#tw: implied drowning
sapphanimates · 11 months
fallen leaves.
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turnabout-idiocy · 2 years
You are no longer scared of drowning
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sprinklecipher · 3 months
This just in: the new Decemberists album is their first release since 2011 to NOT feature any drowning:
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Make of that what you will.
(graph details below the cut)
Lyrics obtained via AzLyrics.com. Songs were counted if the lyrics either contained some variation of the word "drown" or if they contained any lines that seemed to be about drowning, with "Rusalka, Rusalka/Wild Rushes", "Summersong", and "The Hazards of Love 4 (The Drowned)" being counted for that reason. Feel free to let me know if there's any that you think I missed :)
Overall, variations of the word "drown" occurred 28 times across 13 distinct songs. As mentioned, an additional 3 songs seemed to have drowning-related lyrics despite not using the word directly, for a total of 16 drowning-referencing songs, with these songs representing approximately 10.5% of their overall discography (16/152).
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cprimetober day 5 - life by the sea (drowning , puking , sick fic)
thinkin abt how ctommy said he would wake up drowning with blood and water in his throat
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pinovapie · 4 months
My mind has been consumed by Ace Markey (more under the cut + TW for implied drowning)
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also the new (non canon) height differences have inspired me
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yellowheartz · 1 year
Thinking about Saiki goes to the bottom of the ocean because it fuzzes out others thoughts and is the closest thing he'll have to silence. Thinking about if he's ever thought about letting himself drown or even try to because he knows he just can't die but he wants to..
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linnorabeifong · 4 months
linzolt! 💛
For the ship ask game reunion kiss/ relief.
This is an alternate version to s1 ig.
TW for death lol this took a turn and also my shitty writing. Im really sorry this came out so odd and sad . unbetad and unedited.
There they are in a disgusting cell together. Crammed together in a closet sized room, sticky with humidity, reeking of sweat and desperation. Here, they are both reduced to nothing and on equal standing for once. Before they’d inhabited such different worlds. Each encounter between them was just as much competition as it was sex. But not here.
Here they are both weak. Here they both need each other. Here… she dies.
He can see it in those narrow green eyes of hers. Pretty eyes. He never told her she was pretty. Now, in the darkness he regrets it; regrets a million things, actually.
Her eyes shine with unshed tears. They say animals know when they’re about to die. Does she know ?
She’d always been a fighter but this she couldn’t fight.
She had that look about her. That look of death. The look he saw about his childhood cat before it wandered out one last time. The look on his sister’s face when she’d been pulled from the water. The look on his mother’s face as the sound of her rattling breaths faded away. The look on the face of all those men he’d-
A miserable look. Not peaceful. To Zolt death had never been peaceful.
She reaches out to him and he draws her into his arms. She stares at him with wide frightened eyes, trying to choke out words that won’t come.
“I know,” he coos.
Whatever she had to say it didn’t matter. None of it did anymore.
He kisses her gently, she pulls away and smiles. The misery has finally left her expression.
The last time they’d done this they were so young. Twenty-somethings. What did they know then ?
He kisses her again, only to taste metal.
This time he is the one that pulls away.
She slumps against him and buries her face in his chest. Her breathing is shallow.
After so long it’s good to be reunited, even in these circumstances. After so long it’s good to have warmth and the comfort of an old acquaintance, even if they never got to be something more.
Slowly, her eyes close.
Finally, she relaxes.
Finally, she is limp.
Finally, she is free from this cell.
Just like that their overdue reunion, is a too soon goodbye.
There’s a relief in it. Here at the end of their fates there is nothing left to hide and nowhere left to hide it. No more scurrying from morning light.
He holds her even when she grows cold.
There he remained until he grew cold as well.
The door is thrown open lighting a morbid tableau; a melange of browns, and purples and blues. An embrace.
A sickening smell fills the air.
Mako goes nearly as stiff as the corpses.
“Tenzin, I found the Chief,” he calls nearly an hour later.
Here at the end of the world.
