#tumblr heritage post productions
entertainment · 4 months
tumblr heritage post productions presents: Inside Goncharov
We are humbled to kindly share an intimate look at the making of one of the most iconic films never made.
Join thespians Max Jenkins (Goncharov) and Caitlin Reilly (Andrey) as they clock in for a scene scripted by the legendary @canadian-finch.
This archival footage came to light during @netflix's Dead Boy Detectives interview/seance. @overchers was also there.
And context is here.
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3liipzx · 7 days
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Headcannon Khan & Uzi Mexican because I can :3
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rystiel · 4 months
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quab00 · 4 months
[tumblr] 2 changelog:
POLLS are now 2x super effective
BOOPS and EVIL BOOPS are now unvaulted
BOOPS and EVIL BOOPS are now 35% less effective to not break the current META
AI CONTENT will now result in a MISSILE being launched at OP'S HOUSE upon posting (does not apply to HAIKU BOT or other FRIENDLY NPCS)
MUTUALS get 5% damage and healing buffs when on the same POST
WORLD HERITAGE POSTS now grant 10% resistance buffs
USERS can now fight BOT accounts in the new PVE game mode
REBLOGS now grant a 5% damage boosting status effect
LIKES now grant a 5% damage resistance status effect
TAGS now grant elemental damage buffs and resistances based off of their title
LGBTQIA+ have a 20% buff to all stats during PRIDE MONTH
WHOLESOME and OPTIMISM POSTS now grant a 15% healing boost
ASK BLOGS are unvaulted and gain multiple buffs to all stats to fit back into the META
USERS can now que in NON-FRIENDLY FIRE lobbies and STRICTLY PVP lobbies
all members of a FANDOM gain a buff in ZONES that their FANDOM controls
fixed a bug where QUALITY POSTS would not receive attention they deserve
CRABS, LOBSTERS, and all other CRUSTACEANs now have increased speed, damage, and health
shortened LOAD TIMES by changing from lazy loading to productive loading
CATS have increased cuteness
all USERS who joined [tumblr] before this update will receive a LEGACY BADGE
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fox-bright · 9 months
Requisite Yearly We Do Not Buy from Baker Creek post
It's seed catalog time! One of my favorite times of year, honestly. While my garden mostly sleeps, full of dry leaves and fluffed-up birds and cold breezes, I'm indoors contemplating tomato varieties and telling myself that *this* will at last be the year I get the peas in on time.
As it is that appointed time, my usual yearly reminder: don't buy from Baker Creek!
Baker Creek are racist, fascist assholes! They intended to platform Cliven Bundy at their yearly conference, and Native seedkeepers have said that Baker Creek stole from them (and sell the product of that theft). They did a For Ukraine fundraiser that actually went to a far-right Ukrainian organization invested in obliterating LGBT rights.
Baker Creek might have some fun varieties of seed, but I can very nearly guarantee that if you see something there you want, I can find it or an analogue for you somewhere else.
Here's a selection of seed companies I personally have bought from, or people I trust have recommended; there will be a secondary and possibly tertiary reblog, since Tumblr only allows me to do ten links at once. If there's a company you've bought from and liked, please leave a review for them in the comments! What did you get, what did you like, how was the germination? Native Seed Companies: (please, please feel free to add more in comments to this post)
Companies Specializing in Native Pollinator Plants and Seed:
New to me last year, but HIGHLY RECOMMENDED seed preservation company (they have an incredible selection! My 2023 germination of their seed was like 98%! But they only accept paper order forms):
Cool weird nightshades, I got a bunch of dwarf tomato seeds from them last year and THEY didn't suffer from peppergate because they're a small company that does a lot of their own seed:
A list of ten more companies or so, which I buy from every year, will follow in a reblog in about two minutes; please share that one instead of this one.
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tf2heritageposts · 3 months
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welcome to tf2 heritage posts!
