#tw: schadenfreude
uncanny-tranny · 2 months
Attention: If you or a trans loved one been subject to an awful haircut given by a cis barber or hair stylist, you may be entitled to financial compensation. Exposure to these stylists in hair salons, barbershops, or other places of business have been linked to a greater level of dissatisfaction with one's personal appearance after a hair cut. Please don't wait, our team of dedicated lawyers will council you with complete legal discretion.
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firestorm09890 · 8 months
Schadenfreude is such a fucked up abnormality in terms of appearance. There are FAR worse, yes, but all those disgusting, organ-filled, corpse-laden abnormalities are sanitized into less disgusting little guys by the cognition filter (and the limitations of the art style) and then Schadenfreude's out here being the most special boy and doing the polar opposite as the most photo-realistic thing you'll see in this whole series
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look at that. real human eye. real lenses. real flesh. what the hell
Manager X, probably: Hey uh why does Schadenfreude look like that
One of the Sephirot: Oh yeah you're not supposed look at that one
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normystical · 4 months
☆ Adam Having A Mental Breakdown And Fucking Dying stimboard !!! ☆
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i made this bc his mental breakdown makes me stim lmfaoo
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luxlightly · 1 year
Ironically, this submarine thing is less like the Titanic, where a bunch of people were assured of the safety of a voyage that had no real reason to be dangerous that went horribly wrong due to unforeseeable circumstances, and more like the Donner Party, where truly everyone around them, including every expert they asked said "you don't know what you're doing. This is stupid. This is dangerous. If you do this you WILL die" and they did it anyway because one guy with no experience or expertise said he knew better than everyone telling them not to.
Except in this, it's not the decision of one person dooming dozens of people who had no say in the choice but 5 separate people all knowing the risks and disregarding them.
Like, this isn't a "guy sells people tickets for shoddy sub he didn't care enough to make safe". The CEO was on the sub. This is all hubris. MULTIPLE news stories were done about this sub before it was ever deployed, all highlighting how extremely, laughably unsafe it was and all but begging this guy not to try to use it. But he thought he knew better. And despite the wavers they had to sign clearly and explicitly stating that the sub had passed NO safety regulations and was not approved by ANY official agencies or experts, the other people on board all thought they knew better, too.
Of course I feel extremely bad for these people. No matter what happened to them, it was horrible. But it's the epitome of the "Tech Bro" mindset. Of rich men who have enough money to never be told no. And to believe they can never face consequences because they're too smart for it. Until it's too late.
The feeling that "if I have a *revolutionary* idea, that's the most important thing. Then I can just throw money at it until the technology catches up." The complete refusal to understand that some things are done a certain way because it's the right way, not because they just don't have your "vision".
It's all about stuff the sounds cool but has no backing in reality. A minivan sized sub that only has one button and an off brand game controller to steer sounds so sleek andstreamlined! So high tech! And high tech must be best, right?
Except it's not. It almost never is. High tech breaks at the drop of a hat. Every bit of high tech needs to be surrounded by 2 low tech failsafes at least. And anyone who actually knows about engineering will tell you that. But tech bros only play pretend when it comes to engineering. And they have the money to play and pretend that they can just imagine something that sounds cool into existence and it just will happen.
But it doesn't. And nothing will convince them of that. Not a thousand experts all telling them they're wrong. They'll never believe someone could know better than them. And now five people died because of it.
It's a tragedy all the way down. A tragic loss of life led to by a tragically toxic mindset, facilitated by a tragic state of wealth and power distribution in the world.
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moonmoonthecrabking · 2 years
noel gruber has the worst fucking taste in fanfiction.
ricky *tries* to lead him to the good stuff (even enlisting mischa and constance) but noel Does Not Care. he reads french-based self insert fanfic written by an 11 year old and prints out and *burns* one of the ones ricky claimed was “actually good”.
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iolite-sunstone · 2 years
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Yes. Schadenfreude literally just showed up in Leviathan. The actual murder box just made a spectacular entrance. In hindsight, there was a lot of foreshadowing, too.
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brasskingfisher · 2 years
Elongated Muskrat and the price of ego
So, as everyone enjoys seeing the world's biggest shitstain being butthurt over the failure of his twitter takeover, I think its worth mentioning just HOW stupid the decisions he's making are...
Leaving aside all the redundancies, payouts, legal costs and reputational damage, one of the most high profile failures (and the one he seems to be most upset about personally, and is getting the piss ripped out of him for complaining about it) is his attempt to introduce a paid subscription .
Now this is easily the most controversial announcement (and the most basic mistake) he's made since the takeover, and is potentially what will end up bringing him down. Not only is he whining about people complaining about a huge price hike (for no better reason that 'I want to') but he actually held a poll on twitter asking what people would be willing to pay for subscription. And people overwhelmingly (75% of the responders) said they wouldn't pay at all.
So he's announced a subscripton for a previously free service for no reason (threatening people with a worse service if they don't comply), and is trying to sell this to the people who said they wouldn't pay for it, and is now getting butthurt because people and corporations are threatening to delete their accounts like rats leaving a sinking ship. All of which is happening against a backdrop of a false narrative that a blue checkmark is a luxury feature (rather than an authenticator that the amount *is* controlled by said celebrity/company/ isn't a spambot).
The best part of this is the precedent this sets. The worse twitter (and by extension tesla) perform because of Muskrat's decisions (along with Zuckerberg's failed minecraft clone costing his attempted monoply billions) the harder it's going to be for these tech billionaires to justify their wealth, and for executives in other industries to justify their exorbitant pay... all because 1 wealthy scumbag can't take criticism!
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vocalyrics · 2 years
Mr. Schadenfreude - Translyrics
Mod's choice
Free to use and modify with credit
Schadenfreude: a person who shamelessly enjoys the suffering of others.
NOTE: Some parts of the song have discrepancies between the subtitles and what is being said. The way I've chosen to format this is SUBTITLE [WHAT IS BEING SAID]
“For an unforgivable sin, revenge and salvation will begin,”
As the curtains rise, a devilish deed, oh, Mr. Schadenfreude
Give a kiss to your despair, pathetically cling as you hang on air,
And savor that pathetic LIFE [SIN]... Infinity. ∞
“A noble devil of ancient times will manifest, and so one of you will be possessed.
Full of mercy and wearing their skin, it'll bring DEATH [SALVATION] to your souls full of sin.”
Next to The Priestess who is in a detached sort of voice reading,
THE FIFTH VILLAGER [THE TWIN] breaks down crying, and The Undertaker starts embalming.
But in this Devil's game this is naught but the beginning,
And until THE HUMANS OR THE DEVIL [EITHER SIDE] goes extinct, it won't be over.
“The culprit can only be one of us!”
“Who on earth would do such a thing...?”
“The devil, the game, or whatever... I don't care.”
“Haah!? Who did it!? Come on, cough it up already!”
“A demon, really? Such things don't exist.”
“No need to worry, after all, THE KNIGHT IS [I am] here to protect you!”
Cheating each other in absurdity?
Is this a gambit of uncertainty?
What's the devil's modus operandi?
“Are you Mr. Schadenfreude?”
The game of hangman is ready,
Who is it that will get the DEATH [TROPHY]?
And can we put an end to this Massaker*?
