#too enfp to practice this on people
rairolin · 8 months
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That's me! Playing grump is the hobby, the leisure, the giggle and growl ✌️🐍🌟✨
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oiblackestsheep · 25 days
what, in your opinion, are an intp’s needs in a relationship? (coming from an infj.) love your blog, you’ve got some amazing insights 🫶
Aww, thanks INFJ anon. 🫶 I try my best to have interesting insights that bring something fresh to the table!
INTP's Needs in a Relationship
I've been in the same relationship for 8.5 years (and we actually MET ON TUMBLR BECAUSE OF THIS BLOG WHICH IS SO FUNNY AND NERDY), all of this to say, I've had a lot of time to think about my relationship needs even from the MBTI perspective as an INTP, because that was how my ENFJ and I kinda started out getting to know, like, what we each needed from each other, so, here we go!
Disclaimer: This is assuming that the INTP is already getting everything that everyone needs in a basic healthy relationship like, you know, feeling emotionally safe and being treated with respect, etc..
Intellectual stimulation: INTPs generally love understanding new things and how they work, so ideally their partner can share that interest with them in some way! They can be pretty curious people, so joining them in their quest for uncovering the "how" and "why" of everything will make them feel understood, themselves, and closer to you in the process!
Clear explanations of your feelings: Because INTPs have inferior Fe, they tend to have a habit of intellectualizing their own emotions when they talk about them, which can cause complications with understanding other people's emotions, too. Finding a way to be patient and know that even healthy INTPs might still struggle with connecting with other people's emotions (especially at first in a relationship) isn't necessarily because they don't want to, but more that it doesn't always come naturally, so they don't always know how to. If they're a healthy person, they will want to understand, just try not to take it personally while they are practicing/learning!
Alone time: This one should be pretty straight-forward lmao. They're introverted, so they like to recharge doing solo-activities, and they're intuitives, so they have their own little theoretical world full of bizarre ideas to entertain themselves with that might not always be easy to follow at first. I find that introverts in general (maybe the INxx types even moreso) like to engage in parallel play where their partner also does something quietly nearby, but still a separate activity. As an INFJ, yourself, I'm sure you can relate in your own way, so it's likely easy to give them what they need!
Humor them/hear them out: This might sound a little vague, and I guess in some ways it is, but this is mostly about their auxiliary Ne. ENTPs and ENFPs get most of the attention when it comes to high Ne, but INTPs (and INFPs, too!) place a lot of importance on it, too, which can often manifest itself in conversations like "what if __", "imagine if __", etc.. To put it bluntly, it might seem a bit... directionless, and that's because sometimes it kind of is! It's just about thinking of random possibilities that are non-serious and funny in the moment, and don't really go anywhere else outside of the current discussion or hold any larger, overarching significance. Sometimes it's less about the actual topic itself, and more about having some random fun and "playing along" that makes a world of a difference to a playful INTP (or high Ne user in general). This point got away from me a little bit which I think, in a way, is the perfect exemplification of what I was trying to say in the first place, lmao. Hope that makes sense! If your INTP ever sounds like whatever the hell I just said, just try not to disengage right away, because they probably have a point that they are struggling to reach. Put that dom Ni to work and summarize it for them, I know you can do it from experience with my own ENFJ lmao.
Anyway, uhhhhh: Every single point on this list has gotten progressively longer because my Ne loves extrapolating (and I love Ne, but sometimes its gotta CHILL you know?), so I'm gonna end it here before it gets WILDLY OUT OF CONTROL.
This was a fun question, anon!: Thanks again for reaching out, and basically giving me full range to just write multiple paragraphs about myself and my relationship!
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vendetta-if · 1 year
idk if this has been asked yet, but what are the ROs’ + our family members’ MBTI?
Ooh! I'm not really an expert in MBTI so I'm going to check out the different types and try to assign the most fitting one (or the closest one) to the characters!
Also, I'm curious as to which MBTI would your MC have? Let me know in the comment or in the reblog 👀
Ash: ISFJ (The Defender) -- Hardworking, devoted, loyal, remember specifics about people who are important to them.
Rin: ISTJ (The Logistician) -- Integrity, practical, dependable, responsible, reserved, calm, independent
Santana: ENFJ (The Giver) -- Not selfish, warm, affectionate, can neglect their own needs to help others, tend to be too hard on themself.
Skylar: ESFJ (The Caregiver) -- Outgoing, gregarious, believing the best in people, enjoy helping others.
Luka: ISTJ (The Logistician) -- same as Rin.
Viktor: ENFP (The Champion) -- Charismatic, charming, energetic, enthusiastic, independent, creativity, flexible, can make a great leader.
Pavel: ENTJ (The Commander) -- Natural-born leader, confidence, assertive, ruthless, rational, driven to achieve any goal, think strategically, determined, strong convictions.
Jackal: ISTP (The Crafter) -- Result oriented, thrill-seeking or risk-taking behaviour, emotionally detached.
Alina: INFJ (The Advocate) -- Both logical and emotional, creative and analytical, organized, perfectionist.
Yvette: ESFP (The Performer) -- Love the spotlight, spontaneous, live in the here-and-now, perceptive, easygoing, fun-loving, impulsive, not planning ahead.
Cara: ESTP (The Persuader) -- Gregarious, funny, and energetic, very observant, act impulsively at times or even risk-taking, improvise instead of planning (adaptable and resourceful), action-oriented, dramatic at times, competitive.
Takashi: ESTP (The Persuader) -- same as Cara.
Sources: [1], [2]
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evillemons · 5 months
BTS MBTI types
Controversial? Sort of? I am not an MBTI expert by any means, nor do I think it should be taken too seriously, but it's fun to analyze the boys nonetheless. I would love to hear what other people think :) See the MBTI types of their girlfriends here, and the masterlist for other fun content.
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There seems to be a huge debate around whether Namjoon is an INFJ or ENFP, and while I see both in him, I lean towards the former. He is incredibly introspective (if not a little brooding) and intrinsically wise. He is often misunderstood and claims to feel like an “outsider”, which is characteristic of INFJs. He really does strike me as the lone wolf type - a uniquely insightful, intelligent, and open-minded leader that bears a heavy burden in order to make a difference in the world. He truly is a one of a kind, deeply special human being.
