#tom hollnad
jeyramarie · 4 years
Mr. & Mrs. Holland- (Mob! Tom Holland x Mob! Reader) part 1
summary: most powerful couple in the country but it’s not Tom you should be fearing.
w/c: 3,033
warning: fluff, kissing, angst? idk, y/n being a badass (yes... that should be a warning)
a/n: the prologue got the greatest feedback, thank you to everyone who read it. i’m so so thankful. since it did so good, here’s part 1!! happy reading everyone 🦋
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The sun shined through the curtains, warming up the naked bodies that were tangled in the satin sheets. Tom’s eyes fluttered open, immediately turning his bed to see his wife laying on his chest. He smiled and pushed back a piece of hair that was hanging in front of her face. Waking up next to Y/n was his favorite feeling because to him, she was the most beautiful person he had ever seen in his life. He moved a bit to get out of bed making her stir. Her eyes opened softly to look at him and smile. 
“Morning, love.” he said softly leaning in and giving her a peck. 
“Good morning, honey.” she chuckled and bit her lip while smiling widely. Tom stood up from the bed, his butt bare making Y/n giggle. He turned around with a questionable look while she layed back down on her pillow. 
“You have a nice butt.” she giggled making him roll his eyes and make his way towards their walk in closet. 
“Where are you going?” she groaned, sitting up in bed with her back against the headboard. 
“I have a meeting with the boys. Haz told me some things have been going missing on the ports.” 
“What things?” she asked with furrowed eyebrows. 
“That supply we were gonna send to Columbia last week.” He walked out butting up his shirt, then moving to his sleeves rolling them up. 
“But… Tom, that was the biggest supply this month.. we were gonna get a fortune.” Y/n said sitting up straighter. 
“Love, I know that. That’s why I need to find out what’s going on and who did this. I’m gonna be with the boys most of the day. I’ll see later.” Tom leaned down, gave his wife a long kiss and stepped out of the bedroom without uttering another word. Y/n started thinking about a possible plan that would help her husband and the whole company. She quickly got out of bed and went into the shower where her thoughts sort of became clearer. With a towel wrapped around her body she walked into her side of the closet. 
“What the hell am i gonna wear?” she asked herself with her arms crossed over her chest. She scanned her color coded closet and finally chose a short black Prada dress. It was tight around her curves and it had a small slight on the side to show part of her thigh. Y/n put her hair up to show off her collarbone and the diamond earrings Tom had just bought her. She put on her favorite pair of heels and made her way towards the meeting room. Her heels clacked on the marble floors as she strutted to the testosterone filled room. 
She pulled open the dark brown doors making every pair of eyes land on her. Of course, Y/n smirked and began to make her way to her husband, who was sitting at the end of the table with a whiskey in hand and his fingers rubbing his chin deep in thought. When she was half way there, she turned to the bartender. 
“Martin? I'll have my usual.” 
“Dry martini with two olives. Got it, boss.” he nodded and turned to start off her drink while she smiled, turning back to look at Tom. Finally, she stood next to him, making him look up at her. Tom looked back down and stared slowly at her thighs, her hips, the day the dress got extra tight at her waist, her breast that were shaped perfectly to him, her collarbone that he desired to kiss and bite at that very moment and last, but certainly not the least, her beautiful face that made him melt every single time he looked at it. 
“Darling, what are you doing here?” He asked, smirking at his wife who was smiling widely. 
“I thought I could give you some ideas, help you out a bit. What do you guys have so far? That’s if you do want my help, of course.” she said as she crossed her arms quickly looking to her right to see Martin with her drink in hand. 
“Thanks, Martin.” she muttered and took a sip while looking back at Tom. 
“I would love to hear what you have in mind. You know I always need your help, darling.” he smiled putting his hand on her thigh and moving it up and down making Y/n get goose bumps all over her body. 
“I need to know what you guys have first.” she smirked and drank another sip from her strong beverage. Tom looked at her and chuckled, sitting straight. 
