#took less than 30mins
twist-dg · 11 months
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Linktober 2023 Day #23 - Child
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teamkrissy · 1 month
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What it's like to chew 5 Gum
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risingsunresistance · 2 years
:D so glad you like the Mola designs! the pretty colors make me happy too :)))) another really pretty deep dive is visible mending and sashiko/boro stitches (if you get deep enough you will know those terms are contested and/or problematic but they are the only words we have that the moment). idk how much you are into textiles (probably less so than i am lol (most people are)) , but if you ever wanted to get your hands busy in addition to distracting you mind, i highly recommend visible mending as a task that is both satisfying and also keeps your favorite clothes from ending up in a landfill :D Happy web diving! -textile anon
visible mending looks soooooo fun but i have had a HORRIBLE time trying to sew in the past. i just dont think im coordinated enough for it :0 i like the way it makes clothes look tho, and i'd much prefer keeping well-worn jeans than having to toss them out
idk much about textiles but ark rlly enjoys sewing and stuff! i personally barely know the names of fabric types, so i'm definitely unfamiliar with styles and techniques, but even if i dont know much they're pretty cool and i like hearing about them :]
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vodika-vibes · 24 days
*breaks down your door in the middle of the night* first kiss in A/B/O AU with Alpha-17 and inexperienced F!Omega reader (not in a weird way ya know?) whose never been anyone’s first choice and is completely blown away that someone as awesome and amazing as Seventeen actually wants her romantically and not just physically. He makes her feel pretty and cherished and loved and she gives it back to him tenfold in return. (Not to show all my emotions at once. P.S. I read your fic with Keeli and it pulled at my tender heart strings it was so cute, yes I’m cross faded as a mf and fighting for my life this took me over 30min to write)
I See You
Summary: You’ve spent your whole life knowing that you’re not as important as the people around you. You’ve never been anyone’s first choice, not a day in your life. And that doesn’t change when you start puberty and realize that you’re an Omega. You’ve come to accept that, at best, some Alpha will pick you for your body, which will be the end of it. And then you meet Alpha-17, and for the first time in your life, you wonder “What if?”
Pairing: Alpha-17 x F!Reader
Word Count: 1585
Warnings: ABO AU, Reader is slightly insecure
A/N: So, full disclosure, I have no idea if this was a request or you just coming into my inbox to discuss it. So I made the decision that it was a request and wrote it! I hope you like it!
Join my taglist: HERE
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There are some perks to living on Kamino.
Like the free suite that you can decorate how you like and the biweekly food delivery that allows you to cook whatever you want. Not to mention, you get free medical attention and as many blockers as you might need.
Plus, and here’s the biggest perk, you never have to see your “family” ever again.
Naturally, there are some downsides to Kamino too.
You work constantly and can be called into the lab at any hour of the day. There aren’t many places where you can spend your generous pay on Kamino (you have to order your clothes online and have them delivered). And you’re one of only a handful of human Omegas on Kamino. 
You’d think that that would force all of you to get together now and then to chat or whatever. But, the truth is, you have no desire to interact with the other Omegas.
Popular fiction tends to make people think that all Omegas are soft and demure and good. Honestly, you wonder if the authors have ever actually met an Omega or if they’re just fantasizing about what an Omega should be like.
Honestly, Isabet is as mean as a rancor with a toothache, and twice as violent. And she’s not afraid to take that temper out on anyone who gets in her way. Including you on several occasions.
You’re pulled out of your thoughts at the sound of the door to your lab opening, and you slide your gaze away from the machine that you’ve been staring at and willing to work faster.
Even clad in armor, it takes you less than a second to recognize the man standing in the doorway. 
No one on Kamino is quite as big as Alpha-17, after all.
A thoughtful frown pulls your lips down, and you turn away from your machine to pick up a nearby datapad to scan the information on it. Alpha-17 never comes to the labs unless he’s due for some testing. 
You scan the schedule, and then set the datapad back on a nearby table, “If you have an appointment, I’m afraid that no one notated it in the schedule.” You say apologetically.
He tugs his helmet off and sets it on a table near the door. “I don’t have an appointment,” Alpha explains as he rolls his neck with a slight grimace.
“Oh.” You watch him a moment longer, “Are your implants acting up?”
“They ache when it rains.”
You shoot him an odd look, “It’s always raining, Alpha.”
He tosses a grin in your direction, “I know what I said.”
A heavy sigh falls from your lips, “Alright. Take your armor off and hop up on the table and I’ll see what I can do. But you really should make an appointment, Alpha.”
He obediently strips out of his armor and peels off the top of his blacks, before he lays on his stomach on your examination table. “Why would I do that? We both know that you’ll see me even without an appointment.”
“What if I had been busy?” You ask as you step over to his side and scan the cybernetics with your eyes first, before grabbing a scanner and turning it on, “Or had an appointment with one of your brothers?”
“I’m more important.” Alpha counters as he turns his head to watch you work.
“Well, someone certainly has a healthy ego.” He laughs and you press your hand between his shoulder blades, “Lie still Alpha. I’m trying to scan your cybernetics.”
“Sorry, sorry.” He doesn’t sound very sorry though, “But, come on Doc, we both know that I’m just going to have to live with the pain.”
You frown at him, “I might be able to do something. I don’t want you in pain, Alpha.”
He catches your free hand and squeezes your fingers, “Which is why you’re my favorite.”
You shake your head with a soft laugh, “You don’t have to try and flatter me, Alpha. I’ll help you without it.” You slip your fingers from his grip and start the scanner.
“And why do you think I’m just trying to flatter you? Why can’t I mean it?” He asks as he tucks his arm back under his chin while you work.
You shake your head with a sigh, “Men like you don’t say stuff like that to women like me, Alpha.” You eye the scanner and scowl at it, “It says everything is connected properly, you can sit up. I’ll find some topical pain gel—” You trail off, your mind racing as you try to come up with ways to lessen his pain.
You’re so lost in your ponderings that you don’t realize that Alpha has sat up until his large hand wraps around your wrist and he lightly tugs you around to face him.
“Yes? What’s wrong?”
“I’d like some clarification.” Alpha’s dark eyes scan your face, and his severe expression softens, slightly. “What do you mean by ‘women like you’?”
“Oh,” You pause to gather your thoughts, “I’m just…” You hold your free hand to the side, “Not enough. Not smart enough, not clever enough, not pretty enough, not charming enough.”
Something forbidding slides across his face, though his grip around your wrist is still gentle enough that you could pull away if you wanted, “And who, Doc, told you that?”
A soft laugh falls from you, “Only everyone I’ve ever met. Well, barring you.”
“They’re wrong.”
“It’s fine, Alpha.” You try to reassure him, “I’ve long since come to terms with my lot in life.” He shoots you a puzzled look, so you clarify, “I’m never going to be anyone’s first choice. That’s just how it is sometimes.”
Alpha huffs, “Fine. We’re doing this then.”
“Beg pardon?”
“Not smart enough? You’re a doctor. A specialized doctor. How much smarter do you need to be?” Alpha lists, “Not clever enough? I know I saw you exchanging barbs with Vau the other day and you won. Not pretty enough?” Here, he pauses and scans your face, “Whoever told you that must be blind or stupid or both. As for not being charming, I happen to think you’re very charming. So they’re wrong about that too.”
“Oh…ah…” You blink at him, and you can feel your face burning, “Thank you?”
“Honestly,” His voice is light, “I find it absolutely shocking that you haven’t chosen an Alpha yet. Stars know you have to have your pick.”
“No one’s ever shown any interest,” You reply honestly.
Alpha-17 mutters something under his breath, though you can’t really hear what he’s saying even as close as you’re standing to him.
“Alpha, I need to find the ointment for you. Can I have my wrist back?” You ask as you touch the hand wrapped around your wrist gently.
He scans your face for a moment before something seems to settle over him. He’s always been a confident man, settled in his skin, but he suddenly seems more, and you’re not sure why.
“Can I kiss you?”
His question shocks you into silence, and you blink at him dumbly for a moment, “I…what?”
“I want to kiss you,” Alpha says as he releases your wrist and moves his hand to gently brush his fingers against your chin. And then he flashes a wry smile, “Well, full honesty, I want more than that. But I’ll start with a kiss.”
“I don’t—”
“I want to be your Alpha.” He clarifies, “I want you to be my Omega. But if you’re not interested then this will be the last time I bring it up.” Slowly he presses his forehead against yours.
And you stare at him, kind of feeling like you’ve been hit over the head with a sledgehammer. “You’d…pick me?” You ask.
You believe him. He’s not the sort to lie to you.
“I’d like a kiss,” You whisper up to him.
He grins then and tilts your head so he’s able to press his lips against yours.
And it’s good. Better than good, it’s perfect.
You’re not able to help yourself from stepping closer to him, moving to stand between his thighs, and wrapping your arms around his neck. Alpha’s arms wrap securely around your waist as he tugs you as close as he can and he holds you tightly, as if afraid that someone might rip you from him.
When he breaks the kiss, you’re breathing is slightly unsteady, something that makes him smile smugly. “We can go as slow as you want,” He murmurs, his lips brushing against your cheek, “But you are mine now, little omega.”
