#two heads and not a single brain cell between them
scp2337 · 10 months
best thing about Fallout 4 is that, thanks to that classic bethesda polish, the cows in game are big and beautiful and dumb just like real cows but also sometimes they accidentally teleport onto a roof and immediately accept that they just live there now
now THATS realistic gaming
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gay-dorito-dust · 2 months
Two immortal duo consist og Wade and Logan, now add a gremlin isekai reader who is worse than the two combined. Dumbaßs duo + no sel preservation gremlin🙂
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Literally the definition of dumb, dumber and Dumbest.
There’s not a single working brain cell between you, Wade and Logan and it shows. With how often Logan and Wade were at each others throats with you egging the pair on, needless to say it was a mystery how you managed to live as long as you have, superpowers put aside and all that.
Where chaos wasn’t anywhere to be found, you were there to create it tenfold without taking your own safety into consideration, and for that alone was the main reason why your close death encounters was terrifyingly well within the double digits.
Random villain: do you have a death wish or something?
Reader: depends on the situation and how I’m feeling at the time.
Logan : comes with the territory at this point.
Wade: is it wrong to want to feel something as deeply as a knife in your gut?
Random villain:…have any of you considered therapy.
You, Wade and Logan aren’t the best influences on each other, if anything it was the exact opposite. Anything that was remotely dangerous it seemed as though Wade developed the mentality of a teenager and would dare either you or Logan to do it.
Logan says no almost immediately but you say ‘bet’ and we’re dead set on proving Wade wrong, only for Logan to grab you by the collar of your shirt and drag you away from the dangerous situation, all the while you pout and cross your arms over your chest. ‘I never get to do anything fun.’ You mutter under your breath.
Logan would shoot you a glare. ‘You’ve got a fucked up definition of fun if you thought swimming with electric eels as fun.’
You shrugged. ‘It could’ve been had I was given the chance, but unfortunately someone,’ you glared back at him, ‘is a fucking buzzkill.’ Logan ignores you as Wade goes and strips himself down and swims with the electric eels instead, much to your dismay.
You once dared Wade to draw on Logan’s face once when he was asleep -bad decision on his behalf, especially when you and Wade were involved- with marker pen once and needless to say there was a lot of dicks being drawn and Wade ending up with several -healing- wounds to the head.
‘I technically said to not get clawed by Logan.’ You told him as you watched with morbid interest as the wounds in his head closed up one by one.
‘So what you’re saying is I didn’t win.’ Wade asked.
‘Not by a long shot.’ You replied.
Wade sighs as he fiddled with his baby hands. Yes Logan cut off both his hands as well for good measure. ‘This fucking sucks!’
You patted him on the back reassuringly. ‘There, there.’
Logan is technically the more level headed of all three of you, but that was putting it lightly given how quickly his temper was to rise at the slightest inconvenience, however considering how you and Wade could be in general it was best to have someone who’d wrangle you both in from time to time.
Wade: *opens your bedroom door to utter darkness, the light of your phone illuminating your face*
You. *hissing* get the fuck out scrotum face or I’ll shove your swords up your ass and through your head!
Wade: *closes the door and looks at Logan* no matter what you do, don’t feed that fucking thing after midnight.
Bonus; you probably adopt like three rats, two raccoons and a possum and claim them as your babies and Logan and Wade wouldn’t even bat an eye.
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patscorner · 22 days
pairings: paige x oc
contains: pining, angst
word count: 2,575
a/n: okay, one chapter in. let me know what you guys think, my inbox is open. also let me know what you might like to see, the outline isn't set in stone. school has started so it might be a bit before the next chapter, but it's coming. enjoy!
My palms sweat as I dial the familiar number, one I’d memorized by heart. It’d been far too long since I’d called her, and I don’t really have a reason, so the bullshit ‘I’ve been busy’ excuse will just have to do.
JUNE 2023
I clear my throat in an attempt to swallow the lump that magically appeared. “H-Hey, Azzi, uh-it’s CJ.”
“Who?” My heart dropped to my shoes as my brain scrambled to pick up the pieces of one word.
Azzi chuckles. “I’m just messing with you. What’d you need?” I let out a breath as I rub my head.
“Oh my god, I actually hate you, holy shit.” I laugh.
“Apparently, since it’s been, what, like three months since we’ve talked.” I could practically hear the eye roll.
It’s really not fair for me to ignore Azzi because, really, she hadn’t done anything but be my best friend.
Our best friend.
And maybe that our was the problem. Maybe that combination, the unity of the word, and everything behind it was a mistake. Maybe, letting her etch herself into the scrolls of my heart, so much so that the ink bled together. Maybe the missed cue of when mine became hers, and hers became ours, was poor oversight.
Maybe letting Azzi become collateral damage was where me and her went wrong.
I laugh it off, ignoring the pang it sends to my chest.
“Yeah, well, I have to mentally prepare myself to lose brain cells. Can’t let it fuck up my game.” I respond, earning a laugh from the brown-haired girl. There’s nothing like the nostalgia a sound can bring you. The memories and feelings, all hidden behind a single noise.
After she gathers herself, she sighs. “So what’s up?”
And suddenly, I remember why I’d called.
“Yeah, uh, there’s something I kinda wanted to talk to you about, before you hear it somewhere else..” I say, picking at my earlobe nervously.
“Ooookay… Is everything okay..?” her voice relaying softer through the phone.
I nod. “Yeah, it’s nothing bad. Or, at least, I don’t think..” I fall silent for a moment. This couldn’t be as bad as I’m making it seem, right? Right?
“Either way, I’d just rather talk about it in person.”
Azzi hums. “Yeah, yeah, that’s fine. Where do you want to meet?” I consider my options. I’m only in Minnesota to visit my family for about a week, and it’d take another day to get to Virginia… I would be back in time to move into my dorm. It’s inconvenient but doable.
“I could drive up to you in like a week, I’ll just meet you at your house.” I mutter thoughtfully.
“Wait, are you in Texas or Minnesota?”
“I’m about an hour out from Minny.” I answer, slightly confused.
“Oh, I’m here with Paige and the boys. We’re actually headed to the fair soon. You could meet up with us if you wanted.”
“Shit…uh, I didn’t think about them...” I mumble.
That’s a lie. Truthfully, every time I think of home, memories of the blonde flood my mind instantly. But then I’m reminded of what she’d done. How she ripped herself out of my chest like velcro, instead of carefully detangling herself, ridding herself off all strings attached. All for someone else.
For someone who used to be mine.
“Hello..? You still there?”
I shake my head to clear my thoughts. “Yeah, yeah, sorry. Uh, th-yeah, that’s fine.” I sigh, quickly trying to recover.
Azzi sighs through the phone. “Look, I still don’t know what happened between you two, so if you don’t want to come-” she amends.
“No! No, okay, sorry. I- just gotta change my clothes…” I say, biting my lip as I lie through my teeth. “I’ll just meet you guys there?”
I could practically hear Azzi smile. “That sounds good, just call me when you get there.”
After we say our goodbyes, I hang up. I groan as I throw my head back.
I’m always up to a challenge, but the thought of going and having to function around her, after all she’s said and done; after she’s ruined us before there even was an us, that might be more difficult than I’d thought.
It’s not like I have a choice, though. I’m gonna have to learn how to be around her every day, especially when the season starts.
“Drew, bro, if you spray me with that shit one more time, I swear to god, I will beat your ass.” I glared at him as he hid behind Jose, who put his hands up in surrender. I should not have bought him that water gun.
I rolled my eyes as I turned back to Azzi, who kept looking around, then back at her phone, repeating the process. I kicked her in her shin. “Ow! Paige, what the fuck?” Azzi complains, rubbing her leg. “Who are you looking for?” I say, glancing around.
She looks back down at her phone. “Nobody. Just people watching.” I scoff. “Bullshit, are we being spied on, or what?” She shakes her head, looking up around once more. “Okay, bro, what’s going on? Who’s ass do I have to beat?”
Azzi rolls her eyes at me. “You couldn’t beat Ohio, let alone anyone else.”
I sit back in shock, putting my hand on my heart as I feign offense. “Okay, their defense was so unexpected. You can’t even put that on me.” She shrugged, looking back at her phone and standing up. “Where-”
“Bathroom.” she mutters. I watch as she practically sprints away. If only she did that shit in practice. I shake my head.
I open my phone and begin mindlessly scrolling through instagram, ignoring the thousands of times I’ve been tagged in pictures that I’d taken with fans today. Suddenly, I freeze.
It’s a post by the official UConn women’s basketball team. It’s a picture of CJ in her Texas jersey, the number 43 on the front. Her hair is in her signature bun, hair slicked back carefully, as she drives towards the basket. The caption reads “Welcome CJ West!”
What the fuck?
I’m in such a state of shock that when Azzi comes back, I don’t notice the figure next to her. I glance up at her, then back at my phone. “Yo, Azzi, have you seen this?” I look up at her again, and this time, I let my eyes flick to the person next to her.
Forgetting what I’d just seen, my jaw drops as I take her in. She’s just as beautiful, if not more, as she was the last time I’d seen her. She’s wearing a basic casual outfit; a plain white crop top, paired with blue jeans, and gold jewelry that always makes her hazel eyes seem brighter. Or maybe that’s just how they look naturally.
“Oh, shit.” I whisper, clearly in awe. She rolls her eyes.
“Hello to you, too, Paige.” Double fuck.
That fucking voice.
I clear my throat, trying to recover. “Hey, CJ.” I breathe. The lighthearted air is swallowed by suffocating tension as I make eye contact with a stranger.
“Oooookay…” Azzi says, clearing her throat. “This is about as awkward as I’d thought it’s be…” she mutters. CJ looks at her. “I told you.”
I look between them. “What’s going on?”
Azzi looked at CJ expectantly, gesturing to her to speak. CJ rolled her eyes and huffed. “I-uh, I have news.” CJ glanced between Azzi and I. She cleared her throat as she picked at her earlobe, a habit she’d picked up when she was younger. I’d always hold her hand to stop her, and I want to do that more than anything right now. I think I’ve lost that right, though.
“I’m transferring to UConn.”
My eyes flick to Azzi’s who’s jaw drops. “Really? How-Why?”
CJ shrugs, trying feign carelessness. “Better environment, Texas heat ain’ my thing.” To the normal eye, CJ’s behavior could be seen as normal. But to me? I see the way her eyelids flutter, the hesitation behind her pretty lips, and the way her eyebrows raise just slightly. She’s a good liar.
Just not good enough.
I don’t say anything, though, not when she gets dragged away by Drew and Jose, not when Drew practically begs her to stay and hang out with us, and certainly not when she’s sat in front of me on the ride Jon chooses. I don’t say anything when the boys get swept away, and it’s just the three of us, like it always used to be.
It’s only when Azzi goes to the bathroom, leaving us alone for the first time in years that I say anything. “Try not to kill each other, please.” She orders as she scurries to the restroom.
It’s silent for a moment, and I can almost see the relief on her face when she thinks I’ll hold my tongue.
Unfortunately, I’m nobody’s peace.
“How long are you here for?” I ask, stuffing my hands into my black cargo pants. She looks up at me. “Uh-just for the week, gotta move outta my dorm, and it’s a long drive, so.”
I raise my eyebrows. “You driving on your own?”
CJ nods. “Yeah, I’ll just sleep in my car or something.” I shake my head. “No fucking way, bro, you serious? That’s like a twenty hour drive.”
She crosses her arms. “So? That’s how I got here.”
“Yeah, well, you’re not goin’ on your own.” I say. Truthfully, I knew she’d be fine on her own, but something about her driving back to Texas, just to go back to Connecticut, doesn’t sit well with me. I’m only concerned for her safety. Or at least that’s what I decide to tell myself.
She scoffs. “What, you’re gonna come with me?”
“I could, if that’s what you want.”
“That’s the last thing I want.”
“That’s bullshit.”
“It’s not. Didn’t even wanna see you today.”
I turned to her. “Seriously, dude?” She looks at me. “Yes, seriously.”
I roll my eyes. I know I hurt her. I know I fucked up. But that was three years ago. We were kids. I was eighteen. I can legally drink now. It’s been three years. How can someone be upset for that long? “You gotta get over it one day.” I say before thinking about it.
I regret it when I see a flash of hurt on her face. “Get over it? That’s easy for you to say, Paige.” she spits out harshly.
“What’s that supposed to mean?” I say, even though I know exactly what she meant. “Exactly what it sounds like. You get over shit quickly.” She shrugs. Her nonchalant tone pisses me off more than the words. I take a step towards her. “I didn’t ‘get over’ anything. There was nothing to ‘get over’. You were just jealous-”
“Jealous?” She interrupts incredulously. “Paige, you stuck your tongue down her throat!”
“And that pissed you off. Hence, jealousy.” I shrug.
“You were my best friend! It’s not fucking jealousy, it’s betrayal!” She practically yells, taking a step closer, our toes almost touching.
“I didn’t betray anybody! I was drunk! She was drunk! And I apologized afterward!” I say, trying to ignore the way her scent invades my senses.
She laughs dryly, taking a step back. “Right, you’re right. Yeah, an apology fixes it all.” I blink. “Really?”
CJ stares at me. “You’re a fucking idiot.” she says, and the only emotion I can pick up is anger. “I know.” I whisper.
Just then Azzi comes out of the bathroom, looking between us. “Everything okay?”
“Yep.” We say at the same time, and Azzi raises her eyebrows. “Aaaalrighty then… Can we find the boys, I’m ready to go.”
I nod and begin to walk behind Azzi, but I don’t miss the way CJ looks at me. I’m no expert, but if I know one thing, it’s the gaze of someone who’s been heartbroken.
I know because I’ve seen it. I’ve seen it every time I’ve looked in the mirror for the past three years.
“There’s no way you’re driving to Texas by yourself.” Azzi gapes from the corner seat of the booth. Jose convinced Paige to drive us to some random diner. She’s so easy.
I roll my eyes as I take a sip of my sprite. “Bro, you sound like Paige.” I grumble.
“The fact that I’m agreeing with her should tell you how fucking stupid you sound.” she said. I look at her in shock as Paige throws her head back, cackling.
That stupid fucking laugh paired with that stupid fucking smile makes it so fucking hard to be mad at her. Maybe I should let it go. It has been three years…
Instead of entertaining the thoughts, I opt for kicking her shin instead. “What do you think that says about you, dumbass.” She immediately shuts up, and I roll my eyes as Jon almost spits out his Dr. Pepper.
“I’ll have you know I was AP player of the year.” She defends, eyebrows furrowed. I raise my eyebrows unimpressed. “Still holding onto that, huh?”
Azzi laughs, and Paige shoots her a look. “Can we get back on task, please?” That seems to direct all the attention back to me. “Driving to Texas? All on your own?” Paige says.
“Yes. Did y’all forget how I got here? I didn’t fucking speedwalk.”
“Yeah, but you’re gonna go to Texas, spend, what, two full days staying up late and packing up three years of your life, and then driving the… twenty-nine, thirty, hour trip to Connecticut?” Azzi reasons.
I blink. “Well, when you put it like that..” I mutter.
Paige rolls her eyes. “Dude, just let us come with you. We can drive you there, so your car isn’t sitting in the middle of nowhere-”
“Isn’t your car in Storrs?”
“And we can switch drivers. Stay at a hotel halfway there, and then drive the rest of the way the day after.” She finishes, ignoring my comment. Before I can answer, the waiter comes with our food.
As he sets the plates down, I look at Paige, just taking her in. She’s wearing a plain black hoodie, with some red, white, and blue shorts on. It’s not much, but she could be wearing a trashbag and still be the hottest motherfucker around. It’s almost disgusting how effortlessly gorgeous she is.
I wouldn’t mind having someone to help me get to Connecticut. It’s a long drive, and it should be an easy yes. The truth is, when she looks like that, and acts like this, and talks the way she does… I don’t know how I’m going to get through the season, let alone a road trip.
I watch her lips as she says a thank you to the waiter, quickly averting my eyes when she looks at me. When the waiter leaves, I look back up and roll my eyes at her poor attempt to hide her smirk. As much as I wanted to wipe the smirk off her face, driving alone to Texas sounded dreadful. Plus, Paige has an okay music taste. Might not be that bad.
“Fine. You guys can come with me to Texas.”
Azzi smiles, clearly satisfied. Paige grins like a madman, clapping her hands. “This is going to be fun.”
I roll my eyes for the upteenth time tonight.
What the fuck did I just get myself into?
taglist: @wintersstan @bueckerrss @lilia22hicks @fake-intelligences @girlokwhatever @pbloverr @breeloveschris-deactivated20240 @cosmopretty @hellokittyfeenie @averagelobotomyenjoyer @elliewilliamsthang @chelisbae @angelscovee @st4rrzynight @cherryswisherz
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melobin · 8 months
SUNGCHAN PROMPT 10 FRIENDS DONT FUCK PLEASEEEEEEE fwb to lovers kdndndndndnd fratboy concept? Kinda obsessed with riize frat house rn ngl
જ⁀➴ fwb!sungchan x female reader
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cw. smut, friends with benefits au, dom!sungchan, size kink, bulge kink, eye contact wc. 1.8k
10. "friends don't fuck"
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"friends don't fuck, sungchan" you watched as he leaned against the brick wall of the basement, arms folded across his chest as the party raged on upstairs. despite the fact he actively lived in the frat house and was supposed to be tending to the party, he had his attention on you.
"are you sure those words count if i've already been inside of you?" you narrowed your eyes at him, sighing as he laughed. he kicked himself off of the wall and walked towards where you stood, hands falling to your hips as he stopped in front of you "i'm only playing, baby"
“we can’t keep doing this” your actions contradicted your words, hands resting against his chest with your fingers closing around the fabric of his shirt.
“no one’s getting hurt” you let your eyes wander over his face for a few moments, his eyes sparkled whenever he looked at you, it was something sungchan prayed you never noticed.
technically, people were getting hurt over the arrangement you had, both of you were. you just hadn’t realised about the other. the relationship you had with sungchan was the prime example of what happens when two friends pine over eachother for months without confessing, sex without strings attached. the cliche, getting to be as close as possible to the other without actually being together. if either of you had a single working brain cell, you would’ve been able to see by now that you were both doing the same thing.
“i guess” you mumbled, his hands moved. one hand slipped down your hips to squeeze your ass whilst the other slowly trailed up your back, you shivered as his fingers touched your skin, almost cursing yourself for wearing such a cropped shirt.
“there’s my girl” sungchan pulled you closer, chest against yours as your fingers found the loose strands of his hair at he bottom of his neck. he leaned down, lips attaching to your neck as he sucked on the skin, you whimpered and pulled himself closer.
“your bed’s too far away” sungchan chuckled against you, both hands now gripping your ass before he pulled back to look down at you.
“couch” you nodded but pushed your hands under his shirt before you let him guide you to it, fingers itching to pull it off of him so you could see his body. sungchan helped you, pulling it over his head before he pushed you back to lay against the couch, lips pressing against yours. the kiss was rushed, desperate, sungchan’s tongue quickly found its way into your mouth.
“need to hurry before someone comes down here” you tried to speak through the kiss, sungchans needy lips following yours wherever they went. he laughed against you, fingers already pushing against the hem of your trousers, wanting them off of your body as soon as possible.
“no one will come down here, they know better than that” despite that, he still rushed your trousers off of you, needing to feel you wrapped around his cock.
“channie” you whined, sungchan knelt up between your legs and looked down at you as he pulled your trousers off of you and dropped them to the floor.
“you’re so needy” he placed a hand on your stomach, finger trailing down your skin until it reached your cunt. he groaned when he felt how wet you already were “i can’t wait to be buried deep inside your sweet, little cunt”
“then hurry” sungchan found your desperation cute, the way you whined for him to fuck you made him throb in his briefs.
"patience, pretty, you'll get what you want"
"but" sungchan looked at you, eyes stuck to yours as he dropped his head to the side.
"but?" you stopped speaking when he did, eyes drifting away from his, head falling so the side of your face was against the couch. sungchan didn't allow that to last, his fingers gripped your jaw as he turned your head to look at him "but what?"
your lips parted but no words came on, something about the position sungchan had you in made you feel weak, small, under him. he towered over you, body covering yours. you couldn't find it in yourself to speak as he kept eye contact with you.
"cute" he muttered, fingers of his free hand messing with the zipper on his jeans so he could pull them down enough to release his cock from them. he kept his hand on your jaw as he pumped his cock, he squeezed the base of it, hissing at the feeling of his cock finally getting friction.
sungchan was utterly obsessed with you, the smallest glimpse of your skin has his mouth watering and his fingers itching to grab you. the moment you showed up to the house he wanted to steal you away and have you for himself. he couldn’t help it, you were his pretty little dream come true.
he kept his eyes on yours as he pressed the tip of his cock against your swollen clit, being sure to slowly drag himself down your slit just to tease you that little bit more.
"you're so wet, baby" he teased your clenching hole with the head of his cock, pressing himself against you without pushing in "is it all for me?" you whined at his question, voice weak as you replied.
"you know it is" he hummed at you, a gently smile overtaking his features, one that was taken away as his lips parted whilst he pushed into you. a moan fell from you as you felt him fill you up, his hand still held your jaw in place as he did. every inch of his cock was pressed inside of you, almost pushing you to your limit as you squeezed around.
the stretch of his cock made you dizzy, brain turning numbing as he split you apart. nothing compared to the feeling of having sungchan's cock inside of you. he was big, thick, and he knew how to fuck. he'd spent hours learning about every inch of your body, time and time fucking you in different positions and at different angles just to see which set you off the most. he'd memorised it all, wanting every time you two fuck to be nothing but euphoric for you. sungchan blamed it on his uncontrollable feelings for you, whilst you just thought he was a passionate lover.
sungchan let go of your jaw and sat back on his knees once again, he brought one of your legs up to press against his chest, ankle resting against his shoulder as he held your other thigh, being sure to hold your legs apart as he slowly moved against you, thrusting himself inside of you.
his fingers curled around your thigh that was pressed against him, he already felt sweaty, the skin of his abs sticking to your thigh as he began fucking you properly. he let out a shaky breath as he looked down at where he cock was disappearing inside of you, he felt himself throb as he watched you take him so effortlessly.
sungchan sped up his thrusts, not being able to take his eyes off of the sight of your cunt swallowing him up each time he shifted forward, it was perfect. once he did let his eyes wander, he groaned, seeing the visible bump appear in your stomach each time his cock pressed deep inside of you.
"fuck, i can see myself" you let out a weak moan at his words, fingers digging into the couch as you watched him, he was transfixed on the sight, only breaking his gaze when he brought his hand up to press against the bulge that kept appearing "you're so sweet and little, always taking me so well, am practically in your stomach" sungchan choked out a groan when he heard you whimper as he pressed down against your stomach.
he took your hand, bringing your own down to press against it against, eyes watching yours as he saw you break apart, feeling you grow wetter around his cock as he kept up his thrusts.
"you're so deep" you were broken at that point, sungchan loved it, he loved the way he watched you become overwhelmed at the realisation of how deep he was inside of you. the way he invaded your cunt like he was meant to be there, stretching you open and fucking you until you were a mess. it was his favourite thing to do.
"i know baby" he breathed out "bet you can feel me in there, huh?" you nodded with a whine, eyes glazing over before you shut them and arched your back a little, the tip of his cock pressing directly against the sweet spot inside of you.
he let go of your hand, leaving it to rest against your stomach as his thumb found your clit. he rubbed messy circles against the bud, fucking into you as you clenched tighter around his cock. all sungchan wanted at that point was to feel you fall apart around him, cum with his cock pressed deep inside of you until you couldn't anymore.
"need you to cum baby, fuck, not gonna last much longer" you nodded desperately, crying out as he fucked you harder, hand never leaving your thigh and thumb never stopping on your clit. he drove you to your orgasm, watching you as it crashed into you, hard. you shook against the couch, cried out his name so loud that you almost deafened out the music upstairs.
sungchan tried to wait until you had finished before he let himself go but he couldn't help it, the way your cunt squeezed his cock and closed around him had sungchan spilling into you. hips not stopping as he fucked you both through your orgasms. the sight of you shaking and crying out his name done nothing to hold off his own too, the sight alone was the one thing that kept him up at night, fucking his fist as he longed for you to be there instead. he was finished.
he spilt every last drop of himself into your cunt, letting your leg fall down onto the couch as he leaned against you, head resting on your shoulder as he tried to even out his breathing. he pressed a few open mouthed kisses against your shoulder, leading up to gently press one against your parted lips.
"never gonna get tired of fucking you" you wrapped your arms around his shoulders to keep him against you, too content and comfortable, not wanting to lose the warmth of having him against you "never gonna get tired of you" your fingers drew small patterns into his skin as he looked down at you.
"never?" he shook his head, seemingly flustered, it was a harsh difference to how he was moments ago. he leaned down again, lips barely touching yours.
"never gonna get tired of my pretty girl".
⋆ ˚。⋆୨♡୧⋆ ˚。⋆
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roosterforme · 1 year
Batting Practice Part 12 | Rooster x Reader
Summary: Bob asks you to go out for drinks at the Hard Deck as a thank you for helping out all week, and there's a special someone waiting for you when you get there. After meeting some of Bradley's other friends, the bubble you had been living in bursts, and you're left questioning everything. 
Warnings: Fluff, angst, swearing
Length: 3300 words
Pairing: Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw x Female single!mom Reader
Check my masterlist for more Top Gun fun! Batting Practice masterlist.
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You managed to bumble your way through practice with Bob on Monday, mostly running around in your suit and taking care of whatever he needed. Your phone conversation with Bradley the night before had left you with just a few functioning brain cells, so it was a good thing you didn't need to take charge.
