#tootles :3
fourmoony · 1 year
𝐡𝐨𝐩𝐞 (𝟑)
james potter x f!reader
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fluff. 1.8k
Summary: James and Sirius miss Hope's first steps, but not her first time on a broom.
i love this little family so much, so now consider 'hope' as a mini series :) - h <;3
part 1 - part 2 - part 4 - masterlist
Hope is standing in the middle of the room, her little hands outstretched towards Remus.
He’s holding a magic camera, his eyes wide and words encouraging as he talks to her. They’re in matching pyjamas Sirius bought everyone the previous Christmas that have little Christmas trees and candy canes on. It’s March, the night before Hope’s first birthday, but the matching pyjamas have become a staple of lazy days spent in yours and James’ home. Hope wobbles on her feet a little, big blue eyes wide with laughter. Remus laughs too, snapping photograph after photograph as his niece stumbles towards him.
You’re cheering, too, from behind her, hands clasped to your mouth. You’ve been an emotional wreck all day. Hope turns one, tomorrow, and you’re starting to understand why James is adamant she’s growing too fast. It’s been nine months. The war is still raging on but being able to come home from the potion’s lab, or an order meeting, and have your little girl be there, safe, loved, and a beacon of pure light and joy, makes everything a little less scary. You fight every day for a world in which she can grow and be safe. You know a lot of people aren’t so lucky. But Hope has lived up to her name’s sake for your family.
And now she’s going to be one.
And she’s taking her first steps towards Remus, who’s cheering loudly, and your daughter is giggling, and you’re crying.
Tears of pure joy are streaming down your face when Hope finally reaches Remus and falls into his arms. Remus sets the camera down and picks her up. He holds her to his face, blows a raspberry against her cheek, and she howls with laughter. When he sets her back down, Hope tootles back towards you, bright eyed, wide smiled, and fast on her feet. You’re waiting with open arms, ecstatic when your daughter collapses into them. Remus is back to snapping photos, which you’re glad of because if James isn’t already going to be gutted that he missed Hope’s first steps, he’ll be livid if he finds out there’s no photographic evidence of it.
“Oh,” You breathe when Hope’s tiny hand tries to swipe at your wet cheeks, “Oh, my sweet girl.”
“You okay?” Remus asks, though he looks just as close to tears despite the wide smile on his face.
You nod, wipe at your tacky cheeks, and send hope off to play with the collection of toys she’s set up in the middle of the living room, “She’s growing up too fast, Rem.”
Remus laughs and nods like he agrees, “You sound like James.”
“He’s going to be so annoyed.”
“We have the photos,” Remus tries to placate, but you both know James is still going to pitch a fit about missing Hope’s first steps.
Sirius, too, probably.
Remus gets up to make a cuppa for you both and you settle back to watch Hope. When he returns, you sit on the floor together and watch her. She’s in her own world, not a clue that it’s going to be her birthday tomorrow. She has no idea all your friends will be over for dinner to celebrate her, that there’ll be gifts for her, and cake for her. In a way it’s nice that she doesn’t have a clue. You know one day, when she’s four or five, and she understands more, that you’ll likely have to scrape her off the ceiling from excitement.
When James and Sirius get back Hope is on the suite with a bottle, half asleep. None the wiser, James leans down to press a kiss onto her head as he passes into the kitchen to find you and Remus. The kitchen windows are fogged up, a pot of soup bubbling away on the stove whilst you wash dishes and Remus dries and puts them away. The radio is playing softly in the background, mixed with the soft sound of Sirius’ voice as he talks to Hope about his day.
James appears in the doorway and he’s smiling the kind of smile where you know that he’s feeling grateful for the scene he’s come home to.
“Hey,” He greets you both.
You smile, drying your hands on a tea towel, and approach him for a kiss. You’re on your tippy toes when Sirius starts screaming from the living room. Your blood runs cold as Sirius shouts for you, James, and Remus, mind running wild with every possible danger that could have unfolded in the two minutes he’s been alone with Hope. There could be Death Eaters at your house – though, it’s physically unplottable, the thought still runs through your mind. Hope could have fallen from the couch onto her head. The list is endless.