You hesitate for a moment, but then you smile at him, “And you’re mine?”
Alpha laughs then, “And don’t you forget it.”
Slowly he releases you, and you take a step back. You take a deep breath to steady yourself, and then take another step back, “If you still want that pain ointment, Alpha—”
“Maybe later.” He stands, “I have ARCs who need training.” Alpha glances at you, “If I chrome by your suite tonight, maybe you can give me some options to handle the pain?”
“I can do that.” You reply with a small smile.
Alpha lightly brushes his fingers against your cheek, “It’s a date.” He ducks his head to kiss you one more time, and then he leaves. And you’re left with butterflies in your stomach, and excitement in your heart.
You’ve never been anyone’s first choice. 
But Alpha…he’s different. And now you know it.
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@bad4amficideas @justiceandwar98 @Mira-Loves-Star-Wars @tiredbi-peach @dukeoftheblackstar
@trixie2023 @kimiheartblade @padawancat97 @falconfeather23435 @etod
@bb8-99 @kiss-anon @continous-mistakes @imabeautifulbutterfly @n0vqni
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niko-sasaki-dbd · 4 months
So, I've seen several questions about this, so I'm gonna try to do my best to share my explanation of the:
Port Townsend is a city, located at the Quimper Peninsula, in the Jefferson County, Washington, USA.
There's several ways to get there, and one of them is by ferry, in the following map, you can see the geographical location, and the ferry route (Coupeville – Port Townsend).
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Now, let's go back to the start!
Here, the questions are not about the route, but the money. For a lot of people, the logical and immediate answer is that Crystal used her powers to get into an airplane, but I think is plausible that she didn't use them exactly to avoid paying, and if she did, she felt very guilty about it (I'm gonna explain this later).
What is certain is that she used her powers to avoid security and registration at the airport (all the airports), because there was no way a minor was leaving the country, or jumping from one jurisdiction to another without documentation, a passport or an ID.
About the route, there's a lot of options here, but if I believe Crystal didn't use her powers to avoid paying for the tickets, is simply because there were better options than taking three flights, and if she was going to stole the tickets anyway, why no choosing a direct flight? Or at least, a faster one?
I mean that could have saved her a lot of trouble, because going from one airport to another with Charles and Edwin quarreling around her is not exactly the definition of a holiday vacation.
I'm sure she would have chosen any flight that could take her to Washington the fastest, the thing is that she didn't.
She got into a flight with two connections, and secured herself a headache too, so I guess she used the money she had on her, or most logically, her money + the money from the agency (let's give the boys some credit, at the end of the day, they're good at their job, and they care about getting paid).
Now, the route could have been something like this (based on a real flight itinerary):
London, GB -> Frankfurt International, DE
Frankfurt International, DE -> Calgary Intl Airport, CA
Calgary Intl Airport, CA -> Seattle Tacoma Airport, US
[I'm using ISO 3166 country codes, instead of the airports abbreviations]
Which translates into:
First flight: 1 hour and 30 minutes (+1h 30min)
First layover: 2 hours (+2h)
Second flight: 10 hours (+10h)
Second layover: 5 hours (+5h)
Third flight: 2 hours (+2h)
All of these sums up 20 hours and 30 minutes of dealing with Bert and Ernie, without a possible escape.
But the point is, that there are faster routes; a direct flight, or even a flight with only one connection, has a duration of 14 hours or less and is only €100 more than the journey of nightmares I just described, so why did she pick the longer flight if she wasn't going to pay anyway? quality time with the boys? weren't they supposed to be in a hurry?
Obviously, is possible that the flight they took was the first available, or even that they took a flight to a different state, and then travelled within the US, but in either case, I'm sure they didn't pick the fastest route available and the only reason for that is the price of the plane tickets.
Additionally to that, Crystal didn't have much money left to pay for rent when they arrived, and she was the most worried about getting money out of the cases all the season.
There's no direct way to get from the airport to Port Townsend, they need to get to the ferry terminal in Coupeville first.
Don't worry, is not that hard to get from Seattle to Coupeville, is a two-hour bus ride and the buses leave relatively often, and you can take one from the airport.
So, here we are, back at the beginning. Welcome to Port Townsend, you will surely be enchanted by its beautiful Victorian architecture and the witch kidnapping little girls.
Isn't it the coolest small town ever?
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Clearly, I just did this for fun, but if it is helpful for some of you, that's great!
Doing this also made me think about some headcanons, and I'm gonna be analysing them for the next three business days.
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nanthegirl · 4 months
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• I had the appointment to renew my residence permit at 10:30 and I was done by 10:40. I always imagine they’ll look at my grades and kick me out of the country but it always goes so smoothly.
• My goal for this week is to hit at least 4 hours on Forest everyday. I did 4hrs 30mins today but I was shooting for 5. Maybe tomorrow.
• Translating my biomechanics notes literally had smoke puffing out of my ears. 2hrs and 30mins and I did 3 pages and not even a full chapter😭. The exam is in July and I’m trying not to panic now. If I use up all my panic points now, I won’t be able to care when the exam is closer so I have to ration them.
• I also worked on Process Engineering and I finally found a good textbook and everything makes more sense now. I think I’ll have to go over everything I did before but with the textbook for more context.
• I really wanted to finish my work earlier so I could have enough time to watch Young Justice before bed. I just started season 2 and the time skip gagged me. Artemis better show up soon cause my heart will shatter if she’s not in this season. She’s literally my daughter.
I feel like I did quite a bit today, even though I took my time with it. Hoping to do even more tomorrow. I’m not sure why I keep getting headaches but I’m trying not to let them hold me back too much cause this also happened around this time last year and I handled it by laying in bed all the time. Probably my water intake so I’ll try to be more conscious of that tomorrow.
Also my screen time is currently less than 3hrs and I’m so excited to post this and drop my phone so I don’t ruin it🤸🏽‍♀️.
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hugmekenobi · 1 year
S2: The Bad Batch (9)
Chapter Nine: The Crossing
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Gif by @dreamswithghosts
Hunter x femaleJedi!reader
Series Summary: Some time has passed since everything that happened at Kamino and you and the Batch are trying to figure out your place in the rapidly changing Imperial galaxy. And you're having to do all this whilst figuring out where your relationship with Hunter fits into it.
Chapter Summary: Echo leaving your squad is something you all have to deal with. A mission from Cid sees the effects of this change become obvious and tensions rise.
Masterlist for S1
<Previous Chapter
Genre: Friends (idiots) to Lovers (we're in the lovers stage now)
Chapter Warnings: Swearing, use of a pet name (sweetheart), mild spicy moment that stops abruptly, familial angst, reader and Tech kinda get into it, reiterating the Force works how I need it to cause it's a more obvious theme in this chapter lol, kissing, reader described as being strong, general emotions (I'm terrible writing them so apologies)
Word Count: 7.6K
Author's notes: Didn't know I'd be releasing this today but I got it done and wanted to share :) Beginning to work on Ch10 too! Enjoy!
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“You left pretty soon after Cid briefed us?” Hunter said as he came through the door of the ship to find you sitting in the cockpit.
“It’s getting harder to be in her company.” You provided as an explanation. Cid had been less than sympathetic when you all had told her about Echo and the more days that went by and the more stressed she got about time running out on her operation, the more unpleasant she became.
Hunter knew exactly what you meant. The necessary but minimal financial payoff of sticking around was slowly becoming not worth the shitty jobs or putting up with Cid’s general demeanour. Ideally, he’d have you all leave to do something else, but he kept coming up empty on the latter part of that plan.
“Where are the others?” You asked.
“I sent them to gather supplies before we leave.” Hunter explained. He came to kneel in front of you and traced his hands up and down your thighs, making his ulterior motive for sending the others on an errand run quite clear.
Oh, how you loved a man that planned ahead. It had been quite a long time since the two of you had had any alone time and the frustration had been building for a while now. Lingering looks and innocent touches that threatened to turn not so innocent the more you both did them and it was threatening to boil over so, with jobs from Cid still being scarce, you two had decided to take advantage of an empty Marauder. “So, we have about 30mins give or take.” You said with a suggestive grin.
“Uh huh but we can’t mess about. We’ll have to be quick.” Hunter replied regretfully but he figured a quick moment was better than no moment at all, especially given the recent dry spell.
“Hhmm you have the dirty talk down to an art form.” You breathed as you stood and grabbed his scarf and started leading him back to your bunk.
Hunter’s reply took the form of cupping your face and bringing his lips to yours in a bruising kiss. He laid you down without parting his mouth from yours because it had been too fucking long since he’d been able to do this.
You moaned in relief at having him this way again. You tangled your fingers in his hair and kissed him back with fervour.
Hunter kissed his way down your chest, and he reached for the waistband of your leggings, but he paused and grumbled in annoyance.
You propped yourself on your elbows. “Why’d you-” It was then you heard why he’d stopped-Wrecker wasn’t exactly softspoken. “They really have impeccable timing.” You groaned. You pushed him off you with an aggravated huff and fished out both sets of armour so it would look like the two of you were getting prepped for the mission rather than looking like anything improper was about to happen.
“That was quick?” You said casually as Omega came through the door first, hoping any signs of being flustered or caught off guard had left your face.
