schmope-is-dead · 2 years
eating shredded unseasoned turkey like chew tobacco
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metaforth · 9 days
Cyberpunk 2077 is awful and I'm tired of people insisting it's not. I miss the bugs, they were fun, they made the game somewhat entertaining. Well, I shouldn't say I miss them. I've tried playing this garbage fire even after the release of Phantom Liberty I still haven't had an experience playing the game without some disruptive bug or glitch occurring. They aren't as all consuming anymore but it seems something at the very core of this digital rotten lasagna is fundamentally broken.
The story is shallow. Characters are introduced and die too fast and often for me to really give a shit. The best example is Jacky. Not only is he the earliest but he's clearly the one the game wants me to be the most upset about but why? Most of the character development between V and Jacky happens via montage and after that he's barely around until his insanely predictable death. He feels like a somehow more underwritten Fast and Furious character.
But who cares. A good game can survive a shallow and unintersting story. Is the gameplay fun? No.
Its trying to desperately to create the same sandbox experience as GTA without nearly the amount of variety that makes GTA fun to playa me explore. The world is empty, 99% of weapons all feel the same, the shallow gimmicks thrown into the weapon pool like tech guns or mantis blades hardly have any impact, there's not much reason to experiment with your load out. And with such a bare world there's not much reason to want to.
And the RPG mechanics... Calling them that feels like an insult to RPGs. They're somehow worthless and overpowered simultaneously. In regular gameplay you'll rarely if ever notice their presence, while in stealth they render the game downright trivial. You turn off people's fucking eyeballs in stealth, just turn them off. If you wanna play easy mode regardless of difficulty, just build into stealth.
The games messaging might just be the worst part. It's so backwards and inconsistent I can't tell if any message was actually intended at all. The game clearly wants you to believe it's making some statement but constantly tries to contradict itself. The game tells you cyberpsychosis can be treated and repeatedly reinforces to you the people experiencing it aren't in control of their own actions, but you still beat them to a pulp anyways. You basically kill them but nicer and without the game telling you their dead so despite the fact you shot bullets at them until they ragdolled don't worry it's different this time, they're FIIIIIIIIIIINE. No opportunity to de-escalate the situation, no trying to talk them through this, no anything one might actually do when trying to help someone experiencing a mental break.
But when fucking ROBOT CARS are going ballistic that's when you talk them down and a have a heart to heart? With fucking Cars? CARS?!
I wanted to like this game. I went into every gameplay session hoping to enjoy this game. I repeatedly open mindedly entered this game and made serious attempts to find something to enjoy about it. But I can't. Everyone endlessly praises this game as a masterpiece, I've seen it in so many "BEST [GAME GENRE] OF ALL TIME" lists, even from sources I actually respect the opinions of otherwise and it makes me feel like I'm taking crazy pills every time I boot up this irredeemably dog shit waste of gigabytes.
How in the hell does this game have such a good reputation when there doesn't seem to be even a single lone redeemable aspect of it. Even things I just don't have the energy to discuss, the boring design of the open world that feels like the most cookie cutter, by the numbers cyberpunk aesthetic I've ever seen, the characters designs that range from boring to characters like Adam Smashers who are such walking garbage piles it'd make a Micheal Bay cybertronian blush, it's just so unbelievably bad....
What an insult to the entire cyberpunk genre, both the game itself and the undeserved praise...
Edit: Haven't watched edgrunners, not going to
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I think I found the family I never knew I wanted so badly, because I convinced myself I was content with the lack of interest you had in me, the okays and the sighs and long, long pauses where I can’t figure out whether you’ve gone deaf or not bothered.
But on the way back from the parade in a car I’ve never been in, after five hours of walking around in a group of colours I entertained the idea of having a little brother. Something I had thought about before but whats the point when you’re an adult who doesn’t talk to your mother. I stared at the idea of him in the front seat, watching as he bantered with his maternal figure, so full of rigour and love from his surroundings, beaming out from his silly, round grin. I could listen to him talk, though I inherited your habits of stilted responses I hovered around him during our walk, pointed at every pigeon I knew he would love. I want to grab him and tell him I’ll protect him from the world. Hopefully I’ll know him long enough to get the chance.
