#ummm. if there's more i need to add just tell me
non-operator · 1 year
Okay so, imagine you are stuck somewhere and you know you definitely can't get out for a while and you will definitely die of starvation before any help arrives.
Right by you are a human corpse and a humanoid supernatural creature corpse (vampire, werewolf, etc).
... I feel like you can tell where this is going...
I guess the "what the fuck is wrong with you" choice is just you choosing to die.
Explain your answers in the tags or replies or something.
I don't want to interfere with the poll, so my choice would be the humanoid creature. Because it's not human, so it's not cannibalism. Also, if eating it gives me magical side effects, there might be the chance that I either live longer on that one meal or I die faster.
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jaeyunluvbot · 3 months
chapter twelve. dinner date
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𝜗𝜚 You and Jake arrived at the restaurant after a short drive, talking and listening to music the whole way. You found his music taste endearing and appreciated how similar it was to your own. You also found his singing adorable. He'd look over at you every so often to make sure you were enjoying it too.
The two of you were seated at a semi-secluded booth, with Jake taking charge of looking over the menu and deciding what to order. As he looked over the menu, you looked at him, noticing just how stunning he looked in the dim restaurant lighting. When he finally decided on what to order and the waiter came over to take the order, he turned his full attention to you, asking about your day and work.
You blushed slightly under the feeling of his eyes on you, hoping it wasn't noticeable, especially since you couldn't blame it on the cold this time. "You look so cute today, Y/N." He offered you a compliment after a moment of silence, desperately wanting to talk more.
"Thanks, Jake, you look good too," you replied, feeling a little flutter in your heart at his kind words.
"So tell me about soccer, isn't your season almost over?" you asked, not wanting to come off as awkward or standoffish with your short response to his compliment.
"Yeah, we have a few games left, then maybe playoffs if we do well for the rest of the season." Jake smiles and you can tell he's passionate about his sport.
"I'm sure you guys will do well. I don't know too much about soccer, but from what I've seen, you guys are an amazing team." You gave him a quick thumbs up and he giggled. Internally, you were dying from the sound that just escaped his mouth, but externally you didn't show it.
"Now I wanna know about you. I feel bad that we never talked before the other day."
You laughed. "Ok, I'm an elementary education major, my favorite color is pink, and, ummm, I can't really think of anything else."
"Elementary education? How'd you pick that? Not that there's anything wrong with it, of course!" He backpedaled quickly, not wanting you to think he's judging your chosen course of study.
"I just really enjoy working with kids and I know how a good teacher can impact a student's life, so I wanted to be able to do something like that, you know?"
He agreed and stated that he admires people who can work with kids, claiming they stress him out. You agreed, but said that the pros outweigh the cons.
Time passed and the two of you talked more, generally getting to know each other as you ate. The atmosphere was pleasant and calm, filled with a soft happiness that emanated from both of you. Once the bill was paid and the meal was finished, and you and Jake headed back out to his car, you felt a hint of sadness that your time together was ending.
"So I know you only agreed to dinner, but would it be too much to go to an arcade or something? I know a really fun one close to here," Jake said, making your heart flutter once again.
"That sounds fun, but don't you have practice tomorrow morning? I don't want you to be too tired..." you said hesitantly.
"Yeah, but it'll be fine. I'm not even tired yet, plus it's only 10:15, so I can still get a good amount of sleep later."
"Then let's go."
He grinned and gave you a high five. "You're the best." 𝜗𝜚
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𝜗𝜚 author's note - y/n getting hate we DO NOT love to see it, but i needed to add some drama so i can make myself sad. ignore if the writing is shitty it's 6 am and i haven't slept. like and leave a comment pretty please.
𝜗𝜚 taglist - @jakesaverse @haechansbbg @n1k1mura @dreamiestay @lilifiedeans @rikisly @nctsshoes2 @dojaejunging @noobgod1269 @bluxjun @soobieboobiedoobiedaboobie
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A Dappling (or was it called Appling?) short.
After word got out that it was her instead of Daring who woke up Apple, Darling half expected to be chased out of Ever After with torches and pitch forks.
Perhaps not exactly to that extreme but at least something to that extent. She expected mad looks, curses (both literal and verbal) being thrown her way, and an angry mob of princes she could definitely beat in a fight if they lined up one by one. If they came at her all at once, however, it could prove just a tad bit more difficult but she’s pretty sure she can still win against that too.
But she digresses, the point is she expected things to get very bad and very awkward. Well they got awkward alright but not in the very bad way, though she couldn’t really call it the good way either. More like they got awkward in the “okay, I guess this is happening” sort of way.
No, once word had reached a certain person in particular that she, a princess no less, woke Apple from her cursed slumber it took no time at all for her to find herself in the office of one Snow White. The mother of said previously cursed princess and also the Queen of Ever After. And by no time at all she meant no time at all, she doesn’t even remember how she got here or when this semi-large packet came to be in her hands.
Darling decided to ignore the concerning implications that thought had and instead looked down to find in big bold fancy red letters the words: ‘So You Want to Marry My Sweet Apple Dumpling do You?’
There was another phrase underneath with the word ‘Daring’ in it but it had been hastily crossed out so Darling couldn’t exactly read it.
“Ummm, your majesty, what is this?”
The Queen places down her mug with the words ‘fairest of them all’ onto her desk before finally addressing Darling.
“Darling please, call me Snow. We are soon to be family after all.”
“Right…Snow.” It felt so weird to call her by her first name. Not just because she was the Queen but also because Darling was a knight and thus was more use to addressing others the way a knight would, with formality and respect. “What do you mean by soon to be?”
“What do you mean by what do I mean? Will you or will you not be proposing to Apple?” The Queen narrowed her eyes at Darling as if telling her to think carefully about her answer.
“Your majest- I mean Snow, I would love to propose to Apple some day it’s just that you know I thought that you, hex that the entire realm would be upset I wasn’t Daring. Plus we’re both still in school and all.”
“Nonsense, Darling, all Apple’s destiny truly calls for is a Charming, and from what I hear you certainly live up to your namesake. Besides, I’ll have you know the first Snow White was married before she even started school.” (I’m so sorry, I hated learning this but the original Snow White apparently was somewhere around 14 and I completely understand if you want to beat me up for bringing it to your attention.)
“I’m not so sure if that’s something to be proud of, your majesty.” The words were out before Darling could even remind herself who she was saying them to.
“Oh I completely agree, that was the one part of my story I thought was utterly ridiculous.” Phew “Which is why I waited until senior year.”
“Wait, you were also poisoned while attending Ever After High?”
“Darling, I’ll let you in on a secret, most stories end up happening at Ever After High. Hex, as soon as the Evil Queen saw me she tried to poison me. Every day was a fight for my life, those were the best four years I could have ever after wished for.”
“…oh….kay” was all Darling could really think to say.
“Now if you will, turn to page seven.”
“Page seven?” Snow gestured to the packet Darling had forgotten was in her hands. “Oh hex, forgive me I-“ she went completely dead silent as soon as she saw the first few words the page contained.
Heirs and You
“Now granted, this was written with Daring in mind so I never thought I needed to add this which is why I’m saying it now. I don’t mind adoption but your first child must be a product of both you and Apple thus I took the liberty of getting in contact with a renown enchantress who I am certain will be able to help you and…Darling?!”
A loud thud reverberated throughout the room as the knight had passed out before Snow could even finish saying her name.
Apple come quick, your mother is traumatizing your Prince Charming.
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matthyeu · 1 year
you love mozart ― ktr.
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pairing ⇢ kim taerae x gn!reader 
genre ⇢ angst, forbidden love, royal!au
warnings ⇢ slight violence, i find it kinda cliche but it’s cute
word count ⇢ 2.8k
synopsis ⇢ no one ever understood why a prince was so caught up in playing an instrument when there were people hired to play music, people like you. (part 2)
notes ⇢ this time on prince!zb1 who want to do everything but be a prince (ummm i just like royal aus ig??) + it is pertinent to my plans
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a quick tune was all taerae needed before he started his mid-morning guitar session. it was really the only time he was allowed to practice his skills. early morning or late night would wake people, even when he tried not to. his father would always come into his room to lecture about the needs of other people before his outrageous need to play music. then during the day, he would be too busy doing other princely matters he didn’t even consider necessary. 
it was rare for him to let something distract him from his limited time to play; however, at the sound of another instrument’s melody, he couldn’t help but wonder who produced it. as far as he knew, the piano in the middle of the palace was for mere decoration, not use. there wasn’t even anyone who could play it!
but there you were, sitting at the piano bench and focusing on the sheet music in front of you. well, for the most of it. at some points you even closed your eyes, the movement of your fingers coming naturally to you as they produced music. 
“enjoy the music, son?”
he turned on his heel to meet his father’s gaze, the father who disapproved so greatly of his musical ambitions. 
“you’ve never cared for music, father. you always tell me i’m causing a ruckus when playing, so why hire someone to do the same. isn’t one of me already enough for you?” he pondered. 
