#umbrella academy floor plan
thefudge · 1 month
haven’t watched s4 of the umbrella academy but i know five and lila kissing there omg if only every tv show and book have listened to our weird ships…
okay so i spent the last few hours speed-running through this season and OH MY GOD not only did they pay attention to our weird ship, but it's like INCREDIBLE levels of fanfic!!! like, the YEARNING alone??? like, okay, the writers did the "stuck in a time bubble together" bonding/romance storyline, but what i loved about it is they planted the seeds early in the season with lila not only feeling stuck in her marriage but sneaking out and running into five and having fun with him sleuthing just like in past seasons!!! like, it's not just "we're only now seeing each other's potential because we're stuck in the subway" it's more like "we've always been kindred spirits and now we have some down time to really let that sink in". it feels like the culmination of their evolution from enemies to frenemies to friends to lovers??? like all that friction from past seasons finally coming to fruition. hell, at one point five even straight up tells her diego can't give her what she needs??? like, they're admitting they're happier together and fit better together, in and outside of the time loop!!! and i love love LOVE the writers for not doing the super tired switcheroo where, once lila returns to diego and her family she suddenly realizes the whole thing with five was a fever dream. NO!!! no no no, all the feelings are still there like AAAAH it's such good angst, because she keeps exchanging loaded and uncomfortable glances with five while diego is trying to hold her/kiss her??? and five looks SO upset??? it's ao3 levels of delicious drama!!!! diego even asks her if she loves five and she CANNOT deny it, and her whole family and kids are right there but!!!! they still have these feelings and i love how shameless the show is about it!!! one of the big subplots of the final episode is lila having to give up her family to sacrifice herself, but it's also framed as her choosing five and just sort of collapsing in his arms telling him she hates him for this??? and he says "i know"??? HELLO??? also just the yearning and pining even mid-apocalypse!!!! five can't focus on anything else except her, literally they're all about to die but their lil drama is still going on!!!! (complete with diego and five punching each other and rolling on the floor fighting over lila!!!!) it's SO good. also props to the five actor for truly LOCKING IN and just leaning so much into the yearning. every second he looks at lila it's like she hung the moon and he is dying to be with her. i JUSTTTTTTT and the fact that lila hates bracelets and she didn't wear the one diego got her for valentine's, but she wears five's???? and loves it??? and he made it out of all the scrap metal for her???? soooo many little moments like that!!! when he says "i aim to please" kneeling in front of her????? when he says "you know why" when she asks him why he kept the notebook with the escape plan from her!!!!! he just wanted to be with her forever in the greenhouse timeline GAAAAAH. like, this is now gonna be my standard for "non-canonical ships that didn't seem like they could ever have a chance but became canon anyway"!!! cuz usually we clock the chemistry and the banter and the connection but we have to make do with our lil AUs because we know the writers wouldn't dare. but they did!!! they did it this time!!! GOD BLESS i feel so validated in this chili's tonight!!!
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inkspiredwriting · 4 months
Inescapable Fate
Five Hargreeves x Fem!reader
A/N: There is nothing more important to a writer than the opinions of the people who read his work. I would therefore be very happy if you would leave a comment :)
Warnings: Death, Angst
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The rain fell in relentless sheets, pounding against the windows of the Umbrella Academy. Inside, Number Five paced the floor, his mind racing. He had faced impossible odds before, bent time and space to his will, but nothing had prepared him for this. Y/N, his wife, lay in the hospital, her condition worsening by the hour. Despite his best efforts, he couldn’t save her. Yet, he refused to accept that fate.
Five’s siblings watched him with a mix of concern and helplessness. They knew better than to try and talk him out of his desperate mission. He had made up his mind, and when Five set his mind to something, there was no stopping him.
“I have to go back,” Five muttered, more to himself than to anyone else. “I have to find the moment when everything went wrong and fix it.”
“Five,” Viktor said gently, stepping forward. “You’ve already tried so many times. Maybe... maybe some things can’t be changed.”
Five whirled on him, his eyes blazing. “I refuse to believe that! I won’t just stand by and watch her die.”
Diego stepped in, his expression grim. “We get it, Five. But this is tearing you apart. How many more times are you going to put yourself through this?”
“As many times as it takes,” Five snapped, turning back to his calculations. He scribbled furiously, mapping out yet another plan to travel back in time.
With a final check of his equations, Five opened a time portal and stepped through, determined to change the course of events that had led to Y/N’s illness.
He arrived in the past, days before Y/N’s diagnosis. The world around him felt eerily familiar, yet suffocatingly different. He knew every moment counted, and he wasted no time in trying to alter the sequence of events.
Five’s first attempt was simple: he tried to persuade Y/N to avoid the places he believed had exposed her to the illness. But fate was cruel. Y/N, always the caring and dedicated person, had commitments she couldn’t break. She smiled at his uncharacteristic insistence, teasing him about his sudden overprotectiveness.
Next, Five tried a more drastic approach. He manipulated circumstances to keep her isolated, away from any potential danger. He convinced her to take a spontaneous vacation, whisking her away to a remote cabin. For a brief moment, it seemed like he had succeeded. They laughed and talked, the bond between them growing stronger.
But the illness found her even there, in the most unlikely of ways. Y/N’s symptoms began to show, and despite Five’s frantic efforts, she fell ill again.
Desperation gnawed at Five’s resolve. He returned to the present, only to find Y/N in the hospital, just as before. Each failure weighed heavily on him, but he couldn’t give up. He wouldn’t.
Five repeated the cycle over and over, each attempt more frantic than the last. He sought out experts, delved into obscure medical research, even resorted to manipulating time more recklessly than ever before. But every time, the result was the same. Y/N’s fate seemed written in stone, no matter how hard he fought against it.
One night, after yet another failed attempt, Five found himself back at the Academy, exhausted and broken. He slumped into a chair, staring blankly at the wall. The room was silent except for the ticking of a clock, a cruel reminder of the time slipping away.
Allison approached him cautiously. “Five, you need to rest. You’re going to kill yourself at this rate.”
Five’s voice was a hollow whisper. “I can’t lose her, Allison. I can’t.”
Allison knelt beside him, taking his hand. “You haven’t lost her yet. She’s still here, right now. You should be with her.”
The words pierced through Five’s haze of desperation. He realized, with a painful clarity, that he had been so focused on changing the past that he was missing the present. Y/N needed him now, more than ever.
With a heavy heart, Five stood and made his way to the hospital. He found Y/N lying in her bed, her breathing shallow but steady. She smiled weakly when she saw him, her eyes filled with love and understanding.
“Hey, you,” she said softly. “You’ve been gone a lot. Saving the world again?”
Five’s throat tightened. He sat beside her, taking her hand in his. “Something like that.”
Y/N squeezed his hand. “You don’t have to save me, Five. Just be here with me. That’s all I need.”
Tears welled up in Five’s eyes. He had been so blind, so consumed by his need to change the past, that he had forgotten what mattered most. He leaned in, pressing his forehead to hers. “I’m here, Y/N. I’m here.”
In the days that followed, Five stayed by Y/N’s side. They talked, reminisced, and cherished every moment together. Five knew he couldn’t change the past, couldn’t alter her fate, but he could make sure she knew how deeply he loved her.
As Y/N’s condition worsened, Five held her close, his heart breaking with every labored breath she took. And when the time came, and she slipped away peacefully in his arms, he was there, whispering words of love and comfort.
In the end, Five couldn’t save Y/N. But he had given her the one thing that mattered most: his unwavering presence and love. And though the pain of her loss would never fully fade, he found solace in knowing that he had been with her, every step of the way, until the very end.
Fate might be inescapable, but love, Five realized, was the one constant that transcended time and space. And that love would stay with him, always.
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animesmolbean · 1 month
Words Hold Power
An “The Umbrella Academy” fanfiction
Five x Reader
Author's Note: Welcome to my The Umbrella Academy fanfiction! I'm so excited to share this story with you all! TUA is my favorite Netflix show! I'm very sad to see it's in its final season, but all great shows come to an end! But at least we'll get to rewatch it over and over again, lol.
Speaking of which, please, no spoilers for S4 since I have not watched it yet. I'll let you guys know where I am in S4 in coming posts.
With that said, I just wanted to tell you guys this. There was one hesitation I had with writing this story. Handling Viktor's character. I know about the journey of this character and Elliot Page's journey as well. I know about the transition, and I wanted to tell you how I planned on approaching this.
I did research on this topic and wanted to be sure I was handling it correctly. I researched how I should write transgender characters and their journeys throughout the story.
I also read other TUA fanfictions for research to see how other authors handle it, and like the research, it's a mixed bag. Some use Viktor only, and some show the name change.
After researching, I decided on an approach.
I will follow what the show does and show the transition story Viktor has. I chose this because I believe it's a beautiful journey, and the show does a great job handling the topic.
One last thing, all the main characters (The Hargreeves siblings) are aged up a little.
With all that said, I hope you enjoy the first chapter! ♥️
~Character Info~
Reader's ability is cursed speech. She can make anyone do what she says with only a few words. It's similar to Allison's, except she doesn't need to say certain words first like her, and her ability is much more powerful. To the point where she has to be extremely careful about what she says.
(As you can tell, this was inspired by the anime character, Toge Inumaki from Jujutsu Kaisen.)
Chapter 1: We Only See Each Other at Weddings and Funerals (Family Reunion)
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On the twelfth hour of the first day of October 1985, forty-three women around the world gave birth.
This was unusual only in the fact that none of these women have been pregnant when the day first began.
Sir Reginald Hargreeves, eccentric billionaire and adventurer, resolved to locate and adopt as many of the children as possible.
He got eight of them.
Many years later, the kids grew up and went on with their lives as adults.
There was Number One, aka Luther Hargreeves. Big, strong and was currently on the moon, studying and preparing for whatever his mission was.
There was Number Two, aka Diego Hargreeves. Impulsive, brave and works as a vigilante of sorts.
There was Number Three, aka Allison Hargreeves. Famous actress who was currently on the red carpet in front of paparazzi.
There was Number Four, aka Klaus. A lazy, free-spirited soul who is currently leaving rehab and using the money he got from the rehab to buy drugs. He ended up in the back of an ambulance.
And, there was Number Seven, aka Vanya Hargreeves. She was quiet, timid, and was currently leaving the theater after practicing her violin.
However, their lives would change forever with one broadcast.
Their father was now dead.
Vanya rode a taxi to her childhood home. A place she lived for many years.
The Umbrella Academy.
A tall condo-like building with a black gate.
Vanya approached the building and opened the doors, whose windows were decorated by umbrellas.
The foyer was fancy still. The middle was open with a chandelier hanging above a small round table in the middle. Tall, smooth white beams holding the sides which held the second floor. A staircase that leads to that second floor was behind the small round table.
It was just as Vayna remembered it. Every little detail was still there.
“Hey, Mom.”
Vanya called to the woman in the living room. Said woman sat on the sofa in front of the fireplace, which currently had a fire going. She stayed still as she stared into the dancing flames.
A familiar voice turned Vanya’s attention elsewhere.
“You're actually here.”
She turned and saw her sister, Allison coming down the stairs.
“Hey, Allison.”
“Hey sis.”
Allison now stood before her sister. She chuckled and brought the other girl into a hug, which Vanya quietly but graciously returned.
“Ah. What is she doing here?”
A new voice spoke through the quiet foyer.
“You don't belong here. Not after what you did.”
It was Diego.
“You're seriously gonna do this today?” Allison spoke up, her tone telling that she wasn't in the mood for the male's attitude.
“Way to dress for the occasion, by the way.” She added, mocking Diego’s attire as he ascended the stairs. He was still in his “hero” gear; knives and everything.
“At least I'm wearing black.” Diego shot back nonchalantly as he turned left on the stairs, disappearing from the girls’ views.
Vanya, now uncomfortable, spoke up quietly, “You know what? I- Maybe he's right. And I shouldn't-”
“Forget about him.” Allison interrupted her. “I'm glad you're here.” She spoke softly. Vanya’s lips quirked up a little at Allison's words. The sisters shared a moment of silence.
Diego arrived at his late father's room, to see Luther there checking the windows. He leaned against the doorframe.
“I can save you some time. They're all locked. No forced entry, no sign of struggle. Nothing out of the ordinary.”
As he spoke, he walked over to Luther who was also walking towards him.
“Oh, you got big, Luther. What's the secret, huh? Protein shakes? Low carbs?” Diego asked mockingly.
“What do you want?” Luther asked, not wanting to deal with Diego's attitude.
Diego reached into his pocket and pulled out a few folded pieces of paper, handing them to Luther. “The autopsy report.”
After he teasingly tried to pull them away from Luther, the latter brother snatched them out of his hand.
“And you have this, why?” Luther asked.
“Well, that's because I… broke into the coroner's office.” Diego explained as he sat down in an armchair. “And surprise, surprise, Dad's death was… normal. Just a boring, old heart failure.”
“Yeah, so?” Luther looked at Diego.
“So, why are you in here, checking all the windows?”
“Were you the first one on the scene?” Luther asked.
“Pogo found him.” Diego answered.
“Yeah, I talked with Pogo. He said he couldn't find Dad's monocle.”
“And your point being?” Diego asked in a bored tone.
“Can you think of a single time you saw Dad and he wasn't wearing that monocle? No. Which means someone took it. Which means there's a chance he wasn't alone when he died.”
Diego sat up from the armchair. “There is no mystery here. Nothing to avenge. Nothing to solve, nothing like that. It's just a sad old man who kicked it in a big empty house. Just like he deserved.”
“You should leave.” Lither spoke, not liking Diego's tone with that last sentence he spoke.
“Whatever you say, brother.” Diego said in a mocking tone as he turned to leave. Before he did, he turned back to Luther. “By the way, did you visit (Your Name) yet?”
Luther shook his head. “No. I was about to, actually.”
“You know where she is.” Diego simply said.
Vanya entered the living room, looking around at the interior. She spotted a comic and new articles on their group, The Umbrella Academy. She looked at the bookshelves and pulled out one book in particular.
The title read, “Extra Ordinary My Life as Number Seven”
It was her autobiography book. The one she wrote when she left the academy.
She observed it solemnly until a voice spoke out.
“Welcome home, Ms. Vanya.”
She turned and saw Pogo, a human sized monkey dressed formally with a cane and glasses.
Vanya walked over to him and hugged him. Pogo hugged back with a hum. “So good to see you.” He noticed the book in her hand. “Ah, yes, your autobiography.”
“Do you know, um…” Vanya paused before continuing. “Did he ever read it?”
Pogo thought for a moment before replying, “Not that I'm aware of.”
Vanya turned her attention to the portrait above the fireplace. It showed a boy, around seventeen in age, sitting with a neutral but sophisticated look on his face.
“How long has it been since Five disappeared?” She asked.
Pogo turned to look at the portrait too. “It's been sixteen years, four months, and fourteen days.” The two looked at each other. “Your father insisted I keep track.”
“And… how long has (Your Name) been in that coma?”
“Sixteen years, four months, and six days.” Pogo replied.
“You wanna know something stupid? I always used to leave the lights on for him. I was scared that he would come back, it would be late, and the house would be dark and he wouldn't be able to find us, so he'd leave again. And he would take (Your Name) with him. So, every night I'd make a little snack and make sure all the lights were on.”
Pogo nodded. “Oh, I remember your snacks. I'm pretty sure I stepped in half those peanut butter and marshmallow sandwiches, and those (Favorite type of Cookie) cookies.” He sighed a couple times before he spoke again, “Your father always believed that Number Five was still out there somewhere. He also believed that one day (Your Name) would wake up. He never lost hope.”
“And look where that got him.” Vanya said solemnly.
Allison went up to her late father's study, looking around the area. The familiarity of it brought up a memory.
Reginald Hargreeves was working in his office, as usual, when Grace knocked on the door. She entered before closing the door.
“The children are ready for bed, sir. They wanted to say goodnight.”
She turned and walked a couple of paces and opened the sliding door.
On the other side revealed the eight children, all wearing matching pajamas. Allison was in the center while the others surrounded her. Little (Your Name) stood between her and Five, a black cloth face mask covering her mouth and nose.
The children were all smiling as they waited for their father to acknowledge them. But he was so into his work that he didn't even glance up at them.
Sensing the awkwardness, Grace quickly dismissed the kids. The kids, of course, were disappointed but not surprised. As they left slowly, (Your Name) tugged on Allison's sleeve, silently asking her to come.
“I'll be there in a minute (Your Name).” The girl whispered. (Your Name) tilted her head to the side. Allison spoke again, “Why don't you go hang out with Five for a bit before bed? I know you planned on it.” She gave the masked girl a small smile. (Your Name) felt her cheeks warm up, but she nodded, leaving and quietly walking over to Five. The boy saw her coming and, with a nod of his head, gestured to her to follow him. (Your Name) nodded and started to walk beside him. As she did, she heard Allison,
“He's always busy.”
“Where's the cash, Dad?”
The sound of a voice diverted Allison's attention and she walked over to her father's desk, hearing clamoring noises. She leaned forward to look to see who was over there.
“Klaus? What are you doing in here?” She asked.
Said boy looked up and gasped at the sight of his sister. “Oh! Allison! Wow, is that you?” He asked as he stood up. He embraced her slowly; Allison slowly returned the hug. “Long time. Too long.” He pulled away. “Hey, I was hoping to see you, actually, because I wanted to get your autograph. Add it to my collection!” He planted his chin onto his hands.
Allison let her brother act because it was how he always behaved when she noticed the white paper bracelet on his left wrist. “Just out of rehab?” She asked.
“No, no. No, no, no, no. No. I'm done with all of that.” Klaus replied with a sigh as he removed the bracelet. “I just came down here to prove to myself that the old man was really gone.” He smiled. “And he is! He's dead. Yeah!” He clapped, making Allison smile a little, shaking her head a bit.
