#ty for breaking the tiers down
atldiscourse · 7 months
Early Entry $25 (i think) = Early admission before GA but not before other perk holders. I think it's limited to 60.
Soundcheck $60 = Limited to 60 people. Receive signed poster. Q&A + 2-3 songs depending on how many questions. Group photos split into groups of 8-10 people. Priority entry over EE.
Monitor Party $125 = Limited to 6 people. Personal 1-on-1 m&g photo with the boys. Receive signed setlist and A, J, and Z's guitar picks. Stand side stage for ATL's set only. Priority entry over other two perks.
sounding like a skint hater rn but this shit STINKS. $25 just for ee? $125 for a few mass-produced picks and staring at their arses the whole time on stage? we used to be a real country what an embarrassment
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prince-liest · 8 months
Omg, I just wanted to say I ADORE your characterization of Al and Vox! I don't even have the words to express how much I love reading your stuff, especially the Anon responses you post on here. The behind the scenes thoughts are literally my food, lifesource, its so good when people not only write characters IN CHARACTER, but also include stuff about their analysis/understanding of the character too.. I'm literally obsessed with breaking down characters and yk, cracking their chrome domes open to see how they work (which admittedly, I am not the best at <_< but I love reading them). Just wanted to say how much I love your writing. I had maybe 2 questions, please don't feel pressured to answer them :>
What in your mind (in reference to the 66.6 fics) would motivate Alastor to let Val get close to him in the first place? Or was that more you picking these two characters up by the scruff of their necks and plopping them into a hypothetical scenario to explore their character and write some fun intimate thingsTM?
What do you think of the dynamic of Vox and Al vs something like Lucifer and Al? Personally I've noticed that something Alastor craves, behind the mask of his static smiling persona, is attention. He's (at least how I saw it) usually peeved when people don't care about his absence, and seems especially bothered by the King of Hell refusing to really acknowledge him, so he goes out of his way to push Lucifers buttons (like calling himself a father figure to Charlie, IN FRONT OF HER ACTUAL FATHER LOL) whereas with Vox, Vox is literally CONSTANTLY thinking about Alastor. Man literally interrupted his regular TV program to do a segment about how much he totally didn't at ALL care about Alastors dissapearance or the fact that he returned (suree buddy). So Alastor can have more fun with him and annoy him by ignoring and messing with him on purpose.
ty if you do respond to this, sorry if it was hard to understand, sometimes I forget how to put the thoughts in my brain into coherent words!
Ahhhh, thank you very much, anon! I'm especially happy that you're enjoying my commentary on Tumblr, haha - I spent a while on Twitter because that's where all the fandom zines I was in were being hosted, but nothing beats Tumblr for giving me a nigh-unlimited word count and a captive audience for my rambling! >:D <3 I'm back to cocooning myself on the OG hell site.
Thank you for this ask, it really brightened my day! :D
As for your questions:
1. I'm assuming that was a typo and that you mean Vox (but in case you did mean Val: that was just a funny accident of him walking by the room! Alastor wasn't paying enough attention until it was too late), and to that I say:
I think Alastor allows Vox to take a go at him in canon because he finds Vox's obsession with him to be entertaining, but also because Alastor is kind of a narcissist and that same obsession massively feeds his ego, especially in a political climate that otherwise forgot about Alastor. Vox's whole "Who gives a shit about Alastor coming back?! Haha, now let me have a public meltdown and short out power to the whole city about it! Oh, fuck, why is he back, though?? Can we send a spy in to find out??" is exactly the reaction that Alastor wants every time he mentions his mysterious absence and gets brushed off.
At the same time, Alastor doesn't seem to register Vox as a sincere and genuine threat. He's a big enough fish in the Pride Ring pond that his obsession with Alastor is gratifying, but Alastor's self-absorption also doesn't really allow him to treat Vox as a threat tier above "annoying in a funny way, and also television is stupid." (Perhaps this will change in season 2... :eyes: (or perhaps Alastor will get Even Worse) (please god let him get even worse))
So those two things in combination make Vox the perfect candidate for Alastor to experiment with while maintaining his ego and not feeling particularly threatened. Despite Vox's Safeword 101 talk, Alastor would never put stock into that system with Vox unless he was certain that he himself would be able to back up a 'no' with overwhelming force. Him even considering safewords in the Live On Air! series is less for his own sake and more a politesse he offers on Vox's request to warn Vox to slow the fuck down before Alastor tries to put his insides on the outside.
2. And in direct contrast, we have Lucifer...
... Who Alastor obviously actually cares quite a bit about, because he's a whole nother power tier from both Vox and Alastor, and furthermore and possibly even more importantly, a credible threat to Alastor's relationships and standing in the hotel. I think a lot of discussion I see about Alastor prodding Lucifer seems to talk about how quickly he got annoyed about Lucifer's comments, but that misses the fact that he was pissed off before Lucifer even showed up. He got pissy the moment he saw the welcome sign, actually! And I wager that he was narratively absent for the scene where Charlie actually calls Lucifer because he would have done his best to manipulate her out of doing so had be been there.
And given that the two clearly haven't met before (though obviously Alastor knows of Lucifer - and hates that the inverse isn't true, hah), it's not 100% clear exactly why he's immediately so annoyed, but in my personal view of things and barring something like "he's projecting onto Lucifer because his contract is with Lilith," I think that what we know of Alastor's personality points most strongly to "he liked being the hotel's benefactor and sees it as His Project, and doesn't like the idea that Charlie called daddy for something that she thought mysterious, powerful Alastor couldn't handle." He distracts a lot with obviously-goading comments about practically being Charlie's dad in his duet with Lucifer, but underneath that he puts a lot of emphasis on the work he's done for the hotel and the fact that he's been supporting Charlie and the hotel from the start, so why the fuck is this deadbeat asshole suddenly turning up?!
Tl;dr: Charlie missed her insight roll on Alastor's personal investments and he's sooooo offended - and taking it out on Lucifer!
I think one of my favorite things about both Lucifer and Alastor is that they both sooo obviously belong in the Pride Ring, hahaha.