“well, now that there is someone who can play–extremely well may i add–there should be no need for you to fiddle with your own instrument. leave it up to the professionals, the ones who actually spend their whole lives practicing to be able to play well. instead, do carry on with your own duties. more time means more things to be done.” 
as his father left, taerae could only look back at you, a slight jealousy growing in his eyes. how could someone be granted with a life where they were able to play music whenever they wanted? why was he granted a life of luxury and duties when he could have been like you? 
as much as he wanted to hate you for being able to live his dream, he couldn’t. how could he when you immediately stood up from the bench to bow upon opening your eyes and seeing him. he could tell you were kind, not someone he could hate for baseless reasons. 
“do you have a specific song you want to hear, your highness?” 
still, he could not face you so easily, for you still held a power he didn’t have, the only one he didn’t have. you held the power of freedom, the freedom to play music whenever you wanted to cheer people up, which was the only thing taerae ever wanted in his life. 
“no thank you. do carry on.” 
he walked away from you without another word. after all, if his father was using you as a means of diminishing his passion for music, it was in his best interest to not be discouraged by your musical ability. one day he would be like that too. 
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it didn’t take very long for taerae to stop ignoring you. you sat at the piano day after day, playing music whenever anyone asked, whether it be the cleaners who wanted background music to work to or a visitor who wanted a warm welcome. it was hard to not become interested in the pianist who put everything into every note. 
that was why one week after your arrival, taerae couldn’t help but stand and watch you play as he was heading back to his room after a long day of meetings. he watched with a content smile on his face, taking in the music you played. you played more beautifully than any of the pianists he had seen in recitals. 
“your highness!” 
your exclamation forced his eyes open to see you standing in a stiff bow. a panic ensued in him, waving his hands around as if a sign to tell you it was alright. of course, you couldn’t see anything in your bowed state. 
“it’s far alright,” he attempted again with his voice, “it wasn’t my intent of scaring you. i was just enjoying the music. you can stand. no need to bow any longer.” 
upon command you shot back up, hands folded in front of you. you looked frightened, as if you were scared he would do something to you. taerae wouldn’t even think of doing anything. he admired having someone so similar to him in his home. 
“would you…like me to play something for you?” you hesitated, unable to look him in the eye. 
he tried giving you a reassuring smile that he was safe, but he didn’t know if that would reach your petrified state. “sure, that would be lovely.” 
immediately you went back to sitting on the piano bench, finger hovering over the keys to play. however, you didn’t begin playing right away. you seemed to be in deep thought about something, probably what you wanted to play for him. in the end, you couldn’t decide, and instead, asked a question to help. 
“do you prefer beethoven or mozart?” 
he chuckled at your nervous question, but answered quickly to ease those nerves. “i prefer beethoven.” 
you quickly flipped through your book of sheet music, trying to find the perfect piece to play to him. though, your frantic hands did make you drop several sheets, which made you even more panicked. 
taerae understood how you felt though. most people were nervous in the presence of royalty. he tried to make conversation, so you could feel a little more comfortable around him. after all, he wanted to know more about how your pursuit of your career came about. 
“how about you, whose pieces do you prefer?” he asked as you finally pulled the appropriate sheet music on the music rack. 
he nodded, “yes, who do you prefer out of beethoven and mozart?” 
you thought about it for a moment as you placed your hands on the appropriate keys to start the piece. “well, i prefer mozart. i think his pieces tend to be more fun than beethoven’s.” 
taerae’s smile widened seeing as you began to feel less tense around him, so he let you play. as you played, he recognized the melody more. you were playing one of his favorite pieces. 
“tempest,” he finally said once you paused your hands. 
you nodded. “i just thought you’d appreciate that one. a lot of people have asked me to play moonlight sonata, so i wanted to change it up a bit.” 
“sonata no. 17 is one of my favorites actually, especially the movement you played.” 
“really?” you asked, now turning to him, “do you enjoy classical music?” 
“very much,” he confirmed, “my father tries to get me out to recitals, hoping that listening to music would rid me of my need to play myself. it has only strengthened it.” 
“play? are you a pianist?” 
he shook his head. “no i could never play the piano. i like playing guitar when i find the time to.” 
“i’m sure you’re amazing for what time you have. i imagine it’s quite difficult to have time for yourself when you’re preparing to take over a whole kingdom. it sounds a bit tedious with all the meetings and whatever else princes usually do in their lives.” 
he rolled his eyes while leaning on the piano. “believe me, it’s a whole lot of gibberish and things i probably won’t even remember a week from now. it’s so boring to sit around while people discuss things i have no say in yet as i’m in no position of power. i wish i had more allotted time to practice, but i’m always doing these things. even now, it’s quite hard when i have to play to myself.” 
“then, would you perhaps want to play for me?” you offered, “no one would question any noise if it came from here. besides, i could be the audience you wanted.” 
it was an offer taerae thought he would never receive, so he went straight to his room to retrieve his instrument. perhaps, having you around wasn’t the worst after all. 
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the next few weeks were filled with a lot of things, mainly you playing beethoven for taerae and taerae playing some of his own pieces to you. 
you two had bonded over many things. you both had told many stories, stories that would be far too long to tell only over the short amount of time he had between his work. instead, he often invited you over to his room past dark, when everyone was sleep and could not catch the pianist sneaking into the prince’s room. 
mid-talk, taerae winced at the way you played with his fingers, the calluses on his fingers stung in contact with your hands. you hesitantly pulled your hands away, but he nodded as an indication that it was alright for you to continue. 
“i just want to be able to play more. the calluses have been in development, but because my schedule is so irregular, it always seems to pain me more than needed.” 
“you just have to give it time,” you explained, “eventually the calluses will help you play more frequently.” 
“that’s just it! i don’t have the time even if they have developed. my father has so many other plans for me that i feel these calluses will just be a pain in my hands when i have to do something else. i can’t play the guitar when i have so many other things to do,” he complained. 
by then, you had already dropped taerae’s hands to pay more attention to him. you had to think long and hard about his predicament, but you eventually came up with an answer: “you should just tell your father you want to be a guitarist.” 
he looked at you and then leaned back, trying to find some sign of joking in your expression. why would you encourage him to defy his own father? why were you encouraging him to go against the king? he found no sign of that, just your stoic expression staring back at him. 
“you’re insane, how could i–” 
he looked at you, the seriousness not burning in your eyes. those eyes knew he was hesitating. 
“you want to be a guitarist. you don’t want to fill your day with whatever princely duties there are,” you laid out, “you shouldn’t have to give up on your dream because of a life planned before you even had a say in it.”
he sighed, taking your hand into his and barely feeling the tenderness of your fingers. there were so many things you didn’t know about his life, and he didn’t want you encouraging things that were impossible. 
“it’s impossible. i can’t–” 
oh you loved to cut him off. “nothing is impossible. dreams are for you to follow, not for them to stay as dreams. if you love to do something, you should do it, even if there is something holding you back. this is your life and, you get to live it for yourself. this isn’t a life someone else dictates for you. you are your own person. you can make your own decisions. you can follow your dream if you believe you can. i believe you can.” 
he wanted to believe you, but there were so many things that could go wrong. he leaned in further to keep the conversation close and quiet. such a risky topic made him fear more that someone may be eavesdropping on you two. 
“i’m terrified,” he admitted, “i’m terrified about what would happen if i go against my father. i’m terrified i’ll be left alone in this world if i try to follow my dreams of being a guitarist. i’m just terrified.” 
you held his shoulders, leaning in yourself to try to calm him down. 
“you will not be alone,” you guaranteed, “you will always have me. i am a musician, and i am happy with what i’m doing. i’m not living a luxurious life, but i’m happy. i don’t want you to be living a life where you’re not happy.” 
it was hard to understand the words you were saying. the close proximity made taerae’s main focus your face, especially your lips. 
when you found him not paying attention to you, you made eye contact with him, soon mimicking his actions when you realized what had him preoccupied. 
without much thought, you two closed the gap between you two, lips against each other for a brief moment. for a moment, taerae felt like his worries had all washed away, like he was finally free from his life. 
however, it did have to end eventually when you abruptly pulled away, clearly shocked at your own actions. you couldn’t believe what you had done. 
“i should go,” you stammered, getting up from his bed, “i hope you’ll listen to my suggestion. i just want you to be happy.”
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holding his hand to his cheek, taerae stared at the king. it was a cruel reminder that before this man was a father, one who should accept the decisions of his child, he was the king, one who only cared about raising the perfect future ruler. 
“you are a prince, not a guitarist. your main job is to learn about the ways this kingdom is handled because it will be yours someday. you have no time to play a role you don’t fit.” 
when he remembered your words, he was able to fight back. “the role i don’t fit is not the guitarist. it’s the prince.” 
the king scoffed. “you can’t deny what’s in your blood. it’s who you are, who you were born as. you were foolish to think you could. why even try?” 
he was silent, not knowing what else to say. he did, however, find some courage to speak up more when he realized his father understood more about his thoughts. 
“the pianist…”
“that pianist is the one who ruined you!” 
no, he couldn’t pull you into this mess. you only pushed him. this was the dream he had always had. you had nothing to do with it. 