In fact, if you were left to your own thoughts for too long, you started thinking about how wet his voice made you. And you kept picturing the photo of his hard cock that you had shamelessly saved to your phone in a locked folder with personal items such as your tax return.
You felt flustered all week, and to make matters more interesting, Molly surprised you at practice on Thursday. 
"I had the day off!" she told Everett, scooping him into a hug when he climbed out of the car. The absence of the Bronco made you frown a bit as you circled your car to where your sister was tickling Everett. 
You kissed her cheek. "We had no idea you'd be here!"
She grinned at you as she sent Everett ahead toward the bleachers. "I have a date tonight," she sang in an obnoxious voice. "With Coach Cute Glasses."
"You do?" you gasped, happy Bob had taken the initiative. 
"Yep. We're going on a little stroll through the park after practice and then grabbing a late dinner."
"Molly!" you squealed, taking her by the shoulders and shaking her. "Bob is so sweet. Do not ruin him."
She turned to look at him out on the ballfield, and a soft smile touched her lips. "I make no guarantees." You and she started walking, and she held your high heels for you as you changed out of them. "Oh, and actually, Bob has something he wants to ask you, too."
"Me? What?" You had no idea what your sister was talking about, but as soon as you got to the bleachers, Bob came over to the three of you as you changed Everett's shoes.
"Hi, Molly," he said softly, and you watched your sister do the unthinkable. She planted one hand firmly on his chest like it belonged there, and she kissed him on the cheek. You watched him turn bright red, and all of the other moms looked like they were about to reach for their pitchforks. 
"Hey, Coach Cute Glasses," Molly said with a laugh that had Bob fiddling with his whistle. "I'm excited for our plans tonight."
Sandra and Tara appeared about ready to rage, looking between you and your sister like the two of you had stolen the most priceless of treasures. But you supposed you kind of had.
When Bob finally recovered, he asked you, "Team Mom? Can I take you out for a drink tomorrow evening as a thank you? I wouldn't have made it through the game last Saturday or the practices this week without your help."
"I'll stay with Ev for you," Molly added, nodding her head. "You deserve it."
"Oh, that's not necessary, Bob," you protested, but then Molly was glaring at you. "Okay, sure," you said, sending Everett out to start warming up. 
"Great," Bob said, and you followed him out to home plate as Molly sat down on the bleachers. "There's a Navy officer hangout called the Hard Deck. You want to meet me there after work?"
"Sounds good. Thanks, Bob."
Bradley felt a little dirty every time he pulled up the photos you sent him, but he really enjoyed scrolling through the progression of seeing you in your bra to seeing you bare for him. You were something else. So sexy. So funny. So smart.
It was Friday morning, and he had one more flight simulation to go. And if he skipped lunch, he could probably get home by dinnertime. Bob had mentioned that he was taking you to the Hard Deck for drinks tonight, and Bradley desperately wanted to get back in time for that. He couldn't wait to see the look on Nat's face when she met you.
Bob had also told him about his date with Molly. He gushed about how much he liked her for fourteen messages in the text thread, and Bradley didn't know how Bob managed to pull this one off.
Bradley hit the road for the long drive back to San Diego, deciding to skip changing out of his uniform. His khakis weren't the most comfortable thing in the world, but at least he'd get back sooner. He wound along the coastal roads, passing some ballfields on the way. He was pretty sure Everett would be able to make a real pitch team by next spring, but Bradley was definitely going to have to work on some things with him before then. It was okay, they had almost a year to get him there.
Bradley had also been thinking about what he could tell the kids in Everett's class about aviation during his career day speech. The fact that Bradley was looking forward to that still kind of shocked him.
The sun was setting when Bradley pulled into the Hard Deck parking lot, and he spotted your car right away. Then he spotted you, heading for the entrance in your tight, black skirt and heels.
"Kitten!" he called out the open window, and you spun around to face him with a smile on your face. He quickly found an empty parking space and barely had the Bronco in park before you were there. "I missed you," he said, climbing down and closing his door. 
Your arms were instantly around his neck, and you were kissing him so sweetly. "I didn't know you would be here," you whispered against his lips. Your hand trailed down his chest to play with his pins while you nibbled on his lips. 
"I drove straight through to get back to you sooner, Kitten." That seemed to do something to you as you parted your lips and tasted his tongue.
He turned and pinned you against the Bronco, licking and kissing his way up your neck. "You look hot in your uniform," you moaned. 
"You wore my favorite skirt," he mumbled, and you gasped as he ran his palm down the front of it. You were rubbing yourself against him with your fingers tangled up in his hair, and Bradley was hard as a rock for you. 
"Bradley," you whimpered as he nuzzled his nose down the front of your blouse. He kissed and tasted the tops of your breasts while you scraped your nails along his scalp. You were so sweet. His mind was flooded with thoughts of getting you in his bed with your tight skirt bunched up around your waist and your pussy overflowing with his cum.
He kissed you hard, making the back of your head tap the side window. "Can I take you home, Kitten? Skip the bar?"
You eyed his face in the dim, dusk light. "Yes, but I need to have one drink first," you promised him, running your fingers along his mustache. "I told Bob I'd meet him."
Bradley groaned and kissed your fingertips and then your palm and the inside of your wrist. "Just one drink. Then I get some alone time with you."
When Bradley wrapped his arm around your waist, you snuggled in next to him, kissing his bicep just below his uniform sleeve. "I can't believe you wear this out in public," you muttered, running your fingers along his pins again. "I think I changed my mind. Let's leave now."
Bradley chuckled and held the door open for you, guiding you inside the noisy bar with his hand at your lower back. "One drink," he reminded you. "Then you're mine, Kitten."
You felt warm and flushed all over as Bradley guided you through the crowded bar. There were people in uniforms and some in civilian clothes, and you spotted Bob near the pool table as he waved to you. 
"Team Mom!" he announced as you and Bradley neared him. "And Rooster, you made it back," he added, fist bumping Bradley. You had never heard anyone use his call sign before, and it made you laugh. 
"I forgot your name was Rooster," you said, smiling up at his face as he lazily rubbed your back. "What's yours, Bob?"
You watched his cheeks flush in embarrassment. "It's actually just Bob."
"Oh," you said, thoroughly confused as you were immediately introduced to a beautiful woman who went by Phoenix.
"So, she's the Team Mom," she said with a devilish grin in Bradley's direction. "I think that would be your aviator call sign. Team Mom. Also, I'm still pissd you don't have another sister." Phoenix sighed and shook her head at you.
You laughed as she offered to buy you a drink, but then Bob stepped in. "No, it's on me! It's the least I can do since you gave up so much of your time this week to fill in for Bradley. What do you like?"
Bradley leaned down and kissed your temple and murmured, "Expensive champagne." He was making your tummy feel warm, the way he was being so affectionate in front of his friends and colleagues. You turned to look at him and he kissed you softly. 
You pulled away, suddenly feeling shy; five more minutes in the parking lot with him and you'd have been fucking on his backseat, but apparently this was too much.
"I'll have a beer. Thanks, Bob," you managed, cuddling up next to Bradley's side as Bob headed to the bar. 
"Hey, Rooster. You playing us a song tonight?" drawled a handsome blond man who was smirking at you. 
Bradley glanced down at you. "You like Great Balls of Fire?" he asked.
You gave him a strange look. "As long as you're talking about the song and not some sort of medical condition, then yes, I do."
Bradley started laughing with his head tipped back, and you grinned as the handsome blond laughed, too. "You're funny. My name's Jake," he said, shaking your hand as Bradley meandered a few feet away to sit down at the piano. 
You introduced yourself to Jake and listened to the tinkling sound of the keys as Bradley warmed up. You had no idea he was musically gifted, but you were excited to hear him play. He was probably one of those severely annoying people who was good at everything. He started playing the song, and even his singing voice was good. 
"So, how do you know Rooster and Bob?" Jake drawled, drawing your attention back to him just as Bob handed you a pint of beer. 
You thanked him and took a sip. "My son is on their tee ball team."
"How old's your kid?" Jake asked, smiling at you in a way that had you a little flustered. 
"He's almost seven." You were still distracted by Bradley, and now he was looking at you as he played. He winked only at you, even though he was starting to draw a crowd.
"I love kids," Jake informed you. "Hey, when you're done that beer, let me buy you another one."
"Oh, okay," you agreed, and then Bob called over to Jake.
"Come on, Hangman. Leave our Team Mom alone!"
Jake looked at you with renewed interest as you drank your beer. "Oh shit. So you're the Team Mom. I've heard a lot about you."
You were really surprised. "You have?" you asked as Bradley finished playing the song. You clapped for him along with everyone else, and then he was making his way back over.
"Yeah," Jake replied with a laugh. "You're the hot mom that Bradley is never going to date, because moms aren't his thing."
Your smile immediately vanished from your face. "What?"
Jake waved his hand in the air while he sipped his drink, as if you were supposed to know exactly what he was talking about. As if you weren't immediately on high alert and having a difficult time breathing. "You know...too much baggage. Complicated. Not worth the aggravation. That sort of shit."
You were frozen in place, barely able to speak. "He said that?" Your voice sounded tiny and your throat was tight. You ran your fingers along your neck, trying to make sense of this.
"Yeah, he went on and on the one night we were all hanging out."
Bradley had told his friends he would never date you. He had said you were too complicated. He told them you weren't worth his time. And now he was walking your way, smiling at you like you were still expected to go back to his place after this and let him fuck you. That had been his plan the entire time.
"But listen," Jake added. "I don't feel that way at all. If you're interested, I'd love to take you out to dinner." You thought maybe Jake was a little drunk, because he couldn't stop talking and then he reached out and stroked your cheek with his knuckles.
You gently grabbed his hand and guided it back to his side, just as Bradley rushed over with an irate expression. 
"The fuck?" he asked Jake.
"Hey, it's cool, man. I get it," Jake replied. "She's so hot, I can't believe you won't date her just because she has a kid. But good for you for getting her to agree to come out tonight. No reason you can't enjoy her."
You gasped and took a step away, knowing you needed to escape now with your dignity intact, but Bradley was immediately focused solely on you.
You handed your pint glass to a random person, and then you were stumbling over your own feet, trying to get to the door as quickly as you could. Time seemed frozen, and you felt like you were going to throw up as you rushed past people who were happy and laughing. You could vaguely hear Bradley's voice behind you as you tried to get away. 
Once you were outside, you sucked in a deep breath of the salty air and fumbled in your pocket for your car key as you started running.
"Kitten!" he yelled, and you could hear the crunch of his boots on the gravel, and you knew that you would never be able to outrun him. So you skidded to a halt and rounded on him instead. A lot of things in your life were scary, like paying your bills, and making sure Everett had everything he deserved. But you would not be too afraid to stand up for yourself. You would not let another arrogant asshole determine your behavior for you.
As Bradley stopped abruptly in front of you, his face was illuminated by a street light, and you hated him for being so handsome. "Kitten. I can explain," he promised, holding up his hands in surrender. His brown eyes were wide as he searched your face.
"Did you tell your friends I'm too complicated to date?" you asked, voice steady as you stepped into his personal space.
"Yes, but-"
You stomped your foot, effectively silencing him. "Did you refer to my son as baggage?"
"Yes, but Kitten, I can explain."
You slapped him hard across the cheek, but his gaze never wavered. 
"I don't need you to fucking explain anything to me!"
"Please." He was pleading, his chest rising and falling as his expression was filled with panic. "Kitten."
"Stop calling me that. I can't believe you were just leading me on for fun."
"I wasn't," he insisted. "I wouldn't do that."
You just scoffed at him and shoved his chest. He grabbed gently for your hands, but you yanked them away and took a step back as tears filled your eyes. "I can deal with getting played, but not Everett! His dad already bailed on him, and I won't let him feel unwanted by anyone ever again! We come as a fucking package deal!"
Bradley was running his hands through his hair in dismay. "I care about both of you." His voice sounded choked up, and you wanted to believe him, but now you knew better.
You jabbed him in the chest with your index finger. "You're a liar," you told him as your tears finally spilled over. "Stay away from us outside of tee ball practice."
"Kitten." He tried reaching for you again, but you backed away, bumping into a parked car which made you cry harder.
"I need to figure out how to deal with Ev," you sobbed. "And don't you dare ever speak to me again." 
You ran for your car as you tried to take gulps of air into your burning lungs, swiping away the tears that were obscuring your vision. It took you a few tries to get the key in the ignition with your shaking fingers, but when you did you cranked the engine and pulled away. You could see Bradley in your rearview mirror as he dropped down into a squat in the dark parking lot with his head in his hands. 
The short drive back to your house was filled with the sound of you sobbing, and you stumbled out of the car and up to your front porch. You leaned against the railing and tried to compose yourself. But this was where you and Bradley had been making out less than two weeks ago after you had one of the best orgasms of your life. So you paced the length of your porch instead, wiping your tears and making sure your breathing was even. Because even though it was late enough now that Everett was surely in bed, you were going to have to contend with Molly.
"Hi," your sister said as you walked inside. She was snuggled up on the couch reading a book, but when she got a good look at you, she jumped up. "What happened? I thought maybe you'd be staying out later? Or all night since Bradley is back."
You pressed your lips together to try to prevent them from shaking, but Molly knew you too well. She was across the room collecting you in her arms immediately. When you started crying again, she didn't stop you, rather she just let you get it out of your system.
Finally, you were able to whisper, "Bradley told all of his friends that he'd never date me, because I have baggage."
Your sister's loud gasp was vindication to your soul, but you didn't like the price it came with. "That fucking prick. Does Bob know about this?"
"Probably," you said softly against her shoulder. "He must."
"I'll call him right now," Molly said, but you grabbed her tighter. 
"No, please don't. You had an immaculate first solo date with him last night which ended in a hot makeout session. I don't want the three ring circus that is my life to start messing up yours."
Molly kissed your cheek and promised, "Your life is not a three ring circus. And Everett is not baggage. And Bradley isn't worth your time if that's what he thinks. Now let me help you get changed for bed."
Molly helped you out of your black skirt, something you had hoped Bradley would be doing just a few short hours ago. And then you washed your face and brushed your teeth while shaking your head at your puffy eyes in the bathroom mirror.
You ended up climbing into bed in your bathrobe while Molly plugged your phone in. "You have thirty missed calls and seventeen text messages from Bradley."
"Ignore him," you whispered, pulling your covers up to your chin. "What am I supposed to do about Ev, Molly? He's so attached. Oh my god, I can't believe I did this. I knew better!"
"Shh," she replied, climbing into bed next to you. "I'll sleep over and take him to the game in the morning. And I'll deal with everything."
Eventually your exhaustion took over, and you fell asleep next to your sister, holding her hand in yours. Your last waking thought was a feeling of thankfulness that you had only mostly fallen in love with Bradley. 
Wow, Jake. I mean, he's not wrong, but still. Thanks to @beyondthesefourwalls and @mak-32!
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muffinpink02 · 2 months
Bronze Is Better Than Gold Part 6
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Ignore the Pictures I'll edit later
Warnings - gun violence, death, scenes of sexual assault, smut 18
“No fucking answer.” Slims grumbled as he turned off Ona’s phone.
The brunette watched with her one good eye as the man paced the room.
“Why did no one answer? I thought you said this was the number to call for your boss.”
“It is. I told you it's too early. No one would be there now.” Ona mumbled.
Slims stalked towards Ona as if he was going to hit her. Her body instinctively stiffened, ready for the impact, but instead he slapped the desk next to her head, making her flinch.
The man got his own phone out, searching for something.
“How much are you going to ask for, Slims?” One of his workers asked.
Slims kept his eyes on his phone, not bothering to look up. “How much what?”
The two men looked at each other slightly confused.
“Money. How much money are you asking for? For the girl?”
“I’m not asking for money, I’m asking for my brother to be released.” 
Ona could tell from the confusion on their faces that they clearly hadn't been involved with this plan. 
“Are you joking? They won't let him out, he's in prison, Slims. He was sentenced… what a over a month ago? They aren't just going to let him out. I thought we were asking for money! Do you know how long we could go to prison? We might as well kill her and go.”
Before Ona could blink, Slims had a hold of his friend's throat, thrusting him against the wall.
“You pussying out now? You fucking scared?” 
“N-Na, Slims. I just don’t want to get caught.” 
Ona watched as Slims eyed the man, he looked ready to kill him. Ona was convinced he would. 
He let go of the man's throat after he started to turn a dark shade of blue. “We wont get fucking caught. They release him and we go. It's easy.” 
“And what about her? She's seen our faces.” The other goon nodded towards Ona.
Slims turned his attention away from the man who was now holding his red throat, to Ona. 
“We kill her.” He shrugged. 
“But what about your brother?”
“I've got guys that will wait for him. They won't be far from the prison. Once they let him go and he's with my men, she dies.”
Even though the men looked like they did not share a single brain cell between them, even they could tell that this plan wasn't going to work.
Ona felt her chest tighten, how was this happening? She wondered if her team had any idea where she was, if they had a plan, or if she was going to be killed in this abandoned warehouse. 
The blue lights flashed on top of Lucy's undercover car as she left the last London road, making her way into the green countryside. She followed the map on her phone, she wasn't far now, another 15 minutes and she would be there. As she got closer she turned the blue lights off, not wanting to draw any attention to herself. 
Her eyes glanced over to her phone sitting on the passenger seat, she could see Sarinas name lighting up the screen, she ignored it and pushed her foot on the accelerator. 
“Sorry, boss.”
Lucy knew if she came out of this alive, Sarina would probably kill her.
After what felt like hours, Lucy finally arrived at the destination. She parked her car down the woody lane, not wanting it to be spotted. She could feel her heart in her chest, she had no clue what she was going into, but she didn't care, all she knew was that she was going to get Ona out. 
Instead of the main road the brunette creeped through the shielded forest, the smell of the rain and wet mud flooded her senses. It was oddly peaceful, considering the business of her being there. She followed her phone, making sure she was going in the right direction. A couple minutes later she spotted the abandoned warehouse through the overgrown bushes. She got as close as she could without being spotted. 
She looked around the building but couldn't see anyone, but she did spot a black van, the one LJ must have spotted on the cameras.
Lucy assessed the building, her eyes scanned for anyway in without being caught. She saw a few doors and windows but she needed to make sure she wasn't caught. She instinctively ducked when she heard a heavy door being pushed open. She watched as two men left the building, both pulling a cigarette out and lighting up the white stick.
“I can’t believe we’ve been pulled into this shit. I thought we were getting money for taking her, not his fucking brother!”
Lucy was close enough to make out what they were saying.
The second man shook his head. “I know. I know. That's the reason why only we showed up, no one clearly wanted to be involved in this shit. He probably doesn't even have men who would wait for his brother.”
Bingo. That was one thing Lucy at least now knew. There wasn't a warehouse full of men with guns.
“If we get caught, we’re fucked you know that? Will be straight in prison along side his fucking brother.” The man scoffed angrily, letting out a puff of smoke. 
“I’m pissed that he didnt let us fuck her.”
Lucy’s stomach dropped, her teeth instantly grinding against each other in anger. The rage that crept up her body was almost scary even for herself, she hadn't realised her hand had already gripped her gun, wanting to put a bullet through the man's neck.
“I know. Her face is fucked though, don’t even know if I could get hard.” The man laughed.
That's when Lucy gripped her gun, but she knew better than to use it.
The other man laughed. “Na, it doesn't faze me. Even if she’s black and blue, I don’t mind.” He cackled loudly at his own joke, before spitting a mouthful of phlegm on the floor.
The other man shook his head. “You’re a wronging.” He chuckled as he flicked his finished cigarette.
“Don’t fucking lie, you would. I’m going to do it before he realises the plans stupid and kills the bitch.”
“I think he's gone mad.” The man turned to go back into the building. “You coming?”
“I need to piss.” 
The younger guy nodded and made his way inside, leaving the pig looking man alone. The man that Lucy now wanted to skin alive. 
He walked closer to the bushes, just a couple of metres from the brunette, she spotted the man's gun on his hip. She sized up the pig eyed prick, she knew she could take him on, but she needed to make the first move. 
She watched as he carelessly urinated into the bush, whistling to himself, his back to her. This was her chance. She ever so slowly creeped out of the dense forest. It was almost like watching a nature documentary, like a lioness stalking its unexpected prey. Ready to kill.
Lucy pressed the barrel of her gun to the back of the man’s head. 
“If you even utter a word without my say so or try to move an inch, the last thing you'll ever see is your tiny ugly prick.”
He didn't move.
“Nod slowly if you understand.” 
He barely moved his head. Lucy wasn't sure if it was out of fear or anger, so she pressed her gun harder. 
“How many people are in there?”
“J-Just 3.”
“Including the girl?” 
“4.” He corrected himself.
He nodded. 
“Is there a way I can get in?”
“There's a back door. It's to the left of the building.”
Lucy laughed internally at how easy he was giving over the information, she hoped he would be known to others as a snitch once he gets put in prison.
“I-I didn't do nothing, I told Slims to give the girl back. I swear.” 
Lucy had to stop herself from killing this slime of a man. She wanted so badly to pull her trigger, but she also didn’t want such an easy way out for him.
With a flash she hit the man hard on the back of the head. Knocking him straight out. She knew where and how hard to hit him without killing him. She quickly dragged his body into the forest and cuffed him by his wrist to a tree.
The brunette made her way around the back of the building, she spotted the door that the pig face mentioned. She turned the knob slowly, it was unlocked. She gently pushed the door open, revealing a storage room. it was dark and hard to see, only small bits of light came through the blacked out painted windows. She crept inside, closing the door behind her. 
She slinked down the dark corridor, her gun in hand. Her heart in her mouth.
She came to another closed door, she stopped to listen for any noise, but heard nothing. She looked through the keyhole, it was another hallway that was even darker then this one. Again, she slowly turned the handle, as she pushed the metal door. 
She flinched from the jarring creak the hinges let out. She froze in her tracks, holding her breath. She waited a few heartbeats before she squeezed through the rest of the door, not opening it fully. 
She was plunged into darkness, she found her torch and gave herself a slither of light as she moved further inside. 
Before she moved any further she heard a scratching noise. She tried to look around for the cause but couldn't find anything. 
She jumped as a flurry of feathers squawked in her face. 
Lucy had been one of the best in her training. When herself and Sophie joined the police force they would always try to outdo each other, if one was faster, the other was stronger. If one had better aim with a gun the other was more skilled at fighting. They constantly pushed each other and it made them a fierce team. Even to this day Lucy was one of the most skilled agents on the team. She could even give Jill and run for her money in a firing range. 
But she had never jumped so high in the air from a pigeon before. She watched as the stupid bird flew out of a broken window. Her heart was thumping. She breathed in a few deep breaths, trying to get her nerves to calm down. She closed her eyes and pictured Ona’s face. She moved on.
The brunette came to a door at the end of the hallway, once again she tried to listen for any signs of noise but she couldn't hear anything. Ever so slowly she opened the door, light cracked through the slit, she had her gun ready in her hands. She held her breath as she opened it further. She was now in the storage room, there were tall shelving units with cardboard boxes littering each side of the room.
She made a quick dash to duck behind the shelves. She took a glance around, she saw some stairs leading up to a second floor. She had a feeling Ona was somewhere up there. She crawled behind the cardboard box jungle. She got closer to the metal stairs, she was ready to make her way up when a door swung open. She quickly ducked, hiding behind the dusty boxers. 
“Where the fuck is he?” 
Lucy recognised the now familiar voice.
“I don’t know. We were smoking, then he said he was going to take a piss and I went inside.”
The metal stairs began to rattle as the men walked above her.
“Go look for him. I swear if he's run off I'm going to kill him.”
Lucy hid further as the stairs shook violently. She watched as the man walked towards the front door, looking for his associate. 
“Fucking useless, fucks!” Slims gripped the metal railing before going back into a room. 
Lucy knew she needed to be quick, if Slims' henchmen came back she'd be outnumbered. She started to make her way up the stairs, making sure her steps were quick and delicate. She made it to the top of the railing, there was a row of doors to the right, but she didn't see what one he entered.
She carefully walked, she had her gun ready, her finger was kissing the trigger. She reached the first door, it was open, but empty. She walked further on, her steps slow, her body was vibrating with adrenaline. 
“Yeah, that's right, if he’s not freed then she dies.” Slim's voice boomed out from the third door. Lucy got closer, she paused when she heard Sarinas voice on speaker from a phone.
“We can’t do that. We can offer you money. We don’t want to see anyone hurt, Frank. If you release her, we can figure this out. Can we at least hear from Ona? We need to know she's okay.” Sarina spoke over the speaker.
Lucy was now standing outside the door to the left.
“Speak.” Slims grunted.
Lucy nearly broke down when she heard Ona’s voice. But it hardly sounded like her, she sounded broken, she sounded so small.
“Ona, are you hurt?”
There was a pause.
“Ona?” Sarina called out, Lucy could hear the worry in her voice.
“She's fine!” Slims barked.
Lucy heard the man pacing about the room.
“Are you going to let my brother out? Yes or No?”
“Frank, we can’t-” 
The line was cut. 
Slims turnt to Ona. “Thanks to your boss you're going to be killed.”
“Please, killing me won't get him back. Please, just let me go.”
Just as Lucy was about to rush in she heard the steps of Slims henchman approaching, she ducked into the first empty room. The metal stairs rattled as he climbed the stairs and entered the room.
“No sign of him. Maybe he did run off.”
“Fucking coward. Fuck him. We got to go, burn this place down.”
