#tumblr bs where you have to reblog and like stuff
writing-for-life · 5 months
Right, okay, I’ve thought long and hard whether to write this:
A squick (even a strong one) is not the same as a trigger.
Emotional discomfort, even emotional discomfort that leads to low-level physical symptoms like e.g. mild nausea, is not trauma. Unfortunately, TikTok pop psych has done nothing to help people understand the difference, because the trend to perceive (even strong) emotional discomfort as equivalent to a trauma response is worrying and neither helps people with nor without PTSD. I don’t wish it on anyone to actually find out the difference if they haven’t yet (disclaimer, since this is unfortunately necessary these days because everything gets misconstrued: I am not talking about individual experiences, because only you can know about those. I’m talking about wider trends in an often young audience with not enough background info to be able to tell apart sound medical/psychological info and viral BS created by “influencers” for some kind of personal gain).
What people in the current fandom spat want to have tagged as “triggers” are overwhelmingly squicks. And we’re probably all guilty of quickly saying “that triggered me”, myself included (and I’m a licensed psychotherapist, shame on me). It has become somewhat of a shorthand for “extremely annoyed or grossed out”. But when it gets used in the context of tagging, it’s good to remember that no one owes us a tag list the length of our arm just because we don’t like certain things. Even if we strongly dislike them.
And even on the occasion someone else’s yuck or yum is an actual trigger for us, it is impossible to cover for every possible trigger, because in theory, EVERYTHING has the possibility to trigger someone somewhere.
E.g., a certain smell in a supermarket holds the rare possibility of triggering someone, but do you see disclaimers at the supermarket door that say, “May smell of 484 different things, which are in detail [list of 484 things] and might be different tomorrow. Plus, we might have a customer today who smells of that perfume that brings up your triggering childhood memories. Or maybe we won’t, but just on the odd chance we do, we thought we’d rather cover it”.
There might be one person with a very specific trigger that does literally nothing to the vast majority of people. Do we expect everyone on Tumblr to tag for “eyebrows” or “white T-Shirt” because of that? How about that person just puts “eyebrows” or “white T-Shirt” in their content filter instead?
Do we really suggest to put that type of responsibility on creators? More importantly: Who are we protecting that way? All we do is put people into bubble wrap and shift responsibility for our mental wellbeing away from ourselves to others.
We are trying to tell other people what to do for our own comfort. That’s controlling.
If we’re squicked out by something, there is a simple solution: we can stop looking or reading. We can use content (not tag) filters. In the worst case, we can block. We don’t have to put that type of responsibility for our personal sensitivities on creators (or people who reblog, for that matter).
We can tag for certain things as a courtesy, I’m all for it. I love being able to filter out stuff I’m not into, and I sometimes wish people would tag better or not tag a certain way (getting ship tags for a ship you’re not into slapped on your character-metas is annoying 🤣). But I don’t die, neither does it cause me unbearable distress, if I see cows where I don’t expect them. Scroll past or block. And if I’m worried about mature topics like nudity or violence: Tumblr has a community label for mature themes you can (and in my view should) use if in doubt. Funnily enough, many people don’t do that though—maybe because they worry about reach?
Of course we should include content warnings where they are due, no one says we shouldn’t. It’s also fair if a creator doesn’t wish to do that beyond general warnings (no specifics) though because they might give away, say, major plot points that way. In that case, general disclaimers like “contains depictions of violence”, or whatever it might be individually, are a good idea. And if that’s not specific enough for us despite knowing that “violence” in general might also contain our personal trigger, we might need to make the decision not to read it to stay safe, but we shouldn’t have a go at the writer for not tagging very specific things that might be considered spoilers.
Long story short: If we assume people are “triggered” by werewolves with vulvas or non-human characters, it might be worth thinking about whether we’re just talking about squicks that very much fall into the category of “personal responsibility”. And there are plenty solutions to that at our end—we don’t need to put that on creators…
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olderthannetfic · 1 year
Tumblr seems to be sliding in a downward spiral, and it feels like the start of the end of a fandoming era for me. I've been through it before; platforms are born then die, and life fandom finds a way. I'm just not looking forward to floundering for a bit, and dreading what the next hub will look like.
AO3 isn't really a place geared or meant for the same thing, and that's fine. My only fandom-related activity took place on AO3 only for a few years between my leaving LJ and joining Tumblr, and I lived ;-) But during that time, I was my own little island in fandom. Reading, leaving a few comments, not being super active. It's only when I found a community again that I was back to being really active in fandom once more.
And it's not that I actually use Tumblr to post about myself, but I do use it to read and reblog cool things - art, gifsets, science stuff, discovering new fandoms, and the like. I'm not sure where else I could find my people, with sameish purposes. The other sites I've tried didn't fill that niche in a way that suited me, in part because of how they look and work, in part because of who and what is(n't) there.
I have DW & PF accounts just to be safe, but I'm not very fond of group chats Discord-style - and without Tumblr, IDK how I'd even hear of new communities where I might pop in once in a while, loins girdled and everything. The micro-blogging platforms are not what I'm looking for either. Sure, I can follow a few DW comms and blogs; I already occasionally do and I will be more consistent about it if I must.
But one of my greatest fear is that the next platform will be phone-based, app-only, or some such BS - and that is something I just won't be able to deal with. Phones are tiny, it's uncomfortable to write anything, I don't like touch screen and much, much prefer a proper keyboard and a mouse (copy-pasting on a screen? (x_x) << it me), art/pics are too small to properly appreciate, a phone isn't comfy to hold for a long time for me, and the app system means you have no control over anything as a user… and that anything there must be Apple Approved, dick-free, blood-free, and tasteless. And I say this as someone who's pretty much uninterested in sex IRL or in my entertainment ;-) I still support and want the tits, the gore, the everything, and as long as I have the tools to curate - oh, wait. Curate things myself? That's not something that's popular these days, is it? It's not going to generate money, if I'm happy ;-)
So… I guess I'll play some more on Neocities, and see if anyone wants to have webrings again? (it would be fun and nostalgic, but not really viable on a large scale; people who haven't known those would just laugh and point and go on the InstaTok of the time).
So here is my little cane-waving rant of the day! I know things evolve and change and that in ten years I'll be rolling my eyes at my moping. It's only that I feel tired of moving from one shitty platform to another, of fearing I won't adapt (or more accurately won't want to adapt given the annoyance/benefit ratio) to whichever new place things will move in a few years. It's saying goodbye to a former home, moving, and hoping you'll make another home elsewhere kind of sniffles today!
We already know the next platform. It has been Discord for a few years now.
If you want the one after Discord, I think you're looking at waiting things out for quite a few years (or until Discord makes a major misstep as a company).
True, real time chat is not for everyone, but small discords with well-chosen channels can operate more asynchronously. Just like a lot of people who hated the look of Tumblr early on eventually capitulated, a lot of chat haters have jumped ship to Discord already.
Realistically, 90% of fandom always goes where the action is, no matter how much they claim the features make that space impossible, and 10% disappears.
We might get the 10% back on the next platform or they might leave fandom for good. There were LJ-haters who resurfaced post LJ era.
But as for where you'll find out where people are... probably AO3 author's notes.
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crispywisp · 1 year
Anon submission:
this is moreso petty tumblr drama esp so you can have a lighthearted ask! i’m in a very niche fandom and recently had some merch i drew skyrocket in attention/sales more than i expected; however, at the same time, a grown ass adult who constantly posts in the tags w… let’s just say 🤨 takes (joking about omegaverse a Lot, woobifying eugenicist/fascist characters, shipping old mentor x young ambiguous age mentee “"age gap”“ stuff, bruh) was constantly trying to be friendly on all social media talking to me… and then blocked me on all social media when i chose to silently not respond, thought that’d be the peaceful end of that.