“Okay, boys… let’s tell Mrs. Holland what we have, now.” he said, strongly making Y/n feel an undeniable tingly feeling on her covered core. The next 30 minutes were spent discussing the problems and the suspects. Of course, Harrison believed it was someone from the inside spilling out details on the supply’s destination. The only thing they seem to have left is a good hideout place to keep look out. Harrison brought over some files of properties close by to Y/n. She put her glass down and sat on the armrest of Tom’s chair making him put his hand on her hip. 
“You’re planning on buying this?” she asked with a questionable look with her head turned to her husband. 
“Yes, why? Do you not like it?” 
“Is not that i don’t like it.. is that…. they’ll find you before you move in. You have to be somewhere that no one's gonna expect you to be in.” Y/n said while looking at the different properties in front of her. She took the last sip from her martini and stood up, still looking at the papers. She walked around the table in silence, every single man following her with their eyes. 
“I hate this. This… this is… what the fuck are you thinking?” she exclaimed turning around to look at Tom who was looking at her with a straight face, waiting for her to explain herself. 
“You wanna spy on someone who’s probably stealing your shit and you wanna buy a 3 million dollar mansion to do it?” she scoffed and shook her head in disbelief as her husband stood up from his chair and slowly started walking towards Y/n. 
“You have to get a place that no one’s gonna expect. Get an abandoned apartment or something. Somewhere dirty and ugly.” Tom finally stood in front of her and grabbed her waist, pulling her towards him. 
“I love the way you think, darling. I like your idea.” he whispered and leaned in to give her a peck. 
“Of course you do, it’s the right one.” she said smiling which caused him to chuckle. 
“We’ll go with that. Harrison, get everything ready.” 
“If you want something done right, let a woman do it.” she said and grabbed his face to give him a quick kiss. She pulled away and started walking towards the door. 
“I have to go, check on my employees. I’ll call you later, honey.” and with that she left the room leaving every man speechless. Y/n walked to the living room where her driver was playing cards with the maids of the house. 
“Dylan, bring the car around.” 
“Yes, ma’am.” she quickly turned around and walked back to her room to get her purse and of course, her small golden gun. She walked outside towards the car where Dylan was holding the door open. 
“Where to, ma’am?” he asked before Y/n got into the car.
“You know that apartment building close to Le Royal?” 
“I need to go there, William is waiting for me.” the man nodded and she got into the car. The ride was silent but she was mostly talking to herself in her head. Thinking of what to say and what to do when she got there. The car came to a stop making her jolt out of her trance. The door opened showing Dylan with a small smile. 
“We’re here, ma’am.” he extended his hand to help Y/n out of the car. 
“Thanks, Dylan. Stay close, please.” 
“Sure thing, ma’am. Good luck in there.” he said, closing the car door. 
“Thank you.” she smiled putting on her Dior sunglasses and walking towards the door.  Y/n walked inside and got to the elevator, going to the last floor. When the doors opened her right hand man, William was waiting for her with a bloody fist. 
“Thanks for the help, William.” 
“Anytime, ma’am.” he nodded and she made her way to the long hallway that led to a wooden door. She opened the door and was met with a man tied to a chair and another chair in front of him. 
“I’m so sorry for the delay but i’m sure my right hand man kept you company. He’s a great conversation starter. I'm sure you guys had fun.” Y/n smiled sitting down on the chair and crossing her legs. The man lifted his head with his sweaty hair falling on his face and the blood coming from his lip, dripping down his chin. 
“Yeah, fun.” 
“Do you know who i am, John?” 
“Yeah.” he scoffed. 
“Okay, do you know what i’m gonna do to you?” the room filled with silence and Y/n chuckled at his nervousness. 
“Of course you don’t. I’ll tell you anyway though.” she said, uncrossing her legs and standing up. Finally in front of the man, she placed her hands on the armrest of the chair leaning in front of him. 
“You mess with my husband, you mess with me and our company. You're not gonna get out of this so easily.” she whispered in a low serious voice making the man’s breath shaky. 
“I’m gonna bash your skull with a metal bat until it has a hole in it. You got that?” the man stayed quiet, scared for his life. Y/n stood back up and smiled. 