“They won't release him. I wouldn't be surprised if he fucking snitched about where we are. There's barrells down stairs, pour it everywhere. We light it up and we go.”
“What about her?” The man motioned towards Ona.
“She can burn with it.”
Ona eyes widened. “No, please. Please.” Her voice broke as she begged.
Both men ignored her.
“Can I at least have fun with her first?”
“Do what you want, just be quick. Once you're done, help me with the petrol.”
Ona’s brain started to fog, her brain and body was screaming to shut down.
“I will.” The man promised.
Slims left the room. Lucy had heard everything. She watched as Slims made his way down the stairs and towards the front door. 
She left the room, she heard Ona start to scream. Her blood ran cold as she heard her cry. She stood at the entrance of the door. Ona’s small body was being pushed to a desk by a man 3 times her size. 
“Come on, baby. Don’t make it difficult. It will be over quickly.” The man laughed.
“Move the fuck away from her.”
Ona’s eyes opened as she heard Lucy's voice. It couldn't be? Her brain must have been playing tricks on her. She didn't know whether to scream or cry. She never thought she’d live to hear that voice again. 
The man turned around confused. As soon as he spotted Lucy and her gun he put his hands up in surrender, moving away from Ona.
“Get on the fucking floor, hands behind your back.”
The man did what she said and laid on the ground. Lucy kept her gun on him as she stepped closer to Ona. 
“Ona? Hey, it's me.”
The shorter brunette flinched as she felt Lucy's hand touch her back.
“Hey, don't be scared. It’s me. It’s Lucy.”
Ona slowly got up, her arms were dead from being tied up for so long. She used all the strength she could to turn. She nearly lost all balance when she saw Lucy. And she did fall as she moved, but Lucy was quick to catch her. 
When Lucy saw Ona’s face her stomach dropped. Her left eye was swollen shut, her whole socket was black, the little bit of eye she did see was covered with blood. Her face was scattered with bruises and cuts, her chin was raw with old blood, she could hardly look at her without wanting to kill.
Ona’s body shook in her arms, she buried her face into her chest, Lucy wanted to scoop her up and tell her it was all going to be okay. But they had to get out first.
“L-Lucy.” Ona choked out.
“Shh it's okay, Ona. You’re okay.”
Lucy felt a piece of her break, seeing Ona like this was tearing her apart, but she had to keep her head straight. She gently grabbed Ona by the arms, she scanned her weak body for any obvious damage.
“I’m going to handcuff him okay.” She lowered her face to the younger brunette.
She nodded.
Lucy dropped her knee hard into the man's back, making him cry out. She didn't care if she would have broken a bone, causing him to never walk again, he was lucky her gun hadn't put bullets in the back of his throat.
“Stand up.”
Lucy yanked the back of the man's shirt. He clumsily stood, the older brunette kept her distance from him. Her gun pointed straight at his head. 
“Move.” She pushed the man forward.
She turned to face Ona. She pulled out another gun from her side.
“He’s still out there. Use it if you need to. Stay behind me, okay.”
Ona nodded, but she was clearly scared.
‘’Hey, you can do this.” Lucy gently stroked her cheek, mindful of the bruises. 
“Move.” Lucy pushed the man forward. 
“Okay, come, let's go.” She smiled softly at the girl, reaching her free hand out for her to take.
Her small hand weakly took Lucys, they gave each other a smile that would stay in their heads forever. 
They walked down the metal steps, with the man in front of them. Lucy had her gun pointing at him. 
The room stunk of petrol. Slims had clearly already done the inside of the building. 
Ona had never been more scared and more relieved as she watched the brunette in front of her. Lucy had saved her. Lucy had single handedly saved her. She saved her from being killed. 
They were half way from the door when it opened. 
A gun went off. 
Lucy and Ona flinched. The sound of the gun firing ricocheted through the hollow building. Neither girl was sure if it was one bullet or more. The man in front came to a halt. Then to his knees. 
That's when Lucy saw Slims running from the door and disappearing into the tall jungle of units. Reloading his gun. 
“Move!” Lucy grabbed Ona by the hand, mirrorwing Slims, hiding behind the tall metal beams and crates. Ona looked at the man laying on the floor, his blood turning his clothes black. 
“Is anyone with you? Do we have backup?” Ona whispered.
Lucy could have laughed, this is clearly what Sarina was talking about. She was too much of a hot head, and now here she was, saving the love of her life from a crazy wannabe drug lord in the middle of nowhere and had no backup. 
“No. No backup.” 
Ona rolled her one good eye.
“Are you really giving me attitude right now?” Lucy couldn't help but smirk. Even if there was a killer on the loose.
“I mean, I would have thought you'd bring back up.” Ona examined the surroundings. 
It was Lucy's time to roll her eyes. “No, sorry. I didn't really have the time.”
“I mean yeah. I probably will get fired, but I don’t care.”
“No, Lucy. Fire!” The younger brunette pointed over to a line of fire, running itself to a shit load of petrol barrels.
Both girls ducked as the barrel exploded with a huge wave of fire engulfing the roof.
“Fuck!” Lucy automatically pulled Ona closer to her. 
“We have to leave, this place is going to come down.”
Ona nodded. “The door.” 
Lucy eyed the door, but Slims was still hiding somewhere. 
“You ready?” 
Ona grabbed Lucy by the collar, she brought their mouths together, gently kissing her lips. It felt like everything went silent for just a second. It was a gentle kiss, but it was pure love between the two. This could be the last time she’d be able to ever kiss the girl, and she didn't want to take her chances. Lucy understood that.
Her green eyes scanned the bruised face in front of her. 
The girls made their move, crouching as they creeped behind the tall units. The fire above them began to spread quickly, swallowing the roof in its path. 
“Keep your eyes peeled. He’s behind one of those beams.” 
Ona nodded, her gun was in her hand aiming, though her vision was blurry.
“We run, but don't go straight, zig zag. Don’t let him follow you.” The shorter brunette ordered.
“Yeah, okay. I’ve got your back.”
“I’ve got yours.”
The girls moved from the cover off the units, out into the open. The room was heating up, the fire above growing by the second. The thick smoke started to creep down, making it harder to see and breathe. 
“It’s clear. Run!” 
The girls ran, zig zagging like Ona said to do, but the bullets still came firing at them. 
“Keep going, Ona!”
Ona winced as she ran, her body was weak, but the fire in her belly made her push forward. Having Lucy be her side made her push even more. 
Lucy spotted Slims, she fired her own bullets his way, missing in her quick pace. They were nearly at the exit, Ona was slow but she kept going. Lucy watched as Slims ducked behind the units as she fired, she walked closer towards him, she wanted to kill him.
“Come on, Lucy!” 
The door was open, Ona could see the sky. 
Ona dropped back, hitting her head as part of the ceiling came crashing down, blocking the door. Her gun fell from her hands, skidding across the floor, the room quickly began to thicken with black smoke, it almost became impossible to see. 
She groaned as her head started to thump with a viscous pain, her vision slowly becoming blurry. The deep cut in the back of her head reopened from the fall. She weakly flinched at the sound of a gunshot, then another. Then a scream.
Lucy dropped to the floor as the bullet buried itself into her thigh. It felt like a hot poker had dug itself into her flesh.The pain felt like nothing she had ever felt before. It rattled through her body, the warm dark liquid quickly pumping out.
Lucy lost sight of Slims, and her gun. The smoke had become thicker, it made it impossible to see further than her arms. She looked around for Ona, but she couldn't see her, she couldn't hear her. She had no clue where she was. 
“Ona?” She shouted. “Ona? Can you hear me?” 
“Where are you?.” She coughed. Her eyes began to water from the smoke.
She tried to get up, grunting in pain as her flesh screamed at her not to move. But she gritted her teeth as she stood to her feet. The room was suffocating, it felt like she was in an oven, sweat dripped from her head. 
“Ona? Where are you? Ona? Please, Ona!”
She heard a weak cough to her right, she could see what looked like a small body on the floor, but before she could move she was being thrown on her back. 
A hard object came down hard on her chest, forcing the air out of her lungs. Her leg was throbbing as it continued to bleed out. 
Slim stood over Lucy, his whole weight pushing on her chest by his boot.
“Stupid, bitches. Did you really think you could get away?” 
The building was collapsing around them, the metal roof screeched as it started to plummet to the floor, the orange flames burning and melting everything it touched.
Slims cocked his gun, aiming it at Lucy's face. She closed her eyes as she felt the burning pain from the black smoke seeping into her lungs. She couldn't believe this was happening.
“Slims, don't do this. Please. You don't have to kill me. Just let us go. I can say you got away. Please.” Lucy pleaded.
A malicious smile creeped on the man's face, pressing his weight down harder, on the verge of cracking her ribs. She gasped from the unbearable pain, trying to move away from the pressure of her chest, but he was too heavy 
“Shut up!”
“Do you think I’d trust a cunt like you? You’re just another useless pig-”
Lucy gasped as the heavy feeling on her chest was gone. She looked up to see Ona standing protectively over her, her fist connecting to Slims face. 
He dropped his gun as his nose was cracked, again.
Ona had felt like she was drifting into a deep warm slumber, it was almost peaceful as the world went quiet around her. 
She saw the sky as it opened up above her, small bits of flames dropped around her, it looked beautiful, magical even, like bright stars drifting from the galaxy above. She was ready to sleep, ready to let the pain in her head become a thing of the past, until she heard a voice. 
She knew that voice, she loved that voice. She heard it again, it was calling her name. She could hear the pain, the desperate cries that called out to her. She wanted to sleep, but the voice was too familiar. 
She gasped as her body jolted, the flames above were burning bright as her mind and body told her to get up and fight. 
Ona felt an earthquake of strength seep through her body, she winced as she pushed herself up. She looked around at the chaos unfolding, the place was ablaze. She turned as she heard a voice, it wasn’t the voice from before, this one was pure evil. 
She saw his shadow in the smoke, she could just about make out what was happening. She heard Lucy struggle for air, the woman she loved being hurt by a monster. 
The Spaniard was overcome with venom as she picked herself up. The flight or fight in her came with an almost animatic urge to fight, no, kill. She bunched her first and bolted so hard she nearly flew off her feet. She couldn’t see his face but somehow she knew exactly where to hit.
She felt his bone crunch under her fist, it made her own fist bleed but she couldn't feel the pain, not with the anger that took over her petite body. She landed another punch and another, until he was on his back, and she was on top of him, her first coming down hard on his face. She didn’t know whose blood was whose as she kept landing punch after punch. 
All her anger, all her fear from the past 24 hours was running through her. She screamed as she let it all out. 
Ona flinched as she felt hands on her back. 
“It’s me, baby. Listen to my voice, it’s Lucy. We have to go!” 
Ona looked down at the man below. He was just about breathing. Her first was dripping with blood, his face was painted red.
She felt Lucy pull her up. Tuning her to face her.
“Ona, look at me. It’s okay, you’re okay. Follow me.” 
Ona squeezed her eyes shut. Listening to Lucy’s voice. She nodded as she took her hand. 
They began to move, but Ona stopped when she heard the man behind her cough. She pulled Lucy back.
“We can’t leave him, Lucy.”
“We can! We will die Ona, this place is going down!” 
But the older brunette could see the conflict in Ona’s eyes. It wasn’t in either girl to leave someone to die, even if he was an awful human. 
Lucy nodded. “Help me carry him.” 
The girls turned back to help the bleeding man, but just as they turned to save him a shot was fired. And then another.
Ona flinched. 
Lucy flinched. 
Ona looked to see a gun in Slim's hands. He was still trying to shoot as his barrel finished. His bloody and bruised face broke into an evil laugh that rang in Ona’s ears. 
But as soon as he started he was silenced. The sound of a deep bellowing screech roared above his head, as one of the units came tumbling down on his chest, slowly suffocating him. 
“Let's go!” Ona grabbed Lucy's hand, but she didn't move.
Lucy gasped as she fell to her knees. The two bullets had struck her, one in her chest, one in her stomach. 
“Ona.” She whispered before completely falling to the ground. 
“Lucy! No, no! Lucy!” 
Ona put her hand on Lucy’s stomach, her palm becoming covered in another person's blood. 
“No, no, no, no, nooo. Lucy, get up. Please. Come on, we’re so close.” 
“I-I can’t move.” Lucy groaned in pain. 
Ona watched as blood pumped out of Lucy's chest, she was losing so much of it. She tried to stop it, pushing her hand on her chest, but her stomach still bled out. Ona looked at the burning building around her, her mind became a haze, the smoke engulfing her lungs as she panicked in complete fear. She looked back over at Slims, she could see he was slowly dying. 
“Lucy!” The girl cried out, her heart was frantic, she had lost all thoughts as she watched the girl she loved slowly bleed out.
“Go, Ona.” 
What? No, how could she even say that.
“Ona, go! Leave!” The girl coughed.
“No, Lucy! I’m not leaving you!”
The building was collapsing, everything was on fire, the heat was searing. Ona felt the fire burning her as it snaked closer. She looked frantically around the room for any kind of exit. She spotted a small opening that the building had made from the wreckage. 
“I’m sorry Lucy. This is going to hurt.”
Ona lifted Lucy from under her arms. The older brunette screamed in agony as her body pulsated in pain.
“I’m sorry.” Ona whispered.
She dragged Lucy, but her heart sank as she saw the blood that was trailing behind them.
“Stay with me Lucy, we’re nearly there.” 
She gently dropped Lucy to the floor, she tried to move the wreckage with all the strength she had left. She managed to shift it a bit but it wasn't enough. 
“Come on, come on!” 
She gritted her teeth as she pushed but it was no hope. It was too heavy to do it alone. She looked over at Lucy, she felt hopeless but she knew she couldn't give up. She tried again and again and again, her sweaty hands started to make it harder to push. She took a step back as she ran at the pieces of ruble. 
“Fuck!” She slipped, catching her hand on the broken wreckage, cutting her palm open. She flinched back as her hand twitched in pain.
She dropped to her knees, coughing as the smoke crept into her lungs. She wasn't sure if it was tears or sweat that covered her face, maybe it was both. 
She had nothing left in her, her mind was a frazzle, her body was weak, everything hurt.
She crawled over to Lucy, she gently cradled her head in her lap. She looked so peaceful, it reminded her of the first morning she shared with Lucy in her flat. She kissed her forehead but couldn't ignore the blood that soaked through the girl's clothes.
“I’m so sorry, Lucy. I’m so sorry. I can't get us out.” She whispered her tears soaking her her cheeks.
Lucy opened her eyes. She smiled slightly at Ona. 
“Can I tell you a secret?”
“Of course.” Ona whispered as she stroked Lucy’s cheeks.
“I love you. I have for so long.”
“I love you too.” Ona sobbed. 
“I think I loved you the moment I saw you.” Lucy closed her eyes.
“Yeah?” Ona smiled through her tears.
“Yeah. Your freckles, I love your freckles.” Lucy coughed. 
“It was the same for me. Your eyes made my heart flutter. I love them so much, Lucy. I love you so much.” Ona’s tears dropped over Lucy's cheeks. 
“I’m sorry I couldn't get you out, Ona. I tried to-”
“Hey, shhh. Don't say that.” Ona stroked Lucy's hair.
“You came for me. You’re here with me now.” 
Lucy closed her eyes again, her breathing becoming shallow.
Ona looked around the smokey room once more, trying to find any kind of exit, but she couldn't see anything.
“Hey, Ona. Sing with me. Islands in the stream, that is what we are.” 
Ona gave Lucy a watery smile.
“N-No one in between. How can we be wrong?” Ona sniffled.
“Sail away with me. To another world.”
“And we rely on each other, ah ha.”
The girls sang the last line together.
“From one lover to another, ah ha.” 
Ona let out a small choke, her tears were nearly blinding. 
“Ona, I’m so cold.” Lucy whispered.
The brunette's life flashed before her eyes. She saw glimpses of her childhood, her memories with Sophie. She saw her siblings and parents, she saw flickers of her life, but the last face, the clearest face, was Ona’s.
“I know. I’m so sorry. I’m so, so sorry Lucy.” She gently stroked Lucy's cheeks, her heart aching as she watched Lucy's face drain of colour.
“We can get the car there.” Lucy mumbled.
Ona scrunched her eyebrows in confusion, Lucy was slipping away. She moved to lay her head on her chest, her chest was hardly moving. She sobbed as she laid down next to the girl, with the love of her life. Even if it was only for a short time, it was the happiest she'd ever been.
She only got a glimpse of what it could be like, to be part of Lucy's life. To have someone she truly loved, someone who looked at her like she was the only person in the room, someone who gave her butterflies every time she smiled at her. Someone who made her laugh until her stomach hurt, someone who made her whole.
She got a taste of love, and she would cherish that until her last breath.
This was it. This was her ending. 
She felt like she had let herself down, her colleagues down, her parents down, her friends down, but most of all she felt like she had let Lucy down. One felt sleepy again, her body screamed for sleep. For rest. She coughed hard as the building burnt away.
She saw the same bright light from earlier. The one that made her feel like she was about to float away and sleep, a peaceful sleep. It became brighter and brighter until she was nearly blinded. 
“They're here! Hurry up!” 
Jordan pushed some of the wreckage, easier than Ona could.
Suddenly a firefighter was grabbing Ona. Lifting her like a baby. 
“Lucy?!” She weakly tried to fight out of the grip the firefighter had on her. She turned to see Lucy’s lifeless looking body being lifted, her face was a scary shade of white. 
Ona felt the cold air hit her sweaty body, it was almost painful. She gasped as the even colder air hit her lungs, that was agonsing. 
There were police cars, ambulances and fire trucks all scattered around. The first face she recognised was Demi's, then Jordan. Then Sarina’s
The firefighter gently laid her next to the ambulance.
“Is there anyone else in there?”
Ona shook her head. “They're dead.”
They nodded and brought a mask to Ona’s face to help her breath.
“Breath deep and slowly for me.”
She allowed them to put the mask on her face, but her eyes looked for Lucy.
“W-Where's Lucy?”
“Ona!” Sarina was crouching next to the Spaniard. “Ona, are you okay?” She touched Ona like a mum would, just like the way Lucy's mum did.
She nodded. “Where's Lucy?”
“They are looking over her now. She's going to the hospital.” Sarina put her hand on the back of Ona’s head, she pulled back when she felt the sticky substance.
“Christ, Ona! Your head!” 
Ona ignored her, she moved the mask away from her face and weakly ran to the ambulance.
Lucy was on the ambulance stretcher. Her clothes had been cut open as the paramedics tried to stop the bleeding. Seeing Lucy's body covered in her blood was something that Ona would never be able to unsee. 
“Hi Lucy, I’m Alessia. I’m a paramedic, we're here to help okay?”
Lucy slowly nodded, Ona was shocked to see she was awake.
“Good, let's put this mask on you, it's gas and air for the pain.”
“Hi Lucy, I’m Ella. Ready, Less?”
The blonde nodded.
“Okay, Lucy this may hurt. Keep breathing that gas and air for me.”
Ona watched as the younger brunette stuck a thick cotton pad on Lucy's stomach. Then wrapped it quickly with bandages. Lucy weakly groaned out in pain. Ella repeated the same method with the other two holes that leaked with blood.
“Okay lets get her in. She needs to be seen urgently.”
Ona watched on with wide eyes. She followed the girls as they rushed to the ambulance, not wanting to leave Lucy's side. They moved the older brunette into the vehicle and slotted her into the free space.
“She’s going with her. Her head is also bleeding.” The Dutch woman instructed as she came up behind Ona.
The blonde paramedic watched Ona’s worried face and nodded.
“Take a seat just up here. Strap yourself in.” 
Ona quickly climbed into the vehicle, her eyes were glued to Lucy as she passed her.
Alessia started to hook the older brunette onto monitors and drips. Ona watched as the white cotton pad had already started to bleed through to the bandages. 
“What’s your name?” The blonde smiled at Ona as she took notes down.
“Ona.” She returned a weak smile back, “Is she going to be okay?”
Ella closed the back of the ambulance's doors and made her way to the front. The ambulance sirens were turned on immediately.
Alessia bit her lip as she fiddled with Lucy's bandages. “She's stable, but she's lost a lot of blood. I think she’s got a lot of trauma to her stomach.”
Ona stared at Lucy, her face was ashy with smoke, her normally neat hair was falling out of its bun. She wanted to hold her. Lay in her strong arms, tell her how much she loved her, again and again.
“She’s a bit out of it, I've given her a stronger drug for the pain.” 
Ona nodded as she reached over and stroked her cheek, her own hand still bleeding.
“Oh Ona, that looks painful, let me take a look at that.” Alessia said, as she gently took Ona’s bleeding hand. “It's deep but it shouldn't affect any nerves. I’ll quickly clean it and wrap it up. Then I want to look at your head.”
Alessia fiddled with some draws, grabbing the bits she needed. 
“This is going to sting.” 
Ona nodded. She felt the alcohol wash over her hand but she couldn't feel the sting, she just stared at Lucy as her chest barely moved. 
Alessia took a look at Ona’s head, she cleaned that cut but was a lot more concerned with it then her hand.
“You need to be treated as soon as we get there. I don’t like the look of this cut. You must be in so much pain.” Alessia frowned at the thought as she dabbed the blood away.
Ona heard her but she wasn’t really listening, she felt a numb ache rise over her body, as she watched the love of her life fight for her life. 
“What was this all about? What happened?” Alessia asked as she took more notes.
Ona took a deep breath as she explained the situation to Alessia.
“Oh, Ona. I’m so sorry.” She reached over and took Ona’s bandaged hand in hers. Her big blue eyes were glassy. 
“And she's your partner?”  
Ona shook her head. “No, I mean. One day maybe but-”
Alessia smiled as the realisation washed over Ona’s face. 
“Oh, you mean… Yeah. She's my work partner.” Ona let out a shy chuckle.
“I think you make a cute couple.” Alessia winked.
The Spaniard couldn't help but look at her feet, smiling at the blonde's words. 
They finally arrived at the hospital. Ella and Alessia wheeled Lucy to the emergency department as Ona followed behind. She didn't notice the other hospital goers gasping and staring at her face, her attention was solely on the brunette. Ella had already called in and explained Lucy’s condition and injuries to the doctors, passing her over to the care of the hospital straight away.
The nurses began to quickly rush Lucy to the ward, Ona tried to follow her but was stopped by Alessia.
“You need to be checked, Ona. I know you want to be with her and I swear you can see her once you’ve been looked at. I promise.” She smiled warmly at the Spaniard. 
The blonde turned to the nurse waiting. “This is Ona, she needs to be seen straight away. She has a deep cut in the back of her head. I’m worried she might have a fracture to the skull. She’ll need x-rays and some looking over her face and lungs.”
Ella gave Ona a gentle squeeze on her shoulder, smiling reassuringly at her.
“Okay, thanks guys. Please follow me, Ona. I’ll get you checked into x-rays and we can take it from there.” The nurse smiled. 
“Good luck, Ona.” Alessia stroked the petite girl's arm. 
It was truly overwhelming having been inches from dying to having someone who showed you genuine kindness all in the space of 20 minutes, she almost didn't want to leave Alessia’s side.
“Thank you. Thank you for helping.” 
She was ushered away as Ella and Alessia made their way out of the hospital and on the way to their next patients. 
Ona had her x-rays done. It turned out Alessia’s hunches were correct. Ona had a fracture to her head and needed to stay at the hospital for extra treatment. And throughout it all, all she could do was think about Lucy. She had constantly asked if she could see her, but every nurse or doctor had repeated the same thing: ‘I'll check that for you.’ After an hour of nurses and doctors fussing over her she was finally put on her ward, and her bed for the next couple of days.
“Hello, Ona.” A tall brunette popped her head around the curtain, smiling at the girl.
“Hello.” The Spanaird sighed as she gave a tired smile.
“I’m Ingrid. I’m going to be looking after you. I’ve been told by the police and your constable about what's happened.”
Ona nodded, her eyes wandered to the window. 
“I thought you might want to go see Lucy?”
Ona jumped up so quickly she winced from the ache in her body.
“I can see her?”
Ingrid smiled. “Yes, she's just come out of the theatre.” 
Ona climbed out of the bed, her feet slightly wobbly.
“Ona, before we go you need to know she's in a critical condition.” 
The raven haired girl's bright smile dimmed. “She’s been put into an induced coma. She’s had to undergo an intense surgery. The bullets were successfully removed but have caused a sufficient amount of damage to her insides. The surgeons have done all that they can for now, but at this moment in time it's a waiting game.”
Ona felt her stomach lurch, she understood what Ingrid meant, it made her instantly nervous to see Lucy. She nodded and let Ingrid lead the way.
She walked down the corridor with Ingrid, the smell of hospital took over her senses. She noticed nurses and doctors eyed her curiously as they walked. 
“You’re a bit famous. The news of you and Lucy is all over the TV.” Ingrid cringed. 
“Yeah, we have security all over the place. Many news reporters are outside.”
Ona squinted at the fluorescent lights above her head. She wondered if her parents knew what had happened.
“Oh that reminds me. Your constable wanted to see you, but I figured you would maybe want to see Lucy first. I know she's your partner.”
“Oh, we’re not partners yet. I mean maybe-”
“Is she not your partner on the force?” Ingrid looked confused.
“Ohh. Sorry. Yeah. Erm, yeah, she is my work partner.” Ona flushed.
Ingrid nodded and smiled as she picked up on the awkward smile from Ona.
“No worries. I understand.” She placed her hand on Ona’s shoulder.
They stopped outside a room, not too far from Ona’s.
“Okay this is her. I work on this ward, so I’ll be right out here if you need me. But take all the time you need.”