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velvet-vox · 3 months
My second pipeline of future ideas: Part 2
Previously, in part one, I created a survey to determine which project you all wanted to see first for me, and the long awaited Lord Shen's analysis won.
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However, as you can clearly see by the results, two ideas ended up tying for second place, aka my critique of Doll and the tier list. Therefore, I'm now running a second survey to determine which content to produce next after Shen; both projects already have a little bit of work produced for them and should be meaty at their completion.
Here's a quick reminder of the content for each idea:
How and Why Liam Vickers wrote Doll as a rather unsympathetic character: I feel like, when you really love something, you must be able to criticise it. And this is exactly the goal of this analysis, as I break down all of the problems with Doll's writing right from the conceptual issues down to her future and legacy.
Female villains top ten: My ranking of the ten personal favourite female villains of all time.
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Rebecca is slowly destroying my mental health why is she so weird 😭.
I'm losing my brain cells over her analysis. It feels like I'm banging my head against a wall, but she is so worth it, TRUST ME.
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yourmomwatchesanime · 2 months
character opinion bingo :-)
oikawa tooru! (debated on choosing someone from your top 5 in hq)
Tooru Oikawa's favorite food is milk bread!!! 🗣️🥛🍞 His personal motto is "if you're gonna hit it, then hit it until it BREAKS??!!?!" 🤨🤬🏐
lmaooo an excellent choice ty!! he sucks so bad i love him so much <3333
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​he's such an ass but he's also a delight and there's so many things wrong with him but i wouldn't have him any other way. truly the rival character of all time
**bonus fun fact!!**
i recently found a hq character tiermaker list i did with friends like 4 years ago (shortly after i had just watched the whole show) and to this day it makes me laugh how much i truly HATED oikawa the first time around. i recognized how fun of a character he was but deeply resented it i guess??? anyways
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i literally isolated the poor guy in his own category right in the middle of all the tiers. all the rest of them were just letters from S+ down through E and this son of a gun was put in his own special containment field of infinite nuance. Free Him
link to the Character Bingo ask game! <3
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Buford and Baljeet as god-tiered Homestuck trolls!
Baljeet’s a Seer of Rage, and Buford’s a Thief of Mind. This might seem contradictory to their characters in the show, but keep in mind a god teir isn’t how you present yourself, it’s the core of your being. This got long so uhhh essay on why they are these things under the cut!
Baljeet is a Seer of Rage. Seers are prone to being single-minded - to a seer, everything is THEIR aspect. To Rose, everything is light - chance, luck, narrative relevance. To Terezi, everything is mind - the way people think, and the decisions they make. To Kankri and the Signless, everything is Blood - the connections people have, and our duties to do right by our community. They can be incredibly intelligent, but also incredibly dense, and are driven to affect as much change as possible.
Rage players are driven by the idea that something is wrong. They try to change it, and are obsessed with the big picture and how to throw a wrench in the works, how to burn everything we know down to the ground in the hopes that maybe, possibly, something better MIGHT rise from the ashes. This concept is Baljeet's everything.
Baljeet is incredibly intelligent, incredibly driven, and incredibly eager to burn shit to the ground. As soon as his anxieties and carefully-structured schedules get out of the way, Baljeet is a force of NATURE. He is a hulk, a punk rockstar, able to climb any mountain and tackle any problem with little regard for the well being of others. Hell, one could argue that even his academic career is based on a desire to do this sort of thing, and he finds absolute glee in breaking the laws of nature - so long as it is HIS EFFORTS that make it possible. If it weren't for his upbringing and unqenchable desire for success and praise, Baljeet would probably be a full time supervillain.
As it stands, however, Baljeet IS filled with an unquenchable desire for success and praise, and readily shares his knowledge with others - even when he himself does not fully understand it. Baljeet particularly has a knack for understanding the chaos of his reality, and has been shown to find ways to explain the flow between dimensions and the machinations of such forces as Murphy's Law and the Mysterious Force.
Buford, on the other hand, is a Thief of Mind. Thieves start out with a lack of their aspect, and have to steal their aspect form others over the course of their lives. A thief is selfish, but this is not entirely a bad thing - sometimes you have to save yourself before you can help others. In this way, Selfishness can be a virtue, especially when used correctly. When done wrong, however, it can and will hurt everyone around the thief, especially when they decide to take too much without letting the team replenish their resources.
Mind players deal in agency. Knowledge is power, after all, and usually power comes in the form of free will. Terezi could see what people's choices would lead to, and was able to direct people towards the best outcomes through this.
Buford, as a Thief of Mind, would start out his life with no agency at all, and would have to steal agency from others in order to have more for himself. This lines up with his backstory on the show, and is part of the reason why I made him a lowblood - on the show, when Buford was a child, someone bigger and stronger and more powerful than him was going to eat his pet goldfish, Biff. In order to prevent this, Buford had to take that decision away from his tormentor, and become a bully himself. He stole the bully's agency, and gave it to himself, taking the bully's reputation and his power by tying him up in his own shoelaces.
Throughout the show, Buford steals agency in similar ways from his friends and the other people around him - he stole everyone's bikes, limiting their ability to move around in Danville. He steals Baljeet's agency all the time in small ways, oftentimes by picking him up and carrying him around, or by changing Baljeet's schedule around for certain things.
Baljeet is used to this, and it becomes a sort of symbiotic relationship in a certain sense. Baljeet has a habit of micromanaging his own agency, so by stealing some of it Buford ironically gives Baljeet chances to relax and let his own aspect - rage - breathe. Buford is also the only one who can calm "Hulkjeet," and by taking Baljeet's option to cause havoc that way Buford gives Baljeet his own common sense back. Symbiotic, benefits for both parties involved.
We also see that Buford is an intellectual, though he tries to hide it, and that Baljeet is a force of chaos and destruction, though he tries to hide it. In a sense, Buford and Baljeet meet in the middle here, between Rage and Mind, and find a lot of common ground. Baljeet can talk nerd stuff to Buford, and he'll be able to not just follow along, but provide new imput - and vice versa for Buford's more destructive habits.
Obviously this sort of back and forth symbiotic relationship of their classpects continues in the game, and they have eachother's shoe colors.