Omega merely shrugged and set off to her room.
You followed the young girl’s back. You knew she was taking Echo leaving a bit harder than the rest of you and you hoped there’d be opportunity to talk to her about it properly soon.
“We got the supplies but gotta say Sarge, I don’t know where you got the rest of this stuff cause it doesn’t actually exist here.” Wrecker said as he came aboard.
“Not on this planet anyway.” Tech added as he stored some of the food away.
You made stuff up? You turned to Hunter with an affectionate smile.
“Thought it would buy more time. I forgot Tech would be aware that they weren’t available here.” Hunter mumbled as the ship took off.
You chuckled. “Guess your mind was elsewhere huh?”
“It definitely wasn’t on ipsium mining.” Hunter grunted.
You laughed in agreement. “Well, gotta focus up Sergeant, we have a mission to complete.” You said, patting his thigh.
You stood and walked along the hallway before you had to stop. Your lips and body still tingled with remnants of what nearly happened. Yeah, you were not a fan of this whole dry spell situation. You leaned your hand against the wall and released a long, deep breath in order to channel a sense of calm and to get yourself back in mission mode.
“Come on, sweetheart, we have a mission to complete. Can’t be getting distracted now, can we?” Hunter teased as he walked past you to join his two brothers in the cockpit.
You showed him your middle finger with a playful glare before you also went to the cockpit.
The location of the mines was utterly depressing. It was a barren wasteland. Nothing but desert as far as the eye could see. You sensed this mission would amount to very little and just be an unnecessary waste of time.
You found yourself having a rare moment of wishing you had a helmet like the other three. You and Omega both had to shield your eyes from the dust that the ship stirred up as it had landed.
You all made your way around the corner and found the entrance to the mine Cid had sent you to.
“According to Cid’s coordinates, this is the mine she purchased.” Tech confirmed as he studied his datapad and walked up to the controls.
“And we’re supposed to do what?” Omega asked monotonously. Cid hadn’t given clear direction in the briefing. She had seemed to think stating that she was sending you all to her ipsium mine was enough information.
“Excavate the site got ispium. It is tremendously valuable when refined.” Tech explained. “However, in its raw state, the mineral is highly combustible, like a primed thermal detonator.” He included in his answer before he wiped some of the grime away from the control panel and inserted the key to open the mine doors.
“Sounds dangerous. I like it.” Wrecker said with a laugh.
The door creaked open, and the entry platform was raised but before any of you made a move to enter, Hunter turned to the sound of thunder in the distance and looked at the clouds on the horizon. He knelt down and ran his hand through the red dust.
“Problem?” You asked him.
He thought for a moment. “The storm’s moving away from us. We should be fine.” Hunter replied as he stood. “Tech, (Y/N), and I will mine the ipsium. Wrecker, Omega, you’re on lookout.”
“Both of us?” Wrecker questioned.
“Without Echo, we are a man down. We need Wrecker to assist with operations in the mine.” Tech mentioned.
The mention of Echo had Omega letting out a sad sigh. “You four go. I’ll be the lookout.” She said flatly.
“I really don’t think we need four people for this. Three should be fine.” You said.
“(Y/N) is right. Two sets of eyes are better out here. Cid warned us about poachers in the area. Keep your eyes peeled and comm us if you see anyone.” Hunter ordered before he picked up the mining gear and the three of you headed inside the mine.
The three of you walked through the dark tunnel. The only sound was the rhythmic beeps of Tech’s scanner.
“My scans are not indicating a sizable presence of ipsium.” Tech stated as he stared at his datapad. “Looks like Cid was deceived into purchasing an already depleted mine.” Tech added.
“Gee, there’s a shock.” You muttered but you couldn’t help but feel a little bit smug at the idea of Cid being ripped off.
“Keep scanning. We’ll extract whatever we can.” Hunter said.
You continued to walk for a short while before Tech’s voice stopped you both.
“Wait. I am getting a faint reading.” He lowered his visor and looked up. “There.” He pointed to a high corner of the mine.
The three of you walked over to the section of wall it was located in.
Tech peered up. “The ipsium is going to be difficult to reach.”
“We’ll need to carve out a bigger opening in the rock to get it.” Hunter figured.
“The mineral is far too unstable.” Tech disputed.
“Or I can just…” You clicked your tongue and gave a small wave of your hands.
Tech shook his head. “Any carelessness or slightest friction around it can cause a destructive chain reaction.”
You bristled at the word carelessness. “I’d be careful.”
“You can’t predict-”
“I can predict my unique skillset better than you can.”
“I’m sure-”
Sensing rising tensions, Hunter interfered. “What do you suggest, Tech?”
You pulled back and reflected on what had just transpired. You couldn’t recall a time you had gotten actually irritated with Tech. And he was right, you could have the best intentions and apply the most care but dealing with a mineral this unpredictable needed something that was designed to get it properly. Evidently you were feeling more frustrated than you realised.
“Someone smaller climbs up.” Tech said simply.
“I’ll sub out.” You offered.
Omega moved the small pebbled across her hand before chucked it into the canyon.
Wrecker noticed the irritability in her throw. “Hey. What’s with you?”
“I was thinking about Echo. It’s weird without him around.”
Wrecker had to agree with her there, but it wasn’t really a new feeling for him. “Yeah. But you’ll get used to it.” He said to comfort her.
Omega’s comm beeped and Tech’s voice came through.
“Omega, we require your assistance.”
“On my way.” She replied and stood up with a tired sigh.
“How’s it going out here?” You asked as you came out the mine.
“Quiet.” Wrecker replied simply.
“Passed Omega on the way out. You notice anything off with her right now?”
Wrecker nodded. “I think she’s taking Echo leaving a bit harder than we are.”
“Yeah, I figured.” You agreed. “I almost snapped at Tech back there. She’s not the only one feeling the strain.” You said as you came to stand beside him. “How are you doing with it all?”
Wrecker breathed heavily and adjusted his blaster. “Alright, I guess. It definitely feels different but he’s doing what he needs to do.”
You sighed. “Yeah….” You trailed off for a moment before continuing, “Guess I’m just upset another person to provide impulse control has gone.” You added with a teasing nudge of your shoulder.
Wrecker chuckled and the two of you continued to keep watch in comfortable silence whilst you waited for the others.
Hunter gave Omega a hand up to where the ipsium was encased in the wall.
Omega got herself settled and took the drill from Hunter before she looked down to Tech. “Now what?”
“Drill into the fossilized quartz until you reach the active ipsium inside. But you must be precise. If the mineral becomes compromised during the retrieval…”
“Chain reaction, explosion. Got it.” Omega interrupted with a roll of her eyes. She started to drill into the blue quartz.
“Be… very… careful.” Hunter said slowly as he watched her.
“I… know.” Omega matched his tone as she focused on her task. When the drill got deep enough, she swapped it out for the syringe and successfully drained the yellow mineral. She passed the tube down to Hunter who passed it to Tech to store safely in the case.
Tech brought out the next tube. “Good. Again.”
Despite your talk with Wrecker, you couldn’t help but feel distracted. You understood why Echo had left and you were happy he had found this new path and purpose, but your mind kept wandering to worrying about what he was doing and if he was safe. You weren’t as sharp as you needed to be and that was a problem because it meant your ability to feel into the Force around you for any threats or anything out of place was compromised. As you felt your mind start to distance once more, you shook your head to get back to the current moment, but it was at that time that the others emerged from the mine so your attention was now on them.
“That storm’s changing course.” Wrecker informed as he walked up to join the others.
“The weather patterns on this planet are most irregular.” Tech said to Hunter. It wasn’t often that Hunter was wrong.
“We have what we came for. Let’s get back to Ord Mantell.” Hunter gave the case to Wrecker.
You were about to let yourself relax but when you saw the way Hunter suddenly stood more alert, you felt the unfamiliar presence by your ship, and it was then you knew you had royally messed up. You and Hunter sprinted back in the direction of the ship.
It was then the others heard the sound of an engine firing up.
“That sounds like our ship!” Omega gasped before she, Tech and Wrecker set off after you and Hunter.
You could only watch in despair as the Marauder flew off into the distance. You had fucked up. You had majorly fucked up. You cringed as Hunter whipped round to face you and Wrecker.
“You two were supposed to be on lookout!” He snapped before he turned away with a shake of his head and removed his helmet.
“There was no one there!” Wrecker protested.
“Clearly that was not the case.” Tech said.
“Shut up, Tech. That’s not helpful.” You said harshly before you risked stepping next to Hunter. “Hunter, we couldn’t see anyone.”
“You should have.” Hunter couldn’t help but say to you.
You pulled your mask down. “I know that. I’m sorry.” You didn’t bother explaining that your head hadn’t been present. That would just make things worse, and it was a poor excuse. You were more disciplined than that.
“There has to be a way to get it back, right?” Omega asked Hunter, unable to keep the distress out her voice.
Hunter said nothing, the violent storm ahead was proving to be a more immediate concern right now.
“Tell me, how exactly did you two miss our ship being compromised?” Tech asked you and Wrecker.
You turned to glare at him. “Gee, I don’t know. Could it possibly be because you felt the need to park behind this giant cliff face?”
