#tookish writings
grondds-and-roses · 2 years
So Pippin named his son after Faramir, right?
And like here is the thing. That child- Faramir Took, i mean- has never felt alone . Ever.
For as long as he could remember, he felt like someone was with him. Some sort of presence. Not in a creepy sort of way. It was comforting and made him feel protected and safe. He remembers how his nightmares would suddenly shift into happier dreams and how during storms there was a soft voice telling him stories and singing till he fell asleep. Everyone described him as a happy baby because he was usually heard laughing hysterically and clapping in delight, which is normal, except that some of those times, no one was with him in the room.
Faramir never questioned it though. He only did when the incident happened.
He was never supposed to go into the forest on his own, but he saw a fluffy, white rabbit playing among the trees and decided to watch it for a while then simply get out of the forest. Except that he followed the rabbit deep into the forest and ended up losing his way in there. He wasn't scared. He thought that this was an adventure if you will. Then it started raining and he was soaked, cold, hungry, lost and alone. So terribly alone.
But then the comforting voice returned. It reassured him and told him that it would lead him home, that he just needed to follow it and he did. But as he walked, he saw footprints of one of the Big People beside him in the mud, but what disturbed him was what he saw in the water puddles. It was the face of a man with dark hair and grey eyes, but Faramir couldn't see anyone around him.
The voice did help him get back to The Smials. Everyone fussed over him and asked him where he went, but Faramir was too distracted to answer them. All he could think about was The Man.
And as his father was tucking him into bed for the night, Faramir told him about the comforting voice and how it led him home, but most importantly, he told him about the man in the water puddles.
"Do you know who that could be?" Faramir asked
And Pippin, with tears in his eyes, answered him.
"That is Boromir."
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retellingthehobbit · 11 months
I’m making a webcomic adaptation of The Hobbit! It’s an epic cool passion project that incorporates as much of Tolkien’s prose as possible while also being my own take on the story, it features a variety of different art styles to represent the worlds of different characters in Middle Earth, it’s over 100 pages long already, the art/writing keeps gradually improving over time, and you should follow it! Like, comment, and subscribe! *dabs*
Okay I admit I’m awful at ‘marketing.’ But my point stands! Follow for queer Tookish antics over the Edge of the Wild. 
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You can keep up by following me here at @retellingthehobbit on Tumblr. This blog posts a new 10ish-page-long chapter once a month (on the 13th), as well as assorted WIP art :3. The first chapter on tumblr is here. (I started out posting on my main @secretmellowblog, so the earlier chapters were posted there instead.) However, I personally recommend keeping up with the comic by bookmarking it on ao3 here or subscribing on Webtoon here. This keeps all the chapters neatly organized in one place, and also sends you an email notification whenever it updates, which is helpful because I don't update weekly :). I currently update monthly, on the thirteenth day of every month.
Thank you for reading, and I hope you enjoy!
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shantismurf · 4 days
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"The Mushroom Mine" sign by @shantismurf, with assistance from @tickles-ivory
As part of the celebration of the one year anniversary of the Bagginshield Book Club, we asked the lovely @chrononautintraining a few questions about this wonderful work.
June 2024 Author Q&A with Chrononautical
Q1. What name would you like us to use and what are your pronouns?
A1. Chrononautical or Chrono, She/Her
Q2. How many years have you been writing? 
A2. Most of my life, but posting publicly for about 15 years.
Q3. What do you think of as your writing style - are you a plotter or pantster?
A3. Pantster, primarily, though I've learned my lessons and do like to know where a story is going to end when I start it these days so I try to plot. 
Q4. What’s your favorite genre/trope to write? 
A4. Speculative fiction: stories about magic or science fiction, primarily. 
Q5. Is there a genre/trope you haven't written as much of yet that you're excited about for future writing?
A5. I'd like to do more comedy.
Q6. Was there an idea or scene that inspired A Passion for Mushrooms?
A6. Passion for Mushrooms is one hundred percent inspired by the quote I used for an epigraph: "Hobbits have a passion for mushrooms, surpassing even the greediest likings of Big People." - The Fellowship of the Ring, J.R.R. Tolkien. 
When I decided to write it, the fandom already had more than a few stories about Bilbo planting gardens and deciding to stay in Erebor with a miraculously alive Thorin. I was completely here for all of that, of course, but I wanted a story where the garden wasn't special because of gold or rare plants bought with gold. I wanted there to be a treasure that Bilbo could appreciate with the Baggins half of his heart, as well as the Tookish bit. And I know next to nothing about mountains, but I do know mushrooms do okay in caves, so... 
Q7. Did you do any special research before writing the work?
A7. If you're asking this because I go deep on How To Pluck A Chicken In A Medieval Kitchen during the cooking scenes, you're right and you should say it. I am a middling cook, but all of my ingredients come from grocery stores. I had to do a fair bit of research on the cooking aspects of the story that were furthest from my own experience. Fortunately, the professor already put tomatoes and potatoes in Middle-earth, so I didn't have to go Full Historical. 
Q8. Did the story change from how you originally envisioned it? Were there scenes or plot elements you had to cut out?
A8. It absolutely did. Because I am, as previously said, a pantster. I wanted a bigger bang for the ending of the story than I was set up to get. I could have stopped with Bilbo and Thorin getting together and had some simple falling action, but that didn't perfectly tie the subplot of Dis and Tauriel back to the main pairing, which I knew I wanted. Having Doron try to poison Bilbo was actually a late in the game choice. If I'd planned that from the start, I would have threaded him into more of the middle sections of the novel. 
As for cutting things out, the additional stories in the series started as deleted scenes/reader requests that I couldn't find use for. So most of what I cut didn't end up in the rubbish bin. Anything that wound up there really wasn't worth posting. 
Q9. Do you have a favorite moment from the entire series?
A9. I still really like "A Spy In The Shire" a lot. I know it's so self-indulgent to say that about a story focusing on an OC, but if the point of the Battle of Five Armies is to reclaim Erebor for the dwarves, then I want that to mean something. I want the average dwarf to be in a bad place. I want the average dwarf to need Erebor the way Thorin needs Erebor, to be willing to do anything to get back to the Lonely Mountain. Because if that's the case, then all the sacrifice means something. When I talk about this one luckless dwarf on the world's silliest quest to figure out how to help the king hook up with a hobbit, I'm talking about hope for the future. I'm talking about all the people who long for and dream of the home that Thorin was willing to die to reclaim. I think about them going back there and living better lives. It brings me peace.
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obsidiancreates · 6 months
The Second Chance Of The Third Age (Part 4)
“Right, before we head out, one thing.” Bilbo kisses Thorin as they both wake before the sun even rises. “I’ve got some letters to write, and a statement to make down at the market.”
