#ty so much for liking my starter call; i hope this works okay!!
strayslost · 10 months
Jono Saigiku. Elite member of the Hunting Dogs. ...Sigma has never met him before, but he knows well that he's someone to be feared.
But why is he visiting the casino now of all times? When Sigma thinks that he may have been exposed, anxiety makes his heart skip a beat - but it's overpowered by the burning determination he feels rising within himself. Of course, it's possible that Jono could be visiting for any number of benign reasons - but regardless, Sigma knows that he'll raise hell for his casino if he has to.
After all, even an ordinary man with no hope of winning can fight until the bitter end.
"I'm honoured to receive a guest of such high calibre like yourself." Sigma's tone is no-nonsense, and he radiates a sense of confident detachment to go with it. But despite how effortless his countenance might appear, it's something he's worked to the bone to achieve.
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"You're welcome to entertain yourself here until your heart's content, but... I have to ask. Is there some other reason for your visit?
@moonhund ( starter for jono! )
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waters-and-the-wilde · 11 months
HEY @kyliebyelie I had a weird couplea weeks but I did say I would yell about Nureyev and Vespa some more so *launches enrichment pumpkins*
also OG post thread for anyone who wants context it was just getting a little unwieldy
First off! re: Nureyev still being willing to bet on the hope that Juno would still vouch for him – I’ve also been thinking about how he had to be willing to bet that it wouldn’t backfire on Juno. Like, ‘you have no idea how much I did to keep the Kanagawas off you’. The fact that tying Juno’s name to his own work could have very easily painted a target on him. Even if he couldn’t have known that Buddy and Jet were going to pull a ‘come with me if you want to live’, the fact that he put Juno on their radar suggests that he trusted Buddy to begin with. To not threaten Juno, or to use Juno to threaten Nureyev. Jet talks about how the criminal reputation informs a potential employer that their prospective is reliable, but it also must work in reverse – that a potential boss won’t screw you over.
re: Nureyev being a fan is something I think about A Normal Amount
You’ve absolutely nailed the whole vibe of their communication styles, the chain reaction of politeness/rudeness → perception of emotions and control → measurement of honesty → how that exacerbates the friction, like that is such a good breakdown goddamn.
to add to that since I am constantly frothing like the cappuccino about the concept of 'solid coping mechanisms that backfire in the wrong situations' so for your consideration: one of those pesky little first rules of thieving being 'don’t rise to the bait’. Oh it was intended for Being In Situations with weird rich people or standoffs with other criminals, but when it's his default setting for responding to things, it's just gonna just drive the wedge that much further every time Vespa questions his integrity and he doesn't show where he keeps his Give A Damn. (And it's probably even harder to untangle as a 'no that's for jobs not your personal life' thing when it still has its legitimate applications in his personal life, bc Juno’s own survival reflex MO is ‘how fast can I piss somebody off to find out what I need to know’ and that ability to stay focused and letting him know when that's uncalled for is probably extremely necessary for the both of them)
‘Vespa is terrifying’ – okay so funnily enough! i'd been telling @one-joe-spoopy (pssst hey come look I've got enrichment pumpkins!) about my headcanon of 'ranked order of members of the Carte Blanche crew by how much they scare him and why number one hands down goes to Rita,' which is a whole post in itself but long story short, I think out of everybody he gets the most sense of security around Vespa (though she probably still does terrify him, like, a normal amount and for the exact reasons you described, especially pre/during Man In Glass.)
Basically the concept I’ve been toying with (and I think moreso in a later, probably post-Cyberbots context given some time to settle in) is that her opinion of him is decided and earning her approval under the circumstances is What We Call A Non-Starter. When he's reflexively trying to manage everyone's expectations and invested in their approval, and realizes in no uncertain terms that he can't win Vespa over as long as the name thing is a going concern, the pressure’s off a bit there. Though not in the healthiest of ways, necessarily, if he’s just more comfortable with letting her believe what she wants about him because that’s how he usually deals with people.
And another aspect of this sense of security dovetails with your previous points about how Vespa and Juno are more reactive than performative, how they wear their principles on their sleeves and others recognize them as genuine. I bet Nureyev absolutely knows better than to make the comparison in her earshot, but I can see him just sorta unable to help liking her for the same reasons he’s drawn to Juno – he can brush off a little belligerence from someone whose integrity speaks for itself. Vespa abides by her own codes as well as visibly aligning herself with Buddy’s – she’s pissed about not knowing his name but won’t coerce it out of him even when the requisite leverage is right there – and like you said, she would be insulted by the idea of using underhanded means to get him fired. He knows where he stands and possibly figures that trying too hard to fix it is just going to piss her off further. And it's not like he's gonna stop being dramatic and making his gay little jokes and smooching Juno in the mess hall, he just needs to focus on comporting himself as a reliable crewmember and establishing himself the hard way with time and Buddy's family bonding activities (and yeag he wants to Get A Good Grade In Crewmate which is Normal To Want and Possible To Achieve).
oooh also I’m a little fucked up on the idea of him on bedrest with his broken leg and getting filled in on what he missed during Shadows, realizing that Vespa thinks he’s got it in for her right around the same time he’s having an epiphany that he trusts her to keep him alive and patched up even if she never likes him as a person and that the shapeshifting robot impostors don't stand a chance with her around. like not only is she not the thief she was twenty years ago, she's even tougher and smarter and cooler and doing it all with the brain horrors on top.
ALSO in light of Next Page I now think about ‘hey what if he’s Inherently Suspicious of Medical Personnel due to The Trauma and did he spend a bunch of his broken leg recovery time fretting that she was going to try to wring his name out of him while he was on painkillers only she never does??’ (god there’s this one fic where he and Juno get MacGuffined into kids and she’s like. ‘well shit. yeah I could find it out but goddamn. that’s a line I just can’t cross. Not Looking At It I Do Not See It’)
gah it's just. Nureyev's trust issues are so goddamn multifaceted, like. local baby boy too trusting, gets his only security ripped out from under him, tanks his shot at happiness bc the trauma gave him suspicion, becomes the suavest charlatan in the galaxy so he doesn't get taken advantage of again, craves genuine connection but hasn't actually had a chance in the last two decades to figure out what he's like around other people for any stretch of time, also still literally paying the price for the last time and can hardly bear the thought of confiding in his new connections because there's nowhere truly safe in the galaxy he's terrified of putting a target on them.
But I think about his little 'much more so than usual these days' to Juno's sarcastic 'happy now??' and that maybe he was a lot closer to an honest version of himself on the Carte Blanche. That he was getting places, that he was trusting them with as much as he could. something something 'Peter Ransom' wasn't intended for putting at least half the truth under their noses the whole time but he kinda let it turn into that the moment he let Buddy start calling him Pete.
Handful of miscellaneous thoughts on things they have in common:
- the debts thing. Vespa of all people is the most painfully, intimately aware of what it feels like to have a life that isn't one's own, so the way she approaches Nureyev being in massive scary debt with suspicion made me go huh. so I've been thinking about that one and tbh given how she internalizes shit and doesn't entirely trust herself (and god I have to imagine that she's really messed up about how close she came to killing Buddy in Time Gone By), I think seeing her situation in Nureyev's wouldn't engender sympathy because is that because she also knows exactly what she was prepared to do to get out from under it. and is just expected to tolerate the fact that they're taking their goddamn chances on him. there's this sense of 'even if he cares. even if he thinks this is real. even if he tells himself he wants to be a part of this. who's he gonna be when push comes to shove. probably not even Steel is safe.'
- They are both extremely functional under pressure and in more in their element in full on crisis mode, and are probably spending S3 figuring out what the hell to do now that they have access to things like reliable meals. privacy. affection. (pretty sure Juno is also experiencing a similar kind of 'things... getting better? after being. really bad all the time???' and having a lot of midmorning scuffles about it)
- Also they both have their shitty dads living in their brains rent-free!! and they are never ever going to talk about it but one (1) time Nureyev hears Vespa yell 'shut the hell up old man!' from another room and. sometimes thinks that very hard in her voice when Mag's advice is being unhelpful
re: feral kittens in towels - I want them to get into it that day after Heart of It All where Juno isn't getting out of bed and isn't there to get all protective, and for once she's in a half-decent place brainwise and he's riddled with eight kinds of guilt and half on the edge of a nervous breakdown and having all of his defenses shot is actually a good thing for him because she's not actually going to do anything with the upper hand except cuss him out a little bit. Like 'I was gonna cut your throat without hesitation yesterday and you're all fine and dandy about being in the wedding party? no shut up I'm not saying you can't. it's whatever. Bud thought it would be nice and I'm not against it. I am saying. the fuck is wrong with you.' hurt can sniff out hurt in-fucking-deed. I am dying inside like the fact that Nureyev himself would prevent any closure we might have gotten between him and the Lighthouse Crew after S4 is very him and also it hurts me and I need to pick it all apart with a seam ripper and see what spills out
likewise it’s hard to picture them ever reaching an actual rapport but I can’t even tell you how many times I pictured the prison break with all of them converging before Clean Break aired, where it’s like finally sunk in that he’s on their side and she goes ‘Ransom watch my goddamn back I need to kiss my wife’
also. does anybody want. some fic? I have some job interview/Man In Glass missing scenes where i am gnawing on this at all times
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its-deputy-caleb · 3 years
does the vdl gang include sadie because 😢😢😢😢😢 my lesbian meow meow SKLSKDKSJS but if u do!!! i was wondering if you could write a post-game sadie (bounty hunting, gun-slinging, gaslight gatekeep girlboss)/female reader where sadie is being paid to bodyguard rich/high-profile reader thank u so much 😭
hell yess it does, now warning i've never written for sadie so this might be terrible but i gave it a go! i hope you enjoy this!! :))
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Gosh you absolutely hated your father sometimes. Not only had he ruined your plan for a relaxing weekend but he had dragged you off to one of his business parties again.
You had all these plans to get new dresses fitted at the tailor in Blackwater before heading home for a warm bath on your families Estate. You were so excited too, since the entire property would be yours for three days. Granted that didn’t include the array of maids, bodyguards and groundkeepers that worked on the Estate but for three peaceful days both your parents and siblings would be out of your hair.
That was until you received a letter from you father requesting you be dressed in your finest gown and make your way to Saint Denis immediately in order to arrive by sundown. Your family had been in the oil industry for many generations now and were extremely wealthy, even more so with the downfall of Leviticus Cornwall and these business parties were just one of the many responsibilities you had to attend to.
The whole point of the party is to make polite pleasantries with potential business partners and establish connections on to where your family’s company could grow. And it was so, so boring.
As you walk down the steps you see a young woman leaning against the carriage with a shotgun in hand. She’s dressed in slacks and a red waistcoat and a large leather jacket draped over her shoulders. Her beautiful golden hair is just peaking out from underneath her hat and her soft amber eyes match it perfectly. Wait a minute…beautiful??
“Who the hell are you?”
You hear her scoff before she rolls her eyes at your bluntness, some may call it rude but you’ve always preferred blunt or honest. Your father always told you that was more lady-like.
“Don’t get so upset Missy, I’m Sadie, your bodyguard until the regular guy comes back. I’m only here to take you to Saint Denis and I’ll be long gone.”
You huff angrily as you hold your hand out to her waiting for her to help you onto the carriage but she never does. Fine, you’ll do it yourself.
“It’s Madam to you and his name is Hamish.”
You hear her mumble a ‘whatever’ under your breath and get comfortable in the carriage. You signal to the driver up front to get the carriage moving as you watch Sadie mount her horse and ride up front. It was going to be a long ride to Saint Denis.
To say the ride was long was an understatement. You spent the first two hours staring at the seconds go by on your platinum gold pocket watch and twiddling with the ends of the ribbon in your hair. It was all rather boring until there was yelling from outside.
Fear wells in your stomach at the riders approaching, all heavily armed and with a murderous look in their eye. You anxiously grip the side of the carriage, looking out the window as Sadie and the two other guards aim their weapons high.
When the shooting starts, you hide between the lush velvet seats of the carriage, doing your best to avoid the gunfire. You’d never been one to defend yourself, its why your father had guards do it for you. You could’ve never matched to a woman like Sadie. So you’re complimenting her now? You’re in the middle of being shot at!
All your thoughts are interrupted by a scream, one you’ve now realised is your own as the carriage is flipped and sent you flying. Your back hits the door which barges open under the force of your body hitting it, leaving you lying in a puddle of mud.
You’re frozen for a moment, your body still trying to catch up with your adrenaline riddled mind. What the hell just happened?
Eventually the shooting stops and Sadie is running over to you in a panic to see if you’re okay. Her hair has fallen from her pony tail and strands of her blond hair blow over red cheeks from running.
“Are you alright?!”
“You ruined my dress, look at it! I can’t go to the party like this— and my hair! Oh my god my hair!”
Sadie stops dead in her tracks. Here she was worrying over your safety after not only saving your life but putting her own at risk and you’re more worried about your hair.
“Now listen here Missy, I did not put my ass on the line to save you just so you could whine about your— Oh jeez you’re bleeding.”
She rips her leather glove off with her teeth before bringing her surprisingly soft hand to your face. Its then you realise the cut on your cheek bone that must have come from the shattered glass of the window when you fell out.
You’re lost for words, mumbling incoherently under her touch as she takes the ribbon from your hair and begins to use it to stop the small trickle of blood there. She’s so concentrated and focused on your wound that you can’t help but blush under her intense gaze, feeling like the fool for speaking out.
“I’m sorry…”
She sighs, dropping the bloodied ribbon and puts her gloves back on.
“Ain’t nothing to be sorry for Missy, common now, let’s get you to the party.”
She takes your hand and leads you to her horse which is huge up close. Much larger than when you saw it back at the Estate. Her arm comes to wrap around your waist so she can hoist you up and sit you side saddle on her horse before hopping on herself.
When she starts riding you nearly fall of the large creature and wrap your arms around her waist out of fear of slipping. Sadie voiced that she didn’t mind you holding on and the rest of the ride was spent making pleasant small talk.
You learnt that Sadie’s horse was called Hera and that she was her pride and joy. She worked in all sorts of jobs as a gun for hire, working as a bounty hunter and personal body guard most of the time, she even told you of her most recent bounty of Shane Finley.
You were amazed at how brave and wild Sadie was. How she didn’t fear working on a job that could get her killed at any moment, no she didn’t shy away from it— instead she ran straight towards danger.
“I feel like such a bore compared to you, all I do is attend parties and lounge around the Estate all day. When I’m feeling extra adventurous its a trip to the store for some cakes and maybe a new dress not hunting and killing.”
You can hear her smile in front of you, a little laugh coming from under her nose.
“I’ve met plenty’a boring rich folk Missy, you are not one of them. For starters most of them don’t find themselves falling out of carriage windows on their way to dinner parties.”
The playful tone is enjoyable for you both and it continues through the rest of the ride. It seems like ‘Missy’ is a nickname that’ll be sticking with you for the meantime but you’d be lying if you said you didn’t like the way it made you smile and your heart skip a beat.
It was dark by the time Sadie pulled up to the party, hitching Hera and this time, taking your hand to help you down. Her hand didn’t leave yours until you were standing out the front gates where she dusted as much of the mud off your dress as she could muster. Her hand came to her neckerchief and untied it before ripping it in half.
You gasp at what she was doing to the fine fabric before she was tying it in your hair where the ribbon had sat, tucking the loose strand behind your ear.
“Now you’re looking like a real lady.”
She gives you a gentle nod before making her way back over to her horse.
“Wait! You’re not coming in? I thought you were gonna protect me?”
Sadie gives you a soft but broken smile, one that says she’s trying not to hurt your feelings.
“I handle outlaws and thieves not parties for the rich, you’ll handle yourself just fine Missy. Ain’t no more for me to do I’m afraid.”
You take her hand in yours squeezing it in a silent plea for her to stay. Despite the rough beginnings, you’re actually enjoying her company and would hate to see her leave.
“Will you wait for me…please?”
When the party ends you sigh defeatedly. You’re tired and worn out from today’s attempted robbery and excruciating party. You’re expecting to do home in one of your father’s carriages when you spot Sadie leaning against wall with a cigarette in her hand.
