#too bad i didnt stick with it after i stop doing the classes in school
gifti3 · 5 months
Im reading through the "how to survive as a maid in a horror game" and realizing that korean uses gender neutral pronouns thats why the translations sometimes get confusing if you use a machine to translate most of it
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sockiestupidity · 9 months
Heyy I heard you needed more fluff so can you maybe write found family with Miguel and the reader calls him dad by accident
Or (because I recently came out as trans)
Can you write the reader coming out as trans to either the teens like gwen miles hobie and Pavitr or the adults like Jess Peter b and Miguel :)
(chose the first bc someone else requested smth similar)
pls forgive my extremely bad writing ive been feeling extremely shitty (very bad mood swings and delusions🤘) and ive been rlly busy (school🥰) (also this whole thing is rlly bad)
it had been quite a hectic day for you as a spider-person. you had an exhausting day at school, as most of your classes had scheduled tests for the same day. but the choas didn't stop once you got home, as you had more studying, and on top of that you also had work later
suddenly, miguel texts you on your watch "need you for some missions" the text bluntly states
you sigh, changing into your suit quickly. after changing you open a portal and jump through it, you find this act very nauseating.
you land in hq, taking a moment to stabilize yourself before heading to miguels office (lab?)
you arrive, knocking to let him know of your presence, he turns to face you with a hardened expression, you could tell just by his face that he wasn't too pleased with whatever he called you for.
you look at him and grab your phone, typing something. "what did you need me for miguel? you messaged me just as i was about to get ready for work" the robot voice speaks from your phone.
he looks at you and scoffs "being a spider person is a big responsibility, if you cant handle it, i suggest you quit (yeesh)." you watch as his muscles start to tense, setting you off
you feel yourself starting to tear up, and suddenly speak up "i-i-im sorry dad i-i'll work " your lip trembles and you back away from him fearfully
his demeanor softens as he watches you begin to hyperventilate, he mutters a curse under his breath, not really knowing what to do.
he remembers you briefly mentioning your comfort items to gwen when the two of you were planning a sleepover. he quickly pulls up a portal, transporting him to your room. he grabs your stuffed animal and weighted blanket.
he transports himself back to hq, seeing you still stick in your dazed, panicked state. he drapes the blanket around you, and intructs you to breathe.
he patiently waits for you to come to your senses, once you have done so he looks at you with a soct expression, contrasting his previously hardened gaze, he speaks up "kid i- i didnt mean to yell at you like that. you wanna talk?"
A/N:I didnt finish the rest bc i gave up im srry it took so long pls forgive me😭 its severely unedited but idk i felt bad for like being non-existent lmao
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pumpkinsy0 · 2 months
Instrument/band purly au headcannons???
If that makes sense
im basing this off my experiences w music classes i hope we r all rockin w that
i hope i read this right and u meant band as in band class and not BAND band😢😢
•ok so their music class had units where they did different instruments each unit there was piano, guitar, then drums, and then after those main ones they dabbled into other ones
•if theres one instruments haitians gonna cling to its guitars, ik that was curlys fav unit, pony was having a bit of trouble w all of em
•they can both read music sheets well, thats not the issue here, they can grasp that part pretty easily bc they drum on each others thighs/knees to tap out the beat, the problem is PLAYING those bitches
•pony CANNOT play the piano, he could NOT understand how to play that thing, for the life of him, even if u paid him to play twinkle twinkle little star he’d tell u to keep ur money to save himself the embarrassment
•curly CAN play the piano he just doesnt like to cause its boring as shit to him, every other thing tho he loves playing and is constantly fiddling w em
•however curly was just annoying as hell on the drums so he was pushed to stick w guitar, he kept doing that “ba dum tsss” shit w the drums when something happened and nobody could take it anymore
•pony hated the drums bc it was always so loud and it pissed him off so bad, he was so happy when curly was taken off those drums man😭
•they both teamed up a lot when it was time to just practice, they did get the job done tho, its not that the class was THAT hard or anything, theyre both pretty artistic, the would rlly just fuck around and laugh, they did practice, but they got it pretty quick so they didnt spend too long on it
•when it came time for everyone to come together to practice the song as a whole, pony and curly were giggling to themselves bc more chances than not they sounded like shit all together, these mfs sounded tone deaf, but other times they just cringe bc they cover songs they actually like and its just completely fucked up
•they HATEEEE performing in front of everyone, angela doesnt take the music class they take, she takes chorus (more like is forced to) and she always SPECIFICALLY looks out for curly to laugh in his face
•once the teacher held a recital and tim, soda, and darry showed up and tim was like rodrick in greg’s talent show, just recording for blackmail later on, darry and soda was supportive but that didnt make pony any less better he wanted to DIE on stage
•dont even get them started on the wind instrument unit.
•would this REALLY b papercut if i didnt say that curly would use this class especially to flirt w pony with little to no restraint bc he could just tell the teacher that they were so close bc he was trying to teach pony the proper hand placements and he was so near his ear bc it was loud as hell🤨🤨🤨
•pony would fuck w the cowbell lowkey, its simple and he doesnt have to put that much effort, curly is just fucking w the tambourines pretending hes in church or somethin
•taking those instruments home was hell on the both of them, neither of them bring fucking backpacks to school so holding the instruments around felt so weird to em
•usually darry doesnt allow the bedroom door to b closed when curlys around, but bc theyre “practicing their instruments” he allows it BUT he does pop in more frequently to make sure they do NOT match each others freaks
•that dont stop curly though he WILL get kissed in that room one way or another, if theyre kissing and they hear the door knob jiggle, they just quickly pull away and pretend they r discussing the music sheet
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dejasenti99 · 4 months
1 and 2 for any (or all.. :3 jk) Deja Senti OCs, 12 for Bowie and Eros, 3 for Prey AND/OR Psyche ANDDDD last one (im sorry </33), 21 if you want :3 (at least I didnt send 1-21 like I said wanted to AJHGSHJ)
ok for the first two i chose who i wanted to talk abt the most
1. nerve is super fun bc he’s very comfortable with expressing his very fluid gender identity in the way that he dresses :-) his pronouns are he/they and if he was asked he would say that “””male””” is just. not what he is lol they’d probably just shrug vaguely and be like 🙂↔️
2. eros doesn’t label his sexuality and neither does psyche, but it’s kind of two different ways?
eros feels like he isn’t obligated to give the world an answer to what he is. if he wants you, he wants you and you should feel lucky. people are more toys than anything to him so sexuality doesn’t matter to him. psyche on the other hand just doesn’t really process affection and ‘love’ the way another person may, so he doesn’t feel comfortable with putting his sexuality in a box and feeling like he’d have to stick to that. it’s too restricting and makes him feel overwhelmed.
3. prey pretty plainly started looking for any attention from whoever would give it to him starting from a young age. in high school, he moved away from seeking that ‘any’ attention from teachers and the likes and wanted more of a romantic connection. he was able to figure out quickly after starting this adventure in life that girls were just not it for him lol.
12. bowie really hasn’t had any reason to not be secure in her sexuality but eros struggled HARDDDD with internalized and blatantly external homophobia when he was in high school sadly. not towards bowie but just in general @ himself bc he’s most important in the whole world duh. he’d turn his attraction to the guys in his classes into anger and was like. a huge ~ bully ~ for a WHILE partially fueled because of that. he didn’t understand why he felt like that and it scared him real bad. if he HAD to label it he’s a bisexual w a male lean for sure.
anyway he didn’t have parents around to monitor what media he was consuming, and while bowie went down a more accepting and educational path that allowed her to come to terms with being a lesbian early on in high school, eros was busy fucking around with fake punks that just wanted an excuse to be bigots using their subculture as a shield. and then one night after him n bo graduated he got reeeeally drunk at a house party and hooked up with a guy for the first time and was like oh! guys are just as easy to get to do what i want and give me what i want as girls are. this opens so many more doors. so to speak :-) and somewhere along the way he just fkn stopped caring about The Gays bc it didn’t benefit him to waste his energy
21. sexuality in deja senti is gonna be really fun to explore. the way they all handle it and still have to learn as they go bc they’re all still pretty young is something i’m very excited to show :-) they WILL fuck up and do and say problematic things, and we just gotta watch the consequences of those actions from the sidelines i fear
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blehcupidd · 1 year
Jealous Girl
Chapter Twenty Two
Xavier Thorpe x fem!oc
A/n: Taken from my Wattpad made at the beginning of 2023, some written mistakes and i had a note about what happen with Percy Hanes White, that note will put put at the end of this chapter.
Also ignore mistakes please i wrote this whilst looking at the tv show so if it says that someone looks at something but it didnt state what, ignore it im sorry.
Series Masterlist
Previous Chapter
Wednesday was covered in blood and mud, Évangéline had found herself in a similar situation. Her fall had been broken by a stray shard of metal, from the sword. The wound was on her waist, every time she moved the pain increased.
She could only focus of the blood on her hands. How bad was the wound? The cock of a gun brought her out of a trance. "You brought a gun to a sword fight." It was Thornhill. "It's probably the first smart decision you've made today."
"I might not get to kill all the outcasts," Thornhill staggered closer to Wednesday. "but at least I'll get to kill you, Wednesday." Évangéline was too far away to see why her previous teacher had stopped. That was until there was a buzzing sound. Getting louder, and louder. The amount of bees increased, all swarming Thornhill.
She began shooting and covering her head, not knowing what to do. "Yeah, that's what you get for messing with Nevermore." It was Wednesdays friend, Eugene. "Hummers stick together, right?"
The bees were imbedding themselves into the woman on the floor. Then, Wednesday ended it all.
All Nevermore pupils and teachers were outside the gates, all wanting the truth for what was happening. Then, Yoko noticed someone walking. It was a small blonde girl, shivering covering in mud and blood.
"Enid?" The soft voice of Ajax worried, seeing she was only in a coat. Leading her through the heels of students, she couldn't see two people. "Where's Wednesday? Where's Évangéline?" Everyone just looked at each other, not knowing what happened with the two girls.
Her worrying was cut short as she saw four people walking towards the gates, although one was slightly limping. They had all ran up to the four, seeing it was Wednesday, Évangéline, Eugene and Bianca. The two girls overwhelmed in emotions were shortly pushed into a hug with an equally emotional Enid.
It was cut slightly short, as Wednesday had leaned backwards, but shortly gave in as she saw Enid's face. Slowly, Évangéline made her way out of the hug, leaving Enid to have the hug she had wanted for months.
Tears were in her eyes, blood had made its way onto her face from her hands and small cuts and mud caked the majority of her skin. Looking at the group of people she was well associated with, she saw Xavier. The boy had staggered towards the girl, not knowing what to do, not knowing how she felt.
She cut his worries short by grasping his face and gave him what they both had yearned for. A kiss. It was finally happening, something that had became so unimaginable by the two. Not thinking they would ever see each other again.
Leaning her face into Xavier's shoulder, he noticed the metal sticking out of the side of her back. "Angel," he whispered, almost like she was about to break into pieces.
"I know," she sighed, holding on tighter.
Students were sent home early for the rest of the semester. After everything from the past night and earlier months, the remaining teachers decided to let the kids have a break. Évangéline had gotten her wound fixed, with it needing a few stitches, and was currently packing her room.
The trio had gone to their deceased principals office, paying their respects. "I hate to admit, but I am gonna miss Principal Weems." The pink one spoke first.
"She could be a real pain." The black one complained. "But she was tough. For that, I have immense respect."
"And she died for the one thing she truly loved, this school." The brown one finished.
"She was one of us." All three girls left.
"Now that classes are cancelled for the rest of the semester, you two have to come visit me in San Francisco." Enid demanded to her two friends. "I can pretty much guarantee fog and drizzle every day for you, Wednesday. And Evan, I'll be there for you to complain to."
"Sounds tempting." Wednesday agreed.
"Only if you two come to France, we can go to all the cute little cafés." Évangéline smiled, seeing the look from her friend, "Don't worry, Nes, there's dark things in Paris. Oh! Like the bell towers of Notre Dame." This brought a composed smile on Wednesdays face, the nickname was back.
"Bianca." Wednesday stopped the girl who helped a lot yesterday, "I owe you a thank you."
"We're getting that fencing title next year. So don't let killing one supernatural pilgrim get to your head." Bianca joked, leaving with a smile towards Évangéline.
"Oh, and Nes." Évangéline turned, only to be met with no Wednesday. Not even Enid. "What the hell," she whispered.
"You look a little lost." A taunting voice came from over head. Already knowing who it was, she held a smile.
"Don't you have anything better to do than watch girls?" Évangéline joked, making her way up the small starecase.
"Only the pretty ones." He lowered his voice, only wanting Évangéline to listen.
"Who are these pretty girls you've been looking at, then?" She wrapped arms around Xavier's neck, holding him close and it felt natural.
