#unedited. just finished it and went straight to posting
smidgen-of-hotboy · 6 months
Out in the Cold Field, pt. iv
I always finish these it seems at 2am. Huh. Now go fetch! @ananxiousgenz @ceaseless-watchers-special-girl @urjover @demonic-panini @one-joe-spoopy @waters-and-the-wilde @the-private-eye
“What do you know about Pandora?”
“Wife to Epimetheus, beautiful, sculpted by the Gods, the perfect lady, had a vase she was told to never shatter, super curious, so she unleashed all the evil in the world… I sense a lesson coming.”
“Pandora did a lot more than just bring evils into the world. Do you know why the Gods made her?”
“Punishment I presume? Everything always harkens back to punishment.”
“She was a punishment from the Gods to man. A God who made humans stole for us fire. They chained him to a rock, and every day a vulture would come and pick at his liver, and every day he would suffer immense pain and regenerate. The Gods made Pandora then to punish humanity.”
“Why would they do that? They knew the culprit, they sorted them out, so why continue and drag it out onto the rest of us? Isn't that some sort of war crime?”
“Today, yes. Back then, there was no such thing.”
“Mmm… I guess that explains a lot of things. Wasn’t there also one good thing left behind? Hope?”
“In some retellings, yes.”
“Mom’s books say there was hope. She circled and underlined it a bunch.”
“And why do you think that is?”
“If the evils were a punishment, and hope was trapped inside the jar with them… the evil things were a message. There is no way to escape, outsmart, outtrick, or outlive the Gods. There is no escape. And hope… can always be there. At the heart of it all. Hope is also a will of the Gods. Just like everything else that was in the vase.”
“Smarter than me, as bright as your mother. Well done, солнышко моё.”
Growing up, Buddy had very few friends her age. The ones she did have were either scared off by Palomine, or scared off by Buddy. It left her an awful lot of time alone. Time that she spent reading and studying. Time that she spent hanging around the countertop of Palomine’s bar, asking the other patrons to share with her one of their stories. And oftentimes he would find her and shoo her upstairs, handing out complimentary drinks as apologies. Occasionally he wouldn't find her and occasionally she got to hear stories beyond her comprehension. 
That was how she heard about the Carte Blanche. A regular of her father's came in and sat down at the bar. A younger Buddy Aurinko slid up next to them and talked about Odysseus. She knew the epic as well as the back of her hand but never wrapped her head around it quite right. The regular she sat with however was good conversation and explained it very easily. Their patience for her temper proved something wrong about Palomine.
The regular listened to her like always and laughed in her face when she said that she would have never returned home if she were Odysseus. They asked if she had ever stepped foot on a ship before and offered to show her theirs. Buddy readily agreed. 
It was a week-long trek to reach the port they had docked in. And, at the time, the Carte Blanche went by a different name. Its sails were a drab cream color and the bow had a half naked siren strapped to the front. She was hideous. Buddy fell in love instantly. 
That regular died suddenly four years later. Their wife found Buddy at the bar and slid to her a will. They wanted you to travel the seas. They hoped that someday you would find your Penelope. 
She spent months scraping barnacles off the haul and removing that damn siren from the bow. The sails were the easiest to replace. The days of cream colored past were behind them now. Navy blue sails brought her all around Hellas Basin. The end of an era. The winds were changing and the seasons were rolling into each other as Buddy finished painting her ship's new name, Carte Blanche. 
Now she was Captain of her own ship. She left Palomine to take control of her future, to reign in her own destiny, and now here she was. Captain of her own ship, of her own life, her own destiny. Finally out from her father’s reach– except she wasn’t allowed to die. And her life wasn’t hers alone to dictate anymore, not so long as Jet and M’tendere were with her… And Palomine had tried to bargain for his life with hers… And she’s going back to the bar where she left him four months ago. 
The voyage to the Cerberus Province was lonely and cold. Buddy had always dreamed of wrangling together a crew of misfits like her and Vespa to sail Hellas Basin with. She dreamed of someday retiring and growing old with Vespa. Getting to sit under their own vine and fig tree. Relaxing in the shade together, at home with the knowledge that they had put their best foot forward. That they had tried to better the lives of people like them, and given their best efforts for someone else’s chance of survival. 
On the third night aboard the Blanche, M’tendere sings Buddy and Jet part of a song. They call it their Key.
“It sounds lovely darling.” 
“Thank you,” M’tendere strums their guitar a bit more. “If there’s a song you’d like me to play, I will happily play it for you, Captain.”
“Please, call me Buddy.”
“No can do, Captain. Jet and I are guests on your ship. You invited us on board and you’re helping me smuggle fire away from Hadestown. The least I can do is show you a bit of respect.”
On the fifth night, Jet stands at the helm of the ship. One hand planted on the wheel, the other holding the lamp. The fire inside has been burning now for almost two weeks straight. Possibly longer. M’tendere never answers her when she asks how and when they stole the fire. 
Speak of the devil, they’re turning out to be pretty bad at the whole sailing thing. Jet is a natural. M’tendere… would have probably faired better taking a month to skirt around Hellas Basin avoiding the road and tracks to Hadestown than ever stepping foot on the Blanche. For now M’tendere has kept to the lower deck. Much darker and damper, they’re starting to develop a cough. Jet doesn’t seem worried, so until he is neither will Buddy. 
Buddy slides up next to Jet, two of M’tendere’s scarves wrapped around her throat. 
“Your fingers are white.” She glances at Jet and back down at her hands. “Why haven’t you said anything?”
“Why didn’t you ask me sooner? If you knew this whole time, why hold off? If you care so deeply about my health–”
“I didn’t ask because I was waiting for you to mention it. M’tendere said that you would when you were in enough pain.” He pauses, and if it were locked into other season and Buddy any other person, she might have turned a beautiful shade of pink. “I care for your health, Buddy, because you are alone. You are walking a dark path, one that I have beared witness others walk before, and it never ends the way you or they hope.”
She scoffs, “Oh don’t be ridiculous, I’m not like other people. You don’t know the first thing about me. We hardly know each other.”
Jet nods passing off the lamp to her. Buddy accepts it without a second thought and for a brief moment, she thinks she might have caught hint of a smile. 
“You’re right, we don’t.” 
A long stretch of silence wraps around them. Eventually the pain in Buddy’s joints makes itself known. She bids Jet a fair night and descends to the lower deck to join M’tendere. They greet her with a cough and refuse to accept the lamp. For the rest of the night Buddy keeps it close to warm her hands.
On the ninth day, the seas are rough tossing the Blanche around. Buddy steers, while Jet stands on the bow keeping an eye out for rocks. 
That night it’s calm enough that M’tendere joins them above deck. They play a few songs intermittently asking Buddy questions in between. It strikes her at some point that while it’s a game to her, it’s a dance to them. 
“How long have you been sailing?”
“Only a few years. How long have you and Jet been traveling together?”
“We travel separately most of the time. You got found at a very lucky and rare time when we’re stuck together.”
“M’tendere asked me to help them fulfill their dream.”
“Oh really? And what is your dream?”
M’tendere sighs and leans back against the mast. Their head tilts at an awkward angle searching for constellations in the sky. “I wanted to help people. Balance out all the bad things that I’ve done in the name of Hades.” 
So you stole fire goes unsaid. Just like Promethus.
“What is your dream, Buddy?” She looks up at Jet, who again has claimed his spot at the helm. Her damn ship that half the time she doesn’t even get to man anymore. 
“My dream?” She chuckles, “I wanted to help people. Give back, uplift, and empower. But that time has come to pass now. What’s done is done they say… What is your dream, Jet? Don’t suppose it’s also to help people?”
“How disappointed would you be if I said it is?” This time, she does get to watch him smile. It’s bright and glorious and could fill up a whole room. And when Buddy laughs, M’tendere does too. They break into a coughing fit that lasts longer than usual. Again, Jet does not seem concerned. Despite this, Buddy tries not to either. M’tendere plays a final song that night, Their Key, and heads down to rest. 
In the morning there is a thick sheet of ice that formed on the bow. Buddy takes a crack at it using part of an old rusted anchor. She instructed Jet to search for an ice pick in the cargo hold. M’tendere hasn’t moved a muscle. It’s fine. Just four more days. They can rest. 
Jet emerges from the belly of the beast. Buddy steps aside to allow him to take over. 
The voyage to the Cerberus Province was lonely and cold. Had she not died somehow without Jet or M’tendere’s aid, the return trip back would’ve been no different. It would have been harder. It would have been colder. She might have actually died. 
“Jet,” he stops mid-swing to look back at her, ��ask me again. Ask me again why I want to die.”
He turns towards her, rolling his shoulders back, standing at full height. Grimly, she is reminded of depictions of psychopomps in her mother’s old texts. Shadowy figures that slip on billowing robes. Some with animal heads. Others so handsome and flawless that they had to be immortal. But when she blinks the winter sun bathes Jet in cool light. Chasing away the shadows on Jet’s face, bringing into focus his heavy leather winter coat. Scars his hands remind her that he bleeds too. 
“Buddy Aurinko.” She takes a deep breath. The voyage was to the Cerberus Province was cold and lonely… “What happened to make you want to die?” 
They say it took Odysseus 20 years to journey home. 10 years fighting the Trojans, and 10 years lost at sea. When he returned home, he returned in disguise to win his wife’s hand in marriage and scare off the competition. He accomplished a little more than that, but he had his wife. He got back his Penelope.
The voyage to the Cerberus Province was cold because it shouldn’t have been made alone. Odysseus fought and won the war. Odysseus got to go home to be with the one he loved. Buddy Aurinko, wouldn’t even get so much as a final goodbye.
“I lost someone. I lost– I lost Vespa. I lost her and my dream and I can’t bear a life without her.” She wipes the stinging tears from here eyes. She turns her back and walks away. Not once did she let Palomine see her cry, Vespa only saw her cry in joy, and she wasn’t about to start sobbing a second time in front of Jet. 
Buddy plants herself at the helm and watches Jet resume chipping away at the ice. Just four more days. Just four more days.
That night she sits with M’tendere on the lowest deck. The scarves they loaned to her are rolled up tight to support their neck. They wheeze with each breath. In the relative quiet, she tries to think back to what Vespa would do. What Vespa would say. 
“Goddess hands, guide me.” She mutters under her breath as she clasps M’tendere’s thin wrist to count their heartbeat. There has to be something. Anything. If Vespa were here she would know what to do and how to treat them. She would probably say something like… like…
Vespa’s voice is slipping from her mind. Goddess forgive her. What would go next? Her face? Her touch? Rough lips on soft skin. Green has never been her color but it always belonged to Vespa.  
"Captain," Buddy does not flinch as M'tendere's body seizes into a coughing fit. The end is near. Death approaches. She has always hated goodbyes, and loathed letting go. How could she when all the people she lets herself love die in the end? She refuses to believe it, wants to object like Jet did. You can’t be dying yet, we have four more days until we dock.
She swallows a lump forming in her throat and nods. "Keep your strength. I'll fetch Jet." She pats M'tendere's cheek and heads up to the main deck of the Carte Blanche. They have at most four more days until they can dock at the harbor. And another week maybe before a doctor can come. Just four more. Four more and one week… They don't have a week though. Or four more days.
"Jet," Buddy finds him again chipping ice off the bow. He looks up. It's hard to read his expression buried underneath all his layers. "It's M’tendere." He nods and goes to her office to retrieve M'tendere's precious instrument.
When he makes it to their bedside, Buddy has them propped up by every linen blanket and wool stuffed pillow they have on board. Jet offers the instrument but they shake their head. M'tendere has never refused to play them a song. They promised they always would. I’ll happily play it for you, Captain. Nothing would make her happier now than to hear their strong voice. 
"I have one last one for the road." They suppress a cough and wipe blood from the corner of their mouth. "My Key."
Once upon a time M'tendere's voice used to lull Buddy to sleep. The voice of an angel. And now, wrecked by disease, it's little more than a frogs croak. She surprises herself still able to recall what that sounds like.
M'tendere sings and hums a quiet peaceful tune. Tears roll freely down Buddy's cheeks. She never allowed her father to see her cry. She would move mountains though to allow M'tendere to see her cry another day.
A second voice picks up the tune. Quieter, deeper. She glances at Jet and finds him plucking the strings of M'tendere's guitar. Finding the right chords. They point and smile when he gets it right.
Four days later, Jet and Buddy Aurinko dock on the other side of Hellas Basin. A snowstorm picks up keeping them cooped on board the Carte Blanche for another week with a decaying corpse. Neither of them speaks much, not even a whistled tune. 
The town they docked in is on the outskirts of Hyperion City. A couple of days worth of travel through the snow and they’ll reach Palomine’s bar soon enough. For now, Buddy takes down her navy blue sails and sells them for a quick cred. With that money, she rents them a small room on land to stay in. The whole time she keeps M’tendere’s little fire clutched close to her chest. Humming their key.
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tmntxthings · 5 months
you said your requests are open in your navigation post and i'm absolutely obsessed with your writing !! could you possibly do something with yandere mikey ? whatever you want !! i'm just starving for mikey content and i love the way you characterise him <3
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author’s notes: ahhhhh thank you my sweet anon for the kind words, i’m a simple person, you say yandere, and i start writing 😂
warnings: dark au, yandere tendencies, erratic behavior, delusion, threats, intimidation, choking, unedited, angsty
song: 4ÆM by Grimes
It was late one night. Mikey rarely stayed up past 2 am but here he was, humming to himself as he made the two of you grilled cheeses. It wasn’t 2 but 4 in the morning. Everyone else was in their own respective rooms. You had doubts that Leo and Donnie were asleep. But you could hear Raph’s snores all the way in the kitchen. And Splinter wasn’t exactly a peaceful sleeper either.
“Should I heat up some soup to dip it in?” You offered going to where they kept the cans of microwaveable soup. “Ah sure!” Mikey agreed. As it so happened, the microwave was right above the stove where Mikey was working his magic.
But years of being in each other’s space had you easily crossing the boundary of personal space to get on your tippy toes to press the button that opened up the microwave and placed the bowl of soup inside. You set it for three minutes, clicked start, and then backed away.
The smell of burnt bread filtered through your nose and you looked over to Mikey to see that he was just staring straight ahead. Spatula in hand ready for flipping the cheese sandwiches but not doing anything at all. “…Mike? It’s burnin’” you said plainly.
He blinked, looked down and his blank expression morphed into one of horror. “Oh no no no!” In dismay he flipped to see the charred toast. His teeth clacked as he scooped it once more and went for the trash can.
“Wait wait I’ll eat it! Don’t waste it Angelo!!” You said hurriedly but he just looked at you with a bewildered expression before chunking it. “We’ve got more cheese and bread, I’m not feeding you burnt grilled cheese.” You crossed your arms. “All it needed was a good scraping on the burnt side and it would’ve been fine!”
He shook his head. “Trash!” He said with finality. He got to work whipping up two more. You let it go. And the two of you situated yourself at the kitchen table, soup in between you both as you had your own respective sandwiches. You were starved so you chowed down right away. Blowing out hot air as you burned your tongue in the process.
Mikey had pulled up a YouTube video for the two of you to watch in the meantime. Glancing over at your antics and shaking his head once more but with a smile this time. “Wha?” You said with food still in your mouth. His beak scrunched. And you gave him a wicked grin before opening your mouth fully to show him the mushy half eaten food inside.
“Gross! Why?!” He whined, tearing his eyes away to watch the video he had up. You didn’t have a response for that. Spontaneity you guessed. You hadn’t finished your meal yet but you pushed out of your seat. “Where ya going?” He chirped not looking away from the screen. “Drink!” You stated, bending down as you looked in the fridge to view the options.
“Want something?” You asked. “Nah… actually a Dr. Pepper.” You grabbed one and headed back. Cracking it open you took a sip before sliding it his way. He took a sip without looking away from the screen. You tilted over to see what it was about, some grocery store hijinks. Lame! You got back to the meal. Opening up your own phone to check the messages you had missed.
You hadn’t been on your phone all day! Spending most of it with Mikey doing mundane stuff. Video gaming or watching movies. You smiled down at a specific message.
Unbeknownst to you, Mikey had his eyes on you ever since you had opened up your phone. A blank expression taking over his face once more. “Who’s that.” He said, not a question. But you hardly noticed, your attention enraptured from the slew of messages you were receiving now. Then you halted and your eyes shot up at Mikey, one of his brow bones lifted in question at the shocked look you gave him.
“I never told you!” You said with surprise and turned fully to him. Mikey felt his muscles tighten. Something you hadn’t told him? What could it be? His thoughts spiraled to worse case scenarios. “I met this person… and it was like insta-crush! They’ve just got this way about them. Okay wait wait lemme start from the beginning—“
The muscle by his jaw ticked. A crush. An insta-crush. You were crushing on someone? It was as if by thinking of the worst thing possible it then came true. While you went on distracted by your disgusting puppy love, Mikey sat there not really listening. He watched as you were pulled away from the conversation multiple times by your phone lighting up. And his pupils started to shake.
After the fourth time of you getting all distracted and giggly Mikey rammed his fist down into the table. Smashing bits of it to splinters. “What the hell Mikey?!” You were out of your chair and raising your hands up in what was a mix of emotions. “Heh! Sorryyyyy,” those dead eyes of his crinkled into crescents as he smiled then he shook his fist as if it had hurt.
“Sorry?! What was that?? You smashed the table into dust!” Your eyes were bugging out at the show of strength. “There was a bug!” Mikey lied. You gave him a once over. Then you took a step back. Ah he was such a terrible liar.
“Maybe I should go? It’s getting late. You’re probably tired!” It’s like you were trying to give him an excuse. “But I thought we were having a sleepover?” Mikey whined. Getting up from his chair slowly. You were pedaling backwards. “We can reschedule Angie! Really!” Your voice was half placating, and half fearful.
“Okay okay, you got me!” Mikey held up his hands in a show of surrender and in your confusion you hesitated to escape further. “Huh?” You questioned. “I may have gotten a teensy bit jealous! I had no idea you were crushing on someone!” Mikey explained. Then went further.
“I actually thought.. with how much you’ve been over.. and how well we get along.. I just thought maybe words weren’t needed to describe what we were!”
You blinked slowly. “We’re friends Mikey.” You said plainly. His hands went down, while his head tilted to the side. “Really? Do friends stay up this late together?” You were instantly defensive. “Yes! Donnie, me, and Leo stay up this late all the time!” So Mikey went further.
“Do they share food or the same soda? Do they cross boundaries? Do they text 24/7? Do they say I love you? Do they cuddle? Do they share a bed?” The more he listed the more his face lost control. His eyes widening in a manic sort of way as his hands started to flail about. You flushed at the last bit. “I was perfectly fine on the couch! It was you who had insisted—“
“We. Are. Dating!” He yelled out. His plastron heaving as he struggled to breathe properly. “You like me! And I like you. We aren’t friends. We’ve been dating forever. You don’t have a crush on anyone but me!” He swallowed as his eyes brightened completely into what you could only describe as his ninja stare. You trembled in place as his hands rose from his sides, his ninpo flaring to life as that fiery orange chain snaked into view threatening to shoot towards your form if you dared to bolt.
“Say it.” You couldn’t. It was a lie. It was a delusion. Something Mikey had made up all on his own, something you had no part in. You shook your head. He huffed. “Fine.” The last thing you remember seeing was that chain faster than lightning wrapping around your body, it squeezed you, holding on to every part available. Choking you. And Mikey walking over without a care in the world as your vision swam and turned black.
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mingi-s-dimples · 2 months
You took san home...
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pairing: sub until he's not!san x bratty sub!f reader rating: 18+ (MDNI - literal filth)
genre: smut, idol au, established relationship
summary: You ask your boyfriend, San, to keep the blindfold he used to himself after the performance... only to surprise him later.
WC: 2.8k
warnings: idol au, sub until he's not!san (he lets reader top over him for a min), dacryphilia (kinda?), blow job, hand job, oral (m receiving & implied f), choking (both on cock & by hand), pet names (love, babe, baby, Sannie, sweetie) dry humping (edging through clothes), light bondage & sense deprivation (tying wrists f & blindfold m), a lil bit of a size kink ig?, making out (a bit), multiple rounds, multiple orgasms (m&f) & a ruined orgasm (m), overstim, creampies, use of toys (a vibrator), deepthroating, teasing, orgasm control (from where ruined orgasm cause my y/ n was feeling bratty lol I went overboard), fluff (a crumb), aftercare (a crumb-i promise he's a good guy he just wants to go for another round), unprotected (booo, use protection ir| !), completely consensual!, it's straight up filth with a crumb of romance that's all you need to know (filthy love), completely unedited, might edit it later (I'm sure I forgot to mention sth)
Author's note: I love how I wrote this actually! English is not my native language, please excuse any grammatical errors ! It's the first time I've ever written smut (but I love reading it). The story is unedited, I will post it like this for now. Might do a part 2 with y/n getting eaten out, what do y'all think 👹
Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction & does not represent in any way the reality of the member.
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You should've seen it coming, as soon as you found out they're going on a new tour. How all of his fans would scream for him, how the cameras follow him all around the venue. Even though you were his girlfriend, you still felt a little jealous of all the atinys that got to see him like that, performing with all his power and passion. When you first found out that one of your favourite songs - and performances - take me home, was on their setlist, even though you were aware of the fact that the song had pretty much...sad lyrics, the performance was insane. He barely let you attend the concert, thinking he was going to get distracted. But you begged and begged and told him you'd be a good girl, so he let you. But, before you left to the venue by yourself to blend in, you had a talk with your boyfriend.
"Babe, can I ask you for a favor? I promise it's nothing too big." you stopped San right as he was leaving to the venue, looking at him with puppy eyes.
"Of course, darling, what is it?" he said, looking softly in your eyes.
"You see, I want you to keep the white silky blindfold...to yourself...when you finish the concert. Could you do that for me, please?"
"Hm...what do you want to do with it, babe? Should I be curious?" San said caressing your cheek.
"No, no, not yet ! I promise you'll enjoy it, don't you trust me?"
"Okay babe, I'll take it with me. See you at our hotel after the concert? I'll wait for you there after you enjoy your time as....a simple fan, in the crowd" he whispered, sending soft shivers down your spine.
You blew a kiss to him and, as soon as he left for the venue, a lot earlier than the concert, you went to your room to prepare yourself for the performance.
"Hmm, this will do" you said while looking in the mirror placed right in front of your bed. A nice, tight silk dress, flowing beautifully down your curves. It was a pretty short one, too, but you knew how jealous San would get over it...and also how much he liked it. Only thinking about this turned you on a bit, knowing how good he'll fuck you dumb tonight, after your little game. You knew he would let you dom over him for your own sake...and when you were done with it... he'd destroy you.
"Yo, guys, the concert was fucking incredible! Y'all were so good!" you addressed the praise to the other members, after you sneaked in the back.