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craneswings · 5 months
Yuzu Stats Meta 01 - SoV Numbers + Cipher Analysis
Time to take a look at Yuzu's actual stats and how they fare toward her progression toward being the strongest! However, with her origin being from Cipher and not Shadows of Valentia, I want to also take reference from her cards and how they would translate to a normal FE setting.
Part 1: The In-Game Stats on her D&D Resume (SoV Appearance)
As always, I used Serenes Forest to collect image references for Yuzu's base stats and growth rates. They are also posted in that order below.
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Before breaking down how each stat fares in comparison to the rest of the cast, it is important to note that Yuzu is a DLC unit in SoV, meaning that she can be recruited practically anytime in the game and on either route. The latter isn't that concerning, but for the former I usually prefer to compare Yuzu's "optimal" recruitment to a midgame pre-promote unit in other FEs, supported by Yuzu's class of Priestess (or promoted mage).
Now, Yuzu's base HP of 26 isn't actually low when comparing it to the rest of SoV's cast, but considering her position as a pre-promote and in comparison to her Cipher friends, she actually is pretty behind in the HP department. It can be difficult to specifically define what HP means in context (Bulky? Durable? High endurance?), but for Yuzu I would interpret it as her prioritizing a high offense rather than a defensive front. Her future defensive stats will further prove this.
On the other hand, her HP growth is fine enough at 40%. It's still the lowest compared to her friends (by just 5%, to be fair), but is on the same level as the average of the other Valentians at a glance. To be honest, at times the DLC units' growths feel like they were approached differently compared to the base game (which...fair. You're paying for these units so you wouldn't want them to falter too much.), which makes them hard to fairly analyze at times.
Base 15 ATK is insane. Only Zeke and Mycen beat her (who are Tier 3 units who join much later into the game) and Conrad tie her (who by my recruitment assumption, would still join later than Yuzu). There's really not much else to say on a comparison level, girl can swing hard. A great way to portray her training paying off, as I headcanon SoV to occur close to the end of her Cipher mishaps.
Additionally, I know I just said Yuzu gets carried by DLC growths, but a 55% in ATK is pretty ridiculous as well. Barring Delthea's Est-nature of a 70% ATK growth, 60% is the highest in the game that ties with fellow Cipher Randal along with Celica, Mae, and...Genny, of all people. Magic gang? All in all, even if she is right behind them, the high growth is a great showing of where her priorities lie.
Yuzu is above-average in SKL with a base stat of 13, although there are a fair amount of units who surpass her, mainly veteran warriors such as Deen and Mycen. Still, she beats out a lot of the cast to represent her expertise in her weapon of choice during this adventure: her Warrior's Sword. Unless you decide to use a Pitchfork and reclass her, for some reason.
The growth is a very similar story to ATK growth, with a 60% growth tying her for second with Conrad while the top SKL growth of 75% belongs to Luthier. (Those magical villagers really want to act like they're on top, huh.) This again shows Yuzu emphasizing her willingness to improve her martial arts prowess above all else.
She starts with 16 base SPD, literally outrunning any playable unit other than Deen who has 17 SPD. It really is a similar story to the last 2 categories, given her 60% SPD growth is only challenged by Kliff, who ties her, and Clair, who wins with a 70% growth. Given how SoV has units double one another based on smaller speed differences unlike other FE games, I can easily imagine Yuzu being incredibly swift, fitting for one sometimes described as a ninja as well as samurai.
LCK is where Yuzu is somewhat brought back to reality, with a base stat of 9 being good, just not outpacing the majority of the cast by a wide margin. Yuzu does not strike me as a particurally lucky nor unlucky person, yet she would rely more on her own merits to win a fight rather than pure chance. This also explains her decent 35% LCK growth, which is still above-average for playable units, just not incredible.
This is a very similar instance to HP, where technically Yuzu's 7 base DEF is not low, but it is important to comapre her to the competition here. She notably trails behind the rest of the DLC units, along with being on a similar playing field to other promoted units. With the assumption that she'd be a midgame unit, her defense would be quite low. Not frail by any means, but Yuzu is a frontline, offensive force. She trains to trade hits, not excel at tanking them.
30% DEF growth also slightly trails behind the Cipher DLCs, and this time even ties or goes behind a lot more Valentian residents. This serves as further evidence that Yuzu is not attempting to minimize damage, preferring to hone her attacking traits.
RES is usually a low stat in SoV (ignore Emma, she's cheating), but Yuzu's base of 9 RES and even 2% growth is better than a fair amount of the cast. Still, if you try comparing Yuzu's RES while considering her class of Priestess, a mix of physical and magical damage, she is fairly behind the other mages, sages, and even clerics of SoV. I think this fits her desire to prioritize the martial arts rather than magical arts. Otherwise, this is another showing of a priority of offense over defense.
0.6 is the highest Tolerance of the game, meaning Yuzu takes the longest to tire while traveling in dungeons. This is pretty fitting for someone who likely travels often, either to find new opponents or in the pursuit of intense training.
That is the end of Yuzu's SoV stats, but before summarizing I thought it would be nice to pay homage to her source material.
Part 2: The Cooler Way to Calculate Stats
Now this section will definitely be more brief, as Cipher doesn't serve as great material to transition to traditional JRPG stats, given how your attack stat is also technically your defense stat in Cipher. I am also lacking general knowledge of each card's power, so there will be no comparisons. Furthermore, I don't want to speak much about Yuzu's class choices here, as I plan to cover them in a future stats meta.
This time around, this wiki entry assisted in collecting Yuzu's card stats. No images will be used, but instead I will highlight cards via their series and skill names.
SERIES 3 - ATTACK EMBLEM (Cranewinged Swordswoman)
A support skill that provides the main attacking card 20 extra attack. It can easily be seen as a flex of strength, but it also highlights that Yuzu is still a team player when it comes to the battlefield!
SERIES 3 - INDOMITABLE WILL (Flightflash Bravecrane)
Another attack-buffing skill, this time for herself when you are down to your last orb. A sense of desperation, possibly, yet I also see it as Yuzu holding a strong enough will during battles to provide comeback factor.
