#totally going to mordor
find-the-path · 3 months
Demonstrably Haunted! Ithilien Rangers my beloveds 🥺
[For this ask game]
Demonstrably Haunted it is! I am finally dragging this old wip out of the dust thank to these asks, and it is dragging up a lot of dregs with it. Here's a bit:
Even warned, Artamir nearly jumped out of his skin when the low sound rose, haunting and hollow. The orcs all startled together, glancing at each other nervously. Rhadrog’s horn moaned unfathomably deep for stretching seconds in the windswept ruins; it drifted through the dust and rattled bones as a gale. Then it shrieked--- sharp and furious at the intruders, it roared!
Rhadrog had closed his eyes to better concentrate, and Artamir had his hands clapped over his ears against the painful sound, but Mincham kept his gaze upon the too-curious orcs. Wary at the moaning, they now screamed at the shrieking; they threw their weapons to the dirt and fled, one crashing headlong into an old pillar in its haste to flee.
Haerondir’s trick horn died as slowly as it had begun, with a final croaking cry that echoed in their ears.
“Well?” Rhadrog prompted with a grin once he’d gotten his breath back.
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stevesbipanic · 7 months
@steddielovemonth Day 11: Love is secretly studying up on the nerd shit he’s into @sparklyslug
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If you'd have told Eddie of a year ago that the Steve Harrington, King Steve, swim team and basketball captain, and known laundry basket thrower, was a nerd he'd have laughed in your face.
Honestly, he'd have believed you more of you'd told him Steve was bisexual and would soon be Eddie's boyfriend, both facts that threw Eddie for less of a loop than learning Steve knew the difference between Star Wars and Star Trek.
"I work at a video store Eddie, it would be hard not to know."
Eddie would believe him but his darling boyfriend knew a lot for facts he didn't expect from the beautiful brunette. Like how he knew what an owlbear was when he was rambling his campaign plans in bed one night.
"I knew the kids before you, some of it must've stuck."
Or how he knew what Metroid was when the machine came to the arcade that summer.
"The kids are always talking about new little things they want Max to try and win."
Or when Eddie was telling a story about stargazing and Steve mentioned Halley's comet from earlier in the year.
"It was on the news, Eds, not gonna miss a thing like that."
Steve had lots of explanations but now here Eddie was, unpacking boxes in Steve and Robin's new apartment and staring at work copies of The Hobbit and the Lord of the Rings books. He lent over checking the side again, no that definitely says Steve's Room in big bold letters.
He placed the books on the shelf with a small smile on his face. Later, curled up in the new bed in the new room he asked, "I thought you didn't know what Mordor was, Stevie. Have you been hiding nerdy shit from me all along?"
Steve had a soft blush forming on his face, "I didn't know, at the time..."
Eddie was now more intrigued, "Wow, getting book recommendations in the middle of the end of the world, baby, priorities."
Steve laughed, the sweet smile still on his face, "No, um, I bought them cause of you but not because of that."
"Oh yeah? Why?"
"They're your favourite books and I wanted to know what you were talking about anytime we hung out and mentioned it."
"Steve did you actually study just to try and impress me?"
"There's a monster manual on the shelf too."
Eddie giggled and pulled Steve closer, "Mmm talk nerd to me baby, so it wasn't just the kids you got it from."
"Oh they definitely helped, I think Dustin was going to scream when I asked him to explain the dice of your game."
Eddie looked at his boyfriend softly, no one had taken an interest in what he liked, unless they already liked it, Steve went out of his way to know Eddie, inside and out.
"I guess I should confess, I totally asked Wayne to explain to me the rules of any of the games you two watch on tv before you come over."
A brightness twinkled in Steve's eyes at the confession, "I love you."
"Love you too, baby, nerd or jock as long as you're mine."
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tired-fandom-ndn · 4 months
The really fun thing about Fantasy High is that the setting means that you can do crossovers with basically any high fantasy story (LOTR, Dungeon Meshi, etc) and it could make sense with just a bit of work because FH's whole thing is that it's set in a semi-modern urban fantasy country with cellphones (crystals) and cars and internet and diversity but the rest of the world is still a classic high fantasy with horse-drawn carriages and a lot of fantasy racism. These teens could go on a school-assigned quest to Mordor and take selfies with the Eye of Sauron and it would be totally reasonable in established FH canon.
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dfwbwfbbwfbwf · 2 months
The Noldor needed to return to Middle Earth.
This is a long one, so I put it under a Read More thing.
I was looking into the Doom of the Noldor, and why the Valar weren't interested in going after Morgoth after he murdered a guy, and I came across the rather reasonable argument that the Valar could only defeat Morgoth after he put a great deal of his influence into Arda, kind of like a giant One Ring, which would weaken him. Which is all fine and good, I guess.
(Not sure why they couldn't just do what they did in the War of the Powers and evacuate everyone out of Beleriand before sending Tulkas in, as that would be far more responsible than what they actually ended up doing, but I digress.)
So that's it then. The Valar plan to just sit around Valinor, chilling, while Morgoth essentially runs around Beleriand with a can of gasoline and a match. And, based off what I've read, it sounds like they were really just kind of doing nothing until Eärendil and Elwing showed up to buy protection. Or it does take three years to sail from southwest Beleriand to the Bay of Eldamar. (It took Eärendil eight total, and four of them were after Elwing showed up, and it is a long journey; there's a reason the Noldor went as far north as they could in Aman before attempting to sail.)
