#tony stark x pregnant reader
bellarkeselection · 1 year
Heyy, I have a request for tony stark 😊 a lots of fluff with his wife telling him that she's pregnant and he's all happy ❤️
My Incredible Wife
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Tags @mcugeekposts @underoostarks @rosie-posie08 @makeshift-prime
Holding the pregnancy test in my hands I was almost jumping up and down around the bathroom like I was a child hyped up on tons of sugar. Tony and I had been trying for a few years to get pregnant after we got married but I wound keep having miscarriages that I hated and Tony did even more so. Since he was a genius he thought he could solve most problems except for why we couldn’t have a baby. Flinging open the bathroom door I rushed downstairs shoving the pregnancy test in my back pocket going into his lab knowing he wouldn’t rather be anywhere else. “Tony, are you busy?”
“Never for you, babe. What’s going on in that heads of yours ?” He asked, sitting down the screwdriver he had in his hands. He patted his lap gesturing for me to sit down which I did without further instruction wrapping my arms around his neck.
Running one hand through his hair I couldn’t hide the huge grin on my face picturing a mini Tony or a mini running around the lab. “I have the biggest news ever. There’s gonna be another Stark in the family….ah Tony!” I squealed when he moved his hand to start ticking my hip knowing I was ticklish there leaving his other hand to rest on my upper thigh.
“Are you being serious or are you just wanting to go upstairs because you’re on your monthly thing. Not that I am complaining or anything.” He questioned me where his deep brown eyes met mine, raising his eyebrows at me. “Do you feel like cheeseburgers, I feel like we should have burgers.”
Pushing his face away playfully I blushed not believing he would say that. “Tony, I am not joking around with you. I never have. Because I am not like you. I’m serious and if you need proof here’s your proof.” Reaching into my back pocket I hand him the small test.
“Son of a bitch. This is incredible. You’re incredible.” He blurted out sitting the test on his messy metal table. He then cups my face in his warm hands cradling my face leaning forward kissing me deeply.
I giggled when he buried his face into the crook of my neck, kissing me slowly down until he found my sweet spot, making me moan. “Tony….I don’t want to get your hopes up. Oh….Ton..” My fingers threaded themselves into his black hair tugging it where he pulled back crashing his lips onto mine.
“Hey, hey, look at me honey. I know not to get my hopes up. I know that this is amazing and also scary for you because you don’t think that you can do it. But even if we lose this next one we can always adopt.” He moved his hands down onto my shoulders squeezing them gentle feeling me slump them down in relief.
Shaking my head I didn’t want to feel insecure about it but it wasn’t exactly easy for me after I lost the last baby. There’s a part of me that thinks he might leave me one day. “Yeah you're right I shouldn’t still be insecure about us and the fact that I might not be able to have kids…”
“Sssh darling. How many times do we have to have this conversation huh.” He asked giving me those puppy dog eyes that I was a sucker for. “Do I have to keep continuously telling you how smoking hot and amazing you are.”
Covering my face with my hands I bent my head down against his chest ignoring the fact that my head was on the piece of bright blue chest reactor that kept him alive. “Tony I’m sorry okay it’s just the hormones or something else girly related.”
“Y/n stop it. Alright my feelings for you the day I married you haven’t changed. You are still the woman made for me always and forever.” He declares tucking hair behind my ear turning my chin in his thumb and index finger so I was forced to look him in the eye.
“And I feel the same way about you but I want to have a baby of our own. That will look like you and me. If I can’t do that then what am I supposed to do?” I blurted out feeling some tears that he wiped away with his thumb.
He rested his forehead against mine running his fingers through my long hair that was falling down my shoulders. “Then you get to live with the fact that even if we can’t have kids you still get to be loved and married to the genius, billionaire, playboy superhero known as Iron Man.”
“You’re ridiculous, Stark.” I joked pushing his chest where I almost fell off his lap.
He booped his nose with mine quickly rising to his feet. “Only for you, Y/n. Now I think we have some business to intend to. Ensuring we have a little us inside your belly.”
“Tony!” I squealed, wrapping my legs around his waist along with my arms thinking he might drop me. He carried me through the house and into the bedroom gently sitting me down on the bed shrugging my tea shirt over my head letting it pool to the floor.
He smiled, yanking his own shirt over his head leaning down capturing my lips with his own pushing me onto my back. "You have no reason to be insecure if we can't have another baby. You are my incredible…beautiful…loving…wife…who will make a great mother…to any child we have…adopted or not." He responded by kissing me down my neck holding himself up by his hands on either side of me.
"I can already picture a little you running around the lab if I being honest…oh gosh!" I moaned when he kissed me suddenly until I rolled him onto his back with my hair falling in front of my eyes grinning ear to ear.
Tony groaned looking at me in lust and want, he placed his hand on my hips stroking it gently with his thumb. "You're so beautiful."
"I can't be the only one of us who has imagined this." I hummed at him where he quickly flipped us over, beginning to remove my shorts in the process.
I began to eye him up and down in awe at my husband's body shape. He was like a beautiful strong god. "Like what you see, Mrs. Stark." Tony asked with a smirk looking at me, kissing my nose.
"Yes, I do " I smirked and began to run my hands down his chest, still feeling my cheeks burning red.
"I'm going to make love to you all night, baby" Tony smirked before lifting me up in his arms causing me to squeal out loudly. His hands tickling me before I put my hands on his shoulders bringing him down for a heated kiss. Imagining the thought of us finally having our own little baby.
Comments really appreciated ❤️
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fictionaire · 1 year
I got this prompt idea from Tiktok. You are pregnant and Bucky isn't very trusting in touching your bump with his metal arm.
You were in your eighth month of pregnancy and everything had been going very smoothly. The baby was healthy and so were you up to this point.
The past couple of days had been pretty rough since you developed a pretty nasty cold. You visited your doctor who said you didn't have anything to worry about since you hadn't contracted a fever. But if you did and it was above 100 you needed to go to the hospital.
Bucky had been taking great care of you throughout your entire pregnancy but now with the cold he wouldn't even let you stand on your own. He actually made F.R.I.D.A.Y notify him when they detected you had stood up. It was ridiculous but also incredibly sweet.
It was now day three of your battle with the cold and you had been going through hot and cold flashes. Bucky had to go on a mission yesterday but promised to be back today and made sure Nat was watching over you.
You kicked off the comforter that had comforted you in what felt like an arctic room five minutes ago but that had now changed into death valley.
"How you doing?" Natasha asked, tapping lightly at the door that was ajar.
"I feel so hot" You complained, putting a cool rag over your belly. "And the baby adds fifteen degrees to whatever temperature i'm already feeling."
Natasha giggled at your dramatics and held the thermometer up to your forehead.
"98.6" She said, hitting the power button. "You're normal"
"Tell that to the desert I am laying in."
You heard heavy footsteps heading down quickly towards the hallway
"They're back" Nat said, getting off the edge of the bed and walking out the door as Bucky walked in.
"Hi, doll." He said, walking to your bedside out of breath. "How ya doin?"
"Burning up."
"Are you feeling any better?" He asks, taking a seat on the side of the bed.
"Other than these hot/cold flashes I feel okay."
He reaches his metal arm up to your shoulder, rubbing it and you can feel the cold through your shirt sleeve. You grab his hand and lower it to your belly, the cool relaxing you until he yanks his arm away, replacing it with his real hand.
"The cold felt nice." You whined, jutting out your bottom lip.
"Yeah, but - uh I need to take this off, it' probably gross from the combat."
"It's okay, Buck." You say, reaching out to grab his hand again, to which he stands off the bed and takes a step away.
"No, (y/n)." He says, sternly.
You look at him, shocked. In all the time you have been with Bucky he's only ever talked to you in that tone twice, both while on a mission and you had done something a little more reckless than you should have been doing and he was worried for your safety.
"I-I'm sorry, Doll." He said after taking a breath. "I'm just scared to touch you like that with this arm. What if something happens like it glitches or - "
"Buck, the Winter Soldier is gone. It's been five years." You say, sitting up in bed. "I trust you completely. I think you need to trust yourself a little more than you do."
He makes his way back to the bed and sits where he was before, not taking his eyes off the ground.
"I just worry and I wouldn't want to ever do anything to hurt you or our daughter."
"It's all okay, I trust you." You lay your hand gently on his metal one and look into his eyes, asking if it's okay without actually saying any words. He nods and you place his hand back on your belly, humming gratefully at the feeling.
"Just tell me if you start feeling uncomfortable." You say to Bucky.
"I trust us."
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fandomnerd9602 · 1 year
Tony marvels at Y/N and Wanda’s babies…
Tony: I can’t believe it! I become a grandpa on the same day I become a dad too!!
Y/N: uhh… Dad? Isn’t Pepper in labor right now?
Tony: oh dang it! I gotta go!! Congrats you two!!
Tony runs off in a hurry…
Wanda: he’s lucky it’s the same hospital.
Y/N kisses her on the forehead and holds her tight…
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braveclementine · 3 months
Chapter 35
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Warnings: None
Copyright: I do not own any Marvel characters or locations. However, I do own a few OCs like Elizabeth, Katherine, Stacy, and Jessie. I do not condone any copying of this.
Bucky was the first to break into your room with surprising force. There was a complete look of panic on his face that made you raise your eyebrow. You could hear running footsteps down the hallway from probably either Steve and Sam following Bucky, or Fury and T'Challa.
Upon the people entering the room, it was all four.
"Y/N, are you alright?" T'Challa asked.
"I'm fine." You said, trying not to laugh at their obvious panic. "It's not like the baby is going to shoot out of me immediately. Calm down and breathe."
"Do you need help standing?" Fury asked. You could hear commotion down the hallway and finally Elizabeth was next to enter the room.
"What?" She asked, rubbing her eyes.
"Her water broke." Sam said.
"Oh." Elizabeth stated, smiling. Then she looked quizzical, "Are you calling a doula?"
"I thought we were going to hospital." Tony said, entering the room next.
Elizabeth rolled her eyes. "Welp, I don't trust the medical industry as far as I can throw them. See you guys tomorrow then."
You laughed at the typical Elizabeth fashion, before sliding out of the bed. Your soulmates immediately converged on you as though you were suddenly made of glass.
"Give her some breathing room." Stephen commanded, leaning against the wall.
You took Bucky's arm and he helped you out of the room. Upon exiting the house, you saw the large bus that Tony had gotten and equipped.
It wasn't really a bus, it was much smaller than that. It was painted black and had nice leather seats inside. It would fit everyone comfortably.
To your surprise though, Elizabeth was sitting behind the wheel, looking at the rest of you impatiently.
"I thought you didn't trust medical facilities?" You questioned as Bucky helped you up the stairs, putting you in the front seat.
"I don't." Elizabeth sighed, starting the bus so that Chandelier by SIA came on. "I hate hospitals, I don't trust them. But I'm not going to miss your babies birth either. As long as no one sticks me with some needles I'll be fine."
"Why would someone stick you with a needle?" Stephen asked in interest as he was the last to pile onto the bus.
Elizabeth looked at him seriously and said, "Why, because vaccines send our brainwaves to Facebook so that Zuckerberg can read all of our thoughts."
She threw a wink at you as you tried to keep your face straight. Stephen was missing an inside joke as he had never been on the gymnastics team with you. He didn't know the story.
Meanwhile, Stephen was staring at Elizabeth in the utmost confusion, trying to figure out how someone he thought was highly intelligent had suddenly come out with the most ridiculous conspiracy theory he'd ever heard.
At least, until he realized both of you were holding in laughs and he rolled his eyes, sulking next to Tony who hadn't heard a word that had passed between the two of them.
Elizabeth finally dropped the lot of you off at the hospital doors before she went to park.
Tony checked you in at the front desk and a nurse brought you to a room in the maternity ward.
"On a scale of one to ten, how painful are your contractions?" The nurse asked.
"Just a one right now." You said. You could barely feel them at the moment.
"Triplets, right?" She confirmed.
She simply nodded, marking stuff off on her clipboard. "You have you taken any medication while you were pregnant?"
"No." You said. Elizabeth, Wanda, Stacy, and Nat had all shown you different books where it was scientifically proven that taking even an Advil or a Tylenol for a headache could prove detrimental to a baby's organs since they were forming in your womb and didn't have a strong enough system to deal with second hand drugs.
There was a slight purse of the woman's lips as she made another mark on her clipboard. "Who is or are your soulmates?"
Was that actually pertinent information?
"We are," Tony said, gesturing behind him to the eleven of them.
The nurse had a glimmer of recognition behind her eyes, her cheeks burning pink. "I see. Which ones are the father?"
"Unimportant. They're all of ours." Tony finished again.
You smiled.
The nurse seemed aggravated with Tony's interference. "Biologically."
"Like said, it doesn't matter." Loki said slyly. The nurse paled seeing him, made another note and gave you a strained smile. "The doctor will be with you shortly."
Elizabeth rolled her eyes, settling herself on a chair on the far side of the room. She plugged headphones in her ears and you could hear her blasting a mixture of BLACKPINK and also Tom MacDonald. You smiled a little.
Steve was also in the corner of the room, an artbook in hand. You wondered what he was working on.
T'Challa wasn't in the room, on the phone with Shuri who had wanted to know the moment your water broke. Fury was on one side of the bed, his good eye roving the bed carefully. Clint, Rhodey, and Bucky were on the other side of the bed.
Thor, Tony, and Sam had taken the couch in the room, that was pressed up against the window, while Loki had his arms crossed over his chest, staring out the window.
Stephen hovered around, his sharp eyes taking in every medicine that they planned to use.
"No anesthesias." He said to you. "You want to be conscious and aware when you have the children. You don't want to be asleep while you do it, even if there is some pain."
You just nodded. You had been over these steps hundreds of times. But of course, they were starting to feel helpless and nervous now that you were actually at the point where the babies would actually start coming.
Funnily enough, nothing actually happened except a few contractions. You slept the entire night almost pain free, before waking up again the next morning.
Everyone else looked like they'd either slept well or badly. Elizabeth and Stephen both looked like they hadn't slept at all.
"We're going to go and get some breakfast for you, okay?" Tony said, leaving you behind with a still fast asleep Clint- on the couch this time instead of the vents- Elizabeth in the corner, and Stephen who was refusing to leave your side.
Stephen started lightly dozing, trying to keep himself awake for the most part. Elizabeth just stared at the wall, one earbud in, music blasting.
"Hey, Elizabeth?" You asked and she paused the music to look at you, "Why don't you trust the doctors?"
She winced, looking up into the room before coming to sit next to you on the bed, "They have microphones in here you know."
"They do?" You whispered back.
She nodded, "They use them in case an abusive parents comes in. That's why doctors leave so long between the switching or nurse to doctor so that they can overhear if a mother or father is telling their child to tell a certain story to the doctor."
"I never knew that."
"Me neither. My mother told me. A nurse told her." Elizabeth mumbled and then said, "There are shots that doctors give children when they are six months old. There has been a lot of debate about whether or not these shots later cause metal problems in children. When I was six months old, I had an allergic reaction to the whooping cough vaccine."
"Oh?" You looked at her.
She gave a stiff nod, "It was only two hours after we got home. My mum laid me down in the crib. If she had come to check on me five minutes later, she would've missed the reaction I had. I was screaming and she thought I was having a seizure. They immediately took me to the doctors. They couldn't find anything wrong with me. Another nurse pulled my mother to the side and asked for her to tell her what had happened. My mother described the entire day."
