#ughhh it’s been too long since i’ve used these tags
moonlightdancer26 · 7 months
Can you give your take on this? Because for the life of me I can’t comprehend why lily started dating James right after the worst memory.
Like yeah you’re upset and rightfully fair too, but I feel like she sorta had a liking for James way before the whole thing with sev, like she must’ve thought he’s amusing or something, and I kinda feel like severus might have seen it too, but of course that’s just my thinking.
Correction: She didn’t actually date James right after SWM, she began dating him in 7th year, which was around 2 years after SWM occurred. I don’t think she could be that cruel to date James right after he did something that awful to Snape lol.
I do think she was at least attracted to James during SWM, JKR herself has even confirmed that Lils somewhat fancied James during that period (“You’re a woman, you know what I mean!” no.. no I don’t, JKR 🤨). Her behaviour with James in SWM was concerning as hell, her best friend was legitimately on the ground after just having been choked with soapsuds and her first reaction was to not even glance at him and automatically start bickering with James and talking about his broomstick and his “stupid hair.” 💀 like Lily ily but.. wtf are you doing??
But to be fair to Lils, when she dated James, she genuinely thought he had changed and became a better person. She wouldn’t have dated him if he was still bullying Snape and other people, she would’ve still been attracted to him like she was in SWM, but she wouldn’t have actually gone out with him. However, my issue with that is the fact that she was willing to go out with him AFTER she saw that he SA’d and bullied her (at the time) best friend for YEARS. Lames shippers like to say “oh but she and Snape weren’t friends anymore!! She didn’t ‘owe him anything!’” but like.. at the time, Snape was her best friend of 7 years, and James (knowing that they were friends) had no issue blatantly torturing him and publicly exposing him and then blackmailed Lily (not Snape, but Lily herself) into going out with him. This isn’t an issue about Snape or them not being friends anymore or whatever, it’s the fact that James—at least at one point of his life—had literally zero issue hurting the person Lily cared about and blackmailing her and threatening to hex her. The fact that he was even capable of SA, choking someone with soapsuds, immobilising them, relentlessly bullying them for years, all while knowing that they were someone Lily cared about, should have sent her running for the HILLS. All of that is putting aside that he also had no problem blackmailing Lily and then threatening to hex her when she wanted to defend her friend (“?? wtf girl? How dare you try to help out your friend after I just SA’d them and blackmailed you?? You better not make me hex you too 😠”).
And to make things worse…… what did James even do to change?? Stop bullying people?? Wow so incredible of him! That’s definitely going to reverse the damage of the people he did all that shit to! We should all applaud him for doing the absolute bare minimum!! I should definitely look past him assaulting my now-ex-best-friend-but-who-was-still-someone-I-cared-about-and-respected-at-one-point-in-my-life for 6 whole years, even though he never actually apologised to my now-ex-best-friend… which… would’ve been the proof that he actually changed… Oh who cares? I’m definitely going to date him anyway!
Like, I don’t even care if I wasn’t friends with that person anymore, the fact that YOU had no problem assaulting that person and making their life miserable for YEARS even though you know how much I care about them and then trying to force me into going out with you would be enough for me to not want to go out with you. Simply knowing that you were capable of doing such atrocious things to ANY human being is horrifying. That isn’t even regarding that he showed no hard evidence of changing, merely stopping the bullying does nothing to heal the victim of what you put them through. Like, if I went out and killed a bunch of people, and I suddenly decide to stop killing people, does that mean I’m not guilty of murder?
So, I don’t hate Lily, but I’m definitely not fond of her character. All her scenes show her being pretty unpleasant and she ended up marrying JAMES of all people, so yeah I’m definitely not going to think very highly of her intelligence level…
Anyway, that’s my take. I’m sorry for how long this got, but your ask really triggered something in me that’s been waiting to rant about this 💀
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theydjarin · 3 years
Audio of the Hoth rescue scene from the 1983 ESB radio play, featuring some really great Han & Luke dialogue 
Luke: So what’s your excuse this time? Han: ...for what? Luke: For coming out after me. I guess you can’t claim it was the money this time. Han: Well, ah. I’ll figure something out, Luke. Luke: I bet you will. 😏
Full transcript under the cut:
Han: Chewie? Hey, Chewie! You got the Falcon fixed yet? We’re getting this snowball right now before they close the shield door for the night.
Chewie: Argh?
Han: Because I’m sick of this planet, that’s why! Because Jabba’s hunting for our heads. Now warm her up and let’s raise ship.
Chewie: Aghh!
Han: WHAT?!
Chewie: Agh aghhh
Han: You took what apart?! What are you doing fine-turning the hyper drive now? Look at that mess, are you crazy?
Chewie: Ahhhhhhhhhhgghhhhhhhhhh
Han: Okay okay calm down, we still got a little while before they shut the shield door. You close up the vector guides, I’ll put the transition rig back together.
Chewie: Aghh
Han: All I want to do is get us out of here, Chewie, now put her back together the best way you can. Just so they’ll get us to our next stop.
Chewie: Aughhh
Han: Who? Her royalness? Never what she said. Remind me to tell you sometime about hob-knobbing with the other classes, it’s such fun! Oh, great, it’s just what we needed, here come the loose wiring brothers. What are you doing, Chewie? Are you a saboteur?? You think I want to spend the rest of my life here for face--
C3PO: Captain Solo--
Han: Listen, Chewie, those vector guides will do for now. Just get em back in place and tighten up the hole. I don’t want em perfect, I don’t want em pretty, I want em NOW!
C3PO: Princess Leia has been trying to get you on the comlink--
Han: Whoa whoa there. What’d you say, Threepio?
C3PO: I was attempting to draw your attention to the fact that the Princess Leia has been trying to reach you by comlink now for some consid-
Han: I turned my comlink off, I don’t want to talk to her anymore, it’s bad for my disposition.
C3PO: Indeed. Oh, well, Artoo and I are to inform you that the Princess Leia is worried about Master Luke. She doesn’t know where he is.
Han: Well, I don’t know where he is.
C3PO: Nobody knows where he is.
Han: What do you mean nobody knows? He was only a couple of minutes behind me when I rode in.
C3PO: Well you see sir--
Han: Deck officer, deck officer, come here will ya!
C3PO: Excuse me, sir, but might I inquire as to whether you intend to organize a-- mmph!
Han: Will you shut up for a sec?
Deck Officer: Sir, what can I do for you?
Han: You can tell me where Commander Skywalker is.
Deck Officer: I haven’t seen him. Is that droid malfunctioning, sir?
Han: Not anymore than usual.
Deck Officer: Then why are you holding your hand over its vocal swath?
Han: He’s got a cough. Now what about Luke?
Deck Officer: Commander Skywalker hasn’t come through the main shield door, it’s possible he came in through the south entrance.
Han: It’s possible? It’s possible? Why don’t you just go find out whether it really happened, huh?
Deck Officer: Very well, Captain, as soon as I get the rest of your--
Han: It’s getting dark out there, friend, and cold, in case you didn’t notice.
Deck Officer: I’m aware of that. I joined up with the rebels because I notice things. I’ll go and check on the Commander at once.
Han: Okay, yeah yeah, look, hey, thanks, pal.
R2D2: [angry beeping]
Han: Huh? Oh, sure, Artoo. Sorry, Threepio.
C3PO: Thank you, Captain Solo. Although there was really no need for that, I’m sure. And might I now inquire what has happened to Master Luke.
Han: Well you just go ahead and inquire all you like, Threepio, it never does any good around this deep freeze.
C3PO: Well!
Han: Seal her up, Chewie, I’ll be right back.
C3PO: Really, Artoo, have you ever met such an impossible man? Come along, let’s find the Princess Leia and tell her what’s happened. This is what we get for allowing Master Luke go off on his own, without us to look after him.
Chewie: Aghh ahhhg!
C3PO: Yes, Chewbacca, of course we shall keep you informed of any new developments. Between ourselves, Artoo, I think Master Luke is in considerable danger.
[scene break]
Han: What’d you find out? Where is he?
Deck Officer: Sir, Commander Skywalker hasn’t come in the south entrance either. No one’s heard from him since his last communication check with you.
Han: Well he was clear up on the ridge line then!
Deck Officer: He might’ve forgotten to check in.
Han: Luke? No, where he grew up, people learn to be careful. I’m going looking for him.
Deck Officer: But Captain Solo!
Han: Have the techs got those snow speeders working? I’d use the Falcon but she’s on downtime right now.
Deck Officer: The snow speeders aren’t ready yet. We’ve been having all kinds of trouble adapting them to the cold. The techs are running up a bunch of replacement parts, they should be ready by morning.
Han: Well, morning ain’t likely to do Commander Skywalker very much good, is it? Isn’t there anything in this whole base that’ll fly?
Deck Officer: Nothing that can handle a Hoth blizzard, sir. Those winds would smash you down before you got halfway--
Han: Alright, alright, forget it, I’ll have to ride out and look for him on a tauntaun. Come on, move it, we haven’t got much time.
Deck Officer: Captain Solo! General Riken gave orders no one’s to leave the base!
Han: This one over here will have to do, it’s still saddled.
Deck Officer: Captain Solo!
Han: Tell the command center that I’ll keep in touch with them over comlink band alpha.
Deck Officer: Sir! General Riken doesn’t want anyone leaving the base!
Han: Lieutenant.
Deck Officer: Sir.
Han: Lieutenant. What did you just call me?
Deck Officer: Sir?
Han: Right. Now get outta my way.
Deck Officer: But the temperature’s dropping too rapidly. Even a tauntaun couldn’t survive for long!
Han: Yeah, my friend’s out there someplace, and I’m giving you a direct order to make it easy for ya, so don’t waste my time!
Deck Officer: I’m afraid I can’t let you do this, Captain Solo! I have my standing orders.
Han: Lieutenant, have you ever seen my first mate? ‘bout, uh,  three times your size, covered in fur, got a bad temper?  
Deck Officer: Everybody in the base knows Chewbacca, sir.
Han: Uh huh. Well if you or anybody else tries to stop me from riding that tauntaun outta here, Chewie’s gonna take it real bad.
Deck Officer: But General Riken has clearly instructed me that no one--
Han: Do you think General Riken wants a quarter of a ton of roaring mad Wookie running around this base?
Deck Officer: I’m reasonably certain that he doesn’t, sir.
Han: Smart boy. Now, stand aside!
Deck Officer: I’m trying to save your life! Your tauntaun will freeze before you reach the first marker. Even with an insulated suit, if you’re on foot out there, you’re dead.
[scene break]
Luke: Ughhh. Ughhhhhh. Dagobah. Dagobah!
Han: Luke!
Luke: What?
Han: Luke!
Luke: Ben?
Han: Luke! Whoa, girl, whoa, hold on. Luke! Speak to me, kid. Here, come on, sit up.
Luke: Ben? Han? Han!
Han: Yeah, it’s me, kid, it’s me.
Luke: It’s cold. Han. So cold. I’m warmer.
Han: Warmer? No, Luke, that means you’re freezing. Fight it, come on! Don’t go to sleep on me. Don’t do this to me, Luke. Come on, give me a sign here. Luke. Stay with me. Stay with me, kid.
Tauntaun: [death noises]
Han: Oh no, girl, don’t you give me problems too. The tauntaun’s dead, Luke. Where’s your lightsaber. I need it.
Luke: Ben! Yoda--
Han: There’s not much time. There’s only one way to keep you warm until I get the emergency shelter. [lightsaber zuup] I’m sorry about this, old girl. Okay, Luke, I’m going to have to shove you inside the carcass.
Luke: Dagobah!
Han: This may smell bad, kid, but it’ll keep you alive until I can get the shelter built. And I thought these tauntauns smelled bad on the outside.
[scene break]
Han: Hold still, Luke, I gotta give you a stim shot. There, that oughta take hold and bring you around in a second or two. This is Solo to base. Solo to base. Command center, I don’t know if you can read me, but I’ve got Luke. He’s alive but my tauntaun’s down for good. We’re in an emergency shelter. Do you copy? The storm’s kicking up pretty bad. I don’t know if this hut can take it. Just come for us as soon as you can. I’ve got the homing beacon on. Do your best for us, you guys.
Luke: Han...
Han: Lay quiet, Luke. Come on, there’s not much room in here.
Luke: Han, I can’t see!
Han: You’re snowblind, Luke, but it’ll pass. We’ll get you taken care of soon, I promise. And keep that thermal wrapped around you, we gotta warm you up a little at a time.
Luke: Han... it would be you. How’d you find me?
Han: Snoozing in the snow, that’s how I found you.
Luke: Nice going. You have some sense of timing is all. Where are we?
Han: Emergency shelter. North side of the glacier field.
Luke: You think this thing’s gonna hold up?
Han: Well. I’m sort of hoping for the best, buddy.
Luke: We sure picked a great time to field test it, huh?
Han: Haha, yeah, perfect. How ya feeling?
Luke: Oh... terrific. Why don’t we go outside and get some calisthenics in before it gets too dark?
Han: Sure. Heh. We could always play some tag.
Luke: Hehe. Oh... How’d you get out here?
Han: Tauntaun. There wasn’t any other way. She didn’t make it, though.
Luke: So we’re here til the weather breaks.
Han: Yeah, that’s about it.
Luke: I can’t feel my legs. I’m numb!
Han: You’re gonna be okay. There’s not a lot more I can do for you with a medikit. But they’ll put you through nerve therapy and float you in a regenerative tank and you’ll be as good as new.
Luke: Too bad the nearest one’s a couple kilometers away through a blizzard-
Han: No more talking like that. You’re gonna make it, ya hear? What happened to your face? You look like you walked into a rotor blade.
Luke: Oh. It’s a wampa. Ice creature jumped me on the ridge and killed my tauntaun.
Han: How very rude! as Threepio would say. I hope you killed it right back.
Luke: Well, it seemed like the right thing to do at the time. Whew. What smells so bad in here?
Han: Hehehe. You. You spent a little time inside my tauntaun while I was having a house raising party.
Luke: Well I guess you can cancel all my social engagements for the evening. So what’s your excuse this time?
Han: Huh? …for what?
Luke: For coming out after me. I guess you can’t claim it was the money this time.
Han: Well, ah. I’ll figure something out, Luke.
Luke: I bet you will. 😏
Han: This hut’s gonna hold, Luke, and you’re gonna make it.
Luke: I only wish I could’ve seen Leia. Said goodbye one last time.
Han: I got an idea, pal. Why don’t you just settle down and relax, and tomorrow you can say hello to her instead.
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champagne-bucky · 4 years
The Undoing: Four
Summary: The truth about a past life is unveiled.
Warnings: THIS IS A DARK STORY!! dark! Steve Rogers x reader, kidnapping, non con and dub con (or at least mentions of), dark! Bucky Barnes, Stockholm syndrome, grooming, mentions of pregnancy termination and suicide mentions (for one chapter), possibly more tags to be added!
Notes: Ahhh, so here we are, part 4 and the present time in which this story takes place. I’m sorry it’s taken me so long to get shit done, but I’ve just been so unmotivated and it sucks because I had all these things planned and ughhh procrastination sucks. Anyways enjoy part 4. Please make sure to like, comment, reblog, inbox, and follow for more!! Enjoy :)
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*Present time*
“Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday dear Sasha. Happy birthday to you,” the small crowd that was Sasha’s family cheered as she blew out her candles.
Finally, her 18th birthday. A day where she is legally considered an adult. A day that her father had promised to grant her the freedoms that she saw the other kids had. A day where she would no longer be sheltered.
“Happy birthday, sweetheart,” her mother came up to the young woman and gave her a kiss on the cheek. Her father followed suit, a side hug and kiss as she worked on cutting the cake.
“I want the first piece,” one shouted.
“I want a really big piece,” said another.
The shouting amongst her siblings didn’t subside until her father quieted them down with the threat of “no cake at all.”
While her mother busied herself in the kitchen, Sasha’s father was helping his youngest children get their slices of cake. Birthdays and holidays were the only times the Rogers’ family got to indulge in sweet treats. Steve had made it clear that his children were to only eat the healthiest of foods, and his doting wife always complied.
A knock on the door caught Sasha’s attention. While the family was in momentary disarray, Sasha was the only one who ended up hearing the faint series of knocks.
Therefore, she wiped her hands of sweet buttercream icing and made her way to the locked door. The knocks continued on even after she told them to wait a minute. A peek through the peephole revealed a stranger. To be fair, everyone was a stranger to the Rogers’ family. No frequent visitors, friends, even family, the Rogers’ only knew each other.
“Daddy, someones at our door,” Steve abandoned the youngest child to meet Sasha at the door.
Steve glanced through the peephole and for a minute it seemed like he saw a ghost. “It can’t be,” Steve swung open the door so fast that Sasha feared she would get knocked out by it.
“Bucky,” Steve looked at the stranger on the other side of the door.  
“Been a while huh?” The man, Bucky, gives a half grin at Sasha’s father.
“Wow,” Bucky turns to Sasha, “she’s all grown up,” Bucky invites himself in, but before he could get halfway past the threshold Steve stops him.
“Why all of a sudden have you turned up?” Steve gives Bucky a look that says “don’t say too much.”
“Because there’s a party going on,” Bucky then turns to Sasha. “Happy birthday sweetheart. My god, look at you,” Bucky looks her up and down. Sasha looked very taken back by the strange man. Who was he and why did he know your father?
Steve cleared his throat, “uhm, Y/N is in the kitchen cutting the cake. Why don’t you stay for some,” Bucky obliged and made his way into the kitchen.
“Dad, who is he?” Steve was quick to dismiss her question by replying that he’d been an old friend that knew him back when Sasha was first born.
Buck had made his way into the small kitchen, nothing had changed since Steve had brought his now wife here. In that kitchen were a bunch of children, some big and some small, all asking for a slice of Sasha’s birthday cake.
And then there was her, the young women that Bucky once knew, now all grown up with a family of her own. Bucky couldn’t help but smile at how pleasant she looked while serving the youngest children slices of their cake. She turned once she felt a presence at the door. A mix of emotions flashed through her eyes for a moment, but then her confused expression turned into a smile. She gladly walked over to the long time friend and greeted him with a huge smile and open arms.
“Bucky, it’s great to see you,” not a hint of sarcasm or an urgent surge of rage coursed this beautiful woman. She was genuinely happy to see the man that ruined her life prematurely.
“You haven’t aged a day since I last saw you,” Bucky smiled as he hugged her back. She looked nice in her freshly ironed dress and brand new heels her husband had demanded she wear around the house at all times.
“Please, come sit down while we have some cake. Kids, get to the dining room now please,” the herd of small children rushed out into the dining room with their sweet treats in hand.
Bucky was observant throughout dessert. Upon dodging judgemental and questioning looks from Steve, Bucky got to know more about the rest of the Rogers family.
