#top gun gave me lots of ideas. need to get them out of my head. not fun. how do i make it stop.
compacflt · 1 year
Hi there! If you don't mind me asking, how many writing projects are you currently working on?
I've been interested to get an insight on how other people prefer to write. For me, I don't think I can handle multiple projects at a time. But you seem to have a lot of WIPs that are different. So I'm really curious!
Thanks in advance!
i am currently working on 3 wips right now: fem!mav AU, assorted extras for the edts series, & non-top gun related war novel that is my honors senior research thesis on military literature
i write sporadically when i get an idea. I very rarely have ideas which is why i almost never write fanfiction. 90% of what you guys have read of mine is not written in any conceivable order, and i mean literal sentence-to-sentence level construction that is sometimes written months apart because i couldn’t figure out how to end a sentence in march but did figure out how to end it in may. i am kind of running out of wips to show you guys on wednesdays because so many of my paragraphs are straight unfinished lol. this system really works for me because i can write whatever i want whenever I want, meaning if i have a eureka “i should add such-and-such symbol!!!” moment (see the pens in the slider one-shot, a very last-minute addition) then i can just go back & add it because everything, every scene and every paragraph and every word, is a work-in-progress till literally the minute i post it… i don’t count drafts except for huge marked changes because im always constantly editing & tweaking
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howtofightwrite · 4 months
Most traditional boxing instructors will tell you that if the opponent is taller than you, has longer arms than you, or is heavier than you, you're fucked and you need to stay extremely aware and work really hard to compensate for all the advantage he has over you.
In a recent forensic survey, it was determined that most traditional boxing instructors who get into real world altercations die when they're shot in the head.
This is the problem with a lot of these kinds of arguments. No one practices traditional boxing. At least, no one does so publicly. How do I know this? Because traditionally boxers fought in the nude. Yeah, we're not seeing that, are we? Now, maybe they meant bare knuckle boxing, but really no one does that either, these days. Boxing without safety equipment is not a particularly good idea, for fairly obvious reasons.
The only reason the word, “traditional,” is in the ask is to lend their statement unearned credibility. It's an attempt to make their statement sound more authoritative, without offering any evidence to support the statement.
Who said that?
“Traditional people did.”
Okay, but, 'traditionally,' people cleaned shit off their ass with a stick. So, maybe appealing to Hellenic sports isn't the best gauge of how a fight will play out.
Also, I know I just said it, but, who are these authoritative sports guys? Because they're not named. We're simply told, “most,” of them agree. Which starts to sound a lot like “four out of five dentists agree.” Who are these instructors? What do they teach? Why are the currently in prison for indecent exposure? And how much did you pay them to get their uninformed opinion? Salient questions which may need to be answered, if the original question wasn't invalid on its face.
Why do I say it's invalid?
Because boxing isn't fighting.
Boxing is a sport.
Boxing has rules.
Kick your opponent in the groin, or shin, and you're punished.
Step on their foot, push them, and watch them tumble to the ground before you start stomping on them, and you'll be punished.
Throwing your opponent will be punished.
And of course, as mentioned at the top, pulling out a gun and expanding your opponent's mental horizons is extremely frowned upon.
These are all things that can happen in a real fight.
These are all things that do not benefit from increased height or reach.
There is one genuinely accurate statement. In a fight, you do need to be very aware of what's going on around you. Everything else is the product of someone who's been punched in the head repeatedly until the CTEs got them thinking that boxing is analogous to a real fight in any way. (And, statistically, will probably end their career sitting in a jail cell over an aggravated assault charge, because their emotional self-control was completely destroyed by those same head injuries.)
The rules that boxers need to follow are designed to (somewhat) protect the participants. It reduces the dangers of a boxer being killed in the ring. In an observation that I would hope to be self-evident, those rules don't exist in actual combat.
It's also amusing, because the original Asker had to go so far as to single out an ill-defined, “traditional” boxing, because no other martial art they checked gave them the soundbite they wanted.
And, of course, women box. Historically, you could say, “traditionally,” there were even boxing matches between men and women. It wasn't until the 1880s that women were excluded from competitive boxing in the UK. (I'm not sure of the exact date when women were banned from boxing in the US, though that prohibition lasted for less than a century, before the modern return of women to the sport.)
So, either these “traditional instructors” don't know the history of their own sport... which doesn't sound particularly “traditional” to me, or they're full of shit.
My advice to everyone would be, maybe, don't take the advice of a sports coach about how he's secretly an absolute badass in all the delusional fantasies he's cooked up about how he'd like to inflict violence on others because they wouldn't date him.
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wave2tyun · 7 months
killshot | ☆
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pairing: taehyun x fem!reader
genre: spy!au, enemies to lovers, fake dating, slow burn, suggestive, a bit of fluff and angst
summary: your life seemed to have taken a turn for the worse the minute kang taehyun stepped foot into the spy agency you worked at. wanting to take on a challenge to prove yourself worthy of the top position, your plans were turned upside down with his addition to the mission. you didn’t think things could get any worse, until they stated one clear, mandatory condition: the two of you had to pretend you were a couple.
warnings: lots of swearing, alcohol consumption, the reader gets tipsy (twice), mentions of death, guns and bombs (there’s nothing explicit though), the presence of an annoying drunk man | let me know if i missed something!!
word count: 9.7k
a/n: this was just a silly little idea that i got during a car drive asdbfhj whenever i repost fics i always kind of get the urge to say "omg this was one of my favorite fics to write" - i think it's because i end up getting so attached to the little universes that i create and then look back on them fondly; with this one, i really really mean it when i say those words (maybe because it's also longer). when i first posted it i actually felt like i gave birth cause it got SO MUCH LONGER than i anticipated ASBHJDS
☆ = repost from my old blog!!
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"hear me out-"
"i'm not hearing anybody out. i'm doing this alone- just like we intended from the start" you hissed.
"y/n, we went over this already" irene pinched the bridge of her nose, sighing "the enemy has changed their plan of action, so we need to change it too. it's not safe for you to go alone anymore"
"that i can understand. but him-" you pointed an accusatory finger to the man in front of you “why does he need to be involved in this? there have to be other suitable agents for this mission”
“trust me, darling, if i could do this alone, i would” he replied bitterly, rolling his eyes.
“listen you two- these orders came directly from the head office. they want you to work on this, not anybody else- and there’s nothing that i can do to change this.” irene crossed her arms. she was completely tired of the way you were both behaving- just like two kids continuously throwing sand in each other’s eyes.
“fine.” you gave in, biting your tongue and swallowing your pride. there was no use being stubborn if the head office was involved, the best thing you could do in this situation was to choose being the bigger person.
irene raised an eyebrow at taehyun, waiting for his response as well.
“fine-“ he repeated after you, throwing daggers towards your direction. you were glad to know the feeling of disgust was mutual.
“finally” irene exclaimed, letting out a big sigh “took you long enough. here’s the modified plan papers. remember- there’s no way i’m allowing you to back out anymore”
you took the small stack of papers from her hands, skimming through the text. gather the gadgets and weapons, bla bla bla, disarm the bomb hidden at the event, bla bla bla, protect france’s president, bla bla bla, disguise yourself as a couple- wait.
“are you fucking kidding me- am i reading this right?” you spat out, eyes almost popping out at the sight. you went over the passage again and again, hoping that you had simply misread it- but there it was, black ink on white paper, the word written clear as day: “couple”
irene massaged her temples with her hands “in order for this mission to be carried out with ease, we need you to act as a cou-“
“no” you both said in unison, cutting her off.
you side-eyed taehyun, somehow feeling offended that he also declined the proposal right away. you knew you had your reasons to not accept that condition- but why was he saying “no”?
kang fucking taehyun- his name alone felt like poison on your tongue.
but it wasn’t like your hatred towards him was unjustified- in fact, you couldn't remember if there was even one second- let alone one day- where him just breathing didn’t make you feel like plotting murder. one day, he just strutted into the agency, acting like he owned the place. he was quick to gain respect from his superiors, his charms alone making it easier for him to receive more complicated missions- and better equipment. you being mad was an understatement. why? just because he was a man, he had it all easy. he has been in the agency for just one year, and he has already surpassed you in ranks, all of the hard work you’ve been putting in for years going down the drain.
you’ve been relentlessly trying to regain your honorable place in the agency. kang taehyun was quick to catch on to your little act, and he wasn’t one to back off easily either- resulting in the two of you being at each other’s necks every second. you viewed this mission as what could have possibly been ‘your redemption arc’. the universe somehow always found a way to get him involved in your business. but this time, you weren’t gonna let him steal your spotlight- not again. you needed to find a way to secure the number one place in rankings like you used to, and you were willing to do whatever it took to feel that glory one more time, even if that meant cooperating with the kang taehyun.
“if you die, i’ll kill you” you hissed.
“big words coming from someone who stands on a chair to reach the top shelves” he fought back, unfazed by your threat. your mouth opened at this accusation, when did he even catch you doing that?
“you piece of-“
“enough” irene sighed, moving to stand between the two of you “you’re gonna bring back my migraines if you keep on acting like that. can’t you treat each other as normal people do? just this once- please? you’re only making this harder for yourselves”
you sighed, rubbing the nape of your neck. irene was a sweetheart, she didn’t deserve to be the victim of your petty fight “when do we have to start?”
her eyes seemed to light up a bit, relieved by your change in attitude “as soon as possible” she skimmed through her notes again “the earliest flight is in 3 days- how about it?”
“that’s okay for me” you said. you silently glanced over at taehyun, who rolled his eyes, uncrossing his arms “guess i’m in too”.
5 hours.
that was the amount of time you had to endure sitting next to taehyun on the flight. you could handle this, you tried to tell yourself. you’ve been in much worse situations during some of your missions. in the end, it didn’t necessarily mean that the two of you had to interact during that time. you could just sleep the whole flight away and not have to exchange a word with taehyun once.
kang taehyun just seemed to love seeing you suffer, in any way, shape or form. it had you seriously contemplating whether he was some kind of sadist. you thought you could at least go through check in and security without any unpleasant incidents happening, but you were wrong- so painfully wrong.
you arrived two hours early to the airport, wanting to get done with the whole process as fast as possible then hide from taehyun at the food court until it was time for you to board the plane. however, two minutes after you took your place in the check-in line, your peace was disrupted.
“you’re early- were you that eager to see me, sweetheart?”
your eye was twitching at the sound of the nickname. you didn’t even have to turn your head to the right to know who was next to you.
“why did it have to be you here at this hour?” you grumbled.
“crazy- it’s almost as if we’re on the same flight” he rolled his eyes “don’t even think about going to the back of the line- we have the same last name on the tickets so we shouldn’t go separately anyway”
you loosened your grip on the suitcase and bit your cheek, it was like he knew your exact thoughts at the moment. the whole thing was all too corny for you- why did the company have to change your name and give you new documents? just because you were ‘a couple’ didn’t mean that you had to be married as well.
security didn’t exactly go smooth either- as if the whole process wasn’t already stressful enough. you should have been suspicious the moment taehyun let you sit in front of him at the line. at that moment, you just brushed it off and thought nothing of it, but when the metal detector went off as you were walking through- that’s when it all clicked.
that little fucker slipped one of his rings in your pocket.
a string of unholy words was running wildly in your mind as the security patted you down to search for any suspicious items. you wished you could jump on him and wipe that grin off his face. he somehow felt the need to embarrass you even further once the ring had been found. he put on a charming smile as he rubbed the nape of his neck, looking up at the security lady “so sorry for my wife- she tends to be quite clumsy, i told her before to check well before walking away from me”
the lady melted down in an instant, letting out a bunch of ‘it’s okay’ before handing you back the ring. he felt the need to make such a scene and for what? to feed his ego? you didn’t bother to wait until he was through with security as well. you gathered your things from the tray as fast as you could, storming past all the other people to get further away from him.
you browsed all the shops (sometimes even hiding in the dressing rooms) until you couldn’t avoid taehyun any longer. you didn’t talk to him once you met up again, even though you knew that it didn’t affect him anyway. nonetheless, taehyun ensured that your day would have a cherry on top- by stealing the one and only window seat.
and you?
you made sure to spill your water on him during turbulence.
that seemed to be enough to make him stop bothering you throughout the flight. he slept away as you played sudoku on your phone, too paranoid to fall asleep yourself in case he would wake up with new ideas in mind.
after making sure that your bag smacked taehyun’s head when you took it from the upper storage, you both went to retrieve your luggage then headed out to find a taxi and go to your accommodation.
valets, chandeliers, grand paintings adoring the walls, the hotel seemed quite fancy. you weren’t really used to this kind of treatment from your agency, it was the least they could do for all the headaches you were going to endure throughout the mission.
the receptionist handed you the small paper sleeve containing the key cards. you furrowed your brows as you opened it, peering inside. there were 2 cards in there, but for the exact same hotel room. you instantly expressed your confusion “why is there just one r-“ taehyun kicked your foot, continuing to smile at the receptionist as you bit your tongue to hold back a scream. “is there anything else i can help you with?” she inquired.
“i’m pretty sure that’s it, thank you” taehyun answered before you could open your mouth to speak. he took hold of your arm, flashing the receptionist another fake smile before dragging you along with him towards the elevator.
“don’t touch me” you broke free from his grip “what the hell was that about?”
taehyun pressed the floor number on the keypad “are you that fucking dense? he sighed exasperatedly “we’re a couple- remember? we need to act like one, so stop having these unnecessary slip-ups”
‘stupid cover’ you cursed in your mind the person who had been in charge for outlining the plans for your mission. out of all the possible lies they could have made you hold on to- this is what they went for. it was almost like they did this on purpose to annoy you.
you took hold of your suitcase again, following behind taehyun as you searched for your room “besides- the hotel isn’t scruffy this time, their budget seems to be pretty high for once. so, they might have booked us a suite, not just a single room” he continued, trudging the door open.
your feet were frozen, not moving an inch from the doorway “taehyun- this is not a fucking suite” you snarled, slowly turning your head in his direction.
“why are you talking as if it’s my fault?” taehyun snapped back. he entered the room, bumping his shoulders against yours as you refused to go further in.
“well if you hadn’t been so quick to silence me at the reception- maybe this wouldn’t have been a problem” you pushed your suitcase in, putting your hands on your hips.
“and risk blowing our cover? yeah- what a great plan that would have been” he huffed.
“there’s no way i’m sharing a bed with you” you hissed
“don’t worry- it’s not a pleasure for me either sweetheart. it’s either sleeping on the floor- or with me. your choice”
taehyun didn’t seem like he would ever consider giving up his spot on the bed- but neither did you. you weren’t going to settle for back pain as he snored away on the soft mattress.
so, you laid down on the bed, as far away as you could from taehyun. you were sitting so close to the edge that you were on the verge of falling off, but you couldn't even stand the mere thought of being in such close proximity to him. the thought of his arm touching yours made your skin crawl. 
yet, despite breathing in the same room as taehyun, you somehow managed to get what was probably the best sleep of your life. keeping your eyes closed just for one moment more, you held the blanket closer to you, enjoying the warmth it provided, snuggling your face deeper into the pillow beneath you. but the pillow wasn't as soft as you remembered when you put your head down to sleep last night. instead, it was hard, and somehow hot to the touch. confused, you brought a hand up and pressed down on it, slightly squeezing it, then removed it as if you had just gotten burnt when you were met with the feeling of bare skin on skin.
"if you wanted to touch me that badly you could have just asked, love" a raspy voice came from beneath you.
"what the fuck-" you shouted as you got up and finally opened your eyes. you squinted as you adjusted to the bright light coming from the sun.
kang taehyun was sitting right next to you, bare chest exposed and a playful smirk plastered on his face.
"how did we- when did you even take your shirt off?"
"are you always this loud in the morning?" he asked, ignoring your questions. his hair was a ruffled mess, slightly puffy face indicating that he hadn't been awake for that long either.
you still looked at him expectingly, waiting for him to answer. he huffed, rolling his eyes "you snuggled with your burning limbs close to me as you slept. i got overwhelmingly hot so i took off my shirt. there- simple as that"
"why didn't you just push me off or something" you asked. it wasn’t typical for him to act like this.
what taehyun said was indeed the truth. he couldn’t stand you- yes, but he wasn’t an asshole. he couldn’t find it in him to wake you up or pry you off him, as he didn’t want to wake up in the morning to you being groggy. therefore, he was left with only one option: enduring it.
pushing your question aside once more, taehyun got up from the bed, stretching as he made his way to the bathroom, he stopped right before getting past the door to speak "did you know you talk in your sleep? you seemed to enjoy it, i didn't want to ruin the fun for you." he snickered, disappearing into the other room.
you stood there with your jaw hanging, unable to form any kind of comeback to argue. was there even a way to recover from that? when you heard the shower running, you took a pillow from the bed, burying your face into it and silently screaming. you wanted to dig a hole for yourself at least 20 meters underground.
after regaining your composure, you got ready so that you and taehyun could get started on today’s task: gathering the necessary weapons and equipment. irene informed you about some namjoon guy they had a contract with. he apparently sold any kind of gear you would ever need for a mission: from smoke bombs to lethal poison- he had it all. you went to the outskirts of the city searching for a shabby cabin (not suspicious at all), the storage hidden away in an underground system there.
“are you sure this is the right place?” you asked taehyun, eyeing the old rusty door. the whole place just screamed ‘murder’, how exactly did your agency even come to find out about the guy? maybe you didn’t want to know.
“the coordinates match up with what irene sent us- so yeah, probably. try not to hold my hand if you’re so scared” he chuckled.
you ignored his childish remark, going past him to open the heavy door. the inside didn’t match up with the exterior, it was surprisingly warm and cozy. a man with purple hair and a black dress shirt was sitting on an armchair, book in hand. you assumed it was namjoon.
“oh- hello?” you didn’t exactly know how to approach him, you felt bad for barging in without even knocking.
his eyes glanced up from the book “ah” he got up “finally, i was worried irene didn’t send you the right location” he flashed you a dimpled smile. for a man who owned over one thousand weapons, you didn’t expect him to be this...cute?
taehyun bit his cheek “so you’re namjoon?”
“yes, and i already know who you two are. come on- follow me”
namjoon lead you towards an elevator, hidden away from curious eyes in a crowded closet. the ride down seemed almost endless, but that’s how it needed to be. if one single gunshot could be heard from the surface, his entire business could risk being destroyed.
“i’ve got a couple of things for you to try, as well as some accessories irene asked me to give you” namjoon put down a box on a table. it wasn’t anything out of the ordinary- laser pen, tracking devices, coat button cameras, the usual. the guns weren’t exactly essential for your mission, they were more of a safety precaution. either way, you still had to practice using them.
getting into the designated practice area, you and taehyun each had a target to hit. you needed at least 5 good shots in a row to be deemed skilled enough for the weapon. taehyun’s first try was perfect, meanwhile yours barely hit the target.
“seems like someone’s rusty”
“beginner’s luck” you mumbled.
giving it another go, you ended up with the same result. the exact thing happened the 3rd try as well. you frowned, it wasn’t usually like this for you, and taehyun’s cocky smirk only made your blood boil further.
“nervous?” he chuckled
“i’m just warming up- i need to get used to it” you got back into your shooting stance, putting your finger on the trigger.
“take your time, darling, hell’s happy to wait for you”
you missed again.
“can you just shut up for one fucking minute?” you huffed. you didn’t want to let taehyun get to you, but even when he didn’t open his mouth to speak you could still hear his voice in your mind, mocking you.
“i can give you something else if you want to-“ namjoon tried to help, not knowing he only angered you further.
“i need him out of sight- not another weapon” you quickly dismissed him “can i get a private practice room?”
“practicing in private won’t fix your lack of talent” you heard taehyun whisper.
if looks could kill, taehyun would be on the floor the second those words left his mouth “if i point this gun towards your direction i’ll make sure that it won’t be a miss” you fumed.
namjoon was clearly taken aback by the tension in the room. desperate to diffuse the situation, he kindly asked taehyun to look around the other areas as you practiced a few more rounds with him.
you felt bad for the guy, he was a victim to yet another one of your fights with taehyun. you kept the rest of your interactions with him short, wanting to get back to the hotel as soon as possible.
“look- i’ll buy you ice cream, will that make it better?” taehyun asked exasperatedly.
“i’m not a fucking child” you snarled. the only thing up until now that taehyun had managed to do successfully was ridiculing you- and you were fed up with it. did he think that some ice cream was going to erase all those embarrassing moments he had been putting you through?
“well what do you want me to do then?” he sighed.
“i don’t know- maybe stop acting like an asshole? like you’re better than me?”
taehyun stopped the car on the side of the road, his hands gripping the steering wheel harder “i’m not acting like an asshole” he turned his head to look at you.
“yes, you are- you did that the whole day and you are doing that right now” you said in utter disbelief. his snarky attitude was tipping you over.
“get out” he spoke firmly, breaking eye contact with you.
taehyun didn’t know how much longer he could be with you in the car without losing his temper even more “i said get out” he repeated once again, closing his eyes “go on and find the way to the hotel yourself”
“fine” you scoffed. you grabbed your purse and slammed the car door as hard as you could once you got out of the vehicle. taehyun wasted no time getting back on the road. finally, he could breathe again.
“jerk” you screamed. what a great time to wear heels this was. you made your way to the side walk, shielding your eyes from the sun with your hands as you looked around, trying to recall any familiar surroundings. with every step you took, it felt like your foot was pressed into a hot piece of lego. you had been wearing those damn heels all day, and now the agonising pain was finally starting to kick in.
taehyun couldn’t help but constantly steal glances at you from the rearview mirror, watching as you struggled to walk without your feet wobbling. sighing, he waited until he could take a turn to go back and pick you up. maybe you weren’t the only one that acted like a kid.
getting back to the same spot he just left you at barely 2 minutes ago, taehyun stopped the car. yet you weren’t anywhere to be found. he got out to search the area better- nothing.
“shit” he mumbled under his breath.
taehyun couldn’t stay still as he waited for you to return. of course, he got to the hotel faster because of the car, but what was taking you so long to arrive? the thought of him ruining the mission because of a petty fight was tormenting his mind. he didn’t want to lose his job at the agency because of you. he kept on walking back and forth from the couch to the door, looking through the peephole for any sign of you coming down the hallway. and just as he was about to check again, for probably the 30th time that night, he heard knocking on the door. it was you- it had to be you. after all, the only other room key had remained with him, and there was no way someone else would disturb him at this ungodly hour.
taehyun cleared his voice, erasing any sign of worry on his face before opening the door, apology already on the tip of his tongue.
"y/n, i'm sorry-" taehyun spoke as soon as he saw you in the doorway, reaching his hand out to take your purse.
"fuck off" you spat out, slapping his hand away from you. you went straight to the bathroom and locked the door, not in the mood to hear any of his excuses. you stood with your back against the door, burying your face in your hands. you felt so tired and sick of having to deal with taehyun’s attitude. but you weren't gonna let him be the one to steal the spotlight from your mission- not again.
taehyun sighed heavily in front of the door, putting his hand down from knocking, choosing to simply let you be for a while. you had all the right to be mad, and he knew that.
you took a shower to cool off, refusing to look taehyun in the eyes, or even in his direction at all, as you got ready to go to sleep.
taehyun put his finger on the lamp's button, letting out those words that had been bugging him all night "just so you know- i did go back for you today, but i couldn't find you anymore. maybe that's gonna convince you that i really meant it when i said sorry" taehyun flicked off the light, huffing, pitch black darkness taking over the room.
you stayed silent, with your back turned to him, still too stubborn to accept his apology. 'he just wants to go to bed with a clean conscience' you tried to convince yourself. ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・
you were grateful to have woken up with your own personal space, unlike your first night there. taehyun wasn’t even on his side of the bed, the sound of the water running indicating that he had already beat you to the bathroom. you turned over to the side, ready to enjoy those few minutes of peace.
“huh” you brought a hand to your face, feeling something on your forehead. it was a sticky note. you rubbed your eyes, trying to make sense of what was written on the small piece of paper.
‘there’s ice cream in the freezer’
“what...” you mumbled, how did ice cream have anything to do with- oh.
you fought back a chuckle. so, the great taehyun couldn’t find the strength to own up to his actions and say the words ‘sorry’ a second time. still, you accepted his silent apology, going over to the freezer to get your hands on the sweet treat. how could you ever say no to something free?
taehyun got out of the bathroom as you still nibbled on the ice cream sandwich, the steam and heat instantly invading the room. you looked up from the piece of food in your hand, almost dropping it once your eyes laid on him. taehyun sat in the middle of the room, chest and sculpted abs on full display with a few water droplets adoring his skin from his still dripping hair.
“what are you blushing for? it’s not the first time you’re seeing me like this” he smirked.
“idiot- it’s the heat. your shower transformed the room into a whole sauna” you meekly tried to defend yourself, not wanting to give him any satisfaction. you cursed your cheeks for reacting like this well before your mind could even comprehend the situation.
“oh- so you’re talking to me again. i take it you forgive me?” he leaned against the door.
“don’t get ahead of yourself kang taehyun” you scoffed “it’s gonna take more than just an ice cream for me to fully forgive you”
“i know, you did tell me yesterday that ‘you’re not a child’. just thought it might sweeten that sour attitude of yours” he huffed.
“whatever- let me get changed, then we’ll get in touch with irene” you said as you walked over to your suitcase to grab some clean clothes.
“i already talked to her. she said there’s nothing we have to do for the day. we just need to wait for the big event tomorrow.”
“huh- you talked to her? when?” you raised your eyebrows at him. you could swear you hadn’t heard a single sound all morning.
“yeah- while you were busy snoring” he chuckled.
you scoffed at his reply “as if you’re a saint while you’re sleeping” there he went again with his ridiculous accusations.
“well- unlike you, i haven’t received any complaints from others” he winked at you.
“really? then here’s your first one- you’re loud as hell” you slammed the bathroom door. that wink and his cocky grin were enough to bring back the annoyance he always seemed to provoke within you.
taehyun loudly knocked as you were busy brushing your teeth “how long are you gonna stay in there? i have something to ask”
you rolled your eyes, taking the toothbrush out of your mouth to reply “i’ll be out in 5 minutes” you shouted back. you didn’t know whether it was curiosity or fear taking over you from his words.
taehyun was still in front of the door when you opened it to get out.