Here's a map for reference. Credit to Karen Wynn Fonstadt. The Helcaraxë is so tiny!
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Anyway, I'm going to give those who stayed in Valinor the benefit of the doubt and assume they spent 5 and a half centuries preparing for war.
(Even though the Noldor were plenty ready for it when they left, considering they annihilated Morgoth's army. Yeah, Fëanor died, but who could expect fire demons of nightmares to show up randomly?)
Sorry. I keep getting into tangents. The Valinorians prepare, get a signal from ... something, and sail across Belaegar to destroy Morgoth and save the Men, Elves, and Dwarves. Happy ever after, and the Flight of the Noldor was completely useless and pointless.
Except it wasn't.
Sure, most of that plan would've still worked as intended, except for the "save Men, Elves, and Dwarves" part. Beleriand would have been an utter wasteland by the time they got there without the Noldor's intervention. Morgoth might have conquered even more. Imagine if he got to Cuiviénen, the far south of Harad, even Hildórien.
"That's impossible, dfwbwfbbwfbwf. Even Morgoth couldn't have mustered up the strength to do that."
But is it impossible? Who would have been there to stop him?
Círdan's Falathrim were nearly exterminated, saved only due to Fëanor's intervention. Denethor died because Fëanor was too late. (By how much, it's unclear, but it happened the same Valerian Year, so maybe a few Sun Years. If Olwë had helped, and Uinen not slowed the Noldor, and Ulmo provided a way across, perhaps Denethor would have lived. But I suppose we'll never know.) Melian guarded Doriath with her Girdle, but Þingollo never sent anyone out to engage with Morgoth; he couldn't, because Doriath didn't stand a snowball's chance in Mordor. What Sindar and Nandor were trapped outside the Girdle were certainly no match for Morgoth's forces. I wouldn't be surprised if Morgoth conquered the entire continent (again, save Doriath, but Doriath is about as concerning to him as a mosquito bite) before Iþil rose for the first time. After all, it took him about 19-20 years to take over half the land, and he had about 27 to take the other half.
I don't imagine Morgoth would go after the Khazad, and I don't see the Khazad going after Morgoth. They'd close their doors to all, and Morgoth wouldn't have to worry about them.
Morgoth would still venture east and corrupt the newly awoken Men, and I think some would repent and travel west to become the Edain, but they would either remain in Middle Earth, or be destroyed and/or corrupted upon reaching Beleriand. There would be no Finrod to greet them, no Dorthonion or Brethil or Dor-Lómin for them to settle and thrive in. There would be no Beren, Dior, Elwing. There would be no Hador, Galdor, Huor, Tuor, Eärendil. No Elrond or Elros.
Morgoth would continue south and east. The Nandor and Avari would likely fall - I think the Silvans would be destroyed or subjugated first, as they probably have a smaller population. And with each civilization Morgoth conquers, he has more potential orcs.
I do think Morgoth would still develop his dragons. He's a reptile dad imo.
By the time the Valinorians arrive in this timeline, there's nothing TO save. Even if they manage to defeat Morgoth, it would take longer. More lives lost. More land sunk.
Do I think the Noldor were the only reason this didn't happen? No, but they were a very big one. Their first attack in the Dagor-nuin-Giliath decimated Morgoth's army, something that took him four and a half centuries to build up enough to fight with again. They guarded Beleriand against the northern menace. They made the continent a safe place for Elf, Man, and Dwarf to thrive, something the "King of Beleriand" couldn't accomplish, and the "King of Elves" Ingwë and "King of Arda" Manwë refused to try.
Do I think the original argument of the Valar waging a war of attrition against Morgoth makes sense? Yes. Do I think their plan would have worked? Depends how you define "worked" - they would have defeated Morgoth, but the cost would be too great. This is why Fëanáro was born: to save Beleriand. And even though he was only on the continent for a short time, he did just that. The Valar should have helped him, but they were, at best, foolish, at worst cowards.
Remember to thank a Fëanárion for your existence today.
... No one is going to read this, and if you did, you're insane. But I guess I'm insane for writing it. Have a cookie and milk. 🍪🥛
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silver-grasp · 4 months
I whine about this periodically but I might as well make a post with my citations, for the benefit of future reference: the line in the film version of The Two Towers, where one of the orcs yells "Looks like meat's back on the menu, boys!" after killing another orc or goblin is directly and dramatically opposite to what happens in more or less the same scene in the book, and in my opinion flattens an interesting aspect of the orcs and goblins in Lord of the Rings.
In chapter three of The Two Towers, "The Uruk-Hai," the force that attacked the Fellowship and kidnapped Merry and Pippin are made up of several different groups that don't entirely get along. One group is the Uruk-Hai from Isengard, led by Ugluk. Another is a group of goblins from Moria, who have come seeking revenge against the Fellowship and then intend to return. There's also Grishnakh, who seems to be a direct representative from Sauron's forces in Mordor. The groups quarrel over what to do next - Grishnakh wants the hobbits brought directly to Mordor, Ugluk (in nominal command) insists on bringing them to Isengard, the Moria group kind of just wants to go home. But in inciting others against Ugluk, Grishnakh says this:
Swine is it? How do you folk like being called swine by the muck-rakers of a dirty little wizard? It's orc-flesh they eat, I'll warrant.
