Suddenly Stiles was clicking his fingers in Scott’s face and Scott blinked, leaning back.
‘What?’ He asked, blinking at Stiles who rolled his eyes.
‘Where’d you go man? I was asking you what you want to do today? Movie? Video games? More lacrosse practice?’
‘Oh, uh, I don’t know. Whatever you want.’ Stiles pulled a t-shirt over his head, narrowing his eyes at Scott as his head popped through. ‘What?’
‘Ok, what’s going on? First you were came in here, woke me up, all raring to go do something and now you’re spacing out on me and don’t care what we do? Seriously, what’s up?’
‘Do you like guys?’ Scott blurted out, then snapped his mouth shut, his eyes widening in surprise at his own words, wishing he could take them back. Stiles just stared at him, frozen in place. For nearly a minute, neither of them moved, processing the question that had just come out of Scott.
‘Um – ’
‘Oh my god, dude, forget I asked that. That was so not cool. I don’t even know – ’
‘Yes.’ Scott stopped his rambling apology, looking up at Stiles who was still standing in front of him.
‘Yes?’ Scott asked, and Stiles looked away, took a deep breath and then turned back, nodding.
‘Yes, I like guys. I mean, I still like girls, I wasn’t lying about that or anything, but… I like guys too.’ Stiles told Scott, his voice soft.
‘Wow.’ Scott could kick himself for only being able to come up with that, but his brain was apparently a little slow on the uptake in this conversation.
‘Yeah. Wow. Um… what made you ask that?’ Stiles asked, and Scott looked at him.
‘First – I’m so sorry I just like, asked you that like that, that really wasn’t cool of me. I was just… you blushed, earlier, when I said you know you love me and then that made me think, about why that would make you blush and then I remembered when you were asking me if you’re attractive to gay guys and then saying that my new heroism or whatever was making you attracted to me and we should make out and I was starting to think that maybe you weren’t joking and then I just… blurted the question out.’
Scott placed his hands in his lap, watching Stiles for a reaction as he explained his train of thought. Stiles stared at him for a moment, then sighed, running his hand through his newly grown out hair. Then he moved, sitting on the end of his bed, facing Scott.
‘It’s ok Scotty. I’m not upset you asked, I know you weren’t trying to be like… it just caught me off guard I guess. I wasn’t expecting it.’ Scott nodded, and was thankful his best friend wasn’t angry at him.
‘Why didn’t you tell me?’ He asked, his voice soft, and Stiles looked at him and shrugged.
‘I don’t know. It was never really like a plan to not tell you, I just… I was waiting for the right time and then, everything went crazy and I just… didn’t.’ Stiles told him, and Scott nodded even though he wished Stiles had felt he could tell him.
‘You know it doesn’t change anything, right? I mean, like, I don’t care one way or another.’ Scott tried to explain himself, trying to convey that he didn’t care who Stiles liked, they were still best friends, and Stiles just laughed.
‘I never thought it would, Scott. I know you, you’re like, the best person I know, you’d never care if I liked guys.’ Stiles told him, and Scott smiled, but there was still something nagging at him.
‘Do you… do you like me?’ Scott asked, then bit his lip when Stiles’ head shot up to look at him, eyes wide, mouth open in surprise.
‘I – I mean – of course I like you, dude, best friend forever, right?’ Stiles said, trying to bluff his way out of an answer by pretending to misunderstand the question and Scott knew.
‘I mean do you like me, Stiles.’ He repeated, changing his emphasis, moving a hand to Stiles’ wrist to keep him from standing and moving away. Stiles blinked once, twice, then looked down at Scott’s hand. When he looked back up, Scott’s heart hurt when he saw sadness in Stiles’ eyes.
‘Yes.’ Stiles breathed out. ‘I’m sorry, Scott, I – ’
Scott cut Stiles off by leaning forward and pressing his lips to Stiles’. Stiles let out a sound of surprise, but when Scott brought a hand up to cup the back of his head, tilted his own head to change the angle and make it easier, Stiles let his eyes shut and let himself sink into the kiss and enjoy it.
When Scott pulled back slowly, he let his hand slip down to settle at the base of Stiles’ neck, his thumb moving gently back and forth over Stiles’ skin just about his t-shirt.
‘Why did you do that?’ Stiles asked in a whisper. Scott took a moment before he answered, not wanting to say the wrong thing. He wasn’t completely sure why he’d done that – he couldn’t lie and say he’d wanted to do it for a while, it hadn’t occurred to him to try before today. But as soon as he’d thought about it, it was all he could think about.
‘Because I love you. And I have to be honest, I don’t know if I feel about you exactly how you feel about me, and I haven’t really thought about it before but I thought about kissing you and I just – I couldn’t notdo it.’ Scott said, hoping Stiles could make sense of his words. When Stiles didn’t say anything, he started to panic, thinking he’d just ruined things.
‘What about Allison?’ Scott was shocked that that was Stiles said next, but then he realised it made sense. This was completely out of the blue, and the last time they’d spoken about anything Scott had told him he was going to wait for her then get her back.
‘Honestly? When she broke up with me, it hurt, a lot. And I wanted to speak to her every day, try to change her mind, especially for the first few weeks. But recently?’ Scott paused, shrugged as he tried to explain it. ‘It still sucks, but now it more about how it all ended then the fact that it ended. Thinking about her, it doesn’t really hurt now, and I don’t think about her that much, not like I did right after we broke up or at the start of summer. I haven’t wanted to call her in weeks.’
Stiles was watching him closely, as if trying to pick out any lies. Scott just sat patiently, waiting for Stiles to react.
‘And what about me? I mean, you know I like you, I’m pretty sure I love you, and you just kissed me. Was it, like, a test?’
‘No, Stiles. I wouldn’t do that, especially not to you. I meant what I said, when I started thinking about it, it was like I hadto do it. And… I’m really glad I did. It was amazing. It felt like… it felt right.’
‘So you think you like guys too?’ Stiles questioned, and Scott shrugged.
‘I don’t know. It’s not really about you being a guy, it’s more about you being Stiles. Does that make sense?’ Stiles gave a small nod.
‘Kind of, I guess.’ Scott could tell Stiles didn’t really get it.
‘I mean, I know we’ve talked about girls we find attractive before, but I don’t… it usually takes me a while to really be attractedto someone. Usually, I really have to know and like someone before I feel like I want to do anything… physical. I think that’s why the idea of kissing you took so easily. Like, I know you’re an attractive person, but I never really thought about you or us in that way before, but then when I did…’ He tried to explain, knowing he sounded awkward. He’d never tried to put it into words before.
‘But what about Allison? You were like, zero to sixty with her.’ Stiles said, and Scott nodded his understanding. That had been a big surprise to him, and he’d been thinking about it a lot since they broke up.