“wanna take advantage of the activities here? it’s not like we’re paying for any of this- the agency is. plus- we have the day off anyway” taehyun shrugged his shoulders. his proposal didn’t sound bad at all. you could definitely use some sort of relaxation, your whole body was still aching from walking in heels yesterday.
you put your hands over your mouth, gasping exaggeratedly “finally, i can’t believe there’s good ideas coming out of your mouth” you were actually excited for once about one of taehyun’s suggestions. this was your chance to detach yourself from all the stress, the mission, and most importantly- him.
“when do i not have good ideas?” taehyun brought a hand to his chest. he sounded offended by your statement.
“i’m not going to answer that.” you replied shortly.
grabbing your bathrobes from the reception, you and taehyun headed towards the hotel’s spa facility. the area was filled with all sorts of natural plants and bamboo furniture, the meditation music being accompanied by the quiet sound from the mini artificial waterfall in the middle of it all. having such a packed schedule all the time, you never got any opportunities to spoil yourself in places like this. the anticipation and excitement were making your heart bubble up with joy, but your smile quickly dropped once you arrived in the massage room.
“taehyun, why didn’t you mention the hotel activities being couple activities” you hissed. standing in the doorway, you looked in terror at the swarm of lovey dovey pairs sitting on yoga mats in front of you.
“did you think i made the proposal knowing that?” he scoffed.
“well i can’t seem to understand how you overlooked such a major detail??”
“listen- the poster said couple massages. how the hell was i supposed to know that they’re making us do the work for each other? i just thought we’d both get a massage done at the same time”
“you must be the kangs, welcome” the host greeted you “come on, sit down. we were just getting started with a simple shoulder massage” she pointed to the last empty mat in the room, then motioned for you to begin.
taehyun’s eyelids fluttered shut as you awkwardly placed your hands on his shoulders, the material of the robe doing almost nothing to hide the feeling of the rock hard muscles underneath. you grimaced as you pressed your fingers down, trying to reminisce the movements you’d use while preparing pizza dough.
“you’re doing it wrong” he deadpanned, opening his eyes to make direct eye contact with you.
“shut the hell up”
you didn’t know what you were doing- yes. but were you going to admit that to taehyun? absolutely not. rolling your eyes, you continued to clumsily massage the tense muscles.
“i can’t feel a goddamn thing” he complained again.
“how about now?” you pinched his skin between your thumb and your index finger, using as much pressure as you could. taehyun’s face distorted in pain as he crumbled beneath you “for fuck’s sake-“ he grabbed your wrists, stopping you from provoking him even more suffering “how are you so bad at this?”
frustrated, you moved your hands away from his body “if you think you’re that great, why don’t you give it a shot?”
“i will give it a shot” he snarled.
the host approached the two of you just as taehyun placed his hands on you “what a lovely couple” she smiled. nudging taehyun, she whispered one more thing before walking away “remember, use your hands gently, like you’re touching the most delicate petal”
taehyun’s ears turned a bright shade of red at the sound of that. he bit his lip so hard trying not to laugh at her words, you were surprised he didn’t end up drawing blood.
“close your eyes, petal” he snickered.
you snorted at the nickname, doing as he said regardless. taehyun’s hands were surprisingly warm. he did his best mimicking the actions from the couples around you, his long slender fingers massaging your muscles with such care, you could feel all the built-up tension melting away.
“wait- this is kinda nice” you spoke quietly.
“told you so”
you hoped taehyun wouldn’t catch that, but of course, he did. you opened one eye, tempted to wipe that cocky smirk off his face. getting ahold of yourself, you chose not to, you never knew when taehyun would treat you this nicely again. you sighed, allowing yourself to enjoy the feeling. this was the least he could do to pay you back for all the headaches he had caused you so far throughout the mission.
you did make a few other attempts to give taehyun a massage, but even with the host’s instructions, he was never satisfied. in the end, he gave up, preferring to do all the work himself instead of letting you touch him again. he probably left the spa room feeling more tense than when he had arrived, the only thing bringing him some sort of consolation being the free bottle of wine at the end of the lesson- which he opened as soon as you came back to your hotel room.
after getting changed, you sat down next to taehyun on the bed, noticing only one wine filled glass on the table “aren’t you gonna share that?”
“after all the pain i’ve went through today? don’t think so” he replied before taking a sip of the crimson beverage.
“don’t be a jerk” you snapped back “i tried my best”
taehyun sighed heavily, grabbing the other clean glass in the room to pour you some of the wine. you muttered a quick ‘thanks’ before taking it from his hands, downing the liquid almost immediately.
“what the fuck are you doing” he grabbed your wrist “take it easy- our mission is tomorrow, i don’t think you want to wake up with a headache” there was a hint of worry hidden in his stern voice.
“a bit more won’t hurt- i just want to sleep well tonight” you replied. your hand was already reaching for the bottle to pour another one. taehyun simply rolled his eyes, hoping that you’d stop after the seccond glass. yet- you repeated your actions, downing the glass and going for the bottle right after. this time, taehyun snatched it away from your hands and hid it behind the bed.
“don’t ruin the fun-“ you furrowed your brows “just give me the bottle”
you stood up, towering over taehyun as you extended your arm. he wasn’t expecting you to put up such a fight, but his reflexes were sharp- he took hold of your arm quickly, making you lose your balance and stumble over him. his hand came down to your waist to hold you as you landed in his lap, not allowing you to slip away anymore. you looked at him with wide eyes, your loud heartbeat drumming against his chest. “don’t make me repeat myself” he muttered.
“or what?” you provoked him further. your eyes shifted their focus on his lips, sitting centimeters apart from yours. you had never paid attention before to how soft they looked- so soft and rosy, your mind couldn’t help but wander off and think about how they would feel on yours. taehyun seemed to become nervous underneath your gaze, his breathing became ragged, hand gripping your waist slightly tighter. he licked his lips before moving his face closer to yours, yet still not enough to fully close the gap. your eyelids fluttered shut, and he smirked at your action, his thumb coming to graze your lower lip slowly.
“or you might just make me lose myself completely” he breathed out. his gaze was still fixated on your lips, only tempting him further to give in, to let go of everything that had been holding him back until now from accepting that it wasn’t hatred he felt upon seeing you, or even hearing your name. he had been convinced that you hating him meant that he was supposed to feel the same, but he couldn’t- and he could barely even fake it anymore. especially now, when you somehow managed to completely break down his guard in mere seconds. thinking this through, taehyun chose to back away. he didn’t have the confirmation whether it was your actual feelings leading your actions, or just the alcohol in your system.
he cleared his throat, removing his hands from your body and putting that usual cold façade back on “like i’ve said, our mission is tomorrow. you should probably go to bed” his eyes didn’t meet yours when you opened them to look at him again.
your gaze shifted to the floor, you were unable to hide the underlying disappointment in your voice “yeah- you’re right”. you hesitated a bit before finally separating yourself from him, the warmth of his body gone just as the excitement that was beginning to take over your heart. you put your head down on the pillow, the sound of more wine getting poured in a glass being heard as you closed your eyes and drifted off to sleep.
・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ "your tie is lopsided, let me fix that" you walked over to taehyun. there was just one hour left until the event started. the atmosphere in the room was suffocating, to say the least.
taehyun scoffed upon hearing that "i can definitely do a better job than you" yet, he didn't make any movement to stop you from touching him or his clothes “everything is just a competition for you�� isn’t it?” you said bitterly, your eyes were fixated on his chest, his tie in your hand. 
“isn’t it for you, too?” taehyun asked. he immediately regretted his question, the words seemed to roll off his tongue as an automatic response. he peered into your eyes, although he was hesitant to hear your answer. you paused for a moment before continuing, refusing to look up and meet his gaze "maybe i don't want it to be anymore"
you went back to the mirror, trying to look busy as you "fixed" your makeup, although you had already ensured it was perfect with each step you did.
taehyun didn't say anything to that. it wasn't the time he could let himself be swayed by his emotions. you were both at the peak of your mission, where high attention was demanded and no mistakes were allowed to be made. he cleared his throat before speaking, trying to change the conversation from the sensitive topic "you look good" "thanks" you looked down, playing a bit more with the lipstick in your hand before stuffing it in your purse "we should go" "yeah- we should" he repeated after you, grabbing the spare card for your hotel room.
the entire venue was filled with well-known people from the political field, as well as celebrities. the event had been long planned to celebrate the president’s birthday. however, he started to have a rising suspicion that someone was after him, wanting to backstab him so that they could steal his position, which is how you got into the play. your team was able to pinpoint the enemy’s plan of action due to their sloppy preparation. they talked freely around Élysée Palace about their intention, completely unaware of the mics hidden all around the building. they were going to infiltrate the office and place a bomb there, wiping out the president without putting themselves at much risk.
being nervous was an understatement. it’s been long since you’ve been assigned such an important mission- way too long. the fact that you didn’t know whether you were going to make direct contact with the enemy didn’t help either.
taehyun seemed to be glued to your side, not letting you go once. he held you by the waist the whole time you were walking around, searching for your table. his eyes were trained on you, not allowing the disgusting rich men in the room to think that they can lay a finger on you, not even for one second.
“why do you keep on holding me so close?” you wondered aloud.
“we need to act like a couple- did you forget that again?”
“that doesn’t mean i’m not allowed to walk on my own” you said trying to break yourself free yourself from his grip. but taehyun stopped you before you could fully do so, he grabbed your wrist, bringing your back flushed against his chest. he dipped down to whisper in your ear “sweetheart, let’s not make a scene now- shall we?” he twirled you around, swaying your body to the rhythm of the music to disguise your actions as natural.
“now- let’s discuss. when do you want to put our plan into action?” he leaned down to whisper once again. his voice sent shivers down your spine.
“not yet- we haven’t been here for long and leaving so early would raise suspicion” you muttered.
“then- how about a drink?” taehyun brought you closer, not breaking eye contact with you.
you nodded “a drink sounds good” just like the ‘massage’, there was no way you could turn down something you didn’t have to pay for yourself.
taehyun spun you around once more before heading off to the bar. you continued the search for your table, settling down on one of the chairs as you waited for him.
“what is a princess like you doing all alone?” a sleazy man approached you, reeking of sweat and alcohol. your senses were instantly on high alert, you were praying that taehyun wouldn’t take much longer to return.
“i’m not alone- i’m just waiting for someone” you tried to dismiss him, hoping that he would walk away and leave you alone. but a man’s confidence seems to skyrocket when they drink, so of course, he didn’t back down so easily.
“say, why won’t you have a drink with me while you wait?” his hand was in motion, inching closer to touch your shoulder. it abruptly stopped upon hearing a voice from behind him.
“i’m afraid i’ve already taken care of that, sir” taehyun settled down the drinks on the table before occupying the empty chair next to you. he noticed from far away how uncomfortable you looked and he rushed to get back to you, almost spilling the drinks in the process.
he placed one of his hands on your knee, trying to give the man a subtle hint that he should give up and leave you alone.
“i’m sure one more drink wouldn’t hurt? right, miss?” he continued.
taehyun clicked his tongue, increasingly annoyed by his presence “i’m pretty sure it would, though”
the man’s smile was wiped off his face as soon as taehyun said that, his hand gripped his bottle of beer tighter “why won’t you let her answer, hm?”
you were unsure what to do- you wanted to get rid of him, but you didn’t want to anger him further either. you weren’t supposed to draw any kind of attention towards yourselves, if this were to turn into a big argument, it could damage your mission badly. taehyun’s hand on your knee felt reassuring. at the same time, it made your heart skip a beat whenever he gave it a light squeeze.
“what if i search for you once i finish this first, would that be good?” you did your best fake smile, so that he wouldn’t see directly through your lie. somehow, that answer was good enough for him. he nodded, smiled, then walked away.
taehyun slumped into the chair, taking a sip of the cognac he ordered.
“thank you” you spoke softly “you came just at the right moment”
taehyun’s ears turned red at that “now maybe you understand why i wasn’t letting you go before” he played with the glass in his hand. you bit your lip and nodded, taking a sip of the drink yourself. taehyun had good taste.
you both settled for analysing your surroundings as you drank, making small remarks here and there about the people around you. however, once your glasses were empty, taehyun could already notice the same man approaching your table again. he got up abruptly, taking your wrist and tugging you along with him.
“hey- what’s gotten into you?” you asked. you couldn’t figure out the expression he had on his face, nor his actions. taehyun loudly knocked on the bathroom door. upon hearing no answer, he dragged you in, locking the door after him “weren’t you the one saying that we shouldn’t make a scene?”
“and what was i supposed to do? sit there and watch as he tried to touch you again?” he huffed.
“why are you acting like this? maybe i wouldn’t have minded having a drink with another man” you provoked him further. that wasn’t actually the case- the quick lie slipped past your lips in the heat of the moment, as you were curious to see where he was going to end up with this.
"oh really?" taehyun pressed his tongue against his cheek, crossing his arms. he took a step closer towards you, to which, at first, you chose not to react.
"yes, really."
you tried to sound confident as you talked, but taehyun took note of your pursed lips “you know, lying doesn't suit you, sweetheart." he took another step towards you then another- until you had no choice but to take a few steps back yourself, not stopping until your back hit the wall.
“you know what? i don’t get you-“ you snapped “and i’m tired of trying to figure you out” you pressed a finger to his chest, letting out all those pent-up frustrations that had been tormenting you for the past few days “you keep on giving me these mixed signals- your actions never seem to match your words. how do you even think i felt today? or after last night? do you even care about that?”
you chuckled drily as taehyun remained silent. “why won’t you just give me a clear answer?” your gaze dropped to the floor "if you had the guts, kang taehyun, you would have kissed me"
taehyun's eyes looked sharp, he inched closer to you, bringing your chin up with his hand so that he could look directly into your eyes "you think something is stopping me from doing that right now?" he tilted his head and smirked, slight amusement hidden in his voice.
"then do it" you said firmly, pushing him over the edge.
taehyun slipped his other hand on the small of your back, holding you close so that he could press his mouth on yours, hot and heavy. he wasted no time to lick your lips with his tongue, silently asking for permission to deepen the kiss. you opened your mouth for him, the feeling of his lips and tongue even more intoxicating than the alcohol that you had consumed earlier that night. he lifted one of your legs up, letting his fingers dance along the bare skin that was revealed once your dress slid up with the movement. your body felt hot all over, you hadn't even known how badly you were craving for his touch until you got to experience it. you clasped your hands behind his neck, then dragged them along his back, slightly scratching it with your nails. taehyun groaned at the feeling, hoisting your other leg up as well so that you could wrap them both around his waist. he moved on to your neck, biting at the skin in a slightly hidden area. it was just enough to remind that man and all those other people lurking after you tonight that you were only his. he carried you over to the sink, putting you on the edge of the counter there so that he could have better access to your neck.
there was knocking on the door, followed by the rattling of the doorknob.
taehyun put his index finger over your lips, shushing you as he covered you whole in kisses: your neck, your collarbones, your chest, all the way down to the valley of your breasts, the area exposed by the cleavage of your dress.
"they'll leave" he spoke against your skin.
the image of a ticking clock crossing your mind every now and then filled you with worry and pressure "we should leave too-" taehyun pressed his finger over your lips once more.
"tae-" you breathed out again "-the mission"
"just a bit more” he whispered “there's still time" he looked up at you, those big eyes of his, filled to the brim with desire, pleaded you to let him continue. you grabbed the collar of his shirt, connecting your lips with his again. you sighed in contentment, letting him take control over the kiss. soft gasps and wet lips, his warm mouth on your skin- you got lost into it all, not caring for one second whether your hair or your dress were turning into a mess.
you could barely bring yourself to stop, and when you did, it felt like your cheeks had been set on fire. you hid your face in the crook of taehyun’s neck, breathing heavily against his skin as your brain finally processed what had just happened between the two of you.
you kissed kang taehyun
you made out- with kang taehyun
and you enjoyed it.
in fact, you enjoyed it so much you seriously contemplated ditching the event just to feel his lips on yours for a few moments more.
the rational part of you was stronger “come on- we have a mission to complete” you pressed a quick peck on taehyun’s lips. he smiled, taking his time to fix your appearance before holding your hand and reaching for the door.
“let’s do it” he breathed out.
you sneaked past the security guards and reached the hallway towards the office. you wished you could have collaborated with them, but there was no way you could have known whether the person betraying the president was one of them or not, and you didn’t feel like risking your cover.
your hand reached towards the doorknob, wanting to check whether the door was locked or not. taehyun spoke right before you touched it.
“don’t- it’s dangerous, the bomb could be on the door”
you slowly retracted your hand. you didn’t think this through, and quickly jumped into action. taehyun was right, and you had to find a way to test his theory right before making another attempt at getting in.
you used some of the gadgets irene bought for you, making a small hole inside the wall and pushing through an extendable stick with a camera to look inside.
the bomb was placed flushed against the door. had taehyun not stopped you before, you would have both been dead in an instant.
“seems like we’ll have to find another way in” you muttered.
taehyun eyed the outside window “how are your wall climbing skills?”
“not bad at all” you offered to go first, it was probably your best shot for now.
the distance between this window and the one in the office wasn’t that long either, you were just hoping that there weren’t any curious eyes looking up at the building from the garden.
melting away the lock on the window, you succeeded to get in. taehyun followed right after you, jumping inside. the bomb didn’t have a timer on it, the wire connected to the doorknob was what would made it go off. you had to give this one to them, it was pretty smart- this way, they ensured that they had less chances of missing their target.
“any updates?” irene’s voice was heard from your ear piece.
“yeah- we’re in. the enemy’s plan isn’t so bad after all, they just organised it poorly”
“that’s great- but you need to hurry up. you don’t have much time until the guy checking the security cameras alerts the other guards”
“got it” you replied
“so no pressure at all” taehyun laughed as he searched for the necessary tools. the bomb wasn’t unlike anything else you’ve seen before. the only thing you needed to do was follow the procedure carefully, so as not to miss any steps.
taehyun took it upon himself to do it, even though you were both in just as much danger anyway. you helped him out as much as you could, reassuring him that he followed all the steps in the right order and giving him new tools whenever he needed to switch.
“shit-“ you could hear heavy footsteps going up the stairs “they’re onto us, you need to hurry”
“hang on- i’m almost done” taehyun tried his best to remain calm, he couldn’t have his hands trembling at this very moment.
“you either show yourselves, or we’ll have no choice but to barge in” a male voice shouted from behind the door. they were definitely not alone.
“2 more wires” he whispered.
you were growing impatient, but you bit your tongue trying to remain silent, taehyun had to remain concentrated.
“we’ll take your silence as an answer” the man shouted again before starting a countdown.
3, 2, 1-
the door was busted down from its shackles.
the guards remained silent as they were met with...an empty room?
you and taehyun barely managed to make it out on time, and you were now holding your breath as you clung onto the outside wall again. you entered the building through another window from the floor beneath you before they had a chance to inspect the area and potentially see you.
after making sure you were in a safe zone, you reached out to irene again: “we’re done here- we’ll send you that fucker’s fingerprints”
taehyun called the reception as you were taking a cab back to the hotel. he requested 2 bottles of wine for you to drink as a form of celebration. you couldn’t wait to lie down and drink to your heart’s content.
so now- here you were, you sitting in taehyun’s lap as he tried his best not to laugh in your face at your drunken words and actions. it seemed like you couldn’t handle alcohol that well when you were exhausted.
“can you kiss me again?” you asked quietly, closing your eyes before you could even notice his reaction. taehyun was taken aback by your sudden proposal, but nevertheless, fondness took over his eyes in an instant. he cupped your cheeks, bringing your face closer to him until your noses were touching. then, he opted for pressing a soft kiss on the corner of your lips, to which you opened your eyes, cheeks burning at the small gesture. “god- you’re making me go crazy” he spoke softly against your lips. his hand took hold of your wrist, leaving a tender kiss on your pulse point “let’s get you to bed”
you shook your head, dipping your head down to bury your face in his chest as you hugged him tightly. silence filled up the room for a moment before you finally spoke again “maybe it was supposed to be like this from the beginning.” your voice was slightly muffled as you refused to move away from your spot. taehyun ran his hands through your hair “…like what?”
“i don’t know. maybe we were never supposed to hate each other" those words rolled off your tongue softly, your eyes getting heavier with each passing second.
taehyun tucked a few strands behind your ear. your words tugged at his heart, and it was like something clicked for the both of you as you voiced out your drunken thoughts. it was stupid-so stupid. all this time, you had both been too caught up in the high created by all the praises and achievements. you were taught to eliminate any kind of obstacle that came your way whenever you set a goal, you forgot to look at each other as just...humans. sure, the pride that bloomed in your chest whenever you successfully cleared yet another mission felt good, but has that ever felt as good as taehyun's touch? his lips on yours, rough hands enveloping yours as a silent sign of care and reassurance, arms circling your waist to keep you close, to keep you safe. you never paid much attention to human relationships, and perhaps that was the reason why, once you stepped foot into your empty apartment, once the cheers died down, you had never felt truly satisfied with your life.
hearing the sound of light snores coming from beneath him, taehyun looked down to find you already fast asleep in his lap. “cute” he chuckled, secretly taking out his phone for a pic, the corners of his mouth turning up at the thought of teasing you about it tomorrow. he slowly detangled your hand that was holding on to his shirt tightly, then lifted you up to carry you over to your side of the bed. he frowned upon noticing that you never had the chance to take off your dress. diverting his eyes as much as he could, taehyun took it off for you, blushing as he slid one of his shirts over your head. he didn't want to invade your privacy, he just wished you could rest comfortably after experiencing such a draining day.
“sleep well, y/n” taehyun pressed a kiss against your temple before getting underneath the covers himself. he sighed in contentment as he brought himself closer to you, your soft rhythmic breaths and warm body putting his own at ease.
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taglist: @huekalover3000
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estrellami-1 · 1 year
If I Should Stay
Part 1 | . . . | Part 8 | Part 9 | Part 10
“So,” Nancy says, all business. Steve knows her, knows she’s pushing down whatever feelings she has. Knows it won’t last. Appreciates it anyways. “Barb?”
Steve nods, leading her back down the hall. “Listen up,” he says. “Our top priority right now is saving Barb and Will from the Upside Down.” He looks around. “Jonathan’s already out looking for Will. We’ll need to read him in before we go, but he deserves to be part of the rescue mission for his own brother. First things first, though, we’re going to need weapons.”
“They’re vulnerable to fire,” Robin continues. “So Molotov cocktails, and lots of them. Nancy, you had a gun last time. Any idea where that would be?”
Nancy frowns, shakes her head. “I don’t have one.”
“It’s Jonathan’s.” Steve runs a hand through his hair. “So we’ll need to bring him in soon. He also had a bat filled with nails, which I ended up taking. Dustin, Mike, Lucas, I need you to think up ideas on flamethrowers. If nothing else, lighters and cans of hairspray. Let one of us know what you need, and we’ll find a way to get it for you.”
“And me?” Eddie asks.
Steve grins. “Oh, you’re gonna love this.” He tosses a tape at Eddie. “Metallica, Master of Puppets. 1986.”
Eddie looks down at the tape, then up at Steve, open-mouthed. “Holy shit,” he whispers.
“I’ve got a player in my room. How fast can you learn the second track?”
“Oh, my guitar!” Eddie says, scrambling up. “Holy shit. Uh, depends on how hard the song is. I’ll let you know once I’ve listened to it a few times.”
“Eddie,” Steve says before he can leave. He freezes in the doorway. “If you want to back out…”
“You’re a distraction,” Robin says softly. “The bats follow the sound. The first time around, you die because you weren’t willing to let them get to Dustin.”
“Which we’ll fix this time,” Steve says firmly. “We know what went wrong. We’ll make sure to close the vents this time.” He works his jaw. “I’m not losing anyone.”
Eddie looks at them. Robin, to Steve, to everyone else. “I’m in,” he says quietly.
Steve nods. Eddie leaves. They hear his footsteps heading upstairs. Steve’s door closes, and a few seconds later the song starts up.
Steve tenses. “I’m never gonna not think of that.”
“Steve,” Robin says, and nods to the couch beside her, inviting him to sit down.
He does, taking her hand and squeezing it, breathing out harshly. “Okay,” he says. “Boys, start brainstorming. Nance, can you go find Jon? We need him and his gun.” She nods and walks out.
El approaches Steve. “You gave me a hug,” she says seriously. “When they were being loud. Your head is being loud. Will a hug help?”
Inexplicable tears burn at the corners of his eyes. “Y’know what? I think it just might.”
She smiles and hugs him, and he hugs her back, pulling her to sit beside him. “Y’know what?” He whispers.
“What?” She whispers back.
“Your hair grows out, and it looks so pretty.”
She looks excited at the prospect. “It does?”
“Mhm. Right, Robs?”
“Oh, yeah,” she agrees. “Bitchin’, even.”
“What is ‘bitchin’?” El asks as Steve slaps at Robin.
“Something Robin shouldn’t’ve said,” he says, pretend-glaring at her. “Timeline, Robs, c’mon.”
She snorts. “Okay, nerd.”
“Band geek.”
She squawks and launches herself at him, and Steve laughs as he curls over El, who’s giggling.
Permanent Taglist: @justforthedead89 @ilovecupcakesandtea @madigoround @bookbinderbitch @suddenlyinlove @nburkhardt @artiststarme @paintsplatteredandimperfect @i-less-than-three-you @alyelf @quarble @messrs-weasley @littlewildflowerkitten @vankaar @starman-jpg @bornonthesavage @steddie-there @goodolefashionedloverboi @andienotannie @cinnamon-mushroomabomination @platinum-sunset @just-ladyme @steddiestains @swimmingbirdrunningrock @imhereforthelolzdontyellatme @martinskis-lydias @notaqueenakhaleesi @sleepyboosstuff @bestwifehaver @m-owo-n @thatonebadideapanda @finalmoondragon @velocitytimes2 @callmeanythjing @ajeff855 @ilikeititspretty @knitsforthetrail @sillysparrow @that-one-corvid @ace-is-bored @local-writers-corner @harpymoth @weirdandabsurd42
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Fic Taglist: @blondlanfear @do-you-want-something-more @str4wb3rry-guy
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lostdreamr-blog1 · 2 years
Nightmare of a Roommate
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Requested: Nope
Pairings: Jake Seresin x Reader
Word count: 3k
Summary: When you are forced to share an apartment with the notorious Bagman, life seems to be harder than it should be. But what difference does a few weeks together make?