This immediately starts a fight, weapons drawn, Ugluk's group kills several goblins before he regains control. But I have always found it significant that the accusation of cannibalism is part of the words that start that fight. Earlier in the conversation Ugluk brags that Saruman gives them "man's-flesh" to eat, so they clearly have no qualms about eating humans. But eating other orcs? Clearly enough of a taboo that it's (part of) a fight-starting insult, and I've always found that an interesting enough piece of worldbuilding that its total reversal in the films irritates me to no end.
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is it over now? (was it over then?)
part seven
part eight: i think about jumping off of very tall somethings
Eddie was fully convinced he had lost whatever remaining dignity he might have had when his friends had found him sunken into his beanbag chair with random detritus strewn around the room. He really thought he could not feel any lower than when Ronnie made it more obvious than necessary that she was picking her way through Eddie's junk to stick a hand into his nest and pull him out by his collar. He thought that was rock bottom, but being early for coffee with Robin and Nancy and having to wait with a cooling americano he spent way too much money on really gave that whole experience a run for its money.
Ronnie had suggested dming Robin and Nancy and testing the waters to see if they would be willing to broker some sort of reunion with Steve. Eddie stared at her like she had suggested he deliver the one ring to mordor alone; however, she obviously had a point since the newly announced couple suggested meeting up.
"Hey! Eddie! Sorry we're late!" Robin caught Eddie's attention as Nancy went to order.
"Oh, uh, no worries," Eddie fumbled, "I'm just happy you're here at all honest."
"I mean, Nance said it's only fair to hear you out but you were fucking brutal to my best friend, dude, so like the window to give you some grace is pretty fucking small," Robin answered.
"No, yeah totally understood. How do you want to do this?" Eddie asked.
"Why don't you just explain what happened from your side of things. From our angle, you look like kind of a douche but also I feel like maybe Steve didn't handle things great either? I dunno. I mean, you made him really happy, if we have a chance to fix that, I think I owe it to Steve, right?" Robin answered.
"Sure, yeah, no that makes sense," Eddie started as Nancy sat down with her and Robin's drinks.
"Keep going, Eddie, this is mostly Robin's thing anyway," Nancy prompted. She did not look quite as open to fixing things as Robin did and Eddie felt a little more nervous after he let himself relax in Robin's easy presence.
"For sure, so like obviously you know all of the like tabloid bullshit about Steve and whatever and like I kind of got it and understood but then without any warning I show up and Steve's like gorgeous and super successful ex was just on his couch and Steve isn't willing to explain? I mean that was pretty fucking hard to swallow," Eddie finished a little less certain of where he stood with Robin as she narrowed her eyes over her tea.
"So instead of trusting Steve and listening to him when he told you how much the tabloids have lied about him throughout his career you let the fact that I was present in his home be enough to trump years of what you all had built?" Nancy questioned. Eddie could see her journalism chops coming out.
"That's fair. I mean, I definitely acted without a lot of thought but like, why wouldn't you have looped me in? Did you guys not trust me?" Eddie asked still trying to figure out why he was left flat footed all those weeks ago.
"I think that might be on me," Robin piped up, "I was pretty nervous about coming out and I think Steve was being super protective and didn't want to ask me to come out to more people than I was wanting to. It's not that he didn't trust you, Eddie, it's that we had some pretty shitty years with different agents trying to push me in different directions and I think he just was sick of feeling like outside forces were making me move quicker than I was ready to. And it's not like you made it easy on him to reach out to you after. How was he supposed to respond when you blocked him on literally every platform?"
"I guess I didn't think he would want to explain or he'd try to like explain everything away even though it had seemed obvious at the time he was cheating on me," Eddie paused when both Robin and Nancy threw death glares across the table, "Jeez, I know now that was stupid but at the time it was the only rational I could see."
"I guess we should stop interrogating you, you do seem pretty serious, otherwise I don't think you would have agreed to meet both of us," Nancy jumped in.
"I really regret cutting him off like I did. I know I got way too in my head about everything immediately and just didn't give it time or let him respond," Eddie tried to sound as apologetic as he felt.
"We believe you, you two are both dinguses," Robin cut in, "more importantly, what are we going to do about that fucking song and how the hell do you propose apologizing for all the shit you stirred?"
"I thought we were done with the interrogation," Eddie held his hands up.
"Only about whether or not you're genuine, you still have to figure out how you are putting my bestie back together," Robin answered.
"So about that. I have a couple ideas. One, I feel like a song got us into this mess and my label wants more music anyways so I am kind of thinking of an apology song. The rest of my band has actually started workshopping some stuff with me to try to put it together as soon as we can. I'm kind of hoping to release it before Steve gets back so we are a bit under the clock," Eddie began, "And second, that's where I was kind of hoping you guys could help. I don't want to like ambush the guy but I also don't know if Steve will be interested in meeting with me or like ready to start dating again. I was kind of hoping I could crash one of your movie nights? Maybe once Steve gets settled a bit more?"
"Steve is not the best with surprises," Robin thought aloud, "but that's not a no, it's a convince me."
"I just figure he'll be in his space and relaxed and he also fully has an out to have you kick me out if he isn't interested. If he is, I was kind of hoping you too would be willing to make yourselves scarce?" Eddie hoped that was enough.
Surprisingly, Nancy was the one to answer.
"I think we have a deal, Munson," Nancy stuck her hand out for Eddie to shake.