"I don't know if you know her." Repeating her actions, but on her waist, being cautious of the stitching. "She has brown hair, with little pink streaks. The most enchanting eyes I've ever seen. She's incredibly brave and even after falling out with someone, she still helped her."
This caused an uncontrollable smile to appear of Évangéline's face, "Stop it," she spoke into his shoulder, hiding her smile. It was a nice silence for a few seconds. No worries clouded their minds, they felt content in the moment and didn't care if their fellow students were watching.
"How are your stitches?" He stroked just above the fresh wound, showing his affection.
"Could be better. How are you feeling about being a free man?" She brought her head up.
"All charges dismissed." He smiled, replicating what Évangéline was doing. "I'm sorry to cut this short, but I need to find Wednesday and thank her for the arrow and to apologise for things I said." At the sound of an arrow, she gave a confused face, "I'll explain later. Have a good break, I'll see you around?" He gave a hopeful glance.
"Of course." She waved him off. "Have a good break."
After saying goodbye to her friends she met up with her father, belongings already in the car. "You ready to go, Evie?" He asked, but before she could answer, her phone went off. Looking at the message, it was pictures of her and Xavier and her and Wednesday.
She looked up, hiding the scared look, "Yeah, I'm ready."
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asahicore · 1 year
haha, I'm sorry for stressing you out.
I love extraordinary you too. I ended up still having some unanswered questions, but overall I enjoyed it so much. especially because haru is such a pretty boy. 🤧
omg, that is so exciting!! actually doom at your service is in my top 5, with strong woman do bong soon, melting me softly, descendants of the sun and maybe vagabond. some honorable mentions are hometown cha-cha-cha, may I help you, love in the moonlight and crash course in romance. now I see what I put you through, I'm so sorry.
then, what are some kdramas that you disliked. I've noticed a pattern in mine: those before 2010. I mean, I don't dislike them all (coffee prince is one that I enjoyed a lot), but for example full house or secret garden had me wanting to punch a wall most of the time.
— ☕️!
srsly why is it so stressful to choose fav dramas 😭 its like with movies or songs, theres too many to choose from!!
putting a read more bc i talked so much bahahha
and right omg i watched extraordinary you at the beginning of lockdown and i fell in love with haru/rowoon so bad that i started stanning sf9 after that, i was such a big fan of them that whole year hahahaha, and yeah it does have some plot holes but honestly the romance was so cute i didnt even mind
gosh we've seen such different dramas hahaha i havent seen any in your top 5! ofc ive heard about strong woman though, and thats also on my list. crash course in romance was so fun i rmb watching it as it came out and i really loved their romance but god the murder mystery side plot is not for me 😭 i dont usually mind a mix of genres but romance with thriller isnt my thing i guess, i like it better when they're seperate. and love in the moonlight omg i watched it ages ago, and actually i dont rmb anything about it so ig that tells you its def not one of my favs 😭 i usually love historical dramas but i think the female lead disguised as eunuch trope is not for me either !
and omg, i havent ever watched a drama from before 2010 actually, bc ive heard that theyre such a product of their time and have like really sexist/fatphobic etc undertones with like toxic male leads and plot lines that just drag on and on bahaha, coffee prince is such a classic though i should watch it!!
for me its pretty rare that i dont like a kdrama cause if im not into it then i'll just drop it and forget about it, but one that i did watch and hated til the end was cheese in the trap because the male lead in insaaaaaane literally a psychopath and the female lead (park goeun bless her heart) is so wishy-washy, worst case of second lead syndrome i ever got in my life!! im going through my watched kdramas, and a lot that ive seen i remember enjoying as i watched but they just didnt stick with me afterwards. i rmb being super frustrated with love alarm, nevertheless (but that one wins back points for incredible casting/side stories/overall vibes lol, im actually considering rewatching...) and itaewon class! then some that i fully stopped watching are love in contract, she would never know, arthdal chronicles, detectives of seonam girls' high school and hotel del luna. i also stopped watching goblin and tale of the nine-tailed around ep 10 but i do plan on picking them back up at some point lol
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br1ghtestlight · 1 year
I asked for tinimmy cause i love them BUT I also like the zeke and Tina ship(can't remember their ship name for the life of me) so do you got any headcannons for them?
honestly i dont know how to answer this bcuz i feel like everybody has such a specific fanon idea of them in their heads?? like canon tina and zeke is VERY different from fanon tina and zeke (not a bad thing especially bcuz they're usually written to be older and more mature in fanon) but im gonna try and stick to their actual canon friendship as its portrayed in the show :)
neither of them are smart but they usually get okay grades in different classes (tina is better at english and science, zeke does better in math and history they're both solid B+ students in those classes) so they will often help each other with homework they're stuck on or help each other cheat off their schoolwork lol
tina originally attended zeke's wrestling matches for jimmy jr (obviously) but after they become better friends she starts cheering for him too!!!! he's always trying to impress her by using super complex moves that he isnt really that good at and he ends up getting his ass handed to him but tina still thinks he's amazing
jimmy jr will sometimes ask to hang out with both of them and get frozen yoghurt or smth and just completely forget or leave midway through their date (love this boy but he is dumb as HELL zero thoughts inside his head) which left them in an awkward "we're both friends with the same person but not with each other and now our mutual friend left us alone at a party what do we do" situation. this also happens frequently at tammy/jocelyn parties and get togethers so they've gotten pretty good at making awkward small talk and thats kinda how their friendship begins
tina will NEVER stop playfully arguing or teasing zeke even after they're good friends he doesn't mind it but they're always jokingly fighting w/ each other. nobody can ever tell if they're serious or not
tina doesn't have the biggest appetite and zeke has a HUGE one (and he doesnt always get as much food as he maybe needs when he's at home) so sometimes tina will give him half of her lunch and they'll eat together. gene is very offended that she didnt offer to him first but she reminds him that they literally live together and share food ALL THE TIME (and he shares with louise most of the time anyway)
tina also sometimes brings snacks to school that she knows zeke likes and she buys them at the store :) she shares during recess
zeke walks her home sometimes after school (usually with jimmy jr louise gene etc there as well bcuz tina cant really walk home without them) and they'll just laugh and tell jokes together!!!! they have a very similar tense of humor and a very teasing relationship so its easy for them to get along <3
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louscartridge · 2 years
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i do not give permission for my fics to be posted claiming to be yours, translated, or posted on another platform without credit.
 requested by- @sublimecatgalaxy​
cw- not rly proof read, barely mentions of fighting (demo dog), enimies to lovers, uhhhhh i dont think anything else tbh. 
summary - robin is unsure if her enemy likes her back or not untill she makes a bold move.
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“did you see her hair when the hair tie fell out?!” robin continued to daze to steve doing her eyeliner in the passenger seat of steves car.
she cut his speaking off and put her hand down from her face for a minute to look at steve. “now yes steve i now it wasent exactly the best time to find something attractive but..that was attractive!” she looked at him with a “duh!” face almost saying ‘i mean you like girls! you gotta admit, that was hot!’ without actually saying that. 
what robin was currently talking ab was when you were fighting a demo dog, swinging around so much your hair tie fell out of your hair, letting strands stick to the sweat on your face and some still loose from behind you. so yeah. not really the best moment to be crushing but oh well what can you do right? 
“i think i should ask her out.” robin bluntly started.
“are you sure you want to do that?” steve asked hoping robin would think about this but instead she immediately replied with a strong ‘yes’
“ok but listen i can think of atleast two reasons why you shouldnt do that!”
“oh reaally mr. lady puller? you want her that bad?” robin teased seriously and rolled her eyes.
once steve pulls into a spot in the school parking lot he turns in his seat to look at his (quite frankly only) friend and smacks her hand causing her to drop her eyeliner. 
“hey!” robin went to unnecessarily banter.
 “no robin ok listen! for one we dont even know if she likes woman and two she hates you!” steve yells mater of a factly. 
“yeah well one can be solved by me asking her out doofus. and two shell know i dont hate her once i ask her out. so really! asking her out will clear everything up!” robin states mater of a factly. 
not wanting to be late to class for once steve gives up.
                                                time skip bc i suck 
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“hi” robin cheekishly said to you.
“hi?” you said back in a undertone.
“uh- are- are you hurt to bad from yesterday?”
“no. not really... it just kinda sucks that i have to like- hide from everyone you know?”
“oh trust me i know.” as robin was talking she saw you open a mini cupcake.
“oh my god! y/n!” she randomly shouted.
“oh my god! robin!” you copy sarcastically. 
“i just saw you open the cupcake, duh, im right here of course im gonna see you open it but it reminded me that i made a cake yesterday its like red velvet with chocolate icing that i might add also made myself it took me so long and i was scared like so scared that i was goint to like explode something but guess what? i didnt!”
as she kept rambling you slowly smiled remembered something steve told you. 
“when robin likes someone she can not stop talking. like she starts talking non stop and really fast.”
“robin.” you cut her off
“yes?” she quickly replied.
“do you like me?” 
“yes. no! maybe? i dont now how do you feel about me?”
“how i feel about you is if you were to say you like me.. i wouldnt say i didnt like you too.”
“well then yeah. i do like you. y/n”
“i like you too robin.”
“i like your smile.”
one thing being said right after the other untill robin started ramling again. but this time you decided to cut her off. 
“will you be my girl friend?”
robin just stared at you in shock making random hand movements sometimes making some stuttering noises.
“robin?” you say in a sing songingly voice.
“uh- yes? yes! i will be your girlfriend!”
the moment was cut when steve came up behind robin.
“aha! yes! she likes you! thank you for not listening to me!”
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thebluespirit83 · 3 years
debunking pro-snape/anti-james arguments and putting it on the internet because clearly i hate myself. buckle up. this is gonna be a VERY long post. im ready for the amount of hate i will get; im willing to take one for the team. 
1. james forced lily into dating/marrying/etc him 
this literally never happened? because its almost as if lily is her own person who is able to stand up for herself-
“I wouldn’t go out with you if it was a choice between you and the giant squid,” said Lily.
“LEAVE HIM ALONE!” Lily shouted. She had her own wand out now. James and Sirius eyed it warily.
She turned on her heel and hurried away [from james]. 
-and so she would not allow someone to walk all over her. its almost as if james (canonically) matured as a person, and she appreciated this, realised he was a good person and got feelings for him? because james’ only negative traits were that he was conceited and a show off. people are able to mature and grow from these things! james did this! he did not ‘force’ lily to go out with him!
2. james and the other marauders bullied snape
you know what, i cant even disagree with this one. you’re right - they did bully him. but lets look a little bit at the context. 
sirius and james were both upper class, naive white rich boys. they are idiots. they were both stupid smart teenagers!! they were popular! and while this does not excuse the gross bullying snape was subject to-
Pink soap bubbles streamed from Snape’s mouth at once; the froth was covering his lips, making him gag, choking him
Several people watching laughed; Snape was clearly unpopular ... Snape was trying to get up, but the jinx was still operating on him; he was struggling, as though bound by invisible ropes.
-it (unfortunately) makes sense with context. james and sirius also stopped bullying people, and even expressed discomfort/regret with the way they acted-
“I’m not proud of it,” said Sirius quickly.
“Of course he was a bit of an idiot!” said Sirius bracingly, “we were all idiots!
[sirius talking to remus] you made us feel ashamed of ourselves sometimes
A lot of people are idiots at the age of fifteen. He grew out of it.
-when they were younger! i’d also like to point out these little lines i noticed when i was finding quotes for my argument which snape stans like to ignore:
James and Snape hated each other from the moment they set eyes on each other
I mean, he [snape] never lost an opportunity to curse James
there was a flash of light and a gash appeared on the side of James’s face, spattering his robes with blood
wow, look at that. the hate they felt for each other was mutual! snape also jinxed james! but oh wait - james was the one who matured! snape was the one who bullied his son twenty years later because he looked like james! 
3. snape didnt abuse the kids at hogwarts 
here’s a real argument i saw when looking through some pro-snape posts: ‘snape wasn’t an abuser, because abusers don’t let their victims retaliate, but snape did let the kids talk back to him’
what. the. fuck?! 
this is the dictionary.com definition of abuse: ‘to treat in a harmful, injurious, or offensive way’ or ‘to speak insultingly, harshly, and unjustly to or about’. i’m pretty sure snape did both of these things-
“I don’t need help from filthy little Mudbloods like her!”
“So,” said Snape, gripping Harry’s arm so tightly Harry’s hand was starting to feel numb.
Snape threw Harry from him with all his might.
[hermione’s teeth]  "I see no difference."
‘Idiot boy!’ snarled Snape [at neville]
-on multiple occasions. i’d also like to remind you guys that neville’s worst fear is SNAPE?! his TEACHER, a figure that is supposed to be there for emotional and educational support is his worst fear in this entire world?! above the woman who drove his parents to insanity? over failure, over his abusive grandmother, over everything? his teacher? and for the pro-snaper that used this quote-
Nearly everyone laughed. Even Neville grinned apologetically.
