#two headed animals are kinda cool ngl
tw: flesh, cannibalism, blood and gore, horror themes, detached body parts, mentions of abuse, word ‘midget’ used
{finally happy to share my writing 👾 }
He held the severed finger in his fist loosely, the fingernail peaking through the side, the bluish skin contrasting against the pink wrinkles of his scarred palm. The blood had ceased to drip onto the man’s hand, but now it was edged with a drying red thickness, almost like old pizza sauce. The rest of the detached hand was in his backpack, along with the Paris souvenirs and the eyes. The rest of the tourist was unnecessary, and was left peacefully in a shallow hole in the boulders, though the smell would eventually lure something. But that mattered little now. He had to get home.
In a familiar rhythm, the man continued down the rock maze. Ripples and bumps on the rocks spread scratches across his old jacket, taken from a kind Russian tourist’s shoulders, which were taken as well with the jacket, thanks to the overly complicated buttons and his need of a torso for his creations. Today he needed just a pointer finger, a left hand, and a set of green eyes. He would begin to look for some long brown hair tomorrow, and preferably some nice toes – but clean feet were always hard to come by in these mountains.
The mist began to thicken, and the dirt track was beginning to flood under his feet. He could taste the smell of rot and rain, smell the bitter coolness of the rock, hear the wail of the wind high above. A storm was brewing, which meant he should hurry home, but also very beneficial for it would wash away the blood and his footprints. But as he continued walking the dirt track, the rain suddenly began to crash down in great sheets, piercing the left side of his face with its fast torrent of raindrops. Quickly, he moved flush against the rocky walls, its slight upward lean sheltering him due to his dwarfism – a trait that only benefited him in his recent ‘social engagements’.
Directly in front of him, looming up through the thick mist, was the rails of an abandoned rollercoaster and he moved quickly towards it, eager to get back to his dwelling. Running his crooked hands down its sun-bleached structure, he felt the roughness and dimples of the bone-like material. His finger traced the well-known path to the rope concealed in the mist, and pulled at it, wheeling forward a wooden carriage that slotted against the old ride’s surface. Though he did it daily, the task of pushing the carriage onto the rails was always difficult. But with his hunched back bulging, he eventually slid its stiff wheels onto the creaking sides, and climbed into the belly of the carriage. He shoved at the back leaver, and was moving slowly up the first arch. The man’s thoughts travelled to his and Mother’s dinner, wondering what the snares had caught. Tourist hair worked surprisingly well for catching animals, and he had a lot to spare since none of the audience members needed it, but sometimes if he didn’t put enough hair, it would just break and nothing would catch.
He reached the end of the ride, and once again concealed the carriage in the growing mist. Mother had already turned the house lights on, for the tent was aglow with warmth. The man often found that living in a now abandoned amusement park had its advantages, despite it rebirthing awful memories of his time performing there. To him it was too degrading for a performance, and he was treated more like a pet. The Hunchback Midget of the Circus, come see it dance in its cage!
The backpack had begun to weigh him down as he trudged through the squelching mud towards the hair traps, and happily found two rabbits, a snake, three fish, and surprisingly, a two headed mouse, which he would probably stuff and keep it as a gift for Mother. But it was a feast.
Once back at the old Big Top, he pulled aside the heavy curtain door, dropped down his heavy backpack, and reached inside for the hand and eyes.
“Mother, I brought you some new eyes.” The man called out, strolling into the sandy middle. Mother sat in her chair, arms dangling limply backwards and her neck only half attached to her slumped head. With care he lifted her chin, and plucked out her old rotting pair of eyes. That was the only problem with her, and with the audience, they kept rotting, which forced him to keep getting them new body parts, and not just killing tourists and taking their souvenirs as prizes. But he would do anything for Mother, despite what she had done to him that made him end up as a circus pet. He had destroyed the bad Mother, and rebuilt her into what he wanted, and she seemed to love him more for it. He was proud of this feat, not many men could remake the women they loved from collected parts into whatever way he wanted.
“I’m sorry your eyes rotted again Mother. But I got you some nice Paris souvenirs to cheer you up.” He pushed her mostly new eyes into her skull, quickly stitched her neck to keep her head on through the night, and patted her drooping grey cheek affectionately.
The crooked man straightened to his best ability and looked around at his audience. He still needed some more heads and spikes for the second row it seemed, but he was too weary to go to the backroom and gather them. He was content with it not being a full house tonight.
Instead he prepared a fire, and once that was complete, he began to prepare the catch, but Mother seemed very uneasy.
“I understand that you feel apprehensive with fire since I accidently burnt half of you last time I cooked, but I’m more careful now, and besides, we can’t keep eating our audience members. Its bad hospitality.” Mother seemed to calm down at his words, and so he pulled out the severed finger he saved in his jacket pocket and began to chew absentmindedly as he continued to prepare the meat.
“Oh and before I forget, do you think I should put those new souvenirs in that far left corner, near the half built Ringmaster?” He inquired to Mother, smiling.
Mother smiled back at him, and nodded.
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hana-no-seiiki · 9 months
But like the ship trope where PERSON A looks like a childish brat on the outside but is actually the stable, mature one in the relationship
while PERSON B is the opposite wherein they’re super stoic, cool-headed but is actually super petty and aggressive at times.
tw/cw: soft yandere themes, seggs but not explicit
That but with Villain and/or Vigilante! Reader and Yandere! Damian.
I’ve seen this a lot in Damian Wayne works so credits go to those amazing writers that inspired me to have my own take on this!! A lot of this is just a rehash/amalgamation of what people have already written but with some of my input and thoughts…lots and lots of thoughts.
Anyways, you seem like the type of person to ruin another’s life for the sake of it. Just your wicked whims. You’re notorious for stealing massive amounts of properties or (in case of Vigilante) beat if not kill people who you deem unredeemable.
VER I : I’m thinking second gen Catwoman/Batman + CatNoir/Ladybug (both the OG anime concept and the series) dynamic, just gn reader.
You’re always clinging unto to Robin/New Batman. Saying sweet nothings and flirting with him, if not full on making out/having sex with the vigilante. You like the dude, really. But your heart remains with Damian Wayne. Robin/Batman just really reminded you of him sometimes.
Hatefucking. Hatefucking happens a lot. Robin/Batman loves pinning you to the walls/floors of alleyways before you two get down and dirty.
Whereas, people (namely his fellow vigilantes) think he’s done with you, but he’s probably the biggest [Villain Name] fanboy out there.
He knows basically everything about you except your true identity. Which is somehow completely inaccessible to him.
Little does he know that it was actually his own doing, locking your civilian self’s private information as a favor between friends.
But because of this he misunderstands and thinks you’re even more of a genius or something because you managed to outwit him!! You!! Are!! So!! Damn!! Amazing!!
Damian acts cold with everybody. He’s a brooding guy. He doesn’t express much. Only about 1% of what he’s feeling actually gets put into action and/or words.
So the fact that he insists on taking on missions where he has to face you, assists you if you aren’t harming anyone, or actually indulges in your flirtation is a big thing.
So it’s safe to say when he found out you liked someone else other than him, that you were just using him to get yourself to feel better about not having said dude he gets petty.
You two used to have this pact, to never interfere with each other’s civilian lives and to respect your secret identities (of which he’s tried to breach remotely several times). But all that goes up in flames as he stalks you after a heist. Following you home.
He finds out about your secret identity, your ‘unrequited’ love for him, and you two begin dating. But you’re still oblivious about his other identity.
Damian kinda has a kink for it ngl. Like he’ll charm you as Robin/Batman even as you tell him you’re already dating someone else.
Like it’s so adorable how you keep resisting him, telling him how much you love his civilian counterpart.
But then he still proceeds to fuck your brains out as a Vigilante.
Man didn’t know he was into roleplaying until this moment. Like he’ll murmur stuff like “You say you love him, but nothing beats this. I’ve already carved a place inside you, Beloved. A place shaped in my image.”
Or “Where did your ‘undying love’ go, hm? Nowhere. You’re right back with me. Complete undone within moments of my touch.”
Things go a little awry though when you, ever the mature/communicative one in the relationship attempt to break up because Robin/Batman is leaving you confused as to how you truly feel. In addition to you not want to cuck your beautiful (soon to be ex) boyfriend any longer.
VER II: Is more on Vigilante x Vigilante. Similar to the one above except your relationship is a lot more professional and less hate-fuckey. You know of each other’s civilian/vigilante selves.
You’ve always admired Damian. Despite being quite close in age, you always saw him as a younger brother if not like a son almost. Witnessing him grow up and mature alongside you.
But your doting nature always came off a tad bit romantic. Flirtatious even. You tended to be a playful person after all. Hell you even call him Babe or Baby like that’s totally normal for you to call friends that.
A lot of your friends and colleagues always laugh at Damian’s expense whenever you arrive to come nag and/or flirt with him. It’s honestly hilarious. Judging from his murderous aura, people always thought that he wanted you 6 feet under.
The truth of the matter was that his glares and thoughts of murder were all directed to everyone else but you.
Damian never felt so at home and at peace with anyone or anything but his pets in life.
He’d be damned if anything happens to you.
Still, it frustrates him. He knows that you only see him as sibling almost. That you’d die for him but never date him. That despite your honeyed words he’s probably neck deep in the friendzone.
And so to the absolute surprise of everybody, he starts flirting back.
e.g. murdering those who slighted you and/or gazed upon your visage for too long, delivering their remains to your doorstep, amongst a bouquet flowers of course, and the occasional chocolates
You eventually fall in love back, though you ask him to tone it down on the violence.
- might edit more soon, but for now adios!!!
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(spoilers ahead if you haven’t seen it)
Yeah alright, lets see what we got here title be TEMPLE OF THE GODDESS. Sounds cool sounds neat, is this gonna be Nuwa’s first appearance then? or like… i assumed she’d show up later ngl if at all, sets have a habit of adding characters that never show up sometimes— AHEM
Let’s see how I do after two weeks of semi-fresh slightly smokey tree air—
theme song my beloved, oh yes okay the three weeks did something i’m almost used to the animation difference i think it’s settled we’re good i can react primarily to the story now WHEEZELKGJASL;KDF
ah hm and nope nvm relistened again, its like… y’know if you’ve ever gone on like a sound music app thingie like garage band or something and you up the tenor and get rid of some of the base, Sandy’s voice sounds kinda off that way, he’s more nasally and not as rumbly? HEY I’M ABLE TO ARTICULATE NOW LETS GOOOOOO
Anyway tho back to react lesgolesgolesgo
Mk, my lad, you are indeed moving from one apocalypse to the next but if it’s all leading up to destiny then i’m sure it’ll be like PSYCH IT’S BEEN THIS ONE GUY PULLING THE STRINGS ALL ALONG— or something like that that’d be funny
Hm, I wonder if the five coloured stones have a name like the Samadhi fire does.
W O O F (ouch) yeah some of the movements still make me feel like i’m sitting in front of my grandparents TV watching treehouse or something :[ It’s kinda like… it’s not bad its just very much used for a specific type of show usually and monkie kid isn’t that type of show to me so it’s claaaashing so bad AHA I AM ABLE TO ARTICULATE! Whaddayaknow the three week break did wonders for me actually we’re loving this YEAAAAAA
Wukong rubbing his head where the circlet is while he talks is MMHM <3 Wowza!!
