#trolls wave glee
x-elyssa-x · 5 days
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Wave x Trollex!!
I had a lot of fun drawing this piece, and I should draw my ship more often.
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jade-green-butterfly · 5 months
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💚🦋~Sweet Besties Forever~🌊💜
A special gift for my lovely @x-elyssa-x, who I met back in 2021 and we've been like two peas in a pod ever since - sisterly figures, even~💞😊We talk everyday, share ideas and stories, and even create OCs and AUs together~✨ We've stood by each through thick and thin, and always had each other's backs when times get tough🫂Ely is a truly wonderful Trolls artist, and she has gifted me so many magnificent and amazing treasures~🥹💝🥰 So when she wished to see her super cute and sweet trollsona - Wave Glee in my style, together with my own trollsona, I was more than thrilled to do so!❣️❣️And what better way to draw us together, than in a big hug time~!💓😁 I am so pleased how this turned out and Wave was just a darling to draw for the very first time!🤩She's such a sweetheart and one of my most fave Techno Troll OCs of all time~💘😚 As always, thank-you so, sooooo much for everything, Ely!💖🤗💖You're one in a million and a true, dear friend anyone could ask for, and I am so grateful to have met you~💜🌸💚Don't stop being the lovely and amazing you!🌟Love you lots, bestie~🫶🏻😘💕xoxo.
*~Reblogs are also deeply appreciated as well, so please do reblog as well as like! Thank-you kindly!~*
Wave Glee (c) @x-elyssa-x~💜
Trollsona Jussy/Justina Butterfly (c) @jade-green-butterfly​ (Me~!)
DreamWorks Trolls (c) DreamWorks Animation
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king-trollex-fangirl · 10 months
Day 15
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Day 16
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Day 17
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Day 18
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Day 19
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Day 20
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Day 21
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I finally finished the third week of October! ^^ And right before December 😁
Dixie and Sarah belongs to me
Luka belongs to @king-trollex-fan
Rose and her costume belongs to @artstar1997
Wave Glee belongs to @x-elyssa-x
Torrent,Zips,Tank,and Tide belongs to @sparklijam
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izvmimi · 6 months
cw: streamer au! you and hawks have a popular channel and you have some special guests! fluff! reader and hawks are married. 'dove' as a nickname. written for @pastelle-rabbit.
“Did you finish setting up the microphones, dove?” Keigo asks, while you’re just about to adjust your PC setup. The stream begins in five minutes, and while it’s not the first time you’ve gone live with your love, it’s the first time that you’ve had guests on your streaming site, and this is highly anticipated enough that you expect a higher turnout for today, and commensurately likely more trolls. You’re used to Keigo’s trolls as a top-ranking hero, but Izuku’s trolls are a whole different beast.
“Yes!” you sing out to him. After the final adjustment, you shoot a glance to Izuku and his wife who are poised very politely on gaming chairs you got just for them; his hand is holding hers, the thumb caressing the back of her hand while she crosses her legs at the ankle. She looks distressed and you stifle a giggle. Horror and gore are the themes for your stream today and from what Izuku has told you, she’s a screamer, but so is Keigo, so the two will be squawking like birds for the remainder of the night. 
You can’t wait.
“Are you guys comfortable?” you ask. The chair arrangement is a little more complex to make sure everyone stays huddled around your huge monitor, but you’ve figured it out.
She nods slowly, and Izuku grins. “We’re doing perfect!”
There are now two minutes until the stream starts, and Keigo slips into the chair right beside you and kisses your cheek, his other hand deep in a bag of chicken chips which he brings to your mouth.
You indulge him with a bite, and he grins, then whispers if you want him to be your chair this time, and while Izuku grins politely at the two of you, you can sense yourself warming in the face.
“We have guests,” you remind him. Keigo throws a glance at Izuku who immediately waves his hands.
“Pretend we’re not here.”
“What do you mean we’re not here, we were in-”
You start the stream and Izuku’s wife falls silent, immediately switching to camera ready mode. “Welcome guys and thanks for coming back to our channel! As promised, we have special guests today! -” Deku and his wife wave politely to the camera in million-watt smiles, “- and we’ll be continuing with our horror themed stream!”
Keigo chews loudly and waves at the camera. “I’ll be here!” he motions a salute to the screen. As expected, you can already see the influx of his fans filling the chat, painfully polite in their thirst since the last time he reminded them on screen he was happily married.
“Ooh can we have streamer nicknames?” Izuku’s wife asks.
“Sure, what would you like to be called?” you offer. She looks around, then up at the ceiling, then her eyes light up.
“Hm… BLOODCRUSH.” She says with dramatic glee. The rest of the three of you blink rapidly, but no one argues. 
“Bloodcrush it is!” you announce as she kicks her feet. Izuku gives her a mildly concerned look, but then rubs her shoulder affectionately. The chat starts to rile up with comments in support of new nickname Bloodcrush (bloodcrush x deku otp, bloodcrush fighting!) to her delight while the less savory ones are promptly ignored.
“I think the rest of us will just go by our hero or streamer names, is that okay?” Keigo says, stretching out in his chair and resting his arm around the shoulder of your gaming chair, pose relaxed.
“So what game are we playing?” Deku starts per your loosely prepared script. 
“RAID AND EXECUTION,” Hawks announces, excitedly. You laugh as the story intro video begins, and Hawks claps his hands dimming the lights while Bloodcrush looks stunned to her husband then to you.
“Raid and what?”
“Oh, that sounds awesome! I’ve heard of this one!” Deku chirps, and immediately his info-dumping begins. “So from what I’ve read, this game is set in the early 1400s in the Caribbean where a group of pirates are lost at sea and encounter a group of enchanted beings, most likely zombies, and you’re meant to survive as long as possible when they’re active at night, and raid the villagers during the daytime or else you’ll run out of resources and die, not to mention the game mechanics heavily rely on you using context clues of the environment in order to determine if a settlement is nearby and-”
Hawks and Bloodcrush both scream as the first zombie shows up on screen armed with a machete and cleanly slices the head off of your avatar.
‘Ooh, that was fast,” you say, frowning as the “Game Over” screen shows up on the monitor. The chat explodes with comments telling Deku to shut the hell up which makes him frown.
“Just trying to provide context,” he grumbles. You start up the game again and instead of jumping right off the ship and walking right onto the island, you pause and look for clues. Hawks encourages you to explore the bottom of the ruins first, which has you find a rusty machete of your own as well as some 14th century hardtack, and Bloodcrush leans in and asks you if there’s any way you can find a musket or other gun.
“Baby, I think muskets weren’t invented till the 15th century,” Deku says, and she pats his cheek gently, whispering only mildly threatening, “I didn’t ask you for historical accuracy, honey.”
“Here, I think we found one!” you exclaim and Hawks gives you a high five while Bloodcrush raises her eyebrow at him. 
While you begin arranging your inventory, Hawks repeats some questions in the chat for their guests.
“So, herofootfetish69 has a question for you, Deku.”
Izuku pales while you and his wife unintentionally bursts out laughing from how nonchalantly Hawks reads the username, then your avatar inadvertently falls off a cliff and dies.
“Man!” you exclaim as you restart. Bloodcrush laughs even harder as she points to new resources that you can pick up while you’re repacking your knapsack.
“They ask, do you have time to play video games when you’re supposed to be protecting the city?” Hawks asks, then giggles.
“Why am I being heckled?” he frowns. “Yes, heroes have time off too.” He pauses. “Hawks is literally on this stream!”
“Hey, I think if you alternate the musket and the dagger, you might have a chance with those zombies,” Bloodcrush murmurs. Someone in the chat tells her that she has a better chance with the dagger alone. “Never mind, just do that.” 
“Next question for LoveDove!” Keigo presses a kiss to your forehead, then reads off, “gains4fame asks, how long have you and Bloodcrush known each other?”
“Not long!” you say, “but I think we’ve become fast friends!”
Bloodcrush’s eyes light up and she playfully bops you on the shoulder. Hawks offers an affectionate awwww, and hugs you while Deku rubs his wife’s back. 
In the process of your husband hugging you, you’re shot by an arrow.
“NO!” you and Bloodcrush scream in unison, then look at each other and giggle.
“Next question from chickenchipenthusiast-” Izuku pauses, then reaches for the extra bag Hawks has brought, “not sponsored by the way,” he reminds everyone, “for Hawks - how do you choose your guests on the show?”
Hawks shrugs. “When I called, you picked up.”
Izuku sighs in defeat.
“We’ll move on to the next question. For LoveDove again - do you think you’ll get better at these games?”
Hawks bristles but you laugh. “I’m having fun and so are you, aren’t you?”
chickenchipenthusiast writes: exactly!
You get your first kill of a zombie on the island and you and Bloodcrush share double high fives in delight. 
The chat fills with overwhelming support and the stream continues late into the night, the chatter amongst you guys never ending and the subscribers ticking higher and higher all night.
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storydays · 9 months
Baby Mine
Bruce/Brandi X Daughter! Reader
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Bruce groaned as he massaged his temples. He's had this heavy pressure in his head for the last few weeks. At first he thought it was stress..But today, it was a throbbing pressure he'd only ever felt when he inhaled sharply, catching his wife's attention from where she was cooking breakfast. "Something wrong, darling?" wondered Brandi.
Bruce didn't answer, instead he reached into his hair carefully, grimacing from how sensitive his hair was, and stopped shortly when he felt the familiar shape of an egg nestled tightly between his purple locks.