‘I think that had more to do with the wolf. It was really weird because like, I’ve never had that instant attraction to anyone before so I didn’t recognise it at first, and then at first I thought it was cause I’d never met the right person. But I kept having these feelings like I was fighting with myself – there were times where all I wanted to do was touch her and kiss her but then I’d stop and think well, let’s just get to know her first. And obviously, then I did get to know her, and… but I think those first few weeks was not all me.’
Stiles looked at him, cocked his head.
‘So you’re saying the wolf had the hots for Allison first?’ He asked, and Scott rolled his eyes but nodded. ‘Ok. Ok, that sort of makes sense. It’s a little weird, but then, what isn’t in our lives nowadays?’
Scott laughed in agreement, and Stiles smiled.
‘What does this mean then? For us?’ Stiles asked, and Scott smiled.
‘It means… I think, I want to try this. If you do.’ Scott told him, and he could hear the hope in his voice.
‘What if it doesn’t work?’ Stiles asked, and Scott heard, and understood, the fear.
‘What if it does?’ Scott countered, and Stiles smiled fondly at the typical optimism. ‘I think we need to promise each other, if we decide to do this, that our friendship comes first. If anything goes wrong or it just doesn’t work, we can take some time, but we’re always friends.’
‘Do you think that can work?’ Stiles asked.
‘I think we’re Scott and Stiles – ask anyone, if we decide we want to do something, we’ll do it no matter how many people tell us not to, or that we can’t.’ Stiles rolled his eyes at the reminder of the many, many times they’d been told their ideas were crazy or impossible or just plain not allowed (or illegal). But it was true – anything that they’d really want to do, they’d found a way and they’d done it. And then when necessary (at least fifty percent of the time) they’d found a way back out of whatever situation they ended up in.
‘Ok.’ Stiles said, nodding. ‘Ok. We promise that no matter what happens, we’re friends first and always.’ He held out his hand, fingers curled except his pinky. Scott looked down at it, then up at Stiles and smiled.
The first time they’d made a promise to one another, Scott had held out his pinky to a very confused Stiles. When he explained what he knew about pinky swears and how they couldn’t be broken, Stiles had nodded enthusiastically and stuck his own out to complete the process. Since then, every important promise they’d made had been sealed with a pinky promise.
Scott moved his hand off Stiles’ wrist and looped his pinky around Stiles’.
‘I, Scott McCall, pinky promise that no matter what happens between Stiles Stilinski and I in our romantic relationship we will be friends first and always.’ Stiles smiled at the words romantic relationship.
‘I, Stiles Stilinski, pinky promise that no matter what happens between Scott McCall and I in our romantic relationship we will be friends first and always.’ They grinned at each other, and then Scott used the hand still on the back of Stiles’ neck to reel him in for another kiss.
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Type: One shout about Lukas + Philip (Eyewitness) Rating: Rated PG  Trigger Warning: Bullying Word Count: 2400+ Enjoy!
Summer was coming to an end and Lukas was dreading going back to school. It seems like in the summer he could truly be who he was without anyone judging him. He could be with Philip and no one questioned it, it was just easier in the summer. Lukas got onto his dirt bike and went down to the lake. He smiled when he saw Philip sitting on the shore. He snuck up behind Philip and sat behind him. Wrapping his arms around him, Philip smiled and leaned back against Lukas. 
"Nice surprise," Philip said.
"I just saw you sitting here all alone," Lukas said.
"Waiting for you," Philip said. 
"Oh were you?" Lukas said as he kissed Philips's cheek.
"Yea I always am" Philip placed his hands on Lukas's arms. 
"I hate that tomorrow is the day we go back" Lukas sighed.
"I know babe" Philip pouted.
Lukas just held Philip as they looked out towards the water. Resting his head against Philip. He just wanted to stay like this forever. Philip pulled away from Lukas's hold and got up, reaching back for Lukas's hand. Lukas smiled and grabbed his hand and got up. Lacing their fingers together as they walked towards the cabin. Lukas unlocked the door and held the door open for Philip, making sure the door was locked after they entered. 
"Come here," Philip said as he patted the spot next to him on the bed. 
"What?" Lukas smiled as he laid next to Philip
Lukas laid his head down on Philip's chest as Philip played with his hair. Lukas traced patterns against Philips' stomach, playing with his shirt. Lukas started to drift off to sleep so was Philip. Lukas woke up later on when he heard Philip's phone going off. 
"Hey wake up," Lukas said as he gently nudged Philip
"Uh?" Philip said as he started to wake up.
"Your phone is going off," Lukas said.
"Probably wanting to know if I'm coming home for dinner," Philip said. 
"Let's go get dinner and watch a movie?" Lukas said as he laid back against Philip.
"How long were we asleep for?" Philip asked.
"I honestly have no idea," Lukas said.
"Let's go get something to eat," Philip said. 
Lukas got up off the bed and reached for Philip's hand. Philip got off the bed and took Lukas's hand, leaving the cabin. Lukas got onto his bike and handed Philip the other helmet. Philip put the helmet on and got on the back of Lukas' bike. Holding onto Lukas as they left the cabin. Heading towards town, going to one of their favorite spots to eat. They ordered take-out and went to the lake to watch the sunset. Philip took a bite from the cake and got a piece for Lukas. Holding it up to Lukas's lips, Lukas smiled and took a bite. 
"Oops," Philip said as he got chocolate on Lukas's lip.
"What?" Lukas said.
"Come here," Philip said as he leaned in and kissed Lukas. 
Lukas smiled against Philips's lips before kissing him back. Philip pulled back to make sure he got the chocolate off but then went in for another kiss. Lukas grabbed Philips's shirt pulling him closer as he kept the kiss between them. Philip pulled on Lukas's bottom lip before pulling away from the kiss. He went back to eating as did Lukas. They finished eating and cleaned up before sitting on the shore. Enjoying the last few seconds of summer, as the sun disappeared. 
"See you tomorrow," Philip said.
"You know the deal," Lukas said.
"I know that deal. We don't know each other" Philip nodded.
"I'm just not ready," Lukas said.
"Hey," Philip said as he pulled Lukas close, "I told you, take your time. I'm not going anywhere" Philip said.
"I love you," Lukas said as he kissed Philip. "How did I get so lucky?" Lukas said.
"I don't know," Philip smiled. 
Philip leaned in and kissed Lukas once more before leaving. They both went home and got some sleep, but Lukas couldn't sleep. He was worried someone would find out about him and Philip. Especially his dad, he knew it would be bad if his dad found out. Around 6 am he decided just to get up and get ready for school. He went downstairs and made him some breakfast, he sat down to eat when his father walked in. 
"Morning," his dad said.
"Morning," Lukas said.
"Ready for school?" His dad asked.
"Yea," Lukas said. 
"Have a good day," his dad said.
"Thanks," Lukas said as he finished eating.