I am not sold on Yoongi as an INTJ because he also suits INTP and ISTP, and he even has a more visible sympathetic side lately. However, he is theoretical, speculative, organized, and practical like an INTJ. He’s extremely logical and hard working, and has a hard time expressing his feelings or receiving affection. He is also highly reserved, independent, and somewhat perfectionistic and likes to have control over his work. INTJ’s are known as one of the most intelligent types, and that comes through in the form of his musical innovation.
Tae’s unusually creative thought process, emotional vulnerability, social nature, and spontaneity render him a pretty clear ENFP. ENFP’s are enthusiastic, imaginative creators who are people-oriented and expressive communicators. They often drawn to the abstract and intuitive nature of art and love to search for deeper meanings within humanity. V also highly values his individuality and freedom, and comes across as unconventional and mysterious.
j-hope - ESFJ
This ray of sunshine is undoubtedly an ESFJ. He’s incredibly social and vibrant around his members, and serves as a sort of human energy charger that everyone gravitates towards. His radiant energy and dependability makes him a well-loved and an essential member of BTS. ESFJ’s are also extremely organized, preferring structure and planning to spontaneity. His strong sense of duty and unwavering mentality shine through as a dance teacher and leader - despite his caring nature, he will not hesitate to hold people accountable for their actions.
Jungkook - ISFP
This is another clear typing for me, Jungkook is blatantly ISFP. He is innately artistic, adventurous, self-expressive, and open-minded. Despite their highly introverted and independent nature, ISFP’s are known for being sweet and caring in relationships, and it is no secret how fond and protective JK is of his members. He can also be quite sensitive due to his perfectionistic tendencies and emotional receptivity; he is often too hard on himself and seems to struggle with self-esteem at his core.
Jimin - ENFJ
I fluctuate between ESFJ and ENFJ for Jimin, but settled on the latter because he seems to be more future-oriented rather than present-focused. ENFJ’s are incredibly empathetic and caring people who tend to put others before themselves. Jimin naturally and instinctively lends a hand to his members when they are in need and constantly thinks about how is actions affect others. He is also quite the perfectionist, which is characteristic of ENFJ's. The only detail I am uncertain on is that ENFJ’s are quite the creative and abstract thinkers, and I am not sure I see this within him.
Jin - INTP
Jin is tricky because his media persona seems to be quite different from that of his real personality. He could also be ENTP, although he is very introverted and doesn’t seem to engage in much conversation outside of the people he is comfortable with. His sarcastic and dry sense of humor is particularly characteristic of an INTP, and he is also straightforward, logical, and blunt. Although INTP’s are often stereotyped as cold and unexpressive, he has a goofy side that is childlike and wholesome.
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kingwuko · 8 months
Finding Balance: Mako and Wu’s Myers-Briggs Personality Types
The Meyers-Briggs Type Indicator is a personality typology framework that classifies personalities into 16 different types. The framework is not perfect, and there’s certainly a lot of room for interpretation. But it’s a fun and interesting way of looking at and understanding a person’s personality!
If you aren’t familiar, it essentially breaks down the core parts of personalities into 4 categories, each with 2 opposite traits. Extraversion (E) or Introversion (I), Sensing (S) or Intuition (N), Thinking (T) or Feeling (F), Judging (J) or Perceiving (P).
I believe Mako and Wu are the “Logistician” and the “Campaigner”. These two personality types are complete opposites in every way. Two people with opposite personalities can have an extremely fulfilling relationship, but they can face challenges if they don’t learn how to communicate and understand each other.
(Please keep in mind these are just my interpretations of their characters and thus it’s just opinions. If you think they have different personality types than this, you’re probably right too! I use https://www.16personalities.com/ and https://www.myersbriggs.org/ as my main source of information on personality types and I’ve linked Mako and Wu’s personality types below.)
Mako: The Logistician (ISTJ)
“ISTJ (Logistician) is a personality type with the Introverted, Sensing, Thinking, and Judging traits. These people tend to be reserved yet willful, with a rational outlook on life. They compose their actions carefully and carry them out with methodical purpose.” (from 16 Personalities)
“Quiet, serious, earn success by being thorough and dependable. Practical, matter-of-fact, realistic, and responsible. Decide logically what should be done and work toward it steadily, regardless of distractions. Take pleasure in making everything orderly and organized—their work, their home, their life. Value traditions and loyalty.” (from myersbriggs.org)
Introversion: Introverts prefer to recharge their energy by being on their own and reflecting. Mako seems to retreat into himself when he is overwhelmed and needs to process. Him sleeping under his desk rather than staying at Air Temple Island is a good example of this.
Sensing: Sensing types see the world through tangible experiences. Mako prefers to take in information that is concrete and real. His work as a detective shows this all over, and his frustration with Korra using her Avatar feelings to find Wu is an excellent example of this.
Thinking: Thinking types decide how to act in situations based on logic and objectivity. They are more ‘tough minded’ and use impersonal facts when making choices. Mako choosing to reveal Korra’s plans to Raiko comes to mind as an example of this.
Judging: Judging types relate to the outside world through structure and organization, preferring to have some control by making or being aware of plans-and sticking to them. Mako clearly craves that control and is quick to jump into planning mode, such as when he was trying to help Asami after her company was robbed.
Overall, Mako is  responsible, disciplined, organized, practical, realistic, and direct. He can also be stubborn, by-the-book, judgmental and insensitive. He’s a dependable person with deep loyalty to those he cares for.
Wu: The Campaigner (ENFP) 
“ENFP (Campaigner) is a personality type with the Extraverted, Intuitive, Feeling, and Perceiving traits. These people tend to embrace big ideas and actions that reflect their sense of hope and goodwill toward others. Their vibrant energy can flow in many directions.” (from 16 Personalities)
“Warmly enthusiastic and imaginative. See life as full of possibilities. Make connections between events and information very quickly, and confidently proceed based on the patterns they see. Want a lot of affirmation from others, and readily give appreciation and support. Spontaneous and flexible, often rely on their ability to improvise and their verbal fluency.” (from myersbriggs.org)
Extraversion: Extraverts prefer to receive their energy from outward sources. They recharge their energy through social interactions and process things outwardly by talking them out and tend to act before thinking. Wu certainly craves social interaction and is quick to speak without thinking. His eagerness to socialize (and badly flirt) along with his blurting out absurd ideas are great examples of this.
Intuition: Intuition types tend to see the world in less tangible ways, through hunches and insight. They can see the bigger picture and do a good job of envisioning what could be, rather than what is. Wu’s out-of-the-box thinking to have the badgermoles carve a path to evacuation, in spite of having no real evidence it would work, seems to be a good example of this.
