#trapped is a dramatic way of saying it but it's close enough at this point
mooodyblue · 2 years
hi im venting in the tags don't mind me 🙃
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jadeylovesmarvelxo · 4 months
You and Eddie are trapped in the drama club after school in the middle of a thunderstorm. Feelings ensue.
I was going to post this tomorrow but I'm feeling kinda crappy so am posting it now ♥️ this is enemies to oh my god I'm falling for you fic.
Hawkins was in the middle of the worst storm it had seen in years. The rain hadn't stopped since this morning and you could hear thunder rumbling in the distance.
All in all you wished you were tucked up at home right now instead of making your way to the drama room.
You weren't sure what possessed you to even bother going to find Eddie. Surely you had seen enough of him today that avoiding him would be a no brainer.
Eddie had been your enemy from the day the two of you first met. You met him at a talent show in middle school and were performing with your fellow cheerleaders, Eddie was performing with his band Corroded Coffin and the two of you met backstage and well sparks flew and not in a good way.
He looked different then. A buzz cut and a little less dramatic but still the same smug smile and condescending tone. That meeting kick-started the war between the two of you.
Except his stupid little barb aimed at you had been playing on your mind all day. He loved irritating you and spent a good portion doing it earlier.
Even worse he had left his metal lunchbox at your shared table in Mrs O'Donnell's class and you weren't carrying that monstrosity around all weekend.
So you decided to show up at Hellfire, straight after cheer practice to return the item. You don't want to spend any more time with Eddie than necessary so you'll make this quick.
You can hear him setting up for Hellfire and muttering to himself. Taking a deep breath you head inside the drama room and he peers up at you, irritation on his face.
"Princess to what do I owe the pleasure of your visit?" He says with a hint of derision in his tone and you hurry over to place the lunchbox on the table. Now you could get far far away from the asshat as possible.
"You left this at our table Munson" his face softens into relief as he picks up the metal lunch then he scowls.
"You can go now" he motions to the door and you feel a flicker of annoyance. Couldn't he thank you for returning it at least?
"Could you at least have some manners" you huff and he smirks as he sets up one of the figures in his campaign.
"Thank you for returning it princess, now go away" he returns back to positioning the figures and you growl under your breath. He's still smiling and you're distracted for a split second at the tattoos on his arm, the bats. You've never seen them this close before and a part of you wants to reach out and touch one of them.
Wait...what the fuck? You really needed to get away from Munson, you could never think straight around him. He made you muddled at times.
"You know you really should see someone about your anger issues around me sweetheart" he suggests with a smirk and you gawk at him.
"What! You're the one who is constantly pissing me off. I swear you get some sick joy out of it" there's a faint crackling of a radio and Eddie picks up a walkie talkie completely ignoring what you said.
"Eddie, we can't get out. I'm with Mike and Lucas and Mrs Wheeler has put her foot down. She says the storm is too bad for driving" Eddie grumbles and swears under his breath.
"Henderson it's not even that bad" at that point there's a huge clap of thunder that makes you jump. It's not like you hate storms, you like them well enough but you'd prefer to be at home and cosy.
Preferably not with Munson either. You raise your eyebrow at him and he meets your gaze giving you one half of his devil sign.
Okay, you've had enough now and storm away from him, the wind whips at your hair but you don't care. You'll walk home, it won't take that long.
"Bye bye princess" Eddie waves at you from the drama door and you resist the urge to flip him the bird. Rise about it... Rise about it. Don't tell him to kiss your ass...
You're so wrapped up in your thoughts that you almost miss the tree you're sheltering under jerk violently in the wind and one of its roots rips off. It's massive.
There's a split second of silence, you freeze and fear pounds in your chest and you're sure that the tree root will crush you but just at the last minute you're knocked out of the way.
You and Eddie crash to the ground in a tangle of limbs. He's breathing hard and his arms are wrapped around you tightly. "Shit, you okay?"
There's a ringing in your ears and you're shaking but manage to calm down enough that Eddie helps you up. "Yeah, I'm okay" you shiver as the rain water has drenched your clothes and there's a stinging sensation on your arm.
"I need to patch that cut up princess, there should be a first aid kit somewhere in the drama room" he leads you inside and the both of you don't notice the door shut tightly. Usually it's propped open with something but in your haste to get back inside the item is disregarded.
Eddie is too focused on you to notice, worry etches his features. He leaves briefly and comes back with a first aid kit.
He's quiet as he patches up the cut on your arm and you access him for injuries, "Are you okay Eddie?" It's maybe the first time you've called him Eddie and not Munson or dumbass.
"I'm okay, he speaks in a soothing tone and that relaxes you as he looks over your body for any injuries. There's a faint cut on your knee and Eddie kneels down to patch that up as well.
He hesitates for a second then gently cleans the cut, his fingers on your skin do funny things to your stomach. A shiver (a good one) runs down your spine.
Eddie's pretty brown eyes don't help the fluttering in your stomach. Fuck.
Eddie tries to pry the door open once he notices it's shut fully. The two of you are going to try and at least get to his van, he had offered to drive you home. Which was nice of him. He had been nicer than you ever thought he could be today.
"Ahh shit, Eddie curses and he manages to get the door open but it shuts again right away with the force of the wind.
"We should wait until that calms down" you suggest and he nods in trepidation. It's getting quite late and the sky is darkening even more. The storm hasn't abated yet... The wind is still fierce and the rain is coming down albeit a little less than before but it's still bad.
You're still shivery and curse the thin fabric of your cheer uniform. Eddie nudges your shoulder and you notice that he's slipped his leather jacket over to you.
"Thanks" you murmur and he nods tightly, his legs jittery as he waits for the storm to pass.
"Um so is the band good?" You nod to his discarded denim vest and the band Dio on the back of it. Eddie smiles and nods. "Mmm yeah, don't think it would be your type of thing princess"
"I went to see Black Sabbath with my cousin Jamie. He's like a massive fan of Ozzy Osbourne, it wasn't too bad" Eddie's jaw drops and his eyes are wide as he gazes at you.
"I know I'm just full of surprises aren't I Munson?" you tease and he's still speechless.
"You saw the god that is Ozzy Osbourne?" you shrug and feel flustered under his awed gaze. It's making you feel all tingly. Something that has happened more and more around Eddie.
"I never thought I'd see the day that you were speechless Eddie Munson" you smirk then wince as a particular loud boom of thunder startles you.
You wrap Eddie's jacket around you and nuzzle into it. It smells faintly of weed and cigarettes but also whatever cologne Eddie wears, it's nice and it comforts you.
"I might be able to get some pillows and shit from the staff room, I don't know how long we will have to wait, we might need to stay here for the night or until the storm fades a bit" Eddie says and gets up.
You notice he has to keep moving and busy. It must be so he doesn't freak out. The storm is worse than either of you thought it was.
"How are you going to do that? It will be locked wouldn't it?" He grins and doesn't seem to be perturbed by this in the slightest.
"The nurses office could have blankets too. We should go there" you tell him and he nods then frowns.
"You should stay here princess. I will probably need to break in and well...everyone expects the freak to get into shit don't they, not Hawkins good girl" you scoff but feel sympathy that people think so badly of him.
It wasn't like you thought he was an asshole all the time, he definitely had his moments of being sweet...
"You need my help to get blankets if the nurse has some and the pillows. Snacks too possibly and I'm the only one with a bag and cash on me" he thinks about this then nods in agreement.
Somehow you and Eddie manage to wrangle a big blanket from the nurses office and cushions from the sofa in the teachers lounge. Also a few snacks to last the night. Eddie gulps his yoo hoo down before the two of you even get back to the drama room.
You try to make a somewhat makeshift bed on the floor with the cushions and blanket. Just in case.
Eddie is still restless but calms down when you get up to look over the campaign. There's a Dungeons and Dragons handbook on the table and a notebook that looks like it's full of Eddie's own notes.
He points out the different figures and you listen interested in the complexity of the game and take a seat on the throne like chair. "That's my spot" Eddie frowns and you settle back grinning.
"I like this spot" you beam and he shakes his head exasperated.
"Alright, looks like you're the dungeon master for the night princess" you smirk at this and turn to Eddie.
"Does that mean I can tell you what to do?" He chuckles, and shakes his head.
"That's not what a Dungeon Master is, I organise the campaign, weave the challenges the rest of the team face, shit like that. I love it" you pout at his explanation and Eddie gazes at your lips for a few seconds. Enough for your heart to skip a beat.
"Um what's a Demogorgon?" You ask feeling nervous all of a sudden and Eddie explains what it is but that funny tension is still in the air.
Even with the wind whistling outside you and Eddie don't notice. Bickering and far too wrapped up in each other to notice.
At some point near ten you feel your eyes begin to get heavy and stifle a yawn. You try to fight the feeling but one minute Eddie is talking to you and the next your head drops on his shoulder.
When Eddie wakes up you're still fast asleep on his shoulder and it makes his heart race. It feels so...right being with you like this.
It's six am according to the clock on the wall above the door. It surprised him that he slept so well but he thinks it has a little something to do with you.
Gently he tucks a strand of hair away from your face, feels the softness of your skin and a pit of longing forms in his stomach.
Fuck, he really wants you.
The storm has calmed down and he finds that he's disappointed. He's enjoyed speaking to you, more than he ever thought possible. What did that mean?
You wake up while he's pondering this. It's still dark out and now the storm has all but disappeared. Eddie feels cold when you shift from his shoulder, looking away shyly.
"Sorry, I didn't realise" you murmured and his fingers graze over yours.
"You don't have to apologise sweetheart, it was nice princess" a soft silence lingers over the two of you and you sigh.
"The weather seems to have cleared up" there's a wistful tone to your voice. Eddie wonders if you're as disappointed as him that you're free to leave.
"I had a really great time with you" you turn to him and he smiles pleased.
"You're not so bad yourself" he nudges you gently and he leans close to you, instinctively you mimic his movements. The two of you are so close now, sparks flying and the longing growing even more.
His lips are centimetres from yours and there's only a tiny gap, you're eager to close the distance. Just as your lips touch the door bangs open and Dustin, Lucas, Mike and Steve rush in.
You and Eddie wrench apart. "Eddie dude, what the hell happened?" Dustin gawks at you and you hurry over to where Steve is feeling flustered as hell.
Eddie's eyes meet yours while Dustin is talking to him and you realise that maybe Eddie hasn't been your enemy for a long time and something else has been brewing between you two all along.
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bloggingboutburgers · 1 month
this past week my qpp of almost two years broke up with me. and i know for you, you said you wouldn't necessarily feel heartbroken if your qpr came to an end, but for me, it felt more heartbreaking than some of my past romantic breakups. this whole thing made me wonder if maybe im not queerplatonic or aro enough to be in a qpr, or if id ever want to be in a qpr again. but seeing you post about your qpr gives me hope that queerplatonic love is something that i can experience fully. so thank you for always sharing your story, because that's what's helping me heal right now <3
Aah, to be perfectly honest, as much as I sorta "downplay" it compared to what it must feel for people who experience romantic attraction... I've had a time where I almost felt like I couldn't go on with my QPP as well and the sheer thought of it was really hard to bear too, so my words here aren't necessarily being very fair to the reality of things.
It was during the travel ban of March 2020 to November 2021 where citizens of my country and others weren't allowed to enter the US unless we spent 15 days in a country that wasn't banned. It made it much harder than usual to visit my partner and as it was nearing 2 years with nobody aware it was going on anymore and US people more concerned about whether they'd be able to have turkey for Thanksgiving, my hope was running really thin. So for a few days in mid-October, as I was at rock bottom, I was starting to write in passing to my partner about how maybe going on wasn't worth it because the separation was too hard on us, it wasn't showing signs of stopping, and the whole thing maybe wasn't worth the pain if they could live their life happily and not have to worry about me who couldn't visit.
And then we videocalled at some point, and when they tearfully told me that even if it did end then and there, they wanted me to keep the promise ring they'd recently given me, I suddenly felt a quiet rage in me going like "No. Fuck this. Look at them. I love them. And I love this too much to allow some cruel governmental decision to end it. If it ever ends, it'll be because WE want it to end. Not because of shit like this."
...I'm making it sound super dramatic but yeah long story short this is also a big reason why we're planning to get married. So that when the US government decides to put a ban on countries including mine again, they can't stop us from vibing together this time.
I guess... I still don't wanna 100% assume we'll be together forever because I don't wanna trap them in a situation they may no longer feel happy in. We're doing great now, but I still have it in the back of my mind that maybe someday they'll get sick of me (they say they never will and that'd be dope if they never did, but never say never and all), or we'll both just want other things, and if it ends like that, then... Yeah, that'd be alright. Much more alright than the way it almost ended.
(...Oh, and for the record, if a friendship of mine ended abruptly, or if my brothers stopped being on good terms with me, I'm pretty sure I'd be just as heartbroken, to be fair. And it'd feel like my reality was collapsing a little. I guess anything ending, any human connection ending, has that effect to a degree, if it's important enough, after all.)
Though describing things like that does make it a bit harder to define what makes it "queerplatonic" as opposed to "romantic", I still... Just have that feeling in my gut that it isn't romance, y'know? It's kinda... A mix between being close friends and being an old married couple without ever having gone through the grandiose passion-honeymoon phase. Maybe that phase IS what defines romance per se. I don't know. Maybe someday I'll find more answers, but it's kinda hard to find answers when you have no idea how romance works to begin with I guess 🙈
In any case... Sorry if I caused any confusion or if I made you question your validity. The thing is pretty simple to be honest: if you feel you're aro, you're veeeeeery likely to BE aro. Because nobody can make that call but you and nobody can name the relationships you have but you. And if amongst everything you even FOUND the words "aro" or "queerplatonic" in a world where those identities and types of relationships are so aggressively hidden or erased, then it's gotta stand for something.
...I guess at the very least THIS I can be certain of TwT Sorry I'm a bit messy about all of this myself, I'm still also going on about it trying to figure it out day by day, but I owed it to you and everyone to be honest. These things are hard to define and I hope to keep finding better and better words to do so someday. TwT
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therowdymagpie · 2 months
M6 vs. Escape Room
A/N: Don't ask me where this came from, I was just in the mood to write sth silly and fun XD.
They find some way to sneak Faust in so she can take part in the fun(and maybe slither behind certain objects for clues)
Is the type of person who will find creative ways to escape without them having anything to do with how you're actually supposed to solve things
Has very good intuition when it comes to where or what the next clue could be but he doesn't care much for the time limit
Finds the expression on your face every time you manage to figure out a clue on your own absolutely adorable, so much so that they're letting you make most of the progress wanting to see it again
Could make any themed room romantic somehow and just finds excuses to cling to you any chance he gets
*Holds your hand in the dark*
*Sidles up to you and cuddles during a particularly rough puzzle*
*Whispers a hint in your ear*
Even in scary escape rooms, their chill attitude is enough to make you feel infinetely more relaxed
Very likely to steal some decor from the room to keep as a souvenir or because they found it interesting
Surprisingly not as good at this as you'd expect
Now, has he had close calls and predicaments he's managed to find unique and out-of-the-box ways of escaping from? Yes, half his stories are like that
Has he been in a situation where he is trapped in a room and has to follow a hyperspecific line of instructions to escape? No, not really
Julian is more the kind of person that can get himself out of situations easier by talking his way out of things and being generally charming or unbelievable things just transpire around him and he takes advantage of them to somehow escape
Also the problem he faces in these types of places is: 1.He has too many ideas and 2.He thinks every item is suspicious
It also doesn't help him focus that you two are in close quarters for an extended period of time...
He is very capable with ciphers and word puzzles though
Pulls the "leave me behind" move at least once during changing rooms where an actor is chasing you for the dramatic effect: "Go without me my love! I will stall them as you escape!",
"...Julian I literally just unlocked the door, come in already."
Definetely gets jumpscared by the actors every.single.time but also applauds them for the great performance afterwards
Goes from extremely curious to immediately intrigued as soon as the door closes
This really appeals to Nadia's tinkering and problem solving skills and you can tell
There's a good chance that she's managed to solve 75% of the room in the first 15 minutes you are there but will she actually tell you? Of course not
She is just going to hold back a little bit so that the two of you can solve the riddles together and have fun
Unless any of her sisters are there with you....then it's personal and she finishes the room in 30 minutes tops
If there's a case that you two get stuck on trying to solve something, there's no way she'll ask for, much less actually look at the clues the people on the outside give you
The scary ones leave her with a startled "oh!" at best
(I mean she was engaged to Lucio, her married life was basically an escape room at one point)
Very much appreciates the follow up explainations of how everything in the rooms works and asks so many questions in awe, because she feels very inspired by some of the ideas and would like to implement them to her own projects
This man cannot understand the concept of an escape room
When you first come up and suggest it as a date idea he is genuinely baffled by it as you explain
So you're supposed to be stuck?
in a quite small room/s?
and try to figure your way out using stuff from around said room under a time limit?
"….......Why would you want to do that?"
To him this is basically what an anxiety attack looks like
He reluctantly agrees to try it after you say that it could be fun and that there won't be any other people but you two
Just please, DON'T get him into one of those horror themed ones, it won't end well for anyone involved
His height definetely gives you perspective on some clues though and he can be very perceptive when you get stuck on progressing through puzzles
Overall he doesn't do a lot because these types of spaces are pretty crampted
Isn't willing to do this again which is probably fair
Say it with me now: PARTNERS.IN.CRIME.
Portia seems like the kind of person who'd really like escape rooms, the thrill of them is just very reminicent of exploring the abandoned wings and secret rooms in the Palace
So when you'd suggest one to her she'd be SO down for it
Loves any chance to spend time together but the feel of being in one of her mystery novels with you makes her especially giddy with excitement
Takes this as an opportunity to see how well you two work together and when you figure out stuff together is the best part for her
Cheek kisses or hugs every time you manage to progress further
She'd be very invested in the story attached to the room you chose
Honestly the employees are able to see how intrigued she is and how much fun she's having that they'll let you two go through everything regardless of time
She might have a slight weakness with not sassing the actors or taking them seriously enough but it's always in good fun and she always apologises
She'll certainly want to do this again
Let's be honest here, he's not the best person for this
The only reason he was so willing to go is because you mentioned it's timed, he's competitive and convinced you two can do it faster than anyone else
....Well. This is more complicated than he thought
He let's you handle the mental aspect of the game while he tackles the physical challenges
He opens doors for you right after you've unlocked them and carries the heavy stuff basically
Is the one guy from that video that gets jumpscared and instead of grabbing you and running away he grabs the actor
Most likely to break something thinking it leads to a secret room/ the exit
Don't worry he can pay for it later
You know this trick certain escape room places pull where they push back the clock a bit so you get to finish it time?
Yeah, they definetely do that to you and he is SO proud holding up the sign that says you escaped with exactly one minute left
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Being Funny In A Foreign Language
Chapter 8- Sorry Bout The Bomb Thing….