“I’ll see you later, Johnny.” she said as she walked out of the room leaving the man screaming out her name over and over again. She walked down the familiar hallway again, getting into the elevator with William. 
“Let’s go, Will.” the elevator door closed, it started moving and then it opened at the 1st floor. Y/n walked out first and then William behind, Dylan was already holding the door open which caused her to smile. 
“Thank you, boys.” she said as she climbed into the back seat. When the door closed her phone ran, it was Tom. 
“Hey, baby.” 
“Hello, love. How’s everything going?” 
“Everything went smoothly. How bout you? Is the plan in motion?” 
“It is. Everything is being handled as we speak.” 
“Great! I have to meet up with some business partners I wanna negotiate with so i’ll get you when i get out okay?” 
“Alright, love. We’ll talk later. I love you.” 
“I love you too, honey.” she smiled and then hung up as the car came to a stop in front of Le Royal. It was a very famous hotel that had it’s very own casino with the same name. Dylan helped her out of the car and she made her way to the entrance with William right behind her. Her heels clacked on the marble floors of the hotel lobby. Everyone stared at her in awe, only people in the business knew who she really was and what she did. They walked to the casino side of the lobby and went up a long glass staircase. It led them to big white doors that led to a small waiting room with the secretary typing quickly on her computer. Y/n walked towards her and stood in front of the counter, making the woman look up from her device. 
“May i help you?” she asked in a bitchy tone which made Y/n go serious and angry. 
“Yes, I have a meeting with Mr. Matthews.” she said coldly, giving the woman a killing look. 
“Go ahead.” 
“Thanks.” she spit out, turning and walking towards the office. Once at the door, she knocked and waited for the man to give her mention to enter. 
“Come in!” screamed the man from inside alerting William to open to the door and letting Y/N walk in first. 
“Y/n Holland, welcome! It’s a pleasure to finally meet you.” the man smiled as he shook her hand and introduced himself to William after. 
“It’s nice to meet you, Adam. Thank you so much for agreeing to speak with me. I’ve heard nothing but good things about your business.” she said as she sat down in front of his desk and crossed her legs. 
“Same goes to you. You and your husband have left a really big impression on all of us.” 
“Oh, well thank you.” she chuckled as he leaned on his elbows on his desk. 
“So, what kind of business are we talking about?” 
“Oh well. I came here to offer you a deal.” 
“What kind of deal exactly?” he asked leaning back on his chair and crossing his legs. 
“I wanna buy the hotel.” she said seriously, making him laugh dryly and shake his head. 
“I’m not selling, Y/n.” 
“You didn’t let me finish.” he stopped laughing and moved his hand signaling her to continue. 
“I wanna buy so you can be in charge of everything while I'm gone. You’d report back to me or Tom. You’d get 25% of all income.” the room fell silent, Adam kept thinking about every single scenario of what would happen if he accepted. 
“What would I be doing, Y/n?” 
“We wanna use the casino for every exchange and to sell our little things that everyone seems to love. I assure you, Adam, you’re gonna get triple the clientele if they know what you’re gonna have.” he looked at her and scratched his eyebrow, standing up without another word. He made his way towards the glass windows, looking at the city below. Y/n played with her fingers, feeling nervous that maybe he didn’t want to go through with the deal. Even William knew she was nervous. After a few seconds, Adam turned around with his hands in his pockets, looked up and smiled. 
“You have yourself a deal Mrs. Holland.” he said, extending his hand for her to shake. She stood up quickly and grabbed it, shaking it. 
“Thank you so much, Adam. You won’t regret this.” 
“It was a pleasure doing business with you, Y/n. Call me anytime to schedule the first special casino night.” he said putting his other hand over hers. 
“Of course. I’ll call you tonight with my husband to schedule everything. Have a nice day, Mr. Matthews.” she smiled taking her hands out of his grasp and walking towards the door that William opened for her to walk out. They made their way downstairs to the lobby when Y/n came to an immediate stop. 