"Bruce?" Brandi called as she turned the stove off, and turned her full attention to her husband. "I-It's an egg." whispered the Troll, feeling a large grin spred across his face. "My love! It's an egg! We're having a baby!" Bruce laughed with glee, his wife leaning down with an amused smile. She kissed her husband's cheek, causing his blue eyes to meet her warm brown eyes.
"We're having another baby." She agreed.
*Timeskip to after Trolls 3 events*
The other Brozone members' and the Pop sisters watched as Bruce worked with his wife, and maneuvered around their 13 kids' chaos. "Bruce, you really should be resting." Brandi commented as she passed out more drinks. "Hon, I'm fine. The baby is fine, too. Their not set to hatch for a few more days." Bruce waved her comment off, as he passed the group's drinks and food out.
"Baby?" Floyd asked. Bruce winced...he forgot to mention the little darling in his hair to his siblings. His tail flicked nervously, but before he could attempt to lie his way out of the situation, Cove and LaBreezey came up with their notebook and crayons and a determined looks on their faces.
Oh no, it was observation time.
Ever since Bruce's two oldest children learned their dad can have babies differently then their relatives on their mother's side, they've been keeping notes, and asking questions about full Trolls' anatomy.
"Yep! And according to our notes, baby 14 should be hatching any day now!" LaBreezy chirped excitedly, as Cove gently checked their Dad's hair to check on the egg, ignoring their dad's hiss of pain and irritation.
Bruce managed to let his oldest child peer at the egg for all of 10 seconds before pulling away with a warning hiss. Cove nodded thoughtfully, before writing something down.
"Are you sure they're okay? I mean, after what Velvet and Veneer did?" Branch asked, fidgeting with his fingers, before Poppy took one of his hands and squeezed in reassurance.
Bruce smiled at his youngest brother, "Yeah, B. I'm fine. when the doctor from Pop Village came to check on Floyd, I pulled her aside and she looked me and the egg over, and--" Bruce let out a groan, dropping the spoon in his hand and holding his head.
Brandi was by his side in an instant and shooed the children away. "Go play, kids. " Turning to her hunched over husband, she leaned down to face him. "Darling, color?" she whispered.
"Red." he whimpered, tail angrily moving about. Moving quickly, but gently, Brandi scooped him and said something to a nearby waiter who nodded. Casting a glace towards the concerned Trolls by the bar, she told them firmly, "Stay here. I'll be right back."
Brozone shared a look and waited nervously for news about their brother and unborn niece or nephew.
After waiting for a good two hours, the Trolls had enough and stormed into the back where his brother's house was connected to the restaurant, and actually ran into Brandi, quite literally. Her eyes widen, before she knelt and allowed them to climb on her hand, bringing them eye level.
"Bruce will be fine. The baby is fine, but it was honestly rough on both of their bodies. They're sleeping right now, and you can come see them in a little bit."
"Mom?" called Freddy as his siblings stood behind him looking worried for their family.
Brandi set the Trolls down and knelt in front of her kids, allowing them to squish in her arms.
"Daddy's okay, he's just really tired. He'll be up in a little bit. The baby is also okay, they also need to sleep a little." She cooed, kissing all their foreheads.
"Mom, is it a boy or girl?" Windy asked, tilting his head. Brandi smiled.
"It's a........"
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marrkopolo · 4 months
A Wise Man Once Said
Precious lost its ring in the scrap yard with no metal detector the lavender pussywillows hide the trolls
Hong Kong wheel of fate UW spinned it first Knights of Templar slaughtered at a mass concert of bloody crimson tide
Tithe on a full moon for 2x the glee The crash of waves against the rocks, like bodies slapping against each other during sex blood shooting through veins Hot heat, sticky, in Iceland together I too, know of these lands
Tax season says the King! blue knots on a tent red food buckets hung like death #four crosses in a foreign land alone is no place to exist
An underwater welder lying on the blue tarp, is like a union of troops led by a zebra.
Flying flags at Disney welcome to the world of water failed regret, emptiness and betrayal tattered flags get left to rot sew it in with the others together and the quilt becomes strong and scintillating
Crush you with your own history headless horseman and halo hair dark horse donuts This is as good as it gets!
Red-lipped lipstick cracked porcelain face You can't hold a candle to this
King of the Hill My pool stick is clean now true Kings swim in the swimming pool together King of the Hill Jack of Spades went with the stolen crown and robots learn to volunteer.
Pledge to a sanitizer salute to a gong beat your chest it's loud and strong Love at first sight or sounds like a good idea Wisdom of the crowd or individual motivation?
A rabbi with the yachts Fortified lamps sees all UFOs, telekinesis and even explosive lingerie. One denarius for a days work Why they get more? Stand while another sits. Then switch roles and you'll see why.
What sees with three eyes? The melatonin-like parental bond, third eye awoken, Moksha.
Insane Luke has a scar red dots that kill. Baldie takes biosphere crown the bald animal is cutting loose again Is doraphilia still fun to you?
I attempt to transform but the tea is too strong my hands have small heart Lying down a tiny raindrop falls into my ear swirling into the cochlea My whole world has changed!
Eczema stealing make-up twice North Face go north Racks of weapons are not enough this time
My mask is old but gold bars had paved my fortunate path …a fortunate path(whispering)
Tik Tok vault one exit is enough The eagle has docked into spray-painted madness. Not to fret I hear a falcon cry Jump when the law is bent it will help you fly
Six shooter Six pack 3 sewers 3 fires Twin-spirit 1 spacesuit
Mountain top king of the hill climb Nepal Hajj pilgrimage princess climbs like a pirate piggyback down the wedding aisle
Opposites attract
One fell to its doom down the abyssal void towards the bottom and a ghost ship lost in the Bermuda Triangle with Pandoras Box Lazarus
Gunpowder in shoes Footprints in the sand Jesus did not tap
Short and tall fat and thin Lookalikes Soundalikes Smellalikes the hunt of touch and taste What double currencies create the ultimate Yin Yang effect? AI said to cure pride and competition, exchange abacus rubik-cubed calculators instead of cash.
Echoes and reverberation voices become lightning WATTS= AMPS X VOLTS
Float your payloads into the troposphere with skinny vertical structures of contained saltwater Heat a planet with a satellite asteroid belt
A call for help QR codes morse code gun flare smoke signal what are your coordinates? R-E-B-O-R-N
Some ancients say gunpowder only made flee then gun made to kill Oil spills from bronze age to silicon chips flood the market cut the mall castle cake in half Zangief on a segway You win.Perfect.
Lawrence Groves copyright©2024
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vilevenom · 6 months
This was longer than I meant it to be, lol. I present, the next fic for the "Hello My Old Heart" series! It is pretty much a direct continuation from the previous fic, and that is completely unintentional. The brothers get to meet their new nephew! Enjoy! ❤️
Of all the trolls to find out about Sky's hatching first, neither John Dory nor Hickory had expected it to be Viva.
They were descending the hill after having packed up the remains of their picnic, and collecting what they could of Sky's shattered shell (John didn't know exactly what he was going to do with it, but he knew he wanted to keep it. It was a memento, after all). John had tucked Sky into his hair, only for the trolling to decide it was a much better idea to try to stand on the edge of his fathers goggles to try and catch the glow bugs that were floating around the area. This, inevitably, ending up with John's goggles sliding down his face and the trolling to tip forwards into open air. John yelped, Hickory dropped their basket, and Viva suddenly appeared to catch Sky before he could fall more than a couple of inches.
"And who is this?" Viva cooed at the trolling, who blinked owlishly at her, before clapping enthusiastically with a laugh of glee.
John shoved his goggles back into his hair, letting out a breath of relief, while Hickory flopped bodily onto the ground while clutching at the front of his vest.
"This is Sky," John said, watching as Viva moved the baby into the crook of her arm to tickle at his belly. Sky burst into a peel of laughter, kicking his feet and swatting at Viva's hand to no avail.
"He's barely five minutes old, an' already tryin' t' kill his parents," Hickory groaned from his spot of the ground.
Viva paused in her tickling to gape in surprise at John Dory, who smiled sheepishly, before she looked back to the baby in her arms who waved at her happily. "OH MY GOSH!" she squealed, bringing the baby up to her face to nuzzle his nose with her own. Sky screeched happily, patting at Viva's cheeks. "Hello! Welcome to pop village! I'm your aunty Viva!"
"He literally hatched, like, five minutes ago," John admitted, moving to help Hickory back to his feet.
Viva lowered the baby from her face, Sky letting out a whine of protest. "Wait, really? Does that mean I'm the first to meet him?"
"And hold him," John said with a nod, holding his hands out to take his son back, wiggling his fingers in the air.
"An' save 'im from getting hurt," Hickory added with a snort, scooping his hat up from the ground before picking up their picnic basket and blankets. "What're ya doin' out here, anyhow?"
"Oh!" Viva said with a light laugh, handing Sky back to John, the baby whining and making grabby hands in the air at her at the switch. She cooed at Sky, but shook her head at him before turning her gaze back to his parents. "Branch and Poppy are on a date, so I told Branch I'd do his patrol for him tonight. I guess he goes around the edge of the village every night to make sure all of his traps are in working order. Poppy said I didn't need to, but, y'know. Just cause it's safer here, doesn't mean I don't still think precautions are good to have."
"You sound like Clay and Branch," John snorted, turning Sky in his arms and holding him up to blow a raspberry onto his belly. The baby squealed loudly, batting at his father and nearly kicking John in the face for his trouble. John grinned as he peppered kisses to Sky's face, the trolling smacking at John's cheeks and giggling wildly at the attention.
"Well, I mean, they're right," Viva scoffed with a grin, "So I'll take that as a compliment."
