#unemployed and disabled
zanderlisle · 10 months
Hello! My name is Zander, I'm sixteen and live in an emotionally abusive household with my aunt. I'm to start working soon, my aunt (pictured) is unable to work due to their disabilities. However, we're looking to move out when I turn eighteen and we're going to need more than a year and a half of minimum wage income.
If anyone can help, please do. If not, please share.
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smoov-criminal · 4 months
we need to stop equating lack of independence with lack of maturity. people that live with their parents or have a caregiver or don't work or need more support than others aren't inherently immature. there's lots of reasons why people would be in this situation, even outside of disability (plenty of cultures out there expect people to live with their parents past what we consider the beginning of adulthood), and regardless of the reason we deserve support and community through what is already likely to be an isolating experience. don't make it worse for us
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franki-lew-yo · 6 months
Still unemployed
Sorry as always for the open rant you all witnessed two nights back from me. I'm genuinely very stressed about money. In summer and fall 2023 my concern was just trying to make myself noticed somehow, bit-by-bit through social media and gaining a substantial following just to better myself as an artist.
Now, I need any income I've got just to afford my rent and utilities.
To put it into perspective (besides the Ko-fi produced Shelby-fund, which was successfully breached and will be used this coming week on her vet bill) my ssi income's been reduced to 530$ a month while my rent is 760$. My old job supplied at least 300$+ but I don't have any of that coming in now. The stimulus money I was given as a parting gift instead of a final paycheck can't be withdrawn from or transferred to my main bank. I have at least 140$ left on that stimulus just for other expenses like busfair, art supplies, dog and home care.
I'm INCREDIBLY grateful to have my EBT card covering my groceries, my jobcoaches assisting with printing out cardstock for any (eventual) upcoming events or cons and getting me a buspass discount, and of course the backers to my Shelby fund to cover that for the year (much love to Brandon, Misty and Cheatsy on Ko-fi). I will be receiving unemployment soon, though still not enough to cover my rent and utility cost.
But, I need to pay for services on Upwork, Linked In and Vograce, for sensitivity readers and animators and shipping costs for any physical Etsy merchandise, possible venue space for real-life events, professional art prints, computer and tablet maitanance, and that's not even getting to possibly subscribing to sites such as instagram or Facebook. I still have a lot to save up for and do WITHOUT being unemployed.
As a reminder, I need to take commissions especially at this time, both 'quick' ones and more complex pieces.
5$ USD for Sketches (traditional or digital) 
15$-20$ USD for Inked, flat colored art without backgrounds
30$ USD for complete pictures
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3$ USD = specific medium (completely digital, colored pencil, ink/watercolors, chalk)
5$ USD = extra characters 
5$ USD = shading/lighting 
10$ USD = Physical shipping of the drawing if it’s traditional
This is also a reminder to please assist and support me however you can via my Ko-Fi, Etsy shop, Redbubble shop and my Patreon.
Thank you, everyone.
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fubblers · 1 year
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Y2K Cheeb fullbodies X3
$15 or 3 for $40 DM to order 
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justsayapple · 6 months
Hello! I'm having my top surgery done in May and am beyond excited! However, I need some help paying for the care supplies I have to get for post-op recovery. Any support is greatly appreciated 🫶🏳️‍⚧️
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bedrotboy · 5 months
im just curious bc idk many trans guys and idk what ppl do. also do most of us drop out of college or is that just who i interact with lol
also if ur something niche w a degree pls say what :0
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dovesndecay · 6 months
I must not visit Indeed.com. Indeed.com is the mind-killer. Indeed.com is the little-death that brings total obliteration.
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goodbyeapathy8 · 2 months
Good news and bad news post.
The bad news : I was almost homeless! My lease is up in August and I'm still unemployed and apparently you need a job to get housing...
The good news : My sister (a dear friend who considers me family) has offered up a room in her house.
The bad news : She lives in Alabama (the state isn't the bad news, and I will block anyone being weird about it) and I am currently in California with 3 dogs...
SO. Here's where y'all come in. A few friends have set up a GoFundMe to help pay for the move and the epic 2,000+ mile road trip to get from California to Alabama. But it's stalled a bit at $3,000 for a few days and I'd love to get some traction on it.
Also, if you know me from AO3... after I move, I can get back to those pesky little fics I've put on hold 😅
Please share this post/link where you can
Phoenix GoFundMe for Moving.
Also! GFM has a pretty hefty admin fee, so if anyone would like to donate directly, I have Venmo/PayPal/Cashapp linked below :
Phoenix Mutual Aid (Venmo/PayPal/Cashapp).
If you're new here - I'm a fanfic writer at night, aspiring writer and unemployed person by day. Disabled (lupus + autistic) and have just been having A Time in life. There are more details in the GoFundMe, it's just... Kinda weird to talk about myself like this so I'll let you head over there.
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fallowhearth · 2 months
I think I would have more tolerance for tumblrinas doing 'what salary counts as rich' discourse if anyone displayed any awareness of the concept of different currencies and costs of living. Like, some of the big accounts posting Bolshevik memes about normal urban salaries also own homes. If actual full-on houses cost $15 in your area, then your relative buying power is probably a lot higher than some other person earning an on-paper higher salary but bleeding off 80% into their landlord's pocket every month.