“Yeah, maybe if you hadn’t docked it out of view, we would’ve seen someone approaching.” Wrecker agreed, his level of frustration matching yours.
“Well, there was no other suitable landing zone. Besides, I thought your particular skillset wouldn’t see such a thing as being an issue.” Tech couldn’t help but quip in your direction.
“Tech, don’t even-”
“I’m merely pointing out a flaw in your previous argument in the mine.”
“Parking a ship out of view in an area known for poachers seems like a pretty big flaw to me too.” You retorted angrily.
Omega’s eyes darted between you all and feelings of distress and concern started to rise within her. A few weeks without Echo and everything seemed to be falling apart.
Hunter sighed and spoke up. “We can’t stay here. Where’s the nearest town?”
Tech examined his datapad. “During our approach, I scanned a spaceport approximately 40 klicks south of here.” He signalled the direction. “Perhaps we can acquire transport there.”
“You know how long that would take?” Wrecker griped.
“Since we do not have access to long-range communications without our ship, it is our only option.”
“Let’s move.” Hunter directed.
You set off towards the canyon, a veil of awkward hostility draped over you all as you made your way down. You didn’t like feeling this tense, but it seemed to be the common theme right now. Clearly, Echo’s loss was being felt more than any of you had anticipated.
You’d been walking for a couple hours and there was no end in sight. It was hot and your mouth was dry, and you felt like your face had a layer of dust caked over it. You wiped a hand across your forehead.
“How much further?” Wrecker asked as he took his water back from Omega.
“You will not like the answer.” Tech replied.
“Here.” Hunter handed you his water cannister.
You took a few small sips from it before you handed it back. “Thank you.”
Hunter nodded as he took it back.
“Are we okay?” You asked tentatively.
“Yeah.” Hunter said.
“I know I should’ve done better back there….”
Hunter sighed. Today had been the closest the two of you had gotten to having a falling out and he wasn’t a fan. “I know you do.” He replied. “There’s no sense in me putting you down when I’m sure you’re doing that plenty enough on your own.”
“You’d be right about that.” You said with a grim smile.
“You and Wrecker were both there and the ship was parked in a poor area, so it isn’t your error to carry alone. A mistake was made but if we dwell on what happened, we won’t make it through this. We gotta move on.”
You reflected on that for a moment. “Sometimes I forget that you can be quite the wise leader when you want to be.”
“Gotta keep you on your toes.” Hunter said lightly. “We’re fine.” He confirmed.
You breathed a sigh of relief.
“Havoc-4, this is Havoc-5. Do you copy?” Omega called into her commlink. “Echo? Are you there?”
He’s too long-range. Echo won’t pick up our signal.” Hunter told her.
“Especially since he disabled his communication device.” Tech informed.
“What? Why?” Omega asked anxiously.
“I assume he’s on a sensitive mission.” Hunter’s raised arm halted any further explanation from Tech.
You all stopped.
The most you could pick up on was the nerves of the people around you. Whatever threat he was sensing, it wasn’t human.
Hunter studied the ground beneath him and saw the vibrations in the ground.
It wasn’t long before the rest of you felt the deep rumble in the canyon and you all turned to look behind you as it grew louder.
“What’s that?” Wrecker asked nervously.
“Run!” Hunter ordered, nudging Omega in front of him.
The stampede caught up to you all rapidly and it was now a case of staying on your feet long enough to find cover and not get trampled to death.
Hunter pulled Omega out the way of one of the oncoming deer-like creatures. He glanced up and saw the opportunity to get clear. “There.” He pulled out his grappling hook and threw it to the rocky ledge that formed a thin bridge across the canyon. He let Omega up first before he started to climb with Tech close behind.
You waited until Wrecker secured his, but he had barely attached it before you both got caught up in amongst the stampede.
“Wrecker! (Y/N)!” Omega cried.
Hunter scanned the area anxiously, hoping beyond hoping that you both would reappear quickly.
Tech also looked below for any signs of you but all he could see for the moment was the backs of the animals.
It felt like hours, not a matter of seconds before you both reappeared. You don’t know how you managed to achieve it, but somehow you were both able to scramble up the wire into safety. The only casualty being the case filled with ipsium was left behind.
“You must protect the ipsium case.” Tech shouted to Wrecker.
You knew better than to offer your services. One strike out from an animal as you lifted that case out of there and you’d all definitely be done for. You felt bad for Wrecker though.
“Well, what about protecting me?” Wrecker replied fretfully as he peered down to the intimidating scene below.
“If it explodes, we’ll all be dead.” Tech yelled back.
Wrecker took a few deep breaths before he dropped down and shielded the case with his body.
You all watched on uneasily but within a few moments, the last of the stampede had passed.
You and the others slid back down to the ground.
Hunter helped Omega down before he came over and placed his hands on your shoulders. “You alright?”
You nodded before you indicated over to Wrecker. “It’s really him we should be asking.” How you doing, Wrecker?
“My back.” Wrecker grunted in reply as he shakily stood up and stretched his spine.
“I would advise not dropping it next time.” Tech told him.
“Why don’t you carry it?” Wrecker snapped.
“Fine.” Tech replied simply before he lugged the case over his back.
You stared past them and sighed at the sight of the dark dust clouds approaching with the sounds of thunder in their wake. “Well, that would certainly explain the stampede.”
You all started to run once more.
Bit of churned up rock bashed against your back as you ran, and it was the second time in the space of a matter of minutes that you were all swallowed up by a threat of nature.
“We need to find shelter!” Hunter yelled over the wind.
“There is another mine. Thirty metres ahead!” Tech said.
“I see it!” Omega shouted in confirmation.
You all veered off to the left and sprinted for the door but the conditions being what they were and running with a heavy case meant Tech tripped and fell.
You and Wrecker noticed he’d fallen behind and you both dashed back to help him up.
“The case!” Tech protested as you both helped him to his feet.
You squinted through the clouds of dust and took half a step forward to try and retrieve it, but a bolt of lightning struck a bit too close for comfort.
“(Y/N), forget it!” Wrecker bellowed.
You knew he was right, you turned on your heels and the three of you headed for the safety of the mine.
“Where’s the ipsium?” Omega asked loudly over the thunder and lightning.
You all faced the canyon and saw the case be carried up in the wind and struck by another bolt of lightning.
“Get down!” Hunter cried.
You all barely made it down the mine tunnel before the rocks behind you exploded and tumbled to the ground and you were encased in darkness.
Hunter lit up his lantern and led the group of you back in the direction of the entrance only to find it was completely sealed off due to the cascade of rocks that had come crumbling down thanks to the ipsium explosion.
“So, now we are trapped.” Tech declared. “And we have lost all of our ipsium.”
You could feel his gaze flicking between you and Wrecker. “And I suppose that’s our fault too?” You said coolly as you kept your eyes from him and stared at the mess ahead of you.
“Well, technically, yes. If you had not let our ship get stolen, we would be aboard it right now with the mineral.”
Hunter saw the challenging stares between the three of you. “None of this is helping. Can you move them?” He asked you.
You regretfully shook your head. You knew your limits and right now, with everything going on, you had reached them. Even when you’d had the proper training and guidance, whenever you reached this point of emotional conflict, you were of little use to anyone in the Force-wielding department. Your head was completely scrambled, and your emotions were all over the place. It had been a long time since you’d felt this undisciplined.
“I thought moving rocks was a simple feat for someone like you.” Tech couldn’t help but say.
“Tech.” Hunter scolded, his voice rising slightly.
You turned to him sharply. “Tech, believe it or not, my ability is something I know more about than you do and I’m telling you right now, it won’t get us anywhere. Now I could wander off or meditate for hours on end to get myself back on top form or I can help move these boulders the same way the rest of you are.”
“Then let’s start digging.” Hunter ordered, not wanting to give Tech a chance to respond for fear of what it could lead to.
“Fine.” Wrecker grumbled as he shouldered past Tech.
Helmets had been long since removed and you’d also removed your top layer to be left in your vest top to stay cool.
Omega tapped the datapad and paced anxiously whilst the rest of you continued the laborious process of removing the boulders. “Something’s not right. The Marauder’s transponder isn’t relaying a signal.”
“It was probably disabled by the thief who commandeered it.” Tech theorised with another jagged stare towards you and Wrecker.
The rock you were moving cracked down the middle, but you said nothing as you pushed each half away, and Wrecker just released an irritated growl.
“Well, then how are we gonna track it?” Omega asked.
“The ship’s not important right now. We need to get outta here first.” Hunter said.
“Quite correct.” Tech concurred. “Besides, it is most unlikely that the Marauder will be recovered.” He said plainly started to push against another boulder but made little headway.
“What? Don’t say that. We have to get it back!” Omega said, her distress rising once more.
“We can always acquire another ship. It is merely a mode of transportation.”
“The Marauder’s our home. We already lost Echo. We can’t lose that too.” She said,
You paused what you were doing and looked over at her and the toil Echo leaving had taken on her was evident. Your infighting probably wasn’t helping either.
“Omega, we didn’t lose Echo.” Hunter said as he worked his way down from the boulders towards her. “He’s just… on a different mission.” He tried to explain.
