#twinyards for the win
exy-shmexy · 2 years
the twinyards coming out of their weekly therapy session with bee saying they have to do one activity together as their assignment for the week. both grumble about it, but they accept it anyway.
the week goes by in a blur of homeworks and deadlines, and aaron almost forgot about it until he comes out of his biochemistry class and finds a text from andrew waiting in his phone.
meet me by the statue
aaron is lost for half a second until he remembers what this is about. he scoffs, but goes anyway reluctantly because he had planned on going to the library to study for the next two hours and screw it if he skips lunchtime. by the time he arrives to the statue, andrew is sitting on a bench, a cigarette at his lips and a brown bag at his side. aaron recognizes the logo printed on it instantly because it’s matt’s favorite sandwich place. aaron narrows his eyes but sits by his twin. it’s a nice, sunny spring day, and the sun is shining directly on the bench.
“and here i was thinking the sun would turn you into ashes,” he says in lieu of greetings and andrew just stares at him flatly. “i have to go study, how long are we supposed to pretend?” aaron asks.
andrew doesn’t answer. he takes a drag of his cigarette and pats the empty side of the bench next to him. aaron groans. he rolls his eyes, already thinking about the time he’s going to waste sitting here but he sits anyway. without looking at him, andrew hands him the brown bag.
“eat,” he says.
aaron looks to find two sandwiches inside, one of which is his favorite. “how did you—”.
andrew levels him a look, “tick tock, time is passing. i only have one hour free, better get started.”
aaron takes the sandwich and hands the other to his brother. aaron hadn’t realized how hungry he truly was, and getting some food in his stomach is a relief. andrew busies himself methodically tearing his into small bites. they eat in silence, the sun warming aaron’s skin in the most agreeable way, until andrew surprises him.
“i bet that guy is a business major,” andrew says flatly, his eyes firmly set on a man speedwalking past them.
aaron frowns. he hesitates, takes another bite of his sandwich, then says, “political science.”
andrew considers it. “both.” aaron scoffs. of course he wouldn’t agree with him. andrew turns his attention to someone else. “computer science,” he declares while he jerks his head at a girl with purple hair and way too many pins on her backpack.
“how cliché.”
“tell me i’m wrong.”
aaron observes her for a beat longer, “you’re right.” and then aaron surprises himself when he looks at another girl wearing clothes more expensive than anything he could ever own. “this one is in law.”
andrew hums his approval. “that, or architecture.”
“maybe she majors in real estate law.”
“could be.”
they continue like this for all of andrew’s break, their sandwiches long gone. it becomes easier after a while, and when andrew starts inventing the most ridiculous ideas about the people they watch walking by them, aaron finds himself laughing more than once. he is almost certain the corners of andrew’s lips quirks upward once or twice after aaron gets into the game as well, but he doesn’t say anything about it. they part ways once the hour is up, and when the next tuesday aaron gets another text from his brother to meet him at the exact same spot, aaron never walked faster to get to him.
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pandaseek · 8 months
Had an absolute batshit crazy aftg dream last night, now wondering if I should write the crackiest of all crack fics or not? 🤔
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heartstringgs · 3 months
Friendly reminder that when Andrew got fucking assaulted, he didn't care what was done to him but instead his first thought was to pull Aaron in closer and make sure he wasn't harmed in any form or another and I just—
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unwillingtoreachout · 29 days
So there's this manga called Goth and one of the twists at the end ***spoiler*** is that the main fl was impersonating her twin sister who died when they were younger (so everyone thinks that the sister is the one who's alive and the fl is the one who passed away)
...Anyway, so I was thinking, how can I make this about the twinyards? And wouldn't it be really fucked up if Andrew - who was pretending to be Aaron - died in the car crash along with Tilda and Aaron just never stopped impersonating Andrew after?
Like what if all of the canon Andrew knowledge we have (sans his foster care era) are all actually Aaron traits? What if Aaron switched to being a goalkeeper? What if Aaron never grew any kind of resentment towards Andrew and the one memory of him he keeps coming back to is the promise he made to protect him and that's why he's so quick to make a similar promise to Kevin and Neil? What if Renee's past reminded him of Andrew and that's why he took her knives and held onto them like they're the last part of Andrew he'll ever get to touch again?
