#tsunami should have died
more characters should have died, im not talking about minor or background characters i mean characters that are more well-known, hell maybe even a protag idk
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back on the topic of how aware viktor and archemorus have been of what’s happened while they’re dead….
i keep thinking about how they must have reacted upon first finding out what happened to their homes due to the jade wind. how fucking awful it must have been for them to learn the destruction that was wrought upon their homes and people.
i don’t think it would make them regret killing shiro… but it would hurt, knowing that them killing shiro resulted in that
#they’re both so fucking sad about their homes in their zone specific dialogue#but I’m under the impression that they were.. aware of what happened to echovald and the jade sea prior to being rev legends???#considering they’re aware of the tsunami that took out old kaineng city#they’re definitely aware of SOME shit that’s happened so#i can only assume they found out about the effects of the jade wind while in the mists#guys it’s nearly 1 am and im so fucking sad about these two#im especially sad regarding archemorus and the luxons cause like#as far as we can tell while echovald being petrified was really difficult for the kurzicks#it didn’t change their way of life SO drastically like the luxons losing the sea#it upended literally everything about how they lived#plus… there’s ships caught in the jade in dragon’s end#they were seafarers. so many luxons must have died when the sea turned to jade.#not to downplay what happened to echovald and the kurzicks of course but god. I can’t imagine how archemorus must feel seeing the jade sea#god it’s such a shame we never got to see what luxon way of life was back then#cause obviously it was way different than what we saw of them in factions#like i assume they had settlements along the coastline of the sea even back then but#going from being seafarers to…. not. is such a huge change.#i like to imagine that whenever orion and noriaki go out to dragon’s end for anything#archemorus just… has a Rough Time. he gets distracted just staring out across the frozen waves#IM ACTUALLY MAKING MYSELF CRY RN MAYBE I SHOULD GO TO SLEEP#AAAAAAAA#vindicator ghostposting
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diazsdimples · 21 days
Buddie + "I love you, but I've never been this angry with anyone than I am with you right now" or smth like that
"I love you, but I've never been this angry with anyone like I am with you right now," Eddie fumes as he checks over Buck's injuries.
They're fairly minor - a split lip and a cut above his left eyebrow that slopes into his birthmark, and there's a few scrapes on his forearm, but that doesn't stop the anger, the fear that's bubbling in Eddie's stomach right now.
"C'mon Eds, I'm fine," Buck mumbles as he tries to dodge Eddie's fussing hands. His head throbs at the sharp movement and he winces. " 'S just a scratch."
"It's seven scratches," Eddie counters as he finishes the catalogue of Buck's injuries. "And you've probably got a concussion."
Eddie pinches between his eyes, breathing heavily through his nose. It's not like this is a surprise; Buck's never been one to think through his actions to the logical conclusion, being more of the "act first, think later" type, but Eddie wishes that for once, the man would engage his brain before throwing himself headfirst into a burning building, chasing after a drunk driver on a tiny bicycle, or climbing a tree to fish out the frisbee Christopher had lost moments earlier.
Buck pushes himself up onto his elbows, surveying the broken twigs and leaves that litter the ground around him. The branch that had snapped beneath his weight lies about a foot to his left, and Eddie can see the porous insides, the wood rotten and crumbling. It's any wonder Buck tumbled out of the tree like a kitten learning to climb - that branch would have given way the second he put his weight on it.
"Probably should have checked the branches as I was coming down," Buck says with a strained chucked, his attempt at lightening the mood with humour falling flat when Eddie doesn't respond, his jaw ticking cause yeah, Buck really fucking should have been more careful.
Buck's face falls as he sees Eddie's tight expression.
"A-are you really that mad at me?"
Eddie softens. He's not mad, exactly. His fear and panic often manifests itself as anger, and when Buck had come barrelling out of that tree, crashing to the ground with enough force it could have registered on the Richter Scale, his heart had leapt to his throat.
"I'm not mad," he says gently, and the tension in Buck's shoulders disappears. He reaches out to touch Buck's face, thumb stroking over a thankfully unscathed cheekbone. "I just...you scared me, that's all."
Eddie can feel the weight of Buck's stare, can hear his heartbeat loud in his ears, and then Buck is smiling softly, the look on his face so gentle that it takes Eddie's breath away.
"You don't have to worry about me," he reassures Eddie, turning his face into his boyfriend's hand and kissing his palm.
Eddie can't help the disbelieving snort that leaves his mouth.
"Buck, you choked on bread so hard you nearly died, you've been crushed under a ladder truck, you had a pulmonary embolism and then got washed up by a tsunami, and you've been struck by lightening. You get into trouble more often than not."
Buck laughs, the sound warm and sweet, and Eddie wants to kiss him. He wants to kiss him better, to seal up his wounds with his lips, to kiss away the pain and promise to always be there with him when he hurts.
"Well, when you put it like that..."
Buck's eyes sparkle and his lips are so soft, and Eddie doesn't have it in him to stop himself anymore.
The kiss is light and barely there, but Buck's lips are so warm and pliant against his own, and his heart feels like it's going to beat out of his chest. He can feel the stubble on Buck's chin against his skin, can smell the sharp scent of the lemon bodywash Buck loves to use, and when Buck sighs against him, Eddie feels it down to his toes. There's a slight wince as Eddie presses over the cut on Buck's lip and he pulls away, resting their foreheads together.
"Are you sure you're okay?" he asks again, licking his lips. He tastes the slightest tang of metal - blood, from Buck's lip - and it sets his teeth on edge.
"Baby, I'm fine. Promise."
Buck leans forward and presses another, far gentler kiss to Eddie's lips.
"Now, can you help me up, please? It's cold down here."
Eddie rolls his eyes but complies nonetheless. He takes Buck's wrist and hauls him to his feet, and is about to drag him inside when Buck sways against him, the blood draining from his face so fast Eddie's surprised he doesn't pass out immediately.
"Sweetheart? Are you okay?" he asks, grasping Buck under the arm as he swallows thickly, his knuckles turning white as he clings onto Eddie's forearm.
"You know what?" Buck says as he suppresses a gag, "M-maybe I should go get checked out."
"You think? C'mon, let's get you in the car."
Eddie at least has the common sense to grab an ice cream container before he ushers Buck out the front door, making fast tracks towards the ER.
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the-likesofus · 15 days
Buddie Fic Recs
REC LIST NUMBER 6! The theme is PINING if you couldn’t already tell. I haven’t done a lot of writing recently but I have done A LOT of reading so here are some of the lovely stories I have come across over the last few weeks. As always, please show these authors some love in their comments xx REMINDER TO CHECK THE TAGS AND TRIGGER WARNINGS
where our eyes are never closing by @rewritetheending | T | 6k
After the lightning strike, Buck asks Eddie to take candid photos of him to help prove to Buck that he still exists. Absolute PEAK Softness. Buck through Eddie's eyes! I was a mushy puddle by the end. 10/10 would recommend
put my heart inside your palms by @markofalover | T | 3k
An accidental pet name, a thoughtful dinner, and a shared shirt. Buddie are too domestic for my health and well-being! I want what they have!!
because we'll all arrive in heaven alive by @neverevan | E | 75k 
During a search and rescue, Eddie disappears without a trace, leaving Buck to grapple with the sudden possibility of a life without him AKA the Mudslide Missing!Eddie fic with pining for daaayyyyyyyzzzzzzz
Left Unsaid by C_M2 | M | 33k 
The discovery of a small facebook group full of tsunami survivors rocks station 118. This fic is amazing!! The perfect amount of pining angst, domestic feels and firefam love and goodness 💕💕
If I Should Fall by @elvensorceress | T | 23k
Buck thinks Tommy has died but it's actually Eddie. He is not dead but almost and they have to figure things out from there. This fic had me feeling like my heart has been gutted from my chest and dissected before my very eyes but it has the happy ending we all deserve. 
the distance to the stars by cloudydaisies | G | 27k
Eddie is the only one who doesn't realize he and Buck are dating 😭 This is a perfectly sweet and angsty miscommunication fic. 
the weekly bet (but the forever kind) by @theleftboobgrabber | E | 49k
The firehouse has a bet and Buck and Eddie work it in their favor. Once again Eddie pining for dayyyyzzzzzzzzzzz. (I’ve been on a Pining!Eddie kick recently). Perfect Buckley Diaz family feels. 
light me and i'll burn for you by @woodchoc-magnum | M | 31k
An old friend of Buck's joins the 118 and he kinda sucks. Eddie pines and falls down a hole (literally). Seriously though the pining and the angst in this fic is just delicious and with a happy ending to boot <3
The Aftermath of Liberation and Love Confessions by @elvensorceress | T | 17k
Eddie makes the love confession to end all love confessions while perfecting the balance between pining and not giving a f*ck. I love me a Jenwyn fic and this one is fabulous as always. 
love bites so deep and we've got tiger teeth by @usereddie | M | 10k
Rather than going to texas with his grandparents Christopher goes to stay with Buck for an extended sleepover and Eddie realizes he is incredibly in love with his best friend. Honestly I am OBSESSED!!! This is officially my season 7 ending <3
hearts on fire by @woodchoc-magnum | M | 65k
This is a canon divergence on Season 2 where Buck and Eddie almost get together but then Abby comes back and Eddie lets buck go and then regrets it while trying to be happy for him. The pining, the self-sabotage, honestly is all one big tasty meal and topped off with a happy ending and a side salad of the Shannon and Eddie friends/co-parents arc that they deserved!!
like a dog with a bird at your door by @shitouttabuck | E | 51k
Set post s6, Eddie is injured on a call and Buck moves in to help with his recovery whilst learning to navigate his feelings for his best friend and pining for the position Eddie’s girlfriend holds. honestly, I’m actually only halfway through reading this fic but OMG I’M ASDFFGGHJJKKL and I just already knew this would be making it onto the next rec list so I'm adding it to this one preemptively. 
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cinematics123 · 6 months
911 on ABC has the chance to do one of the funniest things in TV.
Check this: Buck is injured trying to save Bobby & Athena and goes to the hospital. Eddie realizes that Buck was already traumatized by the Tsunami and went into the water to save them anyway. Eddie says it should have been him out there in the water trying to save them.
Buck is about to get discharged from the hospital and pulls Eddie aside. He sits him down and says:
Buck: I heard you in here the other day wishing it had been you. I’ve had a lot of close calls, this wasn’t even my closest.
Eddie: Buck-
Buck: let me finish. After I died - after I got struck by lightning - I got to thinking and I went to my attorney and I changed my will.
Eddie: … wait. What?
Buck: So that someday, if I didn’t make it… Christopher would be taken care of… by you.
Eddie: Buck, what are you talking about? Christopher is my son. Of course I’m taking care of him.
Buck: Oh? And who has made dinner for the last 5 nights before I went into the hospital? Hmm? And who’s been taking out the trash and cooking since I’ve been in here… Carla?
Eddie: What?! I- I’ve been here…? Is this about me not taking out the trash Saturday night?
Buck: Chris and I were studying for his history test!
Eddie: it’s your week on chore board! I did the laundry and got the shopping - and you did not even drive me, let me remind you of that.
Buck: (nodding solemnly) my lawyer said you could refuse.
Eddie: Oh my God, Buck. Yes, I will cook for Chris if you ever, for any reason, are not by my side for ANY reason.
Buck: Good, mi amor. Because now we have to tell your mother.
Suuurprise canon domestic buddie!!
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pherelesytsia · 10 months
Who did this to you? - 9
Pairing: Thomas Shelby x female/Reader
Summary: Bruised and broken, Y/N, trapped in a loveless marriage, arrives at her best friend’s house, desperately hoping someone will help her, aware she cannot return to the estate of her husband.
Warning: fear, anxiety, Angst, swearing 
Word Count: 2.7k
Part 8
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Chains, bloodied and graced with torn rotting flesh, moulding in the light of the wanning moon, dangled in all directions in the howling wind. Bones cracked under polished shoes freckled by grime and coated with rotting leaves. The lightbulbs among the broken were shining faintly, breaking the doom, the utter darkness ruling in the endless corridor leading into different vacant rusty halls.
The wind was howling, a lonely wolf, a hound greeting the full moon. Water dripped through the holey ceiling of metal and musty wood. The old building, far away from civilisation, with shattered windows barricaded by boards was surrounded.
The man clothed in a form-fitting suit didn’t bear a map, didn’t need a compass to find the right path. The faint stench of mould lingered in the stiff air. Rats fled in great haste, screeched and warned the brothers hiding in the holes in the ground and empty chests. A few dark grey strands illuminated the dark sea. Untroubled Thomas followed the path. His fingers tapped against the polished metal. He did not put his gaze over his shoulder, focused on the light showing the end of the tunnel. Deep hush voices exchanged brief words and the grin on his lips widened, thought of ways to harm the men who had dared to touch his wife.
Thomas tilted his head. The light hit the tip of his shoes, but the Shelby, a demon, the devil himself waiting patiently, remained in the shadows. Deftly, he leapt to the side, hiding behind the cargo crates stacked high from India, Africa and the far East. Footsteps echoed and a soft whimper, a kitten, a newborn calling for its mother, fell silent. More men, dark dressed creatures, followed the order with drawn weapons and waited for the signal. Thomas leaned forward, peering through the crack between the crates. Two men, shabbily dressed, stood in the light of the flickering yellowish bulb, but his keen eyes couldn’t find the source of the whimper.
            “The money?” the thinner one pecked, wiping the oil from his fingers on his trousers.
The taller one laughed, folding his arms in front of his bulging chest. 
            “The woman will pay us off. I called her. By the end of the day, we’ll get the money.”, “We should have killed his wife right away,” the other said, leaning against the cargo boxes.
            “Karl, I would have killed her, but the other guy came. We would have died otherwise. I know him, Solomons. He would have killed us,” he interjected.