“Is everything alright, ma’am?” William asked, standing in front of her. 
“I don’t know if you know but I kind of have a sixth sense, Will. I don’t trust that man.” she said rummaging through her purse. 
“What are you gonna do?” 
“I need you to go to the main office of this building and plug this in into one of the computers.” Y/n whispered holding up a small pendrive. 
“While you’re doing that i’ll be having a couple drinks at the bar, just looking around. Checking what I have to work with.” she said looking around. 
“I can’t do that, ma’am. Mr. Holland gave me direct orders to not leave your side.” 
“Well he’s not here right now, William. I won’t rat you out okay? But please, get me that information.” she said turning to him while taking off her glasses and giving him pleading eyes. He sighed and nodded making Y/n squeal. 
“Thank you, thank you. I’ll be in the bar, find me when you’re done okay?” 
“Alright.” he said and turned walking towards the back doors of the lobby. 
30 minutes went by when William finally walked out. He turned the corner and saw his boss drinking her martini while looking at the ceiling, the walls, the employees, the bar countertop and the alcohol bottle in front of her. Every detail was important for her, to think of different ways to work with that place. 
“Mrs. Holland.” William said breaking Y/n’s trance. She looked at him and smiled as he held up the pendrive she had given him.
“Is it there?” she asked, getting down from the bar stool. 
“Every last bit, ma’am.” he said, giving it to her. She chuckled and patted him on the chest. 
“Good job, Will. Let’s go home.” Y/n said and walked towards the exit of the hotel where Dylan was already waiting in the car. 
When they arrived at the mansion, Y/n walked straight to her bedroom where Tom was taking a shower. She took off her heels so he wouldn’t hear her walk in, unzipped her dress and tied her hair up, slowly making her way to the bathroom. The shower door was foggy but she could still see her husband’s silhouette. Y/n pushed it open and stepped in quickly. She placed her hand on his back making him jump and quickly turn around. 
“Sorry to scare you.” she whispered, making him sigh in relief. 
“It’s alright, darling.” he said as he grabbed her waist and pulled her towards him. They looked at each other’s eyes for a while until he leaned in and kissed her passionately. She pulled away and leaned her forehead against his. 
“Did you get it?” he whispered, making her smile.
“Yeah, all of it.” she whispered back knowing exactly what he was talking about. Tom chuckled and grabbed her face, pulling her into a long kiss. She wrapped her arms around her neck while he moved his to her waist. Suddenly, he grabbed her ass cheek, moving her against the wall. Both of them feeling content about they’re new multi million dollar deal.
taglist: @ilovefandoms102​ @themaddies-obx​ @guillerminacaba​ @teenwishes08​ @runawayolives
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lazy-cat-corner · 7 years
Spider Son Vine
Peter: [Gecko bites his finger] [Hands him back]
Tony: Did he bite you?
Peter: ...No.
Tony: Oh.
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blkgirl-writing · 7 years
Peter parker Relationship Headcanons
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This boy, my god. He is just too damn adorable to handle
He’ll blush when you just simply hold hands, and don’t kid me started about how red he’d be if you kissed in public
He appreciates so so much. He seriously can’ believe someone like you would date him. Even if he is Spider-Man.
And all he can see is perfection when he sees you.
When you first start dating, he follows you almost everywhere, and offers to help you out with everything.
It was super sweet until suddenly he was doing everything, and you had to tell him you can do things for yourself.
he felt horrible, but all you had to do was give him a peck and tell him he’s amazing.
He stares at you all the time, since he thinks it not as creepy if you’re dating
If you stare at him for even a second he gets flustered af
It’s the cutest thing in the world, so you kind of make it a goal to compliment him or stare whenever you can.
Playing with his hair when your bored (Which he loves, and wishes you would do it more, since it’s so calming.)
You love dropping by his place randomly so you can cuddle and watch any nerdy movie on Netflix you can find
And you two try to make popcorn every time but it either ends up half cooked or burned,
He’s the first one to fall asleep during movies, but you don’t mind.
