#tysmmmm tho!
shadebloopnik · 2 months
Hi, just stopping in to say I really like your Angelic Alastor AU! I loved all your blurbs about how the polycule interacted in the garden and I revisit your piece about Michael often! The AU was a really cool canon-divergence take!
So whether you revisit it again or not, I just wanted to let you know how much I enjoyed it.
Ong i have no idea how long this has been in my inbox idk how tumblr works still-
Thanks so much! I have planned to write more for it, but summer classes have absolutely destroyed me lmao. And with scholarships and work, its been a bust.
I still have so much I wanna share abt the AU, and im torn between letting out too much spoilers and never being able to share lmaoo
For now, I comfort myself with little sketches during classes lol
Have a lil sketch I made a week ago just after Luci and Lili fell✨
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They were planning to finally confess to Alastor after they gave the apple to Eve, the whole thing about Free Will and the Fruit of Knowledge giving them both the courage to finally tell him head on, so they left a gift and a confession behind. Too bad they never found time before everything went to shit
And my really messy Michael design lol.
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Pardon the messy sketches, these were all made when i didn't have the energy to listen to the lecture- lmao i should probably update and make a digital version of Michael's. He has a pretty interesting stand in the AU, and his relationship with Alastor is so complicated and i love it-
Also the idea that Lucifer eventually styles his hair as more clean cut like Michael used to when he fell to Hell. All the while Michael slowly lets his hair grow out- yea idk how symbolism works. His brother is in Hell, and his brother's lover bestie hates him, Michael is mad depresso rn
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ckswitch · 5 months
I love your radiostatic fanart so much omg
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they are my favorite lil guys <33
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somedeadbeatloz3r69 · 2 months
shoutout to my #1, funkboards!!
(and my other moots!! specifically adrealucia, you two r the best 🔥🔥..and other moots I forgor dw ur special too :3)
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emilesmithrowes · 6 months
hiiii :3 6 12 23?
6. ummm im not really embarassed about much of my music taste but probably like the spice girls cause its a bit twee and funny or central cee because of the stereotype that girls only know central cee 😭
12. theres this one song i found that i rlly like by someone called chloe slater on instagram but its just that song by her that i listen to... maybe if i were to be more general maybe planet funk? theyre not exactly obscure but i dont come across many other people my age who talk about them
23. kinda a boring answer but no not really... we all have rlly different music taste.
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2013trait · 1 year
my phone is on 34% percent, so please 34% for Cullen & Jasper! btw, love your ocs so much! 🥺💗 can I please send multiple ones?? I really love your ocs and I want to know! :') sorry for being annoying T.T
Ahhh tysm!!! And yes ofc as as many as you want!!!! it's not annoying at all!
34%. How would your character cope with losing someone extremely close to them?
I had to think about this one a lot but I feel like Cullen would probably not handle it very well at all, I can see him using his support network a lot and heavily relying on his family and friends to keep him going.
Jasper on the other hand would probably have a harder time opening up to anyone about his emotions and I can see him turning to substances before turning to his family for support, that being said though I think he would probably eventually go to therapy but not after having a really rough couple of months.
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moons-of-dewclan · 8 months
I WANT TO SAY TYSMMMM TO EVERYONE WHO SENDS ME ASKS SAYING KIND THINGS ABOUT ME!! I'M SORRY IF I DON'T 'RESPOND' TO THEM BY PUBLISHING THE ASKS i'm so appreciative and it's so nice BUT IT'S ALSO SO HARD FOR ME TO LIKE reblog things that are complimenting me BC IT FEELS SO SELF CONGRATULATORY i feel like i'm printing out compliments that say i'm Cool and putting them up on my wall and then telling people to come look ALKSNDLKNASD TYSM THO I REALLY DO APPRECIATE KIND WORDS and i read and blush and kick my feet
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julietasgf · 22 days
I would LOVE to hear your thoughts/inspirations for the religious themes/trauma in Pray For Your Salvation. That was one of my absolute favorite elements and made the fic feel so viscerally painful (in a good way), so I’d love to hear ur reasoning!
