#tw: religious imagery
foster-the-moths · 2 years
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(close ups under the cut)
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hexedrosel-arts · 10 months
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My favorite little brats \(≧▽≦)/
And uh- Buggs thoughts under the cut
So my brain is filled with thoughts while I try to work on my fanfic (hi inktart if you read this) so Buggs headcanons and thoughts because he is important to said fic.
So Buggs is just a funky little guy to me. Like I imagine when he gets older he has this scary aura but he is just a chill dude. The kind of guy you ask to walk you home when it gets dark because you're worried about getting lost.
Like he's still a jerk, don’t get me wrong. He won't stop being that way, but he's genuinely nice. To the world's worst found family, his kindergarten class mates. He has his thoughts about them.
He'll bully Nugget(more of teasing when they get older but still), but when Nugget comes to him after school, all bruised and bloody, telling Buggs about these kids who hurt him and Buggs was the closet person to him? Buggs will not only bandage Nugget, but he'll tell Lily and Billy as he prepares to beat up someone.
Speaking of Nugget, Buggs doesn't care about him. He'll bully him, tease him, be rude. But first things first, Nugget is Buggs' target, no one else's. He'll act the way he does to Nugget all the time, someone else does it though? All of sudden Nugget is Buggs' friend and he will fight you on it.(Nugget doesn't care really)
He cares about his friends but he doesn't really show it that well. He'll write them notes or give them a gift that he got money to afford, he's nice when he wants to be. He has troubles showing affection and communication, but at least he can talk about with someone else.
Felix and Buggs aren't close, ever. They chat yes, but they're not friends. They both agree on one thing, they both suck at emotions and identifying them. They talk about it in the dark of night, never to speak about to anyone else.
Teddy and Buggs are the same way. Teddy talks about his problems with family and Buggs would do his best to help him get through his emotions. Buggs gets it when Teddy cries because his father and how he wishes Felix could be himself more, Buggs talks about his father just left him behind and how he believes that Teddy deserves better. But they never talk about it outside of behind the school with a shared lunch.
Cindy and Jerome are Buggs' closest friends. When Buggs gets a tear in his jeans, these two would offer old clothes to sew on as he loves that pair of jeans. When he gets into punk fashion and wants to add patches of cloth to his jacket, they happily help him thrift said jacket and patch it up with him.
Cindy wants to practice makeup styles or she wants to talk about family problems? Buggs is there for both. Jerome has riddles to tell or he has to rant about something that bothers him? Buggs is a phone call away.
Ozzy and Buggs are also weird. Ozzy heard about a kid with financial problems, and told his mother about it, and here they are. Living in the same house.
To Ozzy, Buggs is a new kid that he doesn’t really understand. But he seems kind of cool and as long as his mother is unharmed and his schedule isn't that disrupted.
Buggs sees Ozzy as weirdo, not Nugget weird, but still weird. He is just a lame normal kid, how? How this lame kid alive? He is just the weirdest kid because he's just a guy. He calls Ozzy 'Squeeb' which means he's a square and a dweeb, the lamest of the lame. He cares about Ozzy yes, but he is still just a weird, lame kid who is somehow the normalest kid ever.
If you asked Kidd what they think about Buggs. You would probably get this response:
"Buggs is lovely, when he is feeling friendly. He's mean sometimes, but he really is cool when you get to know him."
Buggs would tell you that Kidd follows him around like a lost puppy. Always asking him about his knife, or his plans, or anything really. Buggs has a soft spot for Kidd even still. Kidd is the second cutest little thing to Buggs(first is Cindy). Just this squishy little thing that could kill a man. Buggs finds them just adorable, because I mean, Kidd is a kid that thinks Buggs is the coolest person ever.
Carla, Penny, Monty. Buggs only really cares about Carla. They work together to smuggle things into school, they sometimes hang out. But truly they are just coworkers. He is nice to Penny and Monty when he sees them, after all, it would be rude for him to be rude to Carla's partners.