“Last time I was here you had just had Gwynedd, yes?” Their mother nodded as a carbon copy of Steve Rogers looked up at him with a smile. She was going to be 17 soon, as she mentioned to the family a handful of times about birthday party ideas.
Then there was the third oldest, Max, a short haired, freckly 15 year old who had dreams of becoming an engineer. Reid was approaching 13 years old in the next couple of months, he was adamant on a firetruck themed party seeing as he wanted to be a fireman when he grew up. 11 year old Jocelyn had the same physique as her mother, but her personality was all Steve, she was sassy and always helping out her younger sibling. Last, and probably won’t be the least, was 9 year old Sarah Rogers, named accordingly after Steve’s long departed mother of course, she was the prized baby of the family that no one could touch.
Then there was Sasha, the oldest Rogers. Sasha was 100% her mother, from looks to personality. It was almost like someone hit a copy and paste button on everything Y/N Rogers and stamped it perfectly onto Sasha. Bucky couldn’t believe that the once small baby girl he held in his hands had grown into a beautiful, young woman. Bucky was snapped out of his thoughts when Steve called his name.  
“So, um, Bucky, what plans do you have for the summer?”
“Daddy says we might be able to go to the seashore this summer if we all behave,” Sarah shouted with her mouthful of cake. Her mother scolded her for interrupting Bucky and Steve.
“Well that sounds a lot more exciting than what I’m doing, Sarah. I’ll be fixing up this old house I bought a few blocks over from you guys. I got it for cheap so I want to do some remodeling and maybe sell the place before autumn.”
“Why would you buy a house just to sell it again in a few months?” It was Gwenyd’s turn to interrupt this time.
“It’s called house flipping Gwen, people buy crappy houses and pour all their money into it so they can get stinkn’ rich off the place,” Sasha finally spoke up.
“Sash, remember we don’t use words like that in front of the younger ones,” her mother reminded her before putting her head down and eating the rest of her cake slice.
“You’re very correct Sasha. Think of this as a new hobby of mine, Steve, taking something old and run down and forming it into something new and modern.”
“So what are you going to do to it?” Gwenyd asked.
“Well I'm going to redo the whole structure of the outside, maybe add in a pool and deck area in the backyard. The inside I’m planning on gutting the whole thing and putting in my own personal touches,” the children all ooh’d and ahh’d at the idea.
The wheels in Bucky’s head were turning for a moment. He looked at sweet Sasha and the other kids. He couldn’t just leave them caged up in this house for the summer. He knows Steve. He knows that he’ll keep them locked up inside for fear of one of the children saying something about their unusual situation. He didn’t want to leave Sasha most of all. 18 years old and definitely hasn’t gotten a chance to explore the world. He wanted to help them.
“Say, kids, redoing a big house is a lot of work for one man. How about you guys help me out and I’ll give you some money for your seashore trip,” Reid jumped out of his chair all excited.
“Daddy, Mommy, please please please let us help Bucky. Please!” Steve quieted Reid down.
Their mother kept her head down. She would love for them to get out of the house for a bit, but Steve makes all the rules.
“I’ll have to think about it, Bucky,” Steve said which caused the younger siblings to groan.
“I think it’ll be fun, dad. We get a little bit of work experience, we’ll be kept busy for a couple weeks, and we can make our own money,” Sasha spoke up and Gwenyd was giving her dad a thumbs up to agree with her older sister.
“I said I’ll think about it, girls,” Steve said sternly while finishing off his cake.
Steve couldn’t help but glare at Bucky throughout the rest of dessert. Something just wasn’t right about Bucky’s abrupt visit. Steve’s wife didn’t seem to care much because she enjoyed getting visitors, but Bucky wasn’t a frequent visitor in their home.
Bucky left Steve soon after Gweyndd was born. He stayed around because Steve needed someone to help take care of Sasha while he was busy breaking in his wife. Steve never told Bucky to leave him after that, he would’ve preferred if Bucky stayed around to be in their lives. However, one morning he took off and never came back, he even went as far as breaking all contact with Steve.
Dessert was over and the kids were helping their mother clean up. Steve offered to help, but the kids hopped right to it, cleaning down the table and loading the dishes into the sink. While they were busy, Steve led Bucky into their family room with a couple beers in his hands.
“So, why are you really here?” Bucky laughed.
“Stevie, I just said I was stopping by. Sasha’s 18th birthday is a pretty big deal. No longer a young girl, but a grown woman,” Steve seethed at his response.
“So after all these years of no contact you just decided to show up again after like everything is okay?” Bucky looked at their surroundings to see if anyone was listening. When the coast was cleared he finally spoke up.
“I had the cops on my ass since that first week. That stupid family next door had cameras showing me getting Y/N to come outside with me. Lucky I convinced Sam to pull those traffic cameras and delete the evidence or we both would’ve been caught.”
“The cops were snooping around and you didn’t think to tell me?” Steve heart rate picked up. He did get questioned by the cops one day, but already rehearsed a solid alibi. Who would've guessed that taking that one drama class in high school gave him solid acting skills.
“I had to lay low. I’m pretty sure they tapped my phone and had P.I.’s following me everywhere I went. Once I was cleared of anything I got a new job and skipped town.”
The case went cold after a few years, Steve guessed that they were trying to pin the disappearance on Bucky, but considering Bucky is standing in front of him today it seems he got off.
“So what do they think happened?” Steve whispered.
“A classic runaway case. The family refuses to accept that she’s gone for good. I got to town every now and then and I hear that the parents go looking for her every night on their own. Everyone gave up on them,” Steve let out a breath of relief. He feared that the cops were still after his wife after all this time. It’s refreshing to find out that the case is really over.
“So, you really taking the kids to the beach?” Bucky smirked already knowing Steve’s response.
“They’ve been hounding me all year that they wanted to get out of the house and do something fun. Had to tell them something to get them off my back.”
“When are you gonna break the news to them?”
“Probably a week before I told them we would go. I’m sure Reid or Joce will do something that’ll make me “change my mind”,” Steve smirked. He really couldn’t risk them going out of the house.
“Why don’t they come with me,” Steve laughed.
“I’m serious, Steve. All that time in the house with the kids, how do you and the missus have any “free time”,” Steve rolled his eyes.
“What we do is none of your business. Plus, I don’t want any of these kids to run their mouths like Sasha did,” Bucky asked what he meant by that. Sweet Sasha would sell out her family like that?
Steve explained the whole situation. She took playing house a little too far and took the kids outside to play. Just as bad luck would have it, the neighbors were also outside when they noticed a bunch of unattended children running around and playing. The nosy bastards kept asking Sasha questions. Did you kids just move in? Where are your parents? You’ve been living here how long?
Fucking CPS got involved and wouldn’t let up on the family. Steve’s wife sure as hell got a punishment of a lifetime. She also had to stay in the basement anytime a social worker would have random visits. Couldn’t risk anything.
To get them off their backs, Steve promised that he would enroll all the children in real schools so they would get more social interaction from their age groups. Yeah, that lasted about a month or two until the social workers stopped coming by. Everyone of them got pulled out of school except for Sasha. She enjoyed learning so much and was already making her way into high school.
It took months of convincing her mother to help her out to convince Steve to let her go to high school. Long nights and heated arguments between the couple was giving Steve major migraines. He finally agreed, but only on a string of strict conditions. Luckily, Sasha was already well behaved at this point so he wasn’t too worried about her fucking up again.
“I think it’ll be a good idea to let the kids come with me. They can learn new things and it’ll get them out of your hair. Think of all the time you and Y/N will have. So much time that you could be giving the kids and new brother or sister,” Steve did perk up at that idea. He has been on his wife for a while now about wanting a new baby, they just aren’t getting many opportunities to try with all the kids around.
Steve thought for a moment, “You’ll make sure they won’t get into any trouble right?”
“I’ll watch them like hawks,” Bucky promised as he saw Sasha coming out of the kitchen to head upstairs.
“Hey daddy, I’m gonna go to bed, but I just wanted to say goodnight. Thank you for a great birthday,” Sasha kissed her father’s cheek.
“It was nice meeting you Bucky,” Bucky smiled at her as she walked upstairs.
“You raised her well, Stevie.”
“Fine,” Bucky was surprised.
“Fine what?”
“You can have the kids help you, but don’t get into anything stupid or I’ll have your head,” Steve threatened as the other children started to come in to say goodnight.
“I’ll be here 8 sharp then,” Bucky got up to leave soon after the kids were getting ready for bed.
Bucky had his own planning to do, and he would make sure he would keep Steve’s word.
For something that the children were so excited about, they were relieved that helping Bucky out was over.
What they thought was a couple week project turned into the whole summer. A few fights and temper tantrums later and the house was almost done. However, Bucky wouldn’t need their help any longer. Instead, he agreed that he would keep them longer so Steve had a good excuse to say why their trip wasn’t happening this summer. The kids were so upset that their beach trip got canceled, but Bucky made it up to them by buying them ice cream and letting them watch movies all day one day.
Not only did they get endless amounts of ice cream, but they had a new addition to expect in the next 9 months. Yes, their mother got pregnant again with another child. Bucky could tell Sasha was a little upset by this, but the others were thoroughly excited about a new brother or sister joining the family.
The nights got cooler and the days were getting shorter meaning fall was approaching them. Which meant Sasha would finally be able to get back to school. While most kids dreaded going back Sasha didn’t. She loved school, her teachers, classes, and most of all was getting new books. There has never been a kid who enjoyed reading a European World History book more than Sasha Rogers. Also she couldn’t wait to get some peace and quiet away from her brothers and sisters.
“Sash,” Bucky stopped her before she could walk out of his new house.
“Yeah, Buck,” they had grown rather close during this time, almost as if they were long lost friends.
“I got you something. Think of it as a late birthday present,” Bucky pulled out of his back pocket a rectangular device. Sasha had seen them on TV all the time. In fact, she begged for one for so many years, but her father yelled at her to drop it before he got even more angry.
“I’m not supposed to have one of these. Dad will kill me, he’ll kill you,” Bucky laughed and shoved the phone and its box in her hands.
“It’ll be our secret. Hide this in and don’t tell anyone. Don’t tell mom or Gwen, even your friends at school,” Bucky urged her to take it.
“But I can’t pay for it,” Sasha wasn’t allowed to have a job either.
“I’ll take care of everything. Just to make sure we are clear, don’t do anything stupid with this phone. You tell no one about it at all. If I find anything bad on this phone I won’t hesitate to tell your father, understand?” Sasha gulped and shook her head out of fear of what her father would do.
“Uhm, uh, thank you so much Bucky,” Sasha hugged him.
“It’s no problem at all, Sash.”
Now with a phone in her hand and access to contacting her, Bucky had his own plan in motion.
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stevethehairington · 3 years
Tagged by: the lovely @scimitar-and-longsword  💕💕
Name(s): my name is Mack, and if this also includes like usernames too then my ao3 is macksdramaticshenanigans and obviously yall can see my tumblr url lol. i have a fandom twitter but i hate twitter so i barely go on it lmao.
Fandom(s): oh boy haha this is a loooong list. as of right now, the main fandoms i’m involved in are The Old Guard and Trust FX, but in the past i’ve written for Skam, Marvel, Good Omens, Love Simon/Simon vs., Shameless, and IT. and ofc there are some fandoms i have not written for that i casually enjoy as well.
Where you post: all my fics are posted on ao3! or are sitting in my wips folder lol. i’ve ocsasionally posted some snippets of writing here to tumblr, but none of those are like full on, proper fics, mostly just me rambling off some thoughts i had about whatever characters in whatever scenarios
Most Popular One Shot (by kudos): Imagine Being Loved By Me (918 kudos) ((so close to 1k holy shit!!!! if it got to 1k i think i’d actually die of happiness omg)) this is my Good Omens smut fic lmfao, crowley is fantasizing and aziraphale makes it a reality skgjsd. i’m actually pretty damn pleased with how this one turned out, and i never expected it to get that many kudos so that makes me ridiculously happy sfjgfg. (and also podfixx made a podfic of this fic which made me INSANELY happy like that is the coolest thing ever)
Most Popular Multi-Chapter (by kudos): I Have Hella Feelings For You (697 kudos) ahhh this one!! this one is actually my very first ever chaptered fic!! it’s a skam fic, and i have the most distinctive memory of me sititng in my dorm bed freshman year of college, furiously typing away at my laptop everyday for a week because i somehow managed to post a chapter every day until it was finished, which meant i was writing a new chapter everyday. like damn, i really peaked with that huh? lmao
Favorite story you’ve written so far: ahh okay not to like. toot my own horn kgfldg but this question is HARD bc i have a lot of favorites. i’m going to pick a favorite from each of my main fandoms i’ve written for because i’m an Indecisive Hoe okay fdjdf.
- From Marvel: Just Called To Say I Love You this one is my wrong number stucky fic and i actually adore this one so much, and also it actually ended up being WAY more popular than i expected it to? like i was lowkey shook by how many people liked it 
- From Skam: If You Love Me, If You Hate Me so. about this one. it’s probably my favorite skam fic that i’ve written. but. it also is the utter bane of my existence bc this is the one and only fic i have ever written and posted that i haven’t fnished gskgjfdlfs. it’s going on soon to be a little over 2 years of sitting on my account as an unfinished wip, but i REFUSE to mark it as abandoned bc i really genuienly DO want to finish it, i just havent written for this fandom in a while and inspiration/motivation is tricky yknow? but anyways. this fic is my soccer au!! it was a gift for a secret santa exchange i believe to a dear friend of mine and i still feel awful that i never finished it but. one day!!
- From Love Simon/Simon vs.: Where I Like You Best i am actually obsessed with this one. is that weird to say about your own fic? i enjoy reading a good soulmate au, but writing them has always been SO daunting to me bc i never feel like my ideas are original enough or like things that havent been done a lot for that trope. but for this one!!! omg i found the BEST prompt for it and it fit these characters SO well and i wrote it and i ended up absolutely loving how it turned out, and i was so proud of myself for writing a pretty successful soulmate au.
- From Shameless: Wooden Floors, Walls, and Window Sills so this one was my second ever gallavich fic, and it’s probably my favorite because i think it’s the best characterization i got of them in all of my fics, and good characterization is one of the most important things to me when i write fic. 
- From IT: To What We Might Do is my favorite reddie fic i’ve written! i definitely projected onto richie a teeny tiny bit in it for some parts lmfao, but yeah idk i just love how this one turned out a whole lot, and i enjoyed how i ended it too (esp since endings can be very difficult for me lol). ((BUT also a special shoutout to my fic Imagine Me and You, I Do bc that one is just pure fluff and i adore the concept of someone being just so absolutely in love with someone doing something so incredibly simple and it just rocks their world)
- From Good Omens: I Want To Know What Love Is (did i use the most cheesy title ever? absolutely. do i love it? absolutely.) anyways this fic is one where crowley the demon experiences love and promptly thinks he’s dying. 
Fic you were nervous to post: ooh, i mean i’m always pretty anxious about any fic i post because i never know if it’s going to be recepted well or if people are going to like it or hate it or if anyone is even going to read it or repsond to it. especially if the fic is a gift for someone, because i just really want that person to like it yknow? but yeah idk if theres one in particular i was more nervous to post than any others... i guess maybe any smut fic? just bc i never know if the smut is even any good lol
How do you choose your titles?: eaaaaasy, i usually pick song lyrics lol, ocassionally i’ve used lines from a poem, and a few times i’ve gone with a pun, but mostly it’s song lyrics. i usually find a song with lyrics that i think will fit, or if there’s a particular song that vibes well with the fic or that i listened to repeatedly while writing the fic i’ll try to pick the best lyric from that one.
Do you outline?: yes and no lol. it honestly depends. sometimes i outline extensively, but other times i just sit in front of a doc and let whatever happens happen.
Complete: on my ao3 account i have 80 works completed (will be 81 once i finally finish that one single unfinished wip i have posted gahhh). but i know in my wips folder i have a at least one finished fic that i have not and probably will not post. there are also some other things in my wips folder that like technically could be conisdered finished too, but it’s not up to my posting standards so until i fix it so it is it’ll just sit there lol.
In-Progress: honestly there are too many to count lol. i have a shiiiiiit ton of wips (as yall will know if you saw that one ‘tell us about ALL your wips’ tag game post that was going around that i did lol). 
Coming soon/not yet started: tbh see above answer bc it’s pretty much the same lol. 
Prompts?: so the thing about prompts is that i would LOVE to take them, but it’s very very tricky bc i’m a super specific kind of gal and if i don’t vibe with the prompt it’s very difficult for me to write anything for it. but then there’s also the fact that inspiration/motivation are fickle bitches and they come and go as they please and so taking prompts is hard bc i never know if the stars will align and all that jazz for me to be in the ~ right mood ~ to work on a prompt. this is the exact reason why i have SO MANY sitting in my inbox right now, and i feel so bad for just letting them sit there but ughhh brain function?? how?? lol
Upcoming work you’re most excited about: sooooo i don’t necessarily have any specific works in progress right now (i’ve been so busy lately that writing has been the last thing on my mind and so i haven’t touched anything in weeks) but. i guess if i can ever get my shit together and finish the primo fic i’m close to finishing i’m pretty excited to post that! or honestly if i can actually get myself to finish any of the tog wips i have i’d be suuuper excited to post any of those bc i have not yet posted any tog fics!!
anways!! if you made it to this point thanks for sticking w me and reading through my long winded rambly answers lmao
Tagging: @peachykoya @wandering-scholar-lad @raynertodd @cluelessheroes @pinesboi @thewolvesrunwild @1derspark 
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chickensarentcheap · 4 years
Sanctuary -Chapter 4
Warnings: none. Just some cute Ovi and little kids ;)
Tagging: @valkyrie-of-the-light, @alievans007, @c-a-v-a-l-r-y
It is a fifteen-minute drive into town; a picturesque central area with a healthy mixture of both low and high end shops and numerous eateries and cafes. In the winter it is reminiscent of a Dickens novel; snow covered trees and streets, the Victorian area store fronts boasting immaculate decorations and displays in their front windows,  white lights strung from almost every available surface, and a skating rink in the centre of it all.  In the summer, when tourists flowed into the area and brought in the most money for the economy, the sidewalks were full of patios and lined with immaculate floral gardens. Telluride is a small town, and regular residents all seemed to know one another; conversing in front of the bank and post office, catching up on gossip and talking about high school sports. Tyler’s already exchanged pleasantries and small talk with five people, and that was when just stepping out of the car.