"Thank you, y/n, the atmosphere was really nice! All our fans were so excited to see us!" said Hongjoong, smiling softly, approaching you slowly to give you a warm hug.
"Where is San, though? I haven't seen him anywhere." you asked, confused.
"Ah, he already left, he's on his way to the hotel. Didn't y'all need to meet or something? He was pretty secretive about it." said Wooyoung, looking you up and down, to find the meaning behind your outfit. "Heh, you dressed like this just for him, hm? I bet he doesn't know you're wearing this. I mean, he wouldn't have let you leave like that, in the first place" he said teasingly, with a smirk on his face.
"Please, don't tire him too much....we have some promotions tomorrow.." Wooyoung whispered, making you flinch and curse him out.
"Oh for fucks sake, shut up."
"Can anyone give me a ride? It's too late to go alone"
"Yup, see you at the car" said Yeosang, while looking around for his keys.
"Y/n, have fun" he said smiling at you, giving you the look.
"Oh cmon, you and Wooyoung...though, thanks for driving me, I owe you one" you said right before shutting the door.
While you were in the elevator, all of the filthy thoughts started filling your mind. Would San agree to it? Would he actually like it? Or would he punish you...all of these thoughts were going straight to your pussy, as your arousal was pooling in your lace panties.
You knocked on the door. Nothing.
You knocked again, this time hearing your boyfriend murmuring something, and then some steps were coming towards the door.
As he opened the door for you...his jaw dropped. He was scanning you from toe to head...his gaze darkening upon seeing your dress.
"Hi, babe" you said teasingly, looking him in the eyes. Your left hand was resting on his cheek, stroking him slowly. "What do you think..of my dress?"
"Oh babe..I'll show you what I think about it" he said and you didn't even have time to react. He planted a kiss on your lips, aggressively, interlocking his tongue with yours. The only sounds you could hear was the lewd ones you were making. You wanted to much more, so you pushed yourself in his grip. He closed the door behind you and took you to your bed. His hands were tracing you entire body...going from your neck, where he planted soft, sloppy kisses...to your waist, and to your ass. He lifted your short silky dress only to be welcomed by the wet spot between your thighs. You flinched, as he touched you through the fabric. The friction between your panties and his two fingers were driving you insane...you were squirming over his hand, trying to get more. As your arousal started to drip on your thighs, through the thin cloth, San pushed you on the bed, to watch everything.
As he was approaching you fiercely, you stopped him with you leg.
"Nu-uh, babe. I told you I had something prepared for you tonight...after that..you can fuck me how you like" I said, teasingly, pressing my foot on his chest.
"Goddam y/n, making me wait like that? Fine, I'll let you. After all, you got me so fucking turned on, you won't be able to walk tomorrow." he said, searching the white lacey blindfold in his back pocket. Just seeing him like that...made you thirsty for more. You, basically undressed, dripping from your cunt on the sheets. Him? fully dressed, a few of his buttons ripped out. While he handed you the cloth you've been waiting all along, he looked at you a bit confused.
"What are we doing with this babe? It's barely going to tie you up or something..." he said, tracing your wrists.
"Oh babe, only if you'd knew...Please, could you lay on your back? Let me try this once..pretty please?" you said, looking at him with puppy eyes.
As he laid on his back, you told him promptly to keep his hands to himself and, as you tied the blindfold to his eyes, he smiled, not knowing what you were going to do to him.
A moment later, he feels you getting off the bed. He stands up to lean against the headboard, while trying to see what's happening, through the blindfold. He hears you rumbling through your suitcase, and gave you a confused, yet excited look.
"So...babe. I thought about something...how should I say this?" you said, walking towards him. You gave him the item you've been searching for.
"Damn, babe, is this a vibrator? What do you want to use it for?" he said while feeling it in his hands.
"Hm...well, you know how I told you I'd want to fulfill one of my little fantasies...right? Today...I was so excited for the performance where you used your blindfold that I couldn't wait to get back to the hotel...brace yourself, baby." you said softly, while taking the toy from his hands. You then turned it on, on the 2nd slowest speed, and then put it right on your boyfriend's hardening cock, through his jeans. He squirmed at the sensation, letting out a soft moan.
"W-what are y-you doing?" he muffled, trying to get a grip of himself.
"Oh, babe, I'm playing with you now...I can't wait to see your reaction... now." and you turned the speed faster, moving it up and down along the length that was forming an enormous bulge in his pants. His cock, already leaking with pre cum, twitched with every move of yours. Drops of sweat were dripping off his face, his eyebrows frowning every time the vibrator touched his tip through the clothes. He was so out of it, pre cum staining his pants.
"B-babe, I don't think I will last much l-longer" he said through his whimpers.
"Nu-uh, Sannie. You'll have to wait until I let you cum." you said confidently, while turning off the toy. He squirmed in defeat, trying to get some friction within the sheets.
“Oh my, you look so cute like this. All worked up and disappointed of your ruined orgasm. Do you want to cum, babe? Tell me.”
“Yes, love, please, p-please-” he said, breathing heavily. “Please, I’ll be good to you”
“What if….I don’t want you to be good to me after all of this..? Don’t you wann punish your bratty girlfriend? hm?”
“Oh and how much I’d like that….but please…let me cum, I was so fucking close!” he said angrily, squirming under you”
“Okay babe, we’ll see about that”
You started to unbutton his jeans, admiring the art you just made. His pants stained with pre cum, his hard angry cock straining painfully against the zipper. You wanted to free him of all of that..but not yet. You only took his pants halfway off, to have a better look at his boxers. Then, you turned on the toy again and put it against his leaking tip through the cloth, receiving a nice shiver from him. It took you only a few moments of edging his tip until he started whimpering again, letting you know that he was close to his high.
“Sannie, cum.” you ordered, as your boyfriend squirmed under the pressure of your hand fondling with the base of his cock, him trembling from the friction. As soon as you pressed his tip again with the highest speed, he let out a loud moan, and, as his cock started twitching, the tip slightly got out of his boxers, strands of translucent, silky white cum covering his abs. Still touching him with the vibrator on the lowest speed, you waited until he finished completely wore off his high and then turned it off. You then climbed on him, just sitting on his abs, the cold feeling of his cum sticking to your thighs forming, yet again, a sloppy pool between your folds.
“So…babe. How was it? I enjoyed the view of you begging me to let you cum” you let out a soft chuckle, as you untied the blindfold.
“Oh, my god. This was fucking incredible, babe. I never felt like this before…I don’t know what to say. I enjoyed it but..love…how much you annoyed me by fucking up with my orgasm. Not nice of you at all, sweetie.” he said, while he manhandled you on your back, so fast that you didn’t even realise. “But now, babe, is my turn. I gotta admit, your game was…incredible, but now you gotta brace yourself.” he said, as he tied your hands to the headboard with his belt.
“W-what when did you get it?” you said horrified at the thought of you being tied up….but it only turned you on more.
“Cmon babe, relax yourself, the night just started. Your punishment is yet to come* he said, with a soft smirk on his face.
Then, he went down right to your dripping cunt, using two fingers to touch the damp cloth. You moaned in pleasure, squirming under the pressure of his fingers, trying to get more friction. He moved your panty to the side, to have a better look. He went right in, curling his two fingers right into your sweet spot. As you felt a tingling sensation in your cunt, you started whimpering for more. He knew what it meant, so he inserted another finger. You let your head drop in pleasure and surprise, at how his fingers filled you so good. Yet, you felt so empty. You wanted his dick inside you, destroying your insides.
“B-babe, p-please. Fuck me.”
“I-i, I need your cock in me”
“Oh babe…how needy are you today, don't you think?” he then approached your cunt with the vibrator you used on him earlier, not thinking much of it until he turned it on. You let out a moan of pleasure, while he was still fingering you. His thumb and toy on your clit, moving it in circles.
You felt how the knot in your belly started getting tighter and tighter, you felt how you were about to cum. But he didn’t let you, yet.
He took his pants off completely and with one hand on your neck choking and muffling your moans, he tapped his again hardened cock on your folds, then went right in. You couldn't make a sound, getting dizzy from being choked by his hand. You could feel his rings imprinting into your flesh. Trying to say something, he released his grip on your neck and went right for your hardened nipple. As he was lazily pounding into you, he admired how your chest rose up with each of his every thrust, slowly getting deeper and faster. When he bottomed down, you both left out a moan at the same time, tears falling down your face. You loved how good your boyfriend was always filling you up, how well he was stretching you out. It always hurt, but you loved pain as it felt like pleasure to you. Then he started rapidly pounding into you, hitting your g-spot, while one of his hands was fondling with your nipple, his other hand pressing circles on your clit.
“S-sannie, I'm c-close” you said, and right after that you got pulled deeper, the friction from your folds to the base of his cock making you throw your head back in pleasure.
As soon as he heard you, he started pumping deeply into you, angrily, and within a few more thrusts, you could feel the knot in your belly unfold, seeing stars as you came down from your high. Your boyfriend, though, had other plans. As soon as you wore off your high, he put you on all fours and took your hair into a slight ponytail, guiding you to his cock.
“Oh babe, how I've been waiting for this. You know, I let you cum, I've been a good boy to you. But I haven't yet…so you gotta help me with that” he said with a smirk on his face, looking into your eyes as he promptly slapped the tip of his hard, big girthy cock on your lips. He then signaled you to open your mouth, to which you obeyed. He put it in slowly, letting you to adjust to his size and then bottomed out.
You could feel how his dick was touching the back of your throat, tears swelling in your eyes. As he wiped the falling tears off your cheek, he let you stay for a second like that until he raised his eyebrows. You knew you needed to start sucking like your life depended on it. And as you started licking his length, pressing your tongue to his tip and also brushing your hand against the base of his cock, you could feel him twitch in your mouth, with every touch of your tongue. The corners of your mouth were definitely stinging a bit, his girthy cock always stretching your everything. He let you do it at first, at your own pace, but he felt it was too slow and not rough enough. So he took your hair into his right hand and started fucking your throat, tears swelling in the corner of your eyes, feeling dizzy from the lack of oxigen. He didn't last long, as after a few more deep thrusts into your throat he came right there, slowing his pace to let you swallow his load. You felt like he came endlessly, your throat and mouth getting filled with his cum.
After he made sure you swallowed everything, he let you fall on your back, him laying right besides you. He gave you soft kisses on your forehead, cheek and then on your collarbone. He then got up to get a towel and get you cleaned up, only for his next words to be…
“Babe, I'm not done yet. Prep yourself for another round. This time, you’re getting eaten out.” he said, smiling at you, knowing by the expression on your face that you couldn't wait any longer.
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satorusplayplace · 1 year
he’s back…
SPOILERS FOR JJK MANGA (221 especially!)
☆ pairing: gojo satoru x fem!reader
☆ content warning(s): JJK SPOILERS CH 221, gojo is unsealed, angst to fluff, reader is so whipped for gojo, gojo is whipped too, lovesick! gojo, i don’t know if it was still 19 days that gojo was sealed…, gojo goes crazy!!, a little altering of the new chapter…! UNEDITED and a little rushed sorry!
☆ summary: 19 days of sleeping alone, 19 days without her one and only lover, 19 days of not being able to kiss him goodnight, 19 days of pain, 19 days of not being able to say “i love you toru.” one more time, 19 days of not seeing that white hair and those adorable puppy eyes.
☆ A/N: i’m honestly like so happy that gojo is unsealed because i’ve been WAITING for this moment. like i’m just so happy bru. missed my pookie :[. lowk should write gojo w an adhd girlfriend fr. this is probs super self indulgent too.
☆ please check my pinned post for request info on the link saying rules! requests are open! characters i write for are also there :) check it out!
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it’s been 19 days since gojo satoru has been sealed. his girlfriend, who was going to be his fiancée, is stuck at their shared home. she was hidden from the jujutsu world. gojo didn’t want anyone trying to attack his future wife. the woman of his dreams, the woman who knows how to understand him. shoko, the other best friend of gojo satoru, took it upon herself to see you, as nanami passed away…
“y/n?” she yells out when knocking on your door. you just woke up twenty minutes ago when you get to the door, shoko saw how you looked.
your hair was a mess, though still was being washed yet no effort put into it. your eyes were puffy and you had terrible eye bags. shoko just hugged you and you broke down in her arms.
“shoko, it’s only been 19 days and yet i still am like this, i thought i’d be better than this. i knew it would happen one day yet why am i a mess?” you knew that it was a little stupid of you to be such a mess when it’s been only 19 days he was gone but you and satoru have been together for 5 years. yet, him being away and not knowing when he was coming back was scary. sure, he went on overseas missions for three months before, but you had contact with him, you can call and text him and still say “i love you toru” yet now you can’t.
“y/n, it’s okay. he will be unsealed. we have a plan in check. we are starting the process now, i just needed to see you and let you know what’s happening. i’ll have yuuji come to protect you right now, you’re not going to be safe alone forever.” shoko says, she gives you one last hug before yuuji appears behind her.
“y/n.” he says and just hugs you. you hugged him back while tears fell down. he didn’t smile at all, gojo being sealed took away this precious boy’s smile. you cupped yuuji’s cheeks. “i’m sorry yuuji. i’m so sorry. you deserve much better my love.” yuuji just hugged you tighter. you waved bye to shoko and closed the door. yuuji was still clinging onto you as you tried to walk to the couch.
“i’m sorry y/n. i wasn’t strong enough.” you looked at the boy, he was getting anxious and couldn’t read your expression. “yuuji, you’re strong. you’re just a kid hon, i can’t blame you. i blame the cursed world we live in, especially because now you’re a jujutsu sorcerer. yuuji, you deserved better than this world. i promise you.” yuuji and you both hugged and you told him to watch a show on the TV, while you made food.
as you were finishing up, yuuji and you both felt a little earthquake though yuuji knew it wasn’t an earthquake but gojo being unsealed.
yuuji just stayed with you and when you served him, he was happy. though, he thought about how you were feeling since your fiancé was sealed in a box without any communication for almost three weeks straight.
you just smiled at him while you waited for the pans to cool down. you served yourself as well and ate right next to your fiancé’s student. you messed with yuuji’s hair and said, “you know, you need to smile more yuuji. i love being around. you’re such a kind boy. i hope you grow old and have a family, live life as well as you can.” yuuji looked at you and then finally smiled, “yeah. i’ll try to promise you that.”
you smiled at him when all of a sudden, your front door was opening… yuuji got in front of you but when the door was fully open, you ran towards the man full speed.
“s-satoru? you’re back? y-you’re here?” you had tears coming out of your eyes. he smirked, “i didn’t know i was walking in on my girlfriend cheating on me with my student!” he grabbed his chest acting like it hurt. you hit his arm and immediately hugged him.
“yuuji, were you protecting my pretty girl for me?” he asked teasingly. yuuji nods and then you let go of your boyfriend. gojo hugs yuuji and whispers something in his ear. yuuji just looked back at you and smiled.
“you know, we’ve missed you satoru. the strongest man alive is back and yet i didn’t get my kiss. 19 days without you satoru gojo. 19 days with your kiss, your voice, your stupid little kid of a personality, your touch. do you know how insane i’m going right now? you’re so lucky i know how to control myself.” you say to him and yuuji waves goodbye while leaving and closing the door. gojo just stares back at you and looks at you, “oh baby, i know. i was stuck in that box and my mind went insane. felt like years i was waiting. couldn’t even sleep it off.”
you went to kiss him and he pulled you in. this kiss wasn’t lust, it was just pure love, saying all kinds of things, “be safe”, “i love you so much”, “i missed you”, “stay with me”, “don’t leave”, and it was just gojo knowing he had to make you his more officially. he slyly puts the ring that was still in his pocket onto your left hand. “mine.” he says after pulling away from you and you looked down to see the ring.
“i don’t care. we’re getting married even if it’s a quiet one. we are marrying each other.” he says that so seriously and quietly. you wonder how he feels.
“let’s go to bed.” you say and he follows behind you. you stopped caring for the dishes in the sink as soon as you saw your beloved boyfriend. when you both laid down on the bed, you couldn’t help but move closer to him until his arms were wrapped around you and you just nuzzled into his chest.
“i love you ‘toru.”
“i love you more pretty.”
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heartofwritiing · 1 year
I guess this time there’s just no hiding, (fighting you make me restless.)
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parings: hockeyplayer!wilbur soot x figureskater!fem!reader (+ c!philza & c!kristen they own the ice rink!) (mentions of platonic!c!tommy x fem!reader)
summary: you and wilbur meet for the first time after your schedules get mixed up.
authors note: OKAY SO I started writing this back in April and never finished it, but I recently read Icebreaker by hannah grace and I had the urge to finish it! the idea was an au of what if sbi were a hockey team! (pretty sure I saw fanart once of dsmp like that but it could’ve been american football or soccer??) I've literarily been editing and re-writing this for three days straight and I think it's okay, but I hope you guys like it! I'm excited to post it anyways!! Let me know if I should do a part two!!
*title is lyrics from set me free by michelle branch from the ice princess soundtrack!
Warnings: Hockey AU!, first meetings, flirting,annoyance-lovers, swearing, beardbur. YES. unedited! (If there is anything I forgot let me know!!)
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Ice skates glided across the smooth ice, freshly resurfaced only a few minutes ago. The blades cut with every movement, leaving lines in your wake.
It felt so freeing, so weightless in a way. You always loved being out on the ice. It felt like another world permitting your feet to take control and letting your mind be free of your thoughts.
Warm-ups were always a great excuse to not practice your triple lutzes. You had been trying to get it down for weeks, and your coach told you to just take it one day at a time but, of course, you still pushed yourself until you got it perfectly.
You were glad your scheduled preparation was when no one was at the rink, so you wouldn't get distracted while practicing for regionals. The only people in the building were the Zamboni driver, Sam, and the owners of the building.
Once you completed your warm-up, you felt fully prepared to begin your routine. You took a deep breath and focused all your energy to your feet, taking a deep breath, tuning out the world. At that moment, it was just you and the ice.
Following your whole set flawlessly, It came time to go for the triple lutz, you moved faster but more immersed, and you push off the ground sailing through the air and spinning. When you landed on your opposite foot, you failed to gain your balance and collided with a thud. A sharp pain shot through your body from the impact, but you brushed it off quickly collecting yourself. You got up to try again.
The cold air hit your face as you staked back to your starting point in the middle. You concentrated again and went for an attempt at the triple lutz again. You lifted into the air and suddenly felt something hard crashing into you. A groan and another thud, this time from the person you had slammed into.
You landed hard on your ass and groaned. Thinking to yourself why the hell was someone else on the ice while you were. Annoyed you’d have to start once again You quickly looked up only to find yourself face-to-face with a handsome stranger. He was also on the ground having slipped from the impact of your body colliding into his.
"oh shit,” he mumbled. “are you okay?" he quickly picked himself up and offered his hand out. Your heart raced, and you felt warmth spread throughout your body.
Effortlessly he helped you to your feet. You realized how tall he actually was since he towered over you. You begin to feel a bit dizzy staring up at the tall man. You guessed it was from the numerous times you had hit the floor hard. It certainly wasn’t the butterflies punching in your stomach from the painfully attractive male.
“I'm fine,” you replied shakily. “ I wasn’t paying attention,”
He smirked down at you as you stood up. You were able to observe his features more closely the closer you stood to him. The stubble around his jaw and under his chin adds a rugged charm, while his curly and slightly disheveled hair partially covers his eyes. You swear you catch a little glint in that soft brown gaze.
Likely from catching the tremble in your voice only moments ago, inadvertently revealing your nerves. You silently scolded yourself for behaving like a teenager around this attractive stranger.
“It's okay sweetheart, I wasn’t paying attention either," The stranger's voice crooned and sounded like honey. Your knees slightly buckled at the sound of his accent dropping a few octaves lower.
What was happening?
You nodded silently, fiddling with your skating attire between your fingers in an attempt to steady your thumping heart. Your gaze involuntarily drifted downwards, taking in his attire.
He wore a hockey uniform with a distinct green stripe at the top and a white base. The jersey's padding accentuated his broad shoulders, and the prominent pine green number 14 drew attention. Overall, the uniform made his complexion appear less pale somehow.
The realization hit you. He was a hockey player who played for the team that practiced in this rink. Hell, you knew Coach Phil, who owned the rink with his wife Kristen your skating coach. They were like your parents, taking you under their wings at a young age.
The hockey team he coached was dubbed "The Crows." appropriately after his favorite bird. Phil told you the story of how crows were loyal to those who treat them with kindness and how they repay it back to you. It never bore you in the slightest the number of times he told you over the years.
Although you have never attended a game yourself. You weren't a fan of the sport. You didn't even know the basic rules. Since Kristen has informed you about the rowdiness and occasional violence that can occur, you never opted to go to an actual game.
Sometimes, when you finished your practice, you could hear the disruptive noise coming from the men's locker room down the hall. You would often roll your eyes and walk past the doorway with disgust over how loud they were.
The dislike of them wasn't personal you never had met any of the boys before. But something about broad-shouldered men doing nothing but finding some way to ooze testosterone poisoning every chance they got annoyed you for no particular reason. So you purposely avoided them at all costs.
There was only one person from The Crows you had spoken with until now - Tom, who preferred to be called Tommy, as he told you shyly. Although younger than the others, he possessed a charming yet bold personality. Strangely, you felt a protective instinct towards him, like an older sibling though you couldn't define why.
Since meeting Tommy, you had only talked with him in passing, but you knew he was a good kid and liked him.
You were lost in thought for nearly a minute and didn't speak to the hockey player standing close to you. He smiled and lowered his head as if he had spoken though you didn't hear him.
"Huh?" you blink.
He chuckles, and the sound echoes in your ears, causing your heart to pound again.
"I asked for your name, darling," he mused.
And that nickname. It seemed as though he was intentionally trying to make you feel flustered.
You realized that you didn't even know his name you quickly abandoned any preconceptions about him and answered him politely.
When he heard how your name sounded falling off your lips he smiled genuinely. As if it was the most beautiful thing he had ever heard. It seemed to have a significant impact on him. His reaction stirred something within you. Like a strange connection between the two of you was forming from this one interaction.
"Im Wilbur- or Wil, that's what my friends call me,”
It was becoming increasingly difficult to dislike this man by the minute. You decided to have a little fun, thinking it couldn't hurt.
“Oh? So we're friends now?” You raised an eyebrow.
He playfully teased, "If that's what you want."
Cheeky bastard. You thought while smiling.
“Now if you don't mind darling, I have to practice."
Feeling a sudden shift in your head made you glare at the back of his head. Pushing off your stakes to circle around him and put a hand on his chest. Wilbur looks at you with a stunned expression, as if he's surprised that you dared to stop him. a
"I've only been here for twenty minutes. You are not going to take advantage of my practice time," you scoff. “I have at least another half hour left."