The three of you are out of the kitchen and standing wide eyed in the living room in record time, scanning for any sign of danger. Sirius is standing by the window, jumping up and down excitedly, pointing at your daughter who is waddling towards him with a wide grin. She’s giggling again, and it’s that sound that kills your fight or flight mode. Now, you smile happily, watching as James proceeds to dissolve into a fit of tears.
He’s smiling and jumping with Sirius, but he’s sobbing uncontrollably, too.
You and Remus share a look. A silent question. Should you burst their bubble?
“Why aren’t you two more excited?” Sirius accuses.
And now you don’t have a choice because you’ve been caught.
“Babe,” James points, like maybe you can’t see your daughter walking back and forth, and he drops to the floor and corrals her into his arms, “Hope is walking!”
You nod, smiling wide, “Yeah, I see.”
Sirius looks at Remus. Maybe it’s because James is too distracted with kissing all over Hope’s face and mumbling how proud he is that he hasn’t noticed, but Sirius notices the way Remus is nervously biting his lip and immediately gasps.
“Treason!” He points at his boyfriend, wide eyed and accusatory.
“What?” James looks up, brows furrowed.
You and Remus are shifting on your feet. Hope sidles up to your leg, arms wrapping around your calf. You take the opportunity to bend down and pick her up, avoiding James’ question.
“How was shopping? Did you find the doll for-“ You try.
“Stop deflecting! They knew! She’s done it already!” Sirius is hysterical.
James stands, hands on his hips, and you fold.
“I’m sorry! She only did it literally like an hour before you got home!”
“We have photos.” Remus tries, backing away from Sirius as he charges at him.
James looks positively heartbroken. He frowns, blinks, “I missed her first steps?”
You frown, walk towards James, shift Hope further up your hip. He wraps an arm around you both, looks down at his daughter and his resolve softens. He smiles, leans forward to kiss her head. She gurgles, looks up at him with bright blue eyes. It fills your heart with love. Sirius and Remus are bickering to your right, and James is talking softly to Hope about how she must wait for him before achieving any more important milestones. You’re so grateful, so filled with love and joy and hope for the future.
The world isn’t perfect.
But when you have a family like yours, the world feels like maybe, one day, it could be.
“Don’t hate me.” You mumble, leaning your head on James’ shoulder.
James huffs a laugh, presses his lips to the crown of your head, pulls you in tighter, “Never, ever.”
“Did you get the doll?” You ask.
James nods, you feel it against your head.
You still have to wrap Hope’s presents. You should really get her to bed soon. But you don’t want to leave this moment with the people you love most.
“So, can I go get the toy broom from the cupboard?” Sirius asks. He and Remus seem to have made up. Sirius is leaning against Remus’ chest, a wicked smile on his lips.
You sigh, look at your daughter, mentally debating. Sirius has been dying to get Hope on a broom since he met her. You gave him strict rules – not until she could walk. And now she can walk. But a part of you worries she’ll love flying. The toy broom is charmed to fly, so you know she can have that. But Hope’s birth parents were muggles, and you know when she gets older, she won’t be able to mesh her magic with a broom to make it fly. Unless.
“Fine. Okay,” You concede. “But no higher than the coffee table!”
Sirius isn’t listening, already throwing winter coats and Christmas decorations out of the cupboard to get to the toy broom.
“I’ll get the camera.” Remus announces.
“What do we do when she’s too old for the toy broom?” You ask James, gnawing on your lip.
“I’ll look into some charms for bigger brooms, I’m not too sure. I’m sure there’ll be a way for her to be on a broom, at least.” James replies, just as antsy at you.