            “And what are we supposed to do now, Jimmy?” Karl questioned.
            “And what will happen to us, Karl?” Jim asked.
Karl shrugged his shoulders. Eyes widened in shock, screams followed, bullets pierced flesh and grazed bones. Men in suits stormed the old run-down complex, a tsunami swallowing villages and towns. Closely followed by his men, Thomas entered the room, stepped closer with his gun drawn, fired and hit the bull’s eye, ran ahead, searched and cursed, but didn’t find the woman. Sweat cascaded his face, turned, and hoped the men could answer his questions, but the eyes had paled. Cursing, Thomas stared at his brothers opening the crates in the hope of finding Peggy in one of them.
            “Where is she?” Arthur asked, heaving.
John cursed, nearly fell into the crate. Perplexed, he stared into the distance, cursed under his breath, turned with paled features towards his brothers and mumbled a short prayer.
            The moon wandered on, over land and mountains, on and on, climbing hills and swimming over lakes and raging streams. Under the cover of the moon, ghastly shadows crept forth. Light burned in the mansion far away from civilisation, from towns and villages. The vehicles parked in front of the mansion were not neatly lined up. Curtains were drawn and didn’t allow to witness the people warming themselves by the flames, gnawing on the hardened biscuits and awakening the sense with the dark unsweetened liquid. The phone didn’t ring, and the bell didn’t announce a guest.
The clock was ticking, heels clicked against the creaking hardwood. Voices had died down, the women did not chatter as the gentle voice breathing delicate word into the microphone sang of love and gentle kisses. The women exchanged meaningless glances, glanced at the man they thought would never enter the house, who had settled down by the fireplace and was leafing through the book with his legs crossed, staring again and again at the doors and windows in search of grim faces pursued by evil intentions. Y/N warmed her fingers on the cup filled with tea and dipped her tongue in the warm liquid.
            “Don’t worry, they will be here soon. It’s just a matter of time. Don’t worry, my dear.” Ada breathed.
She flashed the shaking woman a smile, breathed encouraging words, but they couldn’t banish the fear from her heart.
            “They’ve been gone for a long time. At least three hours now.” Y/N breathed.
            “You worry too much Y/N/N. The Shelby can take something. If he’s not here by seven, then we’ll go looking for him together.” Alfie joked.
Y/N stretched her arms into the air. Sleep gnawed on her bones and the voice in her head assured her that all would be well, that Thomas was on his way back, that the door would open soon and he would stand with Peggy and a promise to change by her side. She counted the seconds, focused on the clock, yet Y/N had lost track of time and space a long time ago. Her eyes widened. The tiredness was gone with the wind. Groaning, Y/N jumped and threw the blanket away. A wall, the last wall of defence rose in front of her and a palm settled on her back.
            “Come, little one. We will go together. You stay here. I have everything under control. I saw a car.” Alfie said.
Y/N tried to argue, telling him to stay with the others, that she wanted to go alone, but no words crossed her lips and nodded. Alfie smiled, gave her shoulder a gentle squeeze, stuffed his gun into the pocket, and guided Y/N away from the richly set table. Keys jingled. Alfie pushed Y/N behind him, but the young woman went ahead. The cold air brushed her skin and painted her cheeks. Brows almost touched. Y/N looked questioningly at Peggy, shook her head, and lips parted.
            “Peggy?” Y/N whispered, not believing her eyes, convinced she was about to awake from a dream.
She looked healthy. Not a drop of blood clung to the long white evening dress, looked like a woman on her way to church to walk down the aisle. The hair was laid in curls, dotted with pearls and glass shaped in tears. The bouquet, white and red flowers fell to the ground. A smile, false as a fox’s, sweet as a snake’s voice, spread on her lips.
            “You’re well?” Y/N questioned.
            “Why shouldn’t I be well? I am glad to see that you are well. I see nothing happened to you while I was away. I told you to wait for me at home. I could never have forgiven myself if something bad had happened to you.” Peggy spoke coldly, stoically, emotionlessly.
            “Where’s Thomas? He’s out looking for you. I was worried about you.” Y/N uttered.
Spreading her arms, Y/N wanted to enclose Peggy in a tight hug, but fingers clawed deep into the thin material covering her, forcing her to stagger backwards.
            “Alfie, can you please let go of me?’ Y/N demanded.
Y/N turned and stubbornly demanded to be let free, but Alfie shook his head.
            “Why do you have to make everything more complicated? Get in there and don’t do anything stupid or you’ll all regret it. Are we clear?”, “I wouldn’t do that.” Alfie interjected. He removed his hand from the pistol and rose his hands into the air after he pulled Y/N closer to his chest.
            “Peggy?” Y/N breathed, hoped the person bore a mask, but it was Peggy.
Colour drained from her features. Cold metal pressed deeper into her skin. Bloodshot eyes forced Alfie to step back and told him not to dare to waste a single thought about doing something he might regret. Questions nor curses crossed Y/N´s lips pressed into a fine line. A lonely tear cascaded down her left cheek and left a red burning mark on her skin. Y/N questioned her life, every decision she had made, every word and complain she had said to Peggy in hope she would aid her. Synchronically, Ada and Polly arose, aimed, but no shots pierced the air. Peggy chased Alfie away to stand by the wall and he listened and placed the weapon on the ground as the women as Peggy stood tall behind the crumbling shield.
            “Why?” Y/N inquired, her heart bursting through skin and bone.
Peggy laughed and combed through Y/N´s locks with her long light-coloured nails.
            “I should be in your place. It would have been so easy. But those idiots let you get away and then you were at my door and I just had to let you in. I called these fools. I knew they would be at the bar, and informed them that you were with me, that they should walk in and take care of you. I then set off here, wanting to inform all of you that something might have happened to Y/N. I would have taken your place, but this man had to interfere with my plan.” Peggy joked.
Her bloodshot eyes slid from one person to another and pointing her finger at the tall man settling down on the armchair by the crackling fire.
            “How would you have done it? The Shelby wouldn’t have to believe you. Nobody would have.” Alfie questioned, with his arms crossed in front of his body.
            “Nobody? Suddenly everybody was searching for Y/N. When I returned home, she was gone. I am a good actress, I had classes when I was young and played in the theatre, always the evil and wicked,” the woman huffed.
She chuckled.
            “Thomas would have believed me. I would have played the good friend, helping him through this rough path. I just wanted to play the worried friend. I would have helped to find Y/N and then after a good month the case would have gone cold. The postman would have brought a letter from overseas and the problem would have been solved. Thomas would have found a good friend in me and later a wife,” she sneered.
            “But they trashed your house.” Y/N breathed, eliciting a malicious laugh from the mad woman.
            “I was a bit angry and had to let my anger run free. My plan was perfect.” she huffed, stroking Y/N’s skin with the weapon.
            “You wanted to kill me?” Y/N breathed.
            “No one cared about you, you told me everything, your former husband barely cared about you, you slept alone, spent your days alone, were air for everyone, I didn’t expect anyone to care about you.” Peggy laughed.
Y/N gulped, nodded, and breathed a soft prayer, prayed for the safety of all of them a few steps away from her.
            “A confident woman. Why would I marry you?” a deep voice sneered.
Smiling, Peggy turned around, fixed her hair and let go of Y/N, but she was rooted into the ground, turning into a statue overgrown by moss.
            “All these months you’ve been using me.” Y/N
The veil fell, and the wind carried away the dense mist. Y/N balled her hands into fists, nails bore deep into the soft flesh, but no sound escaped her lips. She faced Peggy, unfearful of the weapon in her right hand.
            “You never told me to give Thomas a chance, to at least try to get along with him. You never said anything nice about him. When he gave me flowers or chocolate, you told me he’d cheated on me and feared I would find out.” Y/N whispered, her voice raising with every fallen word.
She remembered the forgotten, the lonely nights, the long calls, the endless hours spend in the small room and crying her heart out to the wrong person, hoping Peggy would help her like only a friend could.
            “We spoke on the phone when Thomas didn’t come back that evening and instead of telling me that he must be working but you swore on your parents’ lives that you saw him in the arms of a woman.” Y/N cried out.
Y/N faced her friend, unfaced and untroubled by the loaded gun.
            “I suppose that was a lie, too. Probably everything you told me was a lie,” Y/N whispered.
She remembered the nights she was pouring out her heart and the answers that were as false as the snake’s words. She raised her eyes and looked up at Thomas. The man swallowed, saw the questions in his wife’s eyes and smiled.
            “I was never unfaithful, Y/N. I was a terrible husband, but I was always faithful to you,” Thomas assured her.
            “I believe you,” Y/N whispered, but Thomas had heard the answer.
Y/N advanced, oblivious to the woman in the wedding garment, wanting to go towards her husband, but Peggy made it impossible for her to do so, getting in the way.
            “Enough of this sweet talk.” Peggy chuckled.
Metal dazzled the eyes. She grabbed Y/N by the collar, scratched her skin, pressed her tightly against him. And the men and women, apart from Thomas, recoiled with their hands up. Thomas stashed his hands in his trouser pockets and nodded, guessing what she would demand.
            “You let me out and nothing will happen to her.” Peggy requested.
The Shelby nodded, exchanged brief glances with his brothers.
            “Good, go, you know the way. You hand Y/N over to me at the door. I leave my gun here and you put yours away. Do we understand each other?” Thomas spoke.
            “I don’t think you’re in a position to make demands here, Thomas, but I’ll take your offer. But I want them out of here. I want them all out of here in the kitchen.” Peggy interjected.
Thomas gestured to his siblings to leave, nodding, indicating that they should be on their way, that they shouldn’t worry, but his eyes betrayed him. Slowly, they rose from the sofa and did as Thomas ordered them again to leave. Heels clicked against the hardwood. Hush voices exchanged words, and the door slammed shut.
            “Can we go?” Thomas probed.
Thomas walked ahead, showed the way, paused at the open door, pushed it wide open and motioned the woman to leave. His hands clenched into fists. He wanted to free Y/N from the woman’s clutches, heard the soft whimpering as Peggy grabbed her former friend. Teeth gritted. Peggy stopped and turned with Y/N.
            “Here you go.” she shoved Y/N in his direction.
Y/N staggered forward, threatening to fall like a soldier, but arms wrapped tightly around her body, pressing her tightly to his chest. Thomas breathed loving words into her ear, pressed his dried lips on her skin and pressed featherlight kisses on her cheek. He murmured a prayer and begged for her forgiveness. Sweat danced down his face. He pressed another fleeting kiss on her temple. Thomas put his hands over her ears, deafening her to the screams and bullets piercing the air and suddenly, after all this time filled with screams and prayers, silence reigned over the land.
witchymoonbabe secretdreamlandmentality mysticalpandora kittiowolf210 muhahaha303 dreamy-caramel elinalfrida violet-19999 niyah834 watersquirtpewpewboomm piceous21 elliaze heidimoreton literishdegree99 globetrotter28 thecrazytealady regulusblacksimpsblog torresbarnes nightgirl250 sweet-angely05 allthenamestakenwtd
hellomyweirdos mysticalbouquetwolf-posts batmanbiersack02-blog fulla02 regulusblacksimpsblog  smile-sugar calsjack starry-night-reid chlorrox regulusblacksimpsblog 100percentlazybonez kenny-0909 diabolusdevia stuckinmylittlebubble  hobothejuggalo camomiletangeringe v7nt7
kiara-rose-blackthorn rangerelik abaker74 madsothree kittiowolf210 lucyandersons-world marigold-morelli meyocoko angelicwolfyqueen iwanttohitmyself pennywisesstuff batgurl42 sleepymadmess lolcaca yolobloggers lor-16 randomgirlwriting rs-fanfiction-2001 bohemian-lavender-girl woofgocows evilangel1324 mrkdvidal1989 nervousmumbling camomiletangeringe tommystargirl toxicenough deadunicorn159 nnercreationflower liar-or-lawyer optimisticsandwichgladiator comfortzonequeen nctma15 banksmars twistxdx inloveppp answer-the-sirens justanotherficreader nunya7394 lovemissyhoneybee lostgirl219 yourbloodyqueen valentinqee elisa20beth comfortzonequeen khaleesihavilliard horror-eye sometimesvaliantrebel untoldshortsofthefandoms untoldshortsofthefandoms yellowcrowngodess teamfreeavocados justtiasblog thegirlnextdoorssister reading02 kai-unknown squidwardsluverxx honeynicoole zealouspursecowboydeputy maw272727272727 redsa
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bitchinbarzal · 5 months
waiting | R Mcgroarty
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summary: song fic for waiting by norah jones
Hush now watch the stars fall Into a fire wall
I am waiting here Waiting for you to come home
You stood shivering on the side of the road, wrapped in that foil blanket the firefighters had given you.
You watched with watery eyes as they finally pulled him from the car.
It felt like an out of body experience watching his lifeless body lay in the street before they finally covered it up.
Luca screamed your name from behind the yellow tape until the police let him through, the rest of the team still there watching.
He ran to you, standing infront of you and taking your eyes off Rutger for once this evening.
“Y/N, what’s happened? What’s going on? Are you-“
You mumbled softly “He’s dead… he died Luca, Rut is dead” before dropping the foil blanket to show him your blood stained hands.
He held your shaking hands “It’s gonna be ok”
“He’s gone…”
Melting icy snow l am waiting here, Waiting for you to come home
As the semester carried on, the world continued to spin around you.
You went back to that intersection everyday.
You sat on the bench across from where it happened, you could still hear the tires screeching and the yelling. You can feel that blood soaking your hands when you fired to shake him awake.
You sat at the intersection just hoping he’d roll up to that stop sign and call for you to hop in.
You felt sick.