-to claim that it was a joke, it isn’t a joke. because when snape came out of that cupboard, he was terrified. yes, it’s an embarrassing thing to have as your boggart, but the point is is that it is. he is terrified of that man. 
4. james only joined the order because his wife was a muggleborn and he ‘had to’
this is just factually incorrect. james had been sticking up for muggleborn rights since he was in school, far before he started dating or even became friends with lily: 
“Apologize to Evans!” James roared at Snape, his wand pointed threateningly at him.
“I’d NEVER call you a - you-know-what!”
so this is literally not true!! plus, at least he did join the order, whatever his reasons where (which were canonically good). snape didnt join the order. snape was friends with someone who suffered discrimination in society, and instead of using his privilege to help her and support her, he joined a group that was set on murdering people like her. when james had a friend who underwent oppression (remus/lycanthropy) you know what he did? he illegally became an animagus. 
5. snape had to be a death eater to survive at hogwarts as he roomed with blood supremacists
this is the shittiest excuse i have ever seen in my entire life. as a poc, this comment really reminds me of the argument ‘i was raised in a racist white household! i cant control my beliefs!’
you can always control your beliefs. i understand not going on big rants about blood inequality in front of a bunch of supremacists, and i understand wanting to blend and fit in (especially because he was unpopular and needed the support the slytherin boys provided), but i will never understand then becoming an active member of the group yourself. he got the dark mark. he helped voldemort. he was a death eater, and a proud one at that! no-one forced him to join. this argument literally makes my blood boil. 
6. snape had a lot of trauma from being raised in an abusive household
okay? so did sirius. so did neville. luna was bullied at school, just like snape. harry lived in an abusive household. did any of those people bully children? did any of those people join a blood supremacist group? and dont get me wrong, im not calling any of these people perfect - they all had a lot of flaws - but none of them hurt another people to the extreme that snape did. 
7. snape saved the trio’s lives many times
this is the absolute bare minimum. ‘oh wow, he didnt let harry die!! what a king! he should be respected and praised! we should excuse all of his other actions because he didnt let people die <3′ 
8. snape is not a perfect person, he also did good that many people overlook
you’re right, snape did do some good things in his life. but unfortunately, for me and many others, doing a couple of good things doesnt excuse all of the shitty, abusive things he did too. we’re not ignoring them - we just dont think they’re good enough reasons to forgive him. 
‘but james and sirius hurt others! you ignore all the bad things they did in favour of the good!’ you do the same thing with snape, first of all. second, they did a lot of good stuff. james’ and sirius’ only crimes were being annoying. for being a bit of a dick, conceited, knew they were hot and were a bit entitled. while these things are annoying as fuck, they were also stupid teens that eventually grew out of their behaviour and became better people. not perfect! better. while snape just stayed bitter at the marauders, long after their deaths, and even took his anger out on an innocent child. 
9. people only hate snape because he was poc and queer coded
as a poc and queer person, please stop. this is a very bad excuse. being poc and queer (which im pretty sure he isnt, but anyway) doesnt excuse you from your actions. plus, a huge amount of harry potter readers are poc and lgbtq. why would they hate snape for those reasons?! 
so thats all i got for today. im not gonna go into a deep snily/jily thing because i literally cannot be bothered. anyway im done. i need to go revise, i’ve already spent long enough on this. 
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simpforhoon · 3 years
just you. (p.js) *ೃ༄
pairing: soft dom! jay × female reader
genre: smut, fluff, soulmate au! kind of angsty it has a happy ending I swear (praise, making out, protected sex, oral (f-receiving)).
summary: in a world where everyone gets the name of their soulmate tattooed on their wrists when they turn 18, finding out your best friend is your soulmate was not how you planned your 18th birthday to go. now, what’s so bad about that you might ask? you see, jay despises the thought of soulmates. but maybe he doesn’t despise them so much when it comes to you.
please note, this work is purely that of fiction. and not meant to represent what the enhypen members are like in real life.
A/N: guys no why am I so soft,, anyway I’ve been wanting to write this for a while now, so I hope you enjoy!! and I'm reposting this now, as this didnt get a lot of notes on my old account cause of all the reporting and stuff!
word count: 3.4k
warnings: mentions of heartbreak, crying, mentions of food.
1 week ago
you bit your nails as you paced up and down your room, a nervous habit you’d picked up in your junior year of high school whilst dealing with the tremendous stress and pressure school put on you. well lucky for you, you had graduated now and your 18th birthday was just around the corner. specifically, exactly a week from now.
your best friend jay sat on your bed staring at you with amusement written all over his face as he quietly observed you, before moving up to stop you and pull your hands away from your face. “you’re going to wear yourself out” he mumbled softly, pulling you to sit next to him and rubbing your shoulder in a comforting manner.
“I know I know, I’m just nervous, what if they’re all the way on the other side of the world? or even worse, what if they’re someone I know??” the panicked expression on your face was seemingly too much for jay to handle as before you knew it, he had almost rolled off your bed, laughing his ass off at you.
you see, your “dearest” best friend jay never believed in soulmates. he himself never actually got a name on his wrist, a sign that his soulmate had not reached the age to get theirs. to say he was ecstatic would be an understatement as he was at a party that very night, hooking up with a random girl before going over to your house the next morning with a massive hangover and a sullen expression.
it hurt you to see him that way, hooking up with random people, praying that he wouldnt run into his soulmate. and it hurt even more when you thought of how his soulmate was probably so excited to meet him even if they didn’t know him yet.
if only you knew where you would be a week later, wishing it was you who never met him.
present day
the time on your phone read 11:57, and jay had shown up to your house at exactly 11:30, punctual as always, giving up his usual saturday night parties to spend the night before your special day with you instead. he held your hand in his, one thumb running up and down the expanse of your knuckles soothingly, the only thing grounding you in the tense moments before what was basically the biggest moment of your life. your eyes never met his once, only flickering from the clock to your wrist every few seconds, almost as if it would appear before time if you stared long enough.
12:00 a.m.
it was almost as if everything stopped in that moment as the words appeared on your skin. the crickets stopped chirping, that one car alarm outsode your house stopped beeping and both you and Jay stopped breathing, even if it was just for a few seconds. one by one, letter by letter, black ink slowly trailed up the soft skin on your clean wrist, marking your skin for the rest of eternity. you watched with bated breath as tbe letters curved their way into your skin, into your soul.
“P-A-R-K” looks like your soulmate would have the same last name as your best friend. “J-O-N-” that was when the realisation of what was about to happen dawned upon you. “no, no, no, no” was all you could think. “this wasn’t supposed to happen”
meeting jay’s eyes for a split second, you could see the shock on his face, the same shock you knew was written all over your face at that very moment. yanking your hand out of his warmer one, you stared at the 2 words displayed on your wrist. “park jongseong” you whispered as a one lone tear ran down your cheek, falling to you chin before disappearing into the soft material of your sweater.
this prompted jay to push up his own sleeve, the words that seem to have appeared on his wrist confirmed what you both already knew by that point. jay park, your best friend since you were 5, your rock, your everything, was your soulmate. if the situation were anything but this, you would have been jumping for joy, ecstatic that your soulmate was the man you’d grown up with your whole life. but unfortunately, that was not the case.
“_______” he whispered, voice hoarse as he held your hand in his again. gripping it tightly this time so you wouldn’t be able to let go this time. not that you wanted to anyway. “jay” you whispered back, attempting to smile at him, despite the tears that were threatening to overflow at any moment. “I-I need time to think” he said, so softly, his eyes full of nothing but remorse. “I understand jay, take your time, don’t rush okay?” you replied, squeezing his hand in reassurance. he wistfully smiled at you one last time as he pushed himself off your bed and walked out of your bedroom, closing the door with a small ‘click’, leaving you alone in the darkness of your room, mind racing and wondering what were you were going to do with this newfound information.
you fell asleep after much tossing and turning, your mind full of nothing but jay and his name that was now tattooed into the inside of your wrist. you were woken up by the bright smile of your parents, you mother holding a plate of pancakes and wishing you a happy birthday. the sight alone was enough to make you burst into tears as you wrapped your arms around her, seeking her familiar scent and comfort after the rough night you had. your parents seemed shocked, but did not press you to open up, wrapping their arms around you as they attempted to comfort you.
your mom was no foolish woman, as she seems to have caught on to what was bothering you on your special day. “its about your soulmate isn’t it?” she asked as she placed a glass of your favourite chocolate smoothie in front of you, wiping her hands on her apron. you looked up at her, disbelief written all over your face as she chuckled at you. “how did you know?” you asked as she smiled slyly at you. “I have my ways, and besides, I’m your mother” she replied with a wink. you groaned, dramatically resting your head on the counter as she laughed and gave in. “I saw jay walk out of your room last night with tears streaming down his face, and considering you woke up crying too, it doesn’t take a genius to figure out what went down there”.
“you should talk it out with him sweetie, he’s not just your soulmate, he’s your best friend. despite how he feels about this whole fate thing, I’m sure the both of you will be okay.” her words reassured you as you grabbed your backpack, and walked through your front door. not even 2 minutes later you heard the biggest scream and you were tackled into a hug. giggling, you wrapped your arms around the taller boy as he squeezed you tightly. “happy birthday ______!” he said as he let go of you and continued your walk to school. “thanks sunoo” you said, smiling at the younger boy who had the biggest grin on his face.
“soooooo” he began, looking at you with an expectant expression on his face. you pursed your lips, already predicting the question that was due to escape his mouth any second from now. “jay” you said, cutting him off before he could even open his mouth. “JAY?!?!!?” he said, a little too loudly, mouth agape as he processed the information. you shrugged as he linked his arm with yours, understanding that you didnt want to talk about it.
luckily, no one pressed you about your soulmate for the rest of the day, warded off by sunoo’s glare the moment they looked like they were going to ask. you sat next to jay in all your classes, the atmosphere tense and awkward between the two of you. everyone seemed to have figured our what happened by that alone, your normally boisterous voices muted and soft. you went out after school with sunoo and riki, your mood heightened by the laughs and jokes of the two bickering boys.
when you got home, the house was eerily quiet, your parents nowhere in sight, all the lights turned off save the one in your living room. and there on the sleek grey sofa sat Jay, looking down at his hands as he anxiously played around with the rings he always wore. your footsteps alerted him of your presence, as he shot up off your sofa to greet you with a crooked smile on his face, black hair sticking up in every direction.
you smiled at him, already preparing yourself for the worst, as he walked towards you. “your parents have gone out, they handed me the keys and told me to come and talk to you if I wanted, and-” he cut himself off in the middle of his sentence, taking a deep breath and holding your hand. here goes nothing he thought. “I want to try. this whole soulmate thing I mean. maybe i wouldnt be this way if it was anyone else, but it’s you, my best friend, and I don’t want to lose you.” he mumbled out the last part, but it was still clear enough for you to hear. you couldn’t help the smile that stretched across your face at his words, his own face breaking out into a grin at your expression. you reached up on your tippy toes to wrap your arms around his neck as his hands went around your waist.
he buried his face in your hair, your soft vanilla scent calming his racing heart, and that was when he realised how much you really meant to him. he loved when you would always being him snacks after soccer practice, he loved when you let him lay his head on your lap and you ran your hands through his hair, he loved seeing the expressions you made when you ate his food, he loved you.
“I made something for you” he said, pulling away from your embrace, leading you to your kitchen and making you sit down on the counter. he grabbed a plate of your favourite pasta and a fork before lifting up a mouthful and holding it out to feed it to you. you smiled, wrapping your lips around the fork as the flavours exploded in your mouth. “oh my gosh, this is good, you’ve really outdone yourself.” he smiled at the complement before pressing a kiss to your cheek and muttering a little “happy birthday love”, leaving your face feeling hot and an uncontrollable smile on your face.
the rest of the evening went by in hin feeding you food and taking a few notes of it himself, lots of little cheek kisses, before the two of you settled down on the couch to watch a movie. it seemed like jay had gotten over his awkwardness as he pulled you to sit between his legs the moment the movie started. you looked back at him in shock, wondering when he got so bold before he pressed a kiss to your lips and told you to focus on the screen.
it might not have been the perfect first kiss, but it was with jay and that was enough. he played with your hair throughout the movie, and moved it aside at one point, pressing little kisses along the expanse of your neck. it was when he landed his lips on one particular spot that you let out a little noise, one you never even knew you could make that made him sit up a little straighter.
it was almost as if a switch flipped within him as he tightened his grip around your waist, one hand slipping up your hoodie to caress the skin near your waist. “I didn’t know you could make such pretty noises baby” he whispered in your ear, his hot breath sending shivers down your spine. “well i didn’t know i could either” you whispered back, the realisation of what was about to happen making your body feel like it was on fire.
