#tyrus everything
neonjstr · 7 months
BCS x Mario Party
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litrallytyrus · 10 months
rewatching the tyrus storyline and kira wanted tj so bad it’s embarrassing like she was really throwing herself onto a boy who was clearly giving major heart eyes to his boy best friend right in front of her . like omg she didn’t give a fuckkk she was like i can change him 😍 and she was so wrong like nobody has ever been more wrong
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sapphosclown · 1 year
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1986 by @captainkippen
“I think while I was falling in love with you I was finally falling in love with myself.” “I feel the same way,”
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bearenjoyers · 1 year
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last time they were ever on screen together .
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msommers · 1 year
hm. elide's never had it easy with her love interests huh
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slashingdisneypasta · 5 months
MultiVillains x Reader || Reactions
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Topic: You move into an apartment in a dodgy neighbourhood.
Characters Included: (Rarin'-to-Fuck) Buck, Dr Peter Andover, Erik Destler, Freddy Krueger, Bonus!Jason Voorhees, Ian Essko, Bonus!Madame Blavatski, Inkubus, Jim Bickerman, Bonus!Reba, Doom Room's MC, Minister Kratski, Stuart Lloyd, Wayne Jackson, Bonus!Norman Tyrus and Bonus!Dale Acton.
Tagging: @ghouletka , @grav3yardgirl , @marinerainbow , @masqueradeball , @thecourtofgraywaves , @yesthetrashbin and @your-mxnd-is-mxne .
Rarin'-To-Fuck Buck: *Stays right by the window where he can see his car so it doesn't get stolen* "Uh... nice place... " (You: Thank you! I was so jazzed to find it on the market!, it has a dishwasher and everythin- ) "I was kidding Y/N this place is a fucken dump. Lets go- "
Dr Peter Andover: "... no." (You: What. But- ) "We have rooms at the clinic, you can stay there." (You: I cant live at the clinic- ) "Ohhh yes you can."
Erik Destler: "Oh, this is near to the brothel I used to- Ehem. I mean, Y/N this is a very nice, uh... home... you found, here... " || He wants to sweep you away but also he doesn't want you questioning him on that first bit XD So I guess he's just gonna have to stalk you all the time ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ With love. For your safety.
Freddy Krueger: "You couldn't find an actual house?? Oh, and wouldja look at that! Guys with guns. *Waiving out the window* Hey fellas- " (You: Newsflash Fred its not the 60's anymore old man and you cant just b u y a h o u s e !! And put your hand down- )
Jason Voorhees: *Nope. No- Jason will not let you stay here XD He takes one look around, picks you up, and leaves.*
Ian Essko: "What filthy-fucking-hell... Oh! Wait wait wait- " (You: Don't you dare take out that black light Ian.) "What? Afraid of what you'll find in this house of horror!??"
Madame Blavatski: "Oh- this is nice. Lovely. I lived in a home just like this in my stripping days in Russia! Very lovely, very good. And you have drug dealers just two doors down, which is convenient. I already visited, they're very nice boys, and I bought you welcome-to-area 'blow'- da? They even gave discount!" *head pats*
Inkubus: *He's very calm, listening to you talk about it and show him all around, until the very end* "Y/N, love, may I ask something of you right now?" (You: Oh- sure? ^^) "Wonderful. Uh, don't be here between eleven and 3 tomorrow." (You: Why?- ) "Mmm, no particular reason... do you think these beams are good and flammable?" || If it is not clear- the man is going to burn your apartment building down so you don't live here, anymore.
Jim Bickerman: *He's been walking around peering out the windows shaking his head. When he finally looks at you waiting for his thoughts, he flashes a big smile.* "We're going gun shopping." (You: Oh no we are NOT- )
Reba: (You: So! ^^ What do you think?) "... well I noticed the police station a block away, I liked that feature."
The Doom Room's MC: "Well its better then my place, at least."