Warnings: mild swearing, mentions of death, the usual fluff
A/N: Two posts in one week?! I had this idea come to me today and knew I needed to get it out! I love to hear all your thoughts and comments! As always, my inbox is open to you!
Part 2
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Top Gun was currently redoing their dorms which meant the group of aviators who were called back were placed in apartments close to the base. Normally it wouldn’t have been a huge deal, but the number of vacant units caused a slight issue. Everyone had to pair up. The higher ups figured the best way to do it was for everyone to draw a number that way no one can complain about how it was done. Or at least not blame them for who their roommate would be for the next few weeks.
You each took a turn drawing a paper out of the hat and you pulled out the number 4. You smiled to yourself because that number had been your lucky number for as long as you could remember.
That was until a southern voice called out, “Which lucky person got the other number 4?”
You cringed at the question and Natasha looked over your shoulder in curiosity. “Oh god. Hey Bagman, what kind of flowers do you want at your funeral?”
You smirked at the question and his answer almost made you laugh. “Is that the kind of question you ask guys? No wonder you’re still single.”
Her laugh told you she found the whole situation entertaining. “Might want to get your affairs in order. I don’t see you lasting more than a week with Y/N.”
His head whipped over to you and a slow smirk appeared on his face much to your annoyance.
“Wipe that look off your face before I do it for you.” He chuckled and held up his hands in mock surrender.
“I’ll make sure to keep my door locked at night.” He gave you a wink and turned back to Coyote.
You couldn’t help but shake your head at what just happened. Of all the people here, you just had to be paired up with the teenager on steroids.
Natasha came and put an arm around your shoulder. “If it gets too bad, we can set up something in my room.”
You gave her a weak smile, “Thanks, but I think I can manage a few weeks with him. If something changes, like needing help to bury a body, you’ll be my first call.”
She snorted in response, “I already know a good spot to hide him.”
A voice behind you both made you jump. “The two of you are scary.” Bradley had a concerned look on his face, but Natasha waved him off. “Don’t get on our bad side, Bradshaw and you’ll be fine.”
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Day one and you already wanted to strangle the man. You knew everyone had their own quirks when it came to their routine, but his were borderline insufferable.
It started out with only having one bathroom. If the Navy taught you anything, it was how to be quick about your personal time. Your showers were under five minutes, and you were courteous enough to do your hair in your room. The only issue was, you forgot to brush your teeth while you were in the bathroom. Something you planned on quickly doing when the blonde was done with his shower.
A few minutes of waiting turned into nearly half an hour, and you had to leave for base if you didn’t want to be late. What the hell he was doing in there you had no idea, but you couldn’t wait any longer. You mumbled “asshole” and walked out of the apartment to your car, making a mental note to move your toothbrush later.
The group of you were ushered into the hanger, getting ready to listen to the plan for the day. A tap on your shoulder had you turning around to see your roommate from hell holing out some gum.
“Thought you might need it.” You narrowed your eyes at him and shook your head.
“I knew it took a lot of hair product for your hair to be the way it is, but thirty minutes to get ready seems like a waste of time. Clearly it didn’t do you any favors.” You turned back around before you could see his reaction, but the muffled laughs around you had you smirking.
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End of week one and the two of you were getting into a small routine, being able to work around each other. He realized very quickly not to talk to you first thing in the morning. Getting a breakfast burrito thrown at him was not something he wanted to make a regular occurrence, so he kept his distance until you had a cup of coffee in you.
That morning though, he came in from a run just as you were waking up. Seeing the sand come off his shoes into the kitchen had you taking deep breaths to keep your cool. You had to admit, seeing him shirtless was a sight to be had, but it still wasn’t good enough to mask his intolerable personality.
“I don’t understand why you have to go for a run every morning.” Not only did it bring in the sand, but the smell of sweat wasn’t also something you particularly enjoyed.
“I’m flattered that you think these good looks are all natural, but sadly I do have to work out.” It took your brain a few seconds to process what he had said, and you opened your mouth to try and come up with what you meant.
“That’s not-no. I meant-you know what, whatever.” His laugh was what you heard as you retreated to the bathroom, and you knew the best way to get back at him. You took your five-minute shower and then kept the hot water running full blast as you finished getting ready in the bathroom. Twenty minutes later, you walked out ready for the day and gave Hangman a smile as you passed him in the kitchen. He gave you a questioning look, but eventually went to go take his shower.
You were about to walk out to your car when you heard a shout, “God dammit!” A smile was plastered on your face for the rest of the day.
Hangman stopped you in the hall at Top Gun and asked why you used all the hot water. “You seemed to get all hot and bothered talking about yourself this morning that I figured you needed a cold shower to calm down.” He stood there looking like he was pissed off with what you said, but the stupid smirk appeared. “Good thing I love a cold shower. It’s better for my hair.” And walked off.
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Things changed in week two. Training had gotten intense and the stress of everything was starting to show with everyone. Coyote ended up in G-LOC and Natasha and Bob had to eject after a bird strike. Things like that had old memories surfacing and you could only hide so much. Your teammates had no idea you were struggling to keep it together, but Hangman saw right through your act. He just didn’t know how to approach the subject without pissing you off.
It was three in the morning and a nightmare had woken you up. Knowing that if you closed your eyes, it would just replay again. So, you made the decision to get up and watch tv. You kept the volume down low to not wake up your roommate, but you didn’t know he woke up during your nightmare.
With thin walls, Hangman could hear everything that went on in your room. He knew when you finally went to sleep at night or when you decided a light workout at midnight was a great idea. But this night, he heard a pained whimper and the constant tossing and turning coming from your bed. It didn’t take long after for the footsteps to follow and the opening and closing of your door. What surprised him though, was the tv turning on in the living room at three in the morning.
He knew you had problems getting to sleep or staying asleep. But most of the time you at least attempted to get a few hours in before getting up. Tonight, was a red flag for him and he knew he couldn’t stay silent anymore. No matter how much you hated him, he couldn’t let you keep going the way you were. Eventually the lack of sleep is going to catch up and he knew it would be while you were in the air.
Your ears perked up when you heard a door open. A few seconds later, Hangman came walking into the living room and sat on the couch across from you. This was the first time either of you interacted with each other this late at night and you could feel the uneasiness coming off of him. A glance over to him showed he was lost in thought, looking at the ground in front of him.
“What are you doing up?” His eyes lifted towards you at the question, and you waited for him to answer.
“I could ask you the same thing. Last I checked, there was nothing good on at 3 in the morning.” Your eyes squinted at his response, and you tried to figure out his play.
“I don’t see why my sleeping habits are of concern to you.” Your answer seemed to deflate him a bit. Almost like he was disappointed in what you said. But again, you didn’t understand why.
“Look, Y/N. I know you haven’t been sleeping and recently you haven’t been yourself. The others don’t see it because you do a pretty damn good job of putting on an act, but I do. Is it something I’ve done? Because if that’s the case, I’ll go bunk with someone else. I don’t need you getting hurt out there because me.”
His words hit you harder than you wanted to admit. You tried to figure out how he came to that conclusion and thought back to this last week. You were closed off, the jokes you made towards him had all but vanished, and you mainly kept to your room. But it wasn’t because of him. It was easier to hide away than explain to someone what was going on.
“It’s not that. Work has been stressful, and I have my own way of dealing with it.” It wasn’t a lie, but it was a very watered-down version of the truth.
“And the nightmares?” You winced at that question. Here you thought you had been doing a good job of hiding things, but the blonde in front of you was too observant for his own good.
“Why does it matter? In a week we won’t be roommates anymore and everything will go back to the way it was.” In a last-ditch attempt of avoiding the real issue, pushing him away seemed like the best option. Until he said what he did.
“Because I know what it’s like to be a prisoner in your own head. To feel like the world around you is moving too fast for you to keep up. And while I may not be your biggest fan, I wouldn’t wish that kind of internal struggle on anyone.” You watched as he ran a hand through his hair, clearly struggling to find the right words. The ever so cocky pilot wasn’t here tonight, and you found yourself struggling to keep your composure. It was easier to put up a front when he was the worst version of himself. But this was different.
“How about tonight we pretend like we don’t have a million differences with each other. You can say anything, and I won’t judge or even bring it up in the morning. But something is wrong, and you need to talk about it. And what better person to do it with than someone who doesn’t know you that well?”
He was right. If you confided in one of your close friends, like Natasha, you knew it was something she would remember for a long time. While she may not judge, the pity looks were just as bad. Hangman was a near stranger when it came to personal information. The two of you only knew each other on a surface level, never trying to push boundaries.
“Last year there was an accident. A friend and I were on a routine flight when a bird strike hit. Both of our planes caught fire and I ejected without a problem. Her lever was stuck, and she ended up crashing her plane into a mountain. This last week just opened old wounds and it’s like my mind is stuck in the past. I’m either too worked up to fall asleep or a nightmare wakes me up. Every time I close my eyes, that day keeps playing on a loop and I guess I just thought it would eventually stop.”
You knew the memory would never quite leave you alone, but you hoped things would at least get easier. But seeing Natasha’s plane crash was too close to the original memory.
“Can I make a suggestion and you not get mad?” It was a loaded question, but your desperation for some sort of help pushed you to nod your head.
“Sometimes having someone near you when you go to sleep can help. It’s almost like a sense of safety that you can sleep, and the other person will have your back. I’d rather you be pissed off next to me while you get a few hours of sleep than have to stand next to your casket because you couldn’t think clearly in the sky.”
His words were brutally honest, and you couldn’t tell if you were thankful or not for it. To have someone not tip toe around your feelings was almost refreshing, but why did it have to be Jake Seresin of all people?
The last two weeks have been nothing but a challenge living together. You were two very different people forced to coexist and now he was talking about you sleeping in his bed. The boundaries you had made very early on were about to be crossed and that’s what you were struggling the most with.
“It will change things.” Was your response to his suggestion. But a quick shake of his head and you knew it was a weak argument.
“Nothing changes. You need a source of safety and I’m willing to provide it. I know you may not think I’m a team player, but when it really counts, I’ll have your back no matter what.” You searched him for any signs of misleading, but the only thing you saw was a genuine concern.
“Okay. But only for tonight.” He gave you a small smile, one you had never seen before. The smirk you had come to hate was nowhere to be seen and you were starting to wonder how much of a front he puts up. Because then man that was currently offering his bed to help you sleep, was not the man you thought existed.
You awkwardly crawled into his bed and turned with your back to him, facing the wall. You felt the bed dip, and the warmth behind you told you he wasn’t far. To your surprise, his hands stayed to himself, and he was a respectable distance from you. But the sound of his even breaths mixed in with the smell of him had you slowly drifting off to sleep.
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A few days had passed, and Jake was honoring what he had said that night. Nothing was ever brought up and the two of you went back to how things were. But things seemed easier now. The dancing around each other in the morning was seamless and you found his presence to be comforting rather than an annoyance. Things moved forward and for once you felt like you were keeping up.
That night came at you like a fright train. You had gone the last few nights without a nightmare and only a few wakeups. But the hope of moving forward was quickly crushed when you woke up out of breath and tears streaming down your face.
It almost scared you how much you didn’t think about what you did next. You walked out of your room and knocked on the bedroom door next to yours. Jake answered the door in sweatpants and his hair in a million different direction. Clearly, he had just been woken up. But he very quickly was on alert as he took in your tear stained face and shaking hands.
“I-I’m sorry. I woke up and just came here. I didn’t mean to wake you. I-“ He cut you as he wiped a few tears away.
“Come here, sweetheart.” He wrapped his arms around you and pulled you into his chest. One hand was rubbing the back of your head and you started to sob against him. All the hurt and pain you had been keeping in, finally escaped. You both stood like that for a few minutes, him letting you calm down some before he let go.
“Stay in here tonight. I won’t let anything happen to you.” He wiped the tears away and gently grabbed your hand, leading you over to his bed. This time was different. This time you weren’t the levelheaded pilot who knew to keep walls up around others. No, this time you were a broken girl desperate for comfort. Which is why you curled yourself up next to him, allowing him to wrap an arm around you to pull you closer.
“Get some sleep. I’m not going anywhere.” He kissed the top of your head and lazily drew circles on your back.
A few weeks ago, you hated the fact you were stuck with him for the next few weeks. But now, you had no idea how you were going to let him go.  
A/N: Thank you so so much for reading!!! I hope you enjoyed this as much as I did writing it!
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averagewriter777 · 2 years
Ghost and Doc (Simon "Ghost" Riley x F!Reader)
(Part Two)
You arrived at your building just in time it seemed. Your group, who you’d grown to call your family these past nine years, was gathered outside, holding a plaque. When you stepped outside your car, you were tackled by all of the men. You shouted at the top of your lungs for them to get off- because “You’re all fucking heavy, get off!” But it was all laughter.
“We’ll miss you here in third, Doc,” one of the other sergeants said while slapping you on the back. “Where do you want your plaque?” He was holding it out. It was made of wood, with your name, rank, and time within the group engraved through fire in the middle.
You shrugged, setting all of your bags down on the ground to look at it. “If you don’t mind giving it to the family next door to me… that’d be fine. They’re the closest to friends I have…” the entire team stared at you, all of them immediately flipping you off. “Except you assholes, geez.” You gave the plaque back.
For one last time, or not for a long time, you stood at attention towards Master Sergeant Ford and the Sergeant Major of the Army. You saluted them, and they saluted back. Once at rest, they patted you on the back and wished you luck.
The entire time throughout your farewell, your new commander, or captain, in this case, was standing and awaiting you to be finished. He was smoking a cigarette with one hand while the other was in his pocket. He put it out when you approached the vehicle, taking one of the bags from your hand. “Jesus, woman, what did you put in ‘ere?”
“Uniforms, medical supplies, some things so I can call my kid, oh- and a few guns and knives. Nothing more,” you said calmly back. You’d be honest in saying that you wanted to snap back to that, but considering he was the captain- it was probably not a good idea. “I can carry my bag, sir, if that’d make you feel better.”
He shook his head, waving your offer off with his free hand. “No need, sergeant. What you can do is drive us to the airbase. We’re flying to Europe so you can meet the rest of the team.” You nodded and pointed to an old blue truck parked in the back of the lot. “That’s your ride? Alright then.”
Your bags went back into the bed of your truck. You took the driver’s seat and your new captain in the passenger. Speaking of… “Sorry sir, never asked for your name.” You mentioned after starting the engine and getting on the road.
“Captain John Price, just Price, or Captain to you, sergeant.” He said while fumbling with a cigarette in his hand. “To let you know, there are two other Sergeants on the team- Soap and Gaz. They’ll give you their real names if it’s important enough, but we go by field names around here… except for me. I’m assuming you have a field name from your previous unit?”
You nodded. “Doc, sir. Nice and simple for my profession.” He raised a brow, saying nothing, so you assume you could continue. “There aren't a lot of women here, you and I both know that. Whether or not that’s just here in the United States or whatever… I worked hard to get where I am today- even if it was only for a medical position. Most of the time, my face was completely hidden in countries we went to because women couldn’t speak their minds there. I’ve been on the field, but I haven’t been on the field- only when it’s necessary. I’m a medic, that’s all. That’s why they call me ‘Doc’.”
Captain Price just nodded in response. “Doc, we'll call you then.” Then the rest of the ride was silent.
You slept through the entirety of the flight to Europe. The night before, you hadn’t gone much sleep- because you’d visited your daughter… not knowing it would be the last time for a while. Your dreams were about the last time you were in the field… it wasn’t pleasant because Captain Price woke you up by shaking your body.
“Doc! C’mon, time to meet your team!” Captain Price helped you up out of your seat. He had this look in his eyes, a question in them that wanted to ask, but he didn’t. “Grab your bags, then meet me off the plane. Your teammates are waiting for you.”
The bags were under your seat, secured. One went on your back, and the other two into your hands. You followed your captain off the plane quietly, thanking the pilots for the easy flight first. They nodded back to you, then went back to their conversation.
Outside of the plane awaited three men. All wore roughly the same ‘civilian’ outfit, you’d call it. Long sleeve shirts that were pulled up a little, revealing their forearms, a pair of cargo pants, and heavy boots. The only difference came with one of them, who was wearing a skull mask and black makeup around his eyes. You gulped at the sight of him.
“A woman, eh? Guess this team could use a little feminine touch,” the one with the sort-of mohawk laughed. You smiled lightly because it reminded you of your last team- ever the female jokes. “I’m Soap, but you can call me John if we’re not on the field.” He had his hand out for you to shake, and you did so.
“Doc, but you can call me (Y/n) if we’re not in the field,” you repeated back to him. He grinned and put his hand down, going to whisper something to the man in the mask next to him.
The next man brought his hand up. “Gaz, the team calls me, I prefer it over my name anyway.” He didn’t tell you his full, so you didn’t ask. You instead gave him your field and regular name.
Last but not least was the man in the skull mask. He loomed over you for a moment, examining every little thing around you before sticking his hand out, not before hearing a “C’mon, Ghost”. “Ghost.” You shook his hand and repeated back what you had told the other two.
Price clapped his hands together to gain everyone’s attention. “Alright, now that introductions have been done through. Soap, I want you to show Doc to her quarters. Then we’ll be meeting up in the team room for training, see what she’s got.”
Soap picked up one of the bags that you’d been holding before, throwing it over his back with ease. “Alright, Doc! To your quarters we go!”
(Part Three)
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witchthewriter · 2 years
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𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐒𝐨𝐀 𝐁𝐨𝐲𝐬 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐎𝐧𝐞 𝐁𝐞𝐝 𝐓𝐫𝐨𝐩𝐞
⤷ gender neutral, ambiguous race, and any size reader. Requests are open, thank you for reading!  
a/n: thank you to the wonderful person who requested this! What a brilliant idea, thank you so much xx oh and ... I kind of write between past and future tense, I apologise... 
Warnings: some swears
𝐵𝑎𝑐𝑘𝑠𝑡𝑜𝑟𝑦: There’s built-up tension between you and the Sons. You’re a key player in a new business deal, putting you at risk. While travelling, you pair have to spend the night at a motel, which is fine, until you find out that the room only has one bed. 
・He’s playful about the situation. A mischievous grin on his tanned, handsome face. 
・But inside, he’s yearning so badly for you
・And you’re yearning the same
・At first he says you can take the bed, and he’ll sleep on the couch or something. “Hey, even the tub works for me darlin’-”
・But you shook your head and smiled. “Jax, just sleep in the goddamn bed.”
・You know that cheeky grin he does? Yeah he did exactly that and butterflies erupted in your stomach
・While you’re lying in bed, with the lights out, and the room quiet, you know Jax isn’t asleep
・ “You awake?” You whisper, turning around to face him 
・He grinned at you, “Nah,” he replied
・Jax had taken his shirt off and you only wore a baggy shirt and pyjama shorts. Taking a chance, you reached out and started tracing the black ink on his bare skin. 
・There was a lingering heaviness in the air. Sexual tension. A desperate need. 
・He read something in your eyes, and you read the same in his. 
・It took everything in you two not to come together. To connect in the way that you wanted. So you both said nothing and rolled over, as in silent agreement. 
・But in the morning, you awoke before him. Your body was on top of his, your head resting against his chest, listening to his heartbeat 
・Gave a stiff laugh and looked to see your reaction 
・After a few seconds he shrugged and said he liked sleeping on the floor (a complete lie, and it’s the floor because he’s too big for the couch)
・Took a lot of persuading for him to sleep in the same bed. He didn’t want you to feel uncomfortable or disrespected. 
・But you really wanted him to be next to you. You felt like this was your one chance, to ... get to the next level. Not that you would push him to do anything. You just knew this was your chance 
・When the moon was high in the sky, Opie kicked off his shoes and flicked through the tv channels. He came to a Disney movie, one that his kids adored
・“Don’t judge. Disney is pretty important in my household.” His beanie was off and with each word his gold tooth flashed
・”Hey, you’ll get no judgement from me,” you chuckled lightly, thinking of all the weirder shit you’ve encountered. 
・You were both sitting against the headboard, shoulders touching. Neither of you were underneath the blanket, the air was too warm, and Opie gave off a lot of heat
・You spoke here and there, commenting on the movie. When certain scenes came on, you watched as Opie mimed the words. “Op, how many times have your kids watched this damn movie?”
・ “I don’t think that number exists.”
・He opens up a lot when he’s around you. Opie is actually a very witty guy when he’s comfortable.  
・But you both fell asleep eventually. Your head on his shoulder and his head was against the wall. 
・Throughout the night you both had wormed your way around the bed. You lay with your head ontop of his chest, and his arms were wrapped firmly around you
・“I’ll take the couch, sweetheart,” Chibs stated in his Scottish accent. You really didn’t want him to, but the tall Scot always had an air of authority around him
・He wouldn’t let you get your own bags, and carried all of them in from the car. 
・You watched as he checked the bullets in each gun and sorted out which route to take
・You loved listening to Chibs talk. He had a way of telling the most brilliant stories. 
・ “Tell me a tale, Telford.” He peered over at you, sitting on the bed. The night had grown late and you were too nervous to sit in silence. 
・ “Aye, well there was a time back in Scotland-” 
・You patted the space next to you and wriggled over so he had room to lay down. 
・ Chibs talked all night. Well, until you fell asleep against his arm. 
・When he noticed you were in dream land, he didn’t move for a while. He moved the hair from your face and smiled down at you
・Then he put you to bed. Taking off your shoes and tucking you in. 
・He didn’t sleep in the bed beside you. Chibs made sure everything was locked and shut, before he too made himself comfortable on the floor, facing the door. 
・“Big spoon, or little spoon?”
・Playful, teasing and completely honest. He wanted to sleep next to you so badly 
・Tig often daydreamed of sleeping beside you. You wrapped in his arms, asleep while the sun filtered through the window. 
・He was joking but not really
・You just pushed his arm and scoffed (with a smile though)
・You knew you were safe with Tig, but he was a very mischievous man. He wouldn’t try anything to make you uncomfortable, but he was hard to resist. 
・It took everything in you not to feel ... needy. You read a book, turned on the tv, looked out the window and all the while, you could feel his eyes staring at you. 
・ “Tig-”
“Huh?” He quickly lifted up the newspaper and opened it in front of his face. “I’m reading, what do you want?” 
・You smiled at his ruse. He knew you knew he was staring at you
・ It was hard to keep a straight face whenever Tig Trager was in the room
・ “Your newspaper is upside down.” 
“Obviously ...I like it that way...” 
・He let you take the bed, and even though he stretched out on the couch, you beckoned him over
・The next morning, you awoke with Tig as the big spoon, nuzzling in your hair
・“I’ll take the floor.” 
・His response was instant, without question. The couch barely sat two people, so he’d be too cramped laying on it.
・He had been a bit off with you for the past week. No joking around or deep conversations like you used to have
・You had no idea, but it was because of this situation. Clay had chosen him to protect you, and his feelings had grown so much. 
・ “You don’t have to,” you replied, turning to look at Happy, who was holding onto your bags. There was a hint of sadness in your voice, because you missed being so close to Happy
・ You thought he said something like “I do.”
・With the few hours that you spent in the room, he warmed to you again. Forgetting his emotional wall and opening up. 
・You were both watching tv on the bed, a crappy reality show, and you both couldn’t stop laughing
・ “I can’t believe people sometimes,” you said while laughing
      “Man, neither can I. Those types of people only want one thing: attention.” 
・This opened a deep conversation about people, life and humanity. 
・You looked over at the clock at it was nearly 2:30am. 
・Happy saw as well, and started to get ready to go to sleep. He kicked his shoes off, and took a few pillows from the couch and put them on the floor
・No matter how many times you offered a place on the bed, he wouldn’t take it
・Is immediately flustered when looking at the limited space. He was holding every single piece of luggage (you wanted to help but he wouldn’t let you.) 
・You shrugged and started taking the bags out of his hands while his blush reddened 
・ “I prefer the side closest to the window,” you said simply
・He said you take the bed, and if you want, you can take the room. “It wouldn’t be the first time I’ve slept outside,” he said it in his usual cheery voice. But you could tell there was something underneath those words. 
・It became like a sleepover so quickly.
・Juice knew it would be boring, so he brought a board game (and hid it obviously because the guys would think it was unneeded weight)
・”Oh! you brought Monopoly?!” He let you choose the figurine you wanted (ever the gentleman)
・You played literally all night. And it wasn’t until the birds tweeted in the morning, with the sunlight glowing through the breaks in the curtain.
・ “Shit, its morning,” he stated, looking at you with wide eyes
・You just laughed, and so did he
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anonymoosen · 7 months
Our lovely majestic tsundere green lizard boi ELEEEGANTLY pranced over to Dib-chans house with the cherry blossom petals blowing as intensely as ever.
Dib-chan immediately crashed through his own window from his room and landed on top of Zimpai, “accidentally” pinning him to the ground like that romantic move a lot of people use in movies.
The big headed boy giggled cutely with the usual sparkles in his eyes, “Ooooh woopsiess!! I totaaally didn’t know this cliche romantic trope would happen!!”
The alien rolled his and blushed deeply from the close proxZIMity and the way his crush’s voice sounded like the most adorable thing in the whole world— even cuter than their old class pet hamster, Peepi! (hehehehe peepeepoopoo)
Wait- NO! This is a disease! A CURSE!! The Dib-thing wanted me to fall prey into his hands this whole time!! Zim immediately shook his head and pushed Dib away. Dib-chan looked to the ground and wondered worriedly if he had gone too far in invading the invader’s personal space.
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Zim-kun tried not to feel bad about Dib looking a bit saddened and growled, “GRRR YOU’LL NEVER CURSE ME WITH THAT STYOOPID FEELING!”
Dib sighed and tried to hold back his once again returning sparkling anime tears. Of course it was one sided. Of course he got rejected by even the most annoying alien in the world. Who would even want some creepy weirdo like Dib?
Meanwhile, Gaz was eating popcorn while the whole cheesy but slightly angsty in a way Fanfiction scene played out. “Why are they acting even stupider than usual?” The whatever-colour-her-hair-is girl asked out loud. The question was then answered by a familiar British voice. “Innit!” Gaz blinked.
“Uh- what?”
“WAIT WHERE DID THAT BRITISH STEREOTYPE OF A WORD COME FROM- I MEAN-” The dark purple / indigo / dark blue (HELP IM BAD AT COLORS) alien girl continued, “Ahem, I meant that this whole anime stupidity Fanfiction scene was all part of my revenge plan! MuahahahAAHAHAAHHA!!”