Feeling: Feeling types make choices based on values and empathy. They tend to take relationships and people’s feelings and circumstances into account when deciding things. I think his overall choice to abolish the monarchy is a great example of this, as he seems to genuinely believe that this would be a better choice for the people by giving them freedom.
Perceiving: Perceiving types prefer to experience and explore the world, rather than control it. Wu is more spontaneous and seems comfortable to ‘go with the flow’ rather than strictly adhere to a plan. He was quick to adapt in a number of situations, and seems to come up with his best plans on-the-spot (again. Evacuation. Badgermoles.)
Overall, Wu is enthusiastic, a positive thinker, spontaneous, can improvise, and is surprisingly good at communicating. He’s also disorganized, unfocused, a needs a lot of external validation and affirmation. Wu is warm and outgoing, and has an intense desire to form meaningful connections.
Assertive Vs Turbulent
Another facet of the personality type is A or T, which essentially labels how confident or anxious one is in their personality. I think that Wu may be more turbulent, meaning he feels less confident in himself and overcompensates to try and counterbalance his self doubts. I think Mako is more assertive, meaning he is more confident in his actions and is more even tempered in his actions because he is self-assured. I think over time, Mako’s influence pushes Wu closer to being more assertive.
Opposites Attract
Relationships with completely opposite traits in every way can be both fulfilling and challenging. They recharge their energy differently, they see things differently, they make choices differently and they interact with the world differently. With so many differences, there is the possibility for frustrations and misunderstandings, but there is also the possibility for the two people to complement each other and play to their strengths. 
What makes or breaks an opposite personality relationship is communication, and what has always struck me about Mako and Wu’s progression of their relationship in the show and comic, is their increased ability to talk to one another and understand each other. 
Mako knows exactly how to talk to Wu; during his meltdown in The Coronation, Mako directly appealed to the people-pleaser in Wu when prompting him to reflect on what he’d done for his people to deserve being King. Wu really eats up anything Mako tells him, and even literally says “You always know the right thing to say, Mako”. 
Wu also seems to know how to appeal to Mako’s rational thought processes. I know we were absolutely floored by Wu casually saying “Mako, you know I love you”, but that interaction was actually a disagreement between them-Mako thought they should just shut down the election, while Wu felt they needed to let it play out. Wu patiently explained his thought process to Mako (even though he wrapped it up in affection… Classic people-pleaser) and Mako didn’t argue further; he seemed to accept Wu’s explanation for his choices. 
Essentially what I’m saying is that Mako and Wu really do communicate well, and because of that, I think their opposing personality traits will serve to bring balance to their relationship, rather than conflict. Wu needs social interaction while Mako needs some time in? No problem, Wu is friends with Korra and potentially the rest of the Krew; he can go hang out with them if Mako needs to recharge with a night in reading one of Jinora's books. Mako can bring Wu back to reality when his imagination gets out of hand, while Wu can prompt Mako to see beyond what’s just in front of him. Wu can prompt Mako to take a more subjective approach in his decision making while Mako can pull Wu back from his people-pleasing to help him make more rational choices. Mako can keep Wu on a more organized and structured path, and Wu can get Mako to loosen up with a little fun and spontaneity. 
In a season titled ‘Balance’, it’s really fascinating that they paired Mako with someone who is his opposite in every way, not just in personality. Wu is affluent, materialistic, somewhat naive, and wears his emotions on his sleeve. Mako is jaded, responsible, grew up in poverty, and struggles to express himself. But when they are together, there is amazing potential for them to bring out the best in each other and achieve a better balance in each of their lives.
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ukelele-boy · 9 months
The long overdue why TOA Apollo is an enfp analysis for @fearlessinger
(I'm going to preemptively say: If anyone has a different opinion please make a new post instead of in my comments XD )
I'm going to explain using the functions. There are eight functions total: Fi, Fe, Ti, Te, Ni, Ne, Si, Se.
And each mbti type will use 4 of these 8 functions. The order the functions are in determines their type. The first function(dominant function) is used the most, the second is also commonly used, the third is more subconsciously used and the fourth is inferior function which is not as developed and tend to be used in times of crisis as a last resort.
Functions are basically types of thought processes and associated behaviors. And it's only possible to have one of each type of F, T, S, N with extroversion or introversion classification. 
Hence it would be impossible for a person to have both Fi and Fe. 
I won't go into too much detail on this so if you guys are interested you can look at the link at the end of this post for more details.
But anyways, here we will take a look at the functions and decide what Apollo is. 
How much the traits of each function show through depends on their ranking in the 4 stack. Higher ranked functions tend to be used more etc etc. 
Lets start: Te vs Fe. 
Fe people tend to value the group and the emotional wellbeing of others. They also care about fitting in and belonging to the group. "how does the group feel about this?" 
Te people value the group but from a productivity and practical wellbeing standpoint. They care about getting things done effectively. 
A very basic example, if deciding if the population should be waiting at a traffic light for a time or have the option to speed past it but crying and sobbing for 1 minute. A Fe person might lean towards letting everyone wait but the Te person might lean towards letting everyone speed through. This is because Fe is considering the emotional state while Te is considering the time wasted from the person's life. 
You might be inclined to say then Apollo should be Fe! He cares about his friends! But I'll actually argue he does not have Fe. Recall that a person can only have either Fi or Fe.
Fi people tend to have a  personal moral system that is very tied to their sense of self, and a desire to figure out who they are and what they believe in, and where they belong. You can argue that all people do this, but I'll say Fi havers definitely does this way more than average. Especially if the Fi is first or second in the function stack. Fe sees identity as something that is part of you, "I am what I am". 
They will never have the thought of "oh i did xyz but that's not really me" Fe will consider that since they did it, it is them. 
Apollo is a strong Fi. He values his identity a lot. During TOA, he struggles with his identity after losing what he thinks makes him, well, him. Hence you can see his original concept of his identity was tied to what he could do as a god, and his beauty and powers. Once he lost that, he lost his sense of self. This is devastating for a Fi because their identity is heavily tied with their moral system. Fi make decisions based on their moral compass that they created over their lifetime. This allows them to quickly make decisions based on it in times of crisis. They may say "I FEEL xyz" but the feeling they speak of is generated through their moral system. 