"What did the nurse say?"
"She said that when she was in medical school, they used to teach that seizures were a side-effect of the whooping cough vaccine. However, they don't teach the young nurses that anymore. The doctors refused to say there was anything wrong with me. Even to this day, they still try to push the vaccine on me. Whenever I say I'm allergic, they still try and press it on me."
"But why?"
She shrugged, "'It's just a five minute seizure and you're protecting the old and young alike!'"
"They said that to you?"
"They're corrupt. They're all corrupt." Elizabeth muttered, hugging her knees.
Stephen's eyes were open, watching Elizabeth. You wondered what he was thinking about, as he had once been a doctor- although he wasn't the kind of doctor giving vaccines, but performing brain surgeries.
You had no idea what to say, so you just put a comforting arm over her shoulder.
A half hour later, the boys came back with food from Panda Express. Elizabeth perked up, eagerly accepting her fried rice and orange chicken bowl. You had gotten the same thing, with an addition of the lo mien noodles, and the two of you ate. Elizabeth slowly shifted back to her corner so that the boys could sit around you.
More hours passed. A lot of them drifted in and out of sleep, including yourself. But everytime you were awake or awoke, Elizabeth was still awake, curled into herself.
"Elizabeth." You said when all the boys had collectively decided to take a walk and bring back dinner. Your contractions had gotten slightly more painful and the doctor was sure that they would be out either tonight or early tomorrow morning, "Seriously, call Pietro or Hogun and go home. You don't have to be here."
She just shook her head, the stubborn ice ninja she was. "I'm fine, really."
You didn't push it.
"Here." Tony said proudly, putting your favorite dish from your favorite restaurant in front of you.
"Thanks Tones." You said, smiling at him. You leaned upwards a bit and he quickly dipped down so that you could kiss his cheek.
A few hours later, it was around eleven o'clock and you hit your first huge contraction. You gritted your teeth in pain, hating the fact that this was happening. But at the same time, you were ecstatic.
Your babies were finally coming!
The doctor showed up and they made the others clear the room. Stephen was the only one they allowed to stay, though you had a sneaking suspicion that Loki was invisible somewhere in the room. And it wouldn't have surprised you if Clint made his way into the vent in your room.
You followed the doctors orders to the dot. If he said push, you pushed. If he told you to relax, you did as told. They all seemed rather nervous with Stephen in the room, like they were scared of failing under his watch.
Eventually after a good twenty minutes, the first baby was out. It was obviously Bucky's, just by the fact that it was a girl. One of the nurses took her over to the other side of the room to clean her off before coming to lay her on your chest.
She was a precious thing, tiny. Though she had just come from the room, she already had a mess of brown fluff on her head. You nudged her lightly for her to take your bud into her tiny mouth so that she would get used to breast-feeding. It was the healthiest choice for them.
She seemed a natural, sucking though she couldn't actually find any milk. The doctor handed her over to Stephen who took her carefully into his arms as another contraction hit and the second baby was on his way.
"Do you have a name?" Stephen asked over the nurses shoulder, trying to distract me a little bit.
"No idea." You muttered through your teeth as you pushed.
"The second one is almost here." The doctor said, smiling at you, trying to reassure you.
There was a lot of pain and the nurse on the other side of you was telling you in undertone that it wasn't to late to take something to knock you out yet.
You refused. You could do this naturally. After all, if mothers could push out a half dozen babies back in the 1800s with no medicine and in the middle of nowhere, you could push out three in a hospital room with none too.
Natural birth. You just wanted your babies to be born naturally.
The second baby was out and the third was very close to coming out as well, slipping out only seconds after his brother.
The doctor chuckled, "Technically, this one is now a single and those two are twins."
You looked at the clock. 12:01. Damn.
Stephen chuckled, coming over to see how you were holding up as they laid the boys down on your chest.
"How are you feeling darling?"
"Fantastic." You huffed with a light laugh and a huge smile on your face.
The second boy was slightly lighter than his brother. He was very obviously mixed, whereas the third baby was much darker.
"Which one do you think is which?" You asked Stephen.
"You'll have to ask Thor." Loki said, appearing visible now in the corner.
One of the nurses jumped, screeching, running from the room. Loki rolled his eyes and Stephen sighed.
"Hi Lokes." You said sternly, trying not to smile. Loki just grinned.
"Can Bucky come in first with Stevie and Sam?" You asked Stephen. "I want him to see his baby girl first since he's been so terrified."
Stephen nodded, carefully placing the little girl on your chest too. Your arms came up to hug all three of them and Loki carefully moved over to put his hand on one of the boys backs.
Bucky came into the room quickly, Steve and Sam shadowing his footsteps. He had dark circles under his eyes, his hair sticking out every which way like he'd been messing with it. His red shirt was wrinkled and a huge smile lit up his face when he saw the little girl on your chest.
"Does she have a name yet?" He asked as he picked her up carefully in his arms.
"No. I didn't know if you had any preferences." You said earnestly. "I mean, I have names, but um. . . they're not very good."
"Can I hear 'em doll?" Bucky asked sincerely. "I named my cat after a plant."
You giggled. "Alpine is a perfectly good name for a cat. I don't know." You said, growing more serious. "I was kind've thinking something sort've. . . old timey, you know? Like Ruth or Daphne. Lucy. Sadie maybe. Angela. Those sorts of names."
[I know a lot of fanfics have them name their kids after like their dead parents but I'm just like- I can't. Like maybe middle names, but not first names. I honestly just can't. Also, every name mentioned here is on my baby list so yeah-]
"I like all of those." Bucky said. He looked at her. "She looks like a Lucy."
You giggled, "Lucy then?"
"Lucy Sarah." Bucky finished.
"Last name?" The nurse asked.
You all looked at each other. Usually soulmates came up with a name that combined the two last names. Yours was just a tad to long to do that.
"Marvel." You finished.
The nurses nodded.
Bucky, Steve, and Sam went to sit in the corner of the room with Lucy while Loki left to go and get Fury, T'Challa, and Thor.
Thor entered first, picking up the lighter skinned baby, before handing him to Fury. T'Challa picked up the darker one in his hands.
"Do you have names for them, my Nkosazana?" T'Challa asked.
"Yes. Fury's is Vincent and yours is Marcel, though I have not decided on middle names." You said. The names had just hit you as you saw your soulmates hold them.
"Vincent Jack." Fury said. He looked around, "Do we have an official last name that's better than than what we have at the moment?"
"Marvel." You said.
He squinted, "You mean Mar-vel?"
"Marvel." You said, smirking and then shrugged. "F.R.I.D.A.Y. has started calling me Mrs. Marvel ever since I've been married to you guys. I think it's better than Mrs. Avenger but ya know."
Sam smirked at you before turning back to Lucy.
"Yomoya." T'Challa said. "It means of the wind. A free spirit. That will be his middle name."
The nurse blushed, "Er- and could you spell that out for me?"
You smirked and then relaxed into your pillows. Everything had gone as smoothly as you could hope.
The others slowly filed in. Elizabeth hung around Bucky and the soldiers, looking at little Lucy.
"Okay." One of the nurses came in with a needle. You saw Elizabeth cringe backwards.
"What's that for?" Tony asked, frowning slightly.
"We always give this to mothers before they leave the hospital with their babies." The nurse said, looking somewhat blankly at Tony. "It's a DTaP vaccine. It's the whooping cough, diphtheria, and tetanus shot. It's just to keep the babies safe as they are susceptible to these diseases easiest."
You saw Elizabeth pale. She stood and hurried from the room.
Stephen's eyes trailed after her, "We don't need it."
The nurse frowned, "It's mandatory."
Since when?
"No, I mean, we don't need it." Stephen said with a charming smile, "We have a private doctor. You'll have to forgive us, but we are the Avengers after all. The only shots we get are from a friend of ours, Bruce Banner, the Hulk. He'll give her the shot when we get back to the compound."
The others just stared at him, not aware of why he was lying through his teeth.
"Oh." The nurse said, looking troubled, "That's fine. . . I guess."
She looked rather taken aback and then left the room.
"Wha-" Stephen stopped Tony from talking with a simple shake of his head.
Bucky stood up quickly, obviously thinking a threat was around, "We can go home now, right?" He held Lucy protectively to his chest.
"Yes, let's go." Stephen said. Rhodey hurried to the front to sign the rest of you out. Clint got you a wheel chair so that you didn't have to walk. T'Challa let you hold Marcel on your lap while Thor rolled you out.
Rhodey drove home instead, Elizabeth finally falling fast asleep in the bus. You smiled as Stephen put a blanket around her shoulders. Then he sat next to you.
"What was that in the hospital?" You asked curiously.
"Bruce does have vaccines if you want them." Stephen said thoughtfully. "I don't know. Hearing Elizabeth's story, it just. . . made me realize some things. It's up to you of course. I want to wait on the kids though, if that's okay. Their organs are still growing so if we want to get them vaccinated, I'd much rather wait till they are around six or eight years old, if that is alright with you. T'Challa won't have his kids vaccinated period, but it is really up to you for Lucy and Vincent."
You nodded, "I [Will/Won't]"
Once you guys pulled up to the mansion, Steve helped roll you inside while everyone gathered there. Hogun stayed just long enough to glance over the babies and find out their names before he was ushering Elizabeth off to bed. Pietro soon followed.
You were slowly falling asleep, having had a stressful, confusing, and also euphoric night. You're kids were here.
And if you honestly couldn't wait to have more.
"Let's go put them to bed, eh?" Steve said to Bucky, clapping him on the shoulder. Bucky hadn't put Lucy down once since you had handed her over. He couldn't see to be able to tear his eyes from her.
"Look how tiny she is in my arms." Bucky murmured, smiling down at the sleeping babe. "She fits just perfectly. And she doesn't even seem to hate my metal arm!"
Your heart melted, a smile coming over her face, "C'mon Bucky bear, let's put her to bed."
Bucky nodded again and you slowly got out of the wheelchair. You were super fricking sore, but Steve and Sam made sure to walk next to you if you needed it.
Inside the Princess themed room, Bucky finally laid the baby girl down in her pink crib. He tucked a pink blanket around her.
The three of them went ahead and climbed into the bed underneath the Princess castle, knowing full well that they were going to have to get up every two hours to feed and take care of her.
In the room across, Nick and Maria were leaning over Vincent's' crib, the both of them smiling. T'Challa had already laid Marcel down, snapping a picture to send to his mother and sister. He put an arm around me and kissed me.
"Are you doing alright Nkosazana?"
You simply nodded, exhausted. "I'll see you guys in the m-morning."
Nick wrapped his arms around you, placing a firm kiss on your lips, "Sleep tight babydoll."
"You too muscles." You winked, before heading back to the room with Lucy and your soldier boys.
You wiggled your way into the middle of them. Steve and Sam wrapped arms around you. Bucky's eyes were open, fixated on the crib. A warm smile and eyes full of love was all you could see.
You snuggled into Steve's chest and promptly fell asleep.
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darkficlord69 · 1 month
About me!
Italian 🇮🇹, 2️⃣3️⃣, Born to Be a Reader 📖 Forced to Be an Aerospace Engineer 🛬🧰, Soul of a Dreamer
You can ask me to write anything as long as it's fairly respectful/degrading. Don't be shy! 😇
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countrymusiclover · 2 years
Which one do you want updated more????
1 - The Texas Tire Family (Georgie Cooper sequel) Tags just ask - @supernaturalgirl30 @bvbwestfall @bubble-blu @patriciaplictisita @malakaiblacksgirl1989
2 - Stark's Phoenix Widow (Tony Stark x Romanoff reader) @oldmanwithashield @crimeshowjunkie
3 - Love Is So Uncivilized (Obi-Wan x pregnant reader) Tag list - just ask to be added @oldmanwithashield @hatter-and-hare @namor-is-the-way @deepbatched @alexis-rose-winchester
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IRONHAWK/ I’d like to be pregnant
“I would love to at least try to get pregnant.  Are you sure you’ll be okay with not knowing which of you it is?  I don’t want jealousy over that being the reason we break up,” you say.
“Whoever you have the baby with, it will be both our baby,” Tony assures you.  “I just really love the idea of experiencing the pregnancy.  You know - ultrasounds, feeling them kick - all that kind of thing.”
“I want to do the trying bit,” Clint teases.
“I need to get my birth control taken out,” you say.   “Maybe a check-up - make sure everything is working?”
“Well, we can practice until then,” Clint says.  “Right?”
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You book in to see your doctor about taking out your birth control straight away.  You’re told it can take between three and eight months after you have the implant taken out to get pregnant, so for three months, the three of you have to try and relax and tell yourselves not to expect a positive pregnancy test immediately after you have sex.
To help keep yourselves in the mindset, you just call all sex; practice.  Even if it’s the kind of sex that had absolutely no way of making a baby.  In those instances, one of you always jokes that you definitely need to keep practicing because of how bad you are at it.
It helps keep things light and saves any kind of a disappointment because you aren’t pregnant yet.
When the three months are up, something shifts in the three of you.  That night there’s almost apprehension about what may happen.  You take off your clothes and turn away from them like you’re shy about them seeing you.  Clint comes up behind you and kisses your neck.  “What are you doing?” he asks.
“I don’t know,” you say.  “Tonight just feels important.”
He tilts your head back to look at him.  “It’s not practicing anymore.  We’re actually trying.”
You take a breath and kiss him, your tongue flicking out to meet his.  You turn in his arms and he starts backing up to the bed, pulling you along with him as he sheds his clothes.  Tony comes up behind you, already naked.  He kisses your neck and you break the kiss with Clint and lean back to kiss Tony.
Tony kissed you hungrily.  One of his hands goes to your breast while the other presses between your legs and toys with your clit.
You moan and rut against his hand as Clint sits down in front of you.  You move forward, straddling Clint’s lap.  The archer’s calloused hands run up your side and he leans forward and pulls one of your nipples into his mouth.  You moan and sit, in his lap, your hands tangling in his hair as you let your head fall back against Tony’s chest.
Your skin prickles like there’s an electric current running just under the surface.  You rolled your hips so Clint’s shaft slides up and down the lips of your pussy.  Your slick coats his shaft and he groans into your skin.
“Fuck,” you gasp.  “I want you both.  I want both of you to come inside me.”
  Tony pulls away and grabs the lube as you push Clint onto his back.  Clint wraps his hand around his cock and taps it on your clit twice before guiding it into your sopping cunt.
You moan, arching your back as you push down on his cock more.  Tony moves up behind you and starts rubbing lube along the place where you and Clint are joined.  His finger pushes inside you.  You mewl at the stretch and clench around them both.  They both still as you adjust and Clint pulls you down into a kiss.
Tony keeps moving his finger in and out of you and adds another as Clint continues to kiss you and moves his hips in shallow thrusts.  You break the kiss with Clint and throw your head back with a loud moan.  “Please, Tony,” you beg.  “Please, just fuck me.”
He takes his fingers away and lubes up his cock.  There is a burn at your entrance as he presses the head against Clint’s shaft and starts to penetrate you.  You mewl and grit your teeth and he slowly eases in.