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cany0ndrawz · 2 months
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demodraws0606 · 8 months
Colorpalet writing 25ji's main story : It's really difficult to handle the sensitive topics without making it too triggering/blatant for younger readers. We should avoid mentioning suicide directly.
WxS events :
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eric-the-bmo · 10 months
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A board for @vtmgremlin for the backstory of their oc Imrael, a demon who took over the body of a dying individual named Aiden. @chiss-ticism
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sometimesanartdragon · 7 months
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all it takes is a leap of faith
pt 6
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celestiall0tus · 5 months
Tales of Bloody Bug and Chat Noir - Chapter 26 - Reverser and the Return of Evillustrator
Beginning || Previous || Next
            Alix stared up at a blank wall. She tossed a spray paint can in her hand as she raked her brain with ideas. She felt eyes burn into her that flared her annoyance. She sneered under her mask and latched onto it. She put the can down and reached for the red. She covered the blank canvas in it before she went for the black and tagged the red canvas.
            “Well, this is… something, Miss Kubdel,” Mr. Monlataing said.
            “Is there a problem with it? I thought art was supposed to be an expression of the soul,” Alix countered.
            “It is, but why is your soul so angry? Violent even.”
            “A long list that I don’t have the patience, energy, or fucks to give to go through it.”
            “I see. And just how long have you been penting up all this rage?”
            “Why do you care?”
            “Because it’s hurting you, isn’t it?”
            Alix tsked. “It doesn’t matter.”
            “Alix-,” Mr. Monlataing started.
            “Excuse me. Mr. Monlataing? Can I get your input on this?” Nathaniel asked.
            “Hmm? Oh, yes. What do you have here, Nathaniel?”
            Alix glanced over at the recent page of Nathaniel’s Bloody Bug and Chat Noir comic. She noticed a new character that looked exactly like when Nathaniel was Evillustrator.
            “It’s Bloody Bug and Chat Noir teaming up with their latest companion, MightyIllustrator,” Nathaniel said.
            “You mean Evillustrator?” Alix asked.
            “He changed his name after Bloody Bug saved him. Now he fights for justice.”
            “A bad guy that becomes a good guy. I like it. You’re getting better at your storytelling.”
            “Too bad the rest of his writing sucks,” Alix remarked.
            “Miss Kubdel, I’ll allow a lot of things in my class, but we don’t bring down other artists. We must give them the confidence to continue their craft,” Mr. Monlataing scolded.
            “And when does that encouragement feed into arrogance? Do we stop then, or do we keep going until we have an insufferable monster?”
            “Sounds like someone is projecting,” Nathaniel retorted.
            Alix snarled. She reared back her arm and threw the spray paint can she had, but Mr. Monlataing caught it.
            “Alix, I think you should head to the counselor. Whatever is going on is clearly eating away at you. I think you should talk to someone who will listen.”
            Alix opened her mouth when Rose ran over.
            “Mr. Monlataing, I have a better idea to help calm Alix,” Rose said.
            “Oh, this gonna be good. What do you have that could help me?” Alix mocked.
            Rose smiled, took her headphones off, and put them on Alix. Alix opened her mouth to complain until she heard the rock music playing. Alix snorted, rolled her shoulders, and took a seat on the floor. Rose took a seat next to Alix and scribbled on the notepad, then showed it to Alix. Alix tilted her head as she read it.
            I’m sorry, but I had asked Adrien if you were ok. You have been angrier these past few weeks. He didn’t say much, just that you needed time to dwell and not talk about it. I don’t understand what is going on, but I’m here to help in any way I can.
            Alix’s face softened as she smiled. ‘Thank you,’ she mouthed.
            Alix leaned against Rose and Rose leaned against Alix. Rose wrote down song lyrics while Alix watched the room. Mr. Monlataing went around the room, checking on everyone and their projects when a new kid peeked in through the door. Marinette ran up and dragged the guy in and introduced him to Mr. Monlataing, then Nathaniel. Alix watched them until the guy ran out.
