#tw mention of selfharm
pollsnatural · 7 months
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steffen-dilfrael · 6 months
I just got in a lil argument at a fashion store. Argument is the wrong term cause the other person was absolutely right and it was my mistake i don't know how to call it else.
I bumped into them while going backwards and they said something like "hey watch it" not angry or anything maybe stressed. I said "sorry" and touched his shoulder which is a bad habit I apparently got first noticed by Pi about 4 weeks ago. I honestly never noticed that I do it. So the other person was saying "don't touch me!" Which they were right with! I said "sorry" again and left. Run passed by them again a few min later and ran right into a stand avoiding them. They were absolutely in the right there, I shouldn't just touch strangers.
I got in a little anxiety but bad through that a few minutes later by overthinking it. I knew they were in the right and I just was like "why does that bother me so much??" Why tf are it these moments that trigger me so badly that sh seems like an option?? Is that bpd??? What did they trigger there??
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tokintormin · 2 months
Vax crumbs (Long)
trigger warning. adult themes included
tw neglect, abandonment tw self-harm, sensory overload, tw blood, tw sexual themes
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Crown of Horns AU (a funky AU from the discord server)
The Crown Of Fire chose Danny after his victory over Pariha Dark. As the crown burrowed itself deep inside of Danny's core and formed an unbreakable bond with him, it felt that Danny didn't want to be ruler of the infinite realms.
The crown knew that Danny could not refuse the throne so it grew horns of bone and blood all the way to Danny's head as a mark of royalty for the young ruler.
Danny despised the horns. They were growing fast, were sensitive to even his own touch and they were constantly visible, even in his human form.
Danny has tried countless times to rid himself of the horns. Cut them of with a saw, break them off with a hammer, scrape them down to the skin. The pain was agonizing and blood was flowing freely from the broken horns.
But as soon as he was done, they would start to grow back. Not only that, but they grew back longer, sturdier and with more jagged edges then before.
Danny, in his desperation, seeked out Frostbite and his unending knowledge about all things ghostly. The gentle giant was ecstatic! The great one has been judged by the Crown Of Fire and chosen as new king of the infinite realms!
Danny couldn't utter a singel word as Frostbite told him all about the horns.
They are a mark of rulership that was bestowed upon a newly appointed king or queen who feels themselves unfit or unprepared for their duty. The crown itselve lays dormant inside his very core untill Danny excepts the title of king and the throne of the infinite realms.
As long as Danny rejects his rightful fate, he will never be rid of the horns.
Lost for words and utterly hopeless, Danny fleas the Far Frozen. Seeking out the time keeper that is his second most trusted mentor, he makes his way to Clockworks tower.
The ancient ghost was already waiting for him, as he usually does. Gripping his horns in a fearful panic, Danny stumbels over his words. He's begging the time lord to let him go back and fix this.
He couldn't be king! He's only a child! Bearly even a teenager! He couldn't rule a whole nother dimension! He couldn't even keep his room clean! Someone else had to take the crown! Just let him go back and give it to someone else! Please!
But Clockwork has seen it all. Danny is to be king and nothing could change it anymore. They were in the correct timestream and he could not interfere anymore.
It cracked Clockworks core to deny the young ghost boy his last hope. The old ghost knew what would likely happen next and his concern for what it could so to young Daniel was immense. But all was as it's supposed to be. His hands were tied.
Danny couldn't believe it. Even clockwork, in his eternal wisdom, wouldn't see reason.
With his strongest allies turning their backs on him Danny feared there was only one person potentially capable of removing the horns for good.
It was time to visit Vlad.
Danny would get rid of those hellish things growing from his head. He'd have to.
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oneyfreaks · 1 month
chris is so obviously into snuff have you seen how he talks about gore in video games??? he'd definitely be the kinda partner to beg you to let him cut you <33
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dead-salmon · 16 days
this is me ranting about season's of blossom/hamin's flower, so TW SUICIDE, but anyways i don't know what's worse:
->hamin sacrificing his freedom so that jaemin could live freely, yet that freedom making jaemin feel like he's suffocating years down the line
-> somang's speech on how it's because of everyone that hamin killed himself, yet how it's none of their faults, especially not hamin's own
-> them using the phrase "disappeared from this world" to describe his suicide, not outright saying he killed himself
-> the theme of radiance. hamin feeling like somang was the radiant one and he was drenched in darkness, thus trying to distance himself from her. yet somang describing the summer with hamin her most radiant time, only because of his presence in her life, because he shined the brightest to her
-> jaemin who loved the rain because good things always happen to him then just for hamin to kill himself on a day where it rained non-stop. hamin who hated the rain but learnt to love it compared to jaemin who loved it but now dislikes it
-> hamin's suicide indirectly preventing gaeul's and dongchae's attempts. somang being unknowingly destined to lose a loved one either way
-> jaemin's parents not knowing how to handle hamin's suicide, his mother depending on him to be happy and his father being distant and too lax on everything. driving him further into his own abyss. hamin having sacrificed his happiness and acting too grown up for his age to protect jaemin from their parents strictness. jaemin ending up doing the same for his mother, faking a smile and comforting her about the pain of hamin's suicide
-> hamin not having heard the latter part of jaemin telling seonhui that while he resents hamin a little, he still loves hamin most of all. hamin having died thinking jaemin hates him, somang's last words to him calling him a coward
-> jaemin being lowkey passively suicidal and even trying a form of self-harm to understand hamin and deal with the pain of losing hamin
-> the fact that we start hamin's story already knowing how it ends
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software-instxbility · 7 months
My boyfriend has old sh scars on his neck and im so jealous of them. I hate that i feel this way but i want them too. I need to rip myself apart, rip myself to shreds like he did.
