#trans hatred
radykalny-feminizm · 7 months
Sometimes I wish to post something about my personal terrible experiences with men just to let other women who experienced the same things know that they're not alone & to warn young girls. But those experiences are still painful to me and I don't really want to expose myself and be vulnerable on this specific blog, where I get like 5 messages with death threats as soon as I turn anons on.
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onenakedfarmer · 1 year
Until a drag queen walks into an elementary school and beats 19 children to death with a copy of To Kill a Mockingbird, I think y'all are focusing on the wrong white sheets.
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gizdathemxel · 2 months
*gripping my hands so hard on a young trans persons shoulders that their bones are about to break*
do not log on to 4chan.com. do not get involved in passing olympics. you will always lose. do not put afab/amab/tma/tme in your bio, that is cisgender society trying to know your “real” gender. you do not exist to please cisgender people. there is no ‘right’ way to be trans. learn your goddamn history, listen to your elders. listen to other disenfranchised groups. listen to intersex people and check yourself for intersexism. listen to trans poc and check yourself for racism. listen to disabled people and check yourself for ableism. be open to learning always. labels are meant to fit you, not the other way around. you are not weird or predatory for simply being attracted to others. you’re fine if you’re not a skinny white twink or a barbie doll. you’re fine if your body is ‘weird’. you’re fine if you don’t have heavy or any dysphoria. it’s okay if you actually don’t want to transition or anything like that. life is worth living at any stage, you deserve to be happy. I SWEAR THAT YOU ARE OKAY!!!!!
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If Trump wins you’ll never see anything like this again.
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die-tenebris · 1 month
don't wanna derail the post I saw this discussion on- it was all in the notes anyway, so it certainly isn't op's problem. I'm gonna say this with so much love:
Calling somebody a 'theyfab' is not punching up. If someone's being transmisogynistic, say that, or call them a bigot. Naming the tangible harm done to you will always be the most effective thing to do.
The cis people who created that term made it with the explicit intent to mock and insult people's identities. No matter what you mean when you say it, this is its origin and to most people, its only meaning. It describes nothing about the discrimination you face.
People afab are marginalized, especially if they're queer. You cannot "punch up" on a fellow oppressed group. I understand the specific vitriol that they inflict on you hurts.
You don't need a word to call somebody, you need and deserve adequate justice for the tangible harm done to you; and my heart aches that nobody queer- especially trans women- ever seems to receive that.
I'm aware I can't make anybody do anything, so I'm not gonna try to tell you not to use that word. I just want to say it can't ever address, undo, or heal any harm done to you. It can only redirect it.
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aromanticduck · 6 months
Shoutout to trans Christians on this Easter Sunday and Transgender day of visibility. You are loved and cherished by God, who sees your true self and calls you by your true name.
I also want to send comfort to every trans person, religious or not, who has been hurt by religious transphobia. Hatred is not Godly, and you deserve so much better.
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communistkenobi · 1 year
Indeed, the media tends to not notice—or to outright ignore—trans men because they are unable to sensationalize them the way they do trans women without bringing masculinity itself into question. And in a world where modern psychology was founded upon the teaching that all young girls suffer from penis envy, most people think striving for masculinity seems like a perfectly reasonable goal. Author and sex activist Patrick Califia, who is a trans man, addresses this in his 1997 book Sex Changes: The Politics of Transgenderism: “It seems the world is still more titillated by ‘a man who wants to become a woman’ than it is by ‘a woman who wants to become a man.’ The first is scandalous, the latter is taken for granted. This reflects the very different levels of privilege men and women have in our society. Of course women want to be men, the general attitude seems to be, and of course they can't. And that's that.”
— Whipping Girl, p 46-47
I think this provides a really productive explanation for the common differences between the reactions trans men get from cis people versus what trans women generally get - we (transmascs) are pitiable misguided babies, led astray by aspirations we can never hope to achieve. This is obviously not a good state of affairs, and the “sympathy” we receive is just a pretext for cis people to extend greater control over our lives, but we are still given the benefit of doubt where our gendered “aspirations” are concerned (“of course you want to be a man! don’t we all?”), something that is never ever given to trans women
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chepib3 · 5 months
the one time jason and tim had a normal conversation was when tim saw jason's top surgery scars and he was like oh you too.... and jason was like i don't really talk about it but yes.. anyways they ended up having a very nice conversation about gender where tim said i don't really feel like a guy sometimes you know and jason recommended him like 15 books on queer history/literature and then they just parted ways and pretended like it never happened
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uncle-fruity · 2 months
Y'all know that "trans men don't suffer from significant oppression" is just the logical end point of the TERF belief that trans men transition to escape misogyny & sexism, right? Like, y'all realize how bullshit that is, right? That when you downplay and ignore and make assumptions about the experiences of trans men that you're just doing the work of transphobes who want to prove that we're "escaping" oppression to become oppressors. And surely that is not the hill you want to die on? Surely you care about trans people and have enough understanding of transphobia to know that you shouldn't take TERF talking points at face value and uncritically adopt them into your worldview, RIGHT? Surely you understand that oppression relies heavily on misrepresenting the group it's targeting and that the best way to combat that is to actually listen directly to the members of that group and get to know them as individuals, RIGHT? Surely you wouldn't shout down the throats of the trans men while they’re trying to speak on their pain and the effects of systemic oppression on their livelihood, RIGHT? RIGHT???