Much to think about
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rainynovaside · 2 years
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reuploading with hopefully better colors
saw a post about andrew sitting in carts and made this
more info in the tags
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that-vampire-loser · 2 years
Renee Walker has always and will always be nonbinary to me
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rippedlovelines · 2 months
the merits of the twinyards learning to show their love for each other in slow stilted actions r a lot. for me. to me. little things. aaron buying andrew his favorite sweets because he remembers his picky eating tendencies; andrew throwing a blanket over aaron passed out in the living room after pulling an all-nighter. opening up more during their sessions w bee, angry accusations n cold statements melting into talking abt hurts n what shaped them growing up which becomes even conversation n learning abt each other more ( to bee’s not so small delight.)
the glares n perpetual scowls aaron once wore in andrew presence turn into smth more knowing n relaxed. he thinks one day he’ll be able to forgive andrew for tilda’s death; knowing the reasons behind it now, how andrew did it for his sake. (when he tells andrew that he thought he was going to die, during the days he was locked in that bathroom, his voice is raw. andrew’s face shutters. then, he says in what is possibly the closest thing to regret aaron has ever heard from andrew, “If I could make what you experienced during that time less painful, I would.” n really what’s done is done n there’s no going back, but aaron needed some sort of closure, smth, anything ! so he turns away n tries not to shake from all the emotions of what he’s feeling. andrew sits there n waits for him to return to normal.) andrew begins to make eye contact w aaron, he stops looking thru him—choosing to acknowledge his existence, instead. he sees how aaron is making an effort, clumsily attempting to prove that he isn’t letting andrew go, in spite of everything. (“ I’m not going anywhere. I hate you, but I’m still not going anywhere.” aaron says defiantly during one session where andrew said smth abt aaron going on his merry way after graduation. it shocks andrew. he stills suddenly n it’s v hard for him to look away from aaron’s blazing eyes. “Do what you like.” andrew replies stiffly. it’s acceptance n permission wrapped up in one.)
they learn how to mend the fragments of their broken past so they can both move forward. aaron releasing his resentment of andrew slowly but surely. andrew allowing himself to think of aaron as more than someone who will disappear one day, someone permanent in his life. they talk to each other !!! they meet up to do things—in complete silence sometimes, with small comments here n there in other times. after graduation, andrew goes to play on the east coast while aaron does med school elsewhere. it’s a big change. it’s difficult, often times. aaron will look next to himself with words on the tip of his tongue, then realize andrew is not around. andrew will look behind him as he traverses the streets of nyc, hand outstretched as tho to hold onto smth, a shirt perhaps, forgetting that aaron is not there.
the two of them call each other once a year,month, week— the occurrences gradually becoming more n more frequent. 3 years pass by. andrew is in town for a game. afterwards, he meets up w aaron for a drink. it’s quiet. not uncomfortable. they take each other in n note how separation n time away has made the other different. aaron is in a good mood , hair shaved close down, face full, n nothing like the raggedy n hollowed boy andrew met years ago. aaron in turn observes how andrew’s eyes r half-lidded w smth one would call happiness if it were anyone else, but it’s js content for andrew; his arms tattooed beneath his armbands, n a looseness to his shoulders that aaron could not have ever believed andrew to posses once upon a time. after some small talk n a small congratulations from aaron for andrew’s team win, andrew slips a piece of paper out of his jacket pocket n shoves it at aaron, face blank. it’s a new team contract. it’s in the same city as aaron’s med school :) aaron decidedly does not smile, but sources say his lips quirked up a bit. they order cheesecake. everything is fine. they r brothers. they walk out together.
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aftgficrec · 2 months
Anonymous asked: Is there any new Nicky and or/twinyard centred fics or any Kevin wymack bonding ones?
Or wymack parenting the other foxes?
Here’s part 2, Kevin bonding with Wymack under various circumstances! - S
NB: Nicky/twinyards centered fics here, parental Wymack here
also see…
Kevin & Wymack bonding here
changes by ParkeRose [Rated M, 15588 words, incomplete, last updated July 2024]
After Tetsuji Moriyama gives him up at the age of fourteen, Kevin Day goes to his father with one letter in his pocket and infinite hope in his heart.
dreams fall hard by cloudberrysoda [Rated T, 1979 words, complete, 2024]
Part 2 of human behavior (do as you please)
"You look like shit, kid." Kevin talks to his dad (and accidentally reveals too much). Set during vanilla baby. Read that first
tw: implied/referenced alcohol abuse
These Green Eyes (Hers, Yours) by maydaykevin [Rated G, 1649 words, complete, 2024]
Kevin and David share a quiet moment.
tw: implied/referenced abuse
stamps by mostly_micro (mostly_maudlin) [Rated G, 100 words, complete, 2024]
The first arrives a week after Wymack gets home.