“A noble devil of ancient times is filled with spite, and so it has saved the pitiful knight,
Now that it has made its move from within, it will bring DEATH [SALVATION] to your souls full of sin.”
Next to The Priestess who is in a detached sort of voice reading,
THE SECOND VILLAGER [HIS BEST FRIEND] starts shouting, and The Undertaker keeps embalming.
It's almost as if you're treating someone [SICK] RECOVERING? [LAUGHS]
If this arrogant plot of “salvation” keeps going on...
“I guarantee I'll have the devil hanged by evening.”
“I'll finally be able to have my revenge!”
“Don't you get it? No matter what you do, we'll all die.”
“Oh, cut it out with the pointing fingers already! If you want to blame someone, then please hang [THE THIRD VILLAGER] ME!”
“By the way, could you please explain why I found [THE SECOND VILLAGER'S] YOUR choker on the corpse?”
Has accusing become an addiction?
Is it a fair judgement of conviction?
Start the devil's crucifixion -
Give up, Mr. Schadenfreude!
With trembling hands we pray,
As the corpse on the gallows starts to sway,
Until we're off the stage, it won't end: Richten*.
The bell signaling the dawn rings without making a sound,
As if guarding The Priestess, who's [DEAD] SOUND ASLEEP and bound.
She killed herself in the graveyard, [THE FOURTH VILLAGER] THAT GIRL's laying dead on the ground
Rather than being remembered as a deceiver,
Isn't it better to be saved as a victim?
Is it time to awaken the [SCHADENFREUDE] NATURE hidden?
“Someone's [DEATH] SUFFERING's a good feeling...”
“Who” was it that arranged this [DEVIL'S GAME] WHOLE THING?
“Someone” who wants us to believe it's the devil's deeds...
...Who is that [someone] behind this...?
Who's to blame?
It seems that there's a necrophiliac in our midst,
[THE UNDERTAKER IS] YOU'RE the devil, and don't you even dare resist!
That's so disgusting and profane... It's hard to believe you [LIKE IT] EXIST!
Being a [CORPSE PRO] FUNERAL AGENT is my job,
So it's only natural that [CORPSES] THEY are the ones whom I love.
And about those [CORPSES] THAT I had loved, every single last one of them was human.
The more pathetic your excuse is,
The more it is that you'll seem foolish!
At last, we know who the devil is -
You are Mr. Schadenfreude!
At last, to celebrate the devil's defeat
The survivors pour a drink for victory;
But then [THE ONE] I, who have [GONE INSANE] MADE A MISTAKE...
...In eternal sleep, will never suffer heartache.
In a [IMMORTAL] HOPELESS world, will you run away
Or in a dance with [THE DEVIL] ME will you be led astray?
This failed salvation lost it's way -
Ease your mind in a golden slumber.
Never fulfilling the dream that you clutch,
The curtains drop for the final [SALVATION] TOUCH;
So that in the end none of us will be left behind...
And so in the end none of them survived... again. ∞
*Massaker: German for "massacre"
*Richten: German for "judgement"
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lunetual · 1 year
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krockat · 1 year
hi i was randomly reading tags late at night on videos, and i saw yours you added onto https:// www dot tumblr dot com/krockat / 726501511214022656 a while back asking for the source of the music and not sure if you ever figured it out so apologies if you did, but its part of the ost from the anime black butler, not a game! but if someone did use it in a game i hope you find it too!
ouffh..... anon........
see... in that post in those very tags you speak of.. . I.. i did promise i would give plenty praise and love to those who would help solve my mystery.....
and you did nothing wrong anon.
you are a beacon of light, a shining example of a person just randomly going out of their way to be a nice little light-shedder-on-er-er, while prev just doing some'n simple n pleasurable (as pleasurable as the mixed crockpot of reading random strangers tags Can be) for themself.
but.. lemme tell you.... this is rough news.
to have a rare glance of something so similar to this great (i mean no, the quality of said game itself might be questionable, but a great soundtrack and alternative Weirdness and nostalgia of a seemingly never discussed old playstation game relic of my memory lossy past - it is despite it all quite great a) mystery -
it was so hopeful and enticing!
and then i learned.. and then i learned.. it was actually from my number one enemy-anime Black Butler!!
you see, black butler and I have history.
apart from it being a creepy show where two adult demons thirst for a child boy (that for some further context also had an unfairly banger ost that deep inspired my youth), it was, infact, and here comes an actual Real trigger warning for the content ahead:
warning you, here it comes! the tags will have what specific triggers this is about.
a tool used in grooming me.
so, while i really am grateful for your kind message and explanation - to find that this music that was so similar to what i remember from the soundtrack of the game - was actually from that show? Oh real unfortunate. just realllll unfortunate.
lemme tell ya when i woke up to read i got a notif w the beginning premise that someone had figured out this mystery song - meaning also maybe the coveted mystery game?
even barely awake and conscious as i was, and just really there initially wanting to check what time it was, because my alarm certainly hadn't called yet and the darkness seeping from my curtained window spoke of other promises -
and when then i ofc immediately opened that shit up and was left face to face with the reality of KROCKAT ENEMY-ANIME NUMBER ONE - ?
oh i knew it was gonna be a special kind of day.
so, sorry for no earlier reply but i was put into a certain state of reflection these last couple days.
and it's been interesting, actually
which might sound a tad bit morbid to those inclined,
but well you know us Aquarius Suns(TM) Hahoo - who often find morbid and sad stuff fun and entertaining to think about and toss and turn around like an old sausage in a corporate bodega hot revolver grill. just a lil interest in that
it actually got me to get into a creatory headspace. thinking about all that shit.
so yea pretty good now, but the first hour of gripping w that? yeah. idk how or that i would or could or would want to explain perhaps why or how or in what way that little fact did affect me.
but. you've still done me a great service. and i intend to make good on that reward i did promise whoever would solve my inquiry.
thank you you kind little folk! very very nice of you to come in to my ask and give me answers! you seem like a nice type.
but yes a post this long and involved (?) does got to have an end, and one useful trick to end things you don't know how to end is to put music at the end of whatever it is.
now, Best ending would be to have the music of the Actual game's ost i was talking about. but i still don't know what the game is.
Worst ending is probably just that bl*ck b*tler song that baited me (yes i am now "blurring" it out as this is the end part of the post that's meant to end as a reprieve)
and not to say that would necessarily be a bad way to end the post. hells, it might be the interesting (♒🌞) way to conclude this post.
but i think i will just leave you with this.
(sorry that it is a link to spotify. and that it is a from a corporate-y compilation album. and w songs i haven't vetted. i had no choice in what release it was. do you still like me)
(here also comes a youtube link. )
[image ID:
Black and white picture of Swedish jazz singer Monica Zetterlund - on a youtube thumbnail and link to a video upload of her singing the song "Att angöra en brygga".
end image ID.]