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A/N: okay so wax play will be in the next chapter cuz plot reasons. Two more chapters to go!
Warnings: kinky smut.
Matty’s ears rung with a persistent pressure and the faint echoes of last night’s live show. He could still hear the crowds cheering, calling out his name; remnants of Waugh’s saxophone honking, muffled, as though filled with water, played in the background of his mind. This was a soundscape that Matty had grown accustomed to– welcomed, even– but in the solitary confinement of his hotel bedroom, he found it unnerving. Trapped him in a liminal space between the stage and reality.
He poured himself a cup of coffee, sitting down at the dining table to resume his idle scrolling.
Not Matty Healy trying to justify his white savior complex with a rant onstage…Lmao, homie didn’t even make sense half the time.
Matty Healy playing the victim talking about almost getting imprisoned in Malaysia. What else do you expect when you disrespect their culture? A colonizer thank you card?
MH just tryna cover up the fact that Malaysia was a temper tantrum over TS
Matty felt the bile in his stomach rise back up; his chest tightening; his vision blurring. He couldn’t bring himself to click on the ‘news’ articles that he was tagged in– their titles containing his name– and find out what industry professionals had to say about this whole thing, so he changed to his messages instead.
in town for msg soon
you around?
Yeah! For a couple days anyway… wanna come over for a drink sometime?
Are you free right now?
Matty watched, proudly, as Lilly’s legs twitched around his arm. Judging by the fact that he’d rendered her breathless, he was pretty satisfied that he’d done his job right. He pulled his fingers out of her and brought them to his lips for a taste, sucking wetly. She reached out, lazily grabbing at his shirt in an effort to pull him closer.
“Your turn now.” she whispered, before pulling him in by the collar of his shirt to kiss him.
Though Matty had been receptive to her touch, responding to the kiss with eager lips, his mind raced with panic. He couldn’t feel anything. And not just below the belt, he just wasn’t excited at all. Why wasn’t he excited? Is there something wrong with his body? Is he physically ill? Is he gradually losing all of his drive?
Lily unbuttoned his jeans and Matty wondered how he’d found himself in this same situation with two different women. His body stiffened, he attempted to reach for her hands, but it was too late.
“Oh.” Lily looked down at his lap then back at him. “I- sorry. I didn’t realize that…you didn’t wanna- ummm. I’d just assumed you wanted to have sex. Cuz, you asked to come over and-“
“I did! I do! I want to….i just might- need a minute?” His eyes darted around the room as he spoke.
Lily smiled, “oh, alright. I can help you relax.”
Her hands roamed his body, running her fingers down his chest, sensually, before deciding to undress him. Matty closed his eyes, laying down and attempting to focus on the present moment. Despite his (and lily’s) best efforts, though, he couldn’t get out of his own head.
“Still nothing, huh?” Lily had asked when she’d finally kissed her way down his body. Something, she’d assumed, would’ve given him enough time to get into the right mood.
“I mean, hey, if you’re not in the mood, it’s no problem, really! We could just watch tv-“
“No! No, no. I am in the mood. Erm, but could I ask you to do something- I mean…can we try something different?”
“What’d you have in mind?”
Matty pointed to his discarded jeans. “Do you see my belt over there?”
“Are you sure it won’t be a problem? You’re already pretty bruised.”
Matty flipped over onto his back, briefly, to assure her one last time. “Those bruises are old now. They look more dramatic than they feel, I promise.”
She shrugged. “If you say so…alright. Ready?”
Matty closed his eyes, burying his face into the bedding as pain rained down on him. He tried to conjure up memories of the last time that someone had whipped him bloody, thinking back to Amelia. His hand reached between his body and the duvet, grabbing himself and trying not to call out another woman’s name in Lily’s presence.
Matty stared up at the ceiling fan as it rotated, on low mode, and tried to catch his breath. Out of the corner of his eye, he could tell that Lily had approached him with a glass of water, but he hadn’t yet regain full control of his body again. He couldn’t will himself to move. She didn’t seem to mind, though. Happy to accommodate him, she sat on the bed next to him, arranging a wall of pillows to prop him on. “Can you sit up for me?”
The question, surprisingly, made him nervous. He snapped out of his ceiling-fan-induced hypnosis and quickly jolted, sitting up before she could lend him a hand.
“Yeah, yeah….thanks.” He accepted the glass of water, gulping it down. “Sorry.” He mumbled, leaning over her to set the now empty glass down onto the nightstand.
“What for?”
He shrugged. “Don’ know.”
“What’s going on with you?” Lily placed a gentle hand on his shoulder and it took everything in him not to brush it off.
“Nothin’s goin’ on. Just…tired. And- I— think I need a cig. And a glass of wine or something.”
She laughed, shaking her head and shuffling off the bed once more. “Coming right up. And then you’ll tell me what’s really going on cuz that wasn’t what I was asking about.”
“So…” Lily exhaled the smoke out of her lungs, putting the end of her cigarette out in the ashtray between them. “Let me get this straight…you’re in love with her, but she’s with someone else?”
Matty blushed, fiddling with the stem of his wine glass.
“She offered to break up with the guy. But you made friends with him. And now you like him too much. So you gave up your guitar — which was like the equivalent of half your soul— just so he can surprise her and take credit for the surprise?”
Matty took a large sip of his drink just to have something else to focus on.
“Oh, and also you guys are sleeping together because one time your dick didn’t work and you cried about it in front of her. Am I getting this right?”
Matty’s eyes evaded her, smiling in embarrassment, “that’s…the gist of it, yeah.”
“Okay, I’m glad I got it right cuz,” she picked up a pillow, throwing it at his face, narrowly missing her target, “what the fuck is wrong with you, dude?!!! Why are you even here? In my bed instead of hers??”
“Oh, so you want me to leave, then? Fine, I’ll leave.” Matty attempted to move but she instantly grabbed his arm.
“You’re not going anywhere….and what do your friends think about your genius behavior?”
“Who? the boys? Well…..they’ve all given different versions of, like, ‘you either tell her how you feel or you move on’ sort of.”
“And you’ve done neither.”
Matty nodded.
“Instead, you guys are sleeping together.”
Lily fell silent. She refilled her glass first, then she topped off Matty’s as well.
“I can see that you’re dying to say something.” He looked her straight in the eyes. “Out with it!”
“You’re just so dumb.” Lily smiled. “Men are so dumb. Speaking of men…..have you seen a doctor about your….’bedroom issues’ ?”
“Well, I haven’t called about test results. So, I don’t know.”
“I know, I know….”
Matty’s heart raced, his face felt warm; he blamed it on the wine. Spoke again before he could stop himself. “It’s just….i think I know what they’re gonna say.”
“The results?”
“It’s all in my head. It’s…it’s stress or psychological or whatever the fuck.” He sighed. “I mean, not to be that guy, but look at me. I’m the picture of health. I got that shit under control for tour and stuff-“
“I have noticed the, shall we say, ‘fitness level’ ?”
“Lily, are you flirting with m-“
“No. Don’t- change the subject!”
Matty chuckled. “Not changin’ anything. I’m just- I know that it’s my state of mind. I haven’t been….well- I haven’t been myself.”
Lily snatched the wine glass out of his hand, setting both of their drinks, and the bottle, aside to get his full attention. “And what’re you gonna do about it?”
“Besides ignoring it completely, I mean.”
Matty shrugged.
“Have you been to therapy? Have you….seen a psychiatrist?” She watched the look on his face. “Don’t! Don’t you roll your eyes at me. Don’t do that. That’s what guys do. It’s so childish!”
Matty had been determined to ignore her remarks until he heard the word ‘childish.’ Now, he was invested. “What the fuck do you mean ‘childish’? Just cuz I don’t need everything that’s ever made me an individual to be pathologized and medicated, doesn’t mean I’m being childish.”
Lily had had this conversation too many times before. She’d lost count of how many men get offended by their own flaws. She was over doing the gentle thing, holding their hand, and walking them through the thought process to help them come to the realization on their own. “Has it ever occurred to you that, oh- I don’t know- that maybe .your new show, your repressed love, all of the self punishment, and all that is just because you’d rather be dramatic and theatrical and do a huge arena tour than say how you feel?”
“You underestimate me, Lillian.”
“My name is Elizabeth.” She giggled.
“What?” Matty’s eyebrows shot up. “No fuckin way. ‘Lily’ is short for Elizabeth?”
“Yeah it’s mostly that I think ‘Elizabeth’makes me sound like a 76 year old widow.”
Amelia bit her lower lip smiling at Matty from across the room. He knew what that sly look meant.
“Come with me.” Giggling as she led them towards the storage room in the back of the venue.
Matty liked giving her complete control, doing as she says, being a mess at her feet. He relished in the opportunity.
“Whe-where would you like me this time?”
“Just stay standing.” Amelia surveyed the cramped room full of boxes for a moment, “you can lean against the wall if you need it this time.”
Reminding him of the last time that she’d sucked him off in the party bathroom, causing him to fall to his knees.
“Thank you.” He squeaked. He was already slipping into submission. Already pliant and malleable for her.
“Lose the clothes.” She demanded.
“A-all the way?”
“Yes. And hurry. Tobias will probably be looking for us soon.”
Matty stumbled as he kicked off his shoes, and rushed to peel his jeans off, aware of her eyes on him.
“Matty? Turn around for me, would you?”
His heart sank, dreading what was about to happen. Reluctantly, he did as she’d asked and turned all the way in a circle.
“These marks….they look fresh. What- when-“
“I- have to tell you something.” He pulled his pants back up, wincing as the fabric brushed his bum. “I- erm, I broke one of the rules.”
Amelia already knew where this was going. “Which one?”
“I- I had an orgasm- without your permission.” Matty looked down at the floor as he spoke. He could hear his heartbeat in his ears, his mouth felt dry.
Amelia’s face remained unreadable. “When?”
“La- last night.” He wished the earth under his feet could split and swallow him whole.
“Is that what those marks are from?”
He nodded slowly.
“They look pretty bad, have you looked after yourself? Disinfected the places with deeper cuts and-“
“No. I… I sort of, erm, stayed the night at her place and then came straight here. Haven’t had a chance to do anything.”
“She did this to you and then left you there? No aftercare?”
“No, no! Don’t say that! She’s not like that! She tried- but, erm, I wouldn’t let her.”
Amelia didn’t like the tightening in her chest that she felt as she listened to Matty defend another woman. She couldn’t quite figure out what she felt, but she had bigger, more important concerns at this moment.
“There’s a first aid kit in the tour bus bathroom, right?” Her face and tone unchanged, withholding.
Matty nodded.
“Let’s go then.”
Amelia gathered her supplies and set them on the bed in Matty’s tour bus bedroom. “Right then. Drop your pants and turn around.”
“I can do this myself, you know.”
“I didn’t ask. Turn around, Matty, c’mon.”
Not wanting to defy her any more than he already has, Matty complied. Amelia used her most delicate touch throughout. Slow and gentle, careful not to cause him any unnecessary pain, and pausing multiple times when she felt her hand falter. Matty pressed his lips together tightly, swallowing any and all whimpers or expressions of pain. He didn’t want her to feel bad. Not when she’s going out of her way to take care of him.
“Who is she?” Amelia heard herself ask.
“Just- ah! Shit…” he let out a groan as the antiseptic touched an open wound. “Just a friend I see whenever I’m in New York.”
“Do I know her?”
“N-no. She, erm….you two have never met.”
Amelia l withdrew for a moment as a sharp sting of jealousy washed over her. She didn’t know what she was most upset by, the fact that he slept with another woman, the fact that he’d let another woman hurt him — given her control
Over his body, trusting her to do what he needed— or the fact that she’d made him cum and got to see his beautiful, vulnerable body experiencing pleasure. Amelia was well aware that she had no right to be upset here. After all, she has a boyfriend. It wouldn’t be fair to expect Matty not to date or see anyone else while she carried on with her life. Still, she felt an unsettling ownership over him. And, she was now learning that she did not like to share.
She resumed her disinfecting, accidentally heavy-handedly, and saw Matty’s whole body flinch, a whimper of pain escaped him despite his best efforts to remain quiet.
“S-sorry.” He mumbled.
To his surprise, Amelia ran a gentle hand down his leg, attempting to comfort him.
“I know it hurts. It’s okay. Promise we’re almost done, alright?”
“Thank you.”
She smiled “let me know if you need me to stop, yeah? We can take a little break if you need it.”
Her words brought tears to his eyes.
“You’re mad at me.” Matty simply stated. “You’re mad at me. I broke the rules and you’re upset with me.”
He heard her unpack the bandages in silence.
“I’m gonna be punished for this, right?” He asked when she wouldn’t speak.
“I don’t know yet.” She pulled his clothes back on for him, delicately, making sure the waistband doesn’t come into contact with any of his sensitive injuries along the way.
“Amelia, I’m so sorry. I- I shouldn’t have done that.”
“Done what? Sleep with someone else? Why not? I do it!” She turned away from him, contemplating leaving the bus.
“Should’ve at least told you. Or asked you for permission. I- I wasn’t thinking. I’m sorry.”
She couldn’t bring herself to walk out on him. She sighed, turning back around. “I don’t wanna talk about this right now. Let me decide on my own. Now, since you didn’t get any aftercare, are you feeling okay? Do you need anything? If you’re experiencing any sub-“
“I’m okay. I promise. I’m perfectly fine. And I’m so sorry.”
Amelia stood there, frustrated, her head spinning, not quite knowing how to feel, or how she should feel.
“Would it - be okay if I hugged you?” Matty asked, his eyes pleading with her.
He took the small smile on her face as a yes and rushed to cling to her.
“You’re just so…” she felt speechless, wrapping her arms around him.
“I know, I know. I’m the fuckin worst.”
Several days, and tour stops, went by without Matty and Amelia crossing paths. She still attended every show, watching him come to life onstage every night to perform for his audience. Often getting caught in a moment with someone in the crowd, crying or laughing with them. Always, without fail, having the boys behind him. Even on his worst days, Matty always gave his job everything that he could. That much was guaranteed. It was off-stage Matty that troubled her. And troubled him. So, while they both did their jobs, attended meetings, carried on with business as usual, she hadn’t found herself knocking at his door late at night in quite some time.
Matty laid in bed late at night, still waiting, hoping tonight would be the night that she’d come back to him. As more and more nights went by with his hopes still unfulfilled, he would fall asleep thinking about Lily’s suggestion —or accusation, really — that he wasn’t channeling or processing his feelings with work, but repressing them. He wondered if his night with Lily fell into the same category. He wondered why he’d even gone over there at all. He would give anything to undo it. To have Amelia back in his bed.
Struggling to fall asleep, he decided to go down to the hotel lobby, get a drink, and if his brain was still functioning, perhaps do some work. He grabbed his leather jacket out of the closet on his way out, patting his pockets to check that he had his room card and cigarettes before leaving. When Matty opened the door, he found Amelia, standing there, looking up at him.
“Amelia!” He could burst with joy. “You’re here!”
She looked behind her, to make sure nobody could see them, then rushed into his room.
“Amelia, I- I have wanted to apologize, but I just can’t find the words to-“
She placed a finger to his lips, silencing him.
“I didn’t come here to talk, I came here so you’d get me off, so shut up and get on your knees.”
Matty wasn’t sure if that meant that she’d forgiven him or not, but he wasted no time in doing as he told. Eager to please her, and to show, if not tell, her how sorry he is.
A content Amelia reached between her thighs, grabbing Matty by the roots of his hair and pulling his head back, away from her cunt. She was still slightly out of breath from the orgasm that his mouth had given her and she enjoyed seeing his lips and chin glisten too.
“Look at me.” She commanded.
Matty’s eyes instantly met hers, his gaze unsure, humble.
“There’s my good whore.” She smiled, “it’s what you are, isn’t it? A whore? That’s what they call someone who’s happy to be spanked with his own built by just about anybody. Isn’t that right?”
Matty panicked, his thoughts racing. No! That’s not right! It’s much more complicated than that. Besides, it’s not like it was all the same to him. What he feels with her is different. Much more intimate. With Lilly, it was just sex. An attempt to prove to himself and his body that he could still feel it with other people. He learned the opposite of what he’d hoped to learn from sleeping with someone else. But he wasn’t sure if he was allowed to defend himself. Besides, she said she wasn’t interested in discussing this, and he didn’t want to risk her leaving again.
“Y-yeah. I am a whore.” It pained him to say. “Your whore.”
She let go of his hair, but he stayed in place.
“Oh don’t play that game with me, Matty.” She scuffed. “I bet you say that to all the women who force you to submit to them.”
Briefly, he considered prostrating himself on the floor and begging her to believe him. To accept his apology. But before he could throw himself on the floor, she’d reached into his underwear and pulled out his half-hardened cock.
He gasped, feeling her wrap her hand around his length, and squeeze, ever so slightly. His eyes fluttered shut, his jaw slack.
Amelia leaned forward and spat, using her own saliva as lube, she quickened her pace, pleased to see his arousal grow.
“Tell me something, Matty.” She spoke, still stroking him. “Did she jerk you off too? Hmm?”
“Wha-what?” His eyes shot open.
“The girl you slept with. You let her take control; what else did you give her? Did she suck you off? Did she fuck you? Did you fuck her?”
Matty struggled to remain focused, his self control was all dedicated to not cuming before she allowed him to. “What- no, no. I - promise- none of that….fuck, Amelia, you’re gonna make me— I didn’t— she didn’t. No fucking… nothing happened… ah, darling, please believe me- fuckkk I’m so close!”
“Somehow, I find that hard to believe.”
“I- promise… Amelia. Please, Angel, may I come?”
“I- promise. No matter what. No- ohhh shit- matter…who I’m with or not….you call and I’ll come runnin.’ You’ve got me. You- please!!!- can have me whenever you want.”
“You wanna cum?”
“So, so bad. Please darling may I?”
“Go for it.” Amelia instantly took her hand away, leaving him with a ruined orgasm.
She left him to writhe on the floor, listening to him cry out and beg, as she got dressed. ���That’s for cumming without my permission.”
Barely coherent, Matty nodded. “Thank- you, for my punishment.” His legs still twitching.
“Oh, you think that was the end of your punishment? Sweet boy; I’ve barely started.”
As she made her way out of his room, Amelia wondered if what she’d done crossed a line. Was she hurting him with malice? Laying hands on him in anger? He always told her that was the basic rule of dominance and submission. You never do it out of aggression. She wasn’t entirely sure if what she’d put him through was for his sake or out of jealousy. Deep down, a piece of her was still upset with him for sleeping with someone else. She hated that.
Amelia pushed him into the supply closet, wasting no time in crashing her lips against his.
“You heard back from the doctors yet?”
He shook his head.
“Cuz you’re already hard for me. You’re an anomaly.”