You’d been feeling sick lately, tired and moody too. The doctor said it wasn’t out with the norm for victims of trauma to suffer these side effects even two months on.
You didn’t like sleeping because it would happen all over again infront of you while you slept.
The boys took turns sleeping on your couch to keep an eye on you. Majority of the time they’d end up in your bed holding you as it was the only way to sleep, when you’d wake up you’d forget for a split second that it wasn’t Rutger holding you.
Those few seconds were the best few seconds in your day.
Now, they were holding back your hair as your projectile vomited into the toilet bowl.
Mark’s hand rubbed small circles in your lower back, coaxing you through “You should see a doctor”
“I did, she said it was fine”
“This” he gestured to you “isn’t fine! This isn’t grief, I mean if I didn’t know any better I’d say you were pregnant”
His comment made your body run stiff “What?”
“I said-“
“I know what you said Mark! What if I’m- I think you’re right” realization settled over your body when you slumped down against his leg to think of your missed periods, sickness, mood changes all were excused as grief.
Your head dropped onto Mark’s knee while you sniffled softly. His hand combed through your hair “You good?”
“I really, really wish you were Rut”
When will I ever learn that If I wait it doesn't mean you will return
You sat in the damp grass with your head leaning onto the side of the stone.
“She thinks you’re a little weird for not coming to the appointments” you commented, shifting to get comfortable “How awkward would it be if I told her where you really were”
It felt weird to joke and not hear his laugh in return.
Sighing, you pull the envelope out of your jacket pocket “find out together, eh?”
“I miss you baby, so much” you start, hands shaking with the envelope in them “This is so scary going through this, I really want to just hold your hand Rut… I’m waiting for you to just come home”
You paused for a moment as if waiting for an answer and when it didn’t come you continued opening the envelope.
“Okay… three, two, one-“ you pulled the paper out, the blue writing confronting you head on.
A tsunami of emotions hit you at once and you began sobbing
“A boy, our boy… your boy, you’re coming home to me Rut”
“Come home”
Now all the stars have gone, cracks of dawn
Towards the end of your pregnancy things got better. You spent less time at the intersection and more time painting his room.
You smiled now which nobody had seen in a long time. You were excited about things and it made everyone so happy.
You called his sister everyday to give updates on babyboy, listening to her as she’d tell the bump stories of his dad.
You also told him stories. The ones where you fell in love, the things you wanted him remembered for.
“Your daddy is the best person ever, but you already know that he’s keeping you safe before he sends you home to me”
I'm waiting here, Waiting for you to come home.
He came early.
The baby wasn’t due in March, he wasn’t due yet.
You panicked, crying for Rutger to hold your hand and sobbing when you realized that wasn’t an option.
“I want Rut!” You cried, squeezing Luca’s hand
“I know, it’s ok”
“It’s not ok! This isn’t-“
Luca pulled your phone off the table and fiddled about with it until he pressed play.
“Hey pretty girl, just calling to check in” it was Rutgers voice, a voicemail he’d left when you were studying late one night “I love you, you can do this! You can do anything”
When his voice stopped you cried “What-“
“You heard him Y/N, you can do it… he trusted you”
You heard his voice the whole night coaxing you through it, you just thought of him.
He finally arrived, perfect and healthy. Like he was right one time. Heaven sent.
Rutger McGroarty Jr
30 March. 06:25am
You held him in your arms, rocking him back and forth.
“You came home to me, you’re finally home… I’ve been waiting for you”
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theotherbuckley · 15 days
Gimme your favorite headcanons about Buck 💙
Hi Di, here’s some Buck headcanons I thought of 💜
- After Buck finishes his probie year at his ceremony the team gets him a cake that’s a golden retriever with a fire helmet.
- Almost a year after the tsunami Buck and Christopher walk down the newly constructed boardwalk at the pier and face their fear together.
- Buck goes into internet deep dives all the time because everytime he hears something and he doesn’t know about it he just has to know and his brain won’t let him rest until he finds out everything he can about it.
- Most people get bored of his rambling about what he learns but theres a few people in his life that actually listen. Tommy is his first romantic partner that actually listens and not only that he asks more questions and loves listening to Buck talk. When Buck meets some of Tommy’s crew they say “so you’re the person who taught Tommy about the different classifications of hurricanes��. Buck almost tears up because not only did Tommy listen but he remembered and told other people.
- Buck never got diagnosed with ADHD as a kid because his parents would have to pay attention to him for that but Tommy offhandedly mentions it one night and Buck proceeds to hyperfixate on it and then together they try to book an appointment for him to be diagnosed. It’s a long journey because the healthcare system sucks but eventually he gets his diagnosis.
- Buck loves so strongly because he knows what it feels like not to be loved the way he should so he makes it his mission to show everyone how much he cares.
- Buck never really thought about his sexuality because he was always into women and so he didn’t really think about being attracted to men. He assumed that finding men attractive was just normal but it didn’t matter because he liked women and he just thought that’s how it goes.
- During his first pride Buck goes all out. He dresses up, paints his face with the bisexual flag, and tells anyone and everyone about his amazing hot firefighter pilot boyfriend. He’s so excited. He goes with Hen and Karen and Tommy and they have so much fun. He feels so damn free being able to experience this.
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leaentries · 5 months
Please can we talk about Nico when his gf is having a bad body day, just feeling a little sad/insecure. (me atm)🥺
I love how your blog is for chubby girls btw💗
my heart ❤️ he would be so sad and his big ole brown puppy dog eyes would get so big
here’s a lil blurb to kick off my return to writing 🕺
also i’m writing this on my phone so the format might be slightly different…sorry😋
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your mind was cloudy, the world just seemed darker today. something about the way your outfits clung to your body just didn’t seem right.
your floor was littered in different items of clothing, having tried on what seemed to be everything hanging in your closet.
tonight was the first night in a long while that nico was able to plan something nice for the two of you. making reservations at a fancy restaurant, booking a hotel room for the night, the whole nine yards. you should be happy, ecstatic that you are finally getting your boyfriend all to yourself, but, in this moment, all you wanted to do was cry.
tears threatened to spill as you stared into the mirror. the fabric of the dress hugging your body in all the ways you hated, you felt suffocated.
you choked back a sob as you violently unzipped the dress and threw it somewhere amongst the rest. sitting on the edge of your bed, clad in nothing but a bra and some panties, you looked helplessly at the tsunami of clothes. you wanted nothing more than to feel beautiful in your own skin. to feel worthy of going out with nico.
the salty drops cascaded down your face faster than you could will them away. you were lost, not knowing what to do from here. a loud knock echoed through your apartment, drawing a small, “Fuck,” from your panicked lips.
nico was here and you weren’t even close to being ready. dread filled your chest knowing how excited he is and how his beaming smile is what’s gonna greet you the second you open the door. you quickly grab the nearest oversized sweater, throwing it over your head as you make your way to the entrance.
you take a deep breathe before gripping the metal handle and carefully opening the door.
your heart melted and broke all at the same time. nico stood tall, dressed in his all black suit, the one he knew you loved, holding a bouquet of your favorite flowers. you felt a new batch of tears quickly begin to build in your vulnerable state.
you didn’t want to ruin nico’s night with something a minuscule as being insecure. you wouldn’t hurt him like that. before your tears could fall, you plastered on a small smile, letting nico walk in the apartment.
his happy features dropped slightly upon seeing your sweater, “What’s wrong, schatzi? Why aren’t you dressed?” his tone filled with worry.
you shook your head, opting to give him a little fib, “I’m just having a hard time finding something that fits tonight, Neeks.”
He smiled cheekily, taking it upon himself to place the flowers in a mason jar, “Let me put these in water first, then I will come help.” You gave him a slight nod, before returning to your cluttered room. A deep sigh left your lips, realizing that Nico is gonna see the inside of your brain that now lays upon your bedroom floor.
“Oka- Whoa.” nico’s words died in his throat as he glanced around the space.
You buried your head in your hands, embarrassed at the mess. “I know, I know! I just couldn’t find anything to wear! and i felt like i needed to try on everything and nothing worked and-” Nico cut you off.
“It’s okay, baby. I’m not judging. I think you forget I have a sister, i’m not new to this.” He walks in, eyes scanning the pile carefully. He picked up a black dress, once that just-so-happened to match his suit. “Here!” he flashed his dimples at you, “This is perfect. Put this on, f’me, schatzi, you’ll look beautiful.”
You gently took the dress, clutching it to your body.
He placed a quick kiss to your temple before walking out, “I’ll wait outside the door, just shout if you need anything.”
You stripped yourself of the sweater, pulling on the black dress. Normally, you’d admire the way the intricate details of the fabric or the way it tied gracefully in the back, but you only found yourself criticizing as you stood in the floor length mirror once more. Your eyes dragged over each spot you hated.
The way you thought your legs didn’t look quite long or skinny enough, or the way your tummy wasn’t flat. Even the way your hip-dips stood out more prominently in your opinion, it all just seemed overwhelmingly visible. Too lost in thought, you missed the door opening and a certain swiss making his way into the room.
Nico’s eyes focused on the way yours filled with disgust at your body, the way you were picking at every inch. He wasn’t oblivious to your insecurities, although he would never understand why you felt that way. In his eyes, you were the most gorgeous and genuine woman he’d ever met. You were perfect and even better, you were his.
He took his place behind you placing his hands gently on your hips. You jumped slightly startled by his sudden appearance.
“This is more than just finding an outfit, schatzi.” His eyes meet yours through the mirror, “What’s really going on?”
His soft words broke the damn that you’d been trying so hard to keep from cracking. Your head dipped down as a sob left your throat. Nico immediately moved to stand in front of you, pulling you into his chest.
His hand came up to stroke your hair softly, as you cried into his shirt, “Shh, shh. It’s okay, baby.” Nico tried his best to console you, whispering comforting words into your ears.
“C’mon, take some deep breaths for me.” He pulled your head from his chest, hands moving to cradle your face. He began to breathe slowly, encouraging you to breathe with him. One you had regained some air, you looked up at him.
“M’ sorry, Neeks.” You sniffled, “I’ve just been having a bad day and I kept putting on different outfits, but I just felt…” You trailed off, trying to find the right word. His big doe eyes bore into yours, waiting patiently for you to continue. “I just feel ugly.”
Nico felt his heart physically throb. How could his beautiful girl see herself as ugly? Doesn’t she know that he wishes he could see her for the first time, just so he could fall in love with her all over again? Nico was at a loss for words. He genuinely couldn’t grasp how someone, let alone yourself, could ever think you were ugly.
Your eyebrows furrowed at the simple word that left the man’s mouth.
“…No?” You were confused.
“Listen to me,” He turned your bodies back to your original position, “You see these legs? These are the most gorgeous, most soft, most warm legs that I could ever want. The way they work as a perfect pillow,” His lips brushed against the shell of your ear, “Or the way that they wrap around my head.”
Your breath began to pick up as he began to list off every part of your body and the reasons why he loved them. He picked apart your insecurities and replaced them with love and desire.
“But more of all, this girl.” His eyes rose to meet yours once more, “This girl is the most beautiful and precious person that I have ever had the privilege of knowing. This girl is my girl. My pretty girl.”
You felt a new flood of tears, this time because of the vast amounts of love radiating from Nico.
“Thank you, Neeks” You felt the need to thank him, thank him for dealing with you.
“Don’t thank me. I would give up anything just for the opportunity to tell you how pretty you are.”
His hands began to untie the back of the dress, only stopping when your hands came up to hold his in place.
“What about dinner?”
He smirked at you, “Screw dinner, let’s just go to the hotel room.” You turned in his grasp as the dress slowly fell to pool at your feet. Nico tugged at his bottom lip with his teeth at the slight of your exposed skin. “Because right now I want nothing more than to spend the night between my favorite pair of legs.”
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cinnamostar · 6 months
02: home
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part one.
pairing : minho x gn!reader
summary : “I have known you for thousands of lifetimes, and I don’t regret meeting you in a single one.”
wc : 7.3k
cw : childhood friends, arguing, angst, sadness, mentions of bullying + racism/xenophobia, best friends to lovers, fluff, sappiness, its so doooomed
a/n : pls read part one before this! i was in so much pain as i wrote this, so im sorry in advance, my dear reader. please let me know what you think! likes and reblogs appreciated
tags: @im-on-a-hellavator , @httpswilloww @atinyniki (its not letting me tag so i hope this works ;w;)
。゚•┈୨♡୧┈• 。゚
Maybe that was a little too harsh, Minho thought to himself as he remembered your glassy eyes and the guilt that painted your face a depressing blue, the bashful glowing smile of yours he adored nowhere to be found. Oh, how his heart soared to the heavens when he saw you back at the pond you both once called home years later, the same vibrance you carried as a child seemed to have never left you even after so many years. How he missed seeing you smile so timidly, yet lovingly, at the tadpoles who swam underneath the pond's surface, how he missed seeing how breathtakingly beautiful you looked as the wind bellowed through your locks, and how he missed you. 
It didn’t matter how many times the earth had rotated around the sun, it didn’t matter how long it had been, his heart could never let you go. 
The instant he saw someone standing at the pond, his body and soul knew it was you, there was no way he’d ever mistake that nostalgic, comforting presence of yours as anyone else’s. The way the soft rays of the sun highlighted your features nearly made his heart skip out his chest, as if he just saw an angel standing before him; the cherub he once knew as a child had grown up.
How he hoped you’d finally come back home to him, how he desperately wished for years to relive the sweetest moments of his childhood, how he wished you were there for each and every milestone in life, and how he wished you two could finally make up for lost time. And while his heart yearned for you, the abandonment he felt in his childhood festered inside him, as if he had taken a swig of poison that sought to destroy the love and adoration he had for you in a bitter, resentful, rage. He couldn’t help it, the pain and misery he felt growing up had never truly left and your presence reawakened those wounds he never learned to heal. His heart stretched painfully in this twisted game of tug-of-war, unsure on whether he should feel thankful for your return or relent to the enmity that had rotted within him for god knows how long.
