#tw darkish themes
jadespeedster17 · 2 years
The ‘Dark’ Clan
Warning: Mind Control... ish? Admittedly Ingo in this doesn't control them as much as he used to in the future. Darkish themes also.
POV: Third (Limited)
Notes: Making this idea of Ingo in the past a bit darker, but the concept is about the same just with small changes. Red Sky also doesn't happen just yet. Rei is also roughly 18 here (in my game it said you have to be at least 16 to be a Survey Corp Member.) @peachsodama
Summary: Rei has been kicked out of the village, with no where to really go. When he’s approached by a woman named Roseli, who says her ‘god’ can offer him a home and a place to belong. If Rei just accepts him. With no real choice as to where to go, Rei reluctantly agrees to finally meet Lord Ingo of the Obsidian Clan. 
Bitterness was a strong emotion Rei felt right now, gripping his bag as he walked down the path and over the bridge. With no help from either the Diamond or Pearl clan or a place to go, the newly turned adult was an outcast in all sense of the word. Rei didn’t have much to his name, and was currently trying to plan where he could find a place to settle down. Shelter would be the biggest thing to find, a place dry and warm for when the colder seasons came. Safety was a big thing too, wild pokemon could be very aggressive and territorial. Rei watched the edges of the sunset over mountains in the distant, darkness would hit soon... uncertainty crept up his gut...
So what now?
“No where to really go huh?” Rei near jumped out of his skin and whirled around with his hand on his pokeballs. He faced who snuck up on him, but paused at the face of a human. Her short dark brown hair framed her face as she smiled at him. Though her eyes seemed rather hallow looking, “Sorry, didn’t mean to scare you Rei.” she told him.
Unease settled on Rei like a uncomfortable blanket, “You know my name?” he asked with a wary look to her and her outfit. He knew that outfit, Adaman and him ran into these people once before. They call themselves the Obsidian Clan, or as Adaman called them the ‘Dark Clan’. While friendly to them when they met, Adaman had a air of distrust about him when talking to them. And seemed to get protective of Rei when they spoke, and even cut off any attempt to talk about their ‘god’.
Adaman later told Rei they worshiped a false god, even more false then Irida’s. Having left his and her’s clan to join with the one they call ‘Lord Ingo’. Irida luckily managed to get Lady Sneasler to meet with Rei without Ingo’s help... he supposedly was the ‘Warden’ chosen by the noble... much to the Pearl Clan’s disgust.  Rei remembered asking the commander abut them, and got a very scathing response of how they were Cultist and Devil Worshipers. To always avoid at all costs. Apparently they were a problem to the people of the village, enough that people spoke of them in hushed whispers. Akari said she had met them once, and they had weirded her out. Talks about their ‘god’ made her distrusting of them, even if they were nice.
“I’ve been watching you for a while now.” she explain, “No where to go, accept by no clan as they don’t want to start a ‘war’ and would rather listen to the rambles of a man who clearly has lost his mind.” 
Crossing his arms Rei frowned a bit as she just looked at him in amusement, “And what’s it to you?” he asked a bit stand offish, trying not to show how scared he was. 
She looked happy at the question, “My lord wants to meet with you, to maybe invite you to join our clan.” eyes met his as Rei felt his neck hairs raise. “he dislikes seeing people suffer needlessly. And as we have no ties to any of the clan, we can take you in no problem.”
Standing there Rei shifted on his feet at the offer. The chill of the night air starting to settle in and near make him shake. truth be told, he really didn’t have much to lose at this point. To talk with this clan was seen as a bad thing when in the village, but he wasn’t allowed there anymore. And frankly going with her was better than sleeping outside hoping to not get into a fight with a hungry pokemon. After a moment of thought Rei looked at her, she didn’t look away from him once with her unnerving blank stare. “Alright... I’ll meet with your... god.” he said slowly to her.
Her eyes did lit up at that, “he is pleased by this!” she told him happily motioning for him to follow. “And you can call me Roseli.” 
Taking a breath, Rei followed her through the fields hoping this didn’t come back to bite him in the rear. Roseli lead him from the area he was at happily talking, “I’m glad I found you when I did... the idea of the Faker finding you was a fear of mine.” she made a face at the name on her tongue.
“Faker?” Rei asked confused to that passing a glace to her scowl.
A firm nod, “He’s tried once or twice to trick our God, but luckily Lord Ingo can sense intentions through thoughts. He will not gain any secrets from us.” Roseli told him as they trekked their way to the Cobalt Coastlands. “he no doubt would have tricked you in someway as well, you’re better off with us.” she promised him in a softer tone.
Rei could only hum at that, opting to just agree for now, he wasn’t sure what to expect when he’d meet this ‘god’ of theirs. Honestly the idea of becoming a cultist made him a be sick to his stomach. Yet he was already neck deep into this circus, might as well see what waits at the ringmasters tent eh? It was dark by the time they reached the campsite, a warm fire crackled at the center of the clan’s tents. All the tends were dark black in color, with some white trimmings here and there. The triangle stood as a marking to many of them... all things considered it was well hidden within the brush and tall trees. Rei could hear the sea a few ways out, though he felt they were well protected from any storms here. 
People with the same empty look to their eyes watched Rei follow behind Roseli, he swallowed down the discomfort and tried not to stare back at them as he walked. They were coming to a larger tent nearby, that was near a cliff face. “Don’t worry Rei, they knew of your coming, we all did... but they are curious about you.” she told him calmly turning back to him.
“Lord Ingo is inside, he is eager to meet you.” She told him allowing Rei to go inside by holding open the tent flap.
Taking a deep breath Rei left his bag outside and headed into the tent. Roseli closed it behind him as he walked to the large space inside that was much bigger due to being carved into the side of the cliff.  It took a moment to see in the fire light and lamp lights, but Rei stopped walking as he saw a man standing before him. He was human looking, but in the scrawls of shadows something seemed off about him. His white eyes, dull and glowing, almost the same as those around here, looked at him.
Lord Ingo then nodded to him walking a few feet away from Rei, but when Rei took a step back the man kept his distance. “It’s nice to meet you Rei.” Ingo told him in a rather loud tone. Rei just nodded to that, not trusting his voice. “I’ve had my... followers keep an eye on your for a while since our first meeting with you through the Diamond Clan leader.” he explains.
Well that wasn’t ominous as ever, Rei made a small sound at that to show his discomfort as Ingo waved his hand. “I don’t wish to harm you Rei, in fact, you have intrigued me.” he said as if this wasn’t worse than wishing harm. “I sense your distrust of me, but allow me to explain myself.”
Rei looked at Ingo for a long moment before slowly speaking up, “You don’t look like much of a God.” he commented honestly.
Rather than get angry, Ingo laughed at that, “I don’t see myself as one, but if my followers call me as such, then I’ll allow it.” he shrugs a bit to that, for a moment Rei swore he saw the man have several eyes. But it was gone as the lights flickered away the shadows.  Turning to sit down, Ingo offered a seat to Rei, who carefully took a seat across from the other. Peering at him Ingo frowned now, “I heard swiftly of your news form losing your current station residence. Highly unfair in my opinion, which, as Roseli told you, I wish to offer you a place here in my group.” 
To the point right there, at least Ingo didn’t beat around the bush. Rei looked at him incredulously, “Become a cult member you mean?” he asked bluntly back.
“That’s... one way to put it. We are seen as cultist yes, but I promise you, you’ll be taken care of here.” Ingo told him leaning back on his hands, that almost looked like claws for a moment. rei’s eyes flicked back to Ingo’s, who gave no indication to Rei’s staring at the strange features. “I won’t hide anything from you, to be apart of my clan will give you negative view points from the others. But against me, they will try no battles.”  Ingo tilted his head with a pause to let this sink in, “And at this station, you’ll face no judgement either. No matter your past or where you are from, we won’t treat you different for it.” 
Rei frowned at this still, “But what is the cost of that?” there was always a cost, the commander taught him that much. There was always a cost for things.
Regarding him with unreadable eyes and expression, Ingo spoke again, “You’ll be connected with the clan should you chose to stay here with me...” holding up his hand though before Rei could speak Ingo continued, “You do not have to make the choice now, just know, staying here would require of you to connect to me and others... it’s not as bad as it sounds.”
Silence as the older teen looked at Ingo a bit in shock by these words. He didn’t know what they meant, but they both intrigued and scared him. Rei chewed on his lower lip at this as Ingo continued speaking in a calm voice. “i promise you Rei, the benefits of doing so will be great. You’ll be one of mine, and i will protect you. How you view me is up to you from there. Be it as a friend, a leader, or a god... I will not force you to think a certain way. You will be taken care of, and you will be safe.” his tone was comforting at this words, even if they were a bit... threatening at the same time.
The other continued to chew on his lip, eyes lost in thought for a the longest time. He gazed back at Ingo, for a second he swore he saw fur as dark as the night over skin. Now his eyes narrowed, “What even are you?” he asked the thing who looked like a normal man. Ingo tilted his head at this in thought, “My memories tend to be jumbled, I’ve picked through them with time, but some still evade me... the name of what I am still is hazy. I suppose Ingo is all I am now.” he shrugs at this. “The train will lead me to the answer someday.” 
Cryptic and kind of bizarre sounding, but at least it was still some answer and Ingo didn’t snap at him. Rei took a slow breath in and out, “Can I... think about your offer?” he asked the leader. Uncertainty was all in his thoughts, he needed time to process this, to see the clan for himself.
A gentle smile Ingo nodded, “Ofcourse!” he said in a loud voice again which made Rei wince, “You are welcome to stay here as long as you need Rei, this station will accept you for as long as you need... though I do ask you consider staying longer.. only then will is truly feel like home.” Rei looked confused by these words but Ingo motioned for him to the door. Standing up Ingo patted his head, making Rei blink a bit in shock. “Rest up, we’ll speak more later.” Ingo promised him before leaving Rei once again with Roseli. 
Snapping out of his thoughts, rei followed her to a tent for the night. It was simple, much like the home he was given in the village, cozy still. Roseli looked at him for a moment as Rei set down his back. “I do hope you consider his offer.” she said in a shy voice. “I know it’s new, strange, and a bit scary. I’ve been in the shows, but I promise. Lord Ingo is a caring person.” she told him.