            Alix hummed, curious of what that was about, but ignored it. She jammed out to the music until she saw Marinette return with a black journal. She raised a brow when Marinette erased something in it, then gave it to Nathaniel. She furrowed her brows as Nathaniel lost himself to the book. She took off the headphones to confront him when the bell rang. She growled and handed the headphones back to Rose.
            “Thanks again.”
            “Alix, would you like to join Mylene and me on a walk after school? It’s been a while since we’ve talked. But only if you want to.”
            Alix considered then nodded. “Ok. I’ll see you after school.”
            Alix headed out to her next class. She moved through the rest of the day on autopilot as has been her norm for the past few weeks. It worked well enough until someone annoyed her, which wasn’t hard to do. She didn’t like how easily agitated she could be, but it was the price of all this. If she was to get to the root of her problems, she needed to face it alone. No amount of talking was going to help her.
            The final bell rang, and Alix made her way outside. She waited until Mylene, Rose, and Ivan joined her. She was hugged by Mylene and Rose while she fist bumped Ivan. Mylene and Rose each grabbed one of her arms and dragged her along as Ivan followed.
            “I hope we weren’t going for a long walk. It’s really cold now,” Alix remarked.
            “Oh, not at all. Just a short one. We wanted to hang out with you and, well, make sure you’re alright,” Mylene said.
            “I’m not, but I appreciate it.”
            “Adrien said you didn’t want to talk about it. Why is that?” Rose asked.
            “I… it’s stupid.”
            “C’mon, Alix, nothing is stupid,” Ivan encouraged.
            “Fine. Look, I… I want to get better, but I can’t. There’s this… issue at my core that has a death hold on me. I’m trying to get to the root of it, to confront it, but whenever I talk, I feel like I’m running away from it. I can’t let that happen anymore. So, I’m not going to talk as it festers so I can reach it.”
            “But look at what you’re doing to yourself, Alix,” Rose chided.
            “Something needs to be done, Rose. I need to get to the root of all this. My anger, my trauma, everything. Talking hasn’t helped, so I’m not talking anymore until I figure it out.”
            “Alix, you’re going to self-destruct if you do that. And when that happens, Hawkmoth will make you his pawn like he did with all of us,” Ivan warned.
            Rose and Mylene nodded.
            Alix stopped and turned on her heel to face Ivan, Rose, and Mylene. “Do not put me in the same group as you lot. There is nothing Hawkmoth could offer me that would convince me to become a villain. At least, no more than I already am.”
            “Alix, you’re not-!” Rose started.
            “Don’t lie, Rose. I know better. I’m a little monster. I don’t need an Akuma to make me one. I’ve done nothing but hurt and turn on the people that try to get close to me. And when I think I’ve let someone in, they turn around and betray me. I just… there’s just no point. I’m a monster and that’s that. Nothing will change that.”
            Rose, Mylene, and Ivan all exchanged glances while Alix trudged on ahead. They followed behind her as they arrived at Places des Vosages. Alix glanced over to see Nathaniel and the new guy from earlier. She looked away, then back at them as Nathaniel held up the black book and tore apart the pages, devastating the other guy.
            Alix’s eyes widened as red threatened her vision. Her attempts to fight it were in vain as she caved to the rage. She turned into the park and up to Nathaniel. She pushed him down as he tried to leave.
            “Hey! What’s the big-!” Nathaniel yelled.
            Alix grabbed Nathaniel’s coat and pulled him up to her face. “You fucking bastard! What did you do?”
            “I don’t see why you’re yelling at me. That fraud toyed with my feelings with his stupid scribbles. Then has the gall to want to work on my comic with me.”
            “That’s not true. Marinette said she’d help me, but I didn’t want to do this because of this exact reason. Everything is ruined now,” the guy said.
            Alix’s temper wavered seeing the guy’s distress before it ignited again as she glared down at Nathaniel. “You are nothing more than an arrogant little fucking bitch. You are the fraud here, not that poor boy. I think you need to cool the fuck down, bitch!”
