#unironically better than Miraculous
here-comes-the-moose · 5 months
Bad Batch Modern AU Headcanons Under the Cut
Does not like red wine. It gives him a headache and heartburn (he’s just like me fr).
Plans Friday Fundays with Omega after she gets out of school.
Great at cooking and baking, but absolutely needs to follow the recipe. If he’s tries to improvise or experiment, the food is not edible at all.
Can flawlessly do a shot with no hands.
Has done a keg stand.
Before the loss of his limbs, he used to NEVER get hungover, no matter how much he drank. Even now, his hangovers are pretty mild. He’s just built different.
Was recruited to be one of the room parents for Omega’s class.
The only one who can get through to Crosshair when his mental health gets really bad.
Has their house decorated like the most stereotypical suburban mom. I’m talking Live Laugh Love signs, a beach-themed bathroom, so many throw pillows and blankets that you can barely sit, a rotation on of seasonal decor, the list goes on.
Cannot sing for shit.
The king of dad jokes.
Has absolutely no fashion sense. Negative drip. He’s wearing socks and sandals unironically.
World’s worst cook. Managed to burn and undercook a pancake. Gave Crosshair food poisoning.
Banned from grilling after he set all the food they got for their 4th of July barbecue on fire.
Gets migraines. He gets extremely sensitive to sound and smells.
The only person Crosshair lets look after him when he isn’t feeling well.
Views expiration dates as suggestions. Somehow has never gotten sick.
Constantly going on Tinder dates.
Total chick magnet.
Does not realize this.
Constantly drives over the speed limit (except in school zones) but miraculously has never gotten a speeding ticket.
Best at making cocktails.
The most intense one about making sure they all eat healthy.
His shoulders and neck get really tense, from sitting at a computer and from carrying most of his stress there.
Does not like crispy bacon.
Grill master.
Actually great at cooking and baking. He can improvise and experiment with ease and the food comes out even better.
Always showing off photos of Omega when he’s at work.
Saw the Barbie movie more than once. He cried each time.
LOVES to listen to Kesha.
His music taste is basically just 2000’s-2010’s party girl music.
Used to choreograph dances that he would then perform with Crosshair and Fives for the rest of their family when they were kids.
Gives the best massages.
Wears the New Balance dad sneakers. Crosshair HATES them.
Banned from their local Applebee’s for getting extremely sloppy off their dollaritas.
Gets motion sick sometimes, mostly in cars.
HATES air travel.
Top three artists on Spotify are My Chemical Romance, Taylor Swift, and Lana Del Rey (he’s just like me fr)
Also gets migraines. Unlike Hunter, he isn’t that sound sensitive, but he gets extremely sensitive to light and smells and gets auras with his migraines.
Also saw the Barbie movie more than once (he went with Wrecker). He also cried.
Has a crush on Tony Soprano (don’t ask why the thought came into my head and wouldn’t leave)
Babies and toddlers love him for some reason.
Will not eat or drink something if the expiration date is within two days. Gets extremely grossed out by Hunter not caring for expiration dates.
Secretly a hopeless romantic.
Learned her first curse word from Echo when he let one slip while driving.
Repeated the word in front of Hunter, who nearly had a heart attack.
Looks just like Crosshair when he was a kid.
Likes going out with Crosshair because he almost always gets her a little treat.
Gets annoyed by how many people in her class and some of their parents have a crush on one of her brothers.
Has tried to play matchmaker for her brothers before.
All of her brothers give amazing hugs, but she secretly thinks Echo’s are the best.
She was a rescue dog.
She’s a gray pittie.
Her favorite person is Crosshair and she’s always following him around and is always at his side.
Goes crazy for cold cuts.
Was originally going to be brought to the shelter if they couldn’t find an owner, but Hunter agreed to keep her when he saw how happy she made Omega and Crosshair.
Her tail has a kink because it broke and didn’t heal properly.
Feel free to add more if you’d like! I have included some of these in my Modern AU works.
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toxinoire · 11 months
Had Low Hopes for the Paris Special, but HOLY SHIT! It was way better than I thought it would be.
Unironically one of my fav experiences Ive ever had while watching miraculous.
RIGHT?! If I'm being honest that itself was better than majority of the show! And the lore for Emonette and Punkdrien's universe sounds so interesting. I really need a spin off or at least a mini series for it! I didn't get enough of Shadybug and Claw Noir.
And the fact that it shows that Reverse!Marinette has mommy issues I'm-
I loved the Paris Special so much.
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vennyvenadito · 2 years
I am the only one who think the other Miraculous characters are just….boring or plain?
