#twins know before dad
musewrangler · 7 months
While the Princess had certainly experienced Darth Vader in her own awful way, none of them had worked for him as Piett had. And he had no desire to see any of these young people die today. People he cared for.
The Princess was quiet for long moments, eyes distant.
“I cannot properly express how much I wish you were one of our officers, dear Captain,” she said at last. “But the fact that you exist even while serving…who you do, gives me some hope that this galaxy can know peace again. And I promise to tell you what you need to know when the time is right.”
He pressed his lips together, wondering just what she had planned.
A small hand landed on his arm lightly.
“I know I really shouldn’t have the right to ask this of you,” she continued, “but please trust me, Captain.”
He could see the crumbling walls of the deserted fortress above them now and angled the speeder toward it.
“My dear,” he said, “I am here based on Rebel intel, to face my Sith commander, along with two of the most wanted beings in the galaxy. I think we can safely say I am trusting you.”
And even in this serious moment, she laughed quietly as he took them the last mile up to the long abandoned building.
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bluerosefox · 11 months
Of Tiny Tots, Mistaken Identities, and Reunions
Seventeen year old Damian Wayne is dragged to a business deal outside of Gotham (along with his father and Drake), mostly to keep up appearances that the family does work outside of Gotham, networking, and because Damian does need to learn the ropes of the company, he decides to head outside the meeting with the Manson family to get a breather (mainly cause the Manson's were annoying him fully, it was like they were trying to suck up towards Damian and trying to push their daughter on him but at the same time he caught them almost insulting and hostile towards him before they would stop and correct themselves) when out of the blue a three year old toddler with black hair comes running over with a cheerful "Daddy!" and latches onto his leg.
Damian is stunned in place but feels frozen when he hears a voice, older and almost identical to his own but he can detect a familiarity in it, a voice he only hears in his dreams nowadays say.
"Ellie, no! That's not me Starlight! I'm so sorry dude-"
When Damian turned his head towards the voice he's meet with an near identical face, granted there were some minor differences, but very, very familiar pair of striking blue eyes staring at him. Eyes that were somehow full of life, which shouldn't be possible because the last time he saw those eyes they had been dim and milked over years ago. The speaker had become startled at the his sudden turn and the words that he had been saying had quickly died out when he too took in Damian's features.
"D...Damian?..." the name came out so soft and small that Damian almost didn't hear it but he did.
And before Damian could stop himself, he spoke a name he hadn't dared utter in years.
His twin looked like he had just seen a ghost, and Damian was sure he looked the same. And given the last time they had last saw each other it was no wonder they both looked like death warmed over them for a moment.
After all... Damian had failed to protect his brother, Danyal al Ghul all those years ago on a botched mission.
His bother who... wasn't dead.
His brother who was looking like he wanted to run but was keeping himself rooted in his spot.
His brother whose eyes were glancing downwards and seemed so nervous.
His brother who knew the little girl, Ellie, still hugging his legs.
His brother who had... responded and corrected her mix up when she had called Damian 'Daddy.'
And oh, she's looking up at him and making grabby hands wanting to be picked up and she has Danyal's eyes and his nose and-
Oh... Damian.... Damian's an uncle it seems.
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infinizero · 4 months
Demon Twin AU but Damian has been seeing ghostly visages of his twin slowly growing up with him
So, the Danny Damian Twin AUs! They're fun!
But what if, when Danny fakes his death/is killed, he actually dies and becomes a halfa as a kid? Danny because he is Danny, has the great idea to live a double life upon figuring out he can be both ghost and human!
As a human, he goes to America where he gets adopted by the Fentons and live as Danny Fenton
I headcanon that halfas are very adaptable and basically get powers according to their needs. So he figures out how to portal.
As a ghost, Danny stays around Damian and helps him out. Sometimes he slips up and Damian sees Phantom right next to him.
To Damian, this is the Pit Ghost of his brother who has come back to haunt him, made even worse when he realizes that Danny is also growing exactly at the rate he was despite being dead. He thinks that Dannys last wish was to grow up with Damian that's why he's doing that.