“father, stop! this is my own doing. don’t pull other people into it!” 
that didn’t stop the king. taerae desperately followed behind the fuming man, pleading for him to not accuse you of something you didn’t do. he knew what the king was capable of, and he didn’t want you to face the consequences of his actions. 
still, he was useless, thrown away by his own father before watching you be tormented by someone much more powerful than you. 
you who were so adamant about him following his dreams. you who were so passionate about defending a love for music. you who were so brave in his eyes. they all crumbled down at the sight of the angry king. him being thrown by his own father only enforced the nauseating feeling in your chest. 
he wanted to speak, to yell so badly, but there was a knot in his throat. the only communication he had was in his eyes. i’m sorry.
even through the fear in your eyes, you managed to send one back. it’s okay. 
“you were supposed to put out the flame that was his desire to play music on that dreaded instrument. you only fed it more kindling.” 
“i don’t what you’re talking about your–” 
“don’t even try to lie to me. i have gotten reports of your exchanges after his works, how you talk for times when he passes about music. i’ve heard the way you’ve played for him and only gave him more reason to love music. and now, there’s no need for you anymore because you’ve proven to me that there will only be trouble so long as you are here.” 
the king looked back at his son, an evil look in his eyes forming. taerae knew what was going to happen. 
“away with you.” 
upon orders, several soldiers and guards came to your side. when you struggled, they only put more force on you, using your own body weight to destroy what you loved the most. every part of you would soon be gone from the palace, both yourself and the piano you gave life to. it was all his fault. 
when he tried to reach you, there were more people holding them back. he was powerless. finally, he found the courage to talk again, the knot in his throat untying itself. 
“i’ll find you somehow!” he called out, “i will! even if it does take a hundred years, maybe even more. just remember! you love mozart. i love beethoven.” 
taerae meant it figuratively when he said he would continue searching for you even past a hundred years. he didn’t know it would really be around two hundred until he could hear you play the piano again. 
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waythroughtheice · 6 months
Crossed Constellations, Part 5
As always for @absolutely-normal-about-x!
We get some more background on this Geo and Omega-Xis and ummm it's not good, but they're safe now?
I hope you enjoy!
Part 5
Oof, he was so full! “Thanks, X,” Geo said gratefully, handing over his plate. “Do you need help with the dishes?” 
“Absolutely not. You’re a guest,” X said. 
“Besides, Levi and I are on dish duty tonight,” Harpuia said. “We siblings cycle through the kitchen duties so Dad doesn’t have to cook and clean.” 
“Ah,” Geo said. He yawned, suddenly feeling very sleepy and warm. 
“Bed, I think,” X said. “Volnutt, would you mind leading Geo to a room?” 
“Sure!” Volnutt agreed. “Which one?” 
“On our side, I think,” X said, his eyes glinting. “You chose.” 
Volnutt smiled. “Okay! Follow me, Geo!” 
Geo sleepily nodded. His head felt so heavy. 
Volnutt chattered as they walked. Geo was content to just listen. “The Flutter used to be way smaller, but once Dad and everyone else arrived, we were able to rebuild it to be a lot bigger!” 
“The wood is different,” Geo said sleepily. He could tell where the Flutter had been expanded upon--instead of trying to match the previous darker wood, its inhabitants had instead opted for a sandy tan that complimented it. 
Volnutt grinned. “It was Levi’s idea. Looks great, right?” 
Geo couldn’t really muster up the energy to respond vocally, so he nodded. 
“My family stays in the new side--Roll and Barrel stay in the original end.” They stopped before a door. “There are a couple of extra rooms since Dad insisted on ‘em.” Volnutt waved his hands. “Two of them he’s set up already--did one in what he called a “German style” and the other in a “Russian style”--but there are a few he didn’t decorate at all.” 
Geo winced. Rooms for Axl and Zero then, if they ever showed up. 
He shook his head, forcibly driving the gloomy thoughts away. They would. If X was here, they would inevitably follow. It was practically written in stone with those three. 
Refocusing on the door in front of him, Geo asked. “Guest rooms?” It felt like he was wading through water, desperately sinking down to sleep even as he wanted to stay awake. 
Volnutt frowned. “No, we have those. These aren’t one of them.” 
Geo rubbed his eyes. Something didn’t add up. “But I’m sleeping in this room?” 
Volnutt opened the door. “Yup! Dad said so, and honestly it makes sense to me!” He said cheerfully. “You seem like a good guy. Your partner is really cool, too.” 
Geo flushed. “Thanks, Volnutt. You do too.” 
Volnutt laughed. “I try!” He said cheerfully. He gently pushed Geo in. “You look dead on your feet. Go get some rest!” 
Geo smiled and went in. “Thanks,” he managed. The door closed behind him as Geo fell onto the bed. 
“Hey, Omega-Xis…” He said. 
The alien popped out of the Hunter VG. “Yes?” 
“What did you talk to X about?” 
He paused. “Our normal things. And a few other things too. You’ll find out later. Go to sleep.” 
Within seconds of putting himself under the covers and putting his head on the pillow, he was dead to the world. 
(Recollection of the past: Omega-Xis and X) 
X focused on the being in front of him as the child left the room. He opened his mouth to speak, but was cut off by Omega-Xis’s sudden bow. 
“I need your help,” Omega-Xis asked. 
X’s brow furrowed. “What?” 
Omega-Xis sighed. “The kid needs your help,” he elaborated. 
X leaned against the counter, his gaze never leaving the neon-green alien. “Alright,” he said. “But I have a few questions of my own that I’d like to ask.” 
“That’s fine. I’ll answer them all, as long as you answer some of mine,” Omega-Xis said boldly. 
“I’ll answer what I can,” X said neutrally. So far the alien didn’t seem to be the devious kind. If need be, X could take him in a fight--but the boy, Geo. How would he take such a thing? 
“This world. Is it safe?” 
X blinked. “Is any?” 
Omega-Xis shook his head, grimacing. “Is it peaceful, X.” 
“I believe so,” X said. “It’s a quiet world we have, but it’s our own.”
“Your son is a Mega Man, though?” 
“It became more of a title,” X said stiffly. 
“But you let him have it so I guess it must be peaceful….” Omega-Xis contemplated. 
“He earned it.” 
“C’mon, you and I both know if there was a real threat you’d take the mantle back.” 
“Why did you ask, then, if you already knew?” X asked sharply. 
Omega-Xis shrugged. “I needed confirmation.” 
“Fine. My turn. Why is he running?” X said. 
Omega-Xis stilled. “A fight from our own world went badly,” he answered. 
X’s eyes narrowed. “Someone’s chasing you?” 
Omega-Xis shook his head. “No. Geo’s running because he has nowhere else to run to,” he said quietly.  
….Ah. X’s face softened. “How many?” He said. His voice was noticeably gentler. 
Rust and verdigris. X sucked in a sharp breath. All? At Geo’s age? How?
“It was an enemy--two enemies, really,” Omega-Xis continued softly at the unspoken question. “If they had been on their own, we could’ve taken ‘em no problem. But the thing was somehow, along the way, one joined up with the other, and--well.” His claws flexed, like he was imagining an enemy. “We joined up with another guy we knew--Cepheus--in order to stop them. We finally did, but not before everyone the kid knew was gone…along with a good chunk of our universe.” 
“...I see.” X said quietly. “I’m sorry to hear that.” He could understand that sort of grief. He still dealt with that sort of grief, even thousands of years later. 
Omega-Xis snorted. “Ain’t your fault. Anyway, we defeated the duo, but their power was so strong that they threatened to get out of our timeline and harm others nonetheless.” 
X’s fingers tightened on the counter, but he kept himself quiet, and listened. 
“They were sealed away, but there was always a chance they could get out and threaten other people, and the kid--” just a hint of a smile appeared on Omega-Xis’s face before wiping itself away again, “didn’t want that to happen. Neither did a lot of people. But the catch was….to close the “door” on any dimension means it has to lock on both sides, not just one. And a lock like that has to be permanent in order to work. No touching the door ever again, especially on the outside, which was by far the more critical of the two.”   
Oh. Oh no. “And the child was chosen to lock it on the outside, never to return home again?” X asked sharply, getting it immediately. “Why not this person that fought with you? Cepheus, you said?” 
Omega-Xis sighed. “It takes a lot of power to cross dimensions,” he said. “Cepheus could do it, but, well….he’s a king. His people were still living.” 
X’s lips tightened. “And Geo had no one left.” How pragmatic. How logical. How cruel. 
“We were--and are--stronger than Cepheus, so we were able to cross dimensions easily,” Omega-Xis agreed. “We were the strongest warrior our dimension ever produced, so it was determined we could defend ourselves, and get far, far away from our dimension as an extra precaution.” He scoffed. “Tch! We’d just won the war for them, and the survivors just tossed us out in the cold!” He sighed. “But the kid just accepted it. Said he didn’t want our foe to ever have the chance to hurt anyone else, said his goodbyes to Cepheus, locked the door, and then we…” 
“Traveled,” X said flatly, anger simmering under his skin. 
