#up until that point the kids thought they were standoffish and rude but they were just like tired all the time and not a big fan of talking
thelaughingmerman · 1 year
drew a picture of my nine realms oc and the entire file somehow deleted before i could save it life is cruel
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materassassino · 4 months
a DinLuke kiss for either 30, 24 or 9 please 👀
This meanders like hell but they really were not cooperating with this.
Kiss roulette!
30 - A kiss to the palm of the hand
It is their third mission.
They work well together, once they get over their initial standoffishness. Din keeping his guard up, still wary of this man he trusted to once train his child, and Luke maintaining that impenetrable, aloof façade last only until the end of the first mission, when they are trapped and that distance might kill them. They make it out, and something shifts.
Luke smiles more, wider, more glittering things. Din talks more, allowing himself to be drawn into actual conversation. Small, concentric shifts that surprise the both of them.
Their second mission is seamless, goes off without a hitch: the Imps are too terrified by the presence of Luke Skywalker for anything but gibbering surrender, which Din is grateful for.
But then their third mission is the complete opposite.
The intel was faulty, there were numbers at the facility two men alone, even with one of them a nigh-omnipotent Jedi master, could never have dreamt of dealing with. They should be attacking this place with a squadron, a whole army, not two men and an astromech.
They have to cut their losses, run limping away to lick their wounds. Din’s going to kick Carson Teva’s ass for this one. As they run for their ship, Luke turns, throws his hands up. There are stormtroopers swarming towards them, an unstoppable white tidal wave of idiot true believers, and Luke digs into the Force to throw them back. He tries to wrench the blast doors closed, gets pretty far, there’s a sliver left between them…
And for once, a stormtrooper actually has good aim.
The blaster bolt goes right through Luke’s right hand, making him yell in pain. Din stares as he cradles it, teeth gritted, and he has to haul Luke away, back to their borrowed ship, depositing him with perhaps less gentleness than the moment would warrant into the co-pilot seat, but he’s desperate to get them off this kriffing moon.
He deftly dodges laser cannon fire, working the engines to screaming point to get them away as fast as possible. A retreat is, of course, dishonourable, but Din’s run from more overwhelming odds than he’d care to count at this point. He has a kid to take care of, so sue him. Once the rippling blue of hyperspace is around them, on course back to Nevarro, he whirls in his seat, hands reaching for Luke but not daring to touch, hovering weirdly.
Luke unfolds from himself with less of a pained moan and more of an inconvenienced sigh. Din watches him peel back his single glove with a grimace, to reveal a smouldering hole. Thank the manda Din’s helmet has filters, otherwise he’s certain the smell of charred flesh would be nauseating.
“That’s another one gone,” Luke grumbles, holding it up.
Din stares. “What do you mean ‘another one’?”
Luke turns his hand so the palm is facing Din. Din winces, but then he realises something. There’s no horrid sight of burnt flesh, but rather the snapped wires and broken servos of a prosthetic. Din stares some more, before sinking into his seat in relief.
Just a prosthetic. No horrendous, life-altering injury. Well… not a recent one, anyway.
Luke pokes at his own fingers, frowning. They don’t even twitch, the only movement left all in his wrist. Din sits up straight again, eyeing it. He wants to reach for it, study it, hold it gently. He blinks the thoughts away.
“How…?” He doesn’t know how to finish. Luke has never not answered a question from him, but he knows he’s being incredibly rude. “No, forget it…”
Luke looks up. “Oh. Uh… during the War.” His face is tight, pinched, something haunted in his eyes. It’s not a face Din has ever seen him wear. “I kriffed up, badly.”
“I’m sorry,” Din says, but Luke shakes his head.
“No, it’s fine.” He manages to hitch on a smile, something reassuring. “I’ll just need to go to Chandrila for a new one.”
That’s not what Din meant, but he doesn’t know how to correct Luke without making it worse.
“Can you not fix it?” he asks instead. Luke shakes his head.
“I’m a mechanic, but this is a little beyond me. It’s fried. Plus the synthskin needs replacing as well.”
Din nods. He knows Luke can probably fly his X-Wing perfectly well one-handed, but still… he can’t keep the worry from gnawing at him. He gazes at Luke, who has slumped into his seat now. He looks exhausted, truth be told, and Din feels the same, now the adrenaline is fading. He wants to sleep for about seven business days.
They travel on in silence, a rare thing for Luke, the both of them wrapped in their own thoughts for a long while. Din loses track of time as his eyelids grow heavy. They can afford to sleep until they get to Nevarro, he’s certain no one is giving chase, and he folds his hands over his sternum. They could have died, back there. Even with all Luke’s skill and power and his own experience, they came dangerously, terrifyingly close. Who would take care of Grogu? His gut twists sickeningly.
And he hates the way Luke stopped, putting his very unarmoured self between Din and a horde of stormtroopers, lightsaber disengaged. As if Luke was expendable. His gut twists again, some cold horror clawing itself up his throat, his heart thudding. What if? What if? His fist clenches on the armrest and he looks at Luke.
“Hey, Luke?” he says.
Luke hums, just enough of a reply that Din knows he’s still awake.
“Don’t… don’t try shit like that again,” he says. Luke opens his eyes, though they droop heavily, and he frowns.
“Like what?” he asks.
“I’m the one wearing the beskar,” Din says. “Let me take the hits.”
Luke blinks at him, then smiles, something sleepy and pleasant and something stutters in Din’s chest, something winged the colour of sunlight. He swallows.
“I can’t promise that,” he says, and that makes Din scowl.
“Are all Jedi this foolish?” he grumbles. Luke shrugs.
“I don’t know, I’m the only one.”
Another twist within Din, his heart aching. He isn’t fully in control of himself when he leans over, working almost on autopilot. He reaches out, his hand perhaps trembling ever-so-slightly, and takes Luke’s left.
“Then perhaps side-by-side would be a compromise?” he says. Luke looks down at his hand and Din’s, and back up again. Din sees his throat bob, swallowing just like Din did earlier.
“That could work,” he replies, his voice slightly hoarse in a way that makes Din’s heart stutter again, stop-start-stop-start, out of rhythm. He leans forward, tipping his helmet up, and kisses Luke’s palm. He hears Luke’s breath hitch, feels his hand quiver, his fingers twitch. Din rubs circles with his thumb where his lips just touched, feeling mystified by his own bravery.
“Good,” he replies, replacing his helmet. “We’re a team.”
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axoxtxhxh · 3 years
First Date with the Vets - Levi
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Big shoutout to @chaotic-nick​ for making this lovely banner for me!
Overall Summary: I had this idea to do a first date with the vets and what it would be like. I am including Erwin, Levi, Miche, and Hange in this list. Each date will be different, but all of them will be set in modern au.
Check out Erwin’s story here and Miche’s story here, and Hange’s story here
Pairing: Levi x Fem!Reader Content: Nearly all fluff, a tiny hint at sex Word Count: ~ 5,600 Summary: Reader gets invited to a jazz club by her best friend who says she will be bringing another friend. When her best friend decides not to show up, she is left with an acquaintance she barely knows while they try to make the best of the situation.
The moment you stepped into the jazz club, the smell of smoke hit your nostrils and you were wondering why you let your friend pick the venue for your night out. You always let her pick and something like this always happened.
You looked around the club, trying to find that familiar orange head of curls you were so used to seeing. You were always jealous of Fen’s hair, she hated standing out in the crowd, but you were always telling her how she should own it, every time you walk into a room, that’s your chance to own the room. She had definitely come a long way from her shy, nerdy middle school days.
A second sweep of the room and you still didn’t see her. You must be the first one there. Or it was possible the other friend Fen said she was bringing would be there. You couldn’t remember who she said it would be. You didn’t have many other mutual friends so you knew it must be someone you hadn’t met many times before.
You opened up your clutch purse and pulled out your phone, checking the messages of who she said was coming. You scrolled through to a couple days before and found it.
               [Please don’t bring someone weird that I have to make small talk with.]
[Haha! It’s that guy you met a couple times.]
[Don’t worry, he hates small talk.]
She never was very good at describing people. Well at least you wouldn’t have to worry about small talk if he was here. Still, you couldn’t help but wonder who she was talking about. Honestly, the club wasn’t that big. There were only a handful of tables in front of the stage and most of the tables behind the dropped seating were empty. Another sweep of the crowd, this time not focusing on anything and you spotted him. His silky jet-black hair was shining off of the dim lighting as he scrolled through his phone.
You moved to the table, squeezing through the annoying congregation of people blocking the stairs. As you approached the table, you realized that it was entirely possible that him being here was a coincidence and he wasn’t the friend Fen invited. You mentally shrugged, it didn’t really matter at that point, even if he wasn’t, you’d at least have someone to talk to while you waited. He wasn’t the most talkative person, but he certainly wasn’t the worst.
Standing across from him at the table, you watched as his eyes slowly trailed up your body until they reached your face. He had a disinterested look in his eyes, but still shifted in his seat, sitting up straight.
“I’m not sure if you remember me,” you started, smiling, “I’m friends with Fenmore.”
“I do.”
“Oh, great.” You relaxed your shoulders a bit and reached your hand forward.
“Y/N, right?” The man extended his hand to you and you shook it.
“Yes.” You were surprised he remembered because you couldn’t remember his name for the life of you. “Sorry, I forgot your—”
“Levi. It’s nice to see you again.” You pulled your hand away and smiled wider. “You wouldn’t happen to be meeting Fenmore here tonight, would you?”
“I am.” The corner of his mouth lifted the tiniest bit and you took it as a smile.
“I thought so. I’m also meeting her, though I’m not sure where she is.” You looked around the club briefly and then back at Levi, gesturing at the chair in front of you. “Do you mind if I sit here?”
“Not at all.” He started standing up from his chair and stopped halfway when he saw you put your hand up.
“You don’t have to stand.” He didn’t seem as unfriendly as you remembered him being the couple other times you met him. He definitely seemed very standoffish and cold, but certainly not as unapproachable as you had in your memory. “You like jazz?”
“I like jazz.” He nodded, looking at the stage. “It’s the jazz lounge I’m not really fond of.”
“I can relate to that.” You laughed and he looked back over to you, his eyes slightly more interested in you than they were a moment before. “If it weren’t for Fen always trying to drag me out here. This is one of her favorite places, though I’m sure you know that.”
“I didn’t, actually.”
“Ah.” You nodded in understanding.
You were sure he would know her love of jazz lounges, this one in particular. Anyone that knew Fen well enough knew it and there was a part of you that thought for sure Fen and Levi were dating. She talked about him just enough that you could recognize him, but not overboard, the way people are just before they start a relationship. Then again, it didn’t make sense why she would invite you out with him if they were newly dating.
“Yes, well, it’s probably better that way.” You laughed. “Otherwise you might get dragged out here each week like me.”
He nodded, still staring at you and you looked at your purse, struggling to nail this guy down. He wasn’t being rude, but he wasn’t really engaging in any sort of conversation. You thought back to what Fen said, ‘he hates small talk’ and smiled to yourself.
A female server walked up to your table and set a drink down and you and Levi both looked up at her.
“The gentleman at the bar sent this over for you.” She smiled and left.
“Oh, a martini.” You looked over to the bar, but the club was way too dark to actually see anyone. You turned to Levi. “Should I drink it?”
“Do you like martinis?”
“I like martinis. It’s the guy I’m not sure I’m fond of.” You repeated his choice of words from a couple minutes before. He let out a puff of air and you almost got a glimpse of his teeth.
You could imagine him having a really great smile and the work to get him to show it was starting to look like a lot more fun than you expected.
“What the hell? I’ll drink it.” You moved the drink closer to you and signaled for the server to come over.
“Are you ordering something else?” Levi asked, shifting in his seat a little.
“No, I’m going to send a drink to him to let him know I like the drink, but not him.” You watched as Levi’s eyes widened the slightest bit and his mouth opened as if to speak. “Don’t worry, I’ll be nicer in my choice of words.”
You smiled as the server came to the table and you caught the tiniest little smile from Levi before he quickly dropped it, his face returning to his default gaze.
“What can I get for you?” It was the same server that brought the drink to you.
“Yes, I’d like to buy the gentleman that sent this drink to me something,” you started, “and if you wouldn’t mind, please tell him thank you, but I’m already entertaining another man.”
You gestured to Levi and watched him shift in his seat again.
“Which drink would you like to send?” You hadn’t even thought about that.
“What do you like to drink, Levi?” You turned to him.
“Old fashioned.” He looked at the waitress and his eyes travelled back to you, the little corner of his mouth turning up again. You handed your card to the server and she left.
“So how did you get roped into coming out tonight then? You asked him. “Since you like jazz, but not jazz clubs.”
“Fenmore asked me what I was doing on Friday and I told her I didn’t have plans.” He admitted.
“Big mistake.” You laughed. “You know, she was like this when we were kids too. We actually met because I told her I didn’t have plans for my 13th birthday. She ended up planning this whole baseball themed birthday part for me and invited a whole bunch of people from our grade.”
“Why a baseball theme?”
“You know, I don’t know.” You thought about it and the memory made you smile, when you looked up at Levi, he leaned a little closer. “The funny thing is, I love baseball. I still don’t know how she knew it though.”
Enjoying his sudden decision to participate in conversation, you were about to ask him a question when you felt your phone buzz and you opened your clutch to check it.
[Sorry, can’t make it tonight.]
[You have fun though.]
                                                                            [You know I hate this place]
[I’m sure the company isn’t too bad ;) ]
That’s a weird response. You narrowed your eyes at your phone, suspecting Fen was up to something and she wasn’t fully clear on what tonight was. You looked up and Levi was putting his phone down.
“I take it you got a similar text from Fen.” You questioned.
“She’s not coming?”
“She’s not coming.” You sighed and looked around. The club was starting to get busier as it got later in the night. “I guess if Fen’s not here and we both hate this place, we could probably just go.”
You shrugged and Levi nodded. Just as you both were standing up, a server came over to your table, different from the one before.
“Can I get you guys anything to drink?” You didn’t even realize this place took orders without you having to call a server over. You looked to Levi, checking to see if he still wanted to leave and he shrugged.
“We could stay for one drink.” Levi suggested, smiling, and you caught the tiniest glimpse of his teeth, sparkling in the dim club lighting.
“I guess I did get all dressed up.” You propped your chin on your arm and smiled at him. There really was something interesting about him that you couldn’t quite put your finger on. You knew there was more to him than he was letting on and there was just something about the chase that he was giving that really kept you wanting more.
You were looking in his eyes now, the stone grey really suited his face and it’s not that anyone ever looked terrible in clubs, you were sure that was the whole reason it was dark all the time, but there was something so bewitching when the glitter of that random disco ball shine caught his face just right. You watched his eyes look to his right several times and then back to you and you wondered what he was looking at. Then you remembered the server standing there.
“Oh, shit! I’m so sorry.” You watched Levi laugh to himself and you couldn’t hold back your smile. “I’ll take a screwdriver and he’ll have an old fashioned?”
Levi nodded and the server was off to get the drinks.
“You know, I didn’t realize they come to your table to take your order in this place.” You leaned forward, whispering. “It’s never happened before.”
“Maybe this place isn’t as bad as we thought.” Levi put his phone in his pocket and rested his arms on the table, his attention fully on you as he moved closer.
“That’s enough to change your mind?” You also leaned closer to him.
“That’s enough for me to keep an open mind.” He moved even closer and it made you wish the table was smaller so you could get closer to him. You smiled at him, still staring. You really loved a man that didn’t feel the need to fill silence. There was also a quiet confidence that Levi had. Do his eyes ever stop shimmering?
“What is it that you do, Levi?”
“You first.”
“I’m an internal auditor. My job is boring.” You waved your hand is a dismissive way. “I’m more interested in what you do.”
“Here are your drinks.” The server was back, setting your screwdriver in front of you and, what looked like, a cosmo in front of Levi. “Can I get you anything else?”
“Yes actually, sorry, he ordered an old fashioned.” You pointed to Levi’s drink.
“I’m so sorry about that.” The server took the drink and set it on his tray. “I’ll be back with that old fashioned.”
You thanked the server and looked back at Levi, sliding your untouched martini over to him.
“How do you feel about martinis while you wait?”
You quickly learned that Levi wasn’t really a person that enjoyed doing most of the talking. He was very much a listener, but there were certain things you could learn about him even through the few things he did say. For starters, you could immediately sense how loyal he was based on how he described his friends. You had managed to figure out that he owned his own business and from what you understood, it was relatively successful, though you were sure he was downplaying his own success significantly. He was in the military for fourteen years and had actually hired quite a bit of his comrades when they got out. A quality that had you scooting closer to him around the table.
Owning his own business definitely told you he spent a lot of his time working and you admired that in another person considering you were that kind of person and you couldn’t even explain how many relationships had failed in the past because your partner couldn’t understand that. He was also quite strong in his conviction which you found surprising since he was such a quiet and unobtrusive person.
You were two drinks in when the club started getting louder and while you definitely enjoyed having to lean closer to Levi to have him speak in your ear, it really was becoming difficult to continue the conversation and when you leaned closer to him and he dipped his head down so you could speak in his ear, you asked if he wanted to go somewhere a little quieter. He nodded and leaned closer to you.
“I know a place.” And you both stood up, closing your tab and heading out. This was the first time you’d stood next to Levi and while you knew he was shorter than you from your previous times meeting, there was something quite cute about standing next to him and feeling his height then. Though you had to admit, when he rested his hand on your lower back to help guide you out of the club, your thoughts were far from cute.
“So where is this place you know?” You asked, not even getting the chance to shiver in the night air before Levi’s blazer was being placed over your shoulders. You looked to him quickly and smiled, thanking him. This guy was next-level perfect.
“It’s a tea café not far from here, a couple blocks maybe.”
“A tea café that’s open at—” You checked your watch, “—two o’clock in the morning?”
“It’s kind of open whenever I want it to be.” He smiled shyly.
That was sort of a weird thing to say. You started to worry that maybe you were about to break in to the shop and while you were always up for an adventure, that wasn’t the kind of adventure you liked.
“It’s right up there.” He pointed and you could see at the end of the block, a small, dark shop. You lived near here and had seen this shop quite a bit, but never really realized what it was. The arched wooden French doors in the front along with the wide windows and dark exterior were always really appealing to you, but never went inside because you never realized it was a café.
“Are you sure it’s okay if we go in here? It looks closed.” You worried, moving closer to Levi and lightly holding his arm. He reached in his pocket and pulled out keys, putting them in the lock.
“Trust me. I know the owner.” He smiled at you. It may have only been a small little lift in the corner of his mouth, but you were realizing that this little smile Levi had, was his way of being playful and the idea that he was showing you this side of him, as small of a reveal as it was, made your heart lift a little and you smiled back.
The lock clicked and he pushed the door open. The café was dark, but as soon as the door was open, you could smell the coffee from the machines and wood from the décor, all of it was so warm and welcoming. Levi clicked on the lights and pulled you forward, you hadn’t even realized at what point he had grasped your hand.
“Pick a seat.” He told, moving behind the counter. “I’ll make us some tea.”
You walked around, looking at everything. There was definitely a feeling of cozy warmth and you were really enjoying it. You weren’t really someone that had much of an eye for design, but you really loved how everything was set up. White brick walls on the interior with open shelving for all the unique, but similar mug designs. There was a lot of wood, between the hardwood floors, the wooden stools and wooden shelves in the corner. It was manly, but quaint and very one-of-a-kind. It was very Levi.
You were starting to understand why he found it so funny that he knew the owner. You smiled at his little joke and kept walking to find a seat. There was a small corner away from the windows that caught your eye and you took a seat on the inner bench. Before you had the chance to really look around from your spot, Levi was walking over with two cups on a tray.
“I hope you’re okay with black tea.” He sat down and set a cup in front of you. “It’s kind of my thing.”
“Your thing, huh?” You slipped your fingers around the steaming mug and shivered as your body warmed up. “Then I’m definitely okay with it.”
Levi smiled slightly and sat down across from you. You could feel his legs stretched out under the table, a foot on either side of your leg. It’s not like he was a tall guy, so you wondered how much thought he put into stretching his legs out so that they were rubbing against yours. You smiled to yourself at the thought and it really surprised you just how into this guy you were.
“So, the owner of this place.” You started, your finger dancing around the rim of your mug. “Is he single?”
“He is.”
“And is he interested in women?”
“One in particular.” You looked up to meet his eyes and smiled.
“Does she happen to be sitting across from him right now?” You were expecting to have to gauge his tiny reaction at your question and watched closely. Maybe you’d get the smallest widening of his eyes or a twitch in his eyebrows or the corner of his lips lifting. He looked into your eyes and you watched his lips curl into the widest smile you had seen him ever give. You were sure his eyes wrinkled a little.
“When did you figure out I was the owner?” He pulled his bottom lip in between his teeth and bit down lightly. It had your heart beating so intensely you were sure he could hear it.
“The moment you turned on the lights.” You tried to laugh lightly and look around the café. “This place is very ‘you’.”
“I did have a bit of help with decorating.”
“So then you met Fen through the bank?” You took a sip from the mug and smiled. Damn, that’s good tea. “She must have been your lender?”
“She was. I met her through a friend that works with her. He’s the one that recommended her to me.” You smiled and tried to hide it quickly, but he saw and he started smiling. “Why are you smiling?”
“It’s nothing. I was just wondering how we’ve only met handful of times when you’ve known Fen for a couple years.” You took another sip of tea. “Also, how I’ve never been inside this shop when the tea’s so good and it’s right around the corner from my place.”
At that, Levi let out the cutest little chuckle while he looked down, covering his mouth with his fist and you don’t know how you had the restraint to hold yourself back from grabbing him.
“You know,” you started nervously, looking down at your mug, “I actually thought that you and Fen were dating.”
Levi looked up to you quickly and you continued.
“I thought that was her reason for inviting me tonight. To check out the new boyfriend.” You looked up to him. “But after talking to you, I can see that you wouldn’t be her type.”
“I see.”
“Yeah, she goes for the really visually obnoxious types, the ones lacking ambition and drive, the ones she ends up having to take care of.” You explained. “It can be quite frustrating to watch as her friend.”
“And you?” He asked quietly. “You don’t like that type?”
“I like the opposite.” You rested your chin on your hand and looked at him as he slowly leaned closer. “I like the quiet… confident… successful… slightly harder to pin down man.”
You looked at his hand on the table and you were about to rest your hand on his, but thought better of it and decided to change the subject. It was starting to get a bit too intimate for how late it was in the night and you knew what you were like when that happened.
“So—” you leaned back against the bench, “—how has it been owning a tea café? It must take a lot of work.”