            Ivan, Mylene, and Rose yelled out for Alix to stop, but she ignored them. She grabbed Nathaniel’s arm and threw him over her into the fountain, soaking him to the bone in the freezing air. Mylene and Rose stepped between Alix and Nathaniel while Ivan helped him out. Marinette came running to help Nathaniel.
            Alix took several deep breaths as she glared at Nathaniel. Memories resurfaced and mingled with the present as she saw Nathaniel as she once saw Chloe, beaten, bloody, and battered. Her rage shifted to terror as tears fell from her eyes, her heartbeat quickened, and her breathing came in short, rapid gasps. She turned and ran away. She heard them call her, but she ignored them. It happened again. She told herself she wouldn’t let it happen again, and she did. She had to get away to keep the others safe from the monster that refused to be caught.
            Adrien arrived home and headed up to his room as he got a call from Rose. He raised a brow and answered it.
            “Hey, Rose, what’s up?”
            “Oh, Adrien! Thank goodness. Alix is missing! Something happened, she got mad, and then she ran off and we don’t know where she is!”
            Adrien’s eyes widened as he heard yelling in the background between multiple parties. He opened his mouth when he heard screams tearing through the air.
            “Rose? What’s going on?” Adrien demanded.
            “There’s a pair of-!”
            The line cut off.
            “That’s no good. Plagg, Stompp, we have to go. Plagg, claws out!”
            Plagg disappeared into the ring and transformed Adrien. Chat Noir jumped out the window and searched the city for the villains when he came across a guy in a black and white outfit riding a personal paper airplane.
            “Who are you?”
            “I’m Reverser. You’re a strong, fearless hero, but not for long.”
            Chat Noir’s eyes widened as Reverser summoned a small, black paper airplane. He readied to attack it when a green shield came in and destroyed it.
            “What the-?” Reverser yelled.
            The green shield rebounded and knocked Reverser off his ride. Chat Noir beamed when he saw Carapace.
            “Perfect timing, dude!” Chat Noir yelled.
            “Always, my dude. Where’s his Akuma?”
            Chat Noir looked down at Reverser’s ride. He grabbed and broke it, releasing the Akuma. He activated Cataclysm and destroyed the Akuma.
            “Carapace, can you bring the boy that Reverser was. I believe him to be one of a set of Akumas.”
            “Uh, I can, but I need to help some dudettes out first. One of their friends ran away and they can’t find her.”
            “Is it Alix?”
            “Yeah. How’d you know?”
            “Because that’s part of why I’m out here. It was also in response to the Akumas.”
            “Heard. Well, let’s look together.”
            “I actually know where she’d be.”
            “What? Then lead the way. Let’s go.”
            “Give me a minute. I need to recharge.”
            “Oh. Right. Go on, dude. I got the Reverser boy. Just don’t take too long.”
            “Don’t worry, I didn’t plan on it.”
            Alix lay curled up on the freezing ground of her mother’s grave. Tears froze to her face and sealed her eyes closed. Tikki and Ziggy tried to get rid of the ice, but she swiped them away.
            “Alix, please, you need to get home, or transform. You’ll die in the cold,” Tikki squeaked.
            “I don’t care,” Alix muttered.
            “What? What did you say?” Tikki gasped.
            “I. Don’t. Care. I lost it again. I hurt someone again. The monster came back out and retreated before I could stop it. All because I am that monster.”
            “That’s not true. You were caught in a moment of passion. You defended that poor writer from that awful red-haired boy. You weren’t a monster. You were a hero.”
            “But a hero doesn’t hurt people. A monster hurts people. And you can’t say if it’s for a good cause, then it doesn’t matter. The means never justify the ends. And in the end, I was a monster.”
            “I stand by what I said, that’s not true. You are a passionate person, and passion burns bright. Sometimes too bright, yeah, but bright nonetheless. You did the right thing.”
            “No, I didn’t, and nothing will change that.”
            “But-!” Tikki started.
            “Just go. Leave me alone.”