You’ve talked at length about how if you and James have more children, one day, Hope will be the only one without magical abilities. But you’ve never been able to come up with an actual solution. Really, there’s not one. It’s going to suck. But right now, while she has the chance to fly, who would you be to stop her? You never want to hold Hope back. You never will. So, when Sirius returns and takes Hope from your arms, hands the broom to James, you can’t help but feel excited.
James holds the broom and Sirius sets Hope on it.
She’s clumsy, holding onto Sirius’ arms rather than the handle, and she kicks her feet violently, which makes the broom wobble. But Sirius moves with her, laughing with pure unfiltered happiness. Remus snaps photos, following Sirius and Hope around the room. You sit, legs crossed, on the floor, a hand on your heart because you feel like you might explode. It’s cute and it’s happy and your house is filled with so much joy.
“At least I got to see her first time on a broom.” James placates with himself as he sits down next to you.
You laugh just as Sirius tries to take his hands off of Hope. She wobbles and almost topples off the side of the broom and you fly forwards. By the time you get there, Hope has corrected herself, and is flying with ease just high enough for her tip toes to be touching the ground. You still. Let out a breath. Sirius looks up guiltily.
“Her first and last.” You tell James.
“What’s that burning smell?” Remus asks, before Sirius can argue back.
You frown, looking around, “The soup!”
“Shit.” Remus abandons the camera and follows you to the kitchen.
From the living room, you can hear Sirius assuring Hope that it won’t be her last time on a broom, that her uncle Sirius will make her a quidditch star in no time. You hope, by some miracle, that he's right. You'll love her either way, though.
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rocksibblingsau · 3 months
Poppy: Dante, can you look at Branch's letter for me? I just feel like he doesn't feel the same towards me, like I knoooow you guys communicate the same way but he barely respondes to my advances. What if he just doesn't want to break my heart and is trying to politely decline me?! Wouldn't I be able to tell, you know? I- (yapping continues)
Dante: Uh - Of course, my dearest friend. Let me take a peak at beloved Branch's letters and resolve your conundrum.
Dante, after looking at the letter for 0.5 seconds: Oh, wow! Look at the time! I sorry dear-dearest friend but I must squiddadle, as they say, at once! Its my -uhm- brotherly tea time? Tootles!
Dante, breaking into Minuet's room: BELOVED FRIEND OF MINE, HAVE YOU SEEN THY BLEACH?!
Minuet: Oh yes, did dearest Poppy also requested you to read beloved Branch's letters?
Dante: Yes, beloved friend, how did you know?
Minuet, taking out bleach from her hair: I experience the same... unfortunate experience yesterday and I must say, I will never see beloved Branch the same way. He is certainly, uhm, how to say? Passionate.
Dante: He is a whore.
Minuet: As they say?
Dante, pouring bleach straight down his eyes: ...Sure!
He is simply made for the streets.
As they say.
Honestly thinking about it, Demo or Synth (who is shown to be friends with 3 of the named Classical Trolls of the series) would probably have to translate and considering Demo is Demo, it'd be up to Synth.
Poppy: Okay you two are my last hope. You're both friends with Branch and VERY educated on how Classical Trolls talk. Demo: *takes out reading glasses and begins reading aloud* My most rapturous Poppy- *gasps and drops the letter* Demo: This is not for thine eyes! *covers eyes dramatically* Synth: Let Synth see that... mhm mhm... holding hands... brush your hair out of your face... Synth: Pop-pay! This is! Super inappropriate! *laughs* Synth: Don't show this to any Classical Trolls yo, this stuff causes scandals!
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pudgyoc · 6 months
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Apologies for the MONTHS of straight nothing… Ive been fixated on a few other things BUT IM BACK ON THAT GRINDSET!! (Thanks to the noise update.. love my bbg <3)
Hopefully Ill be pumping more comics/content in the future!! Until then, tootles!