“are you sure you want this? we don’t have to do anything you dont want to sweetheart” he said, pulling away with a kiss to your cheek. you shifted so that you were facing him, legs wrapped around his waist and you reached your hands up to play with the hair at the nape of his neck. “I’m sure jay, theres no one I’d rather do this with than you.” that was all the affirmation he needed, as within seconds you were being dragged to your bedroom by an overexcited jay.
he pressed you up against your room door, hands coming up to lift your thighs and wrap them around his waist, your core meeting his very obvious bulge. taking advantage of the gasp that left you, he allowed his tongue to skip into your mouth, taking control of every aspect of the kiss. pulling away, he brought you to your bed, gently letting you down onto the mattress, and reaching up to pull your hoodie off you.
“so beautiful” he whispered as he reached behind you to pull your bra off, before lifting his own arms to pull his own shirt off, leaving his body on display for you. just for you. he reached down to tug one of your nipples into his mouth, gently sucking and wrapping his tongue around the sensitive bud, his actions leaving your mouth open in a silent moan.
within minutes, both of you were left completely naked as jay continued to trail his lips down your body, pressing little kisses to your inner thigh before his mouth finally met your core, the smallest motion of his lips leaving you breathless and squirming. “stay still sweetheart, good girls don’t move around so much”. his words sent vibrations spreading throughout your body, not doing anything to help with the heat that was coursing through your veins.
his tongue delved in and out of your dripping hole, one of his hands rubbing your clit while the other held your legs open for him. “jay- i- I’m gonna-” but he was gone the moment the words fell from your mouth. and he was a sight to see. your juices mixed with his, drool and spit dripped down his chin, as he ran his tongue over his lips with a smirk on his face.
“oh so the baby wants to cum? don’t worry love, I’m going to make you feel so good”. he reached into his jacket and pulled out a condom before rolling it on and lining himself I with your entrance. he grasped your chin gently, pulling you up to look at him and planting a loving kiss on your lips. “I love you so much sweetheart, so so much” he whispered, pulling away from your lips. “I love you too jay” you said back, watching as he smiled once, before intertwining your hands and then, pushing himself into you.
nothing had ever felt as good in that moment as he gently, softly pushed himself inside. the feeling was euphoric, having your soulmate inside you in such an intimate manner. your bodies moulding together perfectly, bursts of colour lighting up the back of your eyelids as your eyes closed at the feeling of him in you. he began thrusting in and out of you slowly, not wanting to hurt you. but at your signal, he began moving faster, groans and moans escaping both your lips, finding pleasure and love in each other.
it didn’t take long for you to reach your high at all, his length hitting you in all the right places, leading you to ride out your high much faster than you expected, jay following soon after. he finished inside the condom, reaching out to pull it off and throw it away, before walking to your bathroom and grabbing a wet cloth to clean you up with.
he was greeted with the sight of your tired smile as he returned, gently cleaning you before tossing the rag and gathering you up in his arms, pressing a kiss to your forehead. “does this mean you’re mine now?” he asked, reaching down to bury his head in your hair, his hands absent-mindedly tracing shapes and figures on your bare shoulder. “it does if it means you’re mine too”. he smiled at your response, pulling the blanket over the two of you as you drifted off to sleep in the arms of the one person who would stay with you forever.
thank you for reading!! I hope you enjoyed and I hope you drank enough water today! ♡♡♡
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•When You Fall Asleep On Them w/ Oikawa, Kenma, Atsumu, Terushima, and Tendou•
warnings: a few curse words
genre: fluff
characters: oikawa, kenma, atsumu, terushima, + tendou
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your exhaustion was clear on your face as you slumped down against the wall of the gym, settiling your tired body on the floor
you loved the seijoh boys to death but they really wore you out sometimes
to be fair, they weren’t so bad most days you guys had practice
but every so often they had you so drained by the end of the day you could barely keep your eyes open, like today for example
you recognized the sweet voice meeting your ears but to acknowledge it would require energy you just didn’t have
oikawa slid down beside you, hair still damp after rinsing off his post practice sweat
he knew how exhausting everyone could be and honestly he was surprise that you hadn’t quit the position, but he was glad you decided to stick around for so long
an arm snaked its way around your shoulder before giving your arm a few gentle rubs,
“I think everyone worked really hard today, don’t you?”
to tired to respond, you opted for a simple nod before leaning your head on oikawa’s shoulder
he was suprised at first, not really used to this side of you, but a smile found it’s way onto his face as he felt your warmth slowly take over him
eventually, your breaths slow to a steady rhythm, signaling to oikawa that you finally stopped trying to fight the exhaustion that had plagued you
he maneuvered your figure so that you were lying in his lap, eyes fluttering ever so slightly as you subconsciously allowed yourself to adjust to the lighting change
affection was the only thing written on the boy’s face as he watched soft breaths flow in and out of your parted lips
a few moments later, the rest of the team started filing out of the gym, confusion quickly filling the air as oikawa smiled down at your sleeping form
iwaizumi seemed the most agitated with this development,
“What the hell did you do to them, shitty-kawa?”
“Hm? Me? I didn’t do anything at all. If you wanna put the blame on someone it should be on all of you, poor y/n-chan has to deal with so much.”
“Cut the crap, they have to deal with your sorry ass the most.”
a light laugh escaped his lips before he peered down at you once more, brushing stray hairs away from your forehead
“I guess you’re right, in that case i’ll lock up and walk them home when they wake up. I wanna let them rest a little while longer.”
iwaizumi sighed and reluctantly threw him the keys to the gym before leaving with the rest of the team
as soon as the door to the gym was shut, oikawa took a quick glance around to make sure there was no one remaining before leaning down to place a soft kiss on your forehead 
he knew that tomorrow he would never hear the end of this, but in that moment he couldn’t care less, he was happy just being there with you
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you loved spending saturdays playing video games with kenma, it was your favorite activity to do after such a long and stressful week
even so, by the end of the week you were drained, and sometimes you got sleepy
especially when kenma began playing a more lowkey game and his sighs of frustration and mumbled strings of curses became absent 
silence tended to fall over the room when that was the case, causing your brain to shut down faster then you wanted it to
you sat next to kenma and peered over at his switch, watching with lidded eyes as his character moved about the screen
the colors began to swirl together as you were dragged deeper into sleep
kenma was too focused on the task at hand to notice your sleepy state, let alone the way your head fell ever so gently on his shoulder
after a while he returned his character home and paused the game, handing the switch to you,
“Here Y/N, it’s your turn.”
still feeling the device heavy in his hands he peered down at your sleeping figure, just now realizing why the atmosphere seemed quieter then usual
he froze and a soft blush crept on his face before he set the switch aside
you had fallen asleep on these days before but never so close to him and now he had no idea what to do
he didnt want you to be uncomfortable but he also didnt want to risk waking you up and ruining your much needed sleep
eventually his body moved for him as he crossed one leg under the other and gently moved you so that you were lying down on his thigh
he scrolled through his phone while you slept, mindlessly running his fingers through your hair as his eyes danced along his screen
he knew when you woke there would be a string of apologize falling out of your mouth but he didn’t mind the soft snores that escaped your lips 
besides, the two of you had the rest of your lives to play video games together
all he cared about in that moment was that you were taken care of
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you and atsumu had ate lunch on the roof every friday since the two of you had become friends in middle school
it was a long standing tradition, one that the two of never missed no matter the circumstances
it was peacful, no one else but your friends ever knew so the two of you were never bothered
and it was always a nice way to relax and enjoy each other’s company without having to worry about the twin’s fighting, kita lecturing you about table manners, or suna just being a plain instigator
the two of you typically spent the period laughing and conversing but that particular friday, you lacked the energy to even keep your eyes open, let alone act so lively
your exhaustion was plain to see and definitely gave atsumu some room to poke fun at you,
“Sleepy, aren’t we Y/N? I mean, I can see your under eye bags from here.”
you angrily mumbled something under your breath at the statement before rubbing your eyes in attempt to wake yourself up more
atsumu ruffled your hair and laughed at your antics, throwing a few more snarky comments at you
he returned to his lunch soon enough, continuing the story he was previously retelling before you could throw a fit from your lack of sleep
as he was reaching the end of his tale, he felt his legs being tugged at, jumping a bit at first before he realized your hand was the one attached to his ankle
“Whatcha doin there Y/N?”
you ignored his question, choosing to pull his legs until they were lying straight and settling yourself down to lie in his lap instead
“Tsumu, wake me up before we have to get to class, please.”
as you began to slip out of consciousnesses, atsumu felt his eyes begin to water
if anyone else saw him, they would’ve made fun of him but he couldn’t help himself, he felt so happy that you trusted him enough to be this vulnerable around him
he knew he could be a pain in the ass sometimes but he never felt like a bother when he was around you, you loved him for who he was
it was a miracle you had remained friends with him for so long but as long as you did, he would do his best to make sure that pretty smile always returned to your face
before he could wake you up with his cries, he cleared his throat and began to softly rub your back and he stared out among the trees,
“No problem Y/N, you can count on me.”
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you had practically got on your hands and knees and begged terushima to help you study for your upcoming exam
he was one of the smartest people you knew and with how awful you were with the subject the test was on, it would’ve be a crime not to ask him for help
luckily for you, when you timidly asked for his help, he agreed to take some time out of his day to tutor you this week
which is why you felt awful once your thoughts beginning to haze and your eyes began to grow heavy
you couldn't even pay attention to the anxiety that had previously been gnawing away at you, let alone whatever the hell terushima was going on about
in your defense, school was absolutely exhausting today and you didn’t expect yourself to be this out of it by the time you arrived at terushima’s house
he noticed your fatigue right away, he way your head swayed back and forth as if you were in a daze was hard to miss
his first instinct was to laugh at how adorable you were but he chose to take a more gentle approach to the situation,
“You alright there, baby? We can take a break if you need one.”
you shook your head and gripped your pencil tighter, trying your best to copy down notes without falling face first into your text book
he smirked and playfully rolled his eyes before sliding more notes in your direction, 
“Suit yourself.”
not even ten minutes after you expressed your determination to the boy, terushima felt a weight fall onto his shoulder
he let out a chuckle at your unconscious state, knowing that this was soon to come 
he wrapping an arm around your shoulder and carefully pulled you down onto the bedroom floor with him, comfortably repositioning you 
in this new position, your head was on his chest, one of his arms wrapped around your torso while the other sat comfortably behind his head
“If you were tired, you could have just told me.”
although he knew you could hear him, the words left his mouth in a whisper before pulling you close and closing his own eyes
in all honesty, he didn’t mind this series of events, just happy to have you here with him
and besides, this gave him an excuse to schedule another study date
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carnivals and fairs came to your town quite often and every time they did, tendou loved to bring you along
the two of you had loved to go ever since you were little kids so the memories it brought back was enough of a reason to blow your money on tickets and food
it was a chance of the two of you to forget about any worry or zees and just let yourself be kids again
and to tendou, it was always worth seeing the smile on your face as you glanced around at the scenery, eyes gleaming under the flashing lights
as much fun as they were, he knew how much they tired you out 
every time the two of you ran off to one, he always ended up taking you inside at the end of the night and helping you through your nightly routine, but he didn’t mind this in the slightest
he was happy to help and besides, you were the clingiest when you were on the brink of sleep, which he found absolutely adorable
“Y/N, did you have fun tonight, hm?”
he took a glimpse of you in the passenger seat before returning his eyes to the rode ahead, one hand on the steering wheel and the other settled comfortably on your leg
mind clouded with sleep, you took the hand that sat on your knee and held it in yours, examining the polish you had painted on them earlier that week through blurry vision,
tendou took another glance at you before grinning at your tired state,
“I’m glad, i had lots of fun too! We’ll have to bring Ushiwaka next time, he’s never been to one of those-“
before he could finish his sentence, he felt his hand being hugged to your chest
turning his head to the side once more, he realized you had curled up on the passenger seat and were now fast asleep, cuddling his arm as if it was a stuffed animal
a laugh escaped his lips at how quick you were to drift off to your dream land
as his eyes focused on the dimly lit pavement, he admired how sweet your display of affection was, feeling your love spread throughout his entire body
he slowed his speed, careful not to hit any bumps or holes on the way home in fear of waking you
once the two of you got to his house, he gently carried picked you up and carried you inside, setting you on his bed as soon as he stepped though the door
before he could grab a blanket and head to the couch, your arms found their way around his torso as you buried your face into his chest before drifting back into your deep sleep
a smile spread across his face before placed a kiss on the top of your head and carefully lying down next to you, allowing himself to close his eyes and enjoy this moment with you
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osamiiya · 4 years
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Pairing: Tsukishima Kei x Reader
Requested by: anon
Summary: Tsukishima didn't notice until it was too late and you moved on.
Warnings: Angst
A/n: What is with y'all and requesting Tsukki angst?