Billy and Lily are not people he prefers to think about it. Billy was a traumatized kid who was experimented on and his sister has seen the worst of the worst of what Billy has felt and been through. Buggs ignores them unless someone else brings them up.
Ron and Madison, Ozzy's friends. Buggs prefers Ron to Madison, he's rowdy and hyper active. The kid you would find with tree leaves and branches in his hair and mud over his body. Buggs enjoys spending time with him, it's not surprising to find both of them play fighting in Ron's back yard before coming inside laughing and playfully jabbing at each other. Madison is Ozzy's 'just a friend' girlfriend. She's a peach to Buggs, sweet and kind and the light of Ozzy's life. He talked to her once on the phone, she was saved that Tuesday and Ozzy was asleep after a meltdown, Buggs took the call until Ozzy woke up. Buggs cares about Madison, but he will never say anything to her.
Alice scares Buggs to be honest. Her gaze is off to Buggs, she was like if Kidds had noticeable eyes instead of black holes. She doesn't talk a lot, she talks to beings that aren't there sometimes. But she scares Buggs because of a different reason. He saw it once, the time she had claws instead of hands, her mouth full of sharp teeth, and the body of some teacher at one of their many kindergartens... Buggs never told Alice what he saw, he just hopes she doesn’t remember seeing him there as well.
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morioriinvictus · 2 years
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levixthxn-thegirl · 1 year
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Ambrosine's design for Trigun verse. I'll do a color design when I get a new charger for my laptop.
I'll do Leviathan's tomorrow.
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rottendust · 8 months
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fandom-trash-goblin · 3 months
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Isaac & Abraham
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latinotiktok · 8 months
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Jesucristo; hay una canción Venezolana que dice "Si la virgen fuera Andina/Y San José de los Llanos/Él niño Jesús sería/Un niño Venezolano" that's it that's my propaganda
Jesucristo. Send tweet
La familia Addams
-La familia Addams, son tan cool y no son tóxicos para nada merecemos representación positiva de familia y el padre se llama Gómez (uno de los apellidos más latinoamericano)
-Morticia de los Locos Addams. Hay muchos headcanons por ahí de que los Addams son latinos pero nunca vi nada de alguno argentino. El actor que hizo de Gomez en las películas de los 90s era brasilero entonces In My Heart Gomez es brasilero tmb. Asi que Morticia es argentina porque ARGENTINA X BRASIL 🇦🇷🇧🇷 (y porque yo soy argentina y cualquier personaje que me guste se vuelve argentino porque lo digo yo)
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aria-greenhoodie · 4 months
The Creation of Man GOLBetty
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Tumblr loves to ruin things, so Click for Quality!
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ghouljams · 5 months
fruit as a metaphor for love my beloved
It's delicate and must be handled carefully; yet it grows resilient and hardy, always tended to by those that know its worth. It's reached for with tender hands and parted lips, and soft appreciative sighs. It bursts on your tongue, sweet even when it's sour. It makes you want to dig your teeth into its tender flesh, to lick the juice that drips down your fingers, savored even when you don't have the time for it.
It's the off season and you crack open a can of peaches, pluck the fruit out of its sugary syrup with careful fingers. Ghost watches every swipe of your tongue as you lick the sugar off your lips. The offered can feels like a communion wafer (This is my body, sweet and dripping, open to you like my home, or perhaps my body will be your home, the bed on which you lay your head and cry for mercy) the syrup like wine. He takes it carefully, reverently, glances at you before using the same method of extraction. If you knew about the blood that stained his fingers would you still offer to eat from the same container, still smile when he pulls a slice of peach free?