“I’m putting Frodo and Sam’s fathers in charge of Bag End while I’m gone- hopefully it means Frodo and Sam will still grow up together, without Drogo and Primula dying and me adopting him.”
Thorin looks more than a little lost, but he nods. He gives Bilbo another kiss and Bilbo goes to his study to begin writing letters.
“AHEM!” Bilbo stands on a picnic table set out in the middle of the market, Gandalf and Thorin standing nearby and the rest of The Company (poorly) hiding nearby to watch the spectacle.
All eyes in the market turn with no small amount of shock as Bilbo Baggins, an altogether respectable if not slightly odd Hobbit, demands their attentions.
“I just wanted to announce, in case this takes quite a long time-” as he knows it will, “-that I’m going, on a very long holiday!” He gestures at Gandalf, who is still taller than him even as Bilbo stands on the table, and then he gestures at Thorin. “As you can see, Gandalf, the old friend of my family, has come by with an offer on behalf of this here very fine dwarven gentleman, and I’ll be traveling with them for the foreseeable future.”
The murmuring among the market is equal parts horrified and intrigued, and the undercurrent of it all is confusion.
“I’m announcing this because I’m leaving the care and ownership of Bag End to Hamfast Gamgee and my cousin, Drogo, while I’m away!” Bilbo looks across the market and levels a gaudily dressed and dark-haired Hobbit lass with a glare that could kill a dragon. “And if I return to hear anyone has been harassing them or kicking up a fuss about ‘proper ownership’, I’ll handle it personally.”
Lobelia, all the way across the market, returns Bilbo’s glare with one of equal venom and fire. Bilbo ignores it, and promptly hops down from the table.
The first to approach him, somewhat hesitantly, is Mr. Worrywart. “So ah, Mr. Bilbo… what brought this on, then?”
“Suppose I’m finally taking after my mother’s side,” Bilbo says, brushing off his coat. 
“Suppose you are… has it got uh, anythin’ t’ do with that there wizard?” Worrywart whispers the last part.
Bilbo leans in and whispers back, “Oh, completely. He’s cast a spell of ‘Bring Out The Tookishness’ on me.” He straightens up as Mr. Worrywart lets out a soft, half-believing laugh.
As soon as Bilbo turns to leave, Thorin and Gandalf with him, the market becomes positively abuzz with gossip. Gandalf sweeping away strange little Mr. Baggins? On an adventure with dwarves?! And look at that, why there were a dozen more hiding in the reeds by the little river! And is that dwarf there holding Mr. Baggins’s hand?! What a scandal, what an uproar, that Gandalf is quite the disturber of the peace is he not? Who’s to say Mr. Baggins will return at all!
Bilbo has a self-satisfied smile and a pep to his step as they head back up the hill to finish grabbing their belongings and get going. 
“Was tha’ worth it?” Bofur asks, glancing back at the market and all the looks still being shot the group’s way. “You’re still comin’ back, if it’s like last time.”
“Oh, I fully intend on living in Erebor with Thorin,” Bilbo says without even a shred of uncertainty. “I’ll move back only if Drogo and Primula pass on again, and with any luck it won’t happen with the destruction of The Ring so early on.”
“Why would that matter to their deaths?” Dori looks a little nervously at Bilbo.
“Gandalf told us more than once that none of it was chance- I was meant to find The Ring, and Frodo was meant to destroy it. It would only go to him if he was my heir, and he was my heir because Drogo and Primula died and I took the boy in. Ring gone, no need for Frodo to carry it, no need for Drogo and Primula to die.” Bilbo nods to himself.
“We are meddling with fate in ways we cannot begin to comprehend, then.” Gandalf rubs his forehead.
“Unless the Valar sent us all back.”
“Which we cannot confirm!”
“We also can’t deny it.”
“Don’t waste all your riddles on our wizard,” Bofur pipes up. “You’ve still got a… whatever tha’ Gollum thing is, and a dragon to grapple with!”
Bilbo’s expression grows dark. “... He used to be a Hobbit.”
The silence that envelops The Company is a dark one, and it continues as they gather their things. None are willing to break it for a long while.
It’s as though the single statement solidifies their situation more than any said before.
He used to be a Hobbit.
Used to be. The look in Bilbo’s eyes… there’s more to be said, and terrible things flit through the minds of each member of The Company. Not just for what may happen to Bilbo, should they fail, nor for what may happen to them as individuals.
A quest to reclaim a mountain from a dragon, numbering just 15 at the best of times, was already foolhardy enough. And now, their quest encompasses so much that it may as well be boiled down to ‘rid Middle-Earth of all evil entirely’ and be accurate enough to stand. And to make it happen, one within their party must carry the most foul, wicked, terrible item to ever be created…
“... Did you know,” Balin says suddenly, after a long silence that extended even to getting onto the ponies, “The dwarves were gifted Ring of Power in the bygone ages.”
Bilbo looks up at Balin. “They were?”
Balin nods. “Aye, and our kings held the last for many years. Until it vanished, with King Thrain. And do ye know how many of those Dwarf Lords served the enemy, Bilbo?”
Bilbo shakes his head.
Balin smiles, tight but true. “None. Men fell, and Elves fought, but Dwarves stayed true. Some stories do suggest the Rings were responsible for gold sickness, but never, never, did they claim our hearts to service of Sauron.”
Dwalin nods, catching onto the purpose of the story. “Aye, laddie. The hearts of Dwarves are hard to sway.”
“And our loyalties, even harder. As you know too well,” Balin says with an apologetic look. “What I mean t’ say is, you don’t need to carry the burden of that Ring alone. I know we already swore to accompany you, watch you, but if it came to it we would carry you through the terrible gates with our own hands.”
Carry him.
Frodo had spoke, many times, of Sam’s bravery on the final slopes of Mount Doom. Had sung praises, wept in grateful fits, whispered in bouts of unending guilt, of Sam picking him up and carrying him into the heart of that terrible place.
Starving, wounded, endlessly hopeful Sam. And Frodo had never stopped his emphasizing that Sam was the true reason The Ring was destroyed- and Sam had never stopped arguing that Frodo was. Back and forth they would go, Sam insisting it was Frodo who truly overcame because of just how long he was tormented and tempted, Frodo insisting it was Sam for never being tempted once and never allowing Frodo to fall to The Ring’s power. And in truth, they were both right-
Both true heroes.
The Ring is not a burden that can be carried alone- he recalls Lady Galadriel, speaking with Frodo on the boat to Valinor, of his experiences. How Frodo had whispered to her, to not let the others with them hear.