 When they’d first arrived, talk had spread fast about the new family in town.  They’d spent four months living with her parents and getting on their feet before buying able to buy a home with their joint savings and money that Mahajan had managed to scrap together and give as thanks for taking care of his son. Nik had taken it upon herself to act as the ‘small town gossip’, quickly using some of her contacts to spread small little rumours about who they were: an ex Australian Army soldier who’d been injured in Afghanistan and forced to retire at a young age, his young pregnant wife and their baby girl, and a kid that they’d adopted after losing both of his parents. It had managed to keep people from asking too many questions when they’d show up unannounced at the house with various casseroles and baked goods and welcoming gifts. Every so often someone would ask about his service record and just what happened that forced him to leave at such a young age and Tyler would just repeat the same old bullshit about arthritis and nagging injuries and show off some of the more prominent scars that marred his body. Just like five years ago in Dhaka, people had taken to them.  They were young, friendly, always willing to lend a hand if someone needed it.  Never too accessible, but just accessible enough.  Never free and easy with their personal information, but giving out just enough that kept people curious. And when he started his own business, word travelled fast and within a week he had a client list of over two dozen. On his first day of school, Ovi already had people waiting to meet him. Interested in who the kid with the ex Army Aussie dad was.
Even five years later it is a novelty of sorts: an Australian living in their small town. They’re intrigued by his accent and his slang and always want to hear stories about ‘the land down under’. Even now he couldn’t go into the hardware store or into the pharmacy to buy diapers without someone wanting to hear all about kangaroos and koalas and was it really true they had spiders the size of dinner plates? He humoured them for the most part; slightly annoyed when they attempted to copy the way he talked. What was the saying? Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery? He’d just laugh it off and they’d think it was hilarious whenever he called them mate.
The twins and Millie had decided to tag along; the boys wanting mohawks done at the barber and their sister wanting ice cream. The little mom and pop candy store was always one of their stops when they happened to make it into town, and she wasn’t about to let her father forget about it.
“I can take her,” Ovi offers, still trying to make up for his huge fuck up the night before. “I could use some ice cream too.”
“Oh please, daddy?! Please?!” Millie gushes, as she waits for him to unload her brothers from their car seats before tending to her. “Can Ovi take me for ice cream? Let Ovi take me for ice cream!”
“Sometimes I think you love him more than me,” he teases, as he leans across the back seat to unbuckle her, and in response she curls both arms around his neck and gives him a sloppy, noisy kiss on the forehead.
“I don’t love anyone more than you daddy.”
“Not even mommy?”
“Mommy is a close second. Don’t tell her that though. It might make her sad.”
“What about your brothers? Where are they on your list?”
“Oh they are wayyyy down there. Like between broccoli and Brussel sprouts.”
“You hate broccoli and Brussel sprouts.”
Her eyes narrow. “Exactly.”
He can’t help but laugh at the seriousness in her voice, at the frown that takes over her face, the way her normally brilliant blue eyes grow dark.  So much like him in so many ways. He sees it all the time; in all of his kids. Certain facial expressions and mannerisms that he long ago recognized in himself.
“Okay, I know they piss you off, but they’re still your brothers,” he reminds her, as she clambers out of the SUV.
“Maybe they’re adopted,” she sounds hopeful at the idea, and then rolls her eyes at them when they start harassing her about her dress and her pig tails.
“I hate to break it to you, but they’re not. They definitely came out of mommy’s tummy. I was there. I saw it happen.”
“But how’d they get in there? Maybe other babies got put in her tummy by accident.”
“Naw, I was there for that too. So sorry. You’re stuck with the brothers you have.”
She’s side eyeing them now, with absolute disdain despite the fact they’re actually behaving and just waiting patiently for their dad to lock the car and set the alarm.  He recognizes that look, too. He’s used it many times himself when someone’s mere presence has annoyed the shit out him.
“They’re just so…ughhh…” she huffs dramatically.
That’s definitely more her mother coming out.
“But at least I have you, right Ovi?” she curls a hand around two of his fingers and gazes up at him adoringly. “At least you won’t pick on me and pull my hair and do stupid boy stuff. You’re like an older brother, right? That’s what mommy always says. That you’re practically my big brother. Is that true?”
The kid looks as if he may burst into tears at the mere thought of it. “If that’s what you want. Do you want me to be your big brother? I’ve always wanted a little sister.” He’s always seen her that way. She’d been his first hands on experience with babies and he’d relished every moment. Never once complaining when he was asked to change a dirty diaper or she threw up on his clothes. He was a natural, calm, patient, compassionate. A surprise, considering he’d never been brought up experiencing any of those traits.
“I can be your little sister,” she offers, and picks his arm up and slings it around her shoulders.
It takes him a moment to compose himself. And he blinks his eyes several times and clears his throat and then smiles down at her.
“I’d like that.”
When he was a kid, this place would have been paradise. An entire wall devoted to clear plastic cylinders filled with a rainbow of various candy, display cases showing of chocolates in all kinds of shapes and even cartoon characters and over two dozen different flavours of fudge. There’s even an old fashion milkshake and ice cream bar on the far wall, serving everything from basic cones to sundaes with dozens of available toppings, and enormous banana splits.
Oh, to be a child again! He longed for those days. Not his childhood and his previous life in India; spent as a prisoner in his own home because of his father’s evil misdoings. But a childhood that would be much simpler. Worry free. Where he could actually be a kid and enjoy all the innocence that came with it. If he could choose, he would pick this moment, this place, this family, to experience as a child. In a home where he felt safe. Valued. Respected. Loved. Where his opinions and his feelings are validated, and he can speak without being spoken to. Where there is more laughter than there were tears. More smiles than harsh raised voices.
And love. Lots and lots of love.
That is what he witnessed in his new home, with his new family.  He’d been made to feel as if he was loved just as much as the biological children. He was valued. Seen as a person and not a thing. Tyler and Esme never said those three little yet powerful words, but he felt them. In the way they expressed pride in his school accomplishments, in the way they helped him battled his issues since the incident in Dhaka five years ago, how they encouraged him to always try his best and learn from his mistakes. Even when he was younger and being disciplined, there was love in it.  They only wanted what was best for him and hated to see him wandering down difficult paths.
No. They never said it. Neither did he. But it was all around him. And inside of him.
Half a dozen customers linger in the store; a small family picking out candy, a couple sitting on the stools at the counter, and a solo man sitting in one booth at the very back.  A trucker style hat pulled low over his eyes, sleeves of brightly coloured tattoos visible under his t-shirt, a mug of black coffee and that day’s newspaper in front of him.  He glances up as they enter; his eyes locking on Ovi’s for a split second, a smile tugging at the corners of his mouth. Ovi finds it a tad unsettling. He’s spent a lot of time wandering the town and in and out of the various shops and he’s never seen that face before. And in Telluride, newcomers stick out like sore thumbs.
Millie tightly holds his hand and happily skips alongside of him, pausing every couple of feet to spin in a circle; commenting on the way her dress looked when she twirled. Because that’s how the princesses’ dresses moved in all the movies she’s seen, and she would very much like to be a princess when she’s old.
And a firefighter.
“That’s quite the combination,” he remarks. “A princess and a firefighter? Are you going to wear your tiara and your princess dress when you go to fires?”
“Maybe the dress, but not the tiara,” she says. “Because I wouldn’t be able to get my helmet on.”
Pretty sound logic.
He notices the way people watch them, mostly out of curiosity. That sweet little girl in her blue and white gingham dress and her light up Frozen sandals.  With her unruly hair and her huge blue eyes, her hand tightly clutching his. They probably think he’s a babysitter. Or a family friend. But truth be told, he is closer to her than he’s ever been to any of his blood family.
“Let’s see what we want,” he says, and scoops her up into his arms, settling her on his hip in the same fashion he’s seen Tyler use so many times.  And she curls an arm around his neck and pushes her unruly hair out of her eyes and leans forward as far she can go in order to get a closer look at the tubs of ice cream laid out in the freezer before them. He doesn’t know why he bothers. She orders the same thing every time they’re there.
“Aren’t you a lucky little girl,” the cashier says, as she rings up their order. “Having a friend take you out for ice cream.”
“Oh, he’s not my friend,” Millie informs her. “He’s my brother.”
The woman arches an eyebrow.
“What she means is…” Ovi attempts an explanation of his own, but Millie jumps right in.
“Just ‘cause we look different doesn’t mean he’s not my brother. ‘Cause he is. My mommy and daddy adopted him when his mommy and daddy died. He didn’t have anywhere else to live so mommy and daddy let him live with us. I also have three other brothers.”
“Are they adopted to or…”
“Nope. They’re my real brothers. They have the same mommy and daddy as I do. Two little brothers were enough and when mommy was having another baby, I really wanted a little sister. Or a puppy. Puppies don’t cry all the time and wake me up in the middle of the night and steal my toys. But nope, another brother,” she’s clearly disgusted by that fact. “How come so many boys? Daddy says that some people just have lots of boys and others have lots of girls and some just have a little of both. But mommy says daddy is a boy making machine. Whatever that means.”
“I am so sorry,” Ovi apologizes. “She likes to talk.”
“My brothers that came right after me are twins,” she continues, taking the cashier’s wide-eyed interest and awe at her precociousness as her cue to keep going. “Tanner. And Tyler. Tyler’s my daddy’s name too. My baby brother is Declan. He’s the cutest one. The other two are just way too annoying.  And Declan doesn’t pick on me and pull my hair. And I’ll make sure he doesn’t…” she makes a fist, as if to signify she’s going to punch him in the face if he doesn’t tow the line.
Out of the corner of his eye, Ovi notices the tattooed man in the trucker hat slipping out of his booth; mug of coffee and newspaper in his hands as he moved closer to them. Dropping into one of the stools closest to the entrance.  He shifts nervously from foot to foot; keeping one arm tight around Millie as he pocked his change and then carries her and their treats to the nearest table. He makes sure that he’s facing the door. Tyler has always told him that is was the smart thing to do; you didn’t want to be surprised by trouble sneaking up on you.
He hates that he’s still so paranoid. That the nightmare he’d gone through in Dhaka still bothers him to this day. It’s his cross to bear; painful and heavy. And some days he just wishes he could ease the burden on his tired shoulders.
Instead of taking the seat across from him, Millie slips in right beside him, kneeling on the vinyl bench in order to reach her ice cream.  She happily digs in; spooning the bubble gum flavoured concoction into her mouth as she rattles on about gymnastics and martial arts and how she really wishes that daddy didn’t hate hockey so much, because she’d really like to learn how to play it. And how to hit people really hard and fight them. And as he listens intently and offers up nods and appropriate responses, he casually keeps an eye on the stranger seated at the counter.  Ovi knows he’s watching them. He can feel it every time he looks away to pay attention to Millie.
“Ovi?” she suddenly asks, as she licks ice cream off her fingers.
“What does daddy do? What’s his job?”
“He fixes up houses and makes them nice again. And helps people do things they’re not able to do in their own homes. You know that.”
“I don’t mean that job. I mean his other job. The one that Auntie Nik always calls him on the phone about.”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about. I…”
“He always leaves in the middle of the night and then he’s gone in the morning and I’m mad that he didn’t even say goodbye,” she continues. “And then he’s gone a long time and mommy is really sad and cries about it. She tries to say that she doesn’t cry, but I hear her when she thinks I’m asleep. I know she’s worried about daddy. Is he doing bad things?”
“No,” he assures her. “He’s not.”
“I don’t like that he’s gone all the time. It makes me sad. And then I can’t sleep because I’m sad and daddy isn’t there to tuck me in and read me a story.  Where is he? Where does he go? Mommy says he’s far away, but he still calls us every night. It makes me feel better when he calls. ‘Cause I can hear his voice.”
“He’s a lot of different places,” Ovi explains. “He travels a lot.”
“But what does he do? What kind of job is it?”
“He helps people. People that are in trouble.”
“Are bad guys after the people?”
He nods. “The bad guys are after them and your dad goes and helps them get away. He rescues good people from bad people.”
Her eyes widen and her voice is above a whisper, speaking in astonished awe. “You mean like a superhero?!”
He grins. “Just like a superhero.”
“Like the Avengers?!”
“Just like them. Just like Thor.”
“Oh, he’s my favourite!” she gushes.  “Mommy’s too because she says he’s a total snack.”
“I wouldn’t tell your dad that. About mom thinking Thor’s a snack. Or about how you know he’s a superhero. He doesn’t see himself that way and he doesn’t like to talk about it. You know how some superhero’s keep it a secret and no one knows who they are? That’s how it is with your dad. So we’ll just keep it between us, okay? You don’t want to embarrass him, right?”
“I’m not brave, mate.”
“Of course you are. You rescue people.”
“Yeah, sometimes. Sometimes I do other things.”
“You mean like killing people?”
Ovi can hear that conversation as if it were just yesterday. At Gaspar’s house, when he’d asked Tyler if he’d always been brave.  How could you not be? When you willingly put your own life on the line to save the lives of others? Even if there was money involved, it still took a lot of courage to go into a situation where you didn’t know if you’d survive or not.  Tyler and his father were nothing alike. His father had killed people with horrible intentions. Tyler kills because he has to. To save others and himself.  He would never tell the little girl beside him that. Those details are difficult to digest and painful to hear about, and she doesn’t need to know them until she is older.
And maybe not even then.
“Ovi?” she asks once again, and he uses the tip of his thumb to clear ice cream from the corners of his mouth.
“That man is giving me the creeps.”
He shifts uncomfortably in his seat, tries to play it cool. “What man?”
“That one,” her eyes narrow once more as she glares at the stranger in question.  “He keeps looking at us. Why does he keep looking at us?”
“Maybe he just thinks you’re cute. Or he’s jealous because you have ice cream and he doesn’t.”
“We could always ask him,” she suggests. “About why he’s staring at us.”
“Or we could just mind our own business and eat our ice cream. We don’t want it to melt, do we?” he wraps an arm around her waist and pulls her a little closer and a little tighter to his side. 
The chime above the door sounds as it swings open and Ovi watches as Tyler and the boys enter; the twins being maneuvered over the threshold with a large, strong hand gripping the back of their shirts, effectively steering them in the right direction. Both have mohawks now; one with frosted green tips, the other blue, and Ovi grins at the sight of Tyler’s own new look. Or was it in an old look? Newish oldish perhaps? The same cut he’d sported when they first five years ago. He remembers how he’d been intrigued by it; no one at school would dare have their hair cut like that and there was no way his own father or any of those paid to watch him would have ever allowed him to get it done.
He also notices it’s a bad knee day. That limp a little more prominent than usual.
“Over here boys,” he says to his sons, and with a gentle push with his thighs sends them the right way.
Ovi clears his throat noisily, making it a point to catch Tyler’s attention. And when their eyes lock, he makes a small nod in the direction of the man sitting at the counter.  Pretending to be immersed in his paper as the cashier refills his coffee mug.  Through the lenses of his sunglasses, Tyler’s able to check him out without even being noticed, and Ovi sees the way his head barely moves as he gives the stranger a once over; his brow slightly furrowed, lips set in a thin line.
“Hi daddy!” Millie cheerfully greets as he approaches the table, and Ovi notices how the stranger finally looks up; no expression on his face as he eyes Tyler from head to toe. “What’s up with your hair?”
“Most of it’s gone. Why? You don’t like it?”
She frowns. “It’s kinda weird.”
“Blame your mother. She likes it like this. Get in,” he instructs his sons, and helps each of them by grabbing the back of their shorts and lifting them onto the bench.
“Nice hair cuts boys,” Ovi enthuses, and he gets high fives from each of them. “Very cool. What’s up with the colour though?”
“My wife’s going to kill me,” Tyler laments, and then heads off to purchase ice cream for the twins. Ovi notices yet again that the man at the counter watches him intently; brows arching as he takes in the tall, powerful frame.
Impressed, maybe? A little intimidated? Even now Ovi himself found it hard not to be. When you’re that tall and you’re back and shoulders are that broad and your muscles are that big, you tend to draw attention to yourself. Mostly it was from women. Ovi noticed that a lot. The females like Tyler’s big muscles and his blue eyes.
Tyler slides into the seat across from him, removing his sunglasses, placing them on the tabletop and then getting the twins settled with their ice cream.  He’s a good dad.  Ovi has always thought so. He’s a gentler version of himself when he’s in ‘dad mode’; his features softening, his voice not as gruff.  Calm and patient.  
“What’s up with that guy?” he asks, jerking his head in the direction of the counter.
“He’s been staring at us,” Millie answers for Ovi, as she ducks under the table, crawls to the other side and then resurfaces and climbs onto her dad’s lap.  “It’s creepy.”
“Maybe he just thinks you’re cute,” her father reasons. “Or he wants your ice cream.”
“That’s what Ovi said. Hey!” she flashes a dramatic pout when he helps himself to some of her treat.
“He’s just been sitting there,” Ovi says. “He was here before we got here.”
“What’s he be doing?”
“Sitting. Reading the paper. Drinking coffee.”
“And watching us,” Millie pipes up. “Super creepy. I don’t like creepers.”
Tyler chuckles at the use of the word ‘creepers’, and running a palm over her hair, drops a kiss on the top of her head.  “You definitely are your mother’s daughter.”
“You ever seen him before?” Ovi asks. Tyler’s in town more than he is; always at the hardware store picking things up for his side business.
“Don’t think so. I think I’d remember a face like that. Definitely doesn’t fit in around here.” But then again, neither did he really. With the accent and the tattoos and the scars. And now the haircut.
“People are weird,” Tanner chimes in.  He’s the observant one out of the two boys; the kind that sits back and quietly takes in a situation or an environment, brain coming up with different scenarios and outcomes. Wise and intelligent beyond his years.
“You’re one to talk with that haircut,” his father teases, and nudges him playfully with his elbow. “You realize your mother is going to seriously hurt me, yeah? She’s not going to be happy at all. Think it’s worth it? Think it’s worth me having to sleep on the couch for the rest of my life?”
His son nods enthusiastically.
“That’s it. Throw me under the bus. Now I remember why your brother is my favourite,” he’s teasing of course, and reaches across the bench to gently and playfully pinch his name sake just below the ribs.
Ovi notices just how much they all actually do like alike.  The same facial features: blue eyes framed by impossibly long and dark lashes, almost the exact same colour and texture of hair, the same noses and ears. Even the same smiles and mannerisms.  The way they will each smirk and cock their heads to the side when they’re sensing someone else’s bullshit.  
There are definitely some extremely strong genes on Tyler’s side of the family.
“He’s coming this way,” Ovi whispers, as the stranger slides off his stool, and folds his newspaper and puts it under his arm before carrying his empty cup to the cash register.
He’s average height and has a stocky build. Nothing remarkable about him at all save for the arms full of tattoos.
Tyler casually watches him; legs stretched out under the table, an arm across the back of the booth.   If he senses something is up, Ovi can’t tell for sure.  There’s no darkness to his eyes or furrows across his brow.
The other man turns towards them now, briefly pausing at the side of their table as he looks down at Tyler, the hint of a smile tugging at his lips.
“Can I help you, mate?” Tyler asks. Calm. Cool. Collected.  It was a trait that Ovi admired; the ability to stare someone down yet remain completely relaxed and expressionless.