a lot's gonna change by neverlyxox [Rated T, 7347 words, complete, 2023]
Kevin started going to therapy at the beginning of the fall semester. It hadn’t been his idea, nor was he particularly happy about it. He could barely talk to the Foxes about his issues– and when he did, he definitely wasn’t sober– so how was he supposed to talk to a total stranger about it?
tw: alcohol abuse
boiling alive (at least it's what it feels like) by redinmyveins [Rated G, 1031 words, complete, 2023]
Part 2 of by the end of the day, we only have ourselves
Kevin Day is the best, but unfortunately his immunity system isn't and he ends up with the worst flu he ever had. By the way, that's also the first time David Wymack has to deal with the feeling of caring about someone of his kids sick. More specifically, his kid. His son. Or the first time David Wymack experiences one of the first experiences of being a parent: Having to take care of your kid when he's sick.
tw: negative self talk
one is chance, two is coincidence, and three's a pattern, (but let’s stop at two, okay?) by mistyrie [Rated M, 11396 words, complete, 2023]
It's the summer after winning championships when David Wymack gets a rude wake-up call. Apparently, an old acquaintance of his has passed and left behind a son in her wake — a son who may turn out to be David's... Another Kevin, so to say - and just as he and David are starting to figure it out together. – Because if it happened once, then why wouldn't it a second time?
tw: implied/referenced child abuse, tw: implied/referenced alcohol abuse/alcoholism
loveless is no way to live by orphan_account [Rated T, 5934 words, complete, 2021]
just kevin crying, really (+ wymack trying to be a good dad)
tw: anxiety, tw: emotional isolation, tw: implied/referenced abuse, tw: emotional abuse, tw: ptsd, tw: nervous breakdown
i’m so sorry, dad by grievingfortheliving [Not Rated, 1215 words, complete, 2021, locked]
The missing scene where Wymack learns he has a son
Tapes by Marmeladeskies [Rated G, 781 words, complete, 2019]
Wymack declutters and finds an old VHS tape.
Kevin’s call to Wymack at thanksgiving by @ninyard [tumblr, 2024]
it’s such a good reason as to why i could put him on the stand. like perfect kevin day trying to explain why he’d seen a dead body and called wymack before anything else? and how that phone call went as well? what if they played it?
tw: implied/referenced rape/noncon, tw: implied/referenced murder
When team USA wins Olympic Gold for the first time… by @exy-shmexy [tumblr, 2023]
like father, like son 🫶 by @deklo
wymack and lil kevin 🫶 by @deklo
Wymack and Kevin’s first Christmas by @jojen-hewitt
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bmoon17 · 2 months
My Personal Fox Rankings
I saw @yourleftpinkytoe-blog do this and thought I'd give it a go! These are just my personal rankings and obviously I'd love to talk about why or hear about anyone else's.
Kevin Day (I relate to his mental health struggles and his need for perfection, he's giving gifted kid syndrome, autistic af)
Andrew Minyard (Devoted to his family, enforces his boundaries, relate to his mental health struggles, killing for his brother)
Neil Josten (Most of my love for him is because of his love for other characters, his loyalty and protectiveness over the family he found in the Foxes and his absolute devotion to respecting Andrew's boundaries)
David Wymack ("It's about second chances, Neil. Second, third, fourth, whatever, as long as you get at least one more than what anyone else wanted to give you." I think that covers all my reasoning)
Seth Gordon (We don't get to learn as much about him as the others but Seth hit me a lot harder than I've seen most people feel. He wanted to prove himself, he wanted to be better, he wanted to win. He's the what if. The almost. Every kid who couldn't be saved, Who gave up or was given up on a minute too soon. He was almost there. And then he was gone.)
Aaron Minyard (I have a weak spot for sibling relationships, killing for his brother, the urge to protect your siblings and to stay by your siblings side and at the same time wanting to prove you can be more or different or better than them, not understanding each other completely but knowing you stand and fall together always.)
Matt Boyd (100% projected every urge I've ever had to have a big brother onto him. The way he's always there on the Court to physically protect his teammates, he's big and strong and powerful, but off the Court he is kind and caring and gentle. He loves the Foxes and he has their backs. His relationship with Neil was everything.)
Nicky Hemmick (I loved his blatant and unavoidable queerness, for a character who has canonically been shammed and abused for his sexuality and coming from a world myself where I don't feel safe or brave enough to be unapologetically queer it's so beautiful to read. He took in the twins, he never gave up on them, never walked away. The twins weren't easy, not before the story started and not when we get to arrive in it, but he loves his family and he wants them to have better than he did, and that means something.)
