#uhhh oh god
egophiliac · 11 months
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swipes everything else off of the table to yell about diasomnia flower bookmarks
(I gave Silver one too :D)
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#art#twisted wonderland#twisted wonderland spoilers#white rabbit festival#me: oh boy i wonder what excitement will happen in this new part#characters: now it is time to buy souvenirs :)#me: oh god#jk jk even when the filler is kind of painful i do enjoy the little character moments#like everyone screaming as loud as they can into silver's watch#deuce busting out his suzy izzard impression#SMASH IT WITH A HAMMER!#and of course silver assigning flowers to the other dias and getting all sappy over lilia. god. delicious.#you don't understand this ten second long scene is everything to me#though we all know the real highlight#the knowledge that 1) deuce used to have an extremely silly edgy badass nickname#2) he almost certainly gave it to himself#3) he harassed epel's extended family to the point that they told horror stories about him and he was briefly epel's personal idol#epel: i heard he once killed three men with but a look#deuce: what no i never...i mean...ha ha sounds weird nothing a model student like me would know about#also deuce: if you fuckers don't apologize to my mom right now i'll fucking kill all of you (sees dilla) uhhh i mean#deuce: i challenge you to a children's game#black bunnies leader: (strapping on his duel disk) i accept#meanwhile silver is running full speed at a group of children screaming to them about donuts#we aren't going to talk about what ortho did with that fantasy-gregg's sausage roll#so glad that we've reached the 'what the heck is even happening' portion of the event#anyway i completely screwed up the resolution of these so here's hoping they don't look terrible!#whoops!
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stiffyck · 8 months
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scar and jimmy have their bases close i am STILL HOPING FOR THIS TEAMUP
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galaxyygrub · 5 months
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wasyago · 1 year
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im gonna start killing
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agropuff · 5 months
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are we fuckin with the ninjago ponies
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rox-of-iu · 1 year
hulloo, i am here once again with cultivate....but not the usual one (~_~;)
so funny thing! i had most of these already done from before, but felt a bit silly so i didnt post them. but then (spoiler) we got Tao Ying in his fresh new look and like.. i had to draw him and post the rest of the gang along with him hksfh. so here, the sillays
🍑Tao Ying
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🐉Qing Mushu
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🦆 The Empress
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🐗The General
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aaand more sillies of the goobers
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aaaaand thats it hdjhdsjfhds so sorry for the long post lmao
characters yoinked from @neonghostcat cultivate
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quotidianish · 7 months
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Jade Winglet (minus Umber and Carnelian 😢) designs and another Winter/Turtle doodle
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lycankeyy · 24 days
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The brainrot is taking hold. Take the shot /j
(Context for the third image is Personal Headcanon of the Pico's School -> FNF Timeline™️ AU, dw about it lol)
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cowardlybean · 9 months
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Mobtober2023: Vegetables
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buwheal · 2 months
I'm sorry, Spamton. I know you won't believe me, but I'm sorry we hurt you.
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b4kuch1n · 1 year
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making of a feathered thing
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bright-molina · 1 year
stupid for you
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synopsis a guide to love languages with chad meeks martin, your best friend who you keep ending up in increasingly compromising situations with (completely of your own accord) *set pre scream v
a/n this got out of hand so quickly and they all bled into each other but it's okay because i'm giving all my chad girlies exactly what it is we deserve <3 (listen to stupid for you by waterparks it'll give you the perfect friends to fwb to lovers vibe we're going for promise)
[gift giving]
you show up on his doorstep on a random night, it’s ridiculously late, just past midnight, and the quick knocking on the door makes him think that something is wrong
he’s rushing to open it and you’re so quick to push past him and look all around and all you have to say is “where’s mindy?”
“upstairs? why, what’s wrong?” chad is shutting the door behind him and staring you down and it’s not until then that he sees the bag in your hands
he relaxes immediately and lets out an exaggerated sigh, shooting you a half hearted glare, the way he holds back a smile gives him away completely, “fuck, y/n, i thought someone was dying or something, could you not have waited until the morning?”
“it’s important,” you grin at him and start walking backwards towards the stairs and he follows, never more than a step or two behind you. “wes and tara agreed, it’s perfect for mindy and she needs it now this very moment because i said so”
chad watches you smile for a second and his hands twitch at his sides, itching to reach for you. to brush that stray piece of hair out of your eyes or pull the falling sleeve of your sweater up or take your hand to keep you from leaving or something. he doesn’t though. instead he just crosses his arms in front of him and shrugs at you, “what, nothing for me?”