When he’s in as deep as he can go and you feel completely stretched and full, both men start to thrust.  Heat blooms in your core and spreads out through you like treacle.  Your edges feel soft and you have trouble keeping your eyes open.  Tony’s hand pushes into your hair and he pulls it, as one of Clint’s hands slips between your body and he starts to rub your clit.  It’s too much, your body seizes up all at once as your orgasm tears through you and you cry out.
“Fuck,” Tony grunts. “Gonna break our dicks.”
Clint laughs breathlessly and even as your body shudders with your orgasm you can’t help the laughter that bubbles up inside you.  They keep fucking you, their hips snapping in tandem.  Their thrusts become erratic and their moans become louder.  You feel another orgasm building and when Clint pinches your clit, it crashes down on you again.  The clenching of your cunt pulls Clint over with you and he thrusts up hard as he releases inside you.  You moan and let your head fall onto his shoulder, squeezing your cunt like you’re trying to milk them both.  “Come, Tony.  I want it.  I want both of you mixing inside me.”
“Yeah, baby.  Gonna get you pregnant,” Tony growls.
That sends you over again, your body shudders as it washes over you and brings Tony along with it, his come mixing with Clint’s.
They hold themselves inside you until their cocks still and then carefully slip out of you and collapse on the bed beside you.  You curl up in a little pile and they both put their hands on your stomach.
“It won’t have happened yet,” you giggle.
“We know,” Clint says.
“But we’ve started trying,” Tony adds.  “And that’s enough for now.”
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It takes another few months to get pregnant.  In the first month, everyone is relaxed about it, but by the third, Tony is freaking out.  When you finally get that positive line on a pregnancy test the three of you are delighted.
Tony becomes ultra protective of you, researching all the do’s and don’t of pregnancy.  If you even thought about touching a piece of brie he’d start freaking out.  Clint, on the other hand, is super excited.  He can’t help telling everyone he came in contact with the new news about the pregnancy.  If he went out alone for any reason - even the one time he went out on a mission - he always came home with a present for you and something for the baby.
Each new thing you learned about the life growing inside you, makes you feel more connected to it.  At twenty weeks you find out you’re having a girl.  At thirty weeks the team throws you a huge baby shower.  It’s exciting and yet at the same time, you feel as normal as you’ve felt since you’ve gone down this path with Clint and Tony.  The press hasn’t caught wind of any of it, so it’s just the three of you, making your lives feel so completely normal, despite the fact they aren’t normal at all.
You wake up early a few days before the due date with a wet patch on the bed and leaking fluid.
“Tony,” you say as you shake Clint awake.  Clint sits up suddenly in a defensive position and looks around confused.
“What’s going on?” Tony asks as Clint seems to relax and goes to grab his hearing aids.
“Either I just wet the bed or my water broke,” you said.
“You’re water broke?” Clint says, jumping out of bed.  “What?  We gotta go!”
“Just chill would you?” you say.  “I’ll call the hospital and find out what to do, can you change the sheets?”
A call to the hospital and a shower later you are back in bed while Clint and Tony continue to freak out.  You’re told to stay put until your labor starts but to call back in six hours if it hasn’t.
What follows is a day of sitting around trying to rest as much as you can while absolutely nothing happens, and then four extremely painful hours where your labor progresses so quickly that by the time you make it to the hospital there isn’t even time to consider drugs before you have to push.
Thirty minutes later your daughter is in your arms and two men look so in love beside you gazing down at her.
“Look at that little bean,” Clint whispers.  “She’s perfect.”
“You did it, honey,” Tony says.  “I’m so proud of you.”
You’re exhausted and elated and so in love and ready to start the next chapter of your life to start with your family.
~ END ~
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fluffyprettykitty · 2 years
hewo I have a friends with benefits to marriage request and I am asking for some kinks to include :)
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wintersoldiersoul · 11 months
Bucky x pregnant reader
Bucky started working from home and everything was great! You spend time together and made plans for Baby coming along but the longer Bucky stayed at home the more he hid himself away in his office working, and one day as your hormones kick in, you're feeling very emotional and just wanting cuddles from him, so you go to his office and ask him about coming to bed and cuddling and he just says he's busy he will be there soon and you say that he's been working all day and you haven't seen him and he ends up snapping at you and it makes you cry and you tell him that you don't want to see him for the rest of the night and storm away, after a while bucky can't concentrate on work because he made you cry and he comes to find you and when he finds you aren't in your shared bedroom he panics thinking you left him and he shouts and runs around the full house only to find you curled up sleeping on the bed in your baby's room and he carries you to bed and apologises and tells stark that he won't be working anymore until the baby is here and settled
I wanna carry his children so fucking bad. What who said that?
The day that you told Bucky you were pregnant was the best day of his life. He couldn’t believe that you, the love of his life, was carrying his child. You were going to make him a father, something he thought he’d never get to be. You were terrified to tell him, as the pregnancy wasn’t planned but the second he burst out in a wide grin, you cried. You were hoping that Bucky would be on the same page as you in terms of keeping it.
Within an hour, he had called Tony and asked for permission to work from home for the duration of your pregnancy. He wanted to keep an eye on you 24/7, especially since you were carrying his super soldier baby. He treated you like precious cargo, bringing you everything you wanted, carrying you when you complained about your feet hurting, and constantly giving you stomach and back rubs.
The two of you were in a state of complete bliss, setting up the nursery, picking out potential names, and going on shopping sprees for your future child. Bucky sobbed when you found out you were having a girl. He couldn’t believe it. “I hope she looks just like her mother,” he said, smiling.
You would often wake up in the morning finding Bucky’s lips pressed against your stomach, whispering to your unborn child. “Your mama is so pretty, you know. So kind, too. And oh my god, is she smart,” he would say, not realizing you were yet awake. “You’re so lucky because you have the best mom in the world.”
“Your daddy isn’t too bad either,” you said, announcing your presence. “I hope you have his eyes.” He smiled, moving up to kiss you gently.
Unfortunately, even though he was working from home and not going on missions, Bucky still had to work. He was tasked with a lot of research before the other team members would go out onto the field. He had to do all of the mission reports and put together briefings. And as luck would have it, 8 months into your pregnancy, the team was facing a big threat.
Bucky began to spend hours and hours in his office every day. He was trying to get it done as fast as possible but there was so much ground to cover. You could sense how stressed he was and you didn’t wanna bother him but you missed him dearly. And you were getting to the point where your bump was so big that you couldn’t even put on shoes yourself. You needed him. 
One night, you reached a point where your body was just begging for his touch. Not even sexually, though your hormones wouldn’t protest it, but you just needed him to cuddle you. You missed him whispering to your stomach, something that he didn’t even have the time to do anymore. You still hadn’t decided on a name for your daughter and you didn’t wanna stress him out but you missed sitting and talking for hours about all of the things you would do as a little family. The bottom line was that you were pregnant and you needed him. He could take a little break, right? You walked - more like waddled - to his office and knocked on the door. “Come in,” he called. You stepped inside and he looked at you, smiling. There you were, his beautiful girlfriend, stuffed full of his baby wearing one of his shirts. He looked so tired, dark circles hanging under his eyes. “How are my girls doing?” he asked, placing a kiss on your stomach. Even the small display of affection made you grin. You needed to be in his arms more than you’d ever needed anything.
“We miss you,” you pouted.
He sighed, rubbing his eyes. “I know. I’m sorry, beautiful. This mission is really kicking my ass and I’m not even going on it.” You felt so bad for how much stress he was under. He hadn't really relaxed in weeks and you had no idea when the last time he got more than 4 hours of sleep was. 
“Take a break, Buck. Please. I’m all hormonal and my back hurts and I just wanna be held by you.”
He looked at you with a sad expression. “I-I can’t. The team leaves in a couple days and I’m still trying to find out everything that I can about these guys.” 
“Please? Carrying your damn super-soldier daughter is making me feel all kinds of things. I just really need to cuddle for a little. I’ve been trying so hard to not bother you but I really need you to hold me right now, Buck.”
“Y/N,” he breathed, getting agitated.
“10 minutes,” you begged. You hated interrupting him but you had been so patient for so long. You just needed him right now. 
“I said I can’t!” he snapped, voice raised. “What don’t you get about that?” 
Your eyes welled with tears. “Oh,” you whispered quietly. “Well don’t worry about it cause I don’t wanna see you for the rest of the night anyway!” You walked out of the room as quickly as you could, slamming the door behind you. 
The second the words left his mouth, he regretted them. He didn’t mean to snap at you, he was just so incredibly tired. He was trying his best to finish all of his work so that he could go back to giving you all the love and attention that you wanted 24/7. He missed you so much, too. 
It took everything in him to not chase after you when you walked out the door. He wanted to hold you, to apologize, but he couldn’t. The sooner he finished this, the sooner he could just go back to loving you.
You started crying harder as soon as you left the room. Deep down, you knew he was so exhausted and stressed. You knew he didn’t mean to snap at you and that he probably felt awful about it. But your hormones were so intense that you couldn’t help the crying. You just wanted him. Your whole body was so tired from carrying a growing human inside of you and all you needed was for Bucky to make you feel better. But he couldn’t even do that. 
You went into the nursery, looking around at all the progress you had made. What had started as a blank room with no purpose was now full of life and love. This was the room that you were going to raise your daughter in.
Rubbing over your bump, you sat down on the floor. You felt a kick as you settled, something that had been happening frequently but a feeling that would never stop amazing you. “It’s okay, baby girl,” you said to your stomach, wondering if she could somehow sense your distress. “Mama just misses your Daddy right now,” you sniffled.
You were so tired. Growing a human, while something your body was meant to do, was fucking hard. You hadn’t been sleeping well the past few nights either, pains in your back preventing you from getting comfortable. You let your body relax, eventually curling up on the floor and closing your eyes, surrounded by the decorations that your daughter would hopefully love.
Bucky tried his hardest to go back to work, but it was impossible. He couldn’t believe he had made you cry. “Piece of shit,” he mumbled to himself. 
You were his entire world. You and the little baby in your stomach. His girls were so much more important than any job he could ever have. With a sigh he pushed himself out of his chair, desperate to wrap his arms around you.
“Baby, I am so so sorry,” he said walking into your bedroom. But he was met with an empty bed. He walked back out into the living room, wondering if he had somehow missed you on his way from the office. “Honey?” he called out when he still couldn’t find you. “Y/N?”
When he got no answer, he started to panic. You had left him. Packed your bags and gone somewhere else. You never wanted to see him again and you would never let him meet his daughter. He was a fuck-up and had burned everything to the ground. “Oh god,” he whispered to himself, trying to not fully break down. The exhaustion was getting to him. He couldn’t even think straight.
In a panic, he ran to the nursery, hoping that you hadn’t left it completely bare. He creaked open the door, expecting the worst. The lack of sleep was making him extremely paranoid. That’s when he saw your sleeping frame curled up on the floor. “Oh thank fucking god,” he breathed with relief. He sat down next to you, wrapping his arms around you from behind and rubbing your stomach. 
“Bucky?” You said after a minute, waking up.
“I’m here, honey. I’m so so sorry. I didn’t mean to snap at you. I should have just gone to you when you needed me, I just-”
“You’re here now. That’s what matters,” you hummed, just happy to be in his arms.
“I’m done with this,” he affirmed. “I’m telling Stark I’m not working anymore til the baby comes. And for a while after that. He can dock my pay if he wants, we’re fine without it.”
“Buck, you don’t have to do that. I just really missed you.”
“I’m doing it. I miss my girls. More than anything.”
More tears fell from your eyes, but they were laced with happiness and love. “Thank you.”
“Let’s get you into bed, Sugar.” With ease, he lifted you up, not even phased by the weight of the human you were carrying. He set you down and tucked you in before changing into pajamas and sliding in next to you. “I love you so much. I can’t wait for our little girl to get here. I’m so sorry again. God, I just can’t express how much I love you.”
“I love you, too.” As you said the words, the baby kicked again, happy to have her parents reconciled. 
Bucky bent down and peppered kisses all over your stomach. “Come soon, Princess. We can’t wait to meet you.”
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holylulusworld · 7 months
Traders of love (lust) masterlist
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Summary: Our dear readers are in trouble. They sell the only thing they have left. Their body and dignity.
Pairing: Different (multi-fandom) characters x fem!Reader (different reader in every story)
Warnings: angst, kinda prostitution in some chapters, dub-con, extortion, voyeurism, roleplay, smut, virginity kink, pregnancy kink, daddy kink, sir kink, size kink, all the kinks, a/b/o kink, roleplay, loss of virginity, sex for money, blindfolding, a lil bit of feelings, pregnant reader, single mom reader, age gap, DBF trope
A/N: This is not a regularly updated series. It’s a collection of smutty one-shots, with a different character and a different reader in every story.
You can read only single chapters (except for the sequels) they are all connected/in the same universe but can be read as a standalone story. Some (side-)characters will reappear in different chapters.
A/N2: Please head the warnings for all chapters. Some kinks are not for everyone.
A/N3: We will see Lloyd and his reader throughout the whole series. They are the center of the story.
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I’m your daddy now (1) (Lloyd Hansen x Singlemom!Reader)
I’m your daddy now (2) (Lloyd Hansen x Singlemom!Reader)
I’m your daddy now (3) (Lloyd Hansen x Singlemom!Reader)
Swaying (Mobster!Ari Levinson x Dance instructor!Reader)
Two for one (August Walker x Pregnant!Reader)
Swaying (2) (Mobster!Ari Levinson x Dance instructor!Reader)
Like a virgin (DBF!Bucky Barnes x Virgin!Reader)
Like a virgin (2) (DBF!Bucky Barnes x Virgin!Reader)
I’m your daddy now (4) (Lloyd Hansen x Singlemom!Reader)
Chocolate and roses (Mobster!Sam Wilson x Chocolatier!Reader)
Lawbreaker (Lee Bodecker x Sassy!Reader)
French Kiss (CEO!Nick Fowler x Interpreter!Reader)
Best trade ever (Boss!Steve Rogers x Assistant!Reader)
Wallflower (Rich(Mean)!Loki Laufeyson x Florist!Reader)
Lightning and Thunder (Rich!Thor Odinson x Librarian!Reader)
Every move you make (Jake Jensen x WebCamGirl!Reader)
I’m your daddy now (5) (Lloyd Hansen x Singlemom!Reader)
Damage done (Mobster!Dean Winchester x fem!Reader)
Follow the law (Andy Barber x Criminal!Reader)
I’m your daddy now (6) (Lloyd Hansen x Singlemom!Reader)
Under protection (Reacher x Witness!Reader)
Instinct (Walter Marshall x Prostitute!Reader)
Skyscraper (Sam Winchester x fem!Reader)
Make you sweat (Lance Tucker x Gymnast!Reader)
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Undecided addition
Untitled so far (Tony Stark x ???!Reader)
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drghostwrite · 9 months
Dark Nights
Pairing: Natasha Romanoff x preg!wife!reader
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"You can't ask that of her!" Natasha yelled across the table. You were both called into a conference room with Fury and agent Hill, they were talking about a last-minute mission though your wife was concerned about your approaching due date. While they argued and Maria played referee you found yourself staring out the window of the large conference room a million things running through your mind, one hand running along your bump as your baby kicked.
"And who are you to decide that?" Nick Fury shot back at the other agent.
"I'm her wife." Nat responded.