Yet, it was so easy to submit to the indignation he was feeling as it overpowered any sense of gratefulness, choosing to ignore the miracle of you being back as his mouth soured over the taste of resentment. 
Had his prayers finally been answered? Has he finally wished you back into his life? I’m an idiot, he cringed as he began to regret his behavior. Maybe his anger wasn’t justified, maybe he should’ve met you with more grace. After all, you weren’t wrong, you were just a kid who knew no better. It wasn’t fair to him, but neither was his treatment to you after the fact. Ah. The guilt you must’ve felt over the years could not have been easy to manage on top of the stress of living in an entirely foreign country, as your tearful eyes showed him how much you had been agonizing over this. For so long, he had convinced himself you had forgotten him entirely, no longer cared for him as he mourned over you as if you had died, yet the years of the youth you both shared came rushing in like a tsunami the minute you both made eye contact. The overwhelming emotions of nostalgia and regret was a feeling only you two could ever understand, and my, was it complicated to choose how to feel with thousands of nameless emotions competing with one another.
The love Minho had for you never left, almost as if it laid dormant for years as it hoped for the day you two would meet again, the familiar butterflies of his childhood crush blossoming once again at the sight of you. Somehow, everything and nothing about you changed, it was something Minho didn’t have words to explain or couldn’t quite wrap his mind around. You were the Y/N he knew and doted on as a child, but you had grown into an astonishingly beautiful adult version of yourself and he found himself falling in love the instant his soul recognized you. 
For so many years, Minho had tried his best to erase any memory of you, but his heart couldn’t deny the love it had for you and no matter how hard he tried, it was always you. Through the trials and tribulations of life, you were his safe haven, the very thought of you bringing a sense of peace and tranquility no other could, and during the lowest points of his life, his body always instinctually took him to the same pond as a refuge. He coveted you and your presence, yet the pond was the closest he could get to you and the feelings he had longed for. 
Just maybe Minho was being unfair to you, he thought. After all, you both were just kids.
。゚•┈୨♡୧┈• 。゚
Since your run in with Minho, you had been suffering with an overwhelming amount of guilt, carrying the weight of shame on your shoulders as you came face to face with him for the first time in years. Having to finally confront the pained and saddened expression he wore was something you could have never prepared for, and the very memory of it was enough to make you break down in tears. 
You knew what you had done to Minho was extremely hurtful, and you couldn’t imagine what that must’ve felt like, no matter how hard you try. But knowing and witnessing it were two completely different things, and after seeing Minho’s watery eyes, you weren’t sure if you could ever forgive yourself. He was right, though. Maybe you shouldn’t have come back, maybe coming back was only reopening old wounds you both didn’t need to be dealing with all because of your selfish need to reconnect with your culture. 
Though, after spending most of your life overseas, you were starting to feel like you didn’t belong in your home country anymore. You had lost touch with cultural traditions, basic etiquette, and even struggled to speak your native tongue as well. You still spoke like the eight year old that had moved away long ago, and it was becoming increasingly embarrassing as you compared yourself to everyone around you. You stuck out like a sore thumb and for the first time in your life, you began to realize you didn’t fit in anywhere. Not here, not in the states. You were too much of your ethnicity to be considered a proper American, and you were too American to be considered a true citizen of your country, despite spending the first eight years of your life here. Coming back home didn’t reaffirm your identity, but only left you more confused and questioning who you even were. 
Minho was right, this was a mistake.
You so desperately craved a sense of belonging, and you became certain you weren't finding it here anymore, but you had to make it through the rest of your trip at the very least. You were just going to try to continue business as usual though, hoping you would not run into Minho again and would simply forgo the pond entirely. It should be simple enough, you thought. No one needed to know about your accidental meeting with Minho and you were sure he’d avoid you like the plague. It should be fine.
Well, that quickly changed as soon as your mom told you Minho’s mother invited your family to dinner at their house. The color from your face immediately drained as a cold sweat formed all over your body, your mother seemingly ecstatic at the news, “Oh, it will be just like old times! And you can finally see Minho after so long, isn’t that great, sweetheart?” she beamed, your father also nodding alongside her. 
You cleared your throat as you forced a fake smile, “Yeah, that does sound great, mom. When are we going over?”
“Tonight! So make sure to be ready to walk over by seven, okay?”
Tonight? Oh, god, no, that was far too soon when you had just barely recovered from seeing Minho yesterday, and now tonight? Breathe, Y/N. Just one night, then you’ll never see him again,  you ressaured yourself, trying to find a way to make this news manageable. You honestly should have seen this coming, your mom was also best friends with Minho’s mom, but for some reason that detail had escaped you.
Just one evening, just one dinner, then it would be all over, right?
。゚•┈୨♡୧┈• 。゚
Dinner was going as well as it could have. Minho’s mother spent a great deal of effort preparing a feast for your family and she showered you with compliments as soon as you walked through the door, commenting how you had grown into such a lovely young adult. 
Minho and you only exchanged an awkward hello, which didn’t raise any alarms in either of your parents as they somewhat expected this, especially considering how your friendship ended as children. Nonetheless, it did not stop the onslaught of questions each set of parents asked in attempts to catch up, nor did it stop them trying to force a conversation between you two.
“So, Y/N, how was university in the states? Did you like it there?” curiously inquired Minho’s father.
“Oh, it was great! Definitely got to meet some life long friends there and had lots of fun,” you politely responded, “I didn’t exactly live the typical all-american college experience, but it was still nice. Excited to start my new job once I get back though! I got a really good offer and the position I wanted.”
Minho’s mother gasped as she congratulated you, “That’s amazing! I remember your mother telling me how stressed you were about those interviews, but I’m glad you got it,” she then turned her head to Minho while giving him a slight nudge, “Minho also graduated, he got a job offer as well. Tell them about it, Minho.”
Minho awkwardly cleared his throat, “Uhm, yeah, I just got an offer with a bank here as an analyst, but I’m waiting to hear back from another company before negotiating.”
You nodded as he spoke, looking anywhere, but him as your parents also commended him, you weakly congratulating him as well. Wow, this felt painfully awkward, but somehow neither of your parents seemed to care too much about the tension between you two.
“How about a special someone, Y/N?” Minho’s dad asked, the question catching you by surprise. Your eyes landed on the boy who sat across from you, who looked just as surprised, but fully interested in your response.
“Ah, no, not right now… Kinda focused on myself for now,” you respond, a stiff smile on your face, feeling nervous under the sudden intensity of Minho’s gaze.
Your mother let out a chortle, finding your embarrassment endearing, “What about you, Minho? Any girlfriends?” she teased, wiggling her eyebrows as everyone else joined in laughing.
“Minho does have a girlfriend! It’s such a shame she couldn’t make it tonight, she was a lovely girl,” his mom piped, “Reminded me a bit of you, Y/N, if I’m being honest.”
You didn’t know why, but something inside you sank, an indescribable wave of disappointment washed over you at the words girlfriend. Of course he had one, he’s, well, an attractive, smart, man. Of course, but why were you so bothered by it? You haven’t spoken to him in years, you virtually had no relationship with him and only had remnants of the past to hold onto, yet your stomach began to twist and turn inside you, almost as if you were jealous? Ah, no, this is weird, this isn’t right. Maybe the food just isn’t sitting with you well, maybe you caught a stomach bug that just so happened to show its symptoms just in this moment.
The boy coughed, “We, uh… We broke up, that’s why she isn’t coming.”
Everyone stood in silence, not expecting that kind of news over dinner, both sets of parents shooting him an apologetic look, but for some reason, you felt relieved to hear that. The pit that was forming in your stomach suddenly vanished, as if Minho’s words just cured you of your ailment.
“What, you never told us!” Minho’s mother exclaimed.
“It was a few weeks ago, it happens. I’m fine, really.” 
Maybe that explains the tired look in Minho’s eyes when you first saw him yesterday, maybe that explains the somber look he carried that day, and perhaps he went to the pond for a moment of peace, just as you did, except your very presence ruined it. There returned the familiar hand of guilt that rested its heavy hand on your shoulders, never giving you the chance to take a deep breath.
Beside that, dinner did move on relatively well as everyone took turns to catch up or reminisce on the olden days, all while gossiping about who was up to what. As dinner came to a close, both sets of parents decided it was best for you two to be left with washing the dishes alone in the house, as they moved to the patio area to chat amongst themselves.
Minho and you silently stood next to each other as he washed the dishes, handing them to you for them to dry with a rag, much as you two did while growing up. Although you two were much older, there was a comforting air that hung around you two that allowed you to relax the tension your body had been carrying over the dinner, humming a quiet tune as you dried each plate.
“You still hum while doing the dishes?” Minho asked, a small amused smile taking over his features.
You froze in place, not expecting him to willingly speak to you, much less take the time to ask you a question. “I guess I still do,” you replied lightly, afraid that the mere sound of your voice would somehow upset him. 
A quiet lull returned after your response, neither of you knowing what to do or even say around another as guilt nibbled away at each of you, but for your own different reasons. 
“I’m sorry.”
 “I’m sorry”
You both turned to each other, eyes widened in surprise as you both rushed mumbled apologies to each other at the same exact time. Neither of you knew what to do in this unexpected situation, awkwardness filling both your eyes as you both struggled to stammer out a response.
“I… I’m sorry for never telling you I was leaving, I should’ve known bet-”
“No, no, we were both kids. Neither of us knew better. I’m sorry for being so… rude. I don’t know what got into me. I’m really sorry.”
“It’s okay,” you whispered anxiously, continuing to dry the glass cup in your hand, “It’s a lot to handle all at once. I don’t blame you one bit.”
“It really isn’t okay. We were both hurting in our own ways, I think we both did the best we could at the time,” he smiled reassuringly at you, the same one he had flashed you the first day he dragged you out to the forest to find the pond, a smile you had come to miss. 
“Oh, and sorry about… your ex? Break ups suck…”
“It’s fine, I actually am glad we broke up… she was, well… it wasn’t great for either of us,” he mumbled, not willing to divulge any further, “Break ups suck? Sounds like you’ve had your fair share.”
You laugh lightly, “Unfortunately. Mine weren’t as peaceful as yours. You sound a lot happier than I was.”
“Well, you’ve always been a crybaby. Guess not much has changed about you, huh?” he mused, a teasing smirk forming on his face.
You rolled your eyes as you snorted, playfully nudging him with your hip, “Shut up. You’re still as annoying as I remember too.”
“I bet you missed it.”
“I did. A lot. Moving sucked.”
He handed you the last of the dishes to dry, deep in thought as he leaned his back against the kitchen counter, “Was it hard?”
You sighed as you put the last dish away, turning to him as you swallowed thickly, “I think I cried nearly every day for two years straight,” your gaze was stuck looking down at the floor as you fiddled with your fingers, “It was really hard. I didn’t have friends for a long time. No one understood me when I tried speaking English, and I didn’t understand the other kids a lot of the time, but I always knew they were laughing at me.”
Minho’s heart ached hearing how your voice slightly quivered as you recalled the memory, he could tell it was your first time ever saying any of it out loud. There was an icy sadness surrounding you as you spoke, yet no tears were to be found. Maybe you were good at hiding them, or maybe you had grown too tired to cry for your younger self at this point, but it didn’t take away from the scars the loneliness had left on your heart. “I’m sorry, Y/N. I should’ve been there for you.”
You shook your head, an exasperated laugh left you as a resigned smile took over your face, “It’s okay, it was years ago. I’ve learned to deal with it. Besides, I did end up making friends and I ended up learning how to speak English.”
Minho was amazed at your ability to force a cheerful expression while discussing something so traumatic, something he would have never expected you to be able to do. He couldn’t help but wonder what you had endured all these years on your own, wondering where the sensitive and delicate version of you he had once knew had gone, feeling angry that you had been hurt so much that your tenderness was forced to become a callous exterior. 
The child he had once known was so fragile, he had to wear gloves when handling your porcelain heart, nervous his very own touch or breath could crack it if he wasn’t careful. Minho hated seeing you cry. He would defend you, fighting tooth and nail, like his life depended on it if anyone ever upset you, even going as far as angrily huffing and puffing at your parents if they ever raised their voice at you. And every time, he would comfort you right after in a gentle embrace until you calmed down, making sure to glare at anyone who tried to disturb your peace. How much did your little heart break over the years? Who was there to pick up the pieces and comfort you through those moments? Had you really dealt with it all by yourself? The thought alone made Minho’s heart writhe in despair, aching as he mourned this realization.
You reached out to grab Minho’s arm as you saw the downcast expression on his face, “Hey, it’s not your fault. I learned how to defend myself and I think I turned out pretty okay at the end of it,” you reassured before laughing, “Unless you think I’m lame now.”
Your laugh was enough to bring Minho out his incessant thoughts, a mischievous grin returning, “I never thought you were cool in the first place.”
“Kidding, kidding. I’m just glad to have you back. I missed you lots.”
“I missed you too.”
。゚•┈୨♡୧┈• 。゚
Over the past few days, you and Minho had become inseparable, spending nearly every minute of the day with one another, much like how you two did when you were children. For the first time in years, you finally felt that you belonged somewhere, no longer feeling out of place like you have since the day you moved away. It didn’t matter where you were, but as long as Minho was there, you felt like you were at home. He knew this too, he noticed the change from the first day he found you at the pond again to now. You were much more relaxed, as if all the worries in the world disappeared while you both were together, giggling over whatever stupid joke was made. You weren’t on edge as you were before, and the walls you had surrounded your heart with slowly crumbled away through his affections. 