Do you notice the taste when you pull another piece for yourself? Does it stink of iron? Of violence and warfare? Ghost knows every way to kill a man, every soft point, every calculation of every angle and tilt. Violence has never hurt like your laughter does. He's never felt his heart clench like this, has never felt his stomach knot so tight, has never feared what pain might mean like he does when you offer him half a peach from your own fingers. Honey drips from it like gold, communion from the hands of the divine, he couldn't say no even if he tried. (as if he could ever say no to you, deny you anything you asked for, didn't ask for, didn't know you needed)
The fruit breaks under his teeth, the juice of it drips down his chin, he only permits himself one taste of it. One small piece of salvation. You eat the other half without a care for the way his eyes lock on your fingers, his breath trapped in his throat. Can you feel the ghost of his lips on your fingers? Is that why you lick them clean? This is my body, he thinks reaching to brush some of the syrup off your lips, broken for you, his thumb swipes over the soft skin and you kiss it affectionately, do this in remembrance of me;
he kisses you.
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peterokii · 9 months
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ode to joy
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nando161mando · 6 months
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mmehrunesraz0r · 6 months
leon s(aint) kennedy
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proxima-writes · 8 months
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Title: No Closer Could I Be To God
Pairing: Post-outbreak!Joel Miller x Female Reader
Rating: Explicit
Word Count: 1.3k
The closest he’s been to a god in these last few miserable years has been between your thighs.
Dear Reader:
This one is for the homies with religious trauma. If you enjoy this little fic, please comment or reblog! Title art is "Through Cataclysm" by Andreas Birath (b. 1974).
explicit sexual content (18+ MDNI), infidelity, no use of y/n, no reader description or age, single POV - Joel, post-outbreak Jackson, heavy religious themes and imagery, unprotected p in v, oral sex - f receiving, dirty talk, pet names, begging.
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Joel Miller gave up on the notion of a benevolent god around the time the light faded from his daughter’s eyes and he was left to hold her lifeless body. Since then, he’s only seen glimpses of that former goodness in the world — in Tess and the way she fought tooth and nail for their survival and in Ellie, once she quit being such a pain in the ass.
But perhaps the closest he’s been to a god in these last few miserable years has been between your thighs.
“Joel!” You cry out, squirming beneath his tight grip. He’s got you laid out on the work bench, thighs hugging his head as he licks and sucks your clit until you’re singing his praises. The storage shed is hot, sweat gathering at his neck and beading at his temple and making his fingers slip against your damp skin.
“Shhh, baby,” he murmurs, dragging his mouth away from your center and licking his lips to gather every drop of you from his flesh. “You’re fuckin’ loud today.”
“Sorry,” you whisper, voice breathy as your chest heaves with desperate breaths. “It’s been too long.”
“I know,” Joel agrees, standing up and leaning forward to steal a kiss, your hot mouth opening immediately for his tongue to explore. You taste like shitty instant coffee and mint, his favorite flavor as long as you're the source. “‘M sorry.”
Your fingers play with the hair at the nape of his neck, nails scratching against his scalp. He drags his lips across your jaw, down your neck, sinking his teeth briefly against your pulse point to make you shiver.
The modest dress you’re wearing is rucked up around your waist and Joel reaches down to slip his fingers past the elastic of your underwear, sinking two digits inside of you and groaning at how tight you are, how warm and wet you get for him. Your quiet whimper reaches his ears and he wishes he could hear you without restraint, wishes he knew how loud you could be. He’s fairly certain it’s as close to a choir of angels he could ever get.
Especially since he’s destined for hell. But that’s neither here nor there. Right now, he’s in heaven.
He removes his fingers, reaching up to slip them past your lips for a quick clean. Your tongue glides across his fingertips and your eyelids flutter shut as he uses his free hand to work his belt open with clumsy movements. He shoves his jeans and boxers down his hips, just enough to expose the hard length of his cock.
Joel pulls his hand away from your face, using his spit slick fingers to pump himself. With his other hand, he reaches into the chest pocket of his flannel shirt for his knife.
Your eyes go wide as he pops the blade open, slipping the cold steel beneath the elastic of your panties and tugging sharply. The fabric snaps, echoing your gasp, your mouth dropped open in surprise. He doesn’t give you long to recover, sliding his cock through your wet folds and smiling in satisfaction as your expression shifts from incredulity to pleasure.
“You ready?” Joel grunts, his tip catching at your entrance. You nod your head rapidly, but he’s in the mood to hear you beg. “Words, sweetheart.”