“Thank you very much.” Ona hesitated at the door.
“Take your time. It can be very overwhelming to see a loved one like this.” Ingrid smiled as she rubbed Ona’a shoulder, her kindness reminded her of Alessia.
“Y-Yeah, thank you.”
Ona took a deep breath as she pushed the heavy door open. The room was full of machines beeping and monitors moving. She just about saw Lucy amongst it all. She slowly walked a little further inside, she felt scared to get too close, worried she might somehow turn off a machine. 
Even though Ingrid warned her of the state Lucy was in, it still took her breath away. 
She pursed her lips as her gaze fell on Lucy’s face. Her face had been cleaned, her dark hair was neatly brushed and tucked behind her ear. She looked so peaceful. If it wasn't for the machine breathing for her, you would hardly know she had 3 bullets put in her body. 
Ona sat in the chair next to the bed. She watched as Lucy's chest slowly rose up and down in time with the machine that helped her breath. She ever so gently stroked Lucy's hand, her skin was so soft, so delicate. Despite the small cuts.
“Hola, Lucy.” She whispered as tears sprung to her eyes.
She looked down at her feet as she took in a shuddering breath.
“I don’t know if you can hear me. I’ve heard sometimes people can hear when they are in comas.” 
She leaned closer to the bed, her eyes roamed Lucy's face as if she was waiting for a response.
“Well, I hope you can hear me. I-I just want to thank you. You saved my life, in more ways than one.” Her tears began to roll down her cheeks.
“I know you would probably roll your eyes at me right now and say something like “Yeah, yeah. It's just what I do.”  but you don’t know how thankful I am for you. You are so special to me. I can’t lose you. Please, please pull through this. I promise to tell you how much I love you everyday, every hour. No, every 10 minutes.” Ona smiled between her tears. 
“Besides, you still have tickets to “The Big London Bake.” I know you’re excited for that. I want to see you in an apron, making cakes that are probably better than the teachers. As we know you are the best at everything.” Ona began to smile until her lip quivered, she felt her throat begin to close up. The hold she had was beginning to break. 
“Please, Lucy. I love you so much. You are such a special person. I can't lose you. Please.” She brought Lucy's hand up to her lips, kissing her skin as her salty tears seeped into her lips.
She stayed like that for another half an hour, staring at the girl on the bed. She watched on as the heart monitor counted her heart beats. She listened to the sounds of the beeping machines. It almost started to sound like a relaxing song, a lullaby even. That's when her wet eyes began to droop heavily as her aching body allowed sleep to take over.
She was woken up by a hand gently shaking her.
“Ona, darling. Ona.” 
Ona slowly opened her eyes, a throbbing in her head made her wince. 
“Oh, I'm so sorry, Ona. I didn't mean to hurt you.” 
Ona finally opened her eyes to be met with green eyes, but they weren't Lucys, they Lucy's mums. 
“Carol? Carol! Ona jumped up, and was engulfed in a rib breaking hug. She winced again.
“Ow, sorry, sorry.” She let go of Lucy's mum even though she really didn't want to.
“Oh Ona, your face.” Carol gently cupped Ona’s face as she examined her like the doctors did. “How are you? Sorry, that's a stupid question, we saw it on the news. I don’t even know what to say, you must have gone through so much.” Carol's eyes began to tear up, though it looked like she had already been crying.
“Lucy saved me.” Ona let her tears roll down her face as her voice cracked.
Carol broke out into a soft smile, stroking Ona’s face, her own tears rolling.
But the feeling of guilt engulfed Ona, seeing Lucy's mum in front of her made it even more real.
“I’m so sorry, Carol.” Ona sniffled as her head dropped in shame. “It's my fault.” 
“Woah, hey! No, it's not Ona. Its no ones fault but that awful fucking man. Lucy did what she was meant to do. I don't want to hear you say that again, okay? Come here.” 
Carol hugged Ona again, but more gently this time. The Spanird nuzzled her face into her neck, sobbing as she did. The older woman rubbed her back just like Lucy did the day she cried in the pub toilets with her. It only made her sob more.
“Oh honey, it's okay. You’re okay.” 
She allowed herself to be held for just a while longer. 
“I’m sorry, I’ll let you have some time with Lucy.” She sniffed as she pulled back.
“Oh darling, we've been in here for about 40 minutes. John’s outside getting some air. I didn't want to wake you, it's only because the nurse told me you have visitors.” Carol smiled, wiping the tears off of Ona’s rosy cheeks. “Anyways, you’re family, I would never kick you out of this room. You know you mean the world to Lucy? And us.”
Ona felt her heart flutter, but it pained her, if only she could hear Lucy say those words.
“Thank you, Carol.” She closed her eyes as she took a deep breath in. “I have visitors?”
“Yeah, I think they’re in your room. Also the nurse told me you're due for some medicine, so make sure you get that. Don't miss that, Ona.” She said with a firm tone.
The short brunette nodded but hesitated as she looked over at Lucy.
Lucy’s mum saw the hesitation on Ona’s face, clearly not wanting to leave Lucy. “Don’t worry. I’ll keep a watch on her. You go. I'll be right here when you get back.”
“Okay.” Ona sighed. 
“Get that medicine, darling.” Carol reminded her as she began to walk out. Ona smiled at her motherly instincts, even if she wasn’t her actual daughter. 
“I will.”
Ona made the short trip to her room. She wondered who her visitors could be, she imagined it was maybe Sarina or one of the girls from work. What if it was her parents?  She opened the door to see none other than her two best friends.
“Ona!” Mapi spotted Ona first as she bolted to the smaller girl. 
“Mapi?” She was engulfed into another hug that made her wince again.
“Be careful!” Ona heard Alexia's voice approaching as she told off their clumsy and excited friend.
“I’m sorry, Ona.” Mapi’s wet eyes were full of remorse.
“It's okay. I can’t believe you guys are here!” The girl felt her heart burst.
Alexia opened her arms as she gently embraced Ona in a hug.
“Do you think we would be anywhere else?” The blonde’s normally strong voice cracked as she spoke. 
Ona felt her eyes brimming with tears once more. She loved her best friends. They were her rock, her family. Having them here was almost too much. She had thought about them so much when she was alone in that damp office room. She never thought she'd see them again, and now here they were.
“Thank you. I love you both so much.”
Mapi squeezed herself into Alexia's embrace, who still hadn’t let go of Ona.
“We love you, Ona. We’re so glad you're okay.”
The three held each other until they were interrupted as Ingrid entered the room.
“Oh, sorry. I just need to give Ona some pain relief.” She wrinkled her nose.
Ona pulled out of the embrace. “That's okay, Ingrid. I actually really need it.” Ona chuckled as her best friends let her go.
Ona sat on the bed as Ingrid pushed the trolley of medicine in.
“Hello, Ona’s friends.” 
“Hola, guapa.”
Alexia shot her friend a look, rolling her eyes at the girl.
Ona couldn't help but smile as even in a hospital Mapi would still try to shoot her shot.
Ingrid’s cheeks slightly blushed as she caught Mapi’s eyes on her.
“How’s your head?”
“I've-” Mapi was about to be massively inappropriate, but was stopped as Alexia kicked her ankle to shut her up, giving her a very serious death stare.
“I do have a headache. It hurts a lot.” Ona confessed. 
“Okay, let me know if it gets worse or if you feel sick at all. I also want to check your head and hand.” She said kindly. 
“I will. Thank you, Ingrid.”
Ingrid gave Ona her pain relief and checked her over. Not ever faltering with all the questions Mapi shot at her, as she suddenly became interested in everything hospital related. 
The 2 best friends stayed for another hour until Sarina came to check in on Ona, shortly followed by Demi and Jordan and Jill. But as soon as she could she rejoined Lucy's parents and brother in her room. Visiting hours had come to an end, Carol ensured Ona she would be back again tomorrow and Ona already missed her. She hugged them all goodbye. She was able to stay with Lucy for another hour until she was told she had to return to her own room. 
The Spaniard watched some tv before she felt herself drifting off to sleep. Her slumber was peaceful at first.
Slipping quickly into a dream.
She was walking down her street outside her house. She saw Lucy smiling, but she didn’t speak. The dream suddenly felt off. Like she was being watched. Suddenly she was in her own flat. Slims was in front of her, but his face was monstrous, it was swollen and bloody. He was gasping for air while he was laughing. He tried to grab her. She then felt a pain in her head. She tried to run from him, but she couldn't move, she couldn't even scream, it felt like she was in quicksand. Slowly being pulled deeper and deeper.
Ona jumped up in her bed. Gasping as her heart raced, panic setting in of the unfamiliar room. She was wet with sweat, she pulled the wet hospital gown of her skin, hoping to get some air. She winced as her head throbbed, she was due for some more pain relief. She was about to press the button for the nurse when she heard a rush off feet outside her room. She looked at the small glass and saw a few heads running by. 
She jumped out of bed and stuck her head out the door to see what the commotion was about. She watched as the doctors and a few nurses rushed to a room down the corridor. 
Ona’s heart stopped beating as she realised the room they were rushing into.
“No.” She started to jog down the hall way, ignoring the way her head screamed at her with each step.
She was outside Lucy's room, she tried to tiptoe through the window but she was too short. She slowly opened the door to see a room full of people, rushing around Lucy. 
The machines that had once beeped in a rhythm were now flat lining. The one constant beeping tone was almost deafening. 
“I’m losing her, give me a shot.” The head doctor demanded. 
“Clear.” A nurse rubbed the defibrillators together before she pressed them onto Lucy's chest. Ona felt herself flinch as she watched the electric jolt Lucy’s body, it was the first time Lucy had ever looked frail. 
“I think we may have blood on the lungs!” 
“She'll drown. We need to operate.”
“Her body is going into shock!”
“We're losing her. Heart rate has dropped. We’re close to having no pulse.”
Ona stood frozen in fear as she watched Lucy's body fight for its life. 
Ingrid appeared behind Ona, but the girl didn't look at her. The Norwegian nurse looked through the glass to see the commotion that was unfolding. 
“Ona. you can't see this. Come.”
The taller girl pulled a crying Ona away.
“No, no. Ingrid! Please! Lucy!” 
Ingrid was stronger than Ona would have thought, easily moving her away from the door. 
But before the door shut she heard those 3 crippling words.
“We’ve lost her.” 
Everything had changed. 
Ona had been discharged from the hospital after a week of treatment. Her head was healing nicely, though she still had pain every once in a while. 
The first night out of hospital Mapi and Alexia had taken Ona home, ordering her favourite take away and watching a feel good film. Ona was entirely grateful for her friends, she needed them now more then ever and they hadn’t left her side since the day they first saw her in that hospital room. 
But when the night was over and the girls left to return to their own homes, Ona felt weird. She felt off, nothing seemed right. It felt like she was being watched, like something was lurking in her home. Noises that normally wouldn’t notice made her nervous. Every little creak, every little bump, she felt her heart race quicker. 
She was scared. 
The sound of a car door closing made her flinch. She closed her eyes as she tried to block it out, block out the noise of that evil laugh that now consumed her mind. 
She couldn’t sleep that night, she tried but she only ended up waking in a puddle of sweat from her nightmares. Her mind had taken her back to that day, back to the pain. She no longer felt safe in her own home. 
The next day she packed a bag and stayed in Alexia’s spare room. 
Sarina had insisted that she needed to take some time off, and she did, but after the fourth day the girl was going mad alone in Alexia's flat. She needed to distract herself and work was the easiest thing to do. 
But, it had been difficult returning to the office without Lucy.
Ona stared out of the office window, the sun was shining considerably bright for the January weather. She found herself staring a lot lately, dissociating with the life around her. 
“Hey Ona, I sent over the reports you asked for, have you signed them off?” Jordan put her head over the computer top like she always did.
Ona looked up at her blonde friend.
“No? The ones I asked for on John Burns? You haven't sent it.” Ona opened her emails to make sure. 
Jordan looked confused, until realisation hit her.
“I must have sent them to Lucy's email, again.”
Ona felt her chest tighten.
“It's okay.” She tried to put on a smile for her friend.
“It's not. Shit, I’m sorry, Ona. It's not the first time. I just automatically searched her email.”
Demi then appeared next to Jordan. 
“I’ve definitely written Lucy's name in a few emails to you, Ona. I’m sorry.” 
Both girls looked genuinely distraught, the Spainard could see it on their faces.
“It’s okay. Don’t worry. Seriously.”
A silence fell over the three girls, Demi and Jordan clearly feeling bad. 
Ona glanced over at the messy, her eyes lingering over a picture of Lucy and her niece. 
“I miss her.” Jordans eyes looked slightly glassy. 
“So do I.” Demi looked over to the empty seat that was once filled, it looked like it pained her to do it.
“I made 4 tea’s the other day, one was for Lucy.” She chuckled sadly. 
“I do that.” Jordan confessed, as she bit her lip in thought.
Ona felt her heart sink, she let out a sigh as she thought about the brunette. 
“I’m going to go for lunch.” Ona started to gather her bits.
“Do you want company?” Jordan asked.
“No, it's okay. Thank you.” Ona smiled at her friends. She wasn't upset with them but she just needed a little time on her own.
Ona made her way to the destination in mind.
“Gravy or curry, darling?”
“Curry, please.”
“Good choice, enjoy sweetheart.” 
“Thank you.” Ona smiled at the kind grey haired woman. 
She walked to the spot she had been thinking about a lot lately. She faintly smiled as she remembered the night Lucy brought her here. She sat on the bench facing the city. She sat alone in the cold, eating her curry and chips.
3 months later.
Ona walked into the graveyard, her red umbrella stood over her head as the rain came down around her. She felt weird, she never liked graveyards. Not since she was a kid and attended her abuelas funeral. She spotted an older woman laying flowers on a grave, she wondered if it was a partner that she was visiting. 
She walked on, making her way to the spot. Finally, she came face to face to the grave, she looked over the earth that was still risen. Her stomach dipped as she looked at the name. A cold shiver ran up her spine as the memories of that day came back to her.
She looked down at her feet, not knowing what to do. Should she say something? A prayer? She didn't believe in god or any religion, so she wouldn't even know what to say. She felt a wave of emotions hit her, pain, anger, sadness, guilt. Guilt was the main feeling, the one that laid heavy on her chest.
She looked around the peaceful grounds, then back at the tomb stone. She took a deep breath, closing her eyes as she exhaled. Her mind wondered what life would be like if things were different that day. She wondered what would have happened if Lucy hadn't found her, if she had been aware of her surroundings. That familiar pain in the back of her head creeped at the skin where her scar lived. 
Her eyes started to blur with tears. Her scarred hand flexed awkwardly around the umbrella handle as the first tear rolled down her left cheek. Then another, and another, she couldn't stop once she started. The floodgates had opened up. The pain, the anger, the guilt coming up in sobs. She closed her eyes once again, trying to breath through the thoughts swirling in her head.  
She took in a deep breath as she finally started to calm down. 
Large beams of sun peeked through the clouds, and the rain slowly stopped. Ona still got confused with the British weather. She watched as a double rainbow started to form a mile or so away,it brought a small smile to her wet cheeks. But before she could think about it too much her phone started to ring.
She looked at the screen and answered.
“Hi, how is it?”
“Fine.” Her voice wobbled a little.
“Just fine?” 
“I cried. I feel stupid.” Ona sniffled. 
“No! Don’t feel stupid! The therapist said that could happen, didn't she?”
Ona nodded. “Yeah. I’m glad I did it.”
“Good. I’m glad you did too.”
“Sí. I’m heading to you now.”
“Okay, take all the time you need. I’m in no rush.”
Ona laughed through wet eyes. “That's a lie! You’ve been in that hospital bed for 3 months, even the nurses say you're driving them to the wall.”
“It's ‘up the wall.’ And I'll have you know that nurse Mary loves me.”
“Yeah, yeah.” Ona rolled her eyes. “I'll see you soon.” 
“Okay. See you in a bit.” 
Ona took one last look at the grave.
‘Here lies Frank Smith. May god rest his soul’
She walked away. Her smile grew as the sun opened up the clouds further. She suddenly felt lighter as she left the place of rest.
“Okay, that's everything.” Ona looked over at her empty suitcase as she hung the last bit of clothing up in the now packed wardrobe. 
Ona shivered as a familiar voice purred into her ear. 
“You should be resting.” The Spaniard turned around, a concerned look on her face.
“What's the point of resting if I dont have my sexy girlfriend nurse at my beck and call?” 
Ona snorted with laughter. “Are you serious? Gosh you're so needy, Luce.” 
She cupped Lucy's face, bringing their lips together, smiling at the needy woman.
Though It had been a difficult 3 months.
Ona had nearly lost Lucy in the hospital that night, and even weeks after. Her body had gone into a cardiac arrest, her heart had actually stopped beating for a whole minute. But the girl didn't have the name ‘Tough’ for no reason. It was a miracle really, the doctors and nurses brought her back from death's doors. It was a rocky road from then on. She had been in a coma for 3 weeks, her body had worked overtime to keep her alive. She had specialists watching over her constantly, day and night, worried she could slip at any point.
But after 3 long weeks Lucy woke up. 
When she finally awakened from her long sleep, she was met with those beautiful brown eyes that she fell in love with. Staring down at her. 
“Bon dia.” Ona whispered.
The older brunette stayed in the hospital for 3 long months. She recovered quickly, though the doctors had to keep constantly reminding her to take it easy. Ona visited her everyday, she even introduced Alexia and Mapi to Lucy. Giving Mapi even more reason to see a certain nurse. 
Lucy needed a lot of care, her body was getting better but she was on crutches, she needed help to wash, cook and clean and Ona was the first person to volunteer. So, it was decided that Ona would move in with Lucy. 
The Spaniard hadn’t slept in her own flat since the night she stayed with Alexia. The blonde was sad to see her go, but she also couldn't deny how happy and excited her younger friend was.
The younger brunette smiled as she leaned into her lover.
“I love the taste of your lips.” Lucy purred into Ona’s mouth.
Ona whimpered, already feeling a jolt of heat travelling South. To say she was desperate was an understatement. It has been over 3 months since she and Lucy had sex but she wasn't about to jump on Lucy while her body was still healing. 
“Lucy. You know we can’t. Your stitches-”
“Are fine. I promise. I’ll stop if it's too much.”
She kissed the petite girl softly.  
Ona bit her cheek in worry, but god she wanted Lucy so badly. 
Lucy saw the pensive look on her face, she understood the stress and anxiety that Ona had been through since that day. Her cuts and bruises may have healed but her mental state hadn't and Lucy was never going to make her feel like she had to do anything.
Lucy gently cupped Ona’s chin, her green eyes scanning her face. She lovingly stroked her thumb on the girl's left cheek.
“We don’t have to do anything, you know? I’ll wait for you. Whenever you feel ready.” 
Ona melted into the older brunette's soft touch, her reassuring voice made her heart melt. She felt so safe with Lucy. She knew the girl would never push her, she knew she would understand if she wasn’t ready. She had been scared for this moment, but that feeling of being scared didn’t come up, Lucy was enough to make her feel safe.
“Thank you, Luce. I’m good. I just, I’m a little embarrassed.” 
“What? Why?” The brunette looked genuinely confused.
“I’m of wet already.” Ona bit her lip, her brown doe eyes looking innocently up at Lucy. 
Lucy's mouth gaped open. The Spaniard watched as her pupils grew with pure want.
Ona flirtatiously pushed her chin closed, smiling playfully as she walked backwards, taking Lucys free hand that wasn't holding a crutch. She guided them towards the bed. Lucy hobbled with her good leg, Ona couldn't help but think she even made that look sexy.
“Come lay down.” Ona whispered as she patted the middle of the bed.
Lucy lent her crutch on the wall as she slowly took a seat on the edge of the bed. Trying her best not to wince, but Ona didn't miss a thing.
“You sure you’re okay, Luce?”
This time it was the younger brunette to stroke Lucy's cheek. 
“Yeah. I think I might just have to be on my back. My thighs a bit sore. Sorry, really great sex talk.” She rolled her eyes in slight frustration. 
“Hey, that's okay. You know I like to be on top.” Ona purred as she brought her lips to Lucy's ear, nibbling on the sensitive skin. 
Lucy's jaw clenched as she felt her body needing the girl in front of her. She pulled Ona closer to her, capturing their lips together. The kiss was slow and gentle, nobody pushed for dominance. Both girls just wanted to familiarise themselves with each other. Of course they had sneaked a few kisses here and there in the hospital but they had been interrupted nearly every time. Ingrid had even started covering her eyes before she entered. 
The kiss slowly deepened. It was Lucy who first asked for entry, humming when Ona easily gave it to her. Her tongue stroked Ona’s lips, making the girl whimper. Lucy felt her clit throb hearing those beautiful noises she pulled from the girl.
The kiss became more intense, but it wasn't messy, it was still slow, but the emotional force became more apparent, the girls hummed and groaned as they pushed everything they were feeling for eachother in their kiss. Lucy felt Ona’s fingers at the bottom of her shirt, waning the clothing gone. 
“Can I?” She mumbled against her lips.
“Y-Yeah.” Lucy nodded.
Ona unbuttoned the shirt without breaking the kiss, exposing Lucy's firm stomach. 
And her scars. 
The Spaianrd stroked her hands over Lucy's chest, smiling into the kiss as she felt no signs of a bra. Her fingertips came into contact with the small lump on Lucy's chest. She broke the kiss as she leaned back, she eyed the red mark and brought her lips to Lucy's chest gently kissing the scar that was still healing. 
“I love you.” She gently pressed her lips back on Lucys.
The older brunette smiled. “I love you too.”
Lucy removed Ona’s t-shirt, her eyes took in the beautiful girl in front of her. She felt a rush of love take over her as she began to kiss the younger girl's neck with the most gentle of touches.
Everything was slow, every touch, every kiss, every move. Neither girl wanted to miss a thing, each little gasp and little whimper heightened the rush between them. Ona broke the kisses, she stood up as she unbuttoned her trousers, but it was Lucy who removed her little black thongs. 
She kissed Ona’s stomach, relishing in the tiny gasps that fell from the Spanianrds mouth. She left a small trail of kisses along her abs, flicking her tongue along her milky skin. Ona could feel herself becoming wetter from each kiss. She was sure she could have come from Lucy’s tongue on her skin alone.
“I’m going to if you keep doing that.”
Lucy laughed. “No, I mean come.” 
Lucy dragged herself to the headboard. Her back was now leaning against it. Ona shuffled on her knees towards the older brunette. 
“Come sit.” Lucy tapped her good thigh, a lustful smile plastered her face.
The Spaniard bit her lip as she gently straddled her good thigh. 
“Fuck!” She hissed as her wet pussy came into contact with something other than her own fingers. 
Lucy's hands instantly gripped her hips, gently making the girl rock on to her thigh. Ona understood the gesture and began to move her hips, sliding her wet sex along Lucy's skin. 
“You look so good, Ona.” Lucy sighed in pleasure as she watched her girlfriend use her thigh to work herself up. 
Ona’s head dropped back, feeling her orgasm already building up, but she didn't want to come like this. She stopped her movements.
“I want you, Lucy. Please.” She took Lucy's hand from her hip, placing it between her legs. “Inside.” She whispered breathlessly.
“Anything you want.” Lucy husked as she brought her fingers to her core, coating her digits with Ona’s essence. 
She circled her clit, her own arousal growing as she watched the girl whine above her. Her eyes took in Ona’s naked form in front of her. Her heart swelled knowing she was all hers.
“Ona, baby. How are you so-”
She pushed her fingers inside, smiling as Ona gasped.
“Dios, fuck!” The younger girl whimpered as she took Lucy in.
Lucy was gentle, she slowly stroked her fingers in and out of Ona’s tight walls. The younger brunette rolled her hips at a slow pace, her core fluttered as she remembered what it was like to have Lucy again.
“You feel so good.” She closed her eyes as she allowed herself to get lost in Lucy's touch. 
Lucy was in heaven as she watched the petite girl's jaw slacken. Her neck tilted back as she fluttered around Lucy's fingers. 
She moved her hand from Ona’s hip to her long caramel hair, gently entangling her fingers. Ona’s eyes opened as she felt Lucys touch. She leaned closer to Lucy, her heart fluttering at the smile Lucy gave her.
“I love you, Ona.”
Lucy pressed her forehead to her lover. Their lips inches apart.
“I love you-u.” 
Lucy's fingers started to pick up pace, bringing the girl closer to her peak.
“I’ll always protect you.” Lucy whispered, her voice trembled as she let her emotions get to her.
Ona heard her tone, she felt her own eyes water at the words, she knew Lucy was trying to get her emotions across.
Ona connected their lips once more, gasping into Lucy's mouth as she felt her cunt flutter around her fingers. The older brunette circled her thumb around Ona’s very wet clit, she smiled into the kiss as the Spaniard let out a desperate cry. 
“Lucy! D-Don’t stop. Please!” She trembled above.
Lucy shook her head. “Never. I’ve got you, I've got you, baby.”
Ona bit her lip, her thighs began to shake as that warm familiar feeling drifted up her body. Their heated mouths came together as Ona rocked harder on Lucy's fingers.
The pure love the girls had for each other was radiating intensely between them, it was like a pull of inner thoughts, both yearning for the other flowing, pouring between them as one person. This was more than sex, they were making love. 
“Fuck. I’m coming.” 
“Come for me baby, you can do it.” Lucy whispered against her lover's lips, adoring the way Ona’s breath hitched.