Eddie left the cafe feeling more hopeful than he had in some time.
part nine
@lololol-1234 @swimmingbirdrunningrock @zombiethingy @grtwdsmwhr @dreamercec @anne-bennett-cosplayer @strawberryyyenthusiast
@mensch-anthropos-human @kal-ology @ttyrussss @kristmkris @starman-jpg @wonderland-girl143-blog @child-of-cthulhu @legalmenace87 @adealwithher @practicallybegging @lunaraquaenby @stripey82
@lexyvey @goodolefashionedloverboi @mothmamhasyourlocation @mugloversonly @sherrylyn0628 @steddieinthesun @wonderland-girl143-blog @counting-dollars-counting-stars @bookworm0690
(if you wanna be tagged in future parts feel free to comment! happy to add people)
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cowboythighs · 1 year
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little alpha eddie finds lost omega steve in the woods while playing in the rain. his baby alpha instincts kick in and he decides he needs to protect this little lost sheep.
little alpha eddie finds lost omega steve in the woods while playing in the rain. his baby alpha instincts kick in and he decides he needs to protect this little lost sheep.
little alpha!eddie loved playing in the woods behind the trailer park. he knew that technically wayne had said he wasn’t supposed to go into the woods. but wayne had made that rule when he was a baby, and he was eight now! he was totally old enough to go on adventures by himself now!
he put on his oldest, dirtiest pair of tennis shoes (knowing if they got dirtier it wouldn’t be noticeable) and his rain jacket pulling the hood over his head and donning the role of strider setting off on his quest to find lost hobbits!
eddie splashed his way through the woods, pulling out his imaginary bow to shoot orca from trees and pulling out his invisible sword to fight off the ring wraiths! he was in the midst of a particularly fierce battle when he heard sniffling nearby.
eddie paused, listening, and heard the sound again. it was harder to smell in the rain, but if he tried really hard it was there- the faint smell of distressed omega.
eddie followed the sounds and smell to a massive fallen tree and found a little pup curled up underneath its shelter, crying quietly.
“hey,” eddie called out, approaching slowly, nose scrunching up as the distressed scent got stronger. the pup looked up, startled.
“it’s okay,” eddie assured him, squatting down a few feet away so that he was eye level with the little omega. “you don’t need to be scared. i’m eddie.”
“i’m steve,” the omega replied with a particularly big sniff. eddie wished he had a tissue.
“what are you doing out here all by yourself?” eddie asked, looking around and confirming that there were no adults around. “babies aren’t supposed to be in the woods by themselves. my uncle wayne told me so.”
steve looked up with a scowl, tears momentarily forgotten.
“i’m not a baby. i’m almost seven. and you’re by yourself too!”
eddie hummed in the way adults always did when he could tell they wanted to correct him but couldn’t be bothered.
“yeah, but i’m eight,” eddie said as if that settled things.
steve’s reply was cut off by a particularly fierce bout of shivering.
“you don’t have a jacket,” eddie pointed out. “you should go home and get one.”
“i can’t,” steve wailed, scenting heavily of despair, “i’m lost! i don’t know where home is and now i’ll never be able to find my nest again!”
“hey, it’s okay,” eddie scooted closer to throw his arm around steve’s shoulders. “it’s not like we’re in mordor or anything. this is just the Old Forest, we’re still close to the Shire.”
“the shire?” steve asked, confused.
“yeah, that means we’re not far from home, so you don’t need to be scared. plus i already killed off all the bad guys so we’re safe.”
“you killed bad guys?” steve looked shocked.
“it’s okay,” eddie assured him. “it’s just pretend. you can come home with me though, i’ll keep you safe! and when my uncle wayne gets home from work he can find your home! he’s really good at finding things. he finds my toys and my socks for me all the time!”
“okay,” steve sniffled through the last of his tears and stood up, and took eddie’s outstretched hand, ready to follow him all the way back to the Shire.
when they made it back to Forest Hills Trailer Park, eddie pulled steve into his trailer and helped him strip out of his wet clothes and put them in the washer with his own.
“you know how to do laundry?” steve asked sounding surprised, leaning in closer to smell eddie. “but aren’t you an alpha? my dad says alphas don’t do laundry.”
“your dad sounds like a bad alpha. sorry!” eddie quickly apologized. “my uncle wayne just says that alphas should be able to take care of themselves and their omega too.”
“woah,” steve said, looking at eddie in awe. “is your uncle an alpha?”
“no,” eddie said, leading steve to his room to pick out dry clothes. “he’s an omega. he’s also like, the best person ever. if you’re still scared we can take some toys and go lay in his nest. i’ve got action figures and race cars and teddy bears.”
“i’m not scared,” steve insisted putting on eddie’s too-big pajamas. “but i guess we could go lay in your uncles nest if you are.”
“okay, grab a toy and follow me.” eddie said, taking steve’s hand for good measure after he picked up eddie’s biggest teddy. he took steve right to the center of the nest, giggling when steve burrowed in and let out a little purr.
“it’s good, right?” eddie said as he breathed in deep. “uncle wayne smells like a campfire marshmallows.”
steve hummed his agreement. “you smell nice too. like cinnamon and christmas trees.”
eddie’s cheeks grew hot. “you smell better now. you were sour in the forest, but now you smell like an orange.”
steve blushed and hugged his teddy bear tighter. “can you hug me while i go to sleep? my nanny always hugs me until i go back to sleep when i have scary dreams.”