He placed his dishes in the sink and left the house. He made it to school as he was walking up to the doors. He noticed Philip getting dropped off. He quickly looked away as he entered the building.  Lukas made his way to his locker, placing his bookbag in it and just grabbing a notebook. When he closed his locker Rose was standing there.
"Hey, you," she said.
"Hey Rose," Lukas said as he placed his arm around her shoulders. 
"How have you been?" she asked as she walked with him.
"I've been good, busy this summer," He said.
"I know, your father said that you were out of town," she said.
"Yea mainly all summer," she said. 
"Weird, your father said you got back last month," she said.
"Yea but still busy" he nodded. "You know I would spend all my time with you if I could," he said.
"I know," she smiled. 
He walked her to her class before making his way to his class. He realized Philip was also in the class. He sat with his friends and started joking around with them. The class started and everyone got quiet. Lukas looked back at Philip a few times before paying attention to what the teacher was saying. After the class ended Lukas went to the bathroom and pulled Philip in as he walked by.
"Whoa," Philip said.
"It's just me," Lukas said.
"I thought you didn't want anyone to know, '' Philip said.
"No one is in here," Lukas said as he pushed Philip against the wall. Placing his hand on his cheek and kissing him softly. 
Philip smiled against Lukas's lips before kissing him back. Gripping Lukas hips as he kept the kiss between them. Lukas pulled on Philips's bottom lip before pulling away. Lukas left the bathroom first and a few seconds later Philip left. Their schedules were different after the first period so they barely even saw each other. After school Lukas was making his way to his car when he noticed Philip. Philip was leaving the building but people were messing with him. Lukas rushed over when he saw them push Philip down. 
"Hey, leave him alone," Lukas said.
"We are just having fun with the new kid," someone said.
"Yeah weird new kid" someone else said.
"Leave him alone," Lukas said as he helped Philip up. 
The guys walked off and Lukas took Philip to his car.  They both got in the car and pulled off, Philip was pretty quiet on the ride. 
"What's wrong?" Lukas asked.
"Nothing, I'm fine," Philip said.
"No, you're not, what's wrong?" Lukas asked again.
"Nothing Lukas," Philip said.
"Babe?" Lukas said as he pulled over. 
"Just leave it alone," Philip said.
"No  I won't, I want to know what's wrong," Lukas said. 
"Just not a good day," Philip said.
"Who else is messing 'with you?" Lukas said. 
"Just everyone," Philip said. 
"Tell me who and I'll get them to back off, '' Lukas said.
"Can you just take me home?" Philip said. 
"Ok," Lukas said as he pulled off and took Philip home.  
Philip got out of the car and just went inside. Lukas pulled off and went home. He hated that Philip didn't have a good day and that people were messing with him. The next day Lukas was at his locker when Philip walked by. 
"I'm sorry about yesterday," Philip said.
"It's ok," Lukas said.
"What are your friends with the weird kid?" Rose said as she walked up.
"Mind your business Rose," Lukas said.
"Defensive much" Rose said as she crossed her arms.
"It's nothing, he was just asking me something," Lukas said.
"Uh-huh," Rose said as she grabbed Lukas's hand. "Sorry new boy he's mine," Rose said as she pulled Lukas away. 
Lukas looked back at Philip and mouthed sorry before walking Rose to her class.  He made his way to his class and sat down, not even saying anything to his friends. Philip walked in and took his seat as the teacher walked in. The class started and Lukas kept looking at Philip just wanting to know if he was ok. Lukas tried to focus on the class but he was just worried about Philip. After the class, Lukas waited for Philip to walk by the bathroom but he didn't. He knew he would see him at the prep rally later this afternoon. Lukas went on with his classes and afterward went to the prep rally. He was already sitting down, looking for Philip. As Philip was walking into the gym the two guys were right after him. They tripped him up and Philip fell to the ground. 
"Watch where you're going," the guy said.
"Yea new kid," the other one said laughing.
"Leave him alone" Lukas rushed over there.
"Aw, your boyfriend is here," the guy said.
"BACK OFF! " Lukas said as he helped Philip up. 
"Why do you care about this new kid so much?" Rose asked.
"His name is Philip!" Lukas said.
"And why do you care about him?" Rose asked.
"Because he's my boyfriend!" Lukas said. The mic was on and everyone could hear Lukas. 
"Are you serious?" Rose crossed her arms.
"Yes, I am," Lukas said as he looked at Philip. "So everyone can leave him alone!" Lukas said. 
"Babe calms down," Philip said.
"NO I'M SICK OF IT! Just because he's new means you tease and beat him? No that's not COOL" Lukas said. 
Philip grabbed Lukas's hand and pulled him out of the gym. Pushing him against the wall, resting his hand on Lukas's chest. 
"Calm down," Philip said. "Everyone knows now" he looked at Lukas.
"I don't care, you don't deserve that," Lukas said.
"Shh," Philip said as he tried to get Lukas to calm down.
"Are you ok?" Lukas asked.
"Yea I'm fine, hurt my wrist but I'm ok," Philip said.
"Let me see," Lukas said as he gently grabbed Philips's hand. 
"It's ok," Philip said as he looked at Lukas.
"Are you sure?" Lukas asked as he brushed his thumb against Philips' wrist
"Yes, babe," Philip said. 
"Ok" Lukas nodded. "I hate seeing you hurt," Lukas said.
"Come on, let's go," Philip said as he grabbed Lukas' hand.
They walked back into the gym and everyone started clapping for them. Mainly everyone was proud of Lukas for standing up for Philip. Proud of Lukas being ok with being himself and just being free. Lukas smiled and grabbed Philips's hips and kissed him softly. Philip smiled against his lips before kissing him back. They took a seat as the prep rally started, Lukas placed his arm around Phillps waist. 
"I can get used to this," Lukas said.
"What? Having me all to yourself?" Philip asked.
"Yes and just being myself" Lukas kissed Philip's cheek.
"It's great to be yourself," Philip smiled.
"Yea it is," Lukas nodded. "Still not ready to tell my dad yet," Lukas said,
"Baby steps," Philip said. "But I thought you were Rose's man," Philip said.
"You knew the truth from the start," Lukas said.
"I know," Philip said. 
After the prep rally, they left and Lukas dropped Philip off. He made it home and his dad was waiting for him. Someone told his dad what happened at the prep rally. 
"We need to talk," His dad said as he walked in.
"What about?" Lukas asked. 
"You," his dad said. 
"Ok" Lukas nodded and went into the kitchen. 
They had an open and honest conversation about Lukas's sexuality. His father was upset at first but then realized that this is what made his son happy. All he wanted was for Lukas to be happy. It wasn't as bad as Lukas made it out to be and his father supported him. Lukas went up to his room and laid down. He realized that everyone who cared about him only wanted what was best for him and for him to be happy. He texted Philip that he could come over and there was no more hiding. Philip made his way to Lukas's house. He went straight upstairs to where Lukas was at. Laying between Lukas's legs, resting his head on his chest. 