A conditional where Yuzu gains 10 attack when supported by a sword, lance, or axe unit. It's another showing of being a team player, this time thanks to her high weapon experience.
SERIES 7 - NINJA WARRIOR'S TECHNIQUE (Shinobi of the Violet Shadows) 
Yet another +10 attack buff, surprise surprise, but this time being shared with an ally when that ally is a shuriken unit. More cooperative play, which serves well in a TCG setting.
SERIES 9 - SHIELD OF THE POWERLESS (Purple-Gleaming Protector)
A skill that "defends" your weaker allies during the opponent's phase by raising their attack by 10. This is an instance where arguably the attack stat is more of a defense one, but it still shows Yuzu's capability of support.
SERIES 16 - MASTERY OF MOUNTED ARCHERY (Master of Plains Warfare)
This skill gives Yuzu 30 extra attack after she moves in a turn. It's pretty unconventional for her weapon of choice, being a bow in this case, yet I believe this highlights her williness to experiment with unusual strategy and, considering the +30 boost, succeed.
These are only a few out of many skills Yuzu has in Cipher (I ignored ones that are either difficult to explain or more standard for main characters or the rest of the cast), but they definitely paint an interesting image for her. She still boasts high strength and prefers to apply it on the frontline, but she additionally shares her strength with others or builds it off of the weaponry of others, which also requires her allies' aid. It really shows a more supportive role that I feel like the mainline games can lack at times when it comes to physical units, outside of perhaps the 3DS games' pair-up mechanics.
SoV presents Yuzu as a Priestess who focuses on the physical side to dish out powerful, skillful, and fast sword strikes. However, she sacrifices a fair bit of defensive prowess in doing so, preferring to outright win fights before having to endure multiple hits. Even as a DLC unit, SoV's portrayal of Yuzu matches her nature of being battle-ready very well.
Cipher continues this trend, having many abilities that increase her power. However, not only does she buff herself to make it through fights, she also strengthens those around her with a focus on adapting to and using their varied weaponry, a support she sees value in due to her goals to master any martial art.
Hopefully this analysis goes to show Yuzu isn't just power-hungry, as her journey to be the best requires her to learn from others and support them rather than steamroll every enemy in sight. In that sense, I somewhat prefer Cipher's gameplay portrayal of Yuzu, but that doesn't mean SoV isn't fun or interesting in its own right!
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oddmawd · 5 months
Hey Mawd, is it okay to ask about "The Wife" from The Hunt in these OC asks or not? Just curious! Nway, sending 🎂,💯 and ☕️ for Rei!
hmmmm, The Wife...that should be fine! i left her somewhat abstract for the reader-insert lovers but she has a distinct personality i could use for this DETAILS ABOUT OCs ASK MEME...(also i did base her closely on Rei LMAO so i can kind of default to Rei's characterization for the ask game too!)
🎂 BIRTHDAY CAKE — when is your oc's birthday? how old are they? what are their sun, moon, & rising signs (if known)? what about their tarot card, ruling planet, & ruling number (if known)? do they fit the typical traits of these sun, moon, & rising signs?
You put me through my paces with this one because I hadn't actually done any birth chart stuff for Rei, and I'm not very good at astrology stuff! I'm basically just picking stuff that fits the personality I gave her. Her birthday is April Fools Day! This makes her an Aries, and I like to think she was born only a few minutes after midnight, putting her on the cusp of being a March and April Aries. As for her signs... She is an Aries Sun, Virgo Moon, Scorpio Rising. This gives her Aries' ambition and drive but Virgo's desire for order while pursuing her goals, and Scorpio's strong intuition and ability to read emotions. Does she fit these signs? Sometimes, but her past has cooled some of Aries' famous temper, and her Sun and Rising signs further quell some of the impulsivity Aries are known for. She looks before she leaps, unlike the typical Aries, and she's not a selfish person as some people believe of Scorpio. She IS, however, very much a Virgo in how critical she is of herself (especially her appearance). I don't know enough about Tarot or numerology to answer the other questions, but I hope the above is enough. <3
💯 HUNDRED POINTS SYMBOL — share three random facts about your oc that others may not know.
Fun Fact #1: Rei's favorite emoji, coincidentally, is the 💯 emoji. Followed closely by the ✨ emoji. You'd THINK it would be the winking emoji, but nope. She saves winks for in-person shenanigans. Fun Fact #2: She owns no fewer than 50 wigs. Yes, that's a lot of wigs, but not all of them are top-grade, human hair, hand-tied, or even natural-looking wigs. In fact, the majority of them aren't. Human-hair, hand-tied wigs are extremely expensive, and she only owns a handful (collected over the course of many years) for special occasions. She breaks down her wig collection into four distinct categories: The Queens (her best wigs), the Classy Ladies (high-end synthetic wigs), the Party Girls (mid-tier synthetic wigs), and the Hot Mess Ma'ams (the cheapo costume wigs she happily beats to hell and back). Every category has its time and place. The purple wig she wore to the club in The Sight Unseen was a Hot Mess Ma'am she got on Amazon for like $15. (Bonus Wig Fact: She prefers NOT to glue down her wigs, though she used to do so for ballroom competitions and burlesque routines. Her skin is sensitive and easily irritated, and she enjoys changing up her look on an almost daily basis.) Fun Fact #3: Rei loves reading, and she loves reading nonfiction especially. She volunteers are her local library to read books to kids. She typically dresses up in a costume or fancy outfit that fits the theme of the day's book. Rei is QUITE GOOD at acting out children's literature, and kids love her because she's willing to meet them on their level and never talks down to them. She's very good with kids in general. (That may have been more than one fun fact for this last entry...)
☕️ HOT BEVERAGE — does your oc prefer coffee, tea, hot chocolate, milk, water, or some other drink? how do they like to take this drink (ex. coffee with milk, hot chocolate with whipped cream, a specific kind of tea, etc)?
Today, Rei is a double espresso kind of person. She drinks it for utility in the early mornings and to power late-night study sessions. A quick slam of caffeine is just what she needs to power through the day. BUT when she wants something she can savor and isn't in dire need of instant waking up, she goes for a London fog with a pump of lavender syrup. That's her cozy drink on Sunday mornings, curled up in bed with a good book in her favorite bathrobe. Please note that in her club-scene-visiting and dance-competition-dominating and burlesque-performing youth, however, she would down sugar-free Red Bulls by the case. Those were darks times characterized by youthful idiocy joie de vivre and complete disregard for the health of her kidneys.