“Just admiring your family. I’ve got a few kids of my own back home. Just made me miss them seeing you all together.”
“Where’s back home?”
“You’re a long way from home.”
“I could say the same about you. Accent and all.”
Tyler nods slowly. “Here for business or…?”
Ovi enjoys watching the process. The way the questions come so easily and never seem prodding or invasive. Tyler’s expression and tone never wavering.
“You could say that. What brought you here?”
“The wife’s from Colorado. Decided to move here when we started having kids.”
“Definitely a nice place to be. Well you all take care. Enjoy your family.  Kids are a special gift. Don’t take it for granted.”
Tyler nods, then casts a casual glance over his shoulder, watching as the man heads through the shop and out the front door.
“Anything?” Ovi asks expectantly.  “Feels weird, right?”
“Felt like it’s just a guy away from home and missing his family. I’ve been there. I know what it’s like. He probably just wanted someone to talk to.”
“But the way he was watching us. The way he was watching Millie…”
“Maybe he has a little girl of his own and she reminds him of her.”
“So you felt nothing? You didn’t feel like there’s something weird? Something’s going on?”
Tyler smirks. “Not every strange person is out to get us, mate. Sometimes people are just weird. Or lonely.  Sometimes they just want someone to talk to and don’t know how to go about it. Remember how you felt when you first moved here? How different it was and you didn’t have any friends? It’s like that. But a hundred times worse. A guy’s thousands of miles from home, missing his wife, missing his kids, maybe having a shit day. So he wants to reach out to someone.”
“So you really felt nothing? Nothing at all?”
“Just a normal guy missing his family, kid. That’s all.  Thought you were getting a handle on this. The paranoia. It’s been five years. If someone from back home was after you, they’d have found you by now.”
“You don’t worry? About people from your past coming to find you?”
“If I just my entire time worrying about stuff like that, I’d never leave the house. And let’s not get too into it, yeah?” he nods down at Millie and then over at the twins. “Little ears and all.”
He likes to keep things on the downlow as far as the kids are concerned. They’re young and vulnerable. Impressionable. And telling them that their dad helps people is one thing, but telling them that he sometimes has to hurt and even kill people to do it, is a different beast all on its own.
“Does chocolate milk come from brown cows?” TJ suddenly asks, effectively breaking the mood.
“Excuse me?” his father laughs. “What?”
“Well if the white milk comes from the black and white cows, where does the chocolate milk come from?” his son continues. “Brown cows, right?”
“That’s not how it works,” Tyler chuckles. “That’s not how any of that works. It comes from putting chocolate in white milk.”
“What about the grass?” Tanner’s turn now. “How come the grass is green and the sky is blue?”
“That’s a simple one,” Tyler says.  “If the sky was green like the grass, you wouldn’t know where to stop mowing.”
Ovi can’t help but laugh at that. The way it is said with the utmost seriousness and how the kids are now both in awe that their dad knew that and thinking he’s apparently the smartest man on the planet.  He’s able to relax again. Calmed by the fact that he’s with his people.
His family.
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revangerang · 4 years
Oh boy I really got in my feelings and wrote way too much lmao
Tagged by: @edithpattou86
Tags your friends to do their own lists: @chierafied @mother-ishvara @doughygraduatestudent @kazoomajor @pagan-assassin
Top 5 animated movies:
1. Whisper of the Heart - Such a cute and whimsical slice-of-life coming of age story, and so inspiring for creative types! I love how Shizuku sees her fantasies come to life in the world around her, and how she just follows her whims to wander the city and treats each day like an adventure. I see a lot of myself in her. The grandpa and his shop are so cool! I want to find a place like that in my city! I love how she and Seiji inspire and encourage each other to improve themselves. Even though they’re so young and I usually hate that kind of thing, I think it’s a very realistic portrayal of what true love and a healthy relationship should be. The way her writing is treated as a creative process and something she can polish with hard work is just such a wonderful message and so inspiring to me.
2. Spirited Away - I love the Japanese culture and mythology, and the serene, still tone of the film. Truly beautiful. The way it doesn’t paint the spirits and gods in a bad light is good and correct: they were the careless humans who went into their world and took what they shouldn’t have. But it still focuses on the supernatural and eerie elements, often without even explaining anything, which I love. And the bathhouse feels like a real functioning place with workplace culture and all. And of course it’s great that Chihiro steps up and learns to be strong. I just love it.
3. Howl’s Moving Castle - I love all the characters so much, and all the magic and whimsy. The fantasy European setting is so charming, and they did a good job depicting Western magic. Ghibli movies really have such mundane magic, and they make me feel like my life is magic too. Sophie is so good and strong and I love seeing her come into her own. And Howl is hot. lmao
4. My Neighbor Totoro - I had the original Fox dub of this on a bootleg VHS my grandma made us when I was literally like an infant. My parents threw it away when I was still young- like no older than 5- because it “has Eastern religion in it” 🙄 Too bad for them the damage was already done lmfao. It was definitely one of the biggest influences of my formative years, I loved it so much and I’m so grateful to it. That mundane magic I talked about before, and just introducing me to a totally different worldview from my sheltered white American Christian bubble. I was fascinated by every single aspect from the traditional Japanese-style home to the bentos to the shrines... I really admired Satsuki and how grown up she was, taking care of her little sister like she did, making the lunches, all that. It’s really such a charming movie with great music and such a realistic depiction of childhood. Plus who doesn’t love Totoro himself?? And catbus! Iconicccc. I still look for little portholes in bushes and trees to this day lmao
5. Mulan - My little 8-year-old enby ass crying in the living room and repeatedly playing the Reflections scene over and over makes so much more sense now 😂 But really it’s just such a great film with a unique art style, fun characters, and great music. I love how Mulan fights for what she believes is right, and wants to protect her father. And I think it’s great how she also fights to find her own place in the world. I like how they don’t make it a “not like other girls” thing, but just that she personally somehow doesn’t feel comfortable in her own skin with the makeup and all that. Between her living as a man and the clear romantic relationship between “Ping” and Shang, it’s pretty good queer representation for a 2000s Disney movie lol. Also Mulan and Shang can both get it I mean what.
Honorable Mention: Prince of Egypt - That animation tho! So fucking cinematic!! And the music and everything just ugh so good! The characters are really compelling too and you can totally feel the brotherly love and familial issues.
Top 5 live action movies:
1. Miss Pettigrew Lives For A Day - This is a movie where you can’t look away for a moment or you’ll miss something important. It really is just one entire heck of a day for the main character like howwww does so much happen. It’s really just written so well honestly that they manage to pack so much into a single movie and a single day. I aspire to that level. The 30s setting is so great with the costumes and set and music ahh I get so much inspiration from it. Every single character (and actor for that matter) is just fantastic. It’s super funny- that situational comedy is my jam. And there are touching moments that give me inspiration for my own life. I relate to Miss Pettigrew with her clear social anxiety, and perhaps neurodivergency? But I love how the events of the film bring out the best in her. And Delysia is just so charming! I want her confidence
2. La La Land - Such a fun and whimsical musical about life for creatives in Los Angeles~ It makes me feel nostalgic and proud to live here. I love all the different homages to classic Hollywood, and the music is so good!! The love story feels realistic and I actually really like that they don’t end up together in the end. They just encourage each other to be better, and if that means being apart, they’re willing to do it. It is another one that gives me inspiration for my life and creative endeavors, especially The Fools Who Dream 😭 Gets me every time.
3. Mamma Mia - This is my shameless feel-good movie. I love just putting it on in the background as I clean or whatever. It’s just so upbeat and fun!! I love Amanda Seyfried and Meryl Streep especially. And I like that the main character learns what she wants (and doesn’t want) out of life right now. And I love that they depict older characters and women!! having full and rich lives including romance and sex. The message that it’s never too late for love is so great! And also just like please communicate and you will probably save yourself so much heartache lmao.
4. Across the Universe - I have an affinity for the 60s and 70s, and I love how this movie kind of takes you through that era with the various characters. It’s such a fun movie with great costumes, cinematography, and music! I just love all the covers of the Beatles songs!! I honestly like them just as much as I like the originals. This is one of the first things I ever saw with positive/neutral queer representation?? Like Sadie is presented just as she is, without it being like WHAT SHE LIKES WOMEN?????? I”MPOSSIBLE !! Or making it all about sex or whatever. It’s literally just like “I want to hold your hand.” Also the whole bit with Eddie Izzard is just incredible lmfao
5. LOTR - My first fandom~ I love these movies so much ughhh. The music! The costumes! The characters! The world! The high fantasy!! I think PJ was so true to the books, or at least as much as he was able in just 10-ish hours. I love that they just went for it and filmed all three in one go, and made them over 3 hours long, which was basically unheard of at the time for blockbuster films. They did so good fully representing the different races through costume, language, culture, and the music too. I literally used to just lay on my bed for hours at a time in junior high, listening to the soundtracks and being immersed in the world. My friends and I would often play pretend that we were in Middle Earth (so lame for middle schoolers lmaooo). I love every single (not-evil) character and I will fight for them. I will especially fight Denethor I don’t even cARE !
Honorable mention: A Little Princess - Sooo whimsical and lovely, even when the girls are going through hardship! I love Sarah and how she literally does magic and even puts a curse on what’s her face omgg. She’s so charming and a genuinely good person too, even though she could have been a spoiled brat. The big climactic scene is so !! Omg I still get the adrenaline when she’s crossing the board and then hiding from the police even though I’ve seen this countless times since I was a small child. And it’s so wonderful that she’s reunited with her father, and they adopt the other girl. It taught me at a young age that the world isn’t fair and people will be nasty and abusive for no reason, but that you can still believe in magic and “fancy yourself a princess.” And the neighbor guy taught me that strangers will step in to help out of the goodness of their heart.
Top 5 TV shows:
1. ATLA - One of the best series of all time. The worldbuilding, lore, storyline, character development, animation, music, etc, are all incredible. If they had gone with the original intention of making Zutara canon it would have been literally perfect and so subversive and innovative! As it is it is still nearly perfect and they still did an amazing job with Zuko’s redemption arc. I just ignore that very last scene tbh. In my mind, it didn’t happen. The series addresses so many issues like imperialism, sexism, abuse, family, disability, war, etc, in a very realistic way. Uncle Iroh is literally a treasure.
2. Steven Universe - So charming and wonderful!! I just love it so much!! It is so goddamn queer, it makes me so happy. Stevonnie is the nonbinary representation we don’t even deserve!! I love every single character. I love the animation and the music too! The bgm is so bubbly and glitchy and cool, super on point for trends these days. And the original songs are so charming~ It also deals with a ton of important issues like imperialism, interpersonal relationships, oppression, self-identity, abuse, leadership, mental health, boundaries, consent, brain-washing, unlearning unhealthy behavior, etc. I love that every single character, even minor ones, get character development and a chance to be strong and improve themselves. And it shows that even the ones we initially think are super strong and have it all together, actually have their own issues that they struggle with too.
3. Yuuri!!! On Ice - This show!!!! Oh my goddddddd. Literally perfect. I love that it just subverts every single trope???? Especially with the events at the beginning and the big spoiler in episode 10. Simply incredible. I love every single character so much??? Even ones I was expecting to hate, like how Yurio is a little shit at the beginning, and then when Lilia is introduced as this super severe tyrant, but she ends up just being a good, yet strict coach because she really wants Yurio to succeed. It’s honestly just so wholesome! The music is so amazing and the ice skating is really realistic too! It really shows that they had an actual skating choreographer and worked off video of him performing. I love how realistic the whole show is like with lots of social media, youtube, instagram, etc. And it does a queer romance without it being a gimmick. It’s just a sports anime with a side plot of a romance but it just happens to be gay. And Kubo-sensei has stated that homophobia doesn’t exist at all in their world which makes me so happy. It’s honestly so queer and I adore how all three main characters are genderfucks a bit. I also love how realistically Yuuri’s anxiety and depression are portrayed. I relate so much to him, especially because mine exhibit in the exact same ways as his. It’s another one that inspires me to fight to be better and live the life I want to live.
4. OTGW - So charming. A perfect addition to the canon of New England fairy tales. The music is great, the animation is wonderful and nostalgic, the characters are fun and interesting and spooky. I love how liminal it is and you aren’t really sure where they are or what’s going on for the majority of the episodes. Greg is the most realistic depiction of a small child and the brothers’ relationship is the most realistic I think I’ve ever seen in my life lmao. He’s just so random and weird and has such Little Kid Logic I love it so much lmao. The story is perfectly contained in its 10 short episodes, and it gives a very satisfying ending. I still can’t get over how many huge stars were in it too?? Like fucking Tim Curry as Auntie Whispers???? I can not believe.
5. Inuyasha - I’m weeb trash and this show is also trash but I love it so much okay. As a big fan I hold so much against the anime for changing things from the manga, but even so I love it. Overall I think the animation, music, and voice acting is perfect. It’s so cool with all the mythos of youkai and the shikon jewel, plus I love traditional Japanese culture stuff. And isekai type stuff is my jam. If I found a portal to another world or to the past you bet your ass I’d go through it. I totally don’t still look for portals as a 30 year old adult, I don’t know what you’re talking about 😂 Kagome is such a great mc tbh like she’s so smart and strong and talented and kind I just love her so much??? I want to be more like her. And I love all the characters honestly. I have to overlook some questionable 90s anime tropes for certain ones, but I still love them. As much as we rag on the constant upgrades thing, the battles and stuff are pretty thrilling, and overall the series is good fun. And yes Sesshoumaru is my husbando, next question.
Honorable Mention: Doctor Who - I love how this show manages to be like every single genre?? SciFi, historical, comedy, thriller, mystery, slice of life, etc. I love all of the Doctors, and all of their companions. I just love how much the Doctor loves humans, and how much faith they have in humanity. And again it’s that whole isekai, time travel, normal modern human goes on magical adventures thing. I would go with the Doctor in a heartbeat. I still cry over Donna 😭
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alwaysupatnight · 4 years
Since you sent me an a bonus two, I am taking that as a greenlight to send even more! How about Kate Fuller and looking through your tags: Joel Hammond (Santa Clarita Diet) and Edward Elric (Full Metal Alchemist) 💖
omg this took forever!! lmaooo Thanks for all the characters though!! :D
Kate Fuller
Why I like them: My love!! I went into FDTD already a fan of Madie’s but Kate quickly became one my fave characters!! I love that she’s so small and cute but will absolute wreck you if you mess with her or someone she cares about!! lmfao She’s so fierce when she needs to be and doesn’t take shit from anyone, but she’s also so nurturing and forgiving and I think we all need a little of that in our lives. Absolute sunshine, not to be taken for granted.
Why I don’t: Sometimes she goes a little too far tbh. She doesn’t know when or how to say no. It’s not that I don’t like that about her, but it absolutely gets her into situations that could otherwise be avoided.
Favorite episode (scene if movie): Again season 2 episode 1!! I love how she sasses Seth in that episode. lol
Favorite season/movie: Hmm... maybe season 1.
Favorite line: “...So you’re gonna put this car into drive, and you’re gonna step on that pedal, or I’m gonna Bible-thump your ass all the way back to Kansas! NOW!” LMFAOOO
Favorite outfit: I think her black American Eagle jacket and jeans with the black boots outfit has become so attributable to her character in my mind. When I think of Kate she’s wearing either that outfit or the one she wears at the end of s1. I think those are my faves. Also Amaru’s outfit looked totally amazing on Madie!!
OTP: Sethkate obvs
Brotp: I’m gonna go with Kate and Rafa. He was too good!! I totally would ship them romantically too ngl. They were precious together!!
Head Canon: Ugh again with the head canons... lmao I kinda always believed she’d wanna study engineering of some kind if given the chance to go to back and finish school. Everyone always wants to make her a nurse or a teacher or something, and I can totally see that. But I like the idea that she’s interested in how things work. I totally wanna write a mechanic Kate au one of these days.
Unpopular opinion: idk that I have any unpopular opinions about her... She made some questionable decisions in season2, but I forgive her for making me suffer.
A wish: That she hadn’t mf DIED!! BECAUSE I SUFFERED OKAY. WORRYING FOR MONTHS THAT IT HAPPENED TO ME YET AGAIN AND THAT MY FAVE WAS DEAD. Also that she had gotten more screentime in season 3. She barely had a few minutes. It wasn’t fair. And I wish that Richie had owned up to his part in her death.
An oh-god-please-dont-ever-happen: Romantic tres geckos. No thanks!!
5 words to best describe them: Too good for this world
My nickname for them: Seth’s badass beautiful young wife. That’s my tag name for her. :P Also Kate Gecko.
Joel Hammond
Why I like them: OMFG I LOVE HIM SO MUCH!! lmao I love that he’s so dedicated to his family. And he LOVES Sheila more than anything, even though she’s become a zombie and her entire personality changes on him and eats people now, but he stays with her and never gives up on her. Even though he’s highkey stressed 100% of the time. :P
Why I don’t: I don’t think there’s anything I don’t like about him tbh??
Favorite episode (scene if movie): Ughhh idk I loved all the episodes tbh. But one of my favorite scenes was in season 3 after he and Eric do the zombie killing training and Eric says “Joel touched me” XD
Favorite season/movie: IDK. Maybe a tie between s1 and s3.
Favorite line: haha idk I can’t remember any in particular except “You’re killing it!” when he finds out Abby soaked his iron skillet in the sink :P
Favorite outfit: I don’t think I have one? I never really paid attention tbh.
OTP: Joel and Sheila!! They belong together!!
Brotp: Joel and Eric!! forever dying at those two. I love their relationship so much!!
Head Canon: I never thought about it tbh...
Unpopular opinion: Don’t have any!!
An oh-god-please-dont-ever-happen: that his personality would be really different from his original one after turning into a zombie
5 words to best describe them: Best husband in the world
My nickname for them: don’t have one!!
Edward Elric
Why I like them: I really loved his relationship with Alphonse!! They meant everything to each other!! I haven’t seen FMA anything in a long time, or I’m sure I would remember more things I liked. :P
Why I don’t: Okay I found the Brotherhood anime Edward pretty goddamn annoying sometimes with all the screaming and cartoony reactions to things...
Favorite episode (scene if movie): idkkkkk
Favorite season/movie: I definitely preferred the 2003 anime... Brotherhood might be canon but idgaf!! I still haven’t read the manga. :P
Favorite line: “You’ve got a good, strong pair of legs, Rose. You should get up and use ‘em.” haha idk I haven’t seen either anime in so long but that one comes to mind... there’s so many different versions of it. :P
Favorite outfit: He literally always wears the same thing. lol
OTP: ehh... I mean everyone ships him with Winry but I didn’t really ship him with anyone? I know he and Winry are canon. idgaf though. I hated that she was always fucking hitting him in Brotherhood and though I did think they were really cute in the 2003 series it didn’t really go there?
