#unable to communicate
skankhunt44 · 1 year
Serious questions going out to the Autistic community...
Does your pyschatrist scare you? As in a real fear and intimidation? Mine "doesn't deal with autism," so when I go inside, the nurse practitioner comes in too. She knows enough sign language and is patient enough to listen when I am able to speak. He forces me to be verbal, and when I can't be, he gets really angry. He really scares me... He was really mean, and it looked like he wanted to jump over his desk and hit me at one point... I don't want to go back to him... but he's my fourth psychiatrist in a year and a half. My family doctor thinks I'm being too picky... This is the doctor who holds my daily life in their hands... They either literally just ghost me and move across the country, pass me off, mess around with medications that I don't even need to begin with, and one tried to unsafely reduce my dose of a benzo. I've been sent to the hospital before for that... I was forced onto a medication that ruined my sleep and gave me mood swings. He was trying to reclassify me as bipolar instead of borderline... I got to hear his "notes" on me. All is said was "blank is manic behavior." He said that buying 12 dollars in phone themes in a month (each one is $3-$4) was me going on a spending spree. Oh, and the longest phone call I've ever had with any psychiatrist (after my first) has been about 12 minutes.
Does anyone know how to apply for a caretaker? I am a very easy target for abuse. I don't know how to respond, and I can't speak. I don't have social skills, and i can't name my emotions in detail. I sign mad or sad or explain a physical feeling because I can't go deeper into details about how I feel, I guess. My wife says it's hard for me to speak about emotional intelligence (i probably really misquoted her, but it's the best i can do)... I try to get my wife to attend my appointments, but she works. If she is my caretaker, she would get paid full time to take care of me, which means I could have her help with all of my appointments and even eventually a job.
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Why doesn't the justice league know about Amity Park?
Okay so it's been a bit sonce I watched the show but one of the things in DpxDC is the anti-ecto acts, which I love, but correct me if I'm wrong, I THINK ??? they only show up in reality trip? SO: What if Danny, when using the gauntlet to undo everything, also got rid of the Anti-Ecto acts? but this is babys first time editing reality so he uh Fucks Up A Lil'. As a result when Danny used the reality gauntlet to wipe the AEA from existence he accidentally wiped Amity Park from perception. A big 'nothing matters over here' jedi mind trick, and now no ones looking at Amity. So, the Justice League actually WERE looking into and monitoring the situation in Amity, but when the perception filter closed them off, all of that suddenly went ignored.
This is noticed when someone (Alfred, Dick, Tim, literally anyone) realises theres just. A BIG dusty pile of case files semi abandoned somewhere in the cave when going through a (time period)ly cave cleaning.
They put it down because it's Not Important.
They come back to finish the cleaning the next day and do the exact same thing, but there's nothing to actually distract them this time and it pings as weird. Because why would case files be not important? They are by definition important, because only things flagged as important go into case files.
They try to get someone else to read it, because as long as they don't read the information in the file, they don't put it down.
That person goes to read it, gets a line in and then says something like 'that isn't important' and goes to leave. Person A pushes it and person B ALSO catches on.
Que the Batfam trying to figure out hey, what the fuck actually?
Meanwhile, how is Amity fairing? Canon compliant everything's going alright? Or have knock on effects to No One Look Here started to show?