Minister Kratski: *not getting outta the limo*
Stuart Lloyd: "Y/N I saw some hooligans just down the street with switchblades. I don't think this area is safe." (You: Oh don't worry, I have a plan! ^^) "*Genuinely relieved* oh, great. Wh- what is it?" (You: I got these really big ass boots from the charity store- and I'm going to keep them just outside my door so everyone walking by thinks a lumberjack lives here!) "... ... Y/N- "
Wayne Jackson: *He's very quiet. Just wandering in and out of rooms, lookin' around* (You: ... Wayne, is everything okay?) "... preeetty sure I lived here in the 70's. Cant be sure, though." (You: Oh- ) *Pulls an open door away from a wall* "Ah! I did! Heheh, I made that w in bullet holes."
Norman Tyrus: "... no." (You: Norman- ) "Nope." (You: Not another place, Norman- ) "You're moving. You're not staying here." (You: I'm gonna stop showing you my new places.) "How about ya just find a place that doesn't have bullet holes in the front fucken door?" Dale Acton: "OH!!! I know those guys upstairs, I used to buy coke from them a couple years back! Until a deal fell through at least... hey, don't tell 'em you're with me. You'll be fine. We probably shouldn't be seen together, though, so uh... bye babe- "
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keeponkippenon · 3 months
Cyrus Coming Out (1st Time) - s2 ep1 "Hey, Who Wants Pizza?"
Don't know what it is about this scene, but even though it's been years since it first aired, I still get chills when I watch it. Something about the emotion and the support that comes from Buffy, just gets to me. Not to mention it was SUPER unexpected at the time, especially since this is Disney we're talking about.
I absolutely love Cyrus' arc from here out, despite it being mainly in the background. From his unrequited feeling's for Jonah, to his requited feelings for TJ, and ESPECIALLY to his closeness and bond with Buffy who supported him through everything (plus Andi to a lesser degree, but still prominent!). Cyrus is one of the best queer Disney characters represented on Disney Channel itself, in comparison to their countless queer shows/characters on Disney+.
And the fact that they didn't over or under do it, was a nice touch to it all (even though I personally don't mind "in your face" queer characters).
I just really wish more people watched this show, and would talk about Cyrus as a character more often. I feel like I really only see people not knowing the show, or calling it cringe these days. I like our small community, but it still bums me out sometimes.
Just one Tyrus mention Disney, please 😔
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imagineitdearies · 3 months
Perfect Slaughter (26/36)
Read it on ao3 😊
Pairing: Astarion/Tav, Astarion/Original Male Character, Astarion & Cazador Szarr
Summary: A low-born drow, with aspirations for necromantic wizardry, finds none of the hospitality he expected from his new noble patron, Cazador Szarr. Quickly he loses his life and future, his hopes and dreams—only to find something new to fight for in the unlikely arms of Cazador’s least favorite spawn. Aka let's throw a Tav into Astarion's backstory!
Very dark content/themes, please check the tags!!
Excerpt from chapter 26:
Astarion watched Tyrus approach with growing apprehension, still glancing around as he asked, “Tyrus . . . ? What are we . . . ?”  The tension in his shoulders lessened some when Tyrus wrapped his arms around them, the other spawn gusting out a sigh and quickly resting his head on Tyrus’s shoulders. “I was so worried about you—I’m glad he didn’t keep you long, at least,” Tyrus breathed out, gently rocking him. “About me? Leon is back in the favorite spawn room,” Astarion protested. “I had no idea what became of you, if you were punished or sent away—” “Everything’s alright,” Tyrus said as he ended the embrace, and it was only half a lie.
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captainkippen · 2 months
HELLO ! feed me tyrus date headcanons please !! or literally any andi mack headcanons i love seeing everyone’s thoughts <333
Oof, it's been a while since I've done one of these so you'll have to excuse me if I'm a lil rusty!
• Their first official date is dinner at The Spoon and bowling. It's supposed to be chill, but Cyrus absolutely has a mini meltdown to Buffy and Andi right before. It takes until he sees TJ to calm down and remember it's just TJ.
• They hold hands under the table the entire time and get so absorbed in their conversation they almost forget to order food (baby taters is of course the main event).
• Afterwards they go bowling and play a surprisingly competitive game. TJ kinda loves how excited Cyrus gets when he's winning. It's cute.
• When TJ gets his first car the first thing he does is plan a surprise date to a drive-in theatre. They break down half way there and end up having a bizarre picnic of movie snacks out beneath the stars while they wait for roadside assistance. It didn't go as planned, but Cyrus maintains it's one of the most romantic dates they've ever had, especially since TJ lent him his jacket when it got chilly.