“You know how I know? Because if he were alive, not one of us would be allowed to set foot in this room.” Allison silently agreed with Klaus.
“He was always in here, our whole childhood, plotting his next torment, right?” He said with a chuckle as he sat in the armchair behind the desk, putting his feet on the desk. “Remember how he used to look at us? That scowl?” He pointed to the man's portrait onto the wall behind him. “Thank Christ, he's not our real father, so we couldn't inherit those cold, dead eyes!” He stretched his eyelids to show more of his eyeballs. He fake screams, making Allison chuckle a little as Klaus started to dramatically imitate their late father.
“Get out of his chair.”
Klaus turned his head and saw Luther standing by the doorway. “Oh, wow, Luther! Wow, you really, uh… You really filled out over the years, huh?” Klaus said as he stood and flexed his arm muscles.
“Klaus.” Luther warned.
“Save the lecture. I was already leaving. You guys can talk amongst yourselves. I am going to visit (Your Name). Oh! The precious little sister of ours.” He chuckled softly. Before he could leave though, Luther stopped him. “Drop it.”
“Ex-squeeze me?” Klaus said.
“Do it. Now.” Luther ordered.
Klaus pulled his arm away from Luther and went back to the desk and started to empty out his pockets, which held a few of his late father's belongings. “It's just an advance on our inheritance! That's all it is!” Allison chuckled silently at her brother. “No need to get your little panties in a bunch.” With that, Klaus left, closing the door; leaving Luther and Allison alone in the room.
“So, Klaus is still Klaus, in case you are wondering.” Luther started.
“You know, after all these years, I find it strangely comforting.” Allison stated.
“Did you see Diego?” Luther asked.
“With his stupid outfit?” Allison added in amusement.
“Oh, I know. Do you think he wears that thing in the bathroom?” Lauther asked.
“Like in the shower?” Allison asked for confirmation.
“Yeah.” Luther confirmed.
“Yes, absolutely!” Allison laughed.
The two went on to talk about how their lives are going now that they are adults. Luther was the only one to stay while the rest went their separate ways. Their conversation ended talking about Allison's family and her powers.
A little later, everyone congregated in the living room. The fire was still going in the fireplace as everyone sat in silence.
Luther started talking about doing a memorial service for their late father. Some like Allison were mostly confused by this or making fun of it like Klaus.
“Is that my skirt?” Allison asked, noticing Klaus wearing a skirt now.
“Oh, yeah this. I found it in your room. It's a little dated, I know, but it's very breathy on the bits.”
Luther stopped Klaus before he could go further and started to talk about their father's death. He had a theory that he didn't die simply of heart failure. He recounted how he was acting suspicious and requested Klaus to try to communicate with him. Klaus was not interested.
“I can't just call Dad into the afterlife and be like, “Dad, could you just stop playing tennis with Hitler for a moment and take a quick call?”
“Since when? That's your thing.” Luther said.
“I'm not in the right… frame of mind.”
“You're high?” Allison asked, not surprised.
“Yeah! Yeah!” Klaus laughed. “I mean, how are you not listening to this nonsense?”
“Well, sober up, this is important.” Luther said.
Klaus only sighed.
When Luther started talking about the missing monocle, Diego concluded that Luther was suspicious of all of them, saying that Luther thought one of them killed their dad. This caused everyone to get upset. Diego insulted Luther's leadership, Klaus got up and jokingly said that he might as well go murder their Mom and (Your Name), unless she was already dead. Vanya left in silence and. Allison left in silence as well. Luther tried to defend himself, but it was too late.
They weren't always like this. When they were kids, they were tight knit.
“This is Jim Hellerman, reporting live for Channel 2 News outside of the Capital West Bank at Main and Sixth. A group of heavily armed men stormed the bank not three hours ago and took an unknown number of hostages.”
The armed men surveyed the bank as they pointed their guns at the bound up hostages and pushed them behind the counter as they proceeded with the robbery.
Unexpectedly, a girl with curly black hair, in a school uniform and mask, walked casually to one of the robbers.
It was Allison.
“Hey, get back with the others.” The robber ordered the girl.
“I heard a rumor.” Allison spoke.
“What? What did you say?”
Allison leaned forward and used her ability, “I heard a rumor that you shot your friend in the foot.”
The robber pointed his gun at one of his partners and promptly shot him in the foot, knocking him down. The hostages screamed at the sound of the gun.
Suddenly, someone, dressed in a boy's school uniform with a mask came crashing down from a window above and landed behind the counter. It was Luther. He punched one robber and threw him out the window with surprising strength.
Then, another kid dressed like Luther came from the other side of the bank. “Guns are for sissies. Real men throw knives.” He threw two long knives at one of the robbers only for them to redirect to another robber and immediately killed him.
There were now only two robbers left in the lobby.
One of them climbed onto the desk and pointed his gun shakily at the three kids. “Get back, you freaks.”
“Hey, be careful up there, buddy.” Diego, the knife throwing kid taunted.
“Get back now!”
“Wouldn't want you to get hurt.” Allison taunted as well.
“Or what?”
A fourth kid appeared seemingly out of nowhere, sitting criss cross on the desk. A taunting smirk on his face. This was Number Five.
The robber shot at Five, but he disappeared and reappeared on the other side. When the robber turned around and tried to shoot him again, he suddenly realized that he was not holding a gun.
“Ooh! That's one badass stapler!” Five taunted before smacking the guy's hand holding the stapler into his head. This knocked the robber over.
All they had to do now was get rid of the robbers in the vault.
Or so they thought.
There was one more.
He loaded his fun and his gun cocked, catching the kids off guard.
“Down you freaks!” He yelled.
Suddenly, running from a hidden place behind a wall was a fifth kid, dressed like Allison, as she pulled down her face mask. She directed her attention to the robber.
The single word echoed loudly through the bank, and just before the guy could turn his gun to the girl, his body suddenly exploded, body parts, guts, and blood spreading out everywhere. The hostages screamed in fear. The girl quickly covered her face again, breathing heavily as she ran to her siblings.
She gestured to all of them. They couldn't see much of her face, but they could tell she was worried by the look in her eyes.
“We're okay. Thanks (Your Name).” Allison said.
(Your Name) hummed, nodding as she walked over to behind the desk with the others, while two more kids dressed like the rest of the boys joined them. Five looked at her. “That was pretty badass. Good work.” He complimented, giving her a smile. (Your Name) felt her cheeks warm up a little, and she tilted her head a bit and closed her eyes. Most people wouldn't be able to tell her expression behind the mask, but Five knew she was smiling at him in thanks.
“Do we really have to do this?” A meek voice asked.
“Come on, Ben. There's more guys in the vault.” Luther told the boy.
Ben sighed as he walked to the vault door. “I didn't sign up for this.”
He entered as the hostages all ran for their lives out of the bank. Inside the vault, the last of the robbers were eyeing slaughtered by Ben's ability. He screeched and roared as his tentacles ripped them apart and threw them against the walls. Blood splattered all over the windows.
Once it was quiet, Ben came out, covered in blood. “Can we go home now?” He asked, his breathing shaky.
It was time to leave.
The seven kids started walking towards the entrance of the bank. (Your Name) pulled out a small vial and turned the cap. She pulled the bottom part of her mask up and put the bottle to her lips. She tilted her head back and started swallowing the liquid. She finished it and placed the empty bottle back in her pocket.
“Are you feeling okay?”
Five's voice made (Your Name) turn to him. She nodded and hummed in thanks. Five offered his arm to her. “Ready?” He asked. The girl nodded again, and she hooked her arm with Five's. Five smiled at her, and they started walking after their siblings.
The seven kids emerged from the back as the news reporters pointed their cameras at the group, and they all clamored to try to talk to them.
Above on the top of a building nearby, stood Reginald Hargreeves, observing the other kids with a mini telescope. An eighth kid, dressed like Allison and (Your Name), minus the mask, stood next to him.
“Why can't I go play with the others?” The girl asked.
“We've been through this before, Number Seven. I'm afraid there's just nothing special about you.” Reginald said as he lowered his telescope.
The girl looked down. “Oh.”
Eventually, Reginald came down to stand with the children.
“Our world is changing. Has changed. There are some among us gifted with abilities far beyond the ordinary. I have adopted seven such children.”
‘You mean eight.’ (Your Name) thought to herself as she looked down temporarily, her arm still linked with Five's.
“I give you the inaugural class of the Umbrella Academy.”
Many news reporters asked many questions.
“What happened to their parents?” One asked.
“They were suitably compensated.” Reginald replied.
“Are you concerned about the welfare of the children?” Another asked.
“Of course. As I am for the fate of the world.” Reginald said.
Everyone was in separate rooms, having their alone time after the little dispute from earlier. Klaus was still in the living room, trying to talk to their late father but he ended up knocking the vase filled with his ashes over.
Luther was walking through the hallways, reminiscing until he got to his room.
Allison was looking through her belongings until she found a gold heart locket with ‘A+L’ carved onto the front.
Klaus took the vase into the kitchen where he proceeded to take more pills.
Diego laid on the couch in the living room, playing with one of his knives.
Vanya sat on the stairs, a solemn look on her face.
Luther eventually found a familiar record and played it on the record player.
“I Think We're Alone Now” by Tiffany started to play.
Everyone heard the familiar tune all throughout the house and they all started to dance in their respective rooms.
Childhood nostalgia ran through their bodies as they all danced like no one was watching. Even Pogo moved a little to the beat.
But suddenly, thunder rumbled and lightning flashed.
The music stopped as the house reacted to the violent disturbance.
The siblings all ran to the courtyard and saw a giant hole, surrounded by blue lightning.
“What is it?” Vanya asked.
“Don't get too close!” Allison warned.
“Yeah, no shit.” Diego said.
“Looks like some sort of temporal anomaly. Either that or a miniature black hole. One of the two.
“Pretty big difference there, Paul Bunyan.” Diego insulted.
“Out of the way!” Klaus exclaimed as he came out with a fire extinguisher and tried to spray it but it was out of steam. So, he just threw it at the mysterious anomaly only for it to get sucked in.
“What is that gonna do?” Allison asked.
“I don't know. Do you have a better idea?” Klaus asked.
The anomaly got stronger and Luther ushered everyone behind him to protect them. Klaus wanted to run. Luther and Allison held hands.
The electrical crackling intensified and someone emerged from the anomaly, arms out. It disappeared and the person fell out of the sky and landed on the ground. The sky cleared up as the siblings walked towards the person, who stood up. He was dressed in a suit way too big for him.
“Does anyone else see little Number Five, or is that just me?” Klaus asked.
The boy known as Five looked at himself then back at the siblings.
The six were now in the kitchen. Five was busy making a sandwich while the others watched in shock.
“What's the date? The exact date.” Five asked.
“The 24th.” Vanya replied.
“Of what?”
Luther spoke up. “So, are we gonna talk about what just happened?”
Five didn't reply. He just continued with making his sandwich.
Silence fell for a couple of seconds until Luther stood up. “It's been seventeen years.”
Five scoffed. “It's been a lot longer than that.” He blinked over to the cabinet.
“I haven't missed that.” Luther muttered.
“Where'd you go?” Diego asked.
“The future. It's shit, by the way.” Five replied as he blinked back to the table.
“Called it.” Klaus said.
“I should've listened to the old man. You know, jumping through space is one thing, jumping through time is a toss of the dice.” Five looked up at the siblings. “Nice dress.” He told Klaus.
“Oh, well, danke!” Klaus said, playing with the article of clothing.
“Wait, how did you get back?” Vanya asked.
“In the end I had to project my consciousness forward into a suspended quantum state version of myself that exists across every possible instance of time.” Five explained.
“That makes no sense.” Diego spoke up.
“Well, it would if you were smarter.” Five sasses.
Diego stood up to confront the boy but Luther stopped him, holding him back.
“How long were you there?” He asked.
“Forty-one years. Give or take.”
Luther and Diego sat back down. “So what are you saying? That you're fifty-eight?” The former asked.
Five looked at Luther. “No, my consciousness is fifty-eight.” He finished his sandwich. “Apparently, my body is now seventeen again.”
“Wait, how does that even work?” Vanya asked.
“Delores kept saying the equations were off. Eh.” Five took a bite out of his sandwich. “Bet she's laughing now.”
Vanya was confused. “Delores?”
Five ignored her and looked at the newspaper that told him about Reginald Hargreeves’ death. “Guess I missed the funeral.”
“How'd you know about that?” Luther asked.
“What part of the future do you not understand?” Five asked. “Heart failure, huh?”
“Yeah.” “No.” Diego and Luther said together.
Five hummed before clicking his tongue. “Nice to see nothing's changed.” Then, he got a good look at his siblings again. He realized that one was missing. “By the way, where's (Your Name)?”
The other five siblings looked at each other, solemn expressions on their faces now. “Well…” Vanya started. “There isn't an easy way to say this.” Allison said. “She's in a coma.” “She's dead.” Klaus and Diego finished. “Diego!” Allison scolded.
Five looked at his siblings, a subtle look of worry on his face, but on the inside, his heart was beating faster. “What happened?”
“Well…. like I said… this isn't easy to say.” As Allison tried to explain, they suddenly heard soft footsteps approaching the kitchen. They slowly turned their heads and what they saw shook them to the core.
There stood…
(Your Name).
Klaus yelled in surprise.
“Holy shit.” Diego said.
Everyone else looked in surprise.
(Your Name) was alive.
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Hiii ^-^ i have a silly little Request for Morgie x GN! Reader
Reader is on a night walk in the rain and walks into Morgie who is sitting in the tree doing Animal noises, Reader is confused and Approaches him while Morgie tries to gide with the sticks and gets embarrassed cause he has a crush on reader for a while now and its all just an embarrassing mess for Morgie while Reader finds it amusing
he really is just a silly little dog boy isnt he, ngl i think he's was kinda proud to show off his barking skills XD
Have a nice dayyy <3
Sorry this one is shorter than the others (not too badly but still) I just needed to write a quick fluff to give my brain joy.
Tree Bark
Morgie le Fay x Reader
Pronouns Used: They/them/theirs
Summary: Sometimes you just need time to yourself, for some people that’s a nice walk and sometimes that walk is interrupted by the odd sound of animal noises.
Warnings: It's implied that Morgie is scaring off people who flirt with the reader but I'm not going to flat out say that. The reader is a touch insecure and a has their walls up really high but that's about it. Reader is referred to as a “fun guy” but in a gender neutral way (like how someone would be like “get a load of this guy”)
Word Count: 1.6K
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    Every corner of Merlin Academy is loud, they had learned that early on in their time at the school. Few places were open for you to have a silent moment alone. The library was quiet normally, but at that time of night it was closed, far out of their reach. And the lounge on their floor of the dorms was currently loud too, bubbling with castlecoming plans and just about two steps away from being a party. It was too much to think straight. Too loud to think and too boring to stay up. Leaving them in this odd place where there was no place for them to run. Sleep too far out of reach to distract them from their thoughts and the energies around them too hard to relate to. It wasn’t like they had a date to the dance, technically they were going with Charming but that’s just because the prince had begged them to. Telling them that he hated the idea of them going alone but (Y/n) was pretty sure he only invited him because Ella said no. Now in the messy noise of Merlin Academy, they seemed to find themself wandering the campus grounds, doing their best to ignore the pouring rain around them.  
    If they were honest the sound of their rain boots sloshing through puddles and rain pattering on their plastic umbrella was comforting. A good noise compared to the cluttered noise of their dorm hall, nearly musical in their mind. It had been a little too long since they had let themself be fully alone, trying to keep themself as the ‘fun guy’ who was always there when you needed someone. Never letting themselves be seen as something other than that to those around them. It was easier that way. But now they could actually pout all on their own, no need to cover up how they genuinely felt about the upcoming night. It sucked going to castlecoming alone, knowing that they were the only one of their friends who didn’t have a single person ask them. Charming got asked by just about everyone who looked at him. Naveen had Tiana, Jasmine and Aladdin. And it was just them, alone. People flirted with them, sometimes, they can’t deny that but it never lasted long. It was like people got scared off by them actually liking the attention they were gaining from them. Never staying around to turn that flirting into something else, and they had no clue what it was about them. Of course, it’s not like they thought someone would ask them to the dance, they weren’t let down by not being asked. They were just disappointed. Is it so bad to just want to be wanted?
     But hey, at least the night was pleasant. They adored the smell of rain and the sounds of the night time. The crickets hidden ever so slightly under the pitter patter of the rain, the sound of owls calling out in the edge of the woods. The hum of air conditioning units of the school. And the, was that some sort of animal? They pause, listening to the noises. A few barks and howls being followed by hissing. It would repeat over and over, and it seemed to be coming from a tree? Against their better judgment, they found themselves heading to the large trunk beside Merlin’s office window. The noise was gaining volume as they got closer, it was definitely not an animal. They had come to realize the noise was for sure someone imitating animals, which made them giggle slightly, looking up into the tree to find the source. 
   Eyes squinted as they stared up. (Y/n) could see someone up there but they weren’t quite sure who it was. “Hello?” The word is followed by a shocked noise of surprise and the ruffling of leaves. If they squinted, they could see a guy in the tree trying to hide himself with a stick, peaking around it slightly. “Nice night we’re having, huh?” Their eyebrows raise, smile on their face as they continue to stare up. The stick falls to the ground on the opposite side of them. The boy in the tree instead covering his face with his hands. “Cat got your tongue, huh? Or do you just not have any interest in speaking to me?” They were still attempting to tell just who they were talking to, stepping even closer to the tree and craning their neck back further. Who could that be? They swore they could barely make out the shape of the boy hugging his body close to the trunk. Possibly against his better judgment, the boy in the tree meows. 