Outside input -> Moral system + identity -> feeling - > decision - > action. 
An older, experienced Fi user will be able to sense what they are feeling and make quick decisions based on it, and leave the analysis part to their databank of past judgements. However, on the outside this can look rash and like they are making decisions based on emotions (which is true. But there's more to it!) 
Apollo lost his sense of self and had to start from scratch. This makes him begin to doubt his morals and past judgements, because they were all part of his old self, and that's now gone. Now how can he make the "right" decision? He no longer knows what is right. He has deluded himself that his choices were right for so long, that once his self is shattered and he is rebuilding his identity from scratch, his entire world tilts. Key word here is delude, he probably already had a sense he was doing something wrong but he ignored it and kept using the old pathways of thought he made to arrive at conclusions. Now that its like this:
Outside input -> ?????? -> feeling - > decision - > action.
It leaves him in constant doubt about his present and past self. 
So yeah, Fi. 
And Fi users must have Te, so Te as well. But I argue his Te is lower than Fi and not that noticable. 
Now, we move to Ne vs Ni. 
Ne and Ni are two different ways of thinking and connecting things.
Ne connects thoughts in a spiderweb like pattern and hence has seemingly random jumps and connections. (The grass is green, my shirt is green too and oh, my shirt is from california, and I think california has great icecream and now we are talking about icecream.) Ne tend to derail conversations with their explorations. 
Meanwhile, Ni tend to think more linearly on one topic and discuss it to the end. Their thoughts are more like a graph form where they explore along the line. (the grass is green and it is very lush and beautiful. It grows well in the summer etc etc) Notice we are still talking about grass
Apollo's narration is a classic Ne style narration where you see him talk about traveling with Meg and the next thing he's telling you what happened in Egypt 50 A.D.
So now we know he has, Ne, Fi, Te. 
We just need to figure out whether he has Si or Se. 
Si is focused on memories and familiar things. They like consistency and patterns.
Se is focused on experiences and physical sensation. They like to explore new things and go out. 
However since these aren't as obvious, I will first narrow down the possible types. 
Mbti with Fi, Ne, Te are: 
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And since these types don't have Se, we know he has Si. 
We can rule out ESTJ and ISTJ because Fi is not as prominent , and are more Te based (see image). 
Apollo bases his decisions on his heart (Fi) more than rules and traditions (Si) or productivity (Te).
This means his Fi is either first or second. Which means he's either INFP or ENFP. 
And now it's an easy choice because INFP is an introvert. 
And Apollo is just… extroverted, he loves being around people, he gains energy around them. He loves meeting new folks. (I can promise you as an INFP, I do not feel this ajjfjsksksk) 
Apollo is ENFP! A type who follows their heart, is passionate about their interests, loves learning and exploring new things, and curious.
As well, in regards to his Si as his last function (also called the inferior function) . When people are in times of extreme stress, they can sometimes fall back and unhealthily overuse their last function. For example, for Enfps they will go into "Si grip" and begin to have tunnel vision and overanalyze their past mistakes, try to make little detail perfect, project previous bad experiences onto the future, become isolated and withdrawn… 
Does this sound familiar and like a certain sun god during TOA…? 
Other enfps in fiction, that kinda have traits similar to Apollo: c!Tommy, Steven Universe. (I know ppl say steven is ESFJ but I'll maintain he's enfp based on functions) 
And if you want a well written, deeper read into Enfp functions:
Go here
Also these images:
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xokohaneazusawa · 2 months
Hello hihihi!
Im sorry if im interrupting u rn!
~`[Fandom:] Blue lock please!
~`[preferred name,prounouns:] She/her,they/them, And Miyaki or Miyakiwi, Or miya is fine! <3.
~`[Characters i dont wanna be paired with:] Ego,Kaiser please!
~`[Hobbies,Personality:] Im an Enfp! And my hobbies are either playing badminton,volleyball,soccer, and also drawing with a little bit of writing +Reading! Oh and listening to music too!
~`[Love Languages:] Quality time,Gift Giving? I forgot what its called.. and Words of Affirmation, and a lil bit of physical touch!
~`[Description Of appearance/Aesthethic:] i like warm and some colorful colors too! Even dark, But i truly prefer Light Academia or scene!
~`[Extra:] Take your time if needed, and please rest after this request if you can! Thank you if you did this, i am very glad <3.
I think you’d go well with…
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Alexis Ness!
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-> With your personality type I can see you and Ness getting along amazing! He seems like the kinda guy that would love having a relationship with somebody who can match how much he cares about the ones he loves! -> Loves that you play sports and is always willing to help you practice or anything like that! Will even learn how to play some of your other spots so that he can help you practice! And since you also play soccer he's totally down to play against you, obviously not as hard as he would go against some other pro team, more like just messing around with you instead! -> King of compliments and Quality time!! He loves just being around you, and he's already known to basically worship the ground certain people walk on, so why would you be any different? He constantly is complimenting anything you do, though if you're not the best with compliments he understands and will try to tone it down a little. Bro also has that professional soccer player money, he doesn't mind one bit spending some of it on you, and he loves to see your face when he finds something he thinks you'll really like! -> Dates with him are so fun! It can go from just kinda staying inside and doing your own thing, but being in the same room, to wandering around the city and finding cool places to visit. He'll even scope out some great scenery if you like to draw scenery and stuff! -> Would love it if you ever showed up to one of his games! Tries to wave at you the second he's not busy and he sees you. His teammates will tease him about it, but he doesn't care, he loves you and is excited to see you at his game, so why wouldn't he wave and say hi?
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Other potential matchups - Isagi Yoichi and Nanase Nijiro
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ferie-anon · 2 years
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Mbti Dissections+Astrology
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- P vs J ppl: The way they argue and reason is different. P ppl rather live in their own ideals and thoughts and peace rather than defend and analyze whether what they think is accurate or other logical grounds. P ppl use their imagination and own interpretation of logic to argue. P ppl rather not rationalize it too much. J ppl try to make sense or think of all the possible ways of an argument and ideology, J ppl have a more logical way to wrap around things and they interpret things with more of the groundwork from previous concepts they’ve learned, etc so when they are confused or disagree with an argument they try to analyze it down or organize it with the facts and reasoning they recall.