• When they're older they have a set Date Night™ every week (scheduling is a nightmare otherwise). At first they tried to plan exciting new things every time (rock climbing was a mistake and they ended up in the ER) but they've since learned the best dates are the ones where they get to spend hours talking and snuggling up together. They've yet to run out of things to discuss. Other couples keep telling them it'll happen, but Cyrus is pretty sure he and TJ could talk about the freakin weather and still have it be the most absorbing thing in the world. They just need each other and they're set.
• The worst date of their lives is also the best. Everything that can go wrong does. It's the middle of the week, they're both tired, work is hectic, the lease on their apartment is almost up and they still haven't managed to find a new one. TJ burns dinner by accident and gets so annoyed he kicks the oven. It breaks.
• Now, while TJ still has his moments, it's been a long time since Cyrus has seen him react to frustration like that. He's a little alarmed by the reaction, so he loops his arms around him, hooks a chin over his shoulder, and tells him that the charred lumps of misery are just "extra flavour, really, I bet it'll taste great!"
• TJ can't not laugh at that.
• Cyrus heads over to the refrigerator to dig out leftovers instead. It's pretty barren, but when he turns around to ask if TJ just wants to get takeout he finds his boyfriend down on one knee.
• Turns out TJ was frustrated that the night he was planning to propose hadn't gone perfectly. It didn't matter in the end though, all he needed was Cyrus.
• After fifteen years, two breakups (they were angsty teenagers and both times it lasted like... A Minute), and roughly five hundred or so dates, Cyrus says yes.
• Best date ever.
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themadknightuniverse · 11 months
Red Lie Chapter 8 : Lying from you
“At first, most people think Lalo devoid of self control. Overly interested in everything. Some even thought the man to be friendly. Ignacio knew better. Or rather, he thought he knew better. And he did, in a way. But he could never imagine what his success would unfurl. Because Ignacio realized that once you caught the real interest of Lalo Salamanca, things becomes entirely bloodcurdling.”
An exploration of Nacho’s character, and using his perception of the world to analyze Lalo along the way. And how they inevitably fall in love.
Their eyes met. Ignacio's breath caught in his throat at what he found in them. They were as dark as he saw them in his memories. They were cold, so cold, so sharp. But what made his blood ran cold was the singular light shining there. And for the first time since he saw it in these black orbs, Ignacio wondered if it was really an invitation from the start. Because now all it looked like was a promise for an excruciating death.
Ignacio tried to hold Lalo's gaze, breath stilling here and there unconsciously, driving him into an uneven pace. It wasn't helping him to clear his mind, nor to slow the furious speed of his beating heart. After barely a minute he ended up being the one to break the eye contact. He was still in shock. He had truly believed Tyrus. He wanted it to be the reality too much, maybe. He felt like he was stepping right back inside the walls of the hacienda. Except the life inside the walls has disappeared. As he stepped inside, he had to face the consequences. He had to carefully step around the bodies laying on the ground, trembling feet carefully avoiding the puddles of blood. All these lives ended, all these sacrifices, the waiting, the act, for nothing.
“Are you okay?”
Ignacio almost startled at the sound of Lalo's voice. It was a strange mix of coldness and care. It sounded fake. Are you okay? How much time just passed by? Ignacio dropped his head, shut his eyes, and took a breath in. Of course he wasn't okay. He was really lacking sleep, he barely ate anything, his injury was bleeding again. And now he was attached to a chair in a dark room god knows where, with three Salamancas wanting him dead. That was Lalo's plan? Play with him before making him pay?
“You look a little pale.” Ignacio opened his eyes, gritting his teeth, and looked in Lalo's direction, not meeting his eyes, but just to keep him in his line of sight. “Did you see a ghost or something?”
Ignacio almost expected Lalo to laugh at his own joke. He could hear it, the dark sneer. But there was only the silence. Lalo surely would have if the circumstances were different. He would have if so many lives haven't been erased. If it wasn't him sitting in this chair.