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You never think you're going to fall in love. It just hits you randomly and suddenly you're reaching for hope that they like you back.
It's been years since you fell in love with Tsukishima Kei. Walking home with him and cracking jokes, supporting him at volleyball games and scolding him when he gets hurt.
And you thought it was mutual. It had to be mutual. Your friend wouldn't intimidate other guys so that they wouldn't ask you out or approach you. Your friend wouldn't hang his arm over your shoulders as you walk home, glancing at you through the corner of his eye, pulling you closer when a bicyclist passes on your side.
Your friend wouldn't-
"Do you think that that girl from class 4 is cute?"
Your mind blanks, the pencil scribbling down math answers halting to an abrupt stop.
When you glance up, Tsukishima's blushing and Yamaguchi is snickering into his hand.
"Why? Develop a crush?" Your voice dosent sound like your own, the tone teasing and the proper response to that type of question.
"Well, I mean. She confessed and told Tsukki to give her his answer tomorrow." Yamaguchi's tone is light, but you can see the quick glance to your face as Tsukishima groans and tells him to shut up.
"Are you going to say yes?" Your heart beats so loudly you're scared they can hear it, the three of you huddled around your living room table, homework and notes sprawled around the area.
"Well, I mean, she's cute." His cheeks flush red and you smile, albeit tensely.
"I say you should go for it." Yamaguchi's eyes widen as he looks over at you, nervous chuckle bubbling out of his throat as he agrees.
The conversation ends there, Tsukishima deciding to change the topic by suddenly exclaiming that Yamaguchi did one of the problem sets wrong.
And time feels like its sped up, your mind wandering off to everything but the math, ranging from fantasies where you confessed right then and there, to how pretty Tsukishima looked, even under the lamplight.
Before you know it, they're leaving, Yamaguchi sending a crooked smile as Tsukishima just waves slightly, the two of them heading home.
It finally feels like you can breathe once you close the door, a wave of exhaustion rolling over you.
And it's not even like you purposefully ignored his texts later when he got home, it's just... overwhelming. The feeling of guilt that you cant be happy for him mixing with the feeling of regret that you didn't confess sooner.
Because, how could you confess now?
The next thing you know, she's everywhere. Hanging off of Tsukishima's shoulder, smiling up at him as he smiles back fondly. Hanging off of Tsukishima's shoulder as the, now four, of you walk to your house to do homework. And again, hanging off of his shoulder as you walk into school, the petite girl sending you a glare, a warning to not get too close.
Really, it's not like you purposefully pulled away. It's just your schedules didnt match up... your parent said that they couldn't come over... you were busy... you.
It's lonely when you're by yourself.
Watching as the three of them laugh as they leave school to head to the convenience store.
It's like you've been replaced. The dynamic stayed the same, just, Tsukishima could kiss her.
And it's embarrassing when you realize that Hinata and Kageyama start to hang out with you because they see you walking past the gym alone, no longer going in to support them during their practice.
"I don't think I like her." Hinata's sucking on a popsicle stick while hanging off the front of his bicycle, Kageyama rolling his eyes at the smaller boy.
"You just don't like her because she dosent bring you snacks during practice."
Hinata just sticks his tongue out at Kageyama before turning to you again.
"We have a practice match with Nekoma next week, you should come see us play."
After spending time with Hinata, you realize it's really hard to say no to him, and even when you explain what happened and why you can't go, he's still insisting.
"Kageyama and I will protect you." You laugh as Hinata flexes his biceps, hitting Kageyama on the arm so that the dark haired boy follows and does the same.
And before you know it, you're sitting in the Nekoma High School bleachers, elbows on your knees and hands supporting your head.
You snort as you realize that Hinata really was like a basketball, bouncing from one side of the court to the other. Tsukishima's words replaying in your mid, leaving a bad taste in your mouth.
"You know, most people don't scowl when they watch volleyball."
You blink twice before realizing that they took a water break, Nekomas captain coming to sit next to you, a smirk on his face as he takes a sip of water.
"Kuroo Tetsuro." He's handsome, in a way that Tsukishima isn't, and it's refreshing how he gives you all his attention and expresses his interest in you.
Kuroo smiles down at you, brown eyes sparkling with mischief.
He wipes his forehead with his shirt and turns to you dramatically.
"You're from Karasuno aren't you." And when you nod, he continues, very dramatically.
"I'm fraternizing with the enemy, luckily they're cute."
When you laugh he turns pink, thinking his joke fell flat.
"That was so bad." He groans and tucks his face in his hands, laughing in embarrassment.
You talk with him for the rest of the break and all the breaks going forward, laughing at his jokes and even flirting to match his energy.
He captures all your attention, and you don't even notice the two boys staring at you from across the gym.
"He's close." Tsukishima's has sets, and he dosent even know why. You were free to talk to whoever you want. It's not like you belonged to him, he had someone else anyways.
"Just leave them be, it's not like they're doing anything bad."
Yamaguchi had kept in contact, he texted you from time to time and knew you needed this to finally get over Tsukishima.
"Yeah but he's so close." Yamaguchi's head whips to Tsukishima, eyes widening in disbelief.
"You're jealous."
Tsukishima scoffs and shakes his head.
"Did you get hit in the head during the practice game? I have a girlfriend." Even when saying that, he can't help that his eyes wander to where you sat with Kuroo, phone held out so that Kuroo could put his number in it, laughing as Kuroo makes a comment.
Tsukishima dosent get a chance to talk to you for the rest of the day, you leave before they do, taking the bus home instead of going with them.
But it's fun to text Kuroo, see him react to what you say and state that he's actually interested in you.
And maybe you like him, and why not give it a try?
The next day at school, all you hear is whispers as you pass, something about Tsukishima and his girlfriend breaking up. Not that it mattered to you.
Until he sat next to you at lunch, Hinata nudging Kageyama so that they could give you and Tsukishima a chance to talk.
"I like you."
Your mouth hangs open at the declaration as Tsukishima's ears turn pinker by the second.
When you don't say anything, he clears his throat and trys again;
"Go out with me... please?"
Your mouth does dry, and suddenly it feels like you can't sit still.
Tsukishima's heart drops when you avert your eyes.
This wasn't supposed to happen. No, Yamaguchi said you liked him. He was supposed to confess and then you'd date. This is what you wanted, this is what he wanted.
"I'm sorry I-"
Tsukishima dosent want to hear Kuroo's name come out of your mouth, he can't hear Kuroo's name come out of your mouth.
"You've moved on?" Your heart clenches as you hear his voice break, shoulders dropping and jaw tensing.
"Yeah." You feel guilty for some reason, and Tsukishima sighs deeply.
"Sorry for not noticing sooner." At your confused look he just takes a deep breath and continues.
"I didn't notice how I felt until you moved on."
There's no room for you to day anything else as he gets up, swallowing hard and walking away.
And almost as if it was planned, Kuroo's name flashes across your screen, complete with the heart that used to be by Tsukishima's name.
@tetsurolls @elianetsantana @peteunderoos @jovialnoise @ryusex-wife @dai-tsukki-desu @aruhappy @indecisivehusky @curiouslilbeast @kageyuji @alphabetsoupyum @dumbiebambi @dejvns @x-ia-n @llamakenma @hawksnumberoneuwu @prayerofthehaim @morpheus-rex @kac-chowsballs @sushii10 @chiiasa @sachirou-senpai @kenmas-bitxh @kageyamasgirl
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lurking96 · 3 years
Bakugou and Consequences
The following is an opinion. As you can see from my blog I am not Bakugou friendly. I tagged it as such and put it under a cut. It deals with my opinion on Bakugou and Consequences.
Bakugou Katsuki is certainly a character. An ego driven bully for years told to be the rival of the main character by other characters. Someone that gladly beats the main character up and does want to see them dead on occasion. Telling them to jump or pulling the trigger himself. Now what would be the consequences of such actions. What does Canon and also Fanon do to adress those things. Lets start with a type of consequences I am not really all that into. Karmic Consequences. The Universe or some outside force pushing a punishment in the bad guys path. Anything that really seems outside of law or mortal works. Enter the sludge villain. Probably a Karmic punishment for the swan dive comment. Now here is the thing. Does the sludge villain know what Bakugou said? Did the sludge villain attack him thanks to the comment? Did Bakugou learn that he got attacked for his comment? To those things a big no. As a punishment or consequence it lacks the aspect of teaching the person what they did was wrong and that they should not keep acting like this. It is simply just a bad thing happened but it is not a consequence of action. It doesnt have a teaching moment. It should also be noted that before Bakugou the sludge villain attacked Midoriya. What did Midoriya do to deserve this? Well simply existing seems to be a sin enough. Now we have UA. On the first day. Infront of Eraserhead. The teacher that expells whole classes for lacking potential. He attacks another student infront of him. Of course he gets stopped. For once a teacher steps in. The thing is. There is seemingly no detention, no black mark, it´s the first day. Suspension or expelling could be a valid thing happening after that. But nothing. Like there clearly seems to be a history. But it gets explained away as rivalry. Even though it looks unhealthy. Then we have the next heroics class. Yes. All Might just started being a teacher. But he is still the number 1 hero. He should have some understanding of things. Bakugou saying “He won’t die if he dodges” is certainly a problem. There is a desire to kill. But it doesn’t get acted upon. Yeah maybe a stern talking but thats about it. All Might is Midoriyas mentor but there didn’t seem to be a care. OFA could have died right there and looking at current events that would have been catastrophic. Next we have the sports festival. Generally a turning point in the narrative. Before Bakugou got a bit more called out. And while Bakugou didn’t get a win like how he wanted he did get wins. He got the oh so great Vs. Uraraka fight out of it and beat up Todoroki while knowing why he wasn’t using his fire. In the end he got tied up. Was this a good consequence. Not really. Could have just said he doesnt need to be at the medal ceremony. Could have claimed health reasons to the press. Still he beat up Todoroki after the fight had ended and that didn’t get explored. The teachers didnt think to look deeper into that. The internships come. He hardly appears. Best Jeanist is at least trying to get some form of morality through his thick head. The final exams. He should have been disqualified or automatically loose. He punched a teammate. Imagine a pro hero punching another one on a mission. That could get people killed. Won’t say much more. The teachers again did not try to get a reason for that or punish him for it. If he were in extra classes he wouldn’t be in the forest for Compress to grab.Simple. Speaking off. He does end up getting kidnapped. Not randomly but because the villains saw something in him. A villain in the making. A possible ally. While it can be seen as a consequence on how he acted at the sports festival it does not get explored. He doesnt get called out and made to stick to him. You have the teachers even claim how great of a hero he will be. Which they shot themself in the foot with. UA is already under scrutiny so if they can’t make the now claimed future great hero into something they will loose face. Meaning also can’t really openly punish him as they claimed he is great. It doesn’t really get thought about why the villains saw something in him by the heroes. It gets brushed over. No follow up. No looking into it. No teaching experience. Here comes the license exam. The Majority of the class follow Midoriya. Kirishima looks after Bakugou and Kaminari follows to not be alone. Surprise. Bakugou doesn’t get his license. He gets punished with remedial classes. Sadly. So do Todoroki and Inasa. Bakugou doesn’t get punished alone. Someone else needs to be there too. Bakugou also doesnt look into why he didnt get the license in the first place. He doesnt really learn. Oh wait. He gets that one scene where he says not to look down on others to a child but afterwards still looks down on others. We get Deku Vs. Kachan 2. And I really dislike that thing. Yes. Bakugou gets punished. But so does Izuku for simply self defending. Bakugou even gets some rewards out of it. He gets a nice talk with All Might where the retired hero coddles and tries to cheer him up. He gets to know about OFA and even included in the talks. Talks that should probably contain Nezu and Gran Torino too. They would have useful input. And thanks to his house arrest. He doesn’t meet the Big 3. Of course UA has third years that are stronger and more experienced. Bakugou would not win a fight against them. There would not be a logical explanation for that and it would be a deus ex/plot armor/asspull on the authors part. And that would be interesting. Mirio Togata fights the class. And while he certainly does flash them he doesnt have a flashy straightforward quirk. His quirk took time to figure out. It is not likie Bakugous quirk. And this might have thought him a lesson. Might have thought him that such “weak” non flashy quirks can beat him. That he is not the king of the jungle gym like back in elementary school. Losing would help him grow. To grow he needs to be cut down first. It would develope him and not be the turn on/turn off personality changes he got now. To me Canon didn’t do well with consequence. Didn’t do well with teaching him that his actions are wrong. That he needs to change and develope. Either they just get deflected like teflon, others get dragged down, or he gets a reward out of it. Fanon. I do like the Bakugou faces consequences tag on Ao3. Sadly there are some that generally just give him a slap on the wrist too. A stern talking and then maybe some anger therapy. Izuku hardly getting therapy too. Some move him into 1B but that might just be a punishment to 1B. Maybe expell or suspend. Move him fully out of the hero course. Make him transfer schools. All logical things that should happen. You shouldn’t overpunish someone but a good punishment is one that explains why it happens. Why what the person did was wrong. An appropriate one that helps the person to grow and get better. Not fuel the hate or reason in them or leave them dry after it is done. This again is an opinion. I do not claim it to be a complete fact.