"As you should," Hickory agreed with a small nod. He shifted the items he was holding so he could reach over and run his fingers through Sky's hair as John settled him in his arms, the baby yawning widely. "But, I reckon this was a lot a' excitement for him, already. We should get 'im home."
"Aw, yeah, the little guy looks sleepy. Was getting out of your shell tough? I bet it was," Viva cooed at Sky, wiggling her fingers at him. He babbled at her, reaching out for her, only to let out another yawn and snuggle into John's chest.
John chuckled, nuzzling his nose into Sky's curly hair. "We'll start introducing him to everyone tomorrow, probably. I don't think we can keep him to ourselves for very long."
"Oh, yeah, no," Viva laughed, shaking her head. "If you don't start telling people, I will. Poppy is going to freak out and want, like, a million pictures. You should see the scrapbooks she somehow already has with all of Bruce's kids. SO many."
"I bet," John said with a lopsided smile. "Thanks again for catching him, Viva. I think hair rides are gonna be off the table for a while."
"That's probably for the best," Viva said with a grin, waving as she turned on her heel. "Congrats, you two! I'll see you tomorrow!"
"Wait," Hickory stepped forward, a look of concern on his face, "What time? Viva?!" He grunted as Viva disappeared into the woods, looking unimpressed. "We better get some sleep tonight. Someone's gonna be bangin' on our door at the first sign of sun."
"Yup," John said, popping the 'p'.
Hickory had been correct when he'd predicted getting woken early in the morning, as there was rapid knocking on their door nearly as soon as the sun was above the horizon.
John sat up with a grunt, Sky whining from his bassinet at the side of the bed, little arms and legs flailing in the air at the disruption to his slumber. "Hey, hey," John cooed, blurrily getting up from bed to scoop the baby into his arms to try and settle him. Meanwhile, Hickory rolled over and buried his head under a pillow, letting out a string of what John could only assume were German curses at whoever was at the door.
"I guess I'll get it then," John said with a snort, shuffling to the door and opening it to squint into the light that poured into the pod. Sky let out a sound of distress, his hands quickly covering his eyes as he tried to hide in his fathers arms.
John grunted again as Sky was scooped out of his arms by a bright pink blur that he assumed was Poppy. His eyes were still fuzzy from sleep, and the bright light of the sun wasn't helping. He rubbed at his eyes once his hands were free, frowning lightly at the Queen of Pop currently holding his kid, and his youngest brother who looked mildly uncomfortable behind her.
"Good morning," John grumbled sardonically, arching an eyebrow at the two on his doorstep.
"Hey. Uh, sorry," Branch muttered with a slight wince, "Viva told Poppy about the baby last night, and she didn't listen to me when I told her we should probably wait until we were at least invited over."
John shrugged, unabashedly yawning in the Queens face and stretching, before gesturing for the two to come inside. "It's fine. Hickory and I figured this would happen."
Poppy bounced into the pod happily, Sky looking less than thrilled in his aunts arms as he rubbed at his eyes and whined, a tiny little frown on his face. Branch followed shortly after, shutting the door behind him to help block the sun back out of the pod. Hickory poked his head out from the blankets to glare at them from across the pod, muttering something in German under his breath.
"Don't mind him. He's really not a morning troll," John said with a snarky grin, blowing a kiss at Hickory as the country trolls glare was directed at him. John yawned again as he began brewing coffee, largely ignoring the queen and his brother. If they were going to visit at the ass crack of dawn, they were not going to get a very hospitable John Dory, he'd decided. They could deal with his half awake awareness.
"He's so cute, JD!" Poppy cooed, giggling as the baby frowned at her, obviously still only half awake himself. It would seem he took after Hickory and his aversion to mornings.
"He'll probably be cuter once I feed him some breakfast," John said with a light laugh, holding a mug up towards Branch and arching a brow.
"I'd love some coffee, thanks," Branch said with a short nod, moving to sit at the kitchen table as Poppy set Sky into a high chair that had been set up in anticipation a couple of weeks ago. The baby smacked at the little tray table in front of him, letting out a loud whine of disapproval as Poppy stepped away from him.
"Awww. Who's a grumpy little goose? It's Sky," Poppy sing-songed to the baby, poking him gently in the nose. This caused Sky to pause, confusion on his face at being poked. He opened his mouth to, presumably, let out another disgruntled whine, only to squeak as a spoon of baby food was shoved into his mouth. He blinked in surprise as John pulled the spoon free, a confused burble leaving him as he swished the baby food around in his mouth.
"See? Already an improvement," John said with a grin, handing Poppy the jar of food and spoon. "Since you woke him up, you can feed him."
"That's fair," Poppy chirped, pulling a chair out from the table so she could sit in front of Sky.
John chuckled as he watched Poppy make swooshing noises with each spoonful of food, pretending it was a flyer bug as she fed Sky his breakfast. He quickly got over his initial grumpiness as he was fed, excitedly slapping at the tray and babbling at Poppy as she fed him.
John figured she didn't need supervision after the first couple of bites, turning back to the coffee. "How do you want it?" he asked Branch, pouring his own cup first, laden with a heaping spoonful of sugar.
"Just black is fine," Branch stated, giving his brother a short nod of thanks as a mug was passed over.
John let the sounds of Sky and Poppy fill the room for a minute, quietly sipping at his coffee, before he sat himself in the chair next to Branch and gave him a pointed look. Branch looked startled, sitting up straighter in his seat at his brothers attention. "Well?"
"Well…what?" Branch asked, confusion plain on his face.
"Your nephew," John gestured towards the baby, who was wearing a significantly larger portion of his breakfast than he had been a moment previous.
"Uh…he's cute?" Branch offered, still looking confused.
John stared at him blankly for a moment before sighing heavily. "You're not good with kids, are you?"
Branch looked offended for a moment, before hunching his shoulders slightly and looking embarrassed. "I mean…I taught Keith how to ride a flyer bug, and I took some scouts out camping a couple of times. That all went well."
"But no experience with babies?"
Branch sighed, rolling his shoulders. "I mean, not really, no. No one exactly trusted me with their kids until relatively recently. I was a pretty steadfast recluse, after all."
John nodded a little, then rose back up from his seat. Branch watched him with curiosity as he grabbed a cloth from the counter, before sweeping over to wipe Sky clean of the baby food that had been smeared across his face. Sky swatted at John as his face was cleaned, whining loudly as his breakfast was interrupted. John cooed at him, tickling him briefly once he was clean, earning a bright laugh from Sky. "There we go," John hummed, freeing Sky from his high chair. Now both Poppy and Branch were watching him curiously as he moved back around the kitchen table. He nodded at Branch, who slowly set his coffee mug down, now looking more confused than anything. He made a high pitched sound of distress as John deposited Sky into his arms without a word.
Sky stared up at Branch with wide eyes, absently sucking on the fingers of his right hand as he observed his uncle.
"Uhm…hello?" Branch offered, stiff in his seat as he held Sky awkwardly in his lap. John simply chuckled at him as Branch shot him a panicked look.
"Just relax, Branch. He's not gonna bite you. And even if he did, he doesn't have any teeth yet."
Branch simply swallowed thickly as he turned his gaze back to the baby in his lap. Sky continued to stare at him for another moment, before a grin broke out on his face. He pulled his fingers free of his mouth and began to babble at Branch happily, waving his hands about excitedly. Branch looked alarmed as the baby flailed in his arms, glancing up at Poppy, only to find her holding a camera and happily taking photos. "Poppy! Help," he pleaded quietly, only for Poppy to shake her head at him with a grin.
"No way, Branch. You need to bond with your nephew! Plus, pictures," she waved the camera at him, giggling and snapping another photo as Sky finally wriggled enough in Branch's hold to be able to reach out and smack his drool covered hand to Branch's cheek.
Branch jerked, but was mindful enough of Sky to not drop the poor kid. He slowly turned his face to look down at the baby, who laughed at his expression, his clean hand reaching up to pat at Branch's other cheek. Sky squished Branch's cheeks gently between his hands, babbling happily at his uncle as Poppy snapped photos.
"I'm gonna need copies of all of those," John hummed from beside her.
"Oh, of course. Wallet size, even."
Branch made another sound of distress as Sky smeared his drool covered hand across his face, twitching to try and duck his head away from the baby. Sky let out a sad sound of disappointment as Branch pulled his face away, making grabby hands in the air as his uncle maneuvered him so his back was to Branch, not allowing for the baby to reach for his face easily again.
"Aww, c'mon, Bitty B. He was having fun," John said with an easy laugh, moving to sit again, now that the show was over.
"Again, it's Branch. And if anyone is Bitty now, it's Sky," Branch grumped, watching with intent as John picked the jar of baby food and spoon back up. "What're you doing?"
"Feeding my kid?" John stated like it was obvious. He offered a spoonful of the food to Sky, who clapped, before eagerly taking it into his mouth.
"Hey! Shouldn't he go back in his chair?" Branch asked, tugging Sky back so the baby was leaned against his chest as John fed him.
"Why? He seems comfortable in your lap. You're not gonna drop him if he gets berries on your legs, are you?" John asked, glancing up at his brother briefly, before feeding Sky another spoonful.
"Obviously not. Isn't it just safer for him to be in his chair for this, though?"
John snorted quietly, pulling the spoon away as Sky tried to grab at it. "We used to feed you while you sat in one of our laps all the time, B. Your favorite was usually Clay, because he'd bounce you around after you were done eating. Which usually resulted in you throwing up on him about half the time…But you loved it."