tysmmmm for the ask!! <33 alright, here we go:
the main source of the way I handled religion in that fanfic came not from the book carrie and not the movies, but I particularly loved how the musical of the story worked with it (the musical itself is not very good tho lskslsksl). I feel like each of the adaptations got a different way to work with it, you know? but the musical was so visceral and a lot of the lyrics of the songs and the way they related to actual biblical verses made me insaneeeeee
the title of the fic itself comes from one of the songs, but more specifically, I REALLY like the 1988 version of "the destruction", because there's this amazing line of "pray for your salvation from damnation, god has seen your sinning just beginning, pray or he will burn you" AND THE WAY THE ACTRESS WAS SINGING HE WILL BURN YOU ALL WHILE DOING THE DESTRUCTION..... the way the biblical violence and the actual violence going on intersect made me go crazy and was a big source of inspiration
I would also add that preacher's daughter by ethel cain was a huge inspiration too while writing the themes (the imagery in my head), and ofc tons of real life inspirations (not necessarily mine, but from stuff I have seen and heard about, specially regarding parents that after traumatic events go hard into religion to the point of psychosis; I would say also that towards the end, the story of abraham almost killing his son isaac was also a big point to me too. it was something I've already reflected before, about how scary it must be to a child having their own father almost sacrificing them because of a greater good or a greater voice).
still on imagery topic, I like working with images on my head, and I would say the posters of "god told me to" (1976) were also a big inspo to the vibes I wanted to bring into the fic!!
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kerjaath · 8 days
pls more yumi content literally brainrotting over him rn ill take anything 🙏🤲 LOL
Don't Cry Over Spilt Milk
It's you and Yumi's anniversary. But, even in happiness, something just has to go wrong…
reader lives in tgc house
no reader gender specified
word count: 1.3
AN: hello anonnnnn :3333 yes OFC ill make more Yumi content 🤤 honestly same tho, i loooove to brainrot over Yum-sters.. also this fic has LIIIIIIGGGHHHTTTTTT angst :3 its not enough where im going to tag it as angst, but its the smallest ittiest bittiest of angst lol, so might as well warn. ALSO to anyone who has sent in a request: ill hopefully get them done soon!!! school has been a big roadblock in writing (always has, always will be lol), so hopefully by next week ill have sm posted :333 tysmmmm for patience yippie!!! sorry for long AN im such a yapper :3
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The day marked your anniversary with Yumi.
You knew exactly how you wanted to celebrate it with him: convice the boys to get Yumi out the house for a few hours so that you could bake a banger of a homemade cake to surprise him with!
You had been secretly practicing your baking and decorating skills for a while now. From watching endless "tips and tricks" videos on youtube, to even sneaking out to a local bakery that provided cake decorating classes. You had this in the bag.
You woke up early in the morning, slowly leaning off the bed and tiptoeing out the door to the bathroom. You took a looong shower, and even longer searching for the best outfit to wear for the occasion.
As you walked back into your room after getting dressed, you picked up your phone off the charger, checking your notifications. Yumi started to stir, waking up from his slumber and leaning out of bed. He embraced you from behind, his hands slinking to your waist as he snuggled his head into the back of your neck.
"Good morning," you let out a light laugh, lifting your hand to rub his cheek and hair behind you. You clicked your phone off, sliding it into your pocket.
"You smell so good.." Yumi yawned, his voice low from fatigue.
"Thank you!" You smiled, turning your head to the side to see him. You couldn't help but lean into his embrace.
"Happy Anniversary," Yumi lifted his head, kissing your cheek.
"Happy Anniversary," You repeated. Yumi let go of you and started to inch to his dresser to dig for a change of clothes. You left the room to give him privacy.
As you walked out, you could already hear your housemates in the livingroom. You walked down the hall, and sparked into a chat with them, going over the pre-discussed plan. When you heard the whine of the door to you and Yumi's room, you quieted down and acted natural, separating from the others to grab a water bottle from the fridge.
You could already hear Larry and Tanner asking Yumi to go out to the mall with them, and you held back a laugh.
After a while, the three left and Isaac and Nick stayed home with you.