“of course not, i love mindy more. you know this,” he watches the way you bite your bottom lip and then step up onto the stairs, now slightly closer to eye level with him. he barely hears the rustling inside the paper bag as you dig through it, much too focused on the way your eyes don’t leave his.
you take the shirt from the bag and push it into his chest. chad doesn’t look down though, he just keeps staring at you. and without looking away he lifts one hand, places it right next to yours, and takes the shirt. your hand lingers on his chest and you don’t move it away, not until he looks away quickly and clears his throat
“it’s,” chad unfolds the shirt and stares at it for a few seconds. that’s when he sees it, the name of a band and a picture across the front with a list of tour dates on the back, and he‘s holding back a smile again. “a shirt.” “a wonderful observation, you’re really the greatest mind of this age”
“y/n, i don’t listen to them,” he drops his arms again only to find you already moving up the steps again. you’re still looking at him when you tell him, “i know.”
you turn around to hide the look on your face. the huge smile is on full display now and he can see it when you glance over your shoulder, “i do though. you’re welcome”
[quality time]
“we’re gonna get caught” “no we aren’t” “yes we are,” you don’t look away from the clouds in the sky when the smirk grows on your face. “you talk too loud.”
“hey,” chad shifts from his spot next to you for a whole fifteen seconds. you hold back a laugh as he keeps wriggling until he’s comfortably on one side, leaning on one arm so he can look at you as he says, “you’re the one that can’t stop laughing.”
“well you’re the one that keeps saying stupid shit,” you break and a laugh escapes you, proving his point exactly. chad smiles at the sound despite his previous statement and he doesn’t really process the next words he speaks, “you love when i say stupid shit”
you look away from the clouds that time after you hear the words and find him still staring at you. it’s an intense look, one that makes your smile grow a little bit softer. “why’d you ask me to come out here anyway?”
it’s your way of wordlessly agreeing, chad is positive of that much. honestly, he doesn’t have much of an answer for you. the perfectly angled slant of the roof right outside of your room was one of his favorite places in the world. he’d spent so many nights and afternoons and early mornings just like this one just sitting right there beside you without a care in the world. it brought him an incredible amount of comfort.
then again maybe it was all just an excuse. he gave you a half shrug and said, “i just really like talking to you,” he let himself fall back onto the roof, using one of his arms to support his head. for a brief moment he looked at you again and then quickly looked back up at the clouds when he found you staring with the look you always had on when you stared at him. “that and i really didn’t wanna help pack up the car.”
there was your laugh again. the grin on chad’s face grew a little bit bigger. he wondered for a second why he was really out there on the roof with you. why he’d taken your hand and dragged you upstairs and opened your window to pull you into this little world with him.
before he could give it much thought though the door to your room slammed open and you both jumped, quickly sitting up on the roof again.
“hey,” tara marched across the room and silently observed the scene for a just a second. she didn’t voice any of the thoughts she had but she did say, “we’re heading out in exactly five minutes. that’s how long you have to get everything out of your system’s before we’re all stuck in a car with you two for hours.”
you moved first, the smile still on your face as you made the active choice to ignore the implications of what she was saying. “we’re going, promise.” “wait!” chad stopped both you and tara before either of you could move. “how’d you know we were up here, the laughing or the talking.”
you shot your head around to look at tara, eager to hear her answer. she looked between the two of you again and tried her hardest not to smile. “neither, we can literally see you from the car.”
both you and chad looked towards where she nodded only to find both mindy and wes waving from where they were sitting in the car with the doors open, shouting for the two of you to hurry up.
“come on,” you were the first to crawl through your window, waiting right on the other side for chad to follow you. he did as easily as you had followed him. “let’s go before they kill us.”
[acts of service]
“what are you staring at me for?” chad was used to you looking at him. the same way he was so used to looking for you in a crowded room. currently though it was incredibly hard to focus on the road when you had turned to your side completely in the passenger seat beside him so you could properly stare at him. he tried not to focus too much on the look on your face.
“i’m not,” you were. you so obviously were, you weren’t even trying to hide it. honestly, it was all chad’s fault. that was what you meant to say, though those weren’t the words that came out of your mouth. “i can’t believe you actually wore it.”
“why wouldn’t i?” chad looked at you now that he had come up to a stop sign. “you gave it to me.”