“Forgive me, Lady Galadriel… but I’m afraid you were wrong about one thing.”
“What was I wrong about, Frodo Baggins?”
“To bear a ring is not to be alone. Not as much as it may wish you to believe so.”
He remembers Frodo looking back to the shores where Sam stood then. 
Bilbo is jarred from the memories by Thorin handing something to him. Small, white, with blue thread framing the edges and a little BB stitched into the lower corner.
He laughs a wavering, tearful laugh. “My handkerchief.”
Thorin nods, a smile ghosting his lips. “You forgot it again.”
Bilbo laughs again, louder, and the rest of his dearest friends join him, soon filling the quiet Shire road with merriment.
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rohirric-hunter · 8 months
🖊+ferelin&dahlia? 👀
The twins! The idiots! My beloveds. So Dahlia existed long before Ferelin ever did. Someone bought me the Minas Morgul expansion as a gift when Leonys Prime was still leve 60-something and it came with a valar. I ended up making a new alt (a hunter, as this was before the brawler class was a thing) and to use the valar on and for a long time she was just kind of there. I didn't want to play story content out of order so I didn't do much with her for a long time.
Ferelin came along rather later. Dahlia had a personality, but it was missing something, and when I was trying to add her to the Moria Gang (then consisting of Hathellang, Drof, Hithanneth, and Belharen), something was missing and things weren't working. Dahlia needed something to play off of and it took me a while to realize that that thing was a brother, and thus Ferelin came into being.
(I spent five days at the security job I had then trying to figure out what to name Ferelin, and came up with many other perfectly serviceable names that I never wrote down, or wrote down on the back of incident report sheets that got sent off to my supervisor and I never saw again. Sometimes I wonder if things would have been different if I had gone with one of those names instead.)
(Sometimes I also wonder what my supervisor thought of all the random nonsense words that were on the back of my incident report sheets that week. He never mentioned it.)
Anyhow they're a ton of fun. I love writing hobbits because it's a blank check to have a character as cheerful and bright and resilient but also serious and strong and traumatized as you like. Obviously any character can be like that, but it's not exactly in vogue and having the character be a hobbit seems to lift a layer of reservation for me. Genuinely my go to whenever I'm trying to figure out what hobbit resilience means is Frodo getting over the Barrow-wight dread and taking it on because it went on for too long and he had a moment to center himself and decide on a course of action (AKA got bored). It's amazing and I hope Dahlia and Ferelin live up to it.
I also had a lot of fun developing their motivations. Initially they were just on an adventure because they wanted to be, because they wanted to live up to the Took name and that's what Tooks do, right? From there it grew into this story about the Other Side of Tookish adventure-having, which is that adventures are dangerous affairs and people don't always come back from them, with them searching for their missing father who went on an adventure and never returned.
They've actually never met their father. He went off on his last adventure before their mother realized she was pregnant and doesn't actually know he has children. So. He's in for a surprise. :D
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swordoaths · 9 months
@homebehind asked:
Name a muse you wish to write in the future. What’s your favourite thing about this muse?
I've had Bard floating around as a potential muse to write for quite a bit. This isn't necessarily my favorite thing about him, but rather what themes/stories surrounding him makes him a compelling character for me...
He carries the legacy and actions of his ancestors, which influences his own views on the situation he faces at Lake-town (and also influences how people view him). There is also the push/pull of acknowledging that legacy and not wanting it repeated, but having to step up and face it anyway---- followed swiftly by: and now what do you make of this now that it happened? His narrative is also one that involves a strong sense of family and navigating a world not just for himself, but for his loved ones. In other words, he's not just making choices for himself, but for others.
Also, in terms of a writing exercise, I think it would be fun to explore how I might craft his story using materials from the book and films to create a characterization that is unique to the people of Dale whilst also leaving faint elements of an ancestral connection to the people of the Mark and the Beornings.
Which of your muses do you most identify with? Why?
Bilbo + Éomer!
Much like Bilbo, I like my garden, my books, my armchair, my tea, etc. I'm perfectly content being cozy and living a hobbit life. But there is always the Tookish part in me that needs to be scratched every now and again (and yes, sometimes that part needs a wizard poking about to get me started lol). Also, I share in Bilbo's affinity for language, writing, and stories/story-telling.
For Éomer, I've also been on the back of a horse since I could walk. I've cared for and ridden horses all my life, and still do, and they are very much part of the family.
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The quill made light scratching sounds as it worked over the pages of the leather bound notebook. The book was filled with many, many pages and many, many of those pages were filled with writing. Wonderful writing, full of all sorts of grand adventures. And every word was true. The writer of this story was none other than Bilbo Baggins and his leather bound book full off adventures were nothing but the truth. Alright maybe there were a few tall tales but if you knew what sort of grand fancies of Bilbo’s to look past than you could easily find the truth carefully inscribed on each page. 
Bilbo reached across the table and dipped his quill once more in his bottle of ink. He was fairly lost in his own world as he tended to do and did not notice the little hobbit sneaking his way into his study.
Little Frodo loved his uncle’s study more than any other spot in his house, which said a lot because Bilbo’s pantry stocked with all every kind of cheese, seed cake and vegetable was a close second. But it was the study he was not allowed in that was his favorite. And Frodo having quite the Tookish streak indeed, saw his opportunity to enter while his uncle was distracted.
Bilbo sneaked over to one of the towering shelves, piled high with books of every shade, title and kind you could ever imagine. He laid his hands on a gold trimmed one, pulling it from the shelf, only to cause several more to come crashing out of the shelf.
“Frodo!” Bilbo shouted, he was in quite a temper as the sound had made him make a slash right through the page he’d been writing!
Frodo twisted his hands nervously in front of him, “I’m sorry uncle Bilbo, I just wanted to look at it.”
“These aren’t books for children to play with Frodo, some of them have spells on them!” Bilbo said sternly.
Frodo’s face began to twitch with emotion, tears welling in his eyes.
“Oh dear,” Bilbo said, “come now, there’s no need for that, it’s alright,” Bilbo told Frodo, kneeling down on his level and straightening his skewed collar. “You know you aren’t supposed to play in here.”
Frodo nodded solemnly.
“It’s alright Frodo, no harm was done,” Bilbo said, gathering Frodo into a hug that he returned happily, snuggling into his uncle’s warmth.
“How about a cup of tea? That always cheers me up. Besides I need a break from all this writing for a moment.”
“But you love to write!” Bilbo said, cradled in his uncle’s arms as he walked them both to the kitchen, shutting his study door firmly.