"Wait…really?" Branch genuinely looked surprised, which hurt John Dory to see. His brother shouldn't be in his twenties, only just learning about things he did as a baby.
"I mean, yeah. I had to do extra laundry because of it, but you were having fun, and we usually fed you extra when you sat with Clay, so it wasn't too big a deal."
"Oh," Branch breathed, glancing down at his nephew, who managed to grab John's hand and tug the spoon towards his mouth. He caused a fair bit to fall onto his fur, but cooed happily as he ate the spoonful and released John's hand. He must have noticed Branch's stillness, as he tipped his head back to look at his uncle upside down curiously. He made a sad little noise, reaching up to pat at Branch's chin.
"Awww. He thinks you're sad," Poppy cooed, snapping another picture.
Branch offered the baby a small smile, bouncing him gently in his lap. "Thanks, bud," he chuckled, earning a bright smile from the baby.
"See? He's not so scary," John said with a grin, laughing as Branch shot him a glare.
The rest of breakfast went on without much fanfare, outside of Poppy acting as Sky's own personal paparazzo. Eventually, Hickory dragged himself out of bed to join the others, half hiding behind his coffee mug until the caffeine hit his system and he stopped muttering half coherent German phrases under his breath.
John sighed, leaning back in his chair to watch his youngest brother gently bouncing his baby in his lap. It was a little surreal if he was being honest with himself. He'd never imagined he'd have his brothers back in his life, let alone ever have a kid of his own. But, here was was, witnessing Branch forming a bond with his baby. He cleared his throat before he could let his mind wander too far, sitting up and earning the attention of everyone in the room (aside from Sky, who grumbled in irritation as Branch stopped bouncing him). "So! Does anyone know where Clay and Floyd are this morning?"
"I think Floyd has a doctors appointment? To check on the health of his hair. The white is mostly gone now," Branch said, jiggling his knee to bounce Sky again at the baby's insistent low whine.
"And Clay is with Viva! They're working on building a golf course at the edge of the village. He's definitely already going to know about Sky," Poppy said with a bright smile, finally tucking her camera back into her hair.
"Of course he is," John chuckled lightly, getting up to take his and Branch's mugs to the sink, "And he's going to be too polite to come knocking down our door at sunrise." At that Branch looked embarrassed, while Poppy simply continued to smile brightly at him. John snorted at Poppy's unabashed reaction, shaking his head fondly. "Right, well, I'm gonna get dressed. You good holding Sky for a few more minutes, Branch?"
Branch looked alarmed as John began to walk across the pod, only to visibly relax as Hickory scooped his son up from Branch's lap. "It's alright, Branch," Hickory grinned, popping Sky onto his hip, much to the baby's delight, "I got 'im. Can ya'll go see if you can wrangle Floyd into goin' to the golf course to meet us? I don't right fancy draggin' Sky all over hells half acre on his first day on this green earth."
Branch almost looked relieved as he stood from his chair. "Yeah, we can definitely do that."
"Awwww, but baby," Poppy moaned, getting up from her own seat. Her frown didn't last long as she skipped over to Hickory, tickling Sky to garner some shrill baby laughter. "Whose a cutie? It's you," she cooed at him, laughing as Sky flailed in Hickory's arms.
"Okay, Poppy," Branch said with a light laugh, reaching out to tug his girlfriend away, "Let's go get Floyd. I'm sure he'll be excited to meet the baby, too."
"Yeah, okay," Poppy begrudgingly sighed, wiggling her fingers at Sky one last time, before bouncing after Branch to the door. "We'll see you guys later!"
Hickory shifted Sky on his hip so he could take the baby's hand and wave it at Branch and Poppy, much to Sky's confusion. Poppy stopped and clutched at the front of her chest with a elongated "aww", forcing Branch to practically manhandle her out the door. Hickory chuckled as Sky burbled at him, bouncing the baby slightly on his hip.
"I think his cuteness may be weaponizable," John hummed as he came up behind Hickory and Sky, wrapping his arms around them both.
"Very well likely," Hickory agreed, turning his head to press a kiss to John's cheek.
Getting Sky to the construction site of the golf course was a minor ordeal.
The kid did not want to wear clothes. Which, although technically not a real problem, John was not keen on the idea of Sky going without at least a diaper. He was not a glitter troll, after all, and he didn't much fancy having to deal with a potential accident while they were out. Somehow, between himself and Hickory, they managed to wrestle Sky into a diaper, and a pair of overalls.
And then there was the trip over, itself. Since hair rides were out of the question, John carried Sky on his hip. Because of that, he was on full display to the entire village as they walked through. And, not that Sky didn't seem to love the attention, but it felt to John like they were being stopped every five seconds by a new troll to congratulate them and greet Sky.
Finally, though, they made it to the edge of the village where the construction site was. John muttered a quiet, "Thank all that is trolly," as they walked up to the site and weren't bothered by any of the fuzzlings that were milling about or working.
"That was definitely a bit much," Hickory agreed, "I don't think I will ever truly get used to how chatty pop trolls are."
"You being a man of such few words, yourself," John teased, hip chucking Hickory gently with the side he wasn't holding Sky on.
"Hush, you," Hickory chuckled as he stumbled to the side, catching sight of Viva as he did and giving her a wave. "Prepare yerself."
"Oh, I am prepared," John snorted, though he still winced as Viva jumped over the little barrier around the construction site and hollered at Clay to come to the front entrance.
"Hello again!" Viva chirped happily as she jogged up to the new family, waving both of her hands enthusiastically in the air. She then ducked to be on the same level as Sky, wiggling her fingers at him as he waved an arm happily back at her. "And especially a BIG hello to you, sweetheart!"
"Yeah. Thanks for sending that wake up call over this morning. Appreciate it," John stated sarcastically, earning a bashful grin from Viva.
"Sorry. I was excited! And so was Poppy. At least I managed to convince her not to bother you until the morning! She wanted to go over last night," Viva said as she stood up straight, Clay jogging up behind her.
"Hey! I expected you guys sooner," Clay greeted as he stopped next to Viva, earning an eye roll from John Dory.
"Yeah, well, it's slow going when everyone in the village wants to stop and chat," John said with a shrug.
"Don't you thrive on attention, John? The walk over here should've been a dream for you," Clay snarked, before his eyes landed on Sky. He visibly lit up, holding his hands out and wiggling his fingers. "Lemme hold him."
If John Dory rolled his eyes much more around Clay he thought they may just fall out of his head, but he smiled all the same and handed Sky to Clay. "This is your uncle, Clay! He used to be fun, but now he's a boring old man," John said with a grin, chuckling as Clay stuck his tongue out at him.
"I'm not boring. I'm serious!" Clay sniffed, only to coo happily at the baby as he propped Sky on his hip. He then immediately began pulling faces to make Sky laugh.
"Oh, yes. So serious," John snorted, shaking his head, before looking around. "Hey, we told Branch and Poppy to send Floyd over here to meet us. Have you seen him yet?"
Viva began to shake her head, only to perk up and point over John's shoulder. "Oh! There he is!"
John and Hickory turned to find Floyd walking towards them without his cane and waving enthusiastically. "Hey, guys!"
"You don't have your cane!" John cheered, waving back with a wide grin.
"Congratulations! You look like yer doin' a heck of a lot better," Hickory added with a grin as Floyd made it to them.
"Yeah, I am! The doctor said she's been really impressed by my progress. Anyway, Poppy said you guys had a surprise and I needed to get over here as soon as I could?" Floyd asked, only to gasp as he caught sight of the trolling on Clay's hip. "Oh my goodness, is that-?"
"His name's Sky," Hickory offered, while John gestured for Floyd to go to Clay.
"He's so little," Floyd crooned, hurrying over to Clay and taking the baby as he was offered. "Awww! I remember when Branch was this little. Such a sweetie."
"He reminds me a lot of how Branch was as a baby. He's been taking really well to all of the attention, and being passed around like a hot potato," John joked, "Nothing like you or Clay. You only ever wanted to be carried around by Bruce, and Clay just hated being picked up at all."
"That's good. I can only imagine that when he gets to finally meet all of his cousins that they're going to want to carry him around," Floyd hummed absently, letting Sky play with his fingers.
"Yeah, I think we'll be keeping Bruce's kids from carrying him around until he's older. Not that I don't think they'd try to be careful, but I very much witnessed a couple of them playing tug-of-war with Bruce as the rope, so I'm not too sure," John said with a nervous laugh, Hickory chuckled next to him and gave his shoulder a comforting pat.
"We decided, before Sky hatched, that we were gonna stay put in Pop Village for a while. Give the kid some stability. So, we won't be visitin' Vacay Island anytime soon. We're gonna send Bruce an' Brandy some photos, and a letter, though" Hickory said, reaching into John's hair to pull out a camera. "You lot up for a little photo shoot?"
Bruce had been expecting the letter. He'd expected it about a week prior, however., but it was better late than never. And to say he was excited to open it was an understatement.
"Brandy, my love," Bruce called, jogging across the bar top and waving the envelope over his head, "We got a letter from John and Hickory!"
"Oh!" Brandy set aside the plate she'd been holding and leaned down on her arms to meet at Bruce's level, giving the purple troll a quick kiss on the cheek as he reached her. "Is it about the egg?"
"I think so," Bruce said, practically vibrating with anticipation as he tore open the envelope. He unfolded the letter quickly, nearly dropping a handful of photos that were tucked neatly inside, but managed to catch them before they could fall. He tucked them behind the letter as he read, a grin forming on his face. "The have a boy! He hatched a week late, but he's health and happy. His name is Sky," Bruce relayed to Brandy, as the letter was just a bit small for her to read herself.