Is like, they don’t do that much in the series, if they do, is not really good or is just plain
The classmates for example
They don’t do to much in the series, the only thing they do right now is just be Adrinette shippers and only that
It’s not that is just one of them been akumatized or just appear as superhero’s
Speaking of superhero’s
They are just so bland, forget about the fact is some of them have a cool suit, they’re just boring
Even in their debuts doesn’t feel any special, is only “look this character! Is gonna be a new superhero! Aren’t you exited!?” I would if they were more interesting, but guess what?, they’re not
When they appeared I was just like “oh right, those guys exist, for what?”
Look Juleka, it was cool when she transform and her suit is awesome (one of my favorites but the way), but after that, she doesn’t really do that much, she is just another “yes man” to Ladybug
The only thing they do is just follow Ladybug’s orders, they don’t make their own decisions on battle or opinions about the situation, they just…there
Unironically THE only heroe that I feel ALOT of emotions and did have more going on was not other then CHLOE!
How ironic isn’t?
The mean character, the one the creator hates so much, the one a lot of people say she didn’t deserve be a heroe….was the most interesting character of all of them
You know when the mean character end up being the most interesting of all the other characters than the ones that are “we” supposed to root for, says ALOT
You know you did something wrong right there
And how funny how the only heroe I did care about is replaced with another character who like the others, she doesn’t really matter
I mean, c’mon, I need more than that
The other thing I hate about the characters is that fact, or they are only “good good” or “bad bad”
All of them are sickly nice or just pure evil
Like, morally grey people doesn’t exist in this series or what!?
I need a Neutral character please
If there’s one, please tell me! The only one a can think right now is probably Nathalie
I mean, Emilie could be perfect, she not been a perfect sweet angel but not really that bad
But nope! She is just another good sweetheart who did nothing wrong
The kwamis could be perfect for that too, like not evil or good, they’re neutrals creatures doin whatever their wilders do
But no, they just so sickly nice or just acting like babies…..um….how old are they again?
The only kwamis a I like and care about are Pollen, Trixx, Plagg, Nooroo, Duusuu, Wazzy and Sass
And kinda Tikki but like the others, she is just “Your the best, I love you!” “OMG new holder! 0w0”
Also, can the adults characters have more brain cells please! Why all of them are so freaking idiots!? Dang, that would explain the kids behavior in this show
What is wrong with the parents in this show!?
Like, Gabriel I can excuse him to been terrible, because he is the bad gay-I mean bad guy anyway, if is this his job? well, he does a good one (me no trying to ignore whatever happens in the leaks)
But like, Marinette parents are just those types of parents who let their kids whatever they want, sure, they’re not terrible people but they’re not perfect, but the series paint them as “The perfects parents”
Andre could be a perfect example of a father who fails to their kid but tries to better but doesn’t know how
But nooo, he throw his biological daughter like trash to her abusive mother and replace her with another kid?
What lesson is this?? Throw your kid like trash if they don’t behave like you want and blame them for that when you were the one who raise them!?
Fuck Andre, I hated you before and I despide you now, I hope you paid for this and get karma after that!
Ok thinks that’s all
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theerurishipper · 1 year
Have you seen the Miraculous Movie on Netflix? If so, what’s your opinion about it?
I've written my thoughts about the movie in this post. But to sum it up, I enjoyed it! It wasn't groundbreaking or anything like that, and it has a few glaring flaws to me (it was pretty rushed, etc.), but it was a fun experience. I liked the different takes on the characters. They are pretty different from the characters in the show, but I enjoyed the fresh characterization. I don't think comparisons between the show and the movie should really be made, because the characters are so different. Adrien especially, because his arc in the show is finding his self-worth and breaking free from an abusive father, and his arc in the movie is about overcoming grief and learning to open up to others. We can of course discuss which was better between the show and movie from a writing and narrative standpoint, but conceptually both Adriens are different and it's unfair to compare the two. Personally, I felt Movie!Adrien was respected a lot more by his narrative than Show!Adrien, whose ending was him being gaslit into loving his abuser, but I digress.
I've been seeing some hate for Movie!Adrien, and I don't get it at all. He's not a douchebag, he's my baby. He's my little son, and I love him. Here are some pictures of him.
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He's so cute, and he listens to Careless Whisper unironically. How can you not love him?
(On the other end, I've been seeing some people say he has more personality than Show!Adrien, who is only ever perfect, and that is also patently untrue. The narrative may have fucked him over really badly, but he still has a distinct personality and character. I will not tolerate slander of my son. Either of them. I still like Show!Adrien better, but they are both my babies and I love them both.)
Anyway, I also liked how Gabe wasn't an abusive asshole in this movie. As much as I think Show!Gabe works until he fucking won, it's just refreshing to see Gabe actually love his family and not be a piece of complete shit. Marinette's arc was also pretty decent. Overall, the movie was an enjoyable, fun experience. I prefer the show overall (if you exclude Season 5 and some parts of Season 4), but I did like the movie. It isn't the best story in terms of writing, but it is literally my fanfiction dreams come to life and I love that. Also, it's visually phenomenal and I would rewatch it again and again just for that.