where we do nothing but heritage heritage and heritage posts(and also make original posts along with some occasional off topic posts). and accidently prophesize tf2 things. this has happened twice
this blog is ran by a DID system(do not call us plural) who itself is hosted by a classic heavy fictive. We’re bodily 18 but please be normal people
info about specific guys
if you want to support us, you can find us on:
cashapp: $theteufortdozen
venmo: @theteufortdozen2
paypal: https://www.paypal.me/blucheavy3
kofi: https://ko-fi.com/tf2heritageposts (this also has our art commissions)
our ko-fi also has membership tiers you can pledge to so we can have more consistent income plus gives you access to the currently unnamed podcast we will be doing
here’s our steam as well if you wanna donate items https://steamcommunity.com/id/blucheavy
if you’d like for us to promote your tf2 project/product, please contact us. we’re open to a lot lol
and of course, for more 18 plus posts(NOT PORN), see @tf2heritageposts-afterdark
we got a discord server: https://discord.gg/rt9BdxR9ad
guidelines to having our posts off tumblr/voice acting
some projects we’ve hosted:
endo/tulpa systems/supporters
harry potter/south park/vivziepop fans
don’t get me into syscourse i don’t wanna hear it man
be chill and have a good one
follower goals:
at 8000 followers, we'll buy an actual sunflower and take care of it as our own
at 9000 followers we will try to get tater tot to play tf2 by putting a laptop in her pen and letting her run over the keys
at 10,000 followers we will build a replica of the minigun out of cardboard
follower count currently as of 11:33 pm 9/19/24: 7037
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mapswithoutwyoming · 4 months
alright so I’m not even gonna reblog or screenshot it because it does not need the oxygen but that “tumblr heritage post productions presents: inside goncharov” thing is just godawful. the guy they got to read the gonch’s lines makes me feel the emotions some of y’all have about chris pratt.
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ca-suffit · 3 months
As anyone ever talked about the showrunners decisions to choose biracial actors for season 1 to play black characters?
I have never seen people talk about it,but i don't really follow this fandom. I know in America they don't make the difference, a biracial, the one drop rule makes them all black,i'm black from Europe with African heritage, we do make the difference between black and biracial. So it was very interesting to me to always see the fandom,the press,the actors to characterize them as just black.
Don't take me wrong i know that we come in all shades,and phenotype but there probably a deliberate choice in casting light skinned biracial actors ?
The reason is clear and i can't blame them for that given the first response to their casting before the production
But i also want to read other people opinions about that,if anyone has interesting articles, threads and discussions about that please share?
Of course we can disagree,that the beauty of exchanging between adults.
I haven't finished reading it yet but I find this blog very interesting, thank you
Hello! and ohhhh boy this is gonna be a topic.
So...I'll say what I'm aware of and ofc anyone else can reblog and reply or inbox reply if u wanna be anon to respond to this.
First, and this is kind of an aside to ur main point but I just wanted to include this tho, biracial ppl in America are treated like shit. I remember Bailey Bass in...maybe one of the show podcasts? talking about how she never felt she was black until she was on the show set. On the surface, it might appear as if America is accepting and ppl are only seen as one identity, but the reality of navigating anything day to day as a biracial person is v complicated and shitty. I have gotten a lot of rly gross asks over time (which I didn't publish) about Jacob's friendship with Sam, along with his wife being white too, and it's all implied to judge him more bcuz he's biracial in the first place.
Second, Hollywood has a major colorism issue (bcuz America does). I don't know of any articles written about this for IWTV itself (I tried searching for general tumblr posts I remember seeing. I can't find the ones I wanted but I did find this about Ayo Edebiri) but I know it's been talked about in certain ways around here over time. The actor who played Jonah in S1, Thomas Antony Olajide, was considered for the role of Louis and fan reactions would have prbly been worse if he'd been cast. When Delainey replaced Bailey, a lot of negative reactions arose bcuz of colorism.
That's all I can remember rn. I don't think it's been talked about a lot tbh bcuz this fandom is so racist as it is that this would mostly...not go over well. But since this account exists now as it does, maybe ppl would be more willing to discuss it.
But generally the main reason is bcuz Hollywood barely wants to rly cast anyone but white ppl as it is, so we're still in v early days and yet the backlash that occurs every time is so extreme anyway.
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drakonfire12 · 4 months
How to help the Ukrainian Book Industry
As per usual, I forget to post on Tumblr now a days. Let's talk Faktor Druk.
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What happened?
Russia launched 15 missiles at Kharkiv. Faktor Druk, a printing house was hit twice (in total 3 strikes in the general area). Last I heard, 7 are dead. 22 are wounded. (During the strike, 50 employees were in the building.)
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Why it matters? Most Ukrainian publishers had books printed there. Every 3rd Ukrainian book was printed there [Source]. You may think "it's only 50 000 fiction books", but no, it includes textbooks. As in, kids might not get any textbooks, because who else will print them when most books are printed in Kharkiv?
