#trans jack barakat
infodumped · 10 months
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boys in vans got it so damn bad
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mosraev · 10 months
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Lyrics through the decade 2/10
I've decided to collect all the songs I've made through the last decade and share my favourite snippets with you guys. The pictures for the backgrounds will (as much as possible) be pictures I've taken the same year as the lyrics were written. The full lyrics may or may not be made official someday.
Part 2; 2014
In March 2014 I made my first song and so with the new found interest in songwriting I started experimenting a lot with different themes and moods of songwriting that I've tried to show here.
More info under the line
Stay creative, my fellow foxes 🦊💚
Song 1 (pic 1); Ray of Sunshine
First song I ever wrote with a very simple form of three verses in a row. I had tried to learn an ATL song on guitar yet in my failed attempt to learn the rhytmn I made a melody instead (very hard to sing but fun for what it is)
Featured lyric: Clouds outside are starting to gather
[and] my mind in as terrible weather.
Song 2 (pic 2); Female Dress Code
The second song I ever wrote and the first with a chorus - way more singable than RoS. I call it my 'Not Like Other Girls' song since I through the song describe this one girl I say is the opposite of me and how I don't understand women fashion.
Featured lyric: the best thing you can wear is a smile,
but has been hidden away for a while.
Song 3 (pic3); Instant Camera
A song about longing for a relationship (not autobiografical if I remember correctly). This song is special to me not in its themes but that I played it for the talent show at my high school and won first prize. I spend the money to buy a new guitar.
Featured lyric: As May turned to December,
We took photographs with your old instant camera
((Extended)) are you gonna burn them like orange autumn leaves?
Song 4 (pic4); Aubade
First song written on piano (and I made it a spanish intro because I could). As song about supporting a friend in need. Has some really cute lines in retrospect.
Featured lyric: Mirrorside lies! It reflects what eye sees not heart be.
Your flaws make you unique, and you're beautiful to me.
Song 5 (pic5); Train
An angst song. Written together with a friend that accidentally also came out as trans years later. It is a very angry song full of self dread and hate. Very teenager.
Featured lyric: I'll go down in history as another nobody
starring out in nowhere wasting time.
Song 6 (pic6); Corner
First song that I remember where I didn't make up a character to tell the story from but instead used my own experiences. Although some parts of it is half inspired by Perks of Being a Wallflower.
Feautured lyric: Observer. I'm lost in a world were I don't exist
((Extended)) no wonder why my voice's dismissed.
Song 7 (pic7); Stranger 7-10-8-1
Probably one of my strangest titles (pun intended) this song is about seeing the beauty in people around you and that we cannot know everybody's story. Also it is a cute little love song to all the strangers you might meet on your way.
Featured lyric: I have to say, you look good today.
We haven't met, but anyways
everybody's beautiful in their own way.
Song 8 (pic8); Not All Heroes Wear Capes Mine Plays Guitar
Can you tell that I liked Fall Out Boy and Panic! At the Disco from the sheer length of this title x'D? This was a song made and dedicated to one of my then favourite musician, Jack Barakat from All Time Low which is funny when I read it now since a few bits of the lyrics can be used to describe one of my favourite musicians today (Jere Pöyhönen aka Käärijä)
Featured lyric: He's a ticking time bomb filled with bad jokes and contagious joy
Honorable mention:
Flower bud, he trives on the stage tonight.
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pixiegrl · 3 years
You Are My Horizon
Jack comes to visit Rian at work. Rian's hopelessly in love.
Alright lets take it from the top:
Bet you never saw ATL fic coming from me? Well, here it is. Once again, this is part of a larger fic I'm writing. I'm blaming Rian's v-day thirst trap and Jack just being, you know, Jack for writing this. The only important thing to know going into this is that Rian and Jack are dating, Jack is trans, and that Rian works at a tattoo parlor owned by Ashton and Calum. The tattoo parlor is across from the flower show Luke (also trans) and Michael (non-binary) own.
Second: big thanks to @tigerteeff for whom I write all trans content. Thanks for listening to me yell about Trans Jack he is a special boy and I love him. Thanks to @lifewasradical @cakelftv @blackbutterfliescal and @staticsounds for listening to me yell about this fic (and the flower shop/tattoo parlor verse) and telling me how emo in a good way this is. I love you all dearly.
on ao3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/29500365
Rian’s sketching out the tattoo he’s designing when Jack comes into the back area of the parlor. He sighs dramatically, dropping himself into Rian’s lap and straddling him.
“Babe,” Jack whines.
“Hello to you too. Who’s watching Cam?”
“The puppy can be left alone for like an hour. I’ve been home all day. I missed you.”
“You saw me this morning.”
“That was hours ago. It’s like almost 5:00pm. I missed you,” Jack says, dropping his head down, resting it under Rian’s chin. Rian sighs, putting his pencil down and running his hands under Jack’s shirt. Jack sighs, pressing a kiss to Rian’s neck, easing into the touch. Rian likes Jack, all long legs and lean muscle, the contrast he is to Rian himself. He’s dyed his hair recently, a soft shade of blonde that contrasts with the dark hair of his beard. Rian remembers how excited Jack was about the beard when he started growing it, crowing that getting the hysterectomy finally helped him grow the hair that being on T didn’t. Jack’s painfully handsome these days, angled cheekbones and jaw framed by his beard, comfortable in his own skin. Jack has a soft smile on his face, as he pulls back, kissing Rian on the lips softly. 
They trade soft kisses for a few moments before Jack pulls back, grinning mischievously.
“No,” Rian says.
“You don’t even know what I was going to ask.”
“You may not suck my dick at my place of work.”
“Why not?”
“I’m not sanitizing the whole workstation.”
Jack sighs dramatically, flopping onto Rian, “But you have to do that anyway.”
“And I’m not letting you get this place dirty. Or risking someone walking in on us Jack, these are my co-workers.”
“Spoil sport,” Jack says. Rian huffs a laugh, letting Jack steal his snapback and put it on. He snuggles into Rian’s side, watching him sketch out the flowers.
“What’s this one?”
“Tattoo for a client. She wants a whole bouquet for flowers for her family.”
“Isn’t that Sierra’s thing? The flowers?”
“She wants it in watercolor.”
“So your speciality.”
“My speciality,” Rian says. Jack hums, getting a hand underneath Rian’s shirt, tracing his abs lightly as he keeps watching Rian. He has to be uncomfortable, at the angle he’s at but Jack makes no move to change his position.
“Why don’t you head home? I have to finish this sketch up and it’s not going to be very interesting for you,” Rian says, after Jack shifts for the fifth time in ten minutes.
“I don’t want to head home though. Wanna go with you.”
“You drove your car here Jack. You’d be going home without me anyway.”