HM! Tang sounds muffled! Once again i gotta go back and reply to understand what’s being said THIS IS TRAGIC THIS IS A NEW EXPERIENCE FOR ME USUALLY MONKIE KID IS SO CRYSTAL CLEAR I HEAR WHAT’S BEING SAID RIGHT OFF THE BAT (only mis-hearing once in a blue moon) I do like how Pigsy is shaped in this frame <3
Sniffs. I was gonna say they are indeed reusing the samadhi rings plot line again of like, wow we gotta find this thing! but hey this time they don’t have a map! It’s different [winks at camera] LOL no tho fr it’s kinda interesting to see them using the same theme in different fonts. Like the goal is different, Samadhi fire was beat the lady bone demon and the stones is seal he heavens but it is a very similar plot to have so close to the other season. I mean there was a 1 season break in-between tho so PFF that’s probably good enough MOVING ON
Okay hmhm, Pigsy’s “what about the thing where” is super like muffled to me? And quiet, like they turned down the volume on his audio and then cranked it up immediately at the “WE DON’T KNOW WHERE THESE STONES ARE.” on second listen now that i know what’s gonna be said it’s not so bad, but it also just seems very kinda slurred together almost?? It feels like it was done in two separate takes and pasted together almost. I had to pause and be like huh!!! weird!! usually there’s a bit of a pause between Pigsy’s quiet and then loud bit to my memory, he’s done this kind of thing before but the audio volume is just so wildly different—might just be my version of the show tho!
Oof yeah, the music and audio of mk talking after it are wildly different volumes, and these are my good headphones WOUGH THIS IS BRUTAL
still chilling in the good vibes tho, fresh air does a load of good
Actually, fantastic plan mk, ask someone who knows, mind blowing for these guys, when have they ever— //j/jj
Is that how you say her name? NuWAH? I do it more of like a… NAHwah? maybe? ??? NeWAH HGLKJSDF
Mk and Mei getting hyped bless <3333
….tang bro you guys have walked through lava so many times by now I don’t see why you’re loosing your mind— GHL;AKSDJFSADF
they’ve cracked the code, if you want to distract Tang from doom spiraling just ask him to info dump and you’re good!! Still whatever with the visuals of that gag ngl but i do appreciate the verbal comedy
Okay, who do those highly stylish eyebrows belong too? Actually hello?? this might be my favourite frame in the show so far it looks so nice?? I LIKE A FRAME IN SEASON 5 LESGOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
“There’s always a temple”
“Mhm, yeah, mhm”
Yeah its like all the voices lost their bass, their growl, their RUMBLE. Nah the Pigsy Mei moment was cute tho bless
Tang. You have. Been around the Samadhi fire. Yeah okay trauma fire, without getting literal ab—TANG YOU LITERALLY SAMADHI FIRE??? THAT’S LITERAL FIRE PLS HGLK;SFJA;OWIEFM AND FAR MORE DANGEROUS THAN REGULAR FIRE??? MY GOOD SIR??? Priorities—
AHAHAHA Darn right, I know Ashe likes their “LEGOOOO”’s, fantastic that is becoming part of my speech un-ironically thanks to them HGLASJDF You know what yeah this feels like Ashe’s writing “Sounds like Tang’s on board!” yeah hGLK;SJDFSD
GODS WE’RE SO CLOSE [clenches fist]
That little transition noise had a good base—
Okay, Okay mk’s little NNOOOooooooooo…. was pretty funny hGL;KJSFD;LJSADF Bro just yeah, nods nods that’s how stairs feel fr :pensive_emoji:
The music kinda drowns out what Sandy says for a second RAAAAA
Why do you need a hook the stairs are right there—
Oh pls make Tang climb don’t carry him pls make him climb plsplsplsplsplsplspls PLEASE MAKE HIM AND HIS WEAK ANKLES CLIMB I’M BEGGING YOU—
Oh yeah okay good call actually I take it back teleportation is actually a good ideaHGKL;ASJDFSDF
I feel like tang’s old man back would snap under mei—
oh he can slip it back
Cant’ use magic or tracking
I’m telling ya man Sun Wukong’s one and only priority is that kid
…. is mk and wukong ditching the rest of the crew gonna be a theme this season— HGLKJASD;FKASD
DARN RIGHT YOU AIN’T CARRYING HIM TANG HE’S HALF YOUR SIZE— (not to say that I don’t believe Pigsy is stronk and buff ask heck but STILL)
The way Wukong keeps touching the circlet is a neat detail ngl I’m STILL salty about how it went on but its FIINNEEEEE
Okay “LOOPHOLES BABY” is absolutely delightful and I will be quoting that for the rest of my life for no reason i just think he’s delightful
they almost made him squishy good effort wild brain ;-;7 i salute you
Ashe, I love your sense of humour—
Oh so the eyebrows are a BIRD ;-; ok i was like owaa new design? cool character? no :pensive_emoji: its a bird :pensive_emoji: that’s okay i’m sure the bird is lovely too ;-; TBF the bird probably would ave appeared anyways
Why is the bird growling HLGKJA;WOEFJSDF
Ooo fire blasts!
Isn’t shielding the fire using magic—?
oooooo touchy wall, get pulled in, MK YOU’RE HOOOMEE <3 probably, I don’t know I assume Nuwa would be like wassup brrooo <333 since she’s the one who made him maybe its unclear still but we’ll worry about that when we get to it
Tilting my head. eh, no particular feelings over mk mimicking wukong ngl shrugs
Oooo Nuwa’s place looking a little worse for wear
Bro she’s legit a snake—
Just casually smashing things
She made monkeys! :D Oh yeah and humans ig—
Bro having flashes once again and going iTS NOTHIINNN DW ABOUT IIIIT
Okay big ol prophecy painting with the face scratched out that’s silly
Way to change the topic wukong
OH i kinda almost like how mk looks in that frame the “answers ain’t in this room” one its so close ;-;
Ig they both know who its supposed to be :T
Ahem okay so this is gonna be a prophesy destiny season alrighty cool cool cool
Sniffs. I feel like the coming down in a beam of light to people reaching up to him is probably misleading given the whole harbinger of chaos thing so maybe Mk’s like, how’s you say this… bam bam boom whack wowza rip the world ig :pensive_emoji:
Oh mk says “fair point” when monkey king says the final boss thing that’s funny OUGH I WISH I COULD HEAR AND PROCESS THIS IS KILLING ME A BIT
aw lets focus up ;-; i like him
Bro those are traps—
Mk’s steamrolling huh
BBQ’d 2.0
Indiana Jones’ing it MONKEY KING TAKING THE BR
bet you didn’t expect me to fixate on bbq’d wukong huh—
He’s just
on his cloud
I’m hoping its dads and i’m not mishearing deaths hG;LKJSADF
Lava or axe’s nice
Aw that’s cute
“three times actually” smug look at the camera
“first time was just the city don’t get cocky”
I’m liking a lot of the dialogue in this ep a lot more than the first two ngl feels more monkie kid but HEY ITS ASHE SO THAT MAKES SENSEG;LKSMDFSD
I love Wukong telling Mk this ngl
“look i don’t know how many times you gotta learn this—“
A lot monkey king
a lot more times— HGL;KASJDF
Seems like Mk’s getting worn down by the whole destiny thing and its probably gonna end up being something he doesn’t like or something
Mk: :(
Sniffs okay okay
oooo STARS
“I can sense it”
“What fr???”
that’s funny and also ominous
a lot of “i can feel it”’s going around here hLKG;JASDF
Bro fr i thought it’d be another map—
They’re goofy
Ohhhh OHH I get it, the bird is the
that makes sense
stone bird
so all the stones are those creatures at the start
and merged together they’re that giant chimera freaky creature plus whatever snake guy lego set dude merged together
so stones together in fact busts stuff up fr?
Hi Nuwa
I’m sorry i never got to see flying bark animate you ;-;
OKAAAY I gotta process all that
So it’s definitely gonna be like a keep the universe from getting destroyed thing, but also probably a fake out of he’s meant to destroy it or something because PSYCH YOU THOGUHT WE WERE GONNA BE STRAIGHTFORWARD—or something like that final answer (its not my final answer i’ll come up with something better later maybe)
The phoenix sounds like somebody trying to sound Chinese
jurys still out on whether they succeeded or not
Mk sacrifice his existence?
Okay i do like the um… difference in responses from mk and wukong “—to save the world?” and Mk’s like D: and wukong’s like >:[ more like. feels like he’s going AHA YEHA NOT GONNA LET THAT HAPPEN BRO— conviction nuh-uh kinda vibe maybe
mEI STILL SOUNDS OFF TO ME I DON’T WANT HER TOO BUT RAAAAAAAAA Save me guys take me back to when i wouldn’t notice this ;-; make me into one of those people who everyone sounds the same to or something (pls don’t i like being able to decipher voices) MAAAN good voice acting still tho, good yell, well done
Circlet used to keep monkey king down so he can’t save mk real?
Dang they really spoiling the end of the season here—well if it actually goes like this, mk never got engulfed in fire like the lady bone demon claimed he would so this might not even happen lol
“Your hearts have been measured”
Swk do you need to sit down and talk about it buddy? :( ?
And poof gone==oh those are pretty big
Trial after all
True true mentor stuff still stands
hmhm no thoughts!
Mk: [another crisis]
Okay no fr respectfully someone needs to throw tang down the stairs GET OFF MY MAAAAN
Swk felt very silly goofy in this episode
It does kinda feel like he’s helping Mk avoid what he doesn’t want to think about now, which, is interesting!
This is p interesting tho, this episode definitely felt more like monkie kid to me, it’s still just MAN is it missing the heart and soul flying bark brought and I’m still having a lot of trouble processing the audio to an almost ridiculous degree of the amount of times i have to go back and replay and not to enjoy a line but to actually hear it regardless of how much i have my sound turned up so there’s still some OOF stuff but all in all the gags on this one were good and my three weeks away have helped me put enough distance between the animation and me that i can actually kinda watch it now!! LEGOOOO
Next reaction ep hopefully coming sometime this week so until then KNOX OUT BABYYYYY
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Hello! I was wondering if I could request Rise! or 2012 boys with a human reader that can shapeshift into animals?? Thank you for reading this and I Hope you have a good day and or night^^
ALLLLLLRIGHTY! Since ya didn't specify if you wanted a one shot or Headcannons, I'm gonna assume Headcannons (sorry if that's not what you wanted..) and I'll do Rise.
ALSO, to all the people who have requested stuff for different things (cause there are like 35 requests I haven't gotten to) I WILL EVENTUALLY GET TO THEM I SWEAR, I've been busy with musical theatre and the tolls of overworking, so, I'm trying as hard as I can to get them to all of you all!!