And most importantly, this movie was for the Ladynoir stans first and foremost. They carried this movie and no I will not take constructive criticism on that.
Thank you for your ask!
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i fucking hate them
Why Marichat/Ladynoir/Adrienette/Love Square/Etc is shit - a submission-based essay, part 2/2
Whatever the fuck it's called - a canon (endgame?) het ship from the Miraculous Ladybug fandom between Marinette (Ladybug) Dupain-Chang and Adrien (Chat Noir) Agreste
The narrative puts a lot of comparisons between her feelings toward Adrien and Adrien's Supervillain father's feelings toward Adrien's (presumably dead) mother, without ever really calling attention to the fact that marinette's kind of descending into unhealthy areas. Much like Adrien's entitlement to Ladybug, Marinette's obsession is never called out as anything other than to either point and laugh at or coo over how 'devoted' it is. Also all of those words i gave you up top about marinette being overworked with too much responcibility on her back were only about 5% of episodes 10% are friend drama, and the other 85% have something to do with Adrien or Chat Noir in a significant way in marinette's plot. this show couldn't pass the bechdel test ONCE. Not to mention that literally everyone except for the 'mean cruel bullies that only want Adrien for themselves' all SUPER TOTALLY SHIP THEM YOU GUYS. At one point a normal kid also wanted to date adrien but when she broke up with him she immediately turned to marinette and said 'hes perf for u tho sweetie' literally at one point in a special two new characters are introduced and spend 90% of their time on screen trying to get them together, not for some sort of 'oh we already knew marinette or adrien and we want them together bc they'll be happy' no literally these two complete strangers look at these two complete strangers and go 'Oh those two are MEANT TO BEEEE' and go out of their way to matchmake alongside their friends. Speaking of their friends a lot of Marinette's schemes to woo Adrien aren't even her own, they're mostly orchestrated by her friend group to where Marinette is a reluctant at best patron of. (except for when she makes wooing plans on her own then her friends think it's annoying and that they have better things to do point and laugh at the cringe please) at two separate points the show goes out of its way to be like 'if you two get together rn the whole world is doomed btw' one of which it's implied to have pretty seriously traumatized marinette btw, but please keep pointing and laughing at her venting to what she believes to be a wax replica of Adrien and nerely kissing him only to reveal it was Actual adrien that whole time pretending to be a wax statue for... idk to mess with marinette? she clearly thought she was alone and was spinning her private thoughts and he doesn't even apologize for what was technically an innocent prank that went way too far too quick But never mind all that never mind all that because they had enough 'cute' scenes in the first two seasons that the fans at this point are so thoroughly emotionally invested that they scream about it anyway no matter how it's going to get. #niceguy that unironically says m'lady and stalker with a stutter are MEANT TO BEEEEEEEE and if you even imply otherwise on a twitter post the literal showrunner will subtweet you calling you an idiot that doesn't understand the nuances of his perfect flawless never bad ever ever ever show.
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I can’t believe Lila is unironically better for team miraculous than felix.
I'd at least be more chill with Felix if he. Ya know. Genuinely felt legit remorse for his actions, admitted he was wrong, and apologized. Still fucked but I'll at least say they tried with the redemption.
Lila might not feel bad about the shit she does, but at least she's not pretending she's become a better person.
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I know you have hear about, but I'm going to say it. Void Knight plan to bring back his love is much better than Hawk Moth. And, in Dino Fury, it later become his mistake and making his love partner into Void Queen (Main Villain). Seriously, it's like that the writers look at Miraculous Ladybug, and ask "Say, why not we did what this show did. But, what a twist". It goes to show that shows Power Rangers can do better than what Miraculous Ladybug couldn't.
Honestly, what makes Void Knight a more compelling villain than Gabriel is that more depth is given to his feelings for his wife, and how it makes him more sympathetic. He never wants to hurt people, and as later episodes reveal, isn’t even that evil, which makes his eventual defection to the Rangers’ side feel more natural.
With Gabriel, we still know nothing about his wife after five seasons other than the fact that she was nice, so it’s hard to get really invested in his goal, especially with how much he unironically embraces the supervillain role.
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rosieuv · 1 year
The new Miraculous film is actually alright
I didn't have high standards for this film originally. I put the release date on my calendar, but forgot about it as I didn't care all that much. However, today I was too tired to do much so I decided to give it a watch.