Turning to her Rei looked curious for a moment, “What did he mean by-” “People who don’t connect often leave back to their previous clans, with false promises of their Almighty Sinnoh.” Roseli said to him knowing what he was asking, weird how she knew. She gazed at him, “Rei, you deserve better than what that village gave you, you have a sharp mind, you’d benefit here, with us, than anywhere.”
Rei looked away from her gaze now to stare at the fireplace quietly, his thoughts were a mess. A soft sigh was heard, “Rest on it, then see the clan for yourself tomorrow... I promise, we are all here of our own free will.” she asked him, watching Rei just nod faintly.
After a while, Roseli left him to his thoughts and to get some rest. rei sat on the mat looking up at the tent roof and listening to the warm fire crackle. At least he was safe, warm, and dry here... they didn’t have any ill intentions from the sound of it. But... Rei still felt on edge, tomorrow would show him if what they offer was true or if he should run far away.  Laying back on the soft mat, Rei tried not to think about where he was and what he saw in that tent... trying to just rest.
He was shocked by how peaceful it was. 
- Ingo does control people for 2 weeks in this, if only to get them used to the Hivemind and the feeling of being connected. Where it is willing, there is no pain for the person in questions, but can be jarring.
- Everyone is willing to be part of the group, and have very.. cultish like behavior, intentional or not. The other clans are too scared to attack them, and where they don’t do anything to attack them directly other than be a nuisance, not much they can do. (Most are too scared of curses to try lol)
- Wanted to give Ingo a kind look, but some unsettling tones that most Cult Leaders have. IDK if he’s trying to do this or not, or if it’s instinct as he’s a Hiveminder.
- Up to the reader if Rei joins or not, might make a one-shot on Rei joining the group. Or one where he flees quickly after finding out what Ingo is with darker themes.
- Roseli was Peach’s character, needed someone to use to meet Rei, hope I got her personality right. Wanted to go for a uneasy vibe but friendly. She’s very devoted to Lord Ingo, kind of like those cult representatives you hear about from say Scientology lol.
- Ingo in this idea has... partial memories, being a alien of the mind, he’s spent time trying to piece together his memories. It’s slow, and a bit headache inducing, but he has some memory just not alot.
- All have the same blank stare still, but control over everything else. 
- Some don’t become connected, and often will leave the clan, but they don’t share secrets with outsiders until they are connected... haha totally not a cult guys.
- Volo is seen as a ‘Faker’ for being a man who claims himself a god, he’s not very welcomed by the clan because of how he’s tried to attack and trick their god. 
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evielmostdefinitely · 6 months
Pls do something with peacekeeper!Coriolanus I have yet to see anyone do that trope + I feel like he’s more mean and protective in that era
mastermind |peacekeeper!coriolanus snow x capitol!reader|
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prompt: based off above prompt, but wanted to tweak it a teeny tiny bit so this is how coriolanus meets capitol!reader. the plot of the original film is altered a little to fit this.
contains: tw- violence, guns, shooting. dark, protective, manipulative coriolanus. not super heavy, but there are some kinda darkish themes so read at your own discretion.
“Snow,” Commander Hoff’s gruff voice rang through the doorway, hitting Coriolanous head on, his heart lurching with fear. They found out about Lucy Gray, that she’d escaped after Mayfair and Billy’s death. Or maybe worse, maybe she hadn’t headed north, maybe she’d told them. 
His mind raced as he took a step forward, helmet in hand respectfully, hoping Hoff wouldn’t see the way his hands trembled. “Commander, Sir.” Snow held his head high. If this was to be the end, he wouldn’t go out crying. Not like Sejanus- no, Corio would have pride. 
Hoff set the papers down on his desk with a huff, head jerking back for Coriolanus to come towards him. “Snow, I need you to escort Miss Duke to the Mayor’s office.” He nodded towards the corner. “I guess with the recent tragedy of his daughter, Mayor Mayfield’s mind has been elsewhere. He didn’t get his quarterly tesserae count turned in. The Capitol sent Miss Duke to get them, so make sure she gets there.” 
Coriolanus’ eyes wandered to you, standing in the corner properly, hands clasped elegantly in front of you. A shining beacon in the dark skies of the coal country, a glimmering ray of good after all the bad Corio had. He could tell you were from The Capitol, though you tried to dress more humbly for the visit to the district, he supposed. 
You gave him a smile, and for a moment, Corio’s heart leapt with excitement. That familiar rush of heat returning, coursing through his chest. “Private Snow will take you there, Miss Duke. He’s one of our best. On his way to officer training in Two. You’re in good hands.” Commander Hoff nodded. 
You thanked him quietly, kitten heels clicking across the hardwood floors. Coriolanus followed you, trying to keep his stoic expression, though his eyes wandered to the swell of your ass, hugged perfectly in your dress. 
“Snow,” Commander Hoff called before he left. “A word?” 
The icy chill of fear flooded back into Corio’s system, gripping the knob. You didn’t seem to notice, nodding politely, shutting the door behind you. 
“Sir?” Coriolanus swallowed the lump in his throat, approaching the desk slowly. 
Hoff leaned back in his chair. “You know who that is, right?” 
Coriolanus blinked. His mind had been so occupied with his impending doom, his fate had seemed to turn and tread on the worst sides of things, he was so sure it would continue. “Miss Duke?” 
Hoff blinked at him, laughing softly. “Yeah, Duke, Snow.” He pressed. Coriolanus felt dumb, small like he did when he talked to Highbottom. “Snow, does the name Atticus Duke mean anything to you?” 
Coriolanus' eyes widened lightly, turning towards the door in surprise. “Atticus Duke? The-” 
“-The man who owns half of Panem?” Hoff snorted lightly. “Yeah, that’s his youngest out there. Only girl, alright?” 
Coriolanus felt his curiosity peek. He’d been wallowing in the loss of Lucy Gray, he didn’t even put it together. Thinking you were just another Capitol girl. Not the Duke Heiress. 
“Yes, sir. I-I see that now.” Corio nodded dumbly. 
“Good. So you know that her father paid for the destruction of the rebellion? That he funded the Capitol? And that if these people see her, those fucking Rebels are likely to want to hurt her?” Hoff pressed, his eyes narrowed in seriousness. “And that if something happens to her, our entire platoon will be hanging from that tree- or worse?” 
It shouldn’t have made Coriolanus as excited as he was. The thought of having that much power. He could easily have that level of control, have people quaking with fear- even the powerful ones, trembling at his feet the way Atticus Duke did. Oh, how he envied it. How he craved it. 
“Yes, sir.” Coriolanus nodded. 
“Snow, listen to me.” Hoff sat up straight, leaning over the desk. “If any of them get close to her, no mercy- do you understand?” 
Coriolanus nodded again, spine straightening with authority. “I have others trailing and leading the both of you- crowd control, but I wanted her to feel safe. Feel welcome. So I stuck her with you. Figured a familiar face from the Capitol would put her at some ease. Keep her from telling her father something that would have him questioning my rank and order around here.” 
“I understand, Commander.” Coriolanus said firmly. “I’ll keep her safe.” 
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“Wow,” You muttered, looking around the cobbled street. The Peacekeepers ahead of you barking orders, scaring off any pedestrians wandering about. “Is it always like this?” 
Corio blinked, his gun cradled in his hand, finger on the trigger- ready. “Always like what?” 
“This,” You waved around you. “It’s very…” 
“Depressing?” Corio muttered, a grumble, eyes scanning the perimeter in front of him over the gray skies and smog filled air. 
“Yeah.” You smiled softly. “I pictured it… prettier?” 
“It’s the coal district, Miss Duke.” Coriolanus said, the barrel of his gun pointed for backup at a scurrying coal miner. 
“So that’s what makes it so sad?” You challenged, brow raised. 
Corio didn’t answer. He knew what you were implying, and he wouldn’t humor it. Instead, his eyes scanned the street. “May I ask why you’re here?” You asked, tilting your head to the side. 
“What?” Corio snapped, harsher than he meant to. 
“Why you’re here?” You repeated. “I, uh, I don’t want to sound rude. I just- I saw you on the games. You were the mentor who won. I just, I figured you would be at University with the others.” 
“I made an enemy. A powerful one.” Corio quipped shortly, jaw set. He couldn’t let his mind race and spiral, not now. He needed to stay focused. 
“Oh,” You muttered, looking down at the wet, broken road. “I’m sorry.” 
Corio’s heart skipped, maybe with joy, maybe with fear. “May I ask you why you’re here?” Coriolanus asked, eyes cutting down towards you. 
“I have to get the count for the tesserae.” You motioned towards the Mayor’s office before you. “I have to take them back to The Capitol.” 
“Yes, but,” Corio paused, scanning the area. “You’re- Surely, you don’t need to do that, Miss Duke.” He muttered, voice dropping to a low octave. 
You blushed, sheepishly looking towards your shoes, ruined from the muck in the road. “So, Commander Hoff briefed you on me?” You grinned. 
Coriolanus didn’t answer. “I already knew.” He lied easily, eyes cutting to you. “We’ve met before. In passing. I was Sejanus’ friend.” 
“Oh,” Your face fell. “Right. I-I am so sorry for your loss. It was-” 
“-Yes.” Corio nodded, the bile rising in his throat. “We-We met at the Academy’s Ball two springs ago.” 
You turned, looking at him fully for the first time. He tried not to blush, icy eyes meeting your own for a moment. “That’s right.” You grinned. “You-You had longer hair. Tigris’ cousin?” 
“Yes.” Coriolanus nodded. 
“She was apprenticing for my aunt.” You smiled softly. 
Corio looked at you, his rigid posture slacking just for a moment, relaxing in your presence. “Why aren’t you doing something like that?” He asked, brows furrowing for a moment. “Or in University, yourself. Surely that would be… more appropriate than this.”
You bit back a smile, chin ducking down. “Maybe.” You shrugged. “I like this job, though. I get to see the Districts.” 
