#twenty thousand leagues under the sea memes
dorea80-blog · 3 months
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just a few memes I created, heheh, I hope you find them funny :))
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20kmemesunderthesea · 1 month
🦇 It's that time of year again! 🦇
"Dracula" By Bram Stoker is another enthralling, suspenseful 1800's adventure story, and I love the Harkers, Van Helsing, etc. nearly as much as I love Jules Verne's characters. Now there’s a question I’m pondering…
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amberkendslacy · 9 months
20k Leagues Under The Sea memes I made while weeping over the Nemo/Aronnax breakup playlist:
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araiz-zaria · 1 month
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...at least that's the case for me! 🤪
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I was inspired
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waveringiridescence · 3 months
❝ … get to know me meme ! … ❞ ─
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「 … tagged by… 」 ─ @nvrcmplt & @deathsprofit ❤︎ (it's not all the same questions, but they were a few repeats, so I'm wrapping them up)
「 … tagging … 」 ─ @intcritus, @everdaring, @despairforme & my dear followers, you can steal it ! Tag me if you want me to know you a little better.
「 … Alias/Name … 」 ─ writerinafoxhole, aka fox.
「 … birthday … 」 ─ 17th May.
「 … zodiac sign … 」 ─ taurus.
「 … height … 」 ─ 168 cm.
「 … hobbies … 」 ─ writing, photography, video games, learning languages and procrastinating.
「 … favorite colors … 」 ─ sea green and the colour of the Pacific Ocean.
「 … favorite flavors … 」 ─ spicy, cheese, salty stuff, chocolate, creamy Earl Grey and matcha.
「 … favorite genres … 」 ─ tough one, but I'm slowly sliding back in my action/adventure phase, crime fiction is also a big thing and if they are in the steampunk or urban fantasy subgenre, I'm in.
「 … favorite book … 」 ─ hard pick, but I'm going to say Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Seas by Jules Verne. Captain Nemo stand here.
「 … favorite music … 」 ─ l'm mister eclectic, I'm into alternative rock, sea shanties, movie soundtracks and musicals if you look at my vinyl collection, but my playlist goes from the The Pokemon Theme to The Show Must Go On, via Sacré Bordel (French Rap), so really it barely scratches the surface.
「 … favorite movies … 」 ─ another hard pick, but Amadeus would be my classic movie pick, The Lord of the Rings my trilogy pick, The Last Crusade my if I was stuck on an island movie, Beauty & The Beast the classic Disney movies I would save, but Mulan and Atlantis The Lost Empire are my favourite. My top three movies last year are Nimona, Asteroid City and Past Lives. I can go on...
「 … favorite series … 」 ─ as in ? Tv Show ? Our Flag Means Death, Chernobyl, Band of Brothers and Pushing Daisies. Manga ? One Piece, Fullmetal Alchemist & Gintama. Anime ? Cowboy Bebop & Psycho Pass. Books ? The Aubrey-Maturin by Patrick O-Brian...
「 … last song … 」 ─ China Reggaeton (feat. 黃秋生) by Namewee.
「 … last series … 」 ─ Death In Paradise.
「 … last movie … 」 ─ Poor Things.
「 … recent reads … 」 ─ Terra Incognita by Vladimir Nabokov.
「 … currently reading … 」 ─ Red, White & Royal Blue by Casey McQuiston, The City of Stardust by Georgia Summers and Kenobi by John Jackson Miller.
「 … currently watching … 」 ─ a YouTube video, usually it's a TV show I know playing in the background while I RP.
「 … currently working on … 」 ─ too many things, I am all over the place and I need to focus instead of procrastinating. Aiming to set a few objectives, the two big one are: taking care of myself and get back into working on my book.
「 … inspiration … 」 ─ art, people watching and stories, old rpg characters and songs.