First thing is the animation. It's better than the show's, but there was a missed opportunity to redesign the characters to look less like they were just concept art for a final character. Chloe's hair looks like it was dunked in olive oil and was never washed out. Another thing I noticed is that Marinette always seems to be wearing some sort of earrings, which confused me as her disguised miraculous looks exactly the same as the earrings she wears at the start of the film and when she takes them off halfway. I hope they did what Jimmy Neutron did and reuse the film assets for the next season of the show. The camouflaged state of the butterfly miraculous looks so tacky! The creepy basement has been redesigned to replace the lift with stairs and the capsule with generic flowers. The school's been redesigned to look less modern and for some reason, both Marinette and Adrien now have analogue watches. Also Adrien has a phone with 1 camera and uses wired earphones. I imagine it's trying to do what the show did, by keeping all the technology from 2015 as that's when season 1 came out (the only contradicting point being the English news reporter from the season 5 finale said "God save the King", which implies this takes place in 2023 or later). It would be weird if Adrien didn't have the latest tech considering he's supposed to be rich and all. However, Alya's phone looks more like a modern phone due to the fact there's no buttons on the screen side and no bevels. Is she a time traveller?
The voice acting's fine. Something I didn't realise at first, is that this film is a musical. The songs are so damn cheesy and whenever they would play, I would open up discord and look through my unread messages while tuning out the generic songs about not being worthy, love, being a villain, etc. Marinette's singing voice is different than her regular voice and it's really noticeable. Nooroo's voice changed and I really don't like it. I like the scared and high-pitched voice that they had in the show as it gave the impression that Nooroo was terrified of being used for evil (possibly because a similar thing happened to them before), but had no choice and just had to obey. Fortunately Nooroo's a minor character in the film so I don't have to hear that out of place mystical mature voice much.
The music is just generic Disney style cinematic piano stuff. Careless Whisper (or as I call it: the sexy saxophone song) plays twice in the film. Why. Why would you unironically put a meme song in a film?
Now the writing. Oh the writing.
Spoilers here (I go over the ending and important plot points):
First off: this takes place in this alternate world where Marinette is unpopular and weird and Adrien has been at this school for a while now. I like this take as it's similar to season 1, but does a better job at Marinette's character arc. How they meet in this universe is by the library. Also Marinette's not a creepy stalker in this universe, and can actually talk to Adrien enough to ask him to go to the prom thing. Again I like this take as instead of her following him around for 4 seasons before he eventually confesses his feelings, she gets to know him better and they become friends via the help of Alya and Nino. Also when Alya saves Marinette from being publicly humiliated by Chloe, that was a better transition into them becoming friends then how it was originally with them meeting by just sitting together in the same class.
It was annoying how we never got to see Adrien's reaction to finding the miraculous. He finds this cat, didn't question how it got through his window when his room's on the 1st floor, cat turns to ring, then it just cuts and the next time we see him he's cat noir. Meanwhile Marinette freaks out over realising she's the chosen one. She never calls herself Ladybug in her introduction, but people start calling her that as they're all really unoriginal when it comes to name. Cat noir fights the enemy like he (somewhat) knows what he's doing, but Ladybug has absolutely no idea and is acting very clumsy. Something that annoyed me about the original origin story, was that Master Fu just met them 2 and decided that because Marinette gave him a macaron, then she would be a good Ladybug. In this version, Marinette saves his life by pushing him out of traffic, and the kwamis decide who their holders are by destiny or something. There's a couple missing features from the show:
Her magic ladybirds don't activate by her throwing the lucky charm. She figures out how to activate them in the end of the film by moving her arms around.
They don't de-transform after 5 minutes after using their power.
There isn't a manual in the stick and yo-yo (that would be a bit overpowered though).
They don't seem to break the akumatised object, the akuma seems to fly out of it after.
The suits can be damaged by attacks but they can't in the show. Towards the end, Cat noir and Hawk moth have a battle and he rips half of Cat noir's mask off. They also don't seemed to be affected by the magic plot device introduced in United Heroes that makes humans not question why the superheroes look so similar to Marinette and Adrien; Hawk moth realises that Cat noir is Adrien and oh my god that scene was written like it was a fan-fiction I would upload here. Personally I would make the backstory scene a lot darker (although something to note is that in the show, Emilie's death was a lot more recent than in the film) and have Cat noir actually manage to cataclysm Hawk moth (like in season 5 episode 3) instead of the Eiffel Tower (even though that was really cool too) just because I'm so curious how that conversation would go if he knew he essentially killed his own father. I was laughing in that entire scene so loudly that my brother messaged me on discord from the room next door asking if I was having a stroke. I was laughing so hard that I could barely hear what they were saying, and I was more focused on why Gabriel's eyebrows are shaded so tackily.
There's no akuma alert on their phone, they detect danger by their miraculous glowing. Better concept imo.
Ladybug doesn't use her lucky charm in the entire film. Cat noir uses his cataclysm so why doesn't Ladybug use her power? This doesn't make sense to me.
