#trans people have my heart
slonkinjorts · 5 months
You know, I think it's so cool being trans. Like, I didn't do this the easy way, I melded flesh into a form I enjoy more, started dressing as the people I used to dream about, and I had the confidence to become what I always wanted to be. It's so fuckin cool.
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felucians · 4 months
Nex Benedict's death wasn't just for being transgender, it was for being native too. 2 Spirits are revered in many native cultures and it is a native-specific identity. This wasn't just a hate crime against trans & NB individuals, this was also a hate crime against Natives of Turtle Island.
You cannot separate Nex's trans identity from their native identity - this is a case of MMIWG2S (Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women, Girls, and 2 Spirits).
Native children being killed at school is nothing new, so it's equally important to talk about Nex's native identity and being intersectional, this is a devastating tragedy for indigenous people, the queer community & especially those of us who are both indigenous and queer.
May Nex rest in peace 🪶
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fleapit · 4 months
can we pleasee please please stop fucking fearmongering and blaming trans men for the predstrogen situation. please god. posts about "trans men teaming up with terfs to get trans women banned!" with zero sources all over my dash. blaming "transandrophobia truthers" for all the transmisogyny. have you all lost your fucking minds?? what the fuck happened to t4t??? what the fuck happened to trans solidarity??? why is "transfem separatism" even a subject worth entertaining????
anyone who says other trans people are the enemy is a fucking fed. jesus christ
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Very interesting (concerning) that while there’s a general consensus of “of course there’s queer Muslims and Jews and Christians we love them!” But that love is conditional. You can be religious but not too religious. You can be spiritual as long as it’s not actually that important to you. You can be observant of your religion’s dogma and traditions as long as you keep it away from everybody else.
But I don’t want to cut myself into smaller pieces. I don’t want to take a part of my life and culture and being and hide it away behind closed doors. It’s just…hypocritical and disappointing when people, who clamor about their love for the contradictory and self-authentic, hate when they’re confronted with it.
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uncanny-tranny · 8 months
Something I notice is the idea with transmasculinity and transmalehood is almost this idea that we had beauty that transition has vanquished, and I honestly never related to this pretransition.
Beauty was never afforded to me as somebody who was obviously neurodivergent and traumatized and weird. I was never seen as beautiful pretransition, and I knew that. Conversations about how desirable we "used to be" never rang true for me personally because I wasn't even given the opportunity to be "beautiful." I was never going to be included in that even if I were not trans, you know? Since transition, I know I'm desirable now, even if it is not in a conventional way. It's interesting how my masculine features are now embraced because people can actually register my maleness, when before, they would never.
Desirability is often used as a tool and a weapon on trans people. The idea of not being "desirable" is a punishment. It's just weird when you're the trans person who was never desired in the first place, and you know it.
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funpuddle · 2 months
The angle that all trans men have male privilege is racist at worst and white centric at best. What you're thinking of is white privilege.. you're thinking of the white trans men with enough money and stability to pass and enough whiteness to have never faced the intersectionality of it all. But why are they the face of trans masculinity? Actually, why is the face of transness as a whole completely white dominated?
It just feels like part of being a trans poc (and what I feel is massively worse for your aveeage black trans person don't even forget it) is that not only are you a victim of misogyny and white standards of gender your whole life but you also get the finger pointed at you for the wrongdoings of your white counterparts In your own community and completely talked over by even the most well meaning trans people. It drives me to tears sometimes. You know in the eyes of our oppressers we're all failures of womanhood? Trust me if I could have male privilege I would but even if I was cis I'd still be getting racially profiled by the undercover theft prevention employees at every store I walk into in my town
I could articulate this better but these thoughts have been articulated better by black people several times over that you should seek out right now if you want to know anything about gender and intersectionality, I think I'm just venting, peace and love
Btw if you use any of this to affirm your bias against trans woman you're scum to me. Scum.
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honeybcj · 2 months
Trans regulus is so disgusting seek help bye
transphobia??? in my inbox??? on a friday??? yeah no thanks. anyway, i adore trans regulus in case anyone was wondering. more trans regulus for me <3
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handweavers · 7 months
it really is looking like i'm gonna finally have to make a choice between which citizenship i want to keep and it occurred to me that i'm not even attached to the idea of being canadian in an emotional or personal sense it's the first world privilege of having the citizenship/passport and the economic benefits of that, including the ability to (relatively) easily access funding as an artist, that makes me hesitate giving it up. but emotionally i don't think i could recover from having to formally give up my malaysian citizenship it would feel like a part of me has been denied or taken and it's not due to attachment to the state or gov of msia but to the people and culture and my family... i can find a way to live with myself and inhabit this world no longer being a citizen of the first world but i couldn't live with myself if i abandoned my home country for the first world it would feel like a betrayal of myself and my grandparents and of my own politics and i can't do it. but to embrace it wholeheartedly requires giving up that first world privilege which is scary, if you are someone who has had it most of your life, and i recognize that even having the choice is a privilege as well. but i would not be able to respect myself if i made my decision based on that fear or allowed it to guide me. the majority of people on earth do not have that ability to choose nor the economic advantage of being a western citizen; i am no different from them, not "better" nor "special", and if they can do it, i can too.
