#u 1196
white blood cell 1196 from cells at work: code black is demiromantic (headcanon)
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submitted by anonymous
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lordoftime01 · 1 year
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Homozygous immune cell therapy In vivo, it is invested in Shita Pharmaceutical "コヅリリ-R"が The patient's cell is the same as the person. New immune cells are generated for treatment. The main role of red blood cells, liver cells, white blood cells, etc. The generation of pharmaceutical products, the isolation of drugs, the isolation of drugs, the isolation of drugs, the isolation of drugs, the isolation of drugs、 The cells of the two parties are combined, and the characteristics of the two parties are affected.、 The cells of the new Tana species are generated. The patient's cells generate surutame and refuse to respond. The danger is very small. Zi Zuori
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maxriderg · 3 months
Fellers in 5-4-3-2-1 and well, let's get ready to go for the Party, complete with these to go for Youko Hikasa's upcoming 39th Birthday, complete with a Song to go for the Show and well, HAVE A SUPER HAPPY Early 39th Birthday to her, Fellers!
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animepopheart · 2 months
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★ 【SilverTsuki 「 29日目, 白血球U-1196番 」 ☆ ✔ republished w/permission ⊳ ⊳ follow me! insta • x • bsky
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thequietkid-moonie · 22 days
With a clumsy crush
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[ HEADCANONS ] [ AE-3803, U-1146, AA2153, U-1196 ]
[ Cells at Work! ] [ Cells at Work! Code Black ]
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The fact that their names are numbers make way more dificult for me to try to remember them!! But something like that wont stop me from being a simp 🤌🏼
remember, this is the fandom all of you voted to be added, so now you have to support me on this! 🫵🏼🫵🏼🫵🏼🫵🏼🫵🏼🫵🏼
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AE-3803 is quite cheerfuly and is happy to get to know new people (hopefuly not while she is lost or even in danger), for you two to met is because you have to cross paths at least one time, wich is not difficult since she always travels all across this world, and since the start she has being quite friendly
It doesn't take much time before AE-3803 develop feelings for you, after spending time together she just start to fall in love with you without even noticing it, she can be quite innocent at times and she just accept her feelings without doubting them much, even if she is easily flustered when it come to you she just easily cover it up by admiration or even embarrassment for her own clumsiness
It doesn't take much time for AE-3803 to notice how clumsy you can be and she just find it funny and even a little adorable, unable to not relate to you and your clumsiness with how easily she gets lost, she even constantly make jokes about it (sometimes is just to try to brush off her embarrassed or flustered state)
It became quite common that whenever you two cross paths she is lost or you injured due your clumsiness, at first it was something you would worry but soon just became something over what you two joke around, as long as non of you are severaly injured or in real danger it doesn't hurt to joke about it
AE-3803 can be quite worried about you being clumsy but she is pretty much in a similar position, so even when she worries most of the time stays positive and doesn't talk about it or just ask you to be careful is a friendly way, even prefering to joke around about it to don't worry too much. Besides, AE-3803 isn't the type of person who judges you or underestimate you for being clumsy, she relate to you so she actually recognize the efforts you do when trying your best to do your work and even express her admiration without problems (even if she can get a little embarrassed when she notice what she is saying)
AE-3803 has a hard time understanding her feelings for you, she just doesn't fully get that she likes you in a more romantic way rather than just platonically, even if she gets flustered by you and is more embarrassed whenever you two meet each other when she is lost she still doesn't get that she is in love, or maybe she is too embarrassed to admit it
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Since U-1146 works protecting everyone from any threat in this world it won't be difficult to get to know each other during work, at first he was mostly polite but as you two see each other more often the closer you two grow to be closer, starting by being simply friends
For him to fall in love it will take a while, his feeling grow slow but they grow quite stronge, somehow you became quite important for him and he is constantly thinking about you and is quite obvious how happy he feels whenever you cross paths (he even offer you to walk with you with the excuse of having to go in the same direction)
U-1146 is stuck between knowing that you are important for him but not being sure of the true extent of his feelings, more than not accepting his feelings is that he doesn't fully understand then (and yet, he just accept the without much troubles)
U-1146 is quite perceptive due his job so it didn't take him much time to notice that you can be quite clumsy, and even when he was a little taken aback by your clumsiness at first it didn't take him too long to get used to it, the more time you two spend together the more he grow acostumed to it and at some point he will just learn to react fast to help you out, holding you or whatever you were holding before it hits the floor
As well, U-1146 can be quite protective over you, he doesn't get jealous easily but whenever he sense any kind of threat he is already getting ready to step in front of you to shield you from anything and everything, specially if you are already injured. However, U-1146 can be not be so serious all the time, if is something smaller or not so threatening, even if is something that is not his job to deal he can let his guard down or just accept that he can't do this and make sure you two are safe until the problem is solved