#tw grooming mention#tw csa mention#krockat answers anons#anti black butler#krockat krockar#idk how to tag black butler so ppl can block that tag - but not have fans of it have it in their tags n open myself up to shit from em.#also i rly don't know what my anon tags or asks tags are lol. i don't remember.#also haha to be clear with the astrology joke#- i like to use astrology as a for-fun personality test and sometimes day-to-day vibe advice for my own self. i am fine about it#and no i don't just laugh or schadenfreude at people's whatever else misery - more like that its often a stimulating topic and interests me#to talk w ppl about their shit. and of plenty at/w myself and my imagined blorgbos or whatever.#<writing that cause i know it's the internet and ppl like knife-at-throat-ing ppl when its a sport to assume the worst.#also to be clear - that video visually is just that still image. not of her performing the song. was unsure how or if i should word that in#the image ID. seemed too much.#oh shit now that i have written an image ID after already writing all these tags on mobile - damn it.#image described#also i am tired of this post and having it actually be any good now (which i dont think it is at this point) but idc.#better to just post the beast than not at this point. right#man these tags are too serious overall than what i did w the post. like I said. ♒🌞so to me it's fine to be silly w it#also the song I chose just cause it has a whimsy while also being very vibey and dreamy and jazzy. and there's inherent silly w its namesak#and also more specifically and esp because it's one of the main songs I've been listening to lately. so it's just a glampse into my state#i would explain the lyrics (them being in swedish and all) at a request. otherwise this posts just too long and idc :D#att angöra en brygga#monica zetterlund#my music tastes#long post#also yea i didn't give anon the full promised compliment hoard or wtvr tf I said in those og tags - but i just wasn't feeling it!#you gotta match the vibe of who you're talking to - right. what point is there to just ham it and no one wants to have ham at the table.
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cattlemons · 1 month
hi, if you're okay with writing for him, wanderer x reader hcs? (it can be short and brief!!) /nf
The Archivist and The Stubborn Scholar
TW: Not proofread and the punctuations on this might be kinda yikes (tried my best tho), this particular big boy is 1,7k words big (very short and super brief (❁´◡`❁))
Hope you like this, my first ever nonnie! (I wanna frame you like a first dollar)
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I feel like the Wanderer is kind of a tough nut to crack because his trauma wall is 100 inches thick.
At the beginning, he’s really just huffing and puffing and being a total jerk to you (and everyone else). To be honest, you’re just trying your best to tough it out and not cuss him out every chance you get.
Technically, he isn’t a permanent student of the Vahumana; he only comes in to borrow research papers he needs for his own paper and then he’s off again. So, there's no reason for you to see him all that much.
But aside from being a student, you’re also the Akedemiya’s archivist, so you do meet him fairly often. Not that you enjoyed his prickly presence at first. It was quite the nuisance, if anything.
Every time he comes in to borrow something, it feels like he’s purposefully trying to get a rise out of you.
He’s also frustratingly accurate in pressing your buttons; like he knows exactly what makes you tick and explode.
You want to chop his head off.
Luckily for him, you’re closer to Celestia than he is because your patience for him is on par with that of a saint.
“I need a paper on Tatarasuna, but I want it as recent as possible. The closer to ‘yesterday’ it is published, the better.”
Looking away from your own paper, you looked at him like he grew five heads, each wearing a big ‘ol hat. To your defense, you’re only four beats off.
“Look, I know you’re an honored guest of the Archon and only recently started joining in on this research writing business, but you’ve got to learn how we do things here,” you huffed as you searched for a written guideline you have not needed for a while now.
Pulling the paper out of your bag, you pointed and explained the graphic drawn on it.
“First, you go and find out which collection of research papers you need and ask me politely if we have it here in the archives. Then, I tell you if we have it or not before asking if you want it copied and if you need more assistance—”
“Okay, fine. I want Tatarasuna papers and assistance.”
“Please let me finish.”
“Why’d you stop talking if you weren’t finished?”
“You interrupted me?!”
That’s basically how an average conversation with him goes.
But as time goes on, the hate turns into dislike and then into pretend hate and finally into secret like.
At the start of his research, the visits are few and far between, but as the research starts getting heavier, his visits get more frequent too.
He also likes to work on the tables right outside the archival building for “quicker access to papers.”
This is not for the public, but he also kind of maybe perhaps secretly likes looking at the archivist.
He just likes looking at you when you’re confused about why the journal you’re reading is spewing lies. He also likes looking at you when you huff at your paper because the wording is all messed up.
Yeah, his sadistic tendencies were not wiped away when he pulled his stunt on the Irminsul. You can’t win them all, I guess.
Anyway, it’s all totally because he likes seeing you suffer. You’re on top of his “pain in the ass” list, after all!
Not because you look adorable when you scrunch your eyebrows in confusion.
Definitely not because he knows you didn’t get enough sleep last night (he heard your friend chastise you about it) and you made a bunch of mistake on your paper.
He DEFINITELY DOES NOT find your tired eyes and sleepy yawns cute (like a very angry cat he DOES NOT want to take care of).
But really, he actually believes in this reasoning. He simply thinks it's schadenfreude.
Man’s smart when scheming but dumb bum when anything else.
He does not catch on to his feelings all that quick. In fact, it took him embarrassingly long.
He had to do a lot of soul searching and experience a ton of jealousy to finally realize that maybe he likes you more than he hates you.
Or rather, he likes you more than he originally allowed himself to like you.
Oh no! It’s the consequences of having a heart because a heart isn’t an object but the accumulation of interactions that build the psyche and emotion! Darn, life lesson! (Wanderer, probably)
The Wanderer decided that he’s going to work on his paper in the archive building today. He’s not in the mood to sit in some shitty cafe and listen to incessant chatter.
Wow, he wished he had chosen the cafe instead.
“Hey! Who told you, you can just take a paper out of the archive and waltz your merry way home? Give that back. Right now!”
“I thought we were friends,” Kaveh mumbled in faux hurt as he stretched his hands out to return the paper to you.
“Archivist first. Friend second,” you huffed out, snatching the scroll of paper out of his hands.
The blond proceeded to clutch his chest and make a scene.
Sometimes you wish you weren’t such good friends with the man. At least then, he’d act civil.
Meanwhile, the Wanderer was watching all this from the front row seat; absolutely soaked with friendly-banter-that-he-misunderstood-as-lovey-dovey-affection. Your interaction with Kaveh spilled over into the splash zone of his seat in the archival building and he hated it.
In his mind, he came up with the conclusion that the heat in his heart is coming from a place of annoyance.
Why are you so loud at 7 in the fucking morning?
Why is the blond one also so loud at 7 in the fucking morning?
Why are you even entertaining guests this early in the morning? Didn’t you refuse him any service when he came this early a few weeks ago?
Why is this guy any special?
Somewhere much deeper in his mind, he thought differently.
I thought you were only grumpy with me.
You said ‘friend’ to him, right?
Why does that ease me slightly?
But you treat me like that too… Am I a ‘friend’ as well?
Why does that hurt even more?
After that moment, his visits get less frequent. When he does visit, though, he keeps things brief and… polite?
You even tried to start up a banter; mentioning something you know (on a normal day) would get his veins popping and kick-start a back-and-forth and then some.
To no avail, he stayed silent and just looked mildly inconvenienced.
This confused you to Celestia and back and then to Celestia again and then back again.
He’s honestly not too sure why he distanced himself from you in the first place.
But hindsight is 20/20 because after a much-needed self-evaluation session (by ‘self’ I mean himself and Nahida) he knows it’s because he doesn’t want a fourth addition to his list of major betrayals.
Not that he’ll actually agree with that statement out loud. But inside, he gets it.
