#tw; everyone is a yandere
terrence-silver · 2 years
Imagine if The Fist and Kim Da-Eun were just as Yandere towards beloved as Terry Silver is, albeit, platonically, in their case? Let us say, maybe the love with Terry gets a bit too intense and feral for beloved's tastes and they leave, needing a break. Fresh air. Time to clear their head. This whole Karate turf gang war? It is crazy! Naturally, nobody ever runs from Terry Silver, not for too long, and since the members of The Fist and Da-Eun view Terry as the best pupil their dojang back in Korea ever produced and the fiercest warrior of said sport, they consider beloved leaving an affront to them and their brotherhood by association. An offense. Beloved belongs to the dojo and Terry. They go out to retrieve beloved back for their Grandmaster Sensei Silver.
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Not just a dojo --- more of a creed; words Terry once told you.
And you didn't quite understand.
Not until his people broke into your house one day.
Actually, 'broke in' didn't quite describe it. It was closer to showing themselves inside of your flat like they owned the goddamn place. Simple as that. So quickly, that you didn't even lock your front entrance, merely running downstairs for a quick errand. Big mistake. Stupid mistake. That's all it took.
-"It is time you came back with us."-
Sensei Hyan-Woo's voice alerts you from the doorway, making you jump from the threshold, heart pounding in your throat, and there they are, all six of them, in your living room, standing and waiting, concealed by the darkness of a light not on, at dusk. They didn't even break anything. If one squinted, they could be neat and respectful houseguests awaiting your return. Almost. You knew better, though. Your blood froze up. Danger hammering away in your head. -"And we're taking you back to him, by force if need be."- He continues, advancing two step forwards as retreated backwards, until you could nearly feel the door hitting your back. You could always grab the handle, open it, and make a run down the corridor. Hope for your best shot at sprinting down three stories worth of flight of stairs in order to avoid being caught. Slim chances, feeling your legs shake in fear, you'd doubt you could make it past the foyer before you'd trip on your own resolve. -"No."- Is all you can manage, hating how your voice shivered. You wouldn't be surprised if one of them had a recording device on them, purely so Terry could enjoy and listen to the show he put up from his mansion. He was exactly the type. -"You're outnumbered six to one. You can't fight."- Another one of them interjects. The smaller, thinner of the group. Sensei Suk-Chin seldom spoke. Maybe him doing it now is what made it so dauting. -"I don't want to fight anyone! I just needed some time to myself! Can't I be allowed some time to mys - hey!"- Your hands are up, in front of your torso, defensively explaining yourself and your intent, interrupted by Sensei Odell stepping forward and grabbing your wrist, to get you to stand still.
For all intents and purposes, having seen what they are capable of ---
They were very careful with you. You assumed Terry ordered them to be.
That didn't comfort you one bit, though.
-"The time for time alone has run out."- A familiar voice interrupts you in your distress and your head bolts up after you’ve found yourself slung over Odell’s shoulder, helpless like a sack, and there she is --- Da-Eun herself, stepping out of somewhere in your living room, slow and leisurely, like she couldn’t even bother to allow her presence be known in your own house while you were being manhandled by her and Terry’s crooks. She must’ve been enjoying this. It seemed beneath her. To come out here to retrieve you, like some sort of third rate henchman. So you figured --- must’ve been her own private sadism that compelled her. They thought you belonged to them. To their dojo. The way a heirloom belongs to a family --- the exact words they used. ‘Pauses’, ‘Uncertainties’ and ‘Breaks’ didn’t seem to exist for him, and they in turn, seemed to feel it disrespectful and a show of weakness and an embarrassment that their Grandmaster’s companion would be in need of such folly. -"He needs you and you won’t dishonor him or this dojang by saying no to his request."- She seethes, through gritted teeth, halting in front of Sensei Odell’s back turned to her, facing you, hanging limp, thrown over the man’s shoulder; she’s so small in comparison, yet poised, firm, hands neatly clasped behind her back, talking about you like you were an object. Terry’s object. -"So, why didn't he come and get me personally then!? He didn't even send your leader! He sends his goons!"- You snap, angry, upset. A rare wave of courage in the face of adversity. In spite of how much they daunted you. If you were talked about like an object, a possession, you treated like it too. Picked up by Terry’s hench-people like luggage. You needed to know why.
-”You do not deserve it.”- Is all Da-Eun says, bluntly, as you’re carried out the front door.
In broad daylight. These people didn’t even care if anyone saw them.
Spotted them basically kidnapping someone. You.
Terry just had enough power to have someone pull that off for him.