“Common Missy, It’s my job to see you home safe.”
That night as Sadie led you home on the back of Hera, your arms came to wrap around her as they had before. You cuddled up to her as you let out a soft yawn and slowly began to drift off to sleep. Your head rested on her shoulder as you slowly let sleep consume you, a large smile on your face.
Needless to say you now have a new personal body guard.
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miyanom · 3 years
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synopsis: having spent years fighting side by side, you and jean finally confess your feelings the night before leaving for marley.
warnings: slight swearing, mentions of death
notes: I don’t know what this is, I really just wrote whatever was coming to mind so it’s kinda messy I think but I hope you all enjoy it anyways
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Laughter filled the area around you as the four of you sat together, enjoying what you all knew could very well be your last meal.
It had become a tradition in your cadet days to have a feast before a battle, though it’s been years since then and you’ve lost many, the tradition was carried on by the four of you.
Tomorrow, you’d be leaving for Marley. Leaving to aid Eren in his plan to declare war on the Marleyans.
This could be the last time you saw your friends happy and alive.
“Y/N, stop pouting!” Connie’s voice snapped you out of your thoughts as he pointed his cup in your direction, the wine sloshing against the sides as he moved. “This is supposed to be fun, don’t ruin it!”
“Sorry,” you smiled at the boy.
Sasha, who sat beside you, threw an arm over your shoulders. “Don’t apologise, Y/N!” Though her voice was typically loud, it seemed even louder now as the effects of the alcohol she stole weighed down on the duo.
As the two began bickering between themselves, you found your gaze drifting to Jean. He sat across from you, his eyes trained on his food as he mindlessly poked at it, his cup laying forgotten at his side.
It wasn’t too much of a surprise, you realised. Now that you were fighting again, his promotion to section commander meant more than just extra hours.
It meant that now he would possibly be leading people to their death, that was always something Jean hated the most about working in the Survey Corps.
Death seemed to follow you everywhere.
While trapped in your thoughts, you didn’t hear Jean’s announcement that he would be leaving, at least until his figure began to stand up.
With a frown, you watched him leave the tables that had been set up for the scouts to eat at.
Something was wrong.
Without a word to Sasha and Connie, you took off running after Jean, ignoring the loud questioning of the people you left behind with the food.
“Jean, wait up!” You called out, rushing to catch up with him.
Releasing a shaky breath, you came to a stop beside him. “Are you… are you okay?”
Jean’s expression softened slightly, before he quickly averted his gaze, a quiet ‘yeah’ falling from his lips as he avoided your gaze.
Not very convincing, you thought.
“Hey, I have something to show you.” You took his hand in your own, using it to pull him forward despite his objections that it was getting late.
The ride from the Scouts campsite to the ocean had been a fairly quick one, though maybe it only felt that way due to the comfortable silence you had fallen into it.
“This couldn’t have waited till tomorrow?” Even in the darkness you could see Jean raise a brow, as he jumped off his horse.
“Absolutely not.” Finishing tying your own horse to the tree beside you, you glanced back at Jean, faltering for a moment at the sight of him.
With the shadows of the flames from his torch dancing across his face and the moon’s light shining down on him, he looked stunning.
No, he always looked stunning. Though you had never had the guts to tell him.
With the upcoming mission, maybe you would never have the guts to tell him…
“Let’s- let’s go.”
Coming to a stop by the water line, you glanced back at Jean, not missing the way his shirt grew tighter around his biceps as he crossed his arms.
“What are we doing out here, Y/N?”
“Well, it’s calming, for starters,” you told him, nodding toward the waves that washed against the shore before pulling back out into the ocean.
When you were a cadet, you could only ever dream of seeing the ocean. With the Titans that lured outside the walls, it was an impossible thought.
But now with the Titans eradicated, it was safe to be standing here.
Rather than looking out into the dark ocean that seemed to shine under the moonlight, Jean remained focused on you.
Though you seemed sad back at dinner, your eyes were now lit up, and the smile he loved so much was gracing your features.
Snapping out of your thoughts, you grinned at him. “Okay, we’re here so you can get it all off your chest.”
The smile slipped from his face, replaced by a look of confusion as he stared at you. “What?”
“All your worries, and doubts,” you explained. “Just… just scream. No one will hear except the ocean and- and me.”
His eyes flickered from you to the water as you continued. “Sasha and I do this sometimes when things get to be too much. I know it sounds weird, but it helps, I promise.”
Silence filled the beach, the only noise being the waves crashing against the sand.
Reaching out, you placed your hand on his shoulder. “You don’t have to, I just thought-”
“I love you.”
It was a whisper, something you were sure you would’ve missed had you not been standing right next to him.
As his eyes met yours, you noticed he was now blushing. The red painted across his cheeks making you realise he was being serious, though that didn’t stop the whisper that left your lips.
His head snapped away from yours as his hands came up to his face, cupping around his mouth to make himself louder as he shouted. “I’m in love with my best friend!”
Your eyes widened, and you could feel your face heating up as he continued even after your hand dropped from his shoulder.
“I’ve loved her since we first met! And I haven’t stopped!”
“She’s the best person I know, and the strongest! I’ve loved her more than I’ve loved anyone!”
Unable to handle the embarrassment of him shouting a confession of love toward the ocean any longer, you quickly grabbed onto the collar of his shirt, using your grip to pull him closer and kiss him.
He froze against you for just a moment, until he kissed back passionately, as if he was making up for all the times this could’ve happened earlier on.
His hands fell from your face as he resorted to holding your hips, pulling you closer as he deepened the kiss.
You pulled back breathlessly, staring at him as tears began to fill your eyes.
He instantly took a step back, a look of concern painted over his visage. “Shit, are you- are you okay?”
Despite the tears falling from your eyes, you nodded and smiled softly. Taking his hand into your own, you lifted it up to hold your face once more, leaning into his touch like you never wanted him to let go. “I just… you don’t know how long I’ve waited to hear that, Jean.”
His thumb brushed against your cheekbone, wiping away the tears as he pressed his forehead against yours.
Not a single word was uttered as you stood there in each other’s arms, and as he pressed his lips to yours once more, you realised you never wanted to leave this moment.
You wanted to stay here, with him, for the rest of your lives.
No more fighting. No more wars.
Just the two of you.
“I love you, too.”
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TAGLIST (i forgot abt this for awhile sorry, please lmk if you want to be removed/added)
@vinseul @myparaiuman @dai-tsukki-desu @may-machin @answer-the-sirens @ley-writes @sashaisangel @french-girl-online @megumiisee @wonhyuksstuff @milk-n-cuwukies @jeanbabygirl @c0urtn3y @natashasupremacy
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libra-kirishima · 3 years
Can u do nejire and her flower gf meeting her parents for the first time and she’s extremely nervous. Love ur work btw and stay safe x
I wasn't sure whose parents you were referring to, so I assumed it was Nejire's. I also included Mirio and Tamaki just because I felt like they deserved family hcs too. (They just don't have the flower quirk gf because in my heart she belongs to Nejire.)
I saw someone write headcanons that Tamaki lived with his grandparents and I loved them so much that I wrote something agreeing with that but now I can't find the original author. I'm going to keep searching but if you know them please tell me and I'll tag them.
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💙 𝙉𝙚𝙟𝙞𝙧𝙚 𝙃𝙖𝙙𝙤𝙪 💙
Your fingers drummed on the steering wheel nervously. The radio in your car's volume was lowered completely to cool your nerves but the silence hardly made you feel better. Nejire noticed your eyes flicker to her when you thought she wasn't looking and immediately tore them away when she caught you staring.
"Okay, I'll bite." She giggled. "What's wrong?"
"What if they don't like me?" You answered sincerely.
"Why wouldn't they?"
"Well, for starters-"
"No, actually, don't answer that!" She interrupted you. "There will be no negative self talk coming from you today!" Her hand pulled one of yours off the gear shift to hold in her own. "They're gonna love you. You know how I know they're gonna love you?"
"How do you know they're gonna love me?" You rolled your eyes. Her free hand poked your cheek with her index finger, hoping to wipe the frown off your face.
"Because they already do!" She answered. You quirked an eyebrow at her statement. "They love you!" She restated. "They always ask about you, they were super excited to watch you in the sports festival even after I lost, they were constantly bugging me about when I was going to bring you home to meet them..."
"Since when?" You laughed. She seriously pondered your question, tapping her cheek with her index finger as she thought.
"Well they first asked if they could meet you that night that I came out as a lesbian to them." She recalled. "But I asked them to wait until you were comfortable to do that." You felt warmth rush to your cheeks as she explained further. You had gotten it a while back, but let her continue anyways just to hear her sweet voice. Before you knew it you were nearly to the driveway of her parents house. "-Oh and my sister said that she really wished she could be there but she couldn't find anyone to cover for her at the hospital so she wants to see if we can go to lunch with her some time next week- oh we're here!"
"We're here." You laughed anxiously. You step halfway up the path to the front door before you start to panic again. "Oh God, should I have brought flowers? I should have brought flowers! Nejire, stand in front of me."
"Okay, why? Oh-" You pulled her closer to you before opening your jacket slightly and pulling your shirt down. "I hate watching you do this." She sighed as she watched flowers blossom between your breasts for you to pluck.
"It's either my chest or my hair, and I spent way too long making my hair look nice to ruin it over some roses." You argued while you assembled a small bouquet. "You wouldn't have ribbon on you, would you baby?"
"Actually, I do!" She answered excitedly, pulling a spool from her jacket. The same kind she used to tie her hair in the ponytail she was wearing. You cut a strand of the ribbon to wrap around the stems. Before you could state that you were ready to go, she put her hand in front of your chest to stop you. "Wait!!!" She gasped excitedly. Before you asked what she was talking about, she took the last of her ribbon and went around to tie it in your own hair. "Now we match!" You smiled at her softly, overwhelmed with how much you loved her. Her smile was brighter than the sun, and you couldn't help but feel content with the idea of staying there forever. She waved a hand in front of your face. "Helloooo, Earth to (Y/N), come in (Y/N)." You were snapped out of your trance by the sound of her voice calling your name. "We can go in now."
"Right! Sorry." You shook your head, bringing your attention back to meeting her parents. "Right yeah parents! Let's go!" You felt her gently elbow your side.
"Stop getting nervous!" She scolded.
"Thanks, I'm cured."
"Here, hold my hand." You slipped your fingers into yours without hesitation.
Almost as quickly as Nejire knocked on the door, her mother opened the door and engulfed both of you in a hug. "Mom, this is (Y/N). My girlfriend!"
"I'm sorry, (Y/N), I got a bit excited there." Her mother giggled. Getting a closer look at her features, she looked like a clone of Nejire. "It's so nice to finally meet you."
"It's nice to meet you too." You answered. "Oh! These are for you." Her mother's heart melted at that gesture and she engulfed you into another tight hug before taking them back to the kitchen. Nejire urges you to follow her in, walking to the kitchen of her childhood home with your hand still in hers. Her father greets you with the same excitement that her mother did, engulfing you in a warm hug to rival her mothers.
"See, it's not just me, we're a family of huggers." Nejire insisted as you sat down to eat dinner with her family.
You had a feeling the rest of the night was going to go well.
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💛 𝙈𝙞𝙧𝙞𝙤 𝙏𝙤𝙜𝙖𝙩𝙖 💛
Meeting Mirio's dad was a complete accident.
Mirio expected his dad to be working late that night, so he planned a movie night for his friends. When Tamaki and Nejire pulled out at the last minute, Mirio shrugged and joked about this being planned and it being just the two of you that night. You were still watching movies but neither of you were seeing a thing.
Mirio's lips attached themselves to your neck with a frenzy while his hands slipped under your shirt to hold your waist tightly in his hands. You could feel his warm hands sliding up higher and higher, lifting your shirt with them. Just as he unhooked your bra and slid the straps off of you, you both heard the sound of the front door opening and closing.
"Mirio, I'm home." His dad called from the living room. Meanwhile, upstairs the two of you were scrambling to put your clothes back on before any suspicion arose.
"Where did you throw my shirt?" You whispered.
"I don't know just wear one of mine."
"Nothing says two friends innocently watching movies together like seeing me wear one of your son's shirts." You argued.
"No time for that, just put a shirt on!" He whispered back.
"Mirio?" His dad called.
"Be right there, dad!" He yelled back, shooting you a pointed glare to put on one of his shirts. You huffed in frustration and dug through his drawers for a shirt you haven't seen him wear before.
"I'm gonna go ahead of you, tell him you're here, but try to make it quick, okayyyyy-" His heart stopped at the sight of you in his clothes, tying a knot in the front of his shirt to make it look more like your own.
"No need, I'm ready, I can come with you."
Suddenly he was the nervous one. He sweat bullets the entire walk down the stairs and into his living room, nervously stealing glances at you when you weren't looking.
"Hey, dad. This is (Y/N)," He rubbed the back of his neck as the two of you became acquainted. "I invited her over to hang out! Sorry I didn't get the chance to tell you, I thought you were still working. Aha..."
"Hi! It's so nice to meet you." You added. Mirio's dad greets you warmly. Quickly the two of you fall into comfortable conversation about U.A. and work and your friendship with his son. "-and so instead of doing a work study in the traditional sense, I'm working with Present Mic as a T.A. during the days and we patrol together at night. You know, mostly sidekick work. I'm excited to start!"
"That's great!" His dad said. "Would you want to stay for dinner, (Y/N)?"
"That would be lovely, thank you." You answered with a wide grin. You excused yourself to use the restroom, and as soon as you were out of the room, Mirio's dad turns to his son.
"Is that the girl?" He whispered. Mirio shot his dad a confused look. "The girl that Amajiki said you were in l-" He cut his dad off before he could say anything further.
"Yes! Yep. That's her!" He laughed nervously, pink flush overtaking his cheeks.
"So tell her."
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💜 𝙏𝙖𝙢𝙖𝙠𝙞 𝘼𝙢𝙖𝙟𝙞𝙠𝙞 💜
You thought you were supposed to be the one nervous to meet his grandparents, not the other way around. You joke as much to Tamaki after you're seated on the train together.
"Ah- no- I'm sorry, I'm just- no, I-" he stuttered, wringing his hands together in his lap. You slide one of your hands between his to lace your fingers together.
"Hey, it's gonna be okay, honey. I was just joking, I'm sorry." You heard him sigh in relief upon feeling your touch. "What are you so nervous about?"
"I don't know." He admitted. "What if you don't like them?"
"Why wouldn't I like them?" Your thumb began to soothingly rub the mound of his thumb. "I was worried that they wouldn't like me." You admitted.
"They do like you. You've met them before."
"I know but never as your girlfriend."
"Then that should mean that they'll like you more." He answered honestly, moving to rest his head on your shoulder. You instinctively rested your own head atop his.
"I'm sorry, I don't mean to be so nervous."
"It's nice to not be the only one this time." He admitted before changing the subject, hoping to calm both his nerves and yours. Sooner than you had thought, your conversation about Fatgum taking in Kirishima died as the shadow of his grandparents' townhouse loomed above you. A woman who could only be Tamaki's grandmother caught your eye from her spot on the small front porch and waved. You beamed back at her, waving as well.
"Maybe we were both nervous for no reason." You told your boyfriend softly before following him inside. She quickly invited you to join her for a cup of tea in her small garden, and you happily followed.
"Thank you for coming over, (Y/N)." Tamaki's grandmother said as she poured you a cup of tea. You almost didn't process the question at first, overwhelmed by the beautiful sights and sounds of the Amajikis garden. As your eyes tracked a butterfly fluttering from flower to flower, you silently wondered if this was where your boyfriend's interest in butterflies came from.
"Thank you for having me." You answered with a small smile. "Your garden is absolutely beautiful."
Tamaki's grandmother pulled him aside to whisper in his ear.
"Keep her."
200 notes · View notes
pur-pled-aw-thor · 4 years
The Truth
Sherlock x Reader
Summary: Y/n has been keeping up the truth everyone, but one day the truth will afloat.