“I do but we all need a moment for some tea and a treat from time to time,” he said and tickled Frodo under the chin who devolved in bursts of giggles, squirming away.
Bilbo helped Frodo into a seat at the kitchen table and then busied himself with putting the kettle on. Then he took out honey and lemon for their tea and a bit of milk of course. And a seed cake and a couple biscuits. And some fruit for the side and a little bit of the candy Mrs. Belby from next door made. He needed to use up some of the cheese so he took that out too and then of course he needed some crackers to go with that and well before he knew it Bilbo had laid out a bit of a feast. Frodo didn’t mind in the least, he looked over the table with delight.
“And we can have all we want?”
“As much as you want,” Bilbo said, “but be sure not to eat too much and get a tummy ache. You can always have more later.”
“Okay!” Frodo chimed.
Bilbo poured their tea and then they busied their mouths with eating and so they were silent for some time.
After eating busily for sometime, Frodo stopped to sip at his tea. He peered over the large cup at his uncle and asked, “what are you writing all the time?”
Bilbo thought for a moment, choosing his reply carefully, “I’m writing a story you can enjoy about all my adventures.”
Bilbo’s ears perked up at that, his uncle’s stories about the time he’d spent with the dwarves and Gandalf were his favorite. He’d always beg his uncle to tell the tales again because he never got sick of them.
“Can we read it tonight?”
“It’s not ready yet.”
“When will it be ready?” Frodo pouted.
“When you are good and grown.”
Frodo’s frown grew, “that’s ages and ages away!”
Bilbo laughed softly, “it only seems long right now but I think you’ll find the time will come sooner than you wish.”
Frodo thought over this carefully, “and then it’s mine to read whenever I want?”
“Whenever you want, as many times as you want,” Bilbo promised.
Frodo smiled a smile so warm and happy it made Bilbo think of sitting in his sunny garden, enjoying the breeze.
Frodo seemed pleased with his answer because he went back to his food, humming between bites.
Bilbo found himself watching Frodo between sips of his tea.
He felt like Frodo would be grown before he knew it. That one day he’d blink and it’d be time.
He thought of the book that still had so many pages to fill and the little boy before him that grew everyday. 
All in good time he thought, while absentmindedly curling his finger into his pocket. He was thinking away when he realized he was stroking the cool, smooth metal of the ring without his knowledge. He retracted his hand but suddenly the small piece of metal felt heavy in his pocket. He could almost hear it whispering, perhaps it was just the voice’s of the children playing outside but Bilbo knew better than that.
He turned his attention to Frodo who was asking for another slice of seed cake and tried to put the ring out of his mind. All that mattered was that he was here now with Frodo enjoying tea and a meal on a lovely summer’s day.
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hallsofvalhalla · 2 years
Ask game: 6 (characters) and 11 (books)! :D
6. 3 Characters that Inspire You
Jo March (Little Women)
“I want to do something splendid before I go into my castle—something heroic, or wonderful—that won’t be forgotten after I’m dead. I don’t know what, but I’m on the watch for it, and mean to astonish you all, some day. I think I shall write books, and get rich and famous; that would suit me, so that is my favorite dream.”
Samwise Gamgee (The Lord of the Rings)
Sam did not wait to wonder what was to be done, or whether he was brave, or loyal, or filled with rage. He sprang forward with a yell, and seized his master's sword in his left hand. Then he charged. No onslaught more fierce was ever seen in the savage world of beasts; where some desperate small creature armed with little teeth alone, will spring upon a tower of horn and hide that stands above its fallen mate.
Prince Lír (The Last Unicorn)
“You were the one who taught me,” he said. “I never looked at you without seeing the sweetness of the way the world goes together, or without sorrow for its spoiling. I became a hero to serve you, and all that is like you. Also to find some way of starting a conversation.”
11. 3 books you would recommend to everyone
The Road by Cormac McCarthy
They set out along the blacktop in the gunmetal light, shuffling through the ash, each the other's world entire.
The Hobbit by J.R.R Tolkien
Then something Tookish woke up inside him, and he wished to go and see the great mountains, and hear the pine-trees and the waterfalls, and explore the caves, and wear a sword instead of a walking-stick.
The Round House by Louise Erdrich
We are never so poor that we cannot bless another human being, are we? So it is that every evil, whether moral or material, results in good. You'll see.
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blueberryrock · 3 years
For the writing ask game: "i am ready. Are you?" With Kili/ Tauriel
A/N sorry for the wait boo, i accidentally hit post instead of edit, so excuse the rushed ending 💕
Rules, Requests, and More! Still doing this lol
Ready or Not.
The quietness of Raven Hill makes Tauriel tense, far off in the distance the sound of battle rings through the air, but here it is no more than a blip on the wind.
With a sigh, her nimble feet carry her through the tower, it's a blessing that she had made it to the top as fast as she did, but now comes the hard part.
The search.
Tauriel wants to scream his name and have it echo through the ruin's halls, but no one has to tell her how bad of an idea that is. Instead, she focuses on every little sound, mainly footsteps. But as the silent hill rings no noise, Tauriel continues her search for the one she loves.
The one she loves...her love....
She shakes the rising memories of confronting her King out of her head. His harsh words were like a cold awakening for the elleth, but she knew deep down in her heart that her feelings were true.
She hesitates with her small steps, coming across where a door once laid, Tauriel checks her corners with her daggers tightly in her hands before something out on the ice catches her eyes.
His name escapes her by the time she even acknowledges what happened. Her daggers clatter to the ground as she rushes to him, her knees sliding quickly on the ice.
"Nooo-," she wails, brushing the young dwarf's dark hair from his face. Gently moving his head to cradle in her arms, Tauriel feels hot tears slip past and roll down her cheeks, but she ignores them. She ignores everything, the feel of the cold creeping up her body, the wind nipping at her cheeks, the burning sensation deep in her chest.
But what she does not ignore is the feel of him gently stirring in her arms. "Kíli?" Tauriel gasps, her throat thick with tears.
"Taur—" Kíli starts before choking violently on blood, moving to lift him higher.
"Don't move," she whispers, her fingers gently stroking his face, one hand moving to press against his gaping wound. "I can, we can save you. I-I found a fast route up the hill, surely it can be just a-as swift downward?"
"No, " Kíli gasps. "Tauriel, no. I-"
But Tauriel cuts him off before he can finish his thought. "Don't say you want this. D-don't say you wa-ant to leave me."
"I would never willingly choose this," Kíli mutters softly. "But it's an honor to have a warrior's death," he says, gently wiping her tears away. "I am ready for this." He tries, keeping a firm face, but the tears welling in his eyes tell he otherwise.