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the-three-pure-souls · 6 months
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"sometimes when i think about you my mind wanders to a place where the grass is green and the sun is bright and i can always see your face"
( The "place" which I've theorized to be a stand in for the afterlife for a while now WHICH ADDS TO SOMETHING I'VE NOTICED THAT BRANDON COULD HAVE SOME SORT OF SYMBOLIC CONNECTION WITH DEATH AND THE AFTERLIFE AND THAT HE'S KINDA THE GRIM REAPER IN THE :) POEM, AND APPARENTLY THE TEXTURE THAT'S USED IN BRANDON'S JUMPSCARE FOR THE PLACE WITH THE HILL IS CALLED HEAVEN.PNG!?!?!?!?!!?!?!? Was I RIGHT!?!?!?! I THINK SO!?!?!? AT LEAST ABOUT THE PLACE BEING THE AFTERLIFE I'M PRETTY SURE!!!!!!!! :DDDDD Sorry It's just really hecken cool that I might actually be right on a theory of mine!!! :D It isn't really important to this post though so- ^^')
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SO SUCH IS THE HEARTFELT TALE, OF WHY I DREW HIM WITH GLASSES!!! :3 (Kvmb is me on the server btw ^^ It translates to Luna in Beaverscratch!)
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ahedderick · 3 months
Cedar Chest
I'm going on a Pennsylvania adventure later this week! After our trip to Minnesota in May, I don't really need another adventure, but this one came my way nonetheless. A second cousin from my paternal grandfather's side got in touch with my brother recently. She is cleaning out her 80-something mother's house to sell it, and found a chest made by either my grandfather or great-grandfather. There were at least three generations of really excellent professional German woodworkers on that side of the family, and I'd certainly rather reclaim that piece than let it be sold.
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The big guy in the center front is my grandfather's grandfather. Just - so many woodworkers in this family.
It will give my brother something for his home that our family made, which is cool. I already have quite a few pieces of old, heavy, indestructible family-made furniture, myself. I cherish them.
Hopefully, my daughter will be able to accompany me on this (3+ hour) trip north, we will be able to load the chest into the back of my Subaru (I'll be measuring the hatch before I go), meet this cousin I've never seen before, and tootle on home. Shunk, PA, here I come!
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hemeruni · 11 months
Hey guys I’m back from SparkleWar- /silly
Love these two <333 the silliest of sillies :3
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This silly idea was actually from THIS post by @ladyinsertnamehere !!! You saved my art block I thank you for that <333 Anyways I’ll try to get something out soon! Tootles!
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movienerds-blog · 1 year
Yellowjackets S2 Finale Spoilers Below !!
holy shit. I feel so sick oh my god my babies my poor poor babies. So many thoughts and I don't know if I can organize them, but I'll try. First of all, we knew Adult Nat was dying but it being by Misty's hand and b/c Nat wanted to save Lisa is just so fucking sad to me. And the plane death hallucination had me especially when we saw Javi, teen Nat and Teen Lottie. Adult Lottie losing it is so sad to me because I think she would have been fine had the others stayed away from her honestly, which means they are her triggers. Callie fucking slayed with that gun and I really wanted her to kill the pedo cop but there's always next season. Teen Lottie handing the torch (pun intended) to Nat was so fucking crazy to me, but not as crazy as Ben trying to kill them all in a fucking fire because he was scared of what they were becoming, that man is defo not surviving now. Also, The Cranberries pin drop to start the episode had me going crazy and I had a hand over my mouth basically the whole episode. I had a feeling that Callie had a bigger role in everything, and Lottie's reaction to her kind of suggests that as well. Mostly just going crazy over the fact that not only did Misty cause Krystal's death, she literally killed Natalie, and right when she was starting to heal too. This ending kind of cements the "no happy endings" vibes of this show and I don't know if fanfic can solve this lol. Anyways sad we have to wait so long for new content, however, it's important that writers are fairly compensated for their amazing work so I will learn patience. Honestly enjoyed this episode despite how mentally ill it is making me and I can't wait to see the dynamic shifts in the '96 timeline along with their new struggles of homelessness, and how the adults cope with the shit show that is their lives. I need to sit in silence for a while now. Tootles <3
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backtoneverland · 30 days
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By far one of the funniest pieces of lost boy merch I’ve found so far is these little cake decorations from France. More info abt them under the cut they’re so silly
Specifically these dudes are called fève and get hidden in cakes or desserts as a little prize or trinket for those who find them. my tootles figure came covered in cake batter so its safe to assume that these guys were used as intended.