“It’s been good. It’s busy enough.” Despite you leaning backwards, Levi still felt close to you and he leaned in a bit more. “The commute isn’t bad considering I live right upstairs.”
Oh. Your eyes widened slightly in surprise. It wasn’t often that you were surprised by what people say but you didn’t expect it from him. That was bold. You could tell by the look in his eyes what he meant. That was extremely bold. You looked closer at him, wanting to make sure you weren’t misunderstanding. He looked down at the table and you had a feeling he was going to say more. You waited and he cleared his throat.
“Honestly, I bought the whole building when I first thought about the café.” He smiled, but looked a bit conflicted in what he was trying to say, his mouth opening slightly before closing, his eyes stuck to the mug in front of him. You were watching him and waiting for him to finish his thought. He may not have been much of a talker, but when he did speak, you hung on every word. Your arms prickled with goosebumps as you watched him struggle while his lips waited to get the message from his brain on what it was he was trying to say.
“Do you want to see the roof?” He looked up at you, set on the decision he made to ask. “It’s cold outside, but the view is really what made me buy the building.”
He looked away quickly, his cheeks growing pink, slight discomfort from revealing something about himself, but you couldn’t stop the smile from spreading across your face at the tiniest little invitation into his mind.
“I’d love to.” You bit your lip at his shy smile. How he could nearly invite you to his apartment with such confidence, but blush at the idea of revealing his favorite spot in the city was beyond you, but it had your breath catching. You stood up and he took the mugs, setting them behind the counter.
Behind the seating area was a door to the backroom that must have been used for employees, Levi opened the door and went in, looking around and coming back out.
“I was hoping there was a blanket left in there.” He grabbed your hand and guided you to the stairwell. It was much colder in there, the stale air freezing from the dropping temperature outside. You were thankful that Levi let you keep his jacket on your shoulders. Maybe wearing a backless jumpsuit was a bad idea for a cold autumn night. It definitely looked good though.
When you reached the second landing, Levi unlocked the door and pushed it open, flicking on the lights. You could tell right away that this was his apartment and he let go of your hand as he walked inside, not wanting you to feel obligated to follow him. But you did follow him. You stepped inside the warmth and let yourself feel the same welcome you did when you walked into the café.
His apartment had a feeling similar to the café that matched him so well, but it was different. A very midcentury modern feeling, while also very modern. He had a lot of dark colors and abstract art on the walls. It made you wonder who had helped him decorate that could nail down a look so perfect for him.
He slipped his shoes off and ran deeper into the apartment. You heard a door opening and closing and he was back with a blanket. Putting his shoes back on, he stepped behind you and you both moved into the stairwell again.
You couldn’t believe you were thinking it, but as you walked up the steps to get to the roof, you looked at Levi’s hand holding onto yours so securely as he moved up the steps in front of you and smiled. You finally understood what Fen meant by her text message earlier in the night. Had she set you up with Levi knowingly, there was no way you would have agreed to it. You had a pretty good idea he wouldn’t have agreed either. You definitely owed her for this one.
You reached the top floor and Levi pushed open the door to the roof and quickly closed it. You stepped back, confused why he didn’t open it up. Maybe it was heavy. He turned around to look at you.
“Close your eyes.” He directed. You smiled and followed what he said, closing your eyes and moving your free hand to hold onto his hand, hoping for more guidance. You could hear him open the door again and he slowly guided you through the threshold. Your hands were dropped as he moved around, setting the blanket around your shoulders and adjusting something to your right before returning to guiding you forward. “Okay, you can open them.”
You slowly opened your eyes and your jaw dropped at the view. His building was definitely the tallest compared to the surrounding ones, but you still had a great view of the taller buildings in the distance. That wasn’t all though. You suspected that his shuffling around while your eyes were closed was him turning on the outdoor string of lights he had set up over a small seating area in the corner.
“This is amazing.” You were in compete awe. This really was an amazing spot in the city. You could see all the hustle and bustle, but from where you stood, everything was quiet and calm.
Levi smiled and pulled you forward, moving to the edge of the building so you could see the street below, sliding himself under the blanket with you, which left no complaints coming from you. As beautiful as it was, it was cold and you would gladly accept any form of warmth he could provide.
“You’re quite the romantic guy, Levi.” You cuddled closer to him and he laughed.
“That’s definitely the first time I’ve been called that.” He looked at you, his grey eyes twinkling with the lights of the city.
“Well then I guess I’m the lucky one.” You smiled, watching as his cheeks blushed pink and his smile turned into a lip bite.
“Would it be alright if I kissed you?”
“I was hoping you would.” You turned your body to face him more, holding back a shiver as his hand moved to your waist, his fingertips grazing your bare back, and his other hand going to cup your jaw. His eyes were focused on your lips and he slowly moved forward, the closer he got to you, the slower he moved, not hesitating, but savoring the moment. It gave you time to move your hand to his shoulder and you could feel the hardened muscle through his shirt.
His lips reached yours and just like water rippling out from one small droplet, the warmth from his touch spread throughout your body quickly from the moment you felt it. Your breath caught as you felt the plushness of his lips pressing so delicately against yours and before you had the chance to enjoy the sensations, he slowly pulled away, his gaze returning to the view of this city. You smiled as you watched him smile uncertainly.
“It’s late, but…” He tapped his fingers on the railing lightly and slowly looked up to you.” If you want to stay the night, I would… I would like you to stay.”
He laughed to himself nervously, but the look in his eyes was everything you needed to say ‘yes’ to that and he was making it so hard to resist. You were sure there must have been so many people who met Levi and mistook him for being shy and naïve and what a mistake they made because the bravado this man held had heat rolling through your body.
“Damn.” You smiled coyly. “Damn, you really made that tempting.”
He did that quiet chuckle into his fist that he did earlier in the café and you laughed with him, leaning forward and resting your chin on your hand.
“I really would love to, but it’s already late and I have to be up in a couple hours, as I’m sure you do.” He nodded.
“I understand.” He was still smiling and it really had you hating that you had to say no. “Can I walk you home?”
“I would like that.”
Your apartment was only a couple blocks from his café so the walk only took five minutes and before you really had the chance to enjoy your last couple minutes with him, you were in front of your apartment door.
“Thanks for walking me home.” You smiled, your hand on your door knob. Levi was looking away, but turned to you to speak.
“It’s not a problem. You’re surprisingly close to my shop.” He shook his bangs out of his eyes and it made you wonder if you should kiss him.
“I am.” You smiled. “I think I might be frequenting that shop more often now that I know you’ll be there.”
He smiled, letting out a puff of air as he looked down. You really wanted to kiss him again and you were pretty sure he was feeling the same way. You reached for his hand and held it, leaning your body forward. When he looked up at you, you confidently placed a small kiss on his cheek, letting yourself linger there before pulling back and smiling at him.
“Good night, Levi.” You dropped his hand and turned to your apartment door, twisting the knob and pushing the door open. Just as you were about to step inside, Levi grabbed your wrist and pulled you back. You probably would have fallen if it weren’t for him quickly holding your face, his hands on your cheeks. It felt warm and so soft on your face and his hold was incredibly gentle as were his eyes as he looked at you.
There was no hesitation as he slowly pulled you closer to him, his eyes dipping down to your lips, and you helped close the gap between you both until there was no space left at all and his lips pressed tenderly against yours.
You were surprised at just how soft his kiss was, definitely more forceful than before, but still so soft. The smooth, cushiony feeling of his upper lip pressing against yours had you weak and you rested your hand on his shoulder. That is until his hands shifted to holding the back of your head and your waist, drawing your body even closer to his and that weakness in your knees turned to prickled skin all over your body. He opened his mouth and you opened yours, sighing as you slipped your tongue out to meet his somewhere in the middle. It was impossible to know just how quickly his heart was beating, but if it was beating at even a fraction of the rate yours was at, it definitely explained why his hand was moving up your back and why the kiss was deepening even further.
Just as quickly as he pulled you close, he separated the kiss and rested his forehead against yours. The smell of tea from your breaths mixing in the space between your lips as you both took quick, deep breaths.
“Can I see you tomorrow night?” He asked, his eyes still closed.
“Yes.” You smiled and he pulled you close again, kissing you briefly before stepping back, his hands moving to his pockets.
“Tomorrow.” The corner of his mouth barely lifted into a small smile, but you could read his excitement through that and it gave you butterflies and made you feel like a teenager.
“Tomorrow.” You nodded and stepped inside your apartment.
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dragonheadskilax · 3 years
Gonna annotate about Leon’s entire character to y’all because he’s so so good, and every time I see someone say he’s a bad character for crushing on a man who doesn’t like him back i’m >:(
An archer born in a Zofian town. His manner of speech and conduct are unmistakably similar to a young lady's. He grew up care-free thanks to his parents and their laid-back environment. He was often teased for his effeminately good looks, and he always responded with a test of skill--which he would win, improving his reflexes. He joined the army to search for someone he could devote his heart to. When Valbar decided to accompany Celica, he naturally tagged along, and provided much assistance during the journey. He has a frank personality, saying what's on his mind; he's also the type of person who wears his heart on his sleeve. After the war, he became a merchant and it's said he lived a free and happy life.
The area of Zofia do follow Mila who is known as the goddess of love so considering how Leon is sappy and having the title “True of Heart”, Leon would totally be into lovecore aesthetic.
He may act feminine, use female gendered words in other languages, and would call himself a maiden, but as far as everything else he’s crude and mean and doesn’t hold back on filtering himself even if he’s talking to a kid.
Leon left home when he was young, so considering how this game series does have a thing of making 15 year old kiddies soldiers I’m guessing he left home at around that age.
To ‘wear your heart on your sleeve’ means to be honest and openly show your feelings or emotions. He’s painfully honest and drop hints he’s not straight.
"...Blerg. I don't like sea travel, and it sure doesn't like me. I'm nauseous, I'm sunburned, and I'm wind-beaten. I look like death's damp leftovers. But YOU look fresh as a daisy, Priestess! What's your secret? ...What? Nothing? NOTHING?! But you look like a dew-dappled angel! Augh, that's so annoying... Well, youth is great and all, but don't expect it to last."
There’s that painful honesty.
He sure does focus on his looks. He’s 24, smh Leon don’t think that you’re not gonna last past 30.
"Great. We finally get off that infernal boat, and now it’s the desert. Are you doing this on purpose, Priestess? Is it personal? *sigh* I want to get out of here before I dry up like a mummy. If I turn hideous and Valbar abandons me, it’s your fault. …What did you say? …Valbar isn’t the sort to judge people by their appearance? You think I don’t realize that? I know him FAR better than you! Gods, it really throws me when you’re so rational and correct…"
Still trying hard to get noticed by Valbar.
I like how he’s saying this particular line to a 17 year old, like chill, dude. Be nice.
"When I was a kid, there was this guy that I was head over heels for. He’s the reason I enlisted, actually. Just so I could stay close to him. He died in the first battle we fought. I cried so hard, I thought my eyes were going to float clean out of my skull. Valbar saved me from that. Every time he saw me, he’d take the time to say something. Cheer me up. What can you do with a man like that but fall in love? You’re thinking I’m a tramp, aren’t you? Well, I’m not. It’s hardly my fault that the world is full of wonderful, lovable people. Such a thing really motivates one to get out there and save it."
He made a big decision to leave home and enlist to follow a guy.. Now that he fell in love with Valbar he’s doing anything to follow him, too. I guess what’s different is it had been an unrequited love, even when it was suggested that Valbar knew about it it remained as a crush. Leon loves him at a distance so then he wouldn’t get badly hurt as he once had.
Him saying he’s not a “tramp” is a bit of info I like because people tend to wanna characterize effeminate gay characters as being touchy and wanting to peek at lotsa guys (which isn’t bad but there’s more than one type of guy), but not Leon, he’s more of a yearning for a soul mate kinda guy. He’s not big on lots of physical touch unless he really likes ya. "Hey, hey, now. No more of that." “I'm a friendly fellow, but not the touchy-feely type. All right?"
talking to Valbar “Heh heh. But it's fine. Emotions come in many forms, and as you say, there's no point in hanging on. I'm still glad I have these feelings, and nothing will change that.”
A crush is totally different than being in a relationship so like... I don’t like it when people say he’s a bad character for it. It totally happens to like someone but they don’t swing that way. In Leon’s case he keeps the crush because it feels safer and sappy to have it. Even if he tries his darnest to let Valbar get the hint he Loves loves him, when nothing happens he just accepts that.
talking to Valbar “Just realizing I've been a fool for feeling sorry for myself. Compared to what you've gone through, my worries are nothing.”
Despite the ol’ “keeping his heart on his sleeve” thing Leon has a knack of keeping negative feelings to himself. Probably the type who wouldn’t admit it because it doesn’t feel as big of a deal compared to other’s. This guy needs a hug so bad.
Kamui: “Oh, you're a laugh riot. But anyway, what do you think makes a good man?”
Leon: “Hmm. That's not easily summed up in a few words, but... for starters, he should be kind, strong and mature... while maintaining a boyish innocence. He also needs to listen, but be ready to tell the hard truths when necessary.”
Kamui: “Oh, come on. No one's that perfect.”
Some people take their conversations as being odd or random information or just to express again on how Leon’s gay but I wanna turn more attention on Kamui’s motive for asking in the first place. For someone who tries to not make people take him as gay, and explicitly so in the manga, he sure do wanna know what Leon’s type is if he’s got his eyes on Valbar.
Kamui is kinda right that no one could be perfect but Leon had been describing Valbar, when like,, they’re not even in a relationship… Leon honey… don’t hurt yourself like this. This leads to their next conversation;
Kamui: It's about… what you said before. So what would you do if Valbar ended up being.. the opposite of your ideal?
Leon: Well, that's an absurd question. But in the interest of humoring you and passing the time... Well, I suppose I'd set off looking for a man who met my perfect ideal. A journey like that might actually be kind of... fun.
Kamui: I think that's the first time you and I have agreed on anything.
Kamui could probably tell that Valbar isn’t ever going to return the kind of love Leon wants, and tries to learn what Leon’s thoughts are about that. Because even if he says he doesn’t care much about anything he seems to care about Leon. On the battlefield given his specific quotes for Leon and in these conversations. Kamui tells how his luck went south ever since joining in this journey and he’s only sticking around for the money, but that job he was paid for was done a long time ago at his recruitment quest. So he seems to hang around anyway for his sense of completion on things it seems.
The word ‘journey’ is like music to Kamui’s ears considering his history. It would be a fun writing idea actually of them traveling across Valm picking guys to speed date, well, like in the manga lmaooo but wider ranged.
This would be the first time Leon speaks nicely to Kamui instead of being standoffish and harsh. Kamui sounded really relieved for that. Then when Leon says he doesn’t like him that way Kamui instantly tries to back track lol
"Hello, Kiran! I've prepared some tea. Would you care to join me? I must admit, I was anxious when you first summoned me here. Ugh, don't laugh—it's rude! I may not look worried, but I have my fair share of concern, same as anyone else. Anyway, you've proven yourself more than capable, so I suppose I don't mind sticking around. To be honest, I am eager to return home... But that can wait, I think... Care for another cup?"
He says this when level 40 in FEH. So by this point he’s well acquainted with the player. Him admitted that negative feeling is once again that thing he has of keeping feels in to not seem it’s a big issue. And him wanting to go back home…. boohoo..
(If Valbar lives) Welcomed into the One Kingdom's Brotherhood of Knights, Leon remained at Valbar's side until an injury ended his fighting career. He then took up work as a merchant in the city market, where he lived free, happy, and dauntlessly true to himself to the last.
He better keep that good happy ending 👊
(If Valbar dies) Dealt a grievous blow by Valbar's death, Leon disappeared for a time before returning to join the One Kingdom's Brotherhood of Knights. There, he fought with the strength of a hundred men, and later served as an instructor to new recruits, contributing greatly to the order.
It’s messed up to think of Leon losing someone he loves again….. He should not go through all that again… Where did he disappear to.. Did he turn himself from twink to a bear to take the place of what would’ve been Valbar’s job if he lived (since Valbar ending would’ve been him becoming the instructor)
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They were both too young to know how to love.
Of course leave it to Harry Potter to be what drags me back into writing fan fiction. Apologies to people who follow me already since this is pretty different from posts I’ve done in the past, so feel free to ignore. 
I just wanted to try and get some thoughts out about a fanfiction I’m currently writing, specifically the relationship between Harry and Daphne. Or the lack of one right now anyway. ;)
The basic background is that this is a soulmate AU with soulmate marks and empathy/semi-telepathy (I’m not sure what to call it honestly). The three main ships are Dramione, Ransy, and Pottgrass, and it’s a slowburn enemies to lovers starting from Goblet of Fire on. Emphasis on slowburn and enemies considering two of the involved are Draco and Pansy.
Before I started writing again, the only ones of those three I shippped/read fanfiction of were Draco/Hermione and Pansy/Ron. I originally picked Daphne because I’d read fics that had her as a character and liked her in them; after that I read two fanfics that made me really ship them, because the amount of ships I have due to fanart/fanfic is huge. (Previously I was, and actually still am, a Nottgrass shipper because I am a multi-shipper a lot of the time.)
I’m going to put the rest of my rambling under the cut.
So there are a couple different things going on here. The most superficial was that, when I had started writing, I’d been re-watching the Lizzie Bennet Diaries so I was a bit influenced by Pride and Prejudice when writing Daphne at first. Specifically the inspiration was Matthew Macfaden’s Darcy from the 2005 movie and Daniel Vincent Gordh’s William Darcy from LBD. (And as an aside Astoria was slightly based on Georgianna from the 2005 movie and Gigi Darcy from LBD.)
The inspiration became less strong the more I wrote, but her being standoffish/cold/rude to non-Slytherins (except Astoria) and the scene where Daphne tries to make a deal with Harry was inspired by Darcy's first, horrible proposal to Elizabeth. But that’s the shallower reason, let’s get into the meat of it, which is background vs appearance. 
Harry Potter was orphaned at the age of one years old, was raised in an abusive family who didn’t even give him a room for ten years, had no friends until he got to Hogwarts, and was lied to by the Dursleys’ about what his parents were actually like. There were no pictures of his parents, he wasn’t told they were a witch and wizard, and he didn’t even know they were murdered. When he is told about his parents, he is given the romanticized view of James and Lily and their relationship. He thinks they were the perfect picture of soulmates, as he hasn’t been told that James was once a jerk that Lily really disliked. His first real experience of familial love was with the Weasleys and thinks of them as the best family in the world. Daphne knows nothing of this aside from the fact that he was raised by muggles; I don’t think she thought much about Harry at all outside of times parts of his adventures were found out by the school. Like the flying car incident. As she said in the fanfic, Harry just sort of existed to Daphne. 
Harry is only fourteen years old at the start of the fic, and has only had a crush on Cho at this point, but he does know that he wants to have the real love and respect his parents had. He wants to have a family of his own that would actually be loving. He doesn’t want his potential future children to grow up without love. And, most importantly, he doesn’t think Daphne is capable of that. 
What Harry knows about Daphne’s background is that she’s part of an old, wealthy pureblood family a la the Malfoys or the Parkinsons. (He wouldn’t know the term Sacred Twenty-Eight.) That’s pretty much it and would be about the amount of knowledge all the students from the other houses would know (except for Astoria, the Ravenclaw little sister, who is just as uncomfortable as Daphne when asked to talk about their parents). Harry is also generally dismissive of Slytherin house as a whole thanks to Draco and his gang; he thought they looked like a “pale and unpleasant lot'' at the Welcome Feast in first year. 
Here’s how Daphne comes across to the kids outside of Slytherin: standoffish; doesn’t seem to talk much outside of class participation, and is often sarcastic when she does; doesn’t seem to have friends outside of Slytherin and the only non-Slytherin she is consistently genuinely affection towards is her little sister, and not everyone sees that; while not a member of Pansy’s gang is still known to be a good friend of Pansy’s, and is also close to Blaise who is seen as equally snobby. 
(Speaking of Blaise, Daphne still wants to know why she’s the only one to get an insulting nickname like Ice Queen when Blaise and Theo are often just as anti-social towards the other houses as she is. In Theo’s case, more so. XD) 
Of course, it’s easy to sympathize with Daphne when you know what her background is really like. Her parents, despite being soulmates, have an absolutely toxic relationship that their daughters had to witness: “Daphne Greengrass hadn’t been a fan of the soulmate concept for years now. She could even pinpoint the exact moment her disillusionment started: the night before her sixth birthday when her father finally told her mother that, soulmates or not, he had never loved her and had only married her out of both obligation to the bond and to the alliance with her family. This had then turned into a screaming match in her father’s study accompanied by the sound of glass being thrown at a wall.” This is just one incident. 
Daphne was so used to her parents arguing (and to be really clear, I’m not talking about normal arguments couples have; I’m talking about full-blown trying to verbally/emotionally hurt the other as possible or just arguing to try and win against the other person) that she was already making it her job to comfort Astoria, who “was still a baby, and upset by it”. Daphne has grown up with a very dim view of romance and romantic love. 
Now, Daphne does know that people can be genuinely in love. For all their many, many faults, Narcissa and Lucius Malfoy are devoted to each other. Pansy’s parents aren’t on the same level, but are loving/affectionate enough with each other. However, she doesn’t think love and happiness are guaranteed so it’s better to have something more solid like respect or trust. However, that is hard to get across to Harry because she’s grown up to think being emotional is bad/a weakness and it’s hard for her to open up to people she doesn’t know well. (Pansy was her first friend at five years old and is still her best friend up until this point; it’s also the reason her other friends are the Slytherins she’s known for years at this point. People she’s used to.)
She could have approached Harry differently, flirted, or suggested dating, or tried to be romantic but she would have thought of that as dishonest/manipulative. Because Daphne knows love isn’t guaranteed for soulmates. Because Daphne knows she’s not the most likeable person. Because Daphne isn’t sure she could love Harry and doesn’t want to lie about it. Yes, Slytherins are all about cunning and clever ways to get what they want, but this is one of the areas Daphne would not even consider something like that. For all her issues, Daphne does have some standards. 
Self-control and (just control in general) is something Daphne clings to because her parents were often unpredictable and she had to create a sense of being in control of her life. Her father is not a warm or empathetic person and he looks down on people being too emotional. (Yes, this is supposed to be hypocritical considering he’d get into screaming matches with his wife.) He would be out of the house a lot for both work and to get away from his wife. Her mother was emotionally and mentally in a bad place for a long time and withdrew from her children a bit. She improved by the time Daphne was at school, but her favorite is clearly Astoria for reasons that will be expanded on later. Daphne tells herself she gets it because Astoria is her favorite family member too. (Also I just want to make this clear, Daphne and Astoria are close siblings who genuinely love and care about each other. Daphne is also Astoria’s favorite family member. Their relationship, as I like to see/write it could be another post though so moving on.) 