Ona let out a whimpering moan as her body spasmed against Lucy’s. The older brunette watched in wonder as she felt the soft muscles twitch around her fingers. She smiled proudly as she kissed Ona’s chest, tasting the sweat on her skin, 
“Lucy. Fuck.” The Spaniard breathlessly giggled as she felt her body shaking. 
Lucy stared at the drop dead gorgeous girl in front of her, she bit her lip as she eyed the dark freckles that she loved so much, the brown specks standing out against her flushed face. 
She slowly removed her fingers, but didn’t dare waste the taste of her girl. She sucked off any remaining juices as Ona watched her with wide eyes. She yelped in shock as Ona smashed her lips against her own, her tongue begging to taste herself on Lucy.
“I want you.” Ona mumbled against Lucy's lips.
“Yeah?” Lucy smirked as she felt Ona tug at her jogger bottoms.
“So badly.” Ona began to kiss down Lucy’s body, giving her abs extra attention. She eyed the second scar, making sure to give the mark a lingering kiss. 
“How did I get so lucky?” Lucy stroked Ona’s hair behind her ear.
The younger girl moved lower sucking on Lucy's tight skin. She easily slipped the joggers and Lucy's boxers off, revealing just how wet Lucy was for her.
“Oh? Someones a little excited.” Ona smirked as she lowered herself back down between Lucy's thighs, gently biting the sensitive flesh. 
“Hmm, fuck. Ona.” The brunette closed her eyes as she let out a desperate sigh. “Please, ba- shit!”
Ona eagerly stroked her tongue through the girl's wet lips, humming as she was finally able to taste Lucy again.
“Ona, your mouth is so fucking perfect.”
Ona buried her face further, dipping her tongue into Lucy's tight walls. The older brunette lovingly stroked Ona’s hair back, watching the girl as she fucked her with her tongue. A groan rumbled from her throat as the girl between her legs pleasured her like it was her job. Her wetness was constantly coating the girl's tongue, as her pussy spasmed with heat.  
Ona would stay there all day if she could, her eyes closed in pleasure, swallowing Lucy's essence, feeling Lucy on her tongue. She smiled as she felt Lucy's fingers stroke her face. She looked up at the girl on her back, she shot a wink as she saw Lucy watching her. Her beautiful green hooded eyes struggled to stay focused.  
“You’re so amazing, Ona.” Lucy sighed as she stroked Ona’s hair once more. 
Ona kept their eyes fixed as she gilded her tongue through Lucy's velvety folds, wrapping her lips around her erect clit. Lucy broke the gaze as her head was thrown back on the pillow, her clit finally in Ona’s warm mouth.
“Yes, just like that, Ona.”
Lucy delicately entangled her fingers through the caramel locks, she had a secret obsession with Ona’s hair, she loved the feeling of her soft tresses in between her fingers. She tried to keep her eyes on the girl as she bobbed her head up and down as she sucked and licked her bundle of nerves. But when Ona began to kiss her clit she lost it. 
She felt her thighs shaking, the warm feeling in her thighs and stomach began to rise.
Her hand pushed Onas head slightly further between her legs.
“That's it. Just like that. I love you so fucking much. You’re so fucking perfect.”
Lucy groaned as her hips grinded up into Ona’s mouth, her swollen lips kept her swollen clit captured, swirling her tongue around the pink head. She watched as the beautiful girl above her jolted and moaned, her abs flexing with each thrust. She watched proudly as she crumbled above her.
Lucy hit her climax, the heavy feeling washed over her body as she came loudly in her girlfriend's mouth. 
She shakily breathed out shorts gasps, her chest rising and falling hard. Ona was almost scared she might have pushed her body a little too hard. 
“You okay there?” Ona kissed her thigh.
“Okay isn't even close to the word that I’m feeling.” Lucy chuckled breathlessly. 
Ona laid her head against Lucy's good thigh, she was absolutely in love with her view. This gorgeous goddess of a woman was still stroking her hair as she calmed her heart rate down. The older brunette caught her eyes on the Spaniard.
“You’re so beautiful, Lucy,” 
Lucy's cheeks blushed harder than before.
“Thank you, but you can’t see the view that I have right now.” 
Ona’s brown eyes twinked as she smiled up at her lover. She kissed Lucy's thighs as she made her way up, she came in contact with the third scar on Lucy's body. She gently kissed the red mark on her thigh, kissing her way right up into Lucy's mouth.
Everything had changed, but their love had only grown.
1 year later.
“Come on, Lucy. We're going to be late.” Ona shouted from their bedroom as she fixed her earrings in. 
“I’m coming, I’m coming.” Lucy pulled her suit jacket on as she looked at herself in the bathroom mirror.
Her head snapped up as she heard a wolf whistle from the door, smiling as Ona greedily took in her outfit.
“Maybe we can be a little late.” Ona giggled as she walked over capturing Lucy's lips. 
“Yes! We definitely can!” Lucy picked the shorter girl up with ease, smirking when she heard the surprised squeak from her girl. She placed her on the bathroom side, slotting herself between Ona’s legs, her strong hands pushed the black flowy dress up. Smiling to herself as she exposed the Spaniards thighs.
Her mouth eagerly captured Ona’s, the younger brunette moaned into the heated kiss. But she pulled herself away before she could get too into it.
“No, I was joking, we have to go! This day is for you.” Ona reminded her. 
Lucy sighed as she looked away, Ona frowned as she instantly saw the worry on her girlfriend's face. 
“Hey, what's wrong? Are you not happy for today?”
Lucy anxiously rubbed her thumbs on the younger girl's exposed thighs, not meeting Ona’s eyes.
“Luce? What's wrong? Talk to me.” Ona lifted Lucy's chin, forcing the girl to look at her.
“I….I just worry that I don't actually deserve this.” She sighed heavily, 
“Oh, my baby. Of course you do, Luce. There isn't anyone out there that's more deserving than you. That's why she's picked you.”
Lucy's thumbs continued their movements on the girl's skin.
“Lucy? Come on. The whole team also think it, you know that right? They adore you and you put in 110 percent everyday.” 
Lucy smiled into Ona’s hand. Her words perking her up slightly.
“You sure?” The girl's tone was full of doubt.
It was weird for Ona to see Lucy so unsure of herself. The girl was a beacon of self confidence. 
“I’m a thousand percent sure. You’re the back bone to that place. And besides you literally saved my life.” Ona gently kissed Lucy’s lips, happy to feel her girlfriend melt into the kiss. 
“Hmm, I did, didn’t I?”
Lucy’s thumbs snaked up Ona’s thighs as the kiss became a little more heated. The shorter girl’s breath hitched when she felt Lucy’s fingers stroke over her lace underwear. 
“You sure we don’t have time?” 
Ona groaned as she reluctantly pulled away. “I’m sure, let’s go.”
Lucy pouted but the shorter girl only ignored her, giving her a quick peck on her lips instead. Lucy helped her back down, smacking her arse as they left the bathroom. 
“Thank you everyone for coming today. It’s a real honour to have been promoted to Chief Constable. I will do my best to feel some big shoes. But I actually want to thank the team. If it wasn’t for them myself and Ona wouldn’t be standing here with you today. I want to also thank Sarina for not firing me.” 
The room of guests laughed as Lucy winked at Sarina.
“You have taught me so much over the years, and I can’t thank you enough for allowing me to also learn and grow into the role. Thank you for also allowing me to work things on my own.” 
The room clapped and cheered. 
“Ona. Thank you for being the rock that I needed after everything that happened. You were my sun when things got dark. You stuck by me through my good and bad days, and trust me there were many bad days. But you never gave up on me. I hope I was your rock during this journey, and I hope to be your rock forever.” 
Ona nodded her head, watching only Lucy. Her eyes watered with tears as she proudly looked at her girlfriend. She looked up at Jill when she felt her hand on her shoulder. 
“Anyways. That’s enough from me. I think it’s time for some shots!” 
The group broke out into laughs and cheers. 
Lucy headed straight to Ona who had the biggest smile on her face, she looked so utterly proud of Lucy.
2 and half years later. 
“Ready Bronze?”
 “So ready.” Lucy chuckled as she looked in the mirror.  
“What are you talking about? She's been ready since the day Ona walked into that office.” Demi rolled her eyes, laughing at the question.
“That's true, she was a goner the moment she looked into those big brown eyes.” Jill chuckled as she pushed Lucy out the way to look at her own reflection. 
“I won’t even argue, you're all right.” Lucy smirked as she fixed her tie.
“Come on then! Let's go get you down the aisle. Your soon to be wife is probably getting impatient.”
Alexia walked into Ona’s room, smiling at her best friend. 
“You look beautiful, Ona.” 
“Thank you, Ale.” The petite girl opened her arms for best friend.
“I look good too? No?” Mapi strolled over, joining the hug.
Alexia rolled her eyes, but her smirk was anything but annoyed. “Si, Mapi, you look beautiful too.” Alexia squeezed her friend's cheek.
“Aye! Watch my make up!” Mapi whacked Alexia’s hand away.
“Si, sorry! I wouldn't want you to look bad for your sexy nurse girlfriend!” Alexia chuckled, as she made sure Ona’s hair was in place. “You ready, Ona?” The blonde girl eyed Ona in the mirror as she held her shoulders. 
“So ready.” She smiled brightly at her bridesmaids.
The day was perfect, the weather was perfect, the food was perfect, the music was perfect, the atmosphere was perfect. It was everything they dreamed of and more. 
The newly wedded couple danced in the middle of the room as everyone around them watched and smiled. They swayed to the song that now meant more to them than anyone would ever understand. 
Ona tucked her head underneath Lucy's chin, she inhaled the familiar perfume that brought her so much comfort. Lucy kissed the top of her wife's head, smiling into her soft hair. 
🎵You do something to me that I can't explain. Hold me closer and I feel no pain. Every beat of my heart. We got something going on. 🎵
“Don’t drop me!” Ona squealed as Lucy carried her through the hotel room. Again.
It was the third day into their honeymoon but she insisted that she needed to be carried every time.
“When have I ever dropped you?”
“That one time when-”
The girl was cut off when Lucy purposefully kissed her. Clearly not wanting to be reminded of that one time she dropped the Spaniard. But, Ona was more than happy to let it go when Lucy kissed her like that.
The taller brunette laid her newly wedded wife on the large double bed, she continued to kiss the girl below her, smiling as shs felt Ona’s hips grinding up into her.
“You already desperate, baby?”
Ona nodded with her teeth between her lips, her caramel hair laid out on the white sheets. Her hooded brown eyes were desperate for Lucy.
Lucy bit her lip as she looked at the girl below her, she'd never get bored of this sight. 
“What does my wife want?” She kissed Ona’s neck, sucking hard on her skin. Ona’s hands gripped on Lucy's waist as she felt the impeccable love bite being made on her skin. 
“Fuck me, ruin me.” Ona gasped as Lucy attached her mouth to the girl's easily accessed nipple, it made Lucy wonder if she wore this dress for this only purpose.
Lucy trailed wet sloppy kisses all over Ona’s chest, smirking as her wife’s whimpers became louder. She sucked and licked the sensitive flesh, opening the buttons that travelled down the easily accessed garment. She pulled the smaller girl to the edge of the bed, lowering herself to her knees. 
Her mouth gaped open as she was greeted with Ona’s already wet and exposed lips.
“No underwear?” Lucy smirked.
“No.” Ona husked, hearing the sultry and shocked hint in Lucy's voice. 
Lucy looked up to the skies as if she was thanking the gods for sending her this perfect girl.
She leaned in closer, her mouth watered at the beautiful site in front of her. A dripping and messy Ona was her favourite kind of Ona. One long broad stroke had the Spainards eyes rolling in the back of her head. 
The older brunette lapped noisily at Onas entrance, smiling into Ona’s cunt when she began to lift her hips up, needing more friction. 
“You taste even better as my wife.” Lucy groaned as she licked her lips.
Ona loved being spoken to during sex, it would always make her wet, but being called Lucy's wife nearly broke the fucking dam.
“Say it again.” Ona breathed out.
“My wife?” Lucy wrapped her mouth around Ona’s clit.
“Fuck! Again.”
“My wife, Mrs Ona Bronze.” She chuckled as she softly licked through Onas sensitive flesh.
The Spanairds legs started to shake, her hand entangled in Lucy's dark locks, gripping tightly as her hips grinded into Lucy’s talented mouth. She could feel every inch of the girl's tongue, gently caressing her heat.
“I’m your wife, Lucy. I belong to you. No one else. I’m only yours.” Ona gasped as her body started to feel her orgasm climbing.
The older brunette groaned into Ona’s core, she felt herself becoming almost dizzy at Ona’s words. She pulled Ona’s strong legs further apart as she ate her girl out like her life depended on it. The young brunette’s hips started to frash, as she pushed Lucy further into her core, her jaw clenching as her orgasm was about to crash over her. 
Lucy replaced her tongue with her thumb, watching the girl losing all control over her body. 
“Is my wife going to come for me? My good obedient wife?”
“Yes. Yes!”
“You’re so pretty for me, Ona. So wet and pretty. My pretty life wife.” Lucy brought her mouth back to Onas' pussy as she easily slipped two fingers inside her wife.
The dam broke. 
Ona’s cunt clenched around Lucy's fingers as her orgasm erupted through her sweaty body. Her fingers pulled on Lucy's hair as she moaned out in pleasure, fucking her wifes face. Her chest rose and fell as she tried to recover, but Lucy’s tongue was still caressing her folds. 
Her strong thighs tried to close around Lucy's head as her wife continued to suckle her clit between her lips, but Lucy's strong arms kept her open as the girl tried to squirm away. She whimpered loudly as Lucy's mouth never let up, drinking her down, swallowing every drop. 
“Lucy!” Ona begged. 
Lucy didn't listen, she was too engrossed in the taste of Ona, too distracted at the way her thighs trembled around hands. She eyed the petite girl above her, she had already won the fight when Ona began to moan again. 
She stayed between the girl's legs until she gave her another orgasm. Her face and sheets were covered in Ona’s juices. 
“Such a good wife.” Ona chuckled as she watched the girl quiver on the bed.
She walked over to the suitcase, pulling out the strap she loved. She stripped her clothes, pulling her harness over her legs.
Ona was already desperate for her again. She didn't need to be told what position to get into, she turned around spreading her knees as she put herself in Lucy's favourite position. 
Lucy smiled as she watched the shorter brunette. 
“You really are obedient, aren't you?” She slapped the girl's arse cheek, leaving a bright red mark.
“Yes.” Ona nodded her face pressed against the sheets.
The taller brunette stood behind the girl, exposing her dripping sex. She grabbed the strap in her hand, and gently rubbed it through Ona’s puffy wet lips.
“Luce, please.” Ona whispered.
“Don’t worry baby. I’m right here.” Lucy stroked the girl's cheeks as she slowly pushed herself into her wife, loving the way Ona gasped as she entered her.
This view of Ona was maybe Lucy's favourite view. Having the girl bent over, dripping wet, giving herself so easily over to Lucy sent an animalistic urge through her. She rocked her hips at a steady pace, pulling the thick strap all the way out, leaving the head inside Ona’s walls as she easily slid back.
It was a gentle motion but it didn't stop Ona from gasping for air, she could feel every inch of Lucy inside her. The way she stroked along her tight walls, her cunt clenching along the plastic made her brows twitch.
“Look at my good little bride. Taking me, pleasing me just like you should.” Lucy started to rock her hips faster, rougher.
“Y-Yes. I want to please you, L-Lucyyy.” She started to grip the sheets below her as Lucy began to fuck the ait out of her.
“You always please me Ona. Fuck.” Her head rolled back in pleasure as the base of the strap rubbed perfectly at her clit. “If it's not your perfect mouth pleasing me, it's your perfect tight pussy.” 
Ona got louder as the trust got deeper, the rooms next door would definitely know Lucys name by the end of today, but Lucy didnt care about the neighbours right now, she just wanted to fuck her wife. 
“Fuck, just like that Ona, you take it so goos, baby.” 
She gripped on to Ona’s arms, pulling them behind her back. She smirked wickedly the moment she heard the tell tell signs of her wifes next orgasm approaching. 
“No, no. Not yet. Don’t you dare come, Ona.”
Ona let out a high pitched whine, she was already close, her over stimulated body was almost giving up. 
Lucy held her wrist behind her back with her one large hand as she grabbed Ona’s caramel hair in her other hand. She tugged at the long tresses, making Ona’s noises even louder as her head was forced to move.
Lucy felt her back start to sweat. She was working the girl hard, her body was gleaming with her own sweat, her muscles flexed as she stroked in and out of the girl's tired body. She was fucking the girl like she was trying to put a baby inside her. The sounds of wet skin bounded across the room, along with loud pleasured moans.
“Is Ona Bronze going to come for me? Come all over my strap?” 
Lucy groaned at her own words, her orgasm was just on the horizon.
“Yes. YES! Please.”
“Always ready to please and obey. Aren't you, Ona? Such a good fucking wife.”
Ona’s cheeks blushed, Lucy’s words were throwing her mind into a haze.
Lucy felt her orgasm washing over her body. She gripped harder on Ona, fucking the girl hard into the bed below 
“Come with me, baby!”
Both girls let out a mess of moans. Lucy’s body shook behind Ona as she came with a loud groan, yanking the girl's hair back as she did. 
She could feel Ona’s walls sucking her strap in deeper, watching the plastic sinking into her walls. 
“So good. So good! My good little wife.”
Ona lost all ability to hold herself up. She allowed Lucy to pull her up against her chest, her eyes fluttered shut feeling Lucy’s lips against her neck. 
“I love you.” Lucy nuzzled Ona’s sweaty neck.
“I love you too.” The shorter girl smiled lazily. 
Lucy pulled out of Ona gently, discarding the strap.
“Shall we actually go to the beach now?” Lucy chuckled. 
Ona laughed out loud, her caramel hair swaying down her back. Lucy noticed the Mexican sun had already made her freckles darker. 
“Yeah, let’s go.” The younger brunette agreed. “Shall we go to the nudist beach?” Ona suggested with a cheeky smile. 
Lucy nearly broke her neck as she snapped her head up. “No! Nobody gets to see my wife naked. Only me.” Lucy pouted. 
Ona crawled to the end of the bed, kissing Lucy’s chest with her doe brown eyes looking up innocently.
“Hmm, remind me again.” Ona mumbled against Lucy's skin.
“My wife.” Lucy whispered.
The petite brunette could smell the wetness between Lucy's legs. It made her mouth water. She slowly started to kiss down her skin until her lips wrapped around Lucy's already swollen clit. 
“Fuck! My perfect wife.” Lucy groaned, her mouth opening in pleasure.
She entangled her fingers between Ona’s hair, face fucking hair newly wedded wife.
The beach could wait.
4 years later.
Lucy heard a knock on the door.
“That must be them.” She smiled at her wife.
She made her way to the front door, smiling as she could hear Alexia and Mapi bickering. 
“Merry Christmas!” Mapi shouted as she barged through the front door, her hands full of presents. 
“Merry Christmas, Mapi. You good?” Lucy chuckled as she watched the tattooed girl struggle to walk past her.
“Yeah, I’m good. Where’s my baby?”
Ingrid kissed Lucy on the cheek as she followed her fiance inside. “Merry Christmas, Lucy.”
“Merry Christmas, Ingrid. She's in the front room with Ona.” The brunette smiled.
Alexia hugged Lucy at the door as she rolled her eyes.
“She’s hyper already.” Alexia mumbled.
“It's christmas, you know what she's like.” Lucy chuckled.
Alexia sighed, nodding her head. “Yeah, a child.” 
Ona stood up to greet Mapi but the girl pushed past her, ignoring her friend completely and aiming for the 6 month old baby girl.
Ingrid shook her head as she hugged Ona, Alexia came straight after.
“Drinks?” Lucy asked as she opened the fridge.
“Si, Lucy. Mapi you can't hog her the whole day. You had her all day last week. You always do it!” Alexia groaned as she tried to take the chubby baby from Mapis arms. 
Ingrid watched as Mapi ran from her blonde friend. The bumberling baby laughed as she was jostled about. 
“I know that look.” Ona poked the raven haired girl. 
Ingrid's cheeks blushed pink.
“One day. But she's my baby for now.” Ingrid chuckled.
Alexia finally got hold of the curly headed baby, smiling as she cuddled her, but as soon as she held her she started to cry.
“No! See Mapi! This is what you do!” Alexia tried to bounce the baby to calm her down.
Lucy came next to Ona hugging her tightly. She chuckled at the sight before her.
“I love you, Ona.”
“I love you. Lucy.”
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rocorambles · 1 year
Final Girl: Act I
Pairing: Daichi x Reader x Kuroo
Tags: NSFW, Yandere, Non-Consensual Drugging, Non-Consensual Somnophilia, Daichi and Kuroo being grade A creeps 
Summary: If only you hadn’t been so focused on intently staring at the ground in an attempt to avoid those piercing hazel eyes, maybe then you would have noticed the momentary smug cold gleam in those deceptively kind brown eyes as the two men exchange a glance. 
Link to Final Girl: Act II
You are a complete moron. Torn between screaming and crying, you let out a strangled sound between the two as you furiously clench your fists around your now useless steering wheel. It’s almost laughable how cliche the situation you find yourself in is. You can even see the imaginary script in your head. 
Scene: Girl in broken down car, cell phone out of battery, stuck in the middle of nowhere on a dirt road, torrential downpour
You’ve always rolled your eyes in annoyance at the dumb damsels in distress you’ve seen on screen, all in predicaments easily avoided if they had used a single ounce of common sense. And now here you are, just like them, all because you had stupidly scoffed at the numerous warnings about the inclement weather. 
What harm could a little more rain than usual do? Apparently, a lot.
Weighing your options, a brick of disbelief and hysteria swells and sinks inside of you. There’s no way you can stay in this car. Even if you wait out the flash floods and stormy nightmare outside that looks to have no end in sight, you’ll still have a broken car and dead cell phone with no city or town anywhere near walking distance. You’ll need to venture out into the forests that surround you on either side in hopes of stumbling upon a cabin with kindhearted folks who’ll help you out. 
It’s not a long shot that you’ll find some nearby residents. Despite this area being off the beaten track, you know there are plenty of people who’ve migrated here in search of a quieter and more remote life. You yourself had ventured out here for a long weekend solo getaway to rest and reset (the premise of this whole unfortunate scenario). But that doesn’t stop that same stereotypical script from playing in your head as you anxiously exit your car and delve into that intimidating expanse of greenery. 
Scene: Girl walks into the woods, disappearing out of view from the road, only the stillness and silence of the forest left in her wake   
You grimace as mud squelches under the weight of your steps, as floods of water stream down your face. Your one saving grace is that at least there’s still daylight to guide you, but even that is quickly dwindling as the sun continues to set. Anxiety laced with fear begins to claw at you as darkness begins to spread. 
How long have you been searching? How far are you from your car? Do you even know where you are? Are you lost-
Your body stiffens in shock as your frantic eyes see a glow of light up ahead and your frenzied thoughts are cut short by adrenaline as your legs scramble forward before your brain can catch up, stumbling towards that literal ray of hope you see in the distance. Relief washes over you as the sight of a cabin becomes clearer the closer you get to your destination and primal instincts take a back seat as you slow down, cautiously assessing your surroundings. 
It certainly doesn’t look like a murder house. In fact you’re almost in awe at how chic and charming the “cabin” in front of you is with its sleek black rustic yet modern structure nestled among a gorgeously curated landscape. The inhabitants certainly had taste and money, but you know better than to immediately equate to being “good”. Do you take the risk of ringing their doorbell?
Life makes that decision for you and your heart pounds in terror at the feeling of a hand grabbing your shoulder, head spinning to locate the source only to be locked in a staring contest with sharp hazel eyes. 
“My, my. What do we have here? A little chick separated from her flock?” 
You shudder as the low slow drawl of his words slither unpleasantly against you, an interested predatory lilt in every syllable. This was a mistake, you need to get out of here, run-
“Kuroo, what’s taking you so long- Who’s that with you?” 
So distracted by the sudden stand-off, neither of you had noticed the cabin door opening or the approaching figure of the man now curiously observing the two of you. 
Kind brown eyes worriedly look at you, a crease of concern furrowing between brows as the new stranger takes in your drenched state and before you can utter a word, a warm hand gently but firmly wraps around your wrist, leading you inside. 
You know it’s foolish to let yourself so easily be swayed, but even if you were to run, you doubt you could outrun the two seemingly fit men. Not to mention how your gut is screaming that “brown eyes'' is a far safer option than the man whose hazel eyes are now staring in annoyance at the two of you, not unlike a cat whose prey has been snatched from him, as he glowers and trails behind you causing you to subconsciously hover close to your savior. 
If only you hadn’t been so focused on intently staring at the ground in an attempt to avoid those piercing hazel eyes, maybe then you would have noticed the momentary smug cold gleam in those deceptively kind brown eyes as the two men exchange a glance. 
Scene: Girl enters a stranger’s house
Daichi (brown eyes) and Kuroo (hazel eyes). You now have names to match with the faces. Childhood friends who had decided the hustle and bustle of city life wasn’t for them and had bought and renovated this property together. Freshly showered in a set of Daichi’s spare t-shirt and shorts, basking in the warmth of the fireplace, stomach filled with a delicious meal cooked by the two men, a glass of red wine in your hands, you wonder what you were so scared of. Even Kuroo seems harmless, if infuriating, as Daichi and him teasingly bicker with each other about their mutual friends and shared memories they had growing up together. 