Matty chuckled. “fuckin tell me about it.”
His eyes shot wide open, his lips stifling a gasp as he felt her hand wrap around the base of his cock. “Remind me again what we’re doing?”
“Puh- pun- punishment. For me.” He managed between pants.
“And why is that?” She changed up the rhythm, grinning when the surprise made him jolt.
“Cuz- I- didn’t- i broke the rules. Let myself have an orgasm without your permission.”
Matty felt his knees begin to buckle. He pushed his head back, leaning against the wall for support. Amelia thought the look of his throat slightly bobbing as he swallowed harshly was the most mesmerizing thing she’d ever seen.
“That’s right.” She snapped out of her hypnotic state “you get edged. Everyday. And you have no idea when I’m going to let you cum. All you can do is beg. While you take it.”
“Please, darling, I- may I cum?” His droopy eyes struggled to remain fixed on her, but he tried his best, he wanted her to see the need in his eyes and to know that he was being genuine when he said that he really, really needed it.
Amelia’s free hand tugged on his balls, slightly, the sudden sensation making him moan and lurch forward. “Fuuuckk!!”
Matty’s knees buckled, he crumbled to the floor, but, rather than give him a break, Amelia simply crouched down in front of him, continuing to edge him. She circled his pre-cum covered tip, admiring the way that his hips bucked desperately.
“Please- please, please, my love. I- need it, Amelia- I’m so, so close…”
She smiled to herself. She knew he was desperate, but enough to pull out ‘my love?’ He was so adorable when he relinquished control.
“You better hold it. You understand?” She changed up her rhythm.
“Ahhh! Fuck!” He cried out. “I- I will, I’m trying.”
“Hush! You’re being too loud. We’re gonna get caught.” She wrapped her hand around his neck, tightening her grip in an attempt to silence him, it was the last push that Matty needed to get him over the edge.
He panicked, trying desperately to warn her, but his voice only a mere squeal as she choked him, he thrashed helplessly, using every ounce of self restraint left in his exhausted and overstimulated body to keep from cumming. Luckily, Amelia had learned his body’s cues well enough by now. She knew he’d reached his peak and she let go before he could lose control loosening her hold on his throat as well.
His rock- hard cock twitched against his stomach, the blood rushing through his veins, his entire body felt sensitive, from head to toe, the pain of a ruined orgasm almost unbearable. He mewled softly, his naked thighs trembling, tears welling his eyes.
“Awww, Matty.” Amelia couldn’t fight the urge to comfort him, feeling a bit too guilty for denying him yet another release. Her hand cupped his face. She was a bit worried when he flinched.
“I’m not gonna hurt you.”
Matty nodded. Unable to speak. Still fighting for breath.
She settled next to him on the floor. Pulling him into her side, her arm wrapped around his shoulders.
“You good?” She asked once his breathing had finally evened out.
“Yeah.” He smiled, tiredly.
“Was that….too much?”
Matty shook his head.
“I didn’t wanna go too hard on you. Cuz we’ve got to get back to work soon. We can’t have you being a mess right now…but, your eyes- you look a bit gone.”
Matty’s body shook against hers as he laughed silently. “It’s just what human eyes look like at arousal. I’m fine.”
“Let’s get you dressed.” She mumbled, reaching for his clothes and helping to button up his shirt over his chest.
Matty’s clammy hands struggled with the waistband of his briefs.
“I’ve got it, it’s okay. I’ll hold it for you.” She lent him a hand. “Got your shoes? Good. Let’s go.”
“Think I just need a minute. You go. I’ll be right behind you in a bit.” He smiled up at her hugging his knees.
“What? No. I’ll wait with you.”
“I’m okay, Amelia. I promise. I just need a minute to come down and collect myself.”
“Well.” She sat back down by his side. “Take your time. I’ll just keep you company.” He took his hand in hers, squeezing it and laying it in her lap.
“You’re a menace, you know that?” He kissed her cheek.
They sat in silence for a moment. Matty soon felt impatient and pulled out his phone.
“Memes already?” Amelia shook her head, “you’re the most unserious man I’ve ever met.”
“I- just- need something to distract me while I come down from all of this” he gestured, loosely, towards the marks she’d left all over his body. “You know I can’t sit still.”
She smiled and leaned in to kiss his cheek. His skin was hot, red, and he was still shaky.
“Wanna see some funny stuff?” He moved the screen to be in between them.
“Okay, but no minions. Only YOU find those funny.”
As they scrolled through, alternating between Twitter and Instagram, and giggling, they slowly found themselves stumbling over the wrong side of the internet. First, it was,
Matty Healy is ugly, racist, sexist, oh and did I mention ugly?
Matty Healy needs to stop speaking over marginalized people with his white guy “trying to help” energy. It’s giving colonialism.
Amelia rolled her eyes, interfering to scroll past, when Matty had paused to check the reply thread. But, soon enough, they stumbled upon,
The drugs that mh used to be on must have melted his brain cuz wtf is this?
“I suppose that’s enough screen time.” Matty chuckled, setting the phone down in his lap.
“It’s fine. I’m fine.”
“You’re not. And that’s okay-“
“I don’t care. Whatever.”
Amelia looked down at his lap, the phone screen getting progressively dimmer. She grinned when a thought crossed her mind and picked up his phone.
Matty watched her thumbs move as she tapped the keyboard, seemingly typing something.
Matty Healy is ugly, racist, sexist, oh and did I mention ugly?
I’d make like your receding hairline and back away if I were you. You’re in no position to speak.
She smiled, satisfied, and scrolled on.
Matty Healy needs to stop speaking over marginalized people with his white you trying to help energy. It’s giving colonialism.
At least he’s helping. What’re YOU doing? Besides being an idiot on the internet, I mean.
“Jesus Christ, Amelia!” Matty attempted to claw the phone out of her grip, but she simply scooted away. “Amelia; stop!”
“What? This is a burner account right?”
“Yeah, but that’s not the point!”
She wasn’t paying attention long enough for him to make his point, she’d gone back to typing.
Here, I’ve linked the definition of colonialism for you. Maybe your Twitter brain rot will actually teach you a new word today!
The drugs that mh used to be on must have melted his brain cuz wtf is this?
Using someone’s addiction against them? Not very woke activist progressive brave of you, is it? He could outsmart you in his sleep, btw. Don’t worry about his brain. Worry about yours.
“Alright that’s enough clapping back for you, give me that phone.”
“But I’m having fun!”
It occurred to Matty that he’s much stronger, and larger, than she is. So he hovered over her, doing his best to appear intimidating. But looking into her eyes always made him weak.
“Give me that phone, Amelia.”
“Make me.”
“Alright, but you’re gonna be sorry you asked for it.”
Their rendezvous continued for a few more weeks. They found themselves fallen into a routine. One suggestive look, or nod, was enough to signal that it’s time to surreptitiously leave, and meet someplace private. There wasn’t a position of surface that Amelia hadn’t tried to bend Matty over, or prop him on. He was never allowed to touch. Neither himself nor her as she worked him up, bringing him to the brink of an orgasm, only to pull away when he most needed her. She’d sucked him off on her knees, taken to riding him to get herself off, and on one occasion, even tried a vibrator on the tip of his cock to keep him stimulated while tied up.
It seemed to work. At least as long as she watched him cry and beg for her, she felt certain that she had a hold on him. That she could prove it to herself. Not only that, but Matty was making progress on most days. He still had his setbacks and moments of frustration. And he would get punished for those, firmly. But he did his best to remain on track. Getting back to his routines and even attempting to eat properly. So, for all intents and purposes, this system of theirs, seemed to serve its purpose. That is, until, backstage in his dressing room, Amelia had accidentally pushed him too far.
Matty looked down at his own lap, pent up frustration bubbling within his chest. He felt his eyes sting with tears, his hazy brain, already struggling to find its bearings, began to spin. He sat back down on the couch that he and Amelia had just been lying on, his warm, naked body sticking to the leather.
“I- made a mess.” He announced, his voice filled with emotion. “I- swear I didn’t feel good. Really! But I- I couldn’t stop fast enough” He felt ridiculous for tearing up. “I’m sorry. I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to.”
Amelia turned around, concerned, not so much by what he said, but by how he’d sounded when he said it.
“Oh.” Amelia smiled, at the sight of cum dripping down his stiff dick. “Did you spill over a little bit.” She giggled.
Matty nodded, frowning.
“It’s alright. We’ll get you cleaned up. There’s a shower at the end of the hall, yeah?”
Matty didn’t seem to be listening. “I- promise I felt nothing. It didn’t feel good or anything- I still hurt. I promise. Really. Honest!”
To demonstrate how obvious it was, Amelia swiped her finger over his tip, watching him wince and shudder . “Yeah, I see that.”
“I’m sorry…I’m sorry.”
“It’s okay Matty. It was an accident. And it doesn’t count as a real orgasm, you didn’t get any pleasure or release out of it, so.”
When she glanced at him and saw his face, her attitude changed. “Oh, babe. You’re really upset about this, aren’t you?”
“Sorry. It’s really dumb. I just- I wanna be good. I wanna do as you tell me to.”
“You are, Matty! You’re so good. You take your punishment really well. It’s been - well, weeks. I mean, when’s the last time that you were edged like that without an orgasm at all?”
“Exactly. Frankly, I’m impressed you’ve lasted this long. I haven’t exactly made it easy on you. You get what I’m saying?” She smiled at him but she could tell that he wasn’t persuaded. “Okay, why dont we wait a bit. You’ll take some deep breaths. calm down. Then we’ll go take a shower, yeah?”
Though Amelia had done and said everything to comfort him, Matty still had a nagging feeling in the back of his head that he’d fucked up. He’d nearly lost control, a difference of seconds could’ve made him a failure. His entire body felt out of control. He couldn’t get a grip all day. And it was obvious. To Amelia, at least. He wasn’t his usual, adrenalin-fueled ball of energy when working, he wasn’t making as many jokes or engaged in conversation. He moved slower, stumbled over his words more, and seemed anxious and afraid of everything.
Doing her best not to draw any attention to this change in his demeanor, Amelia tried all the subtle ways that she could think of comforting him. She remained close by, throughout the day, sitting next to him whenever possible, resting a hand on his back, bringing him food and water to make sure he wasn’t skipping any meals. She wasn’t sure if Matty had registered her attempts or understood that they were meant to reassure him, but she did it as much for her own peace of mind as for his. She hated knowing that he was disoriented and struggling. She hated knowing that it was because of something she had done to him. She couldn’t stand the fact that she’s unable to give him a hug or hold his hand right then and there without it being a major concern to everyone in the room.
So, if she couldn’t wrap her arms around him protectively and kiss all over his face, whisper reassurances into his ear, and let him know that he’s alright, she was going to settle for checking in with him throughout the day, bringing him food, refilling his water, placing a gentle hand over his arm whenever she noticed him retreating into his own head. Nobody seemed to notice the shift in her behavior, or if they did, nobody made it known. Except for Joshua.
“Is Matty okay?” He’d asked as soon as they were alone.
“What? Yeah…he’s- he’s fine. Just going through some stuff.”
Joshua made a vague humming sound that acknowledged her response as his eyebrows crossed. “He’s a good guy. Hope he feels better soon.” He held the door open for Amelia to walk through.
“Anyway, there’s a restaurant that Jamie told me about. Think we should try it while we’re in town. Wanna go out for dinner tonight?”
Amelia hated herself for what she was about to say. She hated doing this. But how could she not? “I- uhhh…can’t tonight. I think I’m gonna spend the night across the hall at Matty’s-“
“I’m sorry! I know. We’ve hardly had alone time this week. But…I’m worried about him. I don’t think he should be alone right now.”
Joshua’s face dropped. “Can’t one of the boys hang out with him for a few hours?”
“I promised him that I would.” She lied.
“Right….” Joshua nodded. He took a long moment to accept his fate. “Alright then. Some other time maybe.”
Amelia felt awful letting him down. But she’d found herself in a position where she would inevitably let someone down, no matter who she chose. She reached for his hand. “I’m so sorry, Joshua. Maybe you could still go? Like with someone else?”
Joshua thought about it for a moment. “George mentioned being interested.”
“Great! I’m sure he’d love to go with you!”
He forced himself to soften and put on a smile, nodding. “Yeah. Yeah George is a cool dude. It’d be a good time.”
“Great, so, you’ll go?”
“I’ll go. With George.” He leaned in and kissed her cheek.
Watching him walk away, Amelia felt a knot in her stomach. What had she done?
“Are you going to punish me?” Matty asked, as soon as they sat on the bed.
“Punish you ? What for?”
He shifted in his place. “Well- earlier- I…”
“You didn’t break any rules, Matty. It was an accident. You get that, right?”
He nodded but rather than looking relieved, he seemed disappointed.
“Matty, look at me. What is it? What’re you thinking right now?”
“It’s just- I know it was an accident. But…it wasn’t perfect. I wasn’t perfect. And….this whole thing is supposed to be punishment for- when I fucked up and slept with someone else.”
Amelia reached an arm out, “come here for a second. Listen, remember what we said about rewards and punishments? How they’re meant to motivate you to steer away from certain things and towards others?”
He nodded
“Well, in addition to just being fun.” She winked, jokingly. “That’s why these rules only apply to things and behaviors that you can control. An accident is unintentional. You didn’t mean to. And you couldn’t have stopped it. Your body reacted reflexively. What would be the point of punishing you for that?”
Matty smiled, as a few stray tears rolled down his eyes. “Fuck. This is so silly. Why am I crying?” He wiped at his eyes with the back of his hand.
“It’s not silly. It’s okay.” Amelia held his face in her hand, pulling him to her chest. “Matty, I think…I mean, I have to ask if these aren’t subdrop symptoms? You’ve been a bit off all day.”
Matty shrugged. “Don’t know. Maybe. Could be.”
She kissed his head, slowly separating between their bodies so she could get off the bed. “Well, then, you stay there and relax. Let me take care of you.”
“You’ve been taking care of me all day-“
“So? I’ll do it all night, too.”
Her smile melted his heart. If he was being real, in one form or another, Amelia has been taking care of him for weeks. And the effort wasn’t lost on him. His gratitude was impossible to put into words. He really wanted to get better. If not for himself, then for her. So she didn’t have to feel like her support was in vain.
When Amelia jumped back on the bed, she’d brought her box of recently purchased sex toys with her, and matty felt a shiver run down his spine at the realization. What on earth was she planning to do to him tonight? The look in his eyes made her giggle. They both knew they were in for a ride.
“Gonna undress you now, okay?”
“More than okay.” He grinned.
“Matty?” Amelia called out his name when she felt that he was zoning out. “Have you had enough? It’s been a while. We can stop if you’re done.”
Matty shook his head. “No, no. I’m okay. Sorry I’ve gone quiet. I’m alright, though.”
She looked down at the hickeys and love bites that she’d left all over him, surveying her handiwork.
“For this next bit, you won’t be quiet, I promise you.” Her smile was almost menacing. “But first, open your mouth for me.”
Matty obeyed instantly.
“You know what to do,” she stuck her fingers into his open mouth. “Suck. Like your life depends on it. Cuz that’s the only lube you’ll be getting.”
Matty’s eyes widened as he fervently sucked on her fingers, hollowing his cheeks, gagging, tears running down his throat, and drool down his chin.
“Alright that’s it. Good enough.”
Amelia paused, admiring how beautiful he looked with his face flushed, his lips wet and pink, panting for breath.
“You did good, Matty.” She said.
Matty smiled, shyly looking away. But she could tell that he reveled in her compliment. It was kind of odd but extremely endearing to her that she could say the filthiest things to him and he wouldn’t bat an eye, but a simple word of praise flustered him endlessly. He always seemed surprised to find out that she was happy with him. It almost broke her heart.
He nodded.
“You can tap out at any time, you know that, right?”
“Mhm. I- I do. Can you…erm, hold my hand? Please?”
she never knew why that was so important to him, something he asks for frequently, and often did with her even when he was the one in control. But she never questioned it. “Yeah, sure.”
She used her wet fingers to tease his hole, listening to him gasp and moan as he made a deliberate effort to stay relaxed. His hand squeezed hers when he felt her first finger slowly push its tip into him.
“Ohh fuck!” He cried out. His eyes falling shut.
“Feel okay?”
“Mhm, yeah, yeah.” He nodded enthusiastically. “Just…tight. It’s been a minute.” Blushing at his own words.
“I’ll be gentle, I promise.”
Matty seemed to grow more comfortable as she went on, slowly and cautiously pushing deeper into it him.
“Never done this on my- ohh Christ!- on my back. Before- fuckin hellll.” He whined. “F- feels- uhh…intense.”
“You wanna change positions?”
He was tempted to say yes, eager to hide his face away or get on all fours. But feeling vulnerable and exposed like this was new. He wanted to challenge himself. To take this step with her. “No, I- think I’m okay.”
“Sounds like you’re ready for a second finger.”
Matty whimpered, feeling his stiff cock twitch, his words getting caught in his throat, chest growing tight. “Oh, A- Amelia…that-“
“I love when you say my name like that.”
“I love- you- r name.”
She giggled. “Matty, honey, I don’t think you know what you’re saying at this point.”
Once satisfied that his body had adjusted,she abruptly pulled her fingers out of his asshole.
“N-no! That’s - I- why?” He complained.
“You’re so greedy, gosh.” She swatted at his chest lightly. “Because I’ve got this,” reaching over into the box and pulling out. Strap-on.
“Oh fuck.” Matty simply let out.
“As much as I would relish seeing you suck dick, I’m kind of excited to rail you until you break. So, maybe next time.” She squirted a generous glop of lube onto the toy, coating it evenly.
Matty was quickly rendered a crying, moaning, mess. Not that Amelia was bothered by it. She’d momentarily lost herself, admiring the way that he clenched around the artificial cock, the way that the you stretched him out, the way that his entire body responded to that pressure, his legs shaking, his cock bubbling with pre-cum. She slid in and out of him, listening for the beautiful sounds that came from his lips every time.
She knelt down, placing a soft kiss to his hip tattoo before holding on to both of his hips for more control and speeding up her pace.
Matty cried louder, his moans, and attempted thanks punctuated by her thrusts.
“Look at me, baby.” Amelia chuckled. He couldn’t hear her over his own voice. “Eyes on me, sweet boy.” Despite her attempts, matty seemed completely unaware of her commands. She just wanted to make sure he wasn’t too overwhelmed but she let him be.
She began to thrust harder, watching as a fresh wave of tears ran down his face. She had no idea that side of her existed, but now that it was out there, she was having a lot of fun. “Go ahead and touch yourself, Matty.” She said once his voice had disappeared from screaming.
“Really?” He attempted to speak, his throat hoarse.
“Yeah. No waiting; no pain tonight. Just pleasure.”
“You really mean that?”
She laughed. “You deserve to feel good, Matty. Go on, darling.”