“Why would you ever want to do that?” Corio snarled lightly. “I can’t wait to get out of them. Get away from these people.” He muttered bitterly. 
You blinked at him, eyes narrowing lightly, stopping before the steps of the Mayor’s building. “You seemed quite fond of that song bird you helped win.” You countered. “And she was among these people.” 
Coriolanus was stunned, mouth opening stupidly, before swallowing his jumbled words. Instead, he offered you his arm politely for you to steady yourself on while you climbed the steps to the Mayor’s office. 
Coriolanus waited outside the office at attention while you collected the tesseraes for the quarter from a distraught, and clearly drunken, Mayor Mayfield. His slurred speech, pores sweating out whiskey soaked odor. 
You took the envelope, thanking him before quickly slipping out. Coriolanus stood beside you, falling back into step with you, the other Peacekeepers joining around the two of you. 
“You’re returning to The Capitol today?” Corio asked, though his eyes stayed straight ahead. 
“They asked me to stay the night.” You answered simply. “Something about a train leaving in the morning?” You looked at him carefully. You knew he was to join you with the others. You’d given the orders from Dr. Gaul to Commander Hoff that morning.
Coriolanus frowned, turning to you curiously. “Tomorrow? Why would they make you-” 
The ravenous bark of Peacekeepers in front of you made you jump, a deranged looking man, covered in soot from the mines, charging at you with a vengeful pace. You froze, clutching the envelope in front of you like a shield, glued to the concrete in pure fear. 
“Gimme that envelope, you stupid bitch!” The man roared, mere feet away from you. “Get my daughter’s name outta there! Take it out!” 
You flinched, bracing for the impact of him hitting you, his body hurling towards yours. It never came. Instead, a shot behind you had a gasp tearing from your lungs. The bullet so close to your own head, you heard it whizzing past you like the June Bugs that flew in the fields in the countryside of the district. 
The man grunted, a bloody gurgle, a crimson patch seeping through his stomach. The other Peacekeepers seized him, shouting and grabbing at him, hauling him away roughly. Your hand trembled, pressing to your lips. Coriolanus stood behind you, gun lowering, finger still on the trigger. 
His face was hard, stoic, eyes narrowed dangerously- furiously. “Come on.” Coriolanus muttered, a hand gently on your back, guiding you forwards. The crowds were peering, poking around at the sound of gunshots, the groans and screams of the man. “We need to get you to the Commander’s Quarters.” 
“Snow, hey, look we-we didn’t see him-” One Peacekeeper jogged frantically, hands trembling in fear. “He just- He came out of nowhere. I’m so sorry, Miss.” 
“It’s alrig-” 
“-Come on.” Coriolanus hissed, cutting your apology off short. “We need to get her back quickly. Can you manage that?” He snapped at the other boy. 
The other boy faltered for a moment, scrambling back into line. You were still shaking, pushed into Corio’s side far closer than what would be appropriate for two strangers. “He-He was just saying sorry.” You muttered, your own eyes scanning around you. 
“He nearly got you killed.” Coriolanus snapped, his eyes hard but they never met your gaze, scanning around you protectively. “His carelessness nearly cost you your life.” Cost us all our lives, Corio thought. 
You didn’t respond, only stepping with his quickened pace. 
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“Are you alright?” You asked Coriolanus, peeking around the corner of the train station towards him. 
He was surprised to see you, though he supposed he shouldn’t have been. He assumed the ‘Princess of Panem’ would have her own private carriage on the train, not subjected to riding with him. 
“I think I’m supposed to ask you that.” Corio gave a half smile, a tone much lighter than it was before. 
You blushed, looking down. “I’m alright.” You sighed lightly. “I told your Commander that. I promise I don’t need an escort back to The Capitol.” 
Coriolanus looked down at his bags. “I’m not- I’m returning to The Capitol as well.” He said, chest boasting at the words. 
“Oh?” You lifted a brow. “No District Two?” 
“No,” Corio shook his head. “I’ve been asked to return.” It was vague, and he knew it- knew it piqued your interest. 
“Well, congratulations. I’m sure your family will be excited.” You smiled politely, lifting your own overnight bag when the train doors opened. 
“Here,” Coriolanus stopped you, reaching for the strap of the bags. Your hands brushed in the smallest way. Overlapping as he took the bag politely, a surge of electricity jolted between both of you, rapid sparks that would crescendo in the days, weeks, years to come. 
You blushed, turning your head to hide the way it flustered you. It was so embarrassingly juvenile, his eyes sparkling, lips tugging in a grin when he looked at you, pinky grazing over your knuckle just for a moment before he held the bag. 
“Allow me.” Coriolanus was smug, proud, pulling the bag up. He let you on first, placing the bags away, eyes cutting towards you. You were stealing a glance at him, turning after being caught sheepishly. 
You had the window seat, looking out at the smoggy station. “Is this seat taken?” Corio asked, hand resting on the arm of the seat next to you. 
You shook your head, moving your hands to your lap. You were so poised, Corio knew it had been drilled into your head since you were young, just as it was to him. His mind raced with excitement, the idea of getting you to be so improper, defile you. 
“Do you know your orders once you return?” You asked, looking at him carefully. The trains whistle trilling in the background. 
“I’m not sure.” It was a complete lie, he only knew a fraction of what awaited him when he returned. All the more reason he needed an ally, a powerful one at that. 
“Why?” Corio pressed, leaning forward to look at you. His dog tags hung loosely around his neck, draping over his underclothes of his uniform. It made your heart race. 
“I was just curious.” You shrugged, swallowing gently. 
“You were wanting to see me again?” Corio pressed, boldly. His heart skipped when you whipped around, staring at him with a wide eyed expression. 
“W-What?” You choked out, trying to remain calm, composed, but your heart was beating so fastly you were sure it would burst. 
“Were you wanting to see me again?” Coriolanus hummed, shifting in his seat to turn towards you. You were pressed against the glass, pinned by his gaze. “Because I was hoping to see you again. If you’d have me.” 
“You would?” You squeaked, sure that your fluster was apparent all over your face. 
“If you’d let me.” Corio purred smoothly. “I’d like to take you out sometime. Get to know you better. I’m very,” His fingers brushed over your own hand, satisfied at how you shuddered. “Interested in getting to know you.” 
You swallowed. No man had ever been so direct with you. He’d saved you the night before, so effortlessly. The feeling of his bicep around you, shielding you away, strong and steady. It had you sneaking your fingers between your thighs later that night shamefully at the thought. 
“I-I would like that.” You nodded, mind screaming when his hand held your, cradled with such care, you almost forgot how brutal he was yesterday. 
“Tomorrow?” Coriolanus asked, head tilting to the side. He wanted to set the date before you forgot, before you had time to ask around about him or think too much about his actions before. 
“That-That would be lovely.” You nodded, tongue swelling thickly in your mouth, heart hammering as he pushed closer and closer. 
His hand cradled your jaw softly, thumb stroking over your cheek bone. “May I?” Corio hummed, eyes lustful. 
You nodded. You weren’t quite sure why, you’d certainly never done something like this before. But then his lips were on you, hand cradling your jaw, moving to the back of your head gently. He migrated into your chair, somewhere between the Districts, hands on your back, pulling you in closer and closer. He kissed you like a man starved, possessively and passionately all at once- it made your head spin. 
It dawned on Coriolanus, what Dr. Gaul was talking about. Sacrifice, while brutal, was necessary. Losing Lucy Gray, Sejanus, without that would it have ever brought you to him? He would be in the woods, starving with a girl who nearly used him to survive, or hanging from a tree next to Sejanus. Certainly not sitting side by side in the train car, stealing small smiles and gentle kisses with you. His fate had turned, re-routed and he could see it now- his future, his empire with you. 
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whorediaries-09 · 7 months
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"forgive us now for what we've done"
'tis the damn season (closed)
you can meet me at the hotel; (closed) [kinkotober masterlist]
put your life out on the line" (closed)
got the wine for you; (closed) [false god (masterlist)]
maybe it's a blessing in disguise; (closed)
Peppers Sirius Black X Reader. Fuck buddies to lovers. Modern AU!. 18+ content
Delicate Sirius Black X Reader. Friends to lovers. TW- Self harm, angst, hurt/comfort, fluff.
Night We Met Sirius Black X Reader Set During Order of The Phoenix. Mention of major character death(s).
New Year's Day Sirius Black X Reader Set during Order of The Phoenix. Fluff and low humor.
Cardigan; Sirius Black X Reader. Hurt/Comfort.
Sure Thing; Sirius Black X Shy!Reader Fluff.
Oh Children; Sirius Black X Reader Angst.
Million Dollar Man; Sirius Black x Camgirl!reader 18+ content, drinking.
Daylight Flowerist!Sirius Black X Barista!reader Fluff.
Consume; Dark!Sirius Black X Muggle!reader. 18+ content, cemeteries, dark themes.
Born to die Cult!leader Sirius Black X Reader. Mentions of murder, gore, dark themes.
Afterglow; Felix Catton x Reader Hurt/Comfort.
Dancing with our hands tied; Sirius Black X Reader. Hurt/Comfort, injuries, blood. (potential part two)
Maneater; Neighbor!James Potter X Reader 18+ content, stalker behavior, darkish themes.
She just hit my heart; James Potter X Reader Fluff.
Don't blame me; Priest!Remus Lupin X Reader Alludes to sex, dark themes.
Pick your poison, babe; Sirius Black X Reader Suggestive Content, fluff.
The Seven Lives; Please read chapter warnings on top of each chapter. Status- On going (PAUSED)
No Time To Die (Status- On going)
he hurricane with my name on it. Please read chapter warnings on top of each chapter. COMPLETED. SEQUEL COMING UP SOON.
Poison Ivy From my fall event (close)
Heartbeat; From 'the seven lives' series.
Call It What You Want Sirius Black X Reader. Post Azkaban Sirius. Hurt/Comfort. Fluff. Touch sensitivity.
Indentation in the shape of you Sirius Black X Reader. Post Azkaban Sirius. Fluff, bad humor.