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heyitsyn · 4 years
Put A Ring On It
a/n: lmao tooru would actually beat your booty if you ever date kags
anon request:  hii can i have a hc like the oikawa sister reader x iwa but now with kageyama?? like the reader is literally the princess of seijoh and never liked anyone until he met kags?? tysm! u make such a cute ff
requests open!!
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he might not smile much but when he does, its the most beautiful smile I've ever seen
king and queen of the court??
lmao im getting chills
so since tooru went to kitagawa, it would be natural for him to want his baby sister to go there too right?
you are actually 2 years younger than tooru so that would make you about kags’ age
you are well-known throughout the school as oikawa tooru’s little sister and people also flocked to you since you got the good genes as well
but you were never interested in fear that they would take advantage of you for your brother or to just parade you as a trophy
you liked volleyball like your brother but you didnt want to play in a team so you just went to their practices to help the coaches
youve heard about this prodigy setter named kagayama tobio, who was also the grandson of a known volleyball couch
but youve only heard bad things about him
tooru lit rally comes home ranting and complaining about this new kid who is great at setting and you were just like, ‘okay and?’
‘y/n-chan! theres an outsider threatening to take your brother’s place! aren’t you worried for me?!’
‘nii-chan, its just volleyball’
‘just-just volley-! that’s it im disowning you’
while iwa just watches from the sidelines
oikawa just shouting and yelling in front of the fridge while you sit on the barstool while eating a banana, looking unbothered
keeping up with the oikawas part 2
you kinda knew him because kindaichi, who is your classmate, talked about kageyama, who was in kunimi’s class
‘tooru-nii never shuts up about him’
you complained to kindaichi one day
‘is he really that good?’
you knew the talent you brother had and the hard work he puts in volleyball as you were usually the one who woke up at night to help him with his knee pains
so you slightly understood his threatened feeling of this mysterious prodigy who just suddenly enters the team
‘he’s not terrible. maybe its because theyre the only setters in the team so oikawa-senpai is threatened about his position being taken’
‘but as long as he’s not a starting, then no foul done right?’
unfortunately, you were there to see tooru break down during practice when kageyama asked him how to serve
since you usually walked home with your brother and iwa-chan,
get yourself protective brothers
you were forced to wait until he was done with practice
captain duties and all that
and you were getting tired of just waiting in the cold so you go in the gym to tell off your nii-chan when you see him raise his hand at this tobio boy
you shriek and he was able to stop tooru from hitting their underclassman
‘oi! oikawa tooru!’
kageyama looked horrified and was so scared that he dashed off
ngl, you felt bad for him and you knew that your brother was probably just overwhelmed w the incoming interhighs and he was just getting frustrated
so when iwa nodded at you that he got tooru, you went after kageyama, who was tossing the ball up in the air
he tossed it up once, expecting it to come back down but you snatched it right up
he turned to see a girl who looked exactly oikawa-san and he backed away
you saw him step back and you pouted
‘ehhh~? am i that scary to you, kage-chan?’
omg the way you even talk was like him
‘are you oikawa-senpai’s sister?’
hes heard little about you from kunimi
you nodded and gave him a smile before sticking a hand out
‘oikawa y/n, at your service’
‘ah, k-kageyama tori-bio’
you giggled at his flustered look 
‘what is it? torio? tobio?’
ofc you already knew but he was so cute to tease
‘i-it’s tobio’
he was red at the embarrassment of messing up his own name but you thought he was so cute and a bean
you heard from kunimi that he wasnt very social and mostly keeps to himself or the volleyball team
‘sorry about my nii-chan, kage-chan. hes just stressed right now. dont worry, he’ll come around. i’ll make it up to you in his place, okay?’
your eyes scrunched up as you smiled to try and diffuse the situation and save your brother’s arse
he owes you
‘its okay. its also my fault for pestering him about it so i should apologize’
omg this boy is ADORABLE
you shrieked before hugging him and nuzzling your face into his shirt
‘youre so sweet! you dont have to do anything!’
he was actually taken aback by your expressive personality and wasnt used to being fawn upon, especially by a cute girl
he remained frozen on the spot and you worriedly let go, thinking he stopped breathing
‘tobio-chan? did you die?! tobio-chan!’
from then on, you just seemed to see him everywhere
for months you didnt even know this boy but suddenly, after the accident, you were just seeing him everywhere
from your classroom, you’d see him at the yard with kunimi and kindaichi as they toss the ball around
i will always think that this trio were initially friends at the beginning!
he seemed to be a very shy boy and was constantly trying to keep his emotions on check
but you saw the smiles whenever he thinks the two arent looking
that was probably why you absolutely had the biggest crush on this boy
but you didnt realize that you had a crush on him
you just wanted to help him come out of his shell and help him smile more bc it was so beautiful
so you cornered him by his locker one day and your cute smile made his cheeks go on fire
‘tobio-chan! i want to be your friend!’
he was SHOOK
girls never really talked to him, much less his frightening captain’s cute sister
no words came from him as he just looked at you with wide eyes 
you pouted at the formal use of your name
‘haaa?! tobiio-chan! call me by some cute nickname too~!’
you crossed your arms and stomped your foot on the floor
omg no stop this at once little girl
he turned even redder and quickly stuffed his things in his bag before dashing off
‘eh?! tobio-chan!’
his days were filled with that
you were constantly yelling his nickname with a smile when you would see him and he would blush then run away 
even during practice, you would basically act as their manager by giving them their towels and water
but it was obvious that you would pamper kageyama more
that irritated your brother
he dragged you home one day and was basically interrogating you
‘n/n-chan, youre not having a crush on that bastard kageyama are you?’
you glared at your brother, offended at the way he called tobio
‘don’t call him that, nii-chan! i will hit you!’
you shrieked and punched his gut
tooru shouts and thus began the arguments between your fascination with kageyama
but you didnt care because you intend to uphold that promise and reach that goal through
all you wanted was to see tobio smile freely
one day, you were walking to school earlier than your brother when you saw kageyama at the intersection
your eyes lit up and you bounded up to him
his eyes widened and he quickly turned around to walk away
ngl that hurted a bit
that small voice made him stop and his head turned to look at your watering eyes
‘tobio-chan, do you not like me?’
you were so used to being liked and fawned over your entire life that the thought of somebody not liking you was so hurtful
maybe thats why you liked kageyama tobio though
he was focused on running away from you rather than going to you
for the first time, you would have to be the one who chased rather than being the one running
kags was worried bc his sister always told him to never make a girl cry and here he was, watching your eyes tear up
‘y/n-san, please dont cry’
you watched him walk to you and shakily wipe your tears away
a smile formed on your face at the touch of his fingertips and you hugged him
lmao we really bokuto 2.0
kags didnt know what to do bc if he hugged you back, that would give you a wrong impression of him wanting to be your friend
but he didnt want friends, he just wanted to play volleyball
but he smelled a faint strawberry scent from your hair and he unconsciously leans in, wrapping his arms around your body
at the feeling of him returning your affection, you giggled and tightened your arms around him while burying your face in his chest
‘do you want to be my friend now, tobio-chan?’
you were so insistent on being a friend that kageyama was touched at your efforts
he was just like
f it shes pretty and nice, its fine
he nodded
and thus began a cute friendship
well, more like a one-sided friendship since you were the more lively one than him
you would run to his classroom with kindaichi and eat with kags and kunimi
you would give him parts of your bento and you would hold his hand
thisgirl does not know personal space
one lunch period, you were all eating lunch when you were suddenly thirsty
you let go of kags and stood up, making the boys look at you
‘im thirsty so ill get something. want anything?’
they shrugged and told you to get whatever so you skipped to the vending machine
yall idontknow how to skip so i just kinda gallop
you got banana milk for you and random things for kindaichi and kunimi
but you didnt know what to get kags
you thought you would know since youve started being friends a few weeks ago but you really didnt know what drink he liked
so you chose the only blue thing they have
you went back to the classroom and gave their drinks but you sheepishly smiled when you gave kags his milk
‘i didnt really know what you liked so i got a blue carton because your eyes are blue and they reminded me of you’
kindaichi and kunimi gave you a disgusted look while kageyama blushed at the thought
this folks, is why kagellama tobiyolo is in love w that blue carton of milk
slowly but surely, kageyama has started opening up to you and you were so happy that he was starting to smile more around you
it took a few months but you were finally considered a friend
ofc tooru was deeply unhappy about this and always tried to foil plans between you and him but you were not having that
he was even harsher during practice but since youre always there, you would take a page from iwa’s book and yeet a ball to his face
‘i will hit you, nii-chan!’
it was a shock to the school that you were actually showing interest to someone since you rarely gave anybody else a second glance
and it was to this shy boy, kageyama tobio, no less!
when oikawa tooru has finally graduated, you breathed a sigh of relief 
you were bumped up to best friend by kageyama and you always walked home with him
iwa-chan liked you (in a brotherly, platonic way) enough that he would even keep tooru in his house so you could hang out with kageyama longer
also, kags has finally came up with a nickname for you and has finally called you by something informal!!
‘n/n-chan, my mom’s cooking tonkatsu tonight. you wanna come?’
he asked you one night and you nodded eagerly, excited at the mention of your favorite food
‘yes! you dont even have to ask!’
you hummed as you skipped down the road, still holding his arm, and excited to meet his family
but to kags, this was a way more serious affair
youve never met his family before and hes worried that they might embarrass him in front of this cute girl
and he was right
when they stepped in, his sister, who was back from college, peaked and saw her little anti-social baby brother with a really really cute girl
‘mom! tobio brought a girl home!’
he shuts his eyes in frustration but you squeezed his hands
‘dont be nervous, tobio-chan. im right here, okay?’
oml he doesnt deserve you
his mom was so excited that he even had a friend and quickly finished dinner
you bowed in front of his parents and sister before introducing yourself
‘hello, my name is oikawa y/n. its really nice to meet you and thank you for inviting me to your lovely home’
‘omg oikawa-chan is so nice! dig in, everyone!’
kageyama met the eyes of his family and his heart swelled at their approval
it made him like you more
waitt, like?
like, as in, romantic?
like as in, i like you more than a best friend?
like, as in, i want to be your boyfriend?
he choked at that last thought and you hurriedly gave him his water, patting his back
‘daijobu, tobio-chan?’
no luv, life is not daijobu right now
he nodded before sighing in relief
one look at your face and all the thoughts started happening again and he turned even redder
dear god, he actually had a crush on you
nah, itll go away
this is a fanfiction kags, youre meant to fall in love with us
at the passing of his grandfather, tobio was an actual wreck
an emotional, mental, and physical wreck
he skipped school and constantly practiced at the backyard and refused to eat his meals, wanting to stay outside with his ball longer
at his second day of absence, you went straight to his house and when his mom opened the door, she gave you a sad smile and pointed to the back
you saw him trying to do a serve only for him to miss and hit his head before shouting curses
never have you seen him miss a serve
you studied his appearance and your hands trembled
his eyes were red with even more red around his eyes, chapped lips from the constant biting and the bruised knuckles from probably punching something
the last time you saw him was at the funeral after he asked you to go with him and you were so worried that he would turn out like this
you softly called out and he paused, not moving to get the ball
he heaved a wheeze before choking out a sob
you ran straight to him and gathered him in your arms, cradling the back of his head to your shoulder
throughout your friendship, tobio has never been so affectionate
but right now, you were the only thing that made everything seem normal and he held on to you, so afraid that you might disappear too
as if knowing his concerns, you ran your hands through his hair
‘sshhh, it’s okay. im right here. im not going anywhere, tobio. im right here, okay?’
even you were hurting
everything started because you thought he was beautiful when he smiled so you made it your mission to keep that smile alive forever
but when hes sobbing and in pain, it gives more value to that smile because underneath all that, he was just a shy little boy who had a passion of volleyball
you didnt want to say anything to him but everyone knew that he wasnt exactly the same tobio
if anything, he was much harder with himself and trained even harder
he was staying later in the gym and he was starting to snap at everyone, even kindaichi and kunimi
they got into a massive fight during practice and everyone went home angry but he stayed after, putting his frustrations into doing jumping serves
you watched from the sidelines and when you saw him fall, you rushed over and gently patted his face to get rid of his sweat
‘tobio-chan, let’s go home’
he shook his head
‘no! i need to perfect this-!’