“I don’t want to go home and wait around for you though. I want to wait here, with you. I want to spend time with you,” Jack says, pouting lightly. Rian sighs, heart soft. He ducks his head down pressing a kiss to Jack’s temple. Jack laughs, scrunching his nose up. He rests his head on Rian’s shoulder, watching as Rian works on the sketch around Jack’s long limbs.
“You know, I didn’t see myself being 32,” Jack says, just barely above a whisper. Rian stops what he’s doing, turning his attention to the boyfriend in his lap.
“What do you mean?”
“I don’t know. At 15 I didn’t see myself making it to 20. I was a depressed teen, self-harming because I hated the way I looked and that I couldn’t understand what was going on. I thought I’d kill myself before 20 trying to figure it out. Then, I was 20 and I couldn’t see myself at 25. I finally had the words to understand what I was feeling and who I was, but then you’re going through therapists and doctors, people are giving you papers and reports and explanations and telling you how much money it all is to just be yourself. I thought I’d die under the stress of it all, the constant feeling of just having to fight to be myself,” Jack says, shrugging. 
He picks at the edge of Rian’s shirt, pulling at a loose thread there, head resting on Rian’s shoulder, nose touching his neck. Rian puts his pencil down, stroking his hand over Jack’s back, letting Jack nuzzle into him. They sit there for a few moments in silence before Rian finally works up the courage to ask Jack his question.
“What about at 25?” Rian asks, soft, squeezing Jack’s hip lightly.
“I got the right therapist. I went on T. They finally approved things and I had the money for my top surgery. There was light at the end of the tunnel. And then I met you.”
“Yeah. I love who I am, don’t get me wrong. I love being trans and I love being myself and I’m happy with myself. It took me so long to get there, but I love myself. But it’s hard, when you’re two months out of top surgery, when your voice still cracks, when you’re worried about how everyone else will see you, to picture someone loving you the way you love yourself. Especially when they look like you,” Jack says. He tilts his head up, looking at Rian, eyes a little wet. Rian laughs, breathless, at the idea of it all. 
He remembers meeting Jack with the sort of clarity that only comes with the certainty of knowing that this is your person, with the knowledge to capture this moment, so you can tell your family, your friends, write it into your wedding vows, tell it to your children. Alex had invited him to the back to school brunch he hosted with Lisa every year before school started. Rian had grumbled about it, considering he’s not a teacher what does it matter, but Alex has insisted that as his oldest friend Rian should come (he found out later Alex had intentionally done it to try and set him and Jack up, but Rian can’t really be mad about it). He’d found Jack, with his grown out emo fringe and home dyed red hair, standing by the music, trying to hijack it to play Blink-182 and complaining that Alex never let him have his way. Rian had found himself hopelessly enamored, listening to Jack rant about music and the merits of not teaching Romeo and Juliet to bored teens when Shakespeare has better plays. Rian had been so caught up in what Jack was saying, he hadn’t even noticed brunch had ended until Alex kicked them both out. Brunch had led to late lunch, led to dinner, led to Rian taking Jack for ice cream just so he didn’t have to leave, giving Jack his number and waiting for a phone call. Rian doesn’t think there’s ever been a time he wasn’t enamored by Jack, hopelessly in love with him from the moment Jack had demanded to see Rian’s Blink-182 tattoo. 
“What do you mean someone who ‘look like me’?”
“Handsome, masculine, rugged. You’re a tattoo artist and you work out and you’re like the kind of guy I wanted to be when I was a teen except I’m not. I’m me and there’s nothing wrong with me, but like compared to you. I’m the dorky English teacher. I’m all tall and lanky and stuff.”
“I love dorky English teacher Jack.”
“I know you do. You look at me with such love and adoration it hurts sometimes. The first time you told me you loved me I went home and cried,” Jack says. He’s sitting up now, arms draped over Rian’s shoulders, tears in his eyes. Rian, reaches up, brushing them away. 
“You did what?” Rian asks, quiet.
“I cried. I cried because you were everything teenage Jack dreamed of and couldn’t have. You loved me and loved me and you didn’t care that my voice cracked or about the scars or about anything else that made me feel self-conscious at the time because it was new and fresh. The first time you called me your boyfriend I didn’t know what to do. I felt so special and loved. You just loved me and it felt so real. And I was 25 and for the first time, I could picture myself at 30, at 40, at 50 because I could picture my life, I could picture sharing my life with you. And now I’m 32 and I want to tell teenage Jack that it’s worth it, all the waiting is worth it because you’re here. You’re here and I love you so much Ri,” Jack says. He’s crying now, eyes red, nose red. Rian pulls him into a hug, realizes he’s crying too.
“Well, I love you. You’re a hurricane and I never expected to fall in love the way I did with you, but god did I. I was so worried that first day if I let you go home, if I let you leave, you’d forget all about me. Except you kept calling me and texting me and then you practically moved into my house and I didn’t want to let you go. We have a home, a life, a dog. It’s everything I pictured when I was 17 and realized I liked guys too.” 
“Guess we’re just stuck together,” Jack says, sniffling. Rian laughs, a little wet, pulling Jack into a hug. 
“Guess we are.” 
“Think Ash will let you leave early? I wanna go home now and I don’t wanna wait for you.” 
“Yeah. I don’t have any more appointments and I can take the sketches home.” 
“Good. I think we deserve some pizza and white claws,” Jack says, solemnly. He’s smiling though and Rian’s hopelessly in love with him.
It isn’t till the drive home, which Rian barely managed to get to because Jack kept kissing him against his car, refusing to just let Rian get in the car and drive home so they could have dinner and cuddle, that Rian wonders what’s stopping him from making this permanent. They live together, they have a dog, Jack’s all but told Rian he sees them as forever and Rian feels the same way. What’s stopping Rian from just proposing? 
He takes the thought with him for the next week, searching for rings on his off time, trying to get other people’s opinions on what Jack might like until Rian finally decides on a simple black band for the ring. He ends up in the flower shop the next week, deciding that Jack deserves nice flowers for a proposal.
Luke is at the counter, fixing up a floral arrangement when Rian comes in. He looks up, surprised, blushing a little. Rian’s not dumb, he knows Luke has a crush on him. He also knows Luke has a crush on Jack and a major crush on Ashton, so he’s pretty sure Luke is just falling for anyone he thinks is cute until Ashton finally kisses him.
“Rian, hi! What brings you in? More flowers for the shop?”
“Flowers for Jack. I want to propose and I thought the sweetest man deserved some flowers to go with it.”
Luke looks at Rian in awe, lips parted in an “o.” 