"That's such good news," she offered with a soft smile, "You'll have to go visit sometime soon."
"Gosh, yeah," Bruce hummed, moving the photos to the forefront of the papers in his hand so he could look them over. The photo on the top of the stack was of the new family, John Dory and Hickory waving at the camera, while Sky was in John's arms trying to catch a flutter bug and not paying a lick of attention, which made Bruce laugh before flipping to the next picture. The rest of the stack were various pictures of his brothers with the baby, either smiling happily, or making goofy faces at the camera. Right up until the last photo, which was a candid shot in what Bruce believed was John and Hickory's kitchen. It was of Branch, with Sky in his lap, the softest smile on his face as the baby had his head tipped back with his hand on Branch's cheek. Bruce couldn't help the sudden tears that welled in his eyes, turning a watery gaze to his wife.
"Oh, no," Brandy said, standing to her full height and shaking a finger at Bruce. "I know that look all too well, mister. Thirteen is more than enough."
"But, babies are so cute," Bruce whined, waving the photos at Brandy, "Just look at him!"
"Nope. I am immune," Brandy said with a shake of her head.
"But, my love-"
"Don't you 'my love' me. I don't care," she started, only to pause as she caught sight of the photo of Branch and Sky. She leaned in and sighed quietly. "Okay, that is pretty cute."
"See?! So…" Bruce wiggled his eyebrows at his wife, earning an eye roll.
"…We'll see."
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windy-trickster · 2 months
Meeting with the Sea Serpent
"R-Rhyian.... We're t|o|o deep int|o The Villa... W-We sh|ouldn't be here-" The Purpleblood mumbled softly, gripping onto one of his droopy sleeves and playing with it nervously. The hemoanon remained silent, just simply as the pair walked into the lower area of The Villa. The lower area of The Villa wasn't.... The best of places, although for sweeps there's been effort after effort to try and remedy this, but the lower area just DIDN'T want to cooperate with officials trying their hardest to make things right. It's like the area had a mind of its own. "Rhyian please tell me where we're g|o-" "Shhh.... Listen..." Actias bit his bottom lip and listened carefully, the sound of old timey music came from.... Somewhere. It felt like it was coming from everywhere, enveloping the two in some gentle yet eerie lullaby. Rhyian just smiled and gently clapped their hands along with the music, their head bobbing back and forth. All Actias could feel was a ball of anxiety welling up in his chest. The music continued, never getting louder nor getting soft. A gentle, consistent drone that eventually started to become more so background noise to the.... Lack of other noises, which didn't really help the situation for poor Actias who wanted nothing more than to leave. Leave and go back to the safety of the bar his matesprite owned. The Purpleblood anxiously stepped back, wanting to sputter out about how he wanted to leave, but his back connected with someone's front, a rather large shadow falling over his form. "Going ssssomewhere, friend?" A voice cooed from above as a face appeared in front of Actias, an unnerving yet pleasant smile adorning the Violetblood's face. The Violetblood had gentle glowing purple eyes and some sort of antenna looking thing dangling from atop his head, the bulb at the tip glowing a pale light. Actias wanted to scream, but his voice was caught in his throat. "D∅n't scare him t∅∅ much, Sea Serpent...! Hehe.... That's my j∅b t∅ scare pe∅ple!" Rhyian giggled with glee and clasped their hands together happily, seeming to shiver with excitement at the thought f freaking people out. The man, the one Rhyian called "Sea Serpent" simply hummed and stepped back away from Actias, moving around him and heading over towards Rhyian, having to lean down to properly be face to face with the hemoanon. "What bringssss you here, Rhyian?" "Hehe.... Is y∅ur sh∅p ∅pen?" At that, the Violetblood seemed to smile and walked past Rhyian, waving his hand for the two other trolls to follow him. Rhyian happily skipped along behind the sea serpent, hair bouncing gently as they did so. Actias stood there for a moment, slowly watching the two vanish into darkness before chasing after them. He didn't know what he was getting into, but he knows he can't get out now.
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phantomdoofer · 1 year
Chapter 9: A Fake Day
As Peppino fumbled with the keys to the pizzeria, he had a sense of foreboding, above and beyond his normal twitchiness. It didn't make sense. Nothing seemed wrong today. The weather was nice. People were just starting to come out, so it was quiet. Noisette waved from across the street. She'd started specializing in coffee and pastries, so she'd been up a while, serving the morning crowd. "Hiiii, Peppino! Hope you have another good day!"
Peppino smiled, if a little weakly. Noisette was a bit annoyingly friendly. I know she has bad days, but you'd never know it. Privately he admitted he was a bit jealous of her near-endless cheer. But what she sees in the Noise, I'll never understand.
As he unlocked the door, he turned and looked out at the village that had sprung up around him. World works in strange ways sometimes.
He felt a hand land gently on his shoulder. He shrieked in reflexive terror.
"Glee hee hee hee," Fake laughed as they oozed down from the ceiling.
"DON'T-A DO THAT!" Peppino yelled. Fake just burbled more laughter. "Oh, you think-a you so funny?" He grabbed the broom. "OUT! OUT! GO FIND-A SOMEWHERE ELSE TO HAUNT TODAY!"
Fake didn't resist. This was something Peppino did regularly. But they just couldn't help messing with the shorter man. They ambled off into the alleyways. Once, the residents would have run from them, yelling and calling for help. But they had finally acclimated to the goopy clone's presence, and now it was just another resident.
For once, it's minds were in agreement. Hungry. They absent-mindedly snapped a few flies out of the air. Ugh, flies, really? Real food! Is real food! Not enough. Ribbit. Find more? Croak.
It ambled behind Noisette's Cafe - usually there were some old pastries and such. Once they'd found a container propped on a trash bin, which they'd downed. The bitter drink had been some of Noise's Super Troll Coffee Blend, and they had hopped from rooftop to rooftop croaking like a set of old brakes for hours. No drink, only food. Fake idly started digging through a trash bin before they heard one farther down tip over. They looked up in time to see a Giant Rat growl a them. Not Peppino-friend-rat. Fake dropped to all fours and growled, their face distorting into a horrifying toothy maw.
The Giant Rat fled in terror. Chase? Eat? Ugh, no. No more rats! Croak.
Fake heard a door open behind it, and quickly reverted to its normal form. Don't want to scare. Noisette was standing there, a bag in hand. "Fakey! Hiii!"
"Hi, NOIIIsette," Fake replied. The first part of her name came out like a frog's croak, but that was OK. She didn't seem to mind.
"Oh, Fake, you're getting better at speaking! I know it's hard for you." She held up the bag. "Hey, you hungry? I've got some pastries here that have gone a bit stale, but you might like them. Do you want them?"
Fake nodded vigorously, and wrapped her in a spiralling hug. Nice one. Ribbit. She's the nicest person here. Ribbit. He opened the bag, and devoured the pastries. She's right, a little stale, but still good. Not bug, but tasty. Croak.
Noisette clapped her hands. "Wow, you must've really been hungry!"
Fake stopped and tilted it's head. "Hungry. But more... nice to us. Thank... You."
"Oh, anytime, Fakey! I know some people think you're a monster, but I know better!"
Croak. We are a monster. But you nice. Protect you, Peppino, Peppino-friends. Ribbit.
Noisette turned and made to close the door. "From now on if you want, just come by about this time and you can have anything like that I have left over! Sorry, gotta go, customers waiting! Byeee!" She closed the door.
Fake waved sadly at the door. "Bye... friend."
What now? Swim. Won't we melt? No, ribbit. Cool, hot day. Maybe fishes! Ugh, can we at least cook it first? What cook? Croak.
Fake ambled off towards the river, following visions of fish and cool water.
Fake idly paddled down the river. They'd found a few fish, but fishermen had yelled at them until they left. So they'd moved on, and now they found themselves at the City. Smelly. Been a long time since we were here. They wandered into the city, just to see what there was to see.
"Go! Get out, you! Donna, it's another one of those weird things from the tower! Get the other broom!" The woman swung her own broom at Fake.
"Woooooooeeeey!" Fake yelled as they covered their head and ran. The smell of pizza had attracted them - not as good as Peppino's, but still good. They'd found them chewing contentedly on a half-cooked pizza they had snatched from the oven.
Croak, croak! Dangerous, run! It's just one pizza!
They ran into the shadows and hid. Eventually the two woman decided they had been run off and went back inside.
Fake ambled through the shadows of the alley. As they walked, they smelled a familiar scent above. Peppino? It was coming from an open window several stories above. They carefully climbed the side of the building, and peeped over the windowsill.
Inside was an older woman. Not Peppino. But she seemed... familiar, nonetheless. The woman was cooking. The name suddenly popped to mind: Gnocchi di patate. How do we know that? Not bug. Croak. Smells good. Looks like grubs! She sighed, and looked wistfully at a door to the side. Then it opened, and another not-Peppino walked through - tall, thin, with a big nose and just the faintest wisp of a mustache on his face.
Familiar. Who are you? Croak.
The young man kissed the woman on each cheek. "Buon pomeriggio, Mama. Making gnocchi for lunch?"
She didn't look at him. "Sì. It reminds me of him."
The man made an ugly face when she wasn't looking. "Mama, Papa is gone. You know this. The restaurant is gone. Please, you need to move on from this."
Silly girl. She pines like a lovesick teenager! Why do we know what that is? Ribbit.
She didn't seem to hear him. Finally he sighed and took a portion. "Is there anything you need me to get tonight the way home after school, Mama?"