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maygrcnt · 2 months
I remember writing tyrus fic after the infamous double dribble scene aired. i was like ok, this drives a wedge between tj and cyrus that does not resolve until deep in their high school years. I was fully prepared to write the fic all the way through their high school years and an epilogue where they got married many years later as adults. realistically I don’t think the two of them last until then bc. like they’re like basically barely lived they’re like 13 and 14 respectively but the romantic in me says they do
SHUT UP ABOUT COSTUME DAY ILL NEVER BE OVER IT. i remember when we thought they were gonna be salt and pepper and then their goofy asses come along with a sweet little costume based on an inside joke 😭 it was the cutest shit ever and then it was the most PAINFUL thing. oh tj kippen you little sad boy and your internalized homophobia storyline on DISNEY CHANNEL. he means everything to me.
i always thought they could go the distance, but with a little breakup era after high school when cyrus goes to a big brain school for stem and tj gets a basketball scholarship to a state school super far away, but to me they will ALWAYS find their way back to each other. there’s a certain soulmateism that they exhibit heavily
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ivestas · 2 years
Can I request some gus fluff or atleast hurt/comfort?? if you could, maybe do a part 2 to this?
the broken hornet nest
Part one: LINK 
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Summary: You’re told to drive Fring back to his house. 
Word count: 1.3k
Warnings: spoilers for BCS s6 (entirety), very mild canon divergence, yet another mental breakdown(?) 
Note: anon, I propose to you something even better; a hurt/comfort part 2 of that fic??? jhehehehhehe i think thats a good idea 
It was evening time.
“You think they killed him..?” Victor muttered to Tyrus, whose face remained contemplative—then again, he always looked contemplative and calm. “There’s no way they’d believe Hector? Right?” 
Tyrus exhaled, almost bored. “Who knows?” He shook his head. “Probably not, though. Hector doesn’t have anything. Lalo’s buried, and so are the cameras and shit.”
“Mm.” Victor seemed unsatisfied with the answer. He opened his mouth but clamped it the moment a car appeared from a distance. 
Its lights blinked, and it only took you a second longer to realize that wasn’t just any car, but Gustavo’s. 
Suddenly, the silent buzzing of your brain erupted in noise. 
But, you were conscious of how your body presented itself; masking a face of calm, you waited as the car drew forth into the lot of the chicken house.  The same one that his lackeys and he had forced you and Nacho into submission, to join. 
“You took what I wanted, and now, your lives are mine and mine alone.” The venom in Gustavo’s voice was unfamiliar but commanding, and it stuck fear into you—not for death, no. 
But him. 
He had stared at you for a moment too long, and when you looked into his eyes, an abyss of dark and fire reflected back. There was no kindred brush of humanity—this was not a man, but a being bundled together by blood-laden promises. 
Someone called your name.
Your head snapped up, and it was Mike who stood there. 
Mike was looking at you strangely, but his voice betrayed nothing; “Mr. Fring needs you to drive him home. He drank.” 
You saw that the car was neatly parked, and in the passenger seat, you could make out the vague silhouette of Gustavo. 
“Victor’s gonna drive your car back home,” he said. 
Ah. That’s why he and Tyrus were in your car..?
Why’d you not notice that sooner? 
“Just go, kid. He’s waiting.” 
You nod. 
Briskly, you walk past him and pause for only a second to see Victor drive your car off before slipping into the driver’s seat of Gustavo’s car. 
There was a hesitance that dictated your movements, making them a little jerkier than what you wanted, a little obvious. 
When you sat, you acknowledged Gustavo with a nod, quick to secure the seatbelt. “Hello, sir.”
He looked at you. “Hello.” 
And, like a nervous schoolgirl, you averted your gaze and set your hands on the steering wheel. 
You were hyperaware of every move, and you hated it, fuck—your breathing felt too loud, your face too fucking warm, and your heart?—God, he could hear it, couldn’t he?—
A deep chuckle paused your swirl of thoughts. 
“I don’t bite, you know,” Gustavo said. “No need to be so nervous.” 
You breathe, your knuckles whitening as you clutched the steering wheel and carefully turned it. “I’m sorry.” Guilt pressed against the back of your neck like the blade of a guillotine.
“Don’t be. I understand.” Warmth lined his words. 
“I’m forced to work with the man that killed him, just the way you are.”
Your foot pressed a little harder on the gas than you intended, shooting the car into the road. 