"Oh because that's stopped other agents before." He responded
"Fury you know I respect you but that's my wife, the mother of my child, our unborn child that in case you haven't noticed she's carrying."
"Okay, okay, before this goes any farther... How about we ask Y/N, she is sitting right here." Maria finally spoke up, motioning to your distracted form.
"Y/N?" you're wife gently called.
You rubbed a hand over your eyes trying to clear your head taking in a gasp before refocusing your eyes on them, "If and I mean IF I were to agree to this what all would it entail?"
"Well that..."
"No I want full disclosure, no more confidentiality and clearance levels, if I'm doing this and potentially putting my life and the life of my unborn child on the line I need to know everything." Nat sat next to you and turned to Fury.
"We had a situation a few years back, an agency that's been working against SHEILD, they used to be a part of Hydra but they reformed, they have recruited agaents and took over one of our smaller compounds, though it's to be evacuated this week to keep their identities a secret, we need someone to get in ther."
"That's where I asked why they picked you with being on leave."
"My main concern isn't getting you in, it's the systems on the inside, all the coders did was build into the SHEILD mainframe, they have no access to us but they have similar systems so I need someone that's a trained agent, and good with the computers, it would be in and out, need to know basis, all I need you to do is get in, crash their systems and get out."
"So that's where I come in?"
"Okay, in and out, only on the condition that you do have agents on site and Natasha is in the command center, I want her in my ear at all times."
"Whatever gets you onboard, let's get you briefed and prepped for the field." Fury said.
---time jump---
You turned down the hallway, dimly lit by soft baseboard lights, you turned another corner but quickly pushed back when you saw two guards stationed outside the control room, any other time you would've just incapacitated them both but being 36 weeks pregnant wasn't helping you much.
"Y-Y/N? I'm r-r-ri-ght here what'sss go-going on-n?" The intercoms were breaking up which meant your job was going to get that much harder. "Two guards outside the command room, change of plans."
"Detka please, be careful."
"Will do, intercoms are getting scratchy, if this is it till I get out of here, I love you Natasha."
You made the decision that if you couldn't get in the control room you could still shut it down remotely, so you backtracked and took some different turns stumbling upon the old director's office, silently patting yourself on the back and opening the door.
You walked over to the desk, and brushed your hand along the command bar that's built into the desk, the hovering screens flashed to life. You swiped moving the screens around, they asked for your password and thanked Tony Stark for giving you a built in back door, when Ultron took over he built a back pathway that allowed you access but nothing was associated to you as a person so you had access to the entire system without anyones knowledge. You quickly started working pulling up the mainframe and started untagling the mess the rebellion had created, you were so close to unraveling the whole thing when you felt a sharp pain running through your abdomen.
You stopped in your tracks waiting to see if it was just your imagination, but then another one, this time catching you off guard causing you to keel over using the desk for support. "shit, shit, shit... this can't be happening." you said worry flooding your features, you tried calming yourself but you knew what this could mean.
"Natasha?" You called over the intercoms, but no response so you tried again but you realized there was no signal, you were alone and going into labor. You thought about backtracking and alerting them but as you went to exit the office you heard footsteps, quickly swiping the screens dark again you watched as the guards walked by standing next to the door frozen, you felt the warm liquid running down your legs and realized that this was it, the night just went from dangerous to deadly if you didn't get help quickly. Your water just broke and you were by yourself in an enemy compound with no way to communicate with anyone outside.
You cringed as another contraction took over your body pressing a hand tightly under your swollen bump, "Oh baby not now, please not now." you brought the screens back up typing rapidly, taking the mainframe down meant potentially setting off a bunch of alarms which meant that you would be exposing yourself in the height of labor.
"Okay wait if this is built into the SHEILD mainframe I can get ahold of your other mommy...Oh God..." Another contraction took over, you slid to the floor, pulling out your phone you connected it to the computer sending an "SOS" to Nat hoping that she would get it in time.
"Okay baby, this is me and you until we get help, so I'm gonna need you to slow down a little bit." you ran a hand over your bump closing your eyes and leaning against the strong desk.
You moved quickly into the adjoining room moving into the corner, grimacing at the pain of your baby trying to make it's way into the world, "God you're as impatient as your mother...Nnngghh."
You heard the door to the office start to open and held your breath, hearing light footsteps, and saw as a light scanned the room.
"Y/N... detka are you in here?" you heard a whispering voice call out.
"Natasha?" you called, you listened as hurried footsteps moved towards you, the door swung open revealing your wife. As she looked in on you her worst fears coming true, she quickly got down in front of you, running a hand soothingly along your thigh.
"Y/N what's going on?"
"It-it's the baby...Nnghh, Natasha our baby is coming," you said and tears started to fall, you were a trained agent one of the best to ever step foot in SHIELD, you were an Avenger a super soldier, but in this moment you were scared out of your mind.
"Um, okay baby it's okay."
"M-my water broke...we need to get out of here"
"Okay, Y/N it'll all be okay, Maria is outside getting a hold of Steve she's calling in a rescue team, you know Bucky will be breaking down that door as soon as he finds out."
"I-I cannghh..." you gripped her hand throwing your head back gritting through a contraction, "I got you baby, just breathe."
"Nat this is happening now."
"Okay, then let's do this." she said as you slowly shook your head agreeing with her.
"Okay, my pants you gotta help me." you said pushing at the waistband, she quickly hooked her fingers in your pants pulling them off along with your panties and laying them to the side.
"Y/N, I can see it... I can see the head."
"Whaa- no I-I no this wasn't supposed to happen like this... Nat I can't do this... Hhahh, I can't do this."
"Y/N Romanoff yes you can, you are my wife, one of the strongest people I know I've never once seen you back down from a challenge or a threat and you protect the ones you love so fiercely, I never once doubted starting a family with you, so if anyone knows, I do. I know that you can do this."
"Woouuu...Nnghh." you tried but these contractions were getting closer and closer, "I-I need to push."
"Okay, follow your body." you pushed, your nails digging into Natasha's shoulder as she was bent down in between your legs, she was reassuring you while you fought through a few more contractions.
"Okay Y/N head is out, just a couple more and we meet our baby." you tried to answer but the contractions were too close, you pushed a couple more times before your wife was holding your newborn in her arms.
"It's a girl, we have a baby girl." you listened as her cries filled the room, you started feeling lightheaded.
"Natasha I don't feel so good."
"Y/N, I-Y/N..." she said noticing the blood, you were bleeding fast and she realized that you needed to get out of there asap.
She heard as the door to the office crashed in, "Y/N! Natasha!" you heard Bucky yell out, he moved around the room and stopped outside the door hearing your newborn daughter's cries, he opened it coming in.
"Is that?"
"Yes." Natasha said tears in her eyes, and he quickly realized how dire the situation was.
"Bucky, she, the blood..."
"Okay let's go I got her." He quickly picked you up making sure you were covered and started out the door. Natasha saw the screens still live and hit the execute button, running our behind Bucky with your baby in her arms.
46 hours later and the mission had been executed, you were finally awake and safely at your home holding your baby girl, Natasha was next to you holding you both in her arms, you had minor hemorrhaging after the birth but luckily had some of the best doctors around, meaning you made it out almost completely unscathed and with a perfectly healthy baby girl. Though you and Nat quickly agreed that next time there would be no last-minute missions so close to your due date.
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larcenywrites · 7 days
how do creed/logan act if they find out their partner is expecting?
Tbh I think they would know even before their partner 😅 super senses and all, yk? So I went with that angle! It’s nothing special, but I could always do something more fleshed out for each one later on. Maybe like how I did my Tony Stark family stuff 🤔
Reactions to Pregnancy
Logan Howlett x Reader
Victor Creed x Reader
Warnings: pregnancy mentions obviously | like two sexual references but they’re more on the mild side
Terrified. He probably picks up on it before even you, or, at least, before you tell him, but tbh he might be the one to tell you 😅 that nose never lies, but pregnancy probably still doesn’t really cross his mind at first… it’s when he suddenly hears an extra heartbeat nearby, and a rapid one at that, that he actually has to connect the dots. And yet, he still won’t bring it up! He’s nervous, a little more tense than usual, but for now he’s probably choosing to, ah… not ignore it per se? Maybe he’s trying to come to terms with it himself before you find out… by ignoring it!
But he can’t ignore it anyway because now when hears you trying to sneak up on him from behind, it’s not just you anymore. It’s quite literally following him around and keeping him up at night, and maybe hearing a quick pulse naturally puts him on edge anyway. He’s probably damn near falling apart! Is he terrified? Yes. Anxious? Yes. Low key wondering how he could let this happen?? Kinda! But then again, he is the one who ditches the condom like once a month in favor of his little kink… He was already beating himself up a little about being a terrible choice for a father, but now he’s really cursing himself because he of all people should know actions have consequences!!!
Not to mention: What if he passes on his mutation?? Shit, there might be yet another genetically perfect killer on the loose soon!
With a sigh, he finds himself tapping a finger or two on your lower tummy in thought. He knows that, regardless, he’s doing everything he can to keep you- both of you- safe. And all this stress ain’t for nothing— in fact, it’s already made him a little attached to that unnamed heartbeat!
You’re probably not gonna notice too much difference in his usual behavior other than he seems more tense and unfocused lately. He always tends to be the big spoon, he usually ends a day with rubs and nuzzles, he’s always tuned in to what you’re doing— what will be different though is him being more reluctant to leave for missions (probably a little huffy about it even), and a whole lot more cuddlier than usual the night before! And in the case that you’re a fellow x-men, it’s not out of the ordinary for him to keep an eye on you, but it is definitely weird for him to challenge the set plan just to stay by your side, and the pot is finally boiling over when he starts telling you that you can’t come on missions altogether… which probably leads to everybody arguing! Hell, you may still not even know you’re pregnant at this point, but Logan has to say it because otherwise he’s really looking like the bad guy here!
Minus the fifty questions you probably have for him, he is relieved that this whole pregnancy thing isn’t just on his shoulders now. But now that you do know, he’s definitely relieved that he can be a little more affectionate without being questioned! At some point he definitely ended up nuzzling under your shirt and has decided to just lie there for probably the rest of the evening with his very tiny baby 🥰
And come on, Logan loves the students! Even if it is in his own grumpy way! He really shouldn’t be so worried about being dad material 😘
Again, he probably picks up on it before you do, but that doesn’t necessarily mean he knows what he’s sensing! But what he does know is that you smell delightful, and all he finds himself doing that night he first notices is rubbing against your shoulder and nuzzling into your neck. It’s easy to just laugh off his spontaneous cat-like affections, and even easier to succumb to the licking and nipping without much thought 😘
It’s rather late one night when he’s coming home, and while he always aware of each pulse that should normally be around, there’s definitely a new one… He probably thinks it’s a rat that got in the wall or something at first! Now on the hunt and prowling around, he’s a tad confused when he’s led to your sleeping form in the bed. Just as his nose never lies, neither does his hearing! He’s not dumb, he knew exactly what it meant as soon as he made it to the bed.
Eh, honestly he’s probably more surprised it hasn’t happened sooner 😅 He’s probably wildly inconsistent with protection, definitely has a breeding kink anyway, and has probably taken the condom off without you even noticing before… Even so, he still definitely didn’t plan it! Well- probably.
Still flopped over you with a big ol arm over your waist and nuzzling into your neck, he’s probably purring way more than you’ve ever heard him purr before. Enough to wake you up at 4 in the morning! You’ll have to lift his big ol head from your chest to get his attention, and he’ll just outright tell you! He’s one of the best trackers in the world, so there’s no reason to doubt him… that and it’s not every occasion that you’ll see him kneading happily at the blankets!
Ah- maybe he has done… questionable things, both when it comes to family and not-family… But, really, there's no need to worry! This hellcat is quite fond of kids, so while you may be a little anxious over the sudden news, Victor is unfazed enough for the both of you! Besides, he’s more than capable of keeping both you and a kid safe, and he’s had plenty of challenges in his 200+ years, surely he can handle raising a kid. Plus, he has a kid or two out there that he didn’t raise himself, so he’s probably pretty excited about this one ;3 But he does kinda hope he passes down his mutation…
The only downside as far as behavior goes is he’s now ultra protective and nosey (not that you could ever hide anything from him anyway), and now he’s dragging home tons of trinkets and jewelry and blankets and maybe even an entire turkey one time 😅
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nicoline1998enilocin · 7 months
Baby fever
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PAIRING | Husband!Young!Tony Stark x Wife!Fem!Reader
SUMMARY | You and Tony have three beautiful children, but since your youngest son is growing up faster than either of you would like, Tony's baby fever is kicking into high gear. He can't get enough of seeing you pregnant, and he's making it his goal to have it happen again. There's enough room in the house for one more, after all.
RATING | Explicit (E)
WARNINGS/TAGS | Established relationship, nicknames (Sunshine, My Love, Baby, Handsome), tooth-rotting fluff combined with toe-curling smut.
SMUT | Porn with a bit of plot, D/S undertones, Sub!Tony is heavily featured throughout the story, breeding/pregnancy kink, lactation kink, drinking of breastmilk (sexual), daddy kink, mommy kink, begging, teasing, hair pulling, nipple play, nipple piercings, thigh riding, multiple orgasms, unprotected sex (wrap it before you tap it!), creampie, aftercare.
A/N | This amazing fic is completely inspired by the lovely @ccbsrmsf1, who has helped me come up with the idea and supported me every step of the way! Carol, this is for you, and I sincerely hope you will enjoy it! I love you, and I cannot thank you enough for being in my life 💜
EVENTS Masterlist | @fluffbruary Fluffbruary '24 | Wish Masterlist | @sweetspicybingo Sweethearts | Nice ass
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Banners: Yours truly | Divider: @firefly-graphics | GIF: @ccbsrmsf1
Main Masterlist | Tony Stark Masterlist | AU Masterlist
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Since you found Tony's old football jersey from your college days, you have been plotting a plan to wear it in the hopes of getting a reaction out of your husband. Today is perfect for that, as you're visiting your Mom in California, and she offered to take all three of your wonderful kids to Disneyland with her fiancé, Jackson.
"You two can stay home and have some alone time; you deserve it, Buttercup. You've been working so hard, and now that you're finally able to see him after he's been gone for filming, you should make up for some of the lost time," Virginia told you with a wink, and even though you were a little embarrassed at first, you also know she's right.
With three kids, it's proving to be rather challenging to have some time to yourselves and be intimate, so this is the perfect solution. That's how you find yourself standing in the bathroom in your Mom's house, wearing only your glasses and Tony's dark blue football jersey. The fabric reaches down to your knees, and your nipple piercings show through the fabric for a bit of a teasing touch.
With one last deep breath, you walk to the kitchen, where Tony has just finished the dishes from the lunch he prepared for you earlier. He turns around at the sound of your footsteps on the tiled flooring, but before he can say anything, he is greeted by you, clothed as if you walked right out of one of his wet dreams.
"Fuck, Sunshine, you sure know how to surprise your man," Tony growls as he walks over to where you're standing. As he takes in your form, he can already feel himself growing hard inside his sweatpants, which doesn't go unnoticed by you.
"I thought we could have some fun on the couch, My Love. The kids are with Mom and Jackson, so we have this all to ourselves," you whisper in his ear as you pull him closer by his shirt, his breath hitching as his now hard and sensitive cock makes contact with your soft belly.