"How did he find out?" Philip asked.
"Someone told him about the prep rally," Lukas said.
"I'm sorry," Philip said.
"No don't be, it was a good conversation and he supports me," Lukas said.
"That's good babe," Philip said.
"Yea it is," Lukas said. "Breath of fresh air now," Lukas said.
"I'm happy for you," Philip said.
"I can always be with you now," Lukas smiled.
"Yes you can be," Philip said. 
They cuddle for the rest of the night. Lukas enjoyed being himself now and didn't feel the pressure of being someone else. He could be himself and be with the person he loved. Sometimes the things we are scared of aren't as scary as we think they are.
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writer-k-pop · 4 years
Because of a Rude Biker
난 다시는 작은 길을 걷지 않을 거야. I’m never walking down tiny roads again.
Description: You’ve met him and a couple of his friends quite a few times before. But this once was different. And because of a rude biker, and some perfect timing, his true identity is revealed and new friendships are made. Warnings: Reader gets scraped up a bit. Genre: Angst, Fluff, Idol!Vernon x Fem!Reader Word Count: 2.7k
Seventeen Masterlist | Masterlists
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"Here, this is my number." Chuhan said while writing on a napkin. The summer heat was beating down on our heads and our drinks had condensation running down the glass. We both had our phones, yes, but in the moment we ignored the fact for the simple gesture of handing his number to me before he left with Minseok and Myungho. "I'm going to be busy for the next few months so I don't know if I'll be able to get over here much."
I smile and remember the first few times I saw him.
It was a few months ago. I had been frequenting a nice courtyard near a musical theatre that had a coffee cart and tables to seat at and spend sometime in the sun, doodling, journaling, or doing whatever I desired that day. I was doodling the theatre building because it was a cool looking building and I wanted to try my hand at drawing prospectives (it wasn't good, but it was worth the practice). A random guy sitting at the same long table with some of his friends had leaned over and started up a conversation with me. The random guys ended up being Minseok, Chuhan, and Myungho. We started chatting and then the next time I went, they showed up too. And the next time. And the next time. It kind of became a thing that we did. Sometimes Minseok and/or Myungho didn't show up. But Chuhan always did. It never really occurred to us to exchange phone numbers until today.
A pout forms on my lips as I begin to worry about Chuhan and his friends/coworkers.
"I hope they're not too busy." I murmur to myself adjusting my mask as we still all have to wear them. As I do this, it kind of occurs to me that I've never seen Minseok, Chuhan, or Myungho's faces without masks on.
I shrug off the thought and refocus on the small back alley I'm walking through. It's barely big enough for a car to fit down yet somehow the drivers here manage to squeeze through like it's no big deal.
Bobbing my head along to the music playing through my earphones, I don't hear the biker coming up behind me on the narrow road. Before I can register what's happening, the biker speeds up next to me, kicks out a leg and knocks me over, and then is speeding away as my forearm stings against the prickly ground.
"Hey!" A male voice shouts at the biker (who's too far away to care) from behind me as my knee echos the sting of my forearm.
I sit back on my butt and rip out my earbuds before gingerly looking at my injuries. My purse flew off my shoulder and landed a good foot away. My knee is a bit scratched up and my forearm is as well, though small blood droplets are starting to appear.
"Are you okay?" A male with blonde hair and soft asks, kneeling down next to me, and another appears standing on my other side. "Oh, you're bleeding."
"I'm okay, yeah." I say in a shaky voice, the shock of it all throwing me off guard. "I live just down the street, I'm okay."
"You should clean that off right away." The male standing says with concern, "Our company is literally right here, at least come and wash it off so it doesn't get infected."
Against my better judgement- the one that says going anywhere with strange males is bad- I nod. It's just something about their eyes and their posture. Plus, the one who screamed angrily at the biker is still staring in anger at the path the biker disappeared down minutes ago.
"Here, let me help you." The once kneeling male offers me a hand, "My name's Jisoo."
"(y/n)." I tell him and take his offered hand. I try to put pressure on my scraped knee but the sting intensifies and I stumble to regain balance on the uninjured leg.
"Careful." Jisoo warns, gripping my arm tighter.
"Just back here." The other male points to my left. Standing around us and the entrance of a building are 11 other males, all masked, of course.
"Someone come and grab her stuff." Jisoo calls out to the group who is looking at me with concern.
The other guys start to shuffle around, one even holds the door open a few steps before Jisoo and I reach the door. I notice, though, that three guys stand a little ways away, all staring at me dumbfounded, and very quiet. I take a couple seconds to look them over and they're wearing outfits EXTREMELY similar to what Minseok, Myungho, and Chuhan were wearing.
"Watch your step." The one holding the door open says as a warning and I have to revert my attention to where I'm placing my feet.
Jisoo turns his head and says something to someone behind me while I tune him out and take in the interior of the building. The white walls reflect the fluorescent lights and brighten the room. Turns this way and that and up a small flight of stairs and Jisoo leads me into a large open conference room, which looks oddly familiar.
"Sit here." Jisoo instructs me and pulls out a chair. He then pulls out a chair for himself.
I lower myself into the chair and try to bend my knee. Bad idea. The sting makes me suck in a breath and squeeze my eyes shut. It's the kind of sting that's sharp and sometimes causes shivers to run down my spine. The worst kind of sting, in my opinion.
"Here's the stuff, hyung." Another guy comes trotting into the room with a red cross labeled white box. Another brings a bowl of water and a couple of hand towels. The others gather in the room with mumbled conversations.
I pull the mask off my face and lay it down on the table as someone else sets my phone and purse next to my mask.
"Thanks." I smile at him and he nods back.
After taking his mask off, Jisoo wordlessly dampens one of the towels then pats the space between his legs.
"You don't have -." I try to refute his offer but his face silences my voice. For a second I forget how to breathe but my scrapes quickly remind me that I need to otherwise they're going to rain hellfire on my nerves. "You're not just a random Jisoo." I exhale in shock.
Joshua leans back, slightly afraid that I'll start screaming. I look around at the others and slowly piece together the number: 13, and the room we're in: it's the same as where Seventeen filmed their fifth year anniversary idea session. I'm just looking at it from a VERY different angle.
Everyone in the room seems to be holding their breath, uncertain about how I'm going to react. I think I surprised them because I definitely know I surprised myself with my response.
"Okay." I say surprisingly calmly in response to Joshua's instruction for me to put my leg up. "But only cause I have one arm out of commission."
And like someone took the kettle off of the heat, the members all exhale.
"You sure you're okay?" Seungcheol asks, taking his mask off and the others follow.
I nod, my nervousness being replaced with confidence the longer I'm under the realization that I am being helped by the Seventeen.
I nod but the action is cut short as Joshua cleans off my scraped knee causing me to inhale quickly and scrunch my face in pain.