Brotp: Ed and Al forever!! Their relationship is my favorite thing about the series!! omfg I cried when I watched the Shamballa movie when Al says “brother” in his sleep, stuck in the other world. T_T I know it’s not “canon” but the brothers’ relationship is developed soooooo much better in the 2003 series and movie.
Head Canon: don’t got any!!
Unpopular opinion: NGL I loved the 2003 anime soooo much more than Brotherhood because they didn’t cut every potentially emotional scene off at the knees with some comedic BS to lighten the mood. The 2003 series really gave the story and characters time it needed, and it really allowed us to get to know the brothers and grow an attachment to those characters. That series just had wayyyy better character development imo and I really grew to love Ed and Al so much because of it!! I haven’t actually read the manga still after all this time. lol I’ve been meaning to.
A wish: idk... I haven’t been in that fandom for ages...
An oh-god-please-dont-ever-happen: I can’t think of anything...?
5 words to best describe them: haha I hate this question
My nickname for them: don’t have one :P
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magic-owl · 5 years
i wish these had numbers to not take up room but alas: what is your absolute favorite ship? what’s a ship you like that most people don’t? what is the most underrated ship, in your opinion? (choose any of your fave pairings for the following bc I'm curious about all your faves) rate [pairing] from 1-10 and explain why. what’s your favorite headcanon of [pairing]? what’s your favorite canon moment of [pairing]? favorite AU ideas for [pairing]? what song(s) remind you of [pairing]?
Thank you my dear! You are my Star Wars Friend so I’ll keep it SW focused (if you wanted to ask this to solely find out what else I liked BESIDES SW sorry lol just let me know and I can redo it). This got long because turns out I have a lot to say about my ships so answers under the cut!!! xD
Absolute favorite ship: This one’s kinda hard but I’m gonna have to go with Obi Wan/Anakin! I also like them a lot as a trio with Padmé, but overall I gotta say these two are just my faves? Why? Because they are such a M E S S and gosh I just love them so much. Ppl say they don’t like each other very much but come on, have you watched the TCW, have you watched RotS, they’re the greatest team there ever was, they’re constantly fretting and worrying about each other, they’re always teasing (the constant banter omg boys pls) at each other and hyping the other up and believing in each other and Ahsoka literally calls them her adoptive guardians in the Ahsoka novel, that’s how much of a family they were and ugh they’re just so married. And they’re such a TRAGEDY and it breaks my heart and it’s delicious to watch because in the final fight it’s just heartbreaking betrayal because through it all they love each other so much and that’s WHY they’re so furious with each other because to them it feels like the ultimate betrayal. Even after (when after everything, Obi Wan still loved Anakin too much to kill him himself) they’re constantly on the other’s mind, and ugh the pain hurts but in such a good way, and how in the end Anakin did the right thing and Obi Wan was RIGHT THERE to help guide him back to the light in spirit and now they can rest happily together for eternity (with some spare stressing about, ya know, Kylo Ren and the impending return of Sidious, but never mind all that). and on top of that, it’s my fave because I also absolutely love their relationship platonically as well, as much as I LIKE to see them together, it’s not necessary for me because they have such an enjoyable dynamic. *coughs* Sorry, so yea, they’re my disaster faves! 😅
A ship I like that most people don’t: See above lol. I get aspects of the Obikin ship can be problematic in the whole power dynamic and age difference thing, but I’ve only ever shipped it after Anakin was knighted as an adult when there’s literally not a problem with it (it was weird for me because I watched the prequels totally out of order. I actually saw the TCW cartoon FIRST and then I saw RotS and then I didn’t watch the first two for a while after that because I was a fool and listened to prequel bashers who said the first two weren’t good, so when I started shipping them as adults that was all I saw them as). To be honest, for the most part the PT fandom is done with the drama since ya know, like a good half of the SW general fandom still hates us, so no one’s really vocal about not liking it and our shipping community is mostly left to ourselves, but every once in a while I’ll come across a joke post/fanart of the two and OP will be all snarky in the notes like “tag as a ship and I’ll come after you with my spiked bat” (someone’s exact words btw) and it’s like ok jeez, do not interact then, was minding my own business dude...
My most underrated ship: Hmmmm....... Gonna have to go between Luke/Ezra and Satine/Padmé. Skybridger I understand since they’ve literally never met in canon, but come ON, they’d get along like a house on fire and argh they should have met, it would be great. I honestly don’t get why Pads and Satine aren’t more of a thing (THEY DON’T EVEN HAVE AN OFFICIAL SHIPNAME ;_; ) cuz c’mon they’re the subtler explosive yin to Obi and Ani’s wildfire yang. They get along great and work together really well, and they both seem to have a type. I am doing them a little better in my new OT4 fic, and I hope ppl like it!!! Ya know what, I’m also gonna add Kaeden (cute girl from the Ahsoka novel!) and Ahsoka because even if a lot of ppl actually ship them, they hardly have any content and neED MORE DANGIT THEY WERE SO CUTE!!!!!!!
Gonna go with Obikin for all the following ones cuz I haven’t had the chance to gush about my boys in a while and you’ve opened Pandora’s box
Rate them from 1-10: 10, plus a hundred more points because I love them, then subtract that hundred again cuz Anakin is an gotdang idiot who ruined it and now they both make me cry. My scoring reasons are that they make me feel all the emotions and I love them Ever So Much and argh.
Fave headcanon: Oh boy, I’ve got a couple actually!
Whenever they’re talking/arguing over the phone, they’re always subconsciously mirroring each other’s actions even when they can’t see what the other is doing. It’s kinda creepy because you’ll hear yelling and it’ll look like one of them’s talking to an invisible person in front of them when it’s actually each other.
There has been multiple instances of them both getting injured in battle because they were distracted watching the other be a total badass (not that either will admit it)
Neither of them are morning people. AT ALL. Obi Wan actually has self-discipline and is able to get up with an alarm and crankily drag them both up, but both are almost impossible to deal with until they’ve had caffeine in them, and it’s been established that unless you want to risk murder, neither of them talks in the morning until caffeine has been provided.
There has been many, many cases of accidentally taking the other’s robe and not realizing it but thinking to themselves that said robe feels more comforting than usual today.
A mutually drunken arm wrestling match absolutely turned into a mutually drunken makeout once. Neither can remember it, and they wonder why some of the clones have been acting funny all week.
Half of the Temple thinks they’re already dating.
Ok I’ll stop it here
Fave Canon Moment: Ughhh, this is HARD. I really like the “any closer and you’d be kissing it” line in TCW, basically any moment in TCW when one of them refers to Ahsoka as “OUR padawan”, the extra long stares and unnecessary touches they give each other in TCW, the elevator scene in RotS movie (THE NOVEL MAKES IT A MILLION TIMES BETTER), also in RotS the way Anakin is half-ready to straight up fight Palpatine when he suggests leaving Obi Wan behind to die, the RotS “No loose wire jokes” bit, the RotS “Roger. Roger.” bit (OKAY JUST THE WHOLE FIRST HALF OF THIS RIDICULOUS MOVIE), the way Vader built his big stupid castle where they had their breakup, the way he’s constantly mentioning Obi Wan when the convo wasn’t even about him, seeing them together again at the end of RotJ (whoops you asked for one, you get MANY SCENES)
Fave AU ideas: Again, there’s a couple!
Superpower AU: Can’t decide whether I’d put this in canon or modern. Most powers in this AU are stolen from inspired by X-Men, DC, and other popular media, so I’m torn between Anakin having Jean Grey/Dark Phoenix style powers while Obi Wan had a variation on Rogue’s with additional energy manipulation. OR it would be a thing where Anakin could commune with the dead a la Klaus from Umbrella Academy while Obes had sort of Avatar-style wind/flight powers. (Both are relevant for different plots).
Sith AU: I know these are far from unpopular in the SW fandom, but the way I’d do it would be to try and write two stories at once, update one every other week so one update a week total. The stories would what would happen if either of them became the Sith Apprentice after the events of Episode 1, and how their dynamic would be during Ep 2 and The Clone Wars with one of them on the other side. It’s funny because the way I’ve plotted it, the Sith!Ani fic would have very big Good Omens vibes, while the Sith!Obi one would have very strong Under the Red Hood vibes, so two VERY different dynamics going on xD
WWII Spies: This is one I 100% plan to write someday, even tho it is a very long time from now. It’s basically following Anakin as an American naval pilot who got injured in a crash and discharged. He still wants to serve and eventually his talent gets him into the intelligence end of the war and sent to Europe where he meets Ben, who’s been working with British intelligence since it broke out, and sparks fly. I’m kind of cheating here cuz as of now this is an Obianidala story, not just Obikin, but it’s one I’m very excited for
Phantom of the Opera AU: This idea I had when I realized that Anakin as Vader is kinda a Lot like the Phantom, but he’s also a Lot like Christine too. So it turned into Anakin as a talented ballet dancer getting preyed on by Palpatine!Phantom (there is NO romance there, Palpy is a total creep and will be treated as such) with Obi Wan as a combination of Raoul and Madame Gery and I have a bunch of ideas and idk if it’s gonna be an actual thing, but I want it to.
Shapeshifter AU: Canon, not very complicated but they can all shift into animals. Obi Wan is a kind of cougar panther cat with a fluffy ginger tail, and Anakin is a big grumpy black Krayt Dragon with a stump for a front leg.
Not A Jedi!AU: One in canon in which set like the Sith!AU, two different stories exploring how their dynamic would be if one of them wasn’t found by the Order. As of now, I’ve got Anakin as the warrior pirate prince of Tatooine, after having grown up and staged a slave rebellion, then promptly put his mother on the throne, and Obi Wan’s there to negotiate something during TCW and things happen. For the Obi Wan one, he’s a political journalist and war correspondent who keeps on running into Anakin’s assignments and popping up where he’s stationed and Anakin has to keep this idiot from getting himself killed/stop asking me annoying questions that criticize the Jedi and the government.
Dark!AU: A kind of morbid canon divergent fic where Padmé dies early and unexpectedly (Palps didn’t plan it). Anakin goes off the rails and Obi Wan agrees to go with him on a murder vengeance roadtrip to try and keep him from Falling or the Sith from getting to him. He kinda fails and they both Fall in a way and it ends with them hunting down Sidious’ players one by one. I’m not entirely sure I want to continue with this tho because it plays strongly on the Fridged Woman trope, which I can’t stand. I’d have to figure out how to give Padmé some sort of active role after her death...
Songs to describe them: There’s a couple (I could have very well gone cranky but I decided to do (mostly) serious))(also my music taste kinda stinks)
Icarus— Bastille
Animal I Have Become— Acoustic cover by Vitamin String Quartet (original by Three Days Grace) (seriously y’all listen it’s sooooo gooooood)
Warriors— Imagine Dragons
My Demons— STARSET
Ignorance— Paramore
Set Fire to the Rain— Adele
Stubborn Love— The Lumineers
How to Save A Life— The Fray (yes i am aware it is stereotypical angst song leave me Alone it FITS)
Viva la Vida— Coldplay (tbh this fits like the entire PT but I liked it)
Raised by Wolves— U2 (another more PT-centric, but this one works dangit)
Bonus Broadway Song! : Confrontation from Les Miserables (now that ya think of it, that would be a pretty good AU too.....)
Bonus Broadway Song! : The Tango Maureen from Rent (I always imagined this one as Obi Wan and Padmé about Anakin, but it would be about something other than cheating cuz canon has established Anakin views cheating as a worse crime than murder, so yea)
Bonus Broadway Song! : Anything You Can Do I Can Do Better (aight this one’s mostly a joke but come ON don’t tell me that’s not completely them xD)
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sirius · 5 years
Get to know me & my WIPS
Thank you to literal candy floss fairy Sam at @myriadimagines ily 💜
I’m going to tag @tessimagines @delicrieux @qrangr @ravkasqueen @virgilwrites and anyone else who wants to do this :)
What is your go-to for inspiration when writing?
I’m not sure if I have a ‘go-to for inspiration’ but that’s not to say that I’m not inspired. I’d say my inspiration for writing would be all the people who read and comment on my stories. That is a powerful motivation for me.
I also get inspiration from Pinterest. I have a few pin boards for different characters and WIPS I’m working on. It helps me create more of a mental picture for what I’m writing and some things really make me go ‘ooh, that’s cool. I’m going to write that.’
Music is a HUGE inspiration for me. I have playlists for characters and my two WIPS, each with different tones. I get ideas when I’m listening to music, depending on the style of the song.
Which character do you relate to the most?
As in OC? I can relate to all my OC’s, since I’ve planted pieces of my personality in each one of them.
Noah is a personification of my trust issues, depression and personal grief. Luke represents my more playful and sarcastic side and how it covers something deeper and more darker. Kaitlyn is my more protective, maybe a little self-righteous side and Kamilah is the part of me that used to feel so insecure, I had to sleep someone - anyone - to kill that insecurity for the night.
Favourite quote by your character?
Noah’s “My name is Noah and I like photography more than I like people.”
Luke’s sassy response to Draco when Noah’s pet raven attacked Draco and Luke was just like “Maybe she thought you were a ferret.”
Grandmama Thea when she was like “You wouldn’t be able to handle me.”
And maybe Kaitlyn when she said, “You are so far up Satan’s ass, you’re probably poking out of his throat.”
Actually....everything Kaitlyn has ever said. Ever.
A character you want to rave about?
Okay but???? Grandmama Thea???? A legend. I’ve honestly had so many feels for her, esp for the upcoming couple of chapters of Young gods I’m just like :’))) ily :’))
How do you feel about your project now versus when it was first crafted?
I think I feel about the same: nervous, excited, proud. But it always surprises me when I see the response from readers like I always feel so happy and airy whenever someone replies or messages me!!
Do you listen to music when you write? if so: name your favourite song to write too.
I do listen to music, the playlists for both of my WIPs that inspire me are actually in my WIPS link in my description.
Do you use visuals to help with your content creating?
Not all the time? Like it depends on what im writing. If it’s clothes then yes I do. If I’m writing about Hogwarts, I usually just look up a map of Hogwarts and read the description on those maps. But not all the time.
Do you have any writing rituals? ( writing at a specific time? a specific routine? )
Not really?? I kind of just write whenever I have time to.
Do you share any common interests with any of your characters?
Now that I think about it...not really???
Do you have any other projects on your mind? Will we be seeing them anytime soon?
Collision Course!! I’ve been trying to get around to finishing that for so !!! Long!!! Also the Tease sequel and the Chasing Fire sequel ughhh I’m just procrastinating.
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pikapeppa · 5 years
Dragon Age Question Meme
Tagged by @galadrieljones - thanks lethallan!  This is a long one - I’ll continue it under a cut. 
Tagging forward to @schoute @viktuuri-fluff-saved-my-life @thevikingwoman @buttsonthebeach @charlatron @mrscullensrutherford @oops-gingermoment @iarollane @aban-asaara @irlaimsaaralath @wardsarefunctioning and anyone else who wants to play!
01) Favourite game of the series?
I haven’t played Origins yet, but between DA2 and DA:I, Inquisition is my jam! I’ve played it 3 times already and I’m not yet tired of it! So many places to explore, and I still haven’t heard all the banter yet, and the lore is just so rich, so many codex entries, yes yes.
02) How did you discover Dragon Age?
Basically all my Horizon Zero Dawn friends insisted - INSISTED - that I play Inquisition. For some reason I thought I wouldn’t like it, like “ahh everyone says it’s so great, how great can it be.” WELP LOL. I have no regrets, but my HZD friends might, given how HORRIBLY OBSESSED I have become LOL. 
03) How many times you’ve played the games?
- Origins: 0 times, but looking to rectify that this year! - DA2: 1.5 times. Ughhh Act 2... - DA:I: 3.5 times and still loving it!
04) Favourite race to play as?
Elf. Hands down. I played a Trevelyan once and was like MEH BORING.
05) Favourite class?
MAGE. MAGE MAGE MAGE. Although I’ve been playing as Fenris a lot in DA2 and it’s surprisingly fun!! Good thing too since I’ll have to be a two-handed warrior during my Fenquisition playthrough
06) Do you play through the games differently or do you make the same decisions each time?
I’ll answer for Inquisition. There are some things I always do the same (e.g. Bull saving the Chargers, allying with Abelas, making Solas APPROVE OF ME LMAO), but other things I alternate. I’ve gone with the mages and the Templars twice, respectively; I prefer picking the mages, it just makes more sense and is more “ethical” to me, but I ADORE COLE and I think the whole envy demon storyline is very interesting, so I quite enjoy siding with the Templars too. I have done something different each time at the Winter Palace, and this time I plan to do something different yet again. I strongly prefer Cole as a spirit, but I’ve had him as a spirit and as human twice each. 
My Fenris-as-Inquisitor playthrough will be interesting. I’ll be playing in character as him, so it’s going to be quite different than what I canonically do, and I’m quite interested to see what happens. Solas is going to hate me oh god
07) Go-to adventuring group?
- DA2: FENRIS and Anders, and then I alternate my rogues. I love both Varric and Isabela, but depending on how far into my Fenris romance I am, I often have to leave Isabela behind because I HATE WATCHING HER FLIRT WITH MY MAN <sobbing> - Inquisition: SOLAS, Cole and Blackwall is my favourite group, but I also love bringing Cass instead of Blackwall - I love Cass and Cole’s banter. But Solas and Cole are my FAVOURITE PAIRING. I could listen to their incomprehensible chatter forever.
08) Which of your characters did you put the most thought into?
Damn. Umm... I put equal amounts of thought into Elia Lavellan (romanced with Solas), Athera Lavellan (romanced Abelas) and Rynne Hawke (romanced with Fenris). Before I started writing those ships, the question I had to answer was this: Why would Solas/Fenris/Abelas love her? I know why Elia loves Solas, and I know why Rynne loves Hawke and why Athera admires and eventually loves Abelas. But what is it about those OCs that those men fall in love with? I build my OCs around the men in their lives, not the other way around. 
09) Favourite romance?
URGH WHY MUST YOU ASK ME THIS. GOD FINE. Fenris rivalmance, ok?? But I also love the Solasmance and the Blackwall romance to the point of swooning so just FUCK RIGHT OFF WITH THIS QUESTION THXBAI~
10) have you read any of the comics/books?.
Yes! Masked Empire and Asunder.
11) if you read them, which was your favorite book?
Masked Empire. I really liked getting more background on Celene/Briala and Gaspard (i.e. WHY THE FUCK I SHOULD GIVE A SHIT ABOUT THE WINTER PALACE MISSION AT ALL). I loved Felassan and Briala’s dalen/hahren relationship. And it was just better written than Asunder.
12) Favorite DLCs?
Must agree with Gala here; Trespasser is bae, and Jaws of Hakkon is just beautiful (and also AMERIDAN <sob>). But I also liked Mark of the Assassin quite a bit! So amusing!
13) Things that annoy you.