Despite everything, he doesn't really think less of you for being clumsy nor underestimate you for something like that, he just grow used to it and to ask you if you are alright or need any help when you are being specially clumsy, even feeling a little worried whenever you get injured for it
U-1146 is not the type of person who would underestimate you, even if you are quite clumsy he doesn't doubt your strength or your intelligence and even respect you from still doing your best at your work despite your usual clumsiness (and if you want to improve yourself and even try to have more balance on yourself to prevent more accidents his admiration for you will just grow)
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This job is definetly not what AA2153 was expecting, even during training they were told that things were better, wich just end up being a cruel joke
AA2153 have being trying his best to acomplish his work, trying his best to dont give up and stay as optimistic as he can, even if he has the world itself against him that won't stop him from trying his best and doing all he can to try and make this world survive
Honestly, falling in love have being a surprise even for him, is more likely you two meet constantly during work and just end up growing to be at least friends, even if it doesn't happen too slowl it will take him a long time to realice his feelings for you just because he takes what he feels like something natural and doesn't doubt them
AA2153 isn't exactly shy, he may sometimes get flustered whenever you two are hanging out, specially if you two are too close, but he will not have troubles to talk to you and sometimes even showing how much he does care for you, paying way too much attention to you and showing how concerned he is for your safety, he can be overworking himself and completely exhausted but always have the time to check on you to make sure you are doing alright
AA2153 already worries quite a lot for you due the condition of the world you live in but you being clumsy just make him worry even more, most of the time he tries to just focus on his work but everytime he sees you he tries to get at least a few seconds free to make sure you are doing alright (but always giving you a smile to try to don't make you worry)
Its not that AA2153 want to underestimate you but as someone who has a demanding work around the whole body he knows how bad things truly are so he just can't help but worry about your safety
With time he will just learn that he can't be there for you all the time and with the condition of this world, you have to learn to be independent and to protect yourself as much as you can, so he just forces himself to hold back and let you do things on your own, still everytime he comes across you always offer you a smile and ask you how you have being doing (at the end he still offer you help everytime he can since he is in love)
As much as AA2153 tries to don't be so worried all the time for you for yours and his own sake everytime he gets to see that you have injured himself he feels like his heart stop for a moment, imediatly asking you if you are alright, just hoping that is not a deep wound (because if it is he will not be able to handle the anxiety and will just forgot about his work for being worried about you)
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U-1196 is more than aware of the conditions of the world you live in, she is always working hard to try to protect this world and even when she is devoted to her work she isn't blinded by her responsabilities, she doesn't have much troubles to take a moment off if she has the chance
U-1196 is quite aware of herself and her feelings, she doesn't stop herself from feeling and being affected for what happens around but she doesn't forget about her work and what she has to do, thats why even when she didn't exactly thought about love she takes the fact that she had fell in love quite natural and without much troubles, but even when she doesn't deny her feelings she will not act in them for a while
If you two just see each other a few times, running in each other when you two are on work then U-1196 wouldn't even try to act on her feelings, she is too busy and doesn't want to force you to be in a relationship when having little time to spare, but if you two work together or even have jobs that make you two cross paths way too often then she would try to get to be your friend and get close at first
Despite being in love U-1196 won't think much on those feelings, or at least thats what she likes to think because no matter how much she tries to stay profesional she can't help but want to be close to you everytime you two cross paths, or how she instinctively step in front of you whenever there is danger, or even how she can feel quite jealous whenever she sees someone being way too close or friendly with you
U-1196 is painfully aware of the constant danger that the world have for any living creature in here, but you being quite clumsy just make her worry more, she was already quite protective by nature due her job but this trigger her quite often and make her feel troubled, even if she tries to forget about her feeling for the sake of both everytime she gets to see you being being clumsy or even injured she is imediatly trigger and can't stop herself from offering you a hand
U-1196 tries really hard to don't let her feelings affect her job or professionalism but she just can't help it, sometimes she let herself act on her feelings to shield you or worry for you and yet when there is inminent danger she always manage to focus completely do her job (and if you thank her, showing true gratitud or even admiration she will be incredibly flustered, even if she doesn't show it so directly)
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metalichotchoco · 1 year
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I love blood yuri dkdkdk
stalwart serious girl x gentle clumsy girl is a really cute dynamic imo
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manglednatalia · 9 months
Spiteposting, redesigned WBC from Cells at Work Code Black bc the og design is genuinely disappointing
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a-simple-bacterium · 1 year
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Why they shaped like that
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sunheart101 · 1 year
Do not let them lie to you, U-1196 is very tall and aa2153 does not look like that undressed.