"Sorry." Joshua mutters but continues to wipe away the dirt from my skin.
"It's fine." I squeeze out through clenched teeth. "Almost done." Joshua tells him and continues to clean the scrape.
"So, where were you coming from?" Seungkwan wonders with curious eyes in attempt to provide some distraction from the pain.
"Uhm, I was just hanging out with some friends." I answer him, forcing myself to look way from my knee.
"Was it far from here?" Hoshi followed up.
I shake my head, "It was just in the courtyard by the theatre that's like 6 blocks away or something."
"Hey, isn't that where you guys said you were going?" Dino points a finger towards Vernon, DK, and The8.
I glance at the three and they're the ones dressed the same as Minseok, Chuhan, and Myungho. The room is silent as the three share a nervous look. Then Joshua breaks the silence by ripping open a bandaid.
"We did..." DK trails off, staring directly at Vernon and Myungho. I feel Joshua stick the bandaid over my knee before patting my foot, silently saying that I can lower my leg.
"Maybe you guys saw each other!" Jun comments happily.
"I... I think I did..." I stare at the three avoiding any eye contact with me. The pieces slowly starting to fit together. Joshua reaches out for my arm which I easily volunteer over. "Oh, I definitely di- oh, mother-!" I yelp mid-sentence as Joshua wipes away the dirt and blood.
"Sorry, sorry." Joshua mumbles apologetically.
"It's fine." I breathe out and redirect back to the three who's familiar eyes aren't just from the computer screen. "Chuhan, Minseok, and Myungho?" I question them on the names they used with me.
DK and Vernon just smile while The8 adds a tiny and shy wave.
"And you were going to be too busy to come meet with me because of the comeback..." I continue to guess.
They nod and some members stare at the three in awe while the others snicker under their breath. Joshua just continues to wipe away at my arm which is still stinging.
"And you made up names because....?" I lean forward, trailing off to wait for an answer.
"We didn't know how you'd react to us?" Vernon offers but states it more as a question.
"This is going to sting." Joshua informs me just mere milliseconds before spraying something that most definitely stings.
"Ugh." I groan, "I'm never walking down tiny roads again."
"You're going to have to if you're going to come visit us." Seungkwan pouts.
"Who said I was visiting?" I question, realizing a couple seconds later how that actually sounds coming out of my mouth.
"No one but I know Vernon gave you his number so I was kind of guessing." Seungkwan replies as Joshua rips open a few bandaids to cover up my injured arm.
"You mean Chuhan." I correct him with a smirk.
"CHUHAN?" Hoshi repeats the name, "You told her your name was CHUHAN?" He throws his head back and laughs out loud. Dino, Jun, Jeonghan, and Seungcheol join him while others just smile in amusement.
"Okay but like did (y/n) never question how ridiculous the name was?" Mingyu interrogates me, amused at my naiveness.
I shrug, pulling my arm closer after Joshua lets it go. "I know people sometimes have crazy names and I've heard weirder names so it seemed like a plausible name."
"Okay but did it never hit you because DK hyung used his name backwards and The8 hyung used his korean name!" Vernon wonders with a tiny ounce of whine laced in.
"I couldn't see your face. And the masks obscure a lot of people's visuals." I explain and wave my hand in front of my face to emphasis. "Including celebrities. Isn't that the reason celebs constantly wore them before we were all required to?"
"She has a point." The8 points at me in agreement.
"So were you boys ever going to spill your secret?" I ask, leaning my cheek against my fist.
They all stutter with a loss of words.
"We're taking that as a no." Hoshi crosses his arms and moves to stand behind me.
"Yes we are." Seungkwan agrees and joins Hoshi.
I start to panic slightly at the thought that I might have started a rift between the members but Vernon's laugh breaks that tension.
"No, it's not like that." He explains, "We were going to tell her just like not for a little while."
"It was nice to talk with someone who didn't know who we were." Dokyeom continues while I just look at them in amusement.
"I just tagged along cause it got me out of the dorm." The8 gives his very simple reason. Jun chuckles and gives him a high-five.
"So, you knew I was a fan from the multitude of times we discussed music and yet you still didn't bother to let me know?" I question.
"Yeah... kind of." Vernon confirms, smiling sheepishly.
"Fair." I nod and lean back in my chair.
"So you're not upset?" DK asks, curious at my response.
I shake my head, "Why would I be? You were trying to protect yourselves cause I could've been a crazed fan. Makes sense. I probably would've done the same thing."
Before they can reply, my phone starts to buzz with a call. I smile apologetically to the members before answer the call.
"Where are you?" My friend asks over the phone, "You were supposed to be here like 25 minutes ago."
"Shit." I guess being knocked over completely made me forget my plans. "I'll be right there."
"I forgot I was supposed to meet my friend." I tell them apologetically.
"Yeah, yeah. Go ahead." Seungcheol nods, "Next time, let us buy you a meal." "You don't have to." I shake my head quickly.
Seungcheol holds up a hand, "No, no, I want to. This all happened in front of our building so I feel bad."
"It wasn't your fault though..." I try to reason with him.
"It was that stupid biker." Vernon mumbles angrily.
"Still, you'll let us know if you have free time?" Joshua presses.
I nod in defeat. "I will." I say and stand up then stand slightly awkwardly as no one moves.
"Why don't you walk her out, Vernon?" Wonwoo suggests and I nearly forgot he was there as he was so quiet standing in the back with Woozi.
"Yeah, walk her out." Hoshi agrees and nudges me towards the door while The8 does the same to Vernon.
Vernon holds the door open for me and I walk out holding my bandaged arm close to my chest.
"Sorry for lying." Vernon apologies once we're down the stairs.
"You don't need to apologize." I say, "It makes a lot of sense why you didn't tell me so don't feel bad. Again, I would've done the same thing."
Vernon smiles softly, "Nice to know it wasn't a completely crazy idea."
"You were the one to suggest it?" I question in amusement.
"No, The8 hyung did." He explains, "I just agreed to it before DK hyung could suggest a crazier idea."
"Good thinking." I compliment his train of thought.
"You sure you're going to be okay?" He asks, voice full of concern.
I nod with certainty, "Yeah, I'll be fine. It'll be an annoyance for like two days and then it'll start to heal and I'll forget about it."
"Good, good." Vernon inhales then exhales, "I can't believe a person can be that rude. Especially in broad daylight." He releases his bottled up annoyance.
"Yeah, but without them, you would still be Chuhan to me." I reason with him, seeing the bright side of the situation.
"True, but still." Vernon scrunches up his nose. "You still have my number right?" He asks as we reach the front door.
I search my purse for the napkin, "Yeah, it's right here." I pull out the scrunched up napkin.
Vernon nods in satisfaction, "Text or call me sometime. I'm sure we could hang out more privately before Coups hyung forces you to him buy you a meal."
I smile and let out an airy laugh, "I'd like that."