Dan Wilds (Oh Captain my Captain. Dan is an amazing leader and my love for her comes from her devotion to her team. She is tough and she worked her ass off for the role she has, she's more than earned her share of respect. She believes in her team even after years of failing and bullshit.)
Betsy Dobson (The therapist we all dream of having. If Andrew could trust her I can't imagine anyone couldn't with enough time. She is a safe space and a constant, and clearly has patience for days with the twinyards as her clients. The fact that she provides hot chocolate is 100% a huge plus for me.)
Abby Winfield (Always there for the Foxes, whether that's patching them up, giving them a roof to sleep under, or cooking warm meals. She's a safe adult like Bee and Wymack and they are so very important and precious.)
Allison Reynolds (I love Allison, her being this low is NOT Allison hate, I simply did not connect with her as much as other characters, she is still dear to me, all of the Foxes are. She is devoted to the Foxes and found them somewhere safe to run off to and have some fun after shit went down. and even when the worst possible thing happens and she loses the man she loves she comes back ready to fight because she knows it's what he would've wanted.)
Renee Walker (Once again NOT Renee hate, all of those Foxes are dear to me. I had trouble with her "religious angel girl" attitude in a similar way to Neil, I just couldn't trust it. Renee is an amazing force within the Foxes, the bridge before Neil arrived, providing Andrew with an outlet and a friend, protecting the upperclassmen Foxes. I admire her for pulling herself out of darkness, even if I can't connect to the religious aspect, and I admire that she acknowledges and respects her old life, not burying it but not letting it control her future or her present day.
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paracosmicparadox · 1 year
Mario Kart
So, I know Mario Kart is probably an Absolutely Not at Fox Tower, but I can't stop thinking about how it would play out, so I have compiled a neat little list of my thoughts on the matter.
He's god-awful at it.
He's a faithful Luigi player (don't ask me why, I just feel it in my gut)
Gets ramped up over it like you wouldn't believe and has on more than one occasion locked himself in the bathroom to sulk over it (the same goes for when the Foxes play Monopoly---the man gets so competitive but he's so bad at it)
Manages to catch Every. Single. Red shell.
This boy's never played in his life prior to meeting the Foxes, but manages to land in first, second, or third place every time
Orange Yoshi for the win
Always choses a motorcycle over a kart, typically the Comet
Actually pays attention to the stats of certain combos (so does Kevin, but Neil's better at it when it comes to Mario Kart)
Plays solely Black Yoshi
Targets Kevin exclusively bc it's fun to watch him get mad
Has a specific kart-combo glaringly reminiscent of the Mas
Acts like he doesn't care, but gets perturbed when he doesn't land above 5th place, bc he'll be damned if he lets Aaron or Kevin outdo him
Bounces around between characters, but typically opts for Shy Guy
Almost worse at it than Kevin
Says the most scathing things when playing---the worst things that come out of this boy's mouth are said during Mario Kart
He and Kevin are Last Place Buddies ™ and they have occasionally gone out to drink cheap alcohol together after Mario Kart nights to soothe their bruised egos.
An absolute goddess at Baby Peach
Can hit someone across the track with power-ups; it doesn't matter; her aim only gets better the more frustrated she is
Her kart runs on Pure, Undiluted Spite
Knows the Electrodrome track inside and out and Cannot Be Beaten on it
Always opts for Pink Gold Peach
Best friends with the dude who fishes you up from oblivion to deposit you back onto the track (it happens frequently bc he Refuses to turn on smart steering)
Actually pretty decent at it bc he and Erik used to play a lot back in Germany
Swears like a sailor whenever someone passes him
Usually plays either Rosalina or Tanooki Mario
Literally the only non-hostile Fox when things get competitive, though she drives like a demon and can out-compete just about anyone when she wants to
The Ruler of Rainbow Road
Steals 1st place from Neil 50% of the time
Irrevocably attached to playing Daisy
The king of drifting through corners
Plays to have fun, but not immune to the shouting matches when Kevin or the twinyards are involved
Seems to be permanently stuck in 5th place, regardless of who he's up against
Absolutely vicious at Toad
Her kart is always orange; stats don't matter so long as the Fox Aesthetic is on point
She and Matt play so often that she's gotten godlike at most of the tracks, but it's still a fight to outcompete Neil and Renee
Will carry Mario Kart Rage™ for hours; she occasionally has to remove herself from the room so she doesn't say something caustic