“Traveled,” Omega-Xis repeated darkly. “I think it was better this way. The human government was beginning to look at Geo strangely, and I didn’t like it. Getting him away from that timeline where he’d lost everything might’ve been the best thing. He had no one left other than me, anyway, so I hoped that maybe he’d be able to heal.” 
“Has he?” 
Omega-Xis grimaced. “Sort of. Most of the dimensions we’ve gone to haven’t been exactly peaceful, or I didn’t think the adults would help Geo out enough. He needs a home.”  
“What about Dr. Light?” X mentioned, only for Omega-Xis to shake his head. “His dimensions are never peaceful, and the governments are always super nosy around him. Governments and Geo don’t mix, by the way. Is there a government here?” 
Despite himself, X’s lips twitched. “Not an overarching one. Definitely not one that would bother or care about you or him or us.” 
Omega-Xis grinned. “Great!” He sobered. “There was one dimension that I considered bringing up the idea of staying--it was a dimension were Dr. Light had bio kids.” 
X’s eyes widened. “Really?” 
“Yeah. We lived with his son and grandsons for a time. I could see us living there, but….it was too similar to the world we’d left behind. It hurt him to stay in a world that was so similar.” 
“It reminded him of what he’d thought he’d failed,” X said quietly. “That’s understandable.” 
“Plus, it’s weird,” Omega-Xis mused. “We’ve met a lot of adults that have expressed a concern in Geo, but the human ones--they never put up too much a fuss about him fighting or anything. The only adults that ever really did were the you, and the Hunters.” 
“Not even the Dr. Light?”
“He tried, but having dealt with your big brother for so long I think he was tired of trying,” Omega-Xis said flatly. “Also, his government is always super nosy, and not in a good way. I think I mentioned that.” 
“You did,” X responded tiredly. 
“But you,” Omega-Xis said grumpily. “Are always the same, no matter the war or age. It’s super annoying. “Why is the child fighting?” “You should be in school.” “Are you eating enough?” “No, you’re not going out onto the battlefield.” And on and on and on. Zero and Axl did the same thing, just not as verbally.” 
X smiled. “Really?” 
Omega-Xis groaned. “Oh yeah. Same thing with Signas.” 
X barked out a laugh. “Signas did it too?” 
Omega-Xis shivered. “Once was enough.” 
“Fair enough,” X said, a smile still playing on his lips. 
“He loved you all the best out of all the people we met. But your worlds are never peaceful,” Omega-Xis said. “So we’ve never stayed. But you’re here,” he said. “And it’s peaceful.” He sighed. “X. I have nothing to give to you, but please--” He bowed. “I beg for shelter for Geo Doran Stelar and myself.”  
“You two can stay,” X said seriously. “You don’t need to ask.” 
Omega-Xis sighed, and straightened up. “Thank you,” he said. “The issue will be getting the kid to settle down. He’s been running for a few months now and it’s a habit.” 
“Habits can be easily broken,” X responded easily. “And my children will be happy to help.” His eyes glinted. “Let’s help a wanderer settle down.” 
Omega-Xis cracked a grin. “Thanks, X.” 
And despite not having met this alien before, X could sense that perhaps there was a reason why his other selves hadn’t separated him from Geo before. “You’re welcome,” he replied. 
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mxltifxnd0m · 21 days
amorcita i'm back to futher discuss the sub!sam headcanons <3
praise is maybe my favorite thing ever, both ways so... oh my god. i'm just thinking about sam doing everything and anything at all to gain your praise. he wants to be good for you so bad, he wants to make you feel so good so bad, and he'll do anything to make sure that happens. and he just needs to know that he's doing a good job, he needs to hear that he's making you feel good. so like you said, every word of praise, especially pet names like "pretty boy" and "good boy" and a personal favorite "sweet boy."
he wants you to praise him so badly, but he gets so soft and blushy and shy when you do. just thinking about calling him your sweet boy, telling him he's so good for you, and his face is pink and the tips of his ears are flaming so he hides his face in your hand. and you have to pull his hands away by his wrists and softly scold him, saying, "don't hide from me, pretty boy." bonus if you're on top of him and you can then pin his wrists above his head. bonus x2 if you kiss the tip of his nose and make him blush softer and be 100000x times more in love with you. then once you've gotten into it, your praise just fuels him and he works so hard and is such a good good boy so that he can hear you moan and praise him <3
as i mentioned, i think i have a thing for sub!sam cumming untouched LOL sooo two of my favorite of your headcanons was him cumming from eating you and and him cumming from just making out and you pulling his hair. like i said, one of the hottest things i've ever read!!! yeah i just think he'd get so shy and sheepish and it's pretty much the cutest most endearing and also hot things in the whole world. he's less embarrassed about cumming from eating you out because even when he's subby, he's so shameless about how much he loves to eat pussy! but uhhh thinking about making him grind against your leg/thigh until he cums <3 my poor sweet baby gets so shy about it, and his eyes get glossy and his voice is so shaky and whiny when he asks, "please, can i cum?" and then you praise him for asking like such a good boy. "of course you can cum, honey," you croon, giving his hair a good tug as you sense him tipping over the edge so that you can pull the most unfiltered, raw moan from his throat as he cums in his boxers <3
:DDDDD this is getting so long! i think maybe i could go on forever and ever about sub!sam!!! oh god!!! i'm going insane!!!! aaaaaaaa!!!!!
blink blink blink i need to reset my brain i'm broken....
bonus uhhhh thinking about him begging while looking up at you with his prettiest, softest, sweetest puppy dog eyes that are shiny with pleasured, unshed tears because he is sooo so so desperate!! ummm that's all for today! okay! i no longer feel anything akin to normal! and i have dance practice all day tomorrow! so i will go to bed now :)
I LOVE YOU SO MUCHHH AHHHHHH i hope your pool party was fun!! <33 i'm excited to read your week recap when i get the chance <33 HAVE THE BEST NIGHT MY DARLING DAISY <3
-mari @prentissluvr
i- i- wel- can- @_@ *brain has shut down and restarted*
more specifically i need to see your variation of it bc i just know it'll be so good :))) i patiently await the day you make the post and then i'll reblog the hell out of it
arghh i literally have no more to add bc you've broken me and now all i can think about is sub sam grinding on my leg with wide, teary eyes because he wants is to cum @_@
ARGGH I LOVE YOU DOVE!! <33 the pool party was in fact very fun and i had a blast swimming with my friends!
oh take your time! ill know you'll get to it when you get to it hehe, but i hope your dance competition goes swell!!
love you always my sweetest dove <33
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ultram0th · 7 months
Thank you very much for your time. (takes a sip of the tea) ummm bitter, is it orange tea?
So if you don't mind, let's start (takes out a notebook)
All cases have things in common.
1. who are mostly, if not completely, always men. Is that true? (sorry, I don't want to sound rude)
2. How often do you usually have these kinds of interactions?
3. Are they always people with the physique of athletes to bodybuilders or are there usually other physical types?
4. Are you able to say the age range of the victims?
5. After what happened, have any of the victims contacted you again?
(after you answer)
And the last and most important question, how do you do it? I want to and don't come and tell me that you are actually a fantasy entity or a demon of pleasure because then I will think that you are crazy (don't take it seriously, it's part of the setting).
Part 1
Yes! It is orange tea!
That's quite the palete you've got! I like to serve this one to my guests, mainly because I like the way it looks. See?
The color is deep and bronze, kind of like posing oil.
But if you're not a fan of orange tea, I can make you something else? I have blueberry? Or if you don't like tea, I have soda that's really fizzy?
I'll let you think it over; but in the meantime, I'm glad to assist your investigation in anyway I can. Let's look at those questions. Hmmm...
Yes, my, *ahem, abilities only seem to have an effect on men. It's just the way the magic works, but it's all good since I find it more fun that way. (No worries, I didn't find this rude at all!)
These sort of interactions can only be described as random, at best. Sometimes I will see someone out in public who I think will be fun to mess with, or who deserves a little shake up. And sometimes people will come to me, asking to be changed or asking for a little fun for their friend... or revenge for an enemy.
Body types are also random. I will admit that about 90% (or more) of the men who are affected tend to have an athletic or bodybuilder physique. However, I have had experiences with skinnier guys, larger men, shorter men, etc. I have no preference and I will help/change anyone who comes to me... but I will admit that I specialize in growth surrounding the glutes and pectorals.
18 and up, period. There's no leeway with this, at all. I do have a softer spot for older guys, though, so I love to have daddies who are in their late forties, early fifties come to me for experimentation (or to add to the daddy population).
I've been contacted a few times by men who have been changed. It's usually from the ones who've asked me to change them themselves, and they are always grateful. Although, sometimes a guy who's been changed thanks to the whims of another has not contacted me yet, probably because they tend to get distracted by their new bodies to keep looking.
How do I do it? I need a picture/video to start with. From there, I can alter it or create a scenario around it, that will in tune come to fruition. I suppose this could classify me as a sort of magical creature with properties similar to Venomoth...
Tumblr media
Don't laugh.