And even though over a decade has since passed since you two last spoke, it was as if time had paused since the moment you left, and only resumed from the day you both made up. Nothing has changed, except everything about the two of you changed. Your childhood friendship continued like it was nothing, playing like a song that had been paused, waiting to sing its tune, except you two were much older, more matured, and had experienced so much of life. Whatever you each went through shaped you into the adults you were today, yet the kids you each knew hid behind locked doors that only the two of you had accessed.
Yet, there was a more complicated matter that you had to address before it snowballed out of control. Your feelings. Love was never a word you and Minho shied away from, as you often told each other ‘I love you’ while growing up, it seemed natural during that time of childlike innocence. You knew you loved Minho, and you knew he loved you, but saying it as adults had an entirely implication and your feelings were indicating something much deeper than platonic love. 
It was no secret that your childhood best friend had grown into a rather handsome man, and the childhood crush you once had on him was flourishing into something greater than just a crush. The smallest of gestures would send a frenzy of butterflies and warmth rushing throughout your veins, hoping to god Minho had not noticed just how much of an effect he was having on you.
If you two were walking through a crowded area, he’d grab your hand without hesitation as he led you through the swarms of people. If you had food stuck on the corner of your lips, he’d grab a napkin and wipe it off. If you saw a small trinket at the shopping mall you wanted, the very next day he’d come back with the item in hand, saying he bought it so you could remember to text or call him when you went back to the states. It was moments like those that felt so incredibly intimate to you, but part of you wasn’t sure if it could all be explained away by how comfortable you two were with one another. 
And here you were again, sitting on the couch of Minho’s living room after he had begged you to watch a new scary movie with him, insisting this was to make up for the pre-teen years you both missed out on and that he would’ve forced you to watch one then. You tried to protest, saying that you guys weren’t kids anymore and there was no need for these ‘tests of bravery,’ yet you couldn’t resist the way he would pout and whine, begging you to do so for him just like he would as a child. 
You were barely watching the movie, just peeking out from behind a blanket as Minho’s secure arm wrapped around your shoulders, your head laying on his chest as you cowered in fear over the pure suspense of the movie. Each time you’d flinch, you could feel a soft rumble come from Minho’s chest, doing his best to stifle a laugh and hide the fact that he was enjoying every moment of this. 
“I fucking hate you,” you scowled, still recovering from the last jumpscare.
Minho giggled at your face, finding your attempt to look upset absolutely adorable, “No, you don’t,” reaching his other arm over you as he squeezed you into an affectionate embrace, “It’s not my fault you’re still a giant baby after all these years.”
You grumbled while doing your best to shove Minho off you, but there was no way you’d be able to overpower him. You’ve hugged Minho so many times throughout your life, but this time, it sent your heart racing so loud that you could hear it drumming in your own ears, silently praying that he couldn’t hear it too. Something about this hug felt different, especially when he kept you close in his arms, refusing to let you go as he snuggled into you. This trip was going to be the death of you.
Without fail, every time you jolted in your seat, Minho was quick to chuckle at each of your reactions and tighten his grip on you gently, not skipping a beat to plant a chaste kiss on your forehead while whispering to you that it was just a movie. If you were two kids, this would be something normal and innocent, but right now, it left you feeling like a flustered mess who was melting under the heat of his affection.
You were slowly feeling yourself short-circuit, your body starting to sweat from the heat of embarrassment that was washing over you. Surely, Minho would feel the amount of warmth emanating from you at this point, yet he seemed completely unbothered as his eyes were trained on the movie ahead of you. You were relieved that he seemed aloof to the distress you were experiencing, but also mildly insecure that he seemed so… relaxed despite the proximity you two shared. Maybe he had only seen this under the same childhood innocence and nothing more, maybe it was only you making a big fuss over this.
It was becoming too much for you to bear as you started to shift uncomfortably, slowly getting up while excusing yourself to the bathroom. Minho’s eyebrows furrowed with concern, “Are you okay?” 
You nodded your head hastily as you made your way to the bathroom, “Uhm, yeah! Just not feeling well suddenly, not sure why. Just gonna splash some water on my face.”
He didn’t seem too convinced, he could sense there was something more to it, but decided to let it go. You raced to the bathroom, shutting the door behind you to finally catch a breath, shaking your hands as if you were trying to remove all the nervous energy out of you. Your face was hot to the touch, thankful for the cold water from the faucet as you splashed it onto your warm cheeks. You weren’t sure how much time had passed, but it was long enough for Minho to come knocking at the door, “Y/N? Is everything okay?”
You swung the door instantly, startling Minho as he backed up from the door, his eyebrows raised at your change in behavior, “What’s wrong? Don’t lie to me, I can tell something’s up.”
Minho’s eyes narrowed as he looked into yours, trying to search your eyes for an answer as you bit the inside of your cheek, your eyes entirely avoiding him, “It’s nothing, I’ll be fine-”
“I promise, I’m probably just overreacting, Minho. I’ll be fine.”
He stared down at you with his arms crossed, pursuing his lips as he watched the corners of your lips twitch, a telltale sign that you were lying, “Am I making you uncomfortable? Was the movie too much for you? You know you can tell me anything.”
You shook your head panickedly, “No, no, it’s nothing like that, I swear! Don’t worry about it.”
You gulped, you knew there was no way out of this. Minho knew you better than anyone else, he knew you weren’t randomly feeling ill over nothing, he knew it had nothing to do with the movie. 
“I really don’t wanna talk about it, Minho. It’s okay.”
“Okay, we don’t have to talk about it, but can you at least tell me if it has anything to do with me?”
The stubbornness you found charming as a child was definitely an absolute pain in the ass as the adult man in front of you analyzed every microscopic detail you, trying his best to get to the bottom of what had you acting strangely. You couldn’t lie to him, no, he would know as soon as you opened your mouth it was a lie. Sure, you could tell him he was the cause of your unsettledness, but would that even go well? There were too many factors to consider, too much to think about and your long pause told Minho everything he needed to know.
He sighed, taking a step back as he started to make his way back to the living room, “It’s fine, I can tell. If this is too much, we can stop here. We can talk about it tomorrow morning.”
The words flew out your mouth before you had the chance to even think. Oh, you were mentally cursing at yourself as Minho turned to you again, his face furrowed with confusion, “No?”
“I just… I mean, it’s just a lot, but it isn’t at the same time?” you sounded so unsure as you said it, which only caused Minho to tilt his head to the side as he tried to understand you.
“It’s too much, but it isn’t…” he mumbled to himself, his mind straining to figure out the riddles you were speaking, “I know I said we don’t have to talk about it, but you do realize you’re not making any sense, right?”
You forced a tight-lipped smile, inhaling sharply, “Uhm, yeah… It doesn’t make sense to me either.”
“You’re lying. You know exactly what you mean, you just don’t want to tell me.”
You winced at his bluntness, not really surprised at how direct he was being with you, “Do you not trust me anymore?”
His eyes glossed over with insecurity and worry as he asked that question, your heart dropping immediately, wanting nothing more than shoo those feelings away, “What? Of course I still trust you.”
“Then why can’t you tell me?”
“Because it’s complicated?”
“But why?”
“Why can’t you just drop it?” you raised your voice in frustration at his insistence, not willing to budge as he tried to pry his way into your mind.
“Well,” he hesitated, “The last time you hid something from me, you left. So forgive me for being a little scared.”
Your mouth dropped open at Minho’s statement, not expecting him to be so vulnerable with you out of nowhere, “I… Minho, I’m sorry,” you whispered tearfully, your stomach flipping onto itself as it digested the grief Minho had just voiced. You stepped towards him, reaching for his hands as you clasped them between yours, “I’m sorry, it’s just… I don’t really know if I should be saying this.”
“Trust me this time, please? I don’t want to be left in the dark again,” he pleaded, his mind reminding him of the day he waited for you as the amber sunset turned into the night sky.
Your hands started to tremble in his, your nerves taking over as you unexpectedly found yourself about to confess your feelings to a man who lived thousands miles from you, a man you had only started talking to a few days ago, a man who had somehow known you your entire life, despite missing so many crucial years together. Your breath hitched as the butterflies in your stomach got caught in your throat, your nerves signaling off as the electrifying feeling of adrenaline took over, “I, uh… I am really happy we’ve made up, I’m really happy to have rekindled our friendship with one another, and I’ve loved all the time we have spent with each other over the last few days, but…”
Trepidation ran through you, biting your lip for a brief moment as you hesitated to continue your sentence, “Maybe I’ve come to love it a little too much?” At this point, you were looking for every way possible to avoid saying your actual feelings, hoping Minho would connect the dots for you, but his face told you he had no idea what you meant. “Okay, you don’t have to tell me I’m still not making sense, I can see it in your face,” you sighed. He nodded, urging you to continue with patient eyes.
“I… like you?”
It was quiet, so quiet you swore both Minho and you could hear your heart thumping, your hands clamming up as you held his, terrified eyes examining his face for his reactions. He stilled for a moment, as if he was processing your words before breaking out into a grin, a hearty laugh escaping him.
“I already knew that.”
You froze in place, disbelief painting your face as you stared at him incredulously, “What?”
“Don’t tell me you’re also still clueless after all these years,” yet he took your silence as confirmation, shaking his head as he giggled, “Do you really think I was being overly affectionate with you for no reason?”
Your mouth dried up from nerves, stuttering over your reply, “I… Yes? I thought you were just… I don’t know, I thought you were just treating me the same way you did as when we were kids.”
“And do you know why I treated you like that growing up?” he questioned with a candied smile.
You blinked slowly, your head shaking cautiously as you tried to decipher his words, “Because… I don’t know? We were best friends.”
“Sure, that was part of it, but it was more like me having a giant crush on you.”
“... That means I still like you, if that wasn’t clear enough for you.”
There was no way this was real, this all had to be a dream, you just couldn’t believe your ears. Your childhood crush, the man that caused our feelings to go absolutely haywired in a matter of a few days, felt the same exact way for you this whole time and you just somehow missed it? No, no, this was certainly a dream, why on earth would he be into someone like you, someone who-
“Y/N,” he removed his hands from yours, resting them on top of your shoulders as he leaned down to come face to face with you, effectively waking you up from your reverie, “Let’s make up for lost time,” he whispered, his breath fanning on your lips, “Can I kiss you?”
You stared back with doe eyes, all your vocabulary escaping you as you gulped, nodding your head perhaps a little too excitedly. Minho’s smile only widened at your reaction, his rough hands traveling to cup your face with half-lidded eyes, his head leaning forward as his chapped lips closed the gap. His lips melded against yours, your hands grasping at his t-shirt as you felt your knees buckle under him, clinging onto him as if your life depended on it. You felt yourself weaken under his touch, becoming prisoner to his affection as the world around you quieted, much like the moment of silence that existed between the end of a performance and explosive applause of the audience. Everything stalled, as if the expanse of the universe took a pause and the supernovas’ violent bursts slowed to witness feverish kiss between you two. You were becoming lightheaded, pulling away from the dizzying kiss as your chests heaved in an attempt to catch your breath. Minho’s cheeks and ears burned a bright scarlet, a sweet smile grazing his features as his eyes brimmed with love and affection, softly whispering:
“I love you.”
“I love you too.”
。゚•┈୨♡୧┈• 。゚
Once again, the familiar, low, hum of mosquitos filled your ears as Minho’s firm hand led you down the same dirt trail you’ve traveled down hundreds of times, leaves brushing against the skin of your arms as you cautiously followed his grasp. Today, Minho told you he had one last surprise for you before you traveled back home, blindfolding you at the entrance of the forest as butterflies fluttered in your stomach, temporarily distracting you from the fact that this was your last day here before returning to the states, returning to your mundane life and leaving this mind numbing summer romance behind.
He slowed down his pace, signaling to you that you had arrived to your destination, his hands slipping out of yours as you felt his presence behind you, gently removing the blindfold as he softly whispered, “we’re here.”
As soon as the blindfold was off, your eyes blinked rapidly as they adjusted to the change of lighting, scanning the scene that stood ahead of them as Minho made his way into your vision, a saccharine smile beaming at you, “Do you like it?”
Like was an understatement as a grin broke out onto your face, your heart filling with an overwhelming amount of adoration as you took in the surprise Minho spent so long preparing for earlier this morning. There, beside the pond, laid a small plaid blanket with a picnic basket centered atop of it, a bouquet of your favorite flowers and a bottle of wine propped up against the basket. You gasped with delight as your heart softened, “Oh, Minho, I love it.”
His shoulders relaxed at your words, no longer feeling nervous as he grabbed your hand and guided you to the blanket, sitting down next to you as he gingerly laid out the food he prepared in front you. “I made you some of your favorites,” he added, gently opening the bottle of wine and pouring you a glass, “I hope its as good as it looks,” he laughed anxiously, handling you a small bento box with the a serving cutely prepared, the vegetables cut out into small hearts decorating the rice. You took a bite of the food as soon as you had the chance, a small moan escaping you due to how delicious it was, your eyes widening in surprise, not expecting it to be so flavorful, “Minho, this is so good, you made this?”
He proudly nodded, pride bubbling up within him as you complimented the meal he made for you, one where he spent an agonizing amount of time to make because it just had to be perfect for you, especially today of all days, a day he wanted to send you off with the happiest memories.
You both continued to enjoy the date Minho had put so much effort in, occasionally teasing one another or chuckling at whatever lame joke the other made, both of you trying to avoid the looming topic at hand, the inevitable ending of this summer love story that was doomed to last for only a few weeks.
“So…” Minho anxiously drawled, “You’re leaving tomorrow…”
You smiled weakly as you cleared your throat, “That I am.”
He pursed his lips, struggling to ask the question you both knew you needed to address, “So… what does it mean for us?”