“You’re going to propose?” Luke whispers. Rian furrows his brow, confused at Luke’s surprise, until he remembers that Luke’s trans too. Luke’s trans and he’s probably having the same reaction Jack did the first time he and Rian went to pride and Jack saw other people like them together, the idea that they weren’t alone. It softens Rian’s heart even more. He gets the older brother affection Jack has for Luke and Michael, the need to care for them. It’s hard not to when Luke’s staring at him, all wide blue eyes and open wonder.
“Yeah. Figured my boyfriend of seven years deserves to be my husband forever. Have some roses for it?” Rian says. Luke beams, hurrying around the counter, pulling out red roses to make a bouquet, bouncing with excitement. It’s infectious, making Rian even more excited to propose to Jack, seeing how excited Luke is, smiling the whole time. Ashton let him out of work early too, so he could be home to make dinner with Jack when he gets back from school. 
Rian’s anxious the whole drive home, flowers in the passenger seat, tapping his hands nervously on the steering wheel. What if he’s overthinking this whole thing? What if he’s fucking up the best thing in his life by proposing? What if all the nice words Jack said don’t mean marriage, they just mean staying together? What if Rian’s about to make the stupidest decision of his life? 
Jack’s car is already in the driveway when Rian gets back. He wasn’t expecting Jack to beat him home. It makes the pit in his stomach open wider, makes him even more anxious. He drops his keys five times before he finally manages to get them into the lock and open the door. 
“Ri?” Jack calls when Rian’s through the door. Camden comes sprinting through the house, barking excitedly at Rian until he picks him up, holding him in one arm while trying to keep the roses out of the way. 
“Yeah. You’re home early.” 
“Took the rest of my shit home. Why the fuck should I grade bad essays on The Odyssey at my desk when I can grade them on our couch while you yell at Jeopardy.” 
“I don’t yell at Jeopardy,” Rian says, offended.  
“Yes you do babe,” Jack says. Rian drops his bag by the front of the kitchen, placing the flowers on the counter and Cam on the floor. Jack’s back is turned to him, watching the chicken quesadillas he’s making in the pan intensely. Rian sneaks up behind him, wrapping his arms around Jack’s waist and running his hands over Jack’s hip bones, resting his chin on Jack’s shoulder. Jack sighs, leaning back into the touch. 
“Hi,” Rian says softly, pressing a kiss to his bare shoulder.  
“Hi,” Jack says, turning his head to get a kiss from Rian. He glances over Rian’s shoulder, perking up when he notices the flowers on the counter. 
“You bought flowers?” 
“I did.” 
“For your other lover?” Jack teases, abandoning the pan to turn around in Rian’s arms, kiss him softly. Rian smiles, tugging Jack closer, kissing his lips, his neck. Jack laughs, squirming in his arms. 
“You can’t kiss me like that while I’m cooking. We’ll start a fire,” Jack says. Rian rolls his eyes, letting Jack play with his hair. 
“I missed you,” Rian says softly. Jack snorts. 
“It was only 8 hours babe,” he teases. 
“You didn’t text me today. I’m used to you texting me.” 
“The teens were being wild today. I don’t remember this much drama when I was their age,” Jack says. Rian rolls his eyes, pulls Jack in for a hug. 
Jack eventually wiggles from Rian’s hold, turning back to the stove. Camden’s flopped down next to them, sighing heavily. Rian swallows, hand in his pocket fingering the ring box. 
“Hey Jack?” 
“Will you marry me?” Rian asks, sinking to one knee, pulling the box out. 
“Very funny Ri,” Jack says, turning to face him. Whatever else he was going to say dies as he takes in the sight of Rian on the floor. 
“Will you marry me?” 
“Holy shit,” Jack breathes out. 
“I’m not the English teacher, but I have a whole speech planned. You know, the moment I met you, I knew. I saw you standing in the corner of Alex’s living room, yelling at him to pick better music and I knew. I wanted to commit everything to memory because that was the memory I wanted to tell everyone at our wedding. I’ve known since the minute you demanded to see my tattoo in front of everyone and practically stripped me shirtless that I wanted to marry you. You’re it for me Jack. When I was 17 and scared shitless at the idea that I liked men, I didn’t know what to do. I never felt confident or comfortable enough to come out, to be myself, to picture myself with someone like you. And then I met you and it’s all I could picture. You made me comfortable with myself, happy with myself. Your endless love and support and just being reminds me everyday how lucky I am to know you, to have met you, to have you love me. You’ve never given a shit about my depression or the way I am or my anxiety. You just remind me of brighter days, of the idea that I’m allowed to have this, to have your love. I can’t picture my life without you, without loving you. I want forever. So, will you marry me?” Rian asks. 
“Yes, what the fuck yes! Of course I’ll fucking...come here!” Jack shouts, dragging Rian up to him. He pulls Rian in for a kiss, bumped noses and teeth because they’re too excited to kiss properly. Jack leans back, tears running down his cheeks, smiling widely. 
“I was worried for a minute,” Rian jokes, pulling the ring from the box and sliding it onto Jack’s finger. Jack holds his hand out admiring it. 
“Like I would say no. Maybe all the coffee has fired your brain cells,” Jack teases. He turns to Rian, kissing him again, softer this time. 
“You never know.”
“Hell would freeze over before I said no to marrying you. You’re the love of my life,” he says, quietly. Rian smiles, pressing another kiss to his lips. 
“Hey, is something burning?” Rian asks after a few moments, when he realizes he smells smoke. 
“Oh shit!” Jack yells, turning frantically to fix the burning quesadillas, fanning the smoke to stop it from setting off the smoke detector. Rian laughs, helpless in the face of Jack’s panic, Camden’s distressed barking. It’s perfect, it’s everything Rian’s ever wanted in life. It’s everything he’s wanted since he met Jack at Alex’s brunch. It’s the life he’s always wanted.
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emo-band-imagines · 4 years
Alex gaskarth x ftm child reader
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You knew all the rules: Don't bind for more than 8 hours, don't sleep in a binder and most importantly don't bind with bandages. But when you're not out as trans yet and you badly want a flat chest you make silly disicions. One of those was to bind with bandages.
You knew it was wrong because of all the damage it causes but it felt so good slowly seeing your chest get flatter. But you couldn't keep it up much longer. You needed a binder. But that meant coming out to your dad.
Your dad had nothing against trans people or anyone for that matter but you were still scared.
But today was the day. You were going to come out.
You prepared your dad's favorite meal and carefully laid it on the table. You sat down anxiously picking at your nails waiting to hear the click of the front door.
You were so lost in your thoughts that you almost didn't hear the door. Your started to get more nervous as your heart your dad's footsteps loomed closer.
"Hey y/d/n" you cringed not wanting to be called that. Once Alex saw the dinner table neatly laid he grew suspicious. "what's all this for baby" you couldn't take it anymore.
"DON'T CALL ME THAT MY NAMES Y/N. I'M TRANS. I'M A BOY. I'm your son" Alex was shocked at your sudden outburst. He instantly walked over to you and hugged you tightly not wanting to let you go.
