#true healers
1introvertedsage · 1 month
True healers feel deeply from experience, not books.
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inmyperfectworld · 2 months
To all of the healers, protectors, nurturers, and empaths:
It's NOT your duty to help, save, or heal everyone. Some people just simply can't be helped or saved. Also, remember some people are getting the things that they dished out to others, back to them, meaning they're receiving and facing their consequences. That's something that they have to deal with on their own. 🤍
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crimeronan · 5 months
self-indulgent because i'm having a Riotously terrible evening pain-wise but i'm very fond of hunter being a waify little chronic illness/pain boy post-canon and like. for a while, just. no one.... notices.....?
not even because he's actively Hiding it, like. he would 100% tell people he's in pain if they asked. it just. doesn't occur to him to share. he'll sometimes quietly withdraw and lay down in the dark to conserve his energy and the others very reasonably assume it's a grief thing.
so they'll sometimes like. knock gently on the door and ask if he wants company, to which sometimes the answer is yes and sometimes it's no. "no" when hunter is in a significant enough amount of pain that he really can't move much & "yes" when he wants to curl up with bad TV shows as a distraction
it could be anyone in the squad who figures out what's going on but i'm gonna go with my bias and say it's luz, on a day when she's having some bad depression/grief/survivor's guilt feelings herself. bc she's still coming to terms with her own death and the loss of her glyph magic and sometimes she is. Sad
hunter having one of those Catastrophic pain days where he's planning to be an unmoving lump under 7 blankets for the entire day. n luz coming in and softly asking if she can lay down with him. which is different from asking if he wants company. hunter would say no to company bc he can't really Perform Friendship right now but he doesn't mind luz being here.
luz climbing under the 7 blankets too. n snuggling up to hunter and wrapping an arm around him. and hunter just like. goes Stiff. like beyond "hm this is mild discomfort" stiffness, his muscles completely lock up and go rigid like he's just been Shot. he doesn't make any sound or protest or flinch away or anything, he just kind of. stops breathing
luz pulls away immediately bc she recognizes that Something Is Very Wrong, i'm guessing she assumes it's a panic response bc hunter has plenty of reason to have issues with physical touch. but then she sees the expression on his face and it clicks and she's like.
hunter. dude. hey. hey. hunter.
do your scars HURT??????
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kicktwine · 6 months
”black mages can’t move” WRONG double triplecast xenoglossy umbral soul strike
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tangledinink · 1 year
(Spoilers for Gemini AU)
So in Gemini AU, Donnie says “plan B”. Apparently from what we’ve found out, Donatello gained a Spinal cord injury in a recent battle and Leo won’t let him fight.
Big mama says that Donatello needs to reason with his brother rather than her, so he does attempt so.
Leo denies and leaves, causing Donatello to get irritated. Typically, in such a stage of annoyance, people make irrational thoughts, right?
So, what I am thinking is that Donatello is going to attempt to go into the arena against Leo to prove himself. But, Donatello is injured already, so there is no way that would go smoothly!
I mean- was I close? Spot on? WAYYYYYYYYY OFF?
~Hot Soup 🤌 Anon.
A theory? For MY silly lil comic? ; w ; you’ve dedicated your brain waves to my lil comic and thought about what happens next?!?! Ah
I am unspeakably flattered this makes me happy thank you ; w ;
BUT I COULDNT POSSIBLY JUST TELL YOU WHAT HAPPENS NEXT :3c I’m sure you’re aware I can’t confirm or deny~
But I will say that Plan B is indeed at least a LITTLE bit irrational. 😌
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theanoninyourinbox · 4 months
What’s the difference between healers and seers in regard to romance? 👀
A HEALER is your doctor type - knows the herbs AND how to splint your broken leg.
A Seer is one in touch with the Stars and Spirits. They are the usual ones to get visions or receive prophecies.
The Code once said neither could have kits, but with Fireheart’s pushing and Starclan acceptance, now Healers can have a mate and/or kits. Seers (and oracular healers) 95% of the time do not even WANT kits or romance. The Stars choose cats who will be focused on their tasks to serve them. The 5% others are those forced into the Seer role for being Star-Blessed - being connected to the stars does NOT mean one must become a Seer or Oracular Healer.
Yellowfang should never have been forced to change roles for her Blessing, for example. She WANTED romance, but was forced to be a chaste Healer instead.
thanks for the ask!
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poetrybyonur · 1 year
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Those beautiful fingerprints will never be wiped away.
A piece I wrote last year for a dear friend that I redid. C’est toujours mieux à Paris.
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Winfred Ward, M.D. & Lia Farrelli - The Healing of Lia - Macmillan - 1982
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pothospant · 22 days
veego ?? might possibly have healing magic and that's rly cute...
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basilpaste · 3 months
ANYWAY. OSIS ISABEAU. when you become stronger and stronger and your defense becomes more and more preemptive. wasting less and less time (and you hate it when you notice it)
you are strong. you are the fighter. isnt it good? to not have to struggle to keep up anymore? isnt it nice to attack instead of support?
youre a wall. a thick layer of defense. practically untouchable.
youre not sure you like this. didnt it feel good to help your friends? to support them?
have you ever actually liked fighting?
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thedarkkeep · 7 months
Obsessing over other people’s lives will destroy you.
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littlepawz · 1 year
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nuff said ;P
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ringo-ro · 7 months
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The wind carries a tune
*hp restored
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milktian · 7 months
what if I put ocean hued clam on furina. what then
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kicktwine · 10 months
A kissaroo from me to you! (judo flips kan-e-senna)
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also I had a dream everyone turned into a dragon . alphiesaur
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doctorwhoisadhd · 1 year
list of songs that use plagual cadences (the one they play over the "amen" in church services) in a way that the cadence is significant
take me to church (hozier) (over every "amen"!!!)
holy (love letter lane)
crystal healer (coyote wall)
true trans soul rebel (against me!)
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