A heavy sigh escaped you as the tension in the air thickened, both of you intently staring at one another, trying to decode what the other was thinking before speaking, “What do you want it to mean?”
“I asked you first,” he responded a little too fast for your liking, not willing to voice his thoughts without hearing yours first.
“Well, uhm…” you paused, debating with your mind and heart as you decided your next words, “I am going back to the states, back to my friends, back to my job, back to my life.”
“Right,” he mumbled with a crestfallen expression, “Your life is there, not here.”
“It is.”
“What about me?” he whispered in a quivered voice.
“Well, your life is here, my life is not here. I don’t really…” you took a deep breath, tears starting to prick your eyes, “I don’t know how we would work.”
He nodded tearfully, knowing he couldn’t deny the difficulty of managing a long distance relationship, especially one like this, “What if I moved with you? What if you moved back?”
You shook your head, your heart breaking at Minho’s attempts to find a solution, “Minho, you don’t even speak English, you wouldn’t be able to find a job there and use your degree-”
“I can learn! I promise, I’ll start studying-”
He stopped mid-sentence, his stubbornness refusing to let him accept the reality you two had found yourselves in, “Minho, you already have a job offer here, your friends and family are here. You wouldn’t be happy in the states, it’s so hard living there as a foreigner.”
“I’d be happy anywhere as long as I’m with you,” he begged, praying you’d at least try to see the glimmer of hope he was trying to conjure up, “I don’t care where, as long as I’m with you, I’d be happy.”
You bit your lip as you tried to suppress a sob, “You know that’s not true, you know your happiness can’t be dependent on me alone.”
“You don’t want to come back here?”
“I… can’t, Minho. My life isn’t here anymore, it hasn’t been in years.”
Crystal tears fell from Minho’s eyes, his eyes no longer being able to meet yours as the your words crushed his soul, the love he felt for you expelling into his tears as he began to mourn your loss once more, sobbing much like he did all those years ago. Through hiccups, he blubbered “Please, Y/N. Please don’t leave me again.”
You squeezed your eyes shut as you sniffled, no longer being able to watch the man you love completely fall apart in front of you, cursing yourself for your cruel words that stabbed over and over again in his bleeding heart. “I’m so sorry, Minho. I don’t want this either, but what choice do we have? You and I both know our lives would never cross paths, we would never be able to come together.”
“We can try-”
“For what? To only cry years later to have this same exact conversation again?” you snapped, your frustrated tears and guilty conscience no longer being able to handle his pleading, it only wounding you more. You’ve already spent the past few weeks trying to scour for a possibility, a fragment of hope that showed you a timeline in which you two would be happy together, but it simply didn’t exist in this life, no matter how many times you flipped and turned the story. This wasn’t a movie, this wasn’t some romance novel where love would triumph it all, this was the bitter and harsh realities of life, and you hated it with all your heart.
You let out a despondent sigh as you lamented over the situation, your hands gingerly reaching out for Minho’s chin, forcing his teary-eyed face to look at yours, “Minho, I’m sorry, baby.”
He sniffled, his nose reddening as hot drops cascaded down his cheeks, “I’m sorry too.”
“I love you with everything in me, Minho, and I always will no matter where life takes us,” you murmured heartbrokenly, “I have known you for thousands of lifetimes, and I don’t regret meeting you in a single one.”
His hands reached out to hold yours, removing them from his face as he grasped them tightly, as if he was fearing you’d fade away if he loosened his grip, “I just wish we worked in this one,” he trembled.
“Me too, but…” you heaved, “Maybe in the next one, right? You’ll find me again?”
He laughed melancholily, “Always. I’d chase you to the very end of the universe if I had to.”
“Kiss me one more time? So I don’t forget?”
He smiled with anguished eyes, not hesitating to tilt his head as his lips captured yours once more,  in one last, passionate kiss with all the devotion in the world, leaving the taste of your bittersweet love, one where only the two of you would know and understand. 
You were leaving him again, but at least he got to say goodbye this time.
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I honestly interpret ORCA-
As a flawed - and morally gray? - character, who is a daughter that grew up with a AWFUL - and probably and/or possibly abusive - mother
A mother who:
Neglected and didn’t care about Orca’s brothers because “They can’t inherit the throne.”
Who threatened to put a literal MUZZLE on Anemone when she complained ONCE about being attached to Coral on a harness 24/7.
Who would’ve used ORCA and her animus magic (that’s stated to thought literally deteriorate a dragon’s SOUL when used) as a tool and a weapon of war for Blister.
Who probably would’ve even make Orca Marry WHIRLPOOL, since Anemone - who was ONE years old and Whirlpool’s STUDENT - literally mentioned that she thought she HAD to marry Whirlpool until Tsunami arrived at the SeaWing Kingdom.
A dragon who Orca saw how AWFUL of a ruler that Coral is
A Queen who:
Literally YAWNED when she heard that one of her subjects died.
Worried about blood staining her floor from her scouts that she did NOT even CARE about that were literally DYING in front of her.
Cared more about her subjects reading her literature than ACTUALLY LEARNING HOW TO FIGHT AND SURVIVE ON THE BATTLEFIELD.
Probably produced GLORIFIED PROPAGANDA about herself for her subjects to read.
Who made a scroll about Oysters and Clams that literally promotes CLASSISM and “GENETIC SUPERIORITY”.
Made her subjects fight within a war for Blister - which will RISK and CAUSE the SeaWing’s deaths and give them IMMENSE amounts of physical and/or mental TRAUMA - INSTEAD of them hiding and living within the the Deep Sea Kingdom until AFTER the SandWing Succession War has ENDED.
With Orca wanting to kill Coral to NOT JUST to end Coral’s awful rule and negative impact on HER LIFE, but also on her SUBJECT’ LIVES as well, (possibly also in order for them to live in peace within the deep palace without suffering from the pain, trauma, and death of the war no longer.)
With Orca possibly wanting to win the loyal challenge for the throne in a “fair fight” in order to possibly prove to her subjects that she’s NOT doing it because she’s corrupted with power-hungry yearning for the power of the throne - but instead win fair and just in order to prove that she wants the throne in order to possibly have a better life and be a much fair and better ruler than Coral has been.
And Orca deciding kill any future heirs to the throne possibly due to fear and paranoia that the future heirs would possibly become like Coral - due to the propaganda spread by Orca’s mother and the rest of the tribe being internalized and/or believed by the heirs themselves - and kill Orca and become awful Queen to the Sea Kingdom, and also in order to live fixing the damage and/or awfulness of what Coral has done to the Sea Kingdom under HER rule as long as possible.
Because that’s honestly how I interpret her. And by remembering the how awful and a mother and queen that Coral really is AND remembering the final words that Orca said to her mother…makes this interpretation of mine honestly make sense.
“I did this all wrong. You’re going to rule forever, aren’t you, Mother? You should thank me. No one can stop you now.” - Orca, the SeaWing heir.
❗️You’re going to rule forever, aren’t you, Mother? (…) No one can stop you now. ❗️
To me, that quote did NOT come a power-hungry villain who wanted the power of the throne-
But INSTEAD from a young teenage daughter who wanted to put an end on her mother’s rule that is awful and tyrant in Orca’s eyes, to the point that Orca wanted and was literally planning to take over the throne AS SOON AS she became a literal legal YOUNG ADULT within her kingdom.
And to me, the reason why people probably DON’T view Orca in this way that I do, is because of the fact that CORAL - THE awful mother and awful queen of the Sea Kingdom - was the one who describe Orca’s motives. Orca’s planning and wanting to take the throne. The very SeaWing Queen who probably has flawed and biased interpretations towards literally everyone that she lays her eyes upon, including her own daughter, Orca, who wanted to kill Coral herself in order to take over Coral’s place on throne.
I’m SO sorry if I unintentionally glorified ANY of Orca’s bad and/or negative behaviors within this confession, I’ve been thinking about her character like this for a while.
I’m also sorry if I spelled anything incorrectly and improperly within this confession, I’ve been typing this for quite a while now.
Thank you for anymore for reading this analysis of this character who’s barely been mentioned within the books. I hope you have a good day/night :).
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justcressida · 8 months
Hey! Saw ur page doing manhwa reader, how about a reader who got isekaid into the og wives of the character? Like persephone or sif before their meeting and becoming their wife ?but has different characteristics than them a bit? Would u do it?
Note: Okay, this brought some good things to my mind...
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This was actually an online novel based on Record Of Ragnarok, the story was about Hades and the author's own character, and you couldn't help but read it.
Of course, the author made Persephone the villain, it wasn't something that surprised you. After all, who can tolerate the wife of their favorite character?
And here you are, sure you're not dead, but one morning you woke up and you were in Persephone's body! It was unbelievable, but it was real.
In the original story, Persephone was being executed, you should have gotten rid of that.It was always said that there was no escape from the underground, but Hades made sure of this by feeding the pomegranate to Persephone, but...
You tamed a King and escaped.
To another King.
Leaving great destruction behind.
You were stunned at first, Mythology had always been your interest and you had watched Ragnarok with great pleasure, you had even had a love affair with fan fiction written but... This was crazy!
Hades was a kind man no matter what, and the original novel was 2 months away from starting, which was based on the end of Ragnarok and an unknown.
So, in the same bed with your husband, you started to prepare your escape plan. You lived in your own little world, away from Hades' love, touch and attention.
Of course he noticed, how could it not matter? His lovely wife was getting further and further away from him, and there was nothing he could do.
Time was working in your favor, Hades watched painfully as his wife treated him step by step like a stranger. Then one day news was heard that violently shook the entire underworld.
They say bad news comes quickly. The impact of his escape was far more jarring than he had anticipated. Poseidon's seas rippled with tsunamis, lightning flashed in the sky as if it were pouring down on people, and the underworld was enveloped in the agonized screams of demons.
12 The Greek Gods and all the Gods they dragged with them searched for you in every inch of the land, and with each news he received that they could not find, Hades lost more and more of his cold fortitude.
With equal timing, the person you ran away from was Qin Shi Huang. Who can deal with a King? Another King.
Thus, while Qin Shi Huang was the one you took refuge in, you spent a lot of time in his palace with him. Your Goddess body, Qin Shi Huang's mortal body, couldn't stand it for long, but she died happily.
When Ragnarok began, you were there with all the other bloodlines. Once again, you were with Qin Shi Huang and his warm, often playful, cute aura
You were absolutely against Qin Shi Huang fighting, but he preferred to fight in a manner befitting an Emperor.
As soon as you saw the person he was going to fight, daggers were plunged into his heart. You felt like you were dying. Hades. Hades, who spent his last centuries searching for you, hoping for you at every moment, and dying day by day despite being a God with the thought of 'why did this happen?'.
In the last seconds of your life, your eyes touched your eyes, which contained all the glory of purple. He smiled apologetically, not even knowing what he was apologizing for.
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carionto · 9 months
We can no longer wait
Earth is dying.
About 700 years ago we finally managed to achieve true fusion. The cost was our inability to stop it, manifesting in the largest explosion since the primordial formation of our planet.
A 200km hole suddenly appearing in the middle of the ocean, atomizing a good chunk of it, sending trillions of tons of matter up in the air - most of which fell back down; correction - was still falling down until we finished the cleanup process just a few years before slipping back into the Universe, made us adapt the term Deathworld for our own home.
The tectonic plates are a mess. There was a three year long, uninterrupted earthquake across nearly every single fault line. Once we were able to, we discovered a few new ones. The Alpine mountains are violently growing by several meters every decade, sometimes crumbling back down in a rock avalanche. The other ranges are also quite... unwise to live near to.
And the Tsunami. A singular wave swept across nearly everything but the tallest mountains and plateaus. Pictures from our space stations and other off-world vessels at the time show an unrecognizable world - landmasses that had not seen light in eons; ocean where a desert should be; black and gray and red emerging from all known volcanoes. Hell.
Billions died in the first day. What was left of Humanity managed to climb back to where we stand now only because nearly all of our knowledge was backed up in space, though the debris storm did put most low orbit satellites and vessels out of commission. It took a few decades before we managed to manually build an industrial printer, but one is all we needed.
Ironically, the main purpose of developing such a massive reactor that can cause the destruction of a planet was to use it to help terraform planets for our needs. We did not expect to have a use for it so soon. Well, not really to make Earth habitable again, just reduce and slow down the effects of it dying in this case.
There is no saving Earth. We are artificially keeping it mostly sane. The underlying movements, however, will reach a breaking point within the next few hundred years, maybe less, it's simply too chaotic below to tell. We have to leave.
Whether the Galactic Coalition or whoever else may be out there agrees to us moving out and spreading through the stars is really not up to them to decide. We will and they will accept us. All they can decide on is what form that acceptance takes.
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darkcrowprincess · 3 months
Percico thoughts:
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*the day of Percy and Annabeths Wedding rehearsal*
Nico(in a nice Italian suit his father got him) running towards Jason sitting next to Leo, both of them sitting on a fancy fountain with cupids: Hide me!
Jason who was about to kiss Leo, takes out his sword looking for an enemy:*looks around* What?! Whats wrong?!
Leo looking at Nico: Dude you're blushing like a tomato, and is that *Leo with delight* a hickey on your neck?!
Nico with a slight dazed look in his eyes, as if all his dreams came true for one second, but reality came crashing back real hard and fast: Y-you need to hide me he's going to kill me!
Jason and Leo at the same time: Who?
Percy inside the building where the wedding rehearsal is: NICO DI ANGELO!
Jason and Leo as one turn their heads to the building confused.
Nico eyes go wide and fearful: Oh gods!
Percy voice loud and angry, the ground starts shaking slightly, the water in the fountain starts bubbling: NICO! Get your pale emo ass out here!