Word count: 4.9k (whaaat the-)
Warnings: none
GIF not mine
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Saturdays are meant for having fun or just staying inside your room and rest. But of course Y/n's life isn't like that. Especially she's working with Sherlock Holmes and Dr. John Watson.
"You know we can just leave this case with Lestrade right?" Y/n asked the tall man in front of her.
"If you would just look up the security footage, then sure we can turn those over and continue this." Sherlock said not even looking at Y/n. John is busy with searching more about it, or trying to update his blog.
After a few, ten, tries Y/n got in the security and downloaded all of the footage from last night and prior the incident.
"It's already downloading, just wait for a few minutes." She stated standing up and went to the kitchen for some tea. But then she heard her phone's notification is blowing up. Sighing in annoyance, she placed down the kettle and got her phone.
-Mr. Blabbermouth
• Why on Earth is my brother on a case again
• Don't tell me you've downloaded something again
• Meet me in British Public Library, 20 minutes.
• Do bring your I.D, we'll be staying for a while.
Y/n read the texts and tried to choose, get rid of him and continue drinking tea, or get rid of him and continue drinking tea.
'Either way my life will still be a mess.' She thought and sighed. Getting her coat and tying her hair up, John looked up from his screen.
"Where are you going?" He asked, causing Sherlock to look also at the y/h/c girl.
"I need to go to my mum's house, she needs help with my sister." She lied, like what she's been doing for a long time.
"Well what about the footage?" Watson asked pointing at the laptop on the couch. "It'll be done in 15 minutes, after that it'll automatically leave the site." She said adjusting the timer and entering her code.
"Okay just take care." Watson said smiling at her. Nodding, she immediately went downstairs and passed by Mrs. Hudson.
"Where are you going?" "To my mum's, Mrs. Hudson!" She exclaimed leaving faster.
Walking down the streets of London, the cold breeze of the morning is never new to Y/n. It made her feel happy that she chose to change her life.
Upon reaching the Library, a car parked by the curb. The person got out and Y/n followed.
She knew this whole place like it was just the alphabet, but more on security and alarms.
She walked through shelves and shelves of books until she reached a corner, her corner. The person is already sitting down flipping the pages of a book.
"I know you did something just to help my brother again, and I would like to know what." He stated, well demanding.
"It would've been better if you were the one to ask him, Mycroft." Y/n said confidently, not feeling any intimidation from the man.
"It's better if he knows about the truth." He said proudly. "Do sit, Y/n. It is your ridiculous corner after all." She removed her coat and hung it on the chair.
"Tell him the truth and I'll visit him." "I would rather let you get hit by a train before the truth leaves my mouth." Y/n said rolling her eyes and crossing her arms.
"Any truth will be accepted." "I don't have that much of a choice." "The past or the present. You decide." "Neither, Mycroft. You're basically the British Government, so how can you not know anything about what's happening in 221-B Baker Street?!" Y/n almost shouted at the man in front of her. The man snapped the book close, Y/n didn't even flinched.
"Just tell me and we can wrap this up." He said and Y/n sighed. "It's about those random killings that don't make sense." She said rolling her eyes. "It does make sense to Sherlock Holmes." Mycroft stood up from the chair and got his umbrella.
"It's easy for you to tell me the truth but never to Sherlock." He said turning towards the aisle. "One day the truth will afloat, Y/n. Good day." He said walking away from the corner.
Y/n stared at the chair in front of her and tried not to let Mycroft inside her head.
"I made a promise to be careful with my choices and whom to trust. I can't break that." Y/n said to herself, trying to remember what happened 3 years ago.
3 years ago
'I can live by myself and made the right decision, yeah?' Y/n asked herself while the man pulled up on the curb.
'I hope so.' she got out of the cab and the man helped her carry her stuff inside the building. She paid generously and took up the boxes herself.
When she was about to get the last box, she ran into the landlady carrying a tray of tea.
"Oh hello dear! You're already here, you have your keys right? Anything you need?" Y/n smiled at the landlady's kindness.
"No Mrs. Hudson, I was just about to get the last box from downstairs." She said politely and got curious about whose tea is she bringing.
"I'll see you for a while dear, I need to bring this up." Mrs. Hudson said and continued to ascend the stairs.
"You should stop hoarding books, it's gathering up dust." She heard Mrs. Hudson scold at the other flat beside hers.
"Well if you would clean up then they won't, Mrs. Hudson." A man with a deep but smooth voice said.
"I'm your landlady, Sherlock. Not your housekeeper." Mrs. Hudson exclaimed storming out of the flat and passing by Y/n.
'I'm still wondering how Mrs. Hudson never noticed.' Y/n asked herself while placing the box down and tried to search for the key to her flat.
"It's the silver key with a round head and a line engraved horizontally." She looked around and saw him.
'Sherlock Holmes'
She got the key and it fits in the keyhole. She silently chuckled to herself for being smarted up by him.
But then she realized what Sherlock Holmes would have done for the past 2 minutes she was just standing there.
She immediately went inside and closed the door. She heard about Sherlock Holmes and his talents in being a detective. Most of the policemen don't take him seriously because of his assumptions and ideas that he gives immediately.
But they are left befuddled because he is right all along.
"Great, the plan on living a new life is starting to crumble with him knowing who I am." She said face palming herself.
"As long as I'm not suspicious, he won't notice it." She said standing up and opened up the blinds.
A week
'Oh god no. Please no.' She said trying to feel every pocket and slot she has in her coat, pants and purse.
'I did forget my keys in.' she said kicking the door in frustration. She sat down by the steps and tried to call a locksmith.
A few calls later they all said they can't go to their street because it was filled with snow. They can help her tomorrow morning.
"Why did Mrs. Hudson need to leave today?" She said hugging her coat more to gather up warmth. Next week is already December and snow got here early.
She tried to pull her bonnet down more to cover her ears with her hair, but the draft coming from the upstairs and moving behind her got colder.
"At least my laptop isn't going to freeze overnight, lucky bastard." Y/n said rolling her eyes and huffing.
She heard shuffling from Sherlock Holmes' flat and saw him placing paper on the table. Sherlock saw Y/n and looked at the door to her flat.
He went closer and Y/n smiled in embarrassment, "I forgot my keys inside." She said paying attention to her gloves now.
Sherlock went back inside and started removing books and papers from the couch and placing them on the table or floor.
"You can stay here for a while. Who knows when Mrs. Hudson might return." He said leaning on the door frame.
Y/n stood up and passed by him, trying not to look like she's taking it up for granted. She sat down on the couch and Sherlock prepared tea.
Sherlock can't comprehend why he welcomed her into his flat even though he's only seen her every afternoon to get food and comeback with it.
And what disturbs him, is that he can't read her like everyone else. She's like, an unexplainable being.
Sitting down on his chair, Sherlock tried to think a way to get to know her.
"I'm Sherlock Holmes, the only consulting detective, because I invented the job. I have an older brother named Mycroft." He said as a starter and she smiled.
"I'm Y/n, I don't have a job right now but I will find one, hopefully. I actually don't have a sibling, just me and my parents." She said chuckling and Sherlock smiled. He heard the tea was ready and he asked her about what she likes.
Handing her a cuppa, she accepted it and Sherlock let her remove her coat so she can get comfortable. Y/n removed her coat, gloves and bonnet and placed them beside her.
They continued chatting, leaving unfinished experiments and paperworks in the kitchen and not noticing Mrs. Hudson got home because the road was already cleared out.
A year ago
"How did you do that?" Sherlock asked Y/n and she almost fell from her seat. "Did what?" "Getting into the security cameras of Baker Street." He said pointing at the screen.
"You won't tell?" She asked and Sherlock nodded. "Obviously I can hack into them, besides cameras are very easy to hack." She said rolling her eyes and Sherlock celebrated about learning what Y/n can do.
"This is amazing! You can help me in cases and everyone can know!" He exclaimed proudly but Y/n said otherwise.
"No one can know! You promised!" She exclaimed and slapping Sherlock's arm jokingly.
"Besides I can only be accessible within 20 meters away from you." She said showing the map to Sherlock, "Well then come with me every day but of course just stand by. Wait till I tell Lestrade!" He said and reassured Y/n that he was an inspector that she can trust.
'I know Lestrade alright.' She thought smirking on her screen while Sherlock tried to find his phone.
A month after that
"Hello Sherlock." Y/n heard a woman entering the lab and she stopped on her tracks when she saw her. "Hello Y/n." She said sadly.
It's been a month since Y/n was silently working with Sherlock. She met Molly in the process, well she was always around wherever Sherlock is.
Especially if he's in the lab.
Y/n's phone got a notification and she looked at the message.
Someone was on the phone for you.
Who was it?
Private matters they said.
'Private matters they said'
-Mr. Holmes
The car is waiting at the corner.
'Not this again.' She thought reading the message. Either she goes now or let them wait and risk getting fetched by them.
I'll be leaving for a while. Please look out for Sherlock, Lestrade.
I will.
"Sherlock I'll be going out for a while." She said getting her coat and wearing it. "Can you get me coffee?" "I can get you one." Molly intervened and both of them looked at her.
"The usual Y/n, if it's not a burden." Sherlock said looking again at the microscope.
"Oh umm, I think I'll be gone for an hour, so Molly might help you with that." She said looking at the messages.
-Mr. Holmes
The longer you take, the longer this talk will be.
"It's fine with me, what's your usual?" Molly asked Sherlock and both of them replied.
"Black 2 sugars." They said in unison and Y/n left immediately while trying to run through everything or everyone.
She saw the car and immediately got inside.
"Stop haunting me, Mycroft Holmes." She said keeping her phone away and looking outside the windows.
"It's almost 4 years now since I moved and 2 years since I started working with him." Y/n said laughing at the page she had a note on.
'Before the December morning came, a chance and a person changed the game.'
She closed the book and walked back towards Baker Street. It was almost noon and she knows Sherlock and John is waiting for her to come back.
Entering the flat, she already heard footsteps coming down the stairs and saw Mycroft with John and Sherlock behind him.
"What did you do again Sherlock?" She asked trying not to look like she knows Mycroft.
"I can reassure you miss, he didn't do anything wrong. Good day brother, Dr. Watson." He said leaving.
"Lunch?" She asked the two and they nodded.
They went to a Café and started to eat lunch. Went back to Baker Street and John took a rest for a while. Leaving Y/n and Sherlock continuing to solve the crime.
"It doesn't make sense! He's just killing random people!" Sherlock exclaimed looking at the wall. John is still asleep on his chair, covered with papers.
"Maybe you just need to look at the minor factors they have. Maybe they all have something very important that the killer would want." Y/n said getting through the files about the case. Sherlock stared at the girl in front of him.
'How can you be so smart at the same time be bossy?' he thought returning his gaze at the wall.
They continued their work and John woke up an hour ago. Until it was night time and Mrs. Hudson brought them tea.
"Sherlock, why is there a big toe on your sink?" She asked rather disturbed. Y/n laughed at Sherlock's constant behavior of experimenting with things.
Sherlock's phone rang and it was Mycroft. He sighed and answered the phone.
"What is it Mycroft?" He said dropping the papers he was holding on the table.
"What?! An emergency? Where?" He exclaimed causing the three to look at him. "What's the matter, Sherlock?" Mrs. Hudson asked walking nearer.
"We'll be right there." He said dropping the call and got his coat. "What the hell is going on?!" John exclaimed trying to get Sherlock's attention.
"A family is now on ransom and Mycroft thinks it's the killer." Sherlock said wrapping up his scarf and the two wore theirs.
"I don't get it? A family? How are they connecte-" "The father is an official in the government, a close person to the royal family." He said climbing down the stairs with John following.
Y/n got stuck on the doorway and processed what Sherlock just said. She got worried and immediately went down the stairs.
They got a cab and they reached a building. Police and a few government employees were there to plan out.
"Sherlock! In here." They saw Mycroft went inside a vehicle a few feet away the commotion. It was filled with monitors connected to the cameras inside.
"An empty building perfect for a murder isn't it?" Sherlock said rather excited and John nudged him not to be happy.
"Any news from the inside?" "No, the killer won't let anyone in. He's controlling the entrances, except for the cameras which is odd." One of the men said showing the doors.
They stayed there for almost 10 minutes without any movement from the killer. They found him sitting on an antique chair looking at his phone and wearing a ridiculous mask.
The television beside him lit up and the camera couldn't clear out what the television is flashing.
"This is the Y/l/n Family, if you still want to see them alive. You know who you are, give me what's so precious to your family." The killer said laughing under his mask.
"That is the live stream, we can see them here on camera 16, inside a room tied up. The same as the television is showing." The men said but they noticed something blinking at the middle of the chairs the family is sitting.
"And there's now a bomb planted. Call the bomb disposal team!" They tried to contact people from the outside to find a way inside faster.
Because there's a bomb on the middle of the room, and it wasn't making the job easy.
"I just need to talk to youuu~" The guy sang and laughed like a psychopath. He stood up and started dancing.
"Sherlock, anything?" John asked the man scanning around the monitors and starts to get frustrated. "Are you sure all of the exits are closed?!" He exclaimed and they nodded showing every camera angle of the exits.
Y/n opened up her laptop and plugged in a USB. Mycroft noticed and he looked at her telling no. But her eyes said it was the only way.
After transferring files from the USB, she took out her phone and connected it to the laptop. Before finishing up and shutting her laptop, she typed something on the notes.
'Might be the best time to say it then.'
She closed her laptop, stood up next to Mycroft and handed him her phone. He was confused on why she gave him her phone.
"He'll think I might call the police if I brought my phone with me." "Well you're already with the police." They whispered at each other. Y/n started to leave the vehicle and Sherlock noticed.
"Where are you going Y/n?" "Outside, I need to speak with them. I'll be back." She said hopping out of the vehicle and closing it.
Grabbing the chain that she got from the inside and locking it, she made sure they'll be safe. In case the killer notices her trap.
Sherlock's POV
Y/n left a few minutes ago and she still hasn't returned. The Y/l/n family is still inside and the killer kept repeating the phrase.
"I just want to talk to youuuu"
"Why can't anyone enter!" I said frustrated and ruffled my hair. Trying to think a way inside. "Vents?" "What's that, Sherlock?" "The vents! Is there any vents?!" The men showed me and there weren't any vents big enough for a human to fit in.
"Great." I said and they returned the monitors back to the cameras we were monitoring.
"Aha! I knew you'd come my dear!" We heard the man say and he pressed a button on his phone causing the doors to open.
Third POV
The doors opened on the main entrance, Sherlock and the others were glued to the screens.
Y/n entered with no hesitation and the doors closed once she was in. "Y/n?!" Sherlock exclaimed and went towards the door. It wouldn't budge and John started helping him.
"Did she locked this after she left?" John asked Sherlock and he nodded. They went back to the monitors and she was standing at a safe distance from the killer.
"Isn't this nice, Y/n? You and me seeing together again and talking." He said followed by a laughter that echoed through the whole hall.
"It's nicer if you didn't do any of those killings." She said standing there feeling the gaze of the camera towards them.
"I thought I would get your attention." He stood up immediately that surprised Y/n and made her back away. "And it did!" He said laughing like a maniac now.
"See this red button on my phone?" He asked and Y/n nodded. "Well, It's connected to the bomb. Just give me what I want and I can forget about pressing this." He said placing the phone on the table and handing out his hand.
Y/n looked at him seeing any tricks with this. Her eyes lingers on the screen and she saw her family, tied up inside the room and starting to panic.
The killer saw this and laughed, knowing this is going to be fun. "Need inspiration? I'll give you one." He said getting his phone and pressing a button that made her family look behind the camera.
"Say 'hi', they've missed you so much." He circled around her and she started to take the risk.
"No, Y/n don't do it!" Mycroft yelled at the monitors that made Sherlock look at his brother. "Getting attached?" John asked and Sherlock shook his head in disapproval.
"He knew Y/n all along. Don't you brother?" Sherlock asked and Mycroft nodded. "Before she lived in Baker Street." He said earning a laugh from Sherlock.
"So is there anything I should know about more?" He asked Mycroft and he nodded. "A lot." He stated not removing his eyes on the screen.