“sure,” eddie scoots closer and wraps his arms around steve, “you’re safe now. uncle wayne will be home soon and he can find your house. or you could just stay here and live with us! we could be friends. i’ve never had a friend before; i bet it’s even better than pretend ones!”
steve’s soft little snore was the only answer, but eddie didn’t need a reply. something in his chest clicked when he held steve and he knew that they’d have forever to talk once steve woke up, because steve was his and he was steves. eddie snuggled in closer and let his own sleepy lids flutter shut. he fell asleep wondering if steve would rather be legolas or frodo next time they ventured into the woods of middle earth; no doubt in his mind that they would share their next adventure together.
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wildsunscorpion · 5 months
you know what. if Gandalf had emphasized how powerful the ring is instead of just saying "magic rings shouldn't be used lightly" and didn't hurt Bilbo's pride by telling him "you're just a little fellow in this big wide world after all" (which is total jerk shit Gandalf really you're so fucking smart are you Bilbo didn't deserve those words), maybe Bilbo could have actually given him the ring and avoided the whole Frodo going to Mordor thing and the whole lord of the rings franchise.
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velvet4510 · 7 months
I cry when I think about Sam’s promise to never leave Frodo.
I cry when I think about how, in the book, the Elves say “don’t you leave him” as a concerned encouragement only because they know Frodo is being followed by Black Riders; they have no idea of the true gravity of the situation, or that these two hobbits will be going anywhere near the fortress of the Dark Lord himself.
I cry when I think about how Sam has already made up his mind completely when the Elves give him that advice, that he has already made the choice to go with Frodo anywhere, even the Moon, and to fight Black Riders for him. “Leave him????” the very idea is absurd to him already. He’s got it all figured out.
I cry when I think about how Sam doesn’t technically make his promise to the Elves; he makes it to Frodo, and more importantly, to himself. He just loves Frodo so much that he makes the promise to himself. “Never leave your master, that’s what you said, never, never!” Not what the Elves or Gandalf or anyone else said. What he himself said. What he vowed to himself for the sake of his greatest love.
I cry when I think about how, in the movie, Sam’s spoken excuse for his care for Frodo in the scene by the river is “I promised Gandalf,” but Sean Astin’s soulful performance reveals the aforementioned truth…in the boat scene all he says is “I made a promise,” he doesn’t say it was made to Gandalf….it’s the same as the book, he made the promise to himself…the emotion and love in his voice when he says “don’t you lose him and I don’t mean to”…a shy humble gardener’s way of saying “don’t you see? it’s not just about what a wizard told me to do, it’s about how I love you and I can’t lose you.” And Frodo’s reaction shows he registers this.
I cry when I think about how Sam keeps on choosing that promise over everything else, even his own safety, to the point where he directly goes against Frodo’s wishes for his safety and follows him to Mordor, not because anyone twisted his arm and forced him to do it, not because Frodo asked anything of him, but because he loves Frodo so much that he commits to his promise.
I cry when I think about how Sam’s promise is like a marriage vow, “in sickness and in health,” “for richer for poorer.” Even as Frodo grows sicker and sicker, even as Sam almost dies dozens of times, he honors this vow and proves what love really means.
I cry when I think about how Sam’s promise is the opposite of the forced obligation that many ignorant readers/viewers have claimed it to be (yes, i’ve read that claim, that he never wanted to go, that the whole time he secretly resented Frodo for taking him away from Rosie, what book did those numbskulls read???)…how Sam, in every version of the story, takes a mere encouragement made in total ignorance of what they will really be up against, and develops it into a personal vow based on pure love which ultimately gives him the strength to defeat Shelob one-on-one, storm an Orc-infested tower all by himself, and climb a giant mountain with an adult hobbit on his shoulders.
I cry when I think about how Sam’s promise is so much like a marriage vow that he cannot leave Frodo when Rosie reveals she wants to marry him, that he doesn’t marry Rosie until she agrees that they can still live with Frodo.
I cry when I think about how Sam’s promise lasts all his life into feeble old age, across decades of time and millions of miles, even when he knows Frodo is in good healing hands and his emotional support is no longer reliant on him alone … he still ultimately forsakes all that he has ever known to find Frodo in the West, because his promise, his love, is everlasting.
I cry when I think about how Sam proves that love is a choice, that the vows you make for a person are vows for yourself as much as that person. Why would you make such a vow? All that anyone else can do is encourage you to act on what you already feel. The choice is only yours. And you choose to make that vow when you truly love someone, as Sam does.
I cry when I think about how Sam proves that love is a promise.
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christinesficrecs · 11 months
Any recs where Talia or the hales absolutely hate stiles or disprove of their relationship? I’ve already read the searching ceremonies.
hedwig221b (don't feel awkward! 🩷) also had a fic that matches this ask. So, go read that as well if you're a fan of the angst.
The Happiest of All by Hedwig221b | 32.5K | Explicit
“It’s every wolf’s dream. To find a perfect mate, to procreate. It’s a necessity, it’s healthy. It’s in our blood; akin to the moon in the sky, a wolf belongs to their mate. And humans don’t have the capacity to become a mate.”“But I love him,” Stiles whispered, begged.Talia stayed silent for a couple of minutes.“That’s why you should understand it’s not healthy for him to be with you,” her words were simple and clear, like a piece of glass, but sharp all the same. “He will not find true happiness with you. You’re wasting his time. Preventing him from having a future he deserves.”