"Yes," she said, "get some pollo and fettuccine. I would make your father's favorite dish."
He sighed. "Sì, Mama. If that's what you want." He finished his meal and kissed her cheek again. "I'll see you tonight, Mama."
She said nothing. He quietly left, closing the door behind him.
Fake was intrigued. They quietly followed the young man.
The boy rode a scooter to a large building. A variety of smells wafted about it, some pleasing, some not so much. Culinary school. Tasty! Ugh, stop burning everything! Maybe more food? Ribbit. Fake climbed the building and, on the roof, found it's favorite entryway: an air vent. It oozed through the grate and quietly crawled around, until it found the boy in a room full of people and... ovens? A training kitchen.
One of the others called to the boy. "Ay, Brando! Nice of you to join us, buddy! You ready to show us up again today?"
He smiled. "Donita, you don't have to be like that! You know I work just as hard as you do!
The woman laughed. "Ay, I know that, but not all of us have Bruno Tagliatelle for a father, and a teacher who worships him!"
The young man's face turned an ugly shade. "Donita, please. I asked you not to mention him."
Her smile fell, and she blushed. "Ah- sorry, Bran. I forgot he's a touchy subject for you. But-"
"Yes, he's a legend," the boy said. "Just like Nonno Alphonso. I know." He huffed and sat down, a disgusted look on his face.
Fake moved their face closer to the grate. Crooooak. Why is he so upset? To be the son of someone famous...
The others gathered around him. "Sorry, Bran. We know you're tired of hearing it. And we know how he treated you and your Mama." She patted the boy on the back. "Force of habit."
He looked up and managed a weak smile. "I know. I'm sorry for being so sensibile about it. I just-"
"All right you lot," an loud voice called from out of sight. Fake almost jumped out in surprise. "we've got a lot to do today!"
Fake watched intently as the student cooks started their lessons.
Fake sat up. Fell asleep. Dark? Ribbit. Where? The duct was dark - the room below was dark, and the light from the window showed it was nearing sunset. Should leave. Predators at night. Why are we worried about that? We're a seven-foot-tall monster! Scared! Crooooak. Quickly they climbed the duct to the roof. Looking down, Fake saw the students leaving, the boy taking a different route as he walked away, waving. Ribbt. Where's he going? They hopped from rooftop to rooftop, following the boy below. Finally, they reached a strange sight: a barren lot. It looked like a spot where a building would be, but it was surrounded by fencing and police signs. A parking lot and hole in the ground sat empty. Familiar. Why?
The boy stood in front of the fence. On the sign before him, a face appeared: a man's face, round, large-nosed, with a curling mustache. The sign said Bruno's. It looked like an older, darker-haired version of the boy.
Suddenly, a storm of fractured memories flashed across Fake's mind.
Spaghetti, get over here now! Bruno, it's fine, it's his first time, he can't be perfect al- No Papa, if he's going to study here, I demand perfection! This is not your school, boy, it is mine!
Papa! Come and play Papa! Why won't you just play with him Bruno? He has to be perfect, or my reputation will be ruined! But he's only five, Brun- I was five when I started! No son of mine will be found wanting!
Papa! Papa! Please don't leave me! You'll be fine, Bruno. You're too good, you don't need me anymore. That's not- please Papa, I'm sorry, I'm... Papa? Papa...??
Fake held their head, the shards of memory sparkling across their mind, cutting them all into little pieces. They all screamed in agony. The clone writhed on the rooftop, but then a soft voice below drifted up.
My... son? Brando?
"Today went well, Papa."
Fake dragged themselves to the edge and looked down. The boy had his hand on the face on the sign.
"The insegnante says I'm a shoe-in, the best in my class. I don't know. He's in love with your legend." He balled his fists. "And Mama pines for you constantly. Why? You were never nice to her. She was an afterthought, an accessory to your story. Just like me." He looked down. "They say, 'oh, isn't it nice, being the son of Bruno Tagliatelle?'"
Suddenly he punched the sign. Fake jumped. Brando, I-
"Always, always it's about you, Papa. I can't even tell if I actually have the skill or if the insegnante is simply fawning over 'the son of the Great Bruno.'" He looked up, and Fake ducked back, suddenly more afraid to be seen by this boy than anyone else in the world. "Still, I am learning. I will be more than the puppet you raised me to be. I will have nothing else. Someday perhaps, your star will fade, and I can be my own man. Until then, I will continue. I love to cook, I do. Perhaps I can go work for that Spaghetti character. Nonno always spoke highly of him. Perhaps he can judge me properly." He looked back down. "The police say Pizzahead may have been the one to take you. I wish he was around, so I could thank him. For giving me a chance to finally, finally be myself."
Fake cringed. Hates us. He hates us. Oh Brando, what I have done to you...
"It's too bad there will be no grave for you, Papa, so I could avoid it every day."
Fake curled on themselves, a tight ball of pain and misery.
"Perhaps, someday, I can rebuild here, drag us back out of poverty. But it will be my doing. I will see your star fall."
Doughy tears ran down Fake's face. Sorry. We're sorry. I'm sorry. Sorry. Sorry...
"Goodbye, Papa. I will take care of Mama, as you never did. Rest, not in peace, but in silence."
The boy turned and walked back towards the school.
Fake was a ball of suffering. The memories had cut all the different aspects of their mind to shreds. They flowed and ran together, sharing their pain.
As the sun finally set, Fake croaked and moaned and cried their misery into the starry sky.
As Peppino chained his scooter to the bike rack, his thoughts wandered. Fake hasn't been seen for days. He's never gone this long without scaring me. Despite his feelings towards the... what should I call it?... character, he found he was worried. Like most of the others, the runny clone had become a part of his life. It being gone was unsettling.
Don't tell me I've started LIKING the thing!
As he unlocked the door, Peppino noticed a figure on the floor. Who? Wait, it has to be him! He opened the door and flicked the lights on. Something was different. Does he seem more... solid?
The figure didn't move. "Peppino?"
Peppino's hair stood on end a bit. The voice was the same, but less froglike and goopy. More like a normal person. "Fake?" Peppino realized he could actually read the thing's body language now. And it seemed broken, sad. Grieving.
"Peppino, do you hate me?"
Peppino was shocked. This wasn't like Fake. For one thing, he can't talk like this. And such a question! "I.."
Gustavo came in behind him, Brick close behind. "Hey Pep, what's... Huh? Fake? What's... wrong?" Gustavo stared.
"Gus-Gustavo," Fake said. "Do you hate me?"
Gustavo turned pale. "W-what? Why would you ask that?"
"He hates me."
Peppino paled himself. "What? N-no, no I don't." Do I? Looking deep inside, he realized he really didn't. In fact, right now, he only felt sadness and confusion.
Fake turned. Their face was odd. The eyes were still wrong, but the face seemed less runny. Something happened. It's more whole, now. Peppino approached them. "Fake, what-a happened?"
Fake cringed down. "He. He hates me. I hurt him so much. I hurt her. I hurt them. I'm sorry. I'm sorry." They held their head.
Gustavo knelt by the clone. "We don't hate you, Fake. Who are you talking about?"
Fake looked up at Peppino. "I, I hated you. For being who you were. For having what I wanted. I had it and didn't know. And now it's gone." He grabbed his head again. "He hates me. My son. He hates me."
Peppino and Gustavo looked at each other in shock. Their SON? Peppino grabbed Fake's shoulder. "Fake, listen-a to me. Did you remember something? Who you were?"
Fake tilted their head. "We are... not who we were. We're different now. I was... was..."
He grabbed his head again, and seemed to concentrate. Suddenly his face flowed and changed, the face solidifying, the mustache curling, the eyes changing.
Gustavo fell backwards as Peppino stood back, both horrified. "Bruno!" Gustavo said. "That's Bruno Tagliatelle! My old boss!"
Bruno Tagliatelle. My teacher's son, and my old tormentor. He's been right beside me for months! A chill ran through him. He'd hated the man, but... Mio Dio, What did Pizzahead do to him?
Fake's face flowed back into it's normal shape. "I... was. We don't want to be him anymore. We're different now."
Peppino reached for his phone. "I have to-a call Giuseppe! He said-a call him if we found out anything about-a the disappearances! If-a he's Bruno..." suddenly Peppino stopped. "Fake, er, Bruno..."
Fake stood up. "We're not Bruno. Fake is fine."
Peppino was surprised. They're much more... assertive now. Really does remind me of Bruno. "Fake then. Can-a you remember what happened when you- er, Bruno disappeared?"
They concentrated. "Bits. Pieces. Not much. Maybe by the time they get here, we can remember more."
Peppino dialed the number, and moved away to speak to his brother. Gustavo touched Fake's arm. "Are you OK, Fake?"
The clone looked down. "No. But we will be."
Peppino clicked his phone off. "They're on-a their way. Are you OK with this?"
"If it'll help, we'll try." Fake hesitated, then reached out. "Peppino? Can we stay? Here?"
Peppino was confused. "I just called Giuseppe, of course you can stay here!"
Fake shook their head. "No. Can we stay... here. In this place. From now on?"
"You mean-a live here? In the pizzeria?" Oh, now he asks! "I... suppose. Don't you want to live-a somewhere- er, nicer?"
Fake frowned. "No. This is fine. It's... comforting. We don't need much. We can work here. We don't need paying, just food and shelter. And we remember some of... cooking. We can help. We want to help. Are you fine with this?"
Peppino thought, then nodded. "All-a right. But don't-a scare the customers or eat the ingredients! Ask-a first!"
Fake held up a still-curving arm. "Thank you. We promise."