Amelia watched his hand shake and slip a few times as she pushed into him forcefully. “You want me to get you off?” She offered.
“Y- yes please? Your hand feels better.”
It didn’t take much to get him over the edge. After all, he’d been there all week.
“I can cum? Right now?”
“Cum for me.”
She watched his eyes roll to the back of his head, his entire body trembling harshly as he let go, his release strong and all-consuming. He’d attempted to thank her, but his words soon slurred, and all she heard, was a long, guttural moan.
She slowly pulled out of him, his still-quivering body ached. She heard him wince.
“Matty, love, could you turn on your side for me?”
She helped him lay on his right side before surprising him by thrusting back in. He hadn’t yet recovered from his orgasm, but he held his breath as she slid in.
“Yeah. Think I’ll keep going. If you can take more.”
“I- I’ll - take whatever you want to do to me.”
“That’s sweet, baby. You’re being so good. But I’m trying to ask if you wanna stop.”
“Want whatever you want.”
She took his hand in hers, bringing it to her lips to kiss his knuckles. “You’re so beautiful.” She smiled gently. “anyway, the reason that I had you flip on your side is because I wanted to see if I could get this angle right. Let me try something.” She adjusted her hips, thrusting hard. A primal scream echoed from him. She’d found the right spot.
“Oh my godddd. Please don’t stop. Yeah, yeah, that’s it. Please, please, please…”
“What’re you begging for, baby?”
“Ohhh….i- I don’t knowww….”
She pushed the phallic toy all the way into his hole, and watched his body spasm around it.
“Sooo. Fuckin. Deep. Ohhhh. Fuckkkk.”
Matty’s toes curled.
“Wanna cum again?”
“Yeah. Yeah please can I?”
“Yeah, let go. Do it.”
“Thank you, thank you, thank youuuu.”
Matty writhed against the bed once more, his neck straining as his back arched off the mattress. He panted and strangled his own screams, but Amelia pounded harder into him, not letting up.
“Gonna go for a third.” She simply stated.
No longer able to speak, let alone protest, Matty simply nodded, before closing his eyes.
“Stay with me, Matty. You’re slipping.”
When he didn’t respond, she slapped his face lightly. “Matty, c’mon. Open those beautiful eyes, let me see you.”
He blinked up at her, slowly, and she knew he was barely present. His head too full of pleasure to process anything.
“Ride me. Go ahead and move your body. Cmon.”
after a longer response time than usual, matty mumbled “can’t. Too tired.”
“Do it, Matty. Cmon.”unwilling to deny her anything, he moved his hips slowly, with considerable difficulty. “Can’t. Too sore.”
“It’s okay, honey. It’s okay.” Was the last thing he heard her say before he blacked out. He felt her push his knees into his chest, allowing her to thrust deeper, his entire body shook as she hit him exactly where he needed most. He attempted a half-hearted beg, but she understood anyway, and gave him permission to cum. The pleasure so good, so strong, that his mind went blank, his body acting on pure instinct. Not a thought in his mind, not a word on his lips, he laid there, shaking, heavy limbed, tears down his cheeks.
Amelia spoke softly, despite the fact that she was certain he wasn’t listening. She talked him through her movements like he so often did with her. “Gonna pull out now.” And when he whimpered in discomfort, she rubbed his legs. “I know, sorry, my love.”
Moments later, she sat next to him. “Gonna just…wipe you clean, okay? Just for now. We’ll get you in the shower soon, yeah?” She moved his body around in various ways to clean him up, and he made no effort to intervene or stop her. It was eerie, a bit concerning, and she would’ve assumed that he was unconscious, if it weren’t for the way that his weak hands attempted to hold hers when she brought a blanket over to cover him with. He was wordlessly asking for a cuddle. And who is she to deny him?
Amelia laid down behind Matty, wrapping her arms around him and pushing their bodies together so his back was right against her chest. Her hands resting on his bare stomach, she would occasionally stroke that skin, or gently scratch it, trying to make sure he feels something physical to ground him.
“Matty, are you with me?”
She felt his hand squeeze hers.
“Good. You’re good, baby. Did so well. I’m glad we did this.” After a moments pause, she spoke again. “Did you feel good?”
He squeezed her hand again.
“I’m gonna take that as a yes. My love, I know that you must be so out of it right now, but I need you to rally, okay? We gotta feed you and maybe take a shower.”
Despite her preemptive words, they remained in bed for a long time. Matty’s tears kept pouring out of him, Amelia held him tighter. He didn’t seem to be able to speak, or perhaps he had nothing to say, so she tried to do the talking for him. Out of helplessness, not knowing how best to comfort him, and out of worry, that she might have hurt him in some way.
“Tonight was a lot, yeah? Three orgasms after being pent up for so long? That had to have been overwhelming.” She whispered. “But you took it so well. Know it must have been difficult. Thank you for putting yourself through that. For me. You were so good. ” She paused, her hand moved to stroke the length of his arm. “You like giving up control, don’t you? But you struggle to do it. It’s cuz you’re in your head all the time.” She kissed his shoulder. “I get it. It’s what makes you so special. But it must be exhausting. You gotta give yourself a break sometimes. And I appreciate that you do that with me. Really. I do. Don’t think that I take this lightly. I don’t. Means a lot to me.” She ran her fingers through his hair. “Just hate that this is the only way you allow yourself some release. I wish you’d be nicer to yourself.”
She felt him wriggle in her arms, slowly, and clumsily, he turned around to face her, resting his head on her chest. He mumbled a broken, hardly audible, “thank you.” With a strained voice.
“Gosh you’re making it so difficult to get up. We can’t fall asleep…”
Matty did, of course, fall asleep. He couldn’t help it. His body was drained, all out of energy, his mind had slowed to a complete halt for the first time since tour had started, he couldn’t feel his legs and he had no voice to speak. Amelia held on to him for a while, still playing with his hair, watching him sleep soundly, feeling his chest rise and fall as he breathed. It was the most peaceful he’d looked in a long time. But she had to get them both up eventually.
She peeled herself away from him, rummaging through the suite to sort all the necessities. Once she was satisfied that everything was prepared for them, she crawled back into bed next to him, kissing him awake.
“Matty, darling, wake up.” She kissed his cheek. “I’m sorry, baby, I know this is not what you want right now, but you’re gonna have a really hard time tomorrow if we don’t do this now. Don’t want you to drop and struggle all day, yeah?”
Matty’s eyes fluttered slowly, opening slightly. “Yeah.” He smiled.
She helped him sit up then handed him a glass of water and a bottle of his protein shakes that he always had on hand. “Need you to work on those okay?”
“What about you, Amelia?”
The fact that he was asking about her meant that he was slowly coming back into himself.
“I- I’m…I’ll eat later. Don’t worry about me right now.”
“We’ll share?” He offered. The gesture made her feel warm and fuzzy.
Steaming hot water ran down his back like a waterfall. Amelia had decided that he was too out of it to wash his own hair, so she’d hopped in the shower with him, running her fingers through his hair and lathering it with shampoo. Matty could hardly stop giggling and smiling the whole time. Especially whenever she took small breaks from washing him to leave small kisses all over his head and body.
Matty turned around, kissing her lips as steam filled their lungs and fogged up the bathroom around them.
“Thank you.” He whispered into her mouth any time that they broke, briefly, for some air.
“What do you keep thanking me for?” She laughed.
“For….just being you.”
Amelia placed a gentle kiss to his forehead as he slept, before tiptoeing out of the room the next morning. Even as she made her way back to her own room, she was already daydreaming about what they would do tonight, once she could come by his room again, after their long day of work.
At the other end of the hall, her boyfriend awaited. “Hi Joshua-“
“When were you going to tell me that you and Matty have slept together?” He asked, sprinting to his feet as soon as she walked in.
Amelia felt the blood run cold in her face. How did he find out? Had he seen them together somehow? They’ve been very careful. Made sure he was nowhere near them whenever they would sneak off. Perhaps not as careful as she’d thought.
“W- wha-what?” She babbled.
“I mean, I know it was before we met but I befriended the guy! Don’t you think I had a right to know?”
Amelia snapped out of her terrified daze. He doesn’t know. They have been careful. Everything’s fine. “Who told you?”
“George did. At dinner.”
“Damn you George Daniel!”
“No, no. Don’t be mad at him. He thought I already knew. He wasn’t telling on you.”
Amelia smiled, nervously, looking into his kind eyes. “Well, I- I’m sorry, Joshua. I didn’t know how to bring it up, and….you seemed to like Matty and I didn’t want to ruin that- didn’t want you to think about me and him….any time that you spoke to him.” She sighed, realizing that she’d run out of breath.
Joshua said nothing. He looked down at his girlfriend, who’d walked to sit on the end of the bed, her head held down in shame.
“Are you mad?” She asked when he wouldn’t speak.
“I- don’t know- I mean, you lied to me, Amelia. I asked you if you guys ever dated….you said almost.”
“No! No, I didn’t lie! We’ve never dated, I promise. It was just sex…I know that sounds a bit weird, but we have never been like ‘in a relationship.’”
Joshua hummed, taking in her words, studying her face. She looked genuine, she looked sorry. Like she was telling the truth.
“I guess…in a way….maybe I’m glad I just found out. Cuz, you’re right. I like Matty and…I probably wouldn’t have if you’d let me know from the start.” He forced a deliberate smile, attempting to dissolve the tension.
“So- you’re…not upset?”
“I mean…a bit disappointed but-“
“I’m so sorry!!”
“But not upset, no.”
“Do you…like…do you wanna know anything? I mean, there’s not much to know. Like I said…we weren’t dating or anything….mostly fucking.”
“ I think the less I know about that the better. For all involved.”
“So- we’re done talking about this?”
“Mhm. Unless you wanna say something?”
Amelia pushed the breakfast around her plate as her thoughts spun and weaved. Why did she feel a strange sense of freedom, for a small moment, when she thought Joshua had found out about her and Matty, when she pictured breaking up with him, she felt relieved. Was she a terrible person for feeling that way? Should she lean into it? Surely Joshua deserves to be with someone who doesn’t feel freed by the potential of losing him?
With considerable effort, she lifted her gaze up towards Joshua, looking him in the eyes. “Umm…Joshua?”
“I have to tell you something. There’s- we need to talk….”
He sighed, loudly, setting down his fork. “We’re breaking up aren’t we?”
Matty looked through the peephole to see Amelia waiting to be let in. He unlocked the door quickly, delighted by her early visit. Amelia, on the other hand, was too angry for pleasantries.
“Can I ask you something?” She tapped her foot, crossing her arms over her chest.
“‘Course.” Matty frowned, unsure of what he was about to face.
“What happened to your Fender Mustang?”
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katebishopfan · 8 months
Politely Declined (H.S)
Summary: Hailee and Y/n are secretly dating, but what happens when Griffin asks her out?
Y/n POV:
The bright neon lights of the carnival tents fill my vision as Hailee and I walk along trying to figure out our next move at the giant event. The Weston Carnival is a staple of this town and today my girlfriend and I have spent our entire day here.
"Oh my god! We should go to the petting zoo!" Hailee announces excitedly, pointing at a sign that say "Petting Zoo: Age 2-12". I frown at the age limit and turn to Hailee who's looking up at pleadingly.
"We can try but they might not let us in do the apparent fact we're not twelve." She nods and I grab her hand. "Even if you look short enough to be one." I add teasingly. Hailee gasps dramatically and slaps my arm.
"Y/n M/n L/n, how dare you!" She exclaims in mock outrage as I giggle quietly.
"Mmm, I love spending time with you." I murmur softly, connecting our pinkies softly.
"Me too baby." She hums before letting go of my pinkie softly and looking up at me.
"HAILEE!!" A voice calls loudly and we both turn around. The voice belongs to none other than Griffin Steinfeld, Hailee's older brother. He's walking towards us with a couple of his friends and Hailee smiles brightly at the sight of him. I've always loved how Griff and Hailee get along so well, they really are sibling goals.
"Griffy!!!!" Hailee squeals, jumping into his arms excitedly. I smile at how cute Hailee looks and Griffin smiles back at me.
"Hey Y/n/n, how have you been?" Griffin asks as he places Hailee down. "Pretty good, how about you?" I reply as I give him a big hug. Griffin always has the best hugs. Don't tell Hailee I said that though, her hugs will always be number one but his are a close second.
"Ehh can't complain." He turns towards his friends who are all smiling at me. Ugh, men. "These are my friends, Dean, Lucas and Jesse." Griffin explains happily and I nod at each one of them. I feel Hailee subtly move closer and I refrain from smirking at her obvious jealousy. I know she hates not being out but she's scared how her family will react, even if they're amazing and supportive on all fronts.
"It's nice to meet you." Hailee says with a fake smile and clenched jaw. Their eyes spring away from me as they glance over at Hailee and nod each one of them muttering a quiet greeting.
"We were just about to try and slip into the petting zoo, would you like to join us?" I offer politely, secretly hoping they would decline. Griffin's eyes light up and he smiles brightly at me glancing over at his friends.
"We would love to, right guys?" Griff replies shaking the three boys from their insistent staring.
"Wait what's happening?" Dean asks in a confused tone. Shaking his head as if trying to clear his thoughts and focus on Griffin.
"We're going to the petting zoo." Hailee repeats in an unimpressed tone. I sneakily brush my pinkie finger past Hailees's trying to offer her some comfort. Her composure relaxes immediately but she doesn't look over at me.
"Yeah, yeah. Um that sounds fun." Lucas agrees along with Dean and Jesse who just nod.
"Great, let's go!" Griffin announces excitedly grabbing my hand. I subtly glance back at Hailee as I Griff pulls me along and find her eyes staring directly back at me. My hand slowly drifts out to grab hers, my body desperately wanting the connection. I hear the annoying click of the paparazzi's camera and I let my hand fall back. Her face starts to fall but she quickly catches it, plastering a fake smile back onto her face as more people start to swarm.
"Y/n, will you be in season two of Hawkeye?!"
"Over here Hailee!"
"Y/n, you're holding hands with Griffin. Does this mean you're dating?!" I drop Griffin's hand and ignore them.
"C'mon guys give us something!" I turn back at Hailee and find trapped, a circle of paparazzi bombarding her with questions. My blood boils and before I know it I'm pushing my way through the crowd. I grab Hailee's hand and then protectively wrap my arm around her waist.
"We will not be answering any questions today, sorry and have a nice day." I announce guiding Hailee out of the way while holding a hand out to shoo people away. I don't even have time to savor the feeling Hailee's body being against mine as I walk briskly over to Griffin who is looking very annoyed.
"Thank you for saving me." Hailee murmurs softly, cuddling up to me sneakily. I smile brightly as her head nestles into the crook of my neck. The moment of affection is brief because Hailee moves her head away once Griffin clears his throat.
"Well, should we try to get into the petting zoo?" He asks, mostly waiting for my reaction. I glance over at Hailee who shakes her head.
"Nah, the paps are here so I wouldn't want to get in trouble and have it make the headlines." I decide, looking around for something to do.
"How about the Ferris Wheel?" Griffin suggests. I feel my heartbeat quicken at the thought of being so high but I try to hide it with a smile.
"Sure, I don't think we've done that yet right ba-Haiz?" I barely catch myself in time but Hailee smiles at the pet name.
"Uhm, no we haven't.. Are you sure you're okay with going that high?" She asks, the tone of concern in her voice apparent. I nod and Griffin claps.
"Alright Ferris Wheel it is then, let's go!" I try to walk with Hailee but Griff grabs my hand and pulls me along. My phone buzzes and I already know who it is.
My Pretty Girl <3 Are you sure you're okay with the heights? I can fake a sudden illness and you can stay with me.
Me I'm sure I'll be fine. Let's try and get our own booth.
My Pretty Girl <3 It's two to a booth so it should be easy <3
Me Great!
Hailee POV:
I look up from my phone as Y/n looks back at me with that cute little smile she always has when she's happy. I'm a little nervous for her to go in the Ferris Wheel because it's very high and Y/n is terribly afraid of heights, but she said it would be fine. Plus I'll be there to support her if she needs me.
"Alright guys, welcome to the Ferris Wheel. We have a four seater here for the friends if the couple wants to go together." I nod and smile. Griffin smile widens and I realize he's talking about Y/n and Griff.
"Oh well, um Hailee and I could also go together if you want to go with your friends." Y/n suggests glancing back at with a mix of panic and apology.
"No it's fine Y/n I'll go with you." Griffin replies happily. I clench my jaw and walk over to the booth where Dean, Jesse and Lucas are already sitting. Y/n stares at me sympathetically and furrows her brow unhappily.
"Are you sure you don't want to go with your friends? I mean Hailee and I have always had this dream of taking a picture together at the top of a Ferris Wheel-"
"It's fine Y/n." I interrupt her. Her smiles sinks even further and I feel slightly bad for interrupting her. She nods slowly and gets into the booth a few down. Whelp, there goes my plan to comfort her.
Y/n POV:
I can already feel the panic in my system rising but I try to push it away and focus on Griffin. We're sitting beside each other which is somewhat comforting I guess, but I just want my girlfriend. Hailee always knows exactly how to calm me down and I need that right now.
"The ride is starting in." "3" "2" "1"
We slowly start to move and I take several deep breaths, somewhat trying to keep myself calm.
"So how is work going?" Griffin asks turning towards me. I barely hear him as we slowly start our ascent.
"I- um, it's going well how about yours? How is the world famous NASCAR driver doing?" I ask, feeling my breath start to leave my body.
"It's….which is…." I try to listen but my body is completely focused on how close we are to the top. "I also need to….these feelings…I really like yo-…" I try to comprehend what he said and form a response but my body doesn't cooperate. I stay silent as we start to descend but I realize what he said and I turn to look at him.
I open my mouth to speak but I get cut off by his lips on mine. He retracts slowly and I stare at him in complete shock. He kisses me again and I squeal pushing him off as we reach the bottom, the ride coming to a stop. I hurriedly climb out and walk right up to Hailee pulling her by the hand to behind a building.
Hailee POV
I wait nervously for Y/n at the bottom and hope that's she doing okay. Her face as she comes down looks distant and slightly panicked which makes me worried. She turns towards Griffin and he KISSES HER?! She pulls away immediately and stares at him before her kisses her AGAIN!!!! This time she shoves him away and the booth stops right in front of me. She gets out with Griffin scrambling after her and grabs my hand pulling me behind some building.
"I'm sorry! I couldn't get out and I didn't hear him because I was too focused on how high we were then he kissed me so I froze then he did it again but I love you and I-" Her words continue spilling out but I can only focus on three of them.
"You love me?" I ask quietly, my heart bursting with joy at the admission. "Of course baby. I love you." She replies like its such an obvious thing.