「 … story behind url … 」 ─ oof it is a hard one, if I remember correctly, when I moved blog, I wanted something a little more poetic for Greaves. I think both words sounded pretty, I liked the definition and their union made me think of a katana with wave patterns or the light in Greaves eyes... And that is it.
「 … fun fact about me … 」 ─ I have a Mickey Mouse watch from my last trip to Disneyland Paris which I think was in 2009 or 2010 and I love it so much, I always wear it when I go out. I picked it because it looked like the Robert Langdon's Mickey Mouse watch in Angels & Demons movie.
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luucypevensie · 9 months
🦘 + Drew, please??
@dancingsunflowers-ocs ✨💛✨
MY BOY, THANK YOU SM ALEXANDRA! @carmens-garden also requested Drew!
1. Their happiest moment: Drew’s happiest moment was when he got to go to Nationals for swimming. He works so hard to perfect his times in each individual stroke, and to see that all pay off in his placement in Nationals was so rewarding for him
2. Their favorite meme quote: The Billy Eichner Change My Mind meme
3. A nervous habit of theirs: Drew tends to cross his arms when he gets nervous, which makes sense because he’s not as outgoing as Ruby. As a result, people think Drew’s standoffish when his arms are crossed
4. A turn-off of theirs: Cattiness, actually. He may enjoy a good catfight, but cattiness just irks him to no end (Drew seriously does not understand what his sister sees in Santana, queen of cattiness)
5. Their favorite ‘90’s song: This may shock you to know, but Drew is an avid fan of Barbie Girl by Aqua
6. Their aesthetic: Definitely jock with a splash of athleisure and maybe a bit of nerd
7. Their favorite childhood book: Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea by Jules Verne
8. Their favorite movie: Jaws
9. If they fall in love quickly or take their time: Drew takes his time falling in love because he’s a believer in your lover being your best friend/partner for life
10. Their favorite nonsensical social media drama: JayStation faking his girlfriend’s death and making really bad videos
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voyageofthenautilus · 2 years
Voyage of the Nautilus: Why this book?
With the Nautilus soon to begin its voyage (coming to an email inbox near you!), it’s time to address a few questions that participants in this book club may have. The first being: why this book in particular? What did the mods of this blog see in it?
Mod Blue: My father gave me a copy of Twenty-Thousand Leagues Under the Seas for Christmas when I was twelve years old. I don’t know why he chose this book for me, but I’m very glad he did, because I ended up loving it. I’m sure a lot of the more technical parts went over my head, but the characters engrossed me, especially the enigmatic Captain Nemo. I also found the book appealing simply for the fact that it took place on a ship in the ocean, as I’ve always been very drawn to the ocean. Over the years I’ve revisited the book and gained an even deeper love for its thrilling plot and, once again, the endearing characters and their habits and interactions. I even have one of the chapter titles tattooed on me, that’s how much I love it! When I saw that Dracula Daily had become such a big hit on tumblr and that people were making memes and writing meta about this work of classic literature, it made me wish to have that experience with my favorite work of classic literature. Then, when I saw that other people had been inspired to create similar email book clubs, I floated the idea on my main blog. With my friend Mod Pluto’s encouragement, this project was born. I can’t wait for it to get started and to see what other people have to say about a book that is so beloved to me!
Mod Pluto: I, Mod Pluto, first read Jules Verne when I was given Around the World in 80 Days for my 8th birthday. I liked it a lot and began borrowing Jules Verne books from my local library, but somehow didn't make it to 20 Thousand Leagues until my early teens. Perhaps controversially, I did enjoy the chapters that were just lists of fish. I remember falling in love with Captain Nemo and, haven't yet have read the book as an adult, I'm a bit afraid of what that will say about my tastes at that stage in life. I'm looking forward to rediscovering the book with all of you! :)
To those who have read the book: What were your first impressions of it? And to those who haven't and will be experiencing the story for the first time through our newsletter: What are you most looking forward to?