NAH, when attention on my merch wips were growing, they unblocked and tried refollowing me, and after an entire night constantly softblocking and pinning a post like “hey i don’t want people into [aforementioned sus stuff] to follow me” that was ignored, i straight up dm’d them the post like “hey i’m gonna be blunt directly letting you know now, please respect this boundary” and they “apologized” But said some bs like “i don’t know where you got the impression i’m into omegaverse but still, have a good one” (note they explicitly avoided addressing my distaste w “"age gap”“)… long story short, ”“coincidentally”“ after reblocking me, they’re drawing hilariously bad art for the EXACT same type of merch i’m selling rn, apparently blocking anyone who’s reblogged my artwork, and deleted posts saying word for word "age gap” phrases from their blog. despite a lot of horny/sus posts still strewn across their entire blog; what a way to be so weird taking boundaries so personally and acting out inappropriately, esp in a niche space where Everyone Can See LMAO
this guy’s wild oh my god, im sorry you had to go through that lmao
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Ok, this is the post where i'm going to get potentially stupid and sinful (for tumblr) and mix politics and fandom. and it might suck. Obviously we don't live in a world with this brand of supernatural shit, this is just a metaphor, an you're welcome to say 'this is a bad metaphor" and disregard it, or argue, or argue about any other aspect of it. And in a sense i think this works because The Magnus Archives is about fear and all that icky shit. So maybe it only works that far. So if you've listened to TMA...
this is also basically a response to this post https://landofspaceandrainbows.tumblr.com/post/716770248396800001/jambeast-captainjonnitkessler and this post https://jambeast.tumblr.com/post/716765867387617280/ok-i-think-i-figured-out-what-the-fuck-is-going on @jambeast 's blog and that whooole discussion.
but basically, this is an interesting discussion, but there's a lot of fraught bs going on, elsewhere in the chain - and a lot of it is basically ok, it's argument.
ok, this is kinda falling apart here, i'll try to put it back together. I'm seeing at least two threads here.
first part: somewhere along the reblog chain there's bringing up the idea that some people may just be seeing their culture as "default" and "less religious" and therefore "less scary" and other cultures as "less familar" "more religious" and "scary" which is - sort of a good point in many cases. there's a rather neat sounding line about "the call to prayer sounding unfamiliar, but the sound of church bells sounding as comforting background noise" cool, or semi-cool. and genuinely well said. but then it connects it to "being privileged which... ehhh. that's when things get dicy.
but i'll be coming back to that way later.
Ok, back to the magnus archives.
Thinking about Gerry Keay and Agnes Montague.
Thinking about Jared Hopworth and Mike Crew and Jon Sims.
Like the fire, the lighters, all that jazz. Like i think it can be easy to wonder why would anyone talk about leaving families, communities, books behind except as an act of coercion. "why would anyone burn a book?" "why would anyone burn a house?" "why would anyone leave a family or community unless it's some sort of forced plot?" but what if you grew up in Mary Keay's library? Or in Hilltop House? Would you walk in then? Would you find a volume to burn?
Likewise, i don't find the boneturner's tale and ex altiora frightening. I bet Jared hopworth doesn't mind the boneturner's tale too much I bet mike crew enjoys ex altiora. The statements, properly organized hepl people research, understand, and hunt down problems, and help keep Gertrude Robinson and Jon Sims going more viscerally.
But you might say, that's a fucked up implication because those are all monsters. and separately from being monsters, they all hurt people. Which, fair. But it's a metaphor, and maybe a bad one. And plus we all sort of like them. Jon, yes, gertrude, michael, helen, mike crew - maybe. And as above, Agnes? also a monster. and Gerry - hopped up on so much weird shit, just dripping with Eyes, so whatever. If we respect them, we might be able to extend that.
But basically all the above have reasons to team up when Fucked UP shit is about to go down, no one likes the Eternal Circus of The Extinction. We've seen it work.
Anyway, there's reasons not everyone is gonna like the web or the desolation or whatever, there's reasons why people don't like being infested with bad community and oppositely why people aren't gonnal like the idea of the stuff they like going away - and why they'd fear it's burning, even when it's not particularly likely to happen at that exact moment, because fear goes deep like that.
So in my ideal world, all the cosmopolitan atheists can go watch MAG 169: Fire Escape (which tbf, i almost couldn't watch straight through because it shows a deep connection and comfort that at this point I cannot have, except in little bits hedged about with nomadism and desolation. - but it's good!)
And all the people who have found a tradition they like can go listen to MAG 4: Page Turner and MAG 59: Recluse and MAG: 67 Burning Desire
And both could listen to Scrutiny, ig.
But anyway, like, even normies don't always like dumbshit hegemony. atheists and agnostics and freethinkers wouldn't benefit from more normative religiosity, and neither do members of minority religions. even normies and christians hate jacked up abortion bans, and even if they don't hate them they can still suffer under them.
In any case, i remember the messed up stuff i saw, and am getting away from. and it's mostly bad atheist shit. so sometimes atheists raise my hackles up, but i suspect now that's because i'm my own kind of "off". we probably don't want to hear from eachother all that much.
but anyway, back to the beginning. sometimes people fear cute little bugs because they aren't familiar. there's cute little bugs everywhere and they're mostly harmless, and they're even there being cute in horror movies. But if someone's afraid of fire, or someone's taking a flamethrower to cute little bugs, sometimes it's because they're "privileged" and never went camping or out of bug spray or had a cockroach in their house. But they could have seen fucking Jane Prentiss or have lived at Hilltop House. And assuming things can be ok in most circumstances until it gets really fucking weird.
And this is the fucking weird everybody's hurt website.
and none of this makes hurting bugs ok - but it does require A Different Response, JFC.
Most of the time, the people who have the most reason to hate and fear church bells are the ones who grew up hearing them. And the ones who fear the call to prayer may have grown up hearing it. And there's a separate issue of what it's ok or not ok to do about that.
Ok stepping down from the metaphor, holy hell the assumptions. And the republican agenda now sucks.
But basically when some hardcore "burn the past" type on here calls something "surface level fun" it's basically a compliment - though you may disagree or find the worldview twisted. because the "deeper than surface level stuff" in their experience is always UGLY. Likewise when someone speaks of "culture" and "underpinnings to everything" they can be talking about something that's been genuinely nice to them.
But it's gonna be hard to work together, if it's even worth it, because like, when you hear "of course people are going to leave their communities and families" if you have a nice place - there's a history of forced removal and so that's gonna bring up some very ugly questions about "WHY they would leave". But if you've been in a rough circumtance, "the second the door opens, people will walk out, and resources open that door" will make sense because you walked out. And people going "of course the Suffering is worth it for our stability and continuation." is gonna sound SUS as hell, because.... that's also what every sketchy relationship on the fucking earth is justified by. But sometimes it's more a matter of a minor suffering for something wanted. etc.
But there is a reason that if we ever do form an Atheist - Theist alliance (and given they're ok with dumb insular in-jokes) i'd like it to be called
Leitners & Lighters
or the Gerry Keay and Mike Crew society.
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kuyurasu · 2 years
Do's + No's
A/N ; this will be edited as I continue to use Tumblr but this is what u get for now. This is basically guidelines for my page. Purely genshin btw, so if you are looking for some other fan base you won't find it here.
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Reading? Np
Comment whatever you want. I do not care, as long as it's not racist, sexist or any generally bad shit.
You can literally comment you hate my work, just don't go bullying each other and making my comment section an argument. Go text that to each other or whatever.
Don't say go k-ll yourself or whatever bs bc I will block you, simple as that.
Comments like compliments will be nice but again you probably won't get a response, same with questions. Personally DM me if you have such an important question. I probably will respond then. You can do whatever but actions have consequences. That applies to anything you do negatively on my page.
I don't say this to be mean, just that I am a busy person with a life outside the internet that just loves writing in spare time.
I do not care as long as you don't change anything and stuff and give me credit. Other than that, go for it.
Go for it.
I do not care what your age is. I don't care what gender you identify as. Nor do I care about what your sexuality you orientate with. Don't make it weird. What you decide to do in your free time holds no consequences to me as long as you don't drag me in your business.
Feel free to comment, request, share, or whatever, just as long as you don't make a big deal out of it.
If you're a shy person that wants to request no biggie. Just privately request in my messages and I'll see what I can do.
These are my boundaries, respect them and I'll respect you and your requests.
This is more do's and no's list and probably the most important bc Ik how desperate y'all can be with ur imagination haha
Any requests should be specific and clear.
I will DO this ;
The more the merrier I say. Yummy. Just label how spicy you want it with 1-5 🌶's.
1 🌶 for mild, words like "length, appendage" will be used. For example,
'He pinned me to the bed with a tender look, his pants straining at his length. I knew where this would end up as I slid my hand down.' And that's it. Very mild.