"The printing house Faktor-Druk is part of the Faktor company group, which also includes the renowned Ukrainian publishing house and bookstore Vivat. Faktor-Druk has the capacity to produce approximately 50 million hardcover and paperback books, 100 million magazines, and 300 million newspapers annually. The facility employs 400 people and encompasses 15,822 square meters of production space. According to Forbes Ukraine, Faktor-Druk is one of only two factories in Ukraine that can print products for Disney and Marvel, having successfully passed a rigorous multi-level audit." [Source]
Now how to help? Countries are trying to help with rebuilding, but here are some things you can do.
Vivat posted about a fundraiser for Faktor Druk. Originally posted here by CEO Yuliya Orlova. Reposted to Vivat website here.
Based on my own experience, I believe it is crucial to channel our grief and anger into action. How can you do that?
Ways to support: Donate to the Armed Forces of Ukraine, they are our heroes! Keep buying Ukrainian books! Factor-Druk is one of the largest printing houses in Ukraine, where not only Vivat books are printed, but also many books from other publishers, as well as newspapers, magazines, calendars, school notebooks for your children and grandchildren.⠀ How to help: The Factor company has initiated a fundraiser. All donations will be used to support those affected and to restore the printing industry. Details can be found at the following link: https://vivat.com.ua/blog/udar-po-drukarni-faktor-druk-yak-dopomohty/ [Source]
Vally_v on Instagram is doing a fundraiser raffle below for the chance to win this edition of Ivan Franko's “Manipuliantka”.
You can support the publishers by buying Ukrainian books and ebooks (most print their books through Faktor).
On the whole, this destruction is part of the larger war where Russians have been destroying Ukraine.
Some more background
The first year of the full-scale invasion led to a 50% decrease in demand [Source]. Shelling in Kharkiv has led to a backlog due to limited electricity and a shortage of qualified personnel [Source].
In terms of operations, within 2022:
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From the start of the full scale invasion to April 25th of 2024, the Russians have damaged 1062 cultural heritage sites [Source]:
Specifically, architectural and urban planning sites comprise 316 objects, architecture – 307, historical– 226, architecture and urban planning, historical – 61, archaeology – 56, architecture, historical – 39, monumental art – 21, urban planning and monumental-decorative art – 19, architecture, monumental art – 7, urban planning – 5, science and technology, architecture – 2, architecture and monumental art – 1, architecture, garden and park art – 1; architecture and garden and park art – 1.
From that same period of time, Russians damaged 1987 cultural institutions (324 destroyed) [Source].
"In total, the following have been affected: – Creative hubs: 958 – Libraries: 708 – Art education institutions: 153 – Museums and galleries: 114 – Theaters, cinemas, and philharmonic halls: 36 – Parks, zoos, reserves: 15 – Circuses: 3"
There is also this interactive map of the book ecosystem in Ukraine:
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Oleksiy Hrushevsky. Ukrain's printing companies suffer 40% capacity cuts after Russian attack on Kharkiv printing house. Online.ua.
Russian army attacks printing house in Kharkiv causing injury and death – UPDATED. Chytomo.
Porter Anderson. Russian Attack Hits Ukraine’s Factor-Druk Printing House. Publishing Perspective.
Porter Anderson. Europe’s Publishers: Anger, Solidarity After Kharkiv Attack. Publishing Perspective.
Олеся Дерзська. Як ракетний удар по «Фактор-Друк» вдарить по книгоіндустрії? Speka.
Factor Group of companies on Facebook.
Yuliya Orlova on Facebook. [Vivat CEO]
Vivat on Facebook. Книгарка Vivat on Telegram.
Sergey Polituchiy on Facebook.
Over 50,000 books destroyed and three publishers affected in Russian strike on Kharkiv printing house. Ukrains'ka Pravda.
Тетяна Леонова. «Українці — не варвари, ми не палимо книжки»: Олена Рибка, шеф-редакторка видавництва Vivat автор. Nakypilo.
Анна М’ясникова. Харківська друкарня після обстрілу. Фоторепортаж. Nakypilo.
On the Ukrainian publishing industry:
[Dec. 2022] The State of the Ukrainian Book Publishing Sector During Wartime. Ukraine World.
[23.12.2022] Anastasia Zagorui & Oksana Khmeliovska. 9 months of invasion: how Ukrainian publishers work in times of war. Chytomo.
[12.08.2022] Anastasia Zagorui. How Ukrainian publishers work during the war. Chytomo.
[12.02.2024] Iryna Baturevych. The Ukrainian Publishing Market 2023: “Competition has reached unprecedented levels”. Chytomo. (old poll, but gives some perspective).
[06.05.2024] Ministry of Culture and Information Policy of Ukraine. Due to russian aggression in Ukraine, 1062 cultural heritage sites have been affected.