extra pic of each + fast facts
these fève are from a peter pan/return to neverland set made in 2003 - the pic of the full set below is from this website. Its a cute set! You can probably get all of them from ebay or etsy
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I bought my three fève from French ebay and only had to spend like $15 for all 3? pretty good deal especially for lost boy merch
Each boy gets a name which I'm going to assume is their name in the French dub of return to neverland?
They're made of porcelain which is neat! Even though theyre a little horrifying looking I think they look really nice for what they are. Good details for tiny cake trinkets
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Overall I really like these fève! If youre looking for a funny inexpensive-ish way to build up a possible lost boy collection, i'd recommend these dudes
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handeaux · 8 months
Your Grandparents Canoodled In Passionate Petting Parties Along Cincinnati’s Country Lanes
Around one hundred years ago, a new theme was introduced to the long-established images decorating paper Valentines. While hearts and flowers, little birds and rosy-cheeked children still predominated, the Valentines of 1924 often featured something new – the motor car.
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While innocent enough when surrounded by lace and flowers, the motor car had already begun to arouse the suspicions of Cincinnati parents. The old fogies suspected that automobiles represented much more than transportation to the kids. Those jalopies might be nefarious vehicles of illicit lust!
Well, the old folks were correct. Young people throughout Cincinnati were tootling out to the nearest country byway and canoodling in extended make-out sessions known as “petting parties.” The Cincinnati Business Women’s Club got together to grumble about “rolled stockings, petting parties and abbreviated bathing suits as they affect the adolescent girl.” The Cincinnati Post [4 April 1924] quoted Alma Hillhouse, educational director of Cincinnati’s Social Hygiene Society:
“The child gets its instinct for petting from the mother. When a babe she is held on the mother’s knee and fondled. When she grows up she seeks satisfaction in petting parties. It is the standards in the home that count. The daughter of the wise mother will come through petting parties unscathed; the uncontrolled girl comes to grief.”
You will notice that neither Dad nor any adolescent males are assigned any sort of accountability in this matter. Some things never change.
While the Business Women’s Club debated, the Indian Hill Rangers, organized, according to the Enquirer [3 June 1924], to “trail horse thieves, cattle rustlers and pillagers of hen roosts,” were confronted with a new threat to village security.
“Indian Hill Rangers are after motorists who have been using the shady lanes and sylvan retreats of that pretty hilltop east of the city and the adjoining countryside for ‘petting’ and gin parties.”
One evening, the Rangers encountered a limousine parked on Drake Road, its windows curtained with newspapers. While not disturbing the occupants, the Rangers copied the license number and mailed a letter to the owner, a woman living in Avondale. They never saw that particular vehicle again.
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While Indian Hill was dealing with limousines, the real action was out in the Western Hills among the still-rural expanses of Delhi and Green townships. According to the Enquirer [14 October 1924]:
“For months residents have complained that autoists have forsaken the dim-lighted parlor and its sofa for the moonlit roadside and the cushioned seats of the automobile. Even private driveways and lawns have been converted into trysting bowers by these seekers for seclusion, who have openly defied property owners to the extent of drawing weapons on them, it has been stated.”
Alfred Bennett of Green Township blamed the recent crackdown on Cincinnati’s “red light” district in the West End for the flight of depraved and lustful characters into the hinterlands. He told the Enquirer [25 October 1924} that illicit smooching was just the beginning:
“‘Much of the objectionable practices in country districts is not entirely “petting parties,”’ Mr. Bennett stated, ‘but gross immoralities that shock the residents.’”