They continued watching the scene and Y/n is starting to take something out her pocket.
"If you have tricks on your sleeves, you know what will happen." He stated reclining and looking at her.
She raised up her chin and took out a phone. But it was a different phone, different from her day to day phone. She looked at it and handed it over to him.
"Why does she have another phone?" John asked the two Holmes, Mycroft looked at Dr. Watson and pointed at Y/n's laptop.
"How do you think she has access with every security and anything the government controls?" "That's a government phone controlling the security, data, archives and information about the whole United Kingdom." Sherlock intervened looking at his phone trying to call Lestrade to get them out of the van.
"Thank you for giving this Y/n." He said looking at the phone checking any tricks. He gave back the phone and showed her the lock screen. "Open it." Y/n swiped up the phone and unlocked it with the pattern.
Mycroft seeing the lock, he got confused. Sherlock noticed it and asked him. "Government phones don't unlock with patterns and pins. They rely on fingerprint and facial unlock." He said getting the phone Y/n gave him.
He turned it on and swiped up the lock screen. "Just like that?" Watson asked and Mycroft nodded. "She switched the phones." He said in disbelief and laughed. He grabbed the radio and started giving commands to get ready at the entrances.
"Thank you for unlocking it." He said standing up and circling her again. "You know your parents are very disappointed but relieved that they won't get blown up." He said laughing maniacally going through files.
"But I must say, they, especially Sherlock Holmes, still don't know the last thing you're hiding." He said pointing at the camera and opening his arms.
Y/n turned around and looked at the camera. "I don't know what he's talking about." "OH! That's a good one. Tell me more jokes!" He exclaimed laughing, Y/n is on the verge of punching him.
"You're a psycho." She said making the guy stop in front of her and smiled. "Well I thought you loved psychos, hence liking one of us." He said leaning towards Y/n and raising his eyebrows.
Y/n noticed the camera moving and pointing at the door and back at her. She sighed and bowed her head.
"I'm right, am I? You looove psychopaths!" He said and Y/n shook her head.
"Sherlock Holmes isn't a psychopath, he is a high functioning sociopath." She raised her head smirking at him, "And the only consulting detective with that title." She punched him through his mask that caused him so much pain and police started to enter the room.
They started to surround the guy and picked him up. They handcuffed him and gave back Y/n's phone.
"Before you take and lock him away-" she said getting near the guy, "I never knew you'd take it this far, Kevin." Taking of the mask, 3 men entered the room and going behind Y/n to back her up.
"B-but how did they entered the room! I have the controls over the entrances!" Kevin said and Y/n smirked. She waved her hand and the police took him away, yelling about how she did it.
The 3 men behind her looked at her proudly. She looked behind them and saw her family getting untied and the bomb was inside a case now.
Her family looked behind the camera and smiled. Mycroft handed her the phone back and took off the case to place it back on her phone. The television turned off and they heard people assisting her family.
"I know you two have a lot of questions, but I can summarize everything." Y/n said looking at them and sitting down on the chair.
"I made a deal with my family to live a normal life in exchange to continue hiding who I am.
Growing up behind doors was never easy because you can't make friends or learn social skills. Only few close family friends and the Royal Family knows who I am.
My brother and two sisters can live a normal life because they attended private schools which only rich people can attend. But I can't have that because I'm the first ever child of them and it would be a great plan to kidnap me right? In exchange for files.
But when I attended college, It was a private school and people don't care who you are anymore, and that's where I met Kevin.
He was nice and sweet just like how I thought all of the world's population is. But I was wrong.
Then that's when we broke up. A few years just living inside the house again not going out.
Then almost 4 years ago, me and my family agreed for me to leave and live somewhere and make sure that I'm safe.
And I am safe, especially having Sherlock Holmes and Dr. John Watson as my neighbors and friends.
Having meetings with Mr. Blabbermouth, a.k.a Mycroft Holmes.
And having this phone with me that helps my family to know where I am."
She finished up but the three men are still confused. She understood why and she chuckled. Looking at the camera, the men followed her gaze and she stopped at the sign beside the chair.
"He was sitting near this sign and the phone's reflection is seen on the camera. I tried to make out his layout of the controls with the doors and placed all of it in folders."
She explained and opened the phone, "With every click of a folder, a door opens." She clicked one and they heard a door opening upstairs.
"I forgot to mention, I also studied with hackers and security when I was in college and living with my parents. That's how I learned it."
She said keeping the phone in her pocket. John smiled at her and looked at the two men. "And what was about the whole Sherlock Holmes thing?" He asked and Y/n sighed. "That was nothing." She said standing up and walking pass by them.
They exited the building and stood near Lestrade's car. He was assisting the family and talking with them.
"My name on your contacts is 'Mr. Blabbermouth'?" Mycroft asked and Y/n laughed.
"Don't worry, Mr. Sociopath and Mr. Oblivious aren't left out." She said walking away and nearing her family.
"Mom, Dad." She said hugging them almost crushing them. "I'll leave you lot to talk for a while." Lestrade said smiling at the scene before him.
"I knew you had a way, but I never thought you can pull that off!" Y/n's father exclaimed patted her back.
"She's a Y/l/n, she can do anything." She heard her brother and she ruffled his hair. "But of course, don't forget to introduce us your boyfriend." One of her sister said and she rolled her eyes.
"You can go back to them, we'll be okay." Her mother said but Y/n shook her head.
"I don't think I can leave you guys again." "As long as you can be safe and keep that safe, we'll be safe too." Her father said and her sibling nodded.
"Just remember to visit us on Christmas Day, okay?" Her younger sister said and she nodded. Tears brimming her eyes and she sniffles while trying not to burst out.
"I will always visit you lot." She said hugging them all, causing her to be surrounded by blankets that covered up her family.
Standing up, she waved good bye and walked back towards the car.
"Shall we leave?" Lestrade asked getting his keys. "Yes, let's go." Sherlock said opening the door for Y/n and she entered.
Their ride was quiet until they reached the apartment. "See you three tomorrow? Well if we have a new case for you three." Lestrade said and Sherlock nodded, getting inside first and leaving the door open.
"Yeah, see you Lestrade." Y/n said waving and entering the building.
John got to sleep immediately when he entered the flat, leaving Y/n and Sherlock.
"Well, erm, I guess I should be go-" she was cut off by Sherlock's mumbling. "I'm sorry, what was that?" "That's why I couldn't analyze you. You are unreadable and amazing at it." He said still staring at the fireplace.
"Yes, because of being able to hide from people, I'm never showy with anything." She said standing up and nearing the door.
"Good night Sherlock." She said turning towards her flat. "And yes, I like you. For almost 3 years now." She said never turning to look at him, and entered her flat.
She should've turned, because she never saw the smile Sherlock had hearing it from her. He leaned on his knees ruffling his hair. He continued smiling and sighed.
"Likewise, Y/n. Likewise." He said leaning back on his seat and stared at the ceiling.
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Taylor Swift prompts p2
I really love Taylor Swift and so I wanted to create some RP starters based off her songs. I’ll organize it via the titles of the songs like usual. There are 106 total in this part (and last part for now)!
:: Happiness
"I see this for what it is.”
“All the years that I’ve given is just shit that we’re dividing up.” 
“I was dancing when the music stopped.”
“In the disbelief, I can’t face reinvention.” 
“I haven’t met the new me yet.”
“There will be happiness after you, but there was happiness because of you.”
“There is happiness past the blood and bruise, past the curses and cries.”
“Tell me when did your winning smile, begin to look like a smirk?”
“When did all our lessons start to look like weapons pointed at my deepest hurt?”
“I hope she’ll be a beautiful fool who takes my spot next to you. No, I didn’t mean that.”
“Sorry I can’t see facts through all of my fury.”
“There will be happiness after me, but there was happiness because of me.”
“There is happiness in our history.”
“I can’t make it go away by making you a villain.”
“I guess, it’s the price I pay for seven years in heaven.”
“I pulled your body into mine every God damn night.”
“No one teaches you what to do when a good man hurts you, and you know you hurt him too.”
“After giving you the best I have, tell me what to give after that.”
“All you want from me now is the green light of forgiveness.”
:: Tolerate It
“I sit and watch you, I notice everything you do or don’t do.”
“You’re so much older and wiser and I..”:
“I wait by the door like I’m just a kid.” 
“If it’s all in my head, tell me now. Tell me how I’ve got it wrong somehow.”
“I know my love should be celebrated but you tolerate it.”
“I take all your indiscretions all in good fun.”
“I sit and listen, I polish plates until they gleam and glisten.” 
“While you were out building other worlds, where was I?”
“I made you my temple, my mural, my sky. Now I’m begging for footnotes in the story of your life.”
“You assume I’m fine but what would you do if I break free and leave us in ruins?”
:: Tis The Damn Season
“If I wanted to know, who you were hanging with while I was gone I would’ve asked you.” 
“There’s an ache in you put there by the ache in me.”
“If it’s all the same to you, it’s the same to me.”
“We can call it even, you can call me babe for the weekend.”
“I’m staying at my parents house and the road not taken looks real good right now.”
“It always leads to you and my hometown.”
“I escaped it too, remember how you watched me leave?”
“If it’s okay with you, it’s okay with me.”
“Sleep in half the day, just for old times sake?”
“I won’t ask you to wait if you don’t ask me to stay.”
“The heart I know I’m breaking is my own.”
:: Cardigan
“When you are young, they assume you know nothing.”
“I knew you, hand under my sweatshirt. Baby kiss it better.”
“When I felt like I was an old cardigan under someone's bed, you put me on and said I was your favorite.”
“Chase two girls, you lose the one.”
“Downtown bars was all you needed.”
“You drew stars around my scars but now I’m bleeding.”
“I knew you tried to change the ending.”
“I knew you like a father leaving like water.”
“I knew you’d linger like a tattoo kiss, I knew you’d haunt all of my what ifs.”
“I knew you’d miss me once the thrill expired.”
:: Willow
“Rough on the surface, but you cut through like a knife.”
“If it was a open shut case, I never would’ve known from the look on your face.”
“The more that you say, the less I know.”
“Wherever you stray, I follow.”
“I’m begging for you to take my hand, wreck my plans.”
“There was one prize that I’d cheat to win.”
“Wait for the signal and I’ll meet you after dark.”
“Show me the places where the others gave you scars.”
“Every bait and switch was a work of art.”
:: Invisible String
“I used to think that I’d meet somebody there.”
“Were there clues that I didn’t see?”
“Isn’t it just so pretty to think, all along there was some invisible string tying you to me?”
“You ate at my favorite spot for dinner?”
“Something wrapped all of my past mistakes in barbed wire.”
“One single of gold tied me to you.” 
“Now I send their babies presents.”
“Hell was the journey but it brought me heaven.” 
:: Lover
“We can leave the Christmas lights up till January.”
“This is our place, we make the rules.”
“There’s a dazzling haze, a mysterious way about you.”
“Have I known you twenty seconds or twenty years?”
“Can I go where you go? Can we always be this close, forever and ever?”
“Take me out and take me home.”
“We can let our friends crash in the living room.”
“I’m highly suspicious that everyone who sees you, wants you.”
“I’ve loved you three summers now honey, but I want them all.”
“I take this magnetic force of a man to be my lover.”
“My hearts been borrowed and yours has been blue.”
“All's well that ends well to end up with you.”
“I swear to be over dramatic and true to my lover.”
“You’ll save all your dirtiest jokes for me, and at every table.. I’ll save you a seat, lover.”
:: Mad Woman
“What’d you think I’d say to that?”
“Does a scorpion sting when fighting back? They strike to kill and you know I will.”
“What do you sing on your drive home?”
“Do you see my face in the neighbors lawn?”
“Does she smile or does she mouth fuck you forever?”
“Every time you call me crazy, I get more crazy.”
“When you say I seem angry, I get more angry.”
“There’s nothing like a mad woman, what a shame she went mad.”
“No one likes a mad woman, you made her like that.”
“You find something to wrap your noose around.”
“Now I breathe flames each time I talk.”
“Woman like hunting witches too, doing your dirtiest work for you.”
“It’s obvious that wanting me dead has really brought you two together.”
“Good wives always know, she should be mad.”
:: Peace
“Our coming of age has come and gone.”
“I never had the courage of my convictions as long as danger is near.”
“I’m a fire and I’ll keep your brittle heart warm.”
“All these people think love is for show but I would die for you in secret.”
“The devil is in the details but you got a friend in me.”
“Would it be enough if I could never give you peace?”
“I talk shit with my friends, it’s like I’m wasting your honor.”
“You know that I’d swing with you for the fences, sit with you in the trenches.”
“I’d give you my wild, give you my child.”
“I’d give you the silence that only comes when two people understand each other.”
“I’d give you my sunshine, give you my best but the rain is always gonna come if you’re standing with me.”
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howtosingit · 3 years
Fic: when the world’s on fire, all i need is you
Concerned about his lack of culinary experience, Carlos teaches TK how to make fajitas.
A missing moment from 1x06.
1.7K | Also on AO3
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Carlos stands in front of his refrigerator, staring inside and having no idea what he wants to make for dinner. 
He’s glad to have the night off at home, but ever since TK texted him to unexpectedly cancel their evening plans, he’s been wandering aimlessly around his apartment, trying to find things to keep himself busy. Unfortunately, he only has so much dirty laundry, and living alone means that his place is already pretty clean.
It’s not that he feels like he has nothing to do without TK around, it’s just that… Well, they’ve been spending a lot of time together - as friends - and he looks forward to the few nights that the both have off work. Tonight, they had planned a whole cooking lesson, with Carlos showing TK how to make chicken fajitas. Ever since he found out about TK’s limited culinary experience, Carlos has taken it upon himself to ensure that the man knows how to at least cook a few easy recipes for himself. They’ve spent many nights in his kitchen, music playing low as they circle around one another, making dinner together.
He’s not upset that TK cancelled on him; from his texts, he gathers that something came up with his dad at work. Carlos had offered any help that his friend might need, or at the very least his presence, but TK hadn’t responded to his messages. He’s trying not to worry too much; last he’d heard, Captain Strand’s treatments had been going as well as they could expect. In the past few weeks, TK has even seemed a little lighter, like a heavy weight has been lifted from his shoulders, if only a bit. 
With a sigh, Carlos reaches into his fridge to grab the chicken and peppers, deciding that he might as well have the dinner that he’d planned, even if he’ll be having it alone. He turns on some music, prepping his work station, and has just started to slice the chicken into strips when there’s a knock at his door.
He looks up, wondering who in the world could be here to see him. A glance down at his phone shows no missed calls or messages, and everyone that might visit typically lets him know when they’re coming over. He puts down his knife, quickly washing his hands at the sink before moving towards the door and pulling it open.
“Hey,” TK says, standing on his front step with his hands hidden in the front pocket of his hoodie.
“TK,” Carlos says, his surprise clear in his tone. “Hey.”
“Sorry I’m late,” the other man apologizes, pulling his bottom lip between his teeth, “but I was hoping dinner might still be on the table?”
Carlos scans his face, trying to get a read on what exactly TK might be thinking. Based on his texts, he wasn’t expecting to see him this evening, and he can’t tell if TK being here is good news or bad news. 
“I actually just started,” he finally responds, opening the door a little wider, “and I’d love an assistant.”
TK smiles, his face morphing into a grateful expression as he steps across the threshold and into the apartment. Carlos follows him over to the kitchen, wondering if he should ask about TK’s day, or if it’s better to wait until TK offers something. There’s soft music in the background, the only sound breaking the somewhat tense silence between them as TK washes his hands at the sink.
“So, MasterChef Reyes,” TK jokes, turning to face him, “where do you need me?”
Carlos stares at him for a moment, noticing how the other man is avoiding eye contact and fiddling with the sting of his hoodie. It’s clear that TK’s in need of a distraction, and he is more than happy to provide him with one.
“Okay,” Carlos nods, turning back to his workstation. “So, I’ve been cutting the chicken into strips, and then I’m going to cook them. While I do that, you can start cutting the peppers and onions.”