            Tikki and Ziggy exchanged glances before they crawled into Alix’s hood.
            “We’re not going anywhere,” Ziggy stated.
            “That’s right. We’re here and you can’t get rid of us,” Tikki said.
            Alix opened her mouth, but let out a choked gasp when Evillustrator grabbed her and thrust her up.
            “There you are. I’ve been looking for you, Alix,” Evillustrator hissed.
            “Not anymore. Evillustrator is back, and I’m here to make you pay for your insults.”
            Alix’s breath caught. Evillustrator’s threat struck her but filled her with sickening hope. Bile rose to her throat as the promise of seeing her mother crossed her mind. She tried to fight it off, to live, but the desire consumed her. She let her body go limp as she stopped fighting him.
            “Make me pay,” Alix begged.
            “Oh, I will, but only in a way fitting a monster like you.”
            Evillustrator threw Alix over his shoulder and headed back to Place des Vosages. He scared off the people in the park as he erased it and replaced it with a giant fountain.
            “Let’s see how much you like being plunged into ice cold water in the middle of winter.”
            Evillustrator threw Alix into the bone-chilling waters. Alix’s body seized up as the cold shocked her entire system. She stared blankly up at the dim winter sun as she lost the feeling in her entire body. Darkness closed in around as the water vanished and she felt herself on solid ground. She saw the figures of Chat Noir, Gallic Chick, Porcelet, and Carapace. They yelled at each other until an Akuma slipped by them and into Alix’s wristwatch. Their yells were drowned up and replaced with the voice of Hawkmoth.
            “Timebreaker, I am Hawkmoth. You face death, but it need not be like this. You can reset everything back to the moment with your mother. You can save her and see her once again. All I ask in return is Bloody Bug and Chat Noir’s miraculous.”
            Alix spurted and coughed. “I don’t… need you. I’ll see my mom soon… in death.”
            “What? You can’t-!”
            “I’ll see… I’ll see her soon. Good-bye, little butterfly.”
            Alix let out a gasp and her body went still.
            Alix opened her eyes to a dark road with little light. She roamed around it until a blinding light shone brightly. She shielded her eyes and blinked against it. It faded as her mother’s spirit stood across from her.
            “Mom!” Alix called.
            Alix ran down the road to her mother, but slowed when she neared her. A lump caught up in her seeing the disappointment and sorrow in her mother’s face.
            “I’m here. We’re together. Everything is as it should be.”
            Alix’s mother shed an ethereal tear as she looked away.
            “Wait, please! I miss you. I need you. Please, don’t leave me!”
            Alix’s mother ignored Alix’s pleas, walked into the darkness, and vanished.
            Alix cried out and reached for where her mother’s spirit once stood. She was stopped as she heard the crow of a rooster. She turned as a majestic, fiery rooster wrapped its wings around her and pulled her back to the world of the living.
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cheesecakeyuri · 6 months
@maopll @venusandsaturnsrings @yandere-daydreams @blackopals-world hey! I admire your writing work and fic on tumblr. I wrote this piece for a literature assignment not too long ago so I wanna know what you think as more active authors.
236,000 humans drowned this year. Do you mourn one? … I mourn all.
I’m responsible, named on the grave, cause of death: The harsh of the wave.
Is Poseidon to blame? No, it’s his wife! Amphitrite! Take note! This water is called she!
For millennia those men brave our rouges and our storms.
Millions lost yet billions borne.
Rán trawls her net over their boat thus yanking them into their final bed of rock and sand.
Ganga and Marina cry, their tears; typhoons
Eingana watches with mixed expression as she sees all her creation fight forces they can’t understand.
Mazu protects what’s hers, leaving the sanctity of her lagoon to do so.
Praised for beauty and poetry yet feared for the fact we she are of the few things one can’t command.
Those dead in deep water can’t be found.
The ocean leaves no trace, nor nothing that can save its face.
Families left, no peace for ones gone, unable to rest, it lingers in minds, a burden one cannot heal.