- N vs S: Intuition vs. Sensing. Although they sound different, they are relatively similar except distinct in their approach. N ppl tend to appeal and express their care and approach emotionally and abstractly, whereas S ppl tend to relay their thoughts and approach through a more “grounded” and “sensible” way. For instance, an N person might try to put themselves in their friends shoes when they try to comfort them and acknowledge their emotions. An S person might try to comfort and then solve the solution or talk it out with their friend to help them with their concerns or feelings. The approaches are different but ofc both types care for their friends and loved ones. Additionally I notice n ppl talk a lot about different things in conversations and s ppl may sometimes join in or not rlly add on to the conversation.
- E vs I ppl: Extrovert vs. Introvert. It’s kind of easy to distinct between these, no it’s not simply because one likes to talk more and the other is quiet (although that is one aspect). E ppl like to hang out and get energy from meeting ppl and engaging in conversations. I ppl prefer some alone time and NEED time to recharge, ofc they may also like talking to ppl but the difference is that they lose energy after and need some time to recharge alone. Extroverted ppl can keep up or have more energy in terms of talking and expressing to others because they enjoy doing so and etc. Ofc being an extrovert or introvert can fluctuate since it changes in circumstances and extroverts may feel like introverts at times and also lose energy.
(Additionally there are ppl who are ambiverts in between so when taking the mbti test, they may be categorized as an E or I but it may be interchangeable based on the situation and time)
Mbti is a personality type of identification, and ofc not everyone will be exactly the same. Some of these may apply to most ppl but not all.
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Here’s also some astrology placements + mbti observations (may not be true to every placement):
🎧 Virgo moons may have a J in their mbti due to their nature of trying to logicalize and organize their reasonings, thoughts, and need for structure and details.
My gemini sun virgo moon friend is an intj and me as a libra sun virgo moon I retook and got infj. We both think similarly in our focus for details and approach in arguments and thinking.
🎧 Sag moons and fire moons may have f or p in their mbti due to how they tend to express and follow their heart, empathize with others, and prefer not to have a specific structure or plan when doing activities etc, often having some impulsive choices/decisions.
My friend who is a virgo sun sag moon is an enfp, the sag moon rlly makes her clumsy and chaotic at times despite her being a virgo lol. I also have a gemini sun leo moon friend and she’s an infp, sensitive and heartwarming, she used to be an isfp 2 years ago. Both of them are very compassionate people with others emotions and expressing their own.
🎧 Scorpio moons may have an s in their mbti, most Scorpio moons struggled with power dynamics early on and had to develop practical and rational problem-solving skills to gain back a sense of personal power and earn respect. Therefore, as a skeptical moon sign that has an eye for detail they value logical thinking skills and common sense over theorizing.
My friend’s bosses often had estj or istj placements. And her grandma who is a taurus sun scorpio moon is an isfj. These MBTI types are also known for implementing a lot of control over others and their careers as they often fit authoritative positions due to their commanding qualities. Her grandma nitpicks about a lot of things at dinner time, is specific about her interests and likes-dislikes, and logical when reasoning with others.
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ddarker-dreams · 11 months
Lock bbg, do you think Tartaglia would like an ENFP 2w3 girliee
wait... hold on one sec............... squints....
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yes! absolutely yes! it's a match made in heaven! love at first sight. 😌💖
but really, it'd make for a compatible match. a little too compatible, actually, because it could quickly nosedive into unhealthy territory. the initial spark would be strong. you'd know him for only an hour and be chatting like the oldest of friends. childe isn't one to shy away from what intrigues him, so he while he isn't breathing down your neck, his attraction isn't exactly subtle either.
the biggest predicament would be the people pleasing inclination embedded in the very fabric of ENFP/2w3s. childe would catch onto that and twist it to his advantage. not often, but just enough to be a little slimy. he gives so much of himself to you when he's present, that the awful 'does he actually like me or am i annoying?' question doesn't have time to form. what replaces that, the 'how do i ensure he continues to like me' maaay or may not be much better.
should you press him on the specifics of his job, he gets aloof, not angry or dismissive. he can practically see the panic forming inside you the second he does so. childe considers it a necessary evil, since he consider this the most 'organic' way to deter your curiosity. he justifies it to himself by thinking that he's protecting you from what you don't need to know.
it's a bit of a mess. an exciting mess, though, for those willing to endure it.
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adorerinn · 2 months
HIII I LOVE UR MATCHUPS AND IS totally normal about them and would love one too pls, and I'd like to be 🎏 anon!
I'm a girl and l'd love a LONGGG romantic matchup with a guy please
A brief desc of what I look like: I'm 167 cm, l've got long brown hair w new bangs which I love. I have some semblance of siren eyes which unfortunately scare some ppl off ://, therefore I’d prefer someone on the taller side please 🫶🏼
Personality: I'm the most versatile person I know, a true ambivert I believe. love quiet time but also feed off of energy when I'm around people and is totally okay with just sitting in silence with my friends. I'm attentive to my people and my giving love language is gift-giving, acts of service and quality time. I'm very aware of a lot of things happening around me, especially myself. I notice things most don't see like how my friends walk in different shoes (literally) or how they shift their body when they're uncomfortable. But this awareness also makes me feel bad sometimes when I notice something's up and I do nothing cause it gets so tiring, and then i feel guilty afterwards and think about what I should've done to help when literally no one had either.
I'm an ENFP and l'd love to be paired with a char of a suitable mbti. I'm confident, a little too much sometimes but mostly as a joke, about my looks and values in life. I also LOVEE deeptalks, depth in conversation is what i live for!!
I'm an artist and I love to draw and want to become an art director when I'm older cus l'm also a businesswoman at heart (gotta get that bag yk)
I'm also a huge fashion kid, as in whatever funky piece of clothing i see, i style and wear. I mix it up a lot so anything with squiggly fabric or ruffles and skirts as tops, you get the gist.
Ideal type:
I'm not super sure i can encapsulate a "type", but I'm not into gruff types (like iwa l'm so sorry), a little mean yes but not gruff yk. I'd love someone with a sense of humor and one that can match my energy, both calm and otherwise. I need someone attentive towards me as
much as i am to others. And someone wealthy please, i love giving gifts to people and showering them with support and affection and sometimes i just feel like it's one sided (apart from my family I receive gifts like i do others with only 3 friends :/). It might be a little selfish i know but i just need to feel loved like that i guess? And someone willing to ride all the scary rollercoasters with me (adrenaline junkie)
Appearance-wise, l'm into more feminine faces, my max for masculine is like chris evans , but i think all asian faces have a touch of femininity in them so i have practically no rejects in terms of characters. No facial hair tho, I'm super icked out by that, and body types are also versatile. My fav char is tsukki and he's built like a pencil but i love bo's body type too :))
Dream date: I'D LOVE A DANCE DATE, not professionally but like dancing tgt to pop classics from the early 2000s is a dream, literally anywhere (a club, the living room etc)
I hope i got everything, sry if it's long i love to ramble looking forward to a reply, thanks so much 😋😋
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I match you with Suna Rintaro!