2 🌶🌶's will be still mild but maybe a kink or two. No example because what you request for kinks is up to you! The word pens will probably be used but you can request it without.
3 🌶🌶🌶's will be gaining in heat. Up to 4 kinks and whatever else you describe but know I won't put my back in it. Cock, and dick will be used from here on out.
Use your imagination for 4 🌶s and 5 🌶s.
You can use scenarios for each.
I also do not give a flying fuck if you're a minor. Literally, it's not my business what you do online. And if that makes anyone uncomfortable that's your personal thing.
If you want smut mixed in with anything, I will do it.
I will also do safewords used during intercourse and fluff/comfort is used. Most likely the smut part won't be described much and will heavily lean on comfort.
Somnophilia is only permitted with consent.
I will NOT do this ;
Any toxic or controlling or negative yandere. Prob one of my most important. This also applies to any work whether it be no smut or smut. I won't EVER do abuse or rape. Maybe abuse for like an ex-relationship for Angst but absolutely not for current relationships. Fuck that.
No piss kinks, no furries, no kinks that involve bowel movements/bodily restroom business, or feet. It disgusts me.
That includes a sweat kink.
Probably won't do any Hard-Core pain kinks, it just makes me uncomfortable. Like fisting.
No CNC, or any dubious content.
Fuck pedophilia, or any minor and adult shit. Don't request any incest bs. No beastality or zoophilia.
If you fail at staying within my smut rules then I will assume you haven't read my rules and won't respond.
then we can talk about maybe switching up.
I will DO this ;
Any amount of Fluff is good Fluff. If you specify just Fluff in a request and maybe a tad bit suggestive, I will take it as you don't want any smut so be careful with wording.
I will NOT do this ;
Any and all yandere that is not healthy and safe. If you want a Fluff where a character is a yandere but not in a healthy, safe, and consensual atmosphere, I will ignore you.
If you don't specify I will assume it will be PLATONIC, especially if it's not even remotely suggestive.
I will DO this ;
Sobbing in pillow type of shit.
Could convince me to do a full on sad ending but prob not. I need happy endings usually. I'm a sap.
I 100% will do pt 2s in the case some want completely sad endings and some like me who want happy endings.
I will NOT do this ;
Major Character death is a no no. Not as big as my other rules but still,,,, hurts too much lol
Yanderes that are toxic. I've prob said it enough.
I will DO this ;
Anything really. Up to 8 characters.
I will NOT do this ;
Will add in future if anything comes to mind.
PLEASE STATE (for requests) ;
Please state in your requests what plot you want, or if you want complete smut.
Pronouns. I don't want to get any pronouns wrong so here are my available ones for all types of genre, purely because I cannot trust myself with editing and slip ups. Don't wanna offend anyone.
As I write, I may add some more once I get more practice.
It's also easier to write a full request if ik some sort of personality. It's honestly hard to write anything if I don't know what the base of a person is. If you'd like, give me some dislikes and likes so I can truly know the request.
Character(s). For requests that are for numerous characters, I only will allow up to 3 characters. The list of characters I write for currently is at the bottom of the page.
If you want a full on fic with xreader, meaning not a short little skit, one character, and I'll do a max of.... 10k? Idk, and idc. Depends on if you get me inspired tbh.
Whaddya want?
1st person (I, Me, Myself, We, +)
2nd person (You, +)
3rd person (He, She, They, +)
Vision? Yes? No? Surprise?
BE CLEAR. Assume I'm oblivious to all your wants.
Avaliable Characters ; (different color for personal favs)
Albedo, Al-Haitham, Arataki Itto, Beidou, Cyno, Dehya, Diluc, Dottore, Eula, Ganyu, Kazuha, Kaeya, Shinobu, Lisa, Pantalone, Ei/Raiden, Rosaria, Kokomi, Shenhe, Heizou, Tartaglia, Tighnari, Traveler, Venti, Wanderer/Scaramouche, Xiao, Yae Miko, Yelan, Zhongli, +
Good luck.
Requests are open.
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camaro-and-smokes · 2 years
One thing I've been thinking...
These are just my random thoughts, so feel free to disagree.
Lately I've seen a lot of posts in the fandom in increasing extent that's kinda sad imo. (I've been in this fandom for a short while, but in a lot bigger fandom for years, and in my experience, the negativity is always the same, the package just is different.)
People get really worked up by the Billy/Dacre antis on all platforms, and then they vent about it here, and make sometimes compelling and sometimes less compelling arguments in defence of both.
It's fine, ppl need to vent and hey, everyone is allowed to do what they want on their blog and if someone can't take it, unfollow, block, filter content, blah blah blah. Simple as that.
But I just always think how much those people allow the antis actually take their own headspace and then spew the negative energy from the antis directly to the positive fandom here on Tumblr.
I assume most of the negativity comes from Twatter and dickdock (I hate both and haven't used the first in years and the other one but once and logged off immediately – I know they're both very volatile spaces). I know antis are here too, but I assume it's way smaller issue here than in those two. (Quick check on the anti billy hargrove tag tells me that most of those here are teens and young adults who are yet to grow up, so not worth even a thought)
I come on Tumblr to get away from real world. To forget all the negativity of other ppl and just in general get away from everything that's happening in real world. I try to follow blogs that post positive stuff and engage only with content that's positive or compelling in any way.
So when I see those posts, sometimes even with screenshots from the anti's, it always makes me feel sad – but not for me.
It's always for the op as in hey, you're here where the Billy/Dacre fandom is absolutely bonkers in a GOOD way, cherishing and loving a character that never got any of that in the show itself, and loving the actor who plays the character unabashedly. And you're as the op here because of that too.
So I just wonder why do you take all that negativity be it from here or from somewhere else or here and bring it into our positive space and stain it with it? And in addition other ppl then engage with it – even if it's to just agree with the op. That's like preaching to the choir – why do it?
This is a place where you could happily enjoy the character without that much of a fear of getting bs of it. Or at least that's my experience. I haven't gotten any bs as long as I've been here. But of course this blog is very small.
So correct me if I'm wrong.
Now, I do run one big sideblog with 10k followers in a big fandom and my main has 1,5k followers too. So I know hate and how it feels when you're getting it in any form, in reblogs or anonymously on asks. It's SHIT.
But what I've learned from those two is, that as long as the hate and the antis are being addressed, neither will go away. There will always be antis and idiots who send anonymous hate.
It's called the internet.
And not to forget: social media platforms in general have been proven to boost negative content, because it keeps users on the platforms longer, meaning more income to the platforms. I repeat:
Never forget that negativity is partly designed into social media platforms.
What can be done to all of this is to choose not to engage with the negativity, and just let it be. Even if the negative views get you totally worked up and feel like you need to educate whoever.
Trust me, they won't learn anything, and you'll just spend hours on trying to do that.
This image sums my thoughts pretty much:
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I guarantee that you will feel a lot better when you just
start scrolling past all the negative stuff on all platforms,
don't engage with the negativity,
don't go into the anti-Billy tags
just delete the shitty anonymous asks, and
don't spend time on writing a response here on Tumblr, where the people the responses are directed to (= antis) aren't.
And pls pls delete your accounts on any platforms that give you only shitty feels. You're not going to miss ANYTHING.
Not spending any time on the antis gives you more headspace and time to spend positively on our favourite rat boy. It makes your experience so much more better, and also the overall atmosphere of the fandom more positive for everyone everywhere.
Like I said, just random thoughts. Feel free to disagree with me.
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tmrrwppl · 1 year
Not to vague post, but I'm mad for my friends and the genuinely sweet people that had to go through all this. And I'm late to the whole topic so, no names or anything, just me yelling into the void, probs... And I'm sorry I didn't go full bitch and scream this from the rooftop at the time, as I feel this would have saved a lot of hurt.
But a person made gifs of a native youtuber doing a whole joke about the Spirit Halloween native costume. And claimed it was regalia.
I knew enough about the tribe to know that it was a costume, not to mention the youtuber explicitly states it-- and waves around the packaging. I messaged the gif maker just saying 'hey, I need to tell you, this is not regalia' and they were incredibly snooty about how they had been to a local pow wow and saw these outfits on native ladies there and it was clearly NOT a costume.