Instigator of many of the shouting matches
Will play as Bowser until the day he dies
Motorcycle user until the bitter end
Never lands in first place and will die mad about it
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kevindavidday · 1 month
4 + 6 + 8 for the AFTG Ask Game!! <3
4. Favourite non-romantic/non-sexual relationship in AFTG?
man there's so many...must say the twinyards though solely because anything related to strained sibling relationships makes me want to claw out my throat. honorary mention to andrew bee, andrew wymack & renee andrew :)
6. Favourite Theme/Motif?
hope :) it sure is a dangerous, disquieting thing but i think perhaps i quite like it
8. What team would you be on? Fox, Raven, Trojan (one of the others👀?) 
ooh. uhm. i wanna say trojans. i have used the 'have a winning day! :D' strategy before but i am definitely much more of a fox </3
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I posted 838 times in 2022
That's 271 more posts than 2021!
140 posts created (17%)
698 posts reblogged (83%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 557 of my posts in 2022
Only 34% of my posts had no tags
#aftg - 93 posts
#all for the game - 86 posts
#the foxhole court - 69 posts
#tfc - 54 posts
#neil josten - 18 posts
#kevin day - 18 posts
#andrew minyard - 18 posts
#the tumblr experience - 9 posts
#ask gala - 9 posts
#omg - 9 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#it's a possibility that neil didn't score at all on that final match but they wouldn't be able to win if he hadn't covered for the backline
My Top Posts in 2022:
one of my favorite things is the headcanon that while neil is devastatingly attractive andrew is just Some Guy. that means aaron is also just Some Guy.
so imagine if katelyn was a textbook supermodel and because of all that everyone just asumes the twinyards have an absolute tremendous game when in reality neither of them have a single clue on how they landed these breathtaking human beings.
1,334 notes - Posted March 30, 2022
He's a 10 but he thinks that means his jersey number
1,434 notes - Posted June 28, 2022
aftg has ruined 90% of my reading experience because for years every story I read I always end up hating how little consent characters ask and how it's portrayed as cute
1,604 notes - Posted September 2, 2022
i believe neil is very crunchy. his bones just crack very loudly and he doesn't have to pull them much for it. it only takes them like 20 minutes to "reset" so every so often there's bubble wrap sounds and is just neil basically breaking his own spine
1,792 notes - Posted September 6, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
I don't think younger/newer users fully grasp the shit show that ace discourse was around 2014-17
It was so hostile that, to this day, discussions that begin to derail just enough can make me physically nauseous, some specific mockery trigger crying sessions years later. We lost most accounts with any sort of ace positivity. There was no information, no support, and all this damage was done predominantly by other queer people.
All this to say that you, however you identify yourself, should be engaging with aphobic comments the same way you do any hate. We don't sugarcoat or try to be comprehensive with people who are blatantly racist, homophobic or terfs, so why give it a pass just because it's coming from a queer person? I see how this tolerance goes and it's done enough damage as it is.
14,699 notes - Posted October 2, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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tidalst · 2 years
https://archiveofourown.org/works/40055931 My @aftgexchange for the lovely @trenchcoat-moth! Sorry for the wait, this fic ended up going on way longer than I expected. Hope you enjoy reading it!!
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foxerice · 4 years
DO continue the old guard AU pls :)
immortal foxes part 2!
recap !
neil just found out he’s immortal (his father killed him, neil came back to life, killed his father, is now panicking in a gas station bathroom)
the rest of the foxes know about neil and are after him, it’s a race.
(they find out through a dream + it’s how they know about each other, though andrews group and dans have not met yet) 
(then there’s renee who knows everyone, recently left the foxes after an argument, they now feel bad and are after neil, so that they find renee)
andrew’s group (drew nicky and aaron) have arrived in neil’s area
renee’s group is right behind them (renee kevin and jean) 
(kev and jean just found out they were immortal like 2 weeks ago, together :) renee went to retrieve them)
dan’s group are further away, still want to get neil before the rest do, so they’re speeding. excessively. have already had one accident on the way (seth) (he is immortal, i have not killed him off) pray for them.