Gaz face palmed. Was the hideous not-so-new girl, Tak, the one who she once viewed as the biggest threat to earth, THIS pathetic??
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“Dude- you’re STILL plotting your revenge on these idiots? And you’re doing it by zapping them with some in-real-life-anime gun thingy??” Gaz asked, trying not to sound slightly intrigued by this. Tak saw the undeniable interest in Gaz’s eyes and smugly nodded. The shorter of the two gave up and shrugged. At least she had some show to watch! (even though it was too cheesy and stupid for her liking sometimes)
Back to the main drama going on, Zim noticed Dib trying to hold his tears and gulped. Why the heck did he even feel bad about his ENEMY?? He’s supposed to HATE that big headed dork! The dorkiest dork ever! The cutest- WAIT-
The alien tried to look away. However, it couldn’t be helped. The so-called ‘curse’ was too strong, like the big-headed boy was a magnet pulling Zim’s eyes to look at his adorable face.
Could it beeeee… that the feeling Zimpai was feeling…
WASN’T a curse?!11!1?! hOW ShoCKiNG-
NO!! (Z)IMPOSSIBLEEE!! Invaders needed NO ONEEEE!
…But no one is perfect, and Dib can be his no one-
“LIEEESSS!” The alien desperately screeched out loud on the top of his lungs (or whatever aliens had). Dib raised an eyebrow in confusion, distracting him from the overwhelming sadness he was trying to hide. “I…uhhh- didn’t say anything…?”
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wisecrackingeric-2 · 1 year
Summary: One morning, when Luis is being especially difficult to get out of bed for work, Leon decides to take it upon himself to give his boyfriend an embarrassing nickname. Hijinks ensue as more and more people start calling Luis ‘Lulu’. Three-In-One style fic
I wrote this fic as apart of a trade between myself and @alitan99 based off of a moment from André Peña’s (Luis Serra’s voice actor) Twitch stream on the 16th July, 2023!!! Alita wrote and preformed a song, and I wrote a fic!!! I took a lot of inspiration from their song in particular, so please please PLEASE go check it out!! It’s SO GOOD!!!! https://m.soundcloud.com/alitanightsbane/lulu-serra-original?ref=clipboard&p=i&c=1&si=C86CE333D8EF4106B7232ADDD32C114F&utm_source=clipboard&utm_medium=text&utm_campaign=social_sharing
Trigger warnings: Canon-typical mentions of blood and guns, brief description of a deer being injured in the final story
A/N: The first ‘Story’ was written when I had MAJOR writers block, so it came out as being very clunky and not up to my usual standards. I was planning on scrapping and rewriting it, but I didn’t want to waste anymore time!! So please ignore how poorly written the first part of this Fic is, I promise it gets better the final two stories!!!
Also, this isn’t proofread, and I don’t actually know a lick of Spanish, so please feel free to correct me if anything is out of place!!!
Luis didn’t wake up.
He had a special knack for that; pretending to be asleep when he was needed. He called it a talent, Leon called him a nuisance.
Luis felt Leon’s hand press against his side through the double-layered duvet covers, nudging him as gently as possible for any sign of life.
Unbeknownst to his partner, though, Luis was grinning wolfishly against his pillow- burying his nose further into the cold fabric and unconsciously curling up into himself, bringing the blankets along with him.
Leon gave a defeated huff at the sight of his unmoving partner, only just being able to spot the top of his messy hair poking out between the blankets and the mountain of pillows.
As much as he knew it was impractical and only further aided in his procrastination, Luis couldn’t force himself to unfurl from the cocoon he’d crafted, no matter how hard he tried. Besides, how was Leon supposed to expect him to get up at 5-goddamn-30-AM in the morning? Especially when his pillow was just oh-so soft enough for his head to practically sink straight down into, and the duvet covers that engulfed Luis in a small, triangular cavern reminded him of being a little kid in a blanket fortress again. Dark, quiet, and protective.
(Besides, it was cold. And the sheets were just so warm. Probably from Leon sleeping in them overnight.)
All jokes aside, however; Luis genuinely wished he was able to show his gratitude towards Leon for giving him a second chance in a more meaningful way than just wasting his so-called ‘precious time’ playing around like this in the mornings- not that Leon ever minded these small moments of domesticality, though.
It was one thing to save Luis from a knife to the back- literally- but it was an entirely other thing for Leon to have graciously opened his home, his love, and his affection towards the man he’d met on a whim in nowhere-Spain. And Luis had no idea how to repay Leon in a way that felt equal to his gratitude.
Even just being able to wake up in a warm, comfortable bed, safe next to a person he loved like he was a kid again; it was a luxury Luis hadn’t experienced in a long, long time. Not since his Grandfather passed away. So he treasured these moments as best as he could, and let Leon know as much, too. The blonde reassured him countless-a times that he expected nothing in return, though; he just appreciates Luis’ love.
And Luis appreciated his love in return, too.
Leon repeated another loud, dramatic sigh as he shifted his weight off of the bed. Luis couldn’t help but let out a quiet and involuntary giggle at the sound of his characteristically melodramatic boyfriend.
It must not have been quiet enough, though, because he could practically hear the smirk in Leon’s voice as he began to speak;
“I can hear you, y’know. I know you’re not asleep”
Ah, caught red-handed. And here Luis thought he was a professional.
The sound of soft footsteps muffled by his own pillow were followed by the metallic screech of their clothing rack, and Luis swore he could hear Leon hum a little tune from above his duvet-cocoon as the blonde undoubtedly started to pick out his work clothes for the day.
Leon had work- sporadic hours, and been more sporadic dates- that early Sunday morning. And although Luis wasn’t obliged to go to the Lab on weekends.. He’d prefer to make a good impression on the U.S government. Especially after they had so graciously (Said internally with plenty of sarcasm) lent him his freedom in exchange for his knowledge in their laboratories.
Luis had no choice but to agree, even though he hated it. It felt like he was just being put into yet another inescapable work environment with an unending quest for knowledge and power. One he was all-too familiar with at this point.
Regardless, though, Luis- ever the linewalker- still tested his luck by making one request; He’d be allowed to follow Leon around on his missions in exchange for his expertise.
Leon had called him crazy, but Luis just pointed out that he was still rolling with him regardless.
Leon would playfully call him helpless, and Luis would point out he had his own Príncipe to save him if the situation ever called.
A comforting, reassuring, regular back-and-fourth.
“I’m gonna leave for work, soon, love, soooooo….”
Luis finally spoke up, but wasn’t totally ready to expose his fully-awakeness just yet.
“No te vayas… Mí amor…”
His feigned sleepy-voice must have worked, because from above him, Luis heard Leon huff a sympathetic laugh from his nose.
“Luis, doll, I’ve gotta go into work.. n’ so do you, I think”
No matter how put-together Leon made himself out to be, Luis could still occasionally catch those moment of vulnerability and tiredness in his voice. He’d hear it after especially rough missions, or just after a long day at work. And now he heard it here, too. Truthfully, neither of them wanted Leon to go into the office.
So Luis just shook his head in response, letting out a series of displeased noises instead of words. And judging by the sound of the floorboards creaking slightly, he could guess Leon had crouched down beside the bed. And his suspicions were confirmed the moment a familiar hand tangled his way into his long, messy hair.
Luis hadn’t gotten a haircut in… god, how long was it now? His hair easily reached almost to his shoulders (In his own defense, though, having a hole in your lung and not being able to walk for two months didn’t exactly leave much time for a routine haircut). Usually, Luis prided himself on his appearance; it was one of the few things in his life he had control over, and gave him self-confidence in. He was a good-looking guy and he knew it. But around Leon, he could let his guard down. He still liked dressing up pretty for him, sure- but he wasn’t as uncomfortable with letting the blonde see him purposefully messy and sleepy. Luis trusted Leon, and he could tell Leon appreciated it.
Luis’ grin widened as he heard the purposeful mispronunciation of his name from under the blankets. He squeezed his T-Rex positioned hands closer to his chest, trying his hardest not to laugh and give into the feeling of Leon gently playing with his hair.
Still no response.
Again, just teasing silence.
When Luis was met with stillness, he assumed he had one the war of attrition- outsmarting his partner and earning himself just a couple more minutes of warm, blissful rest. Maybe he could even convince the Lab that he was sick and needed a day off, who knows. But regardless, Luis smiled victoriously against his pillow; shuffling down further into his sheets just to rub his own win in.
At least, he thought he had won.
“Alright, then,” Leon let out the words in a faux, breathy sigh. The sound of his work jacket being slipped over his shoulders followed.
“I guess I’ll just have to go to work…-“
Luis was about to mentally reward himself, until…
“-Without you, Lulu.”
“Lulu?!” Luis made a weird noise that sat in-between a snort of laughter and genuine shocked surprise. Without even realizing he’d just given up his only chance at sleeping in, Luis practically shot up out of his spot under the covers in surprise. He blinked like a newborn deer at Leon, who had a giant, victorious grin plastered on his face.
Luis wasn’t sure wether to laugh to be mad.
“Where the hell did Lulu come from?!”
“Ha, so you are awake. Knew it” Leon just continued to give him a toothy smile, buttoning up his collard shirt and jacket all the while ignoring Luis’ question. Who had now resorted to pouting cross-armed on the bed.
“What about me, a grown man, screams the nickname ‘Lulu’ to you, Sancho?”
Leon looked up at the ceiling for a moment, as if he was genuinely considering his answer. Luis knew he was just faking it, though, and continued to mentally curse himself for giving up his position so easily.
‘‘Lulu’. What a dumb nickname. Not that I’m embarrassed by it, or anything. Nope. I just.. Hope it doesn’t stick.’
“Hmmmm, well… I dunno actually,” Leon winked at him, so nonchalantly and easily it made Luis blush a little. Oh how the turned had tables, or something like that.
“I just think it’s cute, I guess. It suits you.”
“It does not!,” Luis shouted back defiantly, his face now definitely a shade darker than before. “Not in the slightest! Esto es una blasfemia!!”
“Uh-Huh. Whatever you say, Lulu”
Leon rubbed the embarrassment even further in when he leaned over to kiss his partner on the crown of his head, ruffling the Spaniards hair up for the added effect. Luis begrudgingly kissed him back on the lips before he heard the blonde mutter under his breath;
“Hah. Lulu. I like it.”
“Don’t you dare keep calling me that,” Luis growled playfully, giving his partner as much of a grumpy glare as he could muster. Internally, though, his heart was fluttering; it took every ounce of strength in him to not smile at Leon’s teasing. It wasn’t often he was so forward, even if Luis hated the reason as to why. It was nice to see.
“If you make that stick, I’ll start calling you… uh… Déjame pensar…”
As Luis stammered over himself and tried desperately to come up with an equally as insulting nickname, Leon held his unbreaking eye contact; so nonchalant and languid with it all the while.
It was almost painful, the way he waited so patiently and expectantly with a little smirk on his face- Luis couldn’t even make eye contact back at him he was blushing so hard. But at the same time he wanted to kiss that smile off of Leon sooooooooo badly.
“Go on?”
Oh ese bastardo.
“U-Um- Scotty. Yeah. I’ll call you Scotty”
Luis knew the ‘S’ in Leon’s name (unfortunately) didn’t actually stand for Salmonella like he’d joked about, and that most people probably didn’t even know his middle name was ‘Scott’ at all, not even his close friends.
So Luis hoped that by calling Leon a name he hardly identified with, it would provoke at least some kind of equal reaction.
But, of coarse, to no avail; his attempts were just met with a bark of laughter from Leon.
“Scotty?! Seriously?? Yeah, sure, let’s see how that one goes down with everyone at the Lab. I’m suuuure it’ll stick”
Luis’ voiced lowered to a playful growl, “Sancho, you’re not implying what I think you’re implying, are you?”
“What if I am?,” Leon leaned into Luis, pressing his hands on either side of him on the bed. The brunette tried his very best to keep his composure and not back down. But it was getting increasingly difficult.
“What if I, very nicely, and in private, asked Rebecca to start calling you Lulu from now on, hmm? Would you be upset?”
“You wouldn’t”
The thought of Leon quietly sneaking up to Luis’ coworkers- who he had dedicated so much time and effort into getting to even like him, let alone respect him- and asking them to call him ‘Lulu???’
If it was any other situation, he would’ve laughed and said; ‘Go right ahead, Cariño. Let’s see where that gets you’, but his dignity was on the line, ¡por el amor de Dios! And Luis certainly wasn’t about to give Leon the satisfaction of a smile or a laugh. It would only encourage him.
“Oh I would, Lulu.”
Leon reached back and grabbed Luis’ hand, pulling him up onto his feet with a dissatisfied grunt. He wanted to complain about the cold, and the fact that he’d just been forced out of bed- but the second Luis opened his mouth to speak, Leon’s lips were on his own in a heartbeat.
Luis didn’t have enough time to register what was happening and kiss Leon back before the blonde had already pulled away. Staring him up-and-down in such a way that made his heart beat up into his throat chaotically.
“Um- y-yeah, no, I, uh-“
“My, my, call me crazy, but I think you like being called Lulu, don’t you?”
Luis tried his best to scoff indifferently at the statement, maybe even roll his eyes a bit- but it just came out looking like he couldn’t make eye contact from the embarrassment, and his ‘scoff’ sounded more like a sheepish giggle than anything else. He bit his lip in desperation,
“Nooooooo, I do not like being called ‘Luu-Luu’, thank you very much”
Leon placed his hands on his hips.
“Nuh-Uh. Look at your face. You totally do”
“You’re de-lu-sional, Muñeco”
This finally caused Leon to break his composure, letting out a genuine laugh as he gave Luis a more gentle kiss on the lips. The brunette felt his chest warm up as he couldn’t help but chuckle along involuntarily. The more time they’d spent together, the more he’d been fortunate enough to hear Leon genuinely laugh. Not just that weird, half-chuckle he did to impress politicians or to make his rescuees feel better about themselves, no; his real, honest-to-goodness, full-body laugh. It was beautiful, at least to Luis.
And Luis secretly made it his life mission to get Leon to laugh as often as he could. Wether that be with bad flirting or with equally as bad jokes, it didn’t matter. Even if it meant he had to be called ‘Lulu’.
Which he was slowly growing to both despise and appreciate at the same time. Luis couldn’t tell which it was.
“Well, I’m gonna be late to work if I don’t go now, soooo….” Leon began to recollect himself, coughing as he awkwardly sidestepped away from their interaction and brushed down his expensive suit.
“Oh, and remember that mission to Papua New Guinea we were scheduled for in a couple days?”
“Let the Lab know that that’s been pushed to later this evening, cuz the DSO wants us gone earlier. For some godforsaken reason.”
Even though his back was turned at this point, busy putting his shoes on- Luis could hear the tiredness in Leon’s voice. The Government was far too lax with their times and dates for missions and departures when it came to the DSO’s-Golden-Boy, at least in Luis’ humble opinion. And it meant Leon was often thrown around countries without warning like a ragdoll.
He made the conscious effort to not complain about the sudden time-change, though. It was difficult for him, yes, but Luis knew Leon often carried a lot of guilt for ‘dragging him around’, in his own words. (Even though he had, on multiple occasions, reassured Leon that it was in fact his choice to stick by him)
And Luis was proven right once again when the blonde finally turned around to give his boyfriend the biggest, most sappiest puppy-dog eyes he had ever seen on a single human being ever.
“I’m sorry, love..”
“Don’t be,” Luis gave him his signature, lopsided grin, cupping Leon’s cheek in his hand. He tried to keep his voice steady as Leon closed his eyes and gave his palm a light, apologetic kiss.
“What do you Americans say, again? ‘It is what it is’?”
“Something like that,” Leon huffed a dry laugh and pried himself away from Luis, much to his dismay. The blonde snapped his work watch on and finally turned to leave.
“I’ll see you in a few hours, Lulu. I love you.”
Luis just rolled his eyes and smiled. “You too, Cowboy. Te amo”
Luis hadn’t even noticed Rebecca entering the Lab at the crisp hour of 6:30 AM. He sat hunched over at his desk- completely fixated on the task at hand- with his hair falling over his face like a curtain as he methodically drummed the tip of his syringe into a small glass plate. This was Luis’ fourth attempt at trying to examine the fluid inside of said syringe, but everytime he went to dab a droplet onto the glass plate, he always seemed to squeeze just a little too much out and cause it to overflow.
Luis chalked it up to his hands being cold and shaky as he let out a defeated sigh, once again squeezing the liquid out too fast and causing the glass plate to turn a sticky-yellow color. ‘Gracias a dios no soy cirujano’, he thought to himself as he cleaned off the glass and repositioned the needle back over again.
Luis had no idea Rebecca was practically sneaking up behind him, totally unaware that she’d slipped her oversized lab coat on just to add a bit of height as she stood directly behind him. Biting back her grin as best she could.
When Luis still didn’t acknowledge her presence, totally engrossed by his own failure- Rebbeca took it upon herself to cough comically loud, before saying;
“Good morning, Lulu!”
Luis kept about three feet into the air out of fright, instinctively throwing his arm up to cover his face protectively. The needle he was holding clattered loudly against the glass plate, and Rebecca made a winced face at the sound.
“Oh my gosh, I’m so sorry!! I didn’t see you were working!!”
“Nonono, está bien, está bien, you just gave me frig- wait a minuite,”
Luis’ clutch on his own pristine white Lab coat loosened as his beating heart slowed down. He was used to being jumped- a little more than the average person- and was accustomed to the quickened heart rate that followed.
Usually, when somebody snuck up behind him, Luis expected to hear his name being cursed with a fervor so unmatched with an honestly decent reason to hate him. But this isn’t what he was expecting. Like, at all.
“Señorita, I think I misheard… Did you just call me Lulu?”
“Mmmhmm!” Rebecca pressed her lips into a smile, the corners of her tired eyes crinkling as she nodded her head and hummed.
“Leon called me on the way to work and specifically asked me to call you that today. I’m not sure why. Oh, he also told me not to tell you he said that”
Luis felt his heart drop to his feet.
‘Leon, que hiciste…’
He immediately tried to save-face by laughing Rebecca off, waving his hand languidly and collecting the dropped medical equipment scattered over the table.
“Oh, psssshhh, please, Lulu? Seriously? Señorita, I wouldn’t have picked an esteemed scientist like yourself as the nickname type. Much less something like L-“
“I think Lulu’s pretty cute,” Rebecca smiled, completely unaware of Luis’ plight. She wasn’t taking his hints, and the scientist wasn’t about to spell out his own embarrassment for her to take advantage of. ‘How many people has Leon told so far??’
“It suits you”
“So I’ve been told” Luis grumbled. The microscope was suddenly the most interesting thing in the world to him as he tried not to meet Rebecca’s eye contact. But that was becoming increasingly difficult as she fluttered around him like a curious moth to a lamp.
“Oh, ‘So you’ve been told??’ Is this, like, an inside joke between you and Leon, or something?”
“Let’s go with that, Mariposa” Luis didn’t mean to sound so dismissive on purpose, but the further Rebecca tried to pry, the more his walls were starting to break down.
Nobody ever said he was resilient! Just persistent. At least that’s what Leon said. And a lot of other people, too. But those people hated his guts so it didn’t count.
Rebecca clearly wasn’t taking ‘No’ for an answer, and if Luis had eyes on the back of his head, he would have definitely seen that she had the biggest, most cheekiest smirk imaginable on her face.
“Oooooooooh, I get it. It’s a cute little nickname, huh?”
“Ah-ah, I see what you’re trying to do,” Luis swiveled around in his office chair, waving his index finger at the brunette with a sheepish expression. “You’re trying to get me to embarrass myself. Well, sorry to disappoint, mí amiga, but I’m not admitting anything to you”
“But you just did,” Rebecca folded her arms and rested her weight on one foot, cocking her head a little like it was obvious.
“I never even said anything about embarrassing you. You just outed yourself, smartass!”
Luis loudly and dramatically gasped to try and distract from the fact that his face was now definitely two shades darker than it was before, grasping at his lab coat like he’d been mortally wounded.
“I did not! I was framed! Set up for disaster, even!”
“By who?”
Luis immediately went silent.
Caught red-handed. Again.
Rebecca’s smug grin turned into a full-faced smile as she practically strolled across the room with a self-satisfied stride, shoes clacking obnoxiously loud against the ceramic while shaking her head and tutting ‘Leon, Leon, Leon…’ under her breath all the while.
Luis kind of wanted to tear out the concrete beneath them and dig himself a hole to live in forevermore from the sheer embarrassment of it all. He tried his damnedest to return back to the task at hand- ‘¿Qué estaba haciendo? Ah yes, testing!’- but no matter how busy he made himself out to be, the Spaniard would still occasionally catch Rebecca’s knowing smirk from across the room. Chin placed on her hand, she’d sigh wistfully like a damsel lost-in-thought every now and then.
This was appalling! Blasphemous, even! Luis Serra Navarro had been called many-a things- some words were probably best left unsaid- but his name being boiled down to a cutesy nickname like Lulu was not going to be one of those!! He could ignore a one-off, sure; retort back with a flirty remark, a wink, and a smile- but it was purely just the way Leon had held it over his head the way he had that got Luis acting so….
Bashful? Flustered? No. Totally not. Never. The fine knight Don Quixote did not get ‘Embarrassed’. He was a smooth-talker, a self-proclaimed ‘ladies and gents man’, and he had a reputation to uphold.
But that ‘reputation’ seemed to be slipping out of his fingertips like molten gold the longer Rebecca was around. Luis downright adored her at the worst of times, but Dios mío she was determined to get Luis as out-of-his-comfort-zome as humanly possible that afternoon, it seemed.
“Lulu, can you pass me the butterfly syringes while you’re up? I’m trying to count something and I can’t- oh wait nevermind I lost count anyways”
“Hey, Lulu, do you still have those reports from our last extraction, by any chance? I lost mine”
“Oooooooh Luuuluuu!!! I got you some coffee!! You said you like it with cream, right?”
“Alright, Lulu, we’ve gotta focus now,”
Coming up eleven whole hours later and the pair of them were still the only people alone together in the Lab. Which made sense, considering it was a Sunday and all- but that meant they were working overtime, which also meant Luis’ back was especially sore (more than usual, at least), his head ached from just how hard he’d been focusing, and Rebecca was still calling him Lulu goddamnit!!
He thought by now she would’ve given up on it, but nooooooooooo- everytime Luis gave her the silent treatment, it just encouraged her more.
She reminded him of Leon, in that way.
Man, he really missed Leon. ‘Me pregunto cómo está…’
“Terrasave told me this was their last sample of the blood cells they found in Papua New Guinea, so we can’t screw this up- Lulu, are you even listening to me??”
“Wh-huh- ¿Qué fue eso??”
Luis blinked out of his window-staring induced trance to face Rebecca, who was unsurprisingly faring no better than he was- dark circles painted her lower eyebags and her eyebrows remained permanently scrunched. The pair of them stood in front of a robotic, almost dystopian-looking machine; a pin-perfect needle was controlled by a metal arm, one that was positioned carefully over a small, round glass plate.
Luis would have offered to do it by hand, but Rebecca pointed out that inhaling zombie blood probably wasn’t good for either of their health. If Leon was there, he’d probably disagree.
The pair of them had been working on a new type of vaccination for a few common Virus’- Luis cringed internally at the fact that such horrific stuff like the T-Virus were now considered common- that could be redistributed through oral means like water or food, rather than injections. Sure, injections were easier, but screaming
children terrified of them were not. (And, again, much to Luis’ dismay- children being infected were also becoming a lot more common).
“Lulu, I need you to focus,” Rebecca sighed, resting her arms on the inactive keyboard in front of her.
“I don’t wanna have to explain to Terrasave that we ruined their last zombie blood sample”
Luis just sighed back and rubbed his tired eyes though his glasses, which at this point had slipped down the bridge of his nose. He stretched and yawned out loud;
“It’s kinda hard to focus when you’re still calling me ‘Lulu’, señorita”
“Wow, Rebecca really did commit to my request, huh, Lulu?”
Luis instinctively whipped his head around to the entrance of the lab where the voice was coming from; only to be greeted by a very familiar, smiling face.
Completely throwing all self-awareness to the wind, Luis practically ran across the lab to engulf Leon in the biggest hug he could manage without hurting him. It might’ve just been his tired brain making him feel sentimental, but seeing a familiar face he loved after a long day of work made him soft. Leon rarely ever stopped by to say hi at the Lab, their break schedules simply just never aligned- so this was more than a welcome surprise.
Luis buried his nose into his partners shoulder, ignoring the fact that he was probably wrinkling his nice expensive work suit in favor of the feeling of a warm hug.
“¡Dios mío, te extrañé tanto!” He felt Leon wrap an arm around his waist, squeezing him back as tightly as he could manage and giving the top of his head a quick kiss. The blonde chuckled dryly,
“Ha, looks like I’m not the only one whose had a long day at work, Lulu”
From across the room, Rebecca shouted;
“You have no idea, Leon! Lulu over here has been asleep on his feet for two hours now!!”
Luis felt his cheeks and the back of his neck heat up at the sound of the two’s back-and-fourth banter; again, he thought that by now, one or the other would’ve forgotten about calling him that embarrassing nickname! But ¡no, claro que no! Luis resorted to unintentionally burying his face further into the crook of Leon’s neck to save himself from facing the two of them with a madly blushing face; but that only caused Leon to laugh and coo at him.
“Awwwwwe, what, is my Lulu getting all shy on me now? You still don’t like my nickname?”
From over his shoulder, Luis heard the crackle of a phone speaker;
“Oh my gosh, is that Luis?? Wait wait wait hang on- Hiiiiiiii Luluuuuuuu!!!!!”
“Is that Ashley?! Dios mío…”
Leon just laughed at the disappointed sigh Luis left out when he heard Ashley calling him that nickname, too; he forced himself out of Leon’s arms for a moment to look at the caller ID on his partners old work phone.
Sure enough, ‘Baby Eagle’ was shown off front-and-centre.
“Leon,” Luis tried his best to sound intimidating, but it fell flat.
“How many people have you asked to call me…”
“Lulu?” Leon finished his sentance with a grin.