ROTTMNT Boys x Shapeshifter!Y/N
He's so happy like, when he figures it out, he feels like his head is gonna explode
Like, he loves animals so much, especially the smaller ones, and when he sees that you can do this, he is fawning over you, wondering what animals you can turn into
Constantly snuggling up against you when you are some sort of mammal
You once shifted to be an alligator snapping turtle, and ngl, it freaked him out a bit
His favorite animal for you to turn into is a chinchilla
You're so tiny and fluffy, you're like a cuter fluffier squirrel
Gushing over you 24/7
You two like to look up cool animals to see what you can turn into
If turning into animals uses a lot of energy, will definitely cuddle you and reminds you to take breaks after you shift
Whenever he has a bad day, you like to shift into the softest creatures you can so he can pet you
Is very worried about crushing you all the time
You have to reassure him that he won't crush you
Sometimes when you shift as a bird, you like to perch on his shoulder
Whenever you're in animal form, he likes to give you lil forehead kisses, or he'll just bonk his turtle beak against your head and it's adorable
When you shifted one time, he almost stepped on you, and he has never forgiven himself
You know when you step on a dogs paw? That's what he felt when he almost stepped on you
He thought it was so cool
He likes to see what ras animal you can turn into
One time when Donnie knocked on his door, you shapeshifted into a tiger, while he sat on a makeshift throne of pillows, and pretended to be some benevolent king, Don was definitely annoyed, but you both got a kick out of it
Whenever you shift as a cool big animal, like a lion or bear or horse, he tries to get on your back, and you've let him a couple times, but it's even funnier when he tries to be cool, and you just decide "lol no"
Sometimes you guys like to play hide an seek, but with powers, and honestly, it's so much more difficult and fun
He asked if you could shift into a cheetah, and wanted to see who was faster, you in cheetah form, or him (spoiler alert, it was you, but he tried to convince you it was because you were cheating, and he made a stupid pun out of it that made you giggle)
Has definitely cuddled with you whenever you shift into a mammal
Found it kinda cool when you shifted into a red-eared slider
Called you mini Leo for a while, and ever since then, you've never shifted into a turtle lol
He asked you that if you got a disease only animals could get, and if you shifted into a human, if you would be cured
You both sat there for an hour trying to figure it out
Definitely calls you more pet names
Definitely makes more puns
And truth or dare is alot more fun with you
Makes so many theories and science with your mystic powers
Asks many many questions
You have definitely shifted into small mammals, and just sit on his desk while he works
Pranks his brothers so much more with you as his accomplice
Has definitely confused you with some random animal before, and didn't realize it wasn't you until it was to late
Definitely embarrassed by that
Definitely asks you if you can help him when it comes to small hard to reach places with his inventions
One time he called you his "darling dearest" as he explained something, then when he turned his back, you turned into a deer. (Darling Deer-est lol I'm funny)
He didn't speak to you for a week LMAO
Anytime he has any overloads, you transform into a big soft mammal, and cuddle him until he calms down
Sometimes when you shift as a bird, you perch on one of his shoulders, and S.H.E.L.L.D.O.N perches on the other
His brothers always comment it reminds them of Baron Draxum, but he's not complaining that much about it
You both celebrate Flat Fuck Friday and become flat-ass pancakes on the floor
You have scared him so many times on accident when you shift into small animals
Talks about your genetical and molecular make up and how your powers change that alot
And frankly you don't know
Gets kinda upset when many of your answers are just "magic" but understands
Just like Raph, he's fucking estatic
Bouncing all over the walls for you
Loves to see what kind of animals you can shift into
Has mistaken random animals for you
Whenever you shift as an animal and want to eat something, he gets nervous cause he isn't sure if your kind of animal can eat that
Whenever he wips around in the air, you like to shift into a bird and glide with him through the air
Ever since the encounter with the Beaver/Gopher band, he absolutely forbids you from shifting into them lol
But you still do just to mess with him
You both like to come up with different tricks depending on different animals
Has definitely compared you to Beast Boy before
If you ever get tired from shifting, he doesn't allow you to shift unless you've rested
And he brings out doctor delicate touch if you don't want to rest even if you're dead tired
Loves cuddling with you when you're a super big or super small mammal
He's not sure why, but he loves it when you shift into a lizard, especially a chameleon
He found it so cool when you shifted into a box turtle and you and him chilled in your shells
You both make inside jokes about each of your animals forms
If very touchy with you, often either on your back when you are a big bear or tiger, having you on his head or shoulder when you're a rodent, ECT ECT
If he has a fear of a certain animal, you help him alot with them, by turning into them and showing him how harmless and non scary they are
Has definitely painted each of your different forms before
Big snuggler
Likes to hang out with both you and Mayhem
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moongothic · 2 months
*gets struck with a thought and wakes up in cold sweat*
*looses conciousness again*
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I mean ngl I do think that's probably just coincidence
Like Oda is fucking insane so you can never know for sure what he did intentionally and what was by accident, but there has to be some kind of a limit to how many design choises are intentional references. Like, sometimes you do character design decision for no other reason than it looks fucking cool. Sometimes it's meant to be symbolic for one thing. And sometimes it can accidentally symbolic be for whole other thing (like the gay earring. It could be intentional or an accident)
Like Crocodile's hook is a very Iconic Pirate Thing (that calls back to Captain Hook) that Oda wanted to give to an important character in the story, a thing which Croc couldn't really have if he still had his hand (kinda like how Zeff couldn't have his peg leg if he had two feet still). The sheer size of the thing making the hook look imposing and dangerous, fitting for him as he would be the first OP villian to defeat Luffy (twice to boot (an undefeated record?)) and truly show off what the Grand Line has in store for the Strawhats, while the gaudy gold (on top of his other bling and how he dresses in general) reminds us of Crocodile's wealth/status. Meanwhile the scar, oh the scar, it has a few things going on. For one, the way it's positioned on Croc's face makes it resemble a crocodile's eyes peeking through the surface of water, fitting the animal motif amazingly. But also, it is a massive scar, going right across his face, a wound few people would survive; it shows off how battle hardened Crocodile is and how he is a mighty foe. But also, just like the missing hand, replaced by a hook does; it shows that Crocodile is still human, he still bleeds like the rest of us, and thus can be taken down.
Like that's just the Surface Level Character Design Shit I could think of at the top of my head at 4 am, this rabbithole does go deeper with what the scar and the missing limb reference and symbolize.
Not to be dismissing of you, I think that is a very cool coincidence, but I do think it's just a coincidence, it's going to happen inevitably when you do character design.
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hairscare · 1 year
i dont know anything ab vivziepoop or whatever her name is and her work but could you give some examples and like. maybe explain how far they are from actual demonology? i love haterisms and i love learning things
kisses you on the mouth id love nothing more than to spread hate and infodump abt demonology. let me preface this by saying ive never watched any of their content so i cant speak on much besides what ive absorbed via osmosis of being on the internet and what i can see in their designs
so my special interest has always been on the 7 Princes of Hell aka the 7 Deadly Sins so thats what I'm gonna focus on. I'm also gonna bring beloved otome game Obey Me into the mix for another example of modern interpretations of them. also keep in mind im not a believer in these figures, though my research comes from both christian and pagan sources, i just like them a lot
so lets start with Mammon, the prince of greed. mammon is always depicted as a very money and power hungry kinda guy. in heaven, he was so obsessed with the golden pavement that they kicked his ass out first. hes super powerful and has 6,660,000 demons under his control that he makes build the capital of hell called Pandemonium. im not making this up demonology is silly as hell. hes associated with wealth, gold, jewels and emperors.
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you may be surprised by this interpretation from the dictionaire infernal, but from my understanding/perspective, i believe this is supposed to be a lure to get more money as a begger? normally hes described as decked out in robes and gold and jewels and all that. but you can see in the illustration the bags of money.
so yeah hes like a super money hungry emperor type- in my mind i always kinda think of trump ngl. power hungry, money hungry, you get it. so if youre like me, for a character design, youre thinking a ceo with lots of expensive clothes and jewelery.
now, lets see what our friend viv has to say-
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... they made him.... a clown? keep in mind, i literally know nothing abt the role he plays in the show, but... why? why is he a clown? if anything, him being a jester is the opposite of the typical emperor depiction. like a king vs a court fool. completely erases the whole idea of his greed for power. part of that greed is that he already has it but he wants more! this jester angle doesnt make sense.
okay, now lets look at obey me. theres a lot of things i dont like abt obey me's interpretations, but theyre so much better than vivs.
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first of all, the white hair and blue eyes are actually accurate! the colored illustration above of begger mammon is actually colored wrong, hes often described as having very light hair and icy blue eyes. this interpretation of mammon, while yassified from the old man and the emperor, is fairly faithful. hes obsessed with money, hes constantly stealing money from other people, he wears the most expensive designer brands, and he has gambling issues. its not perfect, but hes clearly based on the demon mammon.
now Asmodeus. asmodeus has always been my favorite. hes the Prince of Lust, but he himself isnt horny. he teaches people Forbidden Arts and Crafts and also geometry, hes a disabled king (walks w two walking sticks), he likes messing with people and he hates the smell of fish liver. one time he threw someone 400 leagues and stole his identity. what a guy
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asmodeus is particularly monstrous. hes got 3 heads, a bull, a demon, and a ram, hes got a duck bottom, and he has a dragon cat service animal. i think hes beautiful <3 but you can see a lot of potential symbols you can incorporate into a design! all these animals, esp his three heads, are just waiting for a cool design. so vivs, whatd you do?
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... okay. hes... kinda got the heads, but its the cowards route. he has... that weird ass body that vivs loves to give men. theres... some feathers so he kinda has bird symbolism? im pretty sure he owns a casino, which is actually accurate. but like. thats #notmyasmodeus. this guy couldnt throw me 1 league if he tried. hes not monstrous looking at all. his legs are thinner than my patience.
since we couldnt really dissect viv's mammon, ill bring this up here. a big issue i have with these designs is that theyre afraid to make demons ugly on purpose. dont get me wrong theyre all ugly as hell. but not gross. not monstrous. these sanitized tumblr sexymen designs completely betray what makes the original designs so fun. asmodeus doesnt have 3 heads, he has one that looks like an evil sesame street character. the design is simultaneously trying way too hard and so fucking generic. literally if you take out the two tiny head motifs in his... hair? theres no indication that this is based on the demon asmodeus
okay, lets look at obey me.
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again, hes sanitized, hes conventionally attractive, and he doesnt have any of the demon asmodeus' symbolism. hes also super horny. he doesnt do geometry or arts and crafts or even own a casino. not faithful to the source at all.
before you accuse me of being a hypocrite for liking obey me, hold on. let me get through beelzebub.
Beelzebub is known for being "lord of the flies". its literally what his name means. i cannot emphasize enough that he has fly motifs. he is the Prince of Gluttony, aka overindulgence. its typically associated with food. but beelzebub is *extremely* powerful. in Paradise Lost, hes Lucifer/Satans right hand man. all other demons respect him immensely. hes supposed to be so powerful that summoning him is supposed to run a high risk of seizures and death. he also fucking loves architecture. when a ton of demons were called on by solomon to build, the other demons were so appauled that beelzebub was being made to do manual labor, but his crazy ass was giving solomon building advice
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hes a bug! hes big beautiful bug. the crowd cheers. so the motif is kinda obvious here. i mean, its kinda hard to miss it, right-
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what the fuck. what the actual fuck. "but grim shes got a bee motif-" shut the fuck up. this... fox? wolf? furry thing needs to be put down asap. i genuinely think theyre using beelzebub as an bad excuse to introduce their kesha dog character. bro what the fuck thats not a fucking bug. thats not even a goddamn bee. i hate it here
i cant do this anymore show me obey me.