The weather had knocked out most of the power in the area leaving you without wi-fi or a way for you to charge your phone and with the roads as flooded and inaccessible as they were, there was little hope of a tow truck being able to take care of your car anytime soon. But you don’t mind the idea of having to stay a few days longer in this cozy cabin if this is how you’ll be pampered. Taking another generous sip of the ruby red liquid in your glass, you wonder how you can repay the two men. Maybe you can help them cook tomorrow…
Scene: Girl accepts a drink from a stranger
Ever the gentleman, Daichi is there to catch you as your body goes limp. 
Kuroo snorts at the chivalrous display, but it doesn’t stop him from eagerly drawing near as he follows the broader man who bridal carries you up the stairs to the guest bedroom. 
There’s no need for how gentle Daichi handles your body as he lays you on soft sheets, not with the dosage Kuroo had slipped into your wine. But he’d always been more careful with his toys, unlike the man next to him who is practically clawing off your clothes, his long lean frame already pinning you beneath him. 
He can’t really blame his companion though. How long had it been since the last warm body they’d shared? The last foolish prey who’d naively walked right into their trap? So he just patiently watches as Kuroo eagerly partakes of you, only making warning comments here and there when the taller man is close to leaving too many marks that won’t be easily explained tomorrow. And when he’s done, your essence dripping from his mouth, your nipples and clit perky and begging for more attention, trails of Kuroo’s cum littering your body, it’s Daichi’s turn and he carefully savors you, relishing in how sensitive and responsive your body is even if your mind is far, far away, blissfully ignorant of your current predicament.
Scene: Girl is taken advantage of.  
You groan, head throbbing, the daylight sneaking through the curtains doing nothing to alleviate-
Wait, daylight? 
Momentary panic sets in as your mind whirls to remember what had transpired, eyes taking in the strange room you’re occupying. 
Had you…drank too much? But you could have sworn you only had a couple of glasses… Maybe it was just the exhaustion from the trying night you had? 
Your thoughts are interrupted by knocking on your door and you instinctively tense up as a head of spiky black hair peeks out at you. Despite the questionable first encounter the two of you had, you had convinced yourself that it was just a misunderstanding, that Kuroo was just a little more crude and rough around the edges than the average person. After all, if someone as kind as Daichi was close to him, surely Kuroo couldn’t be so bad, right? 
But now that it’s just the two of you again, no Daichi to act as a comforting barrier, apprehension freezes you as Kuroo ambles towards your vulnerable figure still tucked underneath bed sheets. You swear there’s hunger in those hazel eyes and you shudder under his gaze, feeling it rake across your body, shivering at how small you feel as he towers over you when he reaches you, his legs pressed against the bed frame, upper body teasingly leaning over you. 
“Some water for Sleeping Beauty.”
Technically he’s not touching you, but that thought does nothing to comfort or protect you from the heat of his body or the vibrations of his words as he practically cocoons you, going out of his way to almost embrace you as he uses the act of carefully placing a glass of water on your side table as an excuse. But before you can even react, he’s already pulling away, a self-satisfied smirk splayed on his face. 
“Prince Charming is making breakfast. Come down when you’re ready.”
As your thoughts race with the conviction that you need to do everything you can to escape this place, Kuroo hisses in satisfaction, calloused hand palming the growing bulge in his pants outside your closed door. Fuck, if only you knew how delectable you look, trembling, scared, at his mercy. He can still taste you on his tongue, his cock twitching as it remembers how perfectly your walls had wrapped around it. And he wants more. 
Time to wrap this little play up. 
End of Act 1. 
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akane171 · 9 months
­­­Things about Ron Speirs that live rent free in my head
I don’t know what I like most about this scene. The fact Dick just furiously passed Sink and ignored his commander, because his boys were getting screwed? Speirs running to him and then without a single word sprinting to do the job? Or Nixon with his binoculars liveblogging the whole  battle? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
-The change in his voice and intonation between “I’m taking over” and “First Sergeant Lipton!”.
-The church scene, when Lipton says Easy men didn’t care about the gossips… It was HILARIOUS. Like, Lip? Sweetheart? Ron scared the shit out of Christenson and some poor innocent kids in the same damned ep. I could hear Pat’s sobbing in the background during that scene, mixed with the nuns’ chorus.
-A man needs a hobby and his was trolling people. Aside of the whole “did he or did he not shot the prisoners”, he enjoyed the gossips, appearing suddenly out of nowhere, while giving creepy speeches and traumatizing people. And he did it fabulously. Legend.
-His little, millisecond pause, when we watch his back while Lipton says “Well, maybe they keep talking about it because they never heard Tercius deny it”.
-And two things about this scene. Lipton knows Speirs was trolling people and it was amusing him. And Ron’s answer “Well, maybe that’s because Tercius knew there was some value to the men thinking he was the meanest, toughest sonofabitch in the whole Roman legion” - he knows Lip knows he was trolling people and (not directly) admits it. He never did that to anyone else, what also means he really respected Lipton (gross sobbing).
-Anyway, this whole church scene is a pure love and I adore every second of it.
-He was a history nerd ;_; I’m kind of sad, we didn’t see him and Buck taking about some ancient battles in Gaul.
-He kept tabs on Easy xD how much he’s learnt from creeping in the shadows and eavesdropping – no one knows xD
-The fact real Speirs was shot in the ass on some of his solo patrols proves he was just meant to be Easy’s CO. Fucking destiny.
-His favourite sergeant was Grant (ok, ok, put the pitchforks DOWN, I said sergeant NOT lieutenant, geez).
-The fact no one called him “Sparky” in the show is a crime against humanity. But at least we got one “Ron” from Winters. Still…
-I think I read somewhere here, that he wore his helmet so low, because it was too big and… yes? Absolutely? Whoever noticed it – I bow to you.
And it reminds me all the promo pics where we have most of the characters standing together and he stands on the side, a little farer and looking awkwardly like “mom said I have to socialize more, so here I am, ugh…”.
-Also, he looks tiny compared to the other guys on many shots/pics, what is hilarious on many levels.
-I realized it after the second watch, that he not only stole cigarettes from Buck, but he offered them to the German POWs. Not his cigarettes, but the shit he stole. I don’t know why, but it’s just so super HIM xD
-I wonder when exactly Easy Company did realize that their new CO is not exactly the meanest, toughest sonofabitch in the army, but a big ass weirdo, with poor social skills, suspicious hobbies and sticky hands.
-Ep 8 look >>>>>>>>>>>>> everything else.
-The moment when Webster throws himself to the ground and Ron just stands in the background, watching the missile like it was meh (he had a personal ranking of “Things that almost killed me” and that missile was not even on the Top 10).
-“No. You don’t have any experience.” How the fuck Jones didn’t drop dead right after is beyond me. Also, A+++ acting.
-The fact is that Lipton was his social-skills-only-working-brain-cell and it’s beautiful.
-The moment Perconte asked him to give him back his lighter, I guess it was the moment Speirs knew his reputation crumbled to dust xD
-Unpopular opinion, but I don’t think Malarkey scared him on a purpose. I think it was accidentally, what for me, makes it even funnier. But the fact Don started as someone who was scared of Speirs like no one else and ended scarring him – it just warms my heart.
-And that pure annoyance on Ron’s face when Malarkey’s approaches him a second after he scared him, will never stop making me laugh. It the look could kill the bottle in Don’s hands would explode.
-On some point Lipton was sitting with his head in his hands and moaning that he was not paid enough to keep his crazy CO with suicidal tendencies alive and Luz was there-thereing him.
-All the things he's done to keep Grant alive.
-Basically, Speirs gives me a stray cat vibes and the fact he kind of, adopted Lipton and whole Easy proves it.
-And finally, the way he went from “we are all dead, just accept it” to “ok, I guess I’m going to stay in the army to keep the idiots alive (sighs)” is one of the best character developments and is so… sooo … you know? ;_;
Anyway, the thing I like the most about his character is how unexpected he is. I didn’t expect to like him so much. I didn’t expect him to change so much in such splendid way. But here I am.
We meet him in the show as  “a cold blooded soldier” stereotype and we learn in the end he was just deeply compassionate man (and a weirdo), who applied being a sociopath to be a better man of war. It just makes him very human - thanks to the fact his character was based on a real man, I guess. And that applies to all BOB’s characters.
And BIG kudos to Matthew Settle for doing such a great job and creating an iconic character. I read and watched some interviews, where he admitted he had a big problems with grasping the role, but damn, in the end he absolutely NAILED IT.
EDIT: Part II (x)
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siilvan · 1 year
bloodsport – II
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prologue | part one | next
characters: vladimir makarov
summary: you never realized how boring captivity could be. you hate to admit it, but makarov is the only interesting thing around, and perhaps the closest thing you have to an ally in this place.
genre: angst, slowburn, enemies to ?, fem!reader (callsign: petra, no desc.)
warnings: semi-proofread, cursing, canon-typical violence, descriptions of blood/injuries, inaccurate medical procedures, reader gets harassed :/, reader kills a dude, russian written by a non-russian speaker (please correct me if it's wrong!!)
word count: 3.7k
note: the temptation to write the filthiest makarov/reader/yuri fic is slowly taking over my brain. i'm begging activision to reveal my ex-war-criminal husband already bc i have two hands for a reason
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true to his word, you don't see makarov for the rest of the day. after you're brought back to your cell and locked away, you take the time to rest and gather your thoughts. the lumpy bed provides little comfort as you try to sleep, but it's better than the cold floor. you manage to drift off eventually, even with every voice and sound in the corridor stirring you awake.
when you finally drag yourself out of bed the next morning, blinking away any lingering exhaustion and gently stretching your sore muscles, the sky is still dark. the storm that was raging all night had subsided for now, and through the single barred window on the back wall, you can see groups of soldiers outside. running drills, training in marksmanship, transporting supplies, patrolling the grounds - it reminds you of the bases you've visited with the team.
the team. you trudge over to the only other furniture in the room, the metal chair that you moved to sit near the window, and plop down onto the seat unceremoniously. with how muddled your mind has been since the conversation with makarov, you've hardly had time to think about them.
they're alive. you just need to keep telling yourself that. they'll come for you as soon as they can. all you can do until then is keep faith and survive.
as a pair of boots stomps down the hall towards your cell, you begin to ponder if taking matters into your own hands is the only way you'll escape. you're just as capable as the rest of your team, surely you can find a way out of this crumbling prison.
you turn your head at the sound of keys jingling. a guard is standing at your door, unlocking it, before looking at you. "let's go," he says, thick accent lacing every word. "you're on a schedule."
with a small wince, you rise from the chair and cross the room. the guard starts down the corridor, heading in the opposite direction that you went yesterday. you follow close behind, clammy palms wringing together. it almost feels like you're restrained again, with metal cuffs digging into your wrists and binding you, keeping you from struggling or defending yourself.
after descending a staircase and passing a few corners, you reach wherever the guard was taking you. he pushes a door open and ushers you inside, revealing a sizeable shower facility. you send him a cursory glance, confused as he motions for you to step further into the space.
"shower." he mutters, standing by the door. you wordlessly turn to the showers, then back to him.
"do you mind?" you ask, nodding towards the door. "i'd like a little privacy. it's not like i can tunnel my way out."
he shakes his head at first, refusing your request, until you decide to do the same, silently staring at him. a beat passes between you until he spins around, grumbling something along the lines of "hurry up," and exits the room. once the door slams shut behind him, you let out a relieved breath and walk over to one of the many stalls.
you scan the area before carefully undressing, paying close attention so as to not mess up your bandages or strain any of your healing injuries. you quickly dive past the thin curtain and toss your clothes over the curtain rod.
a string of curses fall from your lips when you twist the knob and cold water pours out of the shower head, prickling like ice against your skin. cleaning yourself up whilst protecting your bandages is a difficult task, but you manage to keep them relatively dry. you were in need of a fresh set, anyway. grains of sand and dust leftover from al-mazrah is washed down the drain, and as you start to adjust to the freezing temperature, some of your muscle aches follow suit.
a few minutes of relief pass by as you try to relax, though the bliss is short-lived when you remember your conversation from yesterday. you hate the thought of listening to makarov of all people, but did he have a point? are you truly just as bad as him, even with good intentions being your motivation?
you're well aware of what your job entails. as captain price so bluntly puts it: we get dirty, and the world stays clean. you know that some missions leave a sour taste in your mouth and a doubt in your mind. are you truly doing the right thing? can you do better? is there a way to save everyone?
as you shut off the water and attempt to dry off with a clean towel left on a small bench nearby, you realize that you're giving makarov exactly what he wants. he brought up the topic with the intent of messing with your head. he's trying to break you - for whatever reason, you're not sure. all you know is that you can't give up. you have to stay strong for the team.
you pull your clothes back on, nose scrunching at the uncomfortable feeling of damp gauze sticking to your skin. the guards seemed to bounce between civility and cruelty depending on the moment; perhaps you can catch someone in a good mood and request a replacement.
the door swings open and you jolt, spinning around to face the intruder. the man from earlier is standing in the doorway, a look of disinterest evident even through his balaclava. "you are done, yes?"
clearly he isn't the person to ask, you think, following him into the corridor. he leads you back down the same path as earlier, through winding halls and up a set of stairs, stopping once you arrive at the cell you call home. you keep an eye out for anyone along the way who looks to be doing well, searching for a person to seek help from.
no one catches your attention, leaving you only one option: the guard currently locking the door behind you.
"uh– can i ask you a question?" you turn around to look at him, wrapping your hands around the iron bars. he sends a small glare in your direction, but pauses nonetheless.
"what?" he murmurs, standing up straight.
you lift your arms, showing off the damp and gradually loosening bandages. "any chance i can get these changed?"
his eyes flit down to your arms, then back to your face. he sighs, heavy and deep, and grumbles out a reply. "i will get the doctor."
with that, he leaves your sight, lifting a hand to his radio and saying something that you can't understand. "should've agreed to those fucking russian lessons from price," you mumble, staggering across the room and sitting on the bed while picking at your loose gauze.
it feels like an hour passes by before you hear someone coming down the hall again. by this point, you were assuming that the guard had forgotten about you.
you sit up from your slumped position against the metal frame and are immediately greeted by a new person on the other side of the door. an older man, nicely dressed and carrying a heavy bag that you fear will topple him over, regarding you with a grin that feels out of place in this shithole.
"you must be petra," he starts, pushing the door open and letting himself inside. he keeps his distance, both hands visible and wrapped around the handle of the bag in front of his body. "doctor tarkovsky." he continues, introducing himself. you nod, watching closely as he approaches you and places his bag on the bed next to you. the chair is dragged over, much like the other day, and he sits.
"the work you did... you saved my life, doctor." you mutter, allowing him to take one of your arms into his gentle hold. he hums in reply, taking great care in undoing the dressings.
"спасибо, but it was not me that saved you." he chuckles softly, eyes briefly lifting from your arm to meet your gaze. "the commander was responsible for that. by the time you arrived here and into my care, he had managed to stabilize you."
he mumbles something to himself about "his military days" while dropping his gaze back down to your newly exposed skin. your eyes follow his, and you wince at the sight of burn marks and stitched lacerations. a cold breeze enters into the room through the window and stings as it sweeps over you, making you clench your hand into a tight fist.
"the commander? you mean makarov?" you ask, forcing yourself to look away and stare at the wall behind the doctor. the same man that put you here is the one that kept you alive. go figure. you glare holes into a random brick, trying to make sense of it. based on the few interactions that you've had with him, as well as the many things that price had to say, that kindness seems out of character.
the fact that he hasn't tortured you to the brink of insanity is odd enough.
"yes, he demanded that i give you the best treatment. said he wanted you alive and in good condition." the doctor rummages through the bag next to you and begins to clean your wounds and apply new dressings, deft hands making quick work of the process. you remain silent as he wraps your arm in a new set of bandages, waiting for him to finish.
you finally speak once he's halfway through rewrapping your other arm. "is he always so... touchy?" you murmur, almost a whisper.
"touchy?" he repeats the word.
"i think i pissed him off yesterday," you say, tongue darting out to wet your chapped lips. "ended up slammed against a wall. is he always so quick to anger?"
after securing the bandages on your arm, the doctor leans back and shakes his head. "commander makarov is usually the calmest person in a conversation," he replies with a surprised huff. "whatever you said or did must have struck a nerve, made him lose his temper. even the soldiers working under him struggle to do such a thing."
you furrow your brow at him. he waves off your befuddlement and gets started on treating your other injuries - namely, the large gash on your side and the burns on your back. as he's loosely wrapping your back in gauze, he makes another comment.
"it could be that you angered him, rather than what you did."
"i angered him?" you parrot back to him, craning your neck to look at him over your shoulder. the doctor nudges you forward again and hums affirmatively.
yet another thing that doesn't make any sense, you think. besides your affiliation with the one-four-one, there's nothing about you that should stand out to a man like makarov. you don't possess any top secret intel or really hold any importance to anyone outside of your team; so, why is he treating you so strangely? is it a game he's playing, trying to mess with his real enemy, the captain?
are you merely a pawn, a bargaining chip between two forces much bigger than yourself? makarov is dangling your life like bait, hoping to catch a better prize. you squeeze your eyes shut and take in a deep breath, considering your options.
makarov would only hold onto you for one reason. drawing out captain price. that means price is alive, at least to makarov. if you stay here, you might be able to confirm this plan for yourself. however, if you can escape and deliver all the intel you've collected so far, you could prevent the plan from advancing any further. no matter which option you choose, rotting away in this prison cell won't help.
as kind as the doctor is, he's still one of makarov's men. you can't trust him. you're on your own.
"so, is it going to scar?" you inquire with a smile, fixing your shirt after he pulls away. he moves to gather his things, reaching into his bag and handing you a dose of painkillers.
he sighs and sends you another smile of his own. "the burns aren't deep enough, thankfully, and the lacerations shouldn't scar so long as they're properly cared for. you are very lucky."
"guess i am. thank you, again."
you swallow down the pills - dry, much to your chagrin - and give him a small wave as he exits the room, the iron door closing behind him with a soft clunk. the guard from earlier reappears to lock it moments later, leaving you trapped in the cell once more.
another five days pass by, and you mentally curse whatever higher power put you here. your routine remains largely unchanged: at roughly seven o' clock, one of the guards stops by to take you to the showers. by seven-thirty, the doctor arrives to change your bandages. you're given your only meal around noon and left to your own devices until eight in the evening, when the doctor arrives to change your bandages again.
you are slowly beginning to heal, at least. the lack of nutrition was stunting the process, but according to the doctor, you were still on the mend. it won't be long until you can get the stitches taken out.
you've spent several of these past one-hundred-and-twenty hours wondering if that's what makarov is waiting for. he wants you alive to torture, to indulge in breaking something fixed by his own hand. maybe the doctor is in on the plan. you wouldn't be surprised to discover that he's reporting your healing process to makarov, giving him a countdown of sorts.
as you rest on the cold, hard stone floor, with your back propped up against the side of the bed, tossing a rubber ball that you pocketed at the wall, you question if your paranoia is getting the better of you.
the rubber ball rolls across the ground after you throw it at the wall. it starts to come back to you, before bouncing off the edge of your boot and heading towards the door. you lazily follow it with your eyes, until you notice a person standing at the other side of the bars, their gaze transfixed on you.
it's a man wearing an outfit similar to the doctor's, though you can easily tell that he's substantially younger. in his late thirties to early forties, you estimate. he carefully kicks the ball out of his way after entering the room. you watch him like a hawk, an uneasy feeling washing over you.
"i'll be handling your care today." he announces, plopping his similarly-designed supply bag on the mattress. you pull yourself up to stand and dust yourself off, taking a healthy step back from him.
"something happen with doctor tarkovsky?" you ask as the younger man rummages through his bag and slips on a pair of latex gloves. he shakes his head, not even bothering to look at you, and continues searching through his supplies.
"tarkovsky is busy," he responds, motioning for you to sit. you hesitate for a second, but ultimately decide to shake off the nerves and follow his orders. "i'm going to start with your back today." he adds. you nod, moving to face away from him and lift your shirt up.
he's silent while replacing the gauze, and you're not sure whether you prefer that or talking. his touch is slightly less gentle, which you chalk it up to less experience. eventually, he moves on to the gash on your side, settling in the normal chair with an expression that you find hard to decipher.
your unease is suddenly validated as he cleans the stitches. his unoccupied hand comes to rest on your thigh, just above your knee, catching your attention. your eyes fall from the wall to his hand, then to the open bag at your side. laying near the top of it is a scalpel - small, but lethal in the right hands. you clear your throat and shift, bouncing your knee under his hold, testing the waters.
instead of removing his hand, he slips it just barely higher. you squint, gnawing at the inside of your cheek, debating on acting now or waiting a little longer. maybe he doesn't realize it.
as his hand slides higher, though, gloved fingertips digging into the plush of your thigh, that notion goes out the window. you slowly lower your hand closest to the bag and place it on the mattress next to it. the younger doctor pulls back, examining his work, his thumb rubbing languid circles into your skin. you act while he's distracted.
with trained proficiency, you grab the scalpel from the top of the pile and shove the man forward, slicing across his neck in one swift motion. he stumbles backwards, reaching up to desperately grasp at his throat as he chokes on the blood pouring from the open wound.
"don't fucking touch me again," you seethe, fixing your shirt and holding the scalpel in a white-knuckled grip. the sounds of him tripping over the chair and falling to the ground alerts the guards stationed in the corridor, who immediately rush through the door with their guns drawn and pointed at you.
they're shouting at you, but you can't make out what they're saying over the blood pounding in your ears. you turn away from the dying man and stare them down, unmoving from your spot in the middle of the room.
after a brief standoff, the guards suddenly look over their shoulders and shuffle away from each other, revealing a familiar face. one you haven't seen in almost a week, and assumed you wouldn't see for a while longer.
makarov steps to the front of the small group as the ringing in your ears begins to subside. his eyes dart from you to the man lying on the ground, having choked to death shortly before he arrived at the scene. he chuckles, low and controlled, and turns to the guards.
"убрать этот беспорядок," he mutters, waving towards the corpse. the men holster their guns and move past him, lifting the body up and carrying it out. as the group disappears down the hall, you find yourself alone with makarov. the scalpel slips from your fingers and clatters against the floor, pulling his focus back to you.
"well? are you going to punish me for that?" you ask plainly, the pool of red still visible in your peripheral vision.
"should i?" he counters, casually sauntering across the room. his gaze flits from yours to your cheek, which you soon realize is wet with the man's blood.
you shrug, shoulders drooping. "i killed one of your men. most people would punish a prisoner for less."
he wipes the blood off your cheek with his forefinger and huffs softly, seemingly pleased with the situation. it's only now that you notice his slightly disheveled appearance; his white dress shirt is untucked and his sleeves rolled up to his elbows, showing off his forearms that are covered in a light layer of dirt. minor cuts and bruises bloom on his skin, resembling self-defense wounds.
"i could never expect a member of the one-four-one to accept capture quietly," makarov remarks, picking the chair up off the floor. "i'm surprised it took you this long, if anything. i was expecting to receive reports by the second day."
he raps his knuckles against the seat twice, urging you to sit. you end up mirroring your first interaction after he sits on the bed across from you, elbows resting on top of his knees.
you grab a set of cleaning wipes from the bag forgotten at the foot of the bed and offer them to him. "so, i'm assuming you're not here to share the fun story behind those obvious self-defense wounds?" you tilt your head to the side, regarding him with a sarcastic smile.
"like i said in our prior conversation," he takes the pack from your outstretched hand and haphazardly wipes his arms clean, the lack of care enough to make you inwardly flinch at the potential pain. "once traitors are found, they are dealt with."
"seems like they got to you first," you snort.
besides a pointed glare, he doesn't dignify your comment with a response. instead, he takes your arm into his hold, removing the old bandages with almost the same level of indifference that he treated his own injuries with.
"ow." you grunt, a bit overdramatic. in truth, his touch isn’t any less gentle than the doctor you just killed.
"stop complaining." he responds bluntly.
"maybe be more careful, then." you snap, tugging your arm back. you're being intentionally difficult, pushing his buttons, but you deserve to be a little shitty to the man holding you hostage.
makarov grabs your elbow, one of the few relatively uninjured parts of your arm, and yanks you forward, until your free hand slams down onto the space next to him to catch yourself from falling. he leans in, your noses nearly touching, and sneers.
"this is the extent of my kindness, petra." he tightens his hold when you try to create some distance, locking you in place. "do not tempt me to withdraw it." he whispers, dark eyes boring into yours.
you swallow back a whimper as his grip tightens again, blunt nails digging into healing skin, nodding in reply. he releases you a moment later and resumes his previous actions, quickly yet effectively rewrapping your arm. you grudgingly decide to cooperate for the other set, making it go by much faster than the last.
"tarkovsky said you're usually pretty calm," you mumble as he secures the bandages in place. "is it the one-four-one that frustrates you so easily? or, am i just a special case, hm?"
makarov, clearly interested in continuing the running theme since your first meeting, does not respond. you really should get used to it. you say nothing more as he stands up and grabs the discarded supply bag, walking towards the door. he pauses, holding the door open, and you nearly miss the words said to you over his shoulder.
"anyone else would be dead already."