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mistresslrigtar · 1 year
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The ride is going to get bumpy! Maybe it's time to get off..
Link: Wanna stop by to watch us rehearse today?
Zelda: Sure! When?
Link: Anytime. We’ll be in the band room in the Eastern Abbey bldg.
Zelda had expected to hear the sound of Hyrule Warriors as soon as she entered the lobby of the Eastern Abbey. If not for the muted cacophony of students rehearsing in various practice rooms, she would have thought the building was empty since there wasn’t a soul in sight.
She followed signs on the walls for the band room until Zelda found herself standing in front of a set of double doors. Pulling on the handle of one of the doors, she stepped into an ample space with wide, tiered platforms on which chairs and scattered music stands were arranged to face the whiteboard on the far wall. Daruk’s drumset and the band’s instruments sat on the bottom level, but none of its members were in evidence except for Tulin. He sat slouched in a chair on the bottom tier, reading an Adventures of Tingle and Beedle comic book, but sat up when he heard the door.
“Hey. Tulin, right?” Zelda waved down at him; her voice resonated in the room, amplified by the acoustic panels that hung along the walls made to minimize echoes. “Um, I’m Zelda. Is Link around?”
Tulin stifled a yawn as he rose from his chair, stretching. “Yeah, dunno where he is, though. They’re taking a 30-minute break. ” 
“Oh, ok. Thanks.” Hmmm, Zelda pulled out her phone, but Link hadn’t texted her. 
Zelda: Hey, I’m here, but you’re not. Bad timing, I guess.
I Belong to You Chapter Seven: Break it to Me
or start at the beginning
I Belong to You Chapter One: Resistance
TY to @zeldaelmo and @hyylia for looking this over!
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rahleeyah · 11 months
1.0 here, again :)
I'm so glad there's a safe space for the pixie lovers among us, hah. I agree with you about the s2 shag, by the way. (and shame on DW for almost firing her for a haircut???)
ok I'll tell you what long fanfics I read if you promise it won't slow your own writing down--I'm hooked on "I'll Crawl Home to Her" already and I need MORE :)
I (re)read your Hell of a View. I think it was one of the first SVU/EO fanfics I ever read, and it was even better going back to it with several 1.0 seasons and all the 3.0 seasons under my belt.
I discovered Lujahs and read both Berceuse and A Clean Burn, both of which were stunning.
I read Vows by Strawberry_day which isn't super long but gorgeous. Then I went and read everything by that author, who really has a unique voice that just grabs me and won't let go.
I read The Currency of Heroes by surreallis which, in the context of my first time through the early seasons, was a cool parallel take on newly familiar scenes.
And that's just recently! If you have recommendations for essential stuff I should read, especially stuff published before 2022, please do share.
Ok, last thing: I just watched Risk and definitely have my favorite 1.0 episode so far. Elliot goes UC! He seizes the opportunity to flirt with Liv in public! (and omg lol he buys himself a beer and her a scotch for $12!!) He gets beat up and Liv has to watch/listen from the car! He gets to act tough about it when they get back to the station! They share a flirty look when she playfully downplays his injuries! They go UC together as a married couple! She seizes the opportunity to call him baby! And then uggghhhhh that last scene where they both break my heart being vulnerable about living with the guilt of shooting someone, and even when it's a "good kill" it stays with you. And she clocks his loss of appetite, and he tells the truth about not sleeping when she asks, and she tells the truth that therapy hasn't helped when he asks. Whew, yeah, favorite episode so far.
I do love these updates I really do!! Thank you for sharing with us 💜
The misogynist response to m's s2 haircut really is something isn't it
🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺 thank you so much for this!!! I am so excited about crawl, it's a slow burn but I have a lot of things to say and I'm having so much fun writing it, so it means a lot to me that you're enjoying it 🥰
Berceuse is one of my all time favorites oh my God it's so good. And surreallis is like. God tier.
I have a fic rec tag here I can't remember if I referred that to you before, but there's lots of stuff in the notes on those posts too!!
Risk is so good. And it's one of those episodes that shows that Elliot likes going undercover. He likes a bit of theater he has fun with it he enjoys trying on someone else's life, and I love what that says about him as a character and I really appreciate that oc kind of seized on that. OC has for the most part imo done a really good job of tying in his existing characterization which is no mean feat for a show that started ten years after anyone had last written for him with a full staff of people who'd never written for him. I can only hope that their new showrunner will choose to continue to honor his character and pull away from that last guy's attempts to turn Elliot into a budget punisher
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anti-katsuki-lounge · 2 years
What do you think is the most fundamentally wrong thing about Bakugo? Because from I see, it's not his character design that is the issue, as it fits the MHA world, is attractive to fans, and explosions are cool(let's be real, we all have seen the shows with explosions in the background as we grew up like in Power Rangers). It's how he gets too much Author's love that gives him back motivation onto why he hates Deku and too much Plot Armor that it poisons everyone, including Bakugo himself.
His backstory of hating Deku for giving out a hand after falling down a creek does not make sense. I rather make him a spoiled prodigy who never received any failure nor genuine help prior to UA. IRL, many prodigies fail in their later years as they were never given the help they've needed as kids nor given the rest and break from what they're doing, that they see getting any sort of help as a weakness. Here, that hatred makes more sense as BK feels that he shouldn't receive help from the weakest kid in the class, who just wants him to rest from everyone else's expectations, given that their school environment is very toxic.
Removing his god tier Plot Armor would flat out improve his character as his antagonizing of Izuku would decrease, he gets more failures in the plot lines that he is forced to be in, namely tying in the finals of the Sports Festival, letting Izuku getting better grades than him in the finals and failing the physical final, etc.
I think fundamentally, I think its the Author's Love from the early fanbase that compounded his problems and wrote him into the future plots which gave him greater Plot Armor than most characters of any series.