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hes a fucking fly thank god. sure hes conventionally attractive but hes not a dog with the smallest waist ive ever seen and disproportionate birthing hips. he eats all the time bc hes gluttony. okay fine whatever as long as hes a fucking bug im ok
so. lets address why i like obey me and i hate vivziepops interpretations. first of all i just fucking hate vivziepop so jot that down. but more importantly, obey me doesnt pretend to be anything it isnt. its a dating sim. of course the characters are gonna be hot and fit into archetypes. ive made my peace with that. besides, the game actually makes their sins pretty interesting by showing how they affect their personalities, motivations, relationships and lifestyles. its not super faithful, but its not supposed to be.
but helluva boss isnt trying to do that. from my (admittedly limited) understanding of it, its supposed to be a dark comedy gritty adult animation. the characters are supposed to be questionable and unconventional because theyre literally in hell. so i ask the question: why are they so afraid to lean into that with their character designs? why does everyone have to have barbie proportions? why is no one (purposefully) unpleasant to look at or monstrous? its sad to see a creator trying so hard to make something thats supposed to be graphic and brazen in its depiction of hell and demons, and yet is afraid to actually confront the conventionally unappealing aspects of the source material, or even touch the motifs of the demons
i love the 7 princes of hell. if you want to read about the strangest characters with the oddest stories, symbols and trivia, go read some websites about them. none of it makes sense. lucifer and satan are the same person but also not and sometimes the other 5 are also the same guy. belphegor is in love with paris and is the infernal ambassador to france and has a toliet wheelchair. satan is depressed. lucifer is sometimes depicted as an whiny brat child and sometimes as a humongous terrifying beast. leviathan does jack shit and just boils the ocean and eats boats. its literally so much fun. also please feel free to add onto this! demonology is fun in part bc theres so many different interpretations and facts from all over the place that make it a wild ride
tldr: vivziepops designs are lazy and unadventurous when it comes to their source materials
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cherry-dr0p · 8 months
Im not gonna lie, the start kinda had me like "This is what I waited ages for?" But then when the animatronic testing came around, thats when my interest truly started to pick up.
First of all, WHY WOULD YOU TGINK THAT FACIAL RECOGNITION FOR ANIMATRONICS IS A GOOD IDEA??? GENUINELY DID NO ONE HAVE THE COMMON SEMSE TO GO "HM, THIS MAY END NOT GOOD". Like I kind of understand the appeal for it because they may want the kids to feel,, more connected to the animatronics?? I dunno. But like?? I can understand for that time period the desire to have the animatronics interact with the audience (Not saying its a good idea but at least I can understand with this one why they may think it is in my head), but cmon..
Then from what I remember, the sprites came. And Good god did they creep me out slightly when I first saw them, especially Edd and Molly. I dunno, there was something extra creepy in my eyes seeing kids' faces messed up like that. Crazy. I also screamed when I finally saw "Bon" because Ive been keeping up with the Twitter TWF community somewhat, which means I already technically knew about "Bon". It was pretty cool to have him finally introduced in the actual story himself. Also Charles and Susan talking about Felix's addiction and if they should tell Rosemary and Jack(?) is crazy.
Aaaahhh but then the scene with Jack came around. Was rooting for him ngl. I honestly thought he died at the well scene but I dont see any correlation to that quite yet,, mayhaps. Felix almost jumping did make me feel a tiny bit bad for him bit like,, still. Fuck you Felix. I still hate him and 100% think hes getting what hes deserving. He feels guilty? Good. He should.
I cant remember if the Susan scene comes after this or not but I erm uh,,, That was VERY well done!! It gave me chills how you could still hear her breathe. Genuinely. The blood as well and Rocket closing their eyes?? Crazy. The jittery animation drove me insane, it was such an amazing detail that made things far more uncomfortable.
I cant remember where abouts the other Felix scene came but,, HE DOESNT KNOW WHAT TO DO WITH ROCKET. I DUNNO,, DO ANYTHING OTHER THAN TAKE IT WITH YOU?? PUT IT IN YOUR HOME OR RESTAURANT?? WHY DID YOU THINK THAT WAS A GOOD IDEA. I SWEAR, MY GUY HAS NEGATIVE BRAINCELLS... But I also think we all know why he's so attached,, him getting haunted by the kids is wild.
The last scene very much makes me think "Bon" is Jack. I unno, very much could be wrong but just the way he talks and is dressed makes me think he is. The fact that he knows so well of what hes talking about and the voice,, maybe the general face shape too. Me thinks its either Brian(Ive saw that theory floating around) or Jack, but Im more leaning towards Jack. It also freaked me out slightly the way Susan came on all deformed too, that was freaky. The voices of all the characters in this new afterlife were very VERY cool too. And the whole mask being given and "Bon" talking about making her "beautiful" too? That was cool. The scene with Edd and Molly debating whether to save Susan too filled my heart with a weird sort of awe. They have a great relationship as siblings together imo, I do very much love their dynamic.
It'd be cool to see the other two episodes for the finale which I think are coming out very soon!! Which is very exciting!! I 100% reccomend TWF4, it's phenomenal and the wait was 200% worth it in my eyes. You can definitely see the developers heart and soul being put into this project, which is very nice to see. In my eyes, you dont see it often. I dunno if I missed out a scene or two from my rant but overall? I adored watching this (Ive already told some of my friends to watch it >:3).
Rant over anyways, buh bye for now :3
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something-awful1 · 5 months
my thoughts while rewatching all of Helluva Boss in honor of the S2 trailer PT 3
TRUTH SEEKERS - i sMelL.... c o l o r s 😮 - unrelated but i love the background music? like helluva has such a good soundtrack why didn't we get that for hazbin - i just like complaining - MOXXIE IS T H E BITCH - he's so me - i love this episode so much - blitz looks so chill this is so silly - I'm a VirGo- - I LOVE MOXXIE - i love the fight choreo in this episode so much - blitz is just :p - im sorry what is bitch juice - IT WAS ABOUT UGLY HORNY CATS HAHAHAHA - cue the coolest sequence in indie animation ever - IT TIS NO PRANK BITCH - BECAUSE YOUUU - MY PRECIOUS LITTLE BITCH BOY - ARE TRIPPING BAAAWWWWWLLLLLSSSS - brandon has the best line delivery istg - woah wait scribble moxxies dialogue is some of the best written dialogue in all of vivzie's projects - this animation is so cool i'm sobbing - this is one of my favorite episodes, i remember watching it when it came out and like actually sobbing - the dhorks are idiots why did they give them the truth serum but like not ask them any questions while they were under the influence of it? like- what was the point - THIS IS THE COOLEST FUCKING FIGHT SCENE EVER - no thoughts, head empty, just truth seekers fight choreo - see this is what happens when animators actually take time to make their projects look good, instead of trying to get everything out as quick as possible - millie is the coolest, go break that guy's neck with your thighs, get it bestie - OMG I HAVENT SEEN THIS EPISODE IN FOREVER I CAN'T WAIT TO SEE STOLAS - GET IT STOLASSSSSSSSSS - this is literally the coolest sequence - OWL IN A CAGE INSTRUMENTAL SPOTTED - bryce pinkham the line delivery of "how the FHUCK-" was perfect - this whole scene is perfect - HELP THE DHORKS LOOK SO CONCERNED AFTER BITZ AND STOLAS MAKE OUT - yeah this is the best episode so far, hands down OZZIES - i have never been more not ready - i have no thoughts on the beginning ngl - ugh the lust ring is so beautifully drawn, really some of vivzie's best backgrounds - not the bouncer dude implying that three people can't make one couple 🙄 - "that's a mood, gabriella" LITERALLY ONE OF THE BEST STOLAS LINES - his date outfit is so pretty - THE BOOKS ON HIS CHAIR HELP HOW DID I NEVER NOTICE THAT - blitz is so frustrating right now FUCKING TALK TO HIM INSTEAD OF SYPING ON M&M YOU PERVERT - FIZZZZZZ BABYYYY - damn imagine blitz realizing his ex-best friend and celebrity ex are at the same club as him while he's on a "date" with a goetia that must be fucking embarassing - fizz's "let's fuck him up babe" look is my favorite thing - house of asmodeus is peak songwriting, like i don't think vivzie will ever top this (i fucking hope she does though) - UGH THIS MAN'S VOICE - these two are the biggest fucking hypocrites - "you used to have a smoking wife, a kid, you had it all! i hope you didn't give it up, so you and him could get it up" is so gorgeously written and delivered - i could go into a whole analysis on stolitz rn but you could go read any other analysis on this episode and read the same shit so im not gonna - help why did he drive stolas hope? THE MAN CAN TELEPORT - stolas is so expressive i love him - OHHHH QUEEN BEE TAKES PLACE LIKE AT THE TAIL END OF OZZIES THAT MAKES MORE SENSE (queen bee took forever to come out so i was confused, i kinda forgot)
QUEEN BEE - ew i remember hating this episode so much - this feels so unfinished already - this is vivzie voicing the poodle bitch, isn't it - keshaaaaaa - i don't wanna listen to this song ngl - okay but the visuals are kinda good and i do love her voice - this must've taken forever to animate - HELP THE ONE SILENT LOONA LINE MAKES ME CRINGE SO HARD LIKE WHAT WAS SHE SAYING - she sounds like... constantly wasted as fuck - people definitely ship loona and bee don't they - i don't but like... i know someone does - i've heard a lot of people call bee bitchy, and fake, but yall i feel like she's being genuine - help she changes her mind so fucking fast - okay okay i don't hate this episode that much - blitz's little arm wave help - for reference i write all of these between the hours of 10pm and 3am, this is my complete, honest, unfiltered opinion - yeah this episode wasn't as bad as i remembered
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cloudcountry · 4 months
fuck i literally realized a lot of this is due to how much I relate to him IM SORRRYRYRYRYRY but i just wanna talk about him today (i have no fun insights this is just yapping... URGGBSHGRFYGH I RELATE TO AND LOVE HIM SO MUCH SOBS ON UR DOOR STEP)
im sorry, i believe a little warning for the first paragraph i bring up my own dead sibling cause I wanted to get that out of the way
This is decently specific to me: I have a younger dead sibling and idia is just i can relate just so hard to bc of that one fact, (gets out the idia journal) we were around the same age when our siblings died we think we both got them killed through harmless fun comments and just having someone so close to you as your younger sibling die at a young age kinda fucks with you and stuff idrk whats going on but something is
we both have social anxiety i don't think mine is as bad but if i had the option to just talk through a tablet i would, especially in certain situations where i'll freeze up (aka talking to any waiter ever) I genuinely a lot better when im there for someone else that has so we could have a symbiotic relationship for social situations
Okay funny silly time: love of cats omg cats i love cats he loves cat give him cat he would be unsure how to treat it exactly bc he never had a childhood cat but he has done so much research on cats that he probably could info dump on the cat on why it so cool and the best thing ever "Awww did you know you get a lot of your water from your food bcuz you're a dessert animal and you avoid still standing water due to your prey possibly contaminating the water" please let him see those stray cat cams in china he would love donating food to them,, he would be spear heading naming everyone and making sure they all get a wiki page
baby noooooo,,,, :(( yes im looking back on his after overblot dialogue as a reference even though i just read it anyways,,, Idia will never be able to have his own life separate from his family, since yk cursed and shroud, it's basically a path that was bricked in for him. its like his life path is a long corridor that leads to the same road no matter what he picks. Especially since his unique magic locks him into working for STYX since he can just open a very vital thing and idk almost take over the world. if the shrouds acc got unique magic i think idia could have actually went on to lead a decently good life whether he was STYX head by choice or something else (game dev)
hes so passionate about the things he enjoys, there is so many examples of this, he's into so many things and loves them all with his whole heart it's so endearing (also uhsn dfbghrg bonding over media is the best, hes probably so fun to talk to about media... but he might lord knowing so much over you >:p ily just let me put my two cents in you can keep info dumping idia) OUGH (ignore me doing the hand thing PLEASE I LOVE IDIA I LOVE ORTHO IM ENJOYING WRITING THIS SM) OKAY ANYWAYS aww okay reading over idia's dialogue like im writing you an argumentative essay or something,, STAR ROGUE! the idia of idia (wtf r u writing edie) HIS SILLY ASS SLANG HRGBHRBGVLRHG "OUR LEGEND, POP OOOFF!" Anyways idia just recounting everything about star rogue without second thought he loves it sm he probably played it sm he knows the opening by heart (IDIA AND ORTHO SAYING THE TAG LINE TOGETHER THIS IS KILLING ME AUBURN)
hes heard so often that he was genius when he was really young it was just hardwired for him to think he was the best in the room especially with the advancements he has made from the ages of 10-12. like building ortho is genuinely a feat and he did it and two years definitely he's going to let that go to his head. ngl i feel that his parents were not too great probably absent most of the time since he can just lock himself in his room and work on something that no one knows about for two years. probably fucked him up developmentally too, he was NOT properly socialized the internet was his parents for the entire time probably
it's like 12:30 right now my mental state is deteriorating this is stupid opinions for the most part i tried my best im sorry if this is bad but YOU SAID GUSH IN YOUR INBOX SO I MADE THAT HAPPEN???