Now I'm Covered in You Sirius Black X Reader. Post Azkaban Sirius. 18+ Content. From my fall event (close)
Trying To Keep The Water Warm James Potter X Reader. Professor James AU! Fluff. From my fall event (close)
Dark Red James Potter X Reader Set during the Marauders era. 18+ content.
Womanizer Sirius Black x Reader Set During the Marauders era. Angst, 18+ content, drinking, hints at sexual assault.
Meddle About; West Coast; FDad!James Potter X Reader. 18+ content, mentions of alcohol, age gap.
Maroon Sirius Black X Reader ex to lovers, drinking, alludes to sexual assault, hurt/comfort.
The great war; Sirius Black X Reader ex to lovers, angst, hurt/comfort. Part two to Maroon.
Do I wanna know? Rockstar!Sirius Black X Reader. 18+ content.
Dusk till dawn Sirius Black X Lestrange!Reader Hurt/Comfort, dialogue heavy.
Smoke on my clothes; Rockstar!Sirius Black X Popstar!Reader Fluff, 18+ content, use of y/n.
Into You; Ron Weasley X Reader 18+ content, porn without plot.
Wherever I go; Remus Lupin X Reader. Making out, suggestive, fluff.
Blue Jeans; Professor!Harry Potter X Reader 18+ content.
Getaway car; Sirius Black X Desi!Reader 18+ content, sexual tension, substances.
I think he knows; Ron Weasley X Reader 18+ content, mentions of war, fluff.
Gorgeous; James Potter X Reader 18+ content.
House of balloons/glass table girls; Sirius Black X Reader 18+ content.
You're in love Policeman!James Potter X Baker!Reader Fluff.
Can't you see, you're meant for me? Bsf!Dad!James Potter X Reader Suggestive content, fluff.
I'm gonna make you my wife; Sirius Black X Reader Banter, fluff, silly teenagers in love, kinda shy reader, alcohol, 18+ content.
This place will burn you up; Sirius Black X Reader 18+ content.
Hall of morals;
I'm running back home to you;
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duskglowraider · 10 months
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- Aux
- He/Him | It/Its | They/Them
- Transmasc | Non-binary | Pansexual
- Native American (Osage)
- No written DNI, I judge you myself (Just be a normal person please I’m begging)
- This is a canon x oc/self insert blog. I’m here to be cringe and free
- I like my men pretty and my women able to kill me
F/O, OC, S/I list and more below the cut
- I don’t consider myself truly dating any of my F/Os. I live vicariously through my OCs most of the time. I actually love and support doubles but if it makes you uncomfortable, I have a specific tag for each that you can blacklist if that helps. It’s with the lists below.
- I am 24 and MAY mention NSFW things but it’ll be rare for this account and tagged as .suggestive and only be in txt form.
- All of my OCs are transmasc. Sorry pal I don’t make the rules I just follow them.
- My writing may include violence or darkish themes along those lines. It’ll be tagged appropriately with TW/[trigger here]. Technically you could say wh.ump, I do like the ‘hurt then comfort’ part of it since that’s why I write that sometimes. We like to see bitches heal and get loved here, but also the drama of it.
- I don’t like getting into discourse and will try to keep my blog free of it. Not that I’m ignoring the issues, I just want a space where I can be cringe and free. If I ever say or do something stupid, let me know privately so I can correct it.
- Lastly, I don’t vet everyone I reblog from. I only vet when I intend to follow someone and even then sometimes things get past me. Let me know right away privately if there is an issue from someone I follow/reblog from and I’ll take care of it.
- Other interests include; Horror movies/games, mythology, philosophy, history, how video game AIs work, THYLACINES, VtM, Bloodborne, Dark Souls, Pathologic, Thief, etc.
- I am a CSA survivor and Abuse Survivor. I have ADHD and intense body dysmorphia.
- I like masculine terms used for me such as dude, guy, etc. I also don’t mind. The use of queen with me either. Whatever terms/pronouns will make the joke funnier. If it’s not funny, I get to drink all the soda in your house and sleep in your bed. (/j)
Typically shipped with an OC but know I live vicariously through them.
Elaine (Dislyte) | .The Moon And The Sea | Levi (OC)
Ahmed (Dislyte) | .Overnight Radio | Kieran (OC)
Ranni (Elden Ring) | .Age of Stars | Iris (OC)
Ji-Woon Hak (Dead by Daylight) | .Show Stopping | Fytch (S/I)
Gerard Keay (The Magnus Archives) | .Midnight Glow | Gwyn O’Cleary (OC)
Artemy Burakh (Pathologic) | .Madmen’s Insight | Phaenon (OC)
I love them I just don’t talk about them as much as the others. They also tend not to have a personal tag.
Lucio (Overwatch) | .Lucio
Lifeweaver (Overwatch) | .Lifeweaver
Helen (The Magnus Archives) | .Helen
Dorian Storm (Critical Role) | .Dorian
Timur (Destiny) | .Timur
Hypnos (Hades) | .Hypnos
Shin Mulphur (Destiny) | .Shin
Gwyndolin (Dark Souls) | .Gwyndolin
Ollie (Dislyte) | .Ollie
Cuthbert Beckett (VtM) | .Beckett
These ones are secret because I’m embarrassed about them or their source. Maybe one day I’ll actually say who they.
.Royalty in blood
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keiksy-cake · 2 years
119 - Random Russia Log 3 (KumaChan&Lac; TW)
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Mostly just KumaChan’s work, their Pixiv User ID is 42119795
TW: some pages contain blood and darkish themes but sort of in a comedic way mostly. also CW for kissing? does that need a CW?
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keiksy does not condone relationship violence
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Now Lac’s work, the Pixiv ID is 37181379
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Michael. Don’t leave me here. Michael.
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And this piece of Tuzi’s, the Pixiv ID is 79571472
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As always, I had permission to translate and post, please support the original artists ^^
I accidentally had a nsfw image up here bc I didn't realize *that* portion of it, so sorry to anyone who saw it and noticed! I'll try to be more careful in the future 😣
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leviiattacks · 3 years
okkkk so i recommend these writers on ao3 !!! :-)
@ desertrose07 (yeah i feel like everyone loves their levi fic)
@ oi_levi (actually i’m pretty sure this person has a tumblr blog but idk my memory is bad i’m sorry 😭 I RLLY LIKE SILVER SOUL THOUGH 10/10 recommend that u read it it’s v lovely one of my faves 😎)
@ maokitty (i also think this person has a tumblr blog actually BUT… again my memory is bad so god knows if that’s accurate - ANYWAY READ DUST, DIAMONDS IT’S GOOD)
@ captaindegenerate (i’ve only rlly read to sing a song of steel properly but i do recommend reading it, it’s quite long but it’s still not complete and tw’s are put in appropriate places bc there are darkish themes anyways i recommend it!!)
@ hxwks_gf (i don’t rlly remember what happened in the fic bc i read it when i was tired but i remember the writing being great so u should read burn for you!!)
there’s probably more but again i have not read anything in ages i’m too busy to 😞
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koolcatkenma · 4 years
a christmas request from @animebsposts !!!
tw drinking, but not over drinking
There was an unspoken rule among the Karasuno volleyball team; Hinata was to receive no alcohol under any condition. Of course, the first year they were too young and all were refused the substance when the team got together for parties. But during their second year, the Incident happened, and that was the end of drinking for the teen. 
But, several years later, former Karasuno members Suga and Daichi held a reunion slash holiday party of sorts, also inviting people from other, rival teams back in the day. Since he had grown up and could now hold down at least one drink, Hinata was allowed to partake in the games themed around alcohol. Kageyama was not excited about this.
The setter lived with the small ball of energy and knew what happened when he got drunk, or at least tipsy. It was fine when they were alone, just the two of them in their shared apartment, but with the added friends and holiday cheer, it was a recipe for disaster (in Kageyama’s opinion).
And halfway through the party, when both boys we about three spiked ciders in, Kageyama stood in the corner, sulking, watching as his tiny boyfriend laughed too hard at a joke Kuroo made. His cheeks were rosy red, the blush spreading down his neck. His eyes practically sparkled with Christmas lights. Kageyama sulked harder.
“Dude, you need to chill out. You look almost constipated.” Noya came out of nowhere, holding out a glass of what smelled like cheap peppermint vodka and a random mixer. Kageyama took it, immediately taking a swig and regretting it the same instance. Noya laughed, poking fun at the reaction before being swept away by Tanaka and Ennoshita. Once again, Kages was alone to sulk and sip his drink.
Hinata floated from group to group, chattering happily and eating the provided holiday cookies. The food sobered him up some, but he still was slushed a rose color and smiling ear to ear. When the games died down and more people moved to couches and chairs to enjoy a movie, he calmed down, the sleepy stage of drinking setting in. He smiled softly at seemingly nothing, only half-listening to whatever Suga was talking about. And then he was walking, being pulled lightly by a darkish figure towards the dark outside. 
The cold December air hit him and sent shivers through his body. The shock woke him up if only slightly, and his eyes adjusted in time to register Kageyama as the darkish figure leaning close to his face. Foreheads pressed together, he whispered something that didn’t quite make it to Hinata’s ears.
“Hmm?” He giggled at the warm breath tickling his cheeks.
“Shoyuo, I asked if you were okay.” Kageyama sounded...off. Sounded like before they were dating, how the setter would talk to him after being dragged away from too-close fans or people at clubs. 
“You’re jealous.” The question ignored, giggles erupted from the small boy. Now it was Kageyama’s turn to blush red.
“Dumbass, I’m not. I just wanted to check on you.” Peppermint hit Hinata’s nose and he leaned towards the sweet smell, shutting his eyes and inhaling. He wanted the candy cane his boyfriend had eaten. He wanted a taste. 
And so he kissed the sticky from sugar lips, laughing at the gasp he drew him Tobio. But the gesture was returned, hands traveling lightly up his back, through his hair, settling on his waist. Hinata was no longer cold.
And when the pair rejoined the party, Kageyama no longer looked in need of a toilet and Hinata was chilled out, ready to sit and enjoy whatever cheesy movie was on next.
