#too much sass and problems to handle
ilycosy · 8 months
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pairing : luke castellan x reader (no parent mentioned)
summary — being the partner of luke castellan was a blessing and a curse, mostly a blessing— you had the best swordsman at camp and he was extremely loyal. a blessing really, but everyone always wanted him too. sometimes you forget that he could feel insecure too.
warnings : insecurities (relationship + scar) , petnames (baby, sweetheart, love) , hurt/comfort , luke is standoffish and implied to be mentally ill but reader loves him anyways , mentions of other ppl flirting w luke !!
aノn — i want to smother this man in the biggest kisses ever ... he didn't deserve anything that happened to him & he's innocent !!!! it's never said who readers parent is but they don't reside in hermes cabin :) ,,, also i made the scar worse !!!! i wish it was bigger & more gnarly everyday . enjoy !!!!
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you felt burned by the sun everytime he was around, even with his stoic nature and go with the flow personality— he always seemed to burn so bright when you're around. his palms melted you everytime he pulled you into a kiss, his lips hot and slick with spit from his chewing.
his constant even tone (he'll deny when the sass slips through) never bothered you, in fact you quite enjoyed it whenever he spoke. his raspy voice telling you briefly about his day, or talking about a race him and chris had that day, even when he told you not to worry about him.
other people sure seemed to enjoy him too, boys and girls gathered around him like a moth to a flame. his glow always too bright for others not to be drawn, you always saw it— the way girls would giggle and fawn over him, whenever boys lingered around him during activities.
you never told him how it bothered you, because it wasn't really his fault— he was just too perfect.
which is why it shocked you when you began noticing the way he liked keeping the helmet on even after capture the flag, hiding his face until it was deemed inappropriate. the way he favored resting his scarred side in your neck compared to his other, even though he complained of neck pains the day before.
you can't recall when he began doing these little habits, maybe ever since he got the scar, maybe when a younger camper said it made him look scary. you didn't know, but you knew that it wasn't good for him— the way he allowed himself to ache just to hide it.
luke is a great boyfriend, he recognizes when people want something more from him— he's not afraid to distance himself from others when he notices the flirting. it doesn't make him feel good to have that spotlight when you were so much better than him, in every sense of the word.
he never knew how to tell you that he knew. how he knew that the obnoxious flirting hurt you, or how you always backed away when his friends came over.
he would always come in the morning to pick you up from your cabin, hoping that his searing kisses and warm arms could show you that he's yours— even with a disgusting face.
the scar taking up the side of his face made him curl away in disgust whenever he saw it, he completely avoided bathroom mirrors because of it. he hid away from your soft eyes at any chance he could, fearing that you'd realize just how scary it is to date something like him.
the praises eased in slowly, but surely, he almost felt winded the first time he heard it ("baby get your pretty face over here!" you had said, trying to wave him over to your table. he felt lightheaded and nauseous when he walked over.) he didn't know how to handle it.
whenever he tried to ask why you began getting so verbally affectionate, he was waved off with a small wave and shrug. "can't i compliment my boyfriend?" you had asked him with a teasing tone, he hid away under your shirt the rest of the night while he got teased.
you knew that he was confused, but you didn't really care to explain— he'd just shut down and ignore the problem if you did. and you liked complimenting him, especially when he gets flustered like he does.
calling him pretty made his cheeks go red, and he always seemed more spacey after. calling him handsome always got him smiling and hiding his face. cute? he was looking away and blushing. adorable? he scoffed and smiled. gorgeous, he rolled his eyes and flicked you with red ears.
you hadn't called him beautiful yet, waiting for the perfect moment— you'd think you were planning on proposing with how calculated you were with this.
luke hadn't been sleeping well for a while, mumbling in his sleep about nonsense you couldn't understand. stress had clearly taken its toll, and he's chewing again— his lips raw and almost always bloody from his teeth snagging at the skin.
you snuck into hermes' cabin during the night, hoping that he would be up to sneaking out or even finally getting a full night's rest. your boots made him shoot up, sweaty and eyes wide before he realizes its you.
"what're you doing here, love?" he asks in a hushed tone, not yet a whisper but close. you move closer, gently lacing your hand together with his sweaty one. "wanna sneak out?"
the question was whispered, barely audible even. but it made him stand up all the same, sweatpants and cream colored long-sleeved shirt bunched up at the arms, making him look ethereal.
"are you that needy, sweetheart?" he asks as a joke when you've successfully escaped the cabin without waking people. his eyebrows wiggling slightly, his usual stoic facade melting off him like you were a candle and he was wax.
you rolled your eyes, shaking your head as you told him no. tugging him along the camp grounds until you found the picnic blanket, the basket of food right next to it all neatly set up— it took you a whole week to convince people to help you find this stuff, a demeter kid had to weave the basket.
"ta-da!" you said, doing jazz hands as you showed him the comfortable blanket. he didn't say anything, only smiling wide as he laid down on it— he patiently waited for you to get the food out, not feeling any sort of rush as he allowed himself to relax.
you hand fed him strawberries, flicking his nose every time he tried to stick your fingers in his mouth. you admired him in the moonlight, he always looked the best at night. his radiating self was enough light for you anyways.
your fingertips gently brushed his face while he was eating, chewing a piece of cake when he felt them. your fingers making their way to his big scar, tracing the jagged edges of it along with the smooth, raised middle.
"what're you doing?" he says, his voice tight in his throat as he tried to ignore the building pit of fear in his stomach.
you hummed, caressing his face as you looked at him. his eyes focused on your nose to avoid eye contact, "you're beautiful," you whisper.
"extremely beautiful." and his face goes red, his eyes watery as his chest rises up and down in deep breaths. his hands are shaky and pulling you closer, desperate for you and your touch.
it makes you really wonder, how could he ever feel insecure when you're convinced he could be cursed by aphrodite herself, and you'd still see his face when camp visits the gods?
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all-purpose-dish-soap · 5 months
27 / 300 words / based on @majinbangus's words about Captain MacTavish treating you like an unruly kitten and scruffing you when you get an attitude. god i wish that were me.
"Come here, you little brat."
Captain MacTavish's large hand closes around the back of your neck. He pulls you into his lap, his desk chair squeaking as he leans back and wraps his arms around you. They loop behind your shoulders and the small of your back.
"Captain!" You push against him. But not too hard.
The more you squirm, the further you slide  into his warm and utterly inescapable hold. He forces your limbs to still against him like he's holding a temperamental cat. His arm muscles constrict you completely as they tighten against you. He noses you, chuckling as you turn your face away, and presses a stubble-grazed kiss to the side of your neck instead. His tongue slides out against your skin. Your pulse skips. He bites down with a satisfied growl.
"You're doing this on purpose," you tell him.
"Not so. You're the one askin' for it."
"For what?"
"For me to sort you out."
You huff. "How else am I supposed to get your attention?"
He presses his face into the base of your neck and inhales. "Keep it up and you'll have more attention than you can handle."
He should know you're sexually frustrated. You wiggle in his hold again, wanting very much to either squirm free and take care of the problem yourself--or to goad him into something more touchy-grabby. No such luck.
He smooths his palm over your head, pressing firmly enough that it tugs the roots at your hairline--like he's stroking an unruly kitten with his big hands. "Got anything else to say to me?"
"You just want me to backtalk you."
"Aye." He smirks into your neck, his hand finding the back of your neck again as you begin to relax into him. You act tough, but he's slowly turning you into a pussycat. "It is cute when you sass me."
more Soap / masterlist tag
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nthspecialll · 2 months
Red dead characters as horses, based not on vibes but personality.
Firstly, I am an equestrian of twelve years I know that a horse's breed doesn't fully determine it's personality and you can find any horse of any breed with any personality, but this is based on stereotypes, my own personal experience and well... Google. Again, this is not by vibes, but personality so reflect a little from horse to person.
Arthur Morgan - American Quarter Horse
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No matter if it is a show pony or a workhorse you are looking for, the American Quarter Horse got you. It is known for being easy to handle but reliable no matter the job given. It is a good all-around horse and can handle anything from beginner lessons to high-level competitions.
Hosea Matthews - Norwegian Fjord Horse
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Very sweet and docile-looking horse but make no mistake, this beast has more opinion, sass and stubbornness than you would ever imagine. Intelligent in the way that it is fully aware of the people around it and knows when it is time to play tricks and run corners and when it is time to play it sweet. The second you dare underestimate it it will remind you that it is in fact stronger than what you might expect.
Dutch Van Der Linde - The Andalusian
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A horse breed known widely for being elegant and fancy but unlike many other hot blooded (reactive) horses, tends not to get hurt as easily, coming out fine from situations where the other hot blooded might have gotten wounded in. Although known for being smart, attentive and sensible, they can easily become too much to handle if handled wrongly.
John Marston - The Arabian
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Now I know some people are gonna be like "no that doesn't fit at all!" but hold on, just listen, hear me out. Although generally known for being hot-headed, hard to control and stupid, they are actually quite intelligent, have a high endurance and are well aware of their surroundings. With dense and strong bone structure they are quite resilient to much, however they do tend to get wounded in their own hot-headedness... (John I am looking at you strolling up to Fort Mercer and getting fkn shot on sight, tf you thought was gonna happen?)
Javier Escuella - American Mustang
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A wild horse known for its stubborn spirit and the lengths it will go to for freedom. It takes a long time trusting, however once having earned its heart it is the most loyal you can find. It is also a highly adaptable horse.
Bill Williamson - Irish Cob/Gypsy Vanner (Same breed, different name)
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Lazy, hard to get moving and often seen as bad, the last choice or a breed that wouldn't hold up in bigger competitions, however is actually quite good and does any job well. They are eager to please (Bill to Dutch) and can also grow a beard!
Till Jackson - The Shetland Pony
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Small and very adorable looking to a point one thinks they are harmless, and while they can be very sweet, they are going to throw you the second you least expect it. They will not let their short stature and cute appearance be a disadvantage to them but instead use it against others. (Knew one that bit the taller horse's stomach and became the damn leader of that herd)
Charles Smith - The Friesian
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Often seen as scary and frightening looking due to their tough exterior, however they are very kind-hearted and highly intelligent. They are loyal and well-mannered, very reliable and makes a good companion.
Kieran Duffy - The Haflinger
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A very gentle and generally curious fella. Known for being very friendly and people-oriented. If you spend any time around them you will also often find out that they are quite silly, however make no mistake, they are still horses and thus will always be dangerous.
Josiah Trelawny - Pryor Mountain Mustang
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An endangered form of Mustang that are known for elegance and athleticism and while could easily make for a great show pony there is a few problems. They are not very reliable as they are quite skittish and tend to flee as well as be quite hard to tame and tie down.
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bvbygrl-writes · 10 months
Wash Day (Johnnie Guilbert x Black!Reader)
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A/N: I had a dream about this last night so I gotta write it even though this probably will not resonate with a lot of people, idk how much of Johnnie's fanbase is black but if I exist there's gotta be more of us!
Word Count: 1.3k
It was that dreaded day that almost every black girl hated, Wash Day, and (Y/n) was no exception. People thought because she had locs that that made wash day less of a stressful problem due to the frequency she had to wash her hair. And why yes, locs were convenient for day to day life as all she had to do was mist her shit and go, wash day was not any less stressful for her. 
After years of growing out her hair and keeping it natural, she had finally taken the steps to loc it and from the beginning, she had been the one in charge of her loc journey. She started them herself, dyed them herself, and did every retwist and style by herself (along with help from youtube of course). But she was tired and what do you do when you’re tired? Get your man to do it for you! Walking down the hallway, her freshly washed hair tossed up into an old and raggedy t-shirt, she busted through the bedroom door. 
Johnnie was used to her antics at this point, barely budging from his spot on the bed. His blue eyes peered up to look at her, eyes focusing on the t-shirt on the top of her head. “Ran out of towels?” he asked, confused. (Y/n) rolled her eyes at him, walking over to the drawer (that was formerly for Johnnie’s t-shirts) and started to pull out all the products she needed for her hair. Metal clips, gel, ponytail holders, that ratty black comb for her roots, spray bottle with the combination of oils and conditions that worked for her hair, and oil for her scalp.
“Cotton shirts are better for your hair. You should probably switch to them too since white men tend to bald prematurely.” she quipped, peeking over her shoulder to smile at him. He laughed at her sass, shaking his head as he kicked his legs over to the side of the bed to face her. “You busy?”
“Not necessarily, I already filmed and edited my video for tomorrow. Why?” she hummed at his response, pondering for a moment before dropping all the hair on the bed next to him. Dropping the towel from her body and ignoring the feeling of the long stare on her backside, she grabbed one of Johnnie’s shirts and a pair of gray gym shorts. It didn’t matter to either of them that his shirts clung to her body, leaving little to the imagination, spots of the already dark shirt growing a bit darker from her wet skin.