"I'm sorry" that's all you kept whispering to Alex.
"it's okay don't worry about it. I know that it must've been frustrating keeping all this bottled up. But I'm glad you told me" you broke down at Alex's words.
"tomorrow we'll go out and get your hair cut and buy you a binder, okay?"
You smiled through your tears and Alex wiped them away "okay".
The next day after you nad Alex went shopping, Alex invited his band over. Jack saw you and instantly screamed "y/d/n I haven't seen you in ages come give uncle Jacky a hug". At his words you began to cry. Jack insiantky hugged you asking what he'd done.
You told all the guys to sit down on the sofa. You took a deep breath in "I'm trans". They looked at you shocked then quickly gathered you into a hug basically telling you what Alex had told you.
"Let's order pizza and ice-cream and have a movie night" Rían suggested. So that's what you did and that's where you woke up in the morning asleep on Jack's shoulder.
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elliemaex · 5 years
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My first concert 💗
All Time Low - 16/3/17- Birmingham 02 Academy
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A beautiful moment from last night 🏳️‍🌈
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targarryen · 7 years
Help me out/PSA
A while ago I posted about a girl who called whitewashing “creative freedom”, the group where this happened has since been deleted - so I can not prove that, but this girl has further 1) Called my friend Charlie (@pennychains), who is transgender a “fake tranny” “transtrender” and a bunch of other slurs, all the whilst claiming she herself has a trans boyfriend and trying to get her IP-address by sending doxing links. 2) Is now saying Charlie is whitewashing a middle eastern character by using Jack Barakat, who is, guess what, Lebanese. 3) Said people with white skin are white ethnicity-wise too. 4) Uses Colton Haynes as fc and claimed “that’s not blackface” when I showed her instances of Colton doing blackface. And finally, 5) she is now claiming she has my & my friends IP addresses and is going to file a case against us for harassment and slander.
This is all on the website http://www.polyvore.com/ where her username is @brittsrpstuff. We are currently trying to get her reported for privacy violation due to the whole doxing situation, however, Polyvore doesn’t seem to take us seriously. If you have an account on this website, could you please help us out and report her too, she is not someone who should be on a website where minors are frequent guests, especially in the roleplaying community when she tries to dox people over an argument. Thank you.
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distances-explode · 7 years
Dirty Laundry (Jalex)
For @alltimefanfiction‘s Last Young Renegade writing contest.
I had about 57 different ideas for one-shots for this song, but I finally decided on this one mostly because there’s never enough fics with trans characters. I use way too many ellipses in this one but I’m kinda okay with it.
Dirty laundry is piling in her room…
 “What’s got you so excited today?” Jack whispers as the collection plates are passed around the sanctuary. The soft piano music just barely masks his words. If his family heard him talking during any part of the service, he would probably get his mother’s infamous evil eye for the rest of the day. However, he just has to know what has his usually calm, collected friend practically vibrating in his seat. “You haven’t stopped shaking your leg since you sat down!”
Alex shrugs, but a half smirk grows on his face. “I’m just in a really good mood today.” He replies as the music fades to a stop and the pastor begins his sermon.
Jack ignores the way his best friend flinches in just the slightest when he leans in close, his lips nearly touching Alex’s ear. “Nothing you want to share with even your bestest friend in the world?”
Alex is sure not to meet Jack’s gaze after this question. Blushing, he shoves Jack’s shoulder. After being as close as they are for as long as they have been, pushing one another’s buttons was second nature to the two. Jack was the ultimate master at figuring out All Things Alex, even better at reading him than his brother. And while Jack would certainly say this was one of the many awesome things about their friendship, Alex would describe it as more of a curse disguised as a blessing. “I’m sure you’ll find out after today. You’ll just have to be patient.”
“When have you ever seen me be patient?” Jack whines, alerting his family seated in the pew to their front of the conversation. The four glares suddenly staring them down freeze their words in their mouths. Although this cuts their conversation short for the time being, it has absolutely no control over their soft giggles once the Barakat family refocuses their attention to the front of the sanctuary.
As much as Alex wishes that’s the end of the conversation, he’s not in the least surprised when Jack starts talking again after the benediction as if there had never been a pause. “You have to at least give me a clue. Did you get a car?” Jack guesses.
Alex scoffs. Jack believes Alex is the only 18-year old in the world whose parents refuse to let him even look at the classifieds for a used car. “You know I wouldn’t have been able to keep something like that to myself.”
“Some other gift, then? Something huge and epic that you can share with the only person you actually like in this church?” Even though now they wouldn’t want to be friends with anyone else, the friendship between the boys started as more of a necessity than a desire. When Jack’s family joined the church after immigrating from Lebanon, Alex’s family was the first to welcome them. They were the ones to help the Barakats achieve citizenship and learn the most common English phrases. Because they were the same age, Jack and Alex were practically expected to be best friends by their parents. Jack wasn’t yet enrolled in school and Alex had never really connected with any of the kids in the church’s daycare, leaving them more or less stuck with one another. It wasn’t long before they realized their mutual love for Sesame Street and throwing gravel at their siblings, and from then on, they were inseparable.
“Somehow, I don’t think this is something you would want to share with me.” Alex winks, heading to the church basement where all the post-service refreshments are served.
Jack’s eyebrows furrow together for just a moment before his jaw drops and he races after his friend. “You got a girlfriend, didn’t you? You’ve been seeing her in secret and you’re finally going public about it!”
“Jesus, Jack!” Alex exclaims at his melodrama, shaking his head and laughing. “No, I don’t have a secret girlfriend. Your guesses are getting warmer, though.”
As they pile snack plates high with cookies and drink sugary fruit punch, the guessing game continues. While every guess certainly brings enjoyment to everyone within listening distance, Alex assures Jack that his guesses are off and he’s definitely not near the correct answer. When Alex’s parents come find him so they can leave, Jack is in full-on pout mode. “If you were really my friend, you’d just tell me.” He mumbles, crossing his arms.
Alex ruffles Jack’s hair while his parents laugh at the two. “I promise, I’ll tell you as soon as I see you again.” Jack groans. The two didn’t attend the same school, meaning Jack would likely have to wait an entire week until next Sunday’s church service to find out. As bull-headed as Alex is being about the whole situation, Jack doubts any amount of texts he sent the boy would get him to give in.
As the Gaskarths walk away, however, Jack smirks. There’s never any harm in trying.
 She’s got her secrets...
 “Alexander, get back in the house this instant! Pastor Myers will be here any minute, and it’s pouring rain out there!” Alex’s mother stands in the doorway, her face conveying something between anger and fear.