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rigginsstreet · 1 year
they made alice say the dumbest goddamn things when she was with fp and yall were like "this is so romantic what a great ship"
anyway i love that it crashed and burned so hard because skeet was tired of that stupid ass writing. peace and love on planet earth
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snekdood · 1 year
i for one would kill for bats
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helengie · 1 year
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(via I'am Authentic Classic T-Shirt by HelenGie)
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cadmium-ores · 4 months
ok but really guys WHAT are we wearing to Iron Lung... I do not think we can realistically go drenched in blood.....
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justinempire · 2 years
(Justin Empire) Unquestionably 
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laurapetrie · 1 year
She had her own inner life of dream and fancy. She fashioned secret drama for herself out of everything she heard or saw or read and sojourned in realms of wonder and romance. "Far, far away" had always been words of magic to her.
- L.M. Montgomery, Anne of Ingleside (1939)
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like-wuatafauq · 6 months
I wanna fill up a pretty angel femme with my strap so that she feels so full of love
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transwolvie · 6 months
Got notes again on my post abt how Falin's Girl Autism is romanticized to the point where people who don't really know or understand her are trying to propose vs Laios's Boy Autism being seen as an active threat even though the Toudens are literally so fucking alike and like. Yeah. Gdhdh I have nothing to add I was fucking right and I like that Ryoko Kui created such loving and similar siblings so that she could comment on how their autism and hyperfixations are so clearly filtered through a lens of how people see them due to their gender as well
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etrevil · 1 year
Fifteen, sixteen, twenty-two…
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He loved him until the very end.
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carolofthebell · 3 months
My latest obsession:
@rubydianarts animatic of Get in the Water from Epic: the Musical with Hama!
It’s perfection
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mxtxfanatic · 4 months
"Jin Ling wasn't abused! Jiang Cheng was the perfect uncle to him, and Jin Ling would never doubt that—"
Hey, quick question: how come Jin Ling hesitates to go to Jiang Cheng during the second siege despite all the other boys immediately and unhesitatingly running to embrace their relatives when the adults arrive?
These cultivators, including Jiang Cheng, all bathed in blood, their faces tired. All of the boys rushed outside the cave, shouting, “Dad!” “Mom!” “Brother!” They were embraced into the crowd. Jin Ling looked left and right, as though he still hadn’t decided yet. Jiang Cheng’s voice was harsh, “Jin Ling, why are you so slow? What are you taking your time for? Do you want to die?!”
—Chapt. 68: Tenderness, exr
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mysterycitrus · 6 months
if you could erase a comic authors works and have them be written by anyone else (of your choosing), would you erase scott lobdell or tom taylor?
tom taylor is a performative egotistical hack with an annoying twitter account but id still keep his work over a literal sex criminal who unabashedly hates women and set abolitionist discourse in comics back about two decades
ive talked about it before but my personal ideal run would’ve been an outsiders book set in space, with roy and kory and dick as the mcs. outlaws is bad for the same reason that most of the new52 is — they supplant comic canon with lots of text boxes insisting that characters have a pre-existing relationship, and spend no time actually establishing or portraying it. we see this now even tho it makes no sense timeline wise (jason and roy are besties even though roy is at minimum 7+ years older than him and was on the titans with dick?)
because dick and kory and roy all have long standing relationships together and with each other it would’ve made for a compelling story. there’s so much baggage and so much love there. if u got someone like winnick who can be (occasionally) trusted not to turn books into a batfest we could’ve gotten quality roy and kory character moments too, something that functionally did not exist in outlaws autonomously from making jason look cool. or id get gretchen felker martin to write a jason book cause at the very least she seems to understand the inherent hypocrisy behind his personal politics
tbqh id rather we talk about how dan didio facilitated not only the terrible treatment of babs, roy and kory, and basically every legacy character outside of bruce but also kept lobdell on as a writer despite the numerous allegations against him and the unquestionably toxic environment he created in comics. it’s not a coincidence that the moment didio was booted lobdell followed suit on the same shoe
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helengie · 1 year
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(via I'am Authentic Classic T-Shirt by HelenGie)
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