[02.05.2024] Ministry of Culture and Information Policy of Ukraine. 1987 cultural infrastructure objects have been damaged or destroyed due to russian aggression.
[April 2023] A Brief Overview of the Ukrainian Publishing Sector : Supporting Ukrainian Publishing Resilience and Recovery (SUPRR).
[Oct 2023] Ukraine’s book business during war: Ukrainians want to read their own, but Russia may enter the market again. Rubryka.
[April 2024] Against all odds: How Ukrainian book publishing navigates challenges of war. Rubryka.
[04.04.2024] The constant shelling of Kharkiv leads to major backlog for Ukrainian books-in-print. Chytomo.
Interactive map:
Interactive map of the Ukrainian book ecosystem. Ukrainian Book Institute.
Thanks for reading, this turned out to be a super long post.
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local-arsonists · 9 months
my brain just remembered a lil headcanon I had about botw/totk link (I'm just gonna call him wild because that's what works best for me)
so, when totk was first in production, somehow my lil brain was like "wait. wild has time powers. the zonai are magic." and thus my brain put two and two together and well the headcanon of wild having some sort of zonai heritage thrust itself into my mind
anyways i think my headcanon was too powerful for Tumblr because Tumblr crashed while i was writing this post
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martyrbat · 4 months
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[ID: a cropped screenshot on the Tumblr app, focusing on a banner. It has a black and white photo of a man breathing near a woman's ear as text on the photo reads: “tumblr heritage post productions presents: Goncharov”. END ID]
hm not a fan of tumblr broadcasting a post on the top of my dash for two tags (goncharov and unreality) that ive already blocked for mental health reasons !!!!
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bluestar22x · 3 months
Alien Son Masterlist
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Series Summary: Unbeknownst to him, Cade was a product of an experiment with the goal of raising a super solider. Saved from that fate by his adoptive parents, he is still hunted. Eventually, as it always does, his past catches up with him, though now there's another plan for him, one he could've never imagined.
With the help of friends, Cade must escape his captors again, resuming his life on the run in hopes of finally ending it once and for all, before another generation of his family line has to suffer the consequences.
Rating: 18+ series (explicit content, sensitive topics)
Warnings/General Info: Science fiction, mpreg (due to fictional science), violence, angst, hurt/comfort, fluff, friendship (found family), romance (male x female), eventual love scene, violation of autonomy (by the antagonists), cloning, inter-species relationship (sort of - Cade is part human/more human than not), xenophobia, alien super human abilities
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Author's Note: I wrote this a few years ago, never intending to really show this to anyone, but then I saw this Joel Miller Fanfic and the request that it spawned from, and I couldn't help but think maybe I could share this story on tumblr.
This is an original character story, created long before I became a part of the Pedro character fandom, but the main lead does have Latino/Hispanic heritage by coincidence.
The idea for this formed from wanting an mpreg story that wasn't treated like a joke or too over the top. I wanted to write something someone who isn't really into mpreg might enjoy anyway, because that's not all this is about. It's about friendship and family (and some cruel mad scientists).
I'm a very sentimental person. What drew me to mpreg was seeing a softer side to a male character (specifically one born male) - that's all. Plus it makes for some humorous freaking out because bio males aren't supposed to fill this role, blah, blah, blah. I really enjoy making the boys weirded out by the flipped role situation (hopefully their reactions feel realistic - this is why this is an original character fic instead of a fanfic).