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mantisgodsart · 9 months
Hello, we've run into Circumstances, and so we're opening cheap commissions for a bit. Criminally cheap, even. Starting at $5 for a sketch. We're linking the toyhou.se thread here since that's the platform we have it on most readily and we don't want to copy-paste all that text into Tumblr. We've got five slots for now, so come get 'em while they're hot - we might open more later, but it's not a sure thing, and this is DEFINITELY the cheapest you'll ever get our commissions, so come get 'em while they're hot.
(1/5 slots remaining)
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zanderlisle · 9 months
Hi. RE: crowdfunding for my wheelchair.
All I need now is $30. If anyone can spare ANYTHING, it'd be so helpful. I'm almost there. Thank you to those who donated and shared.
Cashapp: $trntlisle
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opalsiren · 1 month
one thing that pisses me off to no end is when beauty influencers do those 'my husband/boyfriend/whatever does my voice-over' videos, or asks their partner to name common beauty items, and the dude has absolutely no clue. it's one thing if it's a hobby for his partner although i would argue if your partner knows absolutely nothing about your hobbies that's a red flag, but when some man cares so little about his partner he can't say one thing about what she does for work, that absolutely boils my blood. you just know if the shoe was on the other foot and a male footballer's female partner knew nothing about the sport there would be international outcry. men give one singular fuck about your wives and girlfriends challenge (impossible)
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hungryenigma · 2 months
ok so i didn't have the energy to do this the other night but now i do so !
Commission Info Masterpost
There are three "Levels" you can get!
Level 1 - SKETCH
Bust - $10
Half Body - $15
Full Body - $20
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^ This is an example of a full body sketch
Level 2 - LINES + FLATS
Bust - $20
Half Body - $25
Full Body - $30
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^ This is an example of a half body lines + flats
Bust - $30
Half Body - $40
Full Body - $50
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^ This is an example of a bust full render
Additional Pricing Info
- Single color / gradient backgrounds are no additional charge
- Simple backgrounds are +$5
- Detailed backgrounds are +$15
- Each additional character is +25% of the type of drawing you choose
- e.g. a half body full render for 1 is $40, for 2 is $50, 3 is $60, etc.
My Terms of Service
- Payment required up front
- No refunds after you have received your piece
- I will do up to 3 minor alterations
- I may take a little time to respond to requests, depending on my current workload, but after accepting your request you will have it within 1 week
- Payment can be made through paypal or cashapp
- I reserve the right to refuse anything out of my comfort zone
- I can use pieces to self promote
- Personal use only! can be posted with credit
- References / in depth descriptions greatly appreciated!
DOs and DON'Ts
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(this is an incomplete list ofc)
DM me on tiktok or discord to request a commission!
tiktok - @thesiatso
discord - siatso
And now, some more of my art to persuade you :)
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franki-lew-yo · 4 months
My Employer is dead and everything's Worse Now
A small piece.
Everyday I ask myself why I care or should sob about anything in my life when people (children!) are literally dying or being enslaved -for those curious, no no one actually guilting me; I'm just naturally like this. ((Maybe blame Dr. Seuss's "Tell Yourself how Lucky You Are"-vibe idk)) But sometimes, it just all comes out like this. The frustration. The anger.
The pandemic was the final nail in the coffin for the corporation that employed me and I didn't even know how dire it was until the month it was shutting down. Now I know from insiders that it's going to join the likes of Bed, Bath and Beyond and that even the nearest existing locations near me (which I couldn't be moved to, because all the job positions were taken up) aren't going to last much longer.
My SSI hearing is still on the table. Who knows how long it will be there and how much longer I'll have to live with my reduced amount.
My EDD is somehow always unfilled even though we had all the paperwork and information in three months ago.
The job I've applied to three times now has an in-person manager who's optimistic but the company site itself has turned down my assessment all three times, meaning I have to create new accounts from new emails to take the assessment again. The (quite possible) reason?
AI is being used by corporations who have a HUUUUUGELY outdated system enough as it is and it is ruining everything. That's the most likely reason my job assessment keeps being turned down. The assessment itself runs on tests designed for humans to be graded and judged by other humans, but they're instead feeding the results into a machine that does have right and wrong answers programmed inside it. There's a lot of talks that even government agencies like unemployment and SSI are being hampered by AI's incompetency.
I am unemployed and scared and I feel like garbage even complaining when I know people who have it worse. I have enough money to pay for squarespace. I feel spiteful hearing of people who are still able to afford vacations or intuitions or have any job in the arts paying and paying well.
AI is ruining our day to day lives in ways you can't even imagine. I hate AI technology. I hate capitalists and millionaires. I already hated you as an artist but now you are actively making people's lives worse.
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the-starry-seas · 3 months
i've been fighting these people six fucking months and i'm exhausted *lays face down in the dirt*
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naomiknight-17 · 22 days
Waiting for roof repair guy right now cuz guess whose roof has sprung a leak!!!!
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