You didn't mean to come off in a snooty way, but the stress you were under was so overwhelming. Winning regionals was so important to you, and you weren't going to let this jerk interrupt your training, no matter how handsome he was.
Wilbur just shrugged.
“Sorry sweetheart but playoffs are coming up, and I need to work on my shots,”
Your eyes narrowed and you faced off in a staring contest. Stubborn as you were you didn't move an inch.
“Well, I am not leaving.” you crossed your arms over your chest.
The only thing to pull your gaze away from his was the sound of Phil coming down the stairs in the stands asking what was wrong.
You skated over to the open space where Phil was walking down the steps, ignoring the fact that Wilbur was trailing right behind you.
"Phil, I was here first, and my time is nowhere near done. However, Wilbur insists that it's his practice time that I am intruding on it."
"Listen, ice princess," Wilbur said with a hint of frustration. You reluctantly turn to face him, wearing a scowl on your face. "We're just a week away from one of our biggest games of the season, and we need to focus on practice. I can't waste time dealing with any of your bullshit."
The tone of his voice caught you off guard for a second. Which caused you to put your lips in a thin line. You weren't expecting him to get this intense over the situation. Then you knew nothing about him.
"Wil," Phil gives him a warning glare. This promptly shuts Wilbur up.
"Both of you calm down. We will get this figured out," he tries to reason. He yells for Kristen as she comes sprinting out of the office that posed in the corner of the rink with the glass windows looking out to the entire stadium. You watch on as there are hushed tones between the pair as they look at the clipboard in Phil's hands.
You hear Phil mumble out a string of curses. This causes concern to cross your and Wilbur's faces, but you don't say anything. Phil rubs his forehead as his wife turns to you with a remorseful expression.
"I'm sorry guys, We must've gotten the schedules mixed up.” Phil looks at you sheepishly.
Kristen starts by saying that the problem is currently unfixable. She explains that they have numerous prior booked events for the rink, making it impossible to alter the schedule.
Great. You thought.
Not only was it two weeks before nationals, but you also needed the space to practice. This was the only skating rink around. And you had a suspicion that the hockey team was bearing to be more stubborn than you were about this new situation.
Then you heard the words that made your stomach drop.
"you're gonna have to share the space on the ice."
After Kristen spoke, chaos broke out. Both you and Wilbur bombarded the married couple with injunctions and protests. This wasn't fair in the slightest.
They managed to convince both of you to settle down and come to an understanding. The consequences of not doing so would result in Wilbur being benched and you being unable to skate in the regionals this year. Losing the opportunity to compete was not an option for either of you, especially after putting in so much effort since last year's competition.
Reluctantly you agreed to get along with Wilbur and the rest of the team when the time came, no matter how much you hated it.
Upon Kristen's return to the office and Phil informing the rest of the boys about the situation in the lockers, you opted to skate to the far end of the rink, away from others, choosing a spot with brighter lighting.
"Well, looks like we're gonna be seeing a lot of each other, darling." Wilbur wandered up to you while you got into position to start your program.
You huffed. Yep, this was your life now. Anticipating Wilbur's continuous comments every day for the next two weeks.
"Don't get too used to it, pretty boy," You sniped. "I only agreed to share for Phil and Kristen's sanity."
He snickered and hummed.
"Whatever you say," he mumbled. "Just don't let my pretty face distract you from your skating," he winked and skated backward.
You felt a blush rise to your cheeks and tried to convince yourself that it was from how aggravated you were over a minute ago.
"I wouldn't let it get to your head," you voiced. "I could still easily beat your ass in staking any day,"
He smirked at you, seemingly challenging you to prove your capabilities. Even though you had nothing to prove, you just wanted the satisfaction of making a fool out of him. However, you know that the time for retaliation was not now. Eventually, you will wipe that arrogant grin off his face.
"I'm looking forward to it, darling," He said before he turned to join his team.
As the rest of his team gathered in a huddle, you watched as they greeted Wilbur in a brotherly way. Tommy had slid up to him enthusiastically, rabbling about whatever was on his mind today. Most likely hockey related.
Wilbur had brought a hand up to the top of Tommy’s head to playfully ruffle his hair before moving over to where Phil was getting the team settled, but not before flicking the blonde on the forehead. A whiney “ouch!” escaped the younger one’s mouth as he followed behind his teammate, causing an amused smile to tug on your lips at their antics.
Taking one final glance at Wilbur wrapping his hands in tape before pushing into the first move. A simple glide and you went into your own world.
Wilbur glimpsed over to your side of the rink and watched as you began your routine. He was absolutely enthralled with watching how flawlessly you moved. Definitely thinking about how beautiful you looked in your attire, even if it was a simple zip-up jacket and yoga pants.
He definitely wasn’t looking. He was.
It wasn’t until one of his teammates pulled him out of his trance with a smack to the back of the head with a glove that he reluctantly pulled his eyes away from you and fell into his own practice as Phil blew the whistle to signal them all to fall into their positions.
The next two weeks were going to be quite interesting, to say the least.
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tagging @merakiwi ! since you liked my previous stuff! if you don't want me to tag you in anything in the future let me know!
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thunderous-wolf · 8 months
Drunk Dazed
Installment 2 of my series of "Thoughtz"
Note: "Thoughtz" is a compilation of
drafts of fanfic that l've had in my notes
for a while. They're unedited and most are
unfinished. Since I do not feel motivated
enough to finish them, I'm posting them
all for you to read. Enjoy~
Part 3 of 3
Pairing: Bangchan x fem!reader
Plot: You find yourself in a strange world...
Warnings: its supposed to be a little confusing, violence, guns and shooting, tazers, death, really bad jokes
a/n: This was a goofy project inspired by
a friend that consists of three separate
stories tied together. Just like a dream.
they don't have a clear plot and are
strictly for fun.
Please DO NOT copy, translate or steal
my works.
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Part 1 // Part 2
You rushed to the edge of the stage - however, it had other plans for you. The curtains were being drawn, and at their speed, there was no way you'd beat them. You collided (gracefully) into the billowing curtains. Even though they were movable, they did not let you pass to the audience. Instead, it pushed you towards upstage.
The spotlight was no longer fixed on the table, but instead, a door. You recognized it. It was the steel door that you encountered in the beginning of this mess. Perhaps it would lead you home?
You reached out for the handle of the door. This was the third and hopefully final door of your adventure. A pensive feeling crept over you as you grabbed the handle. As expected, it was cold to the touch. You twisted it and tried to pull open the door. However, it required more strength than you thought. You tried again and were successful, except the force of the door closing was greater than yours. With this, you were thrown (quite literally) into your new surroundings.
You found yourself in a hallway. The hallway outstretched a little ways to both your left and right. It was stark white just like the door, and reeked of cleaner used to thoroughly clean something. By the pungentness of the smell you could tell they had to use the cleaner several times. Just what exactly did they need to clean so often?
In front of you was a door slightly ajar. You could hear a harsh conversation coming from within. With nothing else to do, you decided to eavesdrop.
"You lost the files?!" A commanding male voice rang out.
"I'm sorry sir, he just appeared out of nowhere and caught me off guard! I-It won't happen again - I swear!" A younger sounding voice spoke.
"You're right, it won't happen again. Because you won't get the chance to."
You gasped when you heard the gunshot sound. After hearing the thud of presumably a body hitting the ground, you didn't think before you ran. You didn't care if they heard your footsteps echoing down the hallway. As long as you were far enough away...
As you rounded the corner to the next hallway, you heard a door slam open and many footsteps ascend into the previous hallway. Ahead of you was a big red exit sign. Through the small window on the door, you saw a small balcony similar to one on an old brick apartment. Knowing it was your only chance of escape, you ran to the door and didn't hesitate to go through it.
Thick city air met your lungs as soon as you were outside. You were standing on a balcony that went in three directions stretching over an old apartment complex in what seemed like an abandoned city. There was a path to your left that went on for a little bit until it changed into a stairs that climbed up the building onto another level. Another path continued straight ahead of you across a parking lot and to another old apartment complex. The path to your right kept on going until the end of the building where it suddenly ended. It looked like something crashed into the side of the building and ripped the end of the metal balcony clean off. There was a good 50ft drop from the rail to the ground, so it would be a bad idea to fall.
Abruptly, you were reminded of the dire situation. Mindlessly, your feet began to run in whatever direction you were facing - which happened to be towards the right. There was no time to turn around, as the men from earlier would surely catch you. You took a big breath, nearing the end of the balcony, and hoped you would land on something, anything. You got ready to jump, when suddenly an arm grabbed you. You were pulled by a firm hand on the small of your back into something warm.
Opening your eyes, you see that you're pulled flush against a man's chest. Looking up, you see a familiar face once again.
"Where do you think you're going, Agent y/n?" He said in a hushed voice. His small dimpled grin drew in your focus like a magnet - which was a good thing, because if you remembered how close you were to him you would have definitely had a heart attack. Before you could respond - though, you didn't know what you'd say if you did - the door to the balcony was abruptly opened and out rushed several armed men.
From where you were, they could not see you. You were hidden behind a large pillar-like thing that jotted out two feet and hid you from view. You were standing on a small ledge that wrapped around the building. It seemed as if these buildings were old enough that the ledge could crumble, but that was lower on the list of things running through your mind.
"Where'd she go? Spread out and search for her! You. Go that way. You three check the ledge and see if she jumped. The rest of you with me to the main building! We can't let her escape!" An authoritative voice said from not too far away.
You held your breath as the footsteps got closer. They wouldn't notice you if they just looked from the edge of the rail. But if they peeked around the overhang...
"I don't see any evidence of her jumping. There's nothing for her to land on, and a fall would kill her from this height."
"Let's go back and search the area."
At that they turned around and went back towards the center balcony. The breath you'd been holding that time was finally released. You looked up at the man with you. You were still trapped in his grasp, and with his muscles, there's no way you could wriggle free without falling. He noticed you staring and smiled.
"Hey, the time for ogling is later. We need to get outta here." He said playfully. He then let you adjust over to the right of him so he could lead the way out - which happened to be continuing on to the next side of the building. Thankfully, the ledge was two feet wide so you didn't have to worry too bad about falling. "Follow me."
Still rather shaken from your previous proximity to him, you wordlessly follow his lead. He was moving quite fast for being so high up in the air, but then again, he did talk to you like you were an agent of some sort... Agent or not, you had to catch up. He had already rounding the corner of the building.
Vzzzzzzzzzz- Pk!
After carefully climbing around the corner, you see that he had shot something between a zip line and grappling hook across the empty highway and to the lowest level of the building across from us. He was hooking on a handle when a bunch of enemy recruits appeared on the other side of the building.
"There they are! Seize them and get the files at all costs!" The one in front said. At this, an onslaught of people came charging at you. This would have been easy if you actually were an agent, but obviously you're not, and without a gun you had nothing to do but stay out of your fellow agent's way. Which wasn't a problem because he was handling himself perfectly fine. He was taking on the goons like he's done it since birth, his agile movements making it look all too easy.
It was all going smoothly until you noticed a shadow coming from above you. On the rooftop was a hit man holding a very expensive looking gun that was aimed right at your partner. There was no way he'd notice as he was focused on the fight infront of him. You had to do something.
"HEY! There's a guy up there aiming a gun at you!" You yelled. But your efforts were in vain. He didn't hear you over the shouting of the goons and remained where he was. You closed your eyes and hoped he would somehow move from the bullet's path.
A piece of metal falls by your feet and startles you from your terrified stance. Peeking your eyes open, your heart skips a beat when you find that your partner is still very much alive and well. You gazed back up at where the hit man was and see that he's doubled over on the edge of the building, a bullet hole in him instead of your partner. At your feet lay his gun, a little dented, but probably still working. You pick it up in hopes that you could use it to help your friend.
"Don't fire it, it has a defense mechanism. Hand it to me, quickly!" He said suddenly. You had no clue how he knew what you were doing, but you did as he asked and handed him the gun. He took it and used it to shove the next few ruffians, making them topple into each other. He then pushed a button on the gun and backed away. Immediately, the gun sent out massive electrical charges that electrocuted the pile, since they were all wearing something metal.
Smirking, your partner turned to you.
"They gotta taste of their own medicine, yeah?" He remarked more to himself than you. "That should take care of them for a little while." Then he turned to face the street. "Nice shot, but you could've been quicker!" He yelled.
"Well, I was gonna say a sniper joke, but it was a long shot and I don't think it would hit the target audience." A familiar voice responded from across the street. You looked to your partner to confirm that you weren't imagining things and he wasn't actually talking to a building. With an eye roll, he looked back at you and pointed to a window. Squinting, you could see a silhouette leaning against the window frame.
"That's Agent Chaconne. Once you get over to the other side of the street, she'll give you the chip reader."
You glanced back at the figure in the window, then at your partner- who was motioning you to get on the zip line and get a move on it. For some reason, you felt that you could trust your new ally. You reluctantly grabbed the handle of the zip line and zoomed across the desolate street.
It was kind of fun zooming above the road. Besides the fact that there are who knows how many people out there trying to kill you, this was pretty enjoyable. You were almost at the end when a bullet flew by your head, ruining the mood. You began to freak out when you realized you were a sitting duck while on the zip line. You frantically looked around to try to see what's going on. Your partners were already a step ahead of you. One was already countering the new wage of goons, while the other was shooting like no one's business, sniper shots whizzing around you.
You finally made it to the end zip point and let go of the handle. You landed by the entrance of an alleyway. You quickly ran around the corner of the nearest building to cover yourself from fire. Supposedly, Agent Chaconne was going to find you and get the chip reader. Seeing as she was quite busy currently, you didn't expect that to happen anytime soon. You crouched in your hiding spot and decided to wait for her to find you.
It was hard to hear over the constant shooting. So much so that you didn't notice someone approaching you until he was 30ft away from you. Realizing this, you got up and ran down the alley. He was faster than you though, and it wouldn't be long until he caught you. Nonetheless, you kept running.
Out of the corner of your eye, you see something moving on the metal stairs above you. You see a brief flash of light reflect off the brick walls and glance back to see what it was. The man chasing you earlier was laying face first on the ground. Agent Chaconne was standing a little ways behind him holding a fancy looking tazer gun.
"Guess he found that one shocking, eh?" She quipped. Seeing that you didn't find her joke very funny and were more terrified than anything she swiftly changed subject. "I'm sure he already told you, but I'm Agent Chaconne." She said as she pulled down her mask to show you her face. A wave of realization hit you - it was Lisha! That's why she seemed so familiar. "Here's the chip reader. Don't break it, it's the only one I brought." She extended her hand to reveal said object. You grabbed it and stuffed it in your pocket.
"What do I do with these?" You asked, motioning to the two items given to you.
"If you go down the alleyway a little ways, there should be a narrow offshoot ally to your right. It's not very long, and at the end there's a door to a passageway. Go through that door. After that, you'll be able to figure it out."
Figure it out?! What did that mean? Before you could ask, she was already telling you to go. You had one question that needed answered though. What about your male partner? Was he coming with? Lisha seemed to know what you were thinking as you looked back to the building you once stood on. He was still fighting people up there, seemingly never growing tired.
"He'll be joining us shortly. He's just-"
"HE CUT THE ROPE!" You exclaimed. The zip line that once stretched across the street was now sagging on the ground.
*sigh* "That man. Always wants to leave with a BANG." She said, chuckling to herself at some sort of inside joke. You didn't quite find it funny how he was gonna get himself killed.
"He's gonna DIE?!" You anxiously shrieked. This, she seemed to find even funnier than her previous joke.
"Pffffft! Die? No, he's too stubborn for that. Now get a move on it, before someone else finds you." She said with sudden authority. Seeing your hesitancy, she added, "Don't worry, I'll watch after him. He won't die as long as I have something to say about it."
You then reluctantly turned around and headed towards the end of the alleyway. Surely enough there was indeed a side ally. Just as you start to turn down the ally, you hear a loud boom and a bunch of old cement crumbling to the ground. Out of the corner of your eye, you see part of a building fall down. You decide to keep going, even though your heart wanted to turn back to make sure everyone's alright. You reach for the doorhandle, feeling a bit of deja vu once again. You pull open the door and hear an agitated "CHRI-" in the background. But the word was never finished before you were sucked inside the door.
You startled from your slumber and found yourself now back in your beloved house. Had that all just been a dream? It all had felt so real, the adrenaline running through your veins and the wind in your hair. Was that man all just a vision in your head too?
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alittleannihilati0n · 10 months
Rosalie Garrity drabble for TOTA takeover week :)
Rosalie sat down, sighing with satisfaction as she surveyed the squeaky-clean apartment that her tired joints were currently attesting to. As she gazed around, her eyes settled on the two photos sitting on the windowsill. She stilled as she met the photographed gazes of Fergus and her Robbie, and, to her credit, she thought, only briefly had to fight the urge to stand back up straight away and start cleaning to make sure she hadn’t missed any germs. Settling back in her chair, she studied their faces — Fergus, with his deep eyes and subtle smile, caught in one of his rare moments of pride and happiness when Campbell had brought a camera into the station; Robbie, with his glowing grin and frosting-smeared mouth on his 9th birthday — and found that she didn’t feel the urge to flinch away like she used to.
Instead, she felt an odd, but not at all truly unpleasant, sort of feeling wash over her. The warmth of her memories with her family when it was Jim and Robbie, the warmth of the memories of her family she had grown at Saint Jude’s, and a wonderful peaceful realization that she finally had a family and a life whole again now: Her apartment — safe, clean, her own; her relationship with Jim mending, with her keeping her life properly hers this time; her dinners with Eddie and Francine and Campbell, too, when the bright lad wasn’t busy taking the world by storm; with her boy and kind Fergus watching over her in her windowsill and heart like stars now, instead of storm clouds. And she smiled, softly.
Then, pulling open the curtains and sanitizing her hands, she checked the oven and went to put the kettle on.
286 words, my first time writing a fanfic drabble like this! I'm rather proud of it, Rosalie is such a kind, strong, practical, funny, and comforting character and she's so hope-inspiring for me to write. I just finished all my finals exams so I'm extremely tired, forgive me the brevity and unedited nature of this post.
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sexynetra · 1 year
WIP Wednesday (part 2)
Okay, all tea all shade I need to post a second WIP to prove to everyone that I was writing Anarcia makeover BEFORE Marcia posted her video smh (again, all unedited!)
“Oh… I’m sorry. I like it though. The tattoos, the hair, the makeup, it’s all really cool.” Marcia shifted a bit, watching the way Anetra seemed to shy away from the compliment, eyes glancing down and cheeks flushing a warm pink. Marcia couldn’t look away. “Hey, actually. If you aren’t, like, in a rush, do you think you could do my makeup too? I’m, like, passable with it but I can’t do anything really great like you can,” she asked hopefully, leaning forward on her mattress and trying to give her best puppy-dog eyes.
She didn’t really expect it to work, but Anetra’s gaze settled back on her, appraising. After a moment she nodded decidedly. “Sure, why not. Let me finish this and get dressed.” Marcia’s heart raced slightly, remembering when she had helped Anetra with her wig on Halloween; remembering the closeness, how she could see each individual eyelash, feel Anetra’s breath warming her skin. It was a heady sensation, even just remembering it. 
Everything seemed to go slower as she waited impatiently for Anetra to finish what she was doing, every nerve alight as she tried - futilely - not to stare. She wasn’t sure if it was disappointment or relief she felt when Anetra went back into the bathroom to change and she was left alone with her thoughts . Though not long enough to gather her sanity, because moments later, Anetra walked back out. She wasn’t dressed special, just a tank top and shorts, but Marcia’s breath hitched regardless.
“Where do you want me?” she asked after a moment, chewing on her lip as Anetra rifled through her makeup bag.
Anetra’s head shot up, staring at Marcia with wide eyes for a moment before clearing her throat and responding. “Wherever you’re most comfortable. Can you grab your makeup for me? I can use a lot of my things but you’re a bit too pale for the skin stuff.” 
Marcia nodded quickly and jumped off her bed, going to gather up her things as quickly as she possibly could, dropping them unceremoniously on Anetra’s bed before lowering herself onto the edge of the mattress, leg bouncing eagerly. Anetra chuckled a bit to herself, about what, Marcia didn’t know, but she didn’t care. If she felt anything during this, she would need to examine more, and if she didn’t, she was certainly straight. The perfect litmus test. Plus, she hadn’t been lying. Anetra’s makeup stills were amazing, so either way, she would come out of it looking incredible.
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atlantic-riona · 2 years
Hope Springs
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Secondary world fantasy for the 2022 @inklings-challenge​, a bit delayed due to real life issues yesterday interfering with posting. It’s standalone from any of my other WIPs, and was fighting me the entire time to become a novel, so it feels somewhat incomplete to me. It’s pretty much unedited. Regardless, it’s finished! Which is very exciting!
Team: Tolkien
Genre: Secondary World Fantasy
Symbols: Wind, Tree
Word Count: 4,732
“You oughtn’t go down Windswept Lane anymore,” the Cat said.
Hope stopped sweeping. It was her turn to sweep the front steps, a chore that the others disliked, but she didn’t mind. Sweeping gave her time to think and dream—and time to talk to the Cat. “Why not?”
“It’s not safe anymore.”
The road in question was one Hope often took as a shortcut to school—it cut through the city park, and the winding road fenced in by flowers and fields had been the setting for many a daydream or sketch of hers. But the Cat gave warnings rarely, and never without reason. “All right,” she said. She’d have to start going through the city proper, which came with its own risks. “Anything else I should be worried about?” She was only half-serious, so it came as a surprise when he answered readily.
“They’ve captured the Jay.”
“What, really?”
The Cat nodded somberly.
She leaned on the broom, absently scratching at the wood of the handle with the only nail she hadn’t bitten to the quick yet. “They can’t really have,” she tried dubiously. But the Cat’s utter stillness told her it was true. Besides, the Cat had never lied to her before. “…What do you think they’ll do to him?”
The Cat paused, as if gauging its next words. “He’s caused them no end of trouble. They won’t want to let him off so easily.”
Hope was only thirteen, but she caught his meaning. “You mean they want him to suffer?”
The Cat’s tail flicked back and forth. “Yes.”
“Oh.” She stared down at the few scattered scarlet leaves dusting the red-brick steps. “That’s not very nice.” Even to her own ears it sounded feeble.
Something warm and soft brushed across the back of her hand. But when she looked up, the Cat’s tail was where it always was.
She smiled at the Cat anyway. It offered her comfort about as often as it offered her warnings, so it must have been worried for her.
“Don’t go down Windswept Lane,” said the Cat again, just before a clatter of footsteps inside indicated the imminent arrival of one of her housemates. The Cat was usually very good at predicting things like that—they had never had a conversation truly interrupted yet.
“I won’t,” said Hope, just as Amelia, cheeks flushed and golden hair hastily tied up into two messy pigtails, burst through the door, words already flying through the air. “I promise.”