“I’m not doing it, mom! I don’t need his help, and I don’t need yours!” He doesn’t care that his screams are certainly loud enough to alert the neighbors, even over the pounding thunder.
“Alex, we’re doing this for you. Why can’t you see that? You know this isn’t okay. Let us make you better!”
“I’m not sick and I’m not broken. There’s nothing to change! I’m happy with myself, and as far as I’m concerned, so is God. Why can’t you see that?”
The tears in her fierce eyes tell Alex that this is a battle he’s losing. “Please, baby. Come back inside. Let us work this out.”
It’s a battle he’s losing, and he refuses to stick around and see the end of it. “No. If you can’t accept me, I’m leaving.” He says simply, turning and running off the property.
He expects her to follow him, get in her car and chase him until he comes back. However, as he reaches the end of the driveway, the front door slams shut, and when he turns back to look at the house, no one else is in sight.
 Jack’s front porch is the last place either boy expects Alex to end up. Jack is home alone, and when the doorbell rings he almost doesn’t answer it. However, it isn’t long before the ringing turns into knocking and before long Jack is too annoyed to ignore it. He’s ready to chew out whoever is on the other side of the door until he opens in and reveals his best friend whom he hasn’t seen in 3 weeks, dripping wet. “Alex? Your mom told me you were sick! Where have you been? No, wait, why are you here? Are...Are you crying?” The questions tumble from Jack’s mouth before he can even process them.
Alex sniffles, arms squeezing himself tight in a solo hug. “I-I ran away. I didn’t know where else to go. Your house was the first place I thought of.”
Jack’s eyes go wide, less worried that Alex ran away from his family and moreso concerned that it’s nearly 9 o’clock at night and Alex walked to his house in a thunderstorm wearing nothing but old jeans, a stained t-shirt, and a pair of sneakers which he’s currently holding in his hands. Alex’s house is at least a good five miles from Jack’s own, and on the opposite side of the tallest hill in town.
“Right, of course.” Jack tries to be welcoming, covering his confusion and worry with a soft smile. “Come in, you must be freezing. I’ll make us some hot chocolate.”
Alex bites his lip, hesitant. “I don’t know if you’ll want me here long. I ran away from my family for a reason and once I tell you why I don’t think you’ll want me to stay.”
Taken aback, Jack’s calm facade falters. “Why come here at all, then?”
Jack can barely tell the shrug he gives as an answer apart from the shivers racking his body. “You’re my best friend. I want you to hear what’s going on from me and I don’t want to find out you hate me through the grapevine.” The tears forming in Alex’s eyes hurt Jack more than he expects them to.
“Alex, please come inside.” Jack urges. “There’s not much you could say to me that would make me as upset with you as you seem to think I’ll be.” He steps out of the doorway, leaving Alex more than enough room to walk inside. As the boy finally gives in and steps inside the house, realization dawns on Jack. “This...whatever is going on, does it have to do with that secret you were hiding from me last time I saw you?”
If he had known the question would cause Alex’s sudden descent into tears, he never would have asked.
Nodding, Alex allows his head to fall into his hands. The shivers that once shook his shoulders have been overthrown by sobs as the dam once holding him together shattered. “I really thought everything would be okay when I told my parents, but they didn’t react like I expected them to. They hate me, Jack. They hate me.” He sobs, legs barely keeping him upright.
There’s approximately 200 questions Jack wants to ask in that moment, but none of them seem particularly sensitive to the crying boy’s position, so instead he does what he does best: he closes the distance between his best friend and himself and pulls Alex into a tight bear hug. He doesn’t even speak, knowing any reassurances he attempts to give will likely fall on deaf ears. And when Alex’s legs finally give out, Jack falls to the ground with him, not even loosening his grip around Alex’s frame. “I’ve got you, okay? Just take some deep breaths, please.” He coos, rubbing circles into Alex’s soaked shirt.
“I can’t. Not until I tell you. God, I thought it would be better if I waited to tell you, but every time I think about you not knowing I get a little breathless. I suck at keeping secrets from you.” Alex tries to pass this off as a joke, but when his voice cracks and tears cut him off at the end, Jack feels nothing but heartbreak.
“So tell me.” Jack says, swallowing back the lump in his throat that both makes him feel like he’s going to cry and vomit at the same time.
And Jack’s pretty sure that when he finally does hear the truth, just for a second, his heart stops.
“I’m transgender, Jack.”
 Yeah, I’ve got mine too…
 “You’re...trans?” Jack fails epically at trying to keep the shock out of his voice, and he can only hope he hasn’t already scared Alex back into his (her?) shell.
There’s a pause as Alex sniffles and wipes away tears. “Yeah...I’m trans.”
“As in male-to-female?”
Alex nods. “I’ve been trying to figure it out for a while, and I think I’ve finally come to terms with myself and who I am. Like, I knew consciously that God was okay with me being...you know...a girl...but with the way the church tries to convince us otherwise, I couldn’t make myself be okay with it. I still don’t know if I’m really comfortable with this whole thing yet, but I couldn’t keep it a secret any longer, and when I made the decision somehow it felt like a weight was lifted off my shoulders, like I could finally stand tall and proud again. This...this is me, and I thought my family would be happy for me. They’ve always been so supportive of everything and everyone and for them to not be alright with this - not be alright with me -” her voice catches in her throat and she suddenly finds it impossible to meet Jack’s now shining eyes, “They started paying Pastor Myers to our house every day to ‘convert’ me, Jack. No matter how many times I tell them I’m not broken or that I don’t want to change who I am, they refuse to listen. They think they know better and that this is something that can be cured with a few days of prayer. I can’t go back there, Jack. Please.” Alex’s voice has gone from being shrouded in fear to dripping with desperation. Given the fact that Jack hasn’t thrown her out of his house yet, or even withdrawn his arms from her body, she has to believe that he’s at the very least tolerant of the “transgender lifestyle,” as her parents had begun to call it.
“Alex,” Jack breathes, allowing his head to bend forward and rest on Alex’s shoulder. He hopes she can’t feel the hot tears coursing down his cheeks. “Of course you can stay here. You’re an adult, and my parents would love to have you.”
At the mention of parents, Alex’s breath falters. “But won’t they be upset with me, too? Our parents are best friends...don’t you think they would agree on something like this?”
Jack just barely allows laughter to bubble past his lips into the crook of Alex’s neck. “I have a second cousin who’s trans, and my parents were the first to congratulate him on coming out. You’ll have to remind me to introduce you to him sometime. His name’s Rian and he’s the best drummer you’ll ever meet. Not to mention my parents practically threw me a party when I came out to them.”
Now, Alex practically forces them apart so she can look Jack in the face and search for any signs of deception. “You had to come out?”