✧ Suna would definitely be a perfect match for you!
✧ you could for sure have a long and romantic relationship with him (I just feel like once he's found that special person he sticks with them no matter what)
✧ loves your ambieverted personality even if he's a bit more on the introverted side
✧ likes being able to spend some quiet time maybe put on some music while he's at it (I just KNOW he has a good playlist for every occasion)
✧ always keeps any gift you give him. he will probably just have the all scattered around somewhere in his room but he does appreciate them a lot
✧ likes being able to spend time with you even if you aren't doing anything or just sitting in silence. he just appreciates your presence
✧ definitely notices how you notice the tiniest things and thinks it's cool especially since he's the same way. you both would probably whisper to each other and just point out the smallest things ever
✧ always reassures you that it's okay and that you don't have to always help out people even if you noticed it
✧ likes how you can be confident even if it's just as a joke he thinks it's cool you can be confident even if it's not real. he just appreciates it and prefers people to be confident instead of just always being shy or something like that
✧ would for sure have late night talks about the most random things which will eventually lead to deeper conversations but he all for them
✧ he probably watches you draw and if you were to give him a drawing he would most likely have one of your drawings folded up in his wallet or some random jacket pocket
✧ likes how you have a dream to be an art director. he likes it when people have a goal set in mind instead of just going with the flow
✧ adores your fashion sense. he just thinks it's cool to have such a unique fashion taste. would also probably want you to choose some of his outfits if he can't decide what to wear
✧ most definitely has a sense of humor. (I feel like he has brainrot humor IT'S TRUE BC I SAID SO)
✧ would be able to match energy (he's probably still a kid at heart I just know it)
✧ of course most of them time he is very calm and attentive. he would probably notice when you're feeling even a little bit down and would try to cheer you up as best as he can
✧ would definitely buy you small gifts that he sees in shops and gets them just because they reminded him of you
✧ LOVES going on roller coasters and will go on whatever ride you choose. he just likes the thrill of rides
✧ would like to just mess around and dance to stupid music. he would enjoy to dance in the living room (he probably wouldn't wanna go to clubs just because he tries to act all nonchalant)
✧ overall I think Suna Rinatro would be the perfect match for you and you both would get along great
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hi anon!! I hope you enjoyed your match up feel free to request again!
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thepixelelf · 7 months
Ooh ok how about a meet ugly (idk if that’s an official term?? but like where they have a meet cute except it goes wrong in a funny way) with hmm bongjae or jibeom, up to you <3 go wild with the meet ugly prompt, whatever you want!
this ended up just being a normal world au but I hope you enjoy it!!
[head, meet wall] "Listen man." Jangjun put both his hands on Jaehyun's shoulders and nodded his head toward you, where you were leaning against the same gymnasium wall he and Jaehyun were standing by. "You think they're cute, don't you?"
"Well, sure, but--" Jaehyun had no idea who you were. You seemed to have come to support someone on the basketball team, but he didn't know who. "I can't just go up to them."
Jangjun frowned. "Why not? That's literally how people meet."
"Maybe to you, Mr ENFP! Some of us are normal."
"Have you ever heard of a meet cute?" Jangjun suddenly asked, oddly serious.
Jaehyun shrugged. "Sure, but don't those only happen on TV?"
"Yup. And right now."
In a matter of seconds, Jangjun spun Jaehyun around and shoved his hands into his back, propelling him with such force that he practically launched into you.
Which, theoretically, could have been cute.
Could have, if he'd braced his hand on the wall before he bonked his forehead directly into yours.
Could have, if that didn't result in the back of your head hitting the wall.
Could have, if he wasn't now standing awkwardly next to you in the locker room, explaining why he attempted to murder you in the first place while you hold a bag of ice to the growing welt on your head.
"Sorry." You put a hand up to pause his muttered explanation. "You hit me in the head so hard I think I saw the afterlife because... you thought I was cute?"
He still thinks you're cute, but Jaehyun decides now isn't the best time to say that. Instead, he focuses on the floor and scratches the back of his neck. "Yeah..."
"Wow." You let out a long sigh, and Jaehyun wishes the floor could just open up and swallow him whole. Then you say, "Give me your phone."
He lifts his head. "Huh?"
"It's only fair, right?" You smile, and oh gosh, maybe Jangjun doesn't deserve to get beaten up for this. You have a really nice smile. "Since you gave me something, I should give you something."
"I don't... get it."
You hold out your hand, palm up, and gesture for his smartphone. "You gave me a concussion, so I'll give you my number. Fair trade."
A laugh escapes him. Is this seriously going... well? "I don't think that's a fair trade at all." But he gives you his phone anyway.
"Alright then." You smirk as you type in your information. "How about you owe me a date, too?"
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w-ht-w · 2 years
NJs are leaders NPs are independent SJs are followers SPs are adaptable
NJ types are usually the most qualified for leadership positions. NP is super independent and/or is too lazy to follow or lead. SP are also independent, but sometimes they like being in a team. SJ are pretty strong followers.
ENFJs don't control others but are good with leadership positions and democratic work, ENTJs control others simple as that, INFJs can persuade a crowd but prefers working behind the scenes and INTJs only take leadership when no one else is "competent" enough to. ENFPs won't be controlled so easily but will fight fire with fire you do and try to control you back, ENTP are technically very good leaders but more in chaotic purposes and are disloyal, INFPs simply don't care enough most of the time, INTPs are perhaps the most independent types. All SJs are extremely loyal to their organizations. ESTJs take orders from the boss to the others. ESFJs make sure everyone in the team is well and organizes for practical assistance. ISxJs are competent and independent in their work, but still work under someone else. xSTPs are strong team players but are disloyal unless if passionate and are not being controlled. xSFPs just go with the flow. ESxP will go anywhere where the party is. (x)
ENxP : leading in cases involving "not sure where to start" situations. Idea generation. Getting the process starting ExTJ : leading in cases involving "not sure how to follow through/get to end". Step generation. Making sure a to point b is gotten to efficiently ESxP : leading in cases involving "not sure how to react to this sudden x". Adapting to sudden stimuli and leading/ showing a way for others if necessary ExFJ : leading in cases involving people presentation, unification of individuals "not sure how to present this in a convincing way, resulting in individuals feeling X". Wrapping up process, presenting to audience is efficient manner. (x)
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silly-sirenz · 7 months
Just saw your match-ups are opened,and I was looking for one for Hazbin hotel,So I guess I was really lucky!!