“Hope, you’ll never guess—are you talking to the statues again? Oh, do stop, you know we all find it strange.” Hope met the Cat’s amused gaze with a little smile of her own. She had no idea how it looked to the others, but she rather suspected its stillness and silvery fur, when seen in a certain light, seemed like a statue, perched on the railing between the numerous other statues of animals. As far as she knew—the Cat was the only one that pretended to be a statue sometimes—though maybe she just couldn’t see them, like the others couldn’t with the Cat.
“We’re finished talking now,” she said to Amelia, automatically reaching out to tuck down the collar of the other girl’s shirt. Amelia so often had her clothes in disarray that by now it was second nature for Hope and the others to fix them.
“Oh, thanks!” Amelia said earnestly. “Listen—you’ll never guess! They caught the Jay!” Her face fell as Hope went on sweeping. “You already knew! How do you always know everything before me?”
Hope slid a sideways glance at the Cat, but it was staring straight ahead, whiskers twitching only slightly. “I supposed I’m just a very good listener.”
“Phooey!” said Amelia crossly. “You’re on dish duty again, did you know that?” And she flounced back inside with a huff.
A single golden leaf slipped from the birch tree overlooking the small sandy path leading up to the brick staircase. It skittered up the steps and along the wooden porch railing lined with statues, landing on the tip of the Cat’s nose. The Cat sneezed, then went still, tail furtively flicking back and forth, pretending nothing had happened.
She grinned, but went on sweeping. It didn’t do to laugh at cats. They held grudges.
Birch Home had been Hope’s home for most of her life. A little over twelve years ago, back during the centennial celebration of Queen Jeneva’s reign, thousands of people had flocked to the city of Lilennes, the queen’s birthplace, to celebrate—only to be caught by a terrible sickness that magecraft nor magic nor enchantment could heal. Many died.
It wasn’t until later that the survivors realized children under the age of five were unaffected by the illness. So the city suddenly had an overwhelming umber of infants and children who no longer had parents, and nowhere to send them. That was where the Homes were born.
All things considered, Hope didn’t mind living at Birch Home. It was a good Home, not at all like the Homes she had heard about in whispers from other Home children or had thrown at her by the occasionally nasty bully. Though at this point, those Homes were fast disappearing, after a prolonged campaign by Myeong-suk, graduate of Water Lily Home and East Bridge College of Magecraft. Hope had only gathered bits and pieces from newspapers, but Myeong-suk had conducted a thorough investigation into her former Home, spilled everything she’d found to the public, and amidst the ensuing outrage, managed to get Water Lily Home closed down and its children sent to better Homes.
Myeong-suk had gone on to run for city council and was now the youngest member in it. She was the perfect example of what Home children could aspire to—if they had the right abilities. Hope, having no capability for magic or magecraft, nor any heritage that gave her the power to enchant, knew that she would never be like Myeong-suk. Her path lay down a different, less exciting road.
That was fine with her. At Birch Home, she had the Cat. And she got along fairly well with the other children, though she wasn’t particularly close with any of them. Still, she didn’t mind. Solitude had been her constant companion for years. At this point, it was almost like a friend.
A few days after the Cat’s warning, it was Hope’s turn to walk the little ones to school. Today there were only three, Livia having stayed home with an upset stomach. That left Zina, an energetic girl of five years, Sung, almost seven and puffed-up about it, and Matvey, a quiet and wide-eyed four year old. They all went to sorting school still, though she and the others were fairly sure that Zina would end up transferring soon—her scribblings in crayon had a habit of nipping one’s fingers if one went too close, though they hadn’t come out of the page yet.
The sorting school was a mile further into the city, and they usually went down Park Street, it being the most direct way to High Street, where the school was located. Hope held Matvey’s hand, because he was the youngest, and kept having to chide Sung, who didn’t want to hold Zina’s hand, on account of her having sticky hands from the jam at breakfast, and Zina, who didn’t want to hold Sung’s hand because she wanted to race the falling leaves ahead, and jump in the piles of raked up leaves that dotted the street edges.
By the time they had walked half a mile down Park Street, Hope’s patience was beginning to thin. They were passing Windswept Lane, out from which the scent of freshly fallen leaves and autumn flowers drifted, and she was sorely tempted to take a break and wander down the lane for a moment’s peace. But the Cat’s warning lingered still; besides, the entrance to the lane had a new wooden gate, from which a freshly painted “KEEP OUT” sign officiously hung. So she reluctantly set the idea aside.
Her entreaties to the children’s better natures had no effect, and she was weighing the risks of being late to her own school in order to give the two children a serious scolding.
“Sticky, sticky!” cried Sung, twisting his face up piteously. “Hope, she’s putting jam on my hands!” This last said as if it were the most hideous crime imaginable.
The unrepentant accused stuck her tongue out at Sung. “Jammy! Your hands are jammy!” she taunted, skipping along in her new red jacket with shiny wooden buttons. Beside her, Matvey put a thumb in his mouth, forehead crinkling.
“That’s enough!” Hope said firmly, coming to a stop. “You’re scaring Matvey, just look at him. And you two know better than to behave like this, Miss Margarit has spoken to you before about—”
A clump of something dark and fluid flew past, cutting off the rest of her scolding. Up ahead, a group of children a little older than her stood all clustered together around a girl wearing a bright blue woolen hat and a mitten to match. One hand was bare, in order to better grip the pencil hovering over her sketchbook.
Oh no. The uniform crests poking out from behind jackets and scarves were familiar—many of the girls were from Miss Helena’s Academy of Magic, and many of the boys from Oak Grove School of Magic. Only a few of the older ones were from East Bridge College of Magecraft. This wasn’t good. Her gaze darted from one side of the street to another, but they were trapped in a momentary lull between morning rushes; nobody else was around to see anything. Just behind them, she knew, was Windswept Lane—but she wasn’t supposed to go down there anymore.
Another clump of mud whizzed by, faster than her eyes could follow, and Zina began to cry, droplets of mud now staining her brand-new jacket.
“Stop it!” Hope said fiercely. “Leave them alone! They haven’t done anything to you.”
Sung stuck his tongue out at the girl, and kicked a stray pebble in her direction, glaring. It clattered down the street, falling pathetically short of her.
The other children laughed, and the girl in the bright blue hat looked up, grinning. “We’re just playing,” she said, pencil moving deftly across the page.
This time, Hope saw the shadow of the mud clump rise up from the sketchbook, traced in charcoal gray. The pencil pressed down harder, and the mud darkened until the gray was so dark it was practically brown. The girl’s hand moved quickly, making three rapid, curving movements, and the clump was flung forward, landing with a splat on Hope’s favorite scarf, just as she threw herself in front of Sung and Zina.
“It’s a game we play all the time,” the girl said innocently, blue-eyes wide. “You mean you don’t know how to play?”
Hope balled her fists, though there was nothing she could do, not being a student of magic or magecraft, nor heir to enchantment. “You made your point,” she said, trying not to clench her teeth. “Congratulations, you’ve successfully managed to overpower a seven year old, a five year old, and a four year old. Bravo. I’m sure the masters at your schools will be falling over themselves to offer you certification and apprenticeships.”
The girl’s expression darkened, and Hope knew at once she’d made a mistake, insulting her like that. A slight motion of a blue glove, and more of the children were pulling out sketchbooks. Some were opening blue-bound books and flipping hastily through the pages.
Hope hoisted Matvey up, grabbed Sung’s hand—he was still gripping Zina’s—and took off, back the way they’d came, more mud and what felt like small rocks pelting their backs. Behind them, some of the girls were already singing in eerie chorus:
“Flowers curse you,
flowers verse you—
Anemone, an enemy;
we are singing your elegy.
A pansy for your thoughts,
A penny for your thyme.
Upside down yarrow,
your road grows ever narrow;
tansy, tansy, calling for war:
golden witch hazel for our lore.
A pansy for your thoughts,
A penny for your thyme.
Rhodendron, rhodendron—
your road is ending.
Forget-me-not, forget your thoughts,
Forget you fought, you are thus caught!”
Her legs felt weak, and it felt like the air around her was catching at her with tiny invisible hands. It was the singing, it must be—the girls must be using their magic to slow her down. The wind was picking up, and the scent of autumn flowers was swept away by an overwhelming mixture of scents—flowers and wood and smoke and something electric that stung her nose.
Up ahead, just after Windswept Lane, the dust of the road and scattered red and gold leaves were gathering into an ominous swirl. The swirl took shape into the vague impression of a giant being, nearly as tall as the nearby street lamp. Two fiery red leaves darted up toward the massive head, fixing in place like eyes.
She risked a glance back and nearly got a faceful of mud for her troubles. Sung was clutching her head, eyes wide, but expression determined. Behind them, the girl and her gang were advancing. Could she and the little ones sneak through…? A rock snapped over Zina’s hair, and the little girl shrieked, more from fear than pain.
No, they would have to chance the giant—
It took a lumbering step forward, leaf-eyes now glowing like coals, the edges curling as tiny sparks leaked into the air. Sung tugged at her hand, pointing toward Windswept Lane, right at the freshly painted “KEEP OUT” sign hanging over the gate. “That way!”
But she had promised the Cat—
If she didn’t, argued another part of her sensibly, the little ones would get hurt. That settled it. “Come on!” She, Sung, and Zina charged at the wooden gate, Hope scrambling over with Matvey clutched close, and Sung pulling Zina after him underneath.
They didn’t stop when they reached the other side, but kept running down the neat cobblestone lane. Only when Hope could no longer hear the swift rustling of leaves in heavy winds, and hadn’t felt or seen any rocks or mud in minutes, did she stop and turn around.
Zina immediately crouched down, puffing hard, her cheeks red and green eyes welling with tears. Sung stood protectively next to her, still holding Hope’s hand, while Matvey still hadn’t taken his face out of her neck.
Behind them, the girl and her friends stood on the other side of the gate, none of them closer than a foot away from the sign. From this distance, she couldn’t make out their expressions, but their sketchbooks and songbooks hung loosely from their hands, no longer open. The giant wind and leaf creature was nowhere to be seen. None of them were making any move to come closer. They just stared, utterly still.
“They’re not coming in,” Sung said hopefully.
“They’re not going away either,” Hope said.
She turned around and surveyed the road before them. It ran straight between two walls, which were new, before taking a sharp right turn. Maybe they could find another road connecting to the park if they walked long enough. She wasn’t too familiar with the park; only the part she used as a shortcut, but if she stuck to where she knew, they should be out of the park in as little time as possible. They were already late for school anyway. There was no point in throwing themselves into danger by going back the way they came.
There was a sketchpad in her bag, but it was useless. She couldn’t draw a map or way out—well, she could draw it, but it wouldn’t come to life. They only had her wits, but would that be enough?
“Come on,” she said, trying to sound confident. “I know a shortcut.”
The initial walls were familiar to Hope. In order for there to be a proper doorway into the enchanted land, there had to be some physical representation marking the difference between the ordinary world and the not-so-ordinary one. The walls, soft gray stone layered with moss and twined round with ivy that became greener the further one walked, gradually tapered out into scattered piles here and there, and only by staying to the barely-there paths could one hope to find the way through.
Sticking to the outskirts, where the border between “city park” and “enchanted land” blurred and thinned, was how Hope usually made her way through. As long as she kept her eyes on the ground in front of her, and carefully didn’t think about how the cobblestones sunk beneath her feet like dirt, how the birds singing in the (young, well-tended) trees (that were not as wide as a house and weighed down with branches that undulated in the wind as if underwater) eerily mimicked human voices, or how at the corners of her vision shadow and light flickered, she was fine.
But the park had changed.
Dumbly, she stood staring at the open, grassy field before her. Zina, Matvey, and Sung were looking around wide-eyed, but they’d never been in the park before. They wouldn’t realize how much it had changed.
Before, there had been multiple paths, branching off from the main one and running in all directions. Now, there was only the one path, leading straight ahead. It was lined with sturdy wooden fences, the kind Hope had seen in pictures of farms and fields. The ground gently sloped down and then up again, the rare tree dotting the countryside. Above them, puffy white clouds hung still in the bright blue sky.
In vain, Hope looked around for the little path she usually took. She could feel the children waiting for her to take the first steps forward, but she couldn’t make herself do it.
Perhaps they should simply turn around. Admit defeat, yes, but at least on the city streets there would be little chance of getting lost in a land and never reemerging.
Then again, the gang of children they had just escaped from didn’t play by any rules. At least here, safety was ensured by following the rules.
She swallowed. The Cat’s warning still hung at the back of her mind, narrow and sharp like the Cat’s gaze would be if it were here.
“Hold onto my hands,” she said, inwardly pleased when her voice did not tremble. “No, wait—Matvey, hold onto my right hand. Sung and Zina hold hands; Sung, put your free hand in my pocket. There, just like that. Now.” She waited until their attention was fixed on her. “You must behave yourselves. Don’t be rude. Don’t eat or drink anything. Don’t make any promises you can’t keep.”
“Like the stories,” Sung said soberly.
“Yes, that’s right. Like the stories.”
“I don’t know if I like the stories,” Zina sniffled. Sung offered her a clean cloth from somewhere. Graciously, Zina used her sleeve instead. Hope crossed her fingers that Zina wouldn’t do that if they stumbled across one of Them.
Even still, she hesitated to take the first step forward. Sung made the decision for her, tugging her forward, his hand gripping the inside fabric of her jacket’s pocket. The dirt beneath her shoes crunched just as it was supposed to. An ordinary breeze stirred the tips of the golden grass, which rippled briefly and fell still as the breeze died away. A monarch, brilliant orange against the clear blue of the sky, fluttered by, alighting on a spray of lavender but darting away as they approached.
“Pretty!” Zina said, entranced. Matvey stopped to stare at where the butterfly had been, mouth slightly open.
“Pretty,” he echoed softly, looking at the lavender and green-gold fields.
As they walked further down the path, Hope felt uneasiness curling in her gut. The solitary trees ahead of them never seemed to get closer. The heat of the sun on the back of her neck never wavered from clouds or breezes, always just slightly too-warm and verging on uncomfortable.
After what felt like half an hour, Zina tore her hand from Sung’s and flung herself down on the grass bordering the wooden fence. “I’m thirsty,” she complained. “Hope, can I have some water?”
Hope reached into her messenger bag for the bottle of water she usually carried. Thank goodness she’d filled it up this morning—it wasn’t like they could get any more through magic, magecraft, or enchantment. “Only a little,” she said. “We don’t know how long we’ll be walking.” Or if we’ll ever get out, she thought but didn’t say.
The children took turns with the water, and then Hope allowed herself a mouthful. The bottle felt horribly lighter when she tucked it back into her bag, next to her books and sketchpad. Determinedly, she shoved that thought from her mind and surveyed the unchanging countryside around them.
Maybe that was the problem. Hope had never taken the main path before, but perhaps the park—forest or fields—behaved this way when going down the main path; trapping the wanderer in an unchanging maze. Maybe they needed to do the unexpected.
“Okay,” she said aloud, squinting up at the sky. The weight of the children’s gazes settled on her shoulders like a heavy coat. “We’re going to cut across the fields here.”
They climbed over the fence and trudged through the fields, flowers somehow springing up in flashes between the tall grass. When Hope permitted herself a glance over her shoulder, about ten minutes later, her heart lifted. The fence was small in the distance behind them, and the clouds in the sky had drifted to partially cover the sun. She grinned and turned forward again.
Shortly after, they reached another fence—the other side of the field, Hope supposed. It was the twin of the side they had come from, except for one important difference. The path stretched right and left. On the other side of the path, the grass continued for a few steps but came to an abrupt stop against a tall wall, forbidding dark gray and clean of any ivy or moss. The wall stretched as far as the eye could see, left and right.
They clambered over.
The path stretched right and left. The wall loomed.
Hope swallowed. Which way?
Left seemed the logical choice, but logic held little sway in this land. Right seemed counter-intuitive, but the opposite of the logical choice was in itself a kind of logic. Her breathing came faster—all she had was knowledge from stories and what she remembered from school, but she had no special training for how this place actually worked. What was she supposed to do? What if she chose wrong, and they were trapped or hurt or died—
“It’s actually neither,” said an unfamiliar voice to their left, and they all jumped.
There was a man on the other side of the fence, leaning on the rail with his arms crossed. He had slightly too-long dark hair that looked like it hadn’t been combed lately; combined with the faded denim trousers and patched shirt with rolled-up sleeves, he looked very much like the workers from the countryside that came into the city every so often, to find new opportunities or see the sights.
Looks, however, could be deceiving.
Especially when the person in question had appeared out of nowhere.
Hope steadied her breathing and took a moment to think. “I didn’t hear you very well,” she said cautiously, mentally crossing her fingers that none of the children would comment on the man’s sudden appearance. Some took offense to that kind of notice. “Could you repeat that, please?”
“Oh, you don’t need to worry about that with me,” he said pleasantly. “I’m as human as you.”
She eyed him warily.
He didn’t seem offended.
“Okay,” she said slowly. She was pretty sure he was telling the truth—that was a pretty blunt statement to make for Them. “So...do you know the way out…?”
The man pointed over her head.
Only the wall was behind her. She looked at him, confused.
“Over the wall,” he said patiently. “You gotta climb.”
Zina and Matvey made identical noises of complaint, and Sung peered suspiciously at him. “What’s over the wall?” he said loudly. “A trap?”
Hope winced, but the man only grinned. “Nah. It’ll end up being some wall in the city somewhere. Probably.”
“Probably?” Hope echoed.
He shrugged. “Never been out that way before.”
“I’m going to try it!” Sung declared, tearing himself away and across the grass, scampering up and over the wall before Hope could so much make a sound of protest.
She started forward anyway, heart in her throat, when his head popped back up over the wall. “Hope, you have to see this, it’s so strange,” he said, eyes wide.
“Sung! Get down from there!” she shouted.
“But it’s the city!”
“You said it was strange!”
“It is, but it’s the city!”
Hope glanced helplessly back at the man, who only shrugged, rueful. “Sorry. Didn’t remember how impulsive kids that young can be.”
She frowned at him, but he really did seem apologetic.
Whether or not he was telling the truth, Sung was already there, so they were going to have to follow. “Thanks,” she said to the man, not sure if she meant it, and pulled the other two children after her towards the wall.
First she handed Matvey up to Sung, with the strict warning that he was not to let go until she had come up the wall—Sung only laughed, which made her crosser—and then she put Zina on her back, climbing up the wall with aching arms and legs.
When she made it to the top, she hauled herself and Zina over until she was perched on the top of the wall, next to Sung and Matvey. Sung was still laughing, and Hope opened her mouth to tell him to knock it off, until she looked down, and laughed herself.
They were sitting on top of a brick wall, not even two feet off the ground. Hope twisted around to look behind, but the fields and stranger were gone—only an ordinary strip of grass sat behind them, in front of a stately building that she recognized as her favorite library.
“We made it!” Sung cheered, hopping down off the wall with Matvey, Hope following suit with Zina. “We made it, we made it!” He danced around Zina, waving his arms enthusiastically.
Zina, by contrast, had a thunderous look on her face. She plopped down in the grass, folding her arms. “I did too much today,” she said. “I’m not going to school. Hope. I did so much walking. I don’t even want to go to the playground. We’re going home and I am going to sleep forever.”
Matvey hadn’t even bothered complaining. He simply lay down in the grass and closed his eyes.
Hope rubbed her own eyes, wishing she could do the same. Above them, the afternoon sky was blue, but clouds were starting to gather, promising later rain. “We’ll go home,” she said. “We need to tell someone what happened, anyway.”
The next day, Hope sat outside on the steps. The Cat had leapt from its usual perch and was pouncing on the red leaves.
She propped her chin up on her hands and sighed.
The Cat looked up.
“I wonder why things changed,” she said to him. It wasn’t really what she was thinking about, but she had to say something. “It used to be a forest.” The Cat was silent, waiting. “I wish I could—” Her throat closed up suddenly. If she could do magic or magecraft or anything, she could have stopped the girl and her gang. She could have come up with a way out of the park. She could have been more sure about the stranger. She could have been better.
The Cat sprung up to sit beside her. “You are the way you are,” it said, tail twitching. “You are the only you that you can be. That’s the best way to be.”
A smile tugged at the corner of her mouth. “Oh,” she said, “I do love you, Cat.”
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When We Bleed We Bleed The Same - Alternate Storyline Crumbs!
Chapter 3
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So, the poll very clearly showed that y'all wanted some CRUMBS!! 🍞
And who am I to withhold those? Did I only post chapter 3 today? Yes. Should I maybe wait bc engagement or whatever? Pro-👏-bab-👏-ly. I'm not tho :)
So there's like.... 4 or 5 different drafts of chapter 3 out there??? Idk, it was a tough one to write, but from the feedback I've gotten, I'd have to assume that the draft that ended up in the story was a good one. Here's one that I cut!
no warnings apply, other than that I did not really,, read through this, so if there are any errors... whoops (pls remember that this is a draft and not a finished work. it is not complete, it will not read as complete. this is my writing unrefined and unedited, it will not be up to the same standard.)
When they entered Satine's apartment the Duchess went straight for the back office, saying she had to prepare to address the Senate tomorrow.
Dread arose in Nevaeh when she realised that'd mean she'd have to hang around the apartment with Rex for the rest of the day. It wasn't that she didn't like the Captain, not at all. If anything Nevaeh was already impressed with him. He had fought well on the Corunet and clearly knew how to be a good CO.
But she knew he was upset with her, and she knew he had good reason to be. She also knew he wouldn't want to hear her explanations, so she kept them to herself.
Making for the kitchen, she grabbed some water out of the fridge and began looking through the cabinets. There wasn't a whole lot in there, but she did find what looked like a takeout menu. Seeing the aurabesh writing she turned to the Captain, only to find him staring out the window. Looking at the rain? Not likely.
"There's a balcony in the bedroom," she said.
He turned. "What?" his voice sounded static through his helmet and she wished he'd just take it off. This was the second day they were spending together and she still hadn't seen his face.
"There's a balcony in the bedroom," she repeated gesturing to the door. "Figured you were wondering about alternate escape routes in case the door was blocked. You can easily jump to the next building over from the bedroom balcony."
"You can," he asked, walking over to the kitchen, "or I can?"
His question initially confused her, unsure what he was referring to. The room filled with silence and Nevaeh swore the only reason why she figured it out so quick was the tangible awkwardness. "Oh...," she began, tucking a lock of hair behind her ear. "In case of emergency a force user or non force user alike could make the jump."
"Good to know," he said, turning around once again.
"Do you read aurabesh?" she blurted out, regretting it right away.
"What?" he asked, turning to her. His visor shimmered in the dim light filtering through the window. She spotted the jaig eyes on his helmet and wondered what he had done to earn them. Not that she'd ever ask. Though she might ask him to take that helmet off eventually.
She cleared her throat. "Never mind, I'll just go ask Satine."