Also, compromised-emotionally suggested this one.
Down By Contact by standinginanicedress | 117.4K | Explicit
Lydia looks over her shoulder to look at Derek Hale again, then back to him. “He’s an asshole, you know.”
“You think I don’t know that?” Stiles is confused, furrowing his brow. “I’ve only spent the last ten years of my life fighting with him.”
“Yeah, but, I mean, he’s an asshole,” she draws the word out nice and long, as if it takes on a different meaning depending on exactly how she says it. “No one who has ever dated or hooked up with that guy has ever had anything nice to say about him after the fact.”
“What do I care about that?”
She looks at him. It’s that all-knowing, all-seeing gaze, like the eye of Mordor. Stiles feels tiny under its wrath, so he looks away and stares down at his beer can, traces the design with his thumb. “I know you, Stiles Stilinski.”
“Not really. We only dated for, like, five months.”
With a snort, totally uncharacteristic of her and something she would never do sober, she rolls her eyes. “Gee, I wonder why.”
Hmmm. Not really, but here are a few.
Divided We Stand by  KouriArashi | 156.7K
Derek is being pressured by his family to pick a mate, and somehow stumbles into a choice that they didn’t expect and aren’t sure they approve of….
A Pair of Shoes by ReedMeme | 5.7K | Explicit
He was the human boyfriend. A lot of them don't really approve. Of course his boyfriend had to have a huge family. Which makes sense with the whole Werewolf thing, he supposes. But once in a while, Stiles still wishes he knew that before falling abso-fucking-lutely head over heels for Derek Hale.
Hello, Heartbreaker by  astoryaboutwar | 18.4K
Stiles and Derek have been fuckbuddies for a while when Derek loses his memories of the past three years - and them - in an accident.
Talk Me Down by SylvieW | 26.3K | Mature
After the Hale family narrowly escapes the fire, Derek moves to New York to escape their lingering resentment. There, he meets Stiles, and feels an instant connection to him, but their relationship, and Derek’s self worth is tested by the hurdles Derek’s pack throws at them
I Would Fake Forever With You by Halevetica | 53.9K
Derek Hale is the black sheep of the family, always has been. That’s why he moved to Seattle. Now he’s got a job he loves, a nice apartment with an incredibly hot and endearing neighbor, Stiles Stilinski. One night when Derek’s overly large and demanding family shows up early for their yearly visit, they run into Stiles, who is accidentally introduced as Derek’s boyfriend.
Taught by Experts by unpossible | 29K
“Let me get this straight,” Stiles says. “You’re going to be publicly dating someone else.”
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panimoonchild · 5 months
In the democratic world is "Never again", in the Russian world - "We can and will proudly repeat"
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Attacked electricity generation and transmission facilities in Poltava, Kirovohrad, Zaporizhzhia, Lviv, Ivano-Frankivsk, and Vinnytsia regions.
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I urgently recommend you to watch Zelenskyy's speech. I was literally crying from the start. I even downloaded video but Tumblr once again crushed for me. I'm sorry.
Back to modern time.
At night, Russians attacked three DTEK thermal power plants. The equipment was seriously damaged.
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This is the fifth massive shelling of the company's energy facilities in the last month and a half.
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In the Kyiv region, 13 private buildings were destroyed and damaged as a result of the night shelling. Debris fell in four districts of the region.
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In the Lviv region, the occupiers attacked a gas storage facility in Stryi district and a thermal power plant in Chervonohrad district.
An 8-year-old child was injured in Kirovohrad region. A critical infrastructure facility was damaged in the region, and 13 houses were destroyed.
At night, on May 8, at 02:42, in Kharkiv, air defense forces shot down two Shaheds in the northern part of the city. No damage and no casualties - HOVA.
About 15 settlements of the Kharkiv region were hit by enemy artillery and mortar attacks: Sinkivka, Stepova Novoselivka, Berestove, and others. Dvorichanske and Sinkivka came under aerial bombardment.
17:00 с. Kucherivka, Kupyansk district. A private house was burning as a result of the shelling.
May 7, 09:30 a.m. Cherkaski Tyshky, Kharkiv district. The roofs of two private houses were damaged as a result of hostile shelling.
Ukrainian troops repelled 16 attacks in the Kupyansk sector over the last day, including in the areas of Sinkivka, Pishchane, and Berestove in Kharkiv region.
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The Ukrainian Air Force destroyed 39/55 missiles and 20/21 UAVs:
▪️ 0/1 X-47M2 Kinzhal aerial ballistic missiles;
▪️ 0/2 Iskander-M ballistic missiles;
▪️ 4/4 Kalibr cruise missiles;
▪️ 33/45 X-101/X-555 cruise missiles;
▪️ 0/1 Iskander-K cruise missiles;
▪️ 2/2 X-59/X-69 guided missiles;
▪️ 20/21 Shahed-131/136 strike UAVs.
Thanks to the Air Force, I woke up today. And I even had the luxury of not having to go to the corridor, even though my region was under attack.
Back to World War II.
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Photos from AFUStratCom.
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#Mordor On this day in 1941, representatives of the Allied Wehrmacht were invited to a parade in Moscow. World War II had been going on for 1 year and 8 months.
Modern time:
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On this day in 2014, Ukrainian miners spoke about the torture of the Russian occupiers in Donetsk and showed a tattoo that was almost cut off by a light bulb.
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Russia never changed. Russia never learned.