Anyway, Marinette finds out that Adrien likes someone else when she asks him to go to the prom (that isn't described as a prom, but essentially that's what it is) and he rejects her saying that he likes someone else. Well, Hawk moth figured out much sooner in the film that he can akumatise himself and become really OP with a crap ton of butterflies. That version of him reminds me of Dr Robotnik when he gets the Master Emerald in the second Sonic film as he controls his power in a similar way. He drags the earrings out of Ladybug's ears and doesn't put them on? Instead the miraculous of the ladybird goes directly into the butterfly miraculous and it fuses that way. No different form though. So anyway, Marinette is on an island because from what I remember the place was flooded, but her island was separated from the one with Hawk moth and Cat noir. She finds out that Cat noir is Adrien, but the others are too busy having a mental breakdown that they don't notice her 4 metres away. At the end she tells Adrien that she's Ladybug in the cheesiest way. This was at the prom, Adrien's sad that he's never going to see Ladybug again because Hawk moth's been defeated and he knows that Ladybug isn't interested in becoming a couple; so he's next to a tree outside the venue. Marinette finds him and then this really cheesy scene plays that I can't really explain but it would have been better if she just asked why he was sad and then Adrien would be vague, but mention something about never being able to see his crush ever again. Marinette would mention that it's because he likes Ladybug, and because he's Cat noir, the only time they meet is when they're saving the day from akumatisations. He would act startled but that's when Marinette would mention that she's Ladybug, and that he doesn't need to worry. Marinette in the original scene is too vague.
Plagg deserved more screen time: he only appeared in 3 scenes, 2 of which involved him eating cheese. It's such a shame as Plagg's my favourite character from the show. The charm from his original character's been watered down and because he barely features, he never gets to make up for it.
Yeah essentially that's my thoughts. I prefer this universe over the universe of the show as this one makes more sense writing wise. It's not perfect, but it's not too bad. I quite enjoyed it but I feel like it could do with a bit of polishing to make it really shine. I'm not sure what direction the show's going with Lila being the new villain, but this film was definitely a better version of the Hawk moth arc due to it's smaller scale.
You can watch it on Netflix (I think) or some random piracy website that I used called miraculous.to. Use chrome though as the video buffers like mad on firefox.
I spent more than an hour typing this out.
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lilacthebooklover · 4 months
18, 20, 23, 24
holy smokesickes anon, you're really going for the kill, huh? /j
18: Most traumatic experience
hmm,, maybe just the entirety of year 9? i became the laughing stock of not only my class but my entire year, bullying was ramped up to an 11 and my only friends regularly hit me lol. i went into a bit of s slump, didn't talk to anyone. i was lowkey emo for a while (plus i was obsessed with the "help" animatic on youtube skfjdkjf). it was straight out of lockdown and i spent like every day not wanting to be in school even though i like learning. but! i got moved out of my sucky class into one with my friend (the one who did most of the hitting, but hey what can ya do) and after that year everyone matured a lot & people seem to like me now?? perks of being inoffensive and polite ig :]. i still have a few habits from back then, like closing off around people my age and resorting to stilted monotone answers, or feeling a little anxious when people other than my close family brush my hair, but i've gotten a lot better since then! it was less "traumatic" and moreso unpleasant, i have a tendency to overdramatise stuff :"). my life just hasn't been all that traumatising. i have a lovely family, a school piano, and most of my overachieving is solely my fault soooo,,,,,
20: What I hate most about myself
there are a couple of things. i don't like how oversensitive & clingy i can be, or how attention-seeking. i want to help people but sometimes that means i don't know when to back off a little. i wind people up when i'm bored to get a reaction. and i'm absolutely terrible at holding my ground around people my own age. i give people sheets of paper from my notebooks & let them borrow my highlighters, i'm nice to the people who used to make fun of me relentlessly, i'm not good at telling people to back off when i feel uncomfortable, i act like i'm superior just because adults tend to like me. it's not great skdjksjd
23: My relationship with my sibling(s)
i'd say it's really good!! my youngest sister trusts me a lot & i read to her regularly, i don't really get her miraculous gacha craze but she is so incredibly smart & i'm really proud of her. she's sweet when she wants to be and i love her to bits and a lot of the bumps in the road are things she'll grow out of when she's older :). there's also my other younger sister!!! we have spent our entire childhood together, and i wouldn't change a single thing about her. she's hilarious and creative and gifted and i have spent countless hours having fun with her. she can be a little closed-off at times and often considers me an embarrassment, but i love her an insane amount too!! and then there's the lovely jpr!! we've gotten really close over the past few years. she's actually the one who introduced me to ao3 while we were washing plates at a caravan site together! i owe a huge part of my life to her & it's been so awesome over the years having someone to write and chat with :)). we watch kids shows unironically and have a chronic au addiction. ily red <33 can't wait to do that omori cosplay at a theme park together next time u come over and try not to lose my wig on the rollercoasters <333
24: My relationship with my parent(s)
great!!! they both care about & support me a lot. they've always got good advice and want what's best for me. sometimes they can be a bit shouty and angry when in a bad mood & there is a lotttt of pressure on me to do well but it's all good! we have awesome family holidays together & i love them both a lot. my dad can be very silly, he likes star wars and terrible jokes and repetitive dj music and toblerone chocolate. and my mum is realllyyy organised, idk how she manages it! she likes cats and potato rosti and the colour blue and shania twain songs. they're the most hardworking & intelligent people i know <3
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raubtierfuetterung · 5 months
Howl‘s Moving Castle the Book is even better than Howl‘s Moving Castle the Anime. I have been enchanted. It’s wise and magical and witty and I fully believe in it as a true story. (I don’t mind if I get branded mad, I think those who understand what I’m on about are the ones who truly matter!) The book has been written with blood from my wrung out heart I feel. It’s like it’s been a part of me even before I read it.