   He was making a plum fool of himself, he knew that. (Y/n) stood under a tree staring up at him and he meowed at them. Great way to get the cutest kid in school to want you, idiot. What on earth could Morgie be thinking? “You know,” they tease, and if he squints he can see them smiling, “If you won’t tell me who you are I’m going to have to come up there and find out myself.” “No need to do that! Just carry on with going where you’re going.” He bites his lip, watching them put their umbrella down, a giggle following the action that made his stomach do flips. “What are you doing up there, Morgie?” He didn’t think they’d recognize his voice, maybe they could see him? Morgie hoped they couldn’t, the heat in his cheeks would for sure give his embarrassment away.  He liked the idea that they knew his voice though, even if it meant he had to accept they heard him making animal noises. “I uh,” he scratches the back of his neck, looking away from the two of them, “Well, I was hoping to call a dog?” “Into a tree?” He was digging himself into a hole, closing his eyes as he leans his head against the trunk of the tree. “Yeah, I guess I was.” 
    (Y/n) places a boot clad foot onto a knobbed part of the bark at the base of the tree as their hands latching onto low hanging branches to help them gain leverage. Pulling themself up into the old foliage, “Scoot over, le Fay.” His eyes widen, following the command as he leaves a spot open for them to slide into. “Why are you,” he lets his words fall flat, watching them crawl into the spot beside him. “Well, if you’re not going to tell me why you’re making animal noises in a tree then I’m going to try and see your point of view.” They tilt their head, watching the school principal enter his office. They could see the rest of his friends in the office, seemingly frozen in time. “So, there’s the dogs you’re trying to call into the tree, huh?” Morgie lets out a nervous laugh, staring over at them with near heart-eyes. “Yeah, I guess so. She left me on watch out here but she’s so stubborn that she’ll ignore the person she left on watch.” 
    With a hum, they turn to look at him, “Why would she leave someone as powerful as you out here on watch? Hook doesn’t have any magic without a wand, shouldn’t he be the boy on watch? Of course his animal sounds wouldn’t be as realistic as yours though, would they?” He smiles, scratching the back of his neck, “You think they’re realistic?” “Yeah, it’s impressive of you.” “Thanks,” he looks away from them again, eyes locking down on the abandoned umbrella on the ground, “What are you doing walking around alone in the rain?” “Well,” they mumble, arm reaching up to hold onto their arm, “I just, needed to get away from all the castlecoming excitement. I’m hoping that all the noise in the dorm hall will calm down enough for me to be able to go to bed. The other royals are so loud.” 
    A nervous hand reaches out to hold theirs, the touch coaxes them to look up to him with a soft smile. “Why aren’t you part of the excitement? You’re going with the perfect prince charming aren’t you?” The way he talks about Charming holds some venom that (Y/n) hates to admit have them butterflies. They shake their head, smiling at him, “Technically yeah, but we’re just going as friends though. The girl he wanted to go with rejected him and a grand total of nobody asked me so.”  A shrug racks through the royal’s body, looking down at their umbrella so they don’t have to see pity cross his face. Or the smirk that follows the mocking laugh that would come out of his mouth over it. Whichever the sorcerer decided to grace them with. “No one asked you? But you’re stunning.” He’s nearly startled out of the tree by the speed their head snaps over to look at him. “What?” He smiles softly, reaching out to caress their cheek, “You’re stunning, how could no one want to take you as their date to the dance?” 
   The words make their stomach do summersaults. He thought they were attractive? No, not just attractive. Stunning. Who in their right mind would think that someone like them was stunning? They couldn’t get so much as a date, and here they were with a villain flirting with them. A cute villain at that. “Yeah well, seems you’re the only one who thinks so.” He hums, poking their nose softly, “Then you should have no trouble with saving me a dance tomorrow night, right?” They bite their lip with a giggle, taking in the look on the boy’s face. “Yeah, I think swing that. Are you going to warn me you’re there with animal noises too?” He laughs, pushing them ever so softly into the tree’s trunk, careful to make sure that they would be safe from it. “You are so not funny, (L/n).” “If I’m not funny then why are you laughing, le Fay?”
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miniy00ng1 · 29 days
Bad Hand
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Five Hargreeves x Female!reader
wc: 1576
warnings: swearing, angst?, death (kinda), lmk if i missed anything
find my masterlist here
hi everyone! this is my first piece that ive ever published on tumblr! im a little nervous bc i dont think its that great but i thought id give it a go! sorry for any grammar errors and please give me feedback! thank you <3
Ever since you met The Umbrella Academy, your life has been anything but normal–even though you are. Like any other pubescent kid, you admired them and their super abilities. Never imagining in any timeline becoming apart of their mess of a family. And now you couldn’t imagine a world without them.
You remember the day you met the super family. They had saved your life during a bank robbery gone wrong. The siblings came to save the citizens in the bank and managed to disarm every robber except for one. One had gotten away and grabbed onto the closest person they could–you. Your mother yelled and cried when you were pulled away from her.
And you were terrified to say the least. As the robber had his arm wrapped tightly around your neck and a gun pressed to your head you thought it was your last few moments on earth. “You freaks better stop fucking moving or I’m blowing her brains out!” The robber yelled. The Umbrellas stopped in their tracks. 
The siblings eyed each other. Communicating without speaking, their plan was set into motion. Allison shouted at the robber to distract him while Diego had thrown two knives in the robbers direction. One knocking the gun out of the robber’s hand and the other landing into his flesh. 
A bright blue flash appeared next to you and then you felt a rush of motion. You closed your eyes to stop the upcoming wave of nausea from the adrenaline of the situation. Not even noticing you were being held in someone’s arms. A comforting hand was rubbing up and down your arm and whispering calmly that you were safe. 
From then on you were always grateful for the Hargreeves siblings. You had stayed in touch with them and had grown close to them even as they grew apart. You were devastated when Five had disappeared, taking it the hardest as you had grown very fond of the boy who had comforted you during your traumatic event. You were even there for the family when Ben had died.
But now, the world was ending in three days, yet again, and no ones figured out how to stop it. You’ve done it before, in Dallas and the original timeline, but now as everyone has split off and accepted their fate you too start to question if it’s time to give up. 
You glance around from the white table you’re sitting at. Today is Luther’s wedding and  it’s beautiful, although rushed–there’s music, delicious food, and a relaxing atmosphere. Almost as if we have all the time in the world. The thought of losing this family for a third time makes your heart ache. You love them all.
There’s one Hargreeves that you feel differently towards in comparison to the familial love that you have for the rest of the family. Five Hargreeves, stuck in his teenage body after returning home from his apocalypse, was swaying by his lonesome on the dance floor drunk as could be. 
A sinking feeling settles in your stomach, clearly he has given up on trying to save the world–and if anybody had a chance of saving humanity, it would be him. Tears well up in your eyes at the thought of losing everyone you love. You get up in a haste needing to be alone as soon as possible. You head outside for a breath of fresh air, yet another thing that you’ll miss in three days. 
You find yourself quite emotional and you’d like to blame your raging hormones. While  returning from Dallas and escaping the apocalypse a second time, your body had an odd reaction seeing as you were not super like The Umbrella Academy and returned back to its teenage form.  It was quite a shock to everyone but the shock wore off fairly quickly when they were confronted by The Sparrow Academy.
The streets were quiet as you sat on the curb, hands enveloping your knees as you try to comfort yourself. It’s just you out there for a couple of minutes before you hear the door of Hotel Obsidian slamming open. 
Stumbling out comes a drunk Five, uttering nonesense and staggering towards you. “Hey! Y/N! You’re missing the party come back inside!” He hollers as he makes his way to the curb. You don’t respond as he stumbles to sit next to you, the stench of alcohol entering your nose. “Great party am I right?” He laughs out loud. You glance up at him to find him staring at you eyes half closed with a drunk haze clouding his eyes.
“Sure is Five. You seem like you’re enjoying yourself.” You respond glumly, returning your gaze the the empty road. “What’s wrong Y/N? Did you not like the steak they served? It was a bit tough if I do say so myself. But who am I to complain? I’ve had worse food in the apocalypse.” Five chuckles to himself, remembering the days he struggled to survive.
Anger starts to bubble inside of you as you stand up and start to pace,“This isn’t some joke Five. I’m about to lose everyone I love and not a single person inside of that damned hotel gives a shit. Including you.” Five’s faces hardens in response, your outburst seems to have sobered him up in no time.
Five joins you in standing, his nostrils flaring in frustration,“You think I haven’t tried my damn hardest to find a way out of this mess Y/N? Do you think I enjoy knowing that my family is going to die in three days? That you’re going to die. Everytime, I find myself in some apocalypse bullshit and everytime I have to fix it. Me! I’m so sick of trying and trying and nothing that I do works. So maybe, just maybe this time I don’t do anything and let everybody else deal with it because nothing I do ever seems to help!” Five turns away running a hand through his hair before shoving his hands in his pocket.
“I would do anything to live a normal life. To experience the many things I missed out on while I was gone. I want to be a moody teen and a messy 20-something year old. I want to go to experience the ups and downs of a relationship with the woman I love…” Five trails off glancing back at you, “But I’ve been dealt a shitty hand in life, haven’t I?” Five makes his way back to the hotel and you let him, too stunned to call out for him.
The following morning after Luther and Sloane’s wedding, you’re emotionally drained. You spent the whole night in your hotel room thinking about what Five said and how you should apologize. You were so selfish to not consider how he’s been to hell and back, multiple times. 
You head to the lounge area in the lobby, still deep in thought going over all the possible outcomes of your apology. Five, Diego, and Luther are seated at the bar in a hushed conversation as you approach. Tapping Five on the shoulder you ask if you can speak with him in private. He glances at you and says, “No. I have no need to speak with you. I have important matters to address.”
Out of all the things that could of happened, this was not something you considered. You were flabbergasted, hurt even. You knew you were selfish last night, but for him to not even give you the time of day to hear you out. “Woah there Five, you’re being a little harsh there to little Y/N.” Diego says, obviously caught off guard by Five’s attitude change towards you. 
“No, I’m not. I have nothing to say to her nor do I want to hear anything she says.” You try and shrink yourself smaller than you already are. You can feel everyone’s eyes on you as you mutter a quick apology and immediately beeline to the elevator. As the doors close you let yourself go. This is not how you wanted to spend your last days.
In the elevator, you begin to get a weird tingling sensation enveloping your body. Unsure if it’s the feelings from the interaction you just had with Five, you rush down the hallway to your hotel room as soon as the elevator doors open. A wave of nausea washes over you and panic sets in. This must be it. Everyone has slowly been disappearing and now it’s your turn.
Your hands shake as you struggle to open the hotel door with your keycard. You get a glimpse of yourself as you pass by a mirror in the room and it’s not good. Tears blur your vision as reality sets in. You’ll never get the chance to apologize to Five, you’ll never get to see any of the Hargreeves again, it’s over.
On the desk in the hotel room lies a notepad and pen. This is how you let them know. Let them know how much you care and how you’ll miss them. How much you love him and how you wish you could’ve lived a life with him that he yearned for. You try to write as much as possible to The Umbrella Academy but you only have so much time before–
You’re gone. The only thing left is a half written note left for the Hargreeves siblings to find.
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crimsonscloud · 1 month
new version of my oc lore go brrr.
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on the 12th hour of the first day of october 1989, 43 women around the world gave birth. this was unusual only in the fact that none of these women had been pregnant when the day began. sir reginald hargreeves, eccentric asshole billionaire and adventurer, resolved to locate and adopt as many of the children as possible. brad barrett was not one of them. (and later, he'd thank god for that.)
name: bradley barrett
nicknames: brad (preferred); walking glowstick (by five and lila); sparkler, starboy (by lila); number two (by marcus); pretty boy (by sparrow!ben); the pyromaniac (by jayme)
gender: male
date of birth: october 1, 1989
place of birth: belfast, northern ireland
hair color: dark brown
eye color: blue; gold (when using powers)
faceclaim: pascal langdale
occupation: artist
affiliation: the umbrella academy (unofficial)
relatives: erin barrett (mother)
biography (pre-canon + season one):
as a young woman living in belfast during "the troubles", erin barrett is not at all in the position to be raising a child. especially not one that she hadn't had the time to plan for. but as she rests on the floor of her apartment, a wailing baby--her son--in her arms, she cannot imagine giving him up for anything.
when a strange man called hargreeves arrives on her doorstep, asking to take her son, she slams the door in his face. it takes everything in her not to grab the monocle he's wearing and stab him in the eye with it.
what she does not know is that he has or will ask many other mothers the same question. what she fears is that soon the question might become a demand. brad spends his early years being moved about, half because of the political turmoil and half because erin is paranoid that hargreeves will come back.
(in the end, he gets seven children, and apparently that is enough for him. it does not stop erin from waking up with her heart in her throat, wondering if this will be the day she wakes to a silent house and her baby gone.)
in 2015, brad moves to an area near the city to attend art school. despite the extraordinary circumstances of their births, he meets allison hargreeves in a mundane place -- a coffee shop. one conversation turns to many. he learns that the man with the monocle his mother warned him about as a child is sir reginald hargreeves. most important, he gains a friend, and someone who can understand what it's like having grown up with superpowers.
three years later, as allison's marriage spirals into divorce, they begin to fight. she becomes distant. he lets her. as far as he can tell, they've both moved on with their lives.
so he's surprised when, seemingly out of nowhere one march day, he gets a phone call from her asking if they can talk. she tells that him hargreeves is dead, that she and her siblings have been asked to attend the funeral. she doesn't want to go alone.
while brad has little interest in attending the funeral of the man who almost stole him from his mother, something makes him go anyway. maybe it's a sense of nostalgia for a past friendship; maybe it's curiosity about the other children hargreeves stole; maybe you could even call it fate. (brad wouldn't.)
thanks to a pair of time-traveling assassins, a senior citizen in a child's body, and an impending apocalypse, his trip to the academy grounds is anything but short.
powers and abilities:
plasma manipulation: brad's core power. he can absorb thermal energy and convert it into superheated plasma.
dagger creation: brad can generate daggers made of solidified plasma. he can telekinetically guide them in a given direction or spin them around his body to deflect small projectiles. if he is stabbed by his own daggers, the energy is absorbed back into his body.
heat and light generation: brad can release stored energy as bright light and intense heat. he also has a high resistance to temperature extremes.
self healing: brad's body can heal itself if in the presence of a heat source, usually sunlight. the speed / extent depends on the amount of exposure.
superhuman sight: brad can see over greater distances and with better clarity than most, and to an extent in total darkness. he has the capability to see a person's life force / aura (and in the case of the other children born from the marigold + harlan, he can also see their marigold).
darkness: brad's powers aren't infinite. spending too much time in dark areas with no access to light renders him powerless until he can recharge.
drugs: like the others, brad's powers can be subdued with drugs / alcohol. because he can self-heal, the effect is usually temporary provided he has enough energy to draw on.
emotions: being "supercharged" or using a lot of power for an extended period makes brad more prone to increased aggression or impulsiveness.
energy depletion: if brad released all of his stored energy at once, he'd pass out afterwards. holding onto large quantities of energy without immediately releasing it is also painful and physically draining.
limitations: there is an (as-yet undefined) upper limit to how much energy brad can absorb at once. if he went above this limit, his body would overheat and potentially explode.
other random facts:
a chaotic, sarcastic, many-layered-bracelets-wearing bisexual.
constantly carries a lighter, and flicks it on / off when he's stressed or just bored.
has been arrested for vandalism before.
like his original concept, brad has a bit of a drinking problem. his powers make it harder for him to actually feel intoxicated.
you know that scene from j.essica j.ones where trish sips a coffee and goes "this has alcohol in it" and jessica takes it and tells her "that's mine"? five or viktor and brad energy tbh.
he's fluent in english and irish, and also knows some phrases in latin.
he has submitted work to, and gotten into, galleries before. (do i know how this works? no.)
his body temperature is constantly warm. as a child he'd run around in the cold without a coat on; erin repeatedly told him not to do this because it increased the likelihood of him getting noticed. (did he listen? most of the time, no.)
he bleeds light when he's injured. like. his wounds glow and stuff. he still has regular blood it's just glowy. it's fascinating and also really painful if anybody other than him touches them until they heal.
his eyes also do the "reflects light in darkness" thing.
it's gonna take me ages to rewatch so i can actually write up his season two lore, but for now i'm thinking he lands in april 1963, seven months before the second apocalypse.
marcus mistakes him for the umbrellas' number two since he and viktor have kinda similar powers. nobody corrects him on it until luther is captured.
he absolutely has a scene at some point that's set to "supermassive black hole" by muse. is this important to know? no, but it's in my head.
tagging @brellafaun plus everyone who interacted with the original post! if you don't want to be tagged let me know and i'll remove you: @mrbloodbender @dis-ast3r @jasshands @beesknees18 @justsomeonenoonecaresabout @aetherbound
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writeriguess · 18 days
The ticking of the old-fashioned clock on the wall echoed softly in the dimly lit room. You sat curled up on the worn leather couch, a book in your lap, the words on the page blurring together as your thoughts drifted. The umbrella academy's mansion was eerily quiet tonight, almost as if the world outside had decided to pause for a moment, giving you this rare moment of peace.
You glanced at the clock again, its hands moving steadily, marking each passing second. Time was something you'd come to appreciate more than ever since meeting Five Hargreeves. It was ironic, really—falling in love with someone who had spent so much of his life trying to outrun time itself.
The door creaked open, and you looked up to see Five stepping into the room. His tie was slightly askew, and his usual sharp, calculating expression softened when his eyes met yours. Despite the burdens he carried, the weight of years and timelines he'd traversed, there was something in his gaze that told you he was always happy to see you.
"Hey," you greeted him, setting the book aside.
Five walked over, his footsteps nearly silent on the wooden floor. He sat down beside you, his presence warm and familiar. You could feel the tension in his shoulders, the way his mind was always racing, calculating, planning. Yet, when he was with you, there was a sense of calm that seemed to settle over him, as if you were his anchor in the chaotic sea of time.