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spootsaline · 1 year
Possible writing prompt: what if Diplomat discovered she had descendants? How would she react?
tfw you give the thousands year old woman a laptop
For once in her long long life time The Diplomat was truly bored. She had landed planet side on a safe planet ways from Alternia from the guidance of her friends.
While the place was exiting at first, being forced into being a good and decent troll meant that she couldn't resort to her typical activities of maiming, murdering, or in general being an asshole.
After much cajoling and complaining The Diplomat manged to get her hands on some freshly teleported goods. Some of which was consumed, and others hoarded in the back of one of the many closets the ship contained.
This is how the lime ending up hunched over in their seat, tapping away on the strange new machine, her fingers making a slow deliberate dance over the keys. A laptop, like a desktop, but transportable she was told. A new piece of technology to her, that is smaller and thinner than any given piece of technology should be. She fears it might break under her strength.
She congratulates herself for typing in her request.
The name Gilera Draiven shone in the search bar. A name lost to time. Her name. Her real name.
She fumbled with the trackpad, shooting herself up and down the browser page. Slamming her hand down on the side of the table in frustration, before getting a handle on the slippery pad.
She scanned the results, waiting for something to pique her interest. She knew there had to be some dirt, some rumors, some fanfiction about her that she wants to see with her own eyes.
She thought she found it when her gaze landed on an .emp website.
She scanned the quickly loading page with glee-
The table wheezed under the pressure of the lime bloods desperately tight grip. The chair she was once sitting on, forgotten and kicked back to a corner of the room, where it lay still on its side.
A sickly lime green glow swathed the room as she stood, iron gripped. The heat of the glow rolling off the troll in waves. For the first time in their very long life not in anger, but in fear.
For the first time in thousands of sweeps, she felt a deep unsettling fear.
The kind that makes one claw out ones eyes, the festering of bugs underneath the skin. The fear that makes one beat others bloody, and howl in desperation. A fear that she used to cause.
All she could do was stand. And. Stare.
There upon the website aglow in lime text were three little names, three little pictures.
All sharing her name.
...All sharing her eyes.
....All sharing her symbol.
.....All of them sharing her blood.
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goddesstrolls · 2 years
Rolling Ball, Part 1
Typhos strutted down the street, taking in the sights of the city. Meandering, really. She’d started from the top and worked her way down- From the glamorous city heights, literally speaking, down to the level of the cliff the city was built on. And then further down, beneath the city, into the cliff itself.
Kinefort Heights. Odd place. But Typhos liked to explore odd places, once in a great while.
She wore her blocker tonight, under the high collar of her dress. Through it, the emotions that usually writhed in the back of her head and threatened to fill the entirety of her skull were muted. Instead, they felt like a movie being played in the background of her thoughts. Fleeting, calm glimpses into the lives of passerby. She could ignore them.
Typhos had dressed down tonight, and even then, she got catcalled more times than she could count on both hands. The worst offenders got a bolt of lightning from the clear sky above- Enough to severely stun or knock unconscious, not enough to kill- And then off she went, continuing casually on her little tour.
Striding along, Typhos became aware of a troll in agony, somewhere. Sobbing an apology, trying to change his answer to something apparently more suitable.
Others, watching this display. Intrigued by it. Enjoying it.
What the fuck.
It was enough to make Typhos pause, and turn her head towards the building that was the source of this bizarre little snippet. Oddly enough, there was no one else around, despite it being a busy hour of the night.
She watched another troll slink in. There seemed to be nothing stopping her. A bouncer at the door watched her approach, apparently considering stopping her- But a mere glance from her quelled the thought, replacing it with mild shame for even considering stopping her. He opened the door for her instead, dropping his gaze to the ground.
Typhos strode in like she owned the place.
She was greeted with a nearly empty lobby, two trolls loitering and chatting with one another. One was the troll who had just entered before her; They both looked to her and Typhos met their gaze; Any comments aimed at her died on their tongues.
Typhos’ gaze flickered away and she continued on to a pair of doors, beyond which seemed to be the source of what had initially caught her attention. She ignored that one of the two trolls ogled her rear after she had passed them.
The doors opened into a dark auditorium, filled with trolls. The watchers, their focus fixed upon a brightly lit stage, where a charismatic violetblood chattered to his audience. Typhos’ gaze fell on a bronzeblood wheezing and choking on his own blood on the stage. The troll who had initially caught her attention.
But there was more going on here. Two trolls in the audience were focused intently on the host in particular. One, was bored, but tense. Waiting. Their finger on the trigger of a rifle, trained on the host. Following his every move. The other, seemed pleased with the show before her. Her emotional processes, silent to all but Typhos, nearly seemed to mirror that of the host on stage.
It wasn’t just the short waves of sadistic enjoyment that the crowd was getting. It was just a gentle satisfaction, wrought with twisted glee. Yes, everything is going accordingly.
Typhos turned around, stepping back out into the lobby as she retrieved her phone from her slim-fitting dress. She scrolled calmly through her contacts, choosing a number and tapping the call button.
Darvai’s voice came from the other end of the line, pleasantly surprised.
“Typhos! You almost never call. What might be the occasion?”
“I found something interesting. Are you bored?”
“As though I am ever! But, what have you found?”
A bloodcurdling scream came from the auditorium behind her. Typhos leaned back to push the door open enough to let the sound further through. “Hear that?”
“I do indeed! What, and I say this for lack of a better phrase, the fuck, Typhos?” Darvai sounded cheerfully baffled.
“It’s a game show. I think we should have a get-together with the crew here. It seems like a lot of fun.” Typhos continued to ignore the two highbloods which were very obviously eavesdropping on her half of the conversation.
“--Ah. Ah, yes, I think I catch your meaning. Why don’t you get the schedule for us, so we can arrange a date?”
“I think I can do that.”
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x-elyssa-x · 1 year
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A commission made for my friend, that he allowed me to publish. He asked to draw his Trollsona, Presto Molto, with my Trollsona, Wave and Trollex. They're having their first meeting in Trollstopia/Trolls Village :)
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jade-green-butterfly · 3 months
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💗Coossy Movie Poster 'Trolls Legend Of Harmony'💗 by @x-elyssa-x💜(Featuring Harmonia, Trolldom's Goddess Of Harmomy, Trollex x Wave & Funk Family~)
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💗~Sweet Coossy Moments~💗(Flirty, Flower, Grouped, First Kiss & 'Smoothper') by @vampireflowerarts (´∇ノ`*)ノ♡
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💗Coossy💗(Plus💚Johnalthea💚& Spying Cloud Guy🤭) by @bittybadger🌼
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Words cannot describe how truly grateful I am and how much I love, love, LOVE every piece to stars and back~!🥰🌟💝🌟🥰Thank-you ever so, soooo much in a million, my lovelies~!🫂💞🤗💞🫂You have captured every precious Coossy moment ever so amazingly, bless you all~!💕🦋👏🏻🥹🦋💕 But not only did I want to share these wonderfully treasurable Coossy commissions, but to also celebrate the 2nd anniversary of Coossy becoming officially💯% canon~❣❣💖✨💜💗💚✨💖As seen in this post here I made in 2022~💓😍💓
I can’t believe it’s been two years already since this happened, and I still feel like the luckiest gal alive to have the sweetest and most lovable troll ever by my side~!🥰💘💗💘🥰As always, thank-you ever so much in a million to all you awesome peeps out there for greatly and wonderfully supporting my ultimate OTP!!💝🥹💝Always deeply appreciated so~!💞🫂💞xoxo.
Love you forever & always, my sweet jellybean and Cupcake King of my heart~💗😘🫶🏻✨🌈💗
❣❣~🧁💜COOPER💗JUSSY💚🦋FOREVERMORE~❣❣ *~Reblogs are also deeply appreciated as well, so please do reblog as well as like! Thank-you kindly!~*
Cooper, Funk Family, Trollex, John Dory & Cloud Guy (c) DreamWorks Trolls/DreamWorks Animation
Trollsona Jussy/Justina Butterfly, Harmonia The Goddess Of Harmony & Amalthea (c) @jade-green-butterfly​​ (Me~!) Wave (Glee) (c) @x-elyssa-x
Coossy Commissions (c) @vampireflowerarts, @x-elyssa-x & @bittybadger✨
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Quincy is someone that you could easily pass by without sparing a second glance on. Brown hair, black eyes, a certain near constant confused expression from pushing his ill-fitting purple glasses up with his nose. A notebook with a golden metallic rim floated behind him, a steel and iron fountain pen floated happily along behind the notebook, bouncing along in time with his step. He bounded along the sidewalk, and stopped so suddenly to look at his watch, the person behind him nearly crashed into his back. Michel then with a bigger bounce in his step, half skipped, half jogged to a worn mahogany door. With a careful, cautious hand, he slowly carefully twisted the handle scratched with age and powers. The door creaked loudly on its rusted, poorly maintained hinges, hanging in an odd angle as if a Metallicon had used their powers to wrench the thing open. Cool air blasted Quincy in the face, making his glasses fog up in response of the heat difference. Like they have transported some of the artic to the little room. So cold that he thought he saw small bits of snow fly out of the door.
Quincy took a deep calming breath and walked in.
Frost clung to the walls with their jagged frozen claws. Each step that Quincy took crushed the little spires of ice that grew out the floor like the little hooks on a burr. It’s dark and damp like a cave, a perfect home for some cave-crawler but the wet clung horribly on his skin.  A hunched shadow shifted like it has raised its head, then spoke.
“Ah, you came. I thought you would not.”