This need for self-control also was because of the stutter she had growing up. She was already self-conscious about it and she was very aware that her parents (her father in particular) saw it as a problem, which stressed her out more and made her stutter worse. The more emotional she’d get, the more likely she’d stutter. Whereas the more comfortable she was, the less often it happened. Pansy already mentioned in one of her POV’s that she barely heard Daphne stutter around her after a while; not a huge spoiler or surprise, but it was the same with Astoria. One of Daphne’s pre-Hogwarts tutors was essentially a wizard speech therapist, so she had it under control by first year but it was still recent enough at the time that she was pretty afraid of slipping up at school. Also consider the fact that some students (not just Slytherins either, but from all houses) made fun of Quirrell's stutter, and he was a teacher. (Yes he was evil, and only pretending to have one, but they didn’t know that then.) How much worse would the teasing be for a first year student? So as her father told her, sometimes it’s better not to talk at all. 
Harry doesn’t know any of this. 
Before things really started in the fanfic, Harry’s one interaction with Daphne that really stood out to him was that time she was sarcastic to him in first year after his first Quidditch game: “You know my family made the snitches used at Hogwarts. Please try not to choke on another of them next time.” When fourth year started, she ignored him completely in the Great Hall, and didn’t help her friend in a way he didn’t recognize/understand. 
The next day, Daphne sends him a note ordering him to meet her during lunch, after not acknowledging him in public. (As Harry says, she didn’t even write please. It also didn’t ask him for a date and time to talk, just told him to meet her in a specific location.) When he asked if she was proposing to date him, she “made a truly exasperated sounding noise” which definitely hurt his pride a little. She also tried to approach a relationship (not necessarily even a romantic relationship, just in general) with him, someone she has barely spoken to,  like a business deal, which he thinks is a cold way to look at it and he loses his temper. However, it should be noted that she asked him why when he rejected her out of hand and well, don’t ask a question you wouldn’t want an answer to. 
Later on he sees her picking on a second year for seemingly no reason. In reality, this is a girl who did something to her sister and Daphne doesn’t let things like that slide when it comes to people she cares about. 
Now afterwards things get murkier because Daphne is wanting to freeze him out/ignore him, but he is the one to poke at her. The soulmate bond is like an outside force that pushes down on two people to try and force them together, which can be downright unbearable if you really don’t like the other person. Harry finds the pressure it puts on them very hard and is stunned when she acts like she’s not affected at all. (He’d feel better if he knew she was feeling it just as much as him. Sort of like how Hermione and Ron both take comfort in the fact that Draco and Pansy are having as bad a time with the bond as they are.) He’s already under stress from the situation with his scar hurting and Sirius leaving his hideout to come back to England because of it, now add on to that the stress of an outside magical force trying to bond him to a girl he doesn't like and who doesn’t like him. No, he’s not handling it in a great way, but he’s young. 
And Daphne could always try and talk to him about things good (sending him a song through the bond to help him sleep when worry for Sirius was keeping him up) and bad (the incident with the second year), but she doesn’t try. Partly it’s out of pride, but largely it’s because she’s developed unhealthy coping skills that she doesn’t realize are unhealthy.
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I have decided to let Chris stay in bed with me but I said to him that we not having sex until we have private time, I still feel a little on edge about Royalty being around, she is a great girl but I feel she is a little standoffish with me, like she will speak to me in a big group, on her own she runs off, she speak to Mel more then me but I am not going to push her to speak to me, I will not get in her way with this because she needs to do it, as an adult I can’t push her with this. I am just trying to be a good person; I want her to like me of course. But this is the first night since Royalty being here that Chris has stayed in bed with me, I had to let him stay with me because he wasn’t sleeping well on the couch, and she seems to sleep well actually so it’s ok I guess but me on the other hand. I am sleeping like shit, as the baby grows my back gets worse so there is that. I did think Chris was going to be humping me, but he fell asleep straight away, he just knocked out asleep, then I couldn’t complain about my back to him but here I am awake. Now I am the one going downstairs “and what are you doing here?” I said a little shocked seeing Dennis awake “thinking and preparing, I am sending off the images I took for the Fenty Beauty range. Also I can’t sleep, how is the boss lady? The night is young still” I groaned out as I sat down “my back is playing up; she is playing up. So how is the little blog thing coming along, do you have a lot of footage already?” I asked, we might as well discuss “I have a lot, I am annoyed with myself because the camera is shaking because of me laughing, I wanted it to be authentic and I am just messing it up but it’s good, lots of footage already. I am trying to stay out of the way too. Also I was collating the footage and I caught on when you all was playing Pictionary, but because emotions were high and everyone was getting excited for the end when Chris was being Chris drawing, I caught Royalty tapping you on the shoulder like Rihanna, Rihanna. I was like what a cutie, I will be adding that” I cooed out “you think I am step mother worthy? Do you think I am?” I do doubt myself “you are worthy of anything, stop it” Dennis said, I sighed out because I just think I could be doing wrong.
I thought I would call my mother, see how she is while I am in Mexico “sorry Robz, I was in the bathroom. Baby how are you?” smiling wide hearing my mother’ voice “I miss you so much mommy, how is the family? Everybody ok?” I asked “no, it’s about you. How is my grandchild? I can’t wait to see you, how long till you leave for London? I want to go now” I chuckled “I know mom, soon. Just need more time to relax, my back is hurting too. I want to ask mom; you know Chris has other kids. I am like the third baby mother, like how do I handle the other kids, should I be involved or leave it? How would you do it mom?” I like to know actually; my parents aren’t together so my mom don’t fuck with those step kids but I will be with Chris “you love him so you love them kids Robyn, you want a happy home so you create that. Don’t sound so upset when you say third baby mother Robyn, this your first and it’s a special baby to you. You know what you been through Robyn so make it different, babies are a blessing no matter the mother and you know this. You should be asleep, why are you awake thinking these things? Jahleel should massage your back” I laughed, I would never trust his ass to do that “Chris is here, he will do it mom, but I will be a good step mother right?” I have to just make sure “Robyn, yes!” my mother said in a stern tone, that means she means that shit and I don’t ask again.
Third day running, I am doing breakfast again. I am turning into a housewife I must say “I have noticed though; I have not seen Chris stop smiling throughout this time here. Chris is so damn happy; I wish I could release some of these images and videos because they are so cute. It’s nice to see such happiness” watching Dennis walk over to me “really? I can’t wait to see the end product; I think I am just nervous about a lot. I have been put down a lot about my life choices. I am just a childless single woman, shit is wild but now that I am a mother to be, I am now the selfish mother that had a child with no father and it’s just shit like that, shit I read and I just get fed up” Dennis face dropped “you been reading the blogs again, I know they are being rude but they don’t know” Dennis put his arm around me “then they will say Rihanna went back to her abuser and had his baby, how dare you do that. I have been living under their rules, what about me? I can’t fucking win, I shouldn’t read it but I did. Why can’t people just be happy, I have to hide? Why should I hide, I have to protect Chris and me, maybe my daughter. I am running because of this, I am having to find places where I can live good, I am just having a meltdown” I sighed out “stop it” Dennis rubbed my back “keep rubbing, I am enjoying that” I said laughing “well we all have some type of meltdown, it’s good to have it. You are the greatest person I know; I have met so many people in my lifetime but you, you have a special place in my heart. You are such a good person and it does get you down when people don’t have the same energy, I know people won’t be happy for you, they never are but we are” Dennis kissed the top of my head “I love you” he is so sweet to me “I can’t wait for my daughter to be here, I am going to be so overprotective of her, she will hate me” I chuckled.
I had my meltdown; I just get fed up sometimes. I want happiness for us in my home, just eventually we will get that shit “little menace is awake, you have turned this home upside down. Hello” looking behind me, Royalty is awake, but I didn’t say anything, I smiled but she is still shy with me “I am not trouble!” Royalty didn’t just walk around to sit down, she climbed onto the couch and then ran towards Dennis “what you doing?” is she always this hyper when she wakes up “I am currently doing my work for Rihanna for her lingerie, look” I don’t know what Dennis is showing her “it’s big” she said “Rihanna’ bump is getting very big yes, so what are you doing now?” Dennis questioned her “where is my dad?” Dennis pointed at me “she knows where he is, go and ask her” Royalty’ face became ever so small and then smiled but then looked away “he is in bed asleep, you can go in there if you like” Royalty shook her head “you don’t need to be shy with me, just see me as Robyn. Once you see that then it will be better for you” Royalty giggled and then climbed back over the couch “she is Chris’ child, totally” nodding my head in agreement “I just hope she warms up to me, I am not that bad” I hope she does.
I can hear Royalty running around the place, only god knows what she is doing “I tried to find dad and I can’t so” she jumped over the couch again “I will wait here, where is he?” she asked “in my bedroom, it’s the main room. Once you get at the top of the steps, turn left” Royalty nodded her head “he was in bed with Rihanna?” I laughed “well when you put it like that, just honestly. Call me Robyn, I prefer that. It will make you feel better to talk to me that way” she looks so nervous to talk to me “you want me to take you to him?” I gestured, she may just want him “no, my dad is supposed to take me on a date. He promised but I think he forgot” letting out an oh “I can imagine he forgot, you know your dad, he is forgetful. Do you want me to remind him?” Chris is useless he will have forgotten “but he should remember, it’s not nice to break promises. My dad only sees me because of you, and I don’t think it is a bad thing but it’s not nice to break promises. It upsets me, he also said it to me. Well I heard him say that he said I do it for Robyn. And then I heard you both talking, but he doesn’t do it because he wants too. But I still love my dad, he is fun” this took a turn “Chris is just forgetful, he means no harm honestly. He just needs reminding” Royalty is not impressed at all “I don’t want to remind him; can I go out like visit places here. Why can’t we go to the beach” well this is not my place to say anything “I can’t go anywhere but you can with everyone else, you want some breakfast? I will make you something, come” I will have to sort Chris out, he is just useless with these things.
Ja kissed my cheek “good morning ladies, come here give me some smooches too” Jahleel leaned down to Royalty and kissed her cheek “awww, smooches for the baby too, let me see” Jahleel is doing the most “can you not! Leave us be” moving his face “anymore waffles?” he asked “no” I laughed “I ate them all Ja!” Royalty spat “aye, you little greedy” I chuckled sitting back on the chair “I like your cooking, it’s weird that you are cooking for me. Do you love my dad lots?” nodding my head “shocking right, I don’t know what I love about him. You think you know why?” Royalty giggled “he’s stupid, is it because he makes you smile?” I laughed “erm, yes I guess it is” I mean his dick does it too but I can’t say that “my dad said you wanted me to come here, is that true?” nodding my head “yes, because I know how much he does love you and I know he would want you here” it’s nice to see Royalty smiling “I went to your concert once, my mom took me. But you ignored me” I laughed out “well I didn’t think I would be in this situation, I also would have ignored your dad, it’s ok boo. But I just want the best for Chris as well as myself. I feel your dad has been looked over, people see him as abrupt, he has no manners and so on but he’s not, he is misunderstood and I have known Chris for years and I think sometimes we are bad for each other, but we are also good for each other. We did stupid things when we were younger, there was a lot of silly things we did” I chuckled “but can I ask” Royalty put her hand up “sure” she is a sweetheart “where have you been, if you love my dad then where did you go?” kids ask the hardest questions “erm, because” I drifted off “because I wasn’t ready, I wasn’t ready for your dad and his life. I wasn’t ready to be a step mother, to take on the things he has in his life. I fell pregnant and just like that I did it, it just shows I was running away from myself and the truth. The love never left us, we would be in the room and we would want to be close to each other. There is a lot of evil in the world and evil was winning, I stopped running from him which people have done a lot so that is why I am here now” Royalty is so bright, she understands everything “he is happy but I am sad at the same time, my mom said that daddy tries his best and I got to wait. Sometimes I wish my dad came to pick me up from school without me knowing or he just comes to my home. I have to go meme home and I don’t want meme and now he won’t be here and I won’t be his only princess because he will have two so I will just be left out, he said he is leaving and he never asked if I would like that but I want him to be happy too. He never came to my daddy daughter dance” I feel so bad, I truly feel she has unloaded her feelings onto me, baby girl is so confused on what she wants and I am just here like what the fuck do I say “people make mistakes Royalty, we are all human and none of us are perfect. Your dad does love you a lot he just hasn’t been given the chance to be the loving dad you deserve; he’s been not in a good place to love himself and you. I can’t speak on things that I wasn’t around for but while I am around I will always try and help him to do better” Royalty nodded her head “I love him lots, because like when he is around me we have so much fun and he is super stupid like me, I like it when people say we are twins”  poking my lower lip out, that excitement in her face “and you both really are” Chris is here finally, but he is on the phone of course.
Chris is not the best dad, I mean I think I can figure that one out myself but I think it’s just nobody gives him that chance to be better, guidance will get him through “did my dad tell you that meme banned me from going to his house?” shaking my head “meme said I couldn’t go because dad has bad things there, and my dad came to meme home and they argued but then my dad said fine you have her” baby girl has a unstable home, I can’t even stop Royalty now because she won’t stop telling me things “that is not nice to hear, adults don’t think of you that are listening. Uhh, Chris where are you going?” he has literally just come down and now he is walking away “oh yeah” Chris walked over and kissed my forehead “no I didn’t ask for that, I will be back. I need to speak to you. Ja, watch Royalty” I pointed, getting up from the chair “walk then” he is still half asleep “this way” grabbing his arm, I don’t know why he was running off “Dennis you look like shit bro” Chris said to him “busy night for me, I mean not in that way” Dennis does look very tired, hearing a thud and I looked ahead of me “Chris, what is wrong with you” he opened the door laughing “I am asleep still, I mean that blunt got to my head too” sliding the door shut behind me “don’t fall in the pool, let’s just sit on the loungers” maybe he needs to not smoke at all anymore.
Sitting down across from him “you slept well then didn’t you, didn’t even wake up once to check on me. I had a backache, but it’s fine. So Royalty is finally talking to me or unloading her troubles to me. What did I tell you about your big mouth? I kept saying to you, Chris stop saying those words to me, she heard you say that you’re doing it for me, that has really upset her now. Ok I get it, you are doing whatever for me, but she doesn’t need to hear it, that hurts her feelings. You know how sad she is but yet she adores you. I have told you, stop it. You speak to me when she is asleep and what is this, why did you miss her daddy and daughter dance? I am angry on her behalf now” Chris doesn’t like being told off, so he is already defensive right now “when was that?” Chris questioned “I don’t know, you should know. She said you missed it, doesn’t matter now. You promised her a daddy daughter date?” Chris squinted his eyes at me “maybe I did to make her happy” I sighed out “right, that is what you don’t do, action it. She said you have forgotten, which you did but you will take her out. She wants to go to the beach; she wants to go out. You take her out and make up for the daddy daughter dance. She doesn’t want gifts, she wants you. Girls do to be honest; I know it from experience, listen to me on this Chris. There is no Meme or whatever that helps you out here, this is on you. The girl is confused, and I need you to make her think this is the right choice. I said I would help you, I am. I am going to dress her up, you’re going to tell her she is pretty and take her out. Act like you remembered too, even if she knows I told you. I know you’re not useless Chris, you’re just lazy with it all because you take the backseat with your kids” Chris actually looks like he has been hard done by “she is telling shit because she knows you will get at me” nodding my head “is this what you going to be like with our daughter?” Chris shook his head, offended that I said that “case closed, they are both your daughters. You are picking and choosing your love, I know you can be good Chris let it happen” I said “this baby is my love child with you Robyn, I don’t know shit I missed out on because I was high as shit, I gave up trying to be a responsible dad even if deep down I wanted to try, there was no reason too when my mom did it all” understanding his issue “fine, it’s not too late Chris, you need to love your kids equally too” Chris just always got to be truthful with his words, sometimes he needs to not because he can hurt her that way.
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heartshapedstrand · 5 years
Not meaning to be rude or anything, but I was wondering what makes you see compatibility in Sam and Heartman? I've always seen Sam as too standoffish to reciprocate anything and Heartman being more needy than he could handle.
So here’s the rub, I sincerely hope you weren’t trying to be rude, cause, I dunno, I do still feel like your wording was a bit… rude. But that is okay. Its my choice to be a little offended, but I’m not gonna hold that against you.
Let’s break things down, starting with canon. 
Canonically, Sam shows little interest in anyone, and onlykind of opens up friendship-wise with Fragile, being playful with her over the cryptobiotes, and allowing her to touch him, willingly, because of story-drive necessity.
Canonically, there IS no romantic relationship for Sam, after the loss of his family. Fragile came a hair closer to being a possible canon ship, and I know there are people who can put up a decent argument for Deadman as a possible canon ship, but. Kojima left everything open ended on purpose. He left it open for each person’s interpretation, just like the story, the ambiguity of it gave everyone a different perspective on what happened. Some people saw Amelie as a manipulative, unfeeling monster (me), and some people thought she genuinely didn’t want to end the world. Its opinion, its perspective. Moving on.
Canonically, no, there’s nothing to truly show there’s any kind of interest between Sam and Heartman. But that is the point of fandom, to take what we know of canon and extrapolate from it the possibilities of deeper relationships. It’s true that in canon game story Heartman and Sam’s interactions are few, so those no room to see more development of their friendship dynamics.
So, my perspective on the compatibility of these two starts with these things:
They both have suffered the loss of their families.
Neither of them were interested in the “reunite America” bandwagon. 
Heartman was a father once, he could offer Sam advice on caring for Lou
Sam gave Heartman his first step in moving past his grief and obsession
You used the term “standoffish” to describe Sam, and I can agree for the most part, Sam is standoffish, but to everyone he doesn’t know. He was like that with Fragile, Deadman, Mama, Lockne. But. He did thaw a little to each of them because for one reason or another, he’d come to care for them. Heartman is the same.
However, Heartman is the only person in-game Sam willingly talked about the loss of his family to. Deadman looked up his records to find that information, and when he brought it up, Sam was terse and didn’t want to talk about it.
With Heartman, it was Heartman himself speaking about the loss of his family. Sam relates to his loss, the sentiment that he’s “already dead” by saying “I know that feeling. Lost my family in an accident.” Only then, does Heartman mention he’d read about Sam’s history. It’s that interaction and dynamic that gives me the idea that there’s potential for at the least a deeper friendship than some of the others. 
Stepping to the next thing, the fact that they share the lack of enthusiasm for “Reunited America” also gives them a connection. Heartman’s only desire to work with Bridges and the UCA is that he has access to the chiral network, and research materials. They keep him set up in a remote lab with equipment he needs for his medical issues, and lets him carry on toward his eventual death as long as he’s providing them with his findings in the meantime. I think that gives Sam reason to relax a bit, around Heartman. And, it was Sam’s coming that I think was Heartman’s first step to moving on from his endless search for his family. I wrote all that out in this post a week or so ago, go give it a read if you like. 
And as for Heartman being needy…. I mean? He is starved of human contact, god only knows how long he’s been at his remote lab without contact from another living soul. He’s a bit awkward because of that, and I suspect he’s always been a little strange. Most scientists are in games or other media, pretty sure its a trope, even.
But! Heartman is a grown ass man, he probably knows he’s a bit needy, but also had self-control. It’s clear that even though he does want to talk to Sam about more than the research, Mama’s corpse, and whatnot, he doesn’t invade Sam’s boundaries. Two different times, he tries to shake hands with Sam, and once, he vaguely offers him a hug. My feeling from it was… He’s a scientist, and he’s fascinated by Sam for a number of scientific reasons. Testing his boundaries was just one of the things he could do to analyze him unobtrusively. 
Once he had a feel for Sam’s personal space, he never tries to invade it, just offering thumbs up or down as a gesture of social interaction without the need for physical contact. If Heartman was needy, to an unhealthy degree, he wouldn’t respect Sam’s boundaries.
And lastly, post-game, Heartman was a father once. And as far as we know, Sam’s never actually handled babies or children. He clearly didn’t trust returning to the heart of the UCA after violating a directive by the ‘president’ of the UCA. 
Heartman worked remotely, away from the rest of the Bridges/UCA people. He had knowledge, he had room to spare, and we also know he would spoof the system to hide conversations from the UCA’s 24/7 surveillance. Why not call on him to help?
As for romantic/sexual shipping, well. We don’t actually know what attracts Sam or Heartman to anyone, do we? 
Hell, that crush you had in high school, do you remember why? Was there a reason? You see that one person, and suddenly there’s a flutter in your stomach, but why? Did their smile make your heart skip a beat, did the way they wore their clothes make you a little hot under the collar? I love nicely shaped shoulders, and men with wide hips. Why? I have no clue, but it’s what I like. It just is. It was a spark, something inside me said “this is attractive”. Hell, I had a crush on the biggest bitch in my school. I hated her personality, she was a bitch to everyone but her friends(which i was not), and she was a snobby rich kid. Pretty sure she didn’t even know I existed, but every goddamned time I saw her, my stomach fluttered, and I couldn’t function when she was in my presence, and I’d blush if I was within 5 feet of her, even though she never even glanced my way. Why? I will never know.
Sooooo. Why not provide that spark, myself? No, it isn’t canon, but so what? Neither is Sam/Fragile, or Sam/Deadman. Or Sam/Higgs, which is the popular ship in the fandom so far. Other than the heroxvillain trope, how the hell would we ever see Sam/Higgs together? Hate ships and enemies to lovers ships are out there, though, and they make delicious art. ;]
Ya wanna know an even less likely ship? Higgs/Heartman. Why? Because I can. Deal with it. 
ANYWAY. I’m frank, sassy, and sometimes an ass. But, I hope that this gives some insight into why I think Sam and Heartman could work out as a ship. 
And I keep typing, but that’s just how I go.
The ship isn’t perfect, either. I have shown, and plan to continue to show, moments where there is friction between Sam and Heartman. Sam still has trouble with touch, sometimes. Sam will push Heartman away, and at some points Heartman may feel hurt by that, even though he knows its not his fault.
And Sam does have trouble showing emotion or talking. Heartman will experience frustration with that. Sam broods, and if Heartman can’t deal with it, Sam will run off until he’s done brooding.
Also if this was sparked by the silly post about Samantha Spade, I was having fun, i tagged it with my tag for things that are silly, said tag being “ ;;shenanigans ”. It’s the first tag I put on the post. Please don’t take anything I post with that tag seriously, I like to have fun, and my goofy little hopeless romantic heart was a flutter at the silly idea.