"Rough day?" you asked, reaching out to gently smooth the fabric of his tie.
He chuckled softly, the sound low and comforting. "You could say that. Another apocalypse averted, another paradox unraveled. Just another day in the life of Five Hargreeves."
You smiled, leaning closer to him. "Sounds exhausting."
"You're not wrong," he admitted, his voice tinged with weariness. "But it's worth it, knowing you're here waiting for me."
There was something so vulnerable in his words, a rare glimpse of the man beneath the facade of the time-traveling assassin. You knew how much he had sacrificed, how much he had lost. And yet, despite it all, he had found a way to let you in, to allow himself to love and be loved.
You reached out and took his hand, threading your fingers through his. "You know I'm always here for you, right? No matter what happens, no matter how many times you have to save the world, I'll always be here."
Five looked at you, his eyes filled with a depth of emotion that words could never fully capture. "I don't deserve you," he murmured, his thumb brushing over your knuckles in a tender gesture.
You shook your head, leaning in to press a soft kiss to his cheek. "That's not for you to decide. I love you, Five. And nothing—not time, not fate, not anything—can change that."
For a moment, the two of you just sat there, the world outside forgotten as you shared this quiet moment. Five leaned his forehead against yours, closing his eyes as if trying to memorize the feel of you, the scent of your hair, the sound of your breath.
"Thank you," he whispered, his voice barely audible. "For being my constant in all this chaos."
You smiled, your heart swelling with love for the man who had captured it so completely. "Always," you promised, sealing your vow with a gentle kiss.
Five's lips met yours in a slow, tender kiss, the kind that spoke of love that had weathered countless storms and would continue to do so. When you finally pulled away, his eyes were brighter, the weight on his shoulders a little lighter.
"Stay with me tonight?" he asked, his voice soft, almost vulnerable.
"Of course," you replied, resting your head on his shoulder.
The two of you sat there in silence, the ticking of the clock fading into the background as you held each other close. In a world full of uncertainty, where time was both a friend and an enemy, the love you shared was the one thing that remained constant, timeless, and true.
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darkk-academic · 2 years
Ides of March
[The Umbrella Academy x Reader]
Summary : The assassination of tyrant Sir Reginald Hargreeves.
Warning : Stabbing. Lots of it.
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Beware the ides of March.
Fortunately for all Hargreeves siblings and you, Sir Reginald Hargreeves had ignored the warning.
Sir Reginald Hargreeves, who is currently standing in the middle of the living room, whistle in hand, ready to start training.
Diego, next to you, nudges your shoulder, silently urging you to tell Five to start the plan.
Gaze locking with Five, standing in front, 'Now' you mouth.
"I want to time travel," Five says, loud and clear.
Attention successfully diverted, Viktor—positioned behind Sir Reginald—subtly pulls out a dagger from his pant pocket.
The daggers, seven of them, are custom made for this occasion, specifically.
"Number Five, this is not the time for your asinine dramatics." He fixes him with a stern stare.
"But I want to, I'm ready," Five argues.
Sir Reginald's body turns in his direction at his defiance.
It's all the distraction you guys need.
Viktor in a flash launches forward, thrusting the dagger to the hilt into his back, blood spurting, splashes his face, but he doesn't flinch.
"This," he hisses, twisting the knife, "is for every single time you belittled me, for every moment I spent in that cage, for everything you've ever done to me." He steps back, breathing hard.
Before Sir Hargreeves could say anything apart from the slight gurgle at the back of his throat.
Allison with a dagger and Diego with a knife, are stepping forward.
In unison, they stab him on the chest, not directly to the heart no, of course not, just above, near his collarbone.
"This is for everything you've done to me, to us, for pitting us against each other," Allison murmurs, a cold glint in her eyes.
Jaw clenched, Diego curls his fingers around his Father dearest's throat. "For putting me down every chance you got, making me hate my brother, for all this rage you gave me, how does it feel to have a taste of it?"
Sir Reginald sways on his feet, "Pogo," he chokes out.
Pogo isn't gonna come, you think, he's out buying bleach to get the stains of your blood off this carpeted floor, Reggie.
Klaus and Ben step forward as Allison and Diego come back.
"Hey pops," Klaus chirps. A vicious smile curling at his lips. "I'd rather tell you why, y'know, before you go all dizzy with pain. So this is happening cause you're a shit father and an even shittier man." Glancing at Ben, he raises a brow. "Ben? Wanna do the honor?"
Ben nods. Not hesitating once, he jabs the dagger into Sir Reginald's gut.
"It's funny," he remarks, sounding almost detached. "How the merciless monster you tried to make me failed and yet, I don't feel an ounce of mercy right now. This," he stares him in the eye, "is for everything you've done to me, to us, for everything and more."
As soon as Ben steps back, in a blink, Klaus is stabbing him by the waist.
"For locking me with the ghosties you're soon going to join." Laughing, he pushes himself away, leaving the dagger in like the rest. "Oh and Pops? Don't haunt me."
You step forward next, twirling the dagger.
"I honestly don't have a personal grudge against you," you tell him, head tilting. "But you hurt them, and now I must hurt you."
Unfaltering, you push the dagger into his stomach.
"Man's greatest flaw," you quotes his own words, smiling, "the illusion of control."
Then, finally, Sir Reginald Hargreeves is falling to his knees with a groan.
Luther comes to stand in front of him.
"Nu-number…One…" Sir Reginald heaves out with great effort, "you too?"
"I love you, Dad," Luther professes. Piercing the dagger in the middle of his abdomen. "But not more than I love my family."
Sir Reginald starts to fall down—
Five jumps near him, hand gripping his nape, he stops him from falling.
"For my family," he says. With a cruel smirk on his face, in a swift move, the dagger tears through Sir Reginald's neck, directly piercing his carotid artery.
"Sic semper tyrannis," Five states, as you all watch Sir Reginald Hargreeves fall motionless on the floor.
A beat.
"A shower is in order?" Allison prompts.
Eyeing the blood you're all adoring, everyone murmurs in agreement.
A/N :
Lmfao saw the opportunity and took it.
"Sic semper tyrannis." Is latin phrase meaning "Thus always to tyrants." As in, "Tyrannical leaders will inevitably be overthrown."
A reader insert cause lets be honest, we all would want to take part in this.
It might not be too well written, but this one is yk a treat so anyways—
Hope you guys enjoyed this.
Thankyou! ❤️
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I'll Follow Your Voice | Younger Now Than We Were Before
With the end of everything just on the horizon, not everyone takes it well. (I know the song is technically romantic but I imagined this as a montage of the Umbrellas and what's left of the Sparrows spending their last hours before and after the Kugelblitz destroys everything)
Reblogs always appreciated!
Don't Let Me Go by The Fray | Dividers by @saradika-graphics
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That's it. They aren't doing anything and the universe will come to a shuddering and unremarkable end.
Five makes his way back to the kitchen to get another big bowl of cereal and wander around until he figures out what the hell he saw last night.
He's about three spoonfuls in when he feels his chest get tight and his lungs burn. He's been around long enough to know the pain isn't his and he starts to worry.
He blinks to the next floor up, pretty sure that that's where his twin went after their vote.
It doesn't take long until he stumbles across her on the floor, her knees pulled to her chest.
"Margalo?" He sets his bowl on the floor and kneels next to her, "Are you okay? What happened?"
"I-I ran out of yarn!" She sobs.
His face contorts in confusion, glancing over at the, now, extremely long, multicolored scarf she'd worked on continuously since they'd arrived in this timeline next to her.
"I think it's big enough now. don't you?" He tries to joke, but it doesn't help, and he sighs, "What's really going on?"
"I... I-I don't-"
"Don't what?"
Her chest heaves as she shakes her head and grabs his arms, " I can't-"
"C-can't breathe."
"This is a panic attack?" He asks, holding her wrists tighter, "Okay... You're gonna be okay. Just take a breath."
"I-I-I can't!"
"Yes, you can," He insists, "Hey, just look at me, focus on me, okay?"
She nods and he leads her in a few deep breaths until she's calmed down enough to talk.
"That's it, now what's going on?" He asks.
"I... " She chews her bottom lip as tears well up in her eyes again, "I don't wanna die."
That's all he can think to say, oh.
He knows no one is truly happy with what's happening or their plan to deal with it, but seeing her like this is different.
"I don't wanna die, and I ran out of yarn, so now I don't have anything to keep my mind off it and I just-," She buries her face in her hands as she sobs, "Five, I'm scared."
"Hey," He sits next to her and wraps his arm round her shoulders, pulling her into half hug, "I can't promise you it's gonna be okay, but I can promise that whatever happens we'll face it together, as a family."
She turns to cry against his shoulder, and he hugs her properly.
Then he says something he'd never admit to anyone else, not even their other siblings.
"I'm scared too."
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With Luther dead, all signs pointing to the guardian, and the kugelblitz right on their asses, what's left of the the Umbrella and Sparrow academies quickly file into the reflective hallway behind the plinko machine.
Margalo is frozen in the shock of it all, but Five doesn't let her fall behind.
"Come on," He grabs her arm and part of the scarf she's wrapped around her neck more than a few times, dragging her with him.
They're only about ten feet in when she looks back and sees Reginald blocking their brother's way.
"Klaus!" She calls and Five tugs harder when she tries to go back.
"We have to keep moving!"
"But Klaus-"
"He's right behind us- Margalo wait!" He shouts when she pulls away and starts back.
Blue energy flickers around her and he reaches out to grab her again, fingers catching in the end of the scarf just as she blinks out of sight.
She's suddenly back in the suite, the walls being torn apart as Klaus gives up on the door.
She doesn't hesitate to grab him, stomach sinking when she can't blink them back.
"What did you do?" Klaus asks, grabbing her shoulders, "W-why would you come back for me?"
"I wasn't going to let you die!"
"So now we're both gonna die? Margs, this isn't the brightest plan!"
"I panicked!"
They stare at each other for half a second before breaking into tearful laughs. She cups his cheek with a scared smile, "Like I'd ever let you die alone."
A pained gasp is ripped from her lungs as the universe tears her apart.
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Five watches in horror as the scarf falls into his hands.
"Margalo?" He looks up to the door, Reginald trying to push him further down the passage, but he fights him, screaming out his sister's name and reaching for the closed door, "Margalo!"
A few feet more and his body goes limp as he feels a sudden pain and then... then nothing. Their connection is gone and the emptiness he felt all those years in the apocalypse washes over him.
Everyone is confused when Klaus and Margalo don't come through the other side.
"Five?" He barely feels Victor's hand on his shoulder.
"She was right behind me," He squeezes the scarf and glares up at Reginald, and growls through clenched teeth, "What did you do?"
"Nothing! Your brother didn't make it through the door and it seems your sister went back to get him," The old man says, "I'm sorry, it seems they're gone."
As the rest of them explore the lobby of Hotel Oblivion, Five steps away.
Not again. This can't be happening again, not after everything he's done to save them.
Most of his family is there, still within reach, but he feels so alone.
He grips the scarf harder, breath shuddering and tears pricking his eyes.
His back slides down the wall, similarly to how he found her during her panic attack, he hides his face in his twins handiwork, all he has left of her, and he cries.
He cries like he hasn't in years.
He finally made it back to his family, and within a month he's lost them again.
His breathing goes ragged when he thinks back to the feeling of her slipping away and his chest tightens.
"It's not fair," He sniffles. His tear have already soaked a patch of orange and green yarn, "I just wanted my family back! I didn't want to be alone anymore!"
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He doesn't feel like he'd been put through a freeze dryer anymore as he and the others step out of the elevator.
He turns around when someone gasps and he sees Luther, a normal looking Luther, step out followed closely by-
"Margalo," He breathes, and before he can stop himself, he's blinked in front of her, and thrown his arms around her in a tight hug. A hug she returns, just as tight and just as reluctant to let go.
It's not long until the others wrap themselves around them, Sloan and Ben included, all of the just glad to be alive
To still have each other, even after the end of everything
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lookingforhappy · 2 years
Fuck it my editing software is shit so just take the floor plans .. ask & ye shall receive detailed explanations as to why it looks like that but this is as close to canon as I can get
Umbrella academy floor plans
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Layered over each other:
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Does it make sense physically? No. But it’s the umbrella academy what did you expect.
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ridreamir · 1 month
Ignoring the Netflix Canon when I feel like it (Crack Reader Insert Post)
[Mild Umbrella Academy Spoilers!]
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Hello and welcome to the Umbrella Academy! The....Sparrow Academy...? Oh wait no, wrong one. It says here you're a part of the bullshit academy. Yayyyyy!!! You're special! You have a superpower! Now....
Imagine being ruthlessly stalked by the biggest nightmare of a Commission Assassin only to find out that it's:
A: Alternate universe 5. Wearing a mask. B: Someone Commission Founder 5 planned to send after you. C: All the above. And a secret third option.
He's trying to fucking kill you, which is why it's all the more surprising when he cocks a gun at you and shoots one bullet, only for it to sail right past your head. Why he purposely missed eludes you, but haunts you for many days and nights. Then, the apocalypse hits. You just narrowly escape with your life. Thanks to your 'power', you're privy to obscure knowledge. Knowledge no one in this multiverse should have about its history, inter-workings, and potential future outcomes.
Good thing you're practically the most useless idiot on the planet aside from that, because wow. Talk about multiversal anomaly threat.
(Hey, you show that you could have been capable of intelligent thought! Had you been raised properly. News flash: YOU WEREN'T.) So now you're cozy in your little New Yurk apartment which doesn't cost a billion francs per month because that's a different timeline. Isn't this lovely? Isn't world peace amazing? It's too bad, really, that you live next to gay and gayer. And bitch. Brothers, Viktor, Klaus, and Ben. They're fine enough, really, if not for the screaming matches fuck boy Viktor gets into with his multiple gfs on a daily basis and the sheer amount of drug dust that wafts in every time Klaus even breathes in your direction. They're normal. Just a couple of young adults trying to make it in the big city after presumably running away from daddy. (Mid 20s?)
That's... right. You see, you recognize these three. You haven't seen the others around yet, nor is there any guarantee that they even still live in this city anymore, but after the last 'pocalypse you sneezed yourself out of, you landed yourself here, right in the heart of it all. Why? Because they're your brothers.
In this timeline, Canada won back in 1812. Ooooooh. Bummer.
See, none of this would be a problem, if not for the sudden appearance of a highly intoxicated and mildly injured smelly boy man on your couch. He's sobbing. He just shot at you the last timeline ago!!! "Auuuuggghhhh uhuhu, waaahhhh!!!!" He cries under the mask. "Why'd you fuck up our timeline(s) *hic*, now I have to uhuhu~~ Kill youuuuuuaaaaa aaaaaaaawhuhu!!~~"
That's right! After isekai'ing into a near identical Umbrella Academy to that of the hit Netfix show of the same name, you were nearly forced to grow up just as traumatized as the rest of your seven pseudo siblings as you recovered your memories and sense of identity! Then your 'brother' went on to go found the fucking same corporation that wants to kill you! And now he's pretending he's a field agent when he's really the fucking founder!
"I don't wanna do it, Eight! I don't want to have to, to huurrrrtt youuuuu aaaaawwwhuhuhu!!~~" He sniffles, ripping off the mask. "Just... just stay with me, okay? Just, we'll hide you in the thirty sixth floor of my tower just, just staawwpp running uhuhuuuuuuuuu!!!~~~~"
Well this is news to you that he actually has some semblance of care for you, actually. When the little bitch is sober he's usually trying to lodge a bullet in your skull! Or apparently only pretending to. Reginald. What in the fucking world did you do to this man(baby). Why is he acting like this. He's usually so terrible and cold and uncaring and not nice (and smart) but right now he's absolutely fucking pathetic! You know you're in deep shit when a tentacle bursts through your wall. "Hey!!" Ben yells, not having any concept that this is his brother 5 that died on a mission when they were children. "Shut that frignart up, fuckshit!"
Ah yes. Gen kthulu slang.
"Aww is that habibi? Tell 'em I said hii~" "Fuck you." Ben hisses at Klaus.
When Five starts to dry heave on your couch from choking on his own crying, you know you have a problem.
Dear god. Please let the next universe be normal.
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cas-backwards-tie · 1 year
Chapter One: The Intrusion
Just Like Me
Masterlist | Next Chapter
Five Hargreeves x Sparrow!Samantha
Summary: Arriving home from school, you find there are a group of intruders in the compound. Friend, or foe, it isn't clear. Though you don't use your abilities anymore and aren't much of a fighter, you're curious to learn more when the intruders mention growing up in the same house and sharing a father. The only question is: will they explain?
Warnings: Cursing, Violence, Anxiety, Insecurity, Angst, Complicated Family Relationships, Degradation
Words: 4.9k
A/N: So while I meant to write the same story going off my interpretation of the comics two years back, I decided I'd just try and fit my OC (though it's written in reader style, her attributes scarcely mentioned) into the show considering that I've recently finished the third season! Details about the OC's backstory will be revealed throughout the series.
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Your hands release the grip on your backpack’s shoulder straps and come up to cup your ears. It’s the alarm blaring throughout the house’s speakers. “What the hell?!” You grumble to yourself. “Really?” Through the foyer, you can spot five strangers all dressed in black, bewildered looks on their faces. Each person’s clothes are different–no uniform look to them–and they all differ in shape, size, and style from what you can see. If they’re robbers, they’re downright stupid showing their faces, and even attempting to rob the Sparrow Academy. The sound of your Father’s voice lets you know that whatever is going on, there’s a disagreement in progress. Ready to confront the situation and get answers, you walk through the doorway and stop once the five intruders become six upon better view.
“Wrong again. This isn’t your home, this is-” Father speaks, his know-it-all tone eliciting a wry look on your behalf. Not wanting to deal with his holier-than-thou attitude, you attempt to emotionally brace yourself. Leaning against the doorway, you watch the scene before you in silence, trying to gather information. If anything, stealth has always been your strong suit. Always surprising people with your light heel-to-toe steps, it’s unintentional the way you’ve gotten everyone in the house scared at least once or twice simply going about your business.