She grabbed the menu and stepped around him, toward the office, but his voice stopped her again.
"You can't read aurabesh?"
"Never needed to," she said with a smile. She knocked on Satine's door and waited to be let in, leaving the door open intentionally. Satine nodded towards it, but she shook her head.
They discussed the menu for a while and Nevaeh turned around to call the Captain over, asking if he'd also want something to eat. Eventually Nevaeh called the diner with their order and once she hung up again, she began questioning Satine about what she was working on, making sure to stick to Mando'a.
With the Captain now in earshot, she had a theory to test. So she began asking about what Satine was writing and when her speech seemed more aggressive than necessary, she questioned her friend.
Turns out that someone in the Senate had played a holo recording of a dear friend of Satine's, making it sound as though Republic involvement was necessary as soon as possible. Not believing that to be the truth, Satine reached out to one of her contacts who said he had the full, unaltered recording and was now on his way to Coruscant.
"Intresting. Let me handle that for you," Nevaeh said, switching back to basic, side-eyeing the Captain with feigned nervousness.
When she walked back out of the office she shut the door behind her, in an effort to give Satine some privacy. She walked past Rex again, waiting for a reaction. It didn't take long.
"What... was that about, Sir?" he asked, far too cautiously.
"Oh, nothing important," she responded, picking up her water again. Holding the bottle out to him she asked, "Want some too?"
"I'll be fine, Sir, thank you," he waved her off.
She turned around to grab another bottle from the fridge anyway. Her back was turned to him, but she was acutely aware of all his movements. The feelings rolling off him were tense, full of focus and intensety. She wasn't surprised.
"Your discussion did seem to... have some significance," he started again, circling back, like she predicted. She held out the water to him but he didn't take it, "I'm really fine, thank you, Sir."
Nevaeh smiled, stepping closer, getting into his personal space. "The discussion didn't concern you. And I really just want you to drink the water so I can finally see your face."
She felt how her words shocked him, wondering why his reaction was so palpable. Had no one ever asked to see his face before? Or had too many people asked, seeing as he was a clone and was it considered rude by this point? Nevaeh had always been blunt though and she really did want to know what he looked like. She'd seen pictures of Jango Fett, but she'd never seen a real clone of him without the helmet.
Slowly, he reached up and removed his helmet. He set it aside to grab the water from her hands, but he didn't even bother opening the bottle.
Her father had once told her that saying the first thing that comes to mind wasn't always the best idea. Most days Nevaeh followed that advice to the letter. Today wasn't most days.
"I thought Jango had black hair?"
"Uhh, yeah, he did," Rex said, his voice sounding a lot smoother without first running through a helmet speaker.
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kattythingz · 15 days
10 and 13 for the ask game
Hello hello! Ofc!
10. Which three fics were you most nervous to post? Why?
Just for You - Oh boy, this fic. This fic. So, at first glance it's pretty innocuous, just a cute roleswap of my boy Hiccup getting the Scourge of Odin instead of Astrid. But this prompt has originally started as a VIGCUP idea specifically. And I reaaaally wanted to keep that element because—that was why I was writing the fic in the first place! But, y'know, people get weird about ships of this nature, even when both parties involved are adults. Sigh. I worried a lot about the reception of this fic, but it thankfully reached its target audience at least!
Apple of Your Eye - as stated in a previous ask, this fic explored several darkfic elements, including predatory behavior from Adam. I made it VERY CLEAR throughout the fic that Adam was fucked in the head for his obsession with Reki, but a big part of me still worried people would think I liked the ship unironically because I. Kinda went ham on Adam's creepy behavior. BUT I HAD TO MAN!! PREDATORS ARE VERY REAL PEOPLE AND I WASN'T ABOUT TO SUGARCOAT THAT SHIT. I was dedicated to portraying the sheer fucked-up-ness of Reki's situation. Despite my extreme anxieties.
Mother(ghost) of Mine - also in that same prev ask, I mentioned this fic being very self-indulgent. In this case, it involved Dani and Dan calling Danny, a boy, mom. And the phandom as a whole looooves its trans Danny headcanons (I don't personally hc it, but I respect it). So naturally at the time, I worried people would get the wrong idea from the use of that title (and I def did receive a few comments of that nature lol). The phandom is uh... kind of a monolith, in the worst way possible. I don't regret leaving that fandom tbh. That fic was a huge stepping stone for me back into serious writing tho, so I'd never tell my younger self to not post it. No matter how much I cringe at the old writing.
13. Which three fics did you enjoy writing the most?
What Sort of Imminent Threat - I BLAZED THROUGH THIS FIC IN A STRAIGHT WEEK. It was honestly insane how consistent my energy was for it, but I had a very strong love for Ody and Eury's relationship, and I had an even stronger love for Ody as a nuanced character. Honestly, as soon as he sang "I could raise [the infant] as my own", I was locked in to make this man a father. He deserves it, damn it! It doesn't help how precious little Galen turned out, and put together with Ody being soft for him??? I'm only a woman, plz.
reap what you sow - I'm a sucker for Edward Elric and I'm an even bigger sucker for FURY Edward Elric. I really, really, really love my Hades au okay. Really. And getting to explore Ed's pov?? While exploring his several friendships and his budding relationship with Ling?? My absolute FAVORITE thing to do is explore/expand a character through their relationships, and this fic was kinda just that, with a lovely side of self-indulgent world-building. Did I mention that I love my Hades au?
By No Auspicious Day - Crown by itself is obv a fic I enjoy writing a lot (you don't slave over 110k+ for sth you don't adore lmao), but its unedited sequel holds an esp dear place in my heart. I will have to revamp it to match the new Crown, BUT, even as it is—this fic was so goddamn CUTE. It's edling being silly despite the end of the world!! They're in love!! I was giggling the entire time I was writing this fic back in 2022, and I'll do it again after Crown's finished. (Hopefully.)
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tmntxthings · 2 years
it’s spooky season 🎃👻 may I please request some headcanons for the turtles with a friend or S/O (up to you) who can see & talk to ghosts? like in paranorman?
Humans, Mutants, and Ghosts!
author’s note: OH MY! you really know how to spark that creative writing energy, but I definitely think my brain went haywire after Raph’s lol, went from angsty seriousness to straight up ghost crack 💀 idek anymore but we gonna just go ahead and post anyways
warnings: spooky fluff, angst, cursing, crack, unedited
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“Hey Raphie” you said entering his room and immediately going to collapse on his bed. “Rough day?” Raph asked as he continued with his dumbbell reps. “More like rough life,” you muttered into his pillow. “Oh c’mon Y/n, school was that bad?” You sighed, wondering if you should shed some light, Raph didn’t know about the endless bullying you endured.
You weren’t like most, and try as you might to fit in, to be normal, it never worked out. You were cursed with an ability to see the dead. No one else knew, no one else could see them, only you. You had made the mistake of confiding to your friends when you were younger, and ever since then you were bullied. “Stop lying!!” “You’re such an attention whore,” “Really? Ghosts?? They’re not real.” “Freak.” “Weirdo”
The berating continued through high school. Some days were better than others. But today, you had witnessed something so creepy you couldn’t keep quiet. To not force yourself to relive the whole experience let’s just say it involved, three ghosts, and a guillotine. Enough said. And you just couldn’t keep in your gasp, causing the whole classroom to look your way. Whispering and side glances thrown your way as the teacher asked if you had something to say, “No, sorry” you replied already knowing you were gonna pay big time for your interruption.
“Fuckin’ phoney,” a group of your regular bullies had decided to follow you after school ended. “Hey! Creep! We just wanna talk, what did you see in class?? A ghost peen??” Laughter trailed behind you as you started to walk faster, ignoring them. You couldn’t go home. They’d just follow you inside, posing as actual friends to your parents. You decided you needed to lose them in the crowd, maybe visit your real friends… the group would get bored of trying to find you if you spent an hour or two at the lair.
“Don’t let them get away!” The head honcho growled, the group noticed your change in direction, heading for the bustling streets. But it was no use, you were a master of blending in, sneaking away, sticking to the shadows, you had ninjas for friends after all. When the coast was clear you dashed into the familiar alleyway, prying the manhole cover up so you could descend down the ladder quickly.
“No, it’s not all that bad..” you told Raph, sighing to yourself as you lied. You didn’t want his pity. You were lucky to finally have friends that treated you normally, regardless if they weren’t human, you’d take cool, friendly mutants over mean, fake humans any day. “Well if you ever wanna talk about what’s bothering you, I’ll be here,” Raph said reassuringly, knowing you were holding something back. He grunted as he placed the dumbbell on the floor, finished with his reps. “You wanna go to the arcade?” Raph asked, knowing it would help get your mind off of things. “Yeah,” you said turning your face to his voice, smiling at him, he always knew how to cheer you up, even if you weren’t telling him everything.
“They’ll find out eventually Y/n,” you slowly got out of Raph’s bed trying to keep a neutral face as you ignored the ghost pestering you. Did you mention that the ghosts bullied you just as much as your fellow classmates? Yeah, they loved to toy with you ever since they found out you could hear them, see them. “Then you’ll be all alone again, without a friend in this world, at least you’ll have me hahahahha” you held your tongue, following Raph to the arcade as he talked about what game the two of you should play. You were trying to pay attention to what he was saying. But it was hard with the ghost in your ear, circling you and coming in between you and Raph, distracting you so much that Raph stopped. “Y/n?”
“Huh?” You said blinking, looking through the ghost up at Raph. “I said, do you wanna play DDR? Or table hockey?” Raph was used to your dazed state, he didn’t mind repeating himself for you. But he was worried because you seemed tired. More tired than usual, like everything was draining you today. “Table hockey,” you said after a moment. “Heh smart choice, I’d beat you in Dance Dance Revolution,” he teased. “Yeah at least I’ll have a chance with the hockey,” you laughed, even though Raph was so big he had the moves!
You stood on your end of the table, holding onto your pusher, in a defensive position to cover your goal. You’d let Raph get the first push at the puck. But it seemed the ghost that had been badgering you wasn’t giving in that easily. Floating over to Raph, it always bothered you more when they went closer to your friends. You could handle ghosts in your face, in your ear, you were used to it. Still you took in a deep breath, reminding yourself Raph couldn’t see it, couldn’t feel it, couldn’t hear the horrible things it was saying. “What do you even see in this big lump? He’s totally stupid, rocks for brains!” You shot a glare at the ghost, but to Raph it looked like you were glaring at him.
“Uh Y/n?” He said sheepishly, wondering if you were that pissed that he had already managed to score on you. “Nice Raph, I was uh- getting my game face on!” You recovered, grabbing the puck from your goal and placing it in the center. You decided to go on the offensive this round. “Heh your game face is real scary!” Raph was half joking, half serious. That round had been quite intense, you hardly could hear the ghosts droning on as you focused on the game. Earning a point for yourself! “Yes!” You cheered, a big smile on your face as you looked up at Raph. It faltered slightly as you saw the ghost had it’s arms wrapped around Raph’s neck, acting as if he were choking your friend. “Nice one!” Raph said grinning, “last point to decide the winner!”
You blinked, nodding as you looked back down at the hockey table. That round took the longest, Raph ended up with the victory and he did a little dance in celebration, causing you to laugh. “Oh yeah!! oh yeah,” he sang being silly. The two of you ended up back in his room, talking and laughing. “So, you wanna talk about earlier?” He asked gently, a soft smile on his face. You knew he was talking about school, and you chewed on your lower lip. You would like to think that Raph was a really good person, someone who wouldn’t judge you for your curse. But you had thought that before and had been burned.
You sighed, looking at Raph, “tell him tell him tell him tell him tell him tell him tell him tell him” you wanted to, despite your fears. Despite all the things the ghosts told you would happen if you did. “Raph, I’m not really liked at school,” you admitted quietly and he joined you on his bed, sitting next to you. He had a confused look on his face, not understanding how people couldn’t like you! You were so nice, you were easy to talk to! Among a bunch of other great qualities that Raph listed off in his head. “I don’t understand, why??” Raph asked. “Well, there is a rumor about me,” your eyes looked past him, in a daze as you remembered. “People believe the rumor and think I’m weird…”
“What rumor?” Raph said gruffly, not liking how judgmental the people at school seemed. Whatever rumor it was, surely people would see you for you! “That I can see ghosts,” you spoke so quietly it was practically whispered. “Ghosts?” Raph said thinking that was ridiculous. “And people believe that rumor??” You nodded, cringing at yourself for not saying the entire truth. “How could they?! I mean ghosts aren’t real!” And you looked down at your hands in your lap. The ghosts in the room cackling and laughing. “Hear that ladies and gentlemen, we ain’t real! Pftahaha hahahaha”
“I mean honestly Y/n they’re the weird ones for making up such a rumor and then believing it!” Raph continued. You looked up at him with shiny eyes, “the rumor.. it was started by me.” And Raph’s nonexistent eyebrows came together in even more confusion. “Huh??” And your hands went to your face, you couldn’t believe you were about to do this. Raph obviously didn’t believe in ghosts from what you just heard, yet you were still going to tell him. “Raph, I can see ghosts. I can hear them too. They are everywhere, they follow me around. I once told my friends and they didn’t believe me, and told the entire school… so I’m the ridiculous one,” you said rubbing your eyes with the palms of your hands.
Raph’s mouth opened and closed. “Oh,” he said finally, trying to buy himself some time to formulate some thoughts. Then Raph reached for your hands, and you were surprised. You had been ready for him to laugh at you to call you a liar. “Can you see them now?” He asked curious, as if he was actually considering that you were telling him the truth. You nodded and went full on descriptive mode. “There’s actually been a jackass of a ghost following me around all day today, much like the bullies at school, he kept telling me how you wouldn’t believe me, that I’d be casted out again and alone for real this time. Of course he’d still be there, he went on to insult you… which was why I made that face back there in table hockey, and yeah wow I sound insane!” You said squeezing his hands and looking into his eyes hoping you hadn’t just scared him off.
“No no it makes total sense now, I had never seen you make such a face before in table hockey, you don’t really get upset when you lose at games,” Raph said remembering all the times the two of you had played together or with his brothers. You weren’t a sore loser. You smiled softly, “So… you believe me??” You asked and he smiled, “well I guess even if it sounds pretty unbelievably! I am a mutant after all I’m sure a lot of weird things exist even if I can’t see them!”
You hadn’t thought of that. But sure enough if you could have a cursed ability to see and hear ghosts, and you now had ninja mutant friends, was it really all that crazy? Or was this just a normal day in New York and most people were just utterly oblivious to? You decided it was the latter. “Thanks Raphie,” you beamed, he really did know how to cheer you up!
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“And now she’s peeing,” you said in disgust as you watched the ghost dog squat right over Leo’s comic book pile. Leo gasped, “where did you say it was?!” He said putting the comic he currently has in his hands down to his lap as he looked around his room. “…do you really wa-“
“YES!” Leo cut you and said quickly, sitting up now and eyes his comic book collection. Already having an instinctual feeling as to where the invisible thing was. “Over the comics,” you said swiftly and watched as Leo jumped over you and out of bed. Stomping over to his collection and waved his arms frantically in the arm. “Stop it! You criminal how could you?! These are my babies!” Leo said dramatically and you couldn’t stop from snorting.
No matter what Leo did his arms were just going straight through the tiny corgi. The ghostly pew stream still going steady all over his babies. Though you really didn’t understand why Leo cared it wasn’t like they were actually wet. But you were sure he was thinking some dum dum of a thought. That it was about the principle and discipline and the blatant disrespect of his prized things. He said as much. “Lee, it’s a corgi, and let me just say it’s not mine! The pup just won’t stop following me!” You made sure to reiterate.
No doggo of yours would pee inside the house! Nope you would definitely train them, if for nothing else than to be potty trained! Leo grumbled, “and the only reason why I didn’t grab my odachis was because it’s a dog!” And you smacked your forehead. Not even bothering to explain how even his swords wouldn’t be able to do anything to a ghost. Mystic weapons they may be, you highly doubted teleportation swords qualified to be able to pierce ghostly beings.
Yes, Leo knew of your curse. And in the beginning he was a big nonbeliever. But you were way past the caring of what others thought. You’d continue to react to seeing your ghost friends, animals and slowly but surely Leo came to believe, it was either that or your imagination never stopped running. And even Mikey didn’t have that much creative juice! So Leo had decided you were either the world’s greatest actor and Donnie had paid you a fortune to prank him for forever. Or you could see ghosts.
Leo had annoyed Donnie on many occasions on that specific topic just in case. “Nardo. I’m telling you there is no prank with Y/n” he would say with a long sigh, tired of being badgered. “Poochie,” you said in a high pitched voice, calling the corgi over to Leo’s bed where you laid. Leo placed his hands on his hips. “Oh so now it can get in my bed too?” Leo questioned and you just gave him a smile, “oh come on she’s not gonna pee again, she literally just did!” You said pointing over to the comics and he admitted you had a point. Though Leo didn’t exactly know how to climb back into his bed without wondering if he was going to crush the dog.
“Lee, just hop in, it’s floating,” you pointed toward the foot of his bed. “Oh okay,” he said. “Goodnight pooch,” Leo said going to pat where you just pointed and you snickered as the dog licked Leon’s face, happy for the attention. “What now?” Leo questioned as he got next to you, laying down. “She likes you, licked all over your face when you petted her,” you explained, turning to face him. “Awwww, I love you too pooch!” Leo said happily and waggled his brow bones at you. “We’re gonna have to come up with a better name,” Leo said seriously. And you nodded, “how about Princess?” You offered and Leo asked you to pull up a picture of what the corgi looked like.
“Hmmm,” he said once he was supplied with a similar look-alike picture. “No not Princess,” he replied. “That’s a Lady,” he said in complete confidence and you gasped as you nodded. He was completely right because the dog started barking and jumping around excitedly. “It really is!” You nodded and smiled telling Leo the dogs reaction, or rather Lady’s reaction. “What can I say, Mikey ain’t the only one who can name like a boss!” He said hands going behind his head and legs crossing casually. You laughed shaking your head at his cockiness. “All hail the new name king,” you said sarcastically bowing your head towards him. “Rise peasants, no need for flattered,” he continued on with the bit.
But you pushed him arm, at the word peasant and he immediately snickered. “Just kidding just kidding,” he told you. “Yeah that’s what I thought,” you stuck out your tongue and he copied you. That night Lady had sneakily crept up to lay in between you and Leo, you woke up with the green ghostly outline of the dog missing it’s front left paw. And you couldn’t help but smile, noticing Leo’s mouth parted open and slightly drooling on his pillow. He was such a goofball, but he was your goofball!
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“Alright Y/n, have you ever seen the greats? Darwin? Newton? GALILEO?! EINSTEIN?!” He was getting more and more excited at the possibilities. Just to make sure you knew who he was talking about he flashes holographic images in front of your face of all the scientists he just named. “Well, no I don’t think so, they don’t exactly look the same as when they were alive,” you tried to explain.
Sometimes whole heads were chopped off and the ghost would just float around aimlessly. Yeah… you were immune to the gore. “Hmm well most of these guys died from heart issues, though Darwin did pass from both heart attack and seizures.” Donnie explained, and you wondered just how much of his brain was filled with information on his favorite scientists. “Oh well, then they should look much the same,” you noted as you tried to remember the faces from the images he still had up. “Though… Einstein’s brain was removed after his death,” Donnie said making a face at what you assumed he was imagining you would see.
“It’s not all that bad, though I might be saying that just cause I’ve seen pretty much everything death related at a young age,” you watched as Donnie turned in his swivel chair, tapping his wrist tech to turn off the holograms. “Well if you haven’t seen them then that’s fine, they probably don’t haunt the sewers of New York,” he joked. “You’d be surprised, a lot of ghosts just like the company I reluctantly provide, and they are all total gossips so I’ve seen a lot,”
“Why don’t you just lie? I can pretend to be Charles Darwin,” one haughty ghost stated. You sighed, “see now I’m getting suggestions to lie to you because they want attention, that one just said he’d pretend to be Darwin for you,” you said as you pointed across the room. “No thank you, no lies needed to appease me,” Donnie said shooting a glare across the room. The ghost grumbled as he faded through the walls.
The conversation took a turn as you asked Donnie about what he was working on. He went in a deep dive explanation for you, even if you could only understand a quarter of what he said, you still listened. Nodding and asking questions when you were completely confused. “It’s still in beta though, I’ve got a lot of work to do,” Donnie said as he looked back down at the blueprints. “Well I should probably be heading back up anyways,” you said as you stretched up from the swivel chair you had resided in. “Want me to fly you home?” Donnie offered knowing you had quite a walk. “That’s okay,” you had started to say when you heard commotion from across the room.
You turned your face taking in the group of ghosts that suddenly appeared. “So this is our biggest fan?” Galileo said eyeing you up and down and you sputtered, “no no that would be him,” you said pointing a thumb in Donnie’s direction who was staring at you confused waiting for an explanation. “This is Donatello Hamato, he’s one of the greatest minds of our generation, a scientist just like all of you,” and Donnie gasped immediately shooting out of his chair.
His feet tapping the ground excitedly, “Incredible!” Darwin said, no doubt wondering how Donnie came to be. “Darwin just said incredible,” you whispered and Donnie almost squealed. “Okay Donnie, don’t freak out,” he said to himself. “I’ve always had so many questions!” He started and you became a translator. Donnie did have a million and one questions for his idols and they were more than happy to answer. As the hours passed and you started to yawn the ghosts promised if Donatello ever wanted more answers they wouldn’t be far.
“They’re gone,” you said tiredly and Donnie was jumping up and down. “I CANNOT BELIEVE THAT JUST HAPPENED!!!” He said stopping the voice recording that he just happened to have running the entire conversation. “Just in case! Wouldn’t want to forget any precious answers,” he said holding the recorder close to his plastron as if it was the most valuable thing he ever owned. “I don’t think I’ll be able to sleep for a week!” He fist pumped the air and while you were happy for Donnie, you were about to fall asleep. Right then and there, the hours of scientific talk had been too complex for you to really understand.
“Thanks Y/n, that was-“ he finally looked over at you to see your head down on his work table. You were fast asleep and he smiled endearingly. He knew you had wanted to head home hours earlier so he really did appreciate you staying. He quietly picked you up, holding you to his plastron just like how he had with the recorder, taking you out of his lab to his room. Everyone else was fast asleep or at least in their own respective rooms. Donnie gently placed you on his bed, and pulled the covers over you, “Goodnight,” Donnie whispered, he on the other hand headed back to his lab. Too excited to do anything other than conduct more experiments with the new knowledge provided by none other than his great scientist idols!
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“Say what??” Mikey said wrapping the blanket that was around him tighter. “Don’t worry Mikey I won’t tell you anymore than that, I just know I probably look a little ditzy when I stare off,” you said quickly knowing he was afraid of ghoulish things. You had decided Mikey was a really good friend and keeping secret from him was hard enough. He was the sweetest, well he did have that Dr. Delicate Touch to him, but still the sweetest!