Would you like a demonstration? I can prove it, if you show me a picture (no explicit nudity please, just so I can post it lol). It can be of you or maybe one of your buddies?
Or the guy who sent you here...?
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thegrimdog13 · 1 year
Creepypasta x Marble Hornets Vampire au
Yes this might just be an excuse to draw cool clothes and fangs. Don’t you dare judge me you know you want to too 🤭. Anyyyy how. If you want some headcannons just tell me. Or if you have any suggestions or just anything else let me know! Also this is mostly vampires but there will be other types of monsters and stuff.Anyhow love you all❤️
•Jeff ( you already knewwww lol)
•Liu ( hates his own kind and only eats animals cough cough interview with a vampire)
•Sally ( she is definitely like Claudia from interview with a vampire and is always hungry)
•Nurse Ann ( she totally poses as a nurse to drink people’s blood)
•Bloody Painter ( ummm I’d don’t think I need to explain)
•Nina ( because she is definitely one of those girls who falls in love with a vampire and is like turn meeeeee)
•Ticci Toby ( because)
•Eyeless Jack ( everyone is town thinks he is a vampire.poor Jack 🥺)
•Judge Angel ( I wannnt herrrr to be the town or city judge but back then they were so sexist… So instead I think the real judge would get advice from her without telling anyone. She would be like the cleaning lady and like be behind the stand tell him what to do lol)
•Puppeteer ( you can’t tell me he wouldn’t do puppet shows for people on the streets for money and for his own enjoyment)
•Jason the toy maker ( a toymaker 😱)
Vampire Hunters:
Edit: I know that Marble Hornets characters are not Creepypasta’s I have known that for years. I just add them together in my au’s and it’s not like I do fannon Masky or some shit. So please refrain from comments and do your research and take effort before you act on feelings. Because I have gladly watched Marble Hornets multiple times. ( this is not meant in a mean way I just curse a lot lol)
Other monsters:
•Slender- ancient demon
Okay so I’m not sure what to do for LJ or Candypop
Maybe Candypop could be like the local candy maker and LJ like the local clown buuttt Idk.
You can give me some suggestions on characters that should be added if you want! Also I’d you think I should change something. But I’m pretty alright with what I have. If you want more just tell me! Love you all again ❤️ Also is this because I like vampires and I just watched sleep hollow so I wanna draw 18th century clothes yesss maybe…….
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20 Questions for Fic Writers
Tagged by the amazing, sexy, incredible @wormdebut - thanks, love! ❤️
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
Eighteen and and a whole batch of new ones incoming for the @steddieholidaydrabbles - so excited, weeeeeee!!!
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Stranger Things
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Hic sunt dracones 
Someone who cares
See you in a crown
Just add water         
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
Yes, always! (Well, except for the rude ones but I can count those on my fingers, thank God!) Every single comment is so fucking precious to me. You didn’t only take the time to read my story, but you liked it enough to go to that little box and tell me your thoughts? Kissing you, kissing you, KISSING YOU!!! 😘
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
I’m a happy endings gal all the way! If I’m gonna put them through the horrors for hundreds of thousands of words, I damn well wanna give them their happily ever after! That being said, I have this little microfic where tentacle lake monster Steeb enthralls Eddie to lure people to him so that he can eat them. Sorry, Eddie! 
(He’ll absolutely bring him O’Donnell and Principal Higgins, so it’s fine.) 
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Hic sunt dracones! I mean hello? They are mates and Steve is King and everyone is happy and my boy gets flower crowns and apple pie and hot, hot dragon sex forever after! 
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Someone once felt the need to leave me a very passive aggressive comment on how my Brit slips were “completely ruining the vibe” of my fics (and then I wrote a microfic about British!Steve, I’m still laughing). 
Oh, and then there was that one time I was accused of racism. 
But apart from that, everyone has been lovely and fantastic and supportive and I really love it here. I’ve met so many more lovely people than assholes. 
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Ummm … I’m the person with the 100k dragon porn fic. Hell yes, I write smut! I love writing smut, all kinds of smut!
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
No, sorry, my brain doesn’t do crossovers. XD 
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
No, but I’d be thrilled to see it happen. Any and all transformative works are always welcome, just be sure to tag me because I’d love to see them and you will have my sword and my axe for eternity and I will scream about it forever!
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
I once co-wrote an original work with a friend when we were like 15? We had no idea what the fuck we were doing and it never got finished, but it was a blast!
14. What’s your all time favorite ship?
Steddie. I love them, I’m obsessed with them, I think I’ll be writing fic for them for the rest of my life!
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
I’m committed to finishing all of my WIPs, that’s why I’m a good girl and only ever work on one large fic at a time with smaller projects on the side, but there’s SO MANY I WANNA WRITE STILL!!!!
16. What are your writing strengths?
Several people have told me that I’m really good at scene setting and evoking imagery, at painting very vivid pictures in their minds …  so I guess there’s that. 
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
I wish I could write stunning, creative metaphors like @wynnyfryd . The river Styx one from the trailer park AU? Blew me away! I could never come up with that!
I also admire @wingedquill for being able to be concise and still so fucking intense in their fics! I'm a wordy bitch myself and always in awe of that skill.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
I’ve never been in a situation where I was faced with the decision, but I think I’d rather describe it instead of typing out the actual words? Such as “they exchanged a few sentences in Spanish”. I’m only fluent in one language besides English, so I feel like I’d either need to get help or include a horrifically mangled Google translation and end up being unintentionally hilarious.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
The first fandom I published for was Stranger Things. 
The first fandom I wrote for was Harry Potter, back before it went to shit (Wolfstar shipper of the very first hour here)
20. Favorite fic you’ve written?
Hic sunt dracones, my beloved! This fic is everything I ever wanted, both in terms of writing and the echo it received. I still daydream about these two (and have another bonus drabble coming in December). 
Zero-pressure tags: @cranberrymoons, @gorgeousgreymatter-x, @lexirosewrites
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guhhhhhhh whatever. apparently im just commited to humiliating myself now........ i i i like the the forced kindness thing i i i think somethinglike that would honestly be good for me.... im bad with... touch.... and... accepting that people care.... atm (as in right at this moment) i feel like a big stupid almost grown cat that needs to just be grabbed and held everyday so that it can be okay with touch....... just.... talk things through beforehand and then just.... acceptingneverythingthat comes with beingthere..... getting too tense and having gentle traces along my spine to getme just worked up enough to get my discomfort out of the way..... relling them i want to pull away and get pulled back in for the nextwhile..... fighting back and forth over me being there trying to get away and being held in place so i cangetitthrough to myself that noteveryone is goingtoleave and thatthereare people willing tostay with me where i am..... beingable tojust... express what imused to from people.. everyone leaving.... idk.... itslike a lot of stuff i enjoy also does seem kind of sexual from outside id say.... like... ... the... tracinga fingerup or down thespine.... like its not inherently that... ijustwanna be close and not allowed to go and be allowed to enjoy everything without having to worry about trying to seem like i enjoy everything in the normal way its not my fault my reactions to some stuff "seem sexual" or whatever... when its not.... blehhhhhhhhhhhhhh sorry abiut.... whatvee.... just idkm...... we both blow up now okay? :) ummm idk... sorry? about all this.... can nevertell what is and isnt acceptable..... i try....
Well Sweetheart, I’m happy you like the forced kindness approach. It’s personally my favourite way to interact with people in a BDSM setting, platonically or sexually. So I get what you mean. The main reason is that a lot of people say they want people to hurt them but they actually only do so because it's something they’re used to and they want something they know rather than something they don't. It’s almost even more hurtful to be kind than it is to be mean to these individuals because, as you said, it's kind of like a stray cat flinching from contact even though it doesn't hurt. 
So I don’t find it strange that you want it or that you want to be touched in a non sexual way. Being touched on your back and going back and forth like that, and reacting in a way that people would attribute to a sexual response, well that's on them if they think it's weird. It’s normal to react when you're not used to it, and it's perfectly valid to do so in any way you do. Personally, I always want to hold people as close as possible and never let go which includes me pressing the front of my body down in a way that makes people think I'm trying to be, uh, “sexy” as it were, so I understand where you're coming from in the discomfort of people making assumptions about your reaction to things. 
Also, I'm perfectly comfortable answering whatever. I have very specific things I’m not comfortable with and if someone tries to initiate something like that I'm okay with telling them no (I hate the idea of kissing someone on the mouth, bleh >~<), so dw about it too hard. I’m just worried about my responses because I think I can take it too far sometimes so I keep a close eye on how everyone reacts to things before I respond, it’s one of the reasons I was okay with going as hard as I did with Loopy because I know what she likes. I just have to be careful when I add in some new things sometimes, yaknow? (One of the issues of being completely online through blogs is that it’s hard to set boundaries for the people asking rather than the one who runs the blog, which is a bit hard when the one running the blog is the one domming ;;;;)
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jessicas-pi · 8 months
OOOH WIP ASK GAME tell me about Rebelvengers assemble, Graveyards and Ghost Towns, and they were CELLMATES, and even more adoption! If that's too many you can just choose your favorites from those, or tell me about something Time Heals related
Okay so. For Rebelvengers ummm yeah I think I'm gonna ramble/infodump a little!