-”He is furious with you and his presence in retrieving you is a privilege you’ve clearly lost.”- She adds, with an odd flash of sour humor, following suit behind the posse casually abducting you and marching down the stairs while Sensei Suk-Chin stayed behind to lock the door of your apartment, ensuring nobody went in. Ethical, considerate kidnappers.In spite of that, your heart sinks. Fear lodges in your throat at the idea Terry would be angry. Sure, you knew he would be the minute you left, telling him you needed separation and space to think, but somehow the gravitas of his rage being so close and real was never a good thing --- and you’re frightened by the prospect of it. -”But dealt with you will be. That’s why we are here. To ensure that comes into fruition.”- Da-Eun’s final words hit you like a nail smashed into the back of your head with a hammer, and when The Fist starts advancing down the stairs of your apartment complex’s building with you in tow, you feel the tears well up in your eyes by instinct at the very thought of what Terry will do to you for daring to leave him. Please -- you start to internally plead for mercy in advance inside of your own head.
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lorelune · 7 months
hybrid blade who is leashed in public, always. it's a rare occurrence to go out and take him with you (as he, a tall, brooding wolf hybrid becomes quite the spectacle). he doesn't fight you when you hook the leash in the ring of his collar with shaking hands. you see a flash of the tag, his name on the front, your name and contact information on the back. the metal is scratched up from how often blade fidgets with it, whether it's on or off of his neck.
however obedient blade is in private, he is a menace in public. he looms over you, lingering a step behind you, orbiting you with each step. he growls when anyone looks at you for too long. you don't need to hold the leash tight, but you wind it around your palm anyways. you worry the leather of it. you see the look blade garners, you see the looks he gives bystanders to your relationship. venemous and angry, even at a distance. god forbid they come within six feet of you.
these jaunts are kept short for your own sake.
by the time you're home, you're worn and stress from having to gently cow blade's instinct. knowing when to click your tongue when he growls, flinching when he bares his teeth at you. you end up with bruises on your wrist and waist from how he likes to touch and keep you close. it's too much, but what could you do about it? how are you to stop a wolf who has decided that you are to be the treat within his jaws at will?
blade always keeps you in bed after an outing. you're always-- so tired. blade says you smell that way. he also makes a few other barbed comments about your scent. you don't smell like you-- you smell like the stores you wandered in. the checkout clerk who brushed her fingers against yours when you handed her coins to pay for pastries and drinks for you and blade. you smell like the perfume of a well-dressed man who eyed you for too long, and walked a little too close.
blade can't have that. you know this.
he'll keep you in bed, yours or his, until he decides you smell enough like home again. his home.
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ethereal-night-fairy · 2 months
Slasher!Soap x Suicidal!Reader
For some reason he's back and acting sweeter than ever. You don't know what to make of it. Maybe this time you could convince him to finish what he started.
Slasher Masterlist
Warning: MDNI dark themes, dead dove, suicidal ideation, pred/prey dynamic, mention of murder and attempted murder, horny thoughts, dub-con behaviour, crude and objectifying language, harassment and torture, manipulation, lying, non-con elements, mention of fingering and giving head, fear mongering, roughhousing, taunting and baiting, threats of violence, threats of sexual violence, sorry if I missed any.
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“Oh…” you halt your steps.
“What's wrong Dove?”
“You're trying to fix me,” the realisation suddenly hits you as the man holding your hand halts abruptly at your jarring words.
“What Dove?” Soap lets go of your hand so he can turn and face you fully. His glacier eyes pierce into your inquisitive ones but remain uncomfortably neutral. You could no longer see the crinkle of laughter in his eyes.
“You're trying to fix me,” you reiterate as you look at him incredulously. “You're trying to make me happy so you'd get a kick out of killing someone who wants to live.” You say it almost to yourself rather than at him.
Everything made sense now. You were so confused as to why he had showed up again. Or why he was in your apartment taking care of you while you studied for your last exam. Or why he was fussing so much about the food you were eating. You weren't going to lie being taken care of felt good but it felt disingenuous coming from him. Especially when you knew all about heinous acts he had committed. You wonder why you brushed past that so easily. He was too deceptive for his own good. It was easy to get lost in conversations when talking to him.
After the last incident you didn't think he'd want to come back to finish the job. Especially not when you had seen that expression on his face. Looking at him now you see his smile turn into a cold one as he picks at the cotton candy he bought you. You get a flash of his unnaturally sharp canines as the sugary goodness melts on his tongue. The same tongue that was lapping at your folds just a couple hours ago.
“Well there's no fun in killing the dead hen. Ah’ve told ye that already,” He circles you like a predator in the almost empty parking lot of this carnival. It was late and the rides were closed up and the remaining people were leaving in droves. It wasn't long until it was only the two of you left. Seeing no reason to put a front up anymore you also let your mask slip. Soap watches your lips turn down into a frown as your eyes take on the same dead expression you had when he had his hands first wrapped around your throat.