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спасибо (spasibo) - thank you
убрать этот беспорядок (ubrat' etot besporyadok) - clean up this mess
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taglist: @sofasoap, @roosterr, @rohansregret, @lonesome-doves, @thorrsexual, @miss-nob0dy, @woodeelf, @fbs-fc-ur-mommy, @soap-mactavish, @itsyellow
⋆ feel free to ask to be added to/removed from the taglist! (18+ only please <;3)
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sportswriters · 5 months
dating a rival - j. swayman
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pairing: jeremy swayman x reader | suggestive, a bit smutty | established relationship | wc: 729 | warnings: swearing, dirty talking, sub!jeremy
welcome post!
dating a rival wasn’t easy. when you had to move from north carolina to boston for a job opportunity, being present as a carolina hurricanes fan became impossible. you cheered from the comfort of your home, missing the energy that only raleigh could build at the pnc arena. game day. you were split between your home team and your boyfriend’s performance. the hardest thing to deal was that jeremy couldn’t help being a fucking great goalie. the bruins weren't doing that well, but jeremy blocked every single shot from the opponent. frustrated groans left your mouth the whole game. no water, no pacing around, no hair grabbing were enough to calm you down.
“fuck. jer, why do you have to be so good?” you muttered, answering yourself seconds after, “yeah, that’s what caught my attention in the first place. fuck.”
he texted you as soon as he finished his interview, so you called him.
“hi, baby! congrats on the win, i’m so proud of you for dealing with the canes all by yourself!”
he laughed, knowing how pissed off you probably were for the loss.
“thank you, love. how are you feeling? don’t pretend to be only happy for me.”
“it was a great game, i’m proud of my other goalie too, okay?” you sighed. “you should come over, i’m gonna get us some food. it’s gonna be delivery, though. i have no brain cells left to cook.”
“no plans on poisoning my food?” he joked.
“i have some plans for you, but none of them are deadly.” you bit your lip, trying to contain yourself. lowering your voice, almost as a whisper, you said:  “come over.”
jeremy froze on the other side of the line.
“okay. be there soon.”
after dinner, you talked about the game from two different perspectives. it was chill, a moment to catch up as a couple, some laughs and all of that. but deep inside jeremy couldn’t stop thinking about the real reason you’d invited him over. couldn’t stop thinking of having you all over him tonight after this win.
“i can see your thoughts working, jer. do you want to say something else?”
“i was wondering if you, hum, if you had something other than dinner in mind.”
you tilted your head, faking a confusion jeremy didn’t notice because of how nervous he was.
“well, in fact, i was thinking of congratulating you. but i didn’t want to jump right into it.”
jeremy nodded.
“do you want that right now?”
he was trying to put himself together, finding it hard to do such a thing when your eagle eyes were watching him like that.
“tell me what you had in mind.”
you got up from your cuddling position to sit on his lap. with a soft caress on his bearded cheek, you said: “i’m really proud of you. i’m proud of how fucking great you were out there.” you gave him a peck, his eyes didn’t lose focus once. “so, this is how it’s going to be… i’m going to give you everything you deserve, you’ll decide what it is. i’ll give you everything you want, jer, because you worked for it.”
you adjusted yourself on his lap, getting a helpless moan from him. he was gone already.
“i need you to tell me what you want, baby, i need your words.” your voice turned into a whisper as you got close to his ear, leaving soft kisses on the side of his neck. “want me to start by sucking your cock? let you go all the way down my throat? or do you want me to slide over it right now? i could let you come inside, you know? i think it’s a proper special occasion.”
you could feel him hardening. all the talking with soft kisses were leaving his mind blurred.
“jer, i need your words. this time it should be all about you, then in my turn i would get what i deserve. don’t you think that’s fair enough?” you grabbed his chin, facing his fucked up expression.
you waited for his response, noticing his every move. it was fun to have him like this once in a while, you were going to enjoy every step of the long way.
“please, just… just kiss me and we’ll go from there, okay?” he gulped. “just fucking kiss me right now.”
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wroteclassicaly · 3 months
can you do fireworks with...well I was going to way Gator but Steve also works if Gator is off the board.
Warnings: Language, friends to lovers, mentions of injury, Gator speaks a little rough towards reader, fluff, mentions masturbation, use of fireworks, alcohol, Gator being a dumb turtle boy, smut, and NSFW.
A/N: I had waaaaay too much fun with this one, so it’s obviously more than two paragraphs!
His headlights gave a too bright spotlight, causing him to trip over his own big ass feet, his zippo flying somewhere on the grass nearby. You snort at his antics, already flicking your bic to life and setting your sparkler ablaze. There’s an amber bottle of whiskey nearly gone, along with food wrappers and a blanket close by — courtesy of you, having stolen it off the end of Gator’s bed. You wave your stick around, dizzy off Jack Daniel’s and the buzz that being near your best-friend brings. Sharing one brain cell, the only person that can be around Gator Tillman full time (not without occasional headaches) — the town cannot separate you two. He drops to the ground, clearly irritated you got yours lit first.
“Hey,” you can’t help but to break in as he’s huffing between puffs on his vape, rifling through the grass with the other hand. He doesn’t look at you, but you continue. “Remember that time that you lit that fire rocket and accidentally sat on it? I swear I thought you broke your ass, man.”
Gator huffs in annoyance, clearly remembering what occurred just last year. You keep going. “I don’t know how you own a flame thrower and haven’t caught your junk or yourself on fire yet.”
“I am my junk, bitch!” He snaps, exasperated as you glares holes at you through the darkness.
The effects of heat coasting across the night breeze, crickets in the distance, and how the trees catch the rustling winds — it’s actually a nice ending to your day. You put your hands up, a snort leaving your mouth, especially right as you spot his lighter, reflected off his headlights. You motion to it with your sparkler, and he immediately grabs it, rolling his eyes. He paces a slight distance, he’s kneeling, his khaki camp tight across his legs, black shirt stretched over his biceps, tattoo on display. Your mouth waters, every imaginable scenario coming into play.
It’s not unusual to think about him this way. Hell, whenever you with someone else, it’s not their face that you see. Your best-friend has been at the end of every single orgasm you’ve had since meeting the shithead. You’re broken from your Gator-lusting reverie when his hand cracks the zippo to life, igniting the fireworks, crackling noises exploding and a fountain of colors explode into the air. Gator struts in front of them towards you in that way, hair strands blown into a disarray, hues of bright blues, golds, reds, pinks, and deep crimson lighting up the night sky behind him.
It’s a sight straight from a movie, and you don’t realize your sparkler has gone out. But it doesn’t matter, not as Gator clings to your energy and finds you chest to chest, tossing the stick from your hand. Your back is colliding with his truck in a vertigo-washed movement. He cradles your face, his breath soaked in jack, chew, and vape juice. It’s a big deal, but it’s also just two people meeting in ways that were always going to happen.
His nose bridge drags along your own as he pants the words across your mouth. “I’ve got rubbers in my glove box, babydoll. You gonna let me fuck you tonight? Teasing my cock so much, n’ you know it, too.”
“On the blanket…” you’re pawing at his shirt collar and he just shakes his head.
“Turn around and put your hands on my hood. You want me, you’re gonna take it the way that I give it to you.”
You’re immediately obeying, sky above faded out with streams of vibrant colors, smoke cloud wafting in this direction. He’s back after retrieving the items. It doesn’t take long…
He’d watched you touch yourself from behind, your jeans and thong on the ground below, as he slowly jerked himself off, enough until he’d achingly slid into the condom and spun you around. As much as he craved you in this position, he needed to see your face this first time, more than anything. He laid you upon the blanket, lifting your legs around his hips, and slid into you in one deep thrust, one you’d be feeling for days. You held tightly, groaning, whimpering pathetically into one another’s mouths. Your hands held a new, possessive purchase by digging into the plush of his bare ass, pushing him deeper.
He didn’t go home that night, and he didn’t take you home. But he did attempt to light another firework and you had driven him to the hospital to get his hand wrapped. Dumbass.
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chvoswxtch · 2 years
that Jon con story was 😳😳🫠 my soul woulda left my body on the spot 😮‍💨 tbh I dunno that I could survive being in the same room as him 🫣 but it’s funny cause ✨ hands ✨ was literally my Frankie request
Imagine you’re in a new relationship with Frankie, slowly testing the waters cause who ain’t a bit broken these days
and you got a thing for ✨ hands ✨ and you think you’re being discreet when you stare at his hands while they do pretty much anything BUT Frankie ain’t a dummy and has noticed and wants to test his theory that you really really like his hands
babes it's the way we literally share the same brain cell bc those HANDS, as soon as I saw this request I literally dropped everything and started working on it. thank you for requesting this and inspiring me to thirst over frankie's hands and helping me kick off this week of celebration. ✨ I adore YOU so MUCH. ❤️
warning: contain explicit sexual content. as always, minors please dni. btw the jon con story in reference can be found here. :) word count: 3.1k
everyone say thank you to my sweet angel baby @jwjeepers for this lovely request to start off this week of celebrating my 500 followers friends milestone! happy slutting over frankie! 🖤
don't hold back.
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It was subtle at first. You had a habit of zoning out when you vanished into your thoughts, or were concentrating really hard on something. Frank had noticed it very early on. Sometimes you would disappear for a little bit, getting lost in your own stream of consciousness before finding your way back to him. Frank didn’t think much of it. He found it kind of endearing, actually. He always wondered though, what exactly was going through your head when you had that far off look in your eyes. He wondered what you daydreamed about, and where you went when you stared off into space, curious if he ever popped up in any of those scenes.
The first hint was a few weeks ago when you and Frank had met up with some of your friends for drinks. Frank was in the middle of telling a story, animatedly moving his hands around as he did so, when he caught your gaze out of the corner of his eye. Your eyes were following every single movement of his hands. He didn’t think much of it at first, figuring you were probably just trying to paint a clear picture in your head, so he brushed it off. But then he caught you doing it again. And again. And again. Everytime he used his hands to speak, your eyes were glued to them. Throughout the night as the alcohol dulled your inhibitions, you were more reckless with your lingering stares. Frank had even caught the way you trapped your bottom lip between your teeth when he wrapped his fingers around the neck of his beer bottle, and his curiosity peaked. 
Your relationship was still very new, both of you trying to figure out how to navigate it as cautiously as possible. He was still healing from another lifetime of pain and loss, a piece of him knowing he always would be. You were hypervigilant with your heart due to your mother being an incurable romantic currently on husband number four. Sometimes he thought it was a marvel you two were even together. Frank never talked more than he had to, and you were more on the shy and quiet side. It had taken Frank just as long to get you to open up to him about your feelings as it had taken you to get him to open up about his. He never imagined he would even want to open his heart up to someone else again, but there was something special about you. Something in your soul that called out to his. He still remembers the day you first met, and the way you had smiled at him. He knew right then he was done for.
He didn’t know what you saw in him. Frank could never fully wrap his head around why the hell out of anyone, and oh you could have fucking have anyone, you chose him. Over and over again, day after day, you chose him. He waited for you to change your mind, break out of whatever trance you were under, and leave him. But you never did. He was constantly torn between wanting to show you his worst to see if you would stay, and wanting to prove to you that he was the man you believed he was so that you would stay. 
Frank savored every part of your relationship, taking his time to enjoy every piece of it fully. He never went farther than what he was absolutely sure you were comfortable with. He let you set the pace, always following your lead, worrying that if he got carried away he would fuck everything up. The first time you let him kiss you, he felt dizzy with adoration and his lips tingled for hours afterwards. And the first time you let him make love to you? Frank fucking swore he believed in heaven, because he had found it inside your body. Little by little, your confidence blossomed, and Frank was able to coax more of what you liked out of you to make sure he was always doing everything exactly right. Nothing filled him with more pride than pleasing you.
He didn’t want to push you, or make you uncomfortable, but he was dying to know what you were hiding from him. Everytime he caught you staring at his hands, you would immediately redirect your eyes and blush profusely. Frank thought he had somewhat of an idea of what was going on, so he decided to test out his theory. 
Frank used his hands as much as possible over the course of the next few days. If you were struggling to reach something, he would come up behind you and splay his large hand on your lower back, never once missing the way your lips parted and a flush crept onto your cheeks in response. Frank wasn’t a huge fan of PDA, but he made it a point to hold onto your hand every time you went somewhere together, or place his hand just high enough on your thigh to get a silent reaction out of you everytime you sat next to him or rode with him in his truck. He especially loved doing that when you wore dresses or skirts, brushing his calloused fingers along your soft skin in slow strokes. Frank would catch the way your eyes widened slightly, and a devious smirk would curl at the corner of his mouth. He even went as far as getting into a fight with some drunk asshole in a dive bar, cracking his fist roughly against the guy’s jaw, just to come home to let you assess the damage and fix him up. He didn’t need you to, his knuckles were barely even bruised, but he wanted to see the way you would react to getting to examine his hand up close. The hitch in your breath as he held it out for you and the way your eyes swelled with lust as you delicately grazed your fingertips over his angry knuckles had his cock thrashing against his jeans. He had figured you out, and now he just needed to find a way to get you to ask for what he knew you wanted.
Frank had you on his lap, one hand placed firmly on the middle of your back to hold you in place against him, and the other loosely wrapped around your throat as he gently grabbed your jaw in his fingers. He took his time kissing at that sensitive spot at the base of your neck he knew drove you crazy. He figured if he could get you worked up enough, needy and desperate for more, that you would open up and bloom for him. He just needed to guide you there. Frank could practically feel the thundering rhythm of your heart pounding against his own chest. He swallowed every breathless pant that escaped your lips. An impatient whine echoed off your tongue and he grinned. Frank had you exactly where he wanted you. 
He purposefully kept his hands still in their places, focusing solely on his gentle assault on your neck with his lips and tongue, occasionally nipping at your collarbone. He could tell you were getting restless by the way your hips started to tenuously rock back and forth, your fingers once loosely threaded in his hair now tugging slightly.
“Please what, darlin’? Hm?”
You huffed in response, earning a throaty chuckle from him, and grabbed a small fistfull of the collar of his shirt to tug him closer, even though there was hardly an inch of space between you two.
“Tell me what you want, sweetheart.”
“Want you, Frank.”
“Nah, think you can do better than that. C’mon baby, tell me what you want.”
Frank tried not to laugh at the futile way you attempted to tear his lips away from your neck to bring his face closer to yours, your hips now picking up a more purposeful speed. Patience was not your virtue, and he knew it wouldn’t take much more teasing until you broke. He would wait.
“Fraaaaank. Please, I told you. I want you.”
“I think you’re lyin’ to me, baby.”
Frank pulled back just slightly to look into your eyes, taking in the furrow of confusion in your brows and the adorable pout on your lips. He tightened his hold on your throat, your chin firmly grasped between his thumb and index finger. He reveled in the way your eyes grew in bewilderment, and your hips stuttered to a stop.
“I think you want somethin’ in particular, but you’re too shy to ask. Yeah?”
Your lips parted slightly as a shuddering breath slipped past, and Frank took the opportunity to swipe the pad of his thumb deliberately across your bottom lip. Your hand flew up to grab onto his forearm, gripping onto it tightly. He stared at you silently for a second, searching your eyes for any hesitation. You gave his arm a gentle squeeze and he took that as a signal to experimentally push his thumb past your plump lips. You greedily accepted it in your mouth, closing your eyes for a moment as you swirled your tongue around it and sucked softly, even giving the tip a gentle bite. A small grunt sounded in the back of his throat and Frank found himself pathetically rock hard beneath you.
He swiftly retracted his thumb from your mouth with a pop, a twinge of embarrassment sparking in him that if he let you keep doing that, he’d no doubt come on the spot. Both of you stared at each other for a moment in silent astonishment. Frank cocked his head to the side slightly, a mischievous glint in his eye as that familiar cocky smirk appeared on his lips.
“Ain’t feelin’ so shy now, are ya?”
You bit down on your bottom lip hard, unable to tear your eyes away from Frank’s relentless stare. It made you feel even smaller than you already did with him. He clicked his tongue against his cheek, shaking his head slowly as his thumb pulled your bottom lip free from your teeth.
“Uh uh. If you’re feelin’ brave enough to take my thumb in your mouth like you do my cock, then you can be a big girl and use your words, yeah? You gonna tell me what you want now, sweetheart?”
Frank’s shameless words shot straight down to your core and you couldn’t stifle the pitiful whine that sounded from you. You closed your eyes for a moment to regain your composure, far too turned on to even be embarrassed that Frank had caught on to you. You weren’t sure why you even would be embarrassed. Frank always gave you everything you asked for without hesitation. But sex between the two of you so far had been gentle and loving, not that you didn’t adore or enjoy that, but you weren’t sure how to tell him that you wanted more. You weren’t sure what he would think of you if you told him what you really wanted him to do to you.
“Your hands.”
“What about ‘em, baby?”
“I think you kinda already know.”
“I do. Wanna hear you say it though.”
The smug grin on his mouth had you whining in agitation. It was no use putting up a fight. Frank wasn’t going to give up until you gave in, and his willpower was much stronger than yours. Swallowing your pride, you stared directly into his deep brown eyes, a wicked idea forming in your head. If he was going to play this game, so could you.
“I love your hands, Frank. I love how big they are, how long your fingers are. I know they can reach so much deeper than mine can. Your fingers could get me to come so much faster than mine ever could. I love the way it feels when you touch me. I want you to touch me more, Frank. I want you to grab me and not be afraid to leave marks. I want you to squeeze my throat when you fuck me. I want-”
Frank didn’t give you a chance to finish before he was pulling you in by your throat and crashing his lips onto yours. His other hand was already bunching your dress up around your hips, fingers slipping beneath the waistband of your panties until his thumb found your clit. You moaned into his mouth and Frank had to channel all his self-control into not combusting right then and there because you were already so wet. He had never heard you talk like that but fuck did he want to hear more of it. He always felt like you were holding back with him, maybe just as much as he was with you, and he’d be damned if he let this side of you slip back into the shadows again.
One of his long fingers slipped easily into your entrance and he broke apart from your lips just in time to watch the way your face contorted in pleasure as a sigh of content filled the space between you. Frank was mesmerized by you, eyes fixated solely on your face as he began to fuck you slowly with his finger, his thumb grazing over your clit gently. You were practically begging for more already, breathless whimpers and pleas tumbling from your lips, your nails digging into his shoulder blades when he granted your request and pushed another finger past your entrance. Frank glanced down in awe to watch the way you moved your hips against his hand, wanting so badly for it to be his cock instead. He decided right then and there you were going to ride him for the first time tonight. You were so close to the edge already just from his fingers, and Frank’s ego soared at seeing how much of an effect he had on you. 
“This what you wanted baby, hm? Just wanted me to fuck you with my fingers?”
“Yes Frank…God, please…don’t stop.”
“All you had to do was ask darlin’, you know I’d never say no to you. You know how much I love makin’ my pretty girl happy, don’t you?”
You couldn’t focus on anything other than the way Frank was plunging his fingers into you repeatedly, the sounds of your wetness squelching around his fingers quickly filling the living room. The faster you rocked your hips, the more brutal his pace became, and you loved it. You nodded your head quickly at his words, feeling dizzy at the way he said my pretty girl.
“You gonna tell me what you want from now on so I can give it to ya, hm? Give you whatever you want baby, just gotta ask. Or hell, you ain’t even gotta ask. You just take my hand and guide it where ya need it. If that’s what you want, you take it. You want my cock, take it. You take whatever the hell you want. It’s all yours, understand? You take what’s yours, yeah?”
All you could do was moan in response. Between Frank’s dangerously gruff voice and indelicate words, and the way he was curling his fingers and brushing along that spongy spot inside you that had you doubling over in indulgence, you couldn’t form any other word but his name.
“Attagirl. You gonna come for me now, sweetheart? Hm? Gonna soak my hand? Yeah you are, I can feel it. Look at you, already making a mess on my lap and you ain’t even there yet. Go on baby, come on my fingers. Don’t hold back, let me have it all, yeah? Go on, make a mess on me. Let me fuckin’ have it.”
A tsunami of rapture collided so hard into you that it knocked the breath completely out of your chest. You collapsed against Frank, barely able to hold yourself up on his lap as you meagerly tried to ride out the wave of pleasure. Frank’s deft fingers continued to work you over, wringing every single drop of pure bliss from you until he was certain there wasn’t an ounce of satisfaction he had missed. He wrapped his arm tightly around your waist to hold you against him, brushing his lips along the shell of your ear as he encouraged you through your orgasm.
“That’s it, there we go. That’s my girl. That’s my fuckin’ girl. Make me so proud baby, so fuckin’ proud. I got you, sweetheart.”
After a few minutes, you were finally able to get your breathing under control, your vision becoming less and less fuzzy as you fully regained coherency. Frank gazed down at you lovingly, brushing your hair away from your face and tucking a strand of it behind your ear. You blinked a few times as he came into focus, staring into his deep mahogany eyes. You blushed at the look he was giving you, a cheeky grin coupled with a quizzically arched brow.
“So, my girl’s a little kinky, hm? You been holdin’ back on me this whole time?”
You couldn’t help but burst into a fit of giggles, hiding your face into Frank’s chest to escape his taunting stare. 
“I was nervous!”
“What the hell for? You think I wouldn’t like it or somethin’?”
“I didn’t know. You’re always so…gentle with me. You always take it slow, and touch me like I’m made of glass. Not that I mind that, I don’t at all. I like when you’re sweet to me. I just…I guess I wasn’t sure what you wanted, or what you would think of me if I told you what else I liked.”
Frank gently grabbed at your throat, holding your face in his fingers so that you couldn’t look away. There was a timid smile on his lips and an uncertain vulnerability floating around in his eyes.
“Baby, I take it slow because I don’t wanna push you. I never wanna do anythin’ that makes you uncomfortable. I’ve been lettin’ you call the shots this whole time, decidin’ what we do and when we do it, followin’ your lead, ya know? Look I…I just don’t wanna fuck this up. That’s all.”
“What if I don’t wanna call the shots? What if I want you to?”
Frank sucked in a deep breath at your words, unable to ignore the way they made his cock twitch in his jeans. 
“If that’s what you want, sweetheart.”
“It is.”
“Frank, I trust you, and I can take a lot more than you give me credit for. If I feel like I can’t handle something or don’t like it, I’ll tell you, and I trust that you’ll respect that. I promise I won’t hold back anymore if you don’t.”
“Alright, sweetheart. You got yourself a deal.”
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Steve Rogers x avenger!reader (-ish)
Words: 2.2k
Summary: The newest member of the avengers feels invisible. A shitty mission and social media brings her to her breaking point. See what happens when she confronts the team.
Warnings: angst, mentions of death (briefly)
A/N: not me dipping for like two years and returning. Sorry it took me so long, I'll try to write more often now. Hope you enjoy this little one shot that was caused by me feeling invisible.
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Another mission successfully completed. It's your fifth mission as an Avenger and you couldn't be happier that it's over.
Two weeks, two exhausting weeks with Hydra finding their single brain cell and not being predictable this time. But it's over now, you can return home to the tower and spend time with... no one.
The Avengers were nice, they really were. Welcoming you with open arms, always striking up conversation when you were around but you couldn't miss that no one ever asked you to spend time with them besides the team activities. They didn't mean it, you're sure of that but you can't stop the pang in your heart when Wanda and Nat make shopping plans right in front of you and don't invite you. Or when Steve and Bucky plan a little day trip and think of inviting Sam to come along but not you who was sitting right next to him on the couch.
More than once the delivery person forgot your food. Steve was always nice enough to share one of his three portions with you but not even the delivery person struck you as important enough to remember your order.
You find yourself in the hallway after the debrief. Everyone was tired, exhausted and done. Your eyes flicker over the little friend groups building to walk back to the common area together. Clint who has been shot hanging off Natasha's shoulder, laughing at something she said. Sam and Bucky bickering with Steve walking between them like an over exhausted dad. Tony and Bruce talking big ideas to improve suits, weapons and the team. Wanda and Vision lost in each other, holding hands. And then there was you. Standing in the hallway, surrounded by people, watching and still feeling utterly alone. Agents flutter around you, not even giving you a glance. Sometimes you just feel so invisible... So unimportant. Like you shouldn't even be a member of this team.
Tired feet carry you to your room, you take the route that's longer but it avoids the common area. Your heart can only take so much. And all you need right now is a hot shower, your bed and mindless scrolling through social media. You're not even in the mood to eat lunch. At least not in the common room. The stash of protein bars under your bed will have to do.
So you take a long warm shower, letting the water run over your body while Taylor Swift's voice fills the room alongside the humidity that lets the mirror fog. You dry yourself, slip into comfy pyjamas and soon enough your head meets your pillow. You breathe in the scent of home and crawl under the comforter. Finally your hand reaches for your phone. You've been gone for a while, you probably missed some things. Your phone starts up slowly and some notifications come through. You have missed emails -most of them newsletters-, a few notifications of Instagram -celebrities and acquaintances posting things- and no one reaching out to you personally. Your eyes fall shut for a moment as your heart breaks a little more. You really thought you're a decent human being... Why did no one like you? Why did no one think of you?
Your thumb hovers over the Instagram icon, trying to decide if you should open the app. With a sigh you open it, a little mindless scrolling could do no harm. Right?
Wrong. Somehow you land on the official avengers account. Your eyes scanning the pictures. There has been one new post while you were gone - a picture of the team minus you. Wasn't your portrait supposed to be posted to announce you as a new member? Maybe they had to push it back... Or maybe they didn't want you on the account. Would explain why you're the one who's cropped out of the group picture. The caption mentions something about the team answering questions soon and telling people to comment what they always wanted to know. You know that Instagram comment sections are a different kind of world. One that can be really positive or just down right toxic. Yet you still click into it, curious what questions you'd find.
Some of them ask for Natasha's makeup routine, a lot ask for Steve to finally post a shirtless picture on his account, some ask why Bucky always looks so grumpy. There's genuinely nice questions asking for self defense tips or if they can come to schools to visit kids. And then there's the comments that are just plain rude, insulting about any member of the team. And then there's this one...
Cropped the new girl out already huh? Knew that ugly incompetent chick wasn't made for this team. Good riddance.