“Only Rebecca and Ashley, I swear on my life”
Leon was notorious for being a horrible liar. So Luis was almost immediately able to tell he was telling the truth, but still; he wasn’t about to let Leon get away with it Scott-free. He snatched the phone out of the blondes hand in one swift motion,
“¡Mí Señorita! ha sido tan largo, how’ve you been? Rebecca says hi,”
“Hi Ashley!!” Rebecca waved from across the room.
“Hiya Miss Chambers, hiya Lulu!! I’ve been good! Sorry I haven’t been able to visit you, I’ve got, like, extra bodyguards or something and they’re reeeeeeally annoying”
“It’s for your safety, Ashley” Leon huffed a half-laugh.
“So Leon’s tricked you into calling me that nickname too, I see?”
“Tricked me? No!! I’m calling you Lulu voluntarily!! I think it suits you!”
Luis groaned in defeat, hiding his face in his hands both out of sheer embarrassment and tiredness.
“¡¿Por qué todos dicen eso?! It does not suit me!!” He threw his hands into the air for extra emphasis, “I’m a grown man! What about me gives off ‘Lulu’ vibes?!”
“You’re cute,” Leon pointed out flatly with a smile on his face.
“And ‘Lulus’ cute”
“You have a short attention span!,” Rebecca shouted from across the room, “You probably need a nickname to keep focused anyways!”
“You have the soul of a Grandfather. And I feel like ‘Lulu’ is the kind of nickname I’d hear from, like, my Grandma in the White House or something”
“O-Oh yeah, Mí amiga? Well, if you all want to call me Lulu…” he practically had to force the nickname out of his mouth.
“Then I suggest you all start calling Leon Scotty from now on”
This, thank god, actually got a loud laugh out of Rebecca and Ashley- and Leon clearly wasn’t far behind, biting his bottom lip desperately to keep himself from letting even the slightest noise out. Luis felt his grow warm with a little sense of pride- He’d managed to make Leon laugh. Almost, at least. But that was good enough for him.
“N-No offense, Luis,” On the other end of the line, Ashley sounded like she was trying her damnedest to keep her voice steady after her burst of laughter
“But Scotty doesn’t suit him as much as Lulu does for you”
“Besides, it’s weird calling your friend their middle name!” Rebecca was equally as doubled-over with laughter, clutching the side table with her red hand that wasn’t covering her mouth in a balled fist.
Leon gave Luis a look that screamed ‘I told you so’
“Well, fine then. Dios Mío you three are persistent. But I will not be entertaining this nickname, I will simply be ignoring you”
“Whatever you say, Lulu” Leon smiled, taking his partners hand and bringing it up to his lips for a kiss. Luis really needed to stop being so blushy for ten seconds please.
“All jokes aside, though- Rebecca, I’ve gotta steal Luis for that mission….”
“Damn, you’re leaving me high-and-dry already?” Rebecca did her best to give the two men a confident smile, but Luis could practically see the exhaustion in her eyes. Not to mention just how generally disheveled she and the rest of the lab looked- the brunette man winced at the realization that he’d be leaving her all alone to finish their assignment and to clean up the entire laboratory.
“Mí Mariposa, I’m so sorry-“
“It’s fine Lulu, honest,” Rebecca gave him a genuine smile, the corners of her tired eyes crinkling. Luis felt his own guilt claw at his chest like nails against a chalkboard.
“I know better than the both of you how these missions are set up”
“At least let me help clean up!”
“There’s no way we’re just gonna leave you to do… whatever you're doing all by yourself,” Leon added, backing his boyfriend up. Even if he had zero clue what kind of ‘sciency-nerd-stuff’ (His words, not Luis’) the pair of them got up to during the day.
Luis looked back-and-fourth between Rebecca, Leon and the mess that was the Lab tables. Books, computers and medical equipment were scattered around as far as the eye could see- but Rebecca just shook her head and shooed him off.
“Like I said, It’s fine you two. I’m probably just gonna grab a late-night coffee and head home anyways. The students coming in tomorrow can clean all this up. I’ll call it work experience” the brunette gave him a wink as she began to practically shove the pair out of the lab.
“Now go! Vamos! Before the president or whoever gets mad at you or, something”
“My dad would never!” Ashleys voice crackled defiantly over the phone. Leon just shook his head and laughed as Rebecca dragged the pair out the doors almost by force.
“Oh trust me, he would”
The loud, shrill screech of the helicopter propellers combined with the rumbling vibrations against Luis’ back were the only things keeping him upright at this point.
Luis was exhausted; beyond that, even. How he was even sitting up straight, let alone how he had his eyes open at all was a complete miracle. The thin helicopter seats underneath him left no room for relaxation, and forced Luis’ back up against the curved edge of the metal chopper walls- sending uncomfortable rumbles down his spine adjacent to the feeling of resting your head on a bus window. Only this was a full-bodied experience.
No matter how many times he did it, Luis never got over the feeling of flying in a helicopter- the first couple times he was practically ecstatic, staring out of the window as the ground beneath him shrunk into an oil painting-like splotch of greens and browns. The sudden jerk and lift-off never became familiar to him, either; he lost his stomach everytime, without fail.
Overall, kind of a miserable experience once Luis got used to the six-hour long trips filled with nothing but loud rumbling that left his ears ringing for weeks. Not to mention, it was cold. The BSAA’s Donation helicopters were, much to his surprise, nothing fancy on the inside; just cold metal as far as the eye could see. And metal got cold easily, believe it or not.
Luis sighed defeatedly as he did his best to shuffle into a more comfortable position- with no luck- and resorted to just hunching over himself. Screw future-Luis’ back problems, he was tired, damnit.
The only thing keeping him awake was Leon sitting right beside him. Arm-in-arm, the blonde was doing just as bad as he was. Worse, even.
Their trip to Papua New Guinea went… Not to plan.
They were instructed to go undercover with fake names and try to infiltrate a container ship supposedly full of T-Virus samples- but they were ambushed. Not by human beings, no; rather, a giant, fleshy, still-beating creature clawed it’s way out of the Oceanside jungle, unhinging it’s jaw to let out a loud, grotesque screech before launching itself at the pair of men.
It reeked of something Luis could just barely recognise as coming out of a Lab most likely, and it’s eyes- or more accurately, it’s three eyes- glowed a bright, fluorescent orange that screamed ‘Hey! I was a totally normal guy before I most likely injected myself with some miscellaneous alphabet-organized named virus and turned into this ugly creature!! Which means you have to kill me now, teehee!!!’
Luis looked down at his own bloody hands shakily at the memory. Neither him nor Leon had gotten the opportunity to change before they evacuated.
He rubbed the flaky, dry blood off of his hands as rigorously as he could. The smell stinged his nose still.
Him and Leon, by some miracle, had gotten the upper hand; the container ship was large and void of people, which meant they could spend as many hours as needed running around the small, shallow halls to avoid their oncoming attacker- who was much too large to fit within the confines of the many engine rooms they traversed.
But it was never that simple, as Luis had learnt. The Bioweapon had practically teared the container ship in two, and despite it looking like it’d have- at max- maybe three brain-cells, it still efficiently snatched up Leon and crushed his rifle under its feet within seconds, hoisting the blonde up into the air and crushing his body agonizingly slowly.
The pair of men were strictly instructed to not shoot the Bioweapon- the man underneath all those mutations, a Doctor Emmet Rupert Brown, was still showing clear signs of sentience and could theoretically be reverse-engineered back to his normal state.
But in that moment, when Leon was on the brink of death and without a weapon to defend himself…
Luis had no other options.
And the guilt of his actions ate away at him each passing second on their helicopter journey home.
Luis knew what he was signing up for when he joined Leon on his missions. He had heard tall tales about the kinds of monsters Leon S. Kennedy had faced bare-handed, and even saw plenty of them himself in Spain-
But what he wasn’t expecting was to be met with the harsh, cruel humanity that lay underneath those Bioweapons.
Luis turned to his partner, whose eyes remained unfocused and foggy, toeing the line between asleep and wakefulness.
‘Díos mío, how does he do it….’
In that moment, with the sound of the helicopter whirring drowning out any other outside noises; Luis remembered an experience he had while he was still living with his Grandfather in Valdelobos.
The late afternoon air was crisp, and Luis felt his small chest tighten from the cold. His legs sunk almost up to his knees as he struggled to keep up with his Grandfather. Huffing and trotting along behind him in a snails-trail.
Luis held a large hunting rifle with both of his hands- the sheer size alone engulfing almost half of his body.
In front of him, his Grandfathers shadow blocked the reflection of the sun against the blinding-white snow, letting Luis walk along with larger, more confident steps.
The Village Priests truly were right; Winter silenced everything.
There were no songbirds fluttering about Luis’ feet, no echoes of children playing just beyond the woods- nothing. Just the his own heavy breathing and his Grandfather's heavy footsteps. He was tired. They’d been walking in circles for what felt like hours, looking for anything to bring home to the table.
Luis was practically ready to fall asleep on his feet, the silence filling the air like his own lullaby, until…
Luis almost lept out of his skin in fright as his Grandfather instinctively raised his gun up to his eyeline. They stayed still for a moment, before the sound of groaning followed the air.
Luis couldn’t see his Grandfathers expression, but instead was met with a familiar whistle-call that meant Luis was being told to follow him as closely as possible.
He wrapped a tiny hand around his Grandfathers coat sleeve, following every large step deeper and deeper into the woods until….
“A deer,” His Grandfather pointed to a large, brown lump lying in the snow.
“It’s gotten caught in the Bear traps. Stay there, Lulu”
Luis did as he was told and waited as quietly and stiffly as humanly possible- as if any sudden movements would break the watch below him.
He watched as the deer began to struggle and wail the closer his Grandfather got to it; he heard the older man murmuring a familiar lullaby, resting a hand on the big animals face. Even from so far away, Luis could see it’s terrified expression; wide, white eyes and a quickly rising-and-falling chest. He felt his heart crack a little in sympathy.
In one, swift motion, Luis’ Grandfather unbuckled the Bear Trap and the deer was gone within the blink of an eye; spraying up snow as it honked and wailed loudly into the silent air. Slipping around on its own gangly legs as it flicked snow straight into the older man’s eyes. Luis felt his chest loosen with relief as his Grandfather just laughed, watching the deer run off into the distance.
“Grandfather, why didn’t you kill the deer?” Luis asked, confidently trotting up to his side to investigate the Bear Trap.
His Grandfather kneeled down to his level, which only meant one thing; Whatever he was about to say next was extremely important.
“Because, Lulu, killing that deer while it was already mortally wounded would be a dishonorable murder. The Bear Trap wasn’t laid for it, so it shouldn’t have died by its jaws.
Understand this, Lulu; you only ever kill when it’s absolutely necessary and honorable. The most morally reprehensible action a knight can preform is taking a life while they’ve already been beaten down. Do you understand?”
Luis had held that sentiment with him his entire life.
Through working with Umbrella, experiencing the horrors of the Nemesis project, all the way to fighting against Krauser- Luis did his best to uphold his Grandfathers wishes.
But life wasn’t always a fairytale book.
And how Leon was able to live with that kind of guilt… He had no idea.
As if reading his mind, Leon lulled his head over to face his partner with a slightly concerned expression. The little wrinkles on his forehead exaggerating as he forced his eyebrows up higher to keep himself awake.
“Are y’alrght?”
“I’m fine, Mí amor,” Luis reassured him, hoping his voice was audible over the roaring of the helicopter. He leaned over to kiss Leon on the sides of his temples,
“You, however, don’t look fine. You should be asleep, Cariño”
“Can’t,” Was all Leon was able to mumble out, his eyes dipping slowly.
“You’re still ‘wake…”
Looking at just how exhausted Leon was seemed to be contagious, because Luis’ own fatigue creeped up on the corner of his mind like weeds in no time. His entire body ached, his head throbbed, and the clothes against his skin felt itchy. Luis could have sworn right then and there that that was easily the most tired he had ever felt in his entire life; every limb was like lead, yet at the same time, his bones felt as liquid-y as jello. And every tiny cut, scar and bruise they had gotten from the mission seemed to be exaggerated in pain by 10000%.
But, once again, Leon just looked so much worse altogether.
Besides, Luis would feel a whole lot better knowing Leon had gotten some rest. Maybe he’d even join him later on if they were still up in the sky, who knows.
“Leon, I insist you fall asleep”
“But whu’ if we land…?”
“Then I’ll wake you up,” Luis did his best to smiled before running his free hand up through Leon’s stringy blonde locks to encourage his head down onto his shoulder. He played with his locks a bit before moving down to caress the bridge of his boyfriends nose, gently laying a kiss against his wrinkled forehead and eyelids.
“Ve a dormir, mí amor. I’ll protect you, I promise.”
That seemed to be the final straw for Leon. Luis felt his chest glow with warmth as the blonde sighed contently and finally shut his eyelids, head bouncing occasionally from the helicopters’ movements.
Luis could easily watch Leon sleep like this for ages, no matter how uncomfortable the conditions were; it was rare he ever got to spy moments of pure relaxation from Leon like this. So he well and truly appreciated it.
And although Luis had promised he’d stay awake for Leon…
The exhaustion, guilt and general jet-lag of their whole journey caught up to him in no time.
Luis surrendered to his own blissful rest, letting his long, dark locks fall over his eyes as he rested the side of his head against the top of Leon’s.
He was just on the verge of sleep, until…
“Goodnight, Lulu…”
Luis laughed.
Over the coarse of the last three days, he had totally forgotten about Leon’s little nickname for him. And he just assumed Leon had forgotten about it, too.
But clearly not.
And, hell, he couldn’t even stay mad at Leon for it.
In fact, Luis was indeed starting to warm up to the nickname Lulu after all.
He kissed the top of Leon’s head,
“Goodnight, Cowboy…”
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plutonium-sky · 2 months
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Part two to this
Gonna start of with the name list again- Cackling Cannoneer = Thane, Anxious Angler = Fern, Abyss Guide = Abby, Ceasing Commodore = Alemez, and Bumbling Boatswain = Ismael
The whole crew has a slew of different accents- Thane is scottish (as said before), Fern is English, Abby is Iris (she got it from her mom!), Alemez is Welsh, and Boatswain... Doesn't exactly have one, since they are selectively mute :)
I like to believe that Alemez is, in fact, Abby's dad based on the concept notes!
Abby, as the Guide of Abyss, has more of a leeway than most guides since she ALSO has to look after the Beast for it to not escape.
By leeway, i mean that she's more grumpy now than she was alive because she has a constant flow of telepathically transmitted information of what's approximately happening in Treasure Reef
That does make it easier for her to relax a little though, because she doesn't actually have to be on the lookout. Still means that she has a constant tiny headache. Poor child :(
She doesn't ever tell anyone this.
Alemez and Ismael are longtime friends that trust each other's back. While Alemez is the captain, Ismael is first mate
Everyone has at some point used one of Thane's guns. He always fusses over their safety with them whenever he finds out but prefers to not admit it
Alemez has emotionally adopted everyone in the crew. No he doesn't care that you're not blood related you're part of the crew and thus the family
(kudos to @doppelneer for this one!) the whole crew has at least one gem on their body, which signifies them as part of the crew. but! That's not their only function. Since the gems are actually darkstones, they're used as emergency batteries if needed!
If they would ever accept another crewmate, you'll know you're like actually part of the crew if they give you a gem. Use this for your sky ocs, because i did ;)
Ismael "makes" the gems! Just whittles them down then checks out where would be the best place to have it on the respective person to figure out what frame would be best for it
Fern is so anxious because they had bad childhood "friends" probably, who gave them lots of frights with crabs and whatanot for laughs. If they ever told anyone their story Thane would track them down and stare them down with absolute simmering rage
Fern is the medic of the ship! Though, they have no idea how to treat fatal wounds, like a krill attack. Just delay them.
They named their ship "Skirl", which means scream/call/screech, for their call for the sea (and also because Alemez and Ismael, the two who started the crew, cannot sing at all)
They tend to avoid krills, though if there's only one then they can gang up on it well enough
All leftover fish gets dried! They all have a dried fish pouch for snacks and if they go exploring for longer than intended.
Everyone on the crew knows how to sew, as a necessity. And repair the ship. Of course, some are way better than others. They just know them for emergencies.
Fern is the best at sewing. They made the snack (dried fish) pouches for everyone.
And that's it for now! A kinda badly organized list of headcannons that I could get off the top of my head that doesn't relate to any au I have with them for the least amount of confusion. Have fun!
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bellaireland1981 · 1 year
Stubborn Hearts: Wedding Day | Part 2
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Summary: Part of the Stubborn Hearts Universe Bradley and Sunshine are finally walking down the aisle! You are invited to share their day and celebrate this dynamic duo! There will be laughter, tears, happiness, and lots of shenanigans from our Dagger crew. (NOTE: WILL BE NSFW 18+ ONLY!! MINORS DNI!)
Characters: Bradley x Mitchell! Reader, Jake x Female! OC (Shay Benjamin), Dagger squad, Pete Mitchell x Daughter! Reader, Penny Benjamin, Sarah Kazansky.
Read Part 1 Here
Word Count: 11,202 - no chill...sorry, not sorry!
Warnings: Fluff, SMUT (Oral-male receiving, PinV, unprotected sex), slight breeding kink, little bit of angst, MORE FLUFF! 18+ MINORS DNI!! Only loosely edited
A/n: I do NOT own Top Gun Characters, I do NOT give permission to copy or repost my work on any platforms– reblog welcome– Thank you @waywardodysseys​ and @beyondthesefourwalls​ for letting me bounce ideas off of you on the regular!
“Rise and Shine!” Jake’s voice called through your door, pulling you and Bradley from a deep slumber, “It’s wedding rehearsal day! Up and at ‘em!”
You groaned, shifting to hide your face in Bradley’s chest, not ready to get up. You were deliciously sore in all the right places…and in places you didn’t know existed. Once the conversation about babies had taken place, Bradley made it his mission to do all he could to impregnate you immediately. You weren’t complaining. You definitely enjoyed the process.
“He’s not gonna go away.” Bradley chuckled, pulling you to him, and bringing his head down to kiss your forehead softly. “We’re going to need to get up, Sunshine.”
“But I’m warm… and comfy… “ You reasoned, “Can’t we just stay here?”
“After tomorrow, we’ll be on our honeymoon.” He compromised, “We can stay in bed all day, everyday.”
“Since I don’t yet know where we’re going, I can’t make any decisions about staying in bed.” You teased, “Although, I’m sure I can be persuaded.”
“Hope you’re decent! I’m coming in!” Jake warned, causing you and Bradley to frantically shift the sheet to cover both of you, as clothes had not played a part in the night’s activities.
“Jesus, Jake!” Bradley called out when Jake flung the door open, “Remind me to get locks for the door.”
“I gave fair warning” He shrugged, a giant grin on his face. “Sweets, I’m gonna need you to get your gorgeous self up and join Shay and Phoenix on a little excursion. Bradley, get your ass dressed and join Bob and me on a little mission. Time’s wasting, move it!”
“What excursion are you talking about?” You asked confused, “We don’t have plans until later.”
“That information is above my paygrade.” He replied, “I’m simply following orders.”
“What mission?” Bradley asked.
“You’ll find that out in good time. It’s top secret.” Jake replied, backing out of the room, “GET UP GET UP!”
He left, closing the door behind him. Leaving you and Bradley to look at one another then dissolve into giggles.
“Only way we’re going to find out what our wedding party is up to is to go with them.” Bradley reasoned.
“Are we sure we need to be separated tonight?” You pouted, “I sleep better with you.”
“I sleep better with you tucked into my side too, Sunshine.” He replied, kissing you sweetly. “Just one night though and then we get our wedding night…” He wiggled his eyebrows playfully.
“You’re a goofball.” You laughed, kissing him once more before getting out of bed.
“But I’m your goofball and you’re stuck with me.” He replied, “No take backs. No returns or exchanges.”
“None needed.” You tossed over your shoulder, making your way to the bathroom, “I’ll happily keep you forever.”
Bradley jumped up, intercepting you before you made it to the bathroom and wrapped his arms around you. You smiled up at him, winding your arms around his neck.
“I love you, Sunshine.” he said in a gravelly voice, “I absolutely cannot wait to be married to you.”
“I love you too, Roo.” You replied, “I can’t wait for you to be my husband and spend the rest of our lives together.”
He kissed you again before separating so that the two of you could get ready. After quickly showering and pulling on a pair of cutoff shorts and one of Bradley’s Naval shirts, tied at the waist and tucked under so that it fit.
You walked out to the living room to find Phoenix and Shay on the couch, Jake and Bob busy with something in the kitchen.
“Alright, what’s this excursion we’re supposed to be going on?” You asked.
“We’re kidnapping you for the morning.” Shay said, not divulging any more information, “We will bring you back in time to change for the rehearsal and get your bag packed that you’ll need for tomorrow. Your bag for the wedding night and honeymoon is already packed and ready for you.”
“Will the men be returning my fiance to me before the rehearsal?” You asked.
“Nope!” Jake said coming into the living room, “Sorry, Sweets! You’ll see him at the rehearsal and the dinner. Then I’m on Rooster duty tonight.”
“OK.” You replied, chuckling. “Take good care of him today.”
“We will!” Bob promised, “You ladies have fun today.”
You walked over, hugging both Bob and Jake. “Love you boys.”
“Love you too, Sweets.” Jake smiled lovingly at you, “Have fun today.”
“You too.” You replied, “Not too much fun though” You added, raising an eyebrow at him, causing him to laugh.
“Damn, you look good in my shirts, Sunshine.” Bradley said, allowing his eyes to wander over your entire body.
“Thanks!” You replied,  “I think I might keep this one.”
“You can keep all of my shirts.” He replied, coming to a stop in front of you, his hands coming up around your waist. You ran your hands over his chest to rest on his shoulders.
“Marital property I guess.” You teased, “Have fun today, I’ll see you at the hagar.”
“You too, Sunshine.” He replied, dropping a kiss on your lips. “I love you.”
“Love you too.” You said, kissing him once more before grabbing your purse and heading out the door with the girls.
Once in the car you tried to get them to divulge where they were taking you without any luck. Finally, Shay pulled into a parking lot of the salon they’d taken you to when they’d staged the intervention while Bradley and Jake were deployed.
“Is this another intervention?” You asked, trying to think if you’d come across as stressed or in need of a spa day.
“Nope!” Phoenix replied, “Just a little pre-wedding pampering from us to you, because we love you!”
“Oh my God, I love you guys too!” You gushed, “I couldn’t ask for better friends than the two of you and I am so grateful for you both!”
“You’re gonna make me cry and then my eyes will be puffy!” Shay said, hugging you, “Come on, we’ve got an afternoon of being spoiled ahead of us.”
The three of you made your way into the building, immediately being guided back to a private room.
“We went all out.” Phoenix admitted, “Your Aunt Sarah and Penny also chipped in so it’s from all of us. Facials, manicures, pedicures, massages, hair and makeup. You’re going into the rehearsal and your wedding tomorrow looking and feeling like a million bucks.”
“Please tell me y’all are getting pampered too?” You asked, “You’ve done so much and deserve to be pampered!”
“We are actually.” Shay replied, “THAT was courtesy of Jake when we were discussing our various kidnapping plans.”
“He’s so perfect.” You said smiling, “I love that big softy.”
“He is pretty damn amazing.” Shay agreed, “I’m completely in love with him.”
“I’m calling it right now.” You told Phoenix, “Next wedding we attend will be Jake and Shay’s.”
“Oh, I’ll absolutely put money on that.” She agreed.
“I don’t know about THAT.” Shay said, “I wouldn’t count Penny and your Dad out, Y/N.”
“I would love for them to finally get married, but my dad is notorious for dragging his feet when it comes to matters of the heart.” You said, “I bet it’ll take all of us plotting and pushing for that to happen.”
“I used to think the same about Hangman,” Phoenix smirked, “But along came Shay and voila! Soft, lovesick Jake enters the game.”
“To be fair, I think Jake was ALWAYS a big softy but was really good at projecting asshole Hangman and worked hard to keep people out.” You said.
“Could be right.” She admitted.
“So where did them men take my fiance off to?” You asked.
“They’re starting the day on the golf course. The rest of the day is top secret.” Shay said. “We weren’t even allowed to know.”
Several hours later, very relaxed and with your nails, hair and makeup done, you all left the salon.
“You’re lookin’ hot!” Phoenix said, “Bradley is gonna go feral when he sees you.”
“He’ll have to keep it under control, we’re not allowed to be together tonight.” You pouted.
“It’s one night, Y/N.” Phoenix laughed, “You’ll be fine.”
“Jake said Bradley was pouting about being separated too.” Shay laughed, “These two are extra needy.”
You stuck your tongue out at them, playfully. As much as you hated sleeping away from Bradley, you were looking forward to spending time with the girls at your Aunt’s house tonight.
There was enough time before you had to be at the rehearsal to grab a late lunch and head back to change into the dress you’d picked out for the rehearsal.
The girls had brought their outfits too so everyone changed at your house.
“Ladies!” Jake called entering the house, “Everyone decent?”
“I thought the plan was to meet at the hangar?” You asked, Shay as she zipped up your dress for you.
“I did too.” She said, “Hold on, stay here I’ll go see what’s up.”
She ducked out of the room to go get clarification from Jake on the plan, leaving you and Phoenix to finish getting ready.
“What are y’all doing here?” Shay asked, stepping into the living room. The guys had all collapsed down onto the couch.
“Bradley here, decided he absolutely needed to see Sweets before the rehearsal and is insisting on riding together.” Jake explained,  “So we decided that we’d all get ready here, then you ladies can ride with us and the bride and groom to be can drive separately.”
“Ok.” Shay said, “Y/N’s almost ready. Phoenix and I are about ready too. Y’all need to get dressed.”
“Yes, Ma’am” Jake replied, “Wanna come help me?”
“I think you can handle it big boy.” Shay smirked at Jake, “We’re on a schedule.”
“No fun, Darlin’.” He complained, pouting as he headed to his room. Bob, following behind to get ready in the spare room.
“Can I go in by Sunshine now?” Bradley asked Shay, hopefully.
“Yes,” She laughed, “Go on ahead. Knock first though in case Phoenix is still getting dressed.”
“I’m right here.” She said, coming into the room. “Y/N is still in the room though, go on in.”
“Thanks, Nix.” He beamed, heading straight to your shared room.
You’re just slipping your feet into the wedge sandals you’d bought to go with the dress when Bradley walked in.
“Wow…” He whispered, taking you all in, “Sunshine, you look absolutely breathtaking.”