Cade And Kamilah aren't really based on any characters, but Noah has a little hint of Dean Winchester (SPN) in him. Cool guy, even cooler leather jacket. ;)
Chapter 1: Found
Chapter 2: The Facility
Chapter 3: The Aliens Among Us
Chapter 4: Mara
Chapter 5: Kamilah
Chapter 6: The Plan
Chapter 7: Clone
Chapter 8: Purgatory
Chapter 9: Connection
Chapter 10: The Escape
Chapter 11: Officer
Chapter 12: Doctor Hill
Chapter 13: The Beginning
Chapter 14: New Orleans
Chapter 15: Breakfast
Chapter 16: The Ambush
Chapter 17: Concern
Chapter 18: Bigfoot Town
Chapter 19: Fourteen Weeks
Chapter 20: Union
Chapter 21: Movement
Chapter 22: Noah
Chapter 23: Awake
Chapter 24: Goodbye, San Francisco
Chapter 25: The Grand Canyon
Chapter 26: Fear
Chapter 27: Birthday
Chapter 28: Redfield
Chapter 29: The Return
Chapter 30: Captured
Chapter 31: The Rescue
Chapter 32: Decisions
Chapter 33: Family
Chapter 34: Restless Flight
Chapter 35: Switzerland
Chapter 36: Haflingers
Chapter 37: Doctor's Appointment
Chapter 38: Pain
Chapter 39: Hope
Extended Scenes/Post Series One Shots
Music Inspo List
Some Days - Brent Morgan
Time Moves On – Phantom Planet (1st 15 seconds – highway travel song inspo)
Lean On Me – J2
The Fixer - Brent Morgan
Make You Feel My Love - Adele
We’re In This Together Now – Loving Caliber
Warm With You - Hayden Calnin
I Guess I'm In Love - Clinton Kane
What Dreams Are Made Of - Brent Morgan
In My Blood - The Score
Blink - Revive
On My Way (Marry Me) - Jennifer Lopez
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vohtaro · 4 months
i wonder if tumblr has considered not overriding my silent mode on my phone and cutting off my music w their stupid "whish" sound effect when u send a dm. yknow instead of investing time into something as useless as this new and frankly cringeworthy heritage post productions banner they've added
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potholefullofsoup · 4 months
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could tumblr heritage post productions maybe present “not harassing a trans woman across multiple platforms and being heinously transmisogynistic in the application of their so-called community guidelines” next
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saintmeghanmarkle · 5 months
HOW TO KEEP YOUR NIGERIAN HERITAGE IN EXCESSIVE HEAT - heat/humidity proof products to protect Duchess Dolezal's identity by u/YachtRockGroupie
HOW TO KEEP YOUR NIGERIAN HERITAGE IN EXCESSIVE HEAT - heat/humidity proof products to protect Duchess Dolezal's identity https://ift.tt/6foc1Fp post link: https://ift.tt/Oja2DHX author: YachtRockGroupie submitted: May 02, 2024 at 07:59PM via SaintMeghanMarkle on Reddit disclaimer: all views + opinions expressed by the author of this post, as well as any comments and reblogs, are solely the author's own; they do not necessarily reflect the views of the administrator of this Tumblr blog. For entertainment only.
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stylesavingssavvy · 6 months
Global Brands Expanding Their Market in India: A Gateway to Cultural Fusion. 
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In today's world, the reach of international brands into new markets has become a common catch. One such brand that has caught the attention of many international brands is REDFYND. India is a country rich in heritage and has a diversified customer base, so fashion and beauty are always top priorities. REDFYND is a platform that has more than 100 brands listed on it, including Nykaa, Ajio, Myntra, etc. Starting from sarees,  black saree trousers, shirts, jackets, and lehengas to all the beauty and fashion-related products. They are not only working to add more and more brands to the platform but also to make the lives of users easier by bringing a variety of products to one platform and allowing users to save time and money. 
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Rise of E-commerce in India 
With the rise of technology and an increased internet user base, e-commerce websites have noticed a huge rise in India. REDFYND is leading from the front in this digital revolution, giving the option of more than 2 million products to its Indian consumer base with just a click of a single button. REDFYND has become a one-stop solution for shoppers interested in quality products at competitive prices. 
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Cultural Sensitivity and Localization  
Global brands understand the meaning of expanding their brand in India. REDFYND understands its user base and is also working to onboard local premium brands on its platform so that users can get a taste of all the local fashion and beauty related to their cultural background. By providing quality products, cashback reward programs, and engaging marketing campaigns, brands like REDFYND are creating a loyal and repeat customer base. Apart from this, REDFYND also engages with its users through social media platforms like Instagram, Facebook, Quora, Medium, Tumblr, etc., keeping them posted about all the deals and cashback reward programs that are currently live on the website. REDFYND users can also reach out to their brands with any insightful feedback to enhance their offerings. 
In a nutshell, the widening of global brands in India and vice versa represents a unique opportunity for cultural diversity and exchange. All the local traditions are getting more and more popular with a wide range of people, and in return, brands can grow their businesses in different parts of the country and globally as well. Due to this, the future relationship between Indian brands and global brands looks promising. 
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Challenges and opportunities 
While Indian brands are growing day by day, it's not an easy piece of cake as there are challenges lined up. Regulatory challenges as well as the adaptability of the new brands among consumers, local brands, and the brands that are present for the long run are some examples of the challenges faced by brands for expansion in India. Understanding market dynamics and investing at the right time with the right resources can help brands grow rapidly. 
Moreover, the fusion of Indian brands with foreign brands is the best way to grow and benefit one another by sharing cross-cultural diversity. This exchange not only helps the marketplace but also gives the consumer a wide variety of products and services. 
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