So gross were these alleged immoralities that they inspired a flurry of ecumenism between the Catholic and Protestant congregations of Bridgetown, with the Rev. Paul Schmidt of the Evangelical Protestant Church standing shoulder to shoulder with Father William Spickerman of Saint Aloysius Catholic Church in demanding more patrols by the county sheriff. The clergymen offered to recruit volunteer deputies from among their flocks. In neighboring Delhi Township, Justice of the Peace M.J. Roebling lumped petting party participants among nuisances such as “bootleggers, bandits and hold-up men.”
The Delhi magistrate wasn’t that far off, it seems. Widespread outrage about romantic parkers, combined with very public statements by the county sheriff that he did not have the budget nor the manpower to patrol the county’s lovers’ lanes, suggested a business opportunity for the local footpads. The Enquirer [28 July 1924] reported that outlaws impersonating county deputies were robbing couples caught on deserted roads:
“Two more hold-ups were committed late last night by a gang of five bandits who are blamed for a total of 17 known hold-ups and who, it is said, have collected hundreds of dollars by swooping down on ‘petting parties’ on county highways and extorting money under the guise of deputy officers.”
Many of the township roads favored by passionate petters led to roadhouses established outside city limits to avoid enforcement of Prohibition laws. Cincinnati’s Juvenile Protective Association claimed that the immoral environment promoted by these roadhouses spilled over into steamy backseats. And, of course, the media were blamed as well. A new film, “Daughters of Today,” written by a one-time Cincinnati newspaper reporter named Lucien Hubbard and starring Zazu Pitts, opened that year. According to the Enquirer [29 September 1924]:
“It is an ultra jazz production, with petting parties, cocktail shakers and syncopation distributed throughout the length of its half dozen or more reels.”
By October 1924, the scandal had reached such an extremity that the Cincinnati Automobile Club passed a strongly worded resolution condemning “petting parties” as a safety hazard and demanding more patrols by the sheriff. So vehement was the public condemnation of “petting parties” that the Enquirer actually editorialized in favor of passionate parking because a total crackdown would force hormonal youngsters into petting while driving and thereby endanger pedestrians!
Although it is unlikely the Automobile Club’s wrath had any effect, by the next year the Cincinnati Post [20 July 1925] reported that petting parties, the bane of 1924, seemed to be passé in 1925. Two deputy sheriffs spent a long and fruitless summer evening looking for lovers along the East Miami River in Anderson Township:
“In two hours, we found only one spooner. That was on Broadwell-rd, where a boy and his sweetie were spooning in the moonlight to the strains of a victrola on the back seat of their machine.”
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thunder-jolt · 2 months
"Gamma Goes Wrong" (Peter Pan Goes Wrong Crossover Casting...)
NOTE: It is not technically a crossover, but we do get a cameo at the end. So hope that helps.