Your blog seems really silly (the Rosie aesthetic is just EVERYTHING OMG <33)
Anyways,my name is Nina,but you can call me N,Weewoo and other names :3
I use she/they pronouns,I'm a bisexual (I feel like a have a slighttttt male preference,but omg women <33)
I have a very crazy attitude lol ToT
Overall,I'm very energetic and happy person- I love colors (i only dress in bright flashy colors and if you see me in black something is wrong/j),my favorite is pink! I'm a bit loud (even obnoxious sometimes help) and I feel like i act like a golden retriever on sugar- but I (hope I) can be comforting and calm when needed. I'm also a bit of a nerd in things I like (aren't we all sometimes?).
I like to call people some endearing names platonically (dearie,darling,dear,love,lovely...)
But,I can get frustrated easily and sometimes snap at people when I'm without people close to me or have too much work,get into fights and start to overthink and stress about it :(
I like people,but crowds get overwhelming because I don't know those people,they might be judging me and ajfenwvsbee. I like a group of people I know,you get me?
I love to draw and write (i love writing personal stories of my ocs interacting with canon). Again,I love colors <33. I like to make covers with my friends,too!
And I am a Libra ENFP :3
I hope that isn't too much info ^^''
Anyways,I hope you have a very nice day,dearie,and stay proud!!
-Nina ⭐️
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Hellooooo. Thank you, I'm glad you like ny aesthetic 🖤
I'm terms of matchups, I'm going to match you with...
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●Mimzy needs someone who can keep up and match her energy. And whilst she flirts alot, she's quite picky when it comes to partners.
● However, your bubbly personality sets you apart from the crowd in her eyes.
● You go to her club, looking for a fun night on the town.
● The dancing is old fashioned and looks a bit odd, but everyone seems to be partying like there's no tomorrow. You just have to get involved!!
● Mimzy notices you in the crowd. It looks like you could do with some help on your swivel, so she comes over and gives you some pointers.
● She wasn't expecting you to pick things up so quickly. Before she knows it, you're the only one with enough energy to keep up with her on the dancefloor.
●The two of you grow very close from that point. You're practically inseperable, always partying together.
● She picks out matching outfits for the two of you for parties. There's a lot of pink and a LOT of sparkles.
● Then one night, after a couple of drinks bossting your confidence, you kiss her on the dancefloor.
● Your heart stops when she pulls back. You start profusely apologising, claiming that you don't know what came over you.
● But instead of the rage or disgust you had expected, she starts laughing.
"How long have you wanted to do that?"
"...A long time." You barely utter over the music.
● Suddenly, she dips you down to the floor in her arms.
"Well then dearie, we have a lot to catch up on~"
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theladyofshalott1989 · 8 months
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Myers-Briggs Test for OC // Damien Evans
Thanks to @honeybadgerdontcare394 @scilla-aster for making Myers-Briggs posts about their OCs. What a brilliant idea! (It has also already helped me think deeper about some actions I've started outlining for the third story in my series.) Damien Evans, my OC from my Sebastian Sallow / Male MC series (Like Moths to a Flame) is an ENFP!
It honestly makes too much sense. (And def explains why he is so forgiving of Sebastian's actions.) Seb is a lucky bastard for practically stumbling on someone so intuitive, curious, and feeling, ngl. LMAO.
And here's a funny pic of Damien for reading this far :)
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I'm also thinking about doing this for Seb, since my story is told from his POV... thoughts?
AND OMG I had to add this after posting because it made me LOL. The title of the section about ENFPs in romantic relationships is... wait for it... FANNING THE FLAMES HAHAHAHAHA
Fanning the Flames
When ENFPs are interested in someone, they rarely hold back. People with this personality type tend to fall in love easily – and they fall hard. These individuals shower their new flame with affection, trusting that the devotion and passion that they feel are real.
Optimists at heart, ENFP personalities are undaunted by the practical challenges and inconveniences of a new partnership. This might explain why they generally don’t shy away from long-distance relationships. In their minds, physical distance is no match for the power of true love. Rather than focusing on potential issues, ENFPs sink into the joys of a relationship’s honeymoon stage, constantly looking for ways to prove their dedication and delight their partner.
In a world of dating games and rules, ENFPs’ willingness to throw caution to the wind can be a breath of fresh air.
For better or for worse, not everyone can match this personality type’s ardor and intensity. Some people just need more space – whether physical, emotional, or both. If their partner’s enthusiasm doesn’t seem to match their own, ENFPs may find themselves wondering if they’re doing something wrong.
And when the flames of romance start to flicker or wane as a relationship matures – as happens in nearly every longer-term relationship – ENFP personalities might worry that their devotion has been misplaced and the match isn’t meant to be after all.
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annab-nana · 2 years
hi!! If you feel comfortable with the idea, I’d love to request friendly sunshine enfp!reader with protective!Steve and they both are very friendly to Eddie which causes him to develop feelings for both and after talking about it together, they welcome him into their relationship with open arms! Otherwise!! Could you maybe do that reader with protective!Steve at party where other guys are getting a bit too friendly? Thank you so much <3 and i love your writing btw!!
aww thank you!! i'm more comfortable with the second idea so i'm gonna do that one if that's alright :)
warnings: someone getting a little too close, not proofread
❀ masterlist ❀
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you were bouncing on the balls of your feet as you waited for steve to grab his jacket from his trunk for you. you'd heard the tales of king steve and his party background, but the whole time you'd known him, he was more reserved and liked to stay in. it wasn't that you minded it, but you were one who liked to go out, talk to people, make new memories, and embark on new adventures. while steve was your greatest adventure yet, you still were thrilled to see steve do something more your style.
"if i didn't know any better, i'd say this is your first rodeo," steve stated lightly while slipping his coat over your shoulders. you smiled brightly up at him and gently shook your head.