I supplied the actual Spirit Halloween Link and pointed out in the video, that they referenced the gifs from, where the youtuber explicitly states it was a sexualizing costume as well as waving the package around, then said that I was feeling ill from people reblogging it thinking it was regalia (like I said, I knew enough about the tribe to know it was not the right cut, the dyed feathers were BS, etc etc etc).
They were more mad I sent 5 messages (I sent three, I just checked) with each point and told me to delete my reblog where I said it wasn't regalia (which, my bad, I can see how it was annoying and stuff, but I have problems keeping my thoughts in clear order so I had to divvy the messages up so it wasn't one long tangent of rambles-- already doing it here!).
And I sat on this interaction for literal years while good friends of mine trusted this person. Because I'm not someone to question when another claims to be native, and because let's be honest my own native blood is questionable at best, in spite of my family's oral histories. So I'm not going to try to speak over someone who is more confident about their ancestry, which this person was. And it was admirable. But they weren't my cup of tea, based on that interaction... So I just ignored this person until recently, when I empathized with hate they were getting and extended an olive branch to wish them well.
And then I wander off Tumblr for a couple weeks and come back to people I care about being hurt by this person's words and actions, and people feeling tricked and betrayed by this person's claim, and I'm angry at myself and that person for doing that and allowing that to happen.
TL;DR: I know words can only do so much, but I am sorry they did this to you and broke your trust and hurt you all. And I'm sorry for not being the bad guy and pointing it out earlier (there was also a lot going on in those days and I wasn't keen on stirring the pot). I hope you all can heal and move on and that the native community and RPHs can go back to being fantastic and wonderful hooman beans who provide so many resources and learning for everyone.
I just had to get this off my chest or I'd be up all night thinking about it, I'll probably fuck off for a little longer while I fight the legacy editor, but I love y'all. Drink your water <3
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traegorn · 2 years
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I posted 1,398 times in 2022
509 posts created (36%)
889 posts reblogged (64%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 234 of my posts in 2022
#witch - 99 posts
#witchblr - 98 posts
#witchcraft - 91 posts
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Longest Tag: 139 characters
#accidentally stabbing myself with a pencil while putting my hand in my pocket while running a training for 20 new contractors at my old job
My Top Posts in 2022:
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Ah yes, @llycaons has become today's volunteer.
One, Tumblr runs off of ad revenue. You have two choices on this site to support it -- be okay with seeing ads or pay for ad-free. Harassing advertisers actually helps no one, because it discourages folks from running ads.
Which means tumblr makes less money, and as the site is already losing money that could lead to its eventual shut down. You don't have to like the ads, but you literally signed up for this.
Two, according to your account you are an adult. You are capable of blocking blogs you don't like seeing, blocking tags you don't like, or even installing an ad blocker and circumventing the system that pays for the site you're actively using. Curate your own experiences my dude, and stop trying to force other people to do it for you.
Three, I like a lot of the stuff I've seen blazed to my dash -- so nah, you're just objectively wrong. Get a bigger sample size next time.
Now fuckle on off, Fuckalong Cassidy.
983 notes - Posted November 27, 2022
The uselessness of Witchcraft Author "Blacklists"
Every once and a while I see a "Witchcraft Author Blacklist" either in the tags or getting passed around here on Tumblr, and never in my life have I thought it was a remotely useful thing.
Because every single time, they lack and semblance of nuance. Like yesterday I ran across one that literally equated Scott Cunningham with Stephen Flowers. Yes, Cunningham, a person who wrote some things that need to be read critically is, apparently, as bad as a literal fucking Nazi whose books help fund the AFA.
Like are there Cunningham books I wouldn't recommend? Absolutely. Should most of his works be read with a critical eye and take into account the state of the community and available information when he was writing them? Yes. But... like... there's a huge fucking difference between these two things.
Also, this list claimed because Cunningham wrote about Wicca his works were somehow homophobic. Have there been homophobic Wiccans? Of course - but Cunningham, an openly gay man, was not one of them.
Additionally, there are people who get included on these lists where I wouldn't recommend anyone read their books to learn witchcraft per se, but their works have important historical significance.
Like Gerald Gardner - should anyone learn from Gardner? Fuck no. His works are full of misinformation and outright bullshit. But it literally is where the modern witchcraft movement was birthed, so there is value in understanding where we came from.
Aleister Crowley falls into this category too - harder even. Crowley was gross as heck, but how can you understand what in the modern community is still descended from his works or propagating his gross ideas... if you're unfamiliar with his works?
Also, he's super dead, so it's not like he's benefiting from someone reading his stuff.
It's just so deeply frustrating that people make these lists to start with. Like, I have written or talked about how certain authors should be avoided -- but I always do my best to include context, reasons, and explanations why. I will specifically explain why I don't think they're valuable to read. Making a laundry list where you make unsourced or unexplained claims about a huge list of people doesn't help someone understand what might be wrong with them.
Also, my recommendations are usually about how a new witch shouldn't read their work, because it's about not having the experience to see what is and isn't bullshit in what they read yet. They don't have that baseline yet. That doesn't mean that some of these books might not be significant or worth reading at some point in their journey. Just not at the start of it.
It's just... a complete lack of nuance. Like I don't recommend Silver Ravenwolf because her books are, frankly, poorly researched and bad. I don't recommend Stephen Flowers because he's a fuckin' overt WHITE SUPREMACIST whose publications have been used to fund the AFA. These are not the same. When we pretend that they are, we are doing a massive disservice to all of us.
It... it honestly feels like Christian purity culture repackaged. If you can't handle nuance, I don't think you can really handle that much witchcraft to start with. The world isn't black and white -- there are overt evils out there, but most everything else is a shade of gray and pretending otherwise is poisonous.
1,264 notes - Posted August 29, 2022
So there's a thing that a lot of tumblr users don't know about -- older ones because it didn't used to be like this, and newer ones because... they're new?
Anyways -- one of the biggest pains of Tumblr is that finding old posts can be hard. The search is terrible, and is overall useless. The easiest solution to this has always been that you can go through your "archive" -- for example here's mine: https://traegorn.tumblr.com/archive
Notice how that URL starts with my username. Longtime users will be like "Of course it does. That's your Tumblr URL." But here's the thing -- a lot of new accounts don't have that. Like, if you type it in (minus the /archive part) it kinda works still -- but it redirects you from username.tumblr.com to tumblr.com/username. And from there, the archive function does not work.
You see, to make your "Tumblr Blog" an actual, well, blog you have to turn it on manually now.
To do that, on the web, go to your blog settings and find this one:
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Turning on "custom theme" will enable your blog to function and give you all the features.
Now there are reasons some folks might not want to do this. First off, that does mean sites like Google will be able to spider your blog and things can end up on public searches. If you don't want your Tumblr activity public do not turn it on. That's a choice I leave up to you. But, like, also... I've seen Tumblr accounts ostensibly set up to promote people's works but not have this turned on making the audience they're trying to reach less likely to find them.
But this is a thing that used to always be on. I found out one of my old sideblogs had it turned off that I never wanted it to be set that way. The choice is yours, do what you want.
I'm not your mom.
4,288 notes - Posted November 14, 2022
People who get mad at seeing any post blazed are so funny to me.
This site works because either someone pays for ads, or you pay to not see ads. That's what pays Tumblr's bills.
4,533 notes - Posted November 1, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
I'm here.
I'm queer.
I'd like to go back to bed now.
11,183 notes - Posted July 18, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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Carpe Diem - Chapter 4
Pairing: Sketchbook (Kaisa/Johanna)
Summary: Carpe diem: one of the five latim mottos of the arcadist, or neoclassical movement. Literally translates to "seize the day"
Picking up where Locus Amoenus left off, this fic follows the lives of Kaisa and Johanna for a couple weeks as their feelings grow and develop. At some point there will be a couple of weeks of hiatus, but for now this fic will be updated weekly.