The voice had a slimy quality, like snot sliding down someone’s face. The figure’s eyes gleamed in the low light, like the eyes of a leopard. The eyes shining with malaise and ill will. Quincy’s insides squirmed, but forced it down, instead putting on a mask of calm indifference, hardening his voice to hide his fragile heart.
“Of course, I did. This opportunity is too much to ignore.”
His voice sounded rough and cold to his ears, like the cold, razor sharp edge of a blade.
The shadows wreathed around the figure wavered slightly, fading away like a fog in the morning sun. Quincy thought he saw the figure’s eyes widen with surprise. Soon the dark blob started shaking with what seems like barely restrained glee. But what little show of emotion was gone as soon as it came. Shadows crowded back, desperate to hide, to conceal the figure. The shadows shifted again, like the figure had stretched out a hand. A tendril slithered out of the shadows, a writhing piece of ice. It stationed itself right in front of his eyes.
Quincy took a step back, eyes wary and fingers itching for the sting of power, of metal.
They started to speak again. A strange laugh that sounds like they are underwater.
“Oh no, don’t try that. You’ll die sooner rather than later.” They or rather their shadows crept closer. Their next words sounded practically in his ears. “I much prefer it if you die after you finish your work.”
The tendril of ice wrapped around him, trapping his arms behind his back. Cold raked though his body; sharp hooks seeking to rip and tear. They arched around like twin serpents. Another twist of the icy tendrils froze his hands. The shadow waved and the ice anchored itself rather harshly to the floor. Quincy wiggled, trying to loosen the bonds, stopping only when that slimy voice spoke again.
“There’s an old … troll living in Skyfire Falls. I want you to find and kill him”
A stray beam of light dodged the figure’s shifting shadows, illuminating their face. Bloodshot eyes glared down at him, the shifting depths speaking of greed and the want of power. Two ram’s horns glittered in the cold light a harsh reminder of control.
"I expect you to produce results."
The ice tightened its hold on his body. A cold stripe snaked across his neck.
"If not?" Quincy's voice came out in a scratchy gasp.
The shadow turned and made a strange gesture with a hand. In response the ice around his neck grew barbs that dug into his veins and tendons. Quincy bit his tongue to stop a pained squeak from coming out. The ice then tightened and squeezing the air out of his lungs.
That was answer enough.
The frozen coffin shattered in thousands of tiny shards, releasing Quincy from its hold. He collapsed onto the ground; legs too cold to function, breath rushed to his lungs. A desperate relief.
Quincy took one hateful glance at the shadows and fled.
Skyfire Falls is a scenic place, known for the way the water seems to ignite when it reflects the sun. Someplace that Quincy would definitely be enjoying more if not for his stars cursed mission. Red, orange, and yellow light danced off the water, lighting the forest floor with a radioscope of colors, like the shifting of clouds overhead. Tourists pointed at the purple flowers and the waterfall in wide eyed wonder. Cameras poised to the sky. He turned away, ignoring the way their tantalizing cheer seemed to call him over and cheer with them. He spared sideways glance, and despite the sting of longing that settled in his chest, stepped off the path deeper into the forest.
The forest got steadily darker as he walked farther away, the kaleidoscope of red, orange and yellows faded from view. The previously blazing sun, tired of his long day, tucked away his flames and slowly crawled behind his mountain home. Shadows, once chased away by the blazing flames slowly gained their strength and tickled the leaves and roots of the trees. Branches previously so lively in the warm spring breeze grew long and gnarled claws seeking to rip and tear. Glowing yellow and green eyes blinked at him; sometimes showing the white gleam of teeth. Quincy reached out with his power, practically a second sense, looking for metal, and closed his eyes. The forest lit up behind his eyes, every and any trace of metal singing to his power – a wrapper with bits of foil still attached, a jagged piece of can, an old spring. With one violent heave, they all came free, flying to Quincy.
The forest came alive.
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yas-yas-mimi · 2 years
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Just a really messy doodle of this adorable couple TwT
I was practicing how to better draw bodies and stuff and ended up drawing them together
Wave belongs to @x-elyssa-x
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e-m-christina · 7 years
Spending Christmas With LOTR/Hobbit Characters:
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Summary: How you spend Christmas with Lord of The Rings/Hobbit characters.
I might turn each one of these into full-length fics, comment if you would be interested in that.
Part 2 with other characters is coming soon.
Warnings: Fluff
Requests are open!
Find more info HERE.
Do you want to request something for the Christmas writing challenge? CLICK HERE.
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“Should we use the green or red acorns?” Legolas asked, holding up two huge glittery acorns. 
“Um…” Y/n peered around at the trees that had already been decorated and noticed an abundance of red acorns hanging from the frosty branches of snow beaten trees. “I think we should use green to balance it out.”
Y/n and Legolas had gotten up at the crack of dawn to decorate the trees around Mirkwood. Everyone had been so busy for the last few months, so the pair thought it would be nice to surprise everyone (especially the children) for Christmas. There had been so little time to enjoy anything lately: most guards were away fighting off the spiders, the women were busy in the gardens to get the crops ready for winter, kids were getting sick and the king was tightening rules on who was allowed to enter or leave his kingdom. 
“I think we are almost done,” Legolas wrapped his arms around Y/n from behind. “My love, you are frozen!”
“I know,” Y/n’s teeth chattered and her cheeks were stinging from the cold. “But it’s worth it. Look how pretty everything looks.” 
And she was right - the ground and trees twinkled with snow, looking like a million diamonds in the golden morning light and the trees were decorated with greens, reds and golds. Just when Y/n was going to say something, she heard the shouts of children. Four little elflings came kicking up white glittering powder as they tore through the forest with pink faces, crying with glee at the decorated trees. 
“I think they like the trees,” Said Y/n giggled as one of the kids fell face-first into a pile of snow.
“Yeah, I think they do,” Legolas smiled as he watched the kids play in the snow and admire the trees. “We should do this again next year.”
“Yeah, we should.” Y/n turned in his arms and stood up on her tip-toes to give Legolas a quick kiss on the lips. “But next time you can fight the squirrels for the acorns.”
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"Wake up, my Amrâlimê! Come on!” Y/n was woken by Kili shaking her awake. “Finally, you were sleeping like a troll!”
“Kili? What time is it?” Y/n groaned and rubbed her sleepy face. It must have been the middle of the night - the window showed a black sky that was littered with twinkling stars and the fireplace that was usually roaring hot was nothing but a pile of black ash. 
“Three in the morning.”
“Three?” Y/n sat up with a huff. “Why in the name of the Valar did you wake me up at this ungodly hour?”
“It’s Christmas, you grouch!” Kili had a grin plastered to his face as he dumped a pile of shrewdly wrapped gifts next to Y/n. The gifts were wrapped in green sparkling paper that was torn at the edges and they were topped with red lopsided bows.
“I thought we were waiting for the others to wake up before we did presents,” Y/n yawned, but Kili waved his hand.
“Already taken care of. Woke them up before I woke you up.” Kili said as he began rummaging through the presents and Y/n’s mouth fell open. Kili woke Thorin and Dwalin at three in the morning? 
“Thorin and Dwalin are going to kill you.”
“They tried,” Kili handed Y/n a present. “This one is for you.”
Y/n tore away the paper, revealing a necklace. It was a white gem in the shape of a heart and it glittered in the dim light. The chain was brilliant silver and was cool to the touch.
“This is beautiful, Kili!” Y/n grinned, pulling the excited dwarf into a soft kiss. “Thank you!”
“Anything for you, my Amrâlimê.”
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Y/n and Aragorn had been on the move for weeks - trudging through bogs, clambering through brush, climbing mountains and wading across rivers. The trees had now lost their leaves and land was blanketed in white.
The pair were now making their way through the Old Forest, near Bree. They had bumped into Tom Bombadil a few days prior, when they got into a patch of trouble when attempting to cross the frozen Withywindle river. Tom helped them across and even gave them a basket of fresh berries, bread and water to help them along on their journey.
A few days passed, the food had depleted and they still had a long trek ahead of them. Christmas was almost upon them, but Y/n didn’t expect that they would be celebrating it this year - there were much more important things to be taken care of.
“We should take shelter here.” Aragorn said, coming to a stop in front of an alcove in the hill. “If there are any more snowstorms, we should be sheltered enough. I will try to find something to eat.”
The morning sun began to peek above the hilltops, casting pink brushstrokes across the sky.  Y/n was sleeping soundly beside the fire, wrapped up in furs with her head on Argorns lap. A light smile stretched across Aragorn’s lips as he watched Y/n’s peaceful face. He noticed that she had been so stressed in the last few days, so it was nice to see her so relaxed. A few moments later, Y/n began to stir, and her eyes fluttered open.
“Morning, my love,” Aragorn whispered, tucking a lock of Y/n’s hair behind her ear.
“G-good morning,” Y/n yawned, rubbing her bleary eyes.
“I have something for you.” 
“You do?” Y/n sat up with a stretch and watched as Aragorn pulled something out of his pocket. 
“Merry Christmas,” Aragorn said, placing something heavy in her hands. It was a little heart carved out of wood, with your initial cut into the centre of it.
“Oh Aragorn, this is lovely!” Y/n has a grin plastered to her face as she beamed down at the little heart. 
“It isn’t much, and I’m not sure if this is actually Christmas. I lost track of the days, but it must be close.” 
“Well, I think it is wonderful!” Y/n kissed Aragorn on the cheek, before snuggling into his chest.
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Part 2 with other characters will be posted soon. If there are any of these which you would like to see as a longer/full-length fic, just comment.
Requests are always open and have a Merry Christmas!
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