So you had decided to tell him about your strange ability. He often caught you staring off and not realizing you were being talked to until someone snagged your attention back. But now that you had told him you could not only see ghosts but also hear them, he was now looking around his room with a scared expression. “Mike, nothing’s in here!” You lied, feeling absolutely horrible that he was now scared! “Really?” He sighed in relief and you nodded quickly.
“Plus they don’t look like scary ghosts, they’re actually mostly harmless animals, like cats and dogs!” You said continuing to spew out white lies. “Wowwwww, that sounds cool!!” He said as his grip on the blanket loosened. “Yeah,” you smiled, happy he wasn’t worrying as much. Even though you had counted about twenty ghosts floating around in front of the tv that you and Mikey were currently watching. Seriously ghosts were like moths drawn to a flame when the television played. They especially liked Mikey’s choice of movie. Though you decided to keep that to yourself.
While it looked like you were watching the movie, you were actually watching ghosts argue back and forth with whose turn it was to get front row seats. The all argued like a bunch of annoying kids even though they were probably hundreds of years old. “Y/n?” You blinked and turned to the orange clad turtle. “Are there any ghosts now?” He whispered, and you wondered he was trying to act brave. You scanned the room, eyes roaming over all the ghosts acting as if they weren’t really there. A couple of snickers and grumbles were met with your stare. “Nope!” You said again and Mikey narrowed his eyes.
“What?!” You said feeling sheepish, were you that much of a bad liar?! “I can handle it,” Mikey said and you sighed. This boy was definitely going to run for his room. “Angelo, are you sure you want to know?” And he nodded. “Okay… there’s about 30 ghosts in here now,” you said calmly. And you watched as Mikey blinked and looked around the empty living room. “Do they look like Hamato’s?” He asked curiously and you glanced back at everyone for a moment. “A couple wear the family crest, yes,” you noted, you hadn’t really thought about that before. But every time you saw Splinter he was always being followed by many ghosts unbeknownst to him.
“Well then they’re family!” Mikey said getting comfortable and snuggling up under his blanket. Wow, no running for the hills?! “Why were you so concerned earlier then?” You asked unable to stop yourself. “Well a bunch of stranger ghosts haunting the lair is pretty creepy but it’s totally cool if they are family,” he said as if that rationalized it all. “Righttt,” you agreed, shaking your head with a smile. “Are they enjoying the movie?” He suddenly asked and your smile brightened as all the ghosts turned and said their praise about his movie choice. “Yes, they all really like your taste in movies,” you told him and he gushed. “Aweeee you guys!” He said looking around the room and you couldn’t help but giggle. Knowing he was looking at nothing in his eyes but truly it looked like he could see them too!
“They particularly hate Leo’s movie nights,” you sputtered, laughing out loud. Mikey snickered too. “I’ll have to tell him,” he said happy to have won out over his blue brother. “I’m sure he’ll never live it down,”
Later in the kitchen you sat on one of the counters watching as Mikey decorated the cookies he had just finished cooking. “Looks delicious!” You said eyeing them all hungrily. “What does the fam think?” Mikey asked and you turned your face, “well uhm, they can’t really eat they stopped getting hungry a long time ago, but they appreciate your artistic talents,” you explained after a bunch of answers were thrown in your face. Soon Mikey was always asking for ghostly validation to which you readily answered, becoming a translator of sorts. If Mikey wanted to know what his great great great great great ghost grandparents thought of him, then sure, you’d tell him all the wonderful things they said. Because he deserved to know, he deserved all the love and praise!!
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bangbangchanie · 3 years
strangers || choi yeonjun
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Pairing: college student!yeonjun × college student!reader (fem)
Genre: fluff, angst, mostly slice of life
Word Count: 5.3k
Warnings: cursing, mentions of alcohol, unedited, idk what else lol
Description: Yeonjun finds himself needing a favor from you after Soobin tries but fails to cover for him.
A/N: i wrote this during this past week and it's the first thing I've finished in a while. I'm not sure how i feel about it but i am glad i finally finished something that i don't hate lol. I meant to post this sooner and then i remembered it and was gonna chicken out, but it's yeonjun's birthday in SK, so i figured i should do it as a sort of birthday present. Lol, happy birthday to our 4th Gen It-Boy 💕 - Admin Peachy 🍑
A sigh left Mrs. Choi's mouth as her call to her son went to voicemail for the nth time that week. She had been trying to get in touch with him as his father was having a very important business dinner and his boss was hoping to see Yeonjun there. Not only that, but she herself was hoping to see her son after nearly two months of not seeing him. They lived in the same city, for crying out loud!
She had her suspicions that he was up to no good. He had been a troublemaker in high school. While he got good grades, he didn't apply himself enough, and she was certain this new freedom wasn't going to help that. But, she couldn't just confront Yeonjun. She didn't want to seem like a helicopter parent or make him think she didn't trust him, but she worried about him. She wanted him to be safe and healthy and get a good education.
But, if she couldn't speak to him herself about it, what could she do? After considering her options, she decided to call his best friend Soobin.
"Oh, hello, Mrs. Choi," Soobin said upon answering after just two rings. Gosh, if only her son was the same way. Not that the two were extremely different. Soobin was also a known troublemaker in high school, but it seemed getting a job in college had taught him more about responsibility. Maybe Yeonjun needed a job. "Is everything ok?"
Right, she was on the phone. "Hi, Soobin. I hate to call you so suddenly and just get straight to the point without asking how you are, but I've been quite concerned about Yeonjun lately," she confessed to him, getting right to business. "I've been calling him all week, and he isn't answering me. Is he doing alright? He's not hanging with that group of kids he got into all that trouble with in high school, is he? What about his classes? I just know he's skipping them."
Soobin gulped inaudibly, panicking because of the questions. Yeonjun wasn't hanging out with that group anymore, but he was certainly partying and getting drunk almost every night, which meant he was skipping classes because he was too hungover. Of course, he couldn't tell Mrs. Choi that. But, what was he supposed to say? He needed a good excuse that she would buy.
"Actually, Yeonjun has been going to his classes. He's just busy because he's studying so hard." That was an awful lie! She'd never believe that. Think, Soobin...think! "He's studying hard because he started dating this girl from one of his lectures. She's really studious, so she's been making sure he's staying on top of his work."
That seemed believable enough. "Really? A girlfriend?" Mrs. Choi asked, sounding pleasantly surprised. "Well, she sounds lovely! Why didn't he tell us this? Oh, that doesn't matter now. The important thing is that he's found himself a girlfriend and is doing well. Tell him to answer my calls, will you? Thank you so much, Soobin!"
She was quick to end the call, leaving Soobin's head spinning. Whatever the case, he was glad he saved his friend.
"What the hell did you do?!" Yeonjun cried out as he burst through the door of his and Soobin's apartment. Soobin, who was sitting on the couch, jumped from shock. "Why the fuck would you tell my mom that I'm studying hard because I have a studious girlfriend?!"
Well, at least he finally answered her call. "What do you mean? To save your ass! Your mom called me today asking why you aren't answering her calls. She could somehow tell you weren't going to classes and being reckless, so I had to lie to make her think you're going to your lectures regularly and are just busy with something other than parties," Soobin informed him, not understanding why his friend was so pissed. "I told her you were busying studying, and then I added the studious girlfriend part so she'd actually buy it. You should be thanking me."
"Thanking you?! I should kill you! My dad has an important business dinner this weekend hosted by his boss, and now I'm expected to come with my new girlfriend. Do you know how fucked I am? How the hell am I supposed to just find a studious girlfriend in three days?! I mean, look at me! Smart girls aren't exactly rushing to date slackers like me."
Soobin hadn't been expecting any of this. Obviously, he would have come up with a different lie had he known the nature of Mrs. Choi's call. "Well...fuck!"
Kicking his shoes off, Yeonjun ran a hand through his hair. If he showed up at the dinner with no girlfriend, his mom would know something was up. He needed to pull this off so she wouldn't worry about him so much. But, how could he possibly do that?
"You just need to find a fake girlfriend," Soobin suddenly remarked, snapping his fingers. "Like in the movies! Ask a girl to be your fake girlfriend to trick your mom."
Yeonjun rolled his eyes. "This isn't a movie, and those movies are stupid. They set up two good-looking people to fall in love," he pointed out.
Waving him off, Soobin said, "Well, duh, it's a movie; that's supposed to happen. This won't be as complicated because you just have to trick your mom. Find a girl, bring her to the dinner, maybe stage some photos to send your mom for a couple of weeks, and then you can tell her you guys broke up."
He made a good point. As long as his mom was buying it, it didn't matter what others knew. The commitment wouldn't be as big as in the movies, and it wouldn't interfere with his daily life.
"Where am I gonna find a girl?"
That was how the two ended up in Yeonjun's English lecture the next afternoon. It was the only class that Yeonjun had where Soobin was free to tag along. They just hoped the professor wouldn't notice.
As students filed into the classroom, both boys began to size them up. Who seemed to fit the description Soobin gave Mrs. Choi best? Putting themselves in her mindset, which girl would she choose?
"Dude," Soobin said, sitting up a bit straighter after hitting Yeonjun's chest. Looking over, Yeonjun saw Soobin was staring at you. You were dressed in a simple blouse and cute skirt. "She's perfect...but I feel like I know her from somewhere."
Yeonjun thought you looked familiar, too, but he couldn't put his finger on it. Visually, you were perfect. You were cute, first of all, but you also appeared put together. Still, your intelligence level was the most important item on their checklist.
But, it became apparent quite quickly that you were quite smart and studious. You were one of the few students in the class that bothered to answer the questions. Aside from that, you remained quiet. Yeonjun couldn't quite gauge your personality, but that didn't really matter. All he cared about were your looks and brains.
"I remember how we know her," Soobin whispered to Yeonjun as the lecture was coming to an end. Yeonjun looked at his friend with a curious expression. "She was the class president our second year, remember?"
A look of realization appeared on Yeonjun's face. That was right! They never talked to you, but they naturally knew of you since the class president played a crucial role in the classroom. "Yep, she's perfect," Yeonjun remarked. The professor ended class and left. "Come on, it's go time."
Standing up, the two boys rushed over to your seat. You noticed the sudden presence, looking up and seeing two boys towering over you. "Um, can I help you?" you asked, feeling a bit nervous.
You didn't seem to recognize them. "You're Y/N, right?" Yeonjun asked, and you nodded slowly. "I'm Yeonjun, and this is Soobin. I don't know if you remember us--."
Cutting him off, you commented, "You're the guys that caused that explosion in the Chemistry lab."
Ah, so you did remember them. "Right. Hey, in our defense, it was an accident," Soobin remarked. "Plus, no one got hurt."
That didn't change the fact that they nearly destroyed the lab room. But, that was besides the point. "So, I know you didn't come over here to reminisce on old times...we weren't even friends in high school."
Smart girl. "I need a favor," Yeonjun informed you, getting straight to the point. "To make a long story short, I need a fake girlfriend by Saturday because of this idiot, and I think you'd be perfect for tricking my mom."
You finally stood up, hoisting your bag onto your shoulder. "Me? Why would I be perfect?" you asked, surprised by his words.
"You're smart and appear put together...that's really all it takes at this point."
Wow, how flattering. "No offense, but why should I help you? From the looks of it, you're the only one benefitting from this. You're the one that needs my help, after all."
Maybe you were annoyingly smart. Still, Yeonjun found it amusing. "I think you'll find that the dinner party you'd be attending would be quite beneficial," Soobin informed you on behalf of his friend. "You'd make many great connections."
Great connections? What was this dinner party? "I'll tell you what," Yeonjun spoke up. "If you find that the dinner party is beneficial enough for you, we'll call it even. If not, I'll give you two hundred bucks."
200 bucks? For some dinner party? That seemed like a lot. "How can I trust you?" you asked.
"Well, you're the one doing me a favor, so knowing that it's all fake is kind of collateral. If I don't hold up my end of the deal, you can tell my mom it was all fake and screw me over, so I kind of have to be a man of my word no matter what."
Hm, good point. "Are you busy right now? If you're interested, we can go somewhere and work out the details," Yeonjun added.
You were free, and you were finding this intriguing. Besides, you really wanted to know more about these potential connections through the dinner party. "Ok, let's go," you said.
Soobin left for work, leaving you and Yeonjun to discuss the details at a table in the main quad. He had ever so kindly bought you a lemonade that you were happily sipping on as you opened your notebook to a blank page.
"What's that for?" Yeonjun asked, drinking an iced coffee.
"The details. I mean, I think I should know what's expected of me if we're gonna pull this off, yeah?"
You were agreeing? "Mm, I love an obedient girl." You made a face at his joke, making him laugh. "I'm kidding...kind of. Anyway, does this mean you're gonna help me?"
Nodding you grabbed a pen from your backpack. "I mean, I have nothing better to do, and I'm intrigued by this dinner party. Now, tell me what kind of girlfriend would your mom want you to bring home?"
Yeonjun thought up a list of things his mom would look for in a potential daughter-in-law. Honestly, you thought it wasn't too demanding at all...just a nice, loving, smart girl.
"Oh, do you have any nice dresses? You'll want a nice dress," Yeonjun suddenly remarked. "We can go shopping for one together before the dinner. Besides, I think it'd be good for us to spend some time together and try to learn a little bit about one another to really sell this."
Wow, a free dinner, possible connections, possible money, and a free dress? This was a pretty sweet deal. "Yeah, that sounds good," you told him. "I think that we should also come up with a list of rules."
A small groan left his mouth as he said, "No! Don't tell me you're into those stupid movies. A list of rules is never good."
You giggled at how against it he was. "I don't mean rules like 'You must kiss me on the cheek once every couple of hours.' By rules, I mean things like 'Don't leave me alone for extended periods of time' or 'Don't mention this and that around my mom.'"
"Oh," Yeonjun said, not realizing at all that that was what you meant. "Yeah, that's smart. Let's do that."
Briefly, you guys came up with a set of basic rules that definitely needed to be followed. A smile appeared on your face as you wrote something down. "What? What are you writing?" he asked. You handed him the notebook and he read aloud, "'Absolutely no romance! Hand holding and hugs only! Don't fall in love!!!' Well, that goes without saying. You wrote that just to spite me, didn't you?"
As you nodded proudly, Yeonjun chortled and shook his head. Things were definitely seeming to go well. All he could hope was that the dinner would go smoothly.
Yeonjun was in your apartment waiting for you to finish getting ready. He was looking around at all of your things when the door opened. "Y/N! Are you--oh, hell," a girl greeted him. It was Yeji, your best friend and roommate. "You must be Yeonjun, right? Y/N told me about you."
Well, not so much about him, but rather about the deal you two had. "It's nice to meet you," Yeonjun said, feeling a bit awkward all of a sudden. It was kind of pointless getting to know one another when this was a one-time thing.
"Ok, ok," you said, rushing out of your bedroom as you haphazardly put your earrings in. "Sorry, I'm ready. Oh, Yeji, good, you're home."
A big smile appeared on Yeji's face. "Y/N! You look so pretty!" she exclaimed. You were wearing black heels and a simple yet beautiful periwinkle dress. "This dress is gorgeous."
You couldn't hide your smile or your blush, never one that did well with compliments. "Thanks...Yeonjun picked it out for me."
Turning to look at him, Yeji found Yeonjun looking away as he shyly scratched the back of his neck. "I just thought it was a nice dress," he mumbled, unsure what to say. "I gave it to her, and it ended up looking really good."
Was he trying to compliment you? Yeji couldn't tell, and it seemed to go right over your head. "I'll, um, wait in the hall," Yeonjun added before leaving the apartment. He felt uncomfortable with Yeji around. There wasn't anything bad about her, but it almost felt like he was meeting your mom, which wasn't something he was used to.
"He's handsome!" Yeji exclaimed, somewhat lightly hitting your shoulder. "You're so lucky."
You giggled, shaking your head as you adjusted the new heels. They felt uncomfortable since they were new, but you'd manage. "Why? It's one fake date," you reminded her. "I hope you enjoyed looking at him while you could...you're probably never gonna see him again. Not around here, at least."
Ugh, sad. "Well, you shouldn't keep him waiting. Have fun and be safe, ok?"
Nodding, you two hugged before you joined Yeonjun in the hall. You were surprised to learn Yeonjun could drive, but you were definitely glad since it meant you guys didn't have to take the bus; you didn't want to risk ruining the dress.
"Nervous?" Yeonjun asked as he slid into the driver seat after he let you in first.
Were you nervous? "A little bit. I want to pull this off," you remarked. "Plus, I'll be surrounded by tons of people I don't know, so that's a bit worrisome. I'm sure I'll be ok, though."
Yeonjun watched you fiddle with your fingers nervously, making him chuckle lightly. His hand rested on your hands, stopping them from their movements. "It'll be ok. Besides, you'll have me there."
His words made you relax a bit, offering him a thankful smile.
The house you two arrived at belonged to Mr. Choi's boss, and it was the most beautiful mansion you'd ever seen. "I didn't even know there were mansions in Seoul," you said as you got out of the car. You always thought there were too many buildings to have mansions.
"Well, not downtown, of course, but in the outskirts of the city like this, they're quite a few," Yeonjun explained to you as someone went to park his car.
You suddenly felt underdressed, but Yeonjun had been the one to dress you. Glancing at him, you had to remind yourself of what he was wearing: pin-striped slacks, a white button-down dress shirt, and black loafers. It was a nice outfit, but a more casual business-like outfit.
"Are you sure I'm not underdressed?"
Yeonjun glanced at you, seeing that you seemed a bit worried. "You're definitely not underdressed," he informed you. "The parents and other employees tend to be overdressed, but you'll fit in with the rest of us."
That definitely made you feel better. "Ok," you said after letting out a shaky sigh. You held your hand out to him. "Let's do this."
He smiled, taking your hand in his own before you two entered.
"Yeonjun! You're here!" Mrs. Choi called out when she spotted her son, her eyes lighting up when she saw you two holding hands. He released your hand to give his mother a hug. "And you must be Y/N. I'd be lying if I said I've heard so much about you, but I'm certainly looking forward to getting to know you."
You hadn't been expecting her to hug you, too. Yeonjun laughed at your panicked expression. "It's nice to meet you, ma'am," you said when you separated. "I apologize that we didn't tell you about our relationship sooner. Yeonjun was just nervous about us meeting...you know how guys can be."
She nodded before saying, "Oh, yes, Mr. Choi was so nervous about me meeting his parents that we were practically engaged before it happened! I'm not surprised that Yeonjun takes after him...especially since you're his first girlfriend."
His first girlfriend? That was surprising. "Mom, I'm gonna take her to meet some of the others," Yeonjun said, feeling embarrassed.
"Oh, alright, but I will be stealing her from you later to get to know her."
He hummed in understanding before once again taking your hand in his own, leading you away. "Who are the others?" you asked, beginning to get used to the way his hand felt holding yours. It wasn't a stronghold, but it was a secure one.
Taking you up the stairs, he said, "There are other children of employees here. Most of them are younger and suck, but the boss's son Beomgyu is cool."
"Wait, you still haven't told me what company your father works for."
Glancing back at you, a smirk appeared on Yeonjun's face. It made your heart flutter slightly. "He works for SJ Group."
That made you nearly choke on your own spit. SJ Group was one of the biggest conglomerates in Seoul! No wonder Soobin said you could make great connections at the party. "I'm at a dinner party for SJ Group?!" you cried out in a hushed tone so no one else would hear you. He nodded, finding your reaction amusing. "How could you not tell me! This is a huge deal, Yeonjun! I haven't even had time to mentally prepare. Do you know how many questions I could have prepared?"
Reaching out, Yeonjun booped your nose. It made you stop talking, totally shocked by the action. "Calm down, nerd," he told you, making you scowl. "It'll be fine. Just getting on their radar is good. Plus, they'll remember you since you're here as my girlfriend."
Well, that was a start at least. Knocking at one of the doors, Yeonjun stuck his head in, finding Beomgyu on the couch in his room playing video games. "Hey, you're here!" Beomgyu exclaimed, happy to see his friend. "Right on time, too; I was starting to get really bored."
Just like Yeonjun, Beomgyu didn't care for work parties or the other children. "Oh," Beomgyu added when you followed Yeonjun into the room. "Who's this?"
"This is Y/N, my girlfriend," Yeonjun informed him.
Oh, he wasn't in on the plan? Beomgyu suddenly burst into a fit of laughter. "This is your girlfriend? Yeah, right! Come on, dude, really, who is she?"
It made you feel insecure. Were you not good enough for Yeonjun? He was quite handsome, but you didn't think you looked that bad in comparison. "I fucking hate you. She's my fake girlfriend to trick my mom...it's a long story."
"I'm, um, going to use the restroom," you said, turning and leaving before either boy could say anything. You didn't even know where the bathroom was, but you didn't care. At least you'd have time alone to search for it.
Yeonjun hit Beomgyu's arm. "Dude, you probably hurt her feelings!" he exclaimed.
That made Beomgyu's eyes widen. "I didn't mean to! I just meant that there's no way a guy like you could land a girl like her," he explained to his friend. "Just based on appearance, you guys are opposite. She's all light and precious, and you're dark and gloomy. Plus, she's too hot for you."
Rolling his eyes, Yeonjun commented, "I could totally land a girl like Y/N...she's just not my type."
But, Beomgyu made a good point. You were far more put together than he was. Plus, his jet black hair, tattoos, and piercings made him seem emo to many people. Sure, he was a troublemaker in the past, but he wasn't like that anymore. He skipped classes and partied a lot, but he wasn't causing trouble. Still, just from the few hours he spent shopping with you, he could tell he wasn't your type, too. For some reason, that irked him.
Yeonjun sat down to play video games with Beomgyu. It wasn't until the end of their second-round that Yeonjun realized you hadn't returned. "Shit, I forgot about Y/N," he remarked, standing up.
"Wow, some boyfriend you are," Beomgyu teased, earning a glare from his friend. "Come on, let's look for her. I should make an appearance before dinner, anyway."
The two left Beomgyu's room to search for you. Thankfully, they didn't have to search for too long as you were out on the patio alone with Yeonjun's mother. She must have intercepted you.
"I guess I just worried Yeonjun would never find a girlfriend," Mrs. Choi told you, making Yeonjun's cheeks light up. Beomgyu had to stifle his laughter. "He never mentioned any girls before, and it seemed that he pushed them away. I always thought girls might be scared of his appearance or something."
She thought that? "Yeonjun was quite popular in high school. A lot of the girls in our year were into his bad boy appearance, actually. He always got the most gifts during Valentine's Day, too," you explained to Mrs. Choi. "His locker would be full of them by the end of the day, but I don't think he cares for the holiday because he always threw them out. Still, he made sure to do it when no one else was around, and I think he did it to spare their feelings."
