#ha! i called us “Fashion Club” back in the day
anna-neko · 2 years
organizing some files, thinking about International Lolita Day and just... fell down a bit of a rabbit hole which then turned into an existential crisis....
mah dudes, it's one thing when joke "have DVDs older than you" but ... but... but... have a Gothic Lolita burando piece that isn't just "older than you been into this fashion" (not condescending, plz keep at it!), *rubs bridge of nose* this was not an EGL Comm Sales nor LaceMarket "vintage"/second-hand buy THIS WAS BOUGHT BRAND-NEW AT ORIGINAL RELEASE (in dark ages when buying direct-from-Japan needed either u knowing this One Girl on LJ who was going on a trip, or jumping 20hoops for a shopping service! (which was just another lady living in Japan at the time) and hoping they'd spot the piece u wanted) This specific brand, bless, deemed us worthy of international shipping BUT ANYWAY rambles are boring, lets look at pretty pictures instead shall we
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Meta calls this piece simply "Gingham Check Tiered Skirt" (ギンガムチェックティアードスカート) seasonal collections or pieces getting fancy names that are sometimes absolutely random girl names or bad engrish translation is a fairly new phenomenon, sometimes a literal description is best
✧ 2005 did u think I was kidding about its age was gifted this lovely skirt, and literally just ... pulled whatever was black/white to wear it out immediately! Hilariously, getting the big butt-bow tied was A Challenge: he couldn't do it because boys can't bows, I couldn't because can't see what doing behind me, his mom couldn't help because she didn't raise girls so out of bows-tying practice....
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✦ 2006 - Disney trip, of course brought it We did Lilo and Stitch breakfast and Every. Single. Time. Stitch passed me, he'd tug on the skirt's bow *taps hairbow* made it myself to go with the skirt! (using the very proper GosuLoli Sewing patterns mook no less!) and every couple years a friend send me his FB memories snap he took of me with Princess Jasmine in this, and we both cry over the date
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an otaku pilgrimage stop on drive back
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✷ 2007 ya hear of burando~whores? Well have we got a treat then a full Meta coord: blouse, skirt and headdress!
something something pale vampire
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♡ 2008 One Braincell, Much Frills
very smart ladies freezing in the New England snows, send help. Also, as can clearly see, now with a matching gingham headdress (still Metamorphose, this "brand wh0re" business ain't a joke)
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and then went on a trip to London and you freakin bet this was packed along! fondest memory was absolutely fangirling over a life-sized DALEK statue in a bookshop, and someone came up to tell me, "your outfit's brilliant"
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♪ 2009 how cool are my loli~friends? We dressed up to go play RockBand and mofo at-home DDR! all you kids with your TikToks and ...and... Zooms.... u will never be this cool
Fun fact: that headdress from before? The tiny bows were detachable! So could use them as separate hairclips for other looks
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♫ 2010 - do not think anyone comprehends just how FULL this skirt is! It's 3 gathered tiers, and that bottom one is freakin miles of fabric. Plus the waist ties, and full lining with tulle sewn in
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♠ 2011 are you tired of this nonsense yet? 'cause it keeps a~goin!
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♢2014 oooh bit of a skip! did own a lot of other pretty dresses, skirt was packed away for a bit fun fact: am actually freezing in NYC winter outdoors.... we went to see a play staring Sir Ian McKellen & Sir Patrick Stewart!!
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and finally 2022, on the most freakin FREEZING negative-degrees day in January we went out for honeytoast and I was like .. ya know what... oldskool coord!
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is my skirt old enough to drive? ... yes... yes it is.... As always, hope everyone enjoyed and for the love of Mana, don't do the math... OMFG plz don't even try to math this one out
Not writing up coord break-down, other "brands" featured are in no particular order: Fan+Friend, Baby the Stars Shine Bright, rando shit from HotTopic and Kohls (or as the kids say "off brand"), LipService, Bodyline, Secret Shop, Innocent World, AnnaHouse and a bunch of cute Etsy jewelry bits
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hairmetal666 · 4 months
It's 3am. It's pouring down rain. Steve's soaked to the skin, been wandering the city for most of the night, hasn't slept in almost 24 hours, thinks maybe he's on the brink of delirium, and then a truck hits a pool of ponded water, sending a muddy wave cascading over him.
He just wants to go home but Dustin lost his dog and he can't leave a puppy out in this weather.
Steve steps off the curb, and what looks like a shallow puddle turns out to be a water-filled hole. He crashes towards the pavement, nothing he can do to stop it. As fast he's falling, he's miraculously not, arms wrapped around his waist. It takes a second for his brain to catch up, to understand that he's being held upright in an old-fashioned, romantic dip.
"Careful, sweetheart," a deep and smoke raspy voice says from above him.
it sends chills down his spine, the good kind, and warmth slips through him. His rescuer is a solid 10 knockout. Long, curly hair; eyeliner; decked out in leather and studs and chains. He smells like booze and cigarettes and weed, and it's intoxicating. Steve has to fight the instinct to nuzzle the guy's leather jacket. He's beautiful, holds Steve with the swagger only a guy with rings on every finger could pull off.
And Steve is a mud soaked mess in sweatpants and a threadbare Hawkins High tee. But the guy holding him isn't letting go. He stares down at Steve, brown eyes wide.
"Steve!" A voice calls over the patter of the rain.
"Dustin?" He says at the same time that the man holding him says, "Henderson?"
"Eddie?" Dustin asks.
"Wait, dnd Eddie?" Steve gets his feet under him, but Eddie's arms don't drop.
"You're the famous babysitter Steve I've been hearing all about?"
They gape at each other until Dustin reaches them.
"What are you still doing out here?" Dustin shouts. "We found Dart hours ago."
"Dustin!" He thinks he might cry. "Why didn't you tell me?"
"You weren't answering your walkie!"
"Fuck." Steve drops his face to his hand. The walkie. Which is on the table by the front door where he and Robin leave their keys.
Steve swallows his frustration, the misery of waterlogged shoes, having to be up to open the store in a few hours, meeting the hottest guy he's ever seen when he looks like a drowned rat.
"I promised I'd find Dart, didn't I? Now what the hell are you doing out so late?"
"Mom and I were looking for you!"
"Let's get you back to the car, man, okay?" Steve says to Dustin. He wants to end this weird, terrible, embarrassing night before it gets even more humiliating.
"I can give you a ride home," Eddie says. He's got this weird, intense look on his face, staring at Steve.
"I'm only a few blocks away. I'll be fine. C'mon, Henderson."
"Oh, I can walk him. You head home."
He nods, starts towards his apartment, but turns back just in time to see Eddie and Dustin share a look he can't parse.
A few days later, Dustin's following him around at work, chattering about dnd as Steve shelves books, and without taking a breath during a soliloquy about owl bears, says, "Eddie's running a one-shot for us next week. You should come! It's a great way to get into the game."
"I'm not playing dnd," Steve answers. He slides a book onto the shelf. "I've told you this."
"Yeah, but you liked Eddie, right? He'd help you out!"
Steve squints at the kid. "I didn't really meet Eddie to know. Anyway, I'm sure he doesn't want a newbie crashing."
Steve is pretty sure Eddie doesn't like him, based on their short introduction, so he's not interested in forcing himself into the guy's dnd club. The night they met was humiliating enough, Steve in all his dorky glory.
"No, he totally wouldn't care. C'mon, Steve!"
"No can do." He ruffles Dustin's hair as he walks away.
He thinks that'll be the end of it, but every few days, for weeks Dustin and all the rest of the kids stop at the store to beg him to join their dnd club.
Steve is working the register and he hears the shuffling clank of a customer, looks up and finds Eddie. He's staring at Steve with that same look from the night they met, intense and piercing, cutting straight through the heart of him. He feels himself start to blush.
The first thing out of Eddie's mouth is, "Wait, this is your store?"
"Yeah?" Steve asks. "Is that--is that weird?"
"No! Not at all. It's a good store. Cute." His nose wrinkles when he says it and Steve's blush grows hotter. He knew Eddie thought he was a dork.
"Cute. Yeah. Right. Can I help you with something?"
Eddie rocks back on his heels, hands going to the pockets of his leather jacket, sending his chains jingling. "Oh, so, actually I wanted to see if you were busy?"
"Yeah, man. I'm busy." He laughs, doesn't intend to be mean about it, but he and Robin only opened the store six months ago and both take night classes at the local community college. Plus, everything he does with the kids.
Eddie's face flushes bright. "Oh, sure, of course. Yeah, I--I'll see you around."
The door thunks to a close behind him, and a voice immediately pops up to ask, "What the hell was that?"
He turns to find Max Mayfield hands on hips, glaring up at him, Robin close behind.
"Shouldn't you be in school?"
Max rolls her eyes and strides up to the counter. "Why were you an asshole to Eddie?"
"He started it!"
"I highly doubt that."
"Okay, Ms. Know-it-all, why don't you tell me what happened?"
"I know for a fact that Eddie came in today to ask you out. So, tell me, Steve Harrington, why he rushed out of here looking like a kicked puppy?"
"What?" He yelps. "Eddie doesn't even like me!"
She glares. "Doesn't like you? He's been pathetic about you since you met."
He gapes at Robin. "Don't look at me," she shrugs. "But that guy was definitely here to ask you out."
"Fix it." Max commands as she stomps out the door. "He bar tends at that metal place on 68th."
It's just after 9pm and he's at the metal bar on 68th, decidedly out of place in the yellow t-shirt and jeans he wore to his business accounting class.
It's fairly busy for a weeknight, but Eddie's not hard to find. He's obviously in his element, bobbing his head to a song Steve's never heard as he mixes a drink.
With a hard swallow and a healthy dose of humility, he walks up to the bar.
"Be right--" Eddie starts, balking when he notices Steve.
"Can we talk?" he shouts over the music.
Eddie's eyes widen a little, but he nods, slips out from behind the bar to guide him to an employee exit.
"What's up, Steve?" Eddie asks. His hands are in his pockets, shoulders bowed in.
"I wanted to apologize."
"What for?"
"Earlier, I--when you said the store was cute I thought you were making fun of me."
"I thought you didn't like me." Steve cringes at the admission.
"What?" He laughs.
"I don't know. We met in the middle of the night and I was covered in mud looking for a dog that wasn't lost anymore."
"Steve. Holy shit." Eddie shakes his head. "You looked gorgeous that night. The way your clothes were sticking--you know what? Never mind. Did you think I wanted you to come to dnd because I hated you?"
"You wanted me to come?"
"Dustin didn't..."
"No! And he's been asking me to play dnd weekly for the past five years."
"Jesus Christ," Eddie slumps agains the brick wall at his back. "No wonder you turned me down today."
"To be fair," Steve slumps next to him. "If I had realized you were asking me out, I wouldn't have turned you down."
"No?" Eddie asks. His brown eyes gleam.
"Definitely not. I've had a crush on you since that night. Sort of devastating since I thought you didn't like me." Steve runs his hand through his hair, watches Eddie track the movement.
"The store is cute, Steve. I--uh--I've been a few times. Back before I knew you were the owner! I just kept seeing a hot employee with great hair and a perfect ass, and the vaguely mean lesbian barista gives me free drinks."
"That's Robin," Steve says. He's smiling so hard.
"I know that now," Eddie smiles back. "Sorry for being an idiot."
"Me too." Steve nods. "Do you--could I still come to dnd? Or take you out sometime?"
"Why not both?" Dimples pop on Eddie's cheeks, and Steve's heart flips.
"I like both." They're still against the wall, but drifting into each other's space.
"So Dustin said."
It surprises a laugh out of Steve. "I'm gonna kill him."
"Too bad. He's a nice kid."
"Eh, we've got six more to choose from."
"I have a few more hours here, but there's a diner down the street that does some of the most mediocre pancakes I've ever tasted. Meet me there? Around 2?"
"A thousand lost puppies wouldn't make me miss it."
The next time Steve is out at 3am he's pressed against a building, Eddie kissing him so thoroughly he knows he's never recovering from this one.
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personasintro · 1 year
Mutual Help | #49
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↳ 𝐬𝐲𝐧𝐨𝐩𝐬𝐢𝐬; in order for you to pretend to be his girlfriend, he helps you with your sexual desires ⏤ he calls it mutual help
⇢ 𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: jungkook x reader
⇢ 𝐠𝐞𝐧𝐫𝐞: fake dating au, fluff, angst, smut, slow burn
⇢ 𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: explicit language
⇢ 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭: 9.3k+
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⇠ 𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐯. | 𝐢𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐱 | 𝐧𝐞𝐱𝐭 ⇢ 
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Taehyung's ability to persuade you to do things you normally don't feel like doing still amazes you. You've no idea how the man does it but he surely has his ways. In your defense, you didn't let yourself be persuaded quickly.
"I'm not going to a bar on Sunday, Taehyung."
That's what you told him when he suddenly came up with an idea to go out in the evening. He had decided not to go home after breakfast, not that you minded his company. Not at all. Jungkook was busy finishing your bed after breakfast while you and Taehyung watched movies the entire day. It was a calm day – until Taehyung's extrovertness and need to go out came up to the surface.
"Relax, you're not getting drunk."
So the next ten minutes were spent with his attempts of getting you to agree to his plan, involving Jungkook as soon as he came up from the office room – which is going to be your room as well from now.
"We are just going to hang out."
"Come on. Jimin bailed on me and I'm lonely."
Just a glimpse of what he said to make you finally agree.
In the end, Jungkook agreed as well and offered to be the driver.
"I can't believe he made us go out on Sunday." you comment with a mutter under your breath, glancing down at your already finished drink.
Going to a local bar is what you mean.
Jungkook glances at you, arm outstretched behind your seat as he grins. "You're acting as if it's the first time that has happened."
Well, he has a point. 
Taehyung scoffs, reminding you that he has heard you perfectly as he sits on the opposite side of you and Jungkook, adjusting the button-up Jungkook has borrowed him since he barged in wearing pajamas last night. He actually borrowed a whole outfit from Jungkook which seems kind of weird, because he looks like Jungkook. Minus the face and tattoos of course, but still. Their fashion style is kind of different, not totally but seeing Jungkook in that button-up before and now Taehyung wearing it is... interesting and odd.
Not that it doesn't suit him. Taehyung usually wears similar clothes when going out at night. It's the fact those clothes are Jungkook's but well, he looks good in them. The looks Taehyung gets from the women in this bar just proves that.
"Oh please, what were you two about to do on a Sunday anyway?" Taehyung raises his eyebrows at you lazily, "Fuck behind everyone's back?" he laughs, your entire face heating up as his name leaves your mouth in a hushed exclamation.
"Probably." Jungkook shrugs, not letting Taehyung get to him as you give him a look but he looks relaxed and not very bothered by your friend's jab.
The little twitch in the corner of his lips tells you last night has crossed his mind.
"Relax, I'm just joking," Taehyung rolls his eyes at you, "Is it really that bad to hang out with me?" Taehyung asks with a glare and edge to his voice, but looking at him you realize how the undertone of his question is plainly just sad and you immediately feel bad.
"No, Tae, that's not what I meant," you assure him, shaking your head as you prop your elbows on the table and lean closer to him. "It's just, it's Sunday and I have work tomorrow. All of us do actually. I don't want to go to sleep too late and then having to deal with Junho's annoying ass the whole next day. Plus, I can't get drunk."
It's not like you haven't done it before. It's not that big of a problem to be honest.