God, having him this close was madness—memories of Nacho, and then of Gustavo, they all slam against each other, hurling you farther and farther down an unclimbable pit. 
Self-hatred was what it has evolved to; you did well at pretending everything was normal and well back at home. Back where his presence didn’t burn you. Back where you could shove away memories of that night—
“I’m glad, because I feel the same.”
You nearly choked on the air. 
A part of you begged to turn away and hole out those sinful thoughts, each slathered in feelings of betrayal—Gustavo, Gustavo, Gustavo—
Nacho, forgive me.
Please, forgive me? Please? 
But that was merciful. Forgiveness, for you? You’re too far gone. Atonement came in blood, but you didn’t have the fucking heart.
“Something’s tearing you apart, isn’t it?” 
Again, your brain froze at the sound of his voice, pushing everything to a halt. 
But guilt lingered. 
“I…” Should you be honest? Or lie? Was there a ‘right’ to this? What do you even do?
“Just talk.” His words were gentle. “Say anything.” 
Your breath shakily. “Could we, maybe, park the car somewhere? I can’t—I might—”
“Yes. Just pull over here.” 
‘Here’ being the open desert field with nothing in sight. 
You didn’t care though. You were more than eager to pull over to buy time—time for what, you weren’t sure at all. 
But when you stumbled out of the car, you shut the door and lean against it for a second. Your body was actively working against you, sucking out all energy you possessed and leaving you heaving with unbreakable thoughts—and those thoughts compounding to hit your skull. It almost made you feverish, and the answer to why was there—
—just as that answer is the same antidote to your slow, proverbial destruction. 
The crunch of gravel makes your head turn, and you saw that Gustavo was approaching your side of the car. 
He, however, didn’t say anything, nor seemed irritated at your state; he quietly slid by your side, standing still and staring at the shadowed landscape. 
He only said one word: “Talk.” 
You hated how easy it was to follow that command—and you loathed the underlying flutter of comfort that shot through you, a warmth that washed the guilt away like water over a wound. 
“I… you said that you still worked with the same people that killed your brother.” 
He turned his head to you and nodded. 
It was hard to hold his gaze, but you did so. 
“Then, do you feel guilty? Because you’re working with them?” 
“No,” he smiled. “Because I plan to toss them away like stones.” 
You stare at the ground. When you spoke, your voice was small—almost pathetic. “I don’t think I’ll be able to function much longer. I—fuck, it’s hard to put into words, but…”
The words were scary, but you said them anyway. “But I feel as though he’ll never forgive me. As if, the longer I, uh, humor what’s between us, he’ll hate me more and more.”
The words became harder, and for a moment, you couldn’t help but freeze. Speaking so openly—it felt wrong. Especially to Gustavo Fring, of all people. 
But, strangely, it felt right at the same time. As if he were the only person in the world who could properly understand—or, perhaps, the only person you could…
“Just call me Gustavo—” 
“Could you tell me something? Please?” 
Now you looked at him, and what you saw was a dilemma. 
Betrayal, or atonement.
“If I trusted you, what would you do?” You fully turned to him. You decide. “If I gave you my complete and undying faith, what would happen?” Would I come to regret it? Or regret not doing so sooner? 
Gustavo regarded you with a strange expression, one you couldn’t decipher at all. 
But you just stood there, watching his face, watching emotion flash like a film reel—each emotion as unreadable as the next. 
And then, he extended an open hand, palm upward. 
“I would cherish that trust,” he said quietly. “As though it were my own soul.” 
In his eyes, at that moment, you knew what he said was no lie. It was truth, illuminated in the moon’s gentle light that cradled Gustavo’s face. 
You set your hand on his. Then, with your other hand, you hesitantly set it on the back of his. You glance at him. 
He smiled warmly, eyes crinkling at the corners. 
“You’re mine,” you whispered. 
His smile grew. “I always was.” 
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Rating BrBa Characters On How They Hit The Gritty
Walter White
2/10 Absolutely disrespectful.
Jesse Pinkman
8/10 He’s popping his pussy hitting the gritty.
Skylar White
3/10 She’s hip with it but only slightly better than Walt.
Hank Schrader
6.5/10 It’s kinda foul but pity points because he got shot.