A wish to not be helpless, nights spent under the waves accompanied only by fish.
Over time it was a slaughter, bodies lost, souls gone, left to the sea.
What do they feel? The grains of sand or the teeth of a fish, The scales of an eel?
A body of death becomes a feature of new life.
A reef on the bones of the deceased.
The creatures do not know or care, It’s home now.
Their Thieves of remains, they desecrate the dead yet provide them purpose.
Perhaps they deserved to die? Men are not sinless creatures after all.
Especially considering how they treat us, isn’t that right Magwayen? they treat us with more than just spite!
How can they assume us to be kind when for centuries they’ve used us?
Sending fleet after fleet onto our surface and tipping their waist into our swash!
They have no right to treat us this way when the tears we cry are of the same pain
They doom our icecaps we so graciously froze just so they could come to fruition, I refuse to accept this!
How half of them refuse to take the blame while others drown
How they make shallow promises of prevention and change
yet you find those same mouths wet by lies of the above line
And those sinking cry why!
Hypocrites! all of them!
Notice how they call their most powerful, important, and feared things she!
Yet they call upon the husbands for safe passage through OUR waters!
They boast their achievements of deep-found treasure, but they turn coy at the mention of how they got there!
People are left to rot when the stem of their problems is of their own kind.
The lot of them are savage! Acting as gods pretending as if they too are not animals.
Everything in the universe is made from the same dust, and yet the humans audaciously claim they are of the most importance!
People beg us for mercy, to save them from their self-inflicted fate
They do this so much so, they forget they are the ones to blame!
We should send our rain and waves to condemn all for their ignorance!
Humans call the ocean treacherous and harsh! The foam of the waves is a sign of rough sea!
We will send raging storms, floods, tsunamis and even cause droughts!
All to make them fear us and come to terms with the fact they are ultimately powerless in the face of Mother Nature!
Mother! Not father! We will prevail in the face of man. We will leave them no time to even attend to the damage!
We will cull those who seek to conquer our home and make all who come after fear us!
Caging them inside a trap-like purgatory
They deserve it for all they’ve done to us!
The end of men! We will bring forth a matriarchy like no other!
No longer will we desire for respect and fame
Sing in Joy for the day of our redemption has come!
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shoutmon1v1 · 2 years
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artsysurvivor · 1 year
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[Image ID: A 5 paneled comic with the characters of young Halt, a knight statue, and his dad. The statue, which is general shown from two feet up to the hip area, is wearing a chainmail skirt with a dull red skirt underneath it, reaching to the ankles. The feet are covered in armor, and there's a sword the statue is holding point down in the middle of the feet. It's providing a dark shadow for Halt, whose legs are crossed, his knees up to his chest. His top is light blue with ruffled collar across his chest with silver buttons down it. There's also ruffles at the end of his sleeves, and his pants are darker blue. All of his hair is down, two strands of long hair going down his face and the rest the length of his shoulders and curly with some fly aways. He's barefoot. The background is a stone wall and dull, dark red floor.
Panel 1: Halt is leaning against the knight statue, his face hidden behind his knees and arms over his head. (He is in the same position for the next to panels also).
His Father, offscreen: CATHAN!
Panel 2: Halt tenses as his Father comes in front of him, his legs (clothed with dull purple pajama pants) framing his figure
Panel 3: The camera is zoomed out, his father is stepping off to the left.
The King, grumbling: So help me, when I get my hands on that little...
Panels 4: The camera zooms into Halt, who is looking up slightly with one eye closed, his other eye looking to the left. Both have tears building up. His eyebrows are arched upward. His hands still over the middle of his head.
Panel 5: His head is almost completely up so that the viewer can see his ruffled collar with buttons. His head is turned, and he is staring, blank-eyed, to the left. His posture has straightened up, but his hands have only moved to the area of his face.
Halt, thinking: He... Didn't see me? /End ID]
All rangers learn the skill of hiding. Some are just fortunate enough to learn it during training, or during a fun game of hide and seek.
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