Notes: Happy Valentine’s day! This is your reminder to go reblog aromantic stuff because they deserve to be trending. It’s the smallest compensation we can give them for putting up with our bs (and also objectively funny)
Most of Kaisa’s plushies are ones that I have in real life, you should find them easily enough by looking them up on the internet, but the catowl one comes from the fan made familiar that hilda tumblr gave her! Link to the original post: https://www.tumblr.com/blog/view/waddles-ex-machina/180462531236
This is another one of those chapters that became too big and had to be cut in half, so there will be a second chapter this week as well but then 2 or 3 weeks of hiatus for reasons beyond my control :’)
Read it on ao3 or read the first installment on this verse or read the second installment on this verse
When Kaisa was dropped off at her house that night, Tildy was in the kitchen giving their dinner its last touches, and Frida was by her side at the sink, washing the dishes that their mother had used to cook.
“Welcome back, sugar pie!” The greeting reached Kaisa’s ears as soon as she turned to lock the front door. Sometimes she swore Tildy had supernatural hearing to go with all the other clearly out of the ordinary things about her. “How was it?”
“Pretty nice.” She said as she dropped her bag with two small candles carefully on the sofa. Later, she’d pick it up and put the candles in her room, where she could feel soothed by their scent while she studied, but for the moment being she let them lie there while she headed for the kitchen.
“Is that so?” Tildy prompted, sounding amused as Kaisa walked closer to give her a kiss on the cheek. Kaisa hummed an affirmative sound as she moved to do the same with Frida.
“Did she comment on your makeup?” Frida asked to Kaisa’s back while she rose on her tiptoes to put the honey jar she’d acquired in the overhead cabinets. Considering this was a house of pygmies, it felt like a really bad design flaw that those had been built so far above the ground.
“Not really. She only told me I looked nice when I got in the car.”
Honey safely tucked away, Kaisa put herself by Frida’s side and picked up the kitchen towel to dry the dishes she was washing.
“And was that the actual word she used?”
“I don’t know.” Kaisa shrugged as if she couldn’t see why that was relevant, failing to notice how Tildy hovered over the kitchen door with a tray, not wanting to go place it on the table and miss the gossip. “I think what she said was ‘so beautiful’, but she’s very polite. It is a very nice set of clothes you picked for me, anyhow.”
Though Kaisa couldn’t see it, Tildy looked like she would slap her own forehead if she wasn’t holding a hot tray, and Frida craned her neck to give her an “I told you so” look.
“Sure, Kai.”
They were sitting around the table in no time, and even though Kaisa didn’t think the single pastry she’d eaten earlier at the market was enough to sate her hunger for the entire evening, there was a nervous, coiling feeling in her stomach that made Tildy’s delicious cooking not look so inviting. She still grabbed some of the rice with lentils and the mix of steamed legumes, though, even if only in order to not worry her family.
“This Johanna sounds lovely, sugar.” Tildy said at one point, after they’d asked her to narrate her afternoon. Kaisa didn’t understand why they were so interested. They’d all been at the market a couple of times before, even if usually it was to accompany Tildy on her search for cooking ingredients. “You should invite her over sometime.”
Chewing on a mouthful of legumes, Frida nodded at Tildy’s suggestion, making Kaisa lift an eyebrow.
“Really? Would that be okay?”
Truth be told, she’d been daydreaming about inviting Johanna for a visit for a couple of weeks now. Not only did it feel appropriate, since by now she’d already seen her house and spent lovely times in it, but also she realised she wanted Johanna to meet those spaces that were essentially hers. She wanted her to meet her family and see where she’d come from and where she wanted to go. At this point, she already knew she could trust her with those bits of herself and know that they would be treated gently.
Tildy looked at Frida before answering, but quickly saw that the two of them were in the same boat. She wasn’t inviting anyone into her home without both of her daughters being fine with it, of course.
“Oh, yes! Any friend of yours is welcome here, you know this.”
With her fork, Kaisa pressed down on the small mount of rice with lentils, making it crumple. “Could I invite her over for lunch next Saturday, then?”
Both of them assured that yes, of course, that would be just fine. As Kaisa continued to daydream about having Johanna meet her lovely family, said lovely family stared at each other like a war had just begun.
“Get ready to lose.” The stubborn set of Tildy’s jaw and the furrow between her white eyebrows said.
“You wish.” Frida’s relaxed face and confident smirk answered.
Next Saturday couldn’t come fast enough.
The invitation had been popped shyly by Kaisa the following Tuesday, when they were walking from their seminar to Johanna’s house. Edmund said he’d be out working on the project he begrudgingly took part on, so they decided to take the opportunity to be there without bothering anyone. Johanna had, of course, enthusiastically agreed, and spent the rest of the day feeling lighthearted about having been asked to go to Kaisa’s house and take part in one of their family programs.
Now, standing on the last one of the circular stone tiles that traced a path from the sidewalk to their front door, Johanna wondered where that excitement had gone, and how it had turned into such dread. The butterflies in her belly sounded more like a swarm of wasps, now.
Wasps serve a crucial role in the ecosystem, her cousin’s voice in her head reminded her. They’re pollinators, and do pest control, as well as decompose biomass. You’re not in bad company, even if it feels uncomfortable.
Doing her best to allow the metaphor to steel her nerves, Johanna took a deep, steadying breath and knocked three times on the door.
There was the sound of some commotion coming from inside the house, though Johanna couldn’t make out any specific words, and soon the door swung open to reveal a satisfied looking girl with a messy, curly bun atop of her head.
“Good afternoon!” She greeted politely. “You must be Johanna.”
“I am!” Frida stepped aside to allow her in, and Johanna bowed her head slightly in thanks. “Frida, am I right? I’ve heard a lot about you, it’s lovely to meet you at last.”
A mischievous spark was lit in Frida’s eyes when she answered. “I could say the same.”
Before Johanna had the chance to think too much about how Kaisa apparently talked about her to her family, she heard the noise of frantic feet on wooden boards just before the girl herself appeared at the back of the corridor Johanna was standing in. Her face was flustered, and her hair was still wet, the strands falling straight on the sides of her face without their usual volume. She still looked cute as hell.
“Anna! Sorry, I was just finishing getting dressed. I see you’ve met my sister.”
Johanna, turned towards Kaisa as she was, didn’t really understand the tone with which Kaisa had said that last sentence, nor did she understand the glare that she was giving the child, but that was mostly because she couldn’t see the knowing smirk on the child’s face.
“Sure took your time with it, Kai.” Frida said sweetly. “Never saw you dress so nicely when we had guests over.”
Kaisa was, indeed, looking very nice. She wore a plain grey shirt under a fluffy looking cardigan with a checked pattern, and her skirt had a whimsy embroidered pattern. Her leggings were also grey, and her shoes were black buckled doll shoes. Though Johanna was biassed to say so, because she always thought that Kaisa looked gorgeous, the clothes suited her very nicely, so she didn’t get why she seemed annoyed that her wardrobe choices had been pointed out.
“I like to switch things up.” She hissed through clenched teeth and pink cheeks. Any signs of irritation had vanished when she turned her eyes to the guest.
“Tildy is still working on lunch, but would you like to come meet her?”
“Of course!” Even though Frida had been nice enough, the wasps returned as if on cue at the prospect of meeting Kaisa’s mother. “I’d love to.”
After smiling at her, Kaisa guided her through the entrance corridor, which ended with a staircase to an upper floor to the right, just beside a passage that led to another room. Though the door to said room was only half open, she could see stacks of books inside, and made a mental note to ask Kaisa about it later. They turned the opposite way, to the left and into a cosy living room. It had a fireplace and a couch, as well as one well loved armchair and a coffee table at the centre. On the wall behind the seats, there were some majestic paintings of viking boats, but the eyes of any observers would immediately be drawn to the large framed picture of a teenager Kaisa reading to a much younger Frida. The sight of it alone was enough to ease Johanna’s nerves.
A doorless passageway separated the living room from the eating area, where a glass door to the backyard let sunlight in, illuminating the long wooden table with eight places on it. She didn’t have any time to look out into their garden, though, because Kaisa kept moving to a door that, when opened, released a delicious cheese scented steam into the air, making the mouths of them both water.
“Johanna’s here.” Kaisa said briefly to the person inside, and not two seconds later the woman came out.
Tildy was not at all how Johanna had imagined. She was much better, in every way. Even if all that Kaisa had told her about her led her to believe she’d given her children a healthy upbringing, she could never help but wonder where Kaisa’s rigidness and obsession with perfection had come from.
Probably not from here, she concluded as the grandmotherly looking woman walked over to her wiping her hands on her (no longer) white apron, all smiles and sweet words.