P.S. If you wanna continue to question my view in compatibility between characters, you can keep throwing those question to me. As long as I’m not getting hate, I won’t be giving hate. If you don’t like my answers, I can only politely suggest you find someone else to bother.
If you wanna know me better, I am actually a really nice person, fiercely loyal, and fun to plot and chat with. Come talk to me, I won’t bite, I promise. ;] 
Oh, and I’ve always loved rare pairs. They need love.
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iamartemisday · 5 years
Mashup, 39 and 50, dealer's choice pairing.
Survival/Wilderness Fic + Arranged Marriage  
Have to go with Lokane. :D
Jane is the adopted daughter of Erik Selvig, a prominent scientist turned politician. He’s a frontrunner for the presidential election thanks to some not insignificant financial backers. The biggest one is Odin Borson, a billionaire CEO and old friend of Erik’s who is putting a lot of money into his campaign.
Now, arranged marriage technically isn’t a thing. No one is saying Jane has to marry Odin’s eldest son, Thor, but they’re not exactly saying she shouldn’t either. What they’re doing is making sure Jane and Thor have ample alone time to get to know each other. Erik loves to sing Thor’s praises to Jane while Frigga talks Jane up to Thor whenever they have family gatherings. They even get set up on dates once or twice.
It’s not that bad, Jane can admit. Thor is a good guy, smart and funny. Not to mention as handsome as any romance novel cover model. Really, he’s the perfect guy and all her friends are convinced they are made for each other. 
But... it’s hard to explain. Jane does like Thor quite a bit. They kissed once and it was nice. He’d be a great boyfriend/husband for sure. There’s just something missing. Something she can’t quite put her finger on. 
At least they’re pushing her towards him and now his younger brother, Loki. Now that guy would be a headache and a half to deal with. He’s smart and handsome like his brother, but rude and standoffish in a way that immediately rubs Jane the wrong way. The first time they met, he told her he read her Master’s thesis. Before she could ask what he thought of it, he goes right into everything he doesn’t agree with and basically goads her into a heated discussion of her research. Said discussion quickly devolves into screaming which ends with Jane throwing wine in his face and storming out. Fortunately, no one important was around to see it, and the incident is quickly forgotten by Jane (or so she tells herself). 
Loki continues to antagonize her at every opportunity. It’s really putting a damper into this whole ‘courtship’ thing Erik, Odin, and Frigga have going. Even if Jane did have that missing something with Thor, the prospect of Loki as a brother-in-law is seeming more and more like a total dealbreaker.
Fast forward to election day. Erik wins by a landslide. To celebrate, Odin and Frigga take him and Jane out on their yacht for the weekend shortly before he is to be sworn in. A flash storm hits while Jane is out on the deck. She is swept overboard and carried out to sea. She thinks she hears someone calling her name as she fights against the waves, but she soon loses consciousness. 
She wakes up on a beach with a blanket of leaves covering her. On a nearby rock waiting for her to wake up is Loki. He explains that he also fell off the ship and landed on the island shortly after she did, and he’s been waiting for her to wake up ever since. 
They soon realize they’re marooned on a desert island. Try as she might, Jane can’t see the yacht in the distance, just endless water. There’s no telling where their families are or if they’ve even realized anyone is missing yet (they have to, right?). All they have are the clothes on their back, whatever is in their pockets (a lighter that no longer works and some waterlogged scraps of notebook paper) their own wits, and each other to survive.
So yeah, the odds are pretty good!
They spend the day exploring the island looking for shelter. There’s a cave on the northeast side that should do nicely. Using leaves they fashion two beds. They also find a small lagoon where Loki turns out to be an excellent fisherman. He is able to fashion a spear out of some sticks and rocks. Also, there is fruit on the island which Jane recognizes from a few books she’s read as safe to eat. Once that’s out of the way, they have to think about fire, both to cook their food and also to signal for help. 
All the while, they keep arguing. First, it’s about Jane’s research, then Loki’s reputation as a ‘layabout’ who has yet to join his father’s company in any meaningful capacity. Pretty soon they’re just fighting about anything and everything they can think of. There’s a shell on the beach that Loki thinks is ivory colored, but Jane knows it’s pearl, goddammit!
Days pass, and soon it’s been a week. They heard a plane in the distance on day three and saw a ship on the horizon two days after. Neither amounted to anything. It’s becoming increasingly clear that they’re in this for the long haul. In the meantime, Jane tries to swallow her pride and make peace with Loki. He seems like he’s trying to do the same, but inevitably they will disagree and then another fight breaks out and then they don’t speak to each other for the rest of the day.
During week two, Jane goes exploring a part of the island they haven’t investigated yet for more fruit. She finds it, and also nearly falls over a cliff hidden by trees. She hangs on for dear life but feels herself slipping. Out of nowhere, Loki appears. He pulls her back up and out of harm's way. By the time Jane has calmed down and can thank him for saving her life, she’s noticed a giant cut on his arm. Apparently, he ran so fast to find her he wasn’t watching where he was going and hit a branch. Jane is able to treat the wound with some natural remedies she can make with what they have. Thank God she read so many books as a kid, and not just about her field of study.
Speaking of which, now that they’ve saved each other’s lives more or less (Loki is certainly exaggerating on that front), Jane has a much easier time talking to him about her work and is slowly realizing that his belligerence and constant challenging of her theories is not because he thinks they’re dumb. In his own weird way, he’s trying to help her. Their deep discussions cause her to think about her ideas from a different point of view and gain a fuller idea of what she is after. It’s almost like he’s the unpaid, really snarky assistant she never knew she needed. After a while, she starts to enjoy their conversations. Loki is certainly no layabout. He’s actually brilliant. Just not the easiest to get along with. 
Over time, she feels more comfortable asking him questions about his life and childhood. She discovers he’s adopted and all the pain this revelation caused him. How he always felt like an outsider and has been struggling to prove himself without his family’s help. This is why he doesn’t take working at the company seriously. He hopes to strike out on his own soon and, if not surpass his father, at least prove that he can earn success on his own with no name attached.
It gives Jane a better understanding of Loki, and when she looks back on their previous encounters before the ill-fated yacht outing, she can see how lonely he looks. How even though he pushes everyone away, he clearly wants to be part of the group, he just won’t let himself. After that, Jane tries harder to be friendly with him as they work even harder to survive and thrive.
Of course, Loki continues to be his annoying self, but even when he’s pissing her off, there’s a playfulness to it. It’s something they both need in a weird way. At the same time, Jane realizes she is starting to look at him in a much different way. While she could write it off as just the natural result of being the only two people on this island, that doesn’t change the fact that Loki often goes shirtless as their old clothes become unusable and they’re forced to make new clothes out of whatever they can find on the island. All the working and straining have certainly done nice things to his musculature...
One night, after a long day building an awning to hang over their cave for sunny days and rebuilding their SOS signal, the pair lay on the sand watching the stars. That’s one big plus to being stranded on an island with no technology or electricity: no light pollution. Jane feels so at home with the stars over her head. Even more so with Loki next to her. How strange that they’ve come to rely on each other so fast. She’s been keeping track of the days and they’ve been here for close to a month. Yet she feels like she’s known Loki so much longer. She finds she can’t truly regret what has happened to them because it allowed them to become such good friends. Maybe even more than friends.
When she looks at Loki. she knows he agrees. Their first kiss is under a full moon and now, Jane finally understands what she was missing with Thor. It’s this. This feeling that there’s no one else in the world she’d rather kiss.
The next morning, they awaken to a heavy windstorm. As they peek out of the cave, they see it’s no wind at all, it’s a helicopter. Turns out, someone spotted their SOS and the remains of their last fire and alerted the coast guard. Finally, after thirty-five days alone, Loki and Jane have been rescued!
The return to civilization is an oddly quiet one. Jane doesn’t know how to feel leaving the island behind. She holds Loki’s hand the entire time, but he has nothing to say either. It turns out they were about a hundred miles away from Malibu the whole time. It was just bad luck that no one found them before now. 
Erik and the entire Odinson clan is waiting when they arrive at the hospital. Thor is the first one to reach Jane and gives her a hug before hugging Loki. They are brought to separate rooms to be examined and barring some slight malnutrition and a few cuts that didn’t heal quite right, both are given clean bills of health and discharged after staying overnight for observation. 
As soon as they’re free to go, Loki thanks her for keeping him company on the island and wishes her well in the future before leaving with his family. Jane is shocked and devastated by his cool treatment of her after everything they went through. Part of her wants to smack him, but she can’t muster up the strength. She goes home with Erik. She learns that he delayed his inauguration until she could be found as he never believed she was dead. 
Now he is set to be sworn in by the end of next week. Jane is given a few days to recuperate and starts seeing a therapist. She talks a lot about the island but glosses over Loki for the most part. She’s tried to call him hundreds of times but always loses her nerve on the last digit. Texting him doesn’t work either. She almost sent him an email, but the address she had turned out to be inactive.
All too soon, Inauguration Day is here. The Odinson family is upfront and center. At the big afterparty, Jane says hello to Loki, who simply nods at her and moves on. She could cry, but she stops herself. Thor greets her warmly, as she expected him to. He has brought a few friends to the event, including his childhood best friend, Sif. Jane sees that Sif likes Thor and he probably likes her, too. Once again, Frigga tries to get Thor and Jane to sit together, but Jane politely refuses and offers Sif her seat instead. She sits across from them while Loki sits in the back. Jane tries not to stare at him, but can’t stop herself.
Thor asks about the island for the first time and if Jane and Loki were able to get along. Jane vaguely admits that they found some common ground, but it was mostly just to aid their survival. Thor is surprised to hear that, seeing as the only reason Loki ended up on that island with her is that he jumped in the water after her.
As soon as Thor says this, Jane’s heart stops. Thor goes on to say they both witnessed her going over, but Loki leaped over the railing and swam after her. Thor tried to follow, but he was stopped by his father’s men. By the time the storm had passed, they were both gone and it was only by the grace of God that they made it to the island at all.
Now Jane is completely stunned. All that time they were together, all the fighting and planning and building their shelter and getting food, and never once did he even allude to the fact that he saved her. Jane can’t even speak as she processes this. The next thing she knows, she’s on her feet and in front of Loki, asking him to dance.
He stares at her in shock, but agrees with a nod and leads her on the dance floor. She asks how he’s been and he admits he quit his father’s company. He is going back to school for his Ph.D. and might look into becoming a professor after that. Jane teases him about what a great teacher he’d be. He could also go into politics and become the British Prime Minister. Loki laughs at the idea, but Jane is adamant that he could do it if he wants to. He can do anything he wants to because he’s the most amazing, intelligent man she’s ever known. Loki tells her to watch what she says around Thor, and Jane rolls her eyes. She realizes now that Loki’s only acting this way because he thinks now that they’re rescued, she’ll go back to Thor, the ‘good’ son everyone wants her to be with. 
Jane informs him that she and Thor have ‘broken up’ and then she kisses him. They find a private corner away from the cameras and reporters and share the absolute best kiss Jane has ever had. It’s a kiss for the ages and a promise of so much more to come. 
In the aftermath, Erik begins a successful first term as President, Thor starts dating Sif much to the surprise of his parents. They eventually come to accept the match and decide he and Jane probably wouldn’t have worked out anyway. Loki attends classes at Culver where Jane has accepted a fellowship to continue her studies. The two are practically inseparable, arguing half the time and unable to keep their hands off each other the rest of the time. Some might find it weird, but it works for them.
Because come Hell or highwater or deserted tropical island, Loki and Jane are in it together. 
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marshmallow-phd · 6 years
A Little Down the Road
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Genre: Neighbor!AU
Pairing: Minseok x Reader
A/N: Yes, another little something inspired by @xui-n-soowillbethedeathofme ‘s moodboard because I can’t get enough of these neighbor aus! Very loosely inspired by Safe Haven. 
You came to this incredibly small town to get away. Life in the big city had just become too overwhelming. With one big bomb after another hitting your life, the only solution seemed to be to run.
And so you did, going as far as you were able to, settling in the most isolated place you could find. 
Everything here was green. It was mesmerizing to you, so opposite of what you were used to, it took your breath away. All reminders were absent and you felt like you’d made the right decision.
The little house you now called home was surrounded by lush trees. Only a dirt road led to the worn down, two bedroom, two story house in the woods. The blue paint was flaking off the wooden siding and the front door hinges needed replacing along with many other projects that were piling up. But it was a quaint little place that you fell in love with as soon as you saw the pictures on the sale website. Isolation was what you needed and it was certainly a welcomed change.
A few days after fully settling in to your new home, you decided to make your way into town, bumping along the gravel and brown dirt road that was barely visible with all the brush that had grown over the years. It didn’t take you long to find the small hardware store since a majority of the businesses were centrally located along the main road. Pulling into an open parking space in the front of the store, you slung your purse over your shoulder and headed inside.
The old man behind the counter nodded “hello” at you, a curious gleam in his eye. That was to be expected. You were the new person in town and you stuck out like a sore thumb. There were surely to be rumors already circulating around about why you’d come here. It didn’t matter, though. Soon, the excitement of you would die down and everyone would move on, letting you become just another resident.
Wandering around the store, you searched for the paint section, but came up empty. There seemed to be plenty of everything else. You made your way back up to the front, getting the attention of the owner since his back was all you saw.
“How can I help you?” the old man asked once he was turned around.
“I was wondering if you had any paints?” You scratched the back of your head nervously. “Like for the outside of the house?”
The old man - who’s name tag read Sunkyung - nodded. “Yes, we do. I’ve got swatches, but I have to order the actual paint from another company. It’ll be another week or so before it’d be here.”
“Okay,” you sighed. “That’s fine.” There were plenty of other projects to occupy your time until then.
Setting out a large, worn catalog with a plastic spiral spine that you had a feeling wasn’t completely up to date, Sungkyun went over the different colors with you. Not really wanting to alter the charm of the house, you picked the closet blue you could find to the current coating. You paid for the paint and a few other supplies that you could get today and left the shop.
As you stepped out into the sidewalk, your phone beeped. You were reluctant to check it, just in case it was the particular someone you really didn’t to communicate with, but you couldn’t stop yourself. To your relief, it was just your best friend, sending you a teasing text.
Done playing the runaway yet?
Rolling your eyes, you contemplated on whether or not to answer as you kept standing there on the concrete. Little did you know that at that moment, a teenager was speeding down the sidewalk on his bike, too fast to stop even if he was able to see you in time. But his attention was behind him, looking to see how far ahead of his friends he’d gotten.
“Look out!”
A pair of arms encircled your shoulders, turning you and pulling you out of the way before calamity could hit.
Gasping, you looked at the person who’d quite possibly saved you from disaster. And admittedly, your heart might have down a teeny tiny little cartwheel.
Your hero smiled down you with a giant, gummy-type grin. A baseball cap covered up most of his black hair, but his (well-toned, not that you noticed) arms were exposed for the world to see due to the sleeveless t-shirt he was wearing. From the wireless headphones that were dangling around his neck and the slight sheen of sweat that covered his face, you figured that you’d interrupted his run with your carelessness.
“Uh,” the stranger finally released you, clearing his throat. “Sorry. I just didn’t think you wanted to get hit by a kid on a bike. That doesn’t make for a fun Saturday morning.”
“No, it doesn’t,” you replied back a little dryly. Now that the short adrenaline spike from the incident had dissipated, you were back in your right mind, keeping a distance from people, especially of the male variety - handsome or not, you needed to keep your head on your shoulders. “Thank you.”
With a short nod, you headed in the direction back to your car.
“Hey, you’re the one who bought the old Byun house, right?”
You stopped, glancing over your shoulder at him. Apparently, he didn’t get that you were ready to exit this conversation. “I’m assuming you mean the blue house off of Ryeo road?”
“That’s the one!”
You nodded, sighing. “Yes, I’m the one who bought that house.”
He held out his hand to you, still smiling. “I’m Minseok.”
“(y/n).” You shook his hand, feeling a little guilty. He was just being friendly, but your mind was screaming at you to get out of there.
“It’s nice to meet you, (y/n). If you need anything, let me know. I live just down the road from you.” Everything in his eyes was reflecting sincerity, but you’d been burned too severely lately to fall into it.
“That’s alright,” you said sternly. “I can manage. Sorry, but I have to go.”
Before he could protest, you whirled on your heels and marched down the sidewalk back to your car. You probably just made him hate you and think that you were a snob and that feeling twinged in your heart a bit, but you shoved it aside and drove home.
Apparently, your brushing him off didn’t deter his attitude towards you one bit.
Over the next several weeks, each time you went into town either to get supplies or get to know your new home and happen to see Minseok, he’d wave or say hi with that shining smile of his and let you go about your business. Considering that fact that everyone else was still friendly to you as well, you concluded that he didn’t go around telling everyone that you were rude and standoffish.
Soon, those short greetings turned into short conversations. And you actually found a little pleasure in talking to him.
One morning while you were having breakfast out on your porch and enjoying the early morning, Minseok happened to be walking by. He stopped to greet you and somehow ended up staying for fifteen minutes, just talking to you like old friends. It wasn’t even you that made him leave, but a phone call he’d gotten from his mother. The surprise you felt when you found yourself disappointed that he had to go was almost overwhelming. What was your neighbor doing to you?
All you could do was push that thought to the side. Perhaps you were just happy to have a little bit of company out here.
When you got the call that the paint had come in after almost a month, you were elated. All the other fixer-upper projects you’d been casually doing around the house were a bit out of your element and you were sure that you didn’t do any of it right. But painting the outside of your house? How hard could that be?
The ladder was a bit of a struggle to get apart and in the right spot to help you get started, but eventually you got it situated and started on the base coat. You wouldn’t get this done in one day, but you had plenty of time and you weren’t in a hurry since the weather was supposed to be good to you for the next few days.
It actually was a very soothing activity as you ran the roller across the wooden panels. The temperature was just cool enough to make being outside comfortable, but the sun was still shining high above you, creating a glowing halo for each of the leaves hanging off the trees. The birds were chirping their cliche songs around you and you were smiling at the serenity of it all.
As you finished up the current section, you shifted your weight to begin the descent down the ladder, but what you didn’t realize was that at some point, your shoelace came loose and was caught in one of the steps. When you tried to step down, the unexpected hold on your foot threw off your balance and sent you falling through the air.
Closing your eyes tightly, you waited for the hard impact of the ground, knowing that you were about to get covered in bruises and maybe even break something. But, instead of landing on the rocky dirt, you hit something a little softer, your falling at first coming to a stop before continuing at a less scary speed to the ground.
Opening your eyes, you found yourself lying on top of Minseok, who was cringing from the impact. Frantically, you looked around, absolutely astounded.
“Where the hell did you come from?”
Minseok chuckled. “Sunkyung said that you’d picked up the paint for your house. I was just coming to see if you wanted any help since it’s a lot of surface to cover. Looks like I came at a good time.”
You shook your head, standing up and allowing him to do that same. “Your timing is terrifyingly impeccable.”
He shrugged. “Just lucky, I guess.” Narrowing his eyes, he studied your gaze. “Are you okay?’
“Yeah, I’m fine,” you nodded. Nothing was hurting at the moment, at least.
“So,” he chuckled, “since I nearly died saving your life, will you let me help you paint the house?”
“Um,” you blinked. “I don’t think that’s actually how that’s supposed to work.”
“It’s not a big deal,” Minseok laughed. Motioning with his head, he said, “Come on, I think we can get at least this first coat finished in a couple of hours.”
And you did, amazingly. It really went twice as fast with his help and you weren’t entirely sure what to do with the rest of your day since you’d blocked it all out for this one project.
“Do you need help with anything else?” Minseok asked as he put the ladder away. You were trying really hard not to stare at him. The fact that your down-the-road neighbor was handsome and accommodating on top of just being so incredibly sweet was really throwing you off.
“N-no, that’s okay,” you answered a little too quickly.
He lifted an eyebrow. “So, you’re telling me the leak under the sink is fixed?”
Your jaw dropped. “How did you-”
“I’m friends with Mrs. Byun’s grandson,” he chuckled. “I’ve been in this house a few times. Come on. I’ll fix it for you.”
Unable to find a good argument, you followed Minseok into your house and watched as he opened up the bottom cabinets to reveal the piping of the kitchen sink. Grabbing the tools you’d left out on your table, he lied down on his back and scooted up so the top half of his body was up inside the cabinet. It was a struggle to keep your gaze from focusing on the small strip of exposed skin between Minseok’s riding up shirt and the waistband of his shorts.
“So, what made you move all the way out here?” he asked. It was a question he’d always avoided asking in the past, but now apparently he felt brave enough to voice it.
Leaning against the counter next to him, you crossed your arms. “I just… needed to get away.”
“Away?” he echoed. “Don’t most people go to more exotic places to ‘get away’?”
You shrugged, even though he couldn’t see it. “I don’t know. I just needed to go somewhere that was the exact opposite of where I was.”
“So, you’re from a fun, exciting big city, then?” he assumed.
That just made you snort. “I guess you could say that.”
“Okay, you moved here for a change,” he went on. “That usually means something happened to make you need that.” With a grunt, he pushed himself out from under the sink, sitting up, and looking right at you with those deep brown eyes. “What happened?”
All this time, you’d managed to not think about it. Not even for a second. But with Minseok’s genuine curiosity, you couldn’t stop the memories from playing in your mind like a haunted projector that wouldn’t shut off no matter how many times you unplugged it or tried to stop it.
Tears started to pool in your eyes and Minseok scrambled to his feet, cupping your jaw in his palms.
“Hey, it’s okay,” he whispered soothingly. “You don’t have to tell me if you don’t want to.”
You shook your head, making his hands fall to your shoulders. “I just haven’t really talked about it.”
“It might make you feel better if you do.”
“It’s stupid,” you sighed as you looked down at the space between the two of you. “I ran away because… because I found him in bed with someone else and - even after kicking him out of every aspect of my life - I was still reminded of him everywhere I went. Months went by and I just couldn't shake him. Then he tried to reach out to me, to make it better. He just wouldn’t accept that he couldn’t fix the heart he broke.”
“Well,” the corner of Minseok’s mouth turned up just a fraction as he grasped one of your hands in his, “I know you said that he couldn’t make it right, but I’m pretty handy. I think that… maybe I could fix it?”
You actually laughed a little at that. Because, if you were honest, you weren’t entirely opposed to the idea. “Maybe you should focus on fixing the kitchen sink first.”
“Already done,” he whispered as he leaned in closer.