“If I teach you how to do my hair, will you do it for me?” she asked, removing the soaked shirt from her head and tossing it into a random corner of the room. Johnnie froze, body stiffening up a bit. He had years and years of doing his own hair, dying it and cutting it since he was 13. Hell, he had even helped some of his friends with their own but never had he done anything with hair of (Y/n)’s texture, let alone locs. From what she had told him, locs could handle a lot but they can also be quite tedious and in some cases even be more fragile.And she had lovely ones, they were healthy, shiny, and reached just beyond her shoulders. He had watched his girlfriend style her locs into intricate styles, the hours it’d take her, and how tired she’d be afterwards.She never let anyone do it but herself, saying she didn’t trust anyone to not ‘mess her shit up’.  What if he- “You’re not going to fuck it up, don’t worry. Imma walk you through it all, okay?” she said, stroking his cheek gently, the tip of her acrylic thumbnail lightly dragging across his cheek.
“Babe, I don’t know…”
“Pleaseee? Pleaseee? PLEASEEE?”
He sighed, walking behind the chair she had pulled in front of the bed, patting the headrest. “Fine, fine. Only if I can control the music.”
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(Y/n) had taken 2ponytail holders, sectioning off the middle and front of her head, leaving the back down. “Okay, you see how my roots are kind of stuck together almost? What Imma need you to do first is gently pull them apart so we can have clean parts.” she instructed, demonstrating herself. Although she couldn’t see his face, she could tell by his silence that he was watching her intensely. 
And she was right, with his lip pulled between his teeth, he watched the movements of her skilled hands. He nervously lifted his hands to the back of her head, grabbing two locs like he had seen her do. “Like this?” he asked, pulling a lot softer than she had instructed. She giggled some, leaning her head back to look at him.
“You gone have to pull it a bit harder than that, baby. You’re not gonna hurt me. Trust me, I’ll let you know if you were.” she reassured, readjusting her head. He nodded at her words, pulling and massaging at the connected roots, celebrating silently as the parts formed a clean line. “There ya go! Now, take some of that gel, and put it around the base of the loc and a little on the root. We do that so the retwist will hold and help the roots loc but also so it’ll be neat.” she said, demonstrating what to do. “Then, you’re gonna take the comb and run it through the root a little bit, use the edge to smooth it out, and then roll it in your hands like this.” he made a small noise of amazement as her hands rolled the loc between her palms. He knew she put a lot of work into her hair, but never did he realize exactly how much was going into it. That explains all the times he’d find her passed out on the couch, products scattered all along the floor and table. 
“I never realized how much you had to do. I wish you would’ve told me sooner. I would’ve loved to help you out.” he said softly. Her heart soared at his words.
“It’s okay. This is only one row out of a shit ton more so let’s get through this!”
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The sun had begun to set as they got to the front of (Y/n)’s head.Johnnie’s nerves had gone down a lot with (Y/n)’s constant encouragement and all of her jokes and by the time he got to the last row of the back, he felt like he was a pro!  All the metal clips jingled as she turned the chair to face him, figuring it’d be better that way for him to get the front done. (Y/n) watched her lover’s face, a soft smile on her own at how focused he was. His tongue stuck out the side of his mouth as he misted her hair. Leaning forward, she softly planted a kiss on his lips which he gladly reciprocated. It was short and sweet, full of appreciation for him helping her out. “Thank you, Johnnie.” she said softly.
“It was my pleasure, really. I’m glad you trust me enough to help you out. Plus, I’m a high school drop out. I’ll need another career option after Youtube dies.” he joked, causing them both to laugh at the thought of him as an emo loctician. “Annnd I’m done. What’do you think?” he asked.
Standing up, (Y/n) stretched, groaning as her body snapped, crackled, and popped from how long she had been sitting. Turning around, she looked in the mirror gasping a happy smile taking over her face. Johnnie had done an amazing job despite never doing anything of the sort. He watched happily as his girlfriend twirled around, admiring his work from all the different angles. The clips were still on, but you could still see from the preview that it was going to look great when it dried. Lunging forward, she threw herself into his arms, causing him to fall backward onto the bed. He made an ‘oof’ but reciprocated, wrapping his pale arms around her, burying his face in her neck, heart racing at the scent of shea butter and vanilla.
“You did so good!”
“Put your bonnet on before you mess it up!”
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levispersonalslave · 8 months
He tapped the fragile shell of the egg against the edge of the bowl, humming a small Italian love song to himself as he cracked it into the large bowl. His bangs held back by a pink clip that he had 'borrowed' from his oh so generous fiancé. He didn't bother keeping quiet, as he knew you would be sulking in the corner of your shared bedroom after the argument. His ego wouldn't let him apologize to you just yet, so you'd have to settle for the cooking he was currently making. Cookies. His mother's recipe.
One hand holding the pan with the other kneading the dough, he glanced at the closed bedroom door. He rolled his eyes, wondering when you'll finally decide to come out just to sass him again. He didn't mind, he liked your attitude.
What he didn't like, however, was how you had decided to go ahead and flirt with some other guy, just to spite him. He squeezed the dough in his fist tightly at the thought. You shouldn't be with any man other than him. Only he deserved to be yours. No one else.
He kept those feelings to himself, however, refusing to cause any problem of sorts with the love of his life.
He rolled the dough and sliced it into a few small pieces, all while thinking about you and that man you had decided to try and 'seduce'. He hadn't gotten the chance to be alone with that man, as much as he had wanted to show him why you were his and his alone. Why did that bastard get to make you laugh like that?
“He shouldn't have even gotten the privilege to live on the same ground as you do,” Levi thought to himself as he scooped a bit of cookie dough into the palm of his hand.
He had been quiet for most of the fight, watching you and your attitude that he usually handled so well. But he couldn't, not this time. How could he? When his mind kept wandering back to the image of you touching that bastard over and over again? He had half a mind to put you in your place tonight, although he pushed that thought away for the time being. He wouldn't let himself get carried away. He was angry, but he still cared about you enough to not go too far. He hadn't yelled at you during the fight, he had just been scolding and rambling on and on about why you shouldn't have let that guy touch you. Are you crazy?! He remembered himself saying.
You had to be. You knew all too well what happens when you manage to get him angry.
His hands absentmindedly shaped the dough into little balls, his thoughts already preoccupied by you. He was quickly finished with the food, letting it bake as he watched it with a blank expression. He was simply standing there, wearing a black apron, staring at the food as it cooked. He didn't know why, but he couldn't shake off the feeling of irritation. It wasn't like him to get jealous easily, but he couldn't help it this time. He let a small sigh leave his lips, turning to plate the readied sweet dish.
He left it on the dining table, not bothering to call you. He knew you wouldn't come if he called you anyway, but he also knew you'd come out eventually. You'd get hungry and sneak out of the room to find something you could eat. The corners of his lips curled up ever-so-slightly at the thought.
He turned and left to the living room, sitting down on the couch where he had made himself a cup of tea and his favorite book. He waited patiently, knowing you'd come out anytime now, until he finally heard the bedroom door creak open. He didn't spare you a glance as you reluctantly took the plate of cookies. You looked at him with a scowl, “You think I can't cook for myself?”
He easily ignored you, sipping his tea as his gaze remained fixated on the passage he was reading with a calm expression on his face. This wasn't the first time he had ignored your mere existence.
“Wow, you're ignoring me too now?” You retorted, rolling your eyes when he stayed silent. He wordlessly glanced up at you, taking a long, taunting sip of his tea, just to make you mad. His plan worked, as you began to reprimand him angrily. He simply watched you, calmly sipping his tea with one hand while the other held his book.
“Are you done now?” He spoke nonchalantly once you finished.
“No--” You began, before he quickly raised his hand for silence, cutting you off. He snapped his book shut, set the cup of tea on the coffee table, and gestured for you to come closer. Reluctantly, you did.
“Closer,” He spoke in a demanding tone. His finger gesturing you closer.
The moment you stepped within reach, he grabbed your arm and pulled you down onto his lap. You let out a gasp at his sudden act. You looked at him with your hands resting on his shoulders. His large hands held your waist, keeping you in place as he pressed a long, deep kiss to your lips. He pulled back after a moment.
He looked at you solemnly, though his eyes held a hidden warmth, “Will you behave now?”
Seeing your nod, his lips curved up into a smile. “Good girl. C'mere, angel.” He gently grabbed your face with one hand and pulled you in, planting a passionate kiss against your lips.
Once he pulled away, he ran his long, slender fingers through your hair, enjoying the feeling of the strands between his fingers. He smiled softly at you, pecking your lips once again. He held you close to him, one arm wrapped around your waist while his other hand guided your head to his chest and letting you rest against him.
He kissed your forehead, murmuring softly against your skin, “He can't kiss you like this, can he? Only I can. Remember that, yeah? I love you, angel.”
1034 words, 5504 characters
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part-time-zombie · 6 months
Has anyone else noticed that virgil has been awfully mean to patton in these recent videos?
After remus was introduced virgil has been noticeably more inclined to badmouth and sass patton, even in front of the others.
At first I thought he was just a little more stressed out because of the now regular presence of the dark sides, but the remarks he's been making at patton sounds much more deliberate, targeted and intentional, not like some harmlessly sarcastic quip.
This change in behavior started getting noticeable in ATHD, when theyre debating on if a distraction is a good way to handle Thomas's dilemma. Virgil makes a comment here implying patton is capable of and responsible for thomas feeling bad, maybe not in this particular scenario but definitely on other occasions.
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This is fairly understandable, seeing as patton himself pointed out that he is at the core of Thomas's feelings, the good and the bad, but I think this exchange suggests more than just that. It sounds like virgil is saying that pattons Actions are at fault, not his role.
We get even more insight in the WTIT end card, where patton tells the others to be supportive of thomas and virgil responds like this:
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Now that is a much more direct comment, blaming patton for telling thomas what he can and can't do.
I remembered this scene in DWIT, when logan revealed the cause of remus's intimidating effect. He admitted vrigil was part of the problem, but also addressed pattons involvement in the situation.
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Patton is too strict on thomas, trying to control what and how he thinks, acts, and feels. But how does this tie in with virgil?
Virgil wouldn't think to be afraid of remus or even to resent janus unless he felt they were a detriment to thomas. I'm sure he has personal history with the dark sides thar complicates/exacerbates the matter, but being a (former) dark side himself, he shouldn't feel so strongly compelled to defend thomas from them unless he was convinced that they were bad for him.
Patton believed the dark sides were evil, and his insistence on that belief pushed virgil to follow his ideals. Comparing virgils behavior at the start of the series to now, I'd assume he and the others would have been friends, or at least friendly to each other. But when virgil joined the light side, he also joined their mentality.
Virgil believed patton when he said the dark sides, his former friends, were bad, and acted to defend Thomas from them. Now that it's revealed that patton is not only setting an unreasonably high standard for thomas, but that he also is second-guessing himself and his views on "good" and "bad", virgil is resentful of him. He's angry that he let himself believe that the dark sides, and himself by association, is bad, especially when the person who convinced him of this is proven to be wrong about it.
This is virgil, angry about vilifying himself and others at the hand of someone who only thought he was a hero.
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sturn1olo-ffics · 1 year
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pt. 1 | pt. 2
- Chris Sturniolo x Fem Reader (she/her pronouns used)
- Warnings: pining???, use of y/n, maybe swearing, pretty sure that’s it for right now in part 1
- About: Reader goes on a trip to Florida with Chris, Madi, Matt, Laura, and Nick while trying to hide her feelings for Chris, but soon fails when they get alone.