Once introductions had been made and Tildy had assured her, profusely, just how long she’d been wanting to meet her and the amount of good she did to Kaisa, she suggested she showed Johanna around while the meal wasn’t yet ready. All the while, the girl herself had been looking like all she wanted to do was bolt and hide behind anywhere big enough to conceal her face. While they both offered to stay and help however they could, the woman insisted on it, asking simply that they called for Frida to come help set the table. Which was just as well, because Johanna herself had been beginning to feel like she needed to bury her face in her hands and scream. Maybe it was a family thing to want to drive her crazy.
Kaisa took her wrist, making her feel like little bolts of electricity were shocking her wherever their skin made contact, and led her away with urgency. Before they had left the room, however, she gestured to the glass door.
“I’m looking forward to showing you outside later.”
Frida was in the living room when they arrived there again, and her sister briefly told her to go help with the table. She went without a problem, but not before smiling at Kaisa and Johanna’s linked hands.
“The living room is probably… self explanatory.” Kaisa said, then pointed to the wall with the paintings. “Tildy got those as a gift from the artist who illustrated one of the editions of her books. I don’t know if I ever mentioned this, but she used to research Scandinavian history before retiring.”
Johanna would most certainly take her time to appreciate the technique behind those paintings later, but Kaisa had already moved on. She showed her the family pictures on the mantelpiece, telling the history behind the ones that Johanna asked about. It was all very sweet, and she cooed several times while listening. It was hard to think of any families she’d ever met that loved one another as much as this one seemed to.
Even if they had apparently taken the day to get on Kaisa’s nerves, if Johanna was reading the situation even remotely correctly.
When they walked away from the living room again and Johanna asked what was in the room full of books, Kaisa smiled brightly and ushered her in with excitement.
“It’s our little library!” She declared as she held the door open for Johanna. “Originally, it was just Tildy’s office, but when I took to reading she installed more shelves and added a beanbag so I could keep her company while she worked. And then Frida came, hence the second beanbag.”
The room had an hexagonal shape, and every wall was lined with shelves from floor to ceiling, save for a space for a big window. There was a desk with a typewriter, pens, and a comfortable looking chair tucked under it, and in front of it two beanbags: one purple and the other blue. It was majestic. The sort of thing she was not at all surprised to find in Kaisa’s home.
A tiny snoring sound drew Johanna’s attention to the fact that, beside the desk, there was a dog bed with a little creature soundly asleep in it.
“That’s Cornelius.” Kaisa said when she noticed Johanna looking at it. “He’s been Tildy’s since before I arrived. Good thing that he’s sleeping right now, he can be a bit… much, when awake.”
“He’s so cute!” It was true, even if Johanna couldn’t quite understand what position the dog was even laying in. Was that his head or his belly? He didn’t look like any dog she knew, more like a cloud who had gained free will and moved into an elderly lady’s home. “What breed is he?”
Kaisa blinked, as if it had never occurred to her to ask that question before. “I have no fucking idea.”
When she led her guest up the stairs, Johanna realised that that was where all the bedrooms were. Walking forward a couple of steps when they arrived at the upper floor, Kaisa’s was to the left, exactly above the library.
Holding the door open for her, Kaisa gestured for Johanna to follow inside. As soon as she did, she was struck by the distinct scent of lavender and green tea; she’d never been able to pinpoint what Kaisa smelled like from their brief hugs, only that it was pleasant, but stepping into a space that was entirely hers made it much more prominent. She could also see where the scent came from: there was an empty tea mug on her disorganised desk, along with scattered notes and an open book filled with highlights and annotations, and on the table by the side of her corner bed there was a mason jar with some fresh stems of lavender.
Johanna felt like she’d stepped into the room of a ghibli character.
“Sorry for the mess.” Closing the door behind her, Kaisa apologised, referring to the couple of clothes laid out on the bed and the remains of frantic revising on the desk. As she did so, she scratched at the silver band on her left middle finger with her right index one. A gentle breeze was coming in from the open window, making Johanna long to settle with a book on the cushioned windowsill seat. “Lost track of time this morning and forgot to put my stuff away.”
Johanna turned to her with a sympathetic smile. “Hey, we’re friends! You don’t have to hide any part of yourself from me. When people like each other, they enjoy even the messy parts, right?”
Just when Kaisa felt like she’d finally stopped blushing due to Tildy’s extremely unsubtle comments to Johanna, here she was, feeling her face heat up again. She really didn’t understand why, and blamed it on her friend being one of the only people she’d ever met to accept her so easily, and not be afraid to say it.
“Right. Thanks.” She cleared her throat. “Likewise, by the way. I bumped into Edmund the other day on campus, he said you’d been stressed about that cake you baked us not turning out how you wanted. You don’t have to try to impress me, I’m impressed enough already.”
Now Johanna didn’t know if the correct reaction to this was murdering her cousin in his sleep or bursting up into flames, but she somehow managed to keep it together and just smile at her friend. She turned away to pretend to analyse the room further, feeling her heart beating faster.
It couldn’t be a coincidence, right? That Kaisa would say something like this, and that all of her family would act like they were aware of something Johanna wasn’t and use it to drive them both mad? Maybe Johanna’s hope was making her connect all the wrong dots to draw a completely false picture - heavens knew it wouldn’t be the first time - but it had to mean something, right?
Her corner bed was couple-sized, which had Johanna wondering if Kaisa was a ‘starfish’ sleeper and actually needed all that space, or if she was a ‘cocoon’ and simply occupied a ridiculously small part of the bed. Either way, it looked like she wasn’t the only occupant of that space, because a couple of stuffed animals laid atop of it.
Johanna walked closer to them in order to inspect her collection. She recognized a butterfly with floppy blue wings, a squishmallow stylised like the Boogie Man from Nightmare Before Christmas, a pink axolotl, a pokemon whose name she didn’t know (but Edmund would certainly be able to tell her instantly) with a pikachu face on its head and two little eyes where she supposed its belly should be. There was only one she couldn’t understand. It was black, very much so, but it looked like a hybrid between a cat and an owl.
“These are so cute!” Johanna craned her neck to look back at her, noticing a flash of relief cross over her face. Was she expecting judgement for her stuffed collection, Johanna wondered. Because if she was, she was going to personally hunt down whoever gave her the idea that it was something to be ashamed of. “Can I pick one up?”
“Of course.”
Johanna took the cat/owl hybrid in her hands to inspect it more closely. It had big eyes and feathery wings, as well as soft plumes through the course of its tail. Two white fangs were embroidered poking out of its mouth.
“This one’s cute! What is it?”
“That’s Freya!” Kaisa explained as she stepped to Johanna’s side, happy to have been asked about it. “She’s a catowl. She’s… not real, obviously. When I was little I’d ask Tildy to make up stories for me, and she one day told me one about the adventures of a catowl cub. I became obsessed with it and constantly asked her to tell me more of them. So for my birthday, she commissioned someone to sew it for me. I’ve had many stuffed animals in my life, most of which I donate when I feel like it’s time they move on, but this one I’ve always refused to let go of.”
It was only by a miracle Johanna wasn’t tearing up when she thanked Kaisa for the story. Seriously, there was something about that family that made Johanna feel like vomiting a rainbow. If she wasn’t head over heels for one of her daughters, she might just run downstairs and beg Tildy to adopt her too, nevermind that she was legally an adult already.
Placing Freya back on the mattress with the care that she deserved, Johanna turned her gaze to the opposite wall, the one against which the study desk was, noticing that it was covered in framed documents. A quick scan through a couple told her all she needed to know about them.
They were certificates. Of competitions, of successful exams, of course completions, of academic excellence. Just looking at the amount of them felt dizzying, and awakened in Johanna a feeling she would rather not allow to flourish, not in a pleasant moment like this, and not ever.
“Ah.” Kaisa breathed when she followed Johanna’s line of sight. “Sorry. I know this must look self-centred. Tildy encourages me to do it.”
“Don’t worry, I didn’t think it was.” Johanna said, and then cringed at how robotic her voice sounded for a moment. As her mind processed it, she found she needed to ask for clarification. “You mean she encourages you to do all these things, or to put up the frames?”