“I Like you’s” that really mean ‘i love you,”
A relationship with Peter is just super genuine and caring, just like he is. 
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multific · 4 years
Actors Masterlist
Adam Driver Characters
Chris Evans
Dacre Montgomery
Ezra Miller
For Who You Are
Dress to Impress
Harry Holland
Harrison Osterifeld
Twisted Perfection Part II  Part III Part IV  Part V
Special Day
The Art of Jealousy
Soulmates (Soulmate!AU)
Best Present
Fall For You Host!AU
Moved In
Sexy Picture
Henry Cavill
Blind Date
Your Love
The Best Present
Jake Gyllenhaal
Best Anniversary
Joey Batey
Cinderella Story
Keanu Reeves
Forgotten Life
Dating a Secret Service Agent who is Covered in Tattoos
Michael B. Jordan
The Three of You
Sexy Picture
Dress to Impress
Pedro Pascal Characters
Oscar Isaac Characters
Rami Malek
Sebastian Stan
Tom Hiddleston
Tom Holland
Timothée Chalamet
Personal Nurse
A Simple Smile
Paul Atreides - Dune
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missnxthingg · 5 years
can you make an imagien where the reader meets tom hollnad but she is also an actress and tom falls instantly in love with her but she only see to as a friend.
AN: I tried to do it as good as possible, sorry if it’s a complete trash. Anyway, thank you for sending your request, hope you like it! Also, I’m gonna vanish from tumblr until I see FFH, because I bought tickets to see it on Monday and there’s still some days left to go. I’m trying to go without any spoilers just like I did with Endgame.
Words: 1.7K
Pairing: Tom Holland x Reader
Warnings: Angst, a little bit of cuteness, kissing and swearing. Also not my gif!
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It was first day of work. You’ve never worked in such a big production like this. You were new at this acting thing, and doing a Marvel movie, specially one that you are one of the main characters was huge for you. So that was the first day you were going to meet everyone in the cast and crew, and you were very. So Jon, the director, introduced you to everyone. So you met, Jacob, Zendaya, Marissa, and so on. But there’s someone missing.
“Oh and finally, the start of the show. Thomas, come here.” Jon said, referring to the boy having a snack. He turned around and swallowed whatever it was on his mouth. “I want you to meet the girl for that love interest Spider Man is going to have. This is Y/N Y/L/N.”
“Oh great, I’m Tom, nice to meet you.” You reached for his hand and he smiled.
“Nice to meet you too, I’m Y/N.” He kept staring for a while, and that made you blush. He’s cute, and having a cute guy looking at you can make you easily blush.
“You’re going to spend a lot of time together, so you better get along.”
“Oh, we will.” Tom said and smiled at you again. Something was telling you it was going to be a different kind of friendship. “Come on, let me show you around.” 
“Cut!” Jon said, and a bell rang, saying it’s finally over, and you thanked God it was over. “What’s the matter with you, Y/N? Can’t you just kiss Tom?”
“I can’t, his face makes me wanna start laughing and I never get to do the scene.” You said, getting away from Tom and reaching for your bottle of water.
“You better be ready to kiss him tomorrow, and no laughing. We can’t keep avoiding it, when have a deadline to deliver this movie.”
“Okay, sorry. We’ll do it tomorrow.” You said, raising your hands and turning around to go to your dressing room.
“Alright everyone, see you all tomorrow, same time.” Jon said and everyone started to organize all of the stuff around the set. 
You finally got to your dressing room, and lied down on the sofa and closed your eyes for a bit. It was the third time you messed this scene up, but there was nothing you could do, because kissing the person you got so close to during this shooting was so hardy. Tom became one of your best friends and it’s weird to kiss your best friend.
“Hey, do you want a ride home?” Tom said, getting his head into the dressing room.
“I’ll take a taxi. Go home, love.”
“Actually, I asked you if you wanted a ride just for an excuse to crash at your place.” He smiled and you laughed.
“Okay, but you’re gonna pay something for us to eat.” You pointed at him and got up to get yourself out of your suit. “Just wait for me to take off my pretty ordinary outfit.”