“I'm afraid you're wasting your time if you think you of all people could ‘fix’ me. I've long given up on getting better and you should too…” There's an awkward silence that follows your statement. Neither of you knowing what to say next.
“But if you want me to act the part of an unwilling participant in this game of yours I'll happily oblige.” You try not to come across as overly desperate, you know it would take the fun out of it for him. Soap pretends to contemplate your words as he finishes the last of your cotton candy while licking his fingers clean. Like a pervert he puts on a show for you. Much like when he had made you pass out from orgasms on the night he returned. Maybe if you hadn't refused to sleep he wouldn't have fingered you so hard that day. But it was no use dwelling on that right now. He does whatever he wants; it's not like you have much power to stop him.
“Ah don't appreciate being told what to do nor do ah appreciate being given a mercy kill to soothe my hunger. We do this on my terms or we don't do it at all…” Soap cocks his head to the side as he puts on his charming smile. The very same one that all of his previous victims likely succumbed to. Everyone except you it seems.
“And besides ah haven't met a single person who hasn't fallen for my charms and looks, ye just need to give it time.” You lose the softness in your voice as you go to speak again, your desperation bleeding through your frustration.
“Oh your upset you got played…” you watch his expression harden at your words but his condescending smile returns not a second later. Though he doesn't say anything. He probably knew you were baiting him to get a reaction. You press on though not willing to back down so easily.
“What? Can't get the job done just because things didn't go your way? How childish..and here I thought you were such a renowned killer with all the deaths you bragged about…maybe I thought too highly of you…” Soaps smile slips as your words cut into his ego, his eyes narrowed in like a snake getting ready to strike.
Good, your tactics were working. You continue trying to rile him up in hopes of getting what you want today.
“Why don't we go our separate ways? You go find your perfect victim and I'll go find someone who can keep their word.” You don't bother waiting for an answer as you begin to walk away from him. If he wanted to play cat and mouse you could play cat and mouse.
Maybe you were playing a bit too well for Soaps liking though. You don't see that he had balled his fists until you turn to put the final nail in the coffin. “If you have any killer friends send them my way, maybe then I could experience what true terror is like.”
Something snaps in Soap's mind because the second you try to leave again he has your arms pinned behind your back and face pushed against his car door. He sees you trying to suppress a smile and it pisses him off even more. Just the thought of his brothers in arms having a go at you had his blood boiling. You were his kill not theirs. His prey, his toy, his to do whatever he pleased with. He needed to drill the sentiment into your mind.
If you were trying to piss him off you definitely succeeded in doing so. But he wasn't going to give in to your whims so easily. If you wanted to die so badly you were going to have to work for it. He wouldn't give you the satisfaction of winning. Definitely not at his own game.
“Ye think you're so smart do ye? Ye think getting me mad is enough for me to slit your throat? Think again, Dove. Ye aren't escaping me so easily. Ye want tae play? Fine, let's play.” Soap twists your arms to the point where you think he was really going to break it just to get his point across. You bite back a yelp just to anger him more. But your body involuntarily shivers from the pain shooting up your arms. Just as quickly as it started it ends with him pushing you in the direction of the forest. Turning around to face him you watch as he crouches down to remove a blade from where it was tucked into his sock.
“This is what ye wanted, Dove? Ye wanted tae be chased down like the pathetic whore ye are?” You watch him twirl the large knife in his hands as he stands watching you underneath the street light. The shadows the light casts obscure his face making his expressions unreadable. He looks like the devil incarnate. A monster ready to mutilate you. It's strange because before you weren't so afraid but with the way the situation was unfolding your body was getting you ready to run. A built in mechanism for survival. One you wish you could override.
“Ye think ye can put up an act as believable as a real thing? Ye think you can produce the same thrill for me with yer fake screams? Fine then. Run. Run like ye fucking mean it. Because one of two things is about tae happen tae ye.”
“Either one, ye make it believable enough that Ah decide tae kill you. Or two, Ah take ye on the forest floor and fuck every single one of your slutty little holes for wasting. my. fucking. time.” The malice in his voice alone has your nerves buzzing with anxiety. Fear and possibly something else pools in the pit of your stomach. Your body screams at you to run, to get away, to find safety, to hide before he rips you apart with his teeth. The other half tells you it wants to get caught…That it wants him.
Your brain screams at you as his low hum of laughter erupts at your perplexed expression. It screams at you telling you he's going to tear your flesh from your bones for everyone to see. Despite wanting to die, your brain and body work against you. Run. Hairs stand on the back of your neck as you take a shaky step back. Run. You watch him change his stance getting ready for the chase. Run! “Ye're going tae wish Ah never found ye Dove”
“Run.” He whispers, and you do, you bolt….
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Dividers by @cafekitsune
Copyright © by ethereal-night-fairy. 2024. All Rights Reserved. Writing not permitted for reposting, transcription, translation or to use with AI technologies.