(Also they're hot but im a huge simp for him so I'd find anything on his body hot anyway)
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askcofcharacters · 8 months
Sick Simons nightmare
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proship-golfball · 1 month
Serious Post
Y'all is it normal to feel like you need someone to hurt you? I haven't been groomed or anything. I've just been feeling like shit. Everything feels the same. I wanna selfharm but I don't have the balls to :C I want someone to tell me to go deeper. I want someone to hurt me at the smallest mistake. How do I deal with this? At this point I might just chug those allergy pills >_< Also no antis interact on this one please. I don't need anyone telling me to chug the allergy pills or else I just might. Fuck I don't know if I even wanna live to tomorrow? Would y'all be sad if I overdosed and never came back online forever and my corpse slowly rots away?
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thelittleeggrat · 11 months
this is a success story.
Tw the whole thing is about self-harm. (includes descriptions of it), depressive thoughts, past bulling trauma.
shit i don't really know how to start this.
I guess I'll start with how I learnt what selfharm is.
So I've always been shit at cleaning, staying focused, paying attention, being in the moment, ect and I do this thing where I push stuff to try find it's limit, yes this meaning where it breaks. Anyway I had broken something important and I felt really stupid and I hated myself because like why can't I just leave shit alone, so my 7 year old brain had an epiphany, you know when a puppy does something wrong so you lightly tap it on the nose (please dont come at me for animal abuse that's what I had been taught then), well my reasoning was that, anytime I did something stupid I'd hurt myself. This started with digging my nails into my flesh, or cutting my heels and ankles. I was kinda proud of this solution so I told my brother and he taught me about self-harm, so I stopped... For a while..
I'm gonna do this in parts
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babieprince · 1 year
littles with selfharm scars/wounds and littles who deal with suicidal thoughts deserves as much respect and support as any other regressor!
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hexsta · 1 year
"i feel worse when i dont do it like my insides are itchy you know that second before you sneeze? That's close to it then i shapeshift and im free"
So this quote right? A lot of people see this as trans allegory quote and completly valid (my friend had to explain to me why but that's not important) but i kinda see this as... Self harm allegory of sorts? Like the way she explains the feeling before the shapeshifting and the feeling after it feels to me how a lot of people explain the feeling before and after self harm the itchy feeling to do so and the feeling of freedom and possibly Control you have after and its very much possible im overthinking it but yeah
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zluty-spendlik · 8 months
Just got a text from my dad that says: "I know you dont do this stuff anymore, but i saw it and now im thinking about you..." And im like is this gonna be about self harm or pokémon cards
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darkangel888 · 2 years
TW Sh, cutting
Am i the only one who loves using disinfectant to make the cuts just a little more painful and the blood more ‚runny‘? When my blades are dull i get them soaking wet in some Kodan or just pour it into the cuts to get that nice little extra sting. It is a Llttle extra pain and also cleans the wound… i like it:) i used to pour nail polish remover over the fresh cuts or other wounds which also gave that extra sting, but i am sure you are not suposed to do that hahaha
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burning-sol · 1 year
Am. Am I allowed to say Kian and Rand sh scars. Is this illegal.
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killed-by-choice · 1 year
“Sandra Roe,” 18 (USA 1971)
The teenager known only as Sandra Roe was one of many killed by New York’s early legalization of abortion. Her case is especially sad— and a stark reminder of the exploitation and negligence of the abortion industry.
Sandra thought she was in the first trimester when she paid for a surgical abortion in New York. She came to the abortion facility for her appointment on April 15, 1971. The facility either didn’t adequately examine her first or didn’t allow her to see her own test results.
Mental health problems after abortion are real and well-documented. Sandra suffered from severe trauma and talked about her crippling guilt, telling people she’d killed her baby. She needed immediate help that an abortion facility would never give to her.
After enduring three days of psychological agony, Sandra killed herself on April 18, 1971.
A report published in a medical journal later told Sandra’s story, including the truth she was never told. A critical fact that would have changed everything was withheld from Sandra, even when she should have been told this from the start.
Sandra had not been correctly examined or tested before the abortion. After her death, the pathology results came back showing that either she had been lied to or the abortion facility was incompetent enough to miss a crucial fact.
She was never pregnant to begin with.
“Maternal Mortality Associated With Legal Abortion in New York State: Jul. 1, 1970 – Jun. 30, 1972; Berger, Tietze, Pakter, Katz, Obstetrics and Gynecology, 43:3, March 1974, 321
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