"Are you?" She sobs, holding him closer. "Please don't."
"I'm sorry."
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astaraels · 6 years
When you finally get back around to working on fic from five years ago and have to edit a huge amount of the drafts that you found sitting in a folder on your bookshelf
(yeah guess who's going back to writing her hobbit fic again, it's this bitch)
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grondds-and-roses · 2 years
“But why?” Asked Boromir.
“Why what?” Merry asked him back.
“Why eat six meals everyday?” 
“I will do you one better,” Pippin answered. “Why not eat six meals everyday?”
"Where do you fit all of it?”
“In our bodies?”
“When do you even have the time?”
During their long trek through Hollin, Caradhras and Moria, their stay at Lothlorien and boating through the Anduin till their breaking, the Fellowship must have had a couple of interesting conversations along the way because what else are you supposed to do when all you do is walk and walk as Pippin would gladly tell you over and over again.
In today's chapter we get: Legolas rubbing the fact that he is an elf in everyone else' face, Sam's glare might just be the equivalent of a death sentence, Aragorn being a thousand percent done with Legolas, with a side dish of Pippin biting people. 
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You're enablers, but apparently the way Thranduil was BUTCHERED fills me with such seething rage that I can’t contain myself once I start thinking about it. For real, they slandered him so badly I'm half convinced the movies are dwarven propaganda.
Okay so right here is a very short but AMAZING exploration of Thranduil’s character in the book, which I did not write but that profoundly impacted little kid me, and probably contributed to me loving analysis so much.
In a few words: book Thranduil is KIND, COMPASSIONATE, and WISE. And how do we know that? Because Bilbo likes him after spending weeks going around his halls. Because, and I quote:
He had taken his stand on Ravenhill among the Elves-partly because there was more chance of escape from that point, and partly (with the more Tookish part of his mind) because if he was going to be in a last desperate stand, he preferred on the whole to defend the Elvenking.
Because Thranduil is the one who makes Bilbo an Elf-friend. (Which isn’t in the movies. They stretched ONE book over like NINE HOURS and they couldn’t fit in that one scene??)
Because Thranduil's people are having parties and singing songs despite the growing shadow, and they're wearing gemstones, meaning Thranduil shares his wealth with his people.
Because there is every indication that Thranduil was a good father when looking at Legolas' character in LotR.
I mean, does this guy sound like an asshole?
"Farewell! O Elvenking!" said Gandalf. "Merry be the greenwood, while the world is yet young! And merry be all your folk!" "Farewell! O Gandalf!" said the king. "May you ever appear where you are most needed and least expected! The oftener you appear in my halls the better shall I be pleased!" "I beg of you," said Bilbo stammering and standing on one foot, "to accept this gift!" and he brought out a necklace of silver and pearls that Dain had given him at their parting. "In what way have I earned such a gift, O hobbit?" said the king. "Well, er, I thought, don't you know," said Bilbo rather confused, "that, er, some little return should be made for your, er, hospitality. I mean even a burglar has his feelings. I have drunk much of your wine and eaten much of your bread." "I will take your gift, O Bilbo the Magnificent!" said the king gravely. "And I name you elf-friend and blessed. May your shadow never grow less (or stealing would be too easy)! Farewell!" Then the elves turned towards the Forest, and Bilbo started on his long road home.
Like, he’s so nice, and honestly funny, and he's such good friends with Gandalf??
The Elvenking had received news from his own messengers and from the birds that loved his folk, and already knew much of what had happened. (...) "That will be the last we shall hear of Thorin Oakenshield, I fear," said the king. "He would have done better to have remained my guest. It is an ill wind, all the same," he added, "that blows no one any good." For he too had not forgotten the legend of the wealth of Thror. So it was that Bard's messengers found him now marching with many spearmen and bowmen; and crows were gathered thick, above him, for they thought that war was awakening again, such as had not been in those parts for a long age. But the king, when he received the prayers of Bard, had pity, for he was the lord of a good and kindly people; so turning his march, which had at first been direct towards the Mountain, he hastened now down the river to the Long Lake. (...) Their welcome was good, as may be expected, and the men and their Master were ready to make any bargain for the future in return for the Elvenking's aid. Their plans were soon made. With the women and the children, the old and the unfit, the Master remained behind; and with him were some men of crafts and many skilled elves; and they busied themselves felling trees, and collecting the timber sent down from the Forest. Then they set about raising many huts by the shore against the oncoming winter; and also under the Master's direction they began the planning of a new town, designed more fair and large even than before, but not in the same place.
This guy is A GOOD PERSON. (I am begging you to read the meta I linked, it's so good.) And do you know what we get in the movies????? DO YOU?!
This absolute garbage:
We get Thranduil explicitly telling Bard he didn't come to help the humans. We get Thranduil being the one who wants to attack first, when in the book he's the ONLY leader out of the four involved in the Battle of the Five Armies who said he wouldn't start a war over gold.
"Fools!" laughed Bard, "to come thus beneath the Mountain's arm! They do not understand war above ground, whatever they may know of battle in the mines. There are many of our archers and spearmen now hidden in the rocks upon their right flank. Dwarfmail may be good, but they will soon be hard put to it. Let us set on them now from both sides, before they are fully rested!" But the Elvenking said: "Long will I tarry, ere I begin this war for gold."
Seriously, he'd just come to assess the situation and maybe grab some treasure if the Dwarves were really dead, and then he changed course and stayed for his human buddies and only joined his forces to theirs because Thorin didn't want to give Bard anything despite being responsible for the town's destruction. Thranduil entered the fight to support Bard's claim, not because hE wAntEd TeH HHwHitE gEmSSS!
Thranduil looking down on mortals, when he's a nice dude who's friends with his human neighbors, is insulting and dumb.
Thranduil being portrayed as having zero chills, when the guy canonically wears flower crowns and berry crowns, is outrageous. ("On his head was a crown of berries and red leaves, for the autumn was come again. In the spring he wore a crown of woodland flowers.")
The movie portrayed him as some sort of First Age Noldo, when he's not, he's one of the Sindar, and his people are all Teleri wood-elves/silvans, Nandor - just singers and hunters doing their thing, not great craftspeople drunk on hubris and the shine of their own reflections.
Which brings me to Tauriel, and my utter contempt for the scene where he basically tells a mere captain/a 'lowly Silvan elf' is not good enough for his son. WHAT.