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rottengurlz · 14 days
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"my jugular misses your teeth." 🩸
a collab with @kashisun 🔪
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blueskittlesart · 2 months
deeply refreshing to see someone critical of Swift who also like, genuinely likes her. Like i'm neutral to positive on her, but the online discourse has been absolutely rancid. flipping between "Taylor Swift has never done anything wrong ever and she's a fucking genius" and "Taylor Swift is the worst lyricist of all time and also a bad person" is exhausting, so thank you for like. nuance or something lmao
not to make it serious for a sec but i genuinely think that being able to like things that are bad is really important. like I think that it's an important skill to be able to look at something and see what you personally enjoy about it and then take a step back and acknowledge that objectively it's flawed. and to also be able to acknowledge that liking something isn't necessarily an identity or a moral stance. and i think that fandom space in general could really benefit from more people taking the time to learn how to do that. it's okay to like things that are bad
#people ask me sometimes why ill occasionally talk about something i like and then go 'but it's bad' and the answer is usually because it is#i love teen wolf. i love genshin impact. i love detective conan. and i fucking LOVE taylor swift. that doesnt mean theyre good#it just means i like them. and recognizing their flaws actually helps me better identify what i like about them!#it's like. in my mind bad > good is the x axis and i like it > i dont like it is the y axis yk. they're not mutually exclusive#tldr it's not that serious. we can all relax a little#irt taylor swift i do also think she has done some real harm to her fans in enabling them to deflect all criticism of her as misogyny#and i don't think it's fully the fault of these people who are parroting that response bc so much of her marketing has deliberately#reinforced this idea that to be a swiftie is to be a part of a sisterhood and that any attack on taylor is an attack on all of those women#who are in that in-group. when that's obviously not the case. but she's marketed herself as. for lack of a better term. 'girl music'#to the point where it makes her fans feel as though any criticism of the music or the woman responsible for it is an attack on their#personal experience of womanhood/girlhood/sisterhood/etc. and that's how you get all of thess bad-faith accusations of misogyny#i don't necessarily think this was her deliberate goal with her marketing tho because like. on first glance such a strong sense of communit#among fans sounds like a great thing. the friendship bracelets i got at the eras tour movie are really genuinely special to me.#but it does present a problem when your fans are unable to separate how they feel about the community and experience your music has fostere#from how they feel about you as a person. especially when you are a billionaire who absolutely CANNOT be above criticism in this economy#anyway. tldr i love taylor's music and i don't think swiftie hivemind is as deliberately malicious as it may seem#but it's obviously necessary to be able to take a step back and look objectively at what you're participating in.#anyway stream ttpd or don't idc <3#taylor swift
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seahydra · 3 months
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HEY GUYS. SO. I commissioned the VERY wonderful and very talented @gach-artblog to draw Laz and my wife out on a date in a garden and. ISN'T IT SOOOOOOOO PERFECT. I'm so happy!!!!!!!!!!!! 💥💥💥
Also they included a little extra thing with it whichIS ALSO SO CUTE LOOK (under the cut ww)
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taglistLOOK AT THIS FUCKING!!! THE!!!: @kylars-princess @sweethardtz @nep-ships @gible-love-nibles @lovinggreeniehours @prismaticuniverses @flowering-darkness (if you guys don't mind me taggin your new blogs now too!)
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enden-k · 3 months
Another question. Can I cuddle monster Kaveh to sleep? I'm 120% sure cuddling him will solve all of my problems.
hes. um. hes a little big for cuddling AHA
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(he loves nudging hthm or being close to him in general since having him, his familiar comforting presence and smell, nearby soothes his nerves and lessens his fear of the unknown. soooo, i dont think he would want to be touched or approached in this form by anyone but haitham who he trusts and loves)
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t00thpasteface · 2 months
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thinking about getting sick during dissections, and cleaning fish with my dad when i was little, and animals going extinct
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lokh · 2 months
LISTEN... for all that shuro is frustrated by him he really Gets who laios is. it's because he understands him so well that he felt bad about being frustrated for so long
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thebest-medicine · 2 months
(I’m watching mha for the first time through) and ok so like…. Hawks’ quirk is literally controlling every feather in his wings individually????????…. how ler of you sir
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bones-of-a-rabbit · 1 year
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Just Readerbot fic things✨✨✨✨
Also. Yknow how there’s that neat ‘truth virus’ au ( @garbagechocolate ur au is cool sorry skdhdkdgdhsnd) thing going around. Anyway what if Readerbot got the virus
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Readerbot: *venting about their trauma and their confused feelings and lack of sense of self*
also Readerbot: *has exactly zero ability to speak or do sign language*
Moon, completely uncomprehending: Whatever it is u r going thru rn. I’m sorry
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mixelation · 9 months
if you've been here a while you know i have a bunch of AUs with the premise "kid!karin gets her ass out of grass, usually semi-accidentally, sometimes being basically kidnapped." and i think "minakushi survive and take karin in as their own" is the BEST possible outcome for her (besides AUs where her mom also survives but her mom isn't a real character so i always have her already dead). and for the minakushi AUs i have, i think they all center around karin being in konoha for the chunin exams and minato being like "haha, you're not getting her back :)" but the much FUNNIER option is
minato: (teleports into karin's living room) hi uh no time to talk but my wife knew your mom and
karin, who pays attention in class: the hokage???