Android 13 as Wendy (Dragon Ball Z: Super Android 13)
Android 14 as Michael (Dragon Ball Z: Super Android 13)
Android 15 as John (Dragon Ball Z: Super Android 13)
Dr. Gero as George (Dragon Ball Z)
Android 21 as Mary (Dragon Ball FighterZ)
Gamma 2 as Peter Pan (Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero)
Gamma 1 as Peter Pan's Shadow (Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero)
Gamma Gally/Gamma 3 as Tinkerbell (Dragon Ball OC/ Dragon's Crystal: Legend's Amulet)
Jaco as Tootles (Dragon Ball/Jaco the Galactic Patrolman)
Tights as Nibs (Dragon Ball/Jaco the Galactic Patrolman)
Goten as Slightly (Dragon Ball Z)
Buu as Curly (Dragon Ball Z)
Bojack as Captain Hook (Dragon Ball Z: Bojack Unbound)
Bojack's Crew as Captain Hook's Crew (Dragon Ball Z: Bojack Unbound)
Bee as Nana (Dragon Ball Z)
Chi-Chi as That One Maid (Dragon Ball Z)
Whis as The Narrator/The One Reading the Story to the Audience (Dragon Ball Super)
= = = =
Frog as Himself (Chrono Trigger)
= = = =
BONUS INCORRECT QUOTE: - - - - Android 13: Mama? Will anything harm us when the night light is lit? Android 21: Nothing, precious. *top bunk falls on top of 14's bunk, startling 13* Android 21: *trying to keep cool* They are the eyes a mother leaves behind to guard her children. Android 14: *peeking between the fallen bunk and his* Mother, you look pretty tonight. Android 21: Are you tucked in, 14? Android 14: Yes, mother. *struggling* Android 21: Are you comfortable? Android 14: *lifts the bunk above him* YES, MOTHER. Android 21: And you, 13? Android 13: Yes, mama- *both bunks fall on top of each other, before landing on top of Android 15's bunk* Android 21: And you, sweet 15, are you feeling sleepy? Android 15: *slams his hand against the bunkbed's frame* AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH-
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darkfictionjude · 8 months
Progress Update 11
So good news and bad news. Bad news is that the part I’m working on still isn’t done. I’m 3/4 right now. I think episode 3 will be released in 3 parts depending on if I feel too much time has passed between updates. I wanted to finish for the 1st but, just not possible. It might not seem that much when you’re reading but when it’s a lot of passages it does take time, especially if those passages get long. I got very close though, an update is near for that.
Good news is that I think I’m dropping the first side story for the Patreon tomorrow. Had it stored long enough. It adds some context for dynamic in the Crown household. I’m sure those who read it will like the POV. I’m thinking of dropping some content 3 weeks out of the month. It’s not that expensive, two tiers (that’s me being less magnanimous and more lazy).
Anyway tootles 😛💜
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dear-tortured-adam · 2 months
I would first like to thank you all for more than 100 followers!! Seriously, I started this blog to get back into writing and seeing your support keeps me motivated to keep doing what I do!! ^^
I'll be doing something special for this blog! And to start it off would be... to give this blog a makeover :"DD
I didn't have a specific aesthetic in mind when starting this blog, I just went "Hey I like Simeon especially this card of him" and based it off that. But expect around August 4-10, I'll slowly update this blog for something much more special.
What is it?
Hmm... That is something for me to know, and for you to find out! It'll start as soon as I finish uploading part 3 of "Feeling Sheep-ish"
Once again, I'd like to thank you all for your support!! And who knows what's in store for us in the future? We'll just have to see...~
Tootles~! mwah mwah ! !
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katz-cradle · 1 year
(Header credit: Bunnillas on Tumblr)
. . . ⇢ ˗ˏˋ [Welcome To My Account] ࿐ྂ
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↳ *About Me* ༉‧₊˚✧
“ Hello my dears it's good to see you've decided to stop by for a little visit~ I welcome you to my humble abode, here's a bit about me. ”
╭┈◦•◦❥•◦Name; Kitty / Katie
╭┈◦•◦❥•◦Pronouns; She/It + Any Neopronouns
╭┈◦•◦❥•◦Main Interest; Shovel Knight + My SK Fanchildren
╭┈◦•◦❥•◦Main Account; @adorbspoprocks
#kitty khats - talking tag
#kitty reblogs - obvious, reblog tag
#kitty scribbles - drawing tag
#comfort corner - tag for my comfort stuff
#for me? <3 - tag for stuff people make for me
Other socials;
Ao3; Kissy_Missy
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──
“ There you go, some info you get... Though there is more, if you wish to read underneath heheho~ ”
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↳ *My Dearest Friends* ༉‧₊˚✧
“ Heheho~ these are those I call the closest to me, it may not be much but haha I care so much about them (apologies if you do not wish to be tagged <3) ”
╭┈◦•◦❥•◦@noble-equinox -> “ My sweetheart heheho~ Luka is my qpp, the light of my quaint lil life how wonderful he is!~ not a moment goes by without me thinking about him haha!~ ”
╭┈◦•◦❥•◦@unidentifiable-body -> “ My bestest friend in the whole world~ they are such a wondrous lil critter heheho what a funny fellow he is mwah mwah!~ (I may have also borrowed some ideas from them <3) ”
╭┈◦•◦❥•◦@tikiss -> “ heheho what a good pal they are, a wonderful artist and sweet person!! ”
╭┈◦•◦❥•◦@celestial-clownz -> “ wahhaha! A lovely individual who has such lovely art, such a sweetie heheho! ”
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↳ *Favorite Things* ༉‧₊˚✧
“ Like every person (or well,,,cat.) I like things! I love things actually!!! Here's a lil list of my favorite things, from fictional characters to general things!~ ”
╭┈◦•◦❥•◦ King Knight from Shovel Knight (I'm his #1 fan actually heheho!~)
╭┈◦•◦❥•◦The Crane Wives
╭┈◦•◦❥•◦Beauty and The Beast
╭┈◦•◦❥•◦Madoka Magica (& Magical Girls in general!)