"Who am I to say no when my beautiful wife looks like she walked out of my dreams?" Tony answers, his voice dropping an octave as lust fills it. Your hands glide under his shirt, pulling it over his head before discarding it.
Before you move on to anything else, you let your long nails rake over his sensitive nipples, a moan escaping from Tony's slack lips as you smirk up at him.
"Always so sensitive for me," you tell him before standing on your toes and taking his bottom lip between your teeth, biting down softly as he moans again. His long, dark lashes fluttered against his cheeks as he took in the pleasure.
"Good boy," you whisper against his mouth, his bottom lip lightly swelling, making him look even more beautiful than he already was. You kiss his tattoo softly as he lets his hands glide into your hair to ground himself gently.
"Let's move this to the couch, Sunshine," Tony tells you with a slight New York drawl, pleasure already taking over his brain. As you proceed to push him to the couch, you can feel yourself getting more and more wet with every step you two take. As soon as his legs hit the couch, he lets himself fall, spreading his thighs to give his achingly hard cock some room as it strains against the fabric.
Your legs are placed on each side of him, the jersey riding up dangerously high as you take your place. Your ass and pussy are barely covered when you sit, Tony's hands rubbing your thighs as he takes in the sight in front of him.
"You're so fucking gorgeous like this, Sunshine, 'm very lucky with you as my wife," he whispers before capturing your lips with his and taking the lead, effectively taking back any domination you had over him. You moan into his mouth as he slips in his tongue, his fingers digging into the inked flesh on your thighs.
As he glides his hands up your thighs and under his jersey, he finds the bare globes of your butt, kneading them softly as you start to move your hips to get a little friction, the fabric of his sweatpants relieving the burning ache of pleasure between your thighs.
"Can you look at me for a moment, Sunshine? I've got something important to tell you," Tony whispers in your ear, and that's when you realize your eyes have slipped shut. When you open them, you look into his dark brown eyes. As he takes a deep breath, you can't help but think about how beautiful he looks, and a smile tugs at the corners of your lips.
"I know we've been talking about adding a fourth baby to our family, and I can't stop thinking about it. How perfect would it be if we had a small girl who would look just like you? I can't stop thinking about it, you with your perfect, round belly as I drink from these amazing tits of yours before you make me a Daddy again," Tony says, another gush of arousal leaking out as you soak Tony's pants even further.
"Please, Sunshine, will you give me another baby? Let me fill you up with my cum until you're beautifully round for me as you carry our daughter?" he asks as he nuzzles his nose against your throat, your head tipping back to give him even more access.
"Yes, My Love, please! I want all your delicious cum inside me, and I want to make another baby with you; I would love to add another name to his amazing tattoo of yours," you tell him, your fingertips gliding softly over the ink proudly displayed on the firm plane of muscle. The sun, moon, and stars look beautiful; your kid's names make it perfect.
And with those words, it's officially decided: you and Tony will add another baby to your family. Whether it will be your Little Prince or Princess, it doesn't matter because you both know they will be loved deeply. And before it's time to find out, you can have all the fun in the world when you're making your newest addition.
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"Let's get the jersey off, hm? I want to touch my girl the way she deserves," Tony says, and you nod, lifting your arms in response to his question. During all this, you never stopped rutting your hips over his cock, his release almost there as he lifted the fabric.
"That's it, Sunshine, you make Daddy feel good," he tells you with a breathy voice. As soon as the fabric is over your pierced breasts, making them spill out and bounce before him, he loses every ounce of self-control. Groaning loudly as he cums in his pants like a teenager, a deep red blush covers his cheeks and neck as he rides out his orgasm under you.
"Ah, did you cum already, Baby? What do you think? Do you want Mommy to clean up her sweet, blushing boy?" you purr in his ear, and he nods as you slide off his lap and take your place between his legs. Your fingers hook around the fabric of his sweatpants before tugging them down, revealing the sticky mess he created not even a few minutes ago.
His cock is lying soft between his thighs, but it's by no means small, and you're already drooling at the sight. He whimpers softly as you take hold of his sensitive member, your tongue licking clean every single inch of him.
"M-Mommy, please, wanna drink," Tony whispers, and you smile before getting up, taking your place on his lap again. Tony has always enjoyed drinking your breastmilk now that you’re breastfeeding your son Paxton, and it’s something you both highly enjoy each time he does, whether it’s in a sexual manner or just to calm his mind.
"Yeah? Do you want to drink from Mommy? Go ahead, Baby, take what you want." As soon as the words have left your lips, he's latched onto your breast, suckling heavily until the first spurts of your breastmilk hit his tongue, and he sighs contently as his brain calms down at the feeling of the pierced nipple in his mouth.
Your head falls back as Tony drinks from you, and you can't resist sliding your bare pussy over his thigh, the friction feeling delicious together with the feeling of your husband drinking from you. Soft moans leave your lips as you brace yourself with your hands in his hair, pulling it as you can feel your orgasm creeping closer.
Tony seemingly gets the hint as he flexes his thigh muscles, and with only a few more thrusts over his thigh, you're falling apart with a chant of his name. He groaned before letting go of your one breast, only to quickly latch onto the other, which he drank happily from as you rode out your orgasm.
"That's it, my sweet boy, keep drinking from Mommy," you tell him as you guide him to sit with his back against the couch, his mouth never leaving your nipple as he sucks to get more of the precious milk he loves so much. You let yourself recover from your orgasm as he does, just enjoying the intimate moment with your husband right now.
By the time he's finished, he is also fully hard again, your hand wrapped around his cock as you jerk him gently, earning yourself soft moans and whimpers from him that have your pussy dripping within no time.
On days like these, when Tony's letting you take the lead, you're feeling a power you've rarely felt, and you love using him for nothing but your pleasure. And he loves being your human fucktoy, too.
"Do you want to make Mommy feel good with this delicious cock of yours? Want to fill me up with your cum to give me a baby?" you ask Tony, and he nods with a dopey smile on his face, eyes glazed over as they're looking at you from underneath his long, dark lashes.
"Please, Mommy, wanna fill you up," he whispers, his hand gliding over his chest to his cock, grabbing the base as you get in position on top of him. As much as you and Tony love missionary, moments like these make you like cowgirl even more. Riding Tony to his orgasm as you can play with his nipples, pull his hair, or have him do the most unthinkable of things to you have you clenching already, and he's not even inside you yet.
The moment you sink onto his cock, you can feel every single vein on it, the stretch giving a positive burn as it feels like you're being split open. When he's soft, he's already big, but when he's hard? You can barely take all of him in your mouth, and the stretch of your pussy is always something you have to take your time with. He doesn't tell you that he'll feed you his monster of a cock for nothing, after all.
"Oh, fuck! Such a perfect cock for me, Baby, splitting me open so well! Can feel you in my belly," you whisper when you're fully seated, his balls pressing against your ass while you adjust to his size. Moans are tumbling from both your lips, and Tony can't stop digging his fingers into the flesh of your hips, a pussydrunk look on his face.
"S-so tight, Mommy, such a tight pussy for me to love," he tells you after pulling you closer, the warm metal of your piercings a stark contrast against the rest of your flesh. His face is nuzzled in your neck as he breathes in your scent, and you pepper soft kisses on his hair and neck.
C'mere, sweet boy, give Mommy a kiss," you tell him, and he obediently lifts his head, meeting your lips with his in a heated, passionate moment that has his head reeling in no time. Your tongue slips into his mouth effortlessly, dancing with his in a loving, sensual way while his hands are wrapped loosely around your waist, yours tangled in his soft locks.
When you pull away, you put your forehead against his, and you feel his cock throb inside you as you make small, teasing grinds against him. As he looks up at you with sweet, puppylike eyes, your heart flutters, and warmth spreads through your chest at the sight. You're very fortunate to have fallen in love with Tony, and it brings a smile to your face.
"What's funny?" he asks as he pecks your lips, and you place your hands on his cheeks, rubbing them softly with your thumbs.
"Nothin'. I was thinking how lucky I am to be married to you and have our three beautiful Munchkins. You saved me and supported me to become the best version of myself after everything that happened, and I love you more than I could ever tell you," you whisper, trying to fight back the tears as you think back to everything that had happened before you had the chance to meet him.
"I'm the lucky one, Sunshine, got a beautiful wife-" he says as his hands wander over your inked body, fingers trailing carefully over the tattoo you got in his honor. "-and three beautiful babies too. 'M the luckiest man on earth," he tells you with such a sweet, soft voice that you can't help yourself as the tears spill over and Tony quickly wipes them away.
"I love you, Tony," you whisper as you pull him close, needing to feel him for a moment. He happily pulls you against his chest; his face nuzzled in your neck while you place kisses on his shoulder. The moment feels perfect, and you're allowing yourself to bask in the love shared between you two.
After a while, Tony's starting to feel a little restless as he tries to rut his hips up into you, rubbing the tip of his cock against your sweet spot each time. You allow him to do his thing as you let him go, and before you know it, he's flipped you over onto the couch, your back now feeling the soft fabric while Tony pounds into you at an unrelenting pace, making you see stars.
"Fuck, that's it! Fuck a baby into me, Daddy, I'm close!" you tell him, and with a shout of his name, you cum, clenching down on his cock as he keeps fucking, his orgasm nearing too. In an effort to ground yourself as he’s bringing you to your high, you take your nails over his back, and it only intensifies the pleasure he feels the deep stinging of your nails scratching his back. A loud groan escapes him before his pace gets sloppy, and you know he’s close.
"That's it, Sunshine, take it, take all my cum! Got so much for you- balls are so fucking heavy all for you," Tony pants out, his pace faltering as he spills every last drop of his cum inside you before carefully pulling out of you.
"I love you so, so much, My Love. Thank you for being the best husband I could have ever asked for," you whisper to his freckled skin, and he hums in response as he's coming down from his high. This was a much-needed moment for the two of you, and you're very grateful for every last second of it.
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The two of you took the good part of an hour to bask in the glory of what you two did as you whispered sweet nothings to each other and exchanged a sea of kisses and soft touches. Now it's time for a much-needed shower, as you're covered in dried-up sweat, cum, and arousal, and you're starting to feel a little sticky everywhere.
"C'mon, My Love! Let's hop in the shower, and after, we can watch a movie on the couch," you tell Tony, and he agrees as he gets up from the couch, though his legs still feel like they're made out of jelly. As he falls back onto the couch, you can't help but chuckle at the sight and take a moment to take in the sight in front of you.
Tony's seated on the couch with his eyes looking at you intently, his cream-colored skin slightly flushed from the exertion you have put him through. His broad shoulders, the chest hair trailing down to his toned abs, and his happy trail all led to his delicious cock. If he weren't already entirely spent, you would have happily spent more time on your knees worshipping it, but instead, you reach out your hand to help him again.
"You like what you see, Sunshine?" Tony says shyly, and you feel a heat roaring up inside you. There's nothing you love more than when Tony's shy side comes out, making him look even cuter. It's something all your kids have, too, and it's a trait you adore about them.
"Always do, Handsome," you tell him as you pull him up, finally making your way to the shower. You both take your time washing each other's bodies, and Tony can't help but pay some extra attention to your nipples, rolling and tugging carefully on the barbells adorning them to coax more moans out of you.
"Let's get you settled on the bed, My Love - you've been such a good boy for Mommy that you deserve a back massage," you tell him, and he can feel his cock jump at your words. The sight of you being pregnant shoots through his mind again, and he has to use every ounce of self-control not to bend you over the bed and take you right then and there.
When he's lying on his stomach on the bed, you go and straddle his thighs right beneath his butt before dripping some of your favorite massage oil onto his muscled back. With a soft hum, you start massaging it in, starting at his shoulders as you rub out the knots there.
"God, how did I get so fucking lucky?! Got a beautiful wife with a body to die for, an amazing personality, and great at massaging? I must have won the jackpot with you, Sunshine," he grumbles as you work out every last knot in his back, relaxing him completely as every bit of tension melts under your skilled fingertips.
"I'm lucky too, you know; I get to see the nice ass you have back here every single day," you tell him with a playful smack on his butt cheek, a deep chuckle escaping from his chest that has your butterflies go crazy. Even after a few years of marriage and over a decade of being together, he still makes you feel like you did the first time you met him.
When the massage is finished, both of you get dressed in matching grey lounge outfits, with 'Mr. Stark' and 'Mrs. Stark' embroidered on them, together with your wedding date. Both of you wear your glasses to finish it off, and now it's time to relax until everyone comes home.
As you watch a few movies together on the couch, you're constantly cuddling, kissing, or having a little make-out session between feeding each other various sorts of fruit until your belly starts to rumble around dinner time, and it's time for the two of you to order some take-out. Before they all went out the door, Virginia slipped Tony some money for dinner, and even though you two could easily afford it yourselves, she wanted to take care of you on your relaxing day.
"Pizza?" "Pizza!" you answered, and before you knew it, you were seated in Tony's lap while watching the fourth Harry Potter movie and munching on the pepperoni pizza Tony ordered. The only thing that could make your evening even better was seeing your Munchkins again; luckily you don't have to wait long for that to happen.
Around 8:30 PM, you hear some stumbling. Hudson and Orion are running into the living room, practically lunging themselves onto the couch where you and Tony are cuddling as the fifth Harry Potter movie is just starting.
"Hi, my sweet Munchkins. Did you have fun with Nanna and Jackson today?" Tony asks as he pulls Orion onto his lap for a big hug. Hudson is already curling against your side for his fill of cuddles.
"We did! We went on all the rides, and Gramps bought all three of us a stuffie to bring back," Hudson told both of you, and your gaze shot to Jackson, your Mom's fiancé, as you fought back the tears. This is the first time you heard them call him anything other than Jackson, which genuinely warms your heart.
"Yeah, see? I got Mickey Mouse, Orion got Minnie Mouse, and Paxton got Winnie the Pooh because it matches his sweater," he continues as he shows off his new stuffed animal.
"And have you said thank you to Gramps yet?" you ask them, to which they nodded profusely.
"Good, now you two can prepare for bed because you've had a long day today. I'll be with you to tuck you into bed in 10 minutes, okay?" you tell them, and they nod before getting up and going to the room they're sharing, both ready to go to sleep shortly after.
"And now it's time for some cuddles with my Little One," you sigh happily as you take Paxton from your Mom. He's asleep as you place a soft kiss on his cheek, reveling in the cuteness that is your youngest son. He looks exactly like Tony, making your heart flutter whenever you see it. Now, all you need is a little girl who looks like you and the entire set will be complete.
"How did he do today?" Tony asks as he straightens out Paxton's little sweater.
"Oh, he did amazing! He was delighted to meet some of the characters; he ate like a champ and slept perfectly during nap time as the twins were playing on one of the playgrounds. None of them caused us any trouble at all," Virginia tells you both, and you rest your head on Tony's shoulder as you take in the sight of your son.
It's clear to everyone that the baby fever has officially kicked into full gear for both of you, and there's nothing you have ever wished for more. One more baby will complete your family, and you can't wait to meet them when they're here one day.
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fandomnerd9602 · 1 month
First Time (🌶️)
Bambi!Wanda x Reader
Warning: a romantic and fluffy 18+ story
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Gif by @abimess
Your mate, Wanda Maximoff, the antlered for human hybrid was getting an uneasy feeling in the pit of her stomach. One moment she had absolute butterflies around you. The next she could have an overwhelming feeling of dread.