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It has all the good stuff I liked in the anime and none of the unironic kitschiness. It forms a Holy trinity with Harry Potter and Krabat. And maybe Alice in Wonderland too. OH AND FULLMETAL ALCHEMIST BROTHERHOOD!!! But I think Howl’s my favourite 😭😭 I want to become a great wizard more than anything. And I will! (Mental Asylum calling, I know I know, but do I care….? I want to be a weird uncle like Howl…) (yes, I know that the Psychologists call this schizotypy, I do see that to the average prosaic surface level mind I present just a girl prone to insanity. But you do realise that science is just inventing names and vague descriptions of empirical evidence? Whilst magic is the transgression of the Laws of Nature, breaking free from the physical form and human nature? Magic is the deconstruction of everything that has been witnessed by science. Wizardry, the transgression of organic matter, is the only freedom there is. Scientific work, with all it’s microscopes, engines, spacecrafts, power lines and explosives, is like vermins constructing their burrows. (Most people don’t think that a vermin has free will. But miraculously they do think that an enlightened homo sapiens sapiens lab scientist does. They are dumbly proud that they are a bunch of dull, unfree vermins IN OUTER SPACE. How great, this is so shameful ) It might be considered beautiful and kind of cute and it might come in handy for the species doing it. But it is not magical. It is caged in itself. It is slaves of the flesh admiring their own chains as a wondrous, mystical exhibit. Meticulously describing the way they drag across the paved-to-death-street. Giving names to the metal components it���s made of in Latin. And religion is the same. All about the flesh. Science and religion are both so far from magic - truth and freedom that is. The being of everything possible that is. Creation just for the beauty, just for the mind that is. Borderless, shapeless One-ness. Pure intellect, none of the flesh. I really wonder how science has ever been associated with coldness, intellect and magic when it is so obviously about the flesh, about carnality…when they build explosives and drive cars, develop medical equipment and artificial fabrics to satisfying their lust for revenge, their disdain and desire for the flesh, penetrating only their greed and human emotional-bodily needs, when they employ science to kill their enemies in the masses and save their dirty pathetic worthless human vermin lives. I think a life is not worth a dime. And a dime is not worth anything. Worth is not a category to think in! Political power is carnal and lowly. Emotions are the primitive rage of the flesh. And science serves it’s primitive madness, it serves the fear for life and the hate of the enemy equally. It serves primitive violence and hunger for power and want for domination. A vain, power-hungry and cruelly arrogant seeking of knowledge on matter. Seeking to answer the question: How can we kill this [thing]? And when will [thing] kill us?
Oh oh oh I’d rather be eaten by lions than be hit by a car, I’d rather be eaten by the lions. The arrogance of the human species ashames me, because oh there is only ever arrogance paired with violently primitive ignorance. Fear of death makes us despicable )
The most magical thing there is is death. Death is the most magical and beautiful thing there is. Dying, and being pleased to die: this is the most significant act of wizardry. The hour of my death will mark the threshold of my journey to wizardry, freedom!
I think I shall be one of the few who truly grow to love death. I shall know and befriend death, the withering and the tides, the winds and the dunes, the shooting stars and the continental plates
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ms-awesome52 · 3 years
Wordgirl is unironically better than Miraculous. It's 1000x funnier, actually sticks to its logic, has an adorable enemies to lovers slow burn ship and the emotional beats hit much harder. Wordgirl/Becky is much more relatable than Ladybug/Marinette. Scoops is much less pushy than Alya and while it's still true that no one recognizes Becky even though they totally should, it's not shoved into our faces with people making it their mission to unmask her every episode. Plus, it makes it more emotional and easier to buy the few times her identity is revealed.
I love both shows but I find it easier to watch Wordgirl and find it more enjoyable.
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If I may make an analogy real quick, imagine a toddler drawing some picture of a dog for their mum. The mum would probably hang the picture on the fridge and cherish it, but she wouldn't unironically go to other people telling them how her kid is the greatest artists to ever exist or something (and if she did, she would objectively be wrong because most artists are probably better than a toddler). It's the exact same thing with miraculous.