You knew he did that? He always thought he was alone when he did. "I just think Yeonjun is a bit misunderstood. He may look intense and standoffish, but he's actually really kind and considerate. I remember one day in high school when it was raining. He had brought an umbrella to school that day, but he ended up leaving it on the desk of another student that had forgotten their own. Really, I noticed he was always doing sweet things for the others, but I don't think he ever thought much about it. I think he just saw it as something natural that he didn't need to gain anything from."
Mrs. Choi was surprised by the slight sparkle in your eyes as you spoke about her son. "I never knew about any of that. Well, I'm glad to hear he was so popular. I knew you were special the moment I laid eyes on you, Y/N, but I guess it makes sense since Yeonjun chose you out of all of those girls," she told you. It wasn't true at all, and, even if it was, he hadn't chosen you in high school, but you didn't say anything. "I'm just glad he met someone that can see the real him...someone that can see his pure heart."
Yeonjun had to recover from his shock, unable to listen to you talk about him any longer. "There you are," he spoke, going outside to interrupt. "I was starting to get worried, but I guess I shouldn't be surprised that my mom stole you."
After all, she said she would. "We were having a lovely conversation. Weren't we, Y/N?"
"Yes, I was enjoying it," you commented. You were surprised to find that you meant it, and Yeonjun was surprised that you sounded so sincere.
The four of you, including Beomgyu, went to join the main party for dinner. Surprisingly, you talked to many of the other guests, and you found that the conversations were quite interesting and enjoyable. You had expected to be alone most of the party, but the conversations just came naturally.
Time was slipping away from all of you, and you were only snapped back to reality by a loud clap of thunder. "I didn't even realize it was raining," one of the guests confessed, looking outside as it was pouring. "Was there any rain in the forecast?"
It seemed the storm was an unexpected one. With knowledge of the storm, everyone slowly but surely began to leave the party. "Yeonjun," Mr. Choi spoke, walking over to where the two of you were standing. "Your mother and I have decided the road conditions are too poor for you to be driving. We insist that you and Y/N stay the night with us. We can have someone bring your car home in the morning."
What? Staying the night? That was certainly not part of the plan. Then again, neither was the storm. You couldn't blame Yeonjun for any of it. "What? You want Y/N to stay the night?" Yeonjun asked, clearly just as flustered as you.
"Well, you don't expect her to hitchhike to Seoul or get a hotel, do you? She's your girlfriend, after all, son. Besides, your mother seems quite ecstatic about having her over."
His parents had a point; the road conditions were poor and only getting worse by the minute. The idea of driving home worried you. "I'm grateful that you'll have me, Mr. Choi," you said, unsure of what else to say. "They're right about the roads, Jun...especially at this time of night."
He was too caught off guard by the sudden nickname to argue. That was how you two ended up in his bedroom back at his parent's house. The house was huge. It wasn't as grand as Beomgyu's place, but it was still nicer than anything you were sure you'd ever be able to afford.
"I assume you two are fine sleeping in here together," Mrs. Choi said, fixing the bedspread. "I mean, you two are adults, after all. It's probably not your first time sharing a bed."
She laughed at her own words, happily teasing her son. "Mom!" Yeonjun cried out, making her laugh once more. "It's late, and I'm sure we're all tired."
It was his way of telling her to leave. Thankfully, she decided to give him a break. "Sleep well, kids," she said, gently smoothing your hair before leaving.
"Your mom is really nice," you commented.
He chortled. "Yeah, it must be nice for you when she's not saying something to embarrass you every five minutes," he pointed out, making you giggle. "I think it worked, though...she seems thoroughly convinced."
There had been times even he forgot momentarily that it was all fake. "Nice job with that nickname, by the way."
You beamed at him. "Thank you! I thought it would be a nice touch."
"Why don't you wash up first? My mom left some pajamas for you in the bathroom," he told you.
Nodding, you went to the bathroom, shutting the door behind you. Yeonjun grabbed his phone to text Soobin about how everything went. As he was doing so, he saw a text from Beomgyu.
It read: I take it back...you and Y/N even fooled me tonight. You guys look cute together, and she seems really sweet. Maybe think about everything before you "dump" her.
Beomgyu was admitting he was wrong? Geez, what a crazy night. Things went well, but almost too well...it was definitely an unexpected night.
"I should text Yeji before she worries," you mumbled to yourself as you sat on one side of Yeonjun's bed after you had both washed up. "She thinks you're hot, by the way. I don't know if you were interested."
Why were you telling him that? "I'm not interested in anyone else but you, angel," he said jokingly, gently caressing your face.
Your body was on fire, feeling embarrassed by the pet name and sudden affection. Worst of all, you didn't hate it. "Stop messing around."
He chuckled, watching you get under the covers. "My mom really likes you. In fact, you were a big hit at the party. I think the other moms were jealous." Turning the lamp next to his bed on, he shut the main lights off, climbing in next to you.
"Well, I really like your mom, and I enjoyed myself tonight. I had so many interesting conversations," you told him, and he was glad you had a good time. "Speaking of which...you've never had a girlfriend?"
He forgot his mom had said that. "Yeah, yeah, laugh it up," he said, sighing softly.
You shook your head, turning on your side a bit to look at him. "No, I'm genuinely surprised. In high school, you were always the hottest guy in our grade...some girls made a list. I mean, I guess I never saw you with a girl, but I guess I just thought you dated."
"I don't really think being hot is a compliment. Like, obviously it is, but I feel like girls thought I was hot without knowing anything about me. They focused on my looks, so that was what they liked me for, nothing else."
That was actually sad, but he had a point...being hot wasn't some great compliment. "Well, I'm honored to be your first girlfriend, even if it is fake," you told him, making him crack a smile.
It reminded him of your conversation with his mom. "I heard you telling my mom you thought I was a good person in high school," he confessed to you. "I didn't know you were so obsessed with me."
You rolled your eyes and said, "Oh, fuck off. I was the class president, so I paid close attention to everyone. But, I really did think you were sweet, and I still do. I don't know why you act like you're not, Choi Yeonjun, but I can see right through you."
He sat up a bit to look at you, surprised by the effect that your words had on him. This was all supposed to be fake. Things weren't supposed to go this far...Yeonjun should have dropped you off at your apartment with no intention of ever seeing you again. He wasn't supposed to find you cute, and he certainly wasn't supposed to want to kiss you.
"Let's go to bed," he said, turning to light off.
You were surprised but didn't say anything, wondering what had gotten into him all of a sudden.
All he could do was lie awake in the darkness, unable to stop the voice inside his head telling him that he should have kissed you. But, what right did he have to kiss you? After all, you were only strangers.
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stuckybarton · 2 years
Blood and Grief
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SUMMARY: Things didn't go as planned for Loki and he was left injured as the aftermath. You learn the reality of what it means to be with him, for all that he is. CHARACTERS: Loki Laufeyson x Female!Reader (Established Relationship) WARNINGS: Mention of Injuries. Violence. Profanities. Slight Angst. Unedited and the likes. WORDS: 1,242 A/N: @sunshineyrosie, lol so this happened. hope you enjoy! i'll post the other shot i was to suppose to post in the weekend instead, this just popped out of nowhere XD
The silence in the room was palpable. You had stayed in the living room, waiting for Loki to finish up with his showers.
In the years of knowing Loki, and the secret business he had made for himself in the underground world, it was in this very moment that you truly realize the gravity of what his control of New York was like. The constant and ever escalating danger that rested on his shoulders, as well as you that was his weakness as Hela and the rest of the family told you to be in their world.
It was scary, and no matter how much you tried to look past all of it, the sight of him coming home, bathed in blood, skin painted in bruises, and the look of emptiness in his eyes as he went straight to the spare bedroom to clean up--it shaken you to the very core. The reality of being in a relationship with most powerful Mobster in New York. A man who has and always will have enemies whether you like it or not.
Taking a bated breath, you stood from the confinements of the coach, finally having the strength to move and make your way to Loki, to see if he was okay or if he needs some help. You gently opened the door to welcome the sight of discarded clothes resting on the floor--any other day you would have scolded Loki, but in this moment, you allowed it knowing where his state of mind was now.
The sound of silence in the bathroom worried you, opening the door, the last thing you would have expected was a gun to be pointed straight at you.
"Loki what the fuck!" You screamed closing the door and Loki opening the door right back and make his way towards you--gun no longer in his grasp.
"What are you doing here?" He questioned.
"I was just checking up on you." You snapped, shaking in fear as this was the first time you had ever seen a gun up close and it just had to be pointed right at you. "Jesus fucking Christ, Loki." You spat taking a step away from him. "You don't need to point a fucking gun at me to keep me out of here."
It was the lack of response that truly scared you. This wasn't the same gentle man you had come to love. This was the Mobster. The cold, hard, and calculating man that had become the reason for the success of his business and the deaths of the others along the way. You should have expected this side of the man, after finding out about it due to the circumstance that wasn't of his own decision, you had eventually accepted him--but you never realize what that would entitle for you now. Seeing the mess of what it could become  if he crosses someone he shouldn't have or if there was another individual that is ready to take over--that idea alone had scared you.
You accepted him for all that he was. The good and the bad, but you still fear the consequence that came to loving a man like him. The repercussion that came if Loki's enemies would find his weakness. Your weakness. You feared for your Uncle's safety, the semblance of your family that remained, you feared for their lives every chance you got. It was a constant that you had to accept for as long as Loki was part of this life--for as long as you were part of this life with him.
"What are you doing here?" He repeats himself, the coldness of his eyes was fainting melting away but it would take something more than your shaking fear to fully bring back.
"I was worried about you." You took a measured step, unfazed in this moment for his shirtless state, eyes more worried about the bruises that were slowly beginning to darken. The redness on his side made you wonder if he broke his ribs but it was something you'll deal with in a moment. "Let me worry about you, please."
"You don't have to." He brushed off eyes looking anywhere else but your own but you still held strong as the fear no longer lingered in your system but worry for his state of mind. "You don't need to, My Love."
"It's you and me, Laufeyson." You assured him, holding onto his hand, inspecting the damage he has done to himself--and the receiving end of his punches. "Let's clean this up."
Pulling him back into the bathroom, you've pushed him to seat on the toilet bowl while you gazed through the surprisingly fully-stocked medical cabinet. With everything you would need, you began your overly meticulous task of cleaning all of the wounds you could find on your boyfriend. From the gashing cut on his arm (good thing you knew how to stitch wounds from your girl scout days), to the smallest of cuts you could see on him. He remained stoic and unfazed by the anti-septic and ointment that you've practically smothered him in at this point.
You could feel his eyes on you but your attention was making sure that no cut was left untreated. Even the bandaged was finally wrapped around his hand. you smiled at your handiwork and finally met his gaze to see him still staring at you.
"It still makes me wonder why you stayed, when you finally had the chance to leave."
"I always have the opportunity to leave, but I can't do that to you. I love you too much to leave you when you need me the most." You muttered not wanting to go sentimental on him right now. You tried to distract yourself, throwing away all the cotton you've used and cleaning up the sink. "I've come to terms with who you are, Loki. This, whatever empire you've created for yourself and your family, I won't pretend that I understand why you would run something like this, but I accept it and love you either way. I just worry sometimes for your safety, my safety, and the safety of the people I love the most."
"I will protect them." His words didn't do as much assurance.
"I know, but it's not gonna be a full-proof plan, Loki." You turned to him. "I've seen you close to your death once, I'm scared it's gonna happen all over again, I don't think I could have it in me to see you in that state again." You said honestly, the memory of him in the hospital fighting for his life, it still gave you nightmares. The image of him burnt into your head and the truth of the danger of his line of work.
"It will be over soon, My Love."
"It won't." You quipped. "And I'm not gonna stop you or pull you away from that part of your life. All I want is for you to promise to come back to me alive and in one piece every single time you need to go and do whatever you need to do for your business."
He stood now, hands coming to cup your cheeks, craning your head to make you look straight at him.
"I promise you with my life and with my soul. I will always come back to you and the life that we have here." He vowed, sealing it with a kiss and he never broke the promise.
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missuga · 3 years
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Roadtrip pt.1 — Kirishima Eijirou
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Summary: You and Kirishima go on a spur of the moment road trip. Almost everything goes wrong, from leaving your aux cord at home, to dropping your phone in a convenience store bathroom garbage, to losing the address for the hotel planned for the night. You end up having to stay in a tiny motel with just a twin bed.
Content Warnings & wc:  aged up, college au. fluff, not really any warnings, unedited | 2.1k
Note from Em: I remember writing this when I was wine drunk last year and I wanted to do a serious of roadtrip fics, repost from old blog! I didn’t really change much other than take bakugo’s fic out of the post bc I'm incredibly lazy my writing style is different now sooo enjoy old em’s writing!
Implied Female Reader — 18+ only | sfw
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This was turning out to be almost a perfect disaster. Nearly everything that had been planned before leaving had failed. Even though you planned only about three things in total. You were thinking maybe you should’ve spent more time on what exactly you and Kirishima were going to do. And where you were going.
Kirishima insisted on driving, so he let you play what ever music you wanted. The first hour spent the two of you only talked, it was too early for music anyway. But by the time you pulled your phone out to put music on, you were too far to turn back to get your forgotten aux cord. Kirishima just laughed at the loud groan you let out once you realized that you couldn’t connect your phone to the speakers.
“Hey, it’s all good, we can just listen to the radio.” He said. You supposed that would have to be good enough. When he reached over to turn the power knob and it came off in his hand, it became aware to you that this trip was not starting out on a good track.
“Well that sucks.” You said, staring at the knob. Kirishima laughed again at your words. “Thanks for breaking my car.”
“Woah, not my fault. This car is older than my mother, I think. I’m surprised it hasn’t turned to dust yet.” He said back, tossing the knob at you.
“It was either my take my parents offer of letting us take this, or Kaminari’s car. Which I am fairly certain there is animals living under the junk in the back.” You definitely didn’t want to take the chance on the latter option.
“You might be right actually; I didn’t think about that.” Kirishima said grimacing slightly.
The second thing you had planned was to stop and get coffee at a small café. Thing is, you had been looking for a few hours. You thought you had found a couple, but when Kirishima pulled the car up to the front, they were either closed or literally abandoned. One ended up being a front for a speakeasy.
“I don’t think we’re gonna find a café.” Kirishima said after the fourth one was a bust. You sat in the parking lot still, trying to figure out where to go next.
“I think you might be right.” You groaned. Kirishima yawned and stretched his arms out in front of him. He had been driving for a while now, he looked like he could use some caffeine. “Do you just wanna go to a convenience store or something? Grab a couple energy drinks and some snacks?”
“Heck yeah I do. I love road trip snacks.” He grinned and started the car again. Thankfully there was a small shop quite close to the last café you were at.
You split up once you went in, making a beeline straight to the restroom. It was probably a good idea to go to the bathroom now that you were here. It was a terribly gross restroom; the stall doors didn’t even shut all the way. You rushed yourself wanting to get out of it quickly. When you were finished washing your hands, you went to throw out the paper you dried your hands on but dropped your phone in the garbage instead. Just your luck.
Carefully you fished it out trying not to touch the insides of the can. At least you had hand sanitizer on you. You doused your phone in it, hoping to rub away all the nasty stuff it had touched in the garbage. After a lot longer than you had wanted to spend in the restroom you pushed the door open with your foot.
“I was wondering when you were gonna come out.” Kirishima said. He was leaning against the door frame. “I was gonna get together a search party for you in a minute, I thought you had gone missing.”
“Oh, ha ha. It was nasty in there and I dropped my phone in the garbage because I was rushing.” You said holding up your phone to show him, laughing as he feigned a look of disgust.
“Ew, get that away from me.” Kirishima said distancing himself from you slightly as he glanced at you phone. 
“Shut up. Did you at least get anything good with the abundance of time on your hands?” You glanced at the basket in his hands, it was piled full of random stuff.  
“Obviously, you’re talking to a road trip master.” He nodded completely serious and you couldn’t help but roll your eyes.
“Oh right, I completely forgot.”
Kirishima had picked up an aux cord when he was paying at the store. You were so excited when he showed you; you made a playlist for the road trip and you wanted to listen to it. The next few hours consisted of driving on the same road, eating the occasional snacks and the two of you jamming out to music from middle school.
 It was so fun being able to spend some time with Kirishima with nothing else to worry about. Except for all the little things that kept going wrong. After playing music from your phone the past few hours it had dropped charge very fast. It wouldn’t have been that big of a deal if it didn’t have the address of the hotel you two were supposed to stay at.
“Kiri, do you have a phone car charger?” You asked staring at the now dead phone. It had been through so much today.
“Ahhhh, shit no I don’t. Check the glove box, maybe your parents had one in it?” He asked glancing at the compartment. You already knew they didn’t keep anything good in the old car but you gave it a shot anyways.
Luck was not on your side again though; the glove box was empty. It fell open with a soft thud.
“Wonderful.” You said nearly facepalming. You hadn’t brought yours because the you guys thought you’d be at the hotel way earlier than now. “We need maps for the hotel.”
“You can use mine!” Kirishima said handing you his phone. “Mine is charged enough.” You couldn’t help but laughslightly at his background. It was him standing with a cardboard cut out of Crimson Riot, a huge smile on his face.
“Cute background.” You said nudging his arm and blush broke out on his face when he realized what you meant.
“The cut out was so cool! How could I not snag a pic with it?” His blush only deepened as he explained himself, it was adorable. You just shook your head and turned back to the phone, opening the maps app.
“I don’t remember the address.” You mumbled after a minute of staring at the search bar, you never thought to write it down just in case. 
“I don’t think I ever even looked at it.” He said rubbing the back of his neck with one of his hands almost in defeat.
“I feel bad you’ve been driving literally all day. I could’ve at least remembered the address of our hotel.” You said rubbing your hands over your eyes. “Are you tired?”
“Yeah, a little. But I can keep driving, we’ve got to be at least close to another hotel?” Kirishima said quickly flashing you a smile. It was getting late now and for all you knew the place you booked could be hours away.
“Give me one sec, I’ll look something up.” You said and after a minute you found a motel near by on the road you were driving. “I found a plan b, but it’s no five-star hotel.”
“You’ll be there, so it sounds like heaven to me.” He said a cheeky grin resting on his face now,, and you were a little thankful for how he always seemed to lighten the mood.  “Let’s settle there for the night, we both could use some sleep.”
The old man at the check in counter looked bored, annoyed once he saw you walk in. It was a small motel, maybe ten rooms at max. The lobby was even tinier, just a chair in the corner and a couple fake plants on the table next to it.
“Can I help you?” The man said gruffly. The name on his badge was smeared, you couldn’t read it.
You stood behind Kirishima, holding your bag over your shoulder. He walked up to the counter and smiled hesitantly. “Yeah, um do you have any rooms available?”
The man stared at him for what seemed like a whole minute. “Don’t know.”
Kirishima looked back at you with wide eyes. You shrugged your shoulders almost amused at the mans behavior.
“Can you, check maybe? We’re sorry it’s just been a long day and we’re tired.”
“Yeah, whatever. Give me a second.” The old man grunted and looked down at the book in front of him. It sounded like he tried to clear his throat but then it turned into a coughing fit. Kirishima looked at you again in disbelief and it took everything in you not to laugh. The man hit his chest a few times and stopped coughing, looking up.  “Room two’s free.”
“Great! We’ll take it.” You said quickly, wanting to get out of there as soon as possible. You hadn’t even thought to ask about the room, desperate to leave the lobby. 
Once you got to the room and set your stuff down, the exhaustion of the day hit you. You could only imagine how Kirishima felt after driving all day. The room was very small, with one bed, a chair and table, and an old box tv sitting on a bookshelf. It wasn’t much but it was perfect for the night, until you noticed the bed was a twin bed. Shit.
“Kiri.” You said, after he came out of the bathroom. “Look at the bed.”
“Is something wrong with it? Does it have bugs or something!” He asked without even looking at it.
“No, you dummy, just look.” You couldn’t help but laugh at how his mind started to run.
He turned to look, and you saw him realize what you meant. “That is a small bed.”
“Yup.” You responded slipping off your shoes, any energy you would’ve had to worry about it was gone now.
“I’ll go see if there’s a cot or something. You take the bed.” Kirishima said heading for the door. “I don’t even know if I’ll fit on it.”
You grabbed his arm to stop him, you didn’t want another experience with the old man up front. “We’ll just have to make us fit on it.”
He grinned and turned to you, wrapping his arms around your waist. It was comforting after the long day you had. “I’ve been dying to do this all day. But you know kissing and driving isn’t safe.”
He placed a quick kiss to your lips, but you pulled him back in deepening it. You both pulled away after a minute and Kirishima let out a huge yawn.
“Let’s go to sleep, we can start over tomorrow.”
“Good idea.” He nodded moving to the bed. You weren’t sure how but Kirishima fit on it, with the perfect amount of room for you. “Looks like you get to sleep on me tonight, Y/n. How lucky.”
“I’m starting to think you maybe planned this, Kiri. You look a little too excited.” You teased and sat on the edge of the bed and he wasted no time in pulling you close to him, ignoring what you said. “You’re comfy.”
“So are you.” Kirishima grinned and tightened his arms around you. “You got your phone charging? We don’t want a repeat of tonight, not that I’m really complaining. I get to hold you all night.”
“Yup, first thing I did.” You said. His hands moved to your hair and started to play with it mindlessly. Even if he didn’t notice, it was putting you to sleep. Unknowingly you let out a soft sigh at the feeling. .
“Oh, you like that?” He asked and you could hear the smile in his voice. His arms around you were so warm even under the thin blanket. “Maybe if the bed was a little bigger we could’ve gotten even closer.” 
“Don’t tempt me” You said snuggling further into him. “You’re tired, get some rest and who knows maybe tomorrow the bed will be bigger.”
“I hope so.” He laughed and you could feel the vibrations rattling his chest. “Even though a lot of stuff went sideways today, I don’t think we could’ve planned something more perfect.”
“Me either. Now shush, pillows don’t talk.” You mumbled, barely able to fight sleep anymore. He was right though, it was a lot better than you’d been expecting after everything that happened.
“Okay, okay. Goodnight.”
“Goodnight, Kiri.”