“i mean this is the best way possible. i need you to know that before i say it,” maybe it was the fact that chad had woken you up in class not twenty minutes ago and dragged you out to your car and you were still drowsy. or maybe it was the weird feeling in your chest you were trying to pretend was normal. either way, you had absolutely zero filter sitting there in the car with him at that moment. “you look, like, really good. you look…hot. which is surprising cause i got that shirt for you as a joke, i didn’t think you'd actually wear it, much less pull it off.”
“just because you say you mean it in a good way doesn’t mean it sounds that way,” chad actively chose to ignore your first comment. you thought he looked hot. he could feel his face turn warm just thinking of you actually saying those words to him and he already knew he’d be thinking of them the rest of the day. “and i’m just a little offended you doubted me.”
“no,” you laughed a little bit, leaning your head on the headrest and blinking at him slowly. “it’s just not really your style.” “y/n everything you’re saying is making this worse.” “just hear me out,” you made an attempt at fighting off the amused grin as you reached forward.
there was this strange moment of silence where the only thing happening in the car was you playing with the sleeve of the band tee chad was wearing as you looked him up and down. both of you were painfully aware of it and the air grew tense quickly. but then you cleared your throat and looked him in the eyes again and it was gone.
“you just usually dress really…preppy. the casual shirts and cuffed jeans are new for you.” for once chad doesn’t look away. more often than not he’d avert his eyes when that weird feeling in the pit of his stomach started forming, as it often did when you looked at him, but now he simply stared right back. he couldn’t look away and he wasn’t quite sure why. “is that a bad thing?”
“not at all.” your answer came out easily and you so desperately wanted to add on to it. with what, you had no idea. there was this feeling though, this need you had to express exactly how happy him actually wearing the shirt made you. how happy chad himself made you.
both of you jumped in your seats when a honk sounded from the car that had pulled up behind you and it was then that you realized you were still stopped at the stop sign. the sound of you laughing together filled the silence left after your last statement and it wasn’t until chad pulled into your driveway, turned off your car and handed you your keys that you said anything again. “you’re staying with me right?”
“do you want me to?” chad was already following you to your front door. he knew your answer already, asking was really just a formality.
“you really think i’d let you kidnap me without kidnapping you back and coercing you to stay?” you stopped after unlocking the door and opening it just a crack, stepping up onto the step that led you inside and looking at him just as you had several days ago after giving him that shirt you really couldn’t stop staring at.
chad beamed at you and it was like something was pulling him forward. he could practically feel how warm you were and how cold your house was behind you all at the same time. it wasn’t the first time there was this little space between the two of you. there was truly absolutely nothing stopping him from moving just the slightest bit closer. he didn’t though and he wasn’t too sure why. “you’re gonna have to try pretty hard to coerce me.”
you pretended to think for a second and didn’t miss the way chad’s smile softened when your face twisted into concentration. then you stepped back and let the door swing open, just barely stepping into the doorway and holding it wide open for him to come in. “i just bought that movie you told me to watch last night. we can make lunch and put it on to make fun of it together.”
chad did dare to reach for you then, not wasting another second in pulling you into the house after him, shutting the door, and declaring, “it’s a deal.”
[words of affirmation]
“you’re being ridiculous.” “oh really?” chad huffed as he let himself fall onto the bench seat right inside your window for a second while he caught his breath. “because if i recall correctly, you’re the one who’s refusing to answer anyone's calls. mindy told me you didn’t answer the door when she stopped by earlier so here i am. scaling your house and climbing through the damn window.”
“i was sleeping.” you didn’t move from your spot on your bed or even bother looking away from your laptop screen. “sure, what about when wes stopped by twenty minutes ago, still sleeping then?” “yes.” “liar,” chad rolled onto the floor before quickly standing up and shutting the window he’d climbed through behind him. “you can’t even sleep if you see the hallway light coming in from under the door, there’s no way you were sleeping when the sun was right outside your window.”
“why are you even here,” you shifted under your covers until you had turned so you didn’t have to look at him anymore. “don’t you have practice or something?” “i left early.”
that caught your attention. you paused the movie playing on your laptop and chad took that as his okay to move further into the room. he didn’t hesitate in the slightest to walk around to the other side of your bed and crouching down onto the floor right in front of you.
he saw it then. your red and puffy eyes, the sniffle you tried to hide, and the way you pulled the covers up to try and cover the rest of your face. he pulled the covers back down and let out the softest sigh. his free hand twitched again from where he had it resting on his knee as he crouched in front of you. and then he gave in.
chad reached forward and with the gentlest touch imaginable, just held you. he wiped away tears that were no longer there and he’s the one that stares at you for once. neither of you is too sure of how much time passes exactly, he just keeps caressing you gently with his head tipped to the side so he can look at you directly until finally he says. “do you wanna talk about it?”
and you tell him everything. every single thing on your mind. every ailment you feel, both physical and emotional. you tell him everything that hurts and how insignificant it all feels and chad quietly listens to every bit of it, never moving from his spot in front of you that doesn’t look very comfortable at all.