"I love you too and I'm not mad at you I promise." I reply softly caressing her cheek. She blushes and her eyes glance down at my lips. I slam my lips onto her trying to take her surprise so I can keep my dominance but her tongue quickly slips into my mouth and she pushes me up against the wall. Her hand grazes my thigh innocently before lifting it up and raising it to her hip. I run my hands through her hair and tug softly on a strand causing her to release a muffled whimper.
"You can't do that love." She mumbles into my mouth her lips continuing to move against mine, our mouths slotting together so perfectly.
"Why not darling?" I ask cheekily already knowing the answer.
"Because it makes me too horny." She replies boldly all the sudden rubbing her thigh against my center. I groan at the feeling and throw my head back softly. I try to grind on her but the pressure is gone as quickly as it started. I whine and try to connect our lips again but she only softly pecks mine before letting my leg slowly drop down.
"That's no fairrrrrr." I complain as she starts to walk away. She chuckles lightly and takes my hand, spinning me into her arms.
"I'll make it up to you later." She whispers sultrily. I shiver at the feeling of her breath on my ear and nod hastily.
Y/n POV:
I walked back towards Griffin and the other boys without Hailee's hand in mine, suddenly feeling much smaller.
"Hey, c-can we talk?" Griffin asks nervously, his hand on the back of his neck. I nod my head awkwardly and glance at Hailee who gives me an encouraging smile.
"Let's go over here." I decide pointing to a bench slightly off the path. We walk over quietly and I sit down beckoning him to do the same.
"I'm sorry for kissing you." He mumbles, a deep blush covering his cheeks. I hum in acknowledgment before rolling my shoulders and beginning to speak.
"I really care about you Griffin, I do. I love you, but as a brother. Hailee's my.. Well she and I are really close, and I love you both. I'm really sorry Griff." He takes a deep breath and sighs.
"I understand, thanks for being honest with me." I nod opening up arms. He smiles moves closer letting me wrap my arms around him. After a few moments I draw back and stand up. We walk back in a more comfortable silence and I smile at Hailee who smiles back. Griffin's friends on the other hand are shaking their head at him.
"Well, Y/n and I might head back to my apartment now but we had a really lovely time with you guys." Hailee announces before grabbing my hand and pulling me away.
"Why are you in such a rush darling?" I ask as we walk off.
"Shut up I'm horny."
Make sure to check my Wattpad, I have ALL my oneshots posted there.
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astarionfixation · 7 months
Am I Fu**ing Insane !?!
A multi chapter adventure in Astarion's mind
Chapter 1 - *Would it really matter if it was a bite or a kiss?*
Rating: eventually Explicit but just a lot of mind tease so far.
Word count count: 2.3k
Pairings: Astarion X OFC Tav
AO3 link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/54356776/chapters/137677126
I have a quite serious praise kink. Which also means compliments in the forms of tags and/or comments might very well spur me to write and post more
Astarion swallows again, involuntarily, his lips slightly parted mimicking hers and his mouth now watering the closer he gets to her. As the tip of his nose brushes lightly against her lobe a deep moan escapes her lips, carrying his name again to his ears.
Her deceptively warm fingers have somewhat found a way to sneak up on him as they now tickle the back of his neck, almost as if she was inviting his mouth down to her and *Would it really matter if it was a bite or a kiss?*
Chapter One - *Would it really matter if it was a bite or a kiss?*
The music and merriment made it easy, what was another drink amongst friends? Companions on an adventure sharing an untimely fate, bringing pleasantries out of necessity. And fashioning courtesy best suited to resemble honey poured in the ear of the receiver? That was the skill he had honed for over two hundred years at this point.
He moved gracefully across the tavern until he found her, just by the bar, and when he grabbed her by the waist, half out of kindness to save her feet caught between his, he finally had the chance he had worked towards for days: his free hand deftly gaining access to the bag she still carried, trapped between her lower hip and the tavern bar.
*she’s way softer and warmer than I imagined expected*
Because why would he ever spend time thinking and imagining anything about her that wasn’t that shiny little tome she always carried around?! That was the thing that had caught his eye for days now. Something that well cared for and protected surely held some interesting, maybe necessary information that she was indubitably just selfish enough to keep for herself, her companions be damned! And in any other situation he would have complimented that self serving and egotistically focused behaviour, respected even. So when his hand snuck into the bag, long fingers trying to recognise the cold metallic surface of the journal, the other one holding her straight pulling her just a bit too close, too tight to him, chest flush to his, with that warmth he would have sworn under torture was a discomfort for him…
*because she has no right to distract me with the softness of her body while I am trying to work here!*
And fine work was that of a rogue with his expertise. Surely the fact that, at that thought, he just held her tighter, was just to exercise control rather than enjoying the sensation a second too long. That was until the stark contrast of the cold metal cover found his fingers, and in a swift, dexterous move his hand brought it to his back, quickly disappearing under his own shirt.
*That’s it! It’s done! I’ve got my key to freedom now!* 
He finally had the one possible answer to all of this troubles, all to himself! Finally released from the tame and domesticated behaviour he was forced to act out around other creatures that surely had just slowed him down thus far.
*Then why am I still holding her?*
And the second the thought formed in his head his charlatan persona took over. He planted an overly dramatic and flirtatious kiss on her forehead while slowly releasing his grip on her, now that surely he had gotten all he could have possibly wanted from her and her back could find support on the bar just behind her.
“You should be more careful where your pretty feet stumble darling, not everyone here will have as innocent reasons to catch you as I do”.
It was so natural for him to say the exact opposite of what he was actually thinking. He had centuries of experience on the matter; the meanings of words might have all but merged by now. A blur whose significance mattered only to get him what he wanted, what he needed. His Freedom. Nothing else,  *no one* else.
But just as he was about to sneak out of that embrace, *which has come to be purely out of interest* he repeats to himself, his prized loot secured away, that’s when he felt her hands tug gently at the fabric of his shirt, one so close to his collar that the warmth was there, unmistakable again. And at this point the sensation was irritating him.
*I don’t need this* he kept repeating in his head, while he found his mouth involuntarily swallowing and her sweetly spiced scent overtaking the various smells of liquor and sweat from the tavern, replacing them all from his nostrils down his throat and to his empty stomach. Her scent burnt his insides just as her fingers were charring the spot on his neck that was now way too close to her fingertips, and he found himself almost hissing in discomfort, surely nothing else but discomfort…
“Please Astarion…” she uttered, limply.
She had used the grip on his shoulders to pull closer so that her warm breath was now concerningly close to his pointed ear “will you help me upstairs? I can’t…”. As her words trailed off he feigned rolling his eyes dramatically to regain back composure, mocking her would surely throw her off the scent of what was really happening.
“You people would be truly lost without me, wouldn't you?”
His histrionic tone followed by a supposedly exasperated sigh, his mind quickly going through movements and scenarios making sure that her book, now hidden upon his person, would not find its owner again.
He looked at her again, at her red cheeks and half lidded eyes from several drinks, and considering she didn’t even remotely realise anything was amiss at all he convinced himself 
*Sure, what’s better and more inconspicuous than putting her to bed and making sure she stays there. By the time she’s up again, I will be well far away, along with whatever secret she uncovered that will let me control this worm in my brain*
With the book secured between his back and belt he lowered his hand on her waist again and this time she immediately went flush against him, a softly exhaled “thank you” as her head found his chest and *Why the hells does she think she can just trust me in this state?!* How little would it take for him to fill his stomach to help in his getaway, now that, surely, he didn’t need any of them anymore!
But they had now been in this bizarre embrace of convenience for quite a moment longer than he anticipated stealing the journal would have taken, and if keeping up appearances with a flourish of seduction was what was needed, he certainly was an expert with that.
With his hand firmly planted on her side, the tip of his cold fingers slightly skimming under the shirt, only to be scorched by the warmth of her skin, his arm circling her waist, he started to guide her towards the stairs to their rooms. 
A vague nod to the others and *how can they all be so oblivious and trustworthy, making life so easy for me* he was now taking her upstairs until… 
When one of her feet made her stumble against the step he was surely too annoyed to let her try again with dozens more to come, that’s absolutely the reason why he moved his other arm under her knees, lifting her with ease, now holding her to his chest and moving swiftly away from the others gaze.
*Quick and inconspicuous* whilst no one really gave them a second look, all busy with their drinks and loud music to really think much about the two of them looking almost like lovers companions, with his exceedingly graceful hold of her body.
In a matter of seconds he had her in the room, pushing his back into the door, closing it, while his arms still carefully, softly cradled her body, a hint too tightly to his. It was certainly because he was now acquainted  to the warmth that he could find the pleasantness in it, definitely not because of how small and soft she felt against his chest. 
Not lingering next to her bed a moment too long before gently letting her body leave his embrace for the comfort of the blankets.
“A.. starion… please” she mumbles through her lips just as he was about to leave her there, and he feels another uncomfortable tug from his stomach. Must be the hunger reacting and that is surely why he finds his hand tracing a curl from her temple through her warm cheek and down to that spot just behind her ear where he can feel her elevated pulse practically screaming, begging him to be released from the intricate maze just under her skin! Consequences be damned! And he doesn’t even realise that he’s not moving away from the edge of the bed but bending dangerously close to a point where he likely won’t be able to pull back… and that’s when the loud metallic -clang- brings him back to reality.
The book now on the floor and his body frozen, carmine eyes widened and an unneeded breath held just below his throat as she stirs, and while her eyes are kept closed, a slight tug at the corner of her lips makes her look peaceful, as her fingers manage to find any way to grasp at him and in a soft breath she hums, barely intelligible
Time is something he should experience differently from mortals but even if he has stopped keeping track of her breaths and heartbeats *to make sure she’s asleep, certainly not because being drunk they could increase and she would be unsafe* he starts to feel the need to move, he is itching for it, he knows he needs to gather the book back and swiftly make his way out of this place, and he absolutely needs not to follow his nose rather than his mind, which feels currently compelled to get closer and closer to that spot just behind her ear that has been singing rhythmically for him since she let her body go flush and warm against his.
Astarion swallows again, involuntarily, his lips slightly parted mimicking hers and his mouth now watering the closer he gets to her. As the tip of his nose brushes lightly against her lobe a deep moan escapes her lips, carrying his name again to his ears.
Her deceptively warm fingers have somewhat found a way to sneak up on him as they now tickle the back of his neck, almost as if she was inviting his mouth down to her and *Would it really matter if it was a bite or a kiss?*
And that is what finally brings back his sanity. 
Because surely this is just a very clever deception.
If she is pretending to want this -*want me*- she surely knows, maybe everyone does and they are all out the door ready to catch him in the act, ready to beat him into a pulp and send him back to a few more centuries of torture and 
*that is -not- going to happen tonight* 
Not because of some clever manipulation masquerading as innocence so astutely he had almost fallen for it.
Quicker than her dulled senses can perceive he’s on his feet again, the little volume secured in his hands again and swiftly disappearing under his clothes, and her hands suddenly falling back to the pillow with nothing to grasp onto, her unintelligible sounds that might have resembled disappointment quickly replaced by deeper, more regular breaths.
His eyes narrow while looking at her one last time.
*you little minx almost fooled me!*
Which is not something common for him, and he would be impressed if it wasn’t for the anger that now burns his lungs and stomach more than her scent did just moments ago. 
The anger for his own self to have focused -for any amount of time- on anything but his own freedom. That is something he’s not going to quickly forgive himself for.
He will tell himself that it was disgust that made him recoil and pull away, only when he was finally sure she was out and he could finally get away undisturbed, surely nauseous at the scent of  mulled wine and flowers he caught a whiff of when she unwisely let her body be closer and carried upstairs by him.
*And she’s lucky I don’t have any more time to waste on any them* he thinks to himself as he turns around, clutching the little book, and making his way back to his own room, careful now to avoid any sudden movement that could cause noise. Back to his nature, sneaking away.
He’s halfway surprised -disappointed?- that no small army is waiting to catch him outside her door.
*but it means nothing! It proves nothing!*
Her deception is surely just more convoluted than he envisioned it to be, but soon it won’t be his problem anymore!
He swiftly gets to his room and locks the door, and finally a long, unneeded exhale comes out of his lungs. Back pressed against it, he lets the tension and fear melt away for a moment.
*Fear to be caught, nothing else!* he thinks to himself as a flash of her slightly parted lips and that pulsating spot just behind her ear comes back to him.
And that’s when the instinct to know wins over the one of survival, the one that should have him ram every little thing he owns in his sack while he puts as much distance between himself and everyone else, now that he certainly owns the solutions to the tadpoles she would have selfishly kept to herself in this little, insignificant book.
His long, delicate fingers almost trembling with excitement, the mere lock -an insult to his skills- falls to the floor in no time and finally! Finally he can swipe through the handwritten pages where certainly the solution to this parasitic problem ought to be. Where surely there is a way to control, rather than extirpate, and the secret to walk in the sun forever is just mere lines away from him!
Until skimming over the pages his eye catches the familiar swirls that form his very own name.
*Astarion. I have lain myself down, convinced myself it was for a healthy rest and then punctually, every time, it started in my ears, though it felt like he was in my mind, and all I can hear is his voice: Astarion’s.*
And he might as well have turned into a statue made of salt.
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corn-fanfiction · 10 months
SAVIOUR COMPLEX (Mark Hoffman x F!Reader) (PT. 7)
(PT. 6)
Rated: M
TAGS: language/past abuse/Mark Hoffman being a c*p/reader's life is maybe becoming less normal/Mark is protective bc it's his job but he's also problematic/because he's a c*p/Detective Gibson is his own tw/kissy kissy
**NOTE: Hey guys. Thank you so much for interaction with this fic, and I’m seeing a lot of new followers. I love that!! But I really need to stress right now how I do not support/endorse C*stas M*ndylor as a person or his opinions. He’s racist and I enjoy and only enjoy Mark Hoffman’s character. If you are a C*stas Stan, I highly encourage you to maybe cease interacting with this fic.**
“To say that this looks bad is an understatement.”
Mark scoffs and paces the Chief’s office.
“Don’t be dramatic.”
“No, let’s go over everything that’s happened tonight. You breach protocol by taking your case out on a date, you bring her to an active crime scene where her boyfriend has just died in a Jigsaw trap, and you are in the FBI’s sights! How is that dramatic?”
Chief is stunned, baffled and befuddled. “Excuse me?”
“Ex boyfriend.”
“Are you-“ Chief sighs and pinches the bridge of his nose in exasperation. “You’re pulling my leg, right? This is a joke. This has to be a joke because I know you're not this stupid.”
“Watch it.”
“No, fuck it. You’re off her case and you’re suspended until I can figure out what the fuck to do with you. Turn in your badge and gun.”
Mark stares him down. He doesn’t move.
“Do it, or we’re gonna have a scene.”
Mark grinds his teeth, his jaw ticks. He’s holding air that he refuses to sigh away as he slams his sidearm and his badge down on the Chief’s desk.
“Who’s my replacement? I assume whoever it is has her next door in interrogation, right?”
“Don’t fucking split hairs with me right now.”
Before the Chief has a chance to respond, the heavy metal doors to the interrogation hall open and close. Mark throws the office door open and sees you passing. He gives you a comforting hand but then leaves when he hears a snort from Gibson. He turns on him and Gibson either isn’t expecting it or doesn’t think Mark will actually put hands on him. On both fronts, he’s wrong, because Mark grabs him by his collar and holds him with shaking arms.
“What the fuck is your problem, Gibson!?”
Gibson pushes Mark’s arms from his chest and shoves him. Not hard enough to hurt, but hard enough to send the message.
“I’m doing my job, Hoffman. Don’t forget, you’re a suspect too, and in danger of ‘reassignment’. Right?”
Gibson huffs and adjusts his shirt. Mark points a finger at his chest.
“You better keep your nose outta things before something happens to it.”
“Is that a threat?”
Mark is about to let him know that yes, it is a threat, when he feels a hand on his arm. He whips around and there you are, staring up at him with empty, dark eyes that are pooling with tears. God, you look ragged, traumatized- you are. 
“Mark, come on, please. Please, let’s just go home. Please.”
He softens at your plea. He’ll do anything for you right now, and that includes walking away from this fight. He gives Gibson a final mean look and guides you out of the station and takes you home.
Now, he’s staring out the window of your bedroom as you’re curled against him in sleep, one arm tucked under your head and the other draped across you. He realizes that he probably shouldn’t have even brought you here, but rather have taken you back to his place. You need familiarity, sure, but whoever had been stalking you could still be after you.
That was something else you didn’t know. When you and Mark had arrived on the scene and he saw Ted’s body, it was apparent that it wasn’t…fresh. Of course, he knew that Gibson had to have shown you the photos but there’s no way you were in a state to notice that detail. And it looked like more than a couple days. The death was old…older than the day someone showed up outside your window.
He pulls you closer. Not only is someone imitating Jigsaw- him, not only had that person killed Ted, but they were likely the one stalking you. 
It isn’t far fetched to think there’s another Jigsaw copycat; after all, that’s how he got the gig. The difference is that John and Amanda are both dead, and neither of them can handle this so Mark can focus on you. Mark racks his brain to shake loose any possible suspects. Everyone with any hand near Jigsaw is dead except him…and Jill. Christ, what if this is all Jill? Jealous because he has you and she has no one?
But Jill doesn’t have the physical strength to manage this on her own, and Mark’s watched her long enough to know she lives a solitary life. So no, Jill may be possible, but highly unlikely.
It has to be someone you know, or someone who knows him and his feelings towards you. It would be too large a coincidence for it to be a random copycat.
Who? Who?
The good news is that if he's suspended, he has plenty of time to find out.
There’s a banging on the door the next morning. You immediately jump and press your back to the headboard. Mark stands, reaches for his gun and then curses when he remembers he turned it in the night before.
You look up at him in a panic and he raises a calming hand. He glances at the window- nobody there. Goes down the hall and grabs a knife from the kitchen.
A peek out the front window reveals Gibson at the door, tapping his foot, looking around, checking his watch. Mark curses and opens the door, subtly setting the knife on the kitchen counter.
Gibson stops, looks Mark up and down, then cracks a smile.
“Jesus. Wasted no time, I see.”
Mark scowls and his grip on the door tightens. “Careful, Gibson. There’s no cameras here.”
Gibson looks over Mark’s shoulder and into the apartment.
“She around?”
“Yes, she’s in bed, and very fucking traumatized from the shake-down you gave her. That make you feel big, Gibson? Harassing a woman who’s being stalked and just saw her ex-boyfriend murdered?”
“Just doing my job. You know all about that.”
Before Mark can get another word out, you come up behind him, now having donned some pants and a cardigan.
“Detective Gibson. What a…well, whatever it is. What do you need?”
Gibson smiles at you, self-satisfied.
“I’m taking over your case. And with the recent danger, we think it’s best we put you in a safe house.”
Your eyes widen and you push your way past Hoffman who puts a hand on your shoulder. You shrug him off.