“What are you talking about? This is the Umbrella Academy,” the dark-haired female questions. With her back turned away, you don’t get a good look at her, yet your eyes flit to the person closest to you. A small, thin, seemingly frail person with shoulder-length brown hair. Arms crossing over your chest, you next spot the knives within the shaggy-haired man’s vest. Your heart beats a little faster. They could be dangerous, you think. Beside him stands a lanky man in a trench coat and a cowboy hat–an odd look to say the least–and finally, across the room stands a boy who looks around your age in appearance. It’s funny, though you’re dressed alike, it appears as though his uniform is too small, while yours finally fits perfectly. His outfit looks like a knock-off version of the Sparrow Academy uniform, only if the colors were reversed. Clad in a maroon blazer with the Academy’s insignia on the breast, you don a matching tartan skirt, maroon and navy, along with white knee-high socks, and mary-jane shoes. After years of thinking your uniforms would never fit properly, you’ve finally grown into them over the past year or so as your teenage body continues to grow.
 “-This is the Sparrow Academy.” He finishes his explanation. Father’s hazel eyes take in your appearance, though you have no idea what he’s thinking or planning. Your eyes flit between him, the intruders, and up to the second floor. It doesn’t slip your notice that the shaggy-haired man withdraws a knife from his vest.
“Dad, who the hell are these assholes?” Ben’s disgruntled tone breaks the silence as all eyes shift over to him. Just as you’re about to verbally add on, yet you’re beaten to the punch. 
“Shit…” the intruders all murmur simultaneously in an unsettling and eerie manner. Silence overtakes the room for a moment as they all simply stare at your brother in wonder. Maybe they’re just crazed fans, you realize. It wouldn’t be the first time someone has attempted to break in with ideas of catching a view of the infamous Sparrow Academy and getting an autograph, photo, or some shit.
“Ben,” the soft tone that leaves the cowboy hat-wearing man feels wrong. The look in all their eyes is seemingly that of one who stares fondly at their favorite work of art, or muse. While you truly know Ben, it’s always the fans who make him out to be some admirable and righteous guy as if he’s not a giant asshole now.
“Is that really you?” The big one asks, stepping closer to him. Whatever wrong feeling lies in your gut only amplifies with those words. There’s no mistaking that of the tone someone only uses when they know someone personally. And you’ve never seen these people in your life. They could be from before, you mentally remind yourself, a sullen feeling swirling in your gut at the thought of your lost time. Yet, the look on Ben’s face is one of perplexion, confusion, and worry. That’s all you need to know that these are still, in fact, strangers.
“And who are the weirdos on the balcony?!” The accusatory comment flies immediately after the big one’s question, all eyes drawn up to said location. Using this opportunity of distraction as a means to move, you slink past the small and thin person diagonal to you and stand next to Ben. He doesn’t seem keen on your appearance, not a word uttered in greeting. Shifting the backpack to sit more evenly on your shoulders, you wait for someone to say something- for Dad to explain, or at least tell them to get out of his house.
“They are the Sparrows. My children.” A faint rumbling shakes the house, and whether or not it’s either fans outside, more intruders upstairs, or someone’s upset feelings leaking out through their powers, you brace yourself. Whoever these people are, the stunned expressions on their faces don’t sit well with you. So… they’re not fans, you question, suddenly at a loss again.
“I’m sorry, what do you mean your children? That’s not possible, old man.” The teenage boy stupidly asks as he starts closing the distance between your Father and himself.
“Well, clearly it is since we’re standing right here,” you point out as if it’s obvious. Which it is. Though your mothers were from different parts of the world, and your births having happened in minutes, spontaneously, it was certainly an event. Nevertheless, Reginald Hargreeves is your Father.
“Of course it is! I think I’d know, wouldn’t I?” The preposterousness of his tone only mirrors the amusement and ludicrous nature you hold in your own demeanor as it seems these people might be… well, delusional. Clearly, since they’d thought to break into the world’s biggest crime-fighting legion.
“How was school?” Marcus asks you quietly as he approaches to stand on your other side. He still listens intently to the conversation, even if he actually acknowledges your presence and the fact that you’ve only just gotten home. Before you can respond about how it’d been boring considering you’re only starting to learn about basic chemistry and things that, honestly, you’d already started to learn at the Academy before things went… haywire, someone speaks up.
“Everyone else can see Ben, right?” Cowboy Dude (as you’re now referring to him in your mind) proposes, gesticulating as he starts to approach all of you. Brows furrowing in confusion at this statement, you shake it off and turn your attention back to your older brother to your left.
“Well, certainly not as exciting as whatever the hell is going on here,” you joke, eliciting a chuckle from both Ben and Marcus. Surprising that the prior was even listening.
“Cute hat, Sundance,” Ben remarks, never failing to miss a chance to whip out a comeback. The disturbed looks from the intruders only elicit an amused smile from you. It’s then that you make eye contact with the little one of their group, his eyebrows furrowed similarly to the one you held earlier when trying to decipher who they were. His head tilts slightly as his green eyes search yours. Suddenly your Father’s voice attracts everyone’s attention once more.
“They call themselves the Umbrella Academy, a group of scheming, perfidious malcontents who accosted me in the fall of nineteen sixty-three when I was away on business in Dallas. Be warned, they claim to be my spawn.”
“What?” Trying to process and take in this information, it makes no sense that they’d been alive in nineteen sixty-three, and yet one of them looks your age. They’d all at least be well into their sixties by now. The following words from the dark-haired, cape-wearing woman drone in one ear and out the other as you try to wrap your head around everything your Father had so casually said.
“I don’t know yet, but it’s concerning,” the little one garners your attention again, your eyebrows now mirroring his as you try to piece this puzzle together. Siblings? There’s no way… is there? Wouldn’t you know? Wouldn’t this have come up, before? Why does Father look on edge if this is the case? Why would they accost him, then? There are too many questions and too little information to come to any certain conclusion.
“Is he telling the truth?” Marcus asks. Even if this is all new information, he’s always the best at keeping things going and taking assertive action. It’s why he’s Number One.
“Does that mean they’re our…” you cut yourself off, not daring to voice the thoughts going through your head. “That’s impossible.”
“You’d think,” the little one comments.
“Says the kid who would be in his sixties if it were true,” you respond lamely, not really intending to speak it to anyone in particular.
“Yeah, well the truth is mercurially dynamic at best, little girl,” the kid bites back. He moves his jaw in an unsettling way, your own jaw clenching at the degrading nickname. Despite your outward appearance, you are not a little girl, by far.
“Not the part about us being perfidious,” the thin person, who you can now see is a woman, defends. Her voice is fairly quiet, yet with all the thick tension in the air, there’s more than enough silence to be filled.
Cowboy Dude backs her up. “No, we’re amateur-fidious, at best.”
“-but we are his children. This is our house.” She claims. Samantha takes the moment to gauge her sibling's reactions, everyone looking about, if not more, stumped than she is.
“Yeah, yeah. We, uh… grew up here.” It’s the Big One, now. Alphonso takes the opportunity to mock him, which only irks you and elicits an eye roll because something doesn’t feel right about this. Though it’s unlikely and something only someone desperate would come up with… for some reason you believe there’s a possibility they’re telling the truth.
“How’s that possible?” Your voice is quiet, mind turning its gears as you can’t work out what’s missing in this equation. A few theories have formed in the last minute or so, but there’s no definitive answer here. There are still crucial parts missing in their explanation.
“I kind of think we would have noticed you,” Sloane remarks, pointing out something that all of you had to have been thinking, her soft voice helping to ease the tension if for only a moment.
“Hi, I’m Luther.” The Big One extends his hand out to Sloane, yet she doesn’t move. Smart, on her part, though the sudden shift in attitude and the kind smile on his face only make the whole situation that much more eerie and confusing.
“Hi Luther,” you respond with a small wave and a remiss attitude. It really doesn’t seem like the time, nor place, yet you play along. 
“Okay. None of you belong here.” The dark-haired glove-wearing girl asserts, clearly having had enough.
“Woah! What?” Taken aback by the sudden aggressiveness in her tone, you take a step back. Defensiveness ebbs into your being. Alphonso audibly gawks at her words, Jayme making a noise of discontent and incredulousness, Ben almost growling under his breath.
“Oh! Well, then. I guess we’ll just pack our bags and move out,” Fei remarks sarcastically, eliciting a smile thrown over your shoulder to her. She’s always been much faster with comebacks than you, though not as good as Ben. It’s a quality you’d never been able to pick up, really, and the whole… IceCube Incident didn’t exactly help.
Christopher plays along with Fei, though proposes that the supposed ‘Umbrella Academy’ will have to beat us if they want our spots in the house.
“You slay me, Chris,” Ben chuckles. Christopher’s remark elicits a few laughs from your siblings and a tight-lipped look from you. It’s hard not to smile, knowing they have no chance of beating you all, yet you don’t want to appear cocky. After all, you don’t want anyone to fight. Fighting is never the answer.
The telltale sign of heels clacking against the black and white tile of the foyer announces her presence. “I wasn’t expecting company,” Grace sighs. “This is the best I could do on short-” she starts to malfunction, one eye rolling slightly as she struggles to get her words out, voice box revealing a deeper tone than that of the tone she’s been programmed for, “-short notice.”
“It’s fine, Grace. Thank you,” you respond, a small and tense placating smile on your lips.
“Mom,” the shaggy-haired man practically whispers, breaking the silence.  Mom? Out of all the things he could’ve said… he said that. His tone was soft… again, a familiarity echoing the similar manner that, Luther–you now know his name–addressed Ben earlier. 
“Mom? She’s a robot, you perv.” Despite the seriousness of her accusation, Alphonso chuckles, of course. Their humor is… something, alright. The two of them, together… yeesh. They never fail to surprise you with what will come out of one of their mouths. 
“Jayme,” your tone comes out as a warning.
“What?” She defends, “It’s creepy as hell.” 
“It’s not a robot!” The man defends.
“Hey, don’t you call him that!” Luther steps in.
“Or what?” Ben instigates, stepping closer to Luther.
“Why don’t you come closer and find out?” He quips immediately.
“Wow, okay,” your exasperation is evident in your voice. With a shrug of forfeit, you turn your questioning gaze toward Marcus, who meets your eye contact with an expression of anger, patience being tested.
“Luther! Guys, chill!” The small woman begs, coming closer as if to intervene if something were to go down. Though considering the size of Luther and Marcus, you doubt she’d be able to do anything besides get crushed between them.
“Think I’m afraid?” Ben posits, puffing out his chest as if to scare away the giant of a man Luther is. Though an honorable notion for protecting your home, it’s… all too cocky of him. But really, it’s Ben; what do you expect from him?
“Stand down, Ben,” Marcus’ warning tone brings you a sense of relief, not wanting to have to fight this… Umbrella Academy.
“Look at that! She’s got a voice!” Ben taunts the small woman, amused by her attempt to dissuade them. So much for that, you think.
“How about I hide that big Rubik’s Cube up your ass?” Shaggy-hair threatens, eliciting a fire you hadn’t realized had been slowly boiling in the pit of your stomach.
“Christopher isn’t a Rubik’s Cube, you ass!” Marcus extends his arm in front of you before you can properly lunge in the man’s direction. Always the big brother. In a split second the room erupts into many separate conversations, comments, threats, and warnings. It catches your eye–the familiar glint of Jayme’s spit–the black liquid hitting Shaggy Man’s cheek. Eyes widening, you whip your head around to her. “Jayme! You just started things!” You whisper yell at her. 
Your older-looking sister squints her eyes at you before rolling them dramatically, a sigh falling from her lips. “Well someone had to. Besides, he started it when he called Grace ‘Mom’ like some kinked-up weirdo,” she asserts, “and now? I’ll finish them.” Arms crossed over her chest, she sits on her hip in triumph, eagerly watching the Shaggy Man go through whatever delusion his mind conjured through her spit. Hazel eyes returning to him, you watch with concern, eyes shifting as you spot the teenage boy eyeing you behind him. As soon as your eyes meet, he looks up at Marcus. Taking him in, you don’t think it’ll be hard to take out this supposed Umbrella Academy if it really comes to it, though you’d rather not. Cute as the boy is, even if rudely witty, he doesn’t have to get hurt.
“I don’t know what circus you escaped from or how you got past our security, but we’re done here. You got 30 seconds to get out of our house.” Marcus has his famous eerily calm mask on in spite of the obvious tension simmering in the room. 
“And if we don’t?” Cape-Girl bites back, crossing her arms over her chest with a smug look upon her face.
“Marcus,” your biting tone has a tacit plead in it, one he’s very familiar with. Though you haven’t been on a mission since the IceCube Incident, you still try to prevent fights from breaking out within the walls of the house, begrudgingly to your sibling’s amusement, it always seemed. Luckily, for the most part, Marcus would take your side and help rein in the chaos Jayme, Alphonso, Ben, and Chris always seem to want to participate in.
“Then we’ll have to settle this the old-fashioned way.”
“Ugh,” you groan. Of course it would come to this. As you hear Ben crack his neck and watch Marcus get into a defensive stance, you crack your knuckles. Everyone’s stances mirror similar defensive poses with little idiosyncrasies within each person.
“Sam, go!” Marcus instructs, pointing toward the doorway. He knows how you feel about fighting, yes, but more than anything he knows you won’t use your powers after the Incident. Regardless of whether they’ll need them or not, without using your powers, you’re a liability. Someone he doesn’t need to be distracting him from fully being invested in the fight.
“No! I’m not going.” Getting into a defensive position next to him, you ready yourself, not bothering with your backpack since this will be quick. “If we’re gonna do this, might as well get this over with.”
“Go,” he quietly pleads in the same tone you’d used earlier. Just to spite him, the way he’d ignored your request earlier, you decide that fighting these punks of intruders and letting off some of the rising anger they’ve caused you is the healthiest manner of coping. You’re not going anywhere, because defying your big brother is about the most satisfying thing you could do.
 “Agreed,” Luther responds. Readying themselves for a fight, they clearly don’t care about your little side conversation as everyone watches to two biggest members of your family square up.
“Get him, Luther!” Cowboy Dude seems more enthralled to watch, yet his optimistic and supportive attitude seems amusing in juxtaposition to the situation at hand. Does he really want to watch his brother get beaten to a pulp?
“Look we just fought a literal army. Okay? This doesn’t need to get ugly. Let’s all just calm down, and let’s talk.”
“A literal army? What the hell…” Eyeing the woman with confusion, you’re starting to worry Dad was right. Maybe these people are liars and far more crazy than he’d made them out to be.
“Psst-” the sound captures your attention, hazel eyes shifting over to Cowboy Dude. “-Ben-er-rino! You look so much better alive than you do dead. Am I right? Except that haircut.” Lips forming a small ‘o’, a silent ‘ooh’ leaves your lips. You know that’s it. Ben won’t take that.
“What the hell did you just say?” Ben retorts, obviously offended. Yep, you called it.
“Wait, dead? What are you…” It’s then that you register his words, murmuring more to yourself than anyone, it’s just another piece to the growing puzzle.
“Come on, come one, stop will all the hostility, Mr. Grumpy Pants. Oh wow, nice scar. Muy macho.” Cowboy Dude persists, approaching your brother with a passive disposition.
“I wouldn’t if I were-” the comment leaves your lips before you can stop it.
“Shut your mouth!” Ben yells, readying himself for a fight.
“You shut your mouth and just hug your brother-” Ben punches him square in the jaw. The hat goes flying as the man stumbles backward, rolls over, and off the coffee table, which really, seems a bit dramatic to you. Ben can’t punch that hard. Maybe Marcus, but Ben? No way.
“What the hell? You didn’t have to do that!” Luther raises his voice, closing the distance between him and Ben.
“Oh, I’m pretty sure I did!” Ben bites back.
“That’s right, he did,” Alphonso comments.
 “Yeah,” you agree. The man did come off as a bit aggressive and forward.
“Hey, get back!” Marcus warns, swooping between Ben and Luther easily, keeping them apart physically.
“Luther, hey!” The small woman yells. Marcus shoves Luther away when he won’t stop closing the distance.
“Back off!” Marcus shouts. 
“Marcus!” You shout. Luther winds his arm back and throws a punch. Marcus dodges and easily kicks Luther square in the chest. The big man goes flying back through the air.
“Oh shit!” Someone says before the big man lands on top of the Cowboy Dude, knocking over the couch, cupboard, and all the decorations atop it.
“Bad touch, Luther! Bad touch!” The pinned man yells, yet your attention follows your Father leaving the room. All of a sudden, Marcus is hopping over the coffee table towards Luther, the teenage boy is running your way, Sloane, Alphonso, Jayme, and Fei all go their separate ways, leaving you open and vulnerable. Panicking, you step aside, Ben still holding the space he’d been in, readying himself for the incoming kid with a devilish look in his eyes.
“Come at me, litter box!” Shaggy Man yells at Christopher, who you spot floating a few feet above you, heading in his direction. With a relieved breath, you gather yourself, eyes flitting from person to person as you try to figure out where to insert yourself. In the midst of your panic and internal struggle, you see the kid punch Ben backward out of the corner of your eye. Ben immediately comes back to punch him, but the kid dodges only to kick Ben away.
“Don’t hurt my brother, Short-Shorts!” You yell, the attempt at name-calling simply coming off the top of your head as you charge at the kid, going to punch him, yet he elbows you in the stomach before kicking you down, all without sparing a glance in your direction. To be fair... announcing your incoming probably wasn’t the smartest idea you’ve had. Ben knees the kid, all while laughing, as he dodges the incoming punch.