“Alright love, I’ll wait for you at my room, I have to call my mom anyway, or she’ll kill me.”
“Go ahead, momma’s boy.” He smiled again and left.
You got into your sweat pants, jumper and flip floss. All the makeup was removed from your face and your were ready to go home. So you took your backpack and got to Tom’s room, and he was finishing the call with his mom. You hugged him from behind and closed your eyes. You were so tired you could just sleep like that.
“Ready?” He asked and you just nodded in response and he turned around and hugged you properly. “Come on darling, I know you’re tired but we need to go home.”
“I could sleep just like this.”
“Maybe in your own bed. Come on, let’s go.” He held her backpack with one hand, and the other held her hand.
They said goodbye to everyone and got to the car. The ride was supposed to be quick, if you didn’t ask for a McDonald’s burger. He pulled into the drive through to order your food, but the line was very big. You were talking about today on set and laughing a lot.
“I know I have a funny face, but don’t laugh at me, it makes me really sad.”
“I’m sorry, love. It’s just… You’re my best friend and kissing you is weird as fuck.” He stopped laughing and kept going with the car.
“Yeah… Best friend. But you know, you’ll have to kiss me tomorrow, anyway. You better be ready for Tomnado.”
“You’re an idiot.” You said.
Once you finally got the order, you drove home as quick as possible. You were both tired and all you wanted to do was throw yourselves at the sofa and watch something funny. As so you did, you had your dinner at the sofa, watching something funny on TV, under the blankets. Once you were both finished, Tom took the dishes to the kitchen, and came back to lie on the sofa with you, but you were already getting up to bed.
“Oh, you’re going to bed. I’ll just sleep here…”
“Don’t be an idiot. You’re not going to sleep at the living room. Come on, I have a warm bed waiting.”
You turned around and he smiled thinking “Fuck, I love her so much”. He followed you and found you already on you PJs, sitting on the sink, brushing your teeth. He approached only to find a toothbrush waiting for him right there. He smiled at you and started to brush his teeth as well. Once you were done, you left for your bed, and got under the covers, waiting for Tom. He came around and lied next to your. Your arms involved him into a comfortable hug, him lying on your chest, your head resting on top of his, and the complete silence around the room. Tom prayed that you couldn’t listen to how hard his heart was beating out of his chest, but was kind of disappointed for not being able to hear anything coming out of yours.
“Tom.” You whispered and he nodded in response. “Are you asleep?”
“No, what is it love?” He said looking at you.
“Don’t take this the wrong way.” You said and he stared at your E/C eyes. “But kiss me.”
He was impressed, now heart beating faster than before. He got on top of you, hands on your nape and soon he was close enough. He brushed your lips together and finally kissed you. It was just like he always imagined, sweet and really slow. He took advantage of every bit of it, doing it as slowly as possible, but everything had to come to an end sometime.
“You’re a really great kisser, Thomas.” She said and he left another kiss on her lips. “This way I won’t be so nervous tomorrow, thank you buddy.”
Buddy. Those words cut through the air like sharpened knives right into his chest. He lied down, not facing her, pretty disappointed on what she just said. But she came to do the bigger spoon role, and as much as he didn’t want to, his heart started to beat as faster as before.
“Aren’t you gonna give me a good night kiss?” She said, waiting for his response. “Come on, my forehead is waiting.
“Good night, Y/N.” He said, not turning around. He could feel her hands loose around him, and she turned around, and they slept back to back, very far away from each other,
“Good night, Tom.”
“I really wanna kiss you right now.” Tom said using his best american accent, with his mask only showing his mouth and part of his nose. You were now doing that scene you kept delaying so much, but there was no escape this time, even though you didn’t wanna do it, specially after last night’s event.
“So kiss me.” She said and he leaned to kiss you one more time, just like he did last night.
“Aaaaaand, cut!” Jon said and the bell rang again. “Perfect! How did you too got to do it so perfectly the first time?”
“So we could not do it a second one.” He said and left, keeping Jon impressed behind.