Marie Schrader
3/10 She think she hip with it but it just ain’t it.
Flynn White
5/10 He put his heart into it and that’s all that matters.
Holly White
0/10 Disrespectful and utterly foul.
Gustavo Fring
6/10 He did it for charity.
Mike Erhmantraut
5/10 He’d only do it for Kaylee but he’s as sturdy as an old man can get with it.
Saul Goodman
7/10 Sturdy with it. His wife cut it out of the commercial though. :(
Lydia Rodarte-Quayle
1/10 She gets one point more than Holly for mobility but it’s just as disrespectful.
Todd Alquist
6/10 Did it on ——’s grave for the giggle.
Skinny Pete
7/10 Taught Jesse everything he knows.
9/10 Sturdy and Jesse’s mad jealous.
8/10 He hopped on the bandwagon and near demolished it if it weren’t for Badger.
Tuco Salamanca
6/10 Don’t tell him I said that though.
Hector Salamanca
2/10 For a paraplegic he’s still somehow better than Lydia and Holly combined.
Steve Gomez
6/10 Only did it because Hank called him a pussy.
Gretchen Schwartz
4/10 No one is actually sure what they saw.
Elliot Schwartz
4/10 Painstakingly average.
Ted Beneke
5/10 Sturdy but average before his rug tried to take him offline.
Jane Margolis
10/10 She’s perfect.
7/10 Did it when Tyrus wasn’t looking.
7/10 Was looking when Victor did it and hit it looking him dead in the eye.
Gale Boetticher
4/10 Something about the way he hits it is just average despite his extensive research.
Marco Salamanca
6/10 Pretty sturdy but just ok.
Leonel Salamanca
3/10 On account of no legs. :(
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toskarin · 11 months
VesalBlood Reader Poll #1
so I'm going to try something just because I like the idea of reader surveys and understand the inherent bias of reading an audience solely through comments from people who feel safe leaving them
introducing the first of hopefully many VesalBlood polls, where I'm going to periodically check in on what people find interesting about the setting and its characters
this isn't going to change the way stories go or anything, because I've got everything I'm planning to make planned out up to at least December of this year. think of it more as me seeing if things are being received the way I intend them to be, or if I'm off the mark entirely
to repeat: this isn't a direct "what should I do next" type of poll, but is a way to check in with readers instead of just telling you about my side of production. I might even put out surveys sooner or later, but that's way more involved than doing polls
anyway, here's question 1: listed below are the primary characters of Diesem Fernen Traum. of these, which are you most interested in hearing more about? this is not necessarily your favourite character
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Let's Rewind! Toast watches Voltron: Defender of The Universe (1984)
Season 1, Episode 27: The Green Medusa Season 1, Episode 28: Treasure of Planet Tyrus
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Ty Lotor for the lore, Planet Medusa was hit with a solar flare that put all of its people into a coma, his plan is to snatch one and let it loose on Arus ofc The sad part about this is that they picked a mother who lost her children, so she's having the worst time
I like the design for the Medusan, just wish it had more flair and no boobs,, is this woman not reptilian why does she have breasts
Ah there's the namesake, when angry the Medusan can grow pretty large, their hair transforms into snakes, and ya guessed it, their laser vision turns enemies to stone she looks a lot more monstrous in this form, a better look imo
Hey a scene from before is reused! We're back on Arus now and the scene of people crowding around lance pidge and hunk for their offer of food from the episode where Sven got got was reused for them calling for orphans since Allura is using part of the castle as an orphanage now A sweet gesture, wish there was more info about it
Back at the castle, an infant apparently chose Keith to be their foster dad oh, I am so making either an AU or a HC from this scene omg
PIDGE LORE he's an orphan! And adopted out of the system recently from what it looks like
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His adoptive parents <3
aw no Pidge,, he still wishes to have his biological mother with him, that's always a hard wish to have, not that I can comment much on it as I'm not adopted
Attack time and the team is already in their lions wow, no launch animation sequence? Amazing
AND NO ANNOUNCEMENT ABOUT THE MEDUSAN? THIS ISN'T THE USUAL EPISODE FORMAT also pidge ejects from green who ends up smashing into the castle flooring below, I thought you were a better pilot than this kid
The Medusan mother grabs him after he lands onto the floor but instead carefully picks him up and places him onto her palm, even her expression is soft! This is why I love this episode, pidge found a mom and yknow what good for him because he keeps getting badass women figures in his life