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Survey #476
“yeah, i am the brain, some say insane”
What is your favorite Pixar film? Finding Nemo. Who was the last person to send you any sort of message on social media? My sister Misty. Would you rather build a snowman or a snow fort? Why? Snowman. I think you can personalize them better. At what age do you believe children should begin having screen time? I don't know. I guess it would depend on the kid. Have you ever failed an important test? Which subject? Yes; I failed my last Algebra final and the course. Who taught you how to ride a bike? How old were you? My dad. Idr how old I was. Do you know what your ring size is? What is it? Nope. When you picture dinosaurs in your head, what color are they? Like a darkish red or green. Last candy you tried that you did not enjoy? Or one that you did enjoy? No clue. Were you a chubby or thin baby? I was your average size. What is the most outrageous thing you’ve considered doing lately? Trying to get a cubicle job. Like seriously, NOBODY wants those. I don't either, but I just don't know what other options I have that don't require a degree and I'm not flocked by other people. I'd probably have some duties on the phone, but like... I'm not going to find a job I qualify for that is perfectly reclusive. Have you ever known somebody who ran away? Not personally, no. Rollercoasters that go upside-down… yes please or no thank you? NO FUCKING THANK YOU. Can you have kids? I would assume so, but honestly I wish I physically couldn't with how intensely I fear being raped. Are you a fan of Elton John? I've never really listened to his music and know very little about him as an individual. What does your town’s name begin with? "R." Are you a seafood fan? Nooooo. The one and only seafood I enjoy is shrimp. Give me a random word in another language. Tell me what it means. "Himmel" is "Heaven" in German. Odd how that was the first one to come to me, ha ha. Which city would you like to visit- Rome, Tunis, London, Madrid or Paris? Rome. New tats in your near future? Sadly no. :/ I have to focus on more important things. Did you ever participate in beauty pageants as a child? No. I don't support those. Have you ever ridden in a limousine before? No, but I've always wanted to. :( What's the most amount of money you'd pay for a house or a vehicle? Idk, considering I'm not familiar enough with what is considered reasonable and average for either. What's the longest wait time you'll wait at a restaurant to be seated? If it was actually up to me, shit, maybe only 15 minutes. I am way too impatient, and I'd rather just go to another place than wait for a while. Have you ever been given a responsibility that you couldn't handle? Did you mean: my past three jobs? Did you ever try to start a club as a child? For what? I feel like my friends and I did before... but I remember nothing of it. Who was your favorite babysitter as a child? My sister had this friend in our neighborhood as a kid whose grandparents used to watch us. The grandpa we knew as "Uncle Donny," and he was bar none our favorite. He was such a sweet man. Have you ever cared for a stray animal before? Cats, on many occasions in the past. [TW: SUICIDE/OVERDOSE] Have you ever contacted a suicide or crisis services hotline? For whom? Yeah, for me. I tried first to reach them online in one of those private chatrooms, but I want to say I waited around 30 minutes with nobody available. I was so desperate that I tried calling too, but again, it was too busy. That's when I ODed. Is there anyone from your family that you no longer associate with? I have an uncle by marriage that's an abusive, manipulative fuck that NOBODY associates with, except his brainwashed daughters. Do you have any illnesses that reoccur frequently? I mean, I have mental illnesses that flare up now and again, but no traditional illnesses. What is your sexual orientation? Queer or pansexual, idk man. Have you ever done any drugs harder than marijuana? I've never even done weed. What is one job you would never want to have? I would, no exaggeration, rather die than be a butcher. I could never in five trillion years. Do you bite or peel your string cheese? I don't like string cheese. Who crosses your mind the most? Girt, nowadays. I know, a fucking shocker who wasn't the answer. Have you ever been on a scavenger hunt? In school, yeah. Ever been to an auction? No. Are there two colors that you just simply despise? Puke green and yellow. If you were a fish, what colour would you like to be? I wanna be the Rainbow Fish. :') Did your first real significant other change you at all? You have literally no idea. Are you waiting to have sex until you’re married? No. What’s your favorite football team? I don't like football. Or even understand it. Do you have anything autographed by a celebrity? No. What’s your favorite way to eat peanut butter? Gimme a Reese's and I'm a happy bitch. :^) What’s your favorite kind of sandwich? I'm basic, just hand me a pb&j. How are you today? Worried about my mother since she has Covid now. I'm not feeling too hot, either. Was any of your home decor inspired by Pinterest? No. What is this month’s calendar picture? I don't own a current calendar. What is your last ex-boyfriend’s or ex-girlfriend’s name? Sara Jane. I prefer to refer to her as just my best friend, though; "ex" usually implies negative feelings in some way or form, and I've none of those. Do you use Snapchat? I never have. Would you rather go out for pancakes or steak? Yum, pancakes. Are you the clubbing type? No. Clubs don't appeal to me at all. Is your ex sexually attractive to you still? I haven't seen him in literally years. I wouldn't know. What is unattractive about them? The fact he apparently can't accept a mentally ill partner. Supposedly, he broke up with the girl he dated after me for the same reason he left me: her having depression. Like bro, good fucking luck finding a girl who doesn't struggle with something. Good luck finding someone who's going to be on Cloud 9 all the time. And also, he never communicated what he was feeling. Do you have a crap load of friends to hang out with? God no. The only person I hang out with is my boyfriend. Honeymoon, where? Alaska, if it's a good time of year to see the Northern Lights. If not, maybe the Bahamas to visit their black and pink beaches. The heat and humidity put me off, though... Lipstick over the actual natural lip line, your thoughts? It's capable of being attractive if done well and it's not too extreme, unless you're only looking from a distance. It can look especially great on drag queens imo. How would your wedding bouquet look like? Depends on the time of year, really. I kind of want to say black regardless, but I think that would blend too much with my dress (which I want to be black). Maybe if it was in the fall, which I want, it'd be orange and black to fit the Halloween vibe I'd love to have as a theme, perhaps a rich red, or light pink and white... idk. That's far in the future. What kind of game would you like to play that doesn’t exist yet? Bro, give me a meerkat simulator. There's the Lead the Meerkats Wii game that I ADORE, but I think the concept could be greatly expanded upon and made more realistic. What is one thing you would never ever eat? Balut came to mind very quickly. That looks like the grossest shit imaginable. I'll never forget seeing it for the first time on GMM and wondering how neither of them literally died where they sat lmao. There are a LOT of other foods, too. I'm incredibly picky. Which character in your favorite movie do you hate the most? Every single character from The Lion King is so lovable. Which non-existing (sci-fi and such) weapon and/or vehicle would you like to own/use? Bro, I want Thori'dal from WoW. A bombin' bow with unlimited, magical arrows? That shit's dope. Could save your life, and plus I love bows. How do you think the world will end? Humanity's end will almost certainly be rooted in human action. The end of the planet itself will probably be a black hole, gamma ray, or something else supremely powerful. If you could take a pill that would cure something in you that isn’t an illness - what would you be cured of? The fact I'm fat. :^) Take it all away pls. Has anyone besides your family seen you naked? If so, who? My ex. Do you remember anyone’s number by heart? Literally nobody's. Not even my own. :x Name something you will never try in your lifetime. Hunting. What’s the best place you have ever eaten at? The Cheesecake Factory, omlllll. Are you at home right now? Yep. What’s worse: Crocs or Uggs? Crocs are so fucking ugly to me. Do you knock before you open doors? Always. Does Fred from YouTube annoy you? Now THIS is a throwback. I liked him as a kid. He'd probably annoy the shit out of me now. Anything exciting taking place today? No. Who have you texted today? My mother and Becky, the receptionist at my psychiatrist's office. I rescheduled my appointment to tomorrow with my mom being sick (she wants to talk to him, and she's in no shape to today) and me not feeling well, either. Do you like grapefruits? No. Have you ever had the Reese’s PB candy bars? Omfg, the ones that are a bar of smaller squares is my FAVORITE candy in the world. Where’s your mother? In bed. She was directed to mostly quarantine in her room away from me. Are there any pets you’re wishing for? Always. :( Do you like oatmeal raisin cookies? I HATE raisins, so guess. Is your belly button pierced? No. Do you watch PewDiePie? Not anymore, no. His content changed a long time ago and doesn't interest me anymore. Do you like "Despacito?" Omg my sister showed it to me once and I hated it. Do you have any subscribers on YouTube? uhhh *checks* I have 71. More than I expected, ha ha. What’s the first word that comes to your mind if I say: "Boop!" Booping a snake on the nose. :'3 Have you ever played Five Nights at Freddy’s? Nah. I enjoy watching YouTubers play it, and I like the franchise, it's just not my kind of game to actually play. Can you twerk? Oh god, never tried, don't want to. Do you like dabbing? It looks stupid to me. It looks like you're smelling your armpit, dude. Can money buy you happiness? You are 110% full of shit if you think it can't to some degree. I would be so, so much happier if I wasn't poor. Have you heard of Blizzard Entertainment? Well, considering they're the company that owns World of Warcraft, obviously.
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rpslayed · 3 years
do you think the twitter rpc could handle a darkish plot? more mature than dark, the plot i'm thinking of would just involve mature themes like TW: drugs, sex, maybe a little violence? if i could get ur opinion and if ur readers could respond with theirs thatd really help me out!!!!
hmmmmmm maybe. it would really just have to be the self inserts you'd have to worry about i think.. just about every twit rp involves drugs and sex or has plots around those two subjects. violence is touchy though idk
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jadespeedster17 · 2 years
They Never Lost
Warnings: Other than heavy flirting not much.
POV: Second (You/your)
Note: Admitted this idea is corny and cheesy, but fiction is whatever I want it to be, and the characters remain the same but are different depending on the setting.  Anywho @malaiselover we talked about this idea before I fell asleep. 
Summary: You got to the end, you were close to winning, it was right there, all that was left was to confront the kings. The biggest challenge yet, one that would test your resolve. You were warned one waver in your will, and they would pounce on it. You wouldn’t let yourself, you would get your friend back, and you would leave this place.
The throne room was at the tallest part of the castle, the balcony looking out over the kingdom. It was quiet, most had gone to hide away, no one would expect a mere human to get to the castle. To make it through the labyrinth was unheard of by people in the Underground. Yet you proved them all wrong, marching your way up to the castle gates and getting inside.