“Thank you, Stud.” You smiled, standing up and walking to him. You wrap your arms around his neck, pulling him down into a kiss.  “I missed you today.”
“Missed you too.” He replied, stealing another quick kiss before stepping back. “I got something for you… I was planning on waiting until tomorrow, but I wanted to be with you…”
He reaches into his pocket and pulls out a small box, handing it to you. “This was part of our top secret mission today. I’d mentioned it to Jake in passing and he made it HIS mission to help me find it for you.”
You carefully opened the box, gasping when you saw the contents, tears quickly filling your eyes. You tipped your head back frantically blinking the tears away so as not to ruin your makeup.
“Bradey.” You whispered, glancing back down to the contents of the box. Nestled inside was a delicate charm bracelet. You pulled it out and looked at each of the small charms. There was a tiny sunflower and a delicate sunshine that matched your necklace, but what really caught your attention was a charm that had a small picture of you with your Uncle Tom on the front. It was one of your favorite pictures of the two of you. You both had huge smiles on your face, excited because it had been taken right after you’d passed your final test for your pilot’s license.
“Flip it over.” Bradley instructed softly. Following his instructions you carefully flipped the charm over in your hand,tears instantly falling from your eyes, now unable to stop them. Engraved on the back of the picture charm were the words, “I love you, Nugget.” in your uncle’s handwriting.
Bradley carefully took the bracelet from your hand, opening up the clasp and securing the bracelet to your wrist. You threw your arms around his neck, clinging to him. His own arms wrapped around your waist, holding you tightly.
“I love you so much, Bradley.” You said, “Thank you, this is perfect. I absolutely love it.”
“I love you too, Sunshine.” He replied, “I wanted you to have your Uncle with you, not only on our wedding day, but flying with you and keeping you safe.”
“It’s amazing.” You smiled at him, before pulling back and wiping your eyes carefully. “I actually have something for you too, Roo.”
You went to the dresser and pulled out a small box that you’d hidden under some clothing. You’d found the idea on Pinterest of putting pictures on small charms and attaching them to a pin. You handed the box to Bradley, who carefully took it while smiling down at you.
He opened the box, looking at the pin holding two small charms. Pulling it out to get a closer look, he gently runs his fingers over both of the pictures. Your dad had found a picture of Goose and Carol on their wedding day which you used for one of the charms, then a picture of them both holding Bradley, each kissing one of his cheeks, a giant smile on Bradley’s face was the picture on the other charm.
“I wanted you to have your parents with you at our wedding. You can pin them inside your suit jacket and they’ll be with you while we say our vows. Then you can also pin it to your flight suit on the inside and take them with you while you fly.” You whispered, watching all of the emotions play out like a movie across his face.
“Sunshine…” he whispered, choked by emotion, “I didn’t even know these pictures existed…. This is… thank you.” He pulled you close, his hands in your hair, lips pressed against the top of your head. You own arms tightly wrapped around his waist. “I love you, Baby…so damn much.”
“I love you too.” You said, tipping your head up to him. He ducked his own head, once more capturing your lips with his own.
“I need to get changed.” He said, reluctantly staking a step back. “Then we can get going. I was able to finagle time alone for us.”
“So we get to drive to the hanger just the two of us?” You asked, batting your lashes at him.
“Behave, minx.” He chuckled, “We won’t have that much extra time.”
“I can’t wait until tomorrow night.” You said, crowding his space again, knowing the effect you’d have on him.
“You’re killin’ me, Baby.” He complained, stepping back from your hold. “I’m gonna get dressed, meet me in the living room.”
You laughed, grabbing your phone and heading out to the living room.
“You look beautiful, Sweets” Jake said, when you entered. He walked over to wrap you in a tender hug.
“Thank you, Jakey.” You said, “You’re looking very handsome yourself.” Jake and Bob were wearing Hawaiian shirts similar to the one Bradley picked out for the rehearsal. You’d giggled when you’d seen them, but you had to admit they were pulling it off.
“You’re looking very dapper as well, Bob.” You winked over Jake’s shoulder at the other aviator, causing him to blush.
Stepping back from the embrace, Jake noticed the bracelet on your wrist and smiled softly.
“It looks good, Sweets.” He said, gently cradling your hand in his own to get a better look.
“Thank you.” You replied, “Bradley said you were on a mission to find someone who could make it.”
“It was a great idea that I knew you’d love.” He said, shrugging, “I’d do anything to ensure you’re happy, Sweets.”
“You’re gonna make me cry, Jakey.” You replied, hugging him once again. “I love you.”
“I love you too, Y/N.” He said softly, holding you tightly.
“Ugh! You both are gonna make me cry and ruin MY makeup!” Shay complained.
“No more tears.” Jake chuckled, “From either of my girls.”
“You making my Sunshine cry, Seresin?” Bradley asked, coming into the room, a knowing smile on his face.
“We agreed that the mission was top secret, Chicken.” Jake glared playfully at Bradley, “My involvement in the bracelet wasn’t needed information.”
“I agreed to it being a top secret mission BEFORE giving it to her.” Bradley corrected, “I never promised to not tell her you moved Heaven and Earth to make it happen AND in time for the wedding.”
“Remind me to be more careful in negotiations with you in the future.” Jake replied, shaking his head. “Alright, we’re gonna be late if we don’t leave now.”
The rehearsal went well. Only a few logistical changes needed to be made for the next day. Before heading out to your Aunt Sarah’s for the dinner, your dad pulled you aside to let you know that everything was set for for the following day. He’s secured the pictures needed for the front row of chairs, reserving them for Goose, Carol, your mom and Ice. You had hugged him, fighting back tears for what felt like the millionth time that day. You knew you’d be an emotional wreck the next day. You were absolutely beyond happy to be marrying Bradley but it was bittersweet, as so many of the people you loved weren’t able to be there.
After the rehearsal, everyone drove back to town to your Aunt’s house. She’d catered a nice meal for not only the wedding party but the entire Dagger team and the rest of your family and friends. Being at the house always felt like home, but even a half year later, you still expected your uncle to be there waiting for you when you walked through the door.
“You OK, Firecracker?” Your dad asked, finding you in your uncle’s old office.
“Yeah.” You whispered, wiping tears from your cheeks. “I was just really missing him. I can still smell his cologne in here… and if I close my eyes, I can pretend he’s still here.”
“He is still here,” Your dad assured you, pulling  you into a hug, “He’ll always still be here because he’s in our hearts and in our memories.”
“I miss him so much, Dad.” You replied, “I’d even love to hear him say ‘I told you so’ about everything working out with Bradley.”
“Oh, he definitely wouldn’t let you forget that he was right.” Mav chuckled, “I miss him too, Firecracker. He would be so proud of you and so damn happy that you’re marrying Rooster.”
“Did you see the bracelet Bradley had made for me?” You asked, bringing your wrist up to show him, “Jake found a place that could do it quickly.”
“He told me about his plan.” Mav said, holding your hand to look at the charms. “I told him where to look for the writing.  I knew you’d have kept old cards and letters from him.”
“Apparently the men in my life are all super sneaky.” You smiled. “But I love you all.”
“I can say with confidence that we all love you too.” He smiled warmly. “I think everyone is getting ready to head out though and Bradley was lookin’ for his bride to be.”
“Guess it’s time to say goodbye to my fiance.” You said, “Still think this tradition in dumb.”
“You’ll have fun with the girls.” He laughed, “And you’ll see him tomorrow.”
You made your way downstairs to say goodbyes to everyone before stealing a few moments with Bradley.
“Next time I see you will be at the altar, Sunshine.” He beamed, “I can’t wait to see you in your wedding dress.”
“I can’t wait to see you in your suit.” You replied, pulling his head down to kiss him. “I’ll miss you until then though.”
“I’ll miss you too.” He said, leaning in to steal another kiss, before whispering, “Plan on more baby making tomorrow night, Sweetheart. I fully intend to get you pregnant before my leave is over.”
“I’ll hold you to that, Roo.” You whispered back, smiling. “I love you, so so much.”
“Love you too, Sunshine.” He replied, stealing a final kiss.
“Alright, love birds, time to separate.” Jake said. “Sweets, I promise to take good care of him and will make sure he’s at the end of the aisle for you tomorrow.”
“Thank you, Jakey,” You replied, “I can’t wait to see you all decked out in your suit.”
“Won’t even come close to holdin’ a candle to you Sweets.” He flashed you a big smile, his dimples popping. “I’ll bet money, Rooster here will be cryin’ like a baby watchin’ you come down the aisle to him.”
“Can you blame me?” He asked, “The most important person in my life, walking towards me looking all beautiful and knowing she’ll be mine forever? Of course I’ll be crying! What’ll be your excuse?”
“You two are too much.” You shook your head, laughing, “I love you both though. I’ll bring tissues for both of you.”
“Love you too, Sunshine.” Bradley said, stealing a final hug and kiss from you before allowing himself to be pulled out of the house.
You and the girls stayed up drinking a few more glasses of wine and laughing outside on the back patio before calling it a night and getting some sleep. The next day would be a busy one.
You woke up the next morning, a huge smile plastered to your face. Today was the day you finally got to marry your best friend. A day you weren’t sure you’d ever see. “
You rolled over and stretched, reaching for your phone. You smiled, seeing you already had a text from Bradley.
Bradley ♥️: Good Morning Beautiful! Happy wedding day… I can’t wait to see you later. Sleeping without you sucks!
You: Good Morning my love! I’m counting down the minutes until I get to walk down the aisle to you. 💗Sleeping without you DEFINITELY sucks!
You got up and headed downstairs to get coffee and breakfast, knowing your aunt was definitely up already.
Since the wedding was in your dad’s hangar, without a great space to actually get ready in, you would all be getting ready at your aunt’s house. Stylists were coming in to do hair and makeup for everyone. Frank was letting you all use one of his bigger charter planes to transport guests from the airstrip there to your dad’s airstrip and then back, making it easier for everyone from the wedding location to the reception location. It was also a fun way to incorporate everyone’s passion for aviation into the big day. You and the girls would get changed into your dresses on the plane before making your way down the aisle.
The morning flew by quickly in a frenzy of hair and makeup. Penny had arrived with Amelia mid morning to join the fun. You were grateful to have both Penny and your Aunt Sarah in the absence of your mom and Carol.
While your hair was being done and before your makeup had been applied, your aunt gave you an envelope, sitting down in the chair next to you.
“Right after the doctor told Tom that treatments were no longer working, he sat down and wrote letters to the kids, instructing me to give them to them at various milestones that he’d miss.” Aunt Sarah explained, “I have a few for you as well… the first one being the one for your wedding day.”
Even before opening the envelope and reading the contents, your emotions already started to bubble to the surface. Your aunt reached over, squeezing your hand reassuringly, giving you strength to open the letter.
Carefully pulling the paper from the envelope, you opened it and started reading.
To My Little Ice Nugget,
If you’re reading this letter, today is your wedding day… and I’m not there. If you are marrying anyone other than Bradley Bradshaw, I will find a way to haunt you. Haha.  I’m pretty confident though that on this day, you are in fact marrying Bradley and I can only imagine how excited and happy you look. Also, I get bragging rights because I told you so!
Nugget, getting to watch you grow up and become the incredible woman that you are has been one of the biggest blessings of my life. I can’t describe to you the amount of joy I felt when your mom and dad asked Sarah and I to be your godparents. I am so proud of all that you've accomplished and how strong you are.
I always imagined getting to be with you on your wedding day… fighting your dad for the honor of walking you down the aisle. I know he would probably have won, but I’d have put up a good fight! I wish I could be there with you today, my sweet little shadow. Know that I am watching from the heavens and celebrating with you in spirit. (Again, only if you’re marrying Bradshaw… I’m sure Goose and Carol agree here.)
Your Aunt Sarah will always be available for marital or motherly advice… she’s a smart lady, never steered me wrong. Best I can offer is, never go to bed mad… talk to one another. You’ve spent enough years apart due to misunderstandings.
Enjoy your day, I love you more than you know Nugget…more than I can ever hope to put into words.
Uncle Tommy  
Tears were streaming down your face by the time you reached the end. You traced over the words with your finger before clutching the letter to your chest, allowing yourself the time to simply feel.
“I can only imagine what he had to say,” Sarah said, “But knowing Tom, he made sure to tell you how much he loves you and how proud he is of you.”
“He knew.” You whispered, your voice giving out from crying, “He knew that I’d be marrying Bradley. It’s almost like he’s right here with me.”
“He made me promise to run off any guy that wasn’t Bradley.” She chuckled, brushing tears from her own eyes.
“That doesn’t surprise me.” You laughed through your tears, “He threatened to haunt me if it wasn’t Bradley I was marrying today.”
“That’s Tom.” She said, smiling lovingly at you, “It brings me so much joy to get to be with you today and honored to be a stand in mom. Your mom would have been so proud of the amazing woman her little girl grew up to be.”
“I love you, Aunt Sarah.” You said, smiling back at her, “Thank you so much, for everything.”
“You’re welcome, Sweetie.” She replied, “Now, no more tears. Today is a happy day, we don’t want puffy eyes for your wedding photos.”
A couple of hours later you were sitting on your dad’s runway, everyone changing into their dresses. The photographer you’d hired for the day came in once everyone had their dresses on, to get a few shots.  
Penny was securing your sun pendant necklace around your neck when there was a knock on the plane’s door. Shay peeked out, then opened the door, seeing it was your dad.
“Everything is ready to go inside. Everyone is seated and the boys are ready to take their places at the front.” He said, stepping in. He stopped suddenly, his eyes falling on you. Tears instantly welled in his eyes as he took you all in. “Firecracker…you are absolutely beyond beautiful.”
“Thank you, Daddy.” You replied, your own eyes becoming moist. “You can’t make me cry again! My makeup will run!”
“I make no promises.” He chuckled, wiping his eyes. He stepped closer, carefully wrapping you in his arms, “I can’t believe my baby girl is getting married today.”
“Are you ready to give me away?” You asked, hugging him back.
“I’ll never give you away, Firecracker.” He said, kissing your forehead, “You’ll always be my little girl.”
“It’s time to walk your little girl down the aisle to the other half of her soul, Mav.” Your Aunt Sarah said, gently.
“That boy’s been waiting on his Sunshine for a very long time.” Penny added, “She’ll be in good hands, Honey.”
“I’ve been waiting for him just as long.” You smiled, “I can’t wait to marry him.”
“Well, then let’s get you down the aisle.” Mav said, offering his arm to you.
“Here are your flowers, Y/N.” Shay said, handing you your bouquet. “I really hope the photographer captures the look on Bradley’s face the moment he sees you. It’ll be a picture worth a million words.”
“Even before he was willing to admit it, anyone listening to him talk about his Sunshine, knew he was completely over the moon in love with you.” Phoenix added, “I’m so happy I get to be here and a part of this day.”
“I’m so grateful to have you both a part of our day, We wouldn’t have made it here without everyone.” You said. “Thank you!”
“Ok! Show time!” Penny said, “Sarah and I will go out first and head to our seats and signal for the music to start.”
Your aunt and Penny carefully exited the plane, heading into the hangar and to the seats in the front. As soon as the music started Shay and Phoenix made their way down the stairs and across the white runner that led to the open hangar doors. One by one they walked to the front and moved off to the left to stand and await your arrival. You’d had a makeshift doorway created that would block everyone’s view of you until you were at the entrance to the hangar. Coyote was tasked with opening it when you and Mav arrived.
“Ready, Firecracker?” Your dad asked as you stepped off the plane onto the white runner.
“So very ready, Dad.” You replied, beaming in excitement. The music changed to “This I Promise You”, the doorway opened, Coyote welcoming you through with a wink.
Mav guided you forward through the doorway, everyone immediately standing and turning to watch you as you made your way to the front.
“Don’t let me trip.” You whispered to your dad as you stepped into the hangar.
“I’ve got you, Firecracker.” He whispered back, “I’ve always got you.”
You looked straight ahead, gasping when you saw Bradley waiting at the end of the aisle for you. Tears of pure happiness filled your eyes,  a couple spilling over. You smiled brightly at your soon to be husband as he reached up to wipe a few tears off of his own face. Glancing over at Jake, you softly laughed, seeing he too, was wiping tears from his eyes. Your focus returned to Bradley and remained steady on him as you walked towards him.
Your dad walked you up to Bradley and then turned towards you to kiss your forehead before gently passing your hand to join with Bradley’s.
“She’s all yours, Kid.” Mav whispered, emotion choking him up, “Take good care of her.”
“Always, Mav.” Bradley whispered back, his eyes locked on you. “You look so beautiful, Sunshine” He said, carefully tucking your arm into his and guiding you the rest of the way to where the floral arch was set up and Admiral Bates was waiting to officiate.
He went through the traditional wedding ceremony until arriving at the time for the vows.
“The couple have chosen to write their own vows.” Admiral Bates said, “Bradley and Y/N if you’ll turn to one another and join hands, Bradley, you’ll go first with your vows.”
You handed your flower bouquet to Shay before turning back to join both of your hands with Bradley.
“Sunshine, never in a million years did I think I’d be lucky enough to be standing here before all of our family and friends, getting to pledge my life and love to you.” He started, voice wavering with emotion, “You have been my best friend since the day your parents brought you over to the house to meet my mom and me. From all accounts, you captured my heart at first sight. I’ve loved you forever but have been absolutely IN love with you since I got my head out of my ass senior year. We all know, I took my dear sweet time divulging that information to you… also needing a little nudge from the powers that be… your Uncle. You are my Sunshine, the light in my world, and I promise that not a day will pass without me thanking the universe for giving you to me. I promise to love you, protect you, and support you. I’ll serenade you… even learning the songs you love to torture me with and I’ll watch Princess Bride a million times because it makes you happy. Most importantly, I promise to always do everything in my power to come home to you…even if it means doing crazy pilot shit I learn from Mav. You are my forever everything, Y/N Mitchell.”
You had to take your hand from his momentarily to wipe the tears from your eyes before placing your hand back into his.
“Y/N, it’s your turn to say your vows to Bradley.” Admiral Bates said, smiling warmly at you.
“Bradley Nicholas Bradshaw, I have been in love with you for a very very long time.” You started, your own voice thick with emotions, “You’ve always been my best friend…even when you were an idiot… for over a decade.” That elicited laughter from all of your family and friends. Bradley ducked his head, sighing playfully.  “But even then, you were my idiot. I never stopped loving you and I never will. You are the other half of my soul. I will forever count my blessings that you and I were able to find our way back… with lots of guidance and shoving from people who love us. I grew up thinking that having wings meant that you couldn’t have roots, but I’ve learned…with the help of some very smart individuals… that you can have both. I promise to support you as you fly and to always be here for you to come home to, no matter where it is we call home. I’ve learned that my roots don’t need to be attached to a physical place. My roots are wherever you are. I promise to love you with everything I have, to support you in all that you do. I will be on the docks or at the hangar to welcome you home, cheering obnoxiously loud. I love you so so much Bradley Bradshaw, you are my forever everything.”
This time it was Bradley’s turn to wipe tears from his eyes.
“Now you’ll exchange rings, starting with Bradley,” Bates said, turning to Jake and motioning for him to give the ring to Bradley.  
Bradley took the ring from Jake, turning back to you and gently slipping it onto your ring finger.
“Y/N, it’s your turn.” He motioned Shay to hand you the ring. Taking it from her, you turned to Bradley and slipped it onto his ring finger.
“With the exchanging of vows and rings, it is my honor and privilege to announce that by the power vested in me by The United States Navy and the state of California, I now pronounce you husband and wife.” Bates stated, “Lieutenant Commander Bradshaw, you may kiss your bride.”
Cheers erupted from your family and friends as Bradley took you in his arms, bending you backwards and kissed you soundly. Your arms wound tightly around his neck, holding on for dear life. He lifted you back upright, lips still locked, but smiling through the kiss.  After a moment, the two of you pulled back enough to breathe, your foreheads resting against one another.
“I love you, Mrs. Bradshaw.” He said quietly.
“I love you too, Lieutenant Commander Bradshaw.” You replied, smiling at your husband.
“Ladies and Gentleman, let me be the first to introduce you to Lieutenant Commander and Mrs. Bradshaw.”
Your loved ones continued to cheer as music started to play and Bradley took your arm in his, walking you back down the aisle and outside where everyone would gather momentarily.
“We did it!” You exclaimed, “You’re my HUSBAND!”
“We sure did, my beautiful WIFE.” Bradley replied, kissing you again while waiting for everyone to file out of the hangar.
“CONGRATULATIONS!” Shay exclaimed, hugging you tightly once her and Jake got to you. “I am so happy for you too!”
“Thank you so much!” You said, hugging her back. “I love you!”
“I love you too” She replied, before moving to hug Bradley and allowing Jake to swoop in.
“Come here, Sweets.” Jake said, his green eyes flashing brightly, a huge smile on his face. He pulled you into a tight embrace, your own arms hugging him tightly back. “You are so damn beautiful and I’m so fucking happy for you and Rooster. I can’t even tell you how much I love you and am thankful to have you both as my family.”
“Thank you, Jakey” you whispered, “I’m the lucky one to get you in my life. It feels like you’ve always been my big brother. I love you more than words.”
“My turn.” Your dad interrupts. “Mind if I hug my daughter?”
“Sure thing, Pops Mav!” Jake teased, stepping back with a wink. Your dad sighed, playfully shaking his head.
“You know you love him, Dad.” You said, “He’s grown on ya… admit it.”
“He’s alright.” Mav admitted, pulling you into a hug. “I’m so happy for you and Bradley, Firecracker.”
“Thanks, Dad.” You replied, hugging him back, “How about you take a walk down the aisle soon?”
“Ya never know.” He said vaguely, causing you to pull back to look him in the eyes, questioning him. He simply shrugged, winking before turning to hug Bradley.
“Alright, we’ve got a sweet ass plane over here that Pops Mav is allowing us to use for a photo op and the photographer is ready to shoot some shots!” Jake called to the group, attempting to wrangle everyone for the photographer. “Bradshaws, you’re up first!”
“Come here, Wife!” Bradley called, smiling lovingly at you, holding his hand out to you.
“Lead the way, Husband!” You replied, slipping your hand into his and flashing a bright smile. It felt really good to call this man your husband.
After several rounds of photos with just you and Bradley then with everyone, you all boarded the charter planes to head back for your reception. It was a relatively short flight. Once you were landed, the party buses were on hand to take everyone to the Hard Deck.
You, Bradley and your wedding party took one bus making a couple of stops for further photos while the other buses went again to welcome you to the bar when you arrived.
“Ladies and Gentlemen, let’s hear it for the newlyweds!” Penny called as you entered the bar, everyone calling out cheers and congratulations.
You spent the first half hour making the rounds to visit with everyone. Penny had rearranged the tables, adding more to ensure everyone had a place to sit. There were some tables set up on the beach too.
The caterer started serving dinner once everyone had gotten settled. You and Bradley ended up trying to sneak bites of food in among everyone making you laugh or clanging their glasses to get you two to kiss.
After everyone was finished eating dinner you and Bradley cut the cake that the two of you would feed one another.
“Remember, Sunshine.” Bradley said as he held his hand over yours to make the first cut, “Be nice. We agreed no smashing…”
“No smashing.” You agreed. “Where do we stand on smashing a cupcake on Jakey though? I DID miss out on all those sibling rivalry experiences.”
“I promise to protect and defend you when he retaliates.” Bradley laughed, “I’ll even enlist Phoenix and Bob. I’m sure Shay will pledge her allegiance to her boyfriend.”
“It’s not surgery or an exact science, you two!” Penny teased, “It’s just cake!”
You both started giggling as you cut into the cake, slicing a piece and setting it on a plate.
You each used your fingers to pick up a piece of the sliced cake and then at the same time fed the bite to the other. You stole a kiss from your husband once you’d eaten the bite of cake.
“That’s pretty good.” You smiled, using a fork this time to snag another bite. “I love the icing.”
“It would taste even better if I got to lick it off of you.” Bradley whispered in your ear, causing a shiver to run down your body.
“Behave” You complained, “We have several more hours before we get to duck out of here!”
In the end, you had decided to be nice and NOT smash a cupcake on Jake… Phoenix, however, had no such qualms and had smeared the sugary confection when Jake went to take a bite of his cupcake. As predicted, he did retaliate, leaving both to have to clean sticky icing from their faces.
After dinner and cupcakes, before the music began, you slipped into the back where Penny had stashed your outfit change. Shay and your Aunt Sarah helped you out of the ceremony dress, hanging it up in the garment bag to be cleaned and preserved, before helping you into the second dress you’d fallen in love with and zipping you up.
“This one is just as stunning.” Sarah said, “Bradley will want to whisk you away before you’ve even hit the dance floor!”
“To be fair, I think he wanted to whisk her away the second she stepped foot in the hangar.” Shay teased.
“I honestly am ready to get my husband alone!” You exclaimed, “Have you LOOKED at how HOT he is in that suit?”
“I think Shay has been too busy checking out Jake.” Sarah laughed.
“How are we doing back here?” Penny asked, stepping into the space. “Goodness, that boy is going to swallow his tongue.”
“Thank you.” You beamed, “Let’s hope not though… He’s pretty good with that tongue and I have use for it later.”
“Y/N!” Your aunt exclaimed, bursting out laughing. “There are things an aunt never wants to hear about their niece!”
“She’s not wrong.” Penny added, also laughing. “Let’s get you out there. I think he’s waiting on his bride for the first dance.”
You followed them back out to the bar, finding your husband waiting for you standing on the edge of the makeshift dance floor.
“Hey, Handsome.” You said, slipping your arms around him, “Can I get this dance?”
“Sunshine, you can have every dance for the rest of our lives.” He said, his voice getting gravelly. He carefully guided you to the dance floor, pulling you into his arms. You’d chosen “I am Yours” by Andy Grammer for your first dance as husband and wife.
The two of you were lost in one another as you danced, forgetting you were surrounded by your loved ones. Your arms were wrapped around his neck, his wrapped around your waist, holding you tightly to him. When the song came to an end, the sound of everyone cheering pulled you both from the trance you’d been in.
“You look exquisite in this dress, Sunshine.” He whispered, running his hands over your hips and down to playfully grab your ass. “How much longer do we need to stay?”
“We’ve got a while before we can make our getaway, Stud.” You winked, “Hold that thought.”
He groaned, leaning down to capture your lips with his own.  