Everyone knows you want to get a good amount of sleep before having to wake up early in the morning. It's just how you prefer to do things and thanks to your friends, you get a good amount of clubbing and hanging out in public places a lot.
"Nobody is getting drunk. We are just having a few good drinks and that's it."
But you should've known to never trust him when it comes to drinking and having fun.
With more drinks on your and Taehyung's part, Jungkook gladly sticking to coke, the evening started to get more relaxed in terms of you relaxing and sharing a good laugh with your friends. Suddenly, getting more drinks didn't sound so bad and once Taehyung suddenly came up with another plan of visiting a nearby club, surprisingly you already stood up ready to go.
You're nowhere near dressed appropriately for a club. Just a pair of dark jeans, a nice top and heels – not your average good outfit but you don't care.
Not even when Jungkook reminds you of your work tomorrow, not very sold on the idea of going clubbing on Sunday night as you and Taehyung both wave him off. Sighing, he still joins you – not that he has a choice since he is both your driver.
It doesn't even make sense. You only go to the club to get more drinks which you could've happily got in the bar. Club is loud, full of people and stinky but in your drunken state, it seems like the most logical and greatest idea. You blame it on Taehyung.
You and Taehyung dance through a few songs though, something you wouldn't be able to do in a bar. Jungkook watches you two the entire night like a parent, and if you weren't so drunk you would feel bad for him having to stick to his non-alcoholic drinks while he babysits not only you but Taehyung as well.
He happily reminds you he's okay and doesn't want to get drunk, every time you drunkenly sit back down into the booth and pout at him.
"You're drunk," Jungkook comments, chuckling as his thumb brushes against the corner of your lips as you give him a lazy grin. "You should take it slow." he reminds you softly, snorting when you take a sip of your drink, ignoring his words.
You sheepishly grin at him, sitting back which happens to be on Jungkook's side as you cuddle up to him. Taehyung currently flirts with one of the women, which is also the reason you joined Jungkook because he shooed you away as soon as she approached you and him. Idiot.
However, he doesn't bail on you and joins you shortly after.
Jungkook reminds you two to stop drinking so much every few minutes but just like always, you both wave him off.
"Sober people are always annoying when others are drinking." Taehyung comments and you start giggling like it's the funniest thing he could've said right after Jungkook has scolded him for ordering another round of drinks.
"This sober annoying person is driving you home." Jungkook reminds him with a grumble, your giggling continuing.
To Jungkook's luck, you decide to end the night when you start getting tipsy, almost falling asleep on Jungkook's chest while Taehyung looks like he has had enough – equally getting tired and too drunk to barely stand on his feet.
How he manages to get you two in his car is beyond him, but he's glad when you're both seated in the back as he drives through the night to his apartment. Taehyung's car is in a parking lot in front of Jungkook's building, so there's no way he's driving him home. Also, he is drunk and doesn't want to waste time driving him home, having to actually get him to up his floor and apartment.
It's not like it's a bother to him for Taehyung to spend a night over. At least he is not left with blue balls this time.
"Well--this is new," Taehyung slurs drunkenly in the back, your head that's been leaned against the window lazily turns to him as you questionably look at him. "I haven't even kissed anyone tonight."
You snort, giggling. "Is that a bad thing?"
"No, it's just weird." he giggles to himself as you join him.
"You know what's weird?" you ask, pointing at your outfit as Taehyung cocks his head at you. "This outfit."
You both cackle right after, causing Jungkook to roll his eyes at the two of you and what a hangover you two are about to have. The last time you were even similarly drunk to your current state was at the New Year's Eve trip – something that's hard to forget.
"Nah, you look good." Taehyung murmurs, his words coming out as snort as he starts drifting away but your voice shakes him out of it.
"You really think so?"
You sound so hopeful and light, causing Jungkook to stifle back a laugh as Taehyung encouragingly nods like the supporting friend he is.
"No, you're just saying that because you're my friend." you grumble sadly as Taehyung drunkenly tries to reach towards you but ends up almost slapping you in the face which causes you to click your tongue at him in annoyance.
"No, I'm not!" he argues childishly as you cross your arms over your chest, not even caring your top makes your breasts almost spill out of it with how low it is tugged by your arms.
"You are!"
"No, you idiot!"
"I'm not an idiot!"
Taehyung sighs, fighting back the need to just close his eyes and sleep. "You are hot."
"You mean it?" you pout again, staring hopefully at drunk Taehyung but you're not the one to talk, looking just as hammered.
"Yeah!" Taehyung exclaims enthusiastically, "I would totally go for you if you were a stranger."
"You would?"
Jungkook listens to the absurd conversation, silently counting down the minutes to his apartment building. Why the fuck you sound so happy? 
"Yeah!" he exclaims again, burping right after as you giggle. "I would totally kiss you tonight if you weren't my friend."
"Kiss me?"
Oh fuck, you're so drunk. You even sound interested knowing the thought of kissing one of your friends – excluding Jungkook of course – is like kissing your brother. But this doesn't even cross your mind.
"Mhm, you wanna kiss?" Taehyung proposes, drunkenly sending you a crooked grin as he leans towards you while you sit behind Jungkook's seat, grinning at him just as much.
Why not? What could go wrong?
You both start to lean closer to each other, pursing your lips like little kids do but before you can even get any closer, the car comes to an abrupt stop which almost makes you both fly through windshield if it weren't for the seatbelt Jungkook has so kindly put on both of you.
Before Taehyung can even open his mouth, taking him too long to realize what has just happened, Jungkook is out of his seat as the door on Taehyung's side is pushed open.
"Yah, what the fuck man?" Taehyung complains, slurring his words as Jungkook takes off his seatbelt and pulls him out of his seat.
Taehyung complains the whole time, your drunk mind having a hard time comprehending what is happening until Taehyung sits in a passenger seat, Jungkook clicking on his seatbelt with a frown before the door is shut.
You blink confusingly at the back, your stomach feeling funny from the harsh stop you just made as you're trying not to throw up.
"You're both so fucking wasted." Jungkook mutters under his breath, putting the car into drive fastly.
You both fall asleep for the rest of the ride, Taehyung waking up just as Jungkook parks in an underground garage where he only recently bought a parking spot. He already looks as if he can't remember a thing, blinking as he watches his surroundings with sleepy and bloodshot eyes – Jungkook chuckles once he notices Taehyung's dumbfounded expression.
Getting him out of the car is just as hard as he expected, Taehyung barely able to stand on his feet while Jungkook scolds him to at least try and stand for a solid minute while he tries to get you out of the car.
Taehyung leans against his car, palms messily outstretched on its windows as he leaves handprints all over it and Jungkook has to take a deep breath. Opening the door on your side, you're already sleeping with your head and neck in an uncomfortable position.
You're so out of it, he thinks as he tries to wake you up. Brushing a few strands of your hair off your face, he gently calls out your name while he shakes your shoulder but you murmur something under your breath, trying to swat his hand off.
Sighing, he grunts once he sneaks his arms around your frame and tries to take you into his arms. With your lack of response and difficult position it's not easy but eventually he successfully manages to pull you out, holding you bridal style as he shuts the car door with his hip.
"Why don't I get such a privilege?" Taehyung pouts, slurring once he notices you in Jungkook's arms while he's scared to let go of the car, guessing he won't be able to hold himself on his feet for long.
"Because you're heavy and my size," Jungkook answers nonchalantly, telling him to at least try holding his forearm, so he doesn't fall.
Carrying you in his arms with Taehyung attached to his side is even more difficult but by the time you make it into the elevator, he promises himself not to ever listen to you or Taehyung's drunk ideas.
Fortunately for Jungkook and his sake, Taehyung finds his way to the couch and even though Jungkook had to scold him to take off his shoes before he enters his home any further, he slouches himself on the couch and falls asleep right away.
Jungkook manages to put you into your newly assembled bed and fresh sheets. The bed fits into his office room but with the lack of space, one side has to be pressed against the wall and it looks a little bit awkward but it's not like it's important.
While Jungkook is taking your shoes off, you start to shift on your spot as your eyes open with a few lazy blinks as you look around. It's funny watching you trying to figure out where you are, until you spot Jungkook's desk and computer before Jungkook himself stares at you with a tiny amused grin.
You suddenly pat your face, gasping. "My make-up."
For fuck sake, Jungkook thinks as he sighs and is ready to try to convince you to take it off tomorrow because he doesn't have the energy to get you to the bathroom and take it off for you while you will keep dozing off. He doesn't really need you falling and hitting your head or something. Why can't you just lay down and sleep like Taehyung does? 
You're already standing up before Jungkook can somehow convince you to go to sleep either way, and he quickly pushes you back to bed. "Alright, alright, I'll be right here. Just wait."
A tiny part of him, okay actually a big one, hopes by the time he comes back you'll be already asleep but of course, it wouldn't be you if you listened to his never spoken pleas. He finds you staring at the ceiling with a lazy look, your eyes fighting for some sleep but you remain awake, looking at Jungkook who sits on the edge of bed.
He takes off your make-up, careful not to be too harsh with his movements. He brought way more make-up wipes than it's needed and if you were observant enough, you would definitely scold him for wasting your wipes like that.
Luck is on his side and you remain oblivious to the unnecessary waste but in his defense, he wants to make sure all of your make-up is gone and you won't curse him the first thing in the morning if you had panda eyes or new break-outs. Honestly, he thinks you would curse him out even if you hadn't any of those, just the thought of going to sleep with your make-up on would be a good reason for you to scold him.
He can't help but chuckle at his thoughts – at the sight of you who has a lazy smile spreaded on your lips.
"Did I really kiss Taehyung?" you suddenly ponder quietly, eyes slowly opening as you try to locate Jungkook ones.
"You almost did." Jungkook answers, gently rubbing the make-up wipe on your chin.
"Oh," you let out, surprised that it wasn't a figment of your drunken imagination. "Wow."
Jungkook glances at you for a second, eyes flickering to your astonished expression before he goes back to his task. "Yeah," he mumbles, "Didn't know you had a thing for Taehyung."
He knows you don't – that's why his tone comes out more light as he lightly jokes.
"I don't," you reply,  "I mean... What's wrong about kissing another friend of mine?" you joke back, snorting at your joke while he frowns.
But he remains silent, not even sure what to say to that because you're clearly drunk. Sober you would be freaked out at the thought of kissing him.
"Jimin has a girlfriend now, so I can't kiss him too."
An audible but slight snort leaves Jungkook's mouth as you continue with your joking.
"Well, too bad it's only us guys." Jungkook jokes, your grin falling off your face immediately as he puts the last make-up wipe onto the floor before he informs you he's done, but that goes unnoticed by you as you sit up.
"What do you mean by that?" you ask, frowning as he catches you by your forearm when you totter and almost fall back. "You would kiss other girls?"
Jungkook tries to stifle back a laugh as your hardened and serious face is not too hard to miss.
"Weren't you about to kiss Taehyung?" he points out, still joking of course but in your current state you can't seem to notice the slightest twitch of his lips or the way he bites into the inside of his cheek to prevent himself from laughing.
This is actually interesting, he thinks, obviously he is just joking and it's not because he can't imagine having another woman or women in your small friends group of four. It's because he's already risking too much by being this close to you – but he purposely pushes any doubts and fears away – he surely wouldn't risk any other friendship by just kissing his friends.
Lifting your hand up, you sloppily trace his lips while he stares at you amusingly as you seem too deep in your thoughts. "Your lips are mine to kiss." you tell him, grinning drunkenly at him and he bites back a laugh, rubbing his nose to hide his grin instead.
"Yeah?" he chuckles and you give him one stiff nod.
"Yeah," you confirm, "I'm not allowing any other girls in our group."
"Alright," Jungkook finally laughs, nodding as he stands up and ushers you to lay back down. "You're the boss here."
Again, you miss his amused tone and expression, thinking he's completely serious as you nod.
"Of course I am," you purse your lips, "I don't want to sleep in my jeans," you mutter sleepily, trying to unbutton them but it's hard to do in your state. "Help me?"
Jungkook sighs, but helps you to get out of your clothes. He was hoping you would just go to sleep. It's not like he minds changing your clothes. He's not exactly a typical best friend and he has seen it all, like you would gladly remind him if he refused, but still – he doesn't find it comfortable changing your clothes when you're in this state. Purely out of respect for you.
Once you're out of your clothes, bra gone with your panties only shielding you, Jungkook tries not to look at your exposed form until he hands you one of your larger size t-shirts you sleep in. You ask for pants which he puts on you as well, the first one he has managed to find which happens to be with a Christmas motive.
"Okay, you're all set boss," Jungkook says, clapping his hands together as he's about to stand up but you grab him by his wrists, slowly sitting up as you tug him closer to you. "What is it?"
You just stare at him, fighting off the sleepiness as you inch closer and deliver a soft peck on his lips. Jungkook is stunned for a moment, staring at you confusingly as you give him a sheepish grin.
"I'm just staking my claim."
Jungkook snorts in amusement, shaking his head at you. "Because of who? I'm not kissing anyone else." he laughs and you frown, suddenly pouting as if you just remember what he is talking about. In your drunk and hazy mind, you have trouble trying to remember what happened in the car in the first place.
"As you shouldn't," you tell him smartly and he laughs quietly.
He knows you're drunk but if it happened while sober, he would actually think you're quite selfish for saying that considering you were about to drunkenly kiss Taehyung. But 'drunkenly' is the key point and he understands that. He doesn't even care, knowing you both got wasted that you barely knew what you were doing. He was just teasing you earlier, he wasn't expecting you to start talking about it.
"I'm getting cold, can you cuddle me?"
"Drink some water first," he says, handing you the glass of water he brought earlier along with the make-up wipes.
You do, gulping it in one go before you hand him the glass back, making yourself comfortable in your bed as Jungkook covers your body. Urging him to join you in bed, he tries to explain he needs to take a shower as you whine childishly. But he doesn't ask you, simply walking out of the room to take a quick shower.
He goes back to check on you, not expecting you to still be awake as you pat a free space next to you.
There's no escape from this, that much is clear to him and without arguing, he joins you in bed.
You start caressing the side of his face and he stares at you with a confused yet amused expression but that's until you give him a kiss. Is that a mint he tastes? 
He frowns in confusion, wondering where the hell have you found it but then he sees a pack of mint dragees on the side table.
However, the kiss doesn't last too long because he pulls away and you pout immediately.
"You don't want to kiss?"
He doesn't know whether you're annoying right now or just cute.
"You're drunk." he informs you as if he just told you news, or at least that's how you currently look as you open your mouth and almost offendly stare up at him.
Your mind seems to be clouded and in your current state you don't understand there are a few reasons why Jungkook wouldn't want to kiss at this moment – but right now all you can feel is offended that he pulled away.
"No, I'm not."
Jungkook chuckles, looking down for a moment while he stays propped on his elbow. "Yes, you are."
You give him a glare, trying to look intimidating but Jungkook wants to laugh rather than feeling intimidated.
"Okay, maybe a little bit," you roll your eyes, "But we can still kiss?"
"That's not what a gentleman would do." Jungkook hums, lips twitching when you whine and slap sheets frustratedly instead.
"Then don't be a gentleman."
"You're so bratty when you're drunk." he comments, shaking his head at you with a grin as he leans over you.
For a moment you think he's about to kiss you but he turns off the lamp instead, causing you to frustratedly huff.