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cheesecakethots · 4 months
i do like the scenario of reader being constantly harassed and stalked by mahito, to the point that you’re finding him waiting for you at home after work, and it’s then you decide you need to find someone who can get rid of him.
meeting nanami who at first seems stern and a little rude, but genuinely has your best interests and safety at heart. you don’t know that he is just as, if not more obsessive over you than mahito is. he’s just better at hiding it.
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rouecentric · 2 years
third genshin brainrot this week lololol
IMAGINE getting isekai'd into genshin, stuck in the body of an immortal child and being scaramouche's second follower, devoting yourself into borderline worshipping him and offering various trinkets to him.
but simply staying in only inazuma isn't enough to satisfy you, deciding to travel around all of teyvat, even if war was still ravaging like a wildfire that refuses to be dustinguished.
in your travels you've met a young boy, alatus, who you started a friendship with, eventually even meeting the god he works for, rex lapis.
of course, your travels didn't end there, after leaving your friends in liyue a goodbye letter, you went to mondstadt and befriended everyone there, also leaving the nation once you felt satisfied enough and continued traveling like that once again to other residing nations before reaching inazuma yet again.
in one of your outings in inazuma's city, you crossed paths with a wanted man for defying the shogun's orders, deciding to help him, you led him to beidou's ship, the woman being a constant figure in your travels, and the both of you sailed away to liyue, only for you to seemingly dissapear the moment the ship anchored down.
in truth, you were treading to mondstadt yet again, deciding to hide and wait until the rebellion in mondstadt ended and for the main character's arrival, maybe lending a helping hand or two to the unfortunate girl from sumeru, collei.
and so you waited, idly hanging out on a cliff near the beach the traveler saved paimon from drowning.
why, you ask? you simply wanted to guide the traveler, maybe with your help you could lead the blond(e) to their twin.
it's been some tine since you saw diluc and kaeya, you wonder how they're doing without you.
and while walking with the traveler, seeing them get an anemo vision, and just goofing around, you expectedly looked at amber as she jumped down, observantly staring at her fi.. did she freeze up a bit? ah, well it has been definitely some years since she saw you.
the dialogue went really similiar to the game, only changing up due to you being with the traveler.
when meeting jean and lisa, they seemed surprised to see you! and a bit... angry? oh well.
since the story is going splendidly well and according to plan, you decide to explore mondstadt again, hoping to see if anything changed.
"don't think we'll let you go after you ran away last time, [name]."
... what?
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yuri-is-online · 8 months
Have you ever seen the show You on Netflix? I'm watching the pilot right bow and all i can think is "yander jade yandere jade yandere jade" cause some of the shit Joe Goldberg says? "Sometimes the most valuable things are the most helpless" "people are just so. Disappointing" like?? Jade??? Bro is that you in some sick obsessed alternate timeline???? The calm insanity of these two characters just. Overlap. I usually don't fuck with yanderes but i can weirdly see this?
I do not actually have a netflix subscription so I have not. But I do know a little bit about what you are referring to because it's based off of a book I watched a lot of reviews for *checks youtube* five fucking years ago???? (O_O;)
I like yandere stuff to an extent. I'm not crazy about the ones that like hurting their darlings. One or two murder attempts is fine, I can be more lenient if they're like enemies on the opposing sides of a war but wanting to torture someone is a bit much. Also not a huge fan of ones who jump from darling to darling, thought those can be fun as villains. As for yandere Jade(`∀´ハ|
>"Sometimes the most valuable things are the most helpless"
Jade mentions he likes making terrariums because of the story of the Sea Witch trapping creatures in them. Maybe he could trap Yuu in a terrarium? Oh that would be so cute, he would make it so perfect they'd just love it.
>"people are just so. Disappointing"
Jade says he found Yuu boring at first, but that's not how he thinks about them now >:] He finds a lot of people not worth his time until they do something he deems exciting, so when he decides Yuu is exciting... well he can be a bit obsessed. As a treat. He already has all the magicam information including the stuff attached to the private accounts of all the Octavinelle freshmen... he might see cracking into what make Yuu ticks since they have no digital footprint as a challenge! How exciting and unpredictable just the way he likes it.
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jessamine-rose · 9 months
…….do y’all want to guess what was my first brainrot this year?? Ykw f*ck it, this might as well be my first post for 2024 (*⁰▿⁰*)
Capitano and Damsel sharing a kiss when the clock strikes midnight. Damsel watching the fireworks, unaware that her husband’s eyes are fixed on her awestruck expression. Capitano kneeling before Damsel to kiss her hand and promise another year of happiness—
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merakiui · 2 years
Now I just want to about your thoughts of Trey cuckolding Riddle's s/o
Trey understands better than anyone that Riddle is not the easiest to deal with. He extends his sympathies to you once you're in a relationship with Riddle. It can be stressful with all of the rules and expectations Riddle holds over your head, obsessively sculpting you to fit his criteria for perfection. And while Trey does occasionally lessen the blow (soothing and reminding Riddle to keep a level head before he levels yours for very minor, insignificant infractions), he'd rather not parent him over every little thing. Riddle's responsible; he can take care of his own relationships. But when he can't...