As soon as you heard the car leave the driveway, you bolted to the fridge, pushing past the boxes of Bodyarmor and jars of different jams and pickles to grab the hidden pack of strawberries and whipped cream. Nick dug in the cabinet for everything else you needed beside you, Isaac standing at the kitchen counter, pulling out bowls and measuring cups.
With everything arranged on the counter, you clapped your hands together in thought.
"Okay, let's get this started!" You smiled, joyously going ahead to grab a pack of flour. Nick and Isaac stood on stand-by, available to aid you whenever you needed but giving you enough space to work.
You feverishly baked, making a delicious handmade vanilla cake and whipped frosting. When it was time to start decorating, you carefully cut slabs of strawberries and piped out the blinding white frosting.
The cake was perfect, and you couldn't help but beam at your craft. Isaac and Nick helped you transport it into the fridge, and you went ahead and texted Larry and Tanner that you were finished up.
While waiting for the two to bring Yumi back to the house, you slumped onto the couch and around a half hour or so of scrolling on your phone, you heard the clack of the front door, and jumped up.
Yumi walked inside the house first, his hand behind his back. You turned your head sideways as your eyebrow raised.
"And what is that.." An impish smile formed on your mouth.
"Oh, nothing," Yumi looked at the ceiling, acting clueless. He couldn't hold back his own smile.
You back off and into the kitchen, everyone else besides you and Yumi going back to their rooms for the rest of the day until dinner time. Yumi slid the bags he held on the floor by the counter. You couldn't see them from behind the counter where you stood.
"I have a surprise for you," You turned around to face the fridge.
"As do I," Yumi replied. "You go first, of course."
You opened the fridge, retrieving the cake you meticulously worked on. You spun around, showing the cake off to Yumi. His jaw dropped, the corners of his mouth turned up.
"Oh my god, you made that?!?" He practically shouted, leaning over the kitchen counter to see it closer.
You pulled the cake back toward you, and walked to the corner of the counter, going to set it infront of Yumi.
Now, you always considered yourself not particularly a clumsy person, and you could swear that you had the cardboard base of the cake held tightly, but when you stepped forward and your foot got caught on essentially nothing, the cake sliding right off the base and to the ground, you couldn't help but second guess yourself.
You both stood there, staring at the new mess on the ground. You felt your eyes sting, cheeks starting to go numb. You couldn't even make an interjection.
Yumi in the moment tried to reach for the cake, but ultimately missed. His hand retracted back to himself, and he looked at you.
"Hey, hey, it's okay," he quickly ran over the cake and held your shoulder, grabbing your face to look at him. "Look at me. It's okay"
"I.." your eyes drifted back to the cake, tears already streaming down. Yumi tugged at your head again, making your eyes refocus on him.
"Don't even look at that. Look at me, its okay." His face went serious, and he lifted his hand to wipe your tears. He leaned to kiss your forehead
"I'm so sorry, Yumi, i.." You started up again, but he shushed you.
"Forget about it, it's okay. I should've caught it anyway," he kept his head on top of yours, closing his eyes as he rested on you.
"No, no, it's not your fault," You spoke, nesting under him.
"Hey, You know what, now my surprise will work out," He lifted his head and looked at you, smiling.
"What do you mean?" He walked back to the bag he set down earlier, lifting it onto the counter. He dug into it, took out a large white box, and set it on the counter in front of you.
"What is.." you started, looking at the box confused.
"Just open it," Yumi leaned on the counter, smiling. You brought your hands up, quickly wiping your face as you sniffled and opened the box.
Inside was a heart-shaped pink cake absolutely covered in icing flowers. In the middle was iced "I love you so much". You gasped, cupping your mouth and feeling the tears stream down your face once again.
"Oh my god, Yumi-" you turned and crashed right into a hug with him, embracing him as you sobbed tears of joy, love, and frustration into his chest. He laughed, patting your back as he hugged you back.
You backed off, and Yumi turned back around to take a small box out of the bag and moved the cake box aside, sliding the smaller one infront of you.
"You didn't have to get me a gift," you laughed. He just smiled and urged you to open it. The box was white with a thin, bright ribbon. You slipped the ribbon off, lifting the top of the box off to reveal an ornate, absolutely beautiful necklace. It was in the shape of a heart.