After the invasion of earth, Ahsoka is taken back to Asgard to be tried. As she's more obviously under some kind of mind control, Obi-Wan is lenient to her, and only sentences her imprisonment until she can be cured.
Kanan intersperses old-timey slang with vine references. Hera pretends it's not funny.
Sabine learned ballet as part of her Widow training. She first befriended Ezra when he asked her to teach him. They do ballet together now. Sometimes they coerce Jyn or Cassian into helping them out when they need more characters. They choreograph their own dances, which usually have a concerningly dark plotline involving betrayal, murder, and the death of all the main characters. Though one time they did do a ballet adaptation of Frozen (2013). Ezra was Elsa.
After the invasion of Earth, Ezra lowkey moves into Syndulla Tower. He lives in the vents for a week before Hera finds him. He admits that it's just nicer here than at SHIELD headquarters. Hera promptly invites him and Sabine and Zeb to move in... and reluctantly adds that, "Well, I suppose the Captain can come too, if he has to."
And Thrawn is a Frost Giant.
Graveyards and ghost towns... a snippet, perhaps?
Hera gently interrupted them, stepping into their circle and putting a hand on Ezra’s shoulder as she spoke to the other two. “Zeb, go get an extra chair from the living room. Sabine, help him to a plate.” The kids dispersed, and Hera turned to Kanan, stepping close and speaking in a low voice. “Where did you find him?” “I didn’t,” Kanan admitted. “Chopper did. We were taking the shortcut past the graveyard and Chop took off running, barking up a tree… I got there and looked up, and there was the kid.”
and they were CELLMATES!!
“Do you ever feel it?” Grey whispered, voice dry. It was so soft, the stormtroopers guarding their cell probably thought it was just her breathing. Ezra replied just as quietly. “Feel what?” “This planet. It’s hurting.” He almost asked if she was going a little crazy, because how could a planet hurt, but he stopped. Thought about it. “Yeah. It is, isn’t it?” She slid closer, pressing against him like she needed the contact to ground her in reality. “This used to be a sacred world, Ezra. Now it’s dying, and I’m helping to kill it.”
Even More Adoption! This is a VERY cracky AU where Rey time travels to the past and promptly gets adopted by the ghost crew (minus Sabine, who is on Krownest) and she and ezra and sabine have a groupchat full of chaos. Also Sabine is force-sensitive and doesn't know it (but she finds out.)
partner in crime I can’t believe you actually didn’t know You had to know, right? Sabine How would I know IF NOBODY TOLD ME partner in crime How else could you always sense when I was about to get into trouble??? Sabine Your vibes!! partner in crime vibes that you were sensing with the force Sabine Ok Well then Anything ELSE you want to tell me?????? [partner in crime is typing] … [partner in crime is typing] partner in crime we have a force bond also rey is borrowing your room [several people are typing]
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thiswasinevitableid · 11 months
Late Shift (Danbrey)
The winner of the "creatures and people" prompt poll was: A vampire who works the night shift at a gas station
Anywhere else, Dani would get in serious trouble for adding fresh herbs to the donut case offerings at four-thirty am. 
Amnesty Lodge, with its attached gas station, does things a little differently.  For starters, the head cook at the Lodge restaurant refuses to let them sell the standard gas station snacks without adding a few of his own into the mix. Hence the fairly fresh batch of doughnuts that he dropped off fifteen minutes ago. Dani’s basil plant has been growing even wilder this year, and she worked out that a sprinkle of basil makes the lemon filled donuts–even the ones Barclay doesn’t make–taste a million times better. 
At least, that’s what customers tell them. Dani hasn’t eaten a donut since 1964. 
Even when Stokers Famous Tonic became mainstream, allowing vampires to eat human food without getting violently ill, it’s not always cheap to get your hands on. And Dani likes to save hers for the fresh fruit from the garden, or when Barclay wants a recipe tester or Mama invites her for an early-morning cup of tea. 
Or, if she plays her cards right, dinner with her favorite regular.
The door opens and the object of her dinner plans walks in, with far more energy than most humans have in the darkness of the morning. 
“Hi Dani!” Aubrey waves. She’s brightened the flame-orange streak in her hair since Friday, making the black curls around it shine like a raven in the sun. 
“Hi” Dani is relieved, not for the first time, that she can no longer blush, as Aubrey bends over to grab a Double Shot Oatmilk Monster Energy Coffee. She’s in her stage outfit, black dress jacket with studs sewn on the shoulders, and shorts and white dress shirt that look like someone ripped the arms and legs from a tuxedo. 
Aubrey looks over her shoulder with a smile and Dani pretends to find a spot on the counter to clean with her nail. 
“Just the usual please, if you’ve got it” The magician sets the drink on the counter. Dani grabs a waffle sandwich from the warming station; eggs, cheese, and hot sauce on a slightly sweet waffle, the kind Barclay makes in huge batches and then freezes. 
“We do. Did you just get back from a show?”
“Nope” Aubrey leans on the counter, allowing Dani to see the bra peeking through the dress shirt, “heading to one. They booked me for a big brunch show at some country club in Huntington but they want me there, like, super duper early. Oh, wait, do you have baby carrots today?” 
“Ummm” Dani glances at the chilled food display, “nope. Shipments are still kind of weird. Sorry.”
“Dr. Harris Bonkers will live without them. I’ve got other stuff to bribe him with to stay calm in the car.” She takes her change, but doesn’t move her hand right away. Instead she adds, “But you’re gonna owe him nose pets the next time he comes in.”
“I can handle that. Break a leg at the show.”
“Always do.” Aubrey gives her a wink and heads out into the parking lot, leaving her to rest her chin in her hands and sigh at the candy display.
Aubrey’s totally going to do it. She’s going to ask Dani out when she stops for gas today. She’s made this promise to herself every day for the last two weeks, but gosh-darnit today she means it. 
Dr. Harris Bonkers, PhD, runs circles around her feet as she swipes on black lipstick and stamps on her eyeliner. 
“Just a sec buddy, I’m almost done.”
A honk in reply. 
“Look, if I had my way I’d spend all day petting you, but I need to get groceries and you’re not allowed in Leo’s after the banana incident.” She crouches down pets the rabbit’s nose, “but you’re coming with me tonight even though we don’t have a show. I’m gonna need emotional support for this. You gonna be my wingman?”
She moves her hand back a half-inch, and he immediately bumps it with his nose.
“Thanks doctor, knew I could count on you.”
Dani is dumping blood orange syrup into the slushee machine when Aubrey walks in. The magician makes a bee-line for drinks, Dr. Harris Bonkers hopping behind her. The white rabbit is close to the size of a Corgi, sporting his black harness with flames on the sides as his claws click on the tile. 
Technically he’s not supposed to be in here, but Mama has never booted him when she’s spotted him inside the Lodge or the restaurant, and Dani figures people who are stopping for gas at eleven at night have more on their minds than complaining about a fluffy bunny. 
She heads over to the counter and Aubrey follows her, setting her Cherry Coke next to the sign for the Kepler Trunk or Treat. 
“That all for tonight?”
“Yep” Aubrey says a bit too cheerfully. She’s worrying the chain of her necklace, something Dani wishes she would do less or do much more, depending on how in control of herself she’s feeling that night. 
She has such a gorgeous neck. 
Oh no that’s too creepy. 
“Anything for the doctor?”
“Nah, he got an apple slice earlier–Dr. Harris Bonkers you put that down.” She disappears from view, reappearing with a pack of Double Bubble in hand. There are two, square teeth marks in it. 
“This too. Sorry, he really likes the smell of bubblegum.” 
“Silly bunny, that’s not for you. And don’t worry about paying for it, it’s like a buck and also Indrid will eat the stuff that didn’t get chomped.”
Aubrey laughs, “Thanks. Um, so, I’m doing shows at the Kepler Fall Festival this weekend. One at eleven and one at three. I know your schedule is probably weird because you work so late here but, um, I realized I’d never actually invited you to one of my shows. This one is going to be super freaking cool, I made up some Halloween tricks and everything. Do you know it’s weirdly hard to make a pumpkin disappear? Uh, anyway, just thought I’d ask.”
If Dani goes, there’s a very high chance she’ll get a serious sunburn. 
Aubrey smiles hopefully, the expression crinkling her nose and making Dani want to lean over and kiss it. 
“I’ll be there.”
Dani wasn’t at the first so, and with five minutes to go before the second one starts, Aubrey’s worried she won’t show. She so rarely sees the other woman around the Lodge during the day, like she sleeps through it, and it was silly of her to think she’d see her now.
She straightens Dr. Harris Bonker’s skull and crossbones tie, looks at the crowd and doesn’t see her.  So she straightens out her cuffs and looks again, 
Dani is there, in a seat in the back row. Her blonde hair falls over her shoulders, and she’s wearing a long, mint-green dress, brown boots up to her knee, lacy green gloves to her elbow, and is carrying a green and white striped parasol. She looks so cool and hot, how the hell is Aubrey supposed to focus on anything else?