“you’re wrong about one thing,” he finally tells you once it feels like you’ve let it all out. “it’s not insignificant.” those three words feel so very simple but they almost make you cry all over again.
so without much thought at all you launch yourself at him, arms wrapping tightly around his neck making both of you tumble to the floor in a haphazard mess of limbs. chad groans a bit from the shock and the impact but mostly lets out a small laugh as he holds you close. “what was that for?”
“no reason. it’s just,” your voice comes out muffled and you roll off of him, letting yourself fall onto the floor of your room. “you’re my best friend and you mean a lot to me.”
you still aren’t looking at him. you’re looking at the carpet beneath you this time, picking at it softly to avoid having to acknowledge the way chad is staring at you.
he can’t look away. not in the slightest. it’s like something has paralyzed him and he has no choice but to keep his eyes trained on you, studying the way you react to his words when he tells you. “i’ve got you,” you hear him, he knows that much. you stop picking at the floor beneath you and he watches the smile he loves so much start to appear again. “i’m here. i always am.”
and you’re so incredibly positive that he means it.
[physical touch]
he can’t stop. now that’s it’s happened once he really can’t stop. there’s this need deep inside of him, telling him he just has to be touching you in some way shape or form every single time you’re even remotely near him. it’s getting more and more obvious. all of it.
“what’s wrong with you?” wes narrows his eyes from where he’s sitting across from chad and leans forward on the lunch table. chad, for the first time since he sat down twenty minutes before, looks away from the door that exists out into the courtyard. “what?”
“he’s talking about the fact that you haven’t stopped fucking moving since you sat down,” mindy elbows him in the side and he shouts before glaring at her. she doesn’t care, simply relieved by the momentary reprieve from the way his leg bouncing was shaking the entire table. she only repeats the question, “what’s wrong with you?”
chad doesn’t hear her though because he hears the door open again and much to his relief you’re finally walking through it while laughing at whatever it is that tara had told you. he doesn’t say a single word, he just stands and grabs his bag before walking right towards you.
“hey - woah,” you’re still smiling when chad takes your hand and pulls you right back through the door and into the school. he keeps pulling you along and you don’t argue whatsoever. you do, however, stop once you reach one of the hallways. “kidnapping again, really?”
“you can’t use that excuse anymore, it isn’t kidnapping if you come voluntarily every time,” chad stops when you do and drops your hand. he quickly decides he doesn’t like the empty feeling, though, and puts his hand on your arm this time.
you smile up at him and stare. just like you always do and chad is sure he will never get enough of that look in your eyes. “what’s up with you, anyway, why’d you drag me in here?”
he tries searching for an answer, he really does. nothing comes to mind though. it has to be the way you’re looking at him, that has to be the reason his mind is going blank. the reason why there’s nothing but white noise playing on a loop as he stares right back at you and isn’t able to find a single word. the longer he thinks, the more he’s sure he never even had a reason to drag you away. he just knows he had to.
“i don’t know,” he isn’t expecting to admit it but he does so anyway. you look like you want to say something to him again, he can tell. he can see the wheels turning but right when you open your mouth the bell rings and the people start filing into the halls.
you’re the one that takes chad’s hand as soon as you hear the bell and the action has him floored. he stares down at where his hand is being held tightly by yours and processes absolutely nothing else.
chad doesn’t notice a single thing around him until he physically crashes into you and he realizes it’s gone quiet. when he looks around he realizes you’ve pulled him into one of the stairwells, into this little gap right on the opposite end of the stairs where no one can see either of you unless they’re really looking.
“who’s the kidnapper now?” he smiles when you laugh and point at him accusingly. “fuck you, you came voluntarily.” the talking in the hallway is only background noise and even if it was louder you’re sure neither of you would hear a word anyway.
chad really doesn’t want to say anything. he is perfectly content standing in that stairwell with you, just silently looking at the way you smile at him without any interruptions around. he takes a step closer, backing you up against the wall. you don’t mind in the slightest, you actually lean forward a little bit, so close to him that he can practically feel you on him.