"I won't ever kiss you." you murmur, huffing again as Jungkook lets out another snort.
"We'll see about that." Jungkook mutters and you scoff.
"No, I won't. You can kiss my ass next time."
"Oh, I will," Jungkook grins, "Gladly,"
You turn around with your back to him, mind getting too hazy and tired to continue this argument – or whatever it is.
"Now go to bed, brat. You'll have a nice awakening tomorrow."
You barely register his words, murmuring something you can't even realize you're saying because you're completely out of it. You drift off to sleep with Jungkook scooting closer, enveloping you with his arm and warmth.
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"Fucking hell,"
Jungkook isn't even surprised when those are your first words as you join him in the kitchen, holding your head with a pained expression scrunching your puffy morning features.
He has heard voices before you came here, you and Taehyung both complaining about yesterday's night and how much you've overdone it. Not that he disagrees.
Sitting on the stool, Jungkook slides you some painkillers with a glass of water – the same thing he did to Taehyung before he went back to sleep.
"Thanks, you're a lifesaver."
Jungkook playfully rolls his eyes, preparing cereals for himself as he sends you a look across his shoulder. "Have you thrown up already?"
"Yeah." you embarrassingly admit, just right after you woke up and made it to the bathroom.
"That's good, you will feel better now. If it makes you better, Taehyung already threw up two times. Luckily I expected it, so I prepared a bucket next to him."
You give him a crooked smile, despite the pain your stomach and head is already experiencing.
"What about work?" Jungkook asks, glancing at the digital clock on his stove, seeing you should've been gone a long time ago.
He didn't want to wake you up, knowing you won't be able to wake up at six in the morning when you went to sleep around midnight completely wasted.
"I called Junho, told him I woke up feeling sick."
Yeah, some time in your still half drunk state with a raspy and gruffy voice.
"What did he say?"
"He wasn't happy," you wince, "I'm sure he added to my headache."
"He's a fucking idiot then." Jungkook shrugs, showing you his bowl of cereal in a silent offer but you almost gag, shaking your head with a hand on your mouth.
"Please, I'm the idiot here. Who gets drunk on Sunday when they have work the next day?" you deadpan, Jungkook snorting.
He gives you a grin across his shoulder and you reciprocate it, rolling your eyes at him.
"Maybe you'll learn from your mistakes."
"You're annoying." you comment, Jungkook holding his breakfast as he starts eating while standing.
You notice he's fully closed. Jeans, oversized emerald colored hoodie looking fresh which can't be said about you or Taehyung who's trying to sleep his hangover off.
"So were the two of you," Jungkook reacts right away, "Do you remember something from last night?"
"Just fragments," you cringe at yourself, "Did I do something embarrassing?"
Jungkook smirks, swallowing his bite as he leans back against the counter. "Well, let's see...you guys kept drinking despite me warning you. You just waved me off every time and oh, you and Taehyung were about to kiss,"
You wince, but not saying anything about it as he continues.
"I had to take off your make-up, as usual. Then you wanted to kiss me but you were drunk, so I tried to politely refuse but you got all bratty,"
He's enjoying it, it's not that hard to tell considering he's amusingly grinning. "You told me my lips are only yours to kiss."
"Oh my god!" you exclaim, hiding your face away from him as he finally breaks and starts laughing.
"Do you remember any of it?"
"Yes to Taehyung, even though it's pretty hazy and I don't remember much from there. But I do remember uh," you gulp, "saying something about your lips."
"Yeah, you got very serious about it."
"Shut up," you glare at him right away. "I was drunk! You can't take me seriously!"
"Didn't know you wanted to kiss me so badly." he continues to tease you as you groan, searching for something around you to hit him with and Jungkook erupts into another fit of laughter.
"I don't," you grit through clenched teeth, "My drunk self gets cuddly and loves affection." you mutter, pouting as Jungkook scrunches his nose as he grins.
"I figured."
"Please just shut up," you beg him, "Where are you going?"
Jungkook smirks, your attempt of changing topic doesn't go unnoticed by him but he decides no longer to make you suffer.
"I'm working till four and then I'm gonna hang out with Ester."
"Oh," you let out surprisingly, "Okay."
"She's joining me on my last shoot, I want her to see how I work so we can, you know, do a better job when we work on that project,"
Ah, yes. The project Junho wanted Jungkook on. You're supposed to work on it in a month or so, the date going back and forth but not too much that it would cause any problems to Jungkook, due to his busy schedule. It's pretty unusual for him to be still home at this time – but not completely rare.
"What are you gonna do today?"
"There's not much I can do with a hangover," you snort, "I think I'm gonna spend the day with Taehyung until he decides to go home." you shrug as Jungkook nods while he continues eating.
In that moment Jungkook's phone starts to ring, interrupting your conversation even though there wasn't much to be said as his eyebrows furrow in curiosity while he pulls the phone out of the pocket of his jeans.
"It's Jimin," he says, looking at the screen before he accepts it and taps the screen, putting the phone on the counter between you two. "Hey, you're on speaker."
"Finally!" Jimin exclaims, "Who's there?"
"Hey, Jimin." you call out, letting your presence known as Jimin greets you back.
"Where the hell is Taehyung? I tried to reach out to him but his phone seems to be turned off." Jimin asks, while Jungkook leans forward against the counter with his elbows, brows raising up as he glances at you and grins.
You shake your head playfully, "Don't worry, he's here at Jungkook's. His battery probably died."
"Ah, typical of him. I should've known it's nothing serious but what is he even doing there, Kook?"
As Jungkook opens his mouth, awake Taehyung joins you in the kitchen as he recognizes Jimin's voice immediately, not that it matters because he glances at the screen either way to make sure it's really him.
"What's up, traitor." Taehyung greets Jimin, a beat of silence on the other side as you and Jungkook snort.
"Where the hell have you been, man? I was trying to reach you but apparently your battery is dead. Were you partying again?"
Taehyung purses his lips as he stares at the phone with raised brows, which you have to admit is kind of funny especially with his puffy and totally hangover face. At least this time he doesn't stink of alcohol and you can smell mouthwash whenever he opens his mouth – not that you were any different though.
"I was, indeed. We were actually, you know, us single people, although..." he trails off and gives you and Jungkook a look.
Jungkook rolls his eyes and you glare at Taehyung, silently telling him to shut up. Thankfully, he just grins back playfully at you, enjoying teasing the hell out of you and Jungkook. Jimin doesn't catch Taehyung's implication and just continues to burble that he just wanted to talk to him, but as if he knew Taehyung will open his big mouth and most likely call him out on his new relationship, he just casually says Taehyung to call him.
It looks like Jimin is not sure whether you and Jungkook know about his relationship – which you do thanks to the mentioned Taehyung's big mouth – and it is kind of amusing to see him playing it safe when all of you know the truth.
However, you would appreciate Jimin coming up to you and telling you when he wants to. Even though, in your opinion, it's not a big deal at all.
Their call ends shortly after, Jungkook has to go to work and you and Taehyung are left to deal with your hangover alone. Left to just simply wait until it passes away because there's nothing else you can do.
That's until Taehyung realizes he has never called into his work to tell them he's not coming today.
You have a great moment of laughing at the way he tries to fake sickness while he keeps flicking you off, glaring at you as he warns you to keep your mouth shut.
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"Oh, you're awake,"
Surprised by Jungkook being wide awake, still lying in his bed while you tried to sneak-in into his bedroom to take some of your clothes, you expected him to be still asleep considering he starts working around lunch today.
The past two weeks have been pretty hectic for both of you, especially for Jungkook since he has barely been home and if he has, he spent it in his office anyway. There were a few times when you were falling asleep with him still editing photos in the room – something he always apologized for and tried to do his work quickly, so you could sleep peacefully. It doesn't matter how many times you assure it's okay and you don't really mind.
Yes, you prefer to sleep in complete silence and darkness, but there was something peaceful about the occasional clicks that lullabied you to sleep.
So the last thing you expected to see is him being awake at seven in the morning. Though his face is puffy and looking as if he has just woken up, he looks pretty awake for someone that can sleep a few more hours – you know you would.
Jungkook waves at you lazily, hoisting himself up so his back is leaned against the headboard.
"Sorry, I spilled my make-up on my pants and it doesn't match with my blouse, so I need to grab new clothes." you apologize, fully realizing you're just in a pair of underwear, completely exposed to Jungkook but you don't pay that much attention to it.
It's not like he has never seen you like this before. Yes, you don't usually walk around half-naked, that's his speciality, but you don't feel uncomfortable.
The office barely has space for your bed, so all of your clothes are actually in Jungkook's closet and drawers – that's why you often take your next day outfits to your room, so you don't have to barge into his bedroom every morning.
"No worries," Jungkook rasps out, voice tilted to more light and amused side. "I'm enjoying the view."
You straighten, suddenly realizing you've been a little bit bent over right in front of him, trying to search for one of your skirts you wear to work.
Giving him a look across your shoulder, you purse your lips and raise your brows at him, seeing him grinning at you widely with his eyes almost disappearing.
"Why are you awake anyway?" you ask, turning back around to search for your clothes. Luckily, you woke up a little bit earlier for some reason, so you've got some time to kill.
Where is the damn skirt? 
Met with silence, you turn your head around, enough to see Jungkook eyeing your ass with tongue slowly licking his bottom lip as you exclaim his name in disbelief.
"Couldn't sleep," Jungkook shrugs, eyes still attached to your backside. "Are those new panties?"
Sighing, you ignore him as you finally pull out the right skirt, tossing it at the end of his bed while you search for a top that matches.
"Since when do you wear a thong to work?"
Clenching your jaw, you turn around to him with a hand on your hip, raising your brows. "Sometimes, I do."
"Mhm," he hums, eyes momentarily on yours before they drop down your body. "Come join me in the bed." he says casually as you let out a surprised laugh.
"I'm going to work, Jeon. I don't have time for this."
"I can be quick."
"I know you can," you hum, "I don't want to be late."
You're not one to refuse sex, not when the last time you had it was a little over two weeks ago and you're too ashamed to admit that your friend was in the next room. Ashamed, but still kind of excited when you think about it. Like you said, those two weeks have been hectic and when you had the time, Jungkook was busy and even when there was a little time to chat, times where he would join you on the couch, you would rather spend that time catching up and just spending time together rather than having sex.
"Okay, so just stay bended for five minutes then,"
He says it so casually that if you weren't listening to him, you would have thought he's talking about the most casual and random thing.
Eyes almost falling out of their sockets, you stare at him in utter disbelief as you notice the sudden movements under the sheets. "Wait–are you touching yourself?!" you exclaim in disbelief, Jungkook rolling his eyes at your reaction as he shrugs.
"I woke up with a hard cock," he answers nonchalantly, "I'm serious, just bend over. I'm gonna have to at least settle with a good view."
He's serious, you realize as you see him touching himself right in front of you, eyes locked onto yours while you stare with your mouth open, too shocked to speak. But you shake yourself out of it, shaking your head at his bluntness while you ignore the starting tingle between your thighs. There's just something about him being so worked up, wanting to use you for the visual that makes your skin hot.
It's also a huge boost of confidence and maybe that's one of the reason sex with Jungkook is so good. No one has ever made you feel so confident and good in your own skin, especially when it comes to sex. Sure, you felt more confident with Haneul compared to Haechan, only because Haneul hasn't been that much experienced and everything you knew, learned from Jungkook and having sex with him, you used with him.
Jungkook hands slowly pumping his length under the covers, you gape at him as you snort a little, turning back to the closet as you pull out a white turtleneck, coming to a conclusion it matches well with your soft pink powder skirt.
Tossing it along with a hanger next to your skirt, Jungkook whines when you're turned back to him, robbing him from the previous side of your ass and the thong that barely covers you.
But you join him in the bed, your knees on the soft mattress as you start crawling to him which makes his eyes sparkle with hope.
"You're really shameless, you know that?" you ask, sending him a grin once you slowly pull the cover off his lower body, revealing his hand wrapped around his hard length.
Trying not to salivate at the sight, you nudge his hand away and quickly replace it with your own as Jungkook sighs in delight.
"So are you," he sighs pleasantly, closing his eyes with head leaning against the headboard. "Come on, get on my lap."
As tempting as that sounds, you refrain yourself from doing as Jungkook pleases, only because you know there's not much time you've got left. You can't afford to take a quick shower, knowing you most likely would be running late to work and Junho is already annoyed at you for not coming to work two weeks ago, when you were hungover – which he hopefully doesn't know but still, it would be just adding fuel to the fire.
"I can't," you tell him, wrapping your lips around his red tip as you gently suck on it, causing his breath to hitch. You look up at him, hand pumping him up and down as you lick your lips. "I've got work, we can't have sex."
Well, at least he's getting something out of it and he doesn't push it. You go back to work, working your lips and mouth on him again, trying to take him deeper into the warmth of your awaiting mouth.
"You, uh, you still haven't told me about what you wanna–"
"Do you seriously want to talk or get your dick sucked?" You cut him off, simply because you already know what he was about to say. You knew he wouldn't just let go of your previous conversation.
But you don't get him a chance to finish his sentence, going straight for his balls as you know he loves, your mouth sucking on them while your wrist twists as you pump his hard cock. He curses under his breath, hand already wrapped around your hair as he puts it into a ponytail, tightening his hold on it.
"Fuck, you really are minx."
You smile against him, licking a long stripe up his length which glistens with your saliva .
"Are you sure you've got time for this?" he questions with a breathy chuckle, noticing you're not playing around and going right in with giving him a mindblowing blowjob.
Letting him out of your mouth with an audible pop, you glance up with a little smirk.
"I can be quick." you tease, seeing his lips curve into a familiar smirk before you continue.
"That's not fair–mhm, yeah fuck just like that."
You would snort if your mouth wouldn't be full of his cock. You just hope your make-up won't be ruined after this because even though you're not wasting any time, you're still careful enough not to gag around him or take him too deep which could make your eyes water. Jungkook seems pleased with what you're doing though, not really minding that he's not hitting the back of your throat because whatever you're doing right now, he's enjoying it.
And just when you think things can get any worse for you, considering the wetness between your thighs that's understandable and hard to ignore, Jungkook lets go of your hair and sneaks his hand under your bralette, palming your breast. You let out a sound, both of you not sure if it's to scold him or moan, Jungkook pinches your breasts which makes you whine around him.
Too ashamed to admit it, your heat is pulsing with need and desperation, and for a moment you wonder if you will risk it and let Jungkook have his way with you. Your responsible self is against it though, knowing you barely have the time to get to work just in time.
With your jaw already aching and your spit drooling down Jungkook length, you sneak your hand to his balls as you squeeze, knowing it will just fasten his orgasm. Jungkook breathing gets quicker, his own hips trying their best not to thrust into your mouth as you quicken your pace. A round of curses resound from Jungkook's mouth, a few words of him praising you how good you're taking his cock, he informs you he's close.
"Where do I cum?" he asks breathlessly, orgasm approaching every second. "You want it in your mouth?"
You hum in confirmation. Well obviously, you don't want to get your make-up ruined, you would tell him if your mouth wasn't full of him. And you definitely can't afford to feel his cum on your skin, knowing you would have to take a shower because there is no way you'll go to work with a sticky chest and dried cum on it.
"My little slut," Jungkook grits his teeth and if you weren't busy sucking him off, you would gasp at those explicit words you haven't heard in a while. Again, you feel your walls clenching around nothing and it takes a lot of restriction not to sit on his lap and ride him.