Smiles are being planted on both of the teens’ faces as Jack responds. “Yeah, I came out to my family about a year ago. I haven’t really told anyone because...well, you see why. But I’m bisexual, in case you were wondering.” Alex is quiet, unsure of how to answer. Jack seems to get it, though, not prodding her for her new opinions forming about Jack. He remembers after he came out, even though it was received well, the last thing he wanted to do was “talk about it.” By the time he had worked up the courage to be open about his sexuality, it was old news to him, a part of his personality that didn’t require any more discussion than any other aspect of himself.
 I don’t care about what you did, I only care about what we do…
 “You’re soaking wet.” Jack continues when it’s clear Alex is letting the conversation on that particular topic die. He lets her go and purposely ignores the pout Alex gives in response. “Hang here a second.” he says, running upstairs towards his bedroom.
When Jack returns a minute later, Alex has just barely managed to get on her feet. Jack holds out a bundle of pink and white cloth, leading her to raise an eyebrow. “Here. These are some of May’s older clothes. I don’t think she wears them anymore, and they might be a little tight on you, but they should fit. I thought even though we’re the same size, given the situation, you might be more comfortable in them.” Jack explains, practically forcing them into Alex’s arms.
Alex’s tears had been beginning to taper off, but this gesture does nothing but bring them back full force. This time, she is the one to initiate the hug between the two. She lets the clothes fall between them as she practically squeezes the breath out of her favorite person in the entire world. Cringing every time a whimper or sob escapes her mouth, she buries her head into Jack’s shoulder until she can find her self-control.
“Are you okay, Alex?” Jack whispers as the cries quiet down again.
The pause lasts so long that just before he gets an answer, he begins to think Alex didn’t hear him. “Would you mind if I asked you to call me something different?” The girl asks hesitantly. Even though she’s right there, Jack still has to strain to hear her. “I know Alex is a gender neutral name and all, but whenever I hear my name, I always want it to be more...feminine, I guess. I think it might have something to do with gender dysphoria, personally.” She rambles on longer than necessary. Jack thinks it might be because she’s afraid of the answer she’ll get.
In response, Jack tightens his own grip in the embrace. “Just tell me what you want to be called, and I’ll try my best to remember.” Even though he’s trying to be nothing but supportive, he can tell his best friend is still holding back. She’s stiff in his arms, the nervousness and stress keeping her strung tight. “Something else is bothering you.” He murmurs.
She shrugs, not even trying to deny it. “Don’t worry about it.”
“I’m pretty sure it’s my job as your best friend to worry about everything that makes you upset. Please, talk to me.”
“Jack…” She warns, but he refuses to back down.
“Whatever you think is going to upset me, it won’t. I want to help you, Alex; I want to be here for you but I can’t if you don’t let me.”
Jack just knows that Alex bites her lip before she answers. “That’s it, though. This whole thing...I’m going to change, Jack. I’m going to change a lot. I don’t like who I am, plain and simple. This is a chance to recreate myself. And what if,” her voice catches in her throat. “What if when I do change, you don’t want to be here for me? What if I become so different that you don’t like me anymore?”
“That’s not going to happen.” Jack scoffs. The idea that he would ever not care about Alex is absolutely absurd in his mind.
“You don’t know that!” Her voice rises.
“Yes, I do.” Jack soothes. He cuts her off when she opens her mouth again. “Shut up and let me talk.” Alex rolls her eyes, but allows him to continue uninterrupted. “Nothing you do is going to change who you are to me. You’re my favorite person in the world, okay? I literally couldn’t care less about your gender. I don’t care what your parents or my parents or the church or even God says. All that matters to me is that you’re safe and happy. And besides, it’s not like because you realizing you’re trans affects your personality. You’re still the same person I met when we were five who taught me my first English swear words. You’ll just wear thongs instead of boxers.”
Alex isn’t really sure why the end of Jack’s speech surprises her so much. His sense of humor has always been on the innappropriate side. Holding back her laughter, she slaps his back where her hands had been resting previously. “You’re an idiot.”
“Yeah, too bad you’re stuck with me, especially after that amazingly heartfelt speech.” He brags. Even though he’s joking, Alex can hear the sincerity in them. Jack’s told her he’s not going anywhere anytime soon, and despite her insecurities, she decides not to fight him. “And now that that’s been settled, you can tell me what I should start calling you.”
He can feel Alex smile against his shirt. “I don’t want to make it even harder for people than it already is, so I was thinking something simple like Alexis or Alexandria. What do you think?”
The boy can’t help but feel excited by his best friend’s excitement. “I like whichever you like best. I do have to say I might be a little partial to Alexandria, though. It’s prettier and less common. Most girls with that name just go by Alex, anyways.”
Lifting her head, Alexandria nods in agreement. “Alexandria it is, then.” She replies, smiling in satisfaction.
 Dirty laundry...looks good on you.
 “I should probably change. We’ll both get pneumonia if I wear this for much longer and you continue to hug me like this.” She laughs, pointing out the fact that Jack has yet to remove his hands from around her waist.
Jack shrugs, joining in on her happiness. “Worth it.” He pulls her even closer to him for emphasis.
“But if we’re both sick, who’s going to take care of me?” Alexandria whines, putting a hand over her forehead as if she’s about to faint.
“May makes the best chicken soup, I swear. If I pout for long enough, I’m pretty sure I could even get her to spoon-feed us. What more than that do you need?”
“Hmm,” Alexandria pretends to think. “I guess there is nothing more important than a good bowl of chicken soup…” She allows herself to relax again in Jack’s arms.
“You’re exactly right. All we’ll have to do is hang out in my room and watch some of those musicals you love.” Alexandria introduced the first musical she ever fell in love with, Hairspray, to Jack when they were in seventh grade. Since then, it’s a tradition for them to watch musicals together, even though Alexandria quotes every word of them verbatim and Jack pretends to hate every second of them, although he sings nearly every tune under his breath.
At the mention of a musical, Alexandria’s eyes go alight. “Oooh, can we watch Heathers again? We haven’t seen it in ages!”
“Only if you sing the duet with me in Dead Girl Walking!” Jack winks.
It may only be a joke when Jack says it, but when Alexandria replies with a sultry “you got it, J.D.,” and gives him a quick kiss, Jack sends up a prayer that Alexandria changes out of her wet, clingy clothes before they both reach his room.
The lyrics to Dead Girl Walking from Heathers the musical, in which Jack would be JD and Alex(andria) is Veronica in this instance.
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the-boy-branithar · 7 years
There's gotta be trans bro Jack Barakat fics out there somewhere
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ao3feed-joshler · 6 years
brendon and the chaotic gays
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2uSIsLx
by youngvcins
PatrickStump: brendon wreaked havoc against the school board and wanted to complain about it so now we’re stuck here and i don’t know how to use my phone.