(Y/N’s POV):
Chris and I had been friends for about a year or so before I realized I had feelings for him. The realization came when I was hanging out with Nick, telling him all about my day with Chris. March. Matt and Nick had caught the flu, so I got Chris out of the house for the day so he wouldn’t be around them too much. “No bro I know. Then Chris’ shirt got caught on the fire alarm and thank GOD I noticed before he walked too far and it pulled it-“ I began with Nick staring at me. “Y/n.” He interrupted. “Huh?” I questioned, confused as to why Nick was all of a sudden serious. “‘Chris this… Chris that… Chris this… y/n you’re so obviously in love.” He laughed, mocking me. “I am not, we just had a lot of fun and I wanted to share, but no never mind.” I sassed back, turning to grab the door handle in his room. “Ok… well when you realize it, don’t come crying to me. Actually—do come crying to me, I wanna hear about your boy problems.” He said, looking down at his phone. That was the night I realized. As I drove home, I couldn’t help but feel guilty for having feelings for Chris. He was one of my best friends and I knew that if I messed our friendship up, it would mess up my friendships with Matt and Nick as well. I couldn’t risk it. So I never told him That is, until now. June. The weather was warm and the sun set late in the evening. Laura booked an AirBNB in Florida for a week. It was about halfway through our trip when Matt started to notice tension between Chris and I. “Y/n what the hell is up with you and Chris?” Matt questioned. “What?” I responded, obviously confused. “I see y’all staring at each other all the time and y’all haven’t been apart for more than like… an hour the whole trip.” He started. “I don’t know, I mean I don’t think anything’s going on?” I said, walking towards me and Madi’s room to get dressed for dinner. “Alright, just asking.” He responded, walking off to the boys’ room. I did my hair and makeup and decided on an outfit to wear for our dinner reservations Laura made. After everyone was dressed, we walked down to the restaurant, which was just outside of our condo, and sat down at the table. “Hey, we should go to the arcade after this. It’s just down the block.” Nick suggested eagerly. “Yeah that’s good with me, what about you y/n?” Chris looked to me. Matt gave me a knowing look as I answered. “Yeah! I need to go grab my portable charger from the room though, my phones at 2%. Anyone wanna come with?” I asked. Before anyone could answer, Chris jumped on the opportunity. “I gotchu.” Chris nudged my shoulder and Matt looked disgusted at the action, almost like he wanted to laugh. We finished eating and the rest of the group headed down toward the arcade while Chris and I headed toward the room.
A/N: Hey y’all! I’m going to be writing a lot the next few days so lots of fics will be dropping. This was the one y’all wanted first according to the poll, so hopefully it lives up to expectations 😭 Love u baes Part 2 out immediately after this is uploaded - I had to break it into two because my laptop is broken so bad 😕
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luminousdryad · 7 months
to make things brief cause I suck at organizing what I have to say, the live action was definitely Something™.
Cast: 10/10 kinda biased personally but yall can't take this from me
Gordon as Aang and Dallas as Zuko were the standouts imo. Gordon needs some direction on line delivery and the angstier scenes but overall he's very charming and I'm so proud of him for getting so much exposure!
Ian as Sokka was great, I just wish he was allowed to be more...messy? like Sokka pretends to be chill and all that but he's actually dramatic so I hope that gets improved in the next season if there is one
speaking of improvement, Kiawentiio as Katara brought out a softer side to the character but sadly diminished her spark and passion. I like that Katara now actually feels like a younger sister, it makes sense within the context of the story that Sokka and Gran Gran would shelter her after what happened, but as someone said, her anger is so central to her character and I just wish that got shown more. It's more of a script and direction problem tbh, if you look at Kia's interviews she has the sass and feistiness Katara needs
Lizzy as Azula is great, the writing is a bit clunky though so she did the best she could with it. Can't really comment on Mai and Ty Lee yet because they're kinda just there but it's a nice setup
Maria as Suki? perfection show stopping never the same she is a queen and I love the tidbit of Suki backstory which she never really had in the og show. I love her being such a loser around her crush we love to see girlfailures girlfailing. I wish the writers didn't make them KISS though 😭 slowburn ftw
the adults were great
Writing: 6.5/10
There were genuinely good moments and I love the concept of mixing up certain plot points to condense the story
But they just suffered from too much Telling instead of Showing WRITERS PLEASE LISTEN TO THE CRITICISM YOU HAVE TIME TO IMPROVE PLEASE
Omashu, mechanist, and Jet plot mixing as a concept was fine, but it dragged on and my friends and I got bored of it. I like it in theory but if it was going to take THAT long couldn't they have just separated one of those storylines for a different episode?
I appreciate that they tried to develop the water siblings' relationship by making them the stars of the Secret Tunnels, but I would've changed the way they "conquered" the problem (really? badgermoles respond to love? cute in theory but like why). If anyone's watched Barbie: A Fairy Secret there's a part where Barbie and her frenemy accuse each other of why their friendship failed, and it helps them make up and breaks the curse put on them. So that's what I would've done, force them in a life or death situation in which they have to say the unsaid things, maybe hug it out and boom
The way they handled Koh and the Spirit World was a Mess™ but the effects were decent
Zhao meeting horrible ends in every incarnation is so deserved
Yue having more agency was a welcome change AND I LOVE THAT SHE WATERBENDS. Then waterbends even when the moon is gone. It's such a nice visual nod to the fact that she has the moon spirit within her
That said, the show could definitely use more visual storytelling, less weird dialogue. Like it's so strangely common for shows or adaptations these days to exposition dump. Like they did not have to make Yue say that the ocean spirit was angry, literally just show me the dead moon fish and I'll get the idea. Then Iroh says "That's Wrath" that's just redundant now isn't it
I like that they saved Katara bringing Aang out of the Avatar State until last even if it could've been done better
HOW DARE THEY MAKE ME LIKE HAHN HE WAS A JERK IN THE SHOW BUT THEY MADE HIM A GENUINELY GOOD CHARACTER. Yes to brown men not being portrayed as jerks but also in the original it was a nice contrast to how far Sokka had come because Hahn reflected who he used to be. But live action Hahn </3
I like that they showed the deaths and blood. I wanted a live action that was both lighthearted but more realistic when it came to the injuries and death, and that'd kind of what I got
Other thoughts + overall
You can tell they put so much heart into this show, watching the bts, the bending boot camp with the correct martial arts, the easter eggs, the nods to the comics, the beautiful adaptations of Cabbage Merchant and Secret Tunnel nomads, there's so much passion behind the show it's a shame it suffered in its writing
which is why if they read reviews and criticism from the bigger name fans (TheAvatarist, HelloFutureMe, etc.) it would really help them improve for future seasons! The cast is stunning already and they have great chemistry (hopefully gets improved too!)
The live action is just a different angle to the show. And I'm saying this as an Avatar fan–the original wasn't perfect, either. I had some problems w it but the overall show was genuinely so good and heartfelt, those problems weren't glaring enough to put me off (unlike The Dragon Prince, sorry). The live action definitely wasn't perfect, but it tried to give us a new look into Avatar. Again, no adaptation will ever be a 1:1 remake and none should be. Where's the fun in that? But while the show is so full of heart and with actual fans working behind the scenes, I doubt if they listen to any criticism that they can't pull this off better next season.
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ihopesocomic · 17 days
Do you think bullying is considered a type of abuse? Does "bully redemption" trope can also be considered a abuser redemption? I can't like this kind of narrative at all. Not even "A Silent Voice " could convince me.
The thing is with bullying is that it is often committed by children and the overreaching fact is that hardly any adult is going to look back on their actions as a child/young adult and say yes, that totally was not cringe of me. This further compounded by the person's home life and/or if they're dealing with personal issues.
I was a pretty huge asshole as a kid and it's not like I mellowed out the moment I hit 18 either. I was dealing with a lot of stuff (i.e. such as undiagnosed autism/schizophrenia and psychologists refusing to take me seriously) and I dealt with it in a shitty manner by being this "edgy badass" online and just getting into online fights whenever I can because being deemed intimidating and scary online made up for the fact I was an insecure outcast offline.
I truly regret how I conducted myself back then. Regardless of what I was going through, nobody deserved to have to deal with me lashing out at them. It was also just embarrassing behaviour to boot.
But I do think bullying can certainly be counted as abuse and it certainly begets abusive tendencies (points to self, who was bullied throughout elementary and high school). But in that vain, I feel people respond to depictions of it in a manner that isn't exactly constructive and is borderline abusive itself, like the desire to outright commit assault or murder on said bully being depicted. lol
Because I also feel this question is also in reference to Rose and her behaviour and while I can't give much away on how we're going to handle her arc, I feel like people demanding she dies or whatever is just... Yeah, let's not. It's essentially 'I hope Vicious dies, particularly at the hands of her abuser' all over again.
It's clear Rose is growing up in a pretty unhealthy environment and is being groomed to take on a position of authority in said unhealthy environment.
I've seen the same kind of reception to irl children of cult leaders and the intent behind Rose's character is to deconstruct the fact that people - particularly children - are very much influenced by what surrounds them and will respond accordingly to it. We're social animals at the end of the day. Same goes for (anthropomorphic) lions. Not to mention what goes on in a cult that may seem alarming and disturbing to us is not necessarily the case for those within it... because they've been brainwashed into thinking it's OK. Rose is very much not exempt from this and her being groomed to become Queen by her father has only made things worse.
Anyway, my apologies, this thing got pretty long and also kinda personal and it probably also doesn't make a whole lot of sense but feeling that bullies cannot be redeemed? Totally get that. Responding to the depiction with unhealthy thoughts of child abuse or murder? I can't really get behind that. If there's room for growth and a chance for them to change rather than becoming outright established abusers as fully-fledged adults, I feel we should hope for that. - RJ
Like everything, it depends on how it's done. I don't know what A Silent Voice is, but some things are just too far past forgiveness or redemption. Cuz at that point its not "bullying", it's hazing. If it's teasing, or there's mutual sass happening, or heck even if one person thinks the other is bullying but it was a misunderstanding (Amity calling Luz a bully in The Owl House), and its not full on harassment, or stalking, I don't see the harm in allowing someone to better themselves and liking how they've changed, especially if they're young. And I don't see a problem with a friendship beginning at a place of conflict and grow into something strong and meaningful. I don't even think forgiveness of the bullying itself is a requirement to move on? Maybe I'm just old so I handle things differently than like a teenager would, but certain stuff just stops bothering you. People I'm still friends with to this day weren't exactly pleasant to me early on in our relationship or vice versa, but we never "forgave" the infraction and we've all just moved on because the infraction in question was never done again which is something I personally care more about. I've actually had someone from High school see me years later and apologize for how they treated me. It was just all water under the bridge at that point. But what I think about how things are handled in media is not the same thing as real people. What might not be a big deal to one person might be a big deal for someone else. Again bully redemption is something to be done with care and more often just excuses abuse which is gross. But I've seen it done right, but I wouldn't exactly call it commonplace. - Cat
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Devil May Cry Spice Tolerance Headcanons:
I had some mango habanero boneless wings (highly recommend if you love and tolerate spicy food), and that made me think of this idea for a series of headcanons.
Abnormally high spice tolerance:
Dante can definitely tolerate spicy.
If he was younger (DMC3 Dante) he would definitely be exaggerating about how his mouth was on fire.
Since we’re talking about a much older Dante here, he has built up his spice tolerance.
Give him multiple One Chip Challenges and he just eats them like they are normal potato chips.
Try to prank him by putting pieces of Thai Chili peppers on his pizza, he’ll enjoy it even more.
Dare him to eat a ghost pepper, he will do it.
You cannot get this guy to tap out and drink milk.
Like his twin, he has spice tolerance but for completely different reasons.
He has willingly ate a habanero before and shrugged it off, which horrified Nero.
Hates buffalo sauce, not because it’s too spicy, but because it’s salty to him. Anything that is too salty or too sweet, he can’t eat, because he can’t tolerate it, he says as he pops another habanero in his mouth.
Whenever Dante gets pizza, he tells him to put extra jalapeños on his half when they share. (Or they don’t share and Dante eats the whole thing)
Ghost peppers are his favorite.
He’s been in hell for years. Spicy food can’t phase him.
Has been around for a very long time and has tried various spicy foods.
This is where the twins’ love of spicy food comes from.
He has a bigger appetite than his sons as he eats more portions of food than the two combined, which yes, includes spicy food.
In his opinion, sushi is at its best when spicy. Hence why he seeks out scorpion hot sauce and DRENCHES the sushi in it, which horrified Eva.
He was a legendary demon knight, spicy food can’t phase him. (Like father like son)
“HOO-WEE! Who’s ready for an impromptu pepper eatin’ contest?”
Nico is the reason why Dante and Vergil now compete in eating the worst ever peppers.
Nico LOVES eating 4x Spicy Balduk noodles (I can’t even eat these) with some Carolina Reaper Pepper cheese on top, again which horrifies Nero.
Gets giddy at the suggestion of spicy food.
Give her some scorpion hot sauce, Carolina Reaper Pepper cheese, basically any spicy sauce or snack that Nero can’t even eat, you win her over easily.
LOVES Kyrie’s homemade chili especially when she makes a spicier version in a different pot just for her.
One chip challenge? She laughs and eats two and says that the chips ain’t spicy and eats chips like these on her break.
Girl is from the south and has eaten plenty of spicy food, she can handle a lot more heat.
Has Limits:
Trish herself can debunk the myth of all demons can handle spice. No, not all of them, she argued.
Jalapeños, spicy chips, red hot pepper flakes on her pizza she can eat with no problems or hesitation.