Allura is freaking out about it and Lance wants to shoot everything at her for grabbing pidge before keith tells him again that she's got pidge in her grasp PIDGE IS JUST ROUTINELY GETTING ADOPTED AT THIS POINT AND WE LOVE THAT HERE
Pidge wakes up in a cave with the Medusan and tries running off but for some reason turns back and then immediately gets brought back by one of her snakes who nuzzle him after picking him back up how cute! I think Pidge knows something is going on especially because she only took him elsewhere instead of killing him
"he's awful little to see from up here" -Hunk such a cute line
PIDGE YOU MADE HER CRY, at least he apologized Lotor finds the two of them and immediately tries to capture them, but she protects pidge from it, and he finally realizes she's protecting him
Pidge likes snakes, sucks for lance who is definitely afraid of snakes after Bokar
Lotor says that he created a monster with too good a heart Created?? mf you KIDNAPPED A MOTHER AFTER FORCFULLY AWAKING HER FROM HER COMA YOU DIDN'T CREATE SHIT
Coran and Nanny immediately think Pidge is dead after the team searches for him again and still doesn't find him which like that's a sane assumption, but I'm also biased against them so how fucking DARE they pretend to care now >:/
Sike, Pidge is alive and he made friends with his new mom, Anga HE'S JUST CHILLING ON HER HAND LIKE IT'S NOTHING, MAN IS LIVING THE LIFE And suddenly Hunk is real hopeful that Anga has a friend lol
Attack hours again, this time with a REAL robeast and Haggar tries to force Anga to attack pidge so he PULLS OUT HIS GUN TO SHOOT AT HAGGAR ICONIC
Anyway Anga is shrunk down to her normal size and Pidge gets back to making sure Haggar knows who the bitch is between the both of them, and it ain't the little boy with a blicky that's for sure
Pidge gets a piggyback ride from Anga but she's super hurt and collapses before they reach the castle so Pidge promises to come back for her after having a memory of his adoptive mother giving him a piggyback right too THIS KID CAN FIT SO MUCH BACKSTORY AND TRAUMA IN HIM OH MY GOD
Voltron formed, robeast defeated, another scene is reused where Lance is kissed by allura and pidge gets kisses from the mice when he asks instead not the best scene to use? i mean nobody did anything except for pidge but all he did was make friends with a woman who died trying to do the right thing for him
/episode end
Episode 28: Treasure of Planet Tyrus
Planet Tyrus is a vacation planet i see, i can't tell if it was taken over and made a vacation planet for the villains to relax at or if it was always like that
So as an amateur archivist for older voltron content, I can definitely see why there were so many people who loved lotor specifically, the douchebag attitude probably doesn't take away from his looks either huh
oh so definitely conquered and it's lotors birthday! I wonder when this aired so I can assign that to him
i'm sorry, Zarkon stole treasure from Arus the week before the events of the episode?? guys what the fuck are you letting happen on arus
the team infiltrates the ship that apparently carrying said treasure, and it's deserted! they find a golden statue of lotor though, so that's pretty wild what the fuck is chitter doing on the ship, did i skip something on accident again
I'm sorry, red lion is able to phase through fucking metal? Lance is straight up hiding in the lotor statue what does this fucking imply because-
lotor sends a squad to go grab the treasure from the ship and keith pretends to be a guard only for the lead of the squad to say "nah youre not treasure so fend for yourselves" absolutely ruthless
the quality of this dub is so low lmao, looks like the team didn't realize that it was keith under the mask when he fell with the key in front of lotor because it was hunks voice first before keith suddenly pipes up and reveals himself
lotor v lance sword fight rematch AND LANCE GETS CAUGHT BY A TRAP DOOR WHAT KEITH TRIED TO CATCH HIM BUT WATCHED HIM FALL very homosexual of them
how many times has allura slapped lotor now? 3 times? she's right to do it every time
oh shit keith lance and pidge are about to be burnt a la witch trials, obvs allura is forced to watch because why would lotor kill her but mouse to save the day because chitter is biting the rope away
LANCE SURVIVES AND HE BLOWS UP BOTH THE CAKE AND THE STATUE he's so great, what a way to stick it to lotor on his birthday
voltron v command ship, obvs they win and apparently are able to get the valuables back allura makes fun of lotor and says he aged 10 years instead of only the 1
/episode end
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succyobsessions · 2 years
My Fav MLM Ships + Taylor Swift Songs
1. Harringrove—Steve x Billy (Stranger Things)
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False God— Lover
“We were crazy to think
Crazy to think that this could work
Remember how I said I'd die for you?”