“That’s the best you got, really?” The amusement quickly shifts. “Don’t need your help, pipsqueak!” He yells, still fist-fighting the kid, eyes on him, yet you know the words are directed at you. Ben finally manages to get a punch in before swiveling around the kid’s punch and landing another right in his stomach. With a grab of his arm and another quick shift of position, he’s got him in a headlock. On your feet, you stand in front of them with an unamused look on your face. 
“At least I’m trying,” you huff, “more than I can say for you!” The kid suddenly disappears with a fwip sound, and both you and your brother’s eyes widen in surprise. Ben looks around, as do you, yet the next fwip sounds to your left, signaling his appearance.
“You’re alive-” The kid stumbles backward, regaining his balance, “-that’s great… or possibly horrible, I’m not really sure yet.” Fixing his hair, you take in what he’s said, more than plan what to do next.
“Is that some kind of weird smack talk?” Ben questions. It’s the second time someone’s mentioned him dead, is it really possible that-
“-It’s more of an existential problem, really, Ben,” he’d cut off your thoughts, attention shifting back to the moment before you. With a wide step and a cocked fist, you punch him across the face, sending him stumbling back again.
“Awesome! Here’s your next problem,” announcing his next move, you know what’s coming. A tentacle lunges from his chest toward the kid, only for him to disappear with another fwip. Left reeling for his position, it’s only as your attention draws back to Ben that a look of astonishment takes over your face. Pointing up to the balcony, you tacitly give him a heads-up by pointing the boy out.
“You know, even though you’re a total asshat now-” Ben sends his tentacles surging toward him again, giving you the perfect opportunity to escape. Running toward the foyer to head upstairs and get the kid, you pass Fei fighting the Cape-wearing woman, who you happen to trip on the way up the stairs. Mary janes shoes clomping up the many steps as fast as you can, you quickly find that the kid has vanished, again. Leaning over the railing he’s down below; a groan escapes your lips. As you turn to head back down, a burst of energy hits you, smacking you against the railing, and taking your legs out from under you. On the floor, you start to get up, only for a knife to plunge into the wood a few centimeters away. Breath caught in your throat, you stare in shock and disbelief, fear, and adrenaline surging through your veins.
“Chris!” You yell, running toward the knife as you spot Christopher floating in the opposite direction, Shaggy Man following suit on the other side of the walkway. Attempting to dislodge the knife from the wood is hard, it’s smooth, and the wood now is splintering. With a few grunts of effort, you extract it, readying yourself as Christopher leads him past you and goes over the railing. Not expecting the man to follow, you throw the knife, sending it flying right where the railing stops. Shaggy Man does a flip over the railing, leaving you wide-eyed, mouth agape. The knife misses him by an inch or so, going into the wall on the other side of the living room balcony.
“See? We’re hugging! This is progress!” Cowboy Dude yells, despite being squished in a constricting hold of Ben’s tentacle. Though amusing, you know you need to help. Turning to head back down to the first floor, you spot the kid having teleported onto the walkway with the cape-wearing woman above the foyer. While they’re on the opposite side of the adjoining room, you watch as Jayme strides toward them. 
“Hey, Short Pants! What’s up?” Her taunting voice asks him. As you start to head in their direction, you hear the boy tell his accomplice to leave them so she can help the others. “What are you, their mascot?” Jayme quips.
On the other side of the balcony, you stop dead in your tracks as he teleports again, the now familiar fwip telling you so. “More like their ringer,” he answers her question.
Punch sending her to the ground, you can’t help but let out an audible “Ooh,” as it looks like it’d hurt. Just as his eyes draw up to you with surprise and a deadly look within them, Jayme’s spit lands on his forehead, hand following suit.
“Hey, gross, all right?” The slowing of his movements tells you he’s in whatever delusion his mind conjured from her venom. Taking the opportunity to finish closing the distance between you and your sister, you both watch the boy act out whatever’s going on in his mind.  
“Really? You’re no help,” she grumbles at you, disappointment and annoyance evident as she dusts off her pants and stands.  
“Delores?” The boy questions, your eyes following his line of vision, even if you knew nothing was there. You can never be too sure, you figure. Today has already been weird as hell. As the boy starts walking toward the other staircase, you give Jayme an unpleased look. “Mi sei mancato anche angelo mio, più di quanto tu possa immaginare. Vieni da me.”
“Italian?” You question, eyes locking with hers, a surprised look on both of your faces. 
“Yup.” As it starts to look like he’s making out with someone, your sister lets out an “Ugh,” which elicits a laugh from you as your eyes land on her rather than the disturbing image before the both of you. “Are they all perverts?” You shrug. Jayme walks up to him and doubles him over with a roundhouse kick. He tumbles down the stairs, his sounds of pain elicit a grimace, nevertheless, you join your sister at the staircase’s landing. With a flip of your hair, you turn and run towards the other staircase, heading back down to the living room. Spotting Luther slipping through the bookcase passageway and the kid gone from his spot on the tiles, you try to find the others. Just as you’re headed back through the foyer, another fwip resounds across the table. With a yelp, the kid appears.
“Shit, it’s gone!” he looks around, eyes landing on you for a moment before finally resting on the scene in the living room.
“What’s gone?” You ask, yet his attention makes yours shift as well. The thin woman lies on the floor moaning in pain.
“Vanya, get out of there!” He yells, approaching the living room. Without thinking, you follow suit, intent on keeping him back as no one else needs to get hurt. It’s sad, really, but you can’t save everyone. Her hands are clenched in fists and you watch as your siblings form a circle around her, slowly closing in. With a stumble backward the kid suddenly disappears again. In the split-second all you’d seen was panic and fear, leaving you afraid of whatever he’d been afraid of. By the time you look back at the living room, a burst of energy suddenly sends you flying through the air backward, your whole body smacking against the wall, knees buckling as you slowly crumble to the floor.
taglist: @ohdamnadam , @safarigirlsp , @jynzandtonic , @moonlightsolo
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disenchantingwrites · 2 years
Rainbow Nails • G.W
Gerard's trying to mind his own business, but suddenly you attack him with several bottles of nail polish and demand that you paint his nails.
Gerard Way x GN!Reader
A/N: i've been addicted to painting my nails lately, and decided to project my own wishes with this ficlet. <3
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(626 words)
With North America's tour leg having ended a short while ago, Gerard was more than happy to take some time to relax before they had to return to the stage. Most of it was spent with you, whenever you were available, or he used the time to write more lyrics or draw, or plan the fourth instalment for Umbrella Academy.
Today, however, was different. You had a day off work, yet Gerard had not seen you since that morning, as you'd claimed you had things to do in the room you'd claimed as an 'emergency office' for yourself. It was only there due to you being forced to stay home when the pandemic was rampant, but now you rarely touched it. However, today, Gerard hadn't seen you leave it once.
So he remained in the living room, taking a rare look at the tags and mentions that came up on their social media. The joy from the fans only solidified the grin that settled upon his face and cemented the zealous feeling which had resided within him over the past few months.
"Gee!" They barely managed to react to your call before you bounded over and spilled the contents of your arms over the coffee table. Confounded, Gerard tucked his phone away and sat straighter, taking in the sight before him.
"Why do you have tons of nail polish?" He inquired, unable to contain the laugh that ticked his throat.
"I want to paint your nails, obviously," you replied with a roll of your eyes.
They eyed your own hands as you scrounged up the bottles which had fallen to the floor. "Don't tell me I haven't seen you all day because you were doing your nails."
You frowned, then glanced at where their eyes were fixed, and let out a soft laugh. "No, don't worry. I actually was doing some work I needed to finish, but then I got bored and dug these out from... pretty much everywhere. I didn't realise we were such nail polish hoarders."
"I'm not surprised by it," Gerard hummed, taking a survey of the colours you displayed in front of him.
"Now," you began, "I can keep it simple, if you want, or you can have a little fun with it and let me add some funky designs." You held out your hands, displaying the small pumpkin and ghost you'd added to your pinkies. "The only rule is that you have to chose more than one colour, otherwise it's boring."
"I have to?" Gerard faked a frown. You nodded, now frowning yourself, befuddled by their reaction. "Well, I guess you won't mind if I choose a colour for every finger then."
You grinned and slightly narrowed your eyes at your husband for concerning you. "Okay, you can pick ten, but do you want glitter top coat, holographic, or just a plain?"
"Let's just do plain for now, just so we don't overdo it." You nodded, accepting his choice.
"You know," you spoke up, resting your arms on the table, followed by your head on your arms as you peered up at Gerard.
"Hm?" Gerard hummed, glancing over to you as he began to select the colours they wanted.
"I really love you when you do this like this with me," you finished, your lips curling into a tender grin as Gerard's attention returned to you.
"Has anyone ever told you you're a sap?" Gerard teased, toying with one of the nail polish bottles.
"You, funnily enough," you replied, unable to bite back your amused smile, "all the time."
Gerard let out a soft chuckle. "Hm, probably because I love you for that."
"Gee," you cooed. "Okay, no, stop, before I start crying. I need to do your nails."
185 notes · View notes
animesmolbean · 1 month
Words Hold Power 
An “The Umbrella Academy” fanfiction
Five x Reader
Author's Note: Welcome to my The Umbrella Academy fanfiction! I'm so excited to share this story with you all! TUA is my favorite Netflix show! I'm very sad to see it's in its final season, but all great shows come to an end! But at least we'll get to rewatch it over and over again, lol.
Speaking of which, please, no spoilers for S4 since I have not watched it yet. I'll let you guys know where I am in S4 in coming posts.
With that said, I just wanted to tell you guys this. There was one hesitation I had with writing this story. Handling Viktor's character. I know about the journey of this character and Elliot Page's journey as well. I know about the transition, and I wanted to tell you how I planned on approaching this.
I did research on this topic and wanted to be sure I was handling it correctly. I researched how I should write transgender characters and their journeys throughout the story.
I also read other TUA fanfictions for research to see how other authors handle it, and like the research, it's a mixed bag. Some use Viktor only, and some show the name change.
After researching, I decided on an approach.
I will follow what the show does and show the transition story Viktor has. I chose this because I believe it's a beautiful journey, and the show does a great job handling the topic.
One last thing, all the main characters (The Hargreeves siblings) are aged up a little.
With all that said, I hope you enjoy the first chapter! ♥️
~Character Info~
Reader's ability is cursed speech.  She can make anyone do what she says with only a few words.  It's similar to Allison's, except she doesn't need to say certain words first like her, and her ability is much more powerful.  To the point where she has to be extremely careful about what she says.  
(As you can tell, this was inspired by the anime character, Toge Inumaki from Jujutsu Kaisen.)
Chapter 1: We Only See Each Other at Weddings and Funerals (Family Reunion)
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On the twelfth hour of the first day of October 1985, forty-three women around the world gave birth.  
This was unusual only in the fact that none of these women have been pregnant when the day first began.
Sir Reginald Hargreeves, eccentric billionaire and adventurer, resolved to locate and adopt as many of the children as possible.
He got eight of them. 
Many years later, the kids grew up and went on with their lives as adults.  
There was Number One, aka Luther Hargreeves.  Big, strong and was currently on the moon, studying and preparing for whatever his mission was.  
There was Number Two, aka Diego Hargreeves.  Impulsive, brave and works as a vigilante of sorts.  
There was Number Three, aka Allison Hargreeves.  Famous actress who was currently on the red carpet in front of paparazzi.  
There was Number Four, aka Klaus.  A lazy, free-spirited soul who is currently leaving rehab and using the money he got from the rehab to buy drugs.  He ended up in the back of an ambulance.  
And, there was Number Seven, aka Vanya Hargreeves.  She was quiet, timid and was currently leaving the theater after practicing her violin.  
However, their lives would change forever with one broadcast.  
Their father was now dead. 
Vanya rode a taxi to her childhood home.  A place she lived for many years.  
The Umbrella Academy.  
A tall condo-like building with a black gate.  
Vanya approached the building and opened the doors, whose windows were decorated by umbrellas.  
The foyer was fancy still.  The middle was open with a chandelier hanging above a small round table in the middle.  Tall, smooth white beams holding the sides which held the second floor.  A staircase that leads to that second floor was behind the small round table.  
It was just as Vayna remembered it.  Every little detail was still there.  
“Hey, Mom.” 
Vanya called to the woman in the living room.  Said woman sat on the sofa in front of the fireplace which currently had a fire going.  She stayed still as she stared into the dancing flames.  
A familiar voice turned Vanya’s attention elsewhere.  
“You're actually here.” 
She turned and saw her sister, Allison coming down the stairs.  
“Hey, Allison.” 
“Hey sis.” 
Allison now stood before her sister.  She chuckled and brought the other girl into a hug, which Vanya quietly but graciously returned.  
“Ah.  What is she doing here?” 
A new voice spoke through the quiet foyer.
“You don't belong here.  Not after what you did.”
It was Diego.
“You're seriously gonna do this today?” Allison spoke up, her tone telling that she wasn't in the mood for the male's attitude. 
“Way to dress for the occasion, by the way.” She added, mocking Diego’s attire as he ascended the stairs.  He was still in his “hero” gear; knives and everything.
“At least I'm wearing black.” Diego shot back nonchalantly as he turned left on the stairs, disappearing from the girls’ views.  
Vanya, now uncomfortable, spoke up quietly, “You know what?  I- Maybe he's right.  And I shouldn't-”
“Forget about him.” Allison interrupted her.  “I'm glad you're here.” She spoke softly.  Vanya’s lips quirked up a little at Allison's words.  The sisters shared a moment of silence.  
Diego arrived at his late father's room, to see Luther there checking the windows.  He leaned against the doorframe.  
“I can save you some time.  They're all locked.  No forced entry, no sign of struggle.  Nothing out of the ordinary.” 
As he spoke, he walked over to Luther who was also walking towards him.  
“Oh, you got big, Luther.  What's the secret, huh?  Protein shakes?  Low carbs?” Diego asked mockingly.  
“What do you want?”  Luther asked, not wanting to deal with Diego's attitude.  
Diego reached into his pocket and pulled out a few folded pieces of paper, handing them to Luther.  “The autopsy report.” 
After he teasingly tried to pull them away from Luther, the latter brother snatched them out of his hand.  
“And you have this, why?” Luther asked. 
“Well, that's because I… broke into the coroner's office.” Diego explained as he sat down in an armchair.  “And surprise, surprise, Dad's death was… normal.  Just a boring, old heart failure.”
“Yeah, so?” Luther looked at Diego.  
“So, why are you in here, checking all the windows?”
“Were you the first one on the scene?” Luther asked.
“Pogo found him.” Diego answered. 
“Yeah, I talked with Pogo.  He said he couldn't find Dad's monocle.”
“And your point being?” Diego asked in a bored tone.
“Can you think of a single time you saw Dad, and he wasn't wearing that monocle?  No.  Which means someone took it.  Which means there's a chance he wasn't alone when he died.”
Diego sat up from the armchair.  “There is no mystery here.  Nothing to avenge.  Nothing to solve, nothing like that.  It's just a sad old man who kicked it in a big empty house.  Just like he deserved.” 
“You should leave.” Lither spoke, not liking Diego's tone with that last sentence he spoke.  
“Whatever you say, brother.” Diego said in a mocking tone as he turned to leave.  Before he did, he turned back to Luther.  “By the way, did you visit (Your Name) yet?” 
Luther shook his head.  “No.  I was about to, actually.” 
“You know where he is.” Diego simply said.
Vanya entered the living room, looking around at the interior.  She spotted a comic and new articles on their group, The Umbrella Academy.  She looked at the bookshelves and pulled out one book in particular.  
The title read, “Extra Ordinary My Life as Number Seven” 
It was her autobiography book.  The one she wrote when she left the academy. 
She observed it solemnly, until a voice spoke out.
“Welcome home, Ms. Vanya.” 
She turned and saw Pogo, a human sized monkey dressed formally with a cane and glasses.  
Vanya walked over to him and hugged him.  Pogo hugged back with a hum.  “So good to see you.” He noticed the book in her hand.  “Ah, yes, your autobiography.” 
“Do you know, um…” Vanya paused before continuing.  “Did he ever read it?” 
Pogo thought for a moment before replying, “Not that I'm aware of.” 
Vanya turned her attention to the portrait above the fireplace.  It showed a boy, around seventeen in age, sitting with a neutral but sophisticated look on his face.  
“How long has it been since Five disappeared?” She asked.
Pogo turned to look at the portrait too.  “It's been sixteen years, four months, and fourteen days.” The two looked at each other.  “Your father insisted I keep track.” 
“And… how long has (Your Name) been in that coma?” 
“Sixteen years, four months, and six days.” Pogo replied.  
“You wanna know something stupid?  I always used to leave the lights on for him.  I was scared that he would come back, it would be late, and the house would be dark and he wouldn't be able to find us, so he'd leave again.  And he would take (Your Name) with him.  So, every night, I'd make a little snack and make sure all the lights were on.” 
Pogo nodded.  “Oh, I remember your snacks.  I'm pretty sure I stepped in half those peanut butter and marshmallow sandwiches, and those (Favorite type of Cookie) cookies.”  He sighed a couple times before he spoke again, “Your father always believed that Number Five was still out there somewhere.  He also believed that one day (Your Name) would wake up.  He never lost hope.” 
“And look where that got him.” Vanya said solemnly. 
Allison went up to her late father's study, looking around the area.  The familiarity of it brought up a memory.  
Reginald Hargreeves was working in his office, as usual, when Grace knocked on the door.  She entered before closing the door.
“The children are ready for bed, sir.  They wanted to say goodnight.” 
She turned and walked a couple of paces and opened the sliding door.  
On the other side revealed the eight children, all wearing matching pajamas.  Allison was in the center while the others surrounded her.  Little (Your Name) stood between her and Five, a black cloth face mask covering his mouth and nose.  
The children were all smiling as they waited for their father to acknowledge them.  But he was so into his work that he didn't even glance up at them.  