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xamaxenta · 2 months
Feeling absolutely horrible gut wrenching imposter syndrome in regards to being trans like
The fact i haven’t bothered to do anything about my dysphoria or anxiety about dealing with it means i dont want to transition when i do and idk what to do and its so hard in this country where its very conservativr snd gblsjfbf
Basically trans experience sucking rn i feel like a huge loser and really gross in my own skin
But idk im terrified of having to speak to a fucking doctor about this because i always feel like theyre not gonna believe me.
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tirfpikachu · 4 days
guys sometimes i get really scared that we radfems are all actually bigot and we're in a bigoted perspective that's actually harmful to trans people but we're in an echo chamber or smtg :'( like what if i really am in my qanon era (leftist edition) i'm scawwed y'all.......
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aq2003 · 9 months
the line between ten's senses of selfishness and selflessness is very very thin because they both primarily stem from his sense of love (the thing he was born out of and the thing he lives and dies for). btw.
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ecstasydemon · 3 months
this isnt very "love the oppressed more than you hate the oppressors" of me but i really hope transphobes die and burn in hell
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murdockthenerd · 6 months
I want to be someone's boyfriend!!!! like I want someone to kiss me and call me their "boy," I want someone to hold my hand and introduce me to someone as "my boyfriend," I want someone to get me a "boyfriend" mug or some other cheesy gift we can laugh about with together- I want to be someone's boyfriend
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anabetel35 · 9 days
My heart goes out to all the girls to whom girlhood doesn't or didn't come easily. To trans girls, to neurodivergent girls, to girls of color, to girls who decided to hang on to their girlhood far later than all the girls around them did, to girls who aren't skinny, to girls whose bodies made people percieve them as women rather than girls, to disabled girls, to queer girls, to people who may not be just girls but experience girlhood too. To everyone who ever had to carve out a version of girlhood that fit them becasue no one else would've given it to them. To everyone who bled for their girlhood. To everyone who keeps redefining girlhood to suit them. The girlhood that you made for yourself is precious becasue it's yours and I cannot even begin to imagine all the work and tears and love that you put into it. I love you and I hope that you love yourself, too, for being yourself. You deserve the world <3
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uncanny-tranny · 1 year
Comparing oppression can sometimes give you insight as to what other groups of people go through. It teaches you what you have in common with people seemingly different than you are, and teaches you how you are different and how you can ally yourself better with other peoples.
However, if your goal is to prove you suffer the most between you and another person, you'll likely find that there is no conversation, just an endless barrage of back-and-forth to prove which of you deserves to be listened to.
The reality is that you don't have to be in the most pain in order to be listened to. So often, we are inundated with this idea that the person suffering the most is the only one who ought to be listened to, and it sends the message of "holy shit, I guess I don't matter. I guess I deserve to suffer if others are going through worse," and that's just unreasonable and unfair. Who has it worse is entirely contextual and changing, and sometimes it is subjective - as in, something that is earth-breaking for you is an average tuesday evening for the guy next to you.
Kill the cop in your head that says your voice will only matter if you prove yourself. Listen to other marginalized people and know it isn't a competition to see who can prove themselves most worthy of tine and energy. Our resources can (and should) be multifaceted and able to help a variety of peoples.
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consoleyourself · 1 year
Getting kinda tired of seeing my Catholic&Christian friends on here reblogging posts about how all trans folks are predatory, grooming perverts and then following up with how sad it is that dysphoric people are being tricked into irreversible surgery to try and solve their problems.
I'm sure there *is* some minority of trans adults out there that are predatory....just like there is a minority of priests, parents, teachers, etc. thst are predatory.
But the implication seems to be that trans folks are both scheming perpetrators and naive victims. But there is no thought or consideration given in these posts to the genuine anguish and suffering that people feel from dysphoria. Do any of you know how that feels? Do you know how it feels to be struggling with these feelings and then see your friends make thinly veiled accusations that "dysphoria isn't real, and actually you are just a disgusting pervert"? Do you know how dehumanizing it is to look past the suffering people experience and make blanket generalizations about how they actually feel and why they do what they do?
I get it. You think transitioning is wrong. It hurts people. You want to bring that to light. You want to have someone to blame. You want people to avoid harming themselves in ways that can't be undone. It's a noble and good thing to want to help people avoid doing harm to themselves. But please. Stop dismissing their struggles as an 'evil fetish' or a result of manipulation by the 'evil left.' Please have a bit more compassion and consideration, especially for your side B friends that *aren't* acting on these feelings, but still struggling with them.
I know you're not bad people. I know you are my loving friends that only intentionally seek the good of others. I don't mean to be condescending. But you're not going to reach people, especially people in the midst of transition, or post transition, or considering transition by demonizing or infantilizing them. Even if those blanket statements were true, they're not particularly helpful. If you want to make a difference in a trans friend's life (side b or otherwise)....take a minute to talk to them. Ask them how they're feeling. Ask how you can pray for them. Remember that they are people and not a nameless talking point.
Thanks for reading through my rant. God bless.
Comments, reblogs, and criticisms welcome.
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