“But he’s not here. He’s- He’s not with us. We’re supposed to be a squad.” She protested.
“This squad existed before Echo was a part of is, and it will exist after. What is your issue?” Tech asked bluntly.
Omega recoiled with a glare at Tech before she chucked his datapad at him.
“Omega-” Hunter called tenderly as he went to reach for her.
“I want to be alone.” She said roughly as she picked up one of the lanterns and walked further down the mine.
You all turned to stare at Tech.
“You really are firing on all cylinders today.” You spat.
“I merely stated the truth.” Tech said.
“She already knows the truth. That’s why she’s upset.” Hunter added, a hint of frustration coming through at his brother’s lack of sensitivity.
Wrecker shook his head at Tech.
Tech said nothing, he merely moved to another boulder.
Wrecker groaned as he cleared another boulder. “It’ll take days to clear a path at this rate.”
“Complaining won’t make it go faster.” Hunter said frankly.
“And it may not be days, maybe a few more hours.” You said with a bit more levity in your tone as you moved a couple boulders away with a flick of your wrist. The methodical nature of the task had seen you start to find your centre once more and you were feeling more in tune with the Force again.
“Alternatively, this weapon could use a well-placed detonation.” Tech strained as he leveraged himself on against one boulder and used his legs to try and dislodge the one in front of him. “A small amount of ipsium would be more than enough.”
“It’s like you’re wanting me to stay pissed off.” You said with a roll of your eyes before you moved another boulder away.
“And we had a small amount, but somebody dropped it.” Wrecker said as he took care of the boulder Tech was working on.
“Fine.” Tech said dully. “Since losing the mineral was my mistake, I’ll search for any potential extractions within this mine.”
“That’s not the only mistake you need to fix.” You pointed out. You all may have understood and accepted why Echo had left but the ripple effect of his departure was clear in the dynamics between you all at the minute, but Omega was struggling with the whole thing. You knew the four of you would get past this bump, but you weren’t certain Omega would unless someone had a proper sit down with her. Tech wouldn’t typically be your first choice, but he had seen to heightening Omega’s upset and he needed to learn why it had happened and rectify it too.  
“Yeah, go check on the kid.” Wrecker agreed.
“But she said she wanted to be alone.” Tech argued, confused as to why he should go after her when her intentions had been clear.
“Look, she’s clearly having a hard time adjusting to Echo leaving. Talk to her.” Hunter said.
“Very well.” Tech said with a sigh before he grabbed his pack and helmet and set off in the direction Omega had gone.
Tech’s scans brought him to a hole in the wall. He followed the tunnel, and he followed it until he saw through another gap in the wall the tell-tale blue light of the quartz that contained the ipsium and Omega’s stuff was right outside it. He peaked through to see her working diligently on mining the mineral. “Omega?” When she didn’t pay him any attention, he called her name again but removed his helmet and softened his voice, “Omega?”
“I’m busy.” Omega replied stand-offishly as she kept her focus on the drill.
“I can see that. Are you aware that you are surrounded by enough ipsium that, if not handled correctly, could take down this entire cavern?”
“Then you better not distract me.” She said as she extracted the ipsium. She took the vial out and lifted it up towards Tech.  “Thought we could use this to blow our way through the cave-in.”
Tech’s focus was on his datapad. “I came to a similar conclusion myself.”
“Little help?” Omega said grouchily.
Tech reached down and took it. “This vein appears to be much more pure than what we found in Cid’s mine. Perhaps you should extract as much ipsium as you can.”
“You trust me to do that?”
“I am fully aware you are capable of the task.”
Omega glanced away for a moment and shook her head at this typical Tech response, but she couldn’t dwell on it. “Grab the empty vials from my satchel.”
Omega handed over another vial. “How many are left?”
Tech shuffled through her bag. “This is the last one.” He revealed as he passed it down to her.
Omega looked to the piece of quartz that was hovering over a chasm in the carvern. It was just out of reach so she went as close to the edge as she could, but her foot slipped. She pulled back and stretched to try again but as she activated the drill, it fell from her hand, and she tumbled over the side. She was able to grab a hold of a rocky outcrop, but she dangled helplessly over the darkness below. “Tech!” She grunted.
Tech looked through the hole and upon seeing Omega’s situation, he instantly took off his pack and started to clamber through. “Hang on!”
Omega tried to hoist herself up, but she wasn’t able to, and her grip loosened, and she fell to another rock handle even further down.
Tech reached for her but could only watch with horror as her hold faltered and she fell into the chasm below with a scream. “Omega!” He didn’t hesitate. He jumped down after her.
What was below was a river with strong rapids and a current taking them both away. Tech swam and took a hold of Omega to try and keep her above the water, but they were unable to fight back against the flow and were at the mercy of the water as it took them away. They took a deep breath as they were both pulled under quickly.
The three of you all took a moment to rest. You wiped some sweat off your brow, but it was then you felt that familiar sensation you wished you had felt earlier in this shitty day. From the way Hunter’s face turned to a frown and he glanced down the mine, you guessed your instincts were back on side.
Wrecker noticed the look the two of you gave each other. “What is it?”
“Tech, come in.” Hunter said into his comm. “Omega, do you copy?”
When no reply came, you stood and pulled your top layer back over you and swiftly reattached your armour and vambraces turned to Hunter. “Something’s wrong.”
He nodded his agreement.
Wrecker and Hunter grabbed their helmets and the three of you set off to search for the others.
Tech and Omega came spilling out into a pool of water set aglow by the ipsium quartz that was beneath them. The water itself kept blue light radiating throughout the cave.
They swam to shore, coughing and spluttering. They both lay on their backs and Tech lifted his goggles to release the water that had leaked in. It was then that their comms chimed, and it was Hunter’s voice they heard.
“Tech, Omega, do you copy?”
Tech exhaled heavily as he pulled out his comm. “Affirmative. We took an unforeseen detour, but we are alive.”
“Where are you?”
“That is a good question. Stand by.”
Omega looked around the cave for any indication of their location. She glanced behind her, and something caught her eye. She got up and walked towards the faint yellow light that was shining through a crack in the cave wall. “Tech. Look.” She whispered.
Tech examined his datapad. “There is a passageway just beyond this wall. We could use the ipsiym you mined to access it.” He said excitedly before he lifted his comm. “Hunter, we found an alternative way out, but you will need to retrieve our gear.”
“Found it.” Wrecker said as he led the way through the tunnel.
“All right, Tech. We’ve got the gear and the ipsium.” You said into your comm as you picked up Omega’s stuff.
“Good. Next, you’ll need to carefully scale down the narrow crevasse and descend into the aqueduct below. You will come upon us once the rapids eject you over the waterfall.”
“Cause why would it be a simple case of following a path.” You grumbled to yourself as you climbed through the hole and stared down the crevasse Tech was talking about.
“But you must not compromise the mineral vials, or you will perish.” Tech warned.
It was then that Wrecker saw exactly what Tech was talking about. “You got to be kidding me!”
Hunter followed you in. “Hang tight. We’re on our way.” He told Tech before he signed off.
“I hate this planet.” Wrecker whined before he got ready to join the two of you.
Tech sat down next to Omega. “We will be out of this cavern in short order once they arrive with the mineral.”
“Except we still don’t have the Marauder or a way off this planet, and we can’t contact Echo for help.” Omega said miserably as she hugged her knees to her chest.
“We do not need help. We will figure out a solution as we always do.” Tech said simply.
Omega had to take a breath. “Everything is changing, and you don’t even care.”
“I am not sure how I should care about change. It is a fundamental part of life.” Tech said hesitantly, not fully sure if she would grasp what he was trying to say.
He just wasn’t getting it and Omega’s frustration and unhappiness got the better of her. “Echo left. Why doesn’t that bother you?” She snapped.
Tech paused for a moment as he considered his response. He kept his tone as gentle as he could manage. “I am aware that you miss him, but we have to adapt and move on. That is what soldiers do.”
“We’re more than that. We’re a family. Aren’t we?” Omega asked, her voice quiet but hopeful that she wasn’t misguided in how she felt about all of you, and it was something you all experienced too.
“Well, uh, yes.” Tech stammered, taken aback by the question as he hadn’t given the matter much thought. So much of his life had seen war being a central issue, there hadn’t been much in the way of feeling that true family connection, save for the usual sibling dynamics. They’d seen themselves cast out by many of their fellow brothers and so they only really had each other but the arrival of you and now Omega had seen that dynamic start to change and grow, but it had felt so natural, he hadn’t fully realised how familial things had become. “Yes, of course we are.” He assured her.
“Then why don’t you act like it?”
Tech looked to the space ahead and found himself needing a moment to consider his reply because he didn’t have an immediate answer for her- a rare position for him to be in. He could list of facts and data with no issue but being asked to consider his feelings on a subject, particularly one of this nature, was new territory for him. He released a sigh. “Echo chose a different path, as did Crosshair.”
Omega’s eyes widened slightly as she heard Tech use Crosshair’s name. It had been so long since any of you had mentioned him.
“I have to respect their decision.” Tech continued. “Even though it can be difficult to understand, we must carry on. I may process moments and thoughts differently, but it does not mean that I feel any less than you.” He told the young girl.