"Aweee.." you cooed, taking it out of the box and admiring it in your hands. Yumi just smiled, and kissed your forehead.
"I knew you'd like it.. here, let me see it," You gave him the necklace and turned around. He reached the necklace around your neck, clasping it on. You reached up to it and touched it to your fingers.
When you turned back to him, you couldn't help but just.. stare at him. The love that overwhelmed your body would never quell.
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midnightmah07 · 2 months
Yknow, forget Leona, LOOK AT ISABELLE
That isn't her final design, I definitely need to sit down and make an outfit for her during Tamashina Mina, but unfortunately it will be very different from the other boys, since she's there as a guest and not as a player... I'm glad u like what I came up with for now tho!!! (⁠ ⁠◜⁠‿⁠◝⁠ ⁠)⁠♡
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lyrakanefanatic · 3 months
heyyyyy, can you pleaseeeeeeeee make more fake twitter tig. Tysmmmm
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sleepy-vix · 5 months
idk i was getting bored of the old one but idk what i wanna change it to. i like this one but it looks weird when i post so idk if imma keep it ahsvsjsbsjsvzjsvdudvsjsvdksbskddb
tysmmmm tho thats so nice haha
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anniesstories · 2 years
Maybe some mitsuri with a sub!male reader headcannons?
P.S., your writings nice.
tysmmmm for requesting<3
Everything for our love hashira 😍😍
Mitsuri x Sub!Male Reader
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Headcannons sfw+nsfw bc she's cute and yea
She loves cuddles! Plz give her cuddles all the time bc she deserves it<3
You have to go out on a mission? She won't stop till you agree to take her with you, she wants to make sure you are safe, that's all;)
Since she loves food...be ready for "who finishes the food faster" competitions...
She'd let you use her boobs and ass as pillows
She's CLINGY. Like very CLINGY.
She loves kisses! Doesn't matter if is a hot long ass kiss or just a peak on her lips, GIVE HER KISSES!
She'd wear your clothes when you're not home, that way she can feel your scent everytime so when you are back plz steal her ability to walk.
She loves small gifts like flowers, sweets and love letters. Also she LOVES love poems! So for Valentine's Day plz write a poem, even if it isn't very good, she'll love it!
She's touched starved, i feel like her love language is physical touches....
She loves hugs, since she's the love hashira, she loves showing you how much she cares about you
+18 content so don't read if you're uncomfortable!
Usually she lets you be the dominat one during sex, but sometimes she accepts riding you.
She likes being called mommy! She loves when she sees you breathless underneath her, like damn she feels so strong for some reason even tho YOU are the man.
When she's riding you and she's also horny...ma boy, good luck with keeping up with her, she won't stop until you cum overstimulated
It's so cute when you try your best to suck her clit when she's sitting on your face! Like damn how tf you don't know you can be so fucking cutee
Dirty talk alot! You're surprised that she's so dirty minded and she looks so fucking innocent and submissive!
You have no idea how much she loves when you scream her name, beg her to stop, your whimpers when she's jumping on your hard cock.
She has some stamina, like she can go a few rounds with no problem but my question is...will YOU be able to go?
Praise kink. You feel so satisfied when she calls you "pretty boy" or "good boy" . And of course she knows it, so she won't stop calling you by these nicknames and praising you non-stop.
If you fucked her rough one time...she won't forget and damn she'll take her revenge;) karma is a bitch
She'd mark your whole body just to make sure that you know YOU belong to HER.
This woman really got you wondering how can you be such a slut when she's riding you. Wanna know the answer? Your a fucking simp and she knows it so ofc she will use it as a chance to dominate you and show you how slutty simps should be treated like.
Yes. She looks innocent and sweet and all but it seems like she's not that innocent when she's around you ;)
That was it...kinda short but my ideas said weeee on the window 😭😭 I don't usually write male reader so this was a little challenge for me :') I promise I'll try better next time😭😭😭
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sleepyy-27 · 2 months
Healt check !!
Did you drink and eat today ?
Did you sleep well ? And If you know, how long did you sleep ?
How are you ?
Did you go outside ?