minato: (grabs her and teleports away)
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excuse me i need to Muse on something for a moment
so in Wally's secret 'vinyl' audios, specifically the last few (if we're listening to em in chronological order), obviously he starts to sound more strained/distressed. his breathing is more labored, like it's taking all of his energy to make contact.
but the audio that really caught my attention was the "But i still can't see" one. cause he just said he has more eyes than he did before. he knows We draw them a lot, and it's thanks to that that he can see. but he still can't see?
so my question is: where is Wally physically? cause although he can (assumedly) see the WHRP goings on, he can see through the eyes We draw, that could all be on a, uh... more Intangible level of sight. like the spiral pit is forming an eye, and then there's the eye on the ceiling in the secret Staff Only section - could Wally be in the pit, that space between his reality and Ours, "watching" through the eyes? but unable to actually see with due to the pit being pitch black nothingness? is he somewhere else? is he stuck? he can see, but he can't... see.
(or is he trying to explain an abstract concept - he's not actually viewing anything, but he can sense it. like how he knows We're there, even if he can't see or hear Us. but he just doesn't have the words to describe it other than using physical senses - see, hear, look.)
and him saying "...that I can see. But it is still... I can't..." but it's still what, Wally? dark? something else that he doesn't have the words to describe, so he just says that he can't see?
i know that in the Livestream Trivia Document (compiled by @/the neighborhoodwatch) there was something said about Wally being in a box. my first thought reading that was "oh, so he's in storage? the physical puppet, i mean?" which would make sense - show's over, there's no more use for him. pack 'em up and put him away. but that paired with the "can't see" audio makes both seem a lil... connected.
Wally can't see > he's likely somewhere dark > the inside of closed boxes are dark > Wally's in a box. (or maybe the Neighborhood is the box? it's a stretch, i know, but the map is a box. television sets are often set up in "boxes". maybe it's less of a physical storage box and more of a 'boxed in' sort of thing...)
one question i've had since the Start of my interest in this incredible project is: how is Wally communicating? how has he connected to the site? how does he connect to our reality? the pit almost definitely has something to do with it - most likely acting as a bridge, or the deteriorating of the barrier between our two 'worlds' - but if Wally is in a box and Not the pit or even just in the puppet's reality... how is he reaching us beyond just seeing through the eyes he's given?
or is he in their reality, and he can contact through the pit or something, but he can't actually see the other side? Our side? he knows it's there - that We're there - but none of it is visible to him. maybe his apparent disassociation in the 14 bug audios is a demonstration of him contacting Us. we can see through him, but it's a one way street.
and speaking of the pit - i just had a thought. his whole thing with Us letting him in, opening... the pit on the neighborhood map is getting bigger and clearer. but the presumed Other Side, the one on the Staff Only ceiling, is small. it's the size of a ceiling panel. it seems to me that Wally is chipping away at his side of the pit or 'portal', trying to reach Our reality, but he needs Us to do the same thing on the other side. the QA can hear him calling, but there's no phone on their (Our) side of the pit. how do We call back???