"not my first, but my first with you." your voice was soft as you inched closer to his mouth to give him a quick peck. reaching down, you grabbed his hand in your own. "let's go inside," you practically squealed. steve swore he fell more in love with you as you pulled him along to the entrance.
once the door was opened by some random girl, you let out an elated gasp and beelined it to robin. "robbie, hi," you dragged out when you approached her and surprised her with a hug.
almost every time you greeted the girl, she got slightly overwhelmed by your joy and enthusiasm in seeing her. her gaze always widened and her eyes often found steve who just shrugged at her, not at all offering the girl any help.
robin was the first of many you greeted happily and talked to that night. steve stood by robin and watched you bounce from person to person, talking with such passion and listening to what they had to say even more ardently. then, you'd come back to him, fill him in a little on what you'd discussed before someone else caught your eye and you'd go catch up with them and repeat the process.
robin and steve talked about you, keith, work, anything else they had to share with one another before steve's eye caught you talking to a guy. steve trusted you and had seen you talk to guys plenty of times. it never bothered him, but the way this guy in particular was leaning in a little too close wasn't sitting right with steve.
"robin, i'll be right back," steve excused himself while robin followed his line of sight to see what was wrong. once she saw it, she nodded her head and moved to let steve by.
"dude, her class was so bad. i literally drew in the margins of my notes all the time. i think i fell asleep a couple times. i'd have to ask steve," you told john avidly and glanced in the direction you last saw steve, but robin stood alone. she nodded her head a little to the left and you followed to see steve coming up to you and john. "and there he is. steve, did i fall asleep in mrs. jones's class senior year?"
you looked up at him while he gazed off to ponder. his arm wrapped around your waist and gently tugged you closer to his body before he looked down at you. "yeah, i think i do remember you snoozing a few times in her class. were you in that class too, john?"
since steve arrived, john discreetly backed away and maintained eye contact with your boyfriend while you looped your arms around steve's waist. "no, uh. i had her at a different time." john looked down to you. "well, it was nice catching up, y/n. maybe i'll see you around."
"yeah, maybe," steve answered for you while you sent the boy a wave.
once john was out of earshot, you turned your face into steve's chest and giggled into his shirt. "i didn't think he'd ever leave me alone."
"why didn't you say anything? i could've come over sooner."
"well," you started, moving to look up at him, "i didn't want to be mean."
"sweetheart, if you're uncomfortable, you've gotta say something or else no one will know."
"you know," you spoke small and went back into his chest. steve's arms came around your shoulders and held you to him. you were usually very outspoken, especially for other people, but when it came to yourself, he knew it was more challenging for you to stand up.
"i'll protect you for as long as i can." whether it was a guy getting a little too friendly or some demo-creature from the upside down, steve would be your guardian.
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remember to support writers & reblog :)
turn on notifications for @annab-library to be notified when i post something new!
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demcnsinmymind · 1 month
Realized I never did a personality test for Azzy.
Busy laughing my ass off
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"People with the ENFP personality type (Campaigners) are true free spirits – outgoing, openhearted, and open-minded. With their lively, upbeat approach to life, ENFPs stand out in any crowd. But even though they can be the life of the party, they don’t just care about having a good time. These personalities have profound depths that are fueled by their intense desire for meaningful, emotional connections with others. They regularly use their natural curiosity and expansive creativity to try to better understand themselves and the complex dynamics of human relationships. And they are truly devoted to nurturing their relationships with and their understanding of the world at large." Many ENFPs harbor a deep longing to share their life with another person. As a result, these personalities may feel a bit empty or uninspired when they’re single. While their dedication to relationships is admirable, ENFPs may need to guard against investing too much of their sense of self in their relationship status.
When ENFPs are interested in someone, they rarely hold back. People with this personality type tend to fall in love easily – and they fall hard. These individuals shower their new flame with affection, trusting that the devotion and passion that they feel are real. "Curious – People with the ENFP personality type (Campaigners) can find beauty and fascination in nearly anything. Imaginative and open-minded, ENFP personalities aren’t afraid to venture beyond their comfort zone in search of new ideas, experiences, and adventures. Moreover, their curiosity extends beyond simply seeking novelty. They also have a deep desire to understand how things work and why they are the way they are. Perceptive – To people with this personality type, no one is unimportant – which might explain how they can pick up on even the subtlest shifts in another person’s mood or expression. Because they’re so sensitive to other people’s feelings and needs, ENFPs can make full use of their caring, considerate nature. Enthusiastic – When something captures their imagination and inspires them, ENFP personalities want to share it with anyone who will listen. And they’re just as eager to hear other people’s ideas and opinions – even if those thoughts are wildly different from their own. Excellent Communicators – People with the ENFP personality type brim with things to say, but they can be caring listeners as well. This gives them a nearly unmatched ability to have positive and enjoyable conversations with all sorts of people – even people who aren’t particularly sociable or agreeable. Easygoing – ENFPs may live for deep, meaningful conversations, but they can also be spontaneous and lighthearted. These personalities know how to find fun and joy in the present moment – and few things give them more pleasure than sharing their joy with others."
Unfocused – The thrill of a new project – especially one that involves collaborating with other people – can bring out the best in these personalities. But ENFPs are known for having ever-evolving interests, meaning that they may find it challenging to maintain discipline and focus over the long term. Disorganized – ENFPs’ focus on the big picture and their love for exploring new ideas and experiences can sometimes overshadow their attention to everyday practical matters. Specifically, people with this personality type may try to avoid the routine tasks that they view as boring like household chores, basic maintenance, or paperwork. The resulting sense of disorganization can become a major source of stress in their life. Overly Accommodating – ENFP personalities feel called to uplift others, and they may find themselves saying yes whenever anyone asks them for guidance or help. But unless they set boundaries, even the most energetic among them can become overcommitted, with too little time and energy to tackle the necessities of their own life.
96% Extraverted
Extraverted individuals readily enjoy group activities and value social interaction. They tend to be outwardly enthusiastic and express their excitement.
89% Intuitive
Intuitive individuals are very imaginative, open-minded, and curious. They value originality and focus on hidden meanings and distant possibilities.
83% Prospecting
Prospecting individuals are very good at improvising and adapting to opportunities. They tend to be flexible nonconformists who value novelty above stability.
86% Assertive
Assertive individuals are self-assured, even-tempered, and resistant to stress. They refuse to worry too much and tend to be self-confident when striving to achieve goals.
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