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Total victory and liberation of Ukraine is the only possible scenario for peace.
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sgiandubh · 11 months
And kia... ora (?!) to New Zealand, like you've never seen it before 🤭
Just listened to Monica Gleberman's latest podcast with S. Twice. I can only urge you to do the same: it's 19 minutes long and well.. I'd just love to read your thoughts on it. By the way, I had no idea the woman even existed (happens a lot in SC world, at least to me) before she chimed in with indignation, you know... the Palestine Letter, and such.
But first, my short assessment, of course. By the way, this was recorded, I think, on November 1st, based on this X post:
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Showbiz being showbiz, all grudge is now forgotten and you can listen to the podcast on Spotify, here (no subscription needed, of course):
OK, I honestly think her voice and her completely clueless, torrential debit are totally meh, but maybe that's just me. She made me think of one of those Tupperware representatives, always eager (hungry?) to sell something to you and do it quick, drug-dealer style. Some in Mordor thought she was drunk on the job (a half-emptied bottle of SS Gin was emphatically mentioned at least twice during the interview) - as usually, no humor and nasty.
I just think she was just acting too cool for school and #silly, with a severe case of ovaries going...
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... on top.
Straight off the bat, the OTT praise is on steroids: how amazing S is, how he never changed, 'same sweetest person and like an amazing human being and friend to talk to and I just love you'. Kill me now, but that was unnecessary - yet still useful, since it prompted this answer (02:54):
'Well, that's very kind of you to say, but I think that's not true...I think there's...there's a lot of smoke and mirrors, this is ALL fake, um...underneath, there's a completely different human being. I have a double, actually. I AM the double. Um.. no, it's been a great journey, I'm very lucky and yeah, it's [OL] given me a lot of opportunities, as well (...).'
Translation: I am joking, but not even joking, if you see what I mean.
You'd think that was casual banter? You might want to think twice. Like all Taureans, bless their heart, S always almost heavily insists, when he wants to make sure the message gets across (07:12):
MG: ' Soooo, I don't know what's true, what's not true, but I'm just gonna assume that, you know, you looove watercolor. So, what is your favorite watercolor painting to make?'
Huh? Did I get that right? The answer does not match the clumsy question. At all. But see/hear for yourself:
S:' Err, you know what, I mean, I actually do, I actually have a couple paintings.. um.. from a..an artist called James Morrison, he was a Scottish artist.. he.. he actually painted a lot around Scotland, but he also painted up in the Arctic... the Arctic Circle... I'm kind of obsessed with him, so yes, this actually,,, this is truth...damn, I didn't know you'd actually put truths in here, but, you know...'
MG: ' OK, so we're already breaking barriers, right? Like revealing secrets so that is... that is... true.'
I shall not comment this. I do not think it needs any translation, to be honest.
The 'illiterate' S is, apparently, a keen art connoisseur and how could it be otherwise, if you only think of his mum? And Morrison is not just your average Scottish watercolorist. If you care to check his Wikipedia page (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/James_Morrison_(artist), you'll find interesting things, like:
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His works can fetch at auction (here at Christie's in 2006), around...
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... and the recent (conservative) estimates are stable. You can check them here: https://www.invaluable.com/artist/morrison-james-1932-9fybkaiqbc/sold-at-auction-prices/. A very good investment, on a volatile, whimsical market (I know very well what I am talking about).
Surely enough, some of you will just hear that horrendous cackle and the flirt fest that totally goes south by the end of the podcast. But maybe - just maybe - if you listen a bit more carefully, you'd have a rare peek behind that damn mask.
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nanierose · 1 year
I honestly don't think that Orym wants to die and join Will and Derrig. Mainly because, even discounting Bell's Hells, he has a whole family in Zephrah who he loves. Orym was overjoyed seeing his Mum again, and look how happy he was to see the triplets and Nell. He has a home to come back to, and I don't believe Orym is someone who would put his family through that kind of grief again anyway. Sure he misses his husband and father deeply, but that's perfectly normal. He may expect to die, because they're fighting insanely powerful people, one of whom has already killed him, but it's not something he's aiming for. He still needs to get justice for Will and Derrig.
Someone recently said he's following a similar path to Frodo, Pippin, Sam and Merry. And they were totally right. Those 4 hobbits all knew death was a real possibility, but they also knew that despite their size they could help. They wanted to help. Merry and Pippin by fighting in battles, and Frodo and Sam by entering Mordor and destroying the Ring. They wanted to save the Shire and the people they loved, and to do that they had to put themselves in a situation where death was likely. Orym is going through the same thing.
Orym is still grieving, and recent events have brought those feelings to the surface again, but he's also full of love for his family/friends and delights in what life is giving him. Dancing with Eidolons, having his Mum's muffins, being named Saviour Blade of the Tempest, getting comfort from his best friend, realising Chetney made his favourite toys as a child. He is so much more than his grief, and I can't wait to see where his story goes.
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lostgirl14480 · 1 year
A Not So Common Fairy (Teaser)
Summary: you're a dark fairy from the upside-down and when you see that a gate is open, your curiosity gets the best of you.
- eddie munson x fairy!reader
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Nothing remotely interesting ever happened in this dimension. It was always dark with constant storms, which I didn't mind actually. But I always hoped something would change. Maybe a ray of sun, or the budding of a flower? But no, nothing beautiful ever came to this place...