Then again, Dani clearly made time to come see her perform. 
The festival emcee announces her name. So she strides out to give the best performance of her life.
Dani is pruning her night-blooming jasmine when she hears it; the unmistakable sound of something munching her collards. 
“Hey Dani, have you seen-”
She holds up a hand to shush Barclay, “Can you see what’s making that noise at all?”
“Uhhhhh” the cook scans the beds, then raises his eyebrows, “unless my eyes are going, it’s Dr. Harris Bonkers.”
“What the hell?” Dani slips into the next row and finds Barclay is right; the massive rabbit is happily munching a big, green leaf without a care in the world.
“He must have hopped out the Lodge door.”
Barclay shakes his head, “Aubrey hasn’t been here since this morning, and I saw her leave with him in her arms. And her car isn’t in the lot now. He must have run away from home.”
Dani frowns, “Her apartment is three blocks from here. That’s a long ways for you to have gone, doctor.”
“C’mon little guy, let’s get you into the Lodge and give Aubrey a call. She’s probably worried sick.” Barclay bends down but the rabbit swiftly hops away, leaf still in its mouth. 
“He’s right, we–whoops” Dani makes a grab for him, but he darts between her legs. 
After ten minutes of failing to catch him, Dani is even more impressed with the fact Aubrey trained him for her act. Because if he doesn’t want to do something, there seems to be no way to make him do it. 
“Hang on, I have an idea. Stay here and make sure he doesn’t run into the woods.”
Dani looks around, then turns into a bat and zips across to the gas station, grabs a pack of gum, and runs back to the Lodge garden. She kneels and calls, “Doctor, look what I’ve got.”
The rabbit, done with it’s collard, sniffs the air and turns towards her. 
“It’s your favorite” She holds out the pack and the rabbit hops forward, bobbing now and then like he suspects a trap. Only when he gets his teeth on the wrapper is Dani able to scoop him into her arms. 
He snorts, annoyed, as Dani passes Barclay the gum, “can you toss that or give it to Indrid? I’n gonna go call Aubrey.”
Dr Harris Bonkers explores her room as Dani picks up the landline and dials. Three tries over fifteen minutes leads to nothing. Kepler is in the NRQZ; if Aubrey’s not at home, Dani’s going to have a hell of a time getting a hold of her. 
She keeps trying until it’s time to go to work, at which point she sticks the rabbit in a small laundry basket and carries him over to the gas station with her. After several attempts to get out, he calms when she gives him a few baby carrots and turns on the audiobook of Bunnicula on her phone (it helps her fall asleep).
Around midnight, the door dings and Aubrey walks in, looking more haggard than Dani’s ever seen her. 
“I” she sniffs, wiping her eye, “I was wondering if you’d maybe seen Dr. Harris Bonkers? He, he got out while I was asleep earlier and I, I looked all over the neighborhood and I can’t, can’t”
“Hey, fireblossom, it’s okay.” Dani hurries around the counter a tad faster than a human should, “we found him in the garden. He’s behind the counter.”
“Ohthankfuckinggod.” Aubrey collapses against her, hugging her, “I was so worried, thank you so much, I owe you, like, big time.”
Dani hugs her back, takes a deep breath, and says, “How about dinner tomorrow?”
Aubrey looks up at her and grins, “I was hoping you’d say that” she kisses her nose, “and it’s cute that you already have a pet name for me.”
“Look, I have a lot of free time during work and it’s more fun to think about you than rearrange the candy bars again.” Dani kisses her cheek, “here, the doctor is waiting for you.”
They find the rabbit lounging, legs out, as the story drifts from the nearby phone.
“You are in big trouble young man” Aubrey scoops him up and holds him tight, “you jerk, never ever scare me like that again. You’re lucky Dani found you and not a coyote. Or the Johnson’s cat.” She pauses, listening, “awww, Dani figured out your favorite book.” She smiles like a thousand stars as she says, “I loved that one as a kid. I’ve always been a big fan of vampires.”
Dani licks a fang and kisses Aubrey on the cheek again, making her laugh, “Then I have another really good piece of news for you.”
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g-on-ef · 2 years
Helluva Boss season 2 ep 3 review THERE WILL BE SPOILERS
It's been a while a long while since I've done one of these but this is the first episode since episode 5 that hasn't pissed me off in the first five minutes and was able to somewhat enjoy it but omg I said it once and I'll say it again viv does not have one single clue what she's doing wit her characters but we are getting ahead of ourselves so let's start wit the good before we get to the bad.
Genuinely love that this was a Moxxie center episode cause it's about damn time my boy got the attention he deserves and it's not him getting punched every three seconds -_-
I personally love Chazz design I thought he was fun and enjoyable {at first} and I loved that he and Moxxie had a relationship together not gonna lie I was screaming I ship them especially the flashback ^^
Ummmm ...
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Regardless I'll take whatever crumbs I can get ^^
Baby Moxxie was adorable !!!!
The relationship between him and his mother was adorable I feel like she was the reason for his love for musical I loved her ^^
I also love we got Moxxie saying he's bi it's always refreshing to see characters refer themselves as part of the lgbtq community
No Loona speaking omg I'm so happy we didn't have Loona talking at all because honestly she would've made the episode worse
Now onto the bad parts -_-
Maybe is because English isn't my first language but didn't Moxxie said he was born in Wrath ??? So did he move to Greed ??? If so was it when he was a baby or ??? I'm just confused on that part.
No one not Viv not her crew hell at this point not even SOME people of the Fandom know what to do/think of Millie.
The whole episode she was either a rabid animal or resorted to Moxxies wife/the blood thirsty woman of the show like how is she a main character always getting side line for everyone fuck man even Loona gets better treatment than her and that sucks cause Loona is down right awful
The fat jokes weren't funny the first time and guessed what they aren't funny the 18th time !!!
I get homophobic implications cause its hell 🤪 {every time I say that imma add that face} but umm the dildo jokes ??? Like I genuinely didn't get why that needed to be added but it is what is I guess.
So you mean to tell me both Moxxie and Millie slept wit Chazz but this episode didn't bother focusing on Millie on how they met Like da freak ??? Also while I loved Chazz the first few minutes I got annoyed wit him like really Viv you're gonna make the bisexual character a horny person that fucks everything wit two legs and have his whole personality around sex ??? Also was I the only one disgusted wit Blitz sleeping wit Chazz ??? Like how the freak we got there ??? !!!
Gotta be honest did not like that Moxxies VA also voiced Crimson I was expecting something more intimidating like something like Striker I guess but that's just me
Also back to the dildo joke ummm someone tell me why we were having a moment that should have build an intimidating moment only to ruin it wit the dildos ... ... ... like I said before Vive has no idea how to handle serious topics without turning it into a joke and have the entire scene lose its importance and value.
Like the build up the dinner scene it was leading up to a serious conflict that was creating tension and hell even the slap had me shocked and Crimson bringing fear into the audience only for it to come tumbling down with the dildos hell even after the threat Crimson gave as Moxxie was leaving I couldn't take seriously because the scene kept showing them.
Hell even wit Moxxie being upset and hurt I couldn't take serious cause of the whiplash that came right after
Can someone please explain why is there a priest in hell ??? Or better yet why is there a jail in hell ??? Like why are we even having Charlie's hotel idea if there's jail and rehab in hell like ??? Does Viv even understand the world she's created ??? Like does she even remember the world she's created ??? Cause why create a hotel that's supposed to help sinners when Hell has REHAB AND A JAILING SYSTEM ??? !!!
Are imps at the bottom ??? The shark demons ??? Like does anyone at Spindle even remember their own rules for the show ??? !!!
Anyways that's it for my complaint of the day but anywhore those are my thoughts and I'm sticking to them !!!