"I'll be waiting for your message then." Vernon says happily.
"Thanks for helping me out." I say and step outside.
"Not a problem." He replies and both of us hesitate to end the encounter.
"I, uh, I should probably get going. Don't want to keep my friend waiting." I smile lightly, deciding to break the barrier first.
"Yeah, yeah. Get there safely." Vernon reminds me as I step away and he waves back as I wave at him.
I turn around to face the direction I'm walking and quickly pull out my phone.
"Bruh, you will NOT believe what just happened!" I text friend.
"WHAT?" She replies in one second flat.
I giggle with giddiness and my fingers type as fast as they can, unable to contain my excitement. "So I was knocked over by a rude biker..."
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petri808 · 3 years
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Inukag Royalty Au
A month had gone by since that moment in the library and it appeared that Kagome’s worries regarding the Inu royal family were unfounded. No one treated her differently so far, if everyone even knew the full circumstances, but even Inuyasha’s father didn’t hold her responsible for his son’s decision. Frankly, the man hadn’t been all that surprised Inuyasha had fallen in love with Kagome stating that it would take someone like her to reign him in. The Inutaisho counseled them about the obvious discretion that needed to be maintained, but at least with one less worry out of the way she could breathe again. Kagome returned to her duties tutoring Rin with a reinvigorated attitude and left the rest in fates hands.
The morning started out normal, with nothing special planned and just the daily routines to follow. Kagome and Rin were in the library during the morning tutoring session when a palace guard unexpectedly came looking for her. “Ms. Tanaka, I’m sorry to interrupt, but there is a woman at the gate calling herself Sango who purports to know you.”
‘Sango?!’ “Oh! Yes!” ‘What is she doing here?!’ Kagome internally panicked but kept her cool. “She’s an old family friend of mine.”
“Very well,” the guard bowed. “I shall have her escorted to your room.”
“Thank you,” Kagome nodded. “I’ll be there shortly.”
Once Rin was settled into her studies with instructions, Kagome rushed to her bedroom to find out why Sango had come looking for her. Part of her was frustrated for having revealed her location, but she knew the woman enough to know she wouldn’t have come unless it was important. Immediately upon entering the room, Kagome’s instincts were right. Sango looked rushed and worried as she paced back and forth. She hugged her friend. “Is something wrong?”
The woman nodded as they separated. “I’m sorry Princess, but it was a matter of urgency I come. I was informed that the betrothed King has changed the marriage arrangement and demanded that the wedding be held immediately, or he will invade our kingdom.” Sango dropped her head, “so when I realized the gravity of the situation, I knew I had to tell them the truth to protect the kingdom. Your parents tried to hold things off…”
“What?! But when I overheard them talking about this prince, they said he was a good guy. Now he’s threatening an invasion?!” Kagome slumped on her bed and stared at the floor. “I never would have thought— I mean I guess I hoped he would just drop this if I wasn’t available anymore… wait a King?” Catching her confusion, she looked up. “I swear they said a prince?”
“I’m very sorry Princess, I don’t know all the details, but I fear for the King and Queen. From what I’ve learned this King can be ruthless.”
“Did they tell you a name?”
Sango nodded. “King Naraku.”
“Wait, I know that name! He was here not long ago visiting the Inutaisho. Inuyasha didn’t trust him either.” Kagome shuddered, “he was so creepy.”
“Well, whoever this guy really is, he sounds serious.” Sango pulled a crown from her satchel and handed it to Kagome. “We must leave immediately Princess.”
Kagome took the crown from her attendant with a sigh. “I… I-I’ll need to tell Inuyasha. I can’t just disappear, and to leave Rin that would— I can’t…” Kagome’s shaking head dropped into her hands. “Oh, I don’t know what to do.”
“If you must tell him, then tell him, but Princess, we really must leave as soon as possible.”
“I know… I know…” Kagome stood up slowly as she affixed the crown to her head. She’d never wanted to wear the piece again, but she had no choice. “Follow me. I believe he’s in the training hall.”
They could hear the echoes of clanging steel and sounds of gruff words being thrown around the closer they got to the training hall. It was a special building on the opposite side of the castle near the stables where the prince would often train with his guard Miroku to pass the time. Kagome tried to ponder on the right words, but is there a right way to say anything like this? It was all a lie… I’m sorry you fell in love with me and broke an arrangement because of me… I love you too, but I must marry this other guy… Tears were already trickling down her face as she opened the door. The men stopped mid-swing when they heard the door open, turning to see who’d come in. Kagome’s breathing hitched at the site of the glistening hanyo, sweat beading down his bared chest. Oh, heaven’s if it were under any other circumstances then this one, but the sight only broke her emotions wide open.
“Kagome?” Inuyasha lowered his sword, but instantly sheathed it and rushed over when he saw the tears. Miroku followed the prince as well but kept his weapon out. “What’s going on?! And who is this?! And what—” he touched her crown before clasping her cheeks between his hands. “Kagome, what the hell is going on?!”
“Inuyasha…” Kagome’s tears broke down into a full-blown hysterical sob. “I’m sorry, I’m so sorry, I-I don’t know how to tell you this…” her body went limp under the weight of the pain. She didn’t want to leave him. She didn’t want to leave Rin. She didn’t want to leave the palace and the Inu’s who’d she come to adore… It all hurt so damn much that she was even in this situation!
Inuyasha caught Kagome and they both slid to the floor onto their knees. He cradled her to his chest as her tears fell and she gripped to his vest. “Tell me what? Please! What is going on?!”
“I’ve been lying… about who I really am,” Kagome’s shaky voice choked out the words. “My true identity is Princess Kagome Higurashi of the Higurashi kingdom…”
“You— wait, so all this time…” Inuyasha glanced at the other woman. “And who is this?”
“Sango is my friend and Lady in Waiting.”
“But why now?” He gripped Kagome’s shoulders and forced her to face him, “I want the truth Kagome!”
Kagome faced him but kept her eyes averted to the ground. “I ran away because of an arranged marriage, but now that suitor is threatening my kingdom if the wedding doesn’t take place. Sango came to warn me—” Turning her pleading eyes to him. “Inuyasha, I don’t want to leave! But she said this King is a ruthless man threatening to invade and I can’t just let him hurt my people! I can’t…” her voice quieted, broken and defeated. “I know I shouldn’t have run, and I swear I never intended for any of this… but I have to go.”
Inuyasha’s grip tightened in restraint and his voice lowered almost into a growl. “Do you really think I’d just let you walk out of here!”
“But Inuyasha—”
“WHO IS THIS KING?!” He shook her hard in his anger. “Tell me!”
Her eyes flashed wide with fear. “Naraku! King Naraku!” Kagome spit out.
Inuyasha suddenly let Kagome go and looked up at Miroku. “So that’s why that bastard was staring at Kagome! He recognized her!” He jumped to his feet. “Fucking bastard! I won’t let him get away with this! I’ll track him down and kill him!”