So, when I got wind that Henry Creel was opening gates to another world, I decided it was time for me to leave this place in search of something more. There was nothing tying me here, only the memories of my family...
Without a second thought, I lift my multicolored wings and set off into the air, heading straight to an open gate. The only thing left behind is a small trail of black dust, but it is quickly swept away by the winds of the never-ending storms.
I emerge from the gate, and for the first time ever, I see the color green. Instead of the dark decaying plants from my dimension, this one is full of life! I stare in awe at all the green leaves on the trees, the moss growing on the ground, even the small river flowing along a path. I'm about to fly over to a particular budding flower when I hear voices coming from below me. Not trusting what the noise is from, I try shrinking myself, but for some reason, being in this dimension is limiting my magic. So instead, I perch myself on a branch just high enough to be out of sight but low enough to hear what is going on.
"We need to see If there's a gate around here, It's the only way we'll be able to find Vecna and free Max from his curse." Says one of the younger humans in the group. Vecna? Curse? Are they talking about Henry? How do they know about the gates?
Intrigued, I lean in closer from the branch I'm perched on and continue to listen to the conversation this group of humans are having.
"Dustin, have you even considered how dangerous this plan is? And Eddie is still wanted for murder, we can't just go walking around town looking for a gate!" Murder!? These humans are getting more interesting by the second.
"Steve, it's our only shot, I don't see any other options..." Dustin replies. "And besides, I think Eddie should have a say, since he's the one being chased by the whole town. So what do you say Eddie?"
The one who must be Eddie stands up and addresses the group. I take a moment to look him over, and I can't help but stare a little longer than I intended, there's just something about him that draws me in.
"I say, you're asking me to follow you into Mordor, which, if I'm totally straight with you I think is a really bad idea. But uh the Shire, the Shire is burning. So Mordor it is." I'm amazed at how brave these humans are, knowing how ruthless Henry, or I guess Vecna, can be. But I guess I have a lot to learn about this new dimension, and the humans who live here.
After agreeing on what Eddie said, the group all start to follow Dustin. Eddie trails behind, seemingly lost in thought and I take the time to admire his features. In Vecnas dimension, there really arn't any attractive males, or any human like creatures for that matter, so it's hard not to admire Eddie in this moment.
But I guess I didn't realize how intently I was looking and how much closer I was leaning over the branch to get a closer look, because all of a sudden, the branch I'm perched on cracks, and I fall a few feet before my wings are able to extend. I quickly fly up to another branch, higher up this time, and behind the trunk of the tree. But I'm sure I felt eyes on me for a split second...
"Eddie! What are you still doing back there?" Dustin calls out. The group is already a bit further along the path, but Eddie is stood at the base of the tree I'm hiding in, staring at the cracked branch.
I stay completely still, not sure If he's already seen me.
"I just, I thought I saw-" Eddie starts, but stops and shakes his head, turing back to follow the group. "Nevermind."
A/N: This is just a random idea that I thought of, not sure if it'll just be turned into a few imagines or if I'll make it into a story, haven't decided yet 😂 But I've been in an Eddie mood lately so there's plenty more where this came from 😁❤️‍🔥
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buffyfan145 · 2 months
So, I have been stalking following your posts related to RoP since quite some time. I hope you don't mind lol.
I would like to know your thoughts on this particular shot from the trailer.
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I know it appears like Elrond. It probably may turn out to be Elrond for all we know. But part of me is inclined to think that the trailer was edited on purpose to make us believe it's Elrond but it's actually a certain someone else whose scenes with Galadriel are meant to be a surprise 🤭
There's something so tender about the way those hands are caressing her face and that look in her eyes that makes me think it just can't be her bestie she is looking at.
That's totally fine. LOL 😀 Yeah, I did wonder for a bit if that was Sauron/Halbrand too. Especially since it looks to be Mordor and where Adar has Galadriel at in that picture of them eating. However, I don't think that is Charlie's hand and it does seem to match up with that shot of Elrond in the trailer too and we do know he launches a rescue mission to get her back from Adar. So it makes more sense that's who it is. But will point out we know now we're likely going to see Galadriel and Sauron's ability to talk and see each other mentally so it's possible Elrond wakes her up out of this state and that's what we're seeing in this frame. Who knows though, they could doctor the scene to make it look like Elrond too and the real scene plays in the episode, or maybe she's seeing both of them in this frame. It'll be interesting to see how this plays out.
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kinnoth · 9 months
The irony of Tolkien plundering Norse mythology to create Lord of the rings and then the MCU Thor franchise plundering the lotr movies to create a generic fantasy vibe.
The irony that MCU Thor borrows aesthetics from lotr as a source material but somehow missed the whole fucking moral and has recast Mordor as the protagonist
All the things that were supposed to elicit horror in lotr? They're good now actually
The horror of Sauron's ever-seeing eye, watching everything, knowing everything? Actually that's good, odin's ever-seeing eye is actually here for our protection
The horror of the empire that is trying to consolidate all the wealth and resources of all the lands into theirs? Asgard is a utopia, where resources are so easy and plentiful that they gild their walls in gold
The unnatural orcs of Mordor and the uruks of isengard, who understand nothing but violence, fighting and swarming at their enemy as if untouchable by fear or pain, spreading fear and pain wherever they go? Actually they're Asgardians now and that's their very noble warriors code actually
But yeah, the MCU is totally not an unsubtle vehicle for casual authoritarianism
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