And then your mouth is being filled with Jungkook's warm and salty cum, your mouth eagerly swallowing it as you slow down your pace, letting him sloppily thrust into your mouth while he fucks himself through the orgasm. Once he's done, he lets out another but loud pleased sigh, head thumping against the headboard.
Pulling his softening cock out of your mouth, your thumb catches some of his cum in the corner of your lips as you suck on your digit, swallowing it just in the right time as Jungkook glances at you.
"You're amazing."
"Of course I am," you cock a brow at him knowingly, grinning as you get off the bed. "Is my make-up ruined?" you ask, quickly gathering your clothes as you start putting them on.
Your lipstick has to be gone, considering most of it is painting Jungkook's cock. At least you chose a nude shade this time.
"No." Jungkook answers, grinning at you as you sigh while you start adjusting your turtleneck.
Quickly making your way to the bathroom to check your appearance, you gasp. He lied. Not only is your lipstick no longer on your lips, it's smeared on the right part of your cheek and your mascara is a little bit smudged. Well, you used to look worse and considering the intense morning blowjob you just gave him, you do look pretty decent. Just not decent to go to work like this.
A sound of cackling is what you hear in return.
There's no time for scolding him, the time on your phone you quickly check shows you're already running a little bit late. You just hope you will manage to still come in time, not wanting to explain to Junho why you're running late. Not that you would tell him the truth of course.
Quickly yelling a bye to Jungkook after you get rid of the smudges and reapply your lipstick, you rush to work and luckily, the road hasn't been that busy which didn't make it even more difficult for you. You manage to arrive just in time which makes you relax.
It's only five minutes later when you sit behind your desk that you realize you never brushed your teeth or used a mouthwash after the blowjob, Jungkook's taste remaining on your tongue. When Benjamin offers you a coffee, you accept it with hot cheeks and a crooked smile.
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Jungkook returns back home in the afternoon before you, tidying up the place even if there's not much to begin with. He takes care of the laundry, feeling bad that you've been taking care of it for the past few weeks since he's been too busy to do most mundane things. He's glad he could've gone to the gym for a good work-out at least twice in a week, which is way less frequent from what he's used to.
That's why he purposely scheduled today to be more free, and had only one photoshoot to do before he came back home.
Ironically, he feels more exhausted than he usually does when he's totally busy and constantly doing something productive. But just as he plops down on the couch, eyes searching for the remote to turn on the television, his phone starts to ring.
Jungwon. Well, that's unexpected.
"Hey, bro." His brother's voice resounds from the phone even before Jungkook can open his mouth, noticing he's video calling him.
"What's up, hyung?" Jungkook grins, noticing the background of their living room as his brother sits down.
"You never call, I have to be the one who reaches out to you," Jungwon teasingly scolds him, earning a playful roll of his eyes. "Mom whined about it too. You barely call them."
Jungkook winces at the mention of their parents. "I'm so busy with work, hyung. But I try to call her as much as I can."
"She misses you," Jungwon grins, not saying anything new because she misses him all the time and she tells him every time they call each other. "Me like a good son, told her that."
"Well, you, a good son, live in the same city. At least she has you close." Jungkook remarks, a guilt spreading on his face at the thought of his parents, and mostly mom, knowing she probably just misses talking to her son.
Jungwon notices it though, dropping his teasing as he gives Jungkook a warm smile. "You're her youngest son. Always been her baby." he teases again, causing Jungkook to groan and throw his head back, though there's a smile spreading on his lips.
"I will call her tomorrow."
"I know, I was just teasing you. She is dramatic sometimes."
They both share a laugh, knowing their mom gets super sentimental whenever it comes to her two sons, no matter how old they are. It's true it's been a few weeks since he called his parents, which is longer than usual, though the latest call he had with his mom was anything but pleasing. When Jungkook's mom kept asking about Kiko, inviting them to visit them soon he just had to tell her the truth. Well, a part of it and that is revealing they're no longer together, and this time it's final.
To say she was surprised is an understatement. She was happy when Jungkook told her they're back together, simply wanting what's best for her son and she thought it's her. Surely, he kept a lot of private things away from her which he's not sure if she knew how she would react. Like it was mentioned, she is sentimental and he didn't want to hurt her any further by knowing the raw and cruel truth. At least not through a phone call and to be completely honest, he's not sure if he wants to tell her. It's not something he has thought about a lot.
He prefers not to think about it too much, simply just distracting himself from the unnecessary thoughts.
But he told her and so did he tell Jungwon as well the last time they spoke. He was just as surprised, but ultimately they've all been very supportive and to Jungkook's luck, they weren't talking or asking about it too much which he appreciated.
"How are you guys though? How's Haru?" Jungkook asks, cutting himself from the thoughts as he notices his brother's soft smile at the mention of his precious daughter.
"We're good, that's why I'm actually calling you." Jungwon grins sheepishly, scratching the back of his head as Jungkook raises his brow at him in question, knowing he probably has an ulterior motive for calling him.
"What is it?"
"We're planning a trip to Seoul next weekend, we've never taken Haru there so now that she's older it's more fun because she experiences more things and it's fun for her too. I'm actually planning on surprising Sona and I made a reservation at this very nice restaurant, but you know, I wanted it to be romantic and just us. I know you work during weekends sometimes, but I was wondering if you couldn't babysit Haru for us?"
"Hyung!" Jungkook exclaims, Jungwon giving him another sheepish grin.
Obviously, Jungkook loves his niece and always buys her gifts whenever he sees her, something he gets scolded for by her parents. He loves spending time with her and he misses her, though the thought of actually babysitting her makes him feel a little unsettled. The only people who have ever babysat her were his parents or Sona's.
What if she cries the whole time? He hasn't seen her for months now, the only visual has been through video calling.
"Please, tell me you're free." Jungwon pleads.
"I am but--"
"Please help us. We have barely had time for just ourselves, I really want to take her out on a romantic dinner. I already made a reservation."
"What if she cries? What if she--"
"Jungkook-ah," Jungwon sighs, a soft smile playing on his lips. "Haru absolutely loves you and talks about you almost all the time. She's gonna be fine. So will you."
"I don't know hyung," Jungkook scratches the back of his head, scrunching his nose a little. "Where are you guys staying?"
"I found a good hotel. But the dinner reservation is around seven, I don't know how long we will be there but it's gonna be around Haru's past bedtime, so I would be very very very," Oh, no. "happy if she could stay a night over there. We will pick her up the first thing in the morning, I promise."
"It's not about that and you know it," Jungkook sighs, "What if she really misses you and starts crying or something?"
"Then you will call us and we will pick her up." Jungwon says casually as if it's the easiest thing.
And it is. He doesn't know why he's suddenly so nervous about babysitting his own niece whom he loves very much.
"Fine." Jungkook mutters, rolling his eyes playfully as Jungwon exclaims a loud "yes", thanking his younger brother as if he just saved his life.
He supposes that's what happens when you get married and have a child. There is barely any time for romance, Jungwon's face of happiness clearly says it all.
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"Y/N, please!"
"Jungkook, I'm not a babysitter." you murmur, feet tiredly tapping against the floor as you make your way to the kitchen to get rid of your dry throat.
You've come home later than usual, you had to stay overtime with some of the co-workers, along with Yoongi who kept annoyingly showing his irritation every five minutes. Spending your day in heels for more than a half day, the last thing you expected was for Jungkook to jump at you as soon as you took off the annoying heels, trying to include you into something he promised to his brother apparently.
"But you love kids!" he exclaims, right at your heels as he follows you.
"I do," you nod, pulling out a bottle of water out of the fridge as you open the cap and take a short sip because of its coldness. "What if something happens? I don't want to be responsible for that."
"Nothing will happen," he assures you, "Come on, I thought you loved Haru."
"I do, she's cute," you argue, "But she doesn't even remember me. We were there last summer and ever since then I haven't seen her. How do you know if I don't have any plans for the weekend?"
You take a few gulps before you close the bottle and place it on the counter, met with Jungkook's stare.
"Well, do you?" He arches his brow at you as you purse your lips.
"I don't."
Jungkook scoffs, letting out a sigh as he slowly looks up at you. "Didn't you use to babysit? You've got to have some experiences."
His perseverance wants to make you laugh because this man never gives up.
"I did, back at home and it was a few years ago." you deadpan, causing him to sigh again as he slowly walks to you while you watch him warily.
"I could really use your help," he mutters, thumb wiping your undereyes where the mascara is a little bit smudged but you haven't got the time to see your reflection yet. It's been a long day. "Haru is sweet. She's not a spoiled kid, she's actually very calm and we'll have to babysit her just for a few hours because then it's her bedtime."
You stare into his dark orbs, finding them looking at you with those big eyes and a cute expression that makes you groan. It's not like you're against helping him or babysitting his niece. She really was cute the last time you've seen her.
"Fine." you roll your eyes, Jungkook clapping excitedly before you're wrapped by his arms, face pressed tightly against his chest.Who are you kidding? Of course you would agree one way or another.
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bella-goths-wife · 6 months
How do the Vees react to their pet playing favorites? Like, one moment they like Vox the most but next Velvette is the favorite?
How would the Vs react to pet playing favourites?
Warnings: abuse, Valentino, SA mentions, punishments but not specified
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I feel like Vox would be your favourite just by default
Favourite is used very loosely here, it’s more like he’s probably the one you could stand to be around for longer periods of time
And Vox already thinks he’s your favourite because he’s your main provider and soul owner, so he just assumes
But if you were to be outwardly showing favouritism to him then I think you’d gain a few more privileges then normal
Like if you started asking to schedule to work with him more, started being more receptive to his affection and you started asking to do stuff with him then he’d definitely be more open to letting you break rules
So he’d buy you more gifts or if he was especially pleased he’d take you with him to club openings or restaurants, just generally get you out the tower more and doing more things that a normal person would
He’d even let you drink or do certain substances, but he has to be around you to supervise
You’d just generally be allowed to get away with more, if you kept it going for at least a year you’d be able to score the ability to leave the tower by yourself
You’d have his drone following you around but you don’t need to know that
But if he saw you showing favouritism towards the other Vs then he’d be outraged
You made a deal with him, not them!
He’d give your leash an extra tug to show you who you belong to as a warning but if you still show favouritism to the others then he’s upping your workload and stealing you away from the other two on their days
Hes probably the best one to have as a favourite since he can gain you the most privileges and you could probably play into the daughter thing to manipulate him
Start calling him dad and your getting loads of perks, no matter how uncomfortable it makes you
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If you started having velvette as your favourite, it would be a massive ego boost for her
She’s always been jealous that Vox was the one to find you first and made a deal with you
It just wasn’t fair, she wanted to own you and have Vox pushed into her position of having to ask permission all the time
But if you started requesting to work more stuff with her or you just request to be in her presence more then she’ll feel like she’s high on an ego boost
Bonus points if you do it in front of Vox
If you started acting like velvette was your favourite then she’d be much less cruel to you and insult you less
She’d ask (demand) for you to hang out with her but it would give off vibes of an older sister asking a younger sister to hangout in a super awkward way
She’d take you to fashion shows and she’d invest more time into making you clothes that flatter you and would even dress you in a style that makes you comfortable
She’d also take you to parties, but she can’t allow you to drink since she needs voxs permission
She’d definitely sneak you drinks behind his back though
She’d sit with you in the mornings and do your hair and makeup and would commit to it no matter how early she has to wake up
It’d be almost sweet if she wasn’t complaining all the time
She’d still be semi cruel to you and would still punish you but at least now you’d have softer moments to look forward to
She’d even call out Valentino for his inappropriate behaviour, not that much but enough to make sure he’s not doing it when she’s in the room
But if she saw you favouring the other two instead of her she would not be happy
She’d be less upset then Vox because you mean less to her then you mean to Vox, but she’d still be angry
She’d mock you more and insult you all the time while your working for her, and she’ll give you an impossible workload
She’ll also make you abuse your power to the point that your tired and overworked and exhausted
She’d also be way quicker to punish you for the tiniest things
So it’s best not to show outward favouritism to any one in front of her
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You’d probably never ever ever ever choose to have Valentino as your favourite
He’s just so… him
But let’s say in some kind of delusional state you choose to show favouritism towards Valentino
He wouldn’t offer you very many perks if I’m being honest, he’d give you some gifts but they wouldn’t be stuff that you really enjoy because he doesn’t know you enough to know what you enjoy
He’d be more respectful of your boundaries if you showed outward favouritism to him since it would humanise you more in his eyes
But as I’ve established in previous fics, humanising you only makes Valentino aware of his actions and he hates that
So he may actually push you away if you start to bond with him
You’d see a more vulnerable side to him but that’s not always a good thing
You’d see him sob after his drug induced panics or his come down but you’d also see him angry and screaming in your face because something small inconvenienced him
All it would do is make you feel more scared of him for different reasons
You used to be scared of him because of how uncomfortable he made you, now your scared your gonna be pulled into a room with him any moment and he forced to comfort him from his sobbing or his angry rants
It would make you closer to angel dust though, since Valentino would “want his two favourite people to spend time with him”
You’d be able to have a public friendship with angel dust which would be nice if it didn’t put him at threat of Vox or velvette
You two would wait until Valentino passes out from drinking and then you’d both gossip and chat until he woke up
If you showed favouritism towards the other two then Valentino wouldn’t really care
Sure he’s obsessed with you but it’s in the same way he’d be obsessed with one of his favourite guns or toys, so he can share you with friends and not others
He just wouldn’t care because he doesn’t care for you very much
He also knows that there is nothing he can do since the other two would challenge him on his behaviour if he started acting worse to you
He’d be a bit peeved if it took your attention from him for too long so he would punish you but it’d be a minor one at best and all you’d have to do is spend a day stroking his ego
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We all know that deep down angel dust is your favourite in every scenario :)
Tag list:
@the-faceless-bride @lilyalone @buttercupfangirl @sparkleyfishies @fandomaddict505 @corvid007 @repostingmyfavs @idontreallyexistyet @perkypeony @aroomofmyown24 @hazbinhotelxreader @ivebeenthearchersstuff
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sanspuppet · 7 months
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~Public sex with Ateez
short scenario for each member
- the way i wrote the imagines can result quite different but i wrote this through different days so- idk just read it and you’ll understand lol
• this is a work of fiction and obviously i have no idea what are they into so please just take it as fake scenarios
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• Hongjoong
A scenario that has been going through my mind lately is going on a date with him to a fashion show, all dressed elegant and you being so feminine and attractive that he couldn’t wait long before being able to take that dress off of you. When all people are focused on watching the runway that’s about to start he’d squeeze your thighs and call for your attention, he’d whisper to your ear. “Let’s go now, i want you to go to the bathroom. Got that?” you’d blink confusedly. “But Joong, and the show?” “Fuck off, you’re the most beautiful person i could ever see tonight”
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• Seonghwa
Feeling like he’d get needy especially after performing one of those nasty ass choreos they made for their tour. He’d grow more impatient with every song until the last ones where it was quite clear that he was hard. He’d be good at pretending it doesn’t annoys him, but in reality he can’t wait to get rid of it and release all of his “sexiness” using you. You’d be waiting for him in the backstage, giving him a hug right after he comes in. He’d grab your waist and squeeze it tightly and pull you towards his dressing room, while being stuck on a deep kiss.