Who has been lying to me LMAO, but you’re so right
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whippedbyikemen · 2 years
I hope there's will be season 3 for Hataraku Saibō a.k.a Cells At Work!
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euphoriaslux · 6 months
a gloomy december morning
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word count: 1196
warnings: suggestive sexual content, very slight jealousy, mentions of smoking and drinking. vincent being a dreamboat
a/n: i have never written before but i watched anatomy of a fall and knew what i had to do. i am so scared and think this is garbage but i hope u guys like it :))
vincent is fast asleep, a true rarity for your household. he’s naked, bar the thin linen blanket draped over his hips that his mother tossed in a bag when you two first moved into this home. you brush your fingers through his silver hair, shifting to give him a soft peck on his forehead. he shifts but ultimately stays in the same position.
smiling, you gently move your duvet off of your body, shivering at the lost warmth. you scan your shared bedroom, littered with strewn clothes, empty wine bottles and folders filled with documents and find a chair with an old tee shirt on it that hits just above your underwear.
you made a mental note to at least try to clean the house sometime soon, but you just couldn’t leave your vincent alone now that you finally had him for more than two hours at a time. after a year of only seeing him at night, or when you could visit his office during your lunch break, or over facetime in the early hours of the morning, something as simple as waking up with him felt sacred. you didn’t know how much of this you had.
you brace as you push the door close as quietly as possible, hissing as your feet hit the cold tile of the linoleum of your kitchen floor. it still smells vaguely of the cake you two shared last night, picking at pieces of tiramisu between gulps of white wine and sneaky kisses even though no one was watching. you grab some ground coffee and start to heat up your stovetop espresso maker, which you got at the insistence of your very stubborn husband.
“love, can’t we just get an instant coffee maker? it will be so much faster” you ask from behind your laptop, tucked into your velvet sofa as the december rain gently pattered onto your roof.
vincent chuckled, shaking his head as he pulled a pack of cigarettes from the drawer.
“you have not had a real cappuccino if it comes from a machine, chérie,” he says as he rummages through the kitchen drawers while swearing under his breath.
you rise from the couch with a soft sigh, shutting your laptop and placing it on the glass table in front of you and grabbing vincent’s lighter that’s pressed in between the couch cushions. his head whips around when he hears you click the lighter, and your cheeks widen as you walk over to him. vincent smiles back, his cigarette loosely hanging between his lips and his hair slightly disheveled from his search. he leans down ever so slightly, looking into your eyes as the flame lights the cigarette, taking a long drag before leaning against the kitchen counter.
“the coffee is more, how do you say bien équilibrée in english, darling?”
“well rounded,” you toss the lighter behind him, crossing your arms over your chest. he hums, nodding as he breathes out wafts of smoke.
“the coffee is more well-rounded,” the word sounds a little funny coming out of his mouth as if you could see his brain forming each letter in real-time. you can’t help but giggle, reaching behind him to open the kitchen window.
“i’m sure it is”
before you can fully stand up again his hand is on your lower back, softly bringing your body against his. he smells like tobacco and the slightly too minty toothpaste you buy from the convenience store down the road. he looks so beautiful in the dim winter light.
