#ts3 medieval story
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ctrl-ursims · 2 years
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The next morning, Arthur still couldn’t comprehend the events of the past day. It didn’t feel real. He knew ever since he could talk that one day he would be taking the crown. Even with the years of training from his father, he still felt so unprepared.
Arthur was so deep in thought, it wasn’t until his dear friend Charles spoke that he had noticed he wasn’t alone anymore.
Charles: “I heard you summoned me Your Grace”.
Arthur: “Yes I did. I would like you to be one of my advisors. I trust you more than any of my father’s advisors, especially in battle and the court. If you do accept, once I am crowned you will honoured with the title Duke of Somerset.
Charles: “I’m honoured your Grace, thank you”.
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Me, when some unsuspecting fool asks me about my sims, not knowing that my sims have lore so deep it reaches across all readily available games - yes, that includes console, handheld and mobile - and are all intrecately woven into a fine Web of made up and canon.
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gaiahypothesims · 1 year
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Prince Oberyn on his steed
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georgiapeachsims · 4 months
Years 1065-1075 of my Medieval Shipwrecked Save
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ceresinay · 3 months
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"It's a boy. Have you already thought of a name?"
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cloudberry-sims · 1 year
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The Rosenward family is the 3rd peasant family in Hopebury, consisting of a elderly woodcutter and his two young children, after losing his wife to the magma fever.
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Although not a young man anymore , Quentrell Rosenward has the heart and strength of an ox!
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With ax in hand he is determined to build himself and his children a good and honest life in the small settlement. Although it wont be easy as a single parent.
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Florina , his eldest and only daughter , had a good heart with a tenderness of all life.
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So much so , that when she found a stray kitten in the bushes she begged her father to keep her, which he agreed to. She named the cat Sweuite.
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Robard , who was still very young , had a talent of causing trouble for his father and sister with his clumsy and easy going nature...
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windermeresimblr · 1 year
The Scotsman and the Culdee of Innish Breacaimsir, Chapter 1
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Alasdair awoke again, lying on rough sheets over a thin and poky pallet, aching as though he’d fallen from a cliff. Perhaps he had. His hands had scrapes on them (not terribly different from normal) and he could feel bruises and knots forming all over. His eyes felt a little swollen; he hoped he hadn’t broken his nose yet again. He shivered, trying to wrap the blanket (one blanket, and rough wool at that) tighter around himself. Worse still, he was totally naked, once again without his awareness of the matter. Where were the clothes he had been given? Where was he? He looked about for his belongings, but none were found. 
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The surroundings were unfamiliar–the ceiling was thatch, the walls and floor rough-hewn stone, and–it was cold and dark, lit only by a candle perilously close to the straw and some light from a door, if it could be called that, some distance away; it was made of rough planks, open at top and bottom. He could see a cross hung on the wall, with some kind of prayer-book on a low table below it, but there was otherwise no ornamentation or other signs of a person living there. 
He was reminded of the sheilings on his cousin Matthew’s estate, although this building was much smaller than any he’d seen in his youth. It was more like one of those round prison-cells found in the south. But the ‘door’ was definitely not meant for a prison-cell; he could have crawled out through the gap at the bottom if he was less sore and disoriented.
“Foolish, to leave a candle burning like this,” Alasdair said aloud, if only to reassure himself that he could still speak. “I could have turned and knocked it over.” 
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At this, the door swung open; Alasdair flinched and blinked at the blaze of light. A man in a monk’s robe entered and made his way to the pallet; he was speaking in some very strange variant of Gaelic, by the few words Alasdair could make out. There was a buzzing, itching feeling in his ears, making him dizzy, and he screwed his eyes shut and leaned back on the pallet for a moment. And suddenly, he understood what the man was saying, with another wave of vertigo and buzzing. 
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“...you’re awake, praise be to Saint Colmcille, I was sure you were dead when I found you…” He had a gap in his teeth that made him whistle while talking, and the stubble on his tonsure was somewhat overgrown. Alasdair was unsure whether being in a monastery was a good sign or a bad one.
“Who are you? Where am I?” he asked. 
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“I am Caedmon, the hermit of Innish Breacaimsir,” the monk said. “Although I suppose I’m not such a hermit anymore now that you’re here. Even if I’m supposed to live in seclusion, I can’t very well ignore someone washed up half-dead at my well!”
“You’re a hermit,” Alasdair said, feeling his stomach drop. Outside of men hired to live in rich landowner’s follies, or perhaps Robinson Crusoe, he’d never met a real hermit before. As far as he knew, there hadn’t been a religious hermit in Scotland since after the Reformation. And where was Innish Breacaimsir? He’d never heard of such an island.
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chronicleescapes · 1 year
Chapter 4: Blossoming Love, Blooming Life
One evening, as the sun dipped below the horizon, casting a warm glow over their modest home, Mertin and Garcia shared a moment of quiet intimacy. Sitting by the hearth, they spoke softly of their hopes and dreams for the future, their hands intertwined in a silent display of love.
Suddenly, a mischievous grin spread across Garcia's face as she glanced at Mertin and whispered playfully, "I have a secret to share with you." Mertin raised an eyebrow, intrigued by Garcia's teasing tone. "Oh? What is it, my love?" he asked, leaning closer. Garcia placed a hand over her belly, a glimmer of excitement in her eyes. "I believe we'll be welcoming a new member into our family soon," she announced, her voice tinged with emotion. Mertin's eyes widened with surprise and joy. He couldn't believe the happiness that flooded his heart at Garcia's words. "Are you serious?" he whispered, his voice catching in his throat. Garcia nodded, tears of joy brimming in her eyes. "Yes, I'm going to be a mother, and you, a father, once again," she replied, her voice filled with love and wonder.