They were here, you knew they were, Emmet and Ingo were cornered now. You made it through their tests, their unfair games, and now was just to get what you came for.  You looked around the area, two thrones one black with more twisted looking edges, another pristine white with jagged edges. You frowned at this and walked past them to the balcony outside. The sun was nearing setting, you were running out of time. 
But... it was very pretty up here, the kingdom below with the labyrinth’s tall walls, the different areas you visited below. Junkyard of Dreams, Emmet’s place he liked to trap people in. Where you’d become lost in nostalgia and be a hoarder. But you saw through it, it really was a junkyard, things that could be replaced.  To the right was the Forest of Desire, Ingo’s area, you cringed at the memory of running from creatures that wanted to tear you limb from limb. They believed that to live in happiness was better than to live in reality, that had been terrifying, and made you notice how Ingo did make it a fair fight, but still wanted you to lose too.
Emmet was hardly ever fair when you entered into his areas, he just liked watching you run around. On rare occasions he’d praise you for your quick wit and be impressed you ever managed to win and escape back to his brother’s areas. With that creepy smile of his ever present.  Ingo was fair in his trials and games he had you play, and came off quiet charming. But you learned the hard way that he was as cold hearted as the black outfit he wore, as cold as the Icy Heart Plains on his area. Watching you with a dead frown and eyes, as you won each trial.
You’ve been through hell and back, and it wouldn’t be for nothing. “Beautiful up here isn’t it?” you turned quickly as Emmet smiled at you brightly. He just seemed to come from no where, fae creatures were known for that.
He walked over to you, your heart was racing, “I always love this part of the castle, Ingo and I would sit up here and watch the people below run through our areas.” a cold laugh, “watching as they would fall into despair.”
You bristled at the words and turned to him with steely eyes, “You know why I came here Emmet.” you spoke with confidence, “Now where is my friend?” you asked him.
Emmet regarded you with cool eyes, smile never leaving his face, turning to lean his back against the stone banister. “You are interesting, human in all sense of the word.” he tapped his fingers on the stone, long nails clacking lightly. “You managed to out smart some of my own subjects, even when I stacked the odds against you.” 
Your crossed your arms and glared, “Spare me your words, I got here, now give me what I came for.” you met his eyes without fear. For a long time now you were afraid of him, but no more, you wouldn’t let yourself run from him again.
The stare was unnerving at that, “And what do you want?” you turned sharply as Ingo walked into the room. Now you felt a bit unease, it was easy enough to deal with one of them. But you refused to show it, meeting Ingo’s gaze.
“I want my friend back, the one I gave up. I got through your stupid tests and games, I made my way here.” You told him gripping the banister.  A tilt of the head, regarding your words as if thinking them over. “Is that truly what you want?” Ingo asked you in a calm voice.
Wrinkling your nose, you nodded firmly. Emmet snickered at that, “We know your deepest desires.” he told you, holding out his hand as large bubbles floated around in them. “we are more than just simple goblin kings, we are fae, we can give you anything you want.”  His brother nodded in agreement to that, looking at his own crystal in his hands. You swore you saw yourself in them, but the images were hard to make out.
Shaking your head, you met Emmet face to face, “No, I want my friend. I won Emmet, I played your silly games, even despite the odds. Now let my friend go.” you said, no wavering at all.
Emmet gave a laugh, but you heard it, the shakiness in his tone. “Now now, no need to get rash, just hear my brother and I out.” he held up his hands looking at Ingo. You saw it in the man’s gaze, he was scared. 
‘The twins will offer to you any and everything they can, you must remain strong. Don’t fall for temptation of any kind. They aren’t used to losing.’
“I’ll admit, you are impressive.” Ingo’s voice broke the tension, “you are right, each one we gave you, no matter the odds, you came out on top.” he walked from behind you to in front of you. “It takes alot to impress me, and Emmet can vouch for that as well.”
The younger nodded as you didn’t say anything, Ingo banished the crystal ball in his hand. “You would do better here.” he told you, making you stare incredulously at him.
“Excuse me?” you asked him a bit in shock, staring between him and his brother.
Emmet smiled again so easily and nodded, “You’ve come to prove yourself. We weren’t kidding when we said that not anyone makes it this far. The last time we had anyone even come close to the castle gates was Lady Elsea.” he told you.
Lady Elsea... she was over saw things in the Garden of Woe. You had found yourself there escaping Ingo’s creatures. She was the one who gave you the advice on beating them. Having done the games herself, but chose to stay here with them. She admitted to having been so close like you, but what the twins offered her she couldn’t pass up.
You never asked what that offer was.
Ingo hummed deeply in his chest looking at you, “She was alot like you, but the key difference is where she would near waver, you never have.” he explained, “you spite curses at us, met our gazes without fear, despite how we can smell your fear.” he saw him smile, it was... unnatural on his face. 
“You could stay here like her.” Ingo told you after letting the words sit with you. “Though you’d be more than a simple lady of an area.” 
You opened your mouth to ask what he meant, but Emmet’s laughter rang up. It was like bells, clear as ever, but made you feel like there was static in your ears. “A princess, a queen even.”
Warmth flooded up to your cheeks, shock clear on your face now, “W-What?” you managed out, as you just got a smile back.
“We rather like you.” Emmet told you coming now into your personal space, “We can give you anything, and we want you to stay... stay with us, forget about your end goal... would you really give up this, for someone who might not stay around?” a hand gripped yours, despite how claw like his hands were, he was careful not to hurt you. 
Another hand held your other hand, cold as ice, ghostly pale, “Here you’ll be happy, loved, cared for, wanted. You’ll never have to worry about the things to come. We are kind rulers, our queen.” a thumb stroked your knuckles.  “We offer you your dreams. Ourselves, just fear us, love us, and we’ll give you everything you’ve ever wanted.” They both told you softly, as they cupped your hands together to hold a ball that was a light as a bubble yet shone like crystals. 
Your eyes stared into the glassy reflection, you saw yourself in the fading sunlight. Held between the two, they looked different, more like monsters... but you were a monster looking yourself. the crown was much like their own. Loved. They wanted you...
They were watching you, watching the last of your minuets were draining away.
*Ending 1*
But, you had people who wanted you in the other world. You hadn’t meant to have your friend be taken. You were selfish, you spoke words you never should. You would really throw away another choice just to have your own?
Your hands tighten around the ball, “No!” you said to them turning to them as they seemed startled by this. “No! I won’t! It’s all just illusions, tricks. This world is not my home! This world isn’t for me to stay in! I have more out there then I ever would here!”
They started to speak at the same time, but you didn’t listen to their pleads for you too listen. You gripped what was your dreams, desires, and hopes. 
“I refuse your offer, give me back my friends.” You told them as you lifted the ball. “I won’t let your will over shadow my choice.” you wouldn’t they wouldn’t control you, you won’t let them.
“YOU HAVE NO POWER OVER ME!” you screamed in finality, and threw the bubble crystal to the ground as it shattered on impact. 
The shards flew up and around, you met their eyes with no fear. Anger... anger... yet also sorrow, pain. They screamed at you in rage, it howled like the wind itself, the chime of a clock. The world fell apart. You covered your ears at the pain, the rage, the sorrow. Crackling like glass as it faded back to the real world, the twins fell away, like glass themselves. Their screams fading with the chime of the clock, echoing away into the night. 
You stood there back at your college, slowly taking your hands away from your ears as out of the window two creatures fled the scene. You took deep breaths looking around at how normal everything looked. 
You heard someone call your name and turned to see your friend walking over to you, “What are you doing standing around like that?” they asked in a teasing tone. “Come on, class ended a while ago, we’ve got an assignment to do.”
Slowly, a smile made it’s way to your face, “Yeah...” you said slowly, it was over, it was done. You jogged to catch up with them, time t get back to the dorm room.
Though you felt a sense of unease on the back of your neck. Looking back behind you for a moment, you swore you saw two figures watching you. Their eyes glowed in the dark. You take a deep breath, it was over for now.
But the twins hated to lose to anyone.
*Ending 2*
Your shoulders sagged lightly, you felt exhausted after it all. Despite hunger and thirst not being a thing here, you still felt bone dead tired. The fight you two had had been one that always happened. Neither of you had bothered to resolve it, things were hard enough as it was, but... The reason you called upon a twins to take your friend was because you were just tired of it all.
Arms hugged you from behind, Ingo curled your fingers around the small ball in your hands. “It’s a beautiful sunset isn’t it?” Emmet’s voice asked to your left. 
You looked up at the setting sun, your time ticking away like sand in an hourglass. They were kind, they would make you both happy, even if your friend wouldn’t be human anymore. “Yeah.” You said softly, leaning back into the embrace.
The fight left your body, taking a deep breath as the warmth of the sunlight faded from your skin. Lips pressed to your temple, “It’s late little fairy.” Ingo whispered to you, “You must be exhausted.”
You were, the small ball in your hands faded into your hands, cold and traveling through your whole body. You were lead back inside at that, fingers laced with both of theirs. They didn’t look human anymore when you gazed at them, Ingo’s hair was now like purple flames, and you swore Emmet had four eyes and arms to match.
They lead you down a hall to a very nice room, Emmet brushed your hair from your eyes, “Get some rest flower, the process is slow, sleeping makes it verrrrry easy.” he teased you booping your nose and going back to his teasing speech patterns.  You gave a faint smile at that, your limbs felt heavy as Ingo lead you to sleep. Petting your cheek ever so lovingly. Slowly you fell asleep to this feeling.
“I’m afraid you lost fairy.” Ingo told you a gentle smile on his face, despite the look of triumph in his eyes. Pulling away after kissing your forehead. 
Emmet giggled at that, “I am Emmet, and I was worried there for a minuet.” He admits sheepishly, “They were very close brother, we nearly lost!” he scowls a bit at that.
Ingo shook his head, “We never lose brother, and we got her in the end. Just as we wanted, they’ll stay here with us. Our queen.” he gazes at your sleeping form, some of the changes already taking place. “They’ll forget their human life soon enough, it won’t matter... though we need to come up with an area for them to govern.”