“The last one.” She answered readily. Of course, Tildy had always been her number one supporter, and any win she got made her mother so happy for her it might as well have been her own success. But there was always something so sad in the woman’s face whenever she noticed how her daughter brushed off any of those accomplishments, and how quickly she ignored her latest ones to go look for another way to prove herself.
Who it was that she was trying so hard to impress was something Kaisa was still trying to answer.
“So you don’t forget how much you have done already.” Was the answer she’d gotten when she was a teen and had asked why Tildy insisted on putting them up. She’d accepted that explanation, and allowed the woman to do as she pleased; it wasn’t like she had been using that wall for anything else, anyway. There had been one time, however, in which she’d gotten a reply that was slightly different, a moment in which Tildy had let her worries slip from her.
She’d been about to put up the framed certificate of a weekend course which Kaisa had skipped her last High School dance to attend. It had caused some trouble between her and the girl she’d agreed to attend with, but it wasn’t like she could force Kaisa to go when she didn’t want to anymore. The girl hadn’t spoken to her again after that day, but Kaisa told herself she preferred being alone, anyway. When Tildy had walked into the room to do it, Kaisa had been studying at her desk, not failing to notice the tight lines on her face. She’d ever gently given her daughter her opinion on not showing up to an important milestone in order to study when Kaisa had told her she was planning on doing it, but it hadn’t been listened to simply because Kaisa felt it was something that would look good on her application. So when she walked into the room, Kaisa had quipped.
“Why put it up if you hate it so much?”
The answer she’d gotten was very much not as light hearted.
“Because I keep hoping that when you eventually run out of space on this wall, you’ll finally realise that you can’t fill your life with anything meaningful like this.”
That night, Tildy had walked out of her room with no further comments, leaving behind a Kaisa that was well and truly alone. And the worst thing had been knowing it was her own doing.
She was snapped out of her memories by Johanna’s soft voice, sounding very much like she was having flashbacks of her own.
“There’s one just like this back at my parents’ house.” She said with a ghostly quality to her words, like she was either talking about a dead thing, or about something she hoped was dead. Memories of days spent lying on her bed, hating herself for not managing to study or prepare for an exam floated around her mind, as well as those of nights spent awake at her study desk without remembering to so much as drink water, but Kaisa could see neither. “But it wasn’t for me. It was in the living room, for everyone else.”
Failing to pick up on why that would be something that would bring her distress, Kaisa looked at her with a smile filled with a sense of kinship and pride.
“An overachiever as well, are you?”
“I was.” Still looking at the wall, Johanna answered. Kaisa didn’t think she’d ever seen her sound so sad, and it both baffled her and made her want to do anything to bring back the Golden Retriever she’d known, even if she had to collect every single frame and throw it out of the window. That girl being upset looked like something that should be illegal. “In many ways, still am. But I’ve been working hard to heal.”
Kaisa opened her mouth, meaning to ask why that was something she felt she needed to ‘heal’ from, but for some reason, nothing came out. Maybe she didn’t know how to ask. Maybe she just already knew the answer. Either way, it didn’t last long, because there was a knock on the door that brought them back to reality, and they heard Frida’s voice from the other side.
“Lunch is ready!” She declared, making them switch glances of relief and excitement. Neither had noticed how hungry they were. The fact that it came with an excuse to postpone this conversation was just a bonus.
Looking at her with a mischievous glint in her eyes now, Johanna was about to propose something when she noticed Kaisa was thinking the same thing. They smirked to each other, wondering who would be the one to make the first move.
And set off in a race to the dining room.
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thatanimatorteeen · 1 year
Hey guys I’m back. Let me explain where I’ve been. I ended up trying to make an ask blog but I realized it was kind of cringey. When I made an attempt to delete it, I instead deleted my entire account. Several months of rambling and random bs gone. I tried contacting tumblr but after two days nothing happened so I decided to start a new account. This will essentially be like the old one where I just post whatever and reblog asks or other stuff I like. So it’s great to be back in tumblr. Also if any of you have favorited my stuff please let me know so I can repost it or whatever or if I have favorited your stuff please let me know…
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Longest Tag: 137 characters
#but according to the swm alone it is even though i dont support him using a slur against lily but in accordance to the sa it is pro snape
My Top Posts in 2022:
In love with her
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759 notes - Posted September 29, 2022
Okay but marichat is so awesome (not cuz of the fake "true selves" bs that half the fandom believes in) cuz adrien and marinette are already huge chaotic messes, but as as marichat, it increases sm like they are just those unlikely friends who joke together and do dumb stuff and fall down and laugh at themselves and judge random people on the street and whenever someone tells them "awe you guys are so cute together" they just look at each other and burst out laughing until one night they are just venting to each other and they just go "wait... maybe I do like them"
It's just idiots to lovers and I love em so much YOU DONT UNDERSTAND
1,353 notes - Posted July 16, 2022
Alya, teaching marinette how to drive: okay so you're driving and you see chloe and sabrina on the road. Quick, which do you hit?
Marinette: oh without question, chloe
Alya, rubbing her temples: the brakes, marinette, YOU HIT THE BRAKES
1,471 notes - Posted November 17, 2022
"Abortion is killing babies" no. It's not. It's not so simple. The argument doesn't end there. People's lives are at stake. Some of those pregnant people were r*ped. Some of them struggle to afford daily food. Some of them have mental health issues. Some of them are alone. Some of them are kids. Some of them cannot give birth safely. Some of them are in life risking situations where they can get abused if someone else finds out they are pregnant. Some of them just don't want kids and know that they cannot be good parents to them because they are not ready.
It's not about "you didn't have protected sex, so you must now suffer the consequences". Because one action should not determine the rest of their life. They deserve to be happy. They deserve to have a life.
They do not deserve to get punished for one small mistake. The kids they forcefully gave birth to do not deserve to suffer the consequences.
They all deserve to live a life they can be content with, and you, a stranger who will never know them, should not control them or their lives.
2,091 notes - Posted June 25, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Kagami: do you know your gay name?
Marinette: my...my gay name?
Kagami: yeah, it's your first name-
Marinette: haha, very funny, kagami-
Kagami: *gets down on one knee* and my last name
Marinette: oh-oh my god-
6,849 notes - Posted July 15, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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Randomly clicked on a blog of a person that interacted w a post, I mindlessly scroll like two posts off their blog and sees something along the lines of "hijabs are misogynistic" and I'm like oh I'm not liking the vibes cus I know what certain blog on tumblr takes these type of convos to (also nobody seems to ever have a problem with catholic nuns covering their hair but I digress and the point fo this post is another one)
Unfortunately my brain was rewired to feel when some kind of maybe even apparently innocent posts are sandwiching bonkers statements from certain groups of people, especially on Tumblr.
So first thing I do is search on their blog the word "terf". you may see where I'm going. No results, but Tumblr searching sucks. So the second word is "trans" and wouldn't you fucking know it!
they reblogged detransitioning bs (and I mean bs that jkr would reblog on Twitter not just actual honest stories of detransitioners) and other opinions along the lines of "women discourse shouldn't be adjusted to include trans women feelings" DING DING DING !!!!
It's crazy how the most random click on a blog off a notification, that I admittedly don't even tend to do really, reveals these kind of people are oh so very fucking present every fucking where.
I don't remember being familiar with seeing that person in my notifs before, and whatever the case may be, I obviously blocked <3
But it got me slightly paranoid of who may be interacting with any of my stupid stuff, especially blogs I see more regularly that I'm not necessarily mutuals with lol
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reinstarnation · 2 years
I hate complaining by now because I know someone is going to tell me that I'm just "helping the other side by not doing xyz"
but I have no mental energy to be witnessing a bunch of shitty things happening to people.
my for you tab has mostly been people calling out transandrophobia and antisemitism and terf bs (it's like the old trauma Olympics bullshit all over again)
Hot take but Jewish people and Trans men are fucking NEAT btw, you go you funky lil dudes I hope you can live your best life. I have no say on what they go through because I am neither Jewish nor a Trans man but I know well enough that they know their problems and they matter
but I do not have the mental energy to even interact with my relatable mental illness content from the people I follow. I DEFINITELY do not have the mental energy to be taking in the fact that people be shitty to others who do not deserve it
I don't even know where these came from considering I only reblog said relatable mental illness content and Fandom things. I reblogged one thing about holocaust remembrance day but deleted it later because that messed up my for you tab with all the shitty things that I can't interact with.