That is a perfect analogy thank you! Exactly, exactly
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ilikekidsshows · 2 years
Fashion is very personal and culture dependent. I've seen a video of someone criticizing miraculous fashion while wearing something I wouldn't consider at all. I'm not going to tell them I dislike their fashion sense because what someone wears is up to them. But people criticizing Marinette not wearing different outfits is also ignoring the 3d medium of the show and the cost. people don't know/ignore restrictions of official shows while critiquing. btw I think Gabe's new outfit is a vibe XD
You, Anon, get it!
Like, whenever I criticize this fandom about a common trend, like calling Adrien an idiot or complaining about the outfits, I solely refer to people who unironically (meaning they aren’t just memeing), fully believe that their personal opinions are some kind of universal truth that has to be spouted at everybody no matter what that person's opinion on the topic is. I've seen the "Gabriel's look is so ugly" people spam people who also aren't big on the design (meaning people who agree with them) in addition to creeping into the notes of every person saying anything vaguely positive about the new look. Fan redesigns also almost without fail get comments along the lines of: “this is better than canon!” It’s one thing to have an opinion, it’s a wholly another to keep telling everyone about it.
Every single one of my beefs with the Miraculous fandom always seems to come down to fan entitlement. Entitled fans are people who are convinced that their opinion is the only right one and they'll scream their opinion at everyone until no dissenting opinion can be heard. That's annoying and exhausting. It's why I aim to keep any of my show-specific gripes out of the main tags and why I don't bother with posts that are clearly viewing the show really differently from me. Other people have a right to have opinions just like I do and, since I don't like having certain opinions shoved into my face, I try to give others the same consideration of being able to avoid mine.
The reason I try to stay clear of the Miraculous Youtube vid scene is specifically because those videos so often ooze entitlement and self-importance. Like, they can tell me what their perspective is and what angle they're approaching the show from, but if they try to tell me that their opinion is the most correct one or that the PAID PROFESSIONALS can't do their jobs because they have personal gripes with it, I nope out instantly. And all the "critical" approaches to the show veer into this territory at least halfway through if they don't outright start there.
Like, honesty hour? There's this one person who makes videos about their redesigns for the characters, and they're always so over-designed and they talk over their video how they'd "fix" the canon stories for these characters and I just end up hating the designs both because they aren't to my tastes, but also because of their entitlement. They tell me these designs are better than canon and that they can also write better than the staff? I instantly dislike them as a person, and then they give me designs that wouldn't actually work in the show due to being over-designed and hard to animate in CG (or 2D to be honest) and also that just don't fit the characters thematically and I just end up hating them with such a burning passion that just seeing a thumbnail of a recommended video where I recognize their style makes me make the most UGH face imaginable.
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I always quickly look for something palatable to watch to get rid of the feeling. Usually an actual analysis of a storytelling device will do the trick.
Also, the entire point of a superhero or supervillain costume is to be a vibe, so I consider your comment a winning endorsement. Superhero and supervillain designs should tell you the basic premise of a character with a glance, the point is to have a strong "vibe".
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beevean · 2 years
I wouldn't come to the conclusion that the devs weren't Sonic fans themselves because making something purely to one-up something is done so much in fan fiction in general. But if you're going to commit to something long term especially a Passion Project, "Anything you can do, I can do better!" is one of the worst reasons. It's not only very draining, but that spite and bitterness will show. I dropped Miraculous Ladybug because the creator's shitty attitude started to manifest in the show itself
I'm just baffled that the main dev said unironically that the series has no lore and plot and the last good game came out in 1998
my dude. my bud. my pal. why writing a game that takes so much inspiration from the games from 2001-2008 and an anime aired in 2003 then. Like this is the thing that confuses me. It really seems that the devs used that era to 1) dangle the 2000s nostalgia in front of the fandom like shiny keys, and 2) to show how much better they can do than SEGA using similar elements. That's scummy. Add this to their shitty behavior, and it almost proves that they were only motivated by spite and arrogance - no wonder they locked betas under paywalls then.
I keep hearing about ML and how bad it has become, but how so? I thought the main problem was too much focus on the main ship like in Star vs. the Forces of Evil?
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gritsandbrits · 3 years
I've been rewatching and revisiting some shows from my childhood as of late and I find it unironically hilarious that Randy Cunningham Ninth Grade Ninja utilizes Miraculous Ladybug's concepts better than Miraculous Ladybug does as well as having better writing and continuity when like 80% of its jokes are toilet humor based and it features made-up slang that reeks of "how do you do fellow kids". ML's bar really is set that low, huh?
What's amusing about Randy Cunningham is that that show's female characters are underutilized but still turned out better than the supposed "feminist" MLB.