She had a good idea of where it was coming from. But she needed to talk about it with her good friend and fellow hybrid Natasha.
As with their usual hangouts, Wanda found Natasha in her on-site den. Natasha was watching an old James Bond movie when Wanda came in like a deer caught in headlights.
“What’s wrong with you, Wanda? Can’t find your favorite plushie?” Natasha smirks.
“No it’s not that.” Wanda played with her fingers a little. “I-I want to mate with (Y/N).”
Natasha just about choked on her popcorn. “W-what? Mate with…? Wait! You haven’t yet?”
“N-no. I want to but I feel like I can’t.”
“Why not?” Natasha inquired, “you love Y/N and they love you back.”
“I’m not ready to get pregnant.” Wanda whispered. “I can’t remember much. All I remember of my captivity was being pregnant with my boys. I-I can’t risk becoming pregnant and losing my babies. Not again! Please Natasha don’t let my—“
Natasha silenced her best friend with a hug. She gently rubbed her best friend’s back. Natasha gently nuzzles Wanda.
“No one will ever take your babies. And we’re gonna find your boys.” Natasha gently reassures her. “Just talk with (Y/N) about this”
“What if-“
“(Y/N) won’t reject you. It’s going to be alright”
A little later, Wanda crept into your office. You were finishing up a call with your friend and benefactor, Tony Stark.
“Yeah we’ll be there….see you Thursday, Tony” you hung up and smiled at your fiancé. “Hey my doe, how are you?”
Wanda looked at you, nervously. “Detka you know I love you, right?”
“Of course. And I love you”
“I…I want to mate with you” she looks at you with innocent eyes.
“Aren’t we already mates?” You got out of your chair and walked over to her.
“No. I mean y-yes we are. I-I mean I want to mate with you” she leans against your chest. “I want to be one with you.”
You gave it brief thought and a blush made its way across your face. “Oh…really?”
Wanda nodded, still hiding her face in embarrassment.
“Do you feel like you’re ready?” You take her face gently in your hand, she turns her gaze to you.
“I am. But I don’t want to risk having children yet. I-I want babies with you just not …right now”
“Okay.” You nod, “I completely understand. There are ways around that.”
“So..” Wanda found herself wondering, “we can mate and not worry about kids?”
You spent the better part of the afternoon, helping Wanda, answering any and all questions. Somehow just talking with you was enough to calm her nerves and help her to feel more comfortable around you.
“Mind if I cook you something special tonight?” You nuzzle and kiss her tenderly. Wanda giggles and nods.
The evening went by pretty spectacularly you’d say. You cooked her favorite meal, watched her favorite show, like any other evening. And then you found yourselves slow dancing to her favorite song. The one you had proposed to her with.
“Tonight has been…the best night of my life” she giggle against your chest.
“I love you Wanda. I want you to feel as loved as you made me feel” you kiss her knuckles with a little smile on your face.
“I’m ready” she tells you with a smile. “I want to mate with you”
“Oh…yeah I’m down” you try to comprehend the words. You were a little nervous, she was so amazing and here she was wanting you to be her only for the rest of your lives. Tonight was your first time together.
She kisses you softly, taking your hands in hers. Wanda softly guides you towards your bedroom. She stops you at the foot of your bed.
Her hands gingerly took a hold of the hem of your shirt. You helped guide it up and off your body. Your hands worked the buttons of her blouse. You could practically feel her heart racing with anticipation. She drops her skirt, letting it collapse to the ground in a circular heap.
You kissed her tenderly, feeling the heat rising within both you and her. You kissed her neck and then her collarbone. She took a hold of one of her bra straps and lowered it off her shoulder. You worked the other strap away and unclasp the back.
Wanda let it fall away. And there she stood before you: a goddess. Beautiful in ways she couldn’t comprehend and yet she chose to love you.
Your doe gently pushes you down to your bed. Her nimble fingers make quick work of your shorts. A little gasp escapes her lips but she calmly puts one leg over your hips and straddles you. 
Your doe slid one of the contraceptives you bought onto you. You could feel her heart racing even faster.
Your doe tries to balance herself. She lets out a nervous little laugh, her eyes shown only love and adoration for you.
“Are you sure about this, my doe?” You ask, making sure this is what she wants. She gives you a kiss and then nods happily.
“C-Can I hold your hand?” She whispered. With one hand, you take her hand in yours, interlocking your fingers. With the other hand, you place it gentle yet firm on her hips, just trying to make sure Wanda stays safely up.
And then came the connection, Wanda’s eyes rolled back as she began moving her hips against yours. Little moans escaped her lips. Her rhythm began slowly, a little awkward. But then it found the right pace, the right motion. You and Wanda fit together like two puzzle pieces, perfect in its connection, like you were made for each other.
“(Y/N)!” She moaned, “how could I have gone this long without you?!”
“Wanda” her name left your lips like a hidden prayer.
You and your doe were in heaven. Finding the right place, the right rhythm together. You made sure to watch her expressions, making sure that it was just as pleasurable for her as it was for you.
“You’re perfect,” she found herself screaming, “oh! You’re perfect!!!”
“You’re a goddess” you whispered in her ear as you bent up and kissed her neck and collarbone. She purrs and whines with your touch.
Your hands gently explore her body, her silky smooth body. She rocked against you up and down, lost in the moment. One of your hands wandered up and gently caressed her antlers. Her tail swished and twitched with delight.
“C-can we switch places?” Your doe asks with a little blush. You simply nod and switch spots with her. Her reddish brown hair graces your pillow as the two of you continue your rhythmic dance of love.
She places the heels of her feet on the lower part of your back. She didn’t want you leaving anytime soon.
“Please” she begged, “k-keep going” her gentle moans spur you to keep going, renewing your energy.
You kept up the rhythm, each motion was driving your doe further and further, higher and higher. You could feel you were getting close and so was she.
“Faster, please” she was begging, to which you happily obeyed.
“D-detka,” she was gently whining. “W-what…what is this—“
Suddenly you could feel your body seize up as she did too. Wanda’s head throttled back against your pillow. Her fingers gently grasped your back, holding to you for dear life. Her lips formed a perfect O. Her closed eyes reflected pure euphoria in that moment. A gentle cry of pleasure left her lips.
It was so beautiful. Your own eyes shut tight as waves of pleasure and euphoria overtake you. You open your eyes and come face to face with her hazel-emerald eyes. Her irises reflected eternity.
You leaned down and kissed her neck tenderly, hitting just the right set of nerves to illicit a gentle whine from your mate.
You collapses onto the bed next to her. Wanda giggles happily as she turned over into your embrace.
Your doe nuzzles you, giggling in your arms, her heartbeat matches yours in perfect synchronicity.
“Our hearts,” she whispers, “they beat as one”
“As they always should” you kiss her head tenderly and rub her bare back in reassuring circles.
“What was that feeling?” She asks you, looking up at you with curiosity.
“When we were mating, I-I had this feeling that built in my stomach and then it…it just exploded and it felt amazing.”
The thoughts in your brain fired off, you realized that you had given her an orgasm, on your first time together. You couldn’t help but smile.
“Had you ever felt that before?” You asked her. Wanda simply shook her head and giggled.
“No, it was amazing though.” She smiles at you, “I hope I can feel it again”
You pulled her close and kissed her softly. You had given your mate her first orgasm, an amazing achievement in your mind. You couldn’t help but smile.
Wanda looked at you with a hint of a blush, “how quickly could we mate again?”
You blush, “you wanna mate again?”
She giggles and nods. You kiss her tenderly and nuzzle her. Wanda grabs the box of contraceptives, she was really going to enjoy her time with you. It would take a couple minutes but it was no problem for you or her.
You quickly discovered that Wanda was an insatiable kind of doe. Even after a few rounds, she couldn’t get enough of you. Even following you into the shower the next morning just to show you how much she loves you. This was a new avenue of your love for each other that she was eager to learn and explore with you.
You loved your mate, you’d do anything to make her happy, make her feel loved. The love you have for each other was like a beautiful canvas, one that you would paint together.
Tags @lifespectator @family-house-of-m @aloneodi @revanshand @russianredassassin @holiday-house-of-m @iiconicsfan25 @supercorpdanbeau @scarletquake-n7 @multi-fandom-enjoyer @pinklawyerwinnerzonk
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braveclementine · 3 months
Chapter 32
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Warnings: None
Copyright: I do not own any Marvel characters or locations. However, I do own a few OCs like Elizabeth, Katherine, Stacy, and Jessie. I do not condone any copying of this.
"Are you sure?" You asked Elizabeth. You, Elizabeth, Jessie, Katherine, Stacy, Y/S/N, and Wanda were all sitting together in the living room. You guys had a sort of tea party vibe going on with the cups and the small sandwiches and cookies.
"Yeah, I mean, I feel ready." Elizabeth said with a shrug. "Vis and Wanda are already married. Hogun's been waiting for a thousand years give or take, and Pietro is ready as well. Besides, I want to make sure I have enough children for this stupid thing, you know? Of course, we'll probably have more than three, I've always wanted a lot of kids."
You nodded, "How soon?"
"Next month." Katherine said with a shrug. "We figured something small. Just family and friends. Nothing like your guys, you know?" She winked at you.
"How'd ya'll get the Avengers?" Stacy grumbled. "Seriously!?"
You laughed. "Luck of the draw."
"How are things between you and Jackson?" Katherine asked.
"Fine." Stacy said and then a shy smile slid over her face, "We're expecting a baby in six months."
"Wait, seriously?" Jessie asked. "What! You waited four months to tell us?"
"Well, I didn't even realize I was pregnant till I went to the doctors." Stacy shrugged.
"That's fantastic." Y/S/N said, genially.
"But I don't understand." Stacy said, frowning and turning the conversation around, looking at Wanda, "Do they expect you to have a child as well? With, well, you know, a robot as your husband?"
"I don't know." Wanda said, shrugging. "Tony is going to talk to Ross and we'll see how things play out from there. Same goes for Natasha."
You nodded. "I don't know how they expect the widows to have any children. They should've put exceptions in the clause."
"I suppose they could move to other countries." Jessie said thoughtfully.
"Yeah, but it's not as simple as it sounds." Y/S/N said. "Kind've hard to uproot your life and move to another house or state. Probably a lot harder to move whole countries."
"That's fair." Stacy nodded.
"Whose Ross?" Katherine asked.
You rolled your eyes. "Someone I really hate. Haven't even met him, but I already don't like him. He's one of the federal agents. Military general I think?"
"Everett Ross or Thaddeus Ross?" Wanda asked.
"Um Thaddeus." You answered. "The one that had Bruce hunted down and then later was the one who came up with the accords."
Wanda's face hardened, "Great."
"Tsk someone should've set fire to those accords a long time ago." Stacy declared. "Stupidest thing I'd ever heard of."
"I agree." You admitted. "The Government should never be allowed to run a group of strong people who have powers."
Elizabeth looked rather thoughtful, "But the idea behind the papers was a slightly good one. There does need to be some sort of order I think. Not necessarily controlled order, but just something so that it doesn't seem. . . to out of control, you know what I mean? Balance."
"Anyways, weddings." Katherine declared.
You checked your watch, "I hate to leave so soon, but I have a date with Rhodey so I will be seeing you guys later."
"Have fun." Wanda smirked at you.
You rolled your eyes, grabbing your purse to sling over your shoulder before you made your way to the front of the house.
"Hey." James said, kissing you on the lips. "Ready to go?"
"Yep." You said, slipping your hand into his before the two of you left the house.
"Okay, that one is pretty cute." Rhodey admitted as the two of you were shopping puppies. Steve absolutely loved dogs and puppies. He tolerated the kittens because of Bucky, and he did really adore the rabbits, but he absolutely loved Ginny.
The way that Bucky was with kittens was the way that Steve was with puppies. When he was around them, he lost all sight of what was really important. 'Who cares' was often the words that left his lips.
So you and Rhodey were now searching for the right dog for Steve's upcoming birthday.
"He'll want a dog that he can adore and play with now, but when it grows up can join him on runs." Rhodey said, so the two of you moved rather reluctantly from the white puffballs dogs.
"Maybe a husky then?" You questioned, "Or a golden or black lab. Maybe a German Shepherd?"
"Labs are pretty good dogs." Rhodey said. "What breed of a lab do you think he'd like best? Chocolate, black, or golden?"
"Gosh, I don't know, they're all so cute, look at them." You said and then an idea popped into your head, "I know! He's called America's golden boy! So let's get him a golden boy!"
"Excellent idea." Rhodey grinned at you.
The two of you took turns with the puppies, seeing which ones seemed the most energetic and receptive to people and you both finally decided on a good sized puppy that the shop keepers let you know was a boy.
Rhodey laughed as the two of you left the pet store, "You know what's funny?"
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"What's that?" You questioned, letting the puppy leap around on its leash.
"I have just realized that each animal pair we have is one male and one female." Rhodey finished with a grin.
"Oh, that's true." You said, surprised you hadn't realized it till this point. "Mini Loki doesn't really seem to like Alpine though."
"Nope, Mini Loki is exactly like his owner. In front of everyone, he acts like he hates Alpine. But Clint was sneaking through the vents and caught the two kittens curled up together. Mini Loki was even licking Alpine's ears. He got a picture too."
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He pulled out his phone, quickly showing you the two pictures that Clint had gotten.
"Oh my gosh." You squealed, taking the phone from Rhodey to look even closer at the pictures. "They're so cute together!"
"Oh yeah, Mini Loki is going to be one proud father." Rhodey grinned. "Gonna be strutting around till the kits are born."
"Alpine's pregnant?" You gasped, handing the phone back to Rhodey.
"Bucky says she is." Rhodey laughed, taking your other hand that wasn't occupied by the leash and the two of you headed back towards the car. "But I swear he's said this multiple times before. Whenever Alpine acts differently, he immediately thinks she's pregnant."
"Fury will freak if Alpine gives birth." You laughed.
"We'll have to catch a video when it happens." Rhodey agreed, opening the passenger door for you.
You thanked him, scooping the puppy up in your arms before climbing into the front seat of the truck.
"Wonder what Stevie will name him." You said, petting the lab who was slowly going to sleep in your arms as Rhodey drove down the road.
"Probably something generic like Pumpkin or Sunny or Buddy." Rhodey stated, driving down the highway now that would lead the two of you back to the house.
"Probably." You agreed. Steve did like simple. Unless it was in bed of course. He was surprisingly rather kinky, only fueled by Bucky and Sam. Loki was rather kinky too, now that you were really thinking about it. Stephen and Tony certainly got up to bondage in bed, especially when Stephen- and Loki- could simply conjure chains from nothing.
So it was always nice to be with Rhodey or T'Challa or Fury, where they were rather simple, but also extremely passionate. Thor was a mixture. Some days he was very vanilla, simple love making and sweetness, and other days. . . well sometimes he let his hammer come to play- literally. Electric shocks- in very light doses- were even better than a vibrator. And he may or may not find it rather euphoric to fuck you with the handle of the hammer. But that was never something you let any of the others know about.
Rhodey parked around back where the cars went, turning the truck off. "Where are we going to hide him until his birthday next week?"
"Oh, Katherine will probably be leaving soon. She's going to take him back to her flat." You responded.