-- with lots of love Edie
first of all holy shit im so sorry about what happened to your sibling. i totally get why you'd find him comforting because of that but Oh my gosh. im so sorry.
i think having social anxiety is something a lot of people can relate to with him, even myself. identity actually brought this up but seeing him being pushed into situations where he is ABSOLUTELY not comfortable makes me want to run in there and help him GET OUT. like i may not like this man that much but nobody should feel pressured or panic over entering a social situation they dont want to be a part of.
RIGHT YEAH its so SAD how he will never get to live his own life and THATS one of the things that ive thought about a lot concerning him. like it would suck to actually have your fate predetermined no matter what. like he's just going to be stuck there with nobody else except for like ortho and his employees(?) but actually. yk what thats how he spent his school days which is even sadder hello
"the idia of idia" HELLO WHAT DOES THIS MEAN
actually! you bring up a good point about idia always being considered a genius since he was young and how that affects his self esteem and how he interacts with people now. i have literally never thought of it that way but it makes a lot of sense.
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mystycalypso · 4 months
Can i just say how much i freaking love the work you two are doing, Holly hell this is some wild stuff as veteran of hello neighbor you two are making me proud of this small community that is running on tumblr!
Also i hope you two don't mind me asking two questions.
Firstly, If one of you two had the control over welcome to ravenBrooks show what will be some things you two will change.
Secondly, What are you're thoughts on the artstyle of the show considering that Man of Action is working on the show?
Okay to start, I know I say it every time we get asks like this but y'all are genuinely so sweet and nice and it's just really really cool to see people enjoy our stuff. Like- especially fellow old fans of the franchise. I know Kaydin also really appreciates how sweet you guys are but just idk it feels like my fandom dreams come true when people like things like our au and art for this series
As for your questions...
Personally, to start, and this is Jack being slightly particularly- idk nitpicky? But there are three things I'd want to just- fix immediately and all three of them are Nicky related.
Number one, his shirt. I'm sorry guys but I've been here since the alphas and I didn't even realize this was his Sharkotron T-shirt. It's- It's just an egg
Number two, I realized after intense studying of Nicky's- face that it looks really weird when he's front facing, but his nose is facing right. So scenes like this suddenly seem- off model for no reason? I've poorly edited the image below to fix both of these
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Yes I am too lazy to edit them properly, sadly. Did make his shirt logo still one colour for ease of animation. Idk why but left facing nose Nicky just looks less weird. Just me and kaydin? Maybe.
Number three- uh... that hairline is atrocious /lh
I know he wears his goggles in the show like constantly but also- this is a 13 year old boy guys. I was 13 once and I have a very flat (minus a widows peak) hairline, but it did not stop my hair from falling all over my face, and I think it's fair to assume the same for the kid who's hair refuses to behave anyway
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Just fluff him up a lil (again I'm sorry these aren't better edits lol)
You don't even have to have it show when his goggles are up because like a headband or headphones it pushes hair back, or otherwise
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Although ironically while I'm explaining what I would change in the designs, I don't mind the art style at all, actually I kind of love it. Sure some things you kinda of have to get used to, like their ears being pretty low to the head, but in general I think it really fits the franchise. I know it didn't look too drastically different from the pilot, but there's so many little nuances in the designs that just make it better (especially when you look at characters like Trinity)
I've told Kaydin a dozen and a half times how I think show Nicky is the franchise's second best design for him. The first being this singular piece of art from Nicky's Diaries, like I have gone on for hours about why this rendering of him is just perfect.
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Third being fan renders, followed by the book artstyle, the pilot and finally games
And while other designs I wasn't sure about when watching through the show the first time, really just lore hunting instead of caring about anyone who wasn't Trinity or Nicky ngl, when I started doing my expression analysis I realized just how nice the designs and individuality of the characters are. If you put Nicky's expressions oh Enzo or Ivan's on Trinity it wouldn't fit and that's something I don't think people would expect from a Hello Neighbor cartoon.
They also have things I can just appreciate as someone who's special interest is animation (but doesn't have the patience to animate TvT gotta love audhd) for example, just having shading even in shots where they could completely go without it. It makes it less drastic and a smoother transition when lighting gets intense. They're also now afraid to switch up camera angles and push the rigs for a more intense shot.
Also something I really appreciate
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Smear frames!
God I love smear frames!!! It's another one of those things that It's like- knowing how much this cost Tinybuild, they could've easily cut it down to save money. But it just wouldn't have been as nice without it.
Sure there are probably people who look at the fact that Man of Action is working on the show and are disappointed by the art style. But I say this entirely genuinely when I say I couldn't picture this show looking any other way and working as it does.
Yeah, they could've used more realistic proportions for these kids, but it works so much better when it's pushed like this when Mr. Peterson is nearly double their height. He's visibly a hulking intimidating man who could lift a middle schooler and lock them away. You fear his build which contrasts his outfit best (really feels like they took the book description of him and just pushed it, as we know he doesn't have this same stature in the games)
Plus it feels like in general, they stopped focusing on that dumb "Oh we need to hide things in every frame" which- thank God. Sure they are still hiding little details, hell I have changed a whole chunk of theory about Theodore's relationship with his son because of something I found on accident
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This photo of (seemingly) 12 year old Aaron Peterson.
I'm not gonna go into it here lol because this is already long and it's supposed to be about the animation.
Are they still building mysteries and people are still crafting theories? Absolutely! Not a day goes by that I haven't been thinking about whether or not Aaron will ever be seen in the series in the present day and if he is, what he will be like mentally.
But the point is, they're focusing on crafting something GOOD over just theory fodder. Both animation and story-wise, and I can appreciate that so much.
Like- this is gonna be a really hot Jack take here so be aware.
I enjoy this franchise and it's spinoffs much more than the FNAF franchise.
Sure, Hello Neighbor one is and will always be awful. But I am 100x more likely to play Hello Neighbor 2 or Secret Neighbor than I am to play any fnaf game myself.
When I make fnaf content it is almost entirely AU based. Because the idea of getting lore super wrong since I just can't be bothered to try and figure that convoluted mess out is annoying. Why even try to solve lore if I need to read more than 10 books for a minor detail that becomes a major antagonist? We can't even get a full confirmed backstory for the main antagonist!
But with Hello Neighbor they realized that people don't want to be jumping through 50 hoops for lore. Yes we want mystery, but one we can solve without dumb contrivances and plot holes.
Do I still love FNAF? Of course. My senior quote is from William Afton ffs ("You may not recognize me at first, but I can assure you, it's still me") but one of these franchises is growing to better itself and gain more love, while the other is slowly becoming more of something I enjoy without trying to understand, and I think the Hello Neighbor animated series is- the pinnacle of this difference.
I love Welcome to Ravenbrooks. I love Hello Neighbor. I can’t wait to see what comes next from TinyBuild, and how season two will be even better than season one. (As proven by the fact that Nicky gets to yell louder in that one teaser clip alone than anyone got to in season one lol)
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danganronpafan777 · 6 months
*makes u read danganmon*
Alright, Anon! Just read the prologue (I’m probably not going to write x reader for this fangan, and even if I do, I’m gonna have to finish my current DRA and SDRA2 requests first)
As a heads up: I know little to nothing about Pokémon. I’m basically this guy:
So yeah, here’s my opinions so far based on just the prologue:
Kami’s design is cute. Her character feels kinda bland, but good
Zoro seems really cool! I like him so far, and his talent shows a lot of blackened potential ngl
Mari seems sweet! Ultimate Sheep herder is a new one lol
Kami: “Ah, that’s where you help sheep to their pens, right?”
Mari: “You don’t say-“  
(I lowkey wish she said that)
Juno sleepy boi-
“Ultimate Wish Granter” 
My honest reaction: :0
I want to give him head pats
Roxanne (I can’t be the only one who heard the song-) 
Her design is really cool, and idk I just really like her. Not sure what the pipe on her back is though 
Okay, but she might be one of my favorites, I like her sense of humor and how she cares for Juno. I wanna say just like me fr, but there’s still the chance she might turn out to be psychotic
Lillie looks like a jellyfish, and Stella reminds me of that one girl from Yttd 
Stella’s cupcake swirl hair is so goofy I love it, but some of her sprites remind me of Celeste. I have a feeling she’s gonna die in chapter 2 or be a victim in 3, and/or turn out to be psychotic
Ultimate human subject?? Reminds me of like Mikan mixed with Kanata. Hope she doesn’t die, but she gives off first victim energy or ch3 killer
Amnesia gang ✨
Cyrus seems like a cool dude. He’s kinda like Kokoro but more expressive
I already love Flidgey, and you can’t tell me they aren’t the child of Satsuki and Haruhiko 
Reminds me so much of Kaito’s personality with Kokichi’s jokes
Fry’s hair is simple, but it just stands out to me. Maya got a cool design, but I’m kinda neutral about her. Don’t feel like I really know either of their characters enough for a solid opinion
Cyrillo’s design is easily one of the best, but I had no idea what his talent means
Wimessir is a lot like Akane, and the two of them kinda give mastermind energy 
Idk why they’re singing and dancing, but their designs are top tier
I was thinking of a surfer dude joke, but Sam is actually the Ultimate Surfer-
Looks like we found the game’s Yasuhiro /pos
(Or twist mastermind-)
Faust is kinda like Taka mixed with Teruya. (Love both of them) His face reminds me of Murder Drones. Hope he survives cuz I really like him so far
Apollo: “I have the power of the sun and anime on my side!”
Pyromancer boi seems like the antagonist, and I’m here for it
Is he flirting with Zoro??
I like his banter with Sapphire, whose design is also amazing. She reminds me of Kirumi in terms of personality and being passionate about her talent
Undersea lamplighter makes me think he just chills underwater while ppl use his light to look around lmao
He feels like that one guy who never knows what’s going on
Monoloin??? Of all names 😭
The design is really pretty tho and I’m all for her mastermind personality
Overall: Roxanne, Faust, Apollo, and Flidgey are my current faves
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I'm watching murder drones and I've jsut finished ep5 ngl....I'm so confused about soem stuff- So I'm gonna talk about it!
Now, before doing that, the series is amazing, and I love the animation and voices the lore and story are super interesting to! It just has some plot holes and stuff, which is understandable since it's also a YouTube series and doesn't have a big budget like other series. And I don't know I hagnt watched ep6 yet so maybe it has soem answers anyways:
Ep1: really the only thing that doesn't make sense- to me, is J 'dying' because we saw N get his head blasted off woth Uzis gun and he regrew it in....not even a minute- so how come J kinda just...died?
Also, J is the leader not N I well not take it any other way because it being any other way make no sense, cause wife you want a leader for a MURDER TEAM ylu gonna want the most efficient one. V is obsessed with killing, so J reigns her in, N is too nice, so J makes sure he does his job at least somewhat well. She's the leader.