there's a fundamental barrier & lack of understanding between Wally and the QA/Us. he's trying. he wants to be let in, but what does that mean, really? let him in where? open what? he's desperate. he wants us to understand. he's trying so so hard Without the right tools to clearly communicate what he wants. he can't see Us, We can see him, both know the other is there, but there's no way to connect. and the attempts are hurting all parties involved, however unintentionally
#and its very ah. Autistic/Neurodivergent Horror i think?#the Wanting To Explain but Being Unable To because the people you're trying to communicate with#function differently than you. they don't understand. they Can't understand. their brains are wired differently.#no matter how hard you try there will never be understanding. your attempts to connect are somehow Incorrect.#and often - in my experiences at least - being that Different gets you hurt. people perceive your actions/behavior as a slight.#or as intentionally malicious! and then they get mad and you just.. dont get Why? you didn't Want to hurt anyone. you wanted to Explain.#you wanted someone to look at you and Understand. say 'oh. i see you! i get it now!' and have that Connection.#but you will never be understood. never Seen nor Heard. left in the dark. you're accidentally hurting them. they're hurting you.#it takes all of your strength to try to reach them and yet you still. fall. short. because they don't reach back.#anyway ive had these thoughts simmering for a lil while#Knowing whether or not the bug audios are present day or not would cross some theories off and write up new ones i think#that confirmation seems Important imo....#homebogging#welcome home speculation#welcome home theory#then of course there's the question of how Home fits into all of this... in the early days i was a 'home is evil' believer but now??#nah. home's not outright Evil i think. there's something complicated going on between them and wally and its role in all of this#im just... unsure of what. i think confirmation of whether his morse code says 'help me' or 'hello' would massively help clear up the sitch#is home an accomplice? a victim? a perpetrator? a secret fourth option? who's to say (yet)#i have many Thoughts about it based on a couple different things - the distorted voice under wallys. the waLLy guestbook entry. etc#but this post has gotten long enough and its Not on that particular subject#*grips the bug audios & home's morse code* you two motherfuckers would clear so much up i stg-#the bug audio's timeline placement could tell us whether or not wally is with his neighbors or if the neighborhood is intact (in some way!)#home's morse code would give Major insight into their place in all of this!!!#AGH THIS FUCKING PROJECT MAKES ME INSANE. IT'S SO GODDAMN GOOD WHO AUTHORIZED THIS-#as always take my words with a Hefty grain of salt & i hope it's coherent!#anyway there's nothing more dangerous & all-consuming than the need/desire to be understood <3
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theloveinc · 1 year
I love that one thing the bnha fandom collectively agrees upon is bakugo mating for life/never getting over relationships
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uncanny-tranny · 1 month
I've been thinking about this more and more recently (or, rather, am letting myself think about it), and I've finally decided to start learning the languages some of my family would have spoken before emigrating and it's kind of crazy.
Children of more recent immigrants have said this so much better, but it's such a weird feeling to know that you can't speak the same language your family can or did. It's such a weird feeling - to be locked away from your own family, your own blood, and for so many people, it is a form of violence and even genocide done unto them.
Honestly, if you're a child who's got family who has or did have family who spoke languages you don't or can't... Learn them, if you can. It's a surreal experience, and it's kind of liberating, in a way. It's teaching me more about parts of my family, how they might have spoken to me if we had the chance to live in the same era.
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basementstalker · 5 months
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" 'Step back'? Absolutely not."
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spearxwind · 30 days
hey all, I'm tentatively closing chat dms because i have become unable to keep up with them on a regular basis and they keep building up past manageable levels for me ^^; i would like to respond to all of them but I have to accept I simply am no longer able to, super sorry about that
I know a lot of you like to send me posts you think I'll like but I cant see all of them and I can't dedicate time of the day to scrolling through them :[
asks will remain open so you can send me stuff there still though (but preferrably not links to posts, sorry)
Im not sure if ill eventually answer the ones currently in my inbox i just. havent been able to answer im rly sorry i genuinely feel embarrassed that they sit unread for so long its like an ouroboros of anxiety for me
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