No matter how hard you tried you couldn't tear your eyes off it. Your pupils scan over the words again and again and again. Till hot tears spilled. Till you completely lost it as an ugly sob tore through you. You weren't good enough for this team, for your family, for your friends, for anyone or anything in this world. You were invisible and you always would be.
Logically you knew that keeping all of this in and being exhausted by the two week long mission was causing this break down. If you would have told someone you felt this way, things would be different. But your emotions got the better of you. Which is how you found yourself on a very determined march to the common area. Jammies on, your phone clutched in your hand, tears streaming down your hardened face. Your brain didn't even process your way here, you just suddenly found yourself in front of the avengers who were eating dinner - without you. You're met with some concerned faces but before anyone can say anything your words cut the thick air.
"I quit." You say, voice wobblier than you intended. The lump in your throat growing by the second. "What? Y/N what brought this on? I know the mission was hard but..." before a very concerned Steve could finish his sentence you cut him off. "This isn't about the fucking mission, Rogers." Your voice is full of venom. "This is about... You know what this is about this" you wave your hand around the room. Gazes turn to confusion. "And this!" You shove your phone into Steve's face, the group picture you've been cropped out of on the display.
"A picture of us? I don't... Understand..." Steve breaks the silence after a moment. "A picture of you. You guys and oh would you look at that... A little bit of my sleeve over there." You point out. "I've been cropped out." You explain further.
"Alright firecracker you know we're not responsible for the account. That's the social teams doing." Tony jumps in. "Yeah. Yeah you're right. You know what's your doing though?" You say as you retract your phone out of Steve's face. You slide it in your pocket and take a steadying breath. "Not inviting me to join activities, not telling the fucking delivery guy that maybe, just maybe there's a new member on the team after he forgot my food for the third fucking time in a row. Skipping my turn to pick a god damn movie because you all forgot to tell me you're doing an improv movie night. Walking back from a debrief in your little groups, none of you even thinking of just waiting a second so I can at least walk with someone. Oh and this. You're having dinner, the team, and who wasn't here until she stormed in? Me." You didn't realise that your voice got louder, the frustration got the better of you. "And it's not just this. No one thinks I belong here. No one in the comments of that post, not the press... Hell, even Friday still calls me recruit. If you don't want a new member on the team just say so. I'll leave. You'll never see me again. I'll turn invisible like I always feel... Like I am." you add quietly now, not even sure if anyone but you heard it. The lump in your throat is impossibly thick and finally it completed its mission and tore another sob from you. It hurts. It hurts to not belong. It hurts to be invisible. There's a short silence before the scraping of a chair on the floor fills the air. Mere seconds later you're wrapped up in strong arms, pulling you into a much needed hug. A large hand rubs your back.
"This is... We don't want you to leave. We... I never noticed we did that... You're just... It has been so long since we added a new member... This is a bullshit excuse I know. I'm sorry." Steve mumbles into your hair. His warmth seeps into your body as your tears wet his shirt. "Why didn't you tell us earlier? You know you can always come to me to talk" he adds softly after a moment. You let out a shaky breath. And another... And another, trying to find your voice after this pathetic performance. "I..." you croak out and immediately stop. Steve's hand rubs up and down your back.
"I felt the same way." The voice of Wanda pulls your face out of Steve's chest, your watery eyes finding hers. "I joined the team after my brother died. I've always been with him. I never felt alone but... Then I did. And believe me they don't do it on purpose. They have their little groups inside of this big one and they don't immediately think about including someone new. I'm sorry that I didn't think about it." She says softly. "I always felt alone in the beginning, I never got invited to go places, the press tore me apart because this random European with weird powers was suddenly a member of the earth's mightiest heroes, the social team didn't post my introduction portrait... I also wanted to quit but... then they organised a dinner with Paprikash... They made it for me because they thought I was homesick... and I realised that they do care about me. And I promise you, we do care about you. Steve made sure to tell the restaurant twice to not forget your order today." She points to the unopened container. "And when Nat wanted to get you for dinner she heard that you were showering and then we assumed you just needed some time for yourself."
Your eyes wander over the concerned faces of the team, then back to Wanda, then to the container of food, then finally to Steve. "You told them to remember my food?" You whisper. He nods immediately.
"Not because I don't like to share mine! Because I thought you'd like yours more and it happened three times already and I..." He gets cut off as you hug him back with a bit too much force. "Thank you" you whisper before you let him go and look at the team. "I'm sorry for the outburst... I... should have said something earlier but I… I felt so invisible and it's not like many people care about me in general and then I read some comments under the post and I... My brain shut off." You look down at your bare feet, not brave enough to face any of them.
"Friday? Please call Y/N firecracker from now on." Tony was the first to speak and as you looked at him in surprise he just gave you a smirk before going back to his food. Other team members give you smiles, small nods, Clint even signs that it's all good to you.
Steve's warm hand finds the small of your back and leads you to the table, to your unassigned spot right next to him. Both of you sit down and you open your food, your heart fills as you see your order. Low chatter fills the room as you eat. Wanda invites you to go shopping the next day, Sam invites you to mario kart after dinner. You feel stupid, oh so stupid. You should have just said something earlier. This all could have been avoided.
"I know why your portrait didn't get posted yet." You frown as you look at Bucky who simply smiles. "Stevie here…" his hand falls on the shoulder of his friend. Steve's eyes fill with dread, his ears turn pink. "...knows that you weren't happy with it. So he told the social team to hold off posting it until he can sketch a new portrait of you." His lips are parted in a shit eating grin. Steve is blushing madly, trying to hide it by staring at the tabletop. His fists clenching.
"You... Want to draw a portrait of me?" You ask softly, looking at the blonde next to you. After a few seconds he simply nods, his eyes still fixed on the table. "Because I didn't like the one the photographer took?" your lips pull into a small smile as he gives you another nod. "Why would you do that?" you ask softly.
"Because he has a big fat..." Bucky starts but is quickly interrupted by a death glare of his blonde friend. The former assassin gets out of his seat and proceeds to put some distance between the two super soldiers, Steve's eyes follow him with the same warning glance.
"...crush on you." Bucky finishes and immediately takes off running. Steve's chair falls to the floor as he jumps up to run after him. Your eyes follow the two of them, Bucky's snickers and Steve's curses filling the air.
Maybe... Just maybe you weren't invisible after all.
And you knew you weren't when Steve found you later that night with the sketch of you in his hand and a confession on his lips.
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beanghostprincess · 8 months
Bean please spitball with me and think about what a canon divergence where Buggy and Shanks fight never happened would look like.
It’s integral to the story and the characters that those two split up, but let’s just entertain the idea that those two hugged it out crying in the rain for a bit, went someplace safe an when Shanks somberly stated he can’t go look for the One piece just yet, Buggy’s emotions were calm enough that he asked “You’re not gonna do it?” “Not yet…” “When?” “Someday… not yet.” And Buggy shot Shanks a glare but still said “Okay.” What would that be like?
Personal headcanons in no particular order
Buggy isn’t Shanks Co-captain or even second in command. The title he affiliates himself with would most likely be something like “demolitions expert” or “bursar” , but he still has issues with being less than Shanks, so he won’t share a title with him or a position that may indicates he’s “option number two”, so Ben is still the official first mate in a way (it’s more like a shared position between Buggy and Ben tough if you’d be completely honest, but more on that later)
Buggy constantly claims or threatens that he’s gonna get his own ship one day and that he’s only hiding his time. Nobody falls for it anymore.
There is still some of Buggy’s insecurity shining trough and there is lots of conflict they don’t adress, because Buggy STILL wants Shanks to follow their captains wishes but also still wishes HE could have been that person himself. Lots of unresolved angst.
For some reason I feel like he and Ben would get along surprisingly well. Ben being one of the few people except Shanks who can see trough Buggy’s theatrics and knows how to encourage his strengths and compensate his weaknesses, and Ben being someone Buggy legitimately respects and someone he rarely even gets into an argument with. Buggy saying something in response to something Shanks says and Ben agreeing with BUGGY rather than Shanks is actually not that uncommon. There’s lots of times these two actually are the idea guys together… unless Buggy and Shanks are just fighting for fighting sake with each other, in which case Ben will be firmly in possession of the brain cell until these two get their heads running at a normal temperature again.
Buggy and Shanks staying together may make Shanks seem actually a tad more short tempered and quick to annoy than he is in canon, but it’s ONLY with Buggy. There are some deep friendships on his crew, but them not having to split like this just solidified the friendship they had as children. They fight waaaay more over stupid shit than they would in a setting where they reunited after they split, where Shanks usually is the more laidback and forgiving one despite Buggy’s abrasive personality. In this setting Shanks would take almost EVERY single bait Buggy laid out for him, get into arguments over the stupidest shit and do petty stuff to Buggy even if Buggy was actually completely and 100 percent in the right about something. You put these two into a room together and there I’ll just be a point where they are both fighting like dumb teenagers, but it’s clear the only reason they can do so is because they both were dumb teens together and actually know and love each other more than anyone else could even imagine. They rarely think much about how lucky they are to have each other because that’s a constant. It would be like saying “I am glad I can see the horizon.” Because the Horizon is always THERE? You’d only realize something would be missing when you’d realize that there suddenly was too much ocean and somehow not enough sky. It’s something you can’t even wrap your head around and you don’t have to , it’s a rhetorical question. A thought piece to mull about rather than an actual possibility. Pff. Splitting up. In which universe?
You don't get to send me this and kill me, anon. You don't get to do this. Because now I am very soft and also sad because I want these two to be together and happy again. Auch. These are all amazing headcanons and,, It's so real.
Buggy is Shanks' specialest guy, actually. That's his title. They're each other's special guy. The term you were actually looking for is boyfriend, but perhaps it's just my Shuggy heart speaking. Leaving romance aside, yeah, specialest boy. Benn and Buggy get along together because they're actually pretty smart and logical people and since Shanks is more emotion-oriented, they're the ones making the important decisions. Shanks probably ends up choosing where they go next or who they're fighting, but the actual important stuff is carried by Buggy and Benn. Great team. They also complain about Shanks' unhealthy habits together, because in this timeline I think he'd also have some issues. Look at him. He can't be mentally stable.
Shanks and Buggy would be the closest thing ever. And that's dangerous. When they're happy, they're extremely annoying and won't stop pulling pranks on people (Benn) because they're literally 5-year-olds. And when they're angry, they make it everyone's problem. They won't stop arguing for silly things, but isn't that the beauty of trust? They just are so direct with one another. It's a funny picture. They keep saying they can't stand each other and then they will find them sleeping together, tangled up and drunk and quite obviously happy. The thing you said about them,,, Being so used to each other they don't think about how lucky they are,,, Jumping off a bridge, thank you.
Also!!!!!!!! There are a lot of things I want to address, like how they'd deal with Buggy's inferiority complex and the fact that I think Shanks wouldn't stop insisting on sharing the goddamned hat if he's still mad about that. But!!!!!!!! I wanna focus on Uta because that's the thing I often think about when I talk about this AU.
Uta appears in their lives and Shanks instantly goes "No, yeah, we have to keep this child. I am her father now." and Buggy wants to say no, because it's just stupid and dangerous and how are they going to do that being pirates! But,,, Looking at her, Buggy just adores this baby. She's the cutest, brightest thing in the world. Brighter than Shanks. And he just has the need to protect her forever. He thinks about Roger and Rayleigh and, well, huh, maybe they keep the legacy going. With Buggy, I think they would never have left Uta alone and they would've taken her with them. They would've protected her anyway. And she would've stayed being their daughter!! And just,, Just think about Luffy. About Buggy meeting Luffy and Luffy just LOVING his Devil Fruit. Buggy has no reason to hate the kid, either. Buggy just says Shanks is perhaps growing too attached to the bastard. When Shanks loses his arm, he also has to deal with Buggy yelling at him for like a whole month. And then Buggy giving him the silent treatment. And also Buggy throwing knives at him. And Buggy telling Benn to talk with him instead. Buggy just cares so much about Shanks and refuses to admit it out loud. He wants the redhead to apologize for worrying him, but Shanks doesn't do it. He says he's sorry, yes, about worrying him, but he doesn't regret saving Luffy or giving him the hat. Yadda yadda yadda, idiots. They make up.
And idk man I think they would've been such a powerful duo together. Of course they would end up fighting for the issues they have, but,,, Idk. In this timeline, I think they would not leave each other's side. Also, they have a daughter. They are so not leaving Uta until she says she wants to go have her own life.
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hircines-hunter · 20 days
WIP Wednesday
tagged by wonderful @umbracirrus going to tag @madamefluffnstuff @thequeenofthewinter @bostoniangirl21 @vivifriend
anyways i have sibbi brain rot. im not sorry..
Crowe leaned against the rail, looking into the market. She had laid low for a couple of days. Her pockets were empty.
Her eyes went to a new nobleman who walked through the stalls. He lingered at the jewelry stall longer than the others. He had a wife or a lover. She would have to do this the hard way.
Crowe walked into the market and walked around. She trailed behind the nobleman. She walked by him, slipping her hand into his pocket and grabbing the contents. She walked a few feet before he yelled.
“Fuck.” Crowe ran down the cobblestone road and made a turn towards the wooden stairs. A guard cut her off. She held her hands up.
“Turn your pockets out.”
Crowe sighed. She pulled a few pieces of jewelry and a bag of septims. She handed them to the guards.
“I guess it’s back to the prison with you. Again.” The guard grabbed her arm.
“Joy. My favorite place. With my favorite people.”
He dragged her to Mistveil Keep and into the prison. “Got Dibella in here again.”
“That’s the third time this week.”
Crowe grinned. “You know. You are my favorite people.”
“Take her to the cells.”
The guard pulled her through to the cell block.
Crowe smiled when she saw Sibbi. “It must be fate, love.”
The guard walked past Sibbi’s cell and opened the door, throwing Crowe in. “Enjoy your stay.”
Crowe looked around. She turned back to the door, which slammed in her face. “Why this cell?!” She looked around. No shadowmarks.
The guard laughed. “You’re doing your time for once, Dibella.”
Crowe sighed. She leaned against the bars. “Fuck. Fuck that bastard.” Crowe patted down on her pockets. She had a single lock pick. “Divines.”
Sibbi dragged his chair over to bars adjoined with her cell. “Well, at least you are closer now. I can enjoy the view better. Is Dibella your name? Because you certainly would rival her beauty.”
“It’s the name I use in their books. You can call me Crowe.” Crowe grabbed the wooden chair and pulled it over to the bars. “Well, I can also enjoy the view as well….” She smiled
“Why don’t I get the guards to move you here with me? You’d get a comfortable bed. Some time with me.”
Crowe hummed. “That sounds like that comes with a hefty price.”
“I think we can arrange something.” Sibbi looked her up and down. “You are certainly the looker. Why are you hanging with the rats?”
Crowe hummed. She crossed her legs, making sure the dress showed more of her thigh. “Where else is a woman on the run supposed to go? The Guild took me in with no questions.”
“Why don’t we make an arrangement?”
“I’m listening.”
“I need eyes and ears on the outside. I don’t trust these guards. And my mother and siblings hardly give me any news.”
Crowe hummed. “What’s the pay like?”
“Something can be arranged. But, you can also use my cell.”
“You are quite adorable, Sibbi.” She laughed. “I’ll take the bed and you as an incentive, but I do need funds.” She looked at her nails. They could use a new coat of paint. “I’d like to see how you’d get me in your cell though?”
“You’re not the only one with tricks.” He walked over to the bookshelf in his cell and pushed it. The shelf swung into his cell, revealing a doorway.
Crowe stared at the hole in between the cells. She smiled a bit. “You paid the guards to put me in here.” She tilted her head.
“I can get you out of here faster. Especially if you agree to work for me.”
“Seems a bit dangerous.”
“What’s life without some danger?”
Crowe arched her eyebrows and smirked. “You know. You’re right.” She stood and straightened her dress. She walked to the opening and put her hand on his chest. 
Sibbi looked at her eyes. Two different colors. Blue and gray. He leaned close and pressed his lips against hers. 
Crowe parted her lips, wrapped her arms around his neck, and turned him around. She raked her nails across his scalp as she deepened the kiss. She pulled away and pushed him into her cell. She quickly shut the bookshelf. She smiled sweetly.
Sibbi smirked and wiped his lips. “At least you taste as good as you look.” He leaned against the bars. “I guess this is the price I pay for playing with fire.” He laughed.
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emeraldhaven · 1 year
Celebrating You and Only You
V hated birthdays.
Another tick of the clock towards inevitability, a step towards the end of a life she loved so very much. She didn't hate them purely because of this of course - she also didn't like the expectations that came on a day like today. Gifts, parties, celebrations of her life which, in the grand scheme of things, wasn't all that important. She'd much rather head out on her bike, drive by some Tyger Claws or Maelstrom and fry their brains to a crisp using her cyberdeck than have to accept gifts from her friends that, bless their souls, would be trying to make this year a "year to remember".
"Jesus V - could you be any more depressin'? Cheer up, live a little!" Johnny whined, appearing on the sidewalk beside V. He was looking wistfully over the Watson community centre, leaning on the handrail exactly the same as she was.
"C'mon Johnny, you've been trawling through my memories, you know why I don't like today." V said, looking over to see whatever Johnny was also looking at. She didn't really see anything other than a few people drunk or high stumbling along the sidewalk. She breathed in deeply, held it and closed her eyes, the stale Night City air burning her lungs, then dropping her shoulders and breathing out slowly, her hand gripping tightly onto the railing.
Johnny shook his head and scoffed, pushing off of the railing and crossing his arms.
"Hey, I'm not sayin' you need to like today, just at least visit the people who care about you most. Quit bein' a little shit and make people feel like you appreciate their efforts."
V sighed. She really didn't want to go and see anybody today, but maybe Johnny was right - maybe she ought to go see some of her friends? Taking out her phone, she opened up the contacts menu and scrolled down, tapping on So Mi.
The phone rang, and rang, and rang, and rang.
"Huh. Why isn't So Mi picking up?" V wondered. It's quite unlike her little Songbird to not pick up the phone when she called, given everything that happened between the two. Granted, she'd just come back from her little trip up to Tycho, and any kind of operation is going to be taxing on somebody - maybe she wasn't feeling up to chatting?
V tried to contact her other friends: Kerry went straight to voicemail; Judy was on do-not-disturb; Panam was "out of cell range" - whatever that meant; River was "at work". Tapping her phone against her chin, V hummed out loud some familiar tune that was stuck in her head whilst she thought why every single person she could possibly want to hang out with was suddenly completely unavailable.
She hears a ping from her cellphone - it's a photo from So Mi and it's of the front door to her apartment. The caption reads:
"Come home."
V's heartrate shoots up - what does she mean, come home? Songbird has no idea where her apartment is, she'd never gone there during the whole Dogtown event, instead staying at the various safehouses that Reed and Alex had set up. It was a worrying thing for So Mi to know both where she lived and that she was there - it wasn't a particularly safe megabuilding.
Hopping on her Kusanagi, she turned the key and kicked off the pavement, pulling the throttle hard and speeding off to her home. After some incredibly reckless driving (Judy calls it "literally asking for trouble"), she arrives in quite possibly the shortest amount of time it's ever taken for her to drive across Night City. V practically jumps up the entire flight of stairs in front of her block, somehow leaping up 4 stairs at a time to reach the elevator, barely even registering the small red-electrical glitch on the TV screens, and once it arrives at the top sprints towards her apartment door and opens it.
The first thing V notices is that it's too quiet. Taking a quick scan around her apartment with her eyes, she can't see anyone and even her Kiroshi's aren't registering anything out of the ordinary. It takes one, two, three steps into her home before anything happens. A red glitch takes over her vision; quite similar to how the Relic would give her trouble, but she feels completely fine; until it all starts to clear and…
"SURPRISE!!" A loud cacophony of voices and cheers and party horns and poppers go off, showering her in a sea of noise, warmth and a shocking amount of confetti. V blinks away the odd bit of static to see all of her friends standing before her: Panam, Mitch, Judy, Rita, River, Kerry, Misty, Reed, Alex, Jackie, Viktor, Takemura and right in the middle as though she was illuminated by the stars themselves, So Mi holding a cake with the cutest little artistic (and quite edible) depiction of V at work, Mantis Blades in hand.
"Guys, you didn't have to do all this!" V exclaimed, shocked that they could have even set up something as elaborate as this without her really knowing.
"V, choom, we wouldn't have had it any other way." Jackie said softly, walking over and placing a hand around her shoulders. "Now kick back, relax and grab a cold one - it's time for celebrating you, and only you, today. None of this back and forth shit."
V looked up at Jackie and back towards her friends, her eyes starting to well up from all the emotions. She started to see all the little details - the cake, the small pieces of ribbon around the apartment, the bunting celebrating her 24th birthday, and all her friends dressed up and here for her. It wasn't something she was used to, but it was definitely something she could grow to enjoy.
As the party started, Jackie left V to go talk to Viktor and Takemura about some boxing thing that V didn't really know a whole lot about. She walked over and sat down next to So Mi, dressed in an immaculate jacket and jean combo that was quite similar to what her Relic-form had actually looked like. She was stunning, truly a beautiful woman in her own right, but since she got back from Luna she had this sparkle in her eyes that made V's heart flutter.
"Hey V - didn't see this one coming did you?" Songbird smirked, her soft lips accented in a beautifully red lipstick. V felt almost unable to take her eyes off of them, flicking down between her two newest vices: Songbird's eyes and lips.
"Uh, um, n-no no I didn't actually. How long have you known?" V stuttered.
"Ha! Well, it was a combination of everyone really. I got back from Tycho and, well, I got contacted by Panam - something about you not really having a lot of time celebrating your birthday in the past?" So Mi took a sip from her drink, lips wrapped around the straw in her cup.
"Ah I shouldn't have gotten drunk and chatted life with Panam - didn't realise that I'd have left something like that slip." V chuckled. "What was your little part to play in all this, Song?"
"The whole fact you couldn't see anything - hooked into the Relic and altered your visualware for the whole effect. Might have spruced other things up, as well, but y'know that's just for personal fun." Song couldn't have looked any more smug, nor more beautiful given that it seemed like, to V at least, that she was literally glowing.
"You're beautiful." V muttered, completely unaware that she'd said that out loud.
Songbird blushed a deep red. "Thanks V, that means a lot coming from you." She started to play with the top of the typical red cup she was holding.
V's eyes widened and her own scarlet blush creeped across her face, the tips of her eyes going ever so slightly pink. Taking a swig of her drink, she placed her hand on top of So Mi's, their pinkies ever so slightly hooking onto the other's.
"No, thank you Song - for all of this. I really, really appreciate you being here, and I'd want nothing else." V smiled softly at So Mi, flicking down to her lips again. She suddenly got quite aware of how close they were actually sitting on the couch.
"V… I-"
"Hey V! Come check out this sweet new gear that Judy's got!" Panam called over, rushing to grab V's arm and pull her away from Songbird. V looked back guiltily at Song, mouthing out "I'm sorry, talk later!" towards the redhead who smiled back and nodded in return.
The party would continue into the late night, and one-by-one people said their farewells and see-you-laters until everyone had left except for Jackie and Songbird.
"Alright V, I'd best be off - got a cute date with Misty in the morning, and I don't wanna miss it." Jackie said, slapping his legs and standing up. V walked him over to the door and hugged him.
"Thanks Jack - I had a preem time today." V said, choking on the last few words and giving Jackie another hug before he left.
"And then there were two." Songbird chuckled, lounging back on the couch, heels off and feet up on the couch, arms outstretched over the couch's spine.
"Well it was one at some point right, back when you were just a cute ghost in my head?" V chuckled, the room slightly swaying. V stumbles over and flops down onto the couch, falling right into the space between So Mi's side and her outstretched arm. V's back is suddenly warm, the machinery within So Mi's body heating up as the alcohol within their systems work independently, but seemingly together.
So Mi wraps her arm around V's chest, slowly stroking her abdomen, fingers raising and dropping at the curves of her abs. "Mmm - only a cute ghost? I seem to remember a certain someone thinking quite a lot about other things that involve the 'cute ghost in her head'." So Mi giggled, squeezing softly.
"Would be a gonk ass move to think too much nowadays though; pretty sure I was getting quite visceral feedback myself." V looked up at So Mi, gazing back into those captivating eyes. "Couldn't help it, Song, you had me when you invited back to that bench."
So Mi hummed, a multitude of thoughts, feelings and pure emotions coursing through her head. As her heartbeat ramped up, the whirring in the motors in her spine lowly increased, and V noticed.
"Not gettin' too mushy on me, are ya' Song?" V giggled back, placing her own hand on Songbird's, the dark glow of both her apartment and Night City from her window illuminating the two.
Songbird shook her head and then slowly, softly and with the most care anyone has ever given to V, leant down and kissed the top of her head. Burying her nose in the plushness of V's soft, delicate stained-red hair, she exhaled in complete comfort.
"No V, I'm just as mushy and as happy as I want to be right here, right now, with you. Spending as much time as I can while we still have it to spend in whatever ways we want. Happy birthday, V." Songbird murmured, closing her eyes.
Taking a minute, V calmed her screaming heart and said quietly: "It's, um, it's Valerie. My real name is Valerie."
"Then happy birthday Valerie - you deserve it." Songbird affirmed.
V hummed happily, sleepily planting an ever softer kiss on So Mi's hand, entwining their fingers and drifting off, her eyelids fluttering closed as the comforting embrace of Songbird enveloped her in her wings.
Maybe V didn't hate birthdays after all.
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