1) Tauriel does not exist in the book, and by all accounts SHE SHOULD NOT. Seriously, don't tell me she's a good enough character that she deserved to be added, her name is literally Forest Maiden, because that's the amount of creativity that went into making her. She exists to fall in love with a dude she has known for three days, even though we're never given a reason why she's not prejudiced against dwarves like the rest of her people are. What makes her so special? How come a three day fling overrides her loyalty to the king who has provided for and protected his people for centuries? Is Kili that hot? Not by Elven standards he isn't. You could argue that Aragorn and Beren instantly fell in love with Arwen and Luthien, but they were literally the two most beautiful persons to ever live, and there wasn't a millennia old blood feud between their people.
2) The mere IDEA of Thranduil regarding any Elven maiden as too low in status for Legolas is BEYOND ridiculous. Elven 'nobility' is barely a thing on account of everybody knowing each other, everybody being more or less related, Elves typically marrying for love, and the Elf 'lords' mingling with their people constantly. Sure, Elves have leaders/lords/kings, who are a bit wealthier, and generally super skilled in one or several domains, but they don't really seem to have social classes. There are no Elven barons and counts, and no Elven serfs. All the Galadhrim get to see their lady. You're either one of the leaders, or you're part of the leader's people and more or less equal to everybody else, and that's that. And YES, Sindar are still kinda higher than Nandor/Sylvans, but they're close kin (and like, most of the Galadhrim are Nandor, so it's not like they're considered trash by any means), and Thranduil would definitely look down on Noldor wayyyyy more than on his woodland kin.
3) Tauriel is a high ranking warrior, and Elves place more value on personal achievements than on parentage to determine status. Beleg is Thingol's #1 guy because he's the best archer in the world, not because of birth. Also, we don't see any court ladies, so who exactly is supposed to be good enough for Legolas?
4) Elves. marry. for love. qsdsqsdfdsqsd the IDEA that Thranduil would ever try to discourage that. I just.
5) There aren't that many Sindarin from Doriath around anymore, and Thranduil's subjects are Wood-elves, so it would make sense for his unnamed wife to be a wood-elf. We're not told that the Oropher-Thranduil-Legolas Sindarin branch is related to any other big Elven family, despite the super detailed family trees, so the most plausible thing would be that Thranduil married someone from his people and not anyone related to big Elven names. So AGAIN. The IDEA. That he would think a WARRIOR MAIDEN OF HIS OWN KINGDOM WHOM HE APPARENTLY TOOK IN AS A CHILD IS BENEATH HIS SON. Is MIND-BOGGLING.
(Though I'd have some more things to say about Tauriel, and how shoehorning her in as the cliché 'badass gal that does everything like the dudes,' and hinting that Legolas' mother was the same - and it getting no raised eyebrows from anyone - kinda flies in the face of the cultures Tolkien established, and the very protective mindset of the LotR men - but this post is getting too long. ALSO! Legolas and Gimli's friendship was significant because it was the first positive bond between an Elf - especially one from the people of Doriath - and a Dwarf in FOREVER. You don't get to tell me that ACSHUALLY, an Elf almost got it on with a Dwarf not a century ago. Seriously, Elves going for mortal partners generally only happens with humans that either have Elven blood or Elven characteristics, or were raised by Elves, or all three! AND I also detest the hints of Galadriel/Gandalf and am ready to throws hands over them! ... I'm getting so off tracks.)
So yeah, it's just all preposterous, as is Thranduil being a complete d*ck to Thorin when in the books he's only really pissed that the Dwarves kept making a nuisance of themselves in his kingdom and won't tell him what they're doing there. Thranduil DOESN'T HATE THORIN.
And Thranduil being ready to commit Kinslaying for next to no reason?? KINSLAYING?? Elf-on-Elf murder?? THE ONE THING EVERYBODY - ESPECIALLY SINDAR - DESPISES THE NOLDOR FOR DOING???? The movies had Thranduil threaten to kill one of his OWN PEOPLE for hitting a nerve (and committing treason twice, but who cares? not the writers) when by all accounts he should sooner kill HIMSELF than ever do anything like that given the history of his people?!? Wtffff.
... the fact that they made Thranduil obsessed with some random white gems, that he'd go to war over them, that his entire feud with Thorin's family was started over them...
AND THAT THEY CUT THE SCENE WHERE IT'S FINALLY EXPLAINED THAT THEY WERE HIS DEAD WIFE'S JEWELS (=> meaning that the dwarves really did steal them, like it's hinted at in the first movie's intro but left ambiguous).
Like "yeah, we're gonna make Thranduil a bit of an ass because of the tragic past we invented for him" - "oops, we cut out half of the tragic past thing" - "yeah, we just made Thranduil an ass." "Oh no, he's not just a greedy b*tch, he's a complex character! ... If you watch the interviews and the cutscenes of the extended version."
(Exasperation warning for that last vid: a captain commits treasons and threatens her king for wanting to pull out of the battle that's decimating their people. Then the king all but pisses on the Silmarillion. Uuuuugh.)
(The magic fake skin/eye is also weird.)
(These movies are a mess.) . . .
But we got elk-riding, dual-wielding Thranduil out of it all, which was pretty epic I guess?
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starryeyedrogue · 3 years
Top 5 favorite tolkien tumblr accounts
hey anon! thanks for the ask! this was a tough one, I follow so many LotR blogs and everyone’s so nice! I’m the kind of person who has everyone on the “favorites” list, so it’s not exactly a top 5 but still lol. in no particular order:
most of these lovely folks write amazing fics and headcanons too, you should check them out! also, feel free to interact with this post if you post lots of LotR content/like LotR!
btw, there are a ton other amazing LotR-posting folks on here, and I recommend looking up the LotR tag! if I didn’t mention you and you post LotR stuff, it’s not personal! I’m just on my last braincell and can’t think of anymore rn 😅
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cassiabaggins · 3 years
Cassia Baggins (oc)
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Name: Cassia Baggins
Age/DOB: August 13th, 2909 TA (Shire Reckoning) (32 at the time of the BOTFA)
Gender/pronouns: Female, she/her
Species: Hobbit
Timeline: The Hobbit, LOTR
Physical Description: Cassia takes after her mother in looks. She is short and plump like all hobbits, with dark brown, curly hair, dark blue eyes, and a snub nose. She has an hourglass body shape and full lips, and lots and lots of freckles all over her body, but mostly on her face and shoulders... basically any part of her skin that sees the sun! Her faceclaim is Anna Popplewell, but I imagine Cassia with a bit of a rounder face! Cassia also has pointed ears and large, furry feet like all hobbits.