You didn’t move away, your breath hitching in your throat as he closed his eyes. As soon as his lips brushed up against yours, you did the same. It was the softest of kisses, just the smallest amount of pressure, not wanting to go too fast or push you too far. He was simply testing the waters, giving you a chance to protest if you wanted to.
Pulling back, Minseok said nothing, instead just staring you with a small smile on his lips.
“I guess,” you said softly as you licked your own lips, “it wouldn’t hurt to give it a try.”
“Finally,” he chuckled.
You frowned. “Finally what?”
“I didn’t have to fight you for something,” he clarified.
Offended you scoffed at him, but couldn’t find a good enough comeback.
He laughed at your scrunched up face and wrapped his arms around you, enveloping you in his embrace. You locked your own arms around his waist, joining in on the laughter as you looked up at the man who lived down the road.
When you’d moved here, you just wanted to escape. The idea of starting over was never part of the plan, you just wanted to exist in a different place, going on in the same state you’d been in. But, it seemed, the restart came to you anyway in the form of Minseok. You were no longer the runaway and things were certainly beginning to look a little brighter.
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sgtcalhouns · 5 years
this started out as “wouldn’t it be cute if felix and tamora laid in the back of his truck and looked at the stars” and i tried to condense that very vague and broad idea into a sweet moment between them. this is somewhat early on in their relationship, when things are just beginning to get serious between them. enjoy!
“I want to show you something.”
They had just finished cleaning up after dinner when Felix looked over at Tamora and made the declaration. She followed him, thinking he wanted to show her something in another room of the apartment, but he led her outside to his truck and started driving. No matter how many times she asked, he wouldn’t reveal the secret to her, smiling to himself each time she tried to phrase the question in a new way that might trip him up. He brought her hand to his lips and pressed a kiss to the back of her palm as he assured her that she had nothing to worry about. All would be revealed soon enough. 
The truck finally came to a stop in the middle of an open field. Tamora had never been here before, and she glanced at him in confusion as she looked out the windshield and saw absolutely nothing of interest. Felix didn’t respond as he hopped out the driver’s side door and rounded the truck to open her door.
“I have a surprise for you,” he said as he reached for her hand and helped her down. 
He walked her to the back of the car, smiling at her in anticipation before pulling off the bed cover. Underneath the cover, the bed of his truck had been transformed into something of an actual bed, with an assortment of blankets and pillows filling the space. 
“What is this?” she asked, smiling through her disbelief. 
“Come on,” he replied, “I’ll show you.”
He helped her up and followed behind her. They settled back against the pillows and Felix pulled one of the big, fluffy blankets over them.
“Is this what you wanted to show me?” she asked.
“Not quite,” he answered. “Look up.”
She focused her attention on the sky and gasped at the multitude of stars that covered the night sky. They weren’t normally this visible with the light pollution in town, but out here, the view was incredible. Felix beamed with pride as she took it all in. He leaned over and kissed her on the cheek before pointing out some of the constellations they could see from the truck. They fell into a companionable silence after a while, content to cuddle close together and enjoy the moment.
“This is amazing, Felix,” Tamora said, breaking the silence. “You didn’t have to do all this for me.”
“It was nothin’ really, Tammy,” he replied. “I just wanted to do something special for you.”
“I don’t think anyone’s ever given me so many special moments like this before,” she said.
“Well, it’s what you deserve,” he said. “I’d be a fool to give you anything less.”
“That’s very sweet of you,” she responded, “but, really, don’t feel like you have to do things like this all the time.”
“Of course I do,” he said. “Look, Tammy, I’m no dummy. I know that fellas like me don’t usually end up with gals like you. I don’t know how I got so lucky to be with you, but whenever I earn a moment of your time, I want to make it worth your while.”
“It’s worth it, Felix,” she said. “It always is.”
Felix smiled, and it was quiet between them for a moment before Tamora spoke again.
“What did you mean by that?” she asked. “That men like you don’t end up with women like me?”
“Well, I mean, just look at you. You’re stunningly beautiful--the first time I saw your face, I completely lost my train of thought because I was so dazed,” he explained. “You’re tall and strong and confident and I’m several inches shorter than you and a nervous wreck.”
“You’re also honest and patient and the most thoughtful, considerate person I’ve ever met,” she countered. “And I’m also standoffish, grumpy, and downright rude at times.”
“Tammy Jean,” he gently scolded her.
“All I’m saying is neither of us is perfect,” she said. 
“I know that,” he replied, rolling onto his side to face her. “It’s just that, when I first met you, I saw this gorgeous woman who was way out of my league and I thought I was delusional for wanting to ask you out. I thought there was no way you would ever say yes.”
“But I did,” she said with a small smile as she shifted to face him.
“You did, and I couldn’t believe it,” he said. “And even now, after all this time, I still haven’t gotten over it. I get to take you on dates and kiss you and cook for you. It’s more than I ever thought I would get. I thank my lucky stars that my car broke down that night and brought you into my life.”
Felix was taken by surprise as Tamora reeled him in for a kiss. He wasted no time brushing his fingers into her hair and stroking her cheek with his thumb. No matter how many times she kissed him like this, it would always make his heart race. She pulled away and they took a moment to catch their breath.
“You know,” Tamora said between breaths, “I’m pretty lucky, too.”
“Well, not to brag,” he said, “but I’m currently cuddled up looking at the stars with the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen, and she just gave me one doozy of a kiss, so I think I might be a little luckier than you.”
“Oh yeah?” she smirked. “Because I’m under a blanket with this cute guy who plans romantic gestures like this for me on a regular basis. I think I might be the winner here.”
“We’ll just see about that,” he teased.
He kissed her again, and before long they found themselves completely lost in the affection. Their connection was so powerful it was almost palpable, and neither could find it in themselves to pull away. The kiss only seemed to deepen as time passed and a noticeable heat crept in. Just as Felix’s hand found its way to her lower back and Tamora’s fingers began to tug on the buttons of his shirt, the sound of footsteps tore them apart. Felix sat up to look for their intruder and found a police officer walking toward the truck. As he got closer, Felix recognized him.
“Officer Duncan,” Felix said as he approached. “How are you tonight, sir?”
“Well, if it isn’t Mister Fix-It himself,” the officer chuckled. “Boy, is it a relief to see you out here. I thought I was gonna find a couple’a crazy kids doin’ the horizontal tango, if you know what I mean.”
“Oh no, nothing like that,” Felix replied, his face flushing a deep red. He flinched as Tamora squeezed his thigh under the blanket, a mischievous smile on her face. “I just brought my lady out here to look at the stars.”
Tamora sat up next to him. 
“This is Tamora,” he said before turning his attention back to her. “Officer Duncan’s an old friend of mine. I’ve done a lot of repairs at the precinct over the years.”
“Thanks to Felix, we’ve been able to push off buying a new radiator for six years,” said Duncan. “Every time I think that old thing’s finally ready to crap out, he works another miracle.”
“Just doin’ my job,” Felix said.
“Well, anyway, I’ll leave you two lovebirds to it. Nice to meet you, miss,” Duncan said, taking a step back from the truck. “Happy stargazing.”
“Goodnight, officer,” Felix called out as he walked away.
He glanced at Tamora, who started laughing at the embarrassment that was evident on his face.
“That could’a been a close call,” he said. “We got a little carried away for a minute there.”
“Oh, relax,” she teased. “Everything is fine.”
“I guess you’re right,” he said, reaching for her hand. 
“He did ruin my plan, though,” she said.
“What plan?”
“Since we were arguing over who’s the luckiest, I figured the only way to even the score was for us both to get lucky out here,” she said, unable to hold in a chuckle at the immediate effect her words had on him. His face was blank for a moment until his mind was able to process her suggestion, at which point his skin seemed to glow a bright, vivid red.
“So, you want--I... I never,” he stuttered. Tamora had apparently short-circuited his brain, leaving him unable to form one coherent sentence. “I... Out here?!”
“Are you alright?” she asked with an amused smile. She leaned in and kissed his cheek, which was hot against her lips. 
He nodded slowly.
“I just... I’ve heard about that sort of thing before but no one’s ever... I’ve never...” he trailed off, unable to finish his statement without shrinking down into a little ball of embarrassment.
“I wouldn’t have said anything if I knew it would freak you out like this,” she said.
“I’m not freaked out, it’s just a little shocking, is all,” he replied. “You, um... You wouldn’t be interested in coming back to my apartment for the night, would you? Maybe we can reach some sort of compromise to your plan.”
Tamora was taken aback by his forwardness; the physical aspect of their relationship was still somewhat new, and thus far Felix had been very shy when it came time for him to speak on his desire. He had fumbled a bit on the delivery, but the message was loud and clear, and she had no qualms with his suggestion.
“I think we can definitely come to an agreement.”
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vicehectic · 5 years
Vongola Vigilantes (4/?)
Based on this post I made a while ago, or you know, just this:
“…instead of Class 1-A and the Vongola 10th gen being the same age, the Vongola are a long established vigilante group that’s a pain in police’s and villain’s sides (most heroes either have neutral opinions or quietly agree with the Vongola) while Izuku loves them and is their number one fanboy.”
Parts 1 / 2 / 3 / ?
Also on AO3
Sawada Tsunayoshi can barely feel his lungs as his feet pound into the ground, his short legs taking too long leaps for their length, but it doesn't matter to Tsuna. All that matters right now is that he gets to him.
It's one of those examples of a mother that gets the strength to lift a car that’s trapped their child when you consider how Tsuna’s stick legs got him this far.
Tsuna stops even though he’s so close because the front gate is crowded with reporters, to the point that Tsuna can barely see the school building through the cracks between people.
Tsuna throws his hands to his front pockets, then his back, and then around his whole body until he finds his phone in the side pocket of his cargo pants, trembling hands rushing to unlock it. Before Tsuna can even turn the dang thing on, a hand comes to his shoulder and Tsuna doesn’t jump ten feet into the air, thank you very much.
“Are you a parent?” an unphased gruff voice asks, somewhat muffled for a reason that Tsuna can’t quite place from just hearing it.
Tsuna whirls around immediately, trying to meet covered eyes, but he unintentionally focuses on the ridiculous over-the-top mask on the man’s face, “Yes! Err, no! Kinda?” he stutters through his words, “I'm a guardian! My ward is a student here! Class 3-A!”
The man, a hero - Tsuna briefly realizes, turns on his heel, his cloak flying out behind him, “Follow me.” 
Tsuna swears he hears the snide whisper of “civilians”, but he isn’t so sure to call him out on it. 
The hero leads him to a side entrance at a pace that is too slow for Tsuna's liking but he doesn't say anything to rush the hero. Tsuna, rather, decides to ask, “Can I ask what happened?” It's a rather harmless question compared to the first thought of "can you go any slower?"
The hero doesn’t even bother to turn back to reply, “There will be an official report later. We have the situation under control. We just ask that you pick up your… ward and go.”
Tsuna frowns, hating how standoffish and rude the hero is but knows that this isn’t the place or time. 
Everything inside Tsuna jitters with impatience.
The crowd at the side entrance is smaller in comparison to the crowd of reporters and is constantly moving with people who are coming and going. The school’s pro-heroes seemed to have set up some kind of temporary area for family to pick up their children. There are groups of students and adults with their children holding up tablets to seemingly sign them out. The hero stops right at the entrance and picks up a tablet from a table, and briefly Tsuna wonders just how much money the school has to have all these tablets, but the hero’s gruff voice jolts him out of his thoughts, “The name of the student?”
Tsuna almost shouts the name, “Bovino Lambo! Class 3-A!”
The hero stops and immediately snaps his head up, “You’re… Bovino’s guardian?”
Tsuna almost wants to laugh at the irony of that but nods, “Yes! Is he okay?” he ignores it because his anxiety is through the roof.
The hero nods almost flustered under all the layers and covers his costume gives him, “No, no, he’s completely fine. I’ll just have someone get him-”
Tsuna immediately throws open his arms and wraps his arms around a lanky form that smells of grapes, “Lambo,” Tsuna practically whimpers. His knees grow weak in relief and Lambo is gently setting the both of them onto the ground. Tsuna pulls back just enough so he can cradle Lambo’s face in his hands, “Lambo, I was so worried. Are you okay- what happened? Do we need to call-”?
“I’m fine Tsuna-nii,” Lambo says, his voice warm, putting his hands over Tsuna’s, “It wasn’t even my class and I was at the main campus. My classmates and I were sent out to watch the other classes with the civilian teachers when the heroes got the news. I’m completely fine.”
Tsuna finally feels like he’s breathing and presses his forehead against Lambo’s heart, “Oh thank god.”
“Aa, if it isn’t Tsuna-san making a scene in the middle of the sidewalk.”
Tsuna looks up frantically and see the eyes of students, adults, heroes, and police that watch him and Lambo; his face flushed red, “Iieee!” he yelps and jumps up.
Lambo sighs and pulls himself up to stand at Tsuna’s side - and that is so, so, reassuring -, “Fran, what are you doing here?” he calls out to his childhood friend.
Tsuna turns on his heel to see the apathetic, teal-haired, young adult wearing a hoodie and jeans standing there with a bored expression, “Fran! Are you doing okay too?” He immediately rushes to the man who is, sadly, just a bit taller than him and checks the thin man all over, “Has Rokudo-san been contacted? Do you need me to take you home?” 
Fran lazily just lets Tsuna fuss over him, knowing better than to resist as it’s much faster to go along with Tsuna when he’s like this, “I’m fine. Power Loader wouldn’t even let me get out of the class. Chrome-nee-san is here so I’ll be going home with her once everything is settled.” Before Tsuna could even open his mouth, Fran continued, “And Chrome-nee-san is perfectly fine.”
Tsuna manages a small smile, “I’m glad. I don’t know what I would have done if you two were injured.” And that’s the complete truth - Tsuna would have been lost if his younger brother and Lambo’s childhood friend, that he’s been acquainted with since he was a child, were gone. 
“Bovino, you ran off before you could finish your sign out sheet,” a voice calls out from behind Tsuna, “What happened?”
Lambo lets out a sheepish chuckle as he turns on his heel, “Sorry Midnight-sensei, my brother came to pick me up.”
Tsuna turns and briefly takes in the 18+ hero before he reels back to gape at Lambo, “You thought I wouldn’t come to pick you up?” he asks horrified.
Lambo shrugs, avoiding his gaze, “Well I knew you had work and you weren’t answering your phone so I just kinda assumed…” he trails off, his voice growing weaker, knowing how weak that excuse is.
Tsuna grabs at his brother’s upper arms, “Lambo, you are more important than my work. As soon as Chieko-san showed me the news I just ran out without thinking. I’m sorry that I didn’t answer my phone, but you have to know that I’m always going to be here for you.”
A hand lands on his shoulder and a woman lets out a low laugh, “Wise words from a caring man. It’s a shame I’m not exactly into that.” Shivers goes down his spine, standing frozen, as lips come close to his ear, “Such a sweet brotherly love,” hot air brushes the shell of his ear.
Tsuna is pulled away as his heart beats out of his chest and his face flushes a complete red. “Midnight-sensei, what the hell?” Lambo shouts for his defense as he stands between his teacher and his brother.
Midnight just licks her lips and winks, “Calm down Bovino, it’s just a little bit of teasing.”
Fran’s deadpan voice cuts through Midnight’s and Lambo’s bickering, “It’s impossible to me that she has never been arrested for harassment.”
Tsuna’s blood is still rushing in his ears but the hole in his stomach is no longer there. 
And that’s all that matters.
“Yuuei Academy’s first year hero class, Class 1-A, was attacked at the school’s Unforeseen Simulation Joint, or USJ for short, by a group calling themselves the League of Villains-”
“-hero students at Yuuei were saved by the Vongola!”
“-the police are saying little on the matter-”
“-luckily not many were harmed. The two teachers were easily treated by Pro Hero Recovery Girl and the only student injured sustained a broken finger.”
“Can you believe this school? How lax does the security have to be to allow villains in-?”
“The name of students involved are not being released to the public and the press is being pushed away before they can even come close to Yuuei!”
“-people are asking how the Vongola knew about the League-”
“Those two are alright right?” Haru asks with her hands on her hips, “Didn’t do anything stupid hahi?” 
I-Pin, who had been pacing the entire shop and had been so distressed that she wasn’t allowed to work for the afternoon, finally lets out a long sigh, “Yeah. They finally responded to our chat. Tsuna-san picked up Lambo and Chrome-san and Fran will be going home together once Yuuei clears out.” She runs a hand through her hair, “What did we expect though? Fran and Lambo are always the one who make Futa and I lose years off our life.”
“Haha, you make it sound like you don’t do the same to Futa-kun sometimes.” Yamamoto doesn’t stop laughing even at I-Pin’s sharp glare and Haru’s telling look. 
“You seriously never know when to shut up, do you?” Hana drawls as she primly shoves a piece of nigiri into her mouth. She points her chopsticks at I-Pin after she swallows, “But from the stories I’ve heard, he seems to have a point.”
I-Pin blushes a bright pink. “They’re very persuasive when they want to be,” she says weakly in her defense, like a child who was caught with their hand in the cookie jar. 
Hana hands Haru’s phone back to her, her eyes lingering on the picture of Yuuei Academy in the article before she turns back to the sushi in front of her, “You four are childhood friends, right?”
I-Pin brightens up immediately, “Yeah! Ever since Lambo and I were five. But it kinda feels like we’re still kids even though half of us are full-fledged adults.” And isn’t that the truth. This time next year, Lambo will be a pro-hero and I-Pin will, hopefully, be in the roster for nationals. They’ll be on their own soon. 
Haru giggles at that, “Kyoko, Hana, Chrome, and I felt the same way when we graduated University.” She remembers flashes of the days when they used to room together for the four years of their schooling. 
I-Pin seems to perk up at that, her expression as curious but no one in their little groups gets to say anything. 
“Yamamoto-kun, do you mind turning the news on?” a voice calls across the nearly empty shop, “I think channel 5 is doing an update on Yuuei right now!” It’s a customer and the three workers at Takesushi turn at the call. He’s a regular that is known for getting somewhat rowdy when he’s downed a couple drinks but always leaves with a cordial promise to come back when asked to leave. 
“Yuuei?” another customer asks from a different table with a furrowed brow, “Did something happen at Yuuei?” This customer isn’t quite as familiar but Haru swears she’s seen the exact assemble of a Best Jeanist jean jacket and Gang Orca t-shirt underneath on this woman. 
The regular barks out loud, “Haven’t you seen the news? Yuuei was attacked by some kinda gang of villains! Yuuei is being awfully quiet about it - probably don’t have an excuse for the way they put those kids into danger.” He’s the typical middle-aged man that doesn’t makes his own opinions and is too lazy to actually look into issues; he just takes news at its face value and believes.
Murmurs start across the shop and I-Pin’s face is pinched in distress. I-Pin may not go to Yuuei, but she’s heard a lot about it from Lambo and Fran to know that the teachers and heroes there are dedicated to their students. This is an isolated incident, she’s sure of that even though the two idiots haven’t exactly said anything to her. Just as I-Pin’s about to open her mouth and start a shouting match (she’s justified alright? She just spent hours stressing about if her two best friends were injured or even dead) Hana sets her empty tea cup down loud enough to silence the shop. 
The customers are stunned into silence as Hana’s attention-grabbing voice speaks, “Actually, Yuuei isn’t allowed to make a statement immediately because of the involvement of minors. A couple years back there was an incident at a school that wasn’t quite on this scale but after the school made too quick of a statement parents began to sue the school for releasing information about their children without their permission just because they wanted to save face.” Hana doesn’t even turn her head as she gestures for Haru to pour more tea into her cup, “Yuuei is legally not allowed to say anything without getting the facts straight with their students, the witnesses, the police, and the guardians of the students involved unless they want to face repercussions.” She gives the regular a sharp look, “Educate yourself before making wild assumptions.”
The regular sputters but Hana just turns back and puts another piece of sushi into her mouth.
Haru giggles quietly as she rubs shoulders with Hana, “Did you not get enough sleep last night?” At Hana’s dead look she knows she’s a hundred percent right. 
“Did you get that case settled?” Yamamoto finally speaks up again, in a low voice that can’t be heard over the jeers the customers are making at each other and the gossip of Yuuei.
Hana’s dull eyes become focused and she frowns, “Uncharacteristic of you to actually act like a monkey.”
Yamamoto laughs, “What are you talking about? You were complaining about a difficult case last time you were here right?”
Hana eyes flicker to the smile on the man’s face before looking into his eyes, “Don’t be stupid.”
“It’s hard to break bad habits you know,” Yamamoto says with mirth, “I never was very good at school.”
The two don’t look away from each other, one smiling and the other glowering. 
I-Pin takes the liberty to interject, changing the subject, “Yeah, when I ask Takeshi-nii for help with my homework he just says something like, ‘well you do whoosh! Boom! And bam!’” She crosses her arms across her chest, “It’s annoying.”
Haru brightens up, “I would love to help you with your homework if you want me to!”
I-Pin sticks her tongue out, “And have to learn from a genius that already knows the answer just from glancing at it? No way! I’d never learn anything. Geniuses are the worst teachers.”
Haru gasps dramatically, “Hahi? Excuse you, I am a great teacher! Hana-chan, tell her!”
Before Haru can entirely drag Hana’s attention away, Hana sends one last look at Yamamoto with a promise.
This isn’t over.
But Yamamoto just laughs that carefree laugh. 
A League of Villains Attacking Yuuei
Written by: Sasagawa Kyoko
According to the Musutafu Police Department, at approximately 2:22 PM earlier today, a large group of villains infiltrated the top hero academy in the nation: Yuuei Academy. While twenty students of Yuuei’s hero course were training in their training facility known as the Unforeseen Simulation Joint (USJ), more than 200 villains infiltrated the USJ and attacked them and the two accompanying pro-hero teachers: Eraserhead and Thirteen. The police are saying nothing about why the villains infiltrated the USJ but has a released a statement stating that Eraserhead and Thirteen were healed by Pro-Hero Recovery Girl. The only student that was injured was quickly treated for their broken finger. The police went on to say that the students’ names would not be released to the public and cannot be asked to make a public statement.
However, there have been rumors floating around that the infamous Vigilante group, the Vongola, were at the scene and protected the students from the villains. While it is unclear where the rumor stemmed from, there is reason to believe that it may be true. The students that were attacked are in their first year, meaning that they do not have much fighting experience but the police, in their statement, reported that they arrested most of the villains. Not to discount the hero hopefuls’ abilities, but it’s highly unlikely the students were able to fend off the villains until their teachers arrived.
Reporters are being asked to leave school grounds as there will be an official statement from Yuuei’s principal later this evening. 