Omega looked at him let his words sink in. What he had said had helped her see a different side to him and the whole situation and she knew talking about such things would have been hard for him, so she appreciated that he’d done it. Before she could say anything, a distant scream interrupted any potential conversation. The two of them watched as you, Hunter and Wrecker came splashing into the pool.
Omega knelt down beside a coughing Wrecker as he lay on his front. “See? That wasn’t so bad.”
Wrecker could only manage to hold his thumb up.
As you climbed ashore, you tossed Omega’s stuff ahead of you and gently put down the ipsium satchel. You risked a glance in Hunter’s direction and immediately regretted it. The way water dripped from his face and his hair- which framed his face perfectly- had you biting your tongue to keep back an appreciative groan. You knew he could feel your eyes on him and saw that he was getting ready to look at you. Don’t look or speak to me until you’ve dried off. To be blunt, I cannot cope with how hot you’re looking right now.
To be honest, that suited him just fine because he was sure that if he focused too much on you right now, he’d be struggling too. The water had certainly helped but he was still trying to cool off after the hours spent next to you as you all had worked to clear the mine. Watching you work without your top layer off earlier had been a trying feat as he’d seen the strength and power you’d exuded. The droplets of sweat that had been dotted around your exposed skin demonstrating your capability and making you all the more enticing.
Hunter held onto Omega’s ankles as he boosted her up to place a vial of the ipsium by the fragile point on the cave wall. He carefully put her on her own two feet once she’d done that and the five of you hustled behind a rock.
Realising the others had put their helmets back on, you pulled your hood and mask up as Tech drew his blaster.
“How come he gets to blow it up?” Wrecker grumbled.
“If the shot is not precise it will cause another cave-in.” Tech replied before he fired his shot.
You all laid flat as the explosion sounded and the rocks crashed to the ground, and you were met with the joyous sight of sunlight.
As the others moved to leave, you gently touched Tech’s arm. You couldn’t quite get away with the typical sibling dynamic of fighting and then moving on from it a few hours later or at least, not when this situation had felt like a proper fight rather than a minor squabble. You needed to put this matter to rest properly. You didn’t like how on each other’s backs the two of you had been recently, Tech, can we talk for a second?
Tech turned to face you expectantly.
You exhaled deeply. “I know things were kinda tense for a while back there. I certainly didn’t display the best parts of myself and acted poorly. I just wanted to say sorry I was so hostile towards you.”
Tech dipped his head in acceptance. “We all say things and act differently in the heat of the moment, myself included. I’m sorry for my part in things too.”
You pulled your mask down and smiled warmly at him before you both followed the others out of the cave.
You shielded your eyes from the sunlight and looked across the horizon to see what you assumed was the spaceport Tech had referred to earlier and his words confirmed that.
“That is the spaceport but there does not appear to be much activity.” Tech revealed.
“Well, there better be some chow there, because I’m sick of rations.” Wrecker said.
Hunter had taken his helmet off again. “Let’s check it out.” He said as he glanced at Omega.
Omega nodded and led the way down.
“Permission to talk and look at you again?” Hunter said humorously as the others stepped past him.
You faced him and grinned. “Ah yes, much better. Permission granted, Sergeant.” You kissed his cheek but before you could walk away, Hunter took a hold of your waist and cradled the side of your jaw as he brought his lips to yours. You placed your hand on the centre of his chest and sighed happily into the kiss.
He couldn’t help it; he acted without really thinking it through. It had been a trying and tiring day and he needed it. It was a brief, sweet moment since you both knew it wasn’t the time nor place for anything more, but it was exactly what was needed.
“Stop looking at me like that.” You murmured as you pulled away and held his gaze. Warmth flooded your veins and your body started to tremble at the adoration is his eyes.
“Like what?” Hunter breathed, although he was sure he already knew given the way his body was reacting and what he was experiencing was reflected in your own eyes.
Before you could form a reply, you were interrupted.
“Hey! You two coming or what?” Wrecker hollered.
You and Hunter laughed quietly before the two of you set off after the others.
It was nightfall by the time you reached the port, but it was a disheartening sight. Everything looked old and decrepit. It was desolate. You weren’t going to find help here.
Wrecker let out a dejected groan as he came upon an empty pot.
“Where is everyone?” Omega asked.
“It’s abandoned.” Hunter said heavily. “For a while, by the look of it.”
“We came all this way for nothing!” Wrecker said, his spirit defeated.
“Not nothing.” Tech countered. “I can send out a long-range transmission with that array.” He indicated to the satellite ahead.
“No can do, I’m all tied up at the moment. You’ll have to figure it out yourselves.” The holographic image of Cid said.
The sheer lack of concern and casual way she dismissed your predicament shouldn’t have surprised you, but you still found yourself getting aggravated. “Are you fu- are you serious?” You caught yourself as Omega had half-turned to face you.
“Cid, you sent us on this mission.” Hunter argued.
“Well, I didn’t tell you to get your ship stolen, did I?” She retorted.
You scoffed and had to withhold the flurry of insults that threatened to leave your mouth.
“Cid, we need your help.” Omega implored.
“Just like we helped you regain control of your parlour from Roland Durand, and when we cleared your sizable debt with Millegi-”
“I didn’t ask for a recap, Goggles.” Cid said crossly. She looked at Omega once more and the pleading look behind the girl’s eyes got her to reluctantly back down. She groaned. “All right. Give me a few days and I’ll see what I can do.”
“We don’t have enough rations to last a few-” Any protest from Hunter died as Cid immediately signed off.
“What do we do now?” Wrecker asked him as he munched on his ration bar.
Hunter just stared at the piece of food in Wrecker’s hand.
“We’ll figure it out, like we always do.” Omega said optimistically as she shared a nod of understanding with Tech.
The rumble of thunder got Hunter’s attention. He stared at the storm in the distance and looked around him as his squad fell in line behind him. He felt your hand intertwine with his.
We’ll get out of this.
“Never knew you were such an optimist.” He whispered.
I can find it when I need to. You said as you gave his hand a comforting squeeze. You knew you guys would figure something out, you were nothing if not resourceful.
Next Chapter>
Tagging: @noeasyisnoisy, @fuckoffthanos, @tpwkcalli, @graciexmarvel, @arctrooper69, @nightmonkeysstuff, @brujaporfavor, @flyingkangaroo, @sunkissedclones, @ladytano420, @keep-calm-and-drink-caf, @yyourmotherr, @xxeiraxx, @starwarsnerd111
90 notes · View notes
Little short fic for yall - as a treat
Drug addiction and childhood loss mentioned just a tw
Also, timeline wise, this is before the Tarlos fire but after they moved it
I wrote this in 30mins before I went to bed plz ignore how bad it is
TK never had siblings growing up.
The girl down the hall for Apartment Number 4 was close. He babysat her when both of their parents had work and TK had just gotten back from high school, and she elementary.
Other than that, TK had no prior experience to having siblings.
Judd did have siblings.
He had three older brothers in fact.
But never a younger brother.
Moving to Texas on his father’s whim was - as said many times before - the best thing that could have possibly happened to TK. He gained a wonderful and loving husband (hot as fuck too, but that is a less important detail), 4 best friends, and the closest thing he has to a big brother [Judd].
When Judd joined the new 126, he gained 4 new best friends and 1 baby brother.
Judd and he took sometime to get to where they are now, unlike how easy it was for them to make good with the others.
Judd and TK fought tooth and nail on just about everything up until TK became a paramedic unlike most people think.
After the first few mouths of being this close to beating the shit out of each other, things cooled down - sure. They even became friends. But they never really connected until TK changed careers.
It wasn’t until TK was a paramedic and sitting on a random curb in the middle of the night did TK gain an older brother.
It was cold, well colder than normal for Texas. It felt like a spring night in New York for TK, enough to make him shiver, but not wish for a jacket over his sweatshirt.
A truck had slowed as it passed him, parking moments later after a while.
Judd jumped out and called out to him, “Strand? The hell you doin’ out here kid?” Judd made his way over and crouched down in front of TK, taking his chin in his hand and scanning his face. “It’s freezing. Where’s ya jacket?”
A tiny grin brakes TK’s sullen face. “It’s not cold out.”
Judd only continues to frown. “Where did ya get the shiner?”
TK winces.
Sighing, TK lulls his head up to look at the sky. He could see the stars better here than in New York. “You know, New York was always so polluted that seeing stars was kinda hard. This is the most I’ve ever seen in my life. Really makes you think just how big the galaxy is. You think there’s like.. aliens or something? Or like, bugs at least?”
“… are you… high?”
TK snorts, loudly. “No. Wish, but no.”
Then, Judd sits next to TK, wrapping an arm around his shoulders.
It was weird.
It was also
Ya, nice.
TK, slowly, leans into Judd’s side.
Then it all comes coming out.
“Carlos and I got into a fight about chicken of all things. It escalated pretty fast. To be fair, this fight has been brewing for a couple of weeks. We both said some stuff we didn’t mean. I left to get some air and went to see my dad to talk to him because I was getting the itch to use. He wasn’t home so I… walked.”
A beated breath.