(dans group is: dan matt allison seth + katelyn)
so neil is in a gas station bathroom and a stranger knocks on the door. neil opens it. he’s handed a plastic bag.
he thanks the stranger and closes the door in their face. washes up in the sink + gets changed etc
(u see, neil is trying Very Hard not to think about why this stranger suddenly decided to buy him clothes and soap. neil’s decided it’s just ‘people do weird things when ur attractive. even if u look like u definitely killed 8 people 15 minutes ago.’)
half an hour later, when neil’s dressed and clean he walks out of the bathroom. and. to his absolute Horror. the weird stranger is Still waiting for him.
neil halts. kind of scared. there’s a beat of silence.
stranger: oh sorry i haven’t introduced myself!— my name’s jeremy! jeremy knox :) nice to meet you.
neil stares impolitely. jeremy ignores this, then suddenly goes “oh!” making neil jump.
jeremy laughs and apologizes, then shuffles through his backpack.
he hands neil a granola bar + a grey gatorade and smiles.
neil is in love
so renee is trying to steal a car.
keyword: trying
jean, jumping up and down in place: oh my god oh my god oh m
kevin, whisper shouting at renee as she walks past him with a bat: you literally just beat up a fucking cop!! we can’t just—
(glass shattering) (kev and jean screaming)
andrew wants to look for the pretty boy and snatch him up before the trojans do. but aaron REFUSES to fucking help. out of spite.
u see the last immortal (before kev+jean) was a blonde girl (katelyn) and they found out about her through a dream, as usual.
this was around 350 years ago. aaron wanted to look for her. andrew refused.
aaron has been (extremely) petty ever since
andrew: nicky, you go through gas stations, public bathrooms, anything. aaron will—
aaron: im not doing shit.
andrew: it’s been three fucking centuries. get over it.
(aaron continues yelling, nicky does his I Told You So laugh and does not help at all. andrew puts his head in his hands and groans)
neil is in a van. on the highway. staring at jeremy and a girl. the driver is another girl.
so. now that the granola and gatorade are finished. neil realises he’s definitely made a mistake.
jeremy has introduced the girls as laila and alvarez. he’s also explained that all of them are immortal, including neil.
neil is too busy unlocking the car door
renee has told andrew that she’s getting closer and is currently on the highway. andrew yells about aaron.
kevin and jean have fallen asleep on each other in the backseat.
the foxes are on the highway. getting closer inhumanly fast lol. seth is now sharing with matt due to him crashing his other car
there were no other casualties other than seth— he didn’t die, but got yelled at by dan. f.
renee sees familiar looking cars going way over the speed limit in her rearview mirror and laughs
alvarez is driving quietly. jeremy seems to have gotten carsick and is now sticking his head out the window. trying not to throw up. laila is all too excited, smiling brightly as she attempts at a conversation with neil.
neil. of course. is not listening.
laila then finally turn and asks jeremy if he’s alright. neil decides it’s now or never.
he throws the car door open and hurls himself out, breaking some limbs as he practically fucking flies down the highway. 
cars barely miss neil, swerving past him. he doesn’t notice due to the fact that everything he broke is healing extremely slowly and painfully
alvarez hastily stops the van, twisting to the side of the road. cars beep and swerve past violently in the process.
laila jumps out of the van shakily, taking out a gun. she yells for neil.
neil, healing, immediately notices laila. then jeremy, who has rather embarrassingly fallen out of the van. he seems to be hurling.
neil then notices that laila has a gun. he immediately gets up, and starts running fast, ignoring his half healed leg. the direction he’s chosen is the forest right off the highway.
laila notices
she shoots neil in the head, he falls.
renee sees the cars gathering in the opposite direction
but can’t see much past the concrete dividers placed between lanes. she doesn’t really think much about it.
suddenly, a gunshot.
renee mutters ‘of course’ and slams the brakes. a car immediately crashes into the back of hers, sending them flying a few feet forward.
jean and kevin wake up from their sleep rather. shocked. and in pain.
kevin, bloody, is about to yell something at renee but she speed dials andrew and throws her phone at kevin
renee jumps out of the car, vaulting over the concrete divider. she runs in the direction of the van.
allison, who is in front of the rest of the foxes, immediately noticed renee running out of the wrecked car in the distance.
she laughs gleefully, quickly calling dan, who’s a few cars behind, telling her the rest of the foxes should definitely stop their cars.
so renee jumps over the barrier, running through the crowd of cars and onlookers.
she spots a woman heaving a dead redhead over one shoulder
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internetcowboi · 3 years
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Hey y’all, ty for the tags today @johnwgrey @cutestkilla @facewithoutheart and on Sunday @bazzybelle @themandilorian @you-remind-me-of-the-babe @excalisbury! I’ve had a bit of a rough week mentally so I skipped SSS, so consider this a tag back for today and/or next Sunday :) I have 2 fic wip snippets to share, one Simon Snow and one AFTG! 