He gently placed his head against Garcia's belly, feeling the faint flutter of life within. His eyes sparkled with wonder and love as he stroked her belly tenderly.
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"Hello in there, little one," Mertin whispered softly, his voice carrying a mixture of awe and affection. "You're already bringing so much joy to our hearts." Overwhelmed with emotion, Mertin pulled Garcia into a tight embrace, holding her close to his heart. "This is the most wonderful news, Garcia. I can't express how much it means to me," he murmured, his voice filled with tenderness.
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From that moment on, the anticipation of their baby's arrival heightened, becoming a cherished part of their daily conversations and interactions. Mertin and Garcia found themselves bonding even more closely as they eagerly awaited the birth of their child.
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beatricecoffey · 11 months
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Sims 3 Acrobats Return in Fisherman's & His Wife Sims 4 Story! 🤹‍♂️🎪✨ The Legacy Lives On!
I gotta admit, Sims 3 acrobats were epic! Missing that in Sims 4 for sure. What do you guys think?
Check out the knife juggler and contortionist in action in 'The Fisherman & His Wife' - a 38-minute Sims 4 story! 🎥 Watch it here: https://youtu.be/jZcwnBQQ5nY
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unsimspirational · 2 years
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Working in unison the two knights deflect the blows from the woman called Crimson.
Her face remains bland and innocent but her eyes are chilly with cold determination. She is strong. Much too strong to be a human. In the silent communication of men who’d fought together for many years, the knights blocked each strike of her sword in perfect unison but they know they can’t keep up their defense for much longer. 
Her blows have not abated and are coming in faster and harder and their strength is waning. The Second and Fourth Knights wait at the ready to defend the king in the event the two before them should fall.
Shouting encouragement to his knights the king looks on trying to wrack his ale-soaked and dazed brain as to whom of his enemies could have sent her. And why the woman seems so familiar to him.
Then, realization dawned. The disappearance of the kings of the east and west made sense now. Many years had passed and he was now a very old man, a man now nearly 130 years old. He’d foolishly forgotten the pact made so very long ago between the four kings and the remaining Fae. 
For it was the agreement with the Fae that kept them all alive for so long. The four longest-living kings in the realm, as they were known, brothers they all were. Foolishly he’d thought he had more time. But it is not to be.  
His progeny has come for retribution because the four kings are decades late in fulfilling their side of the bargain. The hybrid race he’d help create wanted to take their place in the realm. It was their turn to rule now.
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ctrl-ursims · 2 years
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𝑨𝒖𝒕𝒖𝒎𝒏, 1501
The afternoon sun beamed, shining throughout the castle grounds. Arthur waited patiently for the dreaded news of his father's passing. He never wanted to be king. His sister would've made an excellent Queen, but he was unluckily born first. Arthur heard footsteps approaching towards him, his stomach sank.
Isabella: "Father is gone…".
Arthur: "How is our mother?"
Isabella: "Heartbroken of course. She's asked to see you. I assume to discuss your new position".
Arthur: "i will be inside in a moment".
Isabella: "I will let her know then your Royal Highness”.
Arthur: "Please stop saying that".
Isabella: "Well you are the King now, might as well get used to it".
*Isabella walks away*
Arthur: "God help me...".
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likeilostmytwln · 1 year
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Rosaline the witch
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pixelbots · 2 years
Hi! I LOVE your blog!! What, in your opinion, are the best "must-have" mods for TS3?
Hi, thank you :)
The ones that have truly made a difference in my game are:
Nraas - specifically Master Controller, Story Progression, Error Trap, Overwatch, Relativity, Traffic and Register. But really, all of their mods are must-haves for sims 3.
Simler90's Gameplay Systems Core Mod
Fentonparkninja's Retuned Attraction System
Justmiha’s Clean UI
Lazyduchess’s Shader Tweaks
Buckley’s #aWT’s Eye Sliders Updated for All Ages
Simsi45′s mods - tileable items shader fix, reworked & improved ea lights, improved environmental shadows & fixed horse tails
Lyralei’s mods - snow but better, no more ugly snowprints, more scenarios upon moving, randomizer, and rpg manager (though I would only recommend this for those who like to micromanage townies like me)
Twoftmama's mods (registration required) - slow motive decay & route fix are essential ones. Basically most of their autonomous & non-autonomous interaction fixes too
Bluegenjutsu's mods (registration required) - more romantic autonomy for sims and various fixes
Simbouquet's Facial Expressions Converted From The Sims Medieval
Icarus_allsorts’s Eat Outside Restaurants + Waiters
Kapaer’s ‘No Stretch’ Children Can Series
The Sweet Simmer's Toddler mods
Camera mods - I use Aikea Guinea's but there are a lot of alternatives too
Heaven’s So Many Shiftables! And a little more
Celtysims’s Shiftable Televisions
Simlogical’s Super Hampers 
Alverdine’s mods - subtle grid active level only, object placement outlines, shiftable curtains (optional: default umbrellas & parasols, default replacement ice cream trucks, default seasons beach towels and umbrellas, default game bicycles, default taxis)
Marydehoyo’s Reduce/Remove Lag caused by Houseboats 
* All other mods I use are in my resources.
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georgiapeachsims · 4 months
My Medieval Save Family Tree after 50 Years
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