The fact that it takes a MILLION YEARS to get banter in DA:I, and also that you can’t just click on your companions in DA:I whenever you like if you just want to hear their voice. I KNOW I’M NOT THE ONLY ONE WHO CLICKED ON FENRIS CONSTANTLY TO HEAR HIM SAY “I enjoy following you”, OKAY? LIKE ALL I WANT IS FOR SOLAS  TO SAY “vhenan” TO ME WHILE WE’RE WANDERING THROUGH THE BLOODY WESTERN APPROACH
14) Orlais or Ferelden?
Ferelden? We seem to spend more time there. But I’m kind of neutral I guess.
15) Templars or mages?
Mages. Hands down. Sorry Templars.
16) if you have multiple characters, are they in different/parallel universes or in the same one?
All parallel universes. None of them coexist. Rynne Hawke doesn’t even coexist with any of my Lavellans because Fenris becomes the Inquisitor in my headcanon
17) What did you name your pets? (mabari, summoned animals, mounts, etc)
I have only one pet, Hawke’s mabari, and his name is Toby. 
18) have you installed any mods?
Console only <sob>
19) Did your Warden want to become a Grey Warden?
n/a - haven’t played Origins yet!
20) Hawke’s personality?
PURPLE HAWKE, with a healthy dash of Isabela-level flirtiness. But Rynne (over?)uses humour to deflect pain and agitation and anger.
21) did you make matching armour for your companions in Inquisition?
HAHAH so I made matching colour armour for Elia and Solas, yes. And I generally like to dress both Cole and myself in black and red!
22) if your character(s) could go back in time to change one thing, what would they change?  
Ohhhh.... fuck. This is tough. - Elia Lavellan (romanced Solas): ...surprisingly, nothing really. She’s got a pretty zen kind of ‘what will be, will be’ attitude. In her darkest moments she might regret falling for Solas, but overall, she doesn’t really regret anything. - Arya Lavellan (romanced Blackwall): nothing. She is very confident.  - Athera Lavellan (romanced Abelas): honestly, she questions half of her decisions half the time. After Trespasser, she regrets not dissolving the Inquisition. (I haven’t decided yet if she eventually does dissolve it after all; perhaps we’ll see what DA4 brings us).  - Rynne Hawke (romanced Fenris): a LOT of things. She regrets letting Bethany attack that ogre. She regrets not bringing Carver to the Deep Roads, because maybe then he wouldn’t have joined the Templars to spite her. She regrets not following up more closely on Emeric’s murder investigation because otherwise maybe her mother wouldn’t have died. She basically blames herself anytime anything bad happens with her family (including the Merry Band of Misfits). 
23) Do you have any headcanons about your character(s) that go against canon?
I actually quite enjoy sticking to canon for the most part, and expanding on facts that we already know. The one canon-ish(?) thing I don’t love is the idea of Dalish Inquisitors understanding or speaking a dialect of Elvhen that’s mutually intelligible with the dialect that Solas and Abelas speak. I let it slide in my Solavellan fics, but I mean, it’s been THOUSANDS OF YEARS between Arlathan and the Dragon Age. Dalish Elvhen (even if they have many many dialects, which is most certainly the case) is very unlikely to be mutually intelligible with ancient Elvhen. I’ve been meaning to write a full post about this for like a year oops
24) Are any of your character(s) based on someone?
They all contain some elements of self-insert, so... me, I guess? XD
25) Who did you leave in the Fade?
The first time I played Inquisition, I had not played DA2 yet, so I left Hawke in the Fade for LOGIC REASONS OK - Stroud was like the only senior Warden left, I thought they needed him! I’ve left Stroud there every time thereafter. 
26) Favourite mount?
Well, it WOULD be any and all the harts, except for that FUCKING HORRENDOUS SOUND THEY MAKE. I thus prefer to ride dracolisks for the Coolness Factor™. 
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fancymuffinparty · 6 years
Get to Know the Writer
Thanks @earlysignsofineptitude for the tag! :) I’m excited for this one!
1. Pen or pencil?
Pen. Pencils are actually pretty darn messy and I hate having to consistently sharpen them. They’re more of a hassle than they’re worth!
2. Have you ever drawn your OCs?
I have! (But I can’t draw to save my life so I have my brother do most of the artsy stuff!) I don’t share my OCs on my blog, but brief summary: I have OCs from the Fallout series (Lone Wanderer, Courier, and Sole Survivor) and OCs from original works that I’ve been plotting since I was a kiddo. 
3. Does your writing ever make you cry?
Cry? No. Cringe? YES! :D  
4. If your Muse was a person, what would they look like?
I think it varies? :’D Like, my muse takes on different forms depending on the mood. My muse isn’t always ‘human’ per se. Sometimes my muse is a fluffy hamster, sometimes they’re an anthropomorphic evergreen tree. I guess my muse is a shapeshifter! :O 
But for the sake of answering the question, I’m gonna say they look like Keanu Reeves because I love him !
5. Which of your pieces would you choose to be remembered for?
Uhhhhh I suppose it depends on the fandom lol. For SnK, I’m probably most proud of the Summer Fling Series and Silhouettes to be quite honest! 
For BnHA, I’d have to go with Subtlety. I really oughtta write more todomomo!
I wrote a one-shot for Alien: Covenant a year ago, Devotion, and it’s one of my most well-received fics! :D
I have plans to write for Tekken, Detroit: Become Human, Until Dawn, and more BnHA of course! So hopefully I can add them to my masterlist someday :’)
(I used to write for Fallout, but have long since deleted those works... Ughhh! My muse has inspired me to get back into it tho! Maybe Fallout 76 will motivate me again!!)
6. How much have you written or worked on your WIP so far today?
Oh wow! This segues from the previous question quite smoothly! lol! 
My current WIP is that darned BakuCamie fic I’ve been writing since August!!! I’m halfway through the last chapter!!! Finally! I can see the finish line! :O Today, I’ve only written 200 words soooooooooooooooo yeahhhhhh! :D 
Slow progress is still progress!!!!
7. Have you ever based a piece (or a portion of a piece) on a dream?
Oooof! Yes! :O One of my first RivaMika fics, Prelude, was inspired by an interesting dream I had.
8. Do you prefer silence, a little noise (music, ambient noise, fan etc) or a lot of noise when you are writing?
Ambient noise is a must! Music is helpful, too! Silence drives me nuts!
Coffee shops are great in that regard! :)
9. Do you have any routines before you sit down to write?
In the mornings, I have coffee and something sweet (muffin, le fancy croissant, etc) and open up the Ao3 tab. I start by reading fics I have bookmarked while I enjoy my breakfast :) (Just finished an amazing DBH fic! Now I’m moving on to @earlysignsofineptitude ‘s fic The Curious Art of Timing. Also currently reading Fight Like a Girl from the wonderful Rinky)
Once I’m done with my coffee and reading whichever chapter I left off, I get to work! 
10. Have you ever participated in a NaNoWriMo or a Camp?
I have not :/ But I would like to ~~~~~~~~ 
I’m feeling kinda shy right now but I’ll tag @lunarcrystal @pickalilywrites @erurink @areallyyellowmango @arcanelucario @wildwasteland @reonhatoo @gguksae @candy--pop @thecolossustitan @davenpitts @reikukaja @queenofidealism
Feel free to skip! And sorry if you’ve already been tagged :’D
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rachelchoices · 5 years
Get to know me tag
Thank you @melodyofgraves for tagging me ♥
Name: Rachel
Nickname; Rach
Star sign: Leo
High: 159 cm
Sexuality: Heterosexual
​Hogwarts house: Hufflepuff
Dream trip: Italy!!! 🇮🇹 such a beautiful place that I wanted to travel to since I was 12!
Avg hours of sleep: between 6-7
Why I made a Tumblr: I loved seeing posts about my fandom so I made an account. Eventually I started making posts.
Dogs or cats: dogs. They are the best.
Reasons for my URL: the @racheloutoflove story, and please try not to laugh, but since I was a little kid I loved the song 'all out of love' by air supply. My mom used to have the tape and we had a tape recorder at home, and I listened to it non stop.
The Rachelchoices is obviously just my name and the choices fandom 🤗
5 things you'll find in my room:
1. Books and books and then some more.
2. Posters and decorations on the walls cause I love it.
3. A lot of notebook, and generally writing related stuff.
4. Blankets, a lot of them cause the winter is so cold and one blanket is never enough.
5. Probably me, I almost never leave my room.
5 things that makes me happy:
1. My family
2. Writing
3. Music = life
4. Baking and cooking
5. Books / TV shows / movies
5 things I'm currently into:
1. THIS IS US! I've been obsessed with this show since I first watched it last August (?)
2. Making mood playlists.
3. TEA!
4. Chocolate (though I'm always into it)
5. The book 'six of crows' ughhh it's amazing!
5 things on my to do list:
1. Study
2. Clean my room
3. Catch up on my TV shows
4. Write
5. Get new glasses (I've been putting it off for too long)
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The Basic CeremonyThere are as many ways to celebrate the joining of two people as you can think of. Probably there are even more than you can imagine. No matter if you are going traditional or modern, religious or not, the basics of the ceremony remain the same. It weird that my doctors and kids pediatricians force me to take the inserts (or some page with all the info and the vaccine). I have three kids under three so I no stranger to vaccines and it feels like someone is getting a shot every month. I tell the nurses I don need the paper and to use it for someone else (save the trees please) and they tell me they are required to give it to me. If you get the 서울출장마사지 opportunity when you alone, clap your hands three times in your workspace every so often to keep the energy from becoming stagnant. When you get in to work in the morning, imagine four pillars of light around the edges of your workspace and a fifth in the centre, purifying the space. If LBRP is your thing, do a subtle one (or similar) to ward off their negative energy. Everything can be hard and 서울출장마사지 impossible if you have too much of it. My family can be taxing, editors can be taxing, friends can be taxing. The more you can try to get your needs met from a variety of sources, the better off you are. I swam every summer and ate nothing but home cooked healthy food. But every doctor using the BMI told me i was unhealthy and fat. Tbh i have some serious bodily insecurities because i listened to the doctors about it growing up. I thought I broke my rib bone last year from coughing. I had to get X rays to make sure my lungs were ok because apparently a broken rib could have punctured them. As it turned out, I didn't break any bones, but I did tear the rib muscle between the rib bones. It has a chemically smell, but it not generally really strong. That or I don cleanse under my nose well enough because I never noticed it until I just went to go sniff at it just now. In my defense, I only been using it since allergy season kicked in, so maybe I just can smell as well as I usually can. Wrong. Men store fat in different places than women. Ask any fitness expert and they will tell you that men have to workout 4 times as hard in order to lose fat. Yes, we can. Thank you, thank you. So philanthropicic with what you're doing and so giving. Having patience is fine and dandy, but past a certain point noone reasonable is going to put up with being made to wait for some mediocre game that has yet to live up to any "potential" every release that gains traction and subsequently fails nowadays supposedly has. The large majority of people have already moved on, completely purged the new Valve game off their memory. There are better games to play, there are better games to wait for.. The existing hair falls out, and the process is repeated hair by hair [source: American Electrology Association]. Those who opt for electrolysis may need to return for treatment between 10 and 25 times to destroy all the unwanted hair. The method can cost up to $90 per treatment [source: Bouchez].. Black squirrels are melanistic variants of grey squirrels. It's a genetic "defect", but they are the same species. It's basically the opposite of albino and occurs in a bunch of species (but not humans). Best of luck 14 points submitted 15 days agoHey you're not alone, I lose my cool sometimes too and get a little snappy back with the guests when they start being dicks or rude to me too, and I know it's something I gotta work on putting an end too as well but I can't stand these entitled ass rude people disrespecting me and treating me like I'm nothing like hell no they aren't going to talk to me all nasty!Today I had a guest when I was at the front helping out with something, and keep in mind I don't even work the front and this bitch starts getting mad and complaining about the long line with another guest behind her and then got mad because they opened a lane without pulling people from that line she was in and then says to me "wHy diDnT tHeY get us who've been waiting a LONG TIME" and she starts bitching at me and I straight up said "I didn't open it, so I DONT KNOW!!" And walked away lmao but then she saw me again and she kept looking at me so I flipped my name tag around and she came up to me and was like "WHATS YOUR NAME?" And I made up a random name and she walked away all pissed and I told her very sarcastically HAVE A BEAUTIFUL NIGHT!! ughhh this bitch I was just minding my own business, I should've walked away until she left for good now that i look back on it but yeah we can only take so much you know? I also had other rude guests earlier in the day so i think i just snapped on this woman 7 points submitted 15 days agoLmao I've had that happen too except the guest started yelling at me in front of everyone bc I called for backup and the cashier didn't go and grab him from the line and everyone turned around and was staring at me, mind you this was a grown ass man screaming at me and I was barely 19. I got so embarrassed that I started yelling at him and walked off but the funny thing is I kinda feel bad after bc I hate letting them get to me bc I know they're just miserable but sometimes I feel like I can't compromise my pride in this job considering everything else we compromise working for target. But I do like that name tag trick, might keep that in mind for next time 2 points submitted 14 days agoI'm glad you yelled at him, especially if he made you look stupid in front of everyone.
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wellamarke · 6 years
fandom + album challenge
Hi this isn’t a thing, I’m just inventing it right now because I was listening to one of my all-time favourite albums this morning and every single track seemed to remind me of Humans (because my entire mindset is just stuck on Humans obviously)
So I hereby create this challenge: take a fandom, take an album, list the tracks, and relate each song to a character/pairing/other aspect of the fandom. Once you start, it gets almost uncannily easy to find the links...
My fandom is obviously Humans, and the album I’m starting with (I’ll probably bore you with a few of these posts) is Ingrid Michaelson’s Lights Out. The album was released in 2014 and the show started in 2015, so when series 1 was on I already knew the songs, but a lot of my associations have totally changed since then (for instance, there was no Nistrid in 2015...)
1. Home
Shame to start off on such a tenuous one, but “this is my home, where I go when I’ve got nowhere else to go” could be Mia returning to Laura in series 2 (yes I know it’s because she was Anita and was registered to their new address BUT Miaura is life.)
2. Girls Chase Boys
Oh, this is so Mia to Ed! “I'm a little let down but I'm not dead / There's a little bit more that has to be said” she wants closure, in the most epic way possible... “You played me now I play you too, let's just call it over” and then tells him to leave, amazing, we stan an absolute queen.
3. Wonderful Unknown
Nistrid! Because of Niska having just said ILY to Astrid on the phone, and then talking about how the end never seems far away: “Oh, nothing lasts forever but the sound of love astounds me every time that it calls” aaaaah.
4. You Got Me
Umm, do I have to say that this is obviously Nistrid since Astrid literally tells Niska “You won’t lose me. You’ve got me” at the end of s2? But also, this bit about Niska going off to do terrifying things but only so that she can come home to Astrid: “when I see the curve of the earth in your willow eyes, I'm a rocketeer coming home after years at the speed of light / and suddenly you're there, like a pearl in the palm of the universe”
5. Warpath
Ummm... well the word Warpath fits Niska quite well because it’s what she’s always on. If we take it out of context “You’ve got me running round town like a woman on a warpath” is about her gay revenge plot :D 
6. Handsome Hands
This has a faint Leotilda vibe but I’m not sure if it will come out with just the lyrics. Let’s try “I think I'm the only one who really knows / What the emptiness inside of you will show us” with them being tied together by a year of Mattie’s bedside monologues... Also special points to “We are only tiny babies living right here, gone the way of someone else's bygone year” because they are only babies and Leo really has had a ‘bygone year’ hehe
7. Time Machine
Mia and Ed again: “Your broken ‘sorrys’ don't mean a thing: You made that bed, good luck falling back asleep!” Amazing. Also the chorus: “If I had a time machine, and if life was a movie scene, I'd rewind and I'd tell me: run.” 
8. One Night Town
Leo and Mattie. “You're the one with the pioneer heart / I'm the one with the brand new start” I think this fits? I don’t know how to articulate why I think she’s the ‘pioneer heart’ but his complete reinvention as a human is his ‘brand new start’ lol. Also this for Leo’s new way of looking at her in his memory: “Light up our memory, never knew what they meant to me” 
9. Open Hands
(This is a frickin beautiful song ughhh) Miaura? For the parting of the ways at the end of series 1... “Now go on and drift away, the tide can hold you out / Go quiet now, go sound, go safe / Open hands are hard to hold onto anyway”
10. Ready to Lose
Now this is the most Nistrid song I know, in fact. The chorus line is “I’m ready to lose everything but you” which is so Niska, who’s reckless and so brave but also so afraid that it will cost her Astrid (that conversation in 2.8 again). But also this from the verse, oh my life, spot on: “It's the heart in you, I know it in my bones, that made me change direction when I thought ‘better off alone’.” Is this not the perfect line
11. Stick
One of my favourite songs, this one. Anyway, it now gives me Laura feelings, because of her being upset over Neil, which I may be reading into, but I kind of... you know that I don’t ship Laura and Joe, but: “There's a part of you that stays with me someone else gets to know.” Sometimes that’s just how it is. 
12. Afterlife
Another gem... this could probably apply to a lot of ships but we’ll just go Nistrid, shall we? “Living like you're dying isn't living at all. Give me your cold hands, put them on my heart.” Also the chorus is amazing, “We’re gonna be alright, we’ve got the fight in us.”
13. Over You
Hmm... Mia pining for Ed even though she knows he’s a human dumpster fire. “Over, I'm so over you: the way that you said that you'd always be true. And maybe if I tell myself enough, maybe if I do, I'll get over you”
14. Everyone Is Gonna Love Me Now 
A little oblique, but this bit gives me Max feelings, that line to Mia about being alone: “If I knew the way to less alone / Then it wouldn't sink me like a stone”
15. My Darling
Okay! Nistrid! So we have: “Everyone likes the same stupid things / Everyone sings the same love songs” which reminded me of Niska’s lines about talk being mostly noise. Then the chorus: “You make me all the things I wanna be before I’m gone” sobbbb about her line to Mia again, about the end not being far away. Okay, so there’s those, and then..... this.... line.... I don’t know how to feel about this relevance to Niska really: “And I know that I’ve been broken since the first time that my father put me down on the floor.” Well, eek. But it’s followed by: “For the first time in such a long time, I need more” yasss Nistrid.
16. When I Go
Finishing off on a general note for the series as a whole, because organic/synthetic solidarity: “If everybody made a little space right by their side, oh there'd be room enough.” 
idk if I should tag people to do this also or just say: please tag me if you end up choosing an album/fandom to do this with, cause I’d love to read it! :D 
(edit: based on reactions I’m going to pretend as if I tagged @epicfics @sircarolyn and @turned-her-brain all along :P)
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starsinursa · 7 years
Destiel Fic Recs
I’ve decided to put together a rec list of my favorite Destiel fics....because I have read so, SO many fics in this fandom. All those times when I should have been writing? Or working? Or cleaning my house? Yeahhh, I was reading fics instead. I also tend to be a really picky reader, so I wanted to share a few fics that really made an impression on me, in the hopes that other people will enjoy them as well and maybe find some new fics they haven’t read yet. :)
I’ll do my best not to give anything away that will ruin the story, but be warned, there might be some minor spoilers – but probably not anything worse than you would find out just by reading the tags or summaries. 