A giddy nod at that as Emmet started to spout off ideas recalling moments of what would make the most sense for you. The two leaving you to rest as your human self faded away.
They never lost after all.
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jadespeedster17 · 2 years
The Underground
Warning: Darkish themes, soul selling, mild body horror.
Pov: Second (You/Your)
Notes: Demon Ingo with some elements from The Labyrinth, pretty man haha. 
Summary: Making a wrong turn can lead one to a different place, but that doesn’t always mean it’s good. I suppose... lucky for you there is a demon who is willing to help, if you don’t mind the price.
 Suppose the first sign could have been how empty things got, how dead and devoid of life it was. Walking down the many paths to the next area, wondering if you just missed your train. It was late, but oddly the clock never changed from midnight, and you had yet to meet anyone besides yourself. Though you did keep hearing sounds of something following you. 
Putting your hands in your pockets you felt a sense of unease creep up on your spine. You know for a fact you’ve been here for a while, so why hasn’t the time changed? Why haven’t you even seen a train yet? Something was wrong, but you couldn’t really pin point where or why it was. 
“You seem lost.” a voice said as you yelped out in fear and spun around to see someone, a person! His dead white eyes looked at you, mouth in a frown line as he stared at you. “This station hasn’t seen many as of late, but suppose you were lead here for a reason.”
Something about him seemed oddly familiar to you as you tilted your head at him like a lost puppy. “Uh... I guess I am a bit lost.” You admit to him, “You are you?” A pause at this before he tipped his hat, “Ingo.” he tells you simply before walking over you, “And I know you, I’ve been watching you since you came here.” Ingo stands beside you as you felt a cold chill run through you.
You opened your mouth to ask him what he meant by that, but Ingo continued on despite your growing discomfort. “The train doesn’t run here unless I allow it.” he explains casually eyes looking at the train tracks.
“Then can you please help me get out of here?’ You asked him back, despite how... human he looked, something about his well everything set your senses to fight of flight. You felt dread, yet also your feet were firmly planted in place.  His dead fish like gaze looked at your more alive eyes, “That requires you give something back.” he told you, pulling out of his pocket a small crystal ball, and playing with it. “A simple exchange really.”
You felt the dread creep up on your chest now, but you tried to not show it, “Seems a little unfair to me, to get trapped here against my will then be expected to pay to leave.” You commented.
Ingo laughed at that, for a moment you swear his frown moves down to his neck, leaving blood and ragged sharp teeth in it’s wake. But the image is gone as quick as you see it. But it doesn’t take the spike of fear, “Trust me, you didn’t get off here because you did nothing wrong. But in your case, you’re not near a bad as some who come here... a simple wrong turn at a station you could have left.” he tells you as he tosses up the ball and easily catches it.
“What are you talking about?” You asked scooting away from him, the hairs on the back of your neck stood up as he looked at you, the shadow he casted behind him grew. You swore it had horns and loomed over the lights.
Ingo’s expression didn’t change, turning to you fully. “A summoning gone wrong is all, your friends certainly are paying the price, my dear brother took claim of their souls for his own cart.” he said this so casually as he looked you up and down, “But you are not greedy nor are you an envious person... no you were dragged into a summoning against your will, but still did it cling to you.”
Your entire body was dipped into ice after that, how did this man know of the armature séance you did? But the more you stared back at him, the more it made sense, and the fear rose at that as Ingo tsked. “No need for that, like I said, you simply took a wrong turn, though yes you paid for the price, I’m here to offer you a way out.” he held up the crystal ball now. “And exchange if you will.”
Gazing at the small ball, it looked very fragile but yet not at the same time. Ingo looked at you, his eyes almost seemed to glow. “ I can offer to you anything you wish for, a way out of here? Your dreams? Your wants? I can even help you where your lacking in your Pride.” his voice took on a darker tone at that, you look past the crystal and at him directly.
“What do I have to give in order to even have that?” you asked, intrigue now in your tone, wondering what could he possibly want from you? You didn’t have much to offer hence why you were always picked on and tossed around between the better off kids. It’s how you got yourself into the situation you did.
The frown twitched almost into a smile, “A contract, you’ll work for me here, your soul will be stationed here, mine. And in return you can have everything you could ever desired.” he told you, the words ran over you, sending fearful signals to tell you to deny it, find another way out. “I am an honest man despite my job, I’d never go back on my word like others of my kind would. Lying if for uncouth demons who have no integrity.”
Demons? You looked at the shadow that still had the horns as you swallowed at that, “And is that my only option?” you asked him.
Ingo shrugged at that pulling the crystal back, “The other is to be taken by my brother, you won’t be given a choice in what you do there. He might even just eat your soul making you into a husk that obeys orders.” he shrugged as you stared in horror at that. “It’s only due to you being at the wrong station that you even get a refund.” he explained and regarded you coolly, “if I was you, I’d take your options.”
Options were slim, your choices no better than the last, but... at least he gave you the illusion of choice. And frankly you’d not want your soul to be eaten because of a stupid mistake. Taking a breath you looked at Ingo, who showed sharp teeth a look of victory in his eyes, “Fine.” You say in a firm tone.
A grin now showed, despite how unnatural it look as he held out his hand, “then we have a deal.” he shook your hand as cold yet warm tingles ran up your arm and gripped at your very being. As Ingo let go a loud whistle as heard as the train pulled into station, you gap at that then looked at Ingo. 
His eyes had a near red look to them, “Climb aboard my newest passenger, we’ll find a spot perfect for you... and as promised, you’ll get everything you desire.” he told you as he tipped his hat and the door opened. There was the sound of people inside, as you swallowed hard.
Looks like there was no chance of backing out now as you got on the train and hoped things would work out.
“All passengers accounted for?’ ingo’s voice spoke all around you, “Then we are off, ALL ABOARD!” he yelled as you gripped the pole tightly when the train jolted into action and seemed to fly at unnatural speeds. 
You hoped you didn’t come to regret this.
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jadespeedster17 · 2 years
Suppose It Could Be Worse
TW: Mind control, body horror (mild), horror elements, darkish themes, loss of Body Autonomy, and Swearing
POV: Second (You/Your)
Notes: There are 2 endings, one for each Boss. Written as an insert, because I didn’t have the ideas to put in a character. This is NOT a Slash Fic, this is a horror fic. No you don’t get a happy ending :) based upon @peachsodamaa spooky idea with Submas (Ingo and Emmet). Hope you like it.
Summary: You didn’t expect to end up here, running through subway maze like tunnels for your life. But, life likes to be unexpected huh? Even if in a way that would cost you your mind and very freedom. All you had to do was escape, once out of the Subway you’d be able to leave this region, and never look back. Which would be easy if you weren't being hunted by Depot Agents and the Subway Bosses. You just have to keep moving, and pray to whatever god listens you’ll make it.
You bring your hand to cover your mouth, muffling your ragged breaths as he press your back to the cold, cool stone wall. Though you know you’re silent right now, the sound of your heart beating in your ears was loud. Almost drowning out the sound of the footsteps nearby. You strained your ears to listen closely, trying to control your breath. 
“This area is off limits.” a very human voice said, but it's not human, no, it’s a monster wearing a human skin. With vacant eyes and a smile that stays, they were human, like you, but no longer did they work for themselves but for another. It moves like ink through water, poisoning the path it touches. 
They are looking for you, “The brothers are looking for you. They didn’t mean to scare you.” the controlled human said calmly, walking on past where you hid. On the back of their neck you saw the mark. It was shaped like an unknown, but was pure white with a black center. The white veins hugged onto the neck and spread out as a virus would.
Once they had left, You kept going down the tunnel, trying to be quiet so not to alert them to you. You were an idiot for trusting the brothers in the first place. But given their status and trust the public had in them, was it any wonder you did? The red flags though should have been obvious. Leading you down to the main area, where only employees go. They only said they were impressed with your battling skills, and wanted to show you around.
Ingo and Emmet were the Subway Masters, but only now did you see how true that statement was. Two strong trainers who ran Gear Station, whose most defining features were their void like eyes and a smile or frown they wore. They were very kind to people who rode the train, and to those who signed up for their Battle Trains.
You just wanted to improve your skills as a trainer, nothing else! If beating them meant to end up in this situation, you wished you could go back and lose instead! But you foolishly trusted them, and now you were trapped in a series of underground tunnels looking for an escape. After being surrounded by Depot Agents that worse frowns or smiles, and eyes blank and hallow.
New Job Opportunity your ass. More like ‘Goodbye Freedom’. Their faces were still ingrained in your mind, many eyes, sharp teeth, mouths that ran from their neck to their chest. They weren’t human, and it scared you. You ran out of the place, somehow managing to dodge anyone who tried to tackle or grab you. But you didn’t know this place, and felt like you were running in circles.
“Come out now!” a new voice called, you crouched low, and hid in a small nook area. “Running away wasn’t very nice, you need to be still for the process to work.” they said, a frown on their face as dead eyes looked around holding up a lantern for light. 
The person was no doubt controlled by Ingo. You had noted in your time running away, that depending on the face or color of the thing on them, was who controlled them. White was Emmet, obviously the man was decked out in it, and all his wore smiles. Ingo’s was black, and all his agents wore a frown.
Some were also more new than others. Ones that moved fluidly, like nothing hindered them, must be older agents. This one however wasn’t, their movements were jerky at times, and they had to pause once and a while. 
Void blue eyes gazed around again, “Hide and Seek was not the game chosen, and it’s dangerous to do so in the Subway.” they spoke, voice a little off, not as calm as the last one you ran into.
You slowly backed up, keeping aware of where you placed your feet so not to make too much noise. You had noted these things can hear a pin drop. Near super human hearing possibly from being controlled by whatever the fuck the twins were. 
Eyes trained on the one with his back to you, you nearly jumped out of your skin when you heard, “There you are!” in a chipper tone, and turned sharply to see another agent heading right to you. “SHIT!” You swore loudly catching the other’s attention now. And you took off down another tunnel. “FUCK!” your voice bounced off the walls.