You’ve pretty much explained why I hate Katsuki. Katsuki’s problems are a result of him having shitty motives for what he does and him being coddled by Hori. Katsuki’s character is your basic outline of a Shonan Rival, so it shouldn’t be hard to write/develop him, but Hori somehow messes that up.
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siremasterlawrence · 2 years
The Liberation Of Justice League
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I find myself a tier level common criminal top ex gallery owner standing on the roof top of Gotham Art Works.
I can see in to the top floor of get building hot with a bright white light shining in to the glass ceiling.
Batman, Nightwing, Red Hood and the boy wonder Robin swoop in to save the day as per usual.
I want to throw up at the sighs of their daily heroics on constant display all the time in this dark city.
Happily I dig in to my coat jacket removing my remote control, flipping it open I can see the light dance in per view.
One flick of a switch sends the it all in to action with the door swinging close, the walls cover in steel and the room is pumped with gas.
The entire room is cover in steel casing even with the ceiling blocking my vision.
I glee with excitement doing a dive over the roofs edge in to the only other window still open.
Landing inside I make rush past the main hall to the biggest exhibition on display I worked on.
Stopping at the door I clap a bit very haughty in my actions at the astounding ass I can see from far.
Batman and his brats are flat face forward on to the floor knocked out and that is until I hear a loud sigh.
I shake my head kneeling down using my right hand to lift up his head and stare in to his eyes.
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“What a blasted fool the bat is.”
“Mr. goody two shoes”
“You are not a man of honor”
“You are a wannabe Boy Scout”
“I am so sick of this shit”
“I am going to rehabilitate you freak”
“Keep attempting to fight and resist”
“Your intellect while quite impressive is not a winner tonight.”
“This is the perfect mix of your rogues “
“Scarecrows fear toxin, jokes laughing gas and so much more.”
“Your downfall will be bitterly sweet”
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This is a truly momentous occasion I think to myself with unknown confidence finally in to the light go.
Stepping forward in to the magical light I reveal myself for the world to see.
One hand straight to my head removing all of my clothes and throwing them to the side.
My costume is showcasing in all its glory and me with axe to grind literally in my hand
The gas is neurotoxin design with the intent to disable the protective surface of the mind
In plain English using a basic formulaic type of patent the joker gas disables the mental blocks.
The fear gas prevents them for processing by overcoming simply by producing fear.
The mind crumples in a deep state of insane level of craziness trapping him in his mind.
I can see it working their eyes roll back in to their heads and they conk out.
Suddenly they begin to shake out of control in a frenzy.
“Toxic gas indeed”
“Hot fitting”
“What exactly do you want from me?”
“Oh Bruce! BRUCE WAYNE “
“Yes I know you are Batman”
“Listen you deficient excuse of a human”
“Deficient huh?”
“I brought down the great Batman”
“I will break you in two before I surrender”
“Yeah, yeah I know you never surrender or give in”
“I love your cockiness for a vigilante”
“I am far from that punk”
“Watch your tone or I will damage your jaw”
“Shame to see a beautiful jaw line split in two. Don’t you think?”
“Oh great! The former boy wonder and the boy wanders awake”
“Time for the world to see”
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All three fail to use their hand to propel his hands in to the air and fall flat on their face
I burst in to a fit of laughter kicking him in the face swiftly then grab him by his hair.
I drag him off to the back of the room tying him down with a load of straps.
“What is your plan you fiend?”
“I am fiend now… God you are low life “
“I am showing Gotham City and the world how weak you really are.”
Within a hour all four man our strap down on odd positions facing each other ear pods and shades adorn them.
A twist of knob forces the devices to come alive buzzing, mind altering sounds and video permeates his mind.
“Soon you will all see things my way and the world.”
“Mwahahahahaha…it will burn”
“My love”
“I hate you”
Their mind altering addle brain of his is truly force to soak up all the programming I can muster.
“Is this not better? To finally fall from grace “
“Embrace the darkness within”
“Be who you truly are”
“ A man of darkness”
“Agents of chaos”
“Yes…we must obey…we will obey”
The end
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anna-neko · 2 years
organizing some files, thinking about International Lolita Day and just... fell down a bit of a rabbit hole which then turned into an existential crisis....
mah dudes, it's one thing when joke "have DVDs older than you" but ... but... but... have a Gothic Lolita burando piece that isn't just "older than you been into this fashion" (not condescending, plz keep at it!), *rubs bridge of nose* this was not an EGL Comm Sales nor LaceMarket "vintage"/second-hand buy THIS WAS BOUGHT BRAND-NEW AT ORIGINAL RELEASE (in dark ages when buying direct-from-Japan needed either u knowing this One Girl on LJ who was going on a trip, or jumping 20hoops for a shopping service! (which was just another lady living in Japan at the time) and hoping they'd spot the piece u wanted) This specific brand, bless, deemed us worthy of international shipping BUT ANYWAY rambles are boring, lets look at pretty pictures instead shall we
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Meta calls this piece simply "Gingham Check Tiered Skirt" (ギンガムチェックティアードスカート) seasonal collections or pieces getting fancy names that are sometimes absolutely random girl names or bad engrish translation is a fairly new phenomenon, sometimes a literal description is best
✧ 2005 did u think I was kidding about its age was gifted this lovely skirt, and literally just ... pulled whatever was black/white to wear it out immediately! Hilariously, getting the big butt-bow tied was A Challenge: he couldn't do it because boys can't bows, I couldn't because can't see what doing behind me, his mom couldn't help because she didn't raise girls so out of bows-tying practice....