“Fuck that! You and your precinct already upheaved my life with this protection bullshit, now you wanna take me away from my job, my apartment? And for what? Jigsaw very clearly has no problem with me!”
“Yeah. Wonder why that is.”
Mark watches as you turn red. 
“Besides, not like you’re leaving much behind.”
Mark barely has time to grab you when you lunge for Gibson, who leans away with a chuckle.
“Easy. I can always still take you in by force.”
“Fuck off, no you can’t,” Mark bites. “She can deny if she wants to.”
“Yeah, but that don’t look too good either, does it? Got a reason to stay away from the police?”
“Aside from the fact they’re batting 1,000 when it comes to harassment?”
Gibson looks from you to Mark. 
“You don’t seem to mind too much.”
“That’s it-” 
Mark is out the door before you can stop him and he slugs Gibson in the jaw. The younger detective stumbles back into the yard and Mark looms over him.
“Get the fuck outta here. And unless you have a warrant, you can tell the chief to shove this whole thing up his ass.”
Gibson stands and spits some blood into the grass.
“Your ass is out, Hoffman. You hear me? You’re fucked!” Gibson shouts and returns to his cruiser, stepping into the driver’s seat and retrieving his walkie-talkie. You run out to get Mark.
“Mark, what the fuck?!”
Mark sighs, shakes out his hand, turns to you. “I’m sorry. I- I can’t stand that prick. He was asking for it.”
“Yeah, no kidding! He was egging you on and you gave him exactly what he wanted. You could lose your job!”
“Nah,” Mark says, shaking his head and heading back inside. You follow him.
“I’ll have a word with the Chief, pay some penance, do crossing duty or something for a few weeks. Shit like this happens all the time.”
Mark goes to your freezer and grabs a bag of peas to cradle against his knuckles. When he faces you again, you’re leaning against the counter, chewing on your lip, staring at the imitation marble.
“What?” he inquires.
“No, what are you thinking?”
He watches as you splay your hand against the countertop, moving your fingers back and forth. He moves to stand next to you, moves his head to be closer to yours. Nudges you.
“Come on. Let me in.”
You sigh. “I don’t know what’s happening anymore. I don’t think I’m in danger. Or maybe I am. I don’t really care. But…maybe it’s best if we took a break? Just until the dust settles?”
Mark’s heart plummets into his gut and his eyes search yours, his head unmoving.
“You want that?”
“No. No, I really don’t. But I’ll be fine, and you can’t lose your job.”
Because it’s all I have.
Well, that was before he had you.
“Let Gibson take over my case. Once it dies he’ll get bored, I bet. I’m willing to wait.”
You finally meet his eyes and your hand finds his on the counter.
“What if I’m not?” he mutters, his lips so close to yours.
“I mean, I never really pegged you for a patient man. But…”
It’s like you can’t help yourself. Your lips come up to meet his and his hand gently cups your jaw. 
Another kiss. One deeper and warmer. Before there can be a third that leads to something more, you pull away and Mark sighs.
“Maybe it’ll die out fast, you know?”
Mark nods at the refrigerator. 
“Hey,” you say, tilting his face towards you. “Look at me. It’ll be fine. Distance and fondness and all that.”
“I don’t think I can get any fonder, honestly.”
He watches in pain as your eyes flutter through that small confession and a smile pulls at your lips.
“Well, just hold on to it, then. And phones exist, you know?”
He dips down for a kiss on your cheek.
“So do midnight rendezvouses. And windows.”
“Come on,” you gently push against his chest. “Just think of how nice it’ll be when this all passes. Maybe my bed will see some action other than cuddling all night long, hm?”
Mark groans. “God, why would you say something like that when you’re trying to rush me out the door?”
“If I was rushing, you’d be gone already. I’m stalling, actually.”
Another kiss. Then one on the forehead. 
“Alright. Go makeup with the asshole outside. Apologize to the Chief. Help kids cross the street or something. I’ll see you soon.”
Mark grinds his teeth but submits, laying the peas on the counter.
“Sorry for defrosting those.”
You smile reassuringly, and it does help him feel like things will be okay. “Maybe we'll eat them next time.”
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alicentsgf · 2 years
ok so fans who hate alicent LOVE to say shit like "book alicent was beefing with a child lol" totally unironically. and it just confuses me. like Bro... all f&b tells us is she Stopped Being Nice to rhaenyra after aegon was born (when viserys showed no sign of naming him heir). because, reportedly, she was originally kind to rhaenyra. apparently kind enough for at least one or two people to note a sudden change in demeanor.
and like im sorry. is it that crazy that when alicent began to understand rhaenyra and her own son were going to be pitted against each other in the future she chose aegon and distanced herself from rhaenyra? she wasnt "beefing with a child" like i feel thats so clearly just a little joke someone made thats been taken at face value and regurgitated. because its not true. or at least f&b gives us no indication of it - we're never told about her acting maliciously toward a young rhaenyra. in fact i dont think we're given much indication they really interacted at all. and anyway, wouldnt it have been worse for her to continue to keep rhaenyra close ? so she could try and manipulate her?? people make book alicent into this great seductress and manipulator and theres basically no textual evidence to support it. if anything i feel like alicent distancing herself shows she very possibly DID genuinely care about rhaenyra once, perhaps enough to worry her attachment might undermine her cause to prioritise aegon in some way. and this is only further supported by rhaenyra's decision to spare alicents life later when the rest of the greens became dragon snacks.
then theres the fact book alicent was the one who asked viserys to betroth aegon to rhaenyra. why would she do that? a woman from a house with such close ties to the faith no less. she asked when aegon was 6 and she must have known by that point viserys was likely never going to name aegon heir - imo she was exhausting options to try and protect her children. no matter what choices aegon made he had every chance of becoming a symbol others would use, forcing rhaenyra to make an example of him to maintain control. marrying them to each other would do a lot to avoid that eventuality. it was both a smart political match and what Targaryen tradition demanded. viserys was convinced alicent was only acting out of ambition which is why he rebuffed her, but we're repeatedly shown viserys is kind of an idiot. especially politically.
theres this Obsession with the idea alicents characterisation was changed so dramatically for the show. 'i wish they'd made her like book alicent' they did...? they made her a victim who is scared and anxious and bitter. theres nothing to suggest that wasnt who book alicent was. everything we know of her is filtered through layers of bias - her story told by men who dont give a shit what she felt or desired. and what? you dont like it because you wanted her to be some one dimensional villian? because doubling down of f&bs oft misogynistic, cardboard cutout representation of her would have been So great. like please, i get that so much of f&b can be interpreted a whole bunch of ways but 'alicent the evil step mother' is the most basic, boring interpretation. it shows no depth of thought at all. theres at least a few clues in there as to who she Actually might have been, if you bother to look.
its just insane to me honestly. you read that book and thought she was pure evil? this woman who doted on her daughter and grandchildren so completely that her grandson's murderers knew to find them in her rooms. this woman who spent her last moments embracing death, pining for her dead children and speaking fondly of the old man she used read to as a girl. its really not that hard to percieve book alicent as a trapped and embittered woman desperately scared for the lives of her children. seriously. where is the critical thought? the empathy?? im so tired.
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writeforfandoms · 1 year
Hooray for blurbs! My request is for the protective list, number 4 - "when I say run, don't wait or look back just run" - I figure this would work either with Price/Mama Bear or Gaz/Cat. Your choice as to if it's the human or the shifter who's making a break for it.
I went with Gaz/Kitty because it felt right at the time. I hope you enjoy!
Warnings: threat of violence, minor character deaths, 141 are all protective of kitty.
You weren't sure how these people had found out you were a shifter, or how they'd followed you, or how they'd managed to catch you shifted.
But they had.
Your gaze darted between the five of them, all armed, all prepared. One had a fucking net ready to toss at you.
In other words... you were fucked. Well and truly fucked.
You wished you'd been able to say goodbye to Gaz, leave him some kind of note, something so that he had some closure. But you were rapidly running out of time as one of them edged forward, testing you. You hissed, all of your fur already floofed on end, back arched.
But they'd trapped you in a corner and you all knew it. There was no way out for you. Even if you shifted, you didn't stand a chance.
"Make it easy on all of us," one of them said, even as the one with the net lifted it. "Give up now."
You hissed your answer. It wasn't in your nature to give up so easily.
There was a soft crackle from above you, almost like a radio. Your ears flickered in that direction. Maybe you'd misheard? But no, there it was again. Another deliberate crackle.
Your heart leapt.
"When I say run, don't wait or look back," Gaz said quietly from above you. So quietly, in fact, that you thought maybe the men hadn't heard him. They certainly didn't seem to have. "Just run."
You flicked your ears deliberately back at him, tail twitching. He knew you well enough by now to know that was agreement.
The man who'd spoken stepped forward, one hand stretching out towards you.
"Run." That was all the warning you got before there was a muffled gunshot, and the man dropped, a hole in his head.
You didn't wait to see what the others did. You booked it, leaping into the open space left by the dead man and running hard. The shouting behind you barely registered, but the gunshots did.
The net that managed to catch your back half definitely caught your attention. You yowled, momentarily caught, struggling to free yourself.
"Blue," came a familiar rumble, and you jerked to find Price kneeling down to rip the net away from you. You jumped up onto his shoulder, headbutting the side of his head in greeting. "Alright?"
You chirruped a soft reply. Sure, you were still a bit panicky, but your pack was here. Your person had saved your life.
You were much better than you would have been otherwise.
"Gaz," Price called. "Soap and Ghost are on the way for cleanup."
"Rog." Gaz dropped carefully from his sniper point, passing by the bodies without a second look. He'd killed all of them. For you. "You alright, love?"
You chirruped at him too, slow-blinking too for good measure. As soon as he was close enough, you abandoned Price for Gaz, headbutting him and purring.
"I'm sorry, love," he murmured, one hand rising to steady you. "Dunno how they knew about you, but I'll find out."
"We'll find out," Price corrected, eyes stormy as he walked past to check the nearest body. "It'll be handled. Keep close to one of us in the meantime. I will make that an order if I have to."
You mrrped, more then agreeable after this little misadventure. You headbutted Gaz again, licking his ear.
"Did we miss the fun?" Soap asked as he sauntered up to the little group of you, Ghost steps behind him.
"Oh no," Price said with a little grin. "Fun starts now."
Soap groaned, way more dramatic than he actually felt, and you watched as they worked on cleanup. It was nice to know that they'd come for you, as you would for them.
You'd be bringing back gifts for them for days, and you didn't mind in the least.
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yurfavmommy · 1 year
I uploaded a couple of chapter to my Severus Snape shorts on Wattpad, but I didn’t even think of adding them here. Here it is
Warnings: Smut :) 18+
Sweet Dreams Princess
It's another Friday afternoon and you're making your way to your last class of the day. Potions. You knew just about everything you needed to know and then some when it came to the crafts of potions, but the potions weren't what really interested you in class. The tall, strong, dark and mysterious professor that taught the class was though indeed. He was the only one on your mind most of the time. You didn't think you were obsessed, but the more you thought about the professor over the years, the more you wondered what he was like when he wasn't so stuck up in the ass. You also realized being kind wasn't going to work fast enough.
            You walked to the door of the class and pulled your skirt up right above your knees and straightened your posture. You made sure to be late a few minutes to set the trap. You bust through the door to make your dramatic entrance and of course all eyes are on you. You couldn't help but notice Professor Snape shooting his head up and shooting you a glare that could kill. "Ms. Y/N. Why. Are. You late to my class? Actually save it. Detention 8 o'clock. Don't be late." You had never had a detention before and it does make you nervous, but you wanted your plan to work out.
            Today you were all brewing a sleeping draught. Pretty simple for you. When you had walked into class you had chose the empty seat right in front of his desk because you knew nobody wanted to sit there. Not even Hermione. It helped out with your plan. When you were walking to get your ingredients, you had tripped and caught yourself on your professors desk. You knew not responding to Snape's question asking if you were alright would annoy him, but of course he made sure to ask as well as throw in an insult as well. You just picked yourself up and walked away to the store room to grab what you needed. Now you didn't plan for one of the ingredients to be in the top shelf, and you pulled your skirt down just a pinch to not flash yourself to anyone. Your legs were showing a lot, but not your underwear. As you went to reach the item you needed a long arm with a black sleeve grabbed it first startling you. You quickly got off your toes and turned quickly knocking a vile off of a shelf.
            You winced because you knew you were in for it. "Ten points from Y/H and your detention just changed to 7:00pm sharp. If you are late the consequences won't be merciful." You took this to your advantage. "It's your fault the vile fell from the shelf. If you got my attention before getting so close this would have been avoided. And I will be here at 8. I'm rather busy not caring about what the bat has to say." You knew saying this was very inappropriate. You knew it would send him almost over the edge, but what you did next you knew put the cherry on top of the cake. You maneuvered around him and slipped out of the room. You grabbed your bag and got out just before he could say something, and oh boy you knew your ass was grass.
             You were one of Snape's top students. You had never stepped out of line, and you knew how to mind your own business. Your grades didn't change over the course of the three weeks you started to change. You knew he knew that you were acting out, but that didn't stop you. To be honest you only thought your plan out so far, and you didn't actually think past this moment. It was like you were afraid he wouldn't be interested back. He did give you special treatment sometimes and now it's going to be down the drain. When you got back into your dorm you decided to dress normal for detention. Your attitude wasn't based off of how you dress, and you weren't very comfortable wearing the revealing clothes around the school. You made the point you wanted.
            It was 6pm and dinner started 30 minutes ago. You weren't going and a house elf politely brought some food up to you. You were thinking of what Snape will say and you were thinking of chickening out. You knew you'd be toast if you did skip. You finished your dinner and started to get ready. You just went with some leggings/jeans and a t-shirt/blouse (whatever you want really).  You were slow to the room and once you got there you walked in. The first few steps into the room and the door slammed shut so loudly you nearly jumped out of your skin. 'Just breath' you kept telling yourself. You didn't even have much time to turn until Snape was glaring at you and he grabbed your shirt and forced you into a chair.
            His steps were heavy as he walked to the front of his desk and leaned against it with his arms crossed against his chest in a way that made your stomach drop. You were sitting with your hands tight in your lap trying to steady your breathing, when he swiftly moved to hovering just inches from your face. His eyes were looking into yours with an angry but questionable look in them. You know he's trying to search into your mind to see if he could see why you've been acting the way you have. His next words sent shivers down your spine. "You will never disrespect me again. Understood?" You were frozen and didn't know what to say. You shouldn't be thinking about his lips on yours at a time like this. "UNDERSTOOD?" His voice was deeper the second time, and your eyes glazed over just the slightest, and that's when the lightbulb went off inside of his head, and you could see it.
            Had your cover been blown already? What do you say? What should you do? With that final statement the only thing you could do was give out a soft "okay". He was still staring at you, but with the couple of inches he's moved back he's still staring at you. It was weird to you. Almost like a trance. What is he thinking? When was the last time you blinked? You seemed to get pulled back into reality a little and blinked quickly a few times relieving yourself of the burn you felt in your eyes just moments ago. Why was he just staring at you? It hits you. Snape is basically a master when it came to reading minds. A legilimens. This whole time you were worried about the wrong thing, and now you know he knows, and now he knows that you know he knows.
            In an instant he's turned around and walked up to an empty wall in his classroom and was already saying  a spell revealing a black elegant door. Are those his living quarters? Your eyes snapped up to him when he approaches you again. "How childish of you to play these games. You're just like all of those other brats. You want attention? Get. Up. Now." He has you by the wrist and he's pulling you to the black door slightly pushing you inside. When you turn to him he has the door shut and locked. He's swift on his feet backing you up into the wall nearest. "Is this what you wanted? For me to give into your teenage mood swings? You want to be the bitch that I get to walk on my leash?" You didn't necessarily like when people called you names so vulgar, but he picked up on that and smirked. At this point there was no need to close your mind off because he's seen everything. The daydreams of you and him. Even the embarrassing ones of you and him staying together forever.
            He grabs your chin and forces you to look at him. "Are you going to be a good girl for me or are you going to need punished?" You nod to him. "Speak. Are you going to be a good girl for me?" You lick your lips. "Ye-yes." his smirk turns into a small smile. "Yes what?" Your breath hitches. "Yes. Sir." He gives you a small but affectionate kiss. "You may call me Severus Y/N." Between the heat in the air and the way he says your name you know you're in for it now. His lips move to yours again and he moves one hand to the small of your back while the other is running up and down your side. You cant help the small moan that comes out of your mouth.
            "Why are you being so shy now? You had no problem acting the way you did in my classroom earlier today." He's now kissing small kisses down your chin to the tops of your collarbone. Your mind is in shambles and you cant think of an answer. He's teasing you and it makes a blush spread across your cheeks. "You're already a mess for me." He ushers you to follow him to the bed in his room and he lightly pushes you down on the bed to resume kissing you and rubbing your now exposed skin. "Your body is beautiful and all mine." He slides your pants off and throws them into the corner of the room. You place yourself on your elbows while he makes his way in between your legs going back to kissing your neck.
            His hand make their way to rub up and down the insides and outsides of your thighs and you can just feel yourself dripping for contact on your aching pussy. He doesn't touch it and moves to take your shirt off and then your bra leaving you in only your underwear. "You're being such a good girl for me princess." He knows just what to say to you to make you feel more needy for him. He takes one of your breasts into his hand and bends down to suck on your nipples. His free hand is traveling slowly up your inner thigh just barely grazing your heat with each stroke. It almost feels too much for you. The teasing. He finds a sensitive spot on your side and starts to leave little marks from his kisses. He does the same thing again but only on your thigh so close to the area that's begging for stimulation. You throw your head back biting your lip to hold in your moans. Severus knows you're trying to hold them in so he moves up to your ear. "I want to hear you say my name in those pretty moans of yours."
            When he starts kissing your neck again you cant hold them in anymore. "Severus I need you." Your breathing and moans are growing in sound from his touch. "You need me to what Y/N?" You didn't want to say it. "What do you want me to do? I'll stop if you won't tell me." Your lust filled eyes meet his. "I want you to make me yours." His eyes light up with recognition. "Is my princess a virgin." You nod. "Yes, but I want you so bad. Please." Severus nods in approval, and stands starting the process of unbottoning his robes. you sit up and start to unbutton the for him. "Not being so shy now huh?"
            Being honest you weren't shy at all. You trust Severus and you know you're safe and he won't hurt you. You get to the last button and he then takes his shirt off revealing his toned chest. Next you were a little shy reaching for the button of his pants, but you wanted to be with him so it didn't matter. You pulled his pants to his knees and he helped you take them off of him only leaving him in his boxers. You could see his bulge huge now without the compression from his pants restricting it from view. When you started to pull his boxers down you were getting more excited. The feelings you've been holding in for so long you have to no longer. His member sprung out from his boxers and you grew hungrier for him.