Words: 497, Chapters: 1/100, Language: English
Fandoms: My Chemical Romance, Fall Out Boy, Panic! at the Disco, Twenty One Pilots, Palaye Royale, waterparks - Fandom, All Time Low, I Don't Know How But They Found Me (Band)
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Frank Iero, Gerard Way, Mikey Way, Patrick Stump, Pete Wentz, Brendon Urie, Ryan Ross, Tyler Joseph, Josh Dun, Remington Leith, Emerson Barrett, Awsten Knight, Geoff Wigington, Otto Wood, Alex Gaskarth, Jack Barakat, Dallon Weekes, Ryan Seaman
Relationships: Frank Iero/Gerard Way, Mikey Way/Pete Wentz, Ryan Ross/Brendon Urie, Josh Dun/Tyler Joseph, andy leo/remington leith, Awsten Knight/Geoff Wigington, emerson barrett/otto wood, Jack Barakat/Alex Gaskarth, Ryan Seaman/Dallon Weekes
Additional Tags: Gay, High School, Group chat, Emo, Trans, everyones a mess, everything is bullshit, were all sad, AND GAY, very gay, hi, idk what im doing, awstens ftm nonbinary
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2uSIsLx
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ao3feed-joshler · 6 years
This Is Literally Just Porn
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2ty95YQ
by fvnwithgvns
I put all my smut/smut prompts in one place. Enjoy.
Words: 7921, Chapters: 6/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Cobra Starship, Gym Class Heroes, The Academy Is..., Paramore, All Time Low (Band), Hey Monday, Twenty One Pilots, Fall Out Boy, Panic! at the Disco, 5 Seconds of Summer (Band), Waterparks (Band), Pierce the Veil, Sleeping With Sirens, The Brobecks, The Killers (Band)
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/F, F/M, M/M, Multi
Characters: William Beckett, Travis McCoy, Gabe Saporta, Hayley Williams, Taylor York, Rian Dawson, Cassadee Pope, Alex Gaskarth, Jack Barakat, Zack Merrick, Josh Dun, Jenna Black, Tyler Joseph, Patrick Stump, Pete Wentz, Luke Hemmings, Ashton Irwin, Awsten Knight, Geoff Wigington, Vic Fuentes, Kellin Quinn, Brandon Flowers, Dallon Weekes, Brendon Urie, Spencer Smith, Calum Hood, Victoria Asher, Nate Novarro, Otto Wood
Relationships: William Beckett/Gabe Saporta, William Beckett/Travis McCoy/Gabe Saporta, Hayley Williams/Taylor York, Rian Dawson/Cassadee Pope, William Beckett/Travis McCoy, Travis McCoy/Gabe Saporta, Rian Dawson/Alex Gaskarth, Cassadee Pope/Alex Gaskarth, Jack Barakat/Zack Merrick, Josh Dun/Tyler Joseph, Patrick Stump/Pete Wentz, Rian Dawson/Cassasdee Pope/Alex Gaskarth, Luke Hemmings/Ashton Irwin, Awsten Knight/Geoff Wigington, Jenna Black/Josh Dun/Tyler Joseph, Jenna Black/Tyler Joseph, Josh Dun/Jenna Black, Vic Fuentes/Kellin Quinn, Brandon Flowers/Dallon Weekes, Patrick Stump/Brendon Urie, Spencer Smith/Brendon Urie, Calum Hood/Ashton Irwin, Victoria Asher/Gabe Saporta, Victoria Asher/Nate Novarro/Gabe Saporta, Victoria Asher/Nate Novarro, Nate Novarro/Gabe Saporta, Gabe Saporta/Patrick Stump, Awsten Knight/Geoff Wigington/Otto Wood
Additional Tags: Dom/sub, Double Penetration, Age Difference, Daddy Kink, striptease, First Time, Trans Character, Trans Male Character, Threesome - F/M/M, Foursome - M/M/M/M, Threesome - M/M/M
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2ty95YQ
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ao3feed-frerard · 4 years
My Darling | Frerard + Petekey AU (ONGOING)
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2CU5Ccs
by tedistryinggg
A high school AU with Frerard and Petekey as the main ships. Trans!Gerard, Enby!Pete
Words: 24420, Chapters: 12/12, Language: English
Fandoms: My Chemical Romance
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Frank Iero, Pete Wentz, Gerard Way, Mikey Way, Patrick Stump, Joe Trohman, Andy Hurley, Ray Toro, William Beckett, Gabe Saporta, Jack Barakat, Alex Gaskarth
Relationships: Frank Iero/Gerard Way, Mikey Way/Pete Wentz, Patrick Stump/Ray Toro, William Beckett/Gabe Saporta, Jack Barakat & Alex Gaskarth
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2CU5Ccs
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ao3feed-frerard · 4 years
Too Many Gays Spoil the Salami
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2VXZiYz
by gremlin_michael
20+ sad gay high schoolers
that's it
that's the fic
Words: 779, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Waterparks (Band), Panic! at the Disco, I Don't Know How But They Found Me (Band), Fall Out Boy, All Time Low (Band), Twenty One Pilots, Yungblud (Musician), 5 Seconds of Summer (Band), My Chemical Romance, mxmtoon, Cavetown (Band), chloe moriondo, Halsey (Musician), Melanie Martinez (Musician)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/F, F/M, M/M
Characters: Awsten Knight, Geoff Wigington, Otto Wood, Brendon Urie, Dallon Weekes, Ryan Seaman, Frank Iero, Gerard Way, Mikey Way, Ray Toro, Patrick Stump, Pete Wentz, Joe Trohman, Andy Hurley, Jack Barakat, Alex Gaskarth, Josh Dun, Tyler Joseph, Yungblud | Dominic Harrison, Michael Clifford, Luke Hemmings, Calum Hood, Ashton Irwin, mxmtoon - Character, Cavetown - Character, chloe moriondo - Character, Ashley Frangipane | Halsey, Melanie Martinez
Relationships: Geoff Wigington/Otto Wood, Awsten Knight/Otto Wood, Awsten Knight/Geoff Wigington/Otto Wood, Awsten Knight/Geoff Wigington, Frank Iero/Gerard Way, Brendon Urie/Dallon Weekes, Mikey Way/Pete Wentz, Andy Hurley/Joe Trohman, Josh Dun/Tyler Joseph, Jack Barakat/Alex Gaskarth, Michael Clifford/Luke Hemmings, Calum Hood/Ashton Irwin, Ashley Frangipane | Halsey/Melanie Martinez
Additional Tags: Self-Harm, Implied/Referenced Self-Harm, Self-Hatred, Self-Esteem Issues, Anorexia, Bulimia, Depression, Suicidal Thoughts, Suicide Attempt, Gay, Everyone Is Gay, Child Abuse, Past Abuse, Past Sexual Abuse, Past Relationship(s), Past Rape/Non-con, Alcohol Abuse/Alcoholism, Drug Use, Recreational Drug Use, Trans Male Character, Nonbinary Character, it's just a sad gay mess of a fic, Not Beta Read, it's trash and self indulgent but who cares, Why Did I Write This?, I just wanted to write some angst, Group chat, Alternate Universe - High School, its an emo high school group chat au where theyre all sad and gay, How original of me
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2VXZiYz