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• Yunho
I feel like you two would go on a date to night clubs and just vibe together along with the music. He’d find you very pretty with your favorite outfit and nice makeup, not to talk about how cute you looked with your cheeks flushed for the alcohol. He’d trail his own hand down his lap, trying to hide his hard-on. But after all, even if you two would fuck loudly in the bathroom, no one could hear you for the loud music… so why not? He’d simply stand up and take your hand, if you thought you were going to dance, as soon as he leads over the rest room you’d realize what are his real intentions.
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• Yeosang
I don’t know if i should call it actually public sex but i feel he wouldn’t be really into that either way so probably when you do have it, it’s in his car while parked on the side road or in a park. Maybe something before meeting other people and he knows he couldn’t have you properly until you come back home, so a quickie would be nice for him. He’d unconsciously advertise you by being very touchy even if his hands should be on the wheel. Then would park somewhere at anytime and ask you to ride him.
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• San
Probably this man likes very much having you take him randomly over the day, but despite this, i think he’s more into long sessions with multiple rounds. You’d tease each other very commonly but still public sex with him would happen only if the situation degenerates and the need is too hard to handle. Usually would have it in the bathroom of some members’ dorm. I think something light like just sitting on his lap or feeling the warmth of your body would turn him on so… yeah better not tease him much in public if you don’t want to be railed by him and still have to stay quiet to not being caught.
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• Mingi
I don’t know why but something tells me he’s pretty much into quickies and doesn’t give a fuck if there might be public. He likes showing you off and doesn’t bother much about showing he’s attracted to you too. Like i think he would be very flirty with you even in front of other people, teasing so much that at the end, you’re the one begging him to just fuck you in a corner wherever it is. Something about him just makes me think that he’d even ask his bros if he can use their bedroom just to fuck you if you’re at their place. Or even at work, i just think that he’d love to fuck in the practice room idk why.
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• Wooyoung
My thought on him is that he’d like to treat you like a princess and would love to go shopping with you. He would suggest you either cute and sexy outfits, just imagine having him sat on the little chair in the fitting room, watching you changing outfits. You stripping teasingly and smirk at him struggling to contain himself from fucking you right there in the closet. Well what can i say it wouldn’t be the first time it would happen hehe
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• Jongho
Gym sex. Fuckin gym sex with him help. Just imagine planning to work out together but ending up riding him because it’s your leg day while he’s laying on the bench and lifting weights 😮‍💨 Why is this scenario so damn hot to me? Having him under you, all sweaty and you can’t tell if he’s moaning for you or just because his muscles are sore from training. Not to mention that literally anyone could run into you two, fortunately he goes to a gym where it’s likely to be empty most of the time.
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taglist: @bunnyluvr25 @xonga @bro-atz @wisejudgedragonhairdo @therealcuppicake @hongjoongswifefr @sugarnspice630 @stolasisyourparent @kaimisutra @jyunhosbby @pancake-freckle @cherrycel
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authorhjk1 · 2 months
Good day! Wanted to see if this counts for queen Yoona. Its see-through and it does have color probably along the lines of silver or white gold but ofc how she presents it is quite astonishing I must say. There is a top and a skirt but the see-through is the highlight I must say…its ok if it doesn’t make the cut but I hope you can use this for future reference for a completely needy, horny, wants to be bred so badly that at certain times she loves riding and pleasuring you to the point of overstimulation because she loves you so much Yoona since it makes total sense she's the type you would never dare to pull out of (smirk).
White Gold
(Lim Yoona X Male Reader)
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You knew this was a test as soon as she stepped out of the bedroom. At first glance, her outfit actually looks nice. More skin than she usually shows. But still nice. Fashionable.
But as she walks over to you, you realize that Yoona is hardly wearing anything. The top and skirt are see through. And she is only wearing underwear underneath.
"I'm going out now."
You can hear from the tone in her voice that she expects you to stop her.
"Have fun."
You nonchalantly say, focusing on the book you're reading. You know that you can't win this test. You either call her out and she calls you controlling, or you don't call her out and she is unsatisfied with the lack of attention.
You gladly choose the later. It annoys you that Yoona has been like this for the last couple of days. You suspect one of her friends behind it.
"I will."
She says, the pitch of her voice already raising. That means she is preparing herself to argue.
Instead of addressing it, you keep ignoring her ridiculous excuse of an outfit.
"Are you not gonna say anything?"
It's the first time you actually look up from your book, after you looked at her when she walked out of the bedroom.
"What do you want me to say?"
"If you don't know, forget it!"
With an angry glare, Yoona leaves the house. The slamming of the door has you groan in annoyance. You know you can't let her go out like this. Especially not at this hour. She won't be coming home before midnight. Usually, she hangs out at a cafe with her friends. For some reason, they wanted to explore a new club. Not your kind of thing. But Yoona wanted to do it, since she hasn't gone to one since you two become a couple.
You close your book as you hear the door of the garage being opened. You know that Yoona would never make you feel uncomfortable on purpose. And yet, she is going out late at night, barely wearing more than her underwear. You wonder if this really is a test. Is she about to leave? Or is she waiting in the car?
Yoona looks to her left, when she hears the car door open. Your face is still emotionless, but she catches a hint of annoyance on your face. Not something she expected. She thought you'd be angry. She would never leave, dressed like this. But you still let her go.
"What? I'm leaving now."
Yoona is angry with you and herself. She can't back out now. She is too proud for that. But she feels awkward in these clothes. Why did her friend suggest this? What was she trying to prove? Yoona knew you aren't a bad person. So why is she doing this?
"I've had enough of your tests and your weird behavior. Get out of the car."
Yoona hesitates for a second, thinking about talking back. But your look makes her obey.
As soon as she stands in front of you, you spin her around.
Yoona expected something, but not this. Her cheek is pressed against the car and you trap her body in place with yours.
"What is this, Yoona?"
She feels you slightly pull at her top. Your voice is colder than usual.
"You have a problem with it?"
She tries to keep up her act, but she knows she has lost. Whatever she was trying to prove, she couldn't.
"I do. Why would you go outside wearing basically nothing except your underwear?"
"You can't tell me what to wear."
"But I can fuck you whenever I want. And I want to now."
That's not a scenario Yoona anticipated. She was preparing herself for a huge fight, which she caused herself and which she was probably gonna lose.
A heavy pull on her top and a push against her back. A loud rip eachoes through the garage.
"Oh my gosh! What-"
You just tore Yoona's top off her body.
"What? You're almost wearing as much as before."
You quickly unhook her bra and pull it off of her.
"You're not going anywhere dressed like that."
Your hands cup her small breasts as you speak. Yoona is torn between complaining and moaning.
"You're mine. I'm the only person who sees you like this."
"That's controll-"
Yoona tries to say the words her friend told her to say. But Yoona has to admit that it's stupid. Why would anyone walk around outside half naked? Especially when they have a partner?
"That's having boundaries. Being in a relationship."
You undo her belt and wrestle her arms behind her back. After tying her wrists together, you slip off her skirt.
"That means I can tell you what to wear too."
"It is about what we both feel comfortable with."
Another tearing sound. Another gasp. Yoona's torn panties fall to the ground.
"I'm not comfortable with you going out almost naked."
You place your tip at her entrance.
"And I'm not comfortable with you, talking to-"
You push inside Yoona.
"I won't talk to anyone you feel uncomfortable with."
You hear her sigh.
"Now shut up and let me use you."
Yoona stays silent, closing her eyes. She knows you're going to be a little rougher this time. She deserves it.
"Oh, god!"
She lets out a cry as you thrust into her. You pin her against the car, making her moan and whine as you fuck her hard.
"Like I said, you're mine."
You whisper into her ear as you have your way with her pussy. Yoona moans in response.
"I do with you whatever I want, when I want to do it."
To proof your point you give one of her ass cheeks a hard slap. She feels the pain, but begs for more at the same time.
Soon, both of you are beyond the point of talking. You use her scarf as a leash to hold onto as you keep fucking Yoona from behind. You see some of her saliva run down the window as she drools on it.
Both of you can feel that the other one is close.
"Please breed me. I need your cum."
Yoona weakly whines. She wants to feel your seed. She wants to feel desired. She wants you to show her how much you care about her.
"Give me all of it. Cum inside, please."
She whines and begs, but you have other plans.
It's hard to pull out. Almost impossible. Yoona's pussy is trying to keep you inside. And Yoona herself just feels so good. Her insides are perfectly shaped for your cock. Perfect for you to just dump your seed in her.
"This is your punishment."
You manage to pull off the impossible. In your head, you promise yourself you will use Yoona as a cumdump the next time you fuck her. But now, she has to learn her lesson.
Yoona trembles as you pull out, almost climaxing untouched. She whines, asking for your cum.
You pull at her scarf to turn her around as you pick up her panties. You quickly wrap them around your cock. It doesn't compare to Yoona's pussy, but it does feel good.
It only takes you a couple of seconds to ruin her white panties.
Yoona gasps, she can almost feel how you cum inside of her. That's how bad she wants it now.
"Don't even think about dressing like a slut from now on."
You throw the ruined fabric in her direction, before turning around to leave.
Yoona, still desperate for at least a taste of your cum, darts out her tongue. She closes her eyes as it moves over her cum stained panties. Yoona licks at least most of your it off the fabric. In her head, she is already trying to come up with a new outfit she can buy online. Maybe...
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hanafubukki · 5 months
Author’s Notes: @marigoldendragon and I did a collab together 💞💚🥳 I hope you enjoy what we came up with. It’s so much fun. *grabs you all by the shoulders* Please squeal with me about the art it’s so cute 🥹💖 and check out Marigold’s other works 🥰🩵🩵
Edit: Check out this comic from Marigold.
Summary: Lilia causes mischief while looking good.
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Lilia is on a mission.
He’s feeling rather mischievous today.
He practically pranced towards his targets.
Ignoring the looks sent his way.
He knew they liked his shirt.
He’s rather proud of his find.
Lilia arrived at the stables where the Equestrian Club held their final meeting for the day.
Riddle noticed him first, sending him a questioning look.
Lilia took that cue to speak, “I have something to say to you all today.”
Everyone straightened. 
Surely, it would be something serious for the Vice-Housewarden to come this entire way.
Lilia made a grand gesture of looking around at the horses, “Kufufu~ Your horses look rather calm today.”
He saw the confusion his statement brought.
“They are…stable today.”
A pause.
And then groans and sighs are heard.
From the corner of his eye, Lilia saw Silver’s exasperated and Sebek’s confused expressions.
Lilia took that as the perfect time to leave.
Smirking when he heard Riddle state, “A calm horse would be stable. What does he mean?”
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Lilia, who was finishing up a mission online with his friend Gloomy Samurai, casually said “Hey, I have a question for you.”
“Oh? Lay it on me.”
“What does a baby computer call his father?”
Hesitantly, “What?”
A pause.
“WHAT KIND OF JOKE IS THAT? What are you?! A dad?!”
Kufufu~ he had no idea.
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You knew something was up with the way Lilia barely held himself back.
You didn’t even question the shirt he was wearing. You were used to his oddly cute yet eccentric fashion.
“Okay out with it. I know you have something you want to say.”
“Why is it so cheap to throw a party in a haunted house?”
“Because Crowley is cheap and won’t fix it. Fine, fine, why?”
“Because the ghosts bring all the boos.”
You stifled your laughter, “You’re lucky you’re cute.”
“Cute as a cutecumber?”
“Great Sevens, you’re cheesy.”
“I might be cheesy but I think you’re grate”
You picked up a pillow to throw at him.
“Now, now YN, You know I can’t run as quick as I used to. I am lacking in Vitamin U.”
Lilia burst into laughter as you threw the nearby pillows at him.
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What did you all think?? Did you like the puns? The flirting?? I’m rather proud of them 😈💞 🥰 I hope it brought a smile to your face as well.
ALSO I CAN SQUEAL HERE ABOUT THE ART. LOOK AT HIIIIMMM. His smile!! It’s so wide and you can see his fangs. HE’S so happy my heart is swooning ahhhh
And the shirt!! Isn’t it perfect for him?? For this father of two?? 💚💚💚 ahhhh his expression and the flush he has. I love it so much 🥹💚 I want to give him all the kisses 🥰🥰
He’s such a punny bat dad fae 😆😎😘
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genoskissors · 5 months
Finally done! Thank you everyone for your patience!
Principal Monokuma’s Room Check!
Trigger Happy Havoc Boys
THH Girls Rooms
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There are a few notes throughout to explain some things I thought most would not know (like Japanese traditions) or just to clarify things changed in localization.
Naegi-kun’s Room Edition
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Sigh. It’s the private room where a high school boy spends his agonizing nights, even so, what’s with this plainness!? Why don’t you have something more shameful or embarrassing!? Naegi-kun, I’m disappointed in you!
Checkpoints: A: It’s the memo pad I prepared. It would be nice if it had Hope’s Peak Academy’s school emblem on it, to give it a rich feeling.
B: This is the key to the room. It has a key holder with the appropriate name on it. It cannot be bought and is very sophisticated, so improper usage is prohibited!
C: It’s a mock sword that was kept on the display shelf. Even though it was only decoration, it was carefully displayed, so an incident happened. Upupupu.
D: I heard that mysterious curly hair grows in boys’ rooms. An adhesive lint roller is useful for frequent cleaning! I’m so attentive! Note: Don't really know what this means, I think it might be referencing Junko's hair.
Ishimaru-kun’s Room Edition
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It’s a room filled with study materials and is well organized, just as one would expect from a serious person like Ishimaru-kun’s room. Hmm~ If you spend all your energy on this, you won’t be able to focus on the killing game!
Checkpoints: A: Dictionaries and reference books are the most exciting when lined up neatly on your desk. Huh? Are you using them properly? Hee~...
B: He irons his uniform every day. Also, the armbands as well, so you know he really likes this things.
C: A New Year’s tradition, Kakizome. I suggest “In early spring, be careful of bears, as they can get ferocious!” Huh? Aren’t you going to start writing?
D: What kind of guy likes to swing around a bamboo sword even though he isn’t part of the kendo club? Do you stand on the ground, put your forehead on it, and spin around to split a watermelon? Note: This is a Japanese game called Suikawari.
Togami-kun’s Room Edition
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Genuine rich people tend to seek a more modest sense of luxury rather than those who are nouveau riche. I have no clue how much Togami-kun’s room actually costs. Note: “Nouveau riche” refers to people who become rich themselves and “genuine rich people” refers to people who were born into a rich family, like Byakuya.
Checkpoints: A: It’s a violin or something. Famous ones can be worth billions. That’s more expensive than the famous Chinese medicine, bear bile, which is very pricey, roar! Note: Based on the phrase "violin or something" it's likely a viola. That's just my theory though.
B: There is nothing more difficult than determining the value of a painting. In many cases, collecting these masterpieces is not about appreciating art, but investing in it.
C: Ahaha! A red carpet laid out from the entrance, Togami-kun must be kidding me! That’s what the life of stardom is about!
D: The famous line “I will kill you, without fail!” is what makes Togami’s glasses indispensable! I can’t believe he has 10 of them, that’s quite a thorough preparation!
Oowada-kun’s Room Edition
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I believe that biker gangs are a style and a fashion. That’s why it’s necessary for those who call themselves bikers to have an easy-to-understand logo or item that appeals to everyone. Upupu.