Trish will beg Dante not to put a crap ton of jalapeños on the other half of the pizza like last time.
Trish has tried mango habaneros wings before. Three wings in, she grabbed the milk and drank it in defeat.
“Yes, I am a demon who shoots lightning bolts who can’t handle a 577,00 Scoville unit pepper, deal with it,” she sassed Dante with her runny mascara.
She will stick with her hot Cheetos.
Also hates it when Dante and Vergil put too many jalapeños on the other half of a pizza.
A moderate amount of jalapeños is good enough for her. Same with buffalo wings, ignoring Vergil making a disgusted face.
Has judged the twins hard on eating a ghost pepper and a habanero.
“What the hell is wrong with you guys? Those things light your tongues on fire!”
Ate a small portion of a ghost pepper. Immediately tapped out and Dante quickly gave her the glass of milk.
She prefers to watch Dante and Vergil eat insanely hot peppers rather than participate.
Is intimidated by the sight of a Thai Chili pepper.
She is willing to sprinkle cayenne pepper seasoning on things like her homemade chili she gives to the kids, Nero and Nico, but doesn’t go too far knowing her limits and Nero’s.
Kyrie coughs after taking a small whiff of Nico’s chili. “Okay, hers is done.”
Jalapeños is something that she also enjoys as it’s not trying to destroy her tongue.
Trying Nico’s 4X Spicy Balduk noodles, even one bite was enough to make her face turn red and tear up.
“Girl, you got guts, but you got limits, drink up.” Nico gave her some milk to extinguish the heat.
“I’m not doing that again.”
Instantly Nopes Out:
Nero wanted to eat some pizza with Dante and Vergil, but after opening the pizza box, he immediately closed it.
Is scared by the sight of a ghost pepper. Only to witness Dante eat it like it’s a strawberry. Nero is once again horrified.
The only sensation he likes in his mouth (get your mind out of the gutter) is minty freshness like from gum.
“Does… cinnamon flavored gum count as spicy?” Nero asked Dante.
Dante, “No, that’s just sweetness with a hint of spice.”
Nero hesitantly ate a small piece of habanero. He very quickly went to the fridge to pour milk into his mouth. And onto his clothes. And onto the floor. “Do not tell Nico about this.”
Nero definitely inherited his grandmother’s hatred for anything spicy.
Eva absolutely hates the smell as it stings her nose.
She knows her husband loves spicy food and tolerates it, but she cannot handle it.
Because she loved him and wanted to eat some delicious food he made with him, she took a bite.
Sparda said, “My dear, you didn’t have to do that,” and tried offering her water Eva shook her head and said, “If you can handle surely I can…”
Eventually she gives up and drinks the water after snot and comes out of her nose much to her embarrassment.
In conclusion, never give Eva anything spicy. Only give it to Sparda.
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Hello! I've been reading through all your posts so far and even though I am personally an ML fan and not a salter, I love media analysis and I'm sad that there isn't much of them in the fandom. There are directions in the show that I'm not satisfied with and I'm currently working on a rewrite for a future comic.
I'm curious about your ideas and takes on how you would personally rewrite ML, right now one of my issues is figuring out how the Peacock Miraculous works bcuz of sentimonsters. How would you write them?
I'm glad that you're enjoying my stuff! I label it all as salt because - as best I can tell - this fandom defines that as anything even slightly negative, but my goal is more analysis and discussion than angry ranting. Talking about what a piece of media did wrong and how you would improve it is a fantastic way to improve your own writing. It's why I got into media analysis in the first place!
Funnily enough, I do have a massive rewrite out there somewhere on AO3, so I DO have thought about how to handle sentimonsters. Or, more specifically, I've thought about how to handle the peacock. I'll give those first, then circle back to sentis.
In my humble opinion, the idea of sentimonsters should be scrapped for the following reasons, all of which existed long before the sentitheory was even on my radar:
Sentimonsters are too derivative. They feel like akuma clones and not a unique power. You can tell that the power was only created because they wanted/needed a power that would let the peacock be used at a distance the same way the butterfly is even though no other miraculous works this way.
If you want to do a slavery plot, the kwamis are right there being enslaved. You don't need to add human-looking slaves to the mix. Especially given that many of those human-looking slaves are apparently fine to kill off? Just, the ethics around the way the show does sentimonsters will always make me feel icky. Meanwhile the kwamis don't have the awkward element of being magical constructs that were made to serve. They were a free people before the miraculous. The one way I've played with using Felix is as a kwamis freedom fighter instead of a senti one.
Sentimonsters have too nebulous of a lore. In what way are they emotions brought to life? Outside of Feast, emotions don't seem to effect them at all. Nooroo's powers feel far more emotion based than Dusuu's and it bothers me.
There's also the fact that one of the show's biggest problems is character bloat. No writer alive can write a satisfying story that features a team of 36 characters! (18 humans + 18 kwamis) This is why the kwamis act as a hive mind once Marinette becomes the Guardian. You just can't write that many characters into a scene and keep their personalities straight, so they're now a single unit even though it makes Sass and Wayzz feel out of character.
Give all of that and the way the miracle box is kinda... well, it feels a little too cultural appropriation-ish for my tastes. I won't go on a full rant here, but to give two highlights: the zodiac miraculous don't seem to have a thing to do with the real Chinese zodiac and a box based on Chinese lore would NOT use a black cat for the symbol of bad luck. Black cats being bad luck is relatively modern European lore. In other words, the Chinese stuff is just there for ascetics and not actually representative of Chinese culture, so I had no moral issues scrapping the miracle box and making a much smaller version and neither should you if you're so inclined!
The thing about lore is that it only matters as much as the show makes it matter and, outside of a few key miraculous, I really do think you can change them without most readers caring because of how little the powers actually matter to the show's lore. Like they have completely scrapped the idea of making a person match their miraculous even though that was supposedly a big thing back in season two. This is extra true because it took us so long to learn all the powers in canon, so there are a lot of fics that pre-date the canon reveal and do different things.
But if you want to keep sentimonsters to be more canon accurate, I would consider all of the following as options or things to keep in mind. Feel free to use all or none of them as I'm probably never touching this plot and, if I do, it will doubtless be different from whatever you do:
Doing something to make the difference between valid and non-valid sentimonsters abundantly clear and not just "the creator decides who is valid" OR just don't make any sentimonster valid and have Emilie have used the miraculous out of a desire to help people because she didn't know it would kill her
Have Gabriel be more conflicted about the use of sentimonsters since, you know, his kid is one and Adrien, Felix, and Kagami are the only sentimonsters he dealt with for many, many years
Consider having Nathalie make one sentimonster (maybe even present it as her own child) in order to help Gabriel so it's not a slew of akuma 2.0 on the battlefield. Instead its someone at the school looking for Ladybug and Chat Noir after the villains realize that they're teenagers. (This could be a good way to use Lila and make her powers make sense)
Redo Dusuu's Force or make the tie between sentimonsters and emotions more clear. Like Felix is made from jealousy and Adrien is made from love so that's the source of their conflict
Use Felix as a third, morally neutral party who only cares about sentimonsters and have him act toward those goals like we all thought he was going to after season five. Magneto from X-men should be your template for him not whatever canon did.
Consider letting Kagami know from the start and let her know that she and Adrien are meant to be, but she's not allowed to tell him the truth or something. If you don't go that route then, at the very least, have her finding out be a big deal for her relationship with her mother.
Go all in with Adrien's commands. Gabriel wants Adrien to date Kagami? He's going to date Kagami. None of this Y-7 undo button BS. Go big or go home.
Give the sentimonsters a way to break free. That's what the power of love is supposed to be about. You could go super cheesy with this if you combined it with Adrien's source emotion being love. The literal love child using the thing that made him to overcome what he was made to be to be what he wants to be sounds very fun to me.
Consider giving the senti kids superpowers. It's honestly kinda weird how relatively normal they are. Like, sure, Felix is supposed to be super smart, but we only know that from his Wikipedia and that's about it.
I could go on, but that's a lot, so we'll stop here. Feel free to send additional asks or message me. I have many, many thoughts about how to fix canon while trying to stay true to the core ideas of the story. Or, at least, the things I consider to be the core. I legitimately enjoy the adaption process and think the fun of fanfiction is largely trying to fit alternate takes on canon into the base framework so it still appeals to fans of the source.
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capypub · 1 year
Without Warning - Mafia!Joel Miller Scene 4
Mafia!Joel Miller x Original Female Character
Rating: M (sex, drugs, guns, the usual)
Minors DNI. 18+ Content
Summary: Here's your smut and drug fix you heathens (It's me, I'm the heathen) lmao...
Scene 1 Scene 2 Scene 3
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The baggie had fallen out of Indi’s bag by accident, no bigger than a cotton ball. Joel had taken her backpack after picking her up from class one evening. He’d tossed it in the backseat of his truck without much thought. One of the front pockets must have been open because he heard the clatter of pens and other items hit the seat. 
“Ah, fuck,” he muttered under his breath, leaning over to gather her stuff while she connected her phone to the car’s bluetooth. 
“Everything okay, babe?” she asked, scrolling through her Spotify, after hearing him huff from behind her headrest. 
“All good, baby girl,” he said, stuffing the few pens and bobby pins back in the pocket. 
The plastic baggie reflected off the light, the familiar green buds inside peaking his curiosity. She had never mentioned that she smoked before. Tapping her on her shoulder from the back seat, Joel held the baggie in his open palm to her.
“What’s this doin’ in here?” he asked with a smirk, amused and a little surprised with her.
“Oh,” she murmured, her eyes going wide as she visibly tensed under his gaze.
“Not so innocent, huh, darlin’?” he continued to tease her, pulling out one of the larger buds and sniffing it, his face crinkling slightly at the smell, “This shit gettin’ you high?” he questioned in disbelief. 
“Well until Texas gets their shit together, it’s the best I can do,” she said defensively, reaching to grab the baggie from him.
“No, baby girl,” Joel chuckled with a shake of his head, “This is dirt weed, I can tell just by lookin’ at it. I’ve seen high schoolers deal better shit than this.”
“I’m sorry, since when were you a marijuana connoisseur?” she sassed him while attempting a second time to grab the contents from his hand. 
He smirked, always getting a little turned on when she got fiery with him. It wasn’t often in their short relationship, but the few times she did get feisty, the urge to pin her down and fuck the attitude out of her flooded his thoughts. When that day came where he could indulge in this primal desire, he knew he would thoroughly enjoy earning her submission. 
“Been smokin’ since before you were born, baby,” he scoffed, crumpling the baggie in his large hand and tossing it out of the car.
“What the hell, Joel?” she scoffed, her mouth open slightly as she stared at him, shocked and obviously a little annoyed. 
“I can’t keep lettin’ you smoke that trash, darlin’,” he insisted, finally getting out of the backseat, coming around to the other side to get behind the wheel, “I’ve got some good shit back home, we could order pizza if you get hungry and put on a movie, hm?” he suggested.
“Home?” she repeated, sounding confused. “You mean your place?” she clarified.
He nodded, starting the truck and pulling out of the campus parking lot. “That a problem?” he asked, seeing how she hadn’t answered, a little concerned by her hesitation.
“I’ve never been to your house…” she stated softly. 
When he thought about it, she was right. They always went out somewhere or to her apartment. Joel liked her place, it was comfortable, homy, very much her and he loved being surrounded by it all. Sure, he probably should have brought her over to his place a long time ago, given the amount of time they’ve spent together, but part of him didn’t want to bring her too close to his world. His men had access to his house, he kept security posted at the gate, and sometimes even handled business in the basement. 
“I don’t spend much time there either, the guys always makin’ too much damn noise,” he said, trying to be casual about the whole thing, but his voice sounded a little strained and anxious.
“The guys that work for you?” she questioned, receiving a nod from him as he turned onto the highway, “They hang out at your place a lot?” 
“Uh,” he hesitated, biting in the inside of his cheek, “Yeah, they’re in and out, the only reason I got somethin’ a lil’ bigger is for when the jobs are long and they need somewhere to crash,” he explained with a shrug.
“I thought you built storage units or something?”
He cleared his throat awkwardly, gripping the steering wheel a little tighter. “Among other things, yeah…” 
“I think that’s great,” she said, reaching across to squeeze his thigh affectionately, “Not many bosses care about their employees enough to open their own doors to them.”
Again, he cleared his throat, feeling his whole body warming up as he dug himself deeper into a hole he’d eventually have to fill. He didn’t like lying to her, but he also wasn’t ready to tell her the extent of his business, hoping to keep her in this little bubble of happiness with him for a little longer. 