Personality Description: Cassia is hotheaded and adventurous, just a chaotic little gremlin. She is stubborn, mischievous, and determined, but also friendly and outgoing. She loves to try new things and ever since she was a young child, longed to see more of the world due to all the adventures her mother told her about! She has a penchant for trouble and always tends to get in ridiculous situations. She’s also a romantic at heart, and somewhat immature/naive and this can lead to her being taken advantage of. Frankly, Cassia is extremely empathetic. Maybe too much. She feels everything very strongly, and that tends to make her a bit of a crybaby at times as she will cry at any strong emotion, fear, anger, joy, sadness... But whenever someone needs her help or her comfort, she’s there immediately, not only with kind words and a hug, but with a warm slice of pie or a warm drink and a blanket, because sometimes you need some creature comforts. She gives great hugs and even better backrubs, and is great at giving advice. She loves children and is very motherly and sometimes certain parties (Kili) call her ‘mom’ jokingly. People always know they can come to her for anything and she’ll do everything within her power to help them. She’s their confidante, not just their queen.
Significant Other (if any): Fili 
Family: Mother: Belladonna Took, Father: Bungo Baggins, Brother: Bilbo Baggins, Brother in Law: Kili, Sister in Law: Rhis, Mother in Law: Dis, Uncle in Law: Thorin Oakenshield, Children: Thorin IV, Kirin, Arnin, Belladonna II, Vilrin, Frerin II, Corin, Columbine, Leifrin, Eglantine, Elestren, and Daffodil
Backstory (includes SPOILERS for An Extra Burglar!!!): Cassia is Bilbo’s little sister, Belladonna and Bungo Baggins’ youngest child and only daughter. She was an accident baby, born 18 years after Bilbo and while the Baggins’ had always hoped for another child, she was born well after they expected one to come along! Left to be raised by her brother when her parents died when Cassia was 17 (Bungo) and 25 (Belladonna), she always felt a bit out of place. She was too Tookish for a Baggins and too Baggins-y for a Took, stuck in an awkward in between. Her closest friends were Delphinia Greenholm (something of an older sister to Cassia) and Lobelia Bracegirdle (eventually Sackville-Baggins). Six months before Gandalf volunteered Cassia and Bilbo for Thorin’s adventure, Cassia became involved with Allen Proudfoot. Bilbo was very hopeful she would finally settle down and stop talking about adventures, and she did. For a time. Three months into a very promising relationship, Cassia found out Allen had been seeing her friend Lobelia on the side and this discovery resulted in Cassia dumping Allen very publicly, having a huge fight with Lobelia, and throwing herself back into the troublemaking ways of her childhood as a rebellion. When Gandalf arrives, Cassia is more than happy to become a burglar for the Company of Thorin Oakenshield. She immediately gets along with Fili and Kili, though her relationship with Thorin is rather strained at the beginning due to her anger over his treatment of Bilbo. Over the adventure, she grows close to Fili. Very close. She ends up falling in love with him, but is unsure if he reciprocates, and, wary of love due to her past experiences, contents herself with the idea that they are simply not meant to be. However, Fili confesses to her near the end of the Quest and they start courting, meaning to marry the next year, but the Battle of the Five Armies and Thorin’s resulting death throws a wrench into their plans, as Fili is crowned King of Erebor. Cassia returns to the Shire with her brother for a time, but some months later, she goes back to Erebor, marries the love of her life, and has 12 children with him. Read more about her in this fanfic I am writing!
Gallery: one  two  three  four  five  six  seven  eight    and more!
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hacash · 3 years
writer ask game! tagged by the delightful @itsthecamouflage
what's your all-time favorite ship? uh...probably faramir x eowyn? it changes all the time though
how many works do you have on ao3? 24
what's your total ao3 word count?  222, 787
what are your top five fics by kudos?
• Only The Welsh Can Cwtch (Ted Lasso) Kudos: 249
• Too Much Information (LOTR) Kudos 132
• Doing Better (Ted Lasso) Kudos 122
• A Shadow And A Thought (LOTR) Kudos 115
• On Purpose (Ted Lasso) Kudos 91
do you reply to comments, why or why not? yes: it always gets me happy when someone replies to mine so I try to pay it forward
fic you've written with the angstiest ending? oof, tricky - I seem to remember writing some pretty angsty batman fic back in the day, but I think out of the stuff on AO3 probably Home Fires Burning (alas for Lotho’s never-achieved redemption!)
fic you've written with the happiest ending? most of mine have happy endings but An Unexpected Courtship had mistaken identity, fake dating, a whole lotta angst and putting Pippin through the absolute wringer before giving him a happy ending, so that felt like the best-achieved happy ending.
do you write crossovers? not that much, although I yammer a fair bit about the possibility of crossovers on here
have you ever received hate on a fic? not yet, give it time
do you write smut? if so what kind? I write smutty moments in longer fics - I seem to be developing a tendency for enthusiastic and sexy consent which is not a bad thing to specialise in I suppose
have you ever had a fic stolen? not to my knowledge
have you ever had a fic translated? I don’t think so
have you ever co-written a fic before? yeeaars ago I’m not even sure I can remember what it was about!
what’s a WIP that you want to finish but don’t think you ever will? so help me God, I will complete This Slanted Light if it kills me. the Robin Hood fic that I abandoned like two chapters before completion haunts my dreams tho
what are your writing strengths? dialogue and a tendency to get way too in depth with characterisation
what are your writing weaknesses? so long. too long.
what are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic? I’ll try my hand at small snippets but tbh I don’t trust online translators so I’ll usually just write ‘they said in X’ to make sure I don’t cock anything up
what was the first fandom you wrote for? Lord of the Rings; and still going strong babeyy
what's your favorite fic you've written? This Slanted Light. It’s all about the four hobbits coming home and leading the rising of the Shire, coping with the traumas of the War of the Ring, and Sam/Merry/Pip’s eventual romances with their wives, and it is a freaking labour of love. It’s something I’ve wanted to write since I first read the books and delves into every cheesy trope I’ve ever wanted to put in a fic, so ofc I love it :)
tagging @kamillahn, @too-tookish-to-care, @bibliothekara, @hippity-hoppity-brigade, and anyone else who wants in
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the---hermit · 3 years
Tag 9 people to learn about their interests!
Tagged by @just-a-cup-of-anxietea thank you 💜🌿
Favourite genre?
I grew up listening to metal and rock, and that's where my heart is. Expecially symphonic metal. But I also listen a a lot more.
Favourite song?
I could say so many songs, if I really have to pick just one I would say Fear Of The Dark by Iron Maiden. That's the song that made me fall in love with music as a kid.
Most listened song recently?
Lately I have been really into Rain Paris' covers, she's really good.
Song currently stuck in your head?
Below My Feet by Mumford and Sons
5 fave lyrics?