Miroku stepped forward and grabbed Inuyasha’s arm. “We can’t do anything brash, your highness. You need to speak to your father and apprise him of the situation.”
“Then go find him and we’ll meet in his war room,” Inuyasha instructed Miroku. He then turned to the women, helping Kagome to her feet. “You two follow me.”
On the way to the war room, Inuyasha pressed the women for more information. He wanted to be upset with Kagome for hiding her identity from him, but under the circumstances had no time to let it affect him and besides, was he any better? He’d refused to accept a marriage arrangement too, so who was he to judge her for wanting out— especially to a guy like Naraku. According to Kagome she didn’t even know until that day King Naraku had been the intended betrothed. Regardless of his own emotions, Inuyasha was a man on a mission with a Princess to save.
The Inutaisho sat down on a chair and listened silently as Kagome first came clean about her true identity. She told him everything from start to finish, from the running away and why, up until meeting him in the palace, baring her soul to the man. Then she, Inuyasha, and Sango provided all the information they knew of the situation with Naraku, including Inuyasha’s suspicious from the last visit. Inuyasha implored his father to do something because King Naraku shouldn’t be allowed to do what he did. All through the conversation, Kagome couldn’t tell what the king was thinking as they told their story, because he showed little to no emotion, simply sitting there listening intently. Once they finished, the man sat back and pinched his brow.
“This is such a mess…” Inutaisho sighed.
“Is that all you have to say?!” Inuyasha snapped. “Did I not make it clear? He needs to be stopped!”
“Oh, I heard you loud and clear,” Inutaisho stood up. “And this is a giant mess!”
Kagome dropped to her knees in a low bow. “Your majesty, please forgive me for causing all these problems. I never intended to cause anything trouble.”
“No, my dear,” he kneeled and placed his hand on her shoulder, coaxing her to rise. “I fear your parents and I are partially to blame.”
“Huh?” The four young people uttered at the same time in confusion.
“What do you mean?” Kagome and Inuyasha asked simultaneously.
Inutaisho dropped back onto his chair. “The reason neither of you were told who you were marrying is because we’d feared if you found out, you would object. We figured we’d wait until just before the wedding to reveal the information… and I realize now that was a big mistake.”
He turned first to Kagome. “You ran away. But your parents never informed me of that information. I can only assume they hoped it would all work out, but now I know why they easily accepted the new agreement I offered after Inuyasha objected.”
“And you son,” he turned to Inuyasha. “At first you accepted the arrangement, but after meeting Kagome decided to rebel.”
“I’d only met with your parents,” Inutaisho addressed Kagome, “so I didn’t know you were their daughter when you came here. I suspected because of your scent and your behavior but assumed you may have been a distant relative.”
Kagome turned to Inuyasha. “Wait so that means…”
“You and I… we’re supposed to be married,” he finished her sentence.
“Wow, what a small world,” Sango chuckled. But when she received a swift glare from Kagome, she apologized. “You have to admit it’s amusing, Princess.”
“Fate is working overtime,” Miroku added. “You two should be thrilled. But, your majesty,” he directed his question to the king. “Then how did Naraku end up in a pact with the Higurashi’s?”
“I can only assume as Inuyasha surmised, that he recognized Kagome during the visit.”
“But he still wouldn’t have known she was available,” Sango chimed in with a genuine confused question. “I don’t understand how he would have known.”
“Spies…” Inuyasha growled under his breath. “I wouldn’t put it past him to pay off a palace servant to report on information.”
“That may all be very true, but for now we’ll need to figure out how to undo this debacle…” Inutaisho lowered his voice. “And quietly, just in case there are spies under this roof.”
“How are we supposed to do that?” Inuyasha questioned his father.
Inutaisho smiled. “I think I have an idea, as long as the Higurashi’s agree to it.”
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Sherlock xMute!Reader •Part 6•
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You turned around in your sleep, trying to not lose the cool dream you just had and to dream on.
But something was off and kept you from drifting off into your wonderful dream world again.
It smelled different, nasty, like iron and dirt and your hand hurt.
There was something cold around your wrist.
Startled you opened your heavy eyelids and tried to sit up but a sudden wave of pain rushed in your head and made you feel dizzy.
You narrowed your eyes to make the dizzy feeling go away before you opened them again.
It was pitch black around you, you couldn't even see your own hand before your face and something around your left hand stopped you from getting up from the mattress you were sitting on.
Scared you felt for the thing around your wrist.
It was a handcuff. You are handcuffed to something.
Panicking you wildly yanked at the handcuff, trying to get it off.
But it was no use. You just hurt yourself by bruising your wrist even more.
              ------- 1 week ago ------
"Waiter!", someone from the other side of the cafe shouted, holding his hand in the air and waving widely.
Sighing you grabbed your big black wallet from the counter and the sales check, knowing that he probably wanted to pay. As you walked over you heard the bells of the door and from the corner of your eye, you saw a tall man in a long coat entering the cafe. You first mistook him for Sherlock but quickly realized that it wasn't him as the man pulled down the wet hood from his head, ruffling through his messy black hair to get the raindrops out of it.
He flashed you a bright smile as he noticed you staring at him.
Blushing slightly you returned the smile before turning back to the customer, handing him out the sales check.
He tipped you and left the cafe with the women who had set with him on the table.
Swiftly you cleaned the table and brought the two cups back to the kitchen.
While washing the cups, your thoughts drifted off to Sherlock again. You thought about him often but lately he never really got the time to visit you at work. He jumped head over heels from case to case and when he was at your cafe, he barely noticed you, being too caught up in a case he was working on.
Right now he was in Germany, he followed the trace of a "big fish", as Watson called it, and you haven't seen or heard from him for two months.
Hopefully, you checked your phone. Your screen lit up and showed the picture, which Watson did some month ago, of you and Sherlock cuddling. But there was no message from Sherlock.
Sighing again you pushed your phone back in your pocket.
You felt silly. You fell in love with a man who was known for not having any kind of sentimental feelings.
The thought that he probably didn't even care about you as much as you cared for him got stuck in your head and pulled your mood down for weeks.
"Is everything okay?", a deep voice suddenly asked and you flinched.
You looked at the man beside you startled after being pulled out of your thoughts before nodding a few times.
The man was the person you had first mistaken for Sherlock some minutes ago, he smiled warmly at you and had his hands in the pockets of his coat.
Now, fully back, in reality, you noticed that he was standing in the kitchen, the place where no customer should be so you quickly pushed him out.
He looked at you a little confused but chuckled: "Sorry, I didn't mean to interrupt you."
You waved your hand slightly to show him that it's okay, but he just looked at you even more confused.
'I can't talk', you wrote on a side of the little notebook you always had with you and showed it to him.