Taking her hand, he brought it up to lips, kissing her knuckles softly as he inhaled her familiar scent. She didn’t ask him anymore about the house, thankfully. They drive in a comfortable silence, the lull of her music providing a relaxing background noise. Eventually, Joel pulled up to the familiar iron gates, rolling down his window. 
“Evenin’, boss man,” one of the men at the gate greeted them as he approached the driver's side window. 
“John,” Joel greeted with a stiff nod, thankful that John kept his weapon tucked in his belt, hidden by his jacket, “Anyone inside right now?” he asked, praying to whatever higher being out there that his house was empty tonight. 
“Yeah, Tess and Xavier showed up a couple hours ago, been working in the office,” he shrugged.
Joel internally swore. “Alright, take it easy, man,” he said, his jaw clenched as the gates opened and he proceeded up the long driveway to his home.
“You have security?” Indi questioned, looking simultaneously impressed and surprised. 
He gave a simple “mhm” in response, still trying to figure out how to avoid Tess if necessary. She wouldn’t say anything, but who knows what kind of crap her and X left laying around. 
“This is your house?” she gasped, staring in awe as the white three story, 7,898 square foot building came into view, “Joel, we’ve been watching movies on my shitty fifty inch when you have all this!”
He chuckled at that. “Projector in the theater room’s broken, plus I like being at your place more,” he explained.
She didn’t need to know that the projector had to be replaced because one of his guys put a bullet in the screen after the last UFC fight. 
“It’s so…quiet,” she observed once he’d parked at the front door, not bothering to park his truck in the garage, “I love all the nature,” she added as he helped her out, going to grab her backpack as she approached the front door, still looking at the thicket of trees surrounding the house. 
He’d just shut the back door of his truck when he heard the front door open. Indi stepped back as a woman stepped out, a gun in one hand and a manilla folder in the other.
“Who the hell are you?” she demanded, a hard stare focussed on Indi.
“Easy, Tess, she’s with me,” Joel said, taking the stairs two at a time to stand between Tess and his girl.
Ignoring him, the redhead continued to openly scrutinize Indi with her cold glare and lips set in a thin line. Joel took a step forward, sending Tess a warning look as he cleared his throat. He felt Indi grip the sleeve of his jacket from behind him, triggering that primal urge to protect. 
“Whatever,” Tess finally muttered with a roll of her eyes, “I’m heading to Laredo to clean up Eric’s mess,” she added, moving around them to the all black Sedan that pulled up beside Joel’s truck during the confrontation. 
“Keep me updated,” Joel called after her with a shake of his head. 
Once they were gone, Joel pressed his palm in the curve of Indi’s back, gently guiding her inside. She didn’t say anything about Tess, too distracted by the glamor of the foyer flanked by two curving staircases and the giant crystal chandelier above them.
“You must be a really good contractor,” she commented, making him laugh as they made their way to the kitchen.
“Suppose so,” he said with a chuckle, guiding her to sit at the kitchen island, setting her backpack on the counter next to her, “Want something to drink? Hungry?” he asked, going to the fridge and pulling out two beers.
She accepted his offer, taking the opened bottle in one hand and Joel’s in the other as he led her through the house to the second floor where his office was located. She marveled at the luxury of everything, her head on a constant swivel as she tried to take it all in. Joel intentionally walked a little slower through the halls, indulging her in her curiosity by pointing out certain rooms. 
“So…does Tess work for you?” she asked, settling into the leather couch in his office as he rummaged around his desk for his stash.
“Uh, yeah, she’s, um…oversees supplies and stuff,” he said, pulling out a wooden box and setting it on the large desk.
“Is she always…like that?”
He tried to hold back his laugh, but failed miserably. “Yeah, she’s usually like that, not great at parties, but keeps these boys in line.”
Joel gathered what he needed, setting the box back in its original place before leading her outside to the second-story covered patio at the back of the house. The lights around the pool and jacuzzi were on below them, the trickling of the faux waterfall lining the jacuzzi provided a comfortable background noise.
“This is beautiful, Joel,” she murmured as they sat on a swinging bench, facing the backyard which consisted of an epic view of the greenbelt and the lake nearby, a few houses breaking the treeline around his property. 
“Yeah, probably one of my favorite parts of the house, this view,” he agreed, pulling out a five inch glass pipe and a grinder. 
She watched as he loaded the pipe, the smell of this strain much stronger than her own as he packed the bowl with precision. Pulling a lighter from his jean pocket, he offered both items to her. With a shy smile, she accepted it, setting her beer down and bringing the pipe to her lips. Joel was drawn to how her lips curved around the glass, shifting in his seat as he thought about what her lips would look like wrapped around his cock. 
“Fucking hell,” Indi said, coughing harshly after her first hit, reaching for her beer to ease the burn. 
She handed the pipe and lighter back, downing half her bottle as she tried to control her coughing fit. Joel couldn’t help but smirk, smoothly taking a hit himself, blowing the smoke away from her. 
Once she had regained her composure, she settled comfortably beside him, curling up under his arm, leaning into the side of his body as they passed the pipe back and forth. She started to giggle halfway through their second round, her hands starting to wander as Joel emptied the ashes from the bowl. 
“Whatcha doin’ there, baby girl?” he asked with a smirk, leaving the pipe next to his beer as he watched her fingers inch higher up his leg. 
“Just want to feel you,” she murmured, nuzzling her face into his neck, “that is some really, really, good shit Joel,” she added, her eyelids drooped slightly as she looked up at him.
“Feelin’ good, darlin’?” he asked, his own body much more relaxed and itching to touch her.
“Very good,” she agreed, closing her eyes slowly as he laced his fingers into her hair, gripping the back of her neck and pulling her closer for a slow kiss.
While Joel usually set the pace, she must have been feeling brave because she easily climbed into his lap, unprompted, her legs settling on either side of his hips as she wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him deeper, hungrier. 
“Fuck, baby girl,” he groaned as she began to grind into his lap, slow movements that had him hard almost instantly. 
“Have I ever told you that smoking makes me really horny sometimes?” she asked, her voice a little husky, a little breathless as she nipped his earlobe. 
“No, b-but- fuck- I’ll keep that in mind,” he said as she kissed on his neck, her hands moving up and down along his chest.
All Joel could do was hold onto her, let her work herself up on him as he enjoyed her little show. He held her hips tightly, his fingers slipping under the hem of her top to graze the skin of her sides, reveling in how soft and small she felt against him. 
She brought her mouth to his again, his head tilted back as he took in the red tint of her half-lidded eyes, the lazy smile and mussed hair from his earlier grip on her radiating temptation. She was a goddess, absolutely ethereal on top of him. When she began to suck and nip on his lower lip, he almost lost it, groaning heavily and pulling her tighter against him. 
He lifted her up with ease, never breaking away from her sweet kiss. She gripped his shoulders, giggling against his mouth as he laid her out on the swinging bench, keeping it still with one foot placed on the ground, using his other leg to kneel and balance between her knees. 
Caging her in with his body, he leaned over her, feeling her chest against his own, one of her legs raising to hook on his hip, her heat pressed dangerously close to his growing erection. She was making these pretty noises as he tasted her skin, nipped at her ear, and squeezed her sides. 
“Joel,” she whined, “please.” 
“I got you, baby girl,” he muttered into the crook of her neck, “I’ll take care of you,” he groaned, feeling her nails dig into his forearm. 
He was able to inch her top a little further up, exposing her torso to him. Repositioning himself lower on her body, he kissed at the exposed skin, pushing the material further up as he traced patterns with his tongue up her stomach and between her breasts. 
“Can I take this off, darlin’?” he murmured against her ribcage, looking up through his lashes to see her watching him as she bit her lower lip, suppressing as much noise as she could when she nodded in agreement.
“Need to hear it, baby girl, use your words,” he insisted, running his rough hands down her sides, gripping her hips and pulling her tighter against his covered cock. 
“Yes,” she sighed, sounding absolutely wrecked already, “Yes, Joel, please,” she begged, blindly grabbing at his shirt to try and pull him to her. 
“That’s a good girl,” he praised her softly, feeling her thighs clench at the term, filing away that little reaction in his brain for later. 
She sat up slightly, just enough for him to lift her top over her head and drop it on the ground. He was instantly mouthing at her covered breasts, pushing one shoulder strap down to taste her skin, his other hand squeezing and kneading the other cup. 
“D-do you want to show me, hmph, your bedroom?” she asked, breathless and needy under him.
“Anything you want, sugar,” he agreed, easily lifting her up into his arms and carrying her back into the house. 
They slowly made their way through the hallways, Joel pressing her into every flat surface he could find to rut against her, kiss her senseless and feel any part of her body he could as he navigated the dimly lit hallways.
Once inside his room, he deposited her on the bed, immediately pulling his jacket and shirt off, throwing it on the ground with enough force for a low “thump” to echo in the room. Indi looked up at him, propped up on her elbows, biting her lip.
“Fuck, baby, you look so good right now,” he groaned, quickly working at his belt buckle and zipper, taking his gun from the back of his pants and setting it on the bedside table.
“Let me,” she insisted, getting on her knees and reaching over to him, her smaller hands slowly pulling his zipper down, her fingers grazing his cock in the process, earning another deep groan from him. She tried to use her mouth on him, but he had other plans. 
He had her pinned down the bed in seconds, slipping her jeans off, before rutting against her panties with his pants halfway down his legs, too worked up to bother getting them off all the way right now. She made such pretty noises for him, her hands wandering his exposed chest and arms as he removed the last of her clothes. 
“You’re fuckin’ soaked for me already,” he growled, his fingers rubbing tight circles on her clit.
“Yes, fuck, ‘s so good,” she moaned, her hand gripping his wrist tightly as she tried to move her hips. 
“Yeah, just like that, darlin’, so fuckin’ pretty,” he groaned, slipping a finger into her while rubbing at her sex faster, his mouth attaching to her nipple, leaving her a moaning mess. 
Joel added another finger, kissing her hungrily as she moaned into his mouth at the stretch. His other hand was holding her leg down by her thigh, keeping her spread for him to play with. 
“Oh! Just like that, fuck, so good, baby,” she whined, head thrown back as she rutted up into his hand wildly. 
He couldn’t help the groan that rumbled in his chest. His cock twitched at the term, something about the sweetness of it mixed with the filthy things he was doing with her body was a delicious concoction that had him drunk on her. 
“Gonna come for me, baby girl? Can feel you squeezin’ m’ fingers,” he growled against her neck, biting down on the curve connecting her neck and shoulder, sucking a mark over the indent his teeth left. 
She cried out his name when she came, her body convulsing beautifully under him. Working her through it, he slowed his movements until she went quiet and then brought his fingers to his lips, holding her titillating gaze as he sucked the essence from his fingers slowly. She bit her lip, reaching out to him. Taking her hand, he brought it to his shoulder, fully kneeling on the bed now and tossing her a little higher up until her head hit the pillows.
He climbed over her, pushing her thighs further apart, feeling her preen as he kissed up her body from her core, over her breasts and along her neck. The look in her eyes was absolutely salacious as she pushed herself up to meet his mouth, licking any remnants of herself from his lips lewdly. Joel moaned against her mouth, feeling her much smaller hand stroke his throbbing cock. 
“You’re so big,” she panted against his mouth, still recovering from her first orgasm.
“Just relax, baby girl,” he said soothingly, easing her to lay back down. 
With one hand over the edge of the pillow beside her head to hold himself up, Joel guided the head of his cock through her folds, grunting when it caught at her entrance. He teased her for a moment, rubbing at her clit and through her folds until she was wiggling her hips shamelessly in an attempt to get him inside. 
“Stay still, sweetheart, I got you,” he groaned, finally giving in to what they both wanted.
He eased himself in slowly, resisting the urge to spear her and fuck her savagley, to ride on the primal high that their relationship had been building low in his stomach. Perhaps another night. 
“More…please,” she whined, gripping his shoulder as she tried to pull him closer, her voice quivering as she was overwhelmed by everything that was Joel.
“Look at you, baby girl, usin’ your manners,” he teased through his lusty haze, smirking down as he inched a little deeper, “That’s a good girl…” he groaned once he was fully inside, dropping onto his forearms to rut into her, feeling her whole body pressed under him, her nipples taught against his chest, “...my good girl,” he added, almost like he was talking to himself as he closed his eyes and lost himself in everything that was her.
He fisted the sheets, his pace building as his pleasure rose. Fuck, those sounds she made would be the death of him. She was squeezing him so tight too, he didn’t know how long he’d actually last. Plus the effects of their earlier smoke session made everything feel heightened. Her nails dug into his back as he thrusted harder, the slight sting mixed with how good she felt clenching on his dick was an addicted combination he’d come to learn. 