I will add to this list occasionally.
Last updated: January 13, 2018
List of fics is under the cut!
❤ = absolute favorites
What Has Eight Tentacles and Isn’t Allowed to Eat Pie?, 16k words, Teen
Dean watched an anime porn about this once, but real life turns out to be way less interesting.
Or, the one where Dean gets turned into an octopus.
This fic is adorable. It takes place in the bunker after Dean touches something he shouldn’t, and they have to find a way to turn him back. Dean’s point of view as he struggles to learn about being an octopus is hilarious, Sam is appropriately exapserated, and Cas is the biggest sweetheart on the planet as he helps take care of Dean. Bonus: there’s some wonderful Kevin inclusion in this fic, including him shrieking like a little girl.
❤ A Room of One’s Own, 94k words, Explicit
All Dean wants is a little privacy. Cas doesn't understand.
This fic is AMAAAZING. I’m sure almost everyone has read it because it’s very well-known, but listen, it’s well-known for a reason. Dean’s characterization is spot on, the fic is soulful and sometimes hilarious and sometimes a little angsty and really, really, really fucking hot. *fans self* Here is my absolute favorite quote from the fic, just as a teaser:
"Your exact words, as I recall, were 'Do not frigging come into the frigging bathroom without a frigging express invitation, you frigging pervert.'”
Cuckoo and Nest, 10k words, Explicit.
For a long time, Castiel thought that every earthly possession other than the immediately necessary was excess to requirement. But Dean – Dean who named his car, who keeps a photograph of his mother in his wallet, some thirty-plus years after her death, who still has the crumpled ‘Do Not Disturb’ sign with a sleeping pelican emblazoned on it from the Microtel outside of Roanoke where he first kissed Castiel, clumsy and unsure, under the unsteady fluorescence of an exhausted bathroom bulb – is sentimental.
It puzzles Castiel, where Dean draws the line between what is meaningful and what it is worthless.
This was lovely. Dean and Castiel are together, but nothing comes easy and they to have to learn how to compromise and how they fit into each other’s lives. The characterization in this story was spot-on, and it features a wonderfully nit-picky, clean-freak Dean, which I adore and don’t see often enough.
❤ I Dream of Deannie series, 71k words, Explicit.
While on a hunt, Castiel gets a dose of djinn toxin, and finally gets to experience what he's really wanted all along. Set vaguely S5ish. Shameless Destiel PWP. Continued in "The First Time, Again."
The first fic in this series is basically just smut involving Cas and djinn!Dean, but the rest of the fics are where it starts getting REALLY good. After being saved from the djinn, things start developing in real life between Cas and Dean, and it’s WONDERFUL. One of the most well-written, realistic ways that I’ve ever seen their relationship develop in a canon!verse fic, it really holds true to the characterization for me. Also, most amazing love confession ever. Also, really hot sex scenes.
Hesitation, 24.5k words, Explicit
Zachariah orders Castiel to seduce Dean in order to strengthen his allegiance to heaven. Castiel thinks it will be something to endure. Dean just thinks Castiel wants him. Neither one is right.
This fic...ughhh, what to even say, it’s wonderful and also heart-breaking. It’s basically as the summary says: Zachariah orders Cas to sleep with Dean, which he does, even though he doesn’t really want to... at first. Dean has no idea about Cas’ orders... at first. You might want to avoid it if you’re squicked out by potential dub!con, but I thought this fic was handled really well and I didn’t really see it that way. The dub!con is because of Cas’ orders, but Dean is never the one who forces Cas into anything and he’s very patient and wonderful, and things get worked out in the end.
Holy!Dean series, 120k words, Explicit.
Dean Winchester has grown used to God dicking around in his life the last couple years. But this crap? This takes the CAKE ... or pie, rather. Now he's been thrown a whole new curve-ball. The kind that has ended the Civil War in Heaven ... but resulted in Raphael taking over, and hunting for Dean's ass on a silver platter. Not to mention dealing with Balthazar acting like a self-righteous prick, Sam having some big damn epiphany on his big brother's sexuality, and Cas eying him up like he's the world's juiciest cheeseburger. All that mixed with the chance to fix it all and set everything to rights ... but only if Dean is willing to sacrifice himself. Again. Seriously, if he ever meets that bastard God he's gonna- ... oh hey, Chuck! What are you doing here?
This was so good! Chuck picks Dean to be his “successor” as God, so Dean has to learn about sacrifices, love, and how to use his fancy new mojo. Castiel, Gabriel, and Balthazar are all in the story, which I love, because angel shenanigans are the best. This series is hilarious most of the time and very sweet at other times.
Brother Lover, 4k words, Teen
"However- and it doesn't happen a lot- they have to invoke 'I saw her first'."
Dean thinks that Castiel is in love with Sam. Just a short fic involving a misunderstanding and some pining, but it’s very sweet and amusing.
❤  ❤ ❤  Living Broken Adjacent, 135k words, Explicit.
Hunt/Capture/Celebrate/Repeat. Dean Winchester’s world in four words: simple with no fuss. He’s not had a single, life-altering moment in the 13 years since he joined his dad as a professional bounty hunter. Why fix what’s not broken?
That is, until everything around Dean comes to a screeching halt, leaving him alone in new surroundings. Suddenly, Dean’s forced to live in his own version of the Cuckoo’s Nest with the biter, the licker, and the joker. Where angels abound, and his roommate’s haunting blue eyes make him wonder about all his past choices. He’s got this no problem, right? WRONG!
Who knew laughter and love could be found within the dull, institutional walls of a psychiatric hospital, teaching Dean that no one is ever truly broken, but sometimes you simply find yourself lost and stumbling through a life where you are living
…broken adjacent.
I absolutely adore this fic. It has EVERYTHING: Dean in eyeliner, Dean with tattoos, Cas with tattoos, multiple “angels” (Gabriel, Inias, Samandriel, Gadreel), angst, fluff, humor, sex, redemption... it’s wonderful. The author does really well portraying the mental health issues realistically - sometimes there is progress, sometimes there are set-backs, but above all, the characters are MORE than their diagnoses. I also love the relationship between Dean and Cas in this fic. Even though there are angsty parts because they’re all dealing with their own issues, the actual relationship that develops between them is so, so sweet and almost innocent. And last but not least, although kind of random, there is the COOLEST baby name in this fic, A+ for wordplay and puns.
❤ Love, Take Your Toll, 8.5k words, Teen
Cas sees hundreds of faces every day, but there's only one that he really cares about.
Cas works in a toll booth and Dean drives through his lane frequently. This is sweet and has some good pining, and honestly made me a little misty-eyed, Cas is just so genuine and lonely and I just want to hug him.
I love almost every fic by this author, so I’ve recced several of their fics in this post. Seriously, they’re all wonderful - charming, sometimes friggin’ hilarious, and they always leave me smiling. The only problem? I wish all of these stories were longer, I need more!
❤ The Return Policy, 13k words, Explicit
"Most of his visitors are academics. They come from universities all over the nation, sometimes beyond. Others write books. The man in the Reading Room today is neither. He’s a tall, irritated man with a federal badge."
The federal agent's partner is usually the one who does the research. And even though Cas doesn't think this man is a real federal agent, he's happy to help where he can.
Featuring still-a-hunter!Dean and Cas, who works in the Library of Congress. Let me just say one thing: hand kink. If you have even the slightest hand kink, you will enjoy this fic. The characterization is also wonderful and so true to the characters, including Dean’s A+ comebacks, so please enjoy this brief excerpt as an example:
It is in the archives that Cas realizes he has another condition. He scowls when he sees Dean handling a scarred leather album of Beckley’s with his naked hands. He reaches into his pocket and thrusts his extra pair of gloves at Dean.
“Have some care,” he says.
“You—have some…care,” Dean mutters mutinously as soon as he turns away,  but at least he puts them on.
❤ The Request, 36k words, Mature
When Sam Winchester prays for his brother, Castiel is finally sent on his very first assignment. But what should be a simple love match turns into much more and Castiel finds himself risking everything to ensure the happiness of his extremely frustrating charge.
This is the cutest fic ever. Castiel is an angel who is the black sheep of his family, and he gets assigned to help Dean find his soulmate. They get a little sidetracked because Castiel helps Dean find some closure about an issue from his past, too. The interactions between Cas and Dean are wonderful, Cas is adorable and naive but still a bamf, and Sam is the best brother ever. I really love this fic, I read it over and over.
The Parts of Our Sum, 55k words, Explicit
Castiel, a former soldier, has worked for the Company his entire life. They've been good to him, providing clothes, shelter and new body parts whenever necessary. Now the Company's gearing up for a space exploration voyage, and Castiel's volunteered for the research team. During the preparation period, he meets Dean Winchester, who makes Castiel wonder about the things he's missed out on.
This is a great sci-fi fic! In a world where humans can be augmented and “improved”, Castiel has a few of these improvements and works for the “Company” that provided them. He meets Dean, who has some strong opinions and biases against the “Company”, even though he’s working for them too, and they develop an interesting and rocky friendship. Some good pining and a happy ending!
❤ Peanut Butter-Pumpkin Wedding Cake, 30k words, Explicit
Dean is a waiter in a strip club to put his kid brother through school. Castiel is dragged to the club as a part of his sister Anna's bachelorette party. Dean and Cas hit it off, but Dean thinks Cas is the one marrying Anna.
This fic is delightful - it’s basically a romcom, I could absolutely see this fic happening on the big screen. Everything starts with a big misunderstanding, but Dean is still drawn to Cas despite his better judgement, and things get worked out in the end. Sam is a big part of this story and he’s DELIGHTFUL, I laughed so hard at some of their brotherly antics and squabbles.
Heaven and Hell Escort Service, 123k words, Explicit
Loosely based on the film 'The Wedding Date'. Castiel Novak is a high class escort, and an expensive one at that. He likes to help people, and being an escort allows him to do that... barely. Dean Winchester is a mechanic/waiter who may have accidentally told his father he has a long-term boyfriend to bring along to Sam's wedding. Desperate times call for desperate measures... an escort service might not be what he wants, but it could be exactly what he needs.
I really enjoyed this fic. Another one that reads like a good romcom, with some humor, some pining, some revelations, and some hot lovin’. The attraction, pining, and UST between Castiel and Dean will keep you on the edge of your seat, yelling at them to just get together already.
❤ Broadway Musical, 12.5k words, Mature
This is the day that marked the Holy and Blessed Union of Dean Winchester and Jo Harvelle.
The merging of prominent bloodlines is always a grand occurrence, but breeding pedigree hunter families like Winchester and Harvelle is something to be rejoiced. It is also something to be meticulously planned, which thankfully the Host is very good at.
Or, the romantic comedy where Dean Winchester and Jo Harvelle are destined to get married, Castiel is given the task of playing matchmaker and fails terribly, the entire Heavenly Host becomes a sitcom audience, God warns against male pregnancy, and Jimmy Novak is incredibly unimpressed with angels in general.
Another fic that I have read several times, this one is wonderful! The angels are trying to get Dean and Jo to be together. Castiel decides to be more hands-on and steps in to help their cause, but nothing goes as planned. The fic is a delight and very funny the entire way through: Jimmy is still sharing Cas’ vessel and makes hilarious observations, the angels watch everything and bicker and squabble and make suggestions, and towards the end of the fic, there’s a cameo by Lucifer that had me DYING. Literally SCREAMING with laughter.
The Way to a Man’s Heart is Through Chlamydia, 89k words, Explicit
Dean doesn't expect to see his one night stand again, but then again he also doesn't expect to find out he has an STD. Sometimes life is hilarious like that.
This was a lovely feel-good story! It starts out with Dean going through a rather crappy time in his life, he finds out his girlfriend was cheating on him and they break up, and he finds a one-night stand (Cas) to get his mind off things. Turns out he has chlamydia from his ex, so of course he has to do the right thing and track down his one-night stand to let him know, and things with him and Cas go from there. It’s an interesting fic because it starts with sex first, but then the rest of the fic is Dean and Cas going more slowly and romancing each other.
Carnival Oasis series, 43k words, Explicit.
Castiel is a being that feeds on sin. Lucky for him, Dean has plenty of sin to spare.
Dean is still a hunter and he runs across Cas, a supernatural being that gets his jollies by “feeding” off the guilt of others. I enjoyed this fic because, despite what you might think, Cas is still mostly the earnest and dedicated Cas we all know, who just wants to be accepted and loved. Is there such as thing as a love!kink? If so, Cas definitely has a love!kink in this fic. Oh, and the sex in this fic was… whew. *fans self* Smokin’ hot. Lots of good sexin’ in there. 
❤ Bring It On Home, 40k words, Mature
Multi-chapter Dean/Cas AU. Dean the Sales Rep just moved into the neighborhood, and his neighbor is a definitely crazy shut-in. Now complete! Ch. 30: Dean narrowed his eyes. "I'm not lovely. Knitted tea cozies are lovely."
This was one of the first Destiel fics I ever read, and it remains one of my favorites. Dean is more similar to Dean Smith - he has a house, a good job, a fairly stable life - and Cas is more similar to Endverse!Cas - he uses recreational drugs, reads auras, and is a pretty weird guy. That being said, this fic is actually really, really sweet, and hilarious at times, and there is some wonderful prose and writing, there are a few paragraphs and sentences that are simply gorgeous and beautifully written and full of imagery. 
❤ Shortskirts’ Verse, 22k words, Explicit
So, they're in high school, and then they're in college, and it's mostly not about Taylor Swift, except when it is.
Super sweet and feel-good! Dean and Cas start dating in high school, keep dating throughout college, and Dean plays baseball. Whenever I want a fluffy fic to cheer me up, this is the one I read. I really love Dean in this fic - he’s come to terms with his sexualitty and he’s loving and caring and doesn’t give a rat’s ass what anyone thinks about his relationship with Cas, and it heals my shipper’s heart. There’s also a hilarious misunderstanding with his baseball team.
Home is Where, 15k words, Explicit
Casual vagrant Dean Winchester blows into Palo Alto to check on his little brother. What is meant to be a quick visit ends up drawing out when he meets and accidentally ends up clicking with Sam's strange, grad student roommate Castiel. 
Cas has Asperger’s Syndrome, and he and Dean are drawn together by a mutual attraction but have to figure out how to navigate each other’s strange ways. This fic includes a little bit of hot sex, plenty of misunderstandings, some hurt feelings, a lot of heart, and a happy ending. I thought that Cas having Asperger’s Syndrome was written wonderfully and with a lot of empathy, and the fic is actually told from Cas’ point of view part of the time, so it’s an amazing look into his world and what he’s thinking.
❤ it’s a lot like life, 21k, Explicit
There were rumors of liaisons between maids and their Ladies, of short-lived passionate affairs between servants and their masters, yes, but Castiel had never heard of anything that passed the test of time. Their lives were too different, and the world saw these relationships as a threat to the very foundation of society. There had to be those that had the power and those that served them, and love had a dangerous tendency to blur those lines. Castiel’s own thoughts were the best example. Lord Winchester had started to be a human being in his mind, a person he cared for not because it was his duty, but because he felt a bond to him.
Dangerous indeed. And impossible given Castiel’s proclivities. He didn’t think his Lordship would react well to his fantasies of bending him over his desk.
This is basically a Downton Abbey AU, and it’s SO, SO good! It feels a lot longer than it actually  is, because it’s wonderfully written and the time flow and character development feels so natural. The relationship between Castiel and Dean is sweet and earnest and also really sexy. Seriously, this fic has a bit of everything - a semi-forbidden relationship, Dean in panties, and a wonderful, happy ending.
The Dove’s Long Journey to Champaign, 33.5k, Explicit
After four years of solitude on a remote island, Dean’s been through hell. But he’s home, he’s healing, and he has a very special gift for a man he’s never met. (Basically this is an AU of the movie Cast Away that takes place after the island.)
This fic is really sweet and funny - not too angsty, given the premise! Castiel is absolutely adorable, Dean is trying to figure out who he is and what his life’s supposed to be like after a life-altering experience, and Sam is supportive and wonderful. There’s hilarious parts, sweet parts, and touching parts. Possible trigger warning though: the fic does feature therapy, references to psychotropics and anxiety, and even discussion of past suicide attempts - but I thought it was all handled in a wonderful, inspiring way that helps show the importance of seeking help, minimizing stigma, and healing.
Now, here are some of my favorite random categories:
Smoke in the Mirror, 50k words, Mature
It begins with the flier hung in the library: art model needed for thesis project, will pay. Castiel figures it's an easy way to make some extra money, but modeling for Dean Winchester ends up complicating his life far beyond anything he could have imagined.
Dean hires a nude model for his project, which turns out to be Cas. This fic is such a good slow burn, and the development of Dean and Cas’ relationship is natural and sweet and gratifying - until Dean’s project is finished, and they don’t see each other for the next 10 years. Oh my god, the pining. The angst. This fic shredded my heart. Don’t worry though, there’s a happy ending that will leave you crying with relief!
As You Pass Through Me, 30k, Explicit.
Cas has lived in this house all his life... and since his untimely death. The last thing he wants is a new roommate, but it seems he's getting one anyway.
Cas is a ghost and Dean moves into his house. Cas starts to fall for Dean, and despite all obstacles, Dean starts to fall for Cas too. There’s some dubious consent issues, since Cas kinda creeps on Dean before Dean is aware he’s there, so watch out for that if it squicks you, but the whole fic is really well done. There’s a lot of pining, but it has a happy ending and everything gets worked out!
Out of the Deep, 488k, Explicit
Stay away from the light-beds. Stay in the deep.
It is the first thing hatchlings are taught the moment their fans unfurl and they can swim without their parents to buoy them along. It is the first rule, the first law. It is the beginning of every boogey-monster bedtime story told when they settle against the cliffs to sleep.
Castiel should have listened better.
Another really popular and well-known fic, but I really enjoyed reading it. Even though I ugly cried through about 1/3 of it. There’s some slow burn and some sex and lots of feelings, but mostly there are just so many things conspiring to keep Dean and Cas apart, including the dumbasses themselves. I swear, sometimes I just wanted to fucking scream at them. But there is a happy ending and I was really satisfied with how everything finally worked out. Cas as a mermaid fin-kin is so awesome and beautiful - he sings, he glows in the dark, and he’s got sharp, badass teeth, what more could you want? Definitely a VERY LONG fic, so be prepared to dedicate a lot of time.
He Can’t Sleep, 19k, Mature
After Lucifer's possession, Castiel stops talking.