"Oh! I'm sorry.", the man apologized kindly. "Uhm, I just wanted to get you because some customers have shouted for you and you have been back there for over 20 minutes so..."
Over 20 minutes? You could have sworn that it has only been a couple of minutes. Puzzled you looked at the clock on the wall above you. He was right.
The man laid his hand on your shoulder and bend down to you a little: "Are you sure that everything is alright?"
You slowly nodded your head again, even though you were clearly not okay.
Smiling widely at him you tried to overact the fact how worked out and emotionally drained you were.
Taking a deep breath you walked over to the few customers, taking their orders and collecting the money.
It was 19 o clock and about time to close the cafe. All the customers had already left, beside the man in the coat. He was still sitting on the table on which Sherlock used to sit and sipped on his third coffee.
With a smile, you placed the sales check on his table and pointed to the clock to tell him that he needed to go.
"Oh, sorry.", he laughed nervously and gave you the money plus a big tip "Thank you for the coffee".
The man grabbed his coat from the chair and waved you goodbye before leaving the cafe.
Panting you placed the broom back in the storeroom, grabbed your jacket and donned it.
The cold air crawled under the thin fabric of your clothes as you stepped outside and closed the door of the cafe, locking it.
Shivering you pulled the scarf closer to your face.
"Hey-", a voice next to you suddenly said and you jumped in shock, letting the key from your hand fall to the ground.
The man in front of you knelt down to pick the key up and placed it back in your hand.
"I'm so sorry!", he apologized. It was the man from before with the coat again.
Disappointment grew inside of you, your heart ached for Sherlock and you saw him in every person who looked similar.
You tried to smile at the man and gulped the feeling down.
"I think I forgot my phone at your cafe, so I ran back in the hope that you would still be there.", he explained and scratched his head, laughing embarrassed.
Huffing amused you opened the door again and gestured him to follow you.
Quickly you got two phones you found today out of the little safe and showed them to him.
He picked the black one and checked if it was still working.
"Thank you so much, you just saved me.", he said laughing and put his phone in the pocket of his coat.
"My name is Jonathan by the way."
Smiling you shook his hand and pulled your notebook out to write your name on it.
"(Y/n), beautiful name.", Jonathan complimented. "May I take you home? It's already pretty late and I think it's safer for you if I accompany you."
You had agreed to him taking you home, and he did, talking a lot to you about everything he could think of.
Jonathan came often from now on, nearly every day he sat there, drank a coffee or two and talked to you whenever you had time for him before walking you home in the evening again.
You both exchanged numbers and wrote for hours in the night.
He made you happy and brought this warm feeling back.
He made you forget about Sherlock.
The doorbell rang while you were humming your favorite song inside your head.
You looked up to see who just entered the cafe and nearly dropped the empty glass in your hand.
His wild brown locks hang on his face.
His grey coat all wet from the rain outside.
And his blue-green eyes searched for something in the room.
As they met yours, they stopped searching and a small smile appeared on his lips.
Tears swell up in your eyes. Tears of happiness and tears of anger.
You couldn't decide if you wanted to slap him for not having heard a word of him for 3 months or if you wanted to hug him.
"Is everything okay?", Jonathan next to you suddenly asked and laid his hand on your shoulder, worried.
Sherlock narrowed his eyebrows, he eyed Jonathan up and down and instantly had a bad feeling about him. He didn't know what it was, but he didn't like that guy.
Without thinking Sherlock grabbed your hand and pulled you into a tight hug, pressing you against his chest.
You couldn't see it but Jonathan stared with poor evil in his eyes into Sherlock's.
He looked mad, really mad and only Sherlock saw it.
The doorbell rang again and you peeled yourself out of Sherlock's warm embrace, even though you wanted to stay like this for the next couple of days.
Watson had entered the cafe and smiled at you warmly, giving you a quick and tight hug as a greeting.
You turned around to Sherlock again and saw how Jonathan held his hand out but Sherlock didn't shake it, he just stared at him blankly with his hands in the pockets of his coat.
"I think he's jealous.", Watson whispered into your ear and you giggled.
It really looked like this from your point of view, but in reality, Sherlock was just analyzing Jonathan. He tried to read him.
And he could. Easily. Too easily.
It was as if someone had placed the right hints at the right places, it wasn't natural.
Middle-aged man.
Lives alone, his shirt and trousers are crumbled.
Likes coffee, a coffee stain on his shirt.
Not much money, his coat is old, the color washed out and the sleeves are fringe.
He's a smoker, yellowing of the teeth and between the index and middle finger.
Annoyed Sherlock looked away. Jonathan was too easy to read and too friendly to you.
A little forcefully he pulled you out of the cafe, Watson following you both, wondering about what was going on.
"He's dangerous.", Sherlock told you while holding you by your shoulders. "Something about him isn't right. He tries too hard to make you like him, with all this perfume and the outfit, trying to look like me. You should stay away from him."
Watson laughed at Sherlock's words and you joined him, your shoulders shaking in amusement.
"Are you jealous, Sherlock?", Watson asked mockingly and got an angry look from him.
"I mean it, Watson! Something is off, he's too easy to read and-"
Smiling you ruffled through Sherlock's hair and kissed him on the cheek, to show him that he doesn't need to worry before you walked inside the cafe again.
"(Y/n)!", Sherlock shouted after you but you had already closed the door behind you.
Angry and frustrated he ran his hand over his face and into his hair.
Watson patted him on the shoulder: "I knew that you are also just human."
He left him alone in front of the cafe and walked down the street to their apartment.
Worried Sherlock bit his underlip and gulped his frustration down.
He felt helpless.
You didn't take Sherlock's "warning" seriously and let Jonathan walk you home again.
He was too nice to be a bad guy, Sherlock was probably just jealous or maybe just a little paranoid after all those cases and everything that had happened to you.
Jonathan wished you a good night as he dropped you off at your home and you hurried to get in your bed, under your warm blanket since you were exhausted.
Cuddling into your blanket you slowly drifted off into a deep sleep with a smile on your face, thinking of Sherlock.
You turned around in your sleep, trying to not lose the cool dream you just had and to dream on.
But something was off and kept you from drifting off into your wonderful dream world again.
It smelled different, nasty, like iron and dirt and your hand hurt.
There was something cold around your wrist.
Startled you opened your heavy eyelids and tried to sit up but a sudden wave of pain rushed in your head and made you feel dizzy.
You narrowed your eyes to make the dizzy feeling go away before you opened them again.
It was pitch black around you, you couldn't even see your own hand before your face and something around your left hand stopped you from getting up from the mattress you were sitting on.
Scared you felt for the thing around your wrist.
It was a handcuff. You were handcuffed to something.
Panicking you wildly yanked at the handcuff, trying to get it off.
But it was no use. You just hurt yourself by bruising your wrist even more.
New chapter will be up next weekend!
Hope you liked this one and thank you for reading 🥰
My Wattpad: @/lilakudo
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