Also we never get more information on the 'other squads' thing, I think it would've been cool if maybe idk, Doll was a DD and was hiding in plan sight or smth. Or maybe her, and Uzis mom, parents were disassembly friens, DD, and they started to blend in with the worker drones, WD, and sorta regret the company and stuff and so N, V and J were sent to get rid of them because they disobeyed orders
It'd make sense why J is so hellbent on the rules and killing and stuff and add some angst and more info as to why doll and Uzi have these powers because they half half DD code and half WD code. And how Uzis' mom wanted doors to be built to hide them she KNEW others would be sent after her and dolls parents and so needed to make sure everybody was ready for that!
Ep2: definitely a LOT more questions- like wtf is that head thing?? Explain?? Pelase?? Why?? How?? When!?
Edit: Never mind what iw rite here- i re watched the episode cause I wanted to, and actually, Uzi does say it runs an auto program to collect new materials, so I just missed that by accident That's my bad, I admit to that
Ep3: we don't really see how much N and Uzis relationships have developed. we don't really see any....bonding, so moments feel a bit out of place. Like how khan says the DD are bad influences, I feel like if maybe there was a filler episode or two- maybe about them sneaking into the colony and staing stuff to rebuild the ship or smth it'd have made moments like that make a lot mroe sense and would've shown their friendship growing and stuff, it'd happen before ep2 tho
And it'd help Ep4, where V/N are put in charge, make a lot more sense because N and Uzi have been sneaking skrund and nit hurting anyone so they kinds disregard N as safe. Other then that is pretty good, I do think we could've had V show a more humane side maybe saying how she only killed dolls parents because of an order, to kill form the company, and show she does feel guilty for killing but because she doesn't have a real choice she trie sto make it as 'fun' as possible. It doesn't have to be emotional it could happen while she's shooting at Doll. Maybe she's mad Dolls killing her friends/classmates of he rown free will or smth idk
Ep4: I kinda get them running to N/V when uzi mentions them being friends because.....she did bring a g^n to school- but I don't understand why they shot an arrow at her, not even by accident or 'cause they were startled the guy pointed and took the shot after seeing her- like why? Why would they SHOOT at her? Or look so scared? I feel like they should been looking away awkwardly or rolling their eyes dismissvly. Maybe the guy sees the symbol in her eye and accidentally pulls the trigger in being startled by it. Jsut confused me
Also wish they showed more of the collar things, maybe it could said 'serial designation N landed *****' and Uzi is confused because it belonged to her mom not N and she sorta realizes who her mom was or smth? Idk just wish they did mroe with it, they might in ep6 havnt seen it yet tho
Also, what's with V threatening Uzi? Like that was so....random- where did she even come from?? I feel like it should've shown V watching Uzi leave and then see the symbol in her eye, and so she panics, quietly, and threatens Uzi because the thing with doll happened maybe a week? Ago in canon, so she'd still be freaked out, I think. Idk, maybe I'm giving V to much credit here
Ep5: to be discussed
Ep6: to be discussed
Idk it's jsut my opinion, feel free to try and explain to me and stuff- I'd love to hear theory and more ideas and such. Also again, no hate just my personal confusions and feelings about certain things
Feel like it went from lore lillypad to lore lillypad and didn't actually give us a break to get hints and more elaboration and stuff, so this very confusing- anyways I'll update later, maybe, after I watch ep 5/6
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WHATISUPEVERYBODY you know it wasn’t my intention to watch literally one episode every two weeks but here we are i guess ITS TIME FOR ANOTHER KNOX REACTS TODAY ITS MONKIE KID SEASON 5 EPISODE 4 LESGET IIIIIT
The ssssstorm within, alright, alright, something to do with Mk and blowing up maybe? who knows, perhaps we shall find out MWAHAHA! Well, i mean obviously we’ll find out we’re watching the episode—listen i just woke up i can’t be held responsible for my incoherent ramblings LETS MOVE ON
Face in hands bro i miss flying Bark. BRUTAL DUDE (gotta say it at least once every episode sorry bois :pensive_emoji:)
Sniffs, just plow straight through the underbrush its fine—
Monkey King and Mei face down… okay…. this is…. a very fun frame i will admit…. who wants matching icons—/j/jj/
scratches head. okay so we’re just using sandy yelling as a gag now… cool cool cool okay sure sure, not like Sandy never raising his voice made the emotional beat of him yelling when contention happened devastating and startling. I guess the whole overwhelming Mk with WE GOT THIS!! talk would be an inevitable one, it always worked before. I mean, except for during the season 2 special. And… any other time hype up hasn’t really… worked… Listen I’m just overanalyzing probably but some of the choices in this season with the characters just feels off to me. Ngl with every episode I watch, the less it feels like monkie kid to me. The last one wasn’t so bad, and hey, we’re only a minute 25 into this one so that might change but that’s my gut reaction right now. Makes me a bit sad! I’ve been watching Dragons Rising (ninjago) with my buddy and been having the time of my life, the animation is gorgeous and it feels like the new peeps really understand the characters and its honestly so much fun, and then I’m kinda sitting here with monkie kid and puzzle pieces that don’t really fit and I’m not sure what to do with it! I know like, it’s the same writers but it just does not feel like it to me. Could be how rushed they always are, they’re doing their best, like—oNCE AGAIN TO BE CLEAR, when I criticize anything or say it feels off, this is NOT me saying bad writers bad people bad bad bad, I’m just saying how it feels to me! It feels almost like they’re trying to bring the comedic lightness of season 1 back but like… it feels kinda plastic and wrong! WORDS FAIL ME, PLS DON’T QOUTE ME I DON’T KNOW WHAT I’M TALKING ABOUT LETS MOVE ON
the kneeling down is kinda cute good for them
Sandy hype man!
Is he just trying to get them all out of there so Mk can have some breathing roomGML;SMADF Cause otherwise splitting up is a terrible idea
Special Sandy training!!!
Mk smashing rocks together, okay that was cute h;LGKAJWOEF
Sandy so excited about meditation
I FEEL LIKE MK COMPLAINS A LOT MORE THAN USUAL. Why is he so whiny?? Was he this whiny before? Am i losing my mind???? I’ve never wanted Mk to talk less before what is going on
The crackity cracks are backity back
….me fr pretend to meditate so true==
Storm within that’s funny
Just got led to it np that’s funny
Mk’s opening secret access swishy gold thing is fun
Bro’s really assaulting a rock
Owaaaa big ol turtle…. with cracks!
Ah yes meditation, who could have seen this coming
I know he’s complaining as a deflection but :T man Mk whining so much is getting old really fast. Like its for the gag and you could say its for the deflection but MAN. Every four seconds he’s got his whiny voice on, bro?? I’m hoping they get all the humour they want out of that gag in this episode :(
Bro literally has to face his trauma to save his friend what the heck turtle that’s so rude—
OKAY WHAT IS THE BEST WAY TO WATCH THIS? I’ve tried two separate types of headphones (one stolen from my brother) a friend’s tv and just my computer’s speakers and the audio volume difference in the voices vs the music is STILL jarring. Like???? I have it turned up so much just to HEAR the voices and TRY to understand them and then the music kicks in and its bLARING and AGGRESSIVE and NOT IN A CINEMATIC WAY. dear gods its like they made monkie kid as unfriendly to watch as possible for me what is going on I’M TRYING TO ENJOY MY MONKIE SHOW STOP JARRING ME OUT OF IT [SHAKES LEGO UNTIL THEY FALL TO PIECES] I’M TRYING TO ENJOY MK HAVING TO FACE HIS TRAUMA SOMETHING I’VE HIGH KEY WANTED TO WATCH SINCE SEASON 1 WAILS
Acknowledging the “okay, i want to push that away, but i’m not going to” is really neat i like that
Hello disembodied voice
Okay, i may not be vibin with the audio, the animation, or the jokes in this ep, but my GODS does Ashe know how to write brutal dialogue. The reason Mk being so afraid of his monkey powers is because he likes it?? Oh yeah, I’m down with that i am SO down for that, I have been clawing at that concept for AGES, I am SO DOWN
So who’s going to be trying to control mk this season? Snake guy?? Newbie?? The choosing yourself and making your own path is really heavy handed so far hL;GJKASDF
Sandy’s advice?? GOD TIER. We love that. I love actual good advice in cartoons thank you
Conversations with self!!! OHHH OHH I LIKE THE EXHALE
Sandy’s trigger word is Worthy huh he dont’ like thatLKGMA;OWEFWHEEZE
nah we are so glad Mk has Sandy here actually that is so good I’VE BEEN WANTING SANDY MOMENTS FOR SO LONG AND WE GOTTEM THANK YOUUUUUUUUUU like, the rest of what i said still stands but the emotional beats still hit really nicely and I’m very grateful we still have that!
Yeah that car is gonna get smashed by mei or pigsy and tang yeah yup there we go
oH WOW-oh nvm there it goes
well ! Wonder what mei found! That felt like a little bit of a clunky ending bit for some reason i can’t explain but! Big fan of the Sandy and Mk content I love them, totally deserved, been wanting Sandy talk like that for AAAAGES BLESS
Okayokay, always ending on positive note so lets go over one more time: Mk’s talk with himself? BANGER. Once he got talking, I really liked the dialogue and I really liked the vibe of the whole thing, Loved his exhale, loved the admittance of that all being part of him and that he chooses to work on other parts of him that is AWESOME and super cool to see depicted the way it was all cinematic and cool we love that. Love diving into a little bit of the complexities of our man Sandy! Love him opening up a bit to Mk so he can see he’s not alone in his struggles! That Sandy’s got something like that too and he’s still one of the most wonderful kind people Mk knows! The people who Mk has surrounding him are all exactly what he needs and that’s really cool!!! Ough okay welp, maybe I will be thinking about Sandy and Mk’s dyname for the rest of all time RAAAAAAA I REALLY enjoyed how they wrote them there.
Thanks for reading! Sorry I’m still a bit all over the place with my reactions, i feel like I keep repeating the same things but by GOSH the audio is THROWING ME. But yeah that was a nice way of addressing some of Mk’s trauma, even if it was only for like three minutes, its well done and I enjoyed it! very excited to see they can still nail those emotional bits. HOPE Y’ALL HAVE A SPECTACULAR DAY AND GOOD VIBES HUNT YOU DOWN RELENTLESSLY. KNOX OUT
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sayakxmi · 10 months
[Magi reread; special edition] Episode 2: Dungeon Suite [Part 1]
Y'know, I meant to do the ops and eds on the side, but tbh feels a bit pointless? So I'm making up for the op here.
Fun fact! I actually used to dislike V.I.P.! I like it, now, but at first it was just kinda meh to me. Idk what changed. But still Hikari >>>>>>> Honestly, Hikari and With You With Me are still best op/ed in Magi to me, and that will not change. But I am also extremely biased towards the Magnostadt Arc. Can't wait for it.
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I like it when they're allowed to be a trio. And also how it's shown from Morgiana's perspective. The world was so dark until these two came around.
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You seemed like you were gonna be more important than you ended up being, and I'm a bit sorry.
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Ugh, this dumb bitch (I love him).
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My beautiful daughter who deserves every good thing in the world and a very not cool boyfriend with a stupid horn on his head.
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Fun fact, I've only noticed that lil prince Alibaba on xth rewatch.
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I love the door scene, ngl.
Anyway, I also really liked at the beginning the scene with Ugo, and how it transitioned to Alibaba. It's both cute and a bit sad, too. Alibaba's kinda filling that place Ugo's about to leave empty.
Ok, the actual episode.
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That's still a really cool shot.
Also, I forgot to mention. But in the anime Aladdin and Alibaba become genuine friends far faster. But that's also bc the first few chapters were juggled around a bit.