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armed-saphire · 11 months
if you had been writing the women in metal gear what would you change with them (a lot i know) because i feel like just the idea of women being written well in metal gear will benefit us all
I'm answering but just so we all know my qualifications here are just that I'm a woman I am not a writer or game designer or whatever also as it goes on I get more pissed off so it gets a little messy structure wise hope that's ok anyways here's what I wrote:
Um ok, so it would take sooo long to write a full structured analysis so I'll give little things for each character. Uhh mgs1 make Meryl less of just a flat love interest stand-in because the rest of her backstory in that game feels like it’s shoehorned in to make it seem like she has actual character when she's just meant as the glorified damsel in distress (not to say she can't need help but a lot of it felt like a bunch of "leave me Snake, I can't help you I'm just a GIRL!!"). Also, this is just my personal HC but it would add so much to her if she was transgender but it's not like NEEDED- anyway also Naomi was meant to be brown idk what happened but I would return her melanin to her I think. Mei Ling is mostly fine character-wise but I would remove all of Snake's weird advances and comments about her. I would actually remove that from all of his interactions with women in that game I think. OH and Sniper Wolf should put the thangs away I'm thinking like a fur coat and also I want her whole character to be more than just a sexy lady with a tragic past. her speaking in a seductive voice 80% of the time and just being honestly creepy was stupid. I think she could just be a person maybe. that would be cool I think. She could've been just tough and standoffish and then revealed her true feelings as she was dying instead of all the weird seductive stuff
Ok now Mgs2, Fortune is pretty much fine but I wish she didn’t have her booty cheeks out on the seemingly cold big shell bc Raiden was shivering and sneezing like a little wet dog when he lost his suit so I'd assume she’s cold too. if she was wearing some cool pants or something that would be neat but other than that I think she's pretty well written. next Emma ummm her personality itself isn't the issue to me but I didn’t like how Raiden was kind of creepy towards her (not really but like. “You should wear contacts” I'll punch him maybe). Also, she should've had a cooler outfit but that's it. Honestly, I’d have to rewatch or replay Mgs2 to get a good grasp of her character but I see no crazy issues. Rosemary omg I think she’s fine but I hated how it kind of felt like it was Raiden and Campbell vs Rose and she always loses even in non-canon codecs it was so annoying. Other than that once again I will have to listen to the codecs again because I haven't heard all of them in a while. Actually, I just remembered I didn't like how she was kind of written to be oddly insecure?? Ig?? I mean she spent a lot of time in codecs talking about personal stuff and not the mission which I guess was intentional but I found it odd. Olga’s fine no notes. Don’t think there's anyone else. (skipping mgs3 bc it only has 3 women and I think they’re all written ok I don't have many issues.) Ok, mgs4 for the B&B unit I will refer you to this post because I’ve already talked about it. other than that Meryl was actually really good until the final part on outer haven that was so bad “I can't protect anyone” or whatever she said girl fuck off the only reason she said that was so that big strong man Johnny Sasaki could come to save her omg fuck you also Johnny Sasaki should die that's crucial to this anyway, Mei Ling was fine but I’d remove the codec call where Otacon and Snake say that Mei Ling probably just slept with older men to get to her job position I just think I wouldn't have that in the game probably. Naomi ok so I haven't finished mgs1 so I can't tell you exactly if what she does in Mgs4 is fucked up compared to how she is in mgs1 I mean personality wise but also I was eating a really gross ass sandwich when I watched one of her long cutscenes and it skewed my perception of her a bit oh also I would personally like to button her shirt up for her. uh idk Rose once again was fine but also I’m killing everyone for the mistranslation from the JP version of mgs4 that in English made her seem like some evil liar idk anyway you look that up if you really wanna know it’s on Twitter. uh who else does Sunny count doesn't matter she's fine no issues. 
GZ you already know what I'm going to say also TPP so I'm skipping it also I'm not wasting my time getting triggered for no reason so like read my mind or something
Because I skipped 3 games I’ll do MGR Courtney her character itself was fine I didn't like the codecs where 1 Raiden jokes that she should get lipo and 2 the call that's just Raiden and Kevin talking about how much they don't wanna date her also her design is so like beauty standards boring as shit at least make her look cool or something idk. and Mistral I’m so tired of femme fatale characters in Metal Gear it’s not cute it’s not like empowering the way it’s done her entire character is sexualized and it is JUST because she's a woman. I said this about Wolf too it’s hard to feel bad for a character’s sad war backstory when it is also very clear they’re just meant to be a sexual object with no substance it’s not cute either it's just stupid. Also, there’s other stupid sexist codecs about her too obviously lastly uh Sunny’s also in it she's fine whatever
also i just noticed i skipped peace walker but like whatever its fine lol
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auroralightsthesky · 2 years
Babes, I’m going to jail for this one. I think I had one of thee best Poly!Squad thots I’ve ever had.
Everyone’s out for the night at the Hard Deck and Sweet Bunny has actually been really really good, she’s listened and not been bratty. Everyone was looking to reward them throughly when god back home, however Jake decided to get Bob and Bradley tipsy and the three of them started to tease poor Bunny and Natasha isn’t having any of it. She’s pissed that they would even consider being teasing and mean to Bunny after she’s been so good. But where she drew the line was when Bradley and Jake started to tease her.
So Natasha promptly drags everybody back home and has the boys sit in separate seats away from each other and warns them- nay promises them that if they do as much touch themselves or each other before Natasha is done, they’re not getting her or Bunny for a month.
And then she took a seat on the couch opposite to the boys before having Bunny strip down for them before beckoning her to sit on her lap and whispers “You’ve been soo soo good Bunny, and I promise you that when this is over and done, Mommy is gonna make you cum so hard for being such a good girl” and kisses her before whispering again “but Daddy’s haven’t been very nice so Mommy needs to teach them a lesson, okay?” And Bunny agrees before Natasha has her flip and face outward to the boys.
Natasha hooks Bunny’s legs over hers before she starts to tease Bunny “Boys.” She starts “The three of you haven’t been very nice to Bunny have you?” And still slightly tipsy the boys are semi giggly but very much listening and paying attention so they just nod and agree.
As soon as they agree Natasha starts to work Bunny up while asking “Sweet Bunny” And she’ll make eye contact with Bradley while asking “how many times did Bradley tease you?” And Natasha goes down the line looking at Jake then asking Bunny how many times he teased her, and same with Bob… and as soon as she has that final number.
“Well Boys, I don’t know if you kept found but that’s 10 times the three of you over all teased poor Sweet Bunny” And by this point Bunny is so close, she’s rutting against Natasha’s hand, head thrown back resting on Natasha’s shoulder, moans and screams leaving her mouth.
Let me tell ya, the boys are absolutely enamored almost in tranced by watching Bunny, and just as she’s about to fall over the edge when Natasha abruptly stops “Why don’t you tell Bunny why you’re watching right now Jake?” Natasha asks firmly catching the normally cocky pilot off guard
“Ummm… because… because I was stupid” unsatisfied with his answer she turned to Bob.
“Bobby. Why are the three of you in this position” And she started to work Bunny up once more
Trying to think of an answer that would satisfy his front seater “Well-“
“Wells are for water Bob” she quickly responded not caring for how long it took the wso to answer before turning to Bradley “Bradshaw” the desperation that came onto Bradley’s face as she spoke “Tell Bunny why she’s not allowed to cum”
His eyes flicked between Natasha’s eyes and Bunny who by now was practically wailing with anticipation, “Because we were mean to you and Bunny” just as he replied Natasha stopped Bunny once more causing her to sob as her body shook trying to come down from the high that never came before Natasha scooped Bunny into her arms and carried her to the bedroom. Shutting the door behind her, but not locking it, knowing the boys wouldn’t dare open it while Natasha was still cross with them. And so they sat in the living room listening as Natasha indeed fulfilled her promises to Bunny
I thought for a sec poor Bunny was gonna really suffer for everybody else's stupidity but that ending though. Man that ending (lol).
I honestly have no more to add to this, this is just perfect. I almost wept at the sight of it, lol.
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zipmode · 4 months
6,7,8,9,10 for the artist asks !!
6. Anything that might inspire you subconsciously (i.e. this horse wasn't supposed to look like the Last Unicorn but I see it)
UMMM im not super sure because I feel like if I subconsciously do something than I uh. Don't notice it. what I CAN tell you that CONSCIOUSLY inspires me atm is Ryoko Kui's art. Her use of expressions and seeming preference for marker-style brushes is something i have pretty deliberately studied a bit cause I like it so much. Another, older example is Yugo Limbo's art, which- when Smile For Me first came out- super inspired me to mess with textures, collage work, chromatic abberation, etc.
7. A medium of art you don't work in but appreciate
Watercolor art.... that shit is wizardry to me. Actually now that I think about it? most forms of traditional art. I do a little bit of painting but most of my traditional art is in the form of sketches and pen work. Everything else I just admire from a distance.
8. What's an old project idea that you've lost interest in
I gave one answer in another ask, but don't worry there's probably like ten projects ideas I could give to answer this. It's not a lost cause or anything, but Maul Rats is definitely something I'm not planning on adding anything more to any time soon (aside from drawing the characters when I feel like it cause I love em a lot). I just kept trying to add more and more stuff to explain preexisting things that I sort of 'logic'ed my way into a hole, if that makes sense. Sometimes I tend to forget that worlds with magic don't always need to make sense in their entirety. Still think abt these goofballs from time to time, thoughVV
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9. What are your file name conventions
SMILES SO SWEETLY. I'm awful. I'm the worst. these days I don't often bother saving my art to my computer. For bigger pieces that I HAVE to save that take a few days, I give them a short name that represents what they are well enough for me to find them out. some examples:
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I also have a catchall file I use when i'm uploading jpegs to toyhou.se that's just. toyhousesavefile. I tend to be a little paranoid about saving my art JUST to my computer these days cause I've been burned by losing files from a laptop unexpectedly dying in the past. The real answer should be: get an external hard drive, but that costs moneyyyy and I'm brokeeeee <3
10. Favorite piece of clothing to draw
Style-wise, turtlenecks. I just like turtlenecks a lot so I give, like, most of my characters turtlenecks. feels-to-draw-wise, Flowy shirts, blouses, and pants :)
Thanks for the questions YAYYY ^_^
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