“And I can't talk to you when you're like this
Staring out the window like I'm not your favorite town”
“But we might just get away with it
Religion's in your lips
Even if it's a false god
We'd still worship”
“I know heaven's a thing
I go there when you touch me
Honey hell is when I fight with you
But we can patch it up good
Make confessions and we're begging for forgiveness”
“And you can't talk to me when I'm like this
Daring you to leave me just so I can try and scare you”
2. Gallavich—Ian x Mickey (Shameless)
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Call It What You Want— Reputation
“Nobody's heard from me for months
I'm doing better than I ever was
My baby's fit like a daydream
Walking with his head down
I'm the one he's walking to
So call it what you want, yeah
Call it what you want to”
“All my flowers grew back as thorns
Windows boarded up after the storm
He built a fire just to keep me warm”
“And I know I make the same mistakes every time
Bridges burn, I never learn, at least I did one thing right
I did one thing right
I'm laughing with my lover, making forts under covers
Trust him like a brother, yeah, you know I did one thing right”
3. Philkas—Philip x Lukas (Eyewitness)
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Out Of The Woods— 1989
“You took a Polaroid of us
Then discovered
(Then discovered)
The rest of the world was black and white
But we were in screaming color”
“Remember when you hit the brakes too soon?
Twenty stitches in a hospital room
When you started crying, baby, I did too
But when the sun came up, I was looking at you”
“Remember when we couldn't take the heat?
I walked out, I said ‘I'm setting you free’
But the monsters turned out to be just trees
When the sun came up you were looking at me”
4. Evak—Even x Isak (Skam)
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Everything Has Changed— Red
“And all I've seen
Since eighteen hours ago
Is green eyes and freckles and your smile
In the back of my mind making me feel like
I just wanna know you better, know you better, know you better now”
“Cause all I know is we said, ��Hello’
And your eyes look like comin' home
All I know is a simple name
And everything has changed”
“And all my walls
Stood tall painted blue
But I'll take 'em down, take 'em down
And open up the door for you”
5. Ennis x Jack (Brokeback Mountain)
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Cowboy Like Me— Evermore
“And you asked me to dance
But I said, ‘Dancing is a dangerous game’
Oh, I thought
This is gonna be one of those things
Now I know
I'm never gonna love again”
“You're a cowboy like me
Never wanted love
Just a fancy car
Now I'm waiting by the phone
Like I'm sitting in an airport bar”
“Now you hang from my lips
Like the Gardens of Babylon
With your boots beneath my bed
Forever is the sweetest con”
6. Tyrus—TJ x Cyrus (Andi Mack)
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Ours— Speak Now
“Seems like there's always someone who disapproves
They'll judge it like they know about me and you
And the verdict comes from those with nothing else to do
The jury's out, but my choice is you”
“And it's not theirs to speculate
If it's wrong, and your hands are tough
But they are where mine belong”
“So don't you worry your pretty, little mind
People throw rocks at things that shine
And life makes love look hard”
“The stakes are high, the water's rough
But this love is ours”
7. Merthur—Merlin x Arthur (Merlin)
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Seven— Folklore
“Cross your heart, won't tell no other
And though I can't recall your face
I still got love for you
Your braids like a pattern
Love you to the moon and to Saturn
Passed down like folk songs
The love lasts so long”
“And I've been meaning to tell you
I think your house is haunted
Your dad is always mad and that must be why”
“And just like a folk song
Our love will be passed on”
“Please picture me
In the weeds
Before I learned civility
I used to scream ferociously
Any time I wanted”
Click Here For My Fav Sapphic Ships + Taylor Swift Songs
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