“What happened with him?” He asked and you gave him the shoulders.
“I don’t know, he’s not talking to me since last night.”
“Go solve it, you’re really good friends for this kind of thing. 15 minutes everyone!” He said, giving you time to run after Tom, who locked himself into his dressing room. You didn’t even knock and just got in already talking.
“Okay Thomas, you’re gonna tell me what’s wrong right now or…” You looked at his, sitting in front of the mirror, crying his heart out. “Are you crying?”
“Please, Y/N, go away!” He said, trying to cover his face with his hands.
“What happened?” She closed the door behind her.
“Go away!”
“No, I’m not going. My best friend’s crying and I’m not leaving him like this.” You tried to approach, but he pushed you back. “Don’t fucking do this to me Thomas. Why are you acting like this?”
“Because I’m in love with you, idiot.” He said, turning to face you. You felt like you had something stuck on your throat. “And I know you don’t love me this way, and that hurts me so much. I just wanna be alone, please.”
“I’m so sorry Tom. I really am. But even though I don’t feel the same way, I’m not leaving.”
“Please don’t do this to me.” He said and you held his face in between your hands, cleaning some tears falling. “Everytime I look at you, I feel like I’m gonna explode. Sometimes with love, sometimes with pain. But now it just hurts.”
“I’m sorry.” He got up and cleaned his tears.
“Sorry, I don’t think we can be friends anymore. Not for a while, I guess.” He left the room, leaving you behind with your heart aching so much.
“Fuck…” You whispered, letting your tears finally fall down from your face. You knew in that moment you had lost your best friend.
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popbee · 5 years
Tom Holland 試鏡《蜘蛛俠》以一個動作取勝,美國隊長指「他本來已經是蜘蛛俠!」
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雖然 Tom Holland 只是拍過兩部 Marvel《Spider-Man》的電影,但他仍然被認為是最受歡迎的蜘蛛俠,還記得他首次以蜘蛛俠身份出現於觀眾眼前的就是《Captain America: Civil War》,而近日他就於訪問中透露《Captain America: Civil War》對他飾演蜘蛛俠來說是一部非常重要的電影!
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A post shared by Spider-Man: Far From Home (@spidermanmovie) on Jul 2, 2019 at 3:44pm PDT
Tom Holland 跟《Comicbook》專訪時透露《Captain America: Civil War》對他而言是一個實習的機會,他可以透過電影先試水溫,看看觀眾會否喜歡他所詮釋的蜘蛛俠,若然觀眾們不接受 Tom Holland 版本的蜘蛛俠,他還有時間於正式拍攝《Spider-Man: Homecoming》前作出調整。當然, Tom Holland 所扮演的蜘蛛俠深得觀眾喜愛,帶給觀眾一種全新感覺。
因著這個訪問,網民除了找出 Tom Holland 試鏡的片段外,也找到「美國隊長」Chris Evans 曾於訪問中說過 Tom Holland 試鏡蜘蛛俠時的情況,他指 Tom Hollnad 面試時要跟他對一場戲,而劇本寫著角色需要後空翻進場,Tom Holland 就詢問是否要跟著劇本做出後空翻時,雖然在場的人都跟他說不需要,因為怕 Tom Holland 會受傷,然而卻因著導演 Russo 兄弟一句「好!」他就真的如劇本所寫以後空翻進場,更以超級英雄的姿勢落地,再唸出對白,而 Chris Evans 當時就知道他一定可以拿下角色,因為 Tom Holland 本身已經是蜘蛛俠。單看 Chris Evans 這番話就知道 Tom Holland 為了演好蜘蛛俠而下了不少功夫吧!
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《Frozen 2》全新預告登場!除了 Elsa 外,還有另外 3 個掌控風、火、土的公主?
有溫子仁加持的這部 DC 劇集好評不絕,卻於第一集後宣佈腰斬?
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greatpretending · 7 years
btch im drink/corssfaded as fuck and all icanntnink about is hOw. MUCH I LOVE TOM HOLLNAD
Did I send this to myself?