Sensing the awkwardness, Grace quickly dismissed the kids.  The kids, of course, were disappointed but not surprised.  As they left slowly, (Your Name) tugged on Allison's sleeve, silently asking her to come.  
“I'll be there in a minute (Your Name).” The girl whispered.  (Your Name) tilted his head to the side.  Allison spoke again, “Why don't you go hang out with Five for a bit before bed?  I know you planned on it.” She gave the masked boy a small smile.  (Your Name) felt his cheeks warm up, but he nodded, leaving and quietly walking over to Five.  The boy saw him coming and, with a nod of his head, gestured to him to follow him.  (Your Name) nodded and started to walk beside him.  As he did, he heard Allison, 
“He's always busy.” 
“Where's the cash, Dad?” 
The sound of a voice diverted Allison's attention and she walked over to her father's desk, hearing clamoring noises.  She leaned forward to look to see who was over there.  
“Klaus?  What are you doing in here?” She asked.  
Said boy looked up and gasped at the sight of his sister.  “Oh!  Allison!  Wow, is that you?” He asked as he stood up.  He embraced her slowly; Allison slowly returned the hug.  “Long time.  Too long.” He pulled away.  “Hey, I was hoping to see you, actually, because I wanted to get your autograph.  Add it to my collection!” He planted his chin onto his hands.  
Allison let her brother act because it was how he always behaved when she noticed the white paper bracelet on his left wrist.  “Just out of rehab?” She asked.
“No, no.  No, no, no, no.  No.  I'm done with all of that.” Klaus replied with a sigh as he removed the bracelet. “I just came down here to prove to myself that the old man was really gone.” He smiled.  “And he is!  He's dead.  Yeah!” He clapped, making Allison smile a little, shaking her head a bit.  
“You know how I know?  Because if he were alive, not one of us would be allowed to set foot in this room.” Allison silently agreed with Klaus.  
“He was always in here, our whole childhood, plotting his next torment, right?” He said with a chuckle as he sat in the armchair behind the desk, putting his feet on the desk.  “Remember how he used to look at us?  That scowl?” He pointed to the man's portrait onto the wall behind him.  “Thank Christ, he's not our real father, so we couldn't inherit those cold, dead eyes!” He stretched his eyelids to show more of his eyeballs.  He fake screams, making Allison chuckle a little as Klaus started to dramatically imitate their late father. 
“Get out of his chair.” 
Klaus turned his head and saw Luther standing by the doorway.  “Oh, wow, Luther!  Wow, you really, uh… You really filled out over the years huh?” Klaus said as he stood and flexed his arm muscles.  
“Klaus.” Luther warned.
“Save the lecture.  I was already leaving.  You guys can talk amongst yourselves.  I am going to visit (Your Name).  Oh!  The precious little brother of ours.” He chuckled softly.  Before he could leave though, Luther stopped him.  “Drop it.”
“Ex-squeeze me?” Klaus said.
“Do it.  Now.” Luther ordered.  
Klaus pulled his arm away from Luther and went back to the desk and started to empty out his pockets, which held a few of his late father's belongings.  “It's just an advance on our inheritance!  That's all it is!” Allison chuckled silently at her brother.  “No need to get your little panties in a bunch.” With that, Klaus left, closing the door; leaving Luther and Allison alone in the room. 
“So, Klaus is still Klaus, in case you are wondering.” Luther started.
“You know, after all these years, I find it strangely comforting.” Allison stated.
“Did you see Diego?” Luther asked.
“With his stupid outfit?” Allison added in amusement. 
“Oh, I know.  Do you think he wears that thing in the bathroom?” Lauther asked.
“Like in the shower?” Allison asked for confirmation. 
“Yeah.” Luther confirmed.
“Yes, absolutely!” Allison laughed.  
The two went on to talk about how their lives are going now that they are adults.  Luther was the only one to stay while the rest went their separate ways.  Their conversation ended talking about Allison's family and her powers.  
A little later, everyone congregated in the living room.  The fire was still going in the fireplace as everyone sat in silence.  
Luther started talking about doing a memorial service for their late father.  Some like Allison were mostly confused by this, or making fun of it like Klaus.  
“Is that my skirt?” Allison asked, noticing Klaus wearing a skirt now.  
“Oh, yeah this.  I found it in your room.  It's a little dated, I know, but it's very breathy on the bits.”
Luther stopped Klaus before he could go further and started to talk about their father's death.  He had a theory that he didn't die simply of heart failure.  He recounted how he was acting suspicious and requested Klaus to try to communicate with him.  Klaus was not interested.  
“I can't just call Dad into the afterlife and be like, “Dad, could you just stop playing tennis with Hitler for a moment and take a quick call?” 
“Since when?  That's your thing.” Luther said.
“I'm not in the right… frame of mind.” 
“You're high?” Allison asked, not surprised.
“Yeah!  Yeah!” Klaus laughed.  “I mean, how are you not listening to this nonsense?” 
“Well, sober up, this is important.” Luther said.
Klaus only sighed.  
When Luther started talking about the missing monocle, Diego concluded that Luther was suspicious of all of them, saying that Luther thought one of them killed their dad.  This caused everyone to get upset.  Diego insulted Luther's leadership, Klaus got up and jokingly said that he might as well go murder their Mom and (Your Name), unless he was already dead.  Vanya left in silence and. Allison left in silence as well.  Luther tried to defend himself, but it was too late.  
They weren't always like this.  When they were kids, they were tight knit.  
“This is Jim Hellerman, reporting live for Channel 2 News outside of the Capital West Bank at Main and Sixth.  A group of heavily armed men stormed the bank not three hours ago and took an unknown number of hostages.” 
The armed men surveyed the bank as they pointed their guns at the bound up hostages and pushed them behind the counter as they proceeded with the robbery.  
Unexpectedly, a girl with curly black hair, in a school uniform and mask, walked casually to one of the robbers.  
It was Allison. 
“Hey, get back with the others.” The robber ordered the girl.  
“I heard a rumor.” Allison spoke. 
“What?  What did you say?” 
Allison leaned forward and used her ability, “I heard a rumor that you shot your friend in the foot.” 
The robber pointed his gun at one of his partners and promptly shot him in the foot, knocking him down.  The hostages screamed at the sound of the gun.  
Suddenly, someone dressed in a boy's school uniform with a mask came crashing down from a window above and landed behind the counter.  It was Luther.  He punched one robber and threw him out the window with surprising strength.  
Then, another kid dressed like Luther came from the other side of the bank.  “Guns are for sissies.  Real men throw knives.” He threw two long knives at one of the robbers only for them to redirect to another robber and immediately killed him. 
There were now only two robbers left in the lobby.  
One of them climbed onto the desk and pointed his gun shakily at the three kids.  “Get back, you freaks.” 
“Hey, be careful up there, buddy.” Diego, the knife throwing kid taunted.
“Get back now!” 
“Wouldn't want you to get hurt.” Allison taunted as well.
“Or what?” 
A fourth kid appeared seemingly out of nowhere, sitting criss cross on the desk.  A taunting smirk on his face.  This was Number Five.  
The robber shot at Five, but he disappeared and reappeared on the other side.  When the robber turned around and tried to shoot him again, he suddenly realized that he was not holding a gun.
“Ooh!  That's one badass stapler!” Five taunted before smacking the guy's hand holding the stapler into his head.  This knocked the robber over.  
All they had to do now was get rid of the robbers in the vault.  
Or so they thought.  
There was one more.  
He loaded his gun and his gun cocked, catching the kids off guard.  
“Down you freaks!” He yelled.  
Suddenly, running from a hidden place behind a wall, was a fifth kid, dressed like the rest of the boys, as he pulled down his face mask.  He directed his attention to the robber.  
The single word echoed loudly through the bank, and just before the guy could turn his gun to the boy, his body suddenly exploded, body parts, guts, and blood spreading out everywhere.  The hostages screamed in fear.  The boy quickly covered his face again, breathing heavily as he ran to his siblings.  
He gestured to all of them.  They couldn't see much of his face, but they could tell he was worried by the look in his eyes.  
“We're okay.  Thanks (Your Name).” Allison said.
(Your Name) hummed, nodding as he walked over to behind the desk with the others, while two more kids dressed like the rest of the boys joined them.  Five looked at him.  “That was pretty badass.  Good work.” He complimented, giving him a smile.  (Your Name) felt his cheeks warm up a little, and he tilted his head a bit and closed his eyes.  Most people wouldn't be able to tell his expression behind the mask, but Five knew he was smiling at him in thanks.  
“Do we really have to do this?” A meek voice asked. 
“Come on, Ben.  There's more guys in the vault.” Luther told the boy.
Ben sighed as he walked to the vault door.  “I didn't sign up for this.” 
He entered as the hostages all ran for their lives out of the bank.  Inside the vault, the last of the robbers were eyeing slaughtered by Ben's ability.  He screeched and roared as his tentacles ripped them apart and threw them against the walls.  Blood splattered all over the windows.  
Once it was quiet, Ben came out, covered in blood.  “Can we go home now?” He asked, his breathing shaky.  
It was time to leave.  
The seven kids started walking towards the entrance of the bank. (Your Name) pulled out a small vial and turned the cap.  He pulled the bottom part of his mask up and put the bottle to his lips.  He tilted his head back and started swallowing the liquid.  He finished it and placed the empty bottle back in his pocket.  
“Are you feeling okay?” 
Five's voice made (Your Name) turn to him.  He nodded and hummed in thanks.  Five offered his arm to him.  “Ready?” He asked.  The boy nodded again, and he hooked his arm with Five's.  Five smiled at him, and they started walking after their siblings.  
The seven kids emerged from the back as the news reporters pointed their cameras at the group, and they all clamored to try to talk to them.  
Above on the top of a building nearby, stood Reginald Hargreeves, observing the other kids with a mini telescope. An eighth kid, dressed like Allison, stood next to him.
“Why can't I go play with the others?” The girl asked.  
“We've been through this before, Number Seven.  I'm afraid there's just nothing special about you.” Reginald said as he lowered his telescope.  
The girl looked down.  “Oh.”
Eventually, Reginald came down to stand with the children.  
“Our world is changing.  Has changed.  There are some among us gifted with abilities far beyond the ordinary.  I have adopted seven such children.” 
‘You mean eight.’ (Your Name) thought to himself as he looked down temporarily, his arm still linked with Five's.  
“I give you the inaugural class of the Umbrella Academy.” 
Many news reporters asked many questions.
“What happened to their parents?” One asked.
“They were suitably compensated.” Reginald replied.  
“Are you concerned about the welfare of the children?” Another asked.  
“Of course.  As I am for the fate of the world.” Reginald said.  
Everyone was in separate rooms, having their alone time after the little dispute from earlier.  Klaus was still in the living room, trying to talk to their late father, but he ended up knocking the vase filled with his ashes over.  
Luther was walking through the hallways, reminiscing until he got to his room.  
Allison was looking through her belongings until she found a gold heart locket with ‘A+L’ carved onto the front.  
Klaus took the vase into the kitchen where he proceeded to take more pills.  
Diego laid on the couch in the living room, playing with one of his knives.
Vanya sat on the stairs, a solemn look on her face.
Luther eventually found a familiar record and played it on the record player.  
“I Think We're Alone Now” by Tiffany started to play.  
Everyone heard the familiar tune all throughout the house and they all started to dance in their respective rooms.  
Childhood nostalgia ran through their bodies as they all danced like no one was watching.  Even Pogo moved a little to the beat.  
But suddenly, thunder rumbled and lightning flashed.  
The music stopped as the house reacted to the violent disturbance.  
The siblings all ran to the courtyard and saw a giant hole, surrounded by blue lightning.  
“What is it?” Vanya asked.
“Don't get too close!” Allison warned.  
“Yeah, no shit.” Diego said.
“Looks like some sort of temporal anomaly.  Either that or a miniature black hole.  One of the two. 
“Pretty big difference there, Paul Bunyan.” Diego insulted.
“Out of the way!” Klaus exclaimed as he came out with a fire extinguisher and tried to spray it but it was out of steam.  So, he just threw it at the mysterious anomaly only for it to get sucked in.  
“What is that gonna do?” Allison asked.
“I don't know.  Do you have a better idea?” Klaus asked.  
The anomaly got stronger and Luther ushered everyone behind him to protect them.  Klaus wanted to run.  Luther and Allison held hands.  
The electrical crackling intensified and someone emerged from the anomaly, arms out.  It disappeared and the person fell out of the sky and landed on the ground.  The sky cleared up as the siblings walked towards the person, who stood up.  He was dressed in a suit way too big for him. 
“Does anyone else see little Number Five, or is that just me?” Klaus asked. 
The boy known as Five looked at himself then back at the siblings.  
The six were now in the kitchen.  Five was busy making a sandwich while the others watched in shock.  
“What's the date?  The exact date.” Five asked.  
“The 24th.” Vanya replied. 
“Of what?”
Luther spoke up.  “So, are we gonna talk about what just happened?” 
Five didn't reply.  He just continued with making his sandwich.  
Silence fell for a couple seconds until Luther stood up.  “It's been seventeen years.” 
Five scoffed.  “It's been a lot longer than that.” He blinked over to the cabinet. 
“I haven't missed that.” Luther muttered.  
“Where'd you go?” Diego asked.
“The future.  It's shit, by the way.” Five replied as he blinked back to the table.  
“Called it.” Klaus said.  
“I should've listened to the old man.  You know, jumping through space is one thing, jumping through time is a toss of the dice.” Five looked up at the siblings.  “Nice dress.” He told Klaus. 
“Oh, well, danke!” Klaus said, playing with the article of clothing.  
“Wait, how did you get back?” Vanya asked.
“In the end I had to project my consciousness forward into a suspended quantum state version of myself that exists across every possible instance of time.” Five explained.  
“That makes no sense.” Diego spoke up.
“Well, it would if you were smarter.” Five sasses.
Diego stood up to confront the boy, but Luther stopped him, holding him back.
“How long were you there?” He asked.
“Forty-one years.  Give or take.” 
Luther and Diego sat back down.  “So what are you saying?  That you're fifty-eight?” The former asked.
Five looked at Luther.  “No, my consciousness is fifty-eight.” He finished his sandwich.  “Apparently, my body is now seventeen again.” 
“Wait, how does that even work?” Vanya asked.
“Delores kept saying the equations were off.  Eh.” Five took a bite out of his sandwich.  “Bet she's laughing now.” 
Vanya was confused.  “Delores?” 
Five ignored her and looked at the newspaper that told him about Reginald Hargreeves’ death.  “Guess I missed the funeral.”
“How'd you know about that?” Luther asked.
“What part of the future do you not understand?” Five asked.  “Heart failure, huh?” 
“Yeah.” “No.” Diego and Luther said together.
Five hummed before clicking his tongue.  “Nice to see nothing's changed.”  Then, he got a good look at his siblings again.  He realized that one was missing.  “By the way, where's (Your Name)?”
The other five siblings looked at each other, solemn expressions on their faces now.  “Well…” Vanya started.  “There isn't an easy way to say this.” Allison said.  “He's in a coma.” “He's dead.” Klaus and Diego finished.  “Diego!” Allison scolded. 
Five looked at his siblings, a subtle look of worry on his face, but on the inside, his heart was beating faster.  “What happened?” 
“Well…. like I said… this isn't easy to say.” As Allison tried to explain, they suddenly heard soft footsteps approaching the kitchen.  They slowly turned their heads and what they saw shook them to the core. 
There stood…
(Your Name).
Klaus yelled in surprise.  
“Holy shit.” Diego said. 
Everyone else looked in surprise.  
(Your Name) was alive.
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mangoshorthand · 2 years
No Hard Feelings- [Five Hargreeves x F Reader]. Ch9
SUMMARY: You're Five's latest assassination target, but things don't go to plan and now he wants you as his fuckbuddy. Funny how what we want and what we need are rarely in line. (Five's physically aged up). Obvious smut warning but there's plot too, I swear! Chapter One - Chapter Two - Chapter Three - Chapter Four - Chapter Five- Chapter Six - Chapter Seven - Chapter Eight - Chapter Nine - Chapter Ten - Chapter Eleven - Chapter Twelve
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In this chapter: Back at the Academy, Five allows himself to be vulnerable.
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This chapter is 90% smut so definitely proceed at your own risk
Chapter Nine: The Body
It's strange, to go inside the place you'd only seen on TV before. The memories of the Umbrella Academy's heyday were fuzzy, (of more interest to your childhood friends than you), but actually being in here felt a little like stepping onto the set of one of those Nickelodeon sit-coms: real but unreal all at once. The atrium you entered by was almost overwhelmingly grand: even your deliberately stifled footsteps echo on the marbled floor. Five looks stealthily through double doors into an equally opulent living area.
“Nobody there," he whispers, before looking back at you, eyes fixed on the gallery above. You're distracted by the paintings, landscapes and a few portraits in oils and watercolors. You're brought back to a sense of your situation by Five's hand rejoining yours.
“My Mom used to love those,” he says, pensively.
“They’re beautiful,” you whisper, “I didn’t realize you had a Mom,” you finish, hesitatingly.
“We didn’t exactly.” he murmured, “She was a hyper-realistic robot programmed to love and care for us.”
You laugh softly, assuming that this is his way of saying he didn’t like his mother. He changes the subject, not wanting to get into the whole: ‘no, seriously: a robot and a talking chimp were two of my most fundamental childhood relationships’ conversation.
"If you like those, you'll like this one even more.”
You can see him smirk in the half-light. He leads you to the double doors he just peered through and gestures to a portrait over a mantle in there.
"I can't say I admire the subject, but it's executed well."
It's him as a child, still easily recognizable: the same eyes, long nose and arrogant expression, leaning with nonchalance on a leather couch. You can't help but laugh under your breath.
"What?" he says, amused himself, "your Dad didn't commission oil paintings of you?"
You snort, "No, obviously I was neglected."