You caught Rhodey's eye and then leaned over the other seat to press your lips to his. His hand trailed to the back of your head. The kiss got more heated as you leaned forward, reaching behind you to snap the seat buckle out.
Rhodey pulled you onto his lap and you could feel him grow steadily harder under you. "James." You mumbled, kissing down his neck.
"Fuck sugar." He drawled, a slight accent pooling as he spoke.
Suddenly, there was a knock on the window and you pulled apart. Katherine was standing there, arms crossed over her chest, a smirk on her face, her eyebrows raised.
You and Rhodey growled in sync before you slid off his lap, throwing the passenger door open.
"Having fun?" Katherine asked as you stepped out of the truck, pulling the puppy out and slamming the door closed behind you. You could hear another door slam as Rhodey got out of the truck too.
"Where's Steve?" You asked, shielding the puppy from any views the house might have.
"Workout room." Katherine rolled her eyes. "He's on his sixth punching bag."
You sighed. "Here's the puppy. He's a boy. Doesn't have a name yet, Stevie's gonna name him."
"Bet he'll have a really fitting name for the dog." Katherine smiled as she took the eager puppy into her arms. "Hey there buddy."
"See you next week Kat." You said, giving her a side hug before she walked over to where her car was.
Rhodey took your hand as the two of you walked back into the mansion that you called home.
"So, shall we start back up where we left off?"
You pulled him down for a kiss in answer.
On the Fourth of July, you all bustled around to plan Steve's birthday party. Bucky and Sam had taken him out with Ginny, while all of his close and intimate friends- along with soulmates- came by to help set up.
Elizabeth was busy in the kitchen. She was even better than you at making food- or so it seemed, you were actually rather equal- and she had taken it upon herself to help with the cake.
She stared at the cooled off cake, a dish of homemade frosting next to her.
"Something wrong?" You asked.
She sighed. "I am not. . . the best at frosting cakes, I admit. Why did I decide to make the cake? I should've let a professional do it."
You chuckled, taking the spatula from her hand. "Here, I'll show you."
You took some of the frosting from the bowl, showing her how to spread it on the cake, smoothing it out, covering the edges, so that a nice layer of thick white frosting covered the entire cake evenly.
"Damn." Elizabeth muttered before picking up the red and blue frosting which she used to write: Happy Birthday Steve in cursive. She also used it to make a few decorative stars while you grabbed the candles to put on the cake. They were just numbers 1-0-8, which always made you laugh since he was really in his 40's, having gone into ice at 27, not coming out for 80 something years.
Elizabeth put the cake in the refrigerator when the two of you were done so it would stay refreshed until Steve got back with Buck and Sam.
The party was outside and there were plenty of streamers hanging up in the trees, balloons tied to the backs of chairs, everything in the colours of red, white, and blue. Both as a commemorative to the fourth of July, and also to Steve's soulmate colours.
"You know, I'm kind've excited for my birthday." Elizabeth said, grinning as she helped bring out a plate of hotdog buns for Thor who was grilling.
"Why's that?" You asked curiously.
She set the buns down by the grill before the two of you walked back to get the potato chips. "It'll be Harry Potter themed!"
You laughed, "Of course that's what you're excited about."
After everything was set up, you went and texted Bucky, who let you know that they were almost home.
"Everything ready?" Clint asked, dressed in a purple and yellow Mr Beast shirt with blue jeans cutting off at his knees.
"Yep." You answered, kissing Clint's cheek. "I think so anyways. I feel like we're going to forget something."
Clint smirked a little, drawing his arms around you. "Nonsense. You've been planning this for a while now. You've got the perfect present for him. The only thing I'm worried about is Thor's surprise."
You felt your heart speed up. Indeed, Thor had let all of you know that he was making a surprise announcement for Steve's birthday. Despite your love for Thor, his sweetness, his inability to hurt his friends- on purpose- and his just normally cuddly attitude, you were still a bit scared he was going to say something nonsensical or something that might ruin the atmosphere.
You heard a truck pull up outside. "That's Steve."
Clint kissed you on the lips before disappearing into the house. You quickly grabbed a blindfold, wrapping it around your hand, before you opened the door upon hearing their footsteps come up the walk.
"You're back!" You squealed excitedly, launching yourself into Steve's arms.
"Hey cookie." He said, catching you to kiss and hug you. "What's with all the excitement."
"It's your birthday!" You squealed, before quickly wrapping the fabric around his eyes and taking his hand. "C'mon, I have a surprise for you."
"And no, it's not in the bedroom." Sam quipped behind you guys.
"Yet." Bucky muttered with a chuckle.
You led Steve out into the backyard where everyone was waiting, trying to keep silent. Ginny was let off her leash by Bucky before you untied the blindfold and Steve smiled as he took in the sight.
"SURPRISE!" The others shouted.
"Thanks cookie." He mumbled, kissing the top of your head. He also turned around to thank his boys.
You went around the side of the house where Rhodey was waiting with the golden boy. You picked him up in your arms and you came over to Steve, Rhodey trailing you. "James and I got him for you as a birthday present." You said, blushing.
Steve's grin lit up the whole damn party, taking the puppy into his arms, "Hi Buster."
"Damn." Clint muttered behind me, pulling out a ten and handing it over to Nat.
"That's an adorable name." You said.
"It kind've just slipped of the tongue." Steve grinned, before petting the dogs head. Bucky winked at you behind his back.
You grinned and then after Steve put Buster down, everyone started to settle around the table or on the grass on picnic blankets, eating, handing Steve presents, and just plain having fun.
After a while, Elizabeth finally went to retrieve the cake, very careful to place it in front of Steve before Bucky lit the candles.
He blushed the entire way through the 'Happy Birthday song', especially as Sam, Buck, and Clint made sure to yell inappropriate things in between the pauses, before blowing out the candles.
When Steve opened up the cake, he found that it was stacked in layers of red, white, and blue dyed cake.
"Looks amazing Elizabeth." Steve thanked her, before cake was handed out to those who want it.
"Y/N frosted it." Elizabeth said with a shrug. "That's the only reason it looks good."
Steve grinned, pulling you onto his lap. "Thank you cookie."
You blushed before pecking him on the lips.
You got your own slice of cake, taking shelter under one of the large trees. Loki sat down next to you. "Tired?"
"Hot." You mumbled, watching Clint hit T'Challa with one of the water balloons, making T'Challa jump five feet in the air, before running after Clint with a water gun.
Loki slung his arm over your shoulder, a coolness seeping through you.
"What do you think Thor wants to announce?" You asked curiously, wondering if Thor would have told his brother or not.
"No idea." Loki said, sighing. "Hopefully nothing dreadful. But it probably won't be, he's not drunk."
"He can't get drunk of mortal drink, remember?" You asked with a laugh. There was a bit of beer, though it was mostly sodas that were being drunk at the moment.
"Of course I remember." Loki chuckled. "It's one of the worst things about losing Asgard. Besides, you know, losing our home and all of that."
"I'm so-"
Loki cut off your apology with a kiss. "I don't understand why mortals apologize for things that are their fault."
"Shows empathy." You smirked.
"Are you sad about the wedding?" Loki asked.
"I have gotten used to Elizabeth, Pietro, Vision, Wanda, and Hogun living here." You admitted. "It's kind've nice, actually, to have some other girls here. But all the same, I'm glad that they're getting to move on with their lives. Do you know where they plan on moving after this?"
"Elizabeth wants to move to Florida. Hogun and Pietro don't mind and neither does Wanda, but Vision doesn't like the idea of being so far away from New York and neither does Jessie and Katherine. I'm not sure what they plan to do on that. They'll probably come up with some sort of compromise and just find a farm in New York."
"Right, Elizabeth, Hogun, Wanda, and Pietro all want to live on a farm." You said. "I'm sure everything will be great for them."
"There's also Sif." Loki said thoughtfully. "Hogun and her haven't seen each other for a while, not since he had the bond with Elizabeth, but at the same time, he and Sif have had a long, long time to get to know each other. Plus, Sif still has Fandral and Volstagg."
"What do Heimdall and Kat plan on doing, do you know?" You asked. You had always been curious about the Warrior three and Sif. But Heimdall was just so mysterious and strong looking. Now, without having anything or anywhere to guard, he was happily spending time with Kat.
"Not sure. They might stay in Ohio. Or go to Cali."
You and Loki sat in silence for some time, watching the others mess around. A full on water fight had happened, though no one invited you and Loki into it, knowing that the two of you probably needed some time together. Plus, none of your boys would have dared sprayed you with water. You would've been mad at them.
"Elizabeth has a rather unfair advantage." Loki pointed out as Elizabeth deflected all water missiles, sending them towards her opponents.
"I wonder what it would be like to have her powers." You said thoughtfully. "I wonder how they work."
"I have an announcement!" Thor suddenly shouted and you and Loki quickly got to your feet to join the others at the table.
"Oh for the love of Odin." Loki murmured, low enough for you to hear. "I hope this is good."
You wrapped your arms around one of Loki's and he smiled at you before turning his attention back to Thor.
"And what is this news?" Clint asked on the other side of you. Nat was edging forward, rubbing her fingers together for just Clint to see. They must've made a bet on this as well. That made you roll your eyes.
"It is great news!" Thor said, turning to look at you with blue eyes, "Y/N is pregnant!"
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scarlethexelove · 4 months
If possible could you do a intersex kate bishop x Stark fem reader where Kate and reader are rivals with alot of tension towards each other and soon they begin to have a argument/fight that turns into a love confession with reader and Kate ending up sleeping together and reader becoming pregnant with Kate's child
I Love You, You Idiot
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Pairing: Kate Bishop x Stark!Reader
Word Count: 4804
Warnings: Intersex Kate, Little bit of angst, Smut, Some fluff, being shot, being trapped, Kate's got a big dick (Yes that needs to be a warning in itself), unexpected pregnancy, throwing up, blood draw, soft protective Tony, Mentions of torture, mentions of kidnapping, mentions of being skinned, Scars, Kind of a frenemies vibe, P in V, unprotected sex, Little bit rough sex, Choking, Maybe more I can't think of
Pt 2
A/n: I loved writing this one. Sorry it took so long. I knew this one was going to get long and I hope you like it. I would definitely be up for adding some more to this in the future.
You grunt as you pull yourself off the floor. Pain coursing through your shoulder, arm, and head as you look around the room. Pallets of equipment covered in tarps surround the room. A dim light only lets you see the center of the room. You look towards the exit but it is covered in rubble leaving you with no way out. Kate had shot an explosive arrow which had went terribly wrong. 
“What the fuck is wrong with you!” Your eyes land on the raven haired girl who is dusting herself off. “What’s wrong with me? What is wrong with you? You pushed me.” Kate shoots back at you. Anger now taking over and making you forget about the pain you’re in. 
Your Dad Tony Stark sent you on this mission with Kate. You and her don’t get along, always bickering and trying to one up the other. Most of the Avengers know that you both can’t stand to be in the same room with one another so why did your father send you out with her of all people. It’s not that you don’t find the girl endearing but she just, you don’t know how to put your finger on it. This mission was supposed to be easy in and out but that all changed in a matter of moments. 
“I had to push you you idiot or did you want to fucking die?” You scoff as you jump and sit on one of the pallets. Grimacing when you poke at the bullet wound adorning your left arm not even being able to lift it to get a better look at the wound. Kate’s features soften for a moment as she sees your condition. You look up at her and see her shifting as she looks at you just causing you to scowl. “Oh so you had a death wish, got it. Next time leave me the fuck out of it.” Kate quickly snaps out of it. “If you hadn’t pushed me then we wouldn’t be in this mess.” Her arms cross over her chest as she huffs. You roll your eyes. “Kate, that agent would have shot you if I hadn’t pushed you out of the way.” You notice how Kate’s nostrils flare when she is angry. “I would have been fine. I would have gotten him.” 
Your patience is already wearing thin as your arm bleeds and you can now feel blood trickling down your face from your head. “He would have killed you, but I took the damn bullet.” You shake your head at the other girl and she shakes her head. “I could have gotten him.” You groan at her arrogance. “No you wouldn't, you didn’t even see him.” Kate just scoffed. She doesn’t want to admit she is wrong and that you are right. “Well if he was going to kill me why did you save me hmm? I thought you hated me.” Kate counters. You don't know what to say. You don’t hate her at all. Yes she annoys the hell out of you but she is a good person and someone that you can rival with. “Why did you do it Y/n?” She raises her voice. When you still stay quiet she yells. “Why the fuck did you save me if you hate me so much?” 
“Because I fucking love you you idiot!” You yell back before going quiet and looking down. You honestly didn’t expect for that to come out of you and neither did Kate. Her jaw dropped as the room was completely silent. It takes her a moment to comprehend what you said. “W-what.” That is when the panic starts to build in you. You just told Kate that you love her. You hadn’t even accepted the fact in your mind before your heart took over and made you yell it out. Kate couldn’t lie she has always found you attractive and hated to admit that she was falling for you even though you bicker all the time. She just thought nothing could ever happen since you obviously hated her but she knows that she was wrong now. 
You can’t bring yourself to look at her as you try to take part of your suit off. You need to check your wound and you want to forget that you just admitted feeling you haven’t fully grasped. “I-It’s nothing.” You mumble. You whimper when you can’t get your suit from off your shoulder. 
Kate snaps out of her stupor when she hears you whimper in pain. She quickly makes her way over to you. “I think your shoulder is dislocated.” You hadn’t noticed how close Kate had gotten until you looked up startled. You don’t say anything and just nod. “Let me help.” You want to push her away and deal with it yourself but you know you can’t so you just nod again. “Okay.” 
Kate looks over you to assess your injuries. When her explosive arrow went off it sent you flying into the wall. Your shoulder taking most of the impact and your head hitting against the wall. Blood drips down your face from the cut on your head. A sliver of it peaking through your hairline. All of the anger washes away as she sees the bullet wound adorning your arm. You were right and she might have been dead if you hadn’t pushed her out of the way. Your left side taking the brunt of all your injuries. Kate uses what Clint has taught her in order to treat you in the field. She helps get your suit down until it is sitting around your hips but you are wearing a long sleeve black shirt underneath. Kate hesitates before asking. “May I?” 
You’re worried about Kate seeing you without your shirt on. Some of your past is only known to a select few outside of your immediate family. Four people to be exact Fury, Steve, Natasha, and Wanda. But you know for her to be able to help you she needs more access so you nod once again. A lump forming in your throat as she carefully removes your shirt. If she sees the scars she isn’t letting on but you know she can see them and you're thankful that she isn’t bringing attention to them. 
It’s mostly silent other than your grunts and whimpers of pain as Kate pops your shoulder back in place and dresses your wounds. Leaving you thankful for the silence but the room is tense. Once Kate is done you look up at her and give her a soft smile. “Thank you.” It’s barely above a whisper but she hears it. Kate is about to speak before you cut her off. “I’m sorry.” Tears shine in your eyes not meeting her gaze. So many emotions are flooding you and you are struggling to hold onto one. “What for?” Kate asks you. “For everything. I was mean and spiteful to you for no reason. Well, more like I was scared.” Kate’s gaze softens. “Scared of what?” You struggle to find the right words to say. “Scared of what you would think of me. Scared of feelings that I don’t understand.” You look up at her and she sees the tears shining in your eyes. “I thought if I pushed you away and just was, I don’t know meaner to you I could just get rid of those feelings. I thought it would be better if you just hated me instead. But instead you made me fall for you more and I know that now. You don’t have to accept anything from me and you can hate me. I just wanted you to know that I’m sorry.” 