Of course, this understanding is between his own person. You, unfortunately, were completely out of the loop.
You thought you had somehow pissed him off beyond forgiveness or crossed some kind of line.
At one point, you thought that the banter was, in a very weird way, flirting.
But maybe you got it wrong. What if he never saw you as a friend at all, let alone someone he might like.
You decided that if a relationship(?) friendship(?) has to die, then it’s going out with a bang.
*(bang = mutual understanding on what went wrong and peacefully going back to being strangers).
So, you visited him one day. Out of work hours too (mmmm how bold).
The knock on his door broke the puppet out of his cluttered thoughts; thoughts of a certain archivist he misses. Grunting as he stood, he closed the book he pretended to read in favor of opening the door.
“Who is it?”
He opened the door just as the ‘intruder’ reached to knock on the door again. He doesn’t know why you thought that knocking needed that much force but he’s certain it’s way too much.
Anger poked at him as he yelled, “That’s going to bruise, idiot.”
It won’t.
“I’m sorry, okay?”
“You should be! That hurts.”
It did not.
“Not about that! I’m sorry for whatever happened between you and me to make you hate me…”
The fuck?
“You don’t have to forgive me or anything. I get that you have some sort of past to make you that way and I probably overstepped somewhere but… I thought we were friends. I thought if you were to revert back to us being enemies again, at least you’d tell me why…”
The Fuck?
“Is it because you know I like you? If that’s the case, you’re not fully wrong but I can just throw that away because I know you’re probably not looking for something like that and that’s probably the bit where I overstepped and you know I’m not even fully invested in it so really I can just stop!”
So much for mutual understanding. With how things are going, it’s more of an individual understanding.
You got way too nervous and now things are spilling left and right and he’s not even saying anything?! He’s just staring at you like you grew five heads, each wearing a big ol' hat. You took a breath to continue your long-winded mess of a rant when he clutched your shoulders.
“Stop for a second, will you, motor-mouth.”
You clammed up right away, tears leaking out of your eyes.
“Listen, I’m not going to ever say this again but I like you too. It’s shit and I hate feeling it because… because I’ve never felt before, okay? So, stop talking all that crap about throwing important things away, it's pissing me off.”
You fully started sobbing now. He panicked and pulled you in for a very awkward, very stiff, but very loving hug. Snot got on his robe and cape as you cried your emotions out on him.
He found he didn’t quite mind. He could use less snot, sure, but he was glad you cared this much over him. He's never had anyone worry over him, let alone to the point of crying.
Soon, tears prickled his eyes but it's alright because relief found his heart.
By the way, he did say it again. He said it 1,000 times before your eventual marriage and 5,000 more times but with ‘love’ as a substitute for ‘like’.
What a liar.
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a.n. My first ever request and I’m so incredibly chill about it (lies I jumped and screamed slightly). Anyway, I’m not sure what you’d like to see so I made this about how you came to be the wanderer's partner. Send in another one if you want something more specific (I’ll literally smile and break my cheek muscles if you do).
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dark-konohagakure2 · 2 months
How about Edo Tensei Hashirama and Tobirama kidnapping and breeding Sasuke’s virgin older sister when they come across her? Hashirama is kinda obsessive and thinks he’s in love because she looks so much like Madara, while Tobirama is that much more savage/abusive with her for the same reasons. (hatefuck, noncon, cnc, mindbreak, loss of virginity, size difference bc they’re both giants, belly bulge)
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tw: noncon, threesome, Edo Tensei, size difference, double penetration, past HashiMada, breeding, discrimination, hatefucking, abuse, belly bulge, slight yandere
All characters depicted are 18+
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When Hashirama and Tobirama are brought back into the world via the reanimation jutsu, they quickly realize that the famous Uchiha clan has gone nearly extinct and each have different feels about the matter, Hashirama is deeply saddened, while Tobirama barely tries to hide his schadenfreude, but when the two of them discover the only surviving female of the Uchiha clan, who bears a striking resemblance to someone from their past, the brothers both have very different reactions, but very similar intentions.
As the two brothers corner her, Tobirama can't help but roll his eyes at the noticeable blush on Hashirama's face and the even more noticeable bulge in his pants, he had always suspected that his elder brother had a thing for Uchihas, although to be fair, so does Tobirama, but their shared Uchiha fetish manifests in difference ways, Tobirama's is about domination and hatred, Hashirama's is about a genuine love and attraction towards the Uchiha clan's members.
Tobirama is incredibly harsh, biting down on her shoulder roughly as he pumps his cock into her, growling insults into her ear and letting her know exactly how much he loathes her clan, and how this is the fate that the females of that cursed clan deserve.
Hashirama is much more gentle throughout encounter, unnerving her with how gentle and affectionate he is towards her, even as he bullies his thick cock into her pussy alongside his much less gentle younger brother.
"Ah~ Oh you're just too cute, my dear~ and you look just like someone very dear to my heart too, that just makes you even more enticing~!"
Both of them are very big men, and their cocks are big as well, so they stretch her out and fill her to the brim, with Hashirama lovingly taking her from behind while Tobirama savagely pounds her from the front, her stomach bulging with the shape of their cocks from just how deep they are inside of her.
Hashirama will scold Tobirama for being so rough with the poor girl, reminding him that she's very precious, being both the last female of an extinct clan and the spitting image of their dear former 'friend', but Tobirama will retort, emphasizing that he's only being so brutal because of those very reasons.
The juxtaposition between how the brothers treat her is almost unsettling, Hashirama is cooing praises into her ear, his thrusts deep yet gentle as he calls her his good girl, while Tobirama is using her like an unvalued toy, harshly hitting her womb with his cock at a rapid pace while telling her how much he detests her, and how someone as tainted as her deserves such unkind treatment.
Despite both being reanimated, they're still capable of cumming in this state, which they do, a lot. The two of them both cum inside of her fertile womb multiple times, filling her up to the brim with their superior Senju cum.
"Take that, Uchiha filth. This is what you deserve for being from the same clan as him, and get used to being filled up like this, because you belong to us now."
Hashirama is more than happy to have a substitute Madara that he can spoil and love, while Tobirama is glad to have an Uchiha to torment, so for once the two polar opposite brother's are in agreement on something.
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shinjisdone · 8 months
𝒯𝒾𝒸𝓀𝒾𝓃𝑔 𝒮𝓅𝓇𝒾𝓃𝑔𝓈
(A Yandere Pinocchio X fem!Reader fic from Lies of P)
Pɑɾt 1; Sluɱbeɾ
capitolo uno
capitolo due
capitolo tre
capitolo quattro
capitolo cinque
capitolo sei
capitolo sette: is here
Capitolo otto
Capitolo nove
Capitolo dieci
Pɑɾt 2; Awɑƙeƞiƞƍ
It was a privilege to share the same blood as Giuseppe Geppetto. To be his family, his niece and take part in the marvelous worlds of puppets. The privilege to learn from him as his apprentice. The privilege to care for the things he cares for and to have the things he cares for, care deeply for you.