“Yes, sir,” TK teases, coming over to stand at his side and nudging him gently. Carlos briefly shows TK how he wants the vegetables cut, then goes back to his chicken. When he’s finished, he carries his cutting board over to the stove, turning on the heat and adding oil before tossing the chicken in and adding all of his spices and seasonings. 
His mind races with a possible conversation starter, anything that might pull them out of this awkward silence that exists between them, but following his quiet day at work, nothing really comes to mind. He’s just begun to hum along to the music under his breath, hoping that might fill some of the void left by their lack of conversation, when he hears the sound of forceful chopping behind him.
He turns to find TK huffing heavily over the cutting board, the knife in his hand a newfound weapon as he slices into the onion in front of him. Carlos watches him for a moment, taking in the tense set of his shoulders and the way his head is bowed over the counter, hiding his face from view. It’s only when his fear of a possible injury outweighs his desire to let TK destress in his own way that Carlos steps forward.
“Hey, hey, be careful,” he says calmly, his right hand coming up to grip TK’s weapon-wielding arm as his left arm circles around his waist to press against TK’s hip. “No one needs to lose a finger tonight,” he jokes quietly, guiding the knife down to the board, where TK finally releases it.
“You want to tell me whose face you were picturing on that cutting board?” Carlos hedges when TK doesn’t speak. Instead, the man presses his palms into the counter, his breathing heavy and his eyes wet - whether from the onion that he was just cutting or something else, Carlos can’t tell. 
“Fuck!” TK cries, pushing away from the counter and Carlos to pace on the other side of the island, near the table. He runs his hands through his hair, clearly agitated, as he turns and faces Carlos. “I’m so sorry, Carlos, I’m not trying to ruin your night, it’s just…”
He trails off, throwing his hands into the air. Carlos hasn’t seen him this frustrated since he cooked him dinner all of those months ago and then watched as TK stormed out of his apartment into the night.
He would give anything for that to not happen again.
“TK, it’s fine, you don’t have to apologize,” Carlos says gently, backing up to turn the heat down on the chicken before circling around to join TK on the other side of the counter. “Just, tell me what’s wrong. Let me help, I want to help.”
TK stares at him for a moment, his eyes darting back and forth between Carlos’s own, almost like he’s weighing his ways forward. Then, with a nod, he steps closer, his shoulders dropping as he lets out a deep breath.
“My dad’s gonna lose his job,” TK says, his voice shaky.
Carlos’s eyes widen, and he instinctively reaches out to take TK’s hand, the other man gripping him tightly. “What?” he asks, sure he must’ve misheard.
“Judd introduced my dad to this fire captain buddy of his,” TK explains, an edge of anger in his voice now, “and my dad started spending time with him. He revealed all these things, including his cancer diagnosis. Turns out, the guy actually wants to take his job, so he turned him into the chief.”
“Shit,” Carlos breathes, his mind racing with all of this new information. 
“Yeah,” TK agrees, nodding as he clenches his jaw. “So now he’s got to take the CPAT in full gear or they’ll replace him.”
He pulls away again, letting out a frustrated groan. 
“Why is it that every single time I feel like I’m finally finding my footing in this place, something comes along to fuck it all up?” he cries, his voice thin as he drops down into a chair at the table. “Every time I start to get a really good look at things, to start to understand them, they shift and I’m just left trying to figure out where I am and what I’m supposed to do.”
“Hey,” Carlos says soothingly, coming up behind TK. Before he can think too hard about it, he bends over to give him a hug from behind, wrapping his arms around the firefighter’s shoulders as he presses their faces together. “It’s going to be okay, TK.”
“You don’t know that, Carlos,” TK says in defeat. He reaches up to run his palms along Carlos’s forearms, gripping his wrists tightly.
“Yeah, I guess I don’t,” Carlos admits, ducking his head to press his chin against TK’s shoulder. “But I do know that no matter how crazy things get, you are surrounded by an army of people who want to help you. So, be there for you dad. Do whatever you need to do to get him through this, but let others help you when you need it, okay?”
There’s a pause before TK turns to look at him, their faces close as their eyes lock. 
“Even you?”
Carlos sucks in a breath, a small smile pulling at his lips.
“All you have to do is ask, Ty. I’m right here, always.”
TK nods, his eyes shining as he presses their foreheads together. For Carlos, this moment seems completely outside of their normal friendly behavior, the lines blurring more and more as the seconds pass, but he can’t bring himself to pull away. He wants this, more than he’s ever wanted anything, so if TK’s willing to let him, he’s going to stay by his side for as long as he can.
The moment is finally broken by the sound of TK’s stomach rumbling, reminding them of the half-cooked dinner waiting for them in the kitchen. They both pull away, laughing softly. 
“C’mon,” Carlos says, holding out his hand. “Let’s make sure I haven’t burned the chicken.”
“I’ll forgive you if you have,” TK says, his tone light as he takes Carlos’s hand, rising from the chair. “Nobody’s perfect after all.”
Carlos laughs, shoving him away as he moves over to the stove. TK follows behind him, pressing up against his side to listen to his instructions, the small smile resting on his lips a far cry from his cloudy countenance when he first arrived.
The music plays on around them, keeping the roaring fire of their unexpected futures at bay for just a little longer.
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dreams-of-a-lark · 3 years
Tumblr media Tumblr media
(Lark and Elias’s first and last photos together)
January 11, 2016 7:00 AM, EST 12:00 PM, GMT
“Lark, you know I love you—”
“Mmm fair. It’s fine, I have others. How about this one? Lark, you mean more to me than—” 
“Erh! Nope. Try again.”
“Oh, come on, you barely let me start!”
“Boo hoo… I knew where you were going with it. Got anything else?”
“Just one more, I was saving this one for last. It’s the best one I have, so will you let me actually get going before you stop me this time?” 
“Maybe. Compel me and we’ll see. I want to see you dig into the deep recesses of your soul, pull out your raw, still-beating heart and lay it bare. Otherwise, what am I even here for?”
“You’re unbelievable. But fine… Ahem...” Elias closed his eyes and let out a deep, shuttered sigh, “Lark. Before I met you, I had lost almost all faith in humanity. I found it impossible to believe that anyone acted with genuinely good intentions. I was bitter, cynical, lonely… and then, just as I was on the precipice of giving up on people entirely, there you were. Right on time. This pure light, banishing all my shadows. You are everything I was once sure didn’t exist in reality, but also the most real thing I’ve ever encountered.
The sheer amount of love you have to give blows me away. Love isn’t something you keep a reserve of only for certain special people. For you, love permeates the air around you everywhere you go and anyone lucky enough to meet you or know you gets to breathe it freely. Lark, you are so good, with no expectations or conditions attached to it, but just because it’s your nature. You make me want to be better everyday now, whereas before… I was just working on the motivation to be, period point blank. 
I have had the unfathomable privilege to breathe your love everyday for the past eight years and I hope you’ve felt even a fraction of what you’ve given me reflected back to you. Because, Lark, I love you more than I have the words to say. I love you with every last bit of life in me and I want to love you and feel your love for just that long, until the very last bit of life leaves me and I’m returned to the earth. I don’t know where I’ll be in the next five, ten, fifty years, all I know is I want to be wherever you are. So, Lark Dorian Crain, will you marry me?”
A silence hung in the air accompanied only by a faint mechanical whirring and the low buzz of an LCD screen. Katie finally broke it, her voice glitching and tinny through Elias’s small laptop speakers, “Better.” She said simply.
“Seriously? That’s it?” Elias replied, his voice laden with shock and disappointment.
“Don’t get me wrong, it’s beautiful, definitely a solid start. I almost teared up a few times. But, as all first drafts go, it could use some improvement.”
“It’s not my first draft, though…”
“Eh, feels like a first draft, love.”
“You know, sometimes it’s almost impossible to believe you’re related to Lark, let alone twins?”
“To be fair, do you know anyone in our family that’s really like Lark?”
“Not related to us, stupid.”
“Mmm.. true. Ugh! Katydid... What do I Katy-do?”
“Well, for starters, you could never do whatever that just was again. Secondly, stop worrying about it, seriously. Knowing Lark, you could throw the ring across the deck and say, ‘go fetch if you wanna marry me’ and he’ll be running for it in an instant.”
Elias rolled his eyes, but smiled fondly at the thought of Lark bounding eagerly around the ship. It filled his heart whenever he thought of Lark’s joy, to think he had the power to bring so much of it to the surface baffled him endlessly.
“I’m so nervous,” he admitted.
“You don’t need to be,” Katie reassured him, “All jokes aside, it’s beautiful, and Lark loves you so much. You may not have moved me to tears, but you’ll definitely move him to tears. And then he’s going to blush like a damned schoolgirl and say yes a million times, like the sappy romantic he is.”
“You think so?���
“If he doesn’t, call an exorcist immediately, because that’s not Lark.”
Elias scoffed, but this was comforting encouragement to hear. Nothing he didn’t secretly already know, but it didn’t hurt to be reminded when he was feeling self-conscious. He breathed in deeply, filling up his cheeks with air, then puffing it back out through the small ‘o’ his mouth formed. 
“You’re right, I know.”
“I know you know. Listen, I’ve got to get back to work, love. I can call you when I get off, if you want, but you really should just enjoy your time with him today. Just act like it’s any other day... on a fancy cruise ship with the love of your life. Right?” 
Elias nodded, “Right. No need to call me back, you’re right. I’m just going to enjoy the day with him. Have a good day at work, I’m sure we’ll both call you after it happens.”
“I’ll be sure to hold the phone far away from my ear, so you all can squeal without busting my eardrums. Bye for now, then.”
“Alright. Bye Katie.”
The call ended and Elias closed his computer and looked out over the beautiful expanse of ocean surrounding the ship. Lark was still asleep in their cabin and probably would be for another couple of hours or so, it was nearly impossible to wake him anytime before 9 am. So Elias decided to stay for a while, taking in the peacefulness of the empty deck while the majority of the ship’s passengers slept, rocked by the lullaby of gentle waves.
January 11, 2016 9:00 AM, EST
Elias crept silently back into their cabin to find Lark sleeping fitfully, brows furrowed, eyelids knit tight. This was normally fairly unusual, but lately he’d been experiencing an uptick of nightmares that he didn’t like telling Elias much about for some reason. Elias eased down onto the edge of the bed and carefully lowered a hand down toward his forehead, fingers grazing across, pushing aside a stray curl. Almost instantaneously, Lark’s expression softened at his touch. It was moments like this that reminded him just how strong their connection was, the small gestures that could soothe one another’s most turbulent emotions.
He leaned down and pressed a light kiss on Lark’s cheek at which his eyes fluttered open, gazing weary oceans up at him. A soft smile, wrapt in security accompanied the gaze and Elias felt a pang in his chest as his heart skipped in response. “Morning, sleepyhead,” he sang softly to him.
Lark hummed and curled around where he sat, “Mmmmm… no.”
“No? What do you mean, no?”
“Not morning,” Lark muttered.
“It is, though.”
Lark shook his head, “No,” he mumbled, sleepiness still heavy in his voice, “still nighttime.”
“Oh is it now?” Elias asked, to which Lark nodded. Then, before he had a chance to react, he felt long arms wrap around him and pull him down and over into the bed, “Ah! Lark!” He laughed, “What’s this?”
“We sleep now,” Lark cooed, clearly very pleased with the results as he held Elias close. 
Elias let out another gentle laugh and turned to face the larger man, pressing his forehead to the other’s and cupping his face in his hands. “I love you,” he whispered.
Eyes closed, Lark gave a delighted smile. “Mhmmm,” he hummed in response, raising a hand to Elias’s eyelids in an attempt to shut them, “we sleep now.”
“Okay,” Elias giggled, “we sleep now, just a little longer.”
January 11, 2016 1:20 pm, EST
Elias woke to find Lark gone. Where was he? He rolled to sit up in the bed and checked his phone. 1:20 pm. Of course it was. With a stretch and a hearty yawn, he began to work on getting to his feet and looked around. The room was empty, the shower wasn’t going either, then he saw a shadow through the blinds leading out onto the small balcony of their room.
He opened the blinds to find Lark sitting in a wicker chair, sipping tea, gazing out over the water in placid solitude. There was a bottle of champagne and a pitcher of orange juice sitting on the table next to him, along with two champagne flutes and a bouquet of roses resting in a faceted crystal vase. Elias smiled to himself and slid open the glass door onto the balcony, coming up behind Lark who turned his head slightly towards him. 
“Good morning, sleepyhead.” Lark said, seemingly completely unaware of the irony.
“It’s nearly 1:30.”
The other shrugged, “Morning is a state of mind.”
“Okay,” Elias laughed, draping his arms around Lark’s shoulders, and kissing the top of his head, “what’s all this?” He pointed at the set up on the table, to which Lark rose from his seat, came around to hug him tight, and laid a tender kiss on his lips. 
He smiled, then turned to pour two mimosas, “Happy Anniversary,” he said, holding out a glass to Elias. 
They clinked glasses and sat on the balcony, sipping their drinks, enjoying that serene silence they could only take true comfort in with one another. Every once in a while Elias would glance over at Lark’s satisfied face, the view of the ocean sparkling in his bright eyes. It didn’t matter where they were, Elias knew, but this was perfect. He wondered if he shouldn’t just pop the question right now, but the ring stayed in his pocket, waiting for a moment more perfect than this one. 
January 11, 2016 5:30 pm, EST
Elias hopped and shimmied as he pulled on his slim fit black slacks and tucked his stark white button up into them. He sifted through his bag and spread out the various necktie options he’d brought with him — plain black, floral, black and blue stripes, matte and satin striped maroon, black bowtie with subtle gold stars. A muffled sound of happy singing came from beneath the hiss of the running shower in the background. Elias looked back toward the bathroom and smiled, then turned to eye the bowtie lying on the bed. He was no good at tying bowties, Lark would have to help him, which made it the obvious choice in accessory. 
“Lark! Hurry up, our reservation’s at 6:00.” 
The singing stopped, “What’s that?” Lark called from the bathroom.
“I said... move your butt!” he called back.
“It’s always moving, love!”
“You know what I mean.” 
“Alright, alright, I’ll be out in a minute.” 
The shower went on for a little longer, then the hissing became a light trickle and, soon enough, a thick fog of steam rolled out of the bathroom door, orange light dissipated through the clouds. Lark strolled out, towel tied around his waist, drops of water hanging from the ends of his hair and glistening on his shoulders. He eyed Elias with the untied tie around his neck. A pleased laugh escaped his lips as he inched toward Elias and tugged at the ends of the bowtie, pulling him in for a kiss.
“Did you pick this tie just so I’d help you with it?” Lark asked.
Elias shrugged, “Maybe I did, you don’t know me.”
“No, of course I don’t.” Lark smirked and gently traced the side of Elias’s face with his fingertips, taking a moment to savor the sight of him. Eight years in and seeing Lark look at him like this still made Elias’s heart race.
“We have to get a move on,” Elias muttered, breathlessly. 
Lark cleared his throat, coming back to earth, and brought his hand back down to the tie. “Right,” he said matter-of-factly, then started on the tie. He worked the ends over and under, focus woven into his furrowed brow. Elias glanced down to watch his hands move then glanced back up at him. “There,” Lark fluffed the bowtie proudly when he had finished and met Elias’s gaze again.  
“I love you.” Elias reminded him for the millionth time and pulled him down to meet his lips, running his hands through Lark’s wet hair. 
Lark responded in kind, wrapping his long wingspan tight around Elias’s waist, “I love you too,” he whispered into Elias’s lips.
“I know,” Elias said and patted Lark’s chest as they pulled apart, “Now get dressed, we have like fifteen minutes.”
January 11, 2016 8:00 pm, EST
Elias and Lark walked hand in hand across the top deck of the ship, stomachs full, hearts warm, and heads perhaps a bit too light from a day full of champagne. Above them hung a cloudless, black blanket of sky encrusted with brightly shimmering, diamond stars and the thin sliver of a waxing crescent moon. Not far from them, a band played a harmonious violin cover of “You Are The Reason” with soft percussion accentuating the background. 
Lark pulled away, still holding onto Elias’s hand at arm's length, “Dance with me?” he asked.