Checkpoints: A: These are the big flags put on the back of bikes, aren’t they? I always wonder if they are safe from being blown away by the wind.
B: These are all motorcycle magazines, right? I’m not going to go as far as suggesting philosophy books or economic magazines, but maybe it wouldn’t hurt to open a textbook once in a while?
C: Are you really satisfied with the 5G “ Cypress Stick”? Isn’t the 1500G “Steel Broadsword” the catharsis? Note: I’m pretty sure this is a Dragon Quest reference.
D: This is the colorful banner of Oowada’s gang, “Crazy Diamonds”. Hmm, you’re only really good at difficult kanji.
Kuwata-kun’s Room Edition
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Hey, Kuwata-kun, baseball doesn't even have a “ya” character! I know you don't like it, but now that you're at our school, maybe you could try to act like a baseball player, even if it's a front? Note: The Japanese word for baseball, Yakyuu (野球), has a “ya” in it, so I think Monokuma is just saying this to see if Leon will even care enough to react to his statement.
Checkpoints: A: Why do self-proclaimed punk fans like human skulls? A sea bream head has another sea bream inside, right? That's even more favorable! Note: I'm not gonna lie, I have no clue what that second sentence means. I think it relates to the saying “鯛の尾より鰯の頭”, but I still don't know how it correlates.
B: I want CDs and DVDs to come in splendid limited edition packaging, but they don’t fit neatly like this. How troubling.
C: Carrying your guitar case on your back and feeling tired as you walk around town is super cool. There was a time when I thought that way too.
D: In order to stand out and be popular, you need to have vocals. Kuwata-kun's purity is manly in a sense. I would like to hear his beautiful voice. Upupu.
Yamada-kun’s Room Edition
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A utopia making the world’s geeks water at the mouth, the pink love nest of Buuko and Yamada-kun. As a despair maniac, I am driven by a desire for a room devoted solely to my hobby. Note: Buuko is Princess Piggles in the localization.
Checkpoints: A: Hey, I’m giving it everything I got to ask this question, is this what Yamada-kun is wearing? Isn’t it self-indulgent to wear it on his 170cm and 155kg body!?
B: “MARTIAL ARTS LADIES”, “This time, I’ll punish you on the mat!”.  I don’t understand why martial arts cosplay makes your heart pound.
C: Some people say these sheets and body pillow are perverted, but the desire for skin contact is neither two-dimensional nor three-dimensional.
D: Three-dimensional objects have a sense of unity because they are equipped with a three-dimensional concept. The shading of light and the convergence of existence are astonishing (The following is omitted). Note: “The following is omitted” is just a way of saying Monokuma kept rambling.
Yasuhiro-kun's Room Edition
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Hagakure-kun’s love of fortune-telling is, quite honestly, shady, right? Even though he has all these tools, he still uses intuition to tell fortunes, doesn’t he? So, what in the world are these piles of junk for!?
Checkpoints: A: People with extremely dry skin tend to have a lot of wrinkles on their palms, which makes palm readers cry. It’s hard to even do fortune-telling these days.
B: Fortune-telling cards are great for mysteries and romance. If I sold "Monokuma’s Carefully Made Pure Gold Tarot", maybe I could make a profit. Upupupu.
C: If anything, Hagakure-kun has more of an oriental divination image. When I see tools like this, I want to display them in an alcove or something.
D: Come on! How many times do I have to say this!? When buying fortune-telling goods online, do not cash on delivery! This time, I was the one who paid for it too!
Fujisaki-kun’s Room Edition
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Even though he’s the Super High School Level Programmer, Fujisaki-kun actually has a variety of hobbies. That’s good, science... a science student! I want to learn many things from him.
Checkpoints: A: Three monitors and a luxurious-looking executive chair. He looks like a young company president or day trader. A serious side profile would be wonderful!
B: I don’t know what this is, but it looks amazing anyway! It looks like an ancient map or some other geeky item.
C: After people learn how to interact with the romantic hyperspace of the universe, their outlook on life changes drastically. That’s what I thought just now.
D: Tada! There are hand grips on the bed! It makes me tear up to know he was secretly training.
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Omg I don't know how I never noticed this but after seeing your diasomnia baton post I realised that I absolutely despise their dorm uniform pants
I used to think that they diasomnia students had drip but I take that back
It just feels wrong to have such baggy pants with the top of the uniform
Idk what do you think? Btw can we have a dorm uniform fit check
[Referencing this post!]
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To be fair, we mainly see the upper half of every character so it’s easy to forget what the bottom half looks like. I’ve found that the characters’ shoes are often really wonky (like the weird elf shoes in Broomquet cards) 😭
As for Diasomnia’s pants… I actually don’t take an issue with them at all. Those pants make a lot of sense given the inspiration for the dorm (which Yana has stated in an 2020 interview to be “bodyguards and dragons”). Diasomnia is meant to look militant—and that style of pants, from what I understand, are popular in military uniforms of the late 19th and early 20th centuries.
These flared breeches have roots in equestrian fashion, as polo and horse riding were activities favored among army officials, particularly the cavalry. (Note that half of the main cast in Diasomnia, Silver and Sebek, are in Equestrian Club.)
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This style of pants is called jodhpurs. Diasomnia’s are more specifically an “old” design (shown above). They may look a little silly, but jodhpurs were considered quite fashionable back in the day. Additionally, the design was very functional for equestrians. Having a looser fit around the thighs allows for more freedom of movement—which is necessary for certain horseback maneuvers and helps with staying on and controlling the horse. The entire leg needs to be covered in fabric in order to protect from friction.
Prior to the development of riding breeches, equestrians would wear tall boots. The drawbacks to this were that 1) the boots were expensive as heck, and 2) the boots were complicated to put on and oftentimes required the help of a servant. When jodhpurs came onto the scene, these problems were resolved. Being entirely made of a non-stretchy fabric, they were much cheaper to produce than the riding boots. The lower part of the breeches is tight and form fitting, making it ideal to pair with short boots (which are easier to put on/take off by yourself).
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Modern day or “new” jodhpurs look more like this (pictured above). As you can see, they’re much more slim and have transitioned into a stretchy fabric that still allows for movement. They basically do the same thing as the older iteration, they just look different and are made with a different material!
You’re probably thinking the “old” breeches look weird because you’re much more used to seeing the “new” style! Personally, I think the “old” style makes more sense for Diasomnia’s draconian aesthetic.
Aaand here’s my current personal ranking of the dorm uniforms. (I think I gave my thoughts on them a long time ago, but my opinions may have changed since then.) This is based solely on looks but does NOT account for dorm leader variants (just the standard dorm uniforms mobs wear)!
Heartslabyul — Whimsical, fun. Somehow both casual (sneakers, white T-shirt) yet also formal (vest). I’m a sucker for the Alice in Wonderland aesthetic and asymmetry in designs so this is really my bias speaking.
Pomefiore — So pretty!! Interestingly based on a kimono despite Pomefiore being based on a European tale. Very unique direction to take this uniform. The sleeves are the best part; they remind me of really fancy curtains and I bet they’re fun to watch swishing around.
Octavinelle — Can’t go wrong with a cool and simple suit! It’s elegant… a classic. No complaints other than maybe it’s too “traditional” looking compared to other designs.
Diasomnia — Cool at a glance, but also seems like a nightmare the longer I look at it because of all the straps. It looks like you would be standing very stiffly once it is on, so I get this sense of discomfort and feel bad for the students wearing it. There’s a weird… spiked strip running down the back, which makes it impractical to recline against a chair/couch or a wall. RIP Silver every time he naps 😭 Still giving this a pass because I think it fits the intimidating vibes of Diasomnia so well.
Ignihyde — Nothing to remark on other than it’s one of the least fussy of the designs (though it lacks the class of Octavinelle’s). That works against Ignihyde; the main thing that grabs my eye is the weirdly blocky jacket and that’s not enough to keep me interested when I find the blocky jacket really ugly. There is nothing else for me to look at.
Savanaclaw — Exposed arms… That’s a nope for me 💀 Biker cowboy aesthetic is also a big nope. Colors on this are so odd; the shirt and jewelry are so earthy and then BOOM you got this bright ass yellow sash at the waist.
Scarabia — Exposed arms (again). Also not a fan of the saggy hotpants or the shoes that expose the feet. Y’all are in the DESERT. Exposed skin = more sunscreen and bug spray application needed to protect yourselves. Sounds like a pain…
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louierecs · 1 month
— ୨୧₊˚ More Rafe Cameron
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— outer banks fic recs
— even more rafe
— back to main masterlist?
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- gun play with rafe
- hands of an angel
- rafe knows how to fuck with best friend reader’s brain in bed
- late nights
- Dealer!Rafe is the one who gives you lots of backshots
- rafe x cartgirl!reader (they deactivated so link to post on my page)
- sub!rafe
- enemy!rafe calling reader baby
- but daddy i love him!
- late on paying dealer!rafe, so he trades sex for the money
- favorite girl to see
- toxic!rafe blowing up your phone when you post something on instagram that he feels iffy about
- rafe letting you ride him because you're pissed off
- bsf!rafe waking up with morning wood
- princess treatment
- cowboy take me away
- bsf!rafe helping you have your first orgasm with someone
- riding rafe
- rafe bullying you during sex until you cry
- morning wood
- morning sex w rafey and it’s all sleepy
- Dealer!Rafe who keeps your purse full and your pussy fed
- mean!s1!rafe who just loves to have pogue!sweetheart!reader around because they’re polar opposites
- rafe is a tits man
- rafe who just shoves his fingers in your mouth to shut you up n ‘reset’ you if you're being a brat
- rafe sends you money to treat yourself while he’s away on some business
- the 'it' couple
- (not) my girl
- fwb!rafe x meanprincess!reader
- Dealer!Rafe who makes it up to you after a busy week
- i'm yours (bsf!rafe)
- sweet treat
- rafe lets his girl do a bump
- smarty
- reader and rafe going to pick their children at school, and the other dads stare at reader making rafe possesive
- after lecture punishment
- rafe being your designated driver and you just can’t keep ur hands off of him cause he looks so good
- rafe making her squirt for the first time
- bathroom break
- Pornstar!Rafe who almost makes you break the camera
- Rafe disliking his son friend's because they crush on reader
- being rafe's girl
- free use!rafe
- a little ruthless anal fun with pornstar!rafe
- rafe being an absolute dickhead to everyone but you
- faking an orgasm with bluecollar!rafe
- mutual masturbation with stepbro!rafe
- rafe fingering you hard till your crying and begging him to stop but he won't until you squirt multiple times
- talking with dealer!rafe at a party while waiting for your friend
- older!rafe x spoiled!kook!reader
- pornstar!rafe who bends you like a fucking pretzel
- babydaddy!rafe taking toddler!daughter out for the day because you have plans
- personal trainer!rafe who always compliments your gym fits at every session
- bsf!rafe who has dumbed you down so much that you don’t even feel bad that he’s cheating on his girlfriend with you
- rafe gets turned on when you slap him
- flashing rafe during an argument
- rafe cameron x bestfriend!reader who are secretly in love
- rafe cumming inside of reader then holding her open and making her push it all out
- reader and husband!rafe who have been on the rocks lately
- pornstar!Rafe who's showing off what's his
- hidden pleasure
- trailer park!rafe letting reader play dress up in his clothes ‘cause he knows his girl loves fashion and modeling
- shy reader is still a bit skittish and shy when her and rafe are fucking
- rafe x influencer!reader
- like her mama
- rafe pactically drooling at how his best friend looks underneath him
- scary? my god, you're divine
- the first time kook!reader had given bsf!rafe head
- Dealer!Rafe can’t go a day without spoiling you
- husband dilf!rafe who worships you and then fucks you hard
- riding rafe in the country club
- band!rafe overstimulating you after you flirted with another guy at his show
- band!rafe who eats you out so good
- mean band!rafe who loves playing rough
- Band!Rafe Who Just Missed You So Much While On Tour
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⋆˚࿔ reblog your creators 𝜗𝜚˚⋆
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pollymorgan · 2 months
Ex-Husband Negan Part 3
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Warnings: Defloration, but in a good way.
Tense, Negan looked back and forth between me and the hallway, towards Gracie's room. Then he ran his hand uneasily over his face.
"Fuck, sweetheart, correct me if I'm wrong, but weren't you the one who always said I shouldn't use sex as a power tool?" he asked, with a slight grin on his face.
Innocently, I shrugged, "I would rather call it an offer."
I could clearly see the struggle in his eyes. "Okay, here's a counterproposal. You go ahead and make yourself comfortable, maybe even take off all those unnecessary clothes you're wearing, and in the meantime, I'll take care of the thing in Gracie's room... Believe me, I'll be with you in no time."
Angry, I crossed my arms in front of my chest, "Forget it, Negan... Either now, or never!"
"Never?" he asked sarcastically, "Darling, we both know that's not true. You need me, just as I need you."
He took a step towards me, and I would have instinctively stepped back, but the stairs were behind me, so I inevitably stood still. Negan's right hand came closer to me, and he began lightly stroking my collarbone with his fingertips, following the movement with his gaze. Of course, he noticed how I almost forgot to breathe under his touch.
"How often do you close your eyes when Steve fucks you and pretend it's me, huh? Tell me, I won't tell anyone..." he whispered.
I shook my head almost imperceptibly and looked at him in disbelief, then he leaned in and whispered with a gentle, gruff voice directly into my ear, "... but it annoys you every time that it doesn't work, that he can't make you feel things, that he can't touch you like I do, right? My darling, I know you better than anyone ever could. I was the first man in you... I'm the only one who has impregnated you twice... And only I can make you come so many times, over and over again."
His words hit me hard, because they held up a mirror to me that I didn't want to see, but at the same time, they sent warm electric shocks through my whole body.
A light slap on my butt brought me back to the present. "Well, off to the damn bedroom," he said firmly.
I grabbed his hand and led him down the dark hallway. After opening the door and turning on the light, I turned expectantly towards him.
"There it is... The same beautiful, slightly nervous smile as our first time." he noted.
29 years ago
While the other girls in my class cut out snippets from fashion magazines and glued them to their walls, my room was wallpapered with posters of various rock bands, and as our classmates tried to get into clubs with fake IDs, my two best friends and I were already thinking of another excuse for our parents to go to the next concert.
For almost two months, I had my first steady boyfriend, and since then, every day was even more adventurous. Not only the fact itself was super exciting, but he was simply the most exciting boy I had ever met. When we first saw each other at a small club concert, I was immediately head over heels in love with this guy that everyone there seemed to know. I was even more surprised when he came straight to me to talk, among all the pretty, older girls. That same evening, we kissed while the band played my favorite song. It wasn't my first kiss, but it was so different from anything I had felt before.
Although he was an absolute chaos and troublemaker who constantly got into fights and arguments, he treated me like a princess from the first moment. There was not a moment in that time when he didn't carry me on his hands and do everything to prove how important I was to him. I knew he had had quite a few, more or less, 'girlfriends' before me and often felt the eyes of the other girls on us when we stood hand in hand at a concert. And that always made me extremely insecure, but he assured me that it was different with me, that I was special.
Since our first meeting, we spent all our free time together.
During the week, we were usually at his house. His family was never there, and we had our peace, while my friends covered for us in front of my parents. So we had enough time to make out, listen to music, and philosophize about everything possible. I had never met a person before who was interested in the chaos in my head. Yes, who even understood it and thought similarly. With each similarity, I fell even more in love with this guy, even though I thought every time that there couldn't possibly be more.
