#tropes I like
rosettastarlight · 2 years
One of my favorite relationship dynamics in both platonic and romantic ways has got to be opposites attract. Like, you put them together, and they literally look like they don’t even run in the same social circles or normally be in the same area as the other, let alone know each other as well as they do. Almost everything about them seems to contradict the other, but minus the small disagreements, they get along (sometimes like a house on fire, but they get along). It’s debatable if A is being a good influence on B, or if it’s the other way around, but they do influence each other in subtle ways without changing completely. In being together, they bring out both the best and worst in each other, but neither really mind.
Bonus points in irony if they were paired together because it was thought character A could push character B onto a better path, but it turns out while one is trouble on their own, the both of them together is chaos incarnate.
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a-flaming-idiot · 10 months
I know this is so incredibly basic, but I have to admit I am such a sucker for the "I don't wanna die" line! Like it's so primal and simple! Just the character getting wounded and realizing in their heart of hearts, that it's fatal. And they just are faced with the fact they're gonna die, but also with the sudden, crushing realization that no, they don't want to die. They want to live.
Bonus points if the character is young and hasn't gotten to process the fragility of their life before. Or how much they value their own life. And now they're about to die and they realize just how much they want to live.
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ghostlynimbus · 2 months
Always a sucker for when a character loves someone they know doesn't love them back, someone who may never love them back, but that character is still kind and caring and willing to go to hell and back for the one they love anyway.
Because just because the person they love doesn't love them back (in the way that they do/want) doesn't diminish the love they have for that person. And sometimes it's hard and difficult and painful but their love and care isn't contingent on reciprocation.
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theauthor27 · 1 year
I really like that trope where the characters have to take care of a random baby they found for a day.
They should do that more often.
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For the Q&A session!
To you: if you like kidnappings, what kidnapping scenario is your favorite? (used as bait, ransom, to get info out of the whumpee, something like that!)
-- @whumperofworlds
It is really strange that I have not thought much about kidnapping, especially when my first posted whump fic has the main character being kidnapped in the recent past.
However, I think, a trope I enjoy is…consent under duress. That is, the whumpee has a moral code that they adhere to, and the kidnapper forces them to choose between greater comfort for themselves, or going the hard way and sticking to their rules.
However, this is not exclusive to kidnapping, I would say, as a trope.
A more kidnapping specific trope I like is when the ace in their field or a leader gets kidnapped and/or ambushed, and the aftermath of that, both for whumpee themselves and their team.
I hope this answers the question somewhat coherently!
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tbh one of the best couple scene tropes to ever exist is when a couple is cooking together. They can be bad, they can be good, they can show each other a few things, one could be absolutely clueless, doesn’t matter, but they gotta be cooking together and that’s just MMM, beautiful! Amazing! Makes my heart go “Awwwww!”
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zemagician · 2 years
Love it when the antagonist who has more power then the protagonist in terms of rank is later revealed to be lower in rank then the big bad they report to, delicious.
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star-shard · 2 years
Yes, I actually do enjoy good boys going apeshit. Just going truly bananas and red eyed and such. Like indeed, let him snap a skyscraper in half, he's earned it.
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Tropes I really like:
Side character-focused episode, main characters show up at the end of the episode doing something really weird that is never explained or mentioned ever again
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jadiefoxwrites · 2 years
Pass the happy! 🌻 🌈 When you receive this list 5 things that make you happy and send this to 10 of the last people in your notifications! ❤️
18+ Reminder
I want to make this on topic for me so I'm going to talk about 5 things in erot*ca and smutty stories that make me happy.
Loss of control. Regardless of what kind of control is being lost, I love reading a well-written piece on that feeling of finally feeling free enough to let go–especially when there's some sort of fight or build-up.
The combination of adoring praise and amused degradation/humiliation, all done in love and with consent of course. This always makes such an interesting relationship dynamic to me and by the end of these stories, I'm usually smiling about how cute (and hot) the characters are.
Aftercare at the end of really intense scenes where the reader may not have been included in the discussion ahead of time or aware of the fact that this is just a scene and the real people are completely different from the characters they were role-playing.
Accidental kink discovery. Like when A pulls on B's hair and the moan B lets out is louder than any sound they've made before.
When A does something they're really embarrassed by but B has never felt more turned on by anything in their life and goes absolutely feral in response.
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notherpuppet · 7 months
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Three darling daughters #girldad
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valtsv · 9 months
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are we still doing this because i have a late submission
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let-them-fight · 9 months
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can we stop doing this trope
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aphel1on · 10 months
i have such a love for characters who descend into madness or villainy out of deep, deep empathy. characters who fundamentally cannot cope with the cruel realities they find themselves in and blow up about it in spectacular fashion. fallen angel type characters with tears of outrage in their eyes. characters who break before they bend, and break so badly they splatter blood all over their noble ideals. every variation on it gets me so good
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theauthor27 · 1 year
Good trope:
(popular song plays)
*starts either mumbling or poorly singing along with it*
*nudges character B*
(Cuts self off) Sing with me.
Character B: *just standing there awkwardly*
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evadingreallife · 3 months
(By trope-specific i mean for example all the slash fics hosting websites, or the nsfw-only ones, etc)
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