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✦ 2006 - Disney trip, of course brought it We did Lilo and Stitch breakfast and Every. Single. Time. Stitch passed me, he'd tug on the skirt's bow *taps hairbow* made it myself to go with the skirt! (using the very proper GosuLoli Sewing patterns mook no less!) and every couple years a friend send me his FB memories snap he took of me with Princess Jasmine in this, and we both cry over the date
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an otaku pilgrimage stop on drive back
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✷ 2007 ya hear of burando~whores? Well have we got a treat then a full Meta coord: blouse, skirt and headdress!
something something pale vampire
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♡ 2008 One Braincell, Much Frills
very smart ladies freezing in the New England snows, send help. Also, as can clearly see, now with a matching gingham headdress (still Metamorphose, this "brand wh0re" business ain't a joke)
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and then went on a trip to London and you freakin bet this was packed along! fondest memory was absolutely fangirling over a life-sized DALEK statue in a bookshop, and someone came up to tell me, "your outfit's brilliant"
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♪ 2009 how cool are my loli~friends? We dressed up to go play RockBand and mofo at-home DDR! all you kids with your TikToks and ...and... Zooms.... u will never be this cool
Fun fact: that headdress from before? The tiny bows were detachable! So could use them as separate hairclips for other looks
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♫ 2010 - do not think anyone comprehends just how FULL this skirt is! It's 3 gathered tiers, and that bottom one is freakin miles of fabric. Plus the waist ties, and full lining with tulle sewn in
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♠ 2011 are you tired of this nonsense yet? 'cause it keeps a~goin!
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♢2014 oooh bit of a skip! did own a lot of other pretty dresses, skirt was packed away for a bit fun fact: am actually freezing in NYC winter outdoors.... we went to see a play staring Sir Ian McKellen & Sir Patrick Stewart!!
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and finally 2022, on the most freakin FREEZING negative-degrees day in January we went out for honeytoast and I was like .. ya know what... oldskool coord!
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is my skirt old enough to drive? ... yes... yes it is.... As always, hope everyone enjoyed and for the love of Mana, don't do the math... OMFG plz don't even try to math this one out
Not writing up coord break-down, other "brands" featured are in no particular order: Fan+Friend, Baby the Stars Shine Bright, rando shit from HotTopic and Kohls (or as the kids say "off brand"), LipService, Bodyline, Secret Shop, Innocent World, AnnaHouse and a bunch of cute Etsy jewelry bits
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purfectprincessgirl · 2 years
So found any new dolls lately and have you thought about updating your RH doll tier ?
Yeah, admittedly I kinda slowed down my doll collecting for a bit cause there’s been so many new releases at once (I haven’t even finished collecting the S4 line yet we’ve already got the full Rainbow Vision teams + the Costume Ball girls coming soon- 😵‍💫) that it’s just gotten hard for me to keep up/afford them all tbhh- 😅😅
-BUT! On the plus side here’s a couple girls I was able to obtain in the meanwhile~ ☺️
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I knew I had to get Delilah Fields at some point ever since her debut cause omggg she’s so precious 🥺🥺💛
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And I was finally able to grab Winter Break Skyler cause I’ve adored how pretty she looks in the line (low key tying with WB Jade as my fave tbh), especially with her hair~ 😍💙
As far as a tier list goes, I’d love to be able to fill one out soon! ^^ dunno how likely it’d be for me to buy *all* the ones I want but just a general ranking atm would be fun to do nonetheless~ 👍
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blazewatergem · 1 year
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Ooo, so in a general sense of characters I love:
Overprotective(yandere?) family
Simp Characters
Villainess as the Main Character
To break these down, overprotective families bordering on yandere(like 👌a pinch of yandere for flavor) are fucking great. I’ve read so many manwha stories where the dad/brothers are so willing to throw down over the smallest insult towards their daughter/sister that I just. I love seeing it. Top tier to me.
The “simp character” I’m referencing is - actually - typically the romantic sort of the above. Like they adore their person, they love them so much. One of my fave examples I saw on tiktok(never found the source 😔) where the Duke was hunting monsters, caught one with pretty white fur, and when the knights commented his wife would like it - he had one mental image of her in it and immediately was like “We are getting ALL OF THEM” 😂 😂 Love that.
Tying in with the two, the villainess as the main character is so interesting. It can be such a twist to see things from the other side, and is actually fascinating to see how the hero gets turned into a villain, and vice versa! So fun!
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I’ve found I like writing in third person more, I…actually don’t think I’ve ever done first. I’ve done second, writing reader inserts, but never first. As for tense… 😅 present, I think? I’m not gonna bull, I tend to mix em up a tiny bit. It’s hard doing words, y’know?
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Oh, gods, it. I remember. I actually remember. They were LEGO: Ninjago fanfics on ff.net. One was a collection of oneshots, the other a series of stories. Both by the same author. Those were the first official ones I ever got hooked to.
Technically, I was doing “Which Creepypasta would date you?” quizzes before that, most could be read as fanfic, but they were still quizzes 👉👈 so I don’t know if they could. I’m still a huge fan, too, especially of the Marble Hornets variety. ARG horrors are just, they make me so happy to watch. Especially Slenderman ones. Gotta respect the OG!
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spacecadetspe · 1 year
Sept. 29, 2023
W's birthday is coming up, and I decided to throw him a party. It was a last-minute decision, since I hadn't heard anything about what X was planning, but I managed to make arrangements quickly and fight a migraine to create and print two dozen invitations for W's classmates. Then I sent him off to his father's as usual. I thought I did well!
And then I got flack for it. X berated me for being "secretive" and not "coparenting," when all of this was simply last-minute. He told me they had been making plans of their own (I hadn't been told, but he said I had), and then told me he didn't feel like "crashing a party I had planned." On top of being petty and threatening to not come to his own son's birthday because I planned it, he then demanded that I bring W early on Sunday, sacrificing more of my time with him after having NO financial help this month at all.
Not only was I livid, I was conflicted. If I told him off, he'd come after me in the night again. I wasn't prepared to fight him off again, or weather a metaphysical beating and lack of sleep. If I consented, I would be letting him walk all over me, and I knew it. So I froze.
Fortitude told me to be laconic with X, one-word answers wherever I could manage, but I couldn't. I was just... done for the night.
Fortitude eventually lay down beside me, kissed me, tried to comfort me. We even had sex that night. It... wasn't the best we'd had, but that was hardly his fault. I just wasn't in the right mind space, and I was already hurting. Then, of course, he saw that it hadn't worked for me and despaired.
"I don't know what to do anymore," is his typical complaint. He gives everything; every ounce of his attention, his channeling (there was a point when he would channel for me 16 hours a day because I was in such an awful place emotionally), his affection, his being present for me and W... It's unhealthy. I love him, and I love what he gives, but... it's unhealthy. He breaks himself into pieces for me, and I hate it.