“Fuckin’ hell, baby, feel so good, so damn perfect,” he grunted against her neck, knowing he was absolutely done for when it came to this girl. 
“I’m so close, Joel, yeah, yeah, like that,” she panted, bringing his mouth to hers for a wet, messy kiss, her eyes squeezed shut blissfully. 
Something cold against his knuckle briefly distracted him. With his mouth still against hers, his eyes drifted to the side of her, noticing the butt of a gun poking out from under his pillow. Shit. He jerked back slightly, making a move to grab the pistol. She noticed his sudden change, opening her eyes slightly to look up at him, trying to follow his gaze directed to the side of her. He panicked momentarily. 
“Look at me, baby girl,” Joel said quickly, pushing himself up on his knees so he could use his free hand to collar her throat and keep her head forward, “Look at me while I fuck you,” he added, noticing how she clenched around his cock at his words. 
When that small wicked smile graced her lips as he squeezed the sides of her throat, he almost lost it. Tucking the gun back under the pillow as subtly as possible, he used his hold on her throat to lift her up and turn their bodies diagonal to the bed, gripping the edge for leverage as he continued to thrust into her. 
She came hard on his cock, her walls pulsing around him, as she moaned his name, spurring on his own release which he shot all across her chest and stomach with a deep whine. They were both breathing heavily, their bodies coated in sweat and each other’s release. Joel could feel her juices along his thighs, a sense of pride and satisfaction sprouting in his chest as he caught his breath.
Indi smiled softly, her mind completely blank as she floated in this post-sex haze, her body tingling, exhausted and thoroughly satisfied. Joel laid next to her on his side, pulling her against his sticky body, propping her head up with his forearm. She sighed happily as he brushed some hair from her face, leaning down to kiss her softly. 
“Did so good for me, baby girl,” he murmured against her lips, stroking her cheek with equal softness. 
After they had recovered, Joel invited her to shower with him. He took her hand, leading her into the en suite bathroom, just as luxurious as the rest of his house with a steam shower, full-size tub, dual vanity and private commode room. 
Joel started the shower, testing the water before guiding her in. When he didn’t immediately follow after her, she turned around, reaching for him. She was feeling especially needy after he’d just fucked her stupid, her mind still floating in a slight orgasmic haze as the high from the cannabis slowly began to fade. 
“Just gettin’ you somethin’ to wear, baby girl, I’ll be right back,” he said, pulling her towards him for a short kiss before leaving her alone under the hot stream. 
She didn’t think much of it when Joel stepped back into the bedroom. He came back almost immediately, crossing the room to reveal a walk-in closet. Setting some clothes out for both of them, he returned to his girl, biting back an appreciative growl as he watched droplets of water stream down her naked body. 
“Get my back?” she asked sweetly over her shoulder, offering him his body wash and one of the washcloths she’d taken from the shelf next to the shower.
He took his time washing her, feeling every dip and curve of her body as she stood still and allowed him to explore. By the time he was done, he was already hard again. She smirked, noticing his stiff cock when she turned around. He didn’t intend on pushing her for more, figuring she must be tired after everything. 
He didn’t resist though when she pushed him back against the wall, out of the stream, and got on her knees. He definitely didn’t resist when she took him in her mouth, working his length with her hand as she sucked him off. Of course he didn’t last long, the combination of how fucking gorgeous she looked, naked, wet, and mouth full of his cock mixed with how good her little mouth was working him had him coming embarrassingly fast. She didn’t seem to mind though, looking almost pleased as she pulled him back under the stream to wash his body. 
They both passed out in bed after sharing another bowl on Joel’s balcony. She was beautiful under the low light, hair wet, wearing one of his shirts and her panties. He couldn’t remember the last time he fell asleep so easily, with her tucked into his side, her head on his chest and arm secured tightly across his stomach. 
Of course, the peaceful sleep couldn’t last long. He jerked awake to the sound of his phone vibrating on the table next to him. He reached over, making sure not to jostle his girl who was still curled up on his chest. Glaring blearily at the bright screen, he saw that it was just past three in the morning. 
“This better be fuckin’ good,” he grumbled into the receiver to whichever one of his guys decided to wake him up. 
“Uh, Joel, we got a problem, man,” Ethan, one of his runners, said frantically.
He could tell he was driving by the sound of tires over gravel in the background. There were other voices too, just as frantic, mixed with a few grunts and groans of pain. 
“What problem?” Joel demanded, his voice hard as he prepared for bad news.
“Uh, we got jumped after checking one of the safe houses,” Ethan said, a car horn screeching past somewhere in the background. 
“Where the fuck are you?” Joel asked, speaking louder than he intended, glancing down at Indi to make sure she didn’t wake up.
“Pullin’ up right now to your place, ah shit, get him inside!” Ethan said, talking to whoever else was with him.
“Ethan!” Joel snapped, flinching again at the volume of his voice, “Ethan, you better tell me what the fuck is going on,” he threatened softly, even his whisper sounding dangerous over the line. 
“G-get ‘im on the pool table, fuck, I don’t know man!” Ethan said, his voice sounding distant like he had the phone at his side. 
Joel could hear the commotion downstairs, boots moving across the floor, chairs scraping, doors slamming. He hung up, throwing his phone on the ground in frustration before easing out of Indi’s grasp. He really didn’t want to leave her, especially to clean up some stupid mess, but he also couldn’t have those idiots downstairs making all this noise and potentially waking her up to who knows what. 
With a frustrated huff, he pulled his sweatpants and a t-shirt, making his way downstairs with his 9mm loaded and ready. She hadn’t woken up yet, simply turning over in her sleep to the other side.
“Joel!” Ethan called, rushing up to him, blocking him from entering the game room.
“What the fuck, man? Who’s blood is all over my goddamn floor?” Joel snapped, looking across the marble floor and the streaks of red. 
“Joel, relax, man, uh…we- we-,” Ethan stammered, only frustrating him more.
He pushed past the smaller man, going over to the group surrounding his pool table, noticing how the splatters of blood became larger. The men glanced at him nervously, at least the ones who weren’t frantically moving over whoever was on the blue felt. 
“Hey, big brother, sorry ‘bout the mess,” Tommy said, looking pale and shaky as he tried to smile at Joel from where he was laid out. 
Scene 5
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slocumjoe · 1 year
I got that random encounter with a dude named Art and a synth that looks exactly like him and you have to decide which is the synth and which isn't, and it got me thinking...
How do you think the companions would react to encountering a synth that looks exactly like them (maybe sent to spy on the SS for the institute??), and the synth tries to convince the SS that they're actually the real version of their companion? What would each of the companions say to try to show the SS that they're the actual real version of themselves?
Cait; kills it on sight and just...digs around for the chip as proof. The real Cait wouldn't hesitate, but the biggest tell, is that the Institute synth would be too physically clean, not have her calluses, and wouldn't smell the way she does. Which is to say, like blood and B.O.
Curie; would 100% try to befriend the synth, being a synth herself. Questions the logic behind making a synth of a synth. Her trying to make friends is what you could use to figure out who's real, as the synth synth would be encouraging you to kill Curie, and Curie would be excited to have a sister.
Danse; kills it pre-BB, similar to Cait. Brings it back to the Prydwen for study and stays there for a while, since the Institute is now gunning for him. Post-BB, this would go so messy i don't even know how to describe it. I think the Danse synth synth would try to be the real, human Danse, in which case, you'd have to keep actual Danse from offing himself. Whichever one tries that, that's your Danse.
Deacon; I'm not me, how are you me??? Would try to talk the synth down into going to the Railroad, escaping. Problem is, the synth would do the same thing to Deacon. And both of them are insistent they aren't the synth. Also, both of them are liars. Your clue here? Skin. The synth wouldn't have Deacon's leathery skin and built up surgical markings. The Institute wouldn't give a synth years and years of plastic surgery. Also, could quiz them both on RR info. The synth wouldn't know.
Gage; ...I was going to go Cait style. But...Gage might be interested. An inside contact into the Institute...Gage canonically thinks better of them than the other factions. And hey, having a body double isn't the worst thing in the world. So, he might try to offer a little deal. Yeah, you can take my place, I'll handle the business side of things from the background, and you make it worth our while. The synth would, again, be the one wanting you to kill the other guy. That could potentially catch you up, but if you know Gage well enough to know he's always looking for an opportunity, you'll see who's who.
Hancock; Maybe the easiest one. Hancock would assume he's tripping and seeing things, ignoring the synth. The synth is the one that isn't high, and acknowledges the other first. Hancock would blink and be surprised you could see it too. Not sure if he'd want to kill the synth, but I think he'd feel like he had to. He's a mayor. He can't have a clone from the Institute, who could potentially go to Goodneighbor and hand it over on a silver platter.
MacCready; Freaked the fuck out and immediately worries about Duncan. That's your cue. The synth would be busy insisting he's the real one, MacCready would be openly panicked over Duncan's safety, if they got him, too. Also, the synth's teeth would be too white. Years of eating candy, drinking soda, not brushing? Can't fake that.
Nick; this is the plot of far harbor but whichever one stinks of cigarettes smoke and creaks too much when he moves. The other guy is cleaner and doesn't have the traits you get only from age. Would also try to talk the guy into bailing on the Institute, has a higher chance of succeeding.
Piper; Piper is the one who's horrifed...but also,, kinda proud. Like...smug. They felt she was important enough to replace her, which means her papers are right, which means McDonough is 100% a synth! Whichever one of them starts sassing is the real Piper, the fake one going crazy and begging you to kill the other is the synth. This has a high chance of catching someone up.
Preston; pities the fool who wants to be him, do what he does. Like Hancock, wouldn't want to kill it, but Preston has a position of power he can't let the Institute have on weekends or some shit. You could tell who's who based on two crucial things; hat hair, and eyebags. Preston wears his hat too much, the other guy probably just got it.
X6-88; Confused at this. Why? Takes the synth back to the Institute by force and goes around until someone gives him an answer. Who the fuck is wasting time like this? If the Institute is destroyed, kills it, and starts wondering if there are multiple of one synth, and the things like X6-88, M7-97, etc...are less like codes, and more like brand names. There's not much you could do to tell X6-88 and a copy apart. Your best bet is body language, or if you're a clever cookie, hand them both your gun and see who's most familiar with it. X6-88 would know it intimately even without using it, having watched you. The other guy would fumble a bit.
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rockybloo · 1 year
There's a lot of fun in writing Freebird is how he and Bitterbat have cat-and-mouse dynamic where no matter what stunt Freebird pulls, Bitterbat always outsmarts him.
It'd be hell on my brain cells to write Freebird and not have justice being served after every gross thing he says to or about Sweetheart under the belief she is just playing hard to get.
Bitterbat obviously wants that man dead. He hates him with all his heart and wishes the worse for him.
Freebird wishes the same. In all his years of knowing Sweetheart, he never had a single worry about her ending up with someone else. She was far above of the leagues of all the other heroes.
He was def concerned about Gabe but after learning about him being Delight's boyfriend, he eased up some. He def isn't a fan of Sweetheart having male friends...because of course he isn't, but he can live with it.
So the Freeheart ship survived for a good while as the top ship on the Sweetheart list...until Bitterbat showed up.
And that man flipped Freebird's entire world upside down along with his expectations for Sweetheart.
She was the most professional hero he knew, so imagine the surprise over witnessing her get all flustered and a mess because of this new guy on the block. A new guy who really isn't as new as Freebird thinks because he doesn't know about the whole history between the Beloveds and Flavor Four.
If he did, he would have been worried about Bitterbat since day one of meeting Sweetheart. But being a hero stationed primarily in mainland America means he typically isn't interested in hero lore outside of the first 50 states.
Truly an American hero, some may say.
So the second he sees that Bittersweet has over throned Freeheart on the Sweetheart shipping list, Freebird realizes he has a problem. He can't escape Bitterbat's name either because it follows very close behind Sweetheart. That bird lived in a blissful ignorance where he could enjoy only Sweetheart's name making headlines but now he's hard pressed to find a single thing that doesn't mention her new archenemy right along with her.
He makes his dislike of Bitterbat very clear and verbal. He disses him any chance he is brought up, especially during talk shows and interviews.
He questions his appearance, especially his taste in clothing. Freebird has very traditional western ideals of what he thinks a man should look like and hipless pants that let half your ass hang out along with earrings, nail polish, lipstick, mascara, and what Freebird falsely believes to be fake eyelashes does not fit those ideals. It's needless to say that Freebird thought Bitterbat was girl at first until he heard him speak.
And even then, that man struggled with figuring out if Bitterbat actually had boobs or pecs upon first glance during a live news recording of him battling Sweetheart.