One was heard scowling, “Language!” at your swearing. You didn’t bother to turn around as you ran.
“Please don’t run, you’ll hurt yourself!” one called out, the sound of two pairs of feet running after you! You had to lose them, you had to shake them off! You turned down another way, and willed yourself to go faster. Your lungs burned with effort, eventually the sound seemed louder as you turned down another way, and soon looked behind you.
It was dark, no light behind you, and silence other than you breath.
No one... you lost them. Your breathing was loud though, you took slow breaths to calm it and your heart. It wouldn’t doo good to be found because you breathed too loudly. Okay okay... not to get your baring's, where to go, obviously you can’t go back just yet, they might spot you again. But you didn’t know what was forward. At least forward might be safer at this point, as you moved quickly on down the tunnels. 
Some were colored with certain stripes you did note. Meaning there was a way to solve this. You just had to figure our how. Once out of here, you could slip into a crowd of people and escape. At least, you held onto that hope you could. Your ankles was really starting to hurt now.
You might have twisted it, but you didn’t have time to think about that with two psycho twins out for you. You gritted your teeth through the pain, and kept moving, trying not to think about it.  Maybe you could follow one line and get out of here? Well easier said than done when these Agents seemed Distortion Bent on making sure you got lost. Must make it easier to wear people down? A pit of dread at that thought, you didn’t want to think about it.
You kept your hand pressed to the wall, to make sure you didn’t get lost, and kept and eye out of the pink lines. “We know you’re here somewhere!” a voice echoed down the tunnels, shit... one of them. They had said the brothers were looking for you.  Trying not to give any hints, you kept walking quietly, “Please come out little human, we promise it’ll be easier. We’ll help you.” one of them said again, more like help themselves. Eventually another sound was heard, voices, lots of them. Meaning there was alot of people ahead. 
You held back a laugh, you were close to a station no doubt, they obviously took you away from people so not to be seen. Meaning a crowd should be safe. “We will find you.” came another voice from near the left ,far away as it echoed. “Don’t make us angry little human.”
**Emmet’s Ending**
A scowl formed on your face, they could fuck off, as he moved your way down the area, luckily no more Depot Agents were seen. And the lights were closer, as you came out to see people. No one took notice of you as you moved faster and into the people’s crowds. You weren’t going to celebrate yet, you still had to make it out of here. So finding stairs was next.
But, exhaustion was there, some relief filling your chest. You managed to get out of the tunnels, so that was a win in your book. Fucking assholes. This station had a way up, but you could easily ride the train without being seen by one of the agents and get to a bigger city. There were 2 here watching the crowd.
Maybe looking for you, but you kept your head down and pulled up your hood. Hari would be the easier way they could spot you. You weighed your options quickly, it’d be better to run off than to stay here longer. They had cameras everywhere.  You turned and went to head to the stairs, trying to act casual. The stairs were ahead, you kept your head down and trying not to put too much weight on your ankle and keeping close to the wall for support. 
But as you passed by an area, an arm reached out and gripped yours. You didn’t even have time to scream as you were yanked back into a door, “Employees Only”. A hand covered your mouth as you were pressed against someone from behind.  “Shhhh.” a voice said in your ear, “I am Emmet. And please, just hold still.” a smile that was scary and familiar was seen out of the corner of your eye. Something gripped the back of your neck, and sharply sank into your skin. You jolt, tears pricking as you let out a muddle cry of pain into the glove.
A whine from Emmet was heard, “I know it hurts, but the more you resist the worse it gets. Just relax your nerves please, and let yourself switch to autopilot.” His grip was inhumanly strong, holding you in place with ease, tears began to run down your cheeks.
‘No... this isn’t fair’ you thought, you were so close, it was right there. ‘Someone please... help’. you thought, but people had no idea you were in the service tunnels. No idea you were being turned into a drone for a man they adored. 
A hand petted your hair, “That’s it, just breath in and out slowly” something pushed at your mind, and you found yourself taking slow, calming breaths. You couldn’t stop yourself even if you tried, and trying made your body hurt. “Stop resisting my play-thing, and just be silent. Let me work.” he cooed in a friendly tone.
The hand moved away from your mouth, but any thoughts of screaming were meant with resistance. No, you didn’t need to scream, you were safe. That thought was met with a pleasing warmth. You felt exhaustion creep in, how long had you been running? Your legs felt like jelly now that the adrenalin was fading. 
‘I am Emmet... and you are safe.’ a new voice said in your head, ‘I’m here. I’ll keep you protected. Just let me do the thinking, and you just have to watch.’ it said in a very commanding tone, make your brain feel fuzzy.  You tried to move, but your nerves felt like they were on fire. You stopped trying to move, as Emmet brushed away the tears in your eyes. As your relaxed again, the warmth was back, like someone was hugging you in your head. Yet your nerves felt like there was press of arms that weren’t there. 
“Just relax.’ Emmet said in your head again. ‘And obey.’
Obey... that was easy to do, you felt so tired, maybe it would be easier to just go into autopilot? A pleased feeling, yes.... yes agreeing was nice. It made the pain go away, and replaced it with a nice warmth.  Something in the back of your head screamed in defiance, trying to kick and claw it’s way back. But you could barely hear it now, as Emmet smiled, “Remember to smile now human.” he told you.
You felt yourself smile at him, gentle and easy. You felt yourself move your mouth, but you didn’t think of doing it. It just came naturally, Emmet looked pleased, “I am Emmet, and the next step is normal and basic movements, but let’s get somewhere more quiet to do that, and to rest up you ankle, poor dear... just rest.” he told you, you felt a wave of tiredness rush over you.
The last thing you saw before blacking out was a smile with sharp fangs.
**Ingo’s Ending**
You scowled, fuck that shit right now, you didn’t care if you made them angry. You knew you had to be getting close, but the thought crossed you mind of agents being on the platform. There had to be a way for you to get in with the crowd, maybe there were doors that only employees used? 
Risky, but would be worth it. It would be a tight space, if a Depot Agent was there you’d have no chance to dodge and weave. But if not, it was a straight ticket out of this nightmare. You felt along the walls, and hoped that somehow you’d be able to find a door. The gravel crunched under you feet your ankle throbbed, you gave a quiet his when some slip form your feet and make it turn oddly. Tears sprung up but you push them down, now wasn’t the time to cry.
Eventually something brushed your hand, cold metal, it was round. You squint in the dark and felt relief, a door. Meaning this could be a service tunnel. You opened it with ease and tried to be quiet. Footstep behind you, as you hide inside.  You peered out form the small crack to see two people walking by with lanterns. “Human? Are you here?” they called out, ‘Come out come out.” the other said as they kept walking.
You smiled to yourself, looks like you lost them, now it was just getting out of this small tunnel and- Something gripped the back of your neck. Your body froze up in fear and shock. A squeak escaping our mouth was the only sound you could make. 
“Games are over.” a calm voice said behind you, “And looks like I win, Emmet will be pouty.” that was Ingo’s voice. You couldn’t move, terror holding you still, it was enough for Ingo to move closer and put his arms around your to hold you steady and still.  “Just breath, match mine, and you’ll be okay.” his voice was soothing in your ear, people always said they liked how he talked. It was more reserved than his brothers. Tears began to fall, it hurt to move, between whatever was digging it’s way into your flesh on your nape, to the arms squeezing you when you so much as squirmed.
Ingo was silent however, “It’ll hurt for a moment, but should you continue to struggle it’ll hurt worse. Just give in.” he told you in a blunt tone. Struggle. You had to- the nerves felt like fire when you tried to move against him. A whimper escaped your mouth, and the tears brushed away with gentle thumbs.
Many eyes looked at you in the darkness, you opted to not look directly at him. “I’ll admit, you were quick to escape your station. Unscheduled was your resistance. We underestimated you, but you did win against us, so is it any wonder?” he mused almost to himself.  Ingo then shook his head and tilted it, “Your strong for a human, you’ll fit in nicely. And I know you like pokemon battles, we’ll be sure to keep you happy and healthy.”
Words that should be comforting only made you want to sob, but that was met with your tears being wiped off by a comforting hand. The hand of the monster here to take away your freedom. “I promise you my Guest, I’ll be a wonderful Host to you. You won’t feel left out, unsure, or afraid anymore.” Ingo said to you despite his frown never leaving, “Good behavior is rewarded, and you’ll find with time things get better.”
You had no choice but to look at him, as in the dim light he looked human again. Blank eyes somehow easy going. “Let’s run through basic safety checks, then get your ankle looked at.” he told you. Stepping back for a moment to look at you. ‘Nod if you can hear me.’ his voice said in your head, and you find yourself giving small nods. It felt like your body was attached to wires, resisting them hurt, but allowing them to happen was a nice warm feeling. Like being hugged or under a weighted blanket.
‘Good’ Ingo praised clapping his hands, ‘Now just breath calmly, and lets see about your arms and hands. Move them as I tell you.’ 
The string tugged, and you reluctantly followed their movement. Flexing your hand, and moving your arm to wave. Ingo nodded, patting your head, “You’re doing great, we’ll get to the walking part after I’m sure your ankle is fine.” he told you, as you screamed profanities at him in your head. “Langue now, no need for that, it’ll be okay with time.” he told you again. “For now just rest up. And let me get you to station.”
And against you will, everything went dark.
As time went on, things did get better, you learned quickly your job and what to do. Finding days blurring together. Your pokemon reluctantly had to listen to you, even if they noticed something was off. And each day resistance faded.
Eventually it was just easy to do as you were told. Obeying was met with praise and encouragement. You were given an hour of freetime for yourself, a stable job, and made sure to be healthy. 
Suppose it could have been worse. Some cried when they were released, but you strangely felt empty when it happened. It was easy, some said, to become dependent on the twins after so long. Some broke faster than others.
But... it was okay, you were safe, you were fine. That’s all that mattered. At least they were kind, and from how they talk about their species, you suppose you could have gotten stuck with worse.
Or maybe you were developing Stockholm Syndrome, who knows.
You greeted the passengers happily, though the smile/frown stayed on your face. And you repeated what the twins told you to say as always. Just another day at Gear Station. All aboard...
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