“tu me fais confiance, n'est-ce pas? (you trust me, don’t you?)” he asks, pressing his fingers into your side. he moves to hover just above your neck, and you can’t help but melt into his touch as he nibbles ever so gently on your neck, just below your ear. your eyes flutter closed and you feel the warmth pool in your lower stomach.
“ you do, right?” he cuts you off as his hand wanders to the front of your body, playing with the waistband of your panties. his fingers ghost just above your cunt, and you sigh.
“of course, my love. always.”
you whine from the loss of contact as he steps away from you, taking a drag with a slight smile on his face.
“bon,” he says, his free hand caressing the side of your face.
“so we’ll go get our moka pot - not machine - tonight”.
you grin at the memory as you pour two shots of espresso into vincent’s favorite mug, along with a splash of whole milk, and turn on the burner to make another for yourself. you rock on your feet as you think of what to make for breakfast - maybe eggs? but vincent forgot to run to the farmers market, maybe jam on toast. there might be some leftover brioche-
you jump when you feel a pair of hands wrap around your chest smiling as you feel your husbands face nuzzle into your shoulder, pressing a few faint kisses on your skin while his hair tickles your neck.
“i thought you’d sleep for a few more hours honey,” you say, turning around to hand him his cup of coffee and laughing as his eyes brighten. he takes a sip, closing his eyes as he drinks.
“couldn’t sleep,” he says after a few moments, opening his eyes to stare into yours. his voice is deeper than normal, and you can tell he just woke up because there’s still a gravelly edge to it.
“i sleep poorly without you, honey.”
you raise your eyebrows as you let your fingers graze his chest and down his stomach.
“that’s a good one, do you tell all your girlfriends that?”
he rolls his eyes, taking a big sip before setting his mug on the counter.
“i’m being serious. i swear, every time it would get late and i’d try to sleep on sandra’s couch, i just couldn’t.”
your body goes rigid at the sound of her name but you try and ignore it, tracing circles onto his stomach. your mouth feels a little drier than it was a few minutes before.
vincent notices, of course he does. there’s nothing you could do that would get past him, the stellar lawyer.
“don’t be like that,” he whispers, cupping your hand in his face. you try to keep your gaze down but he tilts your head up.
you roll your eyes.
“every day while i was gone, all i wanted was to be home with you. you were all i could think about. you are all i ever think about.”
you feel lightheaded at his words, wrapping your arms around his neck as you kiss him deeply, sighing as your hand wanders down to the waistband of his boxers. you feel him smile into the kiss, putting out the cigarette so he has both hands free to touch you.
“take me to bed?”
you feel vincent’s stomach tense as your hand dips into his boxers. he gives you a soft kiss on the side of your face.
“how can i say no when you ask so nicely”.
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propertyofkylar · 3 months
2 & 16 for Winter…do with that what you will. I want to see where you take it :)
teacher's pet - m!winter x f!pc
haha no this ask isn't exactly one month old today what do u me--*gunshots*
word count: 1196
tags: 2. jealousy/possessiveness, 16. student/teacher, age gap, lil bit of finger but mostly penetrative sex
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You were in the locker room practically as soon as the bell rang, eager to have completed another day of school. You got dressed as quickly as you could with the words of your teacher earlier still echoing in your head. 
“See me after school today.”
Just thinking about it sent a shiver through your body. When he said it, Winter’s tone had your fellow students giggling. “Ooh, she’s in trouble…” but you didn’t mind. You brushed it off to your classmates. They didn’t understand. You did. 
Almost skipping down the halls, you made it to Winter’s classroom, where he was sat at his desk grading papers. You instinctively locked the door behind you and Winter lifted his head up to gaze at you, one eyebrow lifted. 
“Come here.”
His tone was firm and stern, and it sent a shockwave straight to your core. You tentatively took several steps forward. Winter let you stay in the uncomfortable silence for several beats before continuing with a sigh. 
“Flip up your skirt and put your hands on the desk,” he commanded, and you quickly did as he said. You could feel yourself growing wetter as your teacher stood up and stared at your bare ass. 
“W-Winter—” you began, but you were silenced by a smack to your ass. 