‘tobio-chan, lets go home’
your voice became stronger and firm so he hung his head low
‘you dont understand, y/n. i need to be strong and i want to be the last standing on the court’
you flashed a crooked smile
‘did you forget who my brother is, tobio-chan? i suffered through it with nii-chan so im not going through it again, especially with you. so come on, lets go home’
everyone in the school became wary of the former shy boy who seems to glare at everything and everyone
you were even told, straight to your face, that you were wasting time being his friend
‘ne, y/n-chan. kageyama-kun is so mean so you should stay away from him, okay?’
you glared at them before slamming your book close
‘say one more word and i will shove this book down your throat so youll never be able to utter a single sound ever again’
go off sister!!
you stayed with kageyama, even if he got frustrated and got angry at you, but he was your best friend and youve been friends for years
and you still want to see his smile
tooru was practicing a lot again and your sister and takeru were at tokyo for a trip so you were home alone
so you texted kageyama that you were coming over and he didnt respond which you took as a sign of agreement
so at your trek to his house, you hummed as you swung the bag full of meat buns and cartons of milk when you saw your 3 friends
you were about to shout and raise your hand when you saw kindaichi harshly push kageyama back and kunimi separating the two
kunimi saw you and hissed at the two
‘stop this right now. y/n-san is over there’
you shouldve known then that everything was falling apart
at this point, you were the only one he let in as his family was too afraid to push him too far
you should be happy, right?
he was smiling around you and only you
only you were able to see such a beautiful thing
but now,
you were not happy with the way he acted towards everybody
during that iconic game in his last year of middle school, he pushed you away too
the locker room was tense and kindaichi was about to yell at him when you knocked 
‘tobio-chan, can we talk?’
he wordlessly threw the towel down and hefted his bag before going outside to follow you
omg im getting flashbacks from my shirabu ff from yesterday
you grabbed his hand and pulled him in for a hug
youve given him many hugs before but this time, it was so strong and different than the others
his arms were around your shoulders while yours was around his torso due to your height and your head was leaning against the place where his heart would be
‘im going to seijoh, tobio-chan’
you paused, gauging his reaction
he didnt say anything, just keeping you in his arms
not iwa-level-bara arms but a healthy-muscular-arms
‘tooru-nii wants me to spend one more year with him before he goes to college and theyre saying my grades are enough to keep me there. but if you dont want me to go, i wont’
‘what? why wont you? its a good school and you deserve it’
his grumbles were still frustrated but he was rather calm whenever he talks to you
‘you wont miss me then, tobio-chan~?’
he could feel you pouting and that made him smile
‘i wont since youll come over to my house everyday’
you pulled your head away with mock surprise
‘everyday?! tobio-chan~! youll really miss me~!’
so you went your separate ways
but you spent every day of the summer together 
much to oikawa’s dismay
and during your first day, he was reluctant to let you go
for 3 years you walked together at the same direction to the same place
but now, youd have to part ways at the same intersection
you softly smiled and giggled when he refused to let go of your hand
im busting uwus just writing this yall
my fingers said ‘free reign!’
‘tobio-chan~! i’m going to be late~!’
you playfully whined and gently pulled your hand from his grasp
but he didnt let go, still holding your hand while the other was in his pants pocket
‘we should skip today, n/n. we can go get meat buns and popsicles and-’
you walked back to him and wrapped your arms around his torso, chin rested on his chest so you could look up to him
‘as much as i want to, my grades and attendance need to be high, tobio-chan~’
he scoffed, ruffling your hair
‘once i become a professional player, you wont need to work. i can support us by myself’
bruh hes already thinking they would get married or something
you scrunched your nose in distate
‘i want to make something of myself. i was given a life so im going to live it’
‘but that means spending less time with me and-’
‘tobio-chan, i know what youre doing. stop stalling and let me go to school already~!’
he refused and caged you in his arms while you wiggled and laughed
‘ill see you later! i promise! now i need to go or nii-chan will yell at you~!’
with great reluctance, he let you go to school, pouting and everything
that cute pout he has oml
as your figure became smaller the farther you walked, you turned around and saw him still standing there and when he saw you look at him, he raised a hand
you jumped and cupped your hands around your mouth
i reference my previous works constantly
pedestrians looked at you weirdly and looked at kageyama too causing him to get flustered and run to school, your laughter echoing behind him
seijoh was already expecting the arrival of oikawa’s cute little sister and once you appeared, woohoooo
you got your own fanclub of ladies and genitals
they flocked over to your desk after tooru and iwa dropped you off at your classroom during lunch
‘ne, oikawa-chan, do you see anyone cute today?’
‘iwaizumi-senpai is cute, dont you think?’
‘no! yahaba-senpai is cuter!’
‘matsukawa-senpai and hanamaki-senpai are not bad’
we have matsuhana rights in this household
but you remained quiet, focusing on your phone as kageyama complained to you about some tangerine looking fool
that caught your attention and you smiled gently
they giggled at your rosy cheeks
‘she has a boyfriend, probably’
you shook your head
‘no. i dont’
‘well, do you have anyone you like?’
you thought about it and shrugged
‘ive never really liked anyone before. i dont care about having a boyfriend either since my brother and tobio are enough for me’
that traveled quickly and soon, everyone was trying their best to woo the little princess oikawa
from lunch suggestions to study dates,
they all wanted to be closer to you
but you always refused,
‘tooru-nii wants me to eat lunch with him’
‘im hanging out with tobio-chan after school’
‘iwa-chan doesnt like you so no’
lmao yes
you were famous around the school for the way everyone treated you and catered to your needs to gain your favor
exactly like a princess
the princess of aoba johsai
the princess of seijoh
she ruled the court alongside the Grand King Oikawa and everyone practically worshipped them
everyone wanted them to like them, just a little bit, but you remained closed off to romantic relationships
when tobio texted you about the upcoming seijoh practice match, you were bouncing on your heels in excitement as you waited for them in the gym
kindaichi and kunimi were rolling their eyes at you
the other members of the team knew of you and were confused at your behavior
‘her boyfriend’s on the karasuno team’
‘the king of the court’
‘eh?! boyfriend?!’
‘y/n-chan, can you hand me my bottle?’
he wasnt answered as you shrieked and sprinted straight to kageyama who appeared at the door
you launched yourself and latched yourself to him, tobio immediately supporting you
‘geez, n/n, not in front of everyone’
you giggled
‘i missed you so much, tobio-chan~!’
‘then transfer over’
‘i cant do that! you know that!’
everyone was S H O O K
‘is she,,,, your girlfriend, kageyama?’
daichi and suga asked but the boy turned red before shaking his head
‘my friend’
‘ehhh?! you have friends?!’
hinata shut up i swear-
you cheered him on despite being on the other team 
you got even louder when you saw your brother playing and he complained about your loyalties
‘you cheer on for your boyfriend but not your brother?! what is the meaning of this n/n-chan?!’
you rushed to give him a towel when he motioned you to do it for him like you always did
‘i want a girlfriend too’
‘we’re not dating you idiots!’
kageyama shouted from the sidelines to the orange hair kid
‘but you act like,,, that’
you smiled
maybe dating tobio wouldnt be a bad idea
i mean, hes cute, adorable, talented, funny, nice
you could deal with it
‘so youre syaing, we act like it already?’
you questioned towards the grey-haired guy who nodded
‘whaddya say, tobio-chan? should we hurry up and put a ring on it?’
he spluttered, almost choking on his water
‘well, you said youd support us in the future, right?’
‘i mean-yea-but’
‘okay then its settled’
both teams gawked at you while kageyama was too busy trying to not have a nosebleed or a heart attack by how fast his heart was beating
you turned to your brother who was looking like his entire world was crumbling
oikawa screamed
yall this is so long im--
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im rewatching jatp instead of studying for the 3 tests i have tomorrow and i thought i would share my thoughts and reactions with each episode so enjoy!!....
wake up
- hearing the “1, 2, 3″ at the start of the episode gives me more serotonin than my antidepressants ever will
- julie’s slippers...that’s it...that’s the thought
- that dry ass pasta the molina’s are eating for dinner??? someone needs to give my man ray some cooking tips or a cookbook... something
-the looks the boys give julie when she says it was an OLD cd she found. as if they could be old??
-the entire julie and luke kitchen scene i mean there are no words to describe how much i am in love with scene. the banter, the flirting, luke giving this girl he literally just met an actual PIECE OF HIS SOUL so she can get music back into her life. not a single time have i watched that scene and not felt my heart literally grow cause of how cute they are. 
-the entire scene when julie is singing wake up. that scene is what made me literally CRAVE watching the other episodes. like of course i was going to watch them cause i wasn’t gonna just stop watching a show after one episode, and yes the show was good already but seeing the lighting and her voice, and just everything about the scene,,,,*chef’s kiss* 
-flynn drinking seven sodas....SEVEN??? i would be throwing up if i drank more than like 2 and she drank seven,,,no ma’am.
- flynn and her trumpet. talented queen
- “ i wouldn’t have given you the song if i didnt think you were gonna rock it.” lmaooo im crying:)
- i start tearing up every time julie goes to play the first notes of bright,,, and then i’m full on bawling when the guys come in and play with her cause...they weren’t playing to be seen they were playing to be there for her and play to comfort her. pls i love them<3
- nick vibing in the front row
- the tech guy deserves so much more praise
flying solo
- reggie’s little butt shake or whatever you wanna call it!!
- julie’s little laugh when she yells at the guys to stop it
- “and we’re on the runway again” GENUINELY one of my favorite lines of the whole show pls i love luke’s humor
-this is the first time i noticed this but reggie’s face after alex says “DONT TELL ME HOW TO GHOST!”
-WILLIE!!!!!!!!!!!!! I LOVE YOU<3333333
-the slow mo helmet take off,,,,me too alex me too
-willie’s little giggles:))))
- “oh-oh!”
- “no clue” alex i love you baby<3
- next season better give us a scene of flynn throwing eggs at someone’s house because i think it’s safe to say we were robbed of that experience. 
- the flying solo performance is just amazing
i got the music
- just the whole opening scene is so cute ....the dancing, singing, happiness RADIATING from julie 
-nick in an all white suit and fedora
- carefree skateboarder bf and anxiety ridden drummer bf
- yelling. in. museums. 
-alex thinking he’s literally dying again because of the salt... zero braincells in this band.
- another scene we were robbed of that i need to see in season 2...reggie singing “home is where my horse is” while alex and julie sit patiently and attentively listen to him but luke looks like he’s about to commit murder
- i get SO MUCH second hand embarrassment for julie when she looks through luke’s songbook and says “ wow luke I didn’t know you were such a romantic” julie baby i love you but...eekkkkk
- “he looks like a substitute teacher”- where did he come up with that like so many other things he could be compared to but a substitute teacher??
- “luke introduced you to rock” heck yeah it did.. literal soulmates
- would like to see a picture of the raccoon in Flynn’s backyard
- wee woo wee woo police sirens://///
- julie’s outfit ughhhh i love it
- the poster that im pretty sure says “sexiest role” behind caleb... why was that necessary 
the other side of hollywood
- i lose my absolute shit over this song omg literal chills
- the cape grab i cannot physically do this rn
- willie being so excited the entire performance and looking over to see alex’s reaction
- reggie being in awe everytime one of the girls performing does something.. me too reggie
-”well i wouldn't really call it mAAgiCcCC bUT”
- nick and his fedora again
- alex has a crush, alex has a crush on.....WILLIE
-the boys eating food for the first time in 25 years is honestly so realistic
-alex shoving a whole slice of pizza in his mouth
- lukes ��OH MY GODDDDD’
- reggie kissing his meatball sub that looks painfully dry but also delicious 
- the continuation of the other side of hollywood performance and everyone dancing
-reggie imitating caleb’s evil laugh and owen trying so hard not to break
-me getting mad at the boys for not showing up for julie and being sad with her but at the same time i’m obviously not mad at the boys just...disappointed?? idk 
finally free
- how did julie get to the school if she missed the first three classes?? wasn’t she still at flynn’s house from the night before cause she slept over so did she walk to school or was she just sitting in flynn’s house by herself and one of flynn’s parents was like you gonna go to school or???
-dance class with nicky poo<3
-reggie fixing his amp in the rain
-julie’s blue dress outfit in this episode is my ABSOLUTE favorite 
- the birthday candle scene makes me sob like a little baby,,,and rightfully so
- julie smart, smart to be taking calculus as what a sophomore??
- all eyes on me yes queen iconic
- alex dancing is how i dance in my brain whenever the song comes on 
- finally free as a song is NEVER given enough credit and why not?? it’s my favorite song they do as a band AND the madison’s vocals and the echoing part omg i loveeeee
- and the whole performance with luke’s heart eyes. i count this performance as the moment luke like fell in love with julie...like full on just blown away with how much awe and admiration he has for her in that moment and all the time.