After the incident, students’ parents or guardians were asked to pick up their children regardless of year and course. Those parents and guardians who were otherwise occupied or too far away were escorted by sidekicks to their homes. 
Check back here after Yuuei’s statement for more updates. 
Incident T#483
Hero License #: 181Z26A5291
Hero Name: Eraserhead
Incident: While at the USJ (Unforeseen Simulation Joint) at Yuuei Academy, the class of 1-A and Pro-Hero Thirteen and I were attacked by villains. They seemed to be after All Might - claiming to have only come for All Might. They expressed the interest in killing All Might and when they found out All Might was not here, they tried to use the students as an example to intimidate All Might. Communications went down and as such we were unable to call for backup. I engaged while Thirteen was tasked to protect the students. However, the students got scattered by a warp quirk, scattering them across the USJ. It seemed to be a luring tactic to get All Might to the USJ. While I engaged most of the villains, a villain by the name of Shigaraki Tomura used his disintegration quirk to disintegrate my elbow and he command the creature, (Unknown Element #: 1415U169441) Noumu, to attack me. The vigilante known as Giotto, from the Vongola, appeared to seemingly protect me. Called out to his comrades in the Vongola and they answered to confirm that all the students and Thirteen were relatively safe. Giotto froze and had Asari kill the Noumu and only escaped when the villains leave after other Pro-Heroes arrived. Giotto claims he came because he “heard the cries of children being targeted and had him and his group jump in” the fray. Giotto made it very clear that the Vongola would not stand with The League of Villains.  
Tsukauchi Naomasa is frustrated. The main reason why he is frustrated is because the media is right. The police really don’t know a lot. All the students were questioned at the school after the students had calmed down. Most of the students saw what happened in the USJ from start to finish - with their own different points of view, of course. Iida Tenya was the one who ran to get backup and Mineta Minoru passed out early on; therefore, they did not see a lot of the action. Each of the students within the USJ were with members of the Vongola and claimed to have been saved or aided by the vigilantes. Except for Kirishima Eijirou, Bakugou Katsuki, and Aoyama Yuuga who were trapped in what they believed to be an illusion conjured by Daemon. Though Naomasa supposes that that’s Daemon’s own way of “saving” someone. 
Eighteen of the students and Aizawa Shouta had seen Giotto’s encounter with the League. The students were either all herded to the entrance of the USJ by the Vongola, escaped there themselves, or were shown what happened through an illusion.
So many eye witness accounts yet nothing. They weren’t any closer on Shigaraki, the Noumu, Kurogiri, the League, or the Vongola.
It’s frustrating.
It’s frustrating that Naomasa has to come to him for advice.
Rokudo Mukuro is a piece of shit on a good day. A good day. Today is not a good day.
Mukuro has his feet up on his desk and his fingers loosely laced together in his lap, “And how can I help you today, Detective?” He says “detective” like it’s a curse and with emphasis to make it seem like he’s capitalizing the word.
Naomasa wishes he could find something wrong with Mukuro’s investigations but he’s always clean. Somehow, even with the suspicion that Mukuro is somehow involved in something illegal, he’s always telling the truth. Sometimes, Naomasa believes that Mukuro is just a stubborn asshole. But Naomasa always listens to his gut and his gut hates Mukuro. Hates Mukuro for a reason he can’t place. 
Naomasa puts his hat down on the table, “I need all the information you have on the League of Villains and the Vongola.” The best thing to do with Mukuro is be direct as possible. 
Mukuro quirks a delicate brow and swings his feet off the desk, “I’m not an info broker, detective. I’m a private investigator. Most days I catch cheating spouses and find missing people. I barely interact with villains.”
Naomasa sighs, “You heard about the attack at Yuuei and, to be frank, we’re severely lacking information.” His voice drops to below a whisper, “Mukuro, I know that whatever you actually do isn’t exactly clean,” and he does, he just doesn’t have proof, “but I need this information.” And he does, for his friend who was targeted, for the students that were attacked, for the future safety of his country. Mukuro is uncharacteristically silent as Naomasa bows his head, “Children were attacked Mukuro. It was a class with two capable pro heroes and I know for a fact that your ward is working as an assistant to Power Loader. Who’s to say that the League won’t attack Yuuei again?” Naomasa is playing dirty, and he feels a deep shame inside because of it, but he doesn’t have a choice. He needs more pieces to this puzzle. 
Mukuro doesn’t say a word but he fiddles with something on his desk, the object tapping against the wood rhythmically as he finally begins to speak. “You and I both know I’m not stupid enough to not realize why the League attacked Yuuei and I know that Fran can handle himself enough to escape. I wasn’t interested before, Detective, but now?” Naomasa’s head goes up just in time to see the wicked grin that comes to his face, “now I am.”
Mukuro is piece of shit on a good day.
On bad days? Mukuro is absolute scum. 
“What have the police figured out?”
The man’s eyebrow, from across the way from Kusakabe, twitches but no violent movement or threat follows. Kusakabe honestly considers that a win. 
“Nothing,” is Kusakabe’s blunt reply. “They’re hopeless when it comes to discovering anything about the League and the Vongola. We’re not going to get information from them besides the fact that the League was after All Might.” Kusakabe is kneeling in the shadows of Kyou-san’s dark tea room, and it's absolutely not dark because Kyou-san had just woken up from a nap before their guest had arrived. Kusakabe turns his head to his left and speaks, “What do we know about the League?”
The first voice speaks up, gruff but still somehow warm, “Ultimately nothing substantial. There’s someone with a warp quirk and a disintegration quirk and they have access to these big monster-like things that have quirks. Besides their goal of killing All Might, we don’t know much. They’re causing a ruckus in the underground, but most are laughing at their attempt.”
Kusakabe sighs quietly as his hand comes up his face, “I don’t know if I should be impressed or disgusted that your use of “ultimate” worked in a real sentence.”
Ryohei laughs from his gut, “It’s an ultimate word for any ultimate situation.”
A quiet, but not hidden, scoff comes from the side of the room that Hibari occupies but both men don’t acknowledge it. It’s not the time and one out of the two of them values their life. 
“What of Yuuei?" Kusakabe asks as he kneels close to the door leading to the hallway with his head bowed, "Their keeping their mouths rather shut," Kusakabe's eyes flicker across the dark room.
Hibari growls ever so slightly, "Trying to get anything about that herbivorous school is like pulling teeth." He bares his teeth in disgust. It’s the first he’s spoken since Ryohei’s arrival.
Kusakabe knows it’s best to cut Hibari off when he’s ahead, "Is there anything significant that the heroes are saying?" he asks Ryohei to change the subject.
Ryohei shakes his head, unknowing to what Kusakabe is trying to do, "Ultimately, it’s the same thing as we’ve always heard. Even though a lot of them have been told about the real events at Yuuei; people aren’t changing their opinions of the Vongola." Ryohei frowns, “It’s just causing a real stir in our neighborhood. I ultimately wish that this would all settle down.”
"Our group will continue our investigation into the League of Villains and All For One," Kusakabe says after a long moment of silence. "I will be sure to inform you of something as soon as it arises."
Before Ryohei can say a word in response, Hibari stands up and he’s out of the room, letting the sunlight stream into the room.
Ryohei chuckles at the distressed look on Kusakabe’s face, “Maa, it’s fine Tetsuya, I’m depending on you to back me up when things go bad around here!”
Kusakabe sighs tiredly, “Ryohei, how many times do I have to tell you that we’re licensed and allowed to use our quirks and abilities to protect people and that you aren’t?”
Ryohei just laughs heartily and Kusakabe knows that getting through to his friend is useless. 
There's a woman standing in front of the class when they enter with Aizawa next to her. They quickly shuffle to their seats when Aizawa doesn't turn to acknowledge them and when the woman sends them a smile.
The woman is short, definitely shorter than Aizawa, probably around Midoriya's height. She has her violet hair in a tight bun on her head with two decorative needles sticking out of them. She wears a smart black blazer and pencil skirt, along with a white blouse. Her feet have plain black flats and her legs are covered in a black stocking. She wears a white eyepatch over her left eye and there's a soft smile on her face and a bright twinkle in her purple eye as she waves, “Hello.”
The class mostly remains silent, unsure of how to respond, but a few respond politely.
“Listen up,” Aizawa says, “I'm not going to say this twice. This is Dokuro Chrome, the school mental health counselor.”
The class stare at their slightly bandaged teacher as he just stops, asking with their eyes if that's all he has to say on the subject.
Dokuro, thankfully, steps up, “Thank you Eraserhead. Like Eraserhead said, I'm Dokuro Chrome but Chrome-sensei is just fine with me,” her voice is soft and almost fragile but it's warm and comforting as a small smile comes to her face. “Normally we would have been introduced at the school opening ceremony but a certain someone refuses to attend every year,” the woman bravely meets Aizawa's pointed glare for a second with a serene smile before moving on. “I am Yuuei's mental health counselor. That means I'm here from everything to friend problems, home problems, school work stress, relationship problems, and even traumatic villain situations.”
The realization of why Chrome is at the front of their class hits.
Chrome smiles, maybe seeing how their faces changed in response to their realization, “While I may not be a pro hero or inspiring to be one anytime soon, I know what a villain attack can be like. Especially when everything seemed so peaceful and normal and then everything changes in a second. So, if anyone would like to talk, I am here before school, during school, and after school from six A.M. to five P.M. If you ever need me, feel free to drop by my office near the teacher's lounge or make an appointment through my email.” She promptly turns and writes her email on the top corner of the board before turning back around, “Normally, I don't go to visit the hero course students well into their second year but unfortunately, your class has been subjected to something terrible.”
Her eye narrows, and she suddenly seems very serious as she looks out into the class. She doesn’t seem so meek or easily influenced anymore. She stands firm, like an anchored rock, “You all did well in that situation. Standing in the face of villains and coming out relatively okay with minimal casualties is admirable. The fact that you're still sitting here, more determined to be a hero than ever says a lot.” She smiles, “I can't wait to see what the future holds for all of you.”
And like that, Chrome is gone, the only trace of her the smell of violets and her email on the board.
NOTE: I'm so sorry for the late update but I got swamped with the weeks leading up to finals and then finals at the end of June. As soon as my finals ended I went on a trip and I've just been recovering from that. I've also been writing scenes for this story and "Want Emancipation?" at the same time but the scenes also don't make sense chronologically so I have a lot of mess I need to piece together later for each story. Hopefully I will update quicker next time. 
Chapter 5 is halfway done and there should be a teaser up already or shortly after I post this so go ahead and read that!
Thank you for the love and support I've gotten already! I really appreciate it!
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ebhenah · 6 years
Klancemas December 17: Decorating
Klancemas 2018
"Candy Cane"
Dec 17: Decorating
(A future Klance-Family Fic)
CW: discussion of surgical repair of a badly broken bone
“I wanna go HOME,” Kashi grumbled, “I don’t like it here.”
“I know buddy, but that’s a bad break,” Lance said, ruffling the five year old’s hair, “and they might need to do surgery to fix it.”
“Am I gonna get a cool robot leg like Uncle Shiro’s arm?” His eyes danced with excitement at the thought.
“Ummm... no… and I’m pretty sure Uncle Shiro would have liked to be able to keep the arm he was born with.”
“Uhhhhh… Papi,” Kashi’s voice was… just far too condescending for a five year old. Someone was being a bad influence on his baby and he was gonna get to the bottom of it- as soon as life was back to normal. “Have you even SEEN Uncle Shiro’s arm? Cuz, it is like SUPER cool. He can open the fridge and get a drink from the couch! THE COUCH, Papi!”
“Hmmm…” he nodded thoughtfully, “yeah. That’s pretty cool. I know your regular old leg must seem pretty boring, but you aren’t getting a robot one. Sorry, dumpling.”
“Awww,” he deflated, flopping back dramatically and knocking his pillows to the floor and Lance had to shake his head at him, moving to restore the pillows to where they belonged.
Before he could say anything encouraging, the doctor popped into the room. “Mr. Um… Ko-gain?”
“Ko-gah-nee,” Kashi said patiently. “Ta-Kah-shi Ko-gah-nee… but everyone calls me Kashi.”
“I see,” the doctor said, “thank-you Kashi, but I was actually trying to speak with your dad. Mr. Ko- LANCE?!?!”
He looked up from where he’d been fussing over Kashi’s pillows. The doctor was a pretty woman. Tall, with honey brown hair and kind eyes, but he didn’t recognize her until she smiled, “oh my God! Xo!”
“Lance McClain,” she laughed, “wow- I was not expecting… Hi.”
“Hi,” he laughed, “this is… definitely a surprise!”
“Ummmm… Hi!” Kashi joined in, “Papi’s name’s not McClain, it’s Kogane.”
“Kashi, don’t be rude! Sorry, Xo… or I guess, I should call you Xiomara? I know you hated the nickname.”
“Yeah, I prefer Xiomara… Dios, it’s been… what? 15 years?”
“At least… closer to 20 I think. Wow… you’re a doctor. That’s amazing! Good for you!”
“Says the Paladin of Voltron,” she laughed, “Kashi- did you know that when your Papi was about your age, he tried to build his very own spaceship. He even named it!”
“He did?” Kashi was hooked, he ate up stories about his parents childhoods.
“Mmhmmm… it was… oh! I remember! Mirador De Estrellas,” she sat in the empty chair beside Lance, “not a bad name for a spaceship.”
“Dr. Marichal was very good friends with your Tia Rachel,” Lance explained, “so she was at our house a lot when I was your age.”
“I’m not allowed to say it, but Tia Rachel is my favorite,” Kashi chirped.
“Seriously Kashi? If you KNOW you aren’t allowed to say it, why did you say it right in front of me?” Lance threw his arms out in exasperation.
“I dunno,” Kashi just shrugged.
“Sorry about him,” Lance said, shaking his head slowly, “he’s… one of a kind.”
“Gee, I wonder where he gets that,” she laughed.
“Tia Veronica is supposed to be my favorite,” Kashi explained, “cuz she grew me in her belly… but she’s too bossy… and Tia Rachel lets me eat raw cookie dough.”
“Takashi Kogane!” Lance gasped, horrified. “Please tell me this is from pain medication!”
She glanced at the chart, and looked sheepish, “sorry… unless he has an unusual response, none of the medications should cause… umm… this.”
Lance dropped his face into his hands, “Kashi, dumpling, you are killing your Papi right now.”
“At least we are in a hospital,” Kashi pointed out.
That made Xiomara choke back a laugh. “Oh man… I like this kid of yours, Lance. Should we go over the treatment plan while I get a look at Kashi here?”
“Yes, please,” he said, shooting Kashi a look.
“Right, so, it… could be worse, but we aren’t looking at an ideal situation.” She checked Kashi’s vitals as she spoke. “Ideally we would want to see a nice clean fracture that would be easy to set, pin in place and let it heal. But what we are looking at here is multiple close together breaks, so we definitely need to get him into surgery, and we will be needing to utilize some… uhh… new technology.”
“You mean alien tech,” Kashi said clearly, crossing his arms over his chest. “Doctors hate to say that they are using alien tech… cuz of bigots. We’re not bigots. You can say alien tech.”
“Alright then, yes, alien tech,” she corrected, ducking her head and listening to his chest to hide her smile, “you know Kashi, most kids your age are afraid to say stuff like that to doctors. You’re a brave guy.”
“He is pretty… umm.. Outspoken, in general. But, his sister has Sandacies Syndrome,” Lance explained, “so we spend a lot of time around medical stuff… and most of her care is overseen by the Olkari.”
“Oh. I am very sorry, Sandacies is a tough diagnosis. How old is she?”
“Talia’s eight,” Lance answered, “and thanks. She’s doing really well, though.”
“Has Kashi been tested for Sandacies markers?”
“Talia’s adopted,” Kashi said, “so’s Rai, but me and Thace are surro-babies.”
“I see,” she said with a smile, “so, as I was saying- we’ll be using some new medical tech from Puig. It’s a biofoam. So, once we stabilize the break, we wrap a sleeve around the affected area, place the screws, and fill the sleeve with the biofoam. Over the course of a few weeks, Kashi’s own bone will replace the foam and he’ll be good as new. The surgery is pretty involved, though, and he’ll need to stay here for at least a week afterwards so we can monitor him. We don’t have a whole lot of information on how human dna interacts with this tech yet, so we like to keep a close watch.”
“A whole WEEK?!?! Papi! No!”
“Kashi, if it takes a week, it takes a week.”
The doctor looked confused, “Christmas isn’t for more than three weeks Kashi. You’ll be home by then.”
Lance shook his head, “no, he’s upset about missing out on the decorating. It’s his favorite part- putting up the trees and stuff. We help our friends with theirs so it’s kind of a whole thing.”
“Uncle Shiro said it was my turn to do the star this year, and Coran bought a TRAIN that goes IN the tree!” Tears were welling in the little boy’s eyes, “and I’m gonna miss Thanksgiving pizza!”
“Oh, Kashi,” any earlier irritation at him vanished and Lance drew his son into a tender hug. “I know, dumpling, but we need to fix your leg… and if the doctor says that’s how long it will take, then that’s how long it will take. I’ve known Dr. Marichal  since I was your age- she’s almost as smart as Pidge.”
“I HATE RAI,” he wailed against Lance’s chest, “this is all his stupid fault- pushing buttons and pickin’at stuff!”
The doctor checked her chart, “says here Kashi’s leg got caught in some kind of machinery?”
“Yes- he and his brother were poking around in Hunk’s workshop and getting into stuff they KNOW they aren’t supposed to touch. So, now the workshops are completely off limits to the kids. Poor Hunk is absolutely distraught.” He sat back on his heels and wiped the tears from Kashi’s face, “and so is RAI. He feels really bad that you got hurt, Kashi. You know he didn’t mean for that to happen.”
“But it DID, and it’s HIS fault! An’now I’m gonna be STUCK HERE when everyone else is doing fun Christmas stuff! Can’t Allura fix it with her glowy magic?”
“Kashi! Allura’s alchemy isn’t a first aid kit- she only uses it to heal in the most dire situations. You have a broken leg. We don’t need to use MAGIC to fix that.” That pout really shouldn’t be nearly as adorable as it was. As frustrated and worried as he was, Lance was struggling not to coo at his youngest- because he just looked soooo much like a tiny, angry Keith at the moment, with his furrowed brow and purple eyes and scowl. He stood, mussing up Kashi’s hair affectionately. “When should we expect the surgery?”
She glanced at the clock, “hmmm… technically it is emergency surgery because it wasn’t scheduled in advance, so he’ll be ranked for urgency and then as soon as possible. I would say it’ll be before the end of the day.”
“Surgery?” Keith asked from the doorway.
“Daddy!” Kashi wailed, sticking his arms out.
Keith rushed over and hugged him gingerly, pressing kisses to the top of his head and rubbing his little back. “I’m right here, kiddo,” he whispered, “Daddy and Papi aren’t going anywhere.”
“Keith, this is Dr. Marichal, she’s an old friend of Rachel’s, she’s in charge of Kashi’s case. Xiomara, this is my husband, Keith,” Lance returned to his seat, knowing that Keith wasn’t leaving Kashi’s side until they wheeled him off for surgery.
Keith extended his hand to shake hers, “it’s nice to meet you Dr. Marichal, you were saying he needs surgery?”
“Femur breaks are pretty serious,” she said with a nod before running through the surgical plan with him again.
“I’m gonna miss ALL the fun stuff,” Kashi sniffled.
“No, you won’t, precious,” Keith promised, “we’ll save lots of fun stuff for when you are home with us.”
“Shiro’s PIZZA… and Coran’s TRAIN…”
“I’ll talk to Shiro and Coran. I promise.” He pulled back and looked Kashi in the eye, “have I ever broken a promise to you?”
“No,” the little boy hiccuped.
“Right. So, I won’t break this one. I will talk to Uncle Shiro and Coran while you are getting your leg fixed up and I will find a way for you to not miss out on all your favorite stuff.”
“You promise?” he asked, hope blooming in his amethyst eyes.
“I PROMISE. Paladin’s honor.”
“Okay,” sniffled Kashi, “thank-you, Daddy.”
Lance smiled, he should have known that Keith would be able to put Kashi’s worries to rest. People were always surprised at just how good Keith was with kids. They assumed that he’d be awkward and standoffish with them the way he was with adults, but he wasn’t at all. Lance had yet to see a child that didn’t immediately take to Keith and he’d never seen a kid that Keith didn’t like.
“You don’t have to thank me, Kashi,” Keith soothed, “can you get those papers signed, Tumbleweed? I’m gonna chill out with our little guy for a bit.”
“Sure thing babe,” Lance answered, “alright Xiomara, where do I sign?”
“If you come with me, I’ll get you all set up with the paperwork,” she said nodding toward the door. He followed her to a little room that had a little table and a few chairs. It reminded him of signing the adoption paperwork for the twins. “I have to ask- ‘Tumbleweed’?”
He laughed, “ah... That… I took him on a romantic ice skating date. I thought it would be like rollerblading. I was wrong. He called me Tumbleweed because I couldn’t stay upright until  taught me how to ice skate… then he proposed that day, so it stuck.”
“Well, that is straight out of a Hallmark movie! Very cute. Definitely a keeper,” she said, laughing as she organized all the papers, “Kashi looks a lot like him.”
“Yeah, he’s just a lot like him, in general. Brave, stubborn… blunt,” he laughed, and pulled out his phone, bringing up a picture of all the kids, “Thace looks more like me… or, well… like Rachel, I guess.”
“That’s definitely YOUR smile on that little girl,” she laughed, and passed him the stack. He put the phone away and started scrawling his name on the flagged spots. She smiled at him, “I always get a kick of how much adopted kids end up looking like the people that raise them just because of expressions and mannerisms.”
“Yeah, it’s wild… and it carries over, too. Like, sometimes Rai will open his mouth and I SWEAR he’s channeling Shiro… who raised Keith. Family is…” He shrugged, “it’s a kind of magic, I think.”
“I like that, I might steal it to help reassure parents.” She sat in one of the chairs across from him, “you have a beautiful family, Lance. I’m glad I got to meet some of them- although it could have been under better circumstances.”
“I’m sure you will meet the others in the next couple of days,” he laughed, “we’ve got the whole hospital visitation thing down to an art.”
“So… ummm… Kashi said Veronica carried him? How is she doing?”
He glanced up at her between signatures, “are you sure you want me to answer that?”
“Yes… I mean… I think so… Just.. don’t tell me if it is bad,” she blushed, “I don’t want to know if it isn’t good.”