Elias looked around the deck at the other families and couples enjoying the night around them, “There’s so many other people.” 
“So what?”
“They might be watching us.”
“Then we’d better put on a good show for them, don’t you think?” Lark smiled, pulling him back in and holding him close. 
Elias sighed, but a blush pulled the corners of his mouth into a coy smile. He wrapped his arms around Lark’s neck and leaned into him as they spun around the deck. Holding each other like this felt equal parts due to the desire to be close to one another and the necessity to help one another remain standing. The more they danced the more the effects of the day’s drinks took their toll and it wasn’t long until they had to slow to a stop. 
“Getting a little dizzy?” Elias laughed.
“Just a little,” Lark agreed. Then his face got serious and he pulled Elias with him towards the railing of the ship to look out over the water, shimmering under the stars. 
“I don’t want this night to end,” he said as they walked.
“Neither do I…” a pause settled between them. 
“Lark—” / “Elias—” They both spoke the other’s names in unison, followed by another unison, “sorry.” Then Elias spoke alone, “You go first.”
“Oh, uh,” Lark began, thrusting his hands into his pockets. He seemed to be fidgety all of a sudden, “Well, Elias… I know you know how much I love you, but I just wanted to say… before I met you…” Was this going where Elias thought? Had they really had the same idea at the same time? Well, he’d be damned if Lark was going to upstage his proposal. He gave a knowing smirk and stepped forward towards the other, “Lark…” but suddenly… time seemed to slow.
January 11, 2016 8:15:28 pm, EST
“… sorry.” Lark squinted and shook his head slightly, slow blinking.
January 11, 2016 8:15:30 pm, EST
Lark’s knee gave out on him and he stumbled back a bit.
January 11, 2016 8:15:32 pm, EST
Elias noticed the railing behind him fell just below Lark’s hip level. His eyes widened and he reached out to him.
January 11, 2016 8:15:33 pm, EST
The railing of the ship caught the back of Lark’s thigh.
January 11, 2016 8:15:34 pm, EST
January 11, 2016 1:15:28 - 1:15:34 am, GMT
Katie slept fitfully, alone in her small, twin bed, nestled in her small, one bedroom, Hampstead flat. In her dream, a flock of seagulls surrounded a small brown bird with a yellow face, a white underside, and black accent marks across it’s chest, under its eyes and in the tufts that sat upon its head. The small bird desperately flapped its wings to stay in the air, but the gulls, ten times its size, flapped their wings with all the more force down upon it.
January 11, 2016 8:15:35 pm, EST
Lark flipped over the railing, tumbling down towards the frigid waters below. A small crowd on the deck gasped as they bore witness. Elias ran to the railing and climbed readying himself to jump in after, but, just as he was about to take the leap a couple bystanders stopped him. 
January 11, 2016 1:15:35 am, GMT
Katie sprung up in her bed and screamed, cold sweat running down her face. An indescribable feeling of unbearable loss hit her core and ricocheted through her body.
January 11, 2016 8:15:36 pm, EST
The two bystanders held Elias tight, while others ran to find crew members that could help. “NO!” Elias screamed, “LET GO OF ME! LARK!” His body, completely sober now, shook with shock and tears cascaded from his eyes. “LET GO OF ME, GODDAMMIT!” He struggled against the ones holding him, finally breaking free and running back to the railing. His eyes scanned the water, desperately searching for signs of Lark, but couldn’t make out even the slightest shadow of a body. “LARK!” He called out. “LARK!” His knees buckled and he collapsed against the railing. “HELP HIM! SOMEBODY! Do something!” His forehead pressed hard against the bars, as his voice gave out, cracking a helpless, “please…” the bustle of crew members rushing to help Lark echoed from lower decks.
“Please… Lark… help him… somebody… bring him back…” It was impossible to see through the blinding film of tears rippling across his eyes, “please… I can’t… please don’t let him be gone… I can’t… I can’t… please… I can’t… somebody… Lark… I love you… please… I can’t.” 
January 11, 2016 1:15:36 am, GMT
On the other side of the world, Katie sat alone in her bed and heaved untamable sobs for reasons wholly unknown, save for the fact that it felt like something had reached into the deep recesses of her soul and snapped her still-beating heart in half, leaving the memory of it lingering like a phantom limb. 
January 11, 2016 1:30 am, GMT
A high tinnitus whine made its home in her ears, as she tried to process what she was feeling. Then the phone rang.
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strayslost · 4 days
In another life, perhaps Ryunosuke would've looked at Kyusaku and seen someone who could understand. After all... if anyone should know the sting of Dazai's rejection, it would be them. As far as Ryunosuke knows, Kyusaku's fate of being shut away from the world and imprisoned was all thanks to Dazai - and even putting Dazai aside... he's sure that, just like Ryunosuke, their life has been full of pain from the very start.
As it is, though, right now - Ryunosuke feels very little. Perhaps it's a sign of his selfishness, his true nature as a heartless beast unable to feel a thing for someone else. All he wants has always been the same thing - to find a reason to live - and Kyusaku can't provide him that. In fact, sometimes seeing them stings, when he thinks of how they've been rejected even in spite of the power they hold... if they don't stand a chance of gaining Dazai's respect, what chance does Ryunosuke stand, as weak as he is now? What awaits him at the end of the road he's dedicated his life to following?
Thoughts like that aren't ones he wants to face, so he pushes them away. But something is strange about his feelings today. Because while that blank, apathetic smog of nothingness he feels should have him turning away and leaving, there's something that stops him... driving him to speak to Kyusaku for reasons even he doesn't understand.
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"And?" he responds to the child's question with an almost-empty gaze, something unidentifiable smoldering underneath. "Tell me... why would you come to me of all people for a reason like that?"
@theircurse ( starter for yumeno! )
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reyesstrand · 4 years
1 and 2 for the Tarlos prompts!!! I need new content to get me through this quarantine haha please
thank you for the prompts!! i hope you enjoy! 💗
all prompts taken from this list. read on AO3 here!! 
TK is surprised over how much has changed in the span of three months. 
For starters, he’s starting to feel completely open and ready to forge a permanent place for himself in Austin; TK hadn’t realized how constrained by the pressures and expectations of New York he’d felt until he experienced life with a crew like the 126. It also helped that he was able to accept and recognize the pain he was running from, and even though he still goes to therapy and meetings, he’s actively choosing things that makes him happy: like welcoming the love from Carlos and all too quickly confronting the part of his brain that told him to hide from the feelings he was very quickly developing in return. And things have been going well, now that his secrets are mostly out there in the eyes of the team and his dad’s health is starting to stabilize, slowly but surely, even though he’ll be facing down treatment for an undetermined amount of months to come. 
But now, he’s starting to have regrets about developing these friendships. All because of Grace Ryder, of all people.
Well, not really. TK loves the woman, often joking that he prefers her company over Judd’s, but when she brings childhood stories into the mix of conversation over drinks at their usual hangout after a long shift, he feels betrayed. It isn’t solely her fault — he totally blames his dad, and it starts when he gives him a look as he stirs the wedge of lemon into his water. Mateo jumps in, talking about touring firehouses with his school as a kid, propelling his lifelong desire to be a firefighter, and TK smiles at the way he always talks so passionately about what they do. But when his dad gives him a wink, a feeling of dread starts swirling in his stomach, and TK opens his mouth to stop Owen from doing what he's about to do. But it’s too late. 
“Did I ever tell you guys about how TK told me he wanted to be a firefighter?” Owen asks, and Marjan immediately throws a devilish grin his way and nudges TK’s side, before she and the others start egging his father on. 
TK runs a hand down his face. “They don’t need to—” 
“Hey, guys,” a familiar voice says from behind him, and TK exhales in relief because Carlos has come at the perfect time. A few of the others offer him greetings, and he turns and smiles softly at his boyfriend, heart beating a little faster as Carlos meets his gaze. The other day, Paul told him that they just exude being in the honeymoon phase, but TK doesn’t care, gladly shuffling over to make room for Carlos. His boyfriend immediately touches him, arm thrown over his shoulders, thumb dragging along the bare skin of his bicep just under the cuff of his sleeve, and TK almost forgets where the conversation was heading. 
“What’s going on?” Carlos asks, and TK locks eyes with his father as he starts smiling. 
“I was just about to tell everyone about a little six-year-old TK,” Owen starts, and TK buries his face in his hands as the story starts. And his dad doesn’t shy away from any of the details: a tiny TK following his dad around the apartment, or the firehouse when he got to go after school, copying everything and anything his dad did. And it got to a point where TK refused to speak unless it was as if he was responding to a call from “dispatch” — always calling out random phrases he’d picked up out of context when Owen was working. 
“Aw, baby,” Carlos murmurs, mostly into his ear as the others voice their well-meaning, teasing jests. 
Ignoring his boyfriend, TK groans, “Dad—”
“It’s my job to embarrass you, kid,” Owen interrupts. “It’s out of love.” 
He accepts that this is where the night is going when the others start lovingly sharing their own stories of TK from the months they’ve shared together; it isn’t until Carlos joins in that TK starts making a show of leaving the table, much to the dismay of the team as they start calling him to return. Before he can even get out of his chair, still smiling because this shit doesn’t really mess with him too much, despite the embarrassment caused by his own father, of all people, Carlos all but exclaims as he huffs out a laugh, “Hey, I love you, please don’t go.” 
Those first three words hit TK and he doesn’t hear anything else. He holds Carlos’ gaze and his boyfriend doesn’t falter, he just gives him a sincere look and TK’s heart starts racing. He wants to say it back but he doesn’t want to have this conversation in front of literally everyone he knows. 
“I’m staying, I’m staying,” TK jokes, trying to keep it light even though Carlos is still holding him close to him. “Alright, my turn to tell you guys about my lovely father attending his first pride parade.” 
The look Owen gives him, immediately remembering the day and where the story is going, makes everything totally worth it. 
* * *
“Hey, is everything okay?” Carlos asks, once they’ve gotten back to his place and are pointedly not talking about Carlos’ I-love-you slip earlier. 
“Yeah. I mean, it’s not everyday that your dad embarrasses you in front of everyone you know in the entire state,” TK still doesn’t know how to feel about the situation. The stories from the team were harmless and actually exposed his admittedly less then brilliant moments, but his dad’s seems to be affecting him more because he doesn't know how his boyfriend will take to learning about his childhood. Even if he got to tell the whole team about the time he was brought onto a float and serenaded by a drag queen in front of thousands of people, and a sixteen-year-old TK, who filmed the entire thing. 
Carlos frowns at him a little, bringing him back into the moment. “If it changes anything, I thought it was cute.” 
TK lifts an eyebrow at him, crossing his arms tighter across his chest. In a deadpan voice, he retorts: “Really?” 
“Yeah,” Carlos sounds earnest, like always, and TK immediately knows he isn’t lying. He cups his face in his hands and rubs his thumbs gently along his cheekbones, quickly pressing a kiss to his lips. “I mean, we all have embarrassing stories, Ty. It was kind of nice to learn more about you. I want to keep learning more about you, if you’ll let me.” 
His hands settle on TK’s shoulders, before dragging them down over his arms, gently uncrossing them so he can hold his hands.
“I was admittedly a fucking adorable kid,” TK mutters, drawing a grin out of Carlos. “I hope you know that in retaliation I’m pulling all the stories out of your mom when I meet her.” 
“You want to meet my mom?” Carlos asks, still smiling at him. TK bites at the inside of his cheek and slowly nods, the corner of his mouth quirking up. “Well, I’m sure she’ll be more than happy to pull out all of the scrapbooks. I hated it, but she loved to document my awkward high school phase.” 
“Somehow you and awkward just doesn’t make sense,” TK teases, but he softens his gaze as he squeezes Carlos’ fingers back. “I can’t wait to learn more about you, too.” 
Carlos pulls him close and kisses him deeply. TK grins into it because kissing Carlos never fails to make him feel like he’s floating. Gently knocking their foreheads together, Carlos pulls back to breathe, quietly asking: “Stay here tonight?” 
TK nods, chasing his boyfriend’s mouth. Their lips still mostly pressed together, TK tries for nonchalance as he says, “You know, you told me you loved me earlier.” 
“I do,” Carlos cradles the back of his head, and TK’s breath catches. “You don’t have to say it ba—”
“I love you, too,” TK says quickly, grinning as Carlos’ eyes light up at the declaration. He doesn’t question it as the words tumble out because it’s true, and it’s worth it as Carlos hugs him tight before practically devouring him in another kiss, nothing but happiness lighting TK up from the inside out.
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Story 2.1: Student Lounge Smoothies
(Part 1, I hope?) A confession from one athlete to another, and all the anxiety that comes with it. Sometimes you just gotta swallow that lump in your throat and shoot your shot!
Like 1.1, this story is one of my most “realistic” premises. That means a believable setup, and no magic or plot tomfoolery! Themes include wlw crushes, the dynamics of asking someone out, and other beautifully human experiences.
This is another fairly early work of mine, and it’s written from a perspective I have only partially experienced myself, so it’s a bit of an experiment! Please share constructive critique if you’ve got it.
While the following story doesn’t contain overtly sexual content, I still ask those under the age of 18 to pass on it. Also, be warned, it can take up a lot of space on your dash!
The locker room flooded with bodies quickly. It was Friday, everyone was desperate to get changed and get out, and Coach Theresa always made Friday workouts the worst. “To make sure nobody gets lazy,” she’d say. The atmosphere hung heavy with sweat and a generally ubiquitous urge to not be there longer than necessary.
         Like most of the university lacrosse team, Kate was in a hurry to split.
         “Dammit…” she whispered to herself, seeing the line forming for the showers. She hadn’t muscled her way in enough in the initial rush; most of the team beat her to the stalls. Still, she decided with a groan, they were faster than going back to her dorm.
         Not being able to do much before a proper shower, Kate waffled for time. She hang restlessly at her locker, watching small pockets of conversation ripple through her teammates. A couple of her friends passed her on the way out, and she resolved with them to hang out in the student union tomorrow night, and threw in a few jovial complaints about their Molecular Bio lab project. Kate watched a majority of the girls trickle out over ten, maybe fifteen minutes, and silently castigated herself for not pushing more every time someone left. How very freshman of her.
         Nineteen, and still can’t grow a goddam spine, she thought.
         By the time Kate finally got in and out of a shower, only a few of her teammates remained. Trish, Gina, and Dana were discussing something by their lockers, Yasmin was tying her shoes to leave, and someone whose name she tentatively thought was… Verdana? Verona? Whoever. She was stuffing dirty clothes into a drawstring bag.
         Nobody’s really focused on me… I think I’m okay to get changed, Kate reported to herself. Equal parts social anxiety, shyness over changing publicly, and shyness over her outfit made her tense and hyper-vigilant. Today even more than usual. When she’d first arrived on campus in the fall, some new friends had quietly and coyly recommended her a certain club downtown. Now was finally the Friday night Kate had mustered the courage to go out, and really experience nightlife… her parents had been pretty strict, and while she’d had her fair share of boyfriends (and a few very secret stints with some girls, as experiments), the hot, neon, underground appeal of a real nightclub represented a whole new level of tantalizing freedom. Dances, drinks, the like…
         Kate shook herself from the daydream and began to quickly put herself together. Along with clothes and shower gear, she had a makeup kit and a brush with her - she planned on meeting her friends downtown right after practice. However, after just a few minutes, less than half dressed…
         “Hey. Katelyn, right?” a voice over her shoulder asked. Kate jumped. Wheeling around quickly, she was met face-to-face by the toned, imposing figure of Quinn Baker, the team captain, standing over her. She seemed to have appeared out of nowhere.
         “Yeah! Uh - yeah. Kate. What’s up?” Kate stammered, finally regaining composure halfway through.
         “Quinn. Captain Quinn. Yeah, yeah, good to meet ya - can we talk for a minute?” Quinn was still wet, and was wearing a t-shirt and a towel on her waist - she must’ve been in the shower when Kate had scanned the room.
         “Yeah, uh - sure, what do you need?” Kate was startled sick, which turned to heavy nervousness; the only reason she could think of for a captain to be pulling aside a random freshman on a team dozens strong would be for a chew-out. Kate’s mind was racing, but she was utterly sure that that would be the last thing she could handle right now.