Tag List:
@greeknerd007 , @mitsureigen , @kame11a , @thirdblogsacharm , @sarah22447 , @blueberryhitosh1 , @written1nthest4rs , @huicitawrites
TW in general: Yandere behaviour, creepy and still puppet, dubious intentions and relationships
[TW for this one specifically include: Demeaning uncle Geppetto, slight misogyny, downplaying an injury, slight uncomfortable tension, slight grief, Uncle Geppetto doing a 180° turn
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Uncle Geppetto will be proven right again. By you out of all people and you can just imagine the glint he will get in his eyes. He thinks he doesn't get a kick of schadenfreude from it, but you've known your dear uncle for long enough to know that he loved being right. Always.
You go over the scenario in your head. It will be there, alongside that humph but it will be temporary - because soon he will be grinning and smiling proudly. A pat on the back and letting you do more than tinker on butlers - long forgotten by the rich families as they have probably gotten themselves replacements by the Workshop Union.
It was not like you disliked them. They were wonderful puppets and you do wanted to make them wonderful again - but perhaps your passion and nostalgia for a time long gone fired you up more than the thought of giving unwanted butlers their jobs again.
Maybe Uncle would look at you a bit differently. Let you do more.
Do more with her. Perhaps, but just perhaps but nevertheless an optimistic perhaps, Geppetto will give you permission to work on her and give you materials and tools for it. You always wanted to.
She was your ever first doll. You wanted to become a puppetmaker just like him for her, to do something with her. Turn her into the loveliest doll that she deserved to be.
The only scenario you could not figure its grande finale out were the bandages around your hand.
Walking down the stairs, you took a few breaths in front of his office's door. Holding the surprise behind your back, you knocked on the heavy wooden door, carved with many patterns. He wanted it tailored to withstand a lifetime and you do remember knocking on it a lot as a child. More times than you should have, convinced that it might be an easy and harmless prank on your part. You were even told that the door was so sturdy, your little girly knocks wouldn't resound at all but your uncle would always open it with a scowl-
"Dear?" You startled as he peeked through the opened crack. Geppetto rose a brow at seeing you so early despite your very obvious eyebags. He thought you'd sleep in again but instead you mustered a smile. "Good morning, Uncle." Finally, he fully opened the door to look at you fully dressed while he only adorned a quaint white blouse and trousers. "A good morning to you, too. What is it? What brings you so early in the morning to me?"
Once again you mustered a smile but this attempt was given up quickly. You were no foolish child anymore. He needed to hear it. "Uncle, may I come in? I have something really important to tell you." "At this hour? Surely this can wait after breakfast."
"Uncle Geppetto."
There it was once again, that scowl whenever he opened the door at a bad time. This time it was not your prank but the tone of your voice he did not like. Nevertheless, he stepped aside and let you in.
Brown eyes observed the spots of dried blood on the bandage, his finger grazing the outline of your palm as you rested your injured hand in his. The man adjusted his monocle, leaning closer before sitting upright in his working chair and letting go of your hand. You let it rest on the big mahogany working table. "And that happened yesterday?" "Yes. The ambulance came and patched me up before sending me home. I don't know what happened to the puppet afterwards."
A heavy sigh escaped him, his hand reaching for the bridge of his nose as Geppetto leaned back in his chair. "What a commotion it must have been..."
"I'm sure it will be on the newspapers soon. That's why I wanted to tell you, Uncle, something might be wrong with these models."
He sighed once again, looking up the ceiling. You waited but decided to speak when he remained quiet.
"Something like that should never happen." Swiftly, the older man snapped his narrowed gaze at you. "Of course this shouldn't happen. It was an accident, is that not what you said?"
"Yes, but-"
"Couldn't it be that your finger slipped to the spot the puppet was supposed to stamp?" A sharp inhale. You sat up straighter, your eyes wide and lips pressed as you stopped like a machine yourself. Before you spoke, you reminded yourself to take another, deeper and calmer breath. "Uncle. If it did, then it should have sensed flesh. It pierced through mine anyway." Your eyes flickered to the ground, holding in air. You began to scowl just like him. "I can't believe you are saying that." You whispered under your breath.
"It is possible," He continued calmly, "That's why I need to know the specifics. The Workshop Union cannot make a mistake, I cannot."
The office grew quiet. Retracting your hand, you placed it on your lap, gently playing with the edge of the bandage. Your glare was directed to the floor. Geppetto reclined in his chair and crossed his legs. The old grandfather clock he had for decades ticked in the corner, the dreary, soft sound filling the room and his eyes would glance at the time. His hands mimicked yours before he licked his lips and took a deep breath.
"You've been working very hard lately. It's gotten to your head." The chair creaked as he leaned forward and reached for your injured hand. He carefully made sure to brush the side of your palm with his fingers. "Look at you, your eyebags have gotten even more noticeable now, dear. You can't go running around looking like that, not even in the confines of our workshop. You need rest, especially with an injury such as this." He tilted your hand up briefly and rose his brows at you. Your grimace did not change.
"A young girl such as yourself shouldn't have to bear such scars. I am sorry that happened to you."
You remained silent as his hand slowly left yours and he got up. Putting on a coat big enough to cover his simple outfit, he searched for his melon hat next.
"Did anyone ask you who you are?"
"No." You answered tonelessly.
"Good. It would be bad if...they found out Geppetto's niece got hurt by a puppet."
At last he found it under his scarf and made sure to put it on as well. He opened the door wide and turned around with an expectant gaze for you to leave his office.
You had not moved. Sitting in the humble, lone stool your narrowed gaze was stuck on the one spot on the floor. The wonderful, expensive wine red carpet of his, the edge of it, embroided with patterns from a land far away, he once said. He got it before you were born and it still seemed so new and untouched.
Geppetto called out your name impatiently.
"Uncle." Swiftly, you slid off the stool and grabbed the sack you set aside from the floor with one hand. The man arched a brow as you walked towards him, poised and with a determined glare. Holding it with one arm, you entangled the ribbon with your good hand before letting the sack fall off and had her sit placidly in your arms.
Through the determined glint in your eyes, your heart was pounding against your chest.
Geppetto slowly closed the door. Trapped in a trance, his jaw dropped as his hands reached for the toy in your arms. He carefully approached you. Brown eyes would glimpse up and down, between you and the toy. Collecting himself, his shock slowly turned into the brightest of grins you had not seen on him in years and his eyes held a tenderness he had missed years ago as well.
The older man could barely let out his thoughts. "Oh, dear," He whsipered under his shaking breath, "That is your doll." Finally, it seemed like he could collect himself from his awe and gently touch the doll's arms. Stable but soft to the touch. His joy also brought a smile of your own. You let him take her.
"It's Aurorie."
"Aurorie!" He laughed heartily, overshadowing the ticking of the clock. "Oh, you always called her that!" Another round of chuckles left him as he spun the doll around, inspecting her. The pink dress had soft folds, each patched with patterns of dark pink roses, as to not stand out too much, and lines of leaves stitched and flowing down from the waist to the frilly ends. The wide dress flew with the motions as the doll was inspected, with the many flounces hidden beneath white as snow. Testing the fabric, Geppetto noticed a minituare, wooden cage crinoline hidden between the flounces. The majority was made out of wood but he could make out metal strips in the middle section, tightened with screws and aligning with the wooden strips above and below. It wasn't wide enough to give the illusion of an hourglass form but was slimer, triangular, he noted. One hand gently tapped the outer side of the dress. The cage crinoline was barely noticeable with the many cloth in-between.