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Aladdin gest tired of summoning Ugo much faster here, and, yeah, he just faints a little, pushing Alibaba and himself in.
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It's a cool scene, and I like it very much, but also, that's the exact opposite of what happened in the manga. I've mentioned it before, in the manga Aladdin wakes up first and has some time to calm down, so he's more level-headed when Alibaba gets there, and he is the one to save Alibaba by convincing him not to rush in blindly. Here, well, clearly Alibaba wakes up first (because Aladdin's already kinda fainted), notices the danger and gets them out.
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You guys remember all these chibi Rolling Girl animations?
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We had a moment with Jamil (I don't recall half of the oasis trying to convince him not to go), but it was a funny scene, bc it transformed into Aladdin and Alibaba running and screaming.
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He's just like me fr
ALSO now that I realize. In the manga Alibaba actually makes a point to prepare for the dungeon. I like that, it shows that he's being understandably cautious. But here they just straight up ran on Ugo from the desert, and went in without a second thought. Well, that's not true, Alibaba was thinking about what it entailed, but he didn't actually consider preparing or anything at all, only asked if Aladdin wanted to turn back, cuz it was his last chance.
Oh, yeah, Alibaba's thinking about it, now. Good that he's aware of that, but, like, it's quite a difference.
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This scene is still hilarious.
But also, man, purpla saliva looks kinda sick there, ngl.
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Oh, yeah, I wasn't imagining it. They used white outline for it.
Alibaba has a pretty cool fighting moment here, ngl.
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AGAIN. Man, they really made Alibaba save their asses left and right. In the manga it was, again, Aladdin, who called for Ugo. Like, bro, what the hell.
Like, listen, I live for Alibaba being allowed to be cool and all that, but not at the cost of other cast members?
Now Aladdin's calling for Ugo, so at least that, I guess. But it sure took him ages to do anything.
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But also, I gotta admit that Amon's Dungeon is my favorite aesthetics-wise. I love all the colors here.
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minmin-pal · 1 year
im just gonna nab that "dead man's questions" and stick it in between watching part 4 and 5, kinda gives me vibes of like spy secrecy type stuff lol and ngl i was about to search it up automatically but i'm glad i refrained from it now. so the plot follows a character whose passed away? is it some type of flashback or maybe an 'afterlife/ghost' adventure? i don't know which or if either are right so i'm just pulling stuff outta my guessing hat lol
i might just have to accept this inevitable heartbreak either way tbh, just watching characters go on an adventure, have fun, develop and just generally live makes it very hard not to get attached though ig that just comes with the viewing experience. the 'waiting for them to bring the person back' bit is so real though, ngl i always end up forwarding and end up ruining a series for me because "when is this character getting brought back???", to the point i end up not paying attention to the rest of the series lol(/lh) though i'll make sure to not do that when watching jjba :D W series fr
and oh! you've watched naruto? you said the 'original naruto' so i'm gonna go out on a leg and assume you didn't watch Shipudden?(/genq/nf) could I ask what were your thoughts on the story (however far you got into it?) maybe like favorite/disliked characters? parts of the plot you liked and didn't, did you have any critics of the series (both manga and anime, assuming you read the manga too)? (/lh) any opinions on the legendary Sannin? generally, just your thoughts on it i suppose
and oh yeah fair fair, the intro bit i brought up since i kinda tiptoed around it when i was searching up watch guides and didn't want watch anything that might've spoiled anythin lol (may have been too careful for no reason lmao) the intro was just the first clip i saw of the actual 3d bits (i'm in the 'not know' side whether that style/model was consistent with the actual 3d used in the show tho) but wait they animated the powers n stuff to be 3d?? that's actually super cool wha (/gen)
took me a while to understand that 'death 13' was the name of the episode, and ohh it never occurred to me about the 'copyright issues' bit though i guess it's the same reason why people will always use names like '"barbucks" for a shop in their story whose icon looks awfully like Starbucks lol. i usually watch my anime subbed, though which would you suggest for this one? do you usually watch in subbed or dubbed? but eh yeah, might not matter much but still ty for the heads up! (/gen)
no but truee, the foundation parts make the lead up to the big punchy monster powers bit even more satisfying though :( and jonathan, yeah yeah! i've seen very small smidges of him here and there, i briefly consulted the wiki page of his because i wanted to find a clip of his voice without spoilers and omg he sounds so cool! :D i didn't scroll down any further down the wiki though, there weren't any "spoilers ahead!" warnings but i didn't wanna take any chances :')
oh yeah, sxf is actually a pretty good example of a 'polished' anime artstyle similar to other modern animes tbf, the sharp difference when i try to compare the two in my head made me snort a bit ngl (/lh) the style and story (from what i've seen of jjba and sxf so far at least) are so stark in contrast but they're both so good too (/gen)
twt has already shoved in my face that apparently, eren dies for mikasa or something? i'm not in the know of all the details but the shock factor is definitely eh- minimized now i suppose lol, and oh a tier list might be a fun idea if your up for it! how do you manage to keep track of the ones you've read/watched? or is it just a 'welp i'm relying on my memory for this' type thing? (/hj/lh) sxf really carrying both jjba (with no one being safe lol) and aot in terms of fluff, i feel as though i'm jinxing myself and that the ending might not be happy either but i;m crossing my fingers it is lol, and yea dw abt getting off topic, it's fun to read tangents (is that how you use the word)
mangakas favorite drink are the tears of their fans :') (/j) but props to you for managing to get the titan lore, i've seen a lot of people say it just confused the heck out of them and some said they dropped it so i hope you were able to enjoy it :D (both the series and the 'head-ache inducing' lore /hj/lh) 
and yay no problem! i'll admit when i read your description of it, i tried to do the same actions? like laughing but not making any sound, i definitely looked very goofy while doing it but i remembered the term 'croak/croaking' so it was a fruitful endeavor :D (/j/lh) i apologize for the tmi ;')
 "Chainsaw Man is a character-driven story that manages to conclude itself in 97 chapters, and its due to the author focusing on the main characters and its themes," i didn't think it could be explained so simply in word form but that actually does make sense. "All the battle shounen stuff is just being used a medium to tell the actual story, it's not the story itself." just this description alone summarizes it well i'm assuming and now that i think about it, really makes csm stand out tbh. Almost all anime i can name off the top of my head (action/battle genre ofc) really does focus on "different states and nations all preparing to fight one another for [ cue overarching plot point ]." Character development and personal introspection don't tend to be the top priority, well aside from the 'shonen mc moments' such as ya know- tanjiro, izuku, etc.? (/lh) or from what i can gather at least lol
but honestly, i didn't know csm concluded at 97 chapters! the fact the author was able to just- start it, do what he wanted to do and end it as planned (or at least i'm assuming? i haven't seen any articles with the clickbait tagline of "csm creator dislikes/isn't happy about [ ... ]!") it got pretty popular too so that's awesome to hear, and yea true actually, i can see you and other people like denji and the fact that both the "Mineta Minoru is Expelled from U.A. High School/Shinsou Hitoshi Replaces Mineta Minoru" tags on ao3 collectively have over 5.8k fics says enough lol 
spy was definitely a very wholesome show and it's just so, so nice to watch the family dynamic form and grow<3 dunno why but i liked how they were able to incorporate bits of yor and loid's profession into their parenting styles what with yor helping to cause the iconic damian scene and loid with attempting to sneak in to change anya's grade lol, but oh! what's your thoughts on franky? ngl i kinda love all the goofy stuff he pulls and gets twilight to do lol, but yeah tbh yuri's bit of being secret police and his scenes with anya are some of the only highlights of his char i remember when watching ;; (/lh) obsessive brother still kinda shocks me with how it's pretty prevalent as a trope tbh but also what's your thoughts on bond? also what was your favorite and maybe least liked episode or mayb chapter of sxf? 
it's been a bit since i found the site but i can binge all the chaps now so heads up an ask abt that in a few hours :D (/lh/gen) your so right about that thoo, having characters that could just be irrevocably bad people can be done but managing to make them appealing/getting the readers to feel for them is such a sign of being a good writer, but also yeah managing to cause your readers pain thru them is to be applauded too lol (mangaka's really do enjoy their reader's pain /j/lh) 
how have all the scenes you've shown be so pretty, my brain would assume it's just specific detailed scenes but i have the very sneaking suspicion that the whole manga is styled like this and i'm very much looking forward to it,  even if i covered her facial expression her hair swaying and clothing ripples(is that what u call it) somehow portrays emotion so well, how even? (/lh/pos)
i was confused on who 'nameless white-haired guy' was until i read the next sentence and i just went "ah" lol, and oh kinda sucks he got gassed too much but damn that personality is just yikes lol (from what i've seen of the one scene ofc) and oh there'a dif other guy? in about 30 minutes i'll see this hoodie dude so i'll end up finding out, i know he won't be 'as bad' but i'm looking forward to seeing how bad? uhm, basically looking forward to the chapter, hope that made sense or the sentiment at least got across lol, and yea no worries i'm reading your response at the same time so there might be dead ends/random tangents in mine that i didn't notice so- sorry about that :') 
And ah yea that makes sense, I'd actually be pretty surprised if you were able to remember specific little details but glad to hear you enjoyed it :D the analogy of 'cramming before a test' hit me on a personal level lol (/hj) and oh, was nijimiya the girl mc? she really does seem like a sweetheart and help I never knew she had a younger sister, that's super cool! And yeah! The dude's character development was nice to watch too but alas ofc, tears lol
I remember reading 'Kichikujima (Freak Island)' quite a while ago, I remember it's pretty gorey though I don't know if it qualified as phycological horror? Don't remember too many details so I may be wrong, but oh yeah! I don't know for sure if you were reffering to these types but I kind of made some terms for it lol, idk they're pretty simple labels
Jumpscare Horror - self explanatory, there's a lot of jumpscares and "dun dun dunn" type music/scenes right before the jumpscare.
Gore Horror - I assume this is where kichikujima falls into? Typically, zombie and slasher movies fall into this one lol
Phycological Horror - what you just described :D and ngl ig the name for this one is self explanatory enough lol
I haven't met many people that actually enjoy phycological horror, what's oyasumi punpun if you don't mind me asking? I'm mildly familiar with junji ito's works, i only ever watched vids that dubbed over it tbh but is uzumaki the swirly one? Lackluster description ;; but I'm assuming that's the one, I also heard there was an anime about junji ito's work(s)? Have you seen it? If ya did, what were your thoughts on it? Ohh have you already watched neon genesis? I don't see many people talking about that anymore, what'd you think of it? Seeing your summary of your taste for manga/anime/etc., have you heard of dororo? I only ever watched the anime so I'm not sure whether you'd enjoy it or not, but it's one of the things that come to mind when I think of things that are 'depressing at their core' (/lh)
Figured they'd be under the isekai category tbh, the dif labels just confused me for a bit lol and yeah makes sense it'd depend on the story itself, blue lock is that one popular sports anime recently isn't it? Tbf it's been a hot minute since shield hero gained much media attention as it did before so I don't imagine much talk about it could've been going around lol
Very valid reasoning ngl TT always a genuine whiplash whenever you compare the male and female character designs, the 'probably do not see people of the preferred sex at all' comment both made me cackle and makes a lot of sense lol, the manga started at 1997 and since it's a 'weekly title', technically a chapter comes out every week, I assume that doesn't leave much time for socialization? I dunno but doing this for close to 3 decades, you'd think some actual body diversity or dif styling would be developed as the story progressed but- how did it seriously evolve backwards? This is biologically impossible??(/hj/lh)
I remember a review video I watched citing the author's response as basically saying the target demographic is teen boys anyways? I need to find the video but I'm definitely sure that was the gist of the first bit of his response, it's as if his made unique and customized molds for all of the male characters while using the singular body mold fkr every single one of the female characters ;; the fact he prolly just chooses not to is def a massive let down tbh :')
While scrolling down, my eyes instantly went to the pic so I went "Miles :D!" then woah second pic jumpscared me real bad lol, when you said you had an example in mind I didn't think it'd be such a good example yikes, the longer I look at the artwork the more I understand your point, it's making- a lot of sense, the "you can tell a lot about someone by the way they draw" part is true tbh, this whole bit is just giving me the icks ;;
But ahh, I'll be reading the killer in love manga now :D also very sorry for answering so late, I know it isn't compulsory or anything but really just have my sincerest apologies ;; /gen/pos
And yay alright, I'll try to switch it up sometime for variety lol, minjae, d'you have any that you prefer or prefer not to use?