Remember to take care of yourself ! You are an amazing person who need to take breaks sometimes !
Dreamy!! :D
Yep and yep
I slept kinda well I don’t remember if I woke up in the middle of the night or not tho, and I got 6 hours of sleep
So tired I’m energetic again! :D
No and supposed to rain again so probably not
I’ll to remember that! Tysmmmm you’re an amazing and wonderful person too!
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star-girl69 · 8 months
Girl i just saw that ask where you apologized for not wanting to write abt Dior and DONT BE SORRY!!! She’s literally a minor (and a real person on top of that) and deserves to live her life w out ppl writing abt her
sorry if this comes off as rude it just gives me the ick when ppl write abt real ppl (especially minors/young adults like the pjo cast) but I love your fics sm and you’re such a good writer. I’m so excited for you next fic but take ur time and try not to burn out!!!!
(Ps: I’d like to be 🌊 anon if it’s not taken)
LMAOOOO like i love dior and if i ever saw her irl i would probably pounce like a cat but YEAAAHHHH i just cant write stuff for her 😭😭😭😭
i’m the exact same way tho like i just cant do it theyre real people it icks me out too 🙏🙏
(and also yes)
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genderick-lamar · 2 days
tysmmmm 😭 i have adhd and i have been hyperfixating on this beef for months now, on kendricks side obviously because i have a brain and also because i am asian and im in the poverty and drug strucken part of my city, the government doesnt give a shit and we have decades old buildings that are crumbling kinda place, i really related to things kendrick has said because i have also witnessed so much violence and police goes here everyday and alarms of ambulence is just background noise atp
so it irks me so much when someone as privileged as drake that has never experienced what me and my family have and still do and COSPLAYING this lifestyle made me SOOOOO mad
and its like WTD is another white canadian, WHO ARE U TO TALK CULTURE!??? i listened to his videos on kendricks disses and im just like??? these are things that can be picked up on like, your 3rd listen, black tiktokers have way better and in depth analysis of every diss kendrick has done, im just so tired of people flocking to cosplayers of the culture for their opinion of the culture rather than uplifting those in the culture
ALSO ALSO i deleted reddit recently thankgod bc that place is a fucking cesspool but i checked on drizzy subreddit and i have never seen anti blackness, homophobia and transphobia rampant in a community, like bro its been 5-6 months yall are NOW making shit up about kdot, running along with your crazy and insulting conspiracies!?!? its just crazy to me!
Yeah Kendrick's music is incredibly authentic and from the heart. He's able to paint vivid pictutures of situations bc he's actually been there which makes him incredibly relatable especially if u have been there too. Meanwhile Drake is rapping about giving money to the cops and acting tough like Degrassi doesn't exist lmao. Lecrae was on point when he said Drake is a fan of the culture while Kendrick is a product of it. Though in the spirit of fairness I do have to say that before becoming an actor he did live, as far as i know, a fairly working class life. It just wasn't a life that got him in proximity to the struggle in the way that yours or Kendrick's upbringing definitely did, and it shows.
What's the dirt is literally just a parasite with fancy video production tho and you can tell by the way he's responding to criticism. If he actually cared about the culture in any way he wouldn't be so defensive. And like of course there are black creators with much more insight and knowledge that do incredible breakdowns but he's even bad for white commentator standards imo lmao.
I deleted reddit too bc it was truly getting on my nerves 😂 The drizzy sub just shows what type of audience of weirdos Drake has fostered since he started alienating his original female audience with his tough guy misogynist act. They're literally Qanon it's wild lmao. Kendrick has conspiracy fans too (a much smaller amount) but i check up on them frequently bc they are crazy but at least they're extremely funny and not generally bigoted.
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mommyashtoreth · 2 months
i think you have very good takes. i think a lot of what you reblog and say about aziraphale and crowley is true!!
i think i knew what u were saying before i heard it but i didn’t know how to say it. im not in the good omens fandom much anymore but ur super awesome ^_^
TYSMMMM I recognize ur url from my tf2 blog I always love seeing u in my notes !! We would find each other in any universe in which I am making stupid fandom posts. Tysm tho this is so sweet <3
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