So we were lying together on his bed again. My head was nestled in his armpit, and I watched him smoke while he stared at the ceiling. The fact that he just lit up a cigarette in his room impressed my 16-year-old self immensely.
Suddenly, he looked at me and grinned unmistakably, "You're looking at me as if I were some damn alien or something."
I felt caught, "Not at all... well, maybe a little, you are my boyfriend after all."
I gave him a gentle kiss on the cheek. He then withdrew his arm from under my head to position himself sideways and prop himself up on his hand.
"Now you're looking..." I said defiantly, feeling my heart beating even faster.
"You are my girlfriend after all," he said amused and blew the last puff of his cigarette before rolling halfway over me to reach for the ashtray. His body was heavy on me, but I loved feeling him so close. In this position, he looked down at me and whispered softly, "And the most fascinating girl I know."
His gentle words and his strong body on mine evoked feelings in me that I had never experienced before. I wanted more of him.
His hand gently traced my waist, delicately stroking my breasts over my t-shirt. I loved it when he did that. My body trembled with excitement. Then he kissed me, a kiss that quickly intensified.
Suddenly, he rolled off me and pulled me with a swing. Now I was lying on top of him. We smiled at each other. Of course, I could feel how aroused he was by the situation, but I was too. After another kiss, I rested my head on his chest, listening to his heartbeat.
"Can I ask you something?" he broke the silence after a while.
"Mhh..." I dreamily replied.
"Have you ever pleasured yourself?" he asked bluntly, and I was glad I could bury my face in his shirt so he couldn't see how my cheeks flushed.
"Yes... I mean, yes..." I stammered awkwardly.
"Hey, is it embarrassing for you to admit that in front of me?" he asked, poking me in the ribs with his index finger, making me jump.
I looked up and met his beautiful dark eyes, which meant everything to me. He gently held my chin, so I couldn't lower my gaze.
"Nothing, absolutely nothing in this damn world should be embarrassing for you in front of me, especially not that, understood?" he said so emphatically that I could only whisper an 'okay.'
Reflectively, I bit my lower lip and then said softly, "I... I imagine it's you touching me when I do it..."
His hands trailed down my back and then settled on my buttocks.
"Wow, that's so damn hot," he exclaimed excitedly.
My body trembled slightly as I sat up and decisively took off my top. Now I was just sitting on him in my bra. "I don't want to just imagine it anymore, Negan. I want to sleep with you."
I had imagined so many times what it would be like and every day I thought that something more would finally happen between us than just kissing and a little fooling around. But he never took another step, and I was always too shy. Sometimes I even started to doubt myself because I heard stories from all sides about who Negan had supposedly slept with before me. But the Negan I knew was totally different from all those stories circulating about him.
"Do you really want that?" he asked cautiously, but I nodded decisively and opened my bra.
Negan's eyes wandered between my naked breasts and my face. "Fuck, you're incredibly beautiful... I just don't know what I did to deserve you..."
I leaned in towards him, and as soon as our lips met, a wild, passionate kiss ensued.
Negan rolled over again, so I was lying beneath him, then he took off his t-shirt and continued kissing me. Slowly, he pulled away from me and looked deeply into my eyes, while our noses almost touched.
"Please tell me if you don't like something, promise me... I'll stop immediately if anything makes you uncomfortable," he said decisively, his lips wandering over my jaw, slowly moving to my neck.
I closed my eyes and enjoyed the feeling on my bare skin. I loved it and at the same time, I felt a little scared because I was about to have my first time. What if it changed everything between Negan and me? I wanted it more than anything, but at the same time, I had doubts about whether it might ruin everything.
His kisses moved tentatively to my right breast. For the first time, I felt his lips on my delicate skin, and it immediately gave me goosebumps. My nipples hardened, even though I was feeling incredibly warm. My lower body tens ed up, sending tingles throughout my entire body. Restrained, I moaned as his tongue touched my nipple. He circled it slowly, making it so hard that it almost hurt. Then he gently sucked on it. He repeated the same with my left breast, and my upper body arched towards him. He looked up at me happily, "Baby, hearing those sweet sounds from you catapults me straight to paradise; no one on this planet is even close to being as sexy as you."
At his words, I couldn't help but smile and relax a bit more. His fingers lightly trailed down my ribs, tickling me in some places, making me twitch. Eventually, he reached the waistband of my pants and pulled them down slightly. He looked at me questioningly, and I nodded decisively, lifting my hips so he could pull down my jeans and panties unhindered. Now it was time; I lay completely naked before him, my thighs pressed together nervously.
"My princess, to make it feel good for you, you need to relax," he said, gently guiding his fingers down my inner thigh and slightly pushing my legs apart, just enough for his hand to fit between them. My heart raced, and I felt the blood pumping through my veins.
"Don't worry, I'll take care of you, I promise! Just like I'll always take care of you," he said emphatically, looking into my eyes as his fingers gently touched my most intimate part. He ran his fingertips over it and then very lightly between my labia. Everything in me tingled like crazy, like the feeling of being in love, intensified a thousand times.
I closed my eyes, pushed my hips towards him, and at the same time, slightly spread my legs further apart.
Negan placed his large, warm hand on my lower abdomen while his right hand thoroughly explored my vulva. When he briefly touched my clitoris, I saw stars before my eyes; the feeling was incredible and incomparable. I felt one of his fingers circling around my entrance.
"Every inch of your body is perfect," he whispered, then slowly pushed his finger into me, kissing my knee, which was slightly trembling and bent next to him. When he added a second finger, I felt myself tightening around him.
"Does that feel good?" he asked confidently.
And my "Yes" came out louder than I had planned. I opened my eyes and saw him proudly grinning.
Unexpectedly, he leaned between my legs and placed a warm, wet kiss directly on my mound. Surprised, I reflexively closed my legs, holding his head. Only when the kiss ended did I relax again, and my boyfriend crawled over me to give me another kiss directly on my lips.
"You can tell me to stop at any time!" he said, looking deeply into my eyes as if searching for an answer.
"I trust you, Negan!" I replied, smiling at him somewhat unsure.
He immediately kissed my nose and then leaned over to the nightstand to get a condom. I didn't care that he had probably been with a hundred other girls in this bed; at that moment, I felt I was special to him. That everything was special. That we were special.
Negan took off his pants and boxers and positioned himself between my legs. I was so excited that I could barely look at his penis. Of course, I had seen male genitalia before; I knew what guys looked like down there. But in this situation, it was something completely different.
"You can touch it," Negan said amused, taking my hand to place it on his hard penis. My fingers gently stroked his hardness, and I watched as Negan followed each of my movements with his eyes.
After a short time, he took my hand and brought it to his mouth to place soft kisses on it. Then he placed it on his hip bone. "If anything is uncomfortable or goes too fast, just push me back... understood?"
I nodded nervously as he put on the condom. However, my hand on his hip wasn't even necessary. When he entered me, he was so gentle and patient that it just felt amazing. He leaned over me, placing soft kisses on my neck as he slid deeper into me. Then he whispered in my ear, telling me how beautiful I was and how good I felt.
When he was fully inside me, he paused in position, whispering so softly that I could barely hear, "I love you."
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asarajaa · 5 months
(no pressure if you don’t want to do it ofc bbg<3 )
Ofc bb but have patience, I’m a little bit down cause I didn’t like at all my last post so yk 😭✋🏽
Omg I’m so dumb, I answered it without the fic made HAHAJJAJAJA, when I got it I’ll put it here and I’ll tell ya, k love? Have some paciencia 😽💗
Update: k so I already did it so here you go my love, hope you like it <3!
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Warnings: fem!reader Words: 656 Disclaimer: English isn't my first language so I apologise for any mistakes or misunderstandings! Taglist: @merlucide
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Meeting Bachiras mom for the first time
₊˚ෆ To help me with this, I will pretend it is the second part of the Bachira falling in love hcs.
₊˚ෆ Indeed, his mom liked you.
₊˚ෆ First of all, when Bachira got home and told her mom about you, she was super enthusiastic to meet you!
₊˚ෆ After Bachira made a move and you guys become boyfriend and girlfriend, the next step was meeting each others parents, being Bachira the first.
₊˚ෆ When the time came, you were extremely nervous, Bachira tried everything to make you feel less nervous but obviously it didn't work.
₊˚ෆ You wanted to everything go great. Your friends always says that is like having a second family and that creating a bond with his mom is important bc she's gonna be like a second mom to you.
₊˚ෆ You made yourself a list of 5 rules to follow when you meet his mom (which made Bachira laugh at you because- babe, my mom is super chill you don't need to do those things.)
₊˚ෆ Rule number 1: Do not show empty handed. It doesn't matter if you give her flowers, some dessert or a gift, Bachiras mom will appreciate it and think that you're a very nice and sweet girl. She's the type of person who appreciates the small things so giving smth to her will be perfect.
₊˚ෆ Rule number 2: Dress modestly. Look, Bachiras mom wouldn't care if you go with some jeans and a cute top, in fact, she would compliment you. But if you go dressed like if you're going to some club she would not think bad of you but neither she'll think good of you. I believe that as an artist she's very into the fashion world and if you're meeting her with a cute outfit she'll like you.
₊˚ෆ Rule number 3: Don't try to be somebody that you're not. She want to meet the person her son fall in love with, no one else. She'll like you just the way that you are! As an artist, Bachiras mom know about being judge so don't worry about those things.
₊˚ෆ Rule number 4: Always offer to clean up. Of course, she wouldn't let you, but it would be nice seeing the effort of your actions that his son never stops talking about.
₊˚ෆ Rule number 5: Try having a one on one time with her. Women to women bounds are super special so you have to use the opportunity to grow a very strong relationships. Honestly, she always wanted a daughter so just talked with her about girl things and it would be awesome!
You and Bachiras mom were left alone, she told Bachira to go to the store to buy some dessert (you bought flowers) so now you girls were alone.
"So, how did you knew you wanted to be an artist Mrs.Bachira?" you asked her enthusiastic, the dinner went awesome and you guys were having a great time.
Bachiras mom loved your question, nobody usually ask her about her profession and you were actually interested.
As the night went by, you girls ended up having a girl talk about the latest in fashion, the new tea about celebrities, skincare and make-up.
When Bachira came with the dessert, he was confused. He left you guys silent and when he come back you were sitting next to each other talking passionately about some new viral linase mask that gives a botox effect. Although he wasn't complaining either.
"Word of mouth is that the mask also works to give definition on the curly haired girls." you said showing her the video of a girl trying it.
"Really?" she said leaning to you "Bachiras cousin has curly hair, i'll show it to her."
₊˚ෆ She loved you, like she would call you some days to exchange tips and your calls last hours.
₊˚ෆ Bachira was more than happy when he find out, It seemed perfect to him that the two women in his life got along so well.
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nksdhfsbfv idk what I did.
I feel like It was too short, great rules tho
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© asarajaa — Please, do not copy, translate or reuse my work without my permission.
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luvly-writer · 4 months
Ch.21 Gonna regret being too honest
Author's note: IM BACK!!! The semester finally ended and i can take a breather and write. I have various ideas on how to finish this story so I'm excited, hope all of you are too!!!
Warnings: Short chapter, i’m trying to get back into my writing mentality rn
Taglist: @w31rdg1rl @grandstrangerphantom @mxtokko @loonymoonystuff @1llellykins @cangosleepnow @dreamspectrum @its-maemain @tamimemo @nightw-izhu @trasshy-artist @gabriiiiiiii @cassini-among-the-stars @pank0w @writing-for-the-hell-of-it @blackbirdi @m3ntally-unstable @fixation-rat112358
"Hello, Timothy" Y/n responded her phone. It had been such a beautiful day. She had had breakfast at Saraberth's with her sisters, a few meetings from her new internship, and had an appointment at the salon with Satine and Clara. And finally, her favorite person called as she was in the middle of soaking her feet during her pedicure with Satine and Clara to her sides.
"Last time I checked, my name was Timmy, was it not" He responded cheekily and laughed once he heard her giggle.
"That is correct, my apologies for the mistake, Timmyyyy" she said happily which caused her to best friends to look at each other and smile. They were imposible to hide. "Everything alright?"
"Yes, angel, I'm calling you cause I need the service of the wicked goddesses of mayhem, discord, and destruction of the Upper East Side for a case."
"Hmmm, I like that..the wicked goddesses of mayhem, discord, and devastation-"
"Destruction, but devastation surely counts too" Tim corrects making her laugh once more, "So, can you help us?"
"Ladies" she said, calling their attention, "ready for another scheme?"
"So let me get this straight," After their appointment, the three girls stopped by Wayne Manor. Currently they were seated in one of the private living rooms. Satine and Clara sported each an expreso martini and sprawled in one of the couches. Y/n was sitting in the other side of the sporting a glass of water with Tim leaning against her chair behind her, "You want us, to use our intellect, status, influence, and power to help you and your client, whoever they are, uncover if Senator Jonesy has any connections to the new cargo shipments of......reality distorsion serums from Scarecrow?" Clara cleared up.
"Precisely, it is safe to assume his daughter has been quite a big fan of you three for the longest of times and your names have a susbstancial amount of weight in her group of friends and that you have information on his not so ethical behavior in a club?" Tim answers and the three of them nod.
"That is correct, he was one of the many men who were in the club we broke into in our second year of university when I wanted to see if it was true he had a side piece and blackmail him into erasing some evidence of Clara's party" said Satine
"So are you in?" He asked once again
"What's in it for us? We know why Y/n would do you a favor but why us?" debated Clara, ever the calculating one.
"I was sure you'd ask that question. Wayne Enterprises will guarantee access to a unique fashion line we are starting. We offer your collaboration as a designer, Clara, and a guarantee of being center stage star model at all of our shows, Satine." Tim assured. Both girls seemed delighted by the idea and agreed offering their hands for a handshake. Tim walked around Y/n and shook their hands.
"Well, we have some scheming to do, no time is better than now. You'll be sent every single piece of information we find, pleasure doing buisness with you" Said Clara standing up, followed by Satine.
"An absolute pleasure, we'll contact you, bye bye!" Satine waved as she departed, leaving Y/n and Tim alone.
"I could almost see the devil horns sprouting at the prospects of scheming" Tim said with a laugh sitting next to the young girl, making her laugh and nod.
"We haven't had a good one in a while, they are bloodthristy"
"No,no, I can see that" he assured making her laugh even louder.
"So is this mysterious associate who is need of this information my good friend Red Robin by any chance?" she asked and he nodded. A thought as random as it was came to his head and he knew he shouldn't be doing this but-
"Wanna see the cave?" he asked, lacking a better judgment, "Everyone is out and we'd have the place to oursleves". Seeing the excited gleem in her eyes gave him the answer he needed.
"It LITERALLY is a cave!! Tim, oh my...this is fantastic"
He was giving her a tour of it and couldn't help but smile. She really was the cutest human being he had ever encountered. "That was the lab and the training area, this is what we call the batcomputer, the batmobile, the-"
"Bruce was lacking in creativity I can see huh?"