That's why Trey is here to give you relief. It starts small; he asks if you'd like to help him in the kitchen preparing Unbirthday treats. Baking will surely help you relax after being tugged along on an invisible leash, suffering Riddle's tyranny all in the name of love. Trey bakes at the most convenient times. It's always when Riddle's occupied with his studies or out of the dorm on account of Housewarden duties, but isn't that just a clever confectionary calculation orchestrated by a certain Mr. Clover? :)
Trey can tell himself he isn't trying to be intentional when he intervenes like this (a sugared lie), but can you really blame him? This isn't a competition (Riddle is clearly the winner because he has you), and he knows better than to compare himself and Riddle. But what is it you see in his high-strung friend that keeps you coming back for more? Surely you're aware that Trey is bigger, has more stamina, is physically stronger... Well, those qualities may be superficial if you aren't someone searching for appearances. Beyond that, he's sweet, attentive, and patient. He is, in all aspects, husband material. If you were with Trey, he would work through disagreements in a civil manner with a sweet smile and plenty of pastries to praise you after he's finished gaslighting you into submission. Riddle will only collar you, yell at you, grow frustrated with you... And if you're really thinking long-term, Trey's family is so perfect. They're as sweet as the strawberry tarts they bake. And what will Riddle offer? A wickedly bitter prison warden for a mother.
Trey bakes in close proximity with you. He has an apron prepared for you, tailored to your exact measurements, and he always chooses to tie the bow in the back himself rather than simply using magic to do the work for him. He spends a long time behind you, his hands almost ghosting over your hips, while he stalls with easy conversation. He's drawing away before you can come to the realization that he's too close for comfort. When baking, he brushes past you, teases you, acts like the two of you are a couple bantering over recipes (which is just your usual friendship, but in the kitchen even friends can be thrown into the oven and emerge as lovers). He knows what he's doing when he rolls his sleeves up, when he kneads dough, when he licks his finger and swipes flour from your cheek with a playful smirk, when he holds the spoon for you to lick, his eyes drawn to the way your tongue darts out to gather thick frosting.
Trey builds sexual tension much like how he prepares layers in a cake. Each step is meticulous, every fondant flower and sparkling sprinkle adorning the smooth surface of the cake with immense precision. It takes time and effort; it's a waiting game that he'll gladly play. He knows how to be patient. Unlike Riddle, he can adore imperfections. After all, it's cute when you make a mistake in the kitchen and you turn hopefully to him for guidance. He loves baking with you. He'd love even more to fuck you for the amount of time it takes for the cake in the oven to bake. Alas, he can settle for cornering you in the kitchen, allowing your embarrassment to rise before he merely flashes you that bashful, boyish grin and reaches up to grab a bowl from the shelf.
In the kitchen, you and Trey appear to be more than just friends when he crafts tension so expertly. Beyond the kitchen, you return to being Riddle's lover and the delicious dream he confines himself in promptly shatters. But this is okay. There will always be an Unbirthday party, which calls for sweets, and Trey is the resident baker in need of his cute sous-chef.
He'll comfort you when he has you pinned to the counter after the two of you have exchanged more than a few heated kisses, assuring you that Riddle doesn't have to know about this. It will be a sugar secret between the both of you. You look so desperate, so torn between him and Riddle. Trey's fingers curl under your chin to guide your eyes to his. He smiles at you and tells you, rather simply, that he can kiss you much deeper than Riddle ever can, all while his hand rests upon your belly, estimating a measure of just how many inches of him you'll take.
Riddle is a good textbook boyfriend. Trey can be better, and unlike Riddle he always strays from the page.
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saltymongoose · 1 year
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hai salty ^-^!!!! i’ve been thinking about your mw2 hcs recently and decided to draw something for you :3 i did most of 141 + roach and könig, which got me thinking. some of the people who played mw2 did NOT play it for the plot. they played it for the men. what if the player was one of them? cause i’ll be the first to admit these men do not deserve to be as fine as they are. you don’t have to respond to my question if you don’t want to. more art is probably on the way. ty for being who you are <3!!!!!!!
Omg, I hadn't even considered factoring König and Roach into this, these are just fantastic. :D I really love how you characterized everyone in this, the jealousy that the boys show is almost palpable lmao. It seems the only one who isn't a new target of theirs is Roach, at least before he steals your attention from them too.
