streaky--bacon · 7 years
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thank you @appomattoxx for the shirt 😍🤘🏼
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harristops · 3 years
ali and ash's love makes me so emotional especially ali's growth through it all because this woman claims to hate hugs and physical affection when ash is literally the opposite so can you imagine how ash got ali to change her ways over the years. between that and the growth of ali barely mentioning/posting ash to now constantly doing it. ugh i love them
Honestly they’re so sweet. Like when you think of who they were when they first met, it makes you even more emotional because like, they truly were opposites.
Ashlyn was always boisterous, loud, energetic, basically a puppy. She’s an adrenaline junkie, a don’t-think-just-do kind of person. But she was also very sensitive and really relied on the team as her family. I think being in love with Ali and considering dating her probably terrified her because if it didn’t go well, she’d not only lose Ali, but the team dynamics (or her family) would probably be different and awkward. I think that probably contributed a lot to the shyness and patience with Ali because she knew right away Ali was the one and she didn’t want to mess that up for either of them by rushing their relationship.
Ali was always reserved, private, only talked about sports and her career, and rightfully so, because she wanted the focus to be on her achievements with the national team and in Frankfurt. I can imagine she probably thought Ash was super childish at first and a bit annoying or loud, but eventually saw through it and was in awe of how in-tune she was with herself and her own feelings. Ash also has such a huge heart not only for her family but also for fans, and I can only imagine that added to the attraction and love she felt towards her.
For Ali, I feel like Ash helped her break out of her shell and be more confident in expressing herself and expressing affection. She also, as Kyle mentioned in the wedding speech, gave Ali a space for her to discover herself and her sexuality, and was that encouraging person that she could always rely on for support. But I have to say, between the two of them, her change and growth and acceptance of herself is so incredibly inspiring, especially for older women! She’s really out here showing that each day she’s more comfortable posting about her family or thirsting after her wife in public. She’s also so vocal about LGBTQ rights and other social justice causes like racial equality, which she wasn’t really before.
For Ash, I think Ali really helped her settle a bit more, grounded her, and supported her interests, specifically with helping non-profits like TWOLHA. Everyone has their issues, but Ash always struggled with her mental health and having Ali to give her someone to lean on must’ve been such a huge relief. She also probably made Ash a bit more responsible and helped structure her life to be more present and not rush into things or be impulsive/brash about things.
Either way, they’re both so in love and have helped each other grow in so many ways, and I can’t imagine the patience and kindness it takes to go through the things they did. Not only with the long-distance at the beginning and in 2016, but also with them being in a sport where they were constantly in the spotlight. I am sure they went through far more than what they’ve shared/what we all speculated on, but for them to be even more in love with each other nearly 11 years later, is so inspiring and really warms my heart that it does get better.
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hazeleyedkristy · 8 years
All I wish and need to say
I've got a lot on my mind, please bear with me. I didn't think I'd feel lonely tonight. I figured that would be tomorrow night. I was blessed to have my husband home with me at night last week. See, he works two jobs so I don't tend to see him much. Tomorrow is the day/night that our normal routines resume, so I thought then would be the when the loneliness would set in. I got to spend all day with him today -- yay holiday! -- so I'm surprised by feeling lonely. I really enjoyed this last week at home with him, and feel really sad to see end. I feel really self-concious about how drunk I got on New Year's Eve. It seemed to happen by mistake last year. Or perhaps that's what I want to believe. I'm 30 years old -- by know you'd think that I would know and respect my limits. I seem to have such trouble with that when in a group, and I'm not sure why. Maybe peer pressure and/or feeling self concious. Plus I may have minor social anxiety, and the alcohol helps me to not concentrate on it. If you've got any ideas to help, please let me know. I have some split feelings right now too looking back and reflecting. In some instances, I wish I could've stood up for myself more instead of being meek and nonconfrontational. In other instances, I wish I hadn't been so closed minded and judgemental. Whether I realized it then or now, I think I've been good at pushing some people away. I think of college, when I had low self-esteem and thought I was good at hiding it. Instead, I pushed it outward and was as critical of others as I was of myself. I hope I've grown past that now, but wish there's a way I could apologize to the people I've hurt. Apologize for not being a better person. I feel lonely and self-concious now. I hope I can feel better. I also don't want to be a burden or bring anyone down, so I'm scared to reach out to people. Which is why I wrote this -- that maybe someone on the interwebs could help me.