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m34gs · 1 year
Reader ask meme: A2, B5, C10, D10!
Thanks for the ask, friend! (from this post) Very excited to answer these! I love reading :D
A.2: How did you find your first fic?
So first fanfic; I actually was personally shown it by the author. I didn't have a lot of internet access growing up (and absolutely no unsupervised internet access until much closer to high school than I want to admit). My cousin wrote a self-insert fanfic for a popular band and read it out to me when we visited her at her house. I thought it was fantastic and so creative and am super proud of her always!
B.5: Which story have you read more than any other? How many times?
Ok, so let me preface this with: It takes a lot of time for me to reread something, because I have a very very very good memory when it comes to books and stories, so to relive the story often all I have to do is just think about it. That being said, when enough time passes or if I want the exact wording because it just really struck me, I will then reread things. Not rereading something is not an indication that I don't enjoy it, it just means likely enough time hasn't passed for me to feel the need to read it again. I can still enjoy it by thinking about it and 'rotating it in my mind' as we say.
The question here doesn't seem to be specific to fanfic, so my honest answer would have to be: Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen. I have read it 5 times so far.
C.10: What book could you just never get into, no matter how hard you tried?
Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea by Jules Vern. I think the concept is great. I love stories about the ocean. I love sea creatures and sea monsters and the like. But the opening is just so dry (yes, pun intended, sorry not sorry).
It might also have to do with the fact the first time I tried to read it I was 12. Then again when I was 15. I just couldn't get past the first couple of paragraphs. It's more than a little wordy. Though, perhaps I would feel differently now that I've read "Great Expectations" by Charles Dickens (my expectations were great, but I was sorely disappointed. Just not my type of story I suppose. Read it for school.) but I have no desire to really pick it up at this point and I already have a TBR list a mile and a half long that I keep adding to.
D.10: What is one story idea you really want to read but no one has written yet?
Hmm, I don't know if there's a story idea I want that absolutely no one has written yet...but there are many I want to read that I've been unable to find. I mean, just take a look at my own writing, it's full of stuff I want to read but can't find; of course with some more common things mixed in. Basically, I've gotten to the point where if I want to read it and it doesn't exist or I can't find it, I add it to my pile of WIPs (both fanfic and original works) and carry on.
If you'd like an example, I'd say Kalim/Idia with a yandere Kalim trying to keep Idia and Idia trying to escape. I think that'd be fun. And it's in my WIPs, but just as a concept right now.
Thanks again for the ask! I had fun answering these :)
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ginger-grimm · 9 months
🦘 + Carrie’s bestie Vanessa??
Their happiest moment: Escaping from the compound and finding freedom in the city. All she had ever wanted in life was to see the world and be out from under her father's thumb and it felt like a weight lifted off her shoulder.
Their favorite meme quote: Future Vanessa would love that meme where the kid is standing in front of a burning building and smirking devilishly.
A nervous habit of theirs: Drumming her fingers. It's always a tell-tale sign that she's freaking out.
A turn-off of theirs: Cockiness. She can't stand it.
Their favorite 90s song: Don't Speak by No Doubt
Their aesthetic: Artsy, always dressed impeccably, superpowered, defrosting ice queen
Their favorite childhood book: Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea by Jules Verne
Their favorite movie: Halloween (1978)
If they fall in love quickly or take their time: She takes her time. Rushing is bound to end in tragedy, so she likes to wait and figure out if it's a real thing.
Their favorite nonsensical social media drama: Future Vanessa would absolutely be obsessed with anything Trisha Paytas has done, the whole journey from beginning to end.
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soggywarmpockets · 2 years
Jules Verne writing Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea:
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dorea80-blog · 3 months
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a few more memes I made and thought were funny. hope they will bring you a laugh :D
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20kmemesunderthesea · 26 days
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I was in a mood.
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myturtlegotjacked · 4 years
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Reading classics be like
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araiz-zaria · 2 years
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