It gets even worse for Damian when he realizes the ghost of his dead twin brother has been helping him invisibly the entire time and it's possible that that's why Danny's staying around
Now, I need you to picture one of the Batfam seeing Danny
Imagine them asking him about it
Imagine Damian having to explain that the ghost of his dead brother sometimes accompanies him
Of course, on Danny's human side of things, the Fentons finally made that portal and he has to take up being a hero in Amity Park. Meaning he has less time to look over Damian.
What does this look like to Damian?
It looks like his brother is fading away slowly because Danny's decided Damian is now in a safe place
This all comes to a head when Danny disappears for a long time, long enough for Damian to think he's gone gone
And then Danny comes back and he's injured or maybe he has a baby Ellie and for the first time in years actually talks to Damian and asks for help
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seleneprince · 2 months
When the Vanserra-Archeron twins find out that Nyx is courting their beloved friend, Zinnia (Tamlin's daughter), they're not amused at all. Specially Sylvie.
She doesn't care about her cousin, has a borderline hostile dynamic with him, but for the most part he's just "that guy from Night Court she happens to share blood with". Neth is on better terms with him and she doesn't mind spending time with him, but they're not close enough to see him as family. She considers him more a long-distance friend.
Meanwhile, they adore Zinnia. They grew up with her. She's their godfather's daughter, their beloved Uncle Tamlin. They spent their childhoods jumping from Spring to Autumn frecuently just to see each other. They love like her a sister. Their families are on the same circle. In their eyes, Zinnia has always been this sweet girl they must protect and who only deserves the best.
Which it's not Nyx Archeron. Or any other brute from the Night Court. They're sure of it.
It's not just them. Literally, no one in their circle approves of this possible union, except Elain (because she knows things). Both Eris and Nesta are amused by the whole mess but he doesn't think they fit together and she doesn't want her to be at the Night Court . Lucien doesn't like it at all and neither do his and Elain's kids. And let's not get started on poor Tamlin, having to see his exes' spawn court his precious daughter so insistently.
Back at the Night Court, it's more or less the same situation. Rhysand is the only person that openly supports his son on this and even gives him advice on how to woo the girl (which is awful advice because he only tells him to do the same things he did with feyre, ignoring that not everyone enjoys those as much as she did). Feyre doesn't understand why he's so enthusiastic about becoming family with Tamlin. The rest of the IC know where Rhysand is coming from and don't dare tell Feyre the truth...
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nat-without-a-g · 7 months
The message about Henry being the unsung hero possibly appearing in front of Lark during the final battle of season 1 is a little funny to me because Terry Jr. and Grant were both sitting near Lark to act as the navigator and backseat driver.
“… Hey Lark, what’s that about—“
“I’m sure it’s nothing! (Slams foot on gas)”
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twinge-of-cosmicangst · 3 months
I think Mrs Flood might be Jenny and also the mother of Susan, because of Doctor’s comment of not having kids yet and Susan being a product of his future children, but he discounted Jenny because he thought she died before ever having kids.
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storytellering · 10 months
I’m an only child. And even if I wasn’t, unlike certain weirdos, I can tell reality from fiction apart, so I highly doubt that would ever even slightly cross my mind 🤷
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yardsards · 8 months
my pet headcanon that has 0 evidence is that post canon emira gets music lessons from raine
both of her siblings got to have mentors and i think she could use an outlet to express herself as well as a positive adult figure to go to outside of her family
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fordanoia · 2 years
I was thinking about stuff again and looking into the transcript and this exchange really does just pull some unspoken weight in it
Stan: How did things get so messed up between us? Ford: We used to be like Dipper and Mabel. The world's about to end and they still work together. How do they do it? Stan: Easy. They're kids. They don't know any better.