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ao3feed-joshler · 4 years
Too Many Gays Spoil the Salami
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2VXZiYz
by gremlin_michael
20+ sad gay high schoolers
that's it
that's the fic
Words: 779, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Waterparks (Band), Panic! at the Disco, I Don't Know How But They Found Me (Band), Fall Out Boy, All Time Low (Band), Twenty One Pilots, Yungblud (Musician), 5 Seconds of Summer (Band), My Chemical Romance, mxmtoon, Cavetown (Band), chloe moriondo, Halsey (Musician), Melanie Martinez (Musician)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/F, F/M, M/M
Characters: Awsten Knight, Geoff Wigington, Otto Wood, Brendon Urie, Dallon Weekes, Ryan Seaman, Frank Iero, Gerard Way, Mikey Way, Ray Toro, Patrick Stump, Pete Wentz, Joe Trohman, Andy Hurley, Jack Barakat, Alex Gaskarth, Josh Dun, Tyler Joseph, Yungblud | Dominic Harrison, Michael Clifford, Luke Hemmings, Calum Hood, Ashton Irwin, mxmtoon - Character, Cavetown - Character, chloe moriondo - Character, Ashley Frangipane | Halsey, Melanie Martinez
Relationships: Geoff Wigington/Otto Wood, Awsten Knight/Otto Wood, Awsten Knight/Geoff Wigington/Otto Wood, Awsten Knight/Geoff Wigington, Frank Iero/Gerard Way, Brendon Urie/Dallon Weekes, Mikey Way/Pete Wentz, Andy Hurley/Joe Trohman, Josh Dun/Tyler Joseph, Jack Barakat/Alex Gaskarth, Michael Clifford/Luke Hemmings, Calum Hood/Ashton Irwin, Ashley Frangipane | Halsey/Melanie Martinez
Additional Tags: Self-Harm, Implied/Referenced Self-Harm, Self-Hatred, Self-Esteem Issues, Anorexia, Bulimia, Depression, Suicidal Thoughts, Suicide Attempt, Gay, Everyone Is Gay, Child Abuse, Past Abuse, Past Sexual Abuse, Past Relationship(s), Past Rape/Non-con, Alcohol Abuse/Alcoholism, Drug Use, Recreational Drug Use, Trans Male Character, Nonbinary Character, it's just a sad gay mess of a fic, Not Beta Read, it's trash and self indulgent but who cares, Why Did I Write This?, I just wanted to write some angst, Group chat, Alternate Universe - High School, its an emo high school group chat au where theyre all sad and gay, How original of me
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2VXZiYz
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ao3feed-frerard · 6 years
i am not afraid (to keep on living)
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2K2mnQx
by casualmarches
When Mikey takes a blade to his wrists, he doesn't intend to survive.
But he does, and he soon finds himself at Cedar Point, a mental hospital for troubled people like him. There, he's expected to confront all the problems he was trying to get away from in the first place, and find his footing in a world that he doesn't trust. There, he meets people he would have never met otherwise, and they help each other.
Words: 3827, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: My Chemical Romance, Panic! at the Disco, Fall Out Boy, All Time Low (Band), Waterparks (Band)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence
Categories: Gen, M/M
Characters: Mikey Way, Gerard Way, Frank Iero, Pete Wentz, Brendon Urie, Awsten Knight, Alex Gaskarth, Jack Barakat, Spencer Smith, Dallon Weekes, Ashley Frangipane | Halsey, Background & Cameo Characters, Original Characters
Relationships: Mikey Way/Pete Wentz, Frank Iero/Gerard Way, Gerard Way & Mikey Way
Additional Tags: Mental Instability, Suicide Attempt, Implied/Referenced Suicide, Self-Harm, Depression, Anxiety Attacks, Bipolar Disorder, Depersonalization Disorder, Eating Disorders, Child Abuse, Emotional/Psychological Abuse, Trans Male Character, Gender Dysphoria, if anything else comes up i'll update the tags, or if i forgot anything, please proceed with caution if any of these trigger you
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2K2mnQx
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ao3feed-frerard · 7 years
Never Fear, Never Fall
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2yofEi7
by phan_taloon
It's the most random and weird combination of people you could imagine. There's nerds like Patrick and Ryan, and jerks like Calum and Frank, and people whose names I didn’t even know the names of. In all there were over 20 kids here. How did 20 kids manage to get in detention all at once?
Highschool AU no one asked for but I'm a sucker for them. English is not my first language but appreciate my effort. I don't think I'll update fast but I'll try to. Title comes from One Man Army by Sleeping With Sirens.
Words: 812, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Twenty One Pilots, My Chemical Romance, Fall Out Boy, Panic! at the Disco, All Time Low (Band), Sleeping With Sirens, Pierce the Veil, 5 Seconds of Summer (Band), Halsey (Musician), Waterparks (Band)
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply, Rape/Non-Con
Categories: F/F, M/M, Multi
Characters: Josh Dun, Tyler Joseph, Gerard Way, Frank Iero, Patrick Stump, Pete Wentz, Alex Gaskarth, Jack Barakat, Brendon Urie, Ryan Ross, Dallon Weekes, Awsten Knight, Geoff Wigington, Ashton Irwin, Luke Hemmings, Calum Hood, Michael Clifford, Kellin Quinn, Vic Fuentes, Ashley Frangipane | Halsey, Jenna Black, Original Characters
Relationships: Josh Dun/Tyler Joseph, Jenna Black/Ashley Frangipane | Halsey, Frank Iero/Gerard Way, Ryan Ross/Brendon Urie/Dallon Weekes, Patrick Stump/Pete Wentz, Awsten Knight/Geoff Wigington, Jack Barakat/Alex Gaskarth, Vic Fuentes/Kellin Quinn, Luke Hemmings/Ashton Irwin, Michael Clifford/Calum Hood, Dallon Weekes/Original Male Character(s)
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - High School, Physical Abuse, Emotional/Psychological Abuse, Abusive Relationships, Rape/Non-con Elements, Anxiety, Depression, Self-Harm, Bipolar Disorder, Anorexia, Bulimia, Child Abuse, Bullying, Nonbinary Character, Trans Character, Polyamory, Fluff, Angst, Eventual Smut, this will probably suck at first, I'm trying to write a story, english is not my first language, There will be cringey parts probably, and mild violence idk
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2yofEi7
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