Vampire!Natasha during the attack on Watford from my COBB wip:
I can’t be. I won’t be. I-
I snarl at the vampire and flick my wrist. His eyes widen in horror at the flame conjured in my palm. I hurl it at him and he bursts alight. I conjure another one and take a breath. I have to do this, for Basilton. I won’t have his mother be a monster. I’ll say goodbye, and I’ll go. I’ll rid the world of these monsters, and he’ll be safe, and I’ll go. 
I search the room frantically, searching for his familiar mop of black waves, and find Basilton backing into the wall on the other side of the room. 
There’s another vampire looming over him. 
“No! Basil-” 
The vampire sinks his teeth into my son’s neck. His mouth is so big, and Basil’s neck is so small. My boy doesn’t cry out, doesn’t even move. He just stares back at me, eyes pleading. 
I’ve got you. 
I think about being closer to them, and then I am. It’s impossibly fast. I wrap my arm around the vampire’s neck and tug. He chokes, releasing his grip and falling back against me. I turn to face us away from Basilton and finish him off with my teeth. 
Aaand here’s a snip from a lil 3+1 Andreil fic I’m working on, featuring grumpy Kevin, shitty Twinyards, and excessive ice cream consumption: 
Andrew and Neil are sat side-by-side on the floor, legs sprawled underneath a coffee table littered with half-eaten ice cream pints and a solitary electrolyte drink (Kevin’s futile show of defiance in the face of their excessive sugar consumption). Despite his best efforts, Neil is losing another round of Super Smash Bros. He turns to see Andrew’s face, calm as ever, as his Kirby finally dies at the hands of Andrew’s Bowser. Neil’s grinning, he knows he is, and that’s exactly why Andrew does not return his gaze and instead takes hold of an ice cream pint and stabs at it mercilessly. 
“Is it my turn yet?” Nicky whines. Neil tosses the controller over. “Prepare to die, Minyard.”
Andrew beats him one-handed, heaping spoonfuls of peanut butter cookie dough ice cream into his mouth at the same time. 
“Fine,” Nicky huffs, sitting up right. Aaron immediately shifts further into the couch, claiming the space while Nicky’s distracted. “Other Minyard. Let’s fucking go.” 
Aaron stares at Andrew, who keeps a tight grip on the controller. Eventually Neil sighs and holds out his hand, into which Andrew deposits the controller. He passes it to Aaron, receives a glare for his assistance and rolls his eyes in response. 
Aaron beats Nicky two rounds in a row, but Nicky takes him out in the third. 
“I fucking told you!” Nicky shouts. Kevin shoots him an annoyed look from his desk. “Oh whatever, Day, some of us know how to have fun.” 
“Maybe if you put half the effort in on court as you do with this stupid game, you’d be a better Backliner.” 
“Ooh, straight to the heart, Kev. You cut me deep. Seriously though, get over here. You’ll get a kick out of it.” 
“You’ll get a kick out of me in a minute,” Kevin grumbles. 
Kevin ends up on the couch between Nicky and Aaron, hunched forward with focus as he button mashes and grunts at the tv. By the time Nicky wins their first round he’s elbowed Aaron twice, purely on accident (he claims). 
“Fuck this,” Kevin growls. “Load up another round.” 
Aaron snorts and receives a third elbow to the ribs. 