Ughhh, the tears I cried, so many tears. This fic is beautifully written and so poignant and it just really GOT to me, that these two idiots love each other so much but can’t seem to stop hurting each other, my heart just ached. There IS a happy ending, of course, but you’ll probably still sob the whole way through.
How a Righteous Man Raises a Rose, 5.5k, PG-13
AU in which the apocalypse and angels and demons never happen, and Sam and Jess and Dean live together in a suburban lifestyle -- and then suddenly, nothing is alternate universe at all. Told from Sam's POV. Dean is compelled to tend a dead rose garden, if only Dean could remember why; and remember why it is so important.
This fic killed me. I can’t even. It’s short but it packs a seriously powerful wallop. There’s a really interesting (but rather soul-crushing) twist, and there’s...not really a traditional happy ending. Definitely worth a read if you want a good cry, so just keep some tissues ready.
❤ Mad at your Dad?, 7.5k words, Mature
Dean wasn’t sure why he was even scrolling through Craigslist. Especially not the casual encounters section. It was four days before Thanksgiving. Not like he was gonna try and hook up with someone before that shitstorm. After, sure, but not before.
He kept scrolling, though, not clicking anything until a title caught his eye.
Alone on Thanksgiving? Mad at your dad? I am a 28 year old male felon who has no degree, but has studied enough theologies of the world, behavioral psychology, and philosophy to set your whole family’s teeth on edge—no matter which way they lean, politically, religiously or in terms of neuroses. I drive a van the same age as me that’s got a mural on the side of an angel holding an orgy. I can play between the ages of 20-30 depending on whether I shave. I live off an inheritance, and sell weed on the side. If you’d like to have me as your strictly platonic date for Thanksgiving, but have me pretend to be in a very long or serious relationship (monogamous or polyamorous, whichever sounds most like it would freak out su familia) with you (and/or others), to torment your family, I’m game...
I laughed so, so hard. I can’t even tell you. Cas is DELIGHTFUL in this - snarky, sarcastic, and sometimes high. I don’t even have a favorite part in this fic because the whole thing was a fuckin’ riot. I’ve re-read this one multiple times and I still laugh.
Incredibly Single and Ready to Mingle, 3.5k words, Teen
Sam uses Facebook like the social media junkie he is. He's befriended literally every person he's ever had a conversation with since he got an account, which means that approximately—Dean checks—eight hours ago, he shared this horrible photo with something in the vicinity of nine hundred people. The caption below the picture reads “incredibly single & ready to mingle ;)” and roughly half of them have liked it.
Dean has never been so embarrassed in his life.
Short, sweet, and hilarious! Basically, Sam uploads a horrible picture of Dean to Facebook, and it ends up introducing him to Cas in a roundabout way. The description of Dean’s embarrassing picture had me cackling with laughter.
❤ The Fourth Wall series, 40k words, mostly Teen
In which Sam does another sort of research, and Dean is amused.
Basically, the boys end up reading fanfiction about themselves. This is HILARIOUS - Sam is mad there isn’t as much fanfiction about him, Dean has to explain the dynamics of ‘topping’ and ‘bottoming’ to Cas, and Cas just wants to know how the mpreg fic ends. The characterization in this fic is spot-on, and besides just the fanfiction crack, there’s a lot of other wonderful moments: Castiel is introduced to sweets, Sam gets tossed into a gross pond, etc. One warning though: this fic also features Sam/ Lucifer, if you’re not into that pairing...BUT that pairing doesn’t really occur until almost the end of the series, so I still highly recommend reading this and just skipping those parts if they’re not your cup of tea. Really, you won’t regret it. Just read the very first part and you’ll be hooked, I promise.
❤ An Exploration of Habitat, 11k words, Mature
Dean's afraid of heights, and Cas lives in a tree.
This fic is short, sweet, and a riot. There’s so many things and little details that made me giggle. There’s one part, however, that had me DYING. It took me completely by surprise and I don’t think I’ve ever laughed that hard about a fic. I still laugh when I re-read it. I don’t want to give anything away, so I’ll just say: it’s the part after Dean comes down from the tree, and Balthazar is reciting a “letter” that he wrote.
Sociopaths in Love, 24k words
Dean buys Castiel as a slave and has a fun time viciously breaking him in. But what Dean doesn't know is that this is exactly what Castiel wants.
(Or, two sociopaths walk into a slave auction...)
Yeahhh, this one is pretty self-explanatory. Castiel is a sadist and enjoys it when he’s being hurt, Dean is a masochist and enjoys it when he’s hurting others, and it’s a match made in Heaven. Or Hell, more likely.
Bone trilogy, 29k words, Explicit
When Dean (raised from hell by some unknown force) and Sam stop the last seal from breaking, heaven decides to bring its own apocalypse. Late in the war, an angel with dark hair and striking blue eyes is captured, and Dean – Dean is his interrogator.
This is definitely dark, but it’s also brilliant. Humans are in a war against Angels, and Dean tortures them for information. The fic makes an amazing full circle – Dean has never been able to break an angel, but for some reason, Castiel is different, more susceptible, easier to reach, able to be broken when no other angel could be broken before. Why? The answer will break your fuckin’ heart.
Red Right Hand, 85k words, Explicit
“You’re one microscopic cog in his catastrophic plan, Designed and directed by his red right hand.”
It all starts with the mysterious note left on Dean’s chair. It all ends with Dean coming to terms not only with what he’s capable of, but how much that knowledge doesn’t bother him.
Castiel is a serial killer who is infatuated with Dean. This fic is quite the wild ride, and it hits a lot of my kinks: protective!Cas, jealous!Cas, possessive!Cas, bamf!Cas. That being said, he’s a psychopath and he murders people, so yeah. Dean finds out eventually, and as it turns out, maybe he’s okay with it.
Unsolicited, 56k, Explicit
In which Dean Winchester gets an unsolicited dick pic from an unknown sender which is both totally not disappointing in that it's a really nice dick pic, and incredibly disappointing in that it's clearly a downloaded picture of his favorite porn star.
There's absolutely no way it's actually this porn star sending it to him, right?
Oh my god. Confident, tattooed, sexual, pornstar Cas is my JAM. This was great - lots of amazing smut, with some BDSM elements thrown in later, and of course, a good dose of feelings.
Dean Winchester, Straight Shooter, 15.5k words, Explicit
Dean Winchester, star of StraightShooter.com, is a gay-for-pay porn star with a huge following. Cas Novak signs on to do a scene with him, even though he dislikes "straight" porn stars on principle. But Dean is more complicated than he first appears, and after inadvertently learning his secrets, Cas finds himself falling for him.
This was surprisingly sweet for a fic about pornstars. Cas is earnest and wonderful, and Dean has his obligatory gay freak-out, but it all works out in the end.
Revealed, 11k words, Explicit
When a ritual backfires and Dean ends up with wings, they reveal things that he'd much rather keep hidden. Prompt fill.
An amazing wing fic that features both Dean AND Cas with wings. Damn. This fic. There’s some great possessive!Cas, lots of good wing kink, and a fascinating look at Heaven. Also it was really, really hot.
www.hardcorewings.com, 17k words, Explicit
When Castiel loses his job, he resorts to making wing fetish videos to make cash. Dean really likes them.
This is an AU fic where angels and humans live side-by-side, and some humans have a fetish for angels and their wings, one of those humans being Dean. Cas has enormous silver wings and goes into porn, and Dean finds his videos. Dean doesn’t know that Cas also has a crush on him in real life. This fic was great, I only wish it was a little longer, because the ending seems kind of abrupt to me. That being said, great read.
Except Thou Bless Me, 10.5k words, Explicit
Castiel is wroth, and Dean is having a great time.
This is a canon!verse fic where Cas basically beats the shit out of Dean, then fucks him, and Dean is totally on board for all of the above. There’s a good exploration of Dean’s time in Hell and his self-worth issues, but mostly there’s some really hot sex.
No Teasin’, Just Pleasin’, 7.5k, Explicit
The song is nearing its end as Dean pauses in the centre of the stage, fingers teasing at the waistband of his chaps. For the first time in his routine, he allows himself to look over towards Castiel’s table.
Gabe is watching with the air of someone who’s generally more interested in the feminine figure, but Cas?
Cas looks like he wants to eat Dean alive.
This was excellent! I love stripper AUs so much, and this one definitely stands out from the crowd. Dean’s characterization is wonderful and charming, and it was a fun (and hot) read all-around! (Did I mention it also features Dean in panties?!)
❤ Cruel Angels series, 107k words, Explicit, WIP.
Well. The Apocalypse was one thing. Thousand-foot-tall multi-limbed horror-angels smashing up the planet was something totally different...
Fantastic series so far. The characterization is great, the writing is wonderful, and it’s got everything you could want in a trueform fic: grace-powered orgasms, wing kink, and a description of Cas’ trueform that will amaze and horrify you (think multiple limbs, wings with eyes, and a terrifying mouth in his neck). At the heart of all that, Dean and Cas are still themselves, trying to figure out what the hell they mean to each other, and Cas is still his lovable self, even when he’s an enormous creature.
The reach of human sense, 4.5k words, Explicit.
“You know what Jimmy Novak looked like. You think he was beautiful—gorgeous, hot, all of it. It’s him. Not me. This isn’t my face.”
“But,” Dean says. He doesn’t know where he’s going with it. Just that Cas’ face is right there, brows drawn together and cheekbones gleaming in the lamplight. It’s a face that’s made his heart skip probably a couple hundred beats collectively since they met.
And it used to belong to someone else.
This fic scratched my trueform itch soooo good. It’s always niggled at me that Cas is technically still using Jimmy’s appearance, and if Dean is attracted to him, how much is physical attraction simply to the vessel and how much is attraction to Cas? This fic addresses these issues wonderfully, and Dean is accepting and reassuring and there’s a little bit of praise!kink, and I loved it. Everyone should read this one.
A Beginner’s Guide to Communing with the Dead, 77k words, Mature
Maybe it's the little girl whose disappearance turned into a murder, and whose murder turned into a cold case, and who has now apparently decided to move in with him. Maybe it's the unacceptable hole left in his life when his dumb best friend and partner in (the prevention of) crime decided to go and get himself killed. Maybe it's his brother, whose high-profile career and fantastic girlfriend and first-child-on-the-way are steadily leaving Dean in the dust. Pick one. Pick all of them. The why doesn't matter so much as the what, and the what is this: Dean is pretty sure he's going completely, certifiably insane. Sure, he hasn't started wearing all his clothes inside out, and he still showers on a regular basis (anyways, that's not crazy, just a little eccentric); but there's no getting around the fact that he just threw away his life, his career, and his reputation by dragging out his mom's old necromancy book and summoning a Class A Forbidden Entity to his attic. A cranky one, too. With horrendous bed-head.
I had a hard time deciding where to put this fic - AUs? Cop/ detective fics? I finally decided on trueform fics because this fic has, hands down, my absolute favorite description of Cas’ trueform. The author really makes you visualize it, the absolute scale and magnitude and power and otherness of Cas’ trueform, and it’s awesome. I read that part over and over. As for the rest of the fic: Dean is trying to solve a case, he summons Cas to help him, and their dynamic is snarky and occasionally touching and delightful to read. This was such a cool AU too, with magic and creatures but still set in a modern-day setting.
I am such a sucker for cop or detective fics, you don’t even KNOW.
What Once Was Sacred, 55k words, Explicit
Los Angeles detective Dean Winchester works tirelessly to atone for the sins of his father one case at a time. When his best friend Charlie drags him to visit Sam at his new job, Dean stumbles onto a bizarre string of deaths that brings him uncomfortably close to his past.
Dean can't stop thinking about Castiel, an enigmatic DJ who plays the sexiest music Dean's ever heard. A chance encounter at Castiel's house reveals that Castiel is an incubus, and Dean must face the lies and the reality of his childhood as a hunter. Dean comes to see that he and Castiel have more in common than he thought, and that guilt can be the hardest thing to cast aside.
Beautifully written and it sucks you right in. Dean is a detective and Cas is an incubus, but it’s really different than you might think - Cas doesn’t necessarily like the influence he has over people as an incubus, and he goes to great lengths to avoid hurting people. I love the whole concept, and when Dean and Cas finally get together? Hottest. scene. EVER.
Kiss You When It’s Dangerous, 57.5k words, Explicit
When his partner Uriel, betrays him, Federal Agent Castiel Novak is saved from becoming a ritual sacrifice by brothers Dean and Sam Winchester. Discovering the world of the supernatural and learning about werewolves, wendigoes, vampires and things that go bump in the night also leads to learning more about Dean and the strange life he and his brother lead. The more he learns, the more Castiel finds himself drawn into Dean’s world and toward Dean himself.
Until Uriel wants to complete the ritual he started.
I LOVE still-a-hunter!Dean and agent!Cas. This fic was wonderful because it reads almost like an actual episode - Sam and Dean hunting and doing what they do, with Cas getting roped into that world on accident. The attraction between Dean and Cas is wonderful, there are parts with Dean is adorably worried and protective, and Sam is fantastic. Great read all around.
❤ ‘never see it coming’ series, 12k words, Explicit.
“Sorry, sweetheart, but I’m going to need to borrow your car.”
This features still-a-hunter!Dean and detective!Cas, who gets caught in the middle and pulled along for the ride...until the second part, where HE is the one tracking down Dean. This fic hit every single kink in my repertoire, I’m not even exaggerating. Dean is resourceful and clever, Sam is exasperated, and Castiel is a fucking badass who literally stops at nothing. My only complaint? THAT IT WASN’T LONGER. I need another 100k words in this series, pronto.
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bangtan-madi · 4 years
50 questions tag
Tagged by @kooala. Thanks lovey! I love these kinda tags, this one looks vaguely familiar but I’ve changed a long over the past year so we doin’ it again! 😂 Most questions are under the cut.
1. What colours is your hairbrush?
It's one of those wet brushes 'cause my hair is THICK and wavy so it's the only thing that doesn't pull out all my hair xD
2. name a food you never eat:
Anything with pork.
3. are you typically too warm or too cold?
Cold. I even have a heated blanket over my feet at night during the summer 'cause I'm a freezer.
4. what were you doing 45 minutes ago?
Eating pasta. 😂
5. what’s your favorite candy bar?
Milkyway in America, but the best chocolate I've ever had is Moldovan chocolates that one of my family friends brought us. It was heaven on earth.
6. Have you ever been at a professional sports game?
I've been to a few minor league games in Virginia and South Carolina, but nothing major. Sports isn't really my thing lol.
7. What was the last thing you said out loud?
I said hi to my mom when I went to grab the pasta 😊
8. Favourite ice cream?
9. what was the last thing you had to drink?:
10. Do you like your wallet?
It's a wallet. It does its job. I don't have very strong opinions about it xD
11. What was the last thing you ate?
12. Did you buy clothes last weekend?
Nope, but I did get a delivery of clothes I bought earlier that week!
13. What was the last sporting event you watched?
Honestly can't remember. Not a huge sports fan, but everything's been cancelled or postponed in America sooo.
14. what is your favorite flavor of popcorn?
White cheddar.
15. who’s the last person you sent a text to?
I sent a text to my work-best friend because she thanked me for a lil ambient light I sent her for her birthday and her new baby 😊
16. Ever go camping?
Ew no.
17. Do you take vitamins?
Yep! I take magnesium for anxiety and tumeric for my sciatica.
18. do you go to church every sunday?
Not if I can help it lol. Sounds terrible, especially since I believe in God, but I've had really shitty experiences with churches. My family has a devotional every Saturday night, but as far as going to church, nah man. Not for me. 
19. do you have a tan?
Nope! I'm a freckly, green-eyed redhead so no tan in sight. 
20. do you prefer chinese or pizza?
21. do you drink soda through a straw?
If it's in a cup, yes. With a can, no.
22. what color socks do you usually wear?
Black ballet socks for work but at home I usually wear my grey/black/cream pairs of knitted socks.
23. do you ever drive above the speed limit?
Haha nice try! Never ever confirm or deny any alleged crime, guys. Take it from someone with a paralegal degree lol. 
24. what terrifies you?
Never finding fulfillment in life and letting my anxiety hold me back. 
25. look to your left, what do you see?
My phone.
26. what chore do you hate the most?
Laundry ughhh.
27. what do you think of when you hear an Australian accent?
A couple of my favorite Youtubers lol.
28. what’s your favorite soda?
Mt. Dew, all the way! Code Red and Voltage are my absolute favorites.
29. do you go in fast food places or just hit the drive thru?
Lately it's been mostly drive-thru since...well you know.
30. What is your favourite number?
31. Who was the last person you talked to?
Ma seesta.
32. favorite cut of beef?
I'll wrote the wise Liz-ah here and say, "Unless it’s attached to a dude, I don’t want it" 😂😂
33. last song you listened?
Binary Star by Sawano Hiroyuki. That is an incredible song omg.
34. Last book you read?
I'm a terrible writer in that I don't read a whole lot (I blame my day-job) sooo last book that I finished reading was probably Big Magic by Elizabeth Gilbert. If you haven't read that one and you're in any kind of creative field, GO READ IT! It blew my mind.
35. can you say the alphabet backwards?
36. favorite day of the week?
37. how do you like your coffee?
With cream and SUGA. 🥴
38. Favourite pair of shoes?
Either my Nikes (gift from my Nana, they're grey and purple and so comfyyy!) or my knee-high winter boots (they make my legs look taller which is a huge plus for a 5'4" girl!)
39. time you normally get up?
I have to be at work by 8 am and I live 45 minutes away so at least 6:30 on a normal day.
40. sunrise or sunsets?
41. how many blankets on your bed?
One duvet and a flat sheet. I also have a heated blanket in the winter; in the summer, I keep it over my feet 'cause again, freezing lol.
42. describe your kitchen plates?
Plain and white, glass.
43. describe your kitchen at the moment?
Well-worn as I did a lot of meal prep this morning 😂
44. do you have a favorite alcoholic drink?
I don't drink alcohol so I don't have one 😊
45. do you play cards?
46. what color is your car?
47. can you change a tire?
48. your favorite state/province/country/city etc.?
I went to New Mexico in 2017 for a week-long science conference/retreat and I was blown away by that state's beauty! 
49. favorite job you’ve had?
I've only ever had two jobs, both as a legal assistant. The first was part-time before I graduated and the second is a full-time job that I've had for over a year now. Out of those two, my favorite is probably the one I'm in now.
50. how did you get your biggest scar?
I have a lil burn scar on my leg. My family and I went to Virginia Beach when I was seven. My dad put our grocery bags on the stove, which had somehow turned on. The bag caught on fire and a little piece landed on my leg xD I attract disaster, I'm tellin' ya!
This was so much fun! I’ll tag @seokjinsslutdrop @yoontopia @softlyjiminie. As always, no pressure whatsoever! Just for fun if you wanna give it a go 🥰
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