            He went to move you to lay back down but you stayed up wanting to touch him too. "Are you sure you want to this time?" He was asking not expecting you to want to, but you nodded and put your hand on the shaft of his dick and started slowly moving it back and forth. You were contempt when he moved his head back and let out a soft deep moan. Next you placed a soft kiss on the tip of him and slowly lapped your tongue around his head. He moved his head quick to look at you in bewilderment of your actions. You placed more of his throbbing member into your mouth and hollowed your cheeks to start moving back and forth.
            When you looked up at his face he was staring at you with so much feeling it made you wetter. "You're doing so well princess. It feels so good." After getting used to seeing him you took your mouth off with a 'pop'. Severus leaned down and connected his lips with yours moving you back onto the middle of the bed. He trailed long sloppy kisses all the way down to your heat, and kissed that too sending a shiver down your spine. He placed both hand on your underwear and pulled them off revealing your soaking cunt. He put his hand under your thighs and spread your legs apart kissing them. His hot breath was making you squirm and now he finally sent a slow lick up your cunt. That made your body jolt and your hand immediately found their way to his hair.
            His licks were getting faster and he started to suck on your clit sending you into a spiral of pleasure. Something was bubbling up inside of you and you only have ever felt it when you were alone by yourself. Someone else doing it for you was magic to you. Severus hums onto your pussy. "You taste so wonderful princess." All of the name calling and gentleness is sending you over the edge. "Do you want to cum for me princess?" He takes two fingers and glides them into you while still sucking on you. Your moaning has doubled in sound and you know you're about to cum. "Please can I cum Severus? Please." You don't think you can hold it in longer. "Cum for me princess. Cum for me." Your legs start to shake and you're sent into your first orgasm of the night. You were biting your lip so hard and grabbing onto his hair. When you were coming down from your high he removed his hands and crawled up to your face to cradle it and give you more kisses.
            These kisses were more lustful and urgent. "Are you ready for my cock princess?" You nod your head still needy for more. "Yes. Please! I need you now." You closed your eyes when you felt the tip of his penis start to push inside you. He slides more of himself in and you opened your eyes when you realized it doesn't really hurt much. You move your hips silently asking for more and he gives it to you. He's fully inside you and starts to move back and forth slowly picking up a steady pace. You grab his face and start to make out with him. While his hand works its way to your clit the other is cradling the back of your head. You're meeting his thrusts now and he's a moaning mess just as much as you are.
            "Can we try another position?" With that he turns you over and has you get on your knees. When he re enters you he's deeper than before. You open your mouth and dig your face into the bed digging your fingers into the sheets. This is way better than you could have ever imagined it to be. "You make me feel so good princess. Thats my good girl." His thrusting is getting faster and you can feel him reach down to rub your clit. "I want you to cum for me again Y/N. Cum for me on my cock" Not seconds later you're cumming on his cock. He keeps thrusting making your orgasm last longer as you are crying out in the sheets. "Yes. Yes. YES! Oh my god." Severus must be getting close too because his thrusting is getting uneven. "Cum for me Severus."
            Severus quickly pulls out and releases his seed onto you. His moans filling the room for the final time that night. You guys were left panting and tired. He says a spell cleaning up the mess he just made and grabs you pulling you close to him. He keeps stroking your hair and saying sweet nothings to you. "You did so well Y/N. I might just have to keep you forever." His gives you a sweet kiss and pulls the covers over your naked bodies. "Sweet dreams Princess." You fell asleep so comfortable and with a smile on your face.
Was this pretty cringe or okay? I’ll upload another story if this turns out okay :) sorry if there’s some spelling mistakes or I used words that make you cringe lol
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kazhan-draws · 1 year
the trap
969 words, SFW.
“Oh, hello,” Eddie purrs, closing his book before putting it on the nightstand. “Fancy meeting you here.”
Billy huffs and slides under the covers, arching a brow when Eddie immediately shifts closer and kisses his cheek, throwing a leg over his as he starts tracing random patterns on his chest with a finger.
“How’s the most beautiful man in the whole world doing?” Eddie asks sweetly.
Billy hums and cards his fingers through Eddie’s hair before gently tugging on a few strands. “What do you want?” 
Eddie makes an offended noise, like he thinks he’s actually being smooth and Billy shouldn’t be able to tell when he’s after something. 
“Why do you always assume the worst?” he asks with a pout.
The corners of Billy’s mouth turn up as he leans in to brush a kiss against Eddie’s lips. “No, if I was assuming the worst, I would have asked what did you do?”  
Eddie rolls his eyes. “Well, I wanted to ask you out on a date, but if you’re going to be this way…” 
He’s so fucking ridiculous. Ridiculous and dramatic and yet Billy can’t help but smile, a warm, fond feeling spreading across his chest. 
“A date, huh?” he asks, gently scratching Eddie’s scalp, amused by the way he automatically leans into the touch with a content sigh.
“Oh, you know, something simple, a dinner and a movie?” Eddie says, his tone suggesting that it’s anything but simple. 
“A movie?” That’s the trap. Billy loves him very much, but Eddie Munson is slightly annoying at the movies at best, and a fucking nightmare at his worst. 
The stretching silence is answer enough. Billy’s fingers find Eddie’s ear and give it a tug. 
“The new D&D movie?” Eddie asks, his voice climbing a bit higher the way it does when he’s trying to sound innocent. 
“Absolutely not,” Billy says without missing a beat.
Eddie gasps like he’s just been shot, rearing back a bit to look at him with big, sad eyes. “You didn’t even take time to consider it!”
“That’s because I don’t need to consider it.”
Billy gives him a flat look. “The Last Jedi.”
Eddie sits up with a frown. “Okay, that’s unfair, you didn’t like it either.”
He might have liked it better if Eddie hadn’t spent the whole movie sighing and groaning and shifting on his seat. But it’s not like that’s Billy’s only example. Oh no, he has plenty of those.
“The Hobbit, all three of them.”
“It’s a three hundred page book! They didn’t need to make three movies!”
“So why did we go see them?”
“Well, the additions could have been good! Instead we had Tauriel and that awful love story, what the hell was—” Eddie cuts off abruptly and Billy has to admit he is a little bit impressed by how quickly he managed to reign it in this time. 
“Okay, I see what you mean,” Eddie says and it sounds like it costs him, as always when he has to admit he’s being an asshole about something. “But. I will behave this time.”
Billy laughs, because really, what else can he do? He reaches out and cups Eddie’s face between his hands. “Oh, babe,” he sighs and rubs his cheeks with his thumbs. “The worst part is that you actually believe that.”
“Hey,” Eddie protests with a frown.
“Ed, sweetheart, we both know that’s not happening. It will never be as good as the original material, or as you imagined it, or as they should have done it because really, all they had to do was follow the books but nooo, they had to improvise and fuck everything up!”
“They did! They did fuck everything up! Sansa was never meant to—” Billy presses a hand against his mouth and has to fight a smile at the offended look on Eddie’s face.
“You do realize you are only proving my point, right?” Billy asks before removing his hand. 
“I heard it was pretty good?” Eddie offers tentatively.
Like that’ll stop him from finding things to complain about. “Why don’t you go with Will and Gareth?” 
“They already went, and I want to go with you anyway.”
Fucker. The big brown eyes have always been basically impossible to say no to, but this is just unfair. Sharing the things he’s passionate about is how Eddie Munson shows love, and it doesn’t matter that Billy still doesn’t give a shit about Dungeon and Dragons after thirty eight years together, he will sit through hours of Eddie talking his ear off about it without even thinking about complaining.
Billy sighs and he definitely doesn’t miss the way Eddie’s eyes light up a little bit, like he already knows he’s won—which he probably does. 
“On one condition,” he says and Eddie grins before moving closer again; Billy huffs as he straddles his hips, more because of the godawful cracking noise Eddie’s left knee makes than the sudden weight resting on top of him, and runs his hands over Eddie’s thighs.
“Anything you want,” Eddie purrs.
Billy gives his thigh a light pinch. “You keep the complaints for after the movie.”
“Deal,” Eddie rushes to say.
Billy smacks his thigh gently. “I mean it, Ed.”
“I promise.” Eddie leans in and nuzzles his cheek. “No complaining. I’ll be so good.”
“Now you’re overdoing it,” Billy mumbles, but he can’t quite keep the laugh out of his voice. 
“Soooo good,” Eddie repeats and presses their mouths together. 
Billy hums into the kiss and brings a hand up to cup the back of Eddie’s neck. “Dinner better be good too,” he mumbles against his lips.
“Of course. Only the best for you, my liege,” Eddie whispers with another kiss. 
This, Billy believes. But Eddie will complain during the movie, he just knows it.
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goddesstrolls · 11 months
Last Word
((Collab with @nihils-trolls; TW for beheading and death))
Marzic walked up the crumbling stone steps, his steps echoing in the empty hall.
While he expected this to be yet another obnoxious maze, locals gave stories telling of a man-eating monster here. No one who entered ever returned.
The wayfinder charm he wore under his robe tugged him onwards, pointing him towards the second-to-last key he needed to release Ebidel from his bonds. It still infuriated him that it had taken this long for the godling to be released, requiring only the help of two mages and a particularly dogged monster hunter.
He knew, of course, there were many factors that led to this situation, but it was aggravating that he had to clean up a mess that should have been cleaned up many times over.
“Ebidel.” He spoke the old godling’s name to call him forth, glancing to the side where he anticipated Ebidel to appear.
As soon as he does, the rust seems to walk into his peripheral. Per usual, no flashy or dramatic entrance.
“We’ve arrived. Keep your wits about you.” Marzic said, and then turned his attention forward as he walked through the crumbling gateway. Normally he didn’t get much of a response from Ebidel, and so expected no comment- but the silence was interrupted this time.
“Something’s off,” Ebidel says curtly. His eyes narrow as he looks ahead into the ruins.
Marzic paused, his gaze flickering about warily as he honed his senses. It certainly wasn’t a welcome place, but he didn’t sense anything unexpected.
“It reeks of blood- of death, here. This presence feels familiar for whatever reason.” However, he continues onwards. “I agree about being cautious.”
Marzic lay his gaze on Ebidel for a few moments, taking in his body language before continuing on himself. “I was told there was a man-eating monster here. Of what variety, I am uncertain…” He trailed off, narrowing his eyes slightly as though he perhaps had a hunch he did not see fit to voice.
The step of two trolls now was the only sound. The gateway opened into a closed courtyard with a ruined fountain. Marzic’s calm and confident demeanor masked his caution; He was quite certain there were no traps here, determined as he scanned the area.
The fountain was half-destroyed, once a statue depicting a woman emptying a jar into the fountain basin. The basin itself smelled foul, a musk of putrid and ancient decay. One glance was enough to confirm that rust blood had once filled the basin, and poured from the woman’s jar. A coy smile played on her lips and Marzic could see two puncture marks on her neck, crusted with red as though blood had once trickled from them.
Marzic gave a thoughtful hum, laced with disgust.
Ebidel crosses his arms and shifts slightly at the sight of the fountain. “Are you still uncertain?” he says, gesturing vaguely to the ‘centerpiece’ of the room, tail flicking ever so slightly.
Marzic rolled his eyes and did not grace Ebidel with a response, passing the fountain and continuing into the hall beyond. 
This looked as though it had once been an archive, or library of some sort. Tall rows of shelves loomed on either side, their contents ruined or removed, tossed carelessly aside and left to molder. At the end of the room, Marzic could see some sort of stone table; An altar, perhaps.
He slowed at the entrance to take in the room, searching for the suggestion of other exits before continuing in.
There were two doorways; One, large and arched, seemed to lead downwards and was gated shut, though the bars looked so decrepit that Marzic thought he could brush them aside with the back of his hand. The other had a massive shelf thrown in front of it, an obvious attempt at a barricade.
Falling in behind, Ebidel locks his gaze on the altar for a moment- that is, before heading over to the barricaded door. An annoyed hum escapes him as he crouches to heave the shelf out of the way with little effort.
“So much for stealth,” Marzic remarked icily, resting his hand on the pommel of his sword as he watched.
“There’s no other way out from down there.” Ebidel says back, flatly- as if he already knew that.
Marzic narrowed his eyes and walked up, pausing again a few steps behind Ebidel. 
“You do not have to be here.” He said quietly, his tone pointed.
The rust looks back, a slight scowl resting on his face. “If I’m right about what’s down there, I want to be here.” He then opens the door and moves ahead.
Marzic did not respond; He just took his hand from the hilt of his sword, and followed Ebidel down.
The steps led into pitch blackness. Water from somewhere above dripped intermittently against the ruined stone tile of the hall below. A corpse, long desiccated, huddled at the foot of the stairs. Marzic paused to lift its head, disturbing dust and dry bones- Noting the jade accents on the troll’s ruined clothing, and their long curved canines. He could see no injuries; Starved to death, perhaps.
He looked up to see Ebidel disappear further down the hall, seemingly on a mission.
Marzic continued to follow without a word, keeping an ear out for signs of starved rainbow drinkers that had managed to survive whatever happened here. The hall stretched on into darkness; At its end was a barricaded door, lit with runes drawn in rust blood glowing brightly despite their age.
Ebidel stands at the door, backlit somewhat ominously by the red glow. 
Marzic paused behind him again, eyes on the obvious seal on the door. He had a few ideas on how to bypass this, but those were more forceful than perhaps was needed now. He watched Ebidel’s turned back, waiting.
After a moment of staring, the godling cuts his arm- drawing the blood into shape. It flows and solidifies in his hands, into the shape of a sort of oversized hammer. Marzic’s ideas were likely less forceful, given he then draws back the weapon and slams it against the door.
The runes project a translucent, red barrier at the moment of impact- one that begins to crack and shatter. The glow then fades, leaving the two of them in darkness once again.
Marzic gave Ebidel a half-second, wondering if he were about to hit the door with the hammer again, before drawing his sword. As he drew it, spectral flames blazed to life, wreathing the weapon in brilliant orange light.
He shouldered past Ebidel to thrust the blazing blade into the now unprotected door. It sank through as though it were made of soft clay, and not solid wood and metal. The flames consumed the wood with unnatural speed, reducing it to ash in mere seconds, spreading outwards from the point the blade pierced.
Beyond was a small stone room lit only by a few candles upon a raised altar. A decrepit troll stood with his back to them, gnarled hands raised and rasping whispers permeating the dark.
The troll, dressed in ancient finery reduced now to rags and wearing a ram’s skull mask painted with jade blood, turned to face them both, clutching his knurled staff in both hands. 
“Ah, my esteemed guests…Welcome.” The troll rattled, his voice a hoarse whisper, as though he hadn’t spoken in a millennia. His gaze behind the mask seemed to flick from Marzic, to Ebidel.
Not humoring the old troll, and clearly unamused, Ebidel’s hammer shifts to a scythe instead. A low growl escapes him, but no words.
The troll tilted his head slightly, the crooked smile on his face obvious despite being hidden behind the mask. “Come now…There is no need for such hostilities.” He extended a ring-laden hand to Ebidel, but his attention was on Marzic. “He is useful…No? You have me to thank.”
Marzic did not respond nor react, his expression utterly neutral. It was clear the old troll was trying to intimidate him in some sense- Implying that he had the power to chain a godling.
Power that Marzic wagered had likely long since decayed, or he no longer wielded. 
He stepped into the room, lowering his sword and standing aside. The old troll’s gaze followed him. Though, it should have been kept on the aggravated rust.
In a flash, Ebidel leaps forward and lashes out against the cultist. His scythe meets the staff that was raised barely in time, failing to fully block the blow. It cuts into the rod and his shoulder, drawing vibrant green blood.
Marzic sheathed his sword and merely watched, the flames dying away. Meanwhile, Ebidel continued his rageful assault.
“How dare you-” Hissed the old jade, struggling against the force of the blow, spitting furiously at both of them as though Marzic could be intimidated or reasoned into calling off the enraged godling. He made no such motion.
Clearly ignoring anything he had to say, Ebidel raises his scythe to cut downwards again, breaking the staff and cutting clean against the troll’s torso. Blood spills heavily from the deep gash, splattering across the floor.
He stumbled back, barely catching himself on the altar behind him. Clearly his efforts had been put towards merely preserving himself against the sands of time, and maintaining his power had fallen by the wayside. 
He made a final, desperate glance towards Marzic, who flatly met his gaze through the dark eye sockets of his ram skull mask. In a last ditch effort he raised his broken staff with a wild cry, a bolt of energy flying from the staff’s head.
In the same half-second, Marzic drew his sword, slashing into the bolt and deflecting it into the stone wall. The cultist fell backwards, thrown by his own spell, final moments spent watching his fatal failure reflected in the sheen of Ebidel’s scythe. 
It was raised to the level of his neck; clearly, he was waiting for just the right moment. In one fell swing, the blade slices cleanly through with little effort. The old troll’s head rolls forwards and onto the cold floor.
Marzic relaxed, sheathing his sword once more. He strode silently past the old drinker’s corpse and to the altar, upon which sat an old tome and a few other items belonging to the ancient cultist. 
He glanced over the tome, noting- With his limited understanding of the old tongue- That it seemed to be a timed, highly destructive spell of some sort. A bomb that was likely to be set off when they entered, but had been interrupted.
There were clearly magical items strewn about the altar- A wand, an athame, a strange-looking silver needle- That would make any adventurer’s night. Marzic ignored these as he instead opened a small chest sitting on the altar, the wayfinder charm under his robe tugging towards it.
The chest was unlocked. Inside, on dusty velvet cushioning, sat an old metal key; Ornate, with the bow marked with the ancient rune meaning ‘3’. After a moment’s inspection to assure there was no curse on the key itself- Marzic didn’t put it past the old bat- He removed it from the chest and tucked it into the inner pocket of his robe.
Then, he turned back to Ebidel, who was occupying himself with stomping the cultist’s skull in.
“Do as you will. I am done here.” Marzic walked past him, back into the hall. He might worry that the troll was a lich- But nothing in the room seemed to radiate enough magical energy for that, and he had little desire to scour this place looking for something that might not exist.
The godling, now still and covered in jade, made no response- letting Marzic go without another word for the time being.
Marzic paused, and looked back at him again once he reached the doorway- But if he had anything to say, he held his tongue, and disappeared into the dark.
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stobinesque · 1 year
C and F for the fanfic ask game ✨💕
C: What character do you identify with most?