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blkgirl-writing · 7 years
This Distance Between Us
Peter Parker X Reader
Summary: Peter is hiding something and you just want some answers as to why.
Warnings: very mild cursing, Angst, and possible tears.
Prompt used: “I deserve an explanation. I deserve an acceptable reason.” from {This list}
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You sat on his bed, tapping your foot on the floor at a growing pace. The window, cracked from you sneaking in, caused the cold night air to pour in. Sure, you weren’t exactly supposed to be in his room, but you wanted answers. You needed answers.
It hurt, it really did. Seeing the new-found pain in his eyes. But what hurt you more is him not telling you why. You were best friends. You thought that meant something. You sighed, closing your eyes and trying to not to do something rash. You had decided that you were going to stay. Leaving now would be a mistake. At least that’s what you had repeated a million times now.
Hearing the window slide all the way open, you immediately stood up, staring at it as if a monster would pop out. He stepped in, looking every direction besides yours; he quickly threw something from his hand to the corner - a ball of fabric? You coughed, causing him to turn around, looking as though he saw a ghost. You only broke into his apartment, it wasn’t that new.
“W-what are you doing here? It’s super late..” Peter said, as if he was concerned, but there wasn’t a hint of that. More... worry, than anything.
“We need to talk.”
“Talk? ‘Bout what? I-I don’t understand.”
“You’ve been distant, Pete. You’re not the same kid as you used to be,” you muttered. You didn’t expect this to be so hard. Why was it so hard? “And I want to know what’s happening.”
“I’m not sure what you’re talking about.” He crossed and uncrossed his arms, eyes quickly scanning the room, finally landing on his bed post. He leaned against it, trying to be casual, but failing greatly.
“Is it because of me? Do you not like me anymore?”
“No-what?! Y/n, i don’t think you understa-” You cut him off, not listening to him anymore. He wasn’t going to answer-no. You should have known it would be a bad idea.
“I deserve an explanation, Peter! I deserve an acceptable reason.” You winced at your cracking voice and how loud you had gotten without realizing it.
“Peter... please.” Voice barely a whisper, you just wanted to go home. It was a mistake, a stupid, stupid mistake. And here you thought that it would be easy, that it would be a simple talk. Ha.
“I’m sorry-I’m so so sorry...”  He looked at you in a way that made your heart break. He meant it, he meant it so damn much.
“Why are you sorry?” you asked before your brain could stop you.
“Because I can’t tell you.”
“...You.. You can’t tell me?” you questioned, obvious shock in your voice. You really didn’t expect that horrible answer. You didn’t want that in the slightest.
“I can’t tell you.”
“And why is it that you can’t tell me? Your best friend, this super secret thing.”
“Because if i tell you, you could get hurt. And... And if you got hurt...” He drifted off, eyes glued to the floor. “I couldn’t live with myself, okay?”
“And Tony said I couldn’t tell anyone so-” This time he cut himself off. You didn’t question it. Whatever.
“Peter, I won’t get hurt. But I will if you don’t tell me. I don’t think you know how much it hurts me to see you like this. You don’t get as much sleep, you... no offense, look absolutely terrible. I can’t just stand here and not know what’s making you like this and not be able to help.”
“I’m sorry,” he said after too long of silence.You sighed, rubbing your temple.
“I’ll see you when you start telling me things, Peter.” You turned on your heel, heading for that damned window, but he stopped you with one arm.
“I like you,” he sputtered. He was biting his lip so hard it was probably going to bleed. You knew what that meant: nervousness.
“Really, now? Right now?” You laughed bitterly, shaking your head. “You know I like you, I know you like me. But this isn’t about this. We can’t do that right now.”
“Please just let me leave. I need to think. Alone.” You looked at his arm instead of pushing it off. A part of you wanted him to hold you there, and talk things through, but you didn’t think he was capable of that. Not yet. He was too unsure of himself.
And just as you expected, he let go. Trying so hard to not start sobbing, you gave him a small, sad smile, before climbing out into the cold air..
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blkgirl-writing · 7 years
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You: “What the Fuc-”
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