“No panties,” he tutted. “Really? Who are you trying to show off for?” He leaned back and crossed his arms against his chest. 
You suddenly felt quite embarrassed. “Nobody…” you mumbled. 
“What was that? I didn’t hear you.”
“I said nobody,” you repeated, barely louder than the first time. “It was only meant for you to see…”
“Is that so?” Winter said with a cocked eyebrow, though a hint of blush on his face indicated that his composure was struggling. 
“Yes!” You huffed, feeling slightly indignant. “Who else would I be doing it for?”
Who? That word seemed to grab Winter’s attention. Something shifted in his face and you had a realization. 
“You’re jealous!” You gasped, standing up straight, ignoring that your skirt was still tucked into your waistband, making you half-naked. Winter struggled to stay composed again. The mood had suddenly changed upon this moment, and you now were feeling quite giddy. “You’re jealous. Seriously? That’s so funny. I don’t get it.”
Winter sighed, looking away. “You’re so young,” he admitted. “You fit better with someone your age. Or even one of the younger teachers. Not me. So yes, I get jealous seeing you having fun with your fellow students. You should be with someone more like you. Not me.”
His surprisingly earnest speech tugged at your heartstrings. You stepped closer to him, gently taking his hands in yours. “Forget all about that. You’re my favorite teacher. I’d much rather be with you. Besides…” you subconsciously licked your lips. “I prefer my men a little more experienced than these boys.”
You stood on your toes and pressed a kiss to his mouth, which quickly grew heated. You threw your arms around his neck as he pushed your back against his desk, where he had already moved everything out of the way of the center. How thoughtful. The bulge in his pants pressed against your bare pussy and you groaned into his mouth. It never failed to surprise you just how virile he was for his age - which you didn’t actually know, as you were afraid to ask.
Winter’s wrinkled hands gripped your bare thighs and you smiled. The old man may have been jealous. He might have felt insecure compared to the people you hung around with in school. But the way he behaved when the two of you were alone couldn’t compare to anyone else. He was stern but soft, and always took great care of you. Just as he was doing right now, as his thick fingers stroked your clit, two slipping inside your cunt, which was practically dripping.
“Fuck!” You gasped at the feeling of his fingers stretching you out. He bristled at your curse. Stodgy old man wouldn’t change, even during sex.
“Behave yourself,” Winter scolded, but it honestly only made you hornier. You reached in front of you and undid his pants, opening his boxers to take out his thick cock, which was already red. The sight made you lick your lips again. Another reason why you chose to be with Winter.
Winter’s breathing got heavy as you began stroking his shaft, enjoying the feel of his skin beneath your fingers. “Winter,” you said, looking him in the eyes. “I want you.”
You needed to say nothing further. The tip of his dick slid against your folds, and once it was properly lubricated, he slipped it inside of you. Both of you gasped sharply at the feeling.
“Feels so good,” you mumbled as you rested your head on his shoulder. Winter let out a low moan as he began to thrust inside of you. To you, it didn’t matter how old he was. He was a skilled lover and took the time to figure out exactly what felt good for you. Which was a lot more than you could say for some other people you had slept with.
Whimpering with every thrust, you wrapped your legs around Winter’s waist, the two of you practically becoming one body. Winter steadied his hands on the edge of his desk, his breath hot and heavy in your ear.
“Oh–I’m gonna–” you felt your legs trembling and gripped Winter harder as your climax hit. You could feel your own wetness dripping down the inside of your legs as you came, shuddering and digging your nails into Winter’s back.
He, in turn, moaned your name, which made your body feel a way it had never felt before. The only sounds in the room were the wet slapping of skin on skin and the two of you panting.
You tried to meet his thrusts with your own, which was difficult with the way you were sort of perched on the edge of the desk. You pulled your head back and Winter’s eyes met yours. His were dark and heavy with lust. “Winter,” you whispered, and watched as those eyes opened wide.
“Fuck,” he mumbled, and if the pleasure wasn’t overtaking you at the moment, you would have scolded him right back. But you could tell his own peak was soon arriving, and you again tightened your legs around him, giving him no chance of escape. 