         “I just wanted to ask you a few things,” Quinn, noticing Kate sweating bullets, tried to ease back. “Nobody’s in trouble… but for starters, thanks for picking lax, always good to see new recruits and all.”
         “Uh, yeah, I played it through high school, wanted to stick with it here. Nice to meet you… what did you need to ask me?”
         “Well, kinda a lie, I more want to talk to you than ask you stuff. First of all, I take it you have plans tonight? You seemed to be getting dressed up in a hurry. Most people don’t wait long for shower here.”
         “Yeah, meeting some friends at a restaurant downtown. The walk back to the dorm would’ve taken longer…”
         “Fair enough. But Kate, you don’t need to bullshit me. It’s not a restaurant, is it?
         Kate began to sweat again. She didn’t mean to lie, but saying she was going clubbing to the team captain wasn’t a good plan. Quinn continued, as if reading her mind,
         “Probably clubbing or something, right? That seems a bit better fitting for a sleeved tube top and jeans. Don’t worry. Everybody’s played the fake-ID game at some point. I’m not gonna cut you from the team or anything for it. But I also take it from how buggy you are right now (and the outfit) that this is gonna be your first time. Nervous and shit, right?”
         “Right. Going to a place a few friends whispered to me about,” Kate blushed. Quinn seemed cool, anyway… she was standing really close.
         “Yeah,” Quinn leaned against the bank of lockers and folded her arms. “And I also figure you’re interested in more than drinks… you may want to stuff those in a zip pocket.”
         Kate blushed much harder, pushing the two condom packets deeper into the coin pocket on her jeans and averting her gaze. Arms folded under the chest, she couldn’t help but think, was a good look for Quinn…
         “And-“ Quinn lowered her voice, speaking subtly- “you didn’t zip your bag all the way. Those pins on the jacket in there… you’re interested in an overnight, not necessarily with a guy… aren’t you?”
         “Uh! I dunno-! I-“ Kate’s face flared red and she began to panic, eyes darting around. She clenched her bag to her chest nervously. She wasn’t comfortable pinning down a sexual preference yet, and had hoped the club excursions would help her find out. The pins on her jacket were a plan to attract anyone she could - now, mortifyingly, she was found out. By the captain of her lacrosse team, no less.
         “Listen. Calm down, or you’ll out yourself before anyone else. Don’t freak out, I’ve been there too. Most people have. I’m not gonna repeat it. But I am gonna tell you this - the age restrictions on clubs are there for a reason, and it isn’t just the booze. As a senior, let me tell you to steer clear of those joints until you’re more acclimated to the area… and maybe have a bit more confidence, with friends you’ve known longer, too. Most people there are normal, but there are creeps, and they can smell green from across the floor. Don’t worry. There are other ways to find a good time.” Quinn patted Kate on the shoulder, and left for her locker.
         Kate was numb. She was still terrified, a bit traumatized by suddenly meeting an upperclassman like that, but also… relieved. For every bit of curiosity and desire for freedom in her head, there had been three huge chunks of nervousness. Subconsciously, she’d already known what Quinn said, but it was nice to hear it from someone else. It gave Kate a justification to herself to cancel, and breathe a sigh of relief. Other ways to find a good time, Quinn repeated in her mind.
         She called her friends, getting out with the excuse that Coach had held the team after practice for a meeting, and resumed getting dressed. Torn jeans, sleeved tube top… yeah, kind of clueless attire for clubbing, she supposed. Then, the jacket… Kate pulled it out of her bag and looked at it for a moment. Leather the color of dark chocolate, cut to the rib line, the right lapel sporting a handful of pins including the pansexual pride flag. She did honestly consider herself pansexual… but she did still need to experiment, too. Kate stared at the pins. She gulped down a bold idea, steeling herself. On the bright side, at least Quinn had already broken the ice…
         Most of the girls had left the locker room by this point. Quinn herself had her bag slung over her shoulder and was headed out.
         “See ya around,” she waved as she passed Kate.
         Gulping, slinging the jacket on, and grabbing her bag, Kate started after Quinn. Her nerves were freezing over, but once she was in motion she couldn’t stop. She grabbed Quinn’s shoulder just as she exited out into the main athletics hallway.
         “Hey, um…”
         “Yeah? What’s up?” Quinn responded brightly, amazing Kate with her relaxedness.
         “Well, I really appreciate what you said. I… I needed to hear it. And you’re really cool, keeping things low-key.”
         “Yeah, uh, no problem, I mean-“
         “Do you want to get a drink with me?” Kate’s impulses pulled the trigger, for better or worse, before her anxiety could get in the way. Her heart stopped.
         “Weh- uh, uh… y-yeah. I guess so,” Quinn stammered, dumbstruck. Kate barely noticed her own amusement at the towering senior’s break in compsure, given the crushing tightness in her chest. Her heart began to pound - Quinn had actually said yes! She honestly hadn’t thought this far ahead.
         “We - uh, we could get smoothies or something from the student lounge… guess I technically shouldn’t get actual drinks with my captain right now,”
         Quinn giggled a bit. “Yeah, totally. It’s… uh…” she paused.
         Kate’s chest could barely expand for her to breathe.
         “…It’s on the way to my apartment.”
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skylarmoon71 · 4 years
Peter Stone x Reader- Chapter 4
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“I’m okay. In a few days I should be cleared for duty.” You were chatting on the phone with Rollins. “Okay, just checking to make sure you’re all good for your date today.” you sighed, regretting ever telling her about the race with Peter. “For the last time it’s not a date. We’re just two friends going to a stadium to watch a race. Completely platonic.”
“Mhmm. I’m a bit jealous though. He looks so good in his suits, I wouldn’t mind seeing him in casual clothing.” 
“Goodbye Amanda.” she giggled. “Alright, have fun!” you ended the call with a smile. Your eyes shifted back to the mirror. You were getting ready. The race started at ten am, so Peter said he’d pick you up around 8:30 since it was an hour drive. That way you’d get there with time to spare. 
You were looking for a top. When you crossed your room you caught yourself in the mirror. You froze, looking down at your stomach. The bullet wound had already started to scar. Your eyes watched it for a few more seconds before turning to put on your clothes. You just grabbed a regular nike t-shirt with a pair of dark jeans. You pulled your hair up in a bun. When you were done with your hair, you moved to grab a pair of sneakers. 
You grabbed the first ones you saw, and that's when you heard the doorbell ring. Your eyebrows raised, looking at your watch. You walked to the door, opening it. Peter smiled, stepping inside. “Am I early?” he looked at the shoes in your hand. “ A little.” you grinned. You could have been imagining it, but he seemed nervous. Your eyes admired his outfit. He was wearing a dark blue t-shirt with a pair of dark jeans. The shirt fit him a bit snugly. Not overly tight, but just enough that you had an idea of how built he was. 
“Can I get you anything, a glass of water?’
“No I’m fine.” you nod, moving to a chair to slip on your shoes. “I’m surprised you could fit this in. I forgot you’re still on the clock. I’m the one taking a mini vacation.”
“It’s fine. Olivia assured me that she’d call immediately if anything came up. So technically I’m still on the clock.” That made you feel a little better. You didn’t exactly want him running off in the middle of a race, but you also knew that someone could need him more than you did at the moment. 
“That’s good. I hope that nothing comes up though. “ when you were done tying your shoelaces you stood fully. Peter’s eyes strayed for a second over your form. He didn’t get to see you dressed so casually often. When he realized he was staring he averted his gaze. 
“We should probably get going.” you agreed, grabbing your keys on the way out. 
As you got to the stadium you handed off the tickets, practically running into the Stadium. Peter was behind, trying not to laugh at how eager you were to get in. The both of you took your seats, waiting patiently for the events to start. 
“So explain this to me, I’m not much of a track lover.” You were happy to fill him in. 
“Well, they have these events every year. The first one is the eight hundred meter run. John Wesley is the record holder. After that it’s going to be a variety of different distances on the track from people who have records in the Olympics, basically track stars.”
“So that’s why the tickets are so expensive.” you nod enthusiastically. “Worth the money though.” Your eyes moved to where some of the runners were warming up. 
“When I was in college I wanted to run in the Olympics. I got a scholarship in Track. “
“I wasn’t aware.” 
“Yeah, I guess I don’t talk about it that much. It isn’t some sad story like I got injured or anything. I met this guy in a seminar. He was a speaker for students applying to the police academy. At first I just ignored it, but then he started talking about some of the crimes he’d experience in his life. After that I couldn’t stop listening. “ 
Peter could see the passion as you spoke, it was clear in your eyes. 
“The next semester I changed my courses to crime based. When I graduated in the fall, I applied at the academy. That’s where I got to meet Cragen. “ 
The memory of the male was forever engraved in your brain. “They had representatives from each unit so the graduates could see which area they best fit in. I don’t know what it was, but something about Cragen made me want to work for him. When I actually started, it was a lot different from what I expected. “
“What did you expect?” You snickered at his question.
“Let’s just say I watched way too much crime television series.” Peter started laughing, and you were sure it was the most purest thing you’d ever heard. You giggled along with him. He leaned over, resting his hand on your thigh to keep himself upright in his laughing fit. You knew it was an innocent action, but it felt strangely nice. You sort of hoped he'd just leave his hand there. He finally straightened, to your displeasure moving his hand away. 
“You can laugh all you want, some of them are really good. And I don’t know why but they always make the characters so hot!” you exclaimed. He smiled at you. 
“I have a feeling you watch it just for the aesthetics.” you made a motion with your finger, pressing it to your lips. 
“Shhh, I don’t want anyone to find out.” 
“My lips are sealed. “ he assured. His eyes drifted when he saw someone pass with some drinks and a couple snacks. 
“Do you want anything?” 
“Ummm maybe just a coke, oh and gummy bears if they have any.” He raised a brow.
“What? Don’t judge me.” he raised his hands in a fake surrender. “Alright officer.” he spoke playfully, he stood, heading to one of the food booths. You weren’t sure why, but you found yourself looking at his figure as he got up. “Damn...has he always had such a nice butt..” you caught yourself, blushing at your own thoughts. 
“Crap! You work in sex crimes (Y/N), get a grip!!” 
Your eyes focused back on the track. “This is Amanda’s fault.” you thought begrudgingly. She really couldn’t help herself, she just had to put that weird thought in your head. 
“You’re in luck, they had the gummy bears.” Peter stepped back over taking a seat with your drink and snack. Also holding a drink for himself. “That was fast, I was sure there would be a line.” He shook his head, handing you the items. “It was relatively empty. People are still coming in.” He was right. The seats were slowly but surely filling up. 
You placed your drink in the cup holder by your hand, basically ripping open the pack of gummies. You dug in the bag, sticking a couple in your mouth. You turned when you felt eyes on you. Peter was looking at you with such a soft expression. Your cheeks darkened involuntarily. “Do you..want some?” you offered. 
“Sure.” his hand dipped in pulling out a few. He popped one into his mouth chewing. 
“Not bad.” he commented. You grinned. 
“So how is your recovery coming along. Olivia told me you should be returning next week.”
“Yeah I was cleared for duty, but I had to beg her. She said if I needed more time I could take it. But I really just want to get back to work. There’s only so much Netflix I can view. “ 
He could relate to your need to get back. He just hoped you were mentally ready to start back. Throughout your recovery, they all visited. He was at your apartment after work often, even though you insisted that you didn’t need a babysitter. You really had a hard time accepting help, but after a while you caved. You didn’t mind his company. The days would have been a lot more boring without him there, that was for sure. 
It took awhile, but the races looked like they were about to start. You were now thoroughly focused on the race. The starter raised his hand. “On your marks, set..” the capsule gun went off and you flinched. Your eyes closed and for a second you could see yourself, back on the floor at the court, bleeding out on the ground. 
Your hand moved to grip onto something, but you ended up knocking over your drink. The person next to you glared, almost getting splashed with the drink. You apologized, getting out of your seat. 
“I-I need to use the bathroom.” you hurried out of your seat, running up the stairs to get to the restrooms. You hoped Peter hadn’t been paying much attention, because you didn’t want him to get worried. Or ruin this day that he went out of his way to set up for you. 
When you got to the bathroom you entered, rushing to the sink. You splashed your face a couple times, letting out a staggering breath. You pressed your hands to your face, trying not to break down in the bathroom. “Get it together.” you slapped your face a couple times, inhaling and looking up at the mirror. You pulled out a few paper towels from nearby, wiping your face. When you were done you chugged it into the trash, moving to exit. 
When you pushed the door open you were shocked to see Peter standing out there waiting for you. 
“Stone..” he walked over, hands moving to your shoulders. “It’s alright (Y/N), you went through a traumatic event. No one is telling you to be alright. There’s nothing wrong with being afraid.” you had no idea how he knew, but he did. You closed your eyes, inhaling and exhaling. Peter rubbed your shoulders to help you relax. 
“If it's too much we can leave.”
“No, I’m fine. “You weren’t really, but the tickets were expensive, you didn’t want them to go to waste. Peter observed you, removing his hands.
“If you’re sure.”
“I am.” you turned to go back to your seat. When you got there you sat back down, so did Peter. You missed the first race, but the next one was starting. You schooled your features to look somewhat neutral. The starter prepared the runners again, and on reflex you tried to grip at the handle of your chair. You were surprised when Peter took your hand in his. Your eyes turned to him when he linked his fingers with yours. “I’m right here.” his words warmed your heart. 
You relaxed this time, and when the gun went off you didn’t react. You leaned back into the chair, comforted by Peter’s hold. The remainder of the day the both of you sat there, even cheering a couple times. At one point you glanced over at Peter, a smile on your face. 
“Thank you.” you mumbled. He didn’t respond, just squeezed your hand. 
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heronstairs2014 · 5 years
from the angst starter masterlist ... “ And I thought you loved me.” with heronstairs, maybe? :)
Thanks so much for the prompt! Let me tell you, this one hurt so much to write (but there may be an unwritten ending that may never see the light of day).
“What are you doing here?” Will asked.
“I just wanted to come and say hi,” Tatiana said, shovingpast Will and putting her bag down on the table next to the door despite him neversaying that she could come in.
Will closed the door behind her and said, “How do you evenknow where I live?”
Tatiana smiled. “Oh, I have my sources. Is Jem here?”
“He’s upstairs,” Will said as Tatiana threw herself down onthe couch. He didn’t know who he had been expecting to see when he opened thedoor after hearing the doorbell, but it certainly hadn’t been Tatiana. “Why areyou really here?”
“I told you. I just wanted to say hi.” She patted the couchnext to her and said, “Come sit down.”
Will reluctantly walked over and sat as far away from her onthe couch as he could. As soon as he did, she moved over to sit right next tohim. He instantly regretted his seating choice because he couldn’t move awayfrom her without getting up off the couch, and he was sure that she wouldfollow him to wherever else he decided to sit.
“You know,” Tatiana said, looking up at a picture of Willand Jem that was on the mantle, “sometimes I really wish that things weredifferent.”
“What do you mean?” Will asked, although he was sure that healready knew the answer. He was positive that she had never gotten over themajor crush she had had on him when they were younger and he knew that she wasjealous that he was with Jem and not her.
He was expecting her to tell him how much she loved him andhow much she wished they could be together.
He wasn’t expecting her to kiss him.
Jem had been upstairs working on a new piece when thedoorbell rang. He’d heard Will open the door, but nothing more than muffledvoices after that. He wanted to go downstairs and see who it was, but he knewthat he would forget which notes he needed to put in, so he finished up thelast few measures before getting up.
Jem’s heart stopped the second he got to the bottom of thestairs. He had thought that he would see Cecily or that nobody would be thereand Will would still be curled up in a chair and completely engrossed inwhichever book he had been reading.
He certainly didn’t think that he would see TatianaLightwood sitting on his couch and kissing his boyfriend.
Jem only saw it for a second before he turned around and ranback upstairs. He had seen everything he needed to. He couldn’t believe thatWill would cheat on him with someone he supposedly hated while he was upstairsin the house that they had bought together. He and Will had been together foralmost 4 years. How much of that time had this been happening?