More tags for today! @mostlymaudlin @otherworldsivelivedin @rainbow-0bsidian @marvel-lous-things @tea-brigade @aristocratic-otter @stillmadaboutpetra @palimpsessed @moodandmist @prettylightsbigcity @skeedelvee @bookish-bogwitch​ @confused-bi-queer​ @ileadacharmedlife​ @urban-sith​ 
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aftgexchange · 3 years
Round Up: Fall 2021
Good Morning Baltimore by @jostenlovesminyard for accal1a (andreil)
Coffee first? by @doodlingstuff for rainb0w0bsidian (andreil, jerejean, danmatt)
Stargazing or some shit by @accal1a for kanekicure (andreil)
Burnt Matches or Straw by @autumnalpalmetto for scribbleb-red (andreil)
We Aim to Win by @kingfluffkins -thethird for xlady-saya (andreil)
Won't You Lie to Me by ana_quien for jayjfox (kandreil)
(Hope You Have) a Lot of Nice Things to Wear by @flowerparrishcreates for doodlingstuff (andreil)
Temporary Tattoos, Permanent Partnership by @keys-crows-dreamers-scones for crumplelush (andreil)
Stop the Clocks by @scribbleb-red for foxeshaveclaws (andreil)
We're All Stories in the End by @justadreamfox for alex-wh0
The One That Got Away by neilmoony for foxyroxisworld (andreil)
The Three Motif by emmytriesfanfic for justadreamfox (kandreil)
A Me For Every You by sambutwithbooks for dorykeepsswimmin (andreil)
Forever It Is by bazerella for shinasgaycorner (jerejean)
They Haven't Come for Me by dejahedy for imperfectcourt (andreil)
A Very Happy Halloween by roseandwoodbine for mystrana (andreil)
Me of You by lisluger for makebelieveanything (kandreil)
The Bodyguard by @bri-ghtly for lisluger (kandreil)
Pumpkin Scones by@foxeshaveclaws for keys-crows-dreamers-scones (kevaaron)
Beyond the Terror in the Nightfall by @wishopenastar for desert-lily (kandreil)
Accidentally On Purpose by @cinnamonfoxjosten for imaginedmelody (andreil)
When Ravens Learn to Fly by @lyndiscealin for neilmoony (andreil)
A Life Less Ordinary by @crumplelush for patroklosandachilles (andreil)
Fall Into My Arms (Literally) by @avengerpercy for catasterisms (andreil)
25 Years and Counting by @kanekicure for knox-knocks (andreil)
Follow Me Into the Dark by @xlady-saya for sirfatcat-mccatterson (andreil)
Tremble by @plantelty for kaijuusandkryptids (renison)
Welly I'll Be by @dorykeepsswimmin for thisuserlovesyou (andreil)
If I Could Look Past the Present by @catasterisms for tomat0head (andreil)
Love in the Time of Zombies by @nerdzewordart for gayberooni (andreil)
Aaron’s Terrible Horrible No Good Very Correct Assumption by @andthenthefirenationattacked for plantelty (aaron x katelyn, andreil)
White Lights and Tiny Blonde Angels by @abraxos-is-toothless for lyndiscealin (andreil)
Secret Weapon by @bayta-darell for libercapitu (kerejean)
Strays by @junkie-affectionate for avengerpercy (andreil)
There Was Only One Pumpkin by @thisuserlovesyou for annawrites (andreil)
Aaron's Lament by @nanatsuyu for sqaceyy (aaron x katelyn)
In Your Dreams by @ratbandaid for teomoy (andreil)
Strikethrough (Unnecessary but not Unwanted) by @youhaveahomeinmyheart for ariren42 (andreil)
The Massive Continuity of Ducks by @fuzzballsheltiepants for theicequeenwrites (andreil)
Bets, Blind Dates, and Dares, Oh My! by @makebelieveanything for abraxos-is-toothless (andreil)
Fae AU by @knox-knocks for junkie-affectionate (andreil)
Two Weddings and a Baby by @buckywithegoodhair for lufwoodemilius (renison, andreil)
Not Soft and Tender by @kaijuusandkryptids for ana_quien (kandreil)
Nothing To Lose (I Won't Look Back Now) by @foxyroxisworld for kevingayimeanday (kevaaron)
Twinyards and their Wisdom Teeth Removal by @thisisnotourlasthunt for youhaveahomeinmyheart (andreil, kevaaron)
Right in front of my Salad? by @theicequeenwrites for emmytriesfanfic (andreil)
Room to Heal by jostenlovesminyard for fuzzballsheltiepants (andreil)
Oh Temptation by @eloquent-apollo for ratbandaid (andreil)
The Bookapocalypse Scheme by @jayjfox for curvedyellowfruit (kandreil)
Gourd Vibes Only by @imperfectcourt for autumnalpalmetto (andreil)
Rainbows after the Rain by @mystrana for rainbowd00dles (andreil, renison)
Disparity by @jeni182 for andthenthefirenationattacked (andreil)
A Man After Midnight by @libercapitu for bunnanathemav3 (kandreil)
Enlighten Me, Won't You Just Set Me Free by doodlingstuff for linecrosser (jerejean, andreil)
Best Night Ever by lufwoodemilius for jostenlovesminyard (andreil)
Show Me How To Lay My Sword Down by @patroklosandachilles for cinnamonfoxjosten (andreil)
The Other Side by @tomat0head for nerdzewordart (andrew & aaron)
R U Mine by @alex-wh0 for flowerparrish (kevaaron)
Small Horrors by @annawrites for bazerella (kevaaron)
The Space Between Us by @curvedyellowfruit for _tansie_ (kandreil)
Outside of the Spotlight by @desert-lily for dejahedy (andreil)
114 notes · View notes