“I’m cutting to steal a dance with my little girl.” Mav said, as “Butterfly Kisses” started to play. Bradley smiled softly, handing you over to your dad.
“Are you enjoying your day, Firecracker?” He asked, “Everything you pictured?”
“I really am.” You replied, “It’s been perfect. Maybe not exactly like I pictured, but close enough.”
“I’m pretty sure the photographer captured Bradley’s reaction to the memorial chairs.” He told you. “I know for a fact they got his exact reaction to see you for the first time. I already knew how much loved you but in that moment, Y/N, seeing him become overwhelmed with emotion, seeing the pure love in his eyes for you, I realized what Carol and Ice knew all along. That boy is the absolute other half of your soul.”
“Thank you, Daddy.” You whispered, tears falling down your cheeks for the millionth time that day. “I love you so much.”
“I love you too, Firecracker.” He replied, “More than you’ll ever know.”
Once the father/daughter dance was over the music changed to more upbeat dance tunes and all of your friends hit the dance floor, everyone trying to out dance the other. The alcohol was free and flowing from the bar so everyone was in great spirits. Bradley had only had a couple of beers, wanting to be able to remember every detail about this day and night. You had a glass of champagne during the toasts but since you and Bradley had decided to actively start trying to get pregnant, you opted to drink soda or water the rest of the night.
“Time to toss that wedding bouquet!” Aunt Sarah said, when it was getting close to the evening winding down. “All The Single Ladies” Started to play, as you made your way to the edge of the dance floor. All all the single women stood behind you ready to catch the flowers. You turned so your back was to them, peeking over your shoulder to see where everyone stood. Turning your head back away from them, you lifted your arm up and sent the bouquet sailing over your head towards the waiting hands in the air. Once it had left your fingers you quickly turned to watch where it would land. Much to your delight it went sailing straight into Shay’s hands.
“YES!” You exclaimed, cheering, “Perfect shot!”
“I feel like that was rigged!” She laughed, walking over to hug you.
“It’s just FATE!” You said, looking over to Jake who was grinning ear to ear on the sidelines. He gave you a thumbs up and winked, causing you to laugh.
“Alright, Mrs. Bradshaw,” Coyote said, bringing a chair over, “Have a seat, things are about to get spicy!”
You sat on the chair as the song “Another One Bites the Dust” started to play. Bradley danced himself over to you, before kneeling in front of you. You knew he was fully enjoying this part. As the song played he made a big show of lifting your leg onto his lap and running his hands up inside the skirt of your dress. Had you kept the other one on with the fuller skirt you knew without a shadow of a doubt he’d have put his whole head up your dress. This one, however, didn’t allow for that. He slid the garter down your leg, sending shivers over your body in the process, before pulling it off your foot and twirling it around on his finger.
He stood up, doing his little wiggle shimmy as the guys all lined up behind him. As you did with your bouquet toss, he turned around so his back was to them and launched it backwards. He turned, watching the men all dodge out of the way as it landed right in Jake’s hand. Everyone started cheering and laughing. Jake blushed, but you could see he was very happy about the turn of events.
A slow song started, you went to Jake and hugged him before walking him to Shay and nudging them out on the dance floor together. You and Bradley watched from the side, arms wrapped around each other.
“They better be next to get married.” You said, smiling while watching them dance.
“The odds are good.” Bradley said, leaning down to kiss the top of your head. “The odds are even better that we’re almost able to get out of here!”
“We can start to make the rounds soon,” You promised, “I’m going to steal a dance with my Jakey.”
“I love that he’s so protective of you and loves you,” Bradley replied, “And I love knowing you have someone who will have your back if I’m deployed…. And I’m happy the dude now has family because being familyless sucks.”
“But?” You asked, knowing their history, expecting there to be more to this declaration.
“But nothing.” Bradley laughed, “It’s a day to appreciate the people we love. I’m appreciating and making observations.”
“I love you, Roo.” You said, pulling him down to kiss him. “I love knowing he has your back in the air. I love knowing you have his. I also adore the little bromance y’all have entered. It’s adorable.”
“We don’t have a bromance!” he called out to your laughing, retreating form. You were already on your way to Jake to claim your dance.
“Am I allowed to steal the best wingman for a dance?” You asked as you approached Shay and Jake.
“You absolutely can.” Shay said, laughing, “Can I go steal the groom for a dance?”
“Of course!” You replied, “I’m surprised HE hasn’t tried to steal the best wingman for a dance though, so I just might need you to run interference and block for me.”
She threw her head back laughing, and agreeing, making her way over to Bradley.  
“It’s about time I get to dance with you, Sweets.” Jake beamed, pulling you in, “I’ve been dying to dance with my girl all night.”
“I mean we were busting moves together for most of the night.” You corrected him as he guided you around the dance floor.
“That’s different.” He replied, fake pouting, “I needed slow dances and hugs and Rooster kept gettin’ ‘em all.”
“Aww, poor Jakey,” You cooed, “Feelin’ neglected? You know I love you so so much.”
“I’m all better now.” He smiled, “I love you too, Sweets. I am so happy for you…happy for both you and Rooster. You deserve all the happiness.”
“So do YOU, Jakey.” You replied, locking eyes with him, “YOU are the reason I’m here marrying him today. YOU are the reason my dad got to walk me down the aisle. YOU are the best big adopted brother and best friend a girl could ask for.”
“Staahhp” He groaned, blushing. Even spending so much tieme around you for half a year, he still wasn’t any good at accepting praise.
“We’ll get there, Jakey.” You laughed, “Someday you’ll be good at taking compliments.”
He simply pulled you closer and dropped a kiss on your forehead, continuing to dance through the song.
“You know, I fully expect another wedding in the next year-ish.” You smirked, changing the subject. “I don’t make the rules here…. But Shay DID catch the bouquet… and you DID snag the garter.”
“I’ll see what I can do.” He laughed, “Any chance I’ll get to be Uncle Jakey anytime soon?”
“Shhh,” You shushed him, “Keepin’ it on the downlow, but we are officially trying. Don’t tell anyone though.”
“My lips are sealed, Sweets.” He promised, hugging you closer, “I cannot wait though. You two will be fantastic parents and I cannot wait to spoil the shit out of a baby Bradshaw.”
“As my first favorite brother, you’ll be at the top of the list to be told.” You promised.
“Is this because you refuse to give me first favorite aviator?” He asked, laughing, “I get top brother?”
“Caught that, did ya?” You teased.
“May we cut in?” Bradley asked, appearing next to you with Shay.
“I suppose…”Jake sighed, stepping back, making everyone laugh when instead of grabbing Shay to dance, he grabs Bradley and starts slow dancing with him.
You and Shay aren’t able to keep it together and are doubled over laughing at the duo.
“Y’all better not be letting me down here!” You called to the room filled with your friends, “Someone better be recording this!”
“Oh, you KNOW we’ve got you, Y/N.” Coyote replied, holding his phone up to record the moment. Looking around you saw that Payback, Fanboy, Bob, and Phoenix also had phones trained on them.  Your dad stood by shaking his head laughing.
Shortly after their dance ended, you collected your husband from Jake and you started making your rounds to say goodbyes and to thank everyone for coming. Your dad, Penny and the rest of the Daggers had already volunteered to do all the clean up and make sure everything got where it needed to go. You and Bradley were heading to your shared home for the night and then would be leaving on your super secret honeymoon the next morning. Jake would be once again, joining Shay at her apartment. Originally you’d planned on a hotel for the night but decided staying in your home the first night as a married couple sounded much better.
“Ready, Sunshine?” Bradley asked, holding his hand out and smiling at you.
“I am.” You replied, taking his hand. He led you out to the parking lot where the Bronco was parked and ready for you both.
“Of course they did…” Bradley said, shaking his head and looking back at the entrance to the bar. Everyone had filed out to watch the two of you drive off, and were currently laughing.
Sometime during the reception they’d tied a string of cans to the bumper and attached a “Just Married” sign on the back.
Bradley opened the door for you to get in and suddenly you were being showered by confetti shooting from cannons. Of course they’d wait for the door to the Bronco to be opened so the confetti would end up INSIDE.
“Which of you clowns plan on cleaning this up while we’re gone?” Bradley asked, leveling his friends with a playful glare.
“It’s more fun to watch you do it.” Coyote laughed.
“Bradley, take me home, Husband.” You laughed, then turned to all of your loved ones and blew them kisses, “Love you!!”
When you arrived home, Bradley came around the Bronco to help you down.  Instead of you walking up the front walk and into the house, Bradley swept you up, carrying you bridal style. You were both laughing, as Bradley tried to hold you and get the key in the lock to open the door.
“You know, this would be easier if you’d set me down.” You teased.
“Hush, Wife.” He teased back. “I’m carrying my beautiful bride over the threshold.”
“And you can carry my over the threshold AFTER you unlock the door.” You reasoned.
“I’ve got this” He insisted.Trying and finally succeeding in getting the key into the lock and opening the door.
“Well done, Husband.” You praised him, pulling his lips down to you so you could kiss him.
He kept his lips locked with yours, blindly stepping into the house and kicking the door closed behind him.
“You really can set me down now,” You chuckled against his lips. “We’re inside.”
“I don’t wanna.” He replied, “I wanna hold you forever.”
“I don’t thnk they’ll let you fly the jets while holding me, Roo.” You reasoned,winding your fingers up into his hair, letting your fingernails gently scrape over his scalp. He groaned at the feeling, a shiver running over his body. “And it’ll be hard to get me out of this dress while holding me…”
“Ok, to the bedroom” He replied, carrying you in the direction of your bedroom. “I’ll put you down when we pass that threshold… and then I plan on stripping you and making love to my wife.”
“Bradley!” You exclaimed, turning his head towards you, causing him to stop abruptly in a panic.
“What? Are you ok? What’s wrong, Sunshine.” He rapid fired questions at you, his eyes confused by the big, bright smile lighting up your whole face.
“You’re my HUSBAND!” You said excitedly. Bradley chuckled, before leaning in to capture your lips.
“You nearly gave me a heartattack my beautiful WIFE.” He replied when he’d pulled away.
“Sorry, Roo” You said sweetly, “Just got really excited. “I will never get tired of hearing you call me your wife.”
“I feel the same about being called your husband.” He said, kissing you again sofly while pusing your bedroom door open and turning to walk in sideways, still carrying you.
Once inside he finally set you down, turning you in his arms to kiss you thoroughly.  “I love you, Baby.” He said, “As much as I absolutely love you in this dress, I’m ready to get you out of it.”
“I’m ready to get you out of all those sexy clothes too.” You replied, running your eyes over him. “And I’m absolutely dying to get all of the pins from my hair and let it down.”
“Turn around, Sunshine.” He said, with a final quick kiss to your lips, “I’ll take your hair down first.”
“You’re my hero.” You groaned, turning around. He carefully pulled all the pins from your hair and runs his fingers through to untable the tresses before brushing it over to the side and dropping light kisses on your shoulder and neck.
While he had you turned around, he unzipped the back of your dress, and ran his hands up and over your back to the straps, pushing them off your shoulders until your dress fell to the floor. You dress had built in bra support since it was spaghetti strapped and backless. With the dress now pooling at your feet, you’re left in just white lacy panties. You turn towards Bradley, tugging his shirt from the waistband of his pants and unbottoning it. Once undone, you pushed it off his shoulders, letting it fall into a pile with your dress. He had on a white tank undershirt that you pulled up and over his head with his help. With his shirt off you kissed over his chest and his shoulder, while your hands dipped to unbuckle his dress pants, pulling the belt from the loops and dropping it on the ground. Your hands moving back up to unbutton his pants fingers pulling the zipper down.
You pushed the pants and his boxers from his hips, letting them drop. He stepped from the pants, his hands moving around your waste and down to grasp your ass.
“I’ve been waiting all day to get my hands on you, Sunshine.” He said, his voice gravely.
“I’m all yours, Roo.” You said, running your fingers up his torso to his shoulders, threading your fingers into his hair, “I need you.”
“I’m forever yours, Baby.” He replied, dipping his head to claim your lips, his tongue lapping at your own.
He walked you back until the back of your knees hit the bed, following you down, supporting his weight on forearms to keep from crushing you.
“You’re so sexy, Sunshine.” He whispered, kissing his way down to your neck, nipping the area behind your ear softly, drawing a moan from you. He licked over the slight sting, soothing the skin before continuing to kiss his way further down to your shoulder and collarbone. You ran your hands over his back and into his hair wherever you could reach.  Bradley kept on his path, kissing down your body, pausing when he got to your breasts, taking one nipple into his mouth, licking and sucking, while his fingers tweaked and fondled the other breast.
“That feels so good, Roo” You gasped, arching into his touch. “Please… need you.”
“What do you need, Baby?” He asked, looking up at you with lust blown eyes. “Tell me what you want.”
“I need you to touch me.” You said, “Need your fingers on me.”
“I am touchin’ you, Sunshine.” He smirked, “Where do you need me to touch you?”
“Need you to fuck me with your fingers.” You clarified, “Then I need you to fill me… I want to feel you so deep.”
“Happily.” He replied, letting his fingers drift down over you as he fastened his mouth to yours, kissing you deeply. His tongue dueled with your moving in and out, mimicking what his fingers and then cock were about to do.
He pulled away, scooting down on the bed to pull your panties off, tossing them to the floor with the rest of the clothes and dipping his head to kiss over your now exposed skin, causing you to moan and start to squirm on the bed. His hand ghosted over your skin, drawing shivers, on it’s way to your already dripping wet center. Licking and kissing his way back up to your mouth, he stroked his fingers over your slit, gathering your wetness before sliding one finger deep into your pussy. He pumped first the one finger then added another, in and out, drawing juices from your core. You breathing was now irregular, pleasure taking over.  
“Holy fuck, Roo.” You moaned, “More… please.”
“Fingers aren’t doin’ it for you, Sunshine?” He asked against your lips, “Need me to fill you up?”
“Yes!” You cried out, arching into him, “Please…Bradley” You moved your hand down between your bodies, running over his lower abs, and down to his extremely hard cock. He moaned, as your hand wrapped around him, applying pressure as you stroked up and down.
“Shit, Baby.” He gasped, thrusting into your touch, ducking his head again to kiss you deeply.
You opened your legs wider, making room for him to settle more firmly against you, lining up his cock with your opening. Not missing a beat, he thrust into you, the head of his cock hitting your cervix.
“Oh fuck, oh fuck. Yes… so so good.” You panted, “Don’t’ stop, need more.” Your fingers were digging into his back, most likely leaving marks on his skin. He groaned, thrusting harder against you, his hands pulling you closer, adjusting the tilt of your pelvis in the process. The new angle pushed him even deeper, pushing you closer and closer to the edge of the cliff to an orgasm. You clenched your inner muscles around him as he continued to thrust, driving him closer and closer to his own release as well.
“Getting close, Sunshine?” He asked, his voice raspy from pleasure, “Taking me so well…squeezing around me. Fuck, it feels so damn good.”
“So close.” You replied, digging your heels into his ass, pushing up against him. “Harder… need it.”
He started thrusting harder, the sounds of panting and skin slapping on skin filling the room. Knowing what you needed to push you over the edge, he moved his hand between your bodies, his fingers finding your clit. The friction from him rubbing agains your clit and his cock slamming deep, was the push you needed to send you soaring over the edge into an intense orgasm. You cried out, sinking your teeth  into his shoulder, biting down as wave after wave of intense pleasure washed over you. The feel of you clenchnig down around his cock and your teeth sinking into his shoulder pushed him over the edge, his hot seed spilling into you, painting your walls.  He continued to pump into you, riding out the orgasm, before collapsing down against you, careful to catch his weight on his forearms.
You clung to him, fingers stroking over his back, legs wrapped around his waste, not wanting to lose to fullness.
“I love you so fucking much, Sunshine.” He rasped into your neck where he’d buried his head.
“I love you too, Roo.” You whispered, completely boneless from the release, “I think married sex is way fucking better than engaged sex.”
“I agree with that statement.” He chuckled, rolling off of you but pulling you with him so you were now laid out on him. He’d slipped ouf of you in the shuffle and you could feel his cum dripping down your leg but you didn’t care. You were too comfortable to move.
Bradley ran his hands up and down your back, gently caressing your skin. “Today was perfect, Sunshine.” He said, “I loved the tributes to my parents, your mom and Ice.”
“It really was perfect.” You agreed, lifting  your head up to look at him, “I can’t believe I got to marry my best friend.”
“Believe it, Baby.” He smiled, lifting his own head to steal a kiss, “My mom would have loved today. She knew all along that we’d end up together. We’d have had to listen to ‘I told you so’ on repeat.”
“Uncle Ice wrote me a letter.” You told him, “Aunt Sarah gave it to me while I was getting my hair done. He wrote it after the doctors told him the cancer was winning. He wrote them for the kids too. Apparently there are a few more for other milestones in life.”
“Sunshine, that’s so incredible.” He replied, holding you tighter against him, “What did it say?”
“That unless I was marrying you, he’d find a way to haunt me.” You laughed, “He knew too, like your mom. He said that he was proud of the adult I’d become and how much being my Godfather meant to him. I cried…a lot… but, it felt like he was right there talking to me.”
“They’re with us, Sunshine.” He assured you, “They wouldn’t miss this adventure. It’s good that we found our way back to one another though, because I fully believe they’d have found a way to kick our asses had we not.”
“So now that we’re married…” You said, looking up at Bradley with big innocent eyes, batting your lashes, “Does this mean you’ll tell me where we’re going tomorrow?”
“Not a chance, Sunshine.” He laughed, starting to tickle your sides. You squirmed, trying to stop the tickle attack, laughing. “Nice try though.”
“Ok ok ok! Stop, stop!” You gasped, laughing. He relented, dropping a kiss on your head and smacking your ass lightly.
“We DO need to get up in a few hours though, so let’s go shower quickly and get some sleep.” He said, “You’re going to want to be well rested for tomorrow.”
“You know you can’t hide it from me very much longer, right?” You pouted, “I’ll find out at the airport.”
“Frank has been sworn to secrecy.” He countered, sliding out of bed and pulling you with him, “You’ll probably figure it out when we’re in the air, but that’s all you’re getting.”
After a quick shower, and running through your  nightly skincare routine, you and Bradley were once again snuggled up under the covers, your head on his chest, the sound of his heartbeat lulling you to sleep.
“I love you, Bradley.” You whispered.
“I love you too, Sunshine.” He replied, pulling you closer a tucking the blankets around you both.
A/N: AHHHH Bradley and Sunshine are MARRIED!!!!!!!!!!! Hope you all enjoyed the wedding :) Any guesses as to where the honeymoon is gonna be?
Taglist: @gracespicybradshaw​  @memoriesat30​, @khaylin27​, @snekssss,  @shanimallina87​ @atarmychick007​  @jstarr86​  @marantha​  @taytaylala12​ @theweekndhistorybook​ @happylittlereader​ @hobiismyhopeu​ @krismdavis​ @friendly-neighborhood-peter​n@oneelleandaneye @super-btstrash-posts​ @mygyn​ @emma8895eb​ @kitty-moonflower-blog awesomebooklover17, krismdavis, mygyn, Jayniebop, Hisredheadedgoddess28, jstarr86, @cherrycola27​, @harrysgothicbitch​ , @caidi-paris​ @senjoritanana​ @bethabear12, @flyinlove  , fulla02 , @sophham​ @itsdesiree86​
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idontplaytrack · 5 months
Jos Cleary-Lopez x fem! reader
Warnings: hospital setting, hospitalisation, surgical procedure mentions, vomiting descriptions, anxiety
In which, reader finally gets on the right track to an answer for her pain but then she’s faced with a great fear of hers.
You’ve never seen Jos this scared. It was difficult to scare Jos— and in fact, difficult was an understatement. It was impossible. But the one thing that could make her feel this way? Seeing you in pain. She would then feel so, very helpless. You were curled up in her bed, literally writhing as you felt the sharp pain in your abdomen for the third time that hour. Jos watched you, terrified that you were experiencing such intense symptoms this time. This was not your typical flare up.
“Babe, I’m gonna get my Mom to take us to the ER, alright?”
“No.” You shot her down immediately.
“We’re going.” Jos insisted, “Mom!” She jogs to her Mom’s room, “y/n needs to go to the hospital…”
That’s all you heard before her voice died down. You gave up resisting and just went with the flow— nothing else was going on in your head then getting through the waves of pain. You had no idea how you got into the car, but you were in the back laying down with your head on Jos’ lap while Margot drove. You vaguely remember Jos just lifting you up while your arms hung around her neck lazily. Or was it Margot? No, it had to be Jos…you smelled her perfume and saw her necklace. Your train of thought was suddenly interrupted by another wave of pain that caused you to cry out. “Breathe, baby. I got you, it’s okay.” Jos reminded, “How far away are we?”
“About twenty.” Margot answers, glancing at the rear-view mirror, “I’m going as fast as I can. Hang in there, okay, sweetheart?”
You didn’t know about that- every single bump on the road had tears pricking at your eyes. You later learnt that Margot was certain that you had appendicitis, but with your lack of a fever and what you presented with during the physical examination, the doctors were seemingly freaked out— they didn’t show it, but it was prevalent that your case baffled them. Your symptoms didn’t fit this condition or that disease. They had no clue what to do with you.
“You did an x-ray, right? And that showed nothing. But you touched the area and you felt something- so something is there. Give her a different kind of imaging, then.” Margot urged the doctor who was typing away on the desktop, “She is clearly in a lot of pain and threw up in the waiting room. I do not care how much it will cost me, just figure it out. Not for me, but for her. If you refuse, please- put that down on her file so that the next time we see a doctor, they won’t jump the gun and dismiss her for being an addict.”
Jos sat with you, Margot did the talking because you just couldn’t form a proper sentence. The pain had consumed you. And yet, the doctors weren’t keen in heeding Margot’s advice. “You are a doctor. Help your patient instead of leaving her in the lurch. It’s not normal for her to be experiencing this much pain when she usually gets a flareup.”
“We will admit her to do an MRI scan. Then depending on results, the next step will be decided appropriately.”
So then, later that evening, you were sat in a hospital bed hooked up to an IV that was pumping you with pain medication. Jos sat in a plastic chair beside the bed, just looking at you. “Are you okay?”
“Oh.” Jos blinked profusely, “Yeah, it’s just been a long day. Get some sleep, babe.”
“You can go home, you know.” You told her, resting your back against the top half of the bed that was angled almost 90-degrees upright, “You don’t have to sit here and wait with me.”
“It’s good to see you like your usual self again.” She cracked a smile, “I just want to keep you company. It’s terrifying being in this environment alone and I know it— don’t argue with me about it. I wanna stay with you, alright?”
“Yeah, all thanks to whatever meds they’re giving me.” You allowed yourself to laugh. Jos reached for your hand and held onto it tightly, pressing a loving kiss to it. “We’ll figure this out, okay?”
“I know, it’s just…it always takes them so long to listen to me.”
“Which is terrible, but we’re here now and we’re on the right track.” She assured, “I’ll be here for you no matter what. It scared me earlier to see you in so much pain, but we got this. Okay? You got this.”
You didn’t exactly give her a response, but Jos could tell from your body language that you were listening. Your MRI was scheduled for the next morning at 8:30 and you couldn’t eat anything for at least eight hours before. So…you had about two hours before you had to stop eating. “Do you want something to eat? You still have some time before they said you had to stop.”
“Mom bought it earlier while we stilll waiting for you to get a bed, but— you have a couple options. A turkey ham and cheese sandwich, or an egg salad sandwich. Or pulled pork wrap.”
You picked the ham and cheese sandwich and just quietly nibbled on it while Jos distracted you with a chat. Halfway through, she pours you a cup of water from the jug that they provided. “Thanks.” You brought the cup to your lips and took a few sips. Jos smiles at you before she resumed eating.
“How’re you feeling?”
“Now that I can think more clearly…I uh, I’m just scared that they’ll tell me that the ‘lump’ has grown in size. They don’t know what it is yet, and I’m honestly terrified. Why can’t they just cut me open and take it out? It’s been three months. And they’re still just calling it a lump. I don’t understand it, what it is…what I can do to help myself.”
“That’s what we’re here to find out. We’re not gonna leave until they figure it out.”
Jos knew you hated being here, but it was necessary. Your last hospitalisation had you being poked and prodded more times than either of you could count and you’ve since then developed a fear of needles.
You and Jos have just celebrated a year together when you first started having the pain. Initially, you brushed it off as a typical stomachache or gas pains. But, it worsened day by day and that was how the hospital has seemingly become your second home. You counted yourself as lucky, because without Margot, you would not be in this hospital bed right now waiting for an MRI scan. What were the doctors gonna do? Go against the mayor?
Because of the Power, you had to be sedated for the procedure since without it, what happened to Jos when she had an MRI to figure out what the new organ was, would damn well happen to you. It was still possible, but it lowered the risk greatly. Of course, they said that the scan wouldn’t be done if it weren’t absolutely necessary. In your case, it was. Especially after what another doctor had realised about ‘the lump’ and called it one that was ‘in your muscles’. You weren’t paying too much attention— you were so out of it. And the pain medication made you seriously drowsy. You were literally fighting sleep just to eat something before you slept.
“Yeah, I’ll be staying here with her. You’ll be back tomorrow morning before she has to go down for the scan, right, Mom?”
“Get some sleep. Both of you. And yes, of course I will be there. I have to be there because her parents are out of town and I also promised. So please, don’t worry about that and just worry about getting rested.”
“Okay, see you in the morning, Mom. She’s out like a light. I’m gonna turn in too. Good night.”
“Good night, sweetheart.”
Jos slept in a recliner that night, thankfully —peacefully. Even with nurses coming in every hour or so to check your vitals. The events of the day have really worn the two of you out. Margot came by early next morning while you were still asleep. Jos had already woken up for a little while, the nurse had also just came by for one last check. Then, you woke up. “Good morning.” Jos and Margot greeted you, almost in unison.
“The doctor will be by in a minute to explain the procedure again before they bring her downstairs.”
Jos and Margot followed you down to the MRI suite. Then left after you were completely under. Margot took Jos out for breakfast while they waited for you to be done. It usually took an hour— according to the doctor. But since you were sedated, it’d take some more time since you would have to he held in a recovery area so they could monitor you after the anaesthesia.
“She’ll be okay, Jos.”