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jeonbots · 3 years
AJAR (1) | Jungkook (m)
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pairing: jungkook - fem. reader
genre: angst, smut, fluff
warnings: demon!jungkook, nogitsune!jungkook, troubled!oc, minor character death, mentions of death, mention of a car accident, oc keeps nightmare-ing, jungkook is a fear demon, nogitsunes love chaos, mentions of sex, drinking, swearing, explicit sexual content such as oral (f receiving), fingering, breast playing, nipple sucking; dark rooms, blood, wounds, drugging, taehyung is a prick i'm sorry, poor oc just wants to sleep peacefully, jk won't let her, partying, overuse of the pet name ‘sugarplum’
words: 5k
a.n.: heyyyy! ik i was supposed to post that wizards of wavery place au but i havent finished it yet, i wasn't happy with it so i decided to change it up a bit. this story however has been in my drafts for about a year sooo here's the first part! it's gonna be a 2 part story :)))) enjoy
part two
/!\ UNEDITED /!\
You don’t remember the first time it happened. Or vaguely. Maybe five, six months ago? You’re not sure. But you do remember the darkness and the loneliness you felt at that moment. When you closed your eyes and you felt your body fall in an endless hole, skin itching uncomfortably. You had realized it itched because it was on fire, agony screeching out of your mouth and resonating in– in nothingness. And then you saw it. Its black, mundane eyes staring back at you like it was a hunter and you were its prey. You felt like suffocating until you had dug your nails into your palms hard to wake yourself up. Your body had jerked forward and you had screamed your lungs out until your throat burned, the tears streaming down your face uncontrollably. From this moment forward, you hadn’t sleep an entire night without waking up crying out loud in the middle of the night, your friend rushing to you. The first week, it was the same dream. The fall, your body on fire, the suffocating air, the piercing black eyes and your anxious and frightened awaking state.
The eighth night, you opened your eyes and found yourself on a cold floor, darkness surrounding you. You blinked a few times before adjusting to the poor lighting and suddenly your body shivered as you felt someone– or something– watching you intensely. You turned your head sideways trying to find the source of your discomfort but nothing was there. Until you heard it. A laughter. It was more of a snicker really, but it ran through your whole being, shaking your insides. The voice that had mocked you out loud had been so cold and dark, almost resembling a demon that you flinched. You tried to get on your feet but the cry that broke through you stopped you. You plopped back down on the floor, looking down at your body, taking in the deep cut and the blood pouring out of your right thigh.
“Help me! Please!” You cried, tears running down your face.
No response.
You lowered your head and sobbed. “I want to wake up.” You whispered, tears soaking your shirt.
Minutes, maybe hours passed. You weren’t sure. You just knew that you had stopped crying at some point. The wound on your leg didn’t seem to stop bleeding and you felt the life force being poured out of you everytime blood gushed out of your leg. You had laid back down on the cold marble, eyes closed and your arms and legs splayed out on the ground, resembling a starfish. The snicker from earlier returned and you abruptly opened your eyes, going in a sitting position and frenetically whipping your head around the area, searching for the source of your torments.
“Who are you? What do you want from me?”
The mocking grew closer and louder, and before you knew you were pulled back down on your back, breathe knocking out of you by the sheer force of the impact. You felt your arms move on their own accord, coming to lay against your sides as slender fingers grabbed your ankle and dragged you across the room, ignoring your pleas and cries for help.
“Let me in, sugarplum.”
It was softer than the snicker, but you still caught the dark timbre lying underneath.
Your body suddenly came to a halt and when you looked up, a large figure was towering over you. The jolt of surprise coming out of your mouth when the stranger bent down didn’t go unnoticed as you could make out rosy lips smirking right at you in the darkness. You shuddered as the stranger passed their fingers up your leg, ghosting over your wound before pressing down on it harshly with his palm. You cried out and tried to back off but your attempts were futile as two strong hands suddenly grabbed your hips, throwing you over a strong shoulder as they began to walk to some direction, you didn’t really know. You thrashed in the stranger’s hold, crying even more than before and before you knew, you were carelessly thrown on a mattress. Seconds later you heard footsteps and the click of a door, meaning you had been locked up in some room.
You sighed shakily as you glanced around the room. On your right, there was a small dusty bedside table with one drawer, a small lamp put on top of it and a box of matches right next to it. In the corner of the room, you could make out a maroon desk with some journals sprawled out on top of it and next to it a door closed, probably the one the stranger used to bring you here. However, on the opposite wall to your right there was another door. This one was slightly open. You frowned and forced yourself to get off the mattress, struggling to get on your feet. The second you were standing your legs gave away and you fell forward, landing on the nearest wall as your palms impacted your fall. The wall rubbed harshly against your skin as you let out a small cry, gasping at the pain running throughout your entire body.
How could a dream feel so real?
You brushed the thoughts off and started walking towards what you thought was your only way out of there, even if you knew deep down that it was not. You still were pretty much pressed against the wall, slowly making your way towards the strange door. When you finally reached it, you pressed a hand firmly against the wall as the other went to shakily grab the handle.
“I wouldn’t do that if I were you, sugarplum.”
You froze.
No. Please.
You didn’t move. Not an inch. Not even to open the door completely or to turn around to meet your captor. But you sensed him shifting closer until his front was pressed against your back, an arm snaking around your waist to keep you close as you closed your eyes instinctively. His breathe fanned over your shoulder, lips brushing against your ear.
“Do you really want to face your biggest fears now?” He whispered.
“Please... let me go...” You whimpered.
“This is not the way out, sugarplum.”
He grabbed at your hips and spun you around and you yelped when you were met with familiar black eyes. Your own eyes grew wide and you took a few steps back until your back hit the wall softly. Even in all this darkness, the only thing you could make out about his appearance was complete dark and cold set of eyes.
“If you want out,” he followed your steps until he was hovering above your fragile and wounded form, “you just gotta let me in.” He ducked his head into the space between your neck and shoulder, nipping at your earlobe.
“Who are you?” You breathe out, staring at an invisible dot at the wall opposite to the one you’re pressed against.
He chuckled against your ear and a shiver ran down your spine. Yeah, that was straight up demonic.
He pulled his head out of your neck and leaned an arm on one side of your head against the wall and brought the other one around your jaw, lifting your head up to meet his intimidating gaze.
“Your worst nightmare, sugarplum.”
Then he laughed. It rang loud enough in your ear and you could hear the darkness in his mocking tone as he turned around and walked away from you. And suddenly, you were screaming. Screaming as you sat up in familiar warmth, hands fisting your sheets and tears running down your face. Realization dawn upon you as your cries had lowered in volume and you quickly pushed the covers aside, relief washing over you as your right thigh was not wounded. No blood, no horrible deep cut that made you want to puke. Your breathing was labored as you whimpered, the door of your room opening in a hurry.
“Fuck.” Your friend cursed out before making her way to you, sitting on the bed.
“I–I’m fine, I’m okay. It’s okay.” You avoided her gaze, hand coming to wipe off the tears on your red cheeks.
“No, you’re not Y/N. How long are you gonna keep this up? It’s been a whole fucking week and I don’t fucking know what’s happening to you. It scares the shit out of me.” Henri softly grabbed your head in her two hands, turning your head to meet her gaze as she rubbed your cheeks with her thumbs in a comforting way.
You breathed out shakily. “I think I’m going crazy.” You whispered, lower lip trembling as the tears threatened to spill out again.
“Let’s get you some help. Please.” She pleaded as she bore her eyes into yours. You nodded after a long minute and you saw the look of relief wash over your best friend’s face. She leaned forward as she pressed a kiss to your forehead then engulfing you in his arms. You rested your head on her shoulder as she rubbed your back.
“So, what happened before the incident?”
Three weeks later you were in seated in a beige sofa– a pretty comfy one, you had to admit– for your fourth therapy session with an older woman facing you on her baby pink armchair, her auburn hair styled up in a neat bun, a white dress-shirt tucked in a surprisingly colorful long skirt covering her legs as she had crossed one over the other. You learned after your first session that she liked fashion, noticing that her outfits were always on point and that she definitely should give you some advice. When you had woken up this morning, you had taken a quick shower and thrown on a grey sweater with matching grey sweatpants, not bothering to put make-up on. Why would you? You were about to talk about your deepest fears with a total stranger. You were glancing at the clock hung up on the wall nervously before she spoke up again at your silence.
“I can’t help you if you won’t talk to me, Y/N.” Her tone was soft and you felt your throat tighten.
You cleared your throat rather awkwardly. “Uh, I was out with some friends.” You nodded mostly to yourself but she hummed, telling you that she was all ears even though she was sometimes glancing down at her notepad to write something. “And, uh, there was this new club that opened on South Lake. We wanted to check it out and we were dressed accordingly so... we went. When we arrived there, the club was pretty full and we lost track of each other at some point... Uh, and I was pretty drunk. So I made out with a friend of mine and we uh, fucked. Yeah, pretty intense fuck if you ask me.” You laugh awkwardly as you saw the corner of her mouth twitch upwards. She was comforting, somehow.
“So yeah, I fucked the guy then I called my br-”
The words died in your throat as you froze. Clarisse felt you tense under her stare but nothing changed on her face.
“You were going to talk about your older brother, Jason?”
You lowered your head and started fidgeting with your fingers placed in your lap, gulping as you felt your eyes water. You hadn’t realized in your storytelling that you were going to have to bring up that subject at some point. You nodded shakily, a few tears rolling down your cheeks.
“I should’ve never done that.” You whispered and the last words came out in a broken whimper. The woman opened her mouth, about to talk but was cut off by your sudden voicing.
“Is it over yet?” Clarisse jumped slightly at the way you had abruptly raised your head, looking at the awful clock as you brought your hands to your face to wipe off the tears with the sleeves of your sweater.
“Oh,” you fake-heartedly laughed, cheeks still stained with wetness, “would you look at that! It’s been an hour already.”
“Goodbye, Ms. Blackwood.”
You had already grabbed your bag and bolted out of the door as Clarisse sat on her chair, dumbfounded.
You never went back to therapy. A small part of you felt bad for leaving the kind woman in her confusion but the other part– the larger one– was relieved you didn’t have to go through painful memories anymore.
College isn’t as hard as you’ve imagined. Ever since your brother’s death you had found the world of books and words fascinating. At first, your roommate would ogle at you like you were some kind of wild animal who had escaped from the zoo then she understood the change in behavior. You were quite the party girl before the car crash; always going out with friends, having fun in summer homes or going to frat parties. And now you’ve become what people call a ‘bookworm’. Of course, it doesn’t take your mind off the horrendous and painful nightmares you’re having every night, but it helps get yourself distracted from the intense ache in your chest. At first you had tried booze to keep your mind off the terrible monsters haunting you but all it did was giving you painful aftermath headaches and a horrible sinking feeling in your stomach. The last time you got really drunk, you threw up your entire stomach in some random front lawn and you collapsed on the grass, dazing off to a sleeping state. And your eyes closed slowly until you woke up in a familiar dark room, pleading and begging to be released.
You swore you’d never drink again.
“Y/N!” A warm breathe tickles the side of your face and you turn your head sideway to face the person who’s arm is draped around your shoulders, the other coming to settle around your waist, clinging to you loosely.
“You’re drunk,” you state, looking at your friend’s giggling form.
“And you’re not,” she pouts as she leans a bit more on your frame. “Come on, get drunk with us Y/N.” Her words are slurred.
“Henri,” you sigh. Your nightmares aren’t unknown to your friend, in fact, when it first happened, she was the first person you called, your sobbing making her heart ache through the receiver. She had decided to join you that night, knocking at your door fifteen minutes later, hands full of junk food and candy. You had spent majority of the night laughing and eating your fears away, Henri wanting to make you feel better. After that night, she’d decided to move in with you.
You look down your half-empty cup, the brown-ish liquid taunting you. You can practically see its mocking smile, waves of gold beaming through the dark beverage. “You know I won’t.” Before she can protest though, her warmth disappears and you hear her gasp and you see from the corner of your eyes the boy you recognize as her boyfriend Justin pressing his lips against hers, silently rolling your eyes.
The living room is packed with people grinding against each other, kissing in corners or going up the stairs, probably to fuck their sexual frustration away. Justin’s frat house always throws the most anticipated parties in the campus, and of course Henri wouldn’t miss it for the world. They’re like– the must-go parties, house full of free booze and weed in every corner, half of the campus always attends them. You hadn’t gone to a party in forever though, still traumatized by the last time you were blackout drunk but Henri had insisted the whole week and you said yes just a few hours ago. You didn’t feel like dressing up but she almost screamed at you to at least make an effort and you settled on a high-waisted black denim skirt that stops mid-thigh and a black tube top tucked underneath with some white sneakers after a long hour of Henri rummaging through your closet.
Turning your head to the familiar voice, you smile as the dark-haired man you’ve grown to appreciate the company of walks towards you with his own beaming smile.
“Oh, I’ve missed you!” He engulfs you in his arms as you giggle before awkwardly patting his back with your free hand.
“I’ve missed you too, Taehyung.”
Justin was the one to introduce you to Taehyung at his birthday party three years ago. He had been Justin’s drug dealer for quite a few years and he had been hooking you up ever since. Deciding to stop doing drugs ultimately made you stop calling Taehyung for weed and cocaine, and you two lost touch as the months went by.
“It’s been– what, about a year?” He says as he steps back, rubbing the back of his neck. You briefly glance at his appearance, loose black dress shirt and the tight fitting jeans hanging on his hips. The shirt’s collar is large enough to have his collarbone peeking out of the fabric, your thighs clenching under your skirt. You skillfully hide your evident arousal as you learned to do over the years and look back up only to find yourself squirming when you notice his lingering gaze on your breasts covered by the thin fabric of the tube top. He slowly licks his lips and you bite back a whine, your slick arousal already starting to seep through your panties and onto your inner thighs.
“Ten months,” you correct with an apologetic smile on your lips.
“Yeah,” he looks back into your eyes at your words and nods before looking around the place, not an ounce of shame taking over his features for being caught staring. “Uh, I haven’t had the chance to, uh, say it but I’m sorry for your loss.”
You gulp as you look down at your drink. “Thanks–”
“W-well not the chance but you know what I mean.”
You giggle as you shake your head. “It’s okay. Thank you, Tae. It really means a lot.”
Memories flood through your mind as you recall the times you would get high with Henri, Justin, Taehyung and a few other friends before the accident, all spread out on the couch and the carpet of some random house as you’d talk and laugh about basically anything. You’d say those were the happiest moments of your life and you’d do anything to turn back time and have this short yet vivid moment of happiness running through your veins just one more time, dopamine spreading through your whole being. And those nights you had spent in Taehyung’s bed, his cock pounding your walls as he sucked bruises onto your skin, the delicious drag of his length sending you over the edge.
As if answering your– unwanted –prayers, Taehyung slowly approaches you with a sly smirk, a hand propped on the counter beside your hip as he leans over your figure. You look up at him quizzically.
“I thought maybe,” he licks his lips as he glances down at your lips and back at your eyes, “you’d want to have some fun.”
You raise an eyebrow as his free hand digs into his jeans’ pocket, a small plastic bag dangling from his fingers as he lifts his hand at eyes level. You’d recognize those blue pills anywhere.
“C’mon, Y/N. Just one, like old times.”
The hand that was on the counter comes hovering your neck, his slender fingers softly caressing the skin there. You shudder as his palm grabs your nape more firmly, his thumb rubbing the side of your neck.
His sudden lips on your ear clamps your mouth shut and your eyes flutter, the lids closing as he starts to suck on the lobe. The grip on your half-empty cup weakens and you hastily put it down on the counter behind you, a few droplets of alcohol spilling on the marble. He presses his chest against yours as he starts kissing down your neck, licking and sucking until he reaches your collarbone where he vacuums the skin in his pink-tinted lips, a whimper making its way past your own. His arms snake around your waist and press you even harder against him as you grab his biceps for leverage, his hard-on poking at your thigh as you gradually let your head fall back.
You don’t notice the small blue pill he manages to sneakily drop into your beverage, its shape dissolving in the drink to slowly disappear into the abyss of its intoxication.
“Holy fuck.”
Your back arched against the mattress and your eyes closed in unadulterated bliss as Taehyung laps at your clit, you moan shamelessly as your hips jerk at each flick of his tongue against your cunt. He hungrily devours your sex and your buzzed state doesn’t protest even after your third orgasm. You still haven’t touched his cock.
“Ho– fuck– Tae, stop, I can’t– ngh– too much.”
He reluctantly leans away from your pussy, mouth and chin covered in your juices as he hovers your fucked out state, his smirk growing wider as he wipes your arousal off his face with the back of his hand.
“I still gotta fuck you full of my cum, baby.”
You release a shaky breath as you bite your lower lip, one hand seductively traveling down the expense of his chest through his shirt as your lust-painted eyes drink in his features. As you reach down his jeans, you subtly grab his crotch as you palm his hardened length, his breathing growing heavier.
“You’re still that needy?” He chuckles and you nod, boring your eyes into his as you lean forward to pepper kisses on his jaw.
You whine when his deft fingers rub your slit, coating his digits with your cum. “Fuck me, please. It’s been so long.”
“I know baby, I know.” He suddenly shoves two fingers in your sloppy hole, a moan slipping past your lips. “Gotta stretch you first for my cock.”
The sudden yet pleasurable stretch has your eyes rolling back in your skull, his skillful fingers pumping in and out of your heat at a delirious pace as your hands fist the sheets beneath you. His thumb comes rubbing at your clit and your hips jerk in his palm, loud moans escaping your parted lips. The stretch of a third finger in your walls has your orgasm spiraling at full speed, untamed pleasure hitting you for the fourth time tonight, your lips parting in a silent scream as you plop your head back down on the sheets.
“Fuck,” the man curses under his breath as he lazily fucks you through your climax, his own hard-on becoming way too painful. You slowly catch your breath as his fingers slip out of your heat and he presses his hips into yours, your thighs caging his waist.
You smile up at him through closed eyes, your high slowly descending and when your heartbeat regains its original pace, you open your eyes.
And your smile falters.
Familiar cold dark orbs are staring right back at you instead of the warm brown of Taehyung’s pupils, and you try to squirm away but find it impossible as the same invisible force pins you down.
“I– you–”
He chuckles.
“Sugarplum, long time no see.” His hand strokes your hair and you whimper, your legs still locked around the man’s waist.
“Please,” you whisper weakly, a tear rolling down your cheek.
“I don’t want to hurt you, sugarplum.”
In this new lighting and his proximity, you can see the man’s face clearer than any of the previous encounters. As he leans forward to nose at your cheek, you can finally see his features and your lips part in shock.
His eyes are beautiful. A dazing shape, his dark orbs morphing into soft doe eyes, the tip of his nose almost kissable and his lips– God, his lips look delicious. Soft, plump lips so inviting, and you can’t help the hand hovering his face, your fingers gently caressing his plumpness. His dark hair falls messily around his head and you have the sudden urge to comb your fingers through his locks just to feel the silk-like strands through your digits.
He is demonically magnificent.
His free hand reaches to envelop your curious one, his eyes boring into yours. You shudder under his gaze and instead of cowering, you bring your other hand to push a strand away from his forehead.
“See? I’m no monster.” He smiles sweetly– almost too sweetly– and you gulp.
“What do you want from me?”
“I’ve told you countless times, sugarplum.”
His hand slides to your wrist in a harsh grip and you gasp as the other hand curls around your neck, squeezing your throat as he cuts off your air supply.
“Let me in.”
You whimper as the grip on your throat is unbearable, making you writhe under his hold. His hips ruth into yours and your naked cunt rubs against the material of his pants harshly, the outline of his obviously hard cock digging into your slit. As you feel yourself slowly falling into unconsciousness, he releases your throat and ascends down to your collarbone, reaching your tube top and pulling it down, a moan vibrating through his chest at the sight of your bare breasts. Each of his hand cups your mounds, his thumbs and forefingers pinching each pebbled nipple as you whine, your teeth caging your lower lip in a futile attempt to keep quiet. He notices that and releases a breast to harshly slap your thigh around his waist. You jolt in surprise and look at him with wide eyes.
“Don’t hold back. You sounded so sweet earlier.”
He doesn’t let you respond as he dives his head in, taking a nipple into his mouth to suck on the mound as he squeezes the other with his hand, pinching the nub in between his fingers. The moan that escapes your lips is unraveling, your hips automatically grinding against his in hope to find purchase. When he’s done with one breast, he does the same to the other one before pulling away, a hand stroking your hair affectionately as he stares at you.
“So beautiful.”
The blush on your cheeks isn’t going unnoticed and he smirks, his gaze lingering on your breasts heaving due to your ragged breathing. He then looks back up at your face before leaning forward and gently pecking your lips in a close-mouthed kiss, once, twice, then he starts trailing down your jaw to your neck, sucking bruises for everyone to see. You whine as you thread your fingers in his hair, and before you register it he has plunged two fingers in your heat, your stomach clenching to oversensitivity.
You moan as you buck your hips in his hand, surprised to even have enough energy to respond to the demon’s ministrations. His fingers are thick enough to hit all the right places and when his thumb strokes your engorged clit, your fifth orgasm of the night couldn’t have come sooner, a drawn-out moan escaping your swollen lips. As your walls squeeze his fingers deeply in your pussy, he groans above you before planting kisses down your throat. Leaning away from your neck as he pulls his fingers out, your arousal drips down his digits and you see strings of your slick juices connecting them when he parts them. Embarrassment manifesting in the red of your cheeks, you stare at the man happily lapping at his arousal-coated fingers, his pink lips wrapped around the skin.
“H–how did I get here?” You quietly ask as soon as your breathing came to normal. His furrowed eyebrows encourage the next words flowing past your lips, his digits falling free from the grip of his lips.
“I– I wasn’t asleep nor drunk and–”
The entire evening you made sure that you weren’t drinking too much, even had Justin’s special party booze out of tonight’s menu. Surely, you would remember if you had fallen asleep. Wait, had you passed out while Taehyung was fucking you? No way, you weren’t drunk. You hadn’t taken any substance or drugs or pills-
Pills. Blue, soft, dangerous pills.
Realization hits you in the guts and you suddenly find it hard to breathe. The way he had kissed your neck, your momentarily forgotten cup on the counter, his wandering hands–
“He,” you whisper, breath hitching as you choke out a whimper, “he drugged me?”
Gently, he places a kiss on your cheek. “Sugarplum.”
“He– he drugged me, and that’s why you’re here, isn’t it?” The aching in your chest is too much for your heavy state and you start blinking away tears you didn’t know had started to pool at the corner of your eyes.
He sighs above you, his breath fanning over your face. Plopping down on the space next to you on the bed as he frees himself from the grip your thighs had around him, his hand gently strokes your naked waist until he reaches your breast, softly rubbing the skin as his thumb lightly flicks over your nipple. In an attempt to soothe your pain, you assume.
Trust is overrated, you conclude.
Here you are; crying over a man you’d learn to like over the past few years as the man you’ve been running from comforts your burning heart.
“It is,” he affirms and you don’t even question how he managed to answer your unspoken thoughts. The sob that breaks past your lips is heart wrenching and you bring your hands to your face, covering the entirety of it as the tears flow freely down your face.
He turns to you and envelops your shaken form in his embrace, your chest pressed against his as he runs a soothing hand down the expanse your bare back. And that’s how you fall asleep that night, without the nightmare that usually haunts your sleepless mind and instead, you find solace in the very man you’d grown to despise.
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