He burst out laughing and nodded, "We have ALL said the same thing once we are shown for the first time. Ah and this is where we place the weapons and the suits" He lead her to the weaponry and exhibition rooms. He showed her every single suit, from the summer editions to the winter ones. Finally, they sat on a table near the area, talking about anything and everything, Tim telling her stories of grand adventures and dumb adventures with his sibblings and teams. As he was halfway through one of them racing with grocery shopping carts one particular boring patrol night, Y/n saw one of their spare masks on the distance and reached to grab it. She gently placed in on making him pause and admire her.
"You can actually see with these?!?" she asked making him laugh, "Yeah, how else do you think we are able to fight, angel" he says.
"You have it a little crooked, here let me help" He stands up and steps between her legs to fix it. She places her hands softly on his waist as she takes a moment to take him in.
"And...there, you have it correctly placed" He says softly, placing his hands on either side of her, leaning a little bit foward.
"How do I look?" she asks softly, faces inches from his
"Hot" He answers shamelessly cheking her out, "I'd let you save me any day"
"Oh yeah?"
"Mhmm, definitely. Would even get myself in trouble to purposely meet you"
"My my, Timothy, who knew you were such a flirt"
"Mhmm" It was the best he could say when she was sitting looking delicious as ever. They stayed quiet for a moment, just admiring each other. He took it to carresing her cheek and the started getting closer to almost having their lips touch. "Y/n..."
"Yeah?" she said breathlessly
"I love you" He whispered before he smashed his lips onto hers.
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lovelaurs · 6 months
my own silly mystreet characters headcanon list!
has the worst "hear me out" takes you'll ever hear. like seriously. she can very much point to a yield sign and say "would" to everyone's dismay.
knows every line in moulin rouge as she is OBSESSED with the film. she and laurance preform the elephant medley as dramaticly as possible whenever they watch it for movie night.
obsessed with pre-endgame marvel movies.
ao3 writer! she writes fics for the nichest of fandoms, so she doesn't get that many reads.
one of the few reliable booktok users you can TRUST will give you a good recommendation to read!
obsessed with the movie megamind. like seriously. will talk to you for hours on and WILL defend the "sequel movie" and show because, in fact, they are NOT that bad.
can infodump about a topic he's interested in for hours on end.
actually really smart and kind, but ever since he found out he made zane insecure he tries to tone it down. he used to show off a lot but wants to make sure his brother shines as well.
carries stress balls on him so he doesn't use his strength unnecessarily.
always organizes group movie nights with all his friends.
loves to listen to and read AITA (am i the asshole?) reddit posts when bored.
an amazing listener, will listen to someone for hours on end and provide insight when needed (perfect for having a conversation with garroth).
loves gossiping. he has really good hearing so he tends to hear others share secrets nearby. he's like the wine aunt you just KNOW has the most interesting stories to tell.
likes to go on vacations a lot, explaining why he is absent sometimes during big group events.
he sometimes returns home to his family farm to take care of it when his parents are out of town.
he often voluntarily babysits caleb to impress aphmau and garroth with his caretaker skills (he's a showoff).
she loves the show big time rush and watches it in her freetime.
OBSESSED with musical theatre and visits broadway shows often. if the friends she brought along even DARE to suggest skipping the stagedoor? they receive a glare that could kill thousands.
adores singing and often sings in her room when the others aren't home.
continues to play volleyball with her friends after a long day of work (she's a freelance writer).
her music taste can range from alternative music like waterparks to kpop groups like red velvet!
an ao3 writer as well! she and Aphmau gift eachother fics from time to time! she mostly writes x reader fics for tumblr sexyman.
has taken a liking to cooking outside of baking! she especially likes to grill! she even wears an apron that says "kiss the cook" as well as a hat that says "fish fear me women love me".
watches any and all trending animated shows like tangled the series, adventure time, avatar, etc.
has her own tumblr blog where she writes reviews on shows and posts art! her page is quite popular.
dresses in mainly lolita fashion! she has a flare for the beauty of style and loves to recommend people styles and outfits whenever they go out shopping!
calls katelyn, zane, and dante hot nonchalantly
has attempted.
loves to bake and nana teaches him all kinds of recipes to make. he supplies the snacks at movie night.
takes taekwondo lessons. "can never be too careful" he says while living in a pretty standard upper middle class neighborhood. why is he like this.
works at a pet shelter and takes care of the dogs and cats left behind. he adopts any that have been there for years, thus making his house full of many different pets.
the designated driver for whenever they go out to clubs. he doesn't like to drink so he usually takes everyone home by the end of the night.
travis (the actual headcanons):
actually respects others and doesn't harass them like he did early on (that was a weird trope and i HATED it). he's just a flirt and if someone he flirts with flirts back he gets all flustered.
the group gamer. spends hours grinding on all sorts of games just to brag about it on his steam profile. specifically a fan of the spider-man games on playstation.
loves to cosplay! he, aphmau, and nana go to lots of conventions together in group cosplay. their last one was the powerpuff girls! they dragged garroth along and made him mojo jojo.
can recite everything and anything about the ninjago lore. this man is obsessed with any lego product or franchise and has many sets built in his room.
practices talking to himself in the mirror every morning to give him confidence. he has very low self esteem.
dream stan.
probably friends with dream.
uhhhh idk probably streams the song "mask" by dream.
minecraft streamer.
those are all my headcanons! i hope you enjoyed! (slandering mystreet aaron is a passion of mine i'm sorry)
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redwolfxx · 7 months
get him back!
jonggun x reader
inspired by "get him back!" - Olivia Rodrigo
Tumblr media
tw: none
"I met a guy in the summer and I left him in the spring"
I guess I never really did know him. Sure, we dated for a little over three years, but it wasn't like we were going to stay together in the long run.
Sure, I loved him, but it was just a fling.
It wasn't anything serious.
---- "He argued with me about everything He had an ego and a temper and a wandering eye"
Shit, I mean it was an open relationship.
He could date whoever he wanted, fuck whoever he wanted, you know, free souls.
Sure, I wasn't allowed to even be in the same room as another guy, but that's just how it is. It was a healthy relationship.
I mean yes, we did fight often but doesn't everyone?
'how often did often mean?'
it was just small things.
'and what's this call on...on july 17th, the transcript says an individual, you, called crying, scared?
a vase was accidentally knocked over.
'sure...and the hole in the wall?'
what are you getting at?
'did he ever hurt you?'
can we move on?
---- "But he was so much fun and he had such weird friends And he would take us out to parties and the night would never end Another song, another club, another bar, another dance"
But we had fun.
We partied all night long. Sure, I had school the next day, but it was fun.
'did he go to the same school?'
i think he dropped out. like i said, we barely knew each other.
'you dated for over three years.'
We were young.
Back when we could drink all night and still function the next day. He had interesting friends sure.
I remember one guy, he was a blonde. He always had this smile on his face, he was always looking for the next high. He was a good friend.
He would always argue with my boyfriend on occasion. But it was always good fun.
'it says here that they were often seen physically fighting.'
they were teenage boys. of course, they'd fight.
I wonder what happened to him. It's been years.
what for?
'i'm not at liberty to disclose.'
---- "And when he said something wrong, he'd just fly me to France"
He was definitely rich.
'was it his money that-'
no. i loved him.
He wore brands that I would never dream of owning.
'but you eventually would.'
He bought me gifts ever y now and then. But, I wasn't with him for the money.
I did truly love him.
'it says here you missed school for a week, due to...mono...?'
'was it really mono?'
nah, we just needed a reason to fly to paris fashion week.
'he paid?
yeah. i told him i couldn't afford it, but he said not to worry about anything. so i didn't ask. and like that, we were in paris.
I think we were good together.
---- "So I miss him some nights when I'm feeling depressed"
We lasted a while. But, life goes on you know?
We had a good run.
'do you still talk?'
'so no? if you did love him as much as you say, why'd you end things?'
---- "Til I remember every time he made a pass on my friend Do I love him? Do I hate him? I guess it's up and down"
I loved him more than words could express.
But I guess he just didn't feel the same way.
He was always watching my friends.
I actually don't know if I have any memories of him looking only at me when we went out to party.
'so he cheated?'
did i say that?
'it sure sounds like-'
assumptions kill.
---- "I picture all the faces of my disappointed friends Because everyone knew all of the shit that he'd do"
We were on and off.
Sure, he forgot anniversaries, birthdays, holidays, important events, graduation, etc.
But at the end of the day it didn't matter. It was me who he came back to.
'it says here you filed a missing persons report.'
yeah, i guess.
'it says he was gone for a few weeks.'
he forgot to tell me about his work trip overseas.
'he had a job that sent him overseas at the age of eighteen?'
he had to pay the bills somehow.
"I wanna get him back I wanna make him really jealous, wanna make him feel bad
I wanna break his heart Then be the one to stitch it up"
But sometimes, sometimes? I hated him.
God I just wanted to make him feel like I did.
How could he think it was okay to dance with those girls wearing almost nothing. I mean it's crazy right?
It hurt.
I cried, and I cried, I got angry, and we fought.
But him?
He was always sooo calm. He never thought he did anything wrong. He was trash.
I kept breaking up with him, telling him I was done with him. Done with his games. Done with the pain.
'but you got back together?'
I wanted him to come crawling back to me. Begging me to be his one and only. I wanted him to feel what I felt when I saw him with other girls.
So I partied at places I knew he would be. I would wear the most revealing outfits I could.
I felt so powerful.
I would attend school, get straight A's. I was an academic star.
'why did you get back together then?'
He always showed up at my door a week or so later. He looked paler than usual. He would come disheveled, smelling like alcohol. He looked tired.
He would ask to talk, and we would.
The next day we would be back together like nothing ever happened.
'how many times did you go through this cycle?'
only a few times.
'how many?'
does it really matter?
---- "Wanna kiss his face With an uppercut"
I used to be a world-class fighter too.
He always did have this attraction to fighters.
I used to be a part of the underground fighting ring. I was probably one of the best, if not the best fighter there.
He wasn't too bad himself.
So every now and then we would spar, we would get each other good.
But at the end of the day, we would help each other. Stitch each other back up, clean the cuts, and wipe the blood. Kiss it better.
Sure, we had our lows, but we also had our highs. And our highs used to be pretty damn good.
But we were teenagers then. And we broke up not long after I left for college.
'and you haven't seen or talked to him since?'
no. it's been ten years. he was an ex. sure, i miss him every now and then. but that's probably the nostalgia talking. who doesn't miss their youth every now and then
'and you don't know where he is either?'
like i said. it was like ten years ago. he was an ex boyfriend. i moved on and he probably did too. now, can i go? my ass is starting to hurt and this cold ass interrogation room isn't doing my skin any favors.
'this investigation isn't over.'
sure sure, you know where to find me. if you miss me that much, just call next time. the whole military wasn't necessary.
'fine. but you can't leave this country, and -'
yeah, i get it. i'm leaving now.
'before you go, can i ask one last thing.'
'why did you change your name when you were yonger?'
i was young. my car's outside, can i go now?
'alright, ms. park, you can go, thanks for your time. and if you do see him, or hear from him at all-'
i'll be sure to call.
unknown number: out front.
me: be there in a sec ♡
unknown number: did they buy the story?
me: do you doubt my acting skills? how dare you even doubt me.
unknown number: sorry mrs. park i didn't mean to offend you. now come out to the car, we have a plane to catch.
me: thanks mr. darcy ♡
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limi-strology · 2 years
Astro observations II
Decided to make a part 2, didn't expect the first one to get more than, like, 50 notes 😅
Based on just my personal experience, might not be true for everyone! ᵔᴗᵔ
┊ ˚➶ 。˚ Contrary to the stereotypes, I don't think I've ever met a two faced Gemini. They honestly seem pretty cool people, they have so many friends and they just know how to communicate, you know? Their relationship with their partner looks really wholesome to outsiders too (but could be just me viewing it this way, lol). If anything, I think they just stand out more, which makes it a bit more difficult to approach them. 🤷‍♀️
┊ ˚➶ 。˚ Gemini sun girls also have something aesthetic about them, like my cousin has a nice academia aesthetic going on in her life and a classmate from uni has this high-end fashion sense, she looks really pretty everytime (For some reason, when I think of Geminis, I'm envisioning luxury parties with champagne and brands like YSL and Louis Vuitton, that's the vibe I get) ✨
┊ ˚➶ 。˚ People with Sagittarius in their big three (sun, moon, rising) are some of the most outgoing people I know. They have so many connections and, once their schedule allows it, they start planning coffee dates, hangouts with their friends, clubbing etc. A friend of mine can literally NOT stay at home the entire day, he just HAS to go out or meet up with people for at least 2-3 hours. 🏙️
┊ ˚➶ 。˚ To the fellas with Moon opposition Neptune; How do you guys deal with moments in life that don't live up to your expectations? You know, when your imagination goes wild and has a very idealistic scenario of a certain situation, only for it to happen in a much different way and lowkey dissapoints you? Also, do you have dreams that kind of warn you or prepare you for something that will take place in the future? Because I feel like we kind of build our own world and the universe has to remind us that life isn't always perfect, lol 💭
┊ ˚➶ 。˚ My dear Aquarians, why the pessimism? Rather than overthinking everything and imagining the worst scenarios possible, how about you try focusing more on positive things? Even if it's just something small each time, it helps you view your daily life in a better light :)
┊ ˚➶ 。˚ Speaking of Aquas, I've noticed that most of you guys also don't really like being alone for too long. Sure, you want to have your me time (it's fine, we all do) but you also can't stand not having company around. Like, you'll randomly decide to stay in and spend some time alone but then you'll get upset and start calling your friends and family. A friend of mine cannot stand being alone for too long, even if we spend the whole day together, he hates being home on his own, to the point where he sometimes straight up takes the bus back to his hometown. It's wonderful that you enjoy spending so much time with others (I could never, lolll) but try picking up a hobby when you don't have the chance to be around people as much. It'll kind of distract you from loneliness and give you the chance to have some quality time with yourself 🧩
Thank you for reading, hope you have a wonderful day 💙
Edit: Bonus Observations
So a lot of you guys commented that Aquarius actually prefers solitude and could easily pass time all by themselves, so I looked into the charts of the social Aquas I know irl and see what it is that makes them so outgoing and talkative;
(I didn't include houses because I haven't gotten to confirm their birth times)
• My friend has Saturn in Gemini, which can make people talkative in any situation (I also have this placement and, although I see myself as an introverted homebody, I am surprisingly pretty chatty and enjoy going out with people that make me happy). Truly, he always gives something to talk about with everyone he knows, sometimes he'll start a conversation with another friend of his while I'm standing there not knowing what to say or do in the meantime, like 🧍‍♀️?
• He also has Mars in Sagittarius and Jupiter in Leo; energetic, lively and outgoing, thrives when surrounded by people. He almost never gets tired of hanging out with people, my low social battery could never 😅
• Other than her sun, my mom also has Aquarius in her Mercury, which makes her friendly and likeable, plus she enjoys conversing with people.
• Another thing about my mom, her placements are a bit contradictory; She has Sun in Aquarius, Moon in Virgo, and Uranus and Pluto in Libra - These indicate shyness, independence and introversion. Truly, she prefers doing things on her own most of the time and doesn't open up to just anyone. She also used to be very shy around my age (probably because of Virgo moon?). However, she also has Jupiter and Neptune in Sagittarius, which make her more adventurous, outgoing, charming and humorous. So that would probably explain this whole 'outgoing yet independent yet still can't be lonely' vibe she gives me.
Hope this explains a bit better why I had this image of Aquas at first, thanks for sharing your thoughts in the comments!
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