“I know. Thanks to you.” Jos bit back a laugh, “It just sucks to see her like this now. She can’t do so much of what she used to love and still has to keep her grades up. She’s really trying her best but sometimes I can just tell she’s struggling.”
“She has a great support system. But of course, you…you mean the most to her. I know it’s daunting to have to step up and be her caregiver on days like these ones, but your Dad and I are always here. Don’t hesitate to come to us for help with anything— I’m serious.”
Jos nodded solemnly, “Thanks, Mom.”
As if on cue, Margot receives a call from the hospital. Jos looks at her hopefully. “She came through it great, and she’s already awake and asking for you.”
“Oh, thank goodness.” Jos heaved a sigh of relief.
Jos was the first one to step back into your hospital room and immediately gave you a hug. “Hi, love.” She rubs your back, “Hi. You’re okay, baby.” Despite being warned by the side effects of anaesthesia, Jos was still a little shocked by your crying and overall ‘loopiness’.
“She woke up with nausea so it’ll likely stay for the duration until it wears off completely.” The nurse warned, “She was given a medication to counter that effect but it still happens with some patients. So—”
You roughly pulled away from Jos, swallowing harshly as you made eye contact with your nurse. She calmly grabbed the emesis bucket and handed it to Jos, who was nearer to you. And Jos just stuck it under your chin to catch the spillage, as if on reflex. “You’re fine, baby. Don’t look at it, don’t look at it.”
While they took care of the bucket, you just laid back down and shut your eyes…not caring about anything else. A doctor came in a little later to check on you, but you didn’t remember it. You could only remember yourself nearly throwing up on the doctor. Which was painfully embarrassing but you didn’t have the energy to care, still feeling the drowsiness. “The scan showed a tumor on the left side of her lower abdomen- in the muscle wall. It has grown somewhat since we last saw her, but regardless, she’ll need to go for a biopsy to determine what we’re dealing with…”
That’s what you heard before drifting back to sleep with Jos holding your hand and squeezing it.
When you woke up again, you were discharged from hospital and given a prescription for stronger pain meds— the one that they gave you intravenously and made you very sleepy. Again, Margot was driving. This time back to their house. Her Dad and siblings said hi to you but quickly left you alone so you could rest. Jos helped you take a shower before letting you sleep. “Do you still feel like you might get sick?”
“A little.” You admit, leaning your head back to let the warm water run through your hair.
“We’ll put a bin right beside the bed, okay?” Jos promised, “I’ll stay with you till you feel better.”
“Jos, don’t be crazy. Just get on with your day, have dinner with your family.”
She chuckles, “Crazy? Yeah, I love you like crazy.”
You cracked a smile, not saying anything else while she helped you wash up. “I don’t know what I’d do without you, Jos.”
“Me neither. Can’t imagine a life without you.” She wraps her arms around you from behind briefly, “I know some days are very hard and seem like there’s no light at the end of the tunnel, but I will always be here to do whatever it takes to make you feel better. Because life is so worth it, and isn’t all just about the bad days. It can be pretty sweet too. We just have to learn…hammer down a routine and stick to it when we need to.”
“Thank you. For being right by my side. I’m sorry I scared you.”
“Don’t be silly.” She laughed lightly, the sound like music to your ears, “I’m okay now, don’t even worry about that. Just needed some time to process it all. Don’t ever apologise for feeling what you need to feel.”
“I love you.” You say, a soft sigh falls from your lips.
“I love you more.” Jos answered, turning you around to press a kiss to your lips.
“I love you even more.” You insisted.
Jos plants a kiss on your temple, grinning, “Oh, I love you the most.”
🏷️ Tag list: @auliisflower @ludoesartnstuffs @reneeswif3
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iloveolderman0 · 1 year
Wow. This is the same anon who requested yan!Sweet Tooth. To be honest, I didn’t expect my request to be responded to SO quickly lmao. I want to give you a little idea.
How about taking the original concept of Twisted Metal, yandere and a bit of Mad Max (without the slasher house) and making a uh… bloody mess? Hah okay, look, here is a reader (choose your gender yourself, I don’t care) and Sweets, who has devoted his entire new life to searching for a reader and finds her (no matter where in the races, a vacant lot or something else), and then the confrontation begins? Guns, battle and finally he grabs her, and then you can figure it out yourself, whether there will be hardcore, torture, etc. or puppy tenderness lmao.
In general, I gave the idea, take it if you want, but do it your way. Contact me, if you need more, I’ll give you more ideas
Oh my gosh!!! I love mad max and I think I have a lot to plan for this one 😏 I actually want to probably make the read like who’s has a couple of mates in this story to make it interesting if you know what I mean 😋
Thank you for sending in your request! If you have anymore ideas or questions just send them through!
Theme : Madmax x Twisted metal
( it sounds so cool not gonna lie )
Twisted metal Yandere!Sweet tooth x Fem! Reader
Pronouns : She / Her
!Warnings ! : Fighting, blood, mentions of glore, Yandere behaviour, Explosions and more!
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- Y/N and her mates were well know since she has been through fights and wars between groups of other well known people
- She was a complete badass with her mates and no one stood a chance with them
- Until Y/N’s mates and herself decided to have a break and talk while sitting down outside their cars
- They heard a car noise in the distance so they all got in their cars and loaded the guns on their vehicles and everything
- Y/N was to busy on fixing this one problem in her car and she heard the car stop and she looked up and saw a clown
- Her mates and herself started to back up while the clown car started to move slowly and it brought out a gun from. Aside of the vehicle and it started loading
- Y/N looked at her mates to see if they were all right, they were and they were discussing on how to get this Killer clown down until…
- The friend she was talking to was shot in the head… Her blood everywhere and some got on you due to her head was fully gone
- you were in shocked and you quickly looked at all of your friends and they panicked just as you were
- They started to shoot at him and he of course shot back but he never shot her though?…
- While the red dust was coming at them she had a plan so she climbed throughout her window onto the top of her car and tried to jump and made on top of his car
- her car was still shooting at his and she looked down at her f/n car and she watched it explode into little pieces and she was still alive but was brutally crushed by his car.
- you had tears going down your face due to seeing your two friends dying in front of you
- you looked over for the other one and they stopped their car and so did The clown
- You watched on what was happening and you were gonna bring out your gun but you left it in your car which stopped due to dust getting into your engine
- You were made at yourself because you didn’t have anything to defend yourself with or to save your friend
- you watched while tears rolled down your face
- Your last friend… F/n.. Brutally beaten and tortured, You couldn’t even recognise her face anymore…
- You quickly got off his truck since your plan didn’t work and you decide to run back to your car to get your guns and knifes
- Until you were pulled from behind By sweet tooth..
- You Yelled at him to get him off of you and you started kicking, screaming and punching to get out of this man’s grip
- It was no use though, he was stronger and more powerful…. You didn’t want to die…
- You had tears rolled down your face while you started to feel weak and limped
- he watched you settle down for a bit while you cried in his arms, He just smiled underneath his mask because he finally has you.. He finally gets to keep you.
- he brings you back to his big truck while we’re screaming and all tired.
- once he put you in the back and closed the door behind him, he grabbed a hold of your face while smear your friends blood on you too. He lifts up his mask and kisses your forehead and pulls it back die while you were sitting there
- in disgust and sadness, just have grief washed all over you since you didn’t have the time to mourn your friends death
- He talks to you and made sure that he didn’t hit you with any of his bullets which he didn’t, you were still confused on why he didn’t kill you
- You asked him in a cold tone, And he just replies all happy saying that he found his true love and he needs a goddess by his side and you were the one
- You told him, that he didn’t even know you…. Until he said “ Yes I do.. I have seen you everywhere and I have photos and maps on where you went and where you were. “
- When he showed you, you were shocked and confused and you just wanted to get out until when you were going to stand up and make a flee he grabbed you again and put you in the passenger seat and he put a chain around your ankle.
- You just wanted to see your friends again, but they died brutally in the hands of this clown
- All of the races you have done with them and fights were just nothing, you looked out of the window and all of their car was being filled with sand and dusk from the wind
- Your car was gone since sweet tooth started the car and ran over it
- While he drives he was so happy still smiling underneath his mask while his hand was on your thigh… ( which you did try to remove but couldn’t due to his grip)
- you were stuck with him for the past few years, months, weeks, days..
- He never hurt you though he did give you punishments if you ever tried escaping
- But although he did treat you like a princess and he would always be puppy tender to you, treating you gently and softly, but with anyone else he will be a big dickhead or a bully too them..
- One day he hopes you will fall in love with him forever… 🥰
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Thank you so much for requesting! I loved this and If you haven’t watched mad max, go and watch it! It’s really good!
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dwncata · 4 months
Hi I don't know how to format stuff to look nice I'll figure it out later shh but do y'all wanna see this delulu AU I made centered on Dottore and Boothill set in a universe where HSR Genshin and Cyberpunk elements are just thrown into a blender
Reposted from my AO3 fic, this will make no sense I'm sorry idk I like brainrotting about them a lot man nsmsbsjsb
--They're extremely ooc high-key I'm sorry lmao
Boothill glanced at his phone, then up at the barren, decrepit building before him, then back at his phone again. Yep, this was the place- even the rust stains on the walls matched. Felt more like an Abyss hideout than a ripper clinic, even bearing the warnings and rumors in mind- but he didn't exactly have many options.
He entered the building, and started descending the stairwell. This guy definitely knew how to keep himself away from people- even for someone who's seen hell up close and personal, the way metallic groans echoed around the space with every step gave him the creeps. Third floor down, there's supposed to be a door with the Fatui's emblem instead of a number... It was the only door on the floor, easy enough to find.
After few firm knocks, there was the light sound of footsteps before a disheveled man with blue hair slid the door open. He looked rather impatient, piercing red eyes boring into Boothill before he even spoke a word. "A patient, I'm assuming?"
The bags under his eyes felt like the result of long term unrest than a temporary sleep deprivation issue- For a ripper, the clothes he wore were very loose, tears and frays littering what looked like your average lower end jeans and tank top. Geometric flower designs were scrawled across his arms and chest as tattoos; yet even with such complex patterns, he had a concerning amount of scar tissue visible under the ink. Most of it seemed like burns, possibly chemical burns- but there were a few that seemed to be from knives or the like. This guy experienced a lot, that much you could tell at a glance.
Boothill gave a simple, upfront response. "Hopin' so. Y'see, I was askin' 'round these parts for a ripper who could help me with an... Unconventional request, if you catch my drift." The ripper let out a slight huff. "Specify, please." He spat the word out with annoyance, it seemed he was not one for beating around the bush.
"...Right. Wanna get myself as much chrome as 300k can buy. Was hopin' you'd help me figure out what works best for a guy like me, I'm not too keen on usin' blades or those heavy guns, y'know?"
The doctor's brow raised, unsure whether to feel skepticism or pity. "...You don't seem the wealthy type. Am I about to fuel a suicide mission?" He asked plainly, almost matter of fact- Boothill didn't quite know how to respond. Vengeance on a single target, no care in the world for after the fact- that was more or less the idea, he guessed.
Before he could piece together how to say it, the doctor continued. "Your response won't affect whether I do the work or not. I simply need to know if cyberpsychosis is a concern."
...Alright, he really just lays it out as is. "Well, I suppose I'd like to live after, but I won't wanna give up or risk losin' my target for anythin'." The doctor was silent for a second, then turned with a slight shake of his head. "Alright, sure. Come, then."
The "clinic" was the most bare bones place he could imagine. Operation chair, standing trays. A few organizers on counters for tools, and boxes further back with various cyberware. That was pretty much it.
However, he continued past, moving a curtain to a side room. Here, he kept his laptop, more storage boxes, and... There was an old couch, it was likely he slept here- That was all that was in the room.
"Take a seat, I'll be asking questions to see what'll work best for you." Boothill did just that, letting himself fall into the couch with a loud creak.
"Preferred weapons?"
Boothill answered easily, no hesitation. "I was a gunslinger before all this. Revolvers are my favorite- I could tell you all day about my preferences on those, but I'm guessin' that's not too relevant. But, when it comes down to someone in yer face, the boom of a shotgun's got its own charm- simple, effective, what more could ya need?" The doctor tilted his head slightly- as much as he's had his fair share of people who wouldn't shut up about themselves for the life of them, this client felt... Different? There was a certain air about the simple, yet genuine way he described his preferences, with a refreshing appreciation for the weapons themselves. It was a trivial difference, but... It was noticable enough, nonetheless.
"Heavy ranged preference, light-mid... Do you aim to enhance reactions or stamina more?"
"Probably reactions. If I'm gonna do this, I wanna get it done before too much backup arrives." ...Well, discreetness was very, very evidently not a factor with this one. Honestly, that just made it easier then. "Most people try to keep their intents private; but if you're gonna be so open anyways, I'll save us both time. What's your goal?"
Boothill sat up, taking the conversation a bit more at heart now. "I'm gonna pack some lead straight into Oswaldo Schneider's skull. I don't care what happens to me after then, but I will not let myself die until I see that motherfucker go with me."
Despite the heartfelt lament, the doctor's expression remained unchanged. "An IPC department head? I feel there's more issues on that plate aside from 'Weapons tune up.' Why him specifically? You know with them, it's the same shit regardless of whoever the bastard in front is."
The nomad shook his head, leaning back with a grimace. "Don't care. The orders given that destroyed my life were issued by the bastard. I don't got nothin' left, least I could do for myself at this point."
The doctor, not even looking through the cyberware on his screen anymore, wasn't sure how to proceed. He should just do the work, get his cut, and pretend he never saw this guy. None of this was his concern, and yet...
"...I don't think I can fulfill this request. There's too many variables and I can't properly define what your limit is in one shot. But I'll tell you what I can do." He typed up an estimate, summarizing a rather pricy operation; despite his half hearted word of caution on cyberpsychosis, this looked damn near a complete bodily rebuild.
Turning his laptop, he walked Boothill through his idea; a silhouette took form on his screen, text flying by as he explained. "90% of this is focused on reflexes, while giving as much smooth aiming as possible. A reinforced aluminum shell will leave you lighter on your feet, and you won't experience pain as much to slow you down. That being said, it'll be harder to tell when you've gone too far, and that won't take too many hits."
Boothill pointed the silhouette's head, which was a brighter red than the rest. "Wait, why so much in the brain? I don't do none of that netrunnin' stuff." The doctor rolled his eyes a bit with an exasperated sigh. "I could tell."
He pointed down along the silhouette's spine. "Your nerves all answer to your brain. The rest of the body isn't as bright because it's spread out, but your nerves will essentially be put on overclock. Your brain needs the ability to process that data and create responses at a matching pace, if it's gonna be useful. Though, I feel more of your interest would be here." He pointed at the silhouette's left arm. "EMP grenade launch system. Along with hand implants to create volatile tech weapon shots, and reduce recoil."
A toothy smile took its place on Boothill's face, but it fell as soon as he saw the cost- a little over 500,000 credits. "Hey, uh. I don't mean to be 'that guy', but when I said 300, I meant 300- I don't got another sum like that just sittin' around. It took a lot to get this together, y'know."
The doctor shook his head, lazily waving his hand. "I'm aware, that wasn't your price. That's the next part, consider this a bit of an experiment." He took the laptop back, and started typing again.
"Labor will be heavily discounted if you report back to me how you feel every now and then. I haven't met a client with this strong of a death wish; usually they're either begging for scraps, or have safety concerns of some kind. But you have the credits, so at the very least I'll be properly compensated for the hardware itself. Currently, you don't have much cyberware at all, so I can't say there's gonna be good results having it all put in you at once. I'm not moving anytime soon, and I'd assume you have no idea on Oswaldo's personal whereabouts yet?"
Boothill's eyes shifted a bit. "...Yeah. Got a few leads I'm followin', but since I managed to reach a good place with savin's, I figured gettin' chromed up sooner than later would speed that up a lil." The ripperdoc kept typing, explaining details and warnings of various cyberware he planned on implementing, in what stages, how often to check in... Boothill wasn't able to remember much of it, but he trusted he was in good enough hands.
"Alright, then. I'll do half labor, so 230,000 in total- including follow ups and the like. I'd assume you plan on paying it all upfront?" After all the technical jargon, Boothill had to focus in again to make sure he heard that right. "Wait- as in, that's the total total for everythin'? Runnin' yerself a lil dry there, aren'cha?" The doctor quietly sighed, crossing his arms in annoyance.
"I don't see why you'd want to pay extra, nor if you're truly in a position to do so- but I'll take any free credit you're offering." Boothill shook his head, growing slightly weary for the first time in all of this.
"That's like sayin' not to look a gift horse in the mouth. But you're right, we've got this far- is it really that dangerous?" The doctor shrugged. "I wouldn't say dangerous per se, more unknown than anything. Again, I expect you to return and report how you feel from time to time."
That was fine, then. He had a feeling there was something else influencing the ripper's choices right now... He'd have plenty of time to figure it out, though. "...Right. Could ya send me a text or somethin' to summarize it? Just to be safe, n' all."
The doctor replied, expressionless. "I had already planned to. You'll get a text from me later, save it under the name Zandik."
Boothill was surprised at the name- everyone who spoke of him used a title, "Il Dottore". Evidently, Zandik noticed his expression shift.
"Yes, consider it private knowledge or whatever you'd like; I don't normally have repeat clients, and I'd rather not be referred to as 'Doc' during follow ups."
Boothill glanced away, nodding awkwardly. "Ah- you got it, Zandik."
The doctor had already begun sifting through boxes- he waved his hand vaguely towards the other room. "Transfer the funds and lay on the chair, I'll be out in a bit."
It all felt a bit surreal, but hell, he wasn't complaining. Maybe he was jumping to conclusions, but he felt he was about to get the tune up of a lifetime- and his first friend in this new life.
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sotwk · 1 year
hey! i know you've probably answered some of this before, but which of your OCs is your favorite- whether your favorite to write, or to imagine headcanons for, or which has the character design/background you're most proud of or most looking forward to writing more of in the future?
Hello Anon! (Whether you're the same Anon who has asked me the other questions about my OCs or a new Anon altogether--I love you!)
I did answer a somewhat similar ask a while back where I babbled on about how I wish I had more courage to write and post stuff about Queen Maereth, my Elvenqueen, beloved Mother of the awesome Princes. She has a TON of history I meticulously interwove with Tolkien canon that I have written down only in notes. Alas, I am so terribly gun-shy about sharing them and I hope that, with a bit more encouragement from Readers (like you!), this will change soon.
But below the cut I will answer YOUR awesome question:
Favorite to write, or to imagine headcanons for: I genuinely cannot choose amongst the four OC princes which one I enjoy creating for because I can honestly say they inspire and excite me equally. What's so fun is that they're all different from each other, with their one common quality being they're all such GOOD GUYS. When I think of ideas for the 5 brothers (favorite food? hobbies? kissing style??), I go across the board, so they all have equal amounts of HC information in my notes.
Character design/background you're most proud of: Character design-wise, not necessarily most proud of, but I will admit Crown Prince Mirion is my favorite, purely as a matter of personal taste. I subconsciously based a lot of his characteristics on Hector of Troy, who is for me THE ultimate hero prince. Plus I gave him Henry Cavill (most beautiful man alive imho) for his face claim, so yeah--I kind of just created my ideal blorbo in this character.
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Most looking forward to writing more of: AH! So the funny thing I was just telling my friend @achromaticerebus earlier is, some Readers have commented on which of the OC Thranduilions they like best, and no one has yet chosen Prince Turhir as their favorite. I am not at all offended by this (neither would Turhir really; he could care less about being popular), but I do find it amusing since Turhir is the most like Thranduil in both personality and interests. Everything I have written so far about Turhir shows him as a hardened warrior who's colder than his brothers, so I look forward to showing the softer (in)side that's actually pretty sexy. I think he's the type of person you just need to get to know before you fall head-over-heels for them. Did I mention his face claim is Sam Heughan, Jamie from Outlander?
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Bonus writer secret!
I have been toying around with ideas for a possible (possible only, cannot stress that enough, I am afraid to promise anything, lol!) multi-chapter story that places a female OC or Reader in "Golden Age" Woodland Realm, where the lucky lady gets to hang out with the entire Royal Family and their household. Turhir is my top choice to be the leading prince in this story and the potential romantic interest.
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rose-pearls · 1 year
I’m back lol! I’m glad you liked my ideas 😂🩷 you gave me approval of more content ideas
This is based off of the pic I tagged you.. Y/n and Mav got into bc of a boyfriend she had that was keeping from them. Two Navy dads that are legendary badasses is a little complicated. They don’t like that their princess got over boys having cooties all except brad. Bradley accidentally blurts out she has a boyfriend. IceMav stopped what they’re doing and look at her for more contexts.
Y/n is pretty much backed into a wall at this point bc she thought running would be better. Or she thought about smacking Brads head on the table. So she tells them she is talking to a boy. Ice is like well you are 16 it was bound to happen. But he better know we’ll come after him. All the fly boys will kill over the mini iceman. Maverick is like oh hell no! Boys are gross, he thinks back to all the stuff he did with Penny and Charlie. Is like no no, teenage boys are the worst. Mav has his hands on his hips and is telling Yn to blow that boy off and focus on school. Of course she has his short temper and thinks that boy is Prince Charming. Later on that week Mav comes home to see her on the couch crying into the pillow as brad rubs her back and tells her he’s sorry that boy was mean. Of course his heartbreaks for his princess, he tells Bradley to go study and he sits on the floor and pets her head.
Now baby Icemav✨
Y/n is Tom Kazansky made over, attitude and all. Even down to the facial expressions, the bitchy face too 😂 so she is a huge daddy’s girl, follows him around like a lost puppy. She said Ice as her first word and he about died from cuteness. She only had one tooth and she shined it at him as he picked her up and kissed her chubby cheeks. But she took her first steps towards Maverick. Maverick definitely gave ice the bird when she fell on her knees at his feet. Ice knows he raises 3 kids at times.
So Y/n is about 3-4 when she has her first crush, It’s Hollywood. She liked his hair, she is the only that gets away with messing with his freshly geled hair. He chases her around the house, spinning her around like a jet. Shoulder rides that she thinks she’s controlling him by his hair. But one day she gets shy and hides behind Ice’s leg, everyone is like you know him baby that’s uncle Holly. Little Y/n has taste I give her that bc Hollywood is so pretty 😫
Ice had to drag Maverick to the car after they dropped her off at kindergarten. There was a pregnant mom that didn’t cry as much as Mav did that. But Maverick picked her up and she made a drawing of him and her in his jet. She knocked a girl down to get to her pops that day. He even brought Ser Lance a lot he was waiting in the car for her with her dad. They take her to get ice cream and play in the park to celebrate her big day. Baby Icemav has separation anxiety from her daddies, totally not their fault. They carried her around constantly and gave her kisses.
Ice was probably a commander at this point, he was gone teaching Top gun students, doing other big navy people things(idk man he’s busy). He has one Saturday off for once, so he wakes up and gets Y/n and Lance out of her bed. He sits in her high chair and turns on the radio and gets stuff for pancakes. Birthday cake pancakes, that Slider got her on when she stayed with him and his wife one weekend. Y/n is like Mav and needs 5-10 minutes to process she’s alive even at this little age. But soon she is laughing as ice is singing into the spatula to Louis Louis, Mav has Bradley in his arms has he comes down the stairs.
“Hi Princess. Is your daddy funny?” He kissed her head as he sat Bradley down. Y/n is looking at Ice at every movement he does, smiling and giggling. She kicks her feet telling Mav to let her out, he does and she runs up to ice and looks at him to pick her up. The little grabby hands and cute smile.. he picks her up and let’s her stir the batter, she thinks she made breakfast for everyone. Everyone is a major sucker for baby Icemav and they know it.
Viper is still at top gun when ice starts teaching. There’s was one time the babysitter got sick and Mav was on a mission. So Ice packed her things and walked into work with her on his hips. It’s just her and ice in a classroom as he gets his stuff ready for the day. Viper comes to check on ice like every morning, to his surprise a mini ice is sitting on the desk with a highlighter in her mouth
“Extra co pilot, ice?” Viper asked with a smile
“I’m sorry sir, the baby sitter is sick and Mav is-“
“It’s okay I understand. I’ll watch her so you can teach still. She’ll be a cute distraction but I can have pilots being over her and not in the sky” viper smiled as he took the highlighter from her
“She’s teething, sorry” Ice said hiding his blush of embarrassment
Later on Ice sees Viper’s office is pitch black besides the white glow, he walks in and turns the lights on. To see Viper, Jester and his baby girl watching all dogs go to heaven. Jester and viper are crying because it’s where the doggies go to heaven. Baby ice is hugging viper as she cried because they were crying. Ice laughs at his superiors before walking over to grab Y/n but she hides into Viper’s side then getting distracted by his golden wings on his right peck
“Uh Y/n you traitor” Ice looked at offended
“Vip” she looks at him and pats Vipers stomach making him and jester laugh. They remember Tom as Iceman not this soft dad who is jealous his baby wants someone else attention. Y/n and Ice are close so she kinda sensed her daddy was jealous so she hopped down from viper and tapped on his knee
“Up” she shined her blue eyes at him. Iceman melted instantly at her picking her up and kissing her cheeks. Jester and Viper smile at the pair.
“Bring her back, we’re gonna start Snow White” Jester smiled
Y/n waved bye bye at the older men and wrapped her arms around ices neck. Y/n has the whole base on their knees before she goes home. Toms students asked if she could come back on Fridays if they did good on hops
So glad that you are back!! And I still love all of your writing, I'm starting to think you should write this fic hahaha!
First of all Maverick would be dramatic about her being interested into boys while Ice would try to hide it but he is probably already searching up the boy. And he would definitely have his hands on his hips!
Maverick crying at daycare is definitely something that happened while Ice cried in the car, trying to say he was fine with it!
She would definitely have a crush on one of the flyboys and Hollywood is such a good choice, she has good taste! I feel like Slider would tease IceMav about it constantly!
Viper loves little IceMav from the moment he met her and he always told Maverick and Ice to bring her to work so that he could see her. He always believed she would be a great pilot one day!
Ice tries to hide it but we all know he wants to be the center of her world, especially when she was a baby and she followed him everywhere. Even now it's difficult for him to think that she isn't that little girl anymore.
Thank you again for all of this I loved reading it and it gives me so much more ideas for her background! I'll be sure to give you credit for all of this!!
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