I watched the outro as it's own clip and I swear the meme was scratching my brain since it seemed so familiar, I'm questioning how'd it even turn into that meme lol, did it take you a while to find out?
(may contain some grammar/spelling errors, srry abt that)
HI!!! :grin: aot spoilers and..... just walls of text under the cut i didnt answer some stuff since there really wasnt anything for me to add of worth-- i read everything though dw
you should read deadmans questions right after thus spoke rohan kishibe (which i forgot to mention is technically a prequel- i shouldve said that.. u watch it after tho cuz its only rlly fun if youve watched rohan throughout part 4 already) i think- (so between 4 and 5 as you said) i cant really... tell you without sorta ruining it so u just have to wait and see. i can say its like.. not the same person he was when she was alive (im messin up their prns on purpose. for extra concealing) and theyre kinda like trying to become happy by doing.. assasinations.. :grin:
my one piece of character death-related advice is to not expect their return in this series. like once theyre dead theyre dead basically would advise to not forward aswell- going backwards fine :grin:
yes ive watched the first naruto it didnt end on a bad note or anything, and i started shippuden and he was suddenly like fucking 16 so i put it on the backburner (for whats been... 4 years now.. i dont think ill get to it ever honestly naruto was fire though. when he would transform into that.. posessed fox form i ALWAYS had to rewind and watch the scene again. idk if its top 3 anime :grimacing: like people say but its not a bad show either (i watched it instead of reading it cuz it was Free) for characters i LOVED naruto. ofc i did hes the mc but like hes such a cool kid honestly. the kinda kid everyones friends with in primary school (apart from in show). the entire main gang was great but naruto and kakashi were my top 2 .. and gaara now that i remember him i liked him more than naruto when i watched it tbh-- he was just so angry and emo and fine ive matured past the age of calling fictional characters attractive but when i was 11 i was in love with him honestly heavily disliked sasuke. which is ironic cuz i hated him for the reason i loved gaara he was so angry and emo all the time-- but he hurt naruto with his edginess (technically gaara did too but i excuse it.) also he was just being a bit of a asshole. like anime rival esque asshole but an asshole nontheless this is getting long so i'll get to the show itself honestly. because its been so long i cant remember what i really disliked the stuff that i can remember are just dumb stuff that all older animes do i guess all the "sexy-jutsu" stuff were kinda off-putting plus jiraiya as a whole. i loved him but damn he was WEIRD i had to google what the sannin were cuz i genuinely forgot-- but i think theyre cool jiraiya is a bit icky, the blonde one (forgot her name) was pretty funny- i liked her dynamic with sakura and orochimaru i think his name was; was so cool. his entire look influenced who i am today i owe it all to him /hj
death 13 is both the episode name and the ability name of the person in that episode and- id wholeheartedly recommend subbed for jjba a LOT of the jokes only work cuz its japanese, aswell as the emotions in scenes personally i dont like dubs since i find that its usually more "colorful" in its original form (for that reason i generally cannot watch korean dubs of animes.. they just throw me off ever-so-slightly
jonathan looks better in the anime than the manga to me, but this is mainly because i dont really like anime characters with muscles as big as. uh.
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the hercules-corona borealis great wall :grin: and in the anime they werent as ginourmous its a REALLY good thing arakis art style did not stay the same for the entire series honestly picturing the later characters drawn the way the first parts were drawn is honestly whiplash-inducing
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you really cant compare the jojo artstyle with sxf (probably because of all the muscles + how "harsh" jojo's shading is, and the personality in both styles)
this is the best thing i could find ^ and honestly it looks cool as hell- the artist is really talented but with the art style i just cant envision it would be as lighthearted as sxf is it carries its own vibe to it
if youve already heard that eren dies it wont pack as hard of a punch (the punch being that THE main character died) but it will still tug on your heartstrings, if you dont know the specifics. i wont say its for mikasa, but more for everyone really eren. is honestly a result of knowing too much thats what i love about aot really.. theres no bad guys other than the big man eating monsters, but even those monsters arent truly bad everyones doing what they have to do, and thats most evident in eren once you sit down and absorb the lore its gutwrenching for remembering what i watched... i honestly have no way of tracking it. theres been a good few times i watched a show, and then realized id finished it already i probably shouldve done that, but theres no point to it now so i just use memory (which honestly shows if a show is good or not-- theres a lot of shows i immediately think of despite having watched them 3 years ago/ ex: death note, erased, jjba, and school live) (and yes thats the correct way to use the way tangents)
thats whats great about csm its not just ur average battle shounen, and its battling is second to its characters whenever i see debates abut goku vs naruto and such its just like the main thing anyone got from the series was the fights (which is fully valid) but like.. there usually isnt much character depth this is usually combatted by making the characters one character trait- something that csm flips over idk what im on about. its 11 pm and i havent slept in 2 days im so sorry if this comes off weirdly written
csm was a really short read and im so happy about that since as you said, fujimoto did what he wanted, finished, and was satisfied with it hes also working on csm part 2- which is not from denjis pov it has a whole different protagonist ive heard, and takes place somewhere else i wont be reading it, since i dont want to start anything i cant finish, but i do push you to once youve finished jojo/killer in love/ other things you feel like reading
it is really nice that yor/loidś work influenced the way they parent (esp with how yor tried to teach anya to defend herself from bullies) franky was a fun character- i liked his disguises he got from loid
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bnd is cute i dont really have anything to say about him.. the whole looking into the future thing is cool though my favorite chapter has to be the one where loid is convinced yor is upset with him so he takes her to a bunch of different places.. but she was just in pain after a mission bad explanation but you get the memo i hope
i wouldnt say ALL scenes are the exact same quality as everything ive been showing, but everything is generally *really* pretty
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^that was a generally regular scene, so thats just how the art is as a default its really beautiful (also that guy with white hair is the arata i mentioned-- he isnt bad in comparison to all the other ¨bad" characters.. hes just sorta a prick)
i honestly,,,.... shouldnt have said hoodie guy isnt as bad hes really bad but morally speaking white hair guy is even worse so he isnt as bad, but he isnt tame either, esp later on all your points are getting across just fine btw :grin:
i havent read kichijuma before, but i searched it up and it honestly looks really cool like really cool it has 24 volumes from what i read though so i dont think ill check it out
of the three you mentioned, i dont like jumpscare horror its just lazy same with gore horror if thats all there is to it i dont really enjoy horror mangas/animes much in general minus a select few, but for games im all for them (chillaś art's stuff is great) people i think don't like psychological horror because its more of a thing that gets to you (?) in contrast to with jumpscares or something, that it hits you and youre scared and thats sorta that you dont really shriek in fear over psychological horror, which is what some people look for in horror (yes uzumaki is the swirly one) oyasumi punpun,... is... about punpun and him traversing life (him and his family are drawn as birds. everyone else is drawn normally. he is human) i would usher you to check it out yourself :thumbsup:
also- i started dororo, but i never finished it i probably should tonight since i cant sleep ill tell you how i feel about it if i get to it (no promises though)
i get the one piece demographic is manga loving teenage boys but i guess its just dissapointing that he just... chooses not to put effort into his female characters
im so sorry :sob: i saw it on twitter afterwards and i immediately remembered what id said before it was the best example ever (and have fun with killer in love tell me all about how you felt about it :pray: )
i dont rlly mind any variation whatever u feel like
last but not least when i heard the outro music it took like 3 seconds for me to realize what it was afterwards my world was just flipped by its head (the typos are fien i made evern mroe) (and sorry this took me a minute i kept responding then drafting it then editing then drafting it again)
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vulpiximisa · 2 years
bocchi the rock review
So my initial impression was that id be getting something as good as Yuru Camp or A Place Further Than the universe. (Two CGDCT animes but on totally different spectrums). I enjoyed Bocchi the Rock but it didn’t hit anywhere as hard as the mentioned too. It might be a little more in line with Lucky Star, and probably K-On but I haven’t actually seen it. 
The first episode was funny seeing Hitori being an absolute mess but the more you watch you realize, oh, she really does has problems. Like anxiety isnt that funny quirky ness. But maybe it is because the girls feel really anime in a way where I can’t really take Hitori’s spiraling seriously and Kita and Nijika just think “haha shes funny”.
I feel bad because I think if I ever had to deal with Hitori as a person I wouldn’t be able to stand it. Which is saying something because I saw a lot of myself in her when I was that age. Maybe not to that extreme but there were times where I wouldnt be able to say what I was really feeling and got dragged into something I didn’t want to. 
I thought Nijika and Kita would get some sort of character development or something. Kita seemed almost too perfect and I wished she had some sort of flaw because she’s too pretty and outgoing and friendly and cute and literally she was like too perfect. The only thing she did “bad” was that she submitted the School Festival form without Hitori’s consent but she owned up to it and it was painted in a way that “she did it for Hitori’s sake” and it did turn out for the best. You could say her flaw was being pushy but hm.
Nijika we didn’t see too much of even though she was there. I guess her thing was with her sis. 
Oh speaking of, maybe I’m old but I think the older cast really are the best. Love how supportive they were, even if drink girl is tropey as hell. I’m reminded of the sister and teacher in Yuru Camp, but Bocchi’s adults are more anime. Oh, Hitori’s parents are… there I guess. I don’t think they were unsupportive but i dont think they were the best in trying to get her to grow. Theyd really just leave her and go “oh, shes being Hitori again”. They’d really let her grow mushrooms on her head huh.
Ryou might be the fan favorite but I kind of can’t stand her. I don’t mind the kuudere/cool persona she gives off but I hate when the think they can get away with inconveniencing someone because it’s quirky and funny (to the audience). Unfortunately Karakara is one of my favorite songs in all of Kessoku Band album.
The visuals are… a little too bubble for me to take seriously. I looked up a few of the manga scans and I guess they translated them okay but I was hoping it’d be like Yuru Camp where the character designs are just to be anime but the girls feel more real but I just needed to stop hoping for it to be Yuru Camp. The band animation were pretty neat and the jokes when they just do silly stuff with Hitori’s imaginations were funny in a way that I would have laughed more at it 15 years ago if I’d never seen Gintama. 
I know the original source was a 4koma and theres probably more content not covered by the anmime, but I kind of wished they’d ended the 12 eps with the school festival? I mean getting her new guitar felt a little anti climatic to wrap up the cour. 
Oh, ngl, I was kinda rooting for Hitori/Kita but I don’t think Kita’s crush on Ryou ever went away but whatever.
Bochi the Rock was fine, it’s not the 10/10 Ive seen MAL give it, probably the majority of the audience thought it was funny. It was amusing in places but the humor kind of wore off after a few episodes. (Kinda like Asobi Asobase)  I made a mistake having high expectations, but I don’t regret watching it. 
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