As for the men of MW2 themselves, yes, I completely agree; I'd say a good portion of us only gained interest in the game because of them. (I mean it's COD, it's not like the plot is very relevant most of the time anyway, right?)
Although, if the Player also had this same attitude, they'd probably be very flustered just by being around the 141 (+ König), which already kickstarts their other vessels' jealousy. It also doesn't help that the 141's group can fulfill the same "roles" that the grunts can; if you want a highly dangerous killer to protect you, Ghost can do it just as well as Hank. If you like funny guys, Soap has that covered, or if you prefer the more commanding, analytical leader types, Price fits into that niche, and so on. Just from their positions and reputations alone, they're threats to the grunts, but this is made a hundred times worse if you're actually attracted to them as well.
(You never seem to blush or swoon around the four mercs nearly as much. None of them were particularly jealous people, but that seemed to be thrown away the moment they saw just how close you were getting to these new vessels, and far, far too quickly than they ever anticipated.)
The four grunts already have huge issues with having each other to compete with, so having an additional group of individuals to deal with is just adding to that. The fact that you obviously like them so much is actually even more difficult for them to process because of the one thing the MW2 guys have an edge over them with: they're human. How can grunts, arguable beasts compared to your kind, compete with one of your species for your affection, let alone an entire task force of them?
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heich0e · 2 years
Six months into dating Keigo, you look around and realize you don’t remember the last time you went to get coffee with a friend.
You realize you can’t even find your mother’s contact name in your call history because it’s been so long since you spoke—the log full of his name, a few spam callers, and no one else.
And the worst part of it is, that it’s not even that you missed them. That’s not why you realized. You haven’t had any time to miss them really, or had time think about them much at all, since Keigo takes up so much of yours. It was just a fleeting thought that came to mind, a faint voice niggling in the back of your brain that feels like it’s been there for some time fighting for your attention.
You sit on the edge of the plush, king-sized bed in your bedroom—Keigo’s bedroom, technically, but he insists you call his things yours too—dressed in the expensive outfit he’d bought for you to wear to dinner at the nice restaurant where he’d made the reservation for that evening. Your finger hovers over the icon for your contacts, and you consider giving your mom a call.
Keigo’s name flashes across the screen, a picture of the two of you he’d set as his own contact photo one night without you noticing appearing along with it, before you get the chance.
You smile, the little voice in the back of your mind goes quiet, and you answer the call.
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atlas-hope · 11 months
cw//self harm scars
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Cringetober, prompt Yandere!
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This manga sure was something
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inkblot22 · 5 months
Hello, hi. Okay, I'm terribly sorry about that request that has been waiting (Ruggie.) I am filling out the draft I had, and it is currently at 5.5k words and not as plump and weird as I'd personally like it. I need more drama, more buildup and break, yk? Also I had a very nice migraine and dumb boring adult stuff to do when I had allocated time to working on this fic. It was supposed to be out today but I have not slept and I am crashing, and that tends to lead to unintelligible nonsense, so I am going to rest. I'll put a sneak peek under a cut (10 sentences) if you'd like to see it, but the whole thing should be out tomorrow unless I die in my sleep. Big shoutout to my wonderful girlfriend for helping me out with this one.
To the anon who sent me an ask very recently: Your brain is massive and very wrinkly, that shit is my jam and I was in the process of brainstorming for a Vil fic anyhow, so you will absolutely get what you desire. (Poly is completely fine and welcomed, btw. If I do not want to write something, I will let you know.)
Okay, here's the 10 sentences! Thank you for your patience!
The roof was thatched, but beyond the light being streamed in by the afternoon sun, you couldn’t see very well inside the place after Ruggie opened the door. He poked his head in and pressed a hand against your belly, a silent “back up.”
You took a step back and sharply turned your head to the sound of a twig snapping. There wasn’t anything there, but you also couldn’t see the twig. For a place called the Afterglow, this area of it was honestly kind of shadowy. It was pretty unsettling, like a blanket that had a spider hiding in it somewhere, but you didn’t know where. You stared out into the dim distance and a gentle touch on your arm scared you out of your skin.
Ruggie’s hand retracted as he looked at you as though you'd lost it, “What’s wrong?”
“I- Sorry, I thought I heard something.”
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sea-owl · 1 year
I have decided that Sophie's response to Araminta calling Portia a manipulative, ill-bred thief in the isekai au is to have her bestie Michael help her steal something from Araminta while their other bestie Philippa distracts the mothers.
Gift to @amybonehouse / @lyramundana because rereading some of her additions to my post helped inspire this
It was way too easy to break into Araminta's Burton Street home. ( Sophie took some glee that the new Earl had kicked her out of the Penwood house) These people didn't even lock the servant's entrance! But no matter, it just made Sophie's job all that much easier. She had already spent days scouting the place so she knew where her target would be. With Michael helping her with the actual theft and Philippa distracting the mothers this should go without a hitch.