Winter moaned your name again as he came inside of you, filling you up with his hot cum. After a brief moment he looked at you curiously, as you usually didn’t do that.
“Marking me,” you said simply. “How can you get jealous when I’m carrying your cum inside of me?”
His face turned red, and he buried it in your shoulder. “I don’t know what to do with you,” he sounded exasperated, but warm. The two of you stayed like that for a bit longer before he spoke your name softly.
“Yes?” You said in response.
“Wear your underwear tomorrow. I don’t want to chance anyone else seeing you like that.”
You giggled. “Absolutely, sir.”
Winter nodded and patted your head obediently. “Good girl.”
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lordoftime01 · 1 year
I believe in U-1196 supremacy.
I still love you, Macrophage, though.
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sarcasmandships · 2 years
17 questions, 17 people (except i think we lost some questions along the way and i don’t know 17 people on here)
nickname: not really a nickname since it’s longer than stella, but my mum will say ‘stella for star’ cos it’s a streetcar named desire reference
sign: scorpio, i know nothing about star signs but i always thought scorpio sounded the coolest
height: 5’7
last thing i googled: intensive language courses near me (i rlly want to practice my french)
last song stuck in your head: about you by the 1975, matty healy is haunting me
number of followers: 1196, shoutout to anyone who’s still here from when i was a death note blog
amount of sleep: my average over the last 7 days is 4 hours a night 👍🏼
lucky number: 29
dream job: clinical psychologist, just need to get into a clinical doctorate programme (v unlikely as they’re so so competitive)
favourite song: pink lemonade by the wombats (could never pick one but this is my default answer for this question cos it was my favourite when i was 15)
favourite instrument: piano
aesthetic: 90s grunge always
favourite author: i don’t rlly read many books by the same author just random ones, but i really like michel bussi’s books
random fun fact: i know every single word to we didn’t start the fire by billie joel, that’s fun
thanks u sm for @scilessweetheart for tagging me n sorry this took so long!
tagging @junkyardromeo @lemonfloatz (no pressure) n anyone else who wants to join!!
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not-that-debonair · 4 months
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U-1196 but in a version of the uniform from main
(partially inspired by Bi-Cellular Disaster on ao3)
I couldn’t decide what version I liked better so you get both
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robinlmaoo · 2 months
long rant ahead
been feeling more and more like it’s wrong to obsess over one thing/fixation in a biased way and i should like all characters from that fandom equally
like i’ve gotten REALLY into a specific utaite recently and i love their voice (not gonna specify who and my close friends who DO know pls don’t say). i like their voice and all! it’s super cool and almost sounds like ado’s voice but genderbent lol. but then… social anxiety or whatever it’s called in this situation, it grabs me by the throat and says:
“there are other utaites that deserve attention too and it’s not FAIR that you just focus on one just because you LIKE them!!”
“you’re only liking them because you like them. go listen to others too for a change” after an hour of listening to exclusively their covers”
more popular utaites like mafumafu, ado (i love her btw /pos), 96neko, soraru, etc etccc
and then i force myself to do that because i feel so guilty if i don’t do that, but then it just eats me up inside when i do.
i feel like i have this problem with everything i fixate on lmao… like prince series— i REALLY liked shintarou and found him pretty and cool and relatable but then i forced myself to partake in discussions that involved other characters too (like his brother, junta) just for the sake of “giving other underrated characters attention” and “making others feel valued” too. it just drained me of my social battery and i fell out of that fixation pretty quickly.
same with cells at work, augshsgdjdgdj. i like aa2153 because he’s cool and pretty and he A N G S T boi. but then i feel an obligation to “like” other characters too. like u-1196 and ac1677 (not saying i DONT like them it’s just that i don’t like them with the same level of ferocity as i like 2153.) this also applies to the original caw characters too (i feel very very obligated to go “enjoy” them too, but then it just drains me to force myself too.)
then this all cumulates into me not being able to comfortably enjoy anything at ALL. lmao
does anyone have this problem with “i NEEED to like all characters equally or i’ll be a bad person”. or is it just me. i’ve been feeling more and more upset with this lately and wonder if i need to do that or can i just like my specific character as it is.
thank you for listening to me if you read all the way to the end here’s a cookie 🍪
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