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uncanny-tranny · 9 months
The first mistake I see people make is assuming there are completely "nonviolent" ways to be transphobic. It seems like some people conceptualize transphobia as being either violent (which is always physical in some way) or nonviolent (which is "simple" emotional, verbal, or psychological abuse)
It seems, also, that people presume that when somebody has "noble" intentions for their transphobia - "I'm trying to save you!" for instance - it is suddenly nonviolent. Consider, though, how a transphobe would "save" a trans person. Would they allow that person to exist unadulterated (including being able to transition), or would they prefer to put them through conversion therapy, or revoke their access to bodily autonomy, or force them to have children, or anything that will prevent them from transition or even identifying as trans or otherwise tying them down with the obligations that prevent transition or identifying as trans?
There is no true "nonviolent" way to be transphobic because being transphobic relies on denying one the ability to autonomy and personhood. Fundamentally, even the transphobes who "want to save us" only do so in their own self-interest to save them from the horror of knowing that more people than they are alive and thriving.
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zerosuitsammi3 · 7 months
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I highly recommend to all of my trans brothers, sisters, and siblings to add this person to your block list. And despite the dysphoria it may cause to scroll their blog and expose yourself to the vile hatred included, I recommend doing that too so that you can also block the people that they interact with. Their blog is deeply intermixed with a larger TERF circle. A circle that a scrolls our tags and spend time actively harassing trans men and trans women. You will find a lot of blogs to block. Block them before they find you. Do not interact with this blog or any blog associated, they will use your interactions to fuel their hate rhetoric. Use the despicable blog as a tool to block a large swath of TERFs.
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a part of me died when I became a woman, and I'd fucking kill it again
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jilatos · 5 months
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body thoughts
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enby-mori · 7 months
Jason "The Pit gave me a fully functional transitioned body" Todd VS Bruce "The Pit undid my transition" Wayne
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lacefuneral · 1 year
every time i see one of those "there's too much positivity for feminine trans men. too much representation for trans men" i feel like i'm being gaslit
did anyone else live through the height of the truscum era? just me?
did anyone else have to lie to their therapists and show up to court in suits and wear a mask of Impenetrable Masculinity devoid of expression in order to survive. to go on hormones. to have surgery. to not get assaulted in bathrooms.
does anyone else have family members tell them they couldn't possibly be a man because of how feminine they are. or ask them if they're detransitioning every 5 minutes because they put nail polish on
being masculine is what is expected for men whether they are cis or trans. i get that your own internalized transphobia, in addition to unchecked misogyny (stemming from dysphoria) as well as femmephobia (which stems from toxic masculinity) is warping your world view where Big Femme is subjugating the mascs, but the issue here is not femmes.
the issue here is cis people infantilizing and emasculating you.
so instead of throwing us under the bus, next time consider not mentioning us at all. say what you actually mean. "i don't like how cis people depict us" or "i would like to see some more positivity for mascs"
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jawz · 5 days
i saw the tv glow is legitimately one of the stupidest, most tryhard movies i've ever seen in my entire life. absolute dogshit. and everyone is pretending it's the most lifechanging thing they've ever seen LOL give me a break! the gall to claim this is inspired by fucking DAVID LYNCH??? i can't
#fake 'deep' shit for ppl who watch steven universe every day#i truly didnt relate to anything onscreen despite it being sooo aimed at me in so many ways.#i'm also convinced the director is racist and ofc after reading hundreds of reviews. Not One mentions#the main character's race or the alienation of being mixed......... um.#i think people are getting Very Very Dumb overall.#and it;s no coincidence that prior to being embraced by actual trans ppl all i saw was a million NON TRANS ppl falling all over themselves#to be like OOOOOMGGGGG THIS IS THEEEEEEEE TRANS EXPERIENCE COMMITTED TO FILM!!!!1!!!#like god thank you so much for speaking on something you know nothing about !!!! <3#anyway the movie glorifies suicide more than pretty much anything ive ever heard of (including 13 reasons why)#and paints transness as Killing the Old Self. what a bleak and brutal thing to put onscreen and then CLAIM IS POSITIVE????#if this is aimed at kids (not sure if it rly is but it certainly would appeal to them and has the emotional maturity of a 14 yr old) then#its 100% going to inspire suicidal or self-injurious behavior. and it's insane and reckless as a filmmaker to craft this supposedly hauntin#and supposedly beautiful narrative where THE most important step is FUCKING KILLING YOURSELF. it's self hatred at the deepest level.#if anyone wants to shit talk this director with me lmk because that Worlds Fair movie is also some of the worst TRASH ive ever watched!!!#Amy Nicholson was spot-on abt it as always tho so i was vindicated by that
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