“what -” it takes an incredible amount of effort for chad to keep his eyes trained on yours and nowhere else. “what are we doing in here anyway?”
he can feel the way your body moves when you shrug innocently, never looking away and the smile on your face never fading.
“i don’t know.” you echo his words back to him and its like everything repeats itself all over again. the door to the stairwell slams open and you both jump in surprise.
your brain works faster than chad’s. you grab the collar of his shirt and pull him towards you with full force. he stumbles a little bit and next thing he knows he’s falling into you completely, just barely catching himself against the wall.
he’s hyper aware of everything then. his body flush against yours, completely trapping you against the brick wall. his hands on either side of your head with your face dangerously close to his. one of your hands covering his mouth to prevent him from making a single noise while the other grips the fabric of his shirt tightly.
chad only has a single thought. he could definitely get used to hiding in stairwells with you if it kept leading to this.
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sparrowposting · 5 months
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oppressive, burning, terrible Grace, or, on the divine Absence which is also divine Love
Casimir Pulaski Day - Sufjan Stevens // Graceless - The National // The Queen of Attolia - Megan Whalen Turner // The Sparrow Duology: Children of God - Mary Doria Russell // The Witness for the Dead & The Grief of Stones - Katherine Addison // Piranesi - Susanna Clarke // The Return of the Thief - Megan Whalen Turner // The Man Who Was Thursday: A Nightmare - GK Chesterton // The War of Vaslav Nijinksy - Frank Bidart // [x] - @ crawfish comic // post by @ intactics [deactivated] // This Hour and What is Dead - Li-Young Lee // Seven Swans -Sufjan Stevens // Hole Theory - Thomasin Francis // First Love/Late Spring - Mitski // [x] - @ slothu // Bad Blood - Bear's Den
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seeyouguyslater · 5 months
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cluescorner · 4 months
I gave myself a writing challenge and I am fascinated by it
So basically I put the robins in a randomizer to give them a new order/role (because I just...kinda wanted to see what would happen + I like role-reversal AUs) and got results that are giving me a fucking brain blast.
Stephanie, the first sidekick who defines the role
Tim, the sidekick who dies and comes back wrong
Dick, the sidekick who saves Batman from himself
Damian, the sidekick who was never supposed to be a sidekick but would go on to prove everyone wrong
Jason, the youngest sidekick who is still the Kid Wonder
...So this is fucking wild. I've got some ideas and several of these fit perfectly (Dick's role is pretty similar to his one in canon), but some of these are fucking INCREDIBLE to explore (Steph being the first Robin is something I never even considered but tbh I kinda love it).
I probably won't write a fic or anything because tbh I don't like publishing my writing that much, but I might expand this into a full AU and post about it. I might randomize other stuff too (ie, stuff that I cannot change vs stuff that I cannot keep the same) but this fucking rules as a starting point.
#uhhh what am I calling this??#randomizedrobinsau#stephanie brown#oh my god I am so excited to figure out how tf to write this.#because she's my favorite of these characters and having HER be the first sidekick + the one who has a mentor/older sister relationship#with the others?? kickass. though I'll probably keep her and Tim's relationship as 'dating-then-exes' because I think it's funny#and then SHE can be the Robin who Tim got fixated on + figured out her identity?? holy fuck and then the angst of Tim later dying#Tim Drake#tbh I kinda wish he'd gotten a different position because 'sidekick who dies' Tim has kinda been done a lot with the standard#reverse robin aus. But it'll still be fun to write. Definitely going the Joker Junior route with this because Batman Beyond kicks ass#Dick Grayson#He'll honestly probably be the easiest. Like...his role has not changed much outside of being younger/not the one who defines this#But I still think it'll be good to see how well I know Dick beyond his eldest brother thing (which is my best way of relating to him)#Damian al ghul#damian wayne#oh this is gonna kick ass#Bruce does not want his son to be a sidekick but Damian just kinda forces his way into that role#and everybody doubts him because of his history with the league but he later proves himself more than capable#to the point that he can set out mostly on his own and still thrive#Jason Todd#Jason being the baby of the family is also something I have never thought about but holy shit it could kick ass#I really hope that I don't roll 'Jason must die' or 'Robin 5 must die' on the randomizer. I just kinda want Jason to live this time#But unfortunately I double-screwed him because he's on the 'must happen' wheel twice now. I did not think these prompts through#TBH I am so happy that none of them rolled their OG roles. because that would have been so fucking boring
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