How could Will do this to him?
Will was so shocked by Tatiana kissing him that he frozeimmediately. When his brain finally registered that Tatiana was kissing him,he pushed her off of him and stood up to get away from her.
“What the hell was that?” Will asked, clenching his fists inanger.
“I thought I’d give you a taste of what you’ve beenmissing.”
“Well, I’ve had a taste now, and I’m not missing anything.Get out.”
“There’s so much that you’re missing out on,” Tatiana said.She apparently had the audacity to look offended. “Why are you tying yourselfdown to Jem? There are so many better people in the world that you could be with,especially me.”
“Because I love him, that’s why.” Will went over to thefront door and opened it. “Now get out, or I’ll call the police.”
Tatiana stood up from the couch and grabbed her bag from thetable, then left with one last glare at him. He closed the door behind her andmade sure it was locked. He wouldn’t have actually called the police, but hewanted her out as fast as possible and it seemed like the perfect threat.
Will made his way up the stairs to where he knew Jem was intheir room working on a new song. He was going to tell Jem what had happened andthen just forget about it. However, when he got to their room, Jem’s suitcasewas on the bed and his laptop was closed. Jem was standing in front of thecloset and angrily throwing clothes behind him onto the bed.
When Jem turned around and saw Will, he didn’t say anythingand just glared instead. He started stuffing his clothes into the suitcasewithout folding them and then went into the bathroom to get his toiletries.
Will followed him and stood in the doorway while Jem pulledthings out of random drawers. “Is everything okay?” he asked.
“No,” Jem snapped. “Nothing is okay.”
“Can I help?”
Jem stopped what he was doing to glare at Will again. “No.You can’t help.”
Will watched Jem stuff everything into his toiletry bag andthen moved aside just in time as Jem shoved past him and went back into theirbedroom. “What’s going on?”
“I’m leaving,” Jem said.
“Well, I could give you a ride to wherever you’re going.”
“I’m leaving because of you.”
Will froze for the second time in ten minutes. He couldn’t thinkof anything that had happened recently that would make Jem so angry. “What did Ido?”
Jem closed his suitcase and zipped it up, then looked up atWill. “You know what you did.”
Will was about to tell Jem that no, he did not know what hedid wrong, but Jem grabbed his suitcase and stormed out of the bedroom beforehe could say anything.
Will followed him downstairs hoping to get some answer outof Jem before it was too late. “Can you just explain to me exactly what I didwrong?” he asked as Jem put his shoes on.
Jem finished tying his shoes and stood up, throwing the dooropen. He picked up his suitcase and looked like he was about to walk out, buthe paused in the doorway and turned back to Will. “There’s no need to explain becauseyou already know.” Jem looked Will up and down and then laughed. “And I thoughtyou loved me.”
Will opened his mouth to say that he did, but he didn’t geta chance to before Jem stepped outside and slammed the door behind him.
He still didn’t know what he had done.
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lavellanlove · 5 years
"I got you, it's okay" prompt!
Dawn Squad, Hanin, Damiros Cobre (belong to @thereluctantinquisitor) Avira, Maleus Abano, and the crew of the Samiha’s Sorrow.
(re: Soft Angst Starters)
“I got you,” it’s okay,” a rather too-pleasing and deep Antivan voice purred. 
After sputtering on water as her rescuer fetched her from the water and swam her back to the line he’d cast from the ship, it was amazing she even had the strength or air in her lungs to mutter what she’d been thinking.
But making her displeasure known was just that important.
“Oh fuck me,” she groaned, wishing it was literally anyone else in Thedas who deigned to save her life.
Damiros smirked, squeezing a half-drowned Avira a bit closer to his hip in the water. “With pleasure. But why don’t we get you on board first, yeah?”
Her last-ditch attempt to prevent the Samiha’s Sorrow from being boarded had been cut short by well…someone cutting her rope, sending her hurling into the ocean instead of her intended target of the boarding pirate ship.
What she’d have given to have the strength left to lob a big fat fireball at his stupid, sexy face. Granted, she would probably drown, but it was sounding more and more favorable.
Shuddering and cold as she tried to find her footing on deck, Damiros pressed a blade neatly to her throat, whistling sharply enough to get the Inquisition crew’s attention over the din of combat. “Put down your arms or she dies.”
The Dawn Squad and entirety of Maleus’ crew all stopped their fighting and looked to the hostage situation, debating whether to surrender their weapons or risk one of their own being killed. 
“I…am fine with it, actually,” she assured. “I’m feeling fairly ready to die.”
Whether they would comply or not seemed to fall to Hanin, his mind clearly reeling trying to figure out how he could manage to salvage the situation. 
Just when it looked like he was liable to lunge forward, Damiros pressed the blade deeper into Avira’s neck, eliciting a whimper of pain as a hot line of blood trickled down her throat. 
With what could only be described as a growl, Hanin finally set down Atisha, the others following suit, and the invading crew proceeded with tying everyone up.
“You know, you’d be a lot warmer out of all these wet clothes,” Damiros purred, nipping her ear with his obnoxiously white teeth as he sheathed his sword. “Though this time, it’s gonna have to be you tied up in ropes all night.”
“-She’s fine, thanks brother,” Ralon loudly interjected. He was about to say something else, but halfway through the thought he got caught up replaying what Damiros had just said and his mind went blank. “Wait…w…wha…/this/ time?!” 
Darren, ever-helpful, offered up his best explanation. “So…Avira’s ship was raided by him before?”Lyrene snorted.
After an excruciatingly long pause, Cyrus half-rolled his eyes and muttered, “They slept together, kid.”
Ralon laughed far too brightly. “Good one, Cyrus! But no, no they didn’t.”
Damiros chuckled. “Oh, yes. We did. Sometimes twice in one night.”
“Okay, great,” Ralon replied. “Cool! So… feel free to direct me to the plank now.”
As Ralon continued to struggle at processing this development, Avira winced and looked over at Hanin apologetically. He seemed to be less concerned about the idea of her with another man and more with fact that is was someone as unsafe as Damiros. Which given the current circumstances, fair.
Damiros turned his attention back to Avira. “In all seriousness though, I’m gonna need to take all those weapons I know you keep close to the vest. Can’t have any incidents.”
Fenedhis. She had been hoping he wouldn’t think of it. As he drew out the gratuitous process of searching her head-to-toe, any weapons he found dropping to the deck, Maleus and his Quartermaster Dores were working on their binds. “I think you are making a mistake on this one, Damiros,” she warned, trying to find ways to bide for time and distract from their escape attempt. “The captain is not flying his colors on my request, since we’re on Inquisition business, but this ship is part of the Talon’s fleet. Unless you want a quarrel with the Armada, I would let this go and be on your way.”
Damiros’ crews usually steered clear of Llomerryn for that reason: the Armada was well-entrenched there. For a lone ship, more money to be made on the fringes than in dealing with any of that lot. But it made no sense for them to have any accord with the Inquisition, so he wasn’t buying it. “You’re creative, I’ll give ya that,” he replied, not thinking too much of it.
Maleus did not like to invoke the name, but desperate times called for desperate measures. “I will issue this warning only once,” he said, trying to muster as much bravado as he could. “I am the eldest son of Ianto Abano, Terror of Llomerryn. The girl speaks the truth; you are attacking a ship of the Talon fleet. So unless you have about two dozen more ships and crews where this one came from, any harm you bring to my crew or our passengers is only ensuring your own oblivion.”
Damiros regarded the well-manicured man for a moment, then snorted. “Right. And I’m the Empress of Orlais.”
Maleus gestured with his head. “Fine. If you want proof, look at the colors in the chest by the stairs.”
One of the other crew members of the Red Herring did end up looking, holding up the black flag with a red talon and trying to mask their concern.
Damiros paused and considered. Just for a moment. It seemed a distant threat, and he owed just a few too many seedy characters a bit too much gold to pass up this kind of gold for the risk. “Then we best make this quick,” he decided.
“That should be no issue for you,” Avira retorted.
Damiros let out a dangerous sort of laugh, low in the throat. He’d have left it at that, but his crew was watching. He had a reputation to uphold.
He backhanded her hard across the face.
He wouldn’t have thought anything more of it save for the look of utter betrayal in her eyes. 
“Careful that lip doesn’t get you killed, girl. You’d be quite a waste as fish food.”
With that, he pushed back away from her, avoiding eye contact with his little brother and storming below deck. Better to keep his head down and get this raid over with before that inconveniently stubborn scrap of morality he still had complicated things.
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sp4c3-0ddity · 6 years
Smack, Kiss, Fall in Love - Part Seventeen
tag, you’re it @hailqiqi (for real this time)
confession:  this ended up being not even that different from what i originally posted BUT i also like it better because it takes something that i TOTALLY FORGOT ABOUT into account. also i am no longer mentally beating myself up, which is also good. so i hope you like it!! <3
(that being said, i’m way over the word limit at 1384 words. hail, you have my permission to go loose on the next part ;_;)
Previous Parts:  1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16
Sleeplessness and the constant buzz of work on the eve of their most important battle put Pidge on edge while they stayed on Olkarion, and even the great forest beyond the marvelous city couldn’t calm her the way it did the first time.
Sleeplessness, work, her family, and…Lance.
His eyes hadn’t so much as met hers since that doomed quarrel, and she couldn’t get his words out of her head.
“We can return to Earth.”
Pidge tossed and turned in her bundle of blankets underneath her desk in the Green Lion’s hangar. The hard floor dug into her shoulder, keeping her from getting comfortable, but even after Shiro insisted she go to bed her room held little appeal.
Guilt gnawed at her without a task to occupy her hands and her mind - guilt and frustration that Lance avoided her so thoroughly.
If only he’d give her the chance to explain—
Pidge needed a distraction.
She shoved her blankets away and perched on the edge of her stool, pulling her computer towards her. With her lip between her teeth, she watched the footage she found of Matt’s escape for the umpteenth time, hoping that something new - as if she hadn’t already poured over it enough - would stand out.
But this time the blurry projection only reminded her of how far she little she knew - and of Slav.
What sort of state would her brother be in when she found him? And never mind Matt - what of her father?
Soon she could seek them without Voltron tying her down, she told herself. Soon Pidge could explore the far reaches of the universe, and soon…Lance would be back on Earth.
Pidge rubbed her weary, itching eyes. She shivered, a chill creeping into the hangar and into her body, and wrapped a blanket around her shoulders.
It wasn’t enough, not when it wasn’t long ago that she didn’t sleep alone.
With the specter of the future weighing on her mind, Pidge stood and crept from the hangar, her feet treading the familiar path to Lance’s room…
…only for his voice to drift from the kitchen as she passed it.
“…don’t know, Hunk. It just feels like we’re caught in some dance.”
“One step forward and three steps back?”
“Something like that,” Lance grumbled, his voice muffled as if he spoke into his arms. “I mean, can you believe she didn’t even tell me her name?”
“I actually can,” Hunk replied. “You ever think of talking to her about it?”
“Oh, not you too…” Pidge leaned forward, straining to hear Lance’s words as they pitched lower. “I know we - all of us - might go our separate ways after this, but…”
“But?” Hunk prompted.
“I don’t know.” Lance sighed.
“Well, now’s the time to—oh, hey, Pidge!”
Pidge’s eyes widened as she accidentally stepped within the range of the sensors, the door sliding open before her to reveal Hunk, his eyebrows flying so high they nearly disappeared under his headband, and Lance slumped over the bar.
Lance spun around so fast he slipped off his stool, landing hard on his back. He groaned as he rolled onto his side, and Pidge, alarmed when he curled in on himself, sprinted towards him.
“Lance, are you—”
“I’m fine,” he said, waving her away and sitting up, rubbing his shoulder. “I’ve had worse.”
“Yesterday you were moaning about stubbing your toe,” Hunk pointed out.
Pidge bit back an involuntary snicker as Lance turned red and retorted, “It quiznaking hurt, okay?”
“I guess this means you don’t want an ice pack this time then?” Hunk guessed, crossing his arms.
“Wait, no, hand me one!” Lance raised his hand. “Toss it to me!”
“Why me?” Hunk said. “Pidge can get it for you.”
Pidge gaped, but when Hunk jerked his head towards the freezer, she jumped into action.
It took her far enough away that she could hear the two of them conversing in angry whispers, but as she turned back with a towel-wrapped bundle of ice in one hand, Hunk clapped Lance on his uninjured shoulder and fled.
Lance glared after him, but something in his eyes softened when Pidge crouched beside him. “I can do that,” he muttered, his gaze fixed on the floor. “It’s not even that bad.”
“It’s fine.” Pidge pressed the makeshift ice pack to his shoulder. “Don’t want to hurt your shooting arm right before a battle.”
Lance snorted. “I kind of need both arms to aim properly.”
At a loss for words, Pidge said nothing. But when Lance shifted, she opened her mouth, fearful that he’d leave before she found the words she needed, until—
“Why didn’t you tell me?” he asked, voice low.
“Why didn’t I tell you what?” Her heart pounded, anxious about everything that could come next, but she kept her eyes down, not sure she wanted to see the expression on his face.
“Your name,” Lance said. “Your real name.”
“I don’t know,” Pidge admitted. She switched her hands, flexing the cold one to work some warmth into her fingers. “I…guess I didn’t think it was all that important.”
“Pidge, it’s your name.”
“I’m aware.” She rolled her eyes. “I think I just got so used to being Pidge - I went almost a whole year without anyone calling me Katie - that I never thought to be Katie again.” She sighed but finally found the wherewithal to look up.
Lance met her gaze, making the tightness in her chest unravel. “You’re weird, Pidge…or, uh, should I call you Katie now?”
Pidge shook her head and said, “That would be weird now, especially from you.”
Lance smiled. “That’s fair. And, uh, you don’t need to ice that anymore.” He tapped her hand.
Pidge dropped the ice pack and rubbed her hands together. After some internal battle crossed Lance’s face, he took her hands in his warmer ones.
A familiar and welcome flutter filled her stomach.
Pidge bit her lip, her eyes on their joined hands, and said, “I’m sorry, Lance.”
When he didn’t respond, she dared a glance at his face.
“Look, Pidge…” He let go of her hands, leaving them colder than before he held them. “I like you, but this whole…thing between us is getting on my nerves.”
Her damn heart skipped a beat at hearing it so plainly. “I-I like you too,” she said. “I just…I didn’t mean to push you away like that.”
“Oh, so that’s why you insult me afterward?”
“What? I don’t insult you!”
“Oh, really?” Lance raised an eyebrow. “Remember Beta Traz when you couldn’t believe I was a sharpshooter?”
“I…” Stunned and with a guilty twist in her heart, Pidge sought for something to say before settling on, “You proved me wrong, didn’t you?”
“I—” A flush filled Lance’s cheeks, an endearingly goofy smile stretching his face, and he said, “I guess I did, huh?”
“Yeah.” Pidge returned his smile, but it faltered when she remembered her purpose here - their last face-to-face conversation, and the one she desperately didn’t want to be the last. “I shouldn’t have said that. You mean a lot to me, Lance.”
“I believe you, Pidge, and we don’t have to date if you don’t want to.”
Maybe she did…but before she could contradict him, Lance continued, “I get that you still haven’t found your family—”
“—and you want to return to Earth after this fight,” Pidge said, her heart growing heavy again.
“Yeah.” Lance took her hand in his, gaze locked onto them - on his blue palm pressed to hers.
“So what about…us?” Pidge wondered, tone almost a whisper.
“For starters, you got any other game-changing secrets?” Lance flashed a slight smirk, something that made a pleasant warmth spread through her chest. “You have an evil twin I should avoid?”
Pidge laughed, feeling lighter than she had in a long time - almost impossibly light for the eve of a battle. “Do you know what time it is?”
“Uh no…” Lance’s eyes narrowed. “Time to sleep?”
“That too,” she said, “but I was thinking…do you want to watch the sunrise with me? Something pretty to see before we take down Zarkon…”
Lance’s suspicion gave way to a smile, and Pidge’s soulmark grew warm. “That sounds perfect to me.”
To be continued
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