Of course we know Stan and Ford’s whole deal, but the whole sentiment here really just pulls a tragic note
There’s this unspoken acknowledgement that they both want to have a relationship, but (at this point) it’s treated as something that just... can’t happen
There’s a sentiment a lot of times that if you really love someone and they love you - that things turn out fine. Or at least, on the surface you’d think ‘well why would we ever stop being close?’ because logically, it doesn’t make sense
But in practice - it happens. It’s a falling out where you still both love each other, but now there’s this obstacle
really love the show for having this moment between them btw
And here in the show - Stan and Ford both see so much of how they used to be in Dipper and Mabel
Even here though where Ford directly draws that parallel though - he’s not connecting how they’re able to not squabble when everything’s going wrong - how they pull together instead of apart when the stakes turn high
and Stan saying it’s because they don’t know any better-
It just really paints a picture of how behind the pair of them are to Dipper and Mabel - especially after the Mabel-land episode
The Little Dipper episode is an instance where Dipper and Mabel have a similar squabble to the Stans’ petty hand-holding debacle, but afterwards they open up to one another and stuff is fine again.
The thing about this whole thing - it’s not that Dipper and Mabel never have moments of broken trust between each other or insecurities or anything like this - it’s that when this stuff happened they were eventually able to open up to one another and that’s how they got through it and came to work together without bickering
Because it’s not about blind or naive trust - it’s about that trust and putting in the effort to show some vulnerability and even talk about stuff instead of burying it down
Stan and Ford’s relationship acts as an obvious cautionary foil to Dipper and Mabel’s own, and it’s tragic because like with Dipper & Mabel you can see how Stan & Ford could also have possibly reconciled.
And the tragic thing in this set of lines is that, they really don’t understand and they still view it as this near-impossible thing for themselves.
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ravendruid · 1 year
Korrin as a father of four
This drabble is part of the Exchange AU.
Korrin finishes rinsing off the last dishes from dinner as he looks out the window into the large backyard. The open pane lets in the loud singing of the crickets hiding in the tall grass, the chirping of the birds on the bright green trees, and the beautiful sound of teenagers giggling and having fun by the bonfire. They aren’t trying to hide from the man as they enjoy the last rays of sunshine before night settles in, but they still want their privacy, and Korrin tries to respect it. He chuckles, then, thinking about the four kids that call his house a home – three of them who almost literally fell at his doorstep – and they all have something in common, something that Korrin tries hard to make up for. 
Percival was only twelve when he arrived in Zephrah, intending to stay for only one year. He returned for a second year and remained when tragedy struck his family. Korrin still remembers the day he received the news of Percy’s family passing and how distraught he was, thinking about the small boy who went from having a large family to having no one. Of course, Percy hadn’t taken the news lightly, but Korrin assured him he had a home in Zephrah and that he could care for and provide for him. 
Korrin had met Percy’s family once and held his parents in high regard. While he wanted to be there for the boy, he never intended to take Frederick and Johanna’s place. Percy, however, had always treated Korrin like a father growing up. The boy – now almost a man at seventeen – had grown fond of him, trusted him with his life, and asked him for advice on all the different things a son needs a father’s help with – especially when he realized his feelings for Vex’ahlia.
Things were different with the twins. They were older when Korrin found them sitting at his doorstep and had suffered many years of mistreatment at the hands of people who should have loved them. He had noticed something was off when Vex’ahlia arrived for her exchange year. She was polite and kind, but there was fear in her eyes. After the first couple weeks, Vex started gradually relaxing and becoming more comfortable, but it still took her a long time to build trust and an honest bond with Korrin. 
Vax’ildan was the hardest. Korrin had often heard how kind and loving he was – most of them from his daughter – so he was surprised when Vax was cold and kept a barrier between him and the twins. It took him several months to trust the man with even the slightest bit of information, but eventually, Korrin learned why the twins had run away from home and why they decided to run to Zephrah. 
Korrin’s blood still boils whenever he thinks about what the twins told him about their father – not that he deserves the title. While he never intended to take Frederick’s place in Percy’s heart, he fully intended on stripping Syldor of his title and becoming the father the twins so desperately needed. He fed, dressed, and cared for them as their own. He was there for them whenever they had nightmares, stood by Vax’ildan’s bed all night when he got sick, and tightly hugged Vex’ahlia whenever she cried for missing her brother, going as far as offering to take her to him. 