Although I felt like giving up
It's not the road I chose
The path less often traveled
Held the highest, the highest of hopes
(The Curse Of The Fold by Shawn James)
Man, he took his time in the sun
Had a dream to understand
A single grain of sand
He gave birth to poetry
But one day'll cease to be
Greet the last light of the library
(The Greatest Show On Earth by Nightwish)
The first thing I ever heard
Was a wandering man telling his story
It was you, the grass under my bare feet
The campfire in the dead of the night
The heavenly black of sky and sea
(Song Of Myself by Nightwish)
And suddently Hades was only a man...
(Epic III from Hadestown off Broadway)
You can be every little thing you want nobody to know
(Wilder Mind by Mumford and Sons)
radio or your own playlist | solo artists or bands | pop or indie | loud or silent volume I slow or fast songs | music video or lyrics video | speakers or headset | riding a bus in silence or while listening to music | driving in silence or with radio on
Favourite book genre?
I have a thing for the very first horror/scifi/fantasy that bloomed in gothic litterature at the end of the 1800s. I have no idea if that counts as a genre, but I have always had a thing for that part of litterature, and when I don't know what to read I usually just go for something that falls under this category
Favourite writer?
Neil Gaiman, and many others, but if I have to pick just one that's him. His writing style, the topics, everything is just perfect for my taste in writing.
Favourite book?
I usually say Frankenstein by Mary Shelly cause that is a great way to present the type of story I like. I was also lucky cause I read that book in the perfect moment of my life to connect with it amazingly. At the same time I feel like I am lying because to only pick one single book is so reductive.
Favourite book series?
I have commitment issues, I don't usually go for series. I would like to cheat by saying The Lord Of The Rings, but Tolkien considered it a whole book. Other than that the only full series I have read is Harry Potter. ( I have also read a few books from the Percy Jackson series, which I enjoyed at the time. And last year I started reading The Witcher series, which I am really liking but I am only two books in and I don't know if that would count).
Comfort book?
The Humans by Matt Haig. Anyone who knows me, or has been following me for a while knows about this, amd no I will never shut up about it until everyone has read it. It just gives me hope in a way didn't think was possible. (Also shout out to The Hobbit cause it just makes me feel so good)
Perfect book to read on a rainy day?
Okay so not an easy question. I think I would either go for a short book that I could read in one sitting or a collection of short stories. For the first category my first thought was Tarocchi Magici E Cavallereschi : La Vera Storia Di Rolando by Marcello Simoni. I have no idea if this was translated but It was a great retelling of the medieval story of Rolando I read last year, I'd love to re-read it. For the second category any short story collection by Neil Gaiman. I particularly love Trigger Warning.
Favourite character?
How can you ask me to pick just one? I love the Creature of Frankenstein, I connected so much to that character. But also Herger from Crichton's Eaters of the Dead is a character I love. I adore his positive spirit and his way of seeing life. At this point I should also mention Bilbo Baggins from The Hobbit, one of the characters that I feel more close to me.
5 favourite quotes from your favourite book(s) that you know by heart?
Beware; for I am fearless, and therefore powerful.
(Frankenstein by Mary Shelley)
A paradox: The things you don’t need to live—books, art, cinema, wine, and so on—are the things you need to live.
(The Humans by Matt Haig)
Don’t aim for perfection. Evolution, and life, only happen through mistakes.
(The Humans by Matt Haig)
Herger said to me, "Be thankful, for you are fortunate."
I inquired the source of my fortune. Herger said in reply, "If you have the fear of high places, than this day you shall overcome it; and so you shall have faced a great challenge; and so you shall be adjudged a hero.
(Eaters Of The Dead by Michael Crichton)
Then something Tookish woke up inside him, and he wished to go and see the great mountains, and hear the pine-trees and the waterfalls, and explore the caves, and wear a sword instead of a walking-stick.
(The Hobbit by J.R.R. Tolkien)
hardcover or paperback | buy or rent | standalone novels or book series | ebook or physical copy | reading at night or during the day | reading at home or in nature | listening to music while reading or reading in silence | reading in order or reading the ending first | reliable or unreliable narrator | realism or fantasy | one or multiple POVS | judging by the covers or by the summary | rereading or reading just once
Favoutie tv/movie genre?
I have no idea. I don't know if I feel different about the genres I watch the most. You know what? I'm gonna go with animated movies because at the end of the day that's always the best option when you don't know what to watch.
Favourite movie ?
There is so many movie. In my family we religiously rewatch a bunch of movies every year, how could I pick just one? I'm gonna go with Young Frankenstein cause that movies is hilarious, and everytime I rewatch it I laugh as if I didn't know all the jokes already.
Comfort movie ?
Honestly it depends on what type of comfort I am looking for. I could go with a couple of my favourite disney classics like The Emperor's New Groove and The Lion King. But also The Hobbit and The Lord Of The Rings movies. This list could go on for days honestly.
Movie you watch every year ?
The list would be way too long, I am a serial rewatcher. I can say a few I haven't mentioned yet. Big Trouble In Little China, the Pirates of the Caribbean movies, Wasabi, The 13th Warrior, Lo Chiamavano Trinità and A LOT of other movies.
Favoutie tv show?
The answer to this has changed many many times through the years, but I can confidently say Brooklyn Nine Nine.
Comfort tv show?
Brooklyn Nine Nine, Friends, and I know there's something else but I can't think of any title at the moment.
Most rewatched tv show?
I could say Supernatural, but I really don't want to say Supernatural. I have watched The Mentalist a fair amount of times (the first couple seasons). Now that I think about it I have seen Lie To Me a lot of times aswell. B99 too but I disn't awant to be too repetitive.
5 fave characters?
I don't know if this is supposed to be on tv shows or movies so I will randomly list a few from both. Bilbo Baggings from The Hobbit (yes I am saying it again BUT you don't understand how much I feel like him cause I also both want and not want to go on an adventure). Rosa Diaz from B99, Patrick Jane from The Mentalist, Elizabeth Swan from The Pirates Of The Caribbean. I know it's just four but I can't think of anyone at the moment.
tv shows or movie | short seasons (8-13 episodes) or full seasons (22 episodes or more) | one episode a week or binging | one season or multiple seasons | one part or saga | half hour or one hour long episodes | subtitles on or off | rewatching or watching just once | downloads or watches online
I tag (no pressure) : @anxiousoptimist101, @contre-qui , @justanotherstudyblrinthecrowd , @starrystvdy , @sage-studies , @occhicerchiati , @fly-away-from-here , @illuminatingnun and @outsassing-nero, plus whoever whats to do this just pretend that I tagged you!
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