“Roni is great,” he answered, “she pretty much runs the world- although no one seems to have noticed yet. She’s single right now… but she’s got a couple of on again off again things, so that could change.”
“Good. That’s… good. I’m glad she’s doing well. She deserves it.”
“Want me to tell her you say hi?” he asked, signing the last line and returning the pages to a neat stack.
She gave him a wistful smile as she took the paperwork, “yeah. Yeah, tell her I said hi… and give my love to the family.”
“Will do.”
“You are such a charmer,” Keith whispered, wrapping his arms around Lance. “He’s going to be so excited to see this!”
“You were the one that had the idea AND arranged everything,” Lance chuckled, leaning back against his husband, and resting his hands on top of Keith’s. “All I did was convince the nurses to look the other way about the number of visitors.”
Trudy, one of the nurses, poked her head into the room, “he’s awake. They’ll be bringing him down any minute. Everything looks great.”
“Thanks so much,” Lance said.  He could FEEL the worry and tension drain out of Keith’s frame. “Babe- it’s a broken leg. He’s fine.”
“It’s a broken FEMUR and he needed surgery, Lance.”
“He’s five and still growing. He’ll be back to driving everyone bonkers before you know it.” He turned in Keith’s arms, “you are such a worrywart when it comes to the kids. It’s cute.”
Keith rolled his eyes, “this again?”
“Mmhmm… my husband is CUTE.”
“Lannnnnce… quit it.”
They both laughed as Kashi was wheeled into the room. Sure enough the fiberglass cast that encased his leg was red and white candy-cane striped. Lance had to remind himself to breathe when he saw the metal frame and the screws that disappeared into the fiberglass- even though he’d known they’d be there, even though he knew they weren’t hurting his little boy.
“Very festive,” Keith said with an encouraging nod.
“See, dumpling? I told you that Xiomara was awesome. How are you feeling?”
“My skin feels tickle-y and I’m thirsty,” Kashi answered, “but my leg doesn’t even hurt!”
“Are you up to more visitors?”
“Sure- is Tia Rachel here? She can see her friend!”
“Sorry bud, no Rachel,” Keith answered as Lance ducked out of the room to gather the others.
A few minutes later Shiro, Coran, Thace, Talia, Krolia, Allura, and Romelle came into the room, carrying boxes of assorted sizes. A chagrined Rai and weeping Hunk followed and made a beeline to the little boy, tripping over each other to be the first to apologize. Hunk was barely coherent until Kashi patted his back and assured him that it wasn’t Hunk’s fault and he wasn’t mad.
Rai didn’t even speak- not that he was a particularly talkative child- and Lance suspected he didn’t trust himself not to cry. Rai HATED hospitals, always had, but he had insisted on being here for the entire duration of the surgery. He climbed up onto the bed beside his little brother and gingerly wrapped his arm around him while they both glared at spots on the bed somewhere in the vicinity of their knees.
Silent tears spilled out of Rai’s eyes and he dug his hand into the big pocket in the front of his hoodie, pulling out a sloppily wrapped rectangle and handing it to Kashi. Kashi took the gift and cautiously tore the paper off of it to reveal Rai’s handheld gaming system. “What?”
“Gets boring in hospitals,” Rai muttered, “and they keep saying you’re too little, so you can have mine. S’my fault you’re hurt and stuff.”
“You’re GIVING me this???” Kashi’s eyes were so huge they looked like they’d fall right out of his head.
Rai just nodded, not looking up. “M’sorry.”
“Rai, it was an accident,” Kashi said after a moment. “Wasn’t on purpose.”
“You were so mad,” Rai whispered, “said you hated me.”
“Don’t be stupid.”
Lance had to bite his tongue to keep from chiding Kashi about calling his brother stupid, but he managed. He knew they needed to work this through on their own.
“Your cast looks like a candy cane… can I be the first one to sign it?”
“Sign it?”
“That’s what you do with casts, bud,” Thace said, earning ‘cool big brother points’ as Kashi’s face lit up.
“Definitely,” confirmed Keith.
“I’ll see if the nurses have any markers!” Talia was already out the door before she finished speaking.
“Cooooool! Hey! What’s in all the boxes?”
“Well,” said Shiro, “you always help us make our places ready for Christmas, so this year, it’s our turn to help YOU.”
“We brought you a little tree,” Allura added.
“And ornaments,” said Romelle.
“I found some battery-powered lights for your room, sweetheart,” Krolia added.
“And I thought that you might want to have a train running on the tree-gown-”
“-tree-SKIRT, Coran,” Lance chuckled.
“Yes, of course! I thought you might enjoy having a train running on the tree-SKIRT until you come home,” Coran finished, twirling his moustache.
“I get to decorate my hospital room?” Kashi was floored, he didn’t know where to look, his big eyes darting from person to person. “Really?”
“Really,” Keith confirmed.
“And Tia Pidge will be here soon with a little Thanksgiving pizza for you and I to share,” Shiro said as he ruffled Kashi’s hair, “if you feel up to eating.”
“Best. Day. Ever!” squealed the five year old, the prospect of decorating his hospital room seeming to have completely overpowered the reason that he was in one in the first place.
Talia returned with two fistfuls of colorful markers and started handing them out to people as Allura and Shiro began unpacking the boxes and organizing the contents.
By the time Lance was able to get close enough to his son to sign the cast and give him a hug and kiss, the room was looking very festive. Keith and Shiro were singing carols. Rai was showing Kashi all the best games on his system. Thace and Pidge cutting red and green construction paper into strips that Hunk was stapling into a long chain.
They’d attracted the attention of some of the other kids on the ward and a few of the more mobile and energetic ones had joined in on their fun. Allura had quietly ducked out to visit the kids who weren’t up to it. The Paladins, in general, had a certain amount of fame, even now, but Allura, the Alien Princess, was a bonafide celebrity.
“This was definitely a stroke of genius,” Lance whispered to Keith, “you’ve saved his Christmas.”
“I made a promise,” Keith answered, his voice matter of fact.
“I love you, babe.”
“I love you, too, Tumbleweed.”
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green-eyed-weirdo · 6 years
Bechloe week day 4 - Why?
Another collaboration with @aca-awesomenerd! You, my friend, are aca-awesome! We make a good team! 😎 Enjoy! @bechloe-week
After the hood night party during Beca’s freshman year, she and Chloe had indeed become very fast friends. Just like Chloe predicted they would. After moving into the Bella house and spending so much time together, they thought they couldn’t get any closer. But they did. About two months ago, Beca had asked Chloe out on a date. She of course said yes, and they’d been together ever since.
The two girls were complete opposites. Chloe being very bubbly, optimistic and affectionate, while Beca was more closed off, sarcastic and standoffish. Chloe had been successful in breaking down Beca’s walls though. She felt a little proud of the fact that the brunette had trusted her enough to let her in.
For instance, the Bella’s had learned very early on that Beca never had the best relationship with her father. Chloe was the only one who knew it was because he had left Beca and her mother when she was 13. She would’ve liked to hear a little bit more about this time in her girlfriends life, but she wasn’t going to push it.
Chloe was aware of the fact that Professor Mitchell was trying his hardest to make it up to his daughter. Though she didn’t understand why Beca would never acknowledge his attempts to make things better.
One afternoon, Chloe ran into Beca’s father on campus. It wasn’t the first time the two would see each other, it happened quite often actually. Professor Mitchell teaches his classes in the same building Chloe has most of hers, so it’s not that uncommon for them to bump into each other from time to time. He would always stop and say hi whenever he sees his daughters best friend. Chloe knows how Beca feels about the man, but she can’t not talk to him. She doesn’t want to be rude.
The more she talks to him though, the more she sees the resemblance to her girlfriend. He’s very reserved at first, but loosens up quite quickly. Chloe thinks Beca’s dad is very friendly and he seems like a nice guy. She feels a little bad when she thinks about that. All she’s heard from Beca is that he’s not and that’s where her loyalty is. With Beca. So she’s friendly whenever they see each other, but she makes sure she doesn’t tell him anything Beca wouldn’t.
That one afternoon Chloe runs into Professor Mitchell again is no different. They engage in friendly but superficial conversation and Chloe is about to walk away when he stops her.
“Chloe... “ he starts hesitant.
“Sheila and I would like to invite you and Beca to lunch next week.” Chloe doesn’t really know what to say and feels a little uncomfortable.
“I know I shouldn’t involve you in this, but… I don’t know, maybe you could ask her?” Chloe sees the sad but slightly hopeful look on Professor Mitchell's face and feels a little bad for him.
“I- I don’t know… This isn’t any of my business.” She sees his face drop.
“Yeah, okay.... I’ll ask her. I can’t promise anything… But I’ll try.”
“Thank you, Chloe. That’s all I ask. Thank you so much!” She sees his face light up a little in relieve.
They say their goodbyes and Chloe walks out of the building. During her walk towards the Bella house, she wonders how’s she’s going to bring this up with her girlfriend. She thinks the best way to go is to just not make a big deal out of it and keep it light.
When she gets home, Beca is sitting at the kitchen table staring at her computer screen and headphones on. Chloe get herself and Beca a drink and decides to rip of the bandate right away.
“I saw your dad on campus today.” She tells Beca as she places the drinks on the table.
“Hmm..? Beca takes her headphones of her head and leaves them hanging around her neck.
“I said I saw your dad on campus today. He came over to say hi.” Beca looks a little irritated already.
“He invited us to lunch with him and Sheila next week. He wanted me to ask you if you would consider it?” Chloe looks at Beca and sees her face drop instantly.
“No.” Beca is very resolute and Chloe knows better than to press the issue. This isn’t worth a fight.
“Okay. I’ll tell him next time I run into him.”
“No, it’s okay. I’ll text him.”
“Okay babe.” Chloe leans forward and kisses her girlfriend. Thank god the conversation wasn’t that bad.
A few weeks later
It was a Wednesday afternoon when Stacie heard a knock at the door. She walked over to open it and found Professor Mitchell standing awkwardly on the other side.
“Hi.” He starts. “I’m Professor Mitchell, Beca’s dad.”
“Oh yeah, of course! Hi Mr. Mitchell, come in!” Stacie opens the door fully to let him in.
“Beca isn’t home yet, but she’ll be here soon. You’re welcome to wait. We’re all in here.” Stacie point at the kitchen and leads the way.
“Hey daddy Shortstack!” Amy comes bouncing down the stairs and walks straight to the fridge. “You want anything to drink?”
I takes Beca and Chloe another half an hour to get to the Bella house and by this time Professor Mitchell has loosened up and talking and joking with the girls. They remained sitting at the kitchen table as Jessica and Ashley started cooking dinner.
The front door suddenly swings open and the girls hear Beca say: “Oh my god, it’s smells amazing in here! I’m so hungryyyyy.” As the two girls walk into the kitchen Beca stops in her tracks when she sees her dad sitting at their kitchen table.
“Dad! What are you doing here?”
“He came to see you of course!” Jessica answers cheerfully. “We invited him to stay for dinner. It’s almost ready!”
Beca’s face hardens, but is immediately comforted when she feels Chloe put a hand on her lower back. “Whatever, I’ll go wash up.” Beca says before she turns around to walk upstairs. The noise in the kitchen grew quiet after the Bella’s witnessed Beca’s cold reaction towards her dad, but leave it to Amy to lighten the mood.
“Someone didn’t have their coffee this morning…”
The other Bella’s let out light chuckles hoping to ease the tension in the air.
“Alright you flatbutts… I need to see a man about a horse. Make some room for that awesome smelling dinner!” Amy walks out of the room and all the Bella’s look at each other, making noises of disgust and start talking again.
“She’s an interesting character, that one.” Professor Mitchell says to Stacie who’s standing next to him.
“You can say that again.” Stacie answers as she starts setting the table for dinner.
Dinner is very uncomfortable. At least, in Beca’s opinion. The rest of the Bella’s love the company of Beca’s dad. He’s friendly, charming and cracking jokes all through dinner. As soon as everyone had finished eating, Beca stood up saying she had to get to work, she had an important paper to work on along with the Bella’s new set. She quickly says an awkward goodbye to her dad and bolts up the stairs. Chloe shows Professor Mitchell out and follows her girlfriend upstairs.
When Chloe arrives in her and Beca’s bedroom, she finds the brunette laying on the bed with her eyes fixated on the ceiling.
“Do you want to talk about it?” Chloe says softly as she sits down on the bed next to Beca.
“No.” Beca answers instantly.
“Are you sure babe? It might help-”
“I’m fine!” Beca cuts Chloe off before she can say anything else. She already feels tears threatening to spill over at any moment.
“Becs, I’m on your team. Always. But I can’t help you if you don’t talk to me. Please don’t shut me out...”
Beca lets out a heavy sigh as the tears start slowly rolling down her cheeks. Chloe notices right away and shifts closer to her on the bed. The redhead hugged her girlfriend tightly. After a moment, Beca puts her head on Chloe’s lap and lets out everything she had been holding in. Chloe pulled the brunette even closer and kept quiet until Beca’s sobs died down. She strokes her fingers through Beca’s hair for comfort as well as encouragement.
“My dad and I used to be really close.” Beca starts.
“When I was growing up, my mom always said we were two peas in a pod. He was basically my best friend.” Chloe notices Beca losing herself in the memory as she continues.
“When I was about 12 years old, my parents started fighting a lot. It was like they just didn’t understand each other anymore. Every day was filled with yelling, crying… I had gotten my first mixing board for Christmas that year and I used the music to drown it out. To not have to listen to it.”
Chloe wants to say something, but she’s afraid it might stop Beca from talking at all. So she just listens and as she keeps stroking the brunettes hair.
“The fighting kept getting worse and worse. At first they would try to keep it down. Try to hide it from me, but eventually they apparently didn’t even care anymore. All they cared about was hurting the other.
I was old enough to know where this was going. I knew it would end in a divorce. I was just a kid, but I knew there was no saving this. I wasn’t even sure they wanted to. I starting thinking about what it would be like, you know… I figured that, as I was 13 now, I would have a say in where I wanted to live. I didn’t have to think about that long, obviously I wanted to go with my dad. I was sad thinking about leaving my mom, but he was my buddy. I started to, kind of, prepare I guess… for what was coming. Starting to think about what I would take with me and what I would leave at my mom’s house. I didn’t tell my mom for obvious reasons.
On the 22nd of October in 2005, they had the worst fight ever. I had just come home from school and they were already screaming at each other. They almost didn’t even notice me come in. I told them that I would do what I always do, go upstairs and put on my headphones. As soon as my bedroom door closed they picked up right where they left off.
I had a feeling that this was the one, you know… The one fight that’ll change everything. I’d heard them yell the words ‘having enough’, ‘divorce’ and ‘leaving’ at each other. So I started to pack. It wasn’t that hard, because I had already figured out what I would take with me.
I heard the noise downstairs settle a bit, I could hear my mom crying. I opened my bedroom door to go downstairs when I hear the front door open and close with a bang. I ran back into my room and opened the window. I saw my dad walk towards his car. I called out to him, yelled for him to wait. But he didn’t. He only looked up at my window once, just before he drove away. I was sobbing at this point. I felt like my dad didn’t care about me at all. He just left me.
I could still hear my mom downstairs, sobbing uncontrollably. I just went into action-mode I guess. I unpacked my bag, put everything back in its place and calmed myself down. Then I went downstairs to check on my mom. She was sitting on the couch, tears rolling down her face, staring into nothing. When she noticed me she gave me a small, sad smile and turned away again. I went and gave her a hug, walked towards the kitchen and started making dinner.
That was the last time I saw my dad for about four years. He left us, he left me, a 13 year old, to take care of her broken mom.”
The last few tears fell down Beca’s face as the brunette shifted her gaze towards her beautiful girlfriend.
“I’m sorry I didn’t tell you sooner, it’s just I never really liked telling this story and-” Chloe quickly cut her off with a kiss, knowing that Beca could ramble on and on after she opens up about something.
“You have nothing to be sorry for..” Chloe starts and raises her hand when she sees that Beca is about to say something. “I’m just glad you told me now. I hate seeing you like this, especially when I don’t know what’s bothering you.”
“I know I can close myself off and put up a wall. I know you hate that. It’s just... I’m still so angry, you know?”
“I understand and it’s normal to still feel angry or frustrated, but you’re dad is trying to make things better. No matter what he does, you just shut him out, you don’t let him apologize or even have a conversation with you. Why? Why can’t you give him a second chance? You said you guys were close before.” Chloe asks, wiping the last few tears from Beca’s face.
“I don’t know. He just promised that he would never leave me, that he would always be there for me. But he betrayed my trust and you already know I don’t have much to begin with.”
“Did he ever tell you why? Has he explained to you why you couldn’t go with him?”
“No… I never really gave him a chance…” Beca answers quietly while looking down.
“I mean… It’s absolutely not okay to not talk to your kid for four years, but maybe talking to him will help you. Maybe hearing his side will help you forgive him and just… move on?”
“Yeah… I guess you’re right… He does seem to want to make an effort. I’ll talk to him the next time I see him.”
“Great!” Chloe says happily “Now come closer so we can cuddle.”
Beca rolls her eyes, but doesn’t hesitate to move closer to her girlfriend.
“I’m really proud of you Becs.”
“Thanks Chlo.”
“I love you.”
“I love you too.”  
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seriouslyhooked · 6 years
Scoring Your Love (Part 10/?)
Part One, Part Two, Part Three, Part Four, Part Five, Part Six,Part Seven, Part Eight. Story also on FF here and AO3 here. Banner by the wonderful @timetravelandfairytales
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Modern AU where Killian is a world famous soccer star who has hit rock bottom and been sentenced to the place where ‘football’ legends go to die – America. While here he crosses paths with Emma, an up and coming musician and film scorer who challenges everything he thought he knew and makes him want more than the game he’s always loved. Will be filled with fluff for days, and eventually rated M.
A/N: Hello again, friends! So as promised we finally get to the M rating in this chapter, but we also get another important check in before then. I mean come on, you didn’t think I was just going to forget about Liam, did you? Well he’ll make an appearance of sorts in this chapter, and though we’ll end in my usual fluffy place, we’re sowing some seeds of intrigue for later. Hope you all enjoy and thanks so much for reading!
In all his years playing in the professional leagues, Killian had managed the intensity and the strange schedules of a sportsman’s life better than most of his fellow teammates.
To be sure there were some more destructive habits he had formed, drinking a bit too much, surrounding himself with the kind of people who were interested just in the fame and the fortune, but on the whole he hadn’t fallen victim to the same bad moods that most other men did. Leaving home for so long and being apart from family took a toll on anybody, but Killian had never felt he was leaving too much behind. Since it was only ever Liam who he had as a given in his life, and since his brother was also his manager and as such was on the road with him more often than not, Killian didn’t feel the weight of separation.
Now, however, things were changing. One might argue it was because he was on the American circuit and his new games weren’t in enthralling places like Paris or Milan, but in small suburbs outside cities he’d never thought to see. Yet Killian knew that the real reason for the change was simpler than that. The problem was home – or rather Los Angeles – had a certain person in residence who did not get to come on these trips with him, and the more he got to know Emma Swan, the harder it was to take these jaunts out on the road for the sake of a game. It was likely crazy to feel this way, but Killian wouldn’t lie to himself. He missed Emma when he was gone, and finally he understood all that regret other more settled teammates had been feeling all these years.
It was of great comfort to him then that tonight he was back at his place in LA once more. Minutes ago he’d said goodbye to Tiny down stairs and now Killian was filled with anticipation and a need to get things going. He could do with a shower straight away, and food would probably be a good thing this time of night when he’d had none so far, but any unpacking could wait until morning. Right now Killian was hoping to speed things up as much as he could to get to Emma. He pulled out his phone and started to craft a text seeing if she was still up. It wasn’t too late yet, and he knew from their conversations this morning that she didn’t have any early morning commitments tomorrow, but he’d hate to call and disturb her if her plans had changed. Unfortunately just as he was about to press send on the text, a call came in disrupting him. A picture of his brother and Liam’s name appeared on the screen and Killian groaned at the interruption, but decided to answer in the hopes of conducting a speedy conversation.
“Liam, I’m sorry I haven’t checked in the past few days, but I’m actually just -,”
“You’re not seriously blowing me off are you, Killian?” his brother asked from where he was half a world away, and though to others it might sound a bit standoffish, Killian could sense his brother was actually in good humor. He could envision the smirk Liam had going there across the pond, and he was glad things had started to calm between them since Killian was first shipped off to the states. “It’s been a whole week at this point.”
“Aye, it’s bad form to be dodging my manager, I know,” Killian agreed.
“Ha! Your manager – I’m your brother first Killian, as you well know. Question is, what’s got you so busy. You’re ‘on a roll’ as they say over there. Stats are looking good and there’s still a buzz about you over here. But are the States so entirely exhausting that you can’t call your family?”
“Not quite,” Killian said with a smile of his own as he looked about his apartment figuring he could kill two birds with one stone. He could straighten up a bit on the off chance Emma could come here later and also touch base with his brother.
“So what is it then?” Liam asked and Killian hesitated, not because he had any shame over his relationship with Emma. On the contrary, he was thrilled that the two of them were progressing as they were. Instead his worry came from Liam’s potential reaction, and that worry was proved of merit when Liam spoke again. “Oh for fuck’s sake, tell me it’s not some woman.”
“Liam -,” Killian wanted to immediately correct his brother’s resentfulness and assure him Emma was different and unlike anyone he’d known before, but he didn’t have the chance with Liam fully blowing up at the realization.
“God, I knew this ‘new leaf’ was too good to be true! Here I am campaigning for you, working my arse off to get your image back where it needs to be for a proper team return, and you’re shagging some random American woman and throwing it all away!”
“I’m not throwing anything away. And she’s not just some woman,” Killian growled back, his hand balling into a fist and his body tightening in anger at his brother’s harsh iterations.
“Oh I bet. If you’ve glommed on to her she’s bound to be a total disaster,” Liam said haughtily. “Let me guess: she’s a great lay right? But with her sexual abilities there’s always some kind of rubbish. My bet its either a fully-stunted personality or some sort of fucked up gold-digging ambitions. Am I right?”
“No you aren’t bloody right, and I’m telling you Liam if you don’t stop talking about Emma that way you will regret it.”
“Oh Emma is it?”
“Aye, Emma,” Killian said, releasing a breath and trying to be the bigger person here. He could admit that he had made bad choices in the past, and the fall out of those choices had made Liam’s life and job no doubt more complicated. Rationally Killian knew that he was the one the burden fell on to be the bigger person, but it was difficult when his elder brother was giving in to such theatrics. They both knew Killian hadn’t been in the habit of sleeping with every eligible lady in the whole United Kingdom, that was all a part of his unearned reputation, but hashing that point out in this moment would do nothing. What needed to be said was of an entirely different nature. “I hadn’t planned to get into this just now, I was hoping to introduce the two of you when you came in a few months so you could see that she’s different. She’s everything.”