There are groans and yells from outside, and Korrin peeks out of curiosity. He sees Vex’ahlia covering her eyes with a disgusted face while Percy waves his hands in front of him as Vax dips Keyleth into a passionate kiss. He laughs, closing the window and shaking his head. 
“Who would have known,” Korrins holds a framed photo of his wife. “After you left, I thought all hope was lost. I never thought I could raise Keyleth by myself, and now look at me. I think I did a pretty good job at raising all four kids.”
Korrin loves them wholeheartedly and trusts them implicitly. He stands by their sides and offers kind words and gestures, but he is also stern when needed. He imposes rules and makes sure they are understood, not feared. Korrin listens to them, their worries and thoughts, and offers advice and help. And above all, he is honest with them, and that honesty and trust have earned him their respect and love.
If Vilya were there, she would have told him that he did, and is still doing, an amazing job raising the kids and that she is so proud of him.
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geee-three · 1 month
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here's my overly complicated shinonomes/hanasatos/tonos/hayakawas headcanons. btw.
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marsbotz · 2 months
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never not thinking abt concept art dru.
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lorenzosmicropp · 1 year
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Pov: ur staring at me after you told me The Valentino Rossi liked your spaghetti so much that he personally took you out for drinks and a meal
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makedamnsvre · 8 months
still it was sooooooo funny and uncomfortable at the psych appointment because she saw ? somewhere in papers/files that my mom and dad divorced in.... 2015 i think and shes all like "so.... usually divorce causes problems in children... how was that for you was it hard on you...?" acting all nervous/gentle like lmaooooo thats not even the worst part i dont think i cared about the divorce In Comparison to Everything Else. hed been abusive to my mom and generally neglectful not great to us (me and sibling) and theyd been separated for 6 years before the divorce because he kept going to jail for drug related things which he would often steal money from us for it and generally made my moms life hell by like manipulating and emotionally abusing her and hed have violent tantrums where he broke things (there are still holes in the walls and other damage in the house from him) and also sorta ruined our lives a bit and then in 2019 he was accused of some crime and he ran away to escape getting arrested or whatever and i think legally he is classified as a missing person and we dont even know if hes alive or not.
so like the divorce was whatever to me i guess.
#i think abt this sometimes and its just weird to me#like not the psych appointment that was just like 4 days ago. like the dad situation#its uncomfortable to think he might be dead and its also uncomfortable to think about what the hell hes doing if hes Out There#before id actually searched him up on the internet a few times within the past few years wondering if something was found out and i wasnt#told or something. seeing if maybe there was a police report or something or even an obituary or something. but there wasnt#this got more serious than i meant it to be :/ but he was diagnoses with bipolar so the psych think i have that. not sure abt that#but like i kinda want to talk about this or like tell people i know about it mostly bc i just feel like idk i feel like this is something.#like. i think it says things about me i feel like maybe this information would give people a more complete view of me in a way#i guess lawl but also i know its uncomfortable probably and im scared of that. the widespread hate of 'trauma dumping' makes me#feel like i cant tell people things that might be uncomfortable#oh and i guess something else about this is while obviously this has psychological effects but the effects feel more. not mild#but. interwoven. they dont seem as apparent or like they dont stand out as much. like i get more upset about the topic of outdoor cats#than i get upset about this. like for me this was just something that happened i guess. mostly bc i know that basically everyone#has some kind of issues with their parents. or at least most people i know lawl. me befriending people like#OMG youre also fatherless !? so twinning right now#or like other things like crappy parents or divorce or this or that.#but i think thats most people but also maybe i just have a skewed perception lol
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ilkkawhat · 2 years
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Evel Knievel (2004)  
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ayakashibackstreet · 2 years
You are not immune to nosey aunties trying to dictate how you live your life and commenting on your life choices...........
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