Kate takes the chance she cups your cheeks leaning in and kissing you. You're surprised but soon reciprocate the kiss. You don’t even realize how heated the kiss has gotten until Kate pulls away and you're breathing heavier. She leans her forehead against yours and whispers. “I love you too Y/n.” You look into her eyes for any hint of doubt but all you find is truth. Kate pulls back slightly her hands moving to your waist. Your legs wrapping around her waist and pulling her closer just wanting to feel closer to her. 
That is when you feel it. Her bulge in her pants and you can tell just from the short make out session that it definitely stirred something within her. Kate notices that you can tell and starts to pull away. “I-I’m sorry.” You wrap your legs around her tighter and shake your head. “I want you Kate, please.” You grind your hips lightly making the other girl groan. “R-right here?” You don’t know where some of this confidence has come from but with your good arm you cup her cheek in your hand and rub gently. “Katie we are kind of stuck here and I just want to feel you.” Your words flipping a switch in her grip on your waist tightening. “Fuck.” She groans. 
Kate is quick to help rid you of the rest of your suit. Tossing it to the side already sees a wet patch forming on your underwear. She bites her lip admiring your body. You normally would be self conscious of your body but the look in Kate’s eyes has that washing away. Letting yourself be vulnerable with her. She doesn’t seem to care about the scars that litter your body. She only sees the beauty in your strength. 
A finger hooks into the waistband of your underwear as Kate slides them down your thighs until they fall to the ground. Your body is now naked in front of the fully dressed woman but not for long. Kate eagerly strips down until she is only in a sports bra and boxers. You can see her cock straining against the fabric. You reach out for her, wanting her to come closer, but she takes her time. Finally pulling her boxers down and letting her cock spring free. She is much larger than you had expected. Kate notices your look of shock which makes her feel a little self conscious. She is about to step back when you reach for her again. “Katie.” She hesitates for a moment so you speak again. “I’ve never taken anything… anyone so big before.” Kate relaxes, finally stepping closer to you, slotting herself between your legs. “If at any point it becomes too much, let me know and I’ll stop.” She gets closer, the tip of her cock bumping your clit making you groan. 
“Please Katie.” Your need and want for her taking over. Kate just chuckles with one hand on her cock as she looks down slowly, swiping it through your folds. Coating it in your juices. She hasn’t even done anything yet and you're already a dripping mess. She is entranced by your dripping pussy as she keeps teasing you. You whine a little and buck your hips but that doesn’t stop her teasing. You start to grow frustrated. “Stop teasing and just fuck me already.” You're barely able to get the words out before Kate is thrusting her length into you. Her cock splitting you open and stretching your walls further than ever before. 
“O-oh fuck.” You gasp. Kate takes a minute with her hands going back to grip at your hips. “Shit so fucking tight.” Kate starts to ease out before pushing back in. A painfully delicious stretch as she picks up speed. Small breathy moans start tumbling from your lips as Kate pistons her hips into you. Kate looks from where you two are connected looking at your already blissed out face. Your mouth hangs slightly open as moans continue to fall from your lips. “Fuck so this is how I get you to shut up pretty girl. Fucking your tight little hole with by big cock.” You can’t help the blush that rises as you nod your head words escaping you. 
Kate tests the waters with you a little bit as one of her hands moves up to your neck wrapping around it loosely. Your eyes widen and with a particularly hard thrust from Kate you moan. She applies some pressure to your throat causing another moan to be caught in your throat. Your head falling back and your arm wrapping around Kate and digging your nails into her back causing her to moan. You like the sound of her moan so you scratch down her back and clench around her length. More moans tumbling from her lips. Your combined moans bouncing off the walls as Kate continues fucking herself into you. 
“Mmmm K-Kate.” Your words breathy as the knot grows tighter. Kate's hand is still firm around your neck as she drives her hips into yours. “Fuck you feel so good around me baby girl.” Kate leans in kissing you. You moan into her mouth giving her access, allowing her tongue to explore your mouth. Your legs pull her closer to you as your nails draw blood on her back. You're both so close. Kate’s thrust becomes sloppy as she draws near. You grind your hips into hers looking for your release. 
“Wanna cum baby girl?” Kate mumbles against your lips. Trying desperately to hold her own orgasm back wanting to see and feel you fall apart for her. “Mmm please.” You whimper. “Cum for me.” Kate demands. Your vision blurs and your legs shake around her hips. Your nails racking down her back leaving angry red lines cuming harder than you have ever cum before gushing around her cock which just sets Kate off. Her hips stutter as she paints your walls white. Her thrust slows as she continues to cum. Filling you so full there is a slightly large bulge on your lower abdomen and her cum leaking out around her cock. You have never felt this full in your life but it’s a feeling that you could get used to. 
When Kate stops her hands drop from your throat as she wraps her arms around you and buries her head in your neck pulling you as close as possible. Your head falls on her shoulder as you both hold one another panting. When you both have calmed down enough Kate pulls back and looks at your disheveled state finding you even more beautiful than before. “That was…” You breathe and Kate finishes. “Wow.” Which causes you both to giggle. 
Kate slowly pulls out of you which causes you to wince and whimper. “I’m sorry.” She says hating that she could have hurt you. “It’s ok Katie, just sensitive.” You say with a small smile. She smiles back at you before her attention is drawn down. She watches as a mix of both of your cums leak out of you. Wish she could just push back into you making sure that it all stays in but she doesn’t want to hurt you. So Kate does what she can to make you more comfortable. She wanders around setting up a small place for the both of you to lay down. Once she is done she picks you up but you stop her. “Kate, I can walk.” You slap at her arm lightly. She holds up her hands in defense. You get up but your legs wobble and your knees give out. You would have hit the ground if it weren’t for Kate’s strong arms catching you. “Don’t say it.” You warn the girl. She just chuckles. 
Soon you’re both laying on the ground, you on your side that isn’t injured cuddled up into Kate’s side. Your bummed arm draped lightly over her stomach. Her arms wrapped securely around you as her fingers dance across your skin lightly brushing the large scar adorning your side. You know that she is just absentmindedly just doing it but you feel safe with her. Your head that was laying on her chest now propped up on your chin looking at the raven haired girl. “Would you like to know?” You question her, your words soft. Kate smiles at you. “You don’t have to tell me if you don’t want to.” 
You lay your head back on her chest and let out a deep sigh. “When I was 13 a group of men kidnapped me. The daughter of the great Tony Stark should be able to get access to all the money and weapons they desire. I don’t know why they thought a 13 year old would have that but I guess they weren’t all that smart. When I couldn’t give them what they wanted they tortured me.” You have to pause for a second letting out a shaky breath. Kate is listening and holding you close for comfort. “I was there for a week with little food or water. Right before my Dad found me they took a large knife and literally skinned my side. They um, they sent it to my Dad which actually helped him find me. For as dumb as they were, they were also good at hiding. Not many people know outside of my Mom and Dad. Only Fury, Steve, Natasha, and Wanda and well I guess now you.” 
You nuzzle into Kate’s chest trying to stop the tears from falling. You can hear Kate sniffle causing you to look up at her and see the tears shining in her eyes. Her other hand moves up to cup your cheek. “I’m so sorry that happened to you Y/n/n.” You give her a reassuring smile. “It’s ok. I um still go to therapy for it and still have some nightmares but they have gotten better.” She leans in and kisses your forehead. The room grows silent as you both lay in each other's embrace. 
Your eyes flutter closed as you grow close to sleep but you're woken when you hear a voice and not of Kate’s. Your com is sitting on top of your clothes. You quickly crawl over to it and stick it in your ear. “Y/n/n are you there? Please be there.” You hear your Dads voice come through the com. “Dad?” You question hoping you're not just hearing things. “Thank god you’re alive. Are you hurt? Is Kate there with you?” He asks quickly. “Yes Dad, we are ok.” You tell him as Kate is behind you rubbing her hand up and down your back. “Y/n is injured but I patched her up the best I can.” You can’t help but look back at her and scowl which just causes her to smirk. “Shit, okay. We have your tackers and we are working to get you two out of there. I’ll have medical on standby.” You huff. “Dad, I'm fine.” Kate talks over you. “No, she was shot.” Your head shoots back to look at her again. “It was nothing.” Your Dad is silent for a moment. “Medical will be ready to look you over when we get you out. We should get to you in less than an hour.” You nod your head like your Dad can see you but you realize he can’t. “Okay see you soon.” 
You push Kate when you stop talking to your dad. “I just want to help you baby girl.” You can’t help but sigh knowing that she is right. Your cheeks are also heating up from hearing her call you that which just makes the girl smirk at you. So you push her playfully. You both quickly get dressed Kate helping you get dressed as you wait to be rescued. 
You’re sitting in the lab with your Dad as you work on upgrades for yours and Nat’s weapons. You even have some ideas for Kate which makes you smile to yourself. But the smile soon falls when the familiar feeling in your stomach has you stopping. The tools once in your hands clatter on the counter as you lung for the trashcan. With the trash can now grasped in your hands and propped on your lap the small amount of content in your stomach is thrown up. Tony is behind you in seconds rubbing his hand up and down your back.
Once you're done throwing up you set the trashcan back down and wipe your lips. “If I didn’t know any better I would think you were pregnant. You’ve been sick the last few days kiddo.” Tony says as he tries to comfort you. But his words spark something inside of you. You think back. It has been two months since the mission and you and Kate had sex. You’re just now realizing that you haven’t had your period either. 
You start to panic as you realize that your Dads words more than likely ring true. Tony watches your expression change. You get up and start to move around the lab. Tony grabs you and stops you in your tracks. “Hey kiddo calm down.” His hands are on your shoulder. You look up to him with tears in your eyes. “I-I need to go to the store.” He knows what you want and shakes your head. “We can do a blood test here in the lab. It is much more accurate than those tests.” You give your dad a small nod. He leads you over to his work area having you sit as he gets ready to draw your blood. You're both quiet as he sets up. As he starts taking your blood he speaks. “I didn’t even know you were seeing someone.” You sigh and look down. “It’s complicated Dad.” He is silent for a moment as he pulls the needle out and places a piece of gauze on the spot. You hold it there and pull your arm back. “Are you going to tell me who it is?” He asks you but you stay silent.
As Tony starts running the test you go and brush your teeth before coming back to the silent room and continuing your work. Trying everything to distract yourself from the gnawing feeling in your gut. You don’t know how much time has passed. It feels like it is going slow and fast at the same time. You're brought back to reality when the computer beeps. You watch as your Dad rolls over to the computer screen and pulls up the results. You can’t see through his head but you're scared to look. It’s not that you don’t want kids, it is the fact you didn’t expect to have any right now and you’re not even dating Kate. 
Tony rolls out of the way and angels the screen towards you. The screen shows pregnant. You can feel the tears welling in your eyes as they move to your Dad’s face. You can’t tell what he is feeling at the moment but all you do is start to cry. “I-I’m sorry Daddy. I didn’t… I didn’t mean to.” You don’t even know why you're crying but just as before Tony is to you in seconds this time wrapping his arms around you tightly as you cry into his chest. He reassures you as he holds you close. Once you start to calm down he speaks up again. “Do you want to keep it?” You nod as you pull back a little and look up at him. There is a small smile on his face. “Now are you going to tell me who fucked my daughter?” You push at him a little as he chuckles which just brings a smile to your face. You know you are going to have to tell him because you have to tell Kate but you're still a little scared and you know if you don’t do it now you won’t have the courage. 
“Promise you won’t get mad?” You look at Tony who is still holding you in his arms. “Was it an Avenger?” He questions you. You pull back from him and wipe some of the tears off your face. “Please don’t be mad.” You tell him. “You fucked another Avenger!” He exclaimed. “Dad, if you don’t promise me that you aren’t going to be mad and respectful, I'm not going to tell you.” Tony grumbles but agrees. You let out a sigh before speaking again. “F.R.I.D.A.Y.?” It is quiet for a moment. “Yes Miss. Stark?” A female voice is heard overhead. “Can you please ask Kate to please come down to the lab.” You don’t dare to look at your Dad as you talk. “Right away Miss. Stark.” 
When you finally meet your Dad’s gaze his mouth is hanging open in shock. Everyone knew that you and Kate didn’t get along so how could it be her. Though most have noticed that since your mission with her and being trapped together your dynamic has changed. You two wanted to keep things private and navigate these changes without the others knowing. So in front of the others you two were friendlier with one another but spent time together to get to know one another in private. Most just figured you two being trapped together changed things for you both but this wasn’t on their bingo cards for sure. 
The door creaks open bringing your attention to the Raven hair girl that walks through the door. Kate notices the tear stains on your face and her gaze softens. “Is everything okay? F.R.I.D.A.Y. said you were looking for me.” She looks between you and Tony and she can see the obvious scowl on his face. You give her a short nod before speaking up. “Dad, can you give us the room?” But he doesn’t move, still scowling at the other girl. “Dad you promised.” He grumbles and moves to leave. “Don’t try anything funny with my daughter, I'll be watching you.” He says to Kate as he walks by before heading out the door. He has always been protective over you and even more so of your sister so it is no surprise that he is acting like this. 
“Y/n/n what's wrong?” Kate asks you but you don’t say anything, just taking her hand and walking her over to the screen. You drop her hand as you turn the screen for her to read. You drop your head not wanting to see her reaction. Not wanting to see her upset with you. The room goes silent once again as the results of the screen sink in. “You.. You’re pregnant?” Kate questions. You finally look up at her as tears that you didn’t even know were there start slipping down your face. You nod. “I-I’m so sorry. I didn’t m-mean for-” Your cut off when Kate wraps her arms around you and picks you up spinning you around. 
You have to tell her to stop and put you down before you throw up all over her. She quickly puts you down but doesn’t let you go. “I’m sorry.” You mumble looking down. Kate removes one of her arms from around you and makes you look up at her. “Why are you sorry?” You can see genuine excitement in her eyes but also the concern she has for you. “Because I got pregnant.” You tell her feeling disappointed in yourself. She just shakes her head at you with a soft smile on her face. “You don’t need to be sorry for that. It takes two to make a baby and last time I checked I wasn’t the only one who came that day.” Her words make you blush a little and she chuckles. “I want kids more than anything baby girl and I would love to have them with you if that is what you wanted.” 
You can’t help the happy tears that fall. “More than anything.” You mumble. You were so scared before but now all you have is excitement for a new chapter. Kate leans in capturing your lips with hers. The kiss becomes heated quickly as Kate pulls you closer, but you're both broken apart when you hear banging on the glass. You pull back looking past Kate at your Dad who is banging on the glass walls of the lab. You wave him off knowing that he is grumbling to himself. You both laugh at the situation before Kate gives you another quick peck. 
Kate looks down at you love and desire in her eyes. She moves one of her hands onto your stomach with a smile, her gaze on your stomach before looking back up at you. “Y/n Stark will you be my girlfriend?” You shed some more tears as you smile and nod. “I would love nothing more than that.” You kiss Kate again before pressing your foreheads together basking in the moment and the excitement of what is to come next on this new journey.
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