I don't want him carrying my burdens. I just want him to hold my hand.
"You promised you'd try," he said.
I felt something inside me crack. I sat up, and promptly broke down. "I'm TRYING!" I wailed. I'm pretty sure the neighbors could hear me. "I'm trying! I'm trying! I'm trying..." I couldn't stop. I couldn't stop screaming or sobbing or crying, louder than I'd ever done in as long as I can remember. I have never felt myself split in two like that.
I didn't sleep much Sunday night. Fortitude had given too much of his energy in our interaction, and I was restless. My eyes were puffy the next morning, but honestly I didn't feel much of anything. It was disconcerting, not having an inner voice, or even an understanding of my own preferences. That meant something big had happened.
I had split off from a major aspect, one who for now I will just call "Try." She was the one who structured all my stylistic preferences, my affections for certain fashions, my decision-making skills... all of it had collapsed. A massive, intricate, cathedral-like structure of all the things and concepts I cherished... turned into what amounts to orbeez in a fountain; very general ideas of what goes where (food in one tier, shelter in another, family in another), but virtually no underlying structure tying one idea to another.
And so here I've stayed for almost a week. At first, it was concerning that I didn't care anything about the clothes in my closet (except when I was cold) or the makeup on my counter. I don't care which hairstyle I use or which jewelry (none at all, today). I don't... have an inner voice all of a sudden, to tell me what I should like... or don't.
That being said, I also don't have the same understanding of what attaches me to physical things like clothes. I could go into my closet right now and probably toss out about 80% of my belongings with no emotional backlash.
I also had the clarity to decide what to do about X, now that I have no inner conflict. I invited him to the party (or should I say, W invited him). Fortitude disagreed with my choice, but I explained that if I was indeed going to have to coparent with that neanderthal, I was going to make him eat his fucking pride before I sacrificed a single minute of time with my son. And honestly, I'm okay with matching the petty energy. I'm sick to death of letting him bully me, when he contributes nothing to this. Unlike last year, when we went halvsies on W's party, X has not lifted a finger. So I feel pretty entitled to my decision.
In other news, I've fully made up with Phobetor, and have started doing the rounds again. He approached me last week, after the dreamlings died, to help me process. I was so out-of-sorts that I couldn't even focus on him; I thought he was Phantasos! Can you imagine? Two polar opposites; the goth middle child and the flamboyant younger child in a mixup! Poor Phobetor... I wonder if he could pull it off!
Meantimes, Morpheus has been working with the Hellkin on creating a serum derived from yew, of all things, to help process taint more efficiently. I wasn't sure how well that would go over; yew is incredibly toxic. But... I trust Morpheus' pharmacological expertise. He told me his uncle had blessed the tree, to be so poisonous. Sounds like the story of the jabillo tree and Xipe Totec. Obviously Morpheus had no idea who that is. That's funny all on its own.
I saw one of my friends when I was going about the rounds, as well. Enéa, a psychic who lived 2,500 years ago in what is now Saudi Arabia. He reminds me a lot of Adam Driver in his face and mannerisms. He's a sweet man (or perhaps the soul of a man), and when I told him my concerns he offered the solution that I should just give myself some time to be a little numb. Enjoy it, in fact! I stepped off the roller coaster at last. After some good advice (and some excellent wine and cuddles), I was off again to join the rounds.
I'll get through this. I always do. A little at a time, I'll rebuild.
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kulaiyin · 1 year
(content: silver wolf companion quest / starhunt game event)
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i love silver wolf’s fourth wall breaks... taking the “most meta character” title to new heights
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we are opening up silver wolf’s companion quest with the BEST reason to get called over... ARLAN’S FRIED RICE LET’S GOOOOOOOO
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i like that arlan knows specifically what asta had for breakfast
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HOLY COW IT’S SCRELLUM!!!!! ...and i just realized i’ve been mentally pronouncing his name as “screwlium” 
but wow what a cool entrance!!! i didn’t think he was going to appear in silver wolf’s companion quest. i think he was shown in the belobog museum in the livestream...!?
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ok this is a HILARIOUS visual gag, i got a massive kick out of it 😂  
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ayo it’s punklorde mentality, the name of the SU curio! it’s kinda crazy to think there’s a whole planet of people with silver wolf’s mindset...
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oh?! they’re taking us back to the very beginning! it’s great that they’re going over those events!
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this sticker is so cute... (i took tons of other pics with the other stickers)
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this is just a minor detour from the companion quest but it’s awesome that the daily mission events actually impact the overworld npcs! emily used to be so grumpy... this isn’t really something you would notice without speaking to all the npcs so i’m glad i took the time to do that ♪(´▽`)
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that blowup with screwllum was ice cold... but it’s funny that right after thinking “herta’s not in her usual place?!” she appears soon enough!
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i cannot lie... silver wolf got massively outplayed... leave it to a robot genius to see through her 😔 
this was a really fun little adventure though... i love the lore that they revealed about the punklorde mentality cartridge! i can’t remember if the curio description went into detail about it but it’s cool that it’s like a legend for punklorde natives...
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even screwllum thinks arlan’s fried rice is top tier. WHOLESOME
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the girl talk between silver wolf and kafka was 10/10, it’s so lovely seeing them both drop their guard down so much that silver wolf can vent about her game accounts (RIP) and kafka willingly listens... i think at this point the stellaron hunter dynamic really clicked for me. silver wolf is such a gamer gremlin but the super cool, chill, scary kafka hangs out with her!!!
where are they, anyway?! is it perhaps an IPC territory? it reminds me of honkai’s arc city!
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LET’S GOOOOOO SILVER WOLF LIGHT CONE!!! i can hit 100% effect res with this! 😈
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u right
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while exploring the space station, i encountered a team malding over their project proposal... lol
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HOL UP, THE PLANT FORSAW THE VISIT... i bow to the strange plant
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ARLAN LIGHT CONE YEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!!!!!! i was JUST thinking “i really want arlan’s light cone, i heard it was really good” and the very next day i get it. LET’S GO one day i’ll be an arlan main... 😤
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