The sleeves were short and puffy, covering her shoulders and leaving the rest of her arms bare. Dark shoes cleaned with the expensive shoe polish and white tights around her legs. A small ribbon was tied around her neck into a kink and suited her well with the frilly neck sleeve. Her long, blonde hair was styled to curls, with a headband on top and small, thin ribbons tied lovingly at each end of the band. Her bangs neatly cut to show her kind eyes and putting the doll higher up to the light, Geppetto paid attention to the bright colors that returned to her face. Each eye, brow, cheek, nose and smile was repainted.
"She looks as beautiful as the day I made her for you." He whispered as he lowered her in his arms. He couldn't really believe what he was seeing, it was like recalling a dear memory. The bright smile you wore was also one he used to see more often in the past. "I wanted to remake her the day you agreed to make me your apprentice. I always had her with me." Geppetto let out a sigh, "I never noticed she was here all this time." "Well," You glanced around before looking back at him with a bashful smile, "I hid it when coming here. Geppetto's niece and apprentice coming to Krat, the city of puppets, with a small, worn out doll?" You chuckled with a crooked smile and Geppetto joined you. "But what was most important for me was to be able to make her shine again. Aurorie is my favorite out of all the toys you've made me and I wanted her to be treated as she deserved."
The older man opened his mouth before closing it shut again with a smile. Though his sight wasn't the best even with his monocle, his eyes crinkled at the sight of you, of the little gift he made for you all those years ago now here in his arms. His throat tightened and he quickly swallowed the growing lump. Instead, his heart melted at the very sight and touch he was experiencing right now.
"And look!" Your eyes widened with the idea that had come to mind and before he knew it, you adjusted the doll to be sitting humbly on his forearm. "I made the crinoline out of soft wood and the metal strips in the middle would bend when the legs are moved. She can sit without having to lift the dress, and the crinoline won't crack."
Looking back at the toy idly sitting on his arm, Geppetto couldn't help but let out a hearty laugh. "She sits as straight as a candle! Just like a real lady!" Still gazing at the doll, he let out a few chuckles before his laughter died down. Lips trembled slightly and the man looked back to you, sniffling briefly. He bent down while holding the doll gently with one arm and rested his hand on your shoulder.
"Dear..." You unwittingly shot him a confused look as your uncle began but seemed to drift off. You feared that when looking into his eyes, you might find them ever so slightly teary, a sight you only saw once on him and it was not a fond memory. However, despite the trembling he swallowed it all down and instead pulled you closer for an embrace.
"My dearest niece...I am so proud of you." He squeezed you once, his arm around your shoulders, before backing off enough to look at you with the most heartwarming grin. "You have no idea how happy it makes me that you take on the role of the next puppetmaker in our family. That you find joy in this and create such beautiful things." Your uncle was never one to indulge in his feelings so much, to carry his emotions on his sleeves as he does now. Each word that passes his lips seemed to soften his face more and more. You let him talk. "Things that will bring joy to the next person. I remember how you sulked that day before I gifted you Aurorie and the little doll that gave the little girl so much happiness," He halted for a moment and swallowed his snot, "Is now making her shine like she did in your memories. You took such great care of her...it makes me happy that you love her so much."
Finally, he stepped back and tried to discreetly wipe his tears. He returned the doll to you. "I am sure you will continue creating many great things, and taking care of them and loving them."
He seemed to stop. You hugged your doll tight and close, eyes struggling to look at his face as he kept on trying to find his composure. While his heart squeezed, yours seemed too - though it slowly felt like it was dragged down your stomach the longer you lingered. "Uncle Geppetto...are you truly okay?"
As fast as he could, he nodded with a few sniffles and spoke in a strong voice. "I am. Simply indulged myself back to the old times where you were just a wee little girl." He chuckled as he ruffled your hair. You did not believe him.
With a cough, he gestured to the door. "Your creation is wonderful, my dear. I cannot wait to see how you'll flourish into a great puppetmaker - one greater than me, perhaps!" He gave a quiet, low chuckle, "But for now...work awaits. I'll take care of the commotion. Go rest your hand and take a few days off. You must be tired and scared of what happened yesterday. Be a good girl and go to your room."
You were inclined to share your own thoughts but seeing the look in his brown eyes and the slight tilt in his stature made you bite your tongue and nod. Quietly bidding him goodbye and a successful day at work, you retrieved your things and left the room.
The soft click of the door was his cue to return to his chair. You used to barge into his office a few times as a child before learning that Geppetto was not fond of such ill-mannered behaviour. You were only brave enough to do so when your visits weren't alone but with company but he would still not tolerate because of that.
With a heavy and freeing sigh, he sat down in his chair, it squeaked as he turned to the lowest cupboard on his table. Sliding it open, he took out two baords completely and set them aside. Pressing a button hidden on the side of the open space, a click was heard and right after that, a thud. He took the thin wall out and dragged the small, metal safe closer. For its size it was quite heavy and Geppetto found himself struggling to get it out as the years pass by. He let out a groan once the buttons were in his reach and pushing the code inside, the self-made mechanism ticked and hummed, before the door sprung open.
The binders were neatly sorted one by one. He grabbed the blue one, titled "Earlier than the Birds."
Turning a few pages, he stopped at "11 years."
In the month of April, there was a picture painted on simple paper.
Geppetto carefully slid it out from the foil before putting the binder aside and admiring the doodle.
The locks were long, blonde and curly, reaching beyond the feet. A breathy chuckled was let out in the quiet room, he barely could hear the grandfather clock ticking. He told him that such length was impossible or rather, ridiculous and unnecessary. The painter pouted and insisted it would look pretty. Shaking his head, he could not keep his promise but the end result was enough to be left satisfied. Besides that, the dress was done as he invisioned, wide and frilly, the color of the fabric as blue as the crayon he used to draw with. He tried to keep the colors in the lines yet slipped one too many times but Geppetto did not mind. He also did not mind one arm being longer than the other, the limbs drawn as sticks and then redrawn to be thicker, or having no black crayon left and therefore painting the shoe with brown - Geppetto understood the artist's intentions.
A giant tiara sat on the crown of her head and again, he shook his head. Instead, a black headband was offered that he reluctantly agreed to.
Kind eyes were the last touch. A lovely smile that was later on redrawn with red crayon. He could see the black color peeking out.
Geppetto sighed as he reclined in his chair. His eyes traveled to the bottom of the childish drawing.
"For my annoying cousin, (Name)."
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puzzled-pegasus · 11 days
The Demigods Discuss: Man vs Bear
(tw for implied SA topics in dialogue)
Literally the demigods just talk abt the man vs bear question and why girls choose the bear
“Annabeth,” Percy asked, “do you know about the Man vs. Bear internet debate thing?”
Annabeth and the rest of the Seven Demigods sat in conversation on the Big House porch at Camp Half-Blood. Piper sat next to her on the porch swing, and Percy was in a chair on her other side.
“Yeah,” Annabeth answered. “What about it?”
“What do you think about it?” His green eyes contained no judgment, just curiosity.
“Like, which would I choose?”