I care about these things but I can't interact with it. I'm already suicidal enough from personal bullshit, I can be having the world being fucked and shitty thrown at me making it worse.
every time I open my for you tab on here. I have to take off at least half the posts because I can't even interact with them
I come on here to relieve myself from personal bullshit. I know I cannot escape seeing this stuff but goddammit tumblr, at least listen when i flag 10 similar posts as "not for me"
tldr: you can care about injustices but not interact with them, people know their own issues and this isn't the trauma Olympics, hellsite is a hellsite
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themurderlesscrow · 5 years
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“        𝔦’𝔪 𝔞 𝔪𝔢𝔰𝔰, 𝔦’𝔪 𝔞 𝔩𝔬𝔰𝔢𝔯                                                            𝔦’𝔪 𝔞 𝔥𝔞𝔱𝔢𝔯, 𝔦’𝔪 𝔞 𝔲𝔰𝔢𝔯      ”
yo what’s up ! my name’s en, and if you’re willing to interact with a goro akechi that does NOT have his shit together, hit that like or reblog button ! 
i am oc friendly, multifandom friendly,  and multiship friendly !
about | mun | byf
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chuuyrr · 2 years
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ꫂ ၴႅၴ 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐓𝐎𝐑𝐓𝐔𝐑𝐄𝐃 𝐏𝐎𝐄𝐓𝐒 𝐃𝐄𝐏𝐀𝐑𝐓𝐌𝐄𝐍𝐓 — where love and poetry intertwine to create a tapestry of raw emotion and artistic expression. before you venture into this department of emotions, here are some rules to heed:
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𝐂𝐎𝐃𝐄 𝐎𝐅 𝐂𝐎𝐍𝐃𝐔𝐂𝐓 ‧₊˚ — strictly do not interact nor do not follow this poet if . . .
ꫂ ၴႅၴ you fit the basic dni/dfi criteria (e.g., racist, homophobic)
ꫂ ၴႅၴ you're just here to send hate or cause any negative discourse on my blog, or involve me in any discourse.
ꫂ ၴႅၴ if you're a minor or below 18 years old please do not interact with any of my nsfw works. i will not hesitate to block you if i find out you're a minor interacting with my nsfw fics :/ be responsible in the content that you consume. i understand it is out of my control, but the least you can do is to not interact with it !!
ꫂ ၴႅၴ i post and repost nsfw stuff with the tag "ಇ. midnights"
𝐄𝐍𝐆𝐀𝐆𝐄𝐌𝐄𝐍𝐓𝐒 𝐖𝐈𝐓𝐇 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐏𝐎𝐄𝐓 𝐇𝐄𝐑𝐒𝐄𝐋𝐅 ‧₊˚ — in terms of interactions with the poet . . .
ꫂ ၴႅၴ reblogs are highly preferred over likes for my works
ꫂ ၴႅၴ i often use kaomojis whenever i talk
ꫂ ၴႅၴ i tend to ramble a lot about my life outside of this blog when i'm not writing such as my life as a college student majoring bs biochemistry (sooooo fun.. not) lol
ꫂ ၴႅၴ please don't hesitate to interact with me !! i'm always open for a chat (i'm just real shy to talk first 😭)
ꫂ ၴႅၴ however, i follow/mutual back who i want so please know it's nothing personal, and i also take quite some time before i do because of my notifications everyday-
ꫂ ၴႅၴ my inbox is always open ! (it's nothing personal either if i don't get to them right away)
asks, thirsts, ideas, requests, feedbacks? 𓂃 yes !
personal questions, trauma dumping? 𓂃 no !
ꫂ ၴႅၴ private/direct message is only available to mutuals !
ꫂ ၴႅၴ feel free to tag me as well in uquizes, picrews, and games here in tumblr (i love doing those things)
𝐈𝐍𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐀𝐂𝐓𝐈𝐕𝐄 𝐈𝐍𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐋𝐋𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍𝐒 ‧₊˚ — in terms of interactions requests or suggestions for the department . . .
ꫂ ၴႅၴ requests are strictly considered as suggestions
ꫂ ၴႅၴ inconsistent writing schedule. i write and post whenever i can now.
ꫂ ၴႅၴ do not rush me for updates and posts. i am a college student, and basically a person who has a life outside this blog!
ꫂ ၴႅၴ do not take it personally if i don't do your request since i mostly write what i'm inspired by.
ꫂ ၴႅၴ bear in mind that i, too, am a human being just like you and does make mistakes. if i ever make you uncomfortable or have said or written something that is not acceptable, please you may call me out for it, just don't be rude. <3
𝐁𝐀𝐍𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐏𝐎𝐋𝐈𝐂𝐘 ‧₊˚ — in the event of such misconduct, visitors may be subject to immediate blocking/banning if . . .
ꫂ ၴႅၴ you fit the basic dni criteria
ꫂ ၴႅၴ you most definitely made me uncomfortable with something you posted or have stated
ꫂ ၴႅၴ you are affiliated with someone i am uncomfortable with
ꫂ ၴႅၴ you have listed/set a rule for your blog that i am merely adhering, hence the block from me in respect to that
ꫂ ၴႅၴ you did not adhere to any of the rules i've listed here
𝐂𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍 𝐎𝐅 𝐌𝐀𝐒𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐏𝐈𝐄𝐂𝐄𝐒 ‧₊˚ — what does the poet write for the department . . .
ꫂ ၴႅၴ i write for afab! or fem! reader in mind, but i also write for a gn! reader.
ꫂ ၴႅၴ i also write for nsfw & suggestive (apart from fluff, angst, comfort)
kissing, making out, smut 𓂃 yes !
yandere 𓂃 yes (but to an extent only, the most being possessive/obsessive behavior) !
𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄 𝐀𝐍𝐃 𝐏𝐎𝐄𝐓𝐑𝐘 ‧₊˚ — who and what does the poet write for in her department . . .
ꫂ ၴႅၴ bungo stray dogs: dazai, chuuya, fyodor
𝐄𝐗𝐂𝐋𝐔𝐃𝐄𝐃 𝐅𝐑𝐎𝐌 𝐌𝐀𝐒𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐏𝐈𝐄𝐂𝐄𝐒 ‧₊˚ — a list of things and concepts that the poet does not write for . . .
ꫂ ၴႅၴ m! reader
ꫂ ၴႅၴ i do not write the ff. content such as: incest, stepcest, cheating, self-harm, eating disorders, adult x minor, piss kink, scat, vomit, and etc.
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that's about it ! thank you so much for taking the time to read. you may now proceed to my MASTERLIST ʚɞ ⁺˖ ⸝⸝
p.s. ! if any of my rules or parts of my blog bothers you, just softblock me to break the mutual. it's fine !!
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ask-reno · 2 years
Newest PSA? tumblr commentary ig
OOC for realsies
This probably won't get pinned but
I've seen a decent amount of chatter recently about what tumblr "is meant for" or not, so I feel the need to chime in with my perspective.
I don't care if you Reblog me. I don't care if your blog has zero posts and you're just reading what I write with no input whatsoever.
What you do on any social media platform is YOUR prerogative and it's not your job to push any content agenda if you just want to sit back and Like the content you enjoy reading. You should use tumblr however YOU want to use tumblr, and don't ever let anyone make you feel bad about how you use your blog, because this is your space as much as it's anyone else's.
I use Likes as a means of keeping track of stuff I might want to return to later. I almost never Reblog content unless it's directly related to what I'm posting. I do have other blogs where I Reblog to forward content, but those are separate and specific-use blogs.
If you want to participate in spreading content then sure, Reblog and Tag and go for it all you want. But I'm honestly sick of seeing all this condescending BS like other tumblr users are somehow falling short by not doing the same thing you're doing. That's petty and stupid, not to mention pretty creepy-level controlling. My tumblr is not your tumblr and it's not anyone's business what someone does with their blog.
So this is a shout-out to all my followers who have zero posts on their blogs. You do you. KEEP doing you and don't listen to the haters. Because there will ALWAYS be someone online trying to tell you what you're ~doing wrong~.
This might be an unpopular opinion, but it's legit the dumbest discourse I've seen around here so far so I couldn't hold my tongue.
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