Nico runs to hide behind Jason(hes the tallest and has the most bulk to hide behind).
Percy finally comes out in a ocean blue suit, he looks handsome but also extremely pissed off. He looks like a god.
Percy finds Nico: Nico!
Nico yelps, and starts climbing up Jason body.
Jason: Stop! What are you doing?
Percy stomps towards them quickly, eyes an angry tsunami : You do not kiss people, especially engaged people!* Percy starts trying to hop up to try and pull Nico off of Jason. Cursing Jasons tall height* Then run off and hide as if nothing happened!
Leo laughing: Looks like more than kissing.
Nico: I'm sorry. I'm sorry!
Jason: Nico get down, Percy stop it! Your pulling on my suit. Leo? A little help here.
Leo just falls to the ground, holding his sides and keeps laughing.
Percy finally pulls Nico off of Jason, he olds him him by his suit jacket*not hurting him*. Holding all his weight that his toes barley touch the ground . He brings Nico's face so close to his they are nose to nose. Percy is still pissed off, but also blushing like Nico.
Percy: what where you thinking?
Nico: I'm sorry.
Percy: You were the one who said I wasn't your type!
Nico starts to struggle in Percy's arms: I know, please let me go!
Percy finally starts crying: I thought you hated me! Why do you always bring drama into my life?!
Jason and Leo both watch this, like its a telenovela. They gasp at this.
Nico finally gets pissed off, eyes glowing with the underworld in them: Excuse me!
Nico pushes out of Percys hold and starts slapping at his chest. Both Nico and Percy starts pushing at each other. Unknowingly getting closer and closer to the foutain.
Nico pissed off: I bring drama into your life! What about you Perseus Jackson! If you knew half the shit I've done to help you, to help everyone! Because all the fucking drama and tragedy you drag everyone around you into!
Jason: guys!
Percy getting close to his face: That is not my fault! I never asked you to do that. I never asked for any of this!
Nico getting in his face: No because you never ask for anything! You don't feel anything! Not unless someone else is telling you how you should feel. So excuse me if I was afraid of telling the great Percy Jackson how I feel!!
Jason: Guys!
Percy: Yeah well what do you have to fear now you little creep! Because I'm sure everyone can tell now!
Percy freezes, than starts shaking. He tackles Nico into the fountain: WELL I HATE AND LOVE YOU TOO!
They both fall into the fountain, start pushing at each other. Soon pushing turns into full on kissing and making out.
Jason: Oh gods
Leo: *in spanish* oh my gods!
Annabeth from inside the building: Percy where are you.
Leo and Jason panics: Oh no!!!
Percy and Nico are still making out in the fountain, lost in their own world.
(Don't like don't read. Post hate and I'll block you)
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yourlocalmerchgirl · 4 months
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The War Within - Part One
Briefly Joel x Neurodivergant Reader Then Tommy x Neurodivergant wife reader
Summary: You've only been with Joel for 6 months when the outbreak happens, flipping your entire life into a hell scape. Feeling backed into a corner and completely suffocated by life you decide to join the Fireflies with Tommy after a heartbreaking event to search for a better life and the two of you end up in Jackson
A twist of fate happens and you and Tommy Fall in love and get married when Joel and Ellie turn up in Jackson one day and you have to face him all these years later
Warnings: 18+ MDNI, Angst- Lots of it, Verbal fighting- lots of it , course language, emotional, some fluff and happiness, talks of anxiety, depression, Panic attacks, Neurodivergant reader. No use of y/n. Reader goes by the nickname Birdie. Use of typical pet name.
A/N: I hope you all love this new multi part journey I've been working on, I'm extremely proud of this story. I understand that this storyline/ themes aren't for everyone. Part Two will be out shortly.
More often then not you felt like you were outside of your body, floating above it.
Being a spectator to your own life, watching as your dissociative cocoon wrapped itself around you taking hold.
You found yourself in this position for days or weeks at a time. It was your body’s way of protecting itself after years of constantly being in fight or flight mode.
You looked on as you desperately tried to hold on to what little you had left, to your life with Joel. But it was like trying to hold on to a wet rope in the middle of a tsunami. Slowly losing your grip you began to drown, fighting desperately to stay above water. The more you tried to kick to the surface, the more tired you became and the more tired you became the less you fought to stay afloat.
Time dragged on, the air had a thickness to it you’d not yet felt. Everything sounded slow and muffled as you tried to make sense of why and how long you two had been fighting for.
“Are you even listening to me?” Joel pressed, getting more aggravated by the minute.
He got nothing as you blankly stared back him, eyes glazed over.
“Unbelievable…. I should be looking after Sarah, not looking after you”
Joel’s words snapped you back to reality. the fog that incased you not thick enough to protect you from the verbal blow as it struck you, deep and abrupt.
Your whole body burned, the tears started falling so quickly that you had no hope of stoping them even if you tried. The two of you often hastily said things to each other in the heat of the moment when you both reached the point of overstimulation. Things that neither of you meant. But this, this felt different. You knew the tone of Joel’s voice well, always able to understand his meaning by the tone of his voice. His tone was razor sharp, with an anger behind it that he had never used with you before.
“This is why we can’t talk things out like this, why nothing gets resolved. Because you cry every-time we have a argument”
“Are you fucking kidding me Joel?” You shout. Completely losing all ability to keep it in.
“Im sorry I care, that I’m emotional. Trust me I would much rather feel nothing 24/7 than to feel everything as if it’s a electrical currant passing through me, but I can’t. No matter how fucking hard I try I’m always going up be sensitive and emotional.”
“The state of the world doesn’t exactly lend its self to being emotional, one wrong move when your heads not focused could cost someone there life. You- you get stuck in these episodes and it’s like your not in your body anymore, I can’t keep keepin an eye on us both. You’re gonna get us killed one of these days.”
It hurts like hell, but it’s the truth and deep down you know it. But it doesn’t make you any less hurt and angry because it’s the truth either.
“I’m sorry Joel. I’m sorry that I should of died instead of Sarah, I’m sorry that no matter what I do I’ll never be enough for you.”
Your admission stuns Joel, your words cutting him like a straight blade razor. You’d never said anything like that about yourself, atleast not out loud you hadn’t.
“I can’t fucking talk to you when we’re like this. I’m going out” Joel exclaims while grabbing his coat.
“Wait, it’s almost curfew, where are you going?” You ask, everything but concern draining from your body.
“I don’t know? I’m just fucking going out, don’t wait up for me” Joel says as he slams the door
“I love you” you shout after him, but if falls on deaf ears.
You cried in silence, thinking about what had lead you to this point. You and Joel never had the chance to truly be happy. Your relationship was so new when the outbreak happened that it was doomed from the start. You two never had the chance to fully open up to each other
It wasn’t all his fault either, Joel was hardened by the cruel bitch that was the universe when it took the one thing he loved more than life itself. You also knew you weren’t easy to deal with, never getting the opportunity to talk to Joel about your anxiety and depression that stemmed from it. About how to spot if you were getting overstimulated and anxious and how to help talk you down from it. Or about how much you relied on a schedule and a routine to navigate life and how much progress you’d made with it all in therapy. Instead you were both thrust into a situation you didn’t have the tools to deal with and thus your relationship suffered at the hands of it.
The further past curfew it got the more you worried about Joel. It terrified you to think about the situations that would unfold if he was caught by Fedra. Dressing in all dark clothing you decided to go out searching for Joel.
Lurking in the shadows for hours you search for Joel, checking every inch of the qz and the seedy areas people hangout after curfew with no luck. The sun will start coming up soon, so you head back to the apartment hoping Joel managed to stumble back there unscathed.
You hear some commotion inside as you reach your apartment door. Slowly opening the door you feel like the wind got knocked out of you when you see Joel burred deep inside Tess, telling her how much he loved her. You stumble backwards as you try to catch your breath, refusing to believe you’re actually seeing this. But the scene before you never changes and your forced to realize this is unfolding in front of your eyes. Silently scrambling you grab your emergency go bag by the door and shut it behind you.
Your mind is racing as you slid down the wall and slump over. Gasping for breath you try desperately to comprehend what you saw, trying think quickly about what to do.
Tommy springs awake at the sound of frantic knocking on the door. Creeping up slowly to the door, pistol in his hand.
“Who is it?”
“I-it’s me…it’s Birdie” your voice meek and distraught, tone barely above a whisper.
Tommy quickly unlocks the door to find you on the other side, eyes bloodshot and and desperate. Your body langue is defeated as Tommy notices your backpack.
“C-can I come in?” You ask, a hoarseness to your voice. Your eyes trained on the ground.
“Birdie, what’s wrong? Everything alright?” His face etched with concern as he looks you over.
“ Is- is there any way to join the fireflies quickly. To- to be able to leave the QZ with you guys tonight?”
“You get Joel to join the fireflies?”
“No n-not Joel, for me..just me” you shake your head. Your voice shakes as you speak. Your head hung low, eyes glued to your feet.
“Look at me Birdie” Tommy says gingerly, cupping your chin with his thumb and index finger, gently lifting your head to meet his gaze.
“Did he hurt you? He didn’t hit you did he?” He asked in a firm but calm tone while turning your face side to side to check for visible marks.
Tommy didn’t believe Joel was capable of laying a hand on you like that but he needed to make sure. His brother had become more angry and violet over the years. Drinking more and pushing home made drugs to some of the fedra guards and he was starting not to recognize the man Joel was becoming.
You shook your head.
“Hurt me yes, hit me no. We’ve been hurting each other for to long and I just can’t handle it anymore. I- I can’t live like this anymore and the two if you are the only people I trust.”
“Does he know your leavin’?”
“If they will let me go I’ll go in slip a note I wrote under the door. If not i don’t know what I’ll do”
“Let’s go talk to them. I’m not sure what’s goin’ on between the two of you but I’m not leavin you here like this, but I’m also not going to press you about what’s goin’ on if you don’t want to talk about it”
“ I’ll talk about it eventually Tommy I just can’t talk about it right now much less think about it, I’m just in to much pain”
It’s nearly dusk when Joel wakes up, rolling over to wrap his arm around you.
“I don’t want to fight like that anymore baby girl” Joel says as he nuzzles into your neck, but his eyes snap open the moment he realizes somethings off, that you scent is different. That’s when realizes the grave mistake he made when he sees it’s Tess in your bed and not you.
“What the fuck is going on” Joel shouts while pushing himself out of bed.
“What the fuck are you doing here? Where’s Birdie?”
“You didn’t seem to be complaining a couple hours ago that she wasn’t here”
It’s in this moment as Joel feels the color drain from his face that he’s made a detrimental mistake. That he hadn’t been with you at all last night, that it wasn’t you when he’d finally said I love you.
Joel immediately starts putting his boots on to go looking for you. His motions panicked and scrambled.
“You heard me, I said get the fuck out and don’t come back”
As Joel slams the door he hears paper crinkle under his boot, he steps back to see a folded piece of paper with his name on it just inside the door. He unfolds it yo find a note from you.
Dear Joel,
I’m so sorry. I’m so sorry for the pain and frustration I’ve caused you over the years. The way we’ve been living isn’t healthy for either of us and just can’t stomach it any longer. You don’t deserve to be worried about both of us constantly because I can’t handle life in the dystopian universe well. You said if anything were to ever happen to go to Tommy that he take care of me so rest easy knowing that right up until the end I listened to you. I’ve joined the fire flies with him and by the time you see this we will have left the QZ in search of a better living situation. Tommy will message you here and there on the radio. You and Sarah will always have a place on my heart.
Anger and failure blend together in a unrelenting weight on Joel’s chest as he flips the kitchen table over, papers flying everywhere, glass breaking.
About 10 years later
Tommy is up on the scaffolding when he hears the unmistakable tone of his brothers voice
Tommy runs down the stairs as Joel’s jumps from the horse he’s on and the share in a tight embrace.
“The fuck you doin here?”
“I came to save you guys”
Tommy and Maria take Joel and Ellie into the mess hall for a meal. As Tommy’s taking his coat and gloves off he slips his ring into his pocket, not ready to tell Joel that the two of you are in love, that you’d gotten married. Not wanting to have the conversation in front of everyone. Emotions swirl around Tommy’s head, on one hand he’s happy to see his brother on the other hand fear and resentment in not knowing what kind of person his brother is these days.
“I trust the two of you would like some time alone, I’ll take Ellie up to the house to shower and set her up with clothes and then take her to the town movie night” Maria says
“It’s ok Ellie you can go with her, it’ll be alright”
“ Tommy a word in private before you do so?”
“Is Birdie going to be alright?”
“I think she’s going to be a bit shaken, she has therapy tonight and I know she’ll be home right now unwinding so she won’t just bump into him. Imma make sure she knows tonight that he’s here.”
“It doesn’t look like you’ve aged much” Joel says taking a seat at the bar of the tipsy bison, nervously smoothing his hand over it.
“You on the other hand” Tommy offers.
“Is she here? Is Birdie alive?” Joel asks nervously
“Yes she’s here in Jackson”
“Where is she? I want to see her” Joel presses
“Now slow down Joel, ya can’t just waltz in here and demand to see her”
“ The fuck I can’t! You ain’t her keeper. I have the right to see her”
“I’m not her keeper nor am I trying to be, all I’m trying to say is she’s made a lot of progress since we’ve been here. Her health and well being has improved 10 fold thanks to therapy.”
“One of our residents here used to be a therapist before the outbreak so we built her a place to practice out of and birdie goes every week like she did before the outbreak”
“She went to therapy before? I didn’t know that”
“And I suppose you never asked either”
Tommy’s comment gets under Joel’s skin. Bringing up resentment that had be just below the surface.
“So what’s this have to do with you tellin’ me I can’t see Birdie?”