“Everything? Christ, Killian, she’s just a woman!”
“No, she’s the woman, brother,” Killian said aggressively, and then it dawned on him – this wasn’t worth his time. If Liam was coming at this with such combative, head-strong energy he was never going to listen. As such they were just moving towards a larger fight, a bigger blow out with more hurt along the way. It would be better to shut it down now and deal with the fall out later, at least that way the whole night might not be ruined and he might yet get to see Emma. “You know what, let’s just call and end to this. It’s been a long day, and I’m not interested in whatever judgment you’ve got rattling around in your brain right now. You don’t know Emma, Liam. You don’t know us together. Hell you don’t even really know me anymore. So let’s just say I’ll call you in a week, or better yet you can email me any business particulars and I’ll see you when I see you.”
Killian ended the call before Liam could respond and turned his phone on the ‘do not disturb’ setting. Was it rude? Yes, but it felt warranted under the circumstances. He didn’t need that kind of negativity in his life, and when his brother felt a little more compassionate and a little more interested in trusting Killian’s judgment they’d speak again. For now, Killian returned once more to the text he was about to send Emma only to hear a knock at the door. Now who could that be this time of night?
“Can I help you?” Killian asked as he opened the door to his apartment. A young man with a bike stood before him and the kid nodded, handing Killian a package and a tablet for a signature.
“Delivery for Jones.”
“Right. Thanks, mate,” Killian said as he accepted. He shut the door behind him and examined the parcel. He knew he hadn’t ordered anything but when he saw the return address he grinned. It was from Emma. But what could it be?
Opening it up Killian discovered it was of all things a cassette tape and an accompanying player. Thank God she’d thought to include that last part because he certainly didn’t have one, but before he could listen he had to search for a note. He found a short one attached and read it as quick as he could.
‘This song wouldn’t exist without us.’
Killian felt his pulse quickening as he maneuvered the tape out of its holder and into the player, his conversation with his brother all but forgotten. It was a Walkman style set up, something straight out of the 90s but the fun of the nostalgia was undeniable. He was already in the best mood possible by the time he had the headphones on, but then he pressed play on the tape and he was awed into something else. 
The music that came through the device and into his ears was unexpected but brilliant. It moved him in a way he truly hadn’t seen coming. This was no mixtape of throwback songs, this was something new, something bold, and something truly remarkable. Killian was certain it was one of Emma’s own compositions, and he stood there surrounded by the essence of her music trying to fathom how one person could have such talent. Too soon the song came to an end, but just as Killian was about to hit rewind to play it again Emma’s voice flittered through the air giving the name of the song, ‘Ready for You,’ and the intended scene it should go with on the series she was working on with Tiana.
Another realization dawned at that part, not just from the title, but from the purpose of the song as well. He’d been speaking with Emma on and off all week about the orchestrations she needed to work on, and one of them was the theme for one of the show’s heroines and her love interest. According to Emma the two characters (neither of which were played by Ruby) were ‘endgame,’ and he was now sworn to secrecy because no one knew of that except for Emma and Tiana. So to have Emma saying that it was their relationship that sparked this kind of music with this intended meaning… well it was just about the clearest way he could think for Emma to show him that she was in fact ready for the next step between them.
Understanding now what Emma’s intention must have been Killian moved swiftly, abandoning his original plans and throwing on his leather jacket once more. He grabbed his phone, debating as he walked to the doorway whether or not he should call Emma on the way. Such debate was not actually needed, however, because when he opened the door again he very nearly ran into the woman he was trying to get to in such a haste.
“Emma,” he declared, shocked that she would be here but so bloody grateful he couldn’t find the words.
“Hey. I was hoping you were back by now, and I got the delivery receipt for the package, but I didn’t think you would have plans already,” Emma said as she took in his appearance that was ready for departure. “I shouldn’t have assumed. I’ll just -,”
Not wanting Emma to doubt even for a moment that he was thrilled she had come, Killian pulled her to him and kissed her out there in the hallway. He felt her wariness slip away the instant their lips met and through some sort of coordination he couldn’t actively control he maneuvered them both inside of his apartment. Words weren’t needed as he got them inside and pushed Emma against the now closed door, his body fueled by the feel of hers beneath him and the way she held on to him like she loathed the very thought of being parted. There was no space between them, no end to the passion in sight, but Killian wanted one last affirmation before they took this final plunge.
“Stay with me tonight, love,” he whispered as his mouth remained just inches from hers. He watched her eyes open, the jade color now darkened from the exchange they’d just had but they lit with the smile she shared at his request.
“I thought you’d never ask.”
With her approval Killian locked the door and now the decision wasn’t one of how far to go but just exactly how to play it. He’d fantasized about this almost since their first meeting, concocted at least a hundred scenarios in his head and imagined each corner of this apartment as having some kind of potential, but the first time he was truly with Emma, Killian knew it had to be in bed. That wasn’t to say they were in any kind of rush though, and the build up, of which he was planning quite a lot, could happen anywhere she damn well pleased.
Emma, meanwhile, had no problem indicating what she wanted. She was unwilling to break away from him, kissing him surely as she had been, both of their hands roaming, leaving trails that inspired more hunger along the way. It was as if they were famished for the connection and too long denied the promise of this part of their chemistry. In no time at all Emma had managed to rid Killian of his jacket and most of the buttons on his shirt while also leading them to the living room. She was making good time, trying to tear away the layers that separated them until they were all gone, but it seemed it wasn’t fast enough, as Emma looked at him and let out a frustrated sigh of air.
“Something wrong, Swan?” Killian asked with a grin, knowing full well there was nothing the world over that could possibly be calculated as amiss when he and Emma were like this. No, her frustration was all of a sexual nature, and he watched as his words, rough from the need he had for her, washed over her skin and sent a shiver through her.
“This is taking too long,” she said with what might have been considered a pout and Killian chuckled as they moved in through the kitchen and come up against the counter. Then he surprised her by spinning her in his embrace and coming right up behind her, his hands clasped on her waist to pull her back. 
Killian pushed her blonde hair over her shoulder, his lips trailing down from her ear lobe and lower, finding a spot at her neck he’d noticed that she was sensitive at before. He took slow, torturous care of riling her up in a way that had her wanting all the more, his hands moving across the delicate dress that clung to her figure. He knew in his heart she’d worn this for him, in the hopes of pushing things further tonight, and he had no more ability to resist. This scrap of red silk was beautiful, but it couldn’t compare to the woman underneath and Killian was ready to reveal his prize. He unzipped it with just enough patience to tease them both and then he let the garment fall as he pushed the straps off her bared shoulders.
“We have all night, Emma,” he assured her as his fingertips traced her now mostly naked flesh. “And far longer too, as you well know.”
Killian watched the harsh swallow that came at his words, but Emma wasn’t running from his actions or his words. Instead she turned back around in his arms and took control back once more, pulling him in for another needy kiss that he caved into immediately. So much for slowing this down, Killian thought to himself. Now Emma was even more set on finding release, and he was right there with her. 
“I know we have time,” Emma said when they came up for air again and her eyes locked on his, her hand trailing down to the button of his slacks, grazing down his bare chest and abs in the process and making his already undeniable ache to have her grow. “And trust me, I’m happy for it. But we’ve already waited so long… I don’t think I can stand to wait anymore. I need you, Killian. I need you now.”
What more was there to say? When the woman he loved made her wants and wishes known it was Killian’s job to see to it that he did everything he could to procure them for her. It was in no way a hardship given how much he wanted her as well, and besides, they could have the slow and steady seduction he’d anticipated later. Far, far later after he’d wrung out every last drop of passion from her tonight.
They hurried back to his room, both of them of the same mind this time and now words weren’t needed any more. Their remaining clothes were stripped away, and by the time they’d hit the bed they were both beyond rational planning or design. This was pure instinct, and all Killian could think was that he had to make her come, had to satisfy every last desire his Swan could have. He knew he was on his way to accomplishing that as he moved above her, his lips tracing down her body past the tender peaks of her breasts, over the gentle swell of her stomach, and down to the space between her thighs that had been driving him mad for weeks.
Emma said his name not in warning or in censure but as a sigh of need. His eyes flicked back up to hers and he saw the nearly wild appearance that had settled in them. Lust had consumed her, and Killian had known as much without even looking. Every sound, every movement that came from Emma told him exactly what she wanted, and he was nothing if not persistent when it came to reading the signs. Because of this he knew that even as she pleaded for him to sate her desire immediately, she actually wanted just a touch more anticipation. He bit lightly at her inner thigh, feeling her jump and then shake underneath the soothing of his tongue after. He did the same thing to the other side, moving closer to her sex, and only after a few more heartbeats did he give in, tasting her on his tongue as she let herself go to the sensations.
It was an out of body experience to know he was giving Emma so much all at once. Nothing could compare to it, and he didn’t even think to try and draw connections. This was already so much more than a simple shag; it was intimacy designed with meaning and with purpose. Every flick of his tongue, every suck, every kiss, was all done in the name of seeing Emma reach heaven itself, but when she finally fell into the ecstasy she was seeking it was Killian who was flush with fulfillment. It became clear that this was rapidly becoming an addiction, and as he kissed his way back up her body and came above her, looking at the pink that had crept into her cheeks and the satisfaction that swam about her gaze, Killian realized there would be no coming back from Emma Swan. This woman had run away with his heart completely and he was fundamentally changed from knowing and loving her.
Their tender moment was short lived however, for Emma had sacrificed none of her energy in finding her enjoyment. Indeed she surprised him, switching their positions and undertaking a perusal of her own that left him reeling. Damn she was a siren, a bloody minx who was hell bent on riling him to a state that would be unforgiveable, but how could he blamed when she had her mouth on him? It was sublime and indescribable, but when he was just at the edge of falling apart himself he stopped her and took back the reins once more. The time for waiting was over. All he could think about was filling her, sheathing himself inside her and never turning back.
“Fuck,” he grunted to himself as he paused just before taking what they both wanted.
“That’s kind of the idea,” Emma said with a laugh that turned into a slight moan from her still lingering desire. “What’s the hold up here, Jones?”
“I left the condoms on the counter. Just a minute, love.” He moved to get them but Emma held tighter and shook her head.
“You don’t have to. I’m on the pill.”
Holy shit, he didn’t know what to say to that and his hard length jerked at the words. The thought of being with Emma without a barrier was enough to drive him mad. If things were already blindingly glorious between them, what indescribable ecstasy would be procured from taking her bare?
“Are you sure, Emma? I’m clean of course. Just had my physicals with the new team doctors, and I’ve never actually gone without…”
“Me either,” Emma replied softly as her hand came to brush some of his hair from his forehead. “But I want to. With you.”
Since that want was of a fully mutual variety Killian offered no rebuttal, only giving in and taking what they both were craving so desperately. The moment he filled her was too fantastic to put to words, and he could have stayed there forever if Emma hadn’t begged him to move. The rhythm they set was perfection itself, crafted from a bond needed between two people that couldn’t ever be contrived. It made the claims of stories and fairytales, the ones about soul mates and perfect matches seem a little more realistic, for surely this could never be this way with another. This love he felt for Emma was cosmic, causing a shift Killian swore he could feel down to his bones, but when it came to an end and they both cried out in relief, it was the aftermath that truly took his breath away.
Holding onto Emma and having her in his arms cuddled beside him was a luxury he knew she rarely bestowed on others. Emma was guarded, cautious, and careful with her heart. She had been wary at the start, and with good reason, but as weeks went on Emma admitted that getting close to people always scared her. Truth be told Killian had often felt the same way. Love was a means of getting hurt, a fanciful notion that distracted from the game and never worked out in the end, but his old cynical notions of love no longer held water. For in this moment there was no way to deny what was between them. Tonight both Emma and Killian had shed the last pieces of doubt and of caution, and now they were truly in this together.
“So that was…” Emma paused as her fingers traced over his chest and a smile bloomed upon her lips. “Definitely worth waiting for.”
“On that we most certainly agree, love,” Killian said happily, seeing the call of sleep washing over Emma and feeling a similar tug into slumber himself.
“And I’m waking you up in a few hours for more,” she joked with a yawn. “You promised, no more waiting.”
“Aye, Swan. No more waiting. Not any more.”
He pressed a final kiss to the crown of her head, and a few moments later, as sleep finally claimed them both, Killian fell asleep smiling, knowing that life held so much promise now that he had Emma. And no matter what came next, and no matter where their paths might lead, Killian would do whatever it took to keep them like this – happy, connected, and together – for now and for always.
Post-Note: So there we have it. Another chapter come and gone and we find our couple just about in the happiest spot they can be. Rest assured this story, like all my stories so far, intends to give CS truly happy situations, and while there will be some bumps in the road ahead, it’s smooth sailing for the time being. Anyway I thank you all so much for reading, commenting, and messaging me! Your enthusiasm has been wonderful and I love hearing your thoughts. Hope you have a great rest of your weekend and thanks for being fabulous!
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Daddy’s Girls
Joanie ‘Chyna’ Laurer had just stepped in the locker room after showers that usually followed one of her grueling workouts that usually made people feel tired just from seeing her pump iron.
It was mostly quiet. For now at least because Joanie knew in little while all those stickfigure barbie dolls would come in and begin their cliche packed chatter about the color of their nail polish or how afraid they were of stepping in the ring while being part of the wrestling promotion.
As it was customary for her, she was going to head to the men’s locker room in short while given that’s where she usually spent more of her time in.
That is, unless one of the cuties coming in caught her eye. Admittedly, every now and then some of them did and not all girls were there for fame but were indeed to wrestle.
Those that did catch her eye, often did for a very different reason. Evidently, the company had brought in some new ones, Joanie chuckled to herself inwardly, wondering if she might bump into one of them before she stepped out. After all, the bitches just liked to drop their panties for her, didn’t they?
She wasn’t booked for the night and that meant drinks with guys and observing the show, which was always a learning experience even if she was a veteran at this point.
Little did she know, something interesting was about to happen this evening!
Stepping into the locker room for the first time was making her a little nervous but she wasn’t going to let that show since she knew she couldn’t let anyone here realize that.  When Amy Dumas (known to the fans and pro wrestling world as Lita) had signed on with the company she knew it would be rough in the locker rooms.  She was the rookie and the “new kid” so to speak.  She’d heard rumors that the women liked to gossip and chatter about so much superficial shit that it sounded like it would annoy the hell out of her.  It made her wish she could have her own locker room.  Hell she’d take sharing a locker room with the guys if it meant she didn’t have to deal with all the petty shit in the women’s locker room.  It had always been that way even when she worked in the indies.
Determined to simply walk in, change into her gear and get out as quickly as possible Amy headed straight for the back of the locker room so that she could at least hopefully avoid too much attention.  Little did she know that this standoffish attitude was the thing that was about to grab someone’s attention.  As she walked past several of the women she paid no mind to who she was walking past as she didn’t care until she bumped into one of them as she was looking for a locker to take over.  Barely acknowledging that it was one of the most prominent women of the company, Joanie Laurer who was more known by her ring name Chyna.  Amy apologized vaguely without looking at the woman and kept walking.  “Sorry.”  She wasn't intending to be rude but she didn't care what anyone thought of her and it was better to keep everyone at a distance than to worry about the politics of who was friends with who.  She'd been told on more than one occasion that she had a poor attitude but she felt it was everyone's way of expressing their jealousy that she was still able to get opportunities even though she played favorites with no one.
Not having any reason to think any of the girls would talk to her on the first day Amy went about getting changed not thinking that anyone would be approaching her until she realized someone was standing near her.  Not looking up, she questioned their presence around her.  "Got a problem?"
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Match Makers
The first installment of Match Makers - my very first multi-chapter Captain Swan fic, and my very first multi-chapter AU of ANY show - is complete. I’m so proud of this story and I can’t believe the first part is already complete. I’ll be taking January to focus on CSJJ and CSLB, and then MM will be back with a part two, as yet unnamed. In between, hopefully I’ll get some one-shots in on Missed Connections, the companion piece to MM.
For now, please enjoy.
Salesman Killian Jones has been in love with receptionist Emma Swan for as long as he can remember. While he's left pining away for her, a ring on her finger from another man, he's setting up half the office on dates. (In other words, OUAT in an Office 'verse)
Chapter One:
Killian Jones had been in love with Emma Swan since before he could remember.
Which meant he’d been working at this job for far too long. Storybrooke Paper Company was supposed to be a temporary thing. He was supposed to sell some paper, save up, and get out. But it had been three long years and here he was, still at the same desk, with the same crabby deskmate.
In love with the same - engaged - receptionist.
Killian started at SPC shortly before the engagement. Emma had been the first person to greet him - natural, with a title like receptionist and a desk by the front door. But then she’d been essentially the only person to greet him, aside from his overzealous, well-meaning boss, Regina.
“You must be the new salesman I ordered,” she’d said drily. “They didn’t charge me for international shipping, so that’s a plus at least!” Regina had cocked one eyebrow at him, waiting for him to acknowledge her joke about his accent.
“Ah yeah, they must have thrown that in for free,” Killian had managed, before heading for his desk and catching Emma’s eye on the way.
It had happened so naturally that Killian couldn’t even remember thinking about walking to her desk. He’d just done it. He’d walked over, leaned over casually, stuffed a few M&Ms from her jar into his mouth, and asked,
“Is she always like that?”
“Pretty much, yeah. She used to be more stern and serious, but this past year, she’s started trying to lighten up a bit. Sometimes it works and other times...well, you see.”
They’d talked about what else he could expect from his co-workers, to the point where they really couldn’t continue the conversation at reception, what with listening ears constantly...listening, so she’d invited him to lunch at an Italian place down the street.
“To welcome you to...whatever this place ends up being for you.”
During their hour-long lunch break, Killian had learned that Mary Margaret, from accounting, was straight-laced and no-nonsense, but she had a soft spot for Killian’s very own deskmate, David. David, of course, had no inkling of Mary Margaret’s feelings for him. Emma’s theory was that that was why he was so nasty all the time: he loved her back, but they were both too blind to see it.
He also learned that Emma was beautiful, funny, had the greatest smile he’d ever seen, and the most beautiful eyes to match. He learned that they both preferred the literary versions of anything to the film versions, that they both loved chicken parmesan and sweet potato fries, and that he would do anything to make her laugh this way all the time.
They’d gotten seats at the bar instead of a table, and they’d slowly gravitated towards each other, stools moving closer with every joke, and suddenly, right before he reached into his wallet to pay and maybe make a comment about a second date, she’d dropped the bomb.
“Oh, I should get these leftovers boxed for my boyfriend. His name’s Neal, he works in the warehouse. You’ll meet him soon enough.”
Three long, endless years and one proposal - but no wedding, Killian hastily added to himself - and he was still here. Still gossiping with the receptionist, still leaning over her desk casually to stuff candy into his mouth.
“Are you going to Mary Margaret’s bird party tonight?” she asked him.
“Wait, this party is for a bird? I thought it was for, like, a kid she’d never told us about or something. Surely you’re joking.”
“Killian. I would never joke about something as serious as a bird party. This is Archie’s 3rd birthday party we’re talking about.”
Killian laughed, which made Emma laugh. Which made Killian’s heart soar. Until the light caught off of her diamond ring and he - and his heart - crashed back down to earth.
“I do have another proposition for you though, love.” It was out of his mouth before he could stop it. He wasn’t one for pet names, especially for his just friends, but he found himself slipping into that one with ease. Oops.
“Oh yeah? And what’s that?” Her green eyes glinted with excitement - she likely expected some type of prank for David, or a revenge plan for Regina, who’d just had them waste exactly 3 hours in the conference room for a meeting about...what was it about? Regina’s time wasting meetings all blended together after a while, and Killian mostly spent his time in them laughing with Emma.
“A few of us are going out for drinks, thought maybe you’d like to come.”
“Oh, yeah actually, that sounds nice! I’ll ask Neal if he’s okay with it.”
Killian bit back a groan, nodded, and headed back to his desk.
It hadn’t taken long for Killian to meet Neal, as Emma had promised. He’d come barreling in that very afternoon, only a few short hours after Killian’s heart had been crushed by learning of his existence.
“You ready yet, babe? I wanna get home in time for the game.”
“It’s 4:45, Neal.”
“Yeah, so? Hey, Gina, you’re cool with Emma leaving early today, right?”
Killian turned quickly to look into the office behind him. He caught the dark flash in Regina’s eyes before she grinned and agreed.
“Sure, it’s been a long day, she’s worked hard. We’ll see you tomorrow, Emma!”
“You know she hates that nickname, Neal,” she’d whispered on her way out, with a quick wave to Killian. “It was nice meeting you today!”
“You, too,” but she was already gone.
Since then, Killian had tried to bond with Neal, hoping maybe he could somehow understand the relationship. Because, for the life of him, he couldn’t. Where Emma was smart and creative and fun, Neal was brash and rude and just sort of boring. He never listened when Emma spoke, never supported her in her endeavors. And Killian knew this because Emma came to him to talk instead. They had a standing lunch date in the kitchen, where she’d tell him all about all of her problems - or the problems of the people on the trashy reality TV she watched.
The fact that he could so easily click with this woman, while her fiance would barely say three words to him made no sense. Killian knew he could be a bit standoffish on his bad days, but overall, he thought he was a pretty good guy. He’d had a rough go of it for a while, but he tried his best not to let it affect his daily interactions with people. He didn’t know about Neal’s past - didn’t really want to - but he suspected that they had a bit in common, and that Neal was a version of who he could have been if he’d let the demons take him over.
Which is to say that Neal was always miserable, despite being engaged to one of the most beautiful women Killian had ever seen, and Killian did his best to keep his spirits up, despite the fact that the woman he was in love with was engaged to a total douche.
Because Killian was the person Emma went to with her problems, he knew that Neal regularly objected to workplace outings. Emma wasn’t exactly a social butterfly, preferring to keep to her quiet corner of the office most of the time, but she liked to get to know people. She liked going out with her co-workers, she’d told Killian, because she had to see the business side of them, and she wanted to know what they were like when they let loose, even a little bit. But Neal was a hermit, to borrow Emma’s word, and he didn’t care about his own co-workers downstairs in the warehouse, nevermind Emma’s co-workers up here in the land of fluorescent lights and candy jars and copy machines.
He already knew she wasn’t going tonight, even before he heard her cell phone buzz and saw the disappointed look on her face.
Damn Neal.
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