I'd say hearing Bitterbat speak pissed him off even further because of the sass dripping off every sentence he delivers. It just finalized that Bitterbat was the antithesis of all Freebird's ideals of a guy.
So that man was at a complete loss when he saw Bitterbat flirt with Sweetheart and even manage to kiss her along with declaring his love and vow to steal her heart and make her his queen.
Bitterbat basically speedran becoming Freebird's #1 enemy and that bird was a squawking mess of fury after the battle. He tried everything he could to request that bat to be out on his official list of villains he could deal with because he was under the belief that Bitterbat was a weakling.
An idea that was soon stomped out after witnessing some of the leftovers Bitterbat liked to leave behind from previous confrontations with other cocky heroes and villains.
The first chance Freebird got, he flew to Decking City and did his best to talk some sense into Sweetheart, claiming that Bitterbat was too much for her to handle. She obviously rejected the notion stating she was more than capable of dealing with Bitterbat and she was the only one who could.
And when Freebird dared to bring up Bitterbat's more physical romantic advances on her, Sweetheart cut him off before he could tarnish Bitterbat's name by stating how bold it was for him to assume that Bitterbat's actions were unwelcome. She had even gone so far as to say they were far more desirable than his own.
There are no words suffice enough to describe how much Freebird's world and future shattered in just one week. And his world just continues to get shaken up again and again every time Bitterbat rears his bat-winged head.
The most merciful thing Bitterbat does to Freebird is keep his true relationship with Sweetheart a secret, playing into the act it's all one sided and he is merely a villain with the hots for his hero.
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devilsrecreation · 10 months
Okay Nikki, you’ve made a fair amount of TLG oc’s. You do NOT, I repeat, DO NOT need to make more. ESPECIALLY not next gen oc’s. It’s not necessary. You understand? NO MORE—
…..I made more TLG oc’s.
Pua’s mate: Kuimba (singing, to sing)-A singer in the Pridelands and easily the kindest, prettiest, most loved crocodile in Pua’s float, and that’s what made her perfect in his eyes. The heart and soul of the float, she was able to open everyone’s minds when they were subjects to change. Because of her love of singing, she could do so at any given moment and the rest just allowed it because they loved her that much. Although she wasn’t a complete idiot (she was ditzy tho lol), Tamka gets his stupidity from her
-She died when Tamka was very young. Thankfully, he was old enough to remember her and carry memories of their time together
Piga’s mate: Ungwana (gentle)-If Piga had a soft spot for someone before Kiburi, it was her. Living up to her name, everything about her was gentle. Her gaze, the way she handled things, her voice…especially that voice. Never raised it or anything. She’s kind of has a way with bad boys, which is how she won Piga’s affections. Kiburi doesn’t have too many memories of her, but Piga sure does
-She also died during Scar’s reign, specifically the time when the float finally moved on with the other animals. It was extra rough for them, seeing how there were so many mouths to feed. Quite a few of the members starved to death, Ungwana included. She always put others needs in front of her own
Kinywa (mouth;mouthy)-Nduli’s mom and the sassiest in the float. She kinda had that wine aunt energy and says whatever the hell she wants. Nduli gets the sass and some of his temper from her, not to mention he was kind of a mama’s boy when not following Kiburi around
-How she died: Alright, so the Dry Season is difficult for practically all the animals in the Pridelands. But it’s especially the hardest on crocodiles, as they tend to get more moody and make worse decisions than other animals. This happened with Kinywa. She was unfortunate enough to get woken up during the Dry Season (no one knows what caused it, as she was the only one to wake up) and decided it was a good idea to try to hunt a rhino calf, causing its parent to get involved and….well, I don’t think I need to explain who won….or lived.
Janja and Jasiri’s kids-Shida (troublemaker) and Hatima (destiny, fate)
Shida-Shida is the older sibling. A hyperactive little troublemaker who enjoys pranking his fellow Outlanders just for fun.
Hatima-The younger sibling and the more mature of the two. Being a girl and based on how hyena clans work, she is destined to be the next leader. Problem is, she doesn’t know if she really wants to lead the Outlands in the first place. She would rather figure out her own destiny
Chungu and Aibu’s kid-Huangaza (sparkle); she’s the most extroverted, yet ditziest of the bunch. Total hippie personality-wise. She just wants to make friends and chill
Cheezi and Nguvu’s kid-adopt a wild dog pup named Igizo (play); a playful, fun-loving pup who just wants to have a good time and never takes anything seriously. He treats everything as if it’s a game
Nne and Madoa’s kid-Hila (cunning);the sarcastic, cocky friend who always has an answer for everything. He likes to show off his smarts and frequently calls himself a genius.
Kiburi and Hukumu’s kids (one of them, at least)-Piga; the rebellious, self-proclaimed “tough guy” who doesn’t take anyone’s shit. Doesn’t last long with his parents though, as they usually tell him off (He’ll only listen to Hukumu, as she scares him a bit lol)
(One of) Tamka and Erevu’s kids-Kutojali (indifference); The one who’s been done with everybody’s shit since the day he hatched. Like Erevu, he often looks on the logical side and is usually embarrassed by his dad
(One of) Nduli and Kuamua’s kids-Shauri (rascal); The most clumsy, but rambunctious croc you have ever met and Shida’s best friend. Her “genius” ideas often get the two into trouble cuz of how she acts before she thinks, leading to uh….interesting situations
Outlanders whose kids live in the Pridelands:
Kenge and Maji-unnamed children
Shupavu and Njano-Ushari. Yup! They named one of their kids after him! The definition of chaotic neutral. He’s a little shit who says and does whatever he wants, not really caring about the consequences…at first. He’ll still back down when there’s an actual threat. The best way to describe him is the song “One Jump Ahead” from Aladdin. That’s his antics in a nutshell.
-Ushari was the only one the skinks actually picked a name for. Njano accidentally blurted it out loud enough for him to hear and it stuck
-Ushari (as in the cobra) is in charge of watching over the kid and he’s even taken him under his wing
-His catchphrase, like his dad, is “Trust me!”
-However, I’m also thinking of the name Mpangaji (mischief-maker) since the name is a bit more fitting and less confusing lol idk
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yutasbimil · 2 years
Tumblr media
kenma x fem!oc | haikyuu ff. (time-skip!older kenma) ✦ (3/~) [series fic] !!! also posted on my ao3 acc! { here } tags: fluff, slight angst (not really), smut cw: nsfw minors dni, minor plot, fingering, oral, teasing, established relationship, kinky, orgasm denial, quickie, public sex, fingering, edging, swallowing, exhibitionism(?) HELP THIS IS NEW TO ME ACK, interrupted lol, FLUFF!!! D; note: not that comfy w/ 2nd POV, tho no specific characteristics are mentioned on the fem!oc so pls feel free to imagine as y/n or YOU ♡ word count: 3.9k
part 1 | part 2
do not repost © yutasbimil (2022)
"She's as shy as you, huh?"
Kenma looked in the direction Hinata was looking at, and there he saw across the room, his girlfriend handling some of her daily dose of required socialization for the day. It looks like she's stammering over talking to some Karasuno players.
"She actually handles conversation better than I do, to be honest," Kenma responds, and at the back of his mind, he suppresses a grin.
If only he knew how she can be wild and explorative on other terms. Though, of course, he wouldn't actually let Hinata know that piece of information 'bout her girl.
Kenma kept a bashful smile to himself.
It's no surprise she got close with Kenma the most. She’s usually an anxious person. But the quietness and softness of the guy’s presence go beyond easing her nerves. Mai is scared of tall people, especially men. Though, she's got no problem with talking with her boyfriend’s best friends and her seniors.
It’s also child’s play to see a (preferred color)-haired fellow shaking in a sea of red and black and expect it to be Mai.
Three teams are scheduled to have a team play practice for the week. Though, the game sets are almost finished for the day, hence why it's cooling down at the moment.
Kenma felt a cold bottle by his forearm, turning to expect a gleeful orange-haired guy near him.
“No wonder she’s friends with your girlfriend,” Kenma muttered.
Hinata raised a brow, following Kenma’s line of vision, directing at Yachi and Mai. 
“Huh? She’s not my girlfriend.” Hinata says, keeping an eye on the girls. Hinata almost put a foot forward as the two girls flinched at some Shiratorizawa players, particularly the tall red-haired male with a big smirk on his face.
Mai also shared how that guy gives her the creeps. He can be quite unpredictable.
For a while, Hinata breathes out, followed by a grin as the other girl manages to answer the tall male. “Oh, so that’s your girlfriend, Kenma-san.”
“Don’t say ‘girlfriend’ too much.” he scratches the side of his face, flustered by the attention since earlier but nods. “Yes. I'll introduce her to you later.”
He walks out of the court, managing to divert the attention off his reddened ears.
Mai can be the bravest person he knows if it's about pushing herself to the edge or trying out new things. And Kenma knows he is one of the forces that influence her to do better outside her comfort zone, and vice versa.
It just so happens they are also on the same page in terms of sex.
It can be in terms of letting her lay on her back and testing her gag reflex through mouth-fucking her. Other specific situations would be doing the riskiest shits in-game, or while they're in a call with their friends. With Mai in between his legs as they're trying their best to conceal the fact that he's getting the best head whilst leading their game. Even stepping it up a notch further by doing it while they’re on their casual call in their Disharmony server.
Hell, Kenma also didn't know he had that in him and would be interested in those types of kinks.
Looks like he's been corrupted. Mai and her corruption kink winning.
Mai would be "mad" at that for blaming her. He already can hear her sassing him how: "You're kinky! I'm just bringing out your fullest potential."— As if she's the one who is responsible for that.
Well, if that's the case… I'll make her responsible.
Kenma felt a tent standing up by his gym shorts, much to his uncomfiness. Man, what an inconvenience.
And this is all just for letting his mind trail off to Mai.
It’s not anything related to her personally, or that they got any issues going on. But Mai noticed a slight distant or odd atmosphere between them, more so as they met eyes. Or rather, it passes through with Kenma immediately diverting his glances from her and looking away.
He seems to stifle something at the back of his throat, but she can’t quite pinpoint it. Kenma’s expression is hidden behind his hand on his face.
“You okay, Yachi-san?” Hinata picks up the last of the volleyballs on the ground. They’re about to wrap up the practice matches.
“J-just tired, I guess. I never had the chance to accommodate three teams in one gym.” she pried as she helps Mai with the other end of the net. Mai just quietly nods in agreement, there’s also an obvious tiredness in her dragging her feet.
Kenma feels a strong gaze towards him, it’s anything else but the anxious eyes that he saw from Mai earlier. It may be the effect he has on easing her but noticing a hint of depth and darkness on it. He can’t help but let a cold sweat slip off his head, swallowing a bit of saliva left from his dry throat.
The game sets parched him.
He glances back at her as if they’re dancing through glances. Hers didn’t seem to waver. It’s the same firm look as she’s not much anxious going down on him, even while streaming, she even manages to give him head despite the possible consequences. With him being quiet– She really admires how he can still play well and concentrate as if she isn’t there to distract him– though now, his quietness is not much at the advantage as maybe Mai thought they have a problem.
But this is not even about asserting a stand. Yet she still manages and knows she got him on the edge at the palm of her hands, quite literally.
Pulling him back into reality, was the dry towel hitting him and a look from Mai cold as the water handed to him, obviously a pout written on her lips.
I’ve got to tell her.
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"Let's go change together." With no spare clothes at hand, it was more of an initiator from Kenma to tease Mai. He didn’t have any shame blurting that out as they were at a bit more secluded part of the courtyard. More on the supply closet behind the gym. But it still gave Mai a burning blush to hear that out loud from Kenma.
"Dummy, that's not allowed!" she smacks his shoulder, and the added skin contact didn’t help.
"So?" Kenma kept a stoic face just remaining his stare at her till she melted.
"Noooo! You're giving me ideas." Mai went in and covered her whole face. Is he darn serious just now?!
Of course, it was just to tease her, and it worked.
He stifled a laugh.
Mostly the reason he joked was to just initiate from the awkward atmosphere, but now that they have gone quiet again. Both of their mouths agape, as if racing to who can speak and tell each concern first.
They talked over each other at the same time.
“Ken, I–”
The girl didn’t manage to finish laying out her thoughts as she was suddenly sneaked into the supply closet with him. With her back thumping lightly on the wall, the other spare balls even quiver as they hear people pass by the door.
As if panicked, she also held her breath as Kenma pinned her down in between his arms to stay put. It was only momentarily, though Mai had confusion outlined on her brows.
“Why did you need to hide us here though?”
Kenma’s silence also picked up on the unnecessary reaction. It just happened. His grip losing on her shoulders also signaled him to calm down. “Out of instinct, I guess.”