Tommy let’s out a frustrated huff at Joel’s pressing. He doesn’t want to argue with his brother, they havnt seen each other in so long the last thing he wants to do is get into a fight. But Tommy’s one and only goal is protecting you and he will be as harsh as he has to be to get Joel to understand, even if he doesn’t like the answers.
“Because Joel you just arrived with a mystery kid, she has no idea your even here. You just turning up at her door with no notice would have her shaken, set back her mental health. She deserves to atleast know your here. To make her own decision on wether or not she wants to see you”
“So what are you really doing out here Joel? What’s with the kid?”
“She needs to go to this firefly base out here so Marlene hired me to bring her out here. And I took the job so I could get out here and save you guys.”
“Why did you think we needed saving?”
“I don’t know Tommy maybe because the two of you guys stopped fucking messaging me back. Because Marlene said you weren’t with the fireflies anymore. It must be because your girl keeps you on a short leash.”
“Maria? It is because of a rule we put In place here but she ain’t my girl. We started having some rough people coming through because they found out about us from radio activity so we had to be more careful and only use it for emergency’s.”
“ Let me show you where you guys will be staying so you can rest, clean up and go to the town movie night if you’d like.”
Tommy can’t help but smile about the way you look up from your book when he walks through the door, food from the mess hall in his hands.
“Hey baby” you coo, the smile on your face lighting up the room when you see him.
“Hey sweet girl, sorry I’m home a lil late. But I have your favorite, it was Shepards pie night at the mess hall.”
You get up to take the food containers from him, placing them on the counter as he wraps his arms around you.
“How did therapy go to today babe?” Tommy asks as he kisses your temple.
“It went good, just exhausted by it tonight”
After dinner your curled up on the couch with your head in his lap asking him about his day.
“Baby I need to tell you something” Tommy breaths out his voice hardly above a whisper.
“Ok… is everything ok?” You ask starring up at him.
“I’m afraid it’s probably going up upset you” Tommy says rubbing the back of his neck nervously.
“What is it Tommy?” You ask as you sit up. Mind racing with what it could be.
“Joel’s here, in Jackson”
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katyawriteswhump · 3 months
the power of love, part 11 (steddie, steve whump fic, stobin)
Alternate ending S4: Steve has a habit of surviving near death experiences then getting sick for no reason. And Eddie and those fatal bat bites? After an impossible feat of mouth-to-mouth resuscitation from Steve, he’s mysteriously fixed. So, Eddie’s back to being banished, this time with Steve and Robin in tow. Eddie’s healing, but Steve isn’t… and life gets even more confusing, when Eddie develops feelings for Steve, which aren’t entirely unrequited.
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10 Part 12 Part 13
(also on AO3 here and as part of my steve whump fic series)
Steve POV
1978—Lover’s Lake
Steve sinks, pulls upward with all he’s got left. He bursts through the surface, screaming: “Dad! Mom! Dad? I’m… lost… Heeeelp!”
The dark waters close seamlessly above his head.
His panic dies quickly, along with the burning pressure in his chest. He sees a swimmer approaching across the depths, like a light rippling through gloom. Their face is kind and strange—he can’t tell if they’re young or really old, or a guy or girl.
“Not yet,” they say. Their arms fold around him, and he’s calm and he isn’t cold. 
Until he is. 
A thousand icy needles jab at his skin, and he whimpers at the sensation of being dragged, carried. Voices shout in harsh, frightening tones, and then…
Apart from in his dreams, he doesn’t see THEM again for another seven years.
“Who do you work for?” demands that Soviet son-of-a-bitch, for the billionth time. 
Steve is tied up, bloodied, not sure if he’s laughing or crying. He’s sure as heck losing his mind, and… wtf? 
The other Soviet bastard raises his hand.
“Oh, come on! No, no, no, seriously?”
Steve doesn’t see the blow coming. Pain flashes up and darkness slams down—the darkness of blood, a rising, relentless tide. It washes him back into that calm place, and all his panic and pain float away.
He sees THEM again, in the fearless dark. 
“Still not yet,” they whisper.
The echoes hook him back. It’s Robin: “Help, heeeeelp!”
Oh yeah, they’ve been captured by the Soviets.
“My ears are ringing,” he tells her, “I can’t properly breathe, and I feel like my eyes’s about to pop out of my skull. Apart from that, I’m doing pretty good.”
He shouldn’t be, though. If there wasn’t so much else to be shitting himself about, he’d be yelling it loud enough to deafen them both. After that mauling from Hargrove, the doctor’s warning had been brutal. Any more head trauma, and he might have a stroke, a brain bleed, go blind, deaf, lose his memory, go mad. He could even die. He should be dead now, right?
Then it all gets even whackier. 
A blue tide rushes through the Soviet base. He yells for Robin, but everything’s already obliterated. The waters carry him along, limbs flailing free, no longer hurting, not even so scared. He knows it’s THEM, although this tsunami isn’t gentle. It’s Niagara levels of powerful and near as water can get to fire and fury. 
“You’ll know,” they tell him. “You’ll know when it’s time to come home.”
Then he’s back in the present, slowly waking up.  
He figures he’s been dreaming. Yeah, about those evil Soviets, and about… stuff that didn’t happen. Where the hell did that flood and fire crap come from?
“You’ll know when it’s time to come home.”
It’s deeply freaky, and he hates it. And Jesus Christ, why is his shoulder a screaming mess of pain? He opens his eyes.
“Robin?” She’s in her usual spot, sitting on the edge of his bunk. 
“Steve? Oh, thank God!”
“What happened this time? I’m so sick of…” He raises his head, flops it back again. There’s a bone-deep ache through his neck and both his arms. His wrists feel mangled. “Shit! Somebody was coming! Did they… Where’s Eddie?”
She puffs through her nostrils. “It’s okay. It was Hopper and El.”
Yeah, that makes some sorta sense. Hopper and Eleven were on the run too, after all. “Where’s Eddie? Is he all right?”
“Don’t ask me. Not spoken to him since he left you unconscious, hanging by one wrist. What was he even thinking?”
Blood rushes to Steve’s face. “That wasn’t entirely his fault. Honestly, I… uh…”
“I don’t care if you begged him on one knee! It was utterly moronic.”
“Listen, I was a moron too—it was matching moronic-ness. We were fooling around, and… Look, I passed out after he left to warn you. Before that, I basically forced him to go.”
“Forced him while roped up? You get yet another pass, Dingus. It’s gonna take a short-to-medium-length Ice Age for him to earn the same.”
Steve sighs hard. He’ll talk her around when he’s gotten the energy.
“Steve, can I ask you something?” She picks at the last flakes of that nail polish..
“If I said ‘no,’ would it make any difference?”
“Do you know anything about the fantastically random rainstorm last night?”
“About the whut?” 
His mind starts racing, in sync with his pulse. Trouble is, he’s beginning to get it. He knows that they—that thing in Lover’s Lake—saved his life. More than once. He still hasn’t got a clue about the rain. Or has he?
You freaked out last night, and thunder clouds hijacked your brain.
“Steve? You okay?”
“Jesus, I’m…” Nope, still not great. He slowly sits up. Under the blanket, he’s shirtless. He catches his left arm with his right, cradling it.
“Does your shoulder hurt bad?”
“No, Robin. It’s just randomly gone purple. Gonna be pitching for the Hoosiers this weekend for sure.” He notices one of his wrists is bandaged. “Got any of those left? Guess I’ll need a sling or something.”
“Yeah, I tried the lake water trick. Not much happened this time. On the other hand, Hopper said it was a miracle you didn’t dislocate it, so…  I’ll, uh, go get him. He’s got a ton of fresh supplies."
She goes, and Steve painfully eases his way into a clean shirt. It turns out to be another Hellfire Club one, which Eddie brought back from his meet at Skull Rock. Oh genius, Henderson, just brilliant! Get Eddie and me walking around with targets painted on our chests, why don’t you? Worse, I’m gonna look like a nerd. With TERRIBLE HAIR. The effort of getting his sweater on over it all, literally brings tears to his eyes. 
Then he sits up straight, on the edge of the bunk. He supports his bad arm, while forcing his features into his best ‘don’t-give-a-damn’ mask. 
When Hopper stoops under the door of the bunkroom, Steve’s jaw drops anyhow. He barely recognises the guy. Uh… wow? He’s not wearing a police uniform, but he still looks in goddamn charge, with an Indiana-Jones style hat that screams authority. He’s even gotten his hands on what looks like a police-issue firearm, in a halter at his side.
“Hey,” says Hopper. “You got yourself pretty beat up again, huh?”
“My shoulder hurts,” he whispers. It comes out so humiliatingly shakily, that when Hopper takes off his hat and sits down beside him, Steve looks away sharply. Oh, for Christ’s sake! He sniffs, dabs his eyes, pulls himself together. “It’s not so bad,” he mumbles.
“Yeah? You got tough joints, kid.”
Steve bites his lip to the point of pain.
Hopper’s brought a first-aid kit, and he fashions a sling for him. As he does, he fills Steve in on a few more details of how the hell he came back from the dead. Also, about what’s been going on in Hawkins, which is basically under military occupation. He ties the sling behind Steve’s neck, squeezes his good shoulder. “You take it easy. Sun’s up and we’ll be off in a few minutes.”
Hopper heads out. Steve scowls at his back. 
He ought to be relieved Hopper’s here. Admittedly, he’s been a total flop at taking care of himself and the others. Which only makes him more pissed with Hopper. How could somebody go through that in a Soviet gulag, win a wrestling match with demo-gorgons, and still come out alive, swinging, and the toughest dude in the state?
He gets his sneakers on and staggers as far as the door. Robin is loading the remnants of their supplies into an armoured Humvee, painted in military khaki and spattered with mud. Hopper’s fiddling under the hood, and Eleven hovers nearby. She gives Steve a sort-of smile, which he returns, while seething, 
That sick son-of-a-bitch Brenner took her hair again?
 “Where’s Eddie?” he asks, stepping further out, while fighting a wave of dizziness.
“Skulking,” calls Eddie, sloping out from some hiding spot. Robin folds her arms and stomps away. Steve squelches across the sticky ground toward Eddie. He looks so forlorn—hair flattened like a soggy puppy’s—that Steve can’t help grinning. 
“Sorry,” mouths Steve. “Sucky timing, huh?”
Eddie pulls a silly face, which doesn’t reach his pink eyes. Steve edges closer. Eddie shuffles back, looking genuinely spooked, which sends Steve’s mood into free-fall. 
He sits down heavily on Eddie’s empty beer-crate and nods at the Humvee. “You guys stole that baby?”
“Had to get around the roadblocks somehow,” says Hopper. “That rain churned up a ton of mud. It’s gonna slow them down, but it’s gonna slow us down too. We gotta move.”
“We? Why are we all going?” Steve hates this idea. Even more than he hates how he’s defaulting to surly teenager mode. He wonders—not for the first time though not for the billionth—if his actual parents have given him up for dead. “Don’t wanna seem ungrateful, Chief, but I really don’t feel like a road trip.” 
“O’Sullivan has torn Hawkins apart, searching for El. Next, he’s gonna have the army sweep this whole area. You won’t stand a chance.”
“Can’t we go back to those caves?” Steve mumbles toward his mud-flecked sneakers. 
“When they find you,” says Hopper, “best-case scenario—they hand Munson here over the police, or the cronies who count for it these days. Worst case-scenario? O’Sullivan keeps hold of him, as well as you.”
“Why the heck would some army guy be interested in me?”
He senses Hopper close in. “You signed the NDAs, Steve. They know YOU know about Eleven. They’ve interrogated Joyce and Jonathan, but there’s only so much they can do with people they can’t easily ‘disappear.’ If they think you’ve got intel as to her whereabouts… You get where I’m going with this?”
“So what?” Steve can’t look up. Like before, he can’t let Hopper see. “W-won’t be the first time I’ve been tortured.”
“Yeah, and I’m sorry, kid. But tough talk ain’t gonna save you.”
“They kill people,” says Eleven. “I didn’t want to run, to leave Mike. To leave Max.” She sounds so very sad. “We had no choice.”
“I honestly don’t think we have much choice either, Steve,” says Robin, emerging from the cabin behind with the blankets. “Hop’s got more bottled water from Lover’s Lake in the truck. If you get sick or hurt, it could help.”
On being reminded of all that shit, Steve rubs his face, groans.
“We gonna talk about that now?” asks Eddie. “You know, the ginormous, soggy elephant spouting water out of its trunk? The one giving Steve buffed-to-the-max powers?”
“Powers?” Steve’s forced laugh comes out way too loud. “El can throw cars around with her mind, rip holes in dimensions. I can heal stuff. A bit. Then I pass out for half a day. It’s pointless.”
“Neeeewsflash,” sings Eddie. “You brought me back from the dead. Not pointless, I hope.”
Steve laughs again, totally hollow. What Eddie says feels fake, somehow. Was that even really him, or… Ugh, his head is too muddled.
“Using my powers tires me out too,” adds Eleven.
“Uh, hello? Can we please discuss the super-magical weather?” Having flung the bedding in the Humvee, Robin flings her arms toward the skies. “Twice, we were in danger. Twice, Steve rearranged the heavens to cover our sorry asses.”
Steve huffs: “Robin, I have no control over—"
“You have to learn control,” says Eleven.
“We can talk about this on the journey.” Hopper takes Steve by the elbow. He urges him to his feet, finally forcing Steve to slam him with a full-on glare. “C’mon, get in.”
Part 12
tags: @estrellami-1 @kal-ology @finntheehumaneater (thank you, thank you, thank you!) If anybody else would like to be tagged on this fic or any of my writing, please let me know :) Reblogs, comments and likes also very much appreciated :) Thank you for reading so far :)
(also part of my steve whump fic series on AO3)
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10 Part 12 Part 13
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