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winjennster · 8 years
I bought myself Jared's green hoodie from TWOLHA today. Been wanting that for a while.
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themuddypeacock · 7 years
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This week is National Suicide Prevention Week in the US but this affects all countries so I will be sharing notes and various bits and bobs from #TWOLHA who are emailing their supporters all this week. #stay http://ift.tt/2eYKiqE
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nphcnews-blog · 7 years
Conservatives among speakers awarded maximum UW student government funding
Conservatives among speakers awarded maximum UW student government funding
An Alpha Phi Alpha fraternity event featuring Brandi Grayson, a founder the Madison rights group Young, Gifted and Black was canceled after it was awarded a $300 grant. A talk by Jamie Tworkowski, founder of nonprofit TWOLHA (To Write Love on Her Arms … {$inline_image} To read the full story please click here: Conservatives among speakers awarded maximum UW student government funding
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raejean2394 · 9 years
I'll keep on saving you over and over...
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I used to think my story was coming to an end. I didn’t know the exact end date; it was never strictly relevant. 
I worked. I worked some more. I worked and worked because I believed that was what I was supposed to do. I worked to avoid the desperation, despair and desolation that danced merrily inside. I worked, but it didn’t work. 
Fluoxetine 20mg. Scratches on my stomach. Counselling.
“I’m fine”. My favourite and easiest lie. 
Fluoxetine 40mg. Community Mental Health referral. Sore knuckles, eyes streaming, saliva.
“I’m cursed. You say it’s not possible, but I think I’m evil inside”. This makes my mother cry.
Fluoxetine 60mg. Scars on thighs. Psychologist. 
“Mindfulness. Practice mindfulness”, that’s her advice. 
I keep working and working and cycle the same old pattern. I’m not planning on hanging around, but I tell myself it’s best to build a career before I go. At night, Google tells me The Samaritans are my friends. The signs at the train stations say pretty much the same. I exert myself some more, but still it doesn’t work. 
Fluoxetine 60mg. Mindfulness meditation. Tears that overflow. 
“I dare to hope”. Bold black words on pristine white paper. 
Fluoxetine 60mg. Fresh air. Multivitamins. 
“You’re managing well”, a compliment from an unexpected source. 
Fluoxetine 60mg. Youtube. Education. 
“When any other part of your body gets sick, you get sympathy”. Words that resonate. THANK YOU, Ruby Wax. 
I stop working. There is the mortgage, the bills and clearly a distinct lack of income. The bank balance is best avoided.  I am both brave and foolish and TV fills only so much of each day. I’ve stopped working and now I’m slightly closer to finding some sort of solution.
Fluoxetine 60mg. Gratitude. Travel. 
“Offer letter” states the document from my new employer. 
Fluoxetine 60mg. Fluoxetine 60mg. Fluoxetine 60mg. 
“I quite like having a routine”, I tell my friends as I start talking again. 
Fluoxetine 60mg. Songs on the radio. Signature now added onto the change.org petition. 
“One in four people will suffer from some kind of mental illness in their lifetime”. This is what I really want to shout from the rooftops although I’m not certain my voice is any more effective from there. 
Today I work. I work and endeavour and strive. I work like anyone else and fortunately no longer need it to consume my insides. I work and I like it and it pays it pays the bills as well. I earn a living, but most importantly I have a life. 
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temportalflux · 9 years
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Now apply this to human beings. We are more than our past, more than our brokenness, more than our stories. Yes, you have broken into hundreds - maybe thousands - of pieces. But you - we - are more beautiful for having gone through it in my eyes.
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#anxiety #sertralinemotivation #ifyoufeeltoomuch #twolha
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sleepycricko · 9 years
We have to fight to not get lost in our own pain. We have to fight to remember the good, the things we love around us, the things not lost, the things that we are thankful for. don't but the lie that your story is just a tragedy. And Don't buy the lie that you are the only character in your story
Jamie Tworkowski, If You Feel Too Much
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Because I couldn't stand the sight of my scars any more. For the first time in YEARS I finally want to wear short sleeves.
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thatorangedog · 10 years
Petition to replace the phrase "I love you" with "I need you"
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partiallybrokensystem · 10 years
"I am stronger than depression and I am braver than loneliness."
Elizabeth Gilbert (via TWOLHA's Facebook page)
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