Araminta had made a mistake when she called Portia a manipulative, ill-bred thief after stealing one of their own maids away. Now, she gets to deal with a real one. After all Sophie has a set a principles she likes to live by. Her two biggest ones being she'll never have a child out of wedlock, and two there's always a price to pay for one's actions.
Araminta owes payment and Sophie has just come to collect. It will be a fun challenge as well. Sophie's never stolen a person before.
"So, what are we stealing that requires the use of our fake hack?" Michael asked as he and Sophie snuck around the servant's passage.
Sophie threw a smile at her best friend. "Posy."
Michael's footsteps faltered for a moment before falling right back in line with Sophie's. "So we're kidnapping your stepsister?"
Sophie shrugged. "You call it kidnapping, some call it rescuing." Sophie had seen that without her there, and now openly known as Portia's ward, Araminta's cruel nature had turned on Posy. Only difference was that Posy is known as Araminta's daughter, she can't be openly cruel like she was with Sophie. So, every jab Araminta would have to make would have to be at least attempted at subtle. Very bad attempts that even a blind man could see.
"So, what are we doing with her after?" Michael whispered. They were close to Posy's room.
"Why join the family of course," Sophie answered like it was the most obvious thing. "We'll find a place for her, I know there's a little warrior in her begging to be released."
"Portia and Mary going to have our heads, or worse throw several pairs of shoes at us."
"Philippa is distracting them until we get Posy trained up. And with the season so dull they're not watching us as closely. After that we'll say Posy ran away and the darling mothers offered shelter. Now shush, we're here."
Sophie pushed on the servant's entrance to Posy's room. Posy was asleep in her bed, exactly where Sophie wanted her to be. She couldn't help but coo over the perfectly, pretty, plump girl. She'll be such a wonderful addition to the family. Taking out the special tea Phillip and Kate made together designed to keep one unconscious, Michael slowly lifted Posy's head while Sophie fed her the drink.
Posy had awoken at some point during this but the tea was already taking effect. "S-Sophie?"
"Shh," Sophie whispered, tipping the tea further into Posy's mouth. "It's okay Posy. You'll be in a better place soon."
Michael scooped Posy up and out the servant's passage they went. Again, they could have at least locked the door to give Sophie some sort of challenge. Oh well, she got the new family member she came for.
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rnschneider · 3 months
" caught you. " (yandere gets caught by another yandere but i refuse to give more context let's goo!! be warned for depictions of stalking)
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Click, click, click. Each picture was coming out perfect—but with such a beautiful muse, that was no surprise. Hazel couldn’t wait to print these out when she returned home after a long day of observing her dear ‘bookworm.’ Their beautiful hair, their soft gaze, and god, that charming, simply alluring demeanor had the librarian in a trance. A trance that led her to crouching behind a tree in the park, camera in hand, watching intently as they conversated with.. him.
Hazel seldom judged the kind of people to come into her bookworm’s life, because normally they had great taste in companions. Besides, Hazel was an observer first and foremost. If she could find them studying in the library she worked at during her shift, that’d be simply perfect, but she was always content with just watching her beloved in their natural habitat.
But not this. Anything but this. What Hazel was told would be a relaxing self-studying session in the park quickly devolved into a tedious conversation with a boy who was obviously trying way too hard to talk with someone who was clearly busy. It made sense to the girl why her bookworm was wasting valuable education time on them—unfortunately, they were both social and eager to learn, and Hazel remembered very well that they had loathed the thought of this class, so even if the two ideals regularly conflicted, there was an obvious winner here. How Hazel dreamed of dragging her beloved back to work. But she wouldn’t let this stranger disrupt what is still a sweet moment of her watching over like a guardian angel.
Just to keep him in mind for later, Hazel took a quick picture of the stranger before returning to the muse of honor for the night. Immortalized in Hazel’s camera, and soon, her collection, for many months to come. Just like every other picture. Just as it should be.
Click. Click. Click.
Once her darling started to pack up and leave the park, Hazel waited a few minutes—ensuring that the stranger wouldn’t follow them first—before packing her things and walking a comfortable distance behind her. It was a peaceful night; with the sunset fading into a lovely dark blue, the sparkling stars reminded Hazel of the sparkling feeling her darling gave her—stars in her stomach, she once described it as. Butterflies were the common expression, but the burning of passion she developed with everyday she saw that adorable face in the library was matched only by the passion of a growing star, giving life to any planet that may stand lucky. Like they gave life to Hazel once more.
It was truly a perfect day, even with that irritating presence at the end, because nothing could stain the glorious presence of—
“Nice camera you got there! Is that who I think it is?”