╭┈◦•◦❥•◦Horror & Lost Media
╭┈◦•◦❥•◦Pigs! And animals in general
╭┈◦•◦❥•◦Talking about things! I could go on for hours~
╭┈◦•◦❥•◦Sly Cooper
╭┈◦•◦❥•◦The Scary Jokes
╭┈◦•◦❥•◦Lots of cute / cool aesthetics
╭┈◦•◦❥•◦Next Gens & Fanchildren
╭┈◦•◦❥•◦And much much more!!~
“ It is a joy to love yaknow!~ well then I must be leaving now I apologize, I will leave you with some userboxes for you to see. Tootle-Loo my darlings!~ ”
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[ Credits 2 @sweetpeauserboxes / @animatedglittergraphics-n-more / @scungledfiles / @selfship-userboxing ]
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hiiiii <3 hiii tumblr i!! am back and object shows have taken over my life
this is boosting my silly darkfic as well (Sacrifices of Sleep over on ao3 https://archiveofourown.org/works/47068537/chapters/118582102
uhmm i DID in fact make some refs for them! my apologies for vague spoilers but i think you really gotta look for them ?? idk it's also a murder fic so have fun
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anyhow im extremely happy abt hpw this fic is turning out and i still have a few chapters to go! my apologies for like dying all the time :(
i have some silly art i also made FOR it just for fun but that'll prolly be in a different post
anyone who sees this thanks for taking ur time to look lmao and a shoutout to user stoneenjoyer over on twt, here on tumblr and on ao3 for always commenting teehee feedback is my faav (they ALSO have a fic! its named roentgenium i STRONGLY recommend it omg please give it a read)
thats all for now! ill be posting again soon probably! tootles!
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sukunasweetheart · 6 months
HELLOOOO...hope u having a spectacular day!!
Idk if u saw this, but WOW...new spectrum has opened
HEYYY thank u sm, my day has been alright <3 THE WAY I SAW THIS TIKTOK TOO HAHANDASKAS I LOVE ITTT ty for sending <3<3 i hope u have a wonderful day pookie
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hemeruni · 11 months
Okay so this is… Take 3??? Of posting about this paring??? Basically to give a brief rundown of stuff: This was my first ever art piece I posted onto Tumblr, basically trying to explain the concept of… I’m guessing the name is "Cameruni"?? My 3 favorite characters are the ones I’m paring together, crazy- 💥
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This was drawn LATE last night lmao, it looks somewhat rushed and shares a similar background to my previous piece, but hey! It exists! (Just like Hemeruni, this paring is also Queer Platonic. I feel like I should mention that.)
Anyways the unfiltered piece is under this post, I’ll be heading off now (I’ll try to get some of the asks I’ve received done by the time I get back) tootles!
Ragghhh gay people jumpscare
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