He could only answer, though, he was also thinking about where to treat her for later. What was he supposed to say again? The supply closet isn’t the most tasteful idea to come up as a ‘date’ with to be real. Kenma does have the same closeness and intimacy like this in mind though. 
His proximity and the quietness to the point she can hear his breathing distinctly on her end though... It didn’t help much further on her ‘overlooked issues’ as to why they were put to discuss in the first place.
“Off topic but want to make this quick?” Kenma asks out of the blue. It is not off-topic on what she had in mind though, but it seems that they’re not far in their in-the-gutter thoughts.
Even though it’s not well lit up in the small space, Kenma has his face close to hers, he must take precautions. He does have those types of thoughts in mind, but he has to make sure.
Lightening up the mood again, trying, he says. “Are you okay… making this quick? If I take the lead?”
“Eh?” Like lead in what way? Mai is thinking of something else, but she’s not absolutely sure. Mai rubs her legs. Is he joking again? 
But by his look, he's looking straight at her. Seriously, if I may add.
The unintentional friction she just did was a very bad idea, adding his deep stare at her.
Kenma inches closely to her carefully, checking if she's okay with it. There’s a shift in his tone as she’s still not budging nor getting any utterance out of her. 
“Are you still upset over something that has to do with your look the whole day?”
So that was what he meant by the quick pace in mind? Well, on his part, Kenma is considerate. He knows she wants to talk about something as well.
She places her fingers lightly by his shoulder, barely pressing weight. Is that how it came across to him? Oh no.
Mai shakes her head. “It's not that I'm mad or anything… no.”
She’s got her own issues as well, that’s all… Looking down, she saw how Kenma’s pants aren't much ready to spell out his problems yet, so Mai started. I am getting him worked out ever since earlier as well, is that it?
“I’m just… aroused.” She hopes at the back of her mind as well, he’s feeling the same by the bop of his Adam’s apple. 
Kenma blinks. “W-what?”
She rubs her legs once more, uncontrollably flustered.
“It’s just I saw how good you were– I mean, you’re always great as a setter– but I think it’s my hormones… it’s really been a while since I saw you guys play, an-and on how fired up you were earlier. I only see that whenever you’re playing against Shoyo’s team– I just found you hot.”
She barely got through, stumbling over her words on how fast she was sputtering her words.
He could only be rendered speechless by his girlfriend’s act.
All this time, it’s the same with Kenma. 
So… what the fuck? They were just looking sullen all day because they were preying and just have the hots for each other???
“Is t-that so?” His sigh of relief came off as a chuckle. Good. It was just a different kind of tension. Period.
She just prolonged it but it’s basically what got her so worked up. Especially how Kenma is so fixated on how she's acting right now. She could only swallow up a bit of her hydration left, looking away at anything but his body.
His tone is in a controlled volume, speaking discreetly, he repeats his intention earlier now that that’s settled, with more bluntness now... “Want me to do something about it?”
“I’m fine with the idea…” Mai answered with an inquisitive look. With her grip on his arms, he took it as a cue to dive in.
He didn't waste any time as Kenma leaned in, pressing his body close to hers. Quite intensely, it is seen with his fervor pressing how much he was containing it all day. A bit too quick on how he’s shifting his touches by her hair, face, and her sides. But she’s as roused, Mai went to grab his hand, guiding him to put it up her shirt, pulling his hair with her other free hand.
“Mai…” He delves deeper into nibbling her lips.
She could only emit a deep sigh and moan in response, Kenma’s hand was already up her shirt, lifting the fabric of her shirt up. Just a bit that her bra is showing. He leans closer, sweats peeking through the fabric, further verifying her heated arousal.
Kenma places kisses by the gaps of her chest, in between her breasts. She stifles a mewl. “Hnm..gah… you’re giving me a hard time not to be quiet.” She whispers to the best of her ability. He continues to lick her skin, nibbling at the bare skin. He draws her bra up to uncover her nipples, both quickly at peak due to the handling of his lips and fingers.
Even with his look alone, she can feel his erratic touches pressing against hers. He moves up eye-level again, pressing both her arms up, she gets conscious and nervous at both her sweaty hands. Kenma remains persistent, pressing her down. This definitely will cause her to pool down her panties further. 
He’s really going this far for a ‘quickie’ huh? Still keeping her arousal in mind, or is this one of his antics again? It’s painstakingly slow. Kenma knows this is too much risky and anxiety-inducing, yet… her wetness says otherwise.
Her mind is hazy and clouded already– Mai no longer has any care for anything. She just wants to get this over with, this is beyond the waters that she expects to swim into, but the compulsive effect on her.
She wants more.
“J-just a bit, more…” Her moan spills as a restrained sigh. She practically begs as he’s touching anything, anything– but the gap between her legs. His hands lingered by the surface of her skirt. Mai hitches her breath as he skips over her core once again. “It’s been this morning that I wanted to touch myself, please? Kenma-kun…”
Man, he really did get her so aroused.
Kenma can’t even refuse especially since how she’s being too insistent and irresistible. He’s growing more turned on looking at how she’s desperate.
She’s not the type to want and be needy as she gets anxious, most definitely here where it’s a bit public. But to insist on making out in the open, the footsteps and shoe squeaks outside seem earshot close for their comfiness. It’s also thrilling.
Risky mode taken then.
Like a button that swiftly pressed on her skin, Mai lodging her lips passionately on his was the trigger that pushed them to go further. The hormones took over and blacked out a bit of Kenma’s control, grabbing hold of her waist a bit too lewdly on his torso. He humps his groin by hers, making her emit a sound unintentionally. 
“Uh-hmm…” he tries to quiet her down again with a kiss, reaching under her skirt but it didn’t add to helping her shush. Kenma pulls away with a slight grin at his discovery of her bare legs.
“Why are you not in your gym shorts, hmmm?”
She's only wearing her skirt.
Mai feels Kenma’s veiny hands creep up her skirt, he pulls it up as he is staring into her eyes with a fiery passion. She felt the cold air expose her bare skin.
Even with the shelves blocking them, it still feels… embarrassing.
“Stop teasing, Kenma…” He just touches her, a bit damp from the sweat.
He gets down, lowering himself to his knees to take in the view of her. She's flushed red, with his eyes piercing through her as he breathes over her crotch.
She feels herself pool more.
“I spilled water earlier when I was preparing bottles, just before we’re wrapping up. That’s why… hngh… I changed–”
Her breath becomes off, turning shaky with his roaming and pressing fingers against the hem of her panties. 
She gulps a breath.
“Always so clumsy of you, Mai,” he comments, now she’s wet for a whole entirely different reason. Both her legs gave up, her voice faltering after. “Haa…uh.”
She holds back a yelp, Kenma motions to stand her up again. “Stay still, Mai,” he instructs. But she almost buckles her legs as she had gone weak on his teasing.
Kenma licks her neck and bites her ear, making her let out a lewd mewl.
Almost like a purr by her ear, he whispers. “Keep quiet, Kitten.”
“H-how? You idio—”
Kenma suddenly touches her panties, sticky from her juices. She can no longer retort with how embarrassingly wet her pussy is already.
He cannot hold back any longer.
“Weren’t you also practically begging me to do this to you?” A thought also came into mind with Mai leaving traces and implications along the lines of ‘Kabedon’ for some time now, and her insistence to get one from him. He’s not one to disappoint, so okay, fine. Even if it’s not something on his alley. Kenma did the favor to make Mai’s dream come true.
He pins both of her hands harder, pressing them to the wall along with his face right up against her ear. Her mind burns with the idea.
Kenma continues by switching his grip on her hands with only one hand. He trails his finger by her swollen lips then lifting her chin using the other as he makes her look at her. “Answer me, Kitten.”
What the fuck is with the pet name?!
She swallows, having not been given a choice to escape. “Ye-yeah... but not in this setting.”
Not at this time at all that she imagines they’ll be doing this out and about. He’s practically falling apart as he is having a great time teasing her.
Both of her hands are locked, though loose enough to roam around his neck. She shudders at his hot breath near her sensitive ears. She doesn’t give in to freeing her hands, even as he’s pulling her closer into the kiss. She simply submits to Kenma. 
He adjusts her legs, carrying her till she’s got her legs wrapped up in his drenched torso.
This is really out of character for Kenma, but seeing how Mai is so hot and bothered he gives in along with his sigh. Even if he does want to go down on her.
“We better make this quick,” he says, Mai practically breaks character as she squeals in delight, to put it bluntly. “You’re the best, Kenma.” she hugs him, a bit tangent to her smiling as if they’re not about to do something intense.
She tightens her legs around him momentarily before he puts them away. He pulls her panties to the side and then decides to pull them down, leaving one side on her leg. 
She smiles to herself as she knows she would be well taken care of.
Her mind raced a thousand miles. As if honing to type paragraphs worth of worshiping his pretty long hands going in and out of her while his other is placed on her mouth to shut her pretty lips sealed.
Kenma quickly goes down, with her holding up her skirt as she tries to cover her whimpers.
He’s taking his good damn time eating her out, spreading his tongue by her clit and core back and forth. She holds back her arousal at how up to par he is slurping and sucking so loud.
Everything felt so soft and moist, it’s so fucking pleasing to the sensation. “Ahh, that’s-shit. Ha…” Her tone came off jittery. She wants to scream, but she needs to hold back every ounce of her patience, she's already trembling at this point.
Even the feeling of her breasts is phenomenal, how his free hand can bring her service, Kenma doesn't leave any neglect of any form. She cannot leave any praise for now as she’s opted to be quiet, even so, her mumbles are shaky to be coherent. Mai could only caress his skin, playing with his hair and gripping onto him as well to distract herself from moaning.
Mai fails miserably to be quiet so Kenma did the lovely favor with his pretty hands to cover her mouth and shut her up.
Using his lips as well as he pumps his finger into her, he thrusts in deeper along his fervent kiss, letting Mai taste herself in the kiss.
He moves his two digits all over in a different direction and speed, spilling more of her arousal tightening around him.
Just when Mai is about to cum, Kenma’s hand withdraws.
As he stopped his fingers, she winces. Mai turned to him with the most confused expression upon seeing Kenma's deadpan stare.
In the most serious tone, he says. “Your trial has expired.”
“Kozumeeee!” She almost whispered a hiss, Kenma covered her mouth, hand still drenched in her juices.
She is supposed to be mad, but Mai quickly catches on with another rustle nearby. They’re cut a bit short cause he also heard someone outside. When the sound subsided, the heightened sensation quickly shifted with Mai feeling his hardened length pushed into her in a cinch.
Kenma had prepared her wet core well as to why his movements easily let his dick go in and out of her. And the tightness in her is just unholy. 
“Fuck, shh-“ He also covered her mouth as sounds slip off uncontrollably. “Ah-mmhm.” 
The two especially Mai tried their best to muffle her moans.
The thrill of it all being outside— the possibility of getting caught—really did add factors for her part. Even the moist wall she grabbed hold of it, she loses all her senses as Kenma fucks her senseless to the wall. The sound of skin slapping and the feeling of him grabbing hold of both her waist to maneuver inside her. As much as she doesn’t want this to end, fuck- this is so risky.
Mai holds onto his wrist, tapping it a bit as a signal that she’s close— it’s not that much of a gap between them when Kenma let her go down to her knees to catch every ounce of his cum in her mouth as he ejaculates.
That was mentally exerting.
Another rustling outside became an indication to stop, but they laughed it off anyways, they quickly fixed their clothes. But Mai steals another kiss before breaking off. This is anything on her agenda for today. Kissing by the side of the gym, a supply closet even. Good thing she had her schedule free. It isn't such a bad idea after all…
Wait, oh right— wasn’t he supposed to say something else before they got wrapped up in the pleasure too much?
“What was it that you’re going to tell me?” she asks with burning cheeks. After a long-heated kiss, (the last kiss was a lie) for the last time as Mai insisted, lips still fresh on a string of saliva.
“Oh, it’s just I wanted to treat you along after training.” Kenma replies. He had been thinking the whole morning as to why he was also a bit preoccupied.
“We’ll also be there! Now, can you please hand me out some extra balls, Kozume? I didn't let yours turn blue— so get to it!” They heard a sudden thump by the door. Both of them flinched. Kenma covered her mouth, frantic as he looked back at her as wide-eyed as him. They hear Kuroo now adjacent to the wall as his voice is now louder. “How long are you going to keep yourselves in there?”
The two flushed a shade darker, their friend did the favor to pretend it was just Kenma in here and not blow their cover huh?
As for Kuroo, he’s heard at least more than enough that he should’ve left sooner.
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