A pair of arms snaked onto Hazel’s shoulder’s from behind, and she froze in her tracks as she realized she wasn’t the only one following somebody down the street tonight.
With her voice shaking, she asked,“Wait, now who are—” “Don’t ya think it’s rude to be asking me questions in response to my own? Besides, you’re the stalker here, not me. I think my identity should be the last of your concerns.”
She gulped before looking down and realizing a lighter was in one of the hands of her interrogator. She felt her emotions getting the better of her as the levels of stress and danger rose in her mind. Even after years of staying complacent, being the quiet and nervous girl at the top of the class, when her fight or flight response kicked in, Hazel gripped the arm with the lighter in hand, digging her nails into their skin as much as she could.
The arm didn’t budge. The voice only became more irritated. Even without turning, Hazel could hear his peppy tone through grit teeth.
“You think trying to attack me when I’m just trying to have a conversation with you is a great idea? I was going to be nice about this, but if you’re confident this is the path you’d like to go down..”
Before Hazel could respond, their other arm tightened around her face, covering her mouth, and the figure wiped the blood from the marks Hazel left onto her sweater as she started to thrash around violently in anger. She refused to go down without a fight. Not when she was losing sight of her bookworm over some maniac.
“Let me go!” is what she tried to say, but even if her mouth was left uncovered, her demands fell on deaf ears. A familiar string of insults and orders were muffled after, but she clamped her own mouth shut when she watched the lighter in front of her finally go off. Right in front of her face. Slowly and unsurely, she stopped her frantic motions to hear out whatever they wanted to say.
“Ready to listen? Great,” he started. “You must be the library girl they told me about just now. Orange hair, funny looking hair piece? Just from word of mouth, I didn’t really care about you, but since you’re following my darling around, and taking pictures of them all secretly… let me just say this.” The lighter inched closer.
“I don’t know what you’re doing with these photos, or what you’re planning to do with them, but I recommend you quit while you’re ahead. Especially if you have a problem with me, because, well, I’m here to stay.”
Despite his condescending whispers causing her eyes to twitch with resentment, Hazel got the sense that more reckless violence would be useless here. Unfortunately for her, if anybody were to intervene, he’d be legally justified in apprehending her, and a jury would be more inclined to go with the guy attacking a stalker than a stalker holding proof against her in any court. With this standoff clearly not in her favor, and the lighter inching closer with every minute she didn’t respond, she groaned and did the closest to the a nod she could with a resigned look on her face.
“I’m not hearing a yes..” He cooed. Of fucking course. “Fine. I’ll back off.” She spat..
With that, the man let go of Hazel, and she quickly scrambled to stand up on her own, panting heavily, trying to readjust to using her mouth properly without the fear of getting burnt.
“Okay,” she huffed, “I’ll leave them be—alright. In fact, I’ll go right back where I came from so you know I’m not following them after this. Will that satisfy you?”
He stood still for a moment—in thought—before reaching out with his hand. He didn’t mean.. Did he?
“Almost. But first, let me have the pictures so I know you aren’t doing anything weird with them.”
“What?” Hazel sputtered. “But—I can’t give you my camera, I’ve owned this for years already!”
“Did I say to hand over the camera? Just hand me the SD card and go on your merry way!”
His shit-eating grin made Hazel realize quickly that her purposeful miswording wouldn’t ward him off from this. Much to her dismay, they were dead set on having fun with this win. She sighed, and took one last look through the pictures before handing the card off.
As she walked off from the man with a now empty camera, one thing still lingered in the librarian’s mind: when she took the picture of him, and then took a good look at it, he was looking straight at the camera. As if he knew it was there before they even approached her. Connecting those dots made Hazel shudder, both with fear and excitement.
Of course it’d take more than a vicious thread to scare Hazel off from her bookworm. Fear was a powerful thing, and here, it acted as the light attracting the simple moth that was her—people enjoy watching scary movies, and Hazel was starting to see the appeal of being in a scary situation. As intelligent as she was, she had to admit she was also quite persistent.
Even if this newfound obstacle intimidated and annoyed her, as a lover of books and stories, she also knew that she found them intriguing, even if she’d never verbalize those thoughts.
This night wasn’t that much of a loss. With previous collections and the bookworm’s own social media feed to keep Hazel satisfied, the only real loss was that picture of him. Turning back around, she realized they were still watching her walk down the street. Regardless, she raised up her camera, and…
It was... okay, for now. Hopefully she could take better ones soon. With that, Hazel rushed down the street to get out of his line of vision and end her long, long day of ‘observing.’
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zorosdimples · 11 months
just because i talk about deranged nonsense 90% of the time doesn’t mean that i don’t love “vanilla” shit. because i do. vanilla is the underrated queen! but i’ll still talk about blood and yandere and piss because i’m a modern woman and i can do it all 🫶🏻
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