“Please, Joel,” you murmur. Your lashes glisten with captured tears and the sight makes his blood run hot. “Please, please, please!”
Joel presses forward, sinking into your body with ease. You have one hand on the workbench behind you to support yourself but the other grips his shoulder tightly, fingernails sure to leave little indents in his skin even through the fabric of his shirt.
“Christ,” he hisses, dropping his head into the crook of your neck. “Always feel so fuckin’ good. How is it always so fuckin’ good?”
“Need you to move,” you reply. “Please, Joel.”
And what is he if not your good and faithful servant?
Joel draws his hips back and thrusts sharply, lifting his head to watch your face as he does. This is his favorite part, staring into the Garden of Eden, enjoying his forbidden fruit. You whimper and moan, teeth digging into your bottom lip to keep quiet.
When he feels that knot of pleasure coiling tight in his belly, he curses and chases it all at once. It’s always over too soon when all he wants is to worship at your altar for eternity.
“Angel,” he murmurs, wrapping an arm around your low back as your own circle his shoulders. “Need you to come for me, baby.”
You whine, high and petulant. “No, no, no,” you chant, “Not yet.”
Joel leans forward to capture your lips with his, the action more of a sharing of breath that lacks any coordination of a proper kiss. He slips his hand between your bodies to circle your clit, the responding moan swallowed by his greedy mouth.
“Good thing you don’t make the rules,” he grunts, hips stuttering as you begin to squeeze around him. He may not inherit the kingdom of god, but he at least got a glimpse of heaven today.
Your legs drop from around his waist and he lifts his head to find your gaze. He always worries what he’ll see — disgust, guilt, and shame have all been reflected back at him before. But today…today you just smile softly, your skin damp with sweat and your lips swollen from his kisses and your teeth.
“Joel,” you murmur, pressing a palm to his cheek. “I have to go.”
Joel nods, knowing you’re right. He’s kept you long enough. Gray light filters through the dirt caked window of the little shed and you should get back to your home to get ready for Sunday service.
“I’ll see you around,” he replies, wrapping a hand behind your neck to pull you forward and give you one last hungry kiss before stepping away to right his pants. He holds a hand out to you to help you down from the work bench and watches as you fix your dress.
You give him one last watery smile before leaving through the flimsy wooden door. It slams back against the frame, the sound sharp to Joel’s ears. He sighs, counting to himself as he catalogs the spiderwebs and rusted tools in the shed.
There’s a flash of white in the corner of his eye. The mangled fabric of your panties sits discarded on the ground, and he leans forward to pick them up, pocketing them. For what, he’s not sure, but he’ll take any piece of you he can get.
Even if it’s just the part you’ve carelessly left behind.
Later, your husband stands at the dented podium to deliver his Sunday morning sermon to the good people of Jackson who still turn to religion for comfort and guidance. Joel isn’t one of those people, but he sits on a rough wooden bench across the aisle from you. Your panties are still tucked away in his pocket and he wonders if you’ve cleaned up already, or if you’re still full of him even as you sit there watching your husband.
“…And we see this spoken of in Proverbs 7:25 — ‘Do not let your heart turn to her ways or stray into her paths. Many are the victims she has brought down; her slain are a mighty throng. Her house is a highway to the grave, leading down to the chambers of death’.”
Joel looks towards you as the words settle among the crowd. Your gaze remains steadfastly on your husband, but your hands move restlessly in your lap. When Joel looks up at the podium, he finds your husband’s righteous glare trained on him.
Maybe Joel was wrong. He hasn’t found heaven in you.
He’s just found a deeper hell.
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sagradofemenin0 · 10 months
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Lamento encarnado, by Emil Melmoth, 2022
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deertism · 2 months
✦ the coffin dwellers gift to thee ~
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✦ ── religious horror / gothic , pixels
001 ── requested by @mygraine
002 ── F2u with credit , reblog ノ like if using
003 ── kin / id / f/o tags ? n/a
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ibrithir-was-here · 4 months
Some Jonmina sweetness commissioned for Valentine’s Day
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