“My feet just kinda moved and I ended up in an ally that happened to be selling. I swear I didn’t know. Just wrong place at wrong time. Anyway, I was this close to buying before I backed out. Dealer wasn’t all that happy.”
TK motions to his face with a grimace.
Judd’s arm tightens. “But you didn’t…”
“No. Really, I should get a gold star for that.”
They are quite for a long time. It wasn’t exactly awkward, but it wasn’t… not.
“Why are you out here?” TK asks suddenly.
Stuffing slightly before relaxing, Judd sighs. “I’m just having a night I suppose. Gracie is pulling a night-shift and I have the next two days off. I can’t get myself to sleep.”
Nodding, TK hums. “I get that. You know, my dad used to drive me around when I couldn’t sleep when I was younger. Which is weird now that I think about it because we didn’t have a car. He would call a taxi and just say ‘drive’ until I stopped crying.”
“How do you remember that?”
TK slides him a crooked grin. “This went well into my 20s actually. I had a very interesting upbringing and late teen experience. Riding at night was technically the only solid thing in my life,”
He sighs again, “When I first got into drugs, only a little bit of crap weed from a friend at school, I got into the late train and just… road. Did this all the time. Of course, the thing with my dad. When my parents first got divorced, I did something similar to that when they were too busy arguing to notice me slipping out of the door. When I broke up with my first real boyfriend, I bought a bike off a random guy on the street and road that until the chain snapped. Something about the wind calms me down.”
Listing intently to the story, Judd nods along. “I have something like that. Sorta. The part about the weird calming thing I mean.”
TK cocks his head slightly to show he is listen.
Taking a long breath, Judd scoots a little closer and TK smiles softly, just about snuggling back. “I was 12 when I lost my best friend, Cal.” TK’s hand slides onto his knee and squeezes it once before simply resting.
“We stole a car and went joy riding down the street and lost control. After that, I kinda stuck in this… cycle. I wouldn’t exactly say I was depressed - definitely was at first - but I wasn’t happy. I was just… breathing. Living. For a long time, I was angry.”
TK nods slightly. “I sorta understand. Had a friend who didn’t make it in highschool. We weren’t that close though.”
They fall quiet again for a long moment - remembering - before Judd continues.
“At first, I got into a lot of fights and stuff, before I got a reality check from my uncle. My dad sent me away that summer to my uncle’s farm. He worked me half to death. I was pissed almost the whole time up until he told me something that I still think about today.”
“You lost someone, but that ain’t mean we gotta lose someone too.”
“At first, I didn’t understand. Than I thought about it. I was this decently smart kid who always smiled. Then I was just mad all of the time. That was the first night I cried over it all. By the end of the summer, I was better. I was still messed up, obviously, but I wasn’t fighting every three seconds. When I get mad like I used to, I just… work. Doesn’t matter on what if we are being honest.”
TK’s hand squeezed his knee again.
“That’s honestly a bit of how I felt the first couple of months I moved here. Not completely, considering these are two completely different experiences, but close to.”
Judd only nods and looks away from the side of TK’s face - that was still staring up into the sky throughout the entire conversation. TK hums a bit when Judd tightens his arm for a second. “Want a ride back to your boy?”
A tiny smile makes TK’s face. “If you’re willing, I guess. He’s probably worried anyway. I forgot to grab my phone on the way out.”
Standing and taking TK with him, Judd leads TK to the passenger’s side of the truck and pushes him in. He rounds the truck and hops into the drivers.
The car ride is a comfortable silence.
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monpalace · 8 months
that 12 paragraph rp response that took less than 30mins will fuck you up
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divinebastet · 6 months
Which of your OCs is the most irritating to draw/has the most complex outfit and/or physical design?
The short answer is that I don't really design OCs that I find explicitly annoying to draw.
Adding onto that, I enjoy drawing detailed and complex designs, so while one character might be more time-consuming than another, it's still a process I enjoy- Like Raknos and all his baubles and layers. This sketch took me maybe an hour and a half (As opposed to my usual <30min max sketch time)
Generally speaking even with characters who have detailed aspects (i.e. Marzic's wings) I take a lot of shortcuts with sketching, and if I plan to/wind up inking, I have established references to make the refining process easier.
In other cases, like Lich!Kairos' rotted face and skeleton hands, it was just practice. I really liked Kairos from the start and drew them a lot. I can still draw the bones of the hands/arms and muscles of the face more or less from memory.
It's hard to say who takes the cake for most complex, cuz like...
Darric's outfit is simple but he's covered in lichtenburg figure scars + has a number of other things going on that need to be applied- The veins and bags under his eyes, his blackened limbs, ect..
Marzic's wings and outfit are relatively complex but can be easily simplified in sketches.
Darvai and Cheran have detailed tattoos but are rarely shirtless, and tattoos can be pretty easy with pre-established reference and practice.
Kairos has their scars and exposed bone/teeth, but they're easy to simplify + I've drawn them so much that it's easier.
Nebale, Raknos, Raz, and Arctus have varying degrees of layers and accessories but they don't always wear them, so I can adjust based on the level of detail I feel like putting in at the moment.
So, TL;DR, I dunno! I'm curious to know who among my roster other people feel are more complex/wouldn't want to draw, though, lol.
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findingmypeace · 8 months
*I was discharged from iop on Thursday. On documents it says I discharged ‘against treatment advice’ but it was actually a mutually agreed upon decision. Both my treatment team and myself agreed this treatment program had ran its course and I wasn’t getting much out of it anymore. Additionally work and treatment were interfering with each other to the point I was failing at both. And that was the trigger for me deciding to leave iop.
*Wednesday I had so much work to do including 2 reports due at 5pm. I did everything in power to turn the reports in on time and not miss any of iop, I managed to turn the reports in because my supervisor told me that she could not allow me to turn them in later in the evening. But that led to me coming into treatment 30mins late.🙁 I had signed an attendance contract so I knew I was in trouble.
*There was a conversation between myself, my therapist, and the program director. It seemed almost as if they had given me so much leniency and flexibility that there really wasn’t much else to say or do about it. It was a short discussion. They told me I needed to make a decision about what I was going to prioritize and what do I want out of treatment if I chose to stay. I thought really hard about and came to the conclusion I was only continuing to attend treatment because I feel attached to the staff and I wanted/needed their support. I chose to be discharged. Thursday, the next day, was my last day. I came to sign discharge paperwork and say goodbye to everyone. I cried a lot. The program director gave me a hug and I really, really needed that. She knows I have become attached to her and she said some really comforting things that helped.
It was hard to walk out those does one last time. It was like the very end of a long, treacherous journey. It’s been hard to think about. It’s over. A process that took almost a year is over. It was life changing. I’m feeling a lot of grief and sadness about leaving CFD and the staff I have become attached to. How do I just leave? How is it over just like that? It was such a huge exhausting battle to be admitted to treatment but then it’s over in less than 24hrs. It happened so suddenly and so quickly. It hurts to think about the way things were before I went to treatment. I never want to be back in that state of mind or that physical state ever again. But I am still having a hard leaving the staff behind. Attachment is so, so painful.
*I am still planning on doing Equip. It’s fully virtual and they will work around your schedule which is really helpful for me. I will be starting with them on either Feb. 5th or Feb. 12th. (They only do admits on Monday’s) So these next few weeks I will be in a holding pattern. I’m just waiting to start at Equip. I’m grateful and relieved that I have the option of doing Equip after leaving CFD. I’m not doing all that great at the moment but I am miles away from the way things were on admission day. It’s humbling, terrifying, and incredibly sad. I don’t want things to be that way again.
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Amara's Day 2
We started today off with the goal of teaching a young lady about choices! Most important choice? Indoors or Outdoors. But there have been others along the way.
Amara needed to be carried out this morning to the yard for potty time, because she was feeling really anxious about leaving her overnight nest. She'd had an accident overnight without waking us, and I think was feeling scared of how we'd react. When we need to carry her somewhere, we've been establishing consent first to make sure she knows it's safe. Mostly that looks like keeping a respectful distance and offering her the back of our hand or finger tips to sniff. If she leans in and gives a lick, we'll go ahead and approach and pet her a little. If she turns away or growls, we'll drop the hand and try again after a few minutes, usually with a treat. If she takes the treat from our hand, we can pet, but if she waits for it to be on the ground, we give her some space until she seeks out a sniff. Once we're able to pet her without triggering any discomfort, we'll scoop her up with her legs and hind quarters supported and carry her where we need to bring her.
While that *was* how Amara got out to the yard this morning, we were able to get her to return indoors voluntarily! It took about 30min of back and forth before she wasn't afraid to let me close the back door again with her inside, but moving her water bowl and a dish of ground rabbit into the kitchen helped.
Medical observations for today so far are as follows:
Amara is chronically dehydrated (indicated by thinning of skin, poor elasticity, dry nose without heat, etc) and underweight (indicated by manual evaluation of ribs and hips, and full weight while carried) with possible malnutrition. She's eating and drinking well while here, indicating this is likely related to access rather than apetite.
Care plan accommodation: morning meal consisting of wet food, evening meal consisting of kibble moistened with nutritional supplement, and consistent access to her own bowl of water with added electrolytes. Duration 1-2 weeks, or until sufficiently hydrated to see physical improvement. Feed at rate of current weight plus 20% per meal after first week (first week refeeding up to rate for current weight in 1 cup intervals 2x-4x daily as sought) and until rib and hip bones are less sharply visible/felt under the skin.