 - julie and luke singing “and you’re a part of me” while staring directly into each others soul,,,yeah that’s love kids
edge of great
- carlos being the ghost hunter he is and tía being done with him
- luke’s pouting face 
- reggie and ray making breakfast together is so wholesome. reggie really loves and seeks comfort in ray and i love that
- luke just waiting next to julie’s locker and his little “hey”
- the first time i watch this scene i thought charlie was from new york cause of the way he says “ i can't do this without you” and then i watched the cast interviews and just realized he is somewhat joey tribbiani 
- jealous luke hehehehehhehehe
- “well dont you look shARrP”- yes he does luke thank you very much
- “uh oh i think someone has a crush on julie” yeah you do you little shit,,, now admit it to her
- the proud look on luke’s face when he realizes julie is still paying attention to HIM even though she’s supposed to be having a full on conversation with nick
- the shoulder push ( as someone who has had their own shoulder pushed in the middle of a high school hallway as a weird way of flirting,,,,i can definitely somewhat attest to how luke is feeling in that moment and i too continued to flirt with the person who shoulder shoved me while we were still standing in the hallway)
- the flow from whatever the hell dance nick and julie are doing and the perfect harmony dance is so special to me and i love it
- i think people see my username and assume i like his hair in this scene but...ummm fun little fact i do not like it
- the dance is so good though ugh my babies
- the hair
- madison is gorgeous 
- another season 2 scene i need: julie teaching this dance to luke and they perform it in front of alex and reggie so they can see luke roll on the floor like that
-the hair
- the lift i loveeee
- the voices at the end of the song *chef’s kiss*
- the way julie spins out from luke and into nick omg so good
- “thAnKs pArTnER”
- luke denying his feelings for julie,,,babe pls
- the whole edge of great performance is so good and beautiful and the colors are SPECTACULAR 
-julie avoiding luke’s gaze lolz
- can't believe my mans really tried to deny he didn’t have feelings for julie like 5 hours earlier even though he’s getting upset because she hasn’t looked at him in 2 minutes
- when i finally learn how to play the electric guitar well enough to learn the guitar solo... it’s over for everyone
-nick just came to watch the girl he likes perform not watch her flirt with a hologram plssss can we give this man a break next season.
- “we have to say goodbye to julie”- that’s literally more important to luke than not playing music anymore because julie is music to him now
unsaid emily
-already crying and the episode hasn't even started
-willex in the orpheum
- alex literally being OVER reggie
- nope too emotionally unstable to watch this scene right now
- my therapist will be hearing about this tomorrow
- show us the baby picture of luke cowards
- this is such a beautiful song that makes me cry every fucking time gosh damn it
- everytime i watch the flashback scene of luke on his bike i think of “christmas song” by phoebe bridges and i cry even more
- i tried to learn how to play this song on my electric guitar (because i dont have an acoustic guitar) and i ended up crying half way through so i do not think i will be playing it anytime soon:/
- the harmonies *chef’s kiss*
- FAT tears rolling down my face
- there's literally not a moment i don’t cry during this episode
- interesting little relationship :0
- when i played percussion in 7th grade i used to lay down on the couch in the practice room at school ( which god knows what people did on that couch...ew) and stick my drumsticks up my nose too,,,, just another similarity between alex and i 
stand tall
- willie really drove a bus 200 miles into the desert for his crush
- i love willie no last name so much,,,i just wanna hold and protect him
- alex’s ballerina dance
-julie’s overall outfit i love<3
- “im swimming”
- the way carlos hangs up the iPad on tía makes me CRACK UP he’s just lmao bye girl
- another julie outfit i love
- “anything julie. you know that.” AHHHHHAASIDSJFPACISN love bitches
- the suits
- luke’s hair in this episode is so much better than the perfect harmony hair pls
- the way luke looks so restricted and confined in his suit... but at the same time he looks like a 10 week old puppy
-luke’s AGGRESSIVE but small foot tapping leading up to being on the stage
- the solos:)))))
- crying again over julie’s monologue to her mom
- julie really was brave enough to be ready to perform by herself
-the way Trevor looks at carrie when she says “been here before”
- this performance makes me cry
- especially the first time when i saw luke flickering...sobs
- he finally looks free in his suit:))
- alex’s solo is so pretty i love him
- reggie’s solo too 
- nick just straight up vibing the entire performance
- alex and luke holding hands...hehehe cute besties
- “thank you, guys” NO THANK YOU 
- the way julie begs for them to do something about the jolts for HER cause she knows luke would never say no to her
- “no music is worth making, julie, if we’re not making it with you,” I JUST SCREAMED AND IM PRETTY SURE I WOKE UP MY ENTIRE HOUSEHOLD...whoops
- going back to that line i could say so much about it but....for someone who’s life was literally MUSIC for the 17 years he was alive, and after finding out he could play music again even though he was dead and saying it made him feel alive, he would give that up- he would give up playing his guitar, playing in a band with his friends, give up writing and singing music- if he wasn’t doing that with julie. that’s more than saying i love you,,,that’s literally like saying i’d give up my ENTIRE LIFE and what i love to do if i dont get to do it with you
- i just made myself cry with that description...wow
-the hug<3
-also imagine how luke felt in that moment,,, hearing this girl, once again that he would give his life up for, saying in his ear that she loves them. i would motherfucking glow too, luke
- *passionately but gently holds each others faces*
- caleb’s outfit is....something
- the head turn plssss
this was so long and i am so sorry but if you read this far.....leave some of your own reactions or thoughts:)))
k goodnight im gonna, ugh, finally go study ://
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staycult · 4 years
highschool!jisung as your boyfriend
pairing — gender neutral reader x jisung
genre — fluff / bullet scenario / friends to lovers
word count — 1.6k
Tumblr media
u and jisung had been friends for quite some time now
ever since highschool started probably
u guys were in the same friend group
you were always with him during lunch
and u guys go home together bcs ure practically neighbors
“[y/n]! smile!” he said as he pulled out his favored polaroid camera
as you were about to turn your head around you heard a loud click, coming from the camera
a flash of light blinded your eyes
so you tried to cover it
“hey! i wasnt ready!” you pouted, giving jisung a light slap in the arm
he stuck his tongue out to mock your reaction and pulled out the film from his camera
“you look ugly” jisung snorted, fanning the film
“shut up and start moving!” you rolled your eyes and grabbed his hand to make him walk faster
bcs guys were about to go home
“do you want to stop by at the park first?” jisung offered
ofc u cant resist him
his presence always make u feel at ease
“buy me ice cream then let’s go” you bargained, earning an eye roll from him
“Two ice cream cones please!” you requested, giving the money to the cashier. you tapped your finger on the cold surface while your other armed propped your chin. jisung on the other hand was shuffling through his notebook filled with polaroid pictures that he took with your friends.
“stop staring at my pictures, ji” you laughed while grabbing your cone from the man in front of you and giving the other cone to jisung. “keep staring and you’ll fall for me” you added as you licked your ice cream. he clicked his teeth, “ew, you wish”
both you and jisung walked around the park, still in your school uniforms. the park is the place where you and your friends hang around when you guys have time. the slide and the swing are your most favorite part.
you sat down in the swing and tapped the other seat to motion jisung to sit down as well. “look, the sun is setting!” you pointed as you finished your cone. you looked over to jisung who was his camera pointed at you for the nth time. but this time, you managed to strike a pose in front of his polaroid camera. his cheeks can be seen from behind, obviously smiling at the sight.
days went by
you and jisung had been hanging out in the park swing almost every day
just the both of you
watching the sunsets and taking pictures
you noticed that he only takes random pictures of you but when youre with friends, they need to ask first before jisung would take a picture
he claims that your face is funnier with stolen shots
ofc u believed him
he is your best friend after all
the school year is about to end
and your music and arts teacher is talking about your final project
which was to write a song or poem, draw a portrait or make a poster
with a special meaning behind it
you almost ripped your hair out of frustration when you tried to compose a song or draw
so u went for a simple poster
you and your friends were comparing your final outputs in the cafeteria
“come on, show us yours!” your friends encouraged you
“ahh, it’s really ugly im not even good at these kinds of shit!” you cursed, showing it to them anyway
“seriously? it’s good! youre like jisung. god, both of you say you did bad but it’s not!” you friend said while eyeing your poster
“really? jisung i want to see yours!” you said while grabbing some of your friend’s food
“no” he said, sticking a tongue out to mock you
“why not?” you replied while pouting
both of you bickered for atleast 3 minutes
saying lots of ‘no’s’ and ‘why not’s’
he had enough of your shit
and pulled you out of the cafeteria
holding his notebook, backpack and a ukelele
jisung was grabbing you by your wrist until you arrived at the school’s rooftop. you didn't have the time to respond at his sudden action.
“ouch! what was that about?” you said once he lets go of your wrist. “you want me to show you my output right? well here it is. listen.”
you were taken aback by his words, did he really get annoyed by your previous bickering? and why are we on a roof top anyway????
jisung grabbed his ukelele and opened his notebook, which was filled with polaroid pictures of you that was taken over the school year and years before that.
“it’s called hello stranger,” he spoke and started strumming on his ukelele
“The moment I felt like our eyes met
my body moved all on its own
Movin’, movin’, movin’, movin’, movin’
The closer we get the more I think
about what it is I’m feeling
My mind is filled with question marks
I can’t see anyone
around us anymore, you’re just growing more clear
Everything on this road
is blurred and faded out except for you
I’m filled with nothing but curiosity about who you may be
It’s like I’m approaching you drawn by something I can’t even know
I won’t beat around the bush, my subconscious is pushing straight forward
having me walk as it pleases without a single thought
Ah, a new wind is blowing
Where could it have come from?
It’s strange, but it’s not cold
Before I know it my feet are moving, following the wind
I take my hands out of my pockets
Hello Stranger, I keep being drawn to you
Growing closer
to you without a single thought
I’m curious, more and more and more as time passes,
why am I like this? Who are you to do this to me?
Nana nanana nana
Nana nanana nana
Hello Stranger, who are you to do this to me?
I can see in you the things that I myself am lacking
I try yelling out to you the things I had just yelled into empty space
The things I didn’t have, that I was missing before I met you,
all of these feelings, every moment
my mind is filled with exclamation points
I can’t see anyone
around us anymore, you’re just growing more clear
Everything on this road
is blurred and faded out except for you
Something’s different about you, but I’m not sure what
I think the light approaching me now must be you
Even if I look away I can still see your afterimage,
you never leave my sight, who are you to do this to me?
Ah, my feet are moving, following this new wind
I take my hands out of my pockets
Hello Stranger, I keep being drawn to you
Growing closer
to you without a single thought
I’m curious, more and more and more as time passes,
why am I like this? Who are you to do this to me?
i love you”
it’s been weeks since you and jisung last spoke and since his sudden confession
you were about to tell him how you felt, too
how he makes you happy these past few days
to the point where you were falling for him too
but he ignored you
was it because he felt awkward?
or scared?
confusion was taking over you
and you know damn well youre gonna have to take measures into your own hands
so you came up with a plan to atleast get him to talk to you
“come on! just say i wont be there” you begged your friend. “fine. so roof top it is?” you squealed and gave your friend a hug. plan was to make your friends invite jisung at the same place he confessed on only to see youre the only one there
you grabbed your backpack since you had a vacant class and went to the rooftop to prepare. you knew jisung had a vacant class too, so you were hopeful he’s going to drop by.
“hi, i like you too” you practiced “no, too awkward” you ran your hands through your hair in frustration. “hey jisung! will you vincent van gogh out with me?” you repeated with hand motions this time. “god no” you mentally slapped yourself because of the cringe
“jisung, i like yo-” you repeated. you felt someone hug you from behind, “you do?” his husky voice sent shivers down to your spine as he hugged you even tighter.
“i-i do” you admitted, removing his arms so you can face him properly. “i really really do, i cant stand you not talking to me.” you burried your head to the crook of his neck.
“im sorry, baby. i didnt know how to handle rejection yet” he let out a low laugh, earning a laugh from you too. he snaked his arms around you and swayed you back and forth. humming the tune of the song he composed.
“youre mine now, are you?” he spoke, kissing your forehead as you gave him a nod.
bf jisung would mean
the confession may be soft and cuddly
but after like 2 days
yall are like best friends again
but with a mixture of sweetness
things never really changed
but you were still glad
love letters and songs !!!!!
lots and lots of kisses
cheek, forehead, chin, shoulder kisses
you name it
he would gently cup your face while doing so
he likes teasing you
but u tease him back
ends up with him being all pouty
will help u out with homework
ice cream and park swing dates
would literally take polaroid pictures of both of you
the ones he took before yall got together is displayed in his room
on the back of his phone
and the rest, he keeps it in his notebook
which was filled with songs about you
will sing you to sleep
will hold your hand literally every where
“baby, im the luckiest to have you”
author's note —
just imagine it's the slow version of hello stranger ok ALSO i want jisung to be my bf like ??
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