“Well…I suppose it's different since I’m not mortal,” Annabeth said thoughtfully. “I could technically defend myself just fine if the man was mortal. And since I’ve killed so many monsters, a plain old bear probably wouldn't scare me much. In a fight, I’d probably choose the mortal guy. Especially if I don't have any weapons.”
“Oh, true,” Percy said. “What about, uh. Demigod man versus…like…one of the magic bears Artemis hunts?”
“Then, yeah. Bear.”
“Well, it’s easy for you to pick the bear,” Leo butted in from his conversation with Jason. “You could just think up a way to kill it, easy peasy. Or punch it in the snout and send it crying home to its mama bear.”
Annabeth considered that. “That's true,” she said. “The point is that the man is still more dangerous, though.” She noticed Frank, Hazel and Jason were suddenly quiet, and everyone was looking at her now.
“What if he's a less powerful demigod?” Jason asked. “Son of Iris or Baccus or something?”
“Well…part of the hypothetical is that you don’t get to pick the man. It should be the same for a demigod; you don't get to pick whether they're powerful or not.”
“Hmm. I guess that makes sense.”
“I’d still choose a bear over a random mortal guy,” Piper joined in. “Mortals can still hurt and kill demigods.”
“Yeah, they technically could,” Annabeth said.
“And I don't have my dagger?”
“Nope, no weapons.”
“Okay. I mean, I guess I could charmspeak the mortal guy into leaving me alone. But like, what if they sneak up on me? I’d have nothing.”
“I’m pretty sure a magic grizzly is more dangerous than a mortal guy,” Percy said skeptically. “Can you even charmspeak a bear?”
“I’m…not sure, actually,” Piper said. “But, I mean…the worst the bear could do is maul me to death.”
“But the mortal’s just…some guy,” Jason argued. “What's the worst he could do to a girl like you?”
Leo’s expression changed so severely that Annabeth thought he was going to start his deck chair on fire. Annabeth knew exactly what he was thinking, but she was surprised—and a little impressed—that he was the first one to give Jason a scolding look.
“What the fuck do you think, man?” Leo snapped. “Pipes, you want to burst his bubble, or should I?”
“Yeah, man,” Percy growled, “what the hell?”
“No, I know!” Jason held up his hands, looking at Leo warily. “I just meant that Piper could fight him off, easy. Couldn't she? And there's a good chance that the guy doesn't even want to hurt you.”
“Okay, listen,” Piper said. “Take it from someone who's been surrounded by mortals for my whole life. They can be as smart and vicious as any demigod. There's plenty of them who are stronger than me. If the only thing I have is my charmspeak against some guy who really wants to hurt me, demigod or human…all they’d have to do is cover my mouth.” She gripped the edge of the porch swing she was sitting on.
“And if you were mauled by a bear,” Annabeth added, “at least people would believe you.” She threw a pointed glance in Jason’s direction, and he flinched a little, giving Annabeth a glimmer of schadenfreude.
“Yeah,” Piper said, “that, too.”
“I suppose I shouldn't underestimate mortals, either,” Annabeth reflected. “I mean, it’s not like I have any powers besides wisdom. I’m generally pretty confident in my ability to defend myself, but…I don't know. Hubris is dangerous. And I haven't spent enough time around mortals to really know what they're capable of, like you, Piper.”
“Annabeth, you're way tougher and smarter than any mortal,” Percy said. She could tell he was trying to be reassuring, but he also didn't really get it. How could he?
“I know, Seaweed Brain,” she said. “Thank you. I do still think a bear would be easier. I wouldn't even have to kill it, just get it to run away. And it wouldn't come back to retaliate with the sickest torture it can think of. It wouldn't pretend to be my friend and care about me, and then hurt me when I least expect it.”
“That's…very true.”
Annabeth noticed Hazel hadn't said anything. She sat between Frank and Leo, watching the conversation. Her expression was hard for Annabeth to read.
“You okay, Hazel?” Annabeth asked her.
“Mmmhm, fine.” Hazel nodded.
“What do you think?” Piper asked. “About the argument.”
“What's the argument?” Hazel asked. “What are the man and the bear from?”
“A hypothetical that people on the Internet are talking about lately,” Annabeth explained. “If you were alone in the forest, would you feel more scared coming across a man you don't know, or a bear? Women keep choosing the bear, and men keep getting angry because they don't understand why.”
“Oh, alright. That's really interesting.”
“Yeah,” Piper said. “It kind of…puts into perspective how much more afraid women are of men than men realize we are.”
“That's definitely true.” Hazel tapped her fingers on the arm of her chair. “I actually would rather be alone with a bear than a strange man. That's crazy. Like you said,” Hazel looked over at Piper, “the worst the bear would do is kill me. And even then, just because it thinks I’m either food or a threat. It won't hurt me just because it wants to.”
Annabeth observed Frank, who was sitting next to Hazel. He’d been quiet, maybe afraid he’d say something insensitive on accident, like Jason had. The thought made Annabeth like him even more than she already did. His expression, listening to Hazel talk about her fears, was full of sympathy and worry.
���That's terrifying,” he said finally. “Is that something you guys think about all the time?” He glanced at Piper and Annabeth.
“We have to,” Piper said with a dejected shrug.
“She's right,” Annabeth agreed. “If we don't stay cautious, bad things happen. You know how many horrible things happen to women in Greek and Roman stories. The tricking, the violence, the blame getting pushed onto the women for mens’ bad behavior or mistakes.”
“Yeah,” Percy said. “Dark times.”
“But those things still happen,” Annabeth continued. “The specifics change, but…humans don't, really.”
The demigods were quiet for a moment. The only thing disturbing the silence was the cool breeze rattling the porch’s wind chimes.
“For what it's worth,” Hazel said, “I’d choose to be with any of you boys in the woods, over a bear.”
“Aw, shucks, Hazel,” Leo grinned. “That is high praise.”
Frank kissed his girlfriend’s hand like they were an old married couple. Percy was smiling the cutest smile Annabeth had ever seen—besides the one he’d given her at the picnic table after their first proper kiss. His cheeks were pink. Jason blushed and smiled, too, a little uncertain.
A genuine compliment from Hazel Levesque could make anyone’s day, Annabeth supposed.
“Hazel’s right,” Piper said, “after all we’ve been through together, I’d trust each one of you guys with my life. Even Leo, I guess,” she teased.
“Hey, now!” Leo said indignantly.
Piper laughed.
“Same here,” Annabeth agreed. “Despite how annoying or ignorant some of you can be,” she said in Leo and Jason’s direction with a playful smile, “you guys are alright.”
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dancingrain9625 · 1 year
Couldn't stop thinking of your Imposter!reader AU, a cycle of needless murde
Tws for caps
Imagine Imposter!Reader who justbreaks and centers their entire identity around being the imposter who revives again and again.
"Memento Mori" they start calling themselves, ignoring or forgetting the name they claimed was theirs to everyone. The name others still call them by until they just give up. (Does anyone keep using their human name?)
"Are I not the Imposter of your God? One who is no person? Are you not without sinful desire? Are you not permitted by your God to do what you wish to me, the Imposter, the sin of man incarnate? Why don't you push that onto me? Push all your evils, your wicked thoughts, you monstrous wishes onto me. I will take in your sin and you will be more holy for it."
"The Creator made me for Teyvat, and I will serve it just the way their Grace told so."