Hilariously I think the answer for Stranger Things are all characters I don't talk about all that often 😅. Somewhat paradoxically (maybe?) I find it easier to project onto characters that aren't necessarily hugely similar to me on paper. Of the characters I yell about most frequently, the answer is absolutely Lucas, especially season 4 Lucas. After that I think Dustin might actually be the character I relate to the most? If the younger kids have a mom friend outside of Steve, it's Dustin, and I'm definitely typically a mom friend in my friend groups. But like Dustin I often end up feeling a little insecure about my position in my friend groups. I am also an annoyingly pedantic know it all 😂
I also relate to Jonathan a whole lot! Just not in ways that feel super comfortable to super closely. To borrow from The Magnus Archives for a sec for analogy purposes: if Steve would be susceptible to being trapped by The Lonely, Jonathan Byers would be susceptible becoming an Avatar for The Lonely. I am Jonathan Byers in this regard. But I have enough healthy fear of exacerbating that in myself that'd I'd rather explore loneliness through a character who is actually afraid of being lonely, rather than susceptible to embracing their loneliness.
........there's definitely not a theme going on with all of those characters. (Also Robin is included in this--really loneliness and ostracization is just a strong thematic throughline for all of the series' characters. Hmm. I'm gonna stop introspecting about this now)
F: Share a snippet from one of your favourite dialogue scenes you've written and explain why you're proud of it.
Okay so in general I just really love writing dialogue, especially for Stobin, so this was hard!
But I think this scene from phryctoria captures most of what I both love and think I'm good at when it comes to writing stobin dialogue in particular:
“I don’t know. I don’t think...I mean I’ve never heard them say anything, you know? And, like, they were both hippies when they were younger, or whatever. It’d be weird for them to be homophobic, right?” “Adults never make any sense.” Robin huffs out a laugh. “Yeah. Right.” She twists one of her rings around her finger. “There’s no way to be totally sure of anything, right? But keeping it at my place is definitely safer than keeping it at yours.” Steve sighs. “We really need to find another job.” “Holy non-sequitur, Batman!” “Non-sequi-what?” “Random subject switch,” she explains, waving her hand. “Hey, no, not random!” He pulls a hand off the wheel to flap a hand at her. “If one of us gets kicked out it may as well be both of us getting kicked out. And I don’t know about you, but I do not have enough saved up from Scoops to try to get an apartment.” Robin grimaces. “That’s a good point.” “I’m full of good points, Bobbie.” She flashes him a lewd smile. “Not yet you aren’t,” she says with an exaggerated eyebrow waggle. “I think at this point we just have to accept that you enjoy talking about my sex life, Buckley.” Robin gasps dramatically, pressing a hand to her chest like he’s wounded her. “I can’t believe you would say something so grossly offensive.” “I hope you know that you’ve doomed yourself to a play-by-play the next time I get laid.” “Ugh. Being friends with you is such a burden.” “You love me, asshole.” “God fucking help me, dingus. I do.”
Okay, so one of my favorite things about Stobin is that at heart they're just two silly goofy guys, both of whom are super neurodivergent (to me). One of my other favorite things about Stobin is that they aren't afraid to be vulnerable with each other. However, these two things present the tricky thing about writing stobin dialogue: halfway through a serious conversation one of them is liable to derail the whole thing with an awful joke. So any time I'm writing a stobin scene I have to figure out how to let them both go on tangents and be goofy and joke around--because that levity in the midst of heartache is part of the whole backbone of their friendship!--without losing the plot of the core focus of the scene.
The snipped above isn't my favorite dialogue moment from this fic, but I do think it is one of the ones that best demonstrates how they can juggle having a serious conversation, being goofy, honoring one another's anxieties, and then being absolute shits to each other.
also idk if you saw the "do you prefer no-boundaries-stobin or 'ew don't talk to me about sex' stobin" poll, but I really enjoy playing with dialogue that is "we're going to make a lot of 'ew don't talk about sex' jokes but also talk about sex with each other All The Time."
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doubtingthomasin · 2 years
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prompt 30: primal
word count: 1.8k
oh god this one might be my new fave i just love the kinda silly ones
"This feels kind of silly. Are we gonna be running around naked?"
"Trust me, it won't feel silly for very long–what are you doing?"
Chrissy's half-covering her bare chest, her hands slippery against the coconut oil they'd put all over their skin. "I feel weird." She grimaces but laughs at the same time. "I feel like I need a shower and we haven't even started. What?"
Eddie's almost cackling already. "Why–Why are you covering up?" He takes a few steps toward her but she puts her arms up in an x-formation.
"Uh-uh, you get too close and there's no head start for me."
He fake-lunges at her and she squeaks. "Oh, I'm gonna get you either way, princess."
"Oh, really?" she asks with renewed confidence, hands on her hips as he ogles her. "Last I checked, I'm the athlete here."
"Ready to put that to the test?" On the last word, he really takes off toward her, Chrissy screeching excitedly as she runs. He knows she actually has the home-field advantage, literally, as they run the hallway from the kitchen to the front room. They bound over the area rug, rush carefully over the marble tile until they make it to the carpeted parlor.
She takes off like a bullet and he won't admit it, but his smoker's lungs have a little trouble keeping up. He corners her at the other end of the room behind a couch, jumping to each side of it as she tries to escape.
"Ah, the thief has her trapped with no hope of escape," he narrates, arms out wide to catch her. She grabs a small pillow and throws it at him, which he easily ducks. "Evasion!"
"Goddamn goofball," she laughs, feinting to the left before throwing herself to the right over the couch, landing easily on her feet before running past him.
"How–" He builds up speed, chasing her up the stairs and through the halls. It's not really fair to her, he thinks; she's just running, but he's running and getting a great view of her ass every time she escapes. 
Not that he's letting her escape, of course.
"The princess just keeps cornering herself," he continues as she enters her parent's bedroom, "almost as if she wants to get caught. She must be curious as to what the thief has to offer." He wiggles his eyebrows, making her scoff and chuckle.
"You wish," she exclaims, pulling the same move as before and he catches her. But the oil does its job, making her impossible to hang on to with just his fingers. She slips past him and he growls playfully, bounding after her as she runs down the opposite hall.
"Oh, I do, princess, I do wish." He says it dramatically as they enter a guest room, her jumping up on the bed as he stalks the floor. "I wish to make you mine, to have you in every which way possible all night, all day, until you're begging me to stop."
"I will never surrender!" she cries, leaping far off the bed and out of the room, and he laughs as he follows.
"Oh, I'll take you either way, fair maiden." She runs back downstairs to the parlor, perched on the back of the couch and waiting for him to come through the doorway. But he never does.
Marble can be slippery, and she's suddenly worried enough to run back out into the main room, but he's not there either. She rolls her eyes at herself, in disbelief that she actually fell for his trick as she looks around in a circle. "Eddie! You're not playing fair!"
"Uh, what about a thief implies 'fair play,' Your Highness?"
"Good point." She says it more to herself, raising her voice after. "Then I'll just stay here."
"Oh, I'll get to you eventually," he calls, and she tries to suss out his location from the sound, but the echoes of the walls and floors make it impossible. "I move in the shadows, soundless, watching."
"You're ridiculous," she giggles, and part of her wants to forfeit but the bigger part wants to win…whatever that means.
She takes a pillow from an armchair, holding it in front of herself like a shield as she crosses the main room to the kitchen. She jumps through the doorway, looking around quickly and peeking behind the door, forehead wrinkled, resolute.
Funny enough, she doesn't feel like prey as much as she probably should, but maybe that's just the price of pretending. Since she knows there are no actual high stakes involved, there's no real reason to keep herself away.
Though he had promised he was going to be rough; that was the point to all the dramatics. It was supposed to be more freeing, more animalistic, two things which she knows all too well that he's into.
She walks softly into the dining room off the kitchen and knows she's screwed. Each long window has curtains that fall to the floor, easily concealing someone even Eddie's height. There's a linen closet in the corner, the shelves set in just enough that someone as slender as him could fit just inside the door. There are three entrance doors, all of which are open, all of which he could be standing behind.
There's no proof he's in this room, but she knows he has the mind of an expert strategist, so he is definitely in this room.
"I know you're in here." She checks the door she's standing next to, then each curtain one by one. She checks quickly under the great table filling the middle of the room. She rips open the door to the closet, but nothing. She turns around and–oh.
She forgot the wall tapestry.
He could've easily hid behind it and moved while she was searching. When she squints, she swears it's moving a bit as if it's been disturbed.
Pillow shield at the ready, she approaches slowly, eyeing the movement as her back turns to the table. It occurs to her she should've checked under it again–and it occurs to her far too late.
Eddie's arms close around her so suddenly she only gasps, his lips hot on her ear. "Gotcha."
She throws the pillow back into his face with a hah! as she tries to escape. But he's too close and succeeds in grabbing a fistful of her strawberry hair, yanking her back to his chest and making her scream. "Sorry, princess. That was a miss."
She groans melodramatically, pretending to faint against his chest as he devours her neck. "Unhand me, you brute, you fiend, you…ruffian!"
He laughs, overjoyed at how much she's getting into the act. "Not until I take what's mine!"
He spins her around, picks her up, and lays her on the bare table, the polished wood sliding easily against her oiled skin. He kisses her deeply, pushing the nearest chairs further away before his hands race up her thighs, one diving between her legs to stroke.
"Oh, I will be soiled," she whimpers, legs shaking as he abuses her clit. "No one will take me as their wife."
"Then you will be mine forever," he pants, sucking her nipples to hard points before rolling them between his fingers. He has to talk louder as her volume increases, his fingers finding their way inside her cunt. "I'll teach you my ways, and we'll thieve and pillage our whole lives long."
"You'll shame me forever, you'll…oh, Eddie." She can't keep the act going once she's about to come, hands clinging to his shoulders as she breaks against his fingers. He removes them while she's still pulsing, replacing them with his cock and making her wail.
"You okay?"
"Don't stop!" He obeys, his hands gripping her thighs as he gives her a few hard thrusts. He then holds her waist as he starts railing her, loud cries falling from her mouth echoed by his howls. He pulls her off the table after a moment, turning her around and bending her over, her cheek pressed against the table as he enters her roughly from behind.
"I've got you now, princess," he growls as he leans in, pushing her thighs against the table's smooth edge. "You'll never get me out." 
He slams into her at a punishing pace, groaning into her shoulder as he pulverizes her cunt, dragging one of her legs up onto the table to open her wider.  She can feel him in her guts, he's pounding so hard, his cock hitting as deep as possible. He pushes scream after scream out of her, leaning up to grab her hair again, arching her back toward him as he continues with a curse. "Jesus Christ!"
He picks her up again, folding up her legs and pressing her knees into the area rug below, pushing her shoulders down toward the floor. She arches her back again, moaning helplessly as he speeds up again. "You've always wanted this, haven't you, princess? You've just been waiting for a man like me to come along and fuck you raw."
"Uh-huh," she whines, nails digging into the pile for purchase, but it's not enough. He drags her back a little more, spreading her legs a wider, arching her back further with his hands, and fucking down into her. Her sounds are strangled as he pulls her back on every stroke, until she lets out the loudest scream he's ever heard her make.
He pulls out, flips her over, folds her in half, and lays into her again. She cries out against his lips, lost in the feel of being ravaged like this in the middle of her least favorite room in the house. Of everything she's done with Eddie so far, this is the experience that feels the most like rebellion.
"You're doing so good, Your Highness, taking my huge cock so well in your tight little pussy."
"I love you, I love you." She repeats it over and over, her mind unable to focus on anything else as he wears away at her. Making her his, just like he swore he would.
"I love you, baby," he groans, breathless as her nails dig deep into his back, raking down as he chases his end inside her. He comes so hard his body snaps, his forehead pressing against her shoulder as he fills her with a few more harsh thrusts.
They lay there for a moment, Eddie halfway on top of her, hearing her heartbeat return to normal. His favorite sound in the world. "That does it." With aching arms, he crawls up to look her in the eye, catching her smile as he plants a firm kiss on her soft lips. "I'm keeping you."
She giggles as he rolls them over, her head resting on his chest. "I think I'll let you."
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katy-133 · 2 years
Rick Prime's Plan - Theory
[This post is copy/pasted/remixed from multiple reblog posts I wrote for the Rick C-137 & Prime Masterpost on Rick and Morty. I'm putting my thoughts in its own post for organisational purposes.]
Prime's Plan:
So, this is one of the things I'm wondering most about regarding Prime theories: What does Prime want with C-137 after 40 years?
If he wanted to kill C-137, why not try earlier? What makes 40 years significate?
Morty being born.
We know Prime knows about Morty and is actively looking for him because he gives a description of Morty to Jerry, asking if Jerry's seen him:
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According to season 3 and C-137's "they kill your entire family" line, Prime murdered kid!Beth and Diane because they were the only family C-137 cared about. So I don't think Prime's trap with the countdown timers was a legitimate attempt to kill C-137. As Prime says later in the episode, he did it "to [mess] with a guy." He just wanted to rile up C-137.
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So does Prime care about Morty as a person and want to find him because of that? Prime doesn't appear to care about family--he doesn't even recognise Jerry initially and says he "never got too close to the concept" of a Jerry.
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I think Prime specifically wants to find Morty. Not because they are from the same dimension, but because killing Morty would hurt C-137 the most.
Prime's Plan Part 2
Back to this point.
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For the sake of theorising, let's pretend for a moment that we know Prime's ultimate goal is to kill Morty to get to C-137. It's happening, it's all set, it's on.
So Prime's going to try to kill Morty, and C-137 is going to have to react to it. But the how here is very important, because that's gonna determine whether or not this will be entertaining television, or whether this will be infuriating and disappointing. How does he try to kill Morty? How does he get caught? How does C-137 react to this? How does Rick and Morty frame this conflict, and by that I mean, "How does this show try to get you to think about all this?"
I think if done right, this could potentially be one of the best story arcs in the series. From both a character and a thematic standpoint.
So as of season 6's finale, we know only a few things about Prime's character:
Prime is "incredibly crafty" according to C-137.
Prime is dramatic.
Prime knows Rick, possibly intimately.
Taking these points, I think we can set up a potential scheme that makes sense for his character.
It would definitely be a scheme, we know Prime is the sort of Rick who plans ahead and will set up a hidden lair just for C-137 to find. We also know that Prime is looking for Morty (not just C-137).
Crafty and dramatic can be a fun combination for a villain, because it also makes them a troll in a theatrical way. He won't just mess with someone, he has to do it in the most bright and flashy way that he can (which writers and animators like, because it allows them to get creative with execution).
Prime is definitely a troll. He will set up multiple unsynced countdown screens just to mess with C-137. There's multiple fan artwork of Prime doing the "Let's take a selfie together of us splashed with blood!" Pagan Min-style, with either Morty or C-137 (btw, bless the artists that do this). And I think that's because it feels very in-character for what we've seen of Prime so far.
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Prime is smart enough to be able to kill Morty from a safe distance (away from C-137), using some sort of invention. He might not even have to be in the same vicinity to do so. But it wouldn't be enough to just kill Morty by no-scoping him from across the map and then disappearing. He's not going to leave poison out for Morty to unknowingly drink, leaving C-137 wondering how Morty died. He also says he doesn't manage people anymore, so he's not going to send a henchman after Morty. It has to become a big spectacle. This is personal--Prime couldn't even leave the recorded message alone for C-137 without physically being there himself.
And we know this because we see the same escape pod from that scene (pictured screen-left) later on during Prime's scene with Jerry (2nd image).
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So, Prime's plan to kill Morty:
Will be theatrical and impossible for C-137 to ignore.
Will be intimately personal out of spite.
Requires Prime to be facing C-137 directly.
So my initial headcanon that Prime's gonna kidnap Morty and fly away from C-137 in his car falls flat here because it does not fit the criteria I've set up above. There's not enough steps.
But before I add those potential steps, I'll add that if Prime were to kidnap Morty, he would do it in the way he thinks it would hurt C-137. Which I think wouldn't be dragging Morty into his escape car kicking and screaming.
It would be by dressing up as C-137 and tricking Morty to come with him willingly. Just change his hair and put on a lab coat, and walk up to Morty when C-137 isn't around, only to have him find out about it later (perhaps Prime knows C-137 records everything that happens in the garage and tricks Morty specifically in that room so C-137 can see how easily Morty was fooled).
Because… drama: 1) This is Prime's way of saying to C-137, "Look, your own grandson got tricked with a hairstyle and a wardrobe swap, he must not know you that well." 2) It hurts more if your nemesis got away with something with minimal effort on his part. 3) This is a trick C-137 pulled himself and now it's being used against him.
In the episode where C-137 escaped the Galactic Federation, he disguises himself as a Citadel Rick.
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We see from the surprised facial expressions that Summer and the other Ricks are fooled by the disguise (Morty is pointedly blocked by a Citadel Rick in the shot). In the "story train" episode, Morty doesn't recognise C-137 in his (non-Rick character) disguise. Which means that Morty is not immune to being fooled by Rick's disguises.
So how would Prime try to kill Morty after tracking him down?
The Serum:
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According to this post by @honeybee1895, there is audio commentary (which I haven't heard, so if anyone has the transcript for this, feel free to share) where someone says that the orange serum C-137 drinks at the end of the Unity episode makes all the Ricks across dimensions go in sync temporarily. The implication being that if C-137 dies in this moment, it will kill every alternate universe version of himself as well.
Depending on who said this, this could be "Word of God" or "Word of Dante" (the terms for author intention of the work, and the intention of someone else involved in the work, respectively) and not canon (nothing is canon unless it's explicitly in the work itself). But it being there in the commentary means that it could become canon later on (if it was introduced into the story by having C-137 explain it, etc).
The Serum (Addendum):
Thank you to @tredlocity for helping me confirm through a post that the serum's purpose was spoken about by co-creator Dan Harmon, and is therefor "Word of God" not "Word of Dante." The exact quote in the audio commentary is transcribed as:
"You know what I think that fluid does? I think it synchronizes all of your possible versions. I think he wants to kill all of himself." - Dan Harmon (From the 203 DVD Commentary)
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Circling back to the clone theory, this serum could also be the silver bullet C-137 needs to kill every clone of Prime, leaving no duplicates of him that could escape. He would be tempted to use it, but ultimately decide against it, because using the serum on Prime to kill him would also kill C-137.
Prime's Plan (continued):
What if Prime also knows how to make this serum, but instead of using it on himself, he uses it on Morty?
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Prime could kidnap Morty, force Morty to drink the serum, and then threaten to kill Morty in front of C-137. Or Prime could do it to force C-137 to join him on adventures again.
If Prime were to kill Morty in that moment, all Mortys would die. The option C-137 has of replacing Morty would no longer be on the table, and while I don't think he'd ever decide to replace our Morty, C-137 still keeps the Replacement Morty voucher to comfort and lie to himself that he could if something tragic happened. In this situation with Prime, C-137 would feel that safety net disappear.
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In conclusion:
Prime: "I'm not just going to kidnap your grandson, I'm going to kidnap him while wearing your face. I'm not just going to kill him, I'm going to wipe him from the multiverse. I'm not just going to succeed, I'm going to do it right in front of you."
Prime's ultimate goal is to remove the Morty from Rick and Morty.
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