"So, what do you think?" he says, smiling in anticipation of the invited jibe.
"You were a cute kid...but I think I prefer the original."
He gives a quiet hum of laughter, pulling you to him by the hand and planting another kiss on your lips. When you break apart, he draws you away from the living room and towards a passageway leading off the entrance hall. You cast a last, amused look at the smug-looking Five hung on the wall.
"Come on, my room's up here."
As he takes you up a back staircase, he continues to whisper:
"A lot of my family are here. We're lucky there was nobody in the living room. It’s just me in the attic, thank God. I want to avoid introducing you right now," he turns to you with a broad, brilliant smile, "I don't wanna scare you off.”
"You did your best to scare me off."
"True...yet here you are."
He closes his bedroom door quietly behind you both, switching on the light and keeping his voice pitched low.
“Ignore the décor. Never got round to redecorating. And- shit. I didn’t think- it’s only a single bed.”
“Cozy,” you smile.
The décor certainly is odd. In hues of blue, it’s clearly a kid’s room inhabited by a grown man…a grown man with a math fixation. The walls, decorated with a border of laughing illustrated children, are covered top to bottom with incomprehensible calculations, graphs and diagrams, chalked there in a hand you recognise from his note about your TV. Above his desk is a shelf stocked with toiletries: aftershave, cologne, antiperspirant, a razor and skincare. Under the desk is shoved a wicker box of old toy robots, racing cars and other kid detritus. 
You gesture at the walls, “If you were worried about me thinking you’re insane, this hasn’t exactly helped.”
“Long story."
He turns to you, helping you off with your jacket. When you turn to murmur thanks, he doesn't waste time, throwing the jacket over his closet door as he grabs you around the waist. He dips you backwards for another, hungry kiss. Setting you back on your feet, he holds you momentarily, eyebrow raised in suggestion. 
"So." you say, flirtatiously,
"So..." he repeats, stepping backwards, removing his waistcoat and throwing both it and his suit jacket over yours.
As he untucks his shirt, you reach out to stop him.
He’s undressed you too many times to count, most often wantonly and without care. Until now, however, he’s always stepped away to undress himself- usually leaving his shirt and pants on if he possibly can. He’d never told you that you couldn’t, but you’d sensed that undressing him had previously been off limits.
You approach him until you’re face to face. Briefly, you kiss his mouth. Then, looking up at him, you touch your hand to his cheek. Instinctively, he seems to stiffen, so you withdraw your hand. He likes to initiate touch, but being touched is different. His eyes hold yours, all suavity gone, replaced by unsureness. You don't know why, but something in them speaks to you. He's not comfortable, but maybe he wants to be. Watching his reaction, you remove his loosened tie. He stays still, tense. You graze your lips across his adam’s apple as your fingers find his open collar. When you begin to unbutton the rest of his shirt, you see gooseflesh erupt on his neck.
“I went so long without..." he says, by way of explanation. His voice is raspy. "and I feel all wrong like this," he gestures broadly at his body.
“Should I stop?”
“No…it's different. Maybe makes me feel less wrong.”
You kiss him, gently stroking his neck. He stays passive for once. After you remove his shirt, you trace your fingers gently down the line of hair that starts beneath his chest and trails past his navel before disappearing into his suit pants. You bend to skim and gently circle each of his nipples with your tongue, making him sigh softly. As you raise your head, his dilated pupils meet yours.
Capturing his eyes, telepathy passing between you, you undo his suit pants and pull them down to just below his ass. Keeping your eyes on his and ready to stop at the slightest sign, you take the opportunity to stroke and fondle his asscheeks. The muscles there, beautifully firm and toned, relax as you cup them. All the tension seems to be leaving his body along your fingers’ path. 
“Five," you whisper, "do you know how hot you are?"
He smiles lazily and closes his eyes as your whisper against his skin raises the hairs on the back of his neck.
"You're hot inside," (you kiss his chest), "outside," (you kiss his collarbone), "hot however you are."
You slide a hand to cup his package through his underwear. He spreads his thighs as far as his pants will allow, giving you access to his balls. You stroke him like this for a few moments, the heel of your hand massaging his straining dick and the length of your fingers gently cupping his balls. He smiles pleasurably as the tips of your fingers graze his taint.
"Who's hot Five?" you continue to rub him.
"I'm hot," he whispers. He sounds unsure: vulnerable.
You kiss his mouth deeply and then step away from him.
“You’ll have to do the rest.”
You sit down on the bed and begin to undress yourself. Five seems surprised and flustered at finding himself in this predicament. His lowered trousers cause him to trip as he tries to remove his shoes, but after he flops down on the bed and kicks them off, he makes short work of his trousers and underwear.
You shuffle your naked body onto the bed properly, face up, for now propping yourself up on your elbows. From all fours, he positions himself astride you, finally totally naked.
“Hi Daddy,” you say, eyes glinting.
He grins back, “Hello dear one.”
As you glow to hear this endearment, he kisses you again, opening your mouth with his and caressing you with his tongue. He glides his over yours before submitting to your tongue’s answering movements. Tasting him again is bliss; you moan quietly into his mouth.
"Beautiful." he whispers, breaking away and stroking your cheek.
You open your thighs and recline onto the pillow. After you consent to his whispered request, he enters you almost immediately, wanting connection more than foreplay. He breathes a contented outward breath. He slips through your wetness with the steady, firm pace that he likes: that you both like.
His body and yours move together in a flowing, undulating song. Your sighs commingle, your hands drifting, for once, all over his body. The muscles of his back are largely unexplored terrain, and they ripple beneath your fingers with his movement. His warmth permeates your hands and your cool touch feels pleasant to him- like a cool cloth on a fevered brow. 
He lowers himself, not missing a stroke, to first kiss you and then to caress your breasts. His fingers circle each areolae, each nipple. His palms gently cup their weight.
“They’re so soft.” he whispers, as if he's never touched them before.
You wrap your legs around him and begin to rock in time with his thrusts. He lowers his mouth to a nipple, swirling his tongue around it and giving an experimental graze with his teeth, making your hips buck into his.
“Feel good?”
“Y-yes,” you whimper softly as his dick rubs that sweet spot deep inside. He lowers his mouth again, alternately licking, sucking and softly biting your nipple, making you gasp and buck with increasing intensity. You feel him respond to your little hisses of pleasure and mild pain, his thrusts becoming more rapid the more turned on it makes him.
You look into his eyes with his mouth around you, and he looks back with a look of such lust and softness that you can’t look away. His hips are becoming less graceful, your upward grind less fluid. Though your coupling becomes less harmonic as the intensity builds, the eye contact tethers you together in these seconds; each one a finely detailed, piercing point in time.
Tonight, for the first time, you come together. The wild movement of your pelvis in response to his dick and ever-increasing bites gets him to the edge, and it only takes him a few touches to your aching clit to bring you both crashing over the precipice together.
He sounds pained as he comes, unable to stop moaning out loud despite the need for more quiet than usual. He stifles it by pressing his mouth against your breast again, instead moaning into your skin. Your breathing, ragged and gasping, stays mercifully quiet.
When he slows and then stops his thrusts, he takes a few moments to catch his breath.
“That was...,” but words fail him, “is your nipple ok?”
“Yeah. Stings a little.”
He bends to kiss better the reddened nipple. Then, relaxing, he comes to spoon you, wrapping his arms around you. The closeness is exquisite- like floating together. The mingled scents of his body and cologne fill your senses. 
You need to shower…but it’s too nice. Five gently strokes up and down your waist and hips with the back of a light hand. It’s relaxing.
“Was that good for you?” he whispers.
“You know it was perfect,” you reply. 
He chuckles, glowing at your implied praise, at the things you said to him as you undressed him. It’s good to be lying in his bed and no longer be trying to explain away the way he feels like the deluded idiot he was.
He continues drifting his fingers up and down your body, liking the gooseflesh he raises on your skin and your breathing getting deeper and deeper.
 You soon find your eyes growing heavy.
At least part of Five, it seems, has ideas beyond sleep. As the minutes go on, you start to feel something hard developing between you. Five shifts and soon his erection is nestled between your asscheeks.
“Someone’s awake,” you remark. Five nuzzles the back of your neck.
“Mmhm. I used to be able to crank one out and that was me sorted for the foreseeable future. Now I’m stuck in this body, it never seems to quit.”
“Oh poor you.”
“Yes. A miniscule refractory period is one of the many burdens I bear without complaint.”
“You’re a hero,” you say, as he rubs it between your cheeks, suggestively, “but I’m a little too tired. I think it’s the Bordeaux.”
He makes a sad little noise.
“Feel free to jerk off.”
“When you’re here, and my bed is so tiny?” he’s wheedling, but only slightly.
You have an idea, “Maybe I want to watch you take care of yourself.”
“I can lie here and you can put on a show for me. Nothing hotter than a self-sufficient man.”
“Mmm…” he considers, “ok, I’ll bite.” 
He stands up and moves his desk chair into place beside the bed.
“You gotta at least show me some titty though.”
You laugh a little as you throw back the blankets.
Sitting on the chair, he begins to stroke himself. His thumb gently caresses the head, occasionally pausing to focus on stroking his slit. He flicks his wrist in a practiced way, looking down at you as he does so. He watches your eyes as they flick from his, down to his dick and back again. You take a little stretch of time to appreciate his body; the strength obvious in his toned but modest physique. His forearms, (the right flexed as he grips his arousal), his pectorals and his supple abdomen trailed with delicate hair.
Being watched this way clearly heightening his experience, he shifts his ass forward in order to deepen his lean back into the chair. His left hand comes to cup his balls experimentally, weighing them in his hand as he starts to stroke himself faster.
“Slow down there,” you say, “it’s not a race. I want to watch you really enjoy yourself.”
He nods, smiling slightly self-consciously. He slows his right hand a little and returns his attention to his balls, no longer cupping, but rubbing them with an open palm. He throws his head back and shifts his ass forward again, almost horizontal on the chair. His longest finger begins to dip lower on his balls, grazing his perineum.
“What are you thinking about Five?”
“The time I ate your ass?” 
He nods, looking a little surprised. 
“I can tell.”
You look down at his left hand pointedly.
“By where that finger’s going.”
He grins and abandons pretense. He’s rubbing his taint in earnest now, finger occasionally dipping a little bit to stroke his tight hole. The hand pumping his dick speeds up slightly as his arousal grows. Gradually, he leaves his balls behind and exclusively strokes below them, letting out little shuddering breaths.
Then he stops reluctantly, diving down to a small box beneath the bed and returning with lube in a large dispenser. This time when he retakes his position, he puts both feet on the bed and reclines even deeper into the chair. Covering one hand generously with pumps of lube he rubs it onto his taint and ass, letting out a little hiss.
Now slick with lube, his right hand regrips his cock and his left hand begins to play with his asshole and he closes his eyes. He taps at his hole with his index finger, applying darting pressure with which to start stretching and teasing himself. He enters only as far as his fingernail.
“You’re looser than when I tried.”
“I’ve been practicing,” he whispers. 
His hair is starting to break free from its neat side-part, flopping into his eyes. His face is infused with a slight blush, his expression tight.  You’re torn between watching him pleasure himself and watching his face: the former would be the only thing you could dream of viewing, were the latter not before you. For all the strength you know he possesses, his face is the picture of fragile beauty..
Soon he’s in up to the first knuckle, the strokes to his dick becoming more pronounced the deeper he goes. When he’s in to his full fingers’ length, he slowly pulls it fully out. He moans, enjoying the sensation of his asshole contracting with relief before invading himself again fully. He squeaks quietly as he really hits the right spot. Now he’s stroking, prodding and circling the engorged sweet spot inside him.
As his dick leaks a little milky fluid, his right hand seems to remember what it’s here to do and he jerks himself again, this time with no concern for drawing it out. His hips rise and he fingers himself vigorously- in a way you’re surprised he can stand this soon, especially after being so tight when you’d explored these regions. Finger at its deepest on the downstroke of his dick, his toes curl on the bed frame. His moans sound almost like tiny, desperate sobs the more he tries to stifle them.
His neck tenses and throws his head back, his eyebrows raising high and mouth falling open. His breathing is wobbly and becoming more hiss-like with every stroke. As he lets out a throaty ‘Ah’, his face suddenly contracts and his mouth closes. His teeth dig white crescents into his lower lip. His face could be screwed in lines of pain but for his grunts and flushed cheeks.
His dick finally explodes as he bucks his hips up and down, alternately pressing his dick and prostate harder into his fist and finger. Sticky, glistening come floods onto his belly as he groans, deeply now. He comes in torrents, surprising given that this is his second round. When he’s finally done, he removes his finger with a little ‘haah’. 
Spent, his body relaxes into the chair.
“That looked fun.”
“Sure was.” He says, breathless and voice still thick with receding pleasure, “I felt that one all over me.”
“You think you’ve put your dick to bed now?”
 After showers for which Five blinks you both directly into the bathroom and back, you return to his too-small bed. Pressed together, he holds you, his warm hands stroking idly where he touches. As you drift off to sleep, you realize that this might be the place you feel safest in this world. In his attic room, in his arms.
Tag list: (lmk if you want to join) @dilfjohhny , @sunsunhe, @w4stedtr4sh,@nevbrooke-555
Alternatively, join me on A03.  Here is a link to the whole series
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youkaigakkou-tl · 2 years
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Chapter 99 translator's notes thoughts
ACTUALLY unorganized thoughts this time unlike last time
first off, here's page 2 without any text.
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These two use the same two kanji in their names (田岡 taoka and 岡田 okada) which is just a really funny sight in jp and cn but doesn't come across nearly as well in english.
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This is called a "trompe l'oeil", they're very fun to look at. The word used here in japanese is 騙し絵 damashie, meaning "trick painting"
these two are also in my mangadex tl notes page, but i wanted to expand on them a little here
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the chinese translation made up a totally different title for this chapter, insane. it says "picking a dorm room", while the jp says "boys' dorm tour"
I didn't want to use "tour" though, since there's already been 2 recent chapters that also had it in the title (94 and 95). this wasn't a problem in japanese, these 3 chapters use 3 different words for it, but "tour" is the only english word that really means "tour".
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while on the topic of repeating words, sano just keeps saying ちなみに chinamini (by the way). 4 times in like 7 pages. if i actually wrote "by the way" that much you would have noticed it. (he heard me complain about him always changing the subject with "i dunno" and doubled down, real)
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i've figured out my 2nd favorite part of translating, after seeing people's reactions and thoughts: typesetting the silly little background details
by the way, that piece of paper above the umbrellas is for kokkuri, basically japanese ouija board.
Details about the dorms
First off, this tweet from 2020 that sensei actually deleted?!?!?
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(It still shows the preview on discord though. Nothing is sacred on the internet)
Stuff about the Hyakki Academy dorms Hijita + Nyuudou, Mujina + Tama room together Sano + Mame, Toubyou + Kurahashi, Gida rooms alone Ogoso (1 person room), Fuji + someone from another class, Odawara (same as Fuji), these three are in a different dorm. There's a cafeteria, but its quite expensive, so many students cook for themselves Also, Miki + Hatanaka's room was renovated and later became Hijita + Nyuudou's room.
It was deleted sometime between july 2022 (when i posted that discord message) and today (probably sometime in the past week or month). I mean, understandable you'd delete tweets with outdated info, I'm just surprised she remembered she tweeted this at all
So, what's changed is Ogoso (had) a roommate, Mujitama and Sanomame and Kuratoubyou are in a different dorm.
I'm inclined to believe Mikihata and Hijinyuudou still have the same room though, which would mean building two already existed when Hatanaka was in school.
(Side note, the principal won the lottery and built the new school building in Hatanaka's 2nd year, so about 9 years ago. I believe this is after brogida destroyed the school in ch26. From these two tweets)
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From the tweet linked on the image, here's how the dorms are set up
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According to ch 2, the faculty dorm is fairly close to the school itself.
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And according to ch 4, dorm building 2 is about 7 minutes away from school.
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Again from ch 4, it already says "building 2" here, and it's drawn exactly like in ch 99, so that's probably part of the setting that was planned all along. THAT SAID. GOD I WANT A MAP OF HYAKKI ACADEMY ISLAND. Where the hell are all these places???
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Assuming 305 means floor 3 room 5, it would mean all these other guys are also on floor 3. completely useless info but yknow.
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The principal's house is actually shown in ch 57 (pointed out in this tweet), it's a building connected to the back of the schoolhouse. The 3rd floor where that bridge connects is the principal's office, the other floors are his private quarters. So this is what "Sano spends his long vacations at the principal's home" means, it's just.... at the school.
THAT SAID. What does "the last few years" mean?? Sano would have only been at Hyakki for 1 year, unless the principal was also looking after him the years prior for some reason??
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Anyway, I considered the possibility that maybe the dorms were built to be near the old schoolhouse, which is why they're not super close to the school, but that wouldn't make sense given this map from ch 58
If the dorms were close the the old schoolhouse, they wouldn't meet at the train station ON THE OTHER ISLAND to get to the mall. (And considering there's a train at all, I don't think you could get from island 2 to the school within 7 minutes)
Which then begs the question, why are the dorms on island 1 if the schoolhouse is on island 2? (<- person who cares too much about details nobody gives a shit about)
ok enough about the dorms now
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ok i know this is just a dress shirt and tie and glasses but its also a reference to april fools teacher sano to me. which is also a reference to beta yohaji teacher sano. it came full circle and finally ended up in the main story
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he's so nice to haruaki now...... back in the day he used to be the one dropping him in acid.... hes so nice now....
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him doing favors for haruaki is my favorite thing.....he doesnt even need bribes now..... hes so cute.....
(wonder why. surely not because we just got back from him almost accidentally murdering haruaki)
aha! it was a harusano chapter in disguise all along!!
anyway thats all i have to say about this chapter i think. goddammit this got kinda long as well what the hell
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