("no you weren't you're not from this world that's NOT TRUE THAT'S NOT TRUE THAT'S NOT TRUE-")
"Look at how I die again and again! Proof mankind has needed an outlet to sin onto since it's very start, and an outlet your Creator gave."
"Nobody is without sin, be it the infants or the elderly. So come to me. Save yourself. Save those around you. Purify yourself through me."
"I am Memento Mori, God of Sin and Purification."
("Schadenfreude," Mondstadtian's outside their cult, and then the rest of the world calls them, "Memento Mori, God of Schadenfreude.")
But what about Teyvat's view on this?
Who just accepts the Imposter as somebody who they can do anything to without consequences? Who just takes it as the Imposter being delusional? Who is perfectly fine with this? Who isn't okay with this? Who accepts the idea of the Imposter calling themselves a god and who doesn't?
Does anyone try to implement laws to protect the Imposter? Does anyone try implementing laws that make doing whatever you want to the Imposter more legal?
Does a religion or even a cult surrounding the fake god ever form? Kind of hard to disapprove that idea of them being even somewhat divine when they don't stay dead me thinks. What would their followers philosophies or religious beliefs be?
Btw even if Memento decided to fully embrace their imposterhood/godhood, I don't see their pain tolerance getting better. They scream when tortured as horribly as they did the find time around. They cry and sob just as much as they did their first death. If they're dying but alive they writhe and flail their limbs, making just as much noice. Their pain never numbs unless alcohol or other means of reducing pain is in place.
Now imagine if the reader held a notebook they wrote within since ending up in Teyvat. A diary that they abandoned once they mentally broke. A diary that miraculously enough is perfectly undamaged. Writing wholly legible. One where they wrote about how amazing it is they woke up in a piece of fictional media (assuming they're from Planet Earth and were a Genshin Player that is.), the excitement of meeting their favorite characters, notes of being scared for their life, wanting to go home back from where they came and wishing they never played Genshin Impact, denouncing their love for the characters they loved in plenty of detail.
"My name is [name]." Is scrawled again and again in one particular page.
"I'm not an imposter I just look like their god. I'm [name] Im [name] [name] [name] [name]-" the rest of the page is their name over and over again.
Of course, when inquired about the notebook, Memento will claim it's unfamiliar to them and that they've always been on Teyvat, they've always been the Imposter, and they ABSOLUTELY were handmade by the Creator for Teyvat to break again and again like children throwing tantrums with their toys, please cease your silly games now!
Though this begs the question of who gets possession of the notebook after Reader breaks.
Say, what does the Creator think of the Imposter, before and after they becomes Memento Mori?
And who/what is responsible for the Reader always resurrecting after Death. If it's a person who did it, do they ever put a stop to their resurrection and finally let Reader stay dead or do they let Reader keep dying and reviving as always. For what reason do they do either? For what reason did they not let Reader stay dead in the first place?
Do the Creator take action regarding the Imposter or do they leave them alone?
But if it's not a person but a something keep Reader resurrecting what IS that something and is it possible for it's ability to keep Reader up after deaths ever run out?
First. LIKE DAMN DUDE you pretty much wrote it for me!
But I'm more than happy to expand on your idea! I think it's very cool.
Memento Mori
Remember that you I must die
Those two words held little meaning in the world of Teyvat. At least until you arrived.
"I am Memento Mori, God of Sin and Purification."
The biggest lie you had ever told. Yet one that was impossible to refute. Could they not see how no matter how it was done, no matter who had done it. You would return all the same.
At first, everyone had taken your words as the mere ramblings of a dead man walking. But as the people of Teyvat continued to kill you over and over again your words seemed to be all the more true.
It was a slow but sure process. The views the people had on you changed. They no longer looked upon you with deep hatred but rather a morbid curiosity.
"Are I not the Imposter of your God? One who is no person? Are you not without sinful desire? Are you not permitted by your God to do what you wish to me, the Imposter, the sin of man incarnate? Why don't you push that onto me? Push all your evils, your wicked thoughts, your monstrous wishes onto me. I will take in your sin and you will be more holy for it."
No one believed you at first. As you shouted those words from the middle of Liyue Harbor the people were hesitant to kill you. Especially if you were asking for it.
But all it took was a single person. A single Yaksha. Poor sweet Xiao. His karmic debt-burdened him deeply. Wouldn't you help alleviate that pain?
You smiled as you helped Xiao steady his spear. Pointing it straight at your heart.
"Come Xiao. Allow me to carry the burden you've been forced to bear all this time."
Your smile remained as his weapon pierced through your skin yet the pain was unbearable. Still the same as when he had done it the first time oh so long ago. But it didn't matter. That feeling was nothing compared to the triumph you had just achieved. Did killing you alleviate Xiao's debt?
You didn't know. You didn't care.
But things had finally begun to change in Teyvat. But it was unbearably slow. Whether your plan worked or not didn't change the people's suspicion. Especially of those in power. Still, that didn't change that the domino effect had started.
First, it was one person. Then it was a handful. Then a crowd. Then a town. The people would come to you in lines. They'd each come up to you hoping to have their sin's forgiven. And who were you to deny them. This was your job. What you were created for. (Or so you'd say)
Still, you were bored with the slow progression. So you took drastic measures.
"Kaeya, Surely the regrets of your time as a spy still burden you? How you're actions resulted in your father's death."
"Raiden, don't you wish for a dreamless sleep where you don't see your sister's face?"
"Zhongli, don't you feel a fraction of guilt for putting your people in such danger with Osial. Not to mention how you've treated poor Xiao."
Perhaps you had gone a bit too far with what you told a few people, but it's what they deserved. And low and behold, someone you weren't quite expecting was found at your knees.
As you stared at the Geo Archon who knelt before you it took much willpower to stiffen your smile. Oh how he pleaded to use you so that he might cleanse himself. And over the next days you’d find different people at your feet.
The list went on and so your place in this world had become solidified. The process of killing you had become something of which only the most worthy could do. Each nation making laws that forbid your killing without those in power’s consent.
Things had finally seemed to be going your way. The people had even begun to call you by the name Mori. Worshiping you as the god you claimed to be. Of course there were still those that doubted your godly hood but with no evidence to prove otherwise they kept their mouths shut.
At least until the Lady Guuji had come across a notebook while searching your room during your stay in Inazuma.
The book was filled with your thoughts on each and every person in Teyvat. It was evident that you had started this journal only once you had taken your position of power but it was none the less completely full of information. Each page filled to the brim with drawings and notes.
Eventually as Yae looked through the pages she stumbled on one that focused on you. It wasn’t like the others all it said was
The words continued endlessly as they were sprawled onto the page before ending with
I want to go home.
Written in a red ink that stained the nearby pages. Yae kept her discovery to herself as she carefully put the book back where she found it. As she snuck back to the shrine all she could think about was what her Creator thought about all this.
They were very amused.
The Creator watched on with a twisted interest from on high. They had planned to return you home oh so long ago but… this plan of yours… it was far too entertaining. Surely you wouldn’t mind if they kept you around a little longer.
They didn’t quite get it but when the creator looked upon you and what you had done…
They couldn’t help but want to see what happens next.
Hope I did your ask some justice.
Thanks for Reading.
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iolite-sunstone · 2 years
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