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nomolosk · 3 years
Alix groaned in frustration as the lights first flickered, then died completely. A few minutes later her laptop screen went dark as the residual charge in the battery got sucked away. She tried checking her phone, but it was the same story. It was an unfortunately common phenomenon in Paris now- about half of night-time akumas were obsessed with Paris’ image as the ‘City of Lights,’ and about half of those loathed it and tried to darken the city as much as possible, while the others went overboard in the other direction. At least it was night-time and autumn, which meant the temperature in the house wouldn’t change that much.
“Jalil!” she yelled, opening the door to her bedroom after letting her eyes adjust to the darkness. “Akuma!”
An indeterminate yell from Jalil’s room was all the acknowledgement she got. Grumbling under her breath, Alix got out the candle and matches she kept in one of her desk drawers and lit it. As much as Alix hated it, there was nothing to do but wait until Ladybug and Chat Noir defeated the akuma and restored everyone’s power. Meanwhile, she still had homework to do, and unfortunately it was for Ms. Mendeleiev, who didn’t accept ‘akuma attack’ as an excuse not to get it done. Even worse, the homework was in preparation for a lab tomorrow, and if she didn’t understand the concepts well enough by then, she would get a bad grade both on the homework and the lab.
But after staring at and trying to solve the first problem for fifteen minutes, Alix was getting even more frustrated. She wished she could go out on her skates for a bit just to blow off steam, but it was already dark outside and Jalil would throw a fit. Their dad was out at some kind of special Louvre event that Jalil had been expressly disinvited to, so it was just her and her brother at home. Normally, Alix would just sneak out anyway, but tonight she decided to do something different.
“Hey Jalil,” she said, knocking on his open door. Jalil, too, had lit some candles, and it looked like he was neck-deep into some new conspiracy theory, judging by the litter of books and papers on every available surface in his room. He only got like this when he was researching a new theory- when he felt like he had a good handle on the basic concepts and premises, he would file all his notes away in neatly labeled notebooks and folders, which was the only redeeming quality of his tendency to get swept up in ridiculous logic and insanely flawed reasoning.
Jalil looked over at her with a faintly manic glint in his eye- but that could have been the candlelight flickering in a faint breeze. Alix almost thought better of it and changed her question… but she really did need help and right now asking the internet or someone else weren’t options she could use. So she sighed heavily and took the plunge.
“I need help with my science homework. We’ve got a lab tomorrow, and the homework is supposed to prepare us for that, so if I don’t get it, I’m gonna fail the lab, too. You remember how tough Mendeleiev was, right?”
“Ah yes, Mendeleiev… the stanchion of outdated thinking and firm supporter of the church,” Jalil said, clenching one of his hands into a fist. “I sent several letters to the administration when I had the misfortune to be her student, but of course no one listened to reason. I’m sorry you are suffering under her prejudices.”
“What,” Alix said, immediately regretting her decision to ask for help. Mendeleiev wasn’t her favorite teacher by a long shot, but she wouldn’t have pegged her as particularly religious or too set in her ways to acknowledge truth when it was right in front of her.
“She blatantly supports the use of a system of measurement that secretly brainwashes the student body into supporting the outdated religious construct that is the Catholic Church,” Jalil said, voice low and intent. Alix closed her eyes and facepalmed, slumping against the doorframe. She heard Jalil sigh.
“But nevermind,” he said, sounding a little forlorn. “You’re too young to see it, I guess… I just hope you wake up to the lies before you turn into dad. Anyway, whatever I know or don’t know, you still have to pass the class, and even I know that. So, what’s the problem?”
Alix straightened up and dropped her hand, looking at him with surprise and hope. Jalil’s expression had changed to a kind smile- it reminded her of days when they were both younger, before he’d fallen headlong into the mysticism and paranoia that comprised most of his conspiracy theories.
Hesitantly, Alix told him what they were working on, and they moved their candles to the kitchen table to work on it together. Surprisingly, Jalil turned out to be good at explaining the core concepts. Alix quickly learned not to ask about how or where he got that understanding, though, because it was inevitably flawed. But his coaching got her to the right answers when she looked them up in the back of the book, so she overlooked that.
By the time the ladybugs restored everything, Alix was done with the homework and thanked her brother with a genuine smile.
Jalil smiled at Alix’s somewhat surprised thanks, and resolved to try one more time… for her sake. He’d given up changing Mendeleiev’s mind when he was in school, but perhaps she’d now had enough time to see the evidence of his theory for herself and was just waiting for a push- a little nudge if you will- to change the measurement system she chose to support in her science classes. As flawed as the imperial system was, it was far better than the metric system, which was too closely linked with the Church as an institution for any true scientist to use it unironically.
So, after Alix left the table, Jalil got out a piece of paper of his own and began to write a letter. He smiled over it, imagining his former teacher’s relief and chagrin at having to finally admit that he was right.
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