We've made a lot of trust building progress, and currently Amara will seek out brief affection by seeking the consent process and licking as her affirmative. She also climbed up on the bed for a bit while humans and other animals were on it! She mostly prefers not to be touched, and gets nervous around sudden movements, but she has been able to coexist in shared spaces with the dogs, cats, and people largely without issue today!
She makes a BIG SIGH whenever she relaxes in a cozy spot, and she crosses her front paws just like Jaxxine does.
We're gonna try the outside again voluntarily soon and see if she's up for it, but first I have to get dinner started (harissa-tahini gravy with wilted greens over meatballs served inside of baked sweet potatoes bowls) so I can leave it to simmer while I supervise the pups. I'm hoping the kitchen time will help with the gradual adjustment back outside since it's an in-between space.
I think even if we don't get to bath time until later this week, we can still call today a victory if she goes in and out willingly and starts to learn the potty schedule. I'm going to mix a spray tonight and try to use tomorrow for introducing her to the curry comb so we can work towards cleaning her wounds and completing a more thorough physical exam.
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driedupeyeballs · 8 months
I did this in like 30mins, these are the barest of bones of character ideas. Anyway nrc basketball team go brr
I will make these into actual characters!!! Someday. Aka if I ever write the fic this is for lmao
Heres the roster (I know nothing about basketball)
Jamil (5) - point guard
Scarabia, sophomore. Twisted from Jafar (Aladdin).
Versatile in position, but generally stays to the back line. One of the highest scoring members of the team.
Floyd (10) - center
Octavinelle, sophomore. Twisted from Floatsam (The little mermaid).
Dunk shots are his specialty, but he can pull off about anything. Brings in the most fouls, though.
Ace (11) - Shooting guard
Heartslabyul, freshman. Twisted from the card soldier (Alice in wonderland)
Makes rash decisions but good at most technical things. Best freshman player NRC has had in a while, according to Kira.
Syrus (2) - small forward
Pomefiore, junior. Twisted from Si (Lady and the tramp)
Rather versatile, moreso than his brother, but mostly plays forward. Cat beastman.
Amber (3) - shooting guard
Pomefiore, junior. Twisted from Am (Lady and the tramp)
Twin brother to Syrus. Less confident with playing forward. Cat beastman.
Remy (Remington) (8) - Center/power forward
Scarabia, sophomore. Twisted from Clayton (Tarzan)
Prefers being forward, but has to sub in for Floyd when he brings in too many fouls. Has a temper problem not unlike Floyd.
Khan (67) - Shooting guard
Savanaclaw, sophomore. Twisted from Shere Khan (The Jungle Book)
Good with technical things. Punctual and logical, also tall as hell. Tiger beastman.
Ruby (16) - power forward
Octavinelle, freshman. Twisted from Tamatoa (Moana)
Has a (not really) friendly rivalry with Ace. Bulky and tall, so he does well as a forward.
Aries (29) - point guard
Pomefiore, sophomore. Twisted from Bellweather (Zootopia)
Makes up for his small stature with speed and jumping. No one really likes him tbh. Sheep beastman.
Mathan (12) - power forward
Savanaclaw, junior. Twisted from Mor’du (Brave)
Considered by many to be the “star player” along with Jamil and Floyd. Though, his reputation may just be because of how close he is with Kira, no one really knows if there’s actually something going on between those two or not. Bear beastman.
Pine (4) - small forward
Diasomnia, freshman. Twisted from Syndrome (The Incredibles)
Accident prone. A bit too confident on the court.
Kira - unofficial coach/former power forward
Savanaclaw, junior. Twisted from Zira (The Lion King 2)
Took over the coach role at the start of his junior year. Has a bit too much of an ego and is a bit too fond of his whistle.
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starvingtobesk1nny · 2 years
Okay I think my body is doing weird things again
So I weighed myself after I got up today and according to my scale I gained 1.9kg from yesterday to today, even tho I consumed a total of 146cals yesterday (so from 54.7kg yesterday to 56.6kg today). 30mins ago I ate an apple and a clementine (122cals). After this I took a shit and weighed myself again and was at 54.8kg?
Almost 2kg lost by shitting? And overall 100g gained from yesterday to today by eating less than 250cals? Both seems quite unlikely to me, idk, what is this? 🤨
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avid-idiot · 5 days
*growls* nessa my omega
What's crazy is that I took a quiz and got that exact result less than 30min ago 🫠
Anyway, hi ml <3
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not-that-blog · 5 months
Fuck the perception of the man or bear argument.
Bc someone said how if it was a man they knew, of course they would pick the man over the bear.
And I will be completely honest... no I fucking wouldn't.
If I had to unexpectedly face a man in my life or a pissed of red belly black snake or a funnel web or a brown snake (ya know, more realistic for my actual area because all three are available within a 20min drive and probably a 20-30min walk from where I live)… I would pick the wild animal.
Like 1. None of the men in my life hike so like, no.
But 2. You think after 25yrs with 23 of them being straight up trauma at the hands of men I even completely trust the ones I trust?!?
There is two, just two men who wouldn't trigger an immediate reaction of fear.
Both of whom I have ran to and cried into the arms of after realising that I was being abused by someone in my life.
Both of whom I have essentially lived with at some point for at least a month.
But I do not want to run into any men in my life randomly in the bush, under any circumstances.
And like I have reason, I don't trust my brothers, I don't trust my father (who has physically assaulted both of my brothers at some point in a way that could easily be described as potentially lethal intent), I don't trust my uncles, I don't trust my male friends, I don't trust anyones boyfriends, I never trusted either of my grandfathers (rightfully so bc one was an abusive asshole the other was a worse abusive asshole).
I don't trust men.
I have had men that I knew for seven+ years get drunk, handsy and sexually assault me.
I had men who actively engaged to prevent one kind of sexual assault happening to me to later feel entitled to my body because of that.
I had men who I believed were my best friends at the time later make it very clear they saw me nothing more than a body the group of them were just trying to sleep with regardless of my feelings about it.
I have been physically assaulted by strangers, by family, by friends.
Avoided handsy adult men as a teenager by being ridiculously loud and vocal. Constantly. And making it a threat. Making my voice a very clear and direct threat that no matter what you threatened me with, I didn't care enough to keep my mouth shut.
And that only worked because I had already kick started a criminal investigation into an adult man who was 'highly respected' in his communities and unfortunately my biological grandfather who is genuinely the worst human being.
So I was known for just going to the cops and when the cops couldn't do shit, I took it into my own hands by not shutting tf up about it.
I don't need to be asked 'bear or man' or 'snake or man' or whatever fucking else.
Nothing on this fucking planet is less trustworthy than a man.
And somehow this because a 'man or bear but the man is XYZ' for some reason...
The answer doesn't change.
Nothing makes me change my answer.
If I can't trust my own brothers, or my father to be someone I would be comfortable running into the bush, people who have lived with me most of my life, why the fuck would I even hold hope for a stranger?
Even the men whose moral codes I have trusted, do you really think that I ever fully believe in them to keep it? When I have watched the seemingly kindest and most protective men that I had willingly given my heart to, get drunk and refuse my no and still be stronger than me when they are completely smashed and I am stone cold sober.
When men I was ready to spend my life with decided stealthing was the route they were taking, or that they were going to constantly masturbate over me in my sleep and clean it up with my bright pink girl guides towel, ruining a priceless piece of my childhood by linking it to traumatic events, or deciding to rape me in my sleep, while I was dressed in a shirt my dad gave me when I was like 7 and winter pj pants... just pulled my clothes down, pinned me on my side and raped me... first thing in the morning while no one else was home.
Those were men that I had trusted.
One of them I had actually gone hiking with.
I have also faced a freshly shed, starving red belly black snake as it considered biting me for getting in it's way and almost stepping on it but the wallaby it was going after ended up being its choice.
I have grown up around brown snakes, at hatching season there's regularly just baby brown snakes on the foot paths where I live bc I'm close to an embankment where they lay their eggs.
I also live near a rainforest that is known for having a few different species of funnel webs, yes I have seen them first hand, on a tour of the rainforest thankfully with a professional showing us them.
Anti-venom on site.
But I have seen how incredibly fast and huge and deadly they are first hand.
I have also seen the damage of a fully grown red kangaroo on a truck, or the speed and bite of a dingo, feral pigs, crocodiles taking down prey in Northern Queensland, the head injuries from a dumbass who pissed off a cassowary, etc.
Like I am not 'blissfully unaware' of how violent and dangerous these things are.
But I know without a hint of doubt, that I would rather take on Australia's deadliest animals, knowing that I have no fucking reflexes to defend myself from them... then ever deal with a man.
Because there is not actually a single man who I trust enough to meet in the bush even if sometimes I say to them I would.
I don't believe in trusting the hands of anyone to not be violent, because I don't believe that anyone is truly a complete pacifist because I believe every act of peace and kindness is a